#as robin AND as an adult
aalghul · 29 days
Jason canonically looking very similar to Dick is something so precious to me
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 months
"Damian should be a veterinarian when he grows up" this and "Damian should be a doctor" that….I think he should take advantage of his wealth and be an art major
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robintherobiner · 5 months
Love the idea of Gotham knowing there's different Robins and giving them titles (Flippy Robin, Happy Robin, WTF DID HE GET REBORN OR SOMETHING WAIT NEVERIND ITS ANOTHER DUDE LOL Robin, Girl Robin)
The batfam make bets on what Damian will be called. Angry Robin? Stabby Robin? SWORD Robin?
They're all wrong. They wake up after Damians first night of patrolling and theres a new hashtag trending on Twitter.
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mikakuna · 3 months
i see this jason todd who actually looks his very young age (instead of the 30yr old man that comics like to portray)
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and feel my heart breaking just imagining bruce beating him up, almost killing him, mind-breaking him, and just overall being a total piece of shit father towards him.
a huge chunk of the reason why people don't view bruce's actions towards jason as abusive or wrong is because jason doesn't look his age. he's drawn to be this 35yr old father of three who looks even older than dick (and way too on par with bruce) that people see their fights as one between batman and any of his regular rogues. when they fight, it just looks like batman is fighting a man his age and not an actual young person. it doesn't look like batman is fighting his son who's barely even drinking age (and who def wasn't drinking age in utrh). their fights are portrayed in a way that eliminates the very real power struggle between them.
this applies to jason's entire character as well. a lot of people don't sympathize with how he died or his actions as robin or his fights with the other bats because he doesn't look his age. he always looks older and scarier than everyone else. tim has many sympathizers from the titans tower incident because jason just looked like a grown man fighting a 12yr old (even tho i disagree, tim was built and like 17 lmfao).
anyways, i just wish comics would actually draw jason to look his age, which literally ranges from 19 to early twenties. he's young- so young, and it's so annoying to see him drawn and written as someone older than even bruce.
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roseworth · 7 months
batfam fanfic writers love to use the time jason broke into titan tower as a vehicle for angst but they never include the fact that he did it in an adult sized robin costume. where is your appreciation for the lamest thing hes ever done
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bbbbbbbbatman · 3 months
Jason both loves and dreads seeing Wonder Woman. Loves bc it’s Wonder Woman, enough said. Dreads bc he’s incapable of acting normal around her, he stutters and blushes and it’s really ruining his reputation
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grandwretch · 4 months
i so badly want one of those fic examinations of steve's relationship with joyce and hopper but solely through eddie's pov like hear me out
steve and eddie chat a lot in the upside down (and later in the hospital, when they learn hop is alive). steve has taken charge of filling eddie in on the rest of their of-age crew without the kids butting in. he never mentions his own parents, but he talks about the rest of the party's a lot, especially joyce and hopper. eddie knows what it's like to desperately want someone to be your parent and trying to hide it from his own childhood, when he would try to be cool about wayne dropping him off at his dad's house. steve obviously adores joyce and hopper, thinks the world of them and legitimately looks up to them.
eddie isn't sure what he expects from a cop who came back to life and the world's most determined housewife, but he's excited to meet them as someone steve loves.
cue eddie's horror when he realizes that neither of them really feel much for steve rather than annoyance and vague distrust. that joyce trusts will with eddie, an accused murderer, in a heartbeat and still hesitates to leave him with steve. that hopper brushes off every ounce of steve's hero worship and joy.
he tries to broach the topic with steve, gently, and is heartbroken when steve genuinely has no idea what he's talking about. and not because he's oblivious, but because steve thinks that's what he deserves. he thinks that's the parental love that someone who was an asshole in high school needs, because that's what would make him a good person. he needs people to call him out constantly, obviously, because why else would they keep doing it? why would nancy? at least they're here. at least they're not ignoring him. at least they're not forcing him into a box. they just want him to be better.
like, this is the man who thanked a girl for calling him bullshit and telling him she never loved him. he doesn't Know that's not how you're supposed to handle things. no one ever taught him that.
and now eddie's gotta figure out how he can teach steve how to be loved the right way without outing himself and his huge crush on his love-starved dork of a friend.
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arunneronthird · 1 year
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imagine that somewhere in the future, after years of learning to actually let himself open up and be honest, damian tells the real story of what happened to him to jon
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nerdpoe · 5 months
To prove to Jason that Bruce replaced him, Talia hacks a CCTV livefeed of Batman with his new Robin. But she mildly fucked up.
Because it's also got audio, and it's very clearly catching Bruce telling the new Robin that he doesn't need a Robin, and that the kid needs to go the fuck home.
It catches the new Robin do something completely unhinged in response to that, along the lines of solving a case right then and there to prove a point, and then jumping through a window into a gunfight before Bruce has even processed what he said.
"I mean," Jason starts tentatively, looking very Concerned, "At least that's one way to make sure the kid doesn't get himself killed, if he's got a minder."
The plan backfires, spectacularly.
Now Jason is concerned about this new Robin, and keeps filling Damian's head with ideas.
Ideas like Damian needs to force Drake to go to bed, Damian should help Jason make sure Drake eats more, Damian should help Batman hide trackers on Drake, Damian should get an adult if it looks like Drake is about to do something stupid.
Basically, instead of clearing the path for Damian to take the mantle of Robin, Damian is instead being taught to care for Drake like one would a domesticated wild animal.
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embracedbythesea · 1 year
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Same energy
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oifaaa · 4 months
New pitch for dc: don't let any of your characters age they all just stay the same age for atleast the next 10 years with the only exception being Tim Drake who will do so at the same rate as people usually age eg: one irl year = one Tim Drake year
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anguilliforme · 2 years
“Jason Todd is the violent robin” “Dick Grayson is the violent robin” discourse is insane. Every batkid is willingly out on the streets at 2am beating the shit out of people at age thirteen. They’re ALL the violent robin.
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mikakuna · 3 months
i have this thing where i involuntarily make really high pitched noises because i literally cannot help it. it's basically a vocal stim.
so now i'm imagining baby jay during his robin run who has little vocal stims that sound like a baby chick. he already looks like one with his yellow cape wrapped completely around him and only his little wide-eyed face poking out.
sometimes he gets so excited or worked up during patrol that he makes baby chick noises while hopping around and hiding in bruce's cape. it just happens, okay! bruce absolutely loves it-- he imagines his inner self just falling to his knees and clutching his heart because oh his little baby is so precious...
bruce: robin, this is superman and wonder woman.
little jay who's so happy he can't form words: *squeaky baby chick noises*
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Halloween prompts year 2 day 30
Danny became aware suddenly, the memory of his mothers parting shot as he fled fresh in his mind. He panicked, thrashing around in what felt like a thick liquid when his hand hit what felt like a wall of glass.
A tube? Was Danny floating in a freaking vat somewhere? He didn't remember anything after being shot down by his mom but he knew if he was in a lab somewhere he needed to escape!
In moments he was on the ground surrounded by wierd fluid and shattered glass. He ripped the oxygen mask off his face and threw it away from him as a violent shiver wracked his body.
Looking up he was surprised. He was expecting the bright shiney metal of his parents lab, or the white of the GIW lab, heck, even the wierd purple thing Vlad sometimes had going on would have made sense. As much as he would have hated to have been saved by the fruitloop, it would have been a familiar fight.
The devil you know and all that.
But no, this lab was all dull blacks, dark grays and inky shadows. The tubes around him bathing the atmosphere in a soft green glow that barely illuminated anything.
Great. Wonderful. Just what he needed. More people making more problems for him.
Danny picked himself up off the ground, shuttering again and was surprised to realize he didn't have any clothes on.
Danny decided that whoever had kidnapped him was going to get acquainted the Anti-creep stick. Luckly there was a closet nearby with what looked like a superhero costume in it. Okay. Hes dealt with weirder situations.
He put most of the suit on, leaving behind the cape, mask and chest straps. Danny had to admit he liked the red and black look. The gold was a nice touch...too...
Oh no. Where these supervillian clothes?! Red and black are totally Saturday morning cartoon villian colors! His mind started whirling, somthing that it doesn't usually do as he made his way over to the darkened computer almost by instinct.
Then he looked up.
There wasn't a lot of light in this place, but there was enough to see his reflection in the blackness of the computer monitor. One problem.
That wasn't his face.
He was as this strangers face twisted into confusion and horror. Was he overshadowing somebody? No. No...he was...Tim Drake? He watched as his reflection furrowed his brows.
No. He was Danny Fenton, son of Jack and Maddie Fenton. Local mad scientists.
But...he was Tim Drake, son of Jack and Janet Drake. Archeologists.
A distressed sound left his throat as he slid to the floor, two entire lifetimes flashing before his eyes as he tried to figure out what was real. He tried using his powers but nothing happened. That should have answered everything, right?
But that wouldn't explain how he had shattered the entirety of the thick glass of his tube prison. The glass had been completely shattered and landed in a circle around the tubes base in a way no punch could have done, no matter how powerful. Does he have powers that are simply unavailable right now or is there another explanation?
Either way he should probably wear a mask so people don't ask why Tim Drake is dressed as Red Robin, huh?
Oh god. Red Robin.
He woke up in a cloning pod in one of Red Robins secret labs! He remembered Jack, Maddie, other Jack, and Janet's treatment of him. He recalled each and every dismissive comment, every empty promise. Every time the bleachers were empty at his vollyball games. Every time he was left home alone for an "important" dig. Every time his parents ran off because a ghost might be nearby. Every time Tim would throw everything to the wayside to focus on a case. Every time Tim would throw away his own health and well being for a goal. Every time...
Danny straightened up and pulled himself off the floor before he started typing away at the computer and planning his next moves.
Regardless of what was happening, if he was Danny overshadowing a clone or if his life as Fenton was just a dream from a pod, he knew one thing for sure.
He did not need another neglectful parent.
Aka Danny runs around Gotham avoiding the bats, the press, the rogues, the petty criminals, the mob, and the police. He fails of course and manages to somehow make enemies out of everyone all while having a massive identity crisis and searching for a new home far far away from here before Tim Drake figures out who he really is...
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steddiesucker · 2 years
Everyone sitting in Steve’s living room, high off their minds
Nancy, very seriously: Is having a penis fun?
Jonathan: It has its ups and downs.
Argyle: it comes in handy outside, though.
Eddie: Sometimes it’s a little hard.
Steve, snorting: It’s a pain in the ass, is what it is.
Eddie, full on laughing now: Sorry babe!
Robin: Oh, Jesus, fuck, guys, come on.
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some of the things people say about Damian on here are fucking disgusting
I don't care if he's fictional, I would never say these things about a child
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