#bless zelda's heart
derrickwildsun · 1 year
I love that a common interpretation of Link and Zelda’s relationship in BOTW/TOTK is “solidarity between an unhinged cryptid femme boy and an autistic nerd.” It’s like what would happen if an unstoppable object fell in love with an immovable wall. The most chaotic couple in all of Hyrule.
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monstrous-fusion · 3 months
What's the weirdest thing Engie has done/ would do?
Engie is not a great cook. Like, he sucks at it, and he can turn Anything into a struggle meal. So...I'm not saying he'd eat an old cookie he left in his conductor cabin.....buuuut he kind of would
(side bar but I misread the question, somehow, so please take me ALSO answering what's the dumbest thing he'd do /aff)
Engie is very trusting of strangers. I can totally see someone coming up to him with a scam and him falling for it because "Why would they do that? that's illegal :(" but the only reason he hasn't gotten scammed yet is because (pre adventure) Zelda and (during adventure) Mirror and Eras are not people you want to get on the bad side of.
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waywardsalt · 1 year
thoughts on totk now that i’ve beaten it
under the cut bc of length and bc there is honestly a fair bit of negative stuff
i don’t really think i can say that i liked totk.
it’s fine, it’s genuinely fucking incredible from a technical standpoint with ultrahand, recall, the three map layers and with how smoothly it ran for me. as a game it’s fine.
i’ll start with the things i dislike and end with what i actually liked
i honestly didn’t really like ultrahand? i disliked how much the game leaned on it, since so many puzzles and whatever just boiled down to ‘make something that’ll work’ and it just... it was far too clunky for me to really enjoy using it, outside of using some of the same few designs for traversal. there were a few times when i could see what the game wanted me to do with ultrahand and the given zonai parts and sometimes it just... didn’t work at all. more often than not ultrahand was frustrating for me to use so the game’s reliance on it just made it into a chore sometimes.
in a similar vein the dungeons were serious letdowns. i mean, don’t get me wrong, they’re fine, they had good themes and (mostly) had good aesthetics and general looks and identities to them, but the fact that they were just... basically twenty-ish minute little things was kind of disappointing. i hate that they all had the exact same ‘go hit x number of switches’ gimmick. it really limited what you could do and fucked with the dungeon design, too. the only one where that really worked for me was the fire temple, which was my favorite overall. the water temple was especially dismal, with the least inspired look and just being an astoundingly easy experience. the puzzles in those dungeons were so awfully easy, too, especially since half of the time they just hand you what you need so you barely need to really assess the situation and put a plan together
i hated the water dungeon’s little mini-areas where you do a single piss-easy puzzle to automatically get your prize, i hated the wind temple’s god damn ‘pull a lever and get your prize’ kind of puzzles, i hated how soul-crushingly disappointed i felt when i took a look at the lightning temple’s map and realized that every fucking floor had a singular room just for the switch puzzle. god forbid it’s as fun as the lowest level of that temple. i really miss stuff like mini-bosses or rooms where you have to do a puzzle in order to just... progress, i miss dungeons that i could get lost in or spend a while in or just had... something more interesting or some more substance so that i can’t just breeze through like it’s a glorified shrine. most of the puzzles in those dungeons were simpler than some shrines i did.
i didn’t care to do much exploration since there honestly isn’t much motivation to explore the surface map if you’ve already played botw, and the scarcity of materials this time really got to me, it took me a while to have a half-decent stock of materials, and i still had trouble not running out of stuff even though i was using amiibos to stock up on some things. the money situation was rough, too... a lot of things are cheaper to sell, but some armor is still really expensive plus you have to pay the great fairies to upgrade your equipment in addition to having the correct materials. that especially felt odd- having to grab a handful of (goddamn hard to get) lynel guts is hard enough to upgrade the soldier’s armor, but you want me to cough up 500 rupees, too??
(the scarcity of monster guts also got on my nerves, but i’ll just chalk that up to just some kind of really weird difficulty thing. it was annoying until i tracked down the stronger monsters.)
the story is probably the weakest part of the game to me. it’s really hard to have a baseline investment when you don’t care about these characters, anyway, and what i saw in this game’s story still failed to endear me to hardly any of them. link’s role frustrated me; he just comes off like a tool rather than a character this time through, he barely has any actual relevancy to the story segments beyond being the guy who can use the master sword and being the player’s vehicle to get from point a to b in the story. the blank stare and limited emoting worked in botw because... there’s a given reason for his lack of outward emotion in the past, plus he has no memory in the present. it makes sense. but this time around, he’s gotten memories in the years between this and the last game, but he just feels like a background character in most of the story beats. 
he has no role in the memories and in the present just exists to gather some stuff for other people, he gets the master sword from zelda and then helps the other sages get their secret stones, but he’s barely addressed as his own character in the grand scheme of things unless he’s being directly spoken to. he’s just the swordsman capable of wielding the master sword and zelda’s chosen protector as far as the story is concerned. he has no opinions outside of doing what he’s told and looking for zelda. at least not as far as i could really tell. at least in botw, the story directly concerns him, and it’s his story we’re following. this time around zelda and the sages seem like the most important characters, link’s just... there, doing what he’s been told to.
the new sages are fine, none of them really endeared themselves to me, and i will say that making the player watch essentially the exact same cutscene each time you finish a dungeon was BAFFLING. they were long and you learned almost nothing new after the first one, and there was nothing done to make them very distinct to each individual pair of sages or their respective regions; at the very least, it could have been interesting to meet the ancient sages not in the exact same stone garden, but perhaps at the top of a snowy mountain for the rito, near a volcano or something for the goron, maybe in a shallow pool of water for the zora, and in the desert for the gerudo- but no, they’re all effectively the same thing just with the speaking character swapped out with some minor changes.
(the sages themselves are a pain in the ass to use, having to chase them down to activate their power or accidentally activating a power when you don’t want it; yunobo was honestly my favorite, but because i generally defaulted to having them all activated at all times, i had a lot of trouble with tulin blowing shit away from me when i was trying to grab it while midair. they’re half-decent for combat)
i didn’t really care for rauru or sonia, either. rauru in the present as a ghost was fine, he was kind of interesting and seemed to have changed from his time in the past, but he never managed to be a character i particularly liked. i wasn’t really a fan of his... arrogance? or something in the past scenes, and he never really came off as very interesting. sonia was nearly completely uninteresting which is a shame since she has an interesting design, she just felt delegated to the role of supporting rauru and zelda and then dying to motivate them.
ganondorf is a character i was really looking forward to seeing, and it really fucking sucks that he’s so god damn one-dimensional this time! the story can’t be fucked to delve into him beyond just giving us scenes that just tell us that he’s evil and wants to rule hyrule and get the secret stones and nothing else because fuck having complex villains, i guess. especially frustrating because within the game itself you can draw more interesting motivations up for him, but the game really just doubles-down on him being evil for the fuck of it and wanting to end the world because uhhhh... he’s evil don’t fucking worry about it
the ignoring of the triforce in this game sucks in that way, too, because the way the triforce works and how it can grant wishes made it a much more interesting goal for ganondorf to attain, rather than some poorly-named ‘secret stones’ that do nothing more than just amplify power or something. it sucks how black-and-white this damn story is and how it seems like it just wants to do away with any possible nuance or gray area. no one but the bad guys or side characters are flawed in any actually interesting or significant way.
at least ganondorf was still the most interesting character in the flashbacks.
and then zelda, oh god ZELDA. i honestly really liked her in botw. i liked how you saw her as a flawed, insecure, pressured teen, and how you saw her struggles to relate to link and how she eventually warmed up to him. you saw her as a flawed person who develops and as someone who cares deeply about her friends and her duties and gets frustrated by her failings.
and then in totk a lot of her more interesting traits- her interest in sheikah tech, her excitement over field study and research, her more defining traits as this incarnation of zelda- are basically sanded down and she’s just this perfect flawless princess with great power and an insanely passive role in the past beyond finally taking some kind of action after one of her friends dies and she’s pushed to the brink. cool. great.
she has practically no flaw in totk. if anyone in the present talks about her, they have nothing bad to say and just want to please her and follow her orders, she is right in telling the gerudo how to train their troops she is right even when misheard to tell people to put themselves in danger and she is hardly meaningfully questioned when her imposter is doing very clearly suspicious shit. neither the story nor any of the characters wants to let her be flawed. she’s just perfect in damn near every way and barely retains any interesting characterization she got in botw. there are some interesting snippets in her being a teacher and setting up memorials to those who died in the calamity, but there’s hardly any more than that, and it makes it really hard for me to give a damn about her. she’s not interesting this time.
the whole thing with zelda becoming a dragon too, is... it’s fine. it’s ok. but the fact that she turns back at the end with no problem whatsoever is one hell of a fucking misstep. why talk about draconification being forbidden for a good reason anyways if it doesn’t actually matter anyways??? if you never actually see any of those fucking repercussions why even bring them up??? i really feel like it would have been more effective for there to have been actual consequences for zelda beyond just fucking flying around half-conscious for a millennium or whatever- have her lose her memory when she’s brought back! there you go! there’s the reason why draconification is forbidden! there’s the thing about losing yourself! plus, zelda losing her memories as a result would mirror link having lost his memories in botw! that has so much more weight and significance then ‘oh uh ignore the warnings from a while back she’s completely fine dw abt it’ i hate that she’s back just like that without any of the consequences that the game suggests.
the dragon’s tears in general kinda just felt weaker than botw’s memories anyways bc you’re more just. watching stuff happen then actually learning anything. it has less characters and yet i feel like you only get to know like half of the important ones. like three of them are all about the same event. a few times they just replay parts of old memories in new ones. if they ever reference a past memory they just show you what they’re referencing instead of leaving you to piece it together. just play the voices or something don’t break the flow of things to play a clip of something i’ve already seen.
plus the fact that totk... barely acknowledges that it’s a sequel to botw really rubs me the wrong way. i understand that loz is extremely loose with its lore, but totk is a direct sequel set in the same world a few years later, and yet the events and characters of botw have might as well been forgotten and its all either ignored, brushed aside, or straight up replaced by something else for no good reason. the continuity between these games is absolutely dismal and to see the different ways in which the events and concepts or botw are just... disregarded really just left a bad taste in my mouth.
just- i love good stories and worlds in video games, and while some games can coast by for me by feeling good to play, having a good and engaging story and characters is usually essential to my enjoyment of a game, and when i don’t care about to the point of disliking the story and characters, and when none of the important areas are fascinating or distinct enough from each other, and when the game even fails to really reel me in with the gameplay...
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i wanted to like totk, but it really just did not work for me. i just ended up feeling frustrated and disappointed and even sometimes bored with all of the major stuff and man. totk is really, REALLY, not for me, and it just left me wanting to play older zelda games instead.
HOWEVER! there were actually some things i really loved about totk! it’s not all doom and gloom! (well, not all doom, at least)
so! the music was great! not all of it really fit or made a lot of sense with the context in which they played or failed to evoke the feeling they were meant to, but the new tracks in this game were great! i especially love the first two phases of the fire temple’s theme, the depths music, and most of the new battle and boss themes. zelda games almost never fail when it comes to the music.
i did genuinely like the fire temple- yunobo’s ability was used the best in this dungeon, and it had the best five switches gimmick, i loved how you had to hit the gongs (sometimes having to construct a path to account for the weaknesses of yunobo’s ability) and how it then ‘scared’ each of the five statues holding a part of the gate- it was very cute and fit in very well with the general feel of that part of the story. it was the best in terms of difficulty and complexity, but it didn’t have the best boss- the lightning temple had the best boss, and i will admit that even if most of them were easy, i really enjoyed the mirror puzzles, as well as the process to unlocking the dungeon. the wind temple had my favorite visual identity and aesthetic, though, i liked it being a part of this old rito song, and how it was the most distinct in looks from the other dungeons.
the sky islands were honestly fun, even if they weren’t all that interesting. getting to some of the harder-to-reach islands were some of my favorite times i had to use ultrahand, and stuff like the zonai forge island and the one orblike island with the mirror puzzle, and pretty much all of the more complicated parts of the sky islands were a lot of fun to explore and figure out.
being able to ride on the dragons was just really cool, and the fact that they come out of the chasms was fun.
the new horns for the monsters were cool, it helps differentiate the different monster strengths and i just thought they were really neat.
the quest with lurelin village was fun, even if the pirates just being monsters was a real let-down.
the stable trotters were also a fun bunch of characters, that was a good, new way to open up fairy fountains.
all of the new stuff with the yiga was really fun, like getting their outfit and being able to pretend to be one of them and learning the blademaster attack- so much fun it was so cute.
most of the new outfits are really good and useful, and while a bit janky and not that great, the house-building bit near tarrey was endearing.
while none of the main characters interested me, i really, especially liked tauro and yona and penn. for some reason they just appealed to me and i really wish they had bigger parts in the game because they’re interesting and they have good designs and i’d really like to know more about them.
the underground gerudo shelter was pretty cool, to be honest, and the look of the caves was really cool.
i adored the proving grounds shrines- easily my favorite shrines in the entire game, i had no problem spending a decent amount of time in those kinds of shrines, they were fantastic.
the new ingredients and recipes and new weapons were cool.
the way you basically return to the area you started at on your way to ganondorf is pretty cool, that whole path is really neat.
ganondorf in general was a pretty cool boss, even if he ended up being kind of easy for me. the whole final boss sequence was neat.
by FAR, though, my absolute favorite part of this game was 100% the depths. the fact that there was just an entire second layer to the map that was the same size as the surface, just inverted and dark and filled with new bosses and locations... i spent hours down there without going back up to the surface and absolutely had a BLAST screwing around in the dark, lighting up my path with brightblooms and tossing together little vehicles with lights so that i could get to the next lightroot off in the distance. the depths was probably where i ended up using zonai vehicles the most, and it was honestly pretty fun to go around spotting and reaching every lightroot, coming across different mines and weird little landforms and coliseums and yiga camps. the music and plantlife and look of the depths were so good, and it really felt distinct from the rest of the game in a very good way. doing all of the lightroots and getting enough zonaite to max out link’s energy cells was definitely a good move since it made finding shrines and dealing with later zonai machine stuff easier.
overall, tears of the kingdom was a severely mixed bag for me, and while there was stuff i did like, i don’t think it’s enough to really get me to say that i really liked this game overall- after all most of the stuff i disliked was unavoidable parts of the games, and it definitely put a hamper on my interest in the rest of the time. totk is fine, but it’s really not my thing. 
#i just- *slams head into brick wall* bro i did not have a good time with this game#going back to my silly little comparison point; totk was $70 and my copy of phantom hourglass was $70#$70 is a bullshit amount for a game but thats no the point here#totk from a technical baseline standpoint as a GAME is worth $70#its story and the amount of enjoyment it gave me was not worth $70 tho. the story and enjoyment i got from ph was more worth $70 to me#salty talks#loz#legend of zelda#totk#'zelda games almost never fail when it comes to the music' if you talk shit abt ph's soundtrack i'll kill you. i like the dungeon track#i partially have the shinji chair image saved for this but i did also initally save it yesterday when i finished nge#listen this was fine on a surface level but it just wore me the fuck down#link was just some flavor of stonefaced or surprised or determined in any given cutscene and like. idk. wasnt too interested in him either#look i know about the silly little dialogue options. still didnt do it for me#link getting his arm back only makes sense to me bc i got every last light of blessing and heart container and stamina vessel#the gloom in his body is 100% gone hes squeaky clean for me. whyd you take his shirt off tho. at least keep his hat. cant take it seriously#put him in the archaic set or smth his arm is fully visible that way at least and its full circle thats what he wears at the start#couldnt take the whole grabbing zelda sequence seriously bc i missed the (hold) prompt and link flew away lol#totk spoilers#also wasnt really a fan of most of the voice acting yeah sorry. kinda rough all around aside from like ganondorf and dimitri- i mean rauru#mineru and the rito sage were fine too ig. im not going to bother watching any vids or whatever to check again#riju and sidon were fine too#sonia was cool too but everyone else was a lil rough tbh esp with having to say 'secret stone' that name sucks shit#my switch died in the middle of the credits. i had like 25% when i started fighting ganondorf.#it died twice actually cuz i charged it for a few minutes and what like yeah 5% should be good and nope. died again#anyways whatever. im not giving it a rating im tired of this game i dont think i'll be replaying or even just touching it any time soon#music was top notch again tho. made me feel stuff more than the actual story did. cool ig#bitching abt totk
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sass-squat · 1 year
I love winged AUs and yours is so fleshed out it's GORGEOUS. Big fan so far :D
If you want a request.... maybe Four soon??? I like him.
Hello??? Friend from the void??? Thank you so much 😭 I also have a deep love for winged aus and I’m so grateful and so excited to find out that other people share my passion for them too! :D And I would love to draw Four! He lives in my head rent free 24/7 and has a habit of interrupting whatever other drawings I’m working on lol I love him XD
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niniroi · 1 year
(Trigger warning quick images at 0:02)
Some of yall are insane♡
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
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ferallymine · 2 years
TP: A Solitary Sickness for Snowpeak’s Secrets
a/n: I’ve had this in drafts for about a year and finally had the energy to finish it.  ----------------------------------------------------- Iris burst through the living room door, carrying Link in her arms. She stumbled down the stairs, knocking over one of the few remaining potted plants. Link was alarmingly feverish, sweat dripping from his face and down his neck. His head rest against her chest, barely any energy in him to move.
Yeto heard the commotion, lumbering through the kitchen door as Iris set Link down across from Yeta. Link shivered and shook as he curled up against the spare couch before the furnace. Panic was in her eyes as she turned to the large monster.
"Please..." Her voice was strained and sore. 
Yeto looked to the couple, then back at his wife. Then back to the couple. Then back at his wife. A light of realization flickered in his eyes as he pointed between them. "Same sick! Same sick!" He turned back to the kitchen, the rustling sound of cooking and chaos escaping from the closed door.
"Same..." She focused back on Link, thoughts swirling. Maroon runes brightened on her hand as Iris lifted it to his forehead. 
The healing spell barely passed onto his hot skin before a punch of twilight shoved Iris onto her back. The emblem on Link's left hand glowed with a dull shine. He fell over, still sweating and shaking against the cool stone floor. Iris sat up, shedding her winter cloak to drape it over his body.
Midna popped up behind the couch, hiding herself in its shadow from Yeta, "The shard is definitely here. You need to go find it. Link is in no shape to fight with you."
"Yeah, I gathered that." Iris looked around the room, searching for some clue as to where to go next. The fire in the furnace proved to be the only light source and was rather limited.
Link managed to open his eyes, hands grazing the cloak on his body. "...ris..."She looked over to catch him trying to shove it off of him. Iris placed a hand over his, stopping the movement, "You're sick. You need to keep this on. It'll help you hold off until I find the shard."
"You... freeze..." He interlocked their fingers, body less shaky than before. His breathing was getting heavy. "Cold... out the...re..." He gripped her hand, weakly pushing himself up with the other.
Midna snapped her fingers at him, "Hey, beastie! Take it easy and just accept help when you need it.
"Just then, Yeto burst through the kitchen door, two bowls in hand, "Same sick! Same soup!" His thundering steps echoed in the empty room. One bowl Yeta accepted with a warm smile. The other he placed by Link. While it was a normal size for a yeti, the bowl was nearly as long as his torso. Iris smiled, squeezing his hand, "Try to eat. You're fighting an internal battle. I'm going to finish this external one."
Link closed his eyes, too tired to argue further. He released Iris' hand, "Be...safe..." 
"I'll watch him." Midna saw the look of relief on Iris' face, "Call if you need me."
Iris nodded, making her way to the knocked over plant by the staircase. She held up a hand and whispered a spell. Revived with her magic, the plant snaked up her body and attached to her shoulder pads, effectively creating a new cloak. With a final glance to Link and Midna, she disappeared into the courtyard's bitterly cold air.
It'd been several hours without seeing any hint of Iris. Hearing plenty of explosions, however, proved that she was still fighting. Occasionally, dust and ice shook from the rafters and fell over the sick. Link covered his head with the cloak to prevent any from getting on him. 
How many rooms could possibly be in this abandoned mansion? How many monsters were still out there? They’d cleared out the west wing last night before this mysterious sickness overcame him. There couldn’t be much more, right? Where was Iris? Was she safe?
Something twisted in his body. Link convulsed, falling onto his back, knocking the half empty bowl away from him. A strange feeling, like his bones abandoning his body, swept over him. Midna attempted to get closer, but the glow from his emblem pushed her away. Streams of twilight escaped his body, warping their way through the walls until a stark silence marked the end of their sudden appearance.
Yeta, who had been peacefully sleeping these past few hours, jarringly awoke. Her eyes were glazed over, a strange red hue tracing their outline. “Come back…” She stood up, shuffling her feet towards the door. “Sleep room safe…” Something about her gait was… unnatural.
“Something called it back..." Midna travelled the shadows to the wall, tracing a hand over the dusty cold brick. She thought a minute over what the hostess said. She glanced at Yeta, who now disappeared outside. "Oh no.”
Link groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head. His fever and trembling had greatly reduced, but he had little energy left in him. Midna travelled back, grabbing his face with extreme importance, "We need to find Iris. Right now."
“Yeah…” Link pulled himself up using the couch. After taking another moment to find his balance, he hurried outside. 
Iris’ vines broke the lock on the bedroom door. They swung open, an air of dust and stone floating away into the chamber, illuminated by the snow refracted light of the setting sun. 
A lone mirror hung on the back wall. The darkness of twilight lined with silver and iridescent gems fascinated her. Iris didn’t even remember stepping through the doorway, let alone grabbing the mirror to hold it. 
“You are and ancient power…” Her fingers gently traced the jagged, dust-laden edges. 
The floor beneath her turned to slick ice. Iris gasped, turning to find the chamber covered in frost. The temperature dropped dramatically, even colder than the snow outside. What power commanded frost in this manner? 
Yeta stood in the doorway, unnaturally twitching. Her eyes were a concerning red, smoke cloaking her wicked smile. “You no take! It mine!” 
Link stumbled through the debris covered snow. The sun’s rays were still illuminating over the mountainous horizon. Monstrous bodies and stone lay about, evident of Iris’ capabilities. Energy was gradually returning to him, but the frustration of the lack was obvious to anyone looking.
“C’mon, we need to find Iris.” Midna rose, pushing Link’s back, “If I’m right, then we-”
The bedroom tower roof erupted. Link backtracked his steps for cover while Midna gasped and ducked the opposite way. Ice, glass, stone, and wood covered most of the sightlines. The dark imp flew around the courtyard, dodging projectiles and lighting anything appropriately flammable for a better view. 
A flash of maroon and scarlet outlined Iris’ body as she reached a new height. A dark shimmer caught Link’s eye as Iris plummeted downward, arms and magic reaching out in abnormal intensity. 
Was that the mirror? She’s not… is she? 
“IRIS!” Link’s voice cracked. The raining debris didn’t come close as he sprinted through the snow, energy renewed with concern and fear. Bricks shifted and dust whirled out with the gusts of wind. Shadows flickered and the sun set, bringing the dangers of the night. 
A final pulse of maroon and scarlet blast the bedroom door off it’s frame. Link rushed in, Midna not far behind. 
There were shards of ice and remnants of torn plants scattered about the chamber. Yeta lay on the bed, alive but exhausted. Whatever Twilight that had possessed her was now gone. 
Iris stood in the center, holding the Mirror shard, “I… got it…” Her voice was scratchy and unfamiliar. A shadow hung over her figure.
Midna reached out with her hidden hand, claiming the piece, “You can’t handle this power! How dare you tap into it! Look at what it did to you!” Making a ball in her arms, Midna pulsed out a green ray into Iris’ torso. The lingering shadows dispersed.
Link rushed to catch her as she collapsed. “I got you… I got you…” He held her close, whispering into her hair. “You did it… it’s okay…” 
“Let’s get out of this cursed place,” Midna summoned a portal, warping the trio to safety. 
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ficsforgaza · 17 days
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yandereunsolved · 3 months
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𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 Yandere Wild 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
"Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a wall. Not that I mind. I just wish that I could understand what goes on in your mind sometimes."
Wild staring unblinkingly at Reader.
Wild's thoughts: I have the best travel companion. They're so eretheral. It is like Hylia blessed me after a hundred years. It almost makes the entire thing worth it. I would fight Ganon for all of eternity just to see them smile. To feel them touch my wounds and scold me. To feel their skin against mine while we are laying underneath the stars. To see their smile. To see their blush. To save them. To see them sing, or dance, or cook. To just see them exist is enough for my heart to swell.
"Truly an enigmatic soldier. Few words spoken— only action."
Wild's thoughts: Goddesses, their voice is sweeter than any honey. I would kill for them. I would die for them. I would kidnap them if Ganon ever rose again. I would kidnap them in a heart beat. I could kidnap them...
"Hey, Wild. Dinner's ready. You better get some before Twlight runs off with the cauldron in his wolf form again."
Wild's thoughts: Dinner. Dinner? DINNER! MY FAVORITE! I want to slaughter their worst enemy and put their head on a stick for them. Truly, it wasn't Hylia, the Champions, the Chain, nor even Zelda who kept me safe and alive during this journey... it was you.
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bokettochild · 11 months
I just saw a post asking which Link would make the best villain and....
It's Time guys
Like, I love the man, but let's be real; he's a second from snapping and committing atrocities.
Twilight is so thoroughly traumatized by the vision the spirits gave him and Fi's judgement of him that he literally can't stand messing with magic that isn't actually his own or connected to him. And while, sure, he doesn't need magic to be a villain, let's be real, it'd take something magical to force him to turn his back on everything he's ever fought for.
Similarly, Wild fought and died for his kingdom, and his people. There is nothing and no one worse than what he's already seen that could possibly make him turn his back on it all and throw his work down the drain just to destroy everything he'd built himself.
Legend is the same. he's been doing this far too long to ditch now. Granted, he's a grump, but if you look at his games, you see he's a highly empathetic and caring person. Unlike the others, who were tasked with saving the world by a mentor or friend, or had to go and save a friend or family member, or who where sworn to duty; Legend was literally some kid who was asked by an utter stranger to help, and did. Six times. No way someone like that is going to go and destroy everything.
And Wind! Wind is a moral guy, with a good heart. he set out for personal reasons and saw in his journey that there were bigger fish to fry, and he fried them. He had no reason to take it on, no call of the goddess, no responsibility, no reason for him, a child, to go and save the world as well as his sister, but he did it anyway.
Sky and Warriors are simply too devout. Warriors to the kingdom and it's people; with everything he suffered for them, you can't tell me the man isn't dedicated to serving his country. And Sky is loyal to Sun, who is Hylia, so he literally would never go against her. And by the law of the Zelda universe, villains are those who go against Hylia and Hyrule.
Four is an iffy one. Most people might say "but Vio was a villain!" but let's be real; if you read the manga, you know Vio was bluffing all along. If Vio, part of Four, didn't bow even under Shadow's influence, and Vaati's, and Ganon's, then again; who and what would drive this man to become a villain? Granted, the persuing of dark magic to bring back his lost friend could be argued, but is more likely to lead to his corruption than his attempting to take over Hyrule and kill innocents.
Hyrule is tough, since we have very little to work off of in cannon, but come on, even if Hyrule did turn to evil, he wouldn't exactly be able to do much. Hyrule's already in ruins in his time, and the monsters wouldn't hear of working beside him. He'd have everyone against him, and even if he does hold the triforce in it's entirety and thus could do all sorts of horrible things, he has neither motivation nor reason to turn away to becoming a villain.
Time though......
Time has watched the world burn and all his efforts be turned around and lost. He has lost everything so many times, usually with no reward or reason. In the end, Time, though a good man, cares more for the individual than the country. He cares about his wife and his boys, and based off the scars, we can only guess what lengths he's already gone to in order to accomplish his goals.
Time, if faced with the right issue, has every risk of dropping from defender to threat. Hyrule be damned, this man cares for his wife, his kids, his home, and if you threaten that, no matter who you are, he will go after you. He's one second away from going after Hylia and all she has done to him and those around him. He detests the Blade of Evil's bane, the symbol of Hylia's blessing. He borders every moment on the precipice of taking power beyond mortals to fulfill his own wishes, even if it is to help those he loves.
Put Malon in danger, heck, one of the boys, and Time won't let something silly like morals stop him from doing whatever it takes to protect what little that is still his and hasn't already been taken from him. He will fight tooth and nail not to lose anything else, and he won't let even the goddesses stop him.l
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pocketseizure · 5 months
The Two Kings in Tears of the Kingdom
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Tears of the Kingdom unearths the roots of Calamity Ganon in an ancient conflict between Rauru, the first king of Hyrule, and Ganondorf, a rival king who attempted to usurp him. In many ways, Rauru is characterized as a good king. He is noble, kind, and self-sacrificing, and he acts for the long-term benefit of the various groups of people living in Hyrule. In contrast to Rauru, the antagonist Ganondorf is an evil king who started a war because of his pride, ego, and greed.
Rauru and Ganondorf represent different styles of authority, both of which are grounded in Japanese fantasies of cultural identity. I’d argue that, in the end, neither king is fit to rule present-day Hyrule, which is why it’s appropriate that the game ends without any call to rebuild Hyrule Castle or the centralized government it symbolizes.
Rauru represents a golden age in Japanese culture when many arts now seen as “traditional” originated. This golden age is closely tied to Nintendo’s home city of Kyoto, which is associated with the culture of the imperial court before it moved to Tokyo in 1868. Because Tears of the Kingdom is a fantasy, the visual metaphors of Rauru’s character design are mixed, but his connection to a bygone golden age is tied to two symbols: the magatama jewels referred to as “secret stones,” and the kare-sansui dry landscape gardens of the Shrines of Light and the Temple of Time.   
The “secret stones” that Rauru gives to the six sages have the distinctive comma shape of a magatama jewel, one of the three sacred symbols of Shinto. These three symbols are as follows: a mirror represents clarity of heart, a sword represents the power to protect the weak, and a jewel represents the materiality of divine blessings. These three objects also serve as the regalia of the Japanese emperor, whose role was historically to perform ritual prayers and thereby serve as a symbolic bridge between the world of humans and the world of gods.
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There is nothing sacrosanct about magatama jewels; at various street fairs and tourist areas throughout Japan, you can buy inexpensive polished quartz and jade magatama to attach to phone charms or friendship bracelets. As a result of its relative ubiquity, this particular shape of gem has both a historical and a pop culture association with being a magical stone bestowed by the gods on special and worthy individuals such as, most famously, the first Japanese emperor.
Along with his magatama “secret stones,” Rauru is associated with kare-sansui dry landscape gardens of the old imperial capital. Note, for instance, the front courtyard of the Temple of Time that Link visits at the beginning of the game:
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The visual motif of raked white gravel punctuated by standing rocks also appears in various permutations within the Shrines of Light established by Rauru and Sonia. To give an example, this is what the player will see if they circle back behind the entrance of the “Rauru’s Blessing” shrines:
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This style of dry landscape garden is frequently referred to as a “Zen garden” because of its association with large Buddhist temples in and around Kyoto. The most famous example of this style can be found at Ryōanji, in northwest Kyoto:
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The philosophy of these gardens meshes well with the philosophy behind the Zelda series, which Shigeru Miyamoto has described as his attempt to create a tsuboniwa miniature garden for the player to explore. In the same way, dry landscape gardens represent a larger landscape portrayed on a much smaller scale. The rocks in the gravel are meant to represent islands on the ocean, or perhaps mountaintops rising above the clouds. Another common interpretation of these gardens – and one especially pertinent to Tears of the Kingdom – is that the rocks are the dorsal spines of a dragon swimming through the sky.   
Although dry landscape gardens have strong ties to Buddhist thought, they were primarily created by wealthy lords residing in Kyoto during the fifteenth century. This was a politically unstable era, and these lords needed to make a show of their wealth and cultural legitimacy. Unlike in China, where Chan Buddhism was largely anti-establishment, Zen Buddhism was the domain of the wealthy educated elite in Japan. Many of the rocks used in Zen-style gardens were imported from China and Korea at great expense, and lords competed to secure the services of celebrity landscape designers. Even today, the late medieval culture represented by dry landscape gardens is associated with the prestige of Japan’s former imperial capital of Kyoto.
Rauru is therefore associated with nobility and a certain air of sophistication. In the original Japanese script, he is unflaggingly polite and addresses everyone – Zelda, Ganondorf, and Link alike – with the sort of “clean” language associated with people of high social standing. To put it simply, Rauru is a perfect gentleman. He is the personification of the aristocratic virtues of the “traditional Japan” of the late fifteenth century, during which the wealthy filled the capital city with gardens while countless wars ravaged the countryside.    
In contrast, Ganondorf is a personification of the warrior culture of eastern Japan, especially as it was exemplified by the warlords who competed for territory outside the capital before the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate at the beginning of the seventeenth century.
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Oda Nobunaga was the most notorious of these warlords. He was infamous for being aggressive but effective, and his military prowess and ruthless tactics have been memorialized in a wealth of stories whose lineage stretches to the video games of the present day. I believe that Nobunaga (or, at least, a commonly fictionalized version of him) served as a model for Ganondorf, who seeks to take advantage of the instability of the newly established kingdom of Hyrule in order to expand his own territory.
Like Rauru, Ganondorf’s character design contains mixed visual metaphors, but I think it’s fair to say that his topknot and costume are meant to evoke a samurai who has thrown off the kimono sleeve covering his sword arm as an indication of his readiness for battle. This is a style still worn by practitioners of Japanese fencing and archery, which are common extracurricular activities in many high schools. Appropriately, Ganondorf fights with a tachi katana, a naginata spear, and the body-length longbow used in kyūdō archery – all weapons associated with the martial arts of Japan’s medieval military elite.
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As if to cement his connection to Nobunaga, Ganondorf speaks in period-drama “samurai Japanese” that demonstrates neither the elegance nor the poetry of his incarnations in previous games. He seems to lack both regret and awareness of the consequences of his actions, and he is concerned primarily with hierarchy, conquest, and the thrill of battle.  
As was arguably the case for Nobunaga himself, there is no endgame for Ganondorf, only scorched earth. Ganondorf has absolute faith in his own power, and he views other people only as subordinates or enemies. According to his value system, there is no merit in compromise; he simply takes it for granted that he will win.
It makes sense that the aggressively bloodthirsty Ganondorf is a villain, but it’s important to understand that Rauru is not a hero. With all his magic and culture and imperial splendor, Rauru failed to understand that the system of power he created could easily be turned against him. A nation politically defined by a central authority whose rule is justified through military conquest and the cultural chauvinism of “ancient tradition” is not sustainable, and the legacy of such a kingdom can only be tears.
This is why Hyrule Castle remains in ruins at the end of Tears of the Kingdom, and this is why the game’s central hub is a research station populated with people from all over the world. This is why Zelda doesn’t attempt to re-establish Hyrule as a kingdom, and this is why it’s so important to her to understand the reality behind the myth of the nation’s history. This is also why the grand mythology of Hyrule’s origin is far less important to the player’s experience of the game than individual acts of community building. The highlights of Tears of the Kingdom are Link’s work in facilitating a local election in Hateno, helping Lurelin recover from a disaster, and volunteering in towns facing environmental issues such as water pollution and climate change.
Both Rauru and Ganondorf are compelling in their own ways, but it’s thematically satisfying that both characters are gone at the end of the game. When Zelda meets with the regional leaders of Hyrule during the closing cutscene, they promise each other that they will work together to ensure a lasting peace that neither of the two kings made possible. The legacy of the past still affects Hyrule, but Tears of the Kingdom suggests that it’s the duty of the younger generation to understand where this legacy came from in order to avoid the mistakes of their ancestors and move forward in a more hopeful direction.
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Midnight Impulses [Chain + Healer!Reader]
Keeping your abilities hidden is difficult when the object of your attention is so close.
It keeps growing. Will the trash heap never end?
TW: None.
Disclaimer: Don't own The Legend of Zelda franchise. Linked Universe is the fan creation of jojo56830.
You stare up at the night sky with a pinched expression, something ominously similar to a pout pulling at your lips. The blankets are pulled up to your nose, and above the soft rim your eyes glare squinty-eyed at the man laying beside you.
In the light of the pit fire, you can see the way his shoulders and back are tense with pain and fitful sleep. The shine of his hair taunts you where it highlights the delicate curve of his ear, the soft pink of a bang an elegant curve contrasting the harsh shadows of the fire light.
His bare skin. If only you could touch his skin without waking him, even just the tips of your fingers. But he's always been cagey, especially when he's in so much pain. He'd snap awake before you could even pull your hand from your covers, and then he'd be awake and suspicious all night. Just like every night before.
Your fingers grip into the inside of your bedroll, jaw clenching, resisting the temptation to rush him while he's vulnerable and force your healing magic into his aching joints and creaking, burning bones.
It wouldn't take long. If you could get your whole hand onto his face or maybe an arm, the deed could be done in less than a minute. He'd struggle, yes, but his gauntlets are off and you could keep him pinned for a few precious seconds after he manages to escape the confines of his covers.
Just one minute of struggle, and it'll be done. Sure, he'll hate you more than ever and will most certainly never trust you again. But his arthritis and damaged body (so damaged, laden with so many old, untreated wounds it makes your heart ache) will be gone.
He'll be free of them all. The pain, the weakness, the insecurities and the memories. He'll finally be able to put all those hurts behind him and just live, free of the burdens his path forced upon him. Free to look forward to a future not overshadowed by the slow, inevitable breaking of his body.
Free of a future that sees him stripped of mobility and restful night by the time he's 30. If he even lives that long, damaged as he's been by the cruel hand of destiny.
It would be worth it. Just one moment of struggle. One final twist and ache of his bones as he fights against your hands and arms and full body grip, and then he'll be released from the bondage of everlasting degeneration. The agony of a body sacrified for the greater good.
Just one-
No. The thought is irrational and unfair to the man in question. It would also reveal your hand to the Chain, and you had no intention of putting yourself in that situation.
You'd learned your lesson. Even the kindest and most honorable of men can be brought low by the promise of life. The guarantee of no more brothers lost to the slow hand of time, and the knowledge that tomorrow will find you and all you love there to greet it.
Life is so precious. Who wouldn't be tempted to keep it forever by your side.
You envied Hyrule. For his strength and his cunning. For no shackles shall ever find his wrists, no tether will ever bind his arms and legs. No force on this plain of existence will ever break his spirit.
You are nothing like him. Not a hero. Not a fairy borne. Not a beloved brother of the many powerful men who came before him.
You are just yourself. Someone who got unlucky with their blessings.
You envied him, for your healing is nothing like his. It is slow and bone deep, poorly suited to the riggers of field wounds but inevitable in its power nonetheless.
In this world of fairies and potions and the blessing of Goddesses, the hand of death will not come in the blaze of battle. No. It will creep slow and steady into the very marrow of your bones. It will start with aches so deep no fairy light can reach them, with a cough so thin no potion can grasp it.
For many, death will not be by the sword, but by the bone deep memory of what it left behind.
If you could still the hand of fate, wouldn't you? Wouldn't they, whom fate has chosen so readily? Even if it cost just a sliver of thier humanity?
You never intended to find out if these men had it in them to pay that price. No need to tempt fate. Not with men like these, who live and die by such sacrifices.
The ear twitches in his sleep and so do your fingers, the shine of his ruffled hair like a siren's call to your eyes.
You suck in a sharp breath. The temptation flaring once more within you, pushing you forward like strong wind at your back. Calling you like the promise of cool water under the desert sun. Like the shelter of home as a thundering storm shakes the land.
It twitches again. The shine of hair.
"He's messing with them again." Twilight grumbled, arms crossed as he levels his most unimpressed stare at the Vet's back.
Time chuckled, stretching along the log at his back and savoring the smooth roll of muscles and bones unhindered by pain or aches. He couldn't wait to bring you home to Malon and let you work your magic. His beloved wife had even planned out their sleeping arrangements to encourage your helpful nature.
"If Legend wants to drag this out, let him be. He's the only one suffering from it." He smiled then, more of a grin than anything. "And it's cute." The older man admitted impishly, leaning fully back against the log he'd been stretching over in a boneless sprawl.
Twilight wanted to say something back, but honestly couldn't deny any of it. Especially not when Legend rolled over and let his hand fall just inches from your bedroll. And your eyes widened and then narrowed, your mouth twisting into an obvious pout. How you whipped your back to him with a growl, hiding your face in the covers. Only to peek over your shoulder moments later to glare at the motionless hand with a single, leering eye.
Not when Warriors was hiding his face in Wind's sea-salt hair, trying to cover his amused grin and single cracked eye. Not with Wind's shoulders shaking with mirth, just barely hidden beneath Warrior's greater size.
Not with Hyrule smothering his laughter with both hands, back turned purposely to you so you wouldn't see. Not with Sky out like a light, breathing free and soft and unrestrained for the first time since they'd been forced onto this quest.
And not when Time looks so relaxed, spine arched freely like a man who'd not known the burden of the world pressing down on his shoulders. The effortless roll of his muscles a stark contrast to the painful twists of naught a week before.
"Fine." He eventually conceded, narrowing his eyes. "But if this keeps up for more than a week, game's over. They've not slept well in the last 3 days."
Time nodded, eye closing as he began to drift into a light, mediative doze. "Of course. We wouldn't want our shyest member to lose too much sleep over our brother's aches, now would we."
The heavily ringed finger twitched when you rolled back over to face Legend's back and began hesitantly reaching for it. You squawked at the unexpected movement and jerked back, hands flying to your mouth when you realized what you'd done.
Legend opened his eyes then, feigning sleepiness as he snapped. "What are you looking at, hah?"
You glared back. "Nothing!" Before turning your back to him once more and crossing your arms with an even deeper pout. Hunkering down in your covers.
Vet huffed, though an amused grin stole across his face the moment you looked away. "Weirdo." He snapped in a falsly waspish tone, his grin growing when you growled lowly under you breath.
Twilight looked at Time again. Frowning.
"Tomorrow. I'll talk to him." Time hummed in assurance, though he didn't bother to open his eye.
Twilight sighed again, and Time chuckled.
Near the fire, the shifting of covers, the reveal of a bare neck and another quiet gasp. The smothered giggles of Hyrule laying closest to them. The whisper of Warrior's trying to keep Wind from blowing their cover. Four returning from his watch, multi-colored eyes already rolling skyward with exasperation at the now very familiar sight.
'Yeah.' Twilight thought. 'You and me both.'
Return to the shadows.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 8 months
Yan!Chain Headcannons
Wild and Warriors
part 1
part 2
Tw: Yandarism and it’s accessories, violence, obsession, manipulation, unhealthy power dynamics (?)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
It took him a while to fully trust you. Well, he recognised that he trusted long before he realised just how much of himself he wanted you to know. It took him longer to remember just how important you were on his journey, how you stuck by his side through rainy days and sunny skies. He knew you wouldn’t mind the blood on his hands.
He suppressed the memory of your guidance after you left, not wanting to admit that he’d lost another friend on his assignment of saving Hyrule. Perhaps it was his guilt that did it, blotting out your face and forgetting your warmth on his skin. Or perhaps it was others, like Impa and Zelda, neither of which saw you. Neither of which believed him, even as he wracked with sobs at the loss of you.
Main love languages are physical touch and acts of service. He will stick to your side as Hyrule burns now he has you back. Especially since they neglected to realise your importance, your utter divinity. How gracious you were to forgive them. But he was taught to be ruthless. And the wilds only coaxed it out of him farther. He’d never leave your side, doing whatever it was you asked. Cook food? He is the chef afterall. Fetch something? You shouldn’t need to tire yourself on something he could do for you. Protect you? What he was trained to do, and you’re far more worthy of his attention. Kill a man? His only question is how you’d like it done. Anything for his angel. Anything.
He loves being close to you. Having you there. Sure, he loves being wrapped around you, keeping you safe from the cruel world. But there’s something about having you hold him as if he’s precious that just makes him swoon. He’s at your beck and call already, but he dreams of having your hands in his hair and being between your legs arms.
He is a downright fool. Just in general, but especially for you. Anything you want done and he’s already running to do it, even if there’s no plan in his mind. Lord forbid you’re ever harmed or taken though. Don’t get me wrong, the others are just as seething and prepared to scorch the earth until you are returned, but Wild won’t wait. No. He’ll slaughter armies. If he could take on all of the champions and hold his own, he can take them all. Especially if it’s in your name, or for your hand.
Or, Better yet, it’s one of the few times he does plan. He’s so eerily still and quiet as he mulls over every detail of how to save you, how to avenge you. That’s the Wild the world needs to worry about. Sure, the feral one is scary. But when he’s pissed and planning? Terrifying.
Would probably ask to marry you. He already has a house, title, land and favour of the crown, all he needs is a wife and kids. And he knows there’s no one else that could fill that role. You protect him, even when it’s not your job. You make him happier than anything. You calm him from his night terrors and patiently wait for him to stop clawing at his scars. You bandage his wounds, you help him cook, you bless him to stand at your side. He couldn’t live without you. Please don’t leave again.
He wouldn’t necessarily kidnap you. But don’t be surprised if a portal drags you back to his universe after everything is said and done.
Preferred nicknames for you: (my) Love, Dear(est), my flower, honey
Bonus: Feral. He is absolutely and utterly feral. Not to your face, no, he’s the goofy champion you knew him to be. But to the men who look at you as if you were an object, to the women that glared at you as if you were filth, he was unhinged.
He’s chivalrous, albeit a little bit of a flirt when you first met. Sure, he’s a little more hesitant, given how familiar you are and how his heart fluttered, but he’s just as much as a flirt as we all agree he is. That is, until he remembered you. Then he can’t even bring himself to utter your name without his face turning red.
Man is whipped.
Utterly done for.
He usually didn’t miss the loud boasting of his old comrades. The knights were not usually the type of comfort he seemed out, despite their familiarity. But now, he wished he had their advice. He’d finally found a person to faun over and yet he’s stumbling over his own words.
His feelings derail into obsession after seeing you so easily speaking with the others. How he wished he could have you at his side and his side only. But he kept his ambitions to himself, playing lovesick fool to the others so they wouldn’t expect his knife.
He’d consider dealing with the others. Weather or not he goes through with it varies on a lot of things, but the thought has passed through his mind.
He doesn’t have a love language that he expresses, more just finding whatever makes you the most flustered and sticking to that. Praises and flattery? He’ll write ballads, poems, letters, whatever it is you wish. He’d hold you for hours if it what made you happy, having an arm always strewn around your soulders or waist. He’d do whatever it is you wanted to do, keeping you save and enjoying the happiness you excerpted.
He, however, absolutely adores quality time with you. It doesn’t need to be much, or anything at all. Just so long as you’re near and content with him, he’s head over heels.
Another one to court you traditionally. Flowers, love letters, fancy dates, fancier gifts, whatever your heart desired of him. He does this because it’s the only way of romance he’s familiar with, courtesy of the novels he’s read, but also to silently show off to the others that you’re his. Not something that’s shared. If you shatter a vase and share the peices, it’s just a shard. Not a vase. He doesn’t want just a fraction of your love, a shard of your heart. He wants all of it.
He’d kidnap you. 100%. He’d flaunt off his new spouse too, so everyone knows who to return them to if ever you ran away. You’d be safe, albeit not the normal definition of free. You have everything you desire. But he’d definitely play white knight, putting you through danger to save you from it. Just to remind you how much safer it his to be with him.
Favourite nicknames for you: My love, My dear, Dearest, Darling, My heart, My soul, Maybe just Mine on occasion.
Bonus: He kissed your hand when he met you. Got on one knee and everything.
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sapphicseasapphire · 8 months
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It is said that hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Goddess Hylia lost her battle against an unrelenting evil.
Okay, well, lost isn’t exactly the right word, but she definitely didn’t win- just bought herself some time. After a battle that devastated the Surface, Hylia failed to kill the Demon King but managed to seal him away. And while peace befell her sacred land, she knew it would not last. It would take thousands of years for that seal to fail- an eternity for the inhabitants of her realm, but a blink of an eye for a Goddess such as herself.
If she couldn’t kill Demise this time around, the chances of her besting him they next time they clashed were slim to none.
Gods can’t kill Gods.
Hylia knew that in order to finish the battle once and for all, she would have to utilize the great power of the Triforce. The artifact, created by her sisters, was never meant to be wielded by deities, lest its ultimate power overwhelm them. No, only mortals- mortals with a worthy spirit- can hone its power into a single wish.
If Hylia had any hope of slaying the Demon King once and for all, she’d have to sacrifice her divinity and become one of the very mortals she was tasked with protecting.
With so little time to prepare, she hid the Triforce away inside of a temple and gathered all of her people inside. She tasked them with protecting the sacred power, keeping it safe until the time came that she would use it. And then, to ensure the safety of her little Hylians and the Triforce alike, she mustered her strength for the last time and sent her temple and the surrounding earth into the sky. They’d be far out of reach of the demons and monsters below, up above the clouds where the sun would shine on their faces and the wind would ruffle their hair. They’d never have to fear again- the only threat would be falling from such a height.
But Hylia had a plan for that, as well. She split her Hylians’ souls into halves, blessing them with a permanent protector in the shape of a godly bird. These birds, bonded forever to her people, would shield them from evil and prevent them from falling from the island of floating rocks. These birds would eventually become known as Loftwings, sacred gifts from the Goddess.
Still, Hylia was not finished. For a battle against the Demon King would be ugly and devastating- Demise did not fight fair- and the Goddess had to be prepared for every counter he could make. Firstly, she covered the sky with a barrier of clouds to hide away her precious Hylians and the sacred power. She focused her power into three wellsprings so when she is reborn, all she would have to do is meditate in the clear water to regain her memories and awaken the Goddess within. She spent weeks creating a soul for her mortal vessel. She called her Zelda.
And then, Hylia created a failsafe of sorts. A plan B, in case something went wrong that Hylia herself could not fix. Alongside the soul of Zelda, she went to work creating another. One with a strong enough spirit that, with tempering, would be able to wield the full Triforce. One who she could rely on of it all went wrong.
She called him Link.
Lastly, Hylia crafted a sword with the power to defeat such an evil as Demise. The spirit inside was blessed with infinite knowledge and, once tempered, would be an asset to her Chosen. After laying the sword to rest in the heart of a statue of herself, Hylia faded. Having done all of the preparation, all that she could do now was wait.
. . .
Thousands of years later, on a peaceful island in the sky, two special souls were born. Each of them split in two, just like the others, one half creating a Hylian and the other half creating a Loftwing. They grew together, just as Hylia intended.
Link, her Chosen Hero, was oddly soft. He was kind and gentle and a little bit of a pushover. The kid spend long hours of the day either dozing or flying with his Loftwing, he was bullied and didn’t stand up for himself, he rarely spoke at all.
It would take a lot of work to make him the Hero that Hylia required.
Zelda, on the other hand, was perfect. Hylia’s spirit rested within, but no one was the wiser. She was a strong personality, bossy but kind. Her smile could light up a whole room. She was confident and empathetic: where Link lacked the capacity to stand up for himself, Zelda always spoke out. When Link slept in, Zelda woke him in time for class. When Link was lost in his thoughts, mindlessly soaring through the air, Zelda always reminded him to come home before the sun set.
Truly, the Hero came to depend on Zelda. And she loved him.
And then she was stolen away.
All was not going as planned. Immediately after Zelda was stolen from her perch above the clouds, the failsafe was activated and the spirit of the Goddess Sword awoke. Link, wielding the blade, fearlessly dove through the parted clouds in search of his dear Zelda.
Anyone would be shocked by the transformation of the child. While he remained kind and thoughtful, he hardened during his divine quest. His skill with the blade grew exponentially, his body and his mind strengthened, and he had the courage to do whatever was asked of him.
But still, as Zelda worked to recover her memories of Hylia, Link was not yet ready to fight in her stead.
In order to reach his dearest friend, he had to temper his sword along with his spirit. He did this by completing the Silent Realm trails put in place by the Golden Three. Farore’s honed his courage, Nayru’s strengthened his wisdom, and Din’s tested his power.
He completed them without complaint, desperate to see his Zelda again.
He had no idea how short their reunion would be.
Zelda, his best friend, the love of his life, the person who he risked everything for, had revealed their roles in the Gods’ divine game. That she was none other than Hylia herself. And that… that she had used him.
And still, it wasn’t over. He could not yet wield the Triforce.
There was one more Silent Realm that he had to complete: Hylia’s own. The Goddess’s Silent Realm was the hardest of all of them. Not because of its technical difficulty, but because it took Link’s home- his safe space- and warped it. Turned it against him. This Silent Realm’s purpose was not to test his virtues, but to forge the Hero’s Spirit. To make him into something more, more powerful, more courageous, more wise. It would take all the work he’d done thus far and make change his spirit permenantly.
It took him ages to complete Hylia’s final trail.
And when he did, it wasn’t just his spirit that was changed.
You see, one cannot strengthen their spirit when their soul is split in half. In order to become Hylia’s perfect weapon, Link’s soul had fused back together. He emerged from the trail with a new body, a new mind, a new him. The most notable change was the massive crimson wings sprouting from his upper back. The curled tail and fan of red feathers at his lower back. The red spots on his cheeks.
But much had changed under the surface as well. He was no longer Link. And he wasn’t Aepon either. He has all of their memories, all of their thoughts, all of them, but he was someone entirely new. He was himself, and he felt complete in a way he never had before.
As Link and as Aepon, he always felt a hollowness that he could not explain. In fact, he didn’t even realize he felt it until it was gone. After his fusion, he feels whole. There’s a fullness in his chest, a peace in his mind, that were not there before.
He was not Link. He was not Aepon.
He decided to call himself Sky.
He finished his divine quest, he made it through Sky Keep and wished upon the Triforce. He rushed to the Sealed Temple to hold Zelda when she woke. He defeated Ghirahim and his monsters and the God of Evil and Hatred when Hylia’s plan went awry.
He had finally done it; he had become Hylia’s Chosen Hero. He’s just… a little different now.
. . .
Some notes!
• When Sky is first formed, he’s so clumsy. Link had never had wings before and Aepon’s never had a human body before. So maneuvering around his very difficult. Those wings are heavy! His balance is off for days.
• Everything that Link learned, Sky knows. He’s an excellent swordsman, a musician, and an artist. He’s just as welcoming and humble and soft as Link used to be. Everything that Aepon learned, Sky knows. He grew wings and instantly already knew out to fly, he can speak to birds (when I say he can speak to birds, I mean this man chirps), and he can do those cool spiral attacks in the air. He’s just as proud and loving and fierce as Aepon used to be.
• He is NOT like Four. While he is two separate parts made whole, there are no Link thoughts. No Aepon thoughts. Just Sky thoughts. It’s very confusing in his head, trying to sort through two separate memories of the same moment, but Sky tries to focus more on the present than the past.
• Kind of bouncing off of that last one, Sky doesn’t know how to talk about himself before his fusion. He often has a hard time differentiating between the two perspectives as he tells stories, which makes things confusing for everyone. So he just… doesn’t.
• There is definitely some grief in k owing you’ve changed so much that you’re unrecognizable. The part of him that remembers being Link misses the feeling of hugging his Loftwing or- oh I don’t know- FITTING THROUGH DOORS. The part that remembers being Aepon misses the weight of his Hylian on his back, misses the freedom of the open air. Sky harbors these feelings but doesn’t quite know how to express them.
• Those first few days after his quest are all about self discovery. It makes Sky VERY uncomfortable to be called ‘Link,’ and his friends do that quite often by accident. And while Sky is trying to figure out who he is, they’re all mourning the loss of their friend.
• SO SOFT!!! He’s a hugger and his wings are SO WARM. He’s so kind and gentle but also literally killed a God so don’t cross him. (My favorite character traits)
• He can’t fit into shirts anymore- no way he’s fitting anything over his shoulders- and his Sailcloth is rendered useless now that he has wings. But he can’t bear to not use it anymore, so he wraps it around his chest to cover himself. Zelda helps him the first few times as he’s still learning coordination of his wings.
• Flying is SO important to him. I cannot stress this enough. He spends like half the day in the air.
• Shoes are a big no. It’s a huge sensory issue for his bird brain. But that’s okay because in theory, his feet barely touch the ground.
• He’s my favorite!! I have so much more to say about him but this is long enough so I’ll shut up for now! But there will definitely be more!
Original Character Sheets!
Wild’s Origin!
Time’s Origin!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
Zelda held Sonia as she slept.
The light of the full moon cascaded brightly into the nursery, allowing her some time in silence to just be with her daughter. She really needed to sleep – a delegation was coming in the morning, and she had to study everything about their region before their arrival – but she just… she needed this.
How was it, she wondered, that the love of a baby was the only comfort she had? Why did she even have to think of such a thing? How was it that she could do everything in her power, everything right, sacrifice everything, and it seemed to be all for naught?
She’d told herself when she’d first gotten married that her comfort, her joy would be from her people. Her pregnancy had been frightening and beautiful, uncomfortable and a blessing. Lady Impa, for all of her desire to support the queen, had not been the most helpful as she had never been pregnant, leaving Zelda to try and figure out what she could on her own. The kingdom was still so raw, so damaged from the war, and she’d had to handle that while fighting her own body and growing a child.
Now that the child was here, things should be better, right?
The people of Hyrule were much happier now, it seemed, and hope was returning to the land with the birth of a daughter. But the emptiness of the castle had started to become downright unbearable. Zelda rarely saw her husband, but when she did, she’d noticed his mood steadily declining.
How could she have helped all her subjects, but failed someone who was vastly important to her?
They used to be friends. They used to be friends.
And the nobles! People who were supposed to take care of those under their protection and care scrambled for power, hungry and selfish and stupid! Zelda felt a familiar helplessness, and it made her angry and cry, it made her feel like a child princess who had no power and was held hostage in stone walls. How was it that she could get it right but nobody else could? Yet how was it that she could get it so wrong too? Why wasn’t anyone else trying as hard as she was?! Why wasn’t anyone else trying at all?!
Zelda held her daughter closer. She recalled the accusatory words of her father, the insults that she knew so little of the world. Perhaps he had been right.
But Hyrule was healing… at least according to Impa. Goddesses, she wanted to see it. She needed to. She’d given her body, soul, mind, and heart to this land. Despite her best efforts to remain resolute, she was beginning to falter.
She figured she knew why.
“Do you want to see her?” she’d asked her husband. It had seemed a reasonable request – wouldn’t a father want to see his child? Link had not visited Zelda or Sonia since she’d given birth, and it had hurt.
But Link had just watched her. Something had changed in his face, something she hadn’t been able to read—pain? Sympathy? Fear? Anguish?—and he’d coldly said no before leaving.
Lady Impa had comforted her as she cried. But it wasn’t… it…
Link was ill. That was all Zelda knew now. After that night, he’d been out of her sight, and Lady Impa had sent word that he was sick. She hadn’t seen the Sheikah chief since then, either, and that was three days ago.
Zelda had been hated before. Her father had spat words that were so foul she tried not to even think about them. Nobles didn’t trust her when she’d first ascended to power, and she’d been trying to get the people on her side since becoming queen. The public had grown to love her since then, but…
She’d lost her friend. Link had been among the few who had kept her company during her imprisonment in her youth. And now he hated her.
He had to, right? He’d accepted her proposal, had said his vows, had knelt before her, had helped create a child. Surely he could see the results as she could? How could she make him happy too? Why did she have to feel so alone? Why couldn’t Link just understand that this was what was best, why couldn’t he just support her?!
She didn’t know. She didn’t know what to do. She missed Impa. She wanted to talk to her. Now that it had been three days, she realized that woman had been her only confidante since the war’s end.
So she stood here and rocked her baby instead. Because no matter what, Sonia needed her and wanted her and loved her.
How could she be a good mother to her daughter? She barely remembered her own mother. She spent as much time as she could with Sonia, but the servants tended to her throughout most of the day. Zelda had been told to take a few days to recover after the birth, and she’d spent more time with her daughter then, but that had been two weeks ago.
Everything had seemed so much brighter before. But now it all seemed futile.
Was it worth it?
She didn’t know anymore.
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killuaisaprincess · 2 years
Silent Princess
No. The taste of acid burns in his throat, bitter. His stomach sits so upset, he almost throws up, forced to keep a calm, royal demeanor. No. No. It’s not fair. It’s… tears sting burning his eyes as he blinks them away.
He just wants to help…
“Killua. Enough!”
His father never used that tone on him. He was often cold and harsh, but…
He can’t help but flinch in retaliation. Digging his nails into the royal blue sleeves of his gown.
“This can help!”
This technology! He knows it can! It’s so much better than dumb magical powers. A bitter thought.
“You cannot keep shirking your responsibilities! You are the only one who can seal Meruem!“
Shirking? Him? He knows more than anyone…! What he has to do…! The frustration builds in his chest, the tears that well up in his eyes. The uselessness he feels everyday! So he wants to do something to help! He enjoys studying. He’s trying! No one sees it! He tries! He prays and prays! He does anything he can, reading up, attempting, and attempting!
It all fails! Every attempt is like a dagger in his heart.
“I forbid you from studying those machines any longer until you awaken your power, understand?”
Those words draw the air right from his lungs as he looks up into his father’s cold eyes, his frame trembling.
That sword… plunges into his heart more than anything. His frame is taut, breathing panicked, and caught in his throat.
That calm voice is the only thing that can ever anchor him. Press down his anxieties and make him feel better for just a moment.
Killua looks up into those crimson eyes and feels a sense of relief. Kurapika is like a big brother to him. He’s strong, cool-headed, and amazing. Everything he wants to be.
What’s the point of this useless power if he can’t use it?!
“Pika… it’s… it’s not working! I keep trying! Why am I so useless…? Why won’t it awaken for me?!”
Is he that terrible? Why? Why? Why?
When he stands there. His destiny accepting him with open arms so easily…
And here he is… useless!
“Give it time, little bird; everyone learns at their own pace.”
Kurapika doesn’t smile often, but when he does, it eases the trembling in his shoulders a little, as the Kurta places a hand on his shoulder.
Right. Time.
Prickle. Prickle. The feeling runs against his skin. Bitter. Bitter.
He hates him.
Killua hates him. He hates him. Why…? Why is it the gods will ignore him… when he’s tried! And tried… there are still black circles under his eyes, as his skin burns in fury, and sadness and despair threatens to drown him. His personal knight? No! No, he doesn’t want this idiot to be his personal knight!
What? He can just pick up the legendary sword like it’s no problem! Like it’s easy?! And everyone praises him and looks at him with smiles…
And he…
His father…
The whole world…
Bitter. Bitter. Prickle. Prickle.
He has to keep calm when knighting the knight.
When the knight takes his hand kneeling, he stiffens and flinches unwittingly, sucking in a breath.
The knight looks up with these bright amber eyes filled with so much life, and a pure shock of anger and pain runs down his spine as he swallows.
“It’s an honor, your highness. To protect you.”
Smiling at him like that… Killua catches a glimpse of the hilt of that sword, and it makes his head spin.
“Yes. It is a pleasure.”
He speaks as coldly as his father speaks to him.
“Stop following me!”
Brat. Selfish. He knows what they all think. Useless. Failure. Heir to a throne of nothing. Failure. Failure.
So what if he’s a brat?!
They don’t know…!
He’s prayed everyday his whole life!
“But, your highness!”
He doesn’t get this idiot; how can he still follow him! When Killua has been nothing but cold to him everyday.
Maybe he’s hoping… if he’s cold enough, the knight will leave him alone, and he won’t have to see that sword on his back that reminds him of all his failures!
Gon. He’s so full of light, and love, and energy, and-
Killua can’t stand it!
He huffs, stomping off, past Gon.
“I do not care what my father orders! Leave me alone!”
He just wants to study in peace!
“But, your highness!”
He can’t take this anymore! Another failure! Another look of disappointment from everyone he knows!
He whirls around, anger flashing in his deep blue eyes, the edge of his boot catching on a rock. The pain that runs through his legs and behind are nothing compared to the shame that pools in his chest and spreads across his cheeks.
Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
Gon stares at him dumbfounded before jolting out of it, rushing over, and leaning next to him.
“Your highness? Are you alright?”
He sounds so genuinely concerned that Killua doesn’t know what to feel. A few tears land on his cheeks, and he doesn’t even try to brush them away, letting light wisps of his hair fall into his eyes.
A broken-hearted sob leaves his lips.
He can hear Gon audibly gasp, but he doesn’t care anymore. There is no more shame he can hold. He’s a useless heir with no foreseeable future because he can’t awaken it…
“Your highness-!”
He feels the rough warmth of Gon’s hand grab his own, and Killua tears it away, sniffling and looking toward the ground.
“Leave me alone.”
He was always envious of Gon. He thought he didn’t face any hardships at all.
He was wrong.
He wants to do something for Gon to apologize. More than just the words.
Killua doesn’t know why… when he thinks about him now… his heart won’t stop pounding…
Maybe he’ll make him something.
Gon was always hungry, always scarfing something down with Ikalgo…
His legs burn. Sweat clings everywhere, making the fibers of his blouse stick to his skin as he runs. His feet ache, and his lungs hurt too much. He can’t get another gasp of air in.
The fear is palpating.
He’s an idiot! He knew this was the territory of the Chimera, still he!
He just wants to be of use!
But now…
“Leave me alone!”
He had already told Gon…
What point would Gon have now…
He’s just been cold and harsh to him…
There’s an opening, and he keeps running even when his legs feel like collapsing. Killua skids to a stop, a harsh gasp leaving his lips as more of the Chimera circle around.
He falls backward, the world around him spinning, his heartbeat roaring in his ears.
No. He’s- he’s going to die.
Before he can even-
One of them steps forward, snickering, and he scoots back, his breathing irregular and panicked.
It swings.
Killua closes his eyes, waiting for the inevitable, bringing his arms up to shield his face.
It doesn’t come. No agonizing pain to end his failure of an existence.
“Your highness!”
Killua opens his eyes slowly, lowering his arms just slightly so they rest at his chest, curled up there, trying to protect himself.
Why- why is Gon here… when…?
He looks up toward Gon, a gasp caught in his throat.
Killua doesn’t think he’s ever seen Gon look so serious, determined…
He doesn’t know why, the usual feeling in his stomach that makes him feel sick, annoyed, and agitated. It still feels weird; his chest feels all funny too. But differently. That blade should just make him…
Make him feel such envy…
But he’s just dumbfounded, staring at Gon, watching him slice up the remainder of the Chimera with ease.
“Your highness!”
Gon sheathes his sword, running toward him, worry spilling over in those warm eyes of his as he leans over.
“Are you alright…?”
He pants and Killua looks away, his ears and cheeks burning.
Gon takes his hand so gently that it makes his heart race.
Gon grabs his shoulder, and Killua can’t help but lean in close.
“I am fine.”
He tries to be polite and use the correct etiquette, but it all seems to fall apart when he looks into Gon’s eyes.
Prickle. Prickle.
“Are you hurt?”
“I-I’m sorry.”
For everything.
“Gon, stop! You’re going to die!”
Killua already lost everyone else! Please don’t!
Don’t die, Gon!
He needs you!
“I’m okay, Ki. I’m gonna save you.”
There’s blood and grime all over Gon’s face, but even now, he’s smiling and stands in front of Killua to protect him.
Killua grabs Gon’s arm in desperation.
He doesn’t want-
He doesn’t want Gon to die!
It’s aiming for Gon. It’s aiming for Gon!
No! No! No!
Why, you idiot?! Why, even now, are you so ready to fight? Leave him! He’ll be fine!
It’s- it’s gonna kill Gon…
He steps in front, arm out, praying.
Please- please!
Bright blinding light…
“It’s called a Silent Princess; it’s an endangered species.”
Killua liked flowers, but he liked this one particularly. With the white and blue petals it was like a light and had a gentleness yet strength to it.
It was free, and-
His fingers brush against the petals, and Gon hums, leaning over his shoulder, staring.
Killua raises an eyebrow.
“Don’t you think it’s pretty?”
“Yeah! It’s pretty like you, your highness!”
The air gets caught right in his lungs, the tips of his ears going bright red as he stutters, coughing.
He didn’t speak formally around Gon anymore, but-but what gave this idiot the right to-!
“Wh-what?! Y-you can’t say that stuff, idiot! It’s-it’s ‘mbarrassing…”
He pouts, playing with a strand of his light hair, tucking it behind his ear.
“Oh, you’re right; I’m sorry, your highness!”
That just makes Killua puff out his cheeks more, crossing his arms over his chest and pointing his chin in the air, using his royal presence.
“Don’t call me that; just call me, Killua.”
“Okay, then I will, Ki!”
He looks toward Gon, who is grinning, offering a hand for Killua to take.
Killua grumbles, searching around in the grass for something, grabbing it despite how slimy it is.
“S-stop it, you moron! Eat this! Eat it!”
“You look like a dumb frog with your dumb face, so eat it!”
He tries! He keeps trying! He’s soaked and cold, the bottom of his dress is sopping wet, and a shiver runs down his spine, but he doesn’t stop trying, stop concentrating.
Nothing is happening!
He feels nothing!
Why? Why?
Is he so useless still…
Why! Why! Won’t this cursed power work for him!
“I can’t…”
“What’s wrong with me…?”
Why… why won’t they…
The shame always pours into him, but more so knowing Gon is watching, oddly quiet.
He wraps his arms around himself, letting his tears fall and blend with the water.
“Your highness…”
Gon is calling him that now.
Why?! He just feels so empty…!
He throws his hands down in the water, biting back a scream, choking down a sob.
“Ki. Ki. Ki. Hey, it’s okay.”
He turns around, tears still in his crystalline blue eyes filled with pure pain and sorrow, his lips parted.
Gon’s ever an idiot, his pants now soaked, as he walks closer, placing his hands on Killua’s shoulders. Killua sinks into his touch, grabbing at his tunic and burying his face in his chest.
“I believe in you, Ki. And even if you don’t do it, that’s okay. I promise I’ll protect you.”
He sobs into the chest of the man he’s grown to fall in love with.
It feels so familiar, running away.
The same fear, the same anxiety.
Killua doesn’t know. He doesn’t understand how it could have gone so wrong all at once. Meruem has awakened, the machines have gone rampant, and still! Still, his powers refuse to awaken.
He feels like he’s being crushed.
Gon’s still so brave, running on like- like
Like there’s hope.
Killua can’t-
He can’t keep up.
His hand slips from Gon’s, and he collapses to the floor, dirt in his hands, muddied up in the perfect fabric of his dress, rain pouring down and hitting his bare shoulders.
He looks up at Gon, tears building up in his eyes, mixing with the onslaught of rain pouring down his cheeks.
“I-I! Everyone… everyone is dead… I… I…”
Why? Why? Why!?
“I let everyone down… my kingdom… my friends… my father…”
So this is it… the boulder that’s pressing down on his heart is going to cave.
“This cursed power! I’ve tried! And-and… now…”
He can’t help the quaking of his frame, the trembling of his fingers, as mud gets beneath his nails.
He feels like he’s going to die.
It hurts too much.
It hurts.
It’s tearing him apart. His throat feels like it’s closing in, and he just sobs, his head aching and pounding.
“So I really am just a failure!”
Everyone is dead… because- because of him…
He collapses in Gon’s arms, every ounce of pain leaving his lips as he screams and cries.
“G-Gon, please, I- can’t do it… I can’t. It hurts.”
He feels so safe and warm in Gon’s arms, even with the rain that’s soaked him to the bone, as Gon wraps his arms around him tightly, holding him close.
For a moment, Killua feels alright.
Gon presses the top of his lips to the crown of Killua’s head.
“It’s okay, Ki. I promise. I’ll make everything right.”
“Are you sure?”
He can’t help but be anxious as Gon offers him a hand to ride atop his horse. It’s true, Killua did want to learn to ride his own horse, but now he’s starting to have second thoughts, his stomach churning.
“You’ll be okay, highness; I’m here.”
Gon always called him that when he was trying to reassure him, but Killua didn’t like it. He doesn’t like being reminded.
He takes Gon’s hand hesitantly, and Gon pulls him up gingerly, and Killua bites back a scream that slips out partially.
This doesn’t seem very stable…
He wraps his arms around Gon’s neck, sitting on his lap and screwing his eyes shut.
Gon laughs and Killua feels his face flush.
“You’re really cute, your highness.”
“S-stop making fun of me!”
“I would never, Ki!”
“Please, no! Gon! Please!”
“I’m okay, Ki.”
Don’t die, he shakes the man harder as Gon coughs and uses his last strength to smile.
No! No!
Why! Why! Why when he finally has it!
They’re going to take away the last person left he has!
“No… please…”
“Don’t go!”
He can’t! Lose Gon!
He rests his head on Gon’s chest, begging over and over.
A light sound.
He lifts his head slowly, gasping.
The sword. The sword he once resented…
“H-he can be saved…?”
Gon… Gon can be saved…?
Then it’s his job. His duty. He keeps his head held high even when his legs tremble, even though he feels so weak.
He’s going to do it.
He’s going to seal Meruem and save his kingdom.
So… when you wake up Gon… can you come save him…? Can you come hold him and smile at him once more?
If you do that, he can… Killua can wait decades.
Because a legend is about to begin.
#hxh#Hunter X Hunter#killua#gonkillu#gonkillu supremacy#gon#Gon hxh#Gon Freecss#windy’s stuff#Does this look familiar? Yes and no! Look this is one of my fave works 🥺🙏 so I’m posting it full instead of reblogging the link ahaha eh#get it?#if the twelve reblogs from myself didn’t give that off lol I HAVE NO SHAME ok I I like it🙏🥺#KI IS SO PRETTY 😤😤😤😤🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🤧#GON SAVING KI GON SAVING KI CHANTS#SLAMS HANDS DOWN ON TABLE GK GK GK GKKKK AND ZELDA MY TWO FAVE THINGS#AHHHHHHH I LOVE THEM! I LOVE KI! I LOVE GON TREATING KI LIKE A PRINCESS AND JUST AHHH SO DELICATELY TAKING HIS HAND#AND COMFORTING HIM AND SAVING HIM 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧  KI DESERVES THE WORLD 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😤🤧#AHHHHH AND JUST AHHHHHH THEM GK MY FAVE AND WITH ZELDA ONE OF MY FAVES IM SO HAPPY#BLESS MYSELF FOR MAKING THIS#My heart goes ahhhh doki doki so much when Ki falls in love with Gon 🥺🥺🥺 it’s like doki when it’s Zelda and Link but I love GK so much it#is like doki doki doki doki and I ahhh! Love it so much must use this trope in future! 🥺😤🙏#THERYE SO CUTE#KI IS SO CUTE MY HEARTTTTTTT I think I’ve done the trope of my Ki playing with his hair and sticking it behind his ear when Gon compliments#him imagine it! 😤😤😤 AHHHHH SO CUT#E I WANTED TO SQEEE AT THE CUTE GK STUFF#AND CRY FOR KI 🥺#I’m#U THOUGHT U ESCAPED IT BUT NO I LOVE IT OK maybe I’m biased cuz I wrote this after a painful writers block but also my first based on smth#au so!
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