#because tbh i'm not sure if there's much more to tell of obi-wan's story. there's like little things i'd love to see about him
pandora15 · 2 years
not me scrolling through the "obi-wan show" tag on my own blog and getting emotional all over again
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tennessoui · 3 months
hi kit! long time no see lol jk I spend so much time on your blog and ko-fi its not even funny (in a nice non-stalkerish way I promise) I subscribed to your kofi and was wondering if you planned on continuing any of those AUs or were they meant to be sorta one shots? because I *literally* cannot stop thinking about healer anakin going about this day with that brightest blue silk blindfold?? oh all the potential for pining and hurt/comfort and ALL THE ANGST here?? ooof pls I need more - 🦊
hiii kit it's 🦊 again I am back because I just had an epiphany about the healer anakin AU I am obsessed with currently. so is the blindfold like a hijab where your close family (so other healer peers in private I suppose?) and your significant other is able to see you with the blindfold off? I started thinking that keeping it on 24/7 is probably not ideal and there has to be some time that it comes off, and who gets to see you then.. I am south asian so I kinda dig this tbh! 😊 (2/2)
hello hello this is such an interesting ask!! for the first part, i'm really not sure - i think there are fics on ko-fi that i would love to expand and write more for (the healer anakin au being one of them) but at the same time, i think while i am running the ko-fi fic thing, then those stories need to exist only on there - or i need to talk to everyone who supports me monthly on there and see if they would be ok with me posting those stories somewhere else (like on ao3 or tumblr) and expanding on them more. as of right now, they're really just one shots that act a bit like slices of life in the au - just enough information that the characterizations are apparent and just enough setting and premise that it feels like a story but overall stand alone
but yes i too am sorta obsessed with the idea of healer skywalker showing up to healer functions with a bright blue silk bandana over his eyes while everyone else has the standard issue gray or white cloth. of course they wouldn't know, but just imagine like. mace windu attends to give a debrief of the next few battle plans and anakin is just...sticking out like a sore thumb lol
as for the second part, in my mind i'm sort of waving the logistics of keeping the blindfold on for long stretches of time because im leaning more into the fantasy side of star wars tbh - i think it's more angsty as a concept if healers sort of...give their eyes away forever/until they retire and never open them. they change the bandages and shower without them on, but the force is supposed to act as their eyes for menial daily tasks like telling apart shampoo from conditioner and cooking (and they just get used to it)
like that feels so much more angsty because obi-wan will never ever get to see anakin's eyes again and he has to just. make his peace with that which he's obviously struggling to do in the ficlet on ko-fi. he has to figure out how to love anakin as he is, with his vows, or he won't get him at all and obi-wan wrestling with that is a key part of the ficlet. im not sure how strongly that angst would hit if they could reach a certain point of closeness and then he could get anakin the way he had him when they were in the creche, sight and all you know? he needs to accept who anakin is to really have a chance at loving him without getting some other version of him back
but that being said i also do dig the idea of the blindfolds being taken off in the company of one's family or loved ones and am open to it--it explains a lot of logistical questions for sure lol
i just also really like the angst and acceptance that comes from the idea that obi-wan must become ok with never seeing anakin's eyes again....only for anakin, who loves him so much, to break his vows because obi-wan is dying and needs him or obi-wan is dying and asks to see his eyes one last time (only for obi-wan to categorically survive)
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Today is the 1st day of prideeeeee!! So we're gonna talk about sexualities/relationships to expect and stuff for the Not The Tea Au!
Let's start with Boba! (My baby) Boba is aroace! When Boba first came to terms with that he freaked out, a tad terrified before Rex just gave him a look and bluntly informed him that he had to have gotten it from somewhere. After that, Boba confided in his father to which Jango told him that he didnt care, and all that he wanted was his baby loved. Hower he got that love didn’t matter. That being said, Boba has no romantic love interest. (Obvi) He does indeed have a platonic soulmate though! (a few tbh) Who? None other than his number 1 fan, ride or die, best friend Fennec, of course! He and Fennec are very close, and have see each other through thick and thin. If something were wrong? These two have each other on speed dial. (She teases him about the brief time he dated Han and asks him if that turned him aro. She knows that's not how that works, but it's still funny.)
The asexual train leads us tooo- Jango Fett! (the love of my life) While Jango is not aromatic, his view on love has always been
"If it happens its happens, if it doesn't that's fine."
He was raised by a single father, and doesn't remember all that much about his biological parents or their relationship. (They were great loving parents, just fyi! Arla talks about them and tells him stories) So he's never been the most concerned with finding his forever person. (Romantically he's interested in just about anyone gender wise) That in mind, he's always wanted kids. (Mando genes) But, relationships are tricky things, and finding a partner to settle down with was iffy sooo....He took matters into his own hands. (Jaster STILL isn't quite sure where Cody, Rex and Boba came from. And at this point, he's too afraid to ask) When Jango meets Obi-Wan for the first time...its not exactly love at first sight but he definitely found the man intriguing. It was never more than a crush, though. And then, about a year later, life hit the Fett household like a train and well...romancing Cody's teacher was the LEAST of Jango's worries. Once everything settled down though, and realizing just how much of a help during this time Obi was, and how amazing and loving he was with the kids well, let's just say that crush was a tad more than a crush.
Tgats our segway into Obi, our Bisexual king. Similar to Jango, Obi developed the slightest crush on the man upon meeting him. All in all though, his focus was on his students and getting to know them! He already knew a little about Cody simply because Ahsoka and Rex are best friends, but getting to know the family on a more personal level was nice. When tragedy struck, Obi-Wan offered a his help in anyway he could, trying his hardest to try to make sure Cody wasn't overworked with school. After all of it died down, Obi-Wan found himself getting to know this family more and more and it's safe to assume that it developed into more than a crush.
Padme, Anakin, and Rex are all also bisexual.
Han identifies as unlabled. He likes who he likes.
Din is Demisexual. (He and Cobb do eventually end up together raising Grogu)
Fennec is bi with a heavy female lean.
Cody Echo, and Cobb are all gay.
Fives, and Ahsoka are pansexual. (And Lando but he doesn't have a bit role in the story)
Fox's sexuality is 'sleep & coffee' (he doesn't label himself and he's not exactly looking for a relationship but he's into both men and woman)
Alpha-17 is AroAce just like Boba.
I've been drawing more of this au (hopefully I'll post some soon!) and I have some scenes written/plenty of scene ideas it's just a matter of putting pen to paper. (Or fingers to keyboard in this case) Hopefully I'll post again soon, and I'm glad to see people enjoy this au as much as I do^^
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gleefullypolin · 2 months
Same, same. Preparedness lets me relax into the story further than I would be able to otherwise. Our poor husbands, trying their best. I do remember he saw a spoiler of something he knew would bother me (character death) in a show we were both invested in and he came to find me immediately to try and gently let me know even though I had already seen it. He knows me so well by now. 😄
The marketing part of my brain I use for work gets and respects the month long break. It's smarter than dumping it all at once but we're used to instant gratification with a lot of streaming shows now. Bad business model in a lot of ways and weekly is probably best for long term engagement but I suppose we'll have to grin and bear the month long break while internally acting like feral gremlins to maintain some sort of sanity.
I have a hard time trusting show writers as well. The last handful of years has been a test in terrible writing far more than good writing. Writing fic though, yes. I do love a good cliffhanger and making everyone go through it because I know I will solve it all and make everyone happy in the end (or most people happy, the oddest comments I've always managed to get are from the people who decided how my fic should go before I'm done with it and get mad when my version doesn't match their vision). Conflict avoidance and storytelling do not go well hand in hand, that's for sure.
I about died trying to explain a pager. Felt my bones age and my life slipping away, ha.
Yeah, I think 2-4 is going to be a ton of growth for him but also watching Penelope with another man is going to throw him for a loop. It's probably going to eat him up tbh. I would imagine it happens before the biggest turns of ep 4 so by then he'd have to know just how deep he's gotten himself. If he's realized this and, this is pure speculation since we know so little about this ep as a whole, sees her upset with Obi Wan and she runs off at any time, there's no doubt in my mind he'd give chase immediately.
And he's not dumb, I don't know if he's going to put the LW thing together but if he does or he finds out by any other means, I think him being that deep in his feelings is probably very important, the way he was so so so angry in the books but also so worried about her. If the Queen is trying to go for her head, the man is not going to handle it well I'd assume. He didn't let up on the Jack stuff when it came to her as just friends so I think this would be much, much higher stakes.
My poor attention span. It's going to be burnt out after this I can tell. I don't dislike Benedict so I'll watch that one. Or if it's Fran and I get invested into her story, I'll happily watch that one. Eloise is going to have do a bit of work to get me there for hers I admit but if they pull it off, I'm more than happy to give them my view. But this level of investment? No. There's no way.
I say take what you can get where you can get it! All positive mental health effects are good ones no matter where they take place, ha.
100% agree! You and I are on the same page! I’m always saying to him “I saw something, but I don’t want to tell you, unless you want to know, ok I know you don’t want to know, I won’t tell you, should I tell you, Ok I won’t” and then he’s like OMG just tell me. I did manage to keep the entire plot of Blacklist from him for 4 years until we stopped watching it and I finally just told him how it ended after reading the whole plot of the final 2 seasons LMAO! He wouldn’t know what to do without me.
Yeah, streaming has ruined us. Everything is at our fingertips that we have forgotten what it was like to wait until 7pm on Thursday to see what happened after Ross kissed Rachel. No one has to tune in anymore. We just sit down and get fed the whole thing. I will both hate and love that month of build up between the 2 parts. I have OCD so I keep a spreadsheet of all the shows I watch and how many episodes I have seen, how many are left to air and what day they will next air on. It helps me not to lose track of what all I’m waiting to come back. I will be counting down the days the moment I have to put June 13th on that line.
I must agree we do not always get good writing. And even then, you never know when a show is just going to go off the air in the middle of a storyline. So even good writing can simply just cease to exist. Cliffhangers can be a deadly thing in television these days. I fell in love with Scorpion and then they ended on a cliffhanger where they all hated each other at episodes end and then it got cancelled and now they will forever hate each other and I’m like….well that’s trash. At least with this show it will end the storyline where I need it to for this couple so that’s why I like this format.
I feel like he has to figure out the LW piece. But if she’s just running from the ball and he follows her, I can’t see how he figures it out. I need to be smarter to figure this out! But something has to tip him off besides her running off. We know he will follow her because girl, he doesn’t let her out of his sight before he’s 2 steps behind her and hallway up her skirt. The boy has concern down to a science for that girl. But if he thinks that Lord Kenobi did anything to her, I can imagine him finding her quickly. Though if it's the Queen’s bounty and he catches a look on her face, perhaps he puts two and two together and figures it out. I always thought at some point he would catch on to her words. He is the only one that pays attention to everything she says.
I am curious how this B storyline about needing an heir for the Featherington family is going to play out also. I saw that mama Portia is once again in trouble with paperwork and needing a male heir and with Jack gone now and Colin having played a hand in all of that if that comes into play in part 2. That will be a hole for me to dive into after Part 1 plays out. I am curious if after the carriage scene happens if we get the proposal and if she tells him NO! Because I know that they have both said that they do not get together easily, and it is a roller coaster of a ride to their romance, so I feel like episode 4 is too quickly for them to say Yes and then wed. So, I feel like this may take us up and down a few hills after this damn carriage ride. Oh, my word I’m going down that rabbit hole of my guessing games again! Mental Health be damned.
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ilonga · 4 years
Got some Avatar Au Questions! So I'm assuming mustafar deviates significantly from canon, but how do obi-wan and anakin sort things out? How do obi-wan and Ahsoka escape palpatine's purge? When Anakin joins up with the rebellion, what is the reunion like for obi-wan, anakin, & Ahsoka? (The last one might be spoilery, so I completely understand if you do not want to elaborate on it)
oooh these are questions I’m super excited to answer!!
ok, to start with answering these questions, let’s first explain how Order 66 goes down in this au. 
As I already mentioned, Palpatine has some sort of team up/deal with Vaatu that allows him quite a bit of control over the spirits, and he’s been using this power to orchestrate the spirit attacks starting with Maul so long ago. As the years passed, Palpatine increased the spirit attacks and the destruction and death they caused, and used this to gain more power himself and, eventually, create an army to fight them. At the end of the AOTC-adjacent era, he, despite Padme’s fighting against it (”We have had peace with the spirits, respected them, for centuries--we must find out why they are attacking, not escalate the conflict!”), creates the Grand Army of the Four Nations to fight back against the spirits in the first Spirit War in centuries. He then conscripts nonbenders into the army and places members of Raava’s Order, benders, at the head of various battalions. 
When it comes time for Order 66, Palpatine orders the spirits to posses various nonbenders and has them attack their Generals/Commanders with intent to kill, taking most of them by surprise. Similar to canon, most of the benders are slaughtered while some manage to escape. A lot of the nonbenders are then killed/disposed of, so Palpatine doesn’t have many people who know the truth in the way (and also, he can claim that the benders killed them in their quest for power and turn the public against them even more). In addition, for benders not in battles/in the temple, Palpatine sends the Inquisitors, firebenders that he’s kidnapped and trained in secret over the years. 
Ahsoka in this au (an airbender) is a bit like Jinora from Legend of Korra; she has a strong spiritual connection and connection to the spirit world. Because of this, she’s able to save herself and Obi-wan, and save some of the nonbenders from the spirits’ possession, such as Rex and some others. In the chaos, they get separated and don’t really have time to figure out what just happened, but they both know, to an extent, that Palpatine is behind this, and that most of Raava’s Order has just been slaughtered.
Then, Obi-wan learns that Anakin killed the avatar (Shaak Ti).  
He’s betrayed, and confused, and furious, and in complete shock. He’s also mentally not in a great place; he’s just seen his friends and comrades slaughtered in cold blood. He thinks that Anakin was in on the plan to wipe them out completely (Anakin, meanwhile, doesn’t know about Order 66 and doesn’t learn about it until he wakes up after the Mustafar-adjacent battle), and had been working with Palpatine (because why else would Anakin kill Shaak Ti? How could Anakin kill Shaak Ti?). 
So he goes to confront Anakin, and in a bit of a reverse of canon, Obi-wan’s the one who’s angry and on the offensive here, and initiates the fight. It’s worth noting that Anakin’s also not in a great place mentally; aside from having just killed the Avatar, he thinks his wife and unborn children were murdered because of the Order and that the Order he’s spent years fighting for has just been trying to gain power and suppress nonbenders all along (Pong Krell, anyone?). When Obi-wan attacks him, the conclusion he draws is “Oh no, he was in on the conspiracy too. He was in on the thing with Padme too.” because why else would Obi-wan be attacking him so viciously out of nowhere? So now they’re both sure they’ve been betrayed by the other, and they’re fighting. Usually, in a fight between benders, there’s some tradition, some honor. The swords, a big part of duels according to the traditions of the Order, are used. In this fight, none of that is used. Obi-wan forgoes them entirely; it’s a very much “how could you”, emotional, blunt force, unrefined kind of fight. Obi-wan blasts water, shards of ice, waves at Anakin, Anakin dodges, responds in turn with spurts and jets of fire. Both know each other’s techniques inside and out, obviously; it’s a very even fight. At one point Obi-wan yells something adjacent to his “you were my brother” line in canon, a “how could you betray me, us, like this?”, or a “how could you?”, smthing like that, and Anakin has a split second of distraction because what is Obi-wan talking about? What happened to the Order? 
Obi-wan takes advantage of this distraction and his next hit knocks Anakin unconscious; he then freezes Anakin in a massive block of ice. He flees, then, it all being too overwhelming. He can’t bring himself to strike any kind of killing blow. He doesn’t know, then or later, if he left Anakin there hoping he would die or hoping he would survive. Years pass and Obi-wan seriously regrets the fight, especially regrets that he never found out why Anakin sided with Palpatine, or killed Shaak Ti. He realizes that there must have been something he didn’t know, and wishes he hadn’t attacked him so rashly and had at least gotten answers.
As for Anakin, Palpatine’s lackeys find him hours or maybe even days after the fight, and get him out of the ice. The time spent in the ice leaves him with frostbite and he ends up having to get three limbs amputated (his right arm and both legs). It also leaves him with permanent tremors. He gets prosthetics, which he can power with a low level-lightning type technique, and armor and a helmet, which Palpatine forces him to wear. He’s forced to wear the armor for a couple reasons; to hide his identity as a former member of Raava’s Order and a beloved hero, to hide the tremors, which Palpatine views as a sign of visible weakness, and because Palpatine enjoys the feeling of owning Anakin and the armor is a way to mark that.
Anakin physically joining the Rebellion happens right after he tries to sacrifice himself in Palpatine’s throne room so that Luke can escape, and though he manages to take out all of the guards/inquisitors and hold off Palpatine for some time, he gets blasted with a hell of a lot of lightning and fully expects to die right there. Luke goes into the Avatar state and gets them both out, and is able to do enough healing so that Anakin survives the encounter. He gets them to the Rebellion and basically? Begs Obi-wan to heal Anakin. 
“I know he’s Vader, I know what he’s done to you, to the Order, but he sacrificed himself to rescue me and he’s dying, you have to help him--”
Obi-wan, of course, does, and has been living with his regrets and missing his little brother for so long that he probably would have done it without the begging anyways, at the very least so he can finally get answers from Anakin.
So Anakin is being slowly but surely healed by Obi-wan (it probably takes him months to recover tbh), and there’s plenty of angst because Obi-wan sees the extent of the injuries he caused and guilt, and because the first time Anakin wakes up--
Well, Anakin fully expected to die, right? And now he’s not dead which makes no sense, he was ready to die (and he wakes up and he thinks, even if I’m not dead now, I’ll be dead soon enough--either the lightning will do me in or Obi-wan will, if he had any sense he’d kill me--obviously he’s not mentally in a great place but being tortured and manipulated and slowly fighting back against the Firelord for years will do that to you), but it’s also good because he’s been Blue Spirit, a double agent, for years ever since Luke revealed himself to Anakin, and this means he has a chance to give the vital information he has on the Empire’s attack plans, ship schematics, etc. 
So the first time he wakes up, when he can finally get his eyes to focus, he gets Obi-wan’s attention and basically starts babbling about attack plans, schematics, weaknesses, etc etc. And Obi-wan’s like “no, wait, you’re still weak, you need to recover, go back to sleep--” and Anakin’s like “no time, you need this information before I die--” and a stressful time is had by all. The next time he wakes up, he’s a bit less all over the place and it slowly starts to sink in that he is going to survive after all, so the urgency dies down a bit. Obi-wan gets the full story of how Palpatine manipulated him, what happened that night, etc, and Anakin gets the full story of what exactly happened during Order 66, what actually happened to Padme, what happened to his kid (kids, he has two--major shock is had). Ahsoka is the one to tell him that Palpatine was controlling the spirits all along. 
He’s surprised, of course, but also somewhat resigned. The grandfatherly veneer of Palpatine has fallen further and further away as the years have passed and his true nature has been clearer and clearer; Anakin has known for a long time that Palpatine is not the good guy (hence his personal rebellion).
Ahsoka, like in canon, manages most of the intelligence networks of the Rebellion in this au. So she’s been getting and processing Blue Spirit’s messages for years, and when she realizes it’s Anakin--well, lots of emotions all around.
Obi-wan and Anakin do mend their relationship, as do Anakin and Ahsoka. Some of the kids Anakin saved over the years are at the Rebellion and recognize him--this also helps things along. And his information as Blue Spirit has saved many lives. 
Obi-wan has been Luke’s waterbending teacher for a while, and Ahsoka has been his airbending/spirit world teacher, so eventually Anakin does take his place as Luke’s (and Leia’s!) firebending teacher.
Thanks for these asks and sorry for making the response so long!! Honestly I think I’ve been hoping for these questions, I’ve been wanting to talk about how this goes down forever :) 
shorter summary: Obi-wan encounters Anakin just after Order 66 occurred and Anakin’s killed Shaak Ti. Believing Anakin to have been in on Palpatine’s plan all along and having betrayed them all, he attacks and initiates the fight in something of a reverse of canon. Anakin, seeing Obi-wan attacking him, comes to the conclusion that Obi-wan must have been part of the Order’s conspiracy (that Palpatine has convinced him of), which he would have never believed of him but why else would Obi-wan be attacking him like this? Neither of them are in a particularly good state of mind or particularly mentally sound during the fight. Obi-wan knocks him out and freezes him in ice, then flees. Palpatine finds Anakin a sizable amount of time later, and Anakin is left with three amputated limbs (which he gets prosthetics for) and permanent tremors (which the Vader armor hides). 
Obi-wan and Ahsoa escape the purge because Ahsoka has a spiritual connection akin to Jinora’s in LOK, and is able to purge the spirits from some of the army such as Rex. In the chaos, the two are separated.
Obi-wan and Anakin reunite first, when Luke brings Anakin back to the Rebellion severely injured from the confrontation with Palpatine. He begs Obi-wan to heal him and Obi-wan agrees. It takes some time for Anakin to move past the fact that he’s not dead, but eventually, he and Obi-wan communicate, they both get the full story of what happened twenty years ago, and their relationship starts to mend. It’s faster once Obi-wan and the Rebellion realize that Darth Vader and Blue Spirit (the Imperial double agent whose information had saved so many) are one and the same. Same with Ahsoka, although it’s a quicker fix for her and Anakin’s relationship since she only found out about his actions secondhand, from Obi-wan, and it makes so much more sense once he gets his side of the story, and because she’s the one who’s been processing his info as Blue Spirit. 
hope you liked!!
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padawanlost · 7 years
You know what really gets me about Yoda? When Ahsoka goes to him about her vision of Padmé dying, he's like 'choose, you must, how to proceed, but be careful because the future has many paths.' When Luke has a vision about Han and Leia, he went 'You must choose, but I'm dropping major hints that you shouldn't go.' When Anakin goes to him with his visions of Padmé? 'Rejoice for those who join the Force.' What kind of hypocritical nonsense advice is that, Yoda??
BINGO! Yodais a hypocrite, that’s a fact. What astonishes me is this notion that Yodagives good advice. He has a terrible track record with counselling people. Infact, thing only work out well (or less tragically) when people ignore whateverhe’s told them. Yoda speech pattern might make him sound wiser but when youconsider all the things he has said and how it affected everything it becomes obvioushe causes harm. Yoda, when not being a complete hypocrite, is busy preaching unhealthycoping mechanisms and manipulating the truth.
Yoda’sadvices are some of the most quotable Star Wars moments and yet when I thinkabout them I see nothing but empty wisdom.
However,before I get more into it I would like to make a few things clear: this dealswith grief and coping mechanism so if this may trigger you, please do not readany further. Also, this is not an attack on people who find this particularadvice useful or comforting. If Yoda helps you deal with whatever is going onin your life, good. I have no problem with that. I just wanted to write about my own feelings on this matter and whyI believe this particular advice didn’t work for Anakin or for me.
This isquite long, personal (kind of, but not really) and it might be triggering soit’s under a “read more”.
It’s allvery pretty and helpful at first glance but once you begin to think about whatit all means or how to put it into practice you realized most of Yoda’s advicesare not helpful at all. One of his most famous quote is “Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you whotransform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leadsto jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go… ofeverything you fear to lose.” from ROTS and it’s also the one that bothersme most.
When Ifirst heard it I thought “oh! This isgood advice”. I was a sweet summer child. TBH, part of it could be consideredgood advice, especially the first part. But when you consider context and applicability it all falls apart. Ibroke it down into parts, trying to figure exactly why it doesn’t seat quitewell with me and here’s what I got:
“The fear of loss is apath to the dark side.”
Terribleadvice #1. When someone troubled comes to you with their fears, telling themfear is wrong and evil is never a good idea. You’re only reinforcing theinitial fear. Now the person is also afraid of their own fear as well. Imaginesomeone coming up to you and saying “I’m afraid my mom will die”, now imagineyourself saying “Fear is wrong. Let it go”. Does it really sound like good,healthy advice?
“Fear is a vital response to physical andemotional danger—if we didn’t feel it, we couldn’t protect ourselves fromlegitimate threats. But often we fear situations that are far fromlife-or-death, and thus hang back for no good reason. Traumas or bad experiencescan trigger a fear response within us that is hard to quell. Yet exposingourselves to our personal demons is the best way to move past them.”[x]
Yes, toomuch fear is a problem (in fact, that’s Anakin’s problem) but what’s  wrong here is that the fear is neverrecognized or validated. Being afraid is wrong and it leads to evil. That’s it.There’s not even a hint as how to deal with fear. There’s no “you need to faceyour fears”, or “you need to learn to control your fear”. Nope, all we get hereis: fear is wrong and you shouldn’t feel it.
It’s just awarning (not at all what Anakin was looking for) and an unhelpful advice.
“Death is a naturalpart of life.”
Fairenough. Can’t argue with that. However, I wonder if death affects Yoda (themost detached being in the Galaxy) the same way it affects Anakin and everyoneelse. Yoda is talking about grief, but grief is tied to one’s ability to feellove and empathy. Death is heartbreaking because of the loss attached to it.When you’re not connected to anyone and you’re incapable of deeply empathizingwith people, seeing death as fact of life is much easier. But here Yoda istalking to someone who:
Has a history of fear, emotional     instability, and deep attachments.
Just admitted is talking to some close to him:
Anakin: They are of pain, suffering. Death. Yoda: Yourself you speak of,or someone you know? Anakin: Someone. Yoda: Close to you? Anakin: Yes.
Ourattachments are what makes loss so devastating and personal. When we aretalking about Death as a concept, sure, there’s nothing wrong with reminding usthat Death is natural and unavoidable. But in a more immediate situation, wherethe threat is real (Anakin believes it’s real) it’s a rather cold thing to say.It’s the equivalent of saying “people die” to someone in a life-or-deathsituation. It’s not a lie, but it’s hardly helpfuladvice.  Anakin was not afraid of“conceptual death”. He was a soldier and a former slave. He was aware of deathas a fact of life. He was seeking advice on personal loss. Yoda, being the detached Jedi he was, was incapableof understanding the difference because to him there was no difference. ToYoda, every death is a fact of life, not a personalloss.
Althoughthere’s nothing fundamentally wrong with what Yoda said, his lack of empathymakes him lose some points in my book.
“Rejoice for thosearound you who transform into the Force.”
I’ve seenpeople interpreting this as “be happy this person lived” but imo, that’s notwhat he said at all. Yoda advice here is “be happy the person has gone somewhereelse”.
It’s not abad thing to say if we see “transforming into the Force” as the equivalent of anafterlife. Again, the problem here is not what he is saying but when he issaying it. Yoda is talking to someone who is afraid to lose someone they love,not to someone who has lost someone they love. He’s not talking about someonewho’s dead or dying.
Yoda: Premonitions, premonitions. These visions youhave… Anakin: They are of pain,suffering. Death.
They aretalking the possibility of loss and Yoda is already telling him to let go. Itfits the Jedi mindset but when we consider Anakin’s emotional state or a reallife situation it’s not helpful at all:
Person 1: someone I love might be ill.Person 2: be happy they’ll go to [insert any equivalent to the Force/afterlife here].
Once more,it’s matter of tact and compassion. The problem it’s not what Yoda is saying.It’s when, how and to whom he is saying it. That same sentence “Rejoice forthose around you who transform into the Force” would probably have givenObi-wan great comfort after the loss of Qui-Gon. But here, it doesn’t helpAnakin because Anakin is not ready to let go of his pregnant, healthy and ALIVEwife.
“Mourn them do not.”
This iswhat I was talking about. On paper, great. One practice, terrible. Mourning isa natural process. Dealing with our grief, learning to cope and moving on ishealthy. Pretending you’re unaffected by loss, is not. This a perfect exampleof toxic Jedi behavior. Conceal, don’t feel.
“Miss them do not.”
Seriously?!You can’t even miss them? Does this mean Yoda doesn’t miss all the Jedi Anakinkilled? Is this another example of Yoda’s hypocrisy or he truly doesn’t care?I’m torn on this one.
“Attachment leads to jealousy.”
True. Butthis is quite a big leap. He was talking about death and mourning, and his mindwent straight to jealousy. How does that help Anakin, or anyone else? this is basically,“don’t love anything or anyone, or else you’ll get jealous”. Seriously? Is thisreally good advice to give someone who is afraid of loss. Like I say earlier,this sort of “advice” only adds to the strain the person was already feeling.Not only no real help is being offered, their feelings are being criticized. InAnakin’s case, he’s being told he can’t help his loved one, he’s also beingtold that having a loved one is wrong and that even love itself leads to evil.
“The shadow of greed that is.”
“Train yourself to let go of everything youfear to lose.”
Attachment= emotional bond (love)
Attachment-> Jealousy -> greed => dark side (bad/evil)
By Yoda’s(Jedi) logic here, attachment is the cause of all evil. And the only way toprevent evil is to prevent love. To prevent love, you must let go of everythingyou fear to lose. Yoda concludes his advice by saying “you shouldn’t care aboutthis”. You should let go of whoever you love, because love leads to bad things.That’s not good advice, to Anakin or to us. Good, admirable advice, would recognizethe person’s feeling and actually help them to deal with them, or at leastcomfort them.
To be fair,all the unhealthy implications above are not only about Yoda. It’s a about theJedi Order as whole and how their rules and beliefs harmed their own members.Yoda, Obi-wan, Qui-Gon, Mace Windu, Anakin and all the others felt the samethings we do: love, anger, fear, etc. and even if they weren’t attached tosomeone they were attached to the Order and their own ways and ideals. The Jediand their story is the proof this kind of thinking doesn’t work in practice. Ican’t think of a single character (who had contact with Yoda and the Jedi wayof thinking) putting all the above into practice. Here’s one example:
“The fear of loss is apath to the dark side.”
They allfelt fear.
“Fear, anger, hate. Consumed by the dark sidethe Jedi were.” Yoda to Kanan [Rebels]Right before the Jedi Purge, the jedi were so afraid to losing their power andinfluence they were willing to compromise their beliefs, spy on the chancellorand plot against the Senate.
Mace Windu: I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The Dark Side of the Force surrounds the Chancellor.Ki-Adi-Mundi: If he does not give up his emergency powers after the destruction of Grievous, then he must be forcibly removed from office.Mace Windu: It will be tricky. The Jedi Council will have to take control of the Senate to ensure a peaceful transition to a new government and a new leadership for the Republic.Yoda: Hmm. To a dark place this line of thought will carry us. Great care we must take.
Yoda’s “words of wisdom” are just more proof of his hypocrisy and damaging mentality that lead to the destruction of the Jedi Order.
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gleefullypolin · 2 months
You could (and probably should!) write fic for them, I'm sure it would be lovely if that little snippet is anything to go by.
I truly adore Eloise and can't wait to see what her place is in all of this. I know there are people waiting for some sort of revenge plot from her or hoping she outs Penelope based on the end of last season but then again, there is a distinct lack of media literacy the last few years that's truly sort of exhausting at this point.
I feel like the fight between them had to happen. Penelope being isolated from the people who know her best is now motivation for her narrative. Anthony felt isolated and under pressure and it was a large part of his motivation in his season. Colin will now be isolated from his usual friendship with Penelope and that will be part of his motivation, etc. Our Freytag's Pyramid essentially started with the end of s2 for our dear Penelope and Colin but also feel like they've always given the main characters a bit of the Hero's Journey without the supernatural element to contend with as well.
(Well now I'm just going to call him Lord Obi Wan Kenebling)
I am curious to see how they handle Colin knowing, in the book he was worried for her more than anything and I think I'd like to see that played out with the contrast to Eloise's anger. Having both Colin and Eloise get viscerally angry at her and saying the worst sort of things isn't going to do anything to move a story forward imo and will just feel redundant. Colin being in love with her by then very well may soften it and having them work together, especially since they keep saying how much it's friends to lovers, how they're going to be able to tell each other things they wouldn't tell anyone else, would be a good departure from the avoidant behaviors of earlier seasons.
Oh yes, I don't think she's going to hold anything against him. What he said was not something she didn't expect, it was the hurt of him saying out loud to everyone like that. I do think he will be the architect of his own suffering and I have to admit that I find that much more enjoyable than some perceived punishment that someone who loves him would dole out.
I did just stumble into the info that they were going for Marlboro Man for him vs sexy pirate and either way, they're very clear on him being a man now, ha. I think at this stage, she is used to him looking at her, even so much as staring at her at times, but she's never managed to read him right when it pertains to her and I think it will be fun if they play with that insecurity of hers, she won't quite get it until she *gets* it and it will be very satisfying indeed when he finally says it to her out loud.
I really don't think you can ever go wrong with using longing looks and yearning as foreplay tbh.
I have been writing the final chapter of my last Captain Swan fic for 2 years now. I keep telling them all it’s almost done as I write one sentence and delete it over and over again. I swore I was done writing. I dare not try my hand at things anymore for the sake of sucking me in. Hahahaha!
Back to the point at hand, I will be so annoyed if Eloise does out her to Cressida. I just don’t feel like she would do that even out of revenge. She’s angry and acting childish but they have been friends for so long, I can’t see her of all people just being cruel for cruelty’s sake. I just saw the snippet of her and Cressida on Netflix and you can see in those few seconds that their friendship is not because she WANTS to be with her, its not because suddenly she’s a girls girl who wants to hang and gossip. She’s hurt and feeling a way and who is the one person who would hurt Pen more than Cressida? Women can be cruel creatures when reacting with each other. But that does not mean she wants to cause her permanent damage by outing her to the Ton. She knows what that would mean and if she had wanted to truly hurt Pen, she would have done that already.
I can never not unsee Lord Obi Wan Kenebling and so I shall forever address him as so! Thank you!
I agree with you whole heartedly, if Eloise is angry and seeking out the one person that would anger Pen as revenge, I do not want to see Colin treat her with the same anger. I want to see Colin show after of course his initial confusion and anger, because of course he was affected by Whistledown himself and then trying to understand why she would do such a thing and take such a risk and especially, not tell him of all people. But I also want him to be the one person that understands her in the end.
I want him to be her refuge, her safe space, and the place where she finds her acceptance. Colin has always been some sort of home to her. Whether it was the one person who sheltered her in the sea of people at the ball, or the person who was interested in her thoughts while he was traveling and heard her desires via her written word, Colin has been the home to her heart, and I want that to be where Whistledown comes to find peace too.
She’s going to be scared when she realizes there is a price on her head, and she is alone in this only to have someone to offer her security and acceptance and THAT is going to glorious because it has always been Colin. But now, he will recognize that too. He’s been a bit slow on the uptake! I’ll have to really control myself not to fast forward out of impatience to get there. I love angst but I also hold it in great disgust for what it does to my heart!
I have a feeling that all the sultry stares and dare I say lustful, breathy ways these two will say Colin or Penelope will surely make up for it.
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tennessoui · 3 years
it's not you, it's my enemies (i honestly have no idea what this means tbh but i am excited to find out) + mutual pining aus
ooo OOO <3 alright so when i read 'it's not you, it's my enemies' i was like shit idk what that means either but im pretty sure it's like referring to a reason to break up with someone (aka it's not you, but the threat of my enemies hurting you that makes me want to protect you.) and look even if it's not thats what i ran with tbh so <3<3 it is now!!!!
alright so i'm thinking completely alternate gffa universe where obi-wan is five years older than anakin so he was sent to bandomeer right before qui-gon found anakin on tatooine.
story takes place when anakin's twenty and obi-wan is twenty five, and obi-wan stayed with the agricorps until he was about 21 and then left because it wasn't for him and he'd saved up enough money to go somewhere comfy
meanwhile, the sith and the jedi break out into war but it's a much more private war than the clone wars are. it's like just jedi vs sith and the occasional planet taken hostage. so anakin winds up being one of the best jedi fighters, and he's still the chosen one and the best and brightest (except he's tinted with dark by the death of his mother and what he did after)
but he gets wounded on a mission and falls onto obi-wan's doorstep because the force tells him it will be safe here.
and he is. he's safe. snarked at, but safe. during his healing, they definitely start vibing and obi-wan knows a jedi when he sees one but the thing is he doesn't even care, because this jedi is so....different. this jedi seems to want him.
so obviously there's a ton of mutual pining and then when theyre out walking in a market on the planet, a sith attacks anakin because she'd finally traced him here and obi-wan gets injured a bit but it's enough for anakin (post-attack) to realize staying with obi-wan would be dangerous, especially now that ventress saw his face and how anakin reacted to him being hurt.
so he leaves for obi-wan's own protection, but all obi-wan sees is another jedi who has decided that he doesn't want him.
but that doesn't mean he can stop thinking about anakin, no matter how bitter or in pain he is in the present moment </3
that also doesn't mean anakin won't fight everything in the galaxy for the chance to make it safe enough for him to risk holding obi-wan's hand.
send me 2 tropes from this list and i'll tell you how i'd combine them into a fic!
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tennessoui · 3 years
what's something you would never write? (can be kink/trope/pairing, etc) i'm just curious bc i don't ever want to ask something you wouldn't be comfy with!
ahh thank you for this ask!! its very sweet of you to check
i do currently have a ton of asks i need to answer and want to answer but i haven't yet because a. i don't want to flood people's dashes by answering like fifteen in a row and b. spend too much of my allotted writing time answering asks because it's so fun and i have no self control so i'd just talk to yall instead and never get any story-writing down on google docs (why i've been working on the last chapter of the firefighter story for like. weeks now rip)
which is all just to say if you've sent one to me recently and then haven't seen it answered, i promise i never delete asks!!! but im really bad at answering them in order because i get a moment of inspo for something I think I can get out really quickly and want to share immediately vs a longer prompt i either don't know what to do with yet or want to spend more time writing/developing a response
that being said, when it comes to stuff i don't write i don't do underage content on this blog, or rape/non-con between the main pairing (though, let's be real i've done quite a few dubious consent ficlets); i try not to character bash (except palpatine he's like the fandom piñata as far as i can tell); i don't write things where they don't end up together because i find that tragically sad tbh; oh and definitely no major character death; i've been toeing the hard porn/nsfw line on this blog but i'm much more comfortable with that stuff on ao3 because i trust their tagging system better (that stuff would be like a bdsm AU or an extension on the first time obi-wan gets his pretty bird to call him daddy in bed) (which is why a lot of the ficlet/prompt fills are much dirtier when i transfer them over)
i'm slowly working myself up to writing actual a/b/o, which i never thought i would tbh so i'm trying to err on the side of caution and give more hard limits here (like the non-con, or the major character death) rather than stuff i haven't tried before because maybe i'd do it in the end y'know?
ah this has gotten so long but ok so lastly i will say when it comes to prompts I think I'm pretty good at adapting a prompt to fit what i like writing/how I view the characters/what strikes my fancy (hopefully in a way that still makes the prompt giver happy) so even if you're a little bit sure i promise I'm never mad or disgusted by any sort of prompt! you just might not end up getting exactly what you expected sometimes 🙈
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