#anyways. soon it will be bag time>:3c
gibbearish · 8 months
theres a kickstarter i backed back in march 2021 thats been going through issue after issue during the production process but has been keeping backers updated the whole time and a couple months ago they announced they were finally able to start shipping orders im excited
#had it been a scam it wouldve been fine bc as soon as i give money to things like that i just consider it gone forever so i take the#possibility of that happening into account when deciding whether or not to buy something and when i backed it $115 was Not Hard At All#that was like. two days' worth of tips at most? three if you picked really slow days?#so as far as im concerned i dont have $115 worth of money up in the air right now waiting for repayment#i simply donated $115 to a cool project almost three years ago and now will get a time capsule of a present in the mail at some point#BUT all that being said i dont think its a scam shes been very transparent and accommodating the whole time#like i couldve gotten most of my order by now if i wanted‚ there were wallets that came with the bag and they were the main problem point#bc the manufacturer she used first was Garbage but she wasnt able to get a refund from them#so she offered to ship out everything except the wallets to anyone who wanted it they just had to cover the shipping#n i was like. i dont /need/ any of this it was 100% a fun little treat for me so it being late isnt like. a problem#so might as well save like $20 its win win#and a bunch of people did take her up on it and have been posting abt the quality and they all seem legit#its very funny that ive had to update my address with her twice though KSBDKSBDKDN#and the extra benefit is it really will be a little time capsule present because its been so long ive forgotten most of what i ordered#like i know theres a bag and a wallet and some pins and i think one other thing?#but i dont remember the details of what they look like really or esp the pins i dont remember anything except they were there#maybe the other thing was a popsocket? that sounds probable#anyways. soon it will be bag time>:3c#oh and ofc ppl who didnt order the wallets have already gotten their orders shes not making them wait for us kwbdkshf#so theyve been posting reviews too#im pretty sure 'just refund me for the wallet and give me the rest' was an option#i don't remember for sure and don't want to dig through all FORTY TWO EMAILS to check but id definitely be way more salty abt#the whole situation if they hadnt because thatd be shitty#im bad at remembering things but good at holding deserved grudges so the fact i dont have one tells me she didnt#love having to fuckin. sherlock holmes my own past lmao#but yeah as is im just like. i cannot imagine how much it must suck majorly to be in her shoes so she can take as long as she needs#like a while back i had someone order a thing off etsy ans it didnt notify me at all so they emailed me like a month later like#'hey any updates on my order?' and i was like. FUCK#and i felt terrible for like a month afterwards and gave them a bunch of free stickers to make up for it#and that was yknow. one person who ordered $6 worth of stickers
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kurooo-is-here · 5 months
Hi could you do a fist kiss scenario with daryton.
Okay I know I said I was gonna take a break for a few days, but some of these asks are too cute!! I've been itching to write all morning!! (That, and I got bored while breeding for a shiny Sprigatito.)
Anyways enjoy!! :3c
First Kiss with Drayton || Drayton x Reader
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With how casual and lighthearted Drayton is about everything, it's kind of hard to tell that he's flirting with you in the first place. You basically had no idea he liked you that way until he kissed you for the first time.
It was past school hours, and everyone was heading out for the day. You stayed behind to help Drayton with his League club work, as Lacey had assigned him an absolute PILE of paperwork to do.
At one point he got pretty tired and started to drift off, so you kept doing the paperwork as he went to sleep. You were humming to yourself when you glanced at his sleeping face.
...Cute. His face looked so peaceful.
As you turned back to your work, you felt a hand suddenly grab yours-- Drayton's lips pressed onto your lips. It stunned you, you barely had time to react before he was already pulling away.
"Wha... D-Drayton?" You said quietly. Your face was getting warmer by the second.
Drayton just smiled and chuckled. "You gotta be careful what you say out loud, Y/N."
You buried your face in your hands, too embarassed to speak. Did you just call him cute out loud?! How did that happen?? Your embarassment got another chuckle out of him as you groaned and sunk further into a ball in your chair.
Lacey came back an hour later to check on Drayton's progress, only to see both of you snuggled in the corner of the room on a giant bean bag chair, fast asleep.
Bonus: Don't expect him to let go of you anytime soon if you wake up before he does. He's got quite the grip on you!
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m1lflov3rrr · 7 months
Hi hiiiiii! Firstly, lemme just say I absolutely ADORE your fics on wattpad and im SO thrilled you're also here on tumblr now??!?!? An absolute treat, this is <3
Anyways as for requests— can I request Larissa and/or Marilyn dealing with Y/N who's got a really bad sleeping schedule thanks to having the WORST case of insomnia? (fluff most appreciated, but IF you want somth more spicy to deal it, I wouldn't say no to it hehe 💕 :3c)
Thank you sm <3
Thank you for the request and so sorry it took literally MONTHS!!! But here it is now!! And thank you for your kind words, means so much to me <3 I really hope you enjoy this, I made a few changes to it. I don’t have that much experience with insomnia, but with sleep deprivation so I wrote about that, I hope it is okay!
No Rest for the Wicked
Pairing: Larissa Weems x fem!reader
Warnings: sleep deprivation, health issues, fainting, worrying, fluff
Word count: 2.5k
Summary: Larissa tries to help you when she notices how little you’re sleeping…
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You sighed deeply as you raised your gaze from your laptop and looked out the window. A heavy fog had descended on the school grounds, reaching as far as the tired eye could see. 
The fog was persistent, it was thick. 
You felt like your thoughts were similarly clouded. You smiled at the irony. 
Returning your gaze back to your work, you looked at the time, it was way past 4 am already. Larissa would wake up soon. 
For the past few weeks it had been like this. You were staying up late, only getting a few hours of sleep a night. And sometimes, like tonight, no sleep at all. 
You felt that you didn’t have enough time. The work load you had felt like the weight of the world rested on your shoulders. You had stacks of ungraded papers, lesson plans to finalize, and a curriculum to update. 
You were exhausted. 
You tried your best to hide it, you didn’t want Larissa to get worried. Because her concern would’ve broken your heart. 
Every day went like this: You ’got up’ at 6, prepared for your lessons of the day and started at 8, taught for 8 hours straight, got back to your shared quarters and spent the rest of the night with Larissa. And after she had fallen asleep, you’d finish your work and prepare for the next day. 
You didn’t have the heart to tell your wife how much workload you’d had recently and how overwhelming it was for you. You had had difficulties in the past finding time to spend together, and after months of you both trying to work it out, it was, indeed, working. 
But lately, it had become too much. With the work, of course. You knew that Larissa would get concerned and start panicking and rushing things to make it better. You didn’t want that. She had her own job to do, which definitely had a workload twice as big as yours was. You felt pathetic. Your wife does three times the work you do in a day and you’re still stressed? Yes, pathetic. 
You finished your lesson plans for the day, just to save yourself some time later. 
It was 5:13 am when you were done. You rubbed your temples to ease your already growing headache as you got up from the desk, swayed there for a bit before making your way to the bathroom. 
You winced at your reflection in the mirror. Your dark and puffy undereyes were still there, if not even more bad and noticeable. This was the first time in your 25 years of living that you had had eye bags. You knew it was bad. 
You hopped in the shower to keep yourself up and maybe gather some energy to get through the day. At first the cold water did wake you up a bit more. Then, when you turned it a little bit warmer, you realized how bad of an idea it was. The warm water relaxed all those tense muscles in your body and you closed your eyes to enjoy the feeling. 
And your eyes stayed closed for a bit too long. If you weren’t so tired, you would have laughed at yourself. The image of you half asleep, standing in your shower. What in the actual fuck, really? 
But something made you jump and push your body’s cries for help and sleep to the back of your mind. 
”Darling?” You heard Larissa’s hoarse morning voice call out to you from the door. 
”Mhm?” You hummed as you turned the water back to cold to not almost fall asleep again. 
”Nothing, just wondering how you’re up so early every morning this week, usually it’s a task itself to get you up,” She chuckled at her own words. 
You smiled to yourself and turned the faucet off, stepping out of the shower so you could see her. 
You noticed how she was checking you out, biting her lip as her eyes roamed across your body. You smirked at her as you took your towel and dried yourself, about to wrap it around your bare body. 
She quickly snapped out of her trance and stepped forward, taking the towel in her hands and unwrapping it, causing it to drop on the floor. 
”I don’t think we’ll be needing that.” She said in a low tone as she pulled you flush against her body by your waist, attacking your neck with her mouth. 
You hummed in delight and closed your eyes in satisfaction at the sudden move, wrapping your hands around her neck. 
You let out little gasps, you couldn’t even let out a simple moan because of your sleep-deprived state. 
And it felt so good, feeling your wife’s lips on your neck, still keeping your eyes shut, leaning into her, maybe leaning too much, starting to drift off, losing your balance… 
Your eyes snapped open when your heard Larissa’s sudden, loud gasp, as she had her arms tightly wrapped around your torso to keep you from falling to the hard floor. 
”Darling, what on earth just happened here?!” She asked in shock as you stood up. 
You took a moment to process what she just said, just because you couldn’t think as fast as usual. 
”What? M’sorry, just got a little.. distracted there, I think..” You responded hazily, trying to focus your eyes to look into hers. 
She ducked her head a bit, trying to get a closer look of you and inspecting your condition. ”Are you alright? You had me worried there, are you sure you want to go to work today? You can take the day off, okay?” 
Your eyes widened in panic, ”No, no, Rissa I am absolutely fine, and I will not be taking the day off. You shouldn’t be concerned, I am okay.” You said hurriedly and walked away, leaving your wife standing in the bathroom, extremely confused and concerned. 
”Okay, I think it’s time we all head for lunch, see you guys tomorrow!” You announced the class with a smile, packing your things and leaving for the dining hall. As you entered the hall, you seached for your wife with your eyes, as you always ate lunch together. She wasn’t there. 
You yelped loudly when you felt someone grab your shoulder from behind, causing some people nearby to look at your weirdly. You turned around, ”God, you scared me, Rissa,” You breathed out. 
She just responded with a laugh, sliding her arm to the small of your back and guiding you to walk together to get the food. 
As you sat down, you began eating in silence. You opened a can of energy drink, something that you’d been drinking a lot these days. You didn’t usually even drink those that often, but you needed something to keep you up and awake. 
Larissa sent you a scolding look, a frown tugging at her lips. ”Y/N, what’s this?” 
You widened your eyes, you didn’t want her to find out like this. Or any other way. ”Oh, that’s just an energy drink. Thought it might give me a little boost.” 
She narrowed her eyes slightly, ”A boost? Y/N, darling, this isn’t healthy. Are you not sleeping enough?” 
You smiled, but it was forced. ”Rissa, I’m fine. It’s just been a busy week.” 
She sighed, looking at you with worry-filled eyes. ”Y/N, I can see something is going on, don’t shut me out. Whatever it is, I’m here to help you. We’re a team, remember?” 
Your gaze softened, you were really lucky to have her. But you didn’t want her to know. You didn’t want her you worry about you, because when Larissa got worried, it was all she could think about. She couldn’t work, rest, do anything. She’d have to get to the bottom of it. 
You pursed your lips and took her hand in yours, ”I know, and I appreciate that. But I’ve got this, Rissa. Trust me.” 
It had been a few days since that, and your condition and fatigue were only growing worse. Your work load seemed to have doubled since that day. You were trying (and struggling) to stay awake with the constant consumption of caffeine. 
The fog was growing thicker and thicker. You barely could see where you were walking. 
Larissa had had enough. She had been watching your extremely concerning situation unfold in the past few days into something much more worrying. She couldn’t bear seeing you suffer like this for a moment longer. This had to end now. 
You were sitting in your classroom, head buried in your hands as you tried to take a deep breath so that the pounding headache you had recently gotten would go away. You’d taken more aspirin than you probably should have, but it didn’t do anything. You were feeling miserable, physically, and that way, emotionally, too. 
Your eyes began to feel heavier and heavier, and you almost didn’t hear the sharp knock on your classroom door. You flinched harshly at that, squeaking a quiet, ”It’s open.” 
You heard the door opening and the familiar clacking of heels filled the room. 
Her voice was soft, almost a little wary. 
You raised your gaze to meet hers, ”Yes?” 
Her eyes were filled with concern, barely hidden. ”I’m worried about you. I can see that something’s going on, and if you’d just please, please let me in, I could help you. Okay?” 
You pursed your lips. You knew this was coming. ”Larissa there is absolutely no reason for you to worry. I am fine, okay?” Your voice was a mixture of frustration and exhaustion. 
”No, you’re not.” She snarled, her tone of voice contrasting the one she had just moments prior. ”You’ve been running on fumes for days! Darling, this… this can’t go on any longer.” Her voice broke as her eyes held a silent plea. 
Your jaw clenched, eyes fixed on the floor. ”I can handle it.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, and it was becoming harder and harder to keep convincing yourself that. 
”Y/N you almost collapsed earlier! This can’t go on.” She stepped closer, reaching her hand out to touch your shoulder. 
You shrugged off her touch, ”It was nothing. Just a moment of dizziness.” 
Larissa scoffed, her patience was wearing thin. ”And what happens when it’s not just a moment? What happens when you can’t get back up?” 
Something in that comment did it. Your eyes flashed with fury as your tone of voice turned into one laced with venom.  ”You just don’t get it, Larissa! I can fucking handle myself!” 
Her brows furrowed and you could’ve sworn you almost saw her flinch a little. ”Look, I am not trying to belittle you. I just want and need you to take care of yourself.” 
Your head tilted as your eyes held nothing but defiance in them. You felt your breathing pick up, uncontrollably, and how that pounding headache seemed to double, you started feeling a little lightheaded. But you chose to do what you’d been doing for god knows how long now. You ignored it. 
”I don’t, I don’t need you constantly watching over me.” You said, out of breath. 
Your wife’s expression dropped as she realized your condition and what could be happening next. She approached you cautiously, attempting to try and calm you down. ”Y/N, darling, this is not about control. It’s about caring for you.” She told calmly, cupping your face with her soft palm. 
You shook your head, ”You suffocate me, Larissa! I can’t breathe with you hovering over me all the time!” 
Larissa’s heart sank at that. She never meant for it to come to this. She only wanted the best for you, to protect you. 
”Y/N, please, I…” 
Your breathing laboured and before she could finish, your legs gave way and you collapsed on the cold, hard floor. 
”Y/N!” Larissa’s voice came out as a terrified cry as she rushed forward to try and catch you, but she was too late. 
Tears welled up in her eyes as she knelt beside you, shaking you gently and trying to wake you up. ”Y/N, can you hear me?! Please, say something..” 
Your eyes fluttered open, but you couldn’t focus on anything. Your breathing was still laboured and the words you tried to speak came out as a strained whisper. 
”Y/N, I’m taking you to the infirmary.” She breathed out as she scooped you up in her arms and rushed out the classroom. 
Since then, you and Larissa made an agreement. Well, you didn’t have much say in it, since Larissa demanded it. 
Larissa began monitoring your schedule, making sure you were following the new schedule she had made for you. And there was no room for negotiaton, absolutely no exceptions. 
Larissa also began cooking more, preparing the meals with care and love, making sure each one was balanced with important nutrients to get your energy levels for the better. 
Bedtime was the most strictly monitored. As evening approached, Larissa would guide you through a calming routine. She’d prepare a warm bath with your favourite scents, she’d slip in as well and wash your hair for you, massaging your head to calm you down. Then, she’d dress you into comfortable pyjamas and lead you to bed, prepare you a nice cup of tea and dim the lights. 
And she’d lull you to sleep with soothing caresses and words of affirmation, telling you how much she loved you, again and again, kissing your whole body as she did so. 
And it worked perfectly. You were feeling both, physically and mentally better. The dark circles under your eyes were slowly fading away, your energy starting to gain back. You also growed to appreciate your wife a thousand times more.
One evening, you were sitting in your shared bedroom, by your desk. Your laptop was open and you were determined to finish grading some papers for your students. Then, Larissa entered the room, the stern look on her face telling everything. ”Darling, it’s time for dinner.” 
You sighed, closing the laptop as you didn’t want to argue about it. And you were starving too. 
You ate in silence with her, you occasionally stealing glances at her. The way she fussed about your portion sizes, making sure you got the right nutrients for your health - you heart warmed as it was all an expression of love. 
Once you were finished, she led you to bed, undressing you and helping you with your pyjamas. I could’ve done that myself, you thought. 
”Now, off to bed. You need your rest, dearest.” 
You smiled as she laid down next to you, caressing your hair and kissing you softly. And you kissed her back, again and again.  Soon, you fell into a peaceful slumber, under Larissa’s loving gaze. She laid a final kiss on your forehead, ”I love you, my darling.” She whispered before drifting off as well. 
And if you looked outside, you’d have noticed that the fog had finally cleared. 
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
All Roads To The Sea - Chapter Three
okay so, super late BUT i mean it's here!! so, this is technically out of order with the jaytim week prompts cuz this is actually for Wet Clothes rather than Shooting Star/Eclipse cuz it made more sense for the story progression to go this way 😂 so next chapter will be shooting star :3c
JayTim Week Day Three - Wet Clothes
Tim manages to turn the SUV around in record time, Chrys and Danger's figures blurring in the rain as Tim begins to speed away. There's a loud PING from a bullet hitting the bumper causing Jason to jump where he's twisting around in his seat to see out the rear window.
He turns back to Tim, reaching out to grab Tim's wrist and it's a good thing Tim is a good driver because otherwise he might have swerved at the sudden contact.
BACK, is the immediate thought he gets from Jason, concern and fear bubbling over like a tidal wave.
"We can't," Tim says, eyes flicking to the rearview mirror. They're too far to see anything except the vague shape of the overturned truck in the distance in the torrential rain. "It's too dangerous."
Vicious fury rips through Tim, Jason squeezing his wrist hard enough to bruise.
“I don’t want to leave her either! But how, exactly, are we going to take down Danger? He’s covered from head to toe and how would you even make it far enough to touch him anyway? He’s got a gun, several actually. If we go back there, you’re never getting out and you’ll never see Chrys again anyway.”
Jason withdraws his hand, leaving Tim with one last pulse of bitterness, and crosses his arms over his chest. Tim dares a quick glance towards him, his displeasure at the situation evident by his expression.
“I’m sorry, but she told us to go. She wouldn’t want to put you in more danger by coming to rescue her.”
Jason huffs in response, turning his head to stare out the window.
He hopes Chrys is okay. That she found something she could do and got away from Danger. It was no use dwelling on worrying about her now, though. Tim had a mission to fulfill and he intended to see it through.
They needed to ditch the SUV as soon as possible and Tim needed an easier method of getting Jason between cars and motels.
Evanston is a quiet town at almost midnight, few cars looming on its roads. It’s easy enough to follow a few road signs and find the city’s hospital.
The parking lot is about half full with cars of various types and it doesn’t take long for Tim to find one someone has fortunately left unlocked. He parks so that the two passenger sides face each other and begins helping Jason maneuver into the smaller car. Despite the direct contact, Jason is uncharacteristically quiet; the little Tim gets is muted and feels far away.
Jason is still mad and Tim doesn’t necessarily blame him. He was probably not the one Jason would have chosen to be stuck with if given a choice, after all he had only known Tim for two days. Barely.
Once safely inside the new car, he leaves Jason to curl in on himself, leaning against the window.
The last thing he needs is thankfully easy to get. He stalks over to the entrance of the ER where there are several folded wheelchairs leaning against a wall for people to use. Walking up and taking one isn’t a problem, any nurse watching from the lobby thinking he’s simply going to return with a person.
By the time they realize he isn’t coming back he’ll be long gone.
After putting the wheelchair away in the backseat and removing the duffle bag Chrys left from the SUV, Tim gets to work getting the car to start. It takes him longer than he would’ve liked but eventually the engine roars to life and Tim is peeling out of the parking lot and back onto the road.
The rain peters out a few hours North, the clouds breaking to reveal a waxing moon and a brilliant display of stars. Jason’s breathing has evened out, head pressed against the glass window when Tim looks over.
With the immediate danger behind them Tim can feel his own exhaustion beginning to take over. His body aches from the car crash and a headache simmers behind his eyes.
But Tim refuses to stop.
Not yet.
Paranoia nips at his heels just enough that Tim keeps driving through the night, turning into a roadside motel just before dawn. They’ve put a lot of distance between them by now and Tim hopes that Danger will assume they’ve either continued along the original route or doubled back towards the west coast rather than meandering northwards.
Either way, Tim is exhausted and needs rest.
The motel seems quiet, few cars parked in front of the small individual units, tucked away between towering pine trees. The boy working the intake office happily gives Tim the key to the unit farthest back in the lot when Tim tips him an extra fifty as a tip.
Early dawn light filters down through the trees, too early for most people to be awake. A row over Tim can hear the sounds of someone packing up their own car and getting ready to leave.
Getting Jason into the wheelchair is easy enough, although Jason is evidently still mad at Tim from the glare he gives him. 
Tim is grabbing the duffle bag from the back when there’s a sharp gasp coming from nearby the car’s bumper. He scrambles backwards, looking to see a little girl with blonde pigtails staring wide eyed at him and Jason.
“Uuh,” Tim says, somewhat uselessly. Jason swats his arm.
“Oh my gosh,” the little girl breathes, beginning to look a little like Christmas had come early. “Are you a real mermaid?”
To her credit, at least, she keeps her voice low.
“Yes,” Tim says slowly as an idea forms in his head. He walks over, kneeling down in front of the little girl who shuffles backwards a step. “But a Sea Witch stole his voice.”
She gasps again before clapping both hands over her mouth.
“Do you think you can keep a secret? The Sea Witch could be anywhere.”
She nods rapidly, both hands still over her mouth. She opens her hands slowly, mock whispering, “I promise I won’t tell anyone, mister mermaid.”
Tim looks over his shoulder at Jason, who smiles gently at the little girl and waves. She giggles, gives a mock salute to Tim and runs off; heading in the direction Tim heard the other people packing up for the day earlier.
When Tim starts to push Jason towards the open door he reaches up a hand, lightly touching the top of Tim’s, sea witch?
Tim chuckles, “there’s this Disney movie… I guess you won’t know what Disney is, huh? It’s a story about a mermaid and she saves this prince from drowning and falls in love with him. She tries to become human by making a deal with a sea witch, her voice for legs.”
Jason hums, a low sound that also reverberates in his head. Tim can tell Jason retreats, just a little bit, the connection going muted as Tim continues to maneuver the wheelchair into the cramped motel unit until Jason drops his hand into his lap entirely. Just as Tim locks the breaks on the wheelchair Jason reaches back up, tell me more? 
Which leads to Tim trying to retell the plot of The Little Mermaid while filling the motel bathtub with water. He tries to remember all the details the best he can, hoping Jason is picking up on the spotty memory of the movie as he goes. The rendition of Part of Your World in his head repeats a verse where Tim finds he can’t remember the exact lyrics but the point gets across well enough… hopefully.
Jason settles in the tub, water splashing over the edge, the end of his tail fin hanging over the edge of the tub while his torso is only partially submerged.
“It’d probably be easier to just show you the movie, you know,” Tim muses as he struggles to remember what happens between Ariel getting legs and the Kiss The Girl song. “Most of these motels have vcrs and video rental stores are everywhere.”
Jason’s tail slaps the edge of the tub in the merperson version of tapping their foot. He tilts his head to the size, grinning lazily at Tim. It’s so much more fun listening to you struggle.
“Ha ha, okay that’s enough for now then,” Tim says, standing up. As he moves, slipping his arm from Jason’s touch he feels the fading echoes of mirth.
Tim retrieves the duffle bag, digging through it to find two capped syringes and seven fist sized white tablets. Tim picks one up, the texture lightly crumbles against his fingers. For one insane moment Tim wonders if Chrys packed a bunch of cocaine before he remembers– Jason needs salt water. A quick taste off once finger confirms, these are black blocks of salt. 
“Uh, do you know how many of these are supposed to go in the water?” Tim asks, holding up a tablet.
Jason looks at him blankly and shrugs.
“Okay, one it is since we only have six after this.”
He drops the tablet into the water, half expecting it to fizz but it just sinks, rolling off Jason's tail and sitting at the bottom of the tub beside him. Jason rolls his eyes and picks it up, crumbling it between his fingers and dispersing it as best he can. 
"Huh, I guess I should have put that in when I was filling the tub."
Jason gives him a withering stare.
"Okay, uh, I've gotta take a nap"–and a shower if Tim was being honest but that could wait–"will you be okay?"
Jason glances around the sparsely decorated room, giving a shrug.
"Oh, I know, can you read English? I have a book?"
Jason perks up slightly, wiggling a hand back and forth in a "kind of" motion. Tim grins, grabbing an extra pillow from one of the twin beds and digging through his backpack to find the other paperback he'd bought. Unfortunately, he didn't remember to grab his murder mystery from the floor after the crash but he did also have some sort of mushy looking period romance that he grabbed entirely by accident. 
Jason settles in with his head against the pillow after drying his hands off on a nearby towel. He makes a shooing motion with his hand when he notices Tim still standing beside the tub.
He'll sleep for a couple hours. That's all. The room is quiet except for the faint sound of water lapping in the tub and the sound of pages being turned. Tim falls head first into the pillows and passes out.
It should be no surprise that Tim wakes with a start over six hours later, the analogue clock on the wall reading 12:23. Panic arcs through his veins, causing him to scramble off the bed, stalking over to the sidelite to look into the motel parking lot.
Heart pounding, Tim looks outside. He’s convinced that he’s going to see Danger, staring him right in the eye with the barrel of his gun. That the parking lot is going to be filled with government vehicles, all ready to take him and Jason away forever–
The parking lot is quiet. Midday sun casts shadows from the towering pines, not a single person to be seen.
They’re still okay. They’re fine, they haven’t been found, it's– It’s all okay.
Tim sighs, scrubbing a hand over his face and goes to check on Jason. He finds Jason with his nose still in the book, tailfin thumping lightly against the edge of the tub along to Jason humming Part of Your World. It’s a low, slightly gravely and broken sound, reminding Tim of times he would get sick and go without talking for days at a time and any sound he made came out sounding like a paper shredder.
“Still reading?” Tim asks, leaning on the doorframe.
Jason doesn’t even look up, nodding his head once and holding up his hand in a victory sign…
“Oh, you’re rereading it?”
Jason nods again, turning a page.
“I’m going to go get some food and other supplies, are you alright here?”
Return of the shooing motion. Alright then.
The nearby town is a short drive away through a single narrow road flanked by towering trees. There’s a singular main street that contains all the town’s major stores, a number of which appear to be kitschy tourist gift shops centred around the town’s only attraction: fishing at the nearby lake.
As Tim is driving past the residential area, a smattering of small wooden houses, he sees an old looking, beat up Jeep parked along the side of the road with a red FOR SALE sign in the back window.
Tim slows to a stop, giving the slate gray vehicle a quick look over before reversing back the way he came. They’ll need a proper vehicle, one that Tim isn’t risking burning his fingers on everytime he needs to start it and hasn’t been reported stolen. But first, to get rid of this one. Tim drives along the abandoned stretch of road, finding an old dirt path into the woods. The Sedan wasn’t really built for off roading but Tim pushes through anyway, looking for a good spot that’s far enough away from the main road the car was unlikely to be seen.
Tim abandons the vehicle as it rolls forward down a short decline, enough of a distance that nobody was going to see it if they weren’t looking down. Somebody would find it, eventually, and if Tim ever found out who it belonged to he would have to repay them but he had bigger things to worry about at the moment.
After half an hour of hiking he finally makes it back to the house with the Jeep in front of it.
In hindsight, Tim realizes he probably should have checked that somebody was home before abandoning his vehicle to the woods.
Welp. Too late now.
Tim knocks on the door.
The woman who answers has white hair pulled back in a loose bun, strands of hair falling in her face, and manages to be shorter than Tim is. She looks up at him with a single raised, white eyebrow.
“You here to spread the good news?”
Tim blinks, straightening his back slightly. “No, ma’am, uh, I saw the for sale sign on that Jeep?”
“You’re interested?”
“As long as it works” –another thing Tim probably should have checked before getting rid of his car–”I’ve got cash.”
“Huh,” she says as if that were particularly interesting. It makes Tim want to squirm. “Why don’t you come in?”
He tries to refuse but the woman pins him down with a glare and leaves the door open when she moves further back into the squat building.
At her kitchen table she sets a glass of lemonade down in front of Tim, a noisy fan clunking away in the background to provide a palty breeze in the midday heat. Tim learns her name is Ophelia.
“Now, what is it you’re running from, boy?”
Tim grimaces, is he really that obvious? Ophelia simply takes a sip from her drink, patiently waiting for an answer. He can’t tell her the truth, that much is for certain. Besides endangering him and Jason, it might endanger her, and Tim had enough peoples’ blood on his hands.
“My parents,” he blurts out, grasping for anything that would sound plausible, “they wanted me to take over the family business and if I didn’t they’d kick me out. So, I called their bluff. They… aren’t really happy about it.”
Eh. Not Tim’s best lie but good enough.
Ophelia nods along. “Sounds like a bitch,” she says amiably. “The car works, she’s just old. How much cash you got?”
“Seven hundred,” Tim says automatically, knowing better than to tell anyone the full amount.
“Five hundred, then, and she’s yours. We got a deal?”
Ophelia sends Tim away with the car keys and, on her insistence, a tent and camping stove tucked into the back along with a package of chocolate chip cookies. The engine rumbles to life, just as Ophelia said it would, and Tim heads into town; Ophelia waving at him in the rear view mirror.
It’s over an hour before Tim gets back to the motel, hands full of plastic shopping bags and take-out from the single diner.
Jason is lounging in the tub when Tim returns, book left on top of the toilet seat. His eyes are closed but he perks up when he hears the rustling of the paper bag Tim is holding.
“Sorry that took so long”–Tim passes him one styrofoam container filled with chicken strips and fries–”but I got a new car, not even stolen, and a bunch of supplies that should last us a little while at least. Especially if we can’t stop at a motel.”
Tim spent most of his time shopping thinking about what to do next. With any luck Chrys had hopefully told Danger they were going to head back west, buying them time to put more distance between them. Tim had also dropped his credit card before the convoy had left the last motel in the hopes someone would start using it elsewhere, further obfuscating their location.
“And,” Tim says, dropping the two plastic bags that had been cutting off the circulation in his fingers on the floor, “I figured you were bored so I got a bunch more books in different genres and” –Tim can’t help the grin that splits his face– “a disguise for you to wear.”
Jason raises a single eyebrow at Tim. The effect is slightly marred by the way his cheeks are puffed out from stuffing an entire handful of fries in his mouth at once.
They wait for nightfall before leaving, Tim sitting on the closed toilet seat and reading to Jason, clarifying any terms he’s unfamiliar with or other human mannerisms he doesn’t understand. It’s a quiet evening, Jason relaxing further and further as Tim reads out loud.
When the sun has finally begun sinking beneath the horizon, Tim sits out to get the car ready. He fills a large square bucket halfway with water and fits it into the footrest on the passenger side seat and lays down a plastic seat cover to protect it from water. 
Jason is less thrilled about Tim’s other present.
He looks down at the hoodie Tim had soaked under the tap before handing it to him and then back up at Tim, who’s desperately trying to keep his giggles under control. 
Declares the hoodie, underneath a simple black line drawing of a carp, which Tim’s fairly sure isn’t a species of fish that lives in the ocean to begin with.
“C’mon, it’s perfect for you,” Tim says, voice shaking under the effort to not burst into laughter.
Jason frowns deeply, crossing his arms over the large carp emblazoned across his chest.
“And this hat!” Tim ignores Jason’s sulking to fit the black baseball cap over Jason’s head.
Jason bats Tim’s hands away, sitting up straight in the seat and turning the cap in order to read the front:
The look on Jason’s face is so unimpressed that Tim finally loses his composure, one hand clutched across his stomach as he laughs. Jason huffs but fits the cap back on his head, brim low over his eyes, and turns away from Tim.
It takes Tim a full five minutes to get himself under control enough to start the car.
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autistic-katara · 10 months
WHAT'S CATRIONA'S BACKSTORY?? (love her name btw)
tysfm for asking omg
so basically Catriona had a pretty normal childhood until she was 11. she grew up with her mother and father (for now unnamed) and her younger sister Francis in idk some city in Scotland (haven’t decided which). she and her sister were pretty close considering their 4 year age gap and even lowkey shared a few friends (Catriona’s friends considering Francis a cute kid they could let play minecraft with them or smthn and Francis’s friends considering Catriona a cool big kid who was really good at hide and seek or smthn). but when Catriona was 11 and Francis was 7 their parents got in a car accident and both died. it was traumatic as hell for both of them (obviously) but what was worse was due to them having no family able to take care of them (their dad was abandoned at birth and bounced around the foster care system until he was 18 + their mother was an only child who’s dad had died some time before this and her mother being unable to care for 2 kids) and none of their friend’s families being able to take the both of them they ended up getting separated. Catriona doesn’t know where Francis ended up, she hoped one of her friends’ parents had adopted her or something but she (Catriona) ended up in foster care. she went around a couple homes until she was placed long term with this one family. they were a man and woman in their late 40s with 3 bio kids of their own (a boy a few years older than Catriona named Jacob, a girl her age named Erin, and a boy a year younger than Francis named Harris) and a few other foster kids. The other foster kids (along with the boys) mostly ignored her, Erin seemed to have some sort of personal thing against her, and the foster parents were pretty abusive (to all of the kids but particularly the foster ones). as well as all that the foster parents clearly weren’t equipped to take care of her, given that whenever she (or the other autistic kid there bcz yes do u rlly except me to make an allistic character?) would get overwhelmed or have a meltdown they’d treat it as a tantrum and punish her for it. they also didn’t know how to deal with her hair type (like 3c i think) and just pressured her into straightening it so it would be “easier to deal with”. they were also quite religious (protestant christian) and didn’t care that Catriona wasn’t raised religious and “didn’t really believe in it” and forced her to go anyway (they were also pretty homophobic bcz those kinda ppl typically are which was kinda a problem cause Catriona’s lesbian and very much didn’t wanna have to deal with the fallout if they found out).
one time when she was 14, Erin ended up destroying one of the last remaining memories of her family, a photo of them the day Francis started primary school, with Erin’s mother saying that “it was an accident” and “just a photo” and got rlly mad at her for “being dramatic” over it. so that night Catriona as quietly as possible packed everything she owned could fit into her school bag and took all the money in the house she could find that didn’t belong to the other foster kids. (couple hundred pounds) and left. taking a train to somewhere. somewhere that wasn’t there.
and yeah i haven’t figured out exactly how she meets everyone else and finds the place they live and the order everything happens in nd allat but i’ll figure it out soon c:
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lychniis · 1 year
Heres a whole grab bag for that tag game: every tenth question >:3c
you're really putting me up to this huh-
10 - do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
multiple. i will chose any route that will eventually fuck me up because my brain has many idea and wants to write n o w. i do have casual fics at the side that i don't feel half as pressured to update...they're more of 'writing practice' in a sense.
20 - do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
b o t h. you cannot make me chose, i shall chose both, they're both my babies, my babygirls. but i do like diverging from canon sometimes, even though it's mostly unintentional at first ( with genshin's lore being far from complete ).
30 - how much do you edit your fics?  do you edit as you write or wait until you finish the first draft?
the sole reason why memory took as long as it did was because i edit as i write. i mostly finish the first draft, but if the length o the fic is longer, i tend to edit as i write it down. it saves time having to scour an entire document for errors since my attention span is non existent XD.
40 - what is your favorite world that you’ve created for a fic?
...for fanfics, i'd say it's what i have in store for memory ( there's one chapter with a hidden market run by scam artist apsaras and it is glorious XD ).
for original fics, it would have to be the 'small city with no name' from my original concept 'and here the city ends'. the place is set right on top of a seraphim graveyard with a creepy magic wood and one eldritch subdimension created from a collective hivemind and the souls of dead animals.
the wild hunt is also a thing in said fic. i always entertained the idea of tired dad gwyn ap nudd whose wild hunt is now posing as a motorcycle gang with the onset of urbanization. ( you know all about it, moth- )
50 - how would you describe your writing style?
inconsistent. a lot of people say it's poetic, but i say it's inconsistent. sometimes it's short and snappy. sometimes it's flowery. sometimes it's descriptive...there's a lot going on, chief. but i'd like to find one that i'm comfy with writing soon though.
60 - in [insert fic], what inspired the idea for the plot?
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i had to hunt you down in discord for this. hmmmm, okay so it's a funny story. i like listening to carl sagan's talks on the universe, even if i don't understand a few concepts. he always has something really cool and philosophical to say, y'know?
anyway, this was actually a favorite quote of his, and after some research, i did read up about how the base elements were created and scattered through supernovas, and how our atoms were made from old stars.
and my brain went "lol, imagine getting yote into genshin and spouting this out, your partner would be so confusion' and since it was a little past diluc's birthday, i mulled over the idea of a reader who misses their home world and it went nuts from there.
70 - are you subscribed to any writers on AO3?
yes, quite a few. you're my first XD.
80 - free space - asker can come up with any writing or fic-related question they want!
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i will forever stay loyal to li.
but xiao is one, along with diluc ( i like my boys angsty sometimes too ). amongst the girls, shenhe is a definitely because of her very straight laced, deadpan attitude as well as ei XD ( i actually have a wip featuring ei in the works ).
i am interested in writing capitano and itto ( since simp for one and covet the other ). wanderer is also growing on me so him too XD.
in demon slayer, it's kyojuro. definitely kyojuro along with sanemi and inosuke.
ask game
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Inner City Blues
Syverson x Fem!Reader
vignette: Ethan Syverson was a country boy through and through. But maybe there's one woman who can finally convince him to give the city life a chance.
words: 6,500+
a/n: once again, shoutout to @just-chirpin for her help.
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Syverson didn’t know what had come over him.
The only thing he understood was that he missed her.
God, he fucking missed her so much.
It had been just over a month since Y/N had left.
And Syverson’s life had gone to shit. He hadn’t slept a full night since. He was in such a foul mood, that his workers on the farm tiptoed around him. His friends didn’t tease him when he drank twice as much when they went out. Other women were practically invisible to him. He ate the same meals every day because it all tasted bland to him anyway.
Now Syverson stood at LaGuardia airport, waiting in line for a cab.
He had to ask Layla for Y/N’s address in New York City. And to his surprise, she didn’t say a word or ask a single question, just gave him a sympathetic look as she wrote it down and handed it to him.
It was a Saturday morning. Traffic wasn’t great. As soon as Sy’s cab pulled away from the airport, he was met with pollution and noise.
He didn’t realize he was holding his breath in until he saw the city’s skyline and he let out a giant exhale.
In that moment, he understood. He understood what drew people here, that other places couldn’t give them. Hell, there wasn’t anything even remotely similar in Texas – not even in the major cities.
When the cab pulled over, Sy handed the driver a wad of cash and tried not to think about how much a 20-minute ride cost.
Sy looked up at a sixth-floor walk up. He knew Y/N lived on the third floor, and Layla gave him the apartment number.
Fuck. What if she hated that he came?
Why hadn’t he thought of that before making such a ridiculous, spur-of-the-moment decision?
That wasn’t like him. Sy thought through everything. It was what he was trained to do and what had been conditioned into his already prepared personality.
But he was also trained to ignore his fear, to fight through it.
Sy buzzed 3C.
There was no answer.
Maybe she wasn’t home.
Sy decided pretty quickly that he was just going to wait.
So he sat on her stoop, laying his duffle bag at his feet.
He told himself he’d give it an hour. Any longer, and he would feel like a creep.
Y/N was her own woman. She didn’t owe him anything. It’s not like he told her he was coming. He was about to thrust this surprise onto her.
As he waited, Sy thought about the last time he’d seen Y/N.
He’d gotten too used to saying goodbye to people. But saying goodbye to her had been the hardest one in his life.
Y/N had felt sick since she’d woken up.
She was leaving.
How could a year go by so quickly?
Layla sat on Y/N’s bed as she packed up.
“You know, you can stay another year,” Layla frowned. She was taking this even harder than Y/N was. “You can stay forever!”
Y/N smiled at her cousin’s ridiculousness. “I really can’t. My sublet moved out two weeks ago. I’m gonna have to start paying rent again.” She sighed. “And you’re gonna have to start planning a wedding soon.”
“Exactly!” Layla argued. “I need your help!”
“No, you don’t.”
Layla sighed in disappointment.
And then she decided she wanted to talk about something else. “Have you two talked?”
“Don’t you play dumb. You and Sy.”
“He’s driving me to the airport, isn’t he?”
Layla glared at her cousin. “Y/N.” Her voice was stern and serious.
Y/N threw up her hands in frustration. “What is there to say, Layla?”
“I don’t know,” she sassed back. “Maybe how you feel about him? Or maybe what ya’ll are gon’ do now?”
“There’s nothing to do,” Y/N sighed in annoyance.
To her surprise, Layla didn’t respond.
It made Y/N look up at her cousin.
“It ain’t a sin to admit the truth, Y/N.” Layla sounded sad.
Maybe it was hard for people to believe, but Layla was really rooting for Y/N and Syverson. She wasn’t just trying to stir the pot and give herself entertainment. She saw the way Y/N looked at him and she had never seen Y/N act that way around a man before. And Layla had known Sy almost as long as her cousin. And he had never seemed happier. The two made sense – despite their now geographical struggles.
Y/N cleared her throat, stopping her emotions from coming through. “I can’t. OK.”
Layla give her a sympathetic look and just nodded.
“Can we stop talking about it now?” Y/N begged.
Layla nodded again.
“I really loved having you here,” she told her instead. “I feel like everything’s ‘bout to change.”
Y/N looked at her with concern. “What do you mean?”
“I’m about to get married. My life is about to change. You ain’t gonna wanna hang out with me after that.”
“What?!” Y/N laughed. “What are you talking about? You and Aiden are practically married already. What could possibly change? Of course I’ll want to hang out with you!”
“It’s strange,” Layla mumbled as she looked around at her house. “I’ll never live alone again. I won’t be a single girl. I’ll be somebody’s wife. Eventually I’ll start popping out babies. And I’ll look back at this time as if I was a different person.”
“Do you not want those things?” Y/N asked carefully.
“Of course I do. I want everything with Aiden. But sometimes I hate that I can’t have both, ya know?”
“I think I do, yeah.”
They heard the front door jiggle open.
“That’s Aiden,” Layla told her. “He’s here for damage control once you leave.”
“Dramatic,” Y/N laughed.
“Hey! At least I ain’t scared of my feelings!”
Aiden knocked on the door frame as he appeared. “You ladies saying your goodbyes?”
Layla practically wailed. “Don’t remind me!” And threw her face into a pillow.
Aiden tried not to laugh at his fiancé and switched his gaze to Y/N. “Sy takin’ you to the airport?”
Y/N just nodded.
The time to leave came far too quickly.
Layla was a puddle of tears by the time Sy got there.
When the bear of man got out of his truck, he was his usual stoic self.
Y/N didn’t know what else she had expected.
“Those ready to go?” He asked her as he pointed to the bags at her feet.
Y/N nodded.
Sy just nodded back and silently started loading them onto the back of his truck.
Obviously he was trying to give her space and privacy to say her goodbyes.
“Come back whenever you want. I mean it. Even if it’s just for a week,” Layla managed to tell her through her tears.
Y/N gave her hug, trying to soothe her cousin.
“And that offer still stands once she’s at my place,” Aiden added with a shy smile.
Y/N gave him a grateful smile and gave him a hug next.
Sy had been watching from a distance, leaning against his truck with his arms crossed.
Y/N slowly walked over to him, tears already drying on her cheeks.
“Ready to go?” He asked her gently.
She just sniffed and wiped from of her tears away.
Then Y/N felt her backpack being removed from her shoulder.
That damn man. He couldn’t even let her carry a backpack.
When Y/N got into the passenger seat, Aiden had his arms wrapped around Layla on the porch as she cried and waved at them.
Just as they pulled out of the driveway, Sy turned to Y/N and said, “Darlin’, I ain’t afraid of your tears. Don’t gotta go and hide ‘em from me.”
There was no middle console in Sy’s pickup. So Y/N slid all the way over to his side and wrapped her grip around his right arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. When she first settled there, Sy kissed the top of her head, silently telling her that he had no issue with it.
They didn’t talk, just drove in silence, awaiting the end of it all.
To Y/N surprise, Sy didn’t pull up to the departures ramp, instead going down to the parking lot. Figured the man wouldn’t just drop her off and go. He wanted every last minute he could with her, even if it cost him overpriced airport parking.
Sy only let Y/N carry her backup and carried the rest of her stuff to baggage claim.
As soon as all her luggage was checked, Y/N felt the weight of their inevitable goodbye.
Sy walked her to the security line, but she didn’t join it yet.
All of the sudden, Y/N was crying.
He instantly responded by pulling her into his arms. He didn’t tell her to stop crying or that everything would be OK. He just held her and rubbed her back, allowing her the safety of his arms as her emotions escaped.
Eventually Y/N had to pull away, even though her heart was screaming at her not to.
The two of them looked into each other’s eyes.
‘I love you': It was hovering over them, taunting them and pressuring someone to finally say the words aloud.
But they both couldn’t do it.
“Thank you for driving me,” Y/N said instead.
He sighed, “Don’t gotta thank me.” Then he pushed some hair off her face and wiped a few of her tears away.
“Can you do me a favor?” Sy asked seriously.
She nodded.
“Call me once you get back to your apartment,” he requested. “Just wanna make sure you get back safely and there ain’t any issues with your place.”
Her heart quivered with the request, but she nodded again as she tried not to burst into tears once again.
“Go on, now.” Sy nodded towards the security line. “You got a plane to catch.”
Y/N looked at the line and then back at him, almost as if she were scared.
And before she could change her mind, Y/N leaned up and kissed Syverson.
It was their last kiss – and it felt like it.
“I hate this,” Y/N whispered into his lips after they pulled away.
“I know, darlin’.”
Then, to her horror, he gave her a quick kiss to her head and started walking backwards, separating himself from her.
“Go on,” he nodded to security.
‘Go after him. Stay,’ a voice was screaming at her.
But Y/N couldn’t do it.
So, she took a deep breath and headed towards security.
The skyline was the only comfort waiting for Y/N back in New York.
It felt like no time had passed, the city was the same.
It took Y/N a moment to realize that she was the one who had changed.
Y/N waited for that typical wave of comfort and relief when you walk back into your home after a long trip.
But it never came.
It didn’t smell like her anymore. Her subletter’s perfume or candles or overall pheromones had erased Y/N from the apartment.
She sighed, nearly falling onto the edge of her bed and looked around.
“Home sweet home,” Y/N mumbled to herself.
Then she remembered her promise to Syverson.
She grabbed her phone and pressed his contact.
“Hey, darlin’.” He greeted on the second ring.
The pet name almost felt wrong now. Like it had expired – or like she wasn’t deserving of it now that she’d left.
“Hi,” she said slowly.
Y/N hadn’t expected that just hearing his voice would make her feel so terrible. Fuck. She already missed him and it hadn’t even been 12 hours.
“Feel good to be home?”
Y/N hesitated before simply humming, “Mhmm.”
She knew if he tried to actually speak, she would burst into tears.
And what good would that do?
“You alright?” He asked her.
God, she was so selfish. All he did was worry about her. It’s not like this was any easier for him. But all he worried about was her.
“I don’t know how to do this, Sy.”
She heard him let out a heavy sigh.
“Y/N, I don’t have to disappear from your life.”
“It’s just…fuck…I miss you already.”
“You once told me you can get any food you want at any time of day
“Yeah,” she sniffed.
“So hows about you order something you’ve been craving for the last year? I think we both know that would make you feel better.”
The food didn't make her feel any better. Neither did the bottle of wine she drank by herself.
15 minutes after Sy sat down on Y/N’s stoop, he saw her.
She had chunky headphones on and had two canvas bags hanging off each shoulder, nearly overflowing with groceries. He could tell they were heavy and digging into her shoulders.
Y/N was zoned out, only walking quickly to reach her apartment faster and to be done with such an annoying errand.
It wasn’t until she’d crossed the street in a jaywalk that she noticed Syverson.
Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, clearly in shock.
Was she imagining this? Had she completely lost it?
All Sy said was, “Hey, darlin’,” and she was snapped out of her trance.
Y/N dropped her groceries to the ground and ran to him.
Sy chuckled as he lifted her into his arms and spun her around.
“What are you doing here?” She finally managed to ask, almost in a whimper.
“I just…” Syverson suddenly realized he hadn’t come prepared with an answer for this question. “I missed you,” he admitted.
Her face softened, and she hugged him again.
“I missed you, too.”
She mumbled it in his chest and it was as if she was releasing a tension in her body that she’d had since leaving Texas.
“Listen, I know this was all a surprise. You weren’t expecting me. And you got a life,” he began explaining. “I have a military buddy who lives in Queens. Said I could stay with him no problem.”
Y/N laughed at him. “Sy, shut up. You can stay at my place. Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Did you just tell me to shut up?” He tilted his head to the side.
“I did,” she giggled. “Welcome to New York, Ethan Syverson.”
Then she started walking towards her discarded groceries.
“I got ‘em,” Sy came out of nowhere and picked up the two reusable bags, as well as his duffle bag.
She gave him a playful glare.
“Ain’t gotta give me that look,” Sy sighed. Then he nudged his head towards the doorway. “You gon’ let us up or what?”
Y/N shook her head at his southern manners and walked past him, up the stoop.
Just as she opened the door to the building, she hesitated and turned to him nervously.
“It’s…ummm…not much. My place, I mean. It’s really small.”
“Y/N, it don’t matter to me,” he told her gently.
Was she expecting him to make a rude comment about it? Did other people from out of town do that?
Sy would never. Not that he even cared, but it was rude above all else.
Three floors up and Y/N opened the apartment door, walking in first and quickly turning on lights.
It was a studio apartment. And she was right: it was very small. But most New Yorkers would consider her lucky.
“Home sweet home,” Y/N sighed with a nervous laugh.
Sy could tell that she liked her place – and it was so…her.
He was so used to seeing her in Layla’s home, that he didn’t realize he’d never been lucky enough to see the intimate and personal side of Y/N’s life: her home, her oasis, her escape from the world.
“Cozy,” he answered. “I like it.”
Y/N stared at him for a second as he carefully laid her groceries on the kitchen counter.
Sy noticed her watching him. “…What?”
“Nothing,” she laughed softly. “You just…You look so much bigger in my apartment. Or my apartment looks so much smaller with you in it. Can’t decide which one it is.”
“Pretty sure it’s me,” Sy joked as he smirked at her.
“You must be starving. What do you want to eat?” Y/N asked, clearly wanting to keep their conversations light. Her eyes lit up. “We’ve got every type of cuisine in the world at our fingertips. Anything that you’ve always wanted to try?”
“You pick.”
“Nooo!” She whined. “Come on! You have to be craving something.”
“Ummm,” he rubbed his beard. “A burger sounds nice.”
Y/N’s disappointment was evident.
New York had Ethiopian, Indian, French, Romanian – literally anything anyone could ever want.
“Burger it is,” she sighed, trying not hide her disappointment now.
But she quickly changed the subject.
“Listen, I have a friend's birthday thing tonight. It’s super casual and just at a dive bar. Would you come with me? We can grab dinner before and head there after.”
“I ain’t trying to impose,” he scratched the back of his neck and shifted his weight. “Guess I didn’t think this whole thing through, huh?”
“Hey,” she stepped close to him. “You’re not imposing. It was a good surprise. The best, actually.”
“Sure I won’t be intruding if I come?”
“I promise. My friends know about you,” Y/N didn’t meet his gaze as she admitted that. “They’ll probably interrogate you once they realize who you are.”
“Think I can handle a bit of interrogation,” he chuckled.
Sy tried not to dwell on the fact that all her friends knew about him.
What had she told them? Would he agree with all the facts she gave them? Or would he be upset with Y/N’s retelling of their story?
“I’m gonna shower real quick. Feel free to make yourself at home. TV has pretty much every streaming service.”
He just nodded.
Since the studio had no walls besides the bathroom, it left little room for privacy.
Sy noticed that Y/N had tried to subtly grab clothes to change into and bring them to the bathroom with her.
He had seen her naked more times than he could count. But it was like they had moved backwards. There was an awkward uncertainty between them now.
Had all that trust and vulnerability, that Syverson had slowly earned, vanished already?
When Y/N emerged from the bathroom, she was fully dressed.
And Sy couldn’t help but notice that her clothes were not the ones he had grown used to over the past year.
He quickly realized that he was seeing the New York version of Y/N. And she looked much different than the girl he met, who desperately tried to fit into the new and strange environment of Texas.
Sy tried not to stare as she did her hair and makeup. But that was a bit of a challenge.
Y/N seemed tense and nervous.
‘Was this a mistake?’ Sy wondered. ‘Was he making her uncomfortable and she was just too polite to tell him?’
“Ready?” Y/N finally asked as she shoved some things into a small purse.
He stood up from the couch.
“You look very pretty,” he commented lightly.
Y/N blinked at the compliment and looked down at her outfit. “Really?”
“Why do you sound so surprised?” He asked with a bit of a smirk.
“I-I don’t know. Just caught me off guard, I guess…”
“Come on, darlin’. Let’s get something to eat.”
As they walked to the subway, Y/N gave her survival tips to Syverson. “Treat the sidewalk like you would a highway. Don’t slow down for no reason. Don’t stop out of nowhere. Stay on the right. And walk fast.”
Sy grinned as he watched Y/N walk with such purpose, swerving past the crowded Manhattan sidewalks.
Y/N smiled back at Sy when she caught him watching her.
“Come on, handsome.” She teased before grabbing onto his hand, weaving their fingers.
He expected her to let go once they were through a crowded area, but she didn’t. And her grip was firm, making it clear that she wanted to hold his hand.
“There’s no such thing as personal space with public transport. Just gotta shove your way in,” Y/N tried to warn him as the subway doors opened.
And Sy hated it instantly.
But he didn’t mind that Y/N leaned close to him as she held the bar above her, their torsos practically attached. He could smell her perfume, and it was a relief to know that at least that felt familiar.
They were only two stops away when a man shoved his way past them to get out. He knocked Y/N’s shoulder so hard that she actually stumbled a bit, causing Sy to quickly grip her waist to steady her.
Y/N didn’t even seem to notice or care.
But she looked up to see Sy’s jaw clenching and him glaring at the back of the man’s retreating figure. And she realized what had upset him.
Y/N placed a hand on his chest soothingly and looked into his eyes, silently telling him that it was OK and he could relax. She added a quiet laugh as if to make light of the incident.
Once they got to the restaurant, Syverson seemed to finally relax a bit. He felt more in his element. The restaurant drowned out the overwhelming sounds of the city.
Sy noticed how no one paid them any mind as they walked in. There wasn’t the nosey gawking that happened everywhere in Texas, because you were bound to run into someone you knew.
But not here. No one knew who he was and no on seemed to care.
It was oddly refreshing.
And it finally seemed like Y/N and him had returned to their old selves.
Y/N asked a million questions about his friends in Texas, the farm, the construction zone Layla had turned his house into.
And in return, Sy asked her about work, being back in New York, and all her friends there that he had managed to remember from her telling stories in the past.
There was a lull in conversation – but not awkward.
Y/N leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. She seemed to be studying him from across the table.
“Got somethin’ to share, darlin’?” He teased.
She shook her head. “I can’t believe you’re here. In New York.”
He just cleared his throat and took a sip of his whiskey, not really sure what he was supposed to say to that.
She let him stay quiet.
“Ready to head out?” She asked.
“Plannin’ on dinin' and dashin’?” He looked around for their waiter so they could get the check.
“Oh, I already paid,” Y/N smiled mischievously as she stood up. “I snuck my card to the waiter when I went to the bathroom.”
Syverson gave her a glare.
Y/N leaned up to whisper in his ear, “You’re in New York now, baby.”
And she kissed him on the cheek.
As she started practically skipping away in victory, Sy managed to subtly reach just beneath her skirt and pinch her ass.
Y/N couldn’t stop the yelp that escaped.
But still no one in the restaurant looked at them.
It wasn’t until they were back outside that Y/N smacked his chest and cried out, “You ass!”
But it was all through a smile.
Sy just chuckled and put his arm around her shoulder.
Maybe he didn’t mind the invisibility that New York offered.
When they got to the bar, Y/N was holding Sy’s hand once again.
Instead of making him feel out of place and awkward, she instantly introduced Syverson and everyone seemed to be so excited that he was visiting.
But in her efforts to wish her friend a happy birthday and say hello to her other friends, Y/N had accidentally left Sy on his own.
He should be able to handle it. Really, he should.
Y/N didn’t have issues with it when she was in Texas.
But Sy realized, he had nothing to talk about with these people. The only connection was their love for Y/N – and that could only take a conversation so far.
And the setting didn’t exactly make it any easier for Sy.
The music was loud. Everyone was dressed to make a statement. The drinks were expensive. The bar was tiny and overcrowded.
Sy’s accent got commented on at least a dozen times. And while it’s not exactly rude, he quickly became sick of it. There was a subtle teasing underneath it all.
There are a few other guys there and they don’t seem to have any interest in talking to him either. Y/N must’ve mentioned in passing that he used to be in the military, because they seemed to be intimidated by him.
Or maybe they were waiting for Sy to pick a fight and show his true colors?
It didn't help that the men in New York were just…smaller. And because of that, Syverson stood out even more. Not only because of his height, but how broad he was, too.
Despite just wearing a white t-shirt, jeans, and boots, there was just something about Syverson that screamed he wasn’t a city boy.
The situation was even worse when Sy had quickly observed that one of Y/N’s male “friends” clearly had a thing for her. Sy caught him checking Y/N out every time she was focused in a conversation. His entire body tensed when he saw the guy put his hand on her lower back at one point. But Sy relaxed when Y/N stepped away from it – whether it was intentional or not, Sy didn’t know.
His distance and silence doesn’t go past Y/N after awhile.
She tried to check in on him every once in awhile. But when she asked how he was doing, he would just brush it off and say he was fine.
Eventually, it became clear to Y/N that Sy wasn’t having any fun. Luckily, her friends didn’t seem to notice. All they told her was how polite and quiet he was.
“I’m gonna get a car. Ready to go?” She asked evenly.
“No subway?” He asked, not that he really cared.
“No. They don’t run as frequently after midnight – and the express trains stop, too. It would take twice as long. And it looks like cars are cheap right now.”
Sy just nodded. “I can pay for it.”
“You don’t even have any of the apps,” she argued.
He just sighed, not wanting to turn this into an argument.
They said their goodbyes and got into the car Y/N had requested.
Sy had used car services before – usually while traveling – but they always felt weird to him. He would rather drive himself around.
“That boy’s in love with you,” Sy muttered a few minutes into the drive.
Y/N didn’t miss that he referred to him as a ‘boy,’ and not a ‘man.’
“Who? Colin?”
“Fuck if I know his name…”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “He’s not in love with me. Maybe he has a crush on me. But it’s not like it matters. I have zero interest.”
Sy didn’t respond.
“Is that why you’re being a grump?” She challenged.
He looked at her and then at their driver, silently telling her he didn’t want to talk when they had an audience.
The rest of the 20 minute ride was dead quiet. And that silence continued as the two walked up the stairs to Y/N’s apartment.
“You know what I don’t understand?” Y/N began, as she took off her heels, letting them hit the floor loudly. “Why is it that I can have a conversation with any of your friends? But you can’t do the same in return?”
Sy rubbed his face. But he didn’t even know what to say.
How pathetic was it to say that he felt out of place? That he was overwhelmed and unsure of himself?
“I thought maybe you would want to see my life. But clearly not,” she mumbled.
“I did,” he sighed. “I mean, I do.”
She threw up her hands. “So what’s the problem, Sy?”
“I don’t…I don’t fit in here.”
Y/N stopped moving around the world to look at him. “Why did you come here?”
Sy crossed his arms and looked at the ground. “I needed you.”
“That’s not all. And you know it.”
“Y/N, I love you." He finally lifted his head. "I shoulda told you before you left. I should’ve told you every day since I figured it out.”
“Fucking hell,” Y/N hissed. “Don’t tell me that.”
“Why not?”
And with that, Y/N finally exploded and yelled, “Because we can’t be together!”
“Says who?” He challenged, taking a step towards her.
“Ethan, what world are you living in!?” Y/N cried out desperately. “Don’t you get it? There is no winning for us!” Her fingers ran through her hair. “You hate it here. You can pretend not to all you want, but I can see it. I can’t ask you to move here.”
“You never asked,” Sy interrupted.
She paused. “W-What?”
He crossed his arms. “You never asked me to move here.”
Y/N studied his face for a moment before quietly telling him, “Because I didn’t want to hear you say no.”
Sy frowned, almost as if he was offended. “Why are you so convinced I’d say no?”
“Are you kidding?” She gasped. “You’ve been here for less than 24 hours and it’s so obvious that you fucking hate it.”
Sy wanted to fight her on it, but she didn’t deserve to be lied to.
Y/N was right: the city life wasn’t for him. No amount of time or effort would change that. Ethan Syverson was a country boy through and through.
“Long distance,” he finally stated as he put his hands on his hips.
“You don’t know what you’re asking,” she argued.
“I don’t? It’s not exactly unfamiliar territory, darlin’.”
Y/N scoffed. “You’re not in the military anymore, Ethan. And I’m no military wife.”
“So that’s it then?” He sounded angry now. “You won’t even try.”
“I don’t…” Y/N had to stop as her bottom lip trembled and she started to tear up. “I don’t want to spend more time missing you than loving you, Ethan.”
The tears couldn’t be stopped anymore.
And Sy could never stand the sight of her crying.
Without asking for permission, he pulled her into his arms.
And Y/N cried into his chest.
“You never asked me to stay,” she whispered, still holding onto him.
“What?” He looked down at her.
“You never asked me to stay with you. Just like I didn’t ask you to move here.”
“I couldn’t do it,” he sighed and pulled away, but still held her face. “You ain’t wrong, I did want to see your life here. But now I know that I can’t offer you the same things your life here can.”
Y/N didn’t tell him differently.
“If I asked you to move to Texas," he continued, "and you did…sooner or later, you’d miss your life here. And eventually… you’d resent me.”
Y/N couldn’t deny or confirm his theory. It was all built on hypothetical futures. But there was something inside her saying that he was right.
Yeah, Y/N enjoyed her time in Texas. But it was a fixed amount of time. She wasn’t meant to stay there forever.
There were things about it that she would always have problems with: the conservative bigotry, the religiousness, the government’s blatant attack against women, the racism, the sexism. People could say “ma’am” and “miss” all they wanted, but that didn’t make up for all the issues with the state’s regressive beliefs.
“You’re going to find a woman who can give you the life you want,” Y/N finally whispered. “I’m sorry I ever got in the way of that in the first place.”
“You ain’t in the way of nothing,” he corrected her. His thumb lifted her chin. “Who’s sayin’ you can’t give me the life I want, huh?”
“Sy…” she breathed in frustration.
“Do you love me?”
“No. I ain’t lettin’ you hide from it any longer. Do you love me or not, Y/N?”
“Yes! OK?!” She gasped. “I love you.”
Sy couldn’t keep his hands to himself any longer. He grabbed her face and pulled it to him. It was rougher than usual, and he couldn’t help it.
They were both desperate. It was no clear what 30+ days apart had done to them.
The entire day had been them trying to figure out how to move through the world together again. And it had been awkward and confusing.
But now? Now they had no issue being connected.
Syverson finally pulled away from her lips so they could breathe.
Their faces were still so close.
“Us loving each other isn’t enough,” Y/N gasped as they both tried to catch their breath.
“It’s enough for tonight, darlin’.”
Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she had a man sleep over at her apartment.
She also couldn’t remember if there was ever a time when Syverson was still in bed when she woke up.
That man required half the amount of sleep a normal human being did.
When she slept at his place – which had been quite often – he was always already up doing work on the farm.
So Y/N was shocked that Sy was still asleep beneath her, as she woke up against his bare chest.
That didn’t last long. Because as soon as she started stirring, he was up.
“You feeling OK?” She teased.
“What?” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
“Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wake up before.”
He pinched her sides to pay her back for the teasing.
“Kept waking up,” Sy mumbled. “Felt like a damn siren went by every 30 minutes.”
When he was in the military, Syverson had slept in conditions that were far from ideal. Sometimes they used rocks for beds. Sometimes they were in a freezing desert.
But he was also conditioned to wake up at the smallest sounds. So the city soundscape was not something his ears or body could ignore.
Y/N laughed, “You get used to it.”
She watched him for a moment.
“What?” Sy asked. “I makin’ your bed look small now?”
She laughed. “Something like that, yeah.”
Holding up the sheet to cover her naked body, Y/N leaned down to kiss him.
Last night was a bad idea. Both of them understood that to a degree.
Because their situation hadn’t changed, but they had still acted on their feelings.
“Wanna be a tourist today?” Y/N asked with a teasing smile.
Syverson wanted to tell her no, that he wanted to just spend all day in bed with her.
But he saw the sparkle in her eyes. She wanted to show him New York. Maybe she was hoping that she could change the way he felt about the city life.
So, instead, Syverson rubbed up and down the side of her ribcage and answered, “You take me wherever you want, darlin.”
“I gotta shower real quick,” she told him with a peck to his lips.
“Guess I have no choice but to join you,” Sy laughed.
But Y/N cringed. “Sy, my shower is a so tiny. There’s no way we can both fit.”
Sy laughed and shook his head. New York problems.
“Alright then,” Syverson sighed as he put an arm behind his head. “I’ll just watch you walk around naked from bed then.”
Y/N rolled her eyes at him and hurried to the bathroom.
Syverson couldn’t remember the last time he walked around so much. Yeah, he worked on his farm. But it wasn’t spread out like the boroughs of New York City – not to mention, he rode a horse a lot of the time, too.
Y/N dragged him to her favorite cafe, to an art museum, to the best neighborhood for vintage shopping, to the river front, and finally to a brewery.
It took Syverson a moment to realize that she was trying to distract the both of them from their next goodbye.
He had seen Y/N’s face drop a bit when he told her he had bought a return flight for early Monday morning. But he had no idea what he was walking into, so he figured the shorter the trip, the better.
“Who’s taking care of the farm while you’re gone?” Y/N asked at the brewery.
“I paid the farm hands overtime to look after the place for the weekend.”
Y/N nodded.
But it was clear her mind was racing.
Sy leaned forward on the table to get closer to her. “You worried about my farm, darlin?”
“It’s your home and it’s how you make your living,” Y/N mumbled, playing with the handle of her beer mug to avoid looking at him.
Sy leaned back as he realized what Y/N was thinking: In a magical and perfect world where he lived in New York, what the hell would he even do for work here?
“You can’t exactly stay away for long periods of time,” she finally thought aloud.
“No, sure can’t,” he admitted in a gruff voice.
Then Sy cleared his throat, wanting to change the subject so this conversation didn’t lead to a fight – or worse, with Y/N crying.
“So what do you want to do tonight?” He asked.
“Would you want to just – I don’t know – order takeout and relax at my apartment?”
He gave her a grin. “That sounds like a mighty fine idea.”
Their night was quiet and cozy.
The two of them both seemed utterly disinterested in talking.
What more was there to say?
They hadn’t found a solution to their problem. And Y/N had made it clear that she couldn’t do the long-distance, scared that it would end up breaking both their hearts.
And it was hard for Syverson to defend it. Especially when he remembered all his military buddies that had them: almost half of them ended in breakup or infidelity – or both.
So they just held each other, savoring every last minute they had together.
The night ended with them in bed together, both of them knowing being with each other like this would only make the morning harder. But them silently agreeing that they didn’t care.
So that's the last vignette I had planned. Let me know if ya'll want more – and be specific. 😏
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Older Boba/That One Cadet?? I like that very much!! How about a first kiss? :3c
Thank you for prompting this because it made me look up his name. Jax! His name is Jax. I love him. I'm sorry for what I put him through in this.
They're like fifteen and this didn't go how I expected, they took over. As you'll see by the word count.
a taste of wasting time
T. Boba/Jax. 1580 words. Inspired by every summer camp I've been to, but the kids have actually been taught weapon etiquette which unfortunately includes the Bullying. Dumb teenagers, mean kids, Boba's potty mouth, survival training but fun, mushrooms, first kiss.
Boba likes the nights on Concord Dawn.
Staying back on Mandalore, in Sundari, is fine. That’s where most of his family is. Para and their riduure, Paz, Kix and Fox, Sati’bu, Ba’tat Arla, the Babas.
He loves his family and he doesn’t really feel a desire to be spending all his time in the Slave I for another couple years straight and he doesn’t really ever feel like spending more than a couple weeks up here with the Mereel side of the family.
And he’s not even here with them, right now. Out of all of the family members he’s stuck with right now, it’s Omega. Sure, a few of the counsellors for the training camp are clones, and more than a few of the other verd’ike are clones, but that doesn’t mean a lot. Most of the other clones that Boba even knew before Para’s quest were Alpha class or Commandos. A few others he’d seen, yeah, but no one is really family-family instead of clan-family.
He’s in a squad with two other clones and three kids from other clans. Omega is off with her squad, well away from Boba, and it’s funny how a training camp that they were both at is the only time in the last two years that he’s gotten space from his sister.
He pokes at the fire in front of him, mostly occupied with staring at the sky while his squadmates are off setting up camp. He got teased for being the spoiled one and how this was probably all he could do.
Omega would probably have tried to take their faces off with her teeth.
He’ll show them, later. This is their first night in the wilds and he’s a damn good shot and Be’baba has been running him through training almost every day since Ursa Wren dragged him to Mandalore. And that didn’t stop after he got his first beskar, like he knows some of the other clans do, leaving training to the Academy clubs and these training camps.
He doesn’t know about what the other clones will have been used to since leaving Kamino, but he knows he’s been shooting and camping long before they ever got to.
“Oh, hey, you got the fire going,” one of the other clones in his squad says, dropping down beside him. It’s the one with the red tint to his hair—Jax—instead of the one who has her dark hair buzzed low—Vril, he thinks.
“What, think I couldn’t even manage this?” he asks, glancing at him derisively.
Jax shifts uncomfortably.
“You didn’t,” he realizes, furious.
“You like in a palace,” Jax points out.
“And you either live in a really nice apartment or on a clan compound,” he points out. “I learned how to start a survival fire when I was four. And I learned how to cook on a fire a couple years later when Buir decided I wasn’t going to fall into a soup pot.”
Jax snorts and covers his mouth before he breaks into giggles.
“Seriously, my squad last year wasn’t nearly as” mean “shitty.”
Jax at least ducks his head, ashamed.
“You do realize I live with my ori’vod, right? The Mand’alor? Do you really think they’d leave me defenceless and unable to take care of myself? We may be a family, but shit happens to everyone.”
“Hey,” Vril shouts, “Stop yelling at Jax.”
Boba and Jax both swivel their heads to her and Boba.
Well, Omega is preferable right now. Even if she might insight a feud over this. And she’s still a last ditch place to go. This area of Concord Dawn is pretty safe for someone wandering on their own.
He tosses the stick into the fire and heads out into the trees, strolling until he’s far enough they won’t hear him break into a run, angry tears prickling at his eyes. He wants the Lieutenants, and Para and Mij and Fordo and Ven’ti, and the Babas. He wants people who don’t want to see the worst in him. He remembers Korkie talking about this kind of thing, when Boba first started going to the Academy. Hell, he remembers stuff like this himself from his first months there.
He makes himself another fire when he comes to another clearing and has made sure none of the animal tracks around it are the kind of things that would bother him or be bothered by him. No tent, but he’s slept without a tent or a sleeping bag plenty of times.
Maybe an hour has passed when he hears more human-like footsteps, and he unholsters the blaster he brought—not one of Buir’s blasters, not for a few more years—and fires a warning shot.
The bolt of plasma sends a tree branch cracking down, and a clone yelps.
He doubts it’s Vril.
He sighs and reholsters the blaster. “I’m this way,” he calls, making another skewer of friendly-familiar mushrooms he’d found around here and setting it at the edge of the fire while he grabbed his own from where it had been roasting.
Jax steps through, rubbing his head. There’s a little scratch on his cheek that looks like it might bruise. “Hey. You...really got far out here. I don’t think I’d have gone this far.”
He shrugs. “I’ve always had to be kind of alone.” He peeks a mushroom off of the top of the skewer and pops it in his mouth.
Jax stares.
“There’s more,” he points out, motioning to the pile he’s made and the roasting skewer. “Wait for it to get brown, though.”
“Oh, uh. Okay.”
Again, Jax sits next to him.
“Sorry about, uh. All of that. I set her to rights about what we’d been talking about. The others, you know, they didn’t believe you?” Jax laughs hollowly. “They told me to come get you back because they’d get in trouble if you died out here, and Vril was too stubborn to come apologize.”
“I’m not going back until in the morning, then,” Boba decides, smiling as he eats another mushroom. “Let them sweat. I have my comm and I was going to ping our counsellor soon. Probably my ori’vod, too. Need to tell some member of the family, but if I tell my sister she’s liable to commit homicide. If not get her squad to join her.”
Jax laughs and finally it sounds like something that he’s letting himself be fully amused by.
Boba averts his eyes and goes back to munching, but he picks the skewer he set for Jax up as soon as it’s hitting the perfect shade and passes it to him.
Eventually, Jax eggs him into an actual conversation, and they chat about education modules—though Boba doesn’t mention his are for university classes. They give a report to the counsellor who agrees with Boba’s decision to let them get anxious with a kind of vicious smile that makes Boba wonder what happened last year. When the counsellor commends Jax for avoiding getting drawn in by bad influences, he really wonders.
But he doesn’t ask, not when Jax looks so beat up about it.
The next morning, after a night where they’d doze until an alarm warned them to check the fire, then doze some more again, they head back to their squad’s initial camp, after bagging up the rest of the mushrooms that they don’t eat for firstmeal.
When they get to the camp, they watch from the woods as the counsellors are scolding the rest of the squad about losing two members and how they’re going to have to send out a search party! Now why would those two have run off, hmm? Did this have anything in common with last year, hmm?
Jax finally has enough and Boba shrugs and starts whistling as they head into camp, the bag of mushrooms over his shoulder.
“Hey, Ordo, I got some of those mushrooms you like,” he tells the counsellor who had been in charge of his squad last year.
She grins, pushing the other young teens out of the way and going for them. “I don’t get how you always find these, Fett’ika! Seriously. I should never have told you they were my favorite, now you have bribery available.”
He sticks his tongue out at her.
“Anyways,” she adds, “We’re adding you two to Squad Beta. It’ll be fine.”
Boba raises an eyebrow. That squad is one from the above year. “If you say so.”
“Saxon’s in charge of them,” Ordo adds with a roll of her eyes.
“Oh, yes, then it will be fine,” he agrees.
Jax looks between the two of them. “Really?”
“Yeah, Aden’tra likes me best,” Boba says.
The rest of the camp goes fine, though Boba doesn’t find out what happened to the rest of his first squad of the year. They’re all packing up to leave when Jax takes him aside, then knocks him back into a tree and kisses him.
“I, uh, sorry. I hadn’t really said that. About the first night,” Jax says, looking down as Boba stares, shocked at him. “I, uh. Really like you. I’m sorry, if that was, uh!”
Boba kisses him this time, then grabs his comm and types in his code. “That’s me. You can ping me whenever.”
“Boba!” Aden’tra hollers. “Come on, Korkie promised to make the fritters if we get back before nightfall!”
He snorts. “I gotta go. Send me a message, okay?”
“Yeah,” Jax says, “Okay.”
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scorpio-skies · 4 years
OC as a Companion Meme!
Tumblr media
NAME: Nora Hart
FOUND: Near Sunshine Tidings Co-Op, fighting raiders at the church. 
COMPANION PERK: The Bear Necessities - Acquire Honey the yao guai as an extra companion.  
(I was tagged for this a very long time ago, but always wanted to do it! Tagging: @eluvisen​ @mrninjapineapple​ @ariejul​ @sociallyacceptablemadness​ @lothrilzul​ @slothssassin​ @mars-colony​ @lookbluesoup​ @tarberrymentats​ @leporidaefluff​ @charomiami​ @beckiboos​ and anybody who’d like to do it! If you’ve done it before feel free to rb your original unless you wanna make another for a diff OC >:3c but no pressure at all!)
Lucky (.357 magnum revolver from FNV ;p)
Combat rifle
“Then let’s hit the road!” 
“Time for another adventure? Count me in!”
“You can count on me, boss!” 
“Let’s get going, then!”
“The road’s a-calling.” 
“Sounds like fun!” 
(Romanced) “Good! I was hoping for some quality time with you.”
(Romanced) “I’d follow you anywhere, love. Lead on.”
“This is too close for comfort!” 
“Let’s hit ‘em hard and fast!” 
“Just go down already!” 
“It’s about to get messy!”
“I’ve got your back!” 
“They won’t get past me.” 
“Nothing like a long-distance relationship!” 
“Got it!”
“That’ll be twenty-caps. Just kidding!” 
“What do you need?” 
“Here’s what I’ve got!” 
“Sure thing -- just don’t mess up my pack.”
(Romanced) “Oh? Did you get me something nice?”
“See, this is why caravans have carts and brahmin.” 
“Shame Honey isn’t here to carry that for us… / Why don’t you see if Honey’ll carry it for ya?” 
“I mean, I love junk as much as the next gal but... don’t you think you’re overdoing it?” 
“Let me carry some of that for you.” 
“You’re gonna hurt your back like that!” 
“Your pack’s gonna pop…”
“I’m with you.” 
“Right beside you.” 
“I’m here.”
“You got it.”
"The sneaky way, huh?" 
"Like shadows." 
"Alright, let's go quietly." 
"They won't know what hit em." 
“Oh! Sorry."
"I'll give you some space." 
“Sorry -- don’t mean to be stepping on your toes!”
“Always worth negotiating!” 
“I definitely prefer talking to violence.” 
“Sounds good to me, boss. I’d prefer not to shoot if I don’t have to.” 
“Turn on the charm!” 
“You’re quite the people person.” 
“You’re a real charmer, ain’t ya?” 
(Romanced) “That’s my hero!”
“Just say the word, boss.” 
“I’m ready.” 
“Guess it’s too late to ask them nicely?” 
“Alright. Let’s bring the mayhem.”
“Well, if we can’t talk them down…”
“Ow… thanks, boss.” 
“Ugh, needles… remind me not to get shot again.” 
“Phew that’s better.” 
“Thanks -- I’m good.”
“Back to it!”
“Don’t go too far, okay?” 
“Alright. Hurry back before I get too bored though, yeah?” 
“Okay, I’ll be here.”
“Welcome back, boss!” 
“Alright, let’s get back to it!” 
“Lead on, boss. I’m with you.” 
“Glad to have you back.”
“That was a good roll in the hay…” 
“Now that’s what I call a rodeo...”
“Morning beautiful/handsome!” 
“Could stay all day in bed with you…” 
“I love you. I want you to know that.” 
“Well, you know where I’ll be.” 
“Alright then. Take care of yourself, boss. You know where to find me.” 
“Okay then. I’ll tell Kammie and Honey you said hi.” 
“Alright -- you be careful, though. You hear me?” 
“Time to head home then -- come and see us soon, yeah?” 
(Romanced) “If that’s what you want, just… come home safe to me, alright? I’ll be waiting for you.”
“Today is not your lucky day!”
“You’re gonna regret this!” 
“Shouldn’t pick fights ya can’t finish!”
“Hope you’ve made your peace!”
(Raiders) “You’re not gotta loot us!”
(Raiders) “You’re not hurting anybody else!” 
(Raiders) “Time to answer for your crimes!” 
(Gunners) “Let’s teach these thugs how to shoot!” 
(Gunners) “I ain’t losing to the likes of you!” 
(Gunners) “Hope those caps were worth your life!”
(Insects) “Ugh. These things creep me out!”
(Insects) “Buzz off!” 
(Synths/Robots) “I’m gonna sell you for scrap!”
(Synths/Robots) “Time to shut you down permanently!”
(Super mutants) “Why are they always so big and angry?”
(Super mutants) “We’re not on the menu!” 
(Super mutants) “I’m not going in some meat bag!”
(Behemoth/Mirelurk Queen) “Holy shit!” 
(Behemoth/Mirelurk Queen) “The bigger they are, the harder they’ll fall!”
(Feral ghouls) “These things creep me out.”
(Feral ghouls) “Boss! Ferals!” 
(Deathclaw) “Deathclaw! Run!” 
(Deathclaw) “Deathclaw! Look out!” 
(Yao Guai) “Don’t tell Honey!” 
(Yao Guai) “I’m sorry bear!” 
(Dogs/Radstags/Brahmiluff) “God I hate having to do that.” 
(Dogs/Radstags/Brahmiluff/mole rats) “I’m sorry -- you left me no choice.”
(Critical Kill) “WOO! Nice shot!”
(Critical Kill) “Lucky hit!”
“Bring it!” 
“Let’s dance!” 
“Look out!” 
“They’re on us!”
(Insects) “Ugh -- I hate these things!”
(Insects) “Disgusting!” 
(Insects) “You’re really starting to bug me!”
(Synths/Robots) “Where’s the off switch?”
(Children of Atom) “Hope you said your prayers!”
(Super mutants) “Wow, you’re a big fella.” 
(Super mutants) “What do these guys eat? No -- don’t answer that.”
(Super mutants) “I am not a snack!”
(Feral ghouls) “Get away from me!” 
(Feral ghouls) “Shit!”
(Feral ghouls) “Way too close!”
(Mirelurks) “These guys sure are crabby!”
“Well, this looks like a good place to get mugged.” 
“Ah, Goodneighbor. Crime capital of the Commonwealth -- watch your back here, boss.” 
“Yeah, Goodneighbor has walls but it’s got plenty of cut-throats within them. We’ll need to watch our backs. Also our caps.” 
“Oh, boss. You always take me to the ‘nicest’ places.” 
“Is everyone’s staring at us, or is that just me?”
“So, this is the great green jewel of the Commonwealth… I’ll have to get Kammie a souvenir.”
“Hey -- mind if we stop by the market? I wanna see if I can wrangle us some deals.”
“Noodles? Served by a robot? Kammie is not gonna believe this...”
“Do you think these people ever get tired of looking at the walls?” 
“So this is the infamous Dugout… You hear a lot about this place in the caravans. Home of Bobrov’s Best! Fancy getting a bottle?”
“These guys are miserly, even by trader standards. If you need anything, let me do the haggling, yeah?” 
“Bunker Hill’s a popular stop for caravans. Me and Kammie were planning on stopping here, but I’m not sure they’d let Honey through the gate…”
“I’ve been here before, you know. But it was a long time ago.”
“Do you really think those wrecks could fly? I can’t even imagine what that’d be like…” 
“If we could still fly like that… think of all of the places we could see.”
(After Reveille has triggered) “Wow… Just look at that airship!”
(After Reveille has triggered) “Looks like the Brotherhood mean business. Maybe we should move on?”
(After Reveille has triggered) “I don’t really wanna tangle with the Brotherhood, boss. They’re bad for business.”
“Wow -- just look at that view!”
“This ship is amazing -- and look at all the power armour!”
“Hey, do you think they’ll sell me a suit if I ask nicely?”
“The Castle must have been a sight to see when the Minutemen were in charge. Shame about the current tenants...”
(After Castle is restored) “It’s great to see the Castle back in Minutemen hands!”
(After Castle is restored) “The Minutemen have done a great job fixing the Castle up again!.”
(After Castle is restored) “I bet the sunrise is something to see from those walls...” 
(After Castle is restored) “Me and Kammie were talking about whether we should join the Minutemen or not… do you think they accept bears?”
(Before clearing Quincy) “I heard about what the Gunners did to Quincy… nothing but a bunch of murderers.” 
(Before clearing Quincy) “Look at what they did here… The Gunners are no better than raiders.”
(After clearing Quincy) “I really hope Quincy can rebuild and recover someday.” 
“So… which of us will turn ghoul first?” 
“Is there a way to turn the Geiger counter off? It keeps reminding me we’re dying and I don’t like it.” 
“This place… it’s like we’re in a nightmare.” 
“I keep seeing things moving in the fog…” 
“Do you think they really knew what they were doing when they dropped the bombs?”
“We’ll have to drink a few pints of radaway after this…”
“That vertibird makes an interesting installation...”
“I heard Lexington is overrun with ferals… are you sure we can’t go around?” 
“I feel like there’s something around every corner...”
“Why can’t the ferals just eat the raiders?”
“This place belongs in a horror comic.”
(Devil’s Due) “I don’t like the sound of that...” 
(Return egg to the deathclaw) “I’m proud of you, boss. Those deathclaws deserved better… now, let’s back away nice and slow and leave them to it, yeah?”
“Those claw marks on the rock… Deathclaw territory. Stay alert.”
“Try not to make too much noise. If a deathclaw comes after us, I don’t know if we can stop it.”
“Keep an eye out. There’s a floating raider fortress nearby.”
“Caravans have disappeared around here, and the survivor stories...? They’re not good.” 
“I don’t think we’ll find anything other than crabs and scrap around here.”
“I hope there’s no big mirelurks around…” 
“What kind of maniac wants to live out by the sea, anyway? You don’t know what’s out there!”
“That police station’s well fortified -- here’s hoping they’re friendly.” 
“Why is this place so quiet…? I don’t like it.” 
“I thought raiders had taken over the place… not that I’m complaining.” 
“Oh. Ghouls. God I wish it was raiders.”
“So this is your old home, huh?” 
“We should set up a supply line between here and Sunshine! We can help each other out.” 
“This is quite a nice place!” 
“Home sweet home!” 
“You think we can stop by for some of Kamal’s lasagne?” 
“I’ll check in on the animals while we’re here.” 
(when greeted by Honey) “Hey there, Honey bear! How’re you today?” 
“I’m gonna go check on Kammie.”
“Home is where you keep your bear!”
 AGGRESSION: not aggressive/aggressive/very aggressive/frenzied
CONFIDENCE: cowardly/cautious/average/brave/foolhardy
ASSISTANCE: helps nobody/helps allies/helps friends and allies
Too many dislikes
Siding with the Institute 
Choosing Institute option in personal quest 
Destroying the Railroad
Selling Billy to slavers in Kid in a Fridge
Killing Kent Connolly in The Silver Shroud
Siding with Covenant
Destroying Acadia 
Destroying Far Harbor 
Siding with the Nuka-World raiders
Raiding the Commonwealth for Nuka-World 
Bringing X6-88 near (will turn Nora, Honey and Kamal hostile) 
Attacking Honey or Kamal 
Killing Phyllis Daily 
Killing Paladin Danse in Blind Betrayal
Killing Jules in the random synth encounter
Nora can be found fighting raiders at the church near Sunshine Tidings Co-op with Kamal and Honey. After the player helps them dispatch the raiders, they introduce themselves as traders seeking a safe place to set up their business. If the player has unlocked Sunshine as a settlement, they can send them there. This unlocks Nora as a companion, and Kamal as a trader. Honey operates as a guard-bear. 
After the player unlocks the Institute for the first time, they return to Sunshine to find the settlement under attack by coursers. 
Once the coursers are dispatched, Nora and Kamal have a panicked discussion where Nora worries that the Institute is on to her. Nora and Kamal lead the player to a quiet area of Sunshine and Nora tells Kamal that she trusts the player. 
She then confesses that she’s an escaped synth, and that the coursers were after her. She doesn’t know much about her past other than her time with the caravans, but over the years has been the victim of attempted reclamation by coursers. She and Kamal returned to the Commonwealth to try and learn how to stop it. 
If the player has not taken Nora to the Railroad or discovered them, Nora and Kamal mention that they’ve heard of the Railroad and were hoping they could help them. The player can then offer to find out more. 
If the player has taken Nora to the Railroad before, she will ask the player if they can convince the Railroad to help her. 
If the player goes to the Railroad, Tinker Tom provides a holotape. If the player uses it in the Synth Retention Bureau, it wipes Nora’s record from the system as well as some other escaped synths. 
After the player wipes Nora from the Institute’s records they can assure her that she’s safe and doesn’t have to run anymore. Nora and Kamal are overjoyed that they don’t have to keep running, and they agree that they want to set up a ranch at Sunshine. 
Nora will mention that Honey’s overjoyed too and has taken a liking to the player. The player has then unlocked Nora’s perk, The Bear Necessities, and Honey shall accompany Nora when the player character recruits her. 
Honey can be ordered much the same as Dogmeat, but she has a greater carry capacity, health and damage. She can be told to stay at Sunshine. 
The player can, however, choose to instead inform Ayo of Nora’s location. 
When the player next returns to Sunshine, they’ll find Kamal waiting for them with Honey. He’s injured and frantic, informing the player that coursers took Nora. If the player admits they handed Nora over, both Kamal and Honey will turn hostile.
 If the player feigns innocence, Kamal will insist he knows something’s not right. 
If the player tries to convince Kamal Nora’s gone forever, he’ll swear to keep looking for her no matter what it takes. 
When the player returns to the Institute, Nora can be found but renamed with her synth designation, C9-42. She reacts to the player character with the same deference as other synths, but knows them only as Father’s parent. Although she has the same bland smile as other synths when talking to the player, outside of conversation she will have a sad expression.
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namelessthirst · 5 years
[ A gift fic for @lady-bakuhoe ! I intended this to end a certain way but I hit a good line to end this so I guess this is a part one and expect the rest soon??? I’ll tag @ikinabi too since they mentioned liking pegging >:3c
As always lemme know if you spot any errors I missed! <33
2k and some change
Pegging, Anal, AttemptingToDom!Reader, No pronouns are used but Reader usually has a cooche, But Not This Time ;) ShapshifterQuirk!Reader]
Momo blessedly did not ask details when you asked her to make several floor mats like the ones in gyms, nor when you asked her, as a follow-up, to make a king-sized bedding.
You knew you had a couple hours to prepare before the boys came back from their evening training, though you didn't expect to take that long.
The setup was mostly simple, your dorm furniture pressed away from the middle of the room, giving as much space as you could to the affair you had planned. Placing the gym mats was a bit of a squeeze anyway, but with some effort they pressed down well enough between your bed and the desk. Getting the bedding on was a different ordeal, trying to pin the corners of the sheet on by yourself was far from an easy task even when the object being dressed was all in one piece, let alone multiple slats of mats. You could have asked your boys to help, but that would have given away the surprise unveiling for the evening. But, eventually, you did get it all on; with the help of a desk chair, a beanbag, and some textbooks, holding down the other corners.
Next was decorating the room in candles, more for mood lighting than scent; you didn't expect to mind the smell of the aftermath at all. Besides, the boys had insisted on showering before coming over anyway, even though you said it'd be kinda silly to get all cleaned up just to get dirty again.
Lastly was organizing your inventory for the night- lube, the warming pad for the lube (which you intended to go and warm up a bit later, so it'd be sure to keep until the boys came), water bottles, some light snacks, some small towels that you'd bought specifically for times like these, and a pack of sanitary wipes. Oh! And lastly, a pair of lovely metal butt-plugs, adorned with red and gold sequins on the backs. These, you were sure to hide separately from the main stash.
With everything prepped and cleaned, all you needed to do now was wait.
It was unexpectedly calm, the time spent idly studying or lounging. When it came closer to their arrival, you meandered into the communal kitchen to warm the heating pad in the microwave. Sure, you got a couple odd looks from your peers, but nothing about it was too unusual.
Your relationship with Eijiro and Katsuki wasn't a secret, sure, but you didn't exactly call out your sexual escapades to the sky either. Not that you would have minded bragging some, with welcoming company, but you're fairly certain the noisiest of your trio would have a right fit about it if you did.
After tucking the lube together with the pad in with a normal towel, you heard your phone go off lightly, your set alert tone specifically for Eiji's texts.
You couldn't help the little gleeful wiggle that was elicited at the ETA you were given. Almost there!
Just before you expected them, you dashed around to dim the lights, leaving only a lamp in the back to offer just enough light to see by, and of course, the candles.
There was a soft knock at your door and a jingle of keys (you'd given them copies to your room a while ago), and you took a moment to take a breath before the door opened. Composure was certainly something you could bring to this, for the moment.
Eijiro was first in, squinting into the darkened room as his eyes adjusted from the lighting outside. Katsuki followed in in a similar fashion, shutting the door behind himself gently, for once.
"You have enough fire in here to put icy-hot to shame."
Not exactly the most romantic greeting, but you couldn't exactly deny Katsuki's claim either.
"Maybe- Doesn't it look pretty though?"
Eijiro set his workout bag aside, having brought himself and Katsuki straight over after their shower, "I think so! Romantic lighting is always a classic move, isn't it?"
You hummed in consideration, making grabby hands at the two, "Maybe. I just thought it'd be...relaxing."
Katsuki joined you and Eijiro on the makeshift king-bed after dumping his own bag in the designated spot, "Nothing like a little fire hazard to set the mood."
You snorted, breaking the light kiss with Eiji to give Katsuki a look, "Says the guy who lights off his hands at any given opportunity, in any indoor space."
You knew his remarks right now were mostly due to nerves, but that didn't mean you'd let him get away without a good sassing.
All the same, you pulled him in next to press a more tender kiss than he'd usually prefer to his lips, "Mm, so. Do we wanna kick things off?"
You shifted back a bit toward the mound of pillows you'd placed at the top of the 'bed', having snatched your own and theirs, and perhaps a few from the storage closet; if the night went as you'd hoped, you'd be keeping them, for your sake and everyone else's. "Or we could just...warm up for a bit? Talk?"
You wanted to take things slow, or at least slow enough that Katsuki wouldn't lose his shit so soon. You tried to work this want into him with your hands, rubbing firmly up and down his biceps, which did happen to feel awfully nice after a workout.
Eijiro shuffled up behind you, caging you in against the bedroom nervous-nancy, "Why don't we play it by ear?" He perhaps didn't mean it so literally, but the temptation was too prominent as he leaned in and nipped at the shell of your ear. You offered him a sweet shiver and a tilt of your head in agreement, slipping your hands up Katsuki's shoulders and into the edge of his hair to play and comb through it while Eijiro danced his teeth over your pulse.
With a soft huff, Katsuki shifted himself, gripping your thighs to lift you a bit till he had you seated neatly on his thighs, Eijiro's pelvis providing a nice back to brace on. The pretty pearly whites you so loved to see Katsuki flash in pride and excitement found their way to the open side your neck, wasting no time in catching up to his sharper counterpart.
You let them mark you up for a bit, praising them with slow grinds against their laps. You knew what they expected this to be, that you wouldn't exactly be participating through the main event, so surely this was not just warming for them, but reassurance to their pride that you were having pleasure too.
Still though, their focus was meant to be on each other, at least at the start.
So with a small whine and a wiggle for their attention, you took their chins to aim for each other. With your insistence they pressed heated kisses together, nipping and pulling at each other’s lips, putting a show on for you.
It wasn't as though they didn't care for each other as they did you, they just weren't as quite quick off mark with each other as they were with you. They seemed to carry their feelings more like a teammate, the fight addressed usually being just how well they could ruin you by the end of the night.
You kept them close for a bit, pressing encouraging kisses to their bared cheeks and shoulders, feeling their mutual arousal being ground against you. With a squeeze to Eiji's shaft and quick work of his fly, he sucked in a breath against plump, pouty lips, and ground all the more readily against your touch.
Katsuki was a different beast to tame, a wanting palm run over his length, surely, but more so as you pressed your fingers into the back of his pants to tease a grip at his ass cheek. His grip on your hips gave you all you needed to know before you slipped from between them to fetch the warmed lube from its nest.
They obeyed, gladly ditching their already dampening tops- the candles really did make the room warmer. You were glad to look back as they did, catching the candle-light shimmer of saliva strung between their lips before it was taken with their shirts.
It didn't take long for Katsuki to beckon you back over to him once he'd bared himself, laid out against the pillow-mound while Eijiro sat between his spread legs, slowly pumping his length and smearing the pre over his tip.
You dribbled lube onto your fingers while you let Katsuki hold you in for a deep kiss, waving your free hand over for Eiji's to apply the same to his.
'Suki's soft gasp into your mouth as you spread the lube over his puckered hole made you wobble in your desire to see your plan through, loving the idea of just seating yourself on his twitching dick already. But, no, you planned too much for this to fall through.
On you pressed, both figuratively, and literally, as you slid the first finger into him. You couldn't help the grin that spread on your lips as you felt his asshole flutter around you. But you'd have your fun soon enough, so you cooed for him to relax, dancing pecks over his lips and cheek as your finger worked in and out.
With a glance at Eiji in signal, he brought his slicked fingers beside yours, pressing the longer digit in with a swallowed groan from 'Suki.
"Baby, take his leg up?" Eijiro complied, your hand replacing his on his wanting cock as he took Katsuki's knee up higher.
It didn't take long before Eijiro's touch found your love's prostate, he'd know where it was best, of course.  Still you kept yourself in, pressing the opposite way to stretch and tease him inside.
Your touch on Eijiro's need was not quite feathery, you didn't want him too close before he made it in. Before Katsuki's clenched moans turned sweet and as pliant as his slippery asshole, before yours and Eiji's fingers gained in number for him.
"Is it time baby?" You asked, tone full of sugar as you kissed at his flushed cheeks. "Can he go in?"
With his untouched leg spreading further without input, you gave Eiji's cock a firm squeeze, and he wasted no time in shuffling closer as your fingers slipped free.
Your clean hand brushed into Katsuki's hair as you watched Eijiro's arousal slowly disappear into the love under him, using his fingers as a guide until he was seated sturdily in.
After wiping your used hand off on the bedsheets, you wrapped it around Katsuki's cock, his own hands busied in gripping Eiji's arm and the pillow under him.
"Is it good sweetie? Do you wonder, now, if this is what I feel like when you two go to town on me?" You were almost laid out beside him now, watching his lips part in caught moans, his chest rise with every inch Eiji pushed in, not quite fucking him yet, just adjusting. Your hand stroking him languidly, thumb pressing his pretty, glistening slit as you spoke.
With the first roll of Katsuki's hips up to his partner's touch, Eiji met him fully and thrusted, though it ended up being more of a grind when he was already so deeply within him. Still, they'd found their comfort and the sound of strong hips meeting a heavy ass had you dripping in want. You couldn't wait much longer.
They didn't ask when you disappeared behind Eijiro, the grip of each other keeping them preoccupied while you coated your hand in lube once more.
"Eiji, honey, hold in for a bit?"
He grunted in question, but still pressing his hips flush to Katsuki's squirming ass all the same.
When Eiji's hips lurched forward even more, 'Suki swore into a groan, "W-Why're we stopping?"
He couldn't see, how your fingers danced into Eijiro's untouched asshole, repeating the treatment given to the bottom-for-the-night earlier.
"Mmh, I know I said I just wanted to watch, but...then I got an idea!"
Eijiro was caught, stuck between wanting to press his ass onto the fingers teasing so close to his favorite spot and keeping his cock buried in the hot hole it'd been warmed up in. He nearly whined when your fingers left and you climbed back into view of both, your clean hand buried almost out of sight into your own sopping hole.
"I mean, you two always have so much fun plowing into me, I thought- maybe I'd like to give it a try too?"
Their eyes trailed the slick strings carried from yourself to your soaked hand, almost not catching how your soft mound disappeared, something far more prominent taking its place.
"S-so, what do you think? Can I try too?" Your voice wasn't quite as domineering as you'd have liked, too used to your spot between and under them. Still the sight of you using your own arousal to lube up your freshly formed cock had Katsuki clamping down on what was already inside him, giving Eijiro a run for his money to not rut into the tight heat and cum right there.
It was Eijiro's affirmation you were mostly waiting for, as he'd be the one taking you. At least at first.
When you didn't move, he nodded, swallowing thickly between his words, "Y-yeah, babe, god."
With a grin you came around behind, running your hands over his back, "Press 'Suki's legs all the way up, baby? So I can get to you too."
He did as told, caging over Katsuki that much more, hands pressing his knees practically up to his ears, his own ass lifting to give you a pretty view, and a prettier angle to take him in.
You bit your lip in glee as you pressed your slicked cock against the sweetly presented hole, pushing in inch by inch with gentle thrusts until your purposefully over-sized length was buried in to the hilt. You hadn't gone too overboard, but the idea of taking them with something even they couldn't give was just too tempting of a chance.
Eiji was practically drooling when he felt your hips flush to his ass, cock throbbing inside Katsuki who watched his partner's mouth hang open with tongue and drool, and he could only imagine how it must feel.
You moaned soft, rubbing Eijiro's sides as the new sensations took over your sense and you gave a sharp snap back into him, having only pulled back half way- but it was enough. Shoving his hips back into Katsuki as they'd followed your cock back out.
You leaned over his strong back, and Katsuki could just barely catch the filthiest grin he'd ever seen you make as you almost whispered to them.
"I'm going to make you both my bitches tonight."
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theshatteredrose · 3 years
Relic Keepers: Awakening of the Red Lily (Chapter 17) - Original Fiction
AN: Since I’ve decided that this year I’m going full force into self-indulgence with my writing, future chapters are going to be fun :3c Anyway, please enjoy~
Ao3 | Wattpad | Inkitt | FictionPress
Chapter 17:
Eishirou glanced around at the darkness around them nervously. Yet, no matter where he looked or how hard he squinted, he couldn’t see a thing. He hadn’t realised how dark night could be. He truly could not see a thing beyond the campfire’s glow.
From the incoherent grumbling heard from Zayne, it was safe to assume that he couldn’t see anything around them either.
It was hard to describe just how dark it truly was. There was no ambient light from the city. The sky was overcast, hiding the moon. Their only source of illumination was from the campfire. And its light could only reach so far.
They were like a ship in an endless pitch-black sea.
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to camp on a peak in front of a tall white building. Though, with how dark everything was, camping anywhere in these woods would be dangerous. They were going to stand out anyway. Even in the tunnels.
“Move toward the tent,” Zayne instructed quietly.
“Ok,” Eishirou replied simply.
He turned on his heel and moved slowly so not to draw attention to himself. He pulled back the flap of the tent and looked inside. Mikiel hadn’t moved and it was probably for the best. He was worried about having to move him, though. The guy was more muscular and taller than he was.
There was no way Eishirou would be able to carry him. He wouldn’t even be able to lift him. Not a dead weight like that.
He crouched down in the opening of the tent and turned his attention outside. The only thing he could do was to wait for instructions. And be ready to either run or to heal. Maybe both at the same time. Which he hoped he wouldn’t have to do.
Be prepared for the worst but hope for the best.
Zayne quickly but quietly walked over to Leon as he slept haphazardly on the ground. He nudged him in the side with his foot. Leon snorted quietly as he startled to semi-consciousness. He blinked blearily as he turned his head toward Zayne.
“We’re surrounded,” Zayne said simply. “Wake the others.”
Leon snapped into full wakefulness in that instant. He didn’t ask any questions. He just quietly leapt to his feet and set about waking the others. As he did that, Zayne focused his attention back at the darkness around them. He paced close to where the tent was, his movements slow, his back tense. He gripped his holsters tightly, ready to summon them for battle at a moment’s notice.
Eishirou tried to suppress a wince when he heard another noise. The distinct sound of breaking of a tree limb. And it was louder than previous noises. Which meant that whoever or whatever was making all the noise was moving closer.
And they still couldn’t see a thing.
But it was pretty clear that whatever was out there could see them.
The entire Team 3 stood in a circle around the campsite. And they were silent. From what he had witnessed previously, they enjoyed sharing a quip or two while anticipating battle. But they were seriously silent. Postures tense, mana holsters fully charged, and their gazes focused entirely on the darkness around them.
Man, he really hated the stifling silence and anticipation that hung in the air.
He’d say ‘just get it over with’ but he’d prefer the ShadowDwellers just leaving them alone. Though, that was highly unlikely.
A loud crack suddenly resounded through the silence. That sound was that of a felled tree. And it was close. Tatsu, the Elite closest to the sound, immediately whipped around and raised his mana guns. He fired two shots into the darkness, momentarily lightening up the area.
They caught a glimpse of tall shadowy creature before the light faded. A loud shriek was heard immediately afterwards, indicating that not only had the shots allowed them a glimpse into the darkness, it also took out the very creature they had seen.
One ShadowDweller down, who knows how many more.
But at least they knew what kind of ShadowDwellers they were dealing with; Scorpions. They were something Zayne and his teammates had encountered before. And those ShadowDwellers were likely to be the ones making all the noise.
And yet, that didn’t quite sit right. From their previous interactions, these ShadowDwellers didn’t care how much noise they made. They were ambush predators, sure. But they reckless. They weren’t shy about crashing into or onto the battlefield.
“Here they come,” Ernesta warned.
As soon as those words left her lips, several towering Scorpions scuttled into the light of the campfire. Pincers snapping, tails flailing, and uttering high-pitched shrieks of anger. They were agitated by something. And it was likely that they wouldn’t stop fighting until they found whatever that was.
“Remember; we must protect Eishirou and Mikiel, no matter what!” Ernesta commanded.
The team then launched themselves into battle against the ShadowDwellers.
It was always so awe-inspiring watching Elites in battle. Their movements were sleek and slick. Ernesta was rather sophisticated in her movements and motions. She retained the placid smile, even as she sliced through the ShadowDwellers with ease.
Tatsu was incredibly efficient in his attacks. His aim impeccable; never missing. Not once. Each shot was straight to the weak point. Taking out the ShadowDweller from a distance. Everything he did appeared so effortless. The smirk he wore on his lips indicated that he knew he very confident in his skills.
Leon was a brawler and seemed to enjoy the thrill of battle. He was extremely powerful, though. Just punching through the ShadowDwellers with little to no resistance. He was quite a big man, his muscles obvious and maybe even bulky. But he was quick on his feet; avoiding all attacks.
It was always so disconcerting watching Rinka engage in battle. She struck down any and every ShadowDweller in her path without mercy. Normally she was shy, quiet, and rather meek. But the moment she entered battle, she became cold, ruthless, and fierce. He wouldn’t say she had a split personality. But there were definitely two sides to her.
Zayne seemed to be a combination of all four. He was agile, strong, efficient, and brutal should he need to be. He would…adapt to the changing situation. Fall back from battle when necessary. Lunging forward with a barrage of attacks at the right time. Attacking efficiently, taking out the foe’s dangerous limbs and claws.
However, no matter what method of attack Zayne used, he never strayed too far from the tent. And ultimately from Eishirou. He always, always made sure to put himself between Eishirou and the advancing ShadowDwellers.
Eishirou still found himself instinctively ducking whenever a ShadowDweller ventured too close. They were always swiftly defeated by Zayne, but he still couldn’t prevent a grimace.
Things were getting really rowdy. And there were a lot of them.
Eishirou turned away from the sight just to snatch up his tablet and his carry bag. He lifted the strap of his back over his head and rested it on his shoulder. He best get himself ready to move. For any reason.
“This is getting ridiculous!” Leon complained. “Are they drawn to the fire? Or the tent?”
They…did seem to focus in on where the tent was located. Why, though? Were they after Mikiel? Again, why?
“Eishirou! Try opening the door!” Zayne suddenly shouted.
Eishirou blinked. To the lighthouse?
He really was not in the best position to stop and ask questions. He just assumed that Zayne wanted him and Mikiel in the lighthouse for their protection. It was, after all, far sturdier than a nylon tent.
If he could open the door, that was.
Eishirou ran straight for the door, trusting Zayne to ensure that none of the ShadowDwellers followed him. He skidded to a halt in front of the stone white door and plunged his hand into his back pocket. He wrapped his hand around the white triangular object and pulled it out.
There really wasn’t time for hesitancy. Eishirou took a second to examine the small keyhole just so he could ensure he inserted the key properly.
He then slid the key into the opening.
Before he could press it all the way in, it seemed to pull itself in automatically. There was a rather telling ‘click’ when the key disappeared into the keyhole. Suddenly, a neon green light filtered out, skittering across the stone door, creating eccentric designs that Eishirou found mildly familiar.
He was unable to read any of them, however, as the light moved too quickly.
Small flakes of stone began to break away, revealing dark-grey stone underneath. And upon that was another eccentric feature.
Eight dots. Four colours. They sat on a stone grid.
It was…a puzzle?
He placed his hand against the door and attempted to search for a recording. Soon, instructions bounded around in his head.
He needed to…connect the coloured dots within the grid. Red to red. Yellow to yellow. Blue to blue. And green to green. But the paths could not touch or overlap. And he had to fill in all the squares. That was what he felt he needed to do.
Well, he had better find out whether or not he was right. And he had better do it fast!
He placed his finger on the yellow dot and then slowly traced a path that would link it to the other. As he trailed his fingertip across the stone, the grids he moved across turned yellow, too. The same occurred as he linked the other coloured dots, the grids shimmering the same colours as the dots that linked them.
It took some finicking, but Eishirou was able to find a way to link the four different colours to each other while the paths crossing.
The moment he linked the last colour, the stone door unexpectedly trembled. A grinding noise was heard as the tremors grew in ferocity.
The door then shuddered to the side, grinding loudly as it slid on an unseen track.
It opened…?
Eishirou spun around and immediately searched for Zayne amongst the chaos. “It’s open!”
“Good!” Despite the distance between them, Eishirou could see that Zayne wore a half smile of satisfaction. “Leon, get Mikiel and take him inside!”
Leon was momentarily startled by the response. “R-right!” But he didn’t argue. He spun on his heel and immediately raced over to the tent. It took a few frustrating moments to get through the tent and to Mikiel. And then to heft him onto his shoulder.
Thankfully, Leon’s physical strength was exceptional. He was able to get Mikiel over his shoulder and keep him there with a single arm. As soon as Leon got Mikiel out of the tent, a ShadowDweller suddenly appeared and trampled it.
Eishirou smothered a wince. He was glad he had the foresight to gather his own belongings from the tent before that happened. And, of course, he was thankful he wasn’t inside!
He stepped to the side as Leon darted past him and into the lighthouse. Leon stopped a couple of feet inside and did a quick surveillance of the area. When he lowered himself to his knees and lifted Mikiel off of his shoulder, Eishirou assumed that the coast was clear.
So, he made his way inside, too. And over to where Leon had lowered Mikiel to the floor. He attempted to help him, though all he could really do was to cradle Mikiel’s head as Leon laid him down on the floor.
Ugh, he was right. There was no way he’d be able to lift Mikiel by himself!
“Be right back,” Leon said simply as he jumped to his feet and darted back outside.
Eishirou rested Mikiel’s head on his lap and offered him a small bit of healing. It was pitch-black inside. The only source of light was from the campfire.
“There. They’re in a safer location,” Zayne stated.
“Very well,” Ernesta was heard uttering in return. “We must ensure that no ShadowDweller enters the lighthouse.”
He couldn’t see anything around him. He couldn’t tell how big the room was. He could barely see anything that was occurring outside. Just fleeting images of Elites as they darted past.
He could hear all sorts of noises outside, though. The shrieking of ShadowDwellers. The utters of satisfaction or annoyance from Elites. And, of course, the sounds of battle. It was quite unnerving being able to hear everything but unable to see anything.
As unnerving as that was, the sudden silence that fell over the battlefield was frightening.
Eishirou subconsciously held his breath as he stared out the door. He jumped when a figure suddenly stepped in the threshold of the door.
However, he breathed a sigh of relief when he recognised Zayne. “Are they gone?”
Zayne nodded his head as he walked over to stand next to him. To stand guard over him once more. “We’ve defeated them. For now.”
The other members of his team soon entered the lighthouse, too. All of them without injuries. Though, they all appeared rather irritated. Perhaps even baffled.
“I knew we were too out in the open,” Tatsu immediately griped, his usual stoic façade lifting for a moment.
Ernesta uttered a frustrated sigh as she folded her arms across her abdomen. Instead of responding to Tatsu’s comment, she turned and levelled him with a pointed stare. “Help Rinka to bring our belongings inside, too. Make sure you bring lanterns.”
Tatsu’s right eye gave a telling twitch. He, however, did not respond. He simply turned on his heel and stalked out of the lighthouse with Rinka right behind him.
Leon moved forward and unexpectedly crouched down by Mikiel’s side. “How’s he doing?”
Eishirou briefly wondered if Mikiel was a close friend of his as he seemed to be the one who was constantly hovering over him. Instead of prying, he decided the best thing he could was to be honest. Not overly honest, mind. Just…honest enough. If that made sense.
“He’s stable,” Eishirou finally replied. “Unfortunately, he’s fallen into a coma.”
Leon looked over at him. Though he tried to hide it, he was obviously concerned. “That’s bad, right?”
Eishirou tried to give him some reassurance. “Depends. He’s not suffering. It might be his body’s attempt to heal itself.”
That seemed to offer Leon some comfort as he nodded his head idly as his gaze shifted back toward Mikiel. He only lifted his head when Tatsu and Rinka returned with their camping gear. He pushed himself to his feet to take hold of the sleeping bag and then laid it down on the ground next to where Mikiel lay.
Eishirou once again helped Leon to rest Mikiel onto the sleeping bag. While he was unlike to feel anything, being unconscious and all, they still wanted to ensure that he was comfortable. Lying on the cold, hard ground was never pleasant.
As Eishirou checked on Mikiel’s health, the Elites set about setting up bright lanterns around them. The room soon began to brighten, allowing for Eishirou to view their new surroundings.
The interior was expected of that of a lighthouse; a spiralling staircase that was attached to the interior wall and spiralled upwards. The light could only reach so far, so it appeared as if the staircase just disappeared into a dark void. The room that they occupied was likely that of a foyer. Yet, other than a couple of antique tables, there was no other furniture.
“I thought entry into the lighthouse was impossible?” Tatsu suddenly commented. It was framed as a question, but it felt more like an accusation.
Zayne must have felt that way, too, as he turned to send scowl in Tatsu’s direction. “We didn’t say that. Eishirou just needed to do more research.”
That…was half true.
Ernesta turned her attention toward Eishirou and raised a curious eyebrow. “How did you open the door?”
They were suspicious of him. He couldn’t blame them. And in honesty, he was a little…cautious of them in return. Especially of Tatsu. That guy made no attempt to hide his distain for him. And it was hard to read Ernesta at the best of times.
“There was a puzzle that needed to be solved before the door could open,” Eishirou answered simply. He would have to explain more later. But right now, they just needed the quick facts.
That seemed to satisfy Ernesta for now. Though, he doubted Tatsu was satisfied with the answer.
Eishirou resisted the urge to sigh as he reached into his bag and pulled out his communicator. Instead of contacting anyone, he checked the time. And this time he did breathe a sigh. A sigh of relief.
Sunrise was only a couple more hours away.
“Wh-what’s up there?” Rinka suddenly asked as she pointed to the dark void that the stairs disappeared into.
Zayne shrugged casually. “Who knows,” he said simply before he reached down and grabbed EIshirou by the elbow. With a slight tug, he urged him to his feet. “Since we’re here, let’s have a look.”
Eishirou allowed Zayne to help him to his feet. They had a few hours before they had to plan their evacuation. He also couldn’t help but wonder if the ShadowDwellers actually want to get inside, too. He wasn’t sure why he thought of that possibility, but it was quite clear that the ShadowDwellers were agitated and after something.
“Rinka, I need you to stay here,” Ernesta ordered.
Rinka immediately pouted, which was rather unexpected. But it was actually kinda nice to see. She was curious, interested in learning things for herself.
But orders were orders. So, Eishirou sent Rinka an apologetic smile.
“We’ll be quick,” he promised as he followed Zayne to the stairs.
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ink-and-flame · 4 years
I loved your Anduin+Thrall fic! Would you ever considering doing any Grom+(sub)Thrall? That’s my favorite WoW pairing and it’s incredibly rare. I think it has a lot of potential. Just something to consider :3c especially if there’s a daddy prompt <3
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The cat is clearly out of the bag. I am an avid Warcraft player, which is where a lot of my spare non writing time goes. I try to stick to mostly original stories on this blog, but I have a couple of fandoms that I enjoy writing for too much to ever give up. Warcraft, and Bright are two of them.
As for the Anduin + Thrall fic. Today’s entry is going to be part two of that so I hope you enjoy it just as much. Honestly this message brightened my day.
As for Grom+(sub)Thrall. Oh I can write it. I have some extensive Grom stuff I have written before and I have RPed as him. I have been told I am pretty good at getting in his head. Thrall isn’t as easy. But Thrall subbing to Grom? Oh yeah, that, that is beautiful.
I am looking at the prompt list and so far none of them really fit, but you know what I may try to work some stuff around to cram it in there anyway. Because now I like this idea and want to do it.
In reality, I am one of those crazy people that loves Garrosh more than the sun, moon, and stars. And I adore his daddy. So yeah, I think writing Grom may be in the future, but i have the next 5 stories already planned out so it wont be soon unless I decide to do it as a little extra treat.
Stay tuned my beautiful nonnie, I have more plans for Warcraft stories in the works.
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easyfella · 4 years
plaudite. acta est fabula: thots on my third vlr playthrough
annnnnd done
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with all the alt timelines down and all but two secret files obtained, i’m feeling pretty good ending my 3rd (and probably last for at least a long, long time) vlr playthough at a slick 20 hours. i’m pretty excited for my dual phds in metaphysics and philosophy, earned from completing the famed “tripletion” (triple completion), to come in the mail!! anyway, i enjoyed the game, but holy shit, do i have some things to say (spoilers and everything else beneath the cut as always).
i guess i’ll start with the fact that this is a hell of time to pick this game up again, concerned as it is with quarantines and pandemics and plagues and all that. Radical-6 I think hit me harder than it did when I first played this game when i was 15 (context: i turned 21 this last december), for obvious reasons. I remember at one point the game says that 100,000 people died from R6 and it was a huge, global tragedy ... weird to see that so directly mirrored in just the US headlines alone. I don’t have much more to say about the pandemic aspect of the game, but it was a weird thing to start off my playthrough confronting. 
Like I mentioned, my first playthrough was when I was 15, my second I think I was 17, and here I am 4 years later. So why do I keep going back to this game? Well, for one, the plot is dense enough, and my brain is sparse enough, that i find myself surprised by one aspect or another every time. This time, Dio’s blackmailing Sigma to get the Axelever (sp? who cares), how much I liked K, and a lot of the plot after the final puzzle room were surprises for me. That being said, there were also things I dreaded and did not want to revisit: Quark’s and Alice’s suicidality, the part after the first AB game where you go to three different rooms and people info dump on you, most of the puzzle rooms tbh, and good god the part where Luna’s face melts off. I hate it. I hated it at 15, I hate it now. 
And, though my memories are quite fuzzy on ZTD, I’ll say (expanding on Luna’s face melting off) that this is the only game in the series that inspires genuine dread from me. I think, honestly, that it’s 70% how uncanny the models are. K is the only that looks remotely OK, and that’s because he’s a big silly suit of armor in a monk robe. On the flip side, though, this uncanny valley I think works tonally very well for the game. It makes me feel uncomfortable to look at the visuals. Half the environments look like they’re from the original Silent Hill, for God’s sake. It’s not good, but it’s serviceable, and even functional in an accidental sort of way. However, the visuals are the reason I’ve never been able to recommend this game to other people (that and the walls of text, the obscure psuedoscientific rants, the way Alice’s tits are just out ...). 999 is far-and-away the more charming game visually, but I think VLR in its own way has carved out a visual style that works, though it’s jarring initially. Though, I do wonder how approachable the game is in 2020 compared to in 2012, or in 2014 when i played it. I think our need for quality graphics and disdain for poor graphics (especially this sort of ugly, gumby shit) have only increased since. I guess if anyone has any more thoughts on how they feel about the graphics and how approachable it makes the game, pls feel free to dm me. I’d love to talk about how weird this game is.
Changing subjects, I remember liking the music quite a bit more on my earlier playthroughs. Maybe that’s nostalgia talking, or maybe I’ve just grown as a music listener since high school. Probably both. I think it’s really appropriate for the game and great for setting a mood (and I love, love the twist in the credits track), but I think some tracks were overused. “Dun dun .... Dun dun ... Dun dun”  ad nauseam. Uh oh! I know that track! Looks like something deeply horrifying is about to happen! ^_^ I sure hope it’s not that same ugly rendering of Alice being stabbed in the chest :3c (it is. it is the same ugly rendering of Alice being stabbed in the chest.)
Maybe I’ve come across as overly critical, but I do have a deep appreciation for this game. I think that it easily has the best premise I’ve ever, ever come across in a video game, and, no jokes, every game I’ve played since I first came across VLR has failed in comparison to how absolutely genius i think this game is. I’m not exaggerating. The way the plot mirrors the actions of the player, the unique incentivisation of replaying, the way it lets me just be straight up evil occasionally, the twists, the turns, the way i had to cut off my own arm using a warehouse door. the list goes on. The reveal of Zero Sr. is, I think, the most impactful twist in a piece of media i’ve ever experienced. Perhaps I’m a buffoon, but i think this game slam dunks it in terms of pure plot showmanship. that said, i think the exact details of what’s going on where and why (especially at the end irt Kyle, but that’s more of an issue to do with ZTD, and we’ll come to that when we come to that) can get quite murky. 
Admittedly, the game does explain what’s happening; in fact, oftentimes it takes an infuriating amount of time walking through the minutia of what was going on where (the infamous door and map animations are infamous for a reason), but i think that a vague gesture toward the plot is all i need, or really all i get from the game at the end of the day. For me, the plot is more of a vehicle for the scenarios of the nonary games, not the other way around. In a sense, I could care less who’s at what point in time where -- just let me brutally betray this old man in a prisoner’s dilemma situation.  And the game, after pontificating, eventually does. and I fucking love that. God, I adore just smashing that betray button. 
And that’s the fun of the game. Past the over-detailed plot, the predictable music, the gummy looking character models, I love vlr because of how it lets me interact with its world and its characters. I always get to choose either ally or betray, and what happens happens because of that choice that I made. I wish more video games operated like that. Also, I just love Phi. I know this paragraph isn’t about her, but i love rude girls. 
So, I think that’s that. VLR is a mixed bag, but I’m ecstatic that it evens exists, bizarre as it is. 
i’ll be starting my ZTD playthrough probably soon. I don’t remember much about the game besides playing on launch day, finishing it within 48 hours, and being vaguely disappointed, but it’ll be good to move on from all this murdering in VLR to a whole different set of murders.
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withlove-so · 5 years
lets try spicing things up since i don’t see too many Ferdinand stans and Ferdinand posts on here besides HCs. can i requesteth someth Ferdinand x Reader pleaseth? thanketh thou
:3c Him
I went for post timeskip because I’m in love with his long hair, I hope that’s okay!
Take a shot after every time I say hair
— — —
“You grew your hair out. That’s not really what I expected.”
“Long hair is a fantastic way to look more gallant! Don’t you think it makes me look more noble?” Ferdinand chucked at you surprised expression. You supposed it did make him look more handsome, not that you’d ever tell him that. He’d never shut up about it if you did.
“You’re a lot more vulernable on the battlefield with hair like that. What if the enemy grabs it from behind and restricts your movement?”
“Maybe I could cut it in a dramatic fashion! That seems to be a common trope in plays after all, and other people go wild over it.”
“Or, and this might sound crazy but, maybe dont do that?” He just had to over complicate things... the solution could be much simpler, “Just put your hair up before battle. It’ll be much harder to take advantage of then.”
Please let me do it. Please let me do it.
“Hmm, you make a fair point. But I’ve never even tried to do something like that. Do you have any-“
“I could do it for you!” That probably sounded too eager. Gods you’d even interrupted him while he was talking. But his hair looked so soft, and you desperately wanted to touch it. In a perfectly normal manner, of course, “Er, that is, if you’re alright with that.”
“Why, Y/N! Of course! If you would be so kind, I’d love it if you could help me.” It didn’t seem like he’d even noticed, or if he did, he didn’t mention it. You agree to do so, even though you had been the one to offer in the first place. You quickly position yourself behind him and began working.
Though, when you run your fingers through his hair to check for tangles, you could swear you’d heard Ferdinand make a small sound. Had you hurt him? Surely he wasn’t so tender headed he couldn’t handle a little hair pulling. It didn’t really sound like he was hurt, but better to be safe than sorry.
“Ferdinand? Sorry, am I being too rough?” You tried to meet his face, but he quickly turned away once he noticed you begin to move.
“Not at all! It’s just, maybe you should use a brush instead. That is the intended tool after all.” His voice seemed to waver a bit, like he had something else to say but couldn’t find the words.
No matter, you want to keep Ferdinand comfortable, otherwise he might not let you finish! So you begrudgingly comply, rummaging around your bag. Once you find one and begin running it through his locks, it quickly becomes clear that it’s very well kept, the bristles flow through so cleanly! You made a mental note to ask him what he does to keep it like that.
After brushing it thoroughly, you begin to think of some suitable styles. Perhaps a bun? Or a ponytail that sits over his shoulder like Linhardt’s used to? Maybe even twin tails...
Eventually you decide to do a braided bun, it was bound to not only work the best but also look the best.
“I think I’ve got the style for you! But it’s probably gonna take a while. Are you going to be able to sit there for long?”
“Of course! You’re talking to Ferdinand von Aegir here!”
“I know, that’s why I asked. I don’t think I’ve seen you sit for longer than 30 minutes.” As you laughed at your own tease, you began to separate his hair for the starting braid. This seemed to cause Ferdinand to tense up again, with his shoulders raising up and his neck falling forward. His movement made his hair shift around and immediately messed with the partings. You grab a small strand and give it a light tug, grimacing, “Hey, don’t move! If you move, you’ll mess it up. And if it messes up, I’ll just have to do it again anyways.”
You heard the man give a small voicing of apologies as he sat back up, and you couldn’t help but notice his hand gripping at his knees. His nails were practically digging into his skin, or at least they sure looked like they were. While you began braiding the three large sections of hair, you slowly, slowly began creeping around. Just enough to where he wouldn’t notice.
After all, he’d been hiding his face this whole time. The only way you could even read his emotions was his body language so far, and that can only tell you so much. Was he angry? In pain? Nervous? You couldn’t tell! And you’d never know if you didn’t investigate.
But impatience got the better of you. You only got about halfway before just bolting around then facing him directly (still holding the braid, unfortunately. You noticed Ferdinand cringe from his hair suddenly getting yanked so violently). You couldn’t even suppress your giggle.
The little Dukeling has such a warm glow to his face! His cheeks were a soft shade a pink that danced up his face as he realized you were sat right in front of him. He tried to look away, to the sides, even to the sky, but it was quite difficult to do so. Since you still had his hair gripped in your fist, his movements were extremely limited. So he simply looked forward, which only seemed to embarrass him further.
“Y/N! By the Goddess, at least warn me when you’re going to do that. You nearly scared me half to death...” His breathing was certainly a bit unsteady. Perhaps you’d frightened him a bit too much and yet, it was probably worth it to see his cute-
Ah, wait. Gods, you really needed to stop thinking like that. This whole time you’d let your mind wander, but... perhaps it was getting out of hand.
“Well, you’ve been avoiding looking at me! I thought maybe you were upset, so I just wanted to make sure. But, you seem more than fine to me.” A soft smile creeped onto your lips, “I’d even say you look pretty happy. Oh, wait! Your hair!” You’d been distracted for so long, you’d completely forgotten about his braid! It was still in its form, thank the Goddess, so you simply went back around and continued working quietly.
But of course, silence can never last for long. You quietly mused a thought, one you had intended to keep to yourself, “Why is it that you looked so embarrassed? I know having your hair done up isn’t typically the most manly thing, but you didn’t seem embarrassed at the thought before. Is there something else? Maybe...” Is it me? You quickly throw the thought out. What silly self indulgence.
“Well... I suppose it’s because of- because of you.”
Your hands freeze as you were tying up the now complete braid into a bun. Was he being serious here? You thought back to make sure you hadn’t spoken out loud.
“What are you talking about? I haven’t even done anything to embarrass you.” A nervous chuckle barely slips through your lips. Of course, that’s probably not what he meant. But in that moment of panic, what else could you think to say? You hurriedly try to tie up his bun, trying to avoid the conversation.
“Yes, of course not. It’s just that, your hands are very... soft. I didn’t expect it and, and when you did that thing with your hands, running it through my hair I just kind of, um.” Now you both fell silent, and neither side made an attempt to break it.
As soon as you tied up his hair fully and gave an awkward “Finished.”, Ferdinand turned around to face you. His face was even more flushed than before, and when he met your gaze a light, breathy laugh came out. Without his hair framing his face, you really could see everything. And by the Godess, it really was breath taking. No word to describe beauty seemed to be able to match the wide grin plastered across his face, or the soft look his eyes were giving you.
“Thanks Y/N. Knowing you, I’m sure it looks perfect.”
He was blinding.
You push his face to the side, grumbling, “Don’t look at me like that. Or I won’t be able to...”
You leave the field in a hurry, making up some excuse about having to prepare for the upcoming battle, even though you’d already prepared weeks in advance. You just had to get away from that man, just for a moment, to regain your composure.
In your rush, you failed to notice that, just behind you, that same man watched you retreat with such a fond expression, almost wanting to call you back but decided it best to leave it be.
There was always next time he had mused, another time when he held just a bit more confidence to truly tell you how he feels.
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firstblesssed · 4 years
Has there ever been a time where your character was forced to give up something they did not want to let go of? How did they cope with it? Does this separation haunt them even to this day?
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She doesn’t really have any physical items or abilities or anything she’s lost, just people mostly. The Crystal Tower exploration and meeting G’raha was a very memorable time in her life.And I went a bit overboard with this answer and it turned into a drabble instead :3c
Following their victory in the World of Darkness, a great feast takes place in Saint Coinach’s Find. The members of NOAH gather around the campfire, only Elletha realises one of them is missing.
“Thought I’d find you here.” 
G’raha jumps at the sound of a voice but calms down once he realises who itbelongs to.
“Aren’t you meant to be celebrating your victory right now?” he asks, watchingas she comes to sit on the ledge beside him.
“I should be asking you that.” Elletha offers him a soft smile, “I… I noticedyou were missing so I came to look for you.”
“Ah.” He looks away from her, back towards the tower. “I was going to come back I just… wanted some alone time is all.”
“Oh, I can leave if you-“ she starts but is quickly interrupted by G’rahawaving his hands in front of her.
“No! No, it’s okay. I was thinking of returning soon anyway.”
“I see.” Elletha smiles at him again, then looks off towards the tower.
They sit like that for a while, a comfortable silence falling over them as they simply enjoyed each other’s company. The Crystal Tower, brilliant blue against a dark night sky, highlighted by the moon and the surrounding stars. She had spent a lot of time here away from her general duties, the mission with the tower a nice reprieve from the politics and stress of her usual work. Not to say that the expedition had been all fun, not exactly. But she enjoyed her time with G’raha and the others, enjoying simply being an adventurer rather than dealing with the title of ‘Warrior of Light’. Having to return to that life so soon… hurt a little. Where to go from here?
“Everything will go back to normal now, huh?” Elletha breaksthe silence, drawing her knees up to her chest. “The expedition was a success.”
“Mmm.” G’raha replies, glancing over at her. “What will you do now?”
“Me? Return to my usual job. Back to stuffy meetings and politics.” She huffsout a laugh, “And what about you? Hitting the books again?”
He stares at her, a frown on his face, thinking over his answer carefully. The lackof response gains her attention, “Not sure?” she asks.
G’raha shakes his head, ears pinned back, “It’s not that. I’m just conflictedon what I have to do.”
“Have to?” Elletha tilts her head slightly at his word choice.
The sight of her here makes him wish he hadn’t let her stay. He had distanced himself from the group as to make the parting less painful for everyone, but he knew she’d be stubborn enough to find him regardless. He valued Elletha’s company highly, becoming close friends with her over the course of the exploration, his admiration for her growing with each day. It was obvious he loved her but wouldn’t- couldn’t permit himself to act on any feelings, it would only hurt them both, so he kept it all to himself. But the light of the crystal tower and stars framed her in an entrancing glow. He wanted to stay, wanted to say all these things to her, wanted-
“G’raha? Are you alright?” Her words snap him out of his racing thoughts.
“Ah, yes. Sorry.” 
Elletha shakes her head, “It’s okay.”
A gust of wind blows through the valley, making the cool summer night suddenly colder. G’raha shivers at the sudden change in temperature. 
“Cold?” Elletha asks, laughing softly.
“…A little. Not all of us have big robes to keep warm y’know.” He rubs his arms in an attempt to get some heat back.
Elletha smiles and shuffles a little close to him, resting against him in an attempt to share some heat. “I for once, don’t have an unlimited supply of things in my bag, so this is all I can offer.”
“Unlike you to not be prepared for everything.” He replies with a smirk, leaning back on his hands again.
“Ha, I’m not the one who came out here with so little clothing. You should invest in a coat.” 
“One day perhaps I will.”
She rolls her eyes and rests one hand on his, earning a surprised jump that brings a smile to her face. “We’ll go back soon then, so you don’t freeze to death out here Raha, okay?”
He pauses, the sound of his real name coming from his dear friend making his heart flutter, but his feelings quickly turned to annoyance once he saw the sly smirk on her face. Realising he was giving her the reaction she wanted, he decided to indulge himself a little and attempt to one-up her.  He leaned his head on her shoulder, staring out at the Crystal Tower once again. “Just a bit longer.”
She rests her head on his in return, joining him in taking in the sights.
“No doubt your heroism will be the star by which I chartmy course when I awake.”
The words barely reached her, vision clouded by tearsthreatening to spill over. “Just like that? You’re content with giving up thislife?” Elletha took a step forward and wiped at her face with a sleeve, “There has to be some way we can seal the tower without you needing to seal yourself away!”
The group around her fell silent, shocked to see her react so strongly considering how everyone else accepted the circumstances. G’raha also remained silent, watching her with a pained expression.
“This is why you wouldn’t tell me, right? What you were going to do? You were just going to disappear without saying goodbye, right?” She waited for a response but received none. Balling her hands into fists she started to walk towards him, only to feel hands grabbing at her arms. 
“Cid! Let me go!” She struggled against her friend in a vain attempt to break free.
Cid shook his head, “You have to let him do this.”
“You’re all too calm for this!”
G’raha’s voice made her look up, seeing a similar expression to her own on his face. “I have to do this.”
She stopped struggling and Cid released her gently, ready to grab her again if needs be.
“I…. We’ll figure out a way to save you Raha, be sure of it.” She said, “Or I’ll end up breaking you out myself.”
G’raha gave a sad laugh, “I’d like that very much.” He turned his back on the group, unable to face them, face Elletha any longer. “Farewell, my friends.”
The doors slammed shut behind him, sealing him away in the tower for who knows how long and left Elletha feeling lost.
She held it together until she found herself in the tent that they shared. Intending to simply gather her belongings, she was struck with all the emotion she was holding back upon seeing the things he had left behind.
She was no stranger to loss, but she couldn’t place why this one has stung so badly. He was right there, she could’ve reached out and brought him back over the threshold, begged him to stay and they could work out a new solution. But she didn’t. Elletha collapsed on the floor of the tent, drawing into herself and let go the tears she had held back. Never again, she vowed, she couldn’t give up someone important so easily ever again. Even so, the promise to tear her sleeping friend from the tower brought a sad smile to her face.
“We’ll meet again one day. I’m sure of it.”
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kirishwima · 5 years
how about some fluffy kiribaku i missed these idiots 💗💗💗💗
yes!!! i definitely owe u some fluff anyway lmao
warning: this is ridicilously self-indulgent bc im a gay idiot that hates winter and cold
“I don’t get what the big deal is” he huffed, swiping the sweat off his brow, “what’s so good about the beach? It’s hot and gross and everyone’s just wearing underwear.”
Kirishima gasped, turning in his seat to his boyfriend with wide eyes.
“It’s swimsuits! And you go to the beach because it’s fun! And to swim! And-beach sports!”
“And to suntan!” Mina chimed in from the seat behind them, squishing her face in-between the bus seat gaps.
Kaminari who’d sat besides her raised an eyebrow.
“But Ashido you’re…pink. How do you tan?”
Jirou, sat on the other side of the bus, took off one of her headphones.
“Oh my god Denki, you can’t just ask a girl how she tans.”
That ensued the banter that was to come.
In the chatter of all their friends, Kirishima sneaked his hand over Bakugou’s folded arms, giving him a gentle squeeze.
“C’mon, it’ll be fun! You’ll see.”
Bakugou wasn’t having it.
One way or another, he got dragged into going to the beach with his friends (yes, they’re his friends-would he ever tell them that? No. He has an image to maintain), an early morning bus ride away from the comfort of their dorm rooms and the air condition unit that kept him company in the hot months.
He’d blame it on Kirishima’s freaking puppy eyes. Who can say no to that idiot’s huge eyes first thing in the morning?!
But still, summer for Katsuki was…annoying.
It’s bad enough that he sweats nitroglycerin on a daily basis, in the summer, with the temperatures at an all time high and the sun beaming like a firey disco ball, Katsuki was basically a bucket of gasoline waiting to be burnt.
He’d learnt by now that summer meant staying indoors, in the quiet of his home, scrolling through his social media feed and groaning at the flood of images people posted of pools and beaches.
But leave it to one Kirishima Eijiro and his group of equally excited friends to change that.
He turned to nuzzle his face into the mop of Kirishima’s red hair, breathing in the sense of what could only be described as pure joy radiating off of the ginger boy, before replying.
“Fine. But I call dibs for the first spot under an umbrella.”
Kirishima laughed, the sound shaking Bakugou’s heart.
Maybe the beach won’t be so bad after all.
“Wooah!” Mina exclaimed, her hands instinctively reaching up to her cheeks, “It’s so crowded! Why is it so crowded?!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes.
The moment they set foot down to the sandy beach, they were surrounded by a flood of people, umbrellas and chatter surrounding them all.
He was ready to leave, run straight back to the bus and nope the hell out of there, when Kirishima spoke up, planting his hands on his hips in victory.
“Fret not! I didn’t come all this way unprepared.” He turned on his heel, stepping away from the crowded beach and towards a dense rocky area besides the coast. “Follow me!” He yelled, shaking his head to the direction of the rocks.
“This better be worth it”, Jirou sighed, and along with everyone else, started heading Kirishima’s way.
It had taken them 30 minutes (Kaminari’s ice cream stop included), and a short hike up a cliff, to get to where Kirishima was herding them off to. By that point the soft morning sun grew stronger, brighter, turning into the fierce noon’s sun, beaming down on them all.
“And we’re here!”
Kirishima pointed to a small grove between the rocks where untouched sand lay, the waves crashing loudly on the rocks around it yet the grove remained dry, unscathed by the commotion of the populated beach.
“I found this place last time we went swimming with Midoryia and the squad!” He beamed.
Mina wasted no time. She gave Kirishima a pat on the back, before proceeding to lay her towel right at the junction where the water met the sand, dropping the contents of her bag besides her; mainly a dozen sunscreens and big pink sunglasses.
“Good job”, Jirou followed, and soon they all got comfortable across the grove, setting the cooler with drinks and ice creams in the middle where everyone could reach.
Kirishima stayed back, opting to drop his towel besides the rocks, wasting no time in taking his shirt off and dashing towards the water.
“Katsuki, come on!” He yelled, waving his hands to get his boyfriends’ attention.
Bakugou stood at the edge of the rocks, peering down to the water with scrunched brows.
“I’ll stay by the cooler”, he insisted, leaning down to get a frozen soda pointedly, “where it’s actually cool.”
Kirishima pouted, his bottom lip jutting out, and it took all of Bakugou’s willpower to not run into the water and kiss the stupid look off of his face.
“But the water’s so cool-come on, just for a little while!”
Katsuki clicked his tongue, but eventually complied. He put his soda back down in the sand, aggressively took his shirt off, folding it neatly and putting it back in his bag, before trudging to the edge of the water.
He let one foot test the temperature, humming in approval at the refreshing coldness of it.
He tried to let himself ease into it, taking slow steps into the cold, when a freezing hand gripped his bicep, using his surprise to pull him down into the water before he could resist.
Water sputtered out of his mouth as he pushed against the force, gripping the offending hand that pushed him in.
“You fuck-“
He wanted to swear, curse the hell out of the idiot that made him dive into the cold, but was met instead with a sight that made his heart stop;
Kirishima, his hair wet and clinging to the edges of his face, the nape of his neck, his eyes scrunched with laughter, his smile sharp and sincere, water trickling down his neck and cusping into his collarbones.
“I’m sorry”, he giggled, “but you’d never get in if I didn’t give you a little push!”
Kirishima’s mouth kept opening and closing, forming words that were lost to Bakugou’s ears.
All he could do was tug at Kirishima’s hand, still tight in his grip, nudging the confused boy closer before closing the gap between them to kiss him, moving his arms to cusp his boyfriend’s face.
He slowly let his eyes open, looking to Kirishima’s flustered expression with a proud grin, knowing he and only he could be the cause for that face.
“Payback”, he whispered, the words making Kirishima quiver.
Kirishima opened his mouth, ready to say something back-
Yet he never did.
One moment he was in Bakugou’s arms, the next he was gone, and a blonde bundle of hair obstructed Bakugou’s vision.
Kaminari’d jumped onto Kirishima’s back, making him tumble and fall into the water, before sputtering back up, pushing his friend off of his back.
“No PDA in the water folks!” Denki chided, biting down his grin.
“Says who you shit?” Bakugou asked.
“Says I, the PDA lifeguard.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. He pushed a heapingful of water onto his friend’s face.
“Can’t be the PDA police if you can’t see the PDA, fucker”, he grinned.
“Denki come on”, Mina yelled from the edge of the water, “Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you need to take it out on the lovebirds!”
Oddly enough, Kaminari sputtered, his eyes instinctively looking to Jirou, who’d choked on her drink.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow, using the distraction to pull his boyfriend back close to him.
“Do you think they-“ Kirishima whispered.
“No fucking way”, Bakugou whispered back, “Pikachu? And Jirou?!”
Kirishima smiled, looking to the blush spreading on Kaminari’s face.
“They’re an odd couple, sure”, he started, “but it’d be cute, no?”
“You’re cute” Bakugou replied, not missing a beat.
Kirishima’s blush spread across his face and down to his neck, as he slowly let himself slide back into the water.
Bakugou grinned, victoriously.
Hell, summer wasn’t so bad after all.
i may have snuck another cute ship i like in there bc...why not :3c
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