#and that look of hope! that she might be forgiven that they could start over that all she needed was understanding!
zoobus · 1 year
Idk how to put it into words...korean novels/comics have this je ne sais quois when it comes to interpersonal relationships that nourish me. That I was deprived of. Girl insanity, girls with real friendships, girls with undiagnosed personality disorders, girls and their grooming mothers, girls who are evil and it only makes sense they would be. Girls who realize their mistakes far too late. Girls who recognize they can't be forgiven no matter how sorry they are and have to keep living with that.
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muffinpink02 · 28 days
Bronze Is Better Then Gold Part 4
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Warnings - smut 18
“Right, it's only a small cut. I’ll give it a clean, just to be safe.” Lauren H said, as she opened up the medic bag.
“Thank you.” Ona sighed. 
“This might sting.” 
“It's fine- oww! That hurts.” Ona scowled. 
Lauren laughed. “I did say it was going to hurt.” 
Lucy walked over to the pair, a look on her face that Ona didn't like. 
“The boss wants to talk to us.” Lucy looked between her and Lauren.
Ona let out a sigh, forgetting about the sting of the alcohol on her cut. “Shit.”
Lauren packed away the medical bag. “You’re all done. Good luck guys.” She scurried away.
Lucy drove them back to the office. She looked over at the younger brunette, she looked more scared now then she did on the bridge. “Don’t stress too much. She's just going to be a bit pissed, but it's not going to be that bad. Trust me, I’ve done worse.” 
Ona looked over at Lucy, a small smile crept on her face. “You sure?”
Lucy scrunched up her face and waved her hand. “Pssh yeah, she's a pussy cat.” 
They drove the rest of the way in silence but it didn’t feel strained or awkward, it was needed after what just happened, it was comfortable like it was before. 
Sarina wasn't a pussy cat, but she wasn't as angry as Lucy thought she'd be either. 
“What were you thinking, Ona? No, don't answer that, I don't want to know. I’ll tell you what you were thinking. Nothing! Nothing smart could have gone through your head when you decided to run off and chase an extremely dangerous criminal without your partner, without any backup. You didn't even have your gun! It was the most irresponsible thing an agent could do, and you did it. I expected better from you, Ona.”
Ona hung her head. “I’m sorry.”
“She just didn't want him to get away, mam. if it makes you feel any better she did a number on his face.” Lucy chuckled lightly.
Sarina now had her attention on Lucy who was standing next to Ona. 
“Don’t you start. Don't think I haven’t noticed a shift in you. I don’t know what's going on with the pair of you but I want it sorted.”
The girls shifted awkwardly on their spots.
Sarina sighed. “Leave.”
The girls left. Neither looking back. 
The thing is, Ona wouldn't tell you this, but she had run after Slims in some small hope that Lucy would talk to her again, to even have her look at her for longer than 5 seconds. It was also out of instinct but in the back of her mind she was hoping if she caught Slims, Lucy might want to be her friend again. She knew it was silly but she was desperate. But, she probably did the reverse, and made Lucy even more angry with her.
Only if she knew that when Lucy had got home that night she broke down crying the moment she closed her door. The older brunette didn't get further than her hallway when she felt the hot tears streaming down her face.
A rush of emotions hit her hard. Seeing Ona in danger like she did today was a complete shock to the system. Lucy had felt completely helpless, seeing the younger girl trapped like she did, the pain she was in, and she couldn't do anything to protect her. It was one of the scariest positions she’d ever been in, and that’s coming from someone who has had several guns pointing at her. Not all at once of course, but the girl had been in life threatening situations. But this was scary, and it was scary because it was Ona. 
And she should know better, this wasn't the first time she had been in a situation of losing someone close to her. She was just thankful history hadn’t repeated itself. 
That's when she sobbed harder as she thought about how she had treated the younger girl this last month. How horrible she had been to her, hardly talking to her, being so fucking cold towards her, how selfish she had been. If she had lost Ona today she would never have forgiven herself. She knew she was handling the situation badly, and this was a wake up call.
The thought alone at losing Ona in any way frightened her deeply. She realised if Ona wanted her as just a friend then she was lucky enough to have that. Even if she did want her as so much more. 
She knew she needed to fix things.
She took herself to shower, washing her puffy face, her head was banging from all of her crying. She took a deep breath as she washed the day away. She made her way to her bedroom and looked at her phone, she began to type.
Lucy - Hey, can I pick you up tomorrow?
Ona was drying her hair when she got the text from the older brunette. Like Lucy, she had tried to wash the stressful day off herself, especially her hair. She was shocked to see a text from the older brunette. And when she read it she was even more shocked and slightly confused. Why did she want to pick her up? She was annoyed at how her stomach fluttered, she did still like Lucy after all. But those butterflies died quickly, she assumed Lucy was probably going to give her a hard time about her actions, tell her how foolish it was to run off without her partner. She dried the rest of her hair before she replied.
Ona - Sure, I’ll see you then
Lucy smiled, it wasn't like their texts before, but it was a start.
Lucy pulled up in her spot where she would always park, she smiled when she saw the shorter girl sitting at her usual spot on the wall. The northerners' hands were sweating, she really hoped it wasn't too late to make things up with Ona.
The Spaniard took a deep breath as she approached the car, she braced herself to be scolded by Lucy. She kind of regretted agreeing to this, was it too late to run back to her flat? Ona sat in the passenger seat, looking over at Lucy with a timid smile, she was understandably nervous. Lucy had been nothing but weird with her, and frankly rude, she was unsure what she could have wanted.
Lucy smiled a little awkwardly at the younger brunette, she could tell the Spaniard was confused and maybe even a bit scared. Ona wasn’t really herself around her anymore, it broke her heart to see, but she knew it was her own fault. 
“Morning.” Lucy smiled.
“Good morning.” Ona breathed out.
Nearly 10 seconds had passed, Lucy was struggling to find the words that she had practised all last night.
“Ona, I...,” - “So..,” Both girls spoke over the other, making them nervously laugh. 
Lucy took a deep breath.
“Ona, I don’t really know where to start. I’m sorry for being such a dick. I know I’ve been weird this last month. I was just going through some personal stuff and it’s no excuse but it got in the way of my work and affected my relationship with you. And I regret it. I’m really sorry.” She breathed out. “I fucked up, but I really hope I can be your friend again. And if you don’t want that, I understand.” 
Well, Ona wasn't expecting that. Was she happy to hear Lucy apologise? Yes, but she couldn't help but wonder, why? Why did Lucy act that way? They were so close before, close in many ways. She wanted to ask what Lucy meant with ‘personal stuff.’ but she didn't want to rock the boat, this was already a surprise. And a happy surprise at that, Ona wasn't one for holding grudges, even though Ona was young she was just a little more mature than some people her age, and maybe older. 
Ona looked at Lucy, doing that thing where she could see into her soul, her big brown chocolate eyes looking right at her. 
She smiled brightly. “Sí, you were a dick, but It’s okay, these things happen. I would really like to go back to how we were, friends.” 
They both said the word loud and clear ‘friend’, the pair flinching at the fact that they both had said it. But that's what this relationship was now, and always had been. Friends.
“I err, also got you some fresh coffee and some fresh chocolate chip muffins.” Lucy held up the bag smiling gingerly. 
Ona chuckled sweetly. “Okay, that makes it a little better.” 
Lucy felt a little tension leave her shoulders as she passed Ona over her coffee, it may not be perfect but was a start.
“Do we have to listen to Christmas music everyday? Mariah Carey is getting on my nerves.” Lucy covered her face in annoyance. 
“Get a grip Bronze, it happens every year. Stop being a grinch!” Jess shouted across the room, laughing with Lauren H.
It was the second week of December, Ona eyed up the newly hung Christmas decorations around the office. She couldn't keep the smile off her face, the Spaniard loved Christmas, it was her favourite time of year.
She loved the music, the food, the gifts, the drinks, the cheesy Christmas movies, but most of all she loved that it was an excuse to be with your loved ones. Though some years were hard, not being able to share it with her family. Her fondest memories was when she was a child, herself and her brother used to try and keep each other awake to spot Father Christmas, though they never did. 
The first year Ona arrived in London she had spent Christmas alone. She had hoped to get a call or card from her parents but they never did. She tried to call, but they didn't answer when they saw it was her number. Her brother called her secretly, but that only hurt her more.
Her friend's face timed her throughout the day, but she insisted they spent the day with their families, not wanting to bother them. So, she spent Christmas alone, she even went into the new years alone.
She had never cried so much in her life. It hurt her, not being able to be with the people she loved, but her parents didn’t want anything to do with her, even if it was Christmas. 
But, since her friends moved to London she had spent every Christmas, New Years and everything in between with them. They would make their traditional festive food, play their music, and partake in the traditions they did when they were children. So, for Ona, Christmas was still a holiday she loved, even if she couldnt spend it with her blood family, she spent it with the family she chose.
Ona and Lucy were watching Jill, Demi and Jordan decorate the Christmas tree. Well, it was more Jill telling the others that they were doing it wrong, moving a bauble every time they placed it on a branch. 
“No! What are you doing? It’s already too crowded down there. Giss it here, you obviously can't reach higher than half way up. Yous put all the decorations at the bottom. No. Jordan don’t hit. You know I’ll have you on the floor.” Jill laughed.
Ona and Lucy chuckled at the show in front of them. “Would Jill really be able to beat Jordan?” Ona asked.
Lucy scoffed. “Not a chance, Jill knows it too.” 
Ona watched on. “Hmm. Tea?” 
“I’ll do it, you made tea last.” Lucy got up and made her way to the kitchen.
Since Lucy apologised just over a week ago she had been trying her best to make it up to Ona. They started going for lunch again, they even went back to the chip shop, Lucy brought Ona on her first week. The texts came back, but they weren't as often, though that was kind of expected.
Lucy even got Ona to agree on taking lifts with her again, but it wasn’t hard, it was December and cold. And yeah, it was still the Spaniards favourite part of the day. But Lucy didn’t need to know that.
It quickly went back to how it was between them, but the flirting had stopped. Well, kind of. Sometimes it had a way of creeping itself in, but neither girl minded, they would laugh it off and change the subject.
It wasn't too different, just a lot less tension. Well, it was a different kind of tension, but neither girl could really understand what it was, it was just…new.
Did Ona get butterflies every morning she got in Lucy's car when the brunette gave her that smile that she loved? Yes. Did Lucy find herself completely mesmerised by Ona when she stuck her tongue out in contraction when she was making notes on her laptop? Yes.
Did they still have feelings for each other? Yes. Did they want more than to be friends? Yes. Did they have the guts to be honest with each other and tell the other how they feel? No. It was complicated.
“As most of you know, yesterday Harvey Smith or ‘Bugz’ was sentenced to 20 years in prison, with no chance of parole. We also managed to track down most of the members that were involved in working for the Smith brothers, they were sentenced to 10 years. So that's the good news” 
Lucy looked at the white board with all the criminals' faces plastered on it. She continued. 
“Frank Smith's body hasn't been retrieved from the river, we understand the river does lead out to the Thames so it's more than likely it may possibly never be retrieved. The case will be officially closed once the last bits of paper work are complete. Jordan, I'm looking at you.” 
“Will be done by Wednesday, boss.” She nodded.
Lucy smiled. “Okay great, well done guys. This case was an intense one, but you've all done amazing. So, thank you and well done. We’ll start work on the ‘Green’ case next week. I know Hempo’s already got many leads on that. Anyways it's Friday, it's half 4. Rose and Crown it is.”
The group clapped and cheered on closing a case, and of course the mention of the pub. But mostly for putting criminals behind bars. An hour and a half  later most of the team was in the pub. Ona was listening to Demi and Mary argue about what the best Christmas film was when she got a text on the group message. 
Alexia - hey guys, I just wanted to let you know i'm going home this christmas, my mum is getting angry with me for not going, will be gone till after new years. I’m sorry 🙁 Ona my mums asked for you to come.
Mapi - I was going to tell you guys tonight but ingrid has asked me to go with her to Norway for christmas and new years to meet her family, I said yes and we bought tickets already 
Ona felt her heart sink. She felt stupid for it but her eyes started to well up. The thought of spending this Christmas alone really wasn't something she wanted. Even though Alexia had asked her to come she wouldn't accept the offer. Her parents lived a road away from Alexia's parents, she would never chance bumping into them. It would hurt too much knowing they would ignore her if they saw her.
She quickly excused herself and ran to the bathroom, she could feel the tears just about to overflow. She opened the door and crashed into a hard body. 
“I-I’m sorry. I wasn't looking. Oh. Lucy.”
Lucy smiled but it instantly dropped when she saw Ona’s face, her beautiful brown eyes welling up with tears.
“Woah, what's wrong?” She gently put her hand on Ona’s shoulder.
You know when you're already about to cry and you're holding it in as much as you physically can, but someone asks ‘what's wrong?’ and the flood gates open up? Yeah, that's exactly what happened to Ona. She felt the first tear slip, then another, until her cheeks were wet. 
“Oh Ona, what happened? Talk to me.” 
Lucy felt her heart break seeing the younger girl like this. She didn't think about her next move; she just did it. She brought Ona close to her chest. Pulling her into a tight hug. She felt so small in her arms, so vulnerable.
She was the perfect height to fit under Lucy's chin, that's when she felt her body shake from the small sobs. She hugged her even tighter, rubbing her hands up and down Ona’s back in the most gentle motion. 
Maybe it was because of the drink in her system, or the horrible memories she had of her first year here, that she never thought she'd have to experience again, or the fact that she was in Lucy's arms.
When Ona let go, she cried and sobbed. She just needed a little comfort. She needed this so badly. And Lucy was more than happy to let her cry into her chest for as long as she needed.
After about 5 minutes of crying Ona took a deep breath and pulled back, she saw the wet patch she left on Lucy's shirt. 
“Oh, sorry Lucy.” She pointed to the dark patches. 
Lucy looked down at her top and smiled. “It's not the first time a girl got me wet.” 
Ona laughed through wet eyes, only Lucy would say something like that while Ona had just been sobbing. She just wanted to make her laugh and she did. Ona had to shake the inappropriate thoughts from her head.
“What's wrong, Ona?” Lucy grabbed the shorter girl's shoulders, her serious face was now on. 
“It's so stupid, I don't even know why I’m crying like this.” She sniffled. “My friends aren't going to be here for christmas and new years. So, I'll be alone. And….yeah, its stupid.” She shook her head at herself as she wiped her tears. 
“That's not stupid. It makes complete sense why you’d be upset.”
Lucy didn’t know if it was the drink, or the way her heart broke for the petite girl in front of her, or the fact that she wanted to spend any moment she could with Ona, that her next words came out. “Spend it with me.” 
Ona looked up at the older brunette. “What?”
“Yeah, I’m staying with my parents for Christmas. Come with me.” She smiled brightly.
“I couldn't do that.” Ona lied, she could definitely do that.
“Yeah you could. It will be fun. I also have a party I’ve been invited to for new years, you could come with me. Or if you’re not into that we can just spend it together.” 
She wanted that so badly. 
Ona felt her heart pounding. Was this really happening? Her emotions were all over the place. One minute she was a mess of tears, now she could run through the pub and do summersaults. Don’t get her wrong she was sad about her friends not being here for Christmas, but spending any time with Lucy was still something she wanted everyday. 
“I can see a smile creeping on your face. You'll come, yeah?” 
Ona wanted to argue more, she wanted to say no. But she couldn’t bring herself to, she wanted nothing more than to be with Lucy. So what was the point of lying?
Ona nodded, a shy smile plastered her lips. She really hoped Lucy wanted her to come and it wasn't just out of pity. But the smile Lucy gave Ona made those feelings melt away. 
“Good, it's settled, you're coming to mine for Christmas. I’ll be driving, it's a 4 hour drive, you better be a good DJ.” 
Ona threw her head back laughing, that laugh always did something to Lucy. 
“You know I have the better music taste.” Ona teased. 
“Yeah, yeah. Just no Christmas music.” Lucy playfully rolled her eyes.
A silence fell over them, both not knowing what to say, but wanting to say so much. 
“Thank you, Lucy.” Ona wiped her nose.
“You don't need to thank me. It will be fun. I’m going to the bar, what do you want to drink?” 
“Ah, an aperol spritz?” 
Lucy shook her head, smiling. “I don’t know how you drink that. It tastes like petrol.”
The Spaniard laughed. “You just don’t have taste.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Lucy squeezed Ona’s arm as she started to leave for the bar. “You okay, yeah?” 
“Yeah, thank you.” Ona smiled. 
The older brunette made her way to the bar, she couldn't hold back the smile on her face. Did that really just happen? Was she really going to be spending Christmas with Ona? She felt giddy, like a kid on Christmas day. She waited to be served, when she felt someone beside her.
“Hey Lucy.”
“Hi Jen.” Lucy gave her a tight smile.
“Aye, listen I’m sorry about Ona, I didn't know you two were a thing at the time. I wouldn't have said what I said,”
“We’re not a thing.” Lucy finally looked at Jen. 
“Oh? Could have fooled me.”
Jen chuckled. “Come on. I’ve seen you two around. I’ve seen the way she looks at you. And you her.”  
“We’re just friends. Partners. We have to be close.” 
“Aye, yeah, friends.” The Scottish women winked at Lucy. 
“We are just friends. I thought you two were a thing.” 
Jen scoffed. “Are you blind? She likes you. I should've realised when I spoke to her at your birthday. The girl wouldn't stop talking about you.” Jen rolled her eyes playfully. 
“I don’t thi-,” 
“Luce. Come on. She was looking around for you all night at the bar. Asking everyone if they had seen you.” She scoffed again, shaking her head. Whispering the next words. “I tried to dance with her. She thought I was you.” 
Jen rolled her eyes. “This is hurting my ego enough.” She sighed. “I tried to dance with her, and I thought she was into it, until she basically pushed me away after she realised it was me dancing with her. I swear she said your name, thinking I was you.” 
Lucy felt her heart sink. Realisation finally kicking in. 
Jen continued “So yeah. The girl likes you. I thought you were kind of a thing now? Are you not?” Jen looked confused.
“Pshh mate.” Jen put her hand on Lucy's shoulder and shook her head in disbelief. “Anyways, I’ve said enough. Enjoy your night.” 
“Y-yeah, thanks. You too.” 
Lucy let out a deep sigh, shaking her head in disbelief. She felt a weird excited but dreaded feeling in her stomach. Had she really messed up this badly? If Ona did actually like her, she had obviously ruined anything that could have potentially happened between them. Or had she? She did just invite her to have Christmas with her family, and Ona said yes. A quick yes. But, as friends. But? No. Maybe? Maybe there was a chance. 
Ona was sat on the wall waiting for Lucy to pick her up. It was the morning of Christmas Eve. Ona would be lying if she didn't say she was nervous, only 3 weeks ago herself and Lucy wasn't even speaking, now she was spending Christmas with her and her family. Talk about your turn of events.
Lucy pulled up beeping her horn at Ona, smiling when the girl shook her head at her silliness. Ona wasn't the only one that was nervous. When Lucy asked her to spend Christmas with her and her family, she wasn't actually thinking about what that could mean. She was also maybe a little tipsy when she asked, so she hadn’t thought about the implications of her question, but it didn't make her any less excited that Ona said yes. 
Lucy got out of the car, helping Ona with her bag and what looked like a bag with gifts. 
“Hola, good morning.” Ona smiled.
“Good morning. Here, let's put that in the boot.” She lifted up a bag spotting the wrapping paper. “Ona you didn't have to get any gifts.” Lucy complained.
“What? Don’t be stupid. It's Christmas, of course I have gifts.” She argued.
“Well, thank you but you really shouldn't have.” Lucy shook her head smiling at Ona’s thoughtfulness.
Ona playfully rolled her eyes at the older girl. The pair got into the car and made their way up North. 
The first hour they spoke non stop, it was so easy. They could speak about anything and everything. The second hour they listened to music, Lucy even put on some christmas songs after Ona pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes. By the third hour they played games, like ‘eye spy', ‘21 questions', and ‘would you rather?’ By the fourth hour Lucy noticed Ona’s eyes dropping. Another five minutes and the girl was sleeping quietly next to her.
Lucy couldn't help but steal glances at the younger brunette, her face was so soft. She looked incredibly peaceful. She looked beautiful. 20 minutes before they arrived Lucy woke Ona up, she really didn't want to disturb her but she also thought Ona would want to wake up a little before they arrived.
“Ona. Ona, wake up. Come on, sleepy head.” Lucy gently nudged her.
Ona slowly opened her eyes. She looked confused at first but smiled when she saw Lucy. 
“We’re nearly there.” 
“Sorry Lucy. I didn't mean to sleep for so long.” Ona stretched.
“No, I don’t mind.”
They finally arrived. Lucy turned the engine off and turned to the shorter girl.
“Right, like I said my mum can chat for britain. Just smile and nod. My brother is a dick and is always teasing. His wife Molly is normal, you'll get on with her, maybe.” She smiled cheekily at Ona. “My dad just pots about, he doesn't really get in anyone's way.” 
“Aye, come on, I'll be fine.” 
“Yeah, you will. If anything becomes too much or you just want some of your own space, or just need a break. Please give me a signal. It can be a lot with your own family on Christmas, let alone someone else's.”
Ona gave Lucy a deadpan look. “Lucy, come on.” 
“No, you come on. Give me a signal.” 
Ona scooped Lucy’s little finger with her own. Bringing it in between them. “This okay?”
Lucy's heart skipped a beat. It wasn't an intimate touch, not at all, but it felt special. It felt familiar. Lucy smiled. “Okay, that's good.” 
Ona smiled, she didn't think about what she was doing when she grabbed Lucy's finger. She felt stupid for it but she felt a weird spark, a shiver that travelled through her. But she couldn't help but notice how natural it felt to touch Lucy, even though it was a small piece of her, she liked it a lot.
The girls grabbed their bags and made their way to Lucy's childhood home. The taller brunette knocked on the door and turned to Ona and mouthed ‘Good luck.’
The door opened to an older looking Lucy, Ona recognised Lucy's mum from the face time they had back on Lucy's birthday.
“Oh Ona! It's so lovely to finally meet you!” Lucy's mum side stepped Lucy completely,  engulfing Ona in a rib breaking hug. 
Ona smiled at the older woman, she embraced her hug easily. It had been a while since she had this type of hug, a mothers hug. She instantly felt the warmth from her, it was nice, it was something she had missed for years. 
“It's so nice to finally meet you. Thank you for having me.” Ona tried to not struggle from the squeeze of Lucy's mum.
Lucy's mum finally let go. “Don’t be silly. I’m so happy to have you here.” She held Ona by her arms stroking her lovingly. 
“No you’re alright, I didn't just drive four hours to be ignored.” Lucy said with a deadpan stare at her mum.
“Oh Lucy calm down, I speak to you all the time. She's so moody isn't she Ona? Lord knows what it's like to work with her. Come on then, give me a cuddle.” Lucy didn't have time to argue, before she was being squashed by her mum's bear-like grip.
Ona smiled at the pair's banter. 
“Come in girls. Get your bags upstairs. Ona what would you like to drink sweetheart? Tea, coffee? Prosecco? I've already opened a bottle.” 
“Oh, I’m okay for now, thank you. But I do have some cinamon rolls for you."
The older women's face lit up. "Oh Ona. Thank you! You shouldn't have, you angle!"
Ona passed the fresh baked goods over. Lucy's mum smiled as she took them. "Such a sweet girl."
Ona’s mum smiled warmly at her. “You let me know if you want anything, don't be scared to ask. Lucy, can you get the games out of the attic please. I can’t reach. John come and say hello to your daughter and Ona. Stop watching that pokie show!” Lucy's mum walked off.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Come, we'll take these upstairs. You can see my teenage room.” 
Before the girls could move Lucy's mum came back. “Oh Lucy, just so you know you and Ona will have to share your room. We’ve turned your sister's room into a home gym. She doesn't need it living in Australia now. I do my Davina Mcall workout in there every morning. I've lost 5 pounds already!” 
“Erm, okay no problem. Do we still have the blow up bed?” 
“No, your dad popped it when we had some friends round. Had to throw it away. You've got a double bed in your room, you can surely share.”
Lucy looked like a deer in headlights. Her and Ona were going to share a bed in her teenage bedroom? Her teenage self would be fisting the air right now. All three of the women heard Lucy's dad shout something in the background.
“What John? No, I don't know where the tape measurer is. What do you need that for?” And the older woman was gone again.
“Okay, looks like we’re bunking together. Do you mind?” Lucy started to walk up the stairs.
“No, not at all.” Ona smiled. She didn’t mind one bit.
Lucy opened the door to her old bedroom. Things had obviously changed a bit since it was her room, but her mum had kept some of her old posters and football trophies up. 
Ona smiled as she looked at the posters, some looked to have signatures on them. “You liked football huh?” 
“Still do.” Lucy came up behind her. 
“You can play?” Ona picked up one of the old trophies.
“I can. I’m really good.” Lucy said with a cocky smile on her face. 
“Not as good as me though.” A deep voice made them both jump.
Ona turned to see a young man standing in the doorway, he had familiar features to Lucy but only slight. “Hi, you must be the famous Ona. I’m Kevin.” He smiled. That's when Ona saw the resemblance.  
“Hello Kevin, it's lovely to meet you.” Ona smiled.
“She showing off again? She does that a lot.” Kevin smiled playfully.
“I apologise in advance, Ona.” Lucy moved over to hug her brother but was caught in a headlock that she easily got out of after punching her brother right in the chest. 
Ona giggled at the sister and brother relationship. It wasn't too far off her own relationship with her brother, when she had still lived in Spain.
“Auntie Lucy!” A smaller voice joined the commotion.
Ona watched as the little raven haired girl grasped on to Lucy's leg. “Hey, Rudy!” Lucy grabbed the girl and brought her into a hug. “How's my favourite niece?” 
The little girl laughed. “I’m your only niece.”
Lucy kissed her cheek. “Hey Ruds, come say hi to my friend Ona.”
For some reason Ona felt nervous, of all the people she wanted to make a good impression on it was Lucy's niece. She knew Lucy adored the girl, so this was important to her. The little girl nodded suddenly, becoming a little shy. Lucy walked them over to Ona. The Spaniard then noticed Rudy looked like a younger version of Lucy. The resemblance was uncanny. 
“Hello Rudy, I’m Ona.” Ona gave Rudy a small wave. 
“Hello Ona.” The girl tucked her head into Lucy's neck, keeping her eyes on Ona.
“I like your shoes. I've got some just like yours. But I like the colours on yours more.” Ona tapped the girl's shoes. 
“Auntie Lucy got them for me.” She said proudly, smiling at the Spaniard.
“Oh did she? She has good taste.” Ona smiled.
“Yeah. I want juice.” The younger girl escaped from Lucy's arms and ran out of the room. Leaving the two women alone.
“She’s so cute.” 
“Yeah. When she’s not being a brat.” Lucy laughed.
An awkward silence fell over the pair. Ona eyed up the double bed, then back to the posters. “Do you play now?” 
Lucy looked at the posters. “Now and again. I have a team I play on a Sunday with. I played a lot more when I was younger. I nearly went to America to train, but I injured my knee when I was 17. Couldn’t play the same for years after that.” Lucy looked thoughtful.
“Oh. That's awful, I'm sorry Lucy.” 
“Ahh doesn't matter. I doubt I would’ve made it.” Lucy shrugged. 
“Lucy! Ona! Come down, I’ve got the baby album out!” Lucy's mum shouted from downstairs.
The older brunette's eyes closed in frustration. 
“Coming!” Ona smiled wickedly at Lucy. She grabbed Lucy's hand pulling her out the room. “I can’t wait for this.” 
Even though Lucy was just a shade lighter than a tomato she didn't hate the feeling of Ona’s hand in hers. 
“Oh and that’s Lucy on her 5th birthday. It was a football party, of course.”  Lucy’s mum pointed and smiled at the younger Lucy.
“And here’s Lucy having a bath. I’ll tell you what Ona that girl could never keep her clothes on. I’d have to keep an eye on her constantly. She always wanted to be in the nude.” Lucy's mum laughed.
“Mum!” Lucy was a beetroot colour now.
“What? Don’t be embarrassed, you were only a baby.” 
Ona couldn't hold back the laugh as Lucy's mum nudged her arm, laughing with her.
“Okay! I need a drink. Ona? Drink?” Lucy stood up.
“Good idea Lucy, bring the bottle in.” Lucy’s mum said without turning around.
Lucy shook her head, but couldn’t help but smile when she saw Ona getting on with her mum. 
The day went quick. Lucy hardly got to speak to Ona as she was pulled from pillar to post from each family member, even her dad joined in on the fun. The girl had slotted into the family so easily, she got on with everyone, it made Lucy feel at ease. Once Rudy was put to bed Lucy and Ona helped with putting the Christmas presents under the tree. 
That's when Lucy felt the warm skin of Ona’s little finger wrapping around her own. She looked up to see big brown eyes on hers, and a slightly tired smile on her face. Lucy didn't have to say anything, she could read Ona’s face. 
“Mum, we’re heading up.” 
“Okay. We’ll be up in a bit. Lucy, make sure to be a good host and give Ona anything she needs.”
Keven couldn't hold in his laugh on the other side of the room, his wife hitting him quickly. Lucy shot daggers at her immature brother. The girls said their good nights and made their way upstairs. Lucy closed the door behind her as they entered her room.
“You okay?” 
“Sí, sorry I just couldn’t keep my eyes open.” 
“No, that's okay. I’m tired too. I'll grab us towels so we can shower.
“Okay, so that tap can be a bit temperamental, I’ll put it on for you so you don’t struggle.” 
“Thank you, Luce.” 
They waited in silence for the water to warm up. It was a small bathroom, Lucy could feel Ona right next to her, every so often she could feel her arm accidentally touch her own. She hoped the younger brunette didn’t notice the hairs on her arm stand up or the goosebumps that took over her skin from a simple touch. 
She could feel the Spaniards eyes on her, but she kept her eyes on the running water or anywhere that wasn’t at Ona. She couldn't believe how nervous she felt. Once she was happy with the temperature she left the girl to shower. 
“Okay, that should be good. If you need anything let me know, I’ll be right in. I mean, I w-wont come in obviously. Like, I can…I’ll help with what I can. Without coming in, cos you'll be naked.” 
Ona couldn't hold back the smirk on her face. This may have been the first time she had seen Lucy shy, or tongue tied. Was it cute? Yes! Did she almost reach up to kiss her to stop her stuttering? Almost.
“Don’t worry. I’ll call if I need you.” Ona smiled playfully.
The older brunette chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of her neck. God, what's wrong with you?
“Right. Good. Let me get out of your way.”
Lucy squeezed by Ona, apologising as her body pressed against hers as she did. She was so close she could smell Ona’s shampoo. The coconut one, the one she liked. 
“Thank you Luce.” 
Lucy let out a deep sigh. She didn't regret asking Ona to come here for Christmas but she didn't realise how hard it was going to be. She wanted the girl. Badly. And having her here was only increasing her feelings. Seeing how easily she slotted in with her family increased it. Singing stupid Christmas songs in the 4 hour car journey increased it. Just having Ona by her side increased it. 
Lucy scrolled on her phone sitting on her bed as she waited for Ona to finish in the shower. When the bathroom door opened she nearly forgot how to breathe. She may have pictured Ona like this a few times. No, a lot of times. But this was the real thing, now she was actually in front of her. She came out in her towel, water droplets dripped down her milky skin. The baby hair on the back of her neck curled from the heat of the shower. Her freckled cheeks flushed a hot pink from the heat. Fuck. This was going to be difficult.
“Done. Thank you.” Ona smiled sitting down on the other side of the bed. 
Lucy swallowed on her dry throat. “Great, erm….Yeah, okay.” 
She kept her eyes down as she made her way to the bathroom. She undressed and got in the shower. She closed her eyes and let out another deep sigh as the hot water ran down her skin. She tried to rid herself of her dirty thoughts, but she couldn't stop the images of a naked Ona in her room. She tried to push them away but it only got worse when the memory of Ona underneath her rushed into her thoughts.
She could feel the start of a small throbbing sensation between her legs. Her hand started to creep down her stomach as she remembered the way Ona panted and thrusted beneath her. The way Ona’s brown eyes looked up at her as she bit her lip, the moans the girl let out as she squirmed underneath her. Before Lucy realised what she was doing her hand was between her legs touching her clit. 
It wasn't the first time she had thought about Ona like this, she was a regular occurrence in Lucy's late night fantasies. But she couldn't do this now, not with Ona right next door, it felt wrong, seedy almost. She moved her hand away, but not without noticing the shiny essence on her finger tips. 
This was going to be a long two nights. 
Lucy let out another sigh. In her rush to the bathroom she had left her pyjamas on the bed. She was going to have to change in front of Ona. Fuck sake. She opened the door to see Ona already tucked up in bed. Her long hair was down, like that night at the bar. Her sleepy eyes caught Lucy, sending her a cute smile. But that cute smile dropped quickly when her dark eyes roamed the older brunette's wet body.
Just like Lucy, Ona had pictured very similar situations with the girl in front of her half naked. But in her dirty thoughts she was fully naked. And just like Lucy, Ona had the older brunette constantly on her mind whenever she had her hand between her legs. Picturing the older girl in many different situations. She was doing it right now, even with Lucy in front of her, she couldn't help it. It wasn't until she heard Lucy's voice that she was brought out of her dirty day dream.
“Ona? Do you mind if I change?” Lucy asked. 
“Huh? Sorry, what?” Ona didn’t realise she was staring.
Lucy couldn't stop the smile. A knowing smile. “I’m just going to change. Is that okay?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry. I won't look. I promise.” She let out a small nervous chuckle. “I’m on my phone.” Ona quickly glanced back at her phone, wanting to give her host some privacy. She did a good job at first, scrolling aimsley on her insta feed. She was concentrating hard to not let her eyes go any further, though she may have glanced up once or twice at the girl. 
Lucy wasn’t facing her, Ona could only see her back, her very muscular back. She looked at her phone, trying her best to not creep on her friend. But her eyes glanced up once more. Lucy had bottoms on already. She was just in time to see the older brunette putting her shirt over her head, catching her firm stomach as she turned back to Ona. She darted her eyes down quickly but of course Lucy caught her. 
Lucy slotted into the space next to Ona. The room suddenly felt like it had no air. 
“So, how has today been?” Lucy wanted to try and pop the hot bubble that was making her sweat. 
Ona looked up from her phone, she didn't even release, she was just looking at the weather app now, too focused on trying to regulate her breathing. 
“Amazing! Your family are so sweet. I’ve already had so much fun. I-I can't thank you enough, Lucy. It means a lot to me that you have welcomed me to celebrate with your family.”
“You’re more than welcome. They love you, you know? They weren't even this nice to any of my exes.” Lucy chuckled, until she realised how weird that sounded. Why was she putting Ona in the same sentence as her exes? Maybe because the next time she saw her family with Ona she wanted her to be more than her friend.
Ona smiled shyly, she didn't miss what Lucy said, but she didn't take it to heart. Clearly  Lucy didn't mean anything by it, she was just comparing. Yeah, it was a bit weird to be compared to her past lovers but Ona would just ignore the nervous feeling in her stomach at the thought of her family liking her more then her actual girlfriends. 
Lucy quickly changed the subject, asking Ona what Christmas was like back in Spain. The younger girl was more than happy to give Lucy a small history lesson on the traditions back home. It wasn't until Ona started to yawn that Lucy decided to call it a night. 
“Right you, let's get you to sleep. Got a big day tomorrow.” Lucy teased.
Ona rolled her eyes at the older girl, smiling as she tucked herself into the covers. Lucy rolled over and turned off the side light, immersing the pair into darkness. She made herself comfortable, as comfortable as she could. She could still feel the slight throbbing between her legs. Having Ona inches next to her did not help, especially when she felt the girl's hand glide up stomach as she moved around next to her. 
Her breath hitched in her throat as her body tensed up.
“Sorry.” Ona whispered.
“It's okay. If you wanted to cop a feel you could have just asked.” Lucy giggled.
“Idiota.” Ona chuckled back.
Half an hour later Ona was fast asleep, but the same couldn't be said for Lucy, she found herself staring at the ceiling, listening to Ona’s steady breathing. She tried to close her eyes and relax but her mind was on overdrive. 
She was thinking of all the ways she could tell Ona. Tell her the truth about why she was such a dick before. Tell her how much it killed her to not talk to her, why she ignored her texts, declined the lunches with her. Explain why she became so cold. Come clean about how Ona was the first and last thing that she thought about everyday since laying eyes on her. 
After an hour of her brain screaming at her, Lucy started to drift to sleep. But as soon as her mind started to calm it was woken back up. The shorter girl beside her shuffled in her sleep, capturing one of Lucy's thighs between her own. And even with the fabric as a barrier, Lucy instantly felt the unmistakable wetness that started to dampen through onto her own skin. 
And if that wasn't enough to send her brain into a complete overdrive, the girl ever so slightly began to grind her hips into Lucy's thigh. The smallest of whimpers escaped the Spaniard's lips as she unknowingly used Lucy's body for her own pleasure. The girl was clearly having a sex dream. Next to Lucy. In Lucy’s bed. And she could fucking feel it. 
“Fuck.” Lucy breathed out. 
Was this really happening? Should she wake the girl? No! She’d be mortified. Maybe if she tried to move her leg? But as soon as she did, Ona only got closer, pushing herself right up into Lucy. Her face was so close to her, she could still smell the mint from her toothpaste. Ona whimpered again, clearly finding a sweet spot in her new position, Lucy could feel the girl becoming wetter. Her own clit was throbbing.
She needed to put a stop to this, even though she really didn't mind Ona using her as her own sex toy. Just as she was about to fully move from Ona, she heard her own name being moaned. 
“Lucy.” Ona whispered. 
Lucy’s whole body stiffened. Was she hearing that right? Ona was saying her name? She was dreaming about Lucy. Her name was being moaned into her ear by the girl she was already wet over. Onas hips picked up a faster paste, her small moans making Lucy's skin heat up. She felt dizzy, she bit her lip trying to hold in her own groan. Ona’s wet fabric was sliding up her thigh, she could feel the warmth radiating from between her legs. 
Just as she was about to stop the shorter girl, she felt her body stiffen. She didn't make a sound. She held her breath. Ona let out a tiny sigh and her body relaxed again. Snuggling her face into Lucy’s shoulder. 
The older brunette couldn’t move. She swallowed the spit in her mouth like she was out of breath, how did that just happen? She couldn’t believe Ona had just used her to get off. Well, in her sleep. How did that just happen? Lucy was sweating, she could feel her clit crying to be touched. But she couldn't, and she wouldn't. She would have to wait until she got back home. 
Even though she didn’t want to move from Ona’s grip, she needed to get to the toilet. She removed herself from the girl and from the sheets, Ona was in an ignorance of bliss, sleeping soundly. Lucy went to the toilet, wiping away any of own essence. She couldn’t stop the smile when she saw the damp spot on her trousers from the girl in the other room. She splashed some cold water onto her face to try and calm herself down.
Lucy made her way back into bed, trying her best not to wake the girl next to her. She could still feel the heat between her own legs, ignoring as best as she could. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. 
Ona was confused when she awoke, this wasn't her bed. Then the feeling of hot air on her neck tickled her, causing her to shiver. That's when she remembered she was at Lucys. She didn't realise a strong arm was wrapped around her body until it pulled her effortlessly closer, she could feel the warm body pressed up against her back, the strong arm locking her in. Lucy was holding her like she was her own teddy bear, their bodies pressed up against each other like lovers.
Ona was fully awake now, she could hear Lucy's shallow breathing, she was still asleep. Lucy's core was pressed right up against Onas’s arse, she could feel the heat coming from between the girls legs. It reminded her of her own dream last night, maybe she was still dreaming?
She couldn't stop the silent gasp as she felt Lucy pull her impossibly closer. She bit her lip, loving the feeling of the strong girl against her body. 
Did she do the responsible thing and move away from her friend? No. She gently counted her hips backwards, pushing her arse into Lucy, loving the way the older brunette's breath hitched in her sleep. Lucy nuzzled closer to her neck, her lips gently brushed the Spaniard's neck. Ona closed her eyes as she felt Lucy’s soft lips against her skin, she could feel her own body heating up, her nipples straining against her top.
That's when Lucy's phone alarm went off. Ona closed her eyes, pretending to still be asleep. She knew Lucys was probably going to freak out when she saw the position they were in. And like clock work she felt Lucy's body stiffen, she was clearly awake. Did it break Ona’s heart just slightly? Of course. But she couldn't feel like that for long, not when she felt Lucy's soft lips press a light kiss to her neck. 
She must still be dreaming. Did that just happen? Did Lucy just kiss her? Why? Why did she kiss her? What did that mean? She felt Lucy move away, her body suddenly felt cold. She then felt Lucy pat her back. 
“Ona. Wake up. It's Christmas!” 
Hearing Lucy's morning voice did something to Ona’s insides. Her accent sounded even thicker. If she didn't know the girl so well she’d probably find it hard to understand her morning mumbles.
Ona pretended to wake, she smiled and stretched her body. “Bon dia.” She turned around to face a very sleepy, cute looking Lucy. “Merry Christmas.” Ona yawned.
Lucy smiled and stretched. “How did you sleep?” She knew how the girl slept, but she wasn't about to reveal that.
“Good, thank you. You?” 
“Not too bad. You didn't take up too much room, so I can’t complain.” She smirked.
“I don’t get many complaints when sharing a bed with another woman.” Ona giggled. 
Lucy laughed out loud. “Yeah, I’m sure you don’t.”
This was a whole other layer being added to their relationship. It felt almost like how they were before, tip toeing on a fine line of friendship and flirting, the undertones of wanting each other was becoming more apparent. 
“It smells like breakfast is on.” Lucy stretched.
“Hmm, I can't wait.”
“Remember don’t force yourself to eat things, if you don't want anything just say so. My mums a feeder.” Lucy warned.
“Good thing I'm an eater.” Ona winked. 
Lucy chuckled. “Okay, you ready?” Lucy sat up.
“Sí, but can I give you your present now?”
Lucy’s face broke into a huge smile. “You got me a present?”
“Of course.” 
“I got you one too. I wasn't sure when to give it to you.” 
Now it was Ona’s turn to smile. She watched as Lucy got out the bed and made her way to her bag, Ona copied her movements, moving over to her own bag. Ona would be lying if she didn't say she was extremely excited that Lucy got her a present. She of course had a small slither of hope that she would, but she didn't actually think she would. She pulled out the gold box from her bag, hoping she got Lucy something she actually liked. 
Ona pulled out the neatly wrapped green and red papered package, with a red envelope on top. She smiled as she saw Lucy looking a little nervous on the other side of the room, she was holding a small gold wrapped box. 
“Merry Christmas, Lucy.” She stepped forward..
“Merry Christmas, Ona.” Lucy nervously smiled.
They exchanged their gifts. Ona opened the small golden box to find a blue jewellery box encased, she smiled as Lucy watched her. She gently opened the box to find a gold necklace with a gold smiley face attached to the chain. Ona’s eyes lit as eyed the gold chain, she couldn't stop her own smile on her face. She loved it. She looked up to see Lucy's nervous face.
“Lucy, I love it! Thank you so much!”
“Yeah? You sure? If you dont its okay.”
“What? No, I love it! Can you put it on me?” 
Lucy gave Ona a toothy smile. “Turn around.” 
Ona pushed her hair to the side to give Lucy space. She felt as Lucy's fingers skimmed her skin, making her shiver. Lucy didn't miss the way the younger girl's skin prickled with goosebumps from her touch. It brought back scenes from last night, making her own heart race, she tried to calm herself before her cheeks turned red.
Ona turned around, the gold chain shining on her neck.
“It suits you.” Lucy ran her eyes over the chain.
“Thank you. It's perfect.”
Ona noticed Lucy's face looked a little flush. “Open yours.”
Lucy opened the envelope first, it was a christmas card with a piece of paper inside. She skimmed her eyes over the writing, her eyes widened in surprise. She read it out loud. 
“The Big London Bake. You and your guest will have a day of eating, baking and of course a day of fun.” She licked her lips as she smiled back at Ona. “I have wanted to do this for the longest time! I can’t believe it, how did you know? How did you get tickets? They're always booked up.” 
“I know you like baking, and I have a friend who knows a friend.” Ona winked playfully.
“I can’t tell you how excited I am! Thank you so much! When do you wanna go?” 
“You don't have to bring me, I-,” 
Lucy cut her off. “There is no way I’m taking anyone else. Of course you’re coming.”
Ona looked at her feet as she smiled. “Open your other present.”
Lucy tore open the paper, smiling as soon as she saw it. It was a picture frame with a picture of Ona and Lucy laughing on stage at the karaoke bar. 
“I still don’t know why we’re doing this job and not forming a band.” Lucy chuckled. “I love it. Thank you, Ona.” 
The younger brunette giggled as she looked at the picture. Their relationship was definitely blurring now. Both girls could feel it. Feelings were growing, and both girls didn't stop it, they were letting it grow, pushing it to grow. 
“Merry Christmas girls!” Lucy's mum was cooking pancakes at the oven.
“Merry christmas!” The pair said in sync.
“Can I help with anything?” Ona walked over to Lucys mum.
“No my darling, you’re our guest. But thank you. You have a seat. Are you hungry? I’ve got lots to choose from. Lucy get Ona a tea, or is it coffee you like dear? Lucy put the kettle on.”
Lucy rolled her eyes at her mum. Ona giggled at their relationship, it was a typical mum and daughter relationship. She smiled as she watched Lucy's mum grab her cheek and lovingly smile at her daughter as she put the kettle on. 
“Ona my darling do you like pancakes?”
“I do.” 
“With chocolate chips?”
“Even better.” 
“Perfect. Got a fresh batch for you now. Do you like orange juice?” Lucy's mum brought the fresh batch of warm chocolate chip pancakes over to Ona. 
“Thank you so much. This looks amazing!” 
Lucy's mum smiled as she squeezed Ona’s shoulder in that mum type way. It was something she didn't realise she had missed so much. Lucy brought over a coffee for Ona, not needing to ask what she wanted, she knew that was her morning drink. 
“Where's Kevin? And dad?” Lucy asked as she sat down. Her mum placed a stack of pancakes in front of Lucy. 
“They all went for a walk. Rudy was up early, bouncing off the walls.” Her mum chuckled. 
The three chatted as they had their morning breakfast. Once they were done the girls had a shower and changed into their clothes. 
“Girls you ready? We have a very impatient 6 year old down here.”
“Okay, show time you ready?” Lucy smiled.
“Sí.” Ona smiled.
They made their way downstairs to open presents. That’s when Ona noticed the large Santa sacks under the tree that definitely weren't there last night. They had large gold initials stitched onto the red fabric. One had an L, a K, an M for Kevin's wife Molly, and then she spotted the sack with an O. She stopped in her tracks, Lucy bumping into her from behind. She felt her hand on her shoulder. 
“You okay?” Lucy looked concerned.
“Ah yeah, sorry.” 
“Come.” Lucy took Ona’s hand in hers and sat them down.
“Ona!” Rudy ran over to the Spanird a present in her hand. 
“Ona this is from me. Open it.” the mini version of Lucy demanded.
“Oh my. Thank you. Is it not from santa?” Ona chuckled.
“Not this one.” Rudy smiled cheekily.
“Oh, okay.” Ona smiled at Lucy as she opened the present.
It was a mug with ‘Top copper’ on it. 
Ona laughed. “I love it! Thank you so much, Rudy.” She opened her arms for the girl. Rudy jumped on her lap and tucked herself into the Spaniard's neck. Lucy grabbed her phone and quickly took a picture of the pair.  Rudey jumped off the girl and ran back over to her mum and dad, ready to open her presents. 
“Okay, present time.” Lucy’s mum passed over Ona and Lucy the heavy sacks.
“Th-thank you. You didn't have t-,”
Lucy's mum was quick to stop her. “No, I don't want to hear any of that.” She grabbed her cheek like she did Lucys and gave her a kiss on her head.
Ona couldn't believe it, she wasn't expecting any kind of gift from anyone, let alone a whole sack. She looked over at Lucy who was smiling at her, gesturing for her to open her sack. She untied the knot to find loads of wrapped up presents. She felt overwhelmed. She hadn't had anything like this before, not since she was a child. She reached in and began to open her presents alongside Lucy.
The list of items was long. She had opened a perfume set, face masks, nail varnish set, a baking cookbook, a candle, pjs set, a hot water bottle with an O stitched in, a hot chocolate set, a bath bomb set, bath soak, hand cream, chocolates, woolly socks, a £30.00 gift card, lip gloss and a beautiful brown leather notebook. Ona could feel the tears in her eyes. She quickly stood up and excused herself. 
Lucy and her mum looked at each other with worry. The older brunette quickly followed Ona out of the room to find her in the kitchen at the sink, a small tear was rolling down her face. 
“Hey, you okay? What's wrong?��� Lucy stroked Ona’s arm.
“I’m so sorry. Nothing is wrong, it's just. Your family have been so nice to me. It's overwhelming. They have spoilt me.” She chuckled threw a tear. 
Lucy smiled, she rubbed the girl's arm and pulled her in for a hug, she understood. She knew Ona hadn't been with her own family in so long let alone for Christmas, she knew this holiday was difficult in many ways for the younger girl. Ona loved it, but it also brought weird feelings for her. She held the girl tight, rubbing her back soothingly. 
“Hey, It's okay, Ona. It can be a lot. It's a hard day for you. Don't apologise. I know my mum definitely goes over the top aswell.” She wiped away a tear from Ona’s cheek.
“Thank you, Luce. It's very generous, I just wasn't expecting it.” She looked up, Ona could feel her heart beating, Lucy's face was suddenly so close to hers, looking in her eyes so deeply. Like she was trying to read her mind, her green eyes searched her face, landing on her mouth. Ona stopped breathing. 
“Is Ona okay?” Lucy's mum walked into the kitchen.
Lucy took a step back from Ona, hearing her mum’s voice.
“Sí, I am. Sorry, I am just so happy. You’ve been so kind to me.” Ona smiled.
“Oh my darling!” Lucy's mum scooped Ona up in a hug, squeezing the girl tightly to her chest. “I’m glad their happy tears. I’m sorry if it was too much.” She stroked Ona’s cheek. 
“No, no! Not at all. You’ve been so welcoming. It’s so nice. Thank you so much for my gifts.” 
Lucy's mum smiled lovingly at her. “You’re welcome Ona. We’ve loved having you here. You’re welcome here anytime.”
Ona smiled, she had missed this. A mothers love. 
“Do you want tea, Ona?” Lucy asked. 
Ona nodded. “Thank you, Luce.” 
“Tea then we drink.” Lucy's mum winked.
Ona and Lucy chuckled, agreeing on the plan. 
The rest of Christmas day went perfectly. Everyone loved the presents Ona had got them. Christmas dinner was served and everything was cooked to perfection. Ona had sat next to Lucy, every so often their arms would brush but neither girl said anything. They all sat down to watch ‘The Grinch’. Ona would catch those familiar green eyes on her every half an hour, smiling at her everytime she caught her. She wondered if Lucy even watched the film.
Then the board games came out. Ona got to see first hand just how competitive Lucy was, it made her cry with laughter watching the older brunette and her brother argue over the games. Ona, Lucy and Rudy played football in the garden, Lucy's brother also joined in, and ended up in a headlock.
As it came closer to the evening a few neighbours came by for drinks, the music was blaring and everyone was having a good time. Ona found herself being spun around by one of Lucy's neighbours, as the group danced away. Ona had found herself staring at Lucy while she danced with Rudy in her arms. It made her heart melt as the pair giggled at something Rudy said. 
“Ona, do you want a drink?” Suddenly Lucy was in front of the Spaniard.
Ona was blushed from the dancing. A huge smile plastered on her face, making Lucy's heart melt. “Please. Thank you.”
Lucy nodded, she made her way to the kitchen in search of more alcohol. She looked in the mini fridge stocked with bottles of drink. She grabbed a bottle and popped the cork, pouring herself and Ona some prosecco.
“So, how long have you loved her?” 
Lucy jumped at the deep voice, she turned around to see her brother Keven standing at the door frame, a playful smile on his face.
“What?” Lucy turned back around to continue pouring.
“Come on, Lucy. Don't play dumb. You can see it a mile away. You can practically see the heart shape in your eyes. Even the way Ona looks at you.”
“Leave it out Kevin.”
He stepped next to his sister, leaning on the kitchen side, a serious face now sat on his features. 
“I’m not trying to wind you up Luce, you seem so much happier, and I can't help but think it's Ona that’s done it.” He smiled at his younger sister.
Lucy scoffed. “Is it that obvious?” 
Kevin raised his eyebrows. “Does a bear shit in the woods?” 
The siblings laughed, it was rare for them to have a conversation that didn't end up teasing the other over a game or even what the other was dressed in, it was different, it was nice.
“I hope you're planning on asking her out. Even Molly was asking if she was single. I think she wants your girl.” He winked, making Lucy laugh.
“Yeah, I think I will. I just need the right ti-,” 
“Hey Luce, do you need me?” Ona entered the kitchen with a big smile on her face. 
“Just in time! She does Ona, she needs you.” Kevin smiled as he nudged his sister, Lucy gave her brother daggers but in truth, he wasn’t lying. He chuckled to himself, leaving the two girls alone. 
Ona smiled as she approached Lucy, it was her cute tipsy smile. Lucy had seen it a few times now, it never got any less cute. Lucy turned round, her back to the sink, facing the shorter girl. 
“Are you having a good time?” 
Ona walked up to the taller brunette and took the glass from Lucy's hand, making sure her fingers lingered on hers.
“I am. Your neighbours are fun. They can dance!” Ona giggled.
“Yeah, they do like a good time. Garry's having fun with you.” Lucy chuckled as she drank her drink.
“Hmm, sounds like someone jealous.” Ona chuckled.
“What if I am?”
“You? No, you're not jealous.” Ona teased.
“Well, I haven't had a chance to dance with you yet.”
Ona stepped a little closer to Lucy. Her brown eyes looked up at the taller girl. “You can dance with me.”
“All you have to do is ask. I’d be all yours.” Ona whispered. 
Lucy could feel her body gravitating towards Ona, she couldn't take her eyes off of her lips. Her heart was in her throat. Was this about to finally happen? 
Ona licked her own lips. Her hands were sweating. She had wanted this for so long.
“All mine?” Lucy's words were just above a whisper.
“Sí.” Ona closed her eyes as she was finally about to kiss the girl she loved.
The girls lips were inches apart, months of wanting this exact moment, finally seconds away. Until a roar of laughter came tumbling into the kitchen. Lucy's dad and two other neighbours were completely unaware they had just ruined the moment.
Ona jumped from the commotion, automatically stepping back from their bubble. Lucy closed her eyes in frustration, she could have killed her dad. Ona eyed the brunette a shy smile on her face as she drank her drink. 
“Lucy, Ona! We’re doing shots. Come on, get over here.” Lucy’s dad laughed.
The girls eyed each other, both hungry with lust. It was clear what they both wanted now. Both girls had leaned in, both wanted the kiss, there was no mistaking the heat between them. 
The night got later, everyone continued to dance and drink, including Lucy and Ona, both girls stole glances throughout the night. Lucy wanted nothing more than to take Ona upstairs and have some time with the girl but the house was full. People would look for them within a couple of minutes, she'd have to wait. She just didn't know how long.
“Night Garry, night Pauline. I’ll see you next week.” Lucy's mum slurred as she closed the front door, saying her goodbyes to the last guess.
“Okay mum, we're off to bed.” Lucy yawned.
“Okay, sleep well. I think you have a new admirer, Ona. Gary wouldn't leave you alone.” Lucy's mum winked.
Ona chuckled. “I know, I couldn't even keep up with his dancing!”
“He is funny. Alright girls. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Try to keep it quiet. The walls are thin!” Kevin laughed, but his laugh was cut off as his mum slapped him beside the head.
Lucy shut her bedroom door behind her, Ona stumbled in front of her, she was definitely more drunk than Lucy. The older brunette had slowed down her drinking, knowing she had a 4 hour drive home, also Ona was a lightweight when it came to drinking. 
The Spaniard  smiled as she looked over the pictures on the dresser, she hadn't noticed them until now. One in particular caught her eye, if it wasn't for the 90s clothing she would have thought it was Rudy. It was Lucy as a child with a cheeky smile that she still made now, she had her arm around a blonde girl, laughing and pointing at Lucy.  
She casted her eyes over the other pictures, the same blonde girl was in a picture with Lucy but it was years later, similar poses, the blonde laughing and Lucy looking as cheeky as always.
“Whos this?” Ona picked up the picture smiling. 
Lucy walked over, she looked at the picture and felt her heart sink.
“That's Sophie, she was my best friend.”
Ona noticed the sadness in Lucy's voice straight away.
“I’m sorry. Are you no longer friends?”
Lucy shook her head. “No, we never argued. We were friends since we were 4, she moved in a few doors down. Our mums became friends and then we naturally became closer.”
Ona smiled as she listened to Lucy. She continued.
“We did everything together. If I was there, so was she. She even worked with me on the force.” She chuckled. “Sarina made us partners at the same time. We couldn't believe it.” Lucy's eyes became watery. “We were on an early morning raid. Like we had done 100 times before. The house was declared clear. We went inside to collect evidence, but there was a man hiding inside the house. He shot her. She died before the ambulance even arrived.” 
Ona felt her own eyes watering as she watched a single tear fall from Lucy's face. 
“Sorry. Bladdy drink.” Lucy sniffled.
Ona grabbed Lucy in a hug like she had done for the smaller girl before. 
“I’m so sorry Lucy.” She rubbed the taller girls back soothingly. 
“Thank you.” 
The girls spoke about Lucy and Sophie and the antics they got into when they were young. The holidays they had been on, the night clubs they had been kicked out of. Ona couldn't stop the smile on her face, it was like learning a whole new side of Lucy. The older brunette's face lit up talking about her memories with her childhood best friend. It broke Ona’s heart that Lucy had been holding this all in, all the pain she had been through. 
The girls had found themselves laying on the bed, both their eyes slowly closing as they spoke. It was Onas eyes that closed first, mumbling about something Lucy couldn't really understand.
“Okay, let's get to bed.”
Ona groaned like a child “Can you get my clothes?”
Lucy playful rolled her eyes, a drunk Ona was a very cute Ona. She grabbed the girl's pj from her bag and threw them towards Ona. 
“Here you go.”  She chuckled as Ona groaned again.
Lucy looked in her own bag for her pjs. She couldn't help but feel a lot lighter, she hadn't talked about some of those memories since she had lost her best friend. It had been hard for the girl to talk about Sophie over the years, it was hard for her to find the strength to talk about her. But for some reason she felt completely comfortable talking to Ona about her, about their memories, about the bad days and the good days.
Lucy turned around to find Ona half dressed, her bottoms were on but her bed top was wrapped around arms.
“You okay there?” 
Ona flopped on the bed, her t-shirt trapping her arms. 
“Help me.”
Lucy chuckled, she walked over to the younger brunette, she helped her pull her shirt down, over her toned stomach. 
“Thank you Luce.” Ona crawled up to the top of the bed, snuggling herself beneath the covers. Lucy quickly changed, feeling sleep take over her own body. She finally climbed into the bed next to Ona. Turning off the light.
“You have soft lips.” Ona mumbled.
“What?” Lucy chuckled.
“I felt you kiss me in the morning, on my neck. You have soft lips.” 
“Oh…I’m sor-,” Lucy stuttered. 
“It's okay. I really liked it.” Ona whispered.
“So did I.”
“I just wish it was my lips.” 
Lucy smiled shyly, her heart fluttered. When she kissed Ona this morning she didn't do it in a sexual or seedy way. She had woken to Ona pushing herself into her. Her lips were already on Ona when she woke up. So when she woke she didn't think twice, she pressed her lips to her milky skin. 
"I wanna kiss you, Luce."
Lucy wanted to but Ona was drunk, she didn't want their first kiss like this.
“I want to so badly, but maybe when we’re not drunk? Ask me again when you're sober?"
Ona smiled. "Okay, I'll ask again."
It only took a minute before Ona was snoring.
The next morning Ona woke up to an empty bed, she then heard what sounded like the shower running. She was pleasantly surprised she wasn't as hungover as she would have thought, just a small headache, but nothing more. The bathroom door opened to a fresh face looking Lucy.
“Morning sleepy head.” Lucy smiled.
“Morning.” Ona stretched.
“How you feeling?” Lucy started to brush out her wet hair.
“Not too bad, you?”
“A little headache but nothing a full english and paracetamol can't handle.”
“Yes! I love the English breakfast!” Ona kicked her feet excitedly.
“Good, my mum goes OTT, so hopefully you’ll enjoy it.” 
“Can I shower before we go down?” Ona climbed out of the bed.
“Of course. I put a fresh towel in there for you.”
The girls got ready for breakfast, and like Lucy promised, her mum had gone in on the food, she had cooked the works and more. She placed a full English breakfast in front of a very hungry Ona. 
“Thank you!” 
“You let me know if you want anything else, I've got plenty to go.”
The kitchen was a hub of chatter as everyone talked about the night before, laughing at jokes and teasing Ona that she had a new admirer. She couldn't help but still glances at Lucy as they all laughed. The time finally came for the girls to get ready for their drive home. 
Everyone waited at the front door as the girls came to the door.
Lucys mum opened her arms out grabbing Ona in a hug, while Lucy hugged her dad.
“Oh Ona, thank you so much for spending Christmas with us. You are welcome anytime, I hope you know that.” 
Ona hugged back as much as she physically could. “Thank you so much. This has been one of the best Christmases I've ever had. You made me feel so special. Thank you.”
Lucy's dad hugged his daughter tightly. “She's a good one. Do something about it.” 
Lucy smiled, even her dad could see right through her. She hugged him tighter. 
“Make sure to drive slow. Don't go faster than you need to, stay in the slow lane.” Her mum warned.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “Yes, yes, Been driving for 10 plus years now.” 
Rudy grabbed Ona’s legs. “Bye Ona.” 
Ona knelt down and hugged the mini Lucy. “Goodbye Rudy. I’ll see you soon.”
“Bye pip squeak.” Lucy held her arms open for Rudy. The little girl giggled as she flung herself into Lucy.
The girls said their goodbyes to everyone, and got in Lucy's car. 
There had been a thick buzz between the girls since the morning. Their chat last night wasn't forgotten between the pair, but neither had said anything about it. But they didn't need to, they both knew what they wanted. It was just a 4 hour drive away. 
Finally they pulled up to Ona’s flat, helping her Ona with her bags. Lucy followed Ona into her flat, she smiled as she looked around the new space.
“You’ve got a nice place here.” Lucy lowered the bags. 
The shorter brunette walked up to Lucy. “Do you wanna see my bedroom?” 
“More than anything.” Lucy whispered. She cupped Ona’s face into her hands, she lowered herself to Ona’s lips, the lips she had wanted to kiss for months. 
Finally, their lips met. It was soft and sweet. There was no rushing, no pushing, just their lips exploring the other. Even though they had waited so long for this, they didn't want to rush. Both girls were finally getting what they had wanted for the longest time, they wanted to make the first kiss last.
But as soon as Lucy slipped her tongue into the mix and made Ona whimper, all the above went out the window. She couldn't hold back any longer. Lucy’s tilted Ona’s head back just a fraction, pushing the girl for a deeper kiss. Ona whimpered again, letting Lucy take full control of their movements. The kisses started to become messy and loud, the girls were clearly hungry for each other. The months, weeks, days of wanting, were finally here. 
“Where’s your room?” 
“First door on the left.”
The taller girl grabbed Ona by the waist lifting her up. Ona giggled as she wrapped her legs around Lucy’s waist, she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about this exact moment for a long time. 
Lucy carried the shorter girl to the bedroom, never letting their lips come apart. She walked into the open bedroom and gently lowered Ona on the bed below, laying her body on the girl beneath her. Her lips attacked Ona’s neck, sucking and kissing at the soft skin. 
“Fuck, Lucy.” Ona gasped. 
Lucy smirked proudly hearing Ona moan her name. She continued her actions, leaving small red marks everywhere her mouth touched, loving the noises she was pulling from Ona. She couldn't stop her hips from grinding into the girl, her desperate moans making Lucys pussy throb. She finally pulled back. 
“Can I take this off?” She pulled the bottom of Ona’s top.
“Yes, take it off. All of it.” She panted as she sat up.
Lucy nodded. She removed Ona’s top, then her bra, revealing her beautiful breast. She couldn't stop herself from kissing the girl's stomach. She watched as Ona’s tight abs flexed, feeling Lucy's mouth on her skin. She continued to kiss down Ona’s stomach as she popped open the girl's jeans. She quickly undone her zip and began to pull down the clothing. She looked at the girl below her, taking in her beautiful body. Her gold necklace stood out against her milky skin. 
“You too.” Ona pulled at Lucy’s top.
Lucy smiled at the girl below her, she did as the Spaniard asked and removed her clothing. Ona stared at the girl standing above her, Lucy's body was unreal, her muscular arms flexed as she pulled her clothing off. She was truly stunning. Ona sat up, she attached her mouth to Lucy's stomach, sucking on her tight skin as she undone her jeans, wanting to move this along.
Ona spotted the wet patch seeping through the fabric between Lucy's legs, smiling playfully as she eyed the older brunette. 
“Can I take these off?”
Lucy looked down at the girl, her bright brown eyes looking up at her with so much lust, so much want. It only added to the wetness pooling in between Lucy's legs.
“Yeah.” She swallowed.
Ona slowly pulled down the fabric, she let out a sigh as she saw the shiny arousal sticking to Lucy's lips. She began to kiss Lucy's thighs, getting closer to the area she wanted most, she could smell how aroused Lucy was, her own wetness dripping between her legs. 
She got closer to the sweet spot, her lips kissed Lucy's wet sensitive lips, jolting as she felt Ona. 
Ona dipped her tongue between Lucy's lips, coating her tongue in the girl's juices. Lucy gasped as her head rolled back. Ona took another long lick hitting Lucy's already swollen clit, groaning as she tasted the girl above. 
Lucy watched as Ona started to lap at her pussy, she gently stroked the younger girl's face, her fingertips brushed at her hair. She softly undid the girl's bun, hair long hair fell down her back. Lucy cradled Ona’s head as she moved her hips, rocking herself into her talented mouth. 
Ona sighed as Lucy ran her fingers through her scalp, making her shiver from the touch. 
“Ona. Your mouth. Fuck, you’re so good.”
Ona let out a low chuckle, making Lucy gasp from the vibration. She continued to lick at Lucy's cunt, swallowing her arousal every couple of minutes. Lucy gripped Ona’s hair, fucking her face gently as the girl pleasured her. She began to pick up the pace of her hips as she felt her orgasm spread up her body.
“I’m going to come.”
Ona groaned, she continued her movements, keeping the pace Lucy needed. Lucy gripped at Ona’s hair, pushing her closer between her legs. Her legs started to shake as she felt the warm sensation rise up from her stomach.
“That's it. Ona, don’t stop. Good girl. That’s soo good.”
As she came she pushed the girl's head closer to her core, needing the girl ever closer to her, her tongue was suckling her clit perfectly. She rode out her orgasm as long as she could. Ona could feel Lucy's orgasm washing over her mouth. Lucy gasped as Ona carried on licking her through the come down, she stroked her hair, allowing the girl to clean her up. She rocked her hips into her mouth for a couple more minutes, feeling Ona’s tongue against her.
“Wow, you’re talented.” Lucy chuckled.
Ona pulled back, her mouth was dripping with Lucy’s fluids. She panted as her cheeks turned a shade of pink from the compliment.
“You taste even better than I imagined.” 
“Have you imagined it a lot?” Lucy whispered. 
Ona nodded, smirking devilishly. “A lot.”
Lucy leaned down, capturing Ona’s lips with her own, she moaned as she tasted herself on the girl. Ona’s cunt was throbbing she whimpered as Lucy began to pull her thongs down. The younger brunette  sighed as she felt the cold air hit her painfully sensitive pussy. Lucy smirked as she threw the ruined thongs over her shoulder. She looked down at Ona’s drenched pussy.
“Is that how wet you get just from making me come? Making me feel so good?” 
Ona bit her lip and nodded, not able to form words. 
“You’re amazing.” 
Lucy dipped her pointer finger between Ona’s velvety folds, groaning at the wetness. Ona jumped at the contact as Lucy just barely touched her. Lucy pushed her finger into her mouth.
“You taste so fucking good.” 
Ona panted below, desperately needing anything Lucy would give to her. Lucy placed her hand back between Ona’s spread legs, stroking her finger through her sensitive flesh. She dipped her finger into Ona’s cunt, her tight muscles flexing around her digit.
“I love when you say my name.” Lucy growled as she began to fuck Ona. 
The younger girl let out soft moans as Lucy picked up the pace, she easily pushed another finger inside her, cutting off Ona’s crys with a deep kiss. 
“Lucy.” Ona was starting to whimper, the older girl closed her eyes, listening to the way the Spaniard moaned her name, her own pussy becoming wet again, just from the sounds of the girl.
Lucy began to kiss down Ona’s body, she sucked in Ona’s nipple, loving the way Ona’s head rolled back. She then moved over to the other side, giving it just as much attention. The girl's small body began to roll, her noises were becoming louder as Lucy’s fingers relentless fucked her.
She moved further down, gliding her tongue over Ona’s abs. The shorter girl squirmed as she felt Lucy's tongue move skirt over her flesh. Lucy began to kiss Ona’s pubic bone, loving the way she moaned. She felt the younger girl's hand thread into her hair, pushing her close to where she clearly wanted her. Lucy smiled as she kissed lower and lower. 
Finally, Lucy wrapped her lips around Ona’s swollen clit, the cry she let out was music to the older girl's ears. The hand in her hair tightened as she worked the girl's body, her fingers picked up a faster pace, causing Ona’s back to curve. Her vision began to blur as Lucy kept up the beautiful pleasure on her body. 
Lucy only hummed, not wanting to stop, she could feel Ona was getting close, her legs began to shake as her cunt tightened on her fingers, squeezing them tightly. Ona couldn't believe the way Lucy was pushing her body, she could feel her head becoming dizzy, she scrunched her eyes shut she felt the warm sensation prickle her skin.
“Merda! Lucyyyy!”
The hands pushed her further into her cunt, guiding her head up and down, Lucy loved the way Ona was controlling her movements to do what she wanted. Then she felt it before she heard it. Ona became silent, her body went rigid, but Lucy didn’t stop, she suckled and fucked Ona until she pushed her over that edge. 
Ona came, loud and hard. Her thighs clamped around Lucy's head as she rode out her orgasm. Her hips thrusted into Lucy's mouth as she felt her legs start to give in, panting loudly as Lucy kept up her movements. Finally the girl's body went limp, her chest was panting fast as she tried to catch her breath. 
Lucy slowly took her fingers out of Ona. She couldn't stop the smile on her face seeing the girl benather her looking completely wrecked.
“You okay?” 
“Lucy. Merda. Fuck.”
Lucy laid next to the girl laughing at her gaping face. 
She couldn't help but kiss the girl, she could definitely get used to this site. 
The girls laid with each other for another hour talking about the last couple of months.
“So when I saw you dance with her I just lost it. It was so selfish of me. I regret it so much.” Lucy stroked Ona’s back as she explained herself. 
Ona listened, she didn't hold any grudges, she would have probably done what Lucy did, maybe not as cold, but they were different people. They handled things differently. 
“When I saw you on the bridge, it made me realise just how stupid I was being. I needed to sort it out even if you didn't want me like that. I at least wanted you as a friend.”
Ona smiled as she kissed Lucy, she couldn't believe they had wanted each other for so long, and not see it as clear as everyone around them. The girls were in bliss, finally they got what they wanted. They spent the next couple of days of the Christmas break with each other, learning everything they could about the other. 
Learning everything they could about each other's bodies, what she liked, what she didn't like. What she sounded like after 3 orgasms in a row. How Ona liked her hair pulled when she fucked Lucy with her fingers. How Lucy liked to watch Ona when she rode her with a strap. And so much more.
 Everything was perfect. 
But the short Christmas break ended and work came, so the girls decided to spend a night apart. Even though it killed them to do it, they knew they needed to have at least a day apart, they would see each other the next morning when Lucy picked up Ona for work.
Lucy stood at Ona’s door. Kissing the shorter girl deeply, holding her body next to hers. 
“I’ll miss you.” Ona whispered.
“I’ll miss you too. I’ll call you when I get in?”
Ona nodded, she looked up at Lucy giving her those big brown doe eyes. Making it so much harder for Lucy to leave. 
“Onaaaa. Don’t”
The shorter girl giggled. “Sorry. Go, call me when you get in.” 
Lucy yawned as she drove to pick up Ona. The girls had spoken late into the night, not going to bed till late. But Lucy had a new spring in her step, she felt so happy. She finally got the girl that she loved, yeah loved. It was the start of love, both girls felt it, neither saying anything as this was new, but they both felt it. 
She was surprised when she didn't see Ona sitting at her usual spot on the wall. She had never been late. Maybe she slept in from their late night call. She pulled up the car like she normally did. Maybe she was in a queue at the coffee shop? Lucy sat there for a moment, she texted Ona to say she was outside, but didn't get a text back. Lucy eyed up Ona’s building, something didn't feel right .
She got out of the car and walked to the wall where Ona sat, that's when she felt a cold shiver run down her spine. She spotted two coffee cups spilt on the floor. It was the coffee shop where Ona got their drinks. She felt the blood drain from her face. Where was Ona?
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WIBTA if I start giving some very *very* Christian family members religious pamphlets from non-Christian religions as gifts?
To be clear, I am writing this while firmly believing I'm NTA but I am angry and don't trust my own judgment too much right now.
Background and Players: My Son (19) was adopted out as a baby by his incubator behind (my husband, 40) his father's back. He was abandoned at 4 by his adopted family because of behavioral issues related to what his incubator was putting into her body while she was pregnant with him, and went into foster care with people I will call Amom and Adad. Adad is a pastor in his 90s and Amom is a pastor's wife in her 80s. When Son was 13 and I had been with Husband for 5ish years, we had been told (by someone from his incubator's family but we didn't know that at the time) he was non-verbal and "mentally an infant" and that trying to pull him out of the routine he had would just be incredibly harmful to him, so we had given up hope of finding him and having a relationship with him. We got a phone call one day, a worker who was looking for a medical history for Son. Husband spent close to 3 hours on the phone with her, answering questions and asking anything he could squeeze in. Turns out, we had been lied to about his mental health just... completely. He's impossible to shut up and he graduated high school last year despite, you know, *gestures vaguely at everything* and I am incredibly proud of him. Half an hour after that call ended, she called back and told us Son might be interested in meeting us, was it okay for her to pass on our contact info. A month later, Son, Amom, Adad, Husband and I were sitting in a restaurant together and a month after that we went to their place for a week to spend Christmas with them. This is when they informed us that they had finalized his legal adoption a couple of weeks earlier. 2 years after that, my QPP moved in with us, and another year later 16 year old Son asked if he could move in with us. He still does.
The Issue: Son wants a continuing relationship with Amom and Adad, but due to the previously mentioned substances used by his incubator, he has memory and time management issues so I have to regularly remind him to contact them. I have no problem doing this, but the contact we have had with them over the last few years has soured me on their company. I've got no problem reminding Son to contact them and organizing rides for him to visit (usually QPP and I driving him, the trip is a couple of hours each way) but I'd rather never speak to them myself if it can be avoided. It didn't start out this way, but over the years they have made it very clear that they don't respect anyone else's beliefs. Not just us, like there was one night where they were going off about some Danish surgeon saying publicly that he was Muslim first, Danish second, and they were trying to convince us to be terrified by that. The conversation ended awkwardly when Husband asked if Adad was Nationality or Christian first (because that's different you see). We have found books on the bookshelves in the guest room about how any kind of queerness at all is demonic possession, one of which they wrote. They talk about things like being sent on a mission by their god to save as many (and I hate that these are quotes) "brown heathen children" by making them Christians as possible (Son and his adopted siblings are all First Nations, Amom and Adad are as white as I am), or how Jewish people are evil for stopping Christians from claiming their suffering because "Jesus was a Jew so aren't all Christians also Jews?". Amom once spent a week trying to convince me to go to church with her and share the details of my childhood sexual abuse with the entire congregation because "it will show God you are ready to be forgiven". QPP is a shintoist and after they found that out, we started seeing more literature about the Japanese, specifically during WWII, around their house when we visited.
We have politely made it clear that we are not interested in Christianity, especially not their version. Multiple times. We thought it was finally over after Son had a meltdown at them at his graduation ceremony because he wanted JUST ONE conversation with them that wasn't about Jesus. He was in tears trying to explain that to them, and their response was to tell him he needed to come back to church so they could lay on hands and chase all the demons making him say these horrible disrespectful things to them out of him. He was supposed to stay with them for a few days to visit after that, but by the time I tracked him down and got him calm, he didn't want to go anymore. They seemed to stop after that, like they actually backed off and I think I got maybe 2 emails that didn't mention God or Jesus, not even a "God bless" in the sign off. We were optimistic. Son was late organizing it but we dropped him off (at his request, he's worried that Adad won't make it to next Christmas and wanted to see him) at their place on Boxing Day. We did not hang around, we did not send gifts, we didn't even reply to the Family Christmas Email (it had a video of a Jordan B Peterson rant embedded in it and I've told them before that we are not interested in anything that sack of hateful arrogance has to say please stop putting him in my inbox). We have done everything we can to make it clear that we do not want a relationship with them for ourselves, including outright directly telling them politely to their faces that we will not stop Son from seeing them but we don't feel comfortable around them and don't want a relationship with them for ourselves. Son came back with "gifts" from them - a study guide for a specific Bible book (I got John, Husband got Michael, QPP set his on fire before we saw who it was) and a bag of candy that looked like it came out of a thrift store (I got the same one they always get me, which I laughed off the first and second and third time and explained I couldn't stand them because my abuser used to give me one when he was done. Husband is diabetic and got York Patties. QPP actually got something decent though, $20 for gas).
I have managed to keep my "I'd rather you hadn't bothered actually" rantingvto Tumblr, which i don't think they even know exists, but I'm still pissed about the Bible crap as "gifts". I am considering changing tactics completely and being super friendly, mirroring their energy, and giving them the same treatment they've given us. I want to make excuses to visit so I can explain the finer points of shintoism and Celtic paganism in every single conversation. I want to give them books for gifts, books like The Tao of Pooh and The Gospel of The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I want to wrap cash in pamphlets about The Invisible Pink Unicorn and leave it on their fridge.
QPP and husband think I should give myself more time to calm down and just keep ignoring it and playing nice when I'm forced to play at all but like, IT'S BEEN 6 YEARS.
What are these acronyms?
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moonstruckme · 10 months
could i request Scamander!Reader x Remus Lupin? Maybe they have been going on dates for a few months but turns out she knew he was a werewolf? She just didn't say anything cause she wanted to wait for him to tell her, but after a full moon, Remus got hurt like really really bad so when he wakes up the next morning he is at nursing and the reader is helping with his wounds (cause she's an scamander so she obviously should now how to fix werewolfs wounds fr)
and remus kinda freaks out because she isn't supposed to be there and starts trying to make excuses about his wounds
Thanks for requesting! I'm not a Scamander myself hehe so I had to look up some werewolf stuff but I hope this is alright :)
Remus Lupin x Scamander!reader ♡ 653 words
Remus wakes feeling like he always does after a full moon: exhausted, groggy, and so, so sore. From the brightness against his eyelids and the sounds around him, he knows he's in the infirmary. It's not uncommon, and as humiliating as the whole ordeal can be, he's glad to have Madam Pomfrey to care for him as he heals from the previous night's...events.
But when he opens his eyes, it's not Madam Pomfrey that sits at his bedside, applying some sort of paste to the gouge across his ribcage.
He must inhale or twitch in his surprise, because your attention turns to his face, your hands stilling.
"You're awake," you say, looking at Remus with eyes full of kindness and sympathy. He feels like he might vomit. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine," he says, too sharply, and hurt flashes across your features. Remus' heart is pounding, but he forces himself to take a breath, muzzling his panic. Still, his voice trembles slightly as he asks, "Y/N, love, what are you doing here?"
You smile softly, and Remus knows he's forgiven. "I knew there was some dittany in the greenhouse, so I thought I'd bring some to help heal you."
"I..." Why weren't you asking more questions? You and Remus had only been dating for a few months, and you'd yet to see him in the aftermath of a transformation. He hadn't had to lie to you yet, to make up excuses for why he missed days of class every month and reappeared with new scars. "I was out with Sirius and James last night, and we got fairly wasted." He forces what he hopes is a sheepish grin, though it doesn't feel very convincing. "I took a tumble down a hill, and well..." he gestures to his torn-up torso, shrugging as if it's just further evidence of he and his friends' foolishness.
"Remus," you say, and the nausea is back, your tone far too knowing for Remus' liking, "honey, it's okay. I wanted you to be able to tell me in your own time, but after last night..." You pause, your face pinching in distress as your eyes run over his wounds, ugly and oozing. "I couldn't just not help anymore. I'm sorry."
Remus' stomach is really roiling now, his entire body caught between fight and flight as he reckons with the shock of your admission and his bafflement at your composure. "You knew?" His voice comes out accusatory, but he can hardly muster the energy to correct it. "For how long?"
"I mean, it took me a couple weeks of getting to know you to figure it out." You shrug, going back to gently pressing the dittany to his wounds. "But really, Remus, it doesn't matter to me. I only care about being able to be there for you, to help."
A couple weeks, it'd taken you to learn his secret. So you'd known for months, while Remus had fretted over hiding his headaches from you and worrying that you'd eventually see him just like this, and now here you were. Remus takes a moment to look at you, the tenderness with which you touch him, careful to avoid hurting him further, the patience in your eyes as you wait for his response.
"You really aren't afraid?" he asks. Despite years of sharing all of himself with James and Sirius, Remus finds himself nearly unable to trust it. "Disgusted? Angry with me?"
The look you give him borders on offence, though there's still that same gentle sympathy in your eyes. "Merlin, Remus, of course not. I know it can't be easy for you, and I wouldn't expect you to tell me before you're ready. It's just...another part of you." You smile a bit, and Remus can't help but return it, bewildered and feeling very much on the precipice of falling in love. "And I like all of you, so there."
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aestheticpearl · 2 years
Can you do one and they surprise Y/N by coming home early from a mission? Xx
hello again my love, i apologize for how long this took forgive me <3
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— ‘oh you’re back…YOU’RE BACK!’
characters. rooster, hangman, phoenix, bob, payback, fanboy, coyote
themes. fluff
[summary] they surprise you by coming home early from their deployment
[warnings] not proof read (i’m lazy)
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❥ bradley “rooster” bradshaw
it had been a whole day since bradley had last texted you and he had missed your routine phone call that is always scheduled for seven so needless to say you were worried. you texted him asking if he meant to miss the phone call and he only responded a hour later with ‘busy.’ which provided no comfort whatsoever.
you were doing your best to distract yourself by folding laundry when you came across one of his old sleep shirts. it was a concert tee that he had gotten at the first concert you went to as a couple, you could help but stare at it for a little too long when your eyes started pooling with tears. gosh why is being always from him is long still so hard? you should be use to it.
“we should go to another one of their concerts, i still really like their music” you know that voice, you body moves on it’s own as you turn away to see him standing there smiling like an absolute idiot at you in the doorway.
“surprise!” he drops his bag and opens his arms for you and you happily run into him, only crying a little totally not sobbing. “aww baby you miss me that much?”
“you missed our scheduled phone call you dick” you laughs at your remark.
“i was hoping this would make up for it”
“only a little” he shakes his head and holds your face in his hands while you kisses you.
“i missed you”
“okay you’re forgiven” you are a sucker for coming home kisses.
❥ jake “hangman” seresin
exhausted didn’t even begin so describe how you felt after your shift at work, it’s like there isn’t even a busy season it’s just always busy. you open the front door after struggling with the lock for longer than you care to admit, it’s empty since jake is still deployed over seas. you throw your bag and jacket on the couch and it responds with an oof.
“shh i have a headache” you responded without thinking too tired to register that your couch just talked— well made sound not really talked per say. wait couches don’t talk. “wait..”
“did you just shush me?” jake asks turning on the light next to the couch. you turn around and try to process the fact that he’s here in the house like right now with you not over seas. you run to him and basically pin him down to the couch with your body as you hug him tightly.
“you’re home. you’re here like actually here” you say burying your face into his neck.
“thought it would be a nice surprise. i’m a little concerned on how long it took you to register that someone was in the house though.”
“long day, you’ve made it so worth it”
“aww pumpkin” he kisses you gently while you hold his face. “i missed you too”
❥ natasha “phoenix” trace
you never realize how much you hang out with someone till they’re gone and you know that sounds like natasha is dead, but she might as well be she you don’t get to see her. honestly it sucks having an amazing pilot as a girlfriend cause she’s always busy when deployed cause she’s the best. curse her incredible skill and hard work.
as sappy as it sounds you love looking through your photos with her when she’s away, sure it makes you feel sad but also makes you look forward to seeing her again. when she’s away you like to try to plan a date for when she gets home and when she told you that she’d be coming home in a couple of months you wanted to getting started sooner rather than later.
so after you come home from your quick trip to the store you find natasha standing in the house with flowers in hand smiling that beautiful smile right at you and at first you’re truly too stunned to speak.
“surprised much?” she places the flowers down on the table beside her. “i just missed you so much i had to come home early” you’re still in shock, then you snap yourself out of it and run into her arms.
“i am so surprised, i missed you so much”
you hugs her tightly and you both fall into a comfortable silence once she kisses the side of your head. until you break it with a gasp.
“i didn’t have time to get all the ‘welcome home’ date stuff” she laughs.
“i can wait a little longer for the ‘welcome home’ date”
❥ robert “bob” floyd
bob is awful at keeping secrets and even worse at executing surprises but he was determined to have this surprise for you be successful, so much so that he had natasha get you out of the house just a little so he could set up flowers he bought down the street and some romantic candles.
you were a tiny bit confused on why natasha asked you to go grocery shopping with her but you had nothing else to do and you love her company so you didn’t mind in the end. little did you know that natasha had to make up an excuse to get you out of the house for at least and hour or two so bob could set up and the first thing that came to her mind was grocery shopping. she didn’t need to go grocery shopping yet here she was standing with you in the produce section wondering which apples to get.
“so granny smith? no no macintosh” you roll your eyes. you love hanging out with natasha but she was really hung up on which apple to buy and it had almost been a half hour.
“nat, it’s an apple”
“okay but they’re all so different” she replies back praying in the back of her mind that bob is almost done and by the grace of the almighty she receives a text for the all clear.
“you know you’re right this is a waste of time who needs food let’s go” she takes your arm and drags you out of the store entirely to your surprise.
“wait what i thought you needed to—”
“let me bring you home” you are baffled at your friends out of character actions but let her do her thing anyhow. when you get home your jaw is on the floor with everything that bob has set up.
“ta da! how’d i do? i kept a secret for once.” he smiles at you happily. you run into his arms and hug him tightly.
“oh my god baby you actually surprised me” he laughs and kisses you gently while waving off phoenix who was standing in the doorway.
❥ reuben “payback” fitch
reuben wanted to see how long you could go without noticing that he was home, not one of his brightest ideas really specially since you had just watched a horror movie the previous night.
he arrived back early in the morning and unlocked the door to your house quietly and went to the hall closet to put his things out of sight so you wouldn’t see them and instantly realize he was home. before long he heard you wake up start to make your way downstairs. he carefully placed down some flowers in the kitchen table and hide behind the door.
you woke up with an awful headache and just felt in your bones that today wasn’t going to be good, nevertheless you walked downstairs to the kitchen to make some breakfast alone. being half asleep you didn’t even notice the roses placed on the table until you turned around and reuben was behind you.
the scream you let out could’ve broken glass.
“baby baby relax it’s just me!”
“REUBEN!” you tried to calm your breathing. “i am going to kill you”
“i’m sorry i’m sorry!” he feels awful but he can’t help but laugh at your reaction a bit. “baby i’m sorry” his hand takes yours as you scowl at him. he kisses your cheek multiple times while apologizing.
“you are so lucky that i missed you”
❥ mickey “fanboy” garcia
believe it or not mickey decided against surprising you in a big way, he was far too tired. when mickey got home to you it was very late at night and he just wanted to hold you. placing his bag quietly down on the edge of the bed, he stripped off his uniform and glances over to you sleeping soundly in bed.
“my love” he whispers softly has you feel him climb into bed with you.
“mickey?” your voice is scratchy then you expected.
“hey baby” he pulls you into his arms. “i’m sorry i took so long” he kisses the side of your head and then your nose.
“i missed you”
“i missed you too, now go back to sleep you can process that i’m here in the morning”
“mmm okay” you feel sleep take hold of you once again as you close your eyes. you think about how mickeys finally home and a warmth spreads across your chest. he’s home with you.
you move your hand to hold mickeys and squeeze it gently before kissing it softly. he chuckles quietly.
“goodnight honey”
❥ javy “coyote” machado
“ta da!” javy stands in the doorway with his arm opened.
“javy!” you shout booking it across the living room into his opened arms. “you’re back so early!”
“i wanted to surprise you of course” he squeezes you tightly and takes in your scent.
“you smelling me again weirdo?”
“..no” you laugh at his hesitation. javy has always had this weird thing about how you smell, he says it’s comforting and he wishes it was a candle that he could light. you call him a weirdo.
“you weirdo!”
“okay okay, yes but i missed you and you smell amazing!” you chuckle at him.
“i missed you too” he pulls away to look at you and moves some hair out of your face to kiss you gently. his kisses always have made you feel weightless. gosh you missed his kisses so much and him i guess.
before you can be completely lost in your own thoughts javy scoops you up to take you to the bedroom so you can show him how much you truly missed his kisses.
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reputationmunson · 1 year
Bad Habit | pt. 2 | Eddie Munson x harrington!reader
part one
summary: The truth comes out
word count: 5.0k
cw: smut (18+), fluff, loss of virginity, unprotected sex, oral (m&f receiving), afab!reader, use of y/n, mentions of drinking, swearing, she/her pronouns
a/n: first of all, i just wanted to thank everybody for all the love part one received! secondly, reader is adopted, so there is no mention of resembling Steve. thank you for reading :)
Steve thinks you’re acting unusual.
You’re barely home anymore, you whisper every time you use the phone, he’s pretty sure he spotted a hickey on your neck about a month ago and you’re always in a good mood.
For example, yesterday morning Steve accidentally woke you up because he was unaware you were home and he was expecting you to flip out on him or at least scowl at him.
Instead, you thanked him for waking you up so you could watch the sunrise…
So yeah, he’s a little suspicious.
All signs point to you being in a relationship and as your older brother he’s hoping it’s literally anything else. You guys live in a small town and he’s well aware that most of the guys here are total douchebags.
He even asked Robin and Nancy if you had said anything, but they knew nothing. Though both of them did agree that you’d been more on the chipper side lately.
If you are dating somebody, he isn’t surprised you haven’t said anything to him. Growing up with absentee parents, Steve was a little protective of you.
He goes into your room to try to get some information out of you but you aren’t home…
“Eddie stoooop! I can’t breathe!” You say through laughter.
You’re currently in the middle of a tickle war in your boyfriend's bed.
Okay, war might not be the best word because it isn’t much of a fight.
“Fine. I will concede… for a kiss” He stops tickling you and anticipates your lips on his any second now.
“Hmm… I’m not sure if that offers good enough” You’re bluffing
“Let me prove it to you?” He smirks
You sit up and capture him in a kiss. It’s sweet and unhasty, like you have all the time in the world.
He eventually pulls away and stares into your eyes.
“What’s the verdict?”
You can’t stop smiling. You’ve been awake for barely ten minutes and Eddie’s had you smiling ever since you opened your eyes.
“Think I need another one to make sure you’re forgiven” He’s already leaning down to give you another kiss.
This time, the kiss grows more fervent. Before you know it, Eddie is pulling you on top of him.
His hands are roaming all over your body and when he gives your ass a delicate squeeze, you let out a quiet moan.
“Fuck, I hate to do this but I gotta get up. I’m working on Steve’s car today before his shift”
You rest your forehead on his shoulder and let out a sigh. He kisses your head in apology.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, Munson”
“Being cute is my specialty”
You both smile and you roll off of him. “Apparently humble isn’t” you joke.
He laughs and gets out of bed. You don’t miss the opportunity to admire him and if his back wasn’t turned from you he'd definitely make fun of you a little bit for being so obsessed with him.
He wouldn’t be wrong.
“Alright, I guess I should head out so we don’t get there at the same time. Don’t need Steve connecting any dots”
You gather all your stuff up while Eddie gets dressed.
“Don’t you dare think you’re getting out of here with a proper goodbye” He steps over to you to give you a goodbye kiss.
He holds your face in his large hands and it would be so easy to fall back into bed to finish what you both started, but Eddie’s too kind to cancel on Steve.
“Tell me how much you’re gonna miss me” He smiles widely and you giggle
“Maybe I can show you tonight instead” You compromise and the look on his face lets you know that’s a great idea.
You give him one last peck and reluctantly walk out to your car.
You’re aware that having your car at Eddie’s might not be the smartest idea considering Max lives right across from him, but sometimes you can’t risk being dropped off down the street of your house the next morning.
Luckily for you, you’re her favorite (don’t tell Steve), so she doesn’t plan on ratting out seeing your car at Eddie’s. She also can’t really be bothered.
Max thinks it would be sweet if you and Eddie are an item. Don’t tell anyone she thinks that, though. She’ll deny any accusations.
“Good morning, Stevie” You say, walking into the kitchen.
“Good morning to you too, stranger. Stay at Laura’s again?”
“Oh. yeah. She’s been a little down lately so I just wanna be a good friend” You fib.
Laura has been your alibi since you and Eddie got together. She’s the only other person aware of what’s going on and it’s a safe option since she’s your closest friend who doesn’t hang out with your brother.
“Hm I guess that explains why you whisper every time you’re on the phone. Must be pretty personal?”
Your eyes widen for a split second before you act natural.
“That’s the reason. Super personal, Steve, you shouldn’t be eavesdropping. Anyways… what are you up to today?” You change the subject
“Eddie’s coming over to work on my car before I go to work” He says with a mouthful of cereal.
“Cool… I’m gonna go get ready for the day!” You scurry upstairs.
You knew it was going to be hot outside today so you decided on wearing your shortest shorts and a crop top. You’re definitely only wearing this because of today's forecast. No other reason.
Eddie looks so unfairly sexy while working on Steve’s car and it has you in tizzy.
You were watching him through the living room window, but when he put his hair in a low bun and took his shirt off, you had to go to your room to distract yourself.
Feeling bored, you decided he must be absolutely parched and could use a glass of water.
You grab two glasses of water for both of them and a bottle of beer for Eddie.
“I come bearing gifts” you announce walking over to them.
“Thanks, ba- bro. Thanks, bro” Eddie almost slips, but luckily Steve doesn’t realize anything.
“You didn’t bring me a beer?” Steve pouts.
“You have work soon. You want one get it yourself. You’re welcome, by the way”
Eddie chuckles and you can’t help but adore the sight of him.
Suddenly, You’re suddenly aware of the fact that Steve is watching you make eyes at Eddie.
“Well, um, I’m gonna go back inside.” You say and walk hastily inside.
“She’s been so weird. Do you think she’s acting differently lately?” Steve asks Eddie.
“Weird how?” Eddie’s voice goes up an octave.
“I don’t know. I think she’s got a boyfriend and scared to tell me. Just because she’s my younger sister doesn’t mean I’m gonna murder the guy she’s dating”
“Dude, when I first met her you threatened to shave my eyebrows off if I even thought about her.” Eddie cringes as he brings this up.
“That’s different. You’re one of my best friends it would be fucked up if you were…canoodling my sister.”
“Oh yeah. Definitely fucked up. Um, anyways, does she at least seem happy and stuff?” Eddie asks and hopes it doesn’t sound too obvious that he is in fact canoodling his best friend's sister.
“Annoyingly happy. She’s always smiling like it would kill her if she stopped. It’s creepy” Eddie looks away from Steve because he can’t contain the ginormous smile on his face.
“Well when you meet him, just try to keep in mind how happy she’s been lately.” He says in hopes that when Steves inevitably finds out, he’ll remember this conversation.
It’s highly unlikely.
“Alright, your car is good to go. Wanna make sure she starts?” Eddie suggests and Steve gets in the car. Both boys cheer at the sound of his car starting.
“You’re a lifesaver. I gotta get ready for work but feel free to stick around and use the pool. Maybe keep an eye on y/n so she doesn’t invite over whatever asshole she’s dating.” Steve is half joking and Eddie gives an awkward chuckle.
While Steve is in the shower, Eddie finds his way into your bedroom.
You’re lying on your side reading a book, completely unaware of his presence. He stands in your doorway and admires you until he decides he wants to be a menace.
In true Eddie fashion, instead of saying something to make you notice him he jumps on top of you, making you yelp.
“Well that’s one way to get my attention” You say and set your book on your night stand.
“And you’re half naked. That’s the best way to get my attention.” Eddie says, referring to you being dressed only in a sports bra and the shortest shorts in existence.
Eddie grabs you and flips you so you’re on top of him. You can’t help but kiss him for a couple of minutes before pulling away to stop.
“We can’t.” A kiss. “Steve is home.” Another kiss. “Let’s go downstairs” You let your forehead rest on his and give him a chaste peck before moving off of him. You throw on a t-shirt and leave your bedroom.
“Guess what Steve told me while I was working on his car.” Eddie says while following you down the steps.
“He thinks you have a boyfriend.”
“Fuck, he doesn’t know it’s you, right?”
You both sit on the couch and leave a respectable distance between each other.
“Are you kidding? We both know I would not be alive if that was the case. He wants me to hang out here so you don’t invite your mystery man over. Oh, and might’ve said something about you being insanely happy…”
“I am insanely happy.” I love you is what you really want to say.
“And you can hang out here. As long as you don’t mind going for a swim. It’s so hot outside I can barely stand being in these clothes” You lower your voice when you say the last part.
Before he can respond with a typical suggestive comment, Steve comes back downstairs to say goodbye before heading to work.
“Alright, I gotta head out. I won’t be home until late. You staying home tonight?” He asks you
“Oh, I don’t know. Laura hasn’t asked me to stay with her yet”
“Well, she can stay here, ya know? Unless there’s another reason…”
“Nope, not at all. You better get going, you don’t wanna be late!”
Eddie tries to keep a straight face and Steve leaves without another word.
It feels like an eternity before he pulls out of the driveway
“Up for a swim?”
Eddie nods quickly.
You’re trying to decide which bathing suit you want to wear and Eddie waits patiently on your bed. He turned on music to entertain him knowing it takes you ages to make a decision, but he isn’t complaining. He loves your look of concentration.
“Wear the red one,” He suggest. “You look sexy in red. Or maybe we should just go naked”
He wiggles his eyebrows
“Yeah, you’d like that. But on a day like this, I’m betting either our friends or the kids show up unannounced to use the pool”
“Yeah that would be just our luck”
You begin to get undressed and Eddie looks around your room to avoid being so obvious.
“Eds, you can look. Nothin you haven’t seen before”
“Just trying to be respectful, sweetheart”
“Since when?”
He laughs and finally looks at you. He feels like the air has been knocked out of him.
“I have a feeling Laura is definitely going to ask you to spend the night. Something tells me she’s really gonna need you tonight”
“Well, lucky for her, I’m in the mood to be a very good friend tonight”
“Hmm maybe we could postpone our swim so you can be a good friend right now” He pats his lap for you to join him.
“Can’t I be a good friend in the pool?” You’re already walking over to him to straddle his lap
“Maybe you can be now and later… if you catch my drift”
“I always catch your drift. You aren’t exactly subtle”
“Shut up and kiss me. I’m dying here”
You oblige quickly.
While lost in the kiss, you suddenly become aware of the fact that you’re completely naked while Eddie is fully clothed.
Your hands fly to the hem of his shirt and you quickly remove it so you can get back to kissing him.
His hands move to gently massage your tits and you moan into his mouth then start to grind on him slowly, making him moan in response.
He’s hard against you and you come to the conclusion that you want to give him some relief as soon as possible.
You take your lips off of his and trail kisses down his jaw and neck. You move into a position that allows you to kiss down his chest and stomach until you reach his happy trail.
You begin to gently suck and kiss at his happy trail and his breathing gets heavier. Usually he’s the big teaser, but you wanted to flip the script.
Your hand palms him through his jeans and he groans. “Baby, please.”
“Please, what?”
“Lemme take my pants off. Busting in my jeans isn’t exactly on my agenda”
You choose to be nice and start to take his pants off. Apparently you aren’t doing it fast enough because he stands up and removes his pants and boxers.
No matter how many times you’ve seen his cock, it still makes you drool.
“Lemme suck you off. Please”
“On your knees, baby”
You swiftly move to your knees when Eddie sits on the edge of your bed.
He looks down at you and admires the way you’re staring at his dick
“Get to it, love. Wanna cum in that pretty mouth”
You spit in your palm and give him a few pumps before wrapping your lips around him
At first, you just focus on the tip and swirl your tongue. He tries to stop his hips from thrusting so he can go deeper.
“Don’t tease me, pretty girl. You wanna make me feel good, don’t you?”
You nod and take him deeper. He lets out a loud moan and you begin to bob your head a little faster.
“Fuck, that’s it. Always take my cock so well”
After a few more seconds, you pull back and he whines. “Want you to be rough, Eddie. Don’t hold back”
He smirks and gathers your hair in his fist. “Smack my leg twice if it's too much. Got it?”
“Got it”
“Stick your tongue out for me, baby”
You listen and he taps his cock on your tongue a few times before fully putting it back in your mouth.
He starts thrusting slowly to warm you up. You whine to let him know you want it faster.
His pace starts to pick up and he looks down at you to make sure you’re alright
Your eyes are closed and he feels his dominant side creeping up on him.
“Eyes on me or you won’t be cumming at all today”
You open your eyes and look up at him. Your eyes are watery and your pupils are blown wide.
Fuck, he can’t believe your his girl
Eddie starts to fuck your throat relentlessly and you moan around him. Your hands hold his thighs and you squeeze them hard. He worries it's too much for you. “You okay?”
Neither of you have broken eye contact and you give him a nod to keep going.
Tears are spilling from your eyes and you look so fucking pretty it should be illegal.
“I’m gonna cum in that fucking mouth and you’re not gonna waste a drop. Want you to swallow all of it”
His thrusts grow sloppy and you know he’s about to finish
Soon his warmth fills your mouth and you’re both moaning. He can’t believe how much this turns you on.
He pulls out of your mouth and you gasp for air.
“Not too rough, right?” He takes your hand to help you off your knees
“Not at all. I liked it, just need a minute”
He smiles and moves to sit against your headboard. You go back to straddling him.
You bury your head in the crook of his neck and his arms wrap around you.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes.
“Teddy” You whisper in a sing-song voice. He always knows you’re feeling vulnerable when you call him Teddy. “Yeah?”
You pull back to look at him.
“Can I tell you something?”
“I, uh, know we haven’t been together that long, but I really need to get this off my chest”
He mentally prepares himself for what you’re gonna say
“I love you. So much that I feel like I’m gonna explode and I’m sorry if it’s too soon or something but I just can’t hold it in anymore”
“Too soon? Psh. Pretty sure I fell in love with you first day I met ya”
“Really?” You smile so wide it almost hurts
“Really. Steve was talking shit about my music and you said something like ‘Steve, you cry listening to time after time by cindy lauper. I don’t think you should be talking’ and I just knew I wanted to be yours”
You both laugh at the memory and bask in the feeling of being total lovesick idiots.
After a few moments of silence, you speak up.
“I’m ready, Eds. I want you. Can’t imagine it being anyone else”
“You sure? I don’t mind waiting”
“One hundred percent sure. Now show me what ya got, Munson”
“How romantic. Lay down for me”
Unbeknownst to you, Robin is currently downstairs looking for you to see if you’re up for a swim. Little does she know, Eddie is currently eating you out like it’s his job.
Between the music in your room and being so lost in the moment, neither of you hear the footsteps approaching your room.
Robin isn’t exactly familiar when it comes to having boundaries and she swings your door open without knocking and is met with the sight of Eddie between your legs.
Both of you abruptly turn your heads and all three of you are frozen.
Robin quickly turns around but doesn’t move. “Oh, I’m sorry it seems I’ve opened to door to an alternate fucking dimension where this makes sense” If this was under different circumstances, this sentence probably would’ve made you laugh.
Without another word, she frantically walks out of your room
“Robin, wait!” You call after her and put your robe on to follow her. Eddie also gets up and gets dressed to follow the both of you.
“Am I suffering from heat exhaustion? Does that cause hallucinations? I need to sit down”
Robin sits on the couch, looking a little bit traumatized from walking in on you and Eddie.
Eddie giggles and you lightly elbow him.
You don’t really know what to say. You always assumed you would tell Steve first and then everyone would find out in a completely different way.
“So…” Eddie starts
“What the fuck did I just walk in on? I’m seriously confused”
“Well, ya see, Robin, when two people love each other-”
“That’s not what I mean, Munson. I mean- wait. Did you just say love? Like in love? Can someone please start explaining I wasn’t joking about the being confused part!”
“Okay” You breathe out “Eddie and I have been seeing each other for the past couple of months and it’s been going really great so we didn’t wanna tell anyone because we were scared that things might get complicated, especially if Steve knew”
“Oh my god I didn’t even think about Steve. He is going to kill you!” She points at Eddie
“We know that’s why you can’t tell anybody” He responds
“This is huge, guys! I have to tell somebody that you two are hooking up I am incapable of keeping this to myself” She gets up and begins to pace
“Rob, please you have to keep it a secret. I know it’s big but I promise we’ll tell Steve soon so you don’t have to keep it a secret too long”
“We will?” Eddie asks
“Eventually, yeah. We sort of have to. What, are we not gonna invite him to the wedding?” You realize what you’ve just said and your eyes widen. “I mean, we aren’t getting married. I just, um, what I meant to say was-”
“You’re adorable, ya know that?” He smiles at you and you forget Robin’s having a total freakout for a moment.
“Before you two start doing it on the coffee table, I need to know the details because as your best friend, I am truly offended you kept this from me”
All three of you sit down and you and Eddie tell her all about your relationship, obviously sparing the dirty details. (She’s going to try to get them out of you later).
“Aw, so you guys are in love! This is so great, especially for you, Eddie. y/n is most definitely out of your league”
He doesn’t hesitate to agree.
“I guess I should go to let you guys…continue. By the way, both of you owe me. I’m talking personal chauffeurs and buying me pretty gifts. Deal?”
“I’d love a ride to the mall tomorrow” She says, walking to the door.
“Bye, Robin!”
“So, was that a mood ruiner for you or…” Eddie asks
You stand up and extend your hand out to him. “C’mon”
He takes your hand and you lead him back up to your bedroom.
Eddie unties your robe and you let it fall to the floor. His clothes are off seconds after you lie back down on the bed.
He hovers over you and his eyes bore into yours, making you feel safer than you’ve ever felt.
“I love you”
“I love you, more” Your hand cups his cheek
“Impossible” He kisses your wrist before leaning down to kiss you properly.
“Do you have any condoms?” He asks in a hushed tone
“Don’t need one. I’m on the pill”
He smiles and gives you a passionate kiss
Eddie grabs his cock and guides in through your slick folds. You gasp when it hits your clit.
“Are you ready?” He asks
“More than ready” you smile up at him.
“Tell me if anything hurts, kay?”
He starts by just putting the tip in and you both moan at the same time.
“More. I’m okay”
He slowly goes a little bit deeper and gives you time to adjust before he starts to move.
“Fuck, you feel so good. You’re so fucking wet”
“You’re so big. Feels so good inside me”
His pace picks up a little and you pull him down so he’s laying on top of you and you wrap your arms around him.
You didn’t expect this to feel as good as it does. After hearing stories from friends, you expected it to be completely uncomfortable and awkward, but you haven’t experienced either of those feelings.
“I’m not gonna last much longer” He pants
His hand slides between your bodies and he starts to rub your clit, making your back arch.
His middle and ring finger work faster on your sweet spot and you feel like you’re seeing stars
“Please don’t stop I’m so close, Eddie”
“Me too, baby. Cum with me. Need to feel you cum around my cock”
Both of your moans are getting louder and Eddie lets out a deep groan when he feels you walls clench around him.
You feel Eddie’s cum fill you up and it sends you over the edge.
Your nails are scratching his back and he collapses on top of you, kissing your neck as you work through your orgasm.
Both of you lay there in silence and you run your fingers through his hair and he hums in gratitude.
“I’ll be right back” He says before leaving your bedroom.
He returns with a glass of water and a warm rag to clean you up.
He starts to clean you up and you hiss a little at the contact, making him look up at you warily.
“Sensitive. I’m okay”
Once he’s done, he moves to hold you in his arms.
“How was that? Wasn’t painful or anything, was it?”
“It was perfect. I never imagined it being that good”
You can practically see his ego inflate, but he deserves it.
“Me neither. Best I’ve ever had”
You roll your eyes, but he means every word.
You take a nap before going to Eddie’s and spend the rest of the day wrapped up in each other, making each new time the best you’ll both ever have.
It’s been two weeks since Robin found out and she’s been loving making you and Eddie her personal servants.
Even if you didn’t do these things for her, she still wouldn’t spill your secret, but she can’t deny that she’s enjoying it.
The group is spending the day enjoying your pool and you wore your red bathing suit that Eddie loves so much.
It’s almost impossible for him to keep his hands off of you
“y/n, would you be a dear and get me a drink from inside please?” She smirks at you and you have no choice but to compel
“Anything for my queen” You say before heading inside.
“Ugh, can someone look at this freckle on my shoulder. Is it concerning looking?” Robin tries to get a good look at her freckle but can’t get the right angle, so Eddie helps her out.
“Oh, it looks fine. y/n has one like that on her hip”
Steve immediately whips his head towards Eddie and shoots daggers at him.
“What?” Steve says through gritted teeth
“What?” Eddie’s eyes widen when he realizes what he’s done.
“How in the world do you know she has a freckle on her hip?”
“Um, everyone knows. She talks about it all the time, duh”
“You’re dead, man.”
When you walk outside and see Steve chasing Eddie around the pool, you don’t think anything of it until you hear Steve yell “I’m gonna fucking kill you” and your stomach drops.
He knows
Robin notices you and looks like she has no idea what to do
“y/n, I have it on good authority that Steve knows about you and Eddie”
You hurriedly give Robin her drink and join in the wild goose chase around the pool
“Steve, stop! You’re overreacting”
He halts, suddenly. “Overreacting? You’ve gotta be kidding me. How long has this been going on?”
“About two and a half months” you answer
“Two and a half months?!”
“C’mon, Steve. Lets just talk this out” Eddie tries to level with him
“Great idea. I’ll go first” Steve starts “You, Eddie Munson, have been doing my little sister and you’ve both been lying about it. What, you were tired of no one wanting to fuck you so you took advantage of her?”
“Hey! I’m not gonna stand here and let you talk about him like that! I’m an adult, Steve, I can make my own decisions. he’s not taking advantage of me I can’t believe you’d even say something like that”
“Babe, it’s okay-”
“Babe? Seriously? I feel like I’m in the goddamn twilight zone! Did you know about this?” He turns to look at Robin
“I, um, might’ve had some idea, but only because I walked in on them doing it!”
“Robin!” you and Eddie shout at the same time and she apologizes.
“Well, that’s just great. So all three of you were lying? I can’t believe this. You know he’s gonna leave you once he gets bored because that's what guys do, y/n”
“No, Steve. That's what you do” You argue back
Before it gets any more heated, Eddie walks over to you. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close to him.
“I know you’re mad, but we aren’t just hooking up. I love her. I can promise you I’m not leaving her”
You see Steve’s face soften once Eddie says this. He’s always been a bit of a romantic.
“You mean that? You guys are like, in love and shit?”
Eddie looks at you and smiles. “Yeah. In love and shit”
Steve’s mood shifts entirely, like he was never upset at all.
“Oh my god, that’s great! My best friend and my sister! Dude, we’re gonna be brother-in-laws”
“Okay, let’s slow down” You say, not wanting to scare Eddie off and you’re also extremely surprised at his sudden reaction shift.
“Oh, c’mon babe, we are so gonna be brother-in-laws” He leans down to pull you into a kiss
“Alright, gross. I don’t need visuals of you two, I’m still having nightmares about the hickey I saw on your neck a while ago”
You hide your face, embarrassed.
“I desperately need a beer after that. Robin, help me grab drinks for everyone” Steve and Robin disappear, leaving you and Eddie alone.
“So, cats outta the bag” You wrap your arms around Eddie’s torso and his hands fall to your hips.
“Dustin’s gonna be so pumped. He’s been waiting on me to make my move on you forever”
“That’s what you’re thinking about right now? Dustin?” You both laugh
“Sorry, the little dude’s just got a way about him. It’s kinda freaky”
You move your arms to drape around his neck and look into his eyes.
He leans down to kiss you because that’s something you can do now without fear of getting caught.
“I love that I can do that whenever and wherever now”
“Hmm, think Steve will still have a problem with that”
“Who cares? Don’t know if you heard but he’s gonna be my brother-in-law”
“Think we can sneak off to my room?”
“Oh, yeah. We’re super sneaky”
Steve and Robin don’t say a word when they catch you and Eddie sneaking through your bedroom window.
Turns out neither of you are as sneaky as you think.
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pinazee · 9 days
Bounty Hunters!
I just find it so adorable when a kid has bright ass food stains on them. Its like the essence of childhood or something more poetic haha also, this might sound insane, but this is the first ep i could feel that shawn and gus had been friends since childhood. Possibly because they’re nearly wearing the exact same shirts and at the same steps so the parallel is a lot more obvious. Like it just clicked in my brain or something.
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I just really liked this shot. That is all.
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Shout out to James and Dulés’ stunt double
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This is one of those times i don’t envy actors. This looks so uncomfortable. Also, i can’t decide if it’s naivety or arrogance that Shawn would think he could go into this bar and be okay?? I guess you can assume that Shawn knew Tancana would stop them before they caused any serious damage but that one guy was about to hit him with a chain, and its one thing to go into this on your own, its another to bring your friend with you.
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A+ scene work from Corbin Bernsen here lol
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This is what I do to get my dog to stop eating her toys. Doesn’t work with her either.
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One of the few times Shawn kind of loses it with Gus and has to recollect himself haha. Like he’s been frustrated sure, but he usually applies some sort of manipulation. But i really like this scene because usually its Gus thats frustrated with Shawns behavior.
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Sidenote: about the super sniffer. I don’t think its that he can smell things others can’t, because Shawn usually points it out and can recognize it, i think the super sniffer is that Gus can break the smell down and put a name to it. Like the gardenias in the perfume, the ginger blossoms in the kangaroo paste. Shawn just knows its kangaroo paste. Idk, i had to think about it at least haha
What a goof. But also, ive started watching Gus while shawns doing his breakdowns and he’s like miming beside him haha if i see it in a later ep i’ll gif it.
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Its kind of insane that Bird hands over Tancana and this supposedly alleviates Juliets guilt? Like i get the line she says we all make mistakes as a way of saying Juliet’s forgiven herself, but um, she didn’t really do anything. I wish instead they would have had Shawn notify the cops where he’d be, have lassie ignore him per usual, but let juliet take off on her own (against orders) and save them from bird that way (possibly at the parking garage). This way we can see that she can still rely on her gut and it isn’t handed to her by shawn, kind of like the If You’re So Smart ep, when he solved her case and its somehow a win for her. Its still a sweet gesture that Shawn was cool semi-risking his life (and gus’s for that matter) so she can “save” them and get her good reputation back, even if it doesn’t quite make sense haha
The near kiss was perfection! I think a full kiss would have been too soon, particularly because Juliet was pretty vulnerable just then and it wouldn’t feel right. But the fact that it made juliet nervous enough to start dismantling her gun like she’d been doing all day- fantastic way to gain insight into to her mind and give us the audience hope that the ship would exist. She seems pretty conflicted about him (i think mainly because she doesn’t date coworkers?). I mean, from her perspective, she only know him as immature, irresponsible to a degree, who relentlessly flirts, BUT at the same time is incredibly kind and fun. I would have some hesitation too. Being kind and fun will only get you so far, in my book at least. I also need someone i can rely on to do the boring grown up stuff so im not solely responsible and Shawn just doesn’t come across as someone who can do that (yet). And not to spoil it, but in the bank robbery ep, we learn Juliet likes them mature.
okay. I don’t think this is going to be a popular opinion (just to prepare you mentally) cause i believe everyone loves this scene, and don’t get me wrong i love it too, i just think it doesn’t quite fit in the ep? Like i know shawn was flirty with jules the whole time, and he’s trying to impress her, but it was always jokey and they didn’t really have a solid heart to heart moment, and it pulls away from what Juliet was going through. I think if he’d consoled her a bit, let her know that a mistake is inevitable and assuming that she wouldn’t make any was setting her up to fail, that she was still the smartest, and bravest cop on the force and she should remember that the next time that voice in her head says differently, then he could maybe go for the kiss. Maybe. I think I would’ve preferred it if he’d just consoled her and she was the one who went to kiss him but changed her mind at the last second and thats how we get close talking. Because she wants to kiss him, but at the end of the day she’s pragmatic.
(I just want to quickly add that i by no means think i can write these better. This is just fun for me to put my own little spin on it. I also know other factors go into making a show (time, budget etc) so there are things writers wanted to include that would have improved their eps but said factors forced them to make changes. I don’t want these little opinionated changes i’d make to come across as mean spirited or arrogant. They’re more like responses to a writing prompt if that makes sense.)
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morgana-larkin · 1 month
Mwahahaha hi I’m back to test your limits. I LOVED Want You Back sooo much. Can I request an alternate ending tho?? Where Mel apologizes and we’re like “oh cool thank u but I can’t believe u were willing to throw away a long term relationship without even talking ab it or letting me explain idk if I can trust u again what if something else triggers u and u just run away without making room for a conversation” and she’s like o shit ur right idk I promise never to do it again and we’re like idk bro u kinda broke my trust. And then BOOM. Sad ending. Maybe we fuck first and then decide in the end that we don’t wanna get back together w her. MWAHAHAHA
🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. So I’ll be honest, I started writing this thinking there’ll be a whole lot of angst, turns out it only starts with angst then just becomes sad. I don’t know where it came from but apparently my brain deemed heartbreak, so I was like “ok brain” and just went with it. It starts off a bit before the smut part in the original. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I got more prompts I’m getting through, you can keep sending them and I’m adding Marilyn Thornhill to the list of characters I write for.
Ti amo - I love you
Want You Back - Alternate Ending
Warnings: Alright where to start *checks notes*… angst and no comfort, no fluff, sad Mel, brief car accident mention, just angst and fluff, no happy ending, smut, good luck
Words: 4.1k
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“Then what are you apologising for?”
“For 6 years ago, making a big mistake.”
“I read your note.” She says, cutting you off. “I should have listened to you but I was just so angry that I couldn’t think.” She tells you and looks at you with guilt. “The real reason I said no to Gary is because I didn’t want to be with him because I still have feelings for you. And I felt so guilty about how I reacted and I unblocked your number when I got home after reading your note and read all the texts and I wanted to find you or contact you but I had no way of doing that.” And a few tears slip down her cheeks.
“I haven’t moved on, you know. I’ve forgiven you for that night but I haven’t gotten over you.” You say and Melissa is looking at you with wide puffy eyes. “I tried, I ended up living with a girlfriend for a year. But then she broke up with me when she wanted more and I didn’t. Said I was emotionally unavailable. Which I guess is true, you can’t develop big feelings for someone if your heart belongs to someone else.” You said and the look on Melissa’s face said it all.
“Who does your heart belong too?”
“You.” Melissa sucked in a breath. “When I saw you standing there in the break room after 6 years, I couldn’t believe it, and you still look beautiful and stunning.” She let out an airy laugh.
“You as well, you still look so damn beautiful. My heart belongs to you too.” Melissa then gets up and walks over to you and crouches next to you and holds your hand and you look down at her. “I want to be with you again, if you’ll have me.” She asks and you look at her.
A few tears slip down your face and you look away. “I do want to be with you again Mel but I can’t.” You tell her and she looks at you with wide eyes.
“What do you mean?” She asks, still full of hope that you’ll take her back.
“I mean I can’t.” You tell her and look at her. “You sacrificed a happy relationship and didn’t even think about anything or let me explain. You read my note and that’s when you finally knew you fucked up. If you let me explain that night then we might still be happily together now.” You tell her and she looks down at the floor with guilt. The hope she had fading away the more you talk. She brings your hand to her mouth and kisses it. She puts her other hand on yours and has yours in between both of hers.
“Please, let me make it up to you. I’ll do anything.” She says with tears running down her face and choking on her words.
“I really want to Mel, truly. But could you promise me that what happened won’t happen again? Can you promise that you won’t ever blow up at me and break up with me without letting me explain. I do love how passionate you are and how jealous you can be. It’s very sexy.” You tell her and you put your other hand on her cheek and wipe away her tears, she leans into your touch. “But you chose to let your jealousy take over instead of your love for me that night.” You tell her and she nods with a bunch of tears on her face.
“I’m so sorry y/n.” She tells you and she’s full on crying now. You get up and lean down to hug her. She grips onto you and puts her head on your shoulder and continues crying on you.
“I know Mel, I know.” You tell her and you rub her back soothingly. After a few minutes she calms down and leans her head on your chest near your heart.
“I really fucked up. If I were you, I wouldn’t forgive me either.” She tells you.
“I told you I forgive you Mel, but I didn’t forget. I need to protect my heart.” You tell her and she nods. Then an idea pops into your head. “When we get out of here, maybe we both need closure.” You tell her and she blinks a few times before she understands what you mean and lifts her head up.
“Are you saying we should have sex one last time?” She asks and you nod.
“It’s ok if you say no, it’s just a thought.” You tell her and she wipes away her tears.
“I like that idea.” She tells you and you nod.
“Ok, your place after school or mine?” You ask.
“Mine.” She tells you and you nod. Melissa moves to lean against a wall, legs up and arms around them, hugging herself. You on the other hand went to lean against the door. Legs up but head back on the door. “You shouldn’t have your weight on it in 2 hours or you’ll fall when they open it.” She tells you and you look at her.
“I know.” You tell her. “I’ll move before they do.” You say, except you fall asleep and you do indeed fall back when they open it. Fall back with a “ah.” Splayed on the floor with everyone looking at you. Melissa slowly moves her head to look at you.
“I told you not to lean all your weight on it.” She tells you.
“Ya ya.” You tell her and you get up and then tell them all a good night and walk to your car.
Barb looks to you leaving then to Melissa who’s still curled up on the floor. She walks over to her and bends down, Melissa shakes her head, fresh tears coming down her face. Barb wraps an arm around her shoulders and rubs the shoulder furthest from her. “She said she forgave me for that night but said she can’t get back together with me. She said she has to protect her heart.” She says through sobs.
“I’m so sorry Melissa.” Barb says and everyone looks at her with sorry expressions.
“I understand, I made a huge mistake that night that I shouldn’t have. I mean I should have let her explain why that guy was kissing her but I didn’t. I mean he forced it on her and she was trapped and what did I do? I didn’t protect her, instead I yelled at her and broke up with her.” Melissa says, so much guilt that she carries.
“Melissa, you had no idea it was forced on her.” Barb says. “I mean you were at the table when she went to get the drinks. You didn’t see anything except the kiss.”
“I know but I loved her, I still do. I should have let her explain. I mean she tried but I kept pushing her off, I’m such an idiot.” She says and cries again, this time on Barb. The others decide to leave to let them have privacy. And honestly they’re shocked, they were hoping Melissa would have a happy ending and they’ve never seen her cry before.
After a few minutes Melissa calms down then gets off Barb and wipes her cheeks to get the tear stains off. Barb lets her go and they both get up, Melissa wipes her pants to get the dust off and sniffles a bit.
“Do you want me to come over tonight? Keep you company.” Barb offers but Melissa immediately declines.
“No, I just want to be alone tonight.” She ain’t gonna tell Barb the real reason she’s declining, she might not understand it.
“Ok, but call or text me if you need anything, ok?” Barb says and Melissa nods her head. Barb helps guide Melissa to her car and watches as she drives out of the parking lot before she gets in her car to go home.
Once Melissa gets to her place, she sees your car in her driveway and you still in your car. She pulls up next to you and you see her. You both get out and you walk inside to the house. You look around while Melissa gets wine. She comes out with your favourite red wine and 2 glasses while you’re still looking around. After all, you did live here when you were together, and it changed a lot. First of all there was plastic on the couch again and you roll your eyes at that. There was more family pictures up, she must have done it when you took your pictures off the wall. And there was more on the table, behind the couch, you walk over and pick up one and look at it.
“You kept it.” You told her and she walks up and sees the one you meant, even though she already knew. It was you and her on your first anniversary, you took her to a Philly game and she asked you to move in and it happened on the same day. You were dressed up in your Philly gear and you were hugging her with a bunch of boxes behind you. You both had huge smiles on your faces. You looked at it and remembered the day, like it was yesterday, and a tear slips down your face. You put it down and you turn to her. You see her with the 2 glasses and your favourite wine, you can’t believe she remembers.
“Of course I kept it. It was one of the happiest days of my life.” She says and walks to sit on the couch.
“I see you also put the plastic back on the couch.” You tell her with an eye roll.
“Obviously, you’re the reason I took it off. So since you weren’t here to complain, I put it back on.” She says and you smile and walk over to sit down beside her.
“Are you sure you want this Mel?” You ask her and she does a big breath in and out.
“Ya, I think we both need this.” She tells you and you nod and you take the offered glass of wine. You think that maybe you’ll be able to trust her again and might get back together but for now, you both need closure.
You both down the drinks quickly and then you stop. You don’t want to be tipsy or drunk so you’d remember this. Melissa then gets up and holds her hands out for you to take with a soft smile. You take her hands and she pulls you up. She then guides you to her bedroom and closes the door behind you. She brings you to the bed and pushes you on it then crawls on top of you, knowing you like the view. She then leans down and kisses you and you grab her head to push her down more to kiss her harder.
You run your fingers through her beautiful locks of orange hair, admiring how it feels as you kiss her. You then gently start scratching and rubbing her scalp and she begins moaning. You smirk, remembering what drives her to make the noises you love to hear. Melissa feels the smirk and pulls back to look at you. “Being cheeky are we?” She asks and you nod proudly. Melissa smiles at you then goes down to kiss your neck. She really wants to suck and do small bites on your neck but she doesn’t know how you’d feel about it and you’re not hers anymore.
“You can leave 2 hickeys.” You tell her, somehow knowing exactly what she was thinking. “As long as they’re on the side enough for my hair to cover them.” You tell her and she moves your hair out of the way and goes to your neck and starts sucking. You gasp and buck your hips under her and Melissa smiles as she keeps sucking, wanting to make sure they stay there for at least 3-4 days.
You take her shirt off and you stare at her chest and stomach. You then feel her all over with your hands, on her chest, on her stomach, all over her back. When trying to feel her back, the bra gets in the way and you unclip it quickly. You take her bra off and push her back as she was kissing your neck. You look at her breasts again and you always remembered how amazingly full they are. You put your hands on them and squeeze them, you run your hands all over them and then you look at her. Melissa can tell what you want and she scoots up a bit then leans down so you can put her nipple in your mouth.
You’re still able to have a hand on her boob while your mouth is on the nipple and you’re loving it. After having a few one night stands and a couple relationships, all with smaller breasts, you love having a big chest to touch and look at. Melissa knows how much you loved her breasts when you were together, she let you have however long you wanted with her chest when you were together and she’s going to do that again right now. “Take your time and touch them all you want baby, I don’t mind.” She tells you and you hum and nod. You take your time swirling your tongue around the nipples and sucking on the skin, leaving hickeys on her boobs.
She then pulls you shirt off when you pull back and she runs her hands all over you. She unclips your bra and takes it off and runs her hands all over your chest and cups your boobs. She always loved your smaller chest, she’s able to fit the whole boob in her hand, a perfect handful. She then leans down and sucks and licks the nipple, knowing it gets you very wet. Your neck and your breasts she knows are the most sensitive on you and it gets you wet very quickly.
She then trails down your stomach with kisses and stops where the top of your skirt is. She always loved when you wore skirts, easy and quick access, especially since you loved flowy skirts instead of skin tight pencil skirts. She looks at you and you nod, then she pulls your underwear down and off of you. She takes a look at you in nothing but a skirt on, a cute skirt as well.
She then spreads your legs and sticks her head under your skirt. She places kisses on your thighs, trailing up and down until you're whining and begging. Then she places a kiss on your clit and licks a strip up your entrance. You moan as you feel her hot tongue on your entrance and going up to lick your entire pussy. She licks your pussy a few times before she goes to your entrance and sticks her tongue in. You gasp and moan as she does that, remembering how good it always felt when she did. Melissa knew your body very well when you were together, she always pays attention to what you like and don’t like. Right now she’s doing everything you like and taking her time, wanting to draw this out as much as possible.
While she’s sliding her tongue in and out of your entrance, she slides her hands up your body and land on your breasts and she cups them. You begin bucking your hips and she uses her elbows to pin you down. “Oohh Melissa, that feels so good. Oh you’ve always known how to pleasure a woman with just your tongue.” You tell her and she smiles. She then travels her tongue up to your clit and she sucks and licks it. You keep trying to buck your hips to get more pleasure but she has you pinned down and she doesn’t plan on telling you to stop moving, just wants you to enjoy tonight. Before you come however, a minute later, she pulls back and you let out a frustrated groan at her.
“What do you want me to do to you baby? How would you like me to fuck you?” She asks and you think.
“Can you lick my clip and finger me until I come then fuck me with a strap?” You ask her and she smiles warmly at her.
“Of course.” She tells you then goes to get the strap and comes back. She goes to take off her pants but you stop her.
“Wait, I want to undress you.” You tell her and she stops immediately and stands there beside the bed where you are and you get off the bed then kneel down on your knees in front of her. You undo her pants then pull the zipper down. You then slowly slide her jeans down, over her amazing hips and then down her legs, then she lifts one foot off the floor at a time to take them off. You then grip the top of her underwear and slowly pull them down off her pussy. You noticed a wet spot on her underwear and you smile when you see she’s practically dripping. You can’t resist lifting up a bit and licking her pussy.
She starts bucking her hips while you lick her and then start sucking on her clit. Her legs get shaky and she puts her hands in your hair to keep you where you are. Without pulling away from her, you gently push her and she falls on the bed in a seated position and she spreads her legs to give you more room. She still has her hands in your hair and she’s rubbing your scalp while murmuring praises to you and moaning. “Oh that feels so good baby. Oh keep going. That’s my good girl. Your tongue feels so fucking good on my pussy baby. You move your tongue so it’s now sliding in and out of her entrance and you put a finger on her clit and start rubbing circles on it. She moans and gasps and starts bucking her hips and you’re able to pin her down enough to keep going. She has one hand on the bed to keep her up and she has one on your head, buried in your hair, and keeping you exactly where you are on her pussy. “Oh baby, is this turning you on?” She asks and you nod. “Why don’t you touch yourself baby? Pleasure yourself while you pleasure me, but don’t let yourself cum.” She instructs you and you move your hand in between your legs and you start rubbing your clit and you moan. And since your mouth is wrapped around her pussy, your moan vibrates on her and sends a shot of pleasure right through her and she gasps. “Oh baby, I’m so close, make me cum my good girl.” She says and you rub her clit faster and move your tongue in and out of her faster as well. She jerks her hips and her legs are shaking, then she cums with a high pitch gasp.
You then pull your tongue out of her once you lick up all her cum then you stand up. You let her calm down as she’s breathing fast and then she hugs your waist and lays her head on your stomach. You know physical touch helps her calm down so you massage her scalp and then her breathing slows down. She then pulls you on the bed, on top of her and you fall on her. You think this might have been her plan as your pussy is right near her mouth and she aligns it with her tongue and then dives in. You lift yourself up just as she licks your entrance and you almost fall down due to the surprise and pleasure. You position yourself so that you’re leaning back a bit to cup her boobs and enjoy her tongue on your clit. “Lean forward and go on your hands baby.” She tells you and you obey right away. “My good girl.” She says and some more wetness goes right to your core, as if you weren’t already dripping.
She then is able to now slip a finger inside of your entrance like you wanted and you gasp, she feels how wet you are and slips another finger in, and then a third. You moan as she slams her fingers in and out of you and curls them to touch your special spot. You don’t last much longer and you cum with a moan. She then pulls out of you and while still licking you, she pulls the strap on while you come down from your high. She knows your favourite position with the strap is doggy style and then move to both on just your knees with your back pressed against her front. So she slips out from under you then gets on her knees behind you and slides the strap inside. She then starts sliding it in and out of you slowly, wanting to hear all your gasps and moans as much as possible. After about 5 minutes of that, and some begging from you, she pulls you up so that your back is pressed against her boobs as you like to feel them. You move a hand behind you, in her hair and she cups your boobs and thrusts faster in and out of you.
She then moves your hair away from your neck and she sucks and kisses your neck. While still having one hand cupping your boob, she moves her other one to circle your clit. The sensation becomes overwhelming and you would have fallen forward if she wasn’t holding you up. You end up coming 10 seconds later and Melissa doesn’t stop as she’s close as well.
She starts praising you and calling you sweet nicknames in Italian, thinking you forgot what they meant, which you didn’t. You don’t say anything, you just let her do that, and if you’re being honest, you find it sexy when she speaks Italian.
With the overstimulation and the hot redhead pressing you into her boobs and saying sweet things in Italian to you, you end up cumming 2 more times before she cums. She slows down in you before pulling out, and even when she’s coming down from her high, she knows not to let you go so you don’t fall forward. She ends up wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder.
After you both calm down enough, she lets you go and takes the strap off before running into the bathroom. She comes out with a cloth and cleans you both before throwing it on the floor with the strap, then climbs into bed next to you and you end up cuddling on her. You put your head on her boob and wrap an arm around her stomach, and a leg to rest along her waist.
Melissa has an arm wrapped around your back and pulls you closer to her, she then kisses your forehead and whispers “ti amo” when she thinks you’re asleep, you weren’t and heard her perfectly.
You both end up falling asleep.
Melissa awakes about 3 hours later to an empty bed. You ended up waking up before her and slipped out before she woke up.
On Monday, you continue to treat her as you were, as if you never had sex with her and it broke her. She ends up not coming in the rest of the week, Ava mentioning that she didn’t hear from her on Friday, causing Barb to go check on her.
While visiting her house, she gets a call from the hospital, informing her that Melissa was in a car accident and in CCU. She then calls you and the both of you visit her in her hospital room. Barb goes to see if she can get some food for both of you, leaving you alone with an unconscious Melissa. You were holding her hand and at some point she squeezed it, letting you know that she knows you’re there and that she’s ok.
When Melissa wakes up a few days later, Barb tells her that you switched schools and states and might not return to Philly ever again. Barb also let her know that you want to tell her “I’m sorry.”
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
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hauntedwitch04 · 8 months
James Potter x reader
Words: about 1.2k words
Warnings: some angst but than is totally fluff and happy
Author’s note: Hi everybody! Sorry to be this late, life is just being crazy right now. And I know it's not the first one I do like this, but it came out like this and I hope you like this.
P.s this is the result of a sleepy trip on the train to get at uni :), like every oneshot I'm writing btw ahahah
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DAY 8: "I have a skeleton in my closet." "Everyone has them, love." "No I mean literally."
Sometimes you stop to think how you ended up falling in love with your husband. Certainly James is an attractive, kind, funny man for sure and also very intelligent when he wants to be, but everything you have just listed about him belongs to five percent of the time, the rest of the time he is the equivalent of a petulant and constantly bored as well as hungry child, but in spite of this you cannot help but love him deeply. Part of you, however, that he is not yet ready for the future that awaits you, and you are afraid that he will not prove as adult as you expect him to be.
Now you are sitting at the table, enjoying dinner after a long tiring day at work, when he stops and looks at you.
"Honey can I tell you something? "He asks unsurely, and you nod as you swallow your food, knowing that you might spit out in surprise knowing him, since you already have.
"I have a skeleton in my closet." He says without half-measures, making your blood freeze in your veins for a moment. Then you think he's actually using a figure of speech and relax for a moment.
"Everyone has them, love." You say taking another bite of your dinner, but he stubbornly gets up and goes to the closet that is located not far from your dining table on which you are dining, right behind your back. He lays a hand on the doorknob and then turns back to you, looking at you with a very serious look.
"No, I mean literally." He continues as he opens the door, and suddenly a skeleton seems to fall forward toward you, ungainly laying his bony hand on your shoulder. You can't help but let out a cry, and jump from your chair toward the nearest door. Once you get the joke, you freeze and look at your husband so badly that you know you could easily set him on fire. Meanwhile he had started laughing, holding his stomach with his hand while also wiping tears from his eyes.
"You should have seen your face love." He says in laughter, but you just keep your stoic face before you speak.
"Sleep on the couch tonight." You condemn him before you leave the room, and he immediately realizing his mistake chases after you, apologizing.
"Love please wait, it wasn't for you the joke, it was for Sirius, but I wanted to see if it was actually scary, please don't be mad at me!" She screams, against the closed door of your bedroom.
"Then I tell you what, go sleep over at his place tonight." You answer him from the other side, now room of his childish attitudes. You know that actually by tomorrow you will have calmed down and forgiven him, but right now you can't do that yet.
He realizing that he must not bother you and must do what you are simply asking him to do, tries a little more apologizing before telling you that he would go to Sirius and Remus.
He has never seemed to experience a colder day than the one in James, despite the thick sweaters and jackets he wears. He feels naked in the wind, chills run through him but for the fear that he has made one mistake too many. He has made many foolish mistakes before, but you have always forgiven him after all, and he is afraid that this time you will not be able to.
He rings the intercom at his friends' apartment, looking to them for words of comfort, but after letting him into the house all they can say to him is insults.
"Ehy guys take it easy, okay I fucked up, but don't you guys think you're going a little overboard?" Potter asks, looking at the two boyfriends.
"That was exactly what she was afraid of when she told us, that you weren't mature enough, and you just proved it to her." Sirius finally says.
"Told what?" James asks curiously.
"Don't you know? He hasn't told you yet?" Remus asks in turn, even more surprised.
"Of course not, he didn't have the time between brilliant shit that James does." She replies to her fiancé as she closes her eyes and runs a hand over her tired face.
"Go home, apologize and ask her to tell you, you'll see for yourself what I mean." Sirius continues, mind almost literally kicking his best friend out of his house.
And so James finds himself after such a short time back at your bedroom door.
"Love, please talk to me." She says mind sits against the door, but there is no response from you.
"Please I didn't mean to, your mo too much to lose you over such bullshit, I would never forgive myself." He continues, but you still don't speak, even though you now also sit against the bedroom door, only that slab of wood divides you.
"Sirius told me you have something to tell me." You finally remember James, and you can't help but curse the elder Black.
So you get up and open the door, causing your husband, who is now looking down at you, to fall back against the floor.
"Your friend is just the person everyone dreams of having next door to keep a surprise." You say as I direct you to your closet, grabbing a fairly large box.
He looks at you confused as you place it on his lap.
"Open it." You tell him still a little angry and a little also scared about the reaction he might have to the news you are about to give him that will substantially change your lives.
He does as you instructed and removes the lid of the box showing a small children's broom with a tag.
<<To fly with you in the future. See you soon daddy.>>
James feels his breath stop in his throat as for a moment he feels something inside him break.
"Sirius helped me find the broom, but he shouldn't have told you that asshole." You explain as the andia consumes you, seeing him not saying or doing anything, but just staying to look at the object in the box.
"Is this a joke or is it the truth?" He asks at the end.
"Of course it's the truth, I have a much better sense of humor than you do, and tonight proved it." You comment before being tackled by a rib-cracking hug.
James begins to cry from happiness in your neck incabo and you can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
"Are you happy then?" You ask, as you too begin to cry a little.
"Of course I'm happy, in fact I'm the happiest person in the world!" He replies before kissing you, you after a few minutes however break away from the kiss and say something that makes you both laugh.
"However, I hope he gets a sense of humor from me, that if he gets it from you we're doomed."
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junegirl06 · 1 month
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Milgram 3rd trial predictions! Now that the 2nd trial is officially over, and we have to wait until like September for the next trial to begin, I thought I could do some theorizing!
Haruka: Looking at the timeline, oh he's definitely planning... something, alone. He said he'd kill himself If Muu was voted guilty, and we all know she was. If he is planning to kill himself, then I don't think it's going to work, as he was voted guilty and thus will be restrained. However... as childish as he may be, I don't think he's entirely dumb. Perhaps he's looking for ways to work around the restrictions placed on him, or he's planning something else entirely. I just really hope he doesn't hurt any of the other prisoners, but that does seem pretty likely, actually. He definitely will not take the guilty vote well, and he's probably going to be pretty hostile to Es later on... Just based on these predictions, I'm not sure if I can vote him innocent in the 3rd trial. He's so obviously unstable, and maybe if he was treated better as a child he could have learned to function properly with whatever disorder he has, but the fact is he wasn't. If being voted innocent overall means being let out of the prison, then I... I'm not sure if that's an entirely good idea.
Yuno: Her reaction to her vote all depends on whether or not she takes it as people actually agreeing with her reasoning (or lack of) for abortion and her compensated dating. I'm not sure about the Japanese side of things, but at least here, a lot of people do support her even with all that. However... there are still a fair bit of people still like 'Yuno is a girl boss!' (or something along those lines) I have a feeling she'll still see it as people not seeing her for who she actually is. She's cold and rational, and so obviously fallen to the pit of nihilism. I'm not sure if there is a reason for that, but maybe that's the point of her character? Does she need a reason? Life is good for her, but that gets so boring and just... mundane. If everything will be fine, what's the point in doing anything bothersome? She'll probably fall back even further into her cold demeanor. I mean, if she does recognize the community understands her situation and her reasoning, then maybe she'll become slightly more bubbly and stuff like her 1st trial. Probably open up a bit more. Me, personally, I still support her, and will probably vote her innocent in the 3rd trial, but again, I don't want her to think we're doing it out of our preconceived notions about her.
Fuuta: ... Just taking a look at his recent birthday messages in the timeline- he's so obviously started to listen to Amane and her cultish stuff. I literally can't imagine what a brainwashed Fuuta will look like, but I don't think it'd be pretty. He was suffering so much during the 2nd trial, and he probably did start listening to Amane's spiel because he needed something to ground him. I'm sure the innocent vote this time around did make him feel better though. He's fully aware that what he did to that girl online was bad, and I really don't think he'd be the type of person to think he's fully forgiven just because of this one vote. Though he'd definitely want Es to vote him innocent again in the 3rd trial. And if he's acting generally normal and it's clear he does understand exactly why we voted him guilty and innocent, then...I think I would vote him innocent. Unless he does something horrible because of the whole- potentially might be brainwashed into Amane's cult thing.
Muu: She will not take the guilty vote well, I can feel it. Maybe she stopped hanging out with Haruka as well. I can see that affecting Haruka pretty badly too. I can imagine her getting extremely angry as Es. Or maybe trying to go back to her "boo-hoo look at me who got bullied really badly" thing, to try to guilt trip Es into voting her innocent again. Obviously, that won't work though, resulting in Muu getting really angry/lashing out at him in the voice drama. I think she has a pretty white-and-black view of what's "right" and "wrong." She was probably struggling with herself in the 1st trial, dealing with the shock and guilt over having murdered somebody, but still desperately trying to tell herself she was in the right. Since we voted her innocent then, she was able to fully convince herself she was right, and that's why people voted her guilty then. She needs to see she is in the wrong, while also having a very reasonable motive. That wouldn't end up working though. Because these votes aren't a means to communicate with the prisoners, it's just a verdict. I'm honestly not sure if I want Muu to be voted innocent, or guilty overall. But if being voted guilty overall means the death penalty or something, I don't think Muu deserves that.
Shidou: He knows exactly why we voted him innocent 2 times in a row. I'm sure he does understand his motive can be seen as sympathetic, and he is a doctor. He can patch anybody up if the prisoners get into a skirmish again. He was confused with himself in the second trial, desperately wanting to be given retribution, yet now feeling a desire to live. Being voted innocent twice, and now firmly guaranteed he will be voted innocent overall, he'll either fully accept living again, taking back his skill as a doctor with a sense of pride, or... perhaps fall back into his old thinking patterns. I mean, that's honestly just a thought, but the distorted voice line in the 2nd trial character voice trailer really got me thinking. "You're in my way...hurry up and die." He really had a tunnel vision for saving his wife. (or kids, I'm not entirely sure) His profession as a doctor, specifically one in charge of organ transplants, perhaps did give him a vague sense of superiority. I'm not sure where, but somebody in a comment or something mentioned he may have had a God complex? I'm horrible at explaining this- but it honestly makes some sense to me that he may have had that sort of line of thinking as a doctor. His grief and guilt over the fact he couldn't save his family and the knowledge he was bringing that same pain to so many other families knocked him down a peg. However... maybe the innocent votes we gave him did bring him up again, and he goes back to that sort of mentality.
Mahiru: I sincerely hope she's feeling better after we gave her the innocent vote. Maybe she's started to recover nicely as well! I mean, it's just hopeful thinking, but it'd be nice if she's able to walk again. I do think she'll at least sort of go back to her bubbly personality. Maybe she'll make friends with Amane! Amane did mention Mahiru was nice to be around. Her view on love is obviously pretty warped, but I mean, she honestly feels like a nice lady with good intentions deep down. Unless some absolutely new surprising development happens that makes Mahiru out as really bad- I think I'll be voting Mahiru innocent again. I can see her being like, one of the few generally calm ones in whatever chaos happens between the prisoners before the 3rd trial.
Kazui: Now, in his 2nd trial voice drama, he basically begs Es to truly uncover his sin/lies, because he doesn't have the strength to at this point. It wasn't cheating, like we thought in the 1st trial, and now the leading theory is he's gay. I... I'm pretty sure that is correct, based on all the hints we've gotten so far. I think Kazui would open up to Es a bit more if that was the case, maybe even tell him the full story? I think he'd interact more with the prisoners this time around, being there to protect people if anyone tries something funny. Again, I think he'd be one of the few "normal" acting prisoners in the 3rd trial. Unless some crazy development happens, I'm fully willing to vote him innocent 3 times in a row.
Amane: Now... in the 1st trial we voted her guilty because we didn't want her to fall further into the cult's teachings. That obviously didn't work. Now we voted her innocent. The question is, will this cause her to further validate the cult's doctrines, or in some weird way cause her to realize what we've been wanting her to realize from the start: that she fully deserved to get back at her parents and the cult for everything they did to her, but what she did was STILL BAD. The reason she fell back on her faith was because we rejected her views. Because she needed something to ground her, to protect her from the shock and guilt of murder. So perhaps the opposite will cause her to open up a little more - and not double down on her faith like we predicted in the 1st trial. But the fact she somehow managed to indoctrinate/ in the process of indoctrinating Fuuta into her faith does leave me concerned. Since she's not restrained, I can totally see her trying to attack Shidou or something. Or maybe because Shidou was also voted innocent alongside her, so she wouldn't? Like- him using all his medical stuff is forgivable, but Amane's beliefs that medicine is bad are also forgivable kind of thing. I mean, personally, I'm willing to vote her innocent overall. I actually hope so - because the poor girl literally needs therapy instead of whatever Milgram is. Every prisoner needs therapy.
Mikoto: In his voice drama, John mentioned he'd "disappear" if Mikoto was voted innocent. Because the reason John was appearing more frequently was the stress the guilty vote from the 1st trial put on Mikoto, and now the innocent vote will serve to calm him down a bit more. Personally, I don't think John will fully disappear, but I'm sure John will appear a lot less. (Unless something crazy happens like another prisoner attacking Mikoto again) There's still that thought in my head that Mikoto might be lying to some degree- that he did murder somebody as himself, but with the second trial, that idea has become a lot less certain. It might literally just be as simple as - John killed a bunch of people and Mikoto himself doesn't remember any of it and was only labeled as the Milgram prisoner because he is the dominant personality. That innocent vote will definitely calm Mikoto down significantly. Maybe he'll open up a bit as well, and not like, put on that fake smile even when he's super stressed. To be honest - I'm not sure if I want to give Mikoto an innocent vote. I mean If I'm looking purely at Mikoto, then, yeah, sure. But John is still a part of Mikoto, and no matter the reason, John has done some pretty bad stuff.
Kotoko: She won't take the guilty vote well, and It isn't only a matter of her getting pissed off at Es. (which she probably will) Her vigilante shtick is literally Kotoko's life, her purpose to live, and we rejected it. She'll be grappling with herself, actually starting to question everything she's done. It will be a slap in the face for her - a reminder that she is truly a prisoner here, a murderer. I think maybe she will actually start being remorseful? Or maybe she'll just fall further back in her mindset like Amane did in the 2nd trial. I can also see that. I can also totally see somebody like Fuuta trying to get revenge on Kotoko while she's restrained. That'd take a lot of sympathy away from Fuuta, (at least for me) and will definitely lead to some drama, so that is a very real possibility. I can also see Shidou hurting Kotoko as well, actually. Though that possibility is a lot less, he did talk about "extracting the fang" in Triage. I don't know if I should vote her innocent or not if that's the case. I suppose it's like a "wait and see" kind of thing.
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waytooinvested · 2 months
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 5
Still reeling from finding out the truth herself, Lena suddenly finds herself in the midst of an odd role reversal in which she knows that Kara is Supergirl, but Kara no longer has any idea she has ever been more than an ordinary human. And what’s more, Lena has no choice but to keep the truth from her for her own protection…
Rift era reconciliation/fix-it fic, starts out kind of on the angsty side but there will be more fluff down the line.
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
It wasn’t where Lena had imagined this conversation taking place, and she honestly would have preferred to meet at the DEO headquarters, or her own office. Somewhere that set a clear boundary that this was a work collaboration, not a personal one. But Alex hadn’t exactly left room for negotiation before she’d ended the call, and, well, the glass of wine it gave her an excuse to drink was not unwelcome, though she did plan on taking it slow. Easing the tension was one thing, but becoming sloppy right now would be unacceptable.
She was a couple of sips in when Alex dropped down in the seat across from her, a pint in one hand and a basket of onion rings in the other.
Lena raised an eyebrow, and Alex grimaced back.
‘I didn’t have time for lunch today, okay?’
‘I didn’t say anything’.
‘Your face did’.
‘I’m not interested in your eating habits Alex, I want to know about Kara. Did anything show up in the tests?’
Alex nodded through a mouthful of onion and batter.
‘Yeah, I have them here’.
She pulled an unmarked cardboard file from her bag and slid it across the table, then hesitated, her hand still pressed down firmly to keep Lena from taking it.
‘If I share this with you, you can’t pull the same shit you did when we were trying to find her. You tell me everything you find the moment you find it. I want theories, vague hunches, wild goose chases, hell, if you so much have a dream about this, I want to know every single detail’.
‘Fine, but that goes both ways. I tell you everything I have, and you do the same’ -Lena paused, leaning forward over the table and tapping a finger on the closed folder for emphasis – ‘everything, Alex. No more hypocritical demands for openness while you keep your own cards close to your chest’.
‘That wasn’t my-’
Lena pursed her lips, challenging her to finish that sentence. This was a battle line drawn in the power balance of their working relationship, and Alex clearly knew it. She hesitated, glancing down at their outstretched hands where they both rested on the cover of the file, then back up at Lena, a faint frown on her face.
‘Look, it’s not that I don’t want to. But the DEO works with a lot of highly classified intel, and I just can’t promise you that’.
Not good enough.
The tip of Lena’s finger went white where it was pressing against the folder, her nail leaving a small indentation in the cardboard, but she kept her voice level and calm, as if she was arguing contract wording in a business arrangement. Polite but firm. Not aggressive, but not giving an inch either.
‘I’m not asking to see the Alien Registry or schematics for your latest weapons designs. Keep whatever else you want to yourself, but if we’re working together on this, then we share all pertinent information both ways. If you want my help, those are my terms’.
Their eyes locked in a brief struggle, but Lena neither blinked nor looked away, the jut of her chin conveying (or so she hoped) that she was perfectly willing to walk away right now if this condition was not met. She might have agreed to help, but she would never again allow herself to be forced into being a convenient little lacky that the DEO could call on whenever they felt like it and drop the minute they didn’t need her anymore. She was done with being lied to and kept in the dark.
At last the set of Alex’s shoulders dropped from defensive to acceptance, and her free hand reached up absently to run through her hair, pushing imaginary strands out her face like she needed to brush the feeling of Lena’s glare off her skin.
‘Alright, it’s a deal. But I’m gonna have to get you to sign an NDA, we’re under enough scrutiny right now as it is’.
‘Fine. You too. Some of my research is still at the highly confidential experimental stage, and the fact that I might use it to help with this does not mean I want it to be public knowledge’.
Lets keep things fair this time, shall we?
‘Seriously? I’m not going to leak your research Lena’.
‘And I’m not going to leak yours, but here we are’.
There was a moment when Lena thought they might be about to tip into another fight, but in the end Alex just rolled her eyes and nodded.
‘Yeah, fair enough. Write something up and I’ll sign it’.
‘Good’. Now that the first battle was won, Lena allowed herself to relax by a few degrees, sitting back in her chair and taking another small sip of her drink. ‘Speaking of which-’
She pulled the gadget she’d brought out of her purse and placed it in the centre of the table, activating it with a quick twist. It lit up with a faint blue glow which expanded rapidly outwards to encompass the table and the two of them, then faded to nothing, leaving the device apparently inert once more.
‘Okaaay... what the hell is that?’
‘It’s a prototype for an auditory scrambler I’ve been working on. It has no effect on what we can hear coming in, but will keep anyone outside of our immediate vicinity from being able to make out what we’re saying, without anything as obvious as a bubble of artificial silence. Given where we were meeting I thought I’d better bring it along’.
Alex stared at the unassuming black box, assessing and, perhaps, a little bit impressed.
‘Well that’s why I got us this table way off in the back corner. But yeah this is better. If that thing works it would be really useful to have a few at the DEO’.
‘That is another conversation, and not what we’re here for right now’.
Dream on, Alex.
‘Right, yeah, sorry’.
At last Alex seemed to realise that she was still holding onto the file between them, and withdrew her hand to allow Lena to pick it up.
She flipped through the thick wodge of notes and test results it contained, skimming briefly through a page of negative read outs for various types of foreign chemicals in Kara’s saliva and urine samples, then turning to the brain scans.
The MRI was first and looked normal enough, though with a few minor variations compared to human images Lena had seen.
‘I assume the differences I’m seeing here are due to Kara’s Kryptonian anatomy rather than anything Lex did?’
‘Yep, totally as expected. We’ve scanned Kara before so we can be sure of that’.
Lena nodded and turned to the CT scan, then the EEG. Again, a slightly different set up to a human brain but nothing alarming.
And then-
‘Did something go wrong with this one? A hair on the lens or something?’
Alex had clearly been waiting for her to get to this page, and didn’t even need to glance at the image to know what Lena was looking at.
‘No, I checked and redid the scan twice. I even scanned my own brain just to be sure there wasn’t something weird in the machinery that I wasn’t picking up. It’s legit’.
‘Well… wow’.
‘I know, it’s crazy, right?’
‘I’ve never seen anything like it. The whole area is completely dark, and the margins-’
‘Like someone went in there and drew it on with a marker’.
Lena traced the winding path of the shape that cut through Kara’s brain, curving back and forth so that it passed through almost every key area to form a wide, dark S.
‘We might really have something here, something we can use. What sort of a scan is this? I don’t think I’ve seen a readout quite like this before’.
‘It’s something new we’ve been working on with Q-waves’.
‘How does it work?’
‘The details are classified Lena, I can’t tell you more than that’.
The paper creased at the edges as Lena’s grip tightened on the printout. Who did Alex think was doing who a favour here exactly?
‘What were we just saying about sharing everything?’
‘And I will. But this is about DEO tech, it’s not directly related to Kara’s case’.
‘It could be. Nothing at all showed up on the other scans, but there’s something different about this one. If I know how it works, maybe I can use it as a starting point to design a device that could not only detect the barrier, but start breaking it down without triggering the fail safe’.
They stared each other down for a long moment, and then Alex broke eye contact to take a sip of her beer, and shrugged.
‘Fine, I’ll send you the schematic. After you’ve signed your NDA. I might be Director but I can’t just do whatever I like you know’.
Lena tutted, but did her best to smooth the rumpled edges of the Q-wave scan before slipping it back into the folder and turning to the next page.
‘Whatever, go ahead and jump through your hoops, just get it to me quickly. What else have you found?’
‘Not much honestly. Blood work all normal. Her powers seem to be blocked off along with her memories of Supergirl, so no accidental heat vision or super hearing, and she can get hurt, so we’ll need to watch out for that. Cognitive tests were all normal too, apart from the obvious. She feels fine as Kara, but it’s like Supergirl is just a work acquaintance she vaguely knows but hasn’t seen in a while’.
‘I suppose that makes sense. Her mind would need to come up with some explanation for all those exclusive interviews she turned in at Catco – they’re out there now, so it’s not like she can just forget they ever happened’.
‘That’s what I thought. The one other thing we were really hopeful for was when Brainy went back into her Mind Space before she woke up to see if he could help her-’
‘Wait, back up a minute. Her Mind Space?’
‘Oh, right, you weren’t in the loop yet then. It happened when she was in a coma after Reign attacked her, Brainy was able to go in after her to try and wake her up. Mind Space is- I guess kind of like a dream, or a metaphor or something? It’s 31st century alien technology, don’t ask me how it works. Anyway, last time he said it was like Kara’s apartment, only the front door was locked and she couldn’t get out. That was the coma. It was different this time – the front door was open, but there was a new door at the back – like the door to a serious maximum security prison – a foot of steal with cross bars and a million padlocks, totally locked up tight’.
Lena leaned forwards, interested enough to forget that she was annoyed with Alex.
‘Okay, not great, but it’s a start. If there’s a door there must be a way to get through it’.
‘Yeah that’s what he hoped too, but it was like Kara couldn’t even see it. Every time he tried to get her to look where it was the door would move so it was behind her again, and the place it had been would just be a blank wall. He couldn’t even get her to go to that part of the room, and she didn’t seem to notice at all’.
‘Just like Lex said, her mind is fighting to keep the two parts separate. Still, it could be something to explore further. What about-’
‘Hey Alex! I was in the diner across the street and saw you come in here, so I thought I’d drop in to see if you wanted to meet up later’.
Lena turned instinctively towards the voice, and locked eyes with none other than Kara Danvers herself.
Her glass of wine very nearly spilled as she jerked in her seat, unsure if she was trying to turn away from Kara or get up and flee the room altogether, so that in the end she did neither, and the two of them remained frozen in a moment balanced on a knife edge.
A single slip in any direction, and one of them would bleed.
She swallowed against the sudden dryness in her throat, trying to remember how to breath. Somehow it had been almost easier when Kara was unconscious – at least then she had known how to feel about it. But there was no time to figure that out, because now Kara’s eyes were flitting back and forth between Lena and Alex, and her expression had become one big question mark as she tried to work out exactly what she had just walked in on.
Lena pushed aside her own inner turmoil as best she could and took the opportunity of Kara’s distraction to flip the file of test results closed and slide it casually off the table into her lap, before reaching over to disable the auditory scrambler.
Whatever else happened, Kara could not be allowed to realise that they were here because of her.
‘I didn’t know you two were… ahh… hanging out?’
‘We’re not’.
They said it simultaneously, and too fast. If anything Kara looked even more puzzled than before.
‘Lena’s helping the DEO out with a project that could use her science expertise, that’s all. We were in a planning meeting and had some things to finish hashing out, and it was getting late. You know I can’t concentrate when I’m hangry, so we came here to get something to eat’.
Alex gestured to the half empty basket of onion rings, as if that proved the story rather than raising more questions.
‘Oh, that’s… that’s great. What’s the project? Can I help?’
This time Alex looked stumped, and Lena jumped in before the pause got too obvious.
‘You know how I work Kara. It’s still all top secret at the moment, but I promise, as soon as there’s anything ready to take public I’ll give you the exclusive’.
It was the kind of thing she had said all the time before, and yet for some reason Kara was staring at her, apparently stunned by the offer.
‘Wait, really?’
‘Of course, why wouldn’t I?’
‘Well, I just thought… after our fight, and then you sold Catco… I didn’t think you’d want to work with me again’.
Kara knew about their fight?
Lena had assumed, given what they had fought about, that Kara wouldn’t remember it at all, but clearly her mind had filled in the blank of the subject matter while retaining their falling out. She should really have anticipated that, but with everything else going on she hadn’t given the matter enough thought, and now she didn’t know what to say.
What did Kara think they had fought about, if not Supergirl?
She cleared her throat awkwardly, trying to regain some semblance of composure.
‘Yes, well… you going missing forced me to look at things in a new light. I may have… overreacted before. If you’d be willing, I’d like to try and start putting it behind us’.
Kara’s entire face lit up, and the sight of it made Lena feel raw and numb at the same time, the radiant warmth of her smile searing the very skin from her bones to leave only the bleeding essence of her, vulnerable and exposed despite all the armour she had tried to forge for herself these past few months.
‘Yes! Definitely yes, I would love that. Maybe… we could meet for lunch some time?’
She wasn’t sure she could do this.
But she had to. She had to. She had to. The stakes were too high not to at least try.
‘Sure Kara, I’ll give you a call’.
‘Amazing. Fantastic. I’ll see you soon then. Oh- and Alex, text me later if you want to hang out? I was thinking pizza and a movie?’
‘Yeah, sure. I might be a while though, we still have some stuff to finish here’.
‘That’s fine, I don’t think I’ll be sleeping til late tonight anyway’.
‘Alright, I’ll text you when we’re done’.
‘Bye Kara’.
They waited, watching in silence until the door had closed behind Kara and she had been gone long enough to be fairly confident that she wasn’t going to pop back in, then Lena rounded on Alex.
‘You let her follow you?’
‘I didn’t let her. She was supposed to be at home! I can’t tie her to the radiator to keep her inside Lena-’
‘That’s weak and you know it. How the hell have you made it this long as a secret agent if you can’t even keep your little sister from following you? Kara’s a reporter Alex, we can’t let her catch even a hint of this or she’ll start digging and she won’t stop, and that could literally kill her’.
‘Hey, you think I don’t know that? It was a mistake, it won’t happen again. And it’s fine, she doesn’t suspect anything’.
‘Yet. She doesn’t suspect anything yet. We are clearly going to have to put some ground rules in place to stop this kind of thing happening again. Code names, file encryptions, plausible reasons for meeting up, not to mention plausible places for meeting up – and it will have to be on a strictly need to know basis. Anyone who knows who Supergirl is will have to be in on part of it of course, but full details should only be shared with people who are actively working on her case. The fewer people know, the safer this will be’.
Alex stared back at her, eyebrows raised and seeming entirely unchastened by the scolding. If anything, there was a hint of smugness in the curl of her lip, and Lena scowled back at her as she replayed the last part of what she’d said in her mind. She huffed.
‘Oh shut up, this is different’.
‘I didn’t even say anything!’
‘You were thinking it very loudly’.
‘So I’m not even allowed to think n-’
Lena held up a hand to stop the budding argument before it could go any further. They were here for a single purpose, and it was not to bicker like children, no matter how tempting it was to keep venting all the confused feelings seeing Kara had stirred up in her. This was business, and emotions had no place in business.
‘First things first. Change my name in your phone’.
‘What? Why? Kara knows we’re working together now’.
‘Yes, but that excuse is only going to take us so far. This will be safer- actually, no don’t. Kara knows my number, if she saw that under someone else’s name it would look even worse. Use this one instead, and give it a different name’.
Lena scribbled down the number, careful to make her handwriting look as unlike her own as she could to avoid it leading back to her if Kara came across the paper in Alex’s things.
‘I will use that number to contact you for anything relating to our work, and continue to use my regular cell for anything to do with the cover story. You do the same’.
‘Okay, but I don’t have a second phone number’.
‘That doesn’t matter. I am a well known public figure and I like my privacy – my phone is pretty much unhackable, and besides I have software set up that will allow me to assign you an alias name and number. It’s not a problem’.
Alex nodded, tapping the number Lena had given her into her phone.
‘What do you want your alias to be?’
‘I really don’t care. Whatever you like as long as it’s not obviously traceable to me’.
‘Okay then, you’re… Lulu’.
‘Lulu? Seriously?’
‘Hey, you said anything! Luthor. Lu. Lulu. It was all I could think of! Besides, it’s kind of perfect because there is no way in hell Kara would ever believe you’d let me call you Lulu’.
‘With good reason. But fine, okay, Lulu it is’.
Alex chuckled as she saved the name and popped the last of her onion rings into her mouth. She chewed in silence for a while, tracing patterns in a puddle of spilled beer before broaching the question she had clearly been weighing up in her mind.
‘So… Kara knows you had a fight. What does she think it’s about, if not Supergirl?’
‘I have no idea. I could hardly ask, could I? I just had to go with it and hope for the best’.
‘And… did you mean what you told her? About wanting to put it behind you and move forwards?’
Lena opened her mouth to tell Alex to mind her own damn business, but then hesitated. If they were going to work together and keep Kara from getting suspicious, she supposed they needed to be on the same page about this. Still, she took a large swallow of wine before replying, trying to work out what she wanted to say, and how much she was willing to admit.
‘If I’m going to be able to help Kara I need to be close enough to her that she’ll let me do it, and the more comfortable she feels opening up to me the easier that will be. I did mean it when I said that all this has made me see things from a different perspective. But- look, the fact that Kara doesn’t remember what she did doesn’t mean she didn’t do it. Amnesia is not a free pass’.
‘I know that, but surely now you’re on the other side of it you can see why it might be important to keep this kind of secret?’
‘As I said, I’ve gained some new perspective, but it’s still a false equivalence to compare the two situations. Besides, me being upset with Kara isn’t just about her keeping her identity a secret. It’s the fact that she would fight with me as Supergirl, then come over as Kara and spend time with me as if nothing happened. Alex, she went behind my back and got my boyfriend to break into my lab instead of trusting what I told her, or even asking me to show her myself. As Supergirl she acted as though I had betrayed her for keeping the smallest thing about my work to myself regardless of the intention behind it, and yet all that time she knew she was keeping this huge secret from me despite how often I had practically begged her not to lie to me. She did a lot of objectively pretty awful things, and I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive her for them, or feel like we can be real friends again. But I’m not a monster. I still care what happens to her, and I am committed to helping her get the rest of her memories back. That’s the best I can do’.
Alex nodded slowly, frowning down into the dregs of her beer.
‘Yeah, I guess I see that. For what it’s worth though, I think you should try to forgive her. Kara made some mistakes, but she cares about you a lot, and she really misses having you as a friend’.
‘Respectfully Alex, I don’t want to hear that from you. It’s none of your business. I told you what I did so that you’ll know where we stand and that I’m in earnest about working with you on this, but beyond that, you don’t get to have an opinion on my friendship or lack thereof with your sister. I will work with you on this project because it’s the right thing to do, but that is the extent of our relationship’.
‘Fine. From here on out we will only talk about Operation Get Our Girl Back’.
‘We are NOT calling it that’.
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likecanyoujustnot · 4 months
ACOSF- Feysand’s pov
Part 3: The labour
A/n: last part 😤😤. Sorry it took so long. I hope I captured the emotions right. Feedback and even recs of what to write next is appreciated.
Again it’s really long.
Nesta had been kidnapped. Taken into the blood rite. The fucking blood rite. Fully grown Illyrian males went in there and didn’t come out alive.
Plus the other two. Gwyn and Emerie, Cassian had said.
I knew Gwyn, we had taken her in after what happened at Sangravah, offered her a place in the library, which she had gratefully accepted. I’d spoken to her on a few occasions, she’d gone through absolute hell at the hands of those Hybern commanders. I knew Azriel didn’t regret killing them.
And Emerie. One of the unlucky Valkyrie females to be clipped even after I made it illegal. She owned a shop in Windhaven, Cassian had visited there a few times before she went to the trainings. I’d winnowed her to training when I was free, spoken to her, got her recommendations on how to handle a few of the Illyrian issues with the females.
Feyre was stressed, three females were in the blood rite, Cassian and Azriel had gone to the continent to save Eris. Everything had gone to shit.
Even as High Lord I couldn’t interfere, it would give the Illyrians the right to hunt and kill me. Laws would not stop them if anyone stopped them from doing a millennias- old tradition.
I sat in my office, signing more papers. Building permits, shipping nonsense, etc.
Gods I loved the sound of her voice. It come so close to losing her, thanks to my pride and tendency to burden all my problems alone. I’d spent the last months doing everything I could to make it up to her, but also to keep her happy and take both our minds off what was coming. I’d make her breakfast in bed, we’d take long walks across the Sidra, I’d show her my favourite places from the area surrounding Velaris. But it wasn’t enough. Sometimes I would catch her staring into space, hand on her stomach. I’d pull her into my arms and we would both cry. For the life we wanted, but might never get.
Yes Feyre, darling?
I was so grateful, so grateful she had forgiven me, we’d fought, we’d cried but we’d made up.
My water broke.
The pen in my hand snapped.
That’s not possible you’re no where near full term. Fuck no.
I know that.
We’re supposed to have more time, more time for me to save her, save us.
I ran out of the house and winnowed to her art studio without hesitation. She sat in front in front of an easel- a half-finished rendition of Thesan’s palace in front of her.
Sure enough the was wet staining the front of her leggings, she was crying.
“Rhys-” I ran over and pulled her to me, as tight as I could. I kissed the top of her head as she started sobbing, tears streaking down my own cheeks. I was going to loose her, seconds before I myself lost my life.
I reached out in my mind for Madja, praying the healer would be free.
My lord,
It’s happening, her water broke.
That’s… not good.
I’m taking her to back to the river house, meet me there.
Yes my lord.
“Feyre, darling we have to get to the river house, Madja will meet us there.” Feyre was still sobbing into my shoulder. I picked her up, bridal style, and winnowed to the front of the river house.
I kicked open the door, and Mor ran down the stairs, Elain close behind her.
“Rhys, what happened?” My cousin ran up to us, peering at Feyre.
Feyre screamed. Contraction.
Elain paled.
“Madja is on her way.”
“She can’t be going into labour now, you’re supposed to have months.”
“I know Morrigan.” I snapped, I set Feyre on the bed. “I think it was the stress from Nesta and the others being in the blood rite.”
Mor nodded, face pale, lips drawn. “I’ll go get some towels.”
Elain knelt down on Feyre’s other side, taking her hand.
Feyre opened her eyes and looked at her sister. “Elain.”
“It’ll be okay. I promise, we’ll find a way to save you.” Elain looked over at me. “Won’t we?”
“We will.”
My lord I’m outside the house.
“Madja’s here, I’ll go get her-”
“No! Stay Rhys, please.” Tears were shining in my mate’s eyes.
“I’ll go.” Elain stood up and exited the room.
“It’ll be okay, love.” I pressed a kiss to her temple.
“Don’t lie to me Rhys. We still haven’t found anything, Nesta is in the blood rite, Cassian and Az are on the continent, and we’re…” going to die.
She rested her hands on her stomach.
“Feyre, you should try shifting, it might be worth it, if there’s any chance it could save you.”
“I’m afraid it’s too late for that.”
Madja walked through the door, bag under her arm. Elain close behind.
“If labour has already begun, the wings are already tearing her apart.”
I winced. And Feyre flopped back, turning into my chest.
My stomach dropped. No. That was our last option.
I was going to die.
And Rhys was going to die with me.
Mor came back with some towels and placed the, on the bed beside me. “How are you doing?” Her voice was soft.
“I’m oka-.” I was interrupted by a contraction. I screamed.
Amren appeared in the doorway. “How is this happening?” Rhys must’ve told her about the labour.
“It’s probably the stress, Elain said your sister is in the blood rite.” I nodded at Madja. “Nasty tradition. Feyre I’m going to have to take the leggings off.” I nodded again, unable to form words.
“So… what do we do?” Mor’s voice was shaky from where she stood, hand on Rhys’ shoulder.
He looked lost, face drawn and eyes downcast. “I-” my mate’s voice broke. “I don’t know.”
“There has to be something.” Amren’s voice was uncharacteristically panicked.
The scent of blood filled the air.
Feyre. Rhys’s voice filled my mind.
It’ll be okay, sweetheart.
No it won’t, Rhys, we’re both going to die. Nesta might already be dead, and who knows what’s happening to Cassian and Azriel.
Hours went by, I hardly felt as Madja poked and prodded me, tried everything to get Nyx to come out alive, and without killing me. The others spoke in quiet voices, trying not to disturb me as all my strength went into trying to heal my body. Contractions would take my body and Rhys would hold me as I screamed.
“What if she doesn’t make it…” Mor
“This is not fair…” Elain
“The babe is stuck…” Madja
“You Illyrians and your stupid anatomy…” Amren
“Open your eyes, Feyre.” Rhys.
He was stroking a thumb along my forehead. I looked up at him. His eyes were red.
“I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” I reached a hand up to cup his face.
I screamed.
Rhys sat up suddenly.
“Azriel.” His voice came out choked.
The heads of the other four females turned to Rhys.
“He’s alive. So’s Eris, but he can’t winnow.” Mor looked disappointed at hearing that the Autumn Court prince was alive.
“What about Cassian?” Amren acted like she didn’t care most of the time, but deep down I knew she did.
“He’s been taken.” There was gasps around the room. “Briallyn.”
The human queen, turned crone by the cauldron.
“Az says she’s going after Nesta.”
“Where is Az?” Mor voice was panicky.
Rhys rattled off a location and Mor kissed my cheek before running out of the room.
“Do you think Nesta is alive?” Elain’s voice was quiet.
“Probably.” Amren turned to my sister.
“She must’ve used the crown on Cassian.” Rhys said, voice filled with worry for his brother.
“Well then why not take Azriel as well? That would’ve been the strategic decision, he knows more about how the court works than Cassian, he’d be less detectable too.” Amren contemplated
“Because Cassian means something to Nesta.” My voice was croaky and hoarse.
Everyone looked at me.
“Think about it, there are more ways to hurt someone than physically, you take someone they care about, whose life they wouldn’t dare risk. Their mate.”
“You knew.” Rhys’s tone was soft.
“I suspected, it would explain why Cassian put up with her for so long, why he kept pursuing her. You thought so too.”
He corner of his mouth turned up. “I did.”
There was a loud crash downstairs.
“Mor.” Amren said.
Two sets of feet ran up the stairs and the door was thrown open.
Azriel’s eyes widened as he took in the room. He walked over to the side of the bed and knelt down next to me.
“Feyre. I-”
I cut him off with a scream and he flinched.
“I’m so sorry.” He continued. He looked over me to Rhys. “We put Eris is one of the cells in the Hewn City until we can make sure he’s not still under the crown’s control.”
Rhys nodded. “Thank you.”
“What do we do about the rite?” He scanned the room.
“We can’t do anything. If we interfere they will kill us.” Mor said as she sat back down next to Amren.
“It’s a bullshit rule.” Azriel spat.
“One we can’t ignore, boy, so you’ll do best to keep quiet until we hear something from one of them.”
“I can’t believe they were taken.” Azriel stood up and ran his hands through his hair. “Fuck.”
He was concerned, he had been training them for months.
“You trained them well.”
Azriel glared at Amren, he had said the same thing to comfort Cassian when he was panicking earlier. He had been calmer then, his face was pale now and eyes holding worry.
“So we wait.”
I closed my eyes. The eventfulness of the last few minutes had tired me out. Rhys still sat next to me on the bed, laying at an uncomfortable angle so he could be close to me.
I’m scared.
Me too.
I don’t want to die. We’ve come so far, defied death twice, it can’t end like this, it just can’t.
We’ll find a way, sweetheart, we always do. It’ll be okay.
Madja sighed.
Worry filled Rhys’s voice. “What’s wrong?”
“I still can’t get the baby to mo-” She was cut off by Rhys’s exclamation.
“What is it?” I grabbed his arm.
“The wards at the house of wind have been breached.”
“By what.” Mor stood up, looking like if Rhys said the wrong thing she would run over there to kill it.
Azriel’s shadows swarmed, some of them rushing out of the room.
“Two people, females.” He paused and looked at his brother. “Your Valkyries are back, Az.”
Azriel slumped back onto the couch.
“Wait, two?” Elain spoke up for the first time in ages.
Azriel’s shadows came back. “Emerie and Gwyn.” He relayed. “Rhys, they’ve become Carnythian.”
Three females went into the blood rite, two came out Carnythian. Carnythian. There are only four living Carnthians, and two of them were in that room.
“Not only did they survive the rite, they’re Carnythian?” Mor’s eyes widened.
“Yes.” Azriel looked like he wanted to winnow out and make sure the two were okay, but stayed out of loyalty to myself and Feyre.
I reached out in my mind and told Nuala and Ceridwen to go check on Emerie and Gwyn, make sure they weren’t injured, and that anything they needed they had.
I pulled Feyre into my chest and pushed her hair out of her face.
“If they’re alive then Nesta has to be right?” She asked.
“I don’t know.”
So we waited, for anything. Madja was running around and grabbing things from her bag, pressing on Feyre’s stomach to try and coax the baby to move, pressing her hands into my mate’s body, trying to save her.
It was then I felt it. That presence in my mind, Cassian.
“Mor, Az.” They both looked at me. “Go to the top of Ramiel. Cassian is there.”
Mor let out a sob and Azriel started muttering. They both rushed out of the room.
“Is Nesta there?” Elain asked me after a while, eyes full of hope.
“He didn’t seem to be overly distressed, so she should be.”
Feyre screamed. I glared at Madja. It was hard for me, seeing her in this much pain.
The door was flung open and Mor ran in, followed by my brothers and Nesta.
I had to keep reminding myself it wasn’t her fault she was taken into the rite, even if it did cause Feyre’s early labour.
Cassian’s face paled and Nesta’s eyes widened.
Madja didn’t look up as she said. “I’ve turned the babe, but he’s not descending. He’s wedged in the birth canal.”
Amren gasped.
“She’s losing too much blood, and I can feel the babe’s heart in distress.”
“What do we do?” Mor asked.
Cassian and Azriel came up behind me, placing their hands on my shoulders.
“There is nothing we can do, cutting the babe out of her will kill her.” Madja said.
“Cutting it out?” Nesta demanded, and I glared at her.
“An incision along her abdomen, even one carefully made, is an enormous risk. It’s never been successful. And even with Feyre’s healing abilities, the blood loss has weakened her-”
“Do it.” Feyre’s voice held so much pain.
“Feyre.” No. There had to be another way, I wouldn’t lose her.
“The babe likely won’t survive.” Madja’s voice was soft, but uncompromising. “It’s too small yet. We risk both of you.”
“All of you.” I felt Cassian’s eyes on me as he said it.
“Do it.” Even on her death bed, body being torn apart, I admired her for her tone. No fear, only pure determination in the voice of the High Lady. She looked up at me and I felt my heart break. “We have to.”
I nodded slowly, tears lining my eyes.
Nesta and Elain approached the other side of the bed, heads lowered as Elain started praying.
I was trembling, Cassian’s hand tightened on my shoulder as my power flowed into Feyre, trying with all that it could to heal her.
Madja got off the bed and returned with knives and tools, but I barely saw it looking down at my mate.
Beautiful. Strong. The most important thing in my life.
We both were.
“Go into her mind to take the pain away.” Madja said to me.
I blinked and cursed myself for not thinking of it sooner.
Elain had grabbed Feyre’s other hand.
“Feyre darling-”
“No good-byes.” Feyre’s voice was strained. “No good-byes Rhys.”
And I physically felt my heart shatter as her eyes closed.
There was no sound when my son came up, as Madja passed the unmoving boy to my crying cousin. Tears fell down my own face.
Madja swore.
And I began screaming.
I knew what was happening, that she was losing her grip on life as I lunged for my mate.
I could feel death.
It hovered.
Around me, my mate and our son.
I could feel it over the yelling of the healer, the pleading of my sister, the crying of my friend as she held my lifeless baby, the screaming of my mate, the grunts of his brothers as they held him back.
I could feel it.
Death opened its arms to me, getting ready to take me as my breathing thinned.
And this wasn’t like last time.
Death seemed to whisper to me. There aren’t seven high lords here to save you this time, Cursebreaker.
There was a golden light.
But I ignored it as I slipped further into Death’s arms.
Cassian and Azriel were holding me back, fourteen combined siphons blazing with the force it took to hold me.
All I knew was I had to get to Feyre.
It was a primal urge now. Get to my mate. Get to her before death does.
These bastards.
There was a golden light.
Amren gasped.
She was wearing the mask, the crown sat atop her head, and in her arms was the harp.
She had all the items of the dread trove.
No one had done that and lived.
Nesta walked to toward the bed. Toward Feyre.
I surged for her. I was not letting her anywhere near Feyre.
Nesta held up a hand and my body went still.
Feyre’s chest rattled, and I knew that was her final breath.
I knew it as Nesta plucked the twenty-sixth string on the harp.
And Time stopped.
I was able to move again. I lunged against the hold my brothers had on me. Amren stepped next to us and hissed. “Listen.”
Nesta was whispering. “I give it all back.” Her shoulders heaved as she wept.
My head was shaking. And I could feel my power raising like a wave. I couldn’t tell if it was me or the reaction to my mate dying.
Amren grabbed the nape of my neck, her nails digging into my skin. “Look at the light.”
And there was light. Flowing from Nesta’s body into Feyre’s.
Nesta still held her sister as she kept repeating. “I give it back, I give it back, I give it back.”
I stopped fighting my brothers.
No one moved. Not Mor holding the too small bundle in her arms, not Elain, who had stepped back from the bed, not Cassian, Azriel or Amren standing with me.
The light flowed all over Feyre, down her arms and legs, over her pale, lifeless face.
A delicate tendril of light floated over to Mor. Toward where my son was wrapped up in her arms. It set the baby glowing.
Nesta was still whispering. “I give it back, I give it all back.”
The light kept filling them. It lit my cousin’s face and the shock was thrown in stark relief.
“I give it back.” The mask and crown tumbled from Nesta’s head and the light exploded. Blinding and warm, throughout the room.
It faded and dark ink was splashed on Nesta’s back. She made a bargain with the cauldron.
I lunged for Feyre, and this time I wasn’t held back.
I ran to my mate.
My eyes opened.
Death was gone.
No longer hovering in the room.
Almost like that golden light had scared it away.
I blinked at Rhys, tracks of tears running down his face.
Then I turned to Nesta.
“I love you too.” I whispered, and smiled. Nesta sobbed and launched at me and hugged me.
A wail went up from the other side of the room.
Mor was weeping as she walked over to us. The baby in her arms wasn’t small, as I had seen in my glimpse before exhaustion had claimed me. No, this was a healthy baby boy. With thick dark hair and wings.
I sobbed and took Nyx from Mor.
I barely heard Madja as she said “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you developed an Illyrian’s anatomy.”
Rhys put his arm around me as we cried and laughed and took in our son.
He looks like you. I said into his mind.
How dare he.
I laughed again.
Madja approached us. “Let him feed.”
I bought the baby to my breast. Awed.
It hurts
But Rhys wasn’t looking at me.
I whirled to Nesta, who had slid off the bed and stood next to the mask.
I surveyed her.
My sister-in-law.
I fell to my knees, grabbing Nesta’s hand. “Thank you.” I wept, head bowed.
She had saved Feyre, and Nyx. I knew we would never be the best of friends, but for this, I would try.
Nesta dropped to the carpet in front of me. She lifted my face in her hands, before throwing her arms around me.
And I hugged her.
“He’s asleep.” I said as I walked up to where Rhys sat on the couch
“Thank the Mother.” I sat in his lap and he pulled me into his chest. “I would’ve helped you.”
“Yes well, you’ve had a big day.”
It’d been a week since we’d almost died.
Rhys went to the windhaven with Cassian where the General had killed the males responsible for taking Nesta and her friends into the rite. Rhys had made it clear what happens if anyone who did not consent to being apart of the rite was forcefully taken and thrust into it ever again.
He’d also dealt with the last of the issues surrounding Eris and the Dread Trove.
I’d wanted to help, but he’d insisted that almost dying warranted a couple weeks of rest.
Plus we weren’t getting much sleep with Nyx’s crying and constant hunger.
The people of Velaris were rejoicing.
They had a prince. For the first time since Rhys’ accession almost 500 years ago they had a clear heir.
We’d been sent well-wishes and gifts from all across not just the court, but Prythian and beyond. Including a stuffed white wolf from Viviane and Kallias, a card with no more than 5 words from Keir, a basket full of little toys from Miryam and Drakon, a few of those fish I’d had at Adriata wrapped up and spelled not to go bad (for when you’re good tired to cook- read the card) from Tarquin and Cressida.
It made my heart warm to see all these people who cared and would one day get to meet our son, (except Keir, we were going to avoid that for as long as possible).
“I did say everything would be okay didn’t I?”
I laughed and smacked his arm.
But he did.
I had my mate and son. I’d somewhat healed my relationship with my sister.
Everything was okay.
Again, thank you for reading, the other parts are on my page, feedback, comments and reblogs appreciated.
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perspectivestarters · 7 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; 1989 (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift (Part III)
Being this young is art.
What if all I need is you?
Got love-struck, went straight to my head.
Got lovesick all over my bed.
Love to think you’ll never forget.
Lovelorn and nobody knows
I'll pay the price, you won't.
If I’m all dressed up, they might as well be lookin' at us.
If they call me a slut, you know it might be worth it for once.
If I'm gonna be drunk, I might as well be drunk in love.
Everyone wants him, that was my crime.
The wrong place at the right time.
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman.
We’ll pay the price, I guess.
This is luxury.
You're not sayin' you're in love with me.
It might blow up in your pretty face.
I've known it from the very start, we’re a shot in the darkest dark.
It won't stop.
Halfway out the door, but it won't close
I'm holdin' out hope for you.
Say, "Don't go".
I would stay forever if you say, "Don't go".
Why'd you have to lead me on?
Why’d you have to twist the knife?
Walk away and leave me bleedin’?
Why’d you whisper in the dark just to leave me in the night?
Now your silence has me screamin'.
You kiss me and it stops time.
I'm yours, but you're not mine.
Why'd you have to make me want you?
Why'd you have to give me nothin' back?
Why'd you have to make me love you?
I said, "I love you".
I heard from everybody.
You part the crowd like the Red Sea.
Did you get anxious though, on the way home?
I guess I'll never, ever know.
You grew your hair long.
You got new icons.
From the outside it looks like you're tryin' lives on.
I miss the old ways.
You didn't have to change.
I guess I don't have a say.
She said that it was for the best.
The more I gave, you'd want me less.
I cannot be your friend.
I pay the price of what I lost.
What do you tell your friends we shared dinners, long weekends with?
I can't pretend it's platonic.
She said to get it off my chest.
Remind myself the way you faded 'til I left.
I don't have to pretend I like acid rock.
Guess maybe I am better off now that we don't talk.
Guess this is how it has to be now that we don't talk.
You had people who called you on unmarked numbers in my peripheral vision.
All was quickly forgiven.
You were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious.
I didn't come here to make friends.
We were born to be suburban legends.
When you hold me, it holds me together.
You kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever.
I had the fantasy that maybe our mismatched star signs would surprise the whole school.
You'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out.
I know that you still remember.
We were born to be national treasures.
You told me we'd get back together.
I broke my own heart 'cause you were too polite to do it.
You don't knock anymore and my whole life's ruined.
You still wouldn't go.
Let's fast forward to three hundred takeout coffees later.
I see your profile and your smile on unsuspecting waiters.
You dream of my mouth before it called you a lying traitor.
You search in every maiden's bed for somethin' greater.
Was it over when she laid down on your couch?
Was it over when he unbuttoned my blouse?
Was it over then?
Is it over now?
Your new girl is my clone.
Did you think I didn't see you?
At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.
Only rumors 'bout my hips and thighs and my whispered sighs.
Oh, Lord, I think about jumpin' off of very tall somethings just to see you come runnin'.
Say the one thing I've been wanting.
Let's fast forward to three hundred awkward blind dates later.
If she's got blue eyes, I will surmise that you'll probably date her.
You search in every model's bed for somethin' greater.
You never saw it comin'.
Now you've come undone.
Wish I could make it better.
Someday, you won't remember this pain you thought would last forever and ever.
I will say, "I knew it all along".
This life is sweeter than fiction.
All you got are your shattered hopes.
They never saw it comin'.
Now you're on to somethin'.
Proved me right when you proved them wrong.
It's like we don't remember the rain we thought would last forever and ever.
All at once, the rest is history.
Look at you now.
You've made us proud.
You know that I'll be there time and again.
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wardentabriis · 1 month
Anyway here's Wonderwall. Aka the brief snippet of Brutus and Cato in my Augustus novel.
He turns over his shoulder, expecting the general to have risen to follow him. Instead, the man before him--smaller, bonier, darker--is of a more familiar breed. The lines at the edges of his eyes crease as he draws his own cloak about him against the chill and places a hand on Brutus’s arm.
“It’s nothing, uncle,” he says.
Cato’s stern form almost disappears into the night as Brutus continues his trudge towards his tent.
“You did what was right,” Cato says.
Brutus stops. “I know.”
“I’ll...speak to your mother, if it comes to that.”
Cato is nothing like his sister. In the dark, he stands in armor that nearly drowns him, and Brutus begins to doubt that he is the only hope left for the republic. Perhaps he was handsome once, perhaps a shred of character and charm could be found in his rhetoric, or in a younger face; Brutus can never imagine him any less stern than he is now, even in his youth. Cato was born an old man.
Brutus shakes his head. “It won’t. I’ve never done anything I couldn’t talk her down from.”
As far as he knows, he reminds himself. Servillia holds grudges other places. Why not against her son? Even if motherly love were enough to overcome them at home, he is still unsure whether he will be entirely forgiven if he should return.
“It’s civil war,” Cato nearly spits. “I thought it might end up this way. You’d think Caesar would have had enough civil war after the last one nearly skinned his hide. Pompeius...he should know better, but it’s what he had to do.”
Brutus nods.
“I hear Cicero will be joining us.” Cato places his arm on Brutus’s shoulder and guides him towards the soldiers’ tents. “Seems the last good men in the senate have all fled for refuge here. Sailing a winter sea is a less terrifying prospect than a Rome pissed on by that bastard.”
“A shame they didn’t leave many to support them at home,” Brutus says.
Cato scoffs. “I’d rather they were out here dying like men than stuttering against Caesar and his lot. Shows a great deal more spirit than staying safe in their villas. To die for Rome; that, my boy, is how a man should want to go.”
A wind blows across Brutus’ face, and the numbness in his extremities becomes a burning, prickling sensation. The air smells of sea salt and bird shit and fish bones. He doesn’t know if it’s better or worse than the smell of the camp once he and Cato are in the midst of it.
“When do we sail?” he asks.
“A question better asked of Pompeius Magnus himself,” Cato laughs. “Should have inquired when you had the chance.”
“Should have,” Brutus reiterates, perhaps only to himself.
“I imagine we’ll wait it out a few days, see if we can grab any more stragglers on their way out of Rome. There are bound to be more, can’t be that all the good men have already fled.”
Maybe they have. And if so, Brutus isn’t certain what will be left of the republic when all is done. There seem so few here, hardly enough soldiers to defend themselves, even with the knowledge of more troops on their way or across the sea.
Cato bends forward to look at Brutus’ face. “You were always a troubled child. Your poor mother never knew what you were worried about. Not as if there isn’t enough to concern yourself with now.”
“There is...certainly quite a bit.”
Cato frowns. “I didn’t think your mother gave you enough room. To do anything more than politics and philosophy, I mean. Not that you aren’t a fine enough politician. But the boys your age started their training for war early. I never got the impression she had much faith in you in that career.”
Against his better judgement, Brutus laughs. “To be fair to my mother, neither did I.”
“At least you know how to hold a sword and stab.”
He shrugs. “Maybe.”
“I hope so.” Cato slaps him on the back. “I hope you can return to what you’re suited to after all this nonsense. But perhaps you’ll have gained yourself a better reputation, fighting for the republic at the side of one of its greatest generals.”
Among the strong stench of soldiers’ garments left out to dry, sweat, burning, food long since turned, Brutus knows the scent of his own tent. Cato would not approve if he knew, but it is difficult to leave behind all the comforts of home. Namely, a bit of perfumed oil to keep away the bad air.
“Good night, uncle,” he says, pulling back the flap of his tent.
Before he ducks his head to enter, Cato grasps the sleeve of his tunic and pulls him back.
“Try not to harbor too much resentment.” Cato looks back towards the campfire, which Brutus has long since lost sight of. “We do what is right, Marcus, whether we agree with the methods or the people who execute them.”
He looks over the harsh lines of Cato’s face, as if he will find a response etched there. But he doesn’t. He can’t. And so he gives a weak smile before cutting himself off from the rest of the camp. The glow inside his tent is nothing but weak moonlight, which shows little but the outlines of his belongings and his bedroll. The heaviness of sleep is already upon him when he undresses and lies down. It is not difficult to fall into it.
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Lord Hygieia
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A/n: This is going to be part of a Greek God au with a lot of different characters, all stories will contain possessive/protective themes and some might contain violence and even nsfw themes. Also the reader will contain some form of insecurity like weight or scars. Also I know some (like this one) are actually Goddesses but I’m gonna have to gender bend some of them for this lol. 
You shuffled into the borderline sterile temple, eyes fleeting around the temple itself like something was going to jump out at you. Your eyes wondered over columns and vases before landing on the alter in the middle of the room. Unlike other God’s he did not have a full statute, at least not of his face but there was painting that closely depicted his handsome face. Even with the mask that was in most paintings you still thought of the God as handsome especially with those piercing eyes.
You weren’t worn down with sickness nor in need of help with sanitation, you were just so fascinated with the God. You knew of his personality, that he could be downright cruel at times and even more so to children, he thought they were messy creatures. You knew the tales and you knew of the whispers but you just couldn’t bring yourself to care, he still helped those who prayed an he was still a God. 
You stood before the alter for a moment, almost shyly taking in your surroundings before you dropped gently to your knees. You flinched more at the sound it made as it travelled through the quiet space than you did at the slight pain before holding your hands in front of your chest and bowing your head in prayer You licked your lips before you started, refusing to let your nerves ruin this. You were completely unaware of the golden eyes that had followed you from the moment you entered.  
Overhaul knew that not many people came to worship him unless they were desperate, thinking they could help themselves like fools before they went to him. It was almost comical that the God that hated germs and people but he had to deal with the sickest of the mortal world, like his father was playing a cruel joke. He hated when the sick mortals came in the most, he’d much rather their healthy family came to pray for them, it would stop them dirtying his area. 
He had never seen such a thing enter his temple before though, she looked to be perfectly health and even more so...she looked completely clean. He had noticed a scar on her face before she bent her head from his view, it was not very large but ran from the left of her bottom lip to the bottom right of her nose. It didn’t look new, in fact it looked to Overhaul like it had been done awhile ago. 
Overhaul listened to the prayer of the mortal, expecting the same whining selfish crap and was even more surprised, she didn’t pray for herself or even for family but for her village and even for him. She prayed that he was healthy and happy in his world, that the village people be forgiven for always making messes when praying and in return she would come everyday and clean it up. 
Overhaul got more confused as he listened, why would anyone want to deal with mess? Especially that they themselves did not cause? And who would ever be selfless enough or stupid enough to pray for him? Had she not heard of the things he had done? And she certainly must known that he was obviously healthy and clean. It was almost insulting to him that she was think he wouldn’t be. 
He watched as she finished and slowly stood and paused for a second, legs obviously feeling off due to kneeling for a long period of time. He suppressed any sound as she looked up and made unknowing eye contact with him, her eyes were something he had only encountered in the divine world. She looked anyway and smiled at the lack of mess she had made before turning to leave. The only sound that could be heard in his temple was her voice, a sound Overhaul would come to crave.
“Bye Lord Hygieia. I hope you have a very clean day sir” 
He watched and watched and watched as she came and went, cleaning up and placing his favourite things on his alter, taking the time and care to place them exactly the way he liked, exactly the way she had memorised that he was the least annoyed about. He soon noticed that she was the only one that ever came, that she always had a new prayer for someone in the village but never for herself. 
Over time Overhaul noticed that the mortal woman was a selfless one, never complaining about coming or cleaning up, never complaining about others prayers and why she was the one that had to do the work. She always came without compliant and with a smile, always ready to indulge the God’s need for a sterile environment. The God would admit that there was a lot of things he’d like her to indulge him in.
As much as he disliked to admit it but he loved the way she hummed as she worked, broom in hand as she liked his flooring with smile, the way her hips swayed as she moved and the way her lips formed the words of thanks whenever he answered her prayers. There was yet a prayer of hers he had yet to answer, he hated the thought of her being unsatisfied with him. He did notice though that no matter how hot it got that she always clad herself in a jumper, like she was hiding something from his view and he disliked the idea that she thought she could keep things from her God. 
He also saw what she did whenever she thought no one could see, the way her small fingers traced the scar on her face and her lips moved like she was about to ask for something, like she was finally going to grant him the knowledge of where the scar came from. He always found himself leaning forward, eager to hear her request hoping for a selfish one that he would happily answer but she never granted him that, always shaking her head, a small frown covering her bitten lips and gathering herself to leave. 
Overhaul would admit that he was curious on what exactly she wanted and how did it affect the scar on her face. Overhaul always felt the same anger fill him when he thought of the possibility that someone had done that and on purpose. That someone thought they had the right to scar something so beautiful even though he would admit that it did not take away from her beauty. 
It all came to a head about 7 months into her visits to him, the day she had decided to remove her jumper and pray for herself. Overhauls golden eyes burned into her scarred form as he listened to her prayer, feeling murderous the more he saw and the more he listened. 
“I know I shouldn’t be selfish and ask of this my Lord and I know you deal with sickness but perhaps you could consider this a sickness. My father has a sickness of alcohol and it has lead to this my Lord. I ask that you cure him or maybe would you be able to cure these scars? If not then I understand and I apologise for my selfishness. You are a great God, Hygieia, and I promise to keep returning even if you cannot grant this.” 
Overhaul knew that he couldn’t cure this, it wasn’t a sickness or something to do with cleaning but he knew he couldn’t just let this happen. For the first time in his divine existence Overhaul wanted blood and he wanted it on his hands and he would stop at nothing to make sure no one touched his Angel again. 
It was in that moment that he had made up his mind, she was his and he would do whatever he needed to do to protect her even if that meant getting a little messy. Starting with the pathetic mortal she called father... 
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dujour13 · 8 months
Owlcatober 2. Favorite food
the 4th and final part of The Prodigal Tiefling - also on AO3
(CW food & fluff)
It was a pretty sweet plan.
Siavash settled his back against the cool wall of the Citadel balcony and smiled to himself as he played, while a gap in the Worldwound vapors above the west guard tower twinkled with evening stars, winking back at him like they were in on it.
His fingers had found their music again since he’d recovered Woljif alive in the Worldwound. He’d only been half aware what a weight he’d been dragging since the tiefling disappeared, but now that it was lifted song rose out of him as easily as breath again.
Not that all the weight was lifted. The night of the gargoyles he’d lost a lot of people, the flames of hope he’d kindled as Knight-Commander extinguished far too soon, and by his own negligence. Every death was like a punch to the gut, but it was the mental image of the young tiefling’s body shattered against cold Worldwound rocks that ached the most.
They’d started to be friends. Or so he’d hoped.
Of course Woljif ran that night. How could anyone blame him? He ran because he was smart enough to catch the scent of shit on the wind, and to know this new Knight-Commander was in it over his head.
But also smart enough to stay alive out there. Siavash smiled again, shifting to a more cheerful chord.
Since they got back to Drezen the tiefling seemed uncharacteristically subdued, and Siavash hoped a little welcome-back gesture might lift his spirits and let him know he really was forgiven, at least as far as the Knight-Commander was concerned.
At the same time, he had to be careful it wouldn’t be mistaken for flirting, which he definitely wasn’t. Siavash vowed to stick to his self-imposed penance—which he’d already cheated on twice in the two years since Kristov, but that didn’t really count, because neither of those guys was anyone he’d ever really fall for—
His fingers faltered on the strings.
Right. That was why he needed to keep this strictly friendly, and yet special; hence the plan.
* * *
“Wait. Are you telling me you lugged those all the way out here into the Worldwound for the last day and a half’s march?” Lann looked at Siavash like he’d sprouted a horn.
“Yeah,” Siavash grinned.
“If you’re complainin’ I’ll eat yours,” Woljif volunteered, snatching a cherry roll from the boxful in the chief’s arms and threatening to swipe another.
“Wouldn’t want the Knight-Commander’s efforts to go to waste.” Lann swatted his hand and helped himself.
“What’sh the occasion?” Seelah asked through a mouthful.
“Our merry band of Kenabres city defenders is back together at last,” Siavash beamed. “Setting out to defeat the forces of the Abyss side-by-side once again. I thought that was worth a little celebration.”
For a moment everyone gaped at him, standing there in the Worldwound wastes in his green striped trousers, purple tunic and aqua scarf, guitar strapped across his back, smiling broadly over a box full of slightly stale cherry rolls, luminous Elysian butterflies fluttering around his head.
“Party time!” yelled Aivu, bounding excitedly across the rocks. “Pass!”
As she caught the lobbed pastry it exploded into crumbs and sticky cherry filling that she licked from her grinning dragon-lips as she trotted back.
“Very promising,” Daeran mused, nibbling at the cherry roll poised on a lace handkerchief thrown over his hand like a doily. “Am I to understand that if I run off in the middle of a dire battle and then come slinking back with my tail between my legs you’ll throw us another pastry party? Next time with mimosas, I might hope?”
Woljif’s mouth was too full for a retort.
Meanwhile the succubus, on whose request they were currently headed for Greengates, stood off alone keeping an eye on the perilous terrain that lay ahead. Siavash called her over.
“Arueshalae, have one.”
“I shouldn’t,” she said meekly, dark liquid eyes lowered.
“Don’t tell me you’re watching your carbs,” said Seelah. “Sister, you can afford a cherry roll.”
“I’ll eat hers,” Woljif volunteered through stuffed cheeks.
“No, I—I just don’t think it’s right. I wasn’t in Kenabres.”
“You were there in dreams. That counts.”
At Siavash’s apparent sincerity Daeran burst into a peal of mocking laughter. “In that case I shall catch up on my beauty sleep, perchance to dream of striking down a dozen demons. For the cause.” And he settled into a languorous pose with his pack as a pillow.
Seeing Lann’s look of despair Seelah elbowed him. “Don’t be such a sourpuss. It’s not the kind of Crusade I expected when I came here either, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Still, Arueshalae shook her head. “Someone like me doesn’t deserve—”
“Nonsense!” Siavash cut her off. “Arueshalae, if you’d like to join our Merry Band, with all the privileges and responsibilities that entails, you must partake of the sacred cherry roll.”
Bashfully she gave in, taking up the dripping red roll in both hands and, just as she had once done with still-beating human hearts, brought it reverently to her lips.
“Haha! You’re one of us now, like it or not!” Seelah slapped her on the shoulder, rousing a swirl of butterflies.
Later when the others had wandered off to their camp occupations, Siavash found himself alone by the fire with Woljif.
“Thanks, chief,” the tiefling said, patting his stomach with a satisfied grin. “My lucky day. Cherry rolls are my favorite.”
“I know. That’s why I chose them.”
“You mentioned it once.”
“Guess I musta,” Woljif mumbled. His tail twisted.
“I like to take note of little things like that with people,” Siavash explained, just to make sure it was crystal clear he was not flirting.
“Ah, I get it. Part a’ the diplomattin’.”
“Sometimes. And sometimes just part of being a friend.”
Woljif’s tail froze in mid-twist. He began to fidget with the cuffs of his jacket. “You really are an original, chief, you know that?”
“I could say the same of you.” Siavash pinched himself mentally. Stop.
But Woljif chattered on unawares. “I mean, if it was anybody else I’d say you’d get eaten alive out there, tryina make friends with people like me, but I dunno, somehow you pull it off. In fact I’m startin’ to think that’s what landed you the job, and what’s keepin’ this crusade goin’. I don’t bet ol’ Galfrey ever hauled snacks halfway across the Worldwound for her chums. You know how to play the game your way, chief.”
Siavash chuckled. “Nothing gets past you.”
“Ha. Looks like not much gets past you either.” Woljif glanced up and there was a conspiratorial flash in his clever yellow eyes, bordering on affectionate. Suspecting he was being played, and playing along? Suddenly he flushed and pretended to interest himself in the blank horizon of the Worldwound in the opposite direction.
And while his eyes were averted, Siavash stole another look, admiring the way his curls framed his profile in the firelight, and already planning another trip to the Drezen bakery just to see those eyes light up again, and that clever, dimpled, slightly greedy but also sincere smile that made his heart glow warm as the southern Andoren sun.
Stop. Leave the poor guy alone. “I’m glad you liked them,” he said softly as he rose. He couldn’t help placing a hand on Woljif’s shoulder on the way. “And I’m glad you’re back with us.”
Woljif’s cheeks had gone glaringly ruddy. “Yeah, me too, trust me. I mean where else can a guy get cherry rolls out here except with you—guys. Sure as hells not with Baphomet cultists.”
“So you’ll stick around?”
It took a moment for him to answer, like he was working up his courage or struggling with something. Probably, Siavash reflected with regret, all too aware he was being reeled in, and Siavash could do nothing to express his sincerity without crossing the forbidden flirting line, so he just stood there wearing his most reassuring smile and hoping that would do. Let me give you more than snacks. Please trust me.
Woljif shrugged. “Sure.”
A pause.
Woljif sighed. “I mean yeah. I’ll stick around.” Sheepishly returning the smile, the glow of firelight in his eyes was softer than he probably would have liked. “I promise.”
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