#best weight for men
kaz3313 · 5 months
Okay I do wanna say that I’m a firm Rarepair shipper that the reason “pair the spares” bothers me is usually it’s reduced the character to no personality OR it’s literally to get the characters “out of the way” for something. When people actually focus on the characters, it becomes an otp, and/or they bring something to the characters I’ll enjoy just about any of the pairings
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hungryhungry-himbo · 2 years
Fall time gains are the best <3
Thinking of a man stuffing himself with apple and pumpkin pies, fall pastries, pumpkin bread, fritters and cinnamon buns; then top it all off with a full mug of cider or cocoa until their belly is filling the outline of their once oversized sweater or flannel, sloshing with every movement. They’d get bigger and bigger as the fall continues, being well on their way to piling on more than a few pounds come Christmas time.
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emblazons · 1 year
me: *pulls 1500 blatant moments of Mike mirroring/paralleling Hopper, Brenner, Jonathan and even (her confirmed gay brother) Will from the show, all relationships that are (for better or worse) familial in El’s life in the plain text, subtext, music, cinematography, scripts and even the pitch* “I think they’re saying something very specific about the nature of their relationship. It recontextualizes a lot of stuff that may have been interpreted less clearly before”
My asks: “You’re ignoring these 2 pieces of evidence from scripts, one parallel look from what is about to be 3-4 seasons ago & my headcanons! Stop trying to make the point you’re making, it’s really uncomfortable”
Me, still staring at “will you be like my brother” and the one way (into the closet) sign he has as room decor:
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tecfalcon · 6 months
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Puravive, a natural dietary supplement marketed as a fat-burning and liver-supporting complex, has gained attention for its alleged efficacy in weight loss. Numerous online reviews tout it as the ultimate solution for shedding stubborn fat in areas like the belly, thighs, or hips. With the manufacturers claiming swift positive results, our research team embarked on a comprehensive review to examine the veracity of these assertions and provide readers with an informed perspective on how Puravive may impact their lives.
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worstloki · 2 years
if you can gush constantly about enjoying a piece of media but diss the idea of people disliking the same thing unless/even though they provide detailed reasoning or proof with citations... idk I feel like you need to reassess something
#''how can you hate on--'' it is a movie! and even worse - a marvel movie! and yet more even it's biggest crime yet - it is a terrible one !#it makes no pretense of consistency with the rest of the 'cinematic' universe it alleges to come from !#the character acts like nothing of itself in the previous movie appeared in !#there is no character arc nor development of any character save for in the villain's final breaths ! the flimsy morality of such regret !#the humour is subpar in that it is reliant on gags - a cheap and desperate tactic to make weak comedy appear stronger !#for all that it speaks of love and grief the writing is poor and smart decent lines do not fit the context they are spoken in !#nor the characters speaking them thematically !#there is either too much unexplained occurring or nothing taking up too much time. this pacing and convenient exposition is bland !#final denouement carries little to no weight !#fight scenes are badly choreographed despite the genre + there is dubious camerawork in play on top of it which further breaks immersion !#it seems unable to decide on the rules of the world it has itself established !#ending cliffhangers can be good but in this instance feels as though done constantly solely to encourage watching the next product !#character interactions leave much to be desired and motivation to move the story forward tend to be convoluted at best !#what was once original characterization built on relevant events to flesh the character feels generic by both writing and presentation !#outfits make no attempt to look like they're authentic materials (plastic? :/ ?) and the CGI is problematically attained AND poor quality !#the 'inspiration' drawn from comic religious and myth source material is either offensive meaningless easter eggs or both !#maybe the move was generic and formulaic and difficult to follow along without other pieces of media and boring to top it off !#someone out there seems to believe sexualizing the men is a solution !#characters I have interest in were sidelined or mistreated by the narrative !#racist casting/roles have been given and the product did not reflect how it was advertised !#maybe............. someone simply did not have fun watching it .......................... has that been.........considered................?#L + based + ratio + Ctrl+Z + must I say more?#no one owes anyone an explanation to their enjoyment or lack thereof of a piece of media and shouldn't be insulted for it smh#now if someone gives reasons and THOSE are dodge... but no this isn't about that. another time then
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seilon · 9 months
kinda hate that my go-to non-merch clothing store choices are vans and hollister like we GET it im fucking californian
#their shit is surprisingly good quality and they often have good sales what can I say#but yeah also it’s a style thing. if I’m not dressing like a scene kid im dressed like a california santa cruz ass sk8r boy or surfer boy#i just ordered a few new things from hollister and im looking forward 2 it because the ripped jeans I got last year from there are like.#the best jeans I’ve owned since outwardly transitioning#which. I guess doesn’t say much on the surface cause I’ve only had like. three pairs of jeans in that time. but LOOK it IS significant#because finding jeans that fit right as a trans guy- even one who’s almost 2 years on t- can be a Struggle.#that + my weight = it’s difficult to find places that carry men’s pants in my size a lot of the time (26w x 30l)#sometimes a 28w fits depending on the place but. yeah it’s usually closer to 26. I have a tiny waist and decently longish legs#not complaining I like that about myself generally and I’m definitely thankful I’m somewhat close to average male height (only 2 inches#under the average in the us- im 5’7) but still#in other news I still need a new binder (preferably two really) but now I’m worried I spent too much money on the pants and stuff#I need a fucking job. so. bad#at least I have excuses for the hollister order- really good sale + I needed new pants and a business casualish shirt for job/job interview#related stuff. I cant keep wearing my fucking funeral clothes to job interviews and the pants I was using fit Bad#kibumblabs#no one needed to know all this I am just rambling in my diary that is tumblr dot com don’t mind me
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kittlyns · 9 months
I think BG3 should just be a dating sim. I suck at strategy, I just want Karlach to like me. Let's do something about this.
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fitnessminx365 · 1 year
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“Voyage dans la Lune”, Cyrano de Bergerac (Comédie-Française, Denis Podalydès)
#Cyrano#Christian#Roxane#De Guiche#Cyrano de Bergerac#Voyage dans la Lune#Edmond Rostand#I talk too much#About books#The best moment by far here are the few seconds before the actual scene I didn't cut off#When Christian remains fixed in his place looking at Cyrano until Roxane takes him away. That is A CHOICE#I could tear my face apart due to the possible implications and the angst on both sides! The love and understanding between both men?#Is Christian still doubtful as when he changed his mind about the kiss? And yet the deep grief and betrayal when he learns of the letters#The enormous reaction Christian has during that scene. Is he suffering not just for the betrayal of Cyrano but because#he feels he should have known and indeed suspected it so he also has to endure the weight and pain of being himself a betrayer?#Of playing blind because it was more convenient and Cyrano didn't say anything at all?#Or perhaps it's nothing like that but I feel this little moment adds a lot to the Christian/Cyrano dynamic and to that scene in particular#Other than that I find this staging of the scene too long boring and honestly uninspired#(I almost didn't upload this clip tbh I am doing so more for archivistic reasons than anything else)#Even more so considering the dreamy air some other scenes have in this production#I was so looking forwards to their take in this scene and it was such a let down#(perhaps Cyrano patting de Guiche isnt bad either. As if pitying him a bit maybe?finding him cute despite himself? or just to laugh at him?)#I wonder how the Teatro Eliseo approached this scene. It could be so beautiful#I've sent them a few messages using different means asking how to watch a video of their production. I hope someone will answer#Wait is that Christian or the Capuchin? Ugh why am I so bad at recognising people#(Edit: 04/06/2023)
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sharwans · 1 year
Best diet plan for men
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the best diet plan for men, as everyone’s nutritional needs are unique and may depend on factors such as age, activity level, and health status. However, a healthy diet for men generally includes a balanced mix of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein sources (such as chicken, fish, and beans), and healthy fats (such as nuts and avocados). It’s also important to limit processed foods and sugar, and to drink plenty of water. It’s recommended to consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.
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1. Mediterranean Diet: This diet emphasizes whole foods, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and healthy fats like olive oil.
2. DASH Diet: This diet focuses on reducing sodium intake and includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.
3. High-Protein Diet: This diet emphasizes protein-rich foods, such as lean meats, eggs, and dairy products, and limits carbohydrates.
4. Plant-Based Diet: This diet emphasizes whole, plant-based foods and limits animal products.
5. Intermittent Fasting: This eating pattern involves cycling between periods of fasting and eating, and may help with weight loss.
6. Keto Diet: This high-fat, low-carb diet puts the body in a state of ketosis, which can lead to weight loss.
7. Low-Calorie Diet: This diet involves reducing overall calorie intake, typically by limiting portion sizes or choosing low-calorie foods.
It’s important to remember that individual needs and preferences will influence which meal plan is best. It’s recommended to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any diet plan.
What to keep in mind when choosing a diet plan
When choosing a diet plan, it’s important to consider the following factors:
1. Sustainability: Choose a diet that is realistic and that you can maintain over the long term. Avoid fad diets that restrict certain food groups or are too difficult to stick to.
2. Nutritional Value: Ensure that the diet provides a balance of essential nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.
3. Safety: Avoid diets that are overly restrictive or that eliminate entire food groups, as these can lead to nutrient deficiencies.
4. Health Status: Consider any medical conditions or food allergies when choosing a diet, and make sure that the diet is safe and appropriate for you.
5. Lifestyle: Choose a diet that fits with your lifestyle and that you can realistically stick to, such as a diet that is compatible with your schedule and cooking abilities.
6. Goals: Consider what you hope to achieve with the diet, whether it’s weight loss, improved athletic performance, or improved overall health.
It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, as they can provide personalized recommendations based on individual needs and health status.
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Here’s a general workout plan for men looking to lose weight:
· Cardiovascular exercise: Start with 30–45 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio exercises such as running, cycling, swimming or jumping rope. Increase the duration and intensity as you progress.
· Strength training: Incorporate strength training exercises like squats, deadlifts, push-ups, and bench presses into your workout routine, 2–3 times a week. This will help you build muscle and boost metabolism.
· High-intensity interval training (HIIT): HIIT involves alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity exercises. This type of workout is efficient for burning calories and improving cardiovascular fitness.
· Active recovery: Incorporate active recovery activities such as yoga, foam rolling, or stretching into your routine to help you recover and reduce the risk of injury.
· Healthy diet: In addition to exercise, it’s important to follow a balanced and calorie-controlled diet to support weight loss goals.
Remember to start slow, listen to your body, and consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.
A healthy rate of weight loss for men is typically considered to be 1 to 2 pounds per week. Losing weight at a slower rate allows for a more sustainable and gradual reduction in body mass, and it also allows for changes in lifestyle habits that can be maintained over the long term. Rapid weight loss is not sustainable and is often accompanied by loss of muscle mass and reductions in metabolic rate. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations based on individual needs and health status.
In conclusion, a successful weight loss food plan for men should include a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients and low in calories. Here are some key elements to consider when planning your diet:
· Reduce calorie intake: To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Reduce your calorie intake by eating smaller portion sizes and limiting your intake of high-calorie, processed foods.
· Increase protein intake: Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. Aim to consume lean protein sources like chicken, fish, and tofu in every meal.
· Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Make sure to include a variety of these foods in your diet.
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djcgold · 2 years
How To Eat Whole Foods To Lose Weight
How To Eat Whole Foods To Lose Weight
Whole Foods For Weight Loss. When it comes to diets, there are a lot of different options out there. The whole foods diet has become increasingly popular. The whole foods diet way of eating focuses on consuming unprocessed, natural foods as much as possible. Here’s a look at why the whole foods diet works and why it is such a healthy option for many people. How The Whole Foods Diet Works  Five…
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bestcoolman01 · 2 years
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musclemsn · 7 days
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ewan-mclaughin · 12 days
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