krypticwitchcraft · 2 years
Protective Oil Against Another Witch's Spells
This oil can be used in sachets, on candles, on windows and thresholds to create a barrier of protection and forcefully repels any baneful energies thrown at you.
You will need:
Nettle - Nettle is excellent in protection and warding against baneful energies and spirits.
Whole Cloves - Cloves can be used in domination and protection, to dominate any energies sent towards you and forcefully repels energies.
Juniper Berries - Juniper is an excellent protective herb to create a shield and repel any evil and entities.
Dried Wasp Nests - Wasp nests are excellent for protection as they provide protection and shelter to wasps who are ruthless and powerful.
Black Salt - Black salt is a great compound which brings protection and repels hexes and baneful energies.
Cayenne Pepper - A great spice for protection and a spice to represent force and drive.
Dried Chilies - Another great herb for protection and breaking any remnants of negative energies that may have stayed. You want all the negative energies to STAY OUT!
Sandalwood Resin - A good resin for protection and exorcism. To repel and force the energies that are sent towards you to be expelled and sent back to where they have originated from.
Asafetida Powder - This shit burns the nostrils!!! Be SUPER careful when handling cause it smells so bad and can burn your nostrils. This spice is good for protection and good for breaking hexes, curses, magical workings.
A carrier Oil - Grapeseed, Olive, Jojoba, Safflower, Etc
Charge and bless your items and into the jar they go.
Add your oil into the jar and recite the following
"Shatter, Platter, Pitter, Bound, wicked workings return to the caster's ground. Hexes, Curses, spells of negativity, return to where they came, banished be."
Add your oil, shake the jar and let it brew in a dark dry place for a couple months (I do around 2-3 months.) Shake jar every day or 4 times a week.
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birchcraft · 2 years
Things to add to your baneful workings that really give them a nice kick ✨
Rusty nails
Anything insanely spicy
Dead bugs
Bodily fluids (specifically ones that aren't so good-smelling)
Poisonous plants (handle with care)
Poppyseed (creates confusion)
Broken glass
Handle all of these things with care and make sure to wash your hands afterward as well as cleanse your space AFTER you've done a baneful working!
You do not HAVE to cleanse beforehand, in fact I don't recommend it because it gets rid of all the negative energy you would need for that baneful magick. However, if you do or did that's alright, everyone practices in different ways and I'm just writing here what has worked for me!
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elsonlinegrimore · 2 years
Crystals and their baneful uses
Crystals are used in lots of light magick (which I will explain in a later post) but I never see true baneful uses for crystals anywhere. As with all baneful magick, protect yourself before doing anything and happy cursing!
Ruby: focuses intent on target
Clear quartz: an amplifier as well as an energy holder
Onyx: can be used to break apart relationships
Amethyst: can cause self destruction
Garnet: a personal favorite of mine. It sucks the energy of the person you give it to
Diopside: the truth telling and justice rock as I call it, it will reveal the true colors of the target.
Bloodstone: when given intention, it can suck the life force from your enemies. Pair with clear quartz and give the bloodstone to your target
Opal: can intensify and radiate negativity
Carnelian agate: can cause physical pain to the target with correct intent
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poisonnxkki · 1 year
Necromancy & Reanimation In Ancient Times🕯
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Dead Man's Tongue by Karol Bem
🖤This post focuses on necromancy during ancient Greece/Rome, methods will differ depending on the tradition.
Ancient Classifications of the Restless Dead:
Note: In ancient times, the restless dead tended to be the ones exploited for magical endeavours.
Aôroi- those dead before their time, which is anyone who died of anything other than natural causes in old age.
Bi(ai)othanatoi- those dead by violence, includes those who died at war, executed criminals or murder victims.
Agamoi- those dead before marriage, includes both males and females.
Ataphoi- those deprived of burial, anyone who died without a proper burial were unable to rest peacefully.
Features of Ancient Necromancy:
Note: Ancient necromancy is the act of communing with the dead, this is often done with the help of oracles of the dead.
It always takes place at night
Rites require a pit and a fire
Libations of honey-milk, wine, water, olive oil (occasionally) and barley are offered to the dead
Black cattle are sacrificed for the entities of the underworld, the blood is drained into the pit and the remains are burned whole
Prayers are made to both the dead and their rulers, which secures the soul's temporary release from Hades
Features of Ancient Reanimation:
Note: Reanimation originates from Egypt and differs from necromancy in both method and appearance.
The corpse must stand before it can speak, the act of standing symbolizes its return to life
Herbs are used to reanimate the corpse
The dead being revived is always angry at their revival, unlike in necromancy which is often enjoyed by the dead
Reanimation always fails the first time, the threat of a second attempt is what makes the reanimation successful
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*All images are from Pinterest*
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Things to Remember When Cursing pt2
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1. When making a curse its important to use a level of discernment of the mundane and magical working, while also knowing yourself and the deep rooted reasons of why you want to and if you should.
2. Evaulate your actions, reactions and reasoning. Does the reasoning of your reaction justify the action itself? If not or you may be unsure then its time to do a bit if self relfection. As magic fueled by emotion can be powerful it can also potentially be dangerous to yourself. Being equivocal and uncertain while cursing creates many loopholes and lessens the chances of outcomes. If your only doing so just to make them hurt without critically thinking about what aspect of your life they did hurt or leave an emotional stain, your spell wont get very far.
3. Be realistic. Work smarter not harder. This isnt anything like harry potter or things you see on tv. If you want to curse someone to wake up suddenly with say.....a rash or acne one day . Trying to target a physical appearance with no real foundation of direction for the curse is a waste of time and your own energy. One would have a better chance of taking the targets "ugly" energy such as their manipulative, abusive, nature etc. and have that manifest as a physical representation on their person instead for all to see. Why waste tools and ingriedients when you already have them at your disposal?
4. Dont waste your time if you dont have to. Let karma handle the rest. Sometimes putting all your energy into one curse simply isnt worth the energy. Its important to know when to let things sort itself out. Again i refer back to discernment and rational reasoning. If the person your targeting is currently recieving a wave of consequences, created by their own poorly judged actions then let karma do her work. I cant express how many times ive just let people essentially hex themselves by just watching them play out their own downfall and whining about it without realizing theyre the problem. Sometimes its best to leave them to their own demise....and occasionally stoke their flames alittle to assist karma along with her work.
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priestesspath · 1 year
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What is a Blood Pact?
A Blood Pact is a magickal energetic, and spiritually binding ritual, be it with another person or a divine being, demon, or deity. It can also be a binding between two people to establish an extreme and intense deal or promise, which is activated by blood upon a set agreement.
A Blood Pact can last until the deal or promise has been fulfilled, or it can last as long as the course of many lifetimes. A Blood Pact is a serious commitment. Blood Pacts are not easily broken, in fact to break a pact will give you a bad reputation among spirits and the divine, and may make it more difficult for spirits to trust you.
As previously stated, they are not easily broken. And upon considering making one, keep in mind whoever it may effect if it is broken against the other consenting party's wishes or knowledge. With another human being, they may feel intense spiritual pain towards the dissolution of the bound agreement.
This may cause the energy and magick of the other person to lash out at you aggressively, as a soul contract was made, and by breaking such a promise you are causing an energetic imbalance. A Blood pact can strengthen a bond as well as transcend lifetimes.
However a pact can wreak havoc on your life if dissolved disrespectfully or without thought and care for the other person.
Moreover, if it is a divine being, say a demon or a deity, going against your word and dishonoring such an intense oath can reap the highest severity of consequences. You may do as you will, however I highly suggest vetting any spirit thoroughly who may be inclined to create an agreement such as this with you.
How does one create a Blood Pact?
A Blood Pact between two people can look a few different ways. One way would be a ritual where the blood of the two consenting parties become one, be in a drop or two of blood or a vial of each person's blood within a chalice during ritual and speaking the pact agreement aloud while mixing the blood, or simply bonding it together in a ceremony bowl and setting it ablaze.
With deities, this can be an offering of one's blood to said god or goddess, or demon, or any other spirit that you work with, or writing one's name in blood as part of a petition for a Blood Pact with a deity or demon. Once again, this is a lifelong commitment.
How do you dissolve a Blood Pact?
Before attempting such a thing please consider the following:
Was the pact made in genuine error?
Were you misled or did you misjudge the situation?
Were you under the influence?
Have you changed greatly as a person since time has passed and since the pact was made?
Has your connection with the opposite party gone sour?
To put it simply, if you are unwilling to commit to the deal or promise, or to the spirit, should a pact be made at all in the first place?
The answer: most definitely not.
As I've stated, the energy of the contract dissolution will wreak havoc on your life. Symptoms of dissolving a Blood Pact can be migraines, cold sweats, nightmares, or unexplained fatigue or illness.
If you cannot commit to such a contract, DO NOT CREATE A BLOOD PACT!
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🌑 Spellwork: Mirror Boxes for Self Reflection
✨ I put in a clause that if they can't focus on their own problems and stop projecting / causing drama, then they need to leave
✖️ Target: Co-workers
✖️ Moon Phase: Dark
✖️ Taglock -- their first and last names written on a piece of paper, my grievances written in a spiral around their names, so that these thoughts surround them
✖️ Black Pepper for banishing their b*s*
✖️ Cayenne for speeding up the process and acting in a hotfoot manner should they end up vacating
✖️ Cloves for keeping their mouths shut
✖️ Black Duct Tape to bind
✖️ Black candle melted on top to further seal their mind in a state of self-reflection
✖️ I also channeled my intention into these as if I could say what I wanted to say to them without fear of reprimand (felt a bit weird yelling at candles, but I just pictured the people in my head)
As I will it, so it will be 🍂🎃🌙
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
Oh hi, look at me finally having some energy after a whole lot of people and energies fucking around and uhhh not finding out? Welp, hope they had fun while it lasted. Remember that post about lilo and stitch? Well I made something similar but I didn't have all the ingredients. Luckily alot of things can still work in a pinch.
So this is the "return to sender/fucked around and gonna find out" jar. Salt for my own protection at the bottom, names of specific people and general negative stuff, staples (the only sharp thing I had), black pepper, crushed red pepper, and cayenne pepper. I got the jar from the dollar store and the bottom of the lid was shiny with a mirror affect which is perfect. Add a few sigils or runes facing the inside that align with your intention, draw a protection one on the outside/top of the lid for yourself, burn a black banishing candle on top to seal it and voila! You can shake it if you want to and anytime shit is getting wild.
(I did cleanse and set up protections immediately after as my intention is to send all the bad intentions back with a fury.)
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chadpolee · 2 years
Weekly Chaos Magic Hex!
This hex will require four simple things. That's it. Just four.
Any colored candle, but white and black would work best!
A crystal, now you can use any crystal for this as well but I'd recommend using:
Smoky Quartz
Even clear quartz (charge it first!)
A picture/written name of the person you want to hex.
Your intentions, I cannot stress enough how much you need to set intentions!!!
I will list below the steps!
Grab your decided crystal, hold it in your hands and visualize the crystal sucks in and absorbs all negative energy in the room. Like a small black hole. Imagine that this will continue to suck up and absorb ONLY negative energy, you may place the crystal down and let it do it's work. How long you do this? That's up to you. I recommend at least waiting 24 hours.
After your decided waiting time grab said crystal and your candle of choice. Light the candle and hold the crystal in the hand. Imagine you are staring at the negative energy, picture it anyway you want. Now grab the picture/written name of the person you want to hex, simply touch the picture/written name to the crystal and imagine the negative energy latching onto it. Imagine it is attacking it from all sides.
After this you need to burn the picture/written name in the candle you have lit. Imagine the smoke is a more focused version of the negative energy, it now knows it's target and will go after them.
After this you will need to open a window to air out the room you performed the spell in.
The hex will do it's work, after the candle has gone out and the picture/written name has stopped burning what you do with the objects does not matter. But I'd recommend cleansing the candle and the crystal, then throwing away the picture/written name.
The hex will end after one week/one month depending on how much negative energy was used.
To end the hex on your own follow these instructions below:
Grab the same crystal you used to hex said person.
open your window, and call back that chaotic negative energy you've sent upon said person, imagine a sort of mist entering through the window and sleeping into the crystal.
After that cleanse the crystal, or don't if you intent to reuse for another person. Either way the hex is ended for the person you originally hexed. Although the damage done will not be undone.
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batshitbaneful · 2 years
thank you for allowing me to cut your hair that one time, it looks real pretty next to a black candle, garlic, and your government name & date of birth
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osdeam · 2 years
instead of “use lemons for hexing”, how about this for a baneful witch tip: bind the spirit of someone who 💀 themselves to your target and watch the spiral.
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greenwitchcrafts · 2 years
My devil's trumpet is looking amazing so far!
I can't wait to harvest this for some baneful oils
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monotheisticpagan · 2 years
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Paper with a symbol of misfortune and target address
Cloth doll sewed with an opening
A bottle of thread, spider web, and your own hair, which has been used to draw in negativity
Fill a small jar with thread, spider web, and a bit of your own hair. Envision negativity being trapped within this jar, several months prior to use in this doll.
Sew your cloth doll yet leave an opening.
Into this doll place the symbol, mugwort, and jar contents (thread, spider web, etc).
The hair in the doll symbolizes your energy if the target directs negavtivity towards you, like a taglock. This energy sent instead will target themself.
Keep your doll stored in a safe and dry place. When ready to energize the working, hold the doll and envision misfortune becoming trapped within the doll (target), due to the nature of the web and thread placed within.
Energize this working periodically. The longer you sustain attention to it the longer the target experiences misfortune.
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New post!!
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poisonnxkki · 1 year
Sending a question about baneful methods. How do you tether when practicing baneful spells? Do you keep them and charge them, if so, how often? And what happens if that tether breaks?
Hey! Thanks for your question, sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you but I hope my response is helpful.
Tethering is something that is not specific to baneful magic. You can tether spells to celestial bodies (although I wouldn't recommend for baneful spells), plants (or other objects) and more. Wards can be protection spells that have been tethered to power source (i.e a plant or crystal). You can tether something energetically (which can be a little more complicated if you're someone who struggles with visualization) or physically (with rope/string).
Whether or not you keep the thing you tether your spell to is going depend on you. I often see people talking about throwing hexes into the elements or burying them off property, which can be done with the object you have tethered as well. However, if the object is damaged or you need to undo the spell, that method can present some problems. I, personally, keep these objects around and "charge" them (more like mess with them) when I feel like it. Something to keep in mind is that people usually tether a spell for a specific reason. Sometimes it's to absorb the recoil if a spell backfires, other times it's to be the power source for a spell (an example would be tethering a money spell to a plant, with the intention that as the plant grows, so does your money) so how often you charge that spell or whether you even need to, is going to depend on your intention.
A tether is an energetic chord (which can also be physical, if you use a string to act as the tether). It connects two things, most often an object to a spell. In my practice, if something happens to one, the other will be affected by it. So if the spell doesn't work (for whatever reason) then the object it's attached to would break. Obviously mundane before magical, double check with divination before jumping to conclusions. On the flip side, if the object happens to break then I would choose to redo the spell if I felt that my desired conclusion hadn't come into effect. (Note: breaking can also signify that the spell has come into fruition and the object is no longer needed, it really just depends so double check with divination).
I hope this helps and feel free to send anymore questions and I will do my best to answer them!🖤
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Black Moon Water Recipe
Now available for purchase on ko-fi!
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