#back to regular programming soon just needed something different tonight and feelings for my babies today ajdjfk
kate-m-art · 9 months
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Okay so don't know if I've drawn anything nice for Miraculous since before college but the movie gave me so many feelings and reminded me why I loved it so much so akdkfk Ladynoir beloved ♡
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lordseochangbin · 4 years
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The1: Seo Changbin
a/n: since its my one year on tumblr i really wanted to write a changbin fic hehe so @0325stay and i worked together on this beauty <3 thank you for helping me write this 
You were finally leaving. Your hard work paid off and now you were on your way to working with one of the biggest companies in the music industry, JYP. It was time to make a name for yourself as a producer.
The company was kind enough to pay for all of your expenses for this work trip and now you were seated in first class, wine glass in hand in your own private room on this flight. Making you even more excited to work for them and see what they have to offer.
9 hours later, you were woken up by the flight attendant to tell you that you were about to land and outside, you were welcomed by the thin clouds that separated the sky and the beautiful city down below.
Though it was night time, you were in awe at the sight of the colourful city lights, and the lit up buildings. You weren’t used to this. This was your first time flying alone internationally.
The plane landed smoothly and you grabbed your stuff and exited the aircraft. Making sure you thanked everyone on that flight and when you felt that Seoul air hit your face, you knew you made it. This was the start of your career.
It was a while before you could grab all your luggage and go through the gates, but when you did, it was packed and you had a hard time finding your ride.
You searched and searched, until you finally found the sign. A big poster that had your name on it with JYP Entertainment’s logo that was being held by a man that was just waving it around, hoping that someone would approach him.
“Hi! I’m Y/N… I’m guessing you’re my ride?”
The man looked at you up and down and then put the poster down. He gave you a warm smile and extended his hand out to you as he introduced himself.
“I’m Changbin and yeah I am. JYP sent me over to take you to the hotel and I brought you some dinner as well.”
Changbin took the heavy bags from your arms and guided you all the way to the car. You got in the front seat and whipped out your camera. Excited to see the views during this ride and capture every moment since you knew this was only temporary.
He started driving through the quiet roads then into the busy cities where you were surprised to see the city still so alive at 2am. People were singing, laughing, dancing, just hanging out with friends under the bright lights.
Click, click, click. That’s all Changbin heard throughout the ride. He was confused since he thought you were going to live here, but he didn’t want to bother you with all these questions. There was something about you that just immediately caught his attention, but he didn’t know what it was.
Maybe it was the way you found everything so fascinating, or maybe it was just because this was one of the very few times he was going to be around someone who was from a different country. He didn’t know just yet.
When you two finally reached the hotel, he hopped out and grabbed your bags. Checking you in under the company’s card and then bringing up your bags to your room. Also handing you your dinner and then saying his goodbyes.
“Good night. I’ll be back by lunch to pick you up for work… Sweet dreams”
But before he shut the door, he asked one more question.
“What’s your number? You know, so I can call or text you before I pick you up.”
You exchanged numbers and then he shot you a smile on his way out. You already knew you two were going to get along, there was just something about him.
The morning came and you slept like a baby because of how tired you felt from travelling. You were only awakened by the sound of your phone ringing. It was Changbin. You overslept and now you had a little less than an hour to freshen up.
You rushed yourself. All your clothes were already scattered, your bathroom was a mess, and you were starving at this point. You ended up hitting corners of furniture from trying to hurry your process up.
Knock knock, the door went. Your hair was a mess and you were only finished with half of your outfit. It was your banana pajama pants paired with some cute shirt you found. Along with one shoe on. You opened the door and you found Changbin just waiting there with coffee in his hand and a small breakfast bun he picked up along the way. 
“Well…good morning.”
He scoffed and rolled his eyes when he saw you rushing with your frizzy hair and half done outfit but, he sat down comfortably on the chair and just talked to you about your schedule today. From the meeting, to the company tour, then the meeting of the groups, and then to the actual work that was to be started.
You didn’t hear most of it though since you were too busy panicking about how you were going to present yourself today. You just started babbling about your thoughts and Changbin just listened. He found it cute how you babbled when you were nervous and the bed head hair just made his day.
He handed you the coffee and the breakfast bun, telling you to hurry up and then threw the company employee pass at you as you both drove off for work.
Once you both reached the company, Changbin introduced you to everyone, but they all seemed way too busy to notice you fully. You didn’t mind though, you knew they were all busy with promotions and they needed to perfect everything they did.
Changbin gave you a tour of the company, and little by little, you found himself opening up to you. At first, he seemed like a snob, but when you got to know him, he was like a bubbly little kid that was always trying to play. He went from trying to act tough and in charge to skipping down the halls of JYP saying hi to everyone he knew.
Then after a long day of meeting most people and looking through all the rooms, it was time to start work officially. Changbin opened the door to a dainty size studio, just enough room to fit one. You thought he was going to leave you once he dropped you off, but he pulled up a chair and sat down real close to you.
“Aren’t you going to leave?”
He rested his chin on his hand and shook his head. He just told you he was curious with how you do your work. So, you started setting up your program, linking all the pads, and finding the right channels to use. You worked fast for someone who didn’t have much experience working professionally and Changbin was impressed with you.
You just did your thing while he sat and vibed on the side. You barely noticed him while working, but Changbin noticed every small detail about you. From the way you found the rhythm and beat you wanted just by tapping your foot and fingers furiously, to the way you smiled to yourself after finding the right tones.
He sat back and enjoyed how you worked and was thinking about if he should ask the boss if he could work with you on this track. And to his luck, he got the boss’ approval to work with you and was assigned to be your guide for your whole stay.
From there, Changbin would come pick you up every morning, drop you off every night, bring you food whenever you asked, or just randomly throughout the day. Every single day, he’d bring a surprise. Whether it was a small treat from the street food vendors, or a little toy he thought you’d like. Changbin was always handing it over with a smile, and after a week, he was already giving you hugs like you two had been friends forever.
On your days off, he would still be there for you even when he didn’t need to be. He’d send you a good morning text then ask you what your plans were for the day because he wanted to personally take you around the cities. Sometimes even bringing his group along, but then telling them to leave because they got too annoying.
Changbin took you to see the regular tourist spots and paid for everything, even though you told him no. The man wouldn’t let you pay at all. Even when he took you to his favorite shopping mall, everything you touched, Changbin would pay for it. Not even looking at the price. You got kind of mad at that, but he would always say “It’s okay, we’re friends. Let me treat you.”
That’s how your first 3 weeks in South Korea went. You were with Changbin for almost 24 hours a day, just working side by side, and him not leaving your side at all. The only time he’d leave was for rehearsal, but then he’d come straight back to you. All sweaty and tired, but he kept his bubbly self around you and talked to you like you’ve been close all your life.
He’d tease you non-stop, he’d hug you whenever he got the chance or even just place his head on your shoulder while he watched you work. Changbin was slowly attaching himself to you, slowly taking a liking to you, but he wouldn’t admit it just yet. He just kept it quiet and tried to see if his feelings were real and if you felt the same way.
At the studio, Changbin stared at his phone while you worked on the last track of the album. The occasional deep breaths and sighs showed your tiredness, and he knew it was about time for a break. He knew how badly deadlines could get to a producer’s head, so he wanted to take you to the one place he always found himself on times like this.
“Y/N?” He said behind your ear, slowly taking off your headphones making you turn your head to face him. 
“What’s up?” You replied, but before you got an answer, Changbin heard nothing of your protests, grabbed your hand, turned off your computer, and dragged you out of the studio. 
“Changbin!! What are you doing? I just started-” 
“And we’ll finish it tonight...Right now, you need a break, and I know just where to take you” 
You simply rolled your eyes as a smirk grew on Changbin’s face. Of course he knew where to take you. At this point, it seemed like he knew everything about you. 
As Changbin drove you to the spot, you watched the city lights light up and took photos again. You wanted to keep everything in memory knowing that this was only temporary. The city, the studio, Changbin. All of it would be over soon. 
“Hey,” he said, grabbing your attention as his hand met yours. “Do you mind grabbing the bag from the back, we’re almost there” 
Your eyebrows furrowed in curiosity of Changbin’s plans. Where was he taking you? The guy was full of surprises. 
Outside, you heard the sounds of a peaceful river along with the sounds of jet skis rushing against the water. You turned your head to be welcomed by the calming sight of the Han River.
You weren’t able to take your eyes off the beautiful view and you just stood there in amazement while Changbin held your hand to lead you to the spot he was taking you to. You couldn’t help but admire the bright bridge that stretched out ahead of you leading to the beautiful city of Seoul. 
The night sky was filled with the large moon and clouds that had planes flying through. It casted over the two of you and as the perfect weather chilled in, you and Changbin set a blanket to sit on. 
“This is beautiful” You mentioned,  making Changbin smile as he watched you cherish the moment. Again, he heard the clicks of your camera and just giggled at every picture you took. 
“Changbin! 1 ,2, 3 Smile!”
He smiled as bright as he could and gave you multiple poses so you could remember him in every way. You probably took over 10 pictures of him and when you went to show him his pictures, Changbin scooted closer to you and threw an arm over your shoulder. He wasn’t looking at the pictures, he was only looking at you.
His heart raced just by sitting beside you and listening to you talk about something you were so passionate about. Everything you did now was just adorable in his eyes and he was hoping that this feeling would never stop.
“Changbin, aren’t these nice?”
Changbin heard nothing and kept looking over at you. He was finally admitting to himself that he was catching feelings for  you. There was no view- even in a place like this- that could top the beauty that he saw in you.
When you noticed he hadn’t responded, you turned and waved your hands in front of him.
“Changbin? Helloooo” You giggled as his eyes grew wider. “Yeah, yeah let me grab the drinks” He coughed out, grabbing the bag from the car. 
“Were you admiring the view?” You asked, propping yourself with your elbows as you laid back. 
“Yeah, yeah totally” Changbin replied, though the only view he found himself admiring was you. 
Handing you a drink, Changbin sat by you before asking “Are you still stressed about tomorrow? The evaluations?”
You sat up next to him before grabbing your drink and taking a sip. “A little, I mean everything’s still not finished and I only have tonight but I definitely needed some fresh air… thank you Changbin” 
“It’s no big deal I mean really-” 
“No Changbin, thank you for everything.” You interrupted, laying your head on his shoulder. 
Changbin must be crazy. Could you hear the constant thumping of his heart or was that just him? 
As you two finished the drinks, break time was over and the two of you made your way back to the studio. You were now filled with a sudden confidence and faith in the success of your album and Changbin was now a man that had a heart for you and only you now. 
Once the two of you were back at the studio, it was time to work again. Changbin stayed on his phone ready to help while you buried yourself in the unfinished tracks. 
Time passed by quickly as you got your tasks finished one by one, and the small snores heard from behind you made it evident that Changbin had fallen asleep, honestly you would’ve as well. Everyday, for the past few weeks, Changbin had stayed with you until he dropped you off at night, despite his busy schedule and you could never wrap your head around why. 
With a click of your mouse, everything was finally saved on a flash drive. Your first album was completed… You did it.
You squealed in excitement. Jumping up from your seat and shaking Changbin’s shoulders to wake him up. 
“Changbin! Changbin I finished it!” You exclaimed in excitement as Changbin got up. 
“You finished it!” Changbin repeated after you, also jumping up and down with you. You pulled Changbin into your arms and held him close to show him how grateful you were for all his support. 
“I seriously couldn’t have done this without you”
Changbin looked into your eyes full of joy. You seemed so happy in the moment and he was happy for you too, but then it was like his emotions took over his body. He couldn’t help but to smile, close his eyes, and lean in closer to you. 
You just watched him as he closed his eyes and watched  his lips only a few inches away from yours. In a panic, you whispered his name hoping to catch his attention but, he only leaned in closer and his lips slightly brushed against yours, but you stepped back in time. 
“Um..” You let out, the tension in the room increasing as Changbin opened his eyes. 
“Y/n I-”
“I have to go… prepare for tomorrow’s evaluation. I’ll see you tomorrow, get a good night’s sleep and all” You quickly said as you gathered your things and left the room. 
Changbin didn’t plan on getting a good night’s sleep. In fact, he couldn’t sleep at all. He couldn’t believe that he just tried to kiss you and now he was tossing and turning in bed.
The sound of your alarm made you leap out of bed and head to your closet. Today was the day. It was time to show off your hard work. Your muscles tensed at the fact that you were finally presenting your work to a line of producers and managers. 
After getting ready, you waited outside for Changbin. It seemed like the perfect day, as if nothing could go wrong. That was until Changbin showed up and you suddenly remembered last night. 
He pulled up in front and when you sat down inside, you both could feel the awkward tension between you two and to try to relieve that tension, you said hey, but he said hey at the same time too. Only making the awkwardness visible between you two.
You looked at him hoping he would say something more but he never did and that’s how it went the entire drive. Just pure awkward silence.
Once the two of you arrived, you got out of the car, hoping he would come along, but he didn’t. “You’re not coming?” You asked. 
“Nah, I’ll wait for you. Good luck” He said as he stopped the engine and started playing with his phone. 
You said thanks and took a deep breath as you saw Changbin go back on his phone. This was the only time Changbin wasn’t going to be beside you when you were playing music and you didn’t know how to feel except nervous and uneasy.
As you walked into the room, you felt multiple pairs of eyes follow you to the stage.With a press of a button, your new album started playing and to your surprise, everyone seemed to enjoy it and you finally got a pass to release it. Your hard work paid off and you felt like a huge weight was lifted off your shoulder.
But with that pass, you knew that it was the end of your stay. In the contract, it stated that when you got your pass to release your music, it was time to go home. The only problem was that you didn’t know how to tell Changbin since the flight was already booked and your stuff had to be packed by tonight. 
In a hurry, you ran to Changbin’s car, only to see that he had already fallen asleep, so you opened the door and woke him up. 
“Hey! They said my music was good and-” 
“Congrats!” Changbin said, already starting the car and getting ready to leave. 
“Wait why are we in such a hurry?” You asked. 
“I’m a little busy with promotions tomorrow so I have to practice tonight, is that okay?” He asked. 
You were hoping the two of you could celebrate tonight, but if he was busy with promotions he probably didn’t care about you leaving tomorrow anyways.
“Yeah.. that’s fine” You said before getting an email about your ticket home. 
“Alright, I promise to see you tomorrow, then we could celebrate. I knew you could do it, so tomorrow, just wait for me, okay?”
Changbin leaned over to give you a hug, not knowing that it was going to be the last one he would be able to give you for a while. He smiled and you two did your special handshake and then he drove off after dropping you off at the hotel.
You quickly went up and packed your things. Sort of wishing that your last night would’ve been spent with Changbin, but that was okay. You two spent so much time together during your stay, he almost forgot to go to rehearsals some days. 
Even though he wasn’t here, you were still pretty happy about your music being released soon. You couldn't wait to go home and see your friends and family because you knew they’d be proud of you. 
“Hey Mom,” You said on the phone. “Yeah! They said I can come back tomorrow… I can’t wait to see you too.. okay I’ll be safe.. bye” 
The next day, Changbin had coffee and a roll in hand. He felt bad that he couldn’t be with you yesterday so he wanted to make up for it even though he was busy with practice today, but once he got in your usual studio, he noticed that all of your things were gone. 
An employee passed by so Changbin decided to ask what happened and that’s when he found out. Your contract was done and you were already heading home and he could do nothing to stop you from leaving.
They mentioned that you were already at the airport, just waiting for your flight and when he heard that, his hands balled up in a fist and he felt his heart drop. He didn’t even get to celebrate with you let alone tell you about how he finally felt about you after these few weeks together.
Changbin quickly rushed through the hall to leave only to be stopped by his members. They were all getting ready to practice one more time so they could perfect everything, but he pushed them to the side because the only thing on his mind right now, was you.
“Yo Changbin where are you going?” The rest of the guys asked him.
“I have to go,” was all he said, nudging them aside.
“Hyung!” Felix called after him. It was no bother, Changbin was already out the door and nowhere to be seen. 
He frantically grabbed his phone from his pocket, wanting to call you and tell you everything that he wanted to say before, but he noticed an airplane fly above him. Changbin still tried calling you and texting you, hoping you were still seated in the airport, but then he noticed he had one unread message left in his notifications.
Y/N: Bye Changbin. Thank you for everything, I’ll see you soon :)
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Don’t you remember?
Bloodbound Fanfiction (characters and main story belongs to Pixelberry Studios).
Pairing: Kamilah Sayeed and MC (Annie)
Information: this takes place long after Bloodbound 3. In this scenario, MC was Turned only after giving birth to their daughter.
Summary: Thirty years after meeting Annie for the first time, now Kamilah is married and has a daughter who is about to get married as well. While preparing the wedding, they decide to remember Lysia’s childhood stories. This part 3 was inspired by an anon request and they’re the one who had this wonderful idea, thank you anon! You have all the credit for it!  💛
Warnings: just fluff and funny.
Part 1 Part 2
January 8th, 2049
The group was still having dessert and some coffee at the restaurant. Soon they would be leaving to take care of their tasks. Lysia had an appointment with the florist in the afternoon, where she would meet Drake so both could finally choose the flowers. Her attention was now captured by Lily showing some pictures of LA, until Adrian asked her a sudden question.
“Darling, do you remember when exactly did you fall in love with your fiancé?”
She fixed her posture, a little surprised. It was the first time Lysia ever thought about it. “Hmm… I guess… It was the day he met my mothers for the first time. When we were doing a school project together.”
“The night we made brownies? Really?” Annie’s eyes were sparkling of excitement. “I can’t believe it, I was there! And I noticed how he would smile at you.”
“All I remember is the stupid one.” Kamilah sighed, taking a sip of her espresso.
“Kyle! Oh my god, yes. He was hitting on you.” Lysia loved that part.
“WHAT?” Lily was almost finished with her dessert but dropped the spoon the minute she heard it. “Tell us. Please. I beg you.”
“Oh, my.” The Egyptian got back to her coffee, refusing to tell that story.
“Well, luckily I have a pretty good memory.” Annie couldn’t help herself. “It was a regular night…”
September 20th, 2041
Lysia wasn’t a shy teenager, but she could be quite reserved and just a little bit judgemental regarding people her own age. Therefore, for her to bring friends to the Penthouse, it took years and a lot of encouragement from her mothers. Well, from Anna, since Kamilah couldn’t care less about other mortal teenagers.
That’s why that night should go well, so Lysia would feel comfortable enough to bring them again. It was just a school project, but Annie knew how kids could be, so she was fixing some snacks in the kitchen and had a silly program going on the TV. Luckily, there would be a lot of laughs and not much of studying tonight.
“Mom, I’m home!” Lysia’s voice came from the living room as she entered, followed by three classmates.
“I’ll be there in a sec!” The woman was just finishing to heat up some Brazilian snacks that would certainly blow their minds. After putting all of it on a bowl, and taking another one of popcorn, she left to the living room and dropped it on the coffee table. “Here you go! Brain food.”
“Wow!” someone whispered under breath.
“Mom, these are…”
“Wait, wait, wait, let me get the soda first!” she ran back into the kitchen, leaving Lysia with a hand hanging in the air.
“Is that your mother? I mean… It’s…” the girl standing beside the armchair couldn’t blink. “She is so pretty!”
“I think Nina just fell in love with your mom.” One of the boys laughed, the blond jock.
Annie came back with a huge smile and a trade of glasses filled by some coloured beverage. “There’s pink lemonade, and some other different sodas here. But if you want, I can bring some juice, tea, coffee, water, we’ve got it all. Alright, who is who?”
Lysia sighed, getting back to introducing them. “So, this is Drake. The one with the jersey on is Kyle and that’s Nina. Everyone, this is my mother, Mrs. Sayeed.”
“Annie.” She dismissed the formalities, stepping forward to give each one of them two kisses on the cheeks. That made the girl next to the armchair blush and giggle. “Well, there’s soda, popcorn annnnnnnnnnd something else. It’s a Brazilian snack, we call it salgadinhos. Just imagine if someone took a bunch of raw French fries and stuffed them with cheese, chicken, meat, whatever you want, then fried it. I believe this is the closer I can get of explaining how it tastes like. Try it. You’re gonna love it.”
“Thanks, mom.” Lysia went to get herself the only glass that wasn’t soda, but iced tea. “Alright, let’s sit on the floor and start this project.”
While everybody got settled quickly, the woman left them alone, not even noticing how Nina’s eyes followed her. The girl sighed and turned back to Lysia, a goofy smile on her face. “Your mother is the most beautiful woman that has ever lived.”
“Oh, gee! This is awesome!” Drake was super excited about a chicken snack he took from the bowl.
“Coxinha. It’s my favourite.” Lysia smiled at him for a second, but dropped her gaze to the books, trying to hide the way her cheeks blushed.
“I swear, her eyes, and her lips, and the waves of her hair, it’s all just so…”  Nina was still dreaming about Annie. “And the voice, that accent, where is she from again, Lys? I bet is a sexy country.”
“Told ya. Sexy country.” The girl popped one of those fried meat balls on her mouth.
“What makes Brazil a sexy country?” Lysia arched one eyebrow, a movement she learned with Kamilah over the years.
“Your mum.” Nina swallowed, eyes still lingering in the way to the kitchen.
“Oh, god. Alright, focus. Let’s get this project done.”
Slowly, the conversation started to fade away, as they got distracted by reading and writing. In a couple hours, Annie went to check the silent group to find out the food was gone, and so were the drinks. She took the bowls and glasses out, not risking making a sound, never even noticing how Nina sighed and blushed at her side. It was almost 8 p.m. by now, so Kamilah would be arriving soon. The woman stared at the clock in the kitchen, anxious about what to do. They all seemed so quiet and compenetrated, Annie didn’t want to interrupt, but…
“Mom?” Lysia called her at the door, an uneasy expression on her face.
“Hi, baby. Need some help?”
“No, no. Just… Wondering. We did a lot. Not all of it, as to be expected, but a lot.” The girl bit her lower lip, as she was still trying to decide whether to ask for something or not.
Annie knew that movement. It was like her daughter’s thoughts were being said out loud to her. She wanted to have fun, but her serious and committed little heart was telling her to stay focused on the studying.
“Hmmm, that’s good. But I think you should take a break. You don’t wanna risk writing a bad conclusion cause you’re too tired after doing a great introduction and development, do you?”
Lysia’s eyes sparkled. Excitement and relief. “I supposed not. What do you suggest?”
“Well, I was about to make us some brownies. Why don’t you call your friends here, and we make it together? We could put some music on too.”
“That sounds fun. Right?”
“It is fun.” Annie took that sweet teenager’s face between her hands. A seventeen-year-old girl, so incredibly smart and confident, yet so insecure about making friends. “Trust me. They’ll love it.”
She couldn’t be more right. In ten minutes, there was some pop music playing from a phone and a bunch of teenagers trying to figure it out how to make brownies. Mostly, they were just stealing the M&M’s, making jokes about the worst trash movie ever made and confessing the most embarrassing dates they had. Annie won their affection enough to pull Lysia into the conversation, then shrewdly distanced herself, concentrating on cutting the fresh baked brownies, so her daughter would have all the attention.
The entire house smelled like chocolate. That was the first thing Kamilah noticed when entering through the front door. All the unfamiliar voices were being heard even from the elevator, and for a moment The Vampire had forgotten all about that little gathering. She sighed, so tired. Left the purse on the table and high heels by the door, eager to have some brownies too.
Kamilah was jut crossing the hallway to the kitchen when a boy talking on the phone almost bumped into her.
“A… I’ll call you back later, dude…” Kyle’s eyes widened at that vision. “Holy crap, you’re gorgeous.”
“Excuse me?” the Vampire arched an eyebrow.
“Kyle Grant. You must be Kamilah.” He put a hand on the wall and a cocky smile on his face. “Heard a lot about you.”
There were so many answers crossing her mind now, but all she did was look down and pat his head. “I’m sure you did, little boy. Now why don’t you go sit with your friends, huh?”
And just like that, Kamilah removed his arm and entered the kitchen to look for her wife. Annie was cooking something by the stove, while the others already started eating the hot brownies. Lysia only gave her mother a cold glance, for she was still mad about a fight they had a couple of days ago. Drake was too distracted trying to impress the girl with good jokes to notice the tall woman, as was Nina, her entire attention captured by Annie’s explanation of what “brigadeiros” were.
“I swear, my love, one day everybody in New York will know all about Brazilian cuisine because of you.” The Vampire hugged her from behind, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“Nah, it’s just party food. I haven’t even started explaining our barbecues.” She relaxed on Kamilah’s arms for a second, still stirring the melted chocolate with condensed milk in the pot. “There’s more brownies in the microwave. I saved you some.”
“Now you may have my heart.”
“Hmmm I already do, sweetheart.”
The Egyptian gave her a last kiss on the cheek and went to take a few brownies, choosing only the ones that had nuts instead of M&M’s. Suddenly, she felt the shadow of a small figure behind her, together with the smell of cologne. “Oh, no.”
“So, a fan of chocolate, huh?” Kyle hopped on the kitchen’s counter, trying to get closer. “What about we go out for some ice cream after this? Let’s ditch them.”
“You know you’re a baby, don’t you?” Kamilah took a bite from one of the brownies, barely glancing at the child beside her.
“Thank you, hotstuff. But I prefer to be called ‘babe’ instead of ‘baby’.”
“So, Annie, my wife and love of my life, do you need help there?” she turned to the woman by the stove, who only laughed at the despair on the Egyptian’s eyes.
“Of course not, you keep Kyle company, I can see how much you’re enjoying it.”
Kamilah clenched her jaw, turning back to the small cocky teenager who just took some mint bubble gum out of his pocket. Before she could say anything, though, Nina jumped between them. “K! Your father is calling me, I think he’s waiting outside. Can I get a ride?”
“Shit. Fine.” He winked at the tall woman at the same time he pinched her cheek. “Guess I’ll see you around. Hey, Drake, coming?”
From across the kitchen, Lysia was trying not to laugh at the image of a confused Kamilah who just met a hormonal seventeen-year-old jock for the first time in a very long lifetime. By the girl’s side, the other boy just shook his head negatively. “Later, I have my bike downstairs. See you two on Monday.”
 “Your call. Bye y’all!”
“Ahm. You. Nice. To meet. Farewell.” Nina blushed terribly, hesitating with the words, but melted when Annie gave her a quick goodbye hug.
After they were gone, the woman left the pot to cool off a bit, turning to see Drake’s silly smile to Lysia. She had been noticing how sweet he was around her daughter. “If you need, I can give you a ride home later. You can put the bike on the trunk.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Sayeed. But I’ll be fine. Let me take care of the cleaning.” The boy stood up and took the plates from the table, finally greeting Kamilah with a polite smile.
“Alright, if you insist. Kami, come with me?”
 Annie took her wife by the hand, leaving both teenagers to talk while doing the dishes. The Vampire still had a last piece of brownie that she gladly parted in half to share with the short woman who was hugging her by the waist. Annie took a bite from Kamilah’s hand, her eyes sparkling in the hallway’s lights.
“You seem so happy, my love.” The Egyptian kissed her lips, feeling the chocolate taste on them.
“I am always happy when I’m around you two.”
“I see what you mean.” Kamilah lost herself in that tight hug, listening to the adorable sound of Lysia’s laugh coming from the kitchen. “It feels good to be home.”
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singeramg · 4 years
Midnight: Chapter 14
Paring: Clark Kent/ Metahuman! Black! OFC
Rating: M
Warning: None other than some angst and maybe some tears if you are sensitive...
A/n: Hey everyone! I am back again! Did you all enjoy my last chapter? If you missed it check out my masterlist! 
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Midnight: Chapter 14
 “Are you blocking again Gia. You always block when you aren’t ready to hear the truth but this is it. You are absolutely right...about everything. I still don’t how I managed to mess everything up so badly between us, but I do know I will spend the rest of my life regretting it if it costs me you forever. Please Gia don’t walk away again. I can’t watch you leave when I shouldn’t have let you go the first time..”
 “What do you mean you shouldn’t have let me go the first time?”
 I felt my stomach drop but in a way that I couldn’t understand. Clark is staring at me, his blue eyes capturing me and I’m conflicted on whether to run into his rather large arms or slap him across his dumb handsome face, damn the wrist sprain I’ll suffer. 
   “I should have fought harder for you. I got cold feet about what we could have been and I stayed comfortable rather than trying something new. I messed up badly and all I’m asking for is the opportunity to make it right.”
 I roll my eyes and poke him in his chest. Feels like I am poking a wall but I don’t care. Clark doesn’t give any indication that I've poked him, only looks at me as softly as he did before.
  “Is this about your conscious? This feels like you are apologizing to get that guilt off your chest. Clark I told you a long time ago and just now that you don’t have to feel bad about loving Lois. She was a natural choice. She is gorgeous, red hair, soft eyes, driven, accomplished. Who wouldn’t want someone like that? It was okay that you loved her. You don’t need to apologize for that.”
 He laughs slightly and says
   “Yes Lois is all of those things. And Yes there was a time where I thought she was it for me. You, however are more than that, you always have been. Now, here you are, the mother of my child and all I want is you.”
 There it was.
 Clark didn’t want me truly, he just wanted the family. What the good ole’ Bible Belt told him he needed to do and be when you had a child. I shake my head in disbelief that he thought I would fall for something like this. That I would fall into his arms because of a child. Here I was about to foolish again, believing that there was anything for me in his heart. I step even further away, snatching up the pj’s that I pulled out and going over to the bathroom. I didn’t even have the heart to yell at him. I was tired of the yell and the explaining of myself and emotions to Clark fucking Kent. I didn’t feel like trying to re-program him and trying to make him see sense. If he didn’t understand my feelings weren’t for playing around and weren’t for him to call on for a ego boost by now, then he never would.
I had one child to raise, I didn’t need other in Clark’s teenaged behavior. I knew I would never not love him. It was clear as day, I never could forget this, but I also know if I didn’t put an end of this AGAIN then it would build until I felt like I could do was run away again. I would take Kalen and run and that would only make things harder for me and Clark to co-parent. It was a shitstorm of epic proportions that needed a conclusion.
   “Kal you can stay in the room with Kalen all you want. You two should bond, but as far as you and me goes. There isn’t a you and me. We can learn to be friends again, make that part work for the sake of Kalen. Goodnight Kal-El.”
 The kicked puppy look Clark shoots me, almost made me think he was serious. I knew Clark and he was just reeling from having gone down knowing he had an almost Fiancee to waking up and having her married to someone else. It had to be jarring for him and now he was looking for comfort in having a family, to feel normal again. He was willing to settle with me. 
I didn’t want his pity settlement/ entitlement.
I closed the door to my bathroom, listening for the door to my room to open and close. When I did I let out the breath I had been holding. He didn’t love me. Not in the way I still loved him...
 *Two days later*
 I watched with the rest of the world as trash and war ships were dumped back on the land, and I worried for my friend. Arthur wasn’t the type to keep a phone and considering he was spending most of his time in the water. He was unreachable, and I worried as the various news channels tried to identify him. The worry for Arthur helped take my mind off Clark as terrible as that sounded. 
I was avoiding him like the damn plague and that was because I didn’t trust myself around him. It was easy to avoid him when he radiates so much energy, and in case he tried to alter his emotions to get to me, I had them off every time I knew he was in the area.
I of course looked after Kalen but I made sure to stay clear of him, Ms. A doing her best to be a bumper between the two of us. I hated that she was leaving me. She had become the grandmother I never had, always being around to help and love on Kalen. It was for her own protection but as I sat on her bed, watching her pack the things Bruce purchased for her while Clark took Kalen to the farm with his mother, I was sad.
   “Pick up your face child, I’m moving not dying.”
 She jokes and folds a sweater away into the black suitcase.
   “Yes but California is far away Ms. Alphonse.”
   “Yes, but think about how you and Kalen can come visit me in the warm weather! My niece wants to meet you!”
I smile.
   “I want to meet her too. We will plan a trip soon, Kalen and I.”
   “And Clark.”
 I roll my eyes and huff.
   “I think he needs to stay around here, can’t solve crimes that far away.”
   “The man can fly, I don’t think that’s the problem. Oh and don’t think I haven’t been noticing you avoiding him. Always sending me in with Kalen when he is here. I’ve been going along with it, but you do know that is coming to an end right?”
   “Yes I realize that, but then I’ll just have Alfred do it.”
   “Gia. Why are you avoiding the man? Do you know he asks about you every time he sees me? Looks shattered when I tell him I don’t know.”
   “Long story short he thinks that a family will fix all of his abandonment issues. I decided a long time ago I was done with the wrangling of a superhero.”
 Ms. A laughs at me which makes me pout slightly.
   “Why is that a bad thing? If he wants to be a family with you...I mean you can’t get much better than Superman.”
   “That’s Just it. I’m just me, he is Superman. He can have any woman he wants. He is only trying this because Lois got married and his own upbringing says you should have a family together with your child’s mother. I know him, it’s only a matter of time before he realizes again that I’m not it. I’d rather avoid the heartbreak later by ending it now.”
 She comes back over to her bed, sitting next to me before pulling me into a hug.
  “Baby I know you’ve been through a lot in your life and I also know that when someone burns you you think the best thing to do is cut the head off. It’s like a Hydra it always grows back with two more heads. The real question is are you fixing it or hiding it away? I’m going to tell you right now that you are only hurting yourself.”
   “I need to hurt myself before someone else does.”
   “Gia baby that is no way to live...”
 *At work*
 I was at work again much to everyone’s chagrin, but Victor was on a remote babysitting duty tonight. I knew I was going to have to quit because of those people that had taken me before found my house so quickly, it would only be a matter of time before they tracked me down again, but in this case more time out of the house meant I was less likely to run into Clark. It was the middle of the week, meaning we had a few regulars but no large crowds which was good for me. I was washing out some tumblers and hand drying them for later use, when a throat cleared behind me. I turned around and almost dropped the glass I was cleaning when I found  Lois sitting at the bar. This was the last place I expected to see her but her face gave no indication as to why she was there.
   “Oh wow... Look Lois, if you are here to slap me then come on get it over with. I already feel like shit.”
  “Is that how you greet all your old friends?”
She says with a wry smile in my direction.
   “Only the ones that want to fight me.”
   “Well then pick a different greeting then because I am not here to fight you Gia.”
 I raised an eyebrow.
  “Really? You aren’t just saying that to get a drink on the house are you?”
I smile slightly and go to make the drink I always knew was her favorite. She takes a long sip.
  “This drink might actually be heaven great job. Now let’s cut the bullshit and get to why I am really here.”
She says to me and takes another sip.
  “There’s the Lois I know.”
  “Exactly. The Lois who is a friend or at least thought she was AND has a few questions.”
  “Okay break me down reporter.”
  “Clark told me about your son together. I have a few questions I need answered woman to woman.”
 I sighed, I knew the woman to woman talk was going to have to happen eventually.
   “Alright. How about you head over to the booth, I’ll take my break and we can talk.”
 She agrees and takes her drink, her camel colored mid length coat covering the nice clothes that clearly signified she came from work to talk to me. It didn’t bode well for me because that meant she has been thinking about this all day. She was going to chew me out and I was going to have to let her because let’s face it, I was the third in a duo whether I meant to be or not.
I signaled my coworker to watch the bar for me, even though there was only  a few patrons in at the moment. 
 I slide in across from her, a glass of water in front of me. I eye her nervously, surely picking up on her energy, but she is radiating a swirl of things the most prominent being nerves, confusion, sadness all tied together with happiness. 
Very unsettling considering everything 
     “So As I said Clark told me that you two have. Son together. He also told me about the timeline of his conception. I guess I can’t truly say that he cheated with you because he didn’t but in a odd way it kind of feels that way slightly. Like when he and I took that break it was because I wasn’t sure his heart was in it anymore, plus all that stuff with Bruce and I needed time to think. It hurt to think he was able to be with you so easily. I’ve made peace with that. What I really want to know is why you left? At the end of everything we were friends, you could have asked me for help.”
   “Lois yes we were friends but be real, if I had come to you immediately after Clark died and said ‘aye yo’ sis I know you loved him and everything, but he and I did the deed and now I’m carrying your dead boyfriend's child’ Lois I know you. You would have absolutely hated me and never believed that it was only the one time.”
 She had the grace to look ashamed.
   “Maybe at the beginning. I would have still understood and as I said you were my friend. I was more upset about you abandoning me once Clark died than anything. I thought we were better than that.”
 I looked at her saddened, somehow feeling more terrible than I had about anyone because she had been a good friend to me. 
   “We were. Maybe I shouldn’t have left, but I couldn’t handle you and Martha hating me. I already felt like an invasive species in your world.”
  “You weren’t and I’m sorry if I never expressed that you weren’t. Besides, I should have bowed out a while ago.”
I looked at her confused as she took another drink. I followed suit with my water.
    “Gia how long have you been in love with Clark?”
 I know I looked like a deer in headlights as I stared at Lois, who only had a small smirk on her face as she watched me panic. This had been one of my fears. That I would have to look her in the eyes and explain that had sat in her face smiling all the while loving her man. It was shady as fuck at best.
   “W..wwhat do you mean? I don’t love him.”
   “So now we are going to sit in each other’s faces and lie? Come on Gia, I am a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative  journalist and at the end of it all, I am a woman. I knew. I choose to ignore it because I was being selfish, trying to hold on to something that was never meant to last. Honestly, trying to keep up with a superhero? Knowing he was out facing evils and putting himself at risk? Knowing I had no way of stopping it? One of the reasons I needed to think without him was I was coming to the realization that I wasn’t cut out for feeling helpless. That’s never been me.”
 I still didn’t want to say it out loud.
   “Gia all I am asking for is a little honesty. Don’t let poor little ole me go into the world thinking I’m crazy, when I know I’m not.”
   “Fine. I guess it didn’t start that way and I know he was completely dedicated to you. I thought at first it was like me being young and dumb, you know that public figure crush that everyone gets when faced with an attractive public figure, then maybe I thought it was a whole bonding because of the trauma, then I don’t know what happened. And I tried not to feel that way. Honest Lois I did, because it was hopeless for me to feel that way. I was learning to be okay with being his friend. Then that night happened. It changed everything.”
   “And how did he tell you he was still going to be with me.”
   “After he disappeared on me for a week, he came by and told me that he and I shouldn’t be around each other.”
 I left out the part that I saw them together first, and until that moment I was holding out for him to come back to me.
  “Clark has always had foot in mouth syndrome. He is very intelligent but sometimes he just says the wrong thing.”
   “You can say that again, Jesus.”
 We laugh and somehow it gets serious again as awkwardness fills the room.
  “ That night that Clark died was certain about your feelings. I was grieving him but the way you grieved him was different. It almost felt intrusive to watch how you sat next him and just cried, your hand on his, literally trying to push energy into him, you don’t even realize you were begging him not to leave you, it was so quiet and heartbreaking that if I hadn’t been listening over his chest I wouldn’t have heard you at all. It was like a private moment that you shared with him, even in death.“
 I was shocked. Everything was such a blur that night. I didn’t remember asking Clark not to leave.
 “I felt even worse when I found the ring he had for me.”
 “It was a beautiful ring.” I noted.
 “I didn’t tell anyone when I found these.”
 She pulls out two envelopes. One with her name and the other one for me.
 She sides mine across the table, and I pick it up recognizing Clark’s neat writing, indicating that he took his time, because it was impossible to be that neat if he was rushing versus him taking his time.
  “I was upset when I read mine, but I never had any intention on not giving you yours. Like I said you disappeared.”
The paper feels heavy in my hand and I don’t want to open it. 
   “I never read it just an FYI. The letters were hidden in his stuff in the apartment. I actually found the ring a while before I found these. My letter basically said that he loved me and he always would but I didn’t deserve to be with someone who couldn’t give me their whole heart. He wished that he had the courage to say that to me, that our time together had made everything he’d done in his life worth it and hoped that someday we would be friends.”
 I looked at her shocked. Clark had actually planned on leaving her?
 “I..Lois..I don’t know what to say...”
 “There is nothing to say. Just read your letter.”
She shrugs and I open the slightly brown envelope. 
 Dearest Gia,   I am writing this letter to you because I’ve always been better with the written word than talking. The confidence I have in spades on a normal day disappears when I am around you. I want to say that I regret not staying with you. It’s not that I don’t love Lois but you walked out my life two weeks ago and I haven’t been okay since. It’s like you took all of my hopes, dreams and happiness with you. This is why I am breaking things off with Lois for good. I can’t love her that way now that I have experienced being with you. The mistake I made haunts me night after night and I can’t sleep, not without feeling you next to me. I’m not a creeper” as you would have called me, but most of the time I stay up watching your apartment and hoping you change your mind. Ask me to come back to you.    There are so many things I want to say to you and I can’t because you don’t want me... at least not the way I want you. You were perfectly okay with being my friend, and I ruined it by not being able to stop myself, because I had to have you. Even if it was for only one night, one night that you entrusted me to be with you and I ruined it as soon as I possibly could. This letter is the only chance I suspect I’ll ever have to tell you exactly how I feel, because if I know anything about you, once you dig your heels in about something then that’s it. That goodbye you spoke to me felt final, and I am not okay with that, but I can’t deny you from whatever you want from me.   However, I cannot let you leave my life without telling you that I love you. I know that you don’t feel that way for me and I selfishly wished you did because I could call you mine. Finally.    As I said in the earlier part of my letter I’ve never been good with voicing my feelings, especially around you. The feelings I have for you run deep and maybe someday when I see you married or with someone else’s child I’ll get over you, but  I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over you.    This letter is getting long and I’ve probably taken your attention away from someone who has a chance with you. I won’t bother you again, but I do want you to know that  I’ll always listen for your voice,  I’ll always come when you call for me.   Yours,   Clark Joseph Kent
 I looked back up at Lois with my eyes and face wet.
   “I meant it when I said I should have bowed out a long time ago. I told you I never read your letter, but if it says what I think it does then my suspicions before i had a conversation with him were correct. The reporter in me wanted to read it, but my morals wouldn’t let me intrude on a private moment between the two of you, plus I honestly didn’t know how I would deal with reading if I had said something to you that I wasn’t ready to accept. If your letter was anything like mine then it was personal and I knew what it said.  Clark looked at me like I was the only woman in the world for him, but you Gia... Gia, he looked at you like you hung the moon. At first I didn’t understand why it wasn’t me, what was it about you besides the whole power thing? I realized that while I was Clark’s biggest cheerleader, he didn’t need a cheerleader, he needed a partner. Someone he can pass the ball to when it gets too tough for him mentally and in your case physically as well. I can be there for him and be proud of everything but I don’t think I won’t be able to fully understand what you all go through in your lives. I can write about hard decisions but I’ve never had to make them.”
 Her words hit me right in the chest as I felt her sadness. I could tell what she had just told me hadn’t been something easy to admit to herself much less another person. 
  “I am so sorry Lois.”
  “Don’t be sorry for me. I don’t need that. I met my husband Matthew not too long after that letter and it’s been a worldwide adventure and I realized that my hero can be a regular guy. Matt has been a saving grace more than I can count. If you two can make each other happy then just know that if it helps you have my blessing. All I am asking for is that even if you don’t want to be with Clark can you at least go see him? He is starting to emit a permanent aura of doom and gloom. I’m surprised you can’t feel it.”
   “I’ve kinda been blocking all incoming emotions anytime he is around. I didn’t want to have to feel the pity, the guilt, the complacency he would have to be with me. I didn’t know any better.”
 Lois shakes her head with a smile.
   “You two deserve each other because you are both impossible. Blind leading the blind.”
 I laugh with her and glance over at my coworker who is watching me as well and I realize how much of a mess I had to look like. He looked like he was going to come over any second but I shook my head no once we made eye contact. Lois looks over at him and offers him a head tilt and then looks back at me. She gets up and grabs her bag and coat that she took off once she sat down in the booth. Once prepared to leave she turns to me with a fixed yet soft stare and says
   “Please go and see him.”
   “I will.” I agree and try not to let it show how much I would like to leave at that very moment to tell him.
  “Good. Stay in touch Gia, I didn’t just come to be Clark’s wing...girl. I came to get my friend back.”
She offers me a hug and I take it. 
  “I’ve missed you Lois Lane.”
   “Oh don’t worry you won’t get rid of me now, because you are way too fucking hard to track down. Also let me tell you that I swear if you make me track you to a strip club again I will hurt you.”
 I sighed, and did my best to look nervous. The strip club had not been my finest hour, but the only saving grace was that I’d only been a bartender there too. However the people there were nicer than any other job I had ever had since then,  I didn’t think anyone could find out about that.
   “Alright alright already. Get out of here, I’m sure you are expected home by now.”
 She agrees with a laugh and goes on her way.
 At my return to the bar, my co-workers look at me nervously as if I was going to burst into tears again at any second. I ponder how quickly I can leave to go find Clark. 
   “I’m fine John. You can stop holding your breath. I won’t cry on you.”
 He visibly relaxes at my joke.
   “Damn all this time Tiffany,  I’ve been waiting to be a  shoulder for you to cry on.”
   “With those lines you will be waiting for a long time...”
with that I count down the time until I could leave to find Clark...
A/N: Does anyone need Kleenex? I did and I wrote it lol 
Good news is that Gia now knows exactly how Clark feels about her. Will they finally stop dancing around each other?
Thank You for reading and the taglist for this story is open. I appreciate every reblog and comment. I promise you I am going to do better with responding to the comment that I left because I really enjoy them and don’t want them to stop! 
@bloodyinspiredfuck​ @romyr4​ @p3nny4urth0ught5​
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Survey #285
"do you have the time to listen to me whine about nothing and everything all at once?”
What does your car smell like? You assume I have a car. Would you ever let anybody else drive your car? ^ Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? Yes, Sara. I want to visit her again, but right now I have no clue when that will happen. I have another friend that wants me to shoot her wedding that was planned for this year, but it was delayed to an unknown date, so. What was the last thing you used a blender for? A margarita. Have you ever got into an argument with a stranger on social media? Do you remember what it was about? Yep. There's been a couple. Has COVID had any impact on your Christmas plans this year? What’s going to change or be different to normal? Yes. Mom and I aren't coming while Ashley's inlaws are there at her house, and then I think we're going to my other sister's since she wants to cook? I've only really overheard Mom over the phone, I'm not 100%. I'm just. Going with it. What’s your favourite flavor of cake? Are you any good at making that kind of cake? Probably red velvet, or just double chocolate. I dunno. I love cake. I don't cook, though. Are you currently under any COVID-related restrictions where you live? Are people generally following the rules? Well, you're SUPPOSED to wear a fucking mask, but "it's a hoax" and "you can't make me" fuckheads don't listen, and it's poorly-enforced. You see people without them all the time. Do you still watch cartoons? I'm not opposed, I just don't watch television. Is anyone else in the same room as you right now? What is that person up to? No. Do you use Pinterest? Ha, I get most of my (unedited) avatars from there. It also gives me some pose ideas for photography. Are you wearing earrings? Ugh, no. I absolutely hate how the first holes stretched from heavy earrings. I need to get a proper tapering set if I want to actually use gauges (mind you, very small) so they look even semi-good again. I don't wear any in the second/upper holes because I think it just looks weird with nothing in the first. Do you know any sign language? Not anymore. In elementary school, we did do a play however where in one of the songs, we signed the lyrics. I remember zero. Have you ever gone on a service trip to an underprivileged country? No. Which breed of dog do you find most scary? None. Ever been to a pottery class? Not particularly, no. I've made pottery in normal art classes multiple times, though. When you were young, did you ever pretend to “marry” somebody? I have no idea. I don't have a specific memory. Don’t you just find it annoying when people get too much plastic surgery? Oh, fuck off. Is it your body? Is it there to boost YOUR confidence? Then your opinion doesn't fuckin matter. Are you the type who usually plays it safe? Yep. Who do you think about most? It's certainly not willingly, but Jason. PTSD kinda engraved his presence in my brain. How’s your grandmother? Both are dead. What’s your favourite type of cloud? Big, tall, and poofy cumulonimbus ones. Do you have a birthmark? Where? Does it look like anything? Yeah, a slightly darker brown blotch on the side of my right forearm, near the elbow. If you were blind for the rest of your life… what would you miss seeing the most? Probably people smiling. My nieces' and nephew's came to mind first. What is your most disappointing moment in life? I've been living it for years now. I'm not who I wanted or thought I would be at all. What is the best reward anyone can give you? Validation lmao. What is your favorite animal? List three adjectives to explain your choice. Meerkats, always. God, I can barely boil it down to three words. Loyal, complex, and brave will have to do. What is your favorite color? List three adjectives to explain your choice. Pink. Soft, pretty, gentle. What do you consider to be the most valuable thing you own: when you were a child/teenager/now? As a child, my big plastic crocodile named Marlin (yes, after the Finding Nemo character) that was the "main character" in my games of make-believe. As a teen, probably Rebel, the stuffed meerkat Jason gave me. Now, it's absolutely the pebble I got upon "graduation" from my partial hospitalization program. What’s the kindest act you have ever seen done? I'm not sure; I've seen a good deal. Thinking of only the ones I've seen in-person, uhhhh... wait. A couple days before my overdose, in desperation, I called Jason's house in the middle of the night wanting to talk to him. His mom answered, and she talked to me for hours with such patience and kindness to try and calm me down. I miss her a lot. Is Frozen one of your favorite Disney movies? No, I never really liked it. If you were an explorer, would you rather explore the Arctic Circle, Antarctica, or Alaska? Ohhh, Alaska. It's gorgeous and at least not absolutely frigid everywhere. How many blankets do you sleep with in the winter? I usually just have my usual thick comforter, but if I'm seriously cold, I'll grab another smaller one to wrap myself in underneath the big one. Do you know of anyone who was in labor or gave birth to a baby during a major snowstorm? HAHA my mama w/ me. Do you enjoy eggnog during the winter - with or without alcohol? EW. Do you dress any of your pets in seasonal/holiday apparel? No; I really dislike the concept of dressing your animals unless it's truly for their own benefit/warmth. Who was the last person to give you a gift? What was the reason for it? Uhhhhh. I have no idea. Are you a good cook? If so, who taught you? What’s your favourite thing to cook? NOOOOOOO. When was the last time something in your house broke? Did you manage to fix it or did you need to buy a replacement? Ugh, my laptop is fucked up. It's either the charger port, charger itself, or Mom thinks perhaps the battery. Her friend's husband is gonna look at it after Christmas. Is any part of your body hurting right now? What caused that pain? For once my legs aren't hurting. They almost always do from either muscle atrophy or them having been still for too long. The last time you made a sandwich, what did you put in there? It was just a normal 'ole peanut butter sandwich. What’s your favorite time of day? What’s your favorite thing to do at that time? First thing in the morning, because it feels like a new start. I like watching the sky change from pinkish to blue while I'm just sitting in bed checking everything. Where did you go the last time you left your house? I rode with Mom to her doctor's appointment. I didn't go in w/ her for obvious reasons, I just wanted to go on a ride and listen to music. If you eat steak, how do you like it cooked? What sauces or sides do you like to go with it? It has to be medium well. Idk what sauces are cooked into it that I like, because I don't make it. I like fries with steak, and probably Sara's mom's mashed potatoes would go well, haha. Do you prefer sweet or savory pancakes? What toppings do you have on them? I can't imagine me liking savory pancakes... I just like the usual: butter (not mandatory tho) and syrup. Are you someone who cracks their joints a lot? Which one(s) do you tend to crack and click the most? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NO NO NO, I HATE THE NOISE SO MUCH. My lower spine pops a lot, though. Some fingers occasionally, too. Have you ever taken medication or tablets to help you sleep? Is this something you do on a regular basis? Yeah, I was taking Melatonin to fight insomnia for quite a while. I only stopped it because my mom was theorizing that it may have been making my nightmares worse, because her dad had AWFUL nightmares on it. I don't know if it did or didn't foor me, honestly. For you, what’s the worst thing about getting up in the morning? What about the worst thing about going to bed tonight? Knowing in the back of my mind that despite my hope, today's going to be the same as yesterday. I dread most nights the process of lying down and actually falling asleep, because it can take hours. Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? Not only do I think diet sodas taste bad, but the artificial sweetener gives me awful headaches, anyway. What do you tend to wear if you’re just hanging about the house for the day? I'm only always in my pjs. When was the last time you dyed your hair? Did you do it yourself or get it done at a hairdresser? Ugh... it's been a very, very long time. It was done by a hairdresser, but per usual, the color didn't stick well. I am DYING to bleach my hair so I can dye it pastel pink, light silver, or like a creamsicle orange. I edited some pictures of myself to "try" these colors on, and omg I loved them all. Does having to wear a mask stop you doing things? Is this because you struggle wearing one or you just don’t like it? Not really, no. I barely go anywhere at all though, so I have Have you ever witnessed a car accident? Or have you perhaps been involved in one yourself? Were you at fault? Yes; yes; no. How many books do you read in a year? Do you enjoy reading or do you have to really force yourself to sit down and read? VERY few. I've only just gotten back into semi-regularly reading since Sara got me into Wings of Fire. I have one friend though that is an INCREDIBLE bookworm; she keeps track of how many books she's read in a year, and she's already beyond one a day. It's incredible. If you have pets, where did they come from? A breeder, a rescue or maybe a friend who bred their pet? Roman came from Ashley's inlaws'. They have like an infestation of cats needing to be spayed, so they didn't at all mind letting me have one because I'd been wanting a cat for a long time. I love my baby boy so much. Venus came from The Gourmet Rodent, a snake breeding (and F/T rat provider, as the name suggests) business from Florida. I highly recommend them. Their customer service was fantastic when I was worried about Venus not eating. They even checked up with me a few months following my emails to ensure she was doing well. Have you ever seen an episode of My 600lb Life? No. I absolutely NEVER could. As an obese person who's been fighting her fucking ass off to lose weight for years, I don't want to be further depressed. Do you feel bad when someone asks you to hang out and you say no? Oh yes I do. Ngl, if I don't want to hang for whatever reason, I'm the kind that makes up an excuse to not seem *as* "rude" (quotations bc it's technically not rude at all, anxiety just tells me it is). When was the last time you turned down plans with someone? What did you decide to do instead? Ummmm I'm not sure. Have you ever had any “unusual” or exotic pets? If you could own any animal, what would it be and why? Do you consider iguanas or Chinese water dragons as "exotic/unusual?" Nothing stranger than that, really. I would never, ever own a truly exotic animal that wouldn't do well in captivity. I do however pretty desperately want to rescue an opposum one day, though. I positively adore them; they're my second-favorite animal. How often do you wash your hair? I don't even have a regular schedule for that anymore, honestly... I have to every time I shower because my hair gets oily FAST, but I try to put off showers as long as I can handle now because of how bad my selfcare has been for multiple reasons... What have you found the hardest about the current pandemic? Not seeing an end in sight because people are fucking dumb. Shit's not going to get better unless things drastically change. And what about the easiest? Has anything improved in your life because of what’s happened? Certainly nothing has improved. Not much has changed for me, considering I barely ever left the house to begin with. If you have multiple pets, do they get along with each other? Are they related or even the same species? They ignore each other, really. Surprisingly, even. Roman will sit on my bed and watch Venus slither about occasionally if she's out, even meerkat pose haha, and playful as he is, it's unexpected that he *does* mostly ignore her. What was the last meal you ate? Did you have anything good? Breakfast; I had Special K cereal. I've finally started to get back on track with eating okay. Do you live somewhere where strangers say hi to you in the street? Would you like to live somewhere like that? Where we live now, if you pass someone outside in the car, it's normal and really expected to give a little wave. That's very normal here in the South though, really; you don't just have to be in your own neighborhood. Have you ever tried any of those meal replacement shakes? The chocolate Equate ones are normal in my diet, actually. They're really not bad at all and played a big role in me losing ~60lbs before. Funnily enough, I haven't found a popular name brand I like, though. Cheap stuff isn't always bad. Do you make up silly nicknames for your pets or family members? "Silly" ones, not really, besides Roman. I call him "weirdo" and "crazy" a lot, but nothing truly unique. What’s your favorite thing to take photographs of? Are you actually any good at photography? Nature or boudoir (only shot it once, but I love it and the confidence it gives people). Being as modest as possible, I honestly do think I'm pretty good at it. Do you have anything interesting planned for the rest of the day? How about for tomorrow or the weekend? I haven't had anything interesting planned in eons, it seems like. Are you going to take the vaccine for COVID once it becomes available? Once it proves to be reliable and safe, hell yes. I'm doing my goddamn part in ending this shit. How much housework have you done lately? Is this more or less than usual? A bit more than usual since I haven't finished decorating my room since moving... I've been doing it very slowly and gradually. I need to just finish it already, I'm just so unmotivated. What gifts are you hoping to get for your next birthday (or Christmas, whichever one is coming up next)? I'm fucking dying to get my tat redone/improved. Been waiting since LAST Christmas when I didn't get to use my own gifted money. Do you suffer from any form of motion sickness? No. Do you contribute regularly to any Facebook groups at all? "I’m a member of plenty, but hardly ever post." <<<< Same. I react to posts a lot, though. Just don't really make my own. When was the last time you weighed yourself? Were you happy with the numbers you saw? Ugh... when I went to the doctor I think last week. I knew it'd be bad, but the verification fucking sucked. Since moving, I've gained ~30lbs. Have you got any chronic health issues? What do you do to try and manage them as best you can? YIKES I am a CATASTROPHE. I've got a dictionary of mental health issues that I'm not gonna go through individually, but I deal with them via prescription medications and therapy and sheer will. Who taught you how to drive? My driver's ed teacher. It was mandatory in HS. What was your high school mascot? A firebird. Did you go to your senior prom? Yes. What did you do after graduation? I very briefly went to a community college. What was your first job? GameStop sales associate. If my social anxiety wasn't fucking shit, I probably would have liked it. What did you want to be when you grew up? Somewhat in order: paleontologist, vet, movie director, game designer, animal biologist, video editor (VERY brief), and photographer. Writer, poet, and artist were always something I wanted to do in my free time OR full time if I was lucky. Do you remember the first time you drank a beer? I've never tried beer and don't want to. It smells fucking awful, and because my dad is a recovered alcoholic who was addicted to that in specific, I just want nothing to do with it. Did you ever try cigarettes? No. I have absolutely never understood the appeal, but with a very addictive personality and wild anxiety, I never wanted to risk it, anyway. How did you spend your summers growing up? LOADS of swimming in the pool, jumping on the trampoline, and just playing outside in general. If you could change anything from your teenage years, would you? I'd absolutely change how I found happiness only in Jason. Do you remember your first time? No, because at that time, I didn't really realize it was sex. I know that sounds weird, like "how would you not know?", but just trust me. I don't feel like retrospecting on it. I do remember our first *kiss*-kiss, though. How much did you make per hour at your first job? I don't recall. Favorite home-cooked meal growing up? I looooved spaghetti. Favorite place to eat out growing up? McDonald's, duh, lol. Did your parents live in a different country before you were born? No. They were from different states, though. Do you have a preferred coffee brand? Don't like coffee. Have you ever dated someone who was terrible with money? No. How often do you paint your nails? Never. Do you know anyone who's related to a current or former world leader? Not that I know of. Do you do your own taxes, or do you hire a professional? I don't pay taxes because I'm unemployed. What is something you don't have any natural talent for? Speaking. At all. What is something you frequently forget? "Numbers." <<<< BIG fat same. How do you feel about your body? How much I hate it is on my mind literally every waking moment of my life to some degree. Who is someone you would like to get to know better? So I have this Facebook friend Courtlynn who seems very similar to me, and I'd love to get to know her better. We interact via posts here and there, but have never seriously talked. What's your opinion on assisted suicide? I am very much for it when a person is in serious pain and recovery is not possible. Like one of my greatest nightmares is being paralyzed from the neck down, and I stg I would spite whichever fucker had jurisdiction over me living. That would be absolute torture for me. At what point do you consider a relationship to be "long-term?" A year, so long as you were consistently together. Stable. What jobs did your parents have when you were growing up? My dad's been a mailman my entire life, and he had a second job at Lowe's for a while as a carpenter. He hated it. Mom worked with computer data at the hospital when I was very young, and then she was an assitant and special needs teacher for a long time. Do they still have these jobs? Or different jobs? Or have they retired? ^ about Dad. It's his only job now. Mom is currently on disability. Do you have a cell contract plan, or are you on a pre-paid plan? Would you believe me if I said I'm unsure? Haha. I use a Tracfone, and my mom takes care of whatever plan comes with that, so idk. Would your parents be okay with you dating someone of another race? Mom, absolutely. I'm unsure about Dad. I mean he wouldn't *seriously* care so long as they were good to me, but I think he might still be kinda racist. Or he just jokes about it a lot (which should not be joked about, btw). Do you like when friends stop by unexpectedly? "No way lol. I’m very much of a loner and want to be “prepared” to spend time with people." <<<< Absolutely this. How strong are your feelings for the last person you kissed? I love her very, very much. What was the last thing someone else bought for you? Food, I'm sure. Are you attracted to the last person you exchanged numbers with? I haven't seen a picture of her in years, so I have no idea. I remember she was beautiful, though. Is music a daily part of your life? Not daily, no. Some days I only watch YT videos instead of listen to music. What do you think of country music? Not a fan at all. It's ironic considering it was my favorite genre as a little kid. There's the occasional country song I like (mostly ones from my childhood, though), but those are few and far between. Tim McGraw, now, I love. Did you go to your high school’s graduation? Yeah, even though I didn't want to. I didn't care enough about the actual ceremony. Who was the last person to message you on Facebook? What would you do if that person told you they have feelings for you? That would be the woman I took family pictures for. She's married and we barely know each other, so I can assure you she doesn't. When you apply your make-up, do you do it in a specific order? On the very rare occasion I wore makeup, yes. Eyeliner, usually eyeshadow, mascara, and most rarely, black lipstick. Does it matter to you if your significant other smokes? Yes. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Mom, I think. Do you like where you are in life right now? HA. Is your mom overbearing? No.
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chuckepisodes · 3 years
Chuck vs. The Suburbs Part 4
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"I send you there undercover and you not only nearly expose Mr. Bartowski to FULCRUM but to an entire cul-de-sac of civilians?" Beckman yelled at you all as you all sat in Castle. "No excuses, General, we pooched it." Casey said. " No. No, we didn't pooch it. We didn't pooch it. General, look, I-I saw something on that computer, okay? I saw... pictures." Chuck explained. " How illuminating." "General, they weren't regular pictures. They were like Intersect pictures, embedded files, like the ones that Bryce sent me, only... very different." "We think Chuck could have FULCRUM programming in his brain." Sarah said. "And you Ms. L/N?" "Oh! No. No Fulcrum stuff in here." you told her, pointing at your head. "In that case, I'm pulling Mr. Bartowski from this operation. But as long as Ms. L/N's cover is intact, I want you two to lock down the cul-de-sac, monitor FULCRUM, see what else you can uncover before we make a move on their cell. The Carmichaels are getting a divorce." You and Chuck looked at each other and were shocked and a little sad.
You were sitting in the house with Sarah. "Y/N, I just need to go see Casey for a few. I'll be right back." Sarah told you before leaving. Chuck then called you and you answered real quick. "Hey! Please tell me you're coming back to the house. I know we are fake divorced but we are still dating for real." "Y/N! Baby! Listen to me. You have to get out of there. Okay? You, Sarah and Casey have to get out of the cul-de-sac immediately... I just flashed, I just flashed on something. I think it was FULCRUM... it was something that I... I uploaded off the computer, okay." "What?" "The company that built the neighborhood is a front. It's not just a house. The entire neighborhood is FULCRUM." "Oh my God..." You then heard the doorbell. "Someone is here Chuck and Sarah left. It could be her though. She may have forgotten her key." "Just be careful." You slowly walked over to the door and opened the door. It was a neighbor. "I'm so sorry about what happened with your husband. It must have been awful. It's times like these you need your neighbors most." She told you, handing you a tray of brownies. "Oh. Thank you." You didn't want to let her in so she ended up pushing you back in, gun pointed at you, Sylvia then showing up behind you, doing the same thing. You ended up dropping your phone. "Y/N? Y/N! What's happening? Y/N!" you could hear Chuck shout.
You ended up being taken at a Fulcrum facility and handcuffed you to a chair. You saw they had Chuck strapped to a chair and something attached around his head. He was slowly waking up. "Y/N? Where's Y/N?  Y/N? Where's my wife?" Chuck called out. "Mr. Carmichael, she isn't your wife. She's a CIA agent. And so are you." Sylvia told him. "Wha... What do you want with me?" " You have got a very special brain. Don't worry. We're going to do everything we can to not damage it ." Brad told him. "Damage? Damage? What is he talking about?" "What you saw upstairs was a small part of a computer program. The CIA designed it to implant intelligence directly into agents through encoded images." Sylvia told him. " But the CIA gave up on the program. They decided to slug it out, fighting the war on terror using Cold War tactics." Brad jumped in. " But we're training agents who are ready to fight tomorrow's wars." " How would you like to be a part of that future?" "How would you like to be part of FULCRUM?" "What about... What about her?" Chuck asked, looking over at you. "Look, I'll do whatever you want, just let her go." " Don't tell me you have feelings for your partner?" Sylvia asked. "Boy, you really let her get into your head, huh?" " What did she tell you? That someday you two would be together? Maybe settle down in a cute little cul-de-sac like this one?" " You're funny." " This place isn't real. Her feelings for you aren't real." " Don't worry. This next part should help you get over her. If he survives it." "That's where you are all wrong." Chuck told them before they got him ready for the test.
They were all set to start the test on him and you were forced to watch. "Chuck!" you yelled. "He can't hear you." Sylvia said. "You know you were both absolutely wrong. I love Chuck. We've been together for 2 years now." "Oh! Well this just made it more fun." They all then put sunglasses on for protection and did the same to you. You watched in fear as they put Chuck through the test. It must have been the same test that Chuck accidentally found.
Once it was done, the lights went out and then they uncuffed you and grabbed you as they brought you into the same room where Chuck was in. Chuck was sitting there very still and you began to panic. "Oh my God. Chuck!" They quickly checked on him and began to think he didn't survive the test. "Oh, he's toast." "Chuck!" you cried out again. " Get him out of here. Dump him where you dumped the others." When they began to unhook him he all of a sudden screamed. " What just happened?" Chuck asked. " Mr. Carmichael. Do you know where you are, Mr. Carmichael?" Sylvia asked. "Beneath Meadow Branch subdivision in a FULCRUM lab that was built as part of a secret initiative." Chuck answered. But he didn't sound like himself. He almost sounded like a robot. " What initiative?" " To rebuild the Intersect computer." " Oh, my God, it worked." Brad said. "No." you said, trying to pull away from the two agents holding you but they had a good grip on you. " Can I ask just one more question?" Sylvia asked. "You mind if we, uh, test your wife next" "Wife? I don't have a wife." You wanted to cry. Sure you weren't actually married, just dating, but the fact that Chuck may not know who you are anymore killed you. Chuck got out of the chair and the agents brought you over to the chair and strapped you in now.
Little did you know, Casey and Sarah snuck in to the room where they controlled the test. Chuck saw them and gave them a wink.
"Before you run the test, I'd like to tell Agent L/N something." Chuck said. "Agent L/N. Now we have a name." Sylvia said.
You looked up at Chuck with tears in your eyes. Chuck slowly bent down close in front of you. "Close your eyes." Chuck said quietly to you. You looked at him confused then looked across the room and saw Casey and Sarah, both with sunglasses on and about to start the test. You quickly closed your eyes and then Chuck pulled you in close as soon as the test began. You shut your eyes even tighter and buried your face in Chuck's neck and he did the same with you. The Fulcrum agents who were in the room with you all either died or were very messed up now. You stayed like that until the test was all done. As soon as you knew it was safe you slowly lifted your heads and Chuck cupped your face. "Baby, are you okay?" Chuck asked you. "Yeah. You?" "Yeah." Chuck quickly got you out of the straps and then you stood up and hugged him tight. "I thought I lost you there." "I'm right here Y/NN. I'm okay." Chuck told you, turning his head a little to kiss your temple. Casey and Sarah then came walking and you both turned to look over. "Someone call the cable company?" Casey joked.
The next day, you and Chuck were hanging around Orange Orange, waiting for Sarah to come up. You both were resting against the counter when you heard the door open and Sarah walked out. "Hey, everything okay?" you asked. " Yeah, just a routine debriefing." " Uh, so Y/N and I were wondering if we could swing by the old cul-de-sac tonight." Chuck started. " Why?" Sarah asked, confused. " Uh, I don't know, I mean, I... you know, I figured we've still got the place, and Ellie still thinks we're house-sitting, so I thought that, you know, we could maybe enjoy a night in the suburbs, order in, rent a movie. No mission to worry about, just Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael. Maybe have some fun." "We could really use it after all that." you added. " Chuck, you guys can't go back there. It was just a cover." " Yeah, we know that, we just thought that..." " Casey and I have to shut down the operation. Can we talk later?" " Absolutely." you said, as you and Chuck began to walk off. " Uh, guys?" "Yeah." "I'm going to need those back." Sarah said, pointing at the wedding rings. "Right" Chuck said, beginning to take his off. "Almost forgot." you said, doing the same thing. You looked at each other then handed Sarah the rings.
You and Chuck went back to his place, suitcases in hand. "Hey! House-sitting really changes things, huh?" Ellie greeted when she looked over and saw you both. "Absolutely." Chuck said. "Listen Ellie, we are super beat right now. We are just going to go upstairs and nap and we will talk all about it later. Promise." you told her. "Sounds like a plan." You and Chuck smiled at her and then headed upstairs.
"Sooo.... after these past few days what do you think?" you asked, as you went to sit down on his bed. "About what?" "About you and me...having a place of our own one day?" Chuck smiled at you and sat down beside you. "Definitely in the cards. Just as long as we don't move to a place where our neighbors are a bunch of evil spies." "Of course!" you said , laughing a little. "No but seriously. I do want that for us one day. Hopefully soon. It may take some time." "Right, with our jobs and everything and not making the greatest money." "Yeah." "But I think if we work hard, and save, it could definitely happen soon." you said, looking at him and smiling warmly. "Absolutely." Chuck said, smiling back at you and then he leaned in to kiss you.
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
Buttercream :1 (M)
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1. | 2. | 3. Genre: Smut/Angst/Fluff Summary: (Previously posted under @suganeedsanap) When you fell in love with Kim Taehyung, it was as sweet as cake and bitter as beer. He made your heart swell, but others disapproved. Those days are over, but memories still linger. Maybe this bachelorette party will help ease your mind. Besides, You’ll be Ms. Jimin Park. But why aren’t you happy? Warnings: Alcohol Use Word count: 4,024 Written by: Smutty Jaefairy
A/N: This is a story I’m moving from my main blog to here. I’m having a hard time finding worth in my work so this is an exercise of me looking at my past work and appreciating my writing. I hope you guys enjoy this story. This is one of my babies. 
"Have you ever believed in love?"  
His warm honey brown hair clung to his forehead as you two ran underneath a large building. The rain fell heavily, scattering the ground like large pebbles. He was taking off his coat and wrapping it around your head, a wide smile on his face. His teeth were white, and his breath smelled of something sweet and mouthwash.
“Have you??” He asked, making sure you were dry. His large hands shook the droplets on your hair away. He shook the side of your dress, taking precautions to be very careful. The cover you two had wasn’t much, if you moved a little too much to the right, you’d get drenched. He knew how much you hated getting soaked. It was charming how much he was trying to make sure you averted from it.
You gazed at Taehyung and shook your head no. At that point in your life you never had time for guys or the possibility of something romantic. This day was your first date. He laughed softly and placed his hand on your head.
“ When I look at you Y/n, I feel like what I think love’s supposed to feel like.” Your face gave a confused expression. How could he say something like that so easily? His smile became warmer and for a moment, you could see the image of a man who fell too deep. You always treated Tae as a child, because honestly he acted like one. He would laugh when there was silence, cry when there was no need and just had no direction. But he was pulled to you, and your magnetic pull brought out something different in him. His dark eyes met yours and clinged to your gaze. He hesitated, giving in a deep sigh. With one last look, a look of earnest, leaned forward. On that sunday afternoon, in the pouring rain, he gave you your first kiss.
It would be weird to have guys at your bachelorette party, sure. When you told your small group of girlfriends that a couple of your boys were coming over their first question was “Are they cute?”.You shook a finger before laughing along with them.
Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok were coming over to celebrate your last days as an eligible young lady. You were getting married to your boyfriend of three years, Park Jimin. It was to be a moderate sized wedding. Just close friends, family, and a few business acquaintances. It was perfect. Your friends were all so very happy for you. You were dating a successful choreographer,  and you yourself was in line to become the news editor at a rising entertainment magazine. When people talked about you or saw you two, it was perfect. Every time someone said that you two were perfect, you had this internal feeling of chewing on a razor. Jimin wasn’t a terrible person, in fact he was the best boyfriend anyone could have. You were just bugged by the idea of being a perfect couple.
You sat in the living room, the faint glow from the party lights overhead. Your girlfriends were at the door, ushering Namjoon and Yoongi into the house. Namjoon was a friend of yours from university.You both were in the journalism program and had similar tastes. At that time, you were working at a local convenience store when you weren’t at school. Namjoon came in often late night and would chat it up with you about classes and homework. He introduced you to some of his friends from around the neighborhood and before you knew it, you became close with him and his group of colorful buddies. Yoongi went to the same university as you two, but he was in the music program. Hoseok and Jin worked like you, Hoseok going to an art school in the town over. Jin worked on acting from home and took care of his family.
Yoongi gave you a wide smile and a lazy wave. “Congratulations, Y/n!”
“Thank you!” You were trying to get up from the couch, but one of your girlfriends sat you back down, putting a regular cup in your hand.
“What’s in here?” You asked, the room being too dim to see the cup clearly.
“Minae unni made this bowl of what she calls jungle juice. They made it when she was in America for university.” Your friend, Choi, gave you a tipsy smile and handed a cup to Yoongi. He looked at the cup, shrugged, and gave it a swig. He coughed for a moment, asking if there was alcohol in it.
“Yeah, what are you? A lightweight?” She quipped, eyeing him up and down.
He laughed and poked her nose. “ Hey, I’m older than you. Show some respect, beautiful." he said playfully making Choi blushed, hurrying to the other side of the house, slightly flustered. Yoongi was really popular with your friends, so was Namjoon. Minae already had him in a corner, asking him how he was. His pale blonde hair was slicked back and from the look of the smirk on his face, you could tell he was trying to spit some serious game.
You slipped back into the couch and sipped the sweet drink, Yoongi following suit. “How’s everything going on your side?” You asked, watching him take another drink bracing himself.
“Ah, It’s alright. Jimin is so excited about the wedding.” You smiled for a moment, your mouth retracting into a frown.
“I’m guessing you’re not feeling the same?” He said, his mouth going towards the cup again.
“No, no I am. “ you smiled again. For some reason, you couldn’t keep a smile tonight. The wedding so was so close, you couldn’t be getting cold feet. He looked at you seriously for a moment and sat up, turning towards you.
“ Hey, I need to talk to you about something.”  “You looked at him, his expression serious.
“Okay…” you put your cup down and gave him your undivided attention.
“Namjoon was supposed to tell you as soon as he got here, but seeing as Minae has his attention.. I guess I’ll tell you.” You gave him a concerned look, your stomach tying in knots. You felt a sense of hope in your chest, you knew you shouldn’t expect much, but there was something that sat in the back burner of your heart for three long years. He looked away for a moment, then Yoongi’s intense dark eyes met yours. “Taehyung called Namjoon and Hoseok yesterday night.”
Namjoon had also introduced you to Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung. Jimin you knew somewhat already. He worked at the same convenience store as you, but you never properly had a talk with him. One night Namjoon came in with two younger guys. One had short black hair and was roughhousing with the other. His hair a little longer, just ending at his thick eyebrows. His smile seemed to never end, and he seemed a little...odd. It wasn’t that he was ugly. You thought he was attractive, as well as the other boy, but he was off. As soon as they came in, He walked over to the chip aisle and started stacking random things on each other. Namjoon nodded to you, and you nodded back.
“Hey Joonie. Are you babysitting?”  
“Something like that. Jungkook needs some help with a paper so we came to get some food before studying. Taehyung came along because he was bored..he’s gonna be more trouble than help.“
The young male with the black hair walked to the counter with a few sodas, a bag of cookies and a bowl of instant noodles.
“Hello, are you Y/n?” You nodded and smiled softly.
“That is me, are you Jungkook?” He nodded and bowed, you bowing back.
“Jimin oppa and Namjoon oppa have mentioned you before. They were right. You’re very pretty” He said smiling.
You smiled back, grabbing Namjoon’s shirt. “When did this happen?”
“Hey, we weren’t making fun of you, we were being nice.” While you were bickering with Namjoon, Taehyung had somehow had all the chips on the floor and was rearranging them.
At one point you were taking your shoe off and then you saw the aisle. “Oy, what are you doing? Namjoon what is your friend doing? I’m gonna get fired!”
“ Taehyung, put those back. “ Namjoon said with a long groan.
You walked over, he was hurrying to put everything back. You were about to sass him, then you realized what he was doing. He recovered them and somehow made them look more presentable than before. He turned to you, his face blank and his mouth slightly open.
“Thank you for the help. I was actually suppose to do that tonight before I got off. You saved me some time.” You smiled, kind of relieved your least favorite job was already done. He stood there as if he was frozen. Jungkook walked behind him, shoving him a little bit.
“Hyung, you look like a fool.”  He was broken out of his trance and nodded his head.
“Ah, Kim Taehyung. “
“F/n L/n. Thank you for the help.“ You bowed and raised an eyebrow. You recalled your boss saying there was an opening for the overnight shift and you thought it’d be a good idea to suggest it to him.
“Do you have a job? “ He shook his head wildly and you walked to the counter, looking for an application.
“We have an opening. If you’re not busy with school that is.” Jungkook pushed him towards the counter.
“He’s not doing anything, noona. He’ll do it. “ You rang up Jungkook and Namjoon, Taehyung filling the application out, fumbling a few times with the pen. As he finished and gave it to you, you gave him an apprehensive smile.
“I’ll tell the boss about you, okay?” Namjoon gave you a wave as he left the store, Jungkook following with Taehyung last, giving you a goofy grin and walking backwards out of the store and leaving with the other two. You put the application away, happy to have found someone better at doing the detailed jobs, but you didn’t expect him to impact your life. - You instantly grabbed Yoongi’s cup and downed whatever he had left.
“I’m sorry, what?” you felt your words come out in a harsh whisper.
“Taehyung called Namjoon and Hoseok. Hoseok was much more caring than Namjoon. Namjoon scolded him and told him not to come back.”
You frowned and grabbed your cup, drinking it down. Your body felt warm and prickly.
Yoongi’s watched your expression as it changed a few times. “I knew it. “ he said quietly.
You turned to him , eyes wide. “You don’t love Jimin, You’re still in love with Taehyung..” You shook your head, a grimace on your face.
“What? No!” Yoongi sighed and sat back, shrugging.
“If you say so..oh!” He got up and walked over to Choi who had another cup along with hers. “Can I have that cup?” He asked and she nodded.
He took it from her and smiled before going back to you. “Anyways, he says he’s coming back, and if he does what are you gonna do? “  
Your face was focused on the ground and you tried not to think about Taehyung. That was a long time ago, and you didn’t want to think about him. You didn’t want to think about his dorky smile or his peculiar way of handling conversation. You didn’t want to hear his warm deep voice or think about how his hair felt when your hands were tangled in it.
“Y/n?” You looked up and plastered a fake smile on your face. “ He’s too late. Jimin and I will get married. “
Yoongi gave you a face. You couldn’t tell if he was unimpressed or his resting bitch face had kicked in. “You’re not fooling me. I can read you better than Namjoon.” His voice was slightly slurred and his eyes were a little glossy. He was getting drunk.
“You’re drunk, Yoongi.” He shook his blonde hair and paused before laughing out loud. You laughed back, the alcohol in your system kicking in. Namjoon walked over to you two, placing a piece of paper in his pocket.
“ Already getting numbers, can’t even say hi. “ You say, playfully mad.
“ I was going to say hi, but your friends wouldn’t let me alone!”
“You didn’t want to, Namjoon.”  
“That’s not true, I was just being polite. “
You and Yoongi both let out a long “Mhmmmm.” before you got up and gave him a hug, laughing softly.
“Hey, can I talk to - “
“Oh, Yoongi already told me. “ before he brought it up again, you tried your best to advert the conversation. “Where’s Hobi? I don’t want to start til Hoseok is here!”
“He should have been here before us.” Yoongi said, checking his phone.
There was a loud knock, prompting you to run to the door and answer it. Hoseok was at the door, a large delivery truck behind him. “Y/n! Congratulations!” He gave you a huge hug and spun you around.
Your stomach turned for a moment, sloshing alcohol around in the depths. “Hobi! Put me down.” You pouted and he listened.
“Sorry, sorry! Ah, there’s a delivery here for you. They said they need you to sign it before they bring it in. “ You walk out to the driver in the sunset and signed off on the package, telling them to bring it in the living room.  Minae walked out and squealed. “Everyone! It’s here!”  Your face scrunched up at her. You were hoping it was the one thing you asked her not to do. “I said no strippers, Minae..” “Ah, hush. We know he isn’t as impressive as Jimin oppa. Bring it in!” She handled the package while you went back inside, grabbing a bottle of gin from the table of snacks and drinks.
You trudged back to the couch sitting in between Namjoon and Yoongi. Your girlfriends were giving everyone party hats and party horns. You thought it was kind of silly how they were acting so childish, but you gave up a long time ago. Once you told Minae and Choi they could plan it, it left your hands and landed in their capable ones.
Hoseok was helping the delivery man bring in the package. It was a large box and smelled of buttercream and vanilla. You sighed and took a swig of the bottle.
“This feels more like a birthday party.” You said softly.
“It is a bit juvenile.” Namjoon grinned, a drink now in his hand.
You spaced out and words stumbled out of your mouth before you could even process them. “Taehyung would love this…”
Yoongi and Namjoon looked at you, Yoongi leaning close to you. “ Namjoon has his number.”  
Namjoon cut the air and shook his head. “No. He left all of a sudden giving us a half ass goodbye and he left  without a word to Y/n! You think he deserves to come back as if nothing happened?”
Yoongi took a sip and shook his head. “ He doesn’t , but if she doesn’t love Jimin, why is she marrying him?”
“Oi, Y/n! You don’t want to marry Jimin? What is he saying about you not loving him?”
“Yoongi’s drunk!” You said, pouting. “Yoongi stop exposing me with your lies. “
“I’ll expose more if I keep drinking this..” He lips connected to his drink for the umpteenth time that night.
“If things keep going this way, Yoongi will be your stripper.” Namjoon muttered watching them set up.
A large, cake was displayed. It was pale yellow with white frosting along the edges.
“That wouldn’t be a problem.” Yoongi said while licking his lips. You smacked his arm and he set off in a fit of giggles. Even though he told you the worst news you could have heard at this time, you were glad Yoongi was there to keep you from freaking out. Him, Hoseok and Namjoon were like brothers to you. Namjoon was the one who cared and gave wisdom, but constantly ready to bicker with you about anything and everything.  Yoongi was the one who knew how you were feeling and how to make it better.
As they finished, Hoseok slipped in between you and Namjoon, Yoongi reaching over to give him his drink.
“Hobi, drink this.” He muttered.
“Huh?” He looked at it and drank it down. Hoseok was always calling you to make sure you were eating after long hours at the office, bringing you food for lunch or just there when you needed to vent about something stupid at work.
He gave the cup back to Yoongi and winced. “Too strong for me. Ah, Y/n! You excited about the wedding?” You nodded, feeling the alcohol numb any memories of Taehyung or any feelings of doubt you had.
“Yes! I’m ready to be Mrs. Park Jimin.” you smiled, gin laced in your words.
“You mean Mrs. Kim.” Yoongi was getting another cup from Choi, his eyes slightly glossed over.
“Yoongi, you need to stop!”  You gave him a glare, in which he shrugged and took a sip from his cup.
“Once you stop lying to yourself.”
Hoseok shushed you both, and took your hand. He had a sad smile, but you could see the reassurance in his eyes. “Maybe once you’re sober we can talk about everything. You too, Yoongi.”  
Yoongi sighed, snuggling into the couch. Minae walked up to the cake, knocking the stand it stood on.
“Hey, you ready in there?”  Three knocks answered and she grinned wide. As she stood up, she ran to the speaker system and started searching through her massive collection of music. Choi brought in the other girls, them huddling around the couch. Hoseok got comfortable next to you and Namjoon got up, going over to Minae and helping her pick some music.
“Ah, Hobi this is gonna be embarrassing.” You cover your face and sigh deeply. He rubbed your back and smiled.
“Ah, I’m sure you’ll be able to laugh at this fool, right, Yoongi?” Yoongi's drunk giggle came from the other side of the couch and Hoseok waved him off.
Your mind was hazy at this point and Taehyung’s voice was in your head. It was like a faint whisper, but you knew you didn’t want to be there. You wanted to leave the house, and find him. You wanted to ask him why he left you, where he went, why was he back.
You held your head, the room spinning for a moment. Hoseok glanced at you, a worried look washing over his face. “Y/n? Are you alright? “
Before you could answer, the sound system blasted. ”Falling in love “ by 2ne1 started playing and Minae dimmed the lights more. The girls were screaming and cheering. “We got a special gift for the lucky girl tonight~!” Minae said dancing to the music. You looked at the cake, a grimace on your face. The tiers shook slightly, wobbling some. You sat back, knowing a stripper coming out of a cake was going to be messy. Your chin rested in your hand and you sighed. As the cake deteriorated and a body came out of it, you saw jeans and a naked chest. The room was cheering, and you looked up. It was dark and it was hard to see their face, but as they danced in front of you, the smile looked familiar. It was wide and it seemed to make your heart stutter. They grinded in front of you, and you stood up, getting a better look at their face.
You swore you could have died in that moment.
A loud scream came from your mouth, making Namjoon turn off the music and Minae turn the lights up. Buttercream frosting and small pieces of cake stuck to his honey brown hair. It littered his skin, but his smile stayed intact. Kim Taehyung was standing in front of you, stripping at your bachelorette party. You were stone, the party silent. The startling sound of Yoongi blowing a party horn brought everything back to earth. Yoongi laughed, finished his drink and clapped his pale hands. He seemed to be the only one amused.
“Hobi, you put him up to this didn’t you?” He asked, his hoarse laugh filling the room.
“What?!? No!” Hoseok shook his head, disbelief in what he saw. Namjoon walked over to Taehyung, not waiting to scold him.
“What are you doing?!?” The look of disbelief on Namjoon's face made Taehyung laugh.
“Ah! I called Minae to get in touch with Y/n and she said they were having a surprise party for her! She told me her surprise gift and I wanted to help!”  Minae waved, a guilty look on her face.
“Whoops! I thought it’d be okay!”  You stood there, taking everything about him into your memory.
It was Tae. Your Tae, he was back and Namjoon was yelling at him. It was like nothing changed. The alcohol impaired everything for that few minutes. While everyone was trying to understand what was going on, time slowed down. You remembered everything Taehyung and you went through. Your relationship, how your parents didn’t approve. You went through so many hurdles and he was back. Then Jimin’s face flashed in your eyes. Your chest started to pound thinking of the night he proposed. The tears in his eyes, how his smile was so loving. You were Jimin’s now. Tae left you, he didn’t tell you anything. He just left. You couldn’t say anything to him. All of this was so sudden. You felt hot tears spill from your eyes, and Tae stopped arguing with Namjoon and looked into your eyes.
He held your face, his thumbs wiping away every tear. “What’s wrong, Jagi? Are you not happy to see me?”
“T..” you couldn’t say his name, it hurt to think he was back, and he couldn’t even come in a decent way. But you knew Taehyung. He wasn’t as mature as the rest of you, but he always had his heart in the right place.
“I..” you covered your mouth, and suddenly you felt your stomach gripe from the inside out. You ran out of the room and up the stairs, towards Minae’s spare bedroom. You dashed for the bathroom, Taehyung right behind you.
As you saw the toilet your stomach lurched and you fell to your knees, throwing up. You were a mess. You were crying, puking and Taehyun kneeled behind you, holding your hair. He kissed the back of your head and comforted you.
“Why did you come back? You didn’t even say goodbye..”
“What? What are you talking about?” He said, ripping off a strip of toilet paper and helping you clean your face.
“Do you need water? Should I get you medicine?” You heard the music downstairs start up again and you held your knees, groaning. You stomach was pulsing and you just wanted it to stop.
“I’ll drink water from the tap..I just want this night to be over.  “  He looked down for a moment before looking up, his eyes gazing into yours.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye properly.. I had to leave. I thought you would understand..” Your heart felt like a sharp piece of glass rubbed against it. He smoothed the hair out of your face and kissed your forehead. “Jagiya…”
You cried more, your face feeling grimy by this point. Asking to be left alone he stood up and closed the bathroom door. You got up, walked to the shower and turned it on full blast. The hot, steamy water killed off all the bacteria and salt from your face. You began to cry harder in the bathroom and sat in the tub. You heard your phone’s ringtone, muffled by your clothes. A pulsing, throbbing pain invaded one side of your head, making you cry harder. It had been so long since you cried like this. Your body rejected every feeling you had at that moment. You couldn’t help but feel like things would get worse.
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vintagemichelle91 · 7 years
A Hard Lesson in History: Chapter 5
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Authors’ Note: Will Rafael reveal the truth to Natalia? Let’s find out shall we dear readers. Once again, @rauliskafan and I want to thank you so much for your support and feedback! It is great hearing your thoughts! Please continue and we so look forward to it! Enjoy!!
           By the time Rafael arrived at the townhouse that evening, he remained uneasy, the feeling manifesting itself as a throbbing migraine that had only grown worse as the day dragged on.
           However, Violetta’s joy at seeing his return made him smile, and he tightly folded her into his arms. Still the idea of her, of Natalia and the babies being caught in a crossfire horrified him and stayed at the forefront of his mind. Somehow, he had to find a way to get out ahead of this.
And he had already taken the first step.
           “Papi, I helped Abuelita Lucia feed the twins! But Holly threw up all on my dress,” Violetta said scrunching up her little nose.
           “No wonder I caught a funny smell,” he quipped.
           Violetta gasped in horror. “Papi! I changed! And Mami let me spray some of her perfume!”
           Rafael laughed as his pain kept subsiding. “Then it must be coming from Holly.”
           “Hazel threw up too,” Violetta said as a matter of fact.
           “Tubby time for the twins tonight,” Natalia said, emerging from the kitchen to place dinner on the table. She chastely kissed her husband, and Rafael held her a little longer than usual. Her eyes were pooling with questions when he pulled away.
           “I’ll be happy to help,” he said. “After Violetta’s bath.” Rafael turned to face his daughter who huffed.
           “I guess I could use one,” she said. “Very busy afternoon with Hazel and Holly.” Rafael loosened his tie, and Violetta tapped her toes against the tiled floor.
           “What?” he asked.
           “You forget the flowers and the chocolate milk?” the little girl asked in disbelief. Damn. He had been so distracted by the mysterious phone call that the promised gifts were the furthest thing from his mind.
           “I’m sorry,” he muttered. Natalia rubbed his back, and Violetta rolled her eyes.
           “Guess I let you off this once cause I know from tough times,” she said with a dramatic sigh. “But let’s not make it a regular currence.” With that, Violetta made her way to the dining room.
           “Rough day?” Natalia asked, remaining at Rafael’s side while he looked in on the twins. The babies snuggled deeper into their fluffy blankets with the sun just beginning to set over their bassinets. He smiled at how peaceful they looked and wanted them to stay that way forever.
           “That’s one way of putting it,” Rafael started, “But nothing that can’t be handled. In fact, I did just that before coming home.” Kissing the back of Natalia’s hand, knowing that his wife’s plate was full, Rafael now regretted going back to work in more ways than one.
           “Something tells me you aren’t satisfied with the result, Atticus,” Natalia said as she narrowed her eyes.
           How did she do that? There was no hiding his moods from her. Should he tell her now? No, not just yet. Not when his heart was heavy and he just wanted to rest… to forget…
           “Used a slightly different tactic, but it should bring about the result I want,” Rafael answered vaguely. Looking away from her, he bent over to kiss the babies.
           “Are you sure?” Natalia pressed
           “Very. And I’m just exhausted… but probably no more than you, hermosa.” Rafael eased her towards the dining room with a quick kiss and a small smirk of reassurance.
           “You’re allowed to be tired, too,” Natalia said gently. She gave his hand a slight squeeze, and he rested his head on her shoulder.
           “Thank you for that, hermosa,” Rafael stated. Yes, he would have to reveal the truth at some point; she had every right to know. But he wasn’t sure how she would take it, and the thought that it would put distance between them was all too terrifying.
           “Of course, Atticus” Natalia said, nuzzling his cheek.
           “You two gonna eat or what?” Violetta shouted from the dining room. “I’m famished!”
           They both laughed, and Natalia grabbed the baby monitor from the coffee table so they could hear the twins if they roused from their sleep.
           “That’s Trevor’s lingo,” Rafael remarked, slightly amused.
           “Our sweet pea has an extensive vocabulary,” Natalia joked. “It’ll make her a top candidate for the best preschools in the city.”      
“I guess we should start looking into that,” he remarked. Violetta was more than ready to venture out into the world and make many friends besides Harold. Yet he was nervous to send her away from the ivory tower.
           “I… I don’t think I’m ready for that conversation just yet,” Rafael admitted.
           “Plenty of time, Atticus,” Natalia said. “We don’t have to discuss anything important tonight.”
           That was the best news he had heard all day.
           He remained pensive during dinner as Violetta told him all about her day with Lucia. At least it was a distraction. The last thing he wanted was to dwell on the Knowles case and the repercussions of his actions…
…the threats from the stranger on the phone.
           “Think someone is changing their mind about babies,” Natalia said as she heaped another serving of vegetables onto Violetta’s plate.
           “What you mean, Mami?”
           “That maybe you are finding out that babies are indeed fun!” Natalia replied cheerfully, her contentment causing her husband to sigh in relief before he smiled.
           “I guess. Only… I not like them so much when they throwing up on me,” Violetta replied with a roll of her eyes.
           “They won’t do that always,” Rafael reassured her, pinching her pink cheeks. “Now, what else did you do with abuelita?”
           Violetta relayed every single detail of her day, and all the while Rafael felt Natalia’s stare on him. She would ask him what was going on again.
Because he was doing a rotten job hiding his reservations.  
           “Atticus?” she asked once Violetta finished her food and went to watch her program with Harold. “I said that we didn’t… but I think there’s something you want to tell me.”
           “I… it’s really nothing.”
           Standing back, Natalia shook her head. “No; lying doesn’t become you.”
           What happened to the poker face that he was so proud of in the confines of the courtroom?
           “Hermosa… I…”
           “You what?” she asked, sitting beside him and taking his hand in hers. “Whatever it is you can say it.”
           “I… I need to…”
Before he could summon the courage to speak, the doorbell rang.
           “Saved by the bell,” Natalia teased, hurrying to answer the ding before Rafael had a chance to hold her back. He had an instinct as to who it might…
           …and his heart sank further when he saw Liv walk through the doorway with a frustrated expression coloring her face, alerting him as to what he was in for.
           “Liv! It’s so good to see you!” Natalia said, and she gave her a quick hug.
           Maybe she was a woman on a mission at the moment, but the lieutenant still offered his wife a small smile. “I’m sorry for the sudden intrusion. But I really need to speak to Rafael.”
           Nodding, Natalia turned to her husband who remained stagnant. Liv matched his stance, the tension swirling around and between them.
            “I think that maybe I should give you two a moment,” Natalia said.
           “No, it’s fine; this will be quick,” Rafael said determinedly.
           “Will it?” Liv asked. Her disappointment cut him to the core, and he said nothing as she took a step closer.
           “Why are you recusing yourself from the case?” she asked.
           “Recusing?” Natalia echoed. “Why would you do that, Rafael?”
           Still he stayed silent.
“I needed those warrants,” Liv continued. “I get nothing but a paltry excuse. And then you dodge my calls for the rest of the day. You want to tell me why?”
He did not. Not when his head was pounding again and Natalia was right here. A thin line formed across his lips.
            “This isn’t a good time, Liv.”
           “Then when?” she asked, raising her voice slightly. “When we find another dead girl?”
           “Lower your voice,” he hissed. “My daughters are in the next room.”
           Caught off guard, Liv did a doubletake, and Natalia inched away as the lieutenant reached for his arm.
           “I didn’t come here to upset your family,” she said.
           “Good to know,” he shot back.
           “But what you did today…  I thought we were on the same team.”
           “We are,” Rafael replied coldly. “But I don’t have to run every move I make by you.” The tension seemed to reach its apex before scattering into space on the back of Liv’s sad sigh.
           “So that’s how it is,” she said. “Sorry. Here I thought we were friends.”
           Of course, they were. After all they had seen and done together…
           “Could you please go now, Olivia,” he asked. “I’m off the clock, and there’s no time for this.”
Bidding Natalia goodbye, Liv turned on her heel and left without giving Rafael another glance. As soon as the door shut, Natalia faced her husband.
“Go on,” he said. “Tell me that I behaved atrociously and that I should be ashamed of myself.”
Her sweet brown eyes hardened, and it seemed as if she stared at him for decades, searching for something...
           “What?” Rafael asked. He held his breath as she stepped closer, and her gaze softened as she cupped his face in her hands.
           “You are my husband… my Atticus,” she finally declared. “For a second, I… I feared that Nevada was back.” A cold shiver ran up his spine when she mentioned that man’s name. Immediately, Rafael gathered Natalia in his arms and held onto her, his lips dotting the top of her head.
“I will never let that man near our family again, hermosa. And there is absolutely nothing you have to worry about.”
           “You promise?” Natalia asked, abandoning his embrace to look into his eyes once more.
           “I’m handling things.  Just trust me on this… okay?” Rafael pressed his forehead to hers, hoping that his words would be enough.
           “Always, always,” Natalia whispered.
           He couldn’t tell her now. Maybe he never would. The consequences of one action had already altered something with Liv.
           He could not take the chance with his wife. That night, once his girls were bathed and put to bed, Rafael sought the sanctuary of Natalia’s arms and vowed to stay in that safest, sweetest spot at any cost.
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