#and my parents (mom mainly) somehow knew and disapproved?? i think that was in the mix bc you can't just have interests or like things in
bredforloyalty · 1 year
woke up in a cold sweat after dreaming that rcg became infinitely more cringe
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scattered--pages · 4 years
For the lukanette lyric prompt." Stop there and let me correct it. I wanna live a life from a new perspective" because I love panic! at the disco and I'll make everyone else love them too. Also this is a cute lyric I love 💘
Thank you so much for this one and I’m sorry this took ages! Work and uni were hectic as hell suddenly and then I got sick so this took forever, but it’s finally here! ♡  I mainly used the way I understood the song and kind of a sudden fierce need to change the usual and the casual in a relationship with someone to something finally as serious and stable as they’re craving it to be, mixed with how a person just wants to relax and throw all their cares and everything everyone else might be thinking about them away and just have fun with the person they trust and love the most , so I hope it worked out how you expected it to in the end? ♡ It’s filled with fluff and Lukanette being happy and in love and in that recently-finally-officially-started-dating phase so I’m also hoping you’ll like it anyway, let me know how you feel about it ♡
Send me a lyrical prompt for a Lukanette fic ! ♡
I wanna live a life from a new perspective
Words: 4647 pfff this used to be a ‘drabble or a ficlet’ prompt request whoops
Rating: Teen +
AO3 link: here  ♡
Marinette giggled slightly, leaned against Luka’s coat, her arms holding onto him firmly as the chilly winter air whipped against her face in the way that was just strong enough to be refreshing and invigorating in this sunny winter’s morning.
“Hm?”, Marinette more felt rather than heard Luka through the vibration against his back as it was unfortunately incredibly difficult to talk to your motorcycle driver both due to the wind, helmets and the fact that it’s not very good to turn your head to talk to someone while you’re rushing down the road 100 km/h. When he’s alone, Luka, even though he’s very careful about laws and regulations, did like to try and practice a stunt or two ever since he was able to pass his A1 driver’s license for a moto légère and finally legally drive a motorcycle he’s been saving for since ages now, and even though she knew he was too careful of a person to do anything stupid, Marinette still disapproved of him doing any out-of-the-ordinary stunts whatsoever on a vehicle realistically far more dangerous than a car and she was very grateful that, until he’s eighteen, he isn’t eligible to drive a bike faster stronger than this one and faster than 110 km/h.
However when she was riding with him, she actually didn’t have to worry at all. Luka was a picture perfect example of caution and precision in his driving, making it very clear that, with her there, he wasn’t risking anything even remotely bad happening, adamant on not allowing anything from her not actually getting hurt but just feeling a slight discomfort because of sudden turns or bumps, to far, far more horrible options he didn’t even want to think about. Turning his head, even ever so slightly so she could hear him through their helmets, was one of those things he would not do, which was fine on smaller routes, but excruciating today, of all days. Because they’ve been driving for almost forty minutes now and the endpoint was a surprise he was planning for their two months dating anniversary. And Marinette was a responsible, calm, understanding young woman.
Patient and immune to insanity-inducing curiosity, however - she was not.
“I gave up on trying to get clues out of you about”, she shouted through the glass of her helmet loud enough so he could hear the teasing tone in her voice before it grew a bit more warm and sensitive, “I was thinking of something different now… Almost a year and a half ago, I was riding behind you on a much slower bike and you had just told me that you were almost finished with your song for me…”, Luka couldn’t turn around but she could almost swear that he was smiling right now and, for the lack of being able to do anything else, he very gently nudged his helmet against hers in a way that made her chuckle. “You know if we were already there, you could have even kissed me right now, but instead, you must suffer, I must suffer in my ignorance of any details about today, it’s all rather tragic…”, the teasing tone was back and she could feel him sigh, followed by what she recognized was a chuckle, sending warm shivers down her spine and brightening her smile even more. Content, with her curiosity eased down for now, she leaned against him even tighter and gazed at the gorgeous French fields stretching on both sides of them, sprinkled with frost, blurring next to them as they passed them by.
Soon, they came near a more inhabited area, embraced with a perfect mixture of urban and rural charm and, upon reaching a specific cottage at the edge of what seemed to have been a wooded area, they stopped.
“We’re here?! We’re finally here?!”, the raven haired girl practically shouted as he turned the engine off, one foot on the ground, arms clapping excitedly, but her helmet still on her head.
Carefully stepping off of the motorcycle, Luka laughed softly, took his own helmet off in one fluid motion, placed it to rest against the steering wheel before helping his girlfriend take hers off and placing a kiss atop her forehead.
“Yes and no.”
The sound she produced, frowning deeper and deeper, sounded almost like a quiet growl.
He laughed again, putting away their helmets and pulling his bike a bit further aside to park it next to the cottage’s entrance. “You waited for almost an hour, now you can’t wait for fifteen more minutes?”
When he reached her, she immediately jumped into a hug, but the eyes looking up at him from the ruffles of his scarf were those of the most adorable rage he has ever seen in his life. “I have had my waiting, Couffaine, give me hints or risk dire consequences!”, she murmured against the woolen material and he cupped her face, bringing it up closer to his as he leaned down to kiss her.
“Soon, my small bundle of anger and rage, soon.”
She moved away and swung her glove at him at that with feigned anger and quickly hopped back to give him one more peck as they both laughed.
“This place here,” he nodded towards the cottage, “Is where a really good friend of my mom’s lives. He works here. And therefore we have special privileges and access that hardly anyone else has, just for us, just for today”, he took her hand and lead the way into the wooded area.
She chuckled. “So… Driving five kilometers per hour faster on the road was out of the question, but trespassing into a strange wooded area outside of Paris is perfectly fine?”
“Hey, it’s not trespassing if it’s…”, he looked aside, puzzled, “Authority approved type of trespassing?”
Marinette went from holding his hand to hooking her arm around it and hugging herself against his side, “You know, everyone keeps thinking you’re this bad boy with a guitar, or just a heartthrob badass rocker on the rise, but in fact, you’re just a teddy bear.”
He laughed pressed his lips against the top of her head, “Yeah, but I’m your teddy bear.”
She smiled, looking up at him with loving eyes, “Yes you are.” And she wouldn’t change it for the world. Her perfect mix of prince charming and a dashing rogue, of sunshine and moonlight, the perfect combination of absolute kindness and softness with a perfectly fitting edge of just enough of exhilaration and wildness. And to think that, a year and a half, after first hearing the first version of ‘her song’, in front of her parents’ bakery, she was still partially capable on letting him slip away for Adrien. Now she wouldn’t let him slip away even if the entire universe offered itself up to her.
“But wait, technically… We are trespassing?”
“Today, you are not to worry about secondary things like that.”
“Luka!”, she nudged his ribs with a genuinely concerned expression now that she realized he really wasn’t joking.
He chuckled again, “It’s gonna be fine… We’re not going to get into trouble and it’s worth it, trust me!”
“Hmm…”, Marinette mused, excited, but quite puzzled and just a bit nervous. In a way, it was a good feeling, to break away from doing everything by the line for a change, and she knew she was not only safe with Luka, but also that he, as mentioned, never would do anything dangerous or fully illegal with her, not to mention that she fully and unconditionally trusted him. So she decided to be brave.
And she didn’t have to stay in her mildly perturbed state for too long as, very soon, they reached the end of the small wooded area.
Marinette clutched at his hand tightly, standing there fully astound.
“Welcome to…”
Luka chuckled slightly, “With it’s premises entered by an ever so slightly backdoor way.”
She turned to him, still in a state of absolutely blissful, overjoyed shock, “How did you know that I…”
At her sudden lack of words, he smiled and pulled her into a gentle hug. “Juleka told me you’ve never been here yet”, he shrugged pulling away gently, “And to have grown up in Paris and never been to Versailles is a crime that I had to rectify”, he joked, and she felt an urge of happiness to sudden, she could have cried. Hopping in one place twice, she clapped her hands and turned to the gorgeous, stunning vast fields of flawless shrubbery, grass and blue winter skies, stretching in front of them all the way to the magnificent palace at the garden’s end.
“Screw trespassing…!”, a sudden bout of courage grabbed onto her in her euphoria, “We’re getting to that castle!”
Her hand clasped tightly onto his and they shared a grinning, determined look of agreement, as though they somehow read other’s minds in that very moment, before they began sprinting through the perfect trails amidst the trees, bushes and winding pathways, all preserved perfectly under a thin layer of eyes, making the whole place seem even more like a location springing to life right out of a fairytale.
Peering behind one of the trees, Marinette stuck her tongue out playfully and smirked at Luka, laughing running towards her, “Catch me if you can, Couffaine!”
 With a chuckle, he smirked back in a fiendish way that was just charming enough to make Marinette feel an array of fireworks of tingles all over through her body. “Challenge accepted, Dupain-Cheng”, he replied completely confident, causing her to giggle out a tiny squeal of faux panic before she set of to find cover behind the next rich green topiary, luscious even in a winter as cold as this one, as was, somehow, the entire garden.
 Reaching the stunning Colonnade grove, Marinette stopped next to one of the beautiful columns, catching her breath quietly as she glided her palm across the smooth marble, admiring the texture of the perfect icy cold surface. Each column the a stunning fluid shade of red or blue, one following the other in a perfect circle with the Abduction of Proserpina by Pluto statue placed right in the middle - a perfectly white vision in marble. She felt like she was in a fairytale. How on Earth did she never come here before…
 Suddenly, she felt a hand graze her other palm and in a second, in unique kind of instinct where her hand recognized the other one before her mind did, she instantly intertwined their fingers, only to be spun around and swiftly wrapped into a familiar warm embrace.
 "Got you now, my princess", he whispered before placing a soft peck against her lips, the sparks within her vivid once more, spreading from her heart to every corner of her body, causing an array of sensations from the soothingly knotted yearning at the pit of her stomach, to the utmost tender tingles she felt all the way to the tips of her fingers, like pure happiness sparkling through her, so strong and genuine that it couldn’t be contained.
 She giggled and locked her lips with him before pulling away only so they could catch their breaths, rosy-cheeked and chuckling blissfully, their foreheads and noses still pressed together.
 “Come on my brave trespassing knight”, she stepped away, taking his hand with a grin, “Show me more of your kingdom before the royal guards catch us and give your mom and my parents a heart-attack when they call to tell them their kids have been arrested in a castle outside of Paris”
 “I honourably promise that I shall let no guard come anywhere near you, my princess! I swear by my life that I will protect you and our parents’ health for I have fallen for you far too much to jeopardize either of those two”, he grinned and made a surprisingly authentic and gallant knightly bow before her, causing her to break into a fit of blushing giggles again for a moment.
 "I bet you say that to all the girls you take on romantic, secret walks around the Versailles gardens in winter", she pouted teasingly.
 "No", he shook his head with a smile, “I only say it in hopes of making this one girl in front of me as absolutely and entirely smitten with me as I am with hers.”
 "And is it working?“, she interlocked their fingers.
 "You tell me, my fair maiden.”
 Her shoulders shrugged as they walked, a jokingly disappointed look on her face, “I don’t know… I mean a true princess is never fully charmed until she’s had her first romantic waltz with her dashing suitor.”
 Still grinning, he quirked an eyebrow, “What happened to the incredibly-scared-of-dancing-especially-if-it’s-a-real-ballroom-dance-Marinette?”
 “You happened, you goof!”, she punched him jokingly and he laughed. “And, that Marinette has never been in the middle of the most beautiful winter outdoor ballroom in the vicinity of one of France’s most stunning castles”, her hand let go of his only to tip-toe a few steps away, spreading her arms and spinning around as she took in the gorgeous view of the Roccocco Grove. The massive, gorgeous stones adorned with decorations and fountains all around them and, even though the fountains didn’t work at the moment, even though the breath-taking arena-like structure lacked the marble flooring, colors, vast audiences and lights that it featured when it was originally built centuries ago, the whole vision of the entire outdoor ballroom structure, covered by thin translucent snow, sparkling in the light winter sun as if it was thousands of little diamonds spilled and strewn across the cold stone, was as if it somehow appeared all around them straight out of a dream. A dream from which Marinette never wanted to wake up.
 Regarding the waltz and dancing in general, partially, she was only joking and, partially, she still was a bit terrified to embarrass herself in front of him and to therefore singlehandedly somehow ruin a moment like these, so she wasn’t truly expecting it when he closed the distance between them again, took another graceful small bow that he probably thought was silly but to her it was so charmingly dashing and perfect that, with his smile and the absolute magic radiating from this particular garden grove, it honestly caused her to instantly feel irrevocably and entirely smitten and taken aback by the now increasing levels of dream-likeness of this entire situation.
 “Well than…”, he offered her his hand, “May I be so bold as to ask you for a dance, princess?”
And, also somehow without expecting her own courage, but also fully well knowing that there was no way she was capable of uttering anything else right now, she took his hand and with a shy, adoring smile replied, “You may.”
 She always forgot how good of a dancer Luka actually was. Coming from a musical family and loving music so much, one would assume that, other than having a huge passion for guitar and, so far secretly, singing, he would also enjoy dancing in more casual, modern music-related situations. So she was incredibly surprised to have learned that he actually could, and very well at that, waltz! Of course, she knew the basic steps, for which she was insanely grateful currently because it was the only thing allowing her to be able to follow his lead, but Luka was gathering more and more points for secretly being a prince behind that façade of just a calm, introverted, punk-rock boy. In fact, it reminded her of that day more than a year ago at the ice rink where she was too busy and blind chasing after Adrien to fully appreciate the down-right movie-like way he spun her around, lifted her and held her in his arms on that rink before Philippe was akumatized.
 This time, on the other hand, she was entirely without any other care, focus, or distraction in her mind, now for her the only thing that existed was him and how light and free and so incredibly loved and beautiful she felt in his hands. The ballroom around them might as well have had actual candles, diamonds, fountains and decorations behind them, there might as well have been real music behind them and even if she stumbled in her steps a few times, even if she faltered a bit occasionally, he was there to help her, to catch her, and she never stopped being amazed at how easy it was to just laugh in each other’s arms, ignore life for a moment and just… be, when she was with him.
 “Hold on to my shoulders with both of your hands now”, he said suddenly, smiling, and she obeyed, although a tad confused, before she found herself lifted up by her waist slightly mid-spin and swiftly brought back down into his embrace, like they were in scene from Beauty and the Beast.
 She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as she laughed in that breathless, entirely interwoven with joy way in which only people in love can laugh when they’re completely overcome with how they feel when they’re with the person the care most for.
 “If this isn’t reality, never wake me up, please…”, she kept chuckling, “How are you even real, Luka, how did I ever even deserve someone like you?”
 She giggled a bit more, but quickly turned dead silent and pulled away as she felt Luka’s smile against her neck fade away slowly, his hands around her losing the strength of their grip. The sudden cold change of attitude was so strong it Marinette snap out of their dreamlike state within a second, replacing it with a string of panic and worry.
 "Luka?”, her tone was quiet but nervous, “What’s wrong?”
 "Marinette… I need to tell you something… I need you to know, really know something…“
 He stepped back a bit, carefully plucking her hands from his neck and placing one of them in both of his own.
 The dark haired girl turned an alarming shade of pale that matched the lithe frost covering the surfaces around the grove. "What… is it?”, her voice was cautious and silent, but upsetting her was the last thing Luka wanted to do right now, so he tried to muster up a small sad smile, gently squeezing her hands in his own.
„You’ve been kind of stressed lately and it’s only been so briefly since we’ve been… an actual couple…”, a pause and a shy smile graced his features that Marinette could only describe as breathtakingly adorable, but after that, heartbreakingly fast, his smile faded. Slowly, she studied his eyes with hers, puzzled and worried, as he ran the fingers of his free hand down his scalp through his teal locks before stopping to rub at his neck with a brief sigh, a habit of nervousness and a sign of hesitation, she knew how to recognize these small signs when they painted themselves across his features when he tried his best to hide them and when everyone else thought they were just random quirks. But she knew. “And suddenly“, he continued, torn, silent, suddenly avoiding her gaze, „I feel like I haven’t been as good anymore at keeping you happy or relaxed, and I think it’s because I know everyone’s still saying that…”, his cheeks reddened, but his face somehow grew even more somber. He sighed once more, “Literally, someone from our group said to me a few days ago that they all know I’m just that boy who’s going to be someone to ‘keep you busy’ while you’re getting over Adrien, someone to check all your ‘firsts’ with, until you gather some confidence from this before you finally get together with Adrien for the long term…”
“Luka… Who said that, was Chlo-…”, Marinette tried to stop him, reaching out to place a hand against his cheek, but he caught it and cradled it again in his own palms instead, this time both of his hands held hers in a way in which a person craddles a final drop of water that’s helping them cling to their very life amidst a desert. Lovingly, tenderly, and almost desperately in the way they shook ever so slightly.
“I’m sorry, please, I-I just need to say this, cause if I don’t, it’ll take me getting akumatized again and fearing that I’ve hurt you or lost you to say anything, and than I’ll stay silent again for six months until I muster up the courage to try to again attempt saying something that’s been hurting me bit by bit on the inside, until it’s almost too late to say anything, like the last time, cause…”, he gave her that heartbreaking small but growingly sad smile again, “I could write and play a thousand of songs, melodies and tunes to show you how I’m feeling, but sometimes, as much as I’m… very clearly horrible with words, sometimes they need to be said and something nothing else is enough when things like this bubble up unspoken… I’ve seen it with my parents, with other people, and I swear to always be completely honest with you, even with things that are scaring me.”
Marinette had to fight an urge to touch his cheeks and somehow smooth the sudden immensely strong fear and lack of his typical mellow optimism off of his face, but she suppressed it, for now, and simply carefully nodded, urging him to continue.
“The worst is, the person that said this… They, I’m pretty sure, didn’t mean it as a necesarrily bad thing, they just said it kind of as a casual humorous observation cause they, somehow, thought I was okay with it, that I was the kind of chill, fairweather guy that am in on that… Of course, people like Juleka knows I’m not, maybe Rose and Ivan know, people really close to me that spend almost every day with me…but the truth is…”, he frowned for a moment, shaking his head before his eyes met hers again with an earnestness so fierce and pure she could swear she could feel it, “I’m not. I’m not okay with it.”
His fingers caressed her knuckled with the kind of gentleness she’s never felt before. It didn’t matter it was icy cold outside, it made her very core light up with a summer-like warmth and she had to once again fight the urge to grab his face, scream if needed that 'I know you’re not like that, I know!’, just to extinguish this ridiculous notion that she shares this opinion of him with this insanely cruel person, but before she got the chance to, he hesitantly parted his lips to speak again. “I know I’ve told you this before, but to me, this is more than just having another crush or a girlfriend to date for a few weeks or  months cause we’re teenagers, and you’re still getting over Adrien, and I’m the easy-going yet rebellious punk rocker who’s here as your rebound and that’s how relationships go in our age …”, he shyly rolled his eyes, angry at the very fact that things like this are expected from people their age because eighteen and sixteen isn’t old enough to know love, when he knew the love he felt well enough to propose to this girl right here and now and not regret it until they’re old and grey and shrivelled up, and he saw the kind of honest, strong love in other people their age all around them, in Alya and Nino and Rose and Juleka and Ivan and Mylene and shattered his heart that he finally found a girl that made him feel like he was constantly dreaming, even when loving her made him hurt, even when being by her side meant that he wasn’t the one she would prefer there, even back when standing by her made him feel both more happy and broken than he’s been in a long time, perhaps ever, he knew how terrifyingly, beautifully, most assuredly different and strong this was. To the point Juleka even mocked and teased him for a while until she realized that this was actually real and very much happening to her introverted, strong but bad with emotions big brother that hardly ever even having had a proper crush or two before.
 “What I mean is… What I want to make sure you know about and what I say to anyone thinking or saying stuff like that, because I know more of them have thought something like that as well but were perhaps too polite to voice it and what I mean to say to those people and that outlook on love and on us is…”, he held her hands just a bit tighter and took a deep breath, his eyes searching hers with an unmistakable sense of fear for her reaction, but his words were determined, “…to hell with that, and to hell with what we have being anything close to just that. You’re the first thing in my life that anchored me this strongly or made me feel this way this hard and now that you’re finally with me and are perhaps feeling at least an inkling of what I am, after everything, I am not letting this be a typical cliché teenage passing thing, no matter who thinks that it is and it’s so, so important for me that you know that too…”
 His expression, locked with hers, soon grew fully terrified when she didn’t immediately respond, but in reality, Marinette was only out of words for an entirely different set of reasons than the darkest case scenario that he was imagining.
 She now firmly placed her second palm onto his hands and squeezed them, smiling and shaking her head in disbelief of what this amazing, mature, selfless boy was somehow made to believe she thought of him. “Luka, I never thought you were like that in the first place and you have nothing to prove to me… The fact is, you are the most kindhearted, empathetic, caring boy I know and I definitely agree with saying ‘to hell’ with what anyone thinks of us…”. She glanced aside with a small rueful sigh, “I know that after more than a year of my very obvious and embarrassing pining for Adrien… it may seem like I need more convincing than necessary but, my truth and my opinion is… You’re not Adrien… And it makes me so happy that you’re not and that’s why I love you. Because just meeting you slowly made me finally realize that, all this time, I needed and felt best and truly loved not Adrien, but you, you silly thing! All of what you just said,“ she chuckled happily, „I’ve known it already. And I am very happy to be here to stay for as long as you’ll have me…“, giggling quietly, she hunched her head down a bit, flush rosyness coloring her cheeks swiftly though, through a set of thick black eyelashes.
And just like that, his lips pulled into that gorgeous, bright grin that accentuated his cheekbones in a way she loved so much and lit up his eyes so that their teal to aquamarine shades almost seemed to have all grown a hue brighter.
„For as long as I’ll have you?“
Suddenly, his arms were wrapped around her as he spun her around, causing her to instantly squee and laugh loudly as she held herself tightly against his chest.
When he put her down again, he brushed a stray lock of dark hair from her face and pressed his lips to her forehead, then against her lips. “How does forever sound?“
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yoursinfulurges · 5 years
Baby Blue Circumstances
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Winwin ×| Taeyong ×| Jaehyun ●| Johnny ×| Irregular Office Series.
In which a handsome, young, rich man tries to persuade you into giving him full custody of your kids. Because 'Technically they were his'.......
Warnings: Graphic sex, not-so-vanilla kinks, mentions of adoption, abortion, alcohol, toxic relations, child neglect, plot based.
If you do not like any of these then i advise you to go read something else in my blog.
I feel like i don't need disclaimers because it's obvious that this ain't real so....
You scrambled to turn on the tv as the impatient three year old in your arm screams. Wincing at the sound as you hurriedly ran from one area to another. Your apartment filling with the sounds of high pitched cries, and overly positive pixilated cartoon characters. The cries seemed to only get louder as you placed her down for a millisecond, to swiftly grab her baby bottle from the microwave. It was well over Jaehye's feeding time, being that it was already two o'clock and that she usually ate at twelve. Your gaze shifts from the child in your arms to the other, peacefully sat on the sofa. Unlike his sister he was calm, even laughing at whatever the animated characters were saying. You smiled fondly at the child. And looked at Jaehye once more, noticing that her eyelids are at the midst of shutting, indicating that she was close to slumber. You smiled and slowly made your way to their shared bedroom. Entering the mellow, navy blue painted room; you carefully tried stepping over the lego's and ponies that were scattered all over the floor. Succeeding, and carefully placing your daughter on her bed. You wrapped her arms around her brown fuzzy teddy bear and gently tucked her in, not forgetting to close the curtains on your way out.
It had been exactly 1 year since you had adopted these two angels. Though it was a lifestyle that was quite hard adjust to, nonetheless you were glad you made the decision. You would've never imagined that you'd become a mother so soon, as you were just starting to get your life together. You were a college graduate one day and suddenly a mother of two the next. Your friends called you crazy; your father asked if you were mentally sane; your sister made it very clear to you she disapproved; whilst your mother tried persuaded you to do it. You were puzzled. But, you can truly say that it was the best decision of your life.
Yes it was a real pain in the ass at first, but now it's become second nature. You no longer have to wake up in the butt crack of dawn to feed them; as they were more than capable now to grab a baby bottle from the mini-fridge in their room. You saved up money and effort by potty training them. And your financials seemed to stabilized as you no longer needed to spend extra money on over priced diapers. You weren't exactly a natural at motherhood but over time you gained the skills and know the children like the back of your hand. Even having a stable routine for them, of course without the surprised tantrums and spontaneous needs for story times. Their favorite story by far was superwoman, as your daughter calls it. It the more child-friendly tale of how they came to be in your arms, but they didn't need to know that...
The story of these two touched you dearly. Really it was quite a fairytale. Whilst working as an editor for some fashion magazine you somehow caught wind of the story of these two from your co-works. It was said that they came from an unfit mother who neglected them, and left her twelve year old sister to care for the kids. Leaving them with sevier health problems. The mother was a drug addict that chose to spend her time at night clubs, instead of caring for her children. She liked the carefree lifestyle, and you tried to understand her, really. But everything went into the trash can after she was convicted for attempted murder of the kids, not to mention drug possession and distributing. You've met her and can truly say that she was the most vile and disgusting person you've ever met. And the father?.... that was uncertain... It saddened you to know that they were made by accident... Two precious and loving children were conceived with the soul purpose of pleasure.
You debated for weeks whether or not you should do it. Rolling out the con's and sticking with the pro's: a stable job with a nice boss that paid way over minimum wage, a big apparent, and a job that works from home most of the time. You've asked many for their opinions and while most encouraged you and applauded you, there were some that disapproved, your sister to be exact. You and her have always been close, her only being two years older. She was wise and you always trusted her guidance. You understood why she disapproved and couldn't really blame her. You were just getting your life together, this would just crumble everything down. You were sad that you couldn't get her approval, but you didn't really need her permission. It was mainly your parents who you really needed to consult with. Of course they were unsure at first but they trusted you and made sure you knew the responsibilities before encouraging you. You knew what you were doing. Those children needed a mother, they needed someone. And so, the very next day you found yourself leaving the orphanage in front of your work place, with two children at hand. They were happy, despite what they've gone through. Though you highly doubted that they even know what's happening.
That day was filled with so much laughter and fond memories. In just one day, you showed them more love than their previous mother ever did. They even refused to sleep in their own room, scared that when they wake up they'll be back at the hands of their unfit mother.
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a lound knock on the front door. You stood up from your previous spot, on the couch, and slowly made your way to the door. Slowly opening it to reveal a handsome young man, that looked to be in his early twenties. He was wearing a grey suit that look very expensive, with brown swept back hair, and newly polished shoes. He was undoubtedly the hottest person you've ever seen...
"May i help you?" You asked, hesitancy clearly evident in your voice. "Yes, are you Ms. Lee by any chance?" He smiled, proudly displaying his dimples. His chocolate drown eyes sparkling in what looked to be delight, as his deep husky voice erupted from his lips. "That's me." You nodded. "I don't know how to tell you this, but im the father of your child." Your jaw dropped a little as your eyes blink rapidly, heart pounding in disbelief as you looked at the man again. He looked calm, pleased almost. "What are you- Jaeun, g-go look after y-your sister please..." You ordered, eyes not leaving the man. To which the little boy nodded to before turning off the tv and scurrying off. Clearly understanding that a talk between you and the man needed to be held without his presence. "Sister?" The man infront of you mumbled to himself. "I-i think you need to come in." Unnervingly, you said. To which he replied, "very well..."
"I didn't get your name?" He asked as he sipped on the wine he opted for instead of water. "Y/n, you?" The atmosphere was quieter than space; and ten times more awkwarder than your interactions with your neighbors who mate like wild rabbits. How do you follow up 'im the father of your child' by 'how was your day?' No.
"Jaehyun." He placed the wine glass down before clrossing his legs, a smirk playing on his lips. "S-so jaehyun why are you here exactly?" Jaehyun hm? Well now you can see where the mother got her inspiration from. She was probably moaning the name the entire night...
You saw the resemblance between him and the children, like the dimples and eyes, also the cheeks. They looked more like him than the mom, he was definitely the father. "Look I'll be very honest here. I wanna take back my child. I was unaware that they existed and i wanna raise him as my own now. So how much will it take." Was he thinking that he could just pay you off like that? Fuck no. Who does he think he is. To walk in here thinking he can buy the children off you. They are your children now not his. If he wants them he's gonna have to kill you off first. You were enraged as a matter of fact.
"Excuse me!? Do you just think you can pay me off like that? They're my children now, not yours. You may be the father but they're under my custody now." It was evident in your voice that you were angry but your stature remained calm. So did his, he just sat there and sipped on his wine, angering you even more. Did he think this was some game? "Look y/n, how much do you want, im prepared to pay any amount." He probed once more. "I don't want your money." Did he think he was doing you some good? You had money too, financials are the last thing you should be worrying about...
"Very well then, i didn't wanna have to do this but, Ms. Lee y/n, im suing you." He couldn't sue you, he had nothing against you. He just hoped that you would buy his bullshit and give him what he wanted.
"Suing me? You have nothing on me. What are you gonna sue me for? I signed the legal papers that clearly stated they are my children now! It was never stated that there were two legal guardians that i needed signatures from. Technically, you can't sue me!"
Damn you were smart...
"Im still suing you."
"For what!"
"Emotional distress!"
"Emotional distress?! Unbelievable! Get out!" You scoffed. Anger flowing through your vains.
"Mommy what's with all the screaming?"
In the midst of glaring at jaehyun a high pitched voice spoke, breaking your strong gaze. Your eyes soften as you turn to the hallway and see both your kids innocently watching.
"Nothing baby, nothing. This man was just leaving, go back to your room." You softly uttered.
"There's two of them?..." Asked jaehyun as he takes in the child's features.
"Yes, they're twins." The tone you used was unreadable, a mix of defeat and agony.
"Can I just talk to them, please. Then I'll leave." He begged, a glimpse of desperation in his eyes. You couldn't say no, you just couldn't...
"Alright, but don't tell them you're their father. Their not ready yet..." Jaehyun nodded and you called the kids to sit with you. They were hesitant at first but eventually did.
"Hi." Jaeun was the first to speak up.
"Hello." Jaehyun laughed at the boys cuteness.
"I'm jaeun, who are you?" He asked, pointing at the males direction.
"I'm jaehyun, nice to meet you." Jaehyun spoke to the child with care and gentleness. You saw how eagerly he wanted to get to know them. Extremely vulnerable to rejection.
"Nice to meet you hyung, that's my sister jaehye, but she's really shy..." jaehyun diverts his attention to the little girl curled up in your arms and waves. Jaehye smiles and waves back at him before quickly hiding in your chest.
"Look, I'm not giving you full custody of my kids, but you are always welcome to come and see them." You said sternly, arms wrapping around the frail figure in your arms.
Jaehyun nodded and smiled. That day he left with an unshakable feeling of excitement and a new formed attraction towards you.
He knew then and there that he wanted to be the father of your children. And if you will have him, the husband of your dreams.
Part 2?
Let me know what you guys thought of it.
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instakpop · 6 years
V scenario - Worst in me
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Genre: angst
Summary: It’s difficult to understand the concept of love when you’re cynical by nature, especially when you’re in danger of falling for a hopeless romantic.
During the time Taehyung and I have spent together, I never really noticed the milestones we passed. It was as if I was free falling with a blindfold on. I never wanted to be married or have kids, I just wanted to be in a relationship, simple as that. The second people make mistakes is when they bring the government into their love life. That's how my parents ended up resenting each other. They started out in a relationship, then they got married and all hell broke loose. They thought a kid would fix things and, speaking as the 'remedy', it didn't work at all. I saw the way they argued right in front of me and looked at each other like strangers.
I'm not a cynic with most things. I just think that love has an expiration date. People fall in love and fall out of it just as fast. But then all those thoughts were nonexistent when I met Taehyung. He looked at me like I was the only thing that mattered. He completely understood me without me having to explain away my feelings. He made me laugh on my worst days and kept me smiling at my best, but still, I haven't been able to utter the three little words that I've dreaded so much.
For most people saying 'I love you' is like a right of passage, you have your first love by saying it and each word makes your heart swell. But for me, it's the beginning of the end. What does it even mean to really love someone? There is no point if saying two people will be together forever, just be together! My biggest fear with Taehyung is that he'd confront me with my thoughts about love or resent me for not saying 'I love you'.
The good news was, he never mentioned my thoughts on love or triggered my cynical state of mind, but the bad news was, his family didn't know about my romance stigma.
Once again my realist views were numbed and Taehyung somehow got me to have dinner with his parents. It started out really great, they asked me about my work and how long their son and I have been seeing each other. All was fine until they asked the one question I'd been dreading most.
"Wow, you two have been together a long while." His mother said. "Do I hear wedding bells in the distance?"
"Oh god..." I murmured.
"Uh, We're just taking our time," Tae said, holding my hand under the table.
"Why wait so long? I've always wanted to have a daughter-in-law and little grandchildren running around." His dad chimed in.
I started to feel even more uneasy, but couldn't say anything out of fear of their disapproval. Taehyung just shrugged and returned the subject to the present rather than the future. The rest of the dinner went great apart from the middle bit.
We said goodbye to his parents and he took me home. I could tell he had something on his mind, but he remained silent. We came up to my door and I offered for him to come inside with me, mainly to figure out what was bothering him. He gladly stepped inside and sat on the couch. I sat down next to him and just waited for him to speak first.
"You trust me, right?" He asked.
"Of course."
"Do you love me?" My heart both shattered and burst into flames all at once.
"Tae..." I stood up off the couch and paced the floor. "What difference does it make?"
"Difference? The difference is whether you love me or not. I can't keep going around feeling this way for you if you never say it back. You need to tell me once and for all. Do you love me?" He rose from the couch, standing directly in front of me.
"I don't know!"
"How do you not know?"
"Because I frankly don't want to. I don't want to be vulnerable and lay it all on the line only to have my heart broken. You don't get the things I've witnessed. I can't just tell someone I love them because I know what will happen next. Sure, we can get married and have kids but happily ever after is still out of reach. I know how this goes, I saw it with my own parents. If we get married we're happy for a day around friends and family and then we have a honeymoon period, then it all goes to hell. When my mom had me she was practically raised me on her own until my dad came home from work then he took care of me but it was never simultaneous. I had a mom, then I had a dad, but they were never equal partners. If we have a kid, I'll have to take all that in and I can't lose you Tae, I just can't."
I broke down completely. Tears rushing down my face, every thought expelled from my head and all sense of security was gone. If I was honest, it wasn't loving or not loving him. It was having him or losing him. I tried not to move too fast, but we ended up standing still. Just like now.
"Hey... hey..." Taehyung rushed to me, pulling me in for a warm embrace. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair while I let it all out.
"You're right." He said. "Your parents were never a team. They tried to do right by you and their marriage, but it just ended up hurting all three of you. But the thing you don't understand is that we aren't them. Telling me you love me isn't the beginning of the end at all. Think about it. " He released me briefly and looked me in the eyes. "We just had the worst fight in our history as a couple but I'm still here. We both are."
"If you only knew how many times I wanted to say it just to see what it was like to... love someone. Every time you did something selfless or just the way you looked on any random day I wanted to tell you, but how can I say something I don't understand?"
"You don't have to." He confused me for a moment before explaining. "I was wrong to rush you into it. The truth is there isn't any need for you to tell me you love me. It's just that tonight had me thinking and I wanted some validation. I'm sorry."
"No, Tae." I cuddled him in a little tighter, kissing his neck and consoling him. We stood there for a while, feeling the warmth of the others embrace until I broke the silence with the first thing that came to mind.
"I love you, Taehyung."
I didn't force it, I didn't overanalyze it, I just said it. For the first time ever I told him I loved him, and as the days, weeks even years went by, I never once regretted it.
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praphit · 6 years
Praphit luv da kidz!
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I was all set with my "The First Purge" review. But, as I was about to post it, it was as if I could hear y'all saying "Dammit, John Praphit - it's always monsters, super villains, demons, ghosts, and senseless violence with you. Could you PLEASE, for the love of all that's holy, recommend a movie that's wholesome, good, and family-friendly for a change? You're scaring my family! My spouse and I keep having nightmares! Little Suzie keeps slapping people and dropping F-Bombs. And little Timmy won't come out of the closet. Dag on you, Praphit! You rat bastard! Just one clean movie!"
While I don't appreciate the name calling, I do understand. That's why this post is all about kids. Granted, I personally believe that "The First Purge" (grade B movie btw) is for the kids, I can see why some might object. (Side note: It's def not a movie for you if you're a Trump supporter or lover of Fox News... or one of those people who believe that racism is made up - this movie is not subtle about its points :)
Let's review a handful of family movies that maybe you haven't seen yet, and a few that we're waiting to see.  
#1 - The Incredibles 2
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(Ha! I just noticed that raccoon in the pic)
This long-awaited movie has got something for the whole family! For the kids - It's got plenty of talking back to parents... though I guess thats not a good thing. I kept waiting for Mr. Incredible (the dad) to force feed the kids their veggies, and for Elastigirl (the mom) to slap each child from across the room, but I guess that could end up in a child abuse direction that you wholesome families out there might disapprove of...
Think about it -
Kids: "We're going to call the cops on you!"
Mom and Dad: "Do it! See what happens to them! We're (bleepin) super powered! And if they DO manage to lock us up, you had better pray we don't get out!"
... but I guess that's kinda dark, so I'll move on.  
Something for the women -
Gender role reversal up in here! Mom is out there making the bacon, while dad is staying home to take care of the kids. It's cool, but it's been done. In this super-powered world, imagine if they had men with the power to have kids and man-boob-feed.... though I guess y'all out there wanting me to recommend a wholesome movie don't want to imagine that. I got it; I'll stay focused.
Something for the men -
(Well, I'll stay focused after this:) - cuz...
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I mean damn... I'm sorry, but it's not just me. Ask any dude honestly about this movie, and he'll mention it. The makers of this movie knew what they were doing. This is marketing:) Grade: A (for ass... I mean butt... fanny?).
Sorry... Focused NOW!  
Sherlock Gnomes:
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I've always hated gnomes, personally. Why you ask? Look at these pics!
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They always look so perverted to me. Like they're always... well, I won't say, cuz again I'm being wholesome for the kids in this post, but... y'all know... just look at this one.
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You might say "John Praphit, you're being prejudice." Yeah? You know who these gnomes' faces remind me of? -
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[Harvey Weinstein]
That's right! Maybe someone, early on, should have been MORE prejudice against such faces.
Anyway, a crime of perversion has been committed! And Sherlock is out to prove that though most acts of perversion in this animated movie universe are carried out by gnomes, this one particular act was not! - so instead of 100 proven crimes by gnomes so far, Sherlock wants the record to be at 99; good for him. I don't like how they're trying to get our kids to like gnomes! They're the absolute worst! - I'm learning a lot about my deep hatred for these creatures as I type this out... perhaps that's something I should look into at some point... but for now, I'm giving this movie an F.
Wait, isn't Johnny Depp voicing Sherlock Gnomes? - *heavy sigh* Make that a grade Double F.  
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Ok, so I'm not going to sugar coat this one - this movie has a scene of dog... fondling in here, as well as borderline beastiality. I'm not exagerating. Look it up for yourself! There was actually a big controversy concerning this movie that forced the producers to cut certain scenes out.
See, at least "The First Purge" doesn't have any of that stuff in it! Maybe you'll reconsider taking the fam to go see that movie instead of this nasty one. BUT, everybody likes talking animals, right?? Somehow the fact that the fondled dogs can talk, makes it worse... sorry, I'm supposed to be focused on the wholesome.
I guess, if your family is into humans trying to get it on with dogs, then... this is the movie for you. Maybe your fam has got a lil bit of gnome in ya, if you know what I mean. Grade: F  
Oooooh but here's one "Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation" -
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this one isn't out yet, but the last two were such a success, it can't fail right?? Granted, when I think about monsters going to the beach
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- it never ends well.  
And thinking about a vamp going to a BEACH leads me to the best case scenario of this
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but maybe I'm wrong and it'll be fun!
Plus, this is an Adam Sandler flick! We know that his humor is all for the kids! So, we'll assume I'm wrong and give this a pregrade of B-  
Lastly, let's talk "Chrisopher Robin" -
Y'all know about Pooh Bear! - and his human friend. 
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Loveable as can be!
In this movie (coming out soon), we have a grown ass man (CR) talking to stuffed animals. I LOVED Winnie the Pooh when I was coming up as a kid, like everyone else... though I never liked "Tigger"
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- mainly because his name rhymes with "trigger" and more importantly it rhymes with... well, nevermind.
I also thought Tigger's character would have/should have eventually ripped those of characters to shreds; being he's a frickin tiger afterall... but that's just how my mind was working when I was a kid. Even if that DID happen in this one, at least it would be cotton coming out of these beloved characters instead of blood and organs.  
Did I go dark again?
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I went dark again, didn't I? Sorry.
I'm sure this movie about a crazy middle aged man hearing voices and relating these voices to childhood stuffed animals will be a fun adventure for the fam! PreGrade: B+!  
There you have it! Perfect flicks for a fam of wholesomeness!
Praphit luv da kidz!
I STILL believe that "The First Purge" is better for your kids than these films: No thought-provoking gender role swaps, no husbands fantasizing over animated booty, no cartoon fictional monster problems, or stuffed animal problems... just real and raw issues of this messed up world we live in that could look a lil like the purge, if we don't wake up... just preparing young minds, but... I get it... too much for a lovely night with the fam.
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We'd all much rather be watching Will Arnett do his thang in "Show Dogs"!
Ahhhh, now that's good, clean entertainment.
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