#and more of a fun creative excercise
writing-with-gremworm · 6 months
When I close my eyes there is a void,
And there was fire. A burning cold that consumed what was supposed to be "Home".
A "cleansing" by the divine principles, some faceless god who could not face the fate they created.
It was more like a fairytale than a warning, a bedtime story meant to guide my future. A hand to plant the knife I would drive into his back.
I did not use that knife, rather the knife became his. "He" was upset by this.
"Him" was who "He" always wished I would be. If I were red instead of blue, would I have been like you?
Or would I inevitably fall into the place of the fool once more?
My future is undecided. Should fate call me the traitor, I will smile as I fall, to reaffirm your choice as a hero.
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couldtheycatchkira · 4 months
out of keyfabe, i really love how you go back to finished polls for that after action report you do summarizing the group discussions. its very fun
((Thank you! It's a hell of a creative writing excercise, that's for sure. Chances are, the more stilted the writing is, the more likely I'm trying to throw in some references. However, as they're in the character voice, you can imagine the TFLD is the type of person to say that shit in real life. Really, the TFLD has become a character, that's for sure...))
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caelanglang · 11 months
Hi! Umm, you might not remember me, but I was really in love with your Little Prince au (laptop sticker match). I was inspired and wrote a sort of story inspired by it but of course didn't want to step on your story so I didn't like, publish or tell you (it was more so just a creative excercise because I like writing). But then I saw your post about being glad when people were inspired by creatives and was wondering if you'd be okay if I put it on ao3 (giving full credit of course!). If you want I can send it to you first so you can double check that I' not ruining your au, but I'm trying to get more comfortable in actually posting stuff. Of course, if you say no I won't, please don't feel pressured! As always I love your work and art style, it really is beautiful!
Hello! Of course I remember you :)) I even remember replying to your comment, which is something that still gives me anxiety jiggles sometimes hhhhh,,, I really love how you put to words "growing up seem less like shedding your childhood, and more like adding to it" ! (ah and yes the laptop sticker!)
Please, please tell me more about it! I love and appreciate people who enjoy my ideas and want to create something out of it! I respect every single creators out there who take their time to put their ideas out to their craft. I would love to see and read your take on this au :D! I really appreciate your respect of not stepping on the line or anything, and I assure you I would love to hear about it! I'm actually planning to pick up writing again to spin this au with my own ideas, it would be fun and enriching to read other people's take on it! (and maybe ask for pointers myself because I suck at writing)
Yes, pls slide into my dms if you want to share it to me :)) I really don't mind. (In fact, I am quite excited! I have a feeling you write beautifully based on the comment you left behind ;3) I understand the concern on posting. I still fight off those jiggles and worries sometimes,,, I also wouldn't mind publish it (just please send me the link because I will definitely gobble it all up like a feast!)
Thank you for this inbox! I really appreciate it! Thank you for the respect and I assure you I will always promote a safe and healthy space for ramblers, artists, writers, and creators of any form in my blog.
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alma-amentet · 1 year
I’ve been tagged by @katastronoot @sheirukitriesfandom and @dirty-bosmer (thank you all! 💖) 
This was sitting in my drafts for a while, just forgot to post...
Not tagging anyone ‘cause idk who hasn’t done it yes... Feel free to take if you feel like!
1. are you named after anyone?
Grandma originally named me after her little sister who died in early childhood. She was babysitting and blamed herself for that accident.
But that was too dull, widespread, and didn’t felt mine, so my nomatophobia started progressing. Finally I renamed myself after Fairytopia Barbie. Best friend started calling me Elina in 2008, when I was pretty much into Barbie movies fandom. It stuck, I started telling everyone it was my actual name, even at work. Then finally changed it legally and never regretted. 
Barbie movies is everything, yeah.
2. when was the last time you cried?
One weekend ago.
3. do you have kids?
Nope, and it’s most probable I won’t. Already in my 30s, didn’t start wanting/regretting yet. I like kids, kids are like flowers, but let them bloom in someone else’s garden. 
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really. Being neurodivergent, I have troubles with a sense of humour in general. Many things feel more offensive than funny to me, and if I try it myself, it might be rather insulting than funny... So only with closer friends, I guess.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
Drinking games, lol.
Not a fan of sports and competitions. I prefer fitness\wellness, where you don’t have to compete or show off. Never liked team games as well. As a kid, I enjoyed tennis or badminton a bit, but again, just for fun.
I do yoga a bit, would like to excercise more though.
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people?
Style, clothing, hair, accessories. Whether they have some fandom\music\etc merch on. This way I might identify them as the ones like me, the ones worth talking to - at first sight.
I can be generally cautious, even hostile, about people, esp males and elders. And in general, I prefer meeting people online or in some safe spaces / meetups where everyone shares some interests/hobbies/fandoms. It’s easier for me.  
7. eye color?
blue gray. and I do wear color lenses - need them to see things anyway, so why not have fun with colors? Last year I had red ones and wore them casually.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy and clever endings that give you food for thought and make you feel feelings - I’ve been a long time Pixar fan, you know.
There was time I’ve been into mystic horrors, some years ago, but now I’m old and tired even for them. LIfe is a dystopia by itself, I need more kind stuff.
(don’t watch movies much these days, I prefer games).
9. any special talents?
Some say I am outstanding and bold,and that I have great creative potential, and that I inspire some people just by being myself... IDK.
10. where were you born?
a city in the mountains
11. what are your hobbies?
I’m a a self-taught seamstress, I’ve been sewing most of my life (because I always loved creating things myself & from my very childhood wanted some unusual clothes that couldn’t be purchased in regular stores). At times, I took comissions, then were 5 years of cosplaying.
I’m into corsetry (waist-training and making corsets myself).
And drawing, of course.
12. do you have any pets?
Nope. Used to have an aquarium in the past.
13. how tall are you?
5’7″ (170 cm) 
14. fave subject in school?
Biology (just in elem and mid, then it became too complex), english. 
I was also one of the best in literature, but I didn’t like it at all. Just figured out how to get exc grades and did it for the sake of being praised. 
15. dream job?
Illustrator, artist.  
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streamat4am · 10 months
Hm, well, I respect her decision everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs.
Sorry you lost a friend, but don't beat yourself over something that was out of your control, you handled it well. As long as you are happy about your art nsfw or sfw, it that you enjoy it. Because only you are making and creating, and inspiring.
But overall, we got you brotha, you just take time if you need it or make art to feel better - but don't force yourself to do it. That just takes the fun out of it, believe me I know.
Well, god bless ya brotha, and please do take care of yourself - lost is lost no matter how light or heavy. ❤️
honestly tanked my nsfw creativity so most prompts and thoughts are gonna be on hold till further notice. Yall can still send asks but the possibility of me answering it is lowered
i wont beat myself up over it because, well, i cant do shit about it but it does suck really badly
i'll be fine, i'll prob just excercise more to cope
take care of yourself too wolf, thanks for the kind words
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ib-cas-project · 7 months
CAS october
For my creativity project i decided to start farming little sea creature [to be exact Artemias and Triops Australiensis separately] I have a great passion for everything ocean related, especially whales (i couldn't farm them tho :c) My brine shrimps are doing very well and currently going on their 3rd generation. Triops on the other hand seem very weak and there is unfortunately only 3 of them. You ca see pictures of me adding oxygen to brine shrimps
Reflection: Well, it is a joy to take care of these little guys and it gives me a lot of satisfaction, so it was definitely worth doing. I learned quite a lot anout how to feed crustacens so they will grow healthy. I also learned to not trust my sister to ever feed my animals when im not home for the weekend.
here are some pictures of my brine shrimps(on the petri dish) and triops
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feeding my triops
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For activity i was planning to try aerial hoop gymnastics, but after going to my first class i realised that it might be not the best idea as few months ago i had an elbow joint injury and this sport has a lot of contact with hard metal hoops. Instead I decided to come back to sport i used to practice in elementary school (i sometimes went for training in high school but i was not persistent) - aerial silks(gymnastics with use of long sashes)
Reflection: I honestly am surprised about how much i missed aerial arts overall and how wasy it is to forget how hard things are ;) Although I exercise and stretch at home regularly, I still feel that I am far from the level of my classmates. I am a person who likes to do everything perfectly, so such activities are a challenge not only physically but also mentally. I go to training for 1.5 hours once a week, and I am surprised by how much enthusiasm I have when going there. I owe a large part of the fact that I did not get discouraged to the girls who went there with me, all of them, including the instructor, are very nice and create a pleasant atmosphere for exercising, I will definitely continue gymnastics.
that's some beginner excercise, I was not able to do much more
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For service i participate in Uniwerystet dzieci as a volunteer. I help organise the room for, I prepare materials, help the teachers conduct classes, check attendance lists and take care of children (there are one or two volunteers with me during classes and we have a group of about 20 children aged about 10 under my care, so it's quite a challenge) This week I helped with music classes at the sociology department of the University of Warsaw. I spend there around 6 hours as there are 4 to 5 blocks that last 1 hour
Reflection: It definitely was an interesting experience, very tiring and surprising. I did work with kinds that age before (i have two younger siblings and a lot of their friends ;)) but ever in that many of them. It was kind of touching to see them having fun, made me reflect on hwo much i wuld like to be a 9/10yo kid again and have fun like this. It was also interesting to take care of those children who for some reason did not like the classes and talk to them. Halfway through the class, one boy said he hated music, another started dancing and singing, which disturbed the others a bit, and yet another girl said she was dead because she couldn't hear her heart beating. Honestly, taking care and talking to children is very demanding. I am also very happy that there was another volunteer with me, it made it easier for me to cope with all the tasks and I had someone to talk to when nothing was happening. A very interesting way to meet new friends. When I left after finishing all my duties, I was exhausted and almost immediately went to sleep, but it was definitely worth it and I'm already registered for the next lectures :)
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my volunteer panel where i sign up
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i also got a cool shirt
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I have really enjoyed CAS this school year. It helped me stay consistent in going to the gym and made me more motivated to excercise. The creativity part of CAS was especially enjoyable for me, as it is good to take a break from school once in a while and just do something for fun. It motivated me into restoring an old passion of mine- drawing, which I probably would never have come back to if not for being forced into doing something creative by CAS. It also made me volunteer for a foundation which I am very happy about, because I found myself really enjoying helping others. My biggest diffuculty in completing CAS was finding the time to actually do it. IB is a very time-consuming programme, and comboning it with social and family time, as well as CAS was quite hard to do. However, I when I did find the time to do it, I always enjoyed it. CAS not only motivated me to do various activities, it also encouraged me to reflect upon them, which definitely made me more conscious and thoughtful in what I do, and how it affects others in a global, as well as local context. Despite the challange of CAS being quite time consuming I have managed to complete it this year, which I am very proud of.
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nydianite · 6 months
I'll go on a writer's rant here, and I know this should already be PAINFULLY obvious to all writers, but this is just advice I wanna give to newbie writers is that... Don't👏Be👏 Scared👏Of👏Writing👏Fanfic👏!!!!
Like, I get it, you want your novel to be intentionally yours with all your thoughts and ideas and uf you have an abundance of imagination or inspiration then yes, good on you, congratulations. But, on the flip side of that, I do think that it's really, really helpful to indulge in just writing stories where the characters are from a piece of media you love. It's a good writing excercise especially if you want to work on your writing, where the settings and the characters already have a foundation and you can tweak it however you like. (Ofc, I'm not saying you can just take someone's work of fiction or media and just tweak deets about it and call it yours, that's not what I'm endorsing, I'm endorsing unleashing your creativity while also acknowledging that this (the characters, settings, plot, etc.) is not your original work.)
That's my opinion because, I as a writer, has been in a rut for like, a RIDICULOUSLY long time because I wanted my work to have that pure originality to it in a world where everything's hardly original. And I long since believed that, if my work isn't an original/idea work of mine (everything from the characters, concept, setting, and plot) then it's not a valid thing to enjoy because it doesn't have the same artistic "integrity" or "merit" that it deserves because what? The characters and settings come from/are inspired by another piece of media? And I'm admitting that for a time, I was thinking that fanfiction's sort of a lower type of literature, which is absolutely not true and is not something I believe in now that I've grown more as a writer.
And I honestly respect fanfic writers now too (doesn't matter if their content is cringy and stuff) because at least they're writing what they like, like what is fun to them. Sure, many would question "Who's this fanfic for?" and stuff, and I agree that constructive criticism is valid (especially to writers who want to hone their craft) but I still respect the merit of those works because at least they'll see these fanfics years from now that they've written and have something fun to look back on and maybe even consider polishing the story to be an actual original work of theirs idk it's their choice to make just my take on that.
Bottom line here is, honestly? Just go for it. You want to write that fanfic that will probably make you cringe 5 years from now? Go for it. There's literally no problem with just going for it, life's too short if the after series made it your fic will find its audience. You're scared that no one will probably read it 'cause it's too niche? Don't overthink it, be the fanfic that someone else will be excited to read about.
Writing is supposed to be an outlet of creation, not something that'll burn you out.💙💙💙
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chuyinstheaterib · 1 year
Week 27 feb / 1 march
27 feb : Theory class... not much to sayy altouhgt the teacher did say we'd work with diff artistic designs but we didn't :( but oh well we leart acting techniquies whichh will be very very usefull for this partial beacouse...
1 march So after what felt like a month of theory ( obviously exagerating here xD ) well we did finally actingg and more excercises ( continuing the trend of being able to feel safe and in comfort with everyone in the class )
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( representation of how we looked after today ) So we started with the energy bath like usual and we played/ did two activities / games ( I want to call them games couse they are... and even the teacher calls them that but like xxD it's so weird to call them games couse at the end of the day they are activities with purpose, they are educative games and of the best kind I would say :3 ) The first game was called ¨Only questions¨ which we started doing pretty chillingly, we just sat ina circle and in clock or counter clockwise we were tasked with doing questions about whatever without repeating what someone else did, we then added the difficulty levels of a specific place where the questions had to be based on and the asking whoever you wanted to ask and now this exercise.... xD was very funny we all said questions and the teacher did say we didn't have to think of questions, a sin I commited :(, but even when I did have questions in mind like Istg my mind changed of questions and came up with a new one, I remmember asking someone if they had parents when I wanted to ask them if they liked VOLTEC which came out of nowhere and gave for some laughs xD, it made everyone very comfortable with each other as making questions and hearing people and reactions made the enviroment a very friendly, I forgot I was in a class with lots of people I have never talked to / never talk to, and it made me even share laughs with people I thought I would dislike :) good exercise I want to play more of this and seeing how we get creative.
Some of my fav questions were ¨was it dirty¨ - Juanpablo ¨should we go to a jacuzzi alone?¨-Gera ¨Did you get back with your ex AGAIN?¨-Evellyn ¨DID YOU DRINK?!?!'¨ - Claudette ¨DId you like the girls¨-Myself and not a question but ¨Saldas¨-Emilia was a funny quote xD
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The last exercise was the most chaotic and the best at putting us in a good enviroment, ( i'm realizing it either didn't have a name or I forgot xD ) basically we had a line in kind of a circle and in the moddle 3 chairs where 3 people would be participating at once, 2 people would speak to the one in the middle about whatever and the person in the middle had to talk to both of them as we all watched, it was chaotic and it was funnny how literally almost everyone created drama and like venting type of talks and a lot of them were real.... which when presented in a comedic way making fun of them and exagerating made them really interesting and gave insight to more of our peers. I personally just ranted about some things which had happened to me while exxagerating abit jsjs and I honestly regret not talking about more personal things and turning them into satire/ comedy as I was a bit scared at first and when I felt more relaxed about them it was too late. However i twas nice to hear the conversation about dead mothers, cheating scumbag exes, dogs that died, crashing cars, alcohol, more exes, crushes, more more more exes from our peers, I feel so much comfy with the group and while I might not talk to people outside the class inside I think we can all have a really good time :) I want more of this improvisation and talking, it is way more enjoyable than the cordination and movement activiites but that's a personal opinion, mainly couse I like the direct interaction these imply. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand talking about our exes and love is funny
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(@ everyone in the class....)
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julygirl67 · 2 years
Self Care is Needed
How many times do we put things off. We want to get our hair done, a pedicure, meditate, take that yoga or swim class, but we put it off. How many times do we want to relax and read a book or write or join the book club or go golfing? We put it off. We get too busy and we run ourselves ragged until we are so tired so stressed that all we want to do is sleep or watch tv and perhaps eat our cares away.
Stress makes us tired which also makes cortisolm levels rise. We feel athargic and oyr lives become work no play no rest and our immune system suffers.
Tips on self care are below....try to follow this each day or at least 3 times a week to produce results.
Take a 20 minute walk or more each day. Commune with nature. Listen to the wind the birds watch the trees and smell the flowers and excercise those legs arms and feel the nature calm you and put you in a state of bliss.
Meditate at least 10 minutes each morning to get your day started. The universe answers our wishes when we are still and our minds are clear. Being calm allows a flow to swim through us into the abyss of the higher deine. This is not BS this is science.
Get a facial or try a DIY at home.
Take sea salt..lemon,honey, mint leaves and live oil. Take a bit in the palm of your hand then with fingers begin to rub gently exfoliate your face.
Soft skin and pore mask
Honey , brown sugar AND banana( mashed up). Leave on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then when all off, rinse with cold water.
The body is meant to move. When we stretch we feel good. The blood circulates, we sleep better we are placed into a high vibration and our bones get stronger as we strenghten our muslces and lengthen ligaments.
Prayer makes us feel calm and guided and safe. As we pray and theres no right or wrong way to do it, we are placed in a state of bliss. Prayer changes things. It may not alter our situation but it brings us faith hope and comforts us. We all like to feel comforted and sometimes finding solace is difficult.
Read a book
Reading allows us to use our imagination which enhances our creativity. Turning pages, learing new words, being intersted in the story, it lifts us up. It gives us excitement and invokes emotions. It lets us escape from the outside world and we can use that time to time.
Srrounding yourself with kind caring fun people who make you laugh and feel good is an act of self care.
Take a nap and get a good night's sleep
No you dont have to sleep 8 or 9 hours but getting a good nights sleep is imporatnt. Some gurus say the body doesnt need sleep as much as it needs rest..yes there is a difference. SSleep is just a form of rest. Rest is significant for a healthy lifestyle. I use to feel guilty to nap but not now. Every chance I get in the day I take an hour nap. It refreshes us and boosts our immune system.
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empressofdiamonds · 2 years
How do you manage your time? How do you organize your days, weeks, goals...?
Very long post... Click under there at your own risk.
I spread my exam study at least two weeks before my exam. First week is dedicated to the harder material. Second week is reinforcing my memory, redoing excercises, past exams, etc. All the material the teacher gives is very likely relevant.
I generally study a bit in the morning, in between classes, and after my dinner. I try to have a ratio of 60% study time and 40% enterainement time.
I block out my dinner time everyday. Relax time in the middle of my school day is highly important, and I need to eat well.
Since my diploma is heavily lab-related, I go to labs as much as I can cram in. The more I lab pratice the better my scores are. Simple. So if I want high notes, I pratice more.
When I used to do my diploma in mathematics and computer science, I crammed as much excercises as possible. Again, with sciences that are math based it is important to pratice in order to understand. It's sorta silly to expect perfection after just doing 5 excercises. It HAS to become your second nature.
I NEVER sacrifice my sleep in favor of school. It is critically important.
I wash my bedsheets every Saturday, I wash my laundry every Saturday. No exceptions. I try to start the work early in the morning, undoing my bed when I wakeup, so it is done by mid-afternoon.
Every Saturday I do a light tidying up as well, while my laundry is being washed. Dusting off with a slightly wet rag, vacuuming, sometimes a bit of mopping. If yout ake consistent care of things, they become quite easier to clean up. There's a reason why hotel maids come to clean everyday, both for your satisfaction, and for easier work when you check out.
During the week I do consistent tidying up. Throwing away obvious trash, loading up my laundry basket, I redo my bed everyday, etc. Takes only a few minutes out of your day and has a huge impact.
Creative work:
I try to do a little everyday, collecting ideas, putting the simplest ones into action right away.
I do Art Sundays, putting on some music, starting to write, paint, color, read, etc. No limits. For you, you can fix a day of the week dedicated to your favorite hobbies. Life's not only work work work work. It is also fun.
Again, being consistent about it is easier than doing a LOT at once. I won't do a huge 15 hour project a monday evening and rather reserve it for my Art Sunday, but I will do right away a sketch idea or post idea. 've personally never really liked just letting things lingering in the mind, without output whatsoever. They clutter the mind.
Since I'm a part-time student, I never get over 25-30 hours a week. I do not recommend working more than 20 hours a week if you're a full-time student. There are studies that show there's a decrease in grades the more the student works. If you can't subsist on 20 hours a week, seek for higher pay jobs first before accepting more hours.
I've never ever given my employer my class schedule. It is NOT a good idea, since the employer can guilt-trip you into working more hours. "Hey I saw you don't have class monday from 8 to 12 can you come work please, I'm so stuck here!" is pretty hard to resist.
Have extremely solid boundaries between work, school and personal life. Refuse any hours that are excessive or heavy. I refuse to work week evenings, I refuse to work more than 25-30 hours a week, I refuse to work more than 8 hours a day for my two jobs combined. If the employers have difficulty, not my fault. I give them hours of availability, they give me work based on that and end of story.
Equally, I refuse to clock in much earlier, or to clock out way later than planned. I do as much as possible, wrap it up when it is time to close. Not being able to do all the work is management fault for over-estimating the amount of work to be done, and not my fault.
Some employers hope that by overloading you with work, you'll stress up enough to do 2 people's work by yourself. Not worth the stress. Learn to refuse. Been there done that. My personal time is valuable.
I prioritize the most paying work. I routinely refuse hours at my less paying work if I'm busy. Money wins over loyalty.
I do a few hours of freelance work on the side, when I feel my schedule is freer. Freelance work can be time consumpting so it is important to schedule more than necessary so you don't miss deadlines.
I've never been much into doing radical lifestyle changes. I've had more success adapting myself as I go: if I find something unsatisfactory in my life, I go work at it right away without wasting time on hesitation. I can almost always go back to how I was, and hesitating badly served me.
Letting unsatisfactory things go wild in your life will bring your down, wether you're fine with it or not.
Hesitation is often a godawful waste of time.
The biggest realization I've had when it comes to goalmaking is that you DO NOT want it to be temporary. You want the new change to be in your life forever.
You don't count the days.
You don't think to coming to the "before". The "before" is over, there's Now, and Future only. Before is DEAD.
Past failures don't define who you are.
When I want to start a new habit, activity, I incoporate it into my life, and my identity. I'm not "picking up books sometimes", I'm an good reader. I'm not "barely starting to workout", I workout and I'm a fit person. Assuming I'm That Person helps me interorize the change is there for good. I'm not the Before Person, that Peson is DEAD. I'm the Now Person.
Continuing on previous point, I believe that one should work on their goals at least a bit every day, every single day. Compounding. It can be as little as 5 minutes, it can be as much as hours and hours. You want to reinforce that habit and that identity. Let's say you start a habit of working out, you assume the identity of being a fit person, then you go at the gym. You just go at the gym every day, cuz you're a Fit Person. On days you're resting, you go anyways just to do stretches and some light walking, no hard work. The more you go the more you reinforce the habit the more you embody the Fit Person identity.
I try to hype myself up in a positive way, rather than berating myself in a negative way. Positive reinforcement works wonders on us, we're animals too!
If I fuck up my habit routine, I tell myself it is fine and that I can do better next time. I don't have "one shot", I pardon myself and get back right away.
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astrojoy · 3 years
Hello there!! How would you interpret a Virgo Mars (22 degrees), Virgo Lilith (14 degrees), and virgo fortune (28 degrees) in the 10th house (All of these placements sit in my 10th house). Also my midheaven is in virgo (6 degree). Any other thoughts on these placements would also be great!! Thanks
Heya lovely! Since I'm trying to keep this simple and where other people can resonate, I will divide this into different sections, plus it makes it easier to read! Gorgeous placements hon! 🥰
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Through the sign
Virgo Mars
Having this placement can make you a perfectionist! You can be really clean or organized in general and often make the effort to do your best wherever you put your energy (specifically whatever house this is in) This placement gives you a creative gift in arts and crafts as well (leo/libra sit beside it 😉) if you have art projects of any sort you could be quite fast with them however your perfectionism will slow you down, you like to make sure the work is worth your time. Some people with this aspect are very much into health. This can range from excercising often all the way to just dieting and skincare! However this placement also has a tendency towards having insecurities because of this. If they think they are overweight, have way to many health concerns then they can get quite pessimistic and feel dull. Since Virgo originally rules the 6th house of health and here it's in Mars, be careful around fires + heat. Since Mars is placed in this Mercurian sign, be careful of running/asthma only if you are more prone to it. If someone picks an argument with this placement they can be the type to lean towards logic over emotion. They like to be practical in their approach to anger and would rather have an intellectual debate of both sides rather than waste their time with nonsense of emotion. Virgo Mars are generally very sweet spoken and easy to get along with. They prefer a non argumentative route and to stick to peace, if they are perhaps challenged in this area though they won't be afraid to snap back. If you get a pet they could have a bit of Mars influence, they may be energetic, sassy and/or in good health. Stray away from cigerettes and inhaling smoke of any sort if you can 🥰
Virgo Lilith
Here we have someone who was possibly held back in Virgos domain. These people might have had to deal with siblings (if they have any) that didn't respect their ideas or personal beliefs on freedom. These people could have had to deal with parents/guardians that didn't take their health concerns as seriously as they should have been taken. This placement has an inner need to be free from the constraints of routine and generally likes being the leader of it rather than following what most consider normal. They enjoy routine, however they just don't enjoy doing it the mundane way is all! If they were ever bed bound/had a serious illness, this placement shows them feeling trapped at some point, and now they despise this feeling. On an uncommon occasion these people could have also dealt with either an excessive overabundance of tasks very often or none at all which has made them the way they are today. Since Virgo is also about perfectionism, this placement can make someone extremely tedious and detail oriented in whatever house it's in! Since Virgo is also known as the virgin woman as a constellation, they could have had issues with sexuality from people in general at some point in their lives. This is a scary position if a boss/manager has it. A slight messup from a worker can cause great distress and possibly an easy ticket out the door. They are uptight as authority and will enjoy seeing nothing less than what they expect
POF in Virgo
Oh fun! You will find your fortune (mental and/or physical happiness) from being of service to others in this lifetime. An example is a school counsellor! They help their students to achieve the best that they can be and also check in on them to see how they are feeling, now in your case, you would gain happiness from it! You can be mysteriously lucky in areas revolving keeping things in order (not losing items/files/etc), having a good relationship with co-workers, health and animals or fitness (energy related health) in general. Speaking of animals, if you ever get a pet, this will be like a luck magnet! When someone with POF in Virgo has a pet they find emotional security!
Virgo MC
People with this are generally seen as easy-going, possibly shy/reserved and sweet natured to the public. At work you can come off as neat, tidy, well spoken and organized. People can get the impression that your life is put together and well kept. Careers areas this placement focuses on are:
Health (Fitness or Medical)
Software development or design
Through the house
Mars in the 10th house
Mars in the 10th house can indicate using a lot of energy in whatever career you aspire towards! This energy can range from mental to physical and will be of great help on your journey. This placement can also show us people whom give the impression of being quite charismatic in public or at work. They typically have a "don't get on my bad side" vibe about them too which can make them not-so-easy targets when it comes to business. There might be disagreements with the law and people in higher positions of power. They might question your ethics and vice versa, this can cause some friction if this placement doesn't find a good medium. In the work life if someone with this placement is a businessman/women then they can be real fighters in the field of marketing and rivals. These people also are much better off as being their own boss or in some sort of fluid work position where they can control their own doings as Mars enjoys being head on and in charge. This is a very hands on position! For some people the Dad could have been a workaholic or they got heated up quite easily
Lilith in the 10th house
An interesting placement here! Older men/woman, bosses, higher ranked colleagues and etc could want to take advantage of your work, take credit or overall control your work ethic. This is a major entrepreneur placement as these people generally enjoy working for themselves, controlling their hours, schedule and so on. Lilith here doesn't like being confined by rules all the time. She wants to be able to express herself wherever she goes. This placement can show someone having a dress code, style code any work code in general and not being able to express their unique things about them (such as hairy dye, piercings, tattoos, stylish clothes, etc). Also if you do in fact enjoy showing off what you truly are like, you can be shut off from society in some way or people may judge what you do with yourself or how you like to come across in public. However this is bad, because this can cause such a person to overexaggerate what others were trying to keep hidden out of spite. So this can cause fights with bosses or arguments with people who question your way of going about life. People here can have a rocky relationship with their father figure or whoever was in charge of the house/income as well. This is not an easy aspect for career however it can teach a lot! There might be people who are also jealous of you or envy something about you, this can cause some hate from a portion of the public, but on the other hand, there's also a lot of people that admire someone with this placement. To the point of obsession or trying to follow the leader. Famous people with this tend to have extreme fans but also haters. You can also become resentful or envious also though! It's moreover to people who are in higher status or power than you, you tend to strive to be the best
POF in the 10th house
You have luck in the realm of career! You will find happiness in pursuing your dream job and might have luck on your side when it comes down to it! People with this placement can learn a lot from their fathers and bosses. You tend to find happiness by being in charge while working too! If you are an owner of a business then you can find your greatest successes by meeting eye-to-eye with the public. If people want a certain product then by giving them that certain product you will gain great rewards! If you aspire to be famous you actually can have this lucky ticket, as this POF acts as a wonderful placement and may make the process easier than others. Whatever zodiac it's in can show how your reputation can easily skyrocket (EX: Virgo -> by taking care of people, providing quality work effort)
Have a wonderful day! 🥳
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vulpes-nothus · 2 years
"Just keep practicing!" "With more experience, you'll get better!" "No one is perfect at first, but you'll get better with time!"
These are all just light and love ways to say, "GET GOOD, SCRUB!"
And these are all things I see in posts about DMing/Storytelling/running tabletop games.
I'm fucking tired of it.
Things You Can Do to Run Better Games (that are not running games)
Spoon Excercises
Pulled from tactical training courses, all you really do is take an item (a spoon) identify what it is designed for (scooping and eating food) and come up with a list of 15-20 other uses for a spoon that are NOT it's intended use (not scooping or eating.) For example, here is my spoon list:
Electrical circuit completion
Electrical short
Gear jammer
Blunt weapon
Tiny catapult
Eye patch
Cover for sucking chest wound
Raw scrap metal for welding/forging
Ammunition for slingshot
Ammunition for muzzleloader
Finger splint
Heat conductor
Convex reflector
Reflected light flash signal
Back scratcher
Fishing lure
Door alarm
That list took me about ten minutes to come up with, and spoons are often used since you are encouraged to test your ideas. With practice, you can start playing this game with game material, like coming up with twenty uses for Lay on Hands that is not "heal 1d6 hit points of damage per for every two levels the paladin possesses" or "deal damage to undead creatures."
Trains: creativity, unilateral thinking, rule interpretation
Watching a Show (without watching it)
This one is simple: turn on a show that you have NOT seen before, then fuck off doing other things while it plays in the background. Cook, clean, read, do homework, talk to friends or family, literally anything that is both not paying attention to the show and engages your attention.
Once you get through an episode, listen to the first few minutes of the next one (NOT THE RECAP YOU CHEATERS!) and guess what happened while you were busy. Write it down, then compare your notes to an actual viewing of the episode. The better you get, the more accurate and detailed your notes will be. Bonus points if you get to the point where you can do this with shows you don't speak the language of.
Trains: multitasking, memory, note taking, extrapolation
Consume Non-Fiction
What it says on the tin: read, watch, or listen to info about your real life on your real planet around you. Do research, ask questions, find answers. Branch out into something you know nothing about. Are you a hard historical gamer that bases your campaign in the Holy Roman Empire? Look up something about deep sea amphipods or how computer chips are made. Do you love Tolkien and have memorized the LotR? Try something on knitting or modern Japanese ghost hunters. Are you a stripper that plays Shadowrun on your nights off? I'm not cool enough to advise you, though I might hazard this suggestion: maybe veterinary medicine? The point is, find something you know nothing about, and follow the rabbit hole.
Trains: research skills, broadened knowledge, mental flexibility
Start a Physical Hobby
From something as expensive as a martial arts class or bdsm to something as cheap as hiking or drawing, the best game runners I know have all got something physical that they do for fun. Often more than one thing, but if you don't have any, start with one. I don't really care what it is either. If you have a reason you can't move your (x) find something you can move and use it.
Trains: expectation management, grounded rulings, stamina, patience
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yoiku · 3 years
beep boop it’s an update on what’s going on in yoiland and how the main brain computer fried itself this time. It’s a long one!
So I got a letter on the 1st of July stating that I’ve been admitted into the big boi hospital for the proper tests/evaluation for ADHD and/or other neurological/behavioral issues. The paper said that I shoud be getting an invitation within the next 6months, and my goodness if time hasn’t been weird since then. Two months have passed and it feels like it’s both gone past really fast and agonizingly slow at the same time??? I’ve also been a real emotional rollercoaster because I decided to drop off my SNRI medication, and well, that’s been pretty rough. I gave it a slower drop off at first like instructed and for a few weeks after the effects had worn off I was feeling pretty great, I was able to find joy in little things again and it was great! ...Until I got that very familiar feeling of not being good enough again while I was trying to work on some art I owe to friendos. And to make things worse, when I tried to reach out for a meeting with a nutritional specialist for weight control purposes (this is a thing i’ve been trying to gather up courage to do for fucking years now.) I got straight up denied... because I don’t have diabetes(...yet). This on top of the pile of self loath I had already accumulated... Man that hit me like a truck hits a critter on a highway, and I went straight into suicidal mode in a matter of a few days. I’m not gonna go into detail about those few days, but long story short, I ended up popping my old doze of the SNRI pills to regulate my emotions for a few days. They make me unable to rest properly (can’t get more than a few hrs of shallow sleep -> constantly tired or high wired) but they also make me a mostly emotionless blob, so they helped in that moment. I still don’t want to continually take them though, they make me feel so understimulated about everything :/ I should meet up with my doc about it, but I already know he’s not going to have any new options for me before the ADHD thing is out of the way. Just gotta wait for now, ugh. I guess I do now have a better grasp on how the meds have affected me overall though, so going forward regardless of what those neuro test results will be, I feel like I have feedback to offer now.
Overall I feel like over this summer I’ve really gone backwards with my mental health. I don’t leave my apartment for 3-4 weeks at a time again, and when i do go out it’s like 10min trip to the grocery store to get something. The absolutely horrific heatwaves during june/july/august did not help. Not going out or getting even the slightest of excercise makes me really fucking tired, frustrated and hurty all over, all the time. Yet doing something about it all is hard when going out the door feels like climbing mt. everest with a spoon for an ice pick or something.
On a brighter note, autumn is on the door now and the cooler weather and darker nights are starting to give me better vibes. It’s nice to have a distinct day and night again. I’ve been able to resume my habit of drinking coffee on the balcony while it’s cool/cold out late night or early morning. It’s really cozy and gives me the Good Vibes™.
On the creative side of things, the vibes are still pretty bad. while on the meds I wasn’t getting much feelings about making art, not good or bad, so i generally didn’t really feel like drawing. No stimuli there so why bother? Now that I’m off meds I have a burning urge and the feel that I really want to create... But I’m also stuck in the self loathing pit again, feeling like shit about everything I make. The process is fun but the results make me want to never create again, so it gets more and more difficult to start a creative process, because I feel like it’s gonna make me feel worse anyway! >:/ Can’t have nice things, sigh. Still, I’m fighting that vicious cycle of feels right now, and I know it -will- ease up at some point. I just wish I was able to flip that switch in my head when I want to or need to, instead of having to wait and fight every goddamn time. I also should be starting another period of social/work rehab next month, and now that majority of people are double vaxxed for covid here, those workshops can operate local again. So I should be having a reason to leave the apartment at least twice a week then! I have so many plans and hopes on what I want to do with my life(and art), but all of them are being held back with all this mental health nonsense I have to deal with. I’d really love some healthy stability instead of this stagnation in my life x_x Still alive and occasionally kicking though.
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adozentothedawn · 3 years
Weird asks: 4, 11, 15, 47, 58, 73, 98?
Sure thing and thanks for asking! This did get a little long at times, but they are just really fun questions.^^
Asks are here.
4.  how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
I’m not sure how elementary school works in other countries, so short explanation first. Here in Austria we generally only have one teacher for everything in elemetary school aside from exceptions like religion (at least in my school, which was a catholic private school). 
I had three teachers over the four years I was in elementary school (and the religion teacher, but I don’t really remember anything about her). For the first one that i had the first two years I was annoyance because she was a mean bitch (excuse my language). I had really hard time with the other kids and was ahead of them in basically every area that wasn’t social. She helped me with neither, with the explanation that she can’t give me special treatment. 
The second one saw my issues and did her best to keep the other kids in check, and I really liked her. I don’t really know her opinion of me though, aside from ‘child under my care’.
The last one was freshly out of uni and did not deserve having to deal with us as her first class. She really tried though and did her best to at least give me something to do when I was bored. She also told me that she always enjoyed reading my texts. I applied the principle of malicious compliance to those tasks before I even knew what that meant. xD Especially for the creative tasks there was always an obvious way to do it, something that whoever made the tasks clearly expected. I never did it that way, simply out of principle, and instead always found a way to fulfill the tasks without going that obvious way. 
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Generally always tea. I have the best tea cup where 3/4 liter tea fit in. Right now I also have lion flakes, because those are criminally delicious. It’s insane how good they are. I would love to get my hands on a recipe so I don’t have to pay Nestle, but sometimes I just need that shit. Usually it’s just toast with honey, self made apple jam, or the ovomaltine spread though.
15.  favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Krabat and Percy Jackson. Both we read pretty early, though Percy Jackson was more a ploy for us kids to get into reading (and oh boy he did not have to try with me. I just finished the Trials of Apollo, and I’m not sure I’ll say no to the next one Rick Riordan releases). Krabat is more actually german literature history. I liked it a lot, though I know most my classmates didn’t. Personally I really recommend it though, it’s exciting and creepy, and keeps you on your toes. Don’t watch the movie though, it’s crap.
47.  favorite type of cheese?
The one you put into the ove to melt and then eat with bread. It’s basically a less fancy fondue, but it’s really good.^^
58.  four talents you’re proud of having?
Terrific question and a good excercise to do sometimes. Let’s see... I’m a fast learner in most things. I’m a good actress if you give me some time to get into the role. I have a good feeling for language. I have a good feeling for comedic timing.
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
I’ll be honest, I’m kind of picky.^^° I don’t try out these kind of things often. I have been told though that I’m weird for making soup with frankfurter sausage, so that maybe?
98.  favorite historical era?
Oh, don’t make me choose! There are so many fascinating things in history. I had really intense ancient egypt phase as a kid, I had a less intense roman and greek phase, I had a thing for the middle ages, there’s just so much. I gues the last thing I hyper focused on was europe in 18th century and beginning of the 19th. I wrote my final paper in high school (41 pages) about Maria Karolina, a queen of Naples and Sicilly, and Napoleon’s nemesis. She was pretty cool.^^ If anyone is interested in reading it I totally send it you.^^ It is german though. Maybe I’ll translate it someday, it would be nice practice... 
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ib-cas-project · 4 months
CAS January (and December)
Because of after Covid health problem during December OI was not able to do activity and service. For both of last months I learned to play chess as my creativity so I will just post it together.
I continued my chess journey, playing both on chess.com and in real life. I started learning more theory (openings, gambits etc) and getting more advanced in my play.
I actually think I got kind of addicted because 30% of my screen time last month is chess.com (it’s like 27h altogether). I play mainly 10 minute games so it makes sense, but I had to slow down a bit. Honestly I am surprising how connnecting this game is, I’ve met so many people while playing (not only online!) and learn quite a lot of them. But I noticed that I also started spending more time with my grandparents (both of which are great chess players and I’ve not yet win a single game against them) and that I see them a bit differently now, sometimes I feel like they are younger then me when we’re playing. Surely I will keep up playing chess, I would never ever suspect how thrilling it is and I feel kind of glad that I’ve found myself a new hobby because I was getting kind of bored with my old ones.
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As I mentioned I had some severe health problems after covid, and I still can’t excercise excessively, so this month instead of taking gym classes or swimming I decided to enjoy winter (I’m the biggest winter fan ever) I’ve been sledging with my sister and friends (not only on snow but also on sand :))
As I said, I always loved spending my time outside on snow, so it was obviously extremely fun for me and people who I was spending my time with. My sister (she’s 10) says she would definitely recommend the experience and I also feel a bit better as a sister. It was also kind of nostalgic to go out with friends with whom I used to spend my time exactly like that, but 10 years later. I know it might not be the perfect CAS activity, because I surely would do a bit of it without needing to do CAS, but I think spending my time outisde, doing some kind of excercise is still worth it.
I know it technically doesnt count but I love this video so here it goes
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