#anti haladriel
nateofgreat · 7 months
So I think I finally realized why Sauron disguising himself as a human in ROP bothers me so much, beyond the obvious shipbait and the fact that it was motivated by wanting to make him the poor, sexy, misunderstood bad guy :(
The thing about Sauron in the books is that he doesn't understood the people of Middle Earth. He's ancient, knowledgable, powerful... But he really doesn't get them. Sure, he knows how to tempt and corrupt them with promises of power and preservation of what they care about most.
But things like goodness, small acts of kindness, humility, etc, are things he's shown he doesn't understand. By that I mean it's literally the reason he loses, because even in his darkest dreams he never thought that someone would reject power (in the form of the Ring) and even try to destroy it at great risk to himself. He lost because he failed to understand the hearts of people, even though Frodo couldn't go through with it, he and Bilbo's act of pity toward Gollum enabled the Ring (and Sauron) to be destroyed.
In ROP, meanwhile, Sauron wants to give up being a Dark Lord to become a blacksmith in Numenor instead. Not a royal blacksmith either, just a simple man working a simple job... In other words, he seems to have suddenly developed a love of humility and living a simple life. The very things he didn't understand that led to his defeat are now what he wants to do in ROP.
In comparison, ROP Galadriel's shown to belittle the idea of a simple life in favor of grand ambitions. She presents the idea of rejecting royalty to be ordinary as a cowardly waste of potential and bullies Sauron back into the game. So, jokes completely aside, Galadriel really is more Sauron-like than Sauron in ROP.
The only actual motivation for Sauron's evil now is that he's heartbroken. Which is... Underwhelming, let's just say.
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runawaymun · 3 months
For the ship ask Annatar/Celebrimbor (I don’t ship this myself, but at the same time have read one or two fics with them)
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It compels me enough to play with it, but I don’t really enjoy many fanon interpretations. I was never all that into it prior to the show. I do love it in the context of Rings of Power for reasons that are about 60% Charlie and Charlie oozing sexual chemistry the entire time they were on screen together and 40% anti h*ladriel spite, so 😭 I started shipping ROP them as a joke but now it’s not a joke anymore help
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gi-nathlam-hi · 1 year
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sorry this is so rage inducing for me 😭 please I'm begging-- can we get some biodiversity up in this bitch
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darklinaforever · 24 days
Me, seeing people praising HOTD and downing The Rings or Power with the release of the trailers when the shows are objectively as bad as each other. Two fanfictions slammed to the ground. But at least one takes responsibility (TROP), unlike another... Isn't that right, HOTD showrunners ?
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A thing about Saurondriel that is that, like, it just makes sense even in basest levels. Galadriel is one the fairest of all elven ladies. In his Annatar persona, Sauron was a hot piece of ass too. Why the heck not have sexual tension between two deliciously attractive people?!
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liminal-zone · 11 months
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padfootprongslet · 2 years
me, someone who has never shipped or liked han*igram or r*ylo.
me, when I see loustat and haladriel:
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christophernolan · 1 year
do you know red queen author Victoria Aveyard hate reylo but shipped haladriel?
??? I don’t know who she is nor do I care?? I mean haladriel is like a CW show ship. It’s nothing to take seriously because it’s NEVER been canon nor will ever be and I find that ship extremely annoying and disrespectful to Tolkien’s work but that’s another thing for later. I mean TROP is just basically fanfic, a high budget one at that. As for Reylo, it’s my favorite ship in the world and I don’t care who hates it or who doesn’t. At least we got Elizabeth Banks on our sides. A Woman with taste!
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nateofgreat · 25 days
"Oh no! Sauron's back and he's going to worm his way into your mind and-"
Guys, it's too late. You already had Sauron blow his cover and say that he's actually just in love with Galadriel and wants to give up evil to marry her. You can't circle back to him being an evil menace when you've built the foundation on him turning evil because he was rejected.
Trust me, I WISH that's what you'd done in the first place. That sounds much more in-character but there's no going back now.
I also like that Galadriel was kept to a minimum in the teaser. Like she's there but they gave almost all the lines to everyone else because of how unpopular the character is.
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runawaymun · 10 months
Omg thanks fro reminding me about haladriel.... I tolerate trop, even enjoyed some bits of it but dear god not the haladriel shippers😭 I have the entire trop tag excluded in my Ao3 for my own sanity.
i'm so sorry for reminding you. I, too, wish I could forget about it. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 you're really valid for that. I'm pro-ROP and I love the fic (and write some obvs obvs) but it is so...disheartening...to see the total number of ROP fics on the archive literally get cut in half the second you exclude all iterations of the h*ladriel tag.
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marimosalad · 1 year
In light of recent unacceptable harassment to authors on AO3 and surge in Haladriel hate, many writers have become apprehensive about engaging in the fandom. A few things:
1. This is unacceptable. Please, for the love of god, trolls kindly fuck off because we’re all tired of your immature, holier-than-thou, entitled bullshit complaining. Is this how you behave in real life? How would you feel if you were treated in this manner? Aren’t you embarrassed by your own conduct as an adult member of society? If not, you should be. It’s sad and desperate and deranged.
2. Anti-ROPs, if you hate the show, why do you care so much about what fans do? Does it affect your daily life? Are you personally victimized by it? No? Then kindly fuck off.
3. READ THE TAGS. THE TAGS ARE THERE FOR *YOU* SO *YOU* COULD MAKE THE CHOICE TO READ WHAT YOU WANT OR DONT WANT TO READ. Don’t blame the authors when you don’t read & follow instructions.
4. Pro-Haladriel harassers, you do realize that attacking the authors will lead to fewer production of content? If you want to support the fandom, either support the writers and encourage them to keep writing, or don’t comment at all. You are not helping the fandom; you are hurting it.
Please reblog or share on other platforms. I’m fairly new to the fandom, so I feel like I’m yelling into the void here.
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High King Gil-galad: “Galadriel must leave these shores at once for Valinor, lest she court the very evil she was obsessively pursuing more than her own missing husband and bring it down upon us all.”
Elrond: "Agreed."
Galadriel: “Hey guys! I decided to skip Heaven, go for a swim, enjoy an island vacation with this random hot guy I met adrift at sea, encouraged him not to pursue a life of quiet and peaceful isolation, then invaded the Southlands with him and an army and put a crown on his head. Meet my new boyfriend, Satan. What’s for supper?”
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darklinaforever · 2 months
When I see people making entire posts and articles to defend the nice romantic interest in the love triangle where the heroine finds herself, with a villain / anti-hero, who also loves her, to explain that in fact morally the guy nice is more fair and normal and that the mean guy who is creepy and we shouldn't prefer him to the nice guy...
I always wonder what is in these people's heads.
Like... they think we're stupid ? That we are not able to see that the guy coding as a villain / anti heroes is problematic and sometimes downright creepy ? They really think they're teaching us the truth about the world with this kind of moralistic explanation / defense about a character who in the real world would actually be considered romantically good ? These people really have a problem with the difference in interpretation between reality and fiction ?
There's a very simple reason why in fiction, we sometimes prefers men with problematic traits. Because they are simply interesting. Especially compared to the normal guy the heroine will end up with.
Fact : Being a boring character in fiction is worse than being a character capable of murder.
And don't make me say what I didn't say. There are some very nice and very interesting characters in fiction too. Like Stiles from Teen Wolf or Peeta from The Hunger Games. They are simply written as real characters. And not just nice guys supposed to be a fairer path for the heroine to follow. They are interesting and convincing. Which sometimes “nice men” in love triangles just aren’t.
And sometimes there are villains who are not interesting because they have no characteristics other than wickedness or other negative aspects that can disgust us. A villain will often be appreciated for his intelligence and or certain human qualities that make him more complex than simply being evil.
So obviously, we're going to prefer this type of character for a ship, instead of the normal type who narratively barely contributes anything, and is barely a character at all.
And we're not even going to talk about the cases where the character supposed to be the bland nice man actually turns out to be a bigger asshole, objectively speaking and in reality, than the villain / anti-hero of the love triangle. Right, Malyen Oretsev ?
Anyway this is a post made out of the blue where I simply wrote down my thoughts as they came to me. I hope this is understandable. Anyway, these were my personal spontaneous thoughts. Don't hesitate to share your opinion on it.
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I'll never be normal again will I
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liminal-zone · 2 years
From the Empire Spoiler Special Film Podcast, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1 finale (LIVE) ft. Patrick McKay, JD Payne, Morfydd Clark, Charlie Vickers. October 19, 2022
This is an imperfect transcript of a bit of this interview.
Charlie Vickers: I don’t see it as a strictly king and queen thing. I love the reflection bit but ultimately if she had said yes, he’s very much the king and she’s like his sidekick in terms of ruling.
(JD or Patrick): It’s not like a marriage proposal.
Morfydd Clark: (amused) How dare you. 
Morfydd: I think also, there’s a saying in Welsh, hope is a safe anchor, and that is something that is in all of Tolkien. Hope has to be nurtured. Galadriel has stopped nurturing her hope. The bit where I get really cross with Sauron on the raft where he manipulates her but then he tries to make her despair. That’s like when you become truly lost but when you need others to get you out of it. 
Charlie: And I think that’s the thing. (speaks of getting sent the WH Auden piece on Good and Evil in LOTR). The difference when it gets to evil, affection goes out the window. And you see this relationship and you see affection, but in the end it’s only for personal gain. It’s a fear as well. The whole season you see them working together and they have this – we like to call it a cosmic connection not romantic. Although I got in a lot of trouble for saying that it wasn’t romantic yesterday because of the shipping~. And I think it’s very clear on the raft that he’s just using her for his personal gain rather than any sort of love and affection to her. 
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