#body negativity cw
not-terezi-pyrope · 8 months
Hate being fat. People around me pose for photos looking like fashion models and then I look back at the pics and there I am looking like humpty dumpty.
And the worst thing is it's not just the photos, I just. Look like that, to everyone all of the time, and don't realize due to lack of 3rd person view.
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thedisablednaturalist · 10 months
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I was trying to find art references for characters with noses like mine and I could only find some masculine characters or elderly/ugly characters (idk why they always give elderly people bigger noses?? Also whenever they want to signal an ugly evil character they have a big nose. Not saying elderly people are ugly). There are maybe 2 anime girls that have a big nose, and neither of them are hooked/roman like mine.
This is why I never take pictures from this angle. Society has taught me my nose is ugly. My nose isn't cute or feminine, and is only attractive if I present masculine. I used to get made fun of when I was younger as my nose looked even larger on my little kid head. I'll admit I've considered getting a nose job, which I know is looked down upon here but there's so much pressure especially with Instagram and TikTok and face filters and editing and all the makeup tutorials show tiny cute noses or it's all about hiding your big nose before you get work done. It makes it so hard to see myself as cute and causes a lot of dysphoria when I want to present feminine.
I wish I could like my nose and believe people when they tell me it suits my face. Even all the positivity posts I see for big noses never have one that looks like mine.
I get excited when I see triangle noses on characters and I love the animal crossing nose! But with new horizons everyone uses the rounded nose now cause it's "cuter".
Idk what the point of this post is and I might delete it later. I'm just sad after looking through so many images of femboy aesthetic pictures and TikTok makeup tutorials and drawing references.
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lights-all-askew · 7 months
truly impressive that no matter how much weight I gain, my body somehow manages to be exactly between two pants sizes. I've been 6 different sizes in the last 3 years, and the smaller option is ALWAYS too tight and the larger option ALWAYS slips down
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tsunesama · 1 year
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desultory-novice · 3 months
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[Trimming for length...!]
...Mechalor Anon, how dare you take my attempts to give them a vaguely implied happy ending and convince me (challenge level: super easy) to turn this into something Truly Horrific... ANYWAY!
Snowflake!Noir and Adeleine, aka...**** ****...
Adeleine, as always, takes up art. She's more unsure of herself, so she's been experimenting with different crafts, trying to find the one that fits...whoever she is now. Noir waits tables at Kawasaki's while learning how to cook from him. He's stuck with his collar but the encroachment seemingly stopped with 02's defeat so...that's good.
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[This timeline MUST have a Happy Ending. See? They're even smiling!]
They have a home at Castle Dedede when they're not out...enjo... sorry ENJOYING!! Dream Land; the soft cuddle bear penguin king unable to NOT care about these two in every reality, apparently ^^
Overall, they're not fine. All that shock and trauma in rapid succession, followed by being in communion with a dark power, letting it gently infuse their souls for decades to help escape their awful waking life, only to be very psychically available as it was destroyed and then waking up in a perfectly ALIEN situation that only pushes the two of them closer together is totally not fine though!
Today was another good day...
[Warning: horror, body horror, original attempt at biblically accurate Kirby last boss, semi-realistic eyes, no salvation, character death]
:Adeleine smiles wide, hopping onto the large bed where Noir sits:
Adeleine: "Ready?"
Noir: "Only if you're ready to lose two bucks."
Adeleine: "No way! Today was a good day! It's going to work!"
:Adeleine gears up to pry at Noir's collar, trying to break or otherwise remove it from him. It still refuses to budge:
Adeleine: "...Nghhhhhhh!"
:Noir wryly shakes his head:
Noir: "Ready to call it quits?"
Adeleine: "...Noir, are you sure you didn't accidentally glue this thing to you and you've been too embarrassed to tell me the truth?"
Noir: "Says the girl who sewed the shirt she was wearing TO my apron when I asked you to fix the ties on it for me. I didn't know you hated being apart from me that much, Adeleine!"
Adeleine: "No~ir!!"
Noir: "Anyway, no, I didn't and that's two bucks you owe me."
Adeleine: "...I don't have any money. They don't even use it here. Why do you keep betting me? What would you buy, anyway?"
:Noir replies with mock seriousness:
Noir: "...Chiropractic work for all the neck damage you've given me trying this thing every single day."
:She pouts before finally letting a little laugh slip through:
"...Adeleine, listen, it's okay. You don't need to worry about me..."
Adeleine: "It's not okay though! Dark Matter's supposed to be all gone now. Everyone said so. So...why aren't you better, Noir...?"
:A faltering smile to match her growing sadness:
:Keep lying to your sister, boy. You're an expert by now:
Noir: "...I am better. We're both better. Right...?"
"I mean, isn't this place a lot better than home? You're out there painting and sculpting and sewing and building and who knows what else and I'm...making less guests sick at Kawasaki's every day!"
:He laughs a hollow laugh. She doesn't laugh with this time:
"...Just cause this stupid thing is still stuck to me doesn't actually MEAN anything. It's just a boring hunk of metal. Nothing more."
:It doesn't still whisper to him. A thousand lost souls crying out to be one again:
:She crawls into his lap:
Adeleine: "Still...I'm...scared, Noir. I'm scared for us. Nothing feels right anymore... What if, the next time I go to sleep...I wake up someplace new again? What if...it's someplace without you...?"
:He hugs her tight, their shivering bodies fitting together perfectly:
:Why do you shiver, children? It is not cold here. It is too warm:
Noir: "C'mon, snowflake girl. That's not gonna happen anymore. We've stuck together so far and we're going to keep sticking. Right?"
"...And anyway, today was a good day. You said it yourself."
Adeleine: "Yeah..."
Noir: "We just have to keep having good days. Don't let the little things get to us. We've still got each other. ...We can do this..."
:Back to sleep. In sleep, we are safe. Only in sleep. Though... ...They ask us to wake up here They worry when we do not wake up:
:Outside the door to their room:
Meta: "...Your majesty."
Dedede: "Whaa?! It's not what it looks like!!"
Meta: "I have no idea what you're implying."
Dedede: "So, uh, what brings ya here, Meta Knight?"
Meta: "The same reason as you, I would suspect. To check on the status of our guests from Shiver Star. How are they?"
:Dedede points inside, where the two siblings sleep cradled in each other's arms, akin to how they were found. Though, it's a little uncanny to see them continue to sleep that way:
Dedede: "See for yourself. Sleepin' peacefully. At least, I hope so..."
:A bit of worry makes its way onto his face:
"...Adeleine's right, Meta. We beat Dark Matter. Twice. Hell, maybe more! Sure, we've had a host of problems since then but Noir's..."
Meta: "Do you believe that, my liege? That we have defeated it?"
Dedede: "What do you mean by that?"
Meta: "...When you look at those siblings, what do you see?"
:Dedede looks back inside the room:
Dedede: "I see two kids. Quiet. Respectful. Scared of trouble but they don't cause any. They mostly stick to each other but I seem 'em out there slowly trying to make friends with the others..."
Meta: "...You are a good man, my liege."
:Dedede balks and puffs up his chest:
Dedede: "That's 'Great' and get it right!"
Meta: "......Then I take it back."
Dedede: "Hey!"
:Meta fixes him with a fierce, burning gaze:
Meta: "Look at them again, sire. Not with your eyes."
Dedede: "......"
:Dedede can see it, their matter is locked in a twisted spiral, Soul and Dark feeding each other, tightly intertwined, and growing still:
Meta: "Do you see it?"
Dedede: "...No. I don't see nuthin'."
:Dedede turns away:
"And before you ask me to look again, I don't WANT to see it. They're just two kids, Meta! Just two small kids! They haven't hurt nobody!"
Meta: "...In the beginning, it was just the boy. He was sick with Dark Matter. I didn't know how he was still alive. He could have easily been a threat to the kingdom and not just because of that sword."
:Meta shuts his eyes, regretting his lapse:
"I...had hoped the presence of his sister could alleviate that some. But Dark Matter is not so easily tamed. It has grown fast, feeding off the two of them. It is already more than twice what a normal member of their species should be able to handle without being consumed."
Dedede: "...Right. That doesn't sound good. How do we stop it?"
:He sees Meta Knight's expression and rephrases:
"...How do we save 'em, Meta?"
Meta: "I believe, my liege..."
:His lowered eyes go to Galaxia's handle:
"...the answer will depend on your definition of 'save'..."
Meta Knight's words hung heavy on him.
King Dedede shut his eyes and decided to continue along as if it was nothing. Just...keep making the place as comfortable for the two as he could. Maybe the knight was wrong? Maybe it wasn't too late?
It wasn't long after that. The trigger was something forgettably small, as simple as a thoughtless suggestion or an accident; one of them gets hurt, bleeds a little, maybe. It only needs to be one of them, so inextricably are they linked that the resonance of the other's echoed pain races across Popstar like a sonic boom. Dark clouds swirl in, covering the whole planet, blocking out the star's brilliant light.
King Dedede rushes out. He doesn't want to know-without-question what is the cause this time. He wants it to be something unknown. A new invader; not his familiar tormentor, the foe he knows so well.
But he knows exactly what it is because he is already mouthing the words to a waiting Meta Knight. "The kids! Where are they...?!"
"Look up..."
It is a cruel joke to him. Always, Dark Matter had a way of getting inside him. But every time, it had been his body. Never had it succeeded at invading his heart.
He wishes this one would take his body.
...Take me instead...
But the two violet eyes are not looking at him. They arc laterally with rapid movements, back and forth, back and forth, stretching to the edge of their vision, looking for their other half they know to be there, felt through the comforting grip of tightly twined fingers and hinted at in the reflection of wings like the points of a snowflake...
" " yI at kH Ou er Bt ls lN 'o ti Ir " " | " " Dt ol nu ta LF ey aM vl el MA es Ai ls oi nh eT " " | " "It Ji um sm ta WD ad no tG Tp oU Ds rU ee ak ma FW ou ro FY od ri eD vy eh rW" " | " "Hr ee lH pe Hv ia mS" "
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"...Give them back..."
" " ...eK di en dg eD De gd ne id Ke... " "
...He will not get them back...
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ZERO THREE's dialogue reads:
"It Hurts Noir / It'll Be Okay" | "Don't Leave Me Alone / This Is All My Fault" | "I Just Want To Dream For Forever / Why Did You Wake Us Up Godammit" | "Help Him / Save Her"
...The last one you can probably guess...
Mechalor Anon's full post below. Sorry I took the worst possible ending choice you offered and SOMEHOW MADE IT WORSE!
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Noirs Saved: 2 (Gijinka, AU AU) Noirs Failed: 1 (Snowflakes)
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
Meet Me After the Show
Eddie and his band, Corroded Coffin are starting to make it big, concerts, recording deals, the whole nine yards, but they’re still kind of underground. You’re their number one fan, head over heels for their heartthrob lead singer/guitarist.
Back at it again with the filth. 😈
Warnings for poor self-esteem/body image issues. Rockstar!Eddie x PlusSize!Virgin!Reader, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Pet-names (sweetheart/princess), Oral(Male and Female Receiving) Implications of Free-use, Cum Eating
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Credit to @pitifulbaby on the photo
You stood in line anxiously waiting your turn to take a photo after the Corroded Coffin show. Their lead singer/guitarist was your celebrity crush and you were swooning at the sight of him, all sweaty from the performance, his wild hair swishing as he spoke with his fans animatedly, you eye his bare arms lingering on his tattoos. Before too long it’s your turn, you step forward and he’s beaming at you, looking you right in the eyes, his chocolate brown irises twinkling. “Hello, so nice to meet you! What’s your name?”
“Y/n.” You answer shyly. “It’s lovely to meet you too.”  
“I’m Eddie.” he gestures to himself as if you don’t know. He gasps suddenly and his hand darts out grabbing your wrist, he holds your arm alongside his own, “Awww, look we match.” He lines up his bat tattoo with your own that you’d gotten in honour of him.
You blush looking away, he drops your arm and positions himself for a photo, pulling you in close.  
“Smile,” he whispers in your ear.
You feel like you’re floating on a cloud, everything about the experience feels so surreal.  
You step back expecting the interaction to be over after the photo is taken, but he’s pulling you back in for a hug, whispering into your ear again, “If you wanna stick around for a bit I’ll be back once the crowd clears.” He steps back giving you a wink.
What? What was that? You can’t believe your ears, you nod mutely before stepping away.
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The crowd had dissipated and you’ve been standing off to the side waiting for 20 minutes… 30 minutes… an hour, feeling more and more ridiculous by the minute. Maybe you’d misheard him, maybe he didn’t really mean anything by it, maybe it was the sort of thing he said to all the girls. After all, what would he want with someone like you? You’d had this sort of thing your whole life, guys only ever asking you out as a joke, making fun of you, doing the stupidest shit just to embarrass and humiliate you. You could feel tears beginning to prick at the corner of your eyes, balling up your fist No, no don’t cry, don’t be dumb, just leave you think to yourself trying to suppress your emotions. But then you see him, trotting towards you, curls bouncing, smiling widely.
“Hey, there you are. Sorry you had to wait so long, got caught up signing autographs, wanted to make sure everyone that wanted one got one.” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.
You’re reeling, it feels like you’re on a roller-coaster of highs and lows tonight.
You giggle, “Aww you’re so sweet. I kind of thought you forgot about me though, didn’t really expect you to show up.” You toe at the ground staring at your feet.
He leans against the wall beside you, “Oh, I could never forget about you, sweetheart. Girl as pretty as you? Never.”
You scoff, “Yeah, right. So umm… why… why did you want me to wait for you?”  
“Isn’t it obvious? Sweetheart, I want to… get to know you.” He replies suggestively with a smirk.
You splutter, “What? Why?”
“Like, I said you’re pretty, I’m interested. And if I could be so bold, I think you might be too… right?” Grinning all the while. “It’s fine if you’re not though, that’s ok, really.” He rushes to add, leaning back, smile dropping slightly.
Your head snaps up, you look at him wide-eyed, “No. no, I am… interested, I mean. It’s just I’ve never really done anything like this.”
“Never been with a rockstar before, hmmm? That’s ok I’ll go easy on you.” He says cockily.
Your breath catches in your throat.
“So you wanna get out of here, go back to your place?” He suggests.
You nod eagerly.  
“You got a car or should I call a taxi?”
“Yeah I drove here, just me, none of my friends are really into this stuff.” You shrug.
“No boyfriend to take you out?” He probes
“No, no boyfriend.” You sigh.
“Well, lead the way sweetheart.” He says with a sweeping bow and a gesture of his hand.
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“Here we are.” You pull your keys out unlocking your car.
As you turn over the engine your radio clicks to life, blaring Corroded Coffin, you cringe.
“Awww, my little fangirl, you were listening to our music on your way here.”
“Shut up!” You protest hating how whiny it comes out.
“No, I think it’s cute. You musta been soooo excited.” He continues teasing.
You slap his arm playfully, “Enough, just let me drive.”
He pokes his tongue out at you.  
A few moments pass before he blurts out suddenly, “You uh… you got condoms at home? I didn’t bring any.”
“No, I mean it’s not like I was expecting anything like this to happen.”
“That’s ok, you know anywhere we can stop along the way?”
“Yeah uh there’s a shop just around the corner from me, they’d have some.”
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You lead him through the aisles, ‘til you get to the right one, you stand back surveying the options, “Which, um.. which one…” you trail off as he reaches over your head, one hand resting on your shoulder as he plucks an item off the shelf.
“These’ll do.”
“Should we… should we get anything else?” You mumble.
“Nah, I’m all set. Why, you need something?”
“No it’s just… what will the cashier think?” You whisper back at him, scandalised.
“Fuck the cashier, let ‘em think whatever they want. Let everyone here know, I’m here to fuck a beautiful girl.” He shouts a little louder than you’re comfortable with.
You slap him again, “Shhhhh! People are staring.”
He laughs, “So what, they’re just jealous I’m here with the prettiest girl in the room.”
“No, really shut up now.” You mutter, heat rising in your cheeks.
“Ok, ok.” He holds up his hands in mock surrender, “Let’s go then.”
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You’re standing at your front door fumbling with your keys, you can feel his breath, hot on the back of your neck.
You open the door, flipping on the lights as you step inside. Holding the door open you welcome him in, you close it behind him. You turn to see him, hands jammed into his pockets, rocking on his heels and grinning broadly. You slip off your shoes by the door and he follows in suit.
“So, you want something to drink or-“
You begin to offer but he cuts you off, his lips slamming into yours eagerly, his hands snaking around you. You gasp, caught by surprise, he takes advantage of this, slipping his tongue in alongside your own. You moan deep in the back of your throat as your eyes flutter closed. He’s pushing you back against the front door, one hand rising to cup the back of your head so that you don’t hurt yourself as you stumble back, allowing him to guide you. The two of you break apart gasping for breath. “So where’s the bedroom?” He asks.
“Oh, wow right to the point there.”
“I’m sorry, it’s just…”
You stop him pressing a hand to his shoulder, “No… it’s ok. We can… this way.” You slide your hand down his arm to grasp his hand, leading him to your room.  
“Sorry, about the mess.” You mumble straightening up haphazardly.
“Mess? What mess?” He scans the room, “This is nothing princess, don’t be embarrassed on my account.”
He tosses the box of condoms onto your bedside table before unbuckling his belt and tugging his jeans to his ankles, kicking them off. His shirt follows soon after as he hooks a hand through one of the arm holes tossing it aside, it lands by your bed. You hesitate under his gaze, “Now you sweetheart.” He urges.
You’re feeling self conscious as you mimic his actions, starting with your skirt, letting it fall to the floor in a pile around you. You tug at the hem of your shirt with shaky hands, you can’t meet his eye as you pull it over your head and let it drop beside you. Your curves are exposed, every roll, every stretch mark and every perceived flaw. You curl your arms around yourself, shielding yourself from his view as you feel yourself flushing under his gaze.
“Hey, sweetheart don’t hide yourself, I wanna enjoy the view.” He pouts in protest.
“I’m sorry. It’s just, I’m so… I look…” You begin to stutter.
He steps closer, hooking a finger beneath your chin and pulling your head up to face him, “You look perfect, is what you are.” He cuts you off, mouth twisting into a frown. “And if anyone has ever made you feel otherwise, they are dead wrong, princess.”
He grabs your hand pressing it into his hardening length to prove his point, “Just look at what you do to me.”
Your eyes widen, you press your thighs together unconsciously.
“But, uhhh…I’m not exactly experienced when it comes to this, I meant what I said before I’ve never done anything like this.” You admit.
“Oh… ohhhhh.” His eyes widen in understanding, “You meant like never ever, not just like one-night stand kinda thing? Oh god, oh no I was so forward with you. I’m sorry. Do you… are you sure you still wanna do this? The first time… it should be special, you know?” He rambles.
“Do you… still wanna do this?” You counter.
“God, yes. More than ever, but if you don’t… if you wanna stop at any point I totally get that.”
“Honestly, I don’t think it could ever get better than this for me.” You sigh.
“It really could be though, girl like you deserves all kinds of romance, all the bells and whistles especially before your first.”
“I want this though.” You insist.
“You’re sure?” He confirms once again.
You nod.
“And remember, any time you wanna stop, just say the word. I won’t get mad, promise.” He adds solemnly.
“Yep.” You reply shortly.
He moves his hand to cradle the side of your face, swooping in to kiss you in earnest. You kiss back as he guides you to the edge of the bed until the backs of your thighs are pressing into the mattress. He lowers you back onto the bed gently, breaking contact. Your eyes snap open searching for his, you see him pushing down his boxers and slowly stroking up and down his length eyeing you greedily. Your jaw drops as you take in the size of him. He taps your thigh gently and motions for you to move further back, you scoot back and he joins you on the bed continuing his slow, steady strokes.
“You can touch it, you know? Get better acquainted with it.” He teases.
You wrap your hand around his length loosely, he drops his hand over yours guiding your grip, “Yeah just like that, sweetheart.”  
You swipe a thumb over his tip on the upstroke and he lets out a deep, rumbling moan.
You look up at him watching his reactions to your motions, “Can I… can I suck it?” You ask tentatively, you begin to salivate.
“Oh, of course you can princess. We can do whatever you want.” He offers.
You wet your lips in anticipation as you kneel between his thighs, leaning in you press a soft kiss to his tip, he chuckles, you proceed to lick a strip all the way from the base to the flared head. Precum dribbles down his length, collecting in the thatch of curls at his crotch, you close your mouth over the weeping head and hollow your cheeks. He gives a low moan, “God, yes that’s perfect, do that again.”
You sink lower on his cock taking more of him into your mouth, moving a little too quickly, you pull back abruptly as you gag, eyes watering.  
He strokes your cheek, “Hey, hey take it easy sweetheart. Take your time, we’ve got all night.”
You nod and go back for another attempt, slower this time, you manage to take more than before clenching your hands as the urge to gag rises again, you manage to suppress it this time. His hand comes to rest in your hair gently, not pushing or pulling just there, soothing over the crown of your head. You’re getting sloppy, drool leaks out of the corners of your mouth dribbling down your chin, mingling with his precum at his base. His breathy moans urging you on, you feel him throbbing on your tongue. Wetness pools in your underwear, soaking through the gusset and you find yourself whining around him. He rubs circles into your arm before easing you off of him gently.
“Was that… was that ok? Why did you stop me?” You gasp as you catch your breath.
“Oh, sweetheart that was amazing.” He croons, “You did so good for me, but I had to stop before all of this ended far too soon.”
He flips you onto your back, your head resting against the pillows, he moves to hover over you, hands pressed into the mattress by your shoulders. He presses his lips to yours fervently, you allow his tongue to glide over yours. He nips at your lower lip before moving to trail soft kisses slowly down your neck. He reaches a hand around you, unclasping your bra with a flick of his wrist. The cups loosen and he’s pushing them aside to press his lips lower and lower until he is circling a nipple with the tip of his  tongue. You let out a breathy moan as he latches on to it, sucking and laving at it with his tongue. You slip your arms out of the garment, tossing it aside. You begin to squirm when he ventures lower, nearing the swell of your belly. He glances up at you, checking in, “This ok?”
“Yeah… mhhm… just uh, just a little… self conscious again.” You admit, embarrassed, breaking eye contact.
“Oh sweetheart, what did I say? Hmmm. You are beautiful. You are a goddess and you deserve to be worshiped.” He looks up at you reverently.
You giggle, swatting at him playfully, “Stop it. Don’t you think you’re laying it on just a little too thick now.”
“Never, not til you see just how beautiful you really are.”
He resumes his journey down your body, toying with the elastic of your underwear. He takes in the sight of your ruined panties with a low growl, “Oh, just look at this pretty, little mess you’ve made. Is all that just for little, old me?”
You nod, humming in the affirmative. He palms at your mound, spreading your wetness further, “Please…” a broken moan escapes your lips.
He pulls your panties to the side, fingers delving between your sticky folds, “Is this what you wanted, sweetheart? Want me to make you feel good? Go on, ask for it.” He urges.
“God, yes! Please, Eddie… need you.” You whimper.
“So pretty when you beg.” He pulls his fingers away and you whine, hips lifting off the mattress searching for contact.
“Needy too, I see.” He teases, “I’m just gonna get rid of these.” He starts tugging the fabric down your plump legs. He lays yet another kiss on the innermost part of your thigh, pulling away before you get too uncomfortable.
“Now it’s your turn,” he smirks up at you, “turn about is fair play and all that.”
He licks a stripe along the centre of your folds, you jolt when he reaches your clit, bursts of electricity emanating throughout your body. He remains there, pushing one hand onto your tummy, pressing you down into the mattress as he eases a ringed finger inside you. He starts off slow, crooking his finger gently, matching the rhythm of his tongue as it moves in circles against you. He adds another finger alongside the first, stretching you open, leaving you panting and gasping for more.  
His rings clink together at your entrance, slick with your juices, he sucks at your clit firmly, you gush around him and he adds yet another finger. “Come on that’s it, you can take it.” He mumbles, the vibration of his voice sending you into orbit. Your hands curl into fists crumpling the sheets beneath you. He continues pressing down on your abdomen, your hips fight against him with a mind of their own. For a moment you could swear you’re seeing stars, then you’re coming down from your high, legs shaking around his head.
He grins up at you, eyes twinkling, his face smeared with your release, he licks his lips before wiping it away with the back of his hand.
“So, how was that?” His cheeky grin never fading.
You’re speechless, can’t even string together a sentence.
“That good, huh?” He asks smugly.
You nod still unable to form words, he laughs.
He moves back up, coming face to face with you, “You think you’re ready for more?” He brushes a stray hair behind your ear.
“Yes, please… please, fuck me.” You whine, desperately.  
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” He chuckles leaning over to the bedside table, reaching for the box of condoms. He pulls one out, tearing open the package and rolling it down over his impressive length.
He grips the base of his cock guiding it between your folds, dragging the tip across you clit. You let out a strangled cry, “Please, Eddie… need more… please, oh god.”  
He grins down at you, “All in good time, sweetheart.”
He starts easing himself inside you, moving slow, letting you adjust to the intrusion. Your walls stretch easily, welcoming his length. There is a slight burn, that becomes barely perceptible when he drops a hand between the two of you to rub lazy circles into your clit.
He’s only just entered you before you’re gasping, a hand moving to grip his wrist as he continues to circle your sensitive nub with his thumb.
“Oh god.” You wail, eyes squeezing shut as your walls clamp down on the head of his cock rhythmically.
“Did you just… from just the tip… wow, sweetheart you’re gonna give me an ego.”
“You mean, more than you already do.” You tease back breathlessly.
“Oh, someone’s found their voice. Pretty bold for someone who just came apart from the barest touch.” He tuts. “Someone’s going to need to teach you some manners, sweetheart.”  
“Maybe that can be a lesson for another time?”  
He groans at the implication, pushing into you further “Wish I could just pack you up and take you everywhere with me. You’d like that wouldn’t you? You’d be such a good little fucktoy for me?”
“Yes! I’ll be good for you, please use me!” You keen in reply. He bottoms out, burying himself deeper in your needy cunt as it draws him in, his balls coming to rest against your ass.
He growls, rumbling deep in his chest, “God damn, such a filthy little mouth you have. You want that? Hmm, want me to use you. Oh sweetheart, I would break you.” He pulls out almost all the way, before slamming back in to emphasise his point. Your hands grasp at his shoulders, nails digging in, he repeats the action and your walls flutter around him.
“‘M gonna… ‘m gonna…” You whine, unable to complete your thought.
“You gonna cum again. Good, cum for me. That’s it, such a good girl.” He croons in your ear, encouragingly.
Your eyes begin to water at the sensation, you’re almost to the point of over-stimulation. You were teetering on the precipice and his words are enough to send you toppling over the edge, you hook a leg around him drawing him deeper than you would’ve thought possible. Calling his name you bare down on his cock again and he lets out a strangled moan in response, “Yeah, say my name. Who do you belong to? Who owns this tight, little pussy?” You’re still reeling, quaking with aftershocks from your orgasm, unable to answer him, but it doesn’t really matter. He continues, “That’s right, me, I do.”
He pulls out rolling off the condom tossing it aside, he moves to straddle your torso. He’s fisting his cock desperately over your chest, head thrown back, bottom lip trapped between his teeth, eyes shut tight. He groans, calling out your name as his cum splatters your tits. Eyes opening he leans in propping himself up with a hand against the wall beside you, capturing your lips in a heated kiss. He pulls away panting, rolling off you. He reaches down grabbing his shirt from the floor where it landed and moves to wipe off his release. You stop him grabbing his arm, he looks at you confused, you swipe a finger across your chest, scooping up his cum before sucking it off your fingertip moaning. He gapes at you, you look at him feeling self conscious again, “What? I just… I wanted to see what it would taste like.”  
He groans deeply, “God damn, you have no idea how fucking hot that was. That one is definitely going to the spank-bank.”
You giggle, “Good to know, cause I am never going to forget that.” You sigh.  
“Sorry, if that was too much, I got a little too intense at the end there didn’t I?” He says sheepishly.
“No, that was… that was perfect.” You reassure him, dopey grin plastered across your face.
“Yeah, what was it that you said… ‘I’ll be good’, ‘use me’” he teases. “Oh, that was gold sweetheart, who knew you had it in you?”
You blush at his praise, “So, uh can I see you again?” You ask hopeful.
“I don’t know that you’re done seeing me now, sweetheart.”
“Oh god.” You whine rubbing a hand down your face.
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shitouttabuck · 2 months
my mother is like i don’t care if you have a healthy relationship with food and your body i will still do my darnedest best to try and give you an eating disorder by commenting on your food intake when you do eat but also commenting on your food intake when you DONT eat because oops you are so anxious to eat in front of your parents now you simply lose your appetite when you have to have a meal with them
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forget-the-feeling · 1 year
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Might have something to do with me being body shamed since I was a young child
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teakoodrawz · 7 hours
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" I'm a Psycho, loving it~ "
#[album]#ask to tag#cw#Music Shot#S-2#also i just wanna mess with its expressions and poses cuz it's fun#he can turn the black face into a screenface. changing any shapes and expressions as it pleases#horror. realistic eyes. tv static. etc but he prefers the original triangle smiles more#also i'm planning to redesign S-2 right now#S-2 focuses only on killing / violence to gain LV and he's stuck that way and called it a purpose to wipe out population#He got so focus on gaining LV because it made him feel so powerful and wanted more feeling like it's the only thing that made him feel aliv#i'm okay to spoil his story and all. He's made out of human determination in Mark's body and became a split personality to him#that's why S-2 and Mark are both corrupted because they're still not compatible to each other in one body#instead of being unstable in physical form. his mind is. because Gaster used a different formula but failed again#Gaster was trying to cure Mark because he was really ill and about to die#I only took the references/theories from the original undertale amalgamation obviously#S-2 was formed from Mark's own negative emotions and personalities then it became its own character#which causes the two (or Mark or S-2 themselves) to self-loathe with each other#it's literally like looking in a window as a mirror talking shit to each other#The real good Mark in this au is Mark himself. he just needs to be set free from this misery (and need to get rid of S-2 if possible)#that's why in my old Mark death posts. S-2 was gone from self-forgiveness meaning Mark forgives himself and deserves to be happy#(because everyone don't deserve to hate themselves)#i'm gonna keep the left eye joke not being available when doing the horror screenface cuz still wanna make it a Mark thing to him#cw horror#cw eye contact
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taibobo · 8 months
i have spent over half my life suffering in silence with the only places i’ve been able to openly speak about my disorder being pro-ed forums and social media communities as a preteen. these communities form because there are no healthy alternatives because having an ed is so stigmatized by wider society and even by those who champion the importance of mental health as being something that is even too taboo to speak about plainly.
like why do you guys think places like myproana or skinny gossip or th!nspo tumblr or edtwt exist. it’s because all of you foster so much fucking hate for a loud minority of MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE mind you and think that them suffering for your own comfort is a better option than allowing them a place to speak about their struggles and feelings without automatically assuming that their intrusive thoughts are equal to their morals or actual feelings. maybe you are all the hateful evil people actually and not mentally ill teenage girls on tiktok who have only felt a sense of belonging and community with fatphobes because you isolated them. sorry!
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undead-potatoes · 5 months
Nothing makes you feel quite as stupid and useless as fatigue does
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banannabethchase · 4 months
*beats off the negative body image and self esteem issues with the newly acquired handheld vacuum cleaner*
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whump-card · 9 months
Sunless Lives: Arc 4
Welcome to Arc 4! We’re in the home stretch. I hope you enjoy the end of the ride, but watch out for some pretty brutal violence and permanent injury.
Part 31: I Need to Leave
~1800 words
CW: medical whump, foot whump, character death, description of a dead body, internal victim blaming
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Fran sat cross-legged on the floor in front of the wheelchair, picking glass and grit out of the sole of Simon’s foot with tweezers. Nora crouched next to her, shining a small but powerful flashlight on her work. Rain pattered distantly on the roof of the building.
Aside from Jacob, the others had all gone home. The cordless landline phone still sitting in Simon’s lap read 9:54 in its tiny gray screen. No one had come knocking on the Cambert Building’s door. No one had asked him any more questions, not even his name. They just… helped him. Jacob brought him more water and a granola bar, and now stood off to the side, observing. Fran worked on his feet with incredible precision, only eliciting an occasional flinch. They hurt so much already, though, that a little prodding with tweezers hardly made a difference. He still hadn’t looked at them yet - he was afraid of what he’d see.
“Okay,” Fran sat back, “I think I’m done.”
She rifled through a plastic bag - someone had made a run to a drugstore while his feet were soaking - and pulled out rubbing alcohol, antibiotic ointment, a roll of bandages, and packets of gauze. She ripped open a gauze packet and soaked the square in rubbing alcohol.
“Take a breath, this is going to hurt,” she warned.
Simon sucked in a breath and tried to hold it in but it burst out in a whimper when she pressed the gauze to his ragged flesh.
“I know, I’m sorry, it’s gotta happen.”
Simon cursed himself internally. Stupid baby. He looked away and grit his teeth as the horrible burning and stinging spread across the rest of his foot, then the other. The antibiotic ointment that followed brought little relief, nor did the fresh gauze and bandages firmly wrapped over it all.
Simon finally looked back as she taped the end of the bandage into place.
“Can I really stay here?” he whispered.
“There’s a lounge in the back with a couch,” Jacob said, “You can sleep there, if you like.”
“Alone?” He wasn’t sure if he wanted to be or not.
“I can stay,” Nora volunteered, “I don’t have work tomorrow.”
Something about the idea was comforting, so Simon nodded.
Look at everything these people are doing for you. You don’t deserve this. 
Fran returned the medical supplies to the plastic bag and handed it to Nora.
“Keep them clean and dry,” she addressed Simon, “And I think it’ll be alright. I would recommend seeing a doctor if you can, though.”
Simon nodded.
“Thank you.”
She smiled.
“Thank you for letting me help. I’ll come back to check on you, if you’re still here tomorrow.”
These people are too good for you.
Fran and Jacob left, turning off lights and locking doors on their way out. Nora wheeled Simon in the opposite direction, to the other end of the small gymnasium, through a door into a little lounge. It had a weathered couch and two armchairs that sat around a large coffee table, and a bookshelf overflowing with well-loved board games. Nora helped Simon onto the couch, which involved him briefly putting his weight on his feet. He hissed and cursed, and Nora lowered him quickly into the cushions.
“Sorry, man.”
“Not your fault,” Simon gasped. He laid down on the couch, overwhelmed with exhaustion. Nora looked at him, her brows pinched.
“Do you want me to turn the lights-”
“No!” he said quickly, “No, thank you.”
She settled into one of the armchairs, letting out a long breath. Simon hoped she wasn’t irritated with him.
It’s fine, it’s fine.
Now all you have to do is fall asleep next to a stranger.
“I - My name is Simon,” he finally admitted.
“I'm Nora,” was the immediate response.
A long, silent minute passed before Simon could muster up the courage to speak again.
“I was running away from someone who… was trying to hurt me,” he said around the lump in his throat, “If I go to the hospital or the police they’ll call him.”
Nora was quiet for a moment.
“How old are you?” she asked.
Simon had to think about that for a little too long. Tears pricked at his eyes as he remembered his last birthday, with Matthew.
“Twenty six.”
“If you’re an adult, you’re protected by HIPAA. You can go to a hospital, I can go with you and make sure-”
“I’m not.” Simon turned his face away to hide his tears. “I’m not, I’m in his custody, I don’t have any rights.”
“Is he your dad?”
The words came out before Simon could stop them.
“He may as well be.”
It was a horrible admission that uncapped a deeply suppressed well of shame within Simon. His attraction to Christian had always been wrong. Twisted. He should have never acted on it, should have never given Christian any ideas.
Then maybe he wouldn’t be here right now.
“I’m sorry. That sounds really hard.”
Simon’s shoulders shook with stifled sobs, and he hugged his arms around himself tightly. He realized suddenly that his short-sleeved pajama top showed off the bite scars on his upper arms. No one had said anything, and Nora had certainly already noticed them, but he covered them with his hands anyway. It had the opposite effect as intended.
“Is he a vampire?”
“No,” Simon sniffled, “No, but…”
We’re getting close to finishing your list, kid.
They were still out there. Christian never told him which ones, or precisely how many, but they were still out there and if they found out where he was…
Anxiety soured Simon’s stomach. Maybe he’d made another mistake. Maybe the safety Christian provided was worth it.
No it wasn’t. You know it wasn’t.
His frazzled and foggy mind tried to consider the realistic options.
Stay here until your feet are better.
Find Matthew. Stay with Matthew.
Matthew doesn’t want you anymore.
Matthew will get killed by a vampire and you will be taken.
Stay here until your feet are better.
Start running.
Keep running.
Don’t stop.
Suddenly awake, he brushed the tears off his face and rolled over to look at Nora.
“Can I have something to write with, please?” He asked tentatively.
“Sure.” Nora got up and left the room, returning a minute later with a yellow legal pad and pen. Simon thanked her and took them.
“Are you going to write to the guy?” Nora asked, settling back into her chair. 
“No, someone else. He’s a good person but… if I’m around him, I’ll get him in trouble.” Simon stared at the paper, not sure where to begin. 
Dear Matthew,
Matthew was drinking hot chocolate at midnight in the kitchen of his childhood home, recovering from a nightmare, when Gina pounded on the front door and delivered the news. He got dressed and left with her, hugging his confused and bleary-eyed dad goodbye with no time for an explanation.
In the car, Matthew fretted whether it would be a violation of his restraining order - a restraining order that had also landed him a week of daily, mandatory sessions with a counselor closer to home than Dr Mandal - but Gina told him it didn’t matter anymore.
None of it mattered anymore.
They pulled over on Isles’ street, joining the cluster of vehicles around the Captain’s house. Police lights lit up the falling rain as they got out and pushed through the crowd of spectators that had gathered despite the weather and the late hour. From beyond the police line Amber spotted them and waved them through. The rest of Isles’ new team gave them sidelong glances from under their umbrellas, but Amber ignored them as she led Matthew and Gina into the house. Matthew noted the window, smashed out from the inside. The golf club, discarded on the couch. And then…
His heart skipped a beat when he saw Captain Isles’ body.
Isles’ throat was entirely ripped out, blood and chunks spread across the living room carpet. His arm hung from him at a sickening angle, dislocated and fully twisted backwards. His eyes stared up at the ceiling, wide and fearful. His mouth hung agape, a fly already investigating. A crime scene photographer shooed it away and took another picture. The flash startled Matthew, and he stumbled back a step. Gina caught his arm.
“You good?”
“Yeah, yeah… Where’s Simon?”
“See the golf club?” Amber pointed, “There’s some blood on the porch. We think he might’ve broken the window to escape, and cut his feet on the glass. But with this rain, we don’t know which way he went or…”
Or how far he got.
“So where is he?” Matthew demanded.
“We don’t know.” Amber looked away, guilt flashing across her face. “But he couldn’t have gotten far, barefoot and with his feet cut up, so we’re canvassing the neighborhood to see if he took shelter somewhere.” She gathered the courage to face Matthew again. “I’m so sorry.”
“Save it,” he snapped.
Amber nodded quickly. “I know, I…” she stopped and changed course. “There’s something else, though. This way.” She led them further into the house, into the room Matthew remembered being an office with a pull-out couch. The computer and the couch were gone now, replaced by bedroom furnishings.
“There was a struggle in here, see?” She gestured to the ceramic shards and the electrical skeleton of a destroyed lamp, scattered on and around the bed.
“I'm thinking the vampire attacked Simon in here, Simon hit it with the lamp and got out to the living room. Then the Captain intervened, giving Simon time to smash the window and escape,” she theorized.
“You think a vampire was fazed by getting hit by a lamp?” Gina asked flatly.
“You got a better idea?” Amber shot back.
“Standing here arguing doesn’t fucking matter,” Matthew raised his voice above theirs, “The more time we waste here the longer Simon is either out there alone and defenceless, or in the hands of a vampire. Do we even know who did this?”
“We have an idea,” Amber said slowly. She led them back through the house to the kitchen, where several agents were looking over files on the counter. She borrowed one and handed it to Matthew.
“Davis Bowers. We knew he was in the area and he’s on Simon’s list, and…”
Amber kept talking, but Matthew couldn’t hear her anymore. 
I need to know, Simon. So that I can protect you.
Did it hurt?
Matthew, please, please don’t!
I’m the only one who will never hurt you like that.
“Matthew!” Gina was gripping his hand tightly, grounding him. “Take a deep breath, Matthew.”
Matthew obeying, forcing a deep, shuddering breath in and out of his chest.
“You know this guy?” Gina asked.
Matthew nodded.
“I know him.”
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Taglist: @flowersarefreetherapy, @pigeonwhumps, @sunshiline-writes, @seasaltandcopper, @pirefyrelight
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wri0thesley · 7 months
I'm hoping this isn't overstepping any boundaries, but your favorites absolutely think you're sexy! Extra fluff? Hell yeah, more to grab and seeing lace or thigh highs pressing into your skin? They can't keep their eyes off of you! (It's totally true they told me so themselves you gotta believe me man-)
and it’s so so hard anon because this is exactly what i would say to someone having the same feelings as me,
but it’s so much harder to believe it about myself. when i say it to other people i always imagine them being actually nice to look at (which is coincidentally true i know every one of my followers is sexy and beautiful also btw) so it feels like they’re already working at an advantage!!!! meanwhile i simply shouldn’t be looked at ever lmao
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caramelmochacrow · 11 months
fuck shit fuck shit fuck shit.
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S01E08: Dead Air / S05E08: Death of a Car Salesman
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