starry-eyed-wolf · 10 months
Does anyone else do some spell work and then leave it there for a bit? It's hard to find the time to clean but at least it looks awesome and the vibes are immaculate in the mean time!
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starry-eyed-wolf · 11 months
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the future is now
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starry-eyed-wolf · 11 months
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the simpsons + my favorite lgbt+ moments
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starry-eyed-wolf · 11 months
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You are a witch, they should be afraid of you
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starry-eyed-wolf · 1 year
Over the past few years the crystal family has grown exponentially. While I do use then in spells and the like I'm glad they now have a 'home'. I think they seem to be quite happy and content!
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The shelf I thrifted and repainted. It is being held to the wall with command straps for the time being but it should be fine.
(The chips in the jars on top were a gift and came in a set but I'm not sure where they're from exactly. They mostly seem real but the clear quartz and "rock crystal"... probably glass lol but that's alright)
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starry-eyed-wolf · 1 year
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when i got home after the new years celebrations last night, i took off my boots and found this pin stuck in the bottom of one of them,, a good sign for the new year perhaps ? :-) 
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
Low Energy Witchcraft
I'm neurodivergent and i experience really intense burnout. I get to a point where I struggle to even get out of bed, take my meds, remember to drink water, let alone practice. But, when I want to practice i have a list of things i can usually do. Everyone's experiences with burn out/low energy are different so this list may not apply to you, and that's okay. Take what resonates, leave what doesn't and i hope you enjoy my silly little list :)
create a playlist and infuse it with an intention. eg, a money spell playlist filled with songs about wealth.
draw sigils with soap when in the shower. (you can also use a wet wipe if you can't shower)
found some juice? give it a little shake and use the ingredients as a spell.
have food that has grains as ingredients? wow! an abundance spell!
the classic add intention to your tea and coffee.
bind your hair. for me with is as simple as putting my hair in a ponytail.
watch a witchy video. while not technically practising witchcraft, sometimes all you need is to sit back and relax to connect with your practice.
when I have a decent amount of energy I'll grab a large pillar candle and carve sigils into it. I use it as a long-term spell; all I have to do to activate it is light the candle. I like to light one of these spell candles when I'm having a bad day.
if you're religious, pray. Even if you're lying in bed. Even if you haven't showered in a week. If it makes you happy and you can, do it
burn some insence! it smells good, you don't have to really worry about forgetting about it, it's good for cleansing. it's great!
take a nap with some crystals. any restorative crystals or calming crystals work great! just make sure that they aren't geodes or roughs. i'd hate for you to hurt yourself while sleeping.
if you don't have any crystals for your nap, set an intention instead. please let yourself rest.
It's important to remember that you're allowed to take breaks from your craft. If you're forcing yourself to practice when you have no energy because "that's what a good witch would do!" then you're probably going to make your situation worse. it's a great way to fall out of love with witchcraft. give yourself some grace. rest is infinitely more important than 1 full moon, 1 new moon, or missing your daily/weekly/monthly cleanse. You aren't a bad person if you don't pull your morning tarot card or check the astrology forecast for today. and you aren't a bad person if you miss your daily prayer. take care of yourself. your health is WAY more important than your craft. Go get a drink of water and take care of yourself <3
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
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current favorite tiktok
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
“My nights are for over-thinking; my days are for over-sleeping.”
— Hedonist Poet
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
Tonight’s Sturgeon moon, August 11th, 2022
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Fishing tribes named this full moon the “sturgeon moon” since the sturgeon in the Great Lakes are more abundant this month. A few tribes called it the Full Red Moon because, as the moon rises, it appears red. It was also called the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.
This moon will be the last super moon of the year. The surgeon moon marks the end of summer and the beginning of the harvest season. If you have been struggling with unproductivity, the sturgeon moon has shown up in the sky as a sign of positive change. This moon brings emotional healing, so if you went through heartbreak recently, the pain should ease a little with this moon.
Take this time to focus on your heart chakra and ask yourself what you can do to make your life better.
Heart chakra healing music
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
In other news I got my hands on herbs and learned how to make a money bowl/dish so I'm sitting with my abundance spell complete with an oil and herb dressed candle in the salt dish with more money/abundance herbs and I feel so offical!
-Not to say I wasn't before and absolutely you do not need all of the things to do stuff (literally bought herbs, the dish, salt, etc at the dollar store) but I don't know it does definitely feel heightened and more intense which is pretty cool. Also I've never put herbs on a candle before so the random sudden crackles keep scaring me lol but they also scented the candle just enough to give the room a hint of spice and it is very nice.
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
It's been, what, 2 days and like half of the water in my ward is just gone. I added more moon water but I honestly don't know.
Nobody would've drank it, I live with cats but they never go in the room and they easily would've knocked things over/around getting to it if they did. I do have skulls a little buckle for Hades and Persephone but I don't exactly work with them or anyone. I don't know if someone/something mistook it as an offering (literally moon water charged with confidence and love, and a piece of clear quartz in a little glass dish) or what. I guess if someone needed or wanted that it's cool obviously but just concerning lol I'm sure the ward itself still works fine (it still feels very light and calm) but I don't know I worry.
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
Oh hi, look at me finally having some energy after a whole lot of people and energies fucking around and uhhh not finding out? Welp, hope they had fun while it lasted. Remember that post about lilo and stitch? Well I made something similar but I didn't have all the ingredients. Luckily alot of things can still work in a pinch.
So this is the "return to sender/fucked around and gonna find out" jar. Salt for my own protection at the bottom, names of specific people and general negative stuff, staples (the only sharp thing I had), black pepper, crushed red pepper, and cayenne pepper. I got the jar from the dollar store and the bottom of the lid was shiny with a mirror affect which is perfect. Add a few sigils or runes facing the inside that align with your intention, draw a protection one on the outside/top of the lid for yourself, burn a black banishing candle on top to seal it and voila! You can shake it if you want to and anytime shit is getting wild.
(I did cleanse and set up protections immediately after as my intention is to send all the bad intentions back with a fury.)
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
Keeping an ear out for the High One (and other deities’) advice: a crash course!
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Oðinn is known for his wisdom and knowledge, and often manifests himself in the form of omens. However, he is also famously deceiving: he will send you puzzle pieces and watch you try to put them together. His advice comes in handy in numerous predicaments, but it requires some sorting out. Understanding the High One’s messages often comes at a price, and I believe he will send you trials and setbacks if the lesson doesn’t sink in. Not because he is malevolent! In my opinion, he puts obstacles on our way so that we can learn by ourselves, just like he has. In order to help you guys figure out Oðinn’s messages, I’ve boiled down the basics to three major habits which I myself seek to develop. These apply to a lot of other deities, but I’ve chosen to illustrate them using Oðinn as an example because his messages are famously hard to decrypt! Now, everything in this post was written according to my personal beliefs and experiences with Oðinn and the Gods. The advice I give is that of a very humble polytheist, and in no way does it represent the absolute truth. Take away from it what you will, because I don’t claim to know the Gods more than any other.
Or catching any potential message
Learn about omens! I’m serious. Especially those that relate to the High One’s symbols, such as birds (crows, ravens) or wolves. If he talked to us directly, I believe he would encourage us to observe everything that surrounds us and to study it to the best of our capacities. May I add,
“The knowing guest who goes to the feast, in silent attention sits; With his ears he hears, with his eyes he watches, thus wary are wise men all.” Hávamál, stanza 7
Which is why I suggest to look at things: not only see them, but truly look at them. Observe the clouds’ movements, the grass under your feet and the feeling of the wind. Notice how people behave and try to guess why they behave so! Tune your ear in to sounds you’d never paid attention to before. Truly listen when people talk to you for sometimes, the High One will speak using their voices. Such exercises will accustom you to catch everything that goes on around you. Eventually, you will start to notice when something feels different, and identifying actual divine advice will become easier.
Or identifying messages
I’ll go broader than just Oðinn for this step because I believe it applies to most deities. Now in my experience, divine advice often feels like its divine. You will know it in your bones. Physically, you may experience a chill or goosebumps. Time may feel like it stopped for half a second, just long enough for the actual message to sink it once you realize it is there. You might find yourself unconsciously mulling over whatever it is you have seen for the minutes or hours that follow. Yet as you’ve probably heard before, not everything is a divine sign. I think skepticism is a vital part of spirituality. People will see a bug outside and go ‘Loki’s telling me I should find work!’ or they’ll drive past a cat cafe and think ‘this is Freyja’s way of telling me I should break up with my boyfriend’. Now, I’m not saying we should constantly brush off signs as fake. My own way of looking at it is, does it really matter if they are? It isn’t necessary to try and interpret every possible sign. If a certain event reminded you of a deity and you think they might have sent you that message, then good! And if you’ve learned a valuable lesson thanks to it, then even better! Believing you’ve received a message from one of your deities, even if you’re not 100% certain of it, is harmless and even healthy. So long as you don’t take every potential message at face value. Same goes for the High One.
Or interpreting the message
Time to reflect on the sign you’ve experienced! What lesson could you possibly learn from the event/the omen? If a particular message seems to arise, how can it be applied to your personal situation? Let me give an example. You’ve mysteriously lost your keys and are forced to go to your neighbor for help. They warmly invite you in their home, make you some tea and turn out a lot more pleasant than you thought they were. Thanks to this unexpected event, you could become more aware of the people around you, choose to commit yourself to your community, or simply try to not judge people with a single glance. Your eyes are drawn to a crow while you’re walking home from work, and you notice it take flight towards the sunset. The image feels strangely warm and comforting? This might be Oðinn’s way to make you notice the world around you, to tell you to breathe and enjoy a moment of tranquility. My personal opinion is that wether these were divine signs or not doesn’t matter, and there is no point trying to prove that they are either. If you learned something from them, them you can very well choose to believe they were sent by a deity because they just might be!
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
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starry-eyed-wolf · 2 years
“There comes a point in a relationship when you realize that you trust someone enough to let them keep their secrets.”
— Robert Brault
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