#btw i am not a fan of this au
kazoosandfannypacks · 6 months
my siblings have this crack au where instead of ending up on Perida, Ezra crashes on earth, and something related to that crash landing led to the car crash that landed George Lucas in the hospital, where he came up with the storyline for Star Wars
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aellivi · 7 months
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Still figuring out how I want to draw this guy.
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knightsickness · 11 months
alicole is very funny because if alicent ever even implied to him she’d be down it’d shatter his meticulously maintained madonna-whore dichotomy so completely he’d try to kill himself again. equally alicent would never do that but she would hold the hypothetical tryst as proof of her piety and heterosexuality as if it’s something she actively has to resist. she is attracted to women
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pinktrashgoblin · 5 months
Here are my halves of the trades! This was super fun and all of the artists deserve your love and support, if you don’t already!
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Here’s @jsabaddict’s goober. I am. So normal about him. Also this is an excuse for me to forcibly give everyone’s characters nice days.
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This guy belongs to @grainlord-town, I ADORE their work and this design makes me so unreasonably happy. Was a bit tricky to render but absolutely worth it >:]
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Okay but @bgsartcavern’s designs are so pretty. I love them sm. And yes, I’m again obliterating canon for the sole purpose of giving them a nice day.
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God I LOVE this design from @woahtriangle. Look at this goober. All of the colors were really fun too, like almost futuristic? Plus bonus points for the gun. Haven’t drawn a pew-pew stick in a while, this scratched that itch
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And lastly @blockheadblog ‘s baby, I love her so much oh my GOD
bonus points HERE because of the accidental lesbian lighting. Love her sm
and that’s all! I may do this again in the future, but as of now here’s the lineup! This was super fun, and I enjoyed drawing characters I don’t normally draw ^^
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joeytime · 4 months
Maxiel Hogwarts Au...
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If you asked Max what he thought of Hogwarts, he would likely make a joke about pigs and insult their quidditch teams.
He isn't sure it's smart to do that now, in the middle of the Hogwarts' grand hall, completely surrounded by Hogwarts' students and staff. He isn't sure he could escape even if he had his broom.
"Wow, you really hate Hogwarts." The dreaded hat says atop his hair.
Shut up! Max thinks furiously at it. Get out of my head!
Everyone stares intensely at Max, not daring to breathe while the fate of the member of the national quidditch team is being decided. Even the teachers are at the edge of their seats, other than Dumbledore, he seems to know where Max will inevitably end up.
"Little quidditch champion. Everyone is expecting" The hat says, as if it's life of forever moving from head to head to call one of four words is somehow a greater destiny than Max's.
It's not. Max knows he will go on to succeed in life, and win as many quidditch championships as he wants and then retire on an island in The Maldives with a butt load of cash while the hat is left in a dusty room, waiting for it's yearly use. Max wants to reach to rip it up but it would not be wise to do so in front of Dumbledore himself. His hands stay in his lap, frown etched on his face.
"Impatient. Immature." Max's fingers twitch slightly. There is only so much backtalk one can take from a hat.
"Violent and uncaring, wherever will I put you?" Max doesn't agree with that description, he cares plenty, about winning that is.
"Foolish. Foolish boy." It doesn't hurt, Max has heard those words plenty of times.
Max sulks.
It's a beat of silence before the suspense reaches its climax. "Hufflepuff! " The hat hollers, not bothering to consult Max on it's decision. Which is very rude and impolite.
The entire room erupts into chaos, screams of "What! " and "No way! No way!" echo throughout the hall.
Max can't help but agree, he thought he might end up in Gryffindor or Slytherin, maybe Ravenclaw if he was super unlucky. But Hufflepuff? His father was going to disown him. The media are going to have a field day. Well they were going to already, regardless of which house Max was put in.
Dumbledore moves to pull the hat off of Max, the treacherous thing whispers one last time: "Things will make sense in time. Be patient. Do not mope."
Max doesn't mope. Verstappens can't mope, so he doesn't.
Dumbledore gently guides a slightly speechless Max to the Hufflepuff table, pushing him into the seat before winking and walking off.
Max wants to burn down this school.
Cheers erupt from the Hufflepuff table, hands coming to pat him on the back and fawn over him.
The other tables seem miserable at the prospect of losing out on a quidditch champion.
"Oh my god! Hi! Hi! Oh my god! It's you!" A boy excitedly chatters to his left, other students crowd around him and Max suddenly finds that he can't breathe. It's like he's small again, after being knocked off his broom by an overly excited big kid. He had fallen to the ground, too exhausted and overwhelmed to get back up.
His father had been mad, really mad. He hadn't slept well again after that.
"Guys! Guys! He doesn't look so good. " Whoever that is, is definitely right, Max can hardly breathe, he tries to use the breathing technique his father taught him after his first match, control his breathing. It doesn't work, it only causes the panic and urgency in his veins to surge. It did work, it's purpose was to put him on guard, not calm down.
He curls into himself, hands around his ears to protect from the deafening sound of crowds cheering. His bubble of personal space is of course pried and poked at. Fans never had any self awareness when it came to these matters and his father never did have sympathy for personal space.
Hands are pried away from him, he can hear outraged screeching at the action. His own quidditch team's screams when he was 6 years old and pulled away to join the older kids. They thought it wasn't fair that a small boy climbed the ranks faster than they did.
"Hey! Hey! Everyone back up right now!" The entire opposing team bombarding him in an attempt to stop him. The referee's reprimand that fell on deaf ears.
The people at his sides are replaced and gentle hands hold him back up, out of the ball he curled himself into.
Max doesn't dare look up, too afraid at the thought of seeing his father's judgemental look.
"Hey, are you okay? " Max turns his head, soft, gentle, warm eyes, concerned. Jos was never concerned, he was the uncaring one! Not Max!
"I'm fine. " A repeated response, practiced again and again every time he came home to his mother.
The teen with the soft eyes gestures for another boy to sit on Max's other side. The boy opposite Max looks on in concern.
"Hello. I'm Daniel Riccardo, I'm a prefect of Hufflepuff, it's nice to meet you." The gentle boy says, eyes still filled with concern.
"Max Verstappen. " Max manages to choke out.
"The boy on your left is Yuki Tsunoda and that's Lando Norris." Daniel gestures to the boy sitting opposite Max, who waves shyly.
The ruckus Max's sorting caused calms down and everyone settles down to listen to Dumbledore's welcome back speech which luckily does not mention Max.
Max feels strange between Riccardo and Tsunoda, like dread wrapped in false cotton. Norris also peers at him from time to time, creep.
They're sent back to their dorms. Max tells Riccardo that he can get there on his own but the older boy frowns and insists that he takes Max. Max thinks his father would be disappointed at his complacency but he doesn't have the strength to fight it.
Riccardo leads him to the kitchen, Max wants to snap some insult about him being a goody two shoes and how this is none of his business. He holds his tongue.
Riccardo gestures to a specific barrel, looking more worn out than the ones around it. He taps a certain beat, perhaps it's a secret code. That's childish, Max decides, they are not children playing in a fort.
The barrel swings open.
Max grimaces at the small tunnel.
"Here, you try tapping it." Riccardo puts Max's hand to the barrel.
Max repeats the rhythm perfectly. Memory exercises were part of his training.
Once Riccardo is satisfied, he points at the tunnel, almost as if he wants Max to crawl through it.
Max scrunches his nose, seriously? The older boy points more urgently and Max relents, shoving himself through the tunnel.
Well, not shoving, he's not really big, a fact his father loathed, putting him on diets with large sums of proteins and even attempting to use transfiguration spells before it was put to a stop by his mother.
Max wished his mother had not stopped his father. Maybe he would have an excuse not to join this god forsaken house.
It's an agonizing 5 second crawl before he pops out the other end right in front of Lando Norris, the boy before.
Daniel appears behind him, putting a hand on Max's shoulder.
"So Max, this is the Hufflepuff house. You know Yuki and Lando. That's Oscar, Nico and Valtteri." Riccardo urges the boys to come forward.
"It's Verstappen. " Max declares, Riccardo quirks an eyebrow and the rest of the boys look equally confused.
"Hi! I'm Lando! I'm like a huge fan, do you mind signing this for me? " The boy's yellow robes are somehow orange.
Max's PR training kicks in and he smiles one of those sickly sweet smiles that his father loves to wipe off his face before ordering him to smile again. His posture straightens and he reaches a hand around the younger boy's shoulders, patting him on his back once, twice. Just like he rehearsed.
"Sure! " His tone is so obviously a faux sweet as he reaches to retrieve the black marker from his back pocket. The boy has stars in his eyes and Max feels guilty, he always does. He's a fraud.
He signs the hat from his national team, the one he left behind.
He wishes he didn't.
"Hey, are you okay Max? " Riccardo asks, looking weird again.
"I'm doing great, how are you? " His PR trainer said asking back these questions were endearing, cute. Max's father had mocked him for that act, his trainer had been fired after that.
"How about I bring you to your room? Would you like that?" Riccardo asks, Max smiles again, nodding.
"Sure." Norris waves enthusiastically as Riccardo leads him out of the common room and into his private room.
"Are you alright? Max?"
"Call me Verstappen."
"Verstappen. Are you alright?"
"You can go, Riccardo. "
"... Call if you need anything."
When the prefect leaves, Max wants nothing but to burst into tears. He flops onto the bed.
The next day he drags himself out of bed. Even if classes don't start till 9 and the sun hasn't risen yet.
Jos expected him to continue his strict training regime. He was almost tempted to skip it and lie to his father but he thought he better not after his humiliating sorting from yesterday.
Now, alone, Max can see the Hufflepuff room properly. It's... It's all gentle lighting, none of the bright fluorescent lights his room had. The chairs looked comfy and the many plants lazing around the common room tempts him to join them.
Perhaps that would be a better fate, turning into a plant to live the rest of his life in the common room. His hand lingers on his wand, mind on a spell his professor taught him when he was just 9. He didn't.
When he had crawled out of the Hufflepuff room, fully dressed, broom in hand, the sun was just peaking from the horizon.
The halls are empty, some portraits mutter as he walks by. His father's portraits never moved, other than those instructed to. For example, a painter that never stopped moving his brush or a surfer never to take a break from the sea.
Making his way to the Hogwarts field, he stretched, slow and patient. His bones crack from the exhausting day he had before.
The field is decent sized, not as big as the one he played in during national championships, bigger than the one his father made him run laps around till he fainted.
He glides through the air easily, flying comes easily to him. If he were to be given his own time and freedom he thinks he would likely still be a top player in the school leagues.
It's better that he was hurled up though. Better to have reached the top by sheer force of his father's training.
He thinks about his national team, he's a reserve, too young to play officially but the team has him in some practices and he attends smaller competitions for them. Max suspects it's more about having a claim on Max when he comes of age.
He's 15, he still has 3 years to choose which team he wants to go to. By then, he will make his own choice. He will not do whatever pleases his father anymore.
The golden snitch twinkles near the end of the field. Max pretends not to see it.
It is fun, sometimes, tricking the golden snitch, allowing it a false sense of security. Like a tiger cub playing with a cricket.
His father would get mad at him if he did it for too long, he was upset his son couldn't catch it at once. Which Max could, he just didn't see the fun of it.
The fluttering golden ball is in his hands before it can even think of escaping.
Max briefly wonders if the snitch can possibly think, he lets it flutter away, repeating his game once again.
In the golden light of the sun and shaded path of the clouds, the wind whizzes past his ears, he falls into the familiar rhythm of flying, sometimes he makes his own obstacle courses, weaving through imaginary hoops.
By the time the sun reveals itself fully to watch Max fly, he realizes that a crowd has gathered around under him, star-struck Hogwarts students watching, mouths open and everything.
He flushes slightly, he may have had many adoring fans due to his membership in the national team and young age but come on! These were his peers.
Max lowers down, checking his watch to see that it is indeed 8.30am and he has to run if he wants to get to class not drenched in sweat.
He waves slightly to the crowd, zipping to the house dorm even though he's probably breaking several school rules.
He knocks the tune and enters quickly, still high from the adrenaline of flying.
He climbs out of the tunnel only to come face to face with Daniel Riccardo, his face stern and stony.
"Verstappen! You can't just sneak out like that!" Daniel's expression softens when he sees Max.
Max knows he feels pity even if Riccardo knows nothing about his life.
"I of course did not sneak out, I left my room and went to the field." Max doesn't think early hour training counts as sneaking out, going to parties in the dead of the night is sneaking out.
"Max, we were worried. I went into your room and you weren't there. Thought you'd been kidnapped by the other houses to play quidditch for them or something... "
Max considers this briefly, Riccardo knocking on his door gleefully, freezing when he doesn't get an answer. Did his blood pressure spike? Did he throw Max's door open in desperation only to find the room empty?
Max grimaces.
"I went to go training... Sorry..." Max stands awkwardly, hands by his side like a child being punished by a parent.
Riccardo sighs. Max wants to cry.
"Please forgive me, I'm of course sorry, I will do anything!" Max cringes inside, begging with someone other than his father is a foreign concept.
Riccardo has a cheeky smile on his face, Max is almost scared.
"I'll forgive you... Only if you call me Daniel!"
Max groans inwardly, well he's also partly relieved but Daniel doesn't need to know that.
"What will it be Max? Will you call me the d word? Or will you suffer in my never ending spite! "Daniel's grin grows.
" Fine. "
" Fine, who? "
"Fine. Daniel."
Max flushes, weird.
Daniel looks elated.
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birrdify · 2 months
Pinoy ka Rin!?
Let's go!!!
Pinoy pride!!!
Let's give Kinito the Pinoy Love which is Good Giving and MORE FOOD!!!
And please can I hug the li'l guy???? His so cute!!!!
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PIINOY POWER11!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!1!
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and YSE you can hug the silly boy thyank you pre<3SORRY FOR ANSWERING THIS SO LATE I WS BUSY THIS AFTERNOON WAHHH
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seaweedstarshine · 6 months
This part of The Crimson Horror novelization lives rent free in my mind:
‘I could materialise the TARDIS around her on stage!’ cried the Doctor. ‘No—’ he concluded bitterly. ‘Too conspicuous. Blow pipe?’ ‘What?’ ‘Use a blow pipe dart to knock her out. Just for a bit. Long enough to get her back here. Strong cuppa. Two rounds of toast. Gentle interrogation…’ ‘Right,’ I sighed. ‘Or—’ ‘Befriend her as a child! Easy! I can nip back in the TARDIS, make a huge impression on her when she’s just a nipper then reappear in her life and then it’ll be all bunting out, hail the conquering Doctor, all that. It’s worked before!’
He liked the results on Amy, so he tried it on Kazran Sardick, until causing lasting childhood trauma is one of his go-to solutions for easy compliance! That's my eleven. My eldritch horror.
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jekyll-doodles · 1 year
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modern lords 💚My Tip Jar (Ko-fi)/Commission Info💚 Do not remove source, edit, trace, or repost!
the ex lords of Alagadda, in some modern clothes. For my wakey wakey au.
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arkham-guard-dp-au · 1 year
(Apologies for constantly sending stiff in your ask box. I honestly have nothing better to do and I have too many ideas.)
That being said... Here's a new idea I'd like to share cause I have nothing better to do with it besides trying to draw it and I thought, hey, this can fit in this au possibly.
Danny being afraid of Professor Pyg not just because of the Dollotrons he makes but he gets flashbacks to his own vivisection whenever he's near the guy. Professor Pyg literally lobotomized his victims and sew doll masks to create his Dollotrons, his idea of perfection. The worst part about dollotrons is that they're alive.
I see Dollotrons as souls stuck in living tombs, here. The only way to free them is if one destroys the vessels to allow the souls to finally be at peace rather then suffer inside their former bodies, constantly wailing for help as they watch on, never to be in control again. What made those bodies them have been erased with the use of chemicals and surgery. Their mind and body is not theirs anymore. They're Professor Pyg's now.
For ghosts/halfas/liminal's to see such a thing will cause such a visceral reaction of wrongness emanating in their cores. Cause by all means, the Dollotrons should be dead with such a disconnect the body and mind has with the soul. But nope. These Dollotrons will be considered abominations. (I imagine Danny having a similar reaction to Garnet from SU when she saw the gem shard fusions in a way cause like, in some ways, the dollotrons are most like Halfas like him. But more twisted)
Danny makes sure to keep his interactions with Pyg to a minimum. Everyone notices and doesn't blame him. Even the Joker is put off by Pyg (in Arkham Knight). Joker!
[Just more possible interactions and world building (?) for this au I guess... I really need sleep TwT]
Add this Pyg a**hole to the list of villains for Danny to go feral on.
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
octonauts ATLA au 🤲
Barnacles is an EXTREMELY powerful waterbender from the North Pole, with a strong love for icebending—he defaults to it most of the time. He can use all subforms of waterbending, but they're a bit harder.
Kwazii's the Avatar, but he's still a pirate AND he's a natural firebender, so he still has that "scary and dangerous" reputation. He's afraid of using his firebending, because he hates it. Barnacles is teaching him waterbending, and he's pretty good at it. So far he sucks at earthbending, and his airbending is okay, but if he gets worked up it can accidentally come out as fire... which, yeah.
Peso is an airbender, and the first one in his family. He's not very skilled at bending, and he can't fly very well, and sometimes wishes he was a waterbender, like Barnacles. That way he'd be "stronger", and could utilize its healing abilities. He has an epiphany later on in the middle of S3 that makes him realize how powerful he really is, and he learns to fly :)
Tweak is an earthbender, which she inherited from her dad (maybe*). Like Barnacles, she has a love and preference for a specific subtype—in her case it's metalbending. She's very good at it. It's how she builds GUPs so fast.
Shellington is a waterbender. He doesn't use it very much, mainly because he's Not Great at controlling it—so you'll either end up getting lightly spit on or completely drenched in a tsunami by accident.
Dashi is a non-bender (with water tribe ancestry), which puts her at a disadvantage during some missions. However! She has all of her skills from the Canon Universe, plus the extra adaptiveness seen in non-benders in ATLA (Sokka, Suki, etc).
Inkling is also a non-bender, but he has studied the elements and different bending techniques his whole life. He's Kwazii's Monk Gyatso but with less dying.
Octoagents! 👇
Calico Jack is Kwazii's Uncle Iroh. I needn't explain further. His main goal is to teach Kwazii to be less afraid of his firebending.
Natquik is a waterbender, who taught Barnacles everything he knows. He got his penchant for icebending from him. He pretty much invented it. He survived Antarctica by ✨ Becoming One With The Ice™ ✨. He doesn't just study icequakes, he can make them. He can probably spiritbend.
*I'm TORN between making Marsh be an earthbender or a waterbender. If he's an earthbender, then he can't metalbend like Tweak can, but he's still very strong. Like, scarily strong 👀. IF HE'S A WATERBENDER, then he's a swampbender, full stop.
Tracker is an airbender, mainly because of how he's clearly paralleling Peso's arc in AnB. He was the only airbender in his Polar Scouts troop, and he got picked on for it a bit—but Barnacles thought it was cool as heck, and that's how they became friends.
Do I need to explain Paani being a waterbender? No I do not. He's probably VERY powerful, but very chillax about it. He successfully freaks out everyone who witnesses him bend every time. He can part the seas like freaking Moses.
Pearl is a waterbender like Shellington; she's not super strong, but she has a LOT more control over it than he does. Peri will be a waterbender as well, but he hasn't unlocked it yet. He's trying very hard because he wants to be like his mum and uncle SO badly.
Min could easily be a bender of any kind and it would make sense, but I kinda wanna say she's a non-bender. Just cuz ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Earthbender Ryla. That's all. It makes it a lot easier to get out of caves when she's stuck. She's very casual about it. So casual, that most people either forget or don't even realize she's a bender until it comes up. Then they're like "oh yeah." as she literally moves mountains.
Airbender Pinto, who has no clue how to control it. Whenever he gets frustrated with himself, he accidentally creates small tornadoes. He can also fly! He likes to brag about it. a lot. mainly to Peso.
Waterbender Koshi, who hasn't discovered that about herself yet. She's in for a fun time when she figures it out. Remember how happy she was when she got her Octowatch? Yeah :) 10x that. I also imagine their family is full of late bloomers, but because of Dashi she has pretty low expectations for herself right now.
#can you guess what im rewatching ? ✨ xD#👀👀 what if 👉👈 someone drew this 😳 haha jk........... unless 😳#octonauts#marsh being an earthbender is mainly because this entire post was inspired by watching the feuding tribes episode of atla#and the tour guide reminding me of marsh.#anyway rip to the dashi fans but sokka and uncle bumi are my favs so i promise my decision for her was made with love 🫶🤣#avatar kwazii avatar kwazii Avatar Kwazii AVATAR KWAZII#i am right#ty for your time#octonauts au#self indulgent post time#ps worldbuilding stuff:#most birds descend from the air temples‚ but penguins are weird so they're usually waterbenders if they're benders at all–#which is why peso is an airbender‚ plus the first one in his family to bend at all#pinto came right after him‚ but since peso would've been off being an octonaut he didn't have anyone around to mentor him#also pirates have mixed ancestry from every nation. but the majority of pirates Don't Like the avatar so uh yeah rip kwazii iykwim–#he might be the first avatar to be a pirate in history just bc i think that'd be neat for the ✨ story ✨#also bianca and hugo would both be waterbenders too btw#one of the cubs is a non-bender but idk who. maybe orson.#ALSO the airbenders were never wiped out in this au#the War™ never really happened but firebenders are still Scary bc of the whole Fire Is Destruction thing#idrk what the Story of this au is except for like— kwazii is the avatar. he was abandoned by his family. he joins the octonauts to help--#--bring peace to the world + nature etc. so basically the canon plot of the og show but with magic ✨ /hj#long post#surprised i haven't hit the tag limit yet#ok byebye end post
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xembarch · 23 days
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Just to prove I'm not dead, here's some older stuff I've been sitting on. I find drawing over actual panels with the AU designs helpful to visualize how the redesigns would actual work.
Panels are from Captain America Vol. 1 #434-436 and Thunderbolts Vol. 1 #110-111
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cherrysmokesaconha · 4 months
Unpopular Opinion
Legacy/Beyond TomTord SUCKS. 2004/2005/EDE AU! TomTord are way better and deserve more recognition!
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themyscirah · 3 months
Started thinking about the Amanda Waller + Ben Turner relationship again.... fuck, I'm gonna need a minute
#I JUST- SHDIAUDJSHDSHEYEYRYRYRY guys. guys#i know none of you see my vision and thats okay. i will make you see my vision. i will force you to see my vision. i will-#like jesus fucking christ oh my god. its so interesting and gives me so many emotions and just!!!#i know im not making sense bc none of my moots are sui sq fans and also like half of the content fucking me up specifically here is in my#head because i cant stop thinking about my absolute power fix it au but like!!!!!!!#also the fact i have a fix it for a comic that isnt out yet is so funny to me. its literally fucking real though. god knows we need it#may my own content carry me through the dark times (extreme villain waller arc)#anyways this fucks me up so bad you dont even know. someday ill actually explain it#dc hire me to write a suicide squad ongoing PLEASE. i could do it so good it would be so fucking good dc PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭😭#also like this isnt me shipping them btw. like 110% not that. just to clarify.#i wouldnt even call it a friendship bc like. theyre not friends really. he has the most equal dynamic with her i would say but it still isnt#equal. shes v much his boss even though they have an understanding and respect there#like she believes and trusts in him much more than anybody really even himself. like she sees the good man and the leader even when he#doesnt. but she isnt nice about it. and there is a lot of conflict between them when there needs to be#like as much as ben is “wallers man”--the team leader she wanted from the beginning before rick flagg pushed his way in#ben i would say is still a very moral person even when lost and unsure of himself and his goodness (which is like one of his main things)#like i feel like while amanda can lean very into a “the ends justify the means” mindset in her worse moments and do bad things to get#herself out of a corner ben has like a deep and meaningful understanding of how the choices of your methods and how you act can weigh on you#like even though he was brainwashed and whatnot (thats still the story right? i cant remember) he holds a lot of guilt and baggage over his#actions and i think is able to temper amanda's worse tendencies in terms of that by calling her out when he recognizes that behavior#idk. i just really think that amanda waller and the suicide squad as a whole has lost its way without a more moral authority presence there.#like someone who can call her out and keep them more on track. which i really thing ben is and could be#i just very much am interested in their dynamic and how that would look like as equals and how i think they could help each other.#which ofc is what my wip is about and revolves around#blah#sui sq
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uncaught-coolfish · 11 months
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emerald with some fucked up bulldog
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dragon-zena · 5 months
I am intrigued at the concept of yoshizawa being a 3rd trickster. One without any real interference from the velvet room OR Yaldabaoth? Because you already get so much traction from the knowledge that akechi either isn't a trickster or just wasn't properly guided (for obvious reasons), and I think that having a trickster that has even less of an idea of whats going on is interesting. And also I would like to explore what her arcana bonds would be like. I think it would be cool
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sheebadukiiiii · 11 months
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