#both are very spoopy
ryuuseishi · 1 year
Two of my scariest demon muses are here now.
One is an ancient demon of fear from League called Fiddlesticks.
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The other one is the most evil demon of all, a demon who mimics others, know as Doppelganger.
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We call him doppelcat.
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spoopy-fish-writes · 3 days
HELP. Why is this stranger messaging me like this. Why did they call me at nearly 11pm. What the hell
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intheholler · 5 months
okay. i'm up to episode five now, so, by increasingly popular demand lol:
my initial thoughts about old gods of appalachia
i think it's really smart in what it relays as "appalachian horror," because this is actually what The Appalachian Gothic is supposed to give
what i mean is it's not just like the usual spoopy mythical forest/"don't investigate the noises in the woods" stuff alone. dgmw, obviously i love the urban legends
but the gothic of an area or time period needs cultural elements tied in to really make it chilling, and this does it well. it stands out in the way that it incorporates the genuine horrors of humanity in appalachia with the supernatural element everyone is drawn to about these mountains. it's very creatively done
like in the barlo, kentucky saga i am currently listening to, it's the dangerous coal mines and the near-possessed preacher turning all hellfire n brimstone at the behest of the haints. it preys (i use this word positively here) on this mix of very specific but common fears, both existential and otherwise, held by residents of the appalachian south. love it
as an aside, i love the narrator's accent because it sounds like mine :') a lifetime of code switching means mine isn't quite as strong unfortunately, but our pronunciation habits and colloquialisms are next to identical, so there manages to be this like warm and nostalgic feeling to it, too
because it's honestly so nice to hear my accent and my family's accent as a critical part of a superb story being told, and not just as a vehicle for mockery and stereotypes :')))
all in all... it is Good Shit
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deandoesthingstome · 7 months
Back to Reality - A Final Fantasy
Pairing: Werewolf!Walter x Reader
Summary: Go get your wolf, girl!
Word Count: 5.2K
Warnings: 18+, NO MINORS, oral sex (m and f receiving), p in v (missionary), fingering, monster fucking (right?).
A/N: A little angst never hurt anyone, right? It'll all be okay. I swear. I wanted to get this out the day after Geralt, but life. At any rate, I think this is it for now. A real nice end to spoopy season with Walter.
Fantasy Hotel Masterlist
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He wasn’t right there when you turned from the counter after picking up your coffee, but he was standing close enough that there was no mistaking who he was greeting. Had he been any closer, you probably would have sloshed your latte all over his chunky, dark blue sweater and you were glad you stopped short when you saw him. You didn’t think he’d want to smell like pumpkin spice the rest of the day.
“Hi yourself,” you smiled, a little shyly. 
When you asked at the front desk if they really meant anything, and then again if they could get a message to Walter, you had no idea he’d show up at your regular coffee shop the very same day. As in the day after the night you'd just been with another man. It wasn’t as awkward as you’d thought it might be, but it wasn’t exactly relaxed either.
You'd been dreaming of this moment, but now embarrassment began to creep in and you wondered if you'd made a mistake. Several of them. Four to be exact.
"Would you like to sit and talk with me?"
The urge to sink right to the floor in front of him was hard to resist but you were still at a coffee shop and people were lined up to grab their to-go orders so you found an empty table in a secluded corner and sat yourself down across from him.
His eyes were melancholy and you imagined they matched the lonely howl from your night with August. There was no mistaking it and you wanted to wipe the sorrow from his face but how could you? You were likely the cause and he was probably just here to tell you to forget it as a courtesy since you'd stupidly put your business on blast at the front desk. Fuck.
"You alright over there? You look a million miles away. You sure you're okay to talk with me?"
You took a deep breath and let it rush out.
"It's really nice of you to do this in person. A lot of guys would just not call."
"Not call? What are you...? What do you think is happening here?"
"I mean, you came to tell me to back off, right? Like, you're flattered and all, but you wouldn't, couldn't be with me after everyone I've been with. I mean, you worked with those guys."
"So you know I don't work there anymore. That was the first thing I wanted to say, so good. That's out of the way."
Why would he want you to know that? Maybe so you knew you could keep going back to the hotel and not have to worry about running into him? He continued.
"But why on earth do you think I'm here to tell you to back off?" he raised a quizzical eyebrow at you.
It was as if all the air was suddenly knocked out of you and it was all you could do to gather your wits to answer him.
"Well, I just thought...I mean, you can't possibly want someone who..."
"What? Someone who isn't afraid to go after what she wants?" Now both eyebrows raised.
"Walter. You can't mean that. You...I'm sorry but you don't look like someone who's super excited about the prospect."
He paused.
"I know I look tired. I am tired. I've been up nights trying to figure this out. But, look, my exhaustion is also not all about this. I left the hotel for a few reasons. One was you, but maybe not why you think."
"Well, why did you?"
"It's not ‘cause I fell hard, though I did. And you might think that made it difficult to keep hosting, and you'd be right. But honestly I got torn. Torn between knowing you were having the time of your life, which you absolutely deserve to do, and dealing with the taunting."
"Some of the guys figured out how I felt, and one of them started giving me shit about it. Betting me he could steal you from me if you ever made it to his room, not that you were even mine to begin with. And, yeah, feeling the way I do made it harder and harder to host properly so I made a decision."
"You left."
"I left."
You thought back to your night with August and now you knew for certain he was referring to Walter. And after what Geralt had said, you wondered why August gave you an option to shut him out. It sounded like August wanted Walt to see, to know you were being satisfied by another man. You could understand how that must have felt. You had jealous thoughts, too, when you found all Walt’s time slots had been booked. Imagining him with other women, well, it wasn’t all bad, but it wasn’t the greatest feeling in the world either. And yet, Walter indicated there were other reasons he left.
"But that's not all?"
"I was also studying part time and between all the bookings, I was falling farther and farther behind. I had to stay up late to finish assignments and I had an important test coming, so I quit to focus on that because I never wanted to host forever, but once you came along, I never wanted to do it again."
You were speechless. Awestruck. If anyone had told you that Walter felt the same way about you from the get go, as you found yourself feeling about him after weeks of experiences, you would have said they were crazy. And yet, here he was, spilling his guts. He gave it all up without even knowing if he had a shot with you.
"And you don't care I went back? To other rooms?"
Walter looked around the coffee shop, then turned and spoke cautiously to you.
“Can we…? Look, I know we don’t really know each other, and if you want to do this in a public place, I get it. But could we at least take a walk? I feel like everyone’s looking at us and I can’t think straight.”
This man was flustered and you were, too. Confused by all the feelings and emotions and confessions. Plus, what did you really know about Walter anyway?
“I’m going to text some friends and let them know where I am and who I’m with. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Of course. We’ll just head across the way to the park, okay?”
“I’ll be right out.”
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sendmeanangel: you’ll never guess who showed up to get coffee this morning    sendmeanangel: we’re having coffee and talking in the park across from a place called The Runcible Spoon.   sendmeanangel: I’ll text again in an hour so don’t expect any replies until then
Then you shut off your phone and headed out to meet Walter.
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MNstrluvr: Ohmygodddd! darkgothnightengale: it’s all happening!!! Where are you now? darkgothnightengale: hello??? I know it’s only been 20 minutes but how can you not have just admitted your feelings and jumped his bones by now? Give us all the details!
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You found him on a park bench and sat, one leg drawn up with a foot tucked under your other knee so you could turn to face him while you talked. You wanted him to reach out and touch you as well, run his hand over your arm while you talked, but maybe you weren’t there yet. Maybe that would be awkward.
He took a deep breath and began.
"As to your question from before: I can't lie and say I don't care or wish I'd told you that very night how I thought I was feeling, but I thought it was way too soon to trust those feelings. And since you didn't know, and we weren't together, how could I expect you to just not do what you wanted? That's something else that's kept me up at night. Thinking about how to reconcile my feelings about you with both our pasts.”
Walt went on to tell you how much your night together had affected him. How he couldn’t get you out of his mind. He apologized for the locker room talk. He knew Sy had mentioned it and he felt miserable about it. It was just something they did, share notes in case a guest came back around so they could make sure to work any of their favorite things into the stay. They weren’t usually so personal with the comments, but he’d gotten carried away.
August had been particularly prickish about it, especially when it became clear how uncomfortable talking about the guests was making Walter, even going so far as to taunt Walter with the exact date and time of your reservation in his room. He’d given notice the next day.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“You quit your job over me. Well, sorta. What are you going to do now?”
“I was already working towards my private investigator license. Ironic, huh? A PI and I couldn’t find the one person I really wanted. I asked the hotel, but they were not interested in breaking protocol or the privacy agreement. And until I got the call this morning, I thought I wasn’t on the best of terms with them anyway. I think I left them kinda high and dry. But the desk agent is a friend.”
“Yeah, Geralt mentioned something…” you trailed off, embarrassed to be bringing up your latest conquest.
“Who’s Geralt?” Of course he didn’t know.
“He’s a new host at the hotel,” you answered sheepishly.
“Oh. Right.” Walter looked away for a moment. “Of course.”
“Walter, I’m sorry. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings.”
“By going back there?” he turned to you again. “How could you know I had feelings to hurt?”
“Well, I knew I had feelings that hurt.”
He stared at you in disbelief as you continued.
“I thought about you almost every day after our night together. I kept going back to different rooms, because I’d had such a good time and I wanted to see what else was out there. And look, I did have good times. I hope that’s not a problem.”
“I hosted other guests after you. I can’t really say anything about it, can I?”
“Right. Okay, well. The more time that went by, the more hosts I met and experiences I had, the more I knew I only wanted you. And then I couldn’t find you.”
“Find me?”
“I tried to re-book your room for weeks. You were always full.”
“You tried… What?”
“I know it’s probably super odd for me to keep going back there the way I have been, and then admit that I also wanted to come back to your room. But it’s true. That’s what’s been happening.”
“I guess the only thing I can say to that is I’m flattered. And then to let you know that if you still feel that way, I’d love to take you out tonight. I’d love to stop talking about all this time we’ve lost and maybe see if we can move forward. Because it took me a while but I realize it doesn't matter either way. Whether you went back or not. You are your own person. You're allowed to experience life the way you want to. I'm just here hoping you want to experience it with me again."
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sendmeanangel: okay, i’m back and still alive, but i need a shower. Gimme another hour. I’ll fill you in I swear! MNstrluvr: meana, where are you????? Did you already fuck him???
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sendmeanangel: oh my god you guys are insane. It’s only been 45 minutes MNstrluvr: you can’t just drop that and run. You had to have to known we’d need more sooner sendmeanangel: i think i’m allowed to gather all the intel before i share it with you lol darkgothnightengale: you got your intel and then bailed for a shower! Boo! MNstrluvr: so what’s happening? Why are you stalling like this??? sendmeanangel: he’s taking me out on a real, honest-to-goodness date tonight MNstrluvr: YES!!! Where are you going? sendmeanangel: dinner and then a moonlight walk darkgothnightengale: isn’t it a full moon tonight? sendmeanangel: yep ;) MNstrluvr: you are so getting fucked outdoors!! sendmeanangel: Wait someone's at the door. I think it’s my lunch. Hold on. MNstrluvr: send them away and come back to finish this talk!!!
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"Walt? What're you...?" you spoke with surprise, thinking he wouldn't be here to pick you up for dinner for another five hours at least. It had only been one since you gave him your address and left him at the park, floating home on cloud nine. Now he stood in front of you, a bag of food in his hand.
"I couldn't wait any longer. I had to just...can I...?" Walter  dropped the bag and made a motion, hands out in something like a plea, knee beginning to bend with something like reverence. Nothing you understood until you nodded your head.
He stepped forward then, into your space, your tiny studio apartment that until now was always just fine for your needs but suddenly seemed three sizes too small for the man who was bending to kiss you and wrap his arms around your thighs, urging you to encircle his waist with your legs as he moved to kick the door closed behind him.
Your fingers tangled in his gorgeous locks as you relished the feel of his lips on yours once more. You'd only experienced that two times with Walter at the hotel, and the urgency of only one of those came even close to the feel of this one, and you suddenly wondered if he'd held something back when he kissed you goodbye back then. The euphoria blinded you to any other movement until you felt your body peeled from his and deposited on your sofa. And not that you minded couch sex, as previously confirmed with Mike, nor were you assured in the moment that couch sex was the end goal, but you wondered briefly when you'd have a moment to help him unfold the futon, since your studio only had enough room for a convertible bed.
For now, Walter simply slipped down to the floor and settled between your thighs, braced his arms tightly against your hips, caressed the bare skin between your shirt and pants with his rough hands, and nuzzled his face into your stomach. You held him close, hands still shifting through his curls and you could swear you heard a whimper, but whether from you or him it didn't seem to matter.
For a few beats, it was just this sweet. A man on his knees before you, somehow awed by your presence and content to be pressed against you, to feel you hold him close. And then it was more. Then it was his mouth, covering a clothed breast with warmth, teeth nipping at the flesh through your shirt, his tongue leaving saliva on the fabric so that it clung to your erect nipple protruding proudly regardless of your bra and top in the way.
When he noticed you staring down, as if surprised by your body’s own response, he simply smirked and moved his attention to the other side. When he tired of the barrier, he slipped his hands up your back under your shirt to unhook your bra, then lifted both articles of clothing up your body and pulled them off your arms, before returning his attention back to your chest and his hands to your hips.
Heat was building, and along with it, an urge to roll up into him. When he felt the movements of your hips, he drew a hand over one thigh to cup it against your clothed sex as he peeled his head back to gaze up at you.
"Just as eager as I am," he grinned. "I like that."
"Please, Walter," you begged, though for what exactly you weren't sure.
"I got you," he emphasized with a firm press of the heel of his palm, dragging it up and over your increasingly sensitive nub to hook his fingers into the waistband of your leggings. At your approval, he removed them and settled back between your legs, though he nuzzled a little lower than before.
He dragged you down, pulling your ass off the edge of the futon so he had a clear path to his objective. You expected him to dive right in, hoping he remembered what he already learned from before, and then he spoke and your mind exploded.
"Such a delightful sight," he said, tracing down the crease of one thigh and up the other with a finger you desperately wanted him to dip inside you. And he could tell. "She's so eager, positively dripping, isn't she?" He squeezed an inside thigh, then nipped and licked the other before speaking again.
"Yes, Walter. Please," you gasped, already anticipating the sensations he was going to create for you. You shuddered and bucked involuntarily at his low chuckle, putting your pussy directly against his lips and he didn't try to resist any longer.
His hunger was apparent, and it matched the desire building in you. He lapped eagerly, licked and sucked with need, tongued expertly at all the spots he already knew were favorites and then he found a few more, too. You tried to hold onto a fleeting thought about his technique before it drifted into the air above you as you found your fingers back in his hair, clutching and pulling him close to your core. Walter feasted like there was no tomorrow and you closed your eyes with the knowledge you were going to have as many tomorrows with this man as you wanted.
When you came it was with the cry of his name on your lips. He crawled up off the floor to settle on the futon beside you, scooping you onto his lap and hugging you close to help steady you.
He placed kisses on your forehead and spoke words into the consciousness you struggled to maintain as your chest heaved. "Shh, I got you. You're good. So good. So beautiful."
"Walter, that was..., jesus..., fuck...," you stammered, barely able to control your thoughts and you wished you could have sunk into the ground below you when you heard the next words out of your mouth. "Did Sy give you pointers?"
Walter's immediate laugh was hearty and heartwarming, dispelling the thoughts you had that you deserved to be tossed across the room for even daring to bring it up.
"I've always known clients prefer him for that over any of the rest of us. I took him out for beers one night and I may have begged for a trick or five. Sy's a good guy and he thought you deserved it, though I'm sure he never would have agreed if he thought I was coming back to the hotel." Walt bent to capture your lips and when he was done kissing you hard and deep, he spoke again. "I do, too. Think you deserve it."
"What about you?" you asked, aware now of a hardness pressing against your flesh through his pants. "Don't you deserve more, too?"
You wiggled off his lap and stood, hand out to urge him up. You swallowed hard as he towered over you, eyes full of desire and lust.
"I deserve whatever you're willing to give me."
"I'll give you everything, Walt," you admitted, fingers already working the buckle of his belt and buttons of his pants.
His lips crashed to yours as soon as he tossed his sweater to the floor and he held you entranced with his tongue even after you dropped his jeans down his legs along with his boxers. It was just a low growl but the sound from the back of his throat was enough to send a wave of slick down your thigh as you clenched around the space where you most desired him to be.
"Fuck, Walter," you gasped into his mouth and begged. "Fuck me, please."
It was a mad dash to remove his boots so he could discard his pants, though not before he grabbed the made-just-for-him condoms from the pocket, and then unfold the futon for a larger surface area on which he could move you around and manipulate your passion. It was no plush cabin bed, but it would have to do.
"Fuck, I wanted this outside tonight," he admitted, staring at you as he rutted into your core with abandon. 
"It's a full moon tonight," you noted, as if he wouldn’t already know that.
"I still wanna fuck you under it," he growled, staring deep into your eyes.
You were losing control, falling up through space and time as you felt every inch of him against every inch of you and it still wasn't enough. You couldn't stop your eyes from closing as you begged him for more.
"Hey," he called, lifting your leg around his waist and when you opened your eyes you saw him smile as you wrapped your other leg the same way without prodding from him. You were mesmerized by the motion of his hips and barely caught the glint, a hint of change to amber, but you did.
“No!” He stilled immediately but you held on as he tried to withdraw from you. “No, stay with me, here just like this. We can do that again, later, whenever. Just,” you drew a hand to cup his face, “please. Like this. Like you. Just you.” You kissed him deep and rolled your hips to spur him on again.
You were prepared to feel less full, less fucked, though not by much, with Walter in human form. You were not prepared for the way he fucked you to feel just as animalistic as the monster. His assault was merciless, even as he grunted in your ear all the ways he was going to make you his. How he planned to take you softly in the moonlight so you’d know it didn’t matter what form he was in, you could have him any way you wanted. 
When you finally came apart for him, he let loose with a loud growl and you were sure your neighbors were gonna call the landlord any minute. He hurried back to your side after disposing of the spent condom, curling around you and melting you in his warmth.
“Do you have anywhere you need to be?” he asked. “I still wanna take you to dinner, but I’d love to just stay here with you for awhile. If that’s okay?”
You were about to answer him, but your returning senses also meant you could hear the buzzing vibrations of notifications on your phone. Shit!
“Uh, no. I don’t have to be anywhere. Maybe you could grab that bag you left outside and we can see what else I can scrounge up for us to eat right now?”
You grabbed your phone as he peeled open the door, careful to tuck himself behind it as he grabbed for the food, lest a neighbor get a view they didn’t pay for.
sendmeanangel: okay look. He’s here. Right now. Can’t talk. All good. MMNstrluvr: MEANA!!! darkgothnightengale: GIRL YOU BETTER SPILL SOON!
You found some chips and salsa and split your sandwich with Walt, not that it looked like nearly enough food to tide him over till dinner. But he didn’t seem to mind. The next few hours flew by as you both sought to learn as much about each other as you could as soon as possible.
He explained that the special skill he had only worked within the confines of a vortex, over which the hotel had been built. It’s why he couldn’t bend time to allow him to study and work and wonder about you without losing sleep somewhere along the way.
After a shower, and some shower head, and then another shower, Walter asked if he could take you somewhere special for dinner. Somewhere not in town. He let you send GPS coordinates to your online friends with the promise they wouldn’t send you any details of the location. He wanted it to be a surprise for you. They were only to use it if you didn’t check in after dinner and again in the morning and once more when you were back at your apartment.
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The sun was just sinking low with a burst of evening color when Walt pulled up to the lakeside cabin. He helped you out of his truck, then grabbed your overnight bags and the groceries from the backseat. You couldn’t wait to see the place in the full daylight, but you could already tell it was magical. 
An a-frame cabin with large windows faced the lake. An oversized wooden deck made up a large seating area and all around landing pad in front of the entrance. A set of side steps allowed access from the driveway, but along the full length of the deck three stairs led to a narrower mulched path that in turn led to a wooden dock out onto the lake. A seating area was visible there as well, though there were no chairs.
Walt let you in first, then followed and set the bags down before closing the door.
He must have noticed you still admiring the sunset out the windows.
"I can make it last."
You blinked and turned, curious about what he'd just offered.
"Are we in a vortex then?"
"Yes, I got lucky finding this spot. Don't own the place, yet, so I can't come out whenever I want, but I made sure tonight was free."
"And, I mean, no. It's beautiful but I'm really looking forward to the moon. Can you make that last?"
He bit his lip and nodded, letting a smile and glance drift to the floor, shaking his head as if he still couldn't believe his luck.
"Yeah, I definitely can," he grinned at you before sweeping you into his arms. He kissed you hard and deep and you could feel the way he held back.
"Don't," you said, pulling away from the kiss so you could look him in the eye.
"Don't make it last?" he asked, confusion furrowing his brow.
"Don't hold back."
He did not. Every ounce of your clothing was on the floor next to his in what felt like a heartbeat. He was pawing at every inch of your body and you were enjoying it, the way he caressed you, held you, molded you to his form.
"Won't matter," he huffed between kisses. "She's not up yet. Later. After dinner."
"Will you do it anyway?" you asked, and nodded earnestly when he asked if you were sure.
He again didn't waste a moment. One second he was Walter, the next he was the wolf and he was at your throat. Then down your body, then between your legs.
He made you come on his tongue at least three times before he presented his enormously hard member to you and helped you work your mouth around the tip.
You wanted so much more. You gave it your best shot. But he was huge. Larger than you recalled. When it was clear you'd need your hand to cover him completely, he licked your palms and wrapped your fingers around his length.
He pulled you off just as you finally found the right rhythm, the right pressure, the right speed.
"You're gonna make me come," he growled.
"Kinda the point, Walt," you grinned up at him. "C'mon, lemme..."
"You asked me not to hold back. Sorta assumed you meant the fucking."
"I meant don't..." you licked your lips. "Hold..." then your hand. "Back..." And with that, you took him back into your mouth and kept working him to climax.
You swallowed him down and glanced up, marveling at the way he shifted. The hair receded, though clearly not completely. The nose shortened, teeth shrunk, though a fang still peeked from his mouth as he panted for air. His stature gave back the extra inches balancing on the balls of his feet gained him. And with claws retracted back into his normally large hands, he reached to bring you to his feet before him.
After the kiss, you admitted, "I just figured the faster we finish dinner, the faster we can get to her."
His laugh never failed to make you feel safe and at home.
"That isn't how the moon rise works, but I appreciate the initiative."
She was just at the horizon of the mountain crest behind the cabin when Walt cleared the plates from the table. You started a quick, warm shower just to freshen up and welcomed him into your arms when he joined you.
Then he dried you off, handed you a flannel of his to wear, escorted you outside where he shifted on the way down the steps and led you to the end of the dock. You sat between his legs, back against his chest, and let the heat radiating from him keep you warm. You smelled the chill in the air you knew would lead to frost soon, but not tonight, not tomorrow.
She peered over the tree tops and cast her gaze upon you. You felt her power and you felt his power and you arched against him as he moved his hand between your legs. He nuzzled down your neck, nipped at your shoulder, and carefully, with precision, made you come on his hand.
As you recovered, you unbuttoned the shirt, slipped it off your body, and laid it down behind you. You made your way to your back, letting the flannel shield your bare skin from the hard wood planks. And you pulled him to you, urged him inside you, and held him close. Your bodies moved in tandem as she shone brightly across the gentle rippling of the water, her reflection casting you in her glow.
Walt didn't lie about taking you gently. It was like nothing you ever imagined being with a wolf would be like. As sensual as any touch any man or monster had ever given you, and given your recent adventures, that was saying a lot.
But you could tell he was still holding back.
"I get it Walt," you whispered in his ear. "This doesn't have to be the way you say it though." You smoothed the fur along his face as he pulled back to watch your face. "Don't hold back."
With a snarl, he did as you bid, taking you apart as he had back at your place just mere hours ago. Though once the moon reached her peak, you could tell he'd halted time and it was gonna have to be you to beg him for mercy, plead with him to stop treating you to the most intense, overpowering yet intimate orgasms you'd ever felt. You had to urge him to finally come and let the moon fall how she wanted.
"I love you, too," you whispered to him as he collapsed beside you.
Bonus Edit: Absolutely GORGEOUS header created for me by my wonderful friend in fic, @geralts-yenn:
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Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
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Special tag: @kittenofdoomage (cause sometimes you love my stuff and this one's another monster fucker lol!)
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kaeyas-beloved · 6 months
spider lily
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Character: Kaeya
— the gods really do scorn his existence
CWs: gn!reader (no pronouns), ANGST, hurt/no comfort, you and Kaeya have a kid but it could be biological or adopted, death (reader + child), blood
val's no sympathy november masterlist
haha... happy (very belated) birthday Kaeya <3
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Kaeya vividly remembers how he felt the first time you asked him on a date. It was like he was on top of the world, the broadest smile on his face as he agreed to meet you for dinner later, all while having his heart and throat squeeze itself of life. Like the organ that was responsible for keeping him on Teyvat was trying to sabotage him tying a weight to itself and tugging painfully. Tread carefully Kaeya Alberich, remember your place.
Of course, things couldn't be this easy, not when everything good resulted in a double-edged sword stabbing him in the back. There had to be a catch - were you pitying him? Mondstadt knew the bits and pieces of his history with the Ragnvindrs, you easily could too. No, maybe you, the one that captured his attention after many run-ins around the city of wind, had your eye on him too, but for all the wrong reasons.
If he was honest, he almost didn't go. He was a man of his word, yes, but right before the time Kaeya was supposed to meet you, he felt more like he was a ten-year-old boy again, scared and unsure of what the future held. Would you even actually be there? Maybe he just should go home... but what if you're waiting for him? He can't just embarrass you by leaving you there...
Just one peek, he told himself, rounding the building until he stood at the back entrance and sticking his head in. Every day after that one he thanked the Archons that he did, because after pssting Diluc over and inquiring if you were in the building, to which the redhead sighed and nodded, Kaeya steeled himself and sat down with you, offering a small lie that work kept him and that he was terribly sorry. That one decision let a relationship like no other that he's experienced blossom, and his days went from the monotonous curse to slightly better moments to repetition he was comfortable and content with. He even managed by some miracle to get to raise a kid with you, vowing to love both of you with all his heart. To provide for you both the best he can.
So where did he go wrong? Why did he come home to the door rammed through, swinging in the gentle wind? What about the sight of the home the three of you built together over the years destroyed, furniture toppled over and drawers obviously rummaged through?
For the first time in a while Kaeya felt fear strike his body, blood running cold as he called out your name and your kid’s name, begging for a response. Each second that ticked by worsened that chilling feeling as he checked room after room, finding each one turned upside down and void of life.
When the ground floor showed no luck the male climbed the stairs, tripping over in his haste as he disregarded all the other rooms and made a beeline for the bedroom. Out of all the rooms, that one was more likely where he’d find you.
And find you he did… but he wished it wasn’t dead in a pool of your own blood, eyes lifelessly stuck open. What was worse was the body of his kid not too far away from you, curled on their side. From the scene alone, it seems as if you were crawling towards them to protect them, even in your last breath.
Evidence be damned, as the tears fall down his face Kaeya collects the broken forms of you and your kid into his arms. He doesn't care for the blood staining his clothes or how loud his sobs are or how awkward the position is because all that matters is getting to hold his spouse and child for the last time.
At least he was allowed to hold them in peace, his final goodbye. That was the only thing he was granted amidst the pain.
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Tag list (both regular and event exclusive): @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @kaeyaloml // @x-zho // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @kunikuzushiii // @genshin-impact-writings // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @leena-shi // @ari-the-wr1ter // @xiaos-wife // @milkwithspiceyicecubes // @stygianoir // @francisnyx // @leemidnightmoon
@kaiserkisser // @multipleshadesofblue // @moloteco-real // @kithewanderingme // @scaramood // @ii-lily2 // @esuz // @kochothehoe // @cindywasneverhere
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egonspenglerishot · 2 months
Hi 👋
Could you possibly do an Egon x reader where she’s possessed by gozer and how he would either or save her/ the aftermath???
I’m naming you Spoopy Ghost Anon :)
I’m pretty sure it’s the Keymaster and Gatekeeper that can possess, not Gozer themselves, so I took it upon myself to make y’all the Gate Keeper Zuul.
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“You’ve messed with the wrong scientist”
Egon couldn’t believe his eyes when he reached your apartment. It was a total wreck, the one night he was able to get the slightest bit of time off, and this happened. He wasn’t one for date nights, not like Venkman. But something felt off. He went to the nearest payphone and dialed the Ghostbusters Headquarters number.
“Ghostbusters how can we help you?” Janine’s voice crackled through the phone piece. Egon took a breath and sighed “Look [Names] place has been wrecked and with all the trouble they were having, claiming there was a temple in her fridge and such, I can’t help but think my research was correct. And if it is, you need to send the other three.”
Janine was froze before she put the phone down and hit the red button. The other three slid down and rushed to the Ecto 1 (that Egon had graciously not taken, opting for a cab) and rushed down to your apartment complex. Once they arrived the place was indeed a mess. They loaded their proton packs on and went in, something definitely wasn’t right. Egon knocked on your apartment door and you opened it, looking very different.
“Are you the Keymaster?” Egon looked at you gone out, but knew that the only way in was to agree. The others were currently hidden waiting for his signal “Yes, I am the Keymaster” you let him in, and after what seemed hours of struggling he managed to get you asleep. He went to the others his appearance slightly messy.
“She will be fine for now, however we have to go back. There’s not much we can do.” They headed back and jog a few hours later the police brought in someone claiming to be the Key Master searching for the Gate Keeper. Of course Egon knew straight away, but the damn Health Inspector decided to shut the grid down, releasing thousands of spirits. Egon yelled at him before all four ghostbusters were dragged off to the cells and the Keymaster made his way to the apartments.
A few hours later:
The boys were allowed out and permitted to save the city from Gozer. Once they reached the apartment Egon was the first to actually rush up the stairs, he needed to make sure you were okay, but when they finally made their way to the roof you were stood on one pedestal the key master on the other.
You were both turned into ugly looking dogs and this infuriated Egon. He knew he had to save you. Once they’d confronted Gozer, tried to use their Proton packs (and failed), and Ray had conjured up a 100ft Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, everything seemed at a loss until Egon realized. It was risky but it would save New York and you. He explained it and they quickly agreed wanting this hell to end.
“You’ve messed with the wrong scientist Gozer” Egon growled under his breath as he and his fellow ghostbusters turned their proton packs to maximum.
They crossed the streams of the proton packs destroying the door as the monsters that came from it. The after math was messy and overstimulating for Egon but when he glanced at the stone dogs his heart sank, that was until you began picking your way out, a hand popping out. His heart rate quickened as he helped you get out of the dark stone shell and held you close kissing you.
A smile spread across your face as you kissed him back. You didn’t care he was covered in marshmallow fluff, he’d saved you! Once he pulled away (and Venkman and made multiple gagging noises) they made their way down to the waiting ambulance, staying by your side. That’s when he decided to tie the knot with you so he could always protect you.
“[Name?]” he tapped your shoulder as you were talking to a paramedic. You turned around and he was down on one knee. He’d been plannin on proposing since you’d hit the four year mark and he’d already bought the ring. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful golden band with a heart shaped ruby on it “Will you marry me?”
You squealed and nodded yes kissing him, what a day, you were possessed by a demon demigod, saved by the love of your life and now he proposed. It’s enough to tire a girl out
“I told them they’d messed with with wrong scientist”
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lxdymoon0357 · 10 months
Hi if it's okay can I please ask for a yandere Kosair with a Yuutsu darling and where she's friends with his sister and he slowly grows obsessed her and attached to her
(of-course, it was fun to write this!! Also apologies for the mistakes, I tried my best to find as much info about Yuutsu as possible!!)
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Yandere! Kosair X Yuutsu (OC)! Reader
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❀ You were a dressmaker in the Eastern empire, and your dresses were not a part of a huge showroom, but you just made a few dresses here and there for people and your prices depended on the materials of the dress, your dresses were silently famous and the words eventually received by the empress who needed a dress for a little get-away.
❀ She came to you, asked to make a dress and you did, and Navier enjoyed it…A LOT! It was comfortable, made her feel happy and pretty, and it was everything she wanted, she asked you to make more for her for different occasions and you agreed, you and her slowly in this way became friends.
❀ Navier would often get you to make dresses for her and her ladies-in-waiting or her nobility friends and she would often model it for you in a silent and modest manner, you quickly became one of her dearest friends whom she’d vent about all her problems to.
❀ Soon you met Kosair, who was the empress’s brother, and he looked identical to her!! You weren’t lying, he was adorable like his sister, but in an opposite manner, he was not afraid to hit a person who disrespected him unlike Navier who is very peculiar of her reputation, so it wasn’t hard to be friends with him as long as you don’t hurt Navier or anger him!!
❀ Slowly, slowly you also became very close with Kosair as he was more of an explorer he was always out and about and he visited you with some gifts or something to help you with your interests, he would also love it if you made him some clothing as well, he is obsessed with you after all!!
❀ And no, I’m not kidding when I say he’s OBSESSED with you…HE IS OBSESSED WITH YOU. You’re so sweet, soft and kind looking along with your pretty long pink hair, your creativeness and your two babies, who are kittens apparently!! He was ready to propose when he first saw you, no lie…
❀ He notices every little detail about you, like your light pink coloured nails, you relaxing more when it’s raining, the absurd amount of hair clips and ribbons for your hair, how you aren’t able to accept a gift because of your nervousness as you feel that you aren’t deserving of it, the pink and cute choker you always have around your neck for some reason…, the way your face turns red when you cry or blush even though you have a poker face on, the white, pink and black decorate which is spoopy; cute and spooky. And so much more, he has noticed!!
❀ Don’t worry! He won’t do anything rash, well not for a good long while, until someone decides to touch you or try to court you or try to be your suitor, they aren’t alive for long and are mostly beaten up and never found or accused of horrible crimes!! He has connections; he is a noble after all!!
❀ He is not gonna kidnap you, until he is sure you trust him a 100% and until you both are probably deep into a relationship, he is an impatient man but he will be patient and wait for the right for as LONG as possible if it’s for you!!
❀ He will make sure you have everything you want, Navier on the other hand is someone who contacts her brother with every problem you have, because she’s your best friend, she only wants what’s best for you and she wants to help solve any and every problem in your life!! And you fit perfectly with her brother; she WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU AS HER SISTER-IN-LAW!!
❀ He knows how much when a person makes dresses, they usually never get a pretty dress themselves by others, so he does exactly that, he buys you prettiest of dresses from different countries and with different fabrics, different styles, colours, patterns, dying techniques, etc. he is gonna make sure you’re gonna like them!! It’s just something he does; just don’t mind the tiny splatters of blood on some of them and by some of them I mean all of them…
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swampstew · 4 months
1-800-GRANDLINEBLING ♥ Call Me On My Shell Phone
To celebrate 1K+ followers, I opened up phone lines to the crews! Part 2 of 3 ~ X reader with Robin, Law, Shachi, and Zoro for @yamat0 @lady-of-endless @fandomsallthetime94 @zoros-sheath Part 1 | Part 3
You are now being connected to...
Purururu purururu puru—
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Robin: Hello my dear, it's so good to hear your voice. The days are long but not as long as the time I've spent away from you. We'll be reaching land very soon and I would like to take you away for some quality girl time. I just know that you'll love what I have planned for you - we're so alike how can I not know your heart's desires? See you soon, sweetie!
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You intended to meet Robin at the dockyard to pick her up, but the weather decided to turn before you could step foot outside your house. Unsure of how to meet up, you were pleasantly surprised when a knock on your front door revealed your girlfriend standing under an umbrella big enough for two. Her presence in itself was a present.
The sky itself seemed to shift in mood as the dreary clouds slowly shifted away to reveal a partially clouded sky and a slight rainbow over the bridge in your neighborhood.
"My my, I shouldn't be surprised that the weather would clear up for my beautiful partner," Robin cooed with a wink that made you weak in the knees.
She reached out to hold your hand, bringing it to her lips where she pressed a soft kiss to the back of your palm.
"Let's change into something more comfortable so you can properly enjoy the date I'm going to take you on."
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Law: Hey, how have you been? Have you been keeping up with the research papers I've been sending you? Good, I wanted to talk to you about the results of one test for PTSD that I wanted to explore more in depth. That said, we'll be on dry land in a day or two - will you be free to meet up? Tch, just because we're dating doesn't mean I shouldn't ask and check in to make sure that's all right! Well good! I'll see you soon - don't forget to keep up with your training, I've been practicing too.
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“With the woman in my arms who was supposed to be my enemy, I closed my eyes and let the darkness engulf me.” ― J.C. Böhme
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Shachi: Hellllloooo my beloved! I'm sorry it's been 197,523,685 minutes since I've talked to you. Being in a submarine makes it hard to do long distance calls, I know you understand yet I can't help but feel bad about it. You know what will cheer us both up? If I visit you for a week or so...YEAH? I'm glad to hear that excites you - I'll be making port in a few days so I'll be at your door with the spoopy goods. See you soon my love!!!!!
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She was like a fire, and despite the danger that I could see, I ran straight toward it and plunged into the flames without a second thought. My mind tricked me into thinking that the dangerous heat was comforting and secure. I could feel the heat singe my skin. I was lost in its beauty and danger, completely consumed by the flames ― J.C. Böhme
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Zoro: Woman, for the last time I AM NOT LO-- *horn blaring* *announcer mentions drop off at a port in the opposite end of your residence* TCH. I TOOK A DETOUR! For reasons! That I am not telling you until I see you! No I don't need to be picked up, how else can I uh-surprise you with my gift? You can't! SO! I'll see you in....a day. Fine, I'll share my location when I'm on my way so you don't have a stroke - sheesh. *grumbles affectionately* Yeah I love you too. See you soon.
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You were actually surprised when Zoro knocked on your front door, on the exact day and around the same time he said he'd be at your home. In his hand, a bouquet of your favorite flowers - flowers you knew weren't quite in season and now it made sense he was in a different port. Unless of course, he was there by accident and used the flowers as an excuse. Nope, not gonna dwell on that.
You invited him in for some lunch you carefully plated on the long wooden table in your dining room. He spent time telling you about his adventures, the loot he gathered, and the things he came across he thought you might enjoy. As the sun set behind your bay window, Zoro let out a yawn before bending down to pick up the orange cat nuzzling his leg.
"I'll be here for a while until the Captain decides to leave. Until then, how about you and I spend some quality time together? Starting tomorrow, we can go down to the spring lake and eat lunch, I can exercise and you can read and not ogle me like you pretend to," Zoro said with a smirk.
You playfully smacked his bicep, "I can ogle you anytime I want, HUSBAND."
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forgetminot · 7 months
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✿ Arthur Morgan x Gn!reader ✿
Warnings : ghosts, a little spooky, nothing else.
Word Count : 527
Authors Note : I'm back from the dead and just in time for spoopy season, so enjoy this short story based on the ghost of Agnes Dowd from rdr2 (very interesting I'd recommend looking it up!)
Summary : You seek help after getting lost in the swamps and come across a young lady.
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You sigh deeply with relief as you push a sharp branch aside, walking closer to the person ahead of you. "Excuse me?" You call out, holding your lantern up into the misty night sky. "I'm sorry to be a bother, but I'm lost- could you help me?" You ask hastily, observing the lady as you wait for her to answer; her back is turned to you, her long white hair flowing down to her waist. "Ma'am?" You take a few more steps forward and lift your spare hand out slowly towards the woman's fair skinned shoulder.
"There you are!" You jump, bringing your hand back down to your side and turn on your heel to face the voice coming from behind you.
"Christ, Arthur!" You breathe deeply. "You scared me..." He chuckles at your reaction, raising his brow in confusion.
"What are you doin' all the way out here?" He asks, his eyes darting around both your surroundings.
"I was bored- back at camp." You reply. "I went a bit too far, lost my way and I was just asking this lady for-" You pause, eyes wide as you turn around. "-help."
"You fall and hit your head or something?" Arthur asks.
You ignore his remark as you stare at the ground in front of you. "There was a lady, right here!" You point in confusion and turn back to face Arthur. "I swear."
"Alright, if you say so." He nods, coughing awkwardly.
"You didn't see her?" You ask in disbelief. "She was right here!" You turn once more, looking through the forest for any sign of the woman. Maybe Arthur was right, maybe you had fallen and suffered a small concussion, maybe you imagined the lady in hopes of finding your way home. You shake your head back and forth. "I think I've gone mad." You mumble to yourself.
"I could have told you that a long time ago." You scowl at Arthur as he stands beside you. "Look, it's a dark night you can hardly see from all this mist." He motions with his hands. "Probably just your eyes playin' tricks on you."
"Come back to me. Come back to me..."
You turn suddenly, grabbing Arthur by the arm. "You heard that, right?" You whisper.
"I uh- I definitely heard something." He responds blankly, looking down at your hand tightly gripping his arm.
"I miss you. I miss you so much."
You almost jump a mile, losing your footing as you stumble backwards. Arthur reacts quickly, placing his arm around your waist to steady you. "Okay, that's enough of that." He whistles loudly, his horse bounding towards you. "Let's get you back to camp and away from the weird lady in the woods." You nod, taking Arthur's hand as he offers it to you and pull yourself up onto his horse. You take one last look around the marsh and there she stands, standing tall next to a tree, her white dress flowing in the wind. You place your hands around Arthur's waist and the woman speaks once more, her voice fading into the distance as you ride away along the dirt path.
"I'm waiting for you. I'm waiting."
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 2 years
🍁 Autumn & Halloween Prompt List 🎃
It's about to get spoopy up in here. We wanted to do something special not only to celebrate everyone's favorite season but also to honor the amazing writers and creators on Tumblr.
Most of us are creators of some kind — whether that be writers, gifmakers, or artists — and this time of year is hard. We start running into fatigue + the scariest thing during the whole Halloween season: creator's block.
✨ Cue the prompt list ✨
This prompt list is split into three groups: dialogue, scenario, and NSFW prompts. Each section has 31 prompts which are sorted with more general autumn themes first and Halloween-specific prompts after that.
A HUGE HUGE thank you to Shawni (@austin-butlers-gf), Sage (@fangirlwithasweettooth), Kenzie (@fangirl-imagines), & Gabby (@dontbesussis) for helping to create this lovely list!
Feel free to reblog + use for whatever it is that you create and post here on Tumblr! Happy Halloween and enjoy 👻 ♥️
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[ prompts with / indicate that both characters A + B have lines ]
“You have a leaf in your hair.”
“You’re shivering.”
“Why don’t you take off that mask? I’d like to see your face.”
“You’re scared of that, really?”
“That’s your favorite candy? You have shit taste.”
“Promise not to laugh at me if I scream.”
“My friend abandoned me at this Halloween party and I don’t know anyone. But you look as miserable as I feel.”
“If you can’t summon flames directly from hell, store-bought is fine.”
“It says take one, love.”
“Well…you grabbed my hand first.”
“Oh, I see. Is someone a little scared?”
“I spent so long in the darkness I’d almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight is.”
“You’re the devil in disguise.”
“Nice try. You’ll have to work harder to scare me.”
“I know you’re trying to be scary, but you’re just way too cute.”
“I couldn’t find a costume, so I just decided to go as your [partner/bf/gf].”
“You’re a scaredy cat.” / “I am not!”
“Boo!” / “You were scarier with the mask off.”
“What are you supposed to be?” / “It isn’t obvious?”
“Ew candy corn?” / “What? This candy is hated for no reason. It’s good!”
“That kind of scared me.” / “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
“Kill me now and put me out of my sugar-fueled misery.” / “I told you to slow down.”
“Come on, it’s just a haunted house! It’ll be like a walk in the park.” / “More like a walk through hell.”
“There’s literally one candle flickering mysteriously. In what universe would I go over there?” / “Is that…a no, then?”
“Well, it is a seance.” / “Good thing the person I want to see is already here.”
“Oh no. You are not wearing the same costume as me! You can’t!” / “Well I did.”
“Ooh very scary!” / “That’s not part of the costume, dumbass.”
“You could have been a prince(ss).” / “Well, I wanted to be a(n) [insert costume] instead.”
“Who you gonna call?” / “Ghostbusters?”
“You look so stupid.” / “Well, that was the idea since I dressed as you.”
“What happened? Let me help you!” / “Relax, the blood is fake.”
Leaf hunting/raking leaves
Tailgaiting a football game
Getting drunk at Oktoberfest
Baking a pumpkin pie
Getting PSLs together
Visiting an apple orchard
Visiting a pumpkin patch
Carving a pumpkin
Making caramel apples
Corn Maze
Hayride (haunted or not)
Decorating for Halloween
Costume shopping
Buying couple costumes
Baking Halloween cookies
Haunted house
A doing B’s makeup for a costume
B doing A’s makeup for a costume
Watching a not scary Halloween movie (we recommend Hocus Pocus but take your pick lol)
Watching a scary movie
Halloween photoshoot
Setting up a haunted house
You’re actors in a haunted house
Masquerade ball
Going trick-or-treating
Handing out candy
Playing with an Ouija board
Telling scary stories
Bobbing for apples
Halloween/Murder Mystery Party
[ most of the prompts can be adapted for NSFW or SFW themes but some are more suited to NSFW than others which is why we've separated them ]
“Love the costume but I’d rather see what’s under it.”
“Trick or treat.”
“I would light the candle but…I’m not a virgin.”
“I like your yabbos.”
“Don’t torture yourself ___. That’s my job.”
“Darling, you’re already in my veins.”
“I’ll be the demon to your angel.”
“I want to be what you are, see what you see, love what you love.”
“Just one bite…”
“You’ve been bad. Good thing my costume came with handcuffs.”
“He/She/They prefer(s) virgins.”
“I know what you should be for Halloween. Mine.”
“You’re not as scary as you think you are.” / “Maybe not. But I’ll still have you screaming tonight.”
“Everybody likes your costume better.” / “I could always take it off.”
"Forget the broom. Ride me instead."
“I may not be a vampire but I know how to suck.”
Rolling in the hay? Nah, rolling in the leaves
Sexy couple costumes
You’re stuck in the house of mirrors
7 minutes in heaven but make it Halloween (who can resist a good trope)
Painting each others’ faces/bodies
Mummy wrapping competition
A wears a sexy costume and teases B all night. B isn't happy.
A or B is under a love potion
Roleplay in costume
NSFW Halloween costume fashion show
Getting down and dirty in a corn maze and/or haunted house
Haunted bride/groom AU
Werewolf AU
Vampire AU
Succubus/Incubus AU
Bonus: “This is the skin of a killer, Bella.” 💀
Disclaimer: Feel free to borrow prompts from this list to add to your own prompt lists but if you do, please reblog + credit the original creators of this list or link to this post for proper credit.
Halloween divider by gutterface on DeviantArt + retrieved from Tumblr.
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srmt-zine · 8 months
At last, some details!
(A while back on @srmthg we had a zine interest check, and it remains open for any additional suggestions/feedback about what you'd like the zine to be (you can also shoot this blog an ask) but I don't plan on doing a second interest check. If enough people feel this is a mistake, there's still time to do one, but as it stands I don't see the point. I will continue to accept feedback and take it into account moving forward!)
By the way, my name is @netbug009 and I'm your friendly head mod for this project! This will be my first time running a zine, but I've been helping run projects in this fandom for 18 years!
The Format
SRMTHG Zine (cooler name tbd) will be a free PDF zine scheduled to release on September 18th, 2024, AKA the 20th anniversary of the series' first episode!
I know a lot of folks (myself included) like to have nice, shiny, hard copies of zines, and I hope to get the zine onto a publishing on demand site such as Lulu to let people buy them at-print-cost if they'd like, but a free digital edition will be the first priority. Since this zine is a celebration of the anniversary of a relatively small fandom, I want as many people to be able to access and enjoy it as possible! Plus, this is my first time running a zine, so I think it's smart to keep it simple. This also lets us worry less about page counts - if a lot of cool people contribute cool stuff, a PDF can be a chonk as we want!
The Content
The zine will include both fanart and fan fiction (and maybe even a few QR codes to some other digital goodies like AMVs and fanmixes if there's enough contributor interest!)
Light shipping will be allowed, with a few exceptions - no adult x child and no monkey x human ships will be allowed. (This was THE overwhelming request in the interest check and is not open for debate.)
We're going for a general vibe and love the idea of getting copies into the hands of voice actors/staff, which should give you a rough idea of the type of content we're going for - if it's too creepy/fetishy to hand to Ciro at a convention, it's too creepy/fetishy for the book. (That said, Monkey Team is a very silly and weird show with a love for classic horror tropes so I hope people don't let that limit their imaginations too much if they wanna do something spoopy!)
NO AI WORK WILL BE USED OR ACCEPTED IN THE CREATION OF THIS ZINE. I hope that'd be a given but just to be 100% clear, no.
The (Rough) Timeline
March 2024 - Contributor Applications Open!
April 22nd - Zine members selected and invited to Discord
May 1st - Zine members finalized
June 1st - Zine check-in 1
July 1st - Zine check-in 2
August 1st - Zine pieces due!
September 1st - Zine layout finalization due!
September 18th - ZINE RELEASED!
You might notice this is a pretty long timeline for a zine and we're starting pretty early; because this fandom is fairly small and this is a big occasion, I want to provide extra time so that as many people can hear about the project and participate as possible.
If you're looking for something to do until contributor apps open, SIGNAL BOOST, SIGNAL BOOST, SIGNAL BOOST! Reblog, post to Twitter, tell your friends, get the word out so this can be the biggest celebration it possibly can! If you make any graphics in your quest to help get the word out, PLEASE tag this blog so they can be shared!
Aaaand that's the basics! Again, feel free to send an ask with any additional questions. If you're considering applying in January, it's never too early to start sketching/considering ideas!
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toonirl · 1 year
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What's this? ORIGINAL content? On MY ToonIRL.tumblr.com????
Yeye over the last year or so I ended up getting really attached to an idea for a gothic Webkinz-like pet simulator about haunted toys, which with my nonexistent knowledge of game design, I have translated into a Meiker.io Character Creator.
If you like things that are both cute and spoopy like me go play it maybe. They're very sensitive lil goobers and constant attention is good for them.
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frostbitebakery · 7 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
I got tagged by the lovely @thejediandthemandalorian thank you 💜💜💜
1.) How many works do you have on ao3
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
147,444 words
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
"Writing" is such a strong word. Codywan is the one that inspires me the most at the moment to the point I want to add little backstories.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
I Got My Head Checked
Outtakes of IGMHC
Art for IGMHC
Codywan Art and Hubris
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to!! When someone is kind enough to leave a reaction, I should thank them at the very least! Excuse Number 1: I get overwhelmed easily. Excuse Number 2: Especially with long or thoughtful comments, when I answer those I feel like that's the end of that interaction and I don't want that to end
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's gotta be one of the Mood Color Panties that ended with an emotional cliffhanger...
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhhh in terms of happy ending to fic setting ratio? Probably the MCU/Snowpiercer crossover that ends somewhat like the movie wherein they discover that not everything on the outside world is dead and gone.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet? *crosses fingers*
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have written smut. With BDSM and lingerie. But I don't feel the smut groove anymore. Once in a while I do like to dabble in erotica when drawing though
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've officially written one (1) crossover of MCU/Snowpiercer. Unofficially, I've chucked words at friends about The Covenant/Fantastic Four where Johnny Storm and Chase Collins are roommates for whatever reason and Chase is trying to close a portal to Hell and fighting off demons while Johnny is oblivious to it all until his Lucky Charms are gone.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. Plenty of art got stolen though.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yus! A smutty stucky one-shot got translated into Russian
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Does The Unlucky Ones count??? I just wanted spoopy Cody but I can't not do backstory for AUs, so my mind is churning out the lore. Then @adiduck was like, “hey, I have some ideas for TUO, how about--“ and then I buried her in the sandbox. The only bits I wrote (with Adi's blessing) are the snippets on the artworks. She is writing the fic while we both excitedly yell at each other.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Just one???? All of them have a special place
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I don't have any fic WIPs atm
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh quite a lot of people pointed out that my pacing is good, and some people like my humor! Thank you <3
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm too rushed. And like, a whole lot of technical stuff I don't know.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like it. It can add a lot of things to the characters, plot, or setting. What I personally don't like if the words in another language are in italics.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Weiß Kreuz. It's in German and the forum it was posted on is long gone. There's an FMA fic on ff.net still. You won't find that one either.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
I Got My Head Checked :D It started as a naive "lolol what would I want Sithywan to look like? just the once", grew to "But listen, Glimmer, it would be so funny if Sithywan is like "I need a week" as his estimation for how long he needs for Cody to spill every secret ever to him, and it ends with Sithywan just getting up in the cell like he's never been injured/tortured at all and going like "Thank you, that's all I need" like some method acting Black Widow type, but internally starting his journey of “omfg I want him carnally and emotionally””, and then it spiraled into 75k words with more catharsis for me as a person than should be possible. And a greenhouse. More IGMHC trivia!!
Oban Ouaine, Qui-Gon's Cody's Venator, is Gaelic for little green bay. I wanted a connection of Qui-Gon and his fandom plants. And I thought Oban Ouaine sounds a little bit like Obi-Wan
the original plan was that the whole Venator is like a jungle with plants everywhere. @elwenyere brought up "they have a greenhouse?" and I ran with that instead, not knowing it would turn into a central stage for hope and healing for the characters
TAG YOU'RE IT: @adiduck @elwenyere @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing @meebles @merlyn-bane @wrennette @lttrsfrmlnrrgby and anyone who wants to bc this was fun!
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kaeyas-beloved · 3 days
gn!reader (you/your), ballroom dancing with Wriothesley, short little fluff piece for you all :)
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"You're not much of a ballroom dancer, are you?" At your gentle tease, Wriothelsey chuckles awkwardly, unable to fully admit it, especially when the murmur of other guests and the lull of music fills the lavish, silver-accented room.
"Well... I mean... Monsieur Neuvillette didn't exactly teach me before inviting me. I never had a reason to learn either," he settles on as a reply, shrugging his shoulders as he looks at you. Much like everyone else in the room, you too are dressed like nobility, your attire flattering your being in all the right ways from colour to design. For less than a second, the Duke wonders if his normal clothes weren’t as formal enough as he first thought they were.
The thought passes as Wriothesley dances in step with you, a few added flares here and there. Despite your gentle jab at his skills, he’s not a terrible dance partner, nor is he overbearing. His touch is just right and respectful, it feels like you’re on equal grounds with one another. Why were you so nervous to engage with him again?
Ah, perhaps it was because he’s so stunning to look at… yes, that sounds about right.
“Do you dance often?” The question brings you back, and this indescribable feeling overcomes you as it hits you again that you’re truly dancing with the Duke of Meropide.
“No,” you begin, gliding away only to let him gently tug you back into step with him, “but I've known how to for some time. It was a requirement as Lady Furina’s attendant. There were bound to be banquets I’d attend. Others I'd be required to dance with.”
“I see. Well, you’re an excellent dancer if I do say so myself.” The tiny smile he flashes you affects you more than you thought it would. Rougish, rough around the edges, you suppose it's because something gentle from a man who seems anything but is like seeing a magic show conducted for you and you alone. Something only a number could say they'd witnessed.
Unfortunately, all magic must end at one point and yours ends with the music coming to a crescendoing end, an arm tightening its hold as you're pulled forward and heavy pants from both you and your dance partner. The reality sets in, you're mere inches away from Wriothesley, heart beating, chest heaving, breath mingling and having just spun and twirled with him around the room and holy shit did that really happen?
The next heave of air is accompanied by a chuckle, the afterglow exhilarating and freeing. When was the last time you felt this way after a dance? Like it wasn't a necessity for your job? A very long time, you reckon, or maybe never at all.
"For a first-timer, you're not too bad yourself. Could I perhaps ask you for a second dance? Practice makes perfect, you know?" You ask, wondering if your smile (which felt too big but you didn't care) was giving away the desperation to keep him in your company for just a little longer.
You didn't think so after he said, "It would be my honour," while still adorning that handsome smile and adding what you had to chalk up as an unnecessary but mood-fitting bow at the waist and oh Archons help you, the next orchestral symphony could not begin fast enough for your liking.
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Tag list: @spoopy-fish-writes // @that-enby-alien // @xenuuu // @kaeyaloml // @mariposa666haruka // @quackquackmfs // @kunikuzushiii // @ajaxstar // @genshin-impact-writings // @ventisweetheart // @lordbugs // @leena-shi // @lemontum // @akiria12167 // @ari-the-wr1ter // @dontmindmebeing // @xiaos-wife // @irethepotato // @milkwithspiceyicecubes // @stygianoir // @francisnyx // @leemidnightmoon // @bisexuawolfsalt
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egonspenglerishot · 2 months
Reader falling in love with both Ray and Egon and is afraid that they’ll hate them for it but they also fell in love with reader.
I’m a sucker for poly
“We love you, and each other”
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Ray Stantz X Egon Spengler X reader
Warnings: none
You were pacing the lab, worries the boys were out on a call and it had been a few hours? Had they received more calls while they were out? Something seemed wrong, off! Your stomach was doing flips, what if you ruined everything what if it was laughed at!
Ray groaned as he walked into the lab stretching and egon followed close behind. Ray was covered in ectoplasm and the smell alone knocked you from your thoughts.
You went over to assist Egon in taking a few samples before Ray went to have a shower. Egon changed into his usual outfit and straightened his white coat. You sat beside him silent staring at the ectoplasm. He knew something was wrong and looked down at you with a quirked brow. “you okay [Name] you seem distracted”
You looked up at him and hummed trying to pass it off as being tired. Once Ray got back in fresh clothes and his hair all washed and fluffy, he sat the other side of you and looked at what Egon was doing. He also knew something wasn’t right and decided to ask “so what’s got your head in a spin?”
You blushed and shook your head. They couldn’t know. You refused to tell them. Egon looked at Ray and he smiled gently, almost like a signal.
“We love you, and each other”
You looks at both of them surprised and ray kissed one cheek and Egon the other. You blushed very read and hid your face in Egons shoulder. He chuckled and rubbed your back as Ray yawned “alright time for bed, I’m pooped and I’m taking my songbird with me” he chuckled and picked you up. Egon finished up and followed shortly after.
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nuttytani · 2 years
Hiiii, may I request some headcanons of Scaramouche, Xiao, and Thoma who have a very bubbly and energetic S/O but they are mute please. You have such great writings, keep up the good work and don't feel pressured to get them all done <33
Nonverbal reader hcs 
characters- scaramouche, xiao, thoma, gn!reader
a/n- you know, i was actually going to delete this and the other req in my inbox... but thought nahhh need to get it done. modern au, nothing scary all fluff despite the warnings. kinda forgot about the bubbly part... oops
tw: selective mutism, mutism, mention of anxiety and bullying. edit: not proof read D:
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He didn't know about you until his sister, Ei and her girlfriend would hang around you and talk about you often. Eventually got to meet you and bro— you bet he was flustered. Why the heck were you so sweet and nice??? Now he knows why Ei always praises you.
Doesn't care one bit about you being nonverbal. Come on, you're just a normal human being, like him, why should he care about minor details? 
Plus, you talk plenty through AAC apps on your phone… and he means plenty. 
You're quite the chatterbox, talking about things that happened throughout the day. Like a cute little cat you saw on the streets or a funny titled novel you found in a bookstore. 
To some people it might sound a little off hearing a robotic voice having conversation with people but Scara got used to it. 
He gets worried about you on days when you're not talking a lot. Won't say it but he shows through actions.
He's been friends with you for a long time, since you were in kindergarten. Particularly because the two of your parents were colleagues and neighbours. 
It took you some time to warm up to Xiao and communicate with him, but he swears to the Archons above… The day he heard your voice, he had ascended to Celestia. Treasures that day in his heart because it meant you trusted him (although the two of you were too young to understand the meaning of "trust"). Most of the time it's you chattering away and him listening while commenting here and there. 
Ever since then, you've talked normally with Xiao unless you were under stress or anxiety. 
That's when he holds your hand to calm you down… and you appreciate him being there for you.
Sometimes people would call you mean names or bully you, heh, those poor souls… They did not know what was coming for them the next day :))) you'll never know either.  
He heard that a new foreign exchange student was studying in the same uni as him! 
 Inazuma National University (INU) 
(Wait what? ….. dog uni 😭??)   
And he just HAD to befriend you.
Thoma got lucky and met you in the uni library one day. He asked if he could sit next to you, and you nodded with a smile. Both of you were busy doing your own thing.
Then, it became a routine of sorts. Thoma would always take a seat near you in the library, that spot became his. Before he knew it, he started passing notes with you. 
It was fun and cute
Found out about how you were nonverbal through that. Thoma doesn't care about it though, you're still you.
Later on, both of you realised phones exist and got each other's phone number. Thoma finally got the courage to ask you out after that.
"Wanna get coffee with me? Like.. a date-date?"
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genshin impact taglist: @spoopy-fish-writes @ahanenohi @cheese-ception @tsubaki3192 
join my taglist ! (also pinned on blog)
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