thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Hii can I get a matchup? Im a girl&straight im an infp but im very energetic when I get comfortable. Most of the time im quiet bc Im very cold and I don’t really like talking wit people. Im very nice and like to help people but I look very mean:( im 5.1 i have green eyes and short curly hair. My hair used to be blonde but now it’s brown/purple. I get angry VERY easily but I PROMISE IM REALLY NICE MOST OF THE TIME im numb so u can’t hurt me anymore.Im good at comforting&understanding people
Of course!!
From BNHA I match you with...Mezo Shoji!!
Listen this man understands the whole intimidating looking problem all too well, coupled with the fact that he’s socially awkward,,just trust,,,he gets it.
But even though he’s really awkward he still tries his hardest to be kind when he has the opportunity to interact with people. Especially to you. He doesn’t want you to think he’s scary like how a lot of other people do. So it takes him for a complete loop when you’re the one to approach him and offer him help with his studies. 
The more you hang out the more comfortable he becomes with you and vice versa which he is very glad for. When it feels like you start to open up to him he takes it very seriously. Won’t ever repeat anything you tell him to anyone. Understands that trust is something that shouldn’t be so easily dismissed.
Doesn’t mind if you need to rant about something that got you angry. Listens and gives his input where it’s needed but will let you go on until you tire yourself out. And if y’all date, when you’re all tired out from venting he will cuddle with you. Is a very physical partner. So he will either play with your hair, trace shapes on your arm or rub your back to let you know he’s there for support. Honestly could probably do all of them at the same time but anyways.
Just an overall criminally underrated boy.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
hey firstly i love your account 💗 and may i be 🦋 anon? secondly if the match ups are open, i'd like two(maybe girls as well as boys,,,,, if possible) for bnha and hq! i’m a bi brown girl, 5’4 with wavy dark brown hair and eyes, i'm an introvert and i do spend a lot of time on my phone. i draw and read a lot, i also watch a ton of shows and write as well (1/2) — 🦋 anon
i’m shy and i get flustered easily, i'm really emotional but also on my guard around people and i really care about everyome around me, kinda the mom friend. i try to be as kind and understanding as possible. i’m an infp, and a pisces. i love learning and i'm a polyglot, i'm really close to my culture and love my traditions (2/2) — 🦋 anon
thank you!! and of course!! asjkdf i’m on my laptop so i can’t use the emoji rn but you can most definitely be the butterfly anon! 
(also warning some of the characters blurbs are going to be a bit short so I can fit them all in, also I only did 3 because it was a lot ajdllfs)
For BNHA I match you with...Sero Hanta and Ochaco Uraraka
Also I do head canon him as Latino because iT JUST FITS SO WELL! N E WAYS
MAN IS A CUDDLER!! THIS IS A GIVEN!! He’s just worried that his tape dispensers are uncomfy, so y’all definitely had to figure out what position worked best for cuddles. But loves to lay on the couch with you while you watch whichever show you’ve currently fixated on.
Loves to not only learn about your culture but also teach you about his!! His mom sent him a recipe so he could try making sopapillas for you. “They’re not as good as the ones my mom makes pero* I tried.” Cue nervous smile as he waits for you to taste one. If you like it he is over the moon. “Really? Well...I aha, well I could try making more things for you in the future? If you want mi amour**? 
Oh yeah, can and will try to fluster you with Spanish since it’s the language of love~ Especially if you don’t know it! He whispers beautiful words to you while you’re secured around his waist in your bed. “Si nada nos salva de la muerte, al menos que el amor nos salve de la vida.***”
*= but, **= my love,  ***= “If nothing saves us from death, may love at least save us from life” from Pablo Neruda
“Don’t forget to put healthy things in your lunch- nevermind I’ll just pack you one.” You both have actually been called mom on multiple occasions. 
Some say it as a joke “You should go to bed soon so you can be well rested.” “Okay okay mom.” 
Some say it with pride. “Mina wear a coat it’s cold out today!” “Okey ily mom!” 
Some slip up and go red face with embarrassment. “I brought you your homework since you forgot it on the coffee table.” “Oh right, thanks Mom- UH I MEAN”
Is always really interested in whatever you’re working on whether it be drawing, writing, etc. She likes to watch you work and just can't help but be enthralled by your focus on creation. The fact that you can create entire stories or art pieces blows her mind! 
IF!! YOU!!! DREW!!! HER!!! SHE WOULD C R Y!! Then frame it and keep it forever.
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For Haikyuu I match you with... Kenma Kozume!!
Doesn’t mind if you’re on your phone a lot because he’s just comfortable in your presence. The two of you could lay together for hours in silence because conversation isn’t really needed between you two. However he does like to at least be touching you in someway because boy is touch starved. So like if you’re both sitting down and your legs are leaning against one another or if you lean on him while he’s gaming, he gets that good serotonin.
Likes Youtube and anime more than shows but enjoys watching them with you. Stay in dates were more regular than going out but he didn’t think of them as any less special. He enjoyed them more because he was more comfortable being affectionate in private then with other people.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Hi! Could i get a match up please for Haikyuu and MHA? I'm 177 cm, blue eyes, loads of freckles, pale af and short curly brown hair! I love tea and playing sport and video games! i go to the gym quite a bit! I'm really academic as well and want to go the top uni in my state for law and business! I'm a taurus, INTJ, I love reading up on true crime, skin care, make up, manga and comics! I'm really passionate, kind and well spoken as well as a bit awkward sometimes! thank you!
For Haikyuu I match you with... Lev Haiba!
Listen!! I’m not even gonna lie you are the WHOLE package!! Lev knows this and feels so lucky!! Like academic and smart? Yes please, he needs someone to balance out his single braincell. Love playing sports? Kick his ass in athletic activities! Good at video games, makeup, law? Is there anything you can’t do!!
Also don’t be shy do skincare with him! He loves to spend time with you when he can, especially if self care is involved. Face masks and tea are a must after practice and he likes listening to you talk while he tries to decompress. Likes when you talk about true crime the most because he always finds it so enthralling. Acts almost child like when asking questions “What happened next?!” “Did he do it? I bet he did it.” “And then?” Funnily enough, you discover he started watching Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime because you got him hooked! 
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For MHA I match you with...Tenya Iida!! I think that y’all would compliment each other really well!
Imagine all the study dates!! If you’re struggling with a subject he would try to help you as best as he could. (He’s too humble to admit that he’s a great tutor). If you try to stay up too late studying, he sends you to bed with a “You can’t be your best if you’re not well rested!” Tenya cares about your wellbeing so much because he understands what it’s like to have tunnel vision which could end up harming you in the end.
If ever you get too stressed out he won’t hesitate to offer cuddling to destress. “I understand that physical affection can be helpful to ‘unwind’, so to speak.” Usually holds you to his chest and runs one hand through your hair while the other rubs your back. From time to time places a kiss on your forehead, interrupting his whispered words of encouragement.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
your haikyuu match ups are so creative and keep it up 💕 can I have one? I'm 5"6 I have black eyes, black hair and fox eyes. I'm Chinese. My star sign is aquarius and I'm enfj-t, I'm extroverted and love making jokes and hanging around ppl, I can be pretty loud but it's all good, I don't really know how to express myself properly tho and I put on a mask that I'm really strong when I need someone I can rely on. I love dance, singing, volleyball and basketball.
awww thank you so much!!! and of course!!
From Haikyuu I match you with...Yuu Nishinoya!!
I feel like you two could compliment each other really nicely and have really fun energy!!
Y’all would have so many inside jokes I can feel it. You two could speak utter nonsense like “Yo is a ‘Frog Man’ situation?” “It’s more of a ‘Chef Boyardee” with less kidnapping situation.” Everyone else around you is like???? 
You two can and will legit speak gibberish to each other and are able to know immediately what the other is saying. Eye conversations? Easy peasy. Code words? Absolutely! Conversation and communication just comes so naturally to the two of you. 
Which would definitely translate into him knowing when something is wrong. since he knows he isn’t very delicate with his words, he tries his best to just let you know he’ll be there for you as best as he can. His love language is touch so expect a lot of hugs and cuddles when you’re feeling down.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
hey can i get a matchup? im 5‘8, have dark brown eyes & my natural haircolours also darkbrown but rn im bleaching & dyeing it a lot lol. im a scorpio sun & rising and an aquarius moon. ig im kind of shy when meeting new people, but once i know somebody better i can be very teasing but also loving. but i do get very emotional over little things sometimes and its hard for me to open up to people. mainly bc i think ill never be good enough? or that im bothering them idk sjsjs anyways ty<3!!
Of course!!! I wasn't sure if you which match up you wanted so I did both!!
For Haikyuu I match you with... Daichi Sawamura
Listen you could never bother this man, he loves being around you and could never get tired of listening to you talk. If you get emotional he'll waste no time comforting you. It makes him feel important and needed. If you're feeling insecure he's there in a second telling you every part about yourself that he loves. (Spoiler alert: it's everything)
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For MHA I match you with...Eijiro Kirishima
And if you're feeling insecure? He is the BEST man to make you feel better!! He takes "kisses to make it feel better" so seriously. His love language is physical affection so he tries to comfort through it. But if you're not into that then he'll respect that and hold pinkies together or show his love differently because he would do ANYTHING to make you happy.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
hi! i was wondering if i could get a haikyuu and mha matchup? i’m 5’1, i’m a science nerd and a history buff, i spend most of my free time either reading comics n manga or practicing volleyball since i’m a libero. i get flustered pretty easily and i’m shy around new people but around my friends i’m pretty out there. i’m almost always doing something whether it be cooking or painting i just can’t ever sit still and do nothing. thank you if you actually do this, have a wonderful day!!
Of course!!
For Haikyuu I match you with...Asahi Azumane!!
Before I even get started just!! Imagine the height difference!!! The warm safe hugs and being able to hear his heartbeat!!! Him resting his head on yours with a soft content sigh asdfghj!! (sorry I’m such a softy for Asahi)
Listen, you thought you got flustered too easily then this boy showed up in your life and you said ‘Oh he takes the cake’ because even looking at you causes him to blush. Especially if y’all date. Not that he doesn’t like PDA but boy is so anxious to initiate in fear of offending you or making you uncomfortable. SO PLEASE HOLD HIS HAND!!! Even if his face is redder than a firetruck he still appreciates the gesture. It makes him feel grounded.
Likes the days where you guys can lounge around and try new things even if he’s worried about messing things up. Thinks it’s really cute when you guys cook together because it just feels so natural. Like it’s something you two had been doing all of your lives. Makes him think about a future with you which immediately causes a blush to break out on his cheeks. If you tried to question him about it, he’s a stuttering mess. “Haha! It’s- It’s nothing, just thinking about...about, um, the carrots!” 
Also!!! Loves practicing volleyball with you!! Since you guys have juxtaposing positions it makes it easy for you to get your head in the game. (Gotta getcha getcha getcha head in the game). Some competitiveness creeps into your practice matches and ngl he’s super hot when he’s focused UM N E WAYS. You both push each other but as soon as the matches are over y’all are good! The competitive spirit doesn’t mess with you at all! Cause you both know whoever won it was only a matter time before the other won in response. It drives both of you to constantly improve, also is a great way of figuring out whose paying for food after.
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For MHA I match you with...Mashirao Ojiro!!
When I think of Ojiro, one word comes to mind. UNDERRATED!! So let’s just get right into everything!!
PLEASE TALK TO HIM ABOUT SCIENCE AND HISTORY!! He’s a pretty smart guy so he’s always down to listen to you talk, especially if it’s about your special interests. He’ll occasionally add to the topic if it’s about something he knows but generally just likes listening to your voice. Will throw out questions in hopes you’ll talk more. Ngl is amazed about how much you know just because it was something you found interesting. Finds it attractive when you’re passionate about a subject.
Understands the need to constantly be doing something. Sitting around for too long make him feel cramped. Whenever he’s restless it’s so noticeable because his tail will start to twitch, even if he denies it. This gives him a reason to propose going to the convenient store for snacks or going on a walk with you.
If y’all date this man is so affectionate in the most respectful ways. Always asks if he can kiss you even if y’all have kissed a million times. Will never do anything to make you uncomfortable. If you’re ever anxious always offers his hand to you. Wraps his tail around you slightly if you’re walking in a crowd because he doesn’t wanna accidentally lose you. 
IS THE BEST BOY TO TAKE HOME TO YOUR GUARDIAN!!! ANYONE CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS!! Take one look at this boy and tell me you wouldn’t trust him with your life. TRY! He would be so respectful when speaking to your guardian. Using please, thank you, would laugh at every joke (not matter how bad they are), and answers any questions they have to the best of his abilities.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Could I have a haikyuu matchup pls if that’s ok 🥺 I’m 5’4, Taurus w long rly dark brown hair and the front half of my right side is dyed white, I’ve got light green eyes, freckles and tanned skin! I love working out & food! I’m naturally really flirty & im super chaotic and energetic most of the time but can be super chill and quiet when I’m hungry/sleepy. I’m v emotional and can be quite stubborn, I’m very physically affectionate & love tiktok/meme humour! I’m also very impulsive x
yeah ofc!!
from Haikyuu I match you with...Yuji Terushima!! Listen!! With the combined effort of both of your chaotic/flirty energy, the world doesn’t stand a chance!!
He loves how affectionate you are especially when you’re sleepy because he can tease you and it’s harder for you to match wits in your drowsy state. Cause you cannot tell me this man wouldn’t take every opportunity to fluster you. Not even necessarily on purpose. He just loves PDA. Holding your hand, kissing you until you’re breathless, wrapping his arms around your waist while he whispers compliments into your ear, giving you hickeys before licking them with his tongue, his piercing surprising cold against your skin. But also if you’re uncomfortable with PDA he will respect that because he just wants you happy.
Also this man LOVES your humor. It’s not unusual for either of you to participate in Tik Tok pranks against each other. He’s always a good sport about it and is sure to get his payback.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Could I please get a matchup for hq and mha? I’m 4’10 with blue eyes and a punky black mullet. I’m a gay enby with goblin energy and an intj/gemini. My favorite music genre is death metal and I’m a huge horror fan. I’m a pretty quiet person even when around friends, I think actions speak louder than words. I love anything Nintendo and have way too many hours in animal crossing. I’m pretty blunt and tend to come off as cold to people until getting to know them. I write poetry as well. Thanks Bug!
of course!! also enby squad!!
For Haikyuu I match you with...Satori Tendou
Look at this man and tell me he wouldn’t like horror movies, TRY!! I feel like he would love to watch them with you. Y’all defo have a designated movie night, he brings the snacks and you find the movie. He is the type of person to react to whatever is on the screen and immediately check your reaction afterwards. And if you’re scared (yes he knows when you are, you can’t hide it) he’ll be a little shit about it but ultimately hold you close. “Ah, scared Y/n-san? I guess I could hold you if you really want it.” 
Also your combined goblin energy?? Immaculate, Shiratorizawa never knew what hit them. The shenanigans the two of you always seem to get yourself in never fail to impress the team. Accidentally kidnapping a goat from a mean farmer (the One Time Ushijima ever participated in your hijinks), getting on the wrong bus for a school fieldtrip and ending up at Karasuno, or that one time-
Long story short it’s never a boring time with you two.
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For MHA I match you with...Dabi
He really resonates with the phrase “actions speak louder than words”. So expect him to try and show you how he feels about you. Whether it’s shedding his jacket to give to you because “You’ll catch your death out here without a jacket baka” or picking you up your favorite snack from a convenient shop because he thought about you in the middle of a fight. What can I say he’s a romantic *Debby Ryan hair tuck*.
Also is this a secret to come close. Closer. Closer don’t be scared. ᴰᵃᵇⁱ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗˡʸ ˡᵒᵛᵉˢ ᴬⁿⁱᵐᵃˡ ᶜʳᵒˢˢⁱⁿᵍ bUT YOU DIDN’T HEAR IT FROM ME. His island just has the edgy looking villagers because he wants to match his aesthetic (besides Merengue because she’s too fucking cute so how could he say no when she wanted to move in?) Will go to strangers island to wreak havoc for a bit before leaving a gift because he’s chaotic like that.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Hey! Love your works🥺 they're so soft and fluffy *chefs kiss* Can I req a matchup for haikyuu? I'm 5'2", brown hair, brown eyes, het, a softie😤, always lip syncing some song, kinda outgoing, and not aggressive until someone tries to hurt a loved one, then I'm SUPER protective. Aries, infp, I wear my heart on my sleeve,v affectionate, loves to give compliments,and likes to paint and write. Sugarcoats my words, both the parent friend and the child in my friend group,and v empathetic. Tysm ily😚
aklsjdfhk thank you sm that’s so sweet!!! i do be in soft boy hours when writing these aksdk N E WAYS
For Haikyuu I match you with...Koshi Sugawara!!
IM JUST IMAGINING THE COMBO OF SOFT PARENT VIBES AKJALKJA!! Although he is kinda chaotic so hopefully yall can balance each other out or else there will be a lot of shenanigans with no one to stop you two. Both of you deciding to abandon your mom friend position to ride shopping carts down a hill? That’s what Daichi gets for leaving the two of you unattended.
Also affection?? Manz loves it sm and also loves to give it too! Y’all would constantly be holding onto each other in some way. Holding hands, an arm wrapped lazily around the other person’s shoulder, him embracing you from behind as you walk, feet in sync- I COULD GO ON FOR DAYS ABOUT THIS AKSCHLD!! ALSO!!! Cheek kisses! This boy is a SUCKER for cheek kisses! Receiving and giving them! So don’t be surprised if he just surprise attacks your face with kisses, he thinks it’s cute especially if you get embarrassed.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
a mha and haikyuu matchup please? im female, gemini, infp. honestly anyone who can make me laugh (which isnt that hard) can woo me. long brown hair, grey eyes, resting bitch face but really im just zoned out lol. v reserved until you befriend me. im super into art, reading, character design, roller skating, and musical theatre. easily flustered by words and actions but super affectionate in private. im not that great at showing love but im very protective and show my softer side to those i love.
From MHA I match you with... Mirio Togata!!
We been knew mans might not be all that funny but sometimes the bad jokes are so bad that they are funny. Also seeing you laugh for the first time, watching your normally neutral expression abandoned for one of enjoyment made this man fall HARD! Tries to get you to laugh whenever he can because he loves the sound of your laughter. Also knowing that he was the one who made you laugh??? BUTTERFLIES!! MF HEART EYES!!!
When you start dating he understands that you don’t necessarily like to be affectionate in front of others so he’s okay with just interlocking pinkies and walking together. It doesn’t matter to him because having a friend like Amajiki helps him understand it doesn’t mean you like him any less.
That being said as soon as you’re behind closed doors he’s holding you in his arms and kissing your forehead. He loves if you suggest cuddling on the couch because he loves the feeling of you in his arms, your head on his chest, and rubbing his hand up and down your back. Physical affection is one of his love languages so be prepared for that!
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From Haikyuu I match you with... Tadashi Yamaguchi!!
Understands being reserved until getting to know someone. Ngl was a little bit nervous around you especially when he didn’t know you very well. But once you two got more acquainted he felt more comfortable being himself in front of you.
When y’all started dating he seemed to be a bit more sure of himself. Would think it was super cute if ever you got embarrassed when he kissed your cheek or wrapped an arm around your shoulder. Personally, he never really got all that flustered unless you intentionally tried to fluster him.
Loves watching you draw! Would be the type of boyfriend to hold you while you drew, occasionally peeking over your shoulder to see what you were working on. Also wouldn’t mind posing for you if you needed a drawing reference. He’d feel a little awkward but the appreciation on your face eased any nervous energy that inhabited his body.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Hi!! I really really like you haiykuu matches! If you don't mind may I have a match too lol! I'm 5'6 I have brown eyes and brown hair. Recently I got a somewhat mullet out of impulse haha. Hmm I'm Hispanic and I listen to all kinds of music (not country sorry) I'm a ENTP and my sun sign is a Virgo. I'm actually really studios but I'm still an extrovert. My friends say that I don't open up much but I love my friends and im very loyal. I'm bi, loud, talkative, funny (in a dorky way), and luv art
hi! and thank you!! of course!!
From Haikyuu I match you with...Kotaro Bokuto!
Since both of you guys are loyal there’s so much trust in this relationship. He knows you wouldn’t do anything to hurt him and vice versa. But when the inevitable person comes to hit on either of you it’s nothing a short “sorry I’m seeing someone shouldn’t fix.” If said person is still persistent after this he would lecture them about how much he loves you and how awful it is to hit on someone knowing they have a significant other. On your end it’s basically the same deal. 
In conclusion, a healthy secure relationship.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
hello there! just came across your blog and <3 it! a request for bnha and haikyuu matchup? I'm straight, infp-t, virgo, 5'2", have long black hair and dark eyes, slightly curvy. I like singing, dancing, rifle shooting( sometimes), and reading. I'm ambiverted, but mostly come off as shy. With friends, I can be sarcastc and sassy and don't stop talking. I'm an otaku,who tends to zone out attimes, and like intellectual convos about random things. I'm competitve too (1/2)
Con: (2/2)  I can be pretty competitive, and do not take challenges lying down, if serious. I can be insecure about myself and compare myself to others to bring myself down more. I love debates and talking onstage. It takes me time to make friends, but I'm loyal to the few I have. I do not tolerate anything said against my friends or me, esp if I'm right. I enjoy art, and helping people and guiding them to do what they want. I like sports, but suck big-time at it XD.
AAA!! Thank you! I’m glad you like my blog so far!
For BNHA I match you with....Katsuki Bakugo! This man likes your sass especially when he can have good banter with you. It’s fun and playful, and although he seems like a brute he really tries not to cross any lines. You might argue a lot but neither one of you truly get mad at each other.
Bakugo likes how you’re able to stand up for yourself. He thinks it’s really respectable since people who don’t really piss him off. He just doesn’t understand why people would let others bad mouth them to their face. That’s why he didn’t think you guys would’ve gotten along as much as you did, seeing as you come off as shy. But getting to know you and have you call him out on his bullshit was a pleasant surprise. 
Not to mention, the competitiveness between you two always keeps things interesting. You would most definitely have a running list of wins to loses between the two of you. It’s always really close, however whenever one of you pulls ahead you have no problem teasing the other about it.
Overall I think you guys would be able to balance each other out nicely while also pushing each other to be your best.
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For Haikyuu I match you with... Toru Oikawa! Listen, hear me out with this one. Is he a little shit? Absolutely. Would he find it super attractive if you told him to shut up and get over himself? Without a doubt.
I feel like sassing him and not feeding his ego would make him even more interested in you. It’s confusing, yes, but that’s just Oikawa. 
He’d try finding ways to tease you but since you seem good at so many things, he’s honestly at a loss. That is until he finds out you aren’t good at sports. It was perfect! He could make fun of you and also teach you how to be better! Not to mention, he wasn’t too shabby at volleyball so he could without a doubt dazzle you with his amazing talent. (I stg Oikawa possessed me to write that last sentence I-).
Once you two become a lot closer, maybe even date, I feel like you guys could bond over your insecurities. He’d understand what it’s like to compare yourself to others so much so that it consumes you. So he’d definitely try to help anyway he can, whether it’d be reminding you how much he loves you or listing all the things he finds special about you. (Listen as a boyfriend he’d be so soft and anyone can fight me on this!!)
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(Requests and matchups are still open!!)
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
hi hi!! may i have a matchup maybe possibly for haikyuu and bnha 🥺👉👈 i’m 5’6” and i’m pretty thin and muscular. i have hip-length white hair and tons of freckles. i have blue eyes and i’m a figure skater and a dancer. i love drawing and listening to music. i’m also really shy when meeting new people but i warm up fairly quickly and my qu- 🤢 qu- 🤢 quirky 🤮 side comes out 😺 thank you in advance!!
Of course!!
For BNHA I match you with...Denki Kaminari!! Listen this man is so down for your quirky side because he himself is a quirky guy. He would be so proud to watch you dance and figure skate!! If you tried to teach him dance or skating he would try his best but let me tell you this man has no coordination. You could try to tell him to loosen up but he’s like??? I?? HOw?? If it’s music that you can goof around to it’s fine but when it comes to choreography he’s like “Wait was it the chaines into the pique?” “Denki, we’re doing hip hop”. Memory isn’t this mans forte but he tries his best! And when it comes to you figure skating he is in the stands watching you with the biggest puppy eyes a boy can make. When you land your triple axel turn he shouts with the biggest grin on his face “That’s my s/o!!” So it's safe to say he is constantly proud of you and your skills.
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For Haikyuu I match you with...Tetsuro Kuroo!! This man is head over heels for you. Your cute freckles? Your gorgeous long hair? It’s honestly not even fair how cute you are to him! Definitely would call you shorty or Chibi-Chan 👀👀 even though you aren’t even that small he’s just unfairly tall. Would do his best to help you whenever he could. Unlike Denki, he’s a lot better at dancing and could easily be a replacement partner if need be. When it comes to figure skating though it’s a bit more difficult since he’s not used to the ice at all. “Y/n, Y/n! I’m sliding, ack-” Definitely falls a bunch but would try to be cute about it. “Looks like I fell for you huh shorty?” “Kuroo you literally have bloody nose now’s not the time to flirt!”
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Hope you liked these!! (Also you didn’t specific what pronouns so I used gender neutral! :D)
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
hiii!! can i get a haikyuu match up?? i’m 5’2 (short asf i know😔), i have blonde hair and green eyes. im straight (idk if you need to know that or not) i’m very passionate about sports and i usually end up practicing too much before games which usually leads to me getting hurt or crying💅🏼 anywayyy,, i’m SUPER hyper and cocky, my friends usually have to calm me down,, i’m loud af too oops... but i also get emotional over little things. i’m an artist and i love baking. anyway yea that’s me🤩🤝
of course!!
For Haikyuu I match you with...Hajime Iwaizumi!!
Listen he knows exactly how to deal with you trying to over work yourself since he’s had to deal with Oikawa all of his life. If you don’t listen to his concerns he will literally pick you up and carry you home. Prepare to be made a healthy meal, iced muscles, and a good amount of rest. “Come on, let’s get you to bed. Don’t want you to pull a Shittykawa.”
Doesn’t mind if you get emotional over little things. In fact he thinks it’s really endearing, how you are able to wear your heart on your sleeve he finds it really admirable. Won’t hesitate to hold you if you need a place to cry, his chest is nice and plush from the muscles. Whispers reassuring words while you’re being held.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
Hi, do u still do match ups for haikyuu? I’m an ENFP. I’m easygoing. I love to joke around. I laugh easily but I can be very deep and serious. I like to connect w people reason why I studied psych. I’m v loyal, I can’t fight people but would stand for the ones I love. I grew up w/ 2 bros, which made me the dependable one lol Physically, I’m 5'4, jet black hair and I’m part filipino part chinese. I’m a ‘97 liner but people mistake me for an ‘01 liner idk y lol Thank you! Have a good day! :) 💜 
I am!! :D ALSO!!! FILIPINO GANG!!!! and thank you!! I hope you have a good day too!!
For Haikyuu I match you with...Hajime Iwaizumi!!
Listen you might not be able to fight people, but he can and will. However he won’t ever overstep because he knows that you can handle yourself. Unless someone is crossing a line then he’s ready to throw hands.
He likes connecting with people but he’s a little nervous about it, especially since he’s been used a lot by people trying to get closer to Oikawa. So when people actually want to get to know him because they’re interested in him as a person he’s a lot more relaxed around them. Is 100% relaxed around you and feel comfortable telling almost everything, he’s still got some stuff he wants to keep for himself which is fair but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t trust you.
Also!!! Please make fun of Oikawa with him!! You will have his heart!! You don’t necessarily have to be mean but not feeding into his ego when he’s fishing for it, whew you’re the team favorite, Iwa’s fav first tho.
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thembo-for-anime · 4 years
🌻Hello!🌻 If it’s okay could I maybe have a matchup with Haikyuu and Bnha or just one of them?☺️🌻 I have shoulder length brown hair and it tends to be slightly curly and poofy, I also have brown eyes and I’m around 5’2. I really love my friends since they’re really important to me. I tend to be obnoxiously loud around them but not around people I don’t know well and I have a hard time making friends so I tend to just be quiet. I’m also kind of on the chubby side. 🌻🌻
Of course!! I’m glad to do both!!
For BNHA I match you with...Eijiro Kirishima!! 
Kirishima would totally understand having a hard time because of shyness. He wasn’t always the bravest guy but he grew into it so he would want to help others get to that point too. BECAUSE LETTING OTHERS STRUGGLE WHEN YOU COULD HELP ISN’T MANLY!!!
The first time he experienced you loud and out going with him...mf heart eyes, HEART FULL HEAD EMPTY. He never knew how animated you could be anD HE WANTS TO SEE IT ALL THE TIME. Literally in awe of you and loves to just listen to you talk even if it’s just rambling.
Also, listen to me, look me in my eyes, this man couldn’t care less if you’re chubby or not. He loves you for you. If anything this man loves a little more plush because it just means there’s more of you for him to love. Would worship you not even gonna lie. Like cuddling with you is his favorite thing in the word just because you’re soft and he just likes to melt into your arms. But he also LOVES holding you because it feels like he’s protecting you. (JUST IMAGINE BEING HELD IN HIS STRONG ARMS AKSDFAFLJ IMMA PASS OUT) 
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For Haikyuu I match you with... Takanobu Aone!!
This large man would just look at you in all your 5′2″ glory and just think how could a person be so small??? You’re tiny compared to him?? His thought would make him forget that he’s legit just staring at you. As soon as he realizes tho, v blushy and embarrassed boy. Trust me on this, mans is so easily flustered it’s not even funny. I honestly feel that his shyness is at such a high level that it actually might calm you down a bit. 
Since he doesn’t talk much it leaves a lot of space on your end for him to get to know you. Seeing you speak so candidly and openly makes him want to articulate his thoughts, like how he finds you very cute and likes your short hair but would rather die than say it to you. But he’s also very grateful that you didn’t find him as intimidating as most people do.
If you have to take the train to school you’d most definitely snag the seat next to him. As you grow closer and closer together he would become more comfortable adding his input even if it was just a one word answer.
When y’all start dating though he is so soft with you. You’d most likely have to initiate everything but he would like it very much. Even with his heart beating out of his chest and his face on fire, he still liked the feeling of your hand in his.
So in conclusion, big man very soft, great boyfriend/flustering material.
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