#both my computer and my sleep schedule hate me
bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Broken headsets
- Chan
Warning: A lot of Angst, slight violence?
Pairing: BangChan x reader.
Summary: where he snaps at you while working.
!Not proofread!
(This is just a trail story, I lost my first story that was actually good ☠️I’m probably going to delete this)
“Channie?” I call for him. My hands gently rubbing his back while playing with his hair. So soft and messy.
“Mhm” he replies softly. The sound of his fingers typing against the keyboard as his headsets sat around his neck. His brown curls fluffy and everywhere.
His silver hoops sitting perfectly on both his ears and his black shirt tight around his muscle making him look delicious.
“Baby you need to eat something. You’ve been on that computer ever since you got home.” I plead with him.
He needed to eat, he hadn’t eaten all day due to the busy schedule and lack of time on his plate. The mangers were on him 24/7 due to their comeback in a few weeks.
Comeback season meant no time for anything, no time for dates, no time for sitting around, no time for spending time with one another and I hated it. I hate it so much. It made me angry.
“Baby this is really important, I’ll be there in a second.” He quickly says not even bothering to look up.
“Chan you’ve been at it for the past 2 hours, you haven’t even looked at me.” I complain. Yes I wanted attention, shoot me!
“I’ll give you all the attention you want my love, just please let me finish this.”
Sadness fills my heart as I silently put the clothes inside the closet.
A ringing sound in my ear and a tight feeling in my throat.
I was trying not to cry. I refused to cry.
Chan was a workaholic, no doubt in that. His days consisted of waking up early in the morning to head to the JYP building and coming home very late only to do more work. Some nights he wouldn’t come home at all and he knew I didn’t like it so to make my happy, he sometimes would bring me with him to the studio but that was when he thought he wouldn’t be coming home.
Our conversations in the studio normally contained:
“Just 30 more minutes my love”
“I’m almost done”
“I promise this is the last thing.”
He loves his job and he puts 110% in it but that makes him lack in other areas. His health.
Some nights he doesn’t sleep, some days he forgets meals and other days his mental health is the worst but still he doesn’t care because he loves his Job. He loves the boys. He loves Stay.
“Fine.” I sigh. One minute meant 1 hours at this point. I quietly leave the room closing the door behind me. Leaving him in his little world.
The cold tiles sending a shiver up my spine as I walked down the corridor.
“What am I going to do with you Channie?” I whisper to myself while packing up the food.
The dishes in the sink waiting for me to touch them while the laundry basket sat in the living room waiting for me to fold the messy clothes in them.
The house was quiet. The A.C hitting my skin with cold air as I sit on the floor and start folding the clothes one by one.
Berry by my side watching me.
Our apartment wasn’t big but it was huge for two people.
Some days it was a real big hustle to keep everything clean especially when they boys stay over but other days it wasn’t hard to maintain with the help of Chan.
“What am I going to do with your dad Berry?” I sigh again looking at the dog who seemed to be care free.
I grabbed the last set of clothes and walked over to the room. Chan’s back facing me. Not even noticing me in the room.
“Baby..” I call for him as I set down the clothes and start to load them into the closet.
“What Y/n?” He says a little harsh. I roll my eyes, frustration starting to build in my chest but I decide to be the bigger person and ignore his little attitude.
“Baby do you know what we’ll be doing for our 2 year anniversary?” I asked him trying to atleast have a conversation with him.
“I don’t know Y/n. You deal with it I don’t have time. Just tell me how much it is and when it is.”
“When it is?” I ask him obviously taken back.
“Ugh I didn’t mean when it is, I mean when you wanna do it.” He quickly corrects himself and rubs his temples with his fingers.
“Atleast act like you care Chan.” I tell him honestly.
“I’m not starting an argument with you right now so please can I get back to my work?”
“Chan why are you being like this?” Ignoring his request I decide to push because honestly I was tired of it.
“I’m not acting like anything I just want to finish my work in peace.”
“Chan you’re acting so selfish right now!” I say now slightly raising my voice.
“Y/n” he says firm and glaring over at me. What’s the worse he could possibly do?
“Just listen-“ I beg before I’m cut off.
“Y/n i said leave me alone!” His voice booms and the sound of breaking glass fills the room. My body freezes. Hands shaking.
The now broken headsets and mirror laying on the ground.
“Did you just throw that at me?” I ask him in disbelief.
“Babe-“ his body was stood up now and he was reaching out for me. His face filled with panic and guilt.
“Don’t.” I say getting away from his touch. The clothes that were once folded no scattered on the ground. Words refusing to come out of my mouth until I force myself to get up from the floor.
“I-I’m going to leave…” I say softly. My heart hurt and I hope he knew that. I felt the tears that were all built up from frustration, anger and hurt all start to flow down my cheeks.
When would he realize that being with him was starting to slowly ruin me?
Pt 2 ⬇️
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shade-e-e-es · 9 months
Hours later, Doc is still fuming as he thinks of all the ways he should give it to that stinky mutt. To cool off he decides to go on a walk.
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He quickly finds out it does not help. As is his nature as a creeper, he walks silently, ears perked for any sign of sound.
He picks up his pace as he hears the dull thud of someone chopping a tree. It’s either Etho or Beef making a project in the middle of the night.
Or it’s an intruder.
He’s hoping it’s an intruder because then he can attack something, as messed up as that sounds.
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And oh the joy he feels (and fury) when he sees the red shirt and brown tail of Ren Dog.
The bushes rustle as Doc moves to step out. He only pauses for a second as Rens ears perk and he starts to growl, his swing stopping as he adjusts his hold on the axe. A battle stance.
Fine. A fight.
… maybe he should try and. Talk a little before he blows this guy up.
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He expects Ren to rush him. To growl and attack even if it’s just with words. It’s how he acts during the day, after all.
He did not expect the smile, the tail wagging, and the excitement.
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“Doc! My dude!! Jeez man you scared me!! I thought you were a freakin skeleton or something!! Sorry, didn’t mean to growl at you like that!!”
Doc stares blankly. What. Why is he.. so excited. And before he can even open his mouth to hiss out something about taxes or his tree, Ren continues.
“I’m really genuinely sorry about the tree. I’d have come and asked if I knew you were awake. I can never tell what your guys’s sleep schedules are! Besides Bdubs. Always know when he’s passed out!!”
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“Seriously like that dude will pass out the moment the sun goes over the hills even if we’re trying to talk to him! It’s a bit funny though so it’s fine on our end. Guys gotta sleep! Oh- right. I can pay you back and stuff for the tree. I tried to pick a smaller one far away from your projects so I don’t mess any landscapes up. I’m also going to replant the sapling and all that!!” Ren shifts from foot to foot, a smile on his face, a wag in his tail. His eyes almost sparkle as he stares at Doc.
And it.
This doesn’t make sense to Doc. Why does.. Ren doesn’t act like this! He’s! Quiet. He’s grumpy. He acts like he hates every single member of the nHo and yet here he is raving about Bdubs in a joking way to Doc of all people.
“What.” Doc says.
“Oh. Uh.” Ren chuckles a little. “Sorry. I am. Nervous, NOT ABOUT YOU!! I just don’t want to be away from Iskall for too long. See I’m here to get wood to make a fire over in our camp. Iskall has a fever and we both agreed that staying at the resistance base would be better than going to our houses. Too much movement. But I.. suck at taking care of sick people. So I’m doing what I know best! Chopping trees, making fire, cooking soup!! (If you happen to have any notes on making soup please let me know. I lied about knowing best on it.)” Ren leans in, whispering the last bit.
He’s so animated. He can’t stand still. Doc is.. flabbergasted!!
It doesn’t compute. It just.
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“Why are you. Being. Nice???”
PT 1 | PT 3
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borathae · 4 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #46 - Affection]
"When Jungkook wants some affection."
Genre: married life!AU, domestic Fluff, a hint of suggestive themes
Warnings: they're in love, snuggles & cuddles in bed, kisses, they also talk about alien dick at one point lmaaoaao, and how Kook would use it on her hahha listen they're both nerds <3, Kookie wants to be praised and kissed!!!, they are the one true couple <3
Wordcount: 2.1k
a/n: they're so important to me :( i love them so fucking much istfg :(
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You and Jungkook have a to-do list on your fridge. On there, you write all the things needing to be done this day, which aren’t part of the usual schedule. During the colder months, the list could include things like “make the greenhouse storm proof” while in the warmer months, things like “mow the lawn” finds its way onto the list. You even have the list separated in two sections. One for you and one for Jungkook. Because you hate doing some tasks, while Jungkook loves them and instead he hates other tasks you love. So some tasks will always find their way onto Jungkook’s side while others will be cozy on your side. The list works wonderfully and saved yourselves from many sleepless nights when the sudden realization set in that “oh shoot, you had to do something today but forgot”. It is also a perfect tool to prevent useless bickering about “who does it”, because once it’s on the determined side, it is clear to both who will be responsible for it. 
The day is almost over and you are on your way to the shower when you decide to check the list just one last time. Just in case. Your brain has been awfully scattered throughout the day because of a bad night's sleep, so just to be sure, you want to make sure that the list has actually been worked through. 
You and Jungkook have a pen each to write your lists. Jungkook’s side is written in black ink and his handwriting, while your side is written in blue ink and your handwriting. He had swipe the driveway, clean the bike gear closet on his side today. Both tasks are crossed off. You had water the upstairs plants and wash the upstairs curtains, kiss husband and tell him you are proud of him on your list. Both tasks are crossed off. Your eyes do a double take. 
“Kiss husband and tell him you are proud of him?” you read out loud. You didn’t write that. Your eyes flit down to yet another task you didn’t fulfill, “Pin husband by the wrists and tell him he is yours? I’m sorry? I didn’t write any of this.” 
Wait a minute. This is written in black ink. And it is Jungkook’s handwriting.
“Oh my god, Kook”, you gasp, having to laugh, “you genius doofus.” 
This is such a Jungkook thing to do. It is silly, clever and exactly the kind of flirting that gets your heart racing. You married such a goofy sweetheart.
You abandon the list so you can take the quickest shower in wife history. You have tasks to fulfill, husbands to kiss. You slip into a cute two piece pyjama set once clean and hurry to his room. 
The door is closed and so you knock. 
“Come in”, he answers after the third knock.
You slide into the room, closing the door behind you. In typical Jungkook fashion, he has the big lights off and only his colourful LEDs on. The room is hued into a mixture of red and pink. 
Your husband is sitting by his computer with his knees pulled to his chest. He is dressed in loose boxers and a white oversized shirt. His short hair is silky and on top of his nose, a pair of black framed glasses is perched. He started wearing prescription glasses. Well, in yet another typical Jungkook fashion, he only wears them occasionally because he either forgets or can’t be bothered. Whenever he does wear them however, he looks so handsome in them that it gets hard to function. 
“Hey sweetie”, he greets you, studying you from head to toe, “this is such a cute set. It fits you so well.” 
“Thank you. It’s satin. Touch it”, you hurry to him.
Jungkook touches your upper waist, sliding his hand down to your hip softly. His eyes follow his touch.
“Wow, so soft and silky.”
“Right? It’s so comfy. And? Check this out”, you say and grab the pants at the crotch part to drag it into his vision. You have to do a little bend for it. 
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asks, having to chuckle at your silly antics.
“No middle seam”, you say, fixing your pants again, “which means no pussy and ass crack discomfort.”
“Ah that’s what you tried to show me. It looks so comfy. Yay to no crack discomfort.” 
“I know. I’m so happy”, you say and turn to look at his screen. 
He has a character creation window open. It seems like a sci-fi shooter game. 
“Am I disturbing you?” 
“No, it’s okay. I’m creating a character for the next round. I wanna be an alien this time.”
“I see. That seems cool”, you say and suddenly you feel so guilty for coming here. This is Jungkook’s recharge time, you shouldn’t ruin this for him. Maybe you can fulfill your tasks later. Once he’s in bed with you.
“What brings you here, sweetie? Fashion show or something else?” Jungkook asks, caressing your lower back as he talks.
“Yeah, no. Fashion show”, you turn to him, giving him a little sway of your shoulders, “I wanted to show you my new set.”
“I love it. You are beautiful in it”, he praises and smiles.
“Thankies”, you murmur shyly and wiggle your shoulders, “do you want any snacks? I’m making tea so I can drink some as I read in bed.” 
“No, thank you. I have my beer and my crisps”, he says and gives your buttock a little squeeze, “you’re my favorite snack anyways.”
You nudge his cheek, “sweet talker.”
He chuckles, shifting his eyes to the screen again. Yes, you will definitely do your tasks later in bed. They will hit so much better this way.
“Okay, I’m in bed then”, you say, leaving his room again.
“Yeah okay. Have fun reading.”
“I will, heh. Have fun being an alien.” 
Jungkook laughs, “I will.”
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You already finished the chapters when Jungkook comes to bed. You are on your phone, watching a video, when he enters the bedroom. You pause the video and lock your phone, following your husband with your eyes.
He is walking to his bedside table so he can put his glasses there for the night. He massages the bridge of his nose afterwards, taking on a path to the bathroom.
“It was your turn to put Bam to sleep, right?” he asks.
“It was, yeah. He’s been sleeping for two hours.”
“That’s good. Our son”, he says, disappearing in the bathroom afterwards. Moments later, you can hear him pee.
You shake your head in disbelief, chuckling to yourself. He couldn’t even close the door for that. 
The toilet flushes and moments later, you hear him brush his teeth. He even manages to make himself gag once as he scrapes his tongue, following it up with a “made myself gag” to which you answer him with a chuckled “poor man”.   
Afterwards he finally appears, grinning at you.
“Wah baby, I just pissed so hard”, he says.
“I know. I heard. Couldn’t you have closed the door?”
“I could have. I was lazy”, he says and plops down on bed.
“You’re so weird sometimes.”
“You love me for it.”
“Mhm, yeah I guess I do. I hope you sat down.”
“Wah baby, who do you think I am? A heathen? Of course I sat down.”
You chuckle, “good boy.”
He snuggles into his pillow until he is cozied up on his side and with his big eyes gazing at you. “I was an alien”, he says, reaching out to intertwine his fingers with yours. He caresses your knuckles mindlessly.
“You were?”
“Mhm. It was fun. Hey babe, would you still love me if I was an alien?” 
You laugh, lifting your brow at him in question. He flutters his lashes at you, expecting your answer.
“Obviously”, you say, “I’d call you my little alien and we could go on dates in your UFO.”
“Yeah that sounds romantic. Also, alien dick. Hello? Would you prefer tentacles, an egg laying one or a double trouble deluxe one?” 
“I love that we instantly went from cute UFO dates to alien dick” you say with a chuckle on your lips.
“That’s important miss ma’am, I need to know your preferences.”
“Fine okay”, you give in, “tentacles? Fill me in.”
“Okay so. I would have no dick, you know, like Ken. But then I could grow tentacles and these tentacles produce their own lube so I can fuck you with them. And there’s lots of them so I can fill out whatever you want me to.”
“Alright”, you snort in amusement, “egg laying? What’s that about?”
“I don’t know, I saw it somewhere.”
“You mean porn?”
You laugh, “so it’s like a normal dick that lays eggs inside me?”
“Yeah basically, but it’s purple and is thicker at the tip and it also produces its own lube so I can be really wet and nasty with it. And, oh my god, I want it to glow as well so I can see it inside you. Yeah.”
“I feel like that’s your favourite.”
“Maybe, I want a glowing dick”, he says and pouts, making you laugh.
“Yeah it sounds fun. But I gotta carry your eggs inside afterwards?”
“I mean…yeah. You do that normally too, they’re just smaller.”
“You’re gross.”
He grins. You give him a roll of your eyes affectionately, nudging his cheek.
“And the last one? Is the double deluxe one your dick but just twice?” you ask him.
“Yeah, basically. Yup, my dick but twice”, he decides, nodding his head way too proudly. 
“Then I’ll take this one. I like your dick. Having it twice sounds like fun.”
Jungkook scrunches his nose in a cute bunny smile. He looks way too giddy for the nature of the conversation. 
“Do you really like it?” he asks.
“More than anything.”
“Is it perfect?” 
“The most perfect ever.”
Jungkook giggles, kicking his feet. 
“Thanks, yeah”, he clears his throat to make his voice appear deeper, “thanks babe.”
You laugh because you know he is being goofy again. Your little goofball. You roll onto your tummy and push him to his back. He lets you, looking at your face with sparkly eyes. 
You take his wrists and pin them above his head. The sparkles in his eyes grow, his breathing speeds up just a little.
“You’re a goofball”, you speak softly, gazing at his pretty face.
Jungkook wiggles, grinning goofily. 
“But you’re my goofball. All mine”, you say, giving him a knowing smile, “and I’m proud of you.”
Jungkook squeaks out a little snicker, smiling so brightly his eyes turn into crescent moons. You make it grow with one smooch to his lips and another one to the left side of his neck. He leans into the kisses, wiggling his toes because he is so, so happy to finally receive your affection.
Afterwards you lift your head, raising your right hand to draw invisible checkmarks in the air.
“Check and check”, you say, placing your hand back on his wrist.
Jungkook wiggles his feet. His pulse is racing under your palms. He is so giddy. 
“I was already scared that you didn’t even see it”, he confesses.
“I did. I was so confused at first because I didn’t remember writing it, but then I saw it was in your handwriting and I knew.”
“Heh”, he snickers, scrunching his nose, “it was clever, wasn’t it?” 
“Mhm so clever”, you praise and kiss his lips, “I married a genius.” 
“You really did”, he says and uses his strength to wiggle out of your hold just so he can wrap you in his arms and hug you against him, “my honeyyy.”
You squeak a giggle, accepting your sweet fate gladly. So now you and he are rolling around the sheets as Jungkook cuddles you aggressively. Limbs tangle, sheets get messy and distances erased. It is truly such a delight. He also regularly smooches whatever part of your face he can reach, mumbling giddy words against your skin.
“Wah baby, you saying that you’re proud of me really made me so happy. It felt so good to hear.” 
“I am, you know? I actually meant it, I’m really proud of you.” 
“Thank you, my love”, he nuzzles his face into your neck, giving you little kisses whenever he can, “I’m proud of you too, my love. Wah baby I wanna melt with you, you’re so cute.” 
You smile, closing your eyes to really enjoy his affection.
“You’re cute too”, you mumble into him, pulling him closer.
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noacfapologyst · 2 months
birthday wish - matty healy
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(the birthday party; day one)
summary: matty, as his very best, has one of the best birthdays of his life and receives one of the warmest surprises he has ever had, with all the people he loves.
warnings: flufly stuff, sickness mentions. nothing more than this, is tender as well.
a/n: thank to @abiiors and @the1975attheirverybest for organize this incredible project! both are such an angels. the dates do not coincide in reality, so do not expect truthfulness in it, 'cause the tour continues in this universe and there are no haircuts, and also the english is not my first language.
wordcounter: 5,1k
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Matty wants you to be with him at the exact time when the clock strikes midnight. It doesn't matter if you're an ocean away, just wait to hear you sing her happy birthday.
He knows that even if he wants you to, you can't come out the door. This shouldn't make him sad because it's something he's been facing for years.
You work for the UK's most influential finance company, and while the insistence on doing the work outside has been almost unbearable, Matty knows that you love being in your office or doing the work in the house where you both live together. God, that sounds good.
Officially he's a year older, and without wanting to touch sentimentality, he just feels tired when he rests his head on the white pillow in the hotel room. He doesn't look at his phone screen for a long time, just think about how you're going through the flu that kept you from coming with him to New York.
In the meantime, you have other plans that doesn't involve fever, soup, and phlegm.
You look at your phone screen, you know it's past 12 in New York, so Matty is oficially 35 years old.
It's four in the morning in England, and once again you confirm how much you hate such an abysmal difference in schedules. You could call him now and tell him you still have the flu, but he'd end up figuring out the trick.
Maybe when it's six o'clock in the morning you can greet him with more credibility.
For now, you finish arranging the house and the final touches before taking the suitcase as you sigh out of the house.
"Honeeeeeeeeey" Matty literally jumps into bed making them both jump. You rub your forehead and he gives you an innocent smile. It's not an argument at all, but he's gone dumb. "Come on, fly with me to York.
"Matty, I can't." You straighten up on the mattress, giving it room to rest its head on your trunk. "I would love to go, but it's impossible." You wrap your fingers around her hair and massage it into circles. You hear him purr like he's been waiting for him all day. "I have a lot of work, we have like fifty new clients or something like that. I can't apart myself from the company, i really sorry."
"I'm not saying you get apart, you still can work through your computer." He turns to see you with a pretty sad look in his features. "I don't want to be annoying, it's just…it will be my birthday. The first with you as my girlfriend."
"Hey, i can't even say how much i'm sorry, but i really do." You grab his right hand and squeeze his, on your way to kiss his head a desperate fit of coughing interrupts you. "Shit, I'm ill."
It doesn't sound so convincing, but if all goes well, an idea begins to form in your head that might consecrate you as bride of the year.
"But hey, babe, I'm going to reward you when you return. I promise." You see him unravel at your touch, watching him as he indulges in sleep. While he is awake closing his eyes, you whisper into his ear. "You're going to have an incredible birthday, Matty."
- - -
Even though spring has been running through London for over a month, the dawn suddenly turns cold. Not only because you got sick in the course of two days, (even if you did it on purpose and forced yourself to sneeze around the corners), but also because everything feels a little tense in your room. Matty's not mad, obviously he knows he can't get you out of the country in the middle of a flu outbreak let alone by force, but he's pretty sad about getting used to the idea of spending his birthday away from you. It's satirical to him, they've officially been together for nine months, but you've spent more birthdays near him than it looks. By chance or fate, they were always in the same bars or pubs where they celebrated their years of life.
What's ironic, too, is that they met after a financial argument. It was 2017, you were relatively new to the company and Dirty Hit needed a safe backing, betting on the company you still work for. At first there were no complaints, until a money leak was triggered and backing the company you basically went to the studio to talk to Jamie in pretty strong terms.
In the end, there were no dead to bury, everything worked out. What you did bury was your washing soap shirt, thanks to Matty literally spilled his coffee machine on you when you were about to leave. It wasn't a good day for anyone, your folders just fell off and picking them up you bumped into Matty, in a semi-sleeping state with coffee running over your skin and a cheap apology as he opened his eyes surprised enough. Then it just happened for some reason, they both found fun in the same places. It was too many years of seeing each other at nightclubs maybe four times a year, saying hello from afar and going on, until a year and a few months ago they needed an insurance upgrade, which gave you another visit to Dirty Hit, no spilled coffee this time.
Matty asked for your number, then he bought you a drink, and here they are, saying goodbye to each other.
"Hey listen, call my mom if you feel bad or if you need something. At least promise me this." Kiss your head as they both walk towards the front door, you wrapped in a blanket and him between bags and suitcases.
"I'll do." You reassure him with a broad smile. "Stay safe, love you."
"See you soon, love." You and him kiss quickly as he presses his thumb on your cheek. "Love you, too."
"You're forgetting something, dude." You unlock your chain with a small white stone hanging, to lock it around her neck later. "Now it's okay." You steal a hug and when they finally part, the taxi comes to the door. "Bye."
"Bye." He greets you with hishand and throws the first accessory he has at hand, his bracelet.
You hate to say goodbye to him when he goes to the airport, and even though you'll see him in two days, you still hate him. You're so used to waking up with him, having its scent all over the house, that when that bubble disappears, you hate what it's created at some point. It hasn't been five minutes and you miss him like you haven't seen him in months.
You squeeze his bracelet. It's their little tradition. Every time one goes on a journey, both exchange accessories in a way to show the other that they are still there even at a distance. You don't remember when it started, but you like the sentimentality of the issue.
Now, of course Matty's right: you'll call Denise. You already have, actually. She's aware of all the deception and she's the one who's most excited about it. He talked to Tom and Louis while you talked to Adam, because he's the least likely to reveal it to your boyfriend. It's not that you don't trust others, it's just that he's wiser for this.
- - -
You touch your head down because actually if you feel sick, maybe you've been too extreme, but you hope it's worth it. Denise calls on your portal with the car horn pulling you out of the trance, you get in the car and when you want to say something else you just fall asleep in the backseat.
Half an hour later, she wakes you up gently rocking you. She's so much like Matty you could cry, you love everything her family is and how you've been treated from the first day you walked through that door. Even if she's your mother-in-law, they get along incredibly well considering how fast they've connected.
"Are you sure about this?" She asks, handing over the car keys and lowering the suitcases from the trunk. "I mean, you look really tired."
"I know, I know. I spend the day thinking if i had everything, and thinking about the gift, and trying to organize the things with Adam, meanwhile i tried to not being colapsed by the numbers." The two laugh, she looks at you with a more relaxed expression and just lets her walls fall down.
"Matty is so lucky to have you." She murmurs with bright eyes and genuine happiness. "I don't know if I've ever met someone capable of getting sick just for surpise his boyfriend in his birthday…on the other side of the world." You think she's about to get emocional when her eyes start stinging, and she notices it. "I get a bit emotional but you know, my son is growing up next to someone who truly loves him, and as a mother you don't know how important it is to know that."
Well, now you'll cry.
"Oh god, I love you Denise." You drop your bags and embrace her with the greatest affection you've ever had. "I'll might cry."
She laughs tenderly. "Keep the tears for the show, darling."
The belief that it would be a seven-hour flight (plus the check-in hours, obviously) that would be somewhat exhausting and that it would take time to pass becomes part lie and part truth. You actually have a lot of fun with Denise telling you anecdotes of her life in the span of waiting time to board, you can't lie, but then on the plane you start to get bored after a few hours: you've seen a movie, you've slept, you've saturated your Spotify and you only think about how Matty will be. You feel guilty about the birthday message because you know he'll be worried thinking that something is up, but later you'll ask for forgiveness.
Happy birthdayy Matty. I love you so much, i hope you ́ll always be happy.
This is too short, but i feel totally sick. I'll send you a large text later.
Matty tosses and turns in bed heavily after waking up with that message as his first course. He sighs as he goes to the bathroom, looks at himself in the mirror running a hand through his hair. It feels terrible.
Well, you haven't forgotten his birthday, but he feels that you have. Maybe it's not that.
He knows you don't like him smoking too much, but you're not here and it's the only thing keeping him sane so he doesn't yell at you if he's done something wrong. He opens the window and collapses on the balcony floor, a cigarette between his lips. He exhales, he can't believe he's spending the time like that on his birthday.
He feels like he has a dagger stuck somewhere in his body, he feels tense and knows he's not in the bliss mode that someone should have on their birthday. But God, he hates to blame himself and blame you for things.
You've been weird for days, and yes, maybe you're sick, but in the months you´ve been with him you've never been this weird. Overthinking things isn't something he likes or does too much, but now he's debating whether something has happened and you don't want to tell him. He exhales again and relapses into the state of his cuticles, but as a cumpulsive reflex he bites them. Has he done something wrong? Has he crossed any limits? Did you get angry about something he didn't do? Did he forgot your birthday? No, he hasn't forgotten that.
Trata de no permitirse pensar en la pregunta más dolorosa para él: ¿Hay alguien más? ¿Estás cansado de él y de su vida de poca estabilidad? Bueno, en cualquier caso te merecerías algo mejor.
Adam knocks on the door as an answer to problems. He knows he has to take care of him until you make your appearance, but everyone is aware that he may not be in his best mood.
"Hey, birthday boy, how did you wake up?" When Matty opens the door, he hugs him and Adam knows his best friend needs him. "Matty, tell me."
"It's just…No, it's a silly thing." He regrets it fluttering his eyes, but collapses on the bed tiredly. "I'm tired, that's all."
"No, it's not. Something is affecting you, so definitely there is something more than being tired. You dońt have to fake it with me, you know." Adam knows the reason why he is like this, and although he wants to tell him that she's really on her way, he can't.
"It's her, Adam. She ́s been in a distant mode for days, acting strange." He shrugs, Adam sits on the other end of the mattress, sinking it. "Her greeting was a bit cold, or too generic. It's not typycal for her.
Adam feels really bad lying to his friend, he feels like a traitor, and he really struggles to find the right words. "Didn't you tell me she was sick?" He asks, and Matty sighs, nodding. "Should be this."
"yes, but.."
"Listen to me, really." Adam cuts him off and thinks about how much he can take this like this, he can't allow his partner to collapse before the show, much less the surprise. "She loves you, i d on't know the reason for his behavior and I would love to know so I can tell you, but unfortunately I don't know." Guilty, liar. "Despite that, you just turned 35, it's too early for the midlife crisis for a congratulation. The day is not over yet
Matty slurps as he swallows without the strength to continue the conversation, not in this tone at least. He doesn't have any argument to play in his favor and that makes him a little angry.
"You have a birthday show tonight, it will be nice."
- - -
Madison Square Garden will never cease to amaze you and seem practically huge. You do not manage to make the connection between the measures of the venue, it seems much bigger than it is. You have entered more than once, both as a spectator of shows or as you are now, as an accompanist of the band that presents on the day, and still it leaves you breathless how massive it is. Not in your best dreams would you imagine having the chance to tour it.
But, what makes you more sensitive is to hear so many people divided into the branches and sections of the seats and the standing field cheering, shouting and even crying with a euphoric amount of adrenaline in the body by the celestial and pink lights that illuminate the stage, decorated in its scenography representing a house with all the rooms. It's still hard for you to believe that you're dating the lead singer of a band that has mobilized so many people around the world for years. They have come to see the four of them, they have come to hear what is the story they have to tell and to show them their affection and loyalty as they identify themselves in tears in the four chords of their best songs.
In a way you think that's everything a singer expects, and that by the same token, it's the most sincere reason for the fans in front of Matty's birthday. Because even though you don't spend too much time on the floor, you manage to see posters related to her birthday.
The whole Healy family, followed by you, take refuge in George and Adam's dressing rooms, because even if you came out of a cake in Matty's dressing room when the delivery changes, you'd lose the idea you planned. Now, you just hope Matty doesn't find it weird enough that they switched The Birthday Party to Act 3, and Guys is almost after. I wouldn't have to do that, in fact, since it's a pretty emotional and pretty setlist to play on your birthday.
When Matty's nightmare act ends and he descends from the second stage you try to make as little noise as possible next to his dressing room, mainly because you're going to scare him. The one you're scaring is George, but he's covering it up by saying there was a spider in his dressing room. Then with a thumb sign him shows that everything is ready for the next step. When the act of Still at their very best (the last of the show) begins with If you ́re too shy, you get ready, two songs later you have to get the whole audience to see you, but not Matty.
Then, It ́s not living reaches the middle with a consecrated closure between the drums and the guitar. Cheers fill the place. The action then begins when all the screens change focus and signs appear saying that, in front of the people you will see now, keep quiet because it is a surprise for both Matty and the fans. There are confused looks, intertwined, nobody understands anything but they keep singing so as not to show that the screens have changed again.
The crowd wants to go crazy, and some screams escape when it's you who's seen go behind the scenes. For the sake of greater care, you go behind George's drums and ask everyone with your fingers to be silent on the subject. You sit behind the biggest drum and you see it over your head.
There he is, dressed up in his black pants, his white shirt and previously the suit jacket with the pants. His tie's almost untied, and it makes you laugh, you don't think he knows he tied it wrong. The curls fall in front of him out of control due to tiredness and sweat, but you think he's never looked better in years.
"Thanks for coming to see the greatest band in the world, the 1975!" The sticks resonate on the drum, the play of grey lights makes everything a little psychedelic. The crowd bursts into cheers without differentiating the why. "And today it's my birthday, so thank you for coming here. I love you guys."
There's a mixture of exasperated emotions all over the compound. Even you have glassy eyes to see him smile in such a pure way, his place has always been and always will be the stage in front of the fans, when he is freer than ever and where he feels comfortable. This particular show is not just important because of this event, but because in fact, it's the end of the tour. It's emotionally sad, the melancholy is reciprocal in the stadium because nobody knows when there will be a new tour of them.
"Yeah, I know, this is sad. It ́s ironic that my birthday will be the last show of the tour." He grins and laughs showing his teeth to the audience. "But, thanks for being here, is my biggest gift."
So, Matty freaks out when he hears a noise behind him.
"And it's not over yet, friend of mine." Absolutely everyone is surprised to hear George through the microphone resonating in the stadium, Matty doesn't understand what's going on either. "Ladies and gentleman, please everybody look at the screen."
What happens next is the best and the worst that Matty has had in front of him, cataloging it as the worst because when pictures of him appear when he was little with his mother and father, playing guitar or just being a kid, it makes him wiggle and feel like he could really die right there from the excitement. Without looking away, dazzled and uncertain but motivated to keep seeing him, he sits on the edge of the stage.
The atmosphere is automatically warm, but even the noise does not break it. The screen now changes, and begins with a greeting from George, pointing to a picture of when they were 13, how they have grown up so far and how you can't imagine a life without him, then closes Charly telling how much she enjoys talking to him, and how much fun he is in any situation. Then comes Adam, along with Carly, telling how he is the youngest of the group, but how important he is for both of them in their lives. Finally there is Ross, who talks about how fortunate he is to have him as a friend, how proud he is of everything he has accomplished and how much he appreciates his friendship.
Screen in black. Matty takes care of the tears because he suspects it doesn't end there, but his eyes turn to candy, all his factions calm down and he refrains from leaping into the arms of his friends.
You can't tell how many, but suddenly fans appear in the video, talking about how they've saved their lives through the band, the refuge it's for them and how much the band has done in terms of connecting them with their closest friends, and giving them a reason to keep fighting. Everyone laughs when they hear the reactions of the fans appearing in the video, realizing it.
Now yes, everything seems to indicate that it's over. Matty tries to stand up, but something stops him.
Her mother. On the screen.
Satirically, her greeting begins by asking if she thought they had forgotten about her, but without giving any room to react, Louis and Tom appear on the screen, their entire family in one place.
Really, Matty feels like the luckiest person in the world to have so much affection around him, he doesn't know if he deserves it, but he accepts it and feels like the feeling of familiarity and brotherhood envelops his body as his brother and his parents talk about how he's changed everyone's lives, the support he's been in his brother's life, and how the little boy who played the guitar off-tune at four o'clock in the afternoon has become a man made and upright, able to love and defend his people, with a exemplary talent.
Matty blinks, doesn't know how to go on now. He simply knows that he cannot ask for anything else for his life, he is loved by those he loves, and is reciprocated.
The screen lights up for the last time. You and Mayhem.
You look the at George, who cries just like you. He notices your gaze but responds only with a quick smile.
"Hey, honey, this will be short because I hope you know how happy I am to have you in my life." Matty stops controlling the tears, bathes in them, his shirt is full of water right now. So he remembers your message today, and he knows that you were behind all this, no one else would have done it this way otherwise. He sees his dog move his front legs and really misses him: "Happy birthday, I love you more than my words can prove. Thank you for being the most amazing, sweetest human being I've ever met. You're an angel and I love to agree with you." The greeting ends when you send a kiss to the camera, followed by Mayhem's osico in the foreground with a heart, with an M drawn.
The legend of The End stands on top. Everyone has cried, the makeup has gone off but this is the most intimate thing that everyone has experienced today. Everybody's grateful for coming to celebrate Matty.
"Could you please close your eyes?" Adam asks, and Matty is not the one who could say no.
Matty continues sitting, not moving. He can't process everything his head is telling him miles per second. He knows that he can't speak well enough after crying and will only say silly phrases, But it has to. Ross comes to his rescue and has a hand to lift him up. They hug with Matty crying on his shoulder while continuing to repeat that she loves him. Ross pats him on the back and points to Adam on the microphone.
He smells something as smoke, and he's right. Behind the scenes of the three entrances appear his mother, his father and Louis beside him with a rectangular cake with porcelain figures of the little house, and the four figures of the band, with a 35 as a candle.
Ross lets Matty go, and when the distance is unbearable, you're the one who runs to grab his hands when everyone screams to open his eyes. He opens them and finds you embraced to his body more tightly than ever. By inertia, he tightens the grip on your waist without ceasing to hug you. Now neither of us knows who to blame for the water running down the Briton's white shirt.
"I love you. I love you. I love you." You whisper incessantly, as he stabilizes in front of you, trying to get out of the surprise and accepting that you're actually in front of him, it's not a dream, he looks at the cake and cries again. He watches the audience feeling their heart pouring out into their hands. "Happy everything, my love."
He pulls you away from the grip when the birthday song rings out and has the cake in front of him without realizing it, but holds your hand in his fist. He coins it, and he protects it inside him. His smile is sadly short, but he has never had a greater look of genuine love on him than now. His wet eyelids, his face full of dry tears and his eyes glowing like never before. All thanks to you. He looks back at the cake and makes a face of utter surprise when he sees his figure made of porcelain sitting on the piano.
"Hey, that's me!" He's chirping like he's a kid who just ate a paddle he's seen in the store. Its essence is discovered there, that immeasurable happiness that creeps through all present.
He couldn't even think about how much he loves you because everything happens too fast, but he knows that after this he could never leave you. He doesn't know it yet, but this is the moment when Matty would close everything else. After this he would decide that you would be the woman of his life, that he would marry you and that they would have a family. You just kind of signed a sentence saying that he would never let anything happen to you and that if he had to lay down his life for you, he would.
George, Adam and Ross approach Matty as well, along with Polly, John and the rest of the band, all standing in a semicircle in front of the stage. The fire lights up Matty's face who has refused to block the touch of you two. You literally have to whisper his name in his face with a silly smile so he'll let you go and be the only one in the middle of the round.
The flashes of the phones illuminate the scene, there is the same chorus symphony composed of dozens of voices that work at the same time without prior coordination. No, it's not a movie and it's not a dream that someone's going to wake up from, it's really happening.
The fire dissipates, again the sound of clashing palms comforts the place. Denise leaves the cake on the piano and hurls herself at her son. She loves him so much, and is so happy that he can be really happy being who he is. The sequence is quite fast, his family hugs him, then the four hug and the difference in height is noticeable between the four males. Then goes Polly, Jhon and everyone else who's there. The show is delayed for the same reason, but nobody really cares about sacrificing a song to be part of this moment.
He opens his arms towards you and makes you fly through the air for a second before giving you his best Chesire Cat smile. Seize the moment to steal a quick kiss leaving behind the expanse of euphoria that surrounds them. For Matty there really is nothing else right now than him and you on the whole ethereal plane he's met at the age of 35. Fans disappear, the band and their parents too, as long as it merges into you in touch can only feel how they function the same way, being really a single soul trapped between two bodies. God, he's lovesick of the love he has for you, and he could throw it up right now, but surely all he could do is throw up his heart.
The contact ends, and finally he approaches the microphone.
"I really have the greatest persons and the greatest fans in the world. I ́m incredibly glad about it." He runs his hand through his hair and laughs, shedding his last tears. "Saying thanks it wouln ́t be enough, and I could never finish thanking you for all this, but i love each and every one of you, honestly."
Matty grabs his acoustic guitar almost the second he says that. The chords of The birthday party are heard. Everything is extremely special about this song and it is something narrow and deep, there is a truth to count on the song at this moment so charged with sentimentality.
Matty has spent years of his lost life without having a reason to keep him going, floating around while surviving, or trying to. He has come and gone as far as anyone could imagine, has suffered perhaps too much to expose his vulnerability. Indeed, he felt lost in hell during the most unbearably difficult years of his life. He's driven so many people away by his personality and by neglecting so many ties, but now he knows.
He has alienated so many people by his personality and by neglecting so many ties, but now he knows that although he may be late for some, he has enough with him. All your friends are here, in the same scene, no matter what that means.
The following of Guys in a much calmer tone makes everyone end up crying, their most personal song as a band. Matty feels the same as before, his friends have been the best thing that's ever happened to him, and they've saved his life thousands and thousands of times. He could not get used to the idea of lose them, because he would crumble without them in his life.
Just like he would do without you.
In the end, Matty makes fun of himself for being so bitter all day. He really had the best birthday of his entire life.
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in my head this is a tender idea of ​​how much I would give way to see matty happy, so I hope that was achieved. also, happy birthday weekend matty you are the best.
let me know what you think, also let me know if you want to be on my tag list <3
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mariposa-writes · 1 year
Good Sleep - LaMelo Ball
Summary: hate writing these, so just read and find out.
A/N: This man is the love of my life (and his brothers).
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It was hard, dating an NBA player. Not that it was Melo's fault. He tried to make things as easy as possible. He called whenever he could, making sure to at least check in on me once a day.
It wasn't like I made things any easier. I took a lot of pride in my job and it felt like a lot of the time when he was home, I was busy working.
Which is what I am currently doing. Its around midnight, when I hear the garage open, I know it's Melo. His team was supposed to get back earlier tonight, but their flight got delayed due to weather.
After a few minutes he enters our room. I moved in with him a 6 months ago, since I practically lived there full time anyways. We both also thought it would be a good way to spend more time together.
"Hey, babe." He says walking over to me and giving me a quick kiss on the lips. He heads into our bathroom, getting ready to shower. He hates how he feels after plane rides, always complaining about being dirty. "What are you working on?" He calls from the bathroom.
"Just work stuff." I respond, not having the time to explain. I have to have these reports ready by Monday. I'm a CFO for a major clothing company in the US. We are currently working on expanding to European countries.
Melo showers while I work and before I know it he's climbing into bed. "Babe," He whines, "when are you going to bed?"
"I don't know, soon." I answer, dismissively. He frowns, looking up at me from where he's laying.
"You work to hard. Your not even 22 and your the CFO for a major company. I worry you're gonna work yourself to death." Melo's always hated how hard I work. We've been dating since we were both 19.
I was getting ready to graduate college, when he was getting drafted into the NBA. Being born a genius helped me fast track my schooling and career.
I started interning with the company I currently work at when I was 17, the summer after my junior year. I started working with them when they were just a start up, but in the past four years they have rapidly grown and I've been a part of the process the whole way.
This company is like my baby and I'm the one that has to track everything to make sure we are achieving our goals. I never intended on working here this long, but I love the people I work with (the pay isn't bad either).
They promoted me to CFO when their old one left to work for a bigger company. What an idiot, they didn't have believe in the company and soon ours will be bigger than the one they are working for.
Three hours later and I'm still working, Melo's passed out. After he fell asleep I headed to the office he set up for me, not wanting to wake him.
I have a blanket wrapped around me, with my headphones in and a cup of hot chocolate sitting on the desk. Once I get this done, I'll be on Monday and present to our investors I will be on vacation for the next 9 days.
I haven't told Melo yet, wanting to surprise him since our schedules rarely line up.
I look up from my computer, when I see the hallway light turn on. I take my headphones out, knowing it's Melo. He walks into my office, frowning. "Babe, go to bed." He groans.
"Ok, just give me a few minutes."
"Nope, you always say that and then a few minutes turn into another hour or two and then you're only getting like 2 hours of sleep before you head into the office." He walks over and shuts my laptop, before pulling me out of the chair.
I whine and protest the whole way back to our bed, but he doesn't seem to care. He makes me lay down and tucks me in like I'm a little kid, before climbing in bed next to me.
Once he's in bed his, arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me closer resting his head on my stomach. "Finally, I can sleep now."
"You've been asleep this whole time." I argue.
"Yea, but now I'll get good sleep. I only get good sleep when you're with me." I smile, even though he can't see me. I continue playing with his hair, before we both drift of to sleep in each other's arms.
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jazeswhbhaven · 2 months
It saddens me to say lovelies...that the future of this account...is that of a concerning fate....
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...it's the first of the month....
This account for one isn't going anywhere btw. Had to make a little jokey joke because april fools day y'know.
I do have some updates though since I always give them for each month. 💖
First, I've finally made it to 500 follows??? Thank you all for being amazing and showing up and showing out for the love on all my drabbles, request answers, just anything. Especially my brain rot. A couple of things I'd like to address for this blog as it grows is the following:
-this is a judgement free zone within reason. i have my boundaries and strong opinions that may pop up, my intention isn't to be 'hoiler than thow' or wave fingers (i mean i'm playing a demon sex game hello?) but at the same time, there's some stuff that just ain't it and i will bring it up if i feel the need to to establish my limits.
-i am only one admin with audhd and a fucked up sleep schedule. so i may be late to the hype, right on it, or it's two days later and i'm catching up. that's just how it is
But I welcome you, and if you're new...enjoy your stay, it's wild here.
NOW onto my requests/inbox
If you've checked my pinned there's been updates. As of today, any request sent from now until the end of the month will not be answered until May in the order received. Any requests you see posted during April are old ones I hadn't gotten to. I'm working this month on how to organize requests, and make sure I stick to my waiting times as per stated or throw them out. I like working on requests, it gives me something to do. However I really wanted to focus on creating my own content for the blog, that's what I started this entire thing for (if any of you remember my old now shadowbanned blog) that was the base of it. Which segways into this next bit. I am dangerously shifting into burn out mode....
The thing about being nuerodivergent and on medications for different illnesses, and while trying to build a healthier lifestyle, I am constantly battling wanting to keep up with my writing peers on posting fics, answering requests, being a part of a fandom again.
But ngl the numbers are killing me. I get anxious about getting a huge following and then coming up short cause I know how it gets. Hard criticism, parasocial relationships, hate follows, that shit haunts me. So when I try to answer ya'lls request quickly I sit here at my computer numb and brain full of fog because I simply can't think of how to answer. That's been happening a lot. And truthfully April is never a good month for me. I just want to coast this month...be minimally busy as possible and just not think much. To rememdy that, this is why I have decided to take an entire month off taking any new requests. A reset. Trying to find that balance. I need it before I crack.
Andddd now for some light hearted stuff.
It's my birthday month!
idk if I'll be doing a special thing on this blog during that time, but if I do, you'll know~ Beel's birthday is on the 4th btw so that's really cool we share the same month ^^ Got him on the quiz, both of us have adhd, and now the same birthday month. He just wants me to surround myself around him huh? i don't mind that tho. that's my boo.
To end this long ass post, stay awesome, stay lovely, and enjoy my brain rot and stupid reacts ����
-your lovely admin, ♥( ˆ⌣ ˆԅ)
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goldnhourwrites · 6 months
This phrase seized me yesterday and I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Who knows, maybe I'll write a fic :)
inspired by my experiences as a college student in the US!
Pre-med student with a minor in psychology
Does peer tutoring and notetaking for his biology classes
always doing work. being a pre-med student is so much Work All The Time. this is why Yone is always seen with coffee and dark circles under his eyes.
He manages fairly well for someone with so much on his plate - he keeps an impressively functional sleep schedule (goes to bed at 10pm every night, wakes up at 8am every morning)
Is an RA (resident advisor) for his dorm floor and tries to be a good resource for freshmen
Bikes everywhere, enjoys taking walks/getting outdoors for a break from studying
Likes to make and listen to music in his free time (which is not a lot)
Majoring in athletic training to be a sports coach
Student athlete on the wrestling team - spends a lot of time training and traveling to meets off-campus, so he's not around much until the off-season
Hangs out with the boxing club when he's not doing wrestling
Part of an all-men a capella group and enjoys singing/rapping
Joined a fraternity in his sophomore year because most of the wrestling team was on it and enjoys chilling with his friends in it
Casually bakes things in his free time and brings them to the wrestling team/his classmates/office hours/his frat brothers
Anthropology major, education minor - interested in becoming a teacher/professor and enjoys working with kids
Also a student athlete, on the powerlifting team
Part of a hip-hop dance group on campus and likes to choreograph
Involved in campus queer life and helps organize/run events
Takes voice lessons - used to play trumpet, but didn't have time for both in his schedule
Also part of a fraternity, enjoys the sense of community it offers and plays an active part in organizing/managing their social events
Seems like he's constantly busy, but always makes time for his friends and enjoys the feeling of being on-the-go
History major with a minor in classics (studies Latin/ancient Greek literature and languages)
Acts with a theater club in his spare time - loves musical theater and plays, especially Shakespeare
Hung out in the history/special collections section of the library so much he got a student job there
Loves wandering around campus to find cool, obscure places that he's probably not supposed to be in
Joined a debate team in his freshman year (Kayn was on it) (they hated each other)
Big on going to parties but can't handle alcohol so instead of getting drunk he goes back to his dorm and falls asleep at like 11pm
Computer science major with a minor in graphic design
Does digital art and traditional art; enjoys taking studio art classes when his schedule isn't full
Occasionally does game design and similar coding projects
In the orchestra and plays the violin!
Enjoys physically making things every once in a while - jewelry, paintings, etc. and often doodles in a sketchbook absentmindedly
Sometimes publishes his art and poetry in a student magazine under a pseudonym
Political science or government major with a minor in studio art
Spends a lot of time in the woodworking/metalworking studios, partially for art classes and partially because he just likes hands-on projects
Plays electric guitar and was part of a student band for a while (the one he got kicked out of)
Likes parkour and rock climbing, regularly shows off his ability to climb up things that he definitely should not be climbing on
Member of a fraternity (but it's the kind that throws a bunch of parties and probably has illegal drugs)
Goes out to party every weekend and doesn't wake up until 1pm the next day
Skateboards everywhere and knows a bunch of cool tricks
Film production major with a minor in biology
Part of a fashion design club and does photoshoots for/with them
Does a capella and loves performing! Does musical theater every once in a while
Active in political causes on campus
Works as a barista in one of the campus cafés
Likes to roller skate around
i have a couple combined/group headcanons that i'll post tomorrow if i have time :3 this AU has grabbed me and is currently shaking me by the shoulders and won't let go
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 11 months
Be My Valentine | Ch- 1 "No"
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pairing: Vernon x reader
genre: fluff, angst, slight crack, friends to lovers, non-idol!au, college au
summary: College was hard enough and the thought of spending Valentine’s Day alone and sad was not your style. And the best solution was to go on a platonic date with your best friend Vernon. It goes so well that it becomes a tradition until it gets messy… nothing ever goes wrong by pretend-dating your best friend right?
status: ongoing
a/n: first time trying something like this cuz I saw too many edits on Vernon’s Fire verse! Please tell me your feedback!
pictures from Pinterest!
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As if the sheer cold of the dying February winter was not enough to make life miserable, it also had to be dubbed the month of love. You weren’t a cynic but you knew enough to understand that Valentine’s Day and the gala around it is all nothing but a big capitalistic scheme. As the happy couples invest in the meaningless gifts and expressions of their extravagant love, the lonely saps drown their sorrows in the name of self-love. But your biggest complaint against this whole bonanza is the forced self-hate, even though it usually felt perfectly normal to be single and you even enjoyed it, this time of the year it always felt worse.
Maybe you were just another miserable single sap.
This year was going to be different. You were determined. But also you didn’t want to go through the painful process of pretending to be interested in a guy who, like all the other ones, would either turn out to be misogynist, homophobe or a transphobe- which constitutes 90% of the available population in your uni.
Hence why you find yourself walking with purpose toward the university library with the sole motive of hunting down you’re too smart for his own good best friend of a year and a half, Vernon.
You still remember meeting that shy little boy on the first day of your undergrad, looking lost in the crowd of the class and hoping you would let him sit with you. All it took was an awkward introduction for both of you to build your solid friendship. It was a perfect match- him, a hardworking genius with very minimal social skills and you, an almost genius with the concentration skills of a goldfish.
Vernon might be top of the class, a computer nerd with the face of a young Leo DiCaprio but even he was prone to the February blues and having seen how miserable he was during the previous year Valentines Day, especially as he watched his high school ex go gallivanting about with his then-roommate, you were determined to make this year a good memory for both you.
Also, he is the only guy in the university that you trust and is capable of handling you at the height of your drunkenness.
Looking at your watch you realise that only 10 minutes are left before he leaves his sanctuary at the library and goes to his Virtual Reality class. Of course, you knew his schedule, and he knew yours. He also knew that you hated being left on read and yet chose to do the exact same thing when you had texted the previous night about your genius plan.
Wheezing you finally reach the third floor of the big library that hosted all varieties of nerds and unfortunately, couples (they're everywhere this month, ugh). Walking across rows of shelves interspersed with group tables filled with students seeking refuge from the harsh winter cold or simply biding time, you finally reach the semi-private cabins.
Counting down five from the cabin to your right, you march toward the one you knew Vernon would be in. And surely enough, when you peek your head through the partition separating the hooded figure on the chair, with headphones and his laptop, from the rest of the library.
His head is bent as if he was peering into the laptop through the screen and as you move closer to his chair to reprimand him you realise he is sleeping. Gently moving inside the cabin, standing near the table, facing him, you can see that he had slept while coding. It doesn’t even surprise you anymore.
“Hey douchebag”, you say as you tap lightly on his shoulders. He jerks awake and blinks a couple of times before you see the understanding of reality dawn on his face. Removing his headphones, he moves his chair lightly behind and ruffles his fluffy hair.
“What do YOU want?” He sounds like his usual annoyed self. If you didn’t know he truly did like you as a friend you'd be offended.
But you don’t mind the grumpiness one bit as you settle down on the little space on the table smiling lazily as he gets more annoyed by the disturbance to his ecosystem of peace.
“I want a lot of things, for instance, I want a big mansion on top of a hill just to relax in the summer. I want to know why dolphins were made to be sea creatures if they can’t even breathe in water. I want to know why my skin breaks out in hives due to stress ONLY on my left side. I want to know why I get horny when-“ “Please shut the fuck up.”
He cuts you off with his palms reaching up to cover your mouth mid-sentence. You try mumbling against his palm for a second before which he grips tighter effectively stopping any attempt on your side.
He slowly lifts his eyebrows to warn you against trying to babble again and you nod in affirmative to the same. His eyes thin as he considers your sincerity of shutting up and seemingly convinced releases his grip on your face.
“Why do you talk so much all the time!” He growls as he rubs his eyes while settling back on his chair and lets out a yawn. He looks so much like the freshman kid you met and less like the overworked junior that he is.
You shrug nonchalantly (or so you hope).
“Someone needs to balance your entire lack of energy.” He sighs and slumps back on his chair. “Yeah yeah, I’m not arguing with you anymore… I’ve learned it’s best to just agree with you.” You give him a sarcastic smile as you say, “They don’t call you smart without a reason.”
He responds with an incoherent dismissive grunt and after a moment begins to lean forward as he tilts his chair towards you with both his palms placed on either side of your thigh.
“No.” That’s all he says, his brown eyes twinkling, mouth pressed into a straight line looking right at your eye. You're sitting on the inclination of the table and he's on the chair looking up at you, yet he looks so intimidating. Not that you are going to let him bother you.
Two can play this game.
You lean forward and meet his face, a good few inches apart, bring out the good old puppy dog eyes and whisper, “What is the ‘no’ for Hansol”. You purposefully use his Korean name knowing he gets annoyed when you say it (Not sure what that is about till now).
You can see him grinding his teeth beneath that calmness and a smirk naturally plays up your face.
“Quit it, y/n. I saw the text and I’m not going to do it. Get lost.” The words fall out of his mouth in a hurry as he continues to grit his teeth together and not lose eye contact.
“Oh, so you did leave me on read by purpose.” You fake a heartache with your left palm pressed on your chest and your right palm on your forehead. He sees you dramatically pretending to have a heart attack and headache at the same time for a good minute before he decides to end this charade. Just as he moves to get up from the chair you hold him down with your hands on his which were at the side of your thighs.
“Pleaseee”, this time the puppy dog eyes come out naturally. He looks at you for a second before sighing.
“Ugh! You’re impossible but alright.”
“Wait really?!” You squeal a little too loud in excitement and earn a dozen “shh”s in response from the general crowd in the library. Looking around apologetically and back at Vernon, you hold his hands in yours (they’re somehow always warm even in the depths of winter).
“Is that a yes?” Cue more puppy eyes. Another sigh. “I don’t have a choice do I!” Grinning wide, you say “Not really.”
Vernon looks to the side as if to consider something important before turning to you, looking down at your still-connected hands, and then your face.
“I’ll do it but it’s gotta be strictly platonic-“ you’re violently shaking your head in positive because of course that doesn’t need to be said.
“-andddd….”, he’s got a mischievous glint in his eyes which stinks of trouble for you. This is the same glint he had when you ended up eating a pizza with ice cream AND a steak.
“And?” You prod, curiosity up to the brim of your head. “I want you to formally ask me… now.” The grin has turned into an almost full bright smile. “What does formally mean?”
“I’ll leave the details to you…” he shrugs and removes his hands from yours and pushes the chair all the way back to the wall and folds his hand.
“I can wait all day”, he sounds way too proud, sitting there in his hoodie and that smirk(I swear he looks like an actual young Leo).
“No, you can’t. You have a class in-“, you make an ordeal of checking your watch, ”-exactly 9 mins.” He shrugs, “This is worth missing it.”
This bitch.
"Are you really cashing in your bet right now?" You ask referring to the advantage he got after you lost your bet in a UNO game six months back.
He just nods casually and stretches on the chair before settling in a lazy and proud position, again.
You groan knowing he won't give up and get down from the table and get on one knee facing him.
“Chwe Hansol Ve-“ “Nope. Redo.”
This actual bitch.
Giving him your best glare you adjust on your knee, clearing your throat, you try again.
“Vernon…”, you look at him for approval and he nods. Ugh.
“… will you be m-“
“Louder, I can’t hear you.” His grin has transformed into one of his signature all-teeth-visible smiles and his entire face is lit up in amusement and joy.
Clearing your throat a little too loudly, you try… for the third time. Humiliation and anger heat up your entire face.
“Vernon, will you be my platonic Valentine?”
Your voice echoes in the near-silent library halls and the minute you’re done at least another 20 “shhs” are once again thrown your way.
People are assholes.
Vernon looks positively thrilled. He is full-on laughing, shoulders jerking, all 32 of his teeth in display and eyes disappearing behind the light of his smile.
If only he didn’t look so wholesome and adorable when he humiliates you.
He straightens up after a couple seconds and rubs his index finger against in chin, in fake thought.
Oh god, he is planning something... shit
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angelustful · 2 years
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─── ❝Late at Night❞ ‎⇢ ┊ ❛𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗢𝗯𝗲𝘆 𝗠𝗲 𝗕𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀!❜ ↲ ╰► 𝙖/𝙣 - 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘢 𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘵. 𝘐𝘵’𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘻𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐’𝘮 𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘺 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. 𝘋𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵.
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╰► #01 LUCIFER
Late at night when you both are simply just laying down, embraced in each other’s arms. Enjoying the silence and peacefulness, no words. Just simply being there is enough. Looking out the window and seeing the dark but beautiful sky, stars decorating it. Before you realize how late it was, your eyes were starting to get heavy, as you slowly started drifting off to sleep, you heard a very quiet deep voice murmuring to you, yet you still heard it. ❝Sweet dreams, my love.❞
╰► #02 MAMMON
Late at night driving around Devildom. Looking out the window and seeing lights shining as they come out from the inside of the buildings. It’s the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen. You’d always enjoyed looking at buildings at night, it’s calming. Especially since now your lover is beside you, treating you. You couldn’t ask for more. Simply just admiring the view before you. You turned around, seeing his face looking so relaxed and peaceful. You laid your head on his shoulder, hearing him say ❝Can’t wait for me to see your reaction to the surprise Imma show ya.❞
Late at night watching movies, cuddling and curled up in a soft fluffy blanket. Enjoying some popcorn and snacks. Laughing until your eyes are watery, not even noticing it’s late at night. Leaning your head against his chest, hearing his rapid heartbeat at the action. You laid your ear above it, your eyes slowly closing, drifting off to sleep. You’re not sure if you heard it right but you swore you knew he said ❝Hey Mc, you can’t sleep yet! We’re not done finishing it. G-gaah fine, I’ll let you sleep since you look s-so cute right now.❞
╰► #04 SATAN
Late at night reading and studying. The room is dark, using some computers for help, lightening the dark room. Having a cup of coffee/tea to help you stay awake. He makes sure not to overwork yourselves, checking from tune to time to see if it’s past bedtime. You try to not stress too much, taking a break when you need to. You decided to take a break for a while, moving to his side and laying your head on his shoulder. You sigh and close your eyes, hearing him whisper saying ❝Make sure you don’t fall asleep now if you still want to finish. I don’t mind if you do though, especially sleeping on me.❞
Late at night when he decides to join you by staying up a bit later than his usual sleeping schedule. He hates staying up past bedtime but for you, he doesn’t mind. You guys are just doing some self-care routine, relaxing and hearing some soft music playing in the background. Closing each of you guy’s eyes, breathing in and out. When you’re done, he decides it’s time to finally sleep. Before you drift off, he whispers to you. ❝I’m really glad I got to do this routine with you, even if it will be bad for our skin, but for you darling, I would do it again.❞
Late at night making some midnight snacks, or just finding some when you guys are bored or hungry. When you can’t sleep and go downstairs, you’re not surprised to find Beel eating a bag of chips. You found your food and sat next to Beel. Sharing his food with you is really nice, especially how he feels about people eating his food. He doesn't mind if you do it though. Just eating and talking, not even minding that it’s past bedtime. It’s comforting. Before you decide to take a nap, he tells you ❝Oh, it was nice talking to you Mc, hopefully we can do this again someday. Good night hon, sweet dreams.❞
Late at night, curled up against him, staring up at the sky. Hearing him talk in a soothing soft voice about constellations. It’s comforting you thought. You weren’t feeling sleepy so he decided to help you, he may be sleepy and tired but if you want him to stay awake for you, he would do it with no hesitation. He knows how you have some nights where you have trouble sleeping and he’s there to help you. Listening to the sound of his voice is making you sleepy. He notices and decides to wrap a blanket around you, kissing your forehead before he whispers to you quietly ❝Sweet dreams Mc, hopefully I can see you in my dreams and we can continue there.❞
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© 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙛𝙪𝙡 2022, 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙙. 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙙𝙤 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙛𝙮, 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚, 𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮 𝙤𝙧 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙢 𝙖𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙤𝙬𝙣.
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fryingpan1234567 · 11 months
🎶drabble drabble drab-ble, drabble drabble drab-ble, it’s two in the mor-ning—🎶
they’ve consumed my brain. Timkon Thought™️
~ It’s no secret Tim Drake doesn’t like sleeping. Enough nights of insomnia, dream demons, and fear gas will do that to a person. But there are just some people who take it to a whole different level.
Tim goes to school during the day, works when he doesn’t have school, and patrols all night long— he’s known in the Batfam for staying out the latest of them all, often until the sun begins to rise and he has to go home to get ready for school. The only time he doesn’t do such a practice is when Conner visits, which fortunately is often, because Tim’s siblings get concerned when he hasn’t slept in over a week.
But still, even with Conner around, it’s a fight to get Tim to sleep at all. One almost nobody wins.
It’s late when Tim hears the living room window slide open, soft footfalls landing on the rug there. He’d be concerned, normally, if only for the fact that he’s already in his pajamas and would hate to have to fight without a mask, but he knows who it is. Maybe that person knows the sound of his heartbeat, but Tim knows the rhythm of his existence and no Kryptonian powers can match that.
Exactly as expected, Conner pokes the slightly cracked bedroom door open with the toe of his boot not long after. Tim was already in bed, but nowhere near sleeping. In fact, he had a near-full mug of the strongest coffee he could possibly brew sitting on the nightstand next to him, the laptop in his lap the only source of light in the room.
Having none of his boyfriend’s shit, Conner flicked the light on. Tim blinked hazily up at him.
“Hey,” he managed, slightly leaning forward and silently pleading for a kiss. Kon obliged, but flicked him in the forehead as he pulled away.
“Why’re you up?” he asked instead of answering the greeting. “It’s like two in the morning.”
“Uhh…” As Conner began stripping out of his patrol gear and unceremoniously dumping it all on the floor, Tim’s attention returned to the screen before him. “Couldn’t sleep.”
Conner threw a shoe at him. It bounced off Tim’s shoulder. He didn’t even look up.
Kon sighed in defeat. “Didn’t you just get back from patrol, though?”
“Mm. Just a minute ago. Nothing exciting.”
They both lapsed into silence, the only sound in the apartment being Krypto’s snoring in the corner of the bedroom and the clicking of Tim’s laptop keyboard. Finally, freshly ready for bed, Conner flipped the light back off, plopped down next to Tim, and promptly flopped over in front of him.
Tim peeked over the top of his screen.
“Uh… hi?”
“Sweetheart.” Conner’s voice is muffled from the blankets. “Put the computer away.”
Tim snorted, keeping his gaze on the work before him as he took a loud sip of his coffee. It was already cooling down, and cold coffee is nasty, so he drank more of it to avoid dealing with it.
“Sorry, love,” Tim said softly as he set the mug back down, poking at Kon with a socked foot. “I have too much to do. You should go to bed, though.”
Like a curious puppy, Conner suddenly popped up and peeked over the top of the screen for an upside-down view of what Tim was doing.
“Well, what do you have to do?” he asked rather pitifully. Tim smiled at him.
“I’ve got, uhh, two papers and a presentation for school, a stack of pitches to sign off plus schedule a board meeting later this week for Wayne Enterprises, and then… sixty-seven cases Oracle sent me to deal with, looks like.” Tim squinted at the painfully bright screen. “And… I’m pretty sure that says three hundred missed text messages, but I could be wrong.”
“Jesus Christ.” Conner flopped back down again. “Can you put it off for tomorrow? I want cuddles, Timmy. Cuddle your poor boyfriend for once.”
“Hey, I- I cuddle you lots,” Tim protested, typing away with ease. “Like, too much. Jason told me he’d shoot me if he caught us making out in the library again.”
Kon barked out a laugh, startling the dog awake. “That was a bit more than cuddling, though.”
Tim kicked him off the bed.
Just as Tim started to worry, Conner crawled back up into the bed, this time moving to his side. It took the time of him worming under the covers and getting sufficiently comfortable before he spoke again, looking up at Tim’s coolly illuminated face. He was pretty, like always, even when sleep deprived and bathed in blue light.
Kon’s sigh dragged Tim out of his trance, finally looking down to face him. An involuntarily affectionate smile pulled at his lips at the sight of his boyfriend all sleep-warm and snuggly.
“Please just try to sleep,” Conner said softly, absently tracing patterns on Tim’s lower back. “If you really can’t, I’ll leave you alone.”
Tim hesitated. There was a lot of work to be done, there was no arguing that. But… wasn’t there kind of always a lot of work to be done? Maybe some sleep would improve his problem-solving skills, even if only slightly.
Picking up on the resolve, Conner gently closed the laptop for him and pulled him down, pushing it down to the foot of the bed. Almost immediately, Tim yawned hugely, nuzzling into Conner’s shoulder and inhaling deeply. Without the computer screen, the room was comfortably dark.
“Better?” he whispered, brushing Tim’s dark hair out of both their faces.
Tim sleepily smiled up at him. “Yeah.” After a moment, he added, “Thank you.”
It didn’t even take twenty minutes before Tim tried to worm his way back out of Conner’s arms to resume his work, but fortunately, Kon was absolutely expecting that. His grip tightened enough for Tim to let out a surprised squeak and freeze, absolutely not expecting his boyfriend to not be awake.
Conner cracked an eye open. Tim blinked up at him guiltily.
“Nice try, sweetheart.”
“Nah, I don’t wanna hear it. Sleepytime.”
“Sleepytime, Timmy.”
Sufficiently and effectively stuck, Tim huffed in exasperation, admitting to himself that he may have to give up. Luckily not in the worst of places to be.
It didn’t take long before Tim actually did drift off, the quiet thrum of Kon’s heartbeat acting as a lullaby. He didn’t even have nightmares.
Until he woke up, that is. The worst of the worst.
The perfect amount of sunlight filtered through the curtains, warmly filling the bedroom like a wake-up call in a fairytale. Conner was awake before Tim, absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. Tim was still asleep on his bicep, like how they’d fallen asleep.
Kon noticed him when he shifted to stretch.
“Morning, sunshine,” he teased, watching as Tim did a full cat stretch, pillow kneading and everything. It was his favorite part of his boyfriend’s morning routine.
“Morning…” Tim trailed off with a yawn. “Hey, what time is it?”
Conner half shrugged. “Eh.”
Tim looked around for his phone before remembering he’d left it in the kitchen the night before.
“No, serious, Kon.”
“It’s, uh…” Conner squinted at his phone. “It is. Eleven-thirty. Almost.”
Before Tim could react much more than that, Kon promptly rolled on top of him to pin him to the mattress. Krypto poked his head up from his bed at the commotion.
“Absolutely not, pretty boy, you’re not going anywhere,” Conner declared gleefully. “That was much-needed rest and I think you should have some more of it.”
“nO—“ Tim shoved ineffectively at his boyfriend’s sides, trying and failing to haul him off. “I have— school—“
“We’re skipping.”
“But work—“
“Call out. I’m serious. You’re staying here with me and you’re gonna like it, He Who Never Takes Care Of Himself.” To aid his cause, Kon smushed a kiss into Tim’s forehead until he stopped struggling with a grumble about something that sounded suspiciously like Kryptonite. “Okay?” he added hopefully.
Tim seethed for a moment, but sensing there was really only one answer, his anger deflated almost immediately.
“Fine,” he relented. “This will not become a regular occurrence. I have things to do, asshole.”
“We’ll see, sweetheart.”
Tim skipped the next day, too.
~ not great, not proofread, whatever honestly
have a good day/ night/ 4am🥰
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Excuse me, but do you still do requests? I would request a Yumeo Arakawa, Kyouran Murashita, and Denshi Shingenobu with calm FEM! Novelist S/O who works overnight and NEVER gets any rest?
(Make it separate.)
Anon. Two of these are my faves. You have great taste. (And also this sounds oddly like my s/i- AND ALSO I AM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO FUCKING LONG THIS WAS IN MY DRAFTS SINCE MARCH-)
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Overworking Mess: Yumeo, Denshi and Kyouran x fem! ult novelist reader
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-He doesn't show it much but he really worries about you.
-As a forensic pathologist, he knows what it's like to have nights of only work. He has stayed in the work place a few times. However, he hates to see you do that.
-He tries to help by giving you some medicine to help sleep or making schedules. He sometimes has to force you away from the computer or take your notebook away until you cuddle with him in bed. Once he's holding you, he's not letting go by the way.
-If he catches you trying to sneak away, he's going to pull you back no matter how much you protest. You will get sleep.
-Please do not faint on this man from lack of exhaustion, you will scare the crap out of him.
-He comes home late a lot, and he often runs into you awake at ungodly hours of the morning. He doesn't care if you are his girlfriend. You will get sleep.
-He's much more gentle than Yumeo with his words and actions, but he can be forceful if he wants to. He doesn't like doing that, though. He prefers peaceful negotiations.
-He cuddles you until the both of you are asleep. That's what he means by peaceful negotiations.
-Lack of sleep and overwork? Huh, sounds like someone he knows.
-He does try to help, but this man? Hypocrite. You end up calling each other out. Somehow.
-You two share schedules together so you can take naps togethed. Denshi loves sleeping next to you. It helps him sleep better.
-Definitely asked Hirotaka for help-
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lulubelle814 · 4 months
Regards, Loki - Chapter 8
Master List
Not only did Cora not abandon her, they danced the night away, ignoring any men that attempted to gain their attention.  Around 2 am, they left and found a diner that was open 24/7, and they were both craving pancakes.
Entering the diner, it was mostly empty, save for a handful of other late night patrons that also seemed to have been at the clubs.  They snagged the empty booth in the corner.  Once settled, the waitress, Doris, came to get their drink order.  Since they already knew what they wanted, they gave that to her as well.  “Two orders of pancakes, please!”    Doris departed and put their order with the kitchen cook.
“I know I didn’t want to go, but thanks for dragging me out.  I really needed that.”  Cora always seemed to know what she really needed.
“That’s what best friends are for!  Now, tell me about your sugar daddy.”
She didn’t even have to think before launching right in.  “He’s so nice!  We talk about various things, but he asks me most days how I am and how I’m doing.”  Lou leaned in close before speaking again.  “He not only gave me a bonus so I don’t have to hold on until that 1 month deadline with the site.  And you know that crappy phone I had?”  Cora nodded just before Lou pulled out her new phone.  “My asshole boss spilled coffee all over it, and ‘Loki’ replaced it!  Not just that, but he bought me a new computer!  Seriously, who does that for someone they don’t know?”
“You’ve got yourself a good one, Lou.  Any chance he has a friend?”  They burst out laughing, gaining the attention of everyone in the diner.
“He told me he doesn’t have many friends because of his crazy work schedule.  I feel bad for him.”  Her happy-go-lucky mood shifted to a sad one.  “He doesn’t deserve to be alone, Cora.  I know life is chaotic, but he seems like a genuinely nice person.  He shouldn’t have to find companionship on a website like that.”
“It’s ok, Lou.  Some people prefer it that way.  Others just have shitty luck.  The rest?  They’re assholes like your boss.”
It was at that moment that Doris came back with their pancakes.  “Doris!  These look amazing!  Thank you.”  Their waitress smiled and went off to take care of the other diners.
After an hour of eating, giggling, and talking, they went home.  Lou said her friend could sleep on the couch, but it was a lumpy piece of crap.  Cora appreciated the offer but caught a cab back to hers.
Only moments after locking the front door, her phone ping’d.
Loki: I know it’s the middle of the night, but I can’t seem to get to sleep.  Tonight has been complete shit.  
Sigyn:  I hate those kinds of nights.  Want to talk about it?
Loki: You’re up at this hour?
Sigyn: My friend dragged me out to a club where we danced and then went to a diner for pancakes.  It was so much fun after this awful day.
Loki: You deserve it.
Sigyn:  Enough about me.  What’s going on with you?
Loki: I’ve been looking at the financial reports for my company, and something isn’t right, but I can’t quite put my finger on it.  On top of that, my sister rang and chewed me out for not making it to mum’s tonight for a family dinner.  She knows how my work is but doesn’t seem to care.
Sigyn: I’m sure she meant well.  It’s likely she wants you to come around more often.  I bet your family misses you.
Loki: You’re probably right.
Sigyn: I bet she only got that upset because she misses her brother.  When was the last time you went on a vacation?  Or saw your family?  
Loki: I’m not entirely sure you want to know that answer.
Sigyn: Try me.
Loki: I don’t think I’ve been on a vacation in at least 3 years, and it’s been probably 6 months or more since I saw my family.
Sigyn: That’s awful!
Loki: I know.
Sigyn: It’s good for your mental health to give yourself a break every now and then.  Why not take off early on a Friday and go spend the weekend at your mum’s?  I’m sure she’d love it.
Loki: There’s just so much going on at the office.
Sigyn: And it’ll be there when you get back.  It won’t kill you to be gone for a couple of days.
A few minutes passed with no message.  She was worried she’d been too harsh on him.
Loki: You’re right.  I know you’re right.  The thought of being away with everything going on makes me anxious.
Sigyn: I can understand that, but with a little time away, it’ll help you clear your mind.  Maybe that would then help you get a better grip on the work thing.
Loki: Ok, ok.  I’ll do it.
Sigyn:  Good.  Ring your mum in the morning and let her know you’ll be visiting her this coming weekend.
Loki: It’ll be nice to talk to her.  I do miss her.  She makes this incredible apple cake.  You’d love it.
Sigyn: I’m sure I would.  Now, mister.  It’s really late.  Think you might be able to get some sleep now?
Loki: I think so.  I know it’s an ungodly hour, but thank you for your ear and your keen insight.
Lou plugged her phone in to charge, changed into some pajamas, and was off to sleep within moments.
A week had gone by.  She followed up with him to make sure he actually talked to his mum.  He confirmed that not only had he talked to his mum to make arrangements but also talked to his sister, making amends and letting her know he’d be coming if she was available to get together.  
Loki: Mum was surprised that I followed through with my visit.  She asked me who to send a thank you card to.
Sigyn: lol I'm glad you went to see her.  You can tell her that as a thank you, she can give you that apple cake recipe and pass it on to me.  
Loki: Hahaha I think I can do that.  I’ll be heading back to the city tomorrow.  I wish I could stay longer, but I need to get back to the office.
Sigyn: Make sure you put some time in your calendar in the near future to see her again.  I’m sure she doesn’t want to wait another 6 months to see you again.
Loki: That’s precisely what she said!  Have you been talking to her behind my back?
Sigyn: lol no, but my mum used to tell me the same thing.
Loki: Used to?
Sigyn: Yeah.  She used to get on to me about not seeing her enough or not calling often enough.  Then she passed a couple years ago.  I’d give anything to hear her scold me for not visiting her as often as she’d like.
Loki: I’m so sorry.  I can’t imagine how awful it must be to lose a parent.
Sigyn: It’s hard.  I miss her tons.  I haven’t been to her grave since she was buried.
Loki: Maybe you should go?  Visit her grave.  Talk to her.  I’m sure she’d love it.
Sigyn: I know you’re right, but I don’t know if I’m strong enough.
Loki: If we knew each other in person, I’d offer to go with you.
Sigyn: I appreciate that.  I’ll keep the idea in mind.  It’s a couple hours away, over around Suffolk.
Loki: In West Suffolk or St. Edmunds?
Sigyn: Are you stalking me?
Loki:  I promise I’m not.  Suffolk is where mum lives.
Sigyn: Small world, I guess?
Loki: You can say that again.  
Sigyn: I promise I’ll think about it.
Loki: That’s all I can ask.  I’ll be there with you in spirit.
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knittedkikwi · 4 months
Need to scream into the void. Please ignore.
I’m so tired. I need this work project to end. I worked ten and a half hours today, for the second time this week I might add. In fact, this has become a regular occurrence over the past couple months. I stopped early yesterday and by early I mean I only worked nine hours. I have been lying in bed for the past hour desperately trying to fall asleep but unable to because I can’t stop thinking about work. It’s midnight here and I just got out of bed to see if I had completely forgotten about something that would solve a big issue. Turns out I hadn’t, but the consultant we’re working with had already replied to my email listing that exact thing as a possible solution. I’m gonna take that as a good sign. Maybe I can put down one worry at least.
I’m so tired. I just want to go back to my normal 8 hour schedule. I want my evenings back. I want my puzzle breaks back. I want to come home without my work computer. I want to associate my home office with games again. I’ve developed an aversion to my personal computers because i’m glued to my work one so much. Any time not spent at my work computer needs to not be at a computer at all for the sake of my own sanity. Why couldn’t we have at least done this in the summer so I could go outside and get some sun after I clock out? But no, it has to be winter and dark for hours before I’m finished.
I’m so tired. I want to talk to The Guy. He was working from home today and we were both so busy that we didn’t even message each other until well after lunch and it was sporadic after that. I need a proper face to face conversation. He’s the most relaxing part of my day and this damn project barely lets us speak to each other anymore.
I’m so tired. I got less than 5 hours of sleep last night and it seems like I’ll be lucky if I get 5 and a half tonight. I’m writing this damn post because supposedly journaling helps a restless mind stop worrying at bedtime. Fingers crossed it works, but I have a feeling I’m going to just keep thinking about work.
I’m so tired. I wish I understood how a desk job can be so physically draining. I’ve been so tense lately (and probably had such bad posture that) that I had to take ibuprofen for my back. It doesn’t help that I overheard a friend telling the new person at our dnd game that this is my “intro to an adult job” or something along those lines. I wanted to punch him once those words sunk in through this haze of exhaustion. First adult job my ass. Your job’s not actually supposed to work you to death! Besides, I’m fairly certain my last job gave me ptsd because I was carrying so much. I stop breathing when I see that company’s products. I have nightmares about going back to work there. I couldn’t bring myself to throw out the shirts they gave me, so instead I would stumble across them in my closet and panic for a moment (I finally did toss them a few weeks ago, though. That was a relief). The weird thing is I can’t remember the specifics anymore. Like, I know it was miserable and I had too much to do and it was so overwhelming that I occasionally shut down. I remember I would regularly scream as I drove home because I just needed a release. But I don’t remember why exactly. I remember it felt like people hated me, but I can’t come up with examples. I get nauseous when I try to think of them, yet I can’t help but try. I know my memory is bad in general. This feels like that whole experience has a big scab over it though. There’s an outline of the injury, but you can’t see the actual wound anymore. Doesn’t stop me from picking at it.
I’m so tired. The end of this project is in sight, even if feels so far away. One thing I’m sure of, though, is that no matter how much pressure I’m under right now, now matter how much lingering dread from my old job persists, no matter how little time I get with The Guy, I’m in the right place. Things will go back to normal eventually, and I’ll be so grateful when they do.
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crimmson · 7 months
hi I hate hormonal fluctuates do y'all wanna know the absolutely unhinged runaway train of thought that upset me so fucking much the last couple of days very suddenly and for no discernable reason??
so a while ago I also had a mini meltdown about how frustrated I was that my whole life is pretty much stuffed into my childhood bedroom. I am a grown-ass 32 year old adult, and this like 10x10 room is effectively my bedroom, dining room, gaming room, hobby room, etc. I was getting annoyed and trying to rearrange my desk to optimize the space and couldn't and started like frustrated half-crying with a bunch of half disassembled shit on the floor around me.
my dad very graciously talked with me and was like why don't you move some of your stuff into [my mom's old home office/unused exercise room/misc storage room] and that has become my Computer/Game room. and that has certainly helped the last couple of months.
HOWEVER, a couple of days ago I was already just on edge for unidentifiable reasons and my dad has been prepping some stuff because we're getting windows replaced this week. so he was hammering and drilling and stuff, and even with the door shut and my headphones on I could still hear it, and for whatever reason that was just Enough. i already wasn't fully in a gaming mood so I just quit my game and I started just angry-straightening-up my desk and laundry and shit and getting snippy so he was very understandably like "what in the fuck"
THIS led to me getting annoyed again that I just don't have the fine, granular control over various house stuff that I'd like to have. and general lack of ~privacy in my own home~ kind of shit. like I feel weird walking from the bathroom to my room in my underwear after I take a shower but I don't wanna bring the towel with me because then I'll have to go back and hang it up. just stupid little shit like that. and the fact that he will bitch at me about his brother coming up to ramble at him for 20 minutes about shit he doesn't care about, with the irony that he's doing the same fucking thing to me just sailing right over his head. but then I feel like an asshole for not having the patience anymore to play along. I wanna do my own shit but then I feel guilty.
or the fact that I'd love to have easy access to maintenance shit like thoroughly cleaning out the washing machine or the dishwasher filter. or doing my laundry on a schedule. but I can't really do that shit because I'd have to organize around other people in the house. and some small stupid shit like my dad and uncle leaving their dishes in the sink for days at a time if not a couple of weeks, whereas I put my shit straight into the dishwasher. or leaving wrappers on the counter instead of putting them straight into the garbage.
but at the same time I have no real right to complain, because there's plenty of shit I leave around because the moment I put something down and walk away, there's a 50/50 chance I will forget it's there. so it's like. kind of an asshole move for me to get prickly about things when I do similar shit.
then THAT led to me being like... he's already compromised for me before, and compromises go both ways, and I know this. so why am I still so annoyed. so NOW I'm annoyed that I'm annoyed.
(also at some point the annoyance of 'why on earth does he even need the larger master bedroom at this point when he effectively just uses it for sleeping and he has the whole living room' floated through my mind but it's also insane to switch up bedrooms at this point)
but then THAT led to "oh my god, if I'm ultimately always going to be unhappy with compromise and demand more then the problem is me, and nobody should ever live with me because I will drive them up a fucking wall, which means nobody should ever like-like me (because mentally I'm 12 and love is a scary word)"
which THEN led to "oh my god am I doomed to always inevitably become unhappy with every situation because everything I've done that I thought would magically fix my problems has not, eventually the relief fades and there's always something that seems to creep up"
and then THAT turned into "oh jesus christ i can't even afford to live on my own if I want to because it's too expensive here but I hate the idea of moving and learning how to do a new job and I LIKE my job despite my bitching and I'm comfortable with it, I just dont know how tf anyone is supposed to actually survive in this expensive fucking area when rent is like 60% of my monthly income so im LUCKY to live rent free with my dad. so I need to just deal with it for now. because no matter what I'm trapped and I just need to make peace with that."
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business advices
I think it’s best to train yourself; your mind and your body to negate as much stress as possible. Find out the reasons why you are getting stressed (the triggers) and work on conditioning yourself not to care about the triggers.
Stay focused on the things you can control, and work on blocking the things you cannot.
Learning about meditation would be a key thing for you to do.
There is no point to constantly be thinking about things that are not in your control, this is most likely where the bulk of your stress comes from. Thinking about the future that hasn’t happened yet and outcomes you don’t know about yet.
Whether you are bootstrapping a business with $500 to your name living at home for free or if you have a family, car payments, a mortgage and you’re all in on a 10 mil investment venture…. The way you go about managing your stress will be the same.
I’m still doing 15 hour days. I average anywhere from 105-115 hours a week and have for close to 10 years now. But for me, I love it.
It’s important to have a scheduled routine, and stick to it. Rise early and focus on working out/exercise first, get the early shower in, eat something, drink something, and get to work on your most annoying work related tasks first while everyone else is sleeping. For me, no matter what time I sleep, or whether I sleep or not, my day starts at 5am. If I pull an all nighter (which I already did this week and its only Wednesday), I still roll into my routine every morning.
If you are working long hours, don’t eat too much fried food or heavy foods or anything that makes you too bloated for long times to put pressure on your body. Sushi I find for my works really well if I know I will be working insanely long hours.
Don’t be afraid to mix rec time with business. If you at the computer for 5 hours answering hundreds of emails, you may as well get a second monitor and throw some tv shows or movies up as long as you can multitask.
Bowling, Pool, Golf, Tennis, Badminton… find some sort of physical activity release that you can do in your personal time and even in business times. These are great place for business meetings of any type. I prefer golf and pool (billiards) as I can drink at both, and the games/rounds can be used for betting on the business deal (wagers) to make things interesting sometimes. Just my personal preferences. You can also do axe throwing, smash rooms, and all those fun break things to release stress.
Some people like to hit the gym and box and throw punches, whatever works for you that you can get interested about. I would avoid paying for any escorts and using that as a stress relief, but to each their own.
Try to ensure your personal life with your spouse/partner/sig other is healthy. If you got none, start dating. Work on your personal life in your personal time because that bleeds into your business life. Just like sometimes what happens to you at work you end up taking home… vice versa. Have someone in your life that can support you (be supportive of you), your work, and your passions and have lots of sex regularly as that is a great stress reducer. If you are having issues in that department, really work on it.
For things work related… do you what you do best and outsource the rest. This goes for things you hate. If you are having nightmares about doing a certain job, then you need to find the solution to get it done, and I would look at outsourcing first.
In business, you have to do whatever it takes to succeed, no matter what the job or task is, and no matter what roadblock is in front of you. You have to be willing to change, pivot, and solve the issues in front of you to keep moving forward. If stress is your roadblock, then find ways to either reduce stress, channel it elsewhere, eliminate it all together, or have positive things overtake it. If fear is your factor, you need an alternative route for your business to accomplish that same goal by pivoting and doing something else that you won’t have fear for. There is often more ways (paths) to accomplish the same end goal.
It doesn’t take years to build a business, it takes the lifespan of the business to build it. You will always be building the business up no matter the level you reach. Whether if it’s just you going at it solo or you have a team of 8,000 employees and a full board of executives and investors, you are always going to continue to build the business. You don’t wake up one day and decide that your business is done building. You may reach goals and milestones, but you will always be running it and striving to survive another day and that means you are still building it every single day.
And one of the best ways to help manage stress in business… is be true to yourself. Be honest and transparent with yourself. Face the truths and reality of the situations you are in so you can assess it faster and find solutions faster. Don’t tell yourself lies to make yourself feel better in that moment. Know your strengths, and weaknesses, and use both to your advantage in business.
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thispabulum-blog · 2 years
Running on Empty
This week was a pretty slow one, but what happened?
Tuesday Meeko Neko tried to fix my computer speakers, and the conclusion we came to was that I need a new computer. So we'll put that on the back burner for now.
Wednesday I started talking to a guy, we'll call him Booyah. He's 26, married (his wife is bonkers adorable), plays a lot of tabletop games and stuff. We've been working on setting up a date when schedules allow, but it seems like we're both pretty open to friendship or whatever else.
Thursday night Meeko Neko tried to fix my sink, to no avail. Aquaman came over to my new place for the first time. He was sleepy, as usual, but brought me McDonald's, and we watched Futurama and cuddled for a while. He's way overworked lately and I hate that there's nothing I can do except be cute and cuddly when requested.
Friday my precious Cuddlebug came and picked me up. He's been working really hard lately at this new job, so once we got to his house we plopped down on the bed and next thing I knew, it was 4 hours later.
Good nappers, both of us.
A quick Kroger run, then I made myself some ramen and we picked up where we left off with Better Call Saul.
Saturday I slept in late, and then I made us pancakes, eggs, and bacon, which we watched while we finished Rick & Morty, I believe? The plan for the day was to have two other couples come over for a movie marathon - he even did the dishes. The first couple bailed on movies but still wanted to do dinner, and the second couple didn't show up until after 6. So we opted to do dinner first.
Cuddlebug finally got to take me to this Chinese place he's been dying for me to try - they're closed on Mondays, and I swear it's like his two little brain cells are saying "I know there's something about this place and Mondays..." so he only ever suggests we go there on Mondays.
Relatedly, when I asked him what all he wanted to do over the weekend -
CB: I was thinking about going to that bakery Saturday or Sunday. ... Except maybe they're closed Sunday.
Me: Baby! You had a thought!
And they are closed on Sunday; we did not go to the bakery.
On the way to dinner, we were trying to decide what movies we wanted to watch, and he was lobbying hard for the Dark Knight trilogy, because apparently they're some of his favorite movies. I said yes, and I looked over at him in the backseat a bit later to see him bouncing his legs up and down and going "nana-nana-nana-nana Batman!" under his breath.
Jesus, he's so cute.
"Have you seen the movies?"
EXCUSE ME, child. The Dark Knight came out when I was in high school; nothing was a bigger deal. I went to the midnight showing at the mall with a guy I was unfortunately sleeping with, we waited in line for 5 hours, one of my contacts fell out, I threw up when I got home. It was amazing.
Dinner was really good. Cuddlebug's friends had a fun time getting him all riled up, which is not super difficult to do, but is much easier when he's excited.
Once we got home we started Batman Begins, and about an hour into it I went to change into pajamas and I thought "Oh, I'll just lie down on the bed for a minute. If I keep the door open I can still hear the movie," and Cuddlebug woke me up about an hour and a half later. I apologized, and he told me not to worry, to go back to sleep. Apparently the other couple had left to run an errand and hadn't come back yet, so he wanted to play some video games in the meantime. We did end up finishing the movie a while later.
Sunday we watched some more Better Call Saul (I swear that show is SO GOOD at cliffhangers) and then we watched The Dark Knight. Then Space Kitten came by and we hung out for a bit, then went to eat a very lot of sushi. We got to see the sushi waiter robot, which is the highlight of any trip, and agreed that this place needs more eel rolls.
Monday Cuddlebug woke up early to go to work, and I hung around the house being bored.
Now, to preface this, I had previously had this conversation with him
Me: I want to either make one of the burgers from my Bob's Burgers cookbook, or do like a Cajun shrimp and sausage thing. For you this weekend.
CB: Ooooo I'd love some burgers:333
Me: Cool
But when I went to Kroger they didn't have the cheese I needed for the burgers, so I just got the stuff for the Cajun thing - it was a sheet pan bake with shrimp, sausage, corn on the cob, and red potatoes. And I didn't say anything about it.
So when he told me he was on his way home, I told him I was going to start dinner. And when he came in, I let him know it was ready. So he opens the top oven and looks at the pan, then closes it, and opens the bottom oven (yes, they have two ovens; I'm jealous). I said "What are you looking for?" and he said "The other dinner."
And I know sometimes I pout to be cute, but my face seriously dropped. He was immediately apologetic! I guess what happened was that he saw the corn and potatoes but not the sausage and shrimp, so he thought it was a side dish for the burgers I was going to make? In any case, he ate plenty of it, and there was a good amount for leftovers the next day.
Tuesday morning Cuddlebug woke up super early to go to work, and came home after I had started watching Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness in the living room, so he just kinda collapsed on the couch with his head on my lap, looking beat.
Me: Do you want to take a nap?
CB: No.
Me: Are you sure?
CB: Yes.
10 minutes later, he's snoring on me, and stayed that way until the movie was over.
He spent most of the evening playing 40k online with a friend, and I think I just hung out in the living room playing Animal Crossing and watching YouTube. Party people, y'know?
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