#astrid greenwood
Time to think about Molly because all of the characters in this game drive me insane with the little tidbits we get to know about them.
Ok so it’s pretty clearly hinted at that her husband was a terrible man that she didn’t want to marry (“I could have been something!”, really the whole conversation about his death), and directly stated that she very intentionally left him to die.
There are two things about her, though, that I really find fascinating. They’re more theory than outright, but I think I can back them up. Those are:
1) Molly tried to get out of the relationship as best she could with what she was given, long before the events of the game.
2) Molly knows that her murder spree is morally questionable, but has decided that even if it’s wrong, if she saves someone else from being hurt by a bad man, then it’s worth it.
Let’s start with the first one.
I firmly believe she talked to Father Thomas at some point about her relationship. He’s a religious leader, and, based on the fact that he was the one to gather people into the community centre, is probably a community leader as well. The type of person you go to when you need help. Molly says Father Thomas won’t help Astrid (indirectly but she has been roaming Pleasant Valley for a week post-first flare at time of our first entrance, so she must know he’s the only one there when she says “nobody there will help you”), and it tracks that he likely would not have helped her out of that relationship. Most Christian sects, to my knowledge, are against divorce to some degree, and we’ve seen that Father Thomas has no qualms with pushing his religious views onto others (making Astrid take the rosary). All of this together means it’s highly likely Molly tried to get out the “right” way first. She did everything she was supposed to, and still found herself stuck. Given that scenario, it’s obvious why, when the wolves gave her an out, she took it.
As for her knowing what she’s doing is wrong, I’d like to point to her asking if Mackenzie is one of the good ones. I absolutely love this line, because it says so much about who she is. It’s her offering Astrid something she was never given; a chance to get out. It’s her acknowledging that there are good men, and that she doesn’t want to kill them. That she only wants to kill the ones that will hurt people like she was hurt. Then following that up with “then I hope I never meet him”? This is probably my favorite exchange in Wintermute because it’s so short and direct yet says volumes. She wants Astrid to be happy and find her good one again. She would rather a risk a good man dying than a bad man going free. This isn’t just a revenge quest against any man she thinks is bad; it’s her trying, in her own way, to keep people safe and make the world better. This shows too, in her choice to leave Father Thomas alive. He’s a sitting duck, with no way of protecting himself. She could have killed him. She clearly holds contempt for him, and if you subscribe to the first theory I posited, he’s a large factor in why she had to stay in that horrible marriage. But she chose to leave Father Thomas alive, and I think that’s in no small part because she knows that those plane crash victims need him. That even if he screwed her over, he’s making the world better right now.
Anyways I love her and I think more women should kill people
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fliggly · 5 months
astrid sketch while i complete chapter 3.
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xasadnerdx · 2 years
"it somehow feels like mother nature is crying out... or maybe she's warning us of what's to come."
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kierofoxen · 7 months
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The Long Dark
ɪɴꜱᴛᴀɢʀᴀᴍ x  ᴛᴡɪᴛᴛᴇʀ x
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lambfromfield · 1 year
long dark tumblr. is anyone out there. do you like reading fanfiction about astrid and/or will and/or molly. i need to know. ao3 is painfully empty..... i just need 2 know if there is anyone else out there who Thinks about them
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bifairywife · 11 months
istg i don’t cry when couples finally have their first kiss/gets together in a series but by GOD did they change the chemistry in my brain this was insANE-
(more thoughts on reblog)
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rook-specter · 11 months
Creampuff's Bakery characters based on memes
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The Songstress:
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Milky Way:
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Lorelai Finn:
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Augustus Finn:
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Sylvana Finn:
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Meryl Everett:
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Jude Finn:
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Blanche Greenwood:
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Astrid Kidd:
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Max Love:
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Ashley Kennedy:
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Tucker Ortega:
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sotwk · 10 months
Horses in the Woodland Realm
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Historically, the Silvan Elves that dwelt in Greenwood the Great, prior to the coming of their Sindar rulers, had no desire or reason to keep horses. Horses were neither necessary nor practical for travel within their dense woodlands, and the Silvans did not journey frequently enough from their home territory to require them. As peaceful Elves, they also had all the stamina and time in the world to walk leisurely to their destinations.
Even with the arrival of the would-be King Oropher and his brethren, there were only a handful of Sindar who brought horses along with them, and continued the practice of riding as a means of transport, whether for recreation or warfare. In the Second Age, the most skilled of these horse-riders was the Crown Prince Thranduil.
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Thranduil, the Great Rider
Thranduil grew up in Doriath among the Sindar, an environment where horse riding was not a very common practice.
It was not until he participated in the War of Wrath and trained as a soldier amongst the Vanyar and Noldor, did he learn to be around and ride horses.
(Note: Thranduil's participation in this war is a controversial headcanon and a massive deal that doesn't get addressed enough. It needs its own separate, in-depth discussion--or two or three!)
For his valor during the war, Thranduil was gifted by his commanders with the orphaned horse he rode during the later battles, a great stallion that originated from Valinor, carried across the sea with the Host of the West. He named the horse Raindal, meaning "wandering feet".
As a creature of Valinor, Raindal was blessed with extraordinarily long life and vigor, similar to that of Elves. The steed accompanied Thranduil throughout his widespread travels and adventures early in the Second Age, and carried him to Greenwood when Oropher and his kin migrated out of Lindon in c. SA 750.
Thranduil commanded the forces that cleansed Greenwood from the encroachment of orcs and evil creatures that had survived the Great War (see related HCs here).
He made such a fearsome, terrible vision in hunting down the foul beasts, astride his great horse, that the Silvan Elves thought he might have been Oromë himself coming to their aid.
During the Second Age, many Greenwood Elves referred to their new Prince reverently as "The Great Rider".
Sadly, Thranduil's 1,700-year friendship with Raindal came to an end when the great horse perished during the Sack of Eregion, a battle in which Thranduil fought to rescue the elleth he loved, Lady Maereth. Later on, opponents of his betrothal to Maereth claimed it was an ill-foreboding sign that he should not marry her.
Despite mating with countless different mares over the centuries, Raindal never successfully sired offspring.
After the loss of Raindal, Thranduil never kept or claimed another horse of his own. For the rest of the Second Age, he rode only in certain times of need, and never using the same animal.
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Thranduil only found a replacement for Raindal when he discovered the first of his elks, a one-of-a-kind species never before seen in Rhovanion or perhaps all of Middle-earth. He named the elk Alvar, meaning "good fortune", considering the creature a gift from the Valar themselves.
Henceforth that particular breed of elk became known as the "King's Elk", and was bred and raised exclusively to be the mount of the Elvenking of the Woodland Realm.
(Note: A detailed history of Thranduil and his elk, and the characteristics of the "King's Elk" will be discussed in future headcanons, since it is also a lengthy topic!)
The finding of Alvar factored heavily into Thranduil's decision to join the Last Alliance of Elves and Men (which then pushed Oropher to ride into war), and was instrumental in his survival of the bloody battles.
Alvar lived up until TA 318 to an estimated age of about 400 years old. The great steed was replaced by his offspring sired with a native Greenwood elk, a crossbreeding effort overseen by Thranduil's young son, Prince Gelir. (referenced in the fanfic "Greenleaf's Day Out")
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Mirkwood's Ties with the Rohirrim Ancestors
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Very early in the Third Age, horses were bred and kept by the Greenwood Elves in small numbers, for the main purpose of travel outside of the Woodland Realm to other kingdoms.
Because most Silvans seldom ventured beyond Woodland territory, such travel was primarily done by the Royal Family and their retinue.
However, the Greenwood breeds at that time, which descended from native wild horses in the eastern plains of Rhovanion, struggled to meet the rigorous work often required by Thranduil and his elder sons.
Greenwood horses were smaller, gentler, and not physically built for warfare, charging, or enduring over long distances.
Thranduil and his elder sons, Crown Prince Mirion and Prince Tuhrir, were all over seven feet tall, and the princes inherited the heavy warrior builds of their Noldorin ancestors from the First Age. As they grew older and stronger and heavier, it became very difficult to find horses that could match the level of physicality their activities required.
The Woodland Elves had friendly relations with the Northmen who occupied the Vales of Anduin in scattered tribes.
One nomadic tribe in particular, who called themselves the Lôthéod, had old traditions of taming and breeding wild horses all across Rhovanion.
When they learned about the Woodland Princes' unique predicament, they came forward and offered knowledge about an "untamable" herd of "giant" wild horses they came across in their travels down the northern Wilderland.
The Lôthéod believed their lack of success in capturing this wild horse breed was because they descended from horses of the High Elves from the First Age, and therefore could only be mastered by those with High Elf (Calaquendi) blood.
Young Prince Turhir (less than 90 years old at the time) received permission from his father the Elvenking to accompany the Lôthéod to the northern lands and seek out these special horses.
After several years, around TA 120, the Lôthéod--with the help of Turhir--succeeded in capturing and taming the first of the northern wild horses, which were given the name, "Arroch" (noble horse).
With the Lôthéod's guidance, the Woodland Elves succeeded in bringing the Arrochs to their lands and bred them in very small numbers for over two millennia.
From that time on, Turhir had a special affinity for the Northmen horse lords, a friendship that continued for centuries to their descendants, the Éothéod, and finally the Rohirrim.
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SotWK Fancast: Sam Heughan (Outlander) as Prince Turhir Thranduilion
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The Arrochs: Horses of Princes
Similar to the Mearas, the Arrochs were extremely selective about whom they permitted to ride them. Presumably, only Elves with Calaquendi blood (which the Mirkwood Princes had through their mother) could safely ride an Arroch.
Although Arrochs were owned almost exclusively by the Sons of Thranduil, there were no laws restricting the use or ownership of Arrochs to Elven nobility. However, it was extremely risky to attempt to mount one without "permission", as these great horses were notorious for seriously injuring or even killing riders they rejected.
Their accepted origin story is that Arrochs descended from Valinoran horses of the Great War, similar to Thranduil's old horse Raindal but interbred with Middle-earth horses.
They were long-lived, but not immortal. Their lifespan averaged about two hundred years. Although more durable (in flesh and will) than most horses, they could be slain by standard weapons.
Arrochs were highly intelligent, and could be trained to understand commands in different languages.
They were extraordinarily brave in battle and did not scare or bolt even in the face of terrible monsters. They were fiercely loyal to their masters, willing to give their lives rather than preserve themselves.
They had high endurance levels, and could sustain a hard gallop for hours without need for rest, even when bearing heavy or multiple riders.
They could be ridden without saddle or reins, but the Princes usually outfitted them with tack for the safety of others who assisted in handling and caring for them (such as stable hands or soldiers).
What differentiated the Arrochs most from the Mearas was their enormous size. On average, they stood 7 feet tall at the withers and weighed at least 2,000 pounds.
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SotWK Fancast: Henry Cavill (The Witcher) as Crown Prince Mirion
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Mirkwood Horses in the Third Age Onward
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The Arrochs thrived as a breed in the Woodland Realm from TA 120 to about TA 2600, enduring even when the Elvenking's lands grew increasingly infested by the darkness of Dol Guldur.
However, with the succeeding losses of the three eldest Princes--Mirion, Arvellas, and most especially Turhir, the Arrochs gradually stopped breeding.
Turhir's final horse was the last known Arroch to survive. After its death, the breed seemingly became extinct despite the best efforts of Prince Gelir to preserve their line.
By TA 2600, only the native Greenwood horses remained to serve what was left of the royal family and the realm's limited mounted cavalry.
By the time of the War of the Ring, the Arrochs (like many things in the Woodland Realm's long history) were thought by most people in Middle-earth to be merely a myth.
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For more Thranduil/Mirkwood headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
Elves HC Tag List: @quickslvxrr @laneynoir @auttumnsayshi @achromaticerebus @tamryniel @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @blueberryrock @aduialel @scyllas-revenge @glassgulls @ladyweaslette @asianbutnotjapanese @ratsys @conversacomsmaug @lemonivall @lathalea @heranintomyknife23times @heilith @entishramblings @stormchaser819 @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @freshalmondpandadonut @beekieboo @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @konartiste @g-m-kaye
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kierancaz · 2 years
𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐫/𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐬/𝐨) 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭
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A/N: sooo I wrote like a third of this and then accidentally posted it and had to delate it I literally want to cry 🥲 ANYWAYS this is basically gender flipped Hiccup/Astrid from the first movie. I’m probably changing now dragons work in the lotr verse but idc.
Warnings: asshole Legolas (at the beginning), not proof read, possible spelling/grammar mistakes, a few direct quotes from the first httyd movie because I couldn’t help myself 💀
Synopsis: you’ve been acting strange Legolas takes matters of investigation into his own hands.
*this is going to have a part 2 of head canons bc I cannot fit everything I want into this one shot lmao*
You were… widely regarded as strange to the other elves. Daughter to the hand of the king you have a fairly high status within Greenwood, but not many friends.
Legolas had known you since you where both kids but he never payed much attention to you. You were shy and quite and liked to hide. Growing up you barely said two words to him and as you both got older he fell in with everyone who didn’t like you.
He saw you every once in a while, usually drawing or working in the blacksmiths, more recently in the library. You had joined the guard not to long ago, Legolas assumed your father had made you because you weren’t to good at it.
You fumbled your way through every day of training and more then once someone had to rescue you while out on patrol. Legolas wished he had the power to kick you off the guard, it would make everyone’s lives so much easier, but Tauriel refused.
However, in the last month you had been acting more strange then usual, and Legolas seemed to be the only one to notice. It irked him.
You had been sneaking off any chance you got, after patrols and trainings you would just disappear and more then once he saw you from his balcony sneaking off into the woods at night. You hardly spent any time in your usual places like the library or the blacksmiths or even sitting under your favorite tree in the garden.
Tauriel wouldn’t listen to him when he brought up your mysterious disappearances and he didn’t want to you to his father just yet, so he took matters into his own hands. For the next couple of days Legolas observed you more closely. He made excuses to go into the blacksmiths and try and get a glimpse at what you where working on, he followed you into the library and picked up what books you’d leave behind, and every night he waited on his balcony to watch where you would walk into the woods. Admittedly it was a little weird but he had to know what you where doing. Finally, he decided it was time to follow you into the woods.
He waited in the woods for you to show up after your patrol, sitting patiently on a rock, sharpening his blades to pass the time. He stopped when he heard the crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs not to far ahead of him. Quickly he jumped behind the rock to not be seen.
As he predicted, when he looked out from behind the rock he saw you walking through the woods dressed in something strange. It seemed to be made of leather?
After you where a good distance ahead of him he crept out from behind the rock and silently followed you from a distance, making sure to keep out of sight. You were mumbling to yourself as you flipped through a little leather bound book in your hands, chewing on the end of your pencil.
Maybe you were just a harmless weirdo, Legolas began to think. Maybe he was being to hard on you. He didn’t understand why what you where doing mattered to him so much, why he was so interested. If he was going to be honest with himself you didn’t seem like a threat. He sighed and as he was thinking about this, he stepped on a twig and it cracked under his weight.
You stopped up ahead and spun around. Quickly Legolas ducked behind a tree. You gave a questioning look around before slowly turning back and hastening your pace.
Legolas breathed again after you continued moving forward, he stayed there until you were almost out of sight before he followed again. He followed you for a long while, watching carefully were he stepped.
Eventually, you disappeared again. This time though you had climbed your way down into a large clearing. There was a couple trees with a large pond in the center of the grove but he couldn’t see much from up where he was. He climbed down through the rocks and into the grove but there was no sign of you. He took a moment to spin and look around, it was a beautiful place, he could see why you would want to sneak off here.
“Legolas.” He heard the shock in your voice as you dropped something to the ground, but when he turned around you had kicked it behind the bolder you were standing next to.
He turned around, his face stony. “Wha-what are you doing here?” You laughed nervously, looking around and shuffling on your feat.
“Actually, I came to ask you the same question.” He said coming closer, flipping his blade in his hand and looking down his nose at you.
“Oh! Well you know, ah, um,” you stuttered.
“And what is this you’re wearing?” Legolas asked accusatorially and tried to peer around the bolder you rushed up to him and put both your hands on his chest, trying to guide him away.
“I’ve been, uh, making… outfits!” You laughed. “That’s it! You caught me! Drag me back and—”
Legolas swiftly moved his blade so it pointed at your throat. Immediately you moved both your hands off him. “Don’t lie to me. What are you hiding?”
There was a low rumbling coming from behind him. Legolas looked over a shoulder and climbing out from behind a stack of boulders, teeth bared and reptilian eyes fixed on them, was a dragon.
“Get down!” Legolas shouted and shoved you both to the ground as the dragon pounced. Legolas got back up immediately, prepared to swing his sword at the beast.
“Stop! Stop!” You cried as you scrambled to your feet and placed yourself between Legolas and the large black dragon.
You where facing him with both your hands on the dragons face, holding it back from attacking again. It’s green eyes fixed on Legolas as it continued to growl.
“You scared her!” You said, looking more angry then Legolas had ever seen.
“I scared her?!” Legolas yelled back, using his sword to point at himself and then the dragon. He noticed now that the dragon was wearing a leather saddle.
There was a long stretch of silence where all you did was look at each other. It was like Legolas thoughts had completely stopped working. This wasn’t even on the list of things he had expected to find out here with you.
He turned on his heel and began to walk away.
“Wait! Wait-wait-wait-wait.” You said skidding over to him. You grabbed him by the arm to stop your feet from sliding out form under you, you where crouched down ever so slightly to catch his eye, all evidence of angry gone from your face and replaced by intense worry. “You can’t tell anyone, they’ll have her killed! I promise she’s not dangerous.”
Legolas furrowed his brows and looked over his shoulder. The black dragon was still glaring at him. It snorted at him rather aggressively.
“Just…” slowly your hand moved down his arm until it gently clasped his hand. “Just let me show you.” Your voice was barely above a whisper and something about it made Legolas’ heart speed up.
Gently, slowly, you led him back over to the dragon. It might have been the wrong time, but it dawned on him that he quite liked the feeling of your hand in his.
You lifted his hand to the dragons nose and it made a low growl. “Shrenka,” you said and the dragon turned it big eyes to you. Immediately he saw how her slit pupils turned round. “He’s a friend.”
Shrenka made a disgruntled, annoyed, noise but she allowed Legolas to place his hand on her. Legolas peeled his eyes from Shrenka to find that you where already looking at him, a slight smile placed on your lips.
“She’s a bit moody,” you said as you removed your hand from over top of his. “But that’s all.”
Slowly Legolas began to stroke Shrenka’s head and scratched under her chin and she made a sound akin to a cats purr. A smile began to form on his face, and in turn, one formed on yours.
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Empty Vessel-'verse headcanons: Thranduil
So, approximately a million years ago (as in, LAST MAY OH MY GOD) I did a poll asking who I should do headcanons for in My Heart Is An Empty Vessel-'verse. Thranduil won by a long way, and I sat down to write them down...and then completely forgot to post them. Then @tildabardsdotter11 commented on the poll post the other day to ask for Tilda, and I remembered again. So here is Thranduil, and Tilda is coming up next!
Westron is his third language, and although he’s fairly fluent, probably from the Last Alliance, he hasn’t had occasion to speak it in a very long time, hence how formally he speaks: he does not use contractions, he has a distinct accent, he speaks quite slowly, and sometimes he has to ask for a word, or make one up.
He gives absolutely everyone he cares about Sindarin nicknames. Bard and Auriel (his wife) are both ‘meleth-nín’ (my love) and Auriel is also ‘calan-nín’ (my light-of-day), while Maudie (Bard’s wife) is ‘galad-nín’ (my sunlight/sunshine); Sigrid is ‘melinettë-nín’ (my dear girl), Bain is ‘maethor-nín’ (my warrior), Tilda is ‘pen-neth’ (little one, literally young one), Lotta (Bain’s wife) is ‘dess-muin-nín’ (my dear young maiden, although Lotta says it never really suited her and it really doesn’t once she’s properly grown up, but she loves it anyway), Brand is ‘brôg-tithen-nín’ (my little bear), and his sister Astrid is ’fileg-nín’ (my little bird). I don’t know what he calls Brand’s other sister Ingrid, it hasn’t come up yet. And of course Legolas is ‘lass-nín’ (my leaf). Tauriel is ’hanariel-nín’ (my niece, literally ‘brother-daughter’) because he and Auriel adopted her when she was very small, and she called them ‘adarhanar’ and ‘adarmuinthel’ (uncle and aunt, literally father-brother and father-sister).
He did not want or mean to close himself away from his children after Auriel died, but he found he couldn’t help himself; he was so devastated by her death that he could do nothing else. He has regretted this ever since, and he is determined to do better this time around.
He is terrified of what will happen when Bard dies (with good reason, as it turns out), but he is determined to at least try and take the family’s advice and try to deal with his grief as the humans do, by remembering the lost loved ones, talking about them, sharing stories and eventually learning to smile at the thought of them.
He rules entirely alone, without councillors or advisers. Feren is his lieutenant, but only in military matters (although he does end up acting as regent while Thranduil spends all the time he can in Dale).
He is not an alcoholic or a party animal. He likes his wine, that’s all. There’s a difference.
He is very wise, and very powerful; how else has he managed to hold off the creeping evil from Dol Guldur for so long? He learned magic from Melian and uses it to maintain the wards and enchantments on the Woodland Realm.
He was born and spent his earliest years in Doriath, where his father was high up in the court of Thingol and Melian. Auriel was the King and Queen’s adopted daughter (her birth parents were one of the court ladies and Celegorm, don’t ask, she doesn’t like it), and the pair of them were betrothed by their fathers, despite not having very much time for each other; they decided to make a go of it and ended up very deeply in love.
Dior was a friend of his, and for a short while rather more than that - but only for a short while. Nobody knows about this except Auriel and, much much later, also Bard.
After the fall of Doriath, they went East with Thranduil’s parents and eventually settled in the Greenwood, assimilating into the Silvan population there.
Legolas was born in roughly TA1900, and was only a child when his mother died in battle at the gates of Gundabad. Thranduil could not reach her body to bring her home and bury her; all he could salvage was her white knives (which she had forged herself in Doriath) which he took from the body of an Orc who had thought to steal them. Later, Legolas carries them as a blessing and protection from his mother.
Thranduil received his dragonfire injuries in battle some time in the Second Age but before the Last Alliance. Elrond was also there, and treated him on the battlefield, then he and Auriel spent several years in Imladris while Thranduil healed and learned the glamour that hides his wounds from Elrond and Gandalf. This is why he doesn’t particularly like either of them; he feels indebted to them and his pride finds that very difficult to take.
He was not expecting what happened in Dale; he was not being altruistic when he turned up with his army and his wagons full of supplies for the Lake-town refugees, all he cared about was getting back his wife’s gems (she had taken them to the Dwarves to commission something like the necklace she had made herself, to be made from the remaining gems, but then she fell in battle and Thranduil didn’t go back for a long time, by which point the Dwarves, several generations later, had forgotten the arrangement that had been made). But there was something about the Dragonslayer and his simple, straightforward honour and his determination to do right by his people, that broke through the walls of ice that Thranduil had built around himself over the centuries. After that they went pretty much head over heels for each other in five minutes flat, as Sigrid likes to put it.
There are probably more, but I can't remember them off the top of my head - I'll come back and reblog this with additions if I think of them!
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reviewsbygenesis · 4 months
Books that feel like Lana Del Rey songs
If you're a fan of Lana Del Rey's dreamy and melancholic vibes, you might enjoy these books that capture a similar atmospheric essence:
1. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Delve into the glamorous and tragic world of the roaring '20s, with its themes of love, loss, and the pursuit of the American Dream. This novel, much like Lana Del Rey's music, captures a sense of nostalgia and longing.
2. "White Oleander" by Janet Fitch: This gripping coming-of-age tale follows Astrid, a young girl navigating a tumultuous journey through foster care. Filled with hauntingly beautiful prose, it explores themes of love, abandonment, and the search for identity, reminiscent of Lana Del Rey's introspective lyrics.
3. "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath: Plath's semi-autobiographical novel offers a raw and introspective look into the life of Esther Greenwood, a talented young woman grappling with mental illness and societal pressures. Its poetic prose and exploration of darkness and vulnerability align with Lana Del Rey's introspective and emotive style.
4. "Norwegian Wood" by Haruki Murakami: This atmospheric novel set in 1960s Tokyo follows Toru Watanabe as he navigates love, loss, and the complexities of adult life. Murakami's lyrical writing and melancholic themes resonate with Lana Del Rey's introspective and nostalgic approach to music.
5. "The Virgin Suicides" by Jeffrey Eugenides: This haunting and lyrical novel explores the lives and tragic deaths of the Lisbon sisters through the eyes of a group of teenage boys. With its dreamlike atmosphere and themes of youth, beauty, and mortality, it captures a similar ethereal quality found in Lana Del Rey's music.
{ Remember, these books may not directly mirror Lana Del Rey's songs, but they capture the same emotional depth and atmospheric essence that make her music so captivating. Happy reading! }
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donner-mathis-official · 11 months
Swap AU make my pea-sized brain ping around my head like one of those brick breaker games.
Mathis was on a flight to Great Bear to visit his son in prison. He booked a flight with Archer Remote Transport, flying with a serious woman named Molly who doesn’t seem to particularly like him. Their plane goes down, and he finds himself in a quiet apocalypse.
Molly is a pilot who hunts in her spare time. After her husband died in mysterious circumstances, she’s generally regarded with suspicion by the people around her, and it weighs heavily on her.
Astrid is a doctor in the small town of Thompson’s Crossing. Shes taken over the community centre as a clinic. She would go out and search for crash survivors, but the people here need all her attention.
Mackenzie is a convict who recently got transferred to Blackrock. After one of his guys, a stern man named Jeremiah, got sent here, he got himself sent up to break him out. By the time he reached the prison, that had already happened, so he started searching the island for someone who could get them off it.
Heller takes Jeremiah’s position almost exactly.
Jace takes Methuselah’s position, but isn’t quite as cryptic about it and instead speaks in scientific terms that leave Mathis like “please have mercy I got a C in high school physics”.
Lilith Barker takes Jace’s place, ensuring that Donner doesn’t escape. She was climbing Blackrock mountain when the first flare happened, and when she saw from above what was happening, she rushed down to try to help.
Vachon takes Hobbs’s place but isn’t as obviously dead meat after his cutscene though. Hobbs is the guy who they mentioned got shot with arrows (who is Leclerc in canon).
Mackenzie, in spite of being a convict, isn’t actually a bad guy. He’s exceedingly practical, but he cares for his people, and when he learns Mathis is trying to get to Blackrock, he immediately agrees to help him. Then a faction conflict happens in Blackrock because some dudes are like “hey fuck you and fuck this guy from solitary you’re not the boss of me”. So Mackenzie wrestles with that and keeps them in line while Mathis goes to do all the quests.
The warden and Father Thomas sort of swap places except the warden ends up more in Molly’s position. He went off the deep end a bit with the fire and brimstone and most people stopped attending his services, which he resents them for. He kills the convicts because “it’s the will of the Lord”. Just fully cuckoo bananas with the religion.
Grey Mother is Mackenzie’s other henchman because I think epic gun grandma should get to commit crime and also hang out with Mackenzie more. It’s part of why in this AU, Donner does actually escape; because Lily gets distracted by her mom being there.
Methuselah goes where Grey Mother does. He has the player go look for buffer memories instead so they can write down the story of Milton because he doesn’t want it to die. They need to go to the farmhouse to get the key to the office, not the lockbox.
Father Thomas isn’t locked up (because in this AU, the convicts didn’t murder everyone bc the staff weren’t as horrible to them) but he is completely useless in sorting out the conflict in the prison. Just like “oh no, please don’t— oh no you’re doing it anyways :(“
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thedivaking · 2 years
―@legolas-little-leaf | Reply to: "Why!... Why now!!"
Mirkwood fell silent. No longer had her frost-bitten branches languished in the black steeping their roots but, too, in the leave of her Prince. The sorrow of her people was kept unseen, the Guard trained bereft of their gentle leader, and they whispered of the Realm’s loss beyond the King’s ear. Legolas was gone. To his very bone, Thranduil empathized with their grievances. Yet, he did so alone. Such had always been his way. And in his grief, he lamented. In his grief, he reflected, recalling the many nights long ago, when he held the elfling, bathed in tears as he wept, carried him through the forest in song and groomed him in the absence of a mother’s loving hand. Still, Thranduil grieved alone. Away from the eyes of a child who had yet to understand how deep the sentiment of an Elf ran. And with that perspective, he had raised him. It was a father’s mistake to keep his son in the dark. Further, to assume he did not feel. Naught was spoken of the Queen in the time following her death. Nor ever a question asked of him. Legolas was his father’s son. Mayhap, more than he realized. Thranduil heard not of Legolas’ curiosities, although he assumed they existed. He knew not of his anger or resentment, or of the influence it had when he left. And so, he remained heavy on his mind and deep in his heart. Ne’er were his movements beyond the King’s knowledge for a party had been sent on him every step since.
“Aran nin, Prince Legolas approaches Mirkwood’s borders. What shall you have us do?” With no pause to his thought, he replied to the Captain, ever outwardly absent of what he felt in his heart. “Leitha e mi.” (Let him in.)
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“Ada, look!” Legolas’ small voice commanded. In the cavern of his tiny hands fluttered a single firefly of the most vibrant emerald. Indeed, one of Greenwood’s greatest evening majesties were the displays of flickering lights hovering below the leaves of the tallest, tallest trees and lighting the forest’s pathways on the darkest nights. Even outside of the great woodland, their extravagance set alight the glen. Prince Thranduil’s fatherly lectures would have Legolas immediately returning the fly to its home with the rest, but he minded the time he had left with him. War was not kind to anyone caught within it. It discriminated against no one, and it promised life to even less. He crouched as low as his armor allowed and gazed at his son, memorizing every detail of his small face. If it was to be the last thing he remembered, it would be exactly as he saw it. He would remember the way the emerald reflected off the blue of Legolas’ eyes as his features lit up in awe and excitement. And, how his ear tucked away the intricacy of a single braid crafted by his mother’s delicate fingers. Even the care he took for a being littler than he – a small insect, with a life different than his. Worthless to some, but meaningful to him. “Don’t get lost, meleth nin.” A soothing hand rested upon Thranduil’s shoulder, and he stood, allowing his wife to fasten his blades around his waist as she carried on. “He might bring you to stay.” “And, I might consider it.” He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead and sighed softly before his attention was returned to their child. “Please, don’t go, Ada! Please!” Legolas’ eyes welled with tears, and in that moment of vulnerability, he set the firefly free, cooing sadly as it flitted away. It was all Thranduil needed, to know that they took their leave for something greater. Astride his steed, he stayed by King Oropher’s side, eyes set upon his wife and young son as Kingdoms both cheered and mourned. To bring peace to Arda, they would depart these lands and join Gil-galad’s ranks against Sauron. It was Thranduil’s duty to his King, his Adar. To the Realm. To his Kin. It pained him to see the disappointment in Legolas. Not only for the bug, but for his departure. And he could make no promises to ease him that he might not keep. By the memories of the Great Battle, he remained plagued. Still beneath the glamor, the scar upon his body festered. It wept and fed on the fears in his heart. On the ugliness his soul could not surrender. Dread filled him and it was a misery he had learned to live with. To conceal from those closest to him. A misery he would not wish on his worst enemy. From on his horse, he gave Legolas a half-hearted smile. “You must take care of your mother while I am away. Your mother and all of Greenwood’s fireflies.” The elfling nodded slowly, wiping his face on his sleeve. The sobbing stopped, but the tears did not. And he held onto his mother, sniffling into her gown as he peered up at Thranduil with one glossy eye. “Oh, do not cry, little green leaf,” Thranduil pleaded, taking one last look into those sad, convicting eyes. It is all for you.
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As suspected, Thranduil was sat upon his antlered throne, perched slackly as he had done since began his reign. But the air was not right. It immersed him in a hostility foreign to these caverns. One reared by a bitterness that did not suit the heart of the Elven Prince whom this realm held dear. And Thranduil made his way down to the landing on which the Prince approached and braced himself. But he had not been prepared to face his ire, nor the cruel sting of the truth in his words. With patience, he listened. Every word like a thousand daggers unto him. Every revelation as cold and forbidding as Winter’s wind. There was no explanation that would soothe his son’s suffering. No magic that would turn time. Where very few regrets had existed, now they settled in him. And, he spoke. Gentle, but still in earnest. “You regard not the impact on me of your choice to leave, but I digress. I have cared for you and watched you your entire life, Ion Nin. You are of my blood and flesh. You ride the wind, wild like the wood elves. With no desire to take the throne beyond my time. It was at Ravenhill, when I saw the longing in your eyes and felt your heart ache, that I believed you would not return. That, you deserved to hear what I could not say for so long.” Down the flight of limestone steps and along the footpath, Thranduil strode, until he stood far enough to breathe in his son’s presence. To speak over the pounding in his chest.
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“I taught you to live free, away from the folly and the greedy luxuries of our sister realms. To come to your own decisions and to follow your own wisdoms.” Against the thudding of his heart, there was a long silence. He ever only did for him. All what Legolas knew was Thranduil. But their purposes were never aligned. Legolas was never meant to follow in his footsteps. Not in the way of a king. Nor was he meant to understand what his Adar endured and the decisions he made to protect him from the same sorrows. That had been decided even before he was conceived, by the gods of old. “You have come to your own decisions, but what do your wisdoms tell you, Legolas?”
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book-ramblings · 2 years
My favourite books 1972-2022
OK, this list is a bit provisional as I don’t keep very good records of what years the books I read were published. So, this is made with the help of Goodreads Popular books published in-lists. So, I hope those are correct. And, I’ve looked up some trusty favourites. Only one book per year. There will be some books on this list that I don’t LOVE, but that are the ones I like the most out of the books I’ve read those years.
1972 The Farthest Shore by Ursula K Le Guin
1973 Bröderna Lejonhjärta (The Brothers Lionheart) by Astrid Lindgren
1974 At the Mountains of Madness, Omnibus II by H P Lovecraft
1975 The Great Ghost Rescue by Eva Ibbotson
1976 Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy
1977 The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien
1978 The Illearth War by Stephen Donaldson
1979 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
1980 The Ordinary Princess by MM Kaye
1981 Ronja Rövardotter (Ronia, the Robber’s Daughter) by Astrid Lindgren
1982 The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
1983 The Witches by Ronald Dahl
1984 The Summer Tree by Guy Gavriel Kay
1985 The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
1986 Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones
1987 Gone to Soldiers by Marge Piercy
1988 La mujer habitada (The Inhabited Woman) by Gioconda Belli
1989 Cocaine Blues by Kerry Greenwood
1990 Temblor by Rosa Montero
1991 Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder
1992 The Crow Road by Iain Banks
1993 The Sandman vol 6, 7 ,8 by Neil Gaiman. The only thing I found that I like. Don’t remember which I preferred.
1994 Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski
1995 The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay
1996 Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
1997 Paradise by Toni Morrison
1998 Stardust by Neil Gaiman
1999 Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson
2000 Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson
2001 Memories of Ice by Steven Erikson
2002 Coraline by Neil Gaiman
2003 Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
2004 PopCo by Scarlett Thomas
2005 The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood
2006 The Night Watch by Sarah Waters
2007 The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie
2008 Little Brother by Cory Doctorow
2009 Soulless by Gail Carriger
2010 Who Fears Death by Nnedi Okorafor
2011 Leviathan Wakes by James SA Corey
2012 The Rook by Daniel O’Malley
2013 Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
2014 Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel
2015 The Fifth Season NK Jemisin
2016 Ghost Talkers by Mary Robinette Kowal
2017 The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
2018 The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal
2019 A Brightness Long Ago by Guy Gavriel Kay
2020 The Once and Future Witches by Alix E Harrow
2021 The Rose Code by Kate Quinn
2022 All the Seas of the World Guy Gavriel Kay
There. That’s my list for now.
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lambfromfield · 1 year
it would genuinely be a war crime if i didn’t show my tld fics on here tbh
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mlp410nightcore · 20 days
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Hi Everyone!! Here is another next gen for my Blossom Love AU. Ash Obsidian's parents are Bismuth and Astrid Greenwood. Ash Obsidian, (likes to be called by Ash most of the time), is super polite, hard-working and loves to be outdoors either working on his latest project or learning more about survival from his mother, Astrid. He's also somewhat organized and is currently working along side his mother, Bismuth, as a blacksmith. Ash Obsidian is somewhat social, but when he feels like he needs some space, he'll let his friends or family know ahead of time before leaving the room due to him being somewhat of an introvert. He's also a very skilled hunter and survivalist, thanks to all of his lessons that he got from his mother, Astrid. Despite being an absolute powerhouse with loads of survival skills and his sheer strength, Ash Obsidian is also a huge sweetheart and loves spending time with his friends and family and is always there when they need him the most. Credit goes to Selenaede for the base I used and to Rebecca Sugar, Cartoon Network, Hinterland Studios and Raphael van Lierop for creating Steven Universe and The Long Dark as well as creating the characters, Bismuth and Astrid Greenwood as well. I only take credit for my next gens, art, ships, stories and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like him!!!
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