#i think that the dynamic she n yamada had was kinda interesting
roakkaliha · 1 year
tbh i kinda miss early kase-san era mikawa. she was so mean for no reason n that entertains me
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polar-stars · 4 years
Shigeo Eizan, Erina, Eizan Etsuya, Chigeo, Kimiko and Hayama for the character thing please?
Ohh, I didn’t think anyone would ask for my own characters but ;v; !!! Sure !
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life [Shigeo is a character I’m really proud of haha ; 7 ; But I’m glad he’s actually well-received. I can only repeat, that I did not expect that]
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang [Honestly, I feel a bit weird over commenting on the looks of my OCs ahdhd but, I gotta admit Shigeo is much of my type...but I mean, apparently I’m not alone on that? dshdfjFGJ So many have complimented Shigeo’s appearance now and I’m screaming. Y’all are making his ego grow.]
hogwarts house: gryffindor | S L Y T H E R I N, Shigeo’s a full-fledged snake...what do u think? | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: I said it once already, but I would actually say his loyalty is his best quality. Now, the number of people that Shigeo is loyal to is extremely slim but...well, it is a very strong loyalty. It’s just, again, it’s only few who earn that loyalty.
worst quality:  lol. I could name numerous things in that regard. But as I also said once already, I guess his most fatal flaw is that he swallows up his fears, his trauma and a lot of other things in himself and never works through it. 
ship them with:  ShigeChi >; Chieko had multiple ship-options at a certain point, but Shigeo’s only ship options always Chieko and welp ahdh The moment I started fleshing Shigeo out more, their dynamic grew more and more onto me and she also sneaked her way into his character-arc so. 
brotp them with: There’s Moe & Kiyoko, who are really close friends of his and I really love their relationships. But I also gotta bring up Suzume here. Suzume’s and Shigeo’s relationship makes me so happy, despite it not being exactly friendly ahdhd. It’s a lot of fun to think of their banter and interactions to me. Also well, Umino & Yamada deserve their mention as well, so here they go ahdh.
needs to stay away from: Ai Kabutoyama. Pls, don’t ship them. 
misc. thoughts: If “Shokugeki no Kimiko” was animated and had it’s own soundtrack, Shigeo deserves to be having a jazzy theme for himself. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life  
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang 
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: I really love how much of a Boss Bitch Erina really is, she steps into a place and she owns it and she knows it. But at the same time, her social awkwardness and also obvious care for Hisako, the PSD later on etc. also make her a cutie at the same time.
worst quality: This is really more on Tsukuda’s part, but I do not like how she’s written in BLUE Arc at all, and how she honestly keeps pushing Soma away while he goes out of his way for her multiple times...
ship them with:  Soma is my favorite choice for her
brotp them with: Hisako !!
needs to stay away from: HER DAD. AND ASAHI. AND HER MOM MAYBE- IDK, give her a better family. 
misc. thoughts: Takumi said in his match against her that if she’d be on the Elite Council “She’d be the zero seat”. And honestly, I kinda found myself wishing for Tsukuda just having run with that instead. Just establish a new seat extra for Erina because she’s that good. It still sounds kinda dumb yes, but not as dumb as making her actual headmistress. With 16. What also bothers me about her being headmistress is that it’s a very busy job, I’d imagine....Let Erina be a normal teen, could you? She was already robbed off a childhood, geez. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life  [ Or more of: An Angry Opposum, I found in the trash and that I decided to adopt]
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot [without bangs] | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang [wiTH BANGS]
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin [...duh] | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: Eizan is SO entertaining to me, you all have no idea. He’s so god-damn funny at times and I’m just ahdhd I love him. Meep, he’s intelligent and tactical and I like that in characters? I wish, we could have seen more of him being smart instead of having him being blinded more and more by rage and vengeance ;v; 
worst quality:  Lmao, do you want a list? His obsession for money? His unscrupulousness? His disregard of fucking...decency?? ahdh I could go on.
ship them with:  //takes out megaphone// nENE KINOKUNI, LADIES AND GENTS. In my eyes, he legit seems to hold some sort-off respect for her and I hold the headcanon that Eizan is actually crushing on her a little ver since middle school. Come on, I do think it’s plausible that he’d find himself attracted to a person like Nene: She’s smart, she’s no pushover, she murders people with just a glance, her hair is green. One of the meanings attributed to the color green is actually...finances, profit, banks, moNEY- 
brotp them with: The few interactions Eizan had with Somei legit cracked me up so...hdhd yeah, Somei. But also...Momo, being real. And of course, Isshiki & Kuga. Can’t forget them.
needs to stay away from: PSD, lol. I’d say Azami, but honestly Eizan seems to handle Azami fine? Azami just shows up at his work and is like: “What u doing owo?” and Eizan replies with “Are you bored or something????” like ahdhd WOW
misc. thoughts: Honestly...Is it plausible to assume that Eizan and Nene actually had a Shokugeki?...A Shokugeki which he won? I mean, somehow he had to earn that seat above her’s......right? (Would have been nice, if Tsukuda could have explained the new Elite 10 Ranking or show what got them there but nOPE)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life [She’s the first fanchild I ever made. I love her so much]
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang [It would break my heart to say anything else...She has insecurities]
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: I do love Chieko for how feisty she can be. The girl will mouth off multiple times to one of the most dangerous people at her school and I think it’s neat. 
worst quality: She does take longer to make her moves at times though, sometimes she’s just too careful and overthinking instead of stepping into battle. 
ship them with: Shigeo Eizan. Both of them succeed mainly through intellect, booth in cooking and other areas of life. It’s kind off natural, that they’d get eventually interested in each other. 
brotp them with: Yasu, Hideyoshi & Daisuke mainly, but the rest of PSD as well.
needs to stay away from: Shigeo, according to Yasu.  I don’t know as of right now honestly ahdh
misc. thoughts: Funfact, but her wearing a hairband once she’s a 2nd Year is kinda inspired by Disney’s Cinderella haha 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang 
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff 
best quality: Kimiko is brave and also most definitely an actor!! And as someone, who’s neither of those, I always admire these qualities ahdh. 
worst quality: Kimiko pretends that she can’t feel feelings like sadness for a good chunk of the story. She plasters a wide smile on her face, even if she’s really not okay and that’s not a good thing...I’m saying this from very strong personal experience.
ship them with: Hiroshi! It was a thing for me from the beginning on!
brotp them with: Mika and later on Kaori, mainly.
needs to stay away from: her brother, okay no ahdhd but well, the nasty part of her family she does not know too well to begin with I’d say
misc. thoughts: I’d LOVE to draw Kimiko more, you gotta believe me on that but her hair is super exhausting to draw ahdhd I love your twin tails Kimi, but they’re suffering. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life  
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang 
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin(?) | ravenclaw | hufflepuff [I can also picture him win Ravenclaw]
best quality: I kind off love how he’s the straight man in every group of friends he’s in? Someone give the poor man a break ahdhd. But I also really love how determined and ambitious he is, it’s inspiring to see (Which is why I kind off hate, that his shown that he refused to go to BLUE, because he didn’t feel strong enough? Idk, I feel the Akira I met in the Autumn Election wouldn’t have passed out on such a chance)
worst quality: not.....Not a big fan of the Central!Hayama/Soma-Shokugeki being real. I did not really enjoy his performance during that ; 7 ; But that’s just how I personally feel ;v; I don’t really dislike the idea of him joining Central, I just think it could have been done better
ship them with: Hisako!
brotp them with: Alice and Ryo of course 😤!!
needs to stay away from: Azami, haha. (Also...Not into shipping him romantically with Jun. At all. It does kinda creep me out, ngl since I do see her as a sort-off mother-figure in his life...)
misc. thoughts: It’s kinda crime, how he basically triggered the bit of Character development Hisako had, yet they never truly interacted with each other again afterwards ever again?? Like...Why? Why would you do something like this?
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daylightcolour · 6 years
ndrv3 for the fandom thing!
[I tried to make this as vague as possible because I can’t tag asks on mobile, but fair warning to anyone still avoiding ndrv3 stuff there’s some spoilers in this because I can’t talk about any of my opinions without writing all my reasons why hdjdjhsfjdgh]
Character I first fell in love with: I think waaay back when only Maki, Kiibo, and Kaito were revealed, I was super hyped for Kaito and I don’t remember why? Once everyone else was revealed though, I loved Miu and Tenko for their designs (and then later on after the names were revealed Ouma snatched my heart)
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: KAEDE!!!!!!! She hadn’t stood out to me at all, even when the game was released I had been pretty neutral about her. But personal things happened and now I’m. Head over heels for Kaede I would Die for this beautiful woman
Character everyone loves and I don’t: uhh Miu, kinda? She’s constantly switching between my (second) best girl and worst girl, but what bothers me about her is that everyone loves her for her pervertedness/lewd jokes then goes and hates Yamada for the exact same thing (even though he’s not nearly as bad in that respect) ;;;; I don’t even care about Yamada but I’ll defend him until the day I die
Character I love but everyone else hates: Tsumugi I guess? Not everyone 100% hates her but I know she’s highkey disliked for [redacted] — I love her personality earlier in the game, she’s super adorable esp. in her free time events with kaede… just looked back at this after i finished writing everything else, and remembered everyone hates Shinguuji for that thing that happened– he’s actually my best boy, i could go on abt why but i don’t wanna make this longer than it already is or start discourse (just to clarify though i don’t support incest irl or in fiction)
Character I used to love but I don’t any longer: THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD I HAVE NO IDEA??? I guess Saihara fell considerably down my personal character rankings after the game released, but I still love him even if I’m kinda bitter over Everything in chapter 1
Character I would kiss: KAEDE!!!! THERE’S LITERALLY NO CONTEST!!!!!!! tho if I could I’d kiss all of them tbh
Character I want to slap: None Of Them and that’s just how it be
A pairing I love: I rly adore amamatsu, it’s super comforting to me and just Really really underrated too. In the game, their interactions are written so that it doesn’t force or highkey suggest anything but I feel like it also shows some underlying feelings; killing game aside, I feel like their relationship has the potential to be the healthiest ship in danganronpa if it only it had time to develop :(I think I explained that pretty badly but I promise I’m gonna make an in-depth post on why I ship amamatsu someday, where my thoughts will actually be organized and I’ll have quotes/screenshots from in-game because I’d die for this ship
oumami is an honorable mention for this question because I’ve shipped it since before the game even released and I still feel like they could have an interesting dynamic together ;;
A pairing I hate: SUPER super unpopular opinion but I hate saimatsu with every fiber of my being!! Platonically it’s adorable, but romantically it’s just so. ugh it’s forced and overrated as hell and I’ve had the worst experiences with the shippers too, everyone I’ve talked with on a semi-personal level ended up being a snakeso yeah 0/10 overall (though it’s cool if you ship it, idc just don’t push it in my face you know?)
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