#at a critical stage of development
untitledgoosegay · 3 months
trans femme/nb dedue
is a headcanon i hold close to my heart
he is at minimum strongly gender-nonconforming -- despite the protective shell (literal; it's made of steel plate and chain) he wears, his key interests are cooking, gardening, and sewing. this is not someone who aspires to be the big manly protector. moreover, he never talks about his relationship with his dad; if his bio page didn't mention that he was a blacksmith we would know nothing about the man. dedue only ever talks about his relationships with his mother and sister, and how that shaped his interests and the way he prefers to connect with people even now -- especially now that it serves as a way to preserve their memories. his mother taught him to cook.
in his ideal life, Dedue gets to stay home and make sure the people he loves can come home to good food and warm clothes and beautiful things ... but that life was severed at the root, right at the time where gender and sexuality start becoming increasingly unavoidable; there will always be the question of who Dedue would have been in that other, peaceful world, and it will never be answered
headcanon -- at fourteen Dedue was just starting to run into the mounting pressure to join his father as a blacksmith, and, correspondingly, running into his instinctive reluctance/resistance to do so. at the time Dedue didn't yet understand why, and couldn't verbalize what was wrong, and his dad is -- was -- even quieter by nature than Dedue, so it remained this unspoken but increasing tension. sooner or later it would have had to break, and they might have had a fight about it or it might have resolved more quietly; Dedue knows -- he thinks he's certain -- that his dad loved him, and that ultimately that would have mattered more than having A Son™ ...
... but he'll never get to know.
maybe in that other world he would have grown into a woman. maybe, with a version of masculinity he didn't find abhorrent, he could still have been a man. maybe he would have settled between, or two the side, or never been asked to define himself in that way at all.
but in the world-that-is, the world of the Tragedy, where he's the last surviving Molinaro and right hand to the crown prince of Faerghus, he's not exactly given time or space to think about his gender. in the aftermath, embedded in the heart of Faerghan power, still very much a grieving, terrified child, his preferred presentation is "whatever's safest," and he's trying his hardest not to have an identity at all. he's submerged in Faerghan masculinity -- in the standards of Faerghan masculinity applied to its nobles -- which is inextricable from Knighthood™ and which prizes violence, and that is absolutely not helping. it's hard to make any concrete statements about the version of masculinity Dedue was raised with, but I think it's safe to say it was very different. and Faerghan manhood is absolutely not something Dedue aspires to.
and that state of affairs holds until the timeskip, where he gets five years to finally reconnect with other Duscur people, other survivors, out of Dimitri's shadow and away from the constant crushing threat of Fódlan's nobility -- five years to reconstruct a sense of safety and a sense of self; to live as part of a community, in (relative) peace; to start thinking about who he wants to be, not just what.
& then ... ?
i think, if you asked him, and if he thought you were worth an honest answer, Dedue would say that he's not sure whether or not he's a man, but he did (does) want to be a wife.
in the world-that-is, rejecting manhood & claiming femininity is a private rejection of the world that assumes of him -- & thereby demands -- masculinity-as-violence, and stoicism, and sacrifice. it puts space between him and the outward-facing self he's constructed; it frees more space for the heart he keeps secret, separate and protected. the part of himself that is safe, and untouchable, and unassailably his own. it's a claim to the softness, warmth, and fragility that Faerghus denies not just him but everyone around him, that it refuses to acknowledge is necessary or absent. it asserts that he is not expendable; his duty is not to inflict and endure violence; he can be beautiful, and precious, and worthy and deserving of protection
i don't think he'd ever be 'out' to more than a handful of people -- his partner(s), his absolute closest friends. Maybe more amongst the people who saved him, but not many. Not so much out of fear or repression -- Dedue is just a private person by nature, which is unfortunate, given that he's found himself in an extremely public position. He prides himself on being a cipher to strangers (check his B-support with Sylvain); he prefers to keep very tight control over who knows anything personal about him, especially given how much of his life is in the public eye. He sure as hell does not want a whole continent's worth of people feeling entitled to an explanation of his gender which most of them won't get anyway. Knowing things about Dedue is a privilege and it is not one he grants lightly.
To whatever extent she's a woman -- i don't think she could define it herself; self-knowledge is not one of Dedue's strong suits -- it's reserved for the few people she feels truly safe with
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Some people put their whole hearts into trying to make Mollymauk a Glee character when he is, at his core, somewhere between a washed up magician selling fake silk sheets on daytime television and a line cook in an ankle-length fur coat who you meet at a drag show, who feeds your dog filet mignon and then ghosts you halfway through your third date.
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wayti-blog · 4 months
“When something seems ‘the most obvious thing in the world’ it means that any attempt to understand the world has been given up.”
Bertolt Brecht
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Im sorry but I cant take the Lumity dance in Enchanting Grom Fright seriously, because Luz doesn't even LIKE Amity at this point in the story. People praise their moonlight dance scene to heaven and back and Im like 😭 Luz only sees Amity as a friend in this episode. It would actually mean something if they both liked each other BUT Amity is in the friendzone with Willow and Gus 😭.
On another note, you'd think that Luz would be all over Amity given her obsession with The Good Witch Azura book. Like Amity is straight up younger version of Hecate with green/brown hair. And we cant say Luz didnt like her initially cuz she was a bully since Luz starts liking her and dating her before Willow and Amity are actually on friendly terms with each other 😭
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fideidefenswhore · 7 months
anyone else watching the latest of the crown?
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
Oh gosh I’m loving your watch of C2! I kinda enjoy it more than my watch of it. Idk, I feel like I got way more invested in C3 than I ever have of C2. I stopped watching around C2E15 but I think I might just have to pick it back up. I’m just not really enjoying the Zadash political corruption arc lol. Feels like the characters of C3 instantly grabbed me while C2’s are taking a while to do that but I WANT to enjoy it bc I love CR! It’s just been harder to get into the story/characters. Is it worth continuing in your opinion??
hello thanks, i'm glad you like it!!
hmmm i've only just finished ep 16 so idk if i can tell you anything you don't already know, but. in my opinion, the most interesting thing about c2 at this point is the Slowburn of it, which we didn't really see in c1 and c3. these characters all came into the campaign with insanely complicated backstories that they are largely still trying to either figure out or run away from, and they are VERY unwilling to talk about any of that with the group at this point (with the exception of jester, but that's a whole other post probably)
so i think the main driving force behind watching the campaign right now is knowing that these people WILL eventually grow to trust and love each other enough to disclose that information and even support each other through confronting those pasts together. the excitement comes from getting to watch that process as it happens, you know what i mean? the early stuff with the zadash rebellion and running errands for the gentleman etc. feels like pretty classic stealth mission-y dungeon crawl-y stuff that i think serves multiple purposes of "fun fun dnd times with our low-level characters" and "laying the world-building foundation for larger arcs later" and, perhaps most importantly, "forcing our group of mistrusting little dicks to face threats together." it's watching the most mistrusting people you'll ever meet begrudgingly start to figure out how to take care of each other and also maybe even realize that they want to take care of each other
i would predict that later things will pivot into individual character arcs + world-saving shenanigans, similar to c1, but those are a lot more meaningful if the group dynamic is There in some form, and 16 episodes into the campaign that is very much still developing and taking shape. but i think seeing that process is really special, and it will undoubtedly make future moments even more meaningful knowing that everything was so fraught at the start
so idk that's my two cents! i definitely understand if the slowburn these-assholes-all-hate-each-other isn't your cup of tea or gets frustrating, but for me it's v important to see the Process of them growing together as a group because the pay-off later will be that much more rewarding
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magnusmodig · 2 months
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rough childhood headcanon qs / anonymous / accepting !
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╰┈➤ 1 . does your muse blame themselves for their trauma?
||. As is ever the case with Thor Odinson, the short answer is still, in itself, complicated. Ultimately the answer is, in my personal opinion, yes , though Thor is an incredibly introspective person, and so he can be self-aware enough of himself and his family situation to see it plainly for what it was. Thor is not a doormat. But whether or not he fully commits to acting on what he's feeling, and thinking based that awareness is its own issue. One mostly steeped in how Thor views himself and partly how he views his own family (specifically: he views them all with blinding rose-colored glasses ESPECIALLY once they've died, regardless of the damage they've caused him).
For some context on what I mean, by "how Thor views himself", I mean that he is shown to have something of an atlas complex (also known as: superman complex, savior/hero syndrome, codependency). Everything comes down to him. He's the strongest, so he'll do it. He can outlive and outlast, so he'll endure. He's the eldest, so it's his responsibility. So on and so forth very often times coming out as "I will solve this problem for you" statements most notably with Jane Foster. He takes failure personally, especially when other people are at stake, or the collateral. And he will hold himself accountable for tragedies beyond his control at length. In "The Avengers" and a deleted scene in "Thor: Ragnarok" he actively and repeatedly lumps himself in with his family (aka his father and siblings, mostly), and their catastrophic, destructive actions and pasts — both of which are things that thor himself actually hasn't partaken to any large degree (unless we count the failed Jotunheim heist and even that he WAS going to bail on before his temper got the best of his judgement.) He proceeds to call them (his family) "bilge snipe", while using the terms "we" (denotating himself as part of the issue) and proceeds to call the metaphorical bilge snipe "repulsive". He does this again in Ragnarok while telling Banner that "we're cursed to fight amongst ourselves while everyone else suffers for it"), meaning his opinions on the matter have not changed since 2012.
And by "blinding rose colored glasses" I mean that Thor has another tendency to see the good in people, partly in nature and partly deliberately, especially when seeking it out. And he does this especially when it comes to his family, and he will justify their actions by trying to step into their shoes even when it may not always be appropriate. (//gestures at literally all of thor: ragnarok and how he still idolizes his father to an obscene degree thankstaika re: "i'm not as strong as you", and even further back to the way thor speaks to odin in thor 2011 at the end of his banishment re: "there will never be a wiser king than you or a better father". He also idolizes Loki in "The Dark World" with the line "loki, for all of his grave imbalance, understood rule as i know i never will" and to a lesser degree does this with Frigga in the same film "she saved us all, a thousand times.")
From a slightly more psychological perspective:
The long and short of it is that it is much easier to blame yourself for things that hurt you that were beyond yourself. Especially when you can't understand it, or didn't deserve it. Especially when they come from someone you hold in high esteem, and hold a lot of love for. Like caregivers and family. In a twisted way, it grants the guilt-bearer some level of CONTROL over their emotions and their situation that they did not have in the moment the hurt occurred. If you're can blame yourself, then you're at fault. If you're at fault, then you can feel guilty, and if you're guilty, then you can atone. You can actively work to make up for it. ( "By blaming ourselves, we maintain the perception that we’re still in control of the situation and ultimately safe -even when we’re not." - rosscenter.com) This is especially critical in children who go through this sort of parental dysfunction and neglect. And the reason why I think this is not a development saved for his young adult -> adult years is because of exactly what we see on screen.
Thor comes from a family that is just as loving as it is toxic. His father was so good at being a wise king that he completely failed at being a good father. It's something Thor even calls out in "The Dark World" ("I'd rather be a good man than a great king") after speaking on how being king is losing who you are to politics and mind games and war. Odin as a parent, and Odin's overbearing, all-encompassing shadow of a legacy is what Thor's entire character arc was always about overcoming. His mother, Frigga, is by far the most decent of the bunch, but she is far from perfect. To pull from a previous meta on the subject, my opinion on frigga/thor is as follows: " [...] an unfortunate cycle in which [Frigga] spent SO MUCH ENERGY [...] making sure [Loki] felt seen/heard and had “some sun for himself” that she COMPLETELY neglected to see that her other son was in just as much pain as the youngest was [...] And only realized how estranged they had become when it was too late, and she couldn’t reach Thor anymore. (She also died before she could make it right.)"
His brother is arguably the person he was ever closest to (even among his friend group), up until his brother manipulated and betrayed his trust, killed him, attempted suicide in front of him, tried to take over earth as payback, tried to kill him again, rejected him outright, and then got put into jail.
Suffice it to say that while I think that Thor's issues stem from deep childhood trauma (and only ever further reenforced by the fact he ages so slowly), my dude's got some issues, and blaming himself for past trauma is definitely one of them. (When he can't get away with internalizing it and avoiding it any longer, anyways.) I do also think to a lesser degree this behavior does also count towards friends, just to a less extreme degree. With the main difference being: Thor adores his family. He wants to keep them close to him. He's incredibly protective of all of them. Which isn't to say he doesn't love his friends, because that would be the biggest lie. But friends come and go. Thor will always want to be a good friend, but he wants to be a good son even more than that. And so in cases of conflict with a friend and a peer, Thor will gladly and readily call out his friends for their bad behavior just as readily as he would also dismiss and justify their bad behavior towards himself. (you know like not checking in on him for five years in "endgame", apparently...)
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jade-gemstone · 9 months
What's this???
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Eye drawing practice as a thinly veiled excuse to share things about my fangan which I'm currently hyperfixating on???
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myzacoza · 1 month
Unveiling ALX Ventures: The Catalyst For A 21st Century African Entrepreneurship Revolution!
In a bold move to accelerate Africa’s entrepreneurial trajectory and empower a new generation of agile startups with 21st-century digital capabilities, ALX an award winning tech training and career acceleration provider, announces the rollout of ALX Ventures in South Africa (SA). Already launched in two other African markets, Lagos and Rwanda, the first cohort in SA starts this month, with over…
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orcelito · 1 year
Oh the difficulty of writing Meryl pre-character development. Me being like "is this how she would actually act?" & thinking it through
I think the geo-plant stuff was a big moment for her, development-wise. I think this makes sense actually
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Dolly Parton - Jolene 1973
Dolly Parton is an American singer-songwriter, actress, and philanthropist. With a career spanning over fifty years, Parton has been described as a country legend and has sold more than 100 million records worldwide, making her one of the best-selling music artists of all time. She has had 25 singles reach no. 1 on the Billboard country music charts, a record for a female artist (tied with Reba McEntire). She has 44 career Top 10 country albums, a record for any artist, and she has 110 career-charted singles over the past 40 years. She has composed over 3,000 songs. She has founded a number of charitable and philanthropic organizations, chief among them is the Dollywood Foundation, which manages a number of projects to bring education and poverty relief to East Tennessee where she grew up. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Parton donated $1 million towards research at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which funded the critical early stages of development of the Moderna vaccine.
"Jolene" was released on October 15, 1973, as the first single and title track from her the thirteenth solo studio album Jolene, and became Parton's second solo number one single on the country charts. "Jolene" became Parton's first top ten hit song in the UK, reaching number seven in the UK Singles Chart in 1976. It also re-entered the chart when Parton performed at the Glastonbury festival in 2014.
According to Parton, the song was inspired by a red-headed bank clerk who flirted with her husband, Carl Dean, at his local bank branch around the time they were newly married. In an interview, she also revealed that Jolene's name and appearance are based on that of a young fan who came on stage for her autograph.
During an interview on The Bobby Bones Show in 2018, Parton revealed that she wrote "Jolene" on the same day that she wrote "I Will Always Love You".
"Jolene" was nominated for the Grammy Awards for Best Female Country Vocal Performance twice, in 1975 and 1976. The first nomination was for the original recording, and the second was for a live recording from the TV series In Concert. It did not win either time, but in 2017, a cover by the a cappella group Pentatonix which featured Parton as a guest singer won the Grammy Award for Best Country Duo/Group Performance.
In 2023 she released her forty-ninth solo studio album, Rockstar, a collaborative project with a variety of rock musicians and where "Jolene" is sung by Italian rockband Måneskin, listen to it here!
"Jolene" received a total of 94,3% yes votes!
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I wish I knew more about relationships than just crushing on every person who pays me an iota of attention like a 13-year-old
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ms-hells-bells · 1 month
it really showcases how quickly young people develop and change when just two years ago, billie eilish did her infamous happier than ever album cycle, which was highly sexualised, blonde Marilyn Monroe style, and she swore up and down that that was her, she was confident about herself, and that she knew what she was doing.
Now for this new album cycle, when talking about her previous era, she says that that wasn't her, she lost who she was and felt like a different person, that everything got to her, she couldn't see herself objectively, and that her first album was so much more of who she is and she wants to return to that girl again.
It took just three years. Which I and anyone can heavily relate to, feeling like you know who you are in the moment, but every single year you look back and feel like that you a year ago was too young to understand, but then the you now will be in the same position in a year.
That's why though I have criticized her, I still feel a ton of empathy for her and her position, and try to support her. She's having to go through that societal grooming we all go through on a much bigger scale and on the public stage.
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wayti-blog · 1 year
“Whatever you think, or feel, you know... there is always more to discover.”
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
Marxism, Ideology and socioeconomic theory developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The fundamental ideology of communism, it holds that all people are entitled to enjoy the fruits of their labour but are prevented from doing so in a capitalist economic system, which divides society into two classes: nonowning workers and nonworking owners. Marx called the resulting situation “alienation,” and he said that when the workers repossessed the fruits of their labour, alienation would be overcome and class divisions would cease. The Marxist theory of history posits class struggle as history’s driving force, and it sees capitalism as the most recent and most critical historical stage—most critical because at this stage the proletariat will at last arise united.
String identified: a, g a ccc t a a a c g. T ata g c, t tat a a tt t t t t a t a t g a catat cc t, c ct t t ca: g a g . a ca t tg tat “aat,” a a tat t t t t a, aat c a ca ca. T at t t t ca tgg a t’ g c, a t cata a t t ct a t ctca tca tag—t ctca ca at t tag t taat at at a t.
Closest match: Thelaira solivaga genome assembly, chromosome: 2 Common name: Fly
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Hi. I'm the person who asked for help with the enemy of the week type thing. I was wondering if you could explain the different types of writting? (fanfic, novella, all that stuff)
Different Types of Writing and Stories
By Word Count: *
Drabble: 100 word story Micro Fiction: 50 to 500 words Flash Fiction: 2000 words or fewer Short Story: 1000 to 10,000 words Novelette: 7,500 to 20,000 words Novella: 20,000 to 50,000 words Novel: 50,000 to 120,000 words Epic Novel: 120,000 words or more * (estimates vary)
By Type:
Poetry: literature using figurative language and crafted verse Fan-Fiction: fiction written by fans of existing canon material *** Diary/Journal: personal account of life experiences Travelogue: personal account of one's travel experiences Fiction: prose literature describing imaginary events and people Non-Fiction: prose literature about factual events/subjects/people Creative Non-Fiction: creative writing used in non-fiction narrative Play: a script for a story to be performed on stage Screenplay: TV/movie script including acting and scene directions Technical Writing: professionally written technical information Critical Writing: personal reviews of a product like film/food/book Expository Writing: provides facts and research about a given topic
By Fiction Genre: Fantasy Sci-Fi Adventure Thriller Romance Historical Fiction Contemporary Children's Fiction Dystopian Mystery Horror Paranormal
*** fan-fiction can be any word count/genre
By Non-Fiction Genre: Memoir Humor Travel Self-Help History How-To Motivational Humor Personal Development Cookbook Art Family & Relationships
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