#and then doubles down on the denial even harder
fanarchoslashivist · 1 year
#61 for @rotgsecretsanta
It was supposed to be longer but i had to cut a lot since i couldn’t tie it off properly and now I’m at the end of the deadline! Sorry. It’s all over the place.
That he has them isn’t what makes it strange, everyone has them, the dogs, the deer, the horses, and people too.
There are marks on Jack’s back.
Every plant had its own leaf pattern, its own flowers, every tree its own unique bark, and every fish a flash of color in its scales. Marks were a part of being alive, of growing and changing, like a river cutting through a mountain, a storm battering a coast.
The world was made of marks and patterns.
It was just that, well, sometimes the markings are… different.
There were stories, of course, of marks being strange. Jack heard the tale of the white speckled moose that had chased his uncle’s war band nearly off a cliff in his youth. He had seen a white faced raccoon scuttle away as he had shook and waved about with his tree branches at the birds in their cornrows. He knew that marks could be bigger, bolder, stranger than everyone else’s.
It was just that… why did it have to be his?
Strange marks were a sign something else had touched you, something else was paying attention. People with different marks could be powerful, medicine people or great warriors, or they could do great damage.
Jack was always careful covering it. Even among his own people he was considered odd, the adults spoke differently when he was around, more reserved, and the other kids would sometimes slip and name him aloud what their parents whispered.
They loved him, it was a small village, some still migrating to and from their summer encampments, there was little room for animosity against a child, even one who as an infant had run naked through the snow unharmed.
They didn’t know what the marks on his back meant, but they knew an Icicle when they saw one. His grandmother was Tappan after all, her mark a spiraling line around her forearm like a coiled snake. She had fled from the coast in her youth, her family caught in the Slaughter of the Innocents that had left her and his grandfather orphaned. There always seemed to be people running away from something, even back then, and his grandfather had told them stories of their journey, of seeking refuge from the violence at the Pavonia settlement and been met with a massacre.
His mother had grown weak after he was born, his grandmother confided in him when he was older that he had been shockingly cold to the touch in their hands from the very first shriek of life, and the mark had stood out bold as a spotted skunk’s across his back.
His father was a runaway indentured laborer who had carried him in a cradleboard as he worked their farms alongside the women. In the colonies farming was menswork, and he had been traded between four masters before he had fled, here he was still learning his place. He was a giant in Jack’s memories, the man who named him and cared for him through most of his childhood,he had been the one who shared his own people’s beliefs about marks. That God had marked each person for their role in life.
The Nobility and Monarchy had their marks, and the merchants and trades theirs, and the peasant folk and laborers and the slaves all had their own as well. It was proof of God’s plan.
His father’s mark was a hazy uneven mound on the back of his hand that he had always called his Ship, talking of his plans to travel to the New World the moment he had seen the very first sails in the distance his first visit to Port.
Jack always thought it looked more like mountains, he had traced them often as a child, fingers memorizing every scar on his knuckles.
Jack remembered his hands more than he remembered his face.
The Golden Age was full of romanticism.
The Pookan Brotherhood always seemed like such an outlier among all the whimsy, preferring the stability of logic and facts.
It was a fact they were all made of the components of the universe, chemicals and elements, bits of stardust, gasses, and energy to move it all. Every race was shaped slightly different, forming in their own environments, their own differing habitable zones, but they were all products of their grand cosmos.
And in all of the natural world one thing that could be assured of was that patterns repeated. Fractals, spirals, waves, stripes. The Pooka all had different color morphs, different fur types, different body sizes, they already had so many different variations just as a single species of their planet, and they still sometimes matched. Combined with the diverse array of life forms from ten thousand planets it was only to be expected that some form of patterns repeated.
They as a people loved to paint their own markings, family crests and feats of strength, celebrations of achievements, places of birth, each culture had its own history, but they all regarded the birth markings as just another natural coloration.
But the Golden Age was the age of the Romantic, and the strange Constellan custom spread far through the simple power of Belief.
That somewhere out there was one who matched you. Mirrored you.
Was meant for you.
It was all nonsense of course. Patterns repeated is all, with trillions upon trillions of people across thousands of planets of course someone was going to be born with the same mark somewhere.
But… even the Pooka were intrigued by the numbers, when they started paying attention.
There were many long lived species among them, though the Pooka boasted the Oldest (only because Star Pilots lived such harrowing lives), and naturally a person could find their match if they lived long enough. The simpler patterns could repeat more frequently, but it was worthy of note that almost every lifeform had one singular spot, just one slight color variation, that was unique to every individual even of the most identical examples, and that sometimes that irregularity would match perfectly with another from an entirely different species, an entirely different world.
Pooka had no concept of souls, a body was made up of matter powered by consciousness, and if enough magic existed in the area of that consciousness perhaps an echo of a person could be left behind as a ‘ghost’, and perhaps that ‘ghost’ could continue to build upon that and create for itself a new physical form. This was the basis of belief after all, the layering of magic into a consciousness, bringing even distant stars grouped together into a pattern called a constellation, and breathed to life.
So Pooka would never ascribe themselves to the belief in this... Soulmate fad that was growing out from the Constellans culture and fast becoming the foundational lore behind the odd discolorations everyone shared, but it was a pleasant bit of whimsy. A little bit of illogic that harmed no one to indulge in, that somewhere out there someone was made up of the same bit and pieces of star matter as you were.
So if asked Bunnymund would never have said he actually believed in it.
But there was a twinge of… something… when he noticed two Pooka showing off their identical marks, finding each other against all odds and bonding over the absurdity of it all.
It was a nice fantasy, that someone out there was his match, as a war waged all around them and their worlds burned.
Jack’s mother had struggled to give birth to him, she was too weak to even nurse him in the weeks after and through most of his infancy he fed from his Aunties. They all adored him, as much as they did any child, and fretted over his strange mark, and the fading strength of his mother.
She recovered, eventually, though she was quick to tire for the rest of his memory of her.
He would run about to help her, as soon as he was able to do so. Fetching this, holding that, entertaining the other children when she was charged with their keeping. He adored her, and she never gave him anything but her love, and a good scolding whenever he went out into the snow in bare feet.
Her mark was on her inner wrist, a beautiful vine of leaves, the most distinct mark he’d ever seen. He loved to paint flowers on them as a child, and his sister would come to do the same.
His father fretted all through her second pregnancy, lovingly bossed about by his grandmother and aunties. Jack had been mesmerized by the idea of it, of a small new baby in his mother’s body. He had seen plenty of new babies, his mother was often carrying someone else’s cradleboard as they went off for one thing or another, and he loved to make them laugh until they sicked up. Pudgy little faces swaddle in soft fur and watching him with wide amazed eyes.
But this one was going to be his, to keep! A brother or a sister.
He had carefully built a turtle rattle in anticipation, under the amused and somewhat exasperated guidance of his uncle, and the avaricious eyes of several crows in the tree who wondered if there was still meat left inside it.
Jack sometimes fed the Crows, though he wasn’t supposed to. Fish guts were for planting, or the dogs, and if he fed the crows too close to the village they often made themselves at home, and helped themselves to whatever was not carefully watched.
So Jack gutted the fish he caught at a spot near the lakeshore and left them all the unwanted bits, and they in return came down to play and keep him entertained as he worked.
When his sister was finally born it was with a diamond on her foot.
It was a good sign, marks on the feet meant ties to the earth, to the land.
Jack would tickle her there, as they grew up together, he would tease her and cherish her and pinpoint her weakness with the accuracy only a brother could have.
As they grew up together Jack never forgot that the mark on his back made him different, even in the summer when the other boys stripped down to their skins he wore his shirts, he fed the crows, he climbed the trees, and he tormented the other children with his tales and his tricks, and he hid his mark from those who passed through, and he looked to others as any other child did.
Though they sometimes still called him icicle.
They would believe it until he died.
Bunnymund hadn’t intended to find peace on this planet.
He had intended to finish his assignment and get back out there and fight.
The Constellan Houses wanted a safe heaven, someplace far far away from anything on the map, from where the fighting is, someplace to send their children.
And their rulers.
Bunnymund tried not to think less of them back then. The Lunanoffs just had a baby, a young heir to a long and powerful line, and it wasn’t like they were going to be hiding away by themselves, they were making a refuge for everyone.
It just seemed like taking a fighter, any fighter but especially one as skilled as him, out of the battle to build a habitable planet instead of just hiding their ships in the asteroid belt of the same solar system was maybe a wasted effort.
But he did as he was told, entering the time stream to step out far ahead, in both time and distance, onto a planet he had hand picked to match their specifications. He had time, just enough time, to get the planet somewhat in shape before they arrived. Not enough to be perfect, no, but that’s what they had their Moon for.
He had planned everything perfectly, careful as always not to break taboo with Pookan time travel, and ensured the coordinates he sent out would arrive at the MoonClipper precisely when it needed to, he didn’t expect a reply. Even if they were ignorant enough to send one, it wouldn’t reach him until long after they already landed. Constellans lacked the ability to travel through time to reach their destinations quickly, Pookans had tried to create Time Machines for them to use as shortcuts, but the damn idiots kept fixating on changing the course of their own history. As if that wouldn’t unravel the whole damn universe.
Emotional impulsive creatures had to be safeguarded from the tools they could use to destroy themselves. Regardless of the fits they liked to throw.
Bunny knew he was being uncharitable, but he had been frustrated back then, knowing that there was a war going on to decide the fate of the known universe and he was all but banished to a distant unused corner, tending to a planet with no possibility of knees until he had orbited the nearest star billions of times.
He rubbed at the back of his neck, where the very beginning of his birthmark was, and felt it like a warm trickle of water ripple down the whole of his back.
Pooka marks always took up almost half their bodies, unchanging even when they shapeshifted. He had developed a habit of touching it after he had learned that sometimes its twin felt the warmth. Not that he believed in all that, probably another twist in the tale created by the widespread belief, but as the planet orbited and the star wheeled overhead and the lack of anything but the feel of shifting rock under his claws pulled his pack bonded mind taunt with worry he sought the sensation of touch more and more.
Maybe if there was someone meant to match him, they would feel his touch and find comfort.
Even in a fight for their lives.
But really if all it was doing was keeping him sane, that was okay too.
Jack had marks on his back.
He wasn’t five days out of the lake before he learned about them. He had been punted, quite rudely, into the mound of horse manure steaming on the ice after trying to introduce himself to someone who could finally actually see him. Not a person, he didn’t know what it was, but it laughed at him after seeing him attempting to talk to people and getting ghosted, quite literally, again.
Then it turned around and kicked him right into the pile, and laughed some more.
It looked something like a horse, while also being nothing like a horse, and nothing like a deer or a bison either, but it was a pretty nasty piece of work and Jack had retaliated by blasting it in ice.
Honestly he hadn’t even known he could do that.
And then he had gone off to bath in the river and hopefully get the stink of horseapples out of his clothes.
It was there that he met the crows.
He heard them laughing sometimes, the way the many hooves creatures he just froze laughed, but they laughed at everyone so he hadn’t taken much notice. Assuming it was just the sound they had made.
Then they whistled as he took his shirt off, and made a whole lot more noise as they came down to land beside him.
“Jack!” One cried in a high voice. “Your mark changed!”
Jack flinched back at the feel of claws on his shoulder and got battered in the face by wings as the crow changed trajectory, trying to land in his hair, and him trying to cover his head with his arms.
“Don’t fuss, let me look at you!” It snapped firmly, but not painfully, at his skin with its beak.
“Do you know me?” He asked, stilling as the crow settled, wobbling to keep its balance.
“Rude.” It replied, nipping at him. “Can’t ever tell us apart. Typical Human.”
“What’s a human?” Jack wondered.
“Stupid too.” Someone called from the trees, and the wind shook them, insulted. They seemed to enjoy it more than anything.
“Mark’s black now.” The crow on his head spoke up again. “Winter took you back, we wondered when it would.”
“What are you talking about?” Jack demanded, shoving his arms back into his wet shirt and then up over his head, bird be damned.
“Hey, don’t get mad at me!”
First people to talk to him, and its a violent whatever-the-fuck and a bunch of wise-ass crows.
“Do you know where we are?” He asked, brushing off the freezing water as it stiffened like wood.
“Humans call it Hawthorn.” The crow replied, settling on the crook of his staff to stare at him, “Or the Upperlands, depending on who you ask.”
Okaaaay, that was something at least, even though none of it made sense.
He had kind of been hoping once he heard the name of the place he was at he’d know something about it, the way he knew what a horse or a crow was, though he hadn’t the foggiest what the thing back in town was that kicked him.
“And Winter brought me here?” Funny, he was sure he had a million questions he’d wanted to ask when he was following around the people, now they all seemed to vanish as he realized naming the town gave him nothing to go on.
“No, Winter just took you back.” The crow explained. “You came from the ice.”
He remembered coming out of the ice in the lake, so he guessed it kind of made sense. “And what you said, about a mark?”
“You didn’t know?” The crow asked.
“It’s on his back!” Someone called from the trees.
“Can’t see.” Said another. “His head doesn't turn that way.”
“We all have a mark.” The crow told him. “Yours is on your back.” Then he pecked at Jack’s shirt. “Got any food?”
Humans were late to the planet.
He hadn’t meant to create something so close to the Constellans. He honestly didn’t think it would have been possible if he HAD tried, but here they were, bipedal sapiens walking about all over the planet before he knew it.
It wasn’t exactly his fault that they took him by surprise, the planet circled the star at a much quicker pace than his home world did and after the battle he had seen from the sky that had left the moon hovering in their orbit with no response on any of the communication frequencies, and no answers to any of his many messages back to the Pookan Brotherhood, he had fallen… into lethargy.
He had slept.
A lot.
And after he slept, and woke to still more silence, he had wept.
He knew what silence meant, when the MoonClipper was there in his sky, hull a mess from cannon blasts, and none of the anticipated missives arriving behind it.
It meant that they had lost.
They had been struggling already when he had been pulled from the line of duty, or else building a refuge would not have even been entertained, and now there was silence.
Still he tried. He sent out calls, sent out coordinates, pleading, reassuring, ranting at whoever was still out there.
Until it seemed that he truely was the last sentient life form left from the Golden Age.
And then, one day as he was walking his world after a long and somehow still exhausting rest, he found the makings of a home. People, so close to resembling the long lost Constellans that his heart had tripled in rhythm at seeing them, down to the pattern of their mark.
They were made of the matter of the universe, elements and compounds and energy, pushed on by consciousness and wielding magic through belief.
Patterns repeating endlessly until somehow all the right peices fell into place to make a near perfect mirror.
It was the very first human settlement of many to come, and for all the pain and disappointment they would bring to him in the ten thousand years he would watch over them, they gave him hope.
His mark burned where he touched it, a habit he could never manage to break.
Jack hadn’t meant to cause the accident.
Which was unusual because normally Jack loved to cause problems on purpose, especially if it was the very stuck up his own ass Bunny he was dealing with, but he hadn’t actually meant it this time.
And now they were stuck in the labyrinth of a man scientist… wizard… person who was trying to build a doomsday device apparently.
Because of course he is.
It wasn’t HIS fault that the grumpy rabbit had always made himself such an eye catching target for a snowball.
How was he supposed to know that he, and his fellow Guardians, were on Jack’s turf investigating old coal mines for clues? It wasn’t like he’d talked to them, ever, aside from Bunny; and Bunny had been pretty scarce since Jack had accidentally dumped an itty bitty little storm on his oh so special holiday.
Used to be if he stirred up a little bit of snow Bunny would come chasing after him to chew him out. Which was FUN! Bunny was a riot! He never managed to Catch Jack, because of course Easter egg hunts were a bit more important than spending all day playing at and mouse, but Jack didn’t think the guy would do anything serious if he ever did get ahold of him.
So the near forty years of radio silence and catching neither ear nor tail of the rabbit even on Easter had gotten him a bit down… which made him a little sloppy, a little more prone to just… chucking a snowball without paying much attention to the surroundings.
And now they were trapped.
Woohoo! Bonding Time!
Bunny was fun from a distance, but a stuck up grump was a stuck up grump and Jack was all in favor of fucking around and finding out so long as he was well out of asskicking range.
He;d learned that trick from the crows.
He was going to murder himself a frost sprite.
Bunny clawed at his own face in frustration as they sloughed their way out of the pit, absolutely covered in the stinking gore of whatever it was they had just had to kill. Some monstrosity the wizard had magiced together using animal carcases and stuck in a corner to be unleashed upon his enemies, helpfully caged off if you had actually breached the interior of the labyrinth.
Unless some asshole pulls the lever to lose them.
And guess what?
Guess what he was stuck with in this absolute mess of a situation?
Was it exactly that kind of asshole?
Yes, yes it was.
Jack, fucking Frost everybody, clap your hands.
If this goop dried in his fur it was going to be a BITCH to get out. “I should have let it eat you.” He growled as he pulled off his bandolier and tossed it on the ground, sinking into the sparkling fountain that Jack had been so sure had been a secret passage, one opened via lever pull.
“I mean, on the bright side we know what ONE lever does.” Jack, lacking any remorse, wiggled his finger at the remaining six. Let’s see what’s behind Door number two!”
“If you pull anything while I’m in here I WILL kill you.” Bunny turned like a viper and snatched Jack out of the air SO FAST. “I have had as much as I can take from you, and so help me if you don’t stop to THINK.”
“Fine, fine. WHatever.” Jack raised his hands, “No button pushing. Got it. You are so severe.”
He pushed Jack under the water and held him there.
It wasn't… it wasn’t anything really.
It was years later.
Jack annoyed the FUCK out of him. Why did Jack insist on seeking him out. Why?!
But after they had, kind of, worked together to stop a magical bomb created by a madman it was kind of… tolerable.
And then maybe a little enjoyable.
And then maybe, possibly, if only out of habit, Bunny had started seeking Jack out too.
And it wasn’t that he meant anything by it, he wasn’t hanging on Jack’s every word or considering if Jack would maybe enjoy some of the places he was visiting, but every once in a while he was struck with the fact that… well.. it was getting a little harder to get through his days without thinking about him.
He’d cracked wise at some event with the guardians and nobody had laughed, and he’d felt like an idiot, nothing worse than a joke falling flat, but what really stood out was that… well, Jack would have laughed at that.
Jack would have gotten the joke.
And didn’t that just bite.
So here he was, sitting under a tree by the lake Jack liked to frequent, as Jack ran down to the water absolutely covered in mud. Why humans liked to throw themselves into knee high slop at the first opportunity he didn’t understand, but Jack had apparently had a lot of fun at the muddying event, though he had primary participated to knock people off balancing posts to the slop below.
“I’ll just be a minute,” Jack called, shucking off his hoodie and tossing it into the lake, the white blouse underneath was tan from the clay heavy mud.
“Take yer time.” He drawled, flipping through his sketchbook quickly to disguise that he had been staring. It sounded a little too suggestive out loud, and he didn’t want to know if Jack had any kind of expression on his face as he said it.
He had offered up a shower at the Warren, but Jack got all cagey when Bunny brought him around, like he was afraid he was going to break something, which was never a good look on him. He preferred it when Jack was comfortable, even if that meant not sharing such an important part of himself.
They were… well they were friends now.
Jack had to know he wasn’t going to chase him off over a moss covered bolder.
He only trusted himself to look back after the sounds of splashing assured him Jack was busy rinsing himself.
There was a ringing.
In his ears.
A sudden disorientating lightheadedness that under any other circumstances he was sure should trigger alarm bells in his brain. Someone was fucking with his head, brain magic, or a curse, or blood loss. He fel this way with blood loss.
But it wasn’t any of that.
All these years, he’d certainly never hidden his own, for centuries hadn’t even thought about them.
But Jack…
Jack had marks on his back.
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cutemeat · 2 years
📂 ooh random headcanon yes let's go what ya got
i have a HC that mac likes to sleep with married men 🫣 like he totally slept with The Lawyer n ruined the guys marriage n thats why theres a uh.. certain level of tension there LOL
and also mac totally banged dennis in the back office after Maureen kicked them out in 06x02 n then basically pretends it didnt ever happen which pisses dennis off etcetc but yeah. i just think mac likes sleeping w married men
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inazuman · 1 year
it's too good and it's true
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☁  alhaitham x f!reader x kaveh s.mut, genshin impact ☁  reader is afab and goes by she/her. alhaitham delays your orgasm for 5 days whilst kaveh is away. poly and established relationship. bits of alhaitham x reader and alhaitham x kaveh before the finale alhaitham x reader x kaveh. orgasm delay and denial (you cum at the end dw!!), alhaitham calls you his cumdump and cocksleeve, thigh-fucking (haitham), toys (just for a bit), overstimulation, oral (both m and f receiving), slight cervix bumping, slight choking, double penetration, slight dacryphilia, creampie, slight cumplay. alhaitham uses cameras to keep watch on u. there’s a alhaitham x kaveh shower sex section. alhaitham is mean at first but he loves you. kaveh is so sweet. they’re both very sweet at the end, they both use pet names: baby, love, pretty. aftercare at the end!! ☁ 6.k words. A/N: my pussy created this. also this is basically alhaitham delays readers orgasm and then both him and kaveh console u w sex LMAO /lh.
You agree to Alhaitham’s little game for the five days Kaveh is away, but you didn’t think it would be this bad.
Five days of no orgasms doesn’t sound that hard, really. You’ve got plenty of work to do, and a week won’t kill you.
But what Alhaitham failed to mention, was what he would do during that time. Because Alhaitham didn’t say anything about his own orgasms.
His smart and perverted ass set up a high-definition camera in the bedroom. So he could watch you, make sure you’re behaving, even when he’s not home. And for the first two days, you thought he might take pity on you and let you cum if you begged hard enough, begged pretty enough. His tongue swipes against your clit over and over again, fingers pressing deep into your cunt. And you ask oh-so-nicely if you can cum, tears falling down your face.
But he only plays with you long enough to get you slick, dripping, for his own cock to slide into you, his hands spreading you from behind to watch himself sink in.
He’s careful about it, pressing your face against the pillows, forcing your back to arch as he pounds into you. He’s careful to make sure your clit isn’t touched, that he’s maximizing his own pleasure whilst minimising yours. You sob as he cums inside of you, spent. And then he cleans you up like normal, takes you into his arms like normal, before falling straight to sleep next to you.
It takes hours for the throbbing of your cunt to subside. You look down at the camera at the bottom of the bed. You don’t dare disobey him, because if there’s anything you know, it’s that his punishments come even harsher.
You find out that there’s cameras in the bathroom and the office the first time you try to touch yourself, try to misbehave. You look at the showerhead and think about how good the pressure would feel, your hands sliding between your legs for not even two minutes before the Akasha terminal on the bathroom counter starts ringing.
Fuck, you think, before wiping your ear and putting on the device.
“What did I say about touching what’s mine?”
Alhaitham’s voice is rough with a dangerous edge, both making your stomach drop and your pussy even wetter. You swallow down your arousal with apologies.
By the third day, he doesn’t even need to prep you, really. It takes seconds of his hands pressing against your cunt when he gets home before you start to slick against his fingers, like your body remembers how long it’s been, what’s required of it.
He smirks at the touch. Makes it easier for him to slide into you for the night, holding one of your thighs up as you lie on your side.
“Just a little cumdump for me, aren’t you?” You moan against his cheek, your head falling back on his shoulder, your legs shivering as his pace gets faster.
“My precious little cocksleeve, taking my cock so well.” His voice drops low, breath ghosting over your ear. It takes everything in you to keep your hands to yourself. He presses deeper into you, fingertips gripping your thigh harder.
“This is what you’re made for, isn’t it? Ah, fuck.” You think it might be worse listening to him, hearing him get closer and closer to a climax that you will never reach. You moan wantonly anyways, crying into his neck.
“This pretty pussy’s just for me, wet and aching just for me,” he kisses your neck, “makes me cum every time. Fuck, baby, m’gonna cum.” He fucks you hard, your heartbeat erratic in your chest, your thighs clenching together, your walls shaking as it milks his cock.
He takes a sharp intake of breath and cums, his movements slowing but not stopping, taking in his minutes of satisfaction, ropes of white spilling inside of you, before he relaxes.
You swear it would only take one swipe against your clit to make you cum, and he seems aware of that too as he cleans you up, wet towel wiping your whole body first so your pussy can calm down before he gets to it, carefully cleaning up the mess he made.
“You’re so good for me, baby,” he tells you lovingly, and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“H-Haitham,” you sob, breath hitching, “I-I wanna…”
“I know, love,” Alhaitham coos, petting your hair, “when Kaveh gets home, we’ll all give each other some love. Think you can wait until then, baby?”
You nod into him, letting him make the decisions. Because you know, in the end, he’s always taken care of you.
On the fourth day, Alhaitham comes home late, at 2AM in the morning. You’ve been busying yourself with work all day, and you’re fast asleep, your lips pursed cutely, your cheeks smushed by the pillow.
You look so sweet, he feels his cock hardening in his pants. He just has to ruin you again tonight.
He goes to touch between your legs and smiles, glad to find you’re still wet. He’s had his own fill of orgasms from torturing you everyday, so he figures even when you’re asleep, you can help make his dick hard again, can’t you?
“That’s what you’re made for, isn’t it, baby? To take my cock whenever I want?” he whispers to no one.
He pets your hair, removing your soaked panties and replacing them with his own cock between your legs, sliding against your wet cunt and thighs. Archons, he thinks he could get off just from this, his jaw clackens as he gets his cock coated with your wetness, the soft skin of your thighs inviting him in.
“You’re so pretty,” he can’t help but mutter, even though you can’t hear him. You’re moaning quietly in your sleep, like you know without really knowing. He opens up the button-down you’re wearing, your skin shining under the moonlight, breasts bouncing with every thrust he makes between your thighs.
“H-Haitham…” you whimper into the night, not fully awake, making him even harder. He squeezes your thighs hard, pushing them together tighter.
“Fuck. Yeah, baby. I’m here.” He leans his body over you, breath ghosting over your ear, hair tickling your cheek. “You just rest, okay? You can- oh – you can go back to sleep. It’s okay.”
The first thing you notice is how warm and hard he is. You’re aware of how wet you are and at the same time sleep beckons to you. You wrap your arms around him, drifting in and out of consciousness for while, but moaning and whimpering his name all the same.
Alhaitham kisses you on the cheek, his nose bumping into yours. “Yeah, love. Gotta rest up before Kaveh gets back. Ahh, fuck, your thighs are so soft, your pussy’s leaking all over me. Got you all worked up and I’m not even inside you, huh?”
Your hand wraps into his hair at the nape of his neck, your back arching into him like it might grant you some kind of stimulation. You tense your thighs shut, squeezing his cock, and roll your hips up towards him, making him groan.
“Fuck, baby, just like that.” His cock moves past your folds again and again in long strokes, from the head all the way to the base. You whine at him for more, more, until he’s gripping the headboard, taking sharp intakes of breath through gritted teeth.
“I’m gonna come,” his voice catches between groans, hot breath puffing against your cheek. You feel his cock throb between your legs. His body tenses as he releases over your thighs, white spurts between your legs joining your slick that’s dripped down until he’s spent.
You whine up at him, holding him tighter like it’ll take away the ache between your legs. He holds you softly, lovingly, despite the torment he’s causing.
“You were so good to me, love. You’re so good,” he kisses the top of your head, uncharacteristically uncaring for the mess still between you both for the time he takes to console you. 
On the fifth day, you try and busy yourself with work, because all you can think about is Kaveh coming home.
But Alhaitham isn’t that nice, of course. You should’ve known it, should’ve seen it coming.
Your hands are tied to either corner of the bed, courtesy of Alhaitham making sure you’re spread open before he goes to pick Kaveh up. He leaves a very small, unsatisfactory vibrator inside of you before he goes. But after the week you’ve had, it’s enough to keep you wet, waiting for them.
Kaveh is greeted with the prettiest sight in the world when he enters the bedroom.
“Hi, pretty,” he coos, eyes wandering down your body and back up. You mutter a soft “welcome home” as he kisses your forehead, moving your hair back.
“Alhaitham and I are just gonna get freshened up, okay? And then we’ll be right with you.” Kaveh smiles soft and easy, his fondness making you relax as Alhaitham removes the toy from you, wiping it down with a wet towel.
“Awh, you kept her slick just for me?” Kaveh kisses your cheek, gently pressing his hand on the inside of your knee to see the mess you’ve made.
“Let’s get in the shower. Don’t want you to get your travel germs on the bed.” The toy is cleaned and put back in the drawer, and Alhaitham pushes Kaveh by the waist into the bathroom.
You think if you didn’t want Alhaitham so badly in this moment, you might punch him.
Because of course they’re having shower sex, and of course they’re being so goddamn loud.
Alhaitham presses Kaveh’s front against the shower wall, the cold shocking him for only a split second before behind even more shocked at the sight behind him. Alhaitham gets on his knees, pressing kisses to both sides of his rear, licking at the warm skin there.
“Alhaitham,” Kaveh pants, the shower water only an afterthought as Alhaitham’s tongue draws closer to his hole. “Oh, fuck. In the mood to spoil me, love?”
Alhaitham’s hand runs against the underside of Kaveh’s cock, making him shiver. “Moan louder, let her hear it.”
“Oh, is that what this is about?” Kaveh’s voice lilts teasingly, but it’s all the response he can manage before Alhaitham laps into his rim, pumping Kaveh’s cock at the same time. The shout Kaveh yells is almost real, his hands fisting against the shower wall.
“Oh, fuck!” Kaveh’s voice echoes off the shower walls and into the bedroom. “Your tongue feels so good!”
His tongue? You thrash against the sheets, moaning in tandem. How long has it been since you’ve felt that sensation? Alhaitham has always been methodical about it, observant, persistent licks over and over. And Kaveh has always been an artist, describing his situation so picturesque between moans. You can imagine it so clearly, the way Alhaitham would rile Kaveh up. The images flash in your mind side by side your fantasies of finally having them both again.
“Fuck, yes, touch me too. Ah, both places at once… it’s so much! Oh, please, more!” If you weren’t so wet right now, you might roll your eyes at how fucking annoying they are. But the sound of Kaveh’s nearing orgasm has your thighs clenching together, frustrated that you’re not allowed to cum and also that he is allowed.
“I-I’m gonna cum, ohh, Haitham. Spoil me more. Yes, right there! Oh, Archons, I-I’m coming,” you ache both in your pussy and your heart. You want to be spoiled, to be satisfied over and over.
You think that’s the end, that they’ll come out and treat you next, until you hear the sudden slap of skin and Alhaitham’s low grunts.
“It’s- it’s so big! Ohh, so sensitive… I think I- oh, harder! I’m gonna cum again!”
You huff as they finish and the showerhead turns off, mild jealousy and questions filling your mind. What if they’re too spent for you now? What if this is your punishment? What if-
The bathroom door opens to reveal your freshly washed partners. Kaveh smiles sheepishly, with Alhaitham smirking behind him.
You think you might cry. Kaveh’s eyes widen, his hands coming to cup your face immediately, and that’s when you realise you are crying. He moves quickly, untying you so that you can wrap your arms around him.
“Alhaitham,” Kaveh scolds his lover, who’s now standing very awkwardly next to the bed. “You tortured her too much!”
“You didn’t seem to think it was too much literally 5 minutes ago!” Alhaitham argues back.
“You made her cry!”
“She looks pretty when she cries.”
Kaveh redirects himself to you. “Shh, shh,” he pets you softly. “It’s okay, baby. We’re here for you now. And we’re gonna treat you so well. Aren’t we, Alhaitham?”
“That was the plan.”
“That is the plan!” Kaveh scowls at the man whose name he moaned 5 minutes ago before lying you down on the bed, his lips coming over yours.
His kisses are pillowy against yours, and you melt into his arms, your heart feels like it’s being put back together again. Alhaitham moves to behind you, stroking your back and moving your hair away from your face, laying kisses on your neck.
“Baby,” Kaveh whispers against your lips, “you’ve been so good. Five whole days like this? Love, you deserve the reward of a lifetime, don’t you think?”
You hug him again, sniffling against him.
“Aren’t you gonna apologize to her, Alhaitham?” Kaveh looks at him notably.
Alhaitham shifts to kiss down your spine, bringing your back flat against the bed once again. Kaveh situates himself with you in his lap, his hands moving over your breasts. Alhaitham mutters something about how “all I do is serve you both” as he spreads your legs, making Kaveh whistle low.
“Oh, baby, you’re still soaked,” Kaveh teases, tweaking your nipples between his fingers. “You get like that just from listening to us, pretty?”
“She gets that from not cumming for 5 days.” Alhaitham responds flatly.
“Tch. If you’re gonna take so long, I’ll get down there and treat her.”
Alhaitham smirks, pressing teasing kisses to your thighs. “She’s gonna cum so fast once I start. Aren’t you, love?”
And you hate knowing he’s right. Your hands grip onto Kaveh’s thighs, panting in response.
“Yeah, baby, you should hold on.” It’s the last sentence Alhaitham says before, gratefully, his tongue laps into your folds.
He moans at the taste immediately, humming against your core. You’re so warm, your pussy already pulsing under his tongue.
It’s heavenly, you think, the way he licks every crevice, cleaning up your slick and adding to it before grazing the tip of his tongue over your clit. You jerk up into him, his hands going to steady your hips.
“Mm. Sensitive, baby?” You can feel his smile against your cunt, his tongue testing the waters again, gently and carefully tapping the tip of it over your clit until the sensitivity becomes you moaning for more. 
And he gives it to you, gives you more, all that you’ve been wanting for the last five days. “You were so good for me, love,” he says between kisses, “you took my dick so well everyday, let me use you.”
Kaveh’s mouth comes down to kiss your neck, biting down hard enough to leave marks, then moves over your shoulder to lap your breasts, his fingers stroking your nipples. Your back arches, thighs threatening to close, you feel so strung up, breath haste.
“Baby’s getting close, isn’t she?” Kaveh uses his tongue to play with your nipple, bringing you steadily to the peak of your arousal.
“You can cum, love,” Alhaitham tells you, his arms wrapped around your legs to bring you closer, closer to his mouth. Your body shivers, shakes under both their tongues. Alhaitham quickens his tongue over your clit, tight circles with the perfect pressure that make you see stars. Kaveh pulls on your nipple a little harsher, sucking on the other.
It’s too much, you try to tell them between your moans and cries. But then you’re finally cumming, your thighs smushing Alhaitham’s head, though that doesn’t stop him from lapping up everything you have to give him. Your hands grip Kaveh’s thighs hard, and he lets you, continuing to suck and bite at your breasts. It’s an ecstasy you’ve missed for so long, that lasts minutes before your body finally relaxes. Your hands weave into Alhaitham’s hair apologetically.
But it’s not enough, you want another one, and you’re grateful for them because you don’t have to tell them. As soon as you come back to yourself, you realize neither of them have stopped. Your body jerks in oversensitivity, hands failing and grabbing at them.  
“W-wait,” you try to tell them, whimpering out their names, “it’s- it’s so sensitive.”
Kaveh gives you a tight squeeze and last little suckle before letting your head lie back on a pillow, moving under your leg to kneel next to Alhaitham between your thighs.
He kisses your thigh softly, as Alhaitham’s tongue starts to slow, looking to build you back up again. Alhaitham spreads your legs wider, to fit both his broad shoulders and Kaveh’s between them. The sight of them both between your legs together has you gripping the sheets, breath coming short.
“We’re gonna give you one more, mmkay?” Kaveh whispers, lips moving up and down your thigh. You nod aimlessly, leaning back.
“Look at us.” Alhaitham demands, and your eyes skim back to them.
Alhaitham’s darkened eyes meet yours as he removes his mouth from your cunt, wiping at your fluids dripping down his chin. “Tastes good,” he comments, admiring your body blatantly, kissing your other thigh.
“Yeah?” Kaveh comes closer to him, and like it’s a meal, has a taste. He moans at the touch of your soft folds against his tongue, the way they quiver slightly.
“Mm, does taste good.” Kaveh plunges his tongue slowly inside of you and back out, his thumbs spreading you slightly, kissing your abused clit.
Alhaitham comes back to join him, and your eyes widen as you realize what’s happening, both their tongues coming to pleasure you simultaneously. You think you might be seeing heaven. Kaveh kitten-licks at your clit, whilst Alhaitham moves to suck on your lower folds, copying Kaveh from before and sliding his tongue inside of you.
“You think you can come one more time for me?” Kaveh asks, smiling against your clit. You mutter a meek yes. Alhaitham replaces his tongue with his fingers, sliding one in before adding another, his head joining Kaveh’s as they lick on either side of your clit together.
Oh, Archons, you think you might faint. They’re not in sync at all, adding to your pleasure, making it so clear that both of them are down there. Kaveh’s licks are faster than Alhaitham’s, whereas Alhaitham’s are more sensual, their tongues brushing against one another. Alhaitham’s fingers curl inside of you, making them hold your body down as you try to move.
“You deserve to be spoiled,” Alhaitham whispers, so softly you almost don’t catch it. Your hands reach down to hold theirs respectively, big hands encasing your own. Kaveh uses his other hand to spread your lips a little wider, to make sure they’re licking every part of your little clit.
Lucky. You’re so lucky. It’s so much. Babbling comes out of your mouth, making them both smile endearingly. Kaveh takes over from your clit, and Alhaitham gets the hint, moving to focus on marking your thighs and moving his fingers, making sure they hit that spot inside of you that makes you see stars.
Kaveh builds you up faster, his tongue rapid and overtaking all your senses. Alhaitham matches his fingers to Kaveh’s pace.
“Look so pretty like this,” Alhaitham switches to licking lightly at your folds around his fingers. “Had to keep you like this all week, just because you’re so pretty.”
“Mm, go ahead, love,” Kaveh tells you. “Cum for us, whenever you’re ready.”
You grind into Kaveh’s mouth, once, twice, and on the third time, you cum again. A wave of pleasure rushes over you, crashing harder than before, your whole body tensing under their spell, tears about to fall. Kaveh looks so pleased, sucking on your clit and licking on it all at once. Alhaitham works you through your orgasm too, his fingers moving inside you relentlessly, only slowing down as your body relaxes.
You watch as Alhaitham removes his fingers from you and Kaveh takes him by the wrist, plopping the fingers in his mouth and sucking on them. Alhaitham’s sharp intake of breath and Kaveh’s greedy look says everything.
“Mm, I love the taste of my lover,” Kaveh grins.
“Get on the bed.” Alhaitham groans through gritted teeth.
“Oh, so bossy~”
Alhaitham opts for grabbing Kaveh by the arm and throwing him on the bed instead. “We’re not done yet.”
Alhaitham crawls over you, smashing his lips against yours to give you the sweetest sloppy kiss. He kisses like a demand for your attention, like only this moment exists.
He finally parts from you, hot breath with a hint of mint, and the energy in the room shifts.
He rubs his hand up and down your arm. “I hope…” he clears his throat, “that we are on our way to making, ah, an adequate apology.”
You wrap your arms around him, smiling and nodding, holding him tight, and Kaveh joins in, hugging you both.
“It’s okay, Haitham,” your voice muffled by their bodies. “Love you. Love you both.”
“Awh, see! She forgives you for all the torment you put her through. What a sweet thing~,” Kaveh pokes your face, making you giggle, and Alhaitham sighs in relief.
“Love you too, sweetheart.”
“Yes, yes. I love you both. Now!” Kaveh claps, “Could we please get on with the main course? Because I’ve been missing this pussy-”
“Didn’t you guys already…” you joke.  
Alhaitham rolls his eyes. “Oh, so us fucking just now wasn’t enough for you?”
“Hey! We all need our… special times! Okay? And you got to fuck her for the last four days! Whereas I was actually working out in the desert! I make the bread, bring it home-”
“But this is Alhaitham’s house.”
“Exactly. Where’s my rent payment? Or are you finally moving out?”
“This again?! And you!” He pokes your forehead, “Don’t side with him! I have been so nice to you. I could’ve let Alhaitham torture you more.”
“Ah, you’re right. Alhaitham, please don’t kick Kaveh out. How are you gonna have his dick if he’s not around?”
“Tch. I think you should both be more grateful that I’m so good at sharing.”
You all laugh together, giggles and kisses that move from innocent to heated. Kaveh grabs your hand and places it on his member, your shock apparent and arousal spiking as you feel him getting bigger in your hand. You wrap your fingers around his wide girth, pumping him gently.
Kaveh smiles alongside your lips at the feeling of your hands, so much smaller than his or Alhaitham’s, pulling you in for a deeper kiss, tongues tangling. Alhaitham kisses and bites your shoulder, his hands wandering all over your body, grabbing at your breasts and your thighs.
“Wanna fuck you so bad, sweet thing,” Kaveh moves to kneel between your legs, never moving his lips too far away from you, always pecking you with more kisses. Without effort, Alhaitham flips you over.
“Oh, is that how we’re doing it?” Kaveh teases, following Alhaitham’s cue and pulling you by the thighs towards the foot of the bed. You’re moved to be on your knees, and Alhaitham repositions himself to sit in front of you, your warm breath skimming over his growing member.
He pets your hair, thumb running over your cheek. “This okay, love?”
You nod, tongue darting out to the slit of his cockhead tentatively, before licking around the head. Alhaitham’s hands press into your hair, pulling you closer but not pushing. He smells like mint and musk, clean and pleasant and thick in your mouth, moans falling off his tongue with whispers of your name.
Behind you, Kaveh takes his time to warm you up, hands rubbing over your rear, grabbing your ass, massaging both globes in his hands. He pulls them apart to look at your glistening cunt, fingers swiping over to make sure you’re ready.
He taps your clit a few times, watching with amusement as slick pools in your cunt in response. “Looks like you’re ready, baby. I’m gonna start.”
His hands smoothen against your back, and you obey immediately, arching for him.
“Good girl,” he remarks, pressing the tip against your wet hole, then teasing away, using it to tap your clit over and over, moving it back again.
“So nice and wet… all for me, huh?” He smirks. “Haven’t even fucked you yet, but you’re dripping over me already.”
You whine around Alhaitham’s cock, and he grips your hair tighter by the roots, panting.
“Ohh, oh fuck,” Kaveh moans as he slides himself into you, slowly, inch by inch, making sure you’re accommodating for him. “Your pussy’s swallowing me in, baby. Miss me that much?”
You nod as best you can, your spit rolling down Alhaitham’s cock, tongue lapping against him. Kaveh presses himself deeper in, bullying his cock into you, and you try your best to focus on Alhaitham, moving to use your hand and letting out a yelp as Kaveh bottoms out.
“Fuuck, Archons, missed this pussy so goddamn much.”
At Alhaitham’s gentle bequest of tapping your cheek, you move back to his member, swiping your tongue over the pretty pearl of pre-cum before wrapping your mouth over his length.
Kaveh sets a slow pace first, savoring the feeling of your walls. “You’re so tight, baby. Feels so good,” he mutters, his grip on your thighs is strong, fingertips pressing in, his pace getting faster, pushing and pulling your body as your mouth continues to suck Alhaitham’s cock.
“Oh,” Alhaitham holds your hair, keeping it out of your face as Kaveh moves you. The shared pace gives some sort of unity, a shared pleasure being controlled by each brutal press of Kaveh’s hips as he crowds around your back, softly kissing your shoulder in contrast.
“This pretty pussy loves me so much, doesn’t she?” Kaveh smiles, voice sweet and words dirty, listening to your muffled whines, his mind clouded by the pure arousal zipping through his veins. His fingers reach around to slip over your clit, and you choke audibly on Alhaitham’s cock, throat constricting in a way that makes him swear under his breath.
“Holy shit,” Alhaitham breathes, “this throat is almost as tight as that cunt of yours.” He smoothens his thumb at the imprint of his cock in your throat, watch as it bobs, eyes flitting back to your face as hot tears fall down your cheeks.
Kaveh laughs, lightheaded as he gets close, evident in the way his breaths quicken and his heart beats rapidly against your back. But to your surprise, he pulls out of you and grabs you by the throat, sliding you off Alhaitham’s cock and turning your head back for a kiss, his tongue swiping behind your teeth and over your tongue. He moves his hands to your thighs, your back pressed against his front, cock still hard. He lifts you easily up in the air and lines up your cunt to Alhaitham’s cock, dripping your own essence as well as his onto Alhaitham’s spit-slick member.
You’re manhandled in the air as Kaveh brings you down over Alhaitham slowly, blunt head of his cock pressing against your entrance. Kaveh smirks as he watches both your reactions, Alhaitham’s mouth dropped in a pretty ‘o’, finally quiet for once in his life.
“Fuck, Kaveh,” Alhaitham’s pleasure is barely restrained, hot pants of air interrupting his words, “could you- be going- any slower?” He's barely inside of you, only about two inches in, but the way your slick and spit rolls down his cock has him gripping the sheets.
 “Heh, what? Can’t take a little bit of denial?” Kaveh mocks, but obliges, dropping you down the last multiple inches all in one go, your hands reaching out for Alhaitham’s shoulders with a soft scream.
Alhaitham groans, chest rumbling as he grips your sore thighs, his own legs tensing as you cockwarm him, waiting patiently as Kaveh brings a finger to your other hole.
You lean into Alhaitham to give Kaveh more space, the cum you both shared earlier makes it easier for his finger to slide in, carefully opening you up before adding another finger.
“K-Kaveh!” you press your head into Alhaitham’s shoulder, and he holds you tight in his embrace as tears start to form again on your lower lash line.
“Shh, baby. It’ll feel good in just a moment. You know that, don’t you?” Alhaitham runs one hand in circles over your back, the other sliding between you both to tap on your clit lightly, distracting you as Kaveh continues to prep you. Alhaitham almost regrets his actions from the way your walls tighten around him, and then he regrets trying to reposition himself as he shifts inside of you, willing his aching cock to come back down.
“You gotta relax, okay?” Alhaitham opts to wrapping a hand around your neck instead, playing with the constriction there until you look at him all doe-eyed before letting go, inhaling sharply. Kaveh has three fingers inside of you now, and he decides that’s enough as he presses his lubed cock to your hole, the mushroom head sliding in slowly as both him and Alhaitham shush at you lovingly. You hiccup and sob into Alhaitham’s chest at the first inch, so full of them both.
"So much... don't know if it's gonna fit..."
"It'll fit, baby. Just trust us, mmkay?" Kaveh swipes your hair back to kiss your cheek.
“You’re gonna be stuffed with both of us in here, aren’t you, love?” Alhaitham’s soft voice accompanies his hands cupping your face as Kaveh bullies in another inch, whiny moans and swears filling the room.
“Archons, she’s tighter than ever,” Kaveh whispers, and Alhaitham gets it because Kaveh’s dick presses against your walls and your walls tighten around his own member. You don’t know how but you swear your body is making space for the two biggest cocks you’ve ever taken, your back arching as you start to beg Kaveh for more, more. The burn becomes addicting, your mind empty except for them, Alhaitham tensing inside of you, the rise and fall of his chest, Kaveh’s whispers of “just a little more” as he whimpers, his voice shaking as he bottoms out again.
“Baby. Baby, are you okay?” Kaveh asks as Alhaitham sits up again, his back against the wall, watching intently at your tear-streaked face nodding.
“Y-yeah, just- just wanna feel good.” Your hands go over both of theirs.
You think you might die, you think this might be the reason you’re alive, because Alhaitham nods at Kaveh once and they both start to move. You think you scream at times, you’re not sure, but you do know that Kaveh’s whines and Alhaitham’s groans join you. They fuck you at their own respective paces first, sometimes in sync and other times not. You are at times half empty and half full, but you definitely notice when they start to fuck you together, being split open by them, your body craving them the minute they leave and begging for more when they come back.
“It’s- ah- so good,” you tell them, hot breath ghosting over both sides of your body. Kaveh pulls your thighs wider, and you don’t know if it’s the heat or the arousal, but you are much more flexible than you remember.
And then they give you more, Alhaitham moves a hand to grab at your breast, thumb swiping over your nipple, watching the nub harden with each movement, your breasts jumping with each bounce over their laps. He helps Kaveh hold up one of your thighs so that the blonde can press a finger to your clit, and pleasure sparks, the coil of heat inside of you pulling taut.  
“Fuck, baby, I feel you tightening around me.” Alhaitham pants. It’s so much more intense with both of them inside you, every squeeze of your cunt brings you all closer together, both their cocks pressing against each other through your thin walls.
“Gonna- oh- make you cum like this,” Kaveh gasps, “wanna feel you cum like this. It’s gonna- fuck- gonna be so tight, so good. Think you can be good for us, love?”
You nod erratically, bouncing over them, there’s so much stimulation, your core throbbing. You can’t even begin to speak, only whines and whimpers leaving your throat.
“Awh. This is what it takes to dumb you out, is it?” Alhaitham smirks despite not faring much better, the head of his cock nestled deep inside you, pace growing faster with each drop and pull of you. Hot arousal spikes through him at the realization that he hears no quip reply from you, your head lolling as you beg for “please, more, please, Haitham, Kaveh”, almost incoherent.
“Don’t worry, baby, you don’t hav’to think about a thing,” Kaveh’s words slur, “just gotta cum whenever you wanna, mmkay?”
You try to tell them you’re close, but you don’t have to. They can tell from the way you’re tightening around them, their hands working in tandem.
It’s like a shock fills your body, a loud whine that turns into a silent scream that leaves you as your whole body tenses and you release. Your only thought is of how full you are, their movements restricted but still riding you through with gritted teeth. They both want to stave off their own orgasms for the minutes your pussy tenses around them, but before long-
“Alhaitham,” Kaveh moans in need, and Alhaitham gets the message, forcing your body up and back down again despite the tight squeeze, and it’s so much stronger, has Kaveh reeling as he chases his own high.
“I’m cu-” Kaveh doesn’t get to finish before his jaw slackens and he spurts into you, painting the inside of you white and stuffing you full of cum, both watching and feeling as it drips down his cock with every squeeze of your tight ass, lengthening his own orgasm. It doesn’t all fit inside of you, but he makes it fit, fucking it back into you. His pretty voice praises you, whines as he kisses your cheek, telling you how good you are.
Alhaitham is only seconds away, groaning something that sounds like your name. His cockhead presses against your cervix as he cums, spilling as deep inside of you as possible. Your walls are still tense around him, your orgasm lasting throughout his as you milk his cock. “Fuck, baby, that’s right. Squeeze it all out of me,” he whispers, his hot load filling you up, more than he’s ever imagined.
You realize how warm their cum is inside of you as you relax in tandem with them, both your holes filled to the brim and dripping with their seed. Kaveh leans you down over Alhaitham to slowly. pull out first, gasping in overstimulation. He watches a glob of his cum drip out of your gaping hole. He knows he’s greedy as he catches it with his finger, pushing it back inside of you, watching as more of it drips out around his finger.
“S-sensitive,” you whine, “Kaveh, t-thought we were done…”
“Shh, just wanna play with you a little before I clean you up.”
Alhaitham groans above you both, your walls shivering with aftershocks around his still-softening cock. He feels the cum drip down from your ass to your pussy to his own cock, mingling with the slick you and him have created.
Kaveh runs his thumb over your rim before finally letting up, leaning you back on his own front for Alhaitham, kissing you softly.
Alhaitham does the same as Kaveh, sliding with care out of you, frothy white ring still present at the base of his cock. It’s dangerous, he thinks. Makes him possessive over you. He watches, too, at the cum that drips out with his cock, tapping on your clit experimentally only to see more of it slip out of you as your pussy tenses.
“How cute,” Alhaitham smiles sweetly, and Kaveh throws him a wet towel. Alhaitham thanks him with a nod, pressing your sensitive core, Kaveh hushing your whines with kisses between wiping down himself and Alhaitham.
The towels are discarded somewhere, you don’t know and you can’t bring yourself to care with how tired and spent you are, every inch of you aching. They lie down, finally, on either side of you, holding you and each other.
“Welcome home, Kaveh,” Alhaitham’s grumbly voice interrupts your thoughts, as he goes to kiss your forehead and then Kaveh’s.
“Thank you, my loves.” It’s the last thing you hear before you drift off to sleep.
It’s evening when you wake up next to a still-sleeping Kaveh, blonde hair caressing his face, his cheek squished against the pillow. He looks angelic in the night. He slowly blinks his eyes open, smiling at seeing you next to him.
“Good morning, beautiful.”
You giggle. “It’s 6PM, babe.”
He rubs his face. “Ohh. Ah, yes, that makes sense.”
You both hear plates being set in the dining room, cutlery clanking against each other and onto a wooden table.
“Archons, he’s not quiet at all,” Kaveh laughs, sitting up and throwing you the first shirt he sees (it happens to be his) and grabbing a set of clothing for himself (it’s Alhaitham’s).
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, kissing the back of his neck. “Shall we?”
Kaveh smiles mischievously, grabbing behind your thighs and picking you up on his back as you yelp, having to awkwardly open the door for him as he beckons for Alhaitham at the table.
“Ah, you’re both finally awake.”
“Did you even sleep?!”
“If you were asleep, how’d you make dinner?” You ask in a mocking, smartass tone. Kaveh wiggles his eyebrows at Alhaitham.
“Yeah! That timeline doesn’t work at all!”
Alhaitham sighs as if in frustration, but his smile betrays him, “Just sit down and get ready to eat already, won’t you both?”
You look around as you sit and notice that Alhaitham is wearing Kaveh’s trousers.
“Is it just my clothing that’s not being worn right now?”
“If I recall correctly, you didn’t have clothing on when we started,” Kaveh teases.
“Ah!” Kaveh and you enjoy the moment, only to be added with Alhaitham’s presence and the stunning food he brings in his hands.
“A few sharing dishes, since I figured we were all hungry.”
“I think I’m in love with you.” Kaveh wraps a hand around Alhaitham’s wrist, kissing the inside of it.
“I definitely love you.” You tell him, and as you all dig in, there’s a unanimous feeling that… everything is as it should be. Everything is right, and good.
It’s too good, and yet it’s true. The reality is, all three of you have found family and love too.
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leahluvr · 5 months
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shower - leah williamson x reader
genre: smut, shower sex, fingering, oral sex, domreader
warnings: nsfw
you stepped into the bathroom to leah peeling her clothes off. you jumped back, fearing you had invaded her privacy; though you had seen her nude too many times to count.
"oh!" you shouted, "you want me to leave, babe?
"no!" leah jolted, noticing your presence, her shoulders tensing and her hands coming tight over your shoulders, "no, i want you to shower with me. please?"
you didn’t take time to strip your clothing, holding leah’s hand while stepping into the shower.
a grip of your firm fingers around the lavish curve of leah's ass reminded you how mad you were for her. she brushed a few loose strands of your troublesome hair behind your ear. you pulled leah in closer by the softness of her rear and ensnared her legs again, silently wishing they would open. you were unrelentingly following the subtle exhale of your girlfriend's expressive moan. the sleek measure of the your index finger treaded under leah, diving between her thighs.
you both paused, a breath away from the other's lips, leah’s mouth agape and begging for another wet kiss; you denied her as you toyed with the girls folds and not her clit.
"tell me," you whispered, “tell me you want."
your words were infectious; the more leah fished for her needed kiss, the more you played with her and denied her, taunting her with it on the condition; she would have to beg for it.
the sound of the shower running, brushing against your bare skins’, began to sound like waves, steam collecting on the glass; not only from the steam but now from the additional heat of your bodies. your mouth remained open like leah's, your fingers still attaining ingress towards where she needed you most.
"say it, leah,” you egged her on.
leah wanted to clench her legs closed, but couldn't - you had your ankles wrapped around her naked calves, holding her stance absolute.
"i want you…yn," leah finally begged in a whiny voice, "i want you."
"and what do you want me to do?" another denial and leah understood her fishing would ultimat fail.
despite the warm water, you could feel how hard her nipples were peaking from the intimate scene before her.
she pulled you by your hips, pressing your lower bodies closer, now touching.
you felt the soft brush of leah's pussy, the burning heat radiating from between slightly sodden lips. "leah…?"
"what do i want you to do?" she returned with the wing of coy attitude and bratty undertones, knowing you could feel how wet she was. she was suddenly firm with her request, "i want you to put your tongue between my thighs."
you reached, stealing leah's mouth with your tongue, the promise of something more as your fingers snapped to action. your head moved down to her neck and collarbone scattering kisses and marks as leah had lost all her previous confidence, the sensation spiralling from sex. you couldn't handle your desire, as you worked harder and fastee for her, pushing her up and back into the glass of the shower. leah moaned into your kiss again and again, as your fingers swiftly penetrated her, cupping her sex and curling up to carefully stroke deep within her. seized by your actions she screamed into a stifled kiss, her legs shaking almost instantly. it was so quick and so ruthless, leah could feel her body unequipped to withstand it. her cunt clenched on tight to your fingers, barely allowing them to leave.
"yn!" leah whined, stealing herself away from the torturous kiss.
you didn't even flinch as you felt the tension gripping your fingers, getting them coated with a wetness of cum. leah breathed, desperate for reproach and came all at once, doubling over nearly as you crouched under her need.
you were already kissing your way down the interior of leahs's thigh. it was fast, merciless of you, but you were now as needy as your captain, your tongue eager to pledge itself to leah's wishes.
"yn..." leah quietly begged, but your hands calmed her as they held gentle and softly against her naked thigh.
"relax," you guided her.
"but i just came."
leah felt your soft chuckle breathing against her thigh, raking higher and higher en route to her soaking folds still reeling after her orgasm.
"i know, but i'm not stopping now."
"calm down, williamson," you repeated, another indulgent kiss, wet and melting against her inner thigh, a short distance from her cunt. "i want to taste you."
"baby," leah cried, her voice a whisper as she motioned to close her legs, still reeling as you encroached closer, your presence making her legs tremble.
"just a taste?” you teased, “you said you wanted my tongue between your thighs."
"i do...fuck, i do."
you kissed deep, closer still until she arrived, your lips pressed softly and respectfully against her entrance, tasting the afterglow of her swift and ruthless climax, eager to stir another within her.
leah’s pleasure beaded into a firm and hot knot in her chest, begging her to moan. the sound of your own name hit your ears like a siren, heeding your call for eager dominance and anticipating you to go further and do more; overstimulate her. your kisses quickly turned to licks, detached at first with the faintest flicker of the tip of your tongue along and across the clit between your girlfriends's legs but the taste were becoming insatiable.
the continuous sound of water falling to the tiles, in the early night formed the idea; there was no doubt there wasn’t someone, a teammate, to hear to leah moaning your name. you didn't care, in fact it only aided you.
you began to lose control the louder leah
became, her thighs beginning to crush you head between them.
"shit- 'm close again."
"go on, love."
"fuck yn!"
her wet body slumped against the wall as you stood, embracing her back and comforting her. her body shook for a long minute, as she began to regain her composure.
"let's just hope no one says anything tomorrow at breakfast," you whispered behind her ear, before kissing her on her neck and pinching her nipples. after she yelled an ‘oi’, you slapped her on the ass and walked out the shower.
"come on, captain williamson," you said with cheek.
i’ve left you all in the dark for so long, ficless 😭 to keep my account alive i just used an old fic from my old blog again because i’m lazy but it’s better than nothing. to those who requested stuff i’ve been in a writing slump and it might take ages until i get to those fics…
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xxnghtclls · 3 months
Explicit True Form Sukuna x Reader (Permission Universe 🥰)
Summary: During a cold winter night out in the forest, you ask Sukuna to warm you up.
This takes place a night before the final chapter of Permission. However, I think it's possible to read it without having read Permission, since it doesn't include much mention of the plot, but! - beware - it does mention the ending. However, I do think it makes more sense if you've read Permission tho.
Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy <3
Word count: 4,8k
Tags below the cut.
Lot‘s of fucking, Sukuna is a Little Shit, Four-Armed Sukuna, Established Relationship, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Double Penetration, Sukuna Has Two Penises, Porn with Feelings, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Finger Sucking, Multiple Orgasms, Multiple Sex Positions, Outdoor Sex, Choking, Gentle Sex, Rough Sex, Monsterfucking
„I think you should say it more often.“
„Say what?“
Sukuna sneers at you, before he keeps chewing on that piece of meat he just ripped off a bone.
„You rarely do. Can‘t even remember the last time you did.“ you continue, while poking with a stick into the fire, adjusting the wood, while your back faces your King.
No response.
The night is cold, as you’re sitting in front of your campfire. A freezing breeze flows through the branches of the forest trees around you, as the moonlight shines down upon you.
„I just think you could say it once in a while, after I endured that nightmare ritual of yours.“ you say playfully, cocking your head to the side, while staring into the flames, poking.
“I know you’re proud of it.” he chuckles darkly, before he spits a little piece of bone out of his mouth.
A pause.
„I am…” you say in thought and after a moment, you turn back to him. “That’s why I want to hear it from your lips. It makes me know, that you’re proud of it too. Having me and being mine.” you continue in a soft voice.
He stops chewing, as he listens to your words, looking at you.
And he squeezes at your heart… before he leans over to you and flicks his finger against your forehead.
“Enough now, Princess.” he says gently.
“There it is!” your complain loudly, pointing at him with your finger.
He shrugs and grins playfully, before he slides down to the ground, off the log he’s been sitting on and leans his back against it. You can’t help to think that he looks cozy with that black cloak around his shoulders and his wide, white pants. The way the cloak gently lays upon his naked skin and muscles lets you feel a heartbeat in your cunt.
You turn back to the fire and keep poking. It’s all fun and games, but in the end, you mean what you said.
I want him to be proud, too.
You feel his eyes boring into your back and feel his grin growing.
“My Lady shouldn’t care much about what I’m calling her, when she knows what she is.”
You cock your eyebrow, before you slowly turn to look over your shoulder to him.
“My Lady?” you repeat in question.
His eyebrow twitches and his smile turns into a proud one.
So pretty.
“I will grant you this one.” you say hesitantly. “Does it flow better over your lips?”
“It does.” his voice a whisper, as his eyes twitch slightly.
A pause.
And you both look at each other, drown into each others eyes, almost as if you could undress each other with them, with the sound of the fire crackling in the background.
“Does it flow to your lips when I say it like that?” his eyes jump down between your legs, before he speaks with a deep, seductive voice. “My Lady?”
And it does flow to your lips, make them feel your heartbeat and salivate.
Make them hungry.
You blink, before you let go of that stick, before you stand up and walk to where Sukuna’s feet are resting. Arousal between your legs and in his eyes, as you slowly untie your obi.
“It’s cold out here.” you say sternly, as you undress your Kimono, until his crimson eyes meet your naked chest, tits and cunt. “Warm me up!”
The fabric falls onto the ground, as his eyes wander over your body. His stare causes the tingling feeling between your legs to increase further and further, wonder if he already can see some smear on your inner thighs. Slowly his lips turn into a pout, before his eyes shoot back up to meet yours.
And he doesn’t say anything, as you start to shiver, as the hairs on your skin start to stand up.
It‘s december after all.
Sukuna‘s expression turns neutral again, dark eyes just watch you standing right there at his feet. He‘s just watching you wait for his command.
Or does he?
“I’m cold, my King.” you whisper, earning a cock of his eyebrow.
But no answer.
You take a step forward, the tense situation makes you feel your folds with every step already, before you’re standing inbetween his legs. Slowly your right foot, crawls over his bulge, massaging his dicks through the fabric of his pants. Your breath hitches at the feeling, as you can feel him pulsate and twitch beneath the clothes. His bottom pair of eyes follow your motions, while his upper pair stays fixated on you.
So hot.
“Cold.” you breathe and your limbs start trembling.
Sukuna shifts a little, presses his bulge more against the friction of your foot, while he watches how your nipples harden more each second.
“C’mere.” he finally whispers in a welcoming, warm tone, while he taps with his fingers on his lap.
Tap. Tap.
You take another step and let yourself fall harshly onto his lap. Hungrily you grab his hair and shove his face against yours. Sukuna kisses you back, with need, as his upper pair of arms wrap around you and grab your hair as well, pushing you even closer against him. You can feel his dicks throbbing against your cunt.
And soon you can feel the arousal not only in your folds, but also in your abdomen.
It almost drives you insane.
“So cold, my Love.” you breathe at his lips without air. “I need you so badly.”
You grab his cloak, feel the fabric between your fingers, how warm it is from the skin of your King, before suddenly Sukuna elevates his hips to free himself from his pants with his bottom pair of arms.
His dicks slap against your ass, causing you to whimper against his lips. Hands find your ass, spread your cheeks and slap your left one harshly.
He groans into your mouth and you moan back, out of pain and pleasure and impatience.
You grab between your legs, reach for his upper dick and hungrily move it through your slick.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
Between your lips.
You hiss against his lips and close your eyes, the feeling of his skin against your wet core so intense already, almost feeling like you’re dripping down onto his meat, while your breath is trembling from arousal.
And so is his. Sukuna’s upper pair of hands wander from your hair and neck down to your tits, before they pinch and move your hard nipples between his fingers. His left hand slaps your rear a second time, before he reaches down for his bottom dick and places it at your leaky hole. You open up your eyes again and look into his crimson ones, before you lean back and press his upper dick against his bottom one. His chest keeps rising and falling, quick enough for you to notice, before you lower yourself and push both of his dicks against your entrance.
“Agh.” he hisses, while you curse under your breath. Slowly, you push him into you, so sweet and thick, thinking you could cum from this feeling alone.
“Fuckkk.” your quiet voice is jittering, but you take your time. The feeling is too good, too intense to rush it.
You might cum in an instant.
Sliding his cocks fully into you, your clit hits his pelvis.
So good.
Your heart is racing, as Sukuna’s right upper hand, crawls up your chest, your throat, to your mouth. His hooded eyes look at you and he nudges his head at you, giving you the silent command to open your mouth.
And you do.
Your tongue swirls around his index and middle finger, tasting him, feeling his skin, before you close your mouth around them.
And you suck.
Sukuna’s lip twitches at the feeling and you feel him tensing up beneath you. He must be so close to start pounding into you relentlessly. You close your eyes, dive into the taste of his fingers, enjoy the feeling of them pressing into your mouth, while you start moving up and down so gently and slowly. It‘s so intense. You feel everything. Every tiny little motion. It has your breath jittering.
A squeeze on your heart makes you open your eyes again, to meet his blown pupils, so aroused and in love with that sight of you sitting on his dicks.
Sukuna pulls his fingers out of your mouth, before he swipes his thumb over your bottom lip, exposing your teeth. Your breath turns more vocal with every motion, the hot air coming out of your mouth hitting Sukuna’s fingers, before he starts gently rocking his hips in synch with your motions.
So deep.
You start moaning against his hand, feeling so good for him.
“Coating my cocks so well.” he whispers like in trance, while his hand wanders to your throat, squeezing gently. Heat rises to your face, before eyes fall down to his torso, watch how his muscles tense and flatten with each gentle thrust.
“In the essence of your cunt.” he continues inbetween your moans, his voice raspy. “So slick and wet.”
He pulls you closer at your throat, before his bottom pair of hands dig into your ass.
“So sweet and tasty.” he whispers into your ear. “My Lady.”
The heat his words are causing in your abdomen and face is cooking your skin. Each gentle thrust and each motion of your hips feels divine, connected and synchronised, pressing into your sweet spot harder and harder, while you listen to the slick noises that your skins are causing. You’re moaning so loudly now, as you can’t suppress the pleasure he’s causing in your body.
And you‘re so close. Already.
“I’m about to cum.” you whine and his fingers around your throat tighten.
“Not yet.” his nose brushes against the shell of your ear.
“I can’t-“
“Not yet.”
His voice.
So arrogant.
You’re concentrating so hard, but you’re so close, so so close, start to clench and choke his dicks, about to snap, when suddenly he pulls at your throat, pulls you off his meat. Your face meets the cloak on his shoulder and your body starts shaking from the pleasure, as you’re fighting your body and mind to not cum just like that, without having him in you.
“Keh Keh Keh.” he giggles so deviously into your ear, while you’re trying to stay on this earth, as you hold on to him, dig your nails into him, as you groan and moan into his neck and skin.
“Shhh.” he hushes between giggles.
“Shut up.” you whine, before you bite into the fabric, that’s covering his shoulder, making him groan in amusement.
“Tch tch tch.” he clicks his tongue. “That’s not how a Lady speaks to her King.”
He let’s go of your throat and while your body slowly recovers from your denied orgasm, you raise your head to look at him. Sukuna’s badly acted, disappointed pout makes you want to shove his face in between your thighs, to finish what his cocks started.
“No?” you breathe, raising your eyebrow at him. He cocks his eyebrow back at you, your right hand slowly crawls to his throat, up to his chin, before your middle and ring finger push onto his lips.
And he opens his mouth, gives the underside of your fingers a dedicated lick, before he closes his lips around them. His eyes grow soft, as he starts sucking, watching every reaction that paints onto your face.
And you do the same. Can’t help to think how beautiful he looks, how his brow furrows at your taste, how his breath hits your hand with every second. Sukuna’s hands on your ass gently knead your flesh, while his other pair of hands brush over the skin of your sides.
“You’re so beautiful…” you whisper, making him sigh against your fingers. “My King.”
He purrs against your fingers, as his eyes look at you, so needy, so aroused, as you retract your fingers out of his mouth, a string of saliva connecting your fingertips to his tongue.
“Now warm me up again.” you continue, making his lip twitch and curl into a smirk.
His left hand leaves your side, reaching inbetween your legs and propping his dicks back up against your entrance. The hands on your ass spread your cheeks, as he lowers you, as he slides himself back into your insides.
And he goes slowly. The pleasure starts rising again with every inch you slide onto him and you let your forehead bump against his, as you’re breathing heavily against his face. Sukuna’s breath quickens as well, his mouth opening in pleasure, before he gives your bottom lip a single lick. You moan loudly, want to press your thighs together, as the slick feeling of his lengths intensifies. Then he starts rocking his hips. So good and slow, picking up your pleasure from before, making you feel like a puddle immediately.
In and out.
In and out.
“I wanna cum.” you breathe into his face.
In and out.
In and out.
He groans into your mouth.
In and out.
In and out.
“Gonna cum.” you whine breathlessly, as your fingers dig into the back of his neck and hair
You clench and clench and clench, so wet and soaking-
And you snap.
Sukuna starts rocking his hips more and more to make you ride on your orgasm, as you keep moaning your high into Sukuna’s face, almost drooling onto his chin and chest. He moans in synch with you, obviously enjoying your high as much as you.
And then he slows down again, as you’re panting and trying to regain your consciousness. His dicks are pulsating in your cunt. He must be so starved.
But he’s patient.
After a moment, after catching your breath, you press a loving kiss onto his lips, before you lean to his right ear, your face brushing against his mask in the process.
“I told you to warm me up.” you whisper, like this was just the first bite of a three course menu. “That’s not how you treat your Lady.”
A deep chuckle escapes his chest, before you feel him shift beneath you. Positioning his feet on the ground, you know he’s ready to truly warm you up.
Ready to fuck.
And he starts a steady rhythm, unexpected light for his usual manners.
He wants to play.
Your fucked out clit doesn’t feel much from this type of motions, but for now, you enjoy him as he is. Feeling him sliding in and out, feeling his hands on your ass and on your sides, as you start to place chaste kisses on his neck.
He groans and squeezes at your heart, while you keep kissing. Then licking and biting and back to kissing. Sukuna tilts his head to give you better access to his neck. You keep going, showering his neck in kisses and marks, while your right hand moves across his cheek, caressing it.
I love you.
A final kiss on his neck and collarbone, before your lips reach for his earlobe. You’re still being rocked back and forth from his pace, but-
I need more.
You gently bite and tug on the jewellery of his lobe, making him hiss and chuckle.
“I’m still cold.” you whisper.
“Oh yeah?” his arrogant tone chimes in your ear.
“Mhmh.” you hum.
A harsh thrust, making you moan out loud.
“Harder.” you breathe.
A purr vibrates against your chest, before he-
Slap! Slap!
-thrusts harshly a second and third time, before he slows down again.
Those felt so good.
“Harder, my King.” you repeat your plea, whining, before you feel his hands spread your asscheeks once again. Suddenly a warm, wet tongue probes at your unattended asshole, licking and pushing into it. The sensation makes you moan softly into his ear, before he picks up his pace again.
A bit faster now.
“Harder.” you moan.
Another single harsh thrust.
So intense now with his tongue in your asshole.
“Like this?” he whispers so deeply.
You start to dive into this feeling again, start to huff and sigh and moan into his ear. Nails dig into the fabric of his cloak and tug, as you bury your face back into his shoulder.
And you shake your head.
Suddenly he lifts your ass up and his dicks leave your cunt, before his other hand reaches back between your legs. Sukuna lines his upper dick back up against your soaked hole and pushes the tip in, before he takes his bottom dick and presses it against your asshole.
And it slides in, so easy, so slick and easy, that your nails dig into his shoulders.
“Or like this?” he growls.
You cry out against his shoulder, drool upon his cloak, before you nod your head.
“Yes! Harder!” you whine, earning another hum and purr from his chest.
“My needy little slut.” he chuckles, before his pace grows rapidly.
“You like this?” he coos between your moans, as he wraps his upper pair of arms around your back, pressing you closer onto his torso.
“Harder!” you whine, unable to function now, before he slides down more onto the ground, changing the angle of his thrusts.
“Fuck!” he growls, before slamming himself into you even harder.
You cry out into his neck, almost hear your noises echoing back from the forest around you. Using the full strength of his thighs and feet now, forcing his dicks to reach so deep and violently into you.
And oh you love it.
Love how he loves using you like that.
Love how he’s fucking you like that.
He’s holding you so tight, making you unable to move, just able to feel his sweet violence on you. The slaps of your skin and the cries of your throat echo through the whole forest. Sukuna tunes in, as his heavy breathing turns into grunts and moans as well.
The pleasure in your abdomen rises again, as he keeps smashing himself into your insides. His pace is merciless, as well as his stamina.
And you know he could do this for hours.
Grabbing your asscheeks tight, he slams your pelvis down onto him to meet his hips from below. His abs are rubbing against your own stomach, becomes slick, as you both start to sweat from the motions and the fire right next to you.
And suddenly he stops. The sudden halt of movement lets the blood tingle in your veins, lets the sensation in your walls become so intense. He’s panting, before he suddenly moves. Without leaving your holes, he leans forward, almost slams you onto the ground right next to the fire and puts his weight on top of you. A loud sigh escapes his mouth, before he leans down and kisses you hungrily, before he slowly starts to thrust again. Sukuna grabs your jaw and makes you look at him, into his flickering crimson eyes, the illumination from the fire dancing in his orbs.
His nails dig into your cheeks, while he hooks his bottom pair of arms below your knees, folding you in half, make your back dig itself into the cold ground.
“My sweet slut.” he coos breathlessly, before-
You cry out in pleasure, as he picks up the harsh pace from before, his dicks reaching so deep into you, knocking at your brain and skull.
“I’m still cold.” you whine, with tears in your eyes, as you wrap your hands around his jaw.
“I know.” he grunts, as he keeps going and going, as the heat from his body keeps radiating onto your whole skin except your back.
Sukuna keeps fucking and fucking, the force and his weight causing your knees to finally meet the ground right next to your sides, as his upper pair of arms steady him next to your head. His constant pounding cause more and more tears to form in the corners of your eyes, as you wrap your arms around his neck and bury your face into his shoulder.
You feel his dicks swell up and you know he’s close, as he keeps moaning into your ear.
“You gonna cum?” you whine in between moans.
“Gonna fill you up.” he grunts. “Gonna fill you up nice and warm from the inside, just like you want me to.”
And they swell impossibly thicker, make you clench so hard around them. You’re so close, too, don’t want this to be over.
But you can’t hold it. After two more thrusts and you’re snapping again, melting into a shaking puddle beneath his figure, as you bite and scream into his shoulder.
And he slips out again, doesn’t let you ride it out this time.
Doesn‘t want to cum yet.
“Fuckkkk.” you curse him, as you’re left unable to move, his grip on your knees so tight and his weight on you so heavy.
“Gonna make you warm you up real good now.” he coos. “Hot like fire.” he growls, as he picks you up again and leans back again. Lying on his back, he cradles you in his arms on top of him, your legs dangling over his bottom right arm, his other arm supporting the back of your head.
“Like molten metal.” he keeps talking in a thick voice, before spitting into his upper right hand and reaching for your asshole. Coating it with more of his spit and giving it a wet lick with a tongue on his palm, before he reaches for his dicks again, inserting them leaky tips back into your holes, before he reaches with the very same hand for your jaw, grabbing it tightly, making you stare into his eyes.
“So hot and warm, just how my little Queen wants to be.”
There it is.
His words and the way he’s holding you, make you want to bawl your eyes out, but you behave yourself, just let your eyes scream your love for him into his face.
Sukuna puts up his right food, supporting himself, ready to thrust again. You feel the warmth of the fire on your back, as he starts slowly.
It’s too much.
His eyes grow soft, his mouth falls open and his brow furrows in pleasure, as he keeps staring at your fucked out face, pulling you so close.
So intimate.
Despite being outside you can smell the sex and filth that the both of you imprinted into this place.
“Fucking me so good.” you slur, while your mind is elsewhere, just feeling him and his being, while your cheek is pressing against his chest.
His lip twitches, before he smirks proudly.
The way he’s holding you, the way your thighs are pressed together, cause you to feel more friction against your clit and holes.
“Make me melt.” you beg into his eyes. “Let our souls merge.”
He chuckles.
“Poetic.” he flares his red eyes at you, before he picks up his pace.
Suddenly his upper left hand grabs your hair from behind and yanks your head into your neck.
You gasp in pain, as your eyes stare into the flames behind you.
So close.
So hot.
“Gonna make you melt and melt myself into you.” he growls.
His thrusts ignite a spark through your whole being, accompanied with his words, they carry your mind back to the present, make you realise he’s holding your face so close to the fire. It feels so hot against your skin.
Sukuna’s grip on your hair is so tight, that his nails are digging into your skull.
And you love it.
Love his sweet harshness he‘s using on you.
Slowly the pleasure starts rising again, your cunt still so wet and soaking from all the penetration and orgasms he put you through. Sukuna’s deep moans echo in your ear, before his teeth find your exposed neck and he starts nibbling, biting and licking your sensitive skin.
It hurts.
And you love it.
You cry out, as he suddenly bites into your shoulder, while his arm below your knees pull you tighter against him, as his pace grows impossibly harder, faster. So animalistic and brutal, as his dicks keep slamming against your mind again, making you unable to breathe and think.
And he fucks and fucks and fucks your poor and enjoying holes, marks your skin as his with his teeth, as the heat rises to your face again.
“Yours.” a muffled growl against your shoulder.
Oh god.
It makes the heat from within and the fire mix on your cheeks and ears. His voice causes your body to tense up and suddenly something in you snaps.
Your eyes roll back and you gasp, your vision grows foggy, but sharp. Your senses numb, but heighten, as your heart rate exhilarates. Yanking your head out of his hold, you look back into Sukuna’s face again.
“There you are.” he hisses, so aroused.
You slap him across the face, before your hand finds his throat, pressing tight.
“Mine!” you hiss between moans, the pitch of your voice being shaken from the velocity he‘s using on you.
Sukuna’s grin grows wide, as he raises his chin, exposing his throat even more, groaning in pleasure, letting you choke him as hard as you can, enjoying the pressure, not stopping his violent thrusts. Your face paints itself in pleasure, your mouth falls open, as your other hand reaches for his face, pushing your thumb against his bottom lip.
With a loud moan, he opens his mouth and you hook your thumb against his bottom teeth, forcing him to keep his mouth opened for you.
His hold on you tightens even more, almost feels like he’s going to crush your little figure in his arms, as his dicks start swelling thicker and thicker. You notice that he clenches his jaw, before he blinks and his eyes roll back, before he tilts his lust ridden face back to you. White orbs stare into each others soul, as his expression turns aggressive and you choke him harder. His lips twitch and his dicks throb so violently in your insides.
Oh how he loves it.
And you do, too.
This aggressive, sinful sight makes you step so close to the edge of nirvana.
And he would treat you like this.
Again and again.
Because you’re his and he is yours.
For now and all eternity.
Your skin is burning from the fire and from the heat between your bodies, feeling as hot as ever, feeling so in love with him, feeling so surrender to him.
Because he is your King.
Your God and Lover.
For now and all eternity.
Your moans grow into screams, as he keeps slamming himself into you and your sweet spot, so used, so so used already, but he feels so good, so so good, that you can’t help it.
And your holes snap around his dicks, making you cum a third time, so intense, so hot and soft like molten metal. Walls grip onto his lengths oh so tightly, trying to milk him and his essence into your womb. Crying your moans into the hot air around you, while his mouth closes around your thumb, sucking and biting down onto your bone, feeling your pulsating walls around his lengths, as slowly his growls become so loud, as he starts tensing up more and more beneath you. You pull your thumb out of his mouth, smearing his spit onto his cheek, as the end is near.
Slap!Slap!Slap!Slap! Slap!Slap!Slap!Slap!
And his brow furrows and his heart pulls at yours, before he comes undone, grunting and growling so deep and loud into your face, pumping you full of his seed and cum, so warm and thick.
And then he slows down. His breath jittering from the exhaustion. The smell of sweat and sex in your nose, as his slow and final thrusts push his essence into you.
So sweet, so deep.
I love you.
Ragged breaths fill the air around you, as both of your minds find back to reality. Your vision and sensation grows back to normal, as you still lay in his arms looking at him. His fingertips brush against your thighs and shoulder, as you watch him and how his red orbs blink back into his eyes, so tired, while he looks up into the sky.
And you look up, too, smiling, feeling warm.
Here with him.
And you both watch the moon and how it watches you.
You and your Love.
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solar-wing · 2 months
⚣ Disobey 😠
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⚣😠 A/N → i... don't ask. just..don't. I'm so ashamed. WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI | Rough Anal | Orgasm Denial | Controlling Behavior | Dom/Sub Vibes |
⚣😠 Summary → Conner has had enough of Y/N disobeying him.
⚣😠 Words → 1.3K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
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"a-ah, fuck ... ! Please let me cum!"
Conner pressed the young mage harder against the wall, laying another hard smack on his bottom while thrusting in and out of his quivering hole. He also held a tight grip on the boy's throbbing and red cock, squeezing at the base whenever he could tell the boy was about to cum.
The Kryptonian grunted in his ear while increasing the intensity of his thrusts, "Don't tell me what to do. I'm not ready for you to cum yet, got it? You're going to learn how to follow orders," He delivered an extra hard push with that sentence while squeezing down again on the poor boy's whimpering dick, pulling a needy whine from him.
Earlier that day, Batman briefed the team on a mission where they were to recover a powerful magical relic from some ancient ruins before a group of cultists found it and delivered it to their leader. When they arrived, the group split off into pairs to find the relic faster, Superboy ordered Y/N to come with him, even though some felt it'd be better if he and Zatanna went together.
Superboy instructed the young mage to stay close to him at all times and not wander off, sensing the place would have various booby traps. As they were looking through the ruins, Y/N got curious and wandered off to look at some interesting-looking markings on the walls, accidentally activating the magical defenses.
Thankfully, the spell to nullify it was simple enough. But it didn't make the Kryptonian any less angry with him.
Then, when they eventually ran into the cultists who had found the relic, Superboy instructed Y/N to run and grab help while he held them off. Of course, that wasn't the smartest idea since he was more vulnerable to magic attacks than the mage.
Y/N didn't listen though and had engaged the cultists himself, Superboy's anger doubling at the mage's disobedience. They were able to hold them off long enough for the rest of the team to show up and fight together.
Y/N managed to steal the relic back from the cult and the team successfully defeated them with only a few of the cultists getting away. Everyone congratulated the young mage for his quick thinking, but Superboy was still furious with him.
When they returned to the Cave, Conner roughly pulled the boy aside to his room before slamming and locking the door, proceeding to scold the young mage. The Kryptonian yelled at him for not listening to him and putting himself in danger, calling the boy reckless and irresponsible.
Y/N didn't take well to that and argued back, defending himself, turning it into a full-blown argument until the two were in each other's faces.
"You need to learn some fucking respect. You may be strong, but you're still new. I've been a part of this team from the start and have more experience than you, so you need to learn to listen to me." Conner growled, getting in the boy's face.
"I'm not a child! I can take care of myself, thank you very much. And last I checked, you aren't the leader of this team, Kaldur is, so back off. I don't have to listen to you and I don't need you to protect me." Y/N growled back, before shoving his way past the Kryptonian towards the door.
He didn't make it far though before Conner grabbed his arm and yanked him back, pinning him to the bed, "Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm leaving, I don't need to deal with this right now," Y/N said, struggling against the Kryptonian's hold.
Conner growled in his ear, "You're not going anywhere. I'm not done with you yet."
"Oh, fuck you, Superboy." Y/N snapped, glaring daggers at the Kryptonian.
Conner glared back before suddenly crushing his lips against Y/N's, forcing his tongue into his mouth. Y/N struggled and fought against the Kryptonian's hold, but couldn't break free from his grip. Conner pulled away and smirked at the mage, "You're going to learn how to listen to me, whether you like it or not."
That's how Y/N found himself currently pinned against the wall, his ass in the air with the Kryptonian's cock thrusting into him.
Conner continued to slam his hips forward, making sure to graze over the young hero's prostate every time. The squelching of his wet cock, the loud slapping of their skin, and the grunting from both of them filled the room.
The young hero could only take the pounding, his legs were starting to feel like jelly and he was sure he would've fallen by now if the Kryptonian wasn't holding him up.
"please ... I’ll beg for it, do whatever you want for it ... please ... " Y/N cried out, tears starting to form in his eyes.
Conner smirked and leaned forward, "I'm not ready for you to cum just yet."
"Please! I've learned my lesson, I promise! I'll do anything, please just let me cum!" Y/N begged, his voice cracking.
"Anything, huh? I don't believe you" Conner said, his hips not faltering in their thrusts.
"Please, I promise! I'll do whatever you ask, I'll listen to your every command, I'll never go against your word, just please let me cum!" Y/N sobbed, his cock was so hard and red, he needed release.
"Fine, but you're going to cum untouched, and you're going to take all of my cum inside you, got it?" Conner growled in the boy's ear, releasing the boy's cock and placing both hands under his ass, his thrusts becoming more erratic.
"I'm going to fill you up so much, you'll be leaking my cum for days. And if you ever disobey me again, I'll punish you even harder, understand?" Conner said, his tone stern and threatening., pressing their fronts together while burying his face into the smaller male's neck, his teeth scraping his skin.
"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir! I promise to be good from now on!" Y/N moaned, feeling the Kryptonian's thrusts become more powerful and the heat inside him build.
"Fuck, you're such a good boy for me, aren't you? My perfect little boy," Conner praised, licking a stripe up the boy's neck, "I'm so close, I'm going to fill you up so much, gonna fill you to the brim..."
"Please, please, please..." Y/N pleaded, his breath ragged and short as his cock dripped pre-cum, he was so close.
Conner suddenly grabbed his cock, squeezing it again, pushing down the boy's release.
"AH a-ah, fuck ...no, please !" The boy cried out from the overstimulating pain, punching his fists against the Kryptonian's sweaty back.
Conner chuckled darkly, his hand moving to stroke the boy's throbbing cock, speeding up his thrusts, hitting his prostate dead-on every time.
"Cum for me, baby."
The young hero screamed out, his body spasming as his release finally hit him, his cock spurting thick white ropes of cum all over the Kryptonian's hand and abs. Conner grunted as he continued his relentless thrusting, his balls tightening as his release came crashing down.
With one final thrust, the Kryptonian buried his cock deep inside the boy, shooting thick loads of hot cum inside him.
The two boys panted heavily, their bodies glistening with sweat as they tried to catch their breaths. Conner leaned up, using one hand to tilt the boy's head up before placing a final rough kiss against his lips.
"Hopefully this teaches you a lesson. Don't ever disobey me again." Conner said, pulling his cock out, his cum leaking out of the boy's hole and down his thighs.
Y/N whimpered from the emptiness, slowly letting his legs down to the ground before they were roughly pulled back up.
"Where do you think you're going? We're not done here, not by a long shot. You're staying here and we're going to have some more fun," Conner growled in the boy's ear, pulling his cum-covered hand up to his lips, "Now clean my hand, you made quite a mess."
Y/N obeyed, his tongue running across the Kryptonian's hand, licking off all the cum.
"Good boy. Now, on your knees."
The young hero knew he was in for a long night.
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☀️ | Conner Kent/Superboy | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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lixern · 8 months
` think i need someone older . . . jingren x gn!reader <-
xx. tags; poly┊jing yuan┊blade┊jingren┊all of u are in an rs┊blade punishes u┊threesome┊oral┊edging┊overstimulation┊degradation┊praise┊full nelson┊rough sex┊hints of double penetration┊begging┊orgasm denial┊getting caught┊exhibitionism┊multiple orgasm┊cunnilingus┊pet names (mostly just darling or something)┊pussy drunk bladie and yuan┊they cant get enough of u!! dealer's note; this was written a month ago or maybee more before being posted, and yes this was SPECIFICALLY something ive been looking for, FOR A LONGM LONG TIME AGO!!!! i didnt find it ofc, so why not just write it myself :3 anyway, to that one anon who sent a platonic jing yuan work request ill do it soon if i got an idea on how to write it AYUBUASBUASDUBAD also love u guys omg my accounts growing fast :((
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Who knows how you got into this position.. oh! You know.
You really just had to tease Blade during his important duties.. God, he was so frustrated. Your pretty face- pretty self, it made him insane. You just wanted to get into trouble huh? You know what you did, you really did know. He dragged you into your shared home afterwards, immediately ripping off those clothes you wore. It's okay, Jing Yuan could buy another set of outfits for you.
Blade got you all riled up and wet, but he never let you cum. You were so tired.. fingered, stretched out. His fingers scissored your insides to loosen you up for his giant cock. And when you were all messed up, crying for him, he finally let you.
Not before you say "Please" and take his cock though, he needs you all messed up first.
Unfortunately, (or fortunately, hm?) you came, just as you saw the sight of Jing Yuan entering the room. He looked so unfazed, so unbothered as he walked up to you and Blade.
"Jing Yuan, you're home early."
Blade spoke, spreading your legs wider for him as you had your back to his chest- sitting ontop of him.
"A lovely welcome, Blade."
Jing Yuan replied, walking over to you with a gentle.. mischievous smile. You and Blade were at the edge of the bed, giving Jing Yuan easy access to your greedy sex.
He flicked a finger on it, sweetly dragging it across your sensitive spot. But you just came! You were so sensitive.
You were too fucked out to notice what Blade was doing, till he laid down- dragging you with him.
"Jing Yuan, aren't they so welcoming?"
He asked Blade, slowly moving his hands down to your waist. Full nelson, such a vulnerable position for the both of you. Your legs spread even more, as Jing Yuan opened them.
You gasped as you felt Blade move again, his thrusts unforgiving. It felt so good.. but then Jing Yuan started to suckle on your throbbing little spot.
"Mmghn- J-Jing Yuan! S'too s-sensitive.. anghuuugh~~! S-Sho' good! D-Don't stooppnmhn!"
You moaned out, but Blade seemed to be speeding up his thrusts. He used a hand to caress your face, making you look at him, even though your vision was cloudy, and you couldn't look at him fully.
"Come on, don't you think you can get my name out of your mouth too? Ah, Jing Yuan, this is a punishment for them, they were a bit naughty during my work phase."
Blade spoke to the both of you, bucking his hips up harder.
"B-Blade! pleaseeenghuhnmnh!"
You moaned, asking for release. Jing Yuan then started sucking even more sloppily- he used his hands to gently part your legs even farther.
It was a heavenly mix of rough and gentle, you couldn't ask for more.
Yet- both of them had the power to make you ask for even more.
"N-Need to c-cumgnhn! P-Please! H-Haven't I been so g-goodmngh~?"
You begged them, yet they were so stern. Atleast Blade was, unlike Jing Yuan.
"Blade, don't you think we should let our little darling cum?"
Jing Yuan asked, trying to persuade Blade. He then licked a fat stripe up your sex, that sweet little spot that greedily throbbed for their attention.
"Hm.. I supposed they were good."
Blade said, before suddenly pulling out. Why? You thought, but then-
He slammed it back in with force, so hard. He continued slamming it back in and out, pulling it out all the way before thrusting it deep inside.
Jing Yuan on the other hand got the hint, suddenly speeding up his sucks and licks, he kneaded your thighs with his hands, trying to stimulate you even further. You looked at Jing Yuan, seeing him looking at you with a gentle smile, which didn't match his speed right now at all. Blade on the other hand, you could feel him smirking- licking your neck and biting.
"C-Close- mhaaangh!~ L-Love you two s-so much!"
The feeling was too much- and they both went so feral after the "I love you" you spat out at them. Moaning loudly as you came, you felt Blade's thrusts slow and Jing Yuan's mouth retract itself from you.
You breath out, before gasping as you felt Blade move suddenly again. You look at Jing Yuan, silently pleading hm to stop- but not really, it felt all too good. But then you notice Jing Yuan take off his pants too..
"Ready to take both of us, darling?"
Jing Yuan said. God, you would be sore as fuck in the morning.
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de4dlyniightshade · 2 months
oh mygod just imagine tying spencer up and edging him until he’s cryinggggg
him begging and begging to touch you and for you to let him finish
especially after a long case where he couldn’t have you to himself mghhmgghhhp need him
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꩜ PAIRING: spencer reid x afab!reader
꩜ RATING: +18, mdni
꩜ WARNINGS/CONTAINS!: sub!spencer, mommy kink, edging, crying, begging, use of restraints, praise, orgasm denial, spencer cums on his own face.
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© to de4dlyniightshade. no translations/reposts.
[WARNING!] - explicit sexual content! mdni!
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A/N: combining two asks bcs i'm lazy and a genius💪
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"p-please- please mommy" spencer whined, thrusting into nothing as his thighs trembled and arms fought against the restraints on his wrists.
"just a little more, baby, it'll be so much better if you wait" you teased, resting your hands on his tense thighs as he looked down at you with wet, pleading eyes, his bottom lip quivering and chest heaving with each breath.
"i-i can't- please mommy" he sniffled, more tears flowing down his flushed cheeks as his cock twitched against his stomach, the top a dark shade of pink, begging for release.
"you can, i know you can because you're mommy's good boy, aren't you?" you husked, a sly smile on your lips as he whined desperately before nodding.
it was true, he was your good boy, always so eager to please you, taking anything you gave him with little protest but today he was especially needy and defiant, which is why you had his hands tied behind him with his own tie since he couldn't follow rules you specifically told him, he just couldn't keep his hands off you.
"p-please- can i touch you?" he begged, almost desperately trying to free his hands to no avail, opting for looking at you with the most pleading expression he could muster, trying so hard to win you over.
"what did i say?" you reminded him as you trailed your hands up from his thighs to stroke his waist and back down again, the feeling of your hands everywhere but where he needed you making him cry harder, unable to stop the constant stream of tears down his cheeks.
"please" his voice trailed off into a long whine as he spoke, rolling his hips towards you as he did, begging you to do something, anything.
"you're making this harder than it has to be, y'know?" you tutted, raising a brow at him as he huffed. he knew you were right, he was making this whole thing longer than you intended it to be but what kind of rules would they be if you just let him get away with breaking them because he pouted nicely?
"j-just need you- m-missed you, mommy" he whimpered, pressing his thighs together as you gently caressed them.
"okay okay, mommy's gonna make you cum now, baby" you purred, smiling sweetly at him as you wrapped your hand around the base of his cock, your touch feather light but it didn't stop him from letting out a gasp and rolling his hips into your touch as he nodded eagerly.
usually you would stop and tell him to keep still but you knew how much he'd missed you and how badly he needed this, very obviously close to his breaking point.
you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you immediately set a fast pace, stroking him from base to tip and causing a slick sound to fill the room as you coated his length in his own precum, the sound barely audible over his loud whimpers and moans as his head fell back, back arching into you.
"good boy, baby, did so good for mommy" you praised as you continued to pump his length, purposefully bringing to his release quickly, his mind going completely blank as his cock throbbed in your hand.
spencer couldn't even muster up a warning that he was about to cum, just letting out a choked moan as he practically doubled over as he came, thick spurts of cum spilling onto his stomach and chest as you stroked him through it until he was pulling away from you.
"such a good boy" you spoke softly as you stood up to cup his cheeks, lifting his face to meet yours, your eyes immediately widening when you noticed a few unmistakable streaks of his own cum on his face, which he clearly hadn't noticed.
"made such a mess, baby" you teased as you wiped his face with your thumbs, the realisation that it wasn't tears that were running down his face making his cheeks flush bright red as he avoided your eyes.
you just giggled as you reached behind him to undo the restraints on his wrists in one swift motion, the feeling of his hands finally being free making him sigh in relief as he quickly wrapped his arms around you, pressing his cheek to your stomach as he whined.
"oh sweet boy, did such a good job" you smiled as you stroked his hair soothingly, the feeling of him smiling against you and nuzzling his face into your skin making you smile wider.
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smuttysabina · 1 year
Yeji's Lesson on Gangbangs
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(Yeji & Itzy, 1700 words) Gangbangs, multiple penetration, cumplay, derogatory language
It is no easy thing, to bear the mantle of a leader, to be responsible for the performance of those who follow you. The role grows ever more complex as you realize Yeji's situation; she not only must control and channel the most energetic group of their generation in idol work, but also in sex. Even the most chaotic and depraved fan orgy requires constant attention to prevent it from spiraling into utter failure. One would think that it would be difficult for a gangbang to end in disaster, but then you clearly had not been around idols much. Strong personalities tend to form... exotic tastes, that when left unchecked can result in bizarre and incomprehensible circumstances. They're still not entirely sure how Nayeon managed to get a National Cherry Popping Day put on the calendar, but saner minds have chosen to simply gloss over that incident. So Yeji exerts herself mightily in curtailing the sluts under her supervision, while also putting in as much effort in fucking her fans into unconsciousness. Nobody said being a leader didnt have its perks...
The Itzy fan gangbang is in full swing, and Yeji is its dynamic centerpiece. She sets a fierce pace, in sex as she does in dance, energetically fucking her fans until they are drained beyond use. It doesn't matter if she is on top or getting sandwiched by fans, Yeji is always the driving force behind the coupling. All of this domination is purely automatic, her body acting on sheer instinct, allowing her turn her attentions towards her charges...
Nearest to Yeji is Yuna, who mirrors her senior in enthusiasm, but not in demeanor. Instead of Yeji's natural confidence, Yuna possesses a frantic neediness that frequently devolves into desperate nymphomania. Far too often Yuna is simply unable to accept that her lovers are unable to continue fucking her greedy holes, becoming frenzied at this denial. Her shrill demands are often accompanied by inelegant "encouragement"; which is hardly helpful considering her fans are fully drained at that point. So to avoid any... unpleasantries, Yeji is often there to add a helping hand. Be it slamming Yuna's howling mouth onto a nearby cock, shoving her own fist into Yuna's palpitating cunt, or even simply kissing her; anything to allow the offending fan to flee. Then the next fan takes their place, and Yuna is back to being a panting cock-sleeve again. Of course, the more cocks that are in Yuna, the harder it is for her notice that one of them is no longer doing its job; so her getting double and even triple penetrated is the norm.
Worse than her physical neediness though, is Yuna's depthless desire for emotional attention. Whoever is her focus at the time immediately becomes the target of a fathomless crush, the sole provider of love and emotional care. And of course, when her crush inevitably begins to flag, its not due to physical failings, its because they don't love her any more. If they truly loved her, they would be able to fuck her all night long, so that means they were lying this whole time! The shock of said betrayal only adds on to Yuna's physical disappointment, creating a toxic brew of emotions that adds a particular serration to her exhortations. So not only are her lovers' bodies at risk, but their mental health as well! Which makes one wonder why she's so popular, until you remember that boys absolutely adore sticking their dick into crazy. And rarely has their been a more attractive mixture of crazy than in Yuna.
In complete contrast with the needy, high-maintenance Yuna, Lia can usually be left to fend for herself. Unlike the former, who requires constant supervision to make sure she doesn't go off the rails, the latter can be trusted to not do anything too insane. So Yeji cheerfully lets Lia do her thing, which mostly boils down to ranting about what enormous whores the rest of Itzy are. While she is not in fact wrong, her argument is somewhat undermined (some might even say, reinforced) by the fact that Lia herself is often engaged in the same exact behavior as the others. So while she gnashes her teeth and rages at the other girls fucking their fans so publicly, she is busy getting double penetrated by her own fans; rather openly in fact. Lia's ability to fuck her way through her fans is directly tied to her indignation; so the harder she raves about how damn good Itzy are at fucking their fans dry, the faster her own fans empty themselves inside of her. Her unintentional dirty talking seems to drive her lovers over the edge, hearing a girl talk about such naughty things is a strong incentive to breed her. So the trick, is keeping her absolutely dripping in righteous fury, something that is more than easy to do considering the lustful and exotic methods Itzy uses to drain their' fans' balls. Thus Yeji rarely has to put much work in other than throwing the occasional teasingly lewd glance at Lia, or fucking some poor soul in a particularly extravagant way. Failing that, Yeji has found it best to simply walk over, and force-feed Lia the enormous quantity of cum stored in her greedy cunt. Making Lia chug liters of turgid jizz always flicks her switch, making her practically frothing with outrage; allowing Yeji return her attentions to the more demanding members under her control.
Speaking of attention, Ryujin is one who requires a great deal of it, as much as she might profess to hate it. Usually found skulking around the edges of any Itzy orgy, she happily helps out those too shy to join in the main event. Which would be fine, except for the fact that the shy boys are usually snapped up by everyone else, Lia especially enjoys the sweet treat of salaciously welcoming innocent cherry boys into manhood. So Ryujin is also left to deal with all the perverts as well, which can lead to some truly bizarre situations occurring on the outskirts of the main area. Even a hardened hedonist like Yeji was bemused by the sight of Ryujin having a line of fans jerk off onto her sweaty armpits, and then making them snort their jizz off of said armpits. But such spectacles are relatively rare, more commonly Yeji looks over to find Ryujin furiously fingering herself to the sight of the other girls getting fucked. Which isnt a bad thing, there are many fans who enjoy fapping onto her while she ignores them, but it does mean she is not milking as many dicks as she could be. So Yeji has to drag the whining voyeur onto center stage, making her the center of attention, which Ryujin loudly proclaims she hates, then letting loose the fans on her. Ryujin does her best to wail about how horrible it is that everyone can see what a lewd slut she is; but the fact that she is generally painting the floor with squirt within minutes shows that to be lie. This pervert should just be honest with herself, it would certainly make Yeji's life so much easier...
Chaeryeong by far requires the most delicate touch out of all of Yeji's girls. Although she is a sexual virtuoso in the prime of her life, all idols are by training, she is still quite furtive in her love-making. The traumas of her early career have left their scars, and Chaery much prefers the privacy of intimate sex. And Yeji is content to indulge her in this, allowing her precious Chaery to receive only the most considerate of lovers. Chaery exults in receiving their love and praise, her fans' adoring attentions giving her a little more confidence with every romantic coupling. Which is not to say she is not amenable to having more than one partner at once, just that she needs to work herself up to it. When she is feeling especially amorous, Chaery sometimes even allows herself to have all of her holes filled at once; a normal occurrence for the other sluts, but for her it is special. Of course for such a cuddly atmosphere to persist, Yeji has to take great pains in screening those she allows to enter Chaery's pillowed domain. Any perverts or hardcore enthusiasts are diverted to more... appropriate lovers; Yuna is a particularly favorite girl to leave them with. Since once you are within Yuna's grasp, it is difficult to leave without getting utterly drained in both spirit and semen. So Chaery's foibles are tolerated, for now at least, as Yeji keeps a close eye on her most delicate of flowers.
But the girl who truly requires the most strenuous watching and control by Yeji, is herself. It would be oh so easy for her to simply give in. To stop restraining herself, to let her primal lusts run wild, to fuck and fuck until her holes are raw and bruised and gullet is swollen with seed. To treat her loving fans like so much disposable fuck-meat, to abuse them until they break and she casts them aside like so much trash. To force the others members of Itzy into becoming little more than her worthless cunt-slaves, worthy only of licking her blown-out holes clean; to make them become little more than fluffers for their almighty bitch-queen. To become matriarch of a wasteland of ruined fans, as the Itzy idol group collapses into little more than a depraved sex cult focused solely upon one thing and one thing only; Yeji's pleasure.
But that does not happen. Yeji holds it in, draining away her monolithic sex drive a little at a time to keep her composure. After all, a leader has responsibilities, and the most important of those is keeping herself in check. Without a beacon of maturity, Itzy would degenerate into a spiral of selfish lusts and pleasures, unsuitable for the stage. Yeji does though, on occasion, privately, discretely, allow herself to let loose. And then the screams of her fans as she hunts and ravishes them are a salve to the crushing pressures of restraining herself. Perhaps Yeji does go a touch too far when indulging her monstrous sexual appetites; though as they say, being the leader does have it perks...
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sourle · 10 months
This is the anon with the LBD request. I copy pasted the plot again, just in case.
I was wondering if you could have the Fem S/O of MK, Red Son, Monkey King, and Macaque who gets possessed by LBD instead of that girl. Like one day after seeing their S/O, they suddenly disappear for hours, then days, then weeks, and they're now going on a desperate attempt to find them only to discover they've been possessed by LBD, and they're in desperate attempt to get them back leading up to their S/O being freed, and the aftermath of defeating LBD.
I'm sorry it took me a while to complete those because i was having small writer blocks. I'm sorry but i couldn't really do specific gender.
MK, Red son, Sun Wukong, Macaque.
Type: Angst
The reader got possessed By LBD. How would the Monkeys and Red son react?
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He was.. sad, mad, and devastated at the same time. You, his insignificant other that he dearly loved, was taken from him and used against him.
He won't do a harder attack which gave LBD an advantage on her side since MK doesn't want to hurt you.
He would always plead and beg for you to snap out of LBD possession and come back.
C'mon man he's desperate, you're the only one he truly loves and he doesn't want you to go.
He loves you because you doesn't fuss about popularity just on dating someone who's under Monkey king wings. You love him because of him. And that's what he loves about you.
Yet now all he saw was you standing there looking down at him laughing, he knew it's not you. He knew but he seems to always think it was you.
He's upset, the others tried to hold him back. Screaming and crying as he tried to get you back.
Red son
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Of all people.. of ALL people, it had to be you. He's in denial. He doesn't want to believe you're gone, he doesn't want to believe what is the truth.
He lost his parents in this chaos and destruction and now you?
He's in grief after accepting that you've been possessed, but not long. He'll go and promise to save you and his parents.
He'll try everything to get you back, even by helping MK and his friends. It's only a last desperate attempt to get you back.
He knows you're still there, he knows he's the one that's gonna get you back. It's only by time, and patience is the key.
He'll get you back no matter the cause and what he has to do, he'll get you back.
He promised and he'll fulfill that promise.
Sun wukong
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Pain, pain all over. This man has hatred towards LBD now double it.
The moment he sees you he knows something was wrong. Trying to trick Him isn't that easy LBD.
You know that moment when he was in guilt for his actions? Yeah, now add you his guilt got the best of him even further.
He's going head on. On that one scene where he's about to get rid of LBD and the girl, he's definitely having second thoughts. It's you now in that girl possession.
Don't know but knowing this man, he's doing whatever he can to stop the evil. No not for civilization, not for the people. But for his own entertainment.
So 8/10 he will definitely sacrifice you to stop LBD.
Well until the table turns. You know what I meant.
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He's speechless, he doesn't know how to react or feel. Out of all LBD had to take you away from him.
At first it was his sworn brothers now you?
He couldn't take another loss and that's a snapping point for him, he'll stop at nothing, obeying every command LBD gave as she promised to free you when it's all done.
He's more aggressive than before— and more dangerous. Which is bad for Mk and his crew.
Overall, he's definitely going through 5 phases of grief before getting revenge on helping MK, but it will take him a lot to convince.
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treasuringizu · 2 years
Thinking about how Izuku would subconsciously abandon you for hero work, constantly being late to dates or even canceling. You would understand, of course, being a pro hero yourself. But you would wish that he would make time for you just like you make time for him
I just… need an angst to fluff fanfic about this 😭
- empty heart
izuku midoriya x reader | angst, hurt/comfort.
a/n: it’s not specified that reader is a pro hero so they’re whatever you want them to be🤷🏽‍♀️ kind of ends in fluff…..
wc: 1.3k
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you’ve lost count of the amount of times it has happened. lost count of the amount of times you were left sitting alone in that restaurant, waiting and waiting patiently only for him to never show up. lost count of the amount of times you needed him — needed him to be there for you — to show up, but he never did.
it happened so slowly, that you didn’t even notice it until it smacked you right in the face. or you were in denial, pretending that what was happening right in front of your face wasn’t really there. that maybe if you ignored it, it would eventually go away.
it didn’t.
it started with missed calls, unanswered texts that you didn’t think much of. he was late to a few dates, you shrugged it off and gave him a kiss. he didn’t show up for that one dinner with your parents, apologizing and saying that he totally forgot, but he’ll be there next time — you said it’s okay. and that was it.
you can’t help but think that maybe it was because you always let him off so easily that it ended up like this. maybe the both of you are as much to blame for the demise of your relationship. maybe you should have pushed harder. maybe he should have prioritized better. maybe, maybe, maybe. maybe you could have done all of that and it still would have ended up this way.
maybe it wouldn’t have ended up like this, with you packing up your things in a tiny luggage that will have to do for now. with tears streaming down your face and your heart feeling like it got stomped on and torn into pieces.
you and izuku were so close. but he feels like a stranger now. too many nights of him getting home after not speaking or seeing him the entire day. you ignored it, pretended like you were sleeping as he slipped into the bed beside you, your back turned to him. he doesn’t wrap his arms around you anymore, doesn’t hold you. though you know he always knew that you were awake. maybe he liked to ignore it too. you both always hated confrontation.
there were no more i love you’s, no more i miss you’s. no more love. it was there, but it was empty. you guys don’t talk anymore, don’t laugh anymore. no more nights where you stay up discussing the most random things when you both could be sleeping, no more sad movies and holding izuku in your arms while he cries like a baby because a character died, no more him. no more us, you think.
you were getting drained — getting tired.
and again, you hated confrontation, so that’s why you’re packing your things up now, when you know he won’t be home to see you leaving him. so he can’t see you acting like a coward.
you pack your essentials, throw in some clothes that can last you at least a few days, and pack away your heart with it.
and then you’re heading for the door, furiously wiping at your face to the point it hurts — but the handle is turning and it opens before you can get to it. and in comes the love of your life — the stranger you’re now living with.
your heart squeezes at the sight of him, and you take in what you can. his mess of curly green hair — dark and kind eyes to match, the freckles that are scattered everywhere on his face, the freckles you love to count but never get to the end of, as if they’re endless. you trace the curve of his cheeks with your eyes, imagining his lovable smile that melts your heart, his dimples popping out. his lips, that you loved to steal kisses from, as much as you could get.
izuku breathes out your name as he steps inside, closing the door and doubling back at the sight that greets him. his eyes widen, going to your face — the tears that you’re sure are streaming down, and then trailing below to the bag you’re clutching in your hand.
he stumbles forward, mouth opening and closing like he doesn’t know what to say — what to do. and you stand there, hardening your face to not give away any emotions, though you’re sure your tears gives it all. you’ve always done that, worn your heart on your sleeve but tried to hide it as much as you could.
vulnerability — never an option.
“what…” his throat bobs. “what are you doing?”
you almost want to laugh, if not for the hurt he’s showing. “what does it look like?”
“i- what?” a plethora of emotions flash across his face. he’s shaking his head, dropping his duffel bag on the ground — he’s freshly showered, hair slightly damp on his forehead. he must have showered at his agency.
you rub your thumb back and forth against the rough handle of your bag. “i thought you’re supposed to be on patrol?”
he eyes your hand where it holds onto the luggage. “got off early. kachaan… he’s covering for me.”
“oh…” silence. you stare at each other for what seems like forever, your feet rooted in place.
it’s when you move your hand to wipe at your face that izuku breaks the silence, saying your name. he takes a step forward, faltering when you back away in response. he frowns, “why do you have your bag packed?”
you don’t answer his question. “what are we doing, izuku?”
“what- i… what do you mean?”
you want to scream. you want to break down and cry while he holds you in his scarred arms. “what are we doing!” your voice cracks, but you don’t even feel embarrassed as you feel another wave of fresh tears.
he knows what you mean. his own eyes are glassy, you note. “i don’t know. i don’t know.” his fists clench at his sides.
this time you do laugh. “exactly. you don’t know.” your heart breaks even more. “i think.” you pause, taking in his expression. “i think i have to go.”
“no you don’t.” his hand reaches for you — to hold you, but he must rethink his decision because he stops midair, letting his hand swing back as he gulps. “you don’t…” his voice is a whisper, quiet.
you nod your head, firm. “i do.”
but then he moves forward again, unstopping until he’s right in front of you, and then suddenly you’re engulfed by him, your senses overtaken. he hugs you, hard. squeezes you and that’s when you feel his sharp intake of air, and then his body is shaking as he holds you.
and it’s funny, you think, that this is what it took for him to hug you like this again. hold you like he doesn’t ever want to let go.
“please.” you can feel his heart breaking along with yours as he breathes into the top of your head, as he holds you tighter.
you start sobbing again, gasping for air as you fist his shirt in your hands, burrowing into him.
“we can fix this.” izuku repeats it over and over again, as if he’s trying to convince himself as well. pulling away, he looks you in the eyes — letting you see the emotions swarming around in his. “we can.”
you look at him — really look at him like you haven’t in months. you look at the tears that are now falling down his face too, using the back of your hand to wipe them off and somehow mustering a tiny smile when he closes his eyes and shudders at your touch.
you think about all the times he’s left you hanging, all the times you needed him and he just wasn’t there. but then you think about the times he was there, standing right by you and holding you up when you couldn’t stand anymore.
you think, that if it’s for him, you can try harder. let him have your heart again.
“we can.”
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katz-chow · 3 months
not yet...
synopsis: john price is a very patient man. warnings: 18+ i will block ageless & minor blogs. soft dom price, gn!reader, (pretty extreme?) edging and denial, bondage, gags, face fucking, remote control vibrator, messy reader
a/n: horny, ovulation, womp womp.
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thinking about how strictdom!price would definitely be in control of your orgasms.
how he would most definitely edge and denial you for hours maybe even days if he feels like it. it’s not your fault, it never is—you’re always his good play thing, so obedient. but he wants to have his fun too.
so when you give him the greenlight, he ties you up with a spreader bar, standing up against the wall. i think when he wants to be mean, he loves bondage. gags, especially ring gags so your spit just drips out and he can stick his fingers into your mouth, gathering it up and using it as live against your hard nipples.
standing there, hands tied up behind your back, drool rubbing down your sternum and stomach, and legs spread so far apart that your slick is falling in a string down onto the hardwood.
his fingers trail down from your nipples and he finally touches you, your legs buckling. his thigh lands in between yours, keeping one of your legs up and pinned against the wall.
then off goes one edge, you’re panting already, eyes hazy and whimpers loud, having no way to silence them.
then another.
and another
“come on baby, it’s just one more…”
“precious baby, look at you go. how many was that? 7? 8? aw…all swollen and desperate for my touch”
you whimper as tears flow down your face and saliva continue to accumulate on your chest, drying and then gathering again in a messy, dirty cycle.
you can hardly feel your legs another, mindlessly just standing as the cool air calms down your nerves. it’s extra sensitive now and you’re so desperate, knowing that just a few more minutes and that dam of heat in your stomach will break and burst.
panting, his hands find that specific spot again and your eyes roll back, knees buckling like a newborn fawn. your eyes trail him as your head leaned back against the hard wall, pleading him.
and just as you’re about to cum, his hand pulls away and you let out a cry, so understimulated and overstimulated that it’s all so confusing. you watch him intently as price’s lips meet the top of your head as his hands undo the knot that keeps your own locked up and away
you’re confused, aching, and utterly confused when he undos all your ties and gag and carries you into the bathroom, cooing praises and affirmations.
but you’re tired and so you nuzzle up against him, as he draws you a bath.
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two days after that, you found yourself on a similar position, hogtied with your head at the edge of the bed.
price got more creative the next time around, finding the softest red rope he could find and tying you up in beautiful, intricate knots only a military man could do...oh wait.
you whimpers as his cock slips into your mouth, your gag was gone today which meant 1.) your jaw isn't sore anymore but also 2.) he's making you say things to get what you want.
"say it baby, say how much you want my cum in you" he looks down at you as his hand grips your hair, yanking your head up to look at him. you're too dazed to look at him fully, eyes hazy and lustful as he denies your orgasm until the number reaches double digits. it was getting harder and harder to even pay attention to his words, the remote-controlled vibe buzzing wildly in between your tied legs.
but just as you were about to cum, he stops it with his other hand on the control. you cry as tears flow freely down your face.
"you didn't answer me...too bad, darling, was feeling nice that time."
you whine and try to inch closer to him, nuzzling his slick cock onto your cheek as an apology. "i need you, please..."
another bubble bath was drawn soon after that.
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third day and things were different, no more ropes, gags, vibrators, nothing anymore.
just you say on the john's lap, his lips nuzzled into the crook of your neck as his fingers play around with you, using your sensitive and eager slick as lube. every stroke, every feather-light glaze of his fingers tips and you were so so close to cumming, it felt embarrassing. like you've never been touched by him before, but you have over a hundred times now. if anything he can't keep his hands off of you.
unbeknownst to you, you not cumming was driving him crazy as well. the caretaker role that he lets take over him is screaming as you're left unsatisfied every night before now. but the primal, strict captain in him rejoices whenever he sees you beg, repeating a string of "please" and his name over and over like a prayer. god, it gives him chills. when you cry and throw yourself into his embrace, humping his thigh or arm, so desperate to get off... he feels bad, just a tad bit.
so now he has you gently held in his arms as your nails dig into his skin, feeling so so sensitive. you cry as he stop, begging for more, yet when he does touch you, it feels so overwhelming you beg him to stop. you're confused and your dumb little brain can't process it. he's just trying to make you feel good...
but then he finds the right pace and then the right pressure and you feel his chest rumble with a chuckle as you finally melt into his embrace and rub up against him, panting and letting moans fill your shared bedroom.
"making you feel so good yeah? going so light and gentle yet you're squirming already...gonna cum for me?" john cooed as his pace and pressure stayed consistent, even as your back arches and sweat covers your body.
you feel the familiar feeling at your lower stomach, the burning, cracking fire that's about to burst. more begging and whimpers fall from your lips as his hand continues. you're ready for him to stop, to leave you hanging, messy and slick coating you.
but the arm around your waist holds you still as his pace remains the same. you whimper, "g-gonna cum...fuck!"
he kisses and nibbles the tip of your ear as you scream, your orgasm finally, finally rupturing through you. you feel your back arch as your head digs into john's chest, mouth hanging open as your body tenses up.
the orgasm washing through you for what seems like ages before you can register anything again. the first thing you noticed was the lingering of john's cologne that you hadn't noticed when he had you strip in front of him. and how soft his hands were, holding onto the flesh of your stomach and thigh as he grounds you. and then you hear his voice.
"it's okay, love...poor thing. didn't that feel good, hm?"
you nod, absent-mindly as he holds you close, dragging a throw blanket over you as hooks an arm under your legs to turn you that he's cradling you. he gives you a kiss on your cheek, then your nose, and then a long, soft one on your lips, before one on your forehead, inhaling your scent.
master list | letter box | main directory
drop by the letter box!
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softlymaximoff · 9 months
Canvas for your Art
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18+ ONLY MEN & MINORS DNI (blank blogs will be blocked you do not have my permission to republish my work onto any platform.
— A/N: HAPPY BDAY RIABEAR @belovaskitkat
— Summary: when your girlfriend surprises you with new art supplies for your birthday, you waste no time in testing them out on your favourite canvas.
— Characters: Soft!dom goofy Kate, Sub!Fem!reader
— Warnings: fluff, D/s dynamics (K, r - respectively), light overstim, pet names, dumbification, light pet play, orgasm denial, lmk if i've forgotten anything else!
— Word Count: 2.85k
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"Kaaaaate" you groaned as your girlfriend opened the blinds, allowing the golden flecks of light to seep through the room. It was your birthday today and the two of you had been so busy with missions and briefings that no one really had time to have a wind down and celebrate the 'Tony Way' of a birthday.
"Wakeup sleepy girl, it's your birthday" she sing-songed softly as she padded across the hardwood floor with ease. A disgruntled groan slipped your lips and you heard the archer chuckle. Mornings were not it, you made that very clear.
"Come on baby, I've got plans!" she sat by your starfished state and ran her fingers through your slightly curly hair. She rolled her eyes at the way your body melted further into the mattress before rolling you over and pressing feather like kisses along your forehead.
Quiet giggles escaped your lips at the sudden yet dotting action and you finally opened your eyes. "Morning angel" Kate whispered and kissed your lips gently. "Hi" you whispered out as you kissed her back and just stared at her.
"You look nice" you commented on her minimal makeup look for the day and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "Nothing compared to you pretty girl" she commented right back and you blushed. "8:30 and I've already made your cheeks red" the avenger chuckled and got up from her spot, throwing a few clothing items your way.
You blushed even harder at the double meaning and huffed at the inuendo, "You're so silly Bishop" you pouted as you sat up, stretching your arms above your head. You heard a quiet 'biiiiiig stretch' next to you and it broke you out of your stretch, laughter taking over your body.
"Now you're even sillier what the heck baby!" you managed to wheeze out and slapped her arm lightly. "You stretched like Lucky! It was only appropriate! And watch those hands love" she defended and warned at the same time while the two of you got up started your morning routine. All Kate did was follow you around, occasionally dressing you up here and there and helping with your hair, but were you about to complain? Hell no.
"So what does my birthday girl want to do today? We can do presents tonight and do something this morning or during the day, or we can do them this morning and go out somewhere tonight" she played with your hands as her back was against your chest while you were sitting on the counter waiting for breakfast to cook.
"How about we do something this morning and presents tonight?" you mused and leant down, kissing the top of her head. She swayed gently between your legs and turned to look at you, "Grab your coat, were gonna go to the lake" she murmured after just looking at you with nothing but adoration in her eyes.
And so you did just that, you grabbed your coats, your shoes and Lucky. A couple of thorough room checks for safety and the two of you were on your way to the lake where you first met each other. The story was cute for you, completely ego bruising for your girlfriend.
"Lena look at them! They're so cute! OH please can we get one for the compound!" the archer was swooning over a cuddle puddle of baby ducklings and their mother roaming around the lake edge. "Kate Bishop for goodness sake! Leave the poor water chickens alone! They are paobably so sick and tired of everyone trying to steal them all day! My God Americans really are so weird, Mama Melina had pigs maybe we can play with those, theyre just...four legged muddy chickens?" the widow rolled her eyes at the commotion and fuss over these fluff balls and Kate gasped in horror.
"You take that back! I'm not weird! Pigs are ugly! At least these babies are so fluffy and cute and really just like you! Theyre short and fiesty and loud as hell but so so so cute and squishy!" Kate teased and squished the blondes cheeks. "Get off me you cytka" Yelena shrieked and swatted her hands away, groaning at the instant sensation on the apples of her cheeks.
"Your new nickname isn't Lena or Blondie anymore, its Ducky" Kate howled in laughter at the deadpan glare Yelena sent. "Count your days Katniss" she growled and lunged at her best friend, sending them both on the floor. Thw two got into a playfull tussle until something wet licked Kate's face. "Did you just LICK me?! Yelena! That was uncalled for you ass! Ew!" Kate spluttered dramatically and wiped her cheek like a maniac.
The way Yelena went to roll her eyes but remained quiet and adverted her eyes away from Kate, smirking at something behind her made the purple avenger spin around. "What?! That's so not fair!" the duo were staring at a brunette crouching at the lake's edge with a few stray ducklings at her feet. "They never come up to anyone!" Kate whispered in awe and Yelena saw something in her eyes.
She was a spy for gods sake, she knew how to read people. Kate wasnt looking at the lowkey insult from the animals, but towards you. The Duckling whisperer. She was mesmerized. Anyone could see it. "Go say hi you idiot" Yelena pushed the lovestruck archer a little in the direction and Kate froze up.
"I can't just go over there and say hi! Are you crazy?!" she panicked but the widow smirked instead. "Kate Bishop, do you not know how conversations work? And plus, I'm tired of hearing you complain about how 'Wanda said she's too old for me' 'Tasha and Maria sure seem like theyre fun, do you think they want a third' 'Wanda said she's fine with Vision, is that code for he's got no game' go and say hi or I will for you" Yelena shoved her a little harder this time and Kate went stumbling from her little safe space.
Now she was too close to you to go back to Yelena but too far to try and talk to you without yelling. With a big deep sigh, she stuck up her middle finger behind her where she heard the blonde chuckle and made her way over to you. She slowed a little when she heard your voice speak out onto the lake.
"Aw you're cute too, don't worry I'm not playing favourites, your siblings just like to steal my attention. I promise youre just as beautiful!" you spoke to these small creatures in the softest voice Kate had ever heard. Resting peacefully next to you was Mama duck, her little babies splashing in the water in front of her and running laps around you.
The closer Kate got to you the harder it was to not completely fumble. On the otherside of you was a little sketchbook, a few rough line drawings of the ducks and the lake adorned the slightly oat coloured page. Of course you were an artist! All the more reason for Kate to back out of this! You were so cool and soft spoken, she felt like you yourself belonged in an art museum. 'So beautiful' she thought.
With a final breath of encouragement, she sat down next to you gently as to not startle the ambience and you froze tentatively at the new body but what she said next made you at ease instantly. "They taste great with orange" was the only thing that made its way out of Kate's mouth and she was mortified. From then on, the lake was your favourite place to watch the archer and her scary blonde friend roam around in the early mornings of Spring.
A gentle tug on your belt loop drew your attention back to reality and you realised that 1, Lucky's leash was now in your girlfriend's hold not yours, who knows when the switch happened and 2, she brought you to the infamous spot. "How stupid" You heard her chuckle as the two of you sat down and got comfortable as Lucky went off-leash around the two of you. "It was cuteee, little baby Katie all shy and stumbly" you teased her but a playful (yet threatening) glare made you gulp.
"I still remember how beautiful you looked that day" Kate sighed in awe and pulled you close to her, your head falling on her shoulder. "Stop" you blushed and she kissed your head. "I still remember the way you would always look away when Yelena caught you staring at us" this time you actually whined at the memory. "She's scary! You can't blame me! Not when her sister is Black Widow, of course she'll scare me!" you huffed against her collarbone and she shuddered.
"Baby, Yelena isnt called Ducky for no reason! Tasha I can understand, but Lena? She's a fluff ball" Kate snickered and rolled her eyes at the obvious comparison. A small bark from Lucky broke the two out of your conversation and you couldn't believe your eyes as you sat up. A small family of ducks made their way over towards the lip of the lake and Lucky sniffed the bigger one before walking off with a happy smile, layig behind Kate in the shade.
"Hi little ones! G'mornin Mama and Papa duck" you whispered in awe as the family of 7 waddled towards your area, butts shaking off the water as the little ones followed Mama. "Still as soft as ever my angel girl" Kate murmured and pulled you in for a tender kiss. The two of you stayed in your little bubble for hours until Lucky was getting angsty and losing his concentration and ignoring commands from your girlfriend.
"Buhbye little quackpots" you smiled at the flock and they returned to their watery sanctum, one of the bigger ducks hanging around the area a little longer before following it's babies and paddling off.
A little while later and you found yourself sitting on the couch blindfolded waiting for your girlfriend to return to you. Lucky was asleep on the other sofa so there wasn't even a chance of him alerting her presence. Not a sound escaped your lips while you waited, you knew better than to disobey a command. A small shuffle to the left of you had you almost turning your head but once again, she told you to not to move and stay still.
You could feel her near you, you could head her, you could smell her perfume but nothing was said. The smirk on the archer's lips was growing with every passing second, you were always so good for her. her good little pet. She let a few more seconds pass before taking pity on you and places a few delicate things in your open hands.
She got you a palette, paint and brushes. The very paint set you had been eying for weeks. Every art store was out and you quite frankly had given up on ever finding a supplier that still had it. "Baby..." you spoke in disbelief, your face twisting from shock to awe in a matter of seconds. "Paint me" Kate grabbed your chin gently and it was only then did you notice that she was in nothing but lace panties and an oversized silky top.
You nodded dumbly scrambling to get up and grab a canvas from the art room but a gentle squeeze around your wrist stopped you. "Paint me" she spoke softly and lead your hand down to her thigh. When the two of you first started dating, Kate would always let you use her back as a canvas when you ran out at home. You nodded again and mumbled out 'water, going to need water' as you raced to the kitchen to grab a container for water and steadily walked over to the couch.
"Lie down" you gently pushed her so she was laying flat on her back and started organising your paint. "I miss your art" Kate said suddenly and you sighed a little, straddling her lap facing away from her to start on her thighs. "We both know how busy we get with work and stuff for me to actually start and finish something" you traced an outline of something and you felt your girlfriend's abs tighten underneath you. Guess she was enjoying this as much as you were.
"We need a year long vacation" she let out a humourus laugh underneath you and you had to focus so hard on the art currently forming on her leg. You hummed as you continued your painting, leaning forward occasionally for a colour or an area on her thigh and nearly jumped when gentle but deliberate hands placed themselves just under your butt.
"Kate- you're gonna make me lose focus" you warned quietly when her hands snuck into the leg holes, snapping your panties against the soft skin underneath. "That isn't my name, and you better not mess up, I wanna take a photo of it when it's done" she teased and her hands just started roaming as you tried to concentrate on her thigh.
You took a deep breath in when you realised you needed to reach for some paint again. 100% she was gonna do something while you were bent over. You mustered up all the strength you had and bent over, reaching for the paint and your hips stuttered as she ran a smooth finger over your panties, paying a little more attention to your clit.
"Please- you're gonna make me mess up" you whined when she kept her fingers where they were as you moved back to your spot atop her abs. "My good girl won't mess up, I know it, just ignore Daddy and make her thigh all pretty" Kate cooed from behind you as she slipped a finger inside your panties this time, only focusing on your little bundle of nerves.
Your hips involuntarily started grinding down on her stomach, desperate for more but a smack made them freeze instantly. "Stay still" she reprimanded and pushed that finger inside, adding another one with a smirk. You trapped your lip between your teeth and tried to continue on the painting but when she lazily circled your clit with her other hand you just about folded.
"Daddy- I can't- need more" you whimpered when she started curling them slowly. "No you don't, you need to finish your art. I told you I missed you doing it" she asnwered with fake sympathy and gently guided your hips towards her face, causing your brain to short circuit as she mumbled a 'down'. You complied easily and took a few shaky breaths in before making another attempt to paint her thigh, groaning when she used it to her advantage and slipped your panties and bottoms down to your thighs.
She removed her fingers and licked a bold stripe along your folds, sucking a particular harsh suck on your clit. "Mfhpm" you groaned as you fell into her non painted thigh. "Keep painting lovey" she mumbled against you and you whimpered and raised your hips to stop the stimulation. "Down" she commanded with much more authority this time and your hips stuttered as she pulled them onto her face. There was no way you were gonna finish this painting.
"Make it pretty baby, Daddy wants to show her friends how talted her baby is" Kate spoke lowly before pushing her tongue in your pussy, occasionally sucking. At one point you thought you were suffocating her with how hard you were pushing your hips into her face. No matter how much you tried to escape her torture, she kept you in your place and kept her pace steady. Your slick coated her lips and chin and she was still lazily eating you out. She didn't care.
"I'm n-nearly finished" you stuttered out as you reached over one more time for the final few stokes of the colour in use. Your girlfriend used that for one last opportunity to slide three fingers in and curl them on your sweet spot, completely catching you off guard. A low pornographic moan left your lips and she smirked at the sound. "You're lucky I didn't ask you do paint in silence" she hummed and took her fingers out as you finished her leg. "All done" you sat upright on her abs and looked over your shoulder.
She sat up (with you in her lap) and admired the art, a fond smile gracing her lips. "Just as beautiful as the artist" she turned you around to face her and stole your lips in a needy kiss. One of her hands snuck up towards your neck and she held your face gently before pushing it up so your neck was exposed. "Now let Daddy paint her canvas" she mumbled and started marking your neck in dark angry bruises. Safe to say, you both forgot about taking a photo of the painting and the couch had a colourful flower imprint on it the next day.
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raisin-shell · 1 month
I think I’ve spent most of my night going through your blog, I love your writing so much! Do you think you could do kind of like a kink list for the boys on what they’re into overall? Either that or maybe something like what qualities they seek in an SO/if they have a type etc. Whichever you feel would be more interesting! Thank you :) ❤️
Oh my gosh that’s so incredibly sweet to tell me! I was opposed to masterlists for a while but I made one so it’s easier to find my stuff. And AND there will be more to come. Thank you love! This made my day. 🥰🥰🥰 Now then let’s get kinky! And this is LONG OMG I’m so sorry for everyone’s feeds! 😂 my boys are all pan too so, it should get interesting!
Boy blue loves his bondage. Not BDSM in general, but restraint as an art form. He practices kinbaku or shibari. He likes restraint so he can sexually tease his partner
Speaking of tease… nothing turns him on more than you flashing a little more skin or tracing your toes up his inner thigh beneath the dinner table then pulling away and paying him no mind
Tease and denial. Once you’ve caught his attention he will get even by the end of the night. Even if that means you can feel the heat from his breath against your soft petals yet he refrains from taking a taste
Male dominance. With a female he is the dominant one. With a male he’s not
Orgasm denial. Nothing gives him a bigger head than when he fucks your body into the abyss only to rip your orgasm from you just as you’re about to combust
Collaring. Should you present him with one ohhhh buddy. Hell chain you and pull back causing your neck to crane from behind
Wax play. Listen the man loves his candles. Dripping the heated wax on your bare lower back will have him soaring
His favorite fabric for you to wear is satin or silk
He loves anal, giving or receiving
Will not turn down a threesome as long as it’s your idea and you’re okay with it
His favorite position is any position which places you face to face with him
Spanking and whipping. Nothing and I mean nothing gets his gears going better than seeing your ass ripple from a his firm slap
Rimming. This man lives to eat your ass and doesn’t mind his own eaten either
He will allow you to peg him (females) and prefers to be a top when with a male but will lower his inhibitions should it be the right person… he’ll receive anal
Oral sex and deep throating. Raph loves to part your petals with his tongue. He also enjoys taking a males cock down his throat just so he can prove that he is a soul snatcher
This is a man who likes his prostate milked or massaged and will do so for his partner as well
Loves cream pies. He has so much cum you’ll be drizzled with it
Prefers to go bareback. Let’s face it what condom on this green earth would fit him
Loves double penetration. His thick rod can feel the other object inserted inside of you
Squirting. Like I said prior… he’s a soul snatcher and nothing makes his cock harder than watching you spirt up his arm
It’s a no brainer that Raphael loves a good strip tease. His favorite material is leather or metal
Will squeeze your neck while fucking you silly sending you flying over the handle… quietly to
Favorite position is doggystyle. He likes to watch your ass bouncing against him
Hide your sister, your momma, her sister and your grandma… this guy is a MASSIVE FREAK
Bondage. This man will strap you to a table by your wrists and ankles. He’ll sexually torture your nipples, clit or head and testicles
Slave training. Only when intimate does this normally mellow fellow need a touch of masochism. When with a male he’s a bottom therefore making him the sex slave
Spanking and whipping. He’ll tan those cheeks good and red then softly kiss the tender flesh sending your senses overboard
Anal, pegging, rimming, prostate massage and milking. Donnie knows that his back door is there for a reason and it’s not just to well you know
Electro sex, temperature play, wax play. Not only does he get off to your bodies reaction to stimuli, but he will jot it down in his notes
He also likes douching and enemas only if you’re comfortable. He likes to watch your abdomen fill with fluid and also he likes to work with a clean slate if you know what I mean
Donnie also likes snowblowing. If you don’t know what that is, google it
Oral sex and deepthroating. Donnie is a master at oral with his deep long neck and an equally long tongue. He can give head like a champ. However he tends to be a bit shy about you doing this too him. His length is nothing easy to swallow
His favorite materials for you to wear are latex, nylon or spandex
Has invented his own sex toys and several for you too
His favorite position is spooning from behind. With a male he would do a reach around
Food play. Hide the syrup and the whip cream because baby boy is HUNGRY
Forced orgasm. Nothing turns him on more than to know he is in full control of your pleasure… and there’s nothing you can do about it
Spanking, paddling. Mikey won’t chap your ass but he does love the way it jiggles when he paddles you
Cream pies. This man will not only watch but want to taste. You’ll be cooing in a goopy mess in no time
Loves to go bareback because of how it feels. Not a fan of latex
Loves to give you money shots. His cum on your face is gold to him
Be prepared for lots of tickling, nipple play and clit or head play all whilst being restrained with fluffy handcuffs
Will masturbate in front of you or want you to do it so he can watch
Mikey likes strip teases in playful lingerie
His favorite materials for you to wear is metal or fur
Tentacle sex. He’s got several dildos with tons of lube waiting for you. He likes to watch the slippery appendage disappear into your cavity
Is not opposed to group sex especially if it’s with his brothers
Loves having sex in public. The risk of getting caught is just too thrilling to him.
His favorite position is woman on top. Doggystyle top for males.
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kiwicopia · 13 days
Yello it's me again and this time I want to request a Gojo x reader but they're at a party but like Geto does an handjob at the reader as the reader tries not to moan to hard and then Gojo enters and saw the two so ...um so they end up...fucking? The reader is sandwich between the two 🫣
🔞 MDNI | Gojo x Male!Reader x Geto 🔞
TW: Handjob, sub!reader, neck kisses, double penetration, full nelson position, threesome, slight pain, praise, orgasm denial.
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Satoru normally wasn't the type of man to share anything with anyone, and that included you. However, that all seemed to change when he caught sight of you and his best friend. The man hadn't been gone for long, having left to use the bathroom and grab a drink, but also having been stopped to mingle with other partygoers. Still, he never expected to see you sitting there on the sectional, hand on your mouth while Suguru's hand stroked your dick.
Now, usually he would beat the ass of anyone that did such a thing, but this was Suguru. His best friend. And, honestly, he had to admit that the sight turned him on. "I see you've been enjoying yourself while I was gone."
Your boyfriend's words caused your cock to suddenly twitch in Geto's hand, to which the raven-haired man chuckled at. "I'd apologize, but he looked so lonely without you. You don't mind, do you, Toru?"
Gojo shook his head before seating himself on your right, his hand joining his best friend's as they took turns pumping your length. The pleasure was doubled now that your boyfriend joined in, and you found it incredibly hard to keep yourself from moaning too loudly, if at all.
"C'mon," Suguru whispered. A coy smile played his lips as he pressed teasing kisses along your neck. "Don't be so shy."
"Let us hear you," Satoru chimed in. His lips mimicked the other man's, pressing against the other side of your neck as his thumb slid over your tip, smearing it with your precum. "Everyone else is enjoying the party, so no one will hear us."
Your body shivered with pleasure; your eyes having rolled back slightly as you moaned softly. "Good boy," Suguru cooed. Your hips bucked slightly at the praise, earning chuckles from both men. "Look at him, so eager."
Gojo hummed in agreement, and his hand gripped your length a little harder as his strokes increased their pace. Their lips against the skin of your neck coupled with the pumping of your cock brought forth even more pleasure, and you let out a slightly strangled moan as your abdomen tightened.
However, as quickly as the feeling came, it left, because your boyfriend and his best friend removed their hands. They had denied you to cum. Before you could say anything, your clothes had been removed and your back was pressed firmly against Satoru's chest. His strong arms slid beneath your knees, pulling your legs back to be between your head in a position that left you wide open for Suguru.
Preparation was made, with Geto, after having dropped his pants, smeared his own precum over the tight hole of your ass. The feeling of it caused your dick to twitch again, and he smirked. "You like that?" He asked. You nodded; your face flushed from the heat of the moment. "Toru never shared you with anyone, so this might be a tight fit."
Another moan fell from your lips as your boyfriend, with the help of his best friend, sank his cock into you. The tightness wasn't unfamiliar, and the slight stretch was more so pressure than pain with him. Until Suguru pushed himself inside shortly after. The stretch for that was a bit painful, causing you to whine in response, and it made Satoru whisper sweet nothings into your ear to calm you down.
Only when the feeling faded did they move. One at a time, with Gojo starting first, slowly bucking his hips up into you. It pulled a small hiss from the other man. "Fuck," he breathed out, his own hips moving at a languid pace, "I can feel you, Toru."
Satoru hummed softly in response before peppering your neck with soft kisses, which only grew sloppier as both of their paces increased. Geto's hands gripped your thighs, pushing your legs back further the harder he pounded into you. The friction from the way his dick rubbed against Gojo's was pleasurable, and the both of them inside of you had you nothing more than a moaning mess.
"You feel so good," Satoru breathed out. His pace never slowed, but his movements became sporadic as his length twitched every now and then. You could feel it, and so could the other man. "Not inside, Sugu." Only he was allowed to cum inside your ass.
His best friend huffed in irritation, but he nodded nonetheless as his thrusts continued. Satoru was the first to cum, filling your tight, little hole with his seed while Suguru kept going, fucking you through his best friend's orgasm. Until he reached his peak, causing him to swiftly pull out and shoot his load out on you, covering your chest with his essence. It was warm and sticky, enough to make you cum, too.
You were quite the little mess, with your boyfriend's cum leaking from your ass while yours and his best friend's load painted your chest and abdomen. You were like a work of art, being admired by the both of them before they cleaned you up.
Geto soon broke the silence, prompting an offer to your boyfriend to do this again. You didn't think Gojo would agree to it, but seeing as how good you all felt, and how turned on he was watching you and his best friend, he quickly agreed.
"Pick a time and place."
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deathskid · 2 years
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➠ getou suguru x slutty!bimbo!reader x gojo satoru
➠ cw: dubcon (reader is drunk), college au, use of alcohol, sub!reader, creampies, fingering, oral (m & f receiving), face fucking, squirting, unprotected sex, anal, double penetration, lots of degradation, use of the name daddy, orgasm denial, use of sex toys, hair pulling, multiple orgasms (m & f), overstimulation, spitting, impact play, breath play, breeding, light bondage, dacryphilia, manipulation, aftercare
➠ wc: 7k
➠ for @semisgroupie 3k slut collab
➠ click here to join my taglist
➠ note: i’m so sorry this is pure nasty filth & nothing but p o r n.
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you found yourself giggling and pouring another shot despite getou telling you no. he told you you were already drunk enough, but you shooed him away, telling him you were grown. your eyes scanned over the people in your living room, falling directly on the tall, white-haired man reclined on your couch.
“hi.” you greeted, practically undressing him with your eyes as you took a seat next to him.
“hi. i assume this is your party?” he responded, taking a sip of his drink. you nodded, tucking your bottom lip in between your teeth.
“mhm. i’ve seen you around getou, but i never got your name.” you tilted your head to the side and sized him up, thinking to yourself about how he’d definitely be your newest boy toy alongside getou. everything about him was alluring and you couldn’t wait to get your hands on him.
“gojo. gojo satoru.” you reached out your hand to shake his, but he brought your hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on your skin. you melted in your seat, suppressing a moan at the gesture.
for the rest of the night, you had eyes for gojo and gojo only. the two of you were paired up for the team drinking games and you hadn’t left his lap in hours. you continuously whispered lewd things in his ear, telling him how you couldn’t wait for everyone to leave so he could fuck you into oblivion. it grew harder and harder for him to ignore his growing erection, shifting in his seat to hide it from all of the other guests, though they weren’t even looking in your direction.
unbeknownst to you, getou was a few feet away, watching you practically fuck his best friend on the couch. he wouldn’t have minded if you hadn’t been grinding on him earlier. he wouldn’t have minded if you didn’t flirt with him every time you saw him on campus, trying to get him out of his pants. it wasn’t a secret that you slept around, but getou thought that you would at least have the decency to avoid flirting with his best friend while you all were in the same room.
as soon as getou had walked into your small house party, you were glued to his hip, touching him in every place you could. your hands constantly prying at the zipper of his pants, begging him to accompany you to the bathroom so you could suck him off. how could he resist those pretty doe eyes? of course he agreed, but as soon as the two of you got up to handle business, gojo sauntered in, late as always. getou greeted his best friend as you stood behind him, drinking in his image. your gawking didn’t go unnoticed by gojo, sending you a wink before moving to grab drinks with getou.
getou was seething with anger as he watched you and gojo cozy up to each other. your incessant laughter and your deliberate touching sparked a bit of jealousy in getou. he knew exactly how to get you back.
as the night ended, gojo had to make his leave so he could tend to some unfinished business. only you and getou remained after everyone else had made their way home. you were wasted and still trying to clean your living room, but you were having a difficult time with the room spinning. giggling up a storm, you set the trash bag down and skipped over to getou who was leaning on the kitchen island.
“suguru, why’re you still here?” your words slurred as you leaned on his body, fingers playing with his belt loop.
“helping you clean up.” he replied dryly, moving your hands off of him and turning around to collect the empty red cups on the counter. your eyebrows furrowed and you pouted at his short response.
“why you so mean? is it because i didn’t get to give you head, hm?” you took a few steps closer to him with his back still turned.
“no, y/n. just shut that pretty mouth of yours so i can finish up.”
“suguruuuu,” you sing-songed, “are you mad about that? i can still do it, ya’ know.” you pressed your chest against his back, running your hands down his abdomen before reaching his belt buckle.
“y/n, leave me alone.” getou warned, his patience growing thin. you didn’t listen though, unbuckling his belt with your hands and working to unzip his zipper.
“’s okay, suguru. i’ll make you feel all better. grumpy guys like you just need to cum s’all. you—”
“you never stop fucking talking, do you?” getou snatched your hands off of him and spun around, yanking you back by your hair and earning a high pitched yelp from you. “you’ve been all over me since i got here, but a slut like you can’t take no for an answer.” you whimpered in his hold, bringing your hand up to his fingers laced in your hair.
“getou, i’ll leave you alone. promise.” you whined, trying to pry his hands from your scalp, but he only tightened his grip, yanking your head down so you could crane your neck upwards to look at him. he was almost unrecognizable, his face etched with anger and desire.
“no, no, no, baby. it’s too late for that. c’mon, let’s go to your room.” he shoved you in the direction of your bedroom, fingers still laced in your hair as the two of you reached your the room.
“on your knees.” you dropped down to your knees as soon as he let go of your hair, your doe eyes boring into his dark and lust blown pupils. you wanted so badly to paw at the growing erection confined underneath his pants, but you knew you’d only dig yourself a deeper grave.
getou began walking around your room in search of something, but you weren’t sure what. “w-what are you doing?” you asked.
“well, i know a slut like you has a stash of toys around here somewhere. ah, here we go.” he opened your nightstand drawer and chuckled at the array of dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, and lube you had tucked away. he grabbed the thicker purple one you had, closing the drawer before returning to stand in front of you.
“take all this off for me.” he sat across from you on the ottoman that was near the foot of your bed with his legs spread. you licked your lips and began stripping of your clothing with no hesitation. you couldn’t help the arousal that was already leaking down your thigh from the way he was looking down at you, hungry eyes waiting to devour you. almost entirely naked in front of him, only your lace thong remained, a dark patch forming as you squeezed your thighs together. getou didn’t speak, only shooting you glare, silently berating you for still wearing underwear. you took the hint and disposed of them, biting you lip as the air hit your glistening heat, the cold causing your nipples to perk up.
“atta girl.” getou stood up and took a few steps towards you, his bulge directly at eye level with you. your mouth watered as he unbuckled his belt and removed it. he grinned, knowing you were getting excited at the thought of wrapping your lips around his fat cock. but to your dismay, his cock stayed tucked away as he wrapped his belt around your neck, tightening it enough to just barely squeeze your throat, but not tight enough to cut your air off completely. you gasped, looking up at him with those pleading eyes, but he didn’t let up.
he reached for the belt you had on with your shorts and tied your hands behind your back with it, crouching down in front of you as he watched you squirm.
“suguru, not fair!” you whined, poking your bottom lip out. “wanna touch you, please.”
“you haven’t earned it, honey. let’s see…” he trailed off, his fingers ghosting over your clit. you gulped, looking away from him as his fingers ran up and down your slit, collecting your arousal on them. “you’re already this wet? hm. yeah, you can ride your little toy, can’t you?” his question wasn’t so much a question, but more a demand as he suctioned the dildo on the hardwood floor in between your thighs.
“can i please have your cock instead?” you begged, but getou pulled on the belt around your throat, silencing you.
“did i stutter? be a good little slut and ride it.” he let go off the belt and stood up to his full height. you did as you were told and mounted the plastic dick, sinking down onto it, moaning at the burning stretch of your walls. it had been a while since you had used this toy in particular, so adjusting was a bit more difficult than usual.
“that’s it, baby. keep going.” you began bouncing up and down on the toy, mewling as it pushed past your walls, the slight curve hitting your g spot. your essence covered the base of the dildo, glimmering under the lights in your room. you moaned out, rotating your hips to hit deeper inside, eyes watering at the blissful sensation as you continued riding.
getou tugged on the belt that was wrapped around your throat, the lack of oxygen only aiding your orgasm. tears streamed down your cheeks as you continued bouncing up and down on your dildo, never breaking eye contact with him as you moaned loudly.
“so fucking pathetic. i broke a slut like you without even touching you.” he laughed in your face, watching you flutter your eyes shut as you neared your orgasm, your cunt clenching around the toy. “a pathetic fucking slut. say it.” you felt a harsh sting hit your cheek, getou’s hand hitting your face caused more tears to sting at your eyes.
“‘m just a pathetic slut!” you cried out, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your body began to spasm in his hold, feeling yourself reach your climax, but your world came crashing down within an instant. Your eyes shot open, realizing getou had pulled the dildo out of your sopping hole. tears spilled out from your eyes, bottom lip quivering as you looked at the glistening toy held in his hands.
“aw, someone’s upset they didn't get to cum? Is that what you wanted, honey? You wanted to make yourself cum?” getou mocked, grinning as he watched you writhe and try to maneuver yourself out of the belt binding your hands behind your back.
“suguru, please! wanna cummm!” you sobbed, rubbing your thighs together to alleviate the building pressure in your core. He hummed to himself before shoving the dildo into your mouth, watching you gag harshly at the sudden intrusion.
“that’s right, baby. clean up your fucking mess.” he goaded, holding your head in place as he fucked your throat with your own toy, mesmerized by the erotic sight of your saliva dripping down onto your breasts. you squeezed your eyes shut as you coughed around the toy, struggling to swallow around it and take it any further, but getou was determined for you to take the whole thing. he squeezed the back of your neck, praising you as you finally managed to fit all of it inside of your mouth for a few seconds before he pulled it out, leaving you gasping for air.
“you can’t even fit all of this in your mouth? well, how ya’ gonna take all of me?” he faux pouted, squishing your cheeks together to open your mouth before spitting onto your tongue. you moaned, swallowing his saliva and rocking back and forth on your heels.
“i wanna try.” you mumbled, looking up at him through your wet lashes.
“that’s adorable, honey. you won’t be able to take it all,” getou chuckled.
“y-yes i can. i can take it. pleasepleaseplease, suguru. i’ll be a good girl.” you nodded your head rapidly with glossy eyes, trying your best to reassure him that you could take all of him.
“i don’t think you deserve it. now where’s that damn vibrator?” he cooed, looking around your room until he spotted your pink wand vibrator laying on your nightstand. you whined as he crossed the room to grab it, pleading with him to just split you in half with his cock, but he ignored you. he lifted you off of the ground and tossed you onto the bed on your stomach, lifting your ass up in the air. before you even had a chance to react, vibrations shot up through your core as he pressed the vibrator to your swollen clit. you dug your face into the sheets, crying out as your tight hole clenched around nothing.
“you’re not gonna cum. do you understand?” you only managed to nod your head before getou delivered a sharp slap to your ass, jolting your body forward as you yelped.
“yes, suguru! i won’t cum!” you wailed, digging your fingernails into the palms of your hands that were still restrained behind your back. your arousal dripped down your thigh as getou turned the wand up, your mouth gaping open as your cunt spasmed.
“fuck, this pussy is so pretty, baby. i hope it tastes as good as it looks.” getou crouched down behind you, groping your ass and spreading it open, placing the vibrator directly on your clit before licking one long stripe up your slit. you shuddered as his tongue came in contact with your heat, the wet muscle working inside of your cunt. you moaned out, arching your back and pushing your ass against his mouth as he lapped up your juices, working in sync with the vibrator.
“mmmph—suguru, fuck! i c-can’t!” you sighed, your eyes crossing and tongue lolling out as he turned the vibrator setting up once again. he spanked your ass with his free hand, moaning in between your thighs at the sweet taste of your essence, massaging the flesh of your backside.
“yes, you can. if you want daddy’s cock, you can.” he muttered into your folds, his tongue wiggling in and out of you as he applied more pressure to your clit. your legs trembled as you your cunt contracted around his tongue, trying to stave off of your orgasm just at the thought of having getou buried inside of you. you were losing your mind, thoughts spinning in your head as getou’s assail on your cunt continued.
“can i p-please—fuuuck—can i please cum?” you pleaded as you attempted to inch away from the man. he grabbed your waist and pulled you back with a death like grip on your hips, burying his face in your cunt as he turned the vibrator up to the highest setting. the air was knocked from your lungs and you forgot how to form sentences, the stimulation becoming too much for you to handle.
“don’t fucking run from me. if you can’t take this, you can’t take my cock.” his hand brutally slapped your ass three times while he feasted on you like the last supper, slurping up your juices and spitting on your cunt, rubbing the vibrator on your poor little clit. “you still want daddy’s cock, don’t you?” you were drooling on the sheets, whispering “yes, daddy” over and over again, since those were the only two words your fucked out brain could manage to spew out.
getou hummed, experimenting as his thumb pressed against your puckered hole, letting it barely sink inside. you shook your head, knowing that if he pressed inside of your tight ass, you’d cum then and there.
“n-no. ‘s too much! let me-“ you halted mid sentence, your nails drawing blood from how hard they dug into your palm. your legs gave out as getou’s thumb bullied its way inside of your ass, holding it like an anchor. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your body seized. you were so close to the edge, your orgasm clouding your mind.
“take it.” he pulled back from your cunt and spit in your asshole, sliding his thumb in and out before returning to your cunt. you shook your head no, smothering your face in the sheets to muffle your strained cries. “be a good girl and take it.”
“c-cum. p-please.” you stuttered, your voice just barely audible, flexing your hands behind your back to distract yourself from the pressure. getou turned the vibrator off and pulled away from your cunt, your slick decorating the lower half of his face. you collapsed onto the bed
“you think you deserve daddy’s cock now?” getou pulled on his belt that was still wrapped around your throat, lifting you back up. your mascara smeared on your cheeks and swollen lips parted, your eyes hanging low.
“yes, i’ll be good ‘n take it everythin’ you give me.” you panted out, almost too dazed to speak.
“everything, huh?” he smirked, his eyes darkening. “you might regret that, honey. satoru! c’mere.” your eyebrows furrowed as you looked over at the doorway, the white haired man that you were practically drooling over earlier leaning against the doorframe.
“hi, sweet pea. miss me already?” gojo grinned, crossing the threshold to enter your bedroom. you swore he left when everyone else did, so how did he get in?
“h-how did y—“
“i left the door unlocked for him. you didn’t think i would keep you all to myself now, did you? not after you were practically dry humping satoru a few hours ago.” getou slid the belt off of your neck, rubbing your nape as you gawked up at gojo who was now towering over you, the bulge in his pants mere centimeters away from your face.
your cheeks ran hot, remembering rubbing your cunt up against gojo’s thigh as you sat in his lap, quietly getting yourself off while everyone was preoccupied with drinking games. however, getou was watching you from your kitchen. watching you muffle your moans with gojo’s shoulder. watching your eyes glaze over as you finally came, nuzzling your face into his neck. you remembered gojo’s slender fingers groping your ass as he whispered obscenities in your ear, telling you how he’d absolutely wreck you later on for being such a needy whore. he’d ruin you for leaving a wet patch on his pants because you were so drunk, you couldn’t contain yourself.
“such a pretty thing.” gojo pressed his thumb to your bottom lip, pulling it down before sliding it in between your lips. you sucked around the digit, looking up at him through your lashes. “you’re going to do what i say, right? be a good girl and do whatever suguru and i ask of you, right?” you nodded, feeling getou’s hands prop up your backside and arch your back. gojo’s thumb pressed down on your tongue, causing you to gag before he pulled it from your mouth, a string of spit connecting from your lip. suddenly, you felt something cold press against your puckered hole, eyes widening as something thick squeezed its way into your ass. you yelped out, falling forward as your arms gave out under you. getou chuckled behind you, sliding his tongue over his bottom lip as he sunk the lube covered heart shaped jewel butt plug further into your ass.
“sugu—haaah—fuck!” you cried out as gojo shushed you, stroking your hair before pressing his fingers into your scalp and yanking your head upwards. his cock twitched in his pants looking at your mouth gape open and your eyes crossing at the intrusion in your ass.
“open.” gojo demanded. you parted your lips and stuck your tongue out as he hucked a glob of spit onto your tongue, his free hand unbuttoning his pants to free his cock. “keep it right there for me. keep that tongue out.” his cock sprung out from his boxers, his hand gripping the base as he slapped it on your tongue a few times. you moaned out, drool pooling out of your open mouth as getou finally pushed the entire plug inside of you.
“look at this filthy fucking ass, satoru. never thought a slut like her would be so tight.” getou spanked your ass three times, leaving reddened handprints on your cheeks. your eyes watered at the stinging sensation, the tip of gojo’s cock resting on your tongue. you whined, fighting the urge to swallow gojo whole, your poor cunt feeling neglected from all the attention on your asshole. arousal dropped down your thigh as getou tugged on the plug, pulling it out halfway before pushing it back inside.
gojo pulled his cock from your mouth before glaring down at you. “spit on it.” your mouth hovered over his cock, decorating his length with the saliva he’d spit in your mouth a few moments earlier. your lips wrapped around us tip, flicking your tongue against the slit, hollowing out your cheeks and sucking his tip like a vacuum.
“shiiit—you nasty bitch. you can do better than that.” he pushed your head down to the base, his cock prodding at the back of your throat while you coughed and gagged around his length, your nose pressed up against his lower abdomen. your eyes watered as he bobbed your head up and down him, forcing you to fit all of him inside of your mouth. “breathe through your nose. you can take it,” he cooed.
getou slapped your folds with the tip of his cock, teasing you before sinking halfway into your wet heat from behind. his hands grabbed your hips, bending his leg up on the bed to fuck you. you moaned around gojo’s length, bucking your hips as getou continued his descent into your cunt, hissing as you spasmed around his length.
“squeezing me too fucking good, fucking slut. how many times did you touch yourself to the thought of me filling you up like this?” getou spat, fingers digging into the flesh of your ass as he finally thrusted his hips forward, slamming the rest of his cock into your hole. gojo’s cock slipped out of your mouth, a throaty yelp escaping your lips, followed by high pitched whimpers as getou slowly thrusted in and out of you, almost taking his length out of you completely before slowly sinking back into you, forcing you to feel every inch, ridge, and vein of his cock.
“suguruuu, i can’t! just fuck me, please.” you begged, attempting to push at getou’s abdomen with your hands still bound behind your back. getou took the opportunity to grab your clawing hands, pulling them closer to his body to arch your back even more.
“i’m not fucking you? you don’t feel my cock stretching you out baby? i thought you were gonna be a good girl and take what give you?” getou mocked, faux pouting as he continued his agonizing pace, slowly fucking you and just grazing your g spot. tears welled in your eyes as your mouth hung open, cunt spasming every time his cock brushed against your sweet spot. you hung your head low, cunt aching for getou to ram in and out of you like a madman.
“i don’t remember telling you to stop sucking my cock. c’mon.” gojo flared his nostrils while looking down at your lewd expression, rutting his hips back into your mouth. you choked on his cock, swallowing around his length as you sucked him dry to muffle your cries. he threw his head back letting out a low groan as his cock twitched in your mouth, his hand holding your neck in place as he fucked your throat.
your eyes rolled into the back of your head as getou rammed his hips into you with more rigor, his tip prodding against your cervix with each thrust. he toyed with your butt plug, tugging at it and cursing under his breath at the sight.
“i don’t think any of those other cornballs you’ve fucked could make you—hah—make you feel this good, baby, hm? don’t you agree?” getou grunted, watching in awe as his cock disappeared inside of you, a ring of white cream forming at the base. you moaned around gojo’s length, shaking your head no as best as you could with his cock down your throat.
“you tryna milk me dry, y/n? fuck.” gojo moaned, cerulean eyes boring into yours as you continued sucking him off, coughing as he forced you all the way down once more. “shit…i’m gonna cum.”
you took his warning as a green light, hollowing out your cheeks and vacuuming his cock, your tongue running along the underside of his length. gojo’s jaw dropped, watching saliva pool out of your mouth, his cock pulsating in your mouth, the overwhelming sensation of your warm mouth enveloping his cock bringing him to his limit.
getou stopped thrusting into you, hips stilling inside of you as he smacked your ass. “c’mon, slut. bounce on daddy’s dick. don’t act like you don’t know what to do.” you began throwing your ass back on getou, your hips meeting his with the lewd sounds of skin slapping filling the room. getou’s cock dragged along your walls, his tip finally hitting your g spot since he’d entrusted you to set your own pace as you bounced on his dick.
“fuckfuckfuckfuck. be a good slut and swallow all my fucking cum.” gojo pushed your head down, shooting his load down your throat as his legs shook, his thick cum trickling down the back of your throat. you moaned at his warmth, the bitter taste lingering on your tongue. you released his cock from your mouth with a loud pop, bringing your lips right back to his tip and flicking your tongue on the slit, sucking only the tip. gojo furrowed his brows, your mouth sucking every last drop of his cum out. you moaned, feeling your orgasm approaching as getou slapped your ass over and over, mesmerized by the way your ass rippled each time your hips met his.
you grinned, watching gojo look down at you in disgust as you licked the underside of his length, moving down to take his balls into your mouth and suck.
“oh fu—oh my god, fucking disgusting s-slut.” gojo stuttered, practically shoving you off of him, the overstimulation becoming too much. you lazily giggled, biting your bottom lip as you moaned. getou’s hands gripped your hips as he began thrusting again, moving even faster and penetrating you deeper than before.
“nnngh—suguru wait.” you cried out, not ready for the sudden change of pace. getou smirked, your cries only coaxing on his roughness. gojo’s hand swiped across your face before grabbing it and forcing you to look at him. he noticed your low whimpers and your bottom lip tucked into your mouth.
“mmm, you fucking like that don’t you? you like when i handle you just like this, don’t you?” gojo cooed, his hand coming back to tap your face. you nodded, eyes crossing as getou’s fingers found your clit, drawing circles on the swollen nub.
“yeah, she fucking likes it. this pretty pussy squeezes my cock whenever you hit her like that.” getou grunted, gritting his teeth as he staved off his orgasm until you came. “keep squeezing me just like that, baby, shit.” you felt his cock pulsate and twitch inside of you, your cunt gripping him as he continued thrusting into your g spot.
“suguru, pleaseee. can i cummm?” you mewled, eyes meeting gojo’s once more as your legs shook, cunt clenching in search of release. getou groaned, his fingers worked relentlessly on your clit as tears spilled down your face.
“ask satoru, honey. ask satoru if you can cum on daddy’s cock.”
“‘toru, c-can i please?” you whined, looking up at him with doe eyes.
“be a good slut and cream all over suguru’s cock.” gojo leaned down, his lips grazing against yours. your eyes rolled into the back of your head as getou’s cock hammered inside of you, hitting your g-spot over and over again. you cried out, cunt spasming around his length as euphoria showered your body. your arousal sprayed onto the sheets below as your body convulsed, incoherent babbles escaping your lips. the two men watched in awe as your spent body trembled, getou chasing his own release while you hit the end of your orgasm. his hips stuttered as he painted your insides white, his seed spilling out of your hole after he pulled out. your chest rose and fell quickly as you caught your breath, collapsing onto the bed as getou released your hips.
“doin’ so good for us.” getou praised, taking a seat next to you on the bed. his hand gently stroked your back before lifting you up and setting you on his lap, leaning back on the headboard. “spread those legs, let satoru see how pretty your cunt looks with my cum dripping out of you.” you languidly opened your legs, cunt on full display in front of gojo as getou’s seed seeped out of your clenching hole. you rolled your head back onto getou’s shoulder, his hands gripping the insides of your thigh to pry them open even more.
“don’t get sleepy now. we’re not done, baby.” gojo leaned closer to your body, taking two fingers and slipping them inside of your cunt to plug getou’s leaking seed. you writhed, moaning at his fingers scissoring inside of you. getou chuckled, leaving chaste kisses on your neck while massaging your thighs. gojo pulled his fingers out of you and pressed them to your lips. you opened your mouth, allowing him to slip his digits in, sucking getou’s cum off of them.
“i know you want more. the way you’re sucking on my fingers like the insatiable whore you are.” you moaned around his fingers at his degrading words, your cunt clenching and spilling out the seed that gojo had just stuffed back into you. his fingers left your mouth as he lined himself up with your entrance before plunging into your wetness, groaning at your cunt wrapping around him. you arched off of getou’s chest, mewling at his cock moving deep inside of you.
“shit, you didn’t tell me how good this pussy felt.” satoru gasped, slamming his hips into you with abandon. he couldn’t control himself the moment his cock sank inside of you, your velvety walls sucking him.
“f-fuck, ‘toru it—“ you interrupted your sentence with a gasp as getou pulled the butt plug out of your ass, his free hand wrapping around your throat and squeezing at the sides.
“i think this pretty ass is ready to be fucked, hm?” getou turned your head to side, crashing his lips onto yours as you moaned in his mouth. he lifted your hips up and pried your hole open with his cock, slowly sinking you back down until he was fully bottomed out. gojo’s thrusts had paused, being so kind as to allow you to adjust to this foreign feeling. your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you squirmed in between them. gojo was longer, but getou was thicker. gojo was deeper inside of you, but getou’s girth was painfully stretching out your ass.
“i can’t. ‘s too much.” you whimpered, pushing off of getou with your hands behind your back, but getou wasn’t having it. his grip on your throat tightened, his other hand wrapping around your waist and pulling you back against his chest.
“aw, what happened to taking what i give you? weren’t you beggin’ for my cock earlier? well, you got it now. be. grateful.” he accompanied both of his last two words with harsh thrusts up into your ass, grunting at how tight your unused hole was. you wailed out and nodded, tears rolling down your eyes at the intensity.
“y-yes. ‘m grateful for both of your cocks. feel so full.” you squeezed your eyes shut, heart beating inside of your chest as two resumed thrusting in and out of you. gojo pushed your knees to your chest to fuck into you deeper, moaning as his cock dragged along your walls, rubbing against getou’s cock buried deep into your ass. your ankles were next to your ears, getou’s hands holding your ass and gojo’s pressing the back of your knees to your chest.
“you look so pretty like this. stuffed full of both of our cocks, and look. can see my cock in your tummy, baby.” gojo pressed his forehead on yours, both of you looking down in between your bodies at the bulge that appeared in your stomach with every thrust. your mouth fell open and your cunt spasmed at the sight, unable to peel your eyes away from it as you whimpered.
the way their cocks split you in half was maddening. their thrusts alternated, always keeping you full no matter what hole. it was mind fucking and your head was spinning in circles from the stimulation.
“gonna—gonna cum!” you moaned, tongue lolling out of your mouth as they both continued assaulting your cunt faster. getou slapped your thigh as he held it, fingers digging into your flesh as your ass continued sucking him in, feeling impossibly tight around him.
both men’s grunts and groans were melodic, sounding like music to your ears which aided to your impending climax. you tensed up, body freezing up as euphoria shot through your entire body, cunt twitching as you came. your essence sprayed onto gojo’s lower abdomen as you rode out your high, mind blanking.
you closed your eyes for what you thought was a few seconds, but as you opened your eyes, you found yourself pressed against getou’s chest as he held you up by your knees with your legs spread wide open. he leaned against the wall, peeking over your shoulder at gojo who was kneeling in between your legs. you didn’t remember switching positions, mind still fuzzy from your orgasm. had you gone unconscious?
you jolted in getou’s hold as gojo licked one long strip up your slit, gathering all of your cum and his on his tongue.
“wh—“ you rested your head on getou’s shoulder as he whispered praises in your ear, reassuring you that you could give them another couple orgasm because you’re their good girl. gojo lapped up your arousal, sucking on your clit while he stroked his own dick, moaning in between your legs. after he was done feasting, he stood up and squeezed your cheeks together, your lips parting just enough for him to slowly spit some of your cum and his into your mouth. getou cursed at the nasty scene in front of him, watching you obediently swallow the cum.
“that’s a good fucking girl.” gojo cooed, smiling as you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“need more, please.” you begged, wriggling in getou’s hold anxiously, needing to feel as full as you did moments ago. it was addicting and you needed more.
“turn her around.” gojo told getou as he licked his lips, eyes focused on your dripping cunt. you whined as getou placed you on the ground only to spin you around facing him. he lifted you up by your thighs as gojo pressed his chest against your back, his cock pressing into your lower back.
“tell us what you want, baby.” getou’s cock prodded at your entrance, teasing you as you whimpered, glossy eyes peering up at him.
“want you both to stuff all of my holes, please. want you to cum inside of me & make me yours.” it was almost pathetic how needy you were for these two men. of all the partners you had been with, none of them held a candle to getou and gojo. the pair talked down on you like you were street garbage, but fucked you like it was their last time to show you how much they adored you. you absolutely loved it.
“like this?” gojo’s cock slowly disappeared into your ass while getou did the same in your cunt. almost immediately after they bottomed out, you felt the need to cum. this new position allowed their cocks to penetrate deeper inside of you than before.
“ohhhh god.” you whimpered, eyes rolling back as your head dropped onto gojo’s shoulder. the men began pounding into you relentlessly, showing no remorse. they hadn’t been so kind as to allow you to adjust before they started their assail. you couldn’t even moan, only uttering pathetic whimpers and choked out gasps, the breath constantly being knocked out of your lungs. any sentences you tried to form were reduced to broken words and stutters, your brain struggling to keep up with the intensity. your legs were flailing around in the air over getou’s arms, moving like jello with every thrust. you couldn’t even register the degrading things gojo and getou were saying to you, far too deep in bliss to understand, only recognizing the grunts and groans falling from their lips.
“you still with us, sweet pea? or did we flip a switch in that empty brain of yours?” gojo teased, hissing at your tight hole squeezing him in, his cock rubbing against getou’s through your thin walls.
“nnngh—uh huh.” you mewled, excitedly bouncing up and down on their cocks to meet their harsh thrusts. your cunt continuously contracting around getou’s cock, his furious thrusts and throbbing cock hitting your g-spot repeatedly. you knew you wouldn’t last long with them ramming into you like this, but you had little to no warning when an orgasm washed over you, body twitching and back arching as your arousal gushed out of you. you swore you came for more than two minutes, muscles spasming and legs shaking as gojo and getou continued plunging into you while they chased their own release.
getou came first, filling up your asshole with his load while sucking on your neck, leaving his mark on your body. gojo followed shortly after, painting your walls white with his seed, moaning out your name as his hips stilled. the three of you stayed in this same position for a few moments, collecting yourselves and gathering the energy to move.
“fucking best pussy i’ve ever had. i can see why everyone raves on about you.” gojo chuckled, placing kisses on your neck and collarbone while getou did the same on the other side.
“i think we might have to keep you for ourselves. keep you as our own personal slut. i don’t want anyone else touching this pussy.” getou reached behind your back, removing the belt binding your hands together. a wave of relief washed over you as you felt your wrists being freed. you brought your hands out from behind your back and laced your fingers through both men’s hair, sighing out in pleasure as both their lips were attached to your neck, kissing and sucking on every inch of skin. you nodded, gasping as getou and gojo slipped their cocks out of you, their cum dribbling out of your fucked out holes while they gently let you down. your legs just about gave out from how sore they were, cunt aching as you wobbled over to your bed. you collapsed on the sheets, sighing out as you rolled onto your back, looking at gojo and getou standing at the end of the bed.
“hope we didn’t go too hard on you, sweet pea.” gojo took a seat on the bed next to you, rubbing your knuckles with his thumb before bringing your hand up to his lips for a kiss. you shook your head and lazily smiled with your eyes still shut.
“was really good,” you mumbled, looking over at getou who was throwing his clothes back on. your eyebrows furrowed as you sat up a bit, wondering why he was getting dressed. you knew they wouldn’t stay long, but you didn’t think he’d be leaving this early.
“sugy, where you going?” you asked, your bottom lip quivering. gojo chuckled to himself, laying down next to you.
“i’m not leaving if that’s what you were wondering. i figured you’d be hungry so i was gonna grab something to eat for us. we can watch a movie or something when i get back.” he reassured, walking over to you and giving you a quick peck as he stroked your hair. you exhaled, not realizing you were holding your breath the entire time.
“he told you, you’re ours now. we wouldn’t leave you high and dry like that. now come on, i’ll let you rest a little before suguru comes back.” gojo pulled you down to his chest, his finger running up and down your bare spine as getou left. you smiled as you drifted off to sleep with gojo’s hands roaming your body.
gojo looked down at your sleeping body and hummed to himself, glad that he and suguru had finally made you theirs. though before today, you had never even gave gojo a second glance, gojo was always in the background. getou’s several failed attempts and sleazy schemes had finally paid off. you would only spread your legs for them and no one else.
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