#and yet she still is a neutral presence in the force
abysskeeper · 1 year
give me murdercat info/angst. for fun.
@gothamcityneedsme screw it I'm answering this one too. I'm writing vignettes ("vignettes"--they're all breaching 1k, if not more) alternating between Raz and Trick and how their fighting styles developed after...essentially thinking they got each other killed. Maybe putting something out into the ether will make me write more of it.
Also, in continuation of a prior, different conversation, we fridge men in this house.
"He overcommitted to his lunge against her, stretching further than he should and leaving his left side open. It was a common mistake, and one she had thought she had beaten out of him during the countless practice rounds she had with him over the year to ensure his survival in the ring.
She moved on instinct, incapable of preventing her feet from side stepping out of his strike and unable to stop her hands from swinging her blade upwards. She honed her instincts to a fine pointed precision. She knew how to take an opportunity...she knew how to survive.
Her blade sunk into his side, as it had countless times before. This time though, there was no training blade. It was not off and dull, but sharp, vibrating, and she felt it ripping through flesh, through muscle and sinew. Through bone.
Her eyes widened, and her breathing hitched, growing more rapid as the seconds ticked by while her blade. Kept. Going. She couldn't stop, even if she wanted to. And she wanted it to. She wanted it to stop, she wanted to stop, she wanted to stop, she needed to stop...but it didn't matter.
Only one of them was making it out of here alive, they both knew that.
Finally, Kol stumbled back, away from her blade and then down to his knees before falling backwards into the dirt. His hands gripped at the wound in his side, and she watched dumbstruck as those hands quickly transformed a dark shade of red as they were coated with his own blood. The hilt of the vibrosword fell from her hands. She never, never let go of her weapon but...in this moment she didn't need it. That was a killing blow, as it had been for her so many times before.
More importantly, she knew above all else, Kol would not strike against her in his dying moments. Kol never wanted to strike against her at all."
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writing-imagines · 5 months
Even Mean Girls Cry // Regina George
Summary: After hooking up with Regina for a year, you finally get to see her vulnerable side after The Plastics reject her at lunch.
Possible warnings: light swearing, bullying, and Regina being Regina
Pairing: Regina George x gender!neutral reader (readers gender literally isn’t mentioned)
A/n: first fic of 2024!! I love Reneé’s Regina so feel free to send me any ideas or thoughts about her
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Regina George wasn’t a good person. It was evident ever since the first grade when she told everyone that Peter Howell peed himself after she spilled apple juice on him. So, you did your best to avoid her, and her ever changing minions, every day as you grew up. When you reached high school, Regina’s antics became more frequent and hurtful. By the end of your freshman year, she had at least one embarrassing piece of information on everyone in school, yourself included. 
Your streak of successfully avoiding Regina came to an end after winter break during your sophomore year. Ms. Norbury asked you to be Regina’s Intermediate Math tutor since you had the highest grades in your Algebra 2 class. You were hesitant to accept the opportunity considering Regina’s reputation, but you knew tutoring would look great on your college application. You accepted Ms. Norbury’s request and so started your relationship with Regina George. 
At first, she sat across from you in the empty cafeteria after school, chomping loudly on her gum and texting a thousand words a minute. Her behavior continued every day that week and by Friday, you’d had enough. 
“Regina, stop wasting my time and pay attention.” You finally snapped after she blew an obnoxiously large pink bubble with her gum. Regina’s eyes slowly rose from her phone screen to you. 
“What did you just say to me?” Her eyes resting on you instantly made you lose the confidence you just had. 
“Oh-I…I meant you should pay attention. I’m trying to teach you, so you don’t fail your next algebra test.” You smiled nervously as Regina’s gaze dug further into you. After a few more moments of intense staring, the blonde let out a scoff. 
“You know, you’re actually kind of cute.” Her blue eyes looked you over, this time in a more flirtatious way. You felt like a lamb dangling over a hungry mountain lion. 
“Thanks.” You nervously looked away and rubbed the back of your neck in an attempt to get any relief from Regina’s presence. 
“So, you agree? You think you’re cute.” 
“Umm…I mean, I don’t really know.” Regina’s smile softened and she looked at you as if you were a lost puppy. Without warning, the blonde stood up and made her way to your side of the table. She sat down in the seat beside you and scooted as close as she possibly could, causing your face to warm and your heart to beat faster. 
“Have you ever kissed anyone, Y/n?” Regina questioned with her pointer and middle finger dancing on your thigh. Your throat went dry at the mention of the one thing you were embarrassed of. In a school full of hormonal teenagers, you were truly the only one who hadn’t kissed anyone yet. You were kicking yourself for accidentally telling Karen the sensitive information during a bonfire last year. 
“You know the answer, Regina.” You said with a defeated exhale. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Regina, instead, you kept your eyes glued to the table. Suddenly, the two fingers that danced on your thigh were placed gently under your chin, forcing you to look at the blonde beside you. Her eyes were kinder, and her smile was still soft, making you feel less embarrassed. 
“It’s okay, you don’t need to be embarrassed.” You didn’t say anything, instead, you softly smiled and took in Regina’s features. You had never noticed how pretty her eyes were or how full her lips were. 
“Do you want to kiss me, Y/n?” Regina’s eyebrows lifted with the question. Without even thinking, you blurted out the answer. 
“Yes.” You swore for a moment Regina began to blush as she pushed a few stray hairs away from her face. 
“Okay. Close your eyes.” 
You did as you were told. For a moment, you were worried it was all just a prank, but when you felt Regina’s lips press against yours, you knew it had to be real. You did your best to reciprocate the kiss, causing Regina to let out a small moan, which caused your stomach to flip about ten times. Suddenly, you felt Regina’s hands find your neck and her perfectly manicured nails rested on the nape of your neck, effectively pulling you in deeper. 
The sound of a door slamming shut caused both of you to pull away quickly. You couldn’t help but stare at Regina with a bewildered look, seriously questioning if the kiss happened. 
“Wow, you're a pretty good kisser, Nerd.” 
“T-Thanks. You’re good too.” You sputtered with the most nervous tone you had ever heard from yourself. The blonde laughed before running her fingers along the edge of her lips to wipe away any smeared lip gloss. 
“I know.”  The two of you sat in silence for what felt like hours before Regina spoke up. 
“So, I’ll see you on Monday then.” She quickly stood up and gathered her things as if nothing had happened. 
“I’ll see you on Monday.” You echoed, wiping Regina’s cherry flavored lip gloss off your lips. 
“Bye, Nerd.” 
“Bye, Regina.” 
Almost a full year later and your hookups with Regina were still going strong. In fact, ever since Cady Heron started causing drama between the girls, you had been spending all of eighth period in the back seat of Regina’s Jeep, making out like it was your last moments on earth. Not to mention, secretly hooking up with the queen bee of North Shore gave you a major confidence boost that even Regina noticed. Your relationship had even gone to the next level: texting each other about things that didn’t involve when and where to hookup. 
You were sitting in Trigonometry when your phone pinged. You quickly checked it, not wanting to risk Ms. Norbury confiscating it. It wasn’t much of a surprise to see that Regina had texted you. 
RG: Sweatpants are the only things that fit me right now 
Y/n: So? 
RG: So? Jesus Y/n. I can’t wear sweatpants to lunch! 
Y/n: Because of the stupid rules YOU made?
RG: They aren’t stupid 
Y/n: I’m sure it’ll be fine. The girls will understand 
“Y/n, care to share with that class what on your phone is so important that you’re missing out on practice test questions?” 
“No. Sorry, Ms. Norbury. It won’t happen again.” 
“Good. Now, as I was saying…” You watched Ms. Norbury turn to write something on the board and quickly sent another text to Regina. 
Y/n: Just got called out by Norbury for texting you. Hope you’re happy 
You went the rest of class without hearing from Regina. In fact, you went most of the day without hearing from her. It was a little weird, but you knew she had a lot going on and it wasn’t like you needed constant communication with each other. 
When lunch came around, it was the same old same old. You sat down with some of your other tutor friends and talked about your day. As Daisy Smith talked about her failed attempt to teach Karen about fractions, you saw Regina walk towards The Plastics. True to her word, she wore gray sweatpants that grabbed your, and several others, attention. You didn’t eye Regina for long, not wanting anyone to accuse you of being a creep or being in love with her. You looked down at your lunch only for the room to suddenly go quiet. 
“You can’t sit with us!” Gretchen’s voice echoed through the silent room. No one dared to even gasp as Regina fired back. 
“Sweatpants are all that fit me right now.” Even though you couldn’t see her face, you could tell Regina was talking through gritted teeth. 
“What do you think, Cady?” Gretchen asked, her voice once again echoing through the room. 
“Sorry, Regina. Rules are rules.” Seeing the sly look on Cady’s face made you want to march over to her and smash a tray of food in her face. You knew that would lead to a suspension, so you made a mental note to figure out some way to get back at Cady that wouldn’t result in a week off school.
Regina turned around to see every eye in that room on her. You could tell by the look on her face that for once, she hated the attention. Not a single person in that room moved to make room for Regina as she walked down the aisle. 
“Daisy, scoot down.” You quickly nudged the redhead to make room for Regina.
“Regina, you can sit with us.” You offered, eyes slightly full of hope that she would accept the offer and somehow make the situation better.
“I’m not sitting with you losers.” She spat out as she stormed past your table. 
“What a bitch.” Glenn Coco scoffed. Your blood boiled at Glenn’s comment, but you knew you had to play it cool to avoid any suspicion. 
“Guys, I forgot my math book in Ms. Norbury’s. I’m going to grab it really quick.” 
You quickly got up from the table, leaving your tray behind, and stormed off to find Regina. You searched her usual hangout spots, the maintenance room and the girl’s locker room in the gym. When you didn’t find her in either place, you made your way to the only other place she could be, the parking lot.
Sure enough, as you approached her Jeep, you saw Regina sitting in the passenger seat. Even from far away, you could tell she was crying. Cautiously, you approached the car and tapped on her window. The blonde’s head instantly shot up, revealing her red eyes and mascara stained cheeks. You had never seen Regina cry before, and the sight actually shocked you to your core. Without saying a word, you walked over to the driver’s side and climbed in. 
“What are you doing?” Regina questioned through sniffles as you put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking spot. 
“I’m taking you home.” Your hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter when you noticed a picture of Regina, Karen, and Gretchen resting on her dashboard as you drove out of the parking lot. 
“I don’t need you to take me home.” Regina tried to use her usual venomous tone, but it came out shaky and pitiful. 
“I don’t care if you need me to. I want to take you home. That was fucking ridiculous.” 
After a few minutes of silence, you looked over to see tears still rolling down Regina’s face. Based on how her bottom lip was quivering, you knew Regina really needed to cry. You carefully reached your right hand over to Regina and grabbed her hand. 
“It’s okay to cry. They tried to humiliate you in front of the whole school. You don’t have to hide it from me.” You squeezed Regina’s hand, which caused her to quickly pull her hand away. 
“I am not crying because of those bitches. I’m crying because all I can wear is sweatpants and my mascara is ruined.” That time Regina was able to spit out her usual venom. While her tone would intimidate most people, it let you know Regina was going to be okay. 
“Those are still valid reasons to cry.” You said matter-of-factly. You felt Regina’s eyes land on you again, causing you to glance over at her. 
“Why are you so nice to me all the time?” 
“Because I’m a nice person.” You shrugged, not wanting to give away your true feelings for Regina. 
“I think it’s because you like me.” 
“And what if I did?” You replied without missing a beat. Once again, you were kicking yourself for not thinking before you spoke. 
“I’d have to give you a makeover. I can’t date anyone who dresses like that.” 
“What’s wrong with the way I dress?” 
“Nothing, if you’re going for a grocery store clerk.” You scoffed and acted offended by Regina’s words, which made the blonde crack a smile. 
“I do not dress like a grocery store clerk.” 
You both chuckled as you pulled up to the George's home. You instantly took note that Mrs. George’s car was missing from the driveway. 
“Do you want to come in? My mom isn’t home.” Regina looked at you with hopeful eyes. Not wanting to leave Regina alone after a traumatic event, you decided that it would be a good idea for you to stick around for a little while longer.
“Yeah, I’ll come in for a little bit.” 
You turned off the car and let Regina take the lead into her home. The second the front door closed behind you, Regina took your hand and led you up to her room. 
“Shoes off and get on the bed.” The blonde commanded.
“Regina, I don’t think we should-”
“Relax, Nerd. I just want you to hold me and tell me I’m pretty.” 
You quickly kicked your shoes off and lied down on the right side of the bed. Once you were comfortable, Regina joined you. Within seconds, her head found a comfortable spot on your chest, resting between your jaw and collarbone. Her hand found its way down to your stomach and balled the fabric of your shirt into her hand. After Regina was comfortable, you snaked your arm around her and held her close. You couldn’t help but look down at the blonde with a smile. When she wasn’t ruining people’s lives, Regina was actually kind of sweet. 
“Hey, Regina?”
“What, Nerd?” 
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You could feel Regina’s smirk against your neck, which only made you fall a little harder for her.
You laid there, holding the blonde like your life depended on it. Your mind couldn’t help but wonder about finally telling Regina how you felt about her. It seemed like a good idea, especially after a hard day, but the thought of losing her stopped you. So, you just let Regina George, the meanest girl in North Shore, sleep on your chest while you held her close. 
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lovesickeros · 9 months
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☆ even the gods bleed [ pt 2 ]
{☆} characters furina, neuvillette {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, multi-chapter, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings none {☆} word count 1.9k {☆} previous [ 1 ]
This had to be a punishment of some sort – some kind of divine punishment.
She was bored out of her mind just watching the sleeping body – she hadn't blinked once in the past five hours, her eyes were really starting to hurt. Yet they still hadn't moved so much as an inch since she sequestered them away to the only place she had known to be safe.
But it'd been almost a week since then.
The only solace she found was that Teyvat had seemed much less hellbent on collapsing in on itself like a dying star.
That counted for something.
Not much, but something!
..Even if their position was no better then it was a week ago.
There was, after all, still the issue of what to do about the false Creator – the actual imposter – and the Archons following them like blind lambs. The other Archons wouldn't listen if she tried to reason with them, and it would only risk the life of Divine One if she spoke of their location to anyone else.
She also was pretty fond of having her head still attached to her shoulders.
So she avoided them all together. Partially because she wasn't sure she wouldn't have a breakdown at the sight of them..she'd never been a fighter, and fighting an Archon? Easy pass.
Instead she was forced to babysit the sleeping Divine until they woke up while Neuvillette handled taking care of the nation and dealing with the other Archons – and by extension the false Creator.
Really though, she would almost think them dead if not for the subtle rise and fall of their chest.
Though..this also left her with a lot of time to herself. A lot of time to think.
She really didn't like it.
There wasn't a lot to occupy her mind and what little there was only distracted her for a scant few moments before her eyes drifted back to the Divine like she was locked in their orbit, unable to escape.
She closed the same book for the twelfth time – she kept count – and returned it to it's meticulously designed place within her bookcase. A low, barely audible huff of frustration escaped her lips before she could bite it down, her stare boring a hole into the body of the Divine One with a sharp intensity she rarely showed.
She was tired, bored and constantly on edge, fearing that at any moment someone would find out about their presence here.
That, at the drop of a hat, she would be powerless to stop the greatest tragedy of her time play out before her eyes.
Neuvillette would have scolded her for being so petulant, especially around the Divine One, if he were here.
But he wasn't.
He was out running her nation, instead.
And what was she doing? Nothing!
She grit her teeth, nails digging harshly into the palm of her hands as she took a deep breath – now was not the time to think about that. She had..much more pressing matters. Sulking and letting her thoughts spiral helped no one, least of all herself.
Yet her attention was caught by a harsh inhale, the rustle of fabric – were they finally waking up? She was exhausted, but it all vanished at the sudden drop of life within the otherwise deathly still body of the Divine.
Her eyes followed the subtle twitch of their fingers, watching as their brow furrowed and their features twisted in something almost like..pain.
..She wasn't ready.
What was she supposed to say?
Should she even say anything? Would that be considered impolite? Does she wait for them to speak first? Should she kneel? Bow?
She doesn't get much time to find her own answer before their lashes flutter, chest heaving with every strangled breath. Every single thought vanishes from her mind the moment she meets their eyes.
For a long, silent moment she thinks that her heart must have stopped.
Their eyes glow like the cresting of the sun over the horizon, painting the world in hues of gold – yet it also reminded her of the dipping of the moon below the waves, casting the briefest, most gentle of lights upon the world engulfed in darkness. In the depths of their eyes was the birth and death of stars in the infinite cosmos – glittering stars in a sea of empty, blank space that left her feeling lightheaded and breathless.
Beneath the splendor is a spark of recognition in their eyes so vibrant it was like a shooting star piercing through the dark night sky, leaving nothing but the wonder in the eyes of the observer as the only proof it ever existed – brilliant in it's beauty, however brief.
It is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.
The lilt of their voice nearly made her knees buckle beneath her – euphoria so consuming it left her feeling she was starving swallowed her whole, her mind blanking in a moment of utter bliss. It was..an indescribable feeling that she doubted she could ever hope to put into words – not in a way that could properly express it, try as she might.
She swallowed the words that threatened to spill from her lips – she couldn't make a fool of herself. Not in front of them of all people. She'd never forgive herself.
"Divine One," She rasps, clearing her throat and covering her mouth with a hand to mask both her nervousness and the small smile that creeps across her face. She quickly regains her composure, hand resting on her hip as she puffs out her chest with every bit of pride she can manage. "I am sure you must be confused, but worry not– your most loyal acolyte has seen the truth!"
The silence is deafening.
She opens one eye, peaking at the bewildered and almost distraught expression of the Divine.
"What the hell are you talking about?"
That..she was not prepared for. Surely they knew who they were! Surely they knew. They had to– she's been praying to them for as long as she's breathed, she's dedicated every hour of her life to living up to their ideals, they can't just–!
"Lady Furina?"
Neuvillette, thankfully, spares her the embarrassment of having a meltdown in front of the Divine, the gentle rap of his knuckles against the door making her and the Divine pause, the soft lull of his voice soothing her nerves and yet setting her on edge at the same time.
"Neuvillette." She clears her throat again, her steps hurried as she marches to the door and pries it open none too gently, a forced smile pulling at her lips. She wastes no time tugging the man into the room, shutting the door behind him with a short huff. The silence is, somehow, even worse then before as the three of them stare at each other in absolute exasperation.
Neuvillette, for his part, manages to get his act together with a sharp clearing of his throat, bowing so low even she looks unnerved. She steals a brief glance at the Divine, and she's taken aback by the uncomfortability twisting their features into a grimace.
Their expression is schooled back into one of empty apathy when he stands back to his full height, but she saw it – she knows she did! Did they not like their worship? Were they not respectful enough? For a moment, she feared the Divine would smite Neuvillette down on the spot..but they just stared at him like he was a ghost.
"Why aren't you killing me?"
The defeated, resigned tone combined with the way their voice cracks makes her heart ache in her chest – it feels as though her entire world is crumbling down at her feet, and she cannot explain why she feels such emotions so strongly, but it is suffocating. It is almost as if Teyvat itself is weeping, bearing down upon her shoulders like a heavy weight.
She feels the urge to weep herself, but she powers through, gritting her teeth long enough for Neuvillette to take his place at the side of her – though it feels more like their – bed, kneeling like he was going to pray.
"Divine One," He offers a hand with a quiet rumble of his voice, the words slipping off his tongue like honey. It's like trying to soothe a stray cat..though she'd never voice such comparisons of the most Divine out loud. "I..we mean you no harm. I swear on my authority as the Iudex of Fontaine and Chief Justice that you are safe with us."
The skepticism she expected, but the reverence in which Neuvillette must convince them – or perhaps they are simply so tired that they simply did not care any longer if it was all some ploy to drive a knife between their ribs. She didn't expect them to actually place their hand in Neuvillette's.
He didn't either, judging by the way he visibly brightened – not that they'd notice, but she did.
..Not that she could really blame him, her heels clicking against the floorboards as she shifted her weight to the other foot with a nervous energy that was practically bursting at the seams, more then a little jealous of the attention he was receiving. She was the one who found them, she was the one who stayed with them the entire time..but he gets all the attention?
How unfair.
"O-of course! We would never lay a hand on our creator," She adds, her voice a little higher pitched then she would have liked as she placed her hands on her hips, puffing out her chest and brushing off the sting of jealousy. "Least of all I– your most loyal, most devout acolyte!"
She felt baffled when she heard the sound of their laughter, her shoulders hunching and her cheeks flushing on mere instinct – she was expecting mockery, but the look in their eyes, still dulled by a pain she cannot even begin to imagine, made her hesitate.
..It was, perhaps, the most genuine thing she'd heard from them ever since before the hunt began.
She wasn't sure why her heart hurt at such an idea, but it was enthralling to see the beginnings of a half hearted smile on their lips.
For a moment, her mask of theatrics was forgotten as she stared at them in a mixture of awe and adoration– and though she didn't look at Neuvillette, she could imagine he must've shared such an expression.
Had she any doubts that they were her Creator, that they alone were the most Divine..they would wiped clean now. There was no mistaking the way the world itself seemed to grow clearer as they glanced up at her like she was worth something.
For a moment, she realized how cold the false Creators gaze had been now that she has felt warmth so gentle it almost made her knees buckle beneath her. It felt like a pale imitation, now.
Nothing could compare to the warmth that spread through her body at the mere semblance of a smile upon their lips. She didn't even mind if it was her they were laughing at anymore, she just wanted to hear them laugh again.
She'd make a fool of herself, if she had to.
She'd never felt so..ravenous for such a thing, but just the briefest glimpse was addictive.
She simply couldn't help herself from striding across the room and clasping their free hand in her own, her smile wide enough to unnerve as she leaned her weight onto the bed. For a moment, she considered pulling away at the way they startled, but her mind was made up by then – there was no going back.
#sagau#genshin sagau#self aware genshin#genshin impact sagau#self aware genshin impact#fic tag#neuvillette#focalors#furina#dont ask what happened here idk#this was. also supposed 2 be neuvi focused and then i.#dont talk 2 me abt focalors i wont ever shut up#got a 300k word essay on hand abt how i feel abt her character/how i interpret her personality and her story#focalors jsut like me fr fr (cries at the slightest inconvenience or the slightest mean comment)#shes so pathetic girlfail im gonna chew on her#what happens when reader gets stuck with two emotionally repressed french bastards?? hell#neuvi is the “emotionless” flavor of emotionally repressed in that hes HORRIBLE at showing emotions at all#ask him to smile and its incredibly unnerving and theres too many teeth but hes trying his best please call him pretty or he will cry :(#furina is the flavor of emotionally repressed where she makes it up by having Too Many emotions#using theatrics and masks to show everyone what they want to see but inside this girl is a MESS#constant anxiety and panic 24/7#will do random shit and look at you and if u dont compliment her she will think u hate her and cry#compliment her and she'll do even stupider shit to try and impress you more#i love my scrunkly little babies they r so stupid and mentally ill someone get these bitches some THERAPY#i want 2 put them under a microscope#watch this be ooc fr furina when more of her lore drops if shes not girlfail im leaving#anyway see u in a week im going on a trip ill get back 2 u in 6-7 business days
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 8 months
‘Our Flag Means Death’: How Blackbeard & Stede’s Fantastical Underwater Reunion Came Together
[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Our Flag Means Death, Season 2, Episodes 1-3.]
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It doesn’t take more than a single second to recognize Kate Bush‘s haunting and heartbreaking tune “This Woman’s Work,” as Blackbeard, a.k.a. Ed (Taika Waititi), is pushed from a clifftop to plunge into the ocean’s depths below in Our Flag Means Death‘s Season 2 installment, “The Innkeeper.” But how did the pirate heartbroken over Stede Bonnet (Rhys Darby) wind up in this position? It’s a delicate and winding path that starts with the infamous pirate’s unraveling over the course of the latest season’s first two episodes.
Believing Stede intentionally abandoned him after planning to run away together at the end of Season 1, Blackbeard embraces the version of himself so many have conjured up in their minds as he leads the Revenge’s “new” crew to pillage and plunder on the high seas. His unhinged behavior eventually forces Jim (Vico Ortiz), Izzy (Con O’Neill), Frenchie (Joel Fry), Archie (Madeleine Sami), and Fang (David Fane) to violently take control of the ship and neutralize Blackbeard — or so they think — after he steers them directly into a storm.
When Zheng Yi Sao’s (Ruibo Qian) Red Flag happens across an eerie-looking Revenge on the ocean, Stede dives overboard in his excitement over the possibility of seeing Ed, only to be told various excuses for his absence by the crew aboard. When Stede directly addresses Izzy regarding Blackbeard’s lack of presence, the now peg-legged pirate claims the Revenge crew dropped Ed on a beach.
This seems to ring true as we see Blackbeard wash ashore and cared for by his own former captain Hornigold (Mark Mitchinson). While together, Blackbeard and Hornigold discuss the mutiny that took place and Blackbeard’s hopes for the future. When a role-playing scenario testing Blackbeard’s ability to be an Innkeeper, a profession he’s interested in, goes awry, he attacks Hornigold, killing the tarp-clad pirate. But when Hornigold rises again, Blackbeard realizes something is off.
Aboard the Revenge, Ed’s body is uncovered below deck. Believing him dead, Zheng Yi Sao is forced to consider killing the Revenge crew for mutiny after initially welcoming them aboard the Red Flag. And Stede has to cope with the idea that his love may be gone forever.
After hatching an escape plan for the Revenge team, Stede and pals return to their former ship, leaving Zheng stranded without a wheel. Going to sit with Ed’s body, Stede wonders why he had to go and get himself killed. Meanwhile, Blackbeard begins to realize he’s stuck somewhere between life and death, a place this Hornigold manifestation calls a “gravy basket.”
As the two men banter about the pros and cons of choosing life over death, Hornigold ties a boulder around Ed’s waist and throws it from the cliff they’re standing on, pushing Blackbeard into the ocean. Just as it seems as though he’ll succumb to the waves, Blackbeard proves Bush’s song right: Perhaps there’s a little life in him yet. When Stede lifts the cloth from his face on the Revenge, underwater Ed reacts to the change. Peering into the water, he sees a light from which a fantastical mermaid version of Stede emerges.
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In the real world, Stede reacts to Blackbeard’s twitching hand, taking it in his and pleading for him to live as a montage of their moments together rolls alongside Bush’s still-playing song. The final seconds of the episode see Ed’s eyes open, giving Stede hope.
So, how did this moving turn of events come to pass? A team full of creatives was responsible for bringing the captivating and satisfying reunion.
Stede’s Mermaid Tail
“It’s a huge process,” putting together Stede’s practical mermaid look, according to costume designer Gypsy Taylor. She says “it started with me begging everybody” to avoid visual FX and make a tail for the sequence. The orange and glittering look could have followed several different styles, but ultimately, Taylor notes, “I thought if Stede is going to turn into a mermaid, and it’s in Blackbeard’s dream, it’s sort of his vision of a mermaid.”
Considering this, in Taylor’s mind, Blackbeard wouldn’t envision some epic fantastical creature; instead, Stede would “just be like a goldfish. He’d just be like a sweet harmless goldfish.” In putting sketches together of the ensemble, Taylor acknowledges the symbolism of the goldfish motif: “There’s a huge Chinese element that we have coming through, and goldfish in Chinese culture is considered lucky.” As this vision of Stede was responsible for helping bring Ed back to life, that luck was certainly there.
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“I thought that was a pretty beautiful thing, that they meet each other under the ocean and then they find each other,” Taylor gushes. “And so I went a little deep on that, but really he’s just a goldfish.” In order to achieve the goldfish mermaid look, Taylor teamed up with props master Hayley Egan, who’s based out of Australia. “She happens to excel at making mermaid tails,” Taylor shares.
After securing Egan’s involvement, Taylor says, “We fit Rhys in a jumbo stretch long skirt and made sure it was really tight so he could still sort of do this dolphin [swimming] action. And then we bought these mono fins, which you can purchase online and put your feet in.” Safety was key, though. “He had to swim really deep and for a really far distance, and he’d never done anything like that before,” Taylor explains. “So it had to be really safe and doable.”
Once that was figured out, Taylor says Egan “cast something like 3,000 hand-sculpted silicon scales. There’s something like five kilograms of glitter in the whole thing. And then we hand-dyed pleated chiffon for all the fins, so that when he was swimming through the water, it would have this magic feel.”
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While the scene may play as emotional and romantic, the story behind getting Stede’s mermaid look from Australia to New Zealand was actually quite comical. “[Egan] sliced two suitcases in half, filled [them with the mermaid tail], and then when it went through customs, the customs guy said to her, ‘Are you bringing fish into this country?’ And she’s like, ‘Yes, yes I am.'”
In total, there were four tails, including “a practice tail, a stunt tail, because Rhys had to do quite a few lessons before we got the real one on. And the real one was super precious, and chlorine’s very strong, it eats fabrics away, so we wanted to save the hero one for the hero shot,” Taylor reveals. When it came time to film, “We put him in [the tail], and it was just amazing.” In order to get Darby into the pool, Taylor says a ramp had to be built and the actor was placed in a wheelchair while costumed “and pushed in.” As unglamorous as it sounds, she adds, “it was like Rhys’s dream come true.”
How Kate Bush Entered the Music Mix
It’s safe to say Kate Bush has been having a moment on TV since last year’s “Running Up That Hill” needle drop on Stranger Things, but music supervisor Maggie Phillips says, “This Woman’s Work” was selected before Netflix‘s hit made headlines with their use of the aforementioned song. “When we were placing [the song in the season lineup],” Phillips says, “it was maybe weeks after Stranger Things, and I was worried that we would look like copycats.”
Phillips maintains that the song was in the mix before, but it ultimately “doesn’t matter because really what matters is that Kate Bush is a queen and more and more people need to know her music.”
She says, “From what I heard from David [Jenkins], it was a song that Taika was attached to.” At first, Phillips was reluctant to go with the song due to its prior uses, but “David told me not to worry about [that], that people have short-term memory when it comes to music.”
While she debated with the team over cutting it, “[David] has the visuals in his mind. I don’t. I’m just hearing it with a script and I had no clue how it was going to work until I saw the first cut, and it was beautiful and they picked a part of the song that worked really well with the visuals, so they sort of made it their own,” Phillips explains. “They added a different context to the song that I wouldn’t have been able to imagine myself. So they proved me wrong for sure.”
It’s hard to imagine the scene without Bush’s song. “It changes the way you listen to the song,” Phillips notes. “I got chills watching it and I know that song so well and haven’t gotten chills like that in a long time.” With all of the buildup, “You’re waiting for them to have their romantic moment. You’re waiting for three episodes for that to happen. And so it’s so cathartic when that song comes on, and you see them come together in this fantasy world under the sea. It’s just perfect.” This led her to email Jenkins. “I was like, ‘You were right. I was wrong. But this was beautiful, and thank you so much.'”
Blackbeard’s Wet Wig Woes
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Anyone watching the scene unfold would have to notice Blackbeard’s silver tresses weaving through the water, a feat much more difficult behind the scenes than the seemingly simple sequence onscreen. “We filmed that quite late in the season, and so we were really planning and thinking about that all the way through [filming]. I was a bit nervous,” hair and makeup designer Nancy Hennah admits. “I knew that he was going to have to be under the water with his wig on for quite a long time.”
Even with high-quality wig glue, Hennah says, “You can do everything you can to make that wig stay on, but there’s a limited amount of time that the glue will last. So we had to use different products than we would normally use to get the wig down.” Because the product Hennah normally uses to keep hair back in a wig is water soluble, “it melts, and the hair starts coming out from the lace, and it can ruin the whole look of the wig.” She had to come up with a creative fix.
“I glued his own hair back, and then we glued the lace on top of that, and wildly, it lasted right until the very last shot when they were dragging him through the water by the ankles,” Hennah reveals. “The wig just came off completely after they’d finished shooting. And so he came up out of the water, and the wig was off to the side, [and he goes], ‘I think my wig came off.'” She calls the success of the wig “incredible” and “just a fluke really.”
When it came to capturing Darby’s underwater look, it was all about blending the mermaid tail with his skin. “With Stede, Gypsy had a beautiful mermaid tail made, and we did a whole lot of practice with different types of silicon and things that we had to blend that piece between his skin and the tail. We made these pieces of silicon with glitter and things in them that we individually stuck over the top of the mermaid tail,” Hennah details.
Again, there were concerns about getting “things to stick underwater,” but watching the scene come together from behind the camera eased those. “[When] we were standing there on the set that day and watching the monitor, it just was so beautiful that we were all blown away by it, and that tank that they were filming in was a couple of stories deep, and to be out there in that water, it was challenging, and they both did so well. It just went off without a hitch. It was one of those great days where it just worked for everybody.”
Don’t miss what else is in store for the season. Stay tuned for additional interviews and content as the second season of Our Flag Means Death unfolds.
Our Flag Means Death, New Episodes, Thursdays, Max
Source: TV Insider
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yesimwriting · 6 months
Of Angels
Part 2 of Of Angels (part 1)  
A/n we're back! also this is a friendly reminder that this isn't supposed to be exactly like the movie/book, some things will be a little different bc of practicality, my ability to remember things, or just for fun/for me bc i have more fun writing when i can change things up
Summary: After the very public slight of being assigned to mentor a female tribute from a lower district, all Snow can think about is the uphill battle that winning the Plinth prize will now be. Until, he realizes, that he's been given the first ever district volunteer who seems to have a quality that makes people care about her.
The potential consequences of Coriolanus's mistake don't fully manage to force their way to the front of his mind until the door clicks shut.
He's thrown himself, locked himself, in a contained space with the most savage and aggravated group of people in the Capitol. Just in an attempt to get you to trust him.
Coriolanus turns around as casually as he can manage, "Hello."
Unwashed faces blink up at him. Their expressions start off as blank, slowly but surely hardening as they take in his clothing and presence. Someone from the Capitol that isn't a peacekeeper.
One of the larger tributes begins to walk forward. The others glare at him, watching him with a silent rage that makes the space feel like it's shrinking.
The largest of them gets so close that Coriolanus has to push his body towards the vehicle's door. "Give me one reason I shouldn't kill you."
"Do you have any family back home?" The voice isn't strong, but it's so steady despite its smallness that one could mistake it for certainty. Despite the threat that stands in front of him, Coriolanus's attention instinctually shifts towards you. "Or any friends? Maybe a puppy you're fond of?" Your fingers are curled around the edge of the bench you're sitting on. "They'll kill them."
Your tone is too neutral for you to be speaking from personal experience, and yet, you sound so sure. Coriolanus wonders if there's something there worth digging into. Maybe it's just a byproduct of where you're from, a district that's prone to rebellion is often warned about what disobedience can lead to.
The tribute cornering him doesn't move away, but he stills, stiff and uncertain. You look between them innocently. "Besides, he's my mentor." Your hands loosen their grip on the edge of the bench, you push yourself to stand. "I might need him."
"Men-tle?" Another voice chimes in.
"How come you get a mentor?" The tribute questioning Coriolanus's presence in association to you twists their neck to glare at you.
"You all get one," he forces the sentence out quickly. The last thing he needs to do is make you a target. Getting you to live is going to be enough of an uphill battle as is.
The tribute closest to him takes another intimidating step forward. "He's lying."
"She's the girl that volunteered," the red-headed girl from four--Coral, if he's remembering correctly--sneers, angling her head to glare at you, "Of course they need to keep an eye on her." She then dips her chin downwards, staring you down with mockingly soft eyes, "Is it everything you thought it'd be, princess?"
Volunteering did mark you. He wonders how many remarks you had to put up with on the way here and whether or not they've affected your mental state. The short exchange the two of you shared made you seem together. You weren't overly emotionally or even aggressively closed off.
The determined pout of your lips draws his attention more than it should. You then tilt your head with no warning, matching her condescending expression, "Better, actually."
You draw out the sentence, not once shrinking under District 4's cold stare. Coriolanus's expression instinctively shifts to hint at a smile. Your sarcasm isn't off putting or brash, it's refreshing. It's a flash of fight, of sharp teeth ready to be barred that he hadn't thought you capable of.
The display of potential aggression also doesn't affect your charm at all. Being able to strike back while still holding onto the appearance of kindness is a skill in itself. Coriolanus has to take everything on the cheek publicly to avoid coming off like a starving dog finally snapping.
Those kinds of remarks won't do you any favors in the arena unless you're the kind of person that has the physical strength or skill to back it up. You don't. It's more than just your stature, it's in the way you carry yourself. But still, maybe you'll be entertaining enough under this new structure to score him some points towards the Plinth prize. That is, if he can get you to trust him, if he can convince you to talk about your relationship with your cousin and maybe flash that smile you gave him when you first met for the cameras.
Coral's glare intensifies. She pushes herself to stand, as if to intimidate you, but before she can fully straighten, the world shifts.
Coriolanus doesn't have time to think. He's sliding--falling--back before he knows what's happening. A few of the tributes yelp, one of the younger ones squeaks. Something warm latches itself onto his wrist.
He blinks, his body finally reattaching itself to his mind. The vehicle opened and started dumping out its contents with no warning. In the panic, you had grabbed him.
The vehicle settles, anyone managing to hold onto the metal door looses their hold. Everyone tumbles down a small slope, a mess of bodies bumping into each other when they're not busy hitting the edge of rocks until they land in a heap on the ground.
Coriolanus sits up as soon as his back hits something solid. His head snaps around, taking in his surroundings. The space is made up of jagged, tan rocks coated in dirt. Bars line the perimeter--a cage. This is a cage. Of course following the animals leads to ending up in a cage.
Self disgust and panic knot oddly in his stomach. He stands before he can think of what comes next.
"And here we have them, the tributes for the 10th annual Hunger Games."
His eyes find the people already flocking the bars, the most notable one of them someone he's familiar with. Lucky Flickerman, a usual Capitol programming personality. This, his public humilation, is being streamed on television.
"Oh, and look--" Lucky turns towards him, the cameraman instinctually moving to get him into frame. Lucky turns back to the camera, addressing his audience, "I don't think he's supposed to be in there." He laughs then, the sound jabbing at Coriolanus's side.
An aggravated heat begins to burn through is chest. There's nowhere to duck, no excuse to remedy what he's done to the Snow family name.
"Hey." He blinks, surprised he didn't immediately jump out of his skin. How you stood up so silently is beyond him.
Coriolanus can't think of a way to respond. Here he is, in a cage on display with you, like he's one of the district born, and you're the one attempting to ease him. Confidence, assurance. That's what he should be providing you so that you feel the need to--
You place your hand over his. The contact runs just as hot as the humiliation searing through him, only, this is a different kind of warmth. A much steadier, much more agonizing sort of warmth.
His eyes finally find yours. You look more tousled than before, one of your hair ribbons missing and dirt smeared against the apple of your cheek. "Own it."
You whisper the instruction so confidently it almost feels like this is natural to you. Owning it does feel better than being consumed by his embarrassment and accepting the destruction of his family name, but part of the steadiness comes from you. The realization that you're capable of that claws at him.
He nods, eyes instinctually dropping to avoid your expectant stare. The white rose is still safely held between your fingers. He stretches a hand forward, taking the flower by its stem. Your eyebrows draw together, but you let him. Coriolanus breaks off the end of the stem and carefully tucks the flower behind your ear.
You hold still, even as he takes the time to smooth your hair into place.
"Well, that's not something you see every day." Lucky's voice snaps him out of it.
Coriolanus takes you by the arm, walking you up to the camera's. He keeps his expression as casually bright as possible. "I'm Coriolanus Snow."
"And who is she?"
He expects to have to answer that, but you give him your full name without missing a beat, your voice smooth and sweet like honey. "And who are you?"
The cameraman lets out a small laugh at your confusion. "Be nice," Lucky mumbles, "Not everyone has a TV." He then turns back to you, "I'm Lucky Flickerman, Capitol weatherman, TV personality..."
"Well, it's nice to meet you," Lucky says into his microphone, "You're the girl who volunteered."
Coriolanus watches your reaction as best he can from his peripheral vision. Your lips pull downwards slightly. There's something almost sad about it, but it's done in such a respectable manner that he can't imagine anyone minding it.
You confirm with a slight nod of your head, "Yes."
Lucky takes the microphone back, "Now why would you do a thing like that?"
For the first time, a hint of cracking presents itself in your expression. It's minor, just the pull of your eyebrows, but he can't help but hold his breath as he waits for your reply. "For my cousin."
"And she's back home, right? You're from 12?"
You nod again, the motion small, "Yes. She's with my mother, her aunt."
"Well, that was a very brave thing," he commends, almost surprisingly serious, "Not many people are willing to die in someone's place." Your expression wavers, Lucky moves on before it can matter. "And you're?"
"Coriolanus Snow," he says smoothly, "I'm a student at the Academy."
"And you were...told to come here?"
Coriolanus breezes past the speculation in Lucky's tone, "I was told to present my tribute."
Lucky nods, turning on the easy, camera ready smile, "And present her you did."
"Excuse me," a tiny voice mumbles. You instinctually look down. A girl that can't be much more than maybe 7-years-old, "Who was the girl you volunteered for?"
You blink at the loaded question, "Uh--she's my cousin, and her name is Marigold, we--we call her Mari." The little girl blinks at you, watching you like you're something foreign. Which, he guesses, you technically are. "And you know what? She kinda looked like you when she was little."
The little girl beams, "I like your bows."
"Thank you," you hum brightly, like the compliment truly does mean the world to you.
You unlink your arm from his. Coriolanus watches you unsurely as you reach both hands to the side of your hair. You pull at the ribbon on one side of your head, unraveling it expertly. "Would you like one?"
The girl beams, nodding her head enthusiastically. You lean forward so that you're about eye level with the girl. You hand her the short piece of ribbon. The girl giggles before running off with her prize.
"Aw, isn't that cute?" Lucky's speaking to the camera as he starts to walk forward, "Come down, folks, and see these tributes before it's too late. And I do mean, too late."
Lucky disappears, walking as he continues to talk to his audience.
"You gave her your..." He gestures in the general direction of where the ribbon had previously sat.
You shrug, "Oh, I think the other one fell out on the way here. They're impractical, but I didn't--I didn't think I'd be in them for so long."
There's something he should say to you. Probably something comforting, assuring.
"Okay." The stern voice of a peacekeeper. Coriolanus should have known that it was only a matter of time. One of them clasps his shoulder, the other grabs his arm. "You're not supposed to be in here."
He's pushed back before he can speak to you. "Okay," he mumbles, "I'm go--"
You grab his arm before he can obey, "Bring us food." The words are hard, urging, "Please, I haven't eaten anything since before the reaping."
He nods once, pausing long enough to force the peacekeeper to push him back again. Coriolanus starts walking, flanked by the peacekeepers, his eyes trained on what's directly in front of him.
As they pass where the group had initially landed, his eyes find a bright speck of ivory white. A hint of brightness hidden by rocky dirt and grime. Your ribbon.
Coriolanus wonders if it's something you'd want back, something you'd spend your time searching for. You already gave away the other one, it can't have mattered that much. It's likely just some repurposed scrap.
He doesn't know what he's doing as he bends down under the guise of adjusting his shoelace. He's not sure what his goal is until his hand reaches forward, grabbing the ribbon.
"Okay," one of the peacekeepers hurries him, bending down to place a forceful hand on his shoulder, "Hurry up."
His apartment is heavy with silence. His grandma'am and Tigris have been asleep for hours now, resting the way he should be.
It's everything that's happened today. That's what's stealing sleep from him. There's a lot to do, a lot to think about if he's going to pull this off and win the Plinth prize. There's an uncertain charm about you. It's as if you have a greater understanding of what it's like to be civilized than the rest of them. That's something to work with, isn't it?
You mentioned needing to eat. Another obstacle that his financial predicaments have placed in his way. He'll have to take a risk he's taken so rarely--taking food from the Academy's lunch in order to bring you something. You'll be of no use to anyone if you faint in the arena.
There's more to think about, to plan. He could stop by tomorrow after his usual classes if Dr. Gaul doesn't orchestrate any specifics. And maybe even then. It'd be ideal to convince you that he cares about you more than any of the mentors care about their tributes. The more you think he's working for you, the more you'll work for him.
That's why he's awake. He shifts, moving from his back to resting on his side. All of this, all thoughts and analysis of you, are extremely practical.
He wipes at his eyes, forcing himself to sit up. He finds his discarded uniform, left folded neatly on his small desk. Without thinking, Coriolanus reaches deep into the uniform's pocket, digging through it until his fingers brush against something smooth and cool. He pulls out the partially stained, ivory ribbon. Truly practical.
Taglist (tagging people who were asking about part 2, if this is annoying, i'm so sorry pls lmk if you don't want to be tagged) : @juleshaters @cosmicsully @edb954 @h-l-vlovesvintage @darknessdevil25 @mavkaorlova @astarborntowrite @karmaswitch @daughter1of2anita3dearly @zucchinimalfoy @madislayyy @weaponb33 @darlingisntit @deamus-liv @etheriaaly @clintsupremacy @spookyconsultingcriminal @dylanstilinskiposts
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
Okay but imagine The Bishops Of The Old Faith having a darling and sharing them... That's my concept idea, thank you! :D
This'll probably be short due to the amount of characters but I'd love to experiment with this :) Idk if you wanted Narinder or not, but I included some sections with him.
Yandere! Bishops of The Old Faith General Concept/Idea
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Harem
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Cults/Religious themes, Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Isolation, Disturbing descriptions, Blood, Sacrifices, Violence, Forced companionship/relationship.
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For this concept I imagine maybe you're some sort of companion/messenger for the Bishops.
Leshy is the youngest, the chaotic and egotistical ruler of Darkwood.
Heket is the sister of the Bishops, the cruel Bishop of Anura and a deity of famine.
Kallamar is the cowardly ruler of Anchordeep, always submissive to his fellow Bishops... he is a deity of pestilence.
Shamura is the wise yet surprisingly sympathetic ruler of Silk Cradle and deity of war.
Lastly there's Narinder, The One Who Waits, a sadistic/cruel deity of death who betrayed his siblings long ago... he resides in the afterlife but originally had a temple of his own.
Despite this... I HC Narinder was once loving towards his siblings and followers.
The Bishops of The Old Faith are powerful beings due to their crowns.
They are some of the last surviving gods in these realms.
You are a servant of The Old Faith, am enchanted mortal who serves the Bishops.
You have been given a prolonged lifespan... but are still vulnerable to death by other means.
As a servant, you have grown a bond with the Bishops.
Leshy often looks forward to your presence in Darkwood, welcoming you into his temple and growing gardens of flowers for you to enjoy.
As egotistical as he is, the young Bishop adores yours presence.
Heket often orders followers offer food to her so she can prepare feasts for her beloved friend and servant in Anura.
She warms up to you, as you are well loved servant of her siblings.
Kallamar shows giddy excitement when you visit Anchordeep, often supplying you medicine with Leshy's help if you need it.
Kallamar even enjoys creating trinkets from crystals to give you.
Shamura welcomes you to Silk Cradle with a fanged grin, soothing your mind with wise tales as you sit in a silk hammock.
They do hope their siblings have treated you well...
Narinder often invites you to his temple to help tend to the dead and wish them off to the afterlife.
Narinder is the one who has blessed you with a long lifespan... but he wishes he could make you fully immortal to all wounds.
Each Bishop loves you deeply, sharing you amongst themselves as you roam the regions.
Their bond with you often causes fights.
The typical sort of siblings fights... right up until Narinder's betrayal, at least.
For the most part they work together to care for their dear servant.
Followers who do not respect you are harshly punished by their Bishops.
You are a key figure in their faith, worshipped as the loyal servant of The Old Faith.
Even when Narinder betrays his siblings with differing beliefs, he tries to drag you into his prison to keep you away.
The other Bishops, his siblings, disagreed with such a thought.
Now your time with them is different.
The remaining Bishops are more cautious and overprotective of you.
While Narinder, now known as The One Who Waits, pines for you within his prison.
Leshy holds you close in the gardens of Darkwood, unable to see you due to his gouged eyes.
Heket keeps you fed, but conversation becomes harder for her.
Kallamar is now even more fearful than ever, hearing dulled due to Narinder's torment... he never wishes to let you go and begs you to stay with many crystal gifts.
Shamura is now less sane, yet still wise... always speaking in riddles and keeping you wrapped away in Silk Cradle for long periods of time.
The remaining Bishops keep you under close watch, protective yet thankful Narinder never got his claws on you.
Meanwhile Narinder plots his escape... planning to have his revenge for being imprisoned.
As lamb after lamb is slaughtered... growing fear makes the Bishops' obsession worse.
Your freedoms are restricted the longer things go on...
Soon your only relief may be Narinder's release at the hands of The Lamb.
Only then will your ties with Leshy, Heket, Kallamar, and Shamura will be lifted...
In exchange for possibly an even worse beast... changed from his previous self due to years of imprisonment.
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kimsmuse · 11 months
yandere childhood friend ♡ !!
gender neutral!reader. 1.7k words. warnings for irrational obsession for the reader. i'm not sure what it is but the guy is very, very delusional. i'm not sure what to think of this piece, but this one goes out for 🤏🍷anon, i loved the yandere drummer you drew so much so i hope you like this :) !!
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“here,” you bring the flower to his face but he’s still annoyed. lately, he’s annoyed by almost everything, was teenage so bad? you wouldn’t know yet. your best friend is almost 2 years older than you and only holds the position because you've been practically be forced to get along with each other, courtesy of your family being great friends.
he scrunches up his face. “i'm allergic, you should know that.” he responds, not even looking up from his homework. “make me a paper bouquet, then we’ll see.”
the first time you realized that you liked your bestfriend was the first time that he realized that romance was not his cup of tea and with you? no way in hell. he hated the idea of cheesy romcoms and pop songs, it disgusted him and he made a point of making it obvious.
but you were young, just about 12 or something, and he was the only one close enough to fantasise about, so you did - doodled hearts around his initials and yours, “2gether 4ever ♡” and made it so obvious to the adults around you that they often teased you about it, much to your friend’s dismay.
and the crush was so strong that the moment you went home, you were on youtube, looking for ways to make a paper flower, and then piecing it all together.
“bed time, now,” your mother calls out and you proudly show off your paper bouquet to her, “is that for him?” she asks, amused at your efforts to be seen by your crush. you nod.
“aw, baby, as much as i love his mother as my bestfriend, that kid doesn’t deserve you,” she kisses your forehead.
yes, there were times when it felt like your heart was breaking into pieces or however those songs called it, when you saw him around school hanging out with other girls and not even acknowledging your presence. but when you went home and he excitedly told you about the new game he was playing, you fell all over again. besides, this is what happened in the music videos, right? there will be a day when he sees you like that too, when he’ll be long over this phase of shouting “ew, ew, ew,” when his parents kiss and be a more mature guy.
you did think that. but it was always in such a future tense that it never seemed realistic enough, it seemed far, far away. and when you actually reached that time period, your family had to move away, dad got a job somewhere else.
so you left that paper bouquet, (which quite frankly you didn’t have the courage to give it to him in fear that he might mock you that he told you to make it for him and you did? what a fool…) and a letter detailing your feelings for him.
but obviously it didn’t hold much depth, as you can imagine, a preteen detailing their infatuation.
but long after you were gone, your friend started to do something which he never thought he would do, ever. he was missing you.
he missed you when he came home from school and there was no one to talk to, or no one to taunt about how much he hated a particular thing and not have you judge him. it was just so awesome on how you had never judged him for anything, because he was sure if he kept on repeating on how much he hated taylor swift to some other girl in his grade, she'd probably have flipped him off, even if she, herself hated her. that was the level of repetitive he could get.
but he missed you, making those random cakes with your mother and you ran down to him to make him taste it first and he acted disgusted. “this is the worst, did you put in salt instead of sugar?” and you still had a smile on your face when you answered. “no, i just tasted it.”
he fiddled with the paper bouquet you left him for a long while after that, thinking about that afternoon and many others like that again and again. he could just… call you but his ego wouldn’t let him. and he was so disappointed over the fact that you were talking to his mother almost every other day, but you never asked for him?
it was hurtful.
but he couldn’t just ignore it. even when it was the only thing he wanted to do, ignore you, keep you out of his mind. but even when in high school he began going on dates and dances, he kept coming back to the paper flowers you left him.
he didn’t have any allergies. he was just messing with you. he never knew you'd actually do it. just like he never thought you'd actually leave, or that he'd ever miss you like this.
when he was out of the local college, he was sure that he was going to come to you, he knew the city where you lived through his parents' daily conversation at the dinner table. you were still in college, about an year or two remaining and he looked for jobs in your area.
when he found one, he was absolutely relieved. he told his parents it was one of the best opportunities in his career and it was, just not in his career, but it helped that the city you were in was quite famous and the job wasn’t bad either.
so when he finally takes your number from his mother and calls you.
he’s so delighted to hear your voice, even though it has changed a lot. and you’re happy too! you sound really happy when you say that you're excited to meet him.
and oh, you’re right, he never considered your angle on it, you must have missed him so much! oh, poor thing, the move must have been so harsh to you. maybe the reason you didn’t ask his mom to give him the call was because it'd simply hurt too much to talk to him without being near him. right? this had to be the only explanation.
so when he moves in and settles into his apwrtment, he calls you in the morning, and you give him a recommendation for a cafè nearby, “it’s a good one, i think you'll like it,”
see! you know him so well!
he arrives there a few minutes late, but you’re already there. oh, you still love him so well.
but midway through drinking overexpensive coffees and reminiscing the old times, he chokes on his drink.
he honestly thinks you’re kidding.
“what?” he wants you to repeat it again.
“i said, i’m not in love with you, my friend, i’ve moved on,”
the friend stings more than applying sanitizer on a cut, he swears. but it was just unbelievable, you were just running after him (not quite literally, pardon him, he’s a little delusional) begging for him (again, he’s delusional) to make him go on a date with you, with the last part being true. you did want him to go on a date with you, but you respected his decisions.
yes, you did have the worst and incredibly humiliating crush on your childhood friend, but it was just all that was in your opinion, a crush that started when you were 12 because he was the only one you hung out with and spent all your time with and so you were convinced, from ages 12 to 16 almost that this was the guy you’d marry and start a family with, you’d already picked out the names for them. but the problem was? he didn’t like you back.
your childhood friend had better things to do, like all teenage guys do, ofcourse, but he was always stuck with the feeling that he didn’t want you, he physically cringed when at joint dinner sometimes both of your parents would joke about you both dating, it was just something that was unimaginable for him at that point. only at that point though.
he was too busy going out on dates with random people, unbeknownst to how much he was hurting you (because in his defense, he was just a kid and he wasn’t quite sure how deep your feelings ran).
but now? why not now?
he had finally realized that it was you he liked, genuinely. And now you say this? It was absolutely heartless, did you not even stop to consider his feelings, even for once? Did the fact that you loved him before mean nothing to you?
“why don’t you love me anymore? or are you lying? to avenge your hopeless pining and me turning you away, is that it? please, talk to me. please.”
“it was a childhood crush, they eventually go away,” you don’t know what more he wants to say to you.
“but i… but you,”
“there are no but's here, if you came here looking for me because you’re realizing your feelings almost 8-9 years later then it's absurd because did you really think i would wait for you that long? i have a life now, i have a boyfriend and.. just grow up, you have a job here you should focus on that.”
you mentally made a note to stay the fuck away from this guy, because he was spewing some crazy, crazy shit. never in your wildest dreams did you ever think he would come back and be insistent on his feelings, it was all like a fever dream.
“am i that bad..?” he whispers softly, you look up at him, he has both of his hands on the table and his head hanging down. great, he's crying now. “i'm sorry i was so rude to you before.”
“look, it's fine, okay? we were both kids and i don't even hold it against you, i didn’t back then and i still don't. so go live your life and move on,”
you didn’t think you could bear to stay sitting there for a minute more, so you got up and went to the counter to pay and without a second glance, you left the cafè.
all the while, your childhood friend is still sitting there, not looking up.
“i.. i can’t do that,” and he looks up and wipes his tears, he didn’t come all the way here just to get disheartened so easily, did he?
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theturtlelovers · 2 months
Can I request a sentence prompt with mikey? Number 4 please where mikey is asking for female so's attention while she's doing some work so she let's him sit in his lap.
𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚔-𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
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Pairing: Mikey/fem!Reader Rating: Everyone Contents: Mikey wants some attention, so the reader sits on his lap while they work. Warnings: Nothing major, implied established relationship, Mikey is a sweetheart that deserves love, the reader is requested to be fem but can be read as gender neutral. Wordcount: 858
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Notes: Boom! More content! Probably gonna burn myself out by accident, but oh well! ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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The clock ticked relentlessly in the quiet room, a soft metronome marking the passage of an afternoon steeped in silence and concentration. You were deep into your work, papers spread out like a fan in front of you, laptop open and buzzing softly with the hum of productivity. The only light in the room came from the soft glow of the desk lamp and the fading daylight that managed to seep through the blinds.
Outside, the world continued without pause, but inside your small sanctuary, time seemed to slow, bending around the focus of your tasks. It was during one such moment of deep concentration that you felt a presence looming near the doorway.
“Hey,” Mikey’s voice cut gently through the quiet, a soft but firm reminder that life wasn’t all about work.
You looked up, slightly startled, your train of thought breaking like a string of pearls scattered across the floor. Mikey stood there, a sheepish grin spreading across his face, his eyes filled with a playful gleam that you knew all too well.
“What’s up, Mikey?” you asked, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips despite the slight irritation at being interrupted. 
“I need some attention,” he admitted, his tone light but his eyes searching, almost hesitant as if he expected you to turn him away.
You sighed, your gaze sweeping over the expanse of papers and the digital clock blinking back at you. There was still so much to do, yet the earnest look in his eyes was too hard to resist. Pushing aside a stack of papers, you patted your lap, a silent invitation.
“C’mere, I can sit on your lap until I’m done working.”
Mikey’s face lit up at the offer, and he didn’t need to be told twice. He moved across the room with that grace unique to him, despite his size and the robust build of his frame. The chair creaked under the combined weight as he settled down, his body cool against yours, a solid presence that radiated comfort.
His arms wrapped around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your skin. You couldn’t help but lean back slightly, the familiar scent of him, a mix of his natural musk and the faint hint of mint from his shower earlier, filling your senses.
The keyboard lay forgotten for a moment as you allowed yourself to enjoy the closeness, his presence a calming balm to the frenzy of your workday. But reality couldn't be held at bay for long, and you soon turned your attention back to the screen, your fingers resuming their dance across the keyboard.
Mikey was quiet for a while, simply content in being close to you. But as minutes turned into half an hour, you could feel him shifting, his body starting to fidget as he struggled to keep still. Every so often, his fingers would draw small, absent-minded patterns on your side, or his toes would tap lightly against the floor.
“You okay?” you murmured, not turning your head but speaking softly.
“Yeah, just…” His voice trailed off, and he squeezed you gently. “I just like being here with you, even if you’re busy.”
“That’s sweet, Mikey,” you replied, sincerity lacing your words. “I like having you here too.”
The room fell into a comfortable silence once more, punctuated only by the soft clacking of the keyboard and the occasional shift of paper. As you worked, Mikey’s presence became a grounding force, his steady breathing syncing with your own.
Hours seemed to compress into moments, and when you finally hit 'save' on your document, the realization of time passing so swiftly made you blink in surprise. You stretched, feeling the slight stiffness in your back from sitting too long, and turned to Mikey, who was watching you with a patient, adoring gaze.
“All done?” he asked, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through you.
“All done,” you confirmed, a sense of accomplishment flooding through you, made sweeter by his company.
Mikey helped you tidy up, his large hands making quick work of the scattered papers, aligning them into neat stacks with a precision that always surprised you. Once everything was put away, he stood and offered you his hand, pulling you up into a tight embrace.
“Thanks for letting me stay,” he murmured, his voice muffled as he spoke into your hair.
“Anytime, Mikey. You know that,” you responded, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing back just as tightly.
As you both stepped out of the room, the weight of the work left behind, you felt lighter, the evening ahead promising relaxation and the simple joy of being together. Sometimes, it was these quiet, seemingly mundane moments that deepened your bond the most, the silent affirmations of presence and support weaving a stronger connection between you.
As you walked hand in hand, leaving the confines of your workspace, Mikey’s warmth by your side reminded you that no matter how busy life got, there was always room for a little more love, especially from a turtle as special as Mikey.
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Tagging: @whygz, @brightlotusmoon, @mrghostings Interested in getting tagged? Come check it out!
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badasgirlfriend · 8 months
Stolen Hoodie | Bada Lee Social Media Au
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pairings: bada lee x shin nari
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a/n: AHHHH LOOK AT THE EDIT (banging my head against the door from excitement bc this is the first edit i got for my work LIKE THIS IS HUGE FOR ME) thank you sooooo much @drkbibi you made my day🤍
As the teacher droned on, Nari was struggling to maintain her patience. She wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else.
"I understand," she replied, her tone neutral and her gaze wandering towards the windows beyond. Even though she dreaded the teacher's presence, she forced herself to be polite.
"No you don't understand miss Shin" the teacher hissed making Nari furrow her brows "She punched a boy"
Nari's anger was beginning to boil over, her patience worn thin. "I'm sure you're not suffering from memory, but I have come here on multiple occasions to address this issue. All you've ever said in response has been the hollow promise that something will be done."
"We looked into this matter-"
"But nothing has happened," she continued, her voice dripping with disdain, "If you really looked did something that boy would've stopped but he didn't, the bullying only got worse"
The teacher thinned her lips "Miss Shin I am a teacher, I know better than you. They're just kids, Hana is being dramatic by a few teasings-"
Nari's brow knit together in frustration, unable to believe the teacher's sheer audacity.
"Are you calling her a liar?" Nari hissed, her voice dripping with venom, "How can you dismiss her concerns so easily? She is only a child, struggling with constant teasing and harassment. Yet you would dismiss these blatant acts of bullying as 'just kids being kids'?"
Nari knew this teacher well. One who brushed off the complaints of a less fortunate student, only to pamper to one of high status. If a child from a wealthy background whined, they'd immediately bow at their feet. But if one without means asked for help? They were ignored. With their suffering and pleas brushed off like a fly.
"I don't care if that boy's family contributes generously to this institution. If my sister is going to face punishment, so is he." Nari spat the words out, staring down the teacher with steely conviction.
The teacher scoffed, "Hana has told me about how you raised her, and," she cleared her throat, "that her father is often 'mean'. However, violence is never the answer. I expect better from you, as she is but a child, whose innocence must be protected and preserved. Whatever happens in your home shall remain private and shall not be allowed to influence her. We do not wish for Hana to be easily influenced or swayed by the dynamics within her household"
Nari's fingers were twitching, struggling to maintain her composure. She wasn't sure if the teacher was suggesting that Hana was learning violence from her father or not, but now it seemed clear that was the case. This teacher knew about the situation at home, and yet she still had the audacity to punish Hana for retaliating against her bully.
Nari chuckled coldly "you little bi-"
"Nini" a soft voice stopped her from showing the teacher her place
Nari's eyes softened as she saw her younger sister standing behind the teacher, her messy pigtails and crooked bow tying her heart in knots. Her bag was over her shoulder, ready to go, and her smile was as charming as ever, as if the situation was nothing more than a passing moment of joy.
"Consider yourself lucky my sister arrived, because this would have ended quite differently otherwise," she threatened, and the teacher widened her eyes in shock.
"But don't worry," Nari continued, "I'll return."
With that, she turned on her heel and grabbed her sister's hand, the two sister's making their way out of the school. Their footsteps echoing through the halls, fading as they left the building, the teacher left speechless in their wake.
Nari stopped and crouched down to be at her sister's level. She gently took her sister's face in her hands, staring into her eyes with understanding.
Nari's expression softened as tears threatened to fall, but she held them back, wanting to remain strong for her sister. She gently caressed Hana's hair in a gesture of affection, trying to comfort her.
"Nini are you mad at me?" Hana asked "He was being mean"
"Of course not," Nari reassured her sister, "Just next time, don't punch him. Come and tell me instead, alright? I'll handle everything."
"Won't you get in trouble for that?" her sister asked, a frown crossing her face. "Every time you help me, dad becomes angry and is mean to you."
Nari's heart ached as she saw her younger sister so worried. She was barely a child herself, her worries and fears too big for her small shoulders to bear. But despite her age, her worries were as real as anyone else's.
"Don't worry about me," Nari whispered, wrapping her arms around Hana in a warm embrace. She pressed a gentle kiss against Hana's temple
"This time will be different, I promise," Nari said, her voice cracking slightly as she fought back tears. "I won't let dad decide what's right and wrong, and you'll always have me on your side. I'll protect you, no matter what."
With that, Nari gently pulled away and looked into Hana's eyes, hoping to reassure her.
A warm smile lit up Hana's face as Nari grabbed her hand and they began to walk. Taking out her phone, Nari checked the time, letting out a curse when she saw that she was really late. She had to send a message to Bada. However, just as she was about to do so, her phone suddenly died.
"Fuck" Nari muttered and turned to Hana "We need to meet up with a friend of mine so I can give her something," Nari told her sister.
But Hana's gaze was elsewhere. When Nari followed her eyes, she saw a familiar man approaching their direction.
Nari felt a sense of familiarity when she saw this man, as if she had seen him before. But her memory was hazy, clouded by her other worries and concerns.
"Hey Nari," the man said, stopping in front of them.
Hana looked at her sister with confusion, and Nari looked back at her with a similar expression.
"Uh, hi?" Nari said, her voice tinged with confusion. "Sorry, who are you?"
The man's smile fell slightly, but he managed to hold it.
"Jake. Jake Sim. Do you remember me?" He asked, and a pang of recognition shot through Nari as the name finally clicked in her head.
"Oh. Right. The Twitter guy," she said, rolling her eyes. "What do you want?"
"My mom works here so I came to drop something for her. I saw you and wanted to say hi" he paused "and ask you something"
"Hana, can you go on over there and sit?" Nari asked, and her sister complied, walking a safe distance away from the two adults' conversation, but not so far away that she couldn't hear them.
"What do you want?" Nari asked Jake, her tone hard and dry. She knew what he was gonna ask, his comments under her tweets told her enough
Jake grinned, placing his hand on his neck. "I sent you a message, but you must not've seen it."
Nari groaned inwardly, this man can't take a hint
"I wanted to ask if you're free this week, do you want to hang out?" He asked, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes "Like on a date"
"Look, I've seen your messages, and I ignored you," she said with a calmness that belied an seething, underlying frustration.
"I've made things perfectly clear by never replying to you. That obviously means I'm not interested. It couldn't be any more evident."
"But that doesn't mean we can't try," he persisted. He was clearly not going to back down
Nari finally had had enough when he grabbed her hand. "Man, back off." She hissed, with mounting annoyance. "I don't even like men. I'm done with this bullshit."
"You don't?" He asked, a hint of confusion in his tone.
"I thought it was obvious," Nari said, rolling her eyes with a heavy sigh.
"Don't let that ruin the fun of anything with me," Jake said with a smile, oblivious to her discomfort.
Nari rolled her eyes again, feeling her anger growing. Enough. She began to walk away, dragging Hana by the hand, and picking up her bag along the way. She was done with his bullshit. She was tired of dealing with such clueless men.
Now all she needed to do was go faster to the place she agreed to meet with Bada, hoping she will still be there
Nerves got to Bada, who kept nervously tapping her feet. This annoyed an elderly woman seated next to her, but Bada didn't seem to mind.
No matter how hard she tried, Bada couldn't stop her mind from drifting back to the brunette with the short hair. She wondered why her heart was beating so fast. Just a week ago, she couldn't even stand the woman. Now everything about her intrigued her.
She checked the time, realizing she was a full 10 minutes late to the meet-up. She quickly sent Nari a message asking for her whereabouts.
Yet, her many messages were no use. Nari still did not reply. As time progressed, Bada grew more and more annoyed. The longer it went, the more she felt hurt. It would have been better to at least receive some sort of text from Nari, letting her know why she had not arrived yet, but Bada had recieved none.
Just as Bada was about to call Tatter, a notification caught her attention. With a click, she opened it, only to be met with a paragraph that left her feeling upset.
She scoffed, after locking her phone. Both of her emotions of hurt and anger were evident. While Bada waited for her for almost an hour, Nari was off, having fun with some man. She was mad, and most importantly she was upset. Bada would not lie to herself. She knew deep inside her that her feelings for Nari had grown more than the slightest bit. So, seeing that post hurt her more than she could have ever imagined.
She felt stupid for thinking that Nari's flirting carried any truth, and that she meant it in some way. In fact, Nari often flirted with many other people, so Bada was naive for thinking that she meant it.
Kicking the rock before her in anger, she rose from her seat and started walking away. The sound of her phone drew her attention. Still annoyed, she decided to see what it was. But, when she saw the message, she froze. Just by a single letter in the contact name, she knew who this was. Yeri, a name she was not expecting to see right now. Her heart sank. She had thought everything was over, but seeing her name on her phone screen made her stomach drop.
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xuhuihuis · 1 year
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The early morning sun rising in the horizon as you get in your car packing everything you need to accompany Mingyu to his practice session before the first round of the tournament this weekend. Yawning as you clip your hair back out your face and start the car up to meet him at the course. Nervous for your first day with him, Kim Mingyu the guy everyone drools over.
Roads are quiet as it is the weekend, the people that work getting their sleep in from working all week. Sun shining over the horizon blinding you with its burning glow, pulling the sun guard down to see the road better. Your car window down as the soft breeze covering the right side of your body messing up your hair slightly. Your heart is already racing to meet your boss. You have heard things about him, how handsome he was. You can't help but get excited at that thought. Snapping out of your train of thought as the light had turned green, starting your car again.
Calming yourself down as you drive down the road that leads you to the course. You can feel your hands shaking against the steering wheel as you turn that corner to the rocky road, seeing all the expensive cars sitting at the end of it. Mentally preparing yourself for all the old men that will try and hit on you the minute you walk out of that car. Your heart pounding in your chest, feeling dizzy the closer you got to the country club. You were excited to meet your new boss but you had doubts. What if he was an asshole? What if he didn’t treat you as a person?
Parking in the empty spot that was far away from the expensive cars not wanting to get shouted at on your first day. Grounding yourself as you turn the engine off and take off your seatbelt. Fixing your messed up hair in the mirror making sure you look presentable enough to be working here and with one of the top golf players in the country. Taking your keys out of the ignition and picking up your phone that sat in the middle console up before you go and see where you have to be to meet your boss, Kim Mingyu.
The atmosphere was calm at the club, everyone just took their time getting to where they needed to be with no rush at all. Tall trees lining the path way up to the main reception and brightly coloured flowers decorating the well kept grass. Passing by a person who looked like she worked there, she said hello as she passed you being polite. She was a soft spoken individual, her voice comforting you as your nerves got worse as you were greeted by the reception door.
Walking through the revolving door to lead you into the reception taking a deep breath as you do as a way of calming yourself for the last time. Greeted by calming music and neutral painted walls making the place look expensive as the members. Even the staff behind the counter looked smart in their uniform.
“Hello ma'am, how can I help you?” the young man asked as he acknowledged your presence. “Oh, I’m here to see Kim Mingyu. I'm his new caddy girl” you reply to him with a smile. The young boy jolts up as you say to him who you are here to see. “Oh!, if you walk right through the doors to your left that should take you to the terrace leading you to the green out the back. You can wait there, he should be coming out of his meeting just now!” he replied to you. Thanking him as you head to go and start your new journey.
Still surprised about how high end this place is you watch your every step making sure you don’t accidentally break anything. The air smelled like vanilla and a faint aroma of whiskey coming from the bar area. Gently forcing the door open and walking through the aroma in the air changed to the smell of freshly cut grass. The doors hang open leading to the beautiful terrace. As you walk past you see where the members keep their clubs when they aren't being used. Noticing his name at the end in gold writing, Kim MIngyu. The reality clicking in that now it's actually happening, you were going to meet him. Stepping outside looking around to see if he was anywhere yet, not wanting to be late. No. You were thankful about that. Smiling to yourself at the image of the members wives sitting on the terrace in the shade with their glass of wine in one hand and a cigarette in the other. They wore their branded sunglasses that their husbands' money would have brought.
You could do nothing but wait at the side of the green waiting for Mingyu coming out of his meeting. Standing there in your own world calming your breathing down. Birds tweeting, occasional sound of the ball being hit towards the hole. You sat there wondering what they could be talking about, is he trouble you wonder?
It took great mental strength for Mingyu to not get up from his seat and punch the board director in the face. It’s not like he could anyway. Not when the tournament was right around the corner. “Are we clear on that Mr. Kim? One more stunt like that from you and you’ll be suspended.” His coach beside him stared and nudged him to agree. “Yes, I understand,” Mingyu replied, jaw clenching.
“Goodluck in the tournament tomorrow, Mr. Kim", the board director said as Mingyu stood up from his seat to leave the office, he didn’t bother acknowledging him anymore. He just wanted to get the hell out of there and practice on the course. This is not how he wanted his day to go, what makes it a bit more frustrating is that he was told his usual caddy had been replaced by a new one.
Don’t get him wrong. It’s not that Mingyu doesn’t like newbies, it was just all happening at the wrong time. First, getting reprimanded by the board director, and now having to teach his new caddy his routines and preferences. As Mingyu was making his way to the course, he saw an unfamiliar figure standing beside his golf bag. By the way this person is swaying their feet back and forth and picking at their nails, he can only assume that this is his new caddy.
You’re starting to get anxious. Talking to yourself, “What’s taking them so lo-” “Ah, miss y/n, there you are!” Mingyu’s coach shouts from behind. You turn around to see the person who called you. You weren’t mentally prepared to see Mingyu walking with his coach approaching you. How come no one told you that he’s even more handsome in person? No. You can’t. Stop looking at his face and focus. You end up lying to yourself, feeling the warm blush in your cheeks as your eyes start drifting to his tall, muscular figure. This is not how you wanted to start your day as a caddy.
Your heartbeat quickens as you eye up his arms. They are thick from all the time he spends in the gym when he isn’t here at the course. His trainer forces him to do gym sessions as well, meeting him at the club's gym. It was an add on with his membership, getting to use the gym for free. Clearing your throat as he approaches you, standing up straight making sure your hair looks good even under your hat. Noticing as he got closer that his jaw was clenched and his eyes were blank, they had no emotion behind them.
Gulping as his tall stature makes his presence known next to you. Your whole body tensing up as he is standing in front of you. “H-hello sir-” you greeted him politely, shaking from intimidation. He greeted you back in the same manner, “Oh hello, you must be my new caddy is that right?” he asks. You keep eye contact the whole time he is talking to you. Shaking your head as a reply. He smiles to himself at how giddy you are to be at your new job. “Well you better collect my clubs then. Then we will head off onto the course” he sends you to go and do your first job for him being proud that you haven’t messed anything up so far.
Passing by the wives again as one of them gives you a dirty look, they know why you are here now. Just another pretty fresh piece of meat they think. But you were determined to succeed in this job. Getting hit by cool air as you enter the building again, it was a relief from being outside. It can only get warmer, you think dreading what it is going to be like later hoping you don't need to be out on the green by noon. Picking up the clubs that sat under his name tag letting out a gasp as you realise how heavy they are.
Sighing as you head back out pulling your sunglasses down from the top of your head ready to meet up with Mingyu. You can feel all of them looking at you heading back out, hearing their snarky comments as you pass rolling your eyes . You couldn’t care less about what they think, you had your dream job and they are living off of their husbands. Mingyu waving you over, not like you couldn’t see him in the distance from how tall he is and the fact he is wearing a pink shirt.
This is it, your first session with the main man himself, the talk of the town. Feeling pleased that he is one of the nicest guys you have ever met, that releasing some of your stress makes you feel more relaxed. He stood there with his arms crossed over his string chest, his biceps flexing in the position along with his chest muscles. He is already prepared in his glove, fixing his hair under his hat as you arrive.
Watching as he takes his first shot, looking at how his body moves and his muscles flex as he sets up to shoot. His thick arm muscles flex and then relax as he watches where the ball goes. Hearing it head off north closer to the hole. The concentrated look on his face made you feel a type of way. Snapping out of it, your cheeks turned a shade of pink, thankfully he never noticed. By his body language you knew he wasn’t happy with that shot kicking himself because he better not be like this tomorrow.
You were a nervous wreck for tomorrow as it would only be your second day with him and you are already getting thrown into the deep end being his caddy. Having to learn what clubs he likes for each type of shot and the way he takes his shots. You didn’t even want to think about that just now, just wanting to focus on learning as much as you can before the big day tomorrow. He occasionally made conversations with you wanting to get to know you better. Mingyu even joked with you every once in a while trying to get you to laugh.
The course was calm while both of you were out but the heat was dangerous. Feeling the damp sweat run down your face, in the back of your neck making you gag. Yawning from exhaustion as the both of you head to one of the final holes in the cart. Only downside of this course is how big it is and how far away from anything the last two holes are. Looking forward to finishing so that you could eat, you are pretty sure Mingyu could hear your stomach from how loud it is standing next to you.
Rolling your eyes as you lift the heavy clubs out of the back, your shoulders dead from carrying them all morning. The burning heat adds to your exhaustion. Getting out the towel that sat in the front pocket to rid him of any sweat. Mingyu got you to wipe his forehead and the back of his neck just to fluster you, sending you a wink seeing the tint in your cheeks. He knows how to make a girl panic.
Standing next to him while he gives you directions on what to do next but when he does you don’t hear him. You couldn’t hear what he said to you clearly as you were kneeling down to tie your lace. Jumping back up from your spot clueless why he was looking at you weirdly with that expression on his face, he looked like he was going to flip. He did. Mingyu never even meant it but everything that was said in that meeting pissed him off to the point he couldn’t contain the anger anymore. Flipping out made it worse, the man felt horrible especially with this happening on your first day at the job.
“Y/n? Did you even hear me? Hello?.....HEY” snapping his fingers trying to get your attention. He thinks he is talking to himself and you aren't paying attention but really you couldn't hear him the first time. “If you’re not going to take this seriously, don’t come to the tournament tomorrow. I can do it myself” frustration in his tone, using you as a punching bag for all his stress. That last sentence caught you off-guard.
“...I- I’m sorry, Mr. Kim. I’ll focus… I’m sorry…” You stutter as the tears start to brew, threatening to fall not wanting him to see you cry. Thinking about how much he already hates you makes you doubt why you got the job in the first place. You ran to the golf cart as a way to try and hide from him.Ignoring his calls from behind you just wanting to give him the time to breathe and calm down before he talked to you again.
Tears rolling down your cheeks as you sit down, you can’t hold them back any longer. Doing but doubting and regretting everything you have said to him, he was so kind to you. That's what was throwing you off, how has he just flipped out on you like this all of a sudden? Holding your head in your hands wiping away the stray tears that were soaking into your cheeks making yourself look presentable before you go near Mingyu again.
Hearing footsteps coming closer not wanting to check who it was because you knew. Not even wanting to look at him, you just knew your job was going to be on the line. Keeping your volume to a hush to not add more fuel to the fire. Your hands are shaking trying to pull yourself together before he sees the mess you are in. “...Hey y/n? Can I talk to you darling?” His tone is soft and airy so he doesn’t scare you. Mingyu felt genuinely sorry for what he did, wanting to say sorry to you for what he had done.
Mingyu got down to your height in front of where you were sitting wanting to keep eye contact with you as both of you talked. His eyes are soft, like looking straight into a puppy's eyes when they just want love and attention. Mingyu took your hands in his, they engulf yours from how big they are. Warming your hands up even in this weather, your hands were always cold no matter what. He made sure he had your attention before he spoke to you.
“Hey, can you look at me please? It was my fault, I shouldn’t have lashed out like that. You didn't do anything, it was all me.” You didn’t say anything but look in his eyes, still scared about what happened earlier, and he could sense it too. “ I'm sorry for getting angry.... Can you forgive me, y/n?" Mingyu’s soft voice apologised to you.
Having your heart warm as he apologies to you, the poor guy never meant to lash out on you. He felt so bad for scaring you especially with that hint of fear in your eyes he had caught before when he realised the mean words he said, promising he never meant it. There was a silence after his words while you thought of what to say back to him. You don’t need to say anything at this point, you just need physical touch.
Mingyu stroked the knuckles of your hand slowly, never losing eye contact with you as he does. Knowing he did genuinely feel sorry for what he had done you forgave him. Smiling at the contact never wanting him to stop. Everything stopped for a moment as he smiled at you. Hearing nothing but your heartbeat in your ears witnessing the beauty that is the million dollar smile. Perfect, just like him. You smile back at him. He was pleased that he could make you smile again after what he had done to you.
Mingyu shouldn’t be having the feelings he has right now watching you smile. Mingyu's heart was racing inside of his chest, he may be strong and muscular but he still thinks his heart beat could be heard through his chest. He may act all big and tough on the outside when he is with you but on the inside he is just a timid puppy. Noticing the pink tint to the apples of your cheeks filling himself with happiness. She is just your caddy, he thought. He thinks of what to say then he laughs a little "you know... it's not fair..." he states
"What's not fair?" you ask him as he slowly wipes the tears off your face.
"How can someone still look pretty when they're crying?"
Smiling at his words,shocked that he even called you pretty. He never even noticed it all he cared about was seeing you smile again, maybe even making you laugh. His heart flutters looking at your beautiful smile, the dimples on your cheeks making you more beautiful. It even made him smile seeing you happy again. Mingyu could tell you were still worried about something deep down.
"Is there something else on your mind?" he questions you genuinely.
"I'm a bit nervous for tomorrow, what if I mess up? what if I ruin your game?"
your pure words melt his heart a little. then you see him start removing his necklace "tell you what..." he removes the chained necklace he had on him, and he then places it on your neck, you're confused a bit by the gesture "...this is my lucky chain, if you ever feel nervous just hold it for a bit and you'll be alright.
Do you think you can do that for me sweetheart?" when he said it was his lucky chain, he was lying. He just wanted to make sure you weren't going to be nervous at all then you nod at him, smiling a little. Then he says "there's that smile" he says caressing the apple of your cheek still tear stained.
“Your smile is all I need to win tomorrow's game” he says to you, he doesn't realise what he is saying but he blurted out those words unconsciously not paying attention. You had his full attention he would never leave you out his sight especially knowing what the other men here can get up to. Getting up from the golf cart to hug him, just wanting to be held by someone. Pulling him in by the waist leaning against his strong chest.
“Should we go in and get you a milkshake?” he suggests. Mingyu knew the answer as he watched your eyes light up.
It's been a couple months working with Mingyu and you were loving it to say the least. He was always there for you if anyone started any shit with you he would stand up and sort them out. Even sending you good morning texts to you for when you wake up when he has an early morning practise or the morning of a big tournament. You were happy that you were building a relationship with him and getting closer with him getting to know his likes and dislikes.
Getting to the country club, the parking situation was a riot but now you had a designated spot next to Mingyu's car, he is always in early on tournament mornings. Sleepily walking up across the river and up into the reception to meet Mingyu in the cafe, he always had a coffee ready for you coming in. It was still dark outside making the roads harder to drive on. Looking out of the window in the cafe to see the start of the sun rising, covering the early morning sky in a mix of oranges, reds, and pinks.
Sitting down with him before anything starts, asking what he wants you to do. You listen to every word because you want him and you don't want to let him down. He tells you the plan for the round today. You occasionally nod to let him know you are listening to him. Sipping your coffee while he talks you wonder how he got your order perfect and then remembering that time you both had coffee after a practise session. He was such a gentleman he always remembered everything about you, all your orders and the ways you like to have your hair.
As you both got up to go get ready he got up from the table first to help you out your seat and then tucked it in under the table for you then held out his arm for you to link with yours as you both walked out the restaurant and into the hall leading down to his dressing room. He let go of your arm for a minute while he held the door open for you. You smiled as you walked past him and thanked him for his kind gesture.
Walking past reception and down the dressing rooms for the golfers, passing by one of the wives you keep bumping into. You just know she can't stand you and is looking for any way to sabotage you and get you out this job. She is going to have the best day of her life passing the gossip of Mingyu holding the door and then the fact that both of you have your arms linked. Hearing her gasp as she walks past you both laughing as she immediately goes on her phone to tell her other old, touch deprived friends. Their husbands haven't even touched them in years.
Mingyu tells you to make yourself at home while he starts to prepare getting into his actual attire and not just sweats. Sitting on your phone checking any notifications you had while he was gone in the bathroom. Going to brush his teeth after he had his breakfast there and washing his face applying his SPF. He was doing it to make you happy. He knew you hated it when you saw his face covered in a red shade and he whines about how much it hurt, he has learned his lesson
He was in that bathroom just standing there in his boxers. He thought he had brung the change of clothes in with him but he left them hanging behind the door.Mingyu hoping you wouldn’t see him but you were up helping yourself to a bottle of water. You watched as he quickly walked past the couch grabbing his clothes from behind the door. You turned around from the fridge to see the sight of Mingyu in his underwear. He had a tight grip on the shirt he was going to wear. He was like a deer in the headlights when your eyes met, the poor boy was so scared. You couldn’t help but look at his body. Your eyes drawn to his chocolate bar like abs , you can clearly see that he takes the gym seriously. His v-line going from his hips down past the line of his underwear.
Quickly looking away not wanting to be considered creepy by him now. Mingyu quickly runs back to the bathroom to put his clothes on, needing to forget about what just happened. You can't see how hard he is for you right now but he is crying because of how needy he is. The fact he needs to play a whole 18 holes with a hard on. His shirt stretching over his chest sitting perfectly over his back muscles. Trying his best to hide the hard on in his pants hoping for the best. He pulled his hat on fixing his hair so it was out of his face then the hat sitting on top.
Walking out to set MIngyu's bag up at the starting hole you meet the other players caddy. She was with Mingyu's rival in the championship, Choi Seungcheol. They have been going at it all season with their antics. Everything needs to stop for today as their beloved championship that is waiting for them at the end of the green needs to be worked for. This is the only chance to get through to the finals, both men have fought off the competition and now they are the only ones that are left. Even just the look on the girl's face was enough to put you off her.
Ignoring her behaviour to get set up to help Mingyu in every way that you can. All you could do is sit and wait for him to come out and start to play. Your heart was beating against your chest and you got sweaty palms just thinking about him getting through. You were stressed for him. Picking at your nails, fixing your hair, catching Mingyu in the corner of your eye. He instantly smiled when he saw you. Mingyu's smile always warms your heart. He really is a giant puppy.
Mingyu takes your hand to calm you down, drawing patterns on the back of your hand with his thumb. Smiling as he does, he remembered you talking about how much you love it and how much it calms you down when you have had a horrible day. Looking up into his eyes as he takes the umbrella that was sitting in with his golf clubs to cover both of you from the beating sun.
“Let me take that, it's my job anyway Mingyu” you protest against his action
“You can't even reach up that far! Let me take it this time” he laughs at your face as he pokes fun at you.
Heart dropping as the announcement came for the guys to take their place for the game starting.Seungcheol getting to take first shot as he won the last time both of them played against each other. Watching every move he makes in panic. How can Mingyu be so calm? Even when he's one of the youngest in the league he is so calm and collected every game. The first shot is crucial in situations like this. Heart in mouth and stomach turning as he takes his shot….
It ended up in the bunker across the way. In all your time you have been a caddy in the league you have never seen Seungcheol this angry, he was regretting everything just hoping this wouldn’t set the tone for the rest of the game. Handing Mingyu his club and taking the umbrella off him as he goes to take his shot. Not even wanting to look after what happened to Seungcheol. Hearing the crowd clap, Mingyu was successful. Your heart is jumping for joy.
The tension was constant the whole game even you were feeling the pressure from everyone surrounding you. That shows you how tough it is, you weren't even playing and you felt the tension. All those eyes watching everything you were doing. Holding onto his chain that he gave you as a way to keep you calm, hoping it gives him the luck he needs. He came up to you after his shot seeing that you were shaking, just wanting to hold you there and then but all the cameras would see and it would be in the headlines the next day. There was a two point difference, Mingyu was in the lead by the skin of his teeth.
Seungcheol walking past scoffing and avoiding eye contact, he was not impressed. The fact that a guy a couple years younger is stealing his championship? He just wanted to get this over with and go home. Not even think about dealing with the media. Mingyu is all they talked about in his interviews, “How do you feel about Kim Mingyu”, “How do you feel about Mingyu leading the championship” he wasn’t having any of it anymore. Seungcheol’s selfish side came out all because of pure jealousy.
“It's okay Darling, I've got this” Mingyu whispered to you, leaning into his chest for comfort. He was telling you everything that he would do with you after the game earlier to let you de stress questioning him at the same time. Why is it for you and not him? Mingyu is always coming up with excuses to treat you.
The time came for Mingyu to take his last shot. Seungcheol failed to get his ball into the hole he was just millimetres out from. Seeing Mingyu standing there lining up to take the shot, your heart couldn’t deal with the stress so you hid behind the bag of his clubs praying that he would be successful. The whole venue is silent as they watch Mingyu for one last time, the quiet tap of the ball the only thing breaking it
The silence was broken by loud cheers and angry groans as the ball slid into the hole. You jumped up from your hiding spot to see if he has done it and he has. You ran to him as he dropped the club at his feet to immerse you in a hug. Both of you are smiling and laughing so happy that he is through to the final. His chance at the title is finally here. His strong arms squeeze you tight but you couldn’t care less. You could feel Mingyu smile and laugh into the crook of your neck caressing the back of his head holding him close.
Seungcheol stormed out as soon as he saw the ball go in the hole. He wanted that championship again, he needed it to keep him alive and keep his career in the bag. He was jealous of all the young new players getting all the attention he once had but now he doesn’t get the attention he strives for. He has given up at this point, he just let Mingu have his moment that's why he went back to his dressing room.
All of the media from around the world came flooding from their seats all wanting to be in the front row to interview Mingyu. You picked up the club that he dropped and placed it in his bag as he left to walk over to the media pen. You couldn’t wipe the smile off your face, You were so happy for Mingyu. He keeps talking to you about how much the championship would mean to him if he won it and how long he has been dreaming of it. Looking up from where his bag was pulling it behind you so you could drag it behind you as you wait on him coming out of interviews, you see Mingyu standing there sending you a wave with that smile you love.
Your lanyard let people know you were with him so they let you through the corded off corner of the green. The fans all empty out the stands all wanting to get back home. Flashing lights and everyone shouting at Mingyu making your head feel dizzy. You wonder how he can deal with this.
“How did you prepare for a match like this?” one of the journalists asked him. You hide in Mingyu’s arms facing away from the cameras as he answers the question. He stroked your hair to try and calm you down.
“...Actually it was all because of her that I won this match. She has given me all the support I need to get through anything” He replied with a beaming smile on his face. You couldn’t believe what you are hearing, do you really mean that much to him? The media reporters and journalists write everything down. This will be the headline in the sports news tomorrow. His strong arm around you comforting you during his interview period.
Finally the interviews coming to an end letting you go home after a long day and sleep making up for that early rise. You didn’t mind waking up this early, you would do anything for Mingyu at this point. He was the nicest guy you have ever met, making your heart flutter every time you think of him. Wondering if he is getting feelings for you. Just waiting till the next morning to see what he will do for you.
You surprisingly pull up to work at the same time as Mingyu. Seeing how tired he is in his eyes, his messy hair up in a man bun to keep it out his face. His tan skin glowing in the early morning sunshine. His glasses half way down his nose from when he was driving. Watching as his large hands slide them up the bridge of his nose. You were hypnotised by his fingers, how delicately they slid the pair of glasses up his nose. His shirt hugging his chest, tight around his pecks that have gotten bigger from working out.
“Ohh hello. Let me help you” he says as he gets out of the car, opening the door for you. He really is a gentleman at heart. Taking your hand in his stepping out the car dropping your keys that fell out your hand but he picked them up for you. Many thoughts race around your head as you look at his biceps in the shirt that fit him in the right places. Thinking about what it would be like to hold onto them as he fucks his cock into you.
He took his bag out the back of his car and started to walk towards the building with his arm around your waist. He had a practice session with his friend, Wonwoo. He is one of the top Businessmen in the country. Mingyu met him when he was in school and have been friends ever since. This is just a catch up for them because of how busy they have both been. Mingyu is doing everything he can to get that championship. All the girls giggle as he walks by winking at them. You ignore the jealousy running through your veins at that moment and go and get his clubs set up.
Hearing the wives of the older men at the club pass by you when you have your back turned hearing them saying things about you.
“Have you seen the way he is with her, you would think they are dating” one of them asks the group, feeling their eyes on you as they walk past to sit on their designated chairs to watch their loves play all day as they get served endless cocktails. Fixing your skirt before you stand up picking up the bag placing it on your shoulder walking out to meet Wonwoo. Hearing the ladies laugh at you as they comment on the skirt you are wearing asking if it was for Mingyu, not letting them get to you, you just walk away. You see an unfamiliar figure, that must be Wonwoo.
He was talking to Mingyu, both of them are laughing as you come up to both of them. Dropping the bag off next to where you are standing. Standing next to Mingyu as he introduces you to each other. Wonwoo was a tall man as well, standing next to both of them making you feel intimidated.
“Nice to finally meet you. Mingyu has told me many things about you Darling” he says politely, taking your right hand to kiss the back of it. Laughing at his action, it makes you blush but you don't want Mingyu to see.
“Nice to meet you too sir” you reply back to him. His smile adorned his face making him more handsome and his glasses moving as his face scrunched. This is the first time you met Wonwoo and you can say he is very handsome, loving the way his glasses moved as he smiled making him look more adorable. You actually got on with him very well even though he is a quiet gentleman but he is very polite. You got to talk to him more when Mingyu went to the bathroom before they both started to play. He let you talk as he listened to the stories you were telling him.
Wonwoo was a good listener. He looked so interested in where you grew up and if you had any siblings, telling him everywhere about the area you grew up in. Letting out a “mhm” every once and a while to let you know he is still listening. You started to tell him about the one time at dance class when you were younger when you fell and hit your head off the mirror but before you could get to the end of the story that’s when Mingyu came back and he didn't look happy that you were laughing and smiling with Wonwoo.
You never noticed him at first. You were too busy telling Wonwoo what happened to look behind you to see Mingyu strutting down the path to meet back up with both of you. Getting to the end of the story leaving both of you in hysterics laughing. Your hand holding onto Wonwoo’s bicep for support to keep you up right as you tear up from laughing. That’s when Mingyu announced his presence behind you.
Jumping up in surprise as you don’t expect him to be behind you. Quickly removing your hand from his bicep and placing your hands in front of you while looking up to Mingyu locking eyes with him. Just the look Mingyu gives you is enough to know you are in trouble from him. His eyes flooded with jealousy as he watched you flirting with another man.
All he could think about is that it should be him you are flirting with and not his best friend. He doesn;t realise how jealous he actually is until his grip on his club tightens to the point his knuckles are white. He was trying his best to keep his calm to not flip out at you again knowing what happened the last time he did. He couldn’t even look Wonwoo in the eye, he just wanted to get the game started. MIngyu pulled you in by the waist to hold you close making sure Wonwoo was watching what he was doing. You were confused why Mingyu was acting like this but you weren’t complaining, loving the feeling of being so close to him.
During the practice game the boys occasionally talked to each other, letting out chuckles when one made a joke about each other. You stayed quiet the full time making sure not to press Mingyu’s buttons any more than you have already. Whenever it wasn’t his turn to take the shot MIngyu had his arm or hands on you in any way possible, never letting you out his sight. You started to get more flustered as the time went on trying your hardest not to look at all his defined muscles. But they were sitting perfectly in his shirt not to dream about him choking you with his thick biceps.
Daydreaming too much to click that he was shouting on you to sort out his clubs for him. He just laughed at your stupidness. You said your apologies as you rushed to do your job sorting your skirt as you bent down to pick up one of the golf balls that had fallen. The wind caught in your skirt when you bent down making you squeal but Mingyu ran to cover you up from behind. Letting out a gasp hoping he never heard as his groyne is pressed right against your ass feeling that he is hard. Getting up from the ground pressing your ass back further just to see what he would do. Feeling his big strong hand grip at your waist to stop you from moving you further.
Sorting yourself out as you stand out of the way of Mingyu’s shot thinking about what just happened, “Did he really have feelings for you now??” you think to yourself. The sound of the ball going into the hole snapping you out of your thoughts and then you take down the score. Moving hole to hole Mingyu had a tight grip of your hand making sure you don’t wander away and talk to Wonwoo again without him there watching over you two like a hawk. You can’t help but get flustered over how protective he is over you with other guys.
He was never as thankful for a game to finish before as he was now. Mingyu was so hard he couldn’t bear it any more. Walking back to the main building with his hand under your skirt squeezing your ass cheek. He was holding back groans when his fingers ghosted over your core feeling that you are wet for him and him only. Wonwoo was clueless about what was happening around him.
Mingyu said his goodbyes to Wonwoo and thanked him for coming while you stood next to him still thinking about what just happened. You still couldn’t believe you wanted more, your body calling out for his touch.
It was the same thing everyday with Mingyu but you both got closer as the days went on. Only thing is you both started to flirt with each other more and more. Everyone that sees these interactions is confused about your position now. Are you still his caddy? or are you his girlfriend?. You loved making all the old men at the club jealous, you have seen the looks they give you when you are hanging out with Mingyu. You couldn’t care less and just give them a look back.
Today you were one of the first people at the club getting to work early to prepare for going out on the green with Mingyu, smiling when he texts you saying he is nearly there. You get up from your seat in the cafe and then go and collect his clubs and sit on the bench waiting for him to arrive. Your heartbeat in your chest in anticipation. It was great not having the older ladies comment about you and Mingyu as you sat there, being surprised that they aren't accompanying their husbands today.
You fixed the hat that sat on your head to cover you from the beaming sun. One day at a game Mingyu gave you that hat to protect your head. He insisted that you took it from him and you have worn it ever since he gave it to you. If you wear it to work it makes him smile when he sees you wearing his hat always complimenting you. Fixing the sunglasses that were sliding down your nose, you look up from your spot and see Mingyu’s tall frame towering over you.
“Are we ready to go Princess? It’s only us out today” he says with a bright smile on his face. You jump up from your seat on the bench ready to obey any of his orders, you have even got his water bottle ready for him. He wrapped his strong arm around your waist making your heart jump as you realise what he is up to looking up to see the sly smirk on his face. His hand resting on your hip playing with the hem of your skirt, trying not to jump as his hands meet with your upper thigh.
Everything started off tame but as Mingyu was in between shots he would tell you to come over and ‘help’ him when he was practising his shots. Your body standing in front of him, he was pressed right up against your back, his arms snaking down your body. He even got you to place your hands on top of his on the club. The hand size difference really made itself known the moment Mingyu knew what he was doing to you. Feeling yourself get wet all because of him driving you crazy but you can’t fuck the guy you’re working for at your own place of work, can you?
You were used to his routine for now, all the clubs he likes for each type of shot learning how he takes them. He saw you looking as he was practising his swings calling you over so he could teach you.
"c'mon sweetie, let me teach you something" he suggest to you
You walk over to him and he moves out of the way for you to stand in front of him. He was so close to you that you could feel his breath down your neck. You couldn’t focus on what he was saying as he took control of your movements as he taught you how to swing. Feeling your heartbeat quicken in your chest, going light headed when he places his hands on your ass. You tried your best to pay attention to what he was saying but it was difficult.
He stepped away from you so you could take the net shot for him. Letting your breathing calm down before you hit the ball into the hole when it went in Mingyu had never felt this proud of you before. He ran up to you and lifted you by the waist and hoisted you over his shoulder running a victory lap. Kicking and hitting his back for him to let you down laughing as you tried to ask him but both of you couldn’t even form sentences.
You are both lucky no one else is there to witness your antics as they would try and get you fired from your job with Mingyu, the only good thing about early morning sessions. Going back to pick up his clubs to take them next to hole. Heaving the bag on your shoulder to throw in the back of the golf cart, then taking your seat in the driver's side, Mingyu follows you. The winds were calm only occasionally blowing, not even strong enough to mess your hair up.Mingyu could tell you were happy about that. That man knew every little quirk about you from the amount of time you both spend with each other. He was starting to fall for you, he couldn’t help the feelings he was starting to have for you.
It was a comfortable silence between you both, quietly driving as his hands rested on his lap watching over your beautiful face. Mingyu always caught himself staring at you when you weren’t looking, he was head over heels for you.
"You'll be at my tournament right? I can't play well if you're not there princess. You have to be there for me, pretty girl. We even have matching outfits for this weekend”" he asks you out of the blue. He needs you there for him in the final otherwise he won’t be able to cope.
He caught you off guard. You weren’t even paying attention till he started to speak. Your heart starts to beat faster again, the thought of matching outfits with him driving nuts. What if people realise what you are both up to? You were always in fear about losing this job, the one you loved more than anything. People are horrible in the media. You have seen all the articles they have written about you. “CADDY GETTING HANDSY WITH KIM MINGYU” “ARE THEY FALLING IN LOVE?” spending nights crying over them.
"You better be cheering for me okay? not anyone else, hm? remember.. you're mine" he said in a serious tone making you stop.
“I'll make sure I do……” you replied back with fear in your voice.
The atmosphere was tense from the sexual tension between both of you. It was hard to ignore it, especially with his hand half way up your thigh squeezing the flesh of your thigh in his large palm. Feeling yourself getting wet makes you even more embarrassed than you should be. Mingyu had this authority and power over you that you loved…..a little too much.
The warmth of his hand warming your upper thigh. His hand was that high he even started to play with the hem of your underwear just to get under your skin even more and get a reaction out of you. Hearing your heartbeat in your ears loving what he was doing to you just a little too much wanting him to do more. Looking over at the sight of Mingyu licking his lips locking eyes with you. You saw how dark they were compared to his regular puppy-like gaze. You caught a glimpse of him palming his cock before he swiftly moved his hand away.
Jumping out of the golf cart hoping no one that was there could see what happened. Both of you being lucky that you were far enough out no one could see anything. Mingyu took the opportunity for himself and decided on a personal teaching session for you. He decided to take this as an opportunity to teach you some of his skills. Collecting a club for yourself before walking over to T-off. You saw the way he was looking at you specifically when you were bent over he was imagining things he shouldn’t be about his caddy.
The wind catches your skirt at the perfect time as you go to pick up a ball that has fallen from his bag. You can feel Mingyu staring a hole in you from behind as he watches every move you make like a hawk. Mingyu was always making excuses to stand behind you and ‘help’ when you were taking shots just to have your ass against his hard cock. Two can play this game you think so when he was standing behind you that's when you bent over to ‘tie’ your lace. In reality it was to grind your ass back on him and make him a hot mess, more than he already is.
Smiling in victory when you hear him groan gripping onto your ass cheeks harsher. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The sunshine was starting to darken as clouds appeared in the sky looking dark and gloomy, the weather starting to change up feeling a spit on your arm. The rain started to pour down quicker than you could react, Mingyu taking you by your hand quickly picking up his clubs to throw in the back of the cart before jumping in hiding from the rain.
Both of you are in fits of laughter as you escape the rain. Both of you drenched from the weather outside of the cart. Mingyu motioned for you to sit on his lap, jumping over and into his lap. His thigh muscles flexed as you sat down on his thighs. Placing your arms around his neck expecting nothing from him but something inside of him snapped. Taking your chin in his hold and bringing you in for a kiss.
It feels like fireworks are going off in your mind, feeling Mingyu’s lips against yours. They were so soft, his kisses were gentle like his touch. His hat falling off his head and onto the grass beside you. Never wanting to break away from the kiss hoping it's not a dream. Mingyu was a gentleman you had to put his hands on your hips letting him know he could touch you. Smiling against each other's lips never wanting to break away from your lips, not wanting to end this moment. Your hands travel up the backside of his neck to grab at the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him in closer.
The first time you heard him groan into your mouth it sent shivers down your body. The gentleness of his lips getting more harsh the more desperate the both of you become with his hands clawing at your hips dragging you along his clothed length. Your moans have an effect on him as well but he never wanted to take it any further without your permission. Mingyu pulled away from your lips for a minute, you whine at the loss but he gives you a stern look as a warning to not do it again.
“Do you want me to go further, princess?”
Mingyu knew the effect that name had on you as he watched you wriggle in his lap. Shaking your head to tell him you want him to go further, rejoining your lips in a kiss. Gasping against his lips to the feeling of his hands grabbing your breasts through your rain soaked shirt. Mingyu could see the outline of the lace on your bra through your shirt driving him crazy. He lifted the shirt over your head to get rid of it as fast as he could. Mingyu let out a deep groan as he was met with your lace covered breasts.
His large hands went to play with the lace before he let his hands go and travel up your back to the clasp. Mingyu fumbled with the clasp but he undone it and then let the straps fall down your shoulders. He sat back where he was sitting to take in the sight of you on top of him with your bare chest exposed to him. He has been waiting what feels like years for this to happen. Mingyu licked his dry lips before grinding his hips up catching you off guard.
Mingyu was madly in love with you and now he was realising it as you were starting to make love with each other. He took everything at your pace not wanting to push you on in any way he constantly asks for your consent. Mingyu is a gentle giant with you, he always has been gentle in every way with you. His hands collide with your body again to trace his fingers lightly across your exposed chest and stomach.
"Mingyu, please..."
Crying out for him not noticing how bad you are falling for him. Your words have a major effect on him as he attaches his lips with your neck. Moving his lips all over your neck listening for reactions on what feels good. When Mingyu found your sensitive spot your hands buried themselves in his hair messing it up but you both couldn’t care. You both just wanted each other, exploring both of your bodies was the only thing on your minds.
“You don't know how long I've wanted to be with you"
Mingyu doesn’t realise what he is saying. He is too caught up in the moment, the statement catching you both off guard. Seeing the love in his puppy-like eyes, his lips swollen from kissing you. His hands trail over your pantie line, playing with the lace that trimmed the edges. Even though his hands were large he treated you like a value-less sculpture. Mingyu sat up straight making sure he pulled you closer so you can’t slip off his lap. A blush met your cheeks as he noticed the wet patch forming on your dainty underwear.
Mingyu asked you for permission to touch you down there and of course you said yes. He grunted as he licked his lips, he was having many thoughts about what he could do to you there and then. His hands were warm from being on your body for so long , his touch light as he didn’t want to scare you off. Your eye immediately close at the feeling of his touch relaxing as he takes control leaning into his touch.
His thick fingers find your clit and start to circle around slowly as he watches your reactions. You really were his princess at this moment. You let out a moan when his fingers rub against that spot you love most immediately feeling embarrassed about the noise you just let out for him feeling the dark red blush melt on your cheeks. Hearing him laugh at you makes it worse, you pout as you try to hide your face in his neck.
“Baby don’t hide from me. It’s not that embarrassing, you trust me right?”
Nodding when he was talking to you listening to every word he says. His free hand crept up your back to rub in between your shoulders to calm you down. Your breath was still ragged as you were leaning against his chest waiting for him to start touching you again, looking up into his eyes pulling the cutest puppy eyes begging him without words to touch you. When you looked up at him you felt his clothed cock twitch under you.
“Don’t worry about that darling, we will worry about that later.”
Your pussy was dripping for him when he started to touch you again, his fingers circling at your entrance getting you ready for his cock. He took his fingers and brought them to your mouth. You took his pointer and middle fingers in your mouth unconsciously, it never even registered that you did it. Mingyu was loving the sight in front of him. Licking around his fingers taking more and more of them down your throat until you were gagging on them and gasping for more. Mingyu took his fingers out of your mouth moving them down to your entrance gilding them in.
Tears immediately fall down your cheeks from the slight pain of his fingers stretching you open. You didn’t know what to do with your hands so you just gripped onto Mingyu’s shoulders digging your nails into them but he liked the pain. His fingers were that long they could hit the spots inside of you that you couldn’t have reached on your own. Your whole body jolted forward when he hit that spot inside of you. Mingyu repeatedly rubbed his fingers against that spot until your legs gave out.
“You want to continue, princess?”
Nodding your head yes immediately never wanting the pleasure was giving you to end. You could feel him reaching down to pull down his trousers and underwear letting your skirt cover the pornographic sight underneath you. His thick cock leaking pre-cum, the veins popping out his cock twitching every time you called out for him. Sitting back down on his lap feeling his cock poke at your entrance needing to be inside you but he never wanted to do anything without your permission.
“Take your time baby there is no rush”
You didn’t care at this time you just needed him in you and you could tell he wanted it as much as you. Locking your lips with his once again before he slowly entered you waiting for any small reaction. His cock slowly enters you while he first bunches up the fabric of your skirt at your hips. Biting on the side of his neck to hold your screams back from the pain from the stretch but that was slowly turning into pleasure. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head the more your body got used to the feeling of his cock.
“Doing so well for me baby”
Every bit of praise from him went to your cunt making you wetter than you already were. Slowly moving your hips against his and starting to bounce softly letting the moans drip out of your throat like sweet honey. His shirt got wet from the rain, sticking to the definition of every muscle in his torso making him look like a greek god there and then. Biting his lip as your cunt clenched around his cock every time he hit that gummy spot inside of you. The sound of the rain masking the sound of your hips bucking against his and the sound of your moans not letting anyone hear what you're doing.
"You're so beautiful"
“Doing such a good job for me”
These statements just encouraged you on more to make his brain numb fucking yourself on his cock depper and depper with every thrust. Mingyu didn’t mind how fast or slow you fucked him he just wanted you to enjoy yourself and make sure you are weak in the knees after. Mingyu’s hands stayed on your hips so he could pull you down his cock easier the closer he got. His lips find all the sweet spots on your neck marking them up making them dark so people could notice them.
Mingyu wanted this moment to last forever but that wasn't happening with both of you so close to your highs. Letting out groans when he hits the right spots inside of you making his eyes roll back. Bucking his hips up into your making you jump from the force clinging onto his strong chest for support. His shirt from the rain so you could hide your tears better as they rolled down your cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure.
“It’s okay baby I’ve got you, cum for me make yourself feel good for me baby”
Tightening your grip around his neck pulling on his hair as he takes control of the pace planting his feet down on the ground to fuck into you hard. You didn’t care if someone walked past the cart eight now you just wanted that sweet high both of you were chasing. Legs shaking moans overlapping with his as your hips met with his once more before your whole world went white for minutes.
Mingyu couldn’t believe the sight in front of him, he sees himself as the luckiest man on the planet right now. You were a sight to behold when you cum, you look so gorgeous to him he wants to hold this memory forever.
He isn’t going to forget it.
You were gasping for air when you came back to your senses. Mingyu found the sight of you moaning and cuming on his dick so beautiful that it tipped him over the edge. The sweat drips down his muscular body as he searches for oxygen with you. Looking into your eyes making sure he takes every little second of your first time together so he can remember it forever.
His large hands rubbing your back soothing you as you snuggle into his chest depper not caring that it's all sweaty you just wanted to be as close as you could to him. Mingyu was looking at you like a puppy that just met his owner for the first time ever. He was in shock. Brushing the hair away from your face making sure he can see that smile on your face letting him know you are still there with him.
“I love you, y/n…..”
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f4iry-bell · 2 months
Stained shirt and two seats for one | part 2
mostly written from graysons pov, from next part it'll from readers pov AND ive decided a name!!! it's Arya!!!! she looks just like you.
← previous part
It has been exactly two days since Grayson landed in London to meet his half sisters. He loved both of his sisters dearly but Grayson Hawthorne is a man who needs some time alone with himself sometimes. He did not care about what people would think, he was too busy to care about how they view him for the things he does. Things like dining alone in a fancy restaurant. And when he is alone, he doesn't just eat and relax, he thinks about his work, he has been working alongside with his aunt in the Hawthorne Foundation and in Hannah, same as forward as backwards. Even though his grandfather has cut him and his brothers off his fortune, Grayson managed to make enough and more money by investing.
Once he was done with his food he was looking at a few paperworks, something that you'd find a person doing in a cafe not at a fancy restaurant. Finally he decided to call the waiter to get the bill but that's when something caught his eyes. Someone across his table, with very familiar wavy hair. That girl. She looked different from the last time he saw her, she was wearing a white shirt layered with a black vest, he couldn't see her bottoms as it was hidden under the table, her hair was pretty much the same except it was neatly done. There was a hint of makeup as well. She was sitting on the table not 8 feet far away from him with someone, a guy. A date? boyfriend? 
Has she been here the whole time? His first thought was that she was stalking Grayson but he erased that thought when he saw her with some random guy and having a serious and professional conversation with the guy. She was using her iPad to show him something, Grayson can't tell what was on the screen but he could see there was a lot of writing. He watched her talk to this unknown guy for a while until the waiter asked him if he was ready to pay. Grayson ordered a cup of coffee and watched her again. He observed her movements, he noticed she speaks while using a lot of hand movements and has a very expressive face, the way her eyes widened every now and then, he even tried to read her lips. He told himself that was the only reason his eyes wandered to her lips.
Finally the guy stood up and shook her hand before leaving the restaurant. Grayson watched her as she did something on her iPad and then kept it inside her bag, his heart skipped a beat when her eyes left her bag and directly met him. She was just as shocked as Grayson when he noticed her presence. And she saw him while he was looking at her, she must think he was a creep, Grayson expected her to scrunch her face in disgust but instead she gave him a closed mouthed smile and a weak wave. Grayson looked back to make sure she was waving at him even though he was 99% sure that she was waving at him. 
With no choice, he waved back. That was how their interaction should have ended but it did not. Just a wave because after all they are still strangers. He doesn't even know her name. Maybe he should ask her name, but why? His legs started moving on its own, something was pulling him towards her table, it was like a magnetic force. 
He was grateful that she spoke first. “Hi.” it was all she said.
“I see you've managed to change to a cleaner attire” He comments.
“I did.” It was a bit awkward. Neither of them knew what to say. “I’m Arya.” So that's her name. Arya. If she is giving him her name, it means she wants to know him, right? 
“Grayson” His tone was neutral yet again, impossible to read.
“If this was our first time meeting, I'd say ‘nice to meet you’ but giving our previous encounter…” She said in a joking manner.
“Once again I'm sorry about that. May I ask, what are you doing here? London is a big city, is it a coincidence that we are seeing eachother again?” He asked. Hoping that it didn't sound weird. 
“Well I had a meeting with a client of mine. Are you suggesting that I'm stalking you?” She asked, he looked for offence in her face but he only found a surprised smile.
“No. I mean, no.” He was quick with his words. “Client? So you're here for work, I see” He quickly changed the topic. 
“Mhmm. What about you?” She asked, dropping the previous topic.
“Family.” Was all he said. 
“That's nice,” She said. There it was the awkward silence yet again. He was still standing.
“What do you do? For work?” He asked out of curiosity and immediately regretted it. She looked like she was ready to leave and he is keeping her here.
“Public relations.” She answers. “Why don't you have a seat?” She motioned towards the seat in front of her. He hesitated but sat anyway. He told himself that he was only engaging in this conversation because he is curious about her.
“That is interesting. You must be good with words.” He told her.
She chuckled, “I’m not that good, giving that I started like 9 months ago” 
“Just 9 months ago? So you got the job as soon as you finished your studies?” He asked with a frown, she looks young she must have just gotten out of university.
“I did an internship last year. For like three agencies.” She said.
“Three? You must really like this field then, at what place are you in now? at your job? ” He asked.
“I'm definitely not the manager given my years of experience, I work with a team. What work do you do?” She asked.
“Family business.” He said and immediately switched back to her life “So where is your team?” He asked.
“In Singapore. Our client wasn't able to make it back to Singapore because of some personal reasons. So one of us had to come here and clear things up.” She told him.
Grayson leaned back “Then you must be really good at what you do”
“Maybe” She shrugged.
There was a moment of silence. “Am I keeping you from something? I'm sorry, you were about to leave” Grayson asked.
“No, it's fine. I actually have nothing to do. My meeting with the client is over. If you weren't here, I would just go back to my hotel and sleep because I'm leaving London tomorrow early in the morning.” She chuckled.
She's leaving that soon?
“Why not explore?” He asked. 
“I didn't think I'd have time, so I didn't prepare what to explore,” She replied.
“This is your first time in London, right?” He asked. 
“And you would like to explore?”
“Then you should let me take you exploring” He offered “I'm a good tour guide.”
She smiled and nodded.
Like he said, he was indeed a good guide, he explained things with its  history. He mostly took her to posh places that he has been, Arya already knew he is rich from his looks, but the places he took her showed her that he is filthy rich. Grayson almost forgot that he was in London to see his sisters and not tour guiding a pretty girl. He actually enjoyed her company. She was polite, humble and even funny in her own way. They talked a lot, mostly about her, Grayson was interested in her before but learning more about her only kept him fascinated. 
There was a feeling that nagged him when it was time for her to get back to her hotel. He dropped her off at her hotel. 
He will never see her again.
next part →
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bratshaws · 9 months
through the hourglass 237. brb x oc
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a/n: PROTECTIVE BRADLEY!!! (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
A seal doesn’t notice a shark approaching right away, but they know the shark is there. Beatrice,right now, was the seal. Her talking to the two baby girls was cut short when she felt a shiver run up her spine, her eyes widening but she didn’t turn around, she stayed put, keeping her hands on both girls until she heard it.
“Beatrice,what a surprise!’
She inhales shakily, slapping a small, yet suspicious,smile on her face before turning her torso around to face the other woman, “Miranda…” she blinks, “What…a surprise to see you here.” indeed, it was very weird to see her around,right now. Behind her was her husband…Mark? Yes, Mark, the one Rooster met at the base.
Miranda smiled politely, though there was a subtle air of smugness about her. "I was just telling Mark how I decided to try this place out. It's lovely, don't you think?"
Beatrice nodded, trying to maintain her composure. "Yes, it's a…we love this place,” she winces because of the sudden stutter, then clears her throat, “We love this food truck.”
Miranda's gaze shifted to the two baby girls within Beatrice’s reach, and she raised an eyebrow. "I see you're enjoying some family time as well. How sweet."
Beatrice felt a chill run down her spine at Miranda's seemingly innocent remark. She wasn't used to the woman being so overtly friendly, and it made her even more suspicious of their intentions.
“Yes.” she whispers, “My husband is close by too,so.” he could see that both Éowyn and Nicole were paying attention to this newcomer. Both her daughter and niece appeared to be just as suspicious as she was, “With my other niece.”
“Ohhh,right,” Miranda waves her hand, “This little one,” she points at Nicole, “That’s your baby,right?”
Beatrice nodded, her grip on Nicole and Éowyn tightening ever so slightly. She couldn't help but always feel uneasy about Miranda's sudden interest in her family, "Yep, that’s her alright.” she kept flicking her gaze to Rooster,checking if he was coming or not, but he was still waiting for their food.
Miranda's smile remained polite, but her eyes seemed to linger on the two children. "How adorable. It's always nice to see families spending time together." She then turned her attention to her husband, Mark. "Mark, did you hear that? This is Beatrice's baby and her niece. Such sweet little ones."
Mark, who had been standing a few steps behind Miranda, offered a polite nod. "Nice to meet you," he said, his tone neutral.
What the fuck.
Beatrice couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort in Mark's presence as well. She knew very little about him, and his reserved demeanor didn't ease her suspicions."Nice to meet you too," Beatrice replied, her smile still forced. She was determined not to show any signs of vulnerability in front of the Haltons.
Miranda, seemingly oblivious to Beatrice's unease, continued the conversation. "It's funny how life brings people together, isn't it? Just a chance encounter! At a food truck!"
"Yes, it is. We've enjoyed coming to this food truck for a while now. The food is great." she already said that before, calm down Beatrice.
Miranda's gaze shifted to the menu, as if contemplating what to order,tapping her chin in thought. "Oh, I'm not sure what to try. Do you have any recommendations?"
Beatrice hesitated for a moment, not wanting to seem too eager to engage in conversation,trying to busy herself by fixing Nicole’s hair . "Well, the beef tacos are delicious, and the quesadillas are quite popular." 
Miranda considered the options, seemingly taking her time in making a decision. "I think I'll go with the beef tacos, then."
Mark nodded in agreement. "I'll have the same."
Beatrice glanced at Rooster, who was watching the interaction from a distance, his expression unreadable. She knew that they needed to tread carefully, especially with the Haltons.
Her husband was partially turned from the truck, elbow on the window and his other hand on his hip as his eyes narrowed, Bianca standing close by, excitedly chatting with the cook inside and unaware of what her uncle was doing. Rooster couldn’t hide the squint because it was already night time and the sunglasses would be an obvious mistake.
But he had his eyes on the two, letting out a heavy sigh when Mark approached him, a small smirk on his face, “Rooster.”
The other man arched his brow, “What? How do you know my name?” he jokes, playfully punching Rooster’s shoulder - only for him to wince slightly because the other pilot was pure firm muscle - and biting back a wince, “I thought I told you to call me Hal. All my friends call me Hal.”
Rooster’s smile was tight lipped, “Sorry Hal. I just,” he shrugged, “Checked your file,” partial lies, he kinda did, “And saw your real name. What…a coincidence for you two to show up here,huh?”
Mark, or rather, Hal, chuckled at Rooster's response. "I suppose it is a bit of a coincidence," he admitted, his tone light and casual. "We just thought we'd try out this food truck, you know? Heard good things about it."
Rooster raised an eyebrow, his instincts on high alert. He couldn't help but feel that there was more to the Haltons' sudden appearance than just a desire to try the food truck. "Yeah, it's a local favorite," he replied, keeping his tone equally casual.
Bianca then looked up when she noticed the other adult. Her green eyes stared back at the man, then she pursed her lips, tugging the bottom of Rooster’s shirt to bring him to her level. He smiles at Mark, then slowly leans down, “Uncle Roos.” she whispers, cupping his ear, “Who’s that?”
“He’s a colleague of mine,Bibi. From work.”
His niece’s eyes narrowed, “...he’s weird.” she whispers quietly, “I don’t like him.”
Boy didn’t he mirror that thought.
Bradley gently patted her shoulder and nodded, “Yeah,I know.” but Mark,thankfully,was too busy checking the menu to see what they were talking about. Rooster stands up, clearing his throat as Bianca glares at the other man.
Before Rooster could say anything,it’s Mark who looks down and says something first, “And who is this little princess?’ he coos, making Bianca stand close to Rooster and narrow her eyes even more, “Aren’t you just precious? Is she one of yours,Rooster?”
“Uncle Roos isn’t my daddy.” she mutters, holding Rooster's hand.
“Ah,I see.” Mark says, ‘Well,I’m Mark.”
“Okay.” if Bianca could be even more specific about not liking a person, Rooster wouldn’t know. Because she just didn’t care about Mark that much, she just stood behind Rooster and looked at the truck instead.
“Sorry about that,” he says, “She’s a bit shy.” it was a lie, Bianca was anything but shy, but Mark didn’t know that. As he looks back into the truck to check their order- it was almost done thank God - he looks back at Mark with a small smile, “But uh, yeah you guys are trying new things then?”
“Yeah,we just don’t know much about the area.” he shrugs, “So we want to know more.”
And by some coincidence they show up the same place Rooster and Bea are? Rooster nods, smile still tight and arms crossed over his chest, ‘...I see. And where are you guys from, originally?” he knew they were from Virginia, god he was still annoyed that they were from the same state as he was, but he was playing as if he had no idea.
Mark leaned against the food truck's counter, his eyes never leaving Rooster's. "Originally, we're from Virginia," he replied casually. "But you know how Navy life is—always moving around."
Rooster nodded in agreement, his mind racing with questions. "Yep, Navy life can be quite the adventure. How are you finding San Diego so far?"
Mark's smile remained pleasant, but there was a hint of something more behind his eyes. "San Diego has been good to us," he said vaguely. "We're settling in nicely."
Bianca, who had been standing quietly behind Rooster, couldn't help but interject. "Uncle Roos, why did they come here too?"
Rooster glanced down at his niece, trying to find the right words to explain without revealing his suspicions. "They probably wanted to try the food here, just like us," he said, keeping his tone light.
Bianca wasn't entirely convinced but decided to let it go for the moment. She turned her attention back to the food truck, still wary of Mark.
“And,” Rooster shrugs, still smiling, ‘You guys have been knowing everyone around the neighborhood?”
“Oh that’s Miranda,” Mark chuckles, “I don’t really talk to people. She…said she’s trying to meet some folks, Beatrice is the first Military wife she meets here,” he smiles more, “You know she has these little dates with other wives back home? Beatrice should come visit.”
Absolutely not.
“Dates?” Rooster tilts his head, “How so?” he had to feign interest.
“I mean, you know how hard it us for us,” he gestures between the two, “And for them, they can be friends through the common thing that is our deployments.”
Rooster had the feeling that wouldn’t happen. If Miranda was like that in public, he hated to imagine it in private, even more with Beatrice. ‘Ah,well,” he clears his throat, “We’ll see, everything is kinda chaotic lately.”
Mark nodded in understanding. "I get it, life can be unpredictable. But if Beatrice ever wants to join one of those get-togethers, just let us know. Miranda would be thrilled to have her."
Rooster forced a polite smile. "Thanks, Mark. I'll pass the message along to Beatrice."
Rooster couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Mark and Miranda's presence in their lives. Their willingness to connect with military wives seemed innocent enough on the surface, but Rooster's instincts told him there was more to it.
“Maybe they even have hobbies in common.”
“I mean,Miranda loves reading.” he laughs, “Beatrice loves to read, doesn’t she?”
Rooster’s smile drops for a second, “My wife has several hobbies.” he says quietly, proudly, “She is a very…multifaceted individual.”
“I also know that she works at a bar?’ Mark crosses his arms and Rooster knew where this was going already, “How is it like? Dealing with it?”
Now Rooster’s voice got a bit darker, “Dealing with what?”
Mark's probing questions were beginning to wear on Rooster's patience. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about Mark's curiosity felt invasive and unsettling.Mark leaned in closer, his tone casual but insistent. "I just mean, it must be interesting to work at a place like that. You know, with all the people and stories you come across."
Rooster's jaw clenched slightly, but he maintained his composure. "It's a job like any other," he replied tersely. "Beatrice enjoys her work, and she's great at it."
“I mean, hey,good for her man.” he smiles, “I mean, I don’t know if I’d let Miranda do–”
“Beatrice isn’t my property.” Rooster cuts him off, gently albeit with enough bite to make the other man stop. Mark's eyes widened in surprise at Rooster's stern response. The tension in the air was palpable, and it was clear that Rooster had drawn a line when it came to discussing Beatrice.
No one.
His wife.
"Of course, I didn't mean any offense," Mark quickly backpedaled, raising his hands in a placating gesture. "I was just making conversation."
Rooster took a deep breath, his anger subsiding. He didn't want to cause a scene, especially not in a public place like this, especially when they had the kids there. "I understand, Mark," he said, his tone calmer. "But just remember, Beatrice is her own person, and she makes her own decisions. She doesn't need anyone's permission." he arches his brows “Especially not mine.”
“Well…she’s a modern woman, then?”
He could’ve just kept quiet.
And Rooster was so thankful when Carlos announced his order was up. “Bradley, here, your order hermano.” the man smiles, “And a little something for the mijita.” he hands Bianca a tiny bag filled with Mexican candy.
Rooster accepted the food from Carlos with a grateful nod, and Bianca's eyes lit up when she received the bag of Mexican candy. "Gracias, Carlos!" Rooster said with a warm smile.
Carlos grinned. "De nada, amigo. Enjoy your meal."
As they walked away from the food truck, Rooster handed Bianca a taco. "Here you go, kiddo. I hope you like it."
Bianca took a bite of her taco, savoring the flavors. "This is really good, Uncle Rooster!"
Rooster chuckled, pleased with her response, then slowly turned to face Mark, “Excuse us,Mark.” he says quietly, “Enjoy your night.” he could see that Miranda was still talking to Beatrice,still within her space.
His presence was said before Miranda could ask anything out of Beatrice, Nicole was squealing happily once she saw her father, and Bianca…well, ‘Who are you,lady?” she asks Miranda, cheek stuffed with tacos, “Why are you talking to my auntie?”
Miranda who was almost sitting down close to Beatrice stops, then looks from Bianca to Rooster, “Oh,” the tall pilot isn’t smiling, “I was just keeping Beatrice company.”
“Uh-huh.” he says, “Gorgeous,” he holds up the tray, “Got us the good stuff, you hungry?”
“Yes…Um… sorry Miranda but,” she gestures to the bench, “That’s…Rooster’s seat.”
Miranda looked slightly taken aback by Rooster's straightforward statement but quickly composed herself. "Oh!Of course!’ her smile was so tight it’d rip her face in half, “Silly me!” she stands up from the table, carefully walking around Rooster and then smiling at Beatrice, “Well! Enjoy the dinner, I’m sure it’ll be a treat!”
Rooster watched as Miranda walked away, her smile never wavering despite the tension in the air. He couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as she left their vicinity. He returned to the table, taking his seat next to Beatrice, who had been observing the exchange with mild discomfort.
"Everything okay?" Beatrice asked, reaching for Nicole's hand as their daughter tried t to grab the taco from Rooster’s hand
Rooster nodded, his expression softening as he glanced at his wife. "Yeah, everything's fine, babe," he replied reassuringly. "Just a little chat with Mark."
Beatrice raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "About what?"
Rooster hesitated for a moment, deciding how much to share, rolling his tongue inside his mouth. "Oh, just some questions he had about you and your work," he said vaguely.
“...at the bar?”
Rooster purses his lips while shaking his head, giving her food while opening everything else for the girls with the exception of Nicole, “I have no clue.” he looks over to where Mark and Miranda were, narrowing his eyes at how…strange it was. ‘But don’t worry about it now, it’s all under control.”
The brunette offered him a small smile, then squeezed his hand, “Okay.” she whispers, “Let’s just enjoy the night,yeah?”
“Of course gorgeous.” he says, kissing her forehead, “Of course.”
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cythanadiel · 2 months
Hello! I wanted to ask about your oc, Ice. So the question is which agents Ice likes the company and doesn't like it much? Sorry for this strange question, but when I saw your oc and I really liked him and I saw some of him with Skye so I thought about what his relationship with others would be like.
Omg that's such a cute ask thank you!!! This got me really really excited💕💕💕
I made a small list of agents he likes, dislikes, is neutral about and his relationship to them underneath the line:
Agents he is tight with:
Reyna - I think Reyna and Ice are the closest to one another, not necessarily personality wise but definitely goal wise. I can definitely see them bonding and talking over their Sisters, as they share the same pain: Ice lost his, and Reyna is fighting to keep hers alive. He understands why Reyna is the way she is, and he cannot blame her for it. In fact, he would be subconsciously driven to help her gather souls.
Brim - Ice has a military background and sometimes talks with Brim about the time with the Special Forces. He holds deep respect for Brim as a commander and blindly puts his trust into him.
Sova - Same as with Brim, He respects Sova. Ice not only sees him as friendly and good company, but also as very competent and fierce. He appreciates his coldness on the battlefield and not letting emotions get in the way. He carries out commands without questioning a word, which Ice can relate to. It's like looking in the mirror, except the reflection smiles back.
Skye - The day she threw him over her shoulder and slammed him into 3 walls was the day he straight up couldn't get his mind off of her. That girl can pack a punch and does not bet an eye at getting her hands dirty. He was VERY much smitten by her. Although I don't think I could say the same about Skye tbh. She's the sole reason he wakes up at 4am to go jogging together.
Raze - While Ice is very much for Order and discipline, he likes Raze's Chaos. There is something about her energy that gets even his bitch face to smile.
Deadlock - That is....they're the same person. Personality and very close background wise they're literally the same person. Hell, Ice even lived a large part of his life in Norway, (he's not Scandinavian tho) and even speaks a little Norwegian. They're definitely gym and sparring partners as well.
Clove - While I can't say too much on Clove yet, I do feel that they'd get along, solely because they give little sibling vibes. He had one sibling he couldn't protect, he sure as hell won't let that ever happen again. So imagine the relief he'd feel after Clove comes back to life, seemingly unharmed.
Viper - Viper sees herself as a monster and had to do things beyond her Control (or maybe it was all in her Control) and Ice can heavily relate to that. He has had some of the same experiences, yet he still sees himself as Human. All in all he genuinely pities Viper.
Cypher - He's fascinated by Cypher and isn't actually too bothered by his secrecy. He understands the need for it and wishes it'd be the standard for the other agents as well. Plus, in the strangest way possible, Cypher is like a father figure to him.
Agents he's neutral about/likes them:
Sage - He likes her healing skills but hates the Mother Hen vibe coming from her. He thinks it influences her and others too much on the battlefield. She could be so much more than just the nice healer lady next door.
Astra - He's genuinely delighted by her presence, but they don't have much in common. Though he's legitimately scared of her powers.
Chamber - He shared the same opinion as everyone else when Chamber first joined, and he still keeps an eye out on him, But Ice can't help but be intrigued by his efficient weapon designs and use of nanotech. They're currently in the talks about nanotech prosthetics and improvements.
Jett - Same as with Clove, Jett gives lil sis vibes. She is also very promising on the field and if she took things a little more serious, she could become very deadly on the field. (Like them instalocks on immortal)
Omen - Similar to Viper, Ice pities Omen. They both share the same pain of being torn apart and coming back to life, but as changed people, possibly without being able to go back to what they once were. Although Ice is, to some degree, scared of becoming like Omen.
Fade - Initially he was ready to snap her neck when she leaked everyone's profiles, and caused the nightmares, but... he ended up forgiving her after learning her motives, that she was doing it because she was looking for someone very dear to her. He would practically do the same if he was in her shoes.
Harbor - INCREDIBLE duo, even if they're not always on the same wavelength. They're also gym buddies.
KAY/O - they're not too friendly with one another, but they do play pool or cards, and they both enjoy taking money from Breach. It's the one thing they can bond over.
Gekko - Ice sees Gekko as a Mini-Me if things hadn't gone south in his past. Gekkos connection to Reyna only strengthens that. Also he needs someone to help him dye his hair, as Ice does a very poor job on his own. On a side note,, I constantly get the feeling that Gekko would fanboy a little over Ice.
Neon - He gets motion sick from her zip zapping. She's also a little too snappy for him, a la "What's with this sassy lost child?" Although he can appreciate her ruthlessness and that she, quite literally, can zap you out of existence within the blink of an eye. He likes that she's more serious on the field despite being one of the youngest members.
Agents he actively dislikes:
Phoenix - Ice has active PTSD cuz of how many times he's nearly been burned around Phoenix. He tries to stay at least 50m away from him if possible.
Killjoy - He's experienced KJs bots first hand and hates them. But also, he thinks she shouldn't be on the field, especially when she's hiding behind her toys.
Breach - Opposite to Raze, Ice HATES Breach's Chaos. He does not understand how the two got along in the first place and how Breach hasn't been booted yet. Guess he'll have to trust Viper's judgement on him. To Breach tho, Ice is just another loyal dog, one that can be tossed aside when he's of no use anymore.
Yoru - Too cocky with no direct excuse for it. You can't even say his skills match his ego, because they do not. Ice is about staying humble and giving your best, and if you don't, then stfu. Plus, he's a direct adversary when it comes to Skye
Iso - Him and Iso basically have the same background but he wouldn't like Iso because he thinks he's taking the easy way out of his contract. Plus, Iso listening to music while on a mission or getting easily distracted gives Ice the sense of unprofessionalism, no matter how good he actually is.
14 notes · View notes
sxtvrns · 1 year
duo of dreams
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🎶 now playing: ordinary – nct dojaejung
P: Hueningkai x Fem!Idol!Reader
S: You were seductive. He was an angel. Two polar opposite concepts come together in ways no one would expect.
C: fluff, comfort, inaccuracy, self indulgence, girlboss reader, downbad hyuka, brainrot, drabbling, kinda long, not proofread
N: i am a baby moa so pls do not slander me if i dont get a millisecond of a certain stage performance correct. this is purely for self indulgence because i am so severely in love with kai and everything that he does. idek where this story went but im hoping it makes sense cuz i was so upset with the ending i changed it multiple times and this is the one i liked the most. this man is so fine and im glad im not the only one that thinks so
view the full perfume collection.
please interact if you enjoy!
The minute you turned 19, you knew what you wanted. Even before you turned 19, you knew what you were, and you knew what you wanted to make out of it. You were hot. Fierce, confident, and eye catching. Everyone knew it, too. You turned heads every time you went to the headquarters, seeing people stare at you out of the corner of your eye.
Before you were of age, though, you never openly exposed yourself in such a way. It was all a tough girl kind of concept. You tended to stay on the neutral, dark, concepts rather than cuter ones. If you were given an idea, you found a way to design it and stick it to your niche. You always preferred to do what you liked rather than being forced into a box with little room to do anything your way; it demotivated you.
As a solo artist, you had lots of creative freedom, being able to write your own songs and even nitpick at how you wanted them to sound. Sometimes you would just need a kickstart or a hint from another fellow producer to get the ideas flowing, and boy, did your mind flow with ideas.
Sometimes you were labeled as ‘provocative’ or ‘controversial’. Some even said you were acting too mature for your age. But it never hurts to get a head start.
When you weren’t music making, you often dabbled in modeling with your partnered companies or for magazines, really, any source of promotion. You felt even more confident while doing so as well, which further boosted your productivity in the studio. It all came full circle.
You tried to do what you like while also balancing music, and you managed to make it work. People looked up to you. Newer groups admired you, your stage presence, how you gave 100% in every single performance that you did, how you wouldn’t settle for anything less than perfect, how much effort you put into practicing.
You idolized your own fair share of groups as well. BTS, Blackpink, Twice; any group debuting for longer than you have, you admired. When you saw Suga crack a smile at your MAMA performance, you nearly broke character on stage, but held it in by letting your heart race and stopping your face from faltering. When Dahyun talked about you during one of her lives, saying you were cool and how she longed for confidence like yours, you nearly fainted on the spot.
You were still a growing girl with people you looked up to, inspired by everything that they do and how you could apply aspects from their performances to yours. You were truly committed to your craft.
You were invited onto a talk show, along with another group, whose name was not revealed to you. Off camera, you heard the footsteps of multiple people passing by, yet you didn’t know who since it was supposedly a surprise for both you and the other idols.
You adjust your mic, the cameras rolling and the MC and group introducing themselves. Though their voices together are loud, you can’t make out what they are saying, only adding more to the suspense. You’re suddenly given the cue by a staff member, walking out and seeing five men sitting together in their chairs with surprised expressions.
You’re equally as surprised, knowing you’ve seen their faces at previous award shows. “Tomorrow by Together?” You point at them, all of them jumping and freaking out at the fact you knew who they were. “Y/N, meet TXT!” The MC says, letting you sit in your chair as the boys calm down.
“Have you two met formally before?”
“I think once backstage, we were on Inkigayo together.” You answer, the event fully coming back to their memories as you mentioned it. “Do you remember our names?” Taehyun asks innocently, watching as your eyes scan over each of their faces before answering. You point at each respective member as you say their names. “Soobin. Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, Hueningkai.” They all cheer and applaud as you dramatically bow towards them and the camera.
“Is there something in particular you like about each other’s music?” The MC asks.
“TXT has a certain flow in their music that manages to get stuck in my head; No Rules and Frost have been playing on loop for the past few days since those are my favourites. And the rhythm and the way each song plays a role within a story is something I really like.”
They all nod, the MC turning their head towards the boy group. “Hueningkai should answer for us.” Yeonjun ushers, patting the maknae on the back. “Yeah, he has your music on 24/7. Nonstop.” Beomgyu adds, only making Kai even more shy.
“Well, Y/N has a really significant, gritty style to her music and a satisfying edge that balances out throughout her songs, so each song is different in its own way. She really pays attention to the role of each instrument in the background and how well they balance together, and her ballads are really well put together because of this. Of course, all of her songs are good, but her ballads stick out even more to me. They’re usually the ones I listen to the most.”
“He’s good.” You say, all of them laughing. “Frost is actually Hueningkai’s song.” Soobin adds. “Really?” The maknae nods, all redfaced and flustered. “That’s why it’s so good then. You did the laugh at the beginning?” He nods again. “I picked it up from you, a little bit.”
“That’s amazing. I loved it, it gave the song the whole like, badass vibe.” You say, immediately covering your mouth. “I’m sorry, I don’t know if I can say that.” They all laugh it off, going back to the topic at hand.
As the interview progresses, you slowly find yourself getting more comfortable with the boys in front of you, laughing and joking around as the questions go on and on. They treat you like a close friend though you’ve only known each other for an hour, and your heart is filled with a familiar warmth as you even fall out of your chair from laughing so hard.
You compose yourself before the interview ends, and when the cameras cut, it goes silent, all of TXT staring at you, and you staring back. Hueningkai is the first to break, everyone else following right after.
the way he looks at her
hyuka had hearts in his eyes the whole time i swear
she is literally slaying so hard and all she’s doing is sitting in her chair
id freak out too if i was in the presence of y/n
hueningkai finally formally meeting his celeb crush guys the character development is real
You lurked a lot on social media, having your own personal accounts and such. This also meant you saw all those comments about the tension between you and Hueningkai specifically. They weren’t wrong about it; in fact, there was something there between you two that you couldn’t determine.
It was like a chain operated by a crank that wanted to pull you two closer together. You felt yourself drawn to him, and he felt drawn to you, yet you didn’t know why.
“Hueningkai has the biggest crush on you. He has some of your posters hung up in our room and always stays quiet if your performance is on. He never stays quiet for anything.” Taehyun said, which stuck with you the rest of the interview.
During the recording, you couldn’t help but feel your eyes drawn to him specifically, and how he’d already be staring at you when you looked at him. He could feel it too, the crank wanting to turn. You both were resisting against it, not letting the chain pull you two any closer.
He was cute, for sure. His innocence seemed to radiate off of him, and the way it contrasted with your maturity made you wonder why there was such a significant tension between you two.
So while you sat in HYBE’s cafe on the 19th floor, sipping on an iced chocolate while staring down at the streets below, you tried to take your mind off of him. But it was the most fun you’ve had with another group, and you wanted to relive the laughter in your head over and over again for as long as you could remember it, but Hueningkai was always the first person that came back to your mind when you tried to reminisce. As much as you liked it, it also felt like torture.
The doors of the elevator open with a ding, Hueningkai ordering a lime bachaas at the counter, noticing a familiar figure at one of the window seats. He gets his drink, taking a sip before guessing. “Y/N?” You turn around at the mention of your name, noticing Hueningkai who’s waving at you. You wave back, wondering what to do. It’d be awkward to leave it at this.
You nudge the chair out, letting him sit down next to you. “Are you busy?” You ask, knowing it’s late at night but not late enough until practices usually end. “Just finished. Had some dinner.” He’s usually rambling when he’s asked questions, but maybe today tired him out. You can’t blame him, you were equally as drained. “You watched our episode?”
He huffs with a laugh. “Yeah. I saw the comments too. We’re everywhere.”
“Hope you don’t mind. The internet is crazy.”
“I’m aware of that. I don’t mind at all. Do you?”
You shake your head. “I don’t really care.”
A comfortable silence lingers over the two of you. It isn’t awkward in any way, merely the sounds of the machines behind the counter serving as background noise. “You really picked it up from me?”
“That laugh. In Frost.”
He awkwardly chuckles. “Ah, well, it’s a bit strange to say it out loud but, when I was recording that part, I tried to envision what it was like in your shoes. All… cool and villain like.”
“You think I’m a villain?”
“Wrong word… more like dominant. When we were sent the sample recording, I could immediately see you doing the song as your own, like I could hear you doing the intro itself. When I imagined your vibe, that’s how it came out. Is that weird?”
“No, I love it. I can understand why you think that way. You did a great job, by the way. Really sweet of you to think of me like that. Your performance for that song too, fuckin’ sexy.” You cover your mouth, looking around and seeing no one else around. “Can I swear?”
He nods with a small laugh. “Sexy?” He asks. “If I’m being honest, you looked really fucking hot up there. Just saying.” His face goes warm, partly at the fact you called their performance ‘sexy’, but mostly at the fact you called him hot right to his face with no shame at all. “Are you flirting with me?”
“Take it how you will, I’m just telling the truth.” Your eyes meet his for the first time during the whole conversation. You break first and finish off your drink, his gaze enough to intimidate yet fluster you at the same time. “I’m gonna go now. Hopefully I run into you again.” You get up, about to leave when you feel a hand tugging on your sleeve, stopping you.
“Um, do you want me to walk you back? We live in the same building and all, I just– it’s dark out.” He rambles, a smile creeping up on your lips. “So you’re cute and you’re a gentleman? I really found the one.” It doesn’t directly answer his question, but the compliment has his heart racing faster than before. “Sure. Let’s go.”
As you walk back to the dorms, you manage to make small talk with Kai, filling in the silent gaps when needed. “I do appreciate your attention to detail.”
“For what?”
“When you were talking about my music. I really like hearing other people’s interpretations on them and what sticks out and such. I’ll be sure to write more ballads for you.” You start off, joking around. “I think it’s a bit funny you view me as someone higher and you’re casually hanging out with them right now. The only difference is that I debuted after you did.”
“You flattered me too much already tonight, Y/N. One more thing and I might just faint from your words alone.”
“Pleased to know I make such an impact on you.”
“You’ve made quite an impact on me for a while now.”
Unlocking your door, you tell Kai to wait outside for a moment, handing him a folded slip of paper. “Thank you for the peace, Kai. Goodnight.” You go to shut the door, opening it slightly again. “Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” You add, Kai walking back to the elevator after you shut the door. He doesn’t unfold the slip until he reaches his own dorm, numbers written down.
It was your phone number, words written right below it.
I enjoyed talking to you tonight. Text me whenever, and hopefully we can talk like this again.
His mind goes back to your words from earlier. ‘Sorry if I made you uncomfortable.’
Was it because you called him hot and that he was more secluded on the way back? It was only because he didn’t know what to say after. What was he even supposed to say to that? Thank you? You too?
Before he went to bed, he added your number to his contacts, and hid the note in one of his drawers. He realized one thing, though.
You were definitely flirting with him.
The elevator door opens, Hueningkai alerted by the ding and turning around to see who it was. Your hood was on, yet he still recognized you, messing around and simply staring at you the whole time to see how long it would take for you to notice.
You see him out of the corner of your eye as you put your phone away, sheepishly waving at him as he proudly waves back, gesturing for you to sit with him.
“Do you wanna see something?” He asks, which grabs your attention. You nod, Hueningkai taking out his phone and opening his emails, tapping on something else. He fully reveals the screen to you, showing photos of him modelling for a campaign. He scrolls through them, and you simply sit there, admiring how he glows in every single one.
“God, you look so good in all of them.” You mutter, hearing him giggle as he shuts his phone off. “You’re the first person to see them.”
“Really?” He nods, running his hand through his hair. “I feel so special.” You smile, wondering how his silly demeanour could turn into that in front of a camera. “Do you want me to send them to you?”
“Can you really do that? It already feels a bit illegal just looking at them.”
“No one needs to know.”
You huff, accepting his offer. “If you’re encouraging it.” He turns on his phone again, sending the photos to you with a ding. “Have you been busy today?” He asks, putting his phone back in his pocket. “Writing. Dancing. I’m performing for KBS, so I’ve been rehearsing. Speaking of which, I just had an idea.” He leans in closer, intrigued.
“Could you… record a few lines for me? It’s for my festival performance; it isn’t a lot, I swear. Just some dialogue. Whenever you aren’t busy, of course.”
“I’m available tomorrow.”
“Great! Cool, I’ll text you more about it. You’re on the setlist too, right?”
“Yeah. Just our title track.”
“Looking forward to it already.”
“What song are you covering, anyways?”
“U-Go-Girl, then transitioning to my title.” His eyes widen, remembering the dialogue that would have to be voiced over by him. “Oh.” Thinking about it alone is almost embarrassing, but he takes pride in the fact that he’s the first person you thought of to record such… important lines. “If you don’t want to, I can find someone else–“
“No, no! I can do it, yeah, I can. I want to. Sounds fun.” He cuts you off, sounding almost too excited. “You know what you’re getting yourself into and not just doing it because I asked.”
“Really, I’d be honoured. Playing a part in your performance.”
“Good. I’d have a hard time finding someone else then, anyways. Wasn’t planning on asking anybody else.”
“So I was first pick?”
You pause, looking for an answer. “You’d add your own little Hueningkai flair to it. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but you’re gonna help me make it stand out from the rest. And that’s exactly what I want.” You always had a thing for being different. Different in a good and influential way, in a way where you wouldn’t be compared to others, rather others were compared to you.
You yawn, covering your mouth and letting your head hang to the side. “Today must’ve taken a toll on you, huh?” You feel his sleeve briefly brush against your hood. “Dance was… hard today. I couldn’t get the moves right even though it’s the easiest dance to ever exist, my brain was mush, I was failing to comprehend anything– I did great in everything else but the performing, stage presence part of it.”
“Don’t beat yourself up. We all have bad days, and it’s okay to feel horrible about it, but you learn to move on and improve. Trust me, I should know.” Kai advises reassuringly, his hand having a gentle grip on your shoulder. “Thanks, Kai. I just feel like a bit of a lazy ass not being able to do things at the pace I usually do.”
“You haven’t been overworking yourself, have you?”
“Not necessarily.”
“If you need to take a little break, take one. Better to be conscious to perform than not perform at all.” He jokes it off, even making you giggle a little as well. “I’ll take your advice to heart, Kai. Means a lot that you care.”
“You aren’t lazy, by the way. I’ve seen your performances and judging from how you exceed everyone’s expectations, you are far from that. You’re a hard worker, Y/N.”
“You really know how to flatter a woman, do you?” His face flushes on the spot, instantly a flustered mess. “Like you said, I’m just telling the truth.” He says, mostly spitting out words that he isn’t entirely sure of. “And you pay attention! My goodness, I’ll never find another guy like you. I’ll treasure you forever, Hueningkai.”
“Stop that…” He murmurs, still flustered and warm faced.
“Don’t be embarrassed! I mean it. I’ll never regret ever knowing you and being a friend of yours.” He only hides his face deeper into his hoodie, giggling as you take a sip of your drink. “Don’t fall in love yet, Huening, you should take me out on a date first.” You tease, finishing off your drink and tapping on his shoulder as you get up to leave “Don’t make false accusations, you’ll get in trouble for that.” He follows behind you, throwing away his own cup.
“I really did appreciate the advice, though. Maybe I was a bit too harsh on myself. I promise I’ll try to be more self aware.” You look up at him with a nod as the elevator doors close with a ding, and he nods back, giving you a thumbs up.
When you arrive at your dorm, you finally figure out a time. “Are you free at 3 tomorrow?” You ask. “For what?”
“For recording, duh. Was this not the first thing we talked about?”
“It was actually the second thing.”
“Okay, smartass, that was rhetorical.” You laugh it off, waiting for his confirmation. “Yeah, I am. I’ll take some time out of my practice for it.”
“I can do it sometime else if you’re busy, then–“
“Y/N, I’m practicing all week, it’s fine. You won’t get my recording in time if you were to do it when my schedule isn’t actually packed. I’ll let them know, okay? Don’t worry about it.”
“Fine, but if I get a complaint that pulling you out of practice was unprofessional I’m blaming you.”
He chuckles. “Fair enough.”
“See you tomorrow, then?” You peek your head out the door at him, tiredly staring at him. “See you. Get some rest, Y/N.”
“You too, Kai.”
Hueningkai steps out of his practice, following the directions you gave him through text, seeing a few staff members outside the recording booth. They let him in, shutting the door and putting on the given headphones. “Hi Kai. You ready? Need water or anything?” You’re sitting in the producer’s booth at the computer with another staff member.
“I’m good.”
“I’ll play the sample recording for you. Unless you want to go straight into it?”
Kai had a way of mimicry that you admired. It stayed true to the original, but his voice made it stand out the exactly how you wanted it to, that he got it only after the second recording. You play it back to him, this time layered on top of your main vocals, the part transitioning to your song being the most prominent section where his voice really stands out. “Do you wanna rerecord anything? Personally I think this is the take.”
“Then I’m good.”
You frown at the way he describes himself, even though he isn’t entirely wrong. “Alright, then that’s it. Thanks for coming in.”
“Should I see you later today?” He asks, the other staff member looking at you. “Yeah, sure. Just get back, I feel I’ve taken you for too long already.” Hueningkai begins to tear bits off the lyric sheet, the sound of it reverberating in the room you’re in. You simply watch as he rolls the bits into tiny crumpled balls, leaving them on the stand.
“At least clean up after yourself. You can walk a girl home but can’t pick up your own trash?” You joke, Kai’s ears going red as he takes the bits with him, muttering a goodbye before leaving the room. “You’re close with him?” The staff asks, finicking with the audio.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Nothing. You two seemed to just click instantly. Do you wanna hear how it sounds now?”
As the sky darkens, you wait for a response from Hueningkai almost too eagerly, checking your phone every time it buzzed in your pocket, hoping it was him. You stopped by your rendezvous, just to take a seat and listen to the recording over and over again; it was that good that you wanted to put it on loop and just admire it as many times as you could.
Hueningkai pounces on you, his hands grasping your shoulders to make you jump. “Kai– do not do that! If I had a drink in my hand right now, I would’ve thrown it at your face.”
“So mean!”
He sits down next to you, leaning in to see what took up all your attention that you didn’t notice him lurking behind you. “Wanna listen? It’s the backup vocals for my performance.” You offer him an earbud as he accepts, playing up until the transition. “And that’s most of it. For now.”
“Feels a little bit wrong to get early access to this.”
“It was only part of it. And now you know how I felt when I saw those photos of you.”
“They’re up now, so nothing to worry about. I saw your messages but that was during water break, so I didn’t get to respond. Figured I’d find you here.”
“I felt like giving up and going back to the dorms. This was a last resort.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t get to even text you afterwards. Slipped my mind.”
“It’s fine. This is all I wanted to show you anyways.”
He pauses for a moment, staring at the ground trying to remember what it was about the KBS festival he was going to say. “Oh! Right, I just remembered I was gonna tell you something.”
“What is it?”
He leans in closer and whispers something.
“I’m dying my hair.”
“Really? What colour?”
“Brown. Then after the festival, black.”
“Are you getting a new concept?” He nods excitedly, his grin unable to be contained. “I will keep my mouth shut. But I’m excited to see what’s to come!”
“I think you’ll like it. We’ll be working on recordings after the festival.”
“Oh?” You were intrigued. “I’ll like it?”
“It seems like something you’d enjoy, at least. I’m hoping you will.”
“Now you have me wanting to know more. You know this is very unprofessional of you, speaking about your group’s plans with another colleague.” You poke fun at him, leaning in. “I’m speaking to you as a friend, not a business partner. And with how much unreleased information we’ve been sharing with each other, it’s safe to say that we are more than just business partners.”
“I feel like a schoolgirl sharing secrets with someone.” You giggle, Kai’s smile growing. “I heard somewhere they call you Hyuka, can I call you that?” Why did the name sound so perfect when it rolled off your tongue? He did his best to stop his face from heating up and replied. “Yeah. You can.”
“It’s cute. I like it.”
He doesn’t reply, avoiding eye contact with you and simply replying with a nod. “You really get flustered over the smallest things, don’t you? Nothing to be ashamed of.”
“Maybe it’s because I can’t believe the Y/N keeps flirting with me. Not very professional of you.”
“Oh, the irony! It’s corroding my heart…” You overdramatize, earning a snicker from the boy seated beside you. “If it makes you uncomfortable, I can stop. I hope you know that wasn’t my intention.”
“I know. And it doesn’t. If anything, my heart beats so fast that I just can’t think of anything to say to you because I’m so focused on the fact my heart is racing in my ears.”
“So you like it?”
“I mean, who wouldn’t want to be called cute by the L/N Y/N? If anything, I’m lucky enough to be talking with you like this.”
“Now you’re the one flirting with me?” You laugh, checking your phone. “I have an interview tomorrow. I’m a bit nervous.”
“Why? You’re always great in interviews. You’re comedic, you’re stylish–“
“It’s one where the MC asks questions to get under your skin. Like a hot seat.”
“I’m not… I’m not very open with my personal life. I don’t usually talk about it. He might go that far.”
“Can you not cancel?”
“Too late now. I was booked for it but didn’t care to ask what it was about since I was too busy with other things.” You feel his hand rub your shoulder reassuringly, giving you a look that said ‘it’s gonna be okay’. You sheepishly smile, his hand not leaving you for as long as you stay with him. “I just don’t want to get into controversy right before that big performance. It’s gonna ruin my confidence and my performance is gonna be shit and when I look back on it I’m gonna hate myself–“
“Y/N, you’re gonna be okay. Your fanbase would understand wholeheartedly if they are really fans of yours. They would defend you until the end of the line. Have you seen what they can do? It’s a bit terrifying.” He says, making you chuckle. “I get why you’re so nervous, but if the episode is that bad, they’d have a reason to not stream it.”
Hueningkai’s words stay with you the entire night leading up to the interview, where you’re seated in the chair and the cameras are rolling. The questions start off innocent at first, typical questions you’d get on any other interview.
“What is it like being a role model for newer idols?”
“What is your favourite performance outfit so far?”
“Is there a specific place you’d like to go to for a world tour or concert?”
Then it slowly started getting more… iffy.
“Do you have a ghost writer?”
“Did Bighit force you into the ‘sexy’ concept when you turned 19?”
“How many times have you cried over your duties as an idol?”
When it got into relationships with others, however, that’s where you drew the line.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend before?” The MC asks with a shameless smile on his face. “No.”
“Is there anyone you have your eyes on right now? A celebrity crush?”
Your face begins to burn red, your heart pounding so loud and fast you can hear it in your ears, and you’re struggling to spit out logical answers.
“Not in particular.”
“Sunghoon from Enhypen? You two are known to be close friends. Is he your type?”
“Please don’t bring my friends into this.”
“P1Harmony, what was his name… Jiung!“
“I don’t–“
“What about Hueningkai, the boy from TXT? Ever since that interview, people have been endorsing you two as a pair.”
“I don’t think you should be dictating someone to fulfill my relationship status. You have absolutely no power over me and my relationships with others, and God knows everything about me and my friends while you don’t, so keep your mouth shut.”
The whole room goes silent. You’re holding back tears and you want to swear at him so bad, but this seemed to be impactful enough already, so your eyes stare daggers into his soul, as if they pierced through his heart to make it stop beating. “Well, you certainly live up to your fiesty trait.” He laughs off, switching to the final cue card.
At the end, in your dressing room, you’re so overwhelmed with humiliation and embarrassment, the tears that couldn’t escape your eyes begin to flood again as you pull out your phone, the first person to come to mind being Hueningkai.
are you there?
how did it go?
it all went to shit
oh… are you okay?
can i see you later? same place?
sure, ill be there by 9
Your hood is on for the rest of the day, pace relentlessly fast as you walk into the headquarters. The face ID for the elevator can barely recognize you with how much you’re trying to hold back from crying, and you avoid any eye contact with the staff that join you in the small space. You finally look up when you reach the 19th floor, seeing Hueningkai turned around and looking at you, and you begin to break down then and there.
“Woah, Y/N…” He runs over, catching you before you can fall on your knees. “What happened? What did he ask?” You feel like shit knowing Kai is trying to help you, but you aren’t able to say anything because you’re so overwhelmed with tears and how embarrassing you look crying in front of him.
“Do you want to come to my place and we can talk about it? Or do you want to go to yours? The boys are just practicing vocals so it’ll be just us, no need to worry about someone overhearing.” He’s so extremely patient with you, making you cry even more. You point at him, meaning you want to go to his place, because it was the first thing that came to mind. “But what about you?”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m only worried about you.”
who does he think he is???
i cannot believe the staff did not notice how uncomfy y/n was even after she yelled at them
the fact he just laughed it off like what?
this was so incredibly disrespectful, i dont even know how this show is still up
who is allowing this to be aired theres clearly something wrong with this
he knew he crossed a line and did not care how stupid can you be
i knew there was something off about this
imagine being scolded by y/n id disappear off the face of the planet forever
You sat quiet in your waiting room, scrolling through the posts on social media all written about you and that damn interview. You knew you were in the right, and you hoped everyone else knew that too. Luckily, they did. They didn’t bash you for anything, their dissatisfaction going towards the MC and the show.
You received endless support and praise for standing up for yourself and putting the host in his place, and you were so incredibly relieved for that. You watched the show broadcasting patiently on the TV in your room, TXT’s title track beginning to play. You were so fixated on it that you almost forgot you were going on next, the staff calling you backstage.
When their performance ends and they come offstage, you clap and cheer for all of them as they pass by, waving at Hueningkai enthusiastically when you see him. “Hyuka!” Even under the dim light, you see him with a tired smile as he runs over to you. “Wow…” He looks at you, eyes trailing over your outfit. “You look good.”
“I could say the same for you.” Maybe it was the lighting, or how nervous you were, but seeing your friend post-performance trying to catch his breath, sweat dripping down his face, his cheeky smile as his gaze with those tired eyes doesn’t waver from yours, you knew it was wrong to be thinking such things. But he looked hot. Really hot.
“I’ll see you in your room?” You ask, and he nods, head turning away first and eyes last. God, he had a gaze that could kill you.
The metronome begins playing in your earpiece once you’re on stage, and you let your confidence take control. Hyuka’s voice plays in your ear, and if you’re being honest, the one thing that usually runs through your mind is thinking about how cool you are to be on stage and performing for such a large audience. Did it make you seem like you were full of yourself? A little bit. Did you care? No.
When the song changes, so does the mood. The lights change colour and are different brightnesses, and so does your outfit. You discard your jacket and the skirt you’re wearing, adorning a matching pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt, and a fishnet longsleeve underneath. Your title track begins, and the crowd screams so loud you can hear them over your instrumental.
After the rush of adrenaline from being able to make the crowd scream louder than ever, you walk offstage, saying thank you to all the staff as you pass by. You make a quick pitstop to your room, grabbing a few things before trying to find TXT’s. The next performers pass by and give you cheer silently, and you can’t help but smile back despite your exhaustion. You knock on their door, a staff member opening it. “Hi Y/N. How come you aren’t in your room right now?”
“Is it okay if I come in?”
“Is that Y/N?” Someone asks.
“Y/N!?” Another voice asks, who you can recognize as Hueningkai. The staff member moves aside, and there’s Hyuka, standing behind him with that goofy smile on his face. He pulls you in for an unexpected, brief hug, looking at you all thrilled. “Your performance was amazing! You looked so good up there, and the transition and your execution–“ He’s so excited that he just jumps around with glee, and you manage to laugh at his enthusiasm.
You take a seat on the empty couch with a content sigh, Hyuka then sitting next to you. “I loved your performance too. The brown hair suits you.” The colour made him look younger as if he wasn’t already, innocence along with it. “I like it. I wish you’d keep it.”
“You should’ve seen my in my group’s Magic era.”
“Do you have photos? It’s been a while since I’ve last seen it.” He pulls out his phone, photos of him from that time showing up after mere seconds of him typing it in. “You looked so cute! And so much younger…”
“We were both 17 that time, so obviously. I saw your concept during this time too. You looked cute too.”
A part of you wants to believe that he means it. Another part of you is making you think that he’s just saying it to be nice since you do that to him all the time. “So you’re saying that I’m not cute now?” You ask rhetorically, letting him search for his answer. “I’m saying that you’ve always been cute. How’s that?”
“You don’t mean that.”
“I do.” He’s looking at you so sternly that you want to believe him, and the fact he hasn’t broken out into laughter probably means that you should. “Soobin, Hueningkai is flirting with Y/N.” Beomgyu says, making you the first to break eye contact with him. “Don’t make her uncomfortable, Hueningkai.” His leader says, lounging in his chair.
“I think she likes it.”
“I do not.”
“Then why is your face so red? You don’t see me all flustered when you call me cute.”
“Actually, I do. We’re even.”
You both sit there in silence, Hueningkai scrolling on his phone mindlessly, lurking on his social media. He opens his camera to check and fix his hair, but notices you in frame, your eyes shut and head on his shoulder. You fell asleep on him.
He’s frozen in place, unsure what to do. He doesn’t move for as long as your rest on him, merely going back on his phone with a quiet chuckle. He snuck a few photos with you, and looking at them he realized that you were still as cute as he called you, even while you were asleep. When he looked up from his phone, he saw Yeonjun with his camera facing the two of you, fingers tapping on the screen.
“What are you doing?” Hyuka asks, Yeonjun immediately putting his phone away. “Nothing.” He lies, going back to using it as normal. You don’t stay asleep for long, being called back to your room by one of the other staff members. When you leave the room, Kai gets a text from Yeonjun, odd being that they were merely across the room from each other. He opens it to reveal a few images and even a video of the two of you together.
“Look at Hueningkai… Y/N is sleeping on his shoulder. Our maknae has really grown up and his crush is resting with him, they’re so cute. Saving this for when they date in the future.”
You nearly doze off in your own waiting room until your phone buzzes in your hand, a text from Hyuka appearing. It’s photos of the two of you, mostly of you sleeping on his shoulder while Hyuka is on his phone or taking selfies with you.
you looked so peaceful i felt bad when i had to wake you up
were you about to sleep in your room? im sorry if i woke you up again :(
ah its okay
who took the other photos?
were you just on your phone the entire time
i didn’t wanna wake you up!
can i come back
im not sure let me ask
no u cant cuz the show is almost over
aw man
we’ll talk tomorrow! its my off day so we have all the time in the world
you’re over exaggerating a little bit
only a little bit
she proved that flop of an mc wrong
is that hueningkai’s voice in the background??
hueningkai doing the dialogue for y/n’s cover is something i didnt know i needed
r they like best friends off screen because that’d literally be so cute like y/n asking hyuka to do the vocals for her
they sound so good together omg
collab when?
You were close with Hueningkai. You talked a lot, you hung out a lot, you even did media promotions with him, and you had little inside jokes that no one seemed to get, which made them funnier.
You two also had a tendency to… flirt with each other.
You could never see if he was being serious or not, and he’d never tell you afterwards and just move on. You’d do the same, which was only fair, but you really wanted to know if he meant it. Sometimes you wished he did. Other times you didn’t care.
You did lives together, mostly consisting of gossip and eating snacks, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You even walked in on him once in the middle of one, and was unofficially invited as a guest.
You did promotional content with each other, and had a lot of pictures together in your camera roll. You almost lost important screenshots and info because of it. But every time you opened your gallery, you smiled, seeing pictures of him and the two of you messing around together reminding that there was more to life than just work.
It’s officially known by everyone, you and Hueningkai were best friends. Two peas in a pod, doing a lot of things together when you both were free. You were being shipped together, and while you were worried it made him uncomfortable, you also kind of liked it. Which begun the spiral of thoughts: did you have a crush on him?
You felt even more like a schoolgirl talking about it with your friends, except you were left alone with your own thoughts. You only flirted with each other about what, hundreds of times? He’d pat your back to calm you down, hold your hand if he noticed you shaking, run his fingers through your hair when you’d ramble, hug you when you need it, wipe off any crumbs that were left at the corner of your mouth…
He had comebacks that made your face go red, snarky replies and comments that made your heart race more than anything else, he looked hot when he was performing, like, really hot, he made sure you were the first person to see his unpublished modeling photos (all of them drove you crazy), he looked really pretty with contact lenses, he was the only person that could leave you stuttering and scrambling for words…
The list went on and on. And the more things you found out you liked about him, the more the answer became clear. You liked him. You liked your best friend.
Sure, he’s told you before that you were his celebrity crush, but that’s different. You liked him on a personal level, a level that could make or break your relationship with each other, and that was what scared you the most. You really liked him, to the point where if he rejected you, you’d go dark for a few days trying to recover.
You wanted to tell him so bad. Every time you tried, your heart would race uncontrollably and you couldn’t choke out a single word. It was almost embarrassing how flustered his simple actions made you, let alone on a livestream.
“I told my sisters about you.” He says, staring up at the clear, starlit sky. “Really?”
“My younger sister is a big fan of you, actually. She debuted this year. Older has plans to, and she says you’re really cool.”
“Tell them I say thank you. What group is your younger sister a part of?”
“Kep1er. Bahiyyih?”
“You did that Tiktok with her, I remember. You guys look scarily alike.”
“We really don’t.” You glare at him, straight faced. Hueningkai looks at you, face illuminated by the lights hidden underneath the plant fixtures. “You look pretty.” He thinks aloud, knowing you heard judging from the expression on your face.
You laugh. “I know.” You expect him to laugh the same, but his face doesn’t seem to change in any way. “Oh, you’re serious.”
“I always have been. You just never see it that way.”
“Oh.” You’re struck with a pang of guilt, cursing yourself internally. “You weren’t just being nice?”
“I meant every word I said. I hope you’re taking me seriously right now.”
It seems like I’m not, but I am. I really am.
“This is awfully bold of you, Hyuka.”
“I really like you, Y/N. How’s that for bold?”
He was being serious, unphased with genuine, meaningful eyes. “You always stayed by my side, even when I was feeling down. You remember the little things about me; my drink orders, the snacks I get, my habits, and merely being able to see you makes my day a whole lot better.”
You’re standing there, mouth slightly hanging, unable to say anything. The words are stuck in your throat, and you want to say something, but you feel like you’re gonna faint if you speak a single word.
“I… I can’t…” You’re too embarrassed to face him, knowing his eyes are on you. “I need to go…” You mutter, hand brushing over his for a second before leaving him unanswered on the silent, dimly lit rooftop.
You’re running down the stairs, mashing the buttons on the elevators, messily typing in your key code, falling to your knees once you step foot in your dorm. You’re coughing so much from your horribly paced breathing, and the pain adds to your tears, slowly trailing down your face.
Why were you crying? You didn’t deserve to cry. You were the one that hurt him, leaving him there because you were a coward. It hurt like hell. You barely managed to clean yourself up, falling asleep the second your head hits your pillow.
Practice the following day was straightforward, but you still felt empty. You would’ve gotten a text from Hyuka already, but the only messages there are the ones from yesterday. It hurts to see it so empty, and you want to talk to him, but what if he already hated you?
Entering the elevator, you run into Taehyun and his hooded mop of black hair. “Hi Y/N.” He greets. You tip your head to greet him, guilty for being able to talk to one of Hyuka’s friends and not him himself. “You should go talk to him. He skipped out on practice today.”
“Does he hate me?”
He scoffs. “Hueningkai could never hate you. You made his life 100 times better, according to him.” He pauses and sighs as the elevator nears the floor to the cafeteria. “Even for a few hours, he really didn’t seem like himself. If anything, he’s wondering if you hate him.”
As the door opens and Taehyun steps off, you get a text from Hueningkai.
im sorry.
forget i said anything.
“Shit.” You mutter, Taehyun eyeing you the entire time until the doors close. It’s one swift ride down to the bottom floor, and again, you run, but this time faster than you did the day before, spamming the buttons on the elevator and going to his floor. You stop in front of his door, knocking on it and ringing the doorbell. “Hueningkai? It’s me.” You say. No answer.
“Hyuka? Please, can we talk?” You plead, not hearing anything from the inside. You spam his messages instead, calling him 10 times before giving up. You then remembered accidentally peeking at him entering his dorm code, but you forced yourself to forget it for the sake of his privacy. Given he wasn’t answering, you forced yourself to remember.
He jokingly scolded you that day before shutting the door, but what did he type before that?
Your faded memory punches in the series of numbers you picked out, the door suddenly unlocking. You look around, seeing an empty hallway before shutting the door and locking it, taking your shoes off and running to his room. “Hyuka?” You call, hearing muffled sniffles from a distance. That had to be him.
You didn’t bother knocking. You opened to door, seeing Hueningkai’s face all messed with tears, puffy red eyes, and his arms clinging tightly to one of his stuffed animals. His eyes widened before he hid his face with a tissue. You walk over to him, helping him wipe his face with the tissues. You quickly get up and rush to his kitchen, refilling the glass of water on the floor beside his bed.
He’s calmed down by the time you get back, accepting the glass and drinking half of it. “How did you get in?” He asks, voice hoarse. “You typed in the code once and I accidentally saw. I took a shot in the dark.” You hold his face in your hands, warming them, wiping away a fallen tear with a stroke of your thumb. He clearly didn’t remember. “I’m sorry–“
“No, don’t be. I’m sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
You sigh, heart pounding in your ears. “I was a coward for running away. It was stupid.” He chuckles. “I don’t even know why I’m crying, I just started thinking of you, and everything I’ve lost, and…” He cuts himself off, knowing he’d start crying again if he said anything else. “I’m right here. You haven’t lost anything.”
You move his hair out of his face, and all you can do is look at him. His post crying face, rosy and glistening, a content smile on his face. “I like you too, Hyuka. Your duality, your laugh, your carefulness, your personality…” You begin to look at the smaller details on his face. “Your eyes, your lashes, your jawline…”
“Your lips.”
The crank holding the two of you finally snaps, and you’re fully drawn to him.
You kiss him, and everything feels just right, sensing his surprise through the noise he made at the sudden action. It’s a first for both of you, so you could be as awkward as you needed to while learning how to kiss each other. But you were fast learners, and you got the hang of it quickly.
He pulls you closer by the waist, holding you close to him as you straddle his hips, kissing you fervently. So fervently that you swear you hear him moan in between a few kisses, and you try not to enjoy it as much as you do. Pulling away for a second to admire him, the way his chest heaves as he’s out of breath, his eyes doing the pleading for him.
You lean in closer. “Do you like being like this?” You ask, forehead against his, lips grazing over his own. “Mhm.” Your hand holds his face again, warm and tempting. “Is this what you’ve wanted?” He nods again. “For how long?”
“Too long.”
His lips are back on yours, dominant and hungry. He was the only one that could restrain you like this, and for once, you didn’t mind not being in control. His kisses move down to your neck, feeling him smirk after eliciting a groan from you.
“You can’t…” You start, feeling him stop and pull away. “People will see. We can’t risk it.”
Being in the industry meant that lying out of hickeys was nonexistent. Dating scandals would come abuzz and the only thing people would ask you for the next few weeks was who gave you that purple mark on your neck.
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
The door suddenly opens, and you’re met with a shaken Beomgyu, eyes wide and jaw dropped. You immediately get off of Hueningkai, putting your hood back on and sitting on the side of the bed, gesturing zipped lips to the poor boy. “Soobin! They’re– they’re… Y/N’s here!” Beomgyu rephrases, a better choice of words than what you assumed he’d say.
“I’m sorry. That was a dick move of me.”
“It was. All I wanted was closure, and I got it, so it’s okay.”
His hand rests on top of yours. “Can I be your boyfriend, Y/N?” You blush, face hot as if you weren’t just making out with him a few minutes ago. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. But what about our label?”
“You’re closer with Bang than I am. Could you talk to him?” You nod, kissing him one last time before leaving, avoiding eye contact with Soobin and Beomgyu on the way out. You bump into Taehyun on the way to the door. He looks at you with a smile, following with an affirmative nod and letting you go.
Taehyun budges through the border of Soobin and Beomgyu at his own bedroom door, Yeonjun peeking over and seeing Hueningkai all red and smiley. “What happened?” The oldest asks, eyes still on the youngest.
“Y/N happened.” Soobin answers, Yeonjun’s gaze locked on the maknae. Maybe it was his older brother genes that he noticed something different than the Hueningkai he saw this morning, but judging from the fact you walked out with your hood on, Hyuka’s shirt being slightly crumpled, his blanket gathered at the footboard, some of his plushies fallen out of place, and slight tinges of pink on and surrounding his mouth, he deduced you two had a little bit of fun.
“Took him long enough.”
Your relationship was smooth sailing as it ever could be with your schedules. A member of your team had to arrange a meeting with Bang discussing the relationship between you and Hueningkai. Keeping it a secret would have been the better option, but knowing Hyuka, he’d still show you off to everyone even if being scolded to keep quiet about it for hours on end.
Bang said he ‘had a hunch’ from the first interview, not showing any objection, but naming the risks and controversies that would come with the publicity of your romance. You two were too lovestruck to care about public opinions, but you still were wary of your interactions with each other, Hueningkai especially, knowing that getting into a scandal only involving himself would bring the group down with him.
You two were content with the way things were, but Hyuka tended to have the mindset of, ‘if it happens, it happens’ despite being so cautious, and you’re sure the staff members at Music Bank saw the two of you being intimate in the halls because your boyfriend just had to kiss your forehead at that time, no sooner or later.
Rumors started to arise, given how close the two of you had become. You were always close, but this time you were much closer. There were a lot of behind the scenes cameras at music shows, sometimes catching the two of you in the background together. Once you were even caught with Hyuka taking a nap on your thighs, and that only further proved the existence of the two of you dating.
The one time you decide not to wear a mask and just your hat, paparazzi caught the two of you holding hands on the way back, those gossip articles really planting all previous evidence as if their life was on the line.
Both of you never confirmed anything to the public. You simply just moved on with your lives as if nothing ever happened. It was brought up in a few interviews, but you managed to avoid answering questions on terms of your relationship, using the excuse of privacy.
It was surprising to everyone when they saw a video uploaded on TXT’s channel titled something along the lines of: ‘Hueningkai’s first date’, you couldn’t remember it off the top of your head. But you did vividly remember officially stating that the two of you were going out, and have been going out for a while.
The feedback was, as far as you knew, positive. Being dubbed as ‘the duo we’ve been waiting for’ or ‘netizens’ favourite couple’, you mostly appreciated the fact that you didn’t receive any threats, and only a loss of some fans. Maybe people just couldn’t handle the fact that you two looked so damn good together.
“What are you watching?” Hueningkai asks from the kitchen, seeing you staring at your phone intensely. “Your interview. You’re throwing away your plushies? But I got you one.”
“I’m keeping yours, of course. I’m getting rid of my hoarding habits, so I don’t really want anymore as gifts. Yours will always have a special place in my heart, and I’m never gonna get rid of it.”
“Can I at least keep one?” He considers it for a moment, then nods. “Sure. Which?” You don’t even have to think about it. “Honey.”
“You let me hold him when you invited me here so I could cry and rant after that shitty interview. So that one will also have a special place in my heart. It was also the first one you offered to me. Maybe when I’m alone and I have it in my arms I’ll think of you.”
“You can have him, since he means that much to you.” The sink turns off, shaking the water off his hands and drying them, going to his room and retrieving his, well, now your stuffed animal. The moment you hold it, your thoughts are flooded with nothing but of Hueningkai, despite the fact he took a seat right next to you, placing an arm around your shoulders.
“Jesus, you look fuckin’ sexy in these photos.” You say, zooming in and saving them to your camera roll shamelessly. “Speak for yourself. Front cover on Vogue? You looked so beautiful in those photos. I’m so incredibly lucky.”
You put your phone down, turning to hear his answer. “How so?”
“That you’re my girlfriend. That I get to be your boyfriend. That I get to see your beautiful face every single day, and that I know little things about you that others don’t.”
You chuckle. “I want to kiss you so bad, but the others are gonna come back soon and God knows we won’t be able to stop.” His hand gracefully holds your jaw, his finger tracing along your jawline to let himself move his face closer to yours. He speaks in a whisper.
“Then don’t.”
if you’re really, really tired, i want to hug you and pat you to sleep. i just miss you, even right now. 🎧
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iwritemilfs · 5 months
My dudes this is so fucking unrelated to anything and everything BUT we just got our first sorta bts pic from the new season of the newsreader, and bc I can't just enjoy things for what they are, I WANNA HAVE A CHAT ABOUT HELEN’S WARDROBE JOURNEY.
First of all imma say that yes, the seasons have had different costume designers, so styling will inevitably vary some. Its also set over a period of time, from the mid to late 80s, so like I UNDERSTAND THAT FASHION WILL CHANGE but I think Helen’s styling choices have more to do with her character development. Hear me out.
In season one we’re introduced to Helen, she’s a news anchor (and I think it’s important to note that she’s the first female newsreader at news at six). She’s on the desk alongside someone who has DECADES of experience, and who’s very much a household name. She honestly sort of plays second fiddle to him.
So let's have a conversation about how (I think) her (mainly on air) styling follows her journey and her character development.
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In season 1, her outfits are generally very traditionally feminine. Blouses, bows, lighter fabrics. And her colours are quite muted, she wears a lot of dusty tones. Her hair is large and wide, which gives her a softer look. Overall, her styling is quite “soft”. Even in more structured garments, the fabrics generally remain light, or give off a more cozy vibe. Helen’s such a powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with, but her clothing and styling detracts from that, it allows people to see her as less of a “threat”, and Geoff’s in the spotlight.
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There is one instance very early on where she and Geoff are trying to film a promo, where he consistently messes up and she actually corrects him. Notice her outfit; it screams 'authority'. Geoff on the other hand, even though he's in a suit, looks almost disheveled and even small next to her.
It's only later on in the season that her silhouette begins to change slightly, the shoulders broaden, the neckline lowers. The colours are also darker. But yet, even though this first outfit is technically more structured compared to what she's worn earlier, there are ruffles on her shirt, and the fabrics almost read like taffeta - giving almost a prom vibe.
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See that compared to an outfit she wears later on in the season when she's on the desk with Rob rather than Geoff. The silhouette is the same, the colours are similar, but she has a much more commanding presence. She's starting to take charge. The fabric looks more expensive, the shoulders are broader etc.
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In the final episode of season one, the styling has changed ENTIRELY. and this ensemble is closer to what we'll see in season 2.
In season 2, Geoff is no longer with the network and Dale has taken over his position. Helen is now the one with more experience and the bigger name. Helen is the harsh and the blunt one, whereas Dale often comes across as more “human” and personal in his approach.
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Helen’s outfits are now a lot more structured, featuring bolder colours and more expensive looking, heavier fabrics. Her shoulders are also often much sharper. She's essentially taking up more space with her appearance, and drawing more attention. Her hair is still big, but it doesn't feature as much volume at the sides. This gives her a sharper look. Also take note of how Dale is matching her, their colour palettes go together. This contrasts Helen and Geoff's time together on the desk, as their palettes clashed more. Helen and Dale are harmonious, whereas Helen and Geoff clashed in both personalities and fashion - Helen had to downplay herself. I wanna note that Helen is still seen wearing blouses on a few occasions on the desk - but again, the colours and prints are much bolder compared to the striped blouse in season 1.
Touching quickly on her casual outfits; in season 1, Helen is almost always seen in jeans or casual slacks, along with extremely simple singlets or jumpers. She rarely, if ever steps away from earth and neutral tones, and she's practically always in a pair of white runners. In season 2, even her casual outfits are changing and becoming bolder; at least in the first half. Here we see her sport blouses and shirts that have more colour; oranges, blues etc. still muted compared to her on air outfits, but bold compared to her season 1 casual fits. She also more often than not opts for more dressy trousers and she's almost always seen in a pair of stilettos. Towards the end of the season, however, we see the colour palette become more muted and neutral again. Personally, I see this working almost in tandem with how she’s losing Dale.
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Then; episode five bb. This silhouette and outfit does in a way mirror her final season 1 outfit, but it's far more exaggerated. It's a wine red ensemble - a much darker shade of red than what she's previously sported, and the shape offers a somewhat exaggerated hourglass look - it's seductive.*This*, is her "revenge dress."
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Now, let's get back to the important stuff. Towards the end of season 2, Helen's approached by a new network. She's offered a far better position, and she will be working in the states. Around this time is when we see her professional style shift somewhat again. It becomes far more sleek, with blazers that offer a much more traditionally masculine silhouette. They don't really come in at the waist, they're longer, and the shoulders are a much more prominent feature - yet they're not too big, she doesn't disappear in the garment. She's still in her stilettos - keep in mind that Helen's already relatively tall for a woman. She's essentially starting back at zero, in a male dominated field where she's already experienced tremendous amounts of hardship due to her gender. I imagine Helen's come a long way from when she first got a job in a newsroom. She's not gonna let people take advantage of her in one way or another. So she'll dress in a way that commands respect, in a way where people can't objectify or reduce her to a body or a pretty face.
From the one season 3 bts pic I've seen, I'm assuming this (said above) might be a continuing trend. Also clock the shorter hair, could be the fact that we're approaching a new decade, or could be related to what I mentioned above.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
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Sure! I just hope I get her character right, I did my research. A pairing was not given so the plot ended up platonic by accident. Hope the plot isn't too messy, I'm still new to learning ASOIAF. Prompt 32 was altered for plot :')
Prompt 15 Here
Expect spoilers for HOTD.
Yandere! Platonic! Rhaenys Targaryen Prompts 3, 32, 15
"You'll love me, even if we have to sit and wait for it to happen."
"With a little effort, these bleak walls will be a wonderful home for us!"
“You might not understand now but you will thank me later.”
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Rhaenys is having trouble coping with death, Kidnapping, Emotional manipulation, Isolation, Violence mentioned, Possible OOC Rhaenys, Forced companionship.
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You sat in your given chambers listening to the sound of waves. You stare blankly at the stone walls of your prison, a chain clasped around your ankle. This is a bedroom... but you never consented to being a prisoner of The Blacks on Driftmark.
You are an avid supporter of The Greens. Before the civil war you were a noble from the House of Arryn who was friends with Rhaenyra and Alicent, which meant you were close to the Targaryens. However, when the war began to start, you sided with Alicent.
You had been watching Aegon II become the new king... only for the wall to bust down.
On dragon back sat Rhaenys on top of Meleys, the large red dragon roaring to announce her presence. Her reasoning for crashing the event was to show defiance, a starting event of the war due to Aegon's coronation. Yet... when Rhaenys saw you beside Alicent... she had a secondary goal.
Take you back to your rightful allies and family.
Perhaps Rhaenys felt she couldn't lose another close to her. That or maybe Rhaenyra ordered her to take you to The Blacks. Either way... you were then abducted on top of Meleys and sent to Driftmark.
You had met Rhaenys countless times. The Queen Who Never Was was her nicknamed title. You found her to be a respected woman... even becoming closer to her children due to Rhaenyra.
However... now you were trapped by said woman you used to respect. Her and her husband gave you your own room, but chains reminded you of what you really were. A prisoner on Driftmark... claimed by The Blacks.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard footsteps. Turning your head to the doorway you see Rhaenys knock before entering. Her lilac eyes softening upon seeing you.
Perhaps for a moment she remembers the joy you shared with Rhaenyra, Laena, and Laenor when you were young... although she is quickly reminded of how you sided with Alicent once she catches your glare.
"Your aggression is expected." Rhaenys sighs, watching as you pull the chain around your ankle. “You might not understand now but you will thank me later.”
"Traitor..." You whisper, Rhaenys giving you a clouded look for a moment.
"I'm not the traitor here." Rhaenys counters, walking closer. "It is you who cast aside the Velaryons and Targaryens when you sided with The Greens."
There's a long silence between the two of you, the tension increasing as Rhaenys turns her gaze to the stone walls. You don't look at her, however the woman still manages to be patient with you. After all... The Greens must of poured lies into your mind.
"Be as mad as you want, until you accept your place here that chain will be on your leg." Rhaenys is stern with her words, talking down to you. Even now she scolds you like long ago. "You belong with The Blacks... I'm sure Rhaenyra will be pleased to see I've taken you in."
At the mention of your old friend's name you grit your teeth. Rhaenys turns to you, her gaze becoming welcoming once again as she stands in front of you. She reaches out to move a strand of hair from your face, but you pull away.
"Even now you act as a child just like back then." She hums, before gesturing to the chambers you sat in. "With a little effort, these bleak walls will be a wonderful home for us."
"Us?" You ask, Rhaenys smiling warmly. Part of you feels guilt as old memories creeping in.
"Me and Corlys will be watching over you. Your home is with us here on Driftmark." Rhaenys coos, sitting beside you on the bed. You go to move away but she prevents you from moving with a harsh grip on your arm. "There's no need for running away, you will be well protected here. Meleys doesn't plan on letting The Greens touch you."
Rhaenys chuckles at what she said for a moment, noticing how you stopped struggling.
"Even if you did try to leave... we have dragons waiting."
"Why did you take me here?" You ask softly, Rhaenys looking at you with her lilac gaze again.
"Was I just supposed to leave you with Alicent?" Rhaenys tightens her grip for a moment before calming herself. "Admit it, your true home is with the Velaryons and The Blacks. I've known it since I saw you play with my children and niece. You belong here...."
Rhaenys notices you go into silence again. She pulls you into her side like a mother would. You want to fight her... but you really are a raven in a cage.
"You'll love me, even if we have to sit and wait for it to happen." Rhaenys declares, embracing you. You don't put up much of a struggle anymore. After all... what are you to do?
You have no dragon... The Blacks have many. You're stuck chained in a bedroom on Driftmark. You can't fight it...
Instead... you force yourself to go along with it... leaning into Rhaenys as she rubs your back.
Perhaps even silently hoping Rhaenyra will be merciful towards you when she sees you again.
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