#aries 2024 tarot reading
astrosolutions · 2 months
Aries Horoscope: Aries April Monthly Horoscope Predictions, 2024
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Aries Monthly Horoscope 2024 April: Aries will spend the month of April through various ups and downs. This month there will be improvement in career and business. On the other hand there may be problems in love life. Let’s know in detail what will happen in the life of Aries in the month of April.
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Fire sign zodiac (leo, aries, sagittarius) for ONLY may & june 2024 tarot & oracle
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krisluxxeeempress · 6 months
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I kept hearing Libra, as I was preparing for your message. This could simply be due to Libra being your opposite sign and you can never have one energy without the opposite, and or, your person is currently dealing with a relationship that they are currently in or a past relationship that is affecting them now. If it’s affecting them then you should know it’s affecting, you. This is only confirmed because the first card out was the world card reversed, which usually indicates a cycle is not completed, a situation is not yet addressed. Following, the two of cups and the six of swords reversed came out to clarify. The energy feels like you, the reader, are single and in separation from this person. The reason being is more than likely because they are still dealing with someone that they may claim is an ex or not. Regardless, there is still a connection or emotional attachments to a connection that hasn’t been released, addressed or healed. If you are not single and what I am describing is YOU AND THEM, it looks like it’s time to release them officially. I see the King of wands reversed clarifying the ten of wands upright. (sidenote: I smell coffee and I don’t drink coffee) This past situation with another person or YOU AND THEM, has become a burden to say the least. The masculine in this situation feels emasculated, for sure. Let’s say your person is still holding onto an ex and how that emasculated them, this makes it easier to understand why and how this is affecting YOU & THEM. If this is reversed, (without getting confusing, because it’s starting to feel that way) YOU & THEM need to move on from each other because it’s clear there is no respect and it’s affecting them emotionally and mentally. Some of you are simply moving on from this person because they were unable to move on from a past failed and traumatizing relationship which resulted in being breadcrumbed and CONFUSED with their wishy-washy behavior. If you have moved on due to this toxic behavior, I do see them wanting to make move towards you come January,2024. They feel you are the one that got away and they realize that holding onto their past was and is the cause of you moving forward. They worry about you being single and finding better, finding someone or multiple people who are more than willing to give you everything you want and deserve. I am not sure how they are able to observe you, because they are- and they can tell you are not “spinning the block”, or checking for them like they are checking for you. They feel like you cutting them off is equivalent to a funeral. Considering their wishy-washy behavior, it’s easy to intuit that your “relationship” with them was back and forth, on and off, hot and cold and now it feels final to them, like you died. Now keep in mind, if this is your EX and they “moved on” from you and they are with someone new, understand, they are still talking of you and want you. (I do apologize for the confusion)
You could be dealing with someone who has strong Pisces, Virgo, Libra, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius placements. If not, there’s a strong 12th house placement present. This person may have a child with their ex, and this has caused more confusion and emasculation. I also feel for some they were married before with whom they share a child with. It’s almost like they are trying to prove their ex wrong by being a great father and subconsciously trying to prove their ex is missing out on them. It’s like some unspoken vow they made to never marry again or be in a committed relationship after the breakdown of that previous relationship or marriage. It makes me wonder if heavy cheating was involved, regardless, it’s a bit weird and operating on a subconscious level that they are having a hard time breaking and moving on from. If you are on the receiving end of this, move on because I see that you will be living your best life, truly. I literally see that in the cards- I am not just saying that to make anyone feel better! I also feel like if there is a child involved, someone is scared their child mother or father, will raise child support if they find out they are in a new relationship! This person is literally in mental jail. Spiritually, this is indicating some strong witchcraft and spell work casted upon this person to be committed to an ex, that more than likely moved on their damn self but is using YOUR PERSON, financially. The roles can be reversed, and again, I apologize if this was confusing, but I am telling you there’s spell work involved and or heavy manipulation, fear and control tactics being implemented causing them to be stuck but wanting you. The energy feels like the “Get Out” movie. Save yourself and move forward and do not look back, otherwise their demons will attach to you AGAIN!
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alyjojo · 2 months
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Thinking of You - April ✂️ 2024 - Aries
Whole of their energy towards Aries: Judgement
Feelings: 6 Cups
Intentions: 6 Pentacles & The Lovers
Actions: 3 Swords
This is a known player, because they’ve played you before. Judgement clarified by The Hanged Man and The Fool, this person could be some sort of lesson for you. They’ve had time to “gain a new perspective” and are missing you with 6 Cups. Missing talking to you anyway, they like your passion and fiery nature, this person sees you as a lot of fun. Big but. They’re still a player and it’s not going to change. Apology, Accident, and Death give me pause because Accident would indicate they don’t take any accountability for their bs, they’re coming back around “changed”. Not with you 💯
Their intentions are to play around with your heart, right from the jump. Telling you what you want to hear, and giving to two or more people - The Lovers next to 3 Swords is someone entertaining multiple people. They intend to heal the connection with you, or they just know they’re on limited time with you, with your advice Oracle being reversed, you’re a busy person and you ain’t got tiiiime for this bs. In action, 3 Swords. They’re going to hurt you again, and you’re going to give up on this altogether because they can’t make a decision and stick with it (they don’t want to). They do mean their apology but they’ll do it again so…do with that what you will, very young or immature energy with this person.
Their side:
- Quick Fling
Your side:
- I love the way you look at me.
- LOUD 📣
Pencil ✏️ it into your schedule - reversed ⛔️
Apology 😞
Guilt - Confession - Forgiveness
Accident 💥
Danger - Caution - Injury
Death ☠️
Endless - Harm - Inevitable
Possible signs:
Heavy Scorpio, Aquarius & Sagittarius
If you’re dealing with:
8 Swords, some of you aren’t dealing with people at all or you feel blocked/unable to change a situation where they’re concerned. Or switch. You could feel separate from your groups this month, or there is a lot going on that you/others don’t know about and can’t help or change. Especially with you being front & center with retrograde & eclipse season 🌘
Aries - working a lot, could be getting a boost to their income in some way, if you’re around them they want to spend money 💰 but that’s because they have it to spend
Taurus - a new love relationship with the potential to last, you feel a deep connection
Gemini - glad they gave up on something, or you are
Cancer - has an invitation or some kind of news about a get together, they want to meet up and celebration, could be a wedding
Leo - someone sharp as a tack and very communicative but for lack of a better word, they’re…kinda bitchy, where’s the warmth? 🤷‍♂️
Virgo - one of you abandoned the other and never said why, there’s a lot of sadness surrounding this, outside people could be involved as well
Libra - coming back around to talk, trying to be logical about things, they have a deep love for you & want another chance /switch
Scorpio - didn’t or isn’t telling you about other options they have/talk to, may have suddenly gone ghost 👻
Sagittarius - making big decisions regarding business or family and not speaking about it right now, moving in silence
Capricorn - apologizing for an argument, wants to fix things & be nice to you
Aquarius - a deep loving and committed relationship, maybe marriage, either with you or that’s why you don’t talk to each other
Pisces - at the threshold of a new beginning and feeling happily in their element about it, it’s connected to their heart & purpose 🎉
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thecosmicangel · 3 months
Virgo Full Moon Messages 2024 🌕❄️✨
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Pisces, Virgo,Libra,Capricorn,Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius & Cancer your readings are up on my channel. Fixed signs your reading will be up tonight. You can watch for your S/M/R sign.
Thanks for supporting my YouTube channel 💗
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pumpk-n · 5 months
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i’ve had a rlly lovely start to the year (~:
recently i’ve had such a rough go at things, the past few days have been so refreshing and filled me with hope and happiness. here’s to hoping it sticks around ✨
~ i switched up my altar again, and have started to slowly get ready for spring. most of my downtime has been spent tidying or doing research and taking notes to help further my practice. it’s been so nice to start to reconnect to my spirituality again.
~ caught a tiktok of a rlly sweet person who wrote out their 2023 resolutions and taped them onto mini prosecco bottles and documented completing/opening each bottle and i decided to do that too! i’m really bad at acknowledging things that i accomplish, and there is a lot of tangible stuff i need to do this year, so here are my bottles! i have 8 goals, including paying off debt, fixing my sewing machine, learning bass (even if it’s badly), and getting new car tabs. i tried to make a reasonable balance between actual hard (including mentally hard) tasks and creative things that i’ve been mulling over but have to drive to start. i also started a collective list of goals i want to accomplish by the end of this year that are less impressive but bigger broader things i dont want to slip my mind.
~i also ended up not wearing anything in this picture. so it goes.
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Aries Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Tauro Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Géminis Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Cáncer Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Leo Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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Virgo Horóscopo de las Estaciones Primavera/ Verano 2024
Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico meses marzo, abril, mayo y junio 2024
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marisa-hechizosytarot · 2 months
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Horóscopo Aries Solar, Lunar, y Ascendente
Pronostico mes de Abril 2024
#Aries #horoscopo #hechizosytarotdemedianoche #horoscopodeldinero #tarodinero
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astrosolutions · 6 months
Aries Horoscope 2024: How will be year 2024 be for Aries People?
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Aries Horoscope 2024, through this special article, we will tell you what kind of changes the year 2024 is going to bring in the lives of Aries people. If you are born in Aries, you must read this article to know about your career, your business, your financial status, the possibility of financial gain or loss, your educational status, ups, and downs in love relationships, marital problems, and happiness in 2024. And also know how the year 2024 will give you results of stressful moments and health-related problems.
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shanneltarot · 2 months
Solar Eclipse 2024: Battle Light vs Darkness | How to win & Change your Life Tarot Reading
What is the purpose of Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024? How to harness the Dark side of the Moon Energy for Yourself? Now is the time to transform your complete life with #Eclipse2024 vortex. Do you know how to use it? The portals are open, tap in!
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tarot guidance for fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, spring 2024
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kelleah-meah · 2 months
So I am planning to make a big deal about the total solar eclipse on Monday, so if you are someone who thinks it's pretty m'eh, then prepare to be annoyed by me.
Granted, I'm not diving into any conspiracy theories (ugh! 😒), but I am planning to go on a picnic in the park between 2-4pm. Since most of NJ will get about 90% totality, I didn't find it necessary to travel to a spot with 100% totality.
I'm satisfied with my little 91%. Plus, I kind of want to take it easy. Just enjoy a nice, leisurely picnic with a book, snacks and my little sunglasses.
I'll report back with how it goes. That is unless I and everyone else outside are reduced to ash like in Night of the Comet. 😏
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astrologiaxo · 3 months
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alyjojo · 3 months
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Love Reading 💖 - March 2024 - Aries
Who is Coming In: The Tower & The Chariot rev
Regarding: The Hierophant
Long-Term Potential: 4 Swords & Strength
222 on the clock as I start your message, you either have a tumultuous history with this person or maybe they do in general. The Hierophant is clarified by 9 Wands, which is hurt, pain, feeling wounded. You could be on again, off again, on again, off again, over and over. There’s always drama, but you’re still committed to this person. Or some may be married & separated, some are trying to work out a difficult connection, it’s been a hell of a ride no matter who it is. This person could be legally married or have been, and they’re just going through it when they/you come around. They could’ve just gone through hell or something like this, and aren’t ready for something serious. Whatever has happened with them or between you might be some kind of disaster, they’ve gone through some major obstacles, one in particular being unexpected and changed everything about everything. The Sun clarifying with the lightning storm of this Tower could be a trip that gets canceled, blocks and problems, near-misses, things coming to light you didn’t expect or never saw coming. Maybe with their ex. Or you with them. Long term, this doesn’t go anywhere, you two aren’t even speaking. It’s a heavy weight to have had to carry (for one or both of you) and it’s like done is done, it’s a burden to even consider a new beginning…or have to go down one because this connection caused CHAOS. You could ghost them, if they try. Or that could be switched. The Oracle shows meeting them for a reason or a season, but not forever.
- Lighter Skin Tone
- Shady Ex’s 👀
- Cutting Ties
- Moving On
- Receive What You Need
- Progression & Arriving
“A toast to no worries.”
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Cancer, Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio & Libra
Them: The Hermit rev, 5 Pentacles, King of Pentacles
Regarding: Wheel of Fortune
Curious energy on their side. It’s definitely some drama, but on your side I can see you’re not pressed whatsoever, if anything you’re amused. A song started playing in my head that made me laugh, I’ll put it at the end. So this person, for many of you they were gone for awhile, could have even been with other people. Wheel of Fortune can show a karmic, someone you’ve known a long time, or things are just changing in a big way for them right now. The changes are probably job related, if you’re actively together. Losing a job, losing hours, getting a new boss that’s just the *worst*. If there’s a 3rd party situation, it’s looking like you’re the 3rd party. This person may be leaving someone else for you, or they’ve been left by someone and they’re crying on your shoulder. They don’t know what to do, they never planned on xyz, I’m sensing damsel in distress energy. They’re going through tough times or something karmic even, could also be relating to their family. Or you. You’re ready to jump in and play hero. Male or female, both significators are here, you got this 💯 Almost eagerly, an opportunist and it is your TIME to shine 😆
- Cannot Handle Reality 😵‍💫
- Gorgeous 😍
- Cutting Out
- Separation
- Stop the Pattern
- Silent Treatment
“In other words, meditate.”
You: 4 Pentacles rev, The Fool, 3 Wands
Regarding: 9 Swords rev
Your energy has me 😂 In stitches. You’re amused as hell, like “it’s about time”. Especially for those where this person has been with someone else, I just keep hearing that song. It’s like this person is drama but they’re *yours* and “go be dumb all you want, that’s fine, I’ll wait.” You are the definition of unbothered, and when this person needs you, you’re ready to rub their face in it a little. Like they can replace you psh, go find better then! They can’t, won’t, or don’t want to, they’ll be back and you’ll be extremely giving and loving towards them…cuz you knew they would. If you were worried at times, it’s showing with 9 Swords rev, but they don’t gots ta know about that. It’s not obvious. Whatever they need, you’re there, immediately, and whatever issues or grudges you had, that’s gone just as fast too. Your “give that shit up” oracle feels like something you’re saying to them, you’re perfectly chipper, waiting on this goober to get on your page so you can prove *why* you’re the best. Or why they need you. You’re a winner, that’s why. I heard “silly bitch”, this reading is killing meeee. Some of you, this is flat out about money. You like someone that could be broke, and you are not only NOT broke but you enjoy flexing it, it’s part of your personal power. Aries to the rescue, financially, and then you can work them with the charm and passion once you get there right? People underestimate just how generous Aries is for their people, this reading is a perfect example. Is there something in it for you, psh yes, always 😆 but that’s besides the point. Now if this is someone that does it all the time, then yeah, give the shit up. I don’t think you will, engagement ring being the mutual Oracle, but it’s possible.
- I’ll Wait Forever
- Light-hearted & Adapt
- Finding Out & Change
- Things Coming to Light & Heal
“Give That Shit Up.”
Mutual: The World, Queen of Wands, 9 Wands
Regarding: 6 Wands
You two are definitely making up, and however you act or whatever you do makes it seem to them like this all was supposed to be this way. Cheering them up, making them laugh, putting on the Aries special sauce or some shit, you’ve definitively got them right where you want them. And it’s mutual. You want it, they want it, you’re generous, they’re generous. You and they both could be questioning the dynamics of this, it’s off the wall or strange for sure, but stranger things have happened and “Silence Your Inner Critic” is like Spirit saying shh. Don’t worry how you got here, you got here. It’s being pointed out that the hard times are over, any hurt you’ve felt before is over with, even if you’re still a bit cautious, or they are. Both of you. That’s fine, and I don’t see anything to worry about. 6 Wands is victory. Ace of Wands is about that passion…which is inevitable too. I’m done here, it’s GREAT. You win. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Engagement Ring 💍
- Higher Commitment
- Eternity
- Partnership & Union
- Completion
“Silence Your Inner Critic.”
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Leo, Capricorn & Pisces
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astrologers1030 · 3 months
Discover What's in Store: Monthly Tarot Reading
Monthly Tarot Reading: A Monthly Tarot Reading involves consulting Tarot cards to gain insight into the events, emotions, and energies that may manifest over the course of a month. Tarot readers typically use various spreads and interpret the cards drawn to provide personalized guidance for the upcoming month. These readings explore different aspects of life such as relationships, career, health, and spirituality, offering valuable perspectives and advice to help individuals make informed decisions and navigate challenges effectively.
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 21.01.24 – 27.01.24
Aries Stop overthinking and over-criticizing yourself. It’s good to analyze the situation and yourself to check if there is any space for improvement. But if there is not then you should stop blaming yourself for the situation. You need to stop thinking about the output and instead focus on your intentions, self-development, and self-care. Always being practical does not help right now there is…
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