#spoopy fish rambles
spoopy-fish-writes · 2 months
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tundrakatiebean · 1 year
Apparently if you stay out too late in Dredge and get proper spooked it makes it easier to see the spooky stink lines coming from the mutant fish schools. Do with that what you will. I only traumatized my guy a little. On accident.
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vioisgoinginsane · 1 month
hi vio :)) what do you love most about all your mutuals?
Damn. just. all of them?
Vivi: you know how the moon feels about the sun? How the color blue feels about the color red? How peanut butter feels abour jelly? How a captain feels about their science officer? Like that.
@azulashengrottospiano auburn is so smart and talented and kind and passionate i am in awe sometimes
@spoopy-fish-writes the chaos.
@wordycheeseblob the chaos + the audacity
@jade-s-nymph i said before that rubia is a precious gem to me, right? Such beauty and insight and strength in one person...
I said it before but I admire and respect @violettduchess as a write and a person with a depth i can hardly describe
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly mo is so sweet and funny and writes so beautifully
@yanderepuck the chaos. The UNFILTERED chaos. Somehow both the burning passion AND hatred for ikevamp
@dove-da-birb the looks chill, is actually chaos vibes.
@otomedad i really admire their art!! I love that we talk about star trek too now not just otome and I really appreciate the viovivi support! ^^
@chandeliermichel the bright ray of sunshine they bring to the dashboard with their presence
@aquagirl1978 wrote some of my favorite fan fictions like. Ever. But these days it feels like having an omniknowledgeable being nodding with a smile at my corkboard madwoman ramblings and I like it actually. It's nice to know someone's listening... It makes me happy our friendship survived this long in this fandom ^^
@xxoomiii the sweetness! ^^
@orangejuice707 few things are certain in life. Taxes, Death, and Lynn spam attack and endorsing whatever madness vivi and I come up with. Nay, ever giving birth no new madness. How comforting.
@altairring the one braincell we share that loves rio hopelessly and all the beauty that springs from it.
If we are moots and i forgot you, I love you and I am gonna crawl into a dark hole for a hundred years to repent
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rurifangirl · 2 years
Wake up besties new Hoe just dropped <333
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Name: Vincent
Age: 25
Occupation: Private investigator
Pronouns: They/It/he
Gender & sexuality: Demi boy, demiromantic asexual.
Species: Siren
Likes: Mocha, pigeons, reading, swimming.
Dislikes: Garlic, incoherent people,storms,corn.
Personality: Secretive and quiet, Vincent isn't exactly the kind of person to have lengthy conversations. On the top of that, they might seem aggressive or unapproachable at first glance, though he usually has much patience, especially due to it's carrier. In private he tends to be less harsh and caring.
Height: 1.90 m (human form) 2.54 m (siren form)
Birthday: 22 November
As an human, other than their singing voice he doesn't have any other ability. However, it has received a firearm training, so they are able to use them.
As a siren, they're far more agile and fast, granting him a great advantage.
Speaking of his singing voice; It allows them to allure and manipulate people's minds in order to get information it wants. They only use It in life or death situations,or in any other severe case. He has a full mastery over it.
Other lil stuff/rambles about him under the cut <3
He has a bachelor degree in criminal science, and has specialisized a few months before it's appereance in the story.
They are relatevely close with his family; though they know live pretty far, they visit them during holidays and calls them regulalry.
Okay so so this makes sense to italians but i seriously don't know how to translate 'libri gialli' so without further a do Imma say that Vincent has read detective/crime related books since they were pretty young. He currently has a few with them, in case they want to feel the good old nostalgia.
Speaking of childood; It had many problems with socialization. No matter if they were on land or into the sea, nothing seemed to change. Growing older, he did make a few acquaintances and even friends, but overtime they couldn't manage all of them.
It never really cared how people saw him on land, and if anything, he would calmly state his species. A few weird looks? Who cares, they'll forget about It in a few days anyways.
Yes he did watch who framed roger rabbit as a kid now the crops shall be healed <3 (in the unholy case you didn't watch It i recommend It tbh)
They sleep with a cat plushie It named Mrs Puffs.
It occasionally smokes. It's moreso during high stress situations, but It could happen.
Ironically so, he has actually worked in hot topic as a part time job. They needed some money for the summer and It was the most viable option.
The reason as to why we see them in the first place Is because he got paid by the agency, in order to make sure the raventhorns are working fairly. (+ considering the fact that Moor had been in contact with Neptune and and It having caused quite a lot of conflict)
As a result though he basically becomes their adopted w/o consent father figure and has to deal with their shenanigans on a daily basis. <3 Found family am I right
(the one he looks after the most are both moor and bone, which are objectevly the most naive ones.)
His desk Is,,, messy as a compliment. Though the important pieces of information are neatly placed, everything else Is just all around the place and It doesn't to seem bothered by It. However when the others do it-
By no surpise he might not show up for a few days controlling them; it still gets payment from working on other cases, so it's not something to underastimate.
His fave flower Is the blue hydrangea.
Tags: @a-chaotic-dumbass @spoopy-fish-writes @spooping-around-liyue @spoops-screams @edensrose @nsk96 @dopesaladlady @audre-falrose @flowergarden1 @infraaa @eden-dum @anonymousgeekhere
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beneaththegildedmoon · 4 months
My sister is playing minecraft online with her uni friends and I'm having so much fun listening to her side of the conversation. Here are a selection of my favourites so far:
"don't visit them, they're stinky! you should visit me"
"you know me so well, of course I would like a Task"
"I'm not bullying him, I'm doing an incredibly relatable standup routine for the group"
"you guys' jobs sound so difficult... you should come join me, we can go fishing and take naps"
"ohhhh you were telling *me* to shut up... yeah that's fair actually"
"for sure, sometimes blowing yourself up is the easiest solution"
"I don't know if you've ever heard of this, it is kind of a secret technique, but have you tried *not* dying immediately? Cause that really changed the game for me" "yeah, yeah I did learn about it last week, why?"
"so true bestie, your incoherent rambling is never wrong"
"I just feel like you've all been ignoring my impressive achievement of not blowing my house up even once this game"
"just because I'm an engineer in real life doesn't mean I have the braincells for engineering in minecraft... or engineering in real life tbh"
"that's kinda a little bit really spoopy"
"yeah you just have to give up your hopes and dreams and then it's fine"
"well I just walked into a random cave and came upon diamond, that's just the kind of person I am"
"I have 18 but really I have 24 bc we're communist"
"oh no I'm fine I was just screaming preemptively"
"oh sick!" "oh, it means I'm unwell"
"it's fine you're just starting a life with my boyfriend and building a house together, no biggie"
"that was hurtful but I forgive you because I guess I'm just a better person"
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spoopy-fish-writes · 14 days
My hand game has been so strong recently, I wish everything else in my life was going this well
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spoopy-fish-writes · 4 days
Me and my mutuals who are so so so bad at time management and also motivation for anything that isn’t the sillies
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spoopy-fish-writes · 26 days
I could never change my username. Because then all of my links would evaporate into dust
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 months
Made an artistree 👍
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 months
I miss my mutuals… (< girl who could just talk to them)
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 months
Trying to explain tumble to a guy who has never heard of tumblr and trying to explain without sounding strange that we collectively celebrate the death of Caesar while he stared at me blankly is so humbling actually
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spoopy-fish-writes · 4 months
WHO AND WHO?? BECAUSE I drew this without anyone in mind and need suggestions lmao 👍
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Whatever person A is holding is successible to change 👍
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spoopy-fish-writes · 6 days
Haunted by visions (Victor baking cookies in a frilly apron)
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spoopy-fish-writes · 27 days
Ain’t no WAY my older brother thinks he can stop me from moving out, bro shut up. You’re not my dad. And in fact both mum and my dad have approved already. So. Kys
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spoopy-fish-writes · 1 month
Hey does anyone want to see my dog
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spoopy-fish-writes · 4 months
Making my friend a birthday card because her birthday is tomorrow and I doubt my chances of finding an FNAF birthday card, even if I didn’t have literally only until 6pm to find one
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