#and yamada being the kinda person who is sorta easily like...
roakkaliha · 1 year
tbh i kinda miss early kase-san era mikawa. she was so mean for no reason n that entertains me
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sup-hoes-its-me · 4 years
Before You Go (All Might x Reader)
Part One/Part Two
A/N: okay, so this is gonna be pretty sad all around. Ultimately, Young!All Might x reader, but with Aizawa Shota undertones. Aizawa was giving me some mad professor snape vibes in this, and I sincerely apologize for that. I love him too but this isnt his story.
word count:4000
“Y/N, you seriously need to sign up with that energy quirk hero’s agency...shit what’s his name? It’s on the tip of my tongue,” Yamada remarked, tapping his chin as if that might help him remember. He sat at the lunch table with the rest of his friends, Shota and Oboro. Y/N was right beside him, but it seemed his words, despite being loud as usual, went through one ear and out the other. 
“Don’t bother. She’s a lost cause.” Aizawa replied tiredly. 
They all followed her gaze, only for their eyes to land on Toshinori Yagi. The blond walked by, carrying his food to his lunch table with his friends, people Y/N didn’t know, nor could she ever even hope to know. To be honest, Y/N was kinda sorta a loser. She was lucky that she even had friends considering she was awkward beyond belief.
“He’s too full of himself to notice you, Y/N. I’d just give up on that one,” the dark haired boy added, bumping his shoulder with the girl’s. She frowned, shaking her head to get back to reality. Aizawa was right. Not even once had the blond glanced at her or said hello. He was too cool for her. He was going to be one of the best heroes to ever exist and she was just average at best. None of her teachers ever saw potential in her, just saying that her strength was great, just that the side effects of her quirk were far too destructive.
She took a hefty scoop of rice and shoved it into her mouth, chewing grumpily. 
“Come on, Y/N! It’s alright. You could just date me or Yamada!” Oboro laughed, clapping a hand on her shoulder from where he sat across from the girl. 
“You don’t have to ruin my fantasies, Aizawa-kun. I know I don’t have a chance, but it’s nice to think about,” she snapped, sending a sideways glance at her friend who shrugged. He tried to tell himself it didn’t matter if Y/N obsessed over that muscle-head, but it bothered him. She was their friend: she should pay attention to them, no ogle over some narcissist. “He’s going to be the greatest hero this world has ever seen, I just know it. There’s something special about him, his quirk-”
“We get it. Toshinori this, Toshinori that. You know, if you like him so much, why don’t you go talk to him?” Yamada suggested. He wasn’t upset with her talking on and on about her crush, but he just knew Aizawa was about to burst with a couple more remarks. When she didn’t make an effort to move, he smiled knowingly. “You’re such a scaredy cat, Y/N. What’s he gonna do, bite you? If he’s a nice guy, it wouldn’t be a problem-”
“If it’s so easy, Yamada, why don’t you go find Nemuri and tell her how you feel?”
That shut him up very fast, as expected. Their cloud quirk friend broke through the tension swiftly, “Well, instead of talking about stupid crushes, why don’t we talk about our plans for this weekend? Karaoke and Barbeque, dudes! It’s gonna be awesome.”
“Oh my God, I totally forgot about that!” Y/N exclaimed, shoving more rice in her mouth so it bulged in her cheek like a squirrel. She probably should take smaller bites, but it was more fun to see how many grains she could fit in her mouth at one time. “Hizashi, I swear if you eat all the spicy pork again...”
“That only happened once-”
“Twice, actually!” she corrected, poking him on the forehead with the end of her chopstick. They laughed and all was well again, if not for her lowering self-esteem. If only Aizawa believed in her. He was her best friend, the only one who’d been there since the beginning. If he pushed her to talk to Toshinori maybe she would have the courage to actually do it. 
But that wasn’t important. She had friends who actually enjoyed her company, and that’s what mattered.
The weekend was two days away, and a lot could happen in those 48 hours, she found. 
“Fucking useless. So weak,” Y/N cursed, staring down at her burning hands. Blisters had yet to form, but she could feel the pain of her training. She could accumulate heat from her surroundings and expel that from any part of her body. Yet, it seemed that there were more downsides than perks with this quirk she inherited from her parents. Firstly, she could not consciously choose to concentrate the heat in any one area. Usually, it did come from her hands, but often she would find other parts of her body scalding to the touch when she was using her power. Secondly, using her power at high heat would leave her with terrible burns. 
Thankfully, her mother gave her bits of a regeneration quirk, meaning the burns only lasted for a couple days, most of the time less than that. Hopefully, with time, she could control the quirk so the damage wouldn’t be so bad.
She hated her quirk. It sucked. She couldn’t do anything much with it or else she would hurt herself and have to stop. Once she was burned so badly that the hospital almost had to amputate one of her limbs just from that. 
Sadly, she fell to her knees on the sandy training grounds, just staring down at her hands hopelessly. How could she ever become a pro hero like this? She’d never be able to compete with the other UA students, especially people like Toshinori or Todoroki or even Aizawa. 
“Shit,” she shouted angrily, shutting her eyes and slamming her hands against the sand. Her hands lit up a bright red for a quick moment as heat ran through them into the ground. Sand blew up all around her face and rocks were sent flying in all directions. As the dust cleared, she could see a small crater in the ground where she channeled her energy, it wasn’t huge, maybe enough for a person to lay in, but not much bigger. 
Her hands stung terribly, and blisters started to bubble up on her skin. She was so full of adrenaline and hate for herself that the pain hadn’t entered her mind. She was just so fucking angry. She would never be good enough. Why even go to UA if she was just gonna get a job outside of the quirk realm? If anything, she’d probably get left behind to be a civilian while everyone she knew got rich and famous from quirk work.
“Hey, are you okay?” a familiar voice asked from somewhere behind her. She turned her head, tears stuck in the corners of her eyes as she drifted out of her reality into the real world. If it didn’t sting so badly, maybe she would have been more excited to see Toshinori Yagi walking in her direction. She hissed, turning back around and shaking her hands to get some cool air on them. 
He jogged to her side, kneeling beside her. His eyes widened at the sight of her hands, but also at the hole she left in the ground. “That looks really, really bad. We should get you to Recovery Girl-”
“It doesn’t matter.”
He looked up to her face, his brows raised in surprise. Why would she deny going to the infirmary for an injury like this? She had to be insane, he thought. “What? Why?”
“It’ll heal soon.”
“Do you have a regeneration quirk?” he asked, but as he did so, he gently took her hands in his, which were in comparison, freezing cold. He felt like he was touching fire, but he knew his body was strong enough to handle a little heat. Her skin was already blood red, but him touching her so delicately left her feeling faint. The school’s star pupil was holding her hands. She couldn’t believe it. Even through the pain, she felt bashful.
She nodded. “Yeah, but it will take a day or two.”
“Well then, we’re going now.” He didn’t even wait for her to say anything in reply before picking her up in his arms, one behind her shoulders and the other under her knees. In shock, she could only lay there limp, her burnt hands face up in her lap. “How’d you do that anyway? You have a heat quirk, right?”
“Yeah. I just put too much energy into my hands. I have to use my quirk in moderation,” she explained. “Also, I can walk. It��s fine, you don’t need to-”
“No! You need to save as much of your strength so you can heal your wounds. Recovery Girl can’t heal you completely, I’m sure.” 
“Okay. Thank you.”
He walked inside the school building and started talking again. She didn’t know for sure why he was giving her so much of his time and effort. She could have taken herself to the nurse or easily gone home. It was after class. He might have been coming out to train himself, actually. Either way, he was being extremely kind.
“I’m Toshinori Yagi. I’ve seen you around school before, you always hang with the boy with that erasing quirk.”
“Yep. He’s one of my best friends.”
“If I remember right, you’re L/N Y/N? Heat manipulation quirk? You were 4th in this year’s sport’s festival,” he smiled down at her, and she felt herself light on fire once again. How did he remember her? She was such a background character, and even if she did mildly well, her quirk and face weren’t much to remember. “You were super impressive out there, I was surprised. You seem so shy, but really you’re a powerhouse.”
“Not really. I have to hurt myself to do anything good.”
“If you could learn to control your quirk, imagine what you could do with your power?! You made that giant hole in the ground out there in a matter of seconds.” That made her feel good. People normally brought her down, telling her that she would just have to deal with it, that it was a condition of her power. For some reason, this boy believed in her. It made a bit of a smile come to her lips. 
His grin felt contagious, and it only grew brighter seeing her lips curl up. 
“I guess so.”
“You should let me help you out. I know a lot about control from my own quirk. We’d be a good pair, I think.”
That was when her heart officially stopped beating. He wanted to spend even more time together? He wanted to take time out his day to help her improve? She began to rethink what her friends said about the boy. He didn’t seem full of himself at all. He was generous and kind from the looks of it. 
And to think she had a crush on him before. Now she felt her heart swelling up in her chest so much it might explode.
“Yeah, of course.”
That’s how Y/N met the famous All Might, and the moment she started her downward spiral in love with him.
Y/N sat at the lunch table once again with her normal squad of friends, Aizawa to her right as usual. She had one of her books sitting out on the table, a textbook Toshinori gave to her. He said that his own mentor had given that to him to help learn control and moderation of his quirk. She studied it religiously, and surprisingly, it was beginning to work. She had less and less incidents where she had to go to the infirmary or have to extensively heal herself. The training still hurt like hell, but it was less serious.
“Y/N, you’ve been studying a lot lately. Something up?”
“Just trying to get over my weaknesses. Figured I wasn’t working hard enough.” 
Just as Aizawa was about to say something else, a loud, excitable voice yelled from a few meters away. “Y/N!”
It was The Toshinori Yagi, the best student at UA. To think two weeks ago, they were telling her he would never know her name. Turns out he already knew, and apparently they were friendly with each other. Oboro’s eyes widened and he elbowed Hizashi beside him, who was jamming on his headphones. Aizawa’s eyes only narrowed. 
Her eyes lit up at the sight of the blond boy. He walked over to her seat and leaned his hip on the table, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “You’re really studying that book I gave you, huh? Even at lunch?”
“Of course! I have to do all I can before training.”
“You’ll be fine. You’ve been improving like crazy these past few weeks.”
These past few weeks? Just how long had they been talking?
He smiled kindly at her, and she blushed, hiding her face toward the table. It was weird for the boys to see their little Y/N talking with a boy other than them. And while two of them were ecstatic she seemed to have bagged the hottest boy in the school, one was particularly stormy about it.
“Well, I just stopped by to tell you, you look really beautiful today! You’ve been practically glowing with confidence lately; it’s a really good look on you.”
“O-Oh, thanks, Toshi-kun.”
“I just call it like I see it, Y/N,” he winked, and that sent her heart into overdrive. “Well, I’ve got to go eat, but I’ll meet you outside class later?”
He left for his table with his super cool friends, leaving her sitting there a flustered, awkward mess. She shoved some rice into her mouth and chewed, trying to hide her embarrassment.
“Sooo, you gonna explain what that was?!” Yamada cried out, clutching at his chest. “Your vibes were too intense, I almost couldn’t handle it.”
She waved the boy off with her hand, trying to downplay it all. ‘It’s really nothing. He’s just helping me train. He has a really good handle on damage control, since we both have stockpile type quirks. I’ve actually gotten somewhat better since then.”
“Seemed like more than that, L/N-chan,”
“I’m telling you, he's just a really, really friendly guy. That compliment was just a friendly one.”
Aizawa sighed, leaning back in his chair. “You’re so dumb, Y/N. He seems like he’s playing with you.” He said it so matter-of-factly, and she glared at him. 
“I’ll have you know he’s been helping me a lot with my training but also my healing. He’s very kind and always helps me with anything. He’s never once shown signs he’s not genuine.”
“That’s what a narcissist does to get you comfortable with them, stupid.”
“Can’t you just believe that my crush actually wants to be friends with me and help me? That he’s not just some malicious monster?” When he rolled his eyes, she stood up abruptly, grabbing her book and shoving it into her bag. He sat up quickly and went to grab her wrist, but she moved out of the way swiftly. 
“Aw, come on, L/N. Dudette-” Yamada whined, but he knew that Aizawa’s jealousy was getting to the tipping point for the girl. Years went by of him just pushing her away from other guys who liked her and were genuinely kind. Whatever Toshinori was doing with her seemed to give her enough strength to reject the boy’s malice words.
A little bit of him was even proud, the loudmouth admitted to himself. 
 She kept her head held high, eyes glaring down at the long-haired scruffy boy. He’d never seen her like this: standing up for herself. If she were angry at anyone else, he would be cheering her on, but now he just felt furious. How could she be angry with him? He’d been there since they were children and she just leaves because of some blond himbo. 
Her words cut clear in the bustling lunchroom. “I don’t need any negativity right now, Aizawa. If all you want to do is bring me down, then so be it.” After slinging her bag over her shoulder and grabbing her tray, she waved and walked away. As they watched her, she approached the table of her new friend, who greeted her happily. She sat next to Toshinori with a smile on her face, one that Aizawa hadn’t seen directed at him in weeks. 
Maybe he was wrong to be bitter, but he just couldn’t believe there wasn’t some conspiracy to all this. How is it that the coolest guy in school goes for Y/N? He thought she was amazing, he had for years, but no one else ever thought that. 
Whatever, it didn’t matter anyway. She could do whatever she wanted, and if she got her feelings hurt, so be it.
The pair sat outside the school as always. She munched on an icecream bar from the cafeteria while he leaned back, arm across her shoulders and his eyes drawn to the sky, fading from dimmed orange into deep violet. He had guilt hanging over his head the past few weeks, and it was finally time for him to explain himself. 
“I can’t believe we’re done. School went by too quick.”
“I think it goes by faster when you’re fighting evil a couple days a week.”
She nodded, humming in agreement. Her senior year was full of battles, emotional and physical. She was broken to bits when her friend Oboro died or when Toshinori was left to mourn his mentor and they only had each other. Being a hero comes with a cost, but no one expects to be 17 and watch the people they love die all around them. It’s worse when you’re strong enough that you know you could have saved them but you just didn’t. “It was worse than I imagined. I know we’re going to do this for our whole lives, but I don’t want it to hurt as much.”
“That’s why you have to always be better than the villains, Y/N. I know I’m going to be.”
 She tucked the clean popsicle stick into her bookbag when she was done with it, not wanting to throw it on the ground. Her hand found its way to his, curling her smaller fingers gently around his. Her smile was all too bright, a trait of his that seemed to grow on her the longer they spent together. “We’ll do it together, right? You and me on top of the charts, just like we dreamed of?”.
He relished in the warmth of her hand pressed to his, even if it was just a friendly. He was going to miss moments like this, dreams of the two of them...All that planning for nothing. He sighed, his eyes going from the sky to the dirt beneath their feet. “Y/N, I have something to tell you.”
With a furrowed brow, she asked, “What’s up?” It couldn’t be bad...
“Tomorrow I’m leaving for America. I don’t know how long.”
“What do you mean you’re leaving for America tomorrow?” Y/N asked her best friend, eyes wide with fear. He knew he should have told her earlier, but he couldn’t explain why he was leaving, and he knew the more time she knew the greater chance he would reveal the reason. She couldn’t know about All For One. It would only put her in danger.
He sighed, placing a heavy hand on her shoulder. “I have to go to America. I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you before-”
“I can’t believe this. You waited until the day before to tell me I’ll basically never see you again. You expect me to be satisfied with a two minute goodbye today and just forget about you- about everything?” she asked, a stone sinking to the pit of her stomach. She felt like she was going to cry or get sick. How could he do this to her? 
“I know. I know. I should have told you sooner but I couldn’t.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I just can’t tell you.”
That answer wasn’t good enough. It was wrong to pry, but the betrayal was too much for her to handle rationally.
She turned her head away from him, staring bitterly at the wall beside her. She refused to meet his eyes. “I thought I could trust you.You’re one of my closest friends, Toshi, but now I know you don’t care. If you cared you would have at least given me a heads up, maybe spent more time with me before you just decide to abandon me,” she sneered, the anger building up in her chest. “You’re too good for someone like me. Shota-kun was right this whole time. Everytime he told me you were just playing with me, that you didn’t actually care about me; he was right, wasn’t he?”
All Might shook his head, trying to reach out to grab her, bring her back to his side. He didn’t want her to turn against him now. He didn’t want to say goodbye with her hating him, her last memory of him being so terrible. Still, she jumped away from her seat, stumbling over her feet to get away from him. “Don’t touch me.”
“Y/N, please. I just want this goodbye to be happy.”
“Goodbyes are never fucking happy, Yagi. You’re so stupid.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
“How could you not?” Y/N bit back her sadness, letting anger take over. “Just forget it. It’s not worth fighting over. You’re leaving, so goodbye. Maybe we’ll see each other again, maybe not. But just know, I would have done anything to stay by your side if you really cared about me.” With those words lingering in the air, she turned on her heel and started to walk away. 
“Y/N, please don’t go yet,” he paused, trying to gather himself. She was walking away, her back turned and her head hung.  “I love you.”
But she didn’t turn around. What was the point now? She’d lost him already, no use in saying anything back or confessing her love as well. He would still be leaving tomorrow, and they would probably never see each other again. It would break her heart to run back there and hug him, confess her long time feelings to the boy. They were never an item. Maybe if he stayed, they could have been something more. 
If he really loved her, he wouldn’t leave her behind. If he really loved her, he would have shut his mouth before those three little words, and saved her the broken heart.
Part Two is up!
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theoutcastedartist · 4 years
Hi! I'm new to your blog I'm curious about the Clone Seven AU. Can you give a brief description about it? Sorta like a beginner's guide to the AU :'D
Most definitely! Fair warning that this is a little messy haha. Im still trying to work out some of it
Warning for blood and
This is all before the current anime/manga's timeline
In this AU's case, Shota was the result of a failing cloning attempt with leftover DNA from Nana's fight with All for One. The DNA was damaged however, resulting in having to use parts of DNA from another person in order to even begin the "cloning" process. The mixing of the two samples is what resulted in Shota being a boy and how his Erasure came to be in the first place. His quirk erases other quirks instead of him simply being able to just take them. (You can guess who the other half of DNA belonged to) The floating factor in his quirk (where his hair defies gravity when activated) came from Nana's own quirk, Float.
The man responsible for his creation is Dr. Ujiko (90% sure I mispelled his name but whatever I hate him). Tiny Shota was experimented on due to the rarity of his quirk, used to make illegal anti-quirk drugs, and put against to fight against these misty creatures (kinda like pre-existing nomus) that look like feral versions of Kurogiri.
(His situation is very similar to Eri's)
He's used to getting his limbs torn apart by these things, hence the numerous scars all over his body. These "tests" helped deduce every aspect of his quirk, such as being ineffective against metamorphic (mutation) quirks. He is then rescued by Gran Torino, after he was sent to scope out an area with an abandoned (supposedly) building. After being rescued, the Hero Commission wants to turn Shota into what could be considered a "child soldier". He's not considered a real human being to them either, just newly claimed government property. Gran Torino (all of this takes place a few years after All might leaves Japan to the US) is completely against against them wanting to "use" Shota. The commission leaves him in Torino's care, but prohibit him from letting Shota go outside to most public places. Their reasoning for this is that they're "afraid he'll accidentally erase a pro-hero's quirk while on duty" (which is complete bullshit. They just don't want anyone else to know about him. The villains know anyways.)
The first few months of tiny Shota living with his new guardian are very awkward.
The first time he's fed actual food, he doesn't know what to do with it since all he knows is being fed through an IV needle. He's very prone to panic attacks and has speech problems. Among a lot of other things. Torino gets him an emotional support cat, named Whiteshoes. About 2 years later, they move to Hosu, where Shota meets this kid named Chizome Akaguro, who's also friendless, but known to cause the occasional trouble in the neighborhood.
The two become friends (Chizome is a persistent little shit lmao). They don't go outside very often due to Shota's situation, but they've gone to a nearby cat-cafe on occasion. Chizome easily gets jealous when Shota gives more attention to his cat, Whiteshoes (who's also a sassy bitch)
The Hero Commission pulls Shota out of classes and start "training" him without Torino's knowledge.
He comes home injured everyday and Shota's excuse is that his body is just a lot more fragile than everyone else's. He lies saying that his body bruises and breaks easily.
This "training" goes on for him until middle school, the commission is found out by Chizome (who's a year above him) walking into the room by accident. He goes fucking ballistic and tries attacking the "coach". Torino finds out and is pissed at the Commission
The commission stops with their little "training sessions" with Shota a year before he goes to UA for his first year (they don't want to deal with Nedzu, who is still the UA principal in this AU)
Once Shota is admitted into the hero course at UA, the commission gives Shota permission to go outside with hardly any restrictions.
Chizome didn't get into UA, but he did get admitted into the Hero Course of another school. He still wished to be a pro-hero. He chooses Stendhal.
Shota meets these two dorks named Hizashi Yamada and Oboro Shirakumo. They become the 3 dumbamigos of class A
Shota tells Chizome stories about the other two. All four of them meet at the train station. Chizome (being the jealous bitch he is) slugs Shirakumo in the face as a "greetings"
From there, a friendly rivalry between Shirakumo and Chizome begins.
Sometimes their little rivalry becomes too much and triggers Shota into a panic attack. Mic, being the sane one out of the four of them, is the only person (other than Torino) able to pull him out of it.
At some point, Chizome meets Nemuri and Tensei (3rd years at UA) and becomes a part of their trio as the "older kids" of the rooftop squad.
Tensei is the most responsible and mature one out of all six of them. He is there solely to keep Shirakumo from doing stupid shit.
Chizome's parents died in what was ruled by police to be an "accident"
He drops out of the Hero Course at his school.
At some point a few weeks after, he disappears with no warning. Police ruled him as dead (by suicide) and closed the case after not being able to find a body.
Shirakumo gets pissed at his ex-rival, even though he's now "dead" (he's not, he's the Hero Killer: Stain now in the time of the current Anime)
Shota hadn't told either Shirakumo or Mic of his early "childhood" or even his situation yet.
He breaks down one day and tells them everything. Thinking is sometimes too much for him.
Exactly a week later after telling them, Shirakumo dies from the incident shown in vigilantes.
***Oh I forgot to add that when Shota was rescued, they didn't manage to arrest all the lab workers, including Dr. Ujiko (who Torino didn't manage to get ahold of his name or face either)
***Current Anime timeline***
The only thing that changes really is the outcome of the Stain vs. Iida, Todoroki, and Midoriya fight. Stain escapes instead of getting arrested and going to Tartarus.
Hope you can understand whatever the hell I wrote haha
Im planning on hopefully writing a fanfiction for this AU. It has so much info in it that its hard to keep track sometimes.
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cutiecrates · 3 years
Cutie Reviews: Sakuraco May 21
Okay, it’s been a few days but I’m here now. Actually, I’m in a really bad mood so I thought writing would get my mind off of it. 
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“Thank you for joining us for our last box of spring. We’re rounding off the season by featuring two of the most iconic flavors of he season - mochi and sakura. Our mochi inspiration comes from the dishes served at one of Japan’s most lively festivals, Children’s Day. Coincidentally, late April/early May is also the final bloom of sakura for the year.“
For this month, the booklet highlights Rosmarin (specializing in health, beauty, and a little fun through their tea and sweets), Tanaka Hashiten (home good producers), Kanagawa prefecture, and information about mochi and Children’s Day.
Bonus Items
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This month, the bonus was a bit disappointing, considering these were items from our first box, which came about 2 boxes ago from this one. I like that we get these, but I was kind of led to believe they would be unique items back when they were advertising this feature for the box. It’s fine if you like the particular items though, and it’s still a kind gesture of them to include these for free, so I do appreciate it.
Fig Dorayaki & Kinako Mochi
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Long-time viewers may be able to recognize the kinako snack in the pic, we’ve seen these plenty of times in Tokyo Treat. But for anyone unfamiliar, this type of mochi is like a cracker, it’s not chewy, as you can see. They dissolve in the mouth with a coating of roasted soybean flour (kinako) and sanbon sugar. Vegan friendly, no allergens. Made by Iwatsuka Confectionery in Niigata.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I like the light crispiness of these, the kinako flavoring is strong and I think they make a nice light snack for tea time or just on the go. They dry out the mouth a little, so a drink is nice to keep in handy.
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Our next item is one we’ve seen before too, but interestingly enough, this time the dorayaki has fig mixed in with the red bean :o I’ve never heard of that before. I have no real opinions on fig, I grew up eating fig newtons (little pastry-like cookies with jelly inside) but I’ve never been in love with them.
Vegan friendly, contains egg and wheat. Made by Hiyoshi Confectionery in Shimane.
♥ ♥ ♥ 
Like with fig newtons, I was okay with this. I didn’t necessarily love it, but I didn’t think it was bad either. The flavoring inside was a bit vague for me to figure out, it had the red bean texture, but I suppose it tasted like fig. Super dry for my mouth.
Plum Mochi, Kanten Sakura Mochi, & Mitarashi Mochi Monaka
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From Kubota Confectionery in Nagano comes this adorable little pink mochi sweet, featuring a plum jelly inside with light marshmallow coating. Non-vegan, contains gelatin. We got a whole bag of them in this box!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I love mochi, especially pink ones :3 You can’t go wrong with pink. Anyway, these were delicious ♥ it’s sweet and soft, chewy, and the plum jelly inside tasted like actual plum! It wasn’t pickled or sour tasting, maybe a little tangy but it was yummy.
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Our next sweet also features a jelly-ish texture, you may recall that in our previous box we got some like this. But this time, it comes from Ohara Confectionery in Nagano. As this contains animal by-products, it’s not vegan friendly. No allergens however.
♥ ♥ 
I like the smooth-jelly texture of it, but I wasn’t super crazy about the sakura flavoring itself. It’s not floral or sweet, it seems kind of... not bitter, but maybe bland? It’s an acquired taste I think, because sometimes I like it.
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This next item I was very excited for, I’ve always wanted to try mitarashi dango after I tried a Japanese candy kit featuring an imitation of it, so this is probably one of the closest chances I’ll get for the time being. This comes from Eguchi Confectionery located in Fukuoka. Not vegan friendly as it may contain animal byproducts, contains eggs and minor traces of milk, soybeans, and sesame.
Mitarashi sauce is a sweetened soy sauce with a fresh, slightly spicy after-note, usually made as a glaze for foods. This specific mitarashi is combined with a bit of mochi and red bean, snuggled inside a wafer.
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The inside texture was chewy and reminded me of red beans, but the filling was sweet and only tasted like the mitarashi itself. In the “heart“ of it was a chewy, mochi core. It was very yummy! They gave us two of them too x3 I couldn’t be happier~
Rikishi Mochi Monaka & Sakura Cream Sandwich
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Next up we got 2 sandwich cookie-esque pieces, as you can see they both have pretty designs on them too. First is the Monaka, made by Tenkei Confectionery in Niigata. This specific wafer snack was inspired by sumo wrestlers, who are said to eat a lot of mochi to build up strength. The filling is a combination of mochi and red beans. Vegan friendly, contains wheat and soybean with minor traces of egg and milk.
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I’m kind of fickle with red bean snacks, sometimes I like them and sometimes I don’t. If it’s super-strong in flavor I usually don’t enjoy it. I didn’t think it was too bad with this one. The wafer was very fragile and easily broke apart, in fact they kind of made a bit of a mess while I ate, and they stuck to my lips and inner-mouth. The wafer has no flavor to it either. I didn’t dislike it, but it’s not something I see myself wanting more of.
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I love the pretty flower design on this one, especially when combined with the lovely flower print package! These are by Nagara-en in Gifu. These wafers are made from fried mochi and feature a thin layer of sweet vanilla cream. Vegan friendly, contains egg and wheat, and traces of milk, soy, almond, orange, kiwi, banana, apple, and sesame.
That’s a lot isn’t it?
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There is cream in here, and even though it’s super-thin and looks practically invisible from the side, you can bet it’s there! It’s just sweet enough to avoid becoming cloying, and the wafer is very crispy. It’s the complete opposite of the red bean monaka, and I could eat several of these with no hesitation!
Sakura Mini Baumkuchen, Sakura Sable Cookie, & Sencha Tea
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By Mikawa Daikokudo in Aichi comes a mini-baumkuchen cake. Last month we received a strawberry cake, this one is sakura. Did you know, as of this year baumkuchen has been in Japan for 102 years?! It was originally brought over from Germany in 1919.
Vegan friendly, contains egg, wheat, soybeans, and milk.
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I like trying these baumkuchen cakes. It’s on the moist side and they go great with drinks. This one came off as kind of average to me, I didn’t really taste any overwhelmingly strong flavors.
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Our next item comes from one of the featured makers, Rosmarin, located in Yamanashi. Vegan friendly, contains egg, wheat, soybeans, and milk, along with cherry blossom extract. The cookie contains a creamy chocolate in the center and was made using cherry blossom petals.
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This was really good :3 I’m not very big on white chocolate, but on occasion it can taste pretty good. I didn’t really taste cherry blossom, but it reminded me so much of the macadamia cookies my mom used to bring home from work when I was younger, and they had a white chocolate accent that I really liked. 
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Our tea this month comes from Brooks in Kanagwa. Sencha is a form of green tea, with it’s flavor coming from tea leaves rather then actual powder.
I’m beginning to wonder if we’ll ever get a tea/drink I like. But this is only the 3rd box of Sakuraco, I’m being too impatient. The booklet describes this as bitter and they were not kidding! I found it to be unpleasant, even with various sweets paired with it. Even when I tried to sweeten it myself I just couldn’t seem to figure out how to make it more enjoyable.
Fukuruko Shiruko & Sakura Owan Bowl
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I’m sorry I couldn’t show you the Fukuruko Shiruko in better condition, but the blowfish-shaped wafer it came in was busted up really bad by the time I got it. No clue what happened, but it couldn’t be saved. So I made the soup it was in anyway and put it in our new bowl. Vegan friendly, contains milk.
These soup powder-filled wafers have been pretty popular lately I think, I’ve been seeing a few youtubers I watch getting them. This specific soup is a red bean and mochi porridge. The wafer is obviously edible, and the soup gives it a sorta chewy texture, and on the inside are a few pieces of mochi. As you can see by the picture they stretch and become chewy when exposed to heat.
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So... I liked the mochi and wafer, and I like sweet things so it was kinda cool trying a sweet porridge. But as a fickle red bean person, I didn’t exactly enjoy that flavoring. It was alright, but not my favorite.
Himesakura Kuzumochi
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We’re nearly finished, this next item is a jiggly, traditional sweet incorporating a light sakura flavor. Included is a packet of kinako powder for sprinkling on top. Vegan friendly, contains soybeans. Comes from Surugaya in Osaka. 
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See, here I like the sakura flavor. It was sweet and very refreshing~
Azuki Warubi Mochi
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Our last item is pretty much the same thing, but this one was made from red bean and contains the actual beans in the jelly-ish mochi. Isn’t that fun?
This one comes from Yamada Confectionery in Tokushima. It’s vegan friendly and contains no allergens. It also included the kinako powder, as you can see. I’m not very delicate when adding it <_<
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Again, the flavoring is pretty light so I find it tolerable. I didn’t even mind eating the cold red beans in it, and it was still refreshing. This one seemed a bit more firm, but it still jiggled a bit. 
Content - 4 out of 5. I enjoyed this box! I didn’t hate anything and it all seems to go together well. A few items were a little broken up, but it didn’t ruin it for me.
Theme: 5 out of 5.
Total Rank: 8 out of 10 Cuties. As a possible farewell to spring, I thought this box did really well. I’m kind of glad and hope we’ll be moving away from red beans and sakura/cherry blossoms, I’ve had enough of them. I’m excited to see what type of things we’ll be getting for summer!
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