#anyway. ig becuz like
redysetdare · 11 months
There is something about being able to write an ADHD character and being able to air out all your feelings you had as a kid in relation to no one understanding your ADHD let alone not understanding it yourself.
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justinefrischmanngf · 2 years
i have got to learn chinese simply to be free of the embarrassment that comes w/ not knowing chinese
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treatmelikeyourpet · 10 days
woah getting a little to personal in the tags, maybe its time to take a bottleful of tylenol
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fic where 18 yrs old dazai meets 14 yrs old atsushi (right after leaving the mafia ig) and w/o thinking takes him with him and they spend the two years on the run together (dazai becuz anytime he tries to abandon the orphan he picked up w/o thought oda flashes into his mind and ultimately he grows to care for him) (atsushi becuz the weird bandage guy pinkie promised he could ride on one of those trains he's seen in books)
dazai and atsushi dont look alike or have the same name so the ada picks up they arent related by blood real quick
anytime anyone asks how they met, they honestly answer "i/dazai kidnapped him/me" but everyone thinks its a joke
atsushi wins dazai over gradually, like small moments, small moments of kindness shown for dazai, small moments of seeing atsushi's real non-trauma made personality seeping through , he doesn't even realize it until it hits all at once how much he cares for atsushi
atsushi on the other hand was sold because dazai could make him laugh
also sskk where atsushi takes his bf to meet his brother and akutagawa and dazai do the spiderman meme
also dazai finds out atsushi's ability becuz at some point he comes to their hideout or whatever and a giant tiger is sitting there and before he can even panic it happily jumps at him and boom atsushi
in this particular au, dazai lets atsushi doodle anywhere like dazai's bandages and his books becuz its better than having to actually engage with the child and eventually gets atsushi an actual sketchbook and the two spend their time drawing, atsushi's sketches get better dazai's get worse but atsushi sometimes thinks its becuz dazai's silly and scary sketches make him laugh
there has to be a scene where someone asks atsushi what he's doing here, after dazai's joined the ada, and atsushi's like "im here w/ my brother" and looks at dazai, sees him poorly flirting w/ kunikida and irritating him and gets so much second hand embarrassment he points at ranpo instead
atsushi knows dazai was in the mafia but he thinks double black was just dazai's cringy ship name for his ex boyfriend
okay thats all i can think of now ill add more maybe
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inahallucination · 1 year
teacher neil who asks his hubby to chaperone a field trip becuz theyre short one person
featuring: parents flirting with their kids’ hot teacher 
todd alternating between seething/glaring and being amused
neil, being oblivious to all of this 
all of the students recognizing todd from neil’s stories
todd accidentally getting added into the parent groupchat and having to be like “um im here for my husband. who is the teacher.”
he’s an honorary member anyway
todd gets flirted with too but he doesn’t realize
eventually tho he gets that its all in good fun
he still makes sure to announce himself as todd perry, neil’s husband, even tho technically he’s todd anderson-perry
if neil knew he would enjoy the drama
but he doesn’t
the parent groupchat will have people sharing advise or tips or whatever
and todd, with no child, will be like “damn i gotta try that” with his husband ig
does this count as a teachers au if so im back bitches if not im still here besties
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hashtagboykisser · 1 year
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characters included: mirabell madrigal, camilo madrigal, luisa madrigal, dolores madrigal, isabela madrigal
this is in terms of RECEIVING, not GIVING, if this is liked enough i might do another :)
most may think mirabell’s love language would be words of affirmation - considering her family didn’t give her that for most of the movie,
but imo she puts her family and lover into two separate categories, and she doesn’t expect the same thing from each.
and plus, she does like affirmations like “i’m proud of you” not so much “you’re stunning” (as much as she does appreciate it, she would just explode lmfao)
she likes living in the moment with her partner, and it doesn’t matter what they’re talking about, or what they’re doing. it’s a breathe of fresh air - and she needs a lot of it sometimes - especially when she’s stressed.
she loves any kind of love her partner gives, but quality time means the most to her :)
overall rating:
quality time: 10/10
words of affirmation: 9.5/10
gift giving: 7.5/10
acts of service: 6/10
physical touch: 5.5/10
CAMILO MADRIGAL: physical touch
i think the main reason camilo is so into physical touch is becuz this boy CANNOT keep his hands to himself (well, he can, but only if he has to.)
i feel like he’s not a huge fan of words of affirmation and acts of service, he’ll enjoy them coming from u, but there not his favorites.
he doesn’t need words of affirmations becuz he already thinks he’s amazing lol. like you’d go “camilo, ur awesome.” and he’d be like “ik sweetheart, ty for the reminder.”
he also wants to show you how manly he is so he is big on doing acts of service for u, but not so much the other way around. XD
gift giving (or ig receiving in this case) and quality time are something he loves, but physical touch still is at the top.
this bitch is a damn love machine, so he’ll take from u and give anything to u.
overall rating:
quality time: 8.5/10
words of affirmation: 7/10
gift giving: 9/10
acts of service: 6/10
physical touch: 10/10
LUSIA MADRIGAL: words of affirmation
lusia goes through a lot of stress - even after the events of the movie (imo.)
so hearing a simple “your doing great today!” or a “i’m proud of you” makes her cheeks swell from smiling.
she also really appreciated acts of service becuz of this!
she loves gifts, but she feels bad about u spending money on her😭🥹
on top of all this, she loooves physical touch. she loves giving headpats lol. and she loves receiving hugs and kisses, hand kisses will be the death of her heheheheheh
overall rating:
quality time: 7.5/10
words of affirmation: 11/10 !! lol
gift giving: 7/10
acts of service: 10/10
physical touch: 9/10
DOLORES MADRIGAL: receiving gifts
gifts - big or small, mean the absolute world to dolores! to her, it shows you cared enough to 1: buy her something and 2: pay attention to what she likes. and she’s all for it!
your family doesn’t have much money? no biggie! she love’s physical touch too. hand kisses, holding her hips, and playing with her hair are her favorites :) are this things small? yes. but does she love small gestures? also yes.
words of affirmation she also loves, but the appearance based one’s rllyyyy get to her. “you look like stunning today.” or “i love your smile.” are the kind of things she loves :)
quality time doesn’t mean to much to her - as she can always hear her partner anyway. but don’t take that as she doesn’t wanna see you at all, because it’s quite the opposite!
she likes doing acts of service for her partner, and not so much the other way around, just becuz she likes having the feeling of doing something and crossing it off a list.
overall rating:
quality time: 6.5/10
words of affirmation: 9.5/10
gift giving: 10/10
acts of service: 5/10
physical touch: 9/10
ISABELA MADRIGAL: acts of service
home girl can get stressed out - just like the rest of her family, and she really appreciates when it’s taken off of her shoulders.
she really enjoys massages - so physical touch is smth she enjoys.
words of affirmation are sorta different for her, she wants to hear “you’re not perfect, but that’s what i love about u.” or “trying your best is all u can do, don’t push urself.” yk?
isabela enjoys receiving gifts, but it’s not always the way she likes to feel loved, but she cherishes everything u can give her like a diamond🫶
she likes quality time as well - but i can imagine her being busy a lot so sometimes it isn’t always so easy.
overall rating:
quality time: 7/10
words of affirmation: 8.5/10
gift giving: 6.5/10
acts of service: 10/10
physical touch: 8/10
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hey heyyy
i hope y’all enjoyed!
if u wanna request smth go for it!!
if there’s anything offensive/inaccurate here feel free to lmk🫶
love yaaa!! <3
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queenofcoquette · 7 months
I am turning 20 in about a week and I feel like I haven't achieved anything in my life..how do I change my life
hi! im so sorry that ur feeling this way, and honestly im not completely sure that i can give u the best help but heres my advice:
i think "hustle culture" contributes to this feeling of being unaccomplished. i see so many ppl pushing this idea of working 24/7 and establishing a business and making millions and it's rlly harmful. in reality 20 is super young, ofc you might not have done anythinge huge yet becuz ur still so young! you still have a while to figure yourself out- like what you want to accomplish and how you want to go about it. although it's not entirely the same i also feel really unaccomplished when i see my classmates who do more than me, and then i worry about my future and stuff. so ik that the feeling sucks and it's stressful and horrible.
my advice on how to feel better:
what do you want? define what you want to accomplish and do with your life- not like what you want to do rn necessarily but just like goals for the future.
having a plan. im not sure whether or not you're in college or have a job, but anyways it's good to have some sort of a rough plan. even in college ur plan might change- my brother went to business school with the idea that he'd then go to law school but now he's thinking about getting a phd in political science. if ur not in college rn then ig you'd just need to think about getting some sort of job and way to support yourself.
healthy habits. if you don't have much of a routine in your life then work on establishing healthy habits- like working out, eating better, taking care of your hygeine.
finding hobbies. hobbies are great becuz u get thave something to dedicate yourself towards and you learn more about yourself and what you want to do. also it's rlly fun
but i really want to reiterate that ofc it's normal to feel unaccomplished but at the end of the day you're still so young and you have so much time to figure yourself out and what you're going to do. at 20 most people haven't done anything rlly big- my brother's 21 and still can't drive a car and most of his friends have rlly messy lives lmao. like ur doing fine!!!! u don't have to have everything figured out, you don't have to know completely who you are or what you're going to do. as long as you have a rough idea of how you can make a living and you're taking care of yourself it's all right.
wishing u all the best and i hope this helped :)
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godsofhumanity · 5 months
I like how the character Wonder Woman is a Embodiment of Feminism and she was created by A MAN!!!! Yet people said she presents some bigoted ideas
It's also interesting how she's inspired by Greek mythology and had heavy ties to Greek Gods,her mom was a daughter of Ares and I think the first time I saw her,she was given life by Zeus via his lightning bolt,hence he's technically her dad typical Zeus
I think she's a great character, it's just that many people don't really GET her character and ended up making her a man-hating sexist,a man-izer, basically a male version of womanizer, it's a huge misinterpretation
I'm sure you understand how misinterpretations feel,many mythologies were botched just for the sake of someone's ego and interests anyway
I shared the misinterpretation with my teacher and he said Zack Snyder's version is the best one yet,cuz in that iteration,she doesn't hate men or thinks men are pigs etc,no, she's simply interested with the ideas of men and she's totally fine with them,which makes sense
I mean the woman was raised by only Women and only lived around till she's an adult,so ofc she's interested or curious. I don't think the Amazons generally hate men, they're just aware of how terrible some men are cuz that their nature
Also my first movie of Wonder Woman where I first knew her,featured her love interest,the guy who got stranded on Paradise Island,where the Amazons reside and when he saw a bunch of Amazonian ladies bathing, I think he looked seduced and tidied himself to "look nice for the ladies", I remember he very clearly he didn't seem embarrassed when he saw a bunch of women bathing outdoors in a pretty discrete place
Okay I don't really blame him,the place was called Paradise Island becuz so many beauties live there, it's literally paradise on Earth, it's also my bisexual's ass dream world
No hate for him btw, he's cool ig. Also I think he pretty much explained why Paradise Island is a no-man area. Can't blame the ladies for not liking guys there,they have their reasons I won't comment
The Amazons even spared that guy for literally trespassing and if they really did hate men,they wouldn't let him go back to the mainland alive. One of the central points of that movie was Wonder Woman bringing him back home and therefore she got a chance of learning about the outside world
I'm gonna search for that movie one day
very interesting and valid points, Anon.
as a child, i never cared much for Wonder Woman because she always wore that skimpy skirt barely covering her ass and to me, a little girl, i just thought that was gross.
but now, as an older girl, i see Wonder Woman as hugely successful, hard-working, kind, strong both mentally and physically, and she still dresses up so gorgeous. i have huge respect for her now because she works hard to get it both ways; so now i really have no problems at all with Wonder Woman or her pretty, but short, clothes. i think she really is kinda wonderful tbh,, one of the better heroes.
tbh i haven’t seen the movie you discussed— i have only ever seen Gal Gadot’s WW, and i’ve seen the old comics i used to read as a kid. i do like the new WW. i hope you are able to find the film and watch it again!!
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dogpixie · 3 months
androgynous ghost in the machine i can be a boy or a girl whenever i want to be. im always both but also most often living as just 1 or the other, a woman who could at another point be a man or a man who could at another point be a woman. ig thats maybe being gender fluid? i think this was hard for me to understand abt myself until i lived as a person the world saw as male for a while bc for me personally i usually feel like my gender expression IS my gender bc i dont really believe in gendered actions sooo it all comes down to how im seen? for the most part its like...strangers see me as a woman and so: right now i am living as a woman. im moving through space as a woman. obviously theres nuance esp when looking androgynous and of course i think EVERY person has both parts man and woman just at different levels becuz thats being human. um anyway i love that my closest loved 1s understand its fluid for me but im not so concerned with what others think bc its basically up to them to decide and thats also convenient bc then i dont get so hurt being misgendered. bc u cant exactly misgender me. im a stable double sided identity on the inside and usually a single but plastic projection outside.
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horror-princess-2002 · 6 months
Can I get a matchup? Also I apologize I knew I was chatty but damn..
I'm 5'1 (💀) and I have like shoulder length auburn hair and dark brown eyes. I have a skinny hourglass body type and extremely pale skin and i wear boy clothes, girly clothes, lol I wear just about anything but I like just like dolphin shorts and a tank top. Yeah i don’t know if that’s like if you know whst I mean but yeah.
Im pretty introverted at new places and still quieter around people who aren’t my friends but once we have been friends for like 3 days im really loud and kinda obnoxious tbh. I kindaa have anger issues (yeah no it’s bad like this bitch Talan called me friend a bitch the other day so I went and cussed him out but he mocked me so ima beat his ass once my winter break is over, it started on Wednesday but this occurred Tuesday, no one and I mean fuxking no one messes with my friends because I am weak and not good at fighting but I have a hard punch and kick and will use it in the most deadly places.) but yeah anyway I love horror and like dark af shit but then I also like Sanrio, and I also have severe social anxiety and all my friends think I have bipolar depression so there’s that ig. 
I love art, and music like Melanie Martinez becuz uh it’s MELANIE MARTINEZ and I love to play games, for example I use to loveee dumb ways to die bc the deaths have a fair amount of blood lol and I love horror movies like love love love but for some reason they’re all predictable and none ever scare me. I’m still looking for traumatizing ones tho so feel free to give suggestions. Also yeah not me typing a whole essay anyway I think this is good oh yeah one more thing
I LOVEEEEE SPORTS‼️😍 like I love football, soccer, baseball, basketball, badminton, tennis, rugby, swimming, you name it I play it mk? ❤️⚽️❤️🏀❤️🏈❤️⚾️❤️🏸❤️🏐❤️🏊❤️
okay byebyebyebye 🤡
I hope you enjoy hun ❤️
I match you with Jason Voorhees
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meh-kris · 1 year
Nobody has been waiting for it but who tf cares??!! Anyways let's give it up for MY campcamp ship ratings !!! (And no im not adding the campers x counselors ships like maxvid bcuz istg if I hear it one more time I will fucking throw a truck at you) so yea let's go first with the adults
Gwenvid- 9/10 I'm honestly loving the dynamic between these two becuz like gwen is like the grump of the two and David's the sunshine that everyone adores and ugh its so adorable like cmon don't tell they wouldn't end up together it's overall cute
Danvid- 3or4/10 idk how to feel abt this because it's a bit odd to me I mean Daniel tried to kill David like yea but it would be a decent ship if Daniel wasn't THAT weird pretty meh ship tbh (sorry danvid shippers but ily)
Gwen x Jen- 4/10 I honestly never knew they would be shipped but I guess it would be nice but I don't think it's the best tbh
Daniel x Jen- 4/10 not bad of a ship idea but it's not my cup of my tea either
Jasvid- 10/10 it's such a wholesome dynamic tbh but good only if Jasper alive AU or kid versions it's cute ^_^
Okay camperinos time
Maxneil- 7/10 tbh it's not that bad of a ship it's legit nerd x edgy kid I can see it happening, not a big fan but I support it
Makki- 7/10 could possibly happen I mean I like opposites attract it's cute although max is a bit manipulative but they're nice to eachother so it's cute ig?
Maxpres- 6.5/10 I lowkey like this ship I have no idea why but it just seems interesting like the dynamic would be fun to watch but I have mixed feelings abt it
Neilson- 6/10 I kinda shipped this back in mind freakers but then I didn't really see it much but it would be a nice ship
Neil x Preston- 3/10 idek this ship existed but ig it does for me I guess it wouldn't be that bad but I don't rlly see it either
Neilki- 1/10 I don't like the ship because of parents day(ruined me mentally) would be better as siblings like nerdy bro and energy sis (gravity falls much)
Nerriki- 7/10 okay this would low-key be really cute like I love dynamics like this it would be a very awesome ship
Presnik- 6/10 haven't seen this ship much but it would be adorable tbh loud couple goals fr !!!
Nerrison - 100/10 tf your expect I MAKE ART OF THEM they are just the best ship in camp camp fr like their dynamic is good even as platonic or romantic it JUS WORKS I love how they bicker abt their interpretations of magic but they're still friends even if they don't admit it ITS SO ADORABLE ahem anyways they are my favorite
Harriston- 30/10 I love this ship sm!!!! The dynamic is so adorable they would be bfs fr like LOOK at them (even if they lack the interactions)
Presner- 9/10 20/10 okay don't get mad at me for this but I'm saying it WOULD be cute because they won't stop talking abt their intrests together but like idk it doesn't really hit me as much as nerrison and harriston does?? I mean yes they are pretty close to eachother in some scenes wait yknow what nevermind I'm giving them twenty
Nerriston- 101010209339390/10 yes.
Nurf x Preston- -15/10 this ship is toxic af actually all nurf ships are tbh so no.
Nerred? (Nerris and Ered)- 5/10 personally not a big fan of this ship but it could be a really good ship since they hung out in the show so it has some potential for me but not hitting the spot
Ered x Dolph- 0/10 fuck no Dolph is like what 8 yrs old and ered is (my hc) 14 ffs THATS SUCH A BIG AGE DIFF
Ered x Nikki- 2/10 Nikki probably has a crush on ered but those like childhood ones besides Nikki is like 10 yrs old ered is probably a teen so it doesn't work for me
Dolph x Space Kid- 7.2/10(yes that exact number) if they interacted a bit more maybe then I would ship them like it would be cute but platonically works too tbh
Space Kid x Max- 2.5/10 a bit toxic tbh :/ but like ig it's not bad also I wouldn't give this much if it wasn't wasn't the fact their VAs are married so yea
Space Kid x Neil- never knew this existed??? Not the ship for me sorry 1/10
Okay other camps too !!
Maxsha or smth- 5.5/10 I hc sash as a lesbian but if I didn't then I'd probably make it higher I guess they're like manipulative assholes who are dominant not bad tbh both have the power to rule over everything so I wouldn't mess with them
Sasha x Vera- 9/10 power couple fr they got along well so I think they'd date tbh not a bad ship (wlw solidarity)
Sasha x Erin- 7/10 idk what to think of this it is cute though idrc abt this ship much so yea
Sasha x Tabii- 3/10 a bit of a toxic ship imo becuz like Sasha is manipulative of tabii abit but overall not bad
Sasha x Pikeman- 4/10 dumbass x dominant one is hilarious to me but it doesn't really spark for me yknow it'd be a cool ship ig
Erin x Neil- 8/10 I actually really liked this ship because it was like smarties in love LIKE LOOK AT THEM if only Erin saw Neil's face while she was trying to see who liked her :(( Also malewife girlboss slay
Erin x Tabii- 7.5/10 I don't ship it much but I love their dynamic they would be with eachother 24/7 tbh it's a good ship
Erin x Snake- 2/10 it's a bit weird for me I feel like there's better people for Snake tbh so yea
Snake x Tabii- 6/10 eh ship but it would be cute cuz its like crazy girl and dude who's like woah she's so cool it would be very nice so yea
Tabii x Neil- 1/10 this ship makes me uncomfortable I'm sorry
Lastly my fave ship David,max and Gwen x therapy my fave 1000000000/10 <33
Okay folks gn it's literally 1:30AM in the morning for me so ysa byeee love you guys
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bears-necessity · 2 years
im curious of what you think about the yiik characters. i need to know what other yiik fans think. alex is my personal favorite (i want to kick him down the stairs) but i like michael a lot too. theyre all stupid nerds. honestly if you have any headcanons id love to hear them.
OMG THANK YOU FOR ENABLING ME TO BE ABNORMAL I HAVE SO MUCH THOUGHTS ABOUT THESE GUYS OKAY SO im putting this under a cut just so its not super long on ppls dash here
first off every YIIK character is queer and neurodivergent becuz I'm queer and neurodivergent and I said so, the specifics of that depend on my mood and what sort of au bullshit i'm coming up with at 2am in a VC with my friends tho
Alex is complicated. i hate him hes a massive douche but also I really do get what the devs were trying to with him. the occasions when he's being nice and having fun with his friends are where he shines and honestly at heart hes just some guy who needs to get a grip and get his shit together (relatable). if i knew him personally i'd probably slap him and then we'd be good, he probably specialised in sci-fi/fantasy creative writing for his libarts degree and definitely wrote an essay at somepoint about videogames as an art form. He has tattoos but they're all probably really cringe and embarassing because they were super trendy when he got them and then fell out of fashion, he has one of those barbed wire ones around his upper arm.
Michael is my FAVORITE GUY OF ALL TIME HES SO SILLY but also i've made him horribly angsty in my brain as well it's so. i think him and alex have a really good "friends who are used to each other's bullshit" dynamic but also i ship them a little bitty bit just cuz i'm a sucker for besties who are obliviously in love with each other as a trope. He would hate-watch ancient aliens and buzzfeed unsolved because he thinks he knows better than them. If you read his comments on ONISM he also seems to be a really sweet and supportive guy with the userbase and thats rlly cool hes such a guy Aside from that though he has the most unexplored depth as a character imo, since it's confirmed he isn't from the present reality and at some point definitely becomes aware of that fact I like to think underneath the funnyman bestie thing he's probably having a crisis about who he is and stuff because even before he's consciously aware of it he probably felt this vague subconscious feeling of like,,,Not Belonging ig? idk i think he probably knows this isn't where hes really meant to be and hes trying to truck through it but the impostor syndrome is definitely there. I love michael so much he is a certified blorbo
Rory is sooo mecore I stole his name online because he's so mecore we are both emo/scene kids and his canon favorite song according to some questions directed at the dev team is a brighteyes song that i also love its like fate. ANYWAY I feel really bad for Rory because i think his character is probably handled one of the worst just with the tonal whiplash a lot of his character-centric moments has. I bet he listens to weezer and radiohead. If YIIK was set now he would be into creepypasta and he would get michael into it since it ties in with his paranomal urban legend stuff, they would vlog hunting for slenderman together. him and alex run a gaming channel together (THIS IS AN INSIDE JOKE BUT I HAD TO PUT IT IN I COULDNT HELP MYSELF)
Vella is pretty and I think she's super cool, one of my besties LOVES her so I kinda let him be the friend group CEO of vella stuff but my biggest takeaways from her is that I hope she gets back into making music again, but for her own fun this time instead of to fulfill some success pressure. maybe she starts a crappy little garage band with some of the gang and they write terrible songs about aliens who smoke pot and dance the macarena and she's the only one there who can actually play but they have fun with it. She also knows all the videogame cheat codes and keeps setting high scores that alex and michael cant beat. Also her mind dungeon reminds me of yume nikki and thats super cool cuz i love yume nikki
Chondra and Claudio deserved way more time for their characters to develop and also their lore is weird and confusing and I think the whole missing brother thing is rlly weird too becuz of the reveal of how that all works with alex and shit. BUT if they had been handled bettter they probably would be my favorites because I think claudio is super fun and his VA sounds like he's really going for it and he's just such a chill guy and he's super passionate about his interests and i respect that and 100% would be his bestie chondra is super cool too, she's clearly really into sports and I bet she hangs out at the local skate park and impresses everyone cuz of her roller skates and also probably gets vella into skating too and they go together and have matching customised helmets just for the extra cool factor. alex and michael and rory come and watch them but are too pussy to try (alex has had enough from that stupid skateboard ability you get in vella's dungeon). Maybe she goes to some competitions for it and stuff too
uhhh some other various stuff the essentia is really cool but also confusing and it took ages to make sense of her lore but i LOVE her voice the effects to make it robot-y are *chefs kiss* and essentia 995 is just SO idk how to describe it the part when she says "often it is necessary to lie to oneself to get a tough job done" hits really hard for some reason. shes metal as fuck, metaphorically and literally. sammy is literally a caricature of a real life dead girl and i think that's pretty fucked up and they shouldnt have done that, but she would have been really cool if it wasn't for that big yikes. in general i really love a lot of the influences yiik has i'm a huge fan of rpgmaker horror and murakami books and a bunch of the other shit that it references so hehehehehe thats cool
this is long but also this is everything I can think of off the top of my head thank you for letting me be abnormal about this stupid game i hate it and love it so much :D
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deidaratheartboi · 2 years
Shu Headcanon thingy(At least I think it is) Meeting Ig
I'll try to make this accurate. Ahem.
So you met Shu at skool (ye ik so orginal right?)
Well you would hardly say met more like you bumped into the guy and his lil mp3 player fell out (whatever tf it is)
You almost stepped on it
Yeah so much for a first impression
Oh and did I mention you have a talent for pissing off the Sakamaki's?
Like that one time you picked up Kanato's bear by acident
Or you questioned Subaru why he was named after a car
And, that time you tripped Ayato
That wasn't on acident tho
So the brother's don't like you much
And there you were messing up with another brother
After that lil incident you assumed he had forgotten all about it because he had little to no reaction when you did that
But, then came the day you had to use the music room
It was dark when you walked in so you stumbled around until you fell on something or someone that is
Suddenly the lights turn on and you find yourself on top of Shu (assume there's a couch) as Kanato, Ayato, and Subaru see this.
So liek this is kinda weird rn
No one speaks until Laito breaks the silence
So y/n has a thing for Shu now does she?
You look a Shu who hasn't opened his eyes despite this entire situation
You leave the classroom and hope that no one else finds out about this
They do. The entire school does.
It must have been Laito tho becuz revenge
Everyone either teases you about it or laugh at you partially becuz they are jeeelllyyy
It was no secret the boiz were h a w t
But still you didn't want this
At all
The time comes for you to use the moosic room and you make sure no one is watching you
You walk into the classroom and surely enough Shu is on the couch being lazy af
You clear your throat and glare at him
No answer
You walk over to him and shake him
No response
You ask him "People think me and you are a thing doesn't that bother you?"
Finally he looks over at you with those bootiful half lidded eyes that make your heart palpitate and he says "No."
You weren't sure whether to be flustered or mad rn
"Well it bothers me so why don't you clear up those rumours huh?"
He sits up and opens his eyes all of the way this time and says "Maybe I don't want to."
You groan and let out a small growl but liek it ain't too scary lol
Shu just stares at you and goes back to listening to his moosic
You shake your head and sit at the piano
You're suppose to record you playing a piano for moosic class or sum so ye
To say the least you suck
Like literally consider quitting moosic all together.
Why did you take this class bru?
You don't think Shu can hear you but he can
He doesn't say anything as he comes up behind and guides your hands along the piano.
He tells you what you're doing wrong and how to fix it
By the end of it you're playing pretty decently
You look up at him but he's already over on the couch
How tf he get over there so fast?
Anyways, you pack up your stuff and turn off the recorder thingy (idk)
You walk towards the door but before you go you mutter a small thanks to Shu before leaving
You don't see him smile as you go So um yeah. Sorry if some if this don't make any sense. As I said I'll try. Ngl I had fun with this. If you guys want more I can try some more. I might make a pt 2 for this and then do some other brother. Sorry if this is too long tho lol
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okay two versions of mafia dazai x ada kunikida + their adopted son atsushi
dark era
ok this would probably end up being an accidental fix it but um anyway
picture this, dark era dazai wandering around thinking up a new way to commit suicide
kunikida on his way back to the ada office after a mission
and atsushi who has managed to escape the orphanage and now is wandering in a new town
atsushi meets dazai while dazai's trying to drown himself like in canon
atsushi meets kunikida who notices a small starving kid drag someone out the river and immediately rushes to help
at this point kuni and dazai dont know each other
kunikida takes atsushi to eat and the drowning man is also there; they talk; atsushi is sweet
dazai's like "starving child do u wanna come with me" while kunikida is also inviting him to come w/ him to find a place to stay
now u might think why would dazai do this well idk something about a small child starving and exhausted but still finding in himself to help a stranger even tho itll leave him wet and cold was so surprising he didnt know what to do
and kunikida is just... kunikida and idk he's a nice guy
dazai and kunikida both argue atsushi should come with them and dazais like this guys probably right but its funny to see him riled up
anyway so theyre like okay whatever atsushi wut do u want
and atsushi, sweet tiny traumatized atsushi, doesn't wanna upset these ppl who seem so nice so he says both
and so the custody agreement starts
at first dazai doesn't tell anyone about atsushi becuz um who would want to admit they adopted a child to rile up a hot blond but
eventually as dazai and kunikida grow close to atsushi and to each other they find out about their jobs
kunikida is not happy about letting his son (whos only 4 years younger than him) live with mafia ppl around and makes dazai swear to protect him and dazais like okay fine ig
the only ppl who know atsushi in the mafia are oda and ango becuz um besties
chuuya knows somethings up but he hasnt quite figured it out
akutagawa has met atsushi but he doesn't know about atsushi and dazai
he does know this sweet kid who always greets him with a smile is under shared custody over two guys his brother who call themselves his dad but ya
atsushi isnt hiding it he's just shy around his first ever crush
atsushi loves the ada and fully wants to join but he also loves dazai but he has no desire to be with the mafia sense dazai has never let him meet anyone in the mafia while theyre on the clock if that makes sense
so essentially as my tags of the last post said
atsushi is the child of divorce that has to constantly move in between homes
but his parents are four years older than him
and not divorced becuz they arent even dating yet
and also he's accidentally the reason theyll ever get together
and also his homes r two rival organizations
anyway the fix it part comes from dazai having his in law family to help out when mimic comes but do with that what u will
and also same concept but theyre all older
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inahallucination · 5 months
anderperry au where mr perry is like dead ig or something idk idc but anyway, so neil can act as much as he pleases so he acts in plays in highschool and becomes a professional actor after highschool he's well known and well liked as an actor and he's like doing college on the side - probably online or something not important to the prompt but anyway he's dating this guy right? named todd anderson but like no one at todd's college knows todd doesn't really want too much attention on him until after he's already a published author either because he's scared he's not enough for neil who's already famous or just because he doesn't want people to read his stuff because they like neil or whatever however he doesn't go out of his way to hide his relationship either becuz of neil's shitty self esteem and todd not wanting him to think todd doesn't want ppl to know, because he does, just not on that level yet; anyway anytime todd gets asked out he lets ppl down saying he has a bf but he never says anything beyond that and some ppl think he's lying on the other hand neil also turns down ppl for the same reason and everyone thinks he's lying too yeah after todd starts publishing and builds a bit of a platform, he and neil go public yeah anyway
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soobinies · 2 years
Viviiii i must tell u abt a dream i just had abt yeonjun today ;A;; aaaaaaaaaaa 🙈
it started when he asked me to do some sort of dance challenge with him and for some reason i agreed and then we both walked into this break room (it was a large room and like at the very left corner was a bathroom i think?) my brain is weird. anyways he told me to set up the phone while he'll just go to the bathroom rq and i was like 'ok' lmao i was so dead set on finding the perfect position, rearranging stuff inside the room, trying to make the bg as decent as possible and setting up the camera view. when he came back i told him he should just do this challenge by himself becuz i havent really learned the moves yet but i'll hold the phone to record him and he agreed. when he positioned himself in front of the camera, for some reason i changed by mind abt the bg and told him that i think we should just switch to the wall behind us it was more clear & plain, and he agreed w me again. now after we switched and set up the camera again, before we started filming i told him to check out the angle just to make sure hes satisfied w/ it. he came over and i was sitting on this couch where i was holding his phone (LMAO my dream was so vivid and detailed at this point i even saw his lockscreen it was like one of his IG pics at the beach LOL) ANYWAYS to the wildest part of my dream sndjdksj while he was looking at the phone i was holding it at i could feel his fingers just barely touching my lower back and i BASICALLY scooted up an inch forward so that i could avoid them, maybe lwk to give him a HINT that i was a little uncomfy (i wasnt really, i just didnt wanna be obvious to him that my heart was beating SO FKCN FAST and i refused to show i was into him in any way) and THEN boy had the audacity to still inch closer his fingers again to rest against the small part of my back and i YET AGAIN inched my body more forward and away from him, and now this time this mf decides to actually rest and press most of his hand onto my back ❓❕❔‼️‼️ while simultaneously fixing the angles of his phone,which i was still holding (at this point now BOYY i just tried to ignore his hand and act annoyed) then my dream soon quickly ended after that. but LMAOO i was annoyed at myself when i was still thinking abt it that i didnt swat his hand right away and just straight up tell him "hey buddyyoure getting a bit touchy-feely there" but YKNOWW im not one to be against these kind of dreams im just the tsundere type ok😭 sorry for the cringe word vomit 🤢 aaaaaaaaaaaaa im still screamign🙈🙈🙈(ALSO SHOULD I ADDITONALLY NOTE THAT I BIAS BEOMGYU akdjsksnsjsjsnsn) (but yea YJ been biaswrecking me so hardddd these days =_=)
wjkajajjs! your dream got wild towards the end! Lmfao welcome to the club where yeonjun wrecks me 24/7. I like how you can remember small details from your dream, I forget mine 😂 the last dream I had of yeonjun was 1 day ago and he jumped a fence to get us chicken nuggets from Mc Donald’s hahahaha. it must of my dreams that I had of him I’m usually able to speak very calmly and for some reason I’m able to understand Korean xD.
Thank you for sharing your dream with me. I enjoyed reading it
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