#background rosegarden
bafflement · 1 year
Deaged Oz AU - Custody Arrangements
Em Pine sighed in frustration as she filled out yet another form to try to become the legal guardian of her new nephew. She didn't remember it being this complicated to claim custody of Oscar, surely it shouldn't be in Oz's case? She double checked to make sure the birthdate matched the other forms, happy she'd asked what Oz's birthday was before they'd left. (He'd sounded so confused, the poor dear, as though he didn't think he deserved one.) So much about Oz made her angry, so many red flags. If she ever found his parents, they would be having words, she was very certain of that, if nothing else. She filed the latest form and left, at least they'd promised to actually look into things this time...
"There is no record of the boy in question. Denied." Was all the letter said. Just that and nothing more, so much for the promises they'd made. She stared down at it in frustration and anger before picking it up and storming back to the train station, hoping she'd make it in time before the office closed for the day. This needed to be sorted out as soon as possible, if only to give Oz some form of legal identity.
The official behind the desk sighed. "Look, ma'am, we can't find any record of this 'Tip Pine'. Do you have any proof he exists? Pictures, physical proof? The boy himself? Even talking to your nephew would help."
"I'm not certain where the boys are right now, they're travelling with a family friend and friends of their own, but I do have pictures, yes. She dug out her scroll and started to show the pictures to the official. Lots of images of Oscar and Oz together, a few of them with her, too. There were even a few they'd sent her of all nine kids together with Qrow in the background. The official tutted to himself.
"Tell you what, contact the older boy, see if he picks up. We'll go from there." He seemed willing to listen at least, though part of that might have been the sheer adorability of the boys in question. They'd looked so sweet asleep against each other in the house in Mistral. It had been rather nice of Qrow to send her that one.
Oscar blinked as his scroll rang, he hadn't been expecting a call after all. Pulling it out, he grinned at the caller ID.
"Hi, Aunt Em!"
"Oh, hello Oscar, do you have a minute?"
"Sure, what do you need?"
"I have a gentleman here that needs to talk to you, if that's alright?" She passed the scroll over to the official, who smiled.
"Hello there, you'd be Oscar Pine, correct?"
"Yes? Hello, who are you?"
"Well, my name is Aster Lyme and I work with the families department here in Haven. I just have a few questions regarding one Tip Pine? There are no records of him, you see. Your aunt claims that you see him as a brother?"
"The families department?" Oscar sounded confused, but shrugged. "Yes, Tip's my brother now. I always wanted a brother, and now I have one!"
The man smiled to himself. "Well, you certainly do sound very attached to him. Now, the records your aunt submitted claim that he's ten? Do you know his parents, at all?"
"Uh..." Oscar looked uncomfortable for a second. "I'm not sure who they are? He's never really talked about them. I can go and get him for you?"
"That might be for the best, yes."
Oz blinked as he accepted the scroll from Oscar, who just grinned at him, looking slightly confused.
"Oh, hello there. You'd be Tip, right?"
"I, well, yes, who are you?"
"I'm Aster Lyme and I need to ask some questions, if that's alright? Do you know where your parents are? Or their names?" He sounded softer than he was when talking to Oscar, his eyes sympathetic as the little boy on the other end blinked in shock.
"I... I'm not sure who they were, why do you need to know?"
Oscar, in the background, sent a horrified look towards Oz. He hadn't known that his brother didn't even know who his parents had been. Who'd raised him, how... just, what?
"I work for the family department here in Mistral, an Emerald Pine has tried to claim custody of you, but your records are incomplete. Are you sure you don't know your parent's names, can't describe them at all?"
"I'm certain. i have no memory of them, I'm sorry."
The official sighed heavily. "No need to apologise, little one. I'll mark your parents as unknown, that's alright, I just needed to check."
Oz pouted slightly at being called little one, but still looked confused. "Aunt Em is trying to claim custody of me? But... why?"
"She seems rather attached to you, as does your brother. Now, do you know where you were born, at all? Or is that unknown, too?"
"I'm sorry, sir, I'm unsure. As stated, I don't really remember that, either."
"Noted. You have a Vale accent, so I'll note that as the possible origin point, but I think that should be just about everything. Nice to meet you both. I'll let you talk to your aunt for a while and thank you for the help!" The scroll was passed back to Aunt Em, who looked rather concerned.
"Aunt Em?" Oz sounded confused. "Why exactly are you trying to adopt me? I'm really, really honored by what you and Oscar have done for me, but custody? Really?"
"Oh, Tip. Is it really that hard to accept that we want you? You're my nephew, Oscar's brother. This just makes it official. And besides, it's only guardianship, just like I have with Oscar. Just because you don't know who your parents were doesn't mean that you didn't have them and I'd no more try to replace them than I would my sister and her husband. You're just gaining more family, and so am I."
"Yeah!" Oscar chimed in. "You're ours now, my brother and Aunt Em's nephew. Whoever raised you can't claim you anymore. You're safe."
"Safe?" Oz breathed, as though tasting the word for the first time. "I am unsure just what safe feels like, really."
The others, who had been trying hard not to listen in, glanced at each other, looking vaguely horrified.
"Oh, pocket sized." Jaune breathed. "None of us would ever hurt you, you really are safe here, or at least as safe as any of us are."
Oz looked deeply touched by the statement, smiling rather sadly back at Jaune. Aunt Em smiled to herself too, thankful that her boys had friends they could rely on.
Later, months after everything had been finalised, Em Pine got a call out of the blue herself. She answered it rather gingerly, not instantly recognising the man on the other end.
"Hello there, I'm General James Ironwood and I'm calling you regarding Oz. Well, and Oscar, I suppose. I was hoping you'd sign over custody to me. Surely they'd be better under my guidance."
"Excuse me?" She stated, flatly, eyes hard. "And just why would I give up custody of my nephews to you? I also note that you seem worryingly interested in Tip for an Academy Headmaster, does your council know about your predilictions?"
James spluttered out denials, face red as Em glared at him.
"What? What? No. Why would I, why would you imply... Oz is my friend. He needs protection while he's here, they both do. Not... not, that!" It was rather amusing for Winter Schnee, who was still in the room, to see her normally unflappable general in such a state. But then, this was a call involving her uncle and she'd heard... stories, about him, over the years.
"He may need your protection while he's there, but I'm not signing over custody. You can have temporary guardianship, but Oscar is my blood nephew and, as for Tip? There's a saying here in Mistral, General."
"Oh?" He still sounded vaguely dazed, but at least with temporary custody he could recover from the conversation. He might try again, then again, he might not.
"Yes. Finder's keepers. Tip is mine, go find your own."
Winter laughed. Maybe James had finally found his equal after all.
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goldenrose-rwby · 21 days
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justpostingavibe · 28 days
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Lost in a fragrant sea of petals, where walls of roses whisper secrets of love and beauty. 🌹✨
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rosegardenshipcollab · 11 months
Salutations! Fellow Rosegarden/Rosepine Shippers!
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"What is Rosegarden to you" is an open collab for fellow Rosegarden shippers to share their love for their ship. For this event artists will draw Ruby and Oscar as they like, whether they be childhood friends, chibis, hero vs villian, canon appearances, au etc. Just keep it pg.
A google drive will be created for artists to share their drawing as a png. After September 23rd 11:00pm EDT no further drawings will be accepted. Images will than be compiled into one image and shared as a completed work showcasing everyone's work all together!
A poll will be posted shortly for folks to vote on what the potential background will be. But folks are more than welcome to begin drafting ideas or working on their piece now.
Once the drive is open a link will be shared. Thank you everyone for your interest in this little event hope you enjoy the rest of your day. And goodluck!
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raezel-rwby · 7 months
my piece for the rosegarden ship collab :) @rosegardenshipcollab
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A Vacuo reunion! I took extra time to give it an actual background. Thank you so much rosegardenshipcollab mods! I needed an opportunity to draw rwby again
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chaikachi · 7 days
Question 5 for Oscar Pine
Question 6
Question 11 for Rosegarden
5. Out of all mt fanwokrs that include him, this one is probably my favourite.
6. Show us a bit of a wip:
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Y'all can have this one because the amount of work that will go into all the lil background paintings is going to take me forever to finish.
11. Favourite piece of fanart for rg? This is harddddd. I think this one will always have a very special place in my heart. But if I were to pick something more recent, it would either be the reunion hug or the klimt kiss one.
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...So...about the second episode of RWBY Beyond...
It skips over the return of RWBY and Jaune, reuniting with their comrades in Vacuo and getting to see everyone’s reactions to being reunited with their missing comrades after so long.
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Alright. I guess they're saving that for V10 if it gets greenlit. Fair and fine.
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That being said, it skips over the reunion to focus a whole episode on Jaune in the aftermath of the return from the Ever After?
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I’m sorry. But for the sake of being that person, I’m gonna be that person.
Just to set the record straight, I don’t hate Jaune. I've never hated Jaune as a character. I have mostly had issues with the way the Writers just love to have Jaune’s development usurp others who deserve the screen time and focus more than him.
Personally, I do not care for Jaune’s development right now. Jaune’s whole experience in the Ever After, for me, did NOT need to be a focus episode for RWBY Beyond.
Especially since there are other characters who had more tragic experiences in the Ever After whose feelings I would’ve liked to see in the aftermath.
And by other characters, I mainly mean Ruby!
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I do, however, love the detail of Oscar being someone that Jaune gets to talk to.
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That was nice and I’m pleased to see that for a second time, Oscar is featured in RWBY Beyond. I actually hope that’s a thing for the final two episodes. I hope that Oscar appears in each episode of RWBY Beyond, even if he’s just in the background.
But going back to my original rant, Jaune is NOT the person I was itching to see Oscar talk to especially in respect to their experience in the Ever After.
If there is any body I wanted to see talk to Oscar, it’s RUBY ROSE! And no, this has nothing to do with Rosegarden or shipping potential at all. I’m talking about this from a narrative perspective.
Ruby’s whole arc in the Ever After was basically about life, death and rebirth in a sense. A complete deconstruction of her character, resulting in her committing the Ever After equivalent of “suicide” and be faced with an ultimatum of choosing to become someone else or be herself in which she chose herself.
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Ruby lost herself in the Ever After for a moment. Oscar is on the cusp of losing himself at this moment.
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Ruby saw Oscar “die” as part of an illusion that hinted at her being responsible for his death and/failing to save him just like she did with other friends like Penny.
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Oscar is on the cusp of “dying” metaphorically right now.
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And speaking of Oscar, don't think I didn't notice his little awkward cough and shifty eyes, immediately redirecting the conversation when Oscar made a point about being in similar situation to Jaune and Jaune be like "You mean Ozpin, right?" and Oscar be like "Aah yes, of course". Ya'll ain't slick dropping dem Merge crumbs! For what it's worth, I do hope an episode focus more on Oscar and Oz in the cards for the final two episodes.
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Overall, this second episode of RWBY Beyond was alright. As was the first.
The artwork of RWBY Beyond is absolutely breathtaking to me and is easily my favourite part of watching the anthology. Inspite of the limited animation, the beautiful artwork more than makes up for it. I definitely wouldn’t mind an actual physical RWBY storybook anthology series done in this same art style.
Makes me wish that Fairytales of Remnant animated series was done in this exact same style instead of the awkward Camp Camp style that DID NOT feel like RWBY at all.
All in all, onward to the next episode of RB. Makes me wonder who will be the focus of the final two episodes.
Like which characters will be we get to have an episode about? Obviously, speaking for myself, I would love an Oscar-centric episode. I mean…he’s been in every episode thus far so it’d be nice to see on all about him for once.
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Outside of Oscar, I wouldn’t mind an episode about the Schnee Family done from Whitley’s perspective? That’s also a good one to see.
And of course, if there is one person an episode needs to be done on, it has to be Ruby. I mean the Oscar and Whitley ones are probabilities but a Ruby-focus episode for RWBY Beyond has to be in the cards, right?
If they can touch base on Jaune’s feelings during the Aftermath of the Ever After then surely, they gotta talk about Ruby's whole experience with her literal death and rebirth, right? RIGHT?
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I guess only time will tell. 2 Episodes down. 2 more to go so see ya’ll next week.
~LMS (2024)
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awsydawnarts · 1 year
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Can we just talk about this scene again in light of the last episode, and “Maybe even finally get our feelings sorted out! Good for you, by the way, we’re all sooo happy for you!”??? *Everyone* gets to have an uninterrupted reunion with everyone else, meanwhile Ruby turns to hug Oscar and…something comes up. Something *always* comes up for Ruby because she’s the leader and she has to deal with things while everyone else gets to have their moments in the background. Emerald’s not a problem, Ruby’s got this. She can handle it. Who cares about what she wants? Ruby needs to handle the potential threat and get to the bottom of what’s going on. Ruby has to put the needs of the group over her own. This is *Ruby’s* responsibility, hugs can wait.
But…Oscar’s in the same position. He goes to hug Ruby and something comes up. Oscar has to deal with this and explain while everyone else gets to relax. Hugs can wait.
In conclusion, Rosegarden 🌹🌲
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falleri-salvatore · 4 months
My ship headcanons and how I view them
Anyone who sees my feed knows that I reblog a lot of jaune shipposts. That said, not every one of them are ones I actually see working out romantically and I mostly do it because the prompts/drabbles made me laugh or were well-written more than anything..... .....in short, just because I don't ship something doesn't mean I can't appreciate good work when I see it. That said, here's how I actually view the relationship between the main characters. Lancaster: Split between BroTP and/or OTP; Jaune and Ruby are, simply put, two sides of the same coin and their interactions pretty much cement that fact. Currently waiting for Volume 10 to see how their bond further develops and how their underlying tension resolves. If I judge BroTP, then I go with Rosegarden, since my Gold Medal OTP for Ruby is currently impossible (Why? Why did they have to take Penny? T_T) Dragonslayer: BroTP, Full Stop. People often overlook the fact that, as we see more of and learn more about Jaune and Yang, the more we realize these two dorks are both birds of a feather. Their chemistry is immense and undeniable, and while Yang would admit that Jaune has gotten hot; and Jaune would admit that Yang is gorgeous, there is no romantic tension between them. For Yang, she already knows Jaune as the dorky yet very kindhearted male bestie of her little sister. In Jaune's part, Yang reminds him of Saphron far too much for him to think of her as anything but a friend and sister. Knightshade: BroTP, as well. These two's friendship is much more subdued but no less strong; they often bond over their shared hobbies, such as a love for books and they often get together to read while maintaining a comfortable silence between them. Would not be surprised if these two ended up founding a Book Club. Whiteknight: Silver Medal OTP. Volume 5 and onwards has convinced me of the viability of this pairing, due the subtle yet telling looks and touches shared by them in the background. Arkos: ARKOS MY BELOVED!!!! THE OTP for me. Just, everything about this. Nora's Arc: BroTP. Nora is firmly Rensexual. To Nora, Jaune is her Fearless Leader and the best Big Brother she could have ever asked for. To Jaune, Nora is the hyperactive and boisterous little sister who can be quite a headache yet he can't help but want to do anything for in order for her not to lose her smile.
Martial Arcs: BroTP. Ren is Norasexual, and Jaune is shown to be firmly heterosexual. They consider each other brothers from different mothers.
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sugarspikesart · 10 months
Sometimes i think about how so much of RWBY was probably inspired by Zelda. (Maybe not but I'm a hardcore zelda fan, and i will associate everything i like) and i love it bc it's not...too obvious? Like, you can clearly point out the similarities and even after noticing them you don't see RWBYs story as a copy or anything (bc this is probably a strech BUT I DONT CARE)
The two brothers /the spirits of the relics -> the three goddeses
The blacksmith / the brothers -> hylia
The two brothers represent different aspects of life and the world -> so do the brothers, they divide their work
The triforce -> the relics
Gathering all of them has very important and potentially horrible consequences but it also can be used for good -> both the triforce and the relics
The pieces by itself can grant some sort of power or effect on the wielder -> the pieces of the triforce represent the goddeses and grant powers (using the light power, super strength, being able to wield a legendary weapon) / each relic has it's own purpose
An innocent soul drunken by power who is also a victim of an ancient god-like entity who seeks reuniting all the pieces of the triforce/relics -> salem / ganondorf
Someone who ended up being cursed to live again and again and again, as a mortal inmortal being whose purpose is to stop the great evil that is threatening the world -> hylia / zelda and ozma
Hm, and somebody innocent who due to this original curse was thrown into all this mess, starting to aquire memories from years and years and decades and centuries before they were born that belong to someone that is merging with them so that innocent person becomes the next soul in the curse and has to stop this great evil because is their fate? -> zelda (skyward sword) and oscar I'm looking at you two
And you're telling me that there were lies and manipulation involved? -> zelda again and ozpin I'm looking at you both
And who did you involved in all this? A brave warrior with a heart of gold and a simple and peaceful background and life who ALSO HAPPENS to be gifted at fighting who carries something unique, the only thing capable of harming that great evil?? Hmmm... -> ruby, link, I'm looking at you both
And you're telling me that having that thing is not as easy as it seems and you need to unlock it and learn how to unleash it's true potential? -> maybe like the silver eyes? Or maybe the master sword?
And you're telling me that these two souls are bonded by fate to meet and have A LOT of pararells and they complement each other? -> ruby and oscar I'm looking at you
And you're telling me that their story resembles and is a pararell to the original story of lovers? -> ozma/Salem - ruby/Oscar and the first link/hylia -zelda/link
And you're telling me that the soul who merges with this magical ancient being also carries light themed magic? -> zelda? Oscar? Explain
Oh, and you're also telling me that there are very important and powerful people who carry a fraction of the power of the gods? Like the maidens? Or like maybe the sages? (I'm not including the champions bc botw came out after rwby)
So yeah, there's some similarities. And i LOVE IT
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sweetheartpatches · 2 months
What kind of relationship does Rosegarden Wally have towards the others??(That includes Delilah)
Oooo first question shfjsh.
Anyways i'm gonna start off with Julie and
Wally they both were suppose to be a married couple(arranged) however Wally did not like Julie enough while Julie loved Wally deeply the curse kind happened before they're marriage they stayed as friends Julie in the other hand slowly starts to fall out of love while Wally slowly falls but isn't aware of it
Barnaby doesn't much lore his just a friend of Wally from another country
Howdy is one of Wally's servants his a gardener in the mansion and he sells apples during saturdays or sundays he also has a wife and a daughter.
Eddie is a milkman in this universe Him and Frank were already married before the curse he was just delivering milk at Wally's mansion but got included.
Frank is Wally's butler Frank's father had been working for Wally's father as an assistant till he passed away.
Sally and Poppy also doesn't much have a lore Sally was just Julie's lady in waiting and Poppy was Wally's cook and nurse.
(As for Delilah my OC she's also Julie's Lady in waiting but she isn't included from the original story she's more likely a background character)
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majoringinsarcasm · 1 year
OK SO NOT TO BE EVEN MORE DELUSIONAL if Bees don’t happen tomorrow it’s fine literally I’m not even worried bc I know it will this volume BUT LET ME GET UP ON THIS STEPLADDER TO REACH FOR A MINUTE (also for context I am getting the episode numbers from crunch roll I think they might’ve been slightly different originally on YouTube but it’s fine I’m already reaching)
Volume 1 Chapter 6: The Emerald Forest is when Blake and Yang locked eyes and became partners BEFORE they even joined a team. So in a world where team rwby never happened they would still be partners on another team. Also could be argued Blake picked Yang on purpose bc we see her dart by in the foreground. You know. Also side note but Yang asking the Grimm if they’ve seen a girl in a red hood vs Ruby asking Little if they’ve seen a girl with long blonde hair. Sisters, your honor.
Volume 2 Chapter 6: Burning the Candle. DO I EVEN NEED TO SAY MORE? Some could say it’s one of the defining moments of early series Blake and Yang, it’s so good you can just say the title and the ones who get it get it. Highlights are the laser pointer which I found personally fun, early volume humor I love you, hugging your sleep deprived stressed girl best friend and then saying you’ll save her a dance. Also shout out to shirtless Ren??? Forgot about that and Nora in the background pretending not to listen to him and Jaune talk lol. Also early volume Renora my BELOVED
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Fall is when the fake out leg break happens with Mercury which isn’t a Bees moment but that later sparks the conversation all the girls have about believing Yang really saw him attack first and Blake bringing up how this reminds her of Adam but deciding to trust in Yang anyway. Volumes four and five don’t have Bee moments tied to their respective chapter sixes.
However the bees are thinking about each other while they are apart, with Blake seeing Yang in Sun’s place when he’s attacked by Ilia plus Sun literally calling out that Yang would want Blake to be with her even when things are bad. And Yang’s “what if I needed her here for me?” when she and Weiss have their little heart to heart in V5.
Volume 6 Chapter 6: Alone in the Woods: a personal favorite of mine in general. They are at the farm, they are above the Apathy, Qrow gets his first big wake up call in terms of his alcoholism and how it affects his family. Yang grabs Blake by the hand to lead her out of the house even though she doesn’t really Need to and Weiss gets to torch the place because she also has a parental figure who struggles with drinking and it affects her. Love this episode a true banger.
Volume 7 Chapter 6: A Night Off: Blake and Yang are going dancing. Neither are very good at it and it’s very cute. Featuring a hand on the shoulder as Blake does her makeup and Yang sitting like a lesbian on the bed behind her and smiling as she does said makeup. Also Blake’s giggle she laughs at whatever Yang does. I love mutually down bad couples. Also Weiss watching half of her team be gay dorks and deciding to go to the movies with Oscar and Jaune bc she refuses to be a third wheel for another second. Highlight for me personally is the beginning when everyone is training I love shots like that I think it’s cute and fun and. I miss when they could act like this before. The Horrors truly set it. Also the beginnings of Ren semblance evolution and the Rosegarden crumb haha. Also Yang chasing after Blake and her shadows as they are fishing was also cute.
Volume 8 Chapter 6 is Cinder’s backstory but V8 does have the bee reunion face cradle and forehead touch as well as Yang’s conversation with Jaune that he mistakenly thinks is about Ruby, as well as Blake’s conversation with Nora about needing to know who you are outside of your relationship and how They don’t have to be all You are.
WHICH BRINGS US NOW TO VOLUME 9 CHAPTER 6. Not every cute or significant Bee moment is tied to chapter six and they have more than one movement to talk and have moments in each volume. I just had a lil breakthrough and wanted to check when they became partners and what chapter burning the candle was and went down a rabbit hole.
Again IF there’s no confession in like 10 hours do Not let the bad faith haters get you down. We are coming off a wild episode and I personally missed my boy Jaune so much and want to know what happened to him. We will see how all that plays out. But the evidence is there and has been for years and has been pointed out in universe so if it doesn’t happen it’s ok to be disappointed but please trust that it Will happen.
But if it DOES? No bigger bottles will be popped. We win either way; it just depends on when. See y’all on the other side!
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goldenrose-rwby · 1 year
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I finally finished a very silly comic I thought of like a year ago. hope you guys like it!
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silentmagi · 1 year
(Medieval!AU) Princess!Ruby and Queen!Summer w/ background Rosegarden. "So, Tell Me About This Farmboy..."
It seemed that Ruby hadn't gotten away as freely as she had thought, her mother could see the look in her eyes when they passed by the farm, or rather where her eyes lingered.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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rosegardenshipcollab · 10 months
Salutations, hope everyone is doing well.
With vol 9 being over and vol 10 slowly but surely approaching I got to thinking of ways to keep fanning Rosegarden/Rosepine flames burning. And maybe help prepare us for that reunion that we KNOW is going to happen.
So I've decided to create Rosegarden prompts with mini drabbles to share atleast once a week, folks are free to send in ideas if you'd like the idea expanded upon or even share your own prompt ideas.
If folks feel inspired to draw/write/craft/cosplay based on any ideas or drabbles please tag the page, love to share it and gawk over the cuteness that is these two dorks.
Anyway hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!
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thelifeoflorna · 2 years
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~15/8/2022~ It was an out of routine sort of day... I was relieved it was starting to cool down, though wasn't really feeling the effects of it yet - was quite headachy the whole day - I think the humidity and high pollen is setting mcas off. I had my first staff governor experience in the council of governors meeting - it was using a digital meeting platform that is incredibly inaccessible - I was struggling to hear a lot of it, struggling to process what was being said, due to the amount of background noise and sensory input - felt like I was a few minutes behind everyone else. Mainly communicated via the chat. Didn't really know what I was supposed to be saying - as usual my allegiances seemed to sway towards service user voices - and talk of power imbalances, which were largely dismissed, yet plain to see. I'm really not sure what I'm going to make of this going forwards - I realise I'm going to have to ask for reasonable adjustments in order to be able to even properly access the role, which they said you can ask for, but I don't know who to ask, and what they'll consider reasonable. And I still have all these questions like why do we have a 'public meeting' when there are no members of the public there!? There is a follow up governors peer support call on Thurs but that's the only day this week I have free to do other things, and I'm not sure that given who the support call is with, it will be supportive. Anyway, finished off a bit of colouring after, then took myself down to Brighton on the bus for a brief seafront walk. My body really isn't in great shape, even though it's starting to cool down. In other news - some new jellycat friends arrived - a little present from me to us! ♡ 🦄 #instadaily #instablog #update #mentalhealth #dissociativeidentitydisorder #cptsd #autism #traumarecovery #edrecovery #anxiety #chronicillness #disability #pots #potsie #dysautonomia #positivevibes #recovery #nationaltrust #nymans #summer #walking #rosegarden #roses #flowerstyles_gf #naturesperfection #floralretreat #mcas #heatwaveuk (at Nymans National Trust, Handcross, Haywards Heath Rh17 6bt) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChUEcCBK4tzJFGapJsybDQTUp1XPsox2q4vmwY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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