#and she was crying and refusing bc she’s scared of blood tests
zaiinab · 1 year
my baby sister is so ill it’s genuinely scaring me
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wetcatspellcaster · 6 months
For the ask game!!
Rose faked a quick smile, though she knew it probably wasn't up to scratch. She remembered that particular ‘proposal’. It had been the first time they’d faced Cazador - the first time, the one where they had royally fucked it. Astarion had been sprawled out on the ground, bleeding out. She was wrist deep in his opened stomach, trying to keep his innards on the inside of his body, tears in her eyes, yelling out desperately for Shadowheart across the battlefield. He’d been crying blood, barely conscious, and as always, she’d found herself wishing he’d just shut the fuck up, and keep his breath inside his body. Not that he needed breath in his body. But she had always been a fan of Astarion not superfluously using up energy in order to annoy her.
Oooooh, thank you for the ask, anon!
Oh, Party Favours my beloved, you truly were just my excuse to say the most self-indulgent shit without having to back it up with evidence, for my own mental health. <3
Now, let me try and back up this most self-indulgent shit with evidence!
So, Party Favours was written in Early Access, before full Cazador lore. I never really assumed you'd fight Cazador twice, but I approached this hypothetical scene from two angles: 1. where me, the player, has fucked up and is about to go back to a previous sav for a second attempt or 2. In D&D campaigns, often you'll have a test fight with the BBEG first, to learn about their capabilities and strengths so that you can then make a more fully realised plan to take them out when you go for them a second time. Inevitably, you probably get your ass a little beat. So this was what that was.
In this hypothetical scene (w/o full access lore) I assumed that Cazador would be able to charm/Dominate Person Astarion and try to get him to fight the rest of the party (another classic D&D Campaign trope), bc I didn't realise the tadpole rendered Astarion immune. I was also imagining a Cazador with Legendary Resistances, Regeneration, and Legendary Actions, etc... all in all, a bit beefier than what we got.
In this imagined fight, the party attempt to take out Cazador but find themselves far outclassed, bc they are too low level. Astarion was ordered to attack the party by Cazador. He refuses and resists the command (for mutual pining reasons), but his resistance weakens him and renders him incapacitated bc of the effort it takes to ignore a direct command. Deeming him utterly useless (again, no Black Mass context in this case), Cazador gutted him - the organs were on show - and left him to bleed out like trash.
While Cazador flees (Shadowheart chasing him, bc she's the cleric with all the anti-undead arsenal) the others (Rose) ran to Astarion, who is on death saves but is conscious bc, again, this fic was solely for my mental health and my mental health alone. Obviously the poor fuck is already in love, but the proposal actually came when Rose immediately offered up her arm to try and force him to drink so that he could immediately heal. Which is also why she doesn't fully take it seriously: 1. he's dying and she thinks he's mental for even talking 2. he definitely says something like "straight from the vein, when there's a veritable surfeit of potions on hand? maybe I should just marry you, or you should at least buy me dinner first"
Look, at this point this poor OC is established as a Wisdom 10 queen (I love how much flak she gets in Pieces when truly, this fic is her Low Wis Era) but I do think a lot of the flirting - and a lot of the proposals she received - were not very serious, bc Astarion is Astarion but also bc he was too scared to act seriously. So this first proposal is an absolute dud tbh, she's right not to take it seriously bc it isn't very romantic, it's definitely a half conscious man being like "do you think I'd disintegrate, if we walked into a church together?" meanwhile she's screaming for a medic.
DVD commentary ask
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coco96 · 4 years
LDAF - The Avengers
Hiding Magic (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Mention of crime (stealing) Request: ... reader who is a very powerful magician ... who also robs because their family is poor ... One day all the Avengers comes to their school to give a speech. However, the reader gets there late and sees the Avengers thinking they’re about to get arrested. They then go to the Bathroom to use magic and escape. Right when R using magic Peter, Tony, Strange walks in. After talking the R ends up an Avenger.
Serenity (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Sick child, illness Request: ... reader being a part of the avengers, but the others gets suspicious when she starts refusing missions on particular dates and she always sneaks of, but it turns out she visits a children’s hospital or something because she wants to give them hope? ...
Crushing The Grape (Avengers X Male!Reader) Warnings: Spoilers to Infinity War. Death. Reader basically tortured Thanos. Think Magneto with blood. Request: Could you do avengers x male reader where male reader kills that giant purple grape(thanos) on Titan
The Happiest Avenger (Avengers X Reader) TRIGGER WARNING: Depression and self harm mention Request: ... R is very happy to a point where they’re the happiest person on the avengers but the R is secretly messed up, they never shows it. The R has a secret they self-harm. So one day Steve finds the scars while they’re talking in the kitchen then thinks the worst. So he sets up a meeting with the crew and the next day R walks in and the crew have to act normal but then comfronts the R but the end is very fluff
Young Weapon (Avengers X Teen!Male!Reader) Warnings: Mention of violence, mention of fire, death of parents, mention of torture Request: ... reader where he’s discovered as a brainwashed assassin (like bucky) where he was taken when he was like 5 and is now 15 and he suffered worse than bucky did and they try to help him oh wow that was long
Not Happening (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of torture, brain washing, ptsd/nightmares and killing. Request: ... reader is a superpowered teenager that the avengers took care of after finding her in a hydra base. She’s still trying to fit in but the government is trying to take her away due to her past crimes when she was still controlled by hydra ...
Scratches (Avengers X Male!Reader) Warnings: Sexual mentions Request: … Where male reader was training and took his shirt of and the avengers see he has scratches(from late night activities) on his back and tease him about it and he comes up with a sassy response. The whole late night activities don’t have to be detailed
No More Fighting Pt 1 (Avengers X Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Death of character Request: ... before the battle cap and iron have a fight but the reader plays peacemaker and makes everything alright. At the battle the reader sacrifice themself to help the avengers get away before getting captured ... but the avengers think they k.i.a. And at the funeral cap and iron make peace for the sake of the reader
Ranger (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Fighting Request: .... a steampunk style and meets the avengers after they see her beating up bad guys or something ...
Testing Patience (Avengers X Fem!Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Mild swearing Request: … a very calm reader who life with the avengers in the tower and one day she is mad at something and all the avengers are there and think she is very cute when she is angry and hug her and joke on her, and she gets more angy because they think she is cute …
Anomaly (Avengers X Teen!Male!Reader) Request: ... reader who is a powerful being and all they know about their life is that they’re human with powerful powers. Avengers are trying to capture them, they’re trying to capture him to question him. because he robbed a bank and seen what the reader could do. The powers he has are called Imagination Manifestation its like imagining something and comes true. And at the end he some how gets a job at avengers
Blind Meeting (Avengers X Blind!Reader) Request: ... reader is really nervous to meet the avengers because shes blind but peter assures her that itll be fine and the avengers end up loving her
Loyalty (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Torture, memory loss Request: ... reader gets compromised, tries to take down the avengers ... They refuse to fight her ...
Revenge Is Bloody (Avengers X Vampire Reader)     |     Part 2 Warnings: Blood and gore Request: ... hydra operatives keep showing up dead drained of their blood? The team are called to investigate. Bucky is fine with it but everyone seems kind of nervous cause they don’t know what their dealing with. They find out it’s a girl in her teens that hydra experimented on turning her into a vampire and she was able to over power and hunt them down. They track her and she willingly goes with them to join the team.
Much Needed Sleep (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: passing out, swearing. Request: ... reader has insomnia and barely sleeps. She lies to the rest of them (the avengers) so they don’t worry. She has about 4 hours sleep a night, sometimes less. When she’s doing a mission, she collapses from exhaustion ...
Mistake (Avengers X Reader) Warnings: Injury, death Request: ... one day the reader messes up badly on a mission and the avengers talk about how the reader let down So the reader quits and the avengers go looking for the reader and finds them and talks about how they’re sorry ...
Real Magic (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warning: Falling from heights, presumed deaths, dangerous stunts. Request: Peter and The avengers go to a circus they decide to go see a magic show, and tony is totally not buying it. It turns out the reader is the star, and her magic is real. Maybe they try to get her on the team. …
“Did you have to seduce the entire team!?” (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Request: … reader is young and beautiful and starts living in the tower with the avengers and she flirts with all of them just for fun, and all of them think that she is in love with them and at the end they start fighting ... and ask reader which one would she choose finally and she chooses ruce ...
I Don’t Know What I’d Do Without You (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Self conscious reader, teasing Request: Can you do a female reader, where she feels as if she isn’t worthy enough to be in the avengers, she feels as if she’s the odd one out. Nat overhears her talking to her friend on the phone about thinking about leaving and she gets the others to convince her she is worthy?
Auntie June Came Early (Male Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warning: Period time~ Request: … reader is in her days and Nat and Wanda are away, and the male avengers got nuts because they think she might be in a lot of pain and overprotect her and dont let her do anything, not even move, and she complain about the pain just once and they all freak out and she thinks is hilarious! ...
Helping (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Bulimia, throwing up, bullying, self conscious reader. Request: ... reader is Tony’s daughter (although all of them are protective of her) and she has bulimia and she gets caught purging by one of the team members.
Hello, I’m Pansexual (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mention of homophobia, anxiety. Request: ... reader’s part of the avengers and has powers, but is pan and struggling w how to come out to the team bc she’s scared they’ll kick her off?
Surprise! (Avengers X Reader) Warnings: Sad emotions Request: … reader thinks everyone forgot their birthday but they were just planning a surprise party for them? …
If You Get Killed, Walk It Off. (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Grieving, supposed death, explosion, blood, death Request: … reader is in a mission with the avengers and then there is an explossion and the reader was in that building and everybody thinks that she died, and start to cry and remember how they love her, and finally she was ok, and goes with them and ask what happen? …
Help (Avengers X Reader) SERIOUS TRIGGER WARNING: SELF- HARM MENTIONS Request: ... a super angsty self-harm one with avengers.
Where Do Babies Come From? (Avengers X Child!Reader) Warnings: Mild swearing, sex ed talk Request: … reader is the little protect one sister of the avengers (like 12 years old) and she goes around the tower asking the avengers how babies are made. (she doesnt have a mom, so she doesnt know anything) and Tony freaks out because doesnt want her to grow up! …
Phantom (Avengers X Fem!Reader)     |     Part 2 Request: ... reader’s super badass the team rarely sees her shes like a ninja and according to clint who ever sees her outside missions will have a lucky day (lmao) and like when the teams having movie night shes just like standing behind them in the shadows ...
No Spoilers (Avengers X Reader)     |     Part 2     |     Part 3 Warnings: Spoilers of AOU SET BEFORE AOU Request: ... reader from our universe gets dropped into the avengers.
One Last Goodbye (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Death, mourning. Request: … reader died during a mission. Fury give Tony a USB key and told him to watch the video with the rest of the avengers. on the video the reader is talking about how much she loved them and tells each avenger little facts that she loved about them and she thanks them for being her family. …
Birthday Girl (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Request: ... it’s the female readers birthday. She works with the Avengers but aside from that she doesn’t have any friends. She is having a bad birthday, the avengers don’t know. They find out it’s her birthday and surprise her, making it better. …
Welcome to the Family (Avengers X Elf!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of neglect Request: ... reader is half human, half light elf but you were taken from Alfheim and abandoned on earth when the dark elves attacked. (From Thor) The avengers find you and take you in. Thor offers to bring you home but you’ve gotten attached to the human world and decides to stay. You’ve especially gotten attached to Tony cause he treated you like a daughter since you were very young and petite. Smaller then normal elves
Not Your Fault (Avengers X Fem!Teen!Reader) Warnings: Mention of extreme injury, disability, guilt. Request: ... reader is Tony’s teen daughter and she is really good friends with everyone in Team Cap but then during the airport fight she gets hurt and is unable to walk again ... and then when she sees Team Cap again they feel really guilty specially because one of them caused the injury and Natasha feels angry at herself because she was supposed to be her mother figure and look out for her ...
Fitting In (Avengers X Adopted!Reader) Request: ... Tony, being known for his impulsive choices adopts a 14 yr old girl. She’s got the innocent girl next door look but she’s a complete devil. Nat loves her, Clint is afraid of her and Loki, Bucky and Sam are her partners in crime for evil pranks. All is well until she pulls a prank on Bruce and he hulks out. But even Hulk falls under her innocent spell and can’t seem to do anything to her.
Hair Pulling (Avengers X Reader) Warnings: Hair pulling, pulling hair out Request: ... One of the Avengers finds out that the reader has trichotillomania and try’s to help them to stop?
Headaches (Avengers X Reader) Warnings: Spoilers of AoU, Illness, swearing, mention of getting high and drunk Request: The reader is sick all of the time and the avengers are concerned about them, so they have to try and convince the avengers that they’re okay in the long run ...
Killer Cupcakes (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Serious illness, near death Request: ... reader is like really sick/hurt and tries to hide it from the other avengers, but they find out and freak bc she almost died ...
The Ultimate Sacrifice (Avengers X Male!Reader) Warnings: Death of character, description of death, mourning Request: ... they’re trapped in a capsized (upside down) cruise ship and the reader ... sacrifices himself to save the group, based on the song My Immortal by Evanescence ...
Animals (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Swearing Request: ... reader is sort of spiritually connected with animals or has some sort of connection with animals where they just adore her ... and the avengers ... keep finding random animals around the tower and Tony keeps telling her off for it; secretly everyone finds it amusing and the reader knows this.
I Need My Family (Avengers X Reader) Warnings: Mention of harrassment, assault and swearing Request: ... reader is part time university student - part time Avenger ... and reader somehow gets into some trouble that involves the police, and they try to keep it secret from the others, but Steve finds out and tells Wanda, then they tell the others ...
Other Me (Bucky X Fem!Reader)     |     *PREQUEL* [Part 2]     |     Part 3 *Sequel Warnings: Needles, stabbing, blood, death Request: … reader joined the avengers before Bucky. He sees her as sweet, shy and innocent but during missions she’s a complete psycho? After missions its like nothing happened. So he asks Steve about it and he says she’s like that cause before missions they take her off her meds that keep her in check. If she doesn’t have them she’s kinda over the top angry.
Hidden Art (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Request: ... reader is a shy recruit at the Avengers and she doesn’t really talk to anyone and didn’t let anyone in her room, and one day someone walked to her room and found out that she was very good at art ...
Joining The Team Pt 1 (Avengers X Reader)     |     Part 2     |     Part 3     |     Part 4     |     Part 5 ~Finale Warnings: Blood, Violence, torture Request: ... Avengers x reader fic, really angsty ...
Compromised (Neal Caffrey X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Nat kills someone, violence Request: ... Neal Caffrey (reader’s boyfriend) finds out she’s an Avenger, and the Avengers find out she has a boyfriend? Mozzie is protective of Neal and Nat and Bucky are protective of reader and try to scare Neal into backing off?
I’ll Kill Him (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: Mentions of Domestic abuse. Request: Reader is the Avenger’s assistant and like a little sister to them, and one day she doesn’t come into work and Bucky goes to her house to make sure she’s OK and finds out she’s in an abusive relationship and helps her.
Where’s Nat? (Avengers X Teen!Reader) Warnings: Blood. Looooots of blood. Request: teen reader has period and goes to avengers for help but Nat isn’t home – Tony is her uncle!
Not alone (Avengers X Reader) SERIOUS WARNING: SELF HARM MENTIONS. Other warnings: Getting shot. Request: Avengers see Reader’s self harm scars and confront her
Overprotective much? (Avengers X Fem!Reader) Warnings: One swear word, threatening, flirting, drinking and attempted murder by an overprotective brother. Request: ... reader is Tony´s sister and she is really beautiful (thats why Tony won´t introduce her) and the avengers are surprised and start bothering Tony and he gots really jealous and protective ...
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN S2 Appreciation
I remembered I started this so here we are: there's a lot of problems with s2 but you've probably heard everyone talk about them anyway so I'm skipping that and going straight to all the stuff I DID like about s2:
episode 1
(episode 1) seeing them interact with the environment
(episode 1) Ray running + being out of breath animation and voice acting
episode 2
(episode 2) especially the parallel with the drop like holy shit
episode 3
(episode 3) the fish bug scene while maybe out-of-place is pretty cute and funny
(episode 3) the wall scare is pretty ominous and as of ep3, not yet stupid.
the **OPENING**
(episode 4)
(episode 5) the shot of the apple rolling and the camera turning over with it. so cool.
(episode 4) Ray shooting the demon animation cut even though Emma was robbed
(episode 4) Chris knowing the bunker tunnels after we saw him playing there with other children is really nice. Especially knowing that in the manga he's sad he can't explore properly, I think it's a nice in-character touch haha.
(episode 5) masked Norman with blood splattering behind him
Myuk Mahou cover art makes them look so cuteeeee
portraying the two worlds in parallel from the OP to wanting to care and save your family
the opening making me cry every time
cup-kun memes
(episode 3) them entering the bunker being so fecking tense and suspenseful, like i was expecting a corpse the entire time pff-
(episode 5) ray and emma using hand signals during the rooftop chase
(episode 5) the natural in-convo reveal about how they hide their scent by Lani/Thoma
(epsiode 5) the detail that they throw it in the fire to spread the masking scent when the old demon gets there
(episode 5) the old demon scene (listen ik people questioned this, but it's an old weak demon... I kind of see it like helping out a weak strong animal. I doubt this old geezer would have jumped Emma; it could reveal their location, that's true, but oh well - it’s implied he met them more often before so maybe Emma just slowly considered over time / maybe her realizing they’re not that different and all that yadayada)
(episode 5) Emma doubting herself because they've literally just been chased around (ik some people didn't like this and I get why but they've been barely surviving for like 11 months... she's lost and paralyzed, she's allowed to have her doubts, though they could be worded a bit differently. It just sucks that there wasn’t much of an arc regarding this after that, so. Yay Norman Christ has rescued us all.)
(episode 6) the reunion hug / scene, it looked so soft and nice ahhh- the entire art in that scene was just nice.
(episode 6) the atmosphere and framing of when Barbara was eating the demon meat. it came pretty unexpected and the moment you realize was such a big “ohhh… oh no.“
(episode 7) Lani and Thoma mentioning the migrating birds during their tower watch and that then later coming back when the kids think about where they could be was nice!
(episode 7) Norman’s soft “be careful” to Emma and Ray
(episode 7) Also Ray's reaction to "the gate is in gf" is just a mood haha
(episode 7) THE SHIPMENT PARALLELS! the sounds, grabbing his hand this time when he had to take hers during his shipment AHHH-
(episode 7) evolvment of the “dont do it on your own / involve your family/friends” by asking Gilda and Don to come with them on the search for Sonju/Mujika. Sadly this doesn’t carry over to ep11 where they decide to do sth as drastic as staying behind for god-knows-how-long without letting anyone know beforehand.
(episode 7) like their reactions to it are so wholesome, I really like how it is portrayed. Especially because up until now Emma was still bottling up. Idk I like that it takes a while for this to really settle in properly.
episode 8
(episode 8) “are you god?” / “I’ll be a god or a devil” / “are you a human?”
(episode 8) showing the demon suffering pretty graphically for what I expected
(episode 8) the simple fact that I got the experience of pure euphoria and a laughing attack when the parallel between Vylk and Norman was actually a thing, when I was so confused why they both had a distinct characteristic (the walking stick) in episode 5. My friends thought I was crazy but I was just big brain. (we were robbed of more stick though)
(episode 8) norman hand symbolism, with blood, Emma grabbing it, him looking at it and how it ties Emma to his plan inherently and then when it's not his blood on his hands but someone's that he's taking away from another living being.
(episode 9) the unspoken realization that he’s not the only one being tested by the test scanner was on the right-hand side. good shit. Ik thats technically not the anime’s idea but I like how they put the focus on it with blur and didn’t actively state it.
(episode 9) him coughing up blood to show how fast it’s been progressing/getting worse // though that implies he refused to take his meds OR that its that bad even with the meds which I don’t think is the point. Like the psychological warfare of giving the kids a condition that they can only fight while they’re in their prison bc they’ll run out of meds is just. hHHH
(episode 9) I really liked Norman going to talk to Vylk and… hhh- Emma *AHEM* and how he didn’t really know what to say, and .........… E-EmMa going up to him and apologizing for what demons did, showing empathy and understanding AND ABSOLUTING WRECKING NORMAN and me. man, cycle of hatred bad.
(episode 10) Emma speaking over the radio to everyone is just… so heartfelt ahh
(episode 10) The little kids sneaking amongst the others is rly cute and honestly kind of epic haha
(episode 10) the moms/sisters either not noticing them or not doing anything bc they’re on their side anyway is just… a funny thing to think about either way
(episode 10) Phil and Emma hug TvT
(episode 10/11) MICHELLEEEEEEE
(episode 11) the turning ceiling is pretty
(episode 11) I like the shadow asthetic of the Ratri exposition, generally the Ratri exposition is pretty nice aside from being so fast you cannot take all that in and process it properly
(episode 11) dramatic gate closing is dramatic
(episode 11) the slideshow of them in the human world gives nice glimpses into things, even if… very vague haha. Especially the shot of Isabella playing guitar stuck with me. And Phil on a train! Not a steam one, sadly.
(episode 11) while the demon world slideshow is uhhhhh SOMETHING, I do like that the weird dragon-on-water thing is in both the Ratri exposition during the promise thing and then also at the end, which at least gives A BIT of context to what's likely happening. Idk I liked that, but then again my standards aren't very high.
I'm not saying any of this outweighs the problems bc oh boy, but ye.
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shadowcodexx · 5 years
What if— Billy Hargrove
(Edited/added on)
As soon as his body died, the real billy wakes up in the upside down, connected like will had been. The mind flayer made contingencies this time and billy was his most prized puppet.
Hopper had jumped through the portal in the underground lab in hopes of having some chance of getting back to Joyce and El someday. He didn’t expect to find a scared billy Hargrove trying to hide from the monsters.
They bond and hopper tries to help this traumatized kid deal with all of this. They share hoppers remains pack of cigarettes and he realizes this kid has gone through much more than being possessed by an evil entity. His dad is beating him. He only knows this because billy jolts awake from a nightmare and makes a comment. Hopper pieces it together.
“Your dad again?” “He’s not my dad.”
Then they start to see the Demogorgons getting attracted to something. It’s a new portal. They take their chances. They get through the portal and they’re in a Russian base in Siberia. Better than that place.
Somehow, they get out and they’re both scarred. The Russians had figured out that the creatures reacted to Billy’s presence and experimented on him. They put him in fighting rings and whatever was left in him from the mind flayer gave him extra strength. They tested that too. Made him take on some Demogorgons themselves. He had won. Every time.
They find themselves back in Hawkins for whatever reason—idk how they get there—but it’s Christmas and yknow snow. When max sees billy stumbling up their driveway she runs and hugs him. She’s wearing his leather jacket. El runs out a moment later with his denim jacket on like they had been reminiscing. The sleeves are all rolled up. Then she sees hopper. She starts crying and he has just enough strength to hug her. Joyce, will and Jonathan has come up so they could celebrate Christmas and see some of their old friend. They ended up getting one of the best Christmas presents yet.
The people that had been in change of Hawkins lab come back when there’s news of the chief of police and a young man presumed dead, are found. They’re so worn out from the journey and strain they’re passed out for days.
When hopper wakes, mostly everyone is around his bed. Steve has been up from college, so he decided to visit. They all did. He hugged and greeted all of them and they told him of everything that had happened and so forth.
When billy woke up, max was asleep next to him. No one else was there. Hopper made the nurses move him into Billy’s room with him. Billy quietly appreciated that. Steve patted him on the shoulder and el sat on his other side and he educated her on the vending machine snacks.
“What’s....a powerbar?” Billy raise and eyebrow. He looks over at hopper who’s smoking a cig even thought he’s not supposed to—“you have not done this kid justice.” He grabs the bar and opens it while saying, “it’s quick meal—“ Steve walks in saying, “no it’s not Hargrove.” He glares halfheartedly and responds looking at el, “yes, it is.”
Billy father barges in with Susan one afternoon and stands silent and angry. Susan asks how he’s doing and tries to grab his hand, but Neil won’t let her. Then he goes on, very menacingly, how Billy’s a no good son who just decided to up and leave—“with a whore no doubt”—and that all this Russian business is a coverup mean to put him in a good spotlight so he’ll get sympathy etc and hopper just, yeets the curtain separating them away and in his ‘hopper’ voice goes “you ever talk like that again to him, I’m going to have an officer remove you indefinitely from this room.” And Neil leaves in a fit dragging Susan, and trying to force max. But of course she doesn’t budge. He raises his hand and sees hopper in the background. He turns it into a pointing-in-her-face gesture and leaves.
After they get to leave from the special wing of the hospital, billy had to move back in with his dad and Susan. Hopper and Joyce are going steady. She rents back their old place and they all live there for the time being. By then Billy’s missed half the school year, and goes to Nancy’s (who won’t ask questions because she knows) and gets help with tutoring.
Mrs wheeler opens the door and has a look of shock on her face. He gives her a half smirk and says, “this time, I’m looking for Nancy.” She has him wait in the kitchen, asking how he’s doing, she heard they found him and hopper in he woods and that everyone who knew them were overjoyed. But she notices Billy’s not quite himself. He’s not giving her innuendos and his shirt isn’t as unbuttoned. He looks like he just got a haircut. His mullet is shorter now. He’s got a quiet sort of contemplation like he’s grown up too fast. Nancy comes in and is surprised to see him. She agrees to help him.
Christmas Day, billy is beat up again by his father. He hadn’t even said anything. He had just grabbed the remote and Neil slammed him into the wall. And it had to be the worst possible time, too. The doorbell rang. Neil opened it and sees the re-appointed sherif Jim Hopper and his daughter, El. He says they brought a gift for billy and max. Neil tried to take them but el says she wants to give it to them. Max comes out and hugs eleven and whispers one word— “help.”
El looks at Neil and shoves her way past with max leading the way. Hopper notices the blood on his knuckles. He follows. He walks in slowly, surveying the area. Max leads el Into the kitchen, where billy sits, his face bleeding. El grabs his face and makes him look at her. Max grabs some ice and he accepts it. Hopper comes in a few seconds later. “What happened?” Neil answers. “He got in a fight with a kid a few hours ago. Disgraceful to do it on Christmas Day if you ask me.” “I didn’t.” Hopper walls closer. The bruises are fresh. Billy just looks at him.
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“See the funny thing about that mr. Hagrove is that your knuckles are bleeding.” Hopper steps closer to Neil, towering over him. “Billy if I take him in will you testify?” Billy looks at him. “Yes.” Neil trues to lunge at him, cursing him out but hopper catches him. He calls it in and shoves Neil into his car.
It turns into a news story and Billy’s at the station a lot. Susan won’t testify, of course. She’s too nervous. Neil tries to use all of Billy’s mistakes against him like his poor school conduct and the speeding tickets. Hopper knows better. He’s stuck with that kid for half a year and he knows him better than anyone. Reminds him of himself in some ways. They tell billy they have to call his mother bc he needs a legal guardian to finish high school. He argues he doesn’t but a little part of him wants to see her. Hopper says he’s sorry, he knows it’s soft spot but it’s good to mend old wounds. Susan tries to take max with her but max refuses. She wants to stay with billy, el and hopper. They have an argument and max throws out, “Your not stupid mom your just a push over! You’ve watched him get beat up every week and didn’t do a thing. I’m staying with him until all this blows over. If you need me I’ll be staying with Hopper and Joyce.”
Billy also lives with hopper and Joyce for the time being. School starts up and he dreads it. Hopper tells him his mother was contacted and she’s coming up from California to see him. Billy starts to lash out because he doesn’t know what else to do and Joyce calms him down. They have a cigarette out on the porch and she talks to him and he starts to break down and she just holds him. And he can’t remember the last time a mother held him like this.
He often gets up in the middle of the night because of nightmares and he finds will in the kitchen. They talk about it and eventually talk about their crappy dads and billy tells him he likes wills mother and that he’s got a good mom. Will mentions he saw some bands that billy had on vinyl and tape and says he likes them. They talk about music until will falls asleep on Billy’s shoulder. Joyce listened to the whole thing from the living room and couldn’t help but smile.
Billy find that his life is much more peaceful in the hopper-Byers household. In the morning, Joyce makes them all breakfast. Max and el share a room so they’re usually the last ones to the table. Billy and hopper both drink black coffee. Billy and Jonathan have a silent respect for each other after Lonny tried to visit one day out of the blue. Billy helped Jonathan get him to leave. Will sits next to billy because there’s always something on his plate he doesn’t eat that billy silently takes after he’s done. The two Hargrove kids have practically moved in. Hopper got two extra beds and max eventually brought everything she owns to the house via the window to her room. Billy moved everything out weeks ago. Jonathan and will share a room and el and max share one. Billy is the only one who doesn’t share a room.
The first day of school, billy takes el and max to school. By now everyone heard of billy Hargrove, the kid who came back to life. Or was captured by the Russians. The facts were a little fuzzy. His cronies and fake friends hound him pretending they were affected by his disappearance. Billy’s tired of high school. He understands why Steve stopped being king. It didn’t really matter anymore. Life has hit him straight in the face and it was time to grow up. And now he had some people who were gonna be there for him. By the end of the day he had so much makeup work, he had to find Nancy. By then, they were easy acquaintances. Not friends per se, just bonded experiences. Tommy started making fun of him, acting as if he were trying to get in Nancy’s pants but he ends up slamming him into a locker.
Tommy and carol and all the other jerks hang around billy as usual, but there’s an air of wariness like they’re waiting for him to do something. And honestly, if it weren’t for max or el, he would have. El understands what makes him, him and she can tell when he’s about to snap. Max is like a similar version of him. Not quite the same, and less corrupted. The middle schoolers have a field trip, or something that causes the high schools to have the same lunch as them. When they come running in, everyone gives a collective grumble. Most of the gang sit with Nancy and Jonathan + Robin. El taps billy on the shoulder and his friends sneer at her. But el asks one question. “What’s a Hershey?” Carol starts laughing but billy silenced her with a look. He looks over at max, a little ways behind and smiles. He jumps up and pulls out a few cents. They follow him to the vending machine and he buys one. This leads to many days of el quietly sitting down and whispering s question in his ear. Billy would then answer.
By the end of the week he was sitting with Nancy and returning student, Jonathan because he was so tired of all the bull. One day he was walking into the middle school to check max and el out early , (because he wanted Mexican and he knew el didn’t know what that was, and he figured he could give her some world experience) he saw max beating up some kid. He shoves in and pulls her off. The kid had called will and el a freak and other slurs she wouldn’t repeat. Susan has to be called in, and it was a mess. She blamed billy but max said the truth and she didn’t seem to want to accept that. Neil had already been put in jail for 20 years so Susan was considerably panicking. Joyce came by after being called and calmed her down. The rest of the gang had been involved bc they wouldn’t stand by either so all of the mothers were called. The ended up supporting Susan and helping her find a place for her and max and finding her a good job she liked and all that.
Billy’s tired of sleeping around. Part of him did it to show that he could and prove he was top dog. But now all the girls except Nancy and robin annoyed him. They always tried to fix him, get him to meet their parents, etc. now it was oh poor billy and pity pity pity. he didn’t get as drunk at parties. He didn’t like not being aware of everything around him anymore. If he were wasted he wouldn’t be as alert. Can’t stand the sound of fireworks anymore.
The next day billy gets called out of class. He’s told his mom is here to pick him up. He kind of freezes up and numbly asks if it’s Joyce and the secretary says no. He refuses to go up and instead leaves and goes to the sheriffs station and barges into hoppers office. “She’s here.”
Hopper calms him down and offers to be there with him. Billy says no he can do this. He walks out and she’s sitting in the waiting room. He hurriedly looks away and sits down near her. She nervously looks at him and asks what he’s here for. He says something about seeing hopper. She says the same thing. She’s looking for her son who moved here with his dad. She says she’s here to see her little boy again. He looks at her and says, “that little boy is gone. He died when you left.” She’s shocked and follows him out and begs him to listen. He turns around and yells “you left me with him!” Tears are streaming down both of their faces. She hugs him and he buries his face in her blond hair.
She rents a place in town and gets to watch him graduate high school. He passed with good grades thanks to Nancy. After the graduation ceremony he picks up Nancy and spins her around, thanking her for the help. He pats Jonathan on the back and messes with wills hair. He and Steve do a fist bump handshake thing. Dustin can be hheard muttering, “not as cool as ours.”
He goes to Cali and brings max and el with him. He teaches them how to surf. Hopper and Joyce come, because, reasons and the entire gang ends up coming. On a completely random chance, their buying snow cones on the pier and he hears his name. It’s his mom. He awkwardly hugs her and she invites them to dinner. She’s married. He’s not too happy about it. The guys nice though and he can’t blame her. He’s just wished she’d taken him with her. Then maybe he’d have had a better father figure, like John. (The guy)
On the beach, he crashed into a girl carrying an icebox. (Courtesy of max) he helps her pick up the spilled drinks and the breath is stolen from his lungs. She’s a knockout. He smooth talks her and she see through the bull. His charm—king billy Hargrove’s charm turned off a girl. He’s internally yelling at himself. She picks up her board and walks to her friends. He asks if she surfs—“duh” and holds up her board. Max is quietly laughing behind him. He asks is they wanna catch some waves. She gives him a long look and says sure.
Her name is Avaline, or ava. She mentions her and her friends are road tripping and she mentions their route. Their going through Hawkins. He tells her they live there and that she should visit. She gives him a brilliant smile and agrees. Max and el love her.
Joyce and hopper ended up buying a house together and Susan got a house coincidentally, near them. It was a street or two over from will and Lucas and a straight shot to Dustin’s. The entire club was back together.
Aveline visits at the most inopportune time. She knocks on the house at the address billy gave her. No response. A crashing sound echoes through the house and she jumps. She tucks her beach blond hair behind her ear and leans in to listen. A beat of silence. She gets thrown backwards with the door. A Demogorgon has flown through the door due to elevens telekinesis.
They all rush out fighting a pack of demodogs. Aveline groans as she touches the blood running down her head. Billy calls her name and hits a demo dog with Steve nail bat. He throws it back to him and Nancy throws him a shotgun. He loads it and shoots one coming behind her. He helps her up and she asks if their being invaded by aliens. Robin comments that she likes how this girl thinks.
Joyce nurses her wound and and they all explain. Ava knew billy was some kind of trouble but she didn’t know he was trouble with a capital T. They load up and try to lead the creatures away from Hawkins. Joyce has to hurriedly call all the kids parents saying their staying with will for a sleepover and she’s sorry about the inconvenience.
“I knew it.” Aveline says holding the ice pack up to her head. “Knew what?” Billy asks, while Duran Duran plays, his hand tapping along to the beat. “You’ve slept with every girl at you high school, haven’t you?” He huffs a laugh and looks at her. “Not all.” She shakes her head. “You can let me out.” “What?” She repeats. She tells him she’s not about to get in a relationship with a guy who has a rep. He says he’s not the person he was when he came to Hawkins. They’re out of the car at this point yelling and arguing and he kisses her. She melts. She hits his chest and jolts back. “Sorry” he says breathless. She pulls him back and hugs him. “You’re frustrating.” He huffs. “That’s a first.”
Of course the Russians weaponized the Demogorgons and all that jazzy stuff and they go on this big adventure and cue a scene where they all end up at s gas station to restock and get a game plan. the cashier just looks at hopper and all the teenagers behind him and raises and eyebrow. Him and Joyce look at each other and Joyce says “our kids” gesturing weakly begins her. He shrugs because he’s not paid enough for this and checks out the tons of stuff they buy.
Steve and billy bond over trying to babysit insane children and Steve is trying to keep them from doing dumb stuff and billy is yelling at them not get killed. Much betting is involved. Robin and billy actually become buddies and it freaks Steve out. Aveline just watches it all.
And after all the fiasco stuff is over, everyone is royally freaks out when Steve Harrington shows up to bring lunch to all these kids and then sits with billy freaking Hagrove and they start chatting like their old buddies.
Billy gets a job at the sheriffs station because he actually has a good head for telling people what not to do and just generally bossing people around. Hopper takes him under his wing and they patrol and keep the weirdness of the town under control. He regularly takes el and max to eat at different restaurants because he’s determined to give el some ‘worldly knowledge’
His relationship with ava is one of his longest they’re going steady. She moves in with him and they go back to Cali every summer to see her parents and his mom. They get married on the beach. Lucas makes a comment on how they’re going to have kids and when el asks billy how they have kids it’s the one question he won’t answer. Hopper was standing next to him when she asked and he gave her the Look. Billy re-evaluated his answer.
The kids think billy is kinda cool now and he keeps them in line while Harrington is off getting a degree. Billy finally has some peace when Harrington gets back and takes them off his hands.
And most importantly billy is happy.
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kouei116 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Kanato Sakamaki
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Earl Walter stole Yui's heart and replaced it with Kleinod. Yui and Kanato went to the earl's castle to ask for it back, but he wasn't there. They were advised to try find the butler to ask where his master was. Kanato wanted to get some rest first so they headed to a hotel. Due to the parade, the hotel was fully booked, Kanato demanded to see the manager - who recognized Kanato was Karlheinz's son and ordered staff to prepare the best room for him. While they filled in the accommodation card, the receptionist asked if Y was his friend, and Kanato replied: “She is my wife" (♡´艸`)
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K: Hey Y, do you hate becoming a vampire that much?
Kanato told Y if Kleinod broke, it'd still be fine because he'd turn her into a vampire and they could be together forever. Y couldn't make a decision abt becoming vampires yet, Kanato got upset that she didn't understand his feelings and ran out of the hotel room. Y ran around town shouting his name looking for him. Seeing her desperately trying to find him, eventually Kanato came out in front of her. She must be tired from all the running so he suggested going to eat. While eating, Y suddenly fainted. Kanato brought her back to the hotel, he apologized it was his fault causing Y to run around earlier, he was very worried that if she remained human and someday she will die, he'd really hate it, he wanted her to stay with him forever. Y told him again that she wanted to find her heart first before making a decision. Kanato respected her decision and agreed to help get her heart back. 
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K: If you don't use cunning/dishonest means, you won't get the things you truly want.
They went to Reine de Aji general good store (Aji the lady owner here is the younger sister of Saba - the shop owner in Vandead Carnival game) to ask abt the butler. Aji asked them to get her the forbidden apple pie before answering. This forbidden apple pie was extremely popular and too many people queuing to buy, Y said this couldn't be helped and was drinking smoothie talking to Kanato in this CG. He wanted to use his dad’s power to get the pie but Y wanted to find other ways. 
A boy bumped into Y, spilling smoothie all over her clothes. Kanato was angry demanding the boy to apologize to Yui properly and the boy started crying. Y told the boy she didn't mind, it's alright. The boy apologized to both of them and ran away, then came back with his Dad - who was the forbidden apple pie shop owner. The Dad said Y forgave his son with a smile, she was a kind vampire (Y noticed that he mistook her as a vampire) so he wanted to gift Y a forbidden apple pie. Kanato accepted it but Y wanted to return the pie bc she didn't treat the boy kindly to receive rewards. Kanato got mad (bc he wanted the pie to exchange for the butler's info) and ran off. Y tried to follow him, she bumped into the boy and he said his Dad was testing Y, it was actually a poisoned apple pie; if Y was a genuinely kind person, she'd return the pie.
Kanato arrived at the shop, giving the pie to Aji, but now she said she didn't remember any promises with Kanato?! She was happily having the first bite when Y rushed in and warned her abt the poison. Aji was skeptical but Yui's face didn't look like lying. Aji thanked Y, said from the start she didn't plan to tell Kanato the butler's whereabouts, but for Y, she'd help. The butler liked medicine herbs so when the Earl was away, very likely the butler would be at the Smaragd volcano to gather them.
Kanato told Y he found it strange why the Earl still put the Kleinod inside her after stealing her heart, and he felt like everybody they met in town today were testing them. He worried abt Y's health and suggested returning to the hotel to rest. Y slept and had a dream abt a mysterious man telling her: he granted her wish, since he took the heart away, she didn't get into any troubles with the vampires; the Kleinod can work forever, the Sakamaki lied to her abt it being temporary because they want to suck her special blood. Y woke up to a worried Kanato but she lied that she didn't remember this nightmare well enough to tell him. She trusted Kanato but she got anxious if he would still love her without the special heart. 
Y and Kanato went on a gondola to get to Tirkiss waterfall near the volcano. The scenery was very pretty, Kanato said in town they couldn't enjoy the parade so they should take a break now, they know the butler is here, no need to worry. A fortune-teller lady invited them to try her shop that was famous for accurate love fortune. She gave Y a cup of tea to drink up then looked at the remaining tea leaves to predict that Y was having doubts abt Kanato. Y denied this but suddenly her body felt hot, her consciousness started fading and she fell into the water. Kanato jumped straight into the water to save her but the water was strong, she realized if going on like this, he’d drown...
K: ... Quiet! Only I can decide your fate. Don't die without my permission, I won't forgive you!
Y got drifted away and couldn't see Kanato anymore. She woke up in a cave with Kanato collapsed nearby. She was very happy he was still alive. She apolozied and told him the truth abt the dream. He said he only knew those kleinod to work temporarily, and:
K: Besides ... Even if the heart disappears, I will always love you. It's more important to me that you are alive than being able to suck your blood. I thought even if I don't say it in words, you already understood ... but seems like I was wrong. I ... love you *kiss*
Suddenly lots of bats appeared <Minigame Whack a Bat>
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K (patting her head): It's a reward for your working hard (fighting the bats in the minigame). I’m praising you. 
After beating the bats, it wasn't likely that the butler was here so they should return to the hotel. Y sneezed, Kanato asked if she was cold, checked her forehead and sensed a bit fever, told her to give him her hand bc it'd be troublesome if Y collapsed (aweee) Y saw somebody collapsed and ran over to check even when Kanato didn't want them to get involved. This man woke up and explained he was picking up a rare moss growing inside a cave that has poisonous gas even to vampire. He bowed his head to thanks Y and Kanato for saving him. They noticed he had a red granite stone on his forehead and they realized he was the butler! Y explained her situation, the butler could only give them the card written by the Earl hinting the location: On the full moon night, when it raises the crown at the very high peak, I'll return. (sorwy, I don't understand what this means TwT)
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Y thought the Earl could be either at the tower or the mountain. Unexpectedly she overheard the girls nearby talking about the Zatan's mouth at Diamante fountain: if you put your hand inside the mouth, it will tell you the truth, but no one have tried yet because it's said that a disaster may occur to you e.g. splitting up with your lover. Kanato was very cool put his hand right in and got the answer: The Earl will appear at Onyx tower. Y asked if he wasn't scared of losing her, but he said: “If that happens, I will take you back. It's not likely that you belong to anyone else but me...”
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They came to the tower and Earl Walter was there. He said he’d return Y's heart with a condition that she vowed to part from Kanato forever. She replied that he was wrong, he didn't take her most important thing. There's no way she'd exchange the 2nd most important thing (her heart) for the most important thing (Kanato). Kanato was very happy to hear her feelings. Suddenly the tower started to crumble and they got thrown outside, Kanato managed to catch her and said: 
K: Y! Don't leave my side. Hold on more tightly. Please don't let go no matter what. I will definitely protect you, now and ...in the future. You can stop worrying, it'll definitely be alright. I love you... I love you.
When Y woke up, she and Kanato were in the Earl's castle. He said he did want her heart but he realized that Y and Kanato were worthy of keeping such a treasure hence he returned it. Kanato demanded him to show his face but he refused. He hoped they would enjoy the festival and he needed to leave for his next target to steal.
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Y had fun at the parade because Kanato was at her side. The forbidden apple pie shop owner gave them an apple pie (not poisoned one this time yay) and Kanato fed Y from his fork
Y: ... It’s extremely delicious! Just like you said Kanato!
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K: That's good. You can eat the rest.
Y: Eh, is it ok for you Kanato? Does it not suit your taste?
K: No, it's not that. Because, as expected, I like this better *kiss*... Fufu, thanks to you eating the apple pie, this feels sweeter than usual *Nnn....n...Nnn.....*. You're a special. Y, to me you're probably the forbidden fruit. I love you ... From now on, you're mine and mine alone, forever ....
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Care for Vampire:
K: ... Thank you. Thanks to you, Y, I've felt much better. Let's sleep together like this. If you sleep with me, I will get well. (...) From today, you will be my personal pillow. ... Are you happy? ... Fufu, me too. Please let me hug you like this forever...
I really like Kanato's sub scenario with Carla. Kanato requested room service to hold a sweet party just for the two of them in the hotel's guest room aaaand Carla was eating their sweets there. Kanato was getting grumpy but Carla complimented Kanato's taste in choosing sweets - esp the religieuses that have high artistic value and sweeter than anything he has eaten, he’d ask Shin to get it for him - making Kanato smile again. Then Carla, Kanato, and Yui ate religieuses happily ever after hahaha. Just like my sis-in-law said, it's nice to see my old man and little boy getting along (人´∀`) The route is sweet, Kanato always worried abt Y’s health, he jumped straight into the water to save her, I squeaked for 15′ when he said Y is his wife haaa(˶′◡‵˶)It's just... I guess bc Yui's heart was missing, there wasn't any sucking blood scenes, only a few kissing scenes at the end, my ears starved playing this oughhh ;u;
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giranswife · 6 years
A Taste of Power
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Summary: The beginning of a ruthless, angry werewolf. She’s done holding herself back and being the victim. It’s now her turn to fight, and she doesn’t like to play nice.
W: self-insert, angst, violence, bullying, alcohol mention
(( Note: ALRIGHT SO, this is my villain’s origin story. It’s very heavy, which is why I have so many warnings. Please, be careful to read those above before you check this out. It gets very heavy and has themes that might make people uncomfortable. This is also my villain insert, so just keep that in mind. A lot of her stories will be dark, obviously. Just want to warn you guys enough, but I went really heavy on the writing bc I was enjoying writing this a lot. ))
There was always a beast inside of me.
It’s ravenous and blood thirsty, hidden away in the depths of my insides.
A dormant monster just waiting for the perfect moment to awaken.
I felt it getting stronger every night, but mostly during a bright full moon. The changing didn’t begin until I hit puberty. Right at the pinnacle of my hormonal changes and growth, the perfect time to unleash my inner rage. Like a covered cauldron, boiling close to its breaking point. Being that young with a power that you don’t even understand yet… it’s a disaster waiting to happen.
For a long time, I didn’t believe that I had a quirk. Not a strong one anyway. From the day I was born I was just the wolf girl with ears and a tail. I may have had parts of a wolf and acted like a wolf since birth, but I had no other signs of having anything else special about me. No powers other than a keen sense of smell and hearing. And any other tendencies that a wolf might have.
Most of the things that I dealt with was name calling and attempts at grabbing my ears and tail all the damn time. It was humorous to mock me, because I was nothing special than a dog. A dirty, rotten, grumpy dog that no one ever wanted to be around. Not even my own parents wanted me. The only family I had ever known was my uncle, and he was never around either.
Too busy conning people out of their money on busy streets, pickpocketing and other shit that I could only imagine. When he came home, the last thing he wanted to do was pay attention to me. Not that I’d want him anywhere near me. He’s always too rough and too loud. He grips my ears so roughly and yanks them when I’m disobedient.
If he doesn’t respect me, then why should anyone else?
“You couldn’t have been born with some god damn wings or fire powers? Maybe then we’d have a nicer place and more opportunities.”
“Don’t think you’re getting dinner tonight, sweet pea. I don’t have enough money to feed your god damn animal stomach. Go fetch a rabbit or somethin’. Make yourself fucking useful for a change.”
“Get back inside. None of those kids want to play with a goddamn animal. Especially not a smelly one like you.”
I was tired of crying. Tired of listening to all of the nasty things that everyone had to say about me. The weight of everything began to pile onto my shoulders, until it was difficult to breathe. Even as an innocent child I learned right away that I couldn’t rely on anyone but myself. The bubbling inside me began to grow and grow, until there was a fire in my veins that I had never felt before.
It was like something had snapped inside of me. The inner monster inside me was rattling its cage, and it knew that I was on the brink. Feeding off of my unstable emotions, taking advantage of the weakest parts of myself.
The final straw for me was when a couple of kids in the class above me decided to pick on me one final time. Grabbing my tail and yanking it so hard that I tumbled backwards and dropped my books. The puddle that I fell into was murky, and mud decorated my uniform completely soaking me from head to toe.
The tallest boy, I remember his name being Futoshi. Had some kind of plant quirk and would always use it for ridiculous things. Mainly just to be an obnoxious boy and sometimes a perv. And yet he would always mock me for being a useless, wolf girl. Sometimes teased me for being cute in a gross way that made me uncomfortable.
“I thought you liked that, Wolf-Girl.”
“My name’s Ashley, you dimwit.”
“Ouch. Nice insults, fluffy. Where’d you learn them, the back of a cereal box?”
I narrowed my eyes and tried to stand up, only to slip back into the puddle.
The bubbling in my veins was beginning, but I never could have predicted that it was anything else than just a thing. I was never told any different. But how could I prepare for something like this?
The rest of the kids laughed at me, but at this point I was extremely numb to it. All I wanted was to get up and walk home at this point. There was no use going to school if I couldn’t even make it in the door.
It never made sense to me why they would mock me. I get that kids are assholes, but… there were plenty of students with weird quirks. Each and every one of them were different and that was what was so cool about having a quirk. It was the quirkless that were usually mocked, depending on who they were.
It must have just been me. I must have been an easy target.
“I think we should probably teach you some manners. A dog should be well trained.”
“I’m a wolf. Not a fucking dog.”
Finally, I was able to stand up, throwing my books down once I realized they were too soaked. My jaw clenched with anger, and I felt my fingernails digging into my skin. I wasn’t upset or on the brink of tears anymore. I was fucking pissed. Angry and tired of fighting against the current of my emotions.
I was done letting them walk all over me. I was finished being the victim. They were going to know what it felt like to be me for a change.
They laughed at my power stance, Futoshi using his quirk to grab at my ankles with vines that popped up from the ground. When I didn’t jolt or act surprised, he just found it amusing. It’s almost funny looking back on this now, because I’d never believe for a second that he would be a hero today.
“Let’s teach you some tricks, doggy. Now, why don’t you sit!”
The second that he whipped his vines forward, I felt something deep within me break. The cages erupted and the beast was finally released. It was a slow process from the inside out, but to them on the outside it was merely a few seconds at best.
My fangs were exposed through my clenched jaw, a loud growl sounding from deep within my chest. The color of my eyes began to shift to a violent red, the intensity growing with the anger pulsing through my veins. The kids surrounding me slowly started to become a little scared, and that was only the beginning.
“I said… I’m not a fucking dog!”
My voice was almost a demonic growl, another loud sound escaping from my throat. The first things to change were my feet, fur beginning to grow from my body and long claws lengthening from them. Slowly, the rest of my body began to take shape, growing massively in size. It wasn’t necessarily a pleasant experience, but I was too angry to feel much of it.
The beast within me had finally been exposed. It was finally free from the bindings, and the rumbling that I felt when I howled was chilling. It is a part of me, but sometimes I forget that it can take over. When I let myself become this angry and impulsive, I have little to no control over what it does.
That is why I still can’t really remember exactly what happened that day.
The minute that I shifted, it was almost like I had blacked out. I didn’t wake up again until I was in a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors with a wound in my side. That was the first time that I saw myself for what I truly was. A caged monster, or a girl that was being held hostage by a monster. But I refused to believe that I wasn’t in control.
Futoshi and his gang were badly injured, but they were fine. They were able to restrain me long enough to get them to safety, but they weren’t there soon enough. I knew that I was going to be in a lot of trouble, but I didn’t even care. When one of the pro-heroes came to talk to me to discuss what happened and give me a lecture on the importance of controlling my quirk, I couldn’t care less.
This wasn’t the first time I had felt this way to authority before, but I was done listening. I was done being lectured when I was just protecting myself. I was also amazed by my own power that I didn’t even know that I had. All my life I thought that I was just somewhat special with my looks, and all along I was a werewolf.
There was a new power that I had just discovered, and it was strong. That didn’t even scare me like it would to anyone else. In fact, it was an awakening for me. A discovery that I intended to use to my advantage. I wasn’t going to be the underdog anymore. I was going to keep the promise that I gave to myself before.
Now, I just had a better reason to do so.
Starting with the one person that made me feel small. When they should have made me feel strong and loved.
That night I came home to my uncle sitting his happy ass down in front of the TV again. Not even an ounce of worry for me or where I had been all damn day. I wasn’t surprised, and this just sealed his fate in my eyes.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do this again, but it would be a great test run. Now that I felt my power coursing through my veins, I felt like I had finally found my purpose. Finally found something that I could use to my advantage. A way for me to not only get my revenge, but escape this terrible hell that I was born into.
Stepping in front of the television, I tilted my head and stared down at the filthy man in front of me. I could tell he hadn’t moved all day, especially from all the beer cans littering his feet. He was totally useless, and he had the gall to mock me. What a waste of breath.
“Get out of the way.”
“You even going to ask what happened to me today?”
He didn’t answer. Not that I expected any less from him.
“I’ve been in the hospital. My teacher supposedly called you. Don’t worry, one of the heroes gave me a ride home.”
“Okay, whatever. Just move.”
I felt the familiar clench of my jaw, and the sound that escaped next wasn’t a sound that I expected to make.
Seeing him glance at me, his body starting to stiffen a bit was the best part of my entire day. My eyes were glowing red once again, and I took a small step forward. Even though I was still fairly small compared to him and wasn’t really a threat, this time I was no longer scared of upsetting him.
“Go on, girl. Go to bed and… get out of my sight,” Uncle mumbled.
“I said… no…”
“I’m not gonna tell you again--”
“You’re not the boss of me anymore. I’m not going to let you bully me ever again. You or anybody else!”
This was when he started to stand up from his seat, getting a little scared but also pissed. It was just the look I wanted to see from him.
“I’m getting real tired of your shit! You little brat!”
He went to grab me, but I ducked just in time. It was like my movements had gotten a bit more precise, but it was mainly just my hearing and senses. Plus, with him being drunk it was a lot easier to predict his movements. Which also makes him an easier target.
“That was a mistake,” I growled, more inhuman this time.
“You are the child! I am the adult! You do what I say!”
“Not anymore. You think just because you’re an adult you get to treat me this way. You and everyone else think that you have some kind of power over me. But not anymore. I make the rules. I decide who lives and who dies.”
That was when I felt my anger reach another breaking point. But this time, I promised to be awake for this. My body slowly shifted one at a time once again, and I could see the fear cross my uncle’s face. It was sweet and humorous. I’d never seen a man become so terrified, and I was almost beginning to pity him.
“What the fuck!”
The growl that escaped my mouth next was pure animal. I’d never felt more alive in that moment in my entire life. I never felt more in control of my own destiny. No longer was I going to be the victim. I refused to let anyone walk all over me again.
There wouldn’t be any more tears or heartbreak. No more unwanted attention or fear. Instead, I would be the thing that everyone else fears. It will be my turn.
I had tasted power for the first time, and I was hungry for more.
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Papa Ravus and twin daughters -3-
Hello and sorry for taking so long! Hope you understand it’s taken me a while.
Here’s the first Papa Ravus post, and here’s the “Ardyn with twin daughters” post that seemed to have inspired requester to also drop this one. :3
It’s been a while since we’ve been in Papa mode, but let’s see what happens  (˙︶˙)
Ravus with twin daughters:
Ravus chose to be single dad, romance is not much his jam but he does want to have kids, so he requested to rent a belly/womb.
King Ravus himself went personally with the lady who accepted the offer and he asked her “as a human being, not as your king, if it really is alright with you?”
Ravus asked she was medically tested first just to make sure it’d be as safe as possible for her to get pregnant.
Ravus worries that because of “a tantrum of my own” (which really ain’t tantrum, Ravy, it’s okay to want to be single parent
This man was put through so much pain in so many ways he’s grown a ridiculously huge heart and wants everyone to be okay.
His own cold, blank-faced way, but rly he’s just a cinnamon roll.
I am digressing.
Ravus checked on the pregnancy process almost daily.
You should have seen his reaction when he heard it was twins.
“My, what do we have here? C: King Ravus, it’s a baby girl!”
Ravus’ eyes go wide and he loses his breath and his heart drops to his feet.
“And she’s in company of a twin sister! Isn’t that wonderful, your Majesty? :3″
The doctor requested somebody bring him a chair and some nurse bring him oxygen.
No kidding.
Ravus literally loses the breath at that, he clutches at his chest and a hand blindly looks somewhere for support.
The gods bless there’s a nurse there to help him sit down and help him recover the breath.
“Ohmygod, your Majesty please calm down ;____;”
Eventually Ravus was able to recover the breath.
He’s so pale the nurse isn’t sure if he has to ask the doctor if they should make some blood transfusion
“Are you alright, your Majesty?”
“Yes, yes…I uhm…it was…shocking. It was only the initial shock. I expected a child; two is a surprise. That’s all.”
“A very wonderful surprise, isn’t it!? :3″
Ravus opens the mouth to reply but all that he does is shut the mouth and nod, looking upset in some way nobody can read.
Omg everyone shut up bc nobody’s sure what’s in his head.
Ravus goes back to his blank expression and unmovable attitude for the rest of the appointment and then goes back to his chambers.
Lunafreya is there (nobody died and no years of darkness AU because I need it okay, shut up)
“Brother! How did it go? :)”
Ravus breaks down in front of her.
He just looks at her in total silence some moments, and then his face transforms into a frown of mere pain and sadness.
Ravus stays quiet for some long seconds just looking at her with his ever-second-more-pained expression.
He puts the head down and just starts crying.
Lunafreya approached him, worried, and grabbed his hand to silently guide him nearby a chair. She had wanted him to sit down but he didn’t, he just kept the hands on his face and cried and cried.
She sat instead, and he went down on his knees in front of her and she let him rest his head on her lap, and he cried and cried while she caressed his hair.
He seems so broken omg Lunafreya is EXTREMELY WORRIED.
She’s thinking there were bad news, that they could have lost the baby, that there were complications or something as terrible.
“…they’re twin girls, Luna” Ravus cries out to her, unable to stop crying. “I am having two baby girls…”
Luna takes a moment before she understands and feels great peace in her heart.
Still she doesn’t stop caressing his hair.
“But then why are you crying, brother?  (˙︶˙)”
“…I am just…so happy…”
Ravus is so happy it literally hurts.
This poor creature.
He cried to exhaustion, the poor thing.
He’s impossibly happy, he’s also a bit sad because he doesn’t understand how “after all the terrible actions I did in the past” he “deserves this amounts of happiness and this blessing”, and he’s excited but also a bit scared because he’s going to be a first time dad, and he’s not sure he can handle two girls.
It’s not that he’s scared of not being capable of handling them, it’s that he “doesn’t want to ruin their lives”.
Ravus please you’ll do great just calm down
If you thought him overdramatic by checking on the pregnancy daily, imagine him now that it’s close to the day of birth and that these are TWINS
Omg he read on the net that that’s twice the risks
Ravus, stop reading on the net, it’ll only make you more paranoid
Don’t worry, everything turned out fine when it was the day
Ravus tried to be present during birth but he exited bc he’s so tense and nervous he’s sure he’s going to pass out
But as a dad he’s in debt with the lady that rented him her womb so it’s only right that he stays by her side during the pains and all.
The doctor is sure Ravus passed out at least twice
Nobody can tell because he’s sat on a chair at a side holding the lady’s hand and sometimes he rests the forehead to the bed
At first they thought he was just trying to calm down
Doctor now swears he actually passed out multiple times
Ravus has a poor management of emotions, please comprehend him
When they were born, Ravus refused to hold them because he’s shaking too much
He only looked at them in total shock and when they offered he carried them, he just tried, burst out crying, handed them back and he had to go a long way between crying, exiting for a breath, walking around, crying a bit once more and taking another breath before he was capable of trying again.
Which was good, that gave time for the babies to be with biological mommy (that’s so necessary post birth omg the poor creatures are terrified and need their mom)
Wow I thought I had nothing to say, I’m a deep way into this and the babies are just being born
I hope you’re not bored, anon
Ravus just gives me so many feels, Papa!Ravus skyrockets them.
When he finally held them, he didn’t let go in hours.
He only  let go when the doctor requested it and explained they needed to be looked after just to  make sure it’s all fine.
All the time he held them Ravus was super quiet and he looked between serious and sad, but wasn’t crying anymore.
The next few months, Ravus is switching all his attention (that doesn’t interfere with the most important king duties to attend) between attending the babies and the lady.
Ofc they ain’t married and she’s not gonna be there after she heals, but if she needs recovery that’s bc of pregnancy and she did it so Ravus could have his baby girls,and pregnancy isn’t easy in any moment so he’s in debt with her
That’s a gentleman doing things right, people, attending and being properly grateful
You learn from him
King Noctis sent Ignis and lady Iris his way; Ignis can attend minor royal duties for him and Iris can look after either the babies or the lady.
Not like Ravus doesn’t have his own advisor and attendants, but a little extra help never harms
He’s a king but he’s also a human being being dad for the first time YOU LET HIM TAKE THE CROWN OFF FOR A MOMENT, OKAY!? >:(
Once the lady recovers, he’s dedicated that time for his babies.
You should have seen this man preparing the room for his babies
“BUT WHY IS THIS CRIB SO FAR FROM THE OTHER- you know what never mind get rid of these cribs I WANT A DOUBLE SIZE DONE, these are TWINS, they HAVE to be together, WHAT WAS I THINKING”
“what if they don’t like green”
“what was I thinking this is beautiful but has no emotion”
“Ravus, you’ve painted this five times already”
He still can’t handle his emotions.
But don’t worry this happened long before the babies had to occupy the room so all paint is dry
They stayed there a few hours
then ravus grew paranoid and had their crib be taken to his room
all this effort just so he ended up with them in his room
Ravus is randomly waking up in the middle of the night to check on them, even when they don’t cry
He likes to spend a lot of time just staring at them
Both have his shade of grey on the little locks of hair on their heads
Ravus likes to stare because each time he finds something like a birthmark, the way or direction the hair grows, the shape of eyelashes, little tics, etc
Besides, like in the original post, he’s philosophied so much on the meaning of ‘daughter’ and ‘twins’ that he’s marveled by their presence, and it’s a strange concept and he loves it
Ravus is scared of learning to change diapers
It’s his Magitek arm
He doesn’t want to accidentally hurt neither of them
At first he tried learning with only an arm
He grew frustrated
Look at how adorable of a dad this man is:
Ravus is going to wear a wool glove on his Magitek hand so that it’s soft and warm to the touch for baby girls
He’s grateful for attendants and nannies because having a baby is very time consuming and he has TWO newborns, and he’s in charge of an entire kingdom, but really he wants to learn all that a normal dad and mom learn and spend time with them.
That’s why he’s changing diapers even though in theory he doesn’t even need to
Little girls won’t allow anybody that isn’t Ravus to bathe them.
They’ll complain and cry if somebody tries, and Ravus has to go hold them and do it himself.
Ravus likes to bathe them at the same time, so they spend time together and that way he’s not taking the eyes off neither of them
Baby girls are spending the while together, but really their main focus is given all to Ravus
They’re staring and giggling and making grabby hands at him all the time while he’s bathing them instead of playing together
Ravus isn’t what you call ‘Playful’, so he’s not playing with them; he’s just taking a motherly care of them and worrying
Whenever they make grabby hands at him or seem impatient, Ravus caresses their cheek very tenderly and lovingly, and they either burst giggling or make a baby soundof agreement/pleasure
Ravus is mostly blank faced even now with his kids
Except now it isn’t “I am angry at you, him, her, they, us, it and myself and I hate the world” kind of blank face, but rather “I am calm, a bit worried, quiet”, looking almost sort of naive, even.
Ravus takes his time bathing them.
He’s scared of accidentally hurting or dropping or any accident happening
He’s the silently-paranoid kind of dad
Sometimes baby girls like to splash water on each other; Ravus smiles every time
The babies are a lot like papa, and they aren’t a hyperactive mess, even though they do laugh and giggle and like to play around
When they started crawling, Ravus started crawling with them
He didn’t think about it, he was just sat on the floor with them, and suddenly a baby girl pulled herself on hands and knees and started crawling
Ravus was SO AMAZED
It was like a kid discovering a fairy; he’s all *GASPS* WOAAH .A. and so without thinking he starts crawling after her/at her side, staring as she crawls
Baby girl #2 got inspired by her sister and papa and started crawling too
Please don’t open the door,there’s a .o. faced Ravus crawling after a pair of babies
Ravus likes to put bows on their heads; Baby girl #1 always wears silver ribbons and Baby girl #2 always wears purple ones
Ravus isn’t fan of dressing them the same clothes because he doesn’t want to confuse them
“Why do people do that, anyway? Why do they enjoy suffering finding out ho is who?”
“Ravus, you can identify which girl is which when they’re only in diaper”
“Yes, but what if I see them from afar and can’t tell which is which?”
“Ravus, it’s just cute that they dress the same.”
“It’s ridiculous. Each is an independent and strong baby, each should have her own style.”
“…Ravus they’re seven months old.”
Still, Ravus just doesn’t see the point in dressing them the same
He does, however, enjoy dressing them in something that matches but isn’t the same
Like same design of dress, but different colors
Or one wears Mickey the other is Minnie (can I have Disney in FFXV pls)
Ravus wanted to be the one in charge of teaching them to walk.
The man got extra soft foam mats especifically for this task
If they’re gonna fall, they better land somewhere extra soft
Ravus spends hours just teaching them
He’s incredibly patient, you wouldn’t believe it
Whenenver one of the girls gets to walk some steps, he’ll receive her in arms and cuddle her for some moments, giving encouraging phrases, and then he’ll continue trying so they improve
Even after they master their walking, he’s going to stay there still “teaching them” just for the hugs
The three love them, dammit
Ravus lived a tough military life so he’s not playful, but he tries to have fun with the girls
If they wanna poke him, he’ll let them; if they want to make him laugh, he’ll chuckle; if they want him to chase them, he will..he’s not going to be roaring and making dramatic faces, but he wlil chase after them because he knows they’re having fun
Ravus, his own way, is sort of having fun too
Baby girls are yelping out and giggling when he’s after them
He stays quiet but smiles and chuckles at times
Omg you should see these girls when they think it’s safe, and suddenly Ravus appears by the corner
“AH!!!! AHAHAHHAHAHAHA! o(≧▽≦)o”
Ravus is just there like (˙︶˙)
Baby girls team up to “attack” him
Ravus always let them win
Ravus can hear and sense them when they’re hiding behind something or under something, but he won’t say a thing.
He’ll even get in a vulnerable spot and position on purpose, so that they can jump onto him.
“Oh! Oh no, you have got me! Oh, no, you are so strong, I cannot stand back up. Oh, no. The pain. I surrender; I surrender, my princesses.”
Ravus is a bad actor
But baby girls don’t know that and they’re SUPER PROUD OF THEMSELVES AND THEIR SISTER OMFG THEY WON AGAINST DADDY! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Baby Girl #1 likes to chew on his ear when he’s down there being attacked.
Baby girl #2 likes to smack his back
Baby girls, ever since they were tiny, like to takea cloth and rub on papa’s Magitek arm for some reason
They want it to be SHINY 
Ravus let them
Ravus was very wary of letting them nearby his arm, but he’s picked them up with it, has changed diapers, bathes them, and he figures he’s got no reasons to worry; it’s metal, but it’s his arm, after all, so he controls it and he would never do any harm to his babies
The babies may be quiet like papa, but they’re still incredibly curious
They’re trying to grab everything
Ravus used to be a paranoid mess
He got used very quickly to the girls’ constant attempts of grabbing everything that he’s mastered the technique Catch Them Without Looking
Baby girls trying to take the sword, he’s calmly taking it and putting it away
baby girls are trying to undo the belts of his boots, he’s reaching down to put them away
Baby girl #1 is trying to grab a glass and Baby #2 tries to grab a coin, Ravus keeps talking with Accordo’s first secretary without taking his eyes off her and grabs both babies without moving from his chair.
Baby girls like to play with his hair
Baby girls, when they grow to like 4 or so, start refusing to sleep until Papa goes say goodnight
Baby Girls call him “Dadvus” for quite a long while
Ravus isn’t sure who gave them the idea, but he’ll find them and probably smack and thank them at the same time
Ravus thinks art is very necessary in life, especially as a child, so he’s taking them to so many orchestra concerts and plays and dance performances.
Baby girls love it and always are a mess of clapping and cheering
Baby girls are performing their own dances in their room
Sometimes Ravus joins
Usually he just has to stand there and move the arms a little while baby girls dance around them
Lunafreya says it’s like a daemonic ritual and they’re sacrificing him to the gods
Ravus is also trying to get them into literature
He’s bought so many children book, he could make a library out of them
He does, actually
He gets an unimportant small room of the palace and asks it be turned into a library for his kids
As ages go it turns into the girls’ safe heaven
Every time Ravus knows one of them is sad, he’ll go to the little library and she’ll probably be there
Ravus is the best at comforting
Ravus understands pain very well, so he understands that it’s not about  making them laugh; he’ll sit with them or lie at their side (Girl #2 particularly does lie on the floor when she’s sad) and he’ll just stay in absolute silence all the time
Usually baby girls end up crying and climbing onto him or snuggling at his side
That’s when Ravus hugs and kisses their head, but still says nothing
Curiously, it’s that he never asks what’s wrong and only offers his company what makes the sisters grow confident and trusty enough to tell him without being asked
Ravus likes reading to them when they still don’t know how to
He’ll sit with both on his lap and the book in front of the three, so he reads and teaches them like that
Ravus won’t skip the page if a baby girl insists she reads it until she gets it just fine
Ravus can spend an hour in the same page just to let them stare at the drawings and repeat the same words
(sometimes they get so excited they read an entire sentence they’ll repeat it over and over)
Ravus sits at a side of their bed (the girls still want to share bed) to read them bedtime stories
When they were like 5 they asked him to do it but lie in bed with them
Ravus doesn’t get the point of holding a book above his face , it’s tiring
He’s not complaining just because each twin is snuggled to each of his sides
Sometimes Ravus doesn’t bring a book; he’ll just lie in bed and tell them stories
At first he was telling them stories he had heard or learned or that he remembered (maybe sometimes altering a few facts, bc it may be too explicit)
He soon starts inventing his own stories
Papa Ravus has more than once fallen asleep there telling them stories
The twins’ even breath, so calm and peaceeful, and both so warm snuggled at their sides, it’s very soothing and he just…falls asleep
If King Ravus isn’t in his bed at morning, he’ll be at the girls’
woken up with rainbows and other things drawn on his face
Seems like it’s a genetic thing bc baby girls are showing themselves to be early wakers, except they’re still kids so they wake up even EARLIER than Ravus himself
Thank the gods Ravus always showers before starting the day or he’d have….
….well it DID happen twice or three times, in his lazy days, that he went to have breakfast before showering
He’s got moogles drawn on his face
He’s going through the hallways of the palace greeting everyone, with moogles drawn on his face
Speaking of moogles, the girls love them
It’s from the days Iris spent as temporary helper in the Fleuret palace, and once the babies were crying so much but they weren’t hungry or sleepy or dirty, so the only thing Iris thought about was to give them a moogle plush toy
Ever since then, the girls want EVERYTHING moogle themed
The room is moogle themed; walls and bedsheets and plush toys and their old onesies and their pajamas
Ravus has sworn to Lunafreya he will burn the room as soon as they grow tired of it
“Why do you hate moogles?”
“I don’t have them. But they are obsessed. I’m getting tired of seeing so many moogles.”
Ravus once held a moogle plush in hands and glared at it
“…of course it had to be. My curse, set by an Amicitia. Bloody Amicitias.”
Ravus had to agree once to dressing like a moogle mascot for his kids during winter celebrations
How can anybody say no to those sparkly, huge, beautiful grey eyes?
Ravus is not going to repeat that
He would have, if Lunafreya hadn’t taken photos of him
King Noctis has been sending him moogle memes ever since that day
Speaking of eyes
Each baby girl already claimed one of their father’s eyes
Ohmygod that sounds so creepy 
Baby girl #1 says that the silver eye is hers, and Baby girl #2 says purple one is hers
(see what I did, it’s like the colors of their bows)
The girls aren’t allowed to touch the eye that isn’t their own
Because Ravus lets them touch his eyes
They are obsessed
“They are so pretty, papa, you don’t understand(」°ロ°)」”
Little girls are following Ravus everywhere, in a line, like ducks or chocobos
Ravus is mama hen
He’s going places and the twins walk in a line behind him
Whenever Ravus turns to face them, they’ll just look up at him and smile and say nothing
Ravus won’t question them
Ravus is letting them walk into the Council room and everywhere else except the bathroom
As they grow and Ravus starts attending his king duties with the time they require, baby girls start following him even more
Sometimes when they are “playing” (Ravus still plays in his strange style) and Ravus is called somewhere else, the twins will tackle or throw themselves to him screaming “NOOOOO” and try to stop him
It always worked when they were tiny, they landed on him and he was thrown on the ground helpless, right?
Nope ahahaha
Ravus is standing up with the girls hanging from him and going where he’s needed
There’s king Ravus, with a girl hugged to his back and the other hanging from his magitek arm
They’re biting him
Ravus is so strong and big he can just grab them by the back of their shirt or dress like they’re lion pups and put them down and away
Baby girls are waiting outside the council or throne room, sat in the hallway, arms crossed and refusing to leave until papa comes out
They’ll leave if Ravus, before or during or after his duties, gives them The Stare
It’s not mean or aggresive, it’s just a stare with a slight raise of the eyebrows and a slight tilt of the head that says “Baby girls, this is not right and I ask you to be good, please.”
Baby girls usually understand and stand up and behave really good with the nannies and allow them to walk them back to their room or the little library or the gardens while papa does his stuff
Ravus was put through such a harsh training and education when he was taken by Niflheim that he’s grown very wary and a bit terrified of nagging, and that’s why he sounds so soft with his girls
As in, he doesn’t like raising his voice at them or frowning or nagging them as normal
He’s trying to raise them in a way so that he can have soft but firm conversations and interactions with them so they don’t grow too pampered but also so he doesn’t have to raise his voice at them or anything
He’s just….so affected after Niflheim, that when he raises the voice just a notch at them and he sees their big and innocent eyes, he feels like he’s torturing them or something and he doesn’t want to be the bad guy :(
Ravus is raising them the “let’s express our feelings” way
“Clean your room, please” instead of “Look at this disaster”, “It’s time we go; say goodbye” instead of “how long are you going to make me wait?”, “Do not leave my side, okay?” instead of “where do you think you’re going?”, “Listen to me, please” instead of “I’m talking to you”, etc.
You thought Lunafreya could make a big change in his personality?
Pfft. She ain’t gotten nothing compared to his daughters.
The girls like to cling from his legs
There goes king Ravus through the hallways of the palace, with a girl hugged to each of his legs
Ravus is very strong and they weight nothing, so sometimes he literally forgets he’s got these pair hugged to his legs
He once walked into an important reunion with Niflheim’s Chancellor (a good one now that everything is peace, fight me) forgetting the girls were clinging to his legs
Remember how Ravus is grateful for nannies and such but wants to learn all that other dads and moms learn too?
Ravus asked Lunafreya to teach him to braid hair
The girls behave a lot like fairy tale princesses so they like to wear pretty hairstyles, and Lunafreya’s attendants or Luna herself always comb their hair as they want
Well Ravus wants to do it too
It feels important
Ravus was actually very slow at learning
It was already rather difficult on him, a Magitek hand isn’t much help
Ravus is practicing with a wig, and the hair sometimes gets stuck between the articulations of his metal arm
The poor thing isn’t giving up
He wants to be able to do this for his daughters
Ravus is going to practice every single day :’)
It took five months  before Ravus dared try on Lunafreya
Ravus is the slowest person to braid hair
He’s still scared of causing any harm and he’s nervous, so he’s doing it very slow
Luna’s neck and back hurt after sitting wtill and tense for so long but she’ll say nothing on it
Ravus has self-esteem but after Niflheim it’s incredibly fragile, so he needs this confidence
It takes him another 5 months of practicing with Lunafreya before he dares try with his daughters
King Ravus is always late to his duties from then on
“What were you occupied with, your Majesty?”
“My daughters wanted a double braid.”
His daughters are more important than his kingdom most days FIGHT HIM
During royal balls, Ravus will always ask his daughters for a dance
He carries both and dances with both at the same time a song, and then he’s dancing with each one individually
It’s super adorable
He does that ever since they were babies and couldn’t even speak yet
When they were babies, Ravus would carry them and dance himself
When they grow and can walk no troubles, it’s even more adorable because Ravus has to bend down (unless the girls ask him to pick them up)
Giant Ravus bent down and reaching the hands down so baby girl can take them and they can dance
Ravus was very moody when they started going to school outside the palace
“How can you all trust your child’s education to absolute strangers?”
Ravus, that’s….that’s your Tenebraean people, you should trust these teachers
Ravus never had anything against school until his daughters started going
Don’t worry he’ll grow used to it
Ravus is secretly sending undercover guards to make sure the girls make it safe to school and back
Like they don’t already have the man that picks them up
Ravus has tried going himself but #KingDuties
“Fuck being a king ヽ(`⌒´メ)ノ“
“RAVUS! Language D:”
“…gently fuck being a king.”
Don’t worry he doesn’t really hate it, he just gets moody lapses
Little girls still enjoy wearing their bows
Ravus now can braid their hair and decorate it with bows
He actually enjoys doing that
It’s very relaxing and he spends time with his daughters, so
He’s fan number 1 of braiding their hair
He lets them braid his hair
He’s letting them put bows on it, too
Whenever he’s in front of the media, Ravus is going to ask each of his daughters if she wants to stay 
All the flashes, so many people, and all that noise can be overwhelming, so he’s not forcing them to stay if they don’t wanna
(I stole that from Britney Spears,omg, that’s a good mother)
Ravus is going to watch all the kid movies that the girls want to watch
Ravus will agree to dressing as the prince or hero of the movie for them
King Ravus is enemy number one to King Noctis on the social sites of internet during Night of All Saints (All Hallow’s Evening equivalent of Eos that I just impprovised); who’s got the best costumes, the Lucian king and his companions, or king Ravus, his sister and the little girls?
It’s almost always a draw
The girls behave like fairy tale princesses
Fairy tale princesses that love playing in mud
Some of Ravus’ clothes have had to be thrown because the girls always rush to hug him when they see him and sometimes they’re covered in so much mud, Ravus’ usual white clothing gets eternally stained
The only thing Ravus isn’t willing to do is cut their nails
He gets very nervous
Perhaps it’s a subconscious reminder; Niflheim gadgets, torture tools, all the weapons he saw, etc., so it just makes him very nervous to get something that he knows works to cut nearby his daughters
Ravus and his liking for art and how important he considers it to be lead him to teach music to his daughters
Except it’s been so long since he last had any music lessons himself
Niflheim and a war got in the way so
He’s re-learning with them
Ravus used to play cello, but he hates the sounds he’s making now due to his metal arm on the strings and the different sound it cause
So he’sp icking up flute
Metal against metal too makes sound, but what maters is what comes out of the air not the fingers
this isn’t an excuse for flute player moon raccoon to force flute onto one of its fave characters
Twin girls are picking Viola and Cello duo
Twin girls team up to still attack Ravus
Ravus now is showing “resistance”
Really he’s not fighting, just catching them beforre they land on him
Ravus will teach the girls into self-defense arts and the use of rapiers
Twin girls are going to grow becoming AMAZING fighters
Another thing similar to original post happens:
“Papa, can we get our own Magitek arm when we grow up, too? (ノ*°▽°*)“
“〣( ºΔº )〣  BUT WHY \(º □ º l|l)/“
On their ninth birthday, Lunafreya gifted the twins one of those necklaces that splits in three parts.
The twins didn’t even need to ask, they ran to go gift the third part to Ravus
Ravus expressed later on to Luna that he would have wished it had been four parts because “you’re my family too, and theirs.”
Lunafreya explained that she knows and that nothing can change that, but there’s something very particular and special in the father-to-daughters bond, she wanted them to have something that’s only theirs
Ravus is going to wear it, along Lunafreya’s childhood moon necklace, every single day until the very same day that he dies
Ravus likes to sit at the gardens at night with both his daughters just to talk about anything and everything
He likes sitting among the flowers, not on benches
The three also enjoy of the silence of the gardens.
No matter how busy he is, Ravus will always go say bye and wish his daughters a good day at school before they have to leave
No matter how busy he is, Ravus will always go wish them goodnight
If Ravus can, he will move appointments or duties to later in the evening just so he can have lunch with the girls
Ravus will allow the kids to “camp” at the gardens
He’s also secretly placing a guard for the night to watch on them
“Papa, we want a chocobo :)”
Ravus wil get the damn chocobo no matter if he has to go to Lucis himself
Ravus will ‘scare’ the kids that he thinks are mean to his daughters
Really he just needs to stand there and frown a bit to said kids for them to run away
There’s not another kind of kiss that Ravus loves more than forehead kisses for his daughters
Each morning, each  night, he’ll kiss each their foreheads
He also likes to caress their hair as he does, or when they’re asleep
Even when they’re grown and in separate beds, Ravus sometimes still wakes up in the middle of the night to go check on them
He always tucks them in if they’re uncovered, and give a kiss to their heads
His girls are truly a blessing to him, he still can’t understand how he deserves this happiness and these precious girls, so he may be a bit overprotective and a bit “exaggerated” about loving them.
Ravus sometimes gets poetic with them about it
He has expressed to them about how he “loves them so much, I get frustrated because all the years of my life will not be enough to demonstrate it as you deserve, but if this is the only life I have got to do it, I will dedicate it entirely to you.”
He doesn’t mean that he’s going to gift them every second of his existance, just that everything he does will be done dedicated to them, thinking about them
Which, as consequence, drives Ravus to become a much better person of himself each day, and helps him to be the best version of himself :)
Aaah! Now that was quite a post! ( ´ ▽ ` )
I hope you liked it anon, I put lots of love and time in here so I hope some of that love is visible in there ♡ ~(‘▽^人)
Tell me if you liked it? ヽ(・∀・)ノ
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dontmindmedear · 7 years
Tattoo Artist Mattsun, Aka BigBro Issei-nii
Background: Mattsun's mother got pregnant with him very early so he grew up without a father and under poor circumstances. He stays away from the local gangs but isn't really an outsider either, like he doesn't do hard drugs, but he does meet with friends to smoke or do bullshit, while working part time to help his mother or simply to get a new tattoo. He and his best friend, Makki, even visit the tattoo parlor often just to look at the designs and the art or to watch them work. When the tattoo artists see his sketchbooks they are impressed and once they reach a certain age, the artists take them under their wing and teach them (Mattsun tattoos, Makki piercings). Mattsun and Makki dream about having their own shop one day. Meanwhile, Mattsun’s mother works very hard for them both. She’s a bitter woman, lost in her own world, often leaving Mattsun to care for himself as she goes throwing out the bit money they somehow managed to save (Mattsun keeps his own stash without her knowledge to save for when they really need it bc the refrigerator broke or sth). When she has a new boyfriend she often disappears for days or weeks. One day, roughly around the time before Mattsun's talent is revealed, his mother leaves him completely as she's about to marry someone who doesn't know of Issei and she refuses to lose another opportunity life gave her bc Mattsun is in her way. Of course Mattsun is heartbroken, even if he doesn't show it in public, having mastered his poker face long ago, but Makki knows him so he fakes an accident leading to Mattsun’s art book being exposed to the tattoo artists and their new life begins.
Actual Plot:
Years later, Mattsun thinks he had left his old life behind him, he received a letter. He's notified of his mother's and her husbands death in a car accident. He didn't want to go at first but Makki urges him, to bring an end to his past. As it was revealed to him at the funeral, he has a little (half) brother. Mattsun has no interest in him. Until he sees how lonely the boy is. Apparently even the years with a man hasn't taught his mother to be a better mom and her husband's family, especially after it was revealed she already had a son, saw in her nothing but a whore and thus refused to accept the little boy as one of their own. Mattsun tells himself he's got nothing to do with the boy, he's just there to bring an end to his past life and let the ghosts come to rest, but as he sees how the adults are fighting, how they try to make each other accept the boy into their family, nobody willed to volunteer, but nobody wanting to be the ones to bring him to an orphanage either, while the boy is cowering in on himself, not really curled into a ball, not really crying, but with clear tears in his eyes and his knees bend, shaking hands gripping his shirt tightly as he refuses to be seen in tears, not wanting to be seen as a bother, sth in Mattsun snaps. He walks over to the boy and says "Hey little guy, I’m Issei. My home is nothing like the one you lived in till now, but if you want to, you can come with me." All discussing stops as Tooru stares in shock at the to him unknown man. When he registers the words, his body shakes violently, a sob escaping him and he nods before throwing himself into Mattsun’s open arms, sobbing into his shoulder. Mattsun murmurs sth about this being his only suit but doesn't complain anymore as he walks over to the notar to ask which papers he has to fill out. As he and the person leave the room with Tooru, Mattsun doesn't look back at the people watching him
Makki is very amused when he finds out Mattsun "inherited a child".
Tooru is afraid of him at first, bc of the piercings and other body art (Mattsun's are hidden under clothes, mostly, or are too pretty for Tooru to be scared of), but seeing him interact with Mattsun and Mattsun smiling with him and their shared love for sweets soon win him over
Mattsun has trouble to stop smoking, but he doesn't want to endanger the small boy, so he smokes outside while he's asleep or at an open window. One day, Tooru wants to try it too, but Mattsun says no, he's too young. Tooru throws a tantrum, saying he wants to be like Mattsun and Mattsun explains to him that he could get very sick when he does it, it's dangerous and it makes your skin wrinkly and you smell. Tooru is silent then, a bad sign for Mattsun he realises,  as he soon after sees the wobbling lip and the thick tears in his eyes. Before Mattsun has a chance to make up for his words, Tooru cries in his lap, shouting he doesn't want Mattsun to die too. Mattsun needs a moment to comprehend, then he feels super guilty and promises to never do it again. (He keeps to it most of the time unless he's under super-duper stress and Tooru’s nowhere in sight) Makki jokes about it, but doesn't urge Mattsun to break it, even joining in on the new “no smoking in front of Tooru rule”.
Since he doesn't have a babysitter, he takes Tooru with him to the tattoo parlor.
Seeing Mattsun draw all day, invokes interest in Tooru and he starts drawing too. The first time he draws the three of them together, with the word ‘FAMILY’ written above, Mattsun decides to have it tattooed on his calf.
While at Mattsun’s working place, when it gets too hard for Mattsun to watch him, their new guys/apprentices/assistants Yahaba and Watari watch over Tooru and play with him. They often joke about being taught how to be kindergarten teachers rather than tattoo artists.
When Mattsun is at home and works on his drawings, he listens to rock and heavy metal. After a long day shortly after adopting Tooru he forgot to turn down the music (he can’t use headphones bc then he won’t hear Tooru when he has nightmares or calls for him and he doesn’t want to scare Tooru like that; again), waking Tooru up. Tooru cries and Mattsun is unable to leave his side without him whimpering again so he takes him with him into his attic, put the music on low sound and arranged Tooru in his lap before going back to working. Growing used to this after a while, Tooru often awakens in the middle of the night only to stumble into Mattsun’s working space half asleep to curl into his lap or on the couch, going back to sleep with the quiet rock music as his lullaby.
Mattsun has a dragon that stretches along his shoulder blade and down his arm, entangled by vines and leaves with morning dew sparkling on it, but bc the vines are very fine, you won't see them from afar, only the purple head with green eyes on his shoulders, claws and tail and his arm and the curled wings on his back.
His arm opposite of the dragon tattoo is covered in a ‘sleeve tattoo’ made of black ink. Several geometric figures are interwoven with flowers (which Tooru likes to color when Mattsun is in deep concentration or napping) and beings from fairytale thrown into the mix, creating intricate patterns. (Tooru can spend hours admiring the patterns or following them with his fingers or making up stories concerning them, while Mattsun is napping.)
(Tooru’s first tattoo when he turns 16 is a turquoise chibi dragon with a creampuff in its claws, on his shoulder blade, and large shiny emerald eyes. He and Mattsun spend weeks on the initial drawing (on paper) as Tooru wants it to be absolutely perfect)
Possible Plot twist:
One day a nephew of Tooru s father comes over asking if Mattsun would agree to let Tooru take part in a test to determine his blood relation to his “father” since a positive result would make him the main heir (their family is a bunch of dicks and he feels guilty about leaving Tooru behind without anything to festen his memory of his parents. A previous paternity test seemed like too much of a shame for the family to do, especially since they already agreed that the test would surely turn out negative) Mattsun hesitates but eventually agrees for Tooru’s sake, bc it's the best if he's aware of his circumstances. As the test of paternity turns out positive, the whole distribution of inheritance is changed and suddenly they are in front of a jury to judge whether Mattsun is a reliable caretaker for Tooru.
Mattsun starts smoking again as he doesn't have the means to finance a lawyer, especially since he barely is capable of paying for Tooru’s elementary school fees. He's in a situation where he's forced to consider losing Tooru a reality and he's shocked by how much the small boy has grown on him. “Tooru is the one thing my mother managed to do right… Well, I'm still not entirely sure if it's correct to say ‘thanks to her’, but without her Tooru wouldn't be with us now. And, as crazy as it sounds, I'm grateful for that.” Rescue they find in Tooru’s cousin. Having been living abroad for several years, and therefore having been unable to make it to the funeral, he has surprising influence and connections. He works as an advisor for companies in law matters and helps Mattsun out. He pays the lawyer bills for him and on court only speaks well of him. They win the case under the restriction that the cousin and Mattsun share the ownership of a bank account where the money is being put in for Tooru to access once he isn't a minor anymore. Till then the two older boys may use the money for Tooru’s sake under the obligation that both sign with their signature before each transaction to make sure the transaction happened in mutual agreement and for Tooru’s sake. Also, the cousin will visit them once once in a while to check in on Tooru since Tooru will stay with Mattsun, someone with unreliable background. They both agree and Mattsun can take Tooru home.
Once the case is won, the cousin doesn't just give Mattsun his number (for ‘emergencies *winkwink*) but he even gives him the money for a new apartment (giving them both their own bedrooms, finally) and the starting capital for Makki and Mattsun to start their own shop. (Under the restriction that he will be their first customer and a silent investor). Mattsun tries to refuse all of those things, feels like he's been given too much already, but the cousin only replies “it's not for you, stupid. It's for Tooru, for his future. I want my cousin to grow up well. See it as an investment into future profit.” Another wink and while Mattsun still tries to talk him out of it there's nothing he can say for the other to give in. “If you feel so bad about it then just work to your best abilities and earn the money to pay me back.” another wink and eventually Mattsun can't help but smile at the man’s antics. “Also, invite me to dinner for Xmas and Tooru’s birthday parties. I want to be a part of my investment’s life.”
(The cousin is Tooru’s official caretaker but he let's Tooru stay with Mattsun, as some kind of life-together babysitter so to speak, and he could have simply taken the money that comes with that role, but he didn't. He himself is a closet gay man too and has not much hope of adopting someone, ever, but he still wants some kind of insurance that his property won't fall into his family's greedy hands)
Ships and plot are all up for interpretation and changeable.
I wanted to put Iwa in but I couldn’t decide how or in which position.
The ‘Plot Twist’ was my idea of entering some angst but can be left out or changed if wanted.
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awellboiledicicle · 7 years
I had a Fallout 4 dream last night.
I was the sole survivor, as I usually am when i dream about being in that game, but I had appearantly been signed up for... some form of testing.  To keep my family fed.  Because Nate, my Nate, was injured in a battle up around Anchorage. Not the battle of Anchorage, not something big that would have gotten a medal-- though the purple heart sat on the dresser-- but a smaller one involving personnel carriers and stealth battalians and a strain of the plague that the government swore he’d been cleared of. He still coughed at night and I tried to ignore the same sort of coughing coming from Shaun, even though the doctors said he was fine. Nate couldn’t work, though, and even if he could-- there was nowhere to work.  My job at the law firm was secretarial and barely necessary-- my degree got me there by the skin of my teeth, but everything from bread to house payments was expensive. Even with his pay and oh lord was everything up in price from either inflation or scarcity. The rations and... pre-war was a mess. But the testing, the letter was detailed: a company commissioned by the military was going to need civilian test subjects for a series of tests and volunteers would be paid well. I was chosen because of my medical history and my name being in the military files. I should have smelled something off there, but we were desperate; even cutting out all the chems we’d been using to keep ourselves together wasn’t making ends meet enough for Shaun and we knew it. So i went.
They didn’t do too much, I thought, past making me very durable.  In the way that Wolverine is very durable or Deadpool is particularly persistent about healing. I was never willing to test if i was on that sort of level, but that was the idea of it. Sunlight made it better-- nothing they did to me lasted to the end of the day, and bones never broke. And i came home with enough money to feed everyone. I only told Nate i had found a second job, and he took to being more of a Mr. Mom than usual-- though i think he was saddened i refused to say what it was.  I think he may have died under the impression i was being unfaithful. I had that thought a lot.
By the time we went into the vault, I was probably horrifying internally. We had started on what would fit in the “Ghoulish” and “Rad Resistant” perk stack-- radiation absorption and use. I felt sick a good deal of the time at first, and then processed it. The day the bombs dropped i wondered if it was because the enemy had found out we’d gotten far enough in our research that vulnerability could be treated out.  “The Enemy”. It was silly, then, to imagine there were sides to the Great War. There were just bombs and humanity. Death and the poor creatures trying not to die. But i had been raised in a hailstorm of propaganda and demanded devotion to the American Way and i had been devoting my body and health to improving.. well, i assumed my research would go to our soldiers. People like my Nate.  Silly. We ran to the vault, and i swear I almost outpaced them. I almost left them behind-- if only because of fear and adrenaline covering my awareness. I hung back and made sure they were there and then i swear I almost steam rolled a man in full power armor. I didn’t care, we needed in. We got in, but i was determined and i was scared and we needed to move.  The clouds were brighter than they taught us they’d be in school. The wind was hotter too. I could smell burning atmosphere.  My eyes burned with the image of a mushroom cloud all the way inside the vault. The cloud stayed as we changed and got into the chambers. It outlined Nate and Shaun as the doors froze over. It faded only because of the decades passed in near darkness, frozen, before I saw Kellog kill my husband and take my child. I punched the door and left a dent.  The last light of it was gone as i eventually slumped to the floor.
Things were very awkward in the commonwealth for me.  I was mostly angry.  I went wandering from Sanctuary, found Dogmeat and took the killed molerats to the Abernathy’s farm and traded them for a place to stay and felt their pain for their lost daughter. I figured the station was on the way to Concord, and i was still fantastically angry some bald motherfucker stole my child and killed my husband, so ok. So, I killed the raiders. With a knife.  I heard shots echoing from Concord as i was walking the road back, and Dogmeat barked, so I went that way and saw more raiders. I only noticed the laser after I had stabbed them all. Well, all i could find.  I only half heard Preston telling me to get the musket, i was already heading inside. I... was very angry for a while. Very angry.  By the time i reached them, i was covered in blood and tired, but wondering if they were ok. They were understandably worried. I calmed their fears with molerat steaks. Dogmeat helped more than the food.
I got them to Sanctuary eventually, setting up trade with the Abernathy’s and getting things settled. The only problem was i tended to get very vigorously upset when my past was brought up.  Mama Murphey was standing outside my house in Sanctuary and started doing her sight talk and i lit it on fire with the flare gun and yelled for her to stop. I patently refused to be known.  Preston understood, i think, to the point of me being uncomfortable. There was evidence of people living there and having been killed in a stand off, so he and the others put it down to Mama Murphey pressing me about being a survivor of this.  I did help them rebuild and there was a good community, i just.. needed my space. So i ended up slowly making a whole new house on the burned foundation of my old one. Just, adding and adding and adding. No one bothering me as i wandered.  I took to scrapping in the area and selling said things to Carla as she came by, but eventually there were too many people. So i took to looking around.
I ended up-- there was a gap in the dream-- being hired by someone from Bunker Hill to go through the ruins and find niche old world shit. Because collectors like old shit and i had appearantly, an eye for it. My collecting was also bankrolling the minute men coming back because i was making Preston do it-- i told him if i had to, i would tell someone to get fucked at least 5 times because i have the patience of a radstag and that isn’t a leader thing-- but i was paying for the guns and ammo.  So my job was crawling around boston. So i went looking for someone to go around with me and I ended up in goodneighbor and that one guy, What’shisfuck, tried to extort me and i just. Stared at him before trying to walk past because i had shit to do and he tried to fight me and i punched him in the dick. Like, literally just, right to the dick.  And it killed him. I just stood there till Hancock came up and i just.  “You know, usually i have to stab people.” “Same, actually. Damn.”
So, aside that.
I get me my merc, aka Maccreedy because that’s who you need obviously when you’re going to be climbing things. The guy who can’t climb for shit. But like, because i tended to have these rather explosive “DON’T” reactions or otherwise i did reckless shit because i literally would survive it he got so pissed at me so much. Like we got along, and he liked working for me because i’d give him guns and money and made sure he was ok, i just did stupid shit.
Like “do not rush tHE SUPER MUTANTS-- BOSS FF NO” “THAT IS A BEHEMOTH” Or it’d be like 3am and we’re ass deep in ghoul infested ruins and i’ll just suggest we sleep in one area that’s only accessible by a tiny ledge that we got to through teamwork and a prayer and like OK IT’S TECHNICALLY SAFE but he’s not gonna do it. bc he’s him, but he’s not shared shit with me bc i don’t share shit with him. So its “i’m not sleeping in ghoul hell” “idk its got carpet and a pillow” “no” “safe tho” “no”
Well till we’d been working together about like 6 months and he started getting REALLY fidgety after getting letters at Daisy’s in Goodneighbor and like, we’d already dealt with the Gunners. Gunners was a cut an dry business discussion of ‘these guys are dicks lets kill them’.  Then we’re sitting in the Third Rail’s back room, thinking on the next buildings to go over and he’s like “So, btw” “what” “I have a.. i didn’t tell you but i have a kid” “you have a WHAT? WHERE” “In the Capitol Wasteland.” That whole convo but a lot more intense because i got about 4 inches from this man like ‘explain’ and then hugged the life out of him. Immediately. And got my shit together and told him to do the same so we could get going and he was surprised i was so hype and i went “yes? Child, in danger. let’s go”
It got fuzzy after doing his mission but like...... the only companion aside Codsworth to know my story in this dream was Mac because after we got Duncan the cure, Mac made the comment about bringing him North to one of the settlements up here since I was running them, i just didn’t talk to people personally. And i did so very well, i just wasn’t people focused. And I got really emotional at him and started crying and he asked what was wrong and i said i couldn’t be trusted to keep a kid safe and he asked what i meant and i like told him everything and like his whole response was “Damn”.
But like to everyone else in the Commonwealth i was this rather badass community planner/scavver that got into things and stabbed stuff because they were REALLY HARD TO KILL, but to Mac i was friendly neighborhood mom that was just really afraid someone would give me responsibility over someone i might let get hurt.
it was an interesting dream
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feeltripping · 7 years
Clarkcest and 20?? bc aaaangsts?
things you said I wasn’t meant to hear
clarkcest (incest tw) under the cut
Alicia is five and she can’t sleep because the tree outside her window creaks its branches against the glass and she just heard a story at preschool about witches long claw fingernails scratching their way into little girl’s bedroom in the middle of the night. 
She’s got her bear in one hand and the thumb of the other in her mouth against her tongue and she’s wearing the fluff socks her father gave her for Christmas so her feet don’t make noise against the hardwood floors and she todders down the hall towards her parents bedroom, the light glowing beneath the crack of the closed door. She stops outside it and looks up at the doorknob. 
it’s what the doctors say we should do, maddie.
Alicia reaches up for the handle, going on her tiptoes.
she’s fine. nick tested high intelligence, why--
She drops her bear and squeaks in apology, scooping him up and dusting him off, spit wet thumb matting his fuzz down. 
nick has nothing to do with this--
She kisses his bead nose and his plastic button eyes and tucks him up safe under her arm. 
attachment disorder--
She sucks at her thumb until the bear taste has faded and then wipes it off on the leg of her jammies, clumsy and not all the way clean when she stops. She thinks vaguely of the witch again and is reminded of her mother’s fingernails, the sheen of them and how they bite when they grip her tiny wrist.
--swear, it’s like you really love her less.
“Licia,” Nick whispers from behind her. She turns with a chubby grin and lifts her arms. He kneels down and his ear to the door and his face does something funny before he lifts her up and tucks her against his chest. “C’mon Leesh. You don’t need this.”
She snuggles under his sheets and he kisses her forehead and adjusts her bear against her side and he keeps her warm and safe until the sun’s up too high for the witch to catch her.
Alicia goes to her DARE class with her pigtails and her gel pens and her purple glitter notebook with the tiny lock and the flimsy aluminum key and takes notes on what the powerpoint says while her classmates chew gum and blow bubbles and pass notes, because she’s practicing for Berkeley; Nicky already bought her the pennant.
They show pictures on the projector and Alicia tries to draw them in her notes. Nick bought her a piggybank for christmas and she’s saving for a camera--it’ll be so much easier to take pictures of the presentations instead of drawing the image slides by hand. They put up another picture and say it’s a pipe and that smoking is bad and then start talking about lungs and nicotine and cancer but her fingers are frozen on her pen.
She goes home and walks through the whole house, opening the closets and the cabinets and even the laundry machines to make sure she’s alone before she goes into Nick’s room and crawls under his bed to find the little black case. She opens it and sees the pipe, just like on the slide, and sits on the edge of the bed and cries without quite knowing why. 
She falls asleep curled up into a ball with her face pressed into his pillow, and wakes when she hears the front door open shut.
just let me grab my stash--don’t eat those, that’s for my sister’s lunch. 
she’s just managed to sit up when he comes in and stops short at the sight of her, before his eyes drop to her lap and his face goes tight and furious. she looks down and freezes, his case in her hands, open and the hint of curved glass. he advances on her before she can protest and snatches it away and shoves her back with a hand to her shoulder--surprised, she flops back onto the bed and struggles back upright. “Nicky--”
“This is mine,” he says, grabbing her by the front of her shirt and dragging her to her feet. “You can’t just come in here and take my stuff, Alicia!”
Alicia struggles not to cry. She’s never seen him like this, not even when she reached up to the stove and burned her hand because she wanted mac and cheese and didn’t wait for him to fix her a bowl and he shouted at her until she sobbed and crawled under her bed and refused to come out even though he brought ice cream and apologized until his voice went out. She yelps when he shakes her, her teeth clicking together painfully. “I’m sorry,” she says, half bewildered and almost scared, “I didn’t mean--”
He shoves her away again and she falls to the floor, scrambling to keep her feet under her as he grabs her jacket, catching some of her hair in his grip, and drags her out to push her back into the hall. “If you ever,” he threatens, “touch this again--” he stops. Looks at her sprawled out on the carpet with her fresh rug burn knees and her big wet eyes and betrayed hitch breathing. He reaches out again and stops when she flinches. “It could hurt you,” he says, picking her up gently and curling his arms around her when she burrows into him, hurt and confused and missing him so sharply even though he’s pressed all against her. “Promise me?”
“Okay,” she promises. She stays there, frozen, while he walks back out and greets his friend, heading for the door. 
let’s go---no one, just my stupid kid sister
Alicia packs her backpack. First aid kit and the emergency satellite radio with fresh batteries and three bottles of water, anti-vomiting syrup and vitamin bottles and over the counter painkillers. She takes the boxcutter from the garage and tucks it into her hoodie pocket where she can curl her fingers around the metal handle and rest her thumb on the plastic slider that presses the blade out. 
She finds him in the third place she checks. It’s a house like any other and she thinks sometimes the movies really get it wrong as she smiles her way past the middle aged couple who answers the door and pretends she’s there for the party in the back guesthouse. She asks around and heads upstairs and hears him, behind a closed door to her left.
--just until my sister’s eighteen. then i’m out of here, forever. and im never coming back.
Alicia goes home. She walks the whole way and there’s a dull ache in the balls of her feet where she wore her converse down to thin rubber. she flips her lock and throws the backpack across the room and shatters every last one of the porcelain horses her father bought to decorate her dresser and walks on the shards until she leaves bloody footprints down the hall to the kitchen. Her mother keeps vodka in the freezer and she drinks it out by the pool with the chlorine sting a good excuse for her tears.
Alicia is cutting class because why the fuck not, her attendance is nearly perfect anyway. she goes home and sees a car she doesn’t know parked on the curb outside. it’s a shitty honda and there’s a roach in the cup tray between the seats and she sighs as she unlocks the door. there’s vomit in the kitchen sink, all liquid, and she can hear a girl giggling down the hall.
nicks heavy breathing and the creak of the mattress and a girl moaning like alicia’s only ever heard in the porn she watched with her blanket over her head and her earphones turned way down low and she’s frozen outside his door, hand outstretched for the knob.
yes plea-se nicky
her lip curls up. she snarls, soundless, and is one second from turning to stomp away and slam her door real loud and hope they think it’s madison come home early--
licia. licia, god, leeshy
The boat rocks her to sleep and everything is still sort of awful but it’s been awful for so long it’s more of a background feeling than anything that affects her mood. She’s mostly clean and the ocean is calm and she loves the sky spread overhead and she doesn’t even mind waking up every so often to listen to the wood creak and the waves lap against the hull.
she swims up from sleep into a vaguely drowsy half-consciousness and she smells him before she realizes he’s bent over her. end of the world and blood and tepid recycled ocean water and none of their soaps from home and she still knows him instantly. he touches her wrist and tucks the blanket up around her chin and kisses her temple, barely there. his voice is hoarse and broken and she wonders vaguely when the last time it was that he was clean this long. 
i’m sorry. i love you leesh. but i can’t stay.
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izthecannibal · 7 years
Take Over For Me - G-Eazy x TWD Imagine
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
request: Okay so Ive had this in the back of my head for the longest time and I just wanted to share it with you BC I love you: so imagine if Negan had a son (like Geazy the rapper BC THEY TOTALLY LOOK A LIKE) and like you and him fell in love but can't be together BC you both are on opposite sides.. I'm so conflicted and convinced that Geazy is Megan's son or Neagn is old geazy LOLOLOL
a/n: i’ve never listened to geazy in my entire life so everything in this is based on what i read on wikipedia and that his name is gerald via @girlygreenie lmao (also i lowkey didn’t follow the prompt but whatever)
let me know what you think! my messages and inbox are always open, and i respond to everything :-)
word count: 1908
tagged users: @deeindarkwonderland 
Your teeth chattered as cold sweat dripped down your forehead. You would have wiped it on your sleeve if your hands weren’t bound behind your back, attached to the cold metal chair you were placed on. Your damp hair hung in front of your face, blocking your view of the man walking in the swinging door. The light shining in from outside of your small cell blinded your eyes, and you looked down immediately, squeezing your eyelids closed. Negan crouched down so his face was level with yours and smirked knowingly. 
“You’re scared,” he said. He stood up again, pacing slowly in circles around your chair. You kept your eyes focused on the ground beneath you, fearing that you would cry if you had to look Negan in the eye. 
Abraham’s skull split with a crack. You shuddered and dropped your head into the palms of your hands, grinding your teeth against each other as Negan chuckled, soaking in the pain he was inflicting on your friend. Tears welled in your eyes and spilled out in waves. 
You kept your head down, focusing on slowing your breaths. Your hyperrealistic awareness of everything happening around you was alarming. Your eyes darted from side to side, and your breathing began to quicken as you heard a second skull shatter at the will of Lucille. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to look up. Your mind raced with the possible victims Negan could have chosen. You imagined the excruciating pain shooting through their body and pounding through their head. 
“Hey, kid, look at me,” Negan whispered, delicately grabbing your chin and tilting your head to meet his eyes with yours. He stood back, dangling the bloodied Lucille in front of your face like it was a hypnosis clock. He swung the bat back and flicked it in your direction, splattering the blood of Abraham and his second victim across your face and shirt. “That’s what you get for not paying attention to the show.”
You let out a wail, tugging at the roots of your hair as your torso fell onto your knees in front of you. Your tears surpassed your breaths, therefore catching in the back of your throat. 
“Get her up. I want her in a cell at the Sanctuary.”
“You don’t scare me,” you whispered, scowling at him. 
“Holy shit!” Negan exclaimed. “She speaks! It’s a god damn miracle.” He sauntered slowly in circles around you, and continued. “I like you. Know why?”
You remained silent, refusing to break the silence his voice’s absence had created. The sound of footsteps echoed through the halls, and a slim shadow walked past the opening of the door. The man, who resembled your captor, slowed his pace, peeking into your cell. You caught yourself staring at him, using his presence as an excuse to avoid eye contact with Negan. 
“I like you because you’re scared as shit--it’s obvious--but you’re acting like a real badass. I saw you when I scrambled the Asian’s brains. You were a fucking wreck! But now, I wouldn’t mess with you,” he rambled, leaning down and bringing his hand to your face, “especially with all that blood on ya’.” Negan’s fingertips trailed from your forehead to your cheek. His hand then drew away, showing you the smeared blood of your friends. 
Asian brains. Glenn. Negan had killed Glenn. Or was he just trying to screw with you? You couldn’t imagine your life without Glenn, and you sure as hell couldn’t imagine Maggies--or their child’s. 
“Hey, Dad?” the man asked, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. “Sorry for interrupting... this,” he paused, quirking his eyebrows questioningly, “but Dwight wants to ask you something.” 
“Sure, kid,” Negan said calmly, a new persona taking over him. In the presence of his son, he became a completely different person. “Take over for me. Yeah? This one’s feisty. I’d be careful if I were you.”
Negan left you with his son in your small cell, and a wave of terror rolled over you. Sure, Negan was scary, but you knew what he was capable of. The unknown was really what you feared more than anything. 
“Hey, I’m Gerald,” he said, walking behind you. He crouched behind you and began loosening the ropes binding your wrists together. 
“What the hell are you doing?” you bluntly asked. He could have been trying to test you; seeing if you would escape if given the chance. 
“I’m gonna let you out...” he replied, as if it was obvious. “Don’t worry. I’ve done this a few times. If he really thought you were a threat, he wouldn’t have left you with me.”
Your eyebrows furrowed curiously as you debated if you were going to trust him or not. Your wrists fell sloppily to the ground, and you decided that you would take the chance. It’s not like it could really get any worse. You were already in the hands of Negan, after all, and death wasn’t something you feared. You used your newly free hands to push your hair out of your face and rolled your ankles. 
“Thanks,” you muttered, uncomfortably adjusting your clothes. You felt the need to wait for him, and he smirked at you. 
“You wanna stay?” Gerald asked jokingly with a chuckle. “Be my guest. I’d suggest you hit the road, though...” He looked at you, nonverbally asking for your name.
“(Y/N),” you replied. “Where do I go?”
He led you through the halls, every so often passing some people who would nod and smile at him. He seemed to be pretty well liked around the place. You were able to sneak out a door fairly easily, and Gerald helped you get around the Saviors standing guard in your vicinity. It was still light out 
“Get in,” he said, nodding to the passenger’s seat. You almost protested, but thought of the possible outcomes. He could easily take you back to Negan, and the likeliness of him letting you drive yourself was very small. You got in carefully, scoping out the car for any warning signs. You knew if you didn’t make it back to Alexandria, your chances of getting Daryl out were slim. Hell, you weren’t even sure if he was alive, but you didn’t have time to think like that. 
“You gotta tell me where to go,” Gerald said, starting the car and taking off. 
“Just go down that road and I’ll tell you when to take a right,” you muttered, peeling at the dead skin on your calloused hands, a habit you had been told to break, but could never get over it. 
He took off in the direction you told him to go in, his eyes darting back and forth between you and the road ahead of him. “So, (Y/N), what did you do to end up with Negan?”
You sighed, shaking your head. He must have known what his father was capable of. How could he not? You were shocked, more than anything, that he would oh-so-casually ask something like that. He just happened to interrupt his father at the right time. Who knows where you would have been if he hadn’t? 
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me,” he replied quietly, turning his eyes back towards the road. The car remained silent for a few moments, but Gerald was already looking back at you. “You hungry?”
You shrugged and looked back up at him. “I don’t know... A little.” That was a lie. You were starving. Before making it to Alexandria, you had no problem if you didn’t eat for a few days. You were used to it. But once your stomach started getting used to eating full meals every day, you could barely last a day without eating something. 
“Bullshit,” he mumbled, stopping the car and getting out, walking around to the back. You watched him in the rear view mirror as he opened the trunk and pulled out a bag. Your eyes widened, and you quickly fidgeted with the door. You got out and began to run, not entirely believing that all he had in the trunk was food. 
“(Y/N)! What’s got you all freaked out?” he yelled, slowly following you. The bag was still in his hand, and once you had gotten a fair amount of distance between you and him, you turned around. 
“Put the bag on the ground and back up,” you demanded, glaring at him so he knew you weren’t joking. He smirked, shaking his head at the ground. 
“You still don’t trust me?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at you. Your facial expression remained constant as he backed away from the bag. “I didn’t have to get you out of there! I could have thrown you under the bus countless times, but where the hell am I? I’m in the middle of nowhere, trying to get you home.” He scoffed and rolled his eyes, getting back in the car and sitting silently, waiting for you. 
You picked up the bag, unzipping it while keeping your eyes on the car. The bag  contained a gun, a few knives, some bottles of water, a few boxes of ammo, and lots of food. You checked to see if the gun was loaded, which it was, and emptied out the bullets into the bag, just to assure you were safe. There was really no way to make sure he wasn’t armed, but he was right. He could have gotten you taken right back to Negan, but he didn’t. You took the bag with you and got into the car. Without speaking to you, Gerald started the car and took off towards Alexandria. 
“Why are you so pissed off about me not trusting you?” you asked, and his face grew red. “I thought you’d be used to it by now, and that you’d understand.” You had grown used to being threatened whenever you met someone do. Rick had grown accustomed to putting the safety of your group above everything else, meaning he often ‘welcomed’ newcomers with a gun to the head. 
“Whatever,” he sighed, and you continued on your ride home. You took an apple out of the bag, then offered him one. 
He sighed with a smile and shook his head. “You’re cute.”
You weren’t sure why, but you blushed for what seemed to be the first time in years. You tried your hardest to play it off, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he saw right through you. 
“We’re here,” you said, clearing your throat. You were a few blocks away from the gate of Alexandria, but you didn’t want to raise any suspicion by showing up with Negan’s son. That wouldn’t do anyone any good. You were hesitant to get out of the car, for you felt a strange connection to the man who saved you from his father. 
“Thanks for the ride and the food,” you said, swinging your legs over the leather car seat. 
“I’ll visit you,” he said. You weren’t sure if he was joking or not, but you couldn’t help hoping he was serious. For some reason, you didn’t see yourself forgetting him any time soon. 
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