#as long as they don’t make it weird by focusing on their parents used to date before them
vicontheinternet · 11 months
How do y’all feel abt the second chance trope but it’s with the children taken over the parents if done right I love it
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
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Eldritchrune - Story Setup and Character Info
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Full text transcriptions under the read more:
Hometown was once a quiet, largely rural community…until, as often happens, much larger powers decided to move in. An expanding empire takes over the land around the small community, and the old town is now surrounded by a rapidly growing fortress and city. A more threatening military presence is felt, and poverty quickly creeps in as the expanding empire takes advantage of the residents still in Hometown. 
[Image of a smaller, more rural Hometown with a much larger city and fortress walls behind it]
While the younger generation at least attempts to adapt to all the changes, the older generation deeply resents this intrusion into their old home. Many of the elders, including Asgore and Toriel Dreemurr, Father Alvin, Mayor Holiday and her husband Rudolph, form their own tight-knit group that soon spirals into a cult.They’re a small community with no means of standing up to an empire’s armies. But, there’s always been old whispers of things far more powerful and terrible…old gods and strange horrors that hail from a Dark World parallel to their own. The cult focuses their attention specifically on tales of a Dark Prince, a goatlike entity made of fire and shadow that can pacify any enemy. Surely, if they can gain the favor of something so dark and powerful, they’ll have a means of driving away all of these intruders and restoring Hometown to the way it used to be.
However, as everyone knows, trying to call up old gods demands sacrifices. Mayor Holiday, having gotten the group together, tries to take the brunt of this duty and first sacrifices her daughter, December. However, it seems to be a botched ritual, and nothing useful results from it, leaving the Mayor extremely bitter. The other elders are tasked with picking up vagrants or other troublemakers to try and successfully complete this ritual, but none seem to work. 
Unwilling to offer up their own dutiful son, Asriel, the Dreemurrs instead adopt an orphan from the poverty-stricken streets of the encroaching city: Kris. However, they find that upon adopting them, Asriel quickly forms a close bond with Kris. Asriel, like most of the younger generation, is unaware of his parents and grandparents’ intentions. Kris is not easy to take care of sometimes…they have weird interests, aren’t very clean, and are often disobedient. Despite this, Toriel and Asgore find Kris growing on them, too. The thought of sacrificing them gets harder and harder to swallow. [Image of Kris and a human Asriel hanging out together and talking while Asriel sits at a writing desk. Toriel and Asgore look on the both of them from a nearby doorway.] However, the other elders start to pressure them, questioning why they’re so intent on keeping this weird orphan around. Aren’t they a symbol of everything going wrong with their little community, and with this invading modern future? Toriel continues to put it off, using the excuse that she is doing extensive research to make sure that they finally do this ritual correctly. While she is indeed conducting research, she also knows that they can’t do anything with Kris as long as Asriel is around with them. 
However, when Asriel is offered an extended stay at the city’s new university to get advanced training as a scholar, the Dreemurrs don’t have an excuse anymore. At the other elders’ behest to do what’s necessary for the good of the town, they decide to conduct the ritual with Kris. The cult brings Kris to an underground shelter in the woods outside town, with Kris none the wiser about their intentions until they are incapacitated and unable to escape.  Toriel’s extensive research pays off, and Kris is appropriately sacrificed to the Dark Prince. The ritual causes them to vanish from this plane, seemingly dead…but there’s still no sign of the old god they were trying to summon. 
[Image of Asgore, Toriel and other older townsfolk, dressed in various goat or deer masks and robes, with Asgore carrying Kris towards an altar.]
The Dreemurrs are distraught at this seeming failure, after they worked so hard to ensure that they did this right. The remaining elders double down, though, insisting that they have to keep trying. Asriel returns from his training, and is devastated to find his sibling missing. Toriel and Asgore, unable to admit what they did, lie to Asriel and say that Kris had a huge argument and left home on their own. Asriel vows to search for them and bring them back home, and while his parents try to dissuade him from this, they’re unsuccessful. 
[Image of Asriel stepping out the door of his home, a large backpack slung over his shoulder, and waving off Toriel and Asgore in the foreground. They stay indoors while he heads out into the world.]
Meanwhile, unknown to anyone in the Light World, the ritual was actually successful, and transported Kris to the Dark World…right into the home of Ralsei, the very Dark Prince they were trying to reach! Ralsei is delighted to finally have an actual human from the Light World visit him! Sure, he’s heard about all those previous sacrifices, but they never actually got to him. The Dark World and the afterlife aren’t really the same place, after all. [Image of Kris floating down into a new Dark World, where Dark Prince Ralsei stands next to a large cauldron and welcomes them.]
Kris, however, is infuriated and despondent…they’ve already had a very hard life as an orphan, and now just when it seemed like they had a new family they could trust, that trust was broken by adults who once again threw them away for their own purposes. Ralsei, ever cheerful, assures them that they must be here for a reason…and that he has a means for them to not only return to the Light World, but get retribution for what’s happened to them and their Hometown. 
[Image of the silhouettes of many large eldritch beasts: Susie, Noelle, Berdly and Catti.]
The Dark World is full of eldritch beasts, strange demons and old gods, after all. He can grant them the forbidden knowledge and ability to speak to and even command these eldritch beasts. Once they form a strong enough bond with the beasts, and make it through the bound gods that may bar the way, they can bring them back to the world of light…and command them to do whatever Kris would like to the people living there. However, such power and ability comes at a high cost…Kris’s human soul. 
[Image of Kris giving their soul to Ralsei; the soul emanates a red glow between them.]
Kris, seeing little other option and not feeling much attachment to their humanity anyway, agrees and sells their soul to the Dark Prince Ralsei. Ralsei excitedly promises that he’ll take extra good care of their soul, and that he’ll accompany them as they befriend the eldritch beasts lurking in the Dark World. This arrangement certainly has some other benefits for Kris, too…in addition to this forbidden knowledge, Ralsei’s control over their soul grants them a degree of invulnerability. If Kris dies or is somehow psychologically destroyed, Ralsei can use it to revive them completely. 
[Image of Kris, now decked out with armor and a sword, standing on a cliffside looking out over the Dark World. Ralsei stands nearby.]
Ralsei gives Kris suitable armor and weaponry for this venture, and the two set out into a vast Dark Realm of strange horrors, lost cities and twisting paths in search of new friends and a means back to the Light World. While Kris is unsure about this journey at first, Ralsei is all smiles, excited for them to gain some friendships that they clearly desperately need! Of course, he’s excited for other reasons, too…those cultists have been calling out to him for such a long time, and now with Kris’s human soul, he can finally enter the Light World. Kris can forge the bonds they’ve been lacking, Ralsei and the eldritch beasts they find will finally have access to the human world, and the people clamoring for terrible things to happen will get exactly what they asked for. How could that not be a happy ending?
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Jealousy, Jealousy... | Part 6
A/N: don't even have a summary for this. oc is in love with gyu and gyu is in love with another girl but both are virgin losers and gyu is a horndog who would let oc do what she wants to him just as long as he gets to cum.
Word count: 6.2k
Genre: Smut, angst, fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, loss of virginity, PIV sex, fingering, brief pussy licking, sub!reader, dom!yeonjun.
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Despite what Beomgyu said, he and Haeun seem to have become an item, just as you and Yeonjun are now. They’re always together, as you are with Yeonjun, and it’s like you and Beomgyu don’t even know each other anymore. He’s always hanging out with her and you’re always hanging out with Yeonjun. You hardly see Beomgyu anymore, which makes it weird the way he’s sitting on your bed, watching you get ready just like old times. 
You remember how you and he used to play a game sometimes as you got ready where you’d pick out various outfits and try them out for Beomgyu, giving him a mini-fashion show that he would narrate as if it was a football game, going on about how groundbreaking the designs are and how pretty the model (you) looks. 
He was your main supporter in going into fashion as a major. You don’t think you would’ve had the courage to do it without him. He always believed in you and stood by you even when your parents were upset at you for choosing a career with such an uncertain future. He told you that if one of you succeeds, you’ll just pull the other up too. If his music career takes off, he’ll contract you to be the creative director for the band and if your fashion career takes off, you’ll have to hire him as your model. And if you both fail…well you’ll be strippers together.
You laugh as you remember your promise and turn back towards Beomgyu, who was sitting on your bed watching you. “Hey, remember our backup plan? That we’ll make a two-man stripper show to repay our student debt?” 
But Beomgyu doesn’t share your laughter. Instead he just hums, focusing on your dress. 
“What? You don’t like it?” You ask, insecure. You’re not used to wearing something this extravagant but Yeonjun is taking you to a photography exhibition tonight and he told you it’s gonna be really fancy. 
You’re not sure if being stressed out and sweating as you try not to get judged by all those more talented and influential people is the best idea for a date but Yeonjun insisted that if you wanted to get into fashion, you have to start mingling. 
You didn’t even have a proper dress. You had to wear something you made for a fallen goddess shoot you had in mind, but by the look Beomgyu is giving you, it’s probably trash. 
"Does it matter?" He asks and you frown. "What do you mean?"
"It means that with what you're wearing, I don't even know why you’re bothering going on a date when you can just invite him over and let him fuck you now, skip the formalities." 
"You're unbelievable." You spit out, trying to hide the dread filling your chest and making you struggle to breathe. Yes, the dress was a bit more revealing than you’re used to, but it’s an art event, people wear this stuff there all the time.  
“Where did you even get this dress?” He asks in distaste and you hold your head up high. “I made it.” 
That makes him back down, his eyes visibly softening as regret shows on his face. “Oh… It’s pretty.” 
You snort in disbelief. "Why are you even here, Beomgyu?"
He shrugs. "Just watching this shitshow go down."
“Right.” You mutter bitterly, "I guess it was too much to expect you to act like a friend." 
"I am your friend.” He says as if declaring it is enough to make it true. “I'm your best friend." 
"I wouldn't be so sure."
He jumps off the bed when he hears that, quickly getting in front of you. "What does that mean?” 
"Nothing. I'm going to be late." You try to get past him but he won’t let you. "No. What do you mean by that? You said I'd never lose you."
"Yeah, that was before you transformed into this asshole who accuses me of trying to sabotage his career and calling me a slut for daring to date."
He moves back, stunned at your words, and you almost laugh. Is he really surprised? "I'm just… working through some stuff."
"Stuff? That's your excuse?" You ask incredulously and he looks away. Is “stuff” worth what he’s done to your friendship?
"It's just hard for me to see you with him." He finally admits and you sigh. Not this again. "Beomgyu, I know you’re worried about your band, but Yeonjun and I are adults, even if we break up, that doesn't mean–"
"It's not about that." He shakes his head, cutting you off. 
"Then what is it?" You ask, frustrated. Frankly, you’re at your rope’s end with his weird behavior. 
"You're too good for him."
"What?” You reel back. Now, this is new. “Is it because he sleeps around? Because we’ve talked about it and he insisted that just because he's had many casual relationships before doesn't mean he's gonna cheat on me. We've been together for a while now and he has been nothing but wonderful to me."
He really has. You don't know what's wrong with you. Why can't you love him the way you love your asshole best friend? Maybe it will come with time? You've known Beomgyu for years and your love for him didn't develop overnight. Maybe you just need to give your relationship with Yeonjun more time. 
You hope it doesn't take years to get over Beomgyu and fall in love with Yeonjun though. 
"It's not that. It's not him. You're too good for everyone." 
"Beomgyu…" You walk towards him and hold his hands. "I know you're not used to me going out with guys because, well, I've kind of lead a fairly loser-ish life--you know, you've been there– and maybe me and Yeonjun won't end up working out and maybe I'll end up hurt but I can't just be virginal forever. I have to try to find someone for me."
"But you have someone." He pulls you towards him, resting his forehead against yours as he plays with your hands. "Me." 
That hurt more than any mean thing he has ever said to you and he doesn't even mean to hurt you. He has been terrible to you all this time because he thinks you deserve more? Because he wants things to stay the way they are? That is fucking absurd and so infuriating. Why couldn't he have just told you that instead of acting like an ass? Not wanting to lose you doesn’t mean he gets to order you around. Being worried about you doesn't give him the right to treat you like a stupid slut. 
"Don't be stupid." You say harshly, making him flinch. You try again, softer this time, not letting the anger and pain through as much. "I know I have you but I need more."
"More what? Why can't things just stay the way they are? We have fun together, right? I make you laugh. I'm there for you when you're down. We've even messed around. What can he give you that I can't?" 
Love. You need love and even though Beomgyu loves you very much, it's not in the way you need.
"Beomgyu, you’re being very childish about this. We're not twelve anymore. I know you’re scared that we'll drift apart if I find someone but the only reason we’ve been drifting apart is because of your behavior. I can't keep coddling you. You may not like it because it’s only been you and I until now, but it's time for me to find an actual boyfriend instead of this–this joke I have with you." 
Maybe you’re being too harsh on him but you’re honestly too hurt to sugarcoat it anymore. And you also need to hear it yourself. What you have with Beomgyu isn't real and you need to face the fact that it will never be. "I need someone to actually love and to hold and to be my other half. Us messing around together is just that, messing around, nothing more. I need something real. You do too. I mean you're finally with the woman you've been chasing after for years. Do you really wanna throw that away just because you're scared?"
Still, seeing the way he becomes quiet after your outburst, looking away from you and not responding… maybe you could’ve been nicer about it. 
“Beomgyu…” You sigh, reaching out to turn his face towards you but he pushes your hand away, refusing to meet your gaze. 
"Go. You’re late for your date." He grits out and you look at the time. Crap. You are! 
You look at him again, seeing the tension in his jaw and shoulders, something that resembles pain etched on his features. Should you stay and work this out for him or go on your date? If you stay, you’d be choosing him yet again. If you stay then you’ll just teach him that all he needs to do is act out and you’ll cave and do what he wants. No, you need to make some changes. That’s what you promised Yeonjun when you and him decided to become exclusive. Beomgyu can’t come first anymore. 
"I have to go. Let’s talk about this later." You step back, ignoring the hurt in his eyes as you grab your bag and head for the door. 
When Yeonjun said the place was fancy, he wasn’t kidding. You’re blown away right now, surrounded by people you’ve only known about through magazine spreads and hours of admiration through the internet. You can’t believe you’re here in the same room with such talented artists and creators. 
You feast your eyes on the multiple displays from different photographers and artists, analyzing their technique, their vision, and their subject, and you’re just in awe. This is exactly where you should be, mingling with the others in your field, making connections, building a network… except you haven’t really gotten the hang of socializing yet. You’re too nervous to talk to anyone. You just stand silently next to Yeonjun as he charms his way through the crowd, joking there, throwing a compliment here or purring a small flirty line that has the other party blushing. 
He can turn it on for anyone. He’s so good you can’t help wondering where his charming nature ends and his actual affection for you begins. How do you know he’s not just charming you the same way he charms everyone else? 
“Do you like it?” Yeonjun asks, and you snap out of your thoughts. You look around to see that everyone around you has left and you’re standing alone with him. “Huh?” 
“You’ve been staring at this particular shot for a long time. Do you like it?” He laughs and you shake your head. “Not really.”
“Really? Why not? It’s well shot, the composition is good, the set design is top-notch and the clothes really complement the atmosphere.” 
“That’s all true.” You agree, and he laughs–his sweet tinkering laugh that makes you smile.  “Then what’s the problem?”
“I don’t like the model. It’s obvious the photographer was going for a femme fatale look but she doesn’t deliver. She’s supposed to have the face of an angel but the aura of the devil. She has to convey the monster within but she’s so afraid of not looking pretty, it just comes across as if she’s putting on an act rather than losing herself in the madness of it.”
“You really don’t like her, huh?” He laughs, and you furrow your eyebrows. “Well, it’s not really her fault so much as it’s the fault of the photographer. They should be directing the model on how to act and correcting them when they’re doing something wrong. This model is obviously gorgeous and she has the potential in her to look fierce, but with a weak direction like this, all you get is what basically amounts to a child dressing in her mother’s clothes.” 
You hear someone huff behind you and turn around to see a very disgruntled man. “And to whom do I owe this very shrewd commentary on my work?” 
Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. 
“I–I am… I’m nobody.” You squeak, wishing the monster from the next picture over would jump out of the frame and swallow you whole right now. 
“That’s right, you are nobody.” The man haughtily agrees. 
“Hey, man, she’s just giving her opinion.” Yeonjun attempts to interject but the man pays him no mind. “I am an award winning photographer. I don’t take the juvenile half-baked opinions of nobodies. Come back when you’ve actually achieved something that could hold a candle to what I’ve done over my career. Oh no wait, you’ll never amount to anything if these are the opinions your artistically challenged brain comes up with.” 
“Hey–Yeonjun protests, a scene starting to form around you, but you quickly cut it short–the humiliation already too much for you to handle. 
“I’m sorry.” You tear up, quickly turning and running away. 
Through your tears, you can see the shocked and confused looks of the other patrons so you quickly keep your gaze to the ground until you’re out of the gallery and near Yeonjun’s car in the quiet parking lot where no one can see you cry. 
No one except Yeonjun who followed closely after you. “Wait up! Baby–Are you okay?” 
“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I embarrassed you in front of everyone. I’m sorry I ruined your night.” You babble, tears streaming down your face. “You shouldn’t have taken me to such a nice place. I didn’t deserve it.”
Why the hell did you even think you would ever make it in such a business. The best you’d be able to achieve is etsy store designs and wedding photographs. You’ve just messed up your first chance at making connections AND you fucked up your date with Yeonjun. You’re such a screw up. 
“Woah, calm down. You didn’t do any of those things.” He holds you in his arms and you bury your face in his shirt, seeking comfort and a place to hide from him. “Don’t lie. I ruined everything.” 
Maybe now he’ll even realize that you’re not as cool as he thought you were. That you’re not actually this artistic person he probably imagined you as and lose interest. He’d know you’re a fraud and dump you. Then you’d be left with no Beomgyu and no boyfriend. Just your loser self. 
“You didn’t. But you crying might ruin my shirt.” 
You gasp, pulling away and trying to step back but he holds you by the arms, giving you a mischievous grin. “I’m kidding. You can soak me through with tears and snot all you want.” 
“You’re an asshole.” You smack his chest, pouting. 
“Maybe. But I got you to stop crying.” He says and you frown. He actually did. While you might’ve preferred a more sweet approach to getting you to stop crying, this still worked. 
You sigh, little cries bubbling up in your chest still. “I still am sorry. You wanted to do something nice for me and I ruined it with my big mouth.” 
“No, you didn’t.” He retorts, wiping away the few stray tears still falling. “I loved hearing everything you had to say. I thought you made some really good points. He was just threatened that you could've done a way better job than he did.”
“You really think so?” You peer up at him, hopeful that he’s not just saying that to make you feel better. 
“Yes, but don’t start crying again.” He laughs, kissing the pout you answer him with. “In fact, I’m free if you ever want to try it out. And I want you to know that I take very good direction.”
There goes the flirting again. The one that makes you wonder if he’s sincere or it’s just part of his charm.  
"Yeah, we could do that." You say nervously, letting him prop your chin up to press a proper kiss onto your lips. 
“Do you wanna get something to eat?” He asks but you shake your head. “Not hungry. Too depressed.” 
“Aw, baby, do you wanna head back home with me? I can make you forget all about that asshole.” He brushes your hair out of your face, kissing you again, and you know what he’s really asking. 
You’ve already gone on a few dates with him. It’s not too soon for this. This is what people who like each other do after going on multiple dates. And if you want to get over Beomgyu, you’re going to have to completely give yourself to Yeonjun. You can’t be holding anything back in the hopes that Beomyu might want it someday. 
You put on a brave smile for Yeonjun. “Yes. Let’s head home.” 
“Hey, you don’t have to be nervous.” Yeonjun whispers to you, feeling you tense up as he tries to push the straps of your dress down your shoulders. “You’re beautiful."
Does he really think that? You can’t be that beautiful compared to the women he’s been with. 
"Did I tell you how much I love this dress?" He asks, toying with the neckline, and you shake your head. "I love it. Makes you look like a movie star. So beautiful and sexy. Almost makes me not want to take it off."
His lips brush softly over your skin, raising goosebumps in their wake before he pulls back to look you in the eye. "But I wanna see all of you. Will you let me see you, doll?"
You nod, holding your breath as he pulls the dress down your chest, kissing every inch of skin on the way until your breasts are bare and his plush lips are wrapped around your nipple. 
“Yeonjun…” You whine, grabbing onto his hair as he kisses and kneads your breasts, slowly but surely turning you on. 
“Does it feel good, doll?” Yeonjun smirks, one of his hands going between your legs to rub your pussy. 
“Yes. Please.” 
“I got you, baby.” His mouth moves down your body as he pulls your leg apart. 
“Missed this.” He murmurs, reaching your pussy and giving it a wide lick as his finger prods at your opening and pushes through. “Oh, that went in easy.” 
“I… I finger myself.” You admit bashfully, covering your face with your hands, feeling embarrassed for some reason but Yeonjun just laughs and leans up to remove your hands and kiss you. “That’s okay, makes my job easier.” 
You give him a confused look but quickly realize what he means when he presses another finger into you, moving both of them in and out to loosen your pussy. 
“See? All good. I’ll have you fucked open for me in no time.” He drawls, staring you down confidently as he works another finger into you. You tense up on that last one so he uses his thumb to rub your clit to get you to relax a bit. “There you go. Open up for me, doll. Let yourself feel good.” 
You’re trying to, you really are. You’re trying to focus on the moment, the burning feeling moving up your body from your pussy that just needs to be quenched. 
He’s doing it so well, hitting all the right spots, completely confident and self-assured. He knows exactly what he’s doing. No clumsiness. No unchecked lust. No uncontainable eagerness. Just steady, purposeful movements that touch you places you didn’t even know you were sensitive. 
“Feels good.” You slur, pressing your pussy further into his hand, grinding against his palm to seek more of that mind-numbing stimulation. “More.” 
“I know, baby. But let me take it slow for you.” 
You shake your head. You don’t want it slow. You want him to lose himself in you. “No. Want you now.” 
“Fuck me, Yeonjun. Make me yours.” Please. Please make me yours. Make me stop thinking about him. 
Are you doing this for all the wrong reasons? Maybe, but how else are you supposed to get over Beomgyu? Don't they say the best way to get over a guy is to get under another one? Well, you'll just have to test that theory. 
Yeonjun relents, shushing your needy mewls with kisses as he takes his hand away. “Hush, doll. I’ll fill you up again in a second.” He undoes his pants and pushes them off along with his underwear before grabbing you by the thighs and lining himself up with your pussy. 
“You ready, baby?” He asks and you just stare at his cock. 
Has Beomgyu already fucked her? He must have. He’s so needy to get his dick wet that he’d never miss up the chance. 
You look up at Yeonjun. “Do it. Fuck me.” 
Ok, so maybe you fingering yourself hadn’t fully prepared you for this. Maybe you should’ve taken a page out of Beomgyu’s book and gotten yourself a sex toy–a dildo to practice with before the real thing. 
Thankfully, Yeonjun takes it slow despite your earlier demands, thrusting into you shallowly, letting you get used to his length bit by bit. 
“Relax for me, doll.” He purrs gently, kissing all over your face as his hands massage your thighs, doing his best to get you to loosen up. 
“Yes, Junnie.” You whimper, head falling back as you will your body to relax. You hear a soft chuckle coming from him. “Junnie? That’s cute.” 
You blush as you realize what you’d said. You couldn’t help it. You love giving cute nicknames to your friends. And you guess your boyfriend too. 
Yeah, because Yeonjun is your boyfriend now and boyfriends and girlfriends have sex. You know Yeonjun must have done it with all his previous girlfriends. It would’ve been weird if you didn’t. 
Not that Yeonjun pressured you to do it or anything. But you know he wanted it. You wanted it too. You just couldn’t get Beomgyu out of your head. Which is why it’s good that you’re finally doing this–smothering that last candle you were holding out for him. 
“You’re tensing again, doll.” Yeonjun tells you, kissing your neck. “Not that I don’t enjoy it. It feels like heaven when you squeeze down on my cock like that, but I want this to feel good for you too.” 
Yes, it’s the right thing to do this… right? 
“Okay…” You breathe, trying to relax and focus on the moment, letting your muscles unclench as Yeonjun presses his cock in and out of you. 
Once you’re sufficiently relaxed, you start to actually feel good again, his cock feeling much better than your fingers ever did. It reaches places inside you that you never could by yourself. It’s so thick and long, dragging along your walls and stimulating those sensitive spots inside you that make your toes curl. 
“Yeah, you like that, baby?” He drawls, taking note of the moans you were now letting out but he still takes it slow. 
You breath hitches, his words too closely resembling what Beomgyu had said to you before, and for a split second you see Beomgyu over you instead of Yeonjun, his long hair tickling your face and his intense gaze burning you up. 
“Yeonjun–” You gasp, digging your fingers into his arms. “Harder, please.” 
Maybe if he fucks you harder, it’ll push Beomgyu out of your brain. Maybe if he fucks you harder, you could mistake his casual affection for the raw passion you crave. 
“Are you sure, doll?” He asks, concerned. 
“Yes, please, Yeonjun. Fuck me hard.” You insist, hoping your eyes convey how much you need it. 
“Your wish is my command, baby.” He grabs your thighs, pressing them against the sides of your body and getting on top of you, driving his dick so deep inside you it makes you throw your head back in a long, choked out moan. 
But he doesn’t let up, fucking into you again and again, bullying his cock into your virgin pussy at a brutal pace until you have no more breath to scream, and then he fucks you more. 
“Baby, you with me?” Yeonjun pants, not letting up. 
“Isss good….” You mumble, brain short-circuiting, caught by the fire spreading from your pussy to set your body alight. “S-so good.” 
You vaguely hear him laugh through his own grunts, “Good girl, just lay back and let me make you feel good.” 
You nod, tears brimming at your eyelashes at the overwhelming feeling. But you love it, the burning pleasure making its way through your body and making you forget about anyone else but Yeonjun. 
“Junnie… soooo good…. Too g-good...” You cry, your pussy fluttering around his cock as it hammers in and out of you, your legs trying to slam together to take a break from the excessive pleasure, but they can’t. Not when Yeonjun’s hold on you is so bruising, his hips keeping at that brutal pace that makes you unable to even string along a full sentence.
“You asked for it, doll. Now be good and take it.” He grunts, bending down to pluck one of your nipples into his mouth, his teeth lightly grazing the sensitive nub. 
“No–no—Junnie!” You scream, unable to take it anymore, your pussy clamping down on his cock as your whole body shudders with a blinding orgasm. 
“Oh, fuck–baby, baby, I’m cumming.” Yeonjun groans, quickly taking his cock out as he cums on your belly, and replacing it with his fingers when you start crying at the emptiness. 
“I got you, doll. I got you.” He murmurs, pumping his fingers in and out of you as he milks his cock of the last drops of his orgasm–letting you both down gently. 
When you start squirming at the overstimulation–the fires retreating from your brain–he pulls his fingers out and bends down to kiss you. “It’s okay, baby. You did really well.” 
You look up at him, the insecurity creeping back in again now that the mind-numbing pleasure is gone. “Did you like it? Did you like m-me?” 
Were you good? Did you live up to his past lovers? Were you supposed to do something more? Be more proactive? Did he enjoy his time?
He chuckles. “Yes. You were great, baby. You felt so good.” He reassures you simply, pressing a kiss against your forehead. 
“Okay.” His answer doesn't really give you the reassurance you needed. You don’t even know what you need him to do or say, but you know he’s not giving it to you. And he notices. 
“You okay, doll?” He asks, giving you a skeptical look and you nod. “Yeah.” 
He doesn’t appear to be convinced by your answer. “Are you sure? Wanna take a shower?” 
You shake your head, getting off the bed and beginning to dress yourself up again. “No, that’s okay. I can take a shower at home.”
“Home? You’re not staying over?” He gives you a look of confusion which you reciprocate. “Oh. I don’t know. Do you want me to?” 
You blink at him, genuinely unsure. You didn’t want to presume anything. You don’t have experience doing this. You don't know if you’re supposed to stay or if it’s too soon. 
“Of course. I’m not just gonna make you go home after we fucked.” He chuckles, pulling you back down to the bed. “You have to stay the night.” 
“I don’t know…” You hesitate.  If you stay, Beomgyu will probably know what you've done. He'll know that you and Yeonjun had sex. But if you leave you'd be choosing Beomgyu again. You need to let go of him. 
You end up having a nice time with Yeonjun once you get over your anxiety and trepidation of losing your virginity to someone other than Beomgyu. It's silly but you suppose on some level you thought you'd have your first time with him. 
And it's not just that. For a second you let the insecurity get to you and you wondered if Yeonjun would act differently now that you had sex. That he'd show his true face and break your heart, but he doesn’t. He is as sweet as ever, giving you some of his clothes and staying up in bed with you, having those precious pillow talks that are so important early in a relationship. 
He is easy to talk to, and when he does that cute thing where he scrunches his nose up and pokes his tongue out as he's teasing you, it makes your heart flutter. 
You find out that singing isn’t his only passion--that dancing is his first love. He even gets up out of the cozy comfort of the bed to show you a few dance moves when you whine and insist he shows you. You watch him with a big smile on your face as he executes them so well even in his bedroom, his movements so fluid yet precise, it’s mesmerizing. And when he’s done he smiles that sweet smile of his and lunges back into bed with you and you take him into your arms as if he could actually belong there. 
It was so unlike how he usually is on stage and in front of others that it tugs in your heartstrings a bit, making you feel special for being allowed to witness this. 
You fall asleep in his arms and wake up in his arms, forgetting about that aching feeling of emptiness in the center of your chest for a few blissful hours. 
And in the morning you even make breakfast together. Or more like he makes you breakfast while you make coffee. 
“Oh, man. I haven’t had a proper breakfast in sooo long.” You moan, digging into the omelet and sausages he made you. 
“You don’t cook?” He asks, smiling as he watches you eat. 
“Nope. Me and Beomgyu are hopeless. We’ve almost burned the kitchen too many times that now we don’t even bother.” 
“Then what do you guys eat?” 
“Frozen goods and slimy take-out. We’re building a formidable gut microbiome. We’re actually part of the country’s biological weapons program.” 
Yeonjun laughs. “Well, sorry for ruining your trajectory by feeding you actual food.” 
“Ah, well, Beomgyu can carry the torch by himself.” You shrug, mouth full of food. 
“You guys are really close, huh?” He asks, and the mood grows a bit gloomy. You chew slowly, thinking your words through before answering. “Yeah, he’s my best friend.”
“He’s more than that though, isn’t he?” He pushes and you hesitate. 
Once again, you know exactly what he's asking, and you’re faced with a decision to make between an uncertain future with Yeonjun, nurturing a candlelight that is so shaky it might get snuffed out at any moment, or live on hopes and dreams with Beomgyu, praying for the sun to break out from behind the clouds after years of waiting for it to no avail. 
“No.” You finally say, looking up at him, trying to be decisive, hoping it will come naturally with time. “No, he’s not. Not anymore. We’ve agreed to be exclusive, you and I, and I’m serious about it.” 
Yeonjun's smile is slow, cautious. “Good to hear.”
Do either of you actually believe it? Do you really think you can move on from Beomgyu? You don’t know but you know that you have to try and you know that you'd like to try with Yeonjun. 
Still, heading home you feel uneasy. Like you'd done something wrong you’re going to get punished for, and so to ease the guilt and tension, you grab something on the way with you–just some donuts and coffee, a small token of peace, knowing Beomgyu would be hungry and that the best way to get into his good graces is to offer him junk food. It's not like he was going to make himself breakfast or anything anyway. 
When you step into the apartment, you find him sitting on the couch just as you had expected. 
“Wanna eat? I got you your favorite donuts.” You wave the food next to your head in lieu of a greeting.
He stares at you for a few seconds, not saying anything. Shit, does he know? Can he see it on you? Probably, since you’re still wearing Yeonjun’s clothes. 
But he just says, “Sure.” and makes room for you on the couch. 
You accept it gladly, watching as he takes the donuts out and offers you some. “No, thanks, I already ate.” 
Once again, he pauses, studying you for a second before looking away and taking a bite of his donut.  
“Ugh, I was starving. This is the real stuff.” He groans and you grin. "Yeah. This is food as God intended it, processed and fried until it barely resembles food." You hum in agreement, making him giggle.
For a second you think you're off the hook. For a second you think things can just be normal like he wanted. But then he asks you something that stops you cold.  
"How was the date?"
You study his expression, trying to decipher a hidden agenda in the question. Is this a trick? Is he asking just so he can say something mean about it? Is he going to act vindictive once you tell him how it went?
But he looks genuinely curious to your scrutinizing eyes, and so you decide to just tell him the truth. "Ugh, awful. You know how completely unaware I am of my surroundings? Well, I started criticizing this one photo and the photographer was standing right behind me."
Beomgyu gasps, a piece of food flying out of his mouth at you. "No! What did he say?" 
You brush it off in disgust. "He said I was a nobody." 
Beomgyu's face twists up in anger as he puts the food down. "What the fuck? He said that?"
"Well, I said it and he just confirmed it." You explain sheepishly, still feeling the sting of the humiliation even now. "He said he has all these awards and I have nothing and never will and he won't listen to someone like me." 
"He's a fucking idiot.” Beomgyu rages, immediately jumps to your defense, “What, he thinks just because he has awards that he's the only one who can have an opinion? You know most of these awards are just rich people smelling their own farts, right? Real talent like yours cannot be measured."
Beomgyu is as fiercely defensive of you as he has always been and it brings a small smile to your face. However, the wound that the encounter opened up is still raw and just that isn’t enough to make you feel better. 
"Well, I wish it would be measured a little bit. You know we've both been doing this for years but while your band is getting bigger and bigger–and I'm so happy for you–I seem to be getting nowhere." You tell him glumly. You haven’t gotten any recognition for your work even though you work your ass off, dreaming up concepts, executing them to the best of your ability, and trying to get someone to notice. 
"Hey, hey, you will. I am certain of it. No one this talented can go unseen for long. They will notice you one day and they will be blown away." He scoots closer to you, holding your face in his warm hands and caressing your cheeks lovingly. "And hey, if all else fails, you always have that backup plan of being our main stylist and photographer. Me and Yeonjun will make sure of it. And not as a sympathy job either but because we truly believe in you."
"You would work with Yeonjun again for me?" You ask, touched. Beomgyu has been very stand-offish with Yeonjun ever since you started dating him. He only interacts with him the bare minimum to still allow the band to function. It’s not ideal but at least they’re not fighting anymore. 
"I would do anything for you." He smiles at you, the smile not quite reaching his sad eyes. 
Has his eyes always looked like this? So melancholic? Still, you feel comfort looking into them. You feel love and familiarity. You feel home. 
You do your best not to tear up, knowing if you let that dam crumble you'll end up saying things you'll regret. So you hold it together, despite how much you ache to throw yourself in his arms. You missed this. You missed him. You miss what you wish you could be. 
But then he takes his hand away and asks quietly, “Did you spend the night with him?”
“Yes.” You admit in a small voice, heart hammering against your chest.
“Got it.” He says simply, and it’s somehow worse than him getting angry. There is a sense of loss there that you can’t explain but it aches, deep and inaccessible. 
“Thanks for the food.” He says, getting up and throwing the rest of it in the trash. 
"Wait. Where are you going?” You ask when you see him heading for the door. 
“Out.” He says simply, seeming to be in a hurry to leave but you’re not ready to let him go yet. “Can't you stay for a bit?" 
"I'm sorry. I've got something to get to. But I'll catch up with you later, okay?" He doesn’t even wait for you to answer before he’s out of the door. 
“Okay.” You mumble quietly to yourself, letting the tears fall freely, having no reason to hide them anymore. 
A/N: AHHHH two more chapter left. the end is nigh and only one boy can win. as always feedback gives me the motivation to write and upload faster. also just to let you know i will be giving patreon a try and an alternative ending to this fic will be published with the losing boy there.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming. which boy do you want oc to end up with (voting has no bearing on the final results though i guess now it doesn't matter because we'll have an alternative ending anyway)
Taglist: @blxxsss @sanasour @tinkw1nks @lol6sposts @zuzuhasablog @beomsl @seolis-world @stantxtorurmissingout @wonwooz1@yaorzu-blog@allylikesdabee@rkivezzs@malieno @leviathanlee26 @yomomas-stuff @kurisaiyunobara @girlwholovekpop @zuzuhasablog @viaaasdiary @ho3forkpop @skzvcr @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n @izzyexe @boomfrogg @kpop-cakepops-recs @chronicallygyu @girlwholovekpop
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Top Shelf pt. 2
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Summary: being the kid of a well-known book store owner was easy, so was running into famous people. But being book smart doesn’t make everyone people smart.
Warning: my writing, I don’t know how to fully play chess so it’s a bit weird haha, very awkward, a little rushed if you come back tomorrow sometime after twelve it should be better
Word count - 3.1k
Credits: @novmoth (my friend from school who feeds into my delusions and gives me more ideas for this story🫶🏻)
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“So,” Lyle starts as you move a piece across the chess board and look up to him then back down at the half played board. “You mean to tell me you ran into Jenna Ortega—“ he says through gritted teeth and puts his hands together and leans his forehead against them.
“—and you didn’t know who she was? She’s known world-wide after her recent show on Netflix!”
Why was he so surprised? He knew your parents situation and how it was critical that your mothers family didn’t find her.
Why would you want to be on social media so much anyway? All the drama involving celebrities and people switching up on them after finding some stuff they don’t like.
Hell people could even find information to black mail or threaten you with, that would just be your luck.
It was better to not get caught up in all of that. All you had was Instagram that had nothing to do with the last name and TikTok with no post that you barely used.
“You know I don’t watch a lot of TV.” You mumble watching him move the white piece taking your black on the board between the two of you. “Dude,” Mj starts looking up from pride and prejudice.
“We all used to watch her on stuck in the middle in sixth grade at Rosa’s place before Marco moved.” She says, clearly uninterested in the conversation yet wanting to be right.
You knit your eye brows together making Lyle stare at you like you were some kind of idiot. “She played Harley, middle child AKA stuck in the middle.” You continue to stare dumb founder.
The large man only groans and Mj scoffs at your lack of knowledge. Dru is then seen, holding a pile of games he wanted to try out.
“The chick with the hot sister who used her for an invention with her boyfriend.” He hums, placing the games next to the computer nearby.
Realization hits you like a brick and you nod, now knowing who they were talking about and the seeing the resemblance.
She both sounded and looked older now, you noted before moving a chess piece.
“If that’s what it takes for you to remember things then we’re all doomed.” Mj states as she pulls her legs up to her chest.
“Okay, when did she come exactly?” Lyle stares at the board, eyes clearly focused but keeping his attention on the conversation.
You think back to the interaction as he makes his move. “A few hours ago, right after lunch when people usually come in.”
“Wonder how she got here without getting noticed.” Mj wonders out loud. This girl must have been a big deal if she can’t get away without being noticed.
“Check,” Lyle hums and your eyes snap back to the board to see him move his piece. You narrow your eyes at the board for a moment and huff out.
You two had decided to create your own set of rules after playing together for so long it had become a bit boring. With his idea, you both made the game a little more interesting and complicated.
“She probably has little disguises, you know to specifically get away from the paps.” Dru mumbles, face inches away from the screen.
You grimace at the sight, now seeing why he needed glasses yet he was still doing it with them on.
“He has a point.” Lyle replies watching you make your move before his smile grows. “Checkmate.” He flaunts making you groan as he snatches your king.
“Your slacking, Y/N, do better.” He shakes his head before putting all the pieces back in place.
His teasing only making you groan again, louder this time making him chuckle.
“You’re making me feel like a sin getting scolding by his father after a bad game.” You mumble before sitting up again and making the first move.
“Good,” he laughs watching you make the same move as before. “You need it.” He says in response.
“Fuck the game, what are you going to do about Jenna Ortega?” Mj speaks up closing her book and slamming it on the table.
Usually, you’d scold her for doing so but it was after hours and no one was inside to bother.
Lyle huffs. “Never say that again, this game is very important.” Mj rolls her eyes in response, everything was important to him.
“What would you have me do? Send her a quick text and ask her to come back?” You laugh at the thought.
It would have to be a miracle to get any celebrities number, it would have to be a god send to get her phone number.
“You’re such a pessimist.” Lyle snorts and you send him a glare. “I would be if a cute celebrity showed up and I never saw her again.” Dru calls out making you huff.
“I will see her again, actually. I think, at least.” Mj perks up at this. “Oh? How so?” She asks, leaning forward on the table.
You send her a glare and lean away. Why was she suddenly acting like a fourth grade friend who finds out about your crush.
“She borrowed the book, so she kind of has to come back.” You grumble scooting your seat farther away from her.
You didn’t really think you’d actually be excited for someone to return for a book. Sure, there were cute people that came in and out of the library all the time. But none had really had any real affect on you like she did.
Though the interaction was short and quick, it was probably one of the most interesting ones you had with a customer.
You’d do anything to see those freckles in person again.
The clicking sound of a phone brings you out of your thoughts as you glance up to Lyle whose holding up his phone.
“Sorry,” he mumbles as he begins angry typing. “You just looked so aesthetic with the chess board, I gotta post it to Insta.”
You roll your eyes before they move to Mj who paces back and fourth.
“Okay, so that would probably be your only chance at actually talking to her.” She says as if she were talking to herself.
“She’s so delusional
“That is if you don’t fuck it up,” she mutters that last part with a as she continues pacing making you point to your face that is clearly unamused.
“But how will you do that? You’re a horrible flirt, that much is true and your humor is as dead as Lyle’s hair.”
“Hey!” He quickly goes to cover his purple hair with his large arms. “There’s no hiding that atrocities.” Mj rolls her eyes, once again for the hundredth time tonight.
“I say you just go for it.” Dru says tapping his computer key quickly and you notice the game to be ‘cookie clicker’, an online game that is not any of the games in his pile.
“Be yourself and you’ll be fine, if she doesn’t like that oh well.” He says inching closer to the screen, glasses almost touching it.
“Wow DD,” Lyle says, looking up from his screen that was suddenly getting lots of notifications. “I never thought you could be so poetic.” He teases and Dru sends him a side eye glare.
“That wasn’t even poetic, just common sense.” He replies, eyes traveling back to his screen.
Lyle sticks his tongue out at the older man who doesn’t even notice.
“I want sushi,” You say standing up watching the abandoned chess pieces fall from their place. “Let’s go get some.”
“Right behind you,” Mj says eagerly as she grabs her book and jacket, Lyle not too far behind her.
“Wait, give me a second!” Dru calls but you just laugh and continue your way to the door.
“Wait! I want sushi too! Stop!” He calls out louder as Lyle holds the door open. “Just abandon mission dude! Sushi is way better.” Lyle says as you begin walking down the street, Dru coming out not long after making sure to lock the door.
You carefully pull books out of the return section as the beat of your music rings through your ears making you bop your head lightly.
You glance over to Lyle who sat in the desk chair, playing Call Of Duty mobile on his phone. You wouldn’t usually be allowed to do that but it was a particularly slow day.
It had been two weeks since Jenna had last came to the library and to say you were disappointed was an understatement.
You knew it could be months before she would have to return the book and you would have to charge her for it if she really didn’t and that is what you didn’t want to do.
Mj made sure you didn’t forget either, sending you cheesy pick-up lines and ‘how to flirt’ website which only aggravated you and hurt your ego.
You did look at a few though and had to admit some were actually good while others made you skin crawl.
You don’t notice the sound of the bell ringing or the way Lyle quirks up slightly glancing toward you
Jenna looks up to him as her body guards walk to a side table in front of the window allowing her a little freedom to walk after seeing there weren’t many people.
He makes his lips into kissy form and a small ‘ooh’ leaves before turning to you, back turned as you sort through the books.
He looks back to Jenna who is now standing at the front desk contemplating to help her or not.
He decides against it but doesn’t want to leave the celebrity waiting. He stands up and quickly grabs the closest thing to the back room door before putting his finger to his lips.
“Shh..” He says, eying her as a playful threat before chucking the item at you and rushing through the door.
The thing hits your head and you whip around, barely missing Lyle as your eyes land on Jenna who held her books, glancing between the storage room and you.
“Did you..” you say, pulling your headphones out and picking up a mouse key that had been ripped off from the cord. “Did you just throw a mouse key at me?” You ask with playful tone as you walk toward her.
Jenna thinks back to Lyle’s silence threat before speaking. “You weren’t paying attention, it’s bad customer service.” She just shrugs.
“Oh, my bad.” You say putting your hands up in defense and her smile grows. “I’m sorry I was doing my job,.” You say shaking your head before playing glaring at her.
Be confident, all girls like that!
Mj’s words ring through your head making you cringe slightly.
Not too confident, that’ll get you punched.
Dru had stated after and your lips pull up at the memory of Dru getting punched at the skating rink during you tenth grade year.
You think of all the pick-up lines that actually seemed subtle and weren’t cringe worthy but decided against it as she pushes the books toward you.
“So, what’d you think?” You ask taking them and scanning the under the red light and pressing the ‘return’ button on the computer screen.
“I actually enjoyed between shades of gray surprisingly even though it was pretty dark,” she says shyly and you nod. “But the other wasn’t really good.”
“Just shows I have better taste than you.” You tease lightly, attempting to flirt but realizing it wasn’t actually flirting.
You were starting to realize how bad of a glitter you really were and Mj was right.
You feel your phone buzz go off multiple times at a time as Lyle comes out of the storage closet with a box full of old tapes you had just put back in there a little while ago.
He takes his seat and watches through the corner of his eye, looking through the black blocks clearly acting like he was doing something as he ease-dropped.
You roll your eyes before leaning against the counter, rolling your thumbs around each other, becoming nervous by the sudden pressure of his gaze.
“Does he always stare at you like that?” She suddenly asks, amusement clear in her voice making you snort.
“Unfortunately yes,” you say and his head yanks toward you, fake offense taking over his features. “He’s always been weird but I guess that’s what makes us friends.”
He forms a heart with his hands before blowing you a kiss making you grimace at the large man.
“So,” you say looking back up to her, noticing her biting the inside of her lip slightly before looking back to you. “Looking for anything else or should I just get back to work?” You ask, smirking slightly as you look up toward her.
You hear a quiet snort come from Lyle and send him a mental glare in the process. Oh how you wished it was Dru here instead, hell even Mj would do.
“Actually, yes.” She says, perking up slightly at your mention. “I was hoping to get another suggestion from you, since you know.” She finishes making you raise an eye brow and hum to yourself.
You think through the hundreds of books you’ve read before coming to your conclusion and standing up straight.
“I have one,” you say and she nods. “I figured.” She replies as you pass through the low door and around the counter.
“It’s sort of the same as Between Shades of Gray, same time frame.” You say walking toward the historical section. “I will need to help get it though,” you snort to yourself, feeling glare in the back of your head.
“I’m actually six foot two if you remember correctly, it’s just the angle your looking at that makes me look shorter.” She argues and your smile grows.
“I’m sorry, I completely forgot I hope I haven’t offended you too deeply.” You tell her, bowing slightly as she passes you walking into the aisle with her head high.
“But in all seriousness,” you say scanning over the the spines of the books. “What made you think the name ‘Top Shelf’ wouldn’t be quite literally the top shelf.” You reach out and grab the book ‘The Book Thief’ before turning to her.
“I thought it was like a metaphor or something.” she mumbles taking the book from your hands, reading the cover.
“Oh definitely, especially with the owners being tall themselves.” You say, laughing at her glare at you through her eye lashes.
She rolls her eyes before moving past you and toward the front desk.
You follow after her quickly and go behind the desk again before pushing past Lyle who was messing with the computer.
“Excuse you,” he stares at you wide eyed as you click back to the search bar. “Your fault you were in my way.” You mumble only giving him a glance.
“Name?” You asks glancing toward and you can almost feel the glare Lyle gives you.
“You’re joking?” She asks, clearly unamused. “It’s policy.” You send her another playful smile watching huff out.
“Jenna Ortega.” She says before Lyle pinches your side making you jump slightly. “Stop that,” you whisper before kicking your leg back at him, you miss completely.
“Burrowing or buying?” You ask and she again, rolls her eyes. “Burrowing.”
You feel Lyle pinch your other side and you send him a glare, clearly wanting him out of your bubble and away from your conversation. “You’re so annoying.” You say before watching him stick his tongue and move back to his seat.
You look back toward Jenna who was, once again, chewing her lip.
You take her credit card and swipe it quickly, using your hand to keep him a safe distance away from you.
“Anything else?” You ask, glancing up to the girl who is already staring at you.
“Actually,” she mumbles quietly as Lyle pinches your arm pit making you elbow his chest and he lets out a hard huff.
“You seem pretty cool and I was wondering..” she hesitates for a moment, trying her best to maintain eye contact which makes Lyle stop, chest against your back.
She continues you hesitate as you bag the book and slide it toward, you fidgeted slightly as anxiety creeps up to your core.
“If I could have your number? Or maybe I could give you mine?..” there’s a sort of shyness in her voice and she begins to bite the inside of her lip again.
You stare at her dumb founded a second, not fully expecting that.
But then again it was very obvious it was coming from the first part of her sentence, that was clear especially to Lyle who glances between you two.
The two wait for your response that seems to never come which makes Lyle’s eye twitch and Jenna to shift on her feet.
“You can say no, of course I just thought I’d ask.” She says, voice even quieter which makes Lyle decided to take matters into his own hands.
He snatches the phone from your pocket and sends you a small knowing smirk before turning to the girl. “Excuse her, she’s not used to these kind of interactions.” He says unlocking you phone and opening your contacts and going to the number screen.
“She is, after all, a librarians daughter. She just has no game what’s so ever.” He shakes his head and clicks his mouth. You quickly snap out of your dazed state to glare toward him.
“Yeah, sorry but I’d actually love that.” You say before watching her smile grow and all the nervousness leave her body as she begins to type.
“Cool,” she says before handing you your phone back. “Very cool.” Lyle states as he nods and gives you a knowing look.
“Text me,” she says before picking up her bag and walking toward the door. “I mean it!” You watch her stern look as her body guards stand and open the door for her with a goofy smile on your face.
“I will!” You call out as the door shuts behind her.
“Holy shit,” Lyle mutters watching her walk down the street. “Holy shit.” You repeat, still a little shocked by the whole situation.
“Jenna Ortega thinks my best friend is cool and gave her her number.” He says pulling out his phone and typing quickly before you feel a buzz in come from the phone in your hand.
You open the text messages in the group chat and see a series of text between Lyle, Mj and Dru. They had to have been spamming the entire time.
You read over the last text and snort.
My best friend is cooler than you, you also owe me twenty bucks <3
Read next part here!
A/N: Lyle being R’s wingman is in fact canon🫶🏻
Also, while you’re here why don’t you request something for different characters. I have some drafts for other things I’m working on but I would let to create some you guys ideas!
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livlaughloveluke · 6 months
Hiiii can I request Ethan x Reader of a best friends brother trope where Quinn and reader are bestfriends but reader has a thing for her brother and they go on vacation and reader goes with them and like they stay in a cabin and reader and Ethan confess there and like they have a small make out sesh there and Quinn walks in and says something like “I knew it” Tyy 💗💗
𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐛𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬- 𝐞.𝐥
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a vacation in the mountains leads to a new relationship (non!ghostface ethan, but still siblings with quinn and richie)
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: make out sesh!
𝐚/𝐧: first post in a LONG time. sorry babes!! life has been a little chaotic recently, but hopefully i can start posting at least once a week now. requests are being filled, sorry its taken me so long. feel free to request more, and hope you enjoy the story!💗
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you shoved the tightly packed shirt into your already stuffed suitcase before attempting to close it. you used all of your force to keep it together while zipping it up, and once it was finally complete you sighed from relief. you had spent the last three hours packing for this ski trip you were going on with your close friend, and lets just say you were excited for the wrong reasons.
your childhood best friend, quinn, would be attending with her younger brother ethan. her parents finally trusted their kids to use their second house up in the mountains, by themselves. richie was not interested, and since you were like another child to them, you were immediately invited. quinn was a few years older than you, so her brother was around your age. there one issue however. 
you had been madly in love with ethan since the both of you were twelve years old. when he hair was still straight, and his teeth still crooked. his recent “glow up” only added to your liking of the boy.
him and his older sister barged into your room after you had finished packing, and you quickly brought them into a hug. you wrapped your arms around quinn’s waist for a short and sweet embrace, then letting go for the other sibling. you stood on your tallest tiptoes as you reached your arms to rest around his neck, holding him for an appropriate time before dropping your hands and stepping back.
you greeted them with warm welcomes, and after a little chatting, you loaded your bags into their car and set off for the long journey.
the extensive ride was filled with laughter and music, along with quiet snores as the sun set. quinn spent the first few hours driving, then ethan, and then what was supposed to be you. however, when ethan saw your body curled up in the back seat snoozing away, he battled his exhaustion and kept driving.
“you sure you don’t want y/n to take a turn? i’m sure she wouldn’t mind waking up for you.” his sister asked, and he ignored her suggestive tone. 
“yeah, seriously i don’t mind.” he replied, eyes focused on the road, blushing at the lingering smell of your signature perfume. quinn gives him a weird look, before shrugging it off. she knew.
after waking up, you swiftly switched places with ethan so he could rest. both of the kirsch siblings were fast asleep when you pulled into the driveway a few hours later. the brunette boy slowly woke up as the car came to a halt, curls messy and some attached by sweat to his forehead. 
you gave him a smile, his chapped lips returning the action with a genuine grin. you sighed and braced yourself to wake up the feisty sister, scared of what she might do when you shook her awake. it turns out she would snap at you like a freshly lit firecracker, for she was upset you ruined her… spicy dream. 
you slammed the trunk shut after grabbing the final suitcase, carrying the large bags to the porch. you looked back at quinn, who threw you the keys to the house, and you easily unlocked the door. 
“i call master bedroom!” quinn exclaimed, before dropping her luggage and running down the hallway. there was two bedrooms, one a lot larger and containing a king sized bed, and the other one had two twin beds, both tightly packed into the cramped space. 
“damn it!” you groan out. you and ethan carry your stuff into the other room, and you plop face down onto the comfortable bed. even with your power nap on the drive, you still felt exhausted. 
“you okay?” you hear from ethan, his voice sounding muffled due to the position you were in. you lifted and turned your head to him, letting out an exasperated sigh. you the see the gorgeous behind him, which consisted of huge mountains covered in powdery white snow. not to mention, on the porch was a large blue hot tub.
“holy shit! you have a hot tub?!” you perk up, excited due to your new found discovery.
“you didn’t know? i though you said you brought a swimsuit..” he asked, tilting his head slightly, a smile on his confused face.
“I didn’t know i would actually get to use it! i just like to be prepared.” you say, lifting up your   packed suitcase and placing it on your bed so you can unpack.
“i’ll heat it up so we can use it after dinner.”
he replies, going to grab his luggage do he could also unpack.
the sun began to set, the sky stained with gorgeous pinks and yellows behind the tall mountains. quinn decided to doordash a pizza from the closest restaurant, since all the house had was snacks that had been brought and acquired on the road trip.  
you ate the delicious food, talking about anything and everything with the two siblings. laughs echoed throughout the walls of the cabin as you chatted with thrm. 
“me and y/n were going to hop in the hot tub after this, wanna join?” ethan asks his sister, and she looks at him with a mischievous grin on her face. 
“i’m okay, you guys can go ahead.” she responds, trying her hardest to suffocate her giggles. you and ethan give each other a weird look, questioning what she was planning. you shrugged it off before going to change.
the swimsuit you wore complimented you perfectly, hugging all of the right places. not to mention, the blue hues enhanced your already beautiful features. you stepped out of the bathroom, eyes finding ethan who was wearing his trunks, scrolling through instagram on his bed. the sound of the door opening caused him to glance your way, and he grew a a shade of red upon seeing you.
“you look.. good.” he stutters out, trying to hide his nervousness. you thank him before opening the sliding glass door that led to the back patio. he followed behind like a lost puppy. 
the warmth of the water was a great contrast to the cold, crisp air. you talked to him for what felt like hours, opening your heart up to him. 
you subconsciously grew closer to him, now realizing that you were less than a foot away from him. 
“so.. how are things with your boyfriend? mike, right?” he asked, trying to distract himself from the close proximity you shared. 
“oh, we broke up a couple months ago. i think my heart belongs to someone else.” 
ethan quickly apologized for bringing him up, although he didn’t ignore your last sentence.
“what about you? any special someone in your life?” you say.
“nope, no one new. like you, i think my heart is distracted by someone else.” he responds, looking into your eyes. you gravitate even closer to him, eyes still locked with his.
“i’m not reading this wrong, am i?” you ask, praying he really did want to do this. 
“nope.” he replies, before placing his lips on yours. you passionately kiss back, his warm skin glazing across yours. he then pulls apart, looking at you to make sure everything is okay.
you smile at him before grabbing the back of his head, gently pulling him in. your lips fit together perfectly, and he carefully places his hands on your thighs. you gently run your fingers through his hair while you continue to kiss him. the heat from the water mixing with the fresh mountain air created a steamy atmosphere, adding to the fervid sensation. 
unfortunately, your make out session was quickly interrupted by a careless sister. the door slid open, quinn obliviously walking out. 
“y/n, i need your opinion on this dress-“ she said, now looking up from her phone to see two shocked teenagers. quinn freaked out at the sight of her brothers spit coating your lips.
“ew! i mean.. yay? i’m just gonna go back inside..” she states, backing up into the warmth of the cabin. she closes the door, and you and ethan glance at each other, unsure of what to do. a shout coming from the house sent you and the boy into a fit of laughter.
“i knew it!” 
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taglist- @nowitsmissing, @nikoschrissis, @lvndryyhoe, @ieattoesforbreakfqst, @sevenheavxns, @wonderstruck4llthew4yhome, @imkillmyselfxoxo, @lumaxstans-blog, @ilovejackchampionnn, @hyeyulove, @jackchampiongf13, @sebastiansallowsgf, @michaelangdonsslut, @1212valee, @teenagedramaqueenlisa, @fherlima, @kate4katie, @itsb3a2, @maybankfr, @azumakina, @jamiecoree, @creneal
some names wouldn’t let me tag :(
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
I feel like Arven would try his hand at growing the herba mystica in his dorm, have a problem, and refuse to ask for help until Protag and Co find him haunting the horticulture section of the library for the fifth straight day without sleep.
At which point Protag shrugs and suggests asking their mom, since she’s got a really big garden that’s growing super well.
Cut to Arven awkwardly having tea and thanking everything holy that he paid attention in Languages enough to understand when she jumps into Galarian on a word she doesn’t know in Paldaen. Protag is telling their mom about the herbs and their journey to find them, and even excitedly telling her about what the herbs did for Mabosstiff. Arven tries not to feel weird about the feelings that well up when she gives him a genuinely sympathetic look and apologizes that he had to go through that alone for so long. After he chokes out the ‘thank you’ in response, Protag rounds back to growing the herbs-- they could help people AND pokemon. And they should, which is why Arven is wary of, like, asking a commercial source for help. He’s not stupid, he knows the herbs would be skwovet’d away for who knows how long until they’re fully studied. And yeah, they should be studied, but he feels... like he should be involved. Some part of him wonders if its his parent’s influence in him, wanting a stake in finding out the why of it. Some part of it is his desire to make food that’s good for everyone. Right now, though, there’s not enough of the herbs to do much with anyway. Thus why they’re there.
Protag’s mom suggests a climate controlled greenhouse-- partially to simulate the environment each herb was found in, and partially to keep out wild pokemon to keep more titans from growing. Unfortunately, the greenhouse at the academy is full and it’s not like Arven has a place outside there where he can be to keep an eye on things. So she suggests they build it in the back garden of their house and Arven will “just have to visit to keep up with things”. Protag offers to split their room with him while they set up, so they don’t have to flying taxi back and forth every day--though they still can when normal classes are in progress.
First day there, though, Arven sleeps on the couch. Under a cozy blanket that smells like lavender, with a stomach full of home cooked food. Mabosstiff is curled up against the couch with his head on his paws, snoozing away. First break he spends there, he has his own bed and Protag’s mom knows what kind of foods he likes. The herbs are growing well, but somehow he’s more focused on the house, rather than the greenhouse. Mabosstiff has claimed the skwovet plush as his own, though he does begrudgingly share with Protag’s starter on occasion. By the time the herbs are ready to be harvested and studied, he’s a regular fixture. Spends holidays and weekends there, when not catching up on studies. His half of the room has his signature yellow aesthetic. There are bookcases of old notebooks Protag brought him from his parent’s lab--nothing about the crater per se, but things that had been moved down there and left behind. Copies of personal pokemon observations. Formula books with notes in the margins, an old journal that mentions getting a maschiff that bonded with baby Arven. Journals about him. He keeps them at the house so he can focus on school-- and so, if he reads them and gets worked up, he’ll know someone will hear him cry and snap him out of it.
There’s a point where a ‘family’ picture is being taken. He’s pulled in by Protag and their mom, insisting he and his pokemon count as family-- why wouldn’t he be in the photo? I think he’d probably be trying very hard not to cry, at least until the picture was taken.
I just feel like he could use being adopted.
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curufiin · 1 month
*brandishes a notebook and mechanical pencil* tell me everything
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OKAY. SO. (oh my god this is so long)
VERY basic lore there was this guy called Fëanor who was apparently just the SEXIEST fucking elf ever. Like canonically one of the hottest guy to have ever existed.
For Fëanor was made the mightiest in all parts of body and mind: in valour, in endurance, in beauty, in understanding, in skill, in strength and subtlety alike: of all the Children of Ilúvatar, and a bright flame was in him.
He had seven kids (and a LOT of war crimes), topic for another discussion because we’re mainly focused on the two that everyone is freaking out about. For reference their names (in birth order) are Maedhros, Maglor, Celegorm, Caranthir, Curufin, Amrod, and Amras. We’re gonna look at Celegorm and Curufin specifically.
So, one of the most notable things about Celegorm and Curufin is that (aside from literally maybe three occasions), they’re basically always mentioned together.
“Celegorm was almost always in the company of his brother Curufin / Curufin was almost always in the company of his brother Celegorm” — Tolkien Gateway
In fact, in an early draft of Silm, Curufin was actually the fourth son of Fëanor, and not the fifth. Not sure why he changed it but yeah, they’re basically best friends on top of being bros. They ruled a kingdom together and committed many war crimes together and it was good!
Celegorm, specifically, is extra special. He and his brothers belong to a group of elves called the Noldor, which is kinda like a nationality/ethnicity. They’re noteworthy for having dark hair, and they looove making things like jewelry and other forge objects. In fact, Fëanor was so good at it that if he wasn’t, this book wouldn’t even exist but anyway. Celegorm is special because he literally just straight up fails to be a typical Noldo because why the hell not I guess?!?!?
In the book he is given the epithet “the Fair”, and in canon it’s up for debate whether fair is used in the sense that he’s super hot or fair as in light colored in reference to his hair. However, multiple early drafts state that he has “golden” or “gleaming” hair, or some other wording, but either way his hair was noted to Not Be Black even though Parent 1 had black hair and Parent 2 had reddish hair.
But up there starts / amid the throng, and loudly cries / for hearing, one with flaming eyes, / proud Celegorm with gleaming hair / and shining sword — The Lay of Leithian
“Then Celegorm arose amid the throng (p. 169). In QS this is followed by ‘golden was his long hair’. In the Lay at this point (line 1844) Celegorm has ‘gleaming hair’; his Old English name was Cynegrim Fægerfeax (‘Fair-hair’), IV. 213. The phrase was removed in The Silmarillion text on account of the dark hair of the Noldorin princes other than in ‘the golden house of Finarfin’ (see I. 44); but he remains ‘Celegorm the fair’ in The Silmarillion p. 60.” — Christopher Tolkien’s nonsensical ramblings I pasted from Tolkien Gateway because I don’t have some of these books. Basically every mention of Celegorm with something about his hair color
In published Silm, Christopher removes the mention of Celegorm’s hair color and I will kill him for it, but as he said he is still referred to as Celegorm the Fair in the narrative, so Tolkien probably did intend on “fair” being used to talk about his hair color. Popular fanon often draws him with either very light blonde or straight up white hair as well. This is a whole nother thing but all you need to know is that this guy’s blonde and it’s SUPER weird.
The Noldor also love making things. There are many, many mentions in the book of their love for making things and shiny gems, and I will put a few of them here
“The Noldor also it was who first achieved the making of gems…”
And it came to pass that the masons of the house of Finwë, quarrying in the hills after stone (for they delighted in the building of high towers), first discovered the earth-gems, and brought them forth in countless myriads; and they devised tools for the cutting and shaping of gems, and carved them in many forms.
Many jewels the Noldor gave them, opals and diamonds and pale crystals…
So on and so forth. The Sons of Fëanor are even said to visit the house of Aulë (god/patron of rocks and gems and making shit) often. However, Celegorm was the noteworthy exception, because he likes hunting, and instead followed the teachings of Oromë, patron/god of animals and hunting shit and what have you.
but Celegorm went rather to the house of Oromë, and there he got great knowledge of birds and beasts, and all their tongues he knew.
He even got a dog from Oromë! Why is this important, you ask? Well okay it’s not but popular fanon tends to portray him as tall and strong and muscular, presumably because of the hunting, and i’m sure riding horses all day in Beleriand’s shaped up his thighs quite nicely. Anyway so that’s why Celegorm is literally Elton Prince. ONTO CURUFIN WHICH SHOULD BE SHORTER.
Curufin is named “Curufin the Crafty” in the book, and he “inherited most his father’s skill of hand”. He’s also his dad’s favorite son because they bave such similar interests (and temperament?), to the point that Fëanor gave Curufin the same father name he had, which is Curufinwë. Not a set up for daddy issues later in life, I’m sure.
Since Fëanor was such a renowned Thing Maker and toiled often in the forge, and since Curufin was said to inherit dad’s skill, you could probably assume that he also spent many long hours in the forge hammering away at whatever. And all that hammering (not the sexy kind sadly), on top of Hot Dad genetics, would probably mean that Curufin is also pretty hot and muscular. Personally I like to draw Curufin as being short and a little pathetic just for comedic effect but I’m sure he’s got some well formed muscles from all that hammer swinging and horse riding.
Celegorm and Curufin in fanon (and arguably even in canon even though their canon selves are a lot more grim and depressing) tend to have this almost cartoony villain bro vibes? They also tried to usurp their cousin’s kingdom city together, which was what I quoted in that other post of yours. This comic illustrates the more lighthearted version of their dynamic extremely well because in book canon… let’s just leave it at they’re criminals LOL.
Other cunty depictions of Celegorm and Curufin which will describe their dynamic way better than my words can.
This from the Lay of Leithian Rock Opera
Another one for good measure
Guys come on now
I’m sorry i’m looking at their VK page
Here Curufin reached for the crown and Celegorm moved it out of his way COME ON
They’re so fucking extra
Basically they’re like Jesse and James but a thousand times more evil but they have that vibe. Think funny, bantery, sometimes a little comically stupid (assuming you’re not putting them in book situations then they get real nasty real fast). Which means they’re the WWE bros. I hope this makes sense
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heavyhitterheaux · 9 months
Can't Take You Seriously
First Lady of Private Garden Blurb
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AN: I saw a tweet about this and just had to do it lol
Synopsis: You are trying to have a serious conversation with your husband, but can't figure out why he's so distracted
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist 1
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist 2
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“Baby! Are you even listening to me?!” You exclaimed as you looked at your husband who seemed like he was focused on everything else but you.
“Of course I am!” Jack replied to you as you were standing in front of him.
“Then what did I just say?!”
“Umm, I forgot to do something that you asked.”
“And I asked you to do it last week! If I knew that this was going to take this long, I would have done it myself. You’ve been home for three weeks now from tour. I let you relax a little bit and take a moment for yourself, but did you suddenly forget that you’re a husband and a father too?”
“I’m not trying to argue with you, babe. Of course I didn’t forget!”
“Then why are we having this conversation for the third time this week? I’m about to drop you off on Maggie’s doorstep but now that she’s gotten rid of you, she probably doesn’t want you back.” You complained while crossing your arms and Jack still had that weird look on his face and didn’t even bother responding to your previous statement. 
“Jackman! What has you so distracted? Because you are literally hardly paying attention to anything that I’m saying. I could use a little more help here and I don’t know how many times that I have to say it. You decided to get me pregnant, did you not?”
All you felt was Jack move your wig that you were wearing slightly to the left, taking you aback and you were now the one looking confused.
“I literally cannot take you seriously while you’re yelling at me and your wig is crooked. Now it’s not, so we can continue.” Jack muttered while smoothing out the top and you were just looking at him in disbelief.
“Look, as much money as I spend on buying them for you, I need to make sure we’re getting my money’s worth and you’re wearing them right. Now, as you were saying?”
All you did was roll your eyes and Jack noticed that you now had a pout on your face.
“If you rolled your eyes at me any harder just now, they would have gotten stuck. So, now you’re quiet and don’t have anything to say?”
“You get on my last nerve.” You replied as you were trying your hardest not to laugh.
“I can’t have my wife out here looking like I don’t love her and take care of her! Can you imagine the headlines? And then he who shall not be named will take that as an opportunity to slide right in and take my place.”
“Not with him wearing those inspector gadget looking outfits.”
“I-... we’re going to leave that one alone.”
“But seriously, baby can you please go do what I asked?” You said as Jack pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Yes, babe. I’m going right now and I’m sorry that I’ve just been in a mood lately. Being a husband and a parent doesn’t stop and I promise that I’m good now. Was just overwhelmed for a minute.”
“And you didn’t tell me this because? What did I tell you about that?”
“I know and I have no excuse. Thank you for always being here for me when I need you.”
“Always and forever.”
“And I’m always going to be here for you especially when your wig needs to be fixed.”
You pulled away from Jack to look up at him and gave him a blank stare.
“I should have returned you with the receipt when I had the chance.” You muttered and Jack rolled his eyes.
“If the receipt you’re talking about is our marriage license, keep in mind that you were the one who got drunk and proceeded to almost set it on fire and would have if I didn’t throw you over my shoulder and Dani grabbed it from you.”
“Hmm, she was useful for some things I guess, but I don’t recall.”
“I guess not since the next morning you didn’t remember a single thing that happened, but it’s okay. I love my wife and her crooked wigs and all.” Jack leaned down to kiss the tip of your nose and you were trying to get away from him. 
“Uh oh. Government name was used.”
“Use your hand for a week.”
“That’s how you’re going to treat me after these hands fixed your wig for you? They can make you cum too if you let me.”
First Lady Blurbs Taglist
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lilwnet · 4 months
Spencer Dating a True Crime Fan: Headcanons
Summary: a true crime junkie and an FBI agent, the Universe must be laughing its lungs out. Some vague-ish headcanons on what it’s like to be in such a relationship. In general, the sweetest, most supportive boyfriend Spencer Reid, and caring, brilliant you.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x gn!reader
Warnings: don’t think I went to extremes or described anything graphic, however, I’d recommend giving it a pass if you aren’t comfortable with anything true crime. Besides, it’s kinda long and isn’t proofread.
A/N: I’m not a native English speaker, and it’s frustratingly hard for me to speak — and write — good, authentic English, especially grammar- and punctuation-vise as my first language interferes heavily. Hence, beware because there are mistakes!
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When you say it to Spencer or he sees you getting interested in a book dedicated to a prolific murderer, he’s perplexed. Being exposed to so much evil in his life, he couldn’t wrap his head around the reason for you to be so invested in true crime.
Yet, when you explain it to him, he wonders if he’s a true crime fan, too.
For you, it’s always been quite fascinating why people resort to such a brutal, inhumane and cruel way of dealing with daily struggles; then, you say about “stranger danger”, your parents’ precautions and warnings that made you curious from the very young age why they are so focused — or overly focused — on safety. Finally, you want to understand why some people get high off killing others, meaning, you’d like to get a hang of their brain’s system, of their choices, life, history, psychological evaluation. In general, that coincides with what he does for a living.
I believe you wouldn’t know about his occupation at that point of your relationship. It’s pretty early on, quite possibly the first date when Spencer rather nervously asks you to tell more about yourself that you just blurt it out. The thing is, you’ve grown quite used to the fact that some people find you weird for taking a liking in such a dark topic. You thought, the earlier you say, the lesser it’d hurt if you were to go your separate ways.
However, Spencer surprises you. After your explanation, he seems to get it and then laughs genuinely as he realises how comical the situation is. If you meet through one of your mutual friends, Reid will question their sense of humor. If you meet randomly, he doesn’t know what to question, yet will get pumped up by fate’s unpredictable, always on-point turns.
You, a true crime junkie, is now dating an FBI agent, an SSA with BAU.
When he finally stops laughing and sees your bemused reaction, he proceeds to reveal his job, and you join the new wave of laughter.
After that, you talk about some cases he deals with, although you try your best to read, profile the agent to avoid pressuring him into reliving said crimes. Later on, the mutual agreement would be to only talk about it when both want to.
Surprisingly, Spencer feels like talking about it a lot, still he doesn’t resolve to graphical descriptions. He finds it soothing to share the story and push it right to the back of his head.
You, in turn, are a remarkably good, careful listener who doesn’t hide their emotions. You shed tears if it hits you hard, you comment when you believe a killer to be an absolute idiot, you make a face when you’re disgusted or annoyed.
Reid finds it refreshing; his colleagues, he himself, have built up façades as nonchalant, unfazed, gathered, their walls too high and thick for anyone to question the authority and experience.
Maybe it isn’t just the sharing part that helps him go through the hardest aspects of his job, but you, your mannerism and your presence.
What he likes most is how compassionate you are. You both believe the rationale for it is the amount of information you know about true crime.
When you discuss something — his case or something one of you has read — and you ask Reid about a victim’s family or focus on a victim’s background rather than a killer’s, he can’t help but hug you tight.
As an FBI agent, Spencer has gone to a couple of crime-related events, orchestrated by FBI or scrutinisingly arranged by ex-BAU agents, and he knows how little attention people pay to those who suffer the most. So, seeing you doing the exact opposite of what he encounters daily melts his heart.
Now, if you’re just a listener and/or a reader, he will ask you about your favourite podcasts or Youtube channels to buy a ticket — or tickets — to their shows or find you books about some perpetrators he believes you might find fascinating to study.
BUT if you’re doing a podcast or a Youtube show, or both, it’s a whole different story.
The minute you say it, Spencer is hooked on and ties himself in knots to find out more. You don’t show him an episode as you find it rather embarrassing, hence, Dr. Reid resolves to the only option he can think of.
Spencer asks Penelope to show him how to use Youtube or a podcast app. Garcia is surprised and eager to help, albeit upset when she realises Reid won’t say a word to explain his sudden interest in technology.
When he picks up the interface and the general idea of a website, he buys a new phone to have a chance to listen to your voice and to see you in both a Youtube box and a FaceTime box when he’s away on never-ending cases.
If you have a concept of doing something simultaneously while talking true crime — think of Bailey Sarian or MissMangoButt — he’d be so impressed. True crime is hard enough as there are many subtle, intricate details to elaborate on, and you do it almost effortlessly while focusing on something else at the same time!
(If you’re knitting, Spencer’ll ask you to knit something for him to see you do it while elaborating on a story, and he feels so soft inside, he can’t really explain why).
If you’re just telling a story, he’s as equally impressed. Spencer has a stage fear, a fear of public speaking, he’s camera shy. And you’re there talking, providing photos, your reaction is as real as when the two of you talk. You seem so natural at it.
Dr. Reid’s well-aware of every case you discuss or at least he has heard of them. He still listens or watches amid a) your style of telling a story; b) your humour and your mannerism; c) it’s you… how he can not listen to you or watch you? Apart from that, you’re doing something to spread awareness on never-decreasing crime rates.
Besides, he’s awestruck at the way you tell a story like some novelists do. An intriguing beginning, either slowly painting the surroundings for listeners or almost shoving them right into the midst of a case, then a build-up that leads to a climax and an end, letting your listeners know that some weirdos are held accountable or concluding that criminals never stop.
At first, the genuis listens to it when he’s home alone or in hotel/motel rooms after his own cases. Then, Spencer plucks up the courage to say he’s so proud of you and your work and provides you with a number of episodes he has watched or listened so far.
“I feel like I might become a true crime junkie because of you,” he’d joke. “Seriously, I would love to listen to all of them, but I don’t want to look, uh,” Reid stumbles over his words not to sound rude. “I don’t really want strangers or my colleagues to listen to what I’m listening to.”
Next thing Spencer knows you gift him two different pairs of wired headphones; the first goes with his phone, the second quickly reminds him of the headphones he once described as the only technology he has seen that he’d like to have.
Yeah, he’s a true crime junkie now, too, but he is your true crime junkie. Spencer watches all the episodes until he runs out of them and then waits patiently for the uploading day.
He grows so comfortable with your soothing voice, it helps him sleep. When you joke about something, Reid chuckles and, strangely, has no shame for it, even when five pairs of eyes stare at him, puzzled, while he sits comfortably with his eyes shut and his headphones in.
When he sees you doing some research or writing a script for another story, he won’t intervene unless you ask him to. He won’t be offended if you’re working things on your own — because why would he be? — but he’s so happy to give you a hand. To him, it means you value his ideas and opinion.
Spencer helps you find the information you need by just stating a fact or a detail you’ve spent an hour looking for, or scanning through your script if it seems shabby to you. In most cases, he says that you’re an overthinker, and everything is great, yet he does provide the critique to enhance your work.
If you have a concept similar to Payton Moreland’s “Binged” when she examines two cases on a common theme, he might suggest you cases to look at.
Sorry, but he’ll never join an episode, and you shouldn’t push him to.
Now, topics are heavy, still Spencer knows his limits and takes breaks when needed to avoid overstimulating his mind or getting increasingly anxious on daily basis.
Furthermore, he lets you accept that you need to have a rest, too, for the exact same reasons.
True crime aside, you still have so much to talk about, from gossips to carpet history.
Bonus: with Spencer slowly opening up to technology, you two exchange breakthroughs in cold cases.
For example, when the Golden State Killer was caught, you two spent the majority of the day connecting the dots and discussing the case, and the court hearing made you two shook.
He didn’t actually work that day, and neither did you, but who cares?
Hotch does, so you better keep low-profile.
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theundeadsnake · 1 year
Toby x introverted future S/O that lives in a cabin, away from the rest of society
Out of all the inhabitants of the forest, Toby seems to be the friendliest of them all and the least calculating so things will move with him very fast.
He hears you; he sees you; he wants you.
This curious criminal will approach you directly within days of first seeing you.
“Hello, I’m Toby” he will greet you with a wide smile and an open palm. A weird skinny man, suddenly showing up in front of you and acting far too friendly, will raise some red flags for you. As it should.
Nevertheless, your hesitance won’t make him back down. You will see him again over and over again; he won’t take the hint.
The more distance you will try to establish, the more effort he will put into getting close to you. This is ironic. You have to spell out your dislike for humankind. And even then, he won’t be staying away for long.
He will try for sure but his desire to see you, hear your voice, the way you move, that productive little organized stranger in the woods will grow on him. And so will his curiosity.
Expect to find yourself waking up to a stranger in your house, a stranger that is slowly crossing the line into an acquaintance, then a friend, and maybe even a lover. He helps you up in the morning, makes you an oddly sweet breakfast, and brightens up your day. You wonder how he has so much time – how you can get him out of your life? Yet his persistence and constant presence in your life will become a norm for you every day.
And then you start finding out about his own little quirks, his ticks and you get to find out a bit about the anxious mess that’s hiding behind that overly confident outgoing mask.
This is the Toby most others don’t know.
The inner self of a person who grew up having to contain an act of being “normal”, an act he was never able to maintain enough to please his parents, something they used against him to hide him away. To try to fool him into accepting it all.
And slowly you begin to realize that the “Toby” you met is an illusion for the shell of a person that lost someone very dear. You are allowed to see behind the pretend and meet the reckless, possessive, revenge-focused man that he is.
An odd combination of honesty, sweetness, and cruelty.
Lucky for you, he thinks of you as someone he likes, someone he will protect. Your isolated forest life remains mostly the same. You have an extra layer of protection.
While he can visit his favorite person almost as often as he would like.
Though, beware Toby has not had many close ones that stayed, he won’t tolerate that happening again. He will not let you leave.
You’re now his little hidden obsession.
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asteriastarr · 10 months
soo you;re bored i see
how about part 2 to the messing around before class one you did. that was awsome and i N E E D pt 2 for it!
from ya fave fangirl - Maddy!!!!!
A/n: I FINALLY UPLOADED BESTIES! Sorry for the long wait- uh just a warning, this one may not be the best (at least at the end)- I did hint more towards Y/n being a plant monster like venus by mentioning the fact her blood is green and stuff. Also yes, yes I did look up Deuce's middle name for this.
PT 2 to this
POV: Deuce and Y/n skipping class
Deuce and Y/n walked down the halls, scanning for any teachers before bolting down towards one of the secret passageways, this one in the form of a statue of a harpy. Y/n pulled down the statues left wing, causing it to move aside allowing them to go through.
The passageway was dark, damp, dreary and often had a weird decaying smell that they had no idea of the source, and yet, this was where Y/n and Deuce would go to get away. They didn’t mind the fact the stone bricks was growing mold, or the fact the ground was always slippery and uneven which often caused Y/n to trip over and Deuce having to steady her. They didn’t mind the fact it was near impossible to see anything other than their eyes without a flashlight, nor did they mind the fact the walls kept sprouting vines that would attack Deuce (particularly since it was Y/n doing that as revenge for him laughing at her for tripping).
As long as they were together, they didn’t mind.
Y/n pulled her flashlight out of her bag and switched it on, Deuce doing the same. The two pointed their flashlights at their faces as Y/n leaned against the cold stone wall, a sigh escaping her lips as she ran her free hand through her hair.
“Is it bad that I found that oddly stressful?” Y/n asked, leaning her head back on the wall, lowering her hand from her head to summon a vine to hold her flashlight for her.
“No, I did too.” Deuce responded letting out a small laugh.
“Do you think Draculaura knows my blood would technically be… greener than red? Since you know I’m pretty much a plant.” Y/n pointed out raising a brow as she lifted her head to look at Deuce.
“Who knows, I was more focused on Heath ‘You would be SUCH a cute couple’, ‘You should ask her out dude.’” Deuce mimicked making Y/n laugh before groaning.
“I never wanna go to that class again.” She groaned slamming her head against the wall.
Deuce chuckled before speaking.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to, we can just skip Mr Komos’s class for the rest of the year, hang out in here.” He suggested.
“Nah, I don’t really feel like failing that class, my parents would kill me.” Y/n shrugged.
At this, Deuce merely smiled and spoke without thinking.
“Well, you could always come stay with me for the holidays, they can’t kill you then.”
Y/n once again moved her head off the wall to look at him, quirking a brow.
“Oh? Is that an invitation your extending Mr Gorgon?” She asked smirking.
“And so, what if it is Ms L/n?” He asked, smirking himself.
“I suppose I’d agree, although it depends.”
“On what?” Deuce asked raising a brow.
“On how much I like you at the end of the year.” She shrugged causing Deuce to playfully scoff and roll his eyes.
Y/n laughed at his behaviour for a moment before turning serious.
“Do- do you think our friends see something we don’t?” She asked looking at him.
“How do you mean?”
“I mean all of our friends think we’re a couple, they constantly ask us if we’re together and I kind of understand why.” Y/n mused.
“I don’t understand…”
“I- Deuce…” She sighed before speaking “Do- do you like me? Because and- I hate to admit this because you are my very best friend and I fear what may happen to our friendship if I do admit this but- I really, really like you Deuce Phorcys Gorgon- like a lot, so much so it hurts.”
Deuce paused, looking at the girl of whom’s cheeks- just like she’d said- had gained a greenish tint.
“Y/n… I do like you, more than you know- when you’re not around, I can barely breathe, I can’t stop thinking about you Y/n, you and you alone are the keeper of the key to my heart- Y/n my heart is yours. If you asked me to, I would die for you. Y/n I- I love you.” Deuce spoke.
Y/n gazed into his green eyes, her own eyes welling up with orange tears.
“Can- Can I kiss you?” He asked tentatively.
Y/n nodded, the flashlights flickering as the batteries grew low.
“Are you sure because I really want to-”
“Just kiss me you idiot.” She breathed stepping closer to him.
He dropped his flashlight and closed the gap between them, pulling her into a deep and passionate kiss as the flashlights died, leaving them in total darkness, their eyes closed as they kissed- only pulling away to breathe.
“Might be a good idea to… not tell our friends about this.” Y/n breathed, her arms wrapped around Deuces neck and her forehead leaned against his “They’ll be relentless.”
“Yeah, probably.” Deuce breathed, looking into the girl’s eyes.
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tomkaulitzssgirl · 9 months
You are safe with me | Bill Kaulitz x Male Reader
requested by: @billsjum6ie
(bill in the story is in his 2008 era)
warnings: bullying, su!cide incitement
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14 september. a date that you wished never came. school had started again and for you it was tragic.
you didn’t really like anyone there, not even your teachers. everyone was fake, talked behind each others backs and the teachers couldn’t even do their job right.
it was pointless for you. it was a waste of time and energy. you always thought that what didn’t feed your mind was pointless and everything in this school was.
you sighed as you continued to dress infront of the mirror, putting on a grey hoodie and black baggy jeans. you paired it with black converse and a grey beanie, even if it was still september it was already cold outside.
your backpack was already done, so you put it on your shoulder and after saying bye to your mom, you left. the bus arrived on point as usual and took you to your worst nightmare.
as you stood infront of the building, you kept analysing the crowd of students, some older, some younger. many were in groups, just talking, others were smoking, no one really seemed to see you.
you were kind of a loner, your only friend went to another school so you were all by yourself.
the day was also about to start with the subject you hated the most: math.
when the bell rang, everyone ran inside, besides you, you took your own sweet time to walk into that hell hole.
you were the last one of the students to walk into it, the teacher had to come. you sat down quietly at the end of the class, taking out a piece of paper and a pen starting to draw.
soon the lesson began and no one was really paying attention. you thought your teacher was crazy to make you study on the first day of school.
getting bored, you huffed, raising your hand.
“yes?” the teachers acknowledge you, placing her hand on her hips.
“could i go to the bathroom, please?” you asked putting on your sweetest face. she sighed and nodded, “be quick!”
you got up, rolling your eyes without the woman seeing you, before walking out of the classroom.
you looked at the floor, your hands in your pockets and your head in your thoughts, that soon were interrupted by someone screaming.
“give us your fucking money!” a guy with a booming voice yelled, before you heard something hit a locker.
“i don’t have any!” another voice yelled, you could tell they were crying by the way it sounded and trembled.
“you don’t have any? you’re fucking rich!” this time it wasn’t the first voice talking, but another one.
you walked some more and hid behind a wall, only your head showing a bit, so you could see what was going on.
“leave me the fuck alone!” a thin, tall guy yelled. his hair was black and long to his shoulders. he was trying hard to push the other guys away but to not use since they were stronger than him.
when you focused your eyes on him, you realised it was your crush. bill. bill kaulitz.
you guys went out a couple of times but never decided what you were.
gaining some courage, you stepped out of your hiding place, ready to protect him. “hey! get away from him! i’ll call the principal!”
they acted like they didn’t hear you, so you stepped closer to them.
“you’re such a girl! you even wear make up! what man does that?” they laughed at him, taking his sunglasses off his face, revealing a dark make up.
“i’m talking to you! go away!” you tried to take the sunglasses out of their hands but they pushed you on the ground.
at the sight of you falling down they laughed even more before throwing the sunglasses on the ground and stepping on them.
“why don’t you kill yourself? no one likes you anyway. your parents divorced cause they couldn’t stand your weird ass.”
at this point you couldn’t handle the sight anymore. the guy slowly broke down on the floor.
“hey! i said leave him alone!” you yelled louder, pushing the one who said those horrible things against the wall. you were certainly scared but also fed up with their bullshit.
“who are you? his little boyfriend?” he finally acknowledged you, pushing you back.
you did the same thing again, before punching him in his dirty, ugly face. his little friend didn’t do anything, he just stood there watching.
bill took this chance to run away to the bathroom and before they could’ve done something to you, the bell rang.
“this isn’t over.” he said holding his black eye before they ran away.
you let out a shaky breath, your heart beating fast, not knowing you had that in you.
without thinking about it twice, you ran to the bathroom, wanting to check up on the boy.
you found him gripping the edge of the sink, his head down as he let out heavy breaths. he looked like he was having a panic attack.
you walked closer to him, stretching your arm to touch his shoulder but he abruptly stepped back, his eyes wide and full of tears.
“no! don’t touch me!” he screamed while trembling, before sliding down the wall and sitting down with his head between his hands.
you crouched down infront of him, gulping down the knot in your throat and fighting back tears. you hated seeing people like this. especially this poor, sweet boy.
“i’m not gonna hurt you.” you almost whispered as you slowly took his hand, your heart fluttering because he let you grab it, “listen, you’re safe here with me, they’re not gonna hurt you again. trust me, i will protect you.”
bill relaxed against your touch and listening to your words, “i-i…i don’t know how to thank you.” he almost whispered, tears still streaming down his face.
you wiped them away with your thumbs, a soft smile on your face, “it’s okay, you don’t have to.”
he smiled, bringing you into a hug. you closed your eyes while you took in his scent, stroking his back. “i’m here now.”
when you broke away, he let out an embarrassed laugh, before sighing.
“why don’t we get out of here? maybe we can go to my house if you’re comfortable with it, eat something, watch a movie…” you wanted him to have a good day after this horrible morning.
he nodded frantically, “yes please.” he almost pleaded getting up from the floor. you got up after him and you were shocked when he took your hand, leading you out of the school.
arrived at your house, you were both just having fun. you were sitting down on your bed, eating some pancakes that you had cooked just for him as an horror movie played in the back. you discovered he liked them a lot.
“guess what number i’m thinking!” you said taking a bite out of your pancake.
“mmmh, six?” bill laughed before drinking some water.
“close! seven.” you smiled turning your gaze to the tv.
suddenly, you felt him leaning against your shoulder with his head, a small smile plastered on his lips.
“thank you for everything.” he softly said, closing his eyes. you looked at him biting your lower lip.
you had to say it. it was now or never.
“i-i…” you stuttered, your heart stopping when you saw him staring at you, “i-i…love you.”
bill’s eyes widened, he sat up straight, before grabbing your face in his hands and kissing you all of a sudden.
you wrapped your arms around his neck, closing your eyes and savouring his taste.
when you guys broke away, you both were out of breath. “i love you too.” he smiled placing his forehead against yours, giving you another small kiss.
“can we sleep a bit? i’m tired. i wanna forget everything about this morning.” he said laying down on his his hip, facing you. you nodded, putting your arm around his waist. he did the same, closing his eyes.
you were out of words, you were laying down with your crush, kissed him and revealed your feelings. you dreamt about this day since you met him.
slowly, you fell asleep, dreaming of you and bill living happily together.
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gingeredmink · 1 month
i don’t know if you’ve posted something like this before, but what are your general headcanons about ynfg protags? like their ages, personalities, etcetera. i really like hearing about other people’s interpretations ^^
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thank you for giving me an excuse to use this again hehe
I've probably posted something like this in the past but honestly memory is so bad these days I've completely forgotten and as you said, it's fun hearing others interpretations and stuff!
Sorta umbrella generalization is I think most are quiet, shy, soft spoken people. Outside of a few exceptions [Uro for example, she just comes off as a more loud and vibrant kind of character]. Maybe it's the ambience or lack of dialogue but a lot of the games make me feel like the character has a more somber/quiet personality.
A lot also feel like the outcast, always in their head and not really paying much attention to the world around them [either something happened that made them want to shut outside out or they suffer from ostracization and it's a coping mechanism for loneliness]
More for individual characters under cause long
Mado's kinda the poster child for this. Think she's around 16 or so and she became a shut in due to a mix of depression in general and it being exacerbated by experiencing trauma that caused her to snap or distance herself from her remaining friends [Car accident, loss of a friend, something like that.] She grew up playing weird little collectathon/pixel games and she's more interested in funky sorta characters than usual normie stuff her peers prefer, so she doesn't really connect much to those around her and focuses on fantasy more than reality.
Urotsuki [really young adult, maybe around 23-25?] feels like the, "I don't have much in real life but I can be myself and have lots of friends online." sorta character. People aren't intentionally mean to her per say, but she's weird and often doesn't feel like she fits in. Parents are sort of the same in that their main problem is they were distant and not there for her when she needed them.
Admit I am a sucker for this sorta stuff, but adore the idea that she went through a rough patch of self-value issues [was put off from being herself due to being weird, doesn't fall into the conventionally attractive type and had issues with image due to it, ect] but eventually overcame them and is now one of those loud and proud to be herself and very aggressively supports other weirdos around her because she doesn't want others to go through that type of people. She still has her skeletons, having an on-off issue with substance abuse and tendency to get excited and overstep boundaries.
Fluorette [Young adult?] comes across as a sort of lost child that just wants to feel like she belong somewhere. She has personality and such but doesn't fit in with those around her, and her humor can sometimes make her come off as a delinquent which results in her feeling more out of place.
Sometsuki [16-ish?] feels really similar to Mado in that she doesn't really connect much to those around her and prefers to spend her time alone. Can't explain why but feel like she has a bit more of a pessimistic outlook stemming from anxiety [she's afraid of messing up and being looked down on so she's reluctant to try things due to feeling like she's already failed kinda deal.]
NEVER SEE HER MENTIONED ENOUGH BUT I feel like Yayoi from Nobetsu Maku Nashi would be one of the more chill, sort of calm happy dreamers. [i am so heartbroken that the dev deleted because god i wanted to learn more about her so bad.] Sonoko from -1 is similar, though with a bit more of a depressed undertone. Both also young adults.
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stuckysbike · 1 year
Howl 5
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Werewolf AU
Werewolf!Bucky x Werewolf!Reader
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader (for now).
Warnings: werewolf Bucky, werewolf Steve, werewolf Nat, dark themes. Mature, 18+. Exes to lovers (hopefully). Descriptions of adult dancing. Some rough handling for reader from Bucky. Angst.
As Steve’s enforcer, Bucky was always kept busy, so you didn’t see much of him.
Those first few days after you rescued Jamie you rested, getting your strength back and spending time with your little boy, reinforcing your bond and reminding him how much you loved him.
Getting him into school was easy, Becs was a teacher, and you settled into a routine.
Bucky seemed happy to have company and he indulged Jamie with books and toys. You understood, he had years to make up for but you’d always struggled with extra gifts and you felt inadequate.
Bucky kept you at arms length, you suspected on the advice of his friends and family. You had hoped he’d be more generous with time for you but all his spare time was devoted to Jamie and father son bonding. You rarely joined them for outings and it hurt, you’d never been able to do those things either but you were here on Bucky’s charity so you didn’t complain least he chase you out.
You busied yourself cooking and cleaning and trying to earn your keep but eventually cabin fever began to settle in.
You went out to find a job, but they were few and far between and those that were advertised were suddenly filled when you enquired, so when you pulled into the parking lot at Dance, you hope no one that you knew spotted you.
Inside you relaxed, you let your body settle into the music, that familiar rhythm. Trev hired you for a few afternoons and a Friday night. You told Bucky you’d got a job in a bar, technically not a lie. He didn’t question it.
You had been back six weeks when Natasha called you wanting a visit with you. She was a lawyer, and she needed to discuss some important matters. Curious you went to the appointment.
“You’re a lucky young lady,” Natasha said.
You frowned, unsure of what she meant.
“Your birth parents left you a very generous care package after they died. Your stepfather had used all the funds that were accessible but there are bonds and properties that you’ll have access to every few years.”
“So I’m not as broke as I thought?” You asked.
“You’ll get a lump sum payment when you’re 28,” Natasha said. “Another when you’re thirty and so on,” Natasha said. “Your step-family were trying to have you declared dead to access your assets. I suspect that’s why they ran you off.”
“Bastards,” you muttered to yourself.
“Unfortunately there’s no money right now. We can sue but with your step father in the mines awaiting trial it will be a long arduous process,” Natasha explained.
“It’s okay I got a job,” you said.
Natasha nodded. “How are you settling in?”
You smiled. “It’s weird not running away, I’m still finding my feet.”
“Jamie seems happy,” Natasha said.
“He’s my priority. How do I make sure he’s taken care of?” You indicated the files.
Natasha smiled. “I have a money man, I’ll set up an appointment. Why don’t we get lunch?”
You smiled, thrilled to be asked to join her for lunch. Perhaps you could make some new friends if your old ones were reluctant to thaw out.
As the weeks went past Bucky kept a distance. There were moments where you thought he was going to kiss you, moments where you caught each other off guard, but he’d push away, and your heart would break just a little more.
Living here was worse than you and Jamie hiding out from your family, from Brock. At least you knew what they wanted from you but with Bucky it was torture.
His family remained cold towards you, as did Steve, but you pushed through it, focusing your free time on Jamie and doing your share of the household chores.
Brock, your step father and step brother and sheriff Rollins were all sentenced to time in the mines, and you couldn’t help but feel relief at that, knowing you had a little more freedom.
You hadn’t went to the trials, you weren’t required so you kept your head down and got on with your life, but you knew that something would need to change sooner rather than later.
It happened so fast, you were upside down, your legs wrapped around the pole, your hands holding your breasts as if they might escape the bra you wore.
And then you saw him. It was just a flicker, and you pulled yourself up, twisting and turning into a few different moves before you got the chance to look, but there, a few tables away from your podium was Bucky, Steve and a few of the pack sipping on beers and admiring the girl in front of them.
He hadn’t spotted you yet, and you hoped he didn’t but you knew he would, he was a sharp guy. Rayna wiggled herself low, her ass in Bucky’s face as he slid a few bills into the waistband with a saucy grin.
The boys laughed at something Bucky said and as the music changed you stepped away from your podium, smiling at Kitten as she took your place and made your way to the changing rooms at the back. You were almost at the door when a strong hand wrapped around your upper arm and you were looking into Bucky’s crystal blue eyes. He looked down to your toes, then back up, his breathing deep.
Your heart raced as he leaned closer, your eyes fluttered and you could feel the tension tide.
“Outside. Now,” he said as he started walking and you followed in your heels, conscious that you only wore a tiny bra, a tight corset and a thong. You stumbled on a stone but Bucky yanked you upright as he headed towards the parking lot.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Bucky snarled as your back hit the wire fence. He looked over you, whiskey tainted breath fanning over your cheeks.
“I need to make money somehow,” you said, looking at him through your eyelashes.
“By whoring yourself out?” Bucky’s eyes darkened and he gripped your arm tighter.
It was a mild night, for March, but you still shivered when he looked you over again. “I’m dancing. I don’t fuck the punters.”
“You told me you were working in a bar,” Bucky snarled. His chest vibrated with a deep growl.
“There’s a bar in there, they serve alcohol,” you shrugged.
Bucky’s eyes flashed and he looked skywards for a moment. “Is this really the life you want, dancing for them?” He hissed as he nodded towards the club.
“You’re a piece of shit you know that Buck. Ten minutes ago you were in there with your beer and your whiskey and your dollar bills sticking them in Rayna’s panties but you see me and go all high and mighty you fucking hypocrite!” You cried the last part out, shoving at his broad chest but he hardly moved.
“You shouldn’t be doing it. Your the mother of my child!” Bucky snarled.
“Yeah. I am. How do you think we got by Buck, running and hiding from my step family? I was like some sort of fucking Cinderella only I wasn’t lucky enough to have a Prince Charming!”
“You had me? What the fuck was I huh?” Bucky was furious and your head hurt from all the suppressed emotions.
“Difference is, Prince Charming looked for his girl after she left her glass slipper behind, you just fucking moped over me,” you snapped. This time he moved when you shoved him.
His eyes were wide, lips parted and chest heaving.
“I waited for you, out at Heart Lake. Our spot by the tree. I waited three fucking days for you, then I came back all the time. To our spot. I came back and waited for you until I couldn’t any more. So yeah I ran away but I didn’t go far.” You laughed, even as tears burned your eyes, and shook your head. “Who am I kidding I was no Princess, girls like me don’t get a Prince, we just get a fuck ton of baggage and a broken heart.”
You walked towards the club, the sound of the music carrying towards you. Bucky didn’t move, he stood where you left him staring at a spot on the ground.
You opened the door and found your boss easily. “I gotta’ go home Trev,” you said and he nodded. He wasn’t a bad guy to work for.
You changed and grabbed your stuff and on the way out you noticed Bucky was back sitting with his friends, his thumb picking at the label on the beer bottle. You waited for sixty seconds or so, and when he didn’t look over, even after Steve noticed you and whispered something to him, you left.
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fxckn-sxck-fr · 1 month
oh wait I meant like yan Scott and Remy work, but this time reader will be their yandere protégé
🖤 anon
!!! GN reader, manipulation, Scott and Remy can’t agree how to parent mentor you, reader is little sibling-coded, mentions of physical affection, clothing thief reader, overprotectiveness, separation anxiety, they try to set boundaries with you.
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Poor fellas… don’t even know what they’re in for. The strict dad and chill uncle dynamic is back, but now with a dash of weirdo younger sibling! Again, completely uncoordinated. They lowkey sound like your two divorced dads who are trapped in a never ending custody battle over you and they don’t even realize it.
(YOU’RE SUCH A LITTLE SHIT ABOUT IT, TOO. Scott will tell you to stop climbing something, and you’ll hit him with a, “Gambit lets me climb things,” and he gets so pissed off, it’s hilarious. Then a very disgruntled Remy will track you down after suffering through a lecture about being a responsible role model, and you’re pretending to be completely innocent. “I didn’t say anything at all! I have no clue what you’re talking about!”)
But anyways. Because they’re lowkey kinda focused on undoing each other’s influence on you, there’s a huge grace period where you can essentially get away with anything. Want Scott to give you words of affirmation? Pretend to act insecure the next time Remy teases you. Want Remy to take you out for sweets? Insinuate that Scott’s been really harsh lately. If you play your cards right, you’ll have them wrapped around your finger based solely on their opposing mentoring tactics. Just remember that subtly is key; they’re extremely perceptive. Use this mainpulation tactic sparingly to keep their suspicions low.
For any sort of psychical affection, you’re gonna have to play the long game. I highly recommend going the little sibling route. Both of them have a soft spot for that endearing naïveté, so of course Scott has to give you head-pats while Remy teasingly uses you as an arm rest. It also provides a good justification for you constantly going in for hugs and hanging onto their arms. Yeah, they may find it a little weird at first, but you only do it cuz you look up to them, right? With enough time, they’ll begin to reciprocate your touches, maybe even going as far as giving cuddles!! You may find it easier to coax Remy into cuddling than Scott, though that’s not to say Dadclops cuddles are out of the question!! Scott’s just trying to maintain his professionalism (booooo, so lame).
Honestly, I think you can get away with stealing their clothes. Definitely not by going into their rooms or anything (especially Remy’s; you can’t convince me that man doesn’t have his room boobytrapped from hell and back), but they’ll practically hand you their sweatshirts or jackets for free if you act even the slightest bit cold. Just don’t expect to keep Remy’s favorite trench-coat. He’ll let you wear it, but he’s shaking you out of it like a carpet when he wants it back. Other than that, everything else is free game. Enjoy your forever growing collection! Use it well, use it wisely (i.e. making a nest on your bed. Obviously).
It doesn’t take long to figure out that Scott folds under the power of puppy eyes. As long as you keep up good behavior, you can basically wring anything out of him with the right amount of pleading. You want him to carry you around the mansion? Well… that’s a bit strange, but you’re such a little sweetheart, so maybe just this once. Meanwhile, trying to hit Remy with the puppy eyes is like hitting a brick wall. “Nice try, petit, but y’gonna have to try harder than that to convince Gambit.” Luckily for you, he doesn’t really question things as much as Scott does. You could throw yourself into his arms and he’d be like… oh, okay. Guess we’re doing this now. Cool.
If you’re the overprotective type, missions will be absolute hell for your anxiety. It’s hard to watch both of their backs at the same time when Remy usually goes off to do his own thing. You may find yourself choosing to stick by whoever looks more vulnerable, or even bouncing between the two periodically. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Scott, who will try to talk some sense into you. He appreciates the concern, but you can’t keep going off mission like this. He’ll even enlist the help of Remy, who reassures you that there’s nothing to worry about. He and Scott know what they’re doing!
That’s when you pull out the crocodile tears. You can’t help it!! You’re just worried!! What if something happens to one of them? They’re like your big brothers… you don’t want to lose them!!
If anyone say your sly smile while they each separately give you a reassuring hug, no they didn’t.
So, Scott sort of relents. You’re still expected to follow through with missions, but he at least makes sure you’re stationed near Remy or himself to help ease your worry a bit. They’d be lying if they said the extra cover wasn’t helpful. As long as you give enough room for Scott to make orders and Remy to be flashy, they’ll get used to your protective presence.
(“Slim and the Cajun got themselves a loyal guard dog,” says Wolverine.)
I think they’d eventually meet with each other to talk about your behavior. You’re obviously super attached to both of them — almost to an uncomfortable degree — and they’re not really sure what to do about it. They may not see eye to eye on most things, but they at least agree they both care about your well-being. Whatever this is… it’s unhealthy.
For now, they kind of settle on separation anxiety as the cause. It may not explain all of your weird behaviors, but it at least explains why you’re in absolute shambles when either one or both of them are away on a mission while you’re stuck at the manor. They figure the best course of action is to accommodate for you… which unfortunately means working together. Who would’ve guessed the uptight Scott and reckless Remy would actually work together?
Finally they’ve got some sort of coordination going on. As mentor-figures to you, they’ve gotta make sure you’re taken care of… without feeding into your weird behaviors (little do they know, giving you any sort of attention is already feeding into your weird behaviors). Expect them to start setting boundaries, still letting you do certain things while softly explaining why you can’t do certain things. Manipulation tactics really start to lose their edge now, so you’re shit out of luck if that was your main tool.
But don’t get discouraged!! Remember that they’re still trying to accommodate for you! If one’s away from the manor, you get to spend the entire day with the other!! While they may not be as effective as before, puppy eyes still work on Scott, and it’s not like Remy will stop being so lax anytime soon. You can get what you want out of them separately with careful enough plays.
Overall, I really like the idea of Scott and Remy slowly realizing overtime that something may be wrong with their little protégé. They don’t wanna believe it, but they’ll eventually have to face the unfortunate truth as this goes on.
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 12: What could go wrong? ➣prompts: "Mayday, Mayday!" ➣Character: Robert 'Bob' Floyd ➣warnings: drugging, attempted sexual assault, physical assault, blood, vomiting, happy-ish ending ➣word count: 2.7k
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Y/N and Bob were inseparable, the true definition of “best friends forever.” They grew up next to each other in Wyoming, their parents' ranches separated by a barbed wire fence. They were in the same grade all through school, and eventually both went to University of Wyoming. The only time their lives went in different directions was when Bob decided to become a Naval aviator, and Y/N decided to become a Naval nurse. They went to bootcamp at different times, Y/N having to say a tearful goodbye to Bob, as she had to wait an extra three weeks until she left. 
It was nearly a whole year until Bob and Y/N were reunited at their first duty location in Virginia, and since then, they were once again inseparable. Even when Bob got sent back to Miramar, Y/N was sent back too, and worked at the hospital on base. To everyone, they looked like a couple, they did things like couples do, hell, they even lived together. They both wanted to be a couple, but both of them waited for the other to make the first move, which neither one did. 
“How long do you want to stay?” Bob asked her. They were currently at the Hard Deck, waiting to meet with the other members of the dagger squad, “The bachelor is on at nine.” 
“I said you didn’t need to come,” Y/N giggled as she snacked on the pretzels at the bar, “And besides I’m uh. . . meeting someone.” 
“Meeting someone? Like Coyote?” Bob asked.
“No,” Y/N shook her head, “A guy I matched with on Tinder.” 
“Y/N. . . “ 
“Before you say anything, cause I know that look Bob Floyd,” Y/N said, pointing at him, “I met him the other day and got lunch. He’s a nice guy. He works at a start-up doing stock production design, has his own house, his own car, and a cat.” 
Bob sighed and looked down at his shoes. It wasn’t unusual for Bob to tag along to when Y/N met guys for drinks. He hated it, but wasn’t about to tell her that. He was jealous of the guys that she got to meet and talk with and occasionally go home with. But it wasn’t like Bob was going home empty handed either from those nights. He usually would find a girl later on, and wind up at her house. 
“Well I guess he’s already better than Derek,” Bob said and Y/N giggled, “Just be safe.” 
“I’m in a bar full of people,” Y/N said, and waved her hand around at the crowd, “If I need help, I call out ‘mayday’.” Bob smiled at that. It was their signal that they used when the other one needed help. It was only to be used in cases of emergency, and it meant drop everything and help, “Oh! He’s here!” 
Bob watched as Y/N jumped off the bar stool and walked towards a man in a leather jacket by the door. Bob rolled his eyes, Y/N hates leather, she’s a vegan, he thought to himself. Bob focused his blue eyes on her yellow sundress clad body, and watched as she greeted him with a kiss. Looking down at his drink, Bob tried to ignore the sting that he felt. 
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Bob was sulking in a booth, across from Jake and Bradley. They were in an argument about some sports team that Bob could care less about. The WSO’s blue eyes were locked on his best friend and her date at the bar. She laughed at something he said, tilting her head back and placing a hand on his thigh. Bob jumped as he felt Jake kick his leg from under the table. 
“Ow,” He said. 
“Quit staring at her,” Jake said, “It’s a little weird.” 
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Bradley asked. 
“She doesn’t like me like that,” Bob shrugged. 
“Oh please, you two have more sexual tension than Rooster and I do,” Jake said, and put his drink down on the table, “You need to stop being a pussy and go get your girl.” 
Bob looked back at the bar and noticed that Y/N was gone, but Leather Jacket guy was still there. Bob sighed and looked back down at his drink, “I know she doesn’t like me.” 
“How?” Jake asked, sitting back in his spot. Rooster put a hand on Jake’s thigh, giving him a warning squeez. 
“Cause I told her once and she said she didn’t feel the same,” Bob mumbled, “It’s fine. I told her that I would always be her best friend. Always be there when she needs me.” 
Y/N sighed as she sat back down on the barstool, rubbing her hands to warm them up after washing them in the bathroom. She smiled at Jackson, her date, as he slid over another vodka lemonade for her. She took a sip from it, and squinted her eyes at the taste. 
“Shit, that’s strong,” She giggled, putting it back down. 
“Yeah, the barkeep kind of had a heavy pour with it,” Jackson said, and shifted a bit closer to her, “So what were you saying about this farm incident of yours?” 
Y/N had to think for a moment, suddenly forgetting the conversation she had before going to the bathroom, “Oh,” She blushed, “It was uh. . . my sister and I, and we were messing in the cow pin. . . Are you hot? I feel really hot right now?” Y/N said, feeling a rush of warmth throughout her body. She fanned herself, and could feel her cheeks turning red. She reached out to grab her cool glass, but noticed the fuzziness of her vision. 
“You alright, babe?” Jackson asked. He was now standing behind her, his hands slowly trailing up her body, until they rested on the edge of the bar. She was suddenly very aware of the heat that was radiating off his body, and the smell of alcohol on his breath, as he moved her hair off her neck, and placed small kisses on her neck, “Do you want to go home?” 
“I-” Y/N tried to get her mind to think of something coherent, but it was completely blank. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Something was wrong, something was very, very wrong. 
“Let’s go home, okay?” Jackson said, grabbing her body, and helping her off the barstool. She swayed in her spot as Jackson put cash on the bar for the tab. Everything was moving in flashes of light as she looked around the crowded bar. She managed to focus her eyes on the general direction Bob was sitting in, “Alright, let’s go.” 
“Wait,” Y/N slurred, “My friends. . .” She pointed over to them, “I need to. . .” She tried to take a step forward, but stumbled. 
Jackson steadied her, “No, we need to leave.” 
“Please,” She whimpered and looked at him. 
“No, sweetheart, we can’t,” Jackson said, and guided her away from the bar. 
Y/N felt the tears now falling down her cheeks as she felt her body moving under his direction. It was like everything was moving slow, but she knew they were probably moving fast. She looked back in Bob’s direction, seeing him deep in thought with Hangman talking about something, gesturing wildly. When the doors shut, she felt like she was running out of time. 
“M-my purse!” Y/N squeaked out, “I. . . left it. . .” 
“Jesus fuck,” Jackson rolled his eyes, and looked around. He found a nearby bench in the dark part of the building. He quickly walked them over to the bench and sat her down, “Don’t fucking move. Got it?” Y/N nodded weakly. Jackson huffed as he walked back into the bar. 
When he was out of sight, Y/N pulled her phone from the pocket of her sundress. The brightlight made her head hurt worse than it already was, and she had to force herself to focus on finding the messaging app. She wasn’t sure who she was messaging, but she clicked on the first contact and typed the message the best she could. 
“All I’m saying is, Bob, you are sixteen, things change! I didn’t think I’d ever like Bradshaw, but here we are!” Hangman said. Bradley rolled his eyes as he heard his phone ding next to him. He picked it up and furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Why would Y/N be texting me ‘may day’?” 
Bob snapped his head up and looked at Bradley, and then over to the spot at the bar she was sitting out with her date, “Call her,” Bob said, standing up quickly, his eyes searching the bar for her. 
“Why?” Bradley asked, feeling the frantic waves coming off of his friend. He quickly dialed her number, not hesitating. 
Bob didn’t answer, but spotted her date walking around the bar as if he was looking for something. He huffed and threw his hands up as he couldn’t find whatever it was he was looking for and headed back out the door. Bob moved quickly, pushing through the crowd over to the door. Hangman and Bradley shared a look before following the WSO. Bob ran out the door of the Hard Deck, looking around in the dark of the night to hopefully spot a glimpse of that yellow sundress. 
“Bob,” Hangman said, pointing over to the parking lot. Bob looked over at the direction Jake was pointing, and took off towards her. 
Y/N could barely keep her eyes open as Jackson led her to his jeep. She was praying that someone would spot them, or that whoever got her message was on their way to stop this, but it felt like the light was dimming. She let out a sob as Jackson opened the door to his car, and bent down to pick her up. 
“Hey!” Bob yelled as he ran up to them, “What the hell are you doing?” 
“What does it look like?” Jackson smiled, setting Y/N’s feet back on the ground, “Taking my girl home. She got too carried away with the vodka lemonades.” 
“She’s not yours,” Bob said. 
“Listen, I don’t know who you are but-” 
“Bob,” Y/N cried out. She found the ounce of strength she had in her body, and pushed herself forward. Bob moved and caught her as she stumbled into his arms. 
“I got you, I got you,” Bob said, and held her securely in his arms. 
“Let me take my girlfriend home,” Jackson grabbed her arm, but was stopped by Jake grabbing his arm. 
“Don’t fucking touch her,” Jake said. 
“I want to go home!” Y/N sobbed, and Bob felt his heartbreak. 
“We are, I promise, we are,” Bob said, as Bradley pulled up in his bronco. He jumped out of the driver's seat, and opened the backdoor, “Cops?” 
“Penny called as soon as he walked out of the bar with her,” Jake said, “Go, I’ll wait here.” 
“Hey,” Bradley said to him, “You have a career.” 
“I don’t give a fuck,” Jake said, “Fuckers like him,” Jake looked at Jackson, “Need taught a fucking lesson.” 
“Just don’t get caught,” Bradley said, and Jake nodded. 
“You two fuckin-” Jackson’s speech was cut off by a sick crack of his jaw as Jake punched him. Jackson fell to the ground, spitting blood out of his mouth. 
Bob had her head in his lap as Bradley drove to their shared apartment. Y/N had passed out the second that she laid her head in Bob’s lap. Bob ran his hands gently over her hair, occasionally wiping away the tears that threatened to spill. She didn’t look peaceful like she usually did when she was asleep, her eyebrows were furrowed and small whimpers left her mouth. 
“You saved her, Bob,” Bradley said, looking in the rearview mirror, “Who knows what that sick freak would’ve done if you didn’t-” 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Bob said. Bradley stopped talking as he pulled into the apartment complex. He opened the doors for Bob as he carried Y/N into the apartment. He laid her down softly on her bed, placing her on her side, “Stay with her a sec.” Bradley nodded and sat down on the bed next to her. Bob was only gone for a couple minutes, coming back with a bucket, a bottle of water, and a damp washcloth. Bradley stood up from his spot, as Bob placed the items on the bedside table. 
“Do you need me?” Bradley asked. 
“Jake’ll get himself arrested,” Bob mumbled, and placed the back of his hand on her forehead, “She’s hot. Her body is burning it off.” 
“He’ll be okay,” Bradley said, and watched as Bob walked over to her dresser and pulled out an oversized t-shirt that must’ve belonged to him. Bradley moved back over to the bed, and helped Bob change Y/N out of her sundress and into the shirt. Bob gently laid Y/N back down on her side, and placed the cool washcloth on the back of her neck. 
“Jake will be fine,” Bradley said again, and Bob looked up at him, “But will you?” 
“Mayday is a distress signal,” Bob said. 
“I know-” 
“It’s a distress signal that means drop everything and come help. And I was so caught up in feeling bad for myself that I almost missed stopping-” Bob bit his lip as tears threatened to spill, “She’s everything to me. I can’t lose her.” 
“You got to her, Bob. You saved her,” Bradley said. 
“Yeah,” Bob nodded and gently ran a hand down the side of her face, “Go bail your boyfriend out of jail,” Bob looked over his shoulder, “I got this.” Bradley nodded and quietly left the apartment. 
Bob stayed by her side the whole night, scared to leave her. He sat in the chair in the corner of the room, switching between playing on his phone, to looking up youtube videos on his laptop. Every sound or move she would make, had Bob rushing to her side. He had googled the effects of date drugs so he would know what to expect. He knew she was going to sleep for a bit, until her body started pushing the toxins out. It was about 2AM that she started coming to, crying and whimpering in her sleep. 
“Y/N,” Bob said softly, rubbing her back as she threw up into a bucket. He ran a cool washcloth over her clammy, sweaty skin, “You’re okay, darlin, I got you.” 
“I don’t. . .I don’t. . .” She whimpered out, retching again. She had a fever, her body trying to break down whatever drug was in her system. Bob shook his head, realizing that the cold washcloth wasn’t doing enough. He pulled back her covers, and picked her up. She leaned her head against his chest as he walked down towards their bathroom. He gently placed her on the shower floor, sitting down behind her and pulling her against his chest. He reached up and turned on the cool water, clenching at the feeling. Y/N let out a cry as she rested against him. 
“It’s okay,” Bob said, running his hand over her hair, “It’s okay, Y/N. You’re safe.” 
“I’m so sorry,” She sobbed. 
“You didn’t do anything wrong, baby,” Bob said, “This isn’t your fault.” 
After a couple more seconds, Bob turned the water off, and reached for the towel on the rack. He wrapped her up in it and sat on the floor for a moment longer, before maneuvering to stand up. Bob set her down on the closed toilet seat, and grabbed another one of his shirts to put her in. 
“Why can’t every guy be like you,” Y/N slurred, her eyes still shut. 
“Oh, I’m just nobody,” Bob said, and dried her hair, “Take a sip,” Bob said, grabbing the bottle of water. He helped take a drink before setting it back down, “I’m taking you back to bed.” Y/N nodded and lifted her arms as Bob picked her up bridal style. 
“You’re my Bob. You know that?” 
“Yeah,” Bob said, and placed her softly back down on the bed. Her eyes were still closed, but she nestled back against her pillow, “Do you need anything? Do you still feel sick?” 
“Tired,” She mumbled. 
“Okay, you go back to sleep. I’ll be right here.” 
“Don’t leave me,” Y/N grabbed his hand, and opened her eyes to look at him, “Please, don’t leave me.” 
“I’m never leaving you again.”
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