#but FOR REAL. ALL THE SAME BACK TO YOU!!! especially your own attitude and especially your tags!!!
krikidilly · 7 months
Delicious art style. Delicious attitude. Delicious sense of freedom and expression. Delicious humor. Delicious rarepairs.
Delicious comments in my tags about childhood wonderment and emotion that I think about every day without fail and revisit frequently because they make my week better.
Delicious blog. One of my favorites. /pos /gen
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GUGH,, trying so hard to formulate a coherent sentence here because my mind is complete giddy brain soup. The joys.. butAGCK!!!! Vague hand motions, I am very very happy thank you soso much! ! I've been trying be more raw with my emotions in like day to day and with my art, and being as indulgent and unfiltered as I can manage and hearing its enjoyed is! Eek! Runs away! (Positively!) Especially with my tags,, elated to know you look at them often! It means a lot to me because YOUR art means a lot to me!! Both in style and meaning and overall just. The filling and the crust does that make any sense at all! It makes me feel a lot!!! I think im rambling a little um um EEK thankYEW! I appreciate you and this sos much! All the same back to YOU❗ FOR REALLY!!!!🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇
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bamsara · 3 months
I'm new to this blog, what's dream lamb and dream narinder?? They're cool but I do not understand I wish to comprehend
Dream Lamb (And Dream Narinder) is exactly as the name implies; dream versions of the counterpart that only appears within Narinder's (Or Lambert's) dreams at night.
They are a visual manifestation of the subconscious, they are not real individuals. They can reflect what Narinder/Lamb's true feelings are about something/someone, or torment them about things that they perceive to be true.
One example is that Dream Lamb often makes Narinder remember how fondly he thinks of the Lamb ("You think of them so poetically" + all prior friendship he had with them in the gateway) or pointing out how his words contradict his actions; behaving and believing them to be a traitor and insufferable but doing things of his own will (resurrecting the crab, not killing their flock because it makes them upset, allowing Leshy to live, ect ect).
Dream Lamb ALSO points out the complicated feelings with his siblings; ie reminding him of how he used to help raise his youngers, and the mixture of emotions he feels towards individuals who he claims he despises.
Dream Narinder (Who is not into written form yet and is only in comic form as of this post) who instead of tormenting the dreamer with confrontation of feelings being denied, instead sews doubt and guilt. The Lamb feels even though they stayed true to themselves, they cannot help but feel like their perceived betrayal has damaged the friendship between them and Narinder beyond repair. Despite that grief for the loss of friendship, they'll accept what little companionship they can have from their best friend left over.
Dream Narinder fuels on this, often echoing their worst fears and worries ('You've done a good job as my vessel, so I no longer have a need for you.") So he acts non-nonchalant and often mocking/teasing, or even indulgent with the acknowledgment that none of it is real. Where as Dream Lamb confronts Narinder with feelings he's wanting to push back, Dream Narinder goes the opposite route, and calmly and casually reinforces what they believe to be the reality.
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Dream Lamb represents Denial of the Truth, While Dream Narinder is the Acceptance of a Lie.
Because they are corrupted visuals of the subconscious, but still their subconscious nonetheless, this means that these behaviors can change or be different depending on how the dreamer thinks/feels, and how they're processing their emotions in relation to something. Especially when they're confronting it.
In other words, the closer Narinder gets to accepting his feelings and understanding the Lamb's reasoning for their 'betrayal', and the closer the Lamb gets to realizing Narinder's care for them still persists, the more accurate and truer the dreams become.
Like in this comic, where Dream Narinder is tormenting the Lamb, but after their snap back that Narinder would not say something so cruel to them, despite his outward attitude, they are practically rewarded with a praise for it.
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For Dream Narinder specifically, his eye remains closed....but opens a little more the closer and closer the Lamb gets to believing how Narinder truly feels about them, whether the real cat has accepted it or not.
As for Dream Lamb, they go from being very aggressive about their confrontation to something more docile, eventually as Narinder starts to process everything.
Another thing: the Dreams are linked. Not always, but they have to be on the same...wavelength for it. An understanding, perhaps. But they do affect each other, sometimes.
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The dreams can be nice too, depending. That's why they're not always nightmarish. Meaning, with enough push and pull, eventually:
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Why all of this dream and nightmare stuff is happening? Yet to be revealed.
Remember guys if you avoid your feelings in real life they might hunt you down in your dreams, and possibly bluetooth you to the object of your affections dreams as well if you're nice about it
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sparkle-fiend · 1 year
Eddie is six years old, the first time he hears the voice. 
It wakes him with a jolt – sends him tearing through the house, searching under every bed and behind every door for the boy he hears calling his name.
Mama finally stops him. “Sweetheart, what did you lose this time?” (Eddie is always losing things.) She looks impatient, standing with a laundry basket balanced on one cocked hip, curly hair spilling out of the messy bun on top of her head.
“I heard somebody saying my name! I gotta find him, I think he’s hiding.”
Mama’s whole attitude changes, all at once. She sets the laundry aside and drops to her knees in front of him, squeezing his little hands between her own. “Oh baby. That voice means you’ve got a soulmate!”
She smiles bright as the suncatcher hanging in the window, and presses sloppy kisses all over his face until he screams with laughter, squirming to get away. 
“My lucky, special boy!”
Eddie’s never been lucky before. It’s exciting.
In school, they learn all about soulmates. About how rare they are. Uncle Wayne is the only other person Eddie knows that has one. 
When he found out about Uncle Wayne’s soulmate, Eddie was so excited – bubbling full of questions, like a bottle of fizzy pop. But whenever he tried to talk about it, his dad got real mad.
“You keep your mouth shut about soulmates,” he said. “Don’t talk about that shit in front of your uncle.”
It’s hard. Eddie starts staying over at Uncle Wayne’s trailer more and more when Mama gets sick. And Eddie’s never been good at following rules; especially when he’s curious about something.
“Uncle Wayne?” Eddie finally asks one day. “Where’s your soulmate? How come I’ve never seen her?” You have met her right? is what Eddie’s really asking. He can’t imagine waiting until he’s as old as Uncle Wayne to find his soulmate.
His uncle goes sort of brittle, tensing up like every joint is made of glass. His lips press together behind his beard, and his denim blue eyes go shiny and wet – like he’s trying not to cry.
If Eddie could take the question back, he would. Suck it right back into his mouth, like the smoke from his uncle’s cigarettes. This is why you gotta listen better baby – that’s what his Mama would probably say.
“My Lorretta died a few years ago. Before you were born.”
Eddie never considered that. In all the movies, soulmates die together. The thought of it leaves a queasy feeling squirming through his stomach.
“I still hear her though,” Uncle Wayne says, with a terribly soft look in his eyes. “Still hear her singing our song.”
“Like a memory?” Eddie whispers.
His uncle shakes his head. “Time don’t matter for soulmates – no more than distance. I can hear her still, across the years.”
Like a ghost, his uncle doesn’t say. A ghost that will haunt him forever. None of the dry textbooks in school ever mentioned that part.
It starts to worry Eddie. As he gets older, his soulmate’s voice starts to get clearer. He always hears the same thing – a desperate, grown-up voice screaming at him to “Run Eddie! RUN!!!” 
It must be from the future. But his soulmate sounds so scared. What could possibly happen, to make his soulmate sound like that?
Eddie starts to listen to music more. Loud, heavy stuff to drown out the frightened voice. 
Late at night, he curls up under the covers and softly sings his Mama’s favorite song – hoping that somewhere, somewhen, his soulmate will hear him.
That it might help, the way it helps Eddie when Mama sings him to sleep.
Eddie is twelve years old, the first time he really listens to the voice.
Mama's been dead two years, and his dad keeps pulling riskier and riskier jobs. Tonight, he's decided to try and break into the pawn shop on Fifth street. 
Eddie is the lookout, stationed on the opposite corner with a pistol weighing heavy in the pocket of his coat (just in case, Ed). 
He doesn't want to be here. He tried to argue with his dad. Said, "I've got a test tomorrow. I've got homework and..." and I hate this life. (He doesn't say that part.) I don't want to steal cars or break into buildings or mug people. I don't want to be like you.
His dad just gripped him by the arm hard enough to bruise, and said, "You like to eat, dont'cha? Well, lookouts get to eat. Lazy little shits don't." 
So Eddie is standing on a street corner in the middle of the night, watching his dad furtively attempt to pick the lock on the front door of the pawn shop, when a cop car slows down at the end of the street.
Fear floods his bloodstream so fast it leaves him dizzy. The cop has clearly noticed something. Eddie can see the shadowed figure inside the car reach for his radio. 
Eddie has two choices.
He could pull the pistol out of his pocket and fire a few shots down the street, forcing the cop to take cover long enough for his dad to get away (which is what his dad would expect him to do). Or he could... 
The sudden loud voice, echoing between his ears and behind his eyes and inside his heart, startles him into flinching. 
"Run Eddie, RUN!!!" His body obeys before his brain has a chance to process the words. He's halfway down the street when the siren shrieks to life. 
Later, as he sits in the backseat of the social worker's car on the way to his Uncle Wayne, he can't quite believe he did it. He bailed on his dad - left him to get arrested and go to prison. This is Frank Munson's third strike; he'll go away for life this time. 
I'm such a coward, Eddie thinks numbly. Such a chicken piece of shit. He digs his ragged nails into the soft flesh of his palms, squeezing hard enough to draw blood. 
As if he'd spoken aloud, a soft voice responds, "You're not a coward. You're one of the bravest people I've ever known. Running isn't always a bad thing, okay? Sometimes it's just the smart thing to do."
His soulmate sounds so fierce, so certain. Eddie blinks hard against the hot burn of tears. The smart thing to do.
Eddie holds onto those words, like magic talismans. They provide comfort, not just in the immediate days after his dad's arrest, but other times too. Every time he runs away from a bully or a cop or a deal gone bad, Eddie thinks to himself - I'm not a coward. I'm just smart.
It works... until the night he stumbles out of his uncle's trailer, leaving Chrissy Cunningham's broken body on the living room floor. He's so terrified he doesn't have time to think, not until after he's ditched his van and taken shelter in Rick's boathouse. As he leans against the splintered wall and catches his breath, it hits him.
I left her there. What if she was still alive? (She wasn't. She couldn't have been. Not after... not after that.) He grabs fistfuls of hair and tugs until his scalp aches. Wracks his brain trying to figure out what happened, what he could have done to stop it.
He's never felt so ashamed before, not even when his dad was cursing and screaming and calling him a coward through the thick glass of the visitation window. 
His soulmate's words whisper in his ears, "...sometimes it's just the smart thing to do," and Eddie pounds on his skull with his fists to drown the voice out. "Not this time," he snarls. I should have done something. I should have tried to save her. 
He doesn’t feel smart this time. He feels like a cowardly piece of shit.
His soulmate’s voice falls silent. 
Through all the craziness to follow – finding out that monsters are real, running for his life from an angry mob, fighting alongside Steve Harrington in an evil Upside Down version of Hawkins – Eddie doesn’t hear his soulmate again.
Not until he’s staring up at Dustin Henderson, realizing that he can’t run away again. As he hesitates at the bottom of the rope, Dustin calls out nervously, “Eddie, what are you doing?”  
“I’m buying more time,” he says. He ignores Dustin’s screams as he cuts the rope and slides the mattress out of the way – making sure the kid can’t follow him. 
And then he hears his soulmate say, “Wait, wait a second. Eddie?! Is that you?” 
Eddie is twenty years old, the first time he recognizes his soulmates voice.
He pauses at the door of the trailer and squeezes his eyes shut tight. “Hey Stevie.”
“Holy shit, it’s you,” Steve whispers in awe.
It’s the first time they’ve been able to speak to each other like this, responding in real-time. Eddie wishes it could have happened in different circumstances.
“I’m so sorry Steve.” 
“Eddie? What are you doing?” Steve sounds alarmed.
Eddie doesn’t answer. He slams his way out of the barricaded trailer and grabs one of the discarded bikes, hoping to lead the swarm of bats away as far as possible. 
He makes it halfway across the trailer park before one of the bats knocks him off the bike. He grunts and rolls, gaining his feet quickly. Chest heaving, charged with adrenalin – Eddie hesitates. He could keep running… or he could stand his ground and fight. 
Maybe Steve can hear the hitch in his breath in that moment, because the other boy seems to have worked out what’s going on, even from miles away. Steve screams, “No!!! Run Eddie, RUN!!!!”
It’s like the night his dad got arrested. Eddie doesn’t even have time to think - his body reacts to that voice and he runs, worn Reeboks slapping the pavement.
(In another world, Eddie would have turned to face the swarm. In another world, Eddie would have died.)
He’s fast. He’s always been fast. He buys himself a few precious moments, before the bats drag him to the ground. They start to rip through his clothes, through his flesh, and he tries to hold back his screams – he doesn’t want Steve to hear this…
Those extra seconds save his life. It’s bad - but not as bad as it could have been. The bats start to drop from the sky, writhing and shrieking; they’re dying, although Eddie has no idea why. Hopefully, it means Steve and the girls were successful. 
He struggles to sit up just as Dustin reaches him, crying and frantic. “Eddie!! Oh my god, are you okay? Jesus, there’s so much blood…” the kid moans. 
“Yeah, yep. I’m good,” Eddie pants through gritted teeth. “Help me up okay?”
Dustin insists on binding the worst of his wounds first, using strips of fabric torn from the ghillie suit. The pain makes Eddie want to scream all over again, but he allows it. It is an awful lot of blood.
They lean against each other and limp back to the trailer, where Dustin knots t-shirts and jeans and flannel shirts into the remnants of their rope until it’s long enough to reach the other side again. 
Eddie manages to haul himself up the rope and through the gate – and that’s where his strength runs out. The pain of landing on the thin mattress knocks him right out.
When Eddie wakes up, he’s in a hospital bed. 
Holy shit I’m alive, he thinks. He honestly wasn’t sure he would make it.
He moves gingerly, testing each limb, turning his head against the stinging pull of a bandage along the edge of his jaw.
The room isn’t empty; Eddie apparently has a roommate. He clears his throat and the person in the other bed stirs, turning to look at him. 
It’s Steve.
His soulmate.
Eddie feels a funny little swoop of exhilaration in his stomach. “Hey Stevie.”
Steve’s face goes soft at first, like he’s experiencing the same fizzy warmth that Eddie is feeling. Then he blinks, and his brows draw down into a scowl. “What the hell was that, huh? What happened to ‘I’m no hero’?”
Eddie tries to make light of the situation. “Maybe I wanted to try it out,” he says flippantly. “Not too sure it suits me though. Think I might stick to being a coward from now on – it’s a lot less painful.” 
Steve doesn’t smile. He fixes Eddie with a serious look, hazel eyes blazing in the sallow light of the hospital room. “You listen to me Eddie Munson. You're not a coward. You're one of the bravest people I've ever known. Running isn't always a bad thing, okay? Sometimes it's just the smart thing to do."
Eddie’s breath catches in his throat. Those words – once a gift from the future, now an echo of the past. He never should have ignored them. “Maybe you’re right.”
Steve’s mouth is already open to continue the argument. “I…” he stops, clearly caught off-guard, face scrunched in adorable confusion. “Yeah. Yeah, I am right.”
Steve runs a faintly trembling hand through his hair. The angry expression melts into something gentler, almost unbearably soft. “I’m glad you listened to me in the end, at least.”
Eddie shifts his weight, pressing his cheek into the scratchy hospital pillow so he can keep his eyes on Steve. 
He’s so beautiful. Even bloody and bruised, with dirt still smudged along his hairline and dark circles under his eyes – he’s the most beautiful boy Eddie has ever seen. And Eddie almost gave this up – if he’d died in the Upside Down, he would have left Steve alone, with only the echo of Eddie’s voice left to haunt him.
“Yeah,” Eddie says hoarsely, “me too.”
He still feels guilty over Chrissy’s death - he probably always will. But he’s coming to realize that proving himself a hero wouldn’t have been worth the pain his death would have caused.
Eddie’s got a second chance… and he plans to make the most of it.
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rednotebooksworld · 8 months
Righting a Wrong
male merman/fem!human!reader
SFW oneshot
contains: human misdeeds, cursing and enemies to friends??? Idk
Summary: a young merman gets tangled up in some old fishing line and you decided to help
“Ow! Watch what you’re doing, human!”
You huffed in annoyance. You were in the middle of help a young merman, who got himself suck in some old fishing line on the shore of Saint Valor, an island that was a port, traded with the mainland.
“If you’d stop moving around maybe I wouldn’t nick you with my blade.” You said, shaking the switchblade you had in your hand.
He frowns as he scoffed. “Whatever.” His tail swished in the water, splashing you a bit as he but his chin in his palm.
“Curb the attitude, man. I’m trying to help you.” You said, going back to cutting the tough fishing line.
“I didn’t ask for your help.” He said.
“Yes you did.” You replied back.
“No, I didn’t. I could’ve gotten out myself!” He exclaimed.
“Right by tangling yourself up even more,” You said. “Look I just thought I could help.”
“You humans are such a bother. From your damn fishing nets to your loitering on the beach and polluting our ocean with your loud boats.” He growled.
“Really? You do realize our boats are our way of life. We need things from the mainland or else people will die.” You said.
“Hmphf, less humans to worry about.” He said nonchalantly.
You scowled at him as you flicked the side of his tail with your fingers.
“Ow! Human! What the hell!” He exclaimed.
“You’re a real asshole, you know that.” You said.
“Well, I’m sorry,” He crosses his arms over his chest. “Why should I have any sort of sympathy for you humans?” He asked.
“Because humans aren’t all in the same box, stupid.” You said.
“Ha! Yeah right,” He said scoffing with a smirk. “The elders never lie. Especially about you humans.”
You frowned as you took your knife away from the fishing net. “Fine then if you think humans are all the same then I’ll leave your sorry ass here and let you die.” You threatened.
The young merman’s eyes widened at this as you stood up, folding your switchblade and putting it back in your pocket. You were about to walk away when he called out to you.
“W-Wait, hold on a second!” He exclaimed.
You stop and turn around to look at him you had an unamused look on your face.
“I’m… I’m sorry… please… don’t leave me here.” He mumbled.
“Are you done being a dick?” You asked.
“Y-Yeah, please get me out of this net.” He said.
He wasn’t looking at you, he was look down at the ground in shame and embarrassment. You, a human were trying to help him and he was just being cruel and mean to you.
“Alright then. I just want to right a wrong. Some fishermen don’t care about the ocean but some of us normal folk do,” You take out your switchblade and started cutting at the fishing net again. “Our whole lives depend on the sea for ships to come into the docks to transport goods and other things that we need. I’m sorry that humans are scum and your eyes but don’t think that we don’t have it rough.” You said.
“I understand…” He said. “I… I never knew that… so do you think my elders are wrong?” He asked looking up at you.
“Somewhat, they need to look at humans individually. Every human isn’t all black and white, you know. We make mistakes, some more then others but the choices we make are our own and the faults of others shouldn’t be casted onto others that haven’t done anything.” You said.
“I see…” He said, he seemed to think about what you said a little. The young merman was dragged out of his thoughts when your voice was heard.
“There. You’re free now.” You said.
He blinks a couple of times then he looks up at you. “Oh, um, thank you.” He said softly.
The two of you say in silence as you put away your switchblade. Then you asked. “Can you make home alright?”
He looked to you then he looked away at the open water of the Saint Valor. He nodded. “Yes, I am.” He said.
“Good. Well, goodbye then.” You said.
You started walking away from the young merman. He whipped his head around and called out to you again. “W-Wait, wait a second!” He exclaimed.
You stopped in your tracks turning around again, looking at him.
He sheepishly looked away then he looked back at you. “Can I see you again?” He asked.
Your eyes widened at his question. Why does he want to see you again? You thought he hated humans. But then again you can see he’s young and looks to around your age if merfolk age like humans do that is. He was probably just believing whatever the elders or his parents told him and never met a human before in his life so you must have changed his perspective.
“Why?” You asked.
“Be…Because… you are so much different then what I perceive humans to be. I want… I want to get know you better.. maybe you can teach me humans aren’t all bad like the elders says.” He said.
He being serious, he’s not being a cocky little bastard. “Okay.” You said bluntly.
“Really?” He responded back as her perked up a bit from his sheepish expression.
“Yes, really. You can visit whenever.” You said.
“How about tomorrow? Same place?” He asked.
This shallow were a nice spot to meet. You nodded with a slight smile. “Okay then tomorrow it is.” You said.
“Great.” The young merman made his way back into the deep parts of the sea, he waved to you before he disappeared back into the depths of Saint Valor.
a/n: oh btw, I don’t have a name for this boy. So if you have any name suggestions please feel free to put them in the comments or my inbox 😊
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anna-hawk · 1 year
Frank Castle x implied F!Reader (no body parts are mentioned)
Summary: Frank opens the door to find you unusually quiet and needy.
WC: 2,1k // Explicit 🔞
Warning/Tags: pretty much PWP - sex as stress relief
Read on AO3
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Gif from my lovely @darlingshane 🧡
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Frank was sitting at the small coffee table in the living room area of his tiny apartment and cleaning the neatly aligned row of handguns lying on it, when there was a soft knock on the door. His hands stopped assembling the gun he had just finished cleaning, while his head turned towards the sound with a frown. Scarcely any people knew where he lived, meaning that anyone calling on him, especially that late in the day, was making all his senses go into high alert. Finishing assembling the gun within the next two seconds, Frank slid a magazine into it with an audible click. Not caring that he was only wearing a pair of jeans, he stood and slowly made his way to the door. He pointed the gun at it, while reaching for the handle with his other hand, letting it hover there as he looked through the peephole. As soon as he recognized you, Frank let out a long breath as the tension fled his body and lowered the gun to let it dangle at his thigh. The frown returned a second later as he realized that you barely ever came to his place. Usually, it was him who was coming to you and not the other way around. He much preferred it that way, not wanting you to be here if someone decided to hunt him down. Something must be up for you to show up here.
Downcast eyes and a shuttered face met him as he opened the door, although your eyes lifted to him as soon as you’d noticed the door opening.
“Hey,” Frank rasped, his voice rough since he’d barely spoken at all today, spending it trailing some crime lord on his own.
“Hey,” you replied, no real inflection in your tone as you shifted on your feet. Your eyes did, however, take in his half naked body and remained on his chest for a while before you looked into his face again.
Frank leaned against the door-frame with a shoulder as he waited for you to say something. He didn’t bother hiding the gun, since you knew exactly what he did for a living. You didn’t even glance in its direction. Just as he wanted to finally ask if something was wrong, you stepped into his space and wrapped your arms around his waist, sliding your hands up and to his shoulders, the fingers digging into his skin. His free arm automatically wrapped around you as you pressed your forehead to his shoulder with a deep sigh. Frank took several steps backwards to pull you into the apartment and shut the door. Quickly depositing the gun on the small shelf standing next to the entrance, Frank then used the same hand to run the fingers along the back of your neck and into your hair.
“You a’right?” he asked against your temple.
“Needed to see you,” you breathed.
Frank stared ahead of him as he took in your words, completely aware that you didn’t reply to his question and that you used the word needed and not wanted. It was the first time that he saw you behave like that. Your lives were complete opposites, with him working in the shadows while you were dealing with a regular job. Only weird circumstances and a common acquaintance had thrown you together some day. You’d just clicked. Frank had enjoyed your easy-going attitude and acceptance of what he did, and things had turned physical after a while as well. No strings attached. That was why he was so surprised by your behavior. You sometimes ranted or groused about things that annoyed you, but he’d never seen you this… quiet.
Before Frank could try to pry further into the reasons behind your presence, you let go of his torso and sank to your knees in front of him. Your knees had barely made contact with the hard floor that you pressed your face into one side of his V-line before sliding your tongue out to lick a path to his happy trail. As taken aback as he was by your actions, Frank’s body instantly reacted to your touch, meaning that he was already half hard by the time your fingers went to the fastenings of his jeans. It had been weeks since you’d been together as he’d been out of town, and your schedules just didn’t align. You didn’t exactly stay in contact. Not really. You sometimes texted or Frank showed up at your place and things would go from there. In any case, he didn’t stop you from tugging down his jeans and revealing his cock instantly since he’d forgone putting any underwear on, like he’d done with the shirt. If you needed him like this, he was happy to oblige you.
Not wasting any time, you curled your fingers around the shaft and pumped it a few times before taking the tip into your mouth. That definitely did the trick, and Frank was fully hard after a couple of passes of your tongue over the sensitive head. Through hooded eyes, Frank watched as you popped off his length to quickly remove the few items of clothing you had on, before sucking him back into your mouth as soon as you were fully naked. His nostrils flared as he held himself up with a hand on the door, only to groan when you reached for his other hand to place it at the back of your head. You gasped as his fingers combed through your hair, only to fist it a moment later. Something was definitely up with you because you usually enjoyed keeping eye contact while you went down on Frank, but you didn’t even glance up at him once while you bobbed your head back and forth. As much as Frank would have liked to tilt your head up for exactly that, he chose to respect your wish. He started thrusting into your mouth as well, since that was also clearly what you wanted, from how you put your hand over the one on your head again and squeezed it meaningfully. Despite you not wanting to look at him, Frank surely had no issues with taking each of your movements in, or letting his eyes travel over your naked form.
“Lookin’ so fuckin’ pretty like that, Sweetheart,” he growled, as he pumped his hips at a quicker pace for a few thrusts.
He grunted as you moaned around him.
You let go of him, panting as you regained your breath, and stood. Your hand went to his nape to pull his mouth to yours, your tongue licking into his mouth with intent. Frank had barely the time to put his hands on your hips before you moved away from him again after breathing, “Fuck me, Frank.” against his lips.
He turned with you as you sidestepped him to head to the couch and lean over the armrest. You held yourself up with your elbows and waited for him. Frank didn’t move for a moment, his brow creasing again at your unusual actions. There wasn’t the usual seduction in your moves, no glance back at him with a flirty wink or teasing grin. You kept your face down, only your ass facing him. Slowly, Frank took the few steps that closed the distance between you and lifted a hand to trail his fingers from your ass and up to your nape. He saw as well as felt the shudder that ran through you at his touch, the reaction satisfying him. No matter what was currently going through your head, you’d sought him out. Needed his touch. He could do this for you. Like everything you might ever ask of him.
As he put the crown against your entrance, he found you more than ready for him, proof that you truly wanted this. He watched himself sink inside you slowly, relishing in the tight heat of your body and the way your breath rushed out of you the deeper he went. You hung your head as he finally bottomed out, and groaned while pushing back against his pelvis, visibly wanting to make sure that he was all the way inside you. Drawing out again, Frank gave you a few shorter thrusts before filling you all the way once more. He started with a lazy rhythm, only making sure to slide inside fully with every pass.
“Harder,” you ground out, pushing your hips back in counterpoint with his.
Frank obeyed and began upping the pace as his hips gently slapped against your ass. You moaned, but he saw you shaking your head after a minute.
“Harder,” you repeated, voice louder as you moved against him, intending to show him what you wanted.
Taking hold of your hips with both of his hands, Frank grunted as snapped his own forward into you sharply. You cried out, your moans growing louder with his thrust, your body going with the motion of Frank’s movements. Frank knew that you weren’t done the second he saw your fist clench on the side of the pillow.
“Harder, Frank. Fuck me harder!” you shouted, your voice high with some kind of anger that had Frank’s own temper rising.
Leaning his large body over yours, Frank grabbed you by the nape and forced your upper body down until you had your cheek resting against the couch pillow, a whimper of need escaping you at the action.
“Like this?” he almost snarled against your ear as he pulled all the way out and slammed into you with a force that had the whole couch skidding a few inches forward.
Frank didn’t give you the opportunity to reply with actual words, since he reared back to grab one side of your hips again while keeping his other hand on your neck and fuck into you with brutal force. The only sounds coming from you were blissed out noises as Frank finally gave you what you so desperately craved from him. If being manhandled was what you needed, Frank was happy to deliver. He watched you avidly as pleasure filled sounds kept leaving your panting mouth, your expression of utter ecstasy having him give you everything he had to satisfy you completely. Not like he minded, since seeing you like this, needing to relinquish all control to him, only made his own pleasure sharper.
“That what you wanted from me, baby? Fuck you so good ‘n hard until you forget everythin’?” Frank asked as he lowered himself over you again, the hand on your nape sliding to the front until his fingers were wrapped around your throat.
Like before, you didn’t reply verbally as only mewls of pleasure greeted his ears, but Frank didn’t need an answer. He knew he was right. Knew the feeling all too well himself. The absolute trust you put in him was humbling and turning him on at the same time.
As Frank kept pounding away inside you, it was your quivering legs and fluttering walls around his cock that announced your climax to him. It was only confirmed by your cry of utter bliss and the repetition of Frank’s name a moment later. Frank stayed in the same position over you, except that he had his forehead against the back of your head as he let your orgasm slam through you. His thrusts never faltered, despite how tightly you were squeezing around him, until he finally shoved into you one last time, his hips pressing against your ass, as he came inside you with a sharp expletive.
Frank panted against your head for several seconds before he straightened again after pressing a light kiss into your nape. He carefully pulled out and put his half hard dick back into his jeans. Observing you carefully for a while as you kept breathing quickly and didn’t move, Frank finally stroked a hand over your back. You did react to his touch, and slowly lifted off the couch with trembling arms. Frank sat on the couch and watched you plop down next to him. With an exhausted sigh, you heavily leaned against him and closed your eyes. Frank extended his arm along the couch to wrap it around your shoulders and pull you closer still. He felt you smile against his chest, which made one appear on his face as well, as you finally seemed to return to your usual self. His eyes automatically went to yours as he noticed you lifting your head to seek his gaze. The eye contact had him smiling softly and raking his fingers through your hair. He chuckled as you closed your eyes with a content expression. You returned his smile after opening your eyes again, but didn’t speak as you leaned back against him. You didn’t need to. He might not know what triggered tonight’s events, but he was happy to be there whenever you needed him to get you out of your own head.
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carlyraejepsans · 7 days
Papyrus is so weird in comparison to the rest of the cast, like a prominent theme of Undertale is how the past can hold people back and the necessity of accepting it and understanding that it should not define your present and leave you stagnant.
Toriel and her inability to protect Asriel and the children who pass through her doors, Sans and his mysterious past that he can never return to, Undyne and the pain of monsters and the monster history that she embodies more than any other character, Alphys and the determination experiments that haunt her, Mettaton and his past identity that he runs away from, Asgore and the choices he made in grief, and most importantly, Flowey/Asriel and the self he can never really go back to.
Papyrus is literally the ONLY main cast member with no relationship to the past that is holding him back in some way. Like, all of the main issues this guy faces within the narrative (his popularity and not being a member of the Royal Guard) are all issues relating to his present state, and theres no real sense that they cause him to stagnate. He's written in such a vastly different way than every other character, down to him being the only character that literally cannot kill you (the game crashes if you do). Truly insane individual.
extremely well said. although, i think he fits more with the rest of the cast if you parse undertale's story as one about self imposed narratives, as well as past mistakes as a cause of stagnation.
toriel denounced all monsterkind as violent opportunists and forced herself to suffer isolation and grief, alone, as a sense of failed duty towards asriel.
undyne did likewise, denouncing humans rather than monsters as unredeamable murderers and turning herself into a hero. she handles all of the waterfall area alone, she strengthens her resolve thinking about how much people count on her, and never confesses her feelings to alphys because she doesn't want to burden her with them in case she dies in battle
asgore and alphys, their own parallels as well, are both haunted by their past mistakes and have convinced themselves that living a lie is better than facing the truth of the damage you caused
sans lost his home and friends and is aware of the anomaly: this caused him to take up a "play the cards i'm given" attitude where he passively rolls with every punch that the current timeline throws at him, without letting himself strive for anything more than what small solace he has.
mettaton is also haunted (lol) by his past. he's also decided that, in order for his dreams to be achieved, he HAS to sacrifice the personal connections he holds dear, and that that sacrifice is one he is willing to make (first napstablook, then alphys, then the entire underground when he gains a chance to go to the surface for himself)
papyrus... well, like you said, he distinctly lacks the element of the Past to drag him back from personal development, but like the rest of the cast he DOES have the accompanying self imposed narrative with the same effect. papyrus is lonely! but he's also come to the conclusion that what would fill that loneliness is fame and a vague notion of "popularity". this leads him to not realize the value of his friendship with undyne and keep other people at arms' lenght.
still, i agree with you. his lacking a character defining past (especially in light of how much his brother's still clearly affects him) is a very peculiar writing choice. it's one of the main reasons why i think he's some kind of amnesiac
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eastern-lights · 4 months
Ok so we all know how amazing Baldur's Gate 3 is. I could talk for hours about everything it did perfectly.
But rn, I want to talk about what I think Dragon Age Inquisition did better. And this is not to judge which game is better overall, but what still makes DAI so special to me despite its flaws.
1. Voiced protagonist
Yeah, starting off controversial. I know some people prefer silent protagonists, but I just find myself wishing we could have a fully voiced Tav, even at the cost of fewer dialogue options. I'm sorry, but Tav's silent indifferent face just always breaks the immersion for me, especially when contrasted with the award-worthy acting and animation of the characters they're speaking with. In DAI (and DA2, although to a lesser degree) your character could be heavily customized, but they were always an actual person who fit in with the rest of the universe and flowed seamlessly with the story.
2. Mystery and dread.
BG3 is full of heavy, scary, traumatizing stuff hidden all over the place (or in plain sight). But it can always be explained in some way. There are dreadful things in Faerûn, but we always know what they are (mostly due to most of them having to have precisely given stats as the result of being based on DnD). We know what happens after death and what we can do to bring people back from it. The closest you get to truly dread-inducing mystery in BG3 is "Do Illithids have souls" and "where do illithids come from" and (at least in Act 1) "who is the Absolute".
In Dragon Age, the whole world is made of existential dread. What happens when you die? Dunno. Is God real? No idea and if He does, He hates you. What is the Blight? Are all darkspawn capable of independent thought? What is lyrium singing about? What happened to the titans? What happens when all of the Old Gods die? And this is just the Big Questions. There's a myriad of small things, small mysteries you encounter that just have no answers. Stuff that reminds me of those creepy Goldshire children forming a pentagram in World of Warcraft. While having an explanation for everything makes for deeper worldbuilding, a world full of mysteries without answers makes for a much scarier and, in some ways, exciting experience.
3. Group dynamic and party banter
I enjoyed the party banter in BG3. Hell, it had some of the funniest lines in game. But it didn't do enough to make the group dynamic feel any less Tav/Durge-centric. You hear the companions exchange banter, but you never get beyond stuff like "Karlach and Shadowheart both enjoy wine" and "Gale enjoys Lae'zel telling him about the Astral plane". The protagonist forms amazingly written relationships with each of the companions, but they never seem to have such a bond with one another. The closest we come to what I'd like to see is Karlach and Wyll's friendship, but even that's kind of shallow, I feel. The companions do comment on the others' personal quest, but it's always one sentence reaction, before going right back to being mostly indifferent. DA2 had the same issue, if to a greater extent (srsly, the companions had the same attitude about one another over the span of 10 years)
The banter in DAI was superb. It told a story. It had arcs. You could watch in real time as Solas and Dorian became friends over their shared magical nerd-dom. You could even take part in it, such as when telling Blackwall to stfu about jousting for a moment, or telling Sera that what you and Solas do in private is none of her business. You could see Dorian and Bull fall in love. You could watch Varric slowly chip away at Solas' worldview until he arguably came closer to changing his plans than Lavellan ever did. The relationships grow over the course of the story and by the time of Solas' betrayal, you're not just sad because he betrayed you, you're sad because he betrayed Varric, Dorian, Bull, Cassandra and everyone else. Because you saw how they cared about him, each in their own way.
There is nothing more heartbreaking than Varric's "Chuckles, what have you done?"
In BG3, the relationships are mostly left to your imagination, which has its perks, but still, the group dynamic feels more like a wheel with Tav at the centre rather than a web.
4. Having limits on the romance options
Let me start by stating what I am not saying: I am not saying that bi and pan people shouldn't be represented. Far from it. But I don't think making the whole group pan is the way to go about it. I can't help but feeling it is, in a way, pandering to players, making every single companion interested in them as long as they have a sufficiently high approval.
Making some companions explicitly bi, pan, gay or straight made for a more real experience. Getting rejected by Sera on the grounds of "We have a lot in common - we both like women" felt disappointing, yes, but also real. This also allowed the writers to make the characters' sexual/romantic preferences a part of their, well, character. We got Dorian's personal quest, which I think is great. Limiting Solas' options to just Lavellan allowed the writers to make it about him realizing that his people are not mere shadows. It allowed them to write the Vallaslin scene. None of this could have been done if he were romanceable to all races.
When you have diversity in romantic attraction among the companions, suddenly the pan and bi characters (in Bull and Josie respectively) feel like their orientation is part of who they are, rather than a game mechanic to prevent players from missing out on content.
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
TIMELOOPS ARE SOOO GOOD YOU GET IT. the ideas of resetting the time just to try to prevent ace's death are so great but also... imagine using these abilities to save law during dressrosa
like maybe doffy actually kills law for real which ultimately prompts reader to go back in time to not let this and other nasty events to happen (they can be a strawhat nakama or one of the heart pirates or idk)
they're always seemingly shy and thoughtful which doesn't go unnoticed by law, they seem to know what's going to happen in mere seconds but everyone brushes it off as some super advanced haki... so yeah(´-`)
(actually this made me to think about toki's df, like can it grant the ability to reset a time if it's awakened)
OUGH YES DRESSROSA WAS ALREADY PAINFUL BUT LETS MAKE IT MORE but also i tried like six times and writing it as an entire oneshot was not cooperating so it's a detailed lil hc
[Heads up!: spoilers for dressrosa, time loops, a tiny bit of angst, strawhat!reader]
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The first couple times you say something at the same time as one of your crewmates or before they actually can, Law brushes it off as coincidence. They're your crewmates after all and when you spend all day every day around people you start picking up on their habits.
When it stretches to people's actions and seeming to have knowledge that you shouldn't, especially considering you've never set foot on Dressrosa and never seen anyone who lives there, that's when he starts getting suspicious.
Questioning Luffy and the others doesn't get him much of anywhere because they've gotten used to it and they just write it off as haki that you've somehow honed into eerily accurate predictions, but Law knows there's got to be more to it.
He doesn't pick up on how deep it goes until the second reset, the haunted way that you look at him, spooking when he talks ㅡ at first he thinks maybe he's done something wrong because you've not always been that jumpy, have you?
It takes a lot to wheedle the truth out of you and quite frankly, it isn't until everything is said and done that you admit it what's actually going on.
When you tell him that you can reset time, it takes him a little bit to accept it. Even with what he knows devil fruits are capable of, the idea of being able to manipulate time like that is hard for even him to grasp, much less that you're doing it on the behalf of your crew ㅡ and him.
He doesn't truly want to know about all the things that went wrong, but he asks how many times you've had to reset this entire ordeal. He doesn't ask what pushed you to do it each time, but from the way color drains from your face when you look at him, he can guess.
"I don't do it every time something happens that I don't like," you tell him, "just...to protect people I care about."
He knows that he can't guarantee his safety all the time, but knowing what you've done for him and the others makes him think about his attitude towards his own life and how ready he's been to sacrifice it in the name of getting things done.
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my-head-is-an-animal · 9 months
The Climb
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Summary: You're a scientist, an engineer to be exact. Called to a meeting you had no real right to be at, Optimus Prime takes an exclusive interest in you, but you can't help but ask yourself at every turn, Why?
Rating: 18+ 🌹🩸🍆
Story Masterlist
Chapter 1
I’d never seen an Autobot up close before, never with my own eyes. Sure, I’d seen parts of dead ones, watched plenty of video footage, but I’d never actually stood in the same room as one before, let alone, Optimus Prime himself.
     He was so big, so powerful, such a force to be reckoned with, no wonder he was the leader of the Autobots, he was incredibly commanding on sight alone.
     I had been called upon along with a variety of other scientists to try to solve a problem, one that would inevitably be solved by some physicist, they always got the glory. I studied Space Engineering, these days it gave a much more secure career path, but it didn’t come with a lot of recognition.
     A meeting between Optimus Prime and the President’s spokesman was reaching boiling point, I couldn’t remember the man’s name, but judging from his attitude towards anything alien, he might not have lasted very long.
     ‘Your planet will be destroyed-‘ Optimus implored.
     ‘And who’s fault would that be?’ The man snapped back. ‘If you shared some of your technology, we stand a chance against this thing.’
     ‘Your capacity for war amongst yourselves does not fill me with confidence that you would not abuse any technology we give you.’
     He had a point there.
     ‘That’s not your choice to make.’ The man took a breath and I turned to my friend Theo.
     ‘Of course it’s his choice to make,’ I said. ‘It’s his technology to share.’
     We chuckled quietly, suddenly noticing the quiet that had blanketed the entire hanger. I looked up to see both the president’s man and Optimus Prime staring down at me, one with annoyance, the other with a curiosity in his eyes.
     ‘And anyway,’ the man continued, I should’ve remembered the echo in the building and not said anything at all. ‘If a ship is about to plunge itself into our planet, I think we’d all appreciate a few weapons to defend ourselves with.’
     Optimus hadn’t stopped looking at me the entire time the man spoke, not until he went to reply. The argument went on for ages and I decided to try and get back to work while it did, but all I could see in my minds eye was Optimus Prime’s blue eyes staring down at me. I felt so small.
     Eventually, the scientists were called upon to speak, I wasn’t the spokesperson for my department so was grateful that I wouldn’t have to put myself in the spotlight again, but I didn’t necessarily agree with everything we were presenting.
     ‘You disagree.’ Optimus’s low voice echoed throughout the hanger.
     All the speakers had been sent up to the balcony so that they were eye level with the Autobot, I stayed down below with Theo who was also grateful that he didn’t have to speak. Both of us believed that organics would remain undetectable by the alien ship heading towards Earth, so it stood to reason that a human could go in and sabotage the ship to prevent it from harvesting our core.
     Optimus’s attention was never on the spokesperson for our department, in fact the second she stepped forward to speak, he looked down at us. I turned away unable to maintain eye contact any longer and never realised that he kept his gaze on me especially.
     When I didn’t answer his question, Optimus descended onto one knee, and I felt my heart racing.
     ‘What is your name?’ He asked, his deep voice somehow quieter, as if he knew how intimidating he was.
     Theo nudged me to stand, and I did, feeling my mouth go dry. I awkwardly shoved my glasses up my nose and stuttered. ‘Uh, I, Harding. Dr Jane Harding.’ I finally managed to get out.
     ‘Dr Jane Harding.’ Optimus repeated and it was strange to hear him say it. ‘I would like to hear your opinion on the matter.’
     ‘Um, excuse me.’ The president’s man interrupted. ‘She is not part of this presentation; her opinion is being put to you by her spokesperson.’
     Optimus quickly turned to the man and snapped. ‘You have had your chance to speak, you will allow others their time as well.’ He turned his attention back to me. ‘It is clear that you do not agree that my Autobots could penetrate the ship’s exterior and destroy its controls, so what do you think is best, Dr Jane Harding?’
     I cleared my throat, my eyes flickering towards the angry looking man still glaring down at me.
     ‘I…’ I cleared my throat again, this wasn’t the time for cowardice, the fate of the world was at stake and if my opinion was what saved us, then I shouldn’t have been intimidated by one alien. ‘The ship looks to be of a similar origin to Cybertron,’ I started, trying hard to be brave. ‘It stands to reason that it will detect you the second you make your way towards it, but there’s a good chance it will not detect organics in quite the same way. We could send a man inside to sabotage the controls.’
     ‘A human?’ Optimus thought for a moment, that was when Lennox stepped forward.
     ‘Are you saying we could send a team inside that ship, dismantle its control system and get out without being detected?’ He asked, curiously more than thinking the idea was ridiculous.
     I pushed my glasses up my nose again, the sweat causing them to slide. ‘Well, it wouldn’t be quite as simple as that.’ Lennox almost laughed, knowing it was too good to be true. ‘Like I said, the Autobots would be detected long before they even reached the ship’s hull, and we don’t currently have anything powerful enough to blast a hole in the side of it.’ I swallowed, nervously. ‘Anything electronic would be detected, someone’s going to have to climb up and find a way inside.’
     Lennox stepped forward. ‘Climb? You know that’s at least a thirty thousand foot ascent maybe more?’
     I swallowed again. ‘Yes. But there are ways it can be done.’
     ‘We don’t have anyone capable of that.’
     ‘Then you’ll have to train someone.’ I took a breath, feeling the pressure starting to alleviate. ‘Look, we have six months before that ship is touching down on Earth, we have to use that time wisely. So you can build all the weapons you want, you can beg the Autobots for whatever technology you think will help, but that ship isn’t here because of them, it’s here because our planet is a hot bed for radiation and that’s what it feeds on. If the Autobots weren’t here, you wouldn’t think my plan was so ridiculous, we wouldn’t have many other options. At least this way, it limits the number of lives lost.’
     The room was quiet, I wasn’t sure why, but both Lennox and Optimus were considering my plan.
     ‘Do you believe one human could do this?’ Optimus finally asked me.
     I looked up at his blue eyes, noting the complexity of his face and no longer feeling as intimidated as I once did. ‘Yes, I do. There’s no limit to what a human being can endure. It’s mind over matter.’
     Something in the Autobot’s expression changed, but I couldn’t tell what it was. Lennox and the president’s man, who I now knew as Smith, began arguing about the riskiness of the plan as well as the impossibility, but Lennox was able to convince him to keep it in reserve, a plan B. I caught the look Lennox gave me which indicated he had no intention of keeping it in reserve, as far as he was concerned, it was Plan A.
     The meeting concluded and Lennox approached me as I gathered my folders up, taking me to one side.
     ‘You really think we can send a team into that ship undetected?’ He asked, still feeling shaky about the idea.
     ‘I do, but the ship has advanced capabilities to adapt to its surroundings, it would almost certainly adapt to detect organic life if there was enough of it penetrating its shields. So, a team? No. But one person would stand a much greater chance.’
     Lennox let a tense breath go. ‘You realise what you're asking?’
     ‘I do.’ I felt the guilt in my chest. ‘But if it saves the world, isn’t it worth it?’
     Lennox just chuckled, nodding. ‘If you were a soldier, I’d nominate you to make the climb. You got some guts.’
     ‘Thanks… I think.’ I frowned, pushing my glasses up again.
     ‘You should talk to Optimus before you leave, I’m sure he’d appreciate it.’
     ‘Oh, I couldn’t, I doubt he’d want anything to do with me.’ I shook my head, feeling the nervousness wash over me once again.
     ‘Dr Harding, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about Optimus Prime, it’s that not every human being captures his attention like that.’ Lennox smiled. ‘I don’t know what it is about you, but if he can see something in you worth listening to, then I’m behind him all the way. If you need anything, call and I’ll see it done.’
     Lennox nodded once and left me standing in the corner of the hanger, grasping my notes to my chest. I took a deep breath and tried to psyche myself up to say thank you to the great Autobot leader. What I, once again, didn’t notice, was that he was watching me from the same spot he’d stood for the entire meeting, it was like he knew where I was at any given moment.
     I took another breath and walked over to him.
    ‘Um,’ good start. ‘I… wait.’
     I suddenly realised that I should’ve been up in the balcony to make it easier for him to see me. I tried to climb the stairs quickly, but there was a lot of them and by the time I got to the top where people were still working away on computers, I probably could’ve said thank you and left.
     ‘Hi.’ I panted, not exactly sure of why that was my opening line.
     ‘Hello.’ Optimus chuckled a little.
     I took another deep breath and pushed my glasses up. ‘I… I just wanted to say thank you for giving me the chance to speak. I know you’ve got a lot to deal with, so I appreciated the opportunity. And good luck for the mission.’ I nodded, having said what I wanted to say and went to leave.
     ‘I look forward to working along side you, Dr Jane Harding.’ He said as I was about to make my way back down the stairs. I looked at his hugely complex face and frowned. ‘I have requested that you be the one to lead the search for the human who could make such a climb. I will accept no other liaison.’
     My heart was pounding so hard I thought I might have had a panic attack. ‘Me? But, I… I’m just an engineer, I’m not what you need.’
     ‘On the contrary, I have witnessed your actions in this room today, your compassion towards my kind, your bravery to stand up for what you believe. and your unwavering faith in your race. I have deemed you the only one capable of carrying out this task. I would be honoured to work along side you, Dr Jane Harding.’
     I wasn’t sure if time, my heart or the world had stopped, but something was slowing down before going into overdrive.
     ‘You want me?’ I asked, suddenly hating that that was the first thing that came to mind.
     ‘I do.’ Optimus nodded.
     I didn’t know what else to say, all I could do was nod and move out of the way of a soldier trying to get passed me on the balcony.
     I descended the steps and felt those blue eyes on me the entire way out of the hanger. I turned back to see Optimus still watching me, he raised a hand in farewell and once again the air of intimidation was lifted. I smiled and headed toward the minibus taking the scientists back to our accommodation.
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meanbossart · 2 months
Asks about VaM, art advice, and miscellaneous stuffs
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HI! Real quick please refrain from referring to Sad Sack as S/S for the uh... Obviously reasons LOL We call it "sads" for short!
If what you're asking for are recommendations for a website to host that kind of thing, Neocities, Twitter, Itchio and as you mentioned AO3 are all perfectly good options! Patreon too (depending on how gnarly you're planning on getting) but I'd suggest keeping that as a secondary host option because I don't think it lends itself super well for getting your work circulating. I believe Bluesky allows that kind of thing too, but I'm not too sure since I don't use it.
Now, If you're asking about public reaction rather than guidelines, anywhere you go you might find people that don't jive with the work you do 🤷 just be upfront about the type of content you're making right off the bat to avoid having anyone stumble upon it by accident to the best of your abilities, otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much. I know we're constantly exposed to examples of overwhelming harassment and "dogpilling" happening to others but... Truth be told, most of us won't ever get to the size/internet level of fame where we experience that. I think the threat is a little bit... Overstated, nowadays. Not to mention that most of the time people are getting harassment for things that have nothing to do with their work, and rather relating to their behavior and attitudes. Play smart, be responsible, and be honest! Whatever comes next is in god's hands LOL
Thank you for the ask! Not sure I was of much help 😅 but frankly when you're just starting out it's best to focus on getting the work done first and just throwing it out there, wherever it may be. You can worry about technicalities like that later!
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I GOT YOU MAN the full sketch is now up on my patreon!
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I love seeing everyone's take on my weirdo so much, anything is honestly welcomed!
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AW DUDE thank you so much! Especially for suffering through the mammoth of a story that ANE turned into - writing has never been my strongest point so I'm always shocked to hear from people that enjoy it 🥲
About the booze question, honestly I'm not picky at all, I usually go by price and by that I mean whatever is cheapest LOL but I prefer a dry white as far as types go.
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You only have to pay for it once! You get a code that unlocks the software and all of it's features and you're free to cancel your subscription after that. At some point the code might change or there might be an update that requires subscribing again - but that seems like a very rare occurrence so I wouldn't worry about it.
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OH NO I HAVE DEFINITELY TRACED MY OWN REFERENCE BEFORE, but not entire poses! When something is challenging I'll make a point of drawing it out the usual way.
I can remember a couple of instances from Nick and mine's comic where I traced pictures I took of myself, just as a time saving measure. Again like I said in the post, there are several ways to employ tracing your own material that is perfectly acceptable. I have also traced bare-bones 3D backgrounds that I made for the same reasons.
I know you specifically asked about tracing when something's complicated, but I still wanted to be upfront to demystify the practice under different circumstances. The rule of thumb is to never use it when you know it would be inhibiting your skill development!
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Happy to hear you wanted to pick up the skill! I definitely understand the urge too LOL since playing BG3 and becoming so invested in the stories and characters my art has improved a ton, simply from forcing me out of my usual style and making me want to capture different moods and scenarios - finding something you're passionate to draw is, frankly a great damn start.
I replied to a bunch of asks asking for pointers and advice a while back, one of the questions was very similar to yours and I still stand behind the advice I gave then. Hopefully you can find something helpful here! https://meanbossart.tumblr.com/post/740543514692173824/some-art-advice-asks-ive-been-meaning-to-reply
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HMMM I don't usually think of myself as the best teacher/tutorial guy, but funnily enough I can think of a few things about this topic that I could elaborate on lol. If I do that in the near future, I'll put it up on my patreon (for free as with everything else.)
If there are any specific things about it that you (and anyone else who would be interested in it, for that matter) find challenging and would like for me to focus on, let me know!
That's all for now folks, and as usual thank you so much to everyone who's left a nice compliment, word of encouragement or funny tidbit in my inbox as well! I can't reply to you all individually, but I see and read all the messages I get c:
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angrelysimpping · 1 year
as a request i would like to see bailey obliviously buying prostitutes more often than before and that the prostitutes (wether on attitude, or looks) resemble the pc and his reaction to realizing this
Contents: AMAB Bailey (he/him); Reader (you/your); dubcon, not that explicit; implied future dubcon/noncon of reader
Words: 616
Bailey isn’t a stupid man, but he is stubborn.
He also has a fairly low sex drive, using sex as more of a display of dominance or free stress relief. When he starts seeking out prostitutes once a week, he knows he’s doing it in reaction to your weekly payment. The itch sets in right after you leave his office, after all.
He just doesn’t acknowledge it, he refuses to acknowledge it. 
Some brat like you has no right affecting Bailey like this, making him waste money so he can bully his cock into some desperate whore each week just so he can think straight. Of course, this means each person who ends up pinned under Bailey, impaled on his cock, gets pounded to hell as he takes every ounce of his frustration towards you out on them. He leaves them in shivering heaps; limp bodies and vacant eyes as they try to recover enough to scamper off. 
He doesn’t care. He got his money’s worth and that’s what’s important. 
Then one week, he can’t find one. He can’t fucking find one. Sure, there are prostitutes galore in this shit-hole town, but none of them are worth it. Each one bold enough - desperate enough? - to approach him, he turns down. Snears at them and tells them to fuck off. 
But it’s there, that annoying itch, that incessant nagging in the back of his mind that he needs to get out if he has any hope of not completely wasting his day. 
He should charge you for this. Tack it on an extra expanse, mental distress, or something like that. After all, he’s having to stoop to visiting Briar’s place. Briar, who’s all smug grins and grand gestures as they greet Bailey, asking what they’ve done to deserve the honor of having Bailey grace their establishment with his presence. If he was looking for anything in particular.
Bailey cuts to the chase, biting out what he wants. And Briar laughs, they fucking laugh.
“Sounds like you’ve got a type. Like you’re thinking of someone else when fucking my whores.”
And that’s when it hits him. It really, truly hits Bailey that he’s picking stand-ins for you. Fucking brat. One with the same shaped eyes. Another with similar hands. A third with a voice just a hair off from yours. Yet a fourth with the same sense of humor, Bailey dragging them off after hearing them crack a joke to a friend. You. Fucking you. 
Strangely, Bailey’s rage ebbs even as Briar continues to make comments at his expense. He’s still pissed, fingers still twitching to wrap around someone’s throat, but it’s not as intense as when the realization first hit. 
He’s been wasting all this time, all this money, fucking prostitutes because they reminded him enough of you. Why continue? Why, when he had you living under his roof, should he keep seeking out piss-poor stand-ins for the real thing? Sure, Bailey had a rule against fucking his own wards, but these were special circumstances. He was throwing away time, energy, and money because of you. So, you’d have to make up for it, right?
And, well, maybe you’d find it more agreeable, getting ruined by your caretake, than sold off to the underground. Especially after he raided your hidey-hole, that loose floorboard under your bed, and made sure you wouldn’t have a single bill to fork over next week. Would make his life easier if you did, but it wouldn’t stop him if he had to pin you down and take you that way. He might even enjoy it more than if you quietly gave in, really.
Regardless, Bailey won’t be spending money on prostitutes anymore. 
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3mcwriting · 8 months
Any Fan's Dream, Part 25
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.Keep reading
Sorry this chapter is a day late, I was remaking the taglist and that took a lot longer than expected so I just passed out after lol
Taglist: @secretly-sirens, @zeeader, @imdoingathingmom, @x-theolivia, @ainsley-official, @ourgoddessathena, @vine-enthusiast, @hoohoohope, @myfturn, @mjaudrey, @igotthisasajokeyetimstillhere, @starr60, @lauraashley93, @coldmermaidhologram, @daenerysluvrr, @viperchick47, @im-better-than-your-newborn, @mynightandstars, @qvnthesia, @liallerr, @cypherverze, @afraidofshrimp, @alexsmonstercan, @huntress-artemiss, @im-better-than-your-newborn, @marvelwomen-arehot, @benzinaa, @maxinehufflepuffprincess
After your interaction with Steve, you managed to find your way back to the entryway you had come in through. It was just a large rectangular living room with an open style kitchen in one corner and large ground-to-ceiling windows spanning two of the walls. There was a large television in front of the plush couches and one person pacing in front of them. 
Your eyebrows raised. 
For some reason, you hadn't really expected to see him.
The clearly stressed man raised his head when he heard your footsteps, freezing the moment he saw you.
"What's up, Mr. Stank?" you asked. "Sorry for disappearing and everything..." You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, hoping he wasn't mad at you. Especially since you would've done it again without hesitation. You weren't really sorry for leaving but more so for betraying his trust.
He looked shell-shocked, completely speechless for once. Well, how was he supposed to react when someone who he thought of as one of his own was standing right in front of him mere days after being stabbed? He had heard the guilt in Steve's voice, felt panic rise in himself at the thought of how badly you'd been injured. The idea that you were only inches from death and that your only chance to live depended on the technology of aliens did nothing to ease his worry. He knew Thor cared about you, but what if the people there didn't want to help you? 
He didn't want to lose another person he cared about.
And wasn't that what every single one of them felt at the thought of you dying?
You weren't really sure what to do with his silence, but hugs had been working for everyone else, so you figured you might as well try it. Besides, in your experience, hugs almost always helped you, even if it was just a little. Obviously, they couldn't really fix your problems but they helped to ground you and remind you that you weren't alone in them.
"Can I give you a hug, Mr. Stank?" 
His expression changed, relief softening his features. "Yeah, of course, kid."
You moved forward, hugging him happily. As you'd said before, you truly were a hoe for hugs. There was something just so comforting about them to you. You knew some people didn't really like hugs though so you always made sure to ask before you did so. After all, if the point was to comfort a person, why would you do something that would make them uncomfortable?
Luckily, with Mr. Stank he seemed to be grateful for the hug. 
When the hug ended, he patted your shoulder. "I'm real glad you're alright, kid." His voice was a little choked up, but you didn't bother to point it out. 
"Thanks," you grinned. "I'm glad you are too, Mr. Stank."
He smiled at your attitude, glad to see you could still smile the same. "What do you say to working in the lab for a while?"
"Ooh! Yes!" You loved all the time you spent in his labs, there was so much cool stuff in there and even more cool stuff that you could build!
A couple hours later (it was only around noon, but it felt later to you because apparently there was a time zone difference from Asgard and earth), Nat came into the lab while you and Tony were drinking juice packets. 
"C'mon, (y/n)," she said as she pulled you out of the room. "You need to have something other than juice."
"Sounds good," you nodded, your stomach agreeing immensely. "See ya later, Mr. Stank!" You waved to the man as you got pulled out of the room, missing the fond grin on his face. You walked beside Nat as she led you to the main living room you had been in earlier. 
As the two of you got closer to the room, a delicious smell began to waft through your nostrils--a delicious, familiar smell. You understood all those dogs you'd ever seen that would sniff the air greedily, behaving much too similarly at that moment. You couldn't help it, though! It smelled so. Damn. Good. And you hadn't eaten in hours and during those hours you had napped, comforted people, and began building a pear cannon for Peter! You were only human! You needed that delicious food that was giving off that heavenly smell.
As the two of you stepped into the living room, you glanced to the kitchen side of the room, your eyes set on the woman who was sitting at the counter of the island. She looked up from her phone when she heard the two of you enter, smiling at you in a way that made your breath catch a little. It wasn't your fault! Wanda's smile was too damn pretty for your weak heart!
"Hey, (y/n)," Wanda greeted. "Nat and I thought we could celebrate you being all healed, so I made your favorite foods and Nat bought your favorite snacks!"
You felt your jaw drop, but couldn't register much else. 
Wanda grinned at your expression, before setting out dishes laden with your favorite food on the low table in front of the TV while Natasha grabbed a bag from the corner of the counter and placed it beside the table.
"This is..." your brain was refusing to work, "I mean—you two didn't have to do all this. It must've taken a while." Your too-slow brain wasn't allowing you to properly process the situation. You couldn't really blame it, though. How—in any dimension—were you to believe that Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff would know your favorite foods? Or even more ridiculous, how were you to believe that they would take the time to make it for you when they were incredibly busy people themselves? Like, they were literally Avengers.
"We wanted to," Natasha smiled. "Although, I can't say I made much of the food. That was Wanda. I just got snacks." She held up the bag.
"Well, I think of you as a friend, and you were just healed from an almost fatal wound, so I thought it was well-deserved." Wanda's voice was sincere enough that you were almost distracted from what she'd said. 
"You think of me as a friend?" you asked incredulously.
"Of course," Wanda reassured. "Am I not a friend to you?"
"No! I mean—no as in you're not not a friend to me—like, you are a friend to me, ya know?" you tried to explain, losing respect in yourself with every word you said.
Natasha laughed. "Calm down there, babe. We got you."
You let loose a relieved laugh. "Anyway, thank you for everything." You looked to both of them, hoping they knew just how sincere you were being. "I don't think I ever could've imagined having such wonderful people being my friends."
Wanda hugged you, making your brain short-circuit yet again, and laughed. "I think I should be the one saying that." 
"You both deserve friends as wonderful as each other," Natasha said, joining in on the little hug. 
When the hug was over, Natasha grabbed the TV remote as you grabbed your food. She turned on the TV, a familiar movie ready as the screen turned on.
They had set up your favorite movie.
You got to watch two of your favorite movies with Natasha and Wanda, munching on the food Wanda had made and the snacks Nat had brought. Overall, it was practically heaven. To be honest, you were a little disappointed when they got a call and were forced to leave. 
Both of them gave you a hug goodbye which reminded you that you were being stupid getting disappointed because you had still spent four hours with both of them. You were lucky that they had the time to do such considerate things for you. Once they were gone though, you were completely lost as to what you should do for the remainder of your time there. 
You couldn't call anyone because you had broken the phone Tony gave you a while ago so you were just stuck on the couch scrolling through channels--that is, until Scott and Sam arrived in the room and Scott began pulling things out from the cabinets. 
"Dude, how do you know where everything is? You've been here like...2 days." Sam said, confused at the confidence with which Scott was pulling everything he needed out.
"What can I say? I'm a quick study." Scott pulled out a metal bowl and baking sheet. "Besides, if I don't know where something is, that's what looking is for."
"What are you guys doing?" you asked.
"Oh, hey, (y/n)," Scott greeted cheerfully. "We're baking cookies for my daughter, wanna help?"
"Sure," you smiled at him, thoughts flashing to the scenes with Cassie in them.
Huh. Since Steve and Tony hadn't really ended up fighting, Scott never got arrested. 
He wouldn't have to be put under house arrest and his relationship with Hope wouldn't end up horrible. 
Your smile got a little wider.
"Awesome!" Scott said. "Her favorite are snickerdoodles."
"I don't think we followed the directions right," you proclaimed, looking down at the sad little heaps of dough that Scott had just pulled out of the oven.
"My nephews can bake better than you, Scott." Sam laughed, hitting Scott on the back jokingly. "I don't see a future in baking for you, my man."
"They can't be that bad," Scott protested, reaching to grab one only for it to start oozing when he did so.
Cue screeching from the three of you--screeching that ended up bringing Steve and Bucky into the room tensed and ready to fight. 
"What's wrong?" Steve asked, searching the room.
You were too busy laughing on the floor at the look on Sam's face to answer so Scott had to. 
"I'm afraid our cookies are alive, Captain." Scott answered, the serious expression on his face only making you laugh harder. 
"Oh," Steve didn't seem to know how to handle the situation. 
Bucky peered at the lumps of goo on the baking sheet and winced. "Those look disgusting."
"I didn't know we had two Captains in the room." Sam said, not taking his comment too kindly. "Captain America and Captain Obvious."
"I mean, we could always remake them," you piped up, finally recovering from your laughing fit. "It's only like five."
"You're right, (y/n)!" Scott gave you an appreciative look. "Let's get cracking!"
"Are you gonna join us?" you asked Steve and Bucky. 
Sam looked to Bucky. "Yeah. You gonna join us instead of just judging us silently, ya weirdo?"
"I don't know how much help we'll be." Steve answered. "But I don't see how we could make it any worse."
"Damn!" you put a hand over your heart. "That was uncalled for, old man."
Contrary to what Steve had said, it could get worse.
In fact, the five of you didn't even get any cookies into the oven before a towel lit on fire and flour ended up on Steve's face.
You were almost crying from laughter at the look on Steve's face, clutching your stomach while he looked confused. You were forced into shocked silence when Steve threw a handful of flour at you. 
You gaped at him, looking like you had taken a dive into cocaine with how much flour was covering you. 
"What was that for?" you demanded.
"Stop laughing at me."
"Oh, you petty-" you threw a handful at him, hitting Scott on accident when Steve moved. 
Scott turned to look at you.
"I didn't mean it! I swear!" 
With the kitchen covered in enough flour to bake a life-size cake statue of Thor, you were lucky to be pulled out before cleanup time. You would've felt guilty if not for the fact that everyone in that room had hit you at least once with a handful of flour. Even Bucky!
Either way, you didn't regret anything about that day--it was the most fun you'd had in a while. 
But now you were going home.
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wandabear · 1 year
Summary: 17 years ago, a New Jersey high school girls’ soccer team travels to Seattle for a national tournament. While flying over Canada, their plane crashes deep in the wilderness, and the surviving team members are left stranded for nineteen months.
This is a fic based on the tv show ’Yellowjackets’. I make it clear that it will not be the same as the show, to make it more interesting. Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
WARNINGS: There may be violence, bullying, smut, mentions about addictions. ㅤㅤ SONGS IN THIS CHAPTER: HOLD ON - WILSON PHILLIPS MOTHER MOTHER - TRACY BONHAM
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤCHAPTER TWO
“Why this rabbit looks just like my old Bunny that was lost when I was sick?  I loved that Bunny! said the surprised boy.”  Wanda read as she tucked the twins into bed.  They loved having a bedtime story, especially since Wanda had the superpower to tell it perfectly.
“What he didn't know was that it was his very own Bunny, come back to see the boy. For he was the reason the Velveteen Rabbit had become real.”
The little ones smiled happily, it was so good to hear that story once more. The 'Velveteen Rabbit' was a favorite.
“I'm so glad the rabbit came back.” Billy said as Wanda leaned down to kiss his forehead, handing the boy his favorite stuffed animal. 
“Yeah. I like rabbits.” Tommy nodded and smiled as Wanda came over to tuck him too.  “Can we have one, mom?”
“Yes! Can we? Please!” Billy begged with his most tender pout, leaving Wanda babbling nervously. This is when she needed Vision to back her up.
“Umh… we can talk about it tomorrow, okay? Now, sleep.” The brunette walked to turn off the light, but not before looking her boys once more.
ㅤㅤ “Good night, mom!” They said at the same time.
“Goodnight, guys. I love you.” Wanda smiled tenderly at them and carefully closed the door. She sighed deeply before going back to the kitchen. She had a lot to do, sleep was not going to be the answer tonight.
Wanda turned on Spotify and tried to relax a bit while she washed the dishes, but the song that was playing stole acutel smile, her huge green eyes filling with tears as Wanda was lost in her memories.
… or are you comfortable with the pain? You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness. You got yourself into your own mess.  Just open your heart and your mind… Is it really fair to feel, this way inside?ㅤㅤ
Some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye! Until then, baby, are you going to let 'em hold you down and make you cry? Don't you know? Don't you know, things can change… just hold on.
Wanda closed her eyes, getting lost in that song when that blond man came up behind her, hugging her hips.
“Darling… Is it necessary to do that now?” Vision whispered in her ear. “Do you want to…?”
“Umh… Actually I was going to tell you that…” Wanda closed the tap  and turned to face him, somewhat uncomfortable with the closeness. “I wanted to look for some stuff in my old boxes, wash the dishes… I was going to take advantage now that I have insomnia.”
“Oh.” The man backed away, clearly taking offense at the rejection. “Of course yes. YOUR stuff you never talk about.”
Wanda frowned, noticing his attitude. “Yes, my stuff. Things I don't feel comfortable talking about, okay? It's something I need to do.”
Vision chuckled wryly and shook his head. “Whatever… I have to go to the office, there’s an emergency. Good night, Wanda.”
The sokovian didn't say anything, she just dried her hands with the kitchen towel and watched as the man left the house. She didn't seem bothered at all, Wanda had long suspected that Vision was cheating on her, but it didn't seem to bother her either.
Was this the life she had hoped so much for? It's what Wanda always wondered.
Once she was sure that the twins were asleep and she was completely alone, Wanda walked towards the attic. Unlike many other dirty and dusty attics, Wanda kept the place neat and perfectly clean, taking that place as her comfort zone to clear her mind.
Besides to some newly painted paintings, there were some old boxes and furniture. Wanda walked over to a stack of boxes and carefully pushed it aside, revealing a safe.
Wanda typed the code and opened the safe. Inside were quite a few old papers, the deed to the house, some old photographs, and some money. But the most important thing was some old journals that were hidden behind everything.
She picked up the journals carefully, sitting down on the couch to see them better. Just seeing those old pages and that red symbol shook everything inside her. It's been so long since she's seen them, tried but she couldn’t deny the past. The brunette searched among some stuff on the boxes until she found that object. 
Wanda hesitated before taking it, it was a captain's armband. An old piece of cloth with a Yellowjacket wasp symbol and a huge "C" on it.
A tear fell down her cheek as she remembered that moment.
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Three years before the accident…
That pastel pink color predominated in that bedroom, as did some posters of different actors and singers from the 90's and 2000's such as Tom Welling, Chad Michael Murray or Jeremy Sumpter. Next to the window was a nice telescope, as well as an old computer and a small but very comfortable dressing table. The place was perfectly tidy, she didn't like mess very much.
Some day somebody's gonna make you want to turn around and say goodbye!   Until then, baby, are you going to let 'em hold you down and make you cry?
ㅤㅤ Don't you know? Things can change… Things'll go your way if you hold on for one more day .
‘Hold On’ by Wilson Phillips was playing on the boombox radio while she was reading one of her favorite books, ‘The Cheerleader’ by Caroline B. Cooney. It was a fairly simple novel about a girl named Althea, the typical girl who wants to be a cheerleader, desired and everything. She’s nobody, she gets no phone calls, shares no laughter and has no friends. Then one day she meets some vampire. At least this fourteen-year-old girl was trying to hold on to an impossible story. Imagining that maybe one day she will have her own hero.
And at least that made Wanda feel a bit better, after being rejected by the soccer team. Couch Coulson said that she wasn't what they were looking for but that if she liked it, could help them. Being an assistant to Coach meant being part of the team, and it would help so much get into colleges.
Of course Wanda accepted.
The doorbell rang taking her out of the reading, Wanda left the book on the bed and run to open the door but Pietro stepped forward.
“Hello.” Pietro raised a curious eyebrow when he saw that girl there, of all the people in the world she was the one he least expected to see. That girl that everyone adored at school lately. 
“Hey.” The girl smiled a bit shyly. “I umh… I’m Y/N. I came to study with Wanda, she was going to help me with some biology and Math projects.”
“Yeah, I know you.” Pietro teased and stepped aside.  “Come in.”
Wanda went down the stairs meeting that girl's gaze; Y/N could swear that those green eyes took her heart from the first moment she saw Wanda Maximoff. And still didn't know why.
“Y/N, hi.” Wanda settled her glasses. “Come, let's go to my room.”
ㅤㅤ Y/N nodded and said goodbye to Pietro, going up after Wanda.
“Don’t do anything weird over there!” Pietro joked again and then went to the kitchen, ready to make himself the biggest sandwich he's ever seen.
Y/N entered the bedroom and looked around, an exquisite raspberry scent made her sigh. It was a nice bedroom, totally different from hers. She was maybe less... girly. The taller girl left her backpack on the ground and took out everything she would need.
“So, you said you wanted help with maths, right?” Wanda nodded slowly, biting her lower lip.  “Professor Garner is quite... unique and complex.”
“She’s a bitch who hates me.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “But yeah.”
“Just because she's demanding or strict doesn't mean she hates you, Y/N.” Wanda sat across from her.
I know this pain. Why do you lock yourself up in these chains? Don't ever let anyone step all over you. Just open your heart and your mind.
“This is a nice song, I like it.” Y/N smirked.
Wanda widened her eyes in surprise and nodded quickly.  “Me too.”
“That’s good, you’ve good taste in music.”
They both smiled for a moment.
“Hey, could we start with algebraic logic? Because its-” Y/N said when the phone in the bedroom rang, drawing the sokovian's attention.
That never happened, never. Wanda got up to answer the phone, maybe it was her mom calling to say she would be late or something like that.
“Hello?” The lovely Wanda was expectant, but all she heard was girls giggling. Again.
“Wanda! Oh, my gosh. Hi.”
Wanda rolled her eyes. “What do you want, Sharon?”
“Sorry. I'm sure you're, like, so busy.” Clearly she was looking to tease her. All the girls around Sharon laughed.
“We just thought you should know that Quill… he's telling everybody you two did anal in the janitor's closet.”
Wanda swallowed, squeezing that phone hard. She noticed that Y/N was watching her curiously.  “Well, for your information, I've never even been in the janitor's closet.”
“So where'd you guys do it then?”
“I didn't... I didn't do anal with Quill-” She whispered trying to prevent Y/N from hearing, but it was impossible. Y/N raised an eyebrow, she noticed how Wanda seemed upset and embarrassed and that made her blood boil.
“So you've done it with somebody else.” They all laughed like hyenas again. “Wanda… Do you, like, love anal?”
“No. No, I-I've never...” the brunette babbled desperately.
“You know what I think?... I think you wish someone would do anal to you, Wanda.”
Wanda didn't say anything, she just clenched her jaw and tried not to cry.
“Only, you're too ugly to, like, find a victim.”
 “Someone who likes that you hurt him with your braces!”
“You can think what you want.” The sokovian sniffles. “Opinion is the wilderness between knowledge and ignorance. That's Plato.”
ㅤㅤ Wanda smiled victoriously, though of course it didn't feel like victory at all. She just felt like a wild beast scratching to save herself.
“What? Geez… You're such a fucking weirdo.”
Sharon ended the call and Wanda was silent for a moment, trying to drown out all the anger and sadness she felt inside. It had been two years since they arrived from Sokovia and still couldn't feel comfortable in that place. Some ignored her, some teased her.
“Are you okay, Wanda?” Y/N's voice brought her into the world again, making her turn around.
“Yeah, just…” The Sokovian stammered.  “A wrong call.”
The girl sat and looked for her books, but Y/N definitely knew that she felt quite hurt by all those stupid and constant jokes. She saw it every day at school.
“I'm sorry.” Y/N sighed. “Those girs can be really stupid.”
Wanda just stayed silent, just lowered her gaze, playing with her rings.
“Maybe they are jealous of your intelligence.” Y/N smiled at her and softly pushed with her shoulder, making Wanda smile a bit.
“Yeah, sure.” Wanda rolled her eyes. “They just make fun of my stupid braces. It's good that I'll get rid of them soon, they will stop bothering me.”
“Really? Wanna know something?” Y/N wrinkled her nose and moved closer as if to tell her a big secret.  “I think they’re cute.”
“Thanks.”  Wanda smiled tenderly.
Y/N thought for a moment and then took her backpack, taking something out of it.
“You know what? This will make no one else bother you…” Y/N took her captain's armband, it was one of the most precious things she had. All that week Natasha was on the bench because she had two very important fouls, very difficult games and ended with a painful red card.
“No, Y/N… This is yours, I can't take it. You worked so hard all week for it.”  Wanda shook her head although she admitted that it melted her heart for a moment.
“I'm giving it to you.” Y/N insisted, taking Wanda’s hand and making her keep a piece of cloth. “If someone bothers you… just show it.”
Wanda's green eyes were lost in hers, feeling a connection that she never had before.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled. “No problem, Wands.”
Wanda smiled widely, not caring about those braces anymore.  “So let's talk about Algebraic-”
“Wait, umh… Do you have a bathroom that I can use? Sorry, I just... Need it.” Y/N seemed quite nervous, she giggled and stood up pointing to the door.
“Oh, sure.” The brunette seemed surprised, maybe even a bit sad. “Go down the stairs and turn right.”
“Thank you.”
Y/N left the room and quickly went downstairs. She looked around the room carefully and tried not to make too much noise, finally finding the phone. She made sure that no one was near  and dialed that number that she knew.
“It’s Y/N. Listen to me, Sharon. If you bother Wanda with your stupid mean calls again, I'm going to take this phone and shove it up your ass. Did you hear me? I’m deadly serious. And I will tell everyone that you loved it and you’re the one who loves anal, and everyone is going to believe me because first, I'm a big lesbo and second, I'm captain of the team. Did you understand?”
Maybe she was being too much of a bitch, that was far from a good thing to do, but she needed Sharon to understand how shitty she was right now and scare her away.
Sharon was babbling, clearly scared.  “Y-Yeah, Y/N. Sorry. Won’t do it again.”
Y/N ended the call and sighed before walking back towards the stairs, when she found Pietro eating a sandwich. Of course, he must have heard everything.
“Pietro, I-” 
“You didn't have to do that for my sister.” Said with his arms crossed but after all he nodded.  “But thanks. I tried to tell them to fuck off every time they call, but I can't hit a girl, right?”
Y/N nodded as well.  “It's okay.”  
“You'd make a good captain, you know?” Pietro smirked. “You're doing a good job. The coach knows it.”
She smiled at those words, glad that people were beginning to really see what she was worth it. She was starting to appreciate herself too. “Thank you, Pietro.”
“Now go or my sister will think I am flirting with you and she will hate me.”
Y/N just smiled and went up the stairs once more. This time she was able to pay attention to the adorable photographs hanging on the wall, including some of Wanda alone, smiling in front of beautiful landscapes.
Y/N entered the bedroom, finding a Wanda cuddling a pillow and a the biggest and cutest pout.
“Hey.” Wanda adjusted her glasses and sat on the bed, blushing. She seemed shocked to see her there again.  “I thought you ran away.”
The darkhaired girl raised an eyebrow, curious.  “Why would I do that?”
“Well... I wouldn't be surprised.” Wanda looked down, thinking how pathetic that sounded.  
“Oh, come on. Come on, teach me about this shit so I can go to a nice college and I don't end up making smoothies at Marky's.” Y/N joked so she could steal a cute smile from her and leave all that sadness behind. She hated seeing Wanda like this.
The sokovian just giggled and Y/N sat next to her, starting to teach a bit about Algebraic logic.
Wanda opened her eyes, drying the tears that fell down her cheeks when she remembered that sweet moment with Y/N. She found herself hugging that piece of cloth against her chest, like it was the most precious treasure.
That was the first time she felt accepted and liked, the first time someone reached out to her for sincere friendship.
Why did it all have to be so hard?
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Sighing, the brunette cut that bell pepper so fast and then dropped it into the pan, along with some onion.
‘Mother, mother are you listening? Just a phone call to ease your mind. Life is perfect never better, distance making the heart growblind…’
Jules walked around the kitchen looking for all the ingredients she needed.  She looked at herself in the window’s reflection, she was no longer a young girl. Her tired brown eyes, those prominent lips with a glossy lipstick.  At almost thirty-four years old she was trying to take care of herself and seemed to be doing quite well although a few small wrinkles in her eyes.
Well, it was the payment for working in a hospital with long shifts of more than twenty four hours.
“You look beautiful, I don't know why you worry so much.” Natasha's voice made the brunette turn around, smiling mischievously.  The Russian approached with an exquisite bottle of wine and kissed her wife's lips, slowly, enjoying her. Definitely enough to leave Jules completely dumbfounded, Nat rested her forehead against hers.
“I missed you.” Natasha whispered.  “That was the longest shift in the world.”
“I know, I missed you too.” Melting into her wife's arms, Jules raised an eyebrow to play with her: “You're ten minutes late, Romanoff.”
“But I'm here, right?” Nat smiled and moved away so she could have two glasses of wine and pour some for Jules.  “For you, Mrs. Romanoff.”
“Uh, I like the way that sounds.” Jules laughed and took the glass, trying that exquisite red wine. “Mmm, this is delicious. Too expensive?”
“Not much. We deserve it.” Natasha winked as she watched as her wife put the glass aside and cut some vegetables, looked too beautiful in that black dress, trying to impress her perhaps.
Licking her lips, Nat walked over and set the glass of wine down in front of Jules, hugging her from behind.
“You look beautiful tonight… krasivaya.”  She inhaled her perfume and placed short kisses on her neck. Natasha missed her so much, sometimes she wondered how she had become so obsessed with this woman. She got that answer every time she saw that smile.
Playing along, Jules closed her eyes and pushed her body against the Russian's, teasing her. Their breaths became rough, especially when Nat began to caress her belly, going up to her breasts, down to her hips.
“I wanted to do this so bad.” Natasha growled against her ear, slowly her hand skimming her panties. “The bed was empty without you.”
“Oh, goddess…” Jules sighed, closing her eyes. Placing her hands against the counter, she definitely felt lost among the slow caresses, feeling how everything around her was disappearing. It was just about her and her wife, nothing could interrupt the moment.
Except for that intrusive thought, which came to her at the worst moment of all. Jules opened her eyes and stood still for a moment, clearing her throat. Suddenly all the desire was gone, fucking everything up.
ㅤㅤ Natasha understood the message and carefully removed her hand, watching her with some concern.
“You okay? You would never turn down a quickie in the kitchen... Who are you and what have you done with my wife? Are you cheating on me?” Natasha teased to make her smile, raising an eyebrow and leaning against the kitchen counter.
“Oh, come on.” Jules rolled her eyes when she saw Nat laugh.  “I don't even have the time to do it.”
 “Good to know, my love.” Natasha reached for the knife to cut a few pieces of cheese so they could share it while the pasta finished cooking.
“And I wouldn't either, you're… everything I want and more. You’re my everything.” Jules smiled tenderly, taking her wife's hand and placing a kiss on it.
“Tell me what's going on...”  This time Natasha spoke seriously, tucking a lock of Jules hair behind her ear.  “What's going on in your head? ”
Jules smiled tenderly, but her pretty brown eyes turned teary and that alarmed the redhead.
“I’m just…” Jules tried to say but couldn't, just ended up shrugging. 
"Take your time."
The brunette sighed trying not to cry and decided to keep going, finishing cooking the bolognese sauce.
“They called me to let me know that Y/N got out of rehab tonight.” Jules licked her lips, waiting for her wife's response. She hoped Nat wouldn't be upset.
“And she called you?” Natasha took a piece of cheese and handed one to her beloved. “Did she say if she wanted us to go pick her or something?”
“Nothing...” Jules ate the cheese, sitting on the counter next to Natasha. “Zero.”
“Did you call her?” The Russian sighed deeply, also remaining thoughtful.
“Should I?” She hesitated. “Maybe? I- I don't know, I don't want to pressure her… but I feel so guilty, you know? What if she hates me?” Jules shook her head and covered her face, diving into the crisis.
“Hey… Lyubov?”  Natasha settled in front of Jules and took her hands. “She would never hate you.”
“I know.” Jules whimpered, her lips trembled.  “I just… she’s my sister, and I love her. I didn’t want to leave her alone there but I had to.”
“I know… and she knows. She was there because she needs to heal.” She hugged her.  “For the second and last time, I hope.”
Jules shook her head, clearing her throat, all that anguish in her throat. “I feel like I should help her, be there for her.”
“And has that ever worked?” Maybe that was too sincere, she didn't want to be cruel but that was the truth. Every time Jules tried to understand her, to help her, Y/N ended up screwing her up much worse.  “Jules, you almost lost your job in the hospital because of Y/N.”
“She's lost so much, Nat.”  Jules just exhaled and walked away so she could turn off the stove, dinner was ready. “She lost Wanda, my mother, herself in that place...”
Both began to organize everything so that they could have dinner under the candlelights, a quite romantic atmosphere.
“You too.” The redhead reminded her, Jules almost always forgot to put herself first. Nat adored that, she loved the way she was, that was one of the reasons why she fell in love but also a big reason why Jules suffered later. “You lost a lot too, all of us. We all did.”
“But I have you.” She sighed, taking her wife's hand.  “I’ve lost too much but I have you.”
“I can't believe you gave me a chance.” Smiling tenderly, Natasha took Jules's face in her hands to watch her closely. “I'm really lucky, you know?”
“Oh, come on. Don't be all sweet talk with me, Romanoff, I didn't forget you were almost late.” Jules rolled her eyes teasingly.
“But really… I never thought that I could…you know…having a family could be so… good.” Nat smiled and kissed her forehead.
“Well, I didn't think it was that good either.” The brown-eyed woman narrowed her eyes, sipping some wine.  “I mean, it's not like my family has been complicated.”  
“Your mom was lovely.” Natasha added, playing around a bit.
“Oh, my mother was wonderful. I'm just a cheap copy.”
They both laughed trying to lose themselves in the beautiful memories.
“I wish she was at our wedding. Both of them. Mom and Y/N. ” Jules sighed, adjusting Nat’s shirt collar.
“You looked beautiful.” The russian redhead remembered one of the most beautiful moments of her life. And also one of the craziest, she wasn't going to deny it, she never imagined herself married.  “You still look beautiful…”
“And you are the most beautiful, and the best lover I have ever had.”
“I'm the only one you had.” Natasha rolled her eyes.  
“Yeah… that's not entirely true.” Jules smiled, she pecked her wife's lips and walked away.   Sure she was playing with her, Nat bit her bottom lip knowing that was true. She wasn't the only one in her wife's life.
“Tonight  I'm going to fuck you like never before!” Natasha screamed and chased her into the living room, making Jules squeal.
“Natasha Romanoff!”
“What? It was 36  hours without you!”
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the next day...
Y/N parked the car in front of that beautiful house. She smiled seeing the beautiful flowers in the garden, remembering how much her auntie Claire loved violets but above all peach blossoms.
In the background the song 'Mother Mother' by Tracy Bonham  tortured her on the radio.
‘Mother mother are you listening? Just a phone call to ease your mind. Life is perfect, never better, distance making the heart grow blind. When you sent me off to see the world, were you scared that I might get hurt?
Y/N clenched her jaw.
Mother, mother can you hear me? Sure I'm sober, sure I'm sane. Life is perfect never better, still your daughter, still the same. If I tell you what you want to hear, will it help you to sleep well at night? Are you sure that I'm your perfect dear? Now just cuddle up and sleep tight.
Just listening to her aunt's last goodbye in that airport lounge, screaming that she loved them and Y/N couldn't even say 'me too'. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stay calm. ㅤㅤ
I'm hungry. I'm dirty. I'm losing my mind, and everything's fine!
Y/N took one of the cigarettes and lit it, taking a deep puff to calm the anxiety. But that tobacco tasted so... disgusting and unpleasant and boring that she ended up throwing it out the window. Couldn't even find shelter in cigarettes anymore.
She remained thoughtful for a few minutes, trying to gather the necessary courage to face one of the most difficult situations of her life.
As the raindrops began to fall against the glass, Y/N was lost in memories again.
Four years ago… (ten years after being rescued)
Walking around like a caged beast, Y/N movements were abrupt, her eyes so red and huge dark circles that made her look like a huge angry panda. It was a lovely room with a view, straight to the beautiful ocean. At least that recovery center was one of the best.
She was no longer the eighteen-year-old shiny girl, full of hope and a bright future. Y/N just turned twenty-eighth in fact, and her life was a chaotic mess out of control.
An enormous pressure on her chest screamed louod that she was going to die, she wanted to cry, she wanted to laugh, she wanted to hit something. The ups and downs of moods were beginning to make her a prisoner.
“You must get me out of here. No, no, you HAVE to get me out ot here!” Y/N screamed in despair; her hands trembled. She was wearing a stupid floral dress so…fucking soft.  Her clothes had apparently been taken until she got out of rehab. “Where are my clothes? Where’s MY jacket? I NEED MY JACKET. That’s my lucky jacket!”
Y/N hadn't been the same since they'd been rescued. Everything in her life had been completely destroyed. Her life, her heart, her soul.
The only ones in that room were Natasha and Jules, trying to calm her down since she woke up.
“Y/N, you must listen to me.” Jules tried to explain but the dark haired woman just moved closer to her.  
“Listen to you? I already heard you!” Y/N swallowed, her throat still dry. “This is not fair, I woke up here. I wanna GO!”
“Y/N, you overdosed on cocaine and alcohol! Your heart hardly resists it.” Jules sighed, covering her face to seek the little patience that was left inside her. “The worst you've ever had, the girl who was with you in the hotel room called an ambulance and you almost died. They did CPR on you! YOU DIED!”
“Jules, please.” She licked her lips and took Jules hand, trying to be as sweet and manipulative as she had ever been. “I'll be good, just get me out of here. I'm not going to recover in a place like this… this is hell.”
“They gave you CPR, Y/N! Your heart stopped for a fucking minute, DON'T ASK ME TO UNDERSTAND YOU!” Jules finally exploded, her eyes completely brimming with tears. She removed Y/N's hand and walked away from her.
Natasha was sitting on one of the chairs in the room with nothing to say. She already tried many times to save her friend, over and over again. She talked to Y/N, took her out of the police station three times and the last time Nat saved her ass because Y/N stole drugs from the hospital where Jules worked. Y/N was a complete mess and even though Natasha loved her best friend, she was beginning to think that maybe Jules was being too kind to her cousin.
And Natasha would never abandon a friend, even in her worst moments, but Y/N refused time and time again to receive help, leaving her with no way out.
“Nat, come on. Talk to her.” Y/N sought support from her best friend, approaching to kneel in front of the redhead. “Please, help me here.”
“I think Jules is right.” Nat said with that deep voice, looking out the window. She couldn't even recognize her. “You need help. We tried it...”
“You can't leave me here.” whispered Y/N, completely devastated.
“Y/N, listen to me.” Jules moved closer to her and cupped her face in her hands. Tenderly, she traced the scar on her friend's face.  “You’re the person I have loved the most. You’re… you’re my sister, my everything. But you have to stop doing this to yourself, you're hurting yourself. And I'm tired of losing the people I love, I'm not going to lose you too.”
"Talk to these people, come on, they'll understand.” Y/N tried to convince Jules one more time, taking her hand. Jules was a pushover, with a cute pout and a promise she'd take Y/N home for a few days, and that's it. “You’re my only direct relative.”
“No.” Jules finally said, sticking to her decision for the first time.
“What?” The taller girl frowned.
“No, I won't.” The brunette shook her head.  “I think you should stay here.”
“Jules, it's not time for jokes… I need you to help me with this.”
Natasha just watched them, sighing relaxed when she noticed that her girlfriend finally took the necessary courage to do the best.
“I have done my best to help you.” Jules tried to be strong and for the first time, face the person she loved the most in the world even if it meant earning her hatred.  “I’ve given you everything.”
“Do you think it has been easy?!” Y/N exploded again, screaming in despair. “I'VE LOST EVERYTHING!”
“So did I.” The brown-eyed girl swallowed, keeping her gaze on Y/N's.
“Oh, poor baby Jules, with a comfy house and a wonderful mother. Sure she’s having a bad time!” Y/N yelled at her, changing into a much more volatile temper.  “The only woman who ever cared and loved me DIED!”
Jules clenched her jaw and couldn't stop the tears from finally falling.
“My mother, may she rest in peace… my mother died of sadness while we were lost in the forest. Her heart said enough and I couldn't attend her wake because I was with you in the fucking taiga, hunting blackbirds to eat!” Jules cried, her voice shaking with the anger she was finally able to let out.  “And the only thing I have left is my sister, who only thinks about sinking into cocaine and alcohol! Being so fucking selfish!”
“Oh! Because you’re the good one, right? You’re just a fucking goody two shoes, Jules.” Y/N hissed, completely manipulated by withdrawal. “You've never dirty your hands, have you? Don't look at me as if I'm the disaster in this family…”
Y/N leaned in to whisper under her breath, coming close to her friend's face. “Don't forget that I was in the forest too. I know what you did. You're no better than me.”
Jules swallowed, that had been the worst low blow. "And I'll take that pain with me until I die."
“Okay, enough. Let's go.” Natasha stepped in between them, taking Jules's arm so they could leave.
“Oh, Natasha Romanoff,  knight in shining armor.” Y/N mocked, laughing sarcastically. “You're suddenly so brave, standing up for her after you used her like your whore.”
Sighing deeply, Natasha opened the door for Jules to go out first and then closed it, leaving only them inside.
“I know what drugs withdrawal and anxiety are talking right now, so everything you say to me is not going to affect me. But if it will affect Jules and later you're going to feel like shit because of it.”
Y/N grinned mockingly. “Do you remember when I used to find her crying in the bathroom after practice because you loved fucking girls in her fucking face?”
Natasha shook her head. “Y/N, I love you. You’re my best friend, you have been with me my whole life… We have spent the best and worst moments together… but fuck off.”
The redhead approached Y/N, facing her for the first time without fear.
“A long time ago you told me that…” The russian whispered, getting lost in one of those memories. “You told me to stay away from her because I was going to hurt her, that she was a good girl and I didn't deserve her, and you didn't kick my ass because I was your best friend. We were at the party before the trip...”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, fearless but her hands were still shaking. Suddenly the heat and cold began to hit her body but she didn't say anything, she just kept still.
“Now I say the same to you. Stay away from her… Stay here, get some help. Unlike us, she has a good heart, even after the chaos we experienced there... So stop messing with Jules... or I'll forget you were ever my best friend.” Natasha whispered. For the first time they faced each other, and for the first time Y/N had enough courage to face Natasha.
Y/N narrowed her eyes.  “Oh, you threaten me.”
“Not a threat, Y/N.” The redhead just walked towards the door and left, but not before saying: “Stay and take care of yourself.”
Y/N just lay there, screaming for two whole hours, crying, trying to get away, throwing everything in sight. She ended up curled up between the sheets, sweating cold and praying that all that pain would end soon.
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Y/N swallowed hard as she knocked on the door. Holding that box in her hands, she remained still.
What if they kicked her out? What if Jules hated her and yelled at her? What if Natasha kicked her ass? Well, she could deal with that but not with the emotional consequences that came after it.
Everything was left behind when the door opened, revealing that completely surprised brown-eyed brunette.
“Hi…” Y/N mumbled.
Without waiting even another second, Jules jumped forward to hug Y/N so tight. Closing their eyes, they both let themselves be carried away by that warm feeling of the reunion.
“I’m so sorry.” Jules whispered feeling the tears fall down her face again.
“I'm the one who should apologize to you.” Y/N said once they parted, wiping away her friend's tears. She smiled drying her own tears as well. “Really sorry. You didn't deserve all that. Everything I put you through…it wasn't fair.”
Natasha just watched everything from the hallway, with her arms crossed.
Jules nodded, inviting her inside. “We have a lot to talk about.”
“I brought you this. I remember… they were… your favourites.” Y/N gave her a box of her favorite pastries.
Jules took the patries box and kissed her friend's cheek before walking away to lead her into the kitchen. Not before whispering to her wife: ‘be nice’
“Hey.” Y/N said quite nervously, feeling the stern look of her ex-best friend.
“Hey.” Nat sighed.
Y/N nodded, perhaps with the russian it would be a bit more difficult. And she didn't complain, she was a bitch to both of them and Y/N deserved it. If she wanted to make up things with them, she had to take the slow road.
‘Redemption is a rocky path’.
“I see that... married life is going very well.” Y/N pointed to some pictures in the hallway. Many of them were of Nat and Jules in some very nice places, the beach, honeymoon, some concert, their wedding.
“Yeah... We have been married for three years.”
“You’re really in love with her.” Y/N smiled tenderly.
“Madly.” Nat walked with her into the kitchen, but before entering she stopped Y/N, whispering: “Are you sure you can do this? I don't want her to suffer. She can't afford the stress right now.”
“Why? I mean... Is she… is she pregnant or something?” Y/N was shocked, maybe she was misinterpreting it?
“What? No, I- I don’t think so. We’ve tried but didn’t work… Anyway,  she’s… having too much stress lately.” Natasha said a bit nervously, shaking her head.  “Can you do it this time, yes or no?”
“Yes, this is… this is real.” Y/N nodded quickly.
Natasha felt her soul coming to her body and inhaled deeply, entering the kitchen. The exquisite smell of the coffee awakened all her senses.
“Coffee?” Asked Jules.
“Yes, please.” Y/N smiled kindly, sitting down at the breakfast table. Natasha just stood there, sitting at the kitchen counter.
“I'm really glad to see you, I'm really glad to see  you both happy and well.” Y/N began to say, Jules approached bringing her a coffee cup and some pastries for both, sitting down, ready to listen to what y/n had to say. “I can see that you two love each other very much and that… fills my heart.”
Y/N licked her lips and took courage to continue. Jules just reached out to take her hand, but Natasha kept looking at her like a bird of prey.
“I wanted to start by apologizing to you two.” Y/N lowered her gaze, feeling so guilty.  “I have been a very selfish person all these years, I know we have all suffered a lot but I locked myself in my pain and loss, pushing you away.”
Y/N swallowed, feeling how her voice cracked due to anguish. “Jules, you’re my sister, you always have been. We are cousins but we were raised by the same woman...an amazing woman who broke my heart when she died. I'm sorry for leaving you alone.”
y/n felt the tears fall but she quickly wiped them away with her hand.
“Natasha, you are my best friend, my other part, my sis and my everything.” She tried to be strong and not burst into tears but it was impossible.  “And I have failed you. We have grown together, we have always been the two against the world. I'm sorry for leaving you alone. Especially in the worst and the best moments of your lives... I'm truly sorry.”
Needless to say, both women were struggling not to cry too. Natasha cleared her throat, holding back tears.
“I failed you both, put you through hell and…and I'm so sorry.” Y/N cleared her throat, inhaling deeply to continue speaking.  “I don't expect you to forgive me easily or let me be a part of your lives just like that, just being able to do this is already huge... A big step for me.”
Y/N was silent, noticing that none of them knew what to say. Words were unnecessary, the only thing they could express everything they felt were actions.
Natasha and Jules came up to her and hugged Y/N tightly, embracing her in a warmth that Y/N hadn't felt for a long time. The three of them continued crying hugging each other for a long time, saying everything they felt that way.
The three of them whispered words of support and love, taking their time to find each other. They spent a long time chatting about their lives, Natasha told her that the marriage was going amazingly. Also that they thought about having a child, but gave up when the last attempt a short time ago had been in vain, Jules had a miscarriage after weeks of gestation.
They decided not to try again since with their jobs it was quite difficult. Natasha was promoted to Lieutenant and everything was more difficult, Jules was now one of the best surgeons at the Presbyterian.
Y/N explained everything they experienced in that rehab center. She had met people who helped her a lot, it was good, even though sometimes she felt it was all too overwhelming. Y/N was fighting because this time she wanted to do the right thing and because this time, she had a purpose. But now it's time to tell some truths, although they could broke the bubble in which they were all now.
“B-But I didn't come just because I went out and wanted to apologize… I mean I needed to do it but also… this.” She sighed and took something from her leather jacket, handing it to Natasha. “This was mailed to me two weeks ago.”
Natasha took that postcard in her hands and looked at it curiously. The same postcard with the Canadian Rockies and a huge 'Wish you were here'. Behind the card that red symbol.
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“The fuck is that?” Jules whispered terrified.
Even though she didn't seem too happy to have to, Nat looked up to tell Y/N the truth.  “We got one too.”
“We did? What?” That surprised Jules, who opened her eyes wide in disbelief.
Natasha just nodded and walked towards her briefcase, looking for something. She came back giving their postcard to Y/N.
“You hid that from me?” Jules exclaimed so annoyed, getting up to look at the card.
“Trouble in paradise.” Y/N smiled in amusement.
“Shut up, Y/N.” they both said at once.
“Just kidding.” Y/N just raised their hands in peace.
“I did it because I didn't want to upset you.” Natasha approached her wife, who was quite annoyed with her arms crossed. “It was when we were going through that very…difficult time. Wanda is already upset enough with a journalist who’s asking questions.”
“Wanda got one too?” The mention of Wanda caught Y/N's attention, feeling her heart pound when she heard her name. Just one mention of her and her world fell apart. Jules decided to ignore Nat, just looked at Y/N and drank some coffee.
“I don't know... She didn't say anything about the postcard.” Natasha sighed.  “So... What do you think?”
Y/N shrugged.  “I've been asking myself these weeks… What does the person who sent these postcards want?”
“To scare us, to mess with our heads, make us think about... what happened out there.” Nat swallowed, they seemed quite distressed at the memory. The things that happened in that place were terrible.
Y/N clears her throat. “It's obviously a threat.”
“Who's Christine Everhart?” Jules asked taking one of the cards Nat pulled out of her wallet.
“That’s the one… She claims to be a reporter, but I think that's a lie.”  The redhead drank some coffee, showing both of them what she got from investigating that woman.  
“Yes, I heard that a journalist wanted to interview me at the reha center but was denied. She's been nosing around.”
“She claims she has a book deal, but... Well, how could she know about...?” Natasha took the postcard and pointed to the symbol. “You know.”
“Maybe somebody talked.”  Y/N murmured something thoughtful. But who? who among those who had managed to survive could have spoken? Not many would be happy to tell what they did in that place. 
“I don’t know. But no one can know what we did.” Jules said and the three looked at each other. 
Y/N sighed and took both postcards.  “We should investigate this further, but I think someone is out to screw us over.”
Staring at that landscape, the mountains, the lake and the huge conifers. Y/N felt a chill remembering one of the best and worst moments of her life.
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Sighing deeply, Y/N shifted in her seat but the terrifying screams woke her from sleep. Y/N opened her eyes to find a heartbreaking image that would haunt her for life.
ㅤㅤ Her eyes widened as her body jerked from the extreme turbulence the plane was having. The backpacks and their belongings began to fall, terrifying all the girls even more.
“The Lord is my shepherd, and even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death...” One of the girls prayed constantly, as if that would save her.
Beside her, Natasha was deeply asleep. Perhaps because she took one of the sleeping pills that she also gave Y/N hours ago.
“Nat, Nat…”  She shook Natasha to wake her up, also putting on her the emergency oxygen mask. “NATASHA WAKE UP!”
A shuddering beep indicated that the plane was falling, Natasha finally woke up and clung to the seat. Y/N watched as Jules and Daisy cried and clutched at each other, leaning in and preparing for the crash landing. Wanda and Pietro, with their masks too, expecting the worst.
ㅤㅤ Y/N tried to be brave or maybe because she was in shock, her heart was pounding, eyes wide open, her pupils dilated.
The door flung open and one of the girls in the aisle flew out of the plane, making many to scream in terror.
Another tried to get up but fell rolling down the aisle hitting the beverage cart, passing out. She couldn't get up and those who tried to help her couldn't either.
The beeps, the lights, the screams.
Y/N took Natasha’s hand and squeezed it, closing her eyes and expecting the worst.
Wanda finally opened the window to see, feeling her stomach drop at the sight of the tops of the huge trees. The taiga that surrounded that place gave her chills. She felt like she was short of breath, panic was choking her. The heart was beating so hard that Wanda thought it would finally stop and allow her to rest, to die of fear.
The sokovian screamed in fear, noticing how the plane was getting closer to the ground. Counting down the seconds before it finally crashed. She looked at Pietro who just squeezed her hand and closed his eyes, whispering words in Sokovian.  He was as terrified as she was.
And the plane finally crash-landed hitting some trees, a horrible screeching sound, everything went black.
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Okay, let's go little by little. Soon we will see more of the woods. Well, slowly verything is settling down.
There's more stuff coming, and more about the young Yellowjackets. Remember that this will not be 100% the same as the tv show, I want to make it interesting and not boring.
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ @kaiidth-wandika @yourfavunsub @pawiie @fanboy7794 @sunsol-22 @scarlettbitchx @arcturusseer @imnotasuperhero @chtte @lesbians-in-outer-space @starry-night17
Thank you for reading me, guys. 🐻
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treacheryinblue · 13 days
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Chapter 1/?
× Elysium (noun) : a place or condition of ideal happiness. type of: fictitious place, imaginary place, mythical place.
Word Count: 4.1k
An introduction of sorts.
A Noah Sebastian x OC Series
× Summary: Noah and his new found (sort of) friend, Persephone, battle the trivial ins and outs of being teenagers in a world that doesn't accept you. They survive together all the way into adulthood - with bouts of loneliness included - where the world is still a fickle bitch.
× Warnings!: language, violence, slowburn, friends to lovers to enemies back to friends, rinse and repeat (not even in that order), eventual smut, sexual themes, etc. Each chapter will have its own set of separate warnings.
× Author Notes: ( 1 ) Any time within the story before 2016, Persephone is still a minor, therefor sexual mentions will be kept brief and to a minimum. Nothing crude will be mentioned in a descriptive manner until she is 18+ in the story. ( 2 ) Piggybacking off of that, Noah is only two years older than her. ( 3 ) Since most personal facts about the guys are not widely known, I will be adding my own background info to them, as well as switching up/deleting real life facts we may already be aware of.
× Chapter Warnings!: language, brief sexual themes
Summers in Virginia could be brutal, but this one in particular felt especially heinous. The sun was a vile orb that beat down on her skin, leaving it hot to the touch and also faintly shining with perspiration. Typically she loved the sun and the way it would make her feel, but today? Well, not so much. Despite this, she tried her best to ignore her own minuscule issues and instead focus on the words being spoken to not only her, but also the friends she surrounded herself with. They all sat around one of the outside tables at Ruffilo’s, a casual diner-like restaurant they enjoyed frequenting in the afternoons. The food was decent, and it was also one of the only establishments that wouldn't kick out teenagers who lingered too long. 
“Seph? Earth to, Seph! Come in, Seph!”
“Huh?” She was quick to snap out of her little daze, her head turning towards the voice echoing her name. Maisie Linwood, her best friend since first grade, stared back at her with an arched brow and an annoyed expression. One thing to know about Maisie, she could out bitch anyone with just a cut of her eyes. Persephone figured that's probably who she picked up the same habit from years ago. 
“Sorry, it's just really hot out here.” A hand was then shoved into her now empty glass to retrieve a piece of ice, that of which she began to drag along the back of her neck. 
Ahhh, yes, that was nice. 
“Okay, well, I need you to, like, be here with us. We're trying to figure out the details of Mason’s birthday.” 
Mason being Maisie’s twin brother, and this was quite obvious when you were to look at them. Same eyes, same nose, same little beauty mark right off to the side of their cheek. Same godforsaken ‘better than thou’ attitude. And yes, they were fully aware of how horrible being named Maise and Mason was. 
“Oh, right, I won't be able to go. I told you that. My parents are making me go with them to the lake that weekend.” 
The ice continued to drag along her overheated skin, now shifting to the front of her neck and down her chest. Could she at least get a breeze or something? Fuck.
“Or…you can tell them you don't want to and then we can have the party at your place.” Maisie challenged with a smug smirk, as if daring anyone to tell her otherwise. “Your house does have the best pool.” 
There it was. Maisie’s way of getting the things she wanted by catering to people’s egos. She wanted to say that it never worked on her, but then she would be lying. 
“What the fuck are you staring at, freak? Are you seriously checkin’ out my girl?” 
Thankfully, the topic was abruptly changed by Mason’s sudden outburst of anger. By the way, she was dating Mason. Kind of. It wasn't technically official…but whatever. Honestly, she didn't care one way or the other. 
“I…uh…no! I was just-”
Seph squinted from the bright glare of the sun off the side of the restaurant when she turned to see what all the fuss was about. She could make out the tall figure of the guy who had been serving them, a dumbfounded look currently overtaking his narrow features. It seemed as if she wasn't the only one surprised by Mason’s show of aggression. 
“Wait, what's happening?” She sat forward a bit, a hand lifting to shield over her eyes to get a better look at the commotion. Mason was now standing a couple of feet from the guy, obviously ready to go if the moment called for it. Seph could only heavily sigh, eyes rolling at his embarrassing and rather annoying reaction to…whatever had happened. That was something she still hadn't caught. 
“Scrawny little freak here was just staring at you, Seph. Watching you with that fucking ice!”
Ah, so that's what the problem was? Seriously? 
“I was just coming out to get the glass for a refill…” he tried to defend, but there was no knocking any sense into Mason when he got started. Just another trait him and Maisie shared, and one that she truly disliked. 
“Leave him alone, Mason. Can you just let him do his job?” 
Her intrusion of the conversation had given the guy a spare moment to scurry away, jaw clenched and head shaking as he did. She felt bad for him because she knew how aggravating it could be to be on the receiving end of Mason’s teenage rage, even more so when it came to his possessive nature over something that wasn't his. 
“You're really going to defend him, Seph?” 
Mason was now looking at her, hands thrown out to his sides in a stance of disbelief. She merely shrugged, giving him a ‘who cares?’ look before settling back in her seat. It didn't seem as if he was as capable of dropping the topic as she was, so he continued to stand there…just staring in anger. She could almost see the fumes radiating off his head like he was a furious little cartoon character. 
With a heavy sigh, Seph snatched her glass from the table and stood up, free hand simultaneously adjusting the hem of her shorts. “I'm going to get my refill and no, I don't need your help.” She spat at Mason, earning a scoff from Maisie and another girl within their friend group. It didn't bother her in the slightest. 
Inside Ruffilo’s was at least twenty degrees cooler, and it felt so nice that she actually sighed in relief. The lack of sun now beating down on her had given her the opportunity to clear the haze from her mind and really take note of the situation. She realized that she recognized the guy as she approached the counter…but from where? With his back to her, Seph began to silently rack her brain. He was talking in hushed tones to another guy that appeared to be about the same age, but shorter and with darker hair. Something was telling her that it was his family who owned the restaurant, though she wasn’t entirely sure as to how she knew that. 
The shorter guy looked at her from over the other guy’s shoulder, quickly nodding in her direction to signal her presence to him. As he turned, she adjusted her attention and their eyes locked with ease. 
“Hey…” she softly spoke, a slight smile pulling at her lips. “I'm sorry about Mason…he can be a real dick sometimes.” 
“Yeah…I kind of gathered that.”
Seph slowly nodded, unsure of what to say now. She tore her gaze from his, allowing it to fall down to the glass she still held. Did she even want a refill? Or had this been some ploy against herself to give the guy an apology? 
The clearing of his throat garnered her attention again, and she looked up just in time to see him motioning towards the glass. “Did you want a refill?” 
Once more nodding, she pulled the straw from the glass before extending it out to him. Her arms crossed over her chest now, the end of the straw being held to her lips for her to absentmindedly chew on as she waited. Seph could feel eyes on her, the weight of them rather obvious. Glancing up, she noticed the other guy eying her, as if trying to size her up. 
Where did she know them from? 
Then, like a light switch being turned on, it finally clicked. 
“Noah,” she pointed the end of her straw to the taller guy, nodding. “We used to go to school together, right?” 
It was all finally starting to come back to her. She knew she had recognized him from somewhere, though putting her finger on it took longer than she would've thought. Seph had left their public high school after freshmen year, her parents instead deciding to enroll her into a new private school that had been built. ‘It’s where all your friends will be going' they tried to explain to her, like she really needed convincing when she knew she didn't have a choice in the matter to begin with. 
“Uh, yeah, I think I was a year ahead of you.”
Noah nodded as he passed her now full glass of water back her way, fresh ice included. He opened his mouth to say something else, but was quickly cut off by the other guy. 
“Two years…we were two years ahead of her.” 
“Dude…” Noah sighed, giving his friend a look that she wasn't quite sure how to explain. 
Persephone softly chuckled, brows raised while looking back and forth between the two guys. As much as she wanted to stand there within the air conditioning, watching the two of them bicker, she knew she couldn't linger for much longer. It was only a matter of time before one of her friends came looking for her and the last thing she wanted was for another scene to break out. 
“Okay, well, I'm going to go and leave you guys to it.” She took a sip from her water, though her smile lingered. “Sorry again about…”
Noah shook his head, waving it off in a nonchalant manner. “Dicks will forever be dicks.” 
“I'll see you around, yeah?” After taking a couple of steps backwards, Seph then turned on her heel to make a beeline for the side door she had previously entered from. 
“I'm Nick, by the way!” 
Another laugh easily flowed from her, a hand lifting to wave back. “Bye, Nick!”
“Persephone Hill, Noah? Really?” 
“Dude, she's like fucking royalty of Richmond. Her dad is some big real estate guy, owns half the buildings on this street alone.” 
“And?” Noah looked to his best friend after having passed a receipt to another patron of the restaurant and wishing them a good day. “Just because her dad is some big shot, that means I can't talk to her?” 
“No, but it does mean you can't fucking ogle her goodies out in public.” 
He grimaced at Nick’s choice of words but tried his best to laugh it off, head shaking. “I wasn't…doing that!” Noah tossed the balled up unwanted receipt at Nick with enough force that it hit him square in the forehead, but bounced off to roll along the floor. “Who the hell says it like that anyway?”
Okay, maybe he had been doing that. Who could blame him, though? He took in a sharp breath as he tried to think of anything but the way the melted ice had dripped down her neck, getting lost behind her tank top as it slid into her cleavage. Fuck. Noah did a discreet tug of his jeans when the memory caused a stirring within, instead opting to focus on the hot plates of food that were being slid his way for distribution to tables. 
“I'm just saying, okay? My dad had done business with him a couple of years back and said he's a major asshole. Never say I didn't warn you.” 
“You look like you could use a sugar rush.”
A set of long fingers set down a stereotypical milkshake glass in front of her, the contents of it a deep pink color. Her brows furrowed in slight confusion for a split second, before she finally looked up to see Noah standing there. He appeared to be just as tired as she felt, though she decided to not call him out for it. Instead, she offered a slight smile of appreciation. 
“How could you tell?” She joked while ripping the paper from the straw before shoving it into the milkshake. “And how did you know strawberry was my favorite?” 
“Well, you see…” he rubbed at the back of his neck after glancing at where Nick stood behind the counter. “Nick used all the chocolate syrup earlier for some little kids, so I couldn't do chocolate. Vanilla seemed too basic, which left strawberry as the only option. I guess you could say…I just got lucky?” 
Seph gave him a single thumbs up, her mouth now occupied with the sugary treat she was happily sipping. “This might just be the pick-me-up I needed to get through this work, so thanks.” 
“Yeah, I thought it was kind of late for you to be here.” 
“Shit, sorry. Are you guys about to close? I can totally pack things up if so.” She licked over her lips to rid them of any milkshake remnants before she began to reach for her things. Noah held his hands out, motioning for her to stop, chuckling to himself as he did. 
“You're good, you're good. I promise. Still got about an hour.”
That was when Nick came sauntering over, a basket of fries in his hand that he was digging through. He leaned against the side of the booth, bright eyes glancing back and forth between herself and Noah. 
“It typically dies down around eight on weekdays, so there isn't shit to do for a bit.” Nick then nodded towards the math equations she had written out on her notebook, still chomping away at his fries. “Calculus? Wouldn't a library be better for homework?” 
Noah sighed, an elbow angling out just a bit to nudge at his friend. Again the two shared a silent look, almost like they were having a conversation within their minds that she wasn't privy to. 
“You would think, but the private rooms are always booked and most people don't know that you're supposed to be quiet in libraries. Shocking, right?” 
“I bet your house has a grand ol' study area.”
What was Nick getting at? She couldn't really tell if he was genuinely asking or if he was somehow mocking her in his own sly way. Considering Noah's silence, Seph was going to assume it was the latter. 
“Uh…” her hands rubbed along the top of her thighs, eyes glancing along her math work that was all beginning to jumble together. “It's too quiet there…makes it just as hard to focus.”
Also, the change of scenery was nice. She was tired of seeing the same walls everyday in her house, and trying to study at any of her friends’ homes would've been just as impossible.  They would've become too distracted with gossip and mindless chatter. 
“Hey, Nick,” she began as the end of her pencil lightly tapped against her notebook. “Can I get an order of fries too? Thanks.” If he wanted to throw a bit of mockery her way, then she would gladly do the same with her own style of attitude. The bittersweet kind where she was smiling, but her words held a slight hint of venom. Nick paused, his chewing beginning to slow as they merely stared at one another. Without another word, he nodded, and then went off to get her order prepared. 
“He's sensitive, you know,” Noah joked, pointing in the direction his friend had wandered off. 
“Oh, I'm sure he can manage to get what he gives.” 
Persephone adjusted the pencil in her hand, now beginning to continue her work. She didn't know why she was even attempting to because there was no way she’d be able to focus. Her attention span had run out at least an hour ago, and not even a strawberry milkshake could bring it back. As she pretended to work, Noah was doing the same. He began to clean the tables in her surrounding area, his lanky tattooed arms drawing her attention in ways she never thought possible. Seph remained silent, though she found herself watching him. Why? She had no idea. Noah was far from her type, or at least what she assumed her type was, but it wasn't like she was interested to begin with. Maybe he would make a decent friendly acquaintance — someone she could say ‘hi’ to on the street in passing. 
“Did those hurt?” Seph motioned with her pencil to his arm, his tattoos being the topic of her curiosity. 
Noah glanced to the limb, his shoulders shrugging nonchalantly. “Nah, not too bad. Nothing I wouldn't be able to handle again.” 
She slowly nodded, the end of her pencil now tucked between her teeth. She continued to allow her gaze to travel along the designs before taking in a deep breath and lowering her attention back down to her dreaded calculus. Ugh, this was almost like she was torturing herself. 
“Do you have any?”
“Hm?” Seph glanced up through her lashes at him. 
“Tattoos. Do you have any?” 
This inquiry caused her to snort out a laugh, now fully looking across at Noah in disbelief. He must not know anything about her family, and she was actually thankful for this. It was so annoying to have to talk to people who thought they already knew everything about you, when really, they knew nothing. 
“No,” she finally replied, shaking her head. “My parents are very old school. They said that my body is a temple and if I desecrate it in any way then I'm not allowed my trust fund or inheritance.” 
“Well…shit. That's brutal.” 
Persephone shrugged, the notebook before her now being closed since she figured she wasn't going to be getting any more work done. Not that she was complaining. “Yeah, it's a little fucked. I mean, my mom won't even let me have more than two holes in my ears.” 
“Sounds like some high standards to live up to.”
Noah's words caught her a little off guard. Her lips pursed as she carefully slipped her belongings into her bag, situating everything just right so they'd sit correctly. She didn't say anything in regards to the statement, mostly because she wasn't sure how to respond, but also because Nick had dropped the basket of fries in front of her. Persephone flashed him a wide grin, her fingers picking up one of the crispy fries to bite the end off. 
“You're a peach, truly.” 
This was not how he saw the night going. It had been change up after change up, until his plans had been ruined and he was forced to work another shift at Ruffilo’s. He didn't complain, though, at least not to anyone but himself. The last thing he wanted was to seem ungrateful for what Nick’s family had done for him, and what they continued to do everyday. He knew you'd never find another family as giving as Nick’s, so he did all he could to help them out, even if it meant canceling his plans. Nick offered to work with him, but Noah refused. It wasn't going to be busy since they didn't serve alcohol, so with it being Independence Day, the majority of Richmond would be out at the fireworks and then partying with a beer. Just as their forefathers would've wanted. 
And just as he had predicted, it was dead by seven that night. Fireworks started around eight, waiting just long enough for the sky to get mostly dark. Noah could see the flashes of light from over the buildings, which he stood and stared at for much longer than anticipated. There was a pressure building within his chest, though. He could feel his hands becoming clammy and the rapid beating of his heart picking up more and more. He had to force himself to look away from the fireworks and start doing something else — anything to occupy his mind. Ever since the accident, bright lights and loud noises had been a trigger for him. He was working through it with his therapist weekly, but the progression was slow. Much slower than he would've liked. 
Phone in hand, Noah stood in the kitchen of the restaurant, now mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. It helped calm his mind to see senseless things that people posted on their socials, and the things he was interested in, did well as a distraction. There was one distraction in particular he hadn't seen coming, though. Only a day or so previous, Persephone had insisted they follow each other. She had thousands of followers, while he only had a couple hundred, so he figured it was no big deal. Maybe she liked having a huge audience studying and judging her social life. But because of their mutual following, he was now graced with her presence on his Instagram timeline. 
Noah swallowed as he came across the picture. She appeared happy, wearing a wide smile that took up most of her face, clad in the typical red, white, and blue colors for this particular holiday. In her hands, she held sparklers, both of which were situated up towards the sky with the pose she took in front of a pool. Others were seen behind her, one of which he recognized as Mason, the asshole from before. This was when Noah closed out of the app, his phone then being tucked away in his back pocket. 
The next couple of hours went by rather slowly. He had maybe three patrons come in, but none that lingered for longer than necessary. Still, he took his time cleaning up and closing, even opting to tell the cook he could leave and he’d finish up. Nick had called him a couple of times, the voices of their friends obvious in the background, and he of course promised to drop by once he was off. Despite this, he didn't rush. After his near panic attack earlier, Noah just wanted to go home and lay in bed. 
Unfortunately, he would have to wait a bit longer before being able to. 
It was nearly eleven when he heard knocking on the front door of the restaurant. All the lights were off except those over the kitchen, so he had no idea why someone would think they were open. Did that stop him from poking his head out to see who it was? No. And this is why people die in horror movies. He was a walking cliché. 
There was another knock, this one slightly louder than the last. Heavily sighing, Noah took a couple of slow steps towards the kitchen opening that led out into the main area, his upper body leaning over just enough for him to see straight forward. Standing outside was a rather familiar shape, the white dress being the first thing that caught his eye. He remembered it from his Instagram scroll hours prior. 
Noah rushed towards the front and wasted no time in unlocking the door for her, which he then held open. In walked the young blonde, her arms hugging herself. She no longer wore the smile from the picture earlier, but instead her cheeks were stained with glittery tears due to the festive makeup she had applied. 
“Shit, Noah, I'm sorry. I- I didn't know where else to go or who I could talk to and I just- I saw your car and-”
Shaking his head, he placed his hands on her shoulders in an attempt to soothe and calm her ramblings. She tried a deep breath, but the hiccups from her tears prevented her from fully doing so. 
“Hey, no, it's okay. What's wrong? What happened?” 
The fact that Persephone had come to him was shocking, to say the least. Were they friends? He wasn't sure if he would label them as such, but maybe it was different for her. They did have long conversations every time she came to the diner, which just so happened to be picking up in frequency ever since the ice incident. 
“Mason and I…we got into a fight…” she sniffed, further fighting back her tears just so she could properly breathe. 
What was it about this asshole type that girls seemed to flock to? He would never understand it. 
“He, um…he was just really mean, yeah? He blew up at me…caused this huge scene in front of everyone. It was so fucking embarrassing.” 
Noah could tell she was holding something back, but he wasn't going to pry. If Seph didn't want to tell him the full story, then she didn't have to. Either way, he would be there for her as much as she would allow. 
Nodding, his thumbs rubbed slowly along the bare skin of her shoulders that he still grasped. He eventually led her to a booth and brought her a glass of water, giving her as much time as she needed to gather herself. Although he wanted to know what actually happened, he knew this wasn't the time for it. 
“Are you okay?” Noah finally asked after a few minutes. Her tears had ceased, but he noticed how she was still absentmindedly scratching at the side of her thigh. He knew an anxiety tick when he saw one. After all, he had plenty of his own. 
Without answering, Seph finally looked at him. “Would you be able to take me home? Please?”
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animeyanderelover · 1 month
Anon: Could I please request yandere headcannons for: gokudera, yamamoto, spanner, dr shamal, basil, ryohei, dino, hibari, haru and squalo from khr?
Yandere Katekyo Hitman Reborn Hc's
Miura Haru
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👘​There is no chance in heaven nor hell that people won't know about Haru's feelings for you because she is anything but discreet about how much she loves you. She is openly declaring how much her heart is pounding whenever she sees you and she often awakes the impression that she is retelling a love poem whenever you are around as she confesses every sappy thought she has in her mind. Haru is very obsessive because she is very firm in her decision that she will be your future wife so she is already busily memorizing everything she can about you. This may already be a tad bit disturbing as it is although it could still be trivialised as her just being very attentive when it comes to you. The attentiveness probably stops when you realise that she has even memorized where you walk as soon as you leave the house and at which times you are most likely to go out to buy some groceries.
👘​The innocent-looking cinnamon roll takes it with her observations maybe just a tad bit too far as she essentially stalks you and lies in wait for you to turn up. She would like to see her behavior as dedication to the person she loves most in the world. Can you not understand her desire to spend time with you? You wouldn't think about sending her away after she has waited for you here all this time, right? Haru is extremely single-minded in her pursuit and this makes her very delusional and dismissive if you should ever try to explain to her that she couldn't be more wrong with her assumptions. Instead you will only hurt her feelings. Whilst she would never be truly angry with you, when you see the tears bubbling up in her eyes you can't help feeling like you are the bad guy. Since Haru won't even hold her emotions back when in public, everything is made even more complicated because the last thing you want is making her cry whilst others are watching.
👘​Haru gets quite easily jealous but it is at the same time also quite easy to de-escalate her emotions if you explain to her who the person is or if you simply involve her in the discussion. Her social attitude will solve the rest and by the end of the conversation she has probably made a new friend. That is if you actually notice that she is watching because otherwise things can take a more interesting turn. Haru has a very lively imagination to the point where she feels like she is witnessing a scandal in the making whenever you converse with someone she does not know and don't introduce that person to her afterwards. For whatever reason instead of simply asking you about it, she comes up with the most complex solution of stalking you and the other person in one of her questionable outfits she chose to blend in mission failed as she follows you two around. Safe to say, you have spotted her every single time and managed to untangle the misunderstanding which quickly lifts her mood.
👘​Whilst Haru could always take the easy route of asking Tsuna for help who just happens to be the head of the mafia, she likes to take matters into her own hands. As kind and caring as she is, she can be very assertive if she wants to be and can whop someone's ass verbally if they should have wronged you. Her persistence and stubbornness are her finest weapons and she can very likely wear someone down by remaining so single-minded as she can use her stalking tendencies to find out where someone lives if she is upset enough with them. In situations where more caution would be adviced you better stop her because she doesn't seem to work with a rational mindset at times when she tries to solve even such problems for you by dressing up as a samurai or another fitting costume in her arsenal to defend you. Asking her friends for help is a last resort, especially since they are real mafioso.
👘​She has already envisioned it all. From the house you two will buy to the colour you paint the walls with the every single furniture you're going to have in your shared home. She has even started practicing to cook your favorite meals to be able to make you really happy as soon as the both of you live together. Don't even try to shatter her dreams unless you want to summon her tears. It isn't like Haru would actually ever kidnap you because she does not have the heart to do so. She would never hurt your feelings like that. At the same time she is so painfully optimistic and delusional about the matter. She is saving up money already to buy the house of her dreams and she is even telling all the people around her very excitedly about her visions. You just have a hard time ruining her her dreams because whilst she would probably accept your decision, she would never recover from her crushed dreams and hopes.
👘​Haru is very clingy and since she is always waiting for you to turn up to have the chance to spend as much time with you as she possibly can, it is quite hard to shake her off. She already has a "Haru Appreciation Day" and you get an appreciation day once a month too. It is a day where she is going to be even more affectionate and will spoil you even more than she normally does already and it is very likely that she will very soon make one to celebrate the fact that you two are a couple as well. She has a fascination with cosplaying and costumes already so she will 100% want you two to wear matching outfits or cosplay as fictional couples. She's even sewing you shirts with embroidery stating that you are her lover and she gets sad if you don't wear what she has sewn you. She doesn't understand your uncomfortableness with wearing something that has such cheesy words written on it.
Gokudera Hayato
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🧨Above all else, Gokudera will be the most loyal simp you have ever seen in your entire life. He is infatuated with you to the point where he can even justify some stuff that normally should demand an apology from you as he likes to think that you are a good person through and through and that it's the fault of the people around you for triggering you. Whilst he can be a tad bit delusional with this particular way of thinking, he won't let everything you do just slide like this because even he can recognize if you were clearly in the wrong in a certain situation but even then he will probably go easy on you. Hayato, even if he likes to let you off the hook easy with his mindset, is up to a certain point still more aware of his obsession that is rapidly evolving and funnily enough he is a tad bit embarrassed about it initially. That is only a short phase though before he throws all worries out of the window and just dedicates himself to you.
🧨His dedication can go indeed quite far as he does some good research on you because even if he has quite a bit of a temper, Gokudera is also awfully smart and methodical. That naturally includes that he literally notes down the habits and preferences he is able to figure out by observing you and he will even go as far as casually stalking you, although he is smart enough to not let himself get caught. There is a possessive streak he has and he likes to express that often because of his hot-tempered nature. He has sworn loyalty and dedication to you after all even if you never asked for it and due to this oath he has made he tends to be more arrogant as well as very protective. After all none of the other people you waste your time with would know as much about you as he does not would they be willing to go as far for you as he would. If you don't see that yet, he will gladly prove himself to you.
🧨His explosive temper is going to be quite difficult to handle as he is almost always irritable and hostile to the people around you. It is because he has promised himself that he would be the one to love and protect you best that he gets even more frustrated and angry whenever someone else thinks they're the shit and can do what he can obviously do better. If his patience snaps he will beat someone up and that without much consideration or regret. Hayato is still lucid enough to realise that you probably wouldn't appreciate him beating someone up in front of you so he tries to not get physically violent if you are around, although he certainly can't hold back all of his jealousy as he instead vents out his frustration through his words. He can always beat them up later when you aren't around. Everyone who tries to charm you and protect you is his rival but he will most certainly fight for his spot for you to want him as your lover and protector.
🧨I believe the most evident sign of his sheer dedication and willingness to really uphold his oath of protecting you from all harm is shown in the almost jarring difference in his attitude when he is presented with no other choice but murdering someone. His jealous and violent behavior, as immature and harming it can be, is still a mere child's play. Even Gokudera knows about the weight of killing someone and that hasn't changed even if he is the Storm Guardian of the current mafia generation. Taking someone's life is a serious matter and for that reason he will take it just as serious as well. Instead of impulsively storming to his victim and killing them, he is far more methodical and meticulous with his plans. Depending on whom it is he sees the need to murder he either only uses his dynamite to set a trap or uses his Box Weapon. If he is going to murder someone in cold blood, he will do it properly and not play around.
🧨He will most likely show enough understanding that an abduction might be a bit more extreme but at the same time he is a part of the Vongola Family. He knows very well that the life he has chosen is not safe and that is why he tends to be very overprotective and in urgent situations even controlling as he then wants you to listen to every instruction he gives you. There is this bad reputation clinging to the mafia so Hayato greatly hesitates to even inform you about his occupation. A scenario where you get kidnapped by him is usually one where he finds himself in a desperate situation that could either include the danger of your own life or the danger of the relationship. Whilst it will be more of a spontanous decision, Gokudera still somehow manages to squeeze in a plan as he has to act swiftly, especially if your life is indeed in danger due to another gang targeting you. He knows that it'll be confusing and frightening but he is begging you for a chance to listen to him at least.
🧨Despite the bad boy image that Hayato is often cultivating, he gets surprisingly easily flustered whenever you pay any attention to him. He always becomes hyper-aware of every twitch of his lips and tries his best to not embarrass himself. Instead he's always trying to use the chance to look cool and impress you so if someone else steals your attention away whilst he is in the middle of attempting to amaze you, his jealousy quickly returns. You will be the sweetest thing to him with every small affection that you give him because he will always turn a bit red in his face. His tough appearance melts when he is around you and specifically if he is alone with you because then he can truly dedicate all of his attention and focus to you instead of getting triggered by the people around you. As soft as he can be with you though, Hayato is very serious and will enforce decisions on you if he should ever suspect your life to be at risk.
Yamamoto Takeshi
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💧​Yamamoto is terribly oblivious as he will probably remain forever ignorant of his obsessive feelings. This is after all the same boy who has been treating the whole mafia affair as some sort of role play and even as he grows older and matures more, you can not hope him to ever consider his love as something that could potentially be a tad bit dangerous. At least you are lucky enough though that Yamamoto is such an easy-going and relaxed guy who isn't very possessive nor is he really controlling. What he will be though is protective and I can definitely see this as a trait that will amplify as the years go by and he gains more knowledge and especially more battle experience as the Rain Guardian of Tsuna. After all he can be as relaxed in battle and with his overall life only as long as no one he cares about greatly is brought in danger because of it. He learns that it isn't all fun and games to him the moment you are in danger.
💧​Even if you were to somehow know of his obsession with you, you will have a very hard time convincing others of it and chances are that even you will have troubles believing it. It is Takeshi's very personality that makes it so hard to accept and believe it. He is kind and warm-hearted and he has a very special ability to get on friendly terms with most people he engages with. This will mean that you will be in troubles if you would try to avoid him because not only is he going to charm most of your acquaintances and friends anyways but they will most likely pick his side and would think that you are in the wrong. If Yamamoto wouldn't be such a good and kind individual, he would be a frighteningly good manipulator so just be thankful that he is always so painfully sincere with every gesture and word of his. That doesn't mean that you will be able to avoid him if you choose to do so though as even your own friends might try to help Takeshi.
💧​Differently from Hayato, Yamamoto will showcase a great amount of patience and respect with most people you engage with. His own willingness to befriend the people you hang around with regularly only aids in this as this means that he is already familiar with most people around you anyways. Even if he were to feel jealous it is not like he is going to make a big drama about it but is going to handle the situation maturely. If he doesn't know someone yet and he gets uncomfortable with the way they behave around you, he will tell you so whilst also asking who that was. He's just informing you whenever someone has made him slightly uncomfortable with the way they are behaving around you and he will tell the other person about it just as much. It is all fine though but only as long as he can expect the same level of respect and maturity from the other person. If they instead choose to act immature, Yamamoto will make sure to keep them away from you.
💧​Usually known as a peacekeeper, Takeshi is fully capable of acting accordingly if a situation should turn dire and that is easier if you are involved than if it would be only him. He is able to maintain a level of calmness in combat but he tends to be more frantic and panicked if you should get involved which is why he takes according preparation to ensure that you won't get involved and will be used as a distraction against him. He has a code of honor though as he doesn't walk around and beats everyone up who gets on his nerves nor does he stain his sword in needless blood. He only ever draws his sword in a dire situation. Whilst he is considerate enough to give someone a warning if they should slowly get on his bad side, the fun has already stopped for him there. All signs of a warm smile on his face are already gone at that point and instead there is this serious and almost somber aura around him that makes the air heavy. Don't underestimate him, although be reassured that at least he will give his victims a swift death.
💧​Despite the existing obliviousness that he has when it comes to the ability to recognise his own wrong feelings for you, Takeshi also draws a line he tries to not tresspass under normal circumstances. Next to the act of taking a life, the act of abducting his darling is also something he normally wouldn't dare to do. His position as the Storm Guardian may be one filled with more risks and danger but he also makes sure to enable you to live a normal life. I don't really see him permanently abducting you but he will take certain meassurements for your safety if the situation calls for it. That can include relocating you to a safer and better guarded and protected place and restricting your ability to walk freely and alone around for an unknown period of time. Those conditions are never something permanent though as they only last as long as the situation is still grave.
💧​His good-natured personality might to more harm for you than it can do good for you at times because you somehow always end up being blamed for misunderstanding the situation if you truly try to avoid him or just aren't interested in him as he ends up stealing the hearts of all the people around you. Almost chivalrous in his courting, Takeshi is also unable to be stopped in his attempts to woo you. His determination is overflowing and he never gives up his hopes no matter how much you try to tell him that you aren't interested. Even if he may be considerate enough to back off and stop, you can always sense that he is waiting for the next chance. He often invites you over to the sushi bar his father owns and ends up preparing you sushi for free, even if you insist on paying.
Sasagawa Ryohei
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👊​As someone who lives by the motto of living to the extreme, you can probably already imagine how Ryohei is. He gives 120% all of the time and that naturally includes his behavior around you. Ryohei dabbles into the full-blown delusional area of his obsession. You are his passion, his heart is set on fire whenever he sees you and all the potentially worrying behavior he starts exhibiting due to his feelings all fly over his head as he can easily dismiss them as acts of his passion for you. You think that it is quite creepy that he is always insisting on following you around wherever you go to the point where he even sprints to you if you try to leave earlier in order to be freed from his company? You're being silly, he just wants to make sure that he can protect you if something should happen. A particular focus of his seems to be his fixation on thinking that it is his job to protect you since he is your boyfriend.
👊​His delusional streak makes the normally already obstinate boy even more sturdy as every rejection coming from you flies over his head to the point where he even forgets that you ever had the conversation with him in the first place. Whilst he is at least not that bad to the point where he literally misunderstands everything from you as a sign of your secret feelings for him, he is still quite good in erasing everything "inconvenient" from his mind. Did I mention that he is clingy? He has to be involved in your life as much as he can and he does so even if he ends up making you a tad bit more uncomfortable by inserting himself arguably more forceful into your daily routine. If he doesn't do exactly that, he in fact can get quite twitchy as he doesn't really like not being up to date and actively involved in your life for a longer amount of time.
👊​Bring. It. On. Jealousy from Ryohei's side can very quickly activate his competitive nature where he sees every provocation from someone else as a challenge and since it really isn't his personality to back away from a fight, he will accept the challenge that probably only exists in his own mind. It isn't even out of character for him to actually ask someone if they would fight him in a boxing match. He really doesn't think such things through and he is quite fine with that as he is always ready for a fight and that eagerness is especially triggered if he finds a "rival" he has to compete against. The problem here is thst Ryohei is exceptionally quick to feel jealous, don't underestimate how passionate his feelings for you actually are. Chances are due to this that someone gets involved who isn't even interested in you and Ryohei insists on a fight because if someone isn't even couragous enough to face him, they are not worthy of you.
👊​His willingness to battle even extends to more life-threatening fights where his own life is on the line as he sees every obstacle as a chance to grow stronger. However, Ryohei is firm in his belief that his lover has nothing to do with his battles so he always makes sure never let you get involved in any dangerous activities, especially once he starts working for the Vongola Family. The thing is that he doesn't really think too much the moment someone infuriates him because then the result is usually a broken jaw as he impulsively punches them. His passion can turn quite deadly if you are at risk as it can turn into mindless wrath where he just starts violently attacking someone without stopping until he has calmed down. Whilst this reckless and impulsive behavior dies down a bit as he gets older, I would argue that the new maturity he brings to the task is perhaps even more terrifying as he lets his victim know that he is going to kill them and that they should at least show him that they have some honor by fighting back instead of begging pathetically for their life.
👊​As a student this is honestly a tad bit amusing but for the biggest portion just scary. Ryohei doesn't force you in his life because it has always been the other way around. He forces himself in your life. Whenever he is in the mood, he just pops up in front of your house and screams in front of your window that he wants to see you. The whole neighborhood knows about his feelings because he really doesn't hold back to express them to you in about every loud way possible. So during his younger years he always comes to you when he feels like you might be in danger, fully prepared to defend you. He only really gets the needed capacities to kidnap you when he joins the mafia and matures as it is only then that he realises that an abduction is a thing. At this point he has fallen out of his worst delusional phase though and only uses that option if your life is in grave danger. The whole plan will be more or less a spontanous act though as he is the one who then comes storming to your house to bring you to a safer place.
👊​Ryohei is not a good planner, especially during his time as a student. He tends to forget important stuff and details though and he becomes quite conscious of this when he starts gaining feelings for you. It would be incredibly unfitting for him to forget important details about you since he wants to be your man so he starts writting memos to not forget it. He has those same memos still years later although he doesn't need them anymore at that point. He is quite verbal and physical to express his love to you and at times he even sees it as a challenge to show you as much of his love as he can, especially if someone else is very nice to you and in this case it doesn't even matter if they are interested in you or not. He's constantly begging you to visit his boxing club or to just watch him train because he does like to show off his skills at time. Whilst the wildest parts of his personality weaken over time as he grows older, his feelings for you certainly don't.
Hibari Kyoya
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🐤​Hibari is going to pose a big problem for you due to his solitary and indomitable nature as well as his naturally scary appearance. He is very possessive and shows little to no consideration to you nor to others as he wants you and he does whatever it takes to have you. Your consens isn't even really needed for that matter because as long as Hibari knows that you are his, he is going to be satisfied no matter how you may currently feel. Whilst he is actually not blind to the fact that he is very obsessed with you and that he does a lot of things that are anything but good and moral behavior, he just frankly doesn't care. Hibari is only interested in what he values and wants so he doesn't have time considering everyone's feelings, not even your own. Since he is known to use authority and even violence to everyone who doesn't follow the rules or who gets on his nerves, you can probably already imagine what that implies for you.
🐤​You have your own lovely set of rules he has made for you and he expects you to follow them as well. It is quite hypocritical that he despises being controlled or restrained but inflicts the very things he hates on you. You may be tempted to try to escape or simply ignore the rules because Hibari is actually not that present in your life but whenever you do such a wasted attempt, he finds out and will approach you quickly after with a displeased glint in his eyes. What you don't know is that whilst you may not see him every day, Hibari is watching you more often than you think. He is stalking you often from somewhere, those cold eyes trailing after you as he mentally notes every thing you do. It is due to this stalking nature that he has gathered a ton of information on you, more than you are confident with. His lonesome and possessive nature is going to isolate you naturally more, even if you aren't a social butterfly to begin with.
🐤​He values rules and expects others to stick to them. The moment he sets his eyes on you, one unspoken rule instantly becomes that no one should dare to get close to you or try to take you. Since Kyoya is quite confident in his own abilities and his strength, jealousy is perhaps not the right word to use. He is displeased and annoyed more than anything because some idiot here thinks that they can just ignore his rules. Well, it usually doesn't end well for the person anyways and unfortunately even you may become a victim to his displeasure if you should have acted in a way that has awoken the impression that you forgot that you belong to him. If this should happen often, whether it is your fault or someone else's, Kyoya will see it through to isolate you from people a lot more so that you learn your lesson. Honestly, he is being unnecessarily harsh with you but that is mainly to blame on his introverted traits.
🐤​Due to his little regard for the well-being of others, Kyoya will be especially ruthless if he decides to attack because he is always going to hurt someone. Whilst he doesn't let people die needlessly for his own interest, he will be everything but gentle on them as he just believes that people who don't value rules have to be punished. He knows that establishing his own dominance and letting others know what happens if they break rules or annoy him is the most efficient way to make them listen and obey so he does exactly that. Since you are his possession after all, he won't allow anyone to touch you nor will he allow anyone to hurt you. As cold and scary as he may be, this makes him awfully protective over you as he will go after everyone who does as much as threaten you. He is not joking around in the least bit and that means that Hibari will have a considerable kill count as the years pass by, especially once he gets involved with the mafia.
🐤​He hates crowds, he hates people, he just hates being around others in general. He prefers to be alone and he prefers you to be alone as well. It is easier to keep an eye on you then and see what you do and he also doesn't have to get irritated by the people around you. Yet I don't see Hibari going instantly for the forceful abduction because he likes to believe that you will know what you are and aren't supposed to do without him needing to actively surveil you. Don't get cocky though because if you misbehave one too many times, he will lock you away in his house and not let you leave until he believes you have learned your lesson. A permanent abduction doesn't sound appealling to him because he doesn't want to become some sort of caretaker for you as that would just tie him down. He wants you to be independent enough to get through your normal life by yourself yet obedient enough to him to know what you aren't supposed to do.
🐤​Sometimes days go on where you do not see Hibari personally but you never know if he is currently watching you from elsewhere in that moment or not. Truth is that Kyoya actually needs his solitude as well and will leave you by yourself then. If you break any of his rules, he will find out somehow after all but sometimes he just needs some time for himself. Whilst he has been acting on his possessive feelings for the most part, sometimes he gets really strict with you precisely because he has a soft spot for you. In a way one could see this as a way of you having control over him too but to not let you even get the idea that you may use his feelings against him, he is very keen on establishing his own dominance over you. It is this mindset that gives him a tough time being soft around you although he eventually mellows out slowly as years pass by until he even entrusts you with the care of his Hibirds.
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🟤​Basil may be a part of the CEDEF but don't even expect for a minute that this means that he is aware enough to know about his own feelings. He is quite a good example of being a delusional Yandere though because despite working for a Secret Intelligence Organisation, he is quite prone to misunderstand things. Yes, he will completely misunderstand it whenever he catches you looking at him or whenever you are just simply polite and helpful around him. Apparently politness from your side is seen as signs of attraction for him from his side. This can get quite out of hand as he slowly starts reciprocate your gestures in the way he thought they were meant. He also starts helping you in your daily life and he even buys you small gifts every once in a while which he gives you whilst a blush is on his face.
🟤​He is quite shy though because whilst he is talented in many things and is the apprentice of Iemitsu, he has never been trained how to court someone and how to confess to the person he loves. This does cause him to feel awfully hesitant and insecure at times because he is constantly worrying that he does something wrong and tends to dramatise gestures and behavior from your side to the point where he believes that he has done something terrible to offend you. Whilst Basil is quite gullible and for that fairly easy to manipulate the tables can turn quite a lot when he gets desperate and looks like he is genuinely about to cry. He's on his knees and begging you then to forgive him because he doesn't know how he could continue living happily if he wouldn't have you in his life. If you think that this outburst is only going to last for a little while, you couldn't be more wrong. Are you really heartless enough to let him drown in such eternal misery?
🟤​If you worry that his insecurities might make way to jealousy, don't. He's got you covered already. He has gotten over those feelings by pretty much keeping tabs on all the people around you and spying on them as well as stalking you and noting down who all the people are you have in your life. This might be quite disturbing for you if you were to ever find out but knowing such things is very reassuring for Basil who feels less threatened by having potentially someone else who would be interested in you. If he ever does feel jealous, there is always this black hole that is mainly there because he feels like he doesn't understand them enough so he intensifies his research until he digs very deep into their life just to fill that empty hole in his heart. If he knows them after all, he can prepare himself accordingly and that helps him to feel at ease.
🟤​As a member of the CEDEF, despite his innocent looks Basil actually holds a lot more power and possesses much more skill than the average person could ever hope to have. As such he would be in theory quite dangerous but luckily he is on the kinder and polite spectrum. He may know at one point everything about you as well as all your family members, friends and acquaintances but that is just how he works as he feels uneasy if he doesn't know everything. His obsession really won't let him rest when it comes to this. This automatically means though that he can use his position as a member of the organisation to dig up some secrets that shouldn't be known if he should ever classify someone as a threat to you. There is no real use for violence for Basil unless it is a last resort because he can just blackmail someone with the information he has obtained about them.
🟤​He would be lying if he would claim that he has never imagined living with you before. In fact he starts fantasising about it quite a lot the more time you spend together with him and the more he finds out about you. He has his hopes even up that those dreams won't be dreams anymore as soon as the both of you are old enough because he tends to see things with rose-tinted glasses. There is no real threat for Basil to kidnap you though, at least for the most part. He may start shedding tears the moment he asks you if you want to move in with him and you reject him, he may beg you to change your mind but he won't do much else. You do think you see him at night standing in front of your house at times though. Basil can be quite efficient though with the load of stuff he knows about you as well as your family and friends which can be used as a very lethal way to blackmail you into doing as he says. Let's just hope that it doesn't get that far.
🟤​His extremely obsessive tendencies imply that he also knows all about your secrets and fears that only very few people may know but at least he seems to possess enough common sense to understand that he shouldn't let you know about the knowledge he possesses about you. At times he may slip up though by accidentally mentioning something to you that he shouldn't know about you but he is smart enough to always cover his mistakes up. Basil definitely uses the huge amount of information he holds in his hands to charm you as well as all the people who are important to him in hopes that they will like him. It is quite important to him that all the people you love will like him so he would be quite distraught if one of them wouldn't think much of him or even go as far as thinking that he isn't suited to be your partner.
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🐎​Dino is just smooth. He is tall, he is handsome and he is quite skilled with his words as well, sure to flatter all the women around him, Dino has set his eyes on you though so he only cares about how his charm will affect you. Dino is actually quite lucid about the entire situation and he won't lie, he has spent some nights thinking about how he should feel bad about it. After all he is a very caring individual to everyone who works for him and who means something to him. Despite the hint of guilt that he manages to experience at times though, for the most part there is just a dwelling possessive feeling that demands him to claim you as his. He is careful with the way he approaches you though as he keeps his identity as well as the true extend of his feelings a secret. Even as a mafia boss, he chooses the honest route of courting you for the most part and he is actually quite confident in his ability to pull it off.
🐎​Nevertheless though, a sprinkle of manipulation here and there will still be used to just stir you in the right direction. His mature and calm exterior combined with his good looks and his smooth words can make a quite lethal combination after all and he even learns to use his occasional clumsiness to make himself appear even more endearing in your eyes. He only uses subtle manipulation for the most part though as he still wants you to choose him out of your won free will. Quite protective of those who mean something to him, this naturally starts applying to you as well to the point where his skills even increase when around you. Whilst his clumsiness then doesn't work anymore, he learns to act like he is sometimes still quite ditzy either to make you smile or de-escalate a possibly tense situation between you two. Whilst he ensures that he never reveals his more intimidating side to you though, he will be much more willing to reveal it to others.
🐎​How blessed you are to have someone like him who is not only skilled and handsome but also so mature and collected. Confidence really can do wonders and Dino showcases that perfectly. He knows that he is physically appealing and since he has gotten so insanely dedicated to you which has led to the disappearance of his clumsiness when he is around you, he is very skilled in most things he does. There aren't many people who can do the same so he can be quite relaxed as he lets you spend your time with other people. Even if there should be someone who tries their luck with you, he just watches with an amused look on his face. He doesn't even have to say anything as most lose their courage the moment he steps next to you and just looks at them with that entertained look on his face. He can switch a flip though by becoming more serious when someone is actually more than just talk. He respects that but that doesn't mean that they can just think about trying to court you.
🐎​He is not going to take it lightly the moment someone threatens his darling. Dino is very protective because he is a mafia boss who has been in this business for quite some time now. He knows how dangerous it can get in his world and that you wouldn't last long if you were to get ever involved. He is vicious to guarantee that no one can ever get that close to you simply to protect your unawareness of what he really does. Perhaps it also the fear of what you might do if you were to ever figure out that he is the head of his own mafia family. It is going to be difficult to touch even your hair in any harmful way though because not only is his organisation very big but his subordinates are also extremely loyal to him. Then there is of course also Dino who is a force that has to be acknowledged because Reborn has trained him truly well as he murders anyone who poses a serious threat without any hesitation. You must never know about all of this though.
🐎​He is definitely going to ask you to move in with him after a while of being a couple. If you reject him, that is fine. He understands that it may be still a bit too sudden and then he just waits for a while until he repeats his question to you. If it would be someone else than Dino, you could get in trouble but to your huge luck Dino is as composed as he is. There is a limit to this all though and that will be when he decides to propose to you within only two years of being a pair. That is your last chance to accept him on your own free will because after that Dino will get involved otherwise to give you the needed push to accept his offer. Even if he attempts to not be too horrible in the course he chooses to take, what he does cannot be excused as he gives you some financial troubles or sees it through that some essential things like your car or your keys get stolen.
🐎​Your life is going to be quite an easy one as long as things between Dino and you go smoothly. You will be pampered and spoiled by him a lot as a sort of excuse for his absence whenever he has to fulfill his role as the mafia boss. Lavish clothes, delicious food and expensive trips around the world all become part of your life and technically everything could go smoothly. Unfortunately Dino has never really told you what he really does for a living so the essential break might happen if you find it out in a most unfortunate moment and react horribly to the reveal. Because at this point in your life, you won't go anywhere anymore. He hasn't married you for you to leave him just because you found out who he really is. He feels sorry and believe him, he understands. He didn't desire to be the boss of the Cavallone Famiglia until Reborn trained him either.
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◻️​Whether Squalo really has any understanding for his obsession or not is not really of importance, although I like to imagine that as a second-in-command he is smart enough to recognise it. Even if he knows about it though, it does not matter in the least bit to him as he just takes it as it is with no signs of guilt or mercy which spells trouble for you, my dear. Squalo has an awfully huge ego and is very possessive to top it all as he takes pride in his strength and his skill. There is no such thing as courting you or trying to win your heart over as this is way too time-consuming and too much work for this man and since he is as powerful as he is, the easiest way is just forcing you into everything by abusing his influence and his power. You are just his one day suddenly and from that day on he makes sure through often radical ways that you learn to understand this by adjusting your social activities and your closeness to others.
◻️​Squalo has no troubles simply blackmailing you into doing as he tells you to do and isn't even shying away from threatening those around you to make everything even more efficient. His overly possessive antics definitely lead you into an isolating condition where you are partially stuck because you are too scared of him and are partially stuck because you are too scared of what he may do to other people if you would break his rules. You are constantly put under stress as you are never feeling safe even if he isn't pysically within your proximity. Your unease is not unjustified because even if Squalo has a short temper it is important to consider that despite everything he is still part of the Varia and an extremely talented assassin. It is part of his skill to watch people silently from afar to wait for the right moment so you never know when he might watch you either.
◻️​Squalo is threatening and noisy if he should ever feel jealous because he for sure will let you and the other person know about how he is feeling. You should know better than to engage with someone else, you should know better than to question his possession over you like this but sometimes you just seem to be amazingly stupid. Think about it and consider that this man is very violent and extremely deadly too. He could probably murder someone within only a few seconds, if he is feeling merciful that is. Needless to say, such events never end well for you as he is not only threatening your company but will also violently drag you away from the scene. You cannot say anything unless you dare to add fuel to his flaring temper as he frags you away, his grip on you tight and painful but it's not like he cares. You better pray that he won't search for that bastard later on to quench his anger.
◻️​Squalo is arguably one of the most vicious and violent people you could have in this cast. He is already a trained assassin, he loves fights and he has been described by Dino as a shark that has smelled blood. The only thing you can do is pray when he leaves to hunt someone down. He kills everyone who has gotten on his nerves or triggered him in regards to you. Whether the poor victim he hunts down is someone who would have been an actual threat to your life or is just someone who you seem to be too attached to is of no matter. He experiences a euphoric bloodlust whilst hunting his prey down as he displays a sadistic vein, enjoying the sight of them trembling in fear and begging for their life. Even more twisted is the fact that he tends to take his time when he is feeling especially sadistic, cutting his victims slowly down until they have either succumbed to their injuries or he got bored of them.
◻️​Technically he already exhibits a great influence over your life even whilst you are still living by yourself but as he wants complete submission from your side, you just have to wait for a bit until he finally makes the decision to relocate you somewhere else. He does it as he has always done everything in your life which is using force to have you comply with his demands. The new place you can call your home from that day on is isolated which reduces your social contact significantly and will also be installed with cameras and a security system so that you don't get any stupid ideas if he should be gone on missions. You still receive everything you need to survive and keep the house clean as he doesn't want to be your babysitter and whenever he returns to the place where you are stuck, he sort of expects from you to have taken care of the house in his absence.
◻️​He displays an extremely shitty and arrogant attitude around you where he isn't even scared to draw his sword against you if you should get on his nerves too much. Other members of the Varia definitely know you as he sometimes drags you along to show you off like a trophy, looking and sounding unusually proud as he shows you off and actually getting mad for your sake if someone else from the other assassins should insult you. That is only as long as you behave yourself because Squalo will punish you if you were to embarrass him in front of other members of Varia. He is actually willing to give you compliments if you happen to be exceptionally talented in something he deems as useful as he likes having something he can brag about to the Varia about you. He also expects getting a lot of compliments from you because of the pride he takes in himself. Don't try to insult him though because he will be quick to make you regret it.
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🔧​Spanner is willing to betray his own side when it helps him to find out more about something he is interested in. Now crank that up a few notches and give him an obsession centered around his darling and you have yourself a prime example of an obsessed man. Spanner is very willing to break private rights and throw away commonly accepted morals if it helps him to find out more about you and whilst he is careful about not to betray the Millefiore, he is willing to lie to them to keep them away from your life as much as possible. Despite those actions he takes, he is actually quite good in deceiving you to see him as someone else. He just presents himself with a laid-back and chill exterior which manages to make you feel at ease around him. What you don't seem to notice for a long time is how he observes you as you let your guard down around him, gauging your every reaction with a keen interest.
🔧​He is an engineer and he is quite talented as well so obviously he is going to abuse the skills he has to spy on you even better. Whether he wires your house when you invite him over or even installs a tracker on your phone to always be able to know your exact location, he is not holding back. He in fact occasionally even causes some devices in your house to malfunction without your knowledge when he is in your house just to have you spend more time with him because he is always the one who offers to repair them for you when you complain to him that they aren't working properly anymore. If he considers his feelings and the actions he has chosen to take so far more carefully, he guesses that his interest in you might be quite unhealthy but somehow he is far too nonchalant to really care. He doesn't have any bad intentions after all and is actually even protecting you so it can't be that bad.
🔧​With the way he is installing the listening devices and at one point even tiny cameras in your house and tracks you down via your phone, it is safe to assume that he has a very good idea with whom you choose to spend your time with when either he or you don't have a chance to see each other. He thinks it is better that way because by being able to hack your phone or other technical devices, he always knows what is going on between you and others and it saves him from being worked up over nothing. There is very little chance for him to misunderstand the situation as he can constantly spy on you. He handles jealousy fairly composed in comparison to some other members but he is definitely going to have to know more about anyone who triggers such an emotion inside of him. He just likes to be prepared in case he has to interfere before they get any closer to you by being able to blackmail them a bit.
🔧​I'm pretty sure he is just going to invent something instead of killing someone with his own hands. It's not like he is just going after everyone's threat because he actually enjoys his peace and wouldn't want too much trouble in his life. Sometimes Spanner knows that he has to do something before something happens, especially if your own life is in any danger. Then he has of course also the option of asking Shoichi for help if your life should be in potential danger and he does use the influence of his friend at times. Other times he feels like he should be the one to make sure that your life is protected though because he is the one obsessed with you and then he just builds something to assist him in his task to protect you. He is uncomfortable with killing someone personally but this seems to be a different matter if he kills someone with one of his inventions and just watches from the sideline or from behind a monitor.
🔧​With the data he collects on you as time passes by, he has technically quite a bit he could use against you if he were to ever feel like forcing you. For some reason Spanner instead likes to savor the time he has with you right now as it is. The time where you don't know that he has cameras and listening devices in your home, has a tracker installed in your phone and has hacked into your laptop and phone already multiple times. He isn't as optimistic as to believe that it will all stay a secret forever though. After all life can always take an unexpected turn and so he starts thinking ahead how he should react and what he should do the moment you would find out about the people he works for as well as his own creepy behavior he has secretly done without your knowledge. He's sure he would have to restrict you within your life somehow, partially also to protect you from the Millefiore.
🔧​You are going to be given quite a few of his lollipops and depending on what your favorite flavor is, he will adjust his candies accordingly whenever he gifts you some. He will even shape them differently if you would ask him to do so. If we ignore the fact that he always sabotages your electronical advices to his own advantage, Spanner is actually quite helpful as well as useful in your life. He is an expert when it comes to everything electronical and next to fixing your stuff for free whenever he has time, he even builds you some devices to help you in your household. He's normally quite relaxed and just likes to lean back and listen to you instead as he is not a big talker and thinks that whatever you could tell him would be much more interesting over what he could talk about. Well, not like he can really talk about some of the activities he does in his daily life to you anyways unless he wants to scare you away by revealing that he has been spying on you.
Doctor Shamal
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🩺​´Shamal is a simp who is down bad for his darling and their gender doesn't even play a role in this case because will act even worse than he has already done with every other woman he has been trying to flirt with. It is highly likely that his darling thinks of it as nothing serious because Shamal is such a womanizer and has been flirting with a lot of people. You'd think that the doctor would assume so too, especially if his darling is biologically female. However, somehow Shamal has known that he feels differently for you after only meeting you one time. You are different and the fact that he feels something very special when he as much as thinks about you causes him to be quite clingy and obsessive as a reaction. He wants to be with you as much as he can and he will openly creep you out with it as he has no shame to follow you around in public and even wait for you in places he eventually comes to realise you tend to visit often. That or he's just standing in front of your door all of the time.
🩺​In Doctor Shamal's mind though, he doesn't see any of this as scary or creepy. Instead he goes down the delusional path as he is absolutely enraptured with you. He has fallen in love with someone for the first time and he just knows that his feelings for you will always be there and that he will from now on always be genuine when around you. So he makes absolutely no attempt to try to hold his feelings for you back as he showers you in presents and even tries to steal kisses from you even if you do not consent to it. He is downright reckless at times in his attempts to declare his love to you. If you lock the door and refuse to acknowledge how he is knocking on your door, it has happened that he has even climbed up the roof of another house or to your window to see you and to make you see him. As you can see, he really has no chill.
🩺​Struck with the attention-seeker-syndrome that he has, he will never be happy if you ignore him for someone else and you do it quite a lot. That's alright though, he likes how you try to play the tough game with him but he is still quite unhappy if you ignore his presence even if he is standing right next to you. You may hope that you will discourage him by doing so but instead you only fuel his passion as he sees it as a sign that he has to fight for you and prove to you that he is the right man to be your lover so in a way all people you rather spend your time with become his rivals. He is especially competitive against those who are neither family nor close friends of yours as he views them as love rivals. This all seems ridiculous and pathetic until he pulls out his mosquitoes to inflict someone with a harmless, but still severe disease because if they don't appear, you won't be able to ignore him.
🩺​All of his silliness aside you better keep in mind that this is a notrious assassin who was even offered a position in the Varia for his skills. The best and simultanously scariest part is that Shamal doesn't even have to do much to kill someone. He merely has to send one of his mosquitoes after his victim and then has to simply wait until they die from the deadly disease the insect has infected them with. He isn't a crazed doctor though so he at least doesn't let anyone around you drop dead within a day. His main motivation behind it is mainly that he doesn't want to push you into the depths of despair so we can argue about whether he is acting noble or not. He has no such problems if it concerns people who endanger your life or just don't treat you right as he can switch to a more cunning and serious side then. Everyone who doesn't respect you or even dares to hurt you will receive no mercy from him and he will get rid of such people quickly before they can pose a even bigger threat in your life.
🩺​Shamal is totally convinced that you two will live together later on. He has envisioned it all. You two will move in together, he will propose to you and then both of you will get married and be the sappiest and most lovely couple that people will have ever seen. You may not share those fantasies and dreams of his but it is not like you will ruin them for him anyways. There is going to be no competition to consider besides him anyways because all of them are battling with some tough diseases and as soon as they seem to recover, they are struck with the next illness. You see, you won't have any other choice besides him. That's alright though because he is the only one who can truly love and worship you as you deserve to be treated.
🩺​There is a potential where he could simply use his mosquitoes against you and weaken you to force you to rely on him but that is a more unlikely scenario. As indecent as he can be towards you at times, he genuinely doesn't intend any harm to come your way. Whilst he will openly admit that he enjoys it whenever you do come down with something and need his medical assistance to get better, he would never infect you with something. He can use the illnesses of others around you though to boost his image as he will offer you his assistance for free only to then take advantage of the debt you oew him after, even if he doesn't demand any money from you. You just feel too guilty to deny him some of his requests where he wants you two to spend some time together. He's going to praise you nearly all the time though for everything as your mere existence is wonderful.
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itsdeniini · 4 days
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- a tarot reading ☆ JAKEHOON EDITION
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ᰔᩚ n ! O te: i am a self-taught tarot reader, and the interpretations i provide are personal. if anyone would like to share their own insights, i would be more than happy to hear them! please be kind <3
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1. His primary love language is acts of service, so he feels most loved and valued when his partner takes the initiative to perform a thoughtful act of service that they discovered by actively listening or observing him, especially in situations where the act makes his day easier. This gesture fills him with a desire to give all the throat hugs to this person.
2. He will also get turned on by someone who know how to use their power. Ones that can make him feel so unworthy of them and insignificant (all that in a moment of lust) that Heeseung feels thankful for the chance to even touch them. What's sexy to him about worshipping is power.
3. Having someone who actually plans dates instead of the usual "you pick, no you pick" game. That's a big turn-on for him. It shows they're not just going through the motions. They're putting in the effort to make their time together special. It's like, "Hey, I care about this enough to think it through, to plan something we'll both enjoy."
1. Inconsistent attention and affection turn him off. He doesn't stay in situations like that; he moves on. He gets turned on by consistent attention and affection, and by a partner who loves him so much that they go out of their way to show they care. Someone will never have him if they are inconsistent with him.
2. For someone as genuine as Heeseung, dishonesty might be a major turn-off. Sincerity and authenticity seem to be integral parts of his personality, making deceit a stark contrast to his nature. Additionally, a lack of respect could easily sour his impression, as Heeseung values kindness and mutual respect in his interactions.
3. ARROGANCE. His humble demeanor and down-to-earth attitude suggest that he appreciates humility and modesty in others. Someone who displays arrogance or a sense of superiority might find it difficult to connect with him on a deeper level. He refuses to spend any “real” time on people whose pompous attitude and hate is simply a poison on this planet. He would think that they are so wrapped up in their angry rightfullness that they can’t feel the pickle up their rear.
JAY ᥫ᭡
1. Physical touch. That's the most obvious thing EVER when it comes to him. He would find it enjoyable to stimulate blood flow through scratching, warming up the skin, easing back pain, and increasing sensitivity to physical touch. This all appears to be a feasible approach, as he rarely takes no as a response when he genuinely craves to get what's his.
2. You know what's a major turn-on for Jay? A person who's passionate about something other than work. Tell him about your odd hobbies, your hidden abilities, the things that light you up. Passion is infectious for him. He'd yap about his interests 24/7, hoping that his partner would do the same.
3. Someone with a good hygiene routine is such a turn-on for Jay. Watching them come out of the shower, skin still wet, towel wrapped around the waist, getting themselves moisturized and smelling divine, drives him nuts. Just sitting there monitoring them is kind of a fetish for him.
1. He hates closed-mindness. (especially if that's with the goal to project confusion on open minded people) He considers himself a open-minded guy and he SEE’S ALL and is able to connect dots, you would never sneak something behind his back. He'll find out about it anyway and will get mad MAD. He believes that closed-minded individuals restrict their thinking by focusing only on what they want to see, lacking the mental fortitude and bravery to explore beyond.
2. As time passes, he becomes increasingly irritated, frustrated, and disinterested in people who only talk without taking action or following through on their intentions. He's finding himself drawn to individuals who are more aligned with his mindset, which feels refreshing.
3. Overall he gets bored by people so easily. Sometimes all it takes is one wrong comment and he's done wholly with that person. He's sad and thinks he should do better in that aspect, because that may be the cause why new connections are burdensome and puts him on a massive off.
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