#and like without the bed and most of her stuff taken out it doesn't feel like her room really
violetren · 11 months
I want to keep reading because I am reading in the work room which has been kept warm so the 3d printer will be able to function, and is the warmest room in the house by a significant amount.
But also I am reading in the work room that only has a ragged outdoor chair acting as a makeshift office desk because I haven't had a chance to buy a proper one and my back and neck are Not Happy.
It's also 1:30am. But it IS the weekend so...
I need to go to bed or I am going to be more sore than I am entertained but like, damn I wanna keep reading.
0 notes
rubra-wav · 3 months
Taking care of the main cast while they're sick
Cw: SFW, gn!reader, platonic, very briefly suggestive in Angel's, in the order of who gets sick first - last
<< [ Part 1 ]
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- She's truly a wet cat when she gets sick.
- Will not stop crying and being emotional the whole time. She hates not being able to sing or go out and about.
- Is even more emotional when you volunteer to take care of her as you're no longer as likely to get sick again.
- She's so happy she's not gonna be all alone.
- She hates being locked away in her room and not being able to participate in group activities.
- Insists they still go on without her like she's about to die from not being able to be there with them.
- Charlie spends the whole time wrapped up in a blanket in bed and watching kids' movies. I hope you like Disney movies, because she won't put on anything else.
- Says they make her 'heart' feel not sickly like she is.
- You will be cuddling her because if not, she won't stop sobbing. Vaggie is keeping her distance from her because she doesn't want to get sick too.
- I hope you're also ready to get your ear talked off by a very passionate dreamer who's been under house lock for a week because oh boy.
- For the last few days, she's gonna be trying to leave her room or convince you to let her leave. She's going antsy and stir-crazy by the end of it.
- She's extremely clingy to you as you're essentially her caretaker for the week she's sick.
- Eventually Vaggie caves in to ger girlfriend, and takes over for you anyways. Then Vaggie catches it. 💀
- Apologetic afterwards to you.
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- She's disappointed but not really surprised.
-Probably the best and most composed of all of them when she gets sick.
- She doesn't too much like being seen sick as it makes her feel vulnerable, but when you assure her you don't think any less of her she's a lot less stiff about you being there.
- She will just chill in her room the whole time, probably reading or writing notes to remind her to do stuff when she gets out.
- The whole time she just sighs, sounding extra irritated and absolutely done with life.
- She needs to sit in darkness most of the time because she keeps getting migraines.
- Will absolutely insist she can look after herself and that she doesn't need someone near her at all times like Charlie.
- Will accept you bringing her food, helping with her duties guarding, and bringing her reports about what's gone on around the hotel.
- Really appreciates the reports actually.
- By the end of it she's considering bringing you on to possibly permanently help her out because you absolutely would be helpful.
- Most of her socialisation energy is taken up by Charlie, so she's very likely just gonna wanna be left on her own through most of it.
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- Despite being told not to, Niffty goes into the room's of those who are sick to clean, and that's how she gets sick.
- An absolute fucking nightmare to look after. It's not just you, it's also Vaggie who needs to keep her at bay.
- She doesn't understand 'rest' and 'quarantine', those do not exist.
- There will have to be a 24/7 watch on her to keep her in her room because my God, she does not sleep and stays just as insane but becomes delirous.
- Will be there barely able to stand and still cleaning.
- You will literally have to pick her up and carry her kicking back to her room.
- The only way to get her to go sleep is to get her a tranquiliser.
- There's a greatly annoying back and forth between Alastor, you and Vaggie as Alastor has the tranquilliser she usually has but just refuses.
- Thank christ when Angel just goes 'fuck this' and gets another type like it to knock her out.
- After that it's better. Niffty becomes extremely clingy to you or Vaggie while she's sedated. Vaggie walks out after the solution is found, leaving you to take care of her on your own.
- So you just cuddle her while doing whatever you have brought to do in her room.
- Afterwards she's probably gonna be clinging to you extra. She's imprinted on you during this period low-key
- It's exhausting, and you don't succeed in stopping her from spreading germs (which is ironic considering she's supposedly the clean one)
- Pentious, Husk and Angel all get sick in quick succession after Niffty.
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- His 1800's ass is gonna be so dramatic.
- Not overdramatic, because he's scared for obvious and understandable reasons.
- But still dramatic.
- He's gonna be needing reassurance every three seconds on this, and even then, he's gonna be all weepy.
- Straight up thinks he's gonna die.
- "Bring me out to the garden one last time" type attitude.
- When it becomes clear he's not going to die in approximately 10 seconds, he calms down a bit, but he's still super anxious.
- Will absolutely want to cuddle you (along with his egg boys) while he's still super delirious.
- You gotta like tight hugs because when I say cuddle, I mean he will be full-body wrapping around you with his tail around your legs and arms around your shoulders.
- Denies it happening outright after his temperature comes down, though, and is super embarrassed.
- Cheers up at about the 4 day mark.
- Stays in his room with you and probably just discusses and brainstorms ideas for different kinds of weapons and machines.
- Tbh, after he's not contagious anymore and can leave again, he's probably gonna be jealous that you're no longer giving him as much attention as you were.
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- Oh, he's so mad about it.
- He dodged getting sick off of you, Charlie and Vaggie only to get sick because Niffty refused to stay down.
- The whole time he's also really anxious because he's scared Val is gonna order him to come in while he's unwell and force him to still into the studio to do some weird sickness kink type shit.
- Luckily, Val doesn't reach out at all in the time he's sick.
- Him, Husk and you kinda just chill out together doing stuff like watching movies and talking shit.
- Vaggie orders them to stick together to avoid the chance of infecting anyone a second time, and the whole time you're near them, you need to wear a mask.
- Angel is not a clingy sick person. In fact, he doesn't wanna be cuddled at all (at least in the first few days)
- Doesn't like you seeing him sick because he thinks it's super gross.
- He's getting too hot and then too cold every 3 seconds and is super annoyed over it. Just keeps angrily putting on layers and then taking them off again.
- He doesn't like getting cuddled, but he does like you taking care of him and asking if he needs anything, and you reassuring him he'll get better soon.
- He so rarely gets taken care of in that way, so he absolutely eats it up.
- Probably takes to sarcastically calling you parental nicknames when you tell him he has to take meds/eat/drink whatever.
- He starts going absolutely stir crazy by the end of it as well, he hates being cooped up.
- Very appreciative when he's finally able to gtfo and do stuff again.
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- He's by far the most pissed off about getting sick (that you're aware of at least)
- He kept trying to tell Niffty to go away and go to bed, but she just kept clinging to him.
- The whole time he's unwell, he has to suffer through Alastor laughing at him, which all makes it so much worse.
- Alastor just periodically shows up to bully him, and you need to call Vaggie to kick him out for you.
- Husk does not like you trying to take care of him, and will promptly tell you to fuck off with no hesitation if you start trying to caretake him outside of getting him food and stuff.
- He's also not happy because when he's really delirious, he is actually extremely affectionate.
- The whole time he's running a fever and especially sick, he will be trying to cling to anything around but especially you.
- Does the type of thing during that period that animals do when you stop petting them and they just. Start whining and looking at you pleadingly for more attention.
- He's horrendously embarrassed about it.
- He relaxes a bit when you promise him not to ever bring it up again, but he's still extremely grumpy.
- Especially because he lowkey blames you as you're the root of the sickness, even though you did everything right with isolating and trying to make sure nobody else caught what you had.
- His appreciation is fairly low in comparison to the others.
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- Sick? Take care of him?
- HA. Funny joke.
- He doesn't get sick.
- At least, that's what he says and is absolutely fucking horrified and furious when he actually does end up unwell.
- He tries to hide it behind him being 'busy' in his radio tower and 'to leave him alone to his devices'
- Will never ever admit he's sick, let alone allow you to truly take care of him. Even the thought fills him with such disgust that his smile almost wavers.
- You don't see or hear from him the whole time, but you can tell he's sick. Some kind of intuition.
- You just bring him stuff to eat, drink and take and leave it outside the door - hauling ass tf away as you knock on the door.
- He still knows you know and are bringing him stuff, and it pisses him off massively.
- He doesn't ever bring it up though afterwards, and if you do? You're gonna suffer ngl.
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darkbluekies · 7 months
Like magic — part 2/end?
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Part 1
Male!yandere x female!reader x female!yandere
Summary: after waking up from a coma like state, you find out that people are dying around you ... and they all seem to have a connection to you
Warnings: death, blood, typical stuff, abusive household
Word count: 5.1k
A/N: I feel that the ending got rushed, but I didn't know what I was going to write! Apologies. And for the moment, this will be the end of the series, but if I ever want to do another part, I will<3
Taglist: @yandere-city2 @svinxie @yumeneji @spitakgini
"Have you ever had a dueling class?" Hedwig asks.
"No, never", you reply nervously, thinking of everything Edmund told you about it.
"It's going to be fine. We're not even sure if they're going to pick you for demonstration!"
"I'm happy that Edmund isn't in this class or I'd be dead."
The mention of his name makes Hedwig quiet.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Hedwig", you say. "I know you don't like to talk about him."
"You seem to like it …"
"What? No! He just annoys me so I can't forget him. He's taken over my brain like a virus."
Hedwig sighs and hugs your arm.
"I don't like him at all", she mumbles. 
You enter your very first dueling class and watch how the professor start to talk about different spells (most you've never even heard of).
"I need two participants", he says and looks around for faces. "Arthur and Y/N, please."
You can feel Hedwig stiffen against your arm. You feel your blood go cold.
"B-But professor-!" Hedwig starts.
"No buts, come up here now, Y/N", the professor demands.
You have no other choice than to step up on the stage-looking plateau. Hedwig watches in horror with her hands clasped over her mouth. You pick up your wand. 
"Professor!" Hedwig tries again, but once again she's dismissed.
You're supposed to protect yourself from a spell you have never heard about before, but since you neither know the spell nor the counter spell, it hits your body like a thousand needles. Suddenly, everything seems to go in slow motion. You're flung against the stone wall. The air gets knocked out of your lungs and your head starts to pound thickly. Everything turns dark.
Hedwig screams and runs over to you.
"Y/N, are you okay?!" she gasps. "Y/N answer, please!" She turns to the professor. "I tried to warn you! She doesn't know any dueling spells! Now look at what you did!"
The professor stands there sheepishly, and Hedwig wants nothing more than to swing her wand and do as much damage as she possibly can.
A few students help Hedwig carry your unconscious body to the hospital wing where your bloody head is wrapped in bandage. You're tucked in under white sheets. Hedwig sits by with tears running down her cheeks. She holds your hand tightly. 
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Edmund sighs and turns the page. Idiocy, all of it. He doesn't want to read about spells, he wants to perform them.
"Did you hear?" a voice says to someone else. "The transfer student in third year got abominated during duel class."
The school only has one transfer student. Edmund shuts the book and flies up towards the Hufflepuff student talking bullshit.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" He asks. "Don't talk so much shit. Spit it out."
They seem to flinch upon seeing him. Edmund's made sure that people know you belong to him.
"The transfer student, she's in the hospital wing", the hufflepuff boy says, ashamed by now.
Edmund feels how his heart stops beating. No way. Not you. He gives the Hufflepuff boy one last glare before running off. He bumps into multiple people on his way, but doesn't stop to excuse himself.
Hedwig looks up when she hears someone rip the door open and run in. Edmund's face is paler than usual and for once, there's something desperate in his icy blue eyes.
"What the fuck happened?" he pants and walks to the other side of the bed. 
"The professor didn't listen to me when I tried to tell him that Y/N doesn't know any spells", Hedwig sniffles without taking her eyes off of you. "She got flung against the wall and must have hit her head really hard."
"I'm going to kill him."
Hedwig sobs and rests her forehead down on your hand. 
“Stop doing that”, Edmund mutters and pulls her head back before wiping your hand. “Your face oil is getting all over her.”
"What if she never wakes up again?"
"Stop talking such nonsense, of course she will."
But he can't help feeling worried.
"Alright, students", the working nurse says, "you cannot stay here any longer, the patient needs to rest."
"I'm staying", Edmund says sharply.
"I'm staying too!" Hedwig insists.
"No, you have to listen to the rules. You can visit miss Y/N later."
They are about to resist once more, but are forced out and the doors close behind them.
"What a prick!" Edmund mutters and starts to walks off.
"Edmund, wait … please", Hedwig sniffles. "Please help me."
He frowns and turns around.
"I can't let that boy get away with it", she whimpers. "But I can't do it alone. Please … help me. Please."
“You want … me … to help … you?” he asks, confused. “Have you lost your little sugar, honey mind?”
Hedwig sobs and shakes her head. “No. Please, Edmund. I can’t do it myself, I don’t have the heart to do it. But I know you do.”
“How would you know that?”
“Don’t lie. I know that you have the tattoo on your arm. Everyone knows who your parents are and what they’ve done.” She snuffles and wipes her nose. “It doesn’t matter if they lie. Everyone knows.”
Edmund hushes and covers her mouth with his hand. Hedwig’s eyes widens. 
“Be silent, will you?” he hisses. “Fine, I’ll do it … not because you tell me to, but because Y/N needs to be revenged — and because I’m fucking pissed.”
“Thank you, nonetheless.” She takes a deep breath. “If you … if you do it, I will make sure to cover it up.”
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When you wake up, you can feel a harsh pounding in the back of your head, harsh enough to split your skull open. You open your eyes slightly, letting just enough daylight in to be able to locate yourself. The hospital wing. 
Why am I here?
You suddenly remember, and it sends a new painful wave through your brain. Carefully, you sit up and look around, wishing to see Hedwig, but there’s noone. 
Suddenly, a few teachers rush in with a body in their arms. The boy who you had dueled with — Arthur, you believed his name to be — gets thrown onto a bed and covered with a sheet. A shiver runs down your spine. Whatever that was about, you don’t want to be included. 
“Excuse me?” you say hesitantly, gathering the attention of the nurse. “Could you help me?”
“Yes of course”, she answers and hurries over. “You’re finally awake, I’m happy to see that. How are you feeling?”
Dismissing her question, you ask her to bring you Hedwig. And Hedwig you receive, along with the black haired devil. 
“Oh, Y/N!” she shouts in relief and wraps her arms around you. “Oh, how happy I am to see you awake! You worried me sick.”
You hug her back, weirdly scared. You have no idea how long you’ve been unconscious for, or what has happened to you while you were out. Hedwig’s ripped off of you and suddenly, you feel Edmund’s firm, muscular arms around you. He holds your head into his chest, breathing out slowly. 
“I told you that you didn’t want to end up in the hospital wing”, he mumbles and sighs out, cupping your cheeks. “From now on, I won’t let you anywhere out of my sight. Since miss princess over here can’t keep an eye on you, I have to do it.”
“Excuse me?” Hedwig scoffs. “Do you think I wanted Y/N to get hurt? I tried to tell the professor-!”
“I don’t care, halfblood. If I were there, I wouldn’t have let that happened! I would have dueled the damn professor myself.” He turns to you and kisses your forehead. “My dear, Y/N. I will never let anyone touch a hair on your head again, do you understand me?”
You nod, confused. 
“Good”, Edmund smiles and stands up. “What should we do with you now?"
"Are you allowed to leave?" Hedwig asks softly and you nod. She takes your hands. "Let's go eat something. You can sit at my table."
You come with her to the great hall and sit down by the hufflepuff table. Edmund refuses to be seen beside the students wearing yellow and black uniforms and retreats to the Slytherin table. 
“Here you go, sweetheart”, Hedwig says and starts to fill a plate for you, giving it over. “Eat a lot, okay? You have been skipping multiple days now that you’ve been in a coma — or whatever that was. You have multiple days to make up for, eat up.”
“Thank you, Hedwig, that’s very nice of you”, you reply and watch the mountain of food on your plate. 
Hedwig insists on feeding you, as if you were a baby. You don’t mind. After waking up all alone in a foreign room, without any knowledge of what has happened or how long you’ve been gone, being babied doesn’t sound too bad.
The entire hall is glancing at you and you realize that if there ever was the slightest chance of staying single in the public’s eyes, you were sealed to Hedwig by now. 
Your stomach starts to hurt not long after. It has shrunk in size.
“It hurts”, you say and clutch your stomach. “I think I’m going to throw up if I eat more.”
“But … but …”, Hedwig stutters, completely baffled. 
“Hedwig, I love the food, I really do … but if I eat more for now I’m going to puke.”
“I’ll … I’ll save it then!” she says happily. 
She puts the bread in a napkin and puts it in the pocket of her cloak. You’re pulled up from the bench by her arm and taken out into the corridor.
“Let’s go out into the fresh air to get you feeling better”, she smiles.
You nod, following Hedwig wherever she takes you. A fresh wind clears your lungs.
"I hope you know that I'm so happy that you're okay", she says and holds your hand while you're walking, side by side. "I got so scared. You know that I would do anything for you, right?"
You nod again.
"When I say that, I really mean it. Nothing is too much for you.”
“I’m glad to hear that.”
Hedwig smiles and hugs your arm tightly.
“You should come over to my house someday”, she says. “I would show you so much stuff that you have never seen before. You’re missing out on a lot by being born into a muggle family.”
“I would like very much to go to your house”, you say quietly. “I don’t want to go home.”
She stops. “What? Why?”
“Well … you know … I don’t want to go home.”
She frowns when you shrug awkwardly. You’ve hinted about your home life numerous times, but you’ve never told her the entire reason. Should you?
“Why?" she asks. "Why don't you want to go home?"
"I'm scared that they won't let me go back."
"Nonsense, Y/N. I'm sure that they'll understand."
"No, Hedwig, they won't. They locked me in my bedroom every year to make sure I wouldn't get here. I picked the lock this time. Otherwise I wouldn't be here."
"Are they bad people, Y/N?"
"Well … I don't know. They're not mean but … if I say anything that goes against their rules or their wishes, they punish me greatly.”
“You’d be surprised at how creative they are.”
“I see.” She smiles softly and caresses your cheek. “You have nothing to be worried about, I will take you in. You can move into my house.”
“Thank you, but I don’t want to be a bother to your parents.”
“They’re rarely home anyway, they wouldn’t even notice.” She gasps and looks at her watch. “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry, Y/N, I have to go! I have class in five minutes. Please find me after class, we can meet in the library. I love you, Y/N, bye!”
She kisses your cheek and runs. You watch her until she disappears into the castle. The headache returns and you press your palms to your forehead, giving out a small sigh. Did your brain disconnect from the skull in that fall?
There’s too many people around you, too many sounds. You start to move back towards the castle when you’re stopped by a couple of students. They’re younger than you, but smirk like adults. 
“Aren’t you the third year that can’t duel to save your life?” one of them taunts. 
You’re taken aback, not knowing what to respond. They laugh among themselves, enjoying your embarrassment. You glance down at their robes. All from different houses.
Suddenly, their smiles disappear and they fixate on something behind you. You turn around, seeing Edmund with his two minions. 
“Bet you’re feeling tough, huh?” Edmund asks coldly. “Picking on someone that just came out of the hospital wing? Fuck off.”
The younger students glare at him, but listen and leave. You can feel Edmund’s hand on your shoulder. 
“Hey, transfer student”, he says, “you shouldn’t wander around right after waking up from a coma. Did you lose braincells when hitting your head?”
“No”, you sigh and hold your hand on your head. “But it does hurt. A lot. All sounds make my brain pound.”
Edmund covers your ears with his hand, gives you a small nudge in the back with his knee to make you walk. He brings you to an empty corridor and sits you down on the floor. 
“Did you know those kids?” he asks. 
“No”, you shake your head. 
“I knew one of them”, one of his friends says. “Won’t be too hard to figure out who the others are.”
“Good”, Edmund says and sits down beside you, bringing you close to him. 
You frown in confusion as he wraps his cloak around you and puts your face on his shoulder. 
“Let’s rest here for a bit”, he says. “Don’t move. Sleep if you want.”
 The food swelling in your shrunken stomach and the loud noises have brought you back to exhaustion. You find yourself drifting off in his hold. Edmund sits with you, holding you closely. Every time someone walks by, he holds his hand over your ears to make sure they won’t wake you up. His friends chase them off. 
“Of course you had something to do with it”, he hears a voice say after a while. 
“No need to be snarky, Hedwig”, Edmund says without lifting his eyes from you. “I helped you kill that Arthur boy, the least you can do is thank me.”
“Is she okay?”
“Yeah, just tired.”
Hedwig sits down beside the two of you and caresses your hair. 
“We have more to take care of”, Edmund says lowly. “Some embarrassing kids tried to embarrass Y/N. If you can find out who they are, I will take care of them.”
“Sure, it wouldn’t be too hard.” Especially with her contacts.
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Things start to happen the following weeks. People you have talked to or that have been close to you have disappeared from the school or ended up dead in the hospital wing. You have done everything in your power to not blame yourself for the weird disappearances. It has to be a coincidence, you tell yourself. It can’t be your fault.
“Why that look?” Edmund asks and pokes your shoulder. 
You haven’t even realized that you’ve been staring in front ot you, completely missing what the teacher has said the last half an hour. 
“I feel weird”, you whisper. 
“Why?” Edmund asks, confused. 
“Haven’t you realized that people have died or disappeared?”
“I haven’t thought about it too much. It doesn’t interest me.”
“Oh …”
You look down in your lap where your nails scratch at each other.
“Why are you putting so much thought about it?” Edmund questions. 
“I’ve talked to them all … they’ve disappeared or died after they’ve been in my presence. Do you think it has something to do with me?”
“You think everything has to do with you.”
“I do not!”
The teacher scolds you for raising your voice and disturbing the class. Edmund smirks for himself. It stays on until you’re let out of the classroom. 
“Wait, Y/N, can you stay for a moment?” the teacher asks. 
You nod and walk over with Edmund behind you. 
“The headmaster wants to talk to you”, the teacher says. 
“What?” you ask. 
“Why?” Edmund demands to know. 
"It's urgent. Please hurry to his office.”
You give Edmund a nervous glance and hurry out. He follows closely with a cold look on his face.
“What do you think could have happened?” you ask him while rounding the corner.
“No idea”, he responds shortly. “But if they're trying to put you in trouble I'm snapping their necks.”
You can feel him take your hand tightly. You'll end up with bruises, you're sure.
The headmaster's office is dimly lit. He sits behind the desk with a worried look in his eyes. It only makes you even more terrified.
“Y/N, good”, he says and sits up straight. “I have some very serious matters to discuss with you. I see that you brought your friend.”
Edmund looks greatly offended at his title.
“What is it?” you ask carefully. 
“I'm sure that you haven't missed the unfortunate death of some of our students during these last few weeks … and they've all linked with you somehow-”
“Do you think she has killed them?” Edmund bursts out angrily.
“I did not say that. Please calm down. What I am saying is that the murders are linked with you somehow and to prevent more innocent students from death, we'll have to suspend you for a while.”
His words hit you like a missile in your chest. 
“What?” you ask quietly. “Suspend me? I haven't done anything wrong!”
“I know, Y/N, but we need to catch this murderer before he does more harm and with you here, we risk even more lives.” 
“How do you even know that Y/N is linked, hm?” Edmund questions snarky.
“Well, we're not one hundred percent sure, so sending Y/N home will determine if the murderers had anything to do with her or not. You'll take the train tomorrow evening. I'm sorry, Y/N.”
You can't seem to move, wondering if someone has put a spell on you. Your head pounds, and you start to wonder if you're hallucinating, almost hoping for it. Edmund leads you out to the corridor and grabs your shoulders to force you to look at him.
“You haven't done anything wrong, do you understand that?” he asks you harshly. 
You nod carefully.
“I don't want to go home”, you shake your head quickly as tears form in your eyes. 
“You’ll be back soon enough. When they realize that you have nothing to do with it, they have to bring you back.”
But you have to go back, and you know better than to argue with grown ups. Whether you want to or not, you’re on the train the next day, with all your belongings. Hedwig and Edmund are standing on the station, waving you off. 
“This fucking sucks”, Edmund mutters, watching the train leave. 
“I’m so worried for her”, Hedwig says shakily. “I hope that they’re not mean to her.”
“Her parents.”
Edmund stares at her in shock, almost fear. “What about her, parents, Hedwig?”
“You didn’t know?”
“Know what?”
“Y/N told me that they’re creative with … punishments. They didn’t want her to come here … and now that she’s been gone for half a semester, I’m scared what they’re going to do to her once she comes back. She might not be allowed to come back … or they might hurt her.”
“Not on my fucking watch.”
He starts to walk back towards the school.
“What are you going to do?” Hedwig shouts behind him.
Edmund stops and walks back to her with burning, icy eyes. 
“I am going to get Y/N out of that house and you are going to keep killing here”, he says sharply. “Do you understand that, halfblood?”
“Me?!” Hedwig almost screams. 
Edmund covers her mouth with his hand. 
“Shut up”, he orders her, “or else the entire country will hear you.”
She removes his hand forcefully and glares at him. 
“Edmund, I can’t kill anyone”, she hisses. 
“Oh, you fucking can”, Edmund scoffs. “I know you’re not all nice. Don’t even try. You had no problem threatening me on on the quidditch court. You have no remorse when you give me information on the people that I kill. You can do it too, stop pretending to be some weak lamb.”
Hedwig doesn’t answer. 
“Why do I have to keep killing?” she mutters. “Y/N’s gone.”
“Because she won’t get to return otherwise”, Edmund replies. “If the headmaster realizes that the murders really do link with Y/N, she’ll never get to come back — they might even think it was her that killed them … and then she’ll be sent to Azkaban. Is that what you want?”
Hedwig shakes her head quickly. 
“That’s what I thought”, he says. “My friends will help you kill whoever you need to. I am going to go get Y/N.”
“I know the muggle world better than you. Why can’t I go get her and you stay?”
“Because I don’t fucking trust you.”
“I don’t trust you.”
“I don’t care.”
With that said, he walks away, leaving Hedwig alone on the platform. 
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You cry the entire way back. You haven’t done anything, why are you getting punished? It’s not fair. Now you’re getting sent back to your parents while the murderer is still allowed to roam the halls of Hogwarts. You’ll never be allowed to go back. 
When the train stops, you’re met by your parents outside the window. You remain in your seat. They go on board to get you when they realize that you refuse to come out. 
“Y/N, get up”, your mother says coldly. “Stop being childish.”
You don’t look at them, don’t answer. Your father grabs a hold of your arm and pulls you up from the seat. 
“Don’t touch me!” you shout. “I can walk by myself.”
You press yourself past them and walk out on the platform. The entire ride home is silent, but you know that the second the front door closes, you’ll know what hell feels like. And you’re of course right, because the second your father locks the front door behind you, you feel a slap over your cheek. With wide eyes, you back away and put your hand on your cheek. They have never put their hands on you. They have done countless embarrassing and hurtful punishments, but they have never hurt you physically. Not like this. if you weren’t stunned, you’d scream at them. 
“I don’t even want to look at you”, your mother says in disgust and walks into the living room. 
“Just go to your room and stay there”, your father says in the same manner. “I will confiscate all of your ‘magic’ supplies.”
You don’t question them and walk upstairs. The second you close your bedroom door behind you, you break out into sobs. You knew that this would happen at the end of the year, but you had wished that you could have stayed a semester, at least. It’s not fair. 
You sink down on your bed and hide your face in your hands and you sit like that for who knows how long. The sky turs dark and the moon greets you, but you ignore him. You don’t move out of your spot, not even when your stomach starts to growl. 
Suddenly, you can hear a crash from downstairs. Quickly, you stand up and are about to run over to the door, when you remember your parents. You don’t want to go downstairs and show them that the loud sound worried you. They don’t deserve that after what they’ve done. Instead, you cross your arms and lay down in bed, curling up in to a ball with your back towards the door. You shut out the sounds from downstairs, humming for yourself to drown them out. 
When you hear your door open, you’re too scared to turn around. 
Edmund? You turn around and see him standing in the doorway, blood dripping from his hair and covering his cloak. He smiles when seeing you, the first genuine smile you’ve ever seen him wear. He hurries over to you and hugs you tightly. You’re smushed against his chest and can feel his hands everywhere. His bloody hands. 
“W-What have you done?” you stutter into his neck while trying your best to push him off. 
“I’m here to save you!” he says. “Hedwig told me about your parents. They won’t keep you captive anymore.”
“What have you done?!”
You manage to push him off. He looks confused. 
“They were being mean to you, Y/N”, he says in a questionable manner. “They’ve hurt you. Your cheek …”
You can’t understand how he can sense a redness in the skin.
“What have you done?” you ask, quieter this time. 
“I’ve killed them”, he says firmly. “I killed them without magic. Just how mudbloods deserve to be killed.”
Your eyes widen. Your body goes cold at the thought of Edmund taking someone's life. It doesn't matter if he thinks that he's doing you a favor, the action itself is enough to make you mortified. You try to crawl back on the bed, but your head hits the wall, trapping you. Edmund grabs your leg and pulls you back, closer to him. 
“Don’t run away from me”, he tells you. “Not now. I came all the way here to help you.”
“How did you even get here?” you sob. 
“My father helped me. Now come here-”
You start to claw at him when he tries to pick him up, accidentally revealing the tattoo on his wrist. You stop dead in your tracks and he’s quick to pull his sleeve down. 
“Hedwig was right”, you pant. “You fucking monster!”
“Monster or not, I saved you”, Edmund reminds you and takes your moment of surprise to his advantage, pulling you over his shoulder. “Now we’re going.”
You start to scream and kick, so he wrestles you down on the floor in the corridor, picks something up from his pocket and pours something in your mouth. A liquid reminding you of Hedwig’s love potion. You cough to try to get it up, but Edmund covers your mouth with his hand and dictates it upwards, so you’ll have no other choice but to swallow the unfamiliar liquid. You feel your body grow numb in a minute. Your eyes are still open, you can still hear, but you can’t move. 
“Sorry for that, Y/N”, Edmund pants and picks you up again. “But you can’t behave. And I need you to be quiet.”
When he carries you downstairs, you can see the bloody bodies lying on the floor with limbs in positions and directions they definitely shouldn’t be in. You want to scream, but you can’t move. 
Edmund carries you out to something looking like a car, but you can telly hat it isn’t. It looks more like a carriage. He has a chauffeur in the front who starts to drive when Edmund has sitten down with you in his lap. The carriage flies, you notice when you spot your roof outside. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N”, Edmund says and brushes the hair out of your face. “I didn’t want to numb you, I hope you know that.”
How fucking could you?
“Don’t give me that look.”
You killed my parents, you swine.
Edmund sighs and covers your eyes with his hand. He soon removes it when he feels water against his palm.
“Y/N, don't cry”, he sighs. “Why are you even upset? They wouldn’t let you come back to the place you belonged … they hurt you. Stop looking at me like I’m the bad guy here. Yes, I killed them but I did you a favor.”
He doesn't say more until the carriage stops outside of a dark house. Edmund carries you inside (where it's just as dark), up a pair of marmot stairs and into a bedroom. You can tell that it's his right away by the moving pictures of dark wizards on the wall. He lies you down on his bed and sit by your side, caressing your cheek until the potion is diluted enough in your blood for you to move. It won’t be fully gone until it has exited your body. You sit up and look around, feeling his eyes on you. 
“Why did you do that?” you ask quietly. “Did you kill all the others too? In school?”
Edmund nods. 
“You fucking creep”, you breathe out. 
Edmund scoffs, but doesn’t answer. “Aren’t you happy I killed them for you? Your parents are awful. They hurt you, they didn’t see your potential.”
“They were my fucking parents …”
“And they hurt you.”
“Your tattoo …”, you say hesitantly. “Why?”
Edmund covers his wrist with his hand, even though his shirt already hides the tattoo.
“What should I have done, do you think?” he asks. “When all around me want me to have it? Say no? And be discarded by everyone? I don’t think so.”
“You’ve sold your soul. You’re a monster.”
Edmund doesn’t answer. 
“Your family hates people like me, don’t they?” you ask. “What if I tell your father that you’re having me here? That his pureblood son is killing for a mudblood?”
“You wouldn’t fucking dare. In that case, he kills both of us, smartass.”
“I want Hedwig.”
“I don’t think you do, sweetheart.”
“Because she’s in on it too.” Edmund smiles. “Face it, darling, your parents would die sooner or later.”
It hits you that you’re an orphan now. You’re all alone. No house, no family … and apparently no friends. 
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You’re allowed to return to Hogwarts a month later. Edmund brings you with him, holding you tightly by his side. 
“Y/N!” Hedwig shouts and runs over to you, hugging you tightly. “Sweetheart!”
You don't move. Hedwig pulls back and looks at you worriedly.
“What's wrong?” she asks.
“She knows”, Edmund says shortly.
“Oh … b-but you know that we did it for you, right? Y/N?”
“You disgust me”, you whisper. “Both of you.”
“Well, too fucking bad”, Edmund says. “You're stuck with us now. Tell anyone and I'm going to bring you back home. You want to stay here, don't you?”
You nod shortly.
“Then behave”, Edmund tells you.
“You'll not have a hard time doing that”, Hedwig smiles sadly and caresses your cheek. “You're such a lovely girl.”
You want nothing more than to wake up from this bizarre nightmare. Why did they have to ruin your magical place?
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the-ace-with-spades · 3 months
(another unfinished post i found on the way to glasgow - that was the longest train ride in my life - I'm sorry in advance)
When Ice finally passes away, at the age of 73, in his sleep, Bradley moves Mav into their house the same day.
He gets the call in the morning, while trying to simultaneously cook Jake's breakfast and try to make their daughter put on a rain jacket. It's not Mav, but someone from the hospital. Jake doesn't know this — Bradley's face twitches only for a second and then he's back to the nagging, relaxing tone and telling their daughter it's raining and it won't stop. Jake only finds out when he comes back home from the school drop-off and Mav is already there on their couch. Jake doesn't even get the full explanation until that night, just a quick, "Ice passed away overnight."
There's only their three youngest living with them at the time — their 18-year-old daughter who attends UC San Diego, and their 15-year-old son who is still in high school, and their 7-year-old daughter — so Mav takes one of the vacant bedrooms.
The first few nights, Bradley sleeps in the same bed with him. Neither of them looks like they get much sleep. They don't really eat, either, just drink coffee and nibble on the crackers.
The kids start coming back home, and their oldest helps Jake arrange most of the things for the funeral, at least for the first few days. Mav is... numb, not really there, and Jake understands — he would, too, if he woke up one day and his husband died in his sleep next to him. Bradley is silent, mostly, the way he usually rambles to fill out the silence, the way he hums, the way he sings at any given time when there are no words spoken, it's all gone and Jake doesn't know how to fill out the silence either, how to ask, how to make it better without asking.
Bradley doesn't cry, or at least not the way he knows Mav does — he can see Mav's red eyes every morning — but there's something empty in his gaze, in the way his eyes follow Mav and in the way he melts whenever Mav is around, always close, always brushing against him. Mav spaces out a lot, doesn't talk much, doesn't—well, doesn't do much. Every time he tries to help with something, paperwork, the funeral arrangements, the hospital bills, even just sorting out the kids' school leave or Jake's own work leave, he fumbles a bit, not really able to focus on anything for long, and it's like his mind is completely scrambled. Jake doesn't know how to help him — doesn't know if they even can.
The kids, well, did not take it well, as expected. The oldest two try to be brave and help Jake with everything, keep the house going, but their youngest daughter doesn't really understand why her pops isn't back, the middle kids don't understand why now — Ice was in remission, in good health, would go hiking with them once a month, play with them in the backyard, talking about plans for the future with them, nothing that would tell them to expect their pops passing away. Mav and Ice had taken care of all of them for years, while Jake and Bradley were still deployable, and helping out as much as they could. Ice was a huge part of their lives, since the very beginning.
Bradley is certainly not doing any better but one couldn't be able to tell if they didn't know him well enough. He's always been more for packing his feelings into a tight neat box, compartmentalizing until there is too much and it all overflows in some explosive way. His focus is mostly on Mav and the kids, trusting Jake to take care of anything he can't.
Jake can't even ask him how he's doing until the night before the funeral.
Mav tells Bradley he wants to be alone that night and Bradley lands in their bedroom.
He acts normal — checks the kids are in bed, checks on Mav, prepares stuff for breakfast in the morning, has a shower. Only when he sits down in their bed, their dress blues, cleaned and pressed sitting on the hangers hooked up on their wardrobe, right in front of him—only then he freezes, a blank stare still on the uniforms.
Jake sits down next to him on the bed. "Talk to me, Bradley."
"I knew it was going to happen at some point, I just," "I just thought we would have a few more years."
Bradley sleeps curled up on his chest — he sleeps the whole night, soundlessly, and Jake is almost settled.
Almost. Mav is a couple doors down, alone.
Ice's been—had been retired many years now, but he had been high enough in the ranks that the Navy still insists on making a military funeral. Jake tried to take away as much of the flashy bullshit as possible, but there are still things leftover — the sailors with the flag, the flyover. But there's no one who wasn't close with the family at the ceremony, there's no speeches, and no one tries to hand either Mav or Bradley a flag.
The wake has an even smaller amount of people, all packed in their house — Mav hasn't been at his own house since — and thanks to Slider, mostly, and his 'the bastard wouldn't want us to mope around', it's less sad and quiet.
Mav eats two slices of cake, which is the most Jake's seen him eat since, and even laughs at some stories about Ice people are exchanging.
Ice had a good life. A big family. A big happy family that loved him.
But life goes on without him. Jake goes back to work first, then the kids have to go back to school, then Bradley has to back to work. After a couple of days alone at their house, Mav starts bringing up moving back to his own house.
He's not really doing great. He's still quiet, still spaces out more often than not, still forgets himself sometimes, still freezes whenever he tries to say something and the we he uses is one person short. He's—lifeless, for a lack of better word, and seems like he's noticing it now that Bradley isn't with him most of the waking hours.
"That is our home," Mav tells them. "I can't abandon it forever, I'd be abandoning him, too, if I—"
Jake—Jake gets it. He doesn't like it, but he gets it.
Bradley's been fielding off any suggestions of Mav moving out but he's pretty sure that soon Mav is going to pack his stuff and up and leave without asking for permission.
"If he wants to move back home, we can't exactly hold him here. against his will."
"Jake," Bradley says. "I feel like—if we let Mav go back there alone, he's going to die of a broken heart and I won't have either of them anymore."
"I know it's selfish," he interrupts, "but I can't lose him, too. Not now."
Jake can't make Mav stay with them — so he finds the best solution he can and instead, they all move in with Mav. Hell with it, he's going to try to get everyone to live their lives to the end. They'd done it before, Mav, Ice, Bradley, Jake and their two kids under one roof, when their oldest two were their only two kids.
The two of them and two of their youngest; two of their kids move into their house so they don't have to sell it.
Mav lives on. They try to occupy his mind by throwing their youngest at him — ask him to take her to school, pick her up from school, take her to her gymnastics class, do her homework with her, teach her how to play piano. The other kids pick up on it, too, and their high schoolers would wrap Mav into doing math workbooks with them, or ask him to drive them to their friends' house, and the kids that have moved out ask Mav to go to lunch together or call him to ask him things about car and house repairs that don't exist.
Mav gets brighter every day. Never as bright as before, but no longer so numb.
Their daughter ends up never moving out and so do they.
They all get older but Mav holds up pretty well. He does break his hip when trying to wash the windows, had a limp and terrible back ache ever since, had to stop driving because he can't see shit, had to stop piloting even sooner, and his memory is also shit, but Jake is pretty sure his cholesterol is lower than his own and he has better blood pressure than Bradley. Bradley and Mav are the ones cooking after all, Jake is the one eating all the tasty but not healthiest food, and Mav's life revolves around spoiling his cute great-grandkids and Bradley's is filled with the constant stress of managing Navy's top flying school.
For his ninetieth birthday, Mav flies a fighter jet as a passenger, the oldest person to ever do that — his youngest granddaughter is the one to take him up in the air, a junior grade lieutenant herself. They have a birthday party held at their house, Mav falls asleep in the armchair, Bradley makes fun of him and promptly falls asleep on the couch, too. Jake loves them both so much and still kind of can't believe he has this — house full of grown-up kids and grandkids of his own, his graying husband of over thirty years, his father-in-law coming to an age he wanted to see his mother at.
They're cleaning up, their two daughters who still don't have kids and didn't need to go home helping, and Mav tells them he's going to get some fresh air on their veranda. "I've got a terrible headache," is all he says.
Half an hour passes, they've packed all the clean and dirty dishes, and Bradley huffs to himself. "He fell asleep on the bench again, didn't he," and goes outside.
Bradley shouts for him in less than a minute. The ambulance is there in eight. Within the half-hour and a CT scan in the hospital, the neurologist tells them Mav is too far gone to survive the day. Within six hours, every single person from their family has come to say goodbye. When they pass the seven hours mark, Jake stands up from the plastic chair behind Bradley — he's not about to tell Bradley he should rest, but he's been holding Mav's hand since the minute they admitted Mav to the ward and hasn't eaten or drunk anything all day. He tells him he'll go grab them a coffee and bagels and gets a little nod and a smile.
Jake comes back twenty minutes later and Bradley doesn't even look up from where he's gripping Mav's hand.
"Can you get the nurse for me?"
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p0ssywhippedcream · 10 months
Hey girlll, it’s me again (at this point file a restraining order LMFAO😭) I quite literally had this idea right now- Zuko, Katara, and Reader (if you need to choose then waterbender?), are fighting Azula together, and reader takes the hit of lightning form Azula instea of Zuko to protect him (they have like A HUGE mutual pining too rn lol).
Later when they won and are at the palace, he visits her and says he wants to talk, and he says he was super scared and wouldn’t know how to live without her and confesses, and she says yes and says similar stuff and like they start dating.
"I'm okay, I swear!" You put your hand over his and it flexes on the bed, "I just need to rest, most of it was deflected by my water bending."
Zuko's thumb crawls out from underneath your palm and gently rubs the top of your hand, "But not all. You- you got hit by lightning, Y/n. You could have died."
You grunt as you shift on the bed, the bandages around your stomach preventing a fully comfortable position. "Yes, but I didn't. You don't have to worry, Zu, I'm not going anywhere."
And something about the way the light from the candle beside your bed catches your expression, casting such beautiful shadows on your reassuring smile, compels a heart-wrenching feeling inside Zuko. He needs you to know, in case he doesn't get a chance to say it again and because his overwhelming gratitude for your kindness towards him needs him to repay your pain with something almost as difficult to do.
"Y/n," He starts and despite the nerves, keeps his fiery gaze locked onto yours, "I- I can't lose you. I wouldn't know what to do."
You're a little taken aback, a rosy blush dancing with the firelight across your cheeks but you remain with that comforting smile of yours, "You'd keep being the good person you are, keep loving."
"I don't know if I could," He confesses with a small shiver down his spine knowing all he can tell you is the truth, "I don't think I can be a person at all without you. I can't live without you."
Your eyes widen, easy grin flattering and Zuko knows that rejection is coming, braces for it like he's in the presence of his father again until your soft hand is pulling his face closer and you're kissing him. You're kissing him slow and gentle, like leaves in a summer breeze but its your lips and it drives him crazy all the same. He presses a little more, molding his mouth against yours when a rushed exhale leaves your nose and he remembers your wound.
He pulls out of your reach, clutching the hand that drew him in as he checks your tummy and makes sure you're alright.
"Zuko," It comes out breathless and accompanied by a laugh, "I'd be more alright if you kiss me again."
So he does. A couple more times actually. And when you ask him to lay next to you in the bed as you sleep, no matter how red the idea makes him, he blows out the candle and tucks you in anyway. He watches your eyelashes flutter as little snores leave the lips that left him speechless and knows that he gets to watch you breathe in and breathe out, everyday for the rest of his life.
He wants to kiss your forehead but you're a light sleeper from your time with the Gaang so instead, he opts to kiss you tomorrow. And the tomorrow after that, and the one after that too. And he gets to kiss you and hold you and watch you breathe for the rest of his life, knowing how deep the love of yours goes as he traces a lighting bolt into the sheet beneath him.
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happyhauntt · 3 months
famous last words — james potter
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writing masterlist | askbox
─── summary: you and james are sworn enemies. you quite like it that way.
─── pairing: james potter x quidditch player!reader.
─── warnings: fluff, banter, swearing. if you're a reader of my cedric series oh, captain! then you might find this familiar, it's a reworked version of chapter three. this was so much fun honestly i love sassy stuff like this.
─── word count: 2.1k.
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     BY THE TIME THE TRAIN WHISTLES ITS ARRIVAL AT HOGSMEADE STATION, all you really want to do is go to bed. The golden glow of warmth has suffused your bones completely, lulling you into a delightfully sleepy state. You're curled up against the window when your friend Beth jostles you awake and practically carries you off the train, where you are utterly unsurprised to learn that the weather is terrible.
     The downpour does a spectacular job at waking you up. Droplets of freezing rain slip past the collar of your shirt and down your spine before you manage to pull your cardigan up over your head. A disgruntled scowl tugs at your lips as you race ahead of Beth to get a space on one of the carriages. Once you are safely situated in the dry, you look out into the rain, expecting to see Beth scarpering up the platform right behind you. Instead, she's sauntering towards the carriage, a wide smirk on her face, happy and dry beneath one of the big black umbrellas Hagrid is handing out on the platform.
     You frown, folding your arms over your chest, feeling distinctly soggy. Beth climbs into the carriage, giggling as she sits down beside you. You merely stick your tongue out at her.
     "Hey," Beth says, folding the umbrella back up before raising her hands in defence, accidentally splashing you both with rainwater, "you're the one who ran away. Don't blame me for being more observant."
     "I reject that," you reply indignantly. Beth offers up a hair tie from her wrist and you take it, still scowling, to tie your damp hair into a messy ponytail. "I am absolutely observant. Just not... all the time." Which basically means where sports isn't involved. Teachers have noted in their reports that you're easily distracted in class, with a mind that tends to wander rather than focus on the task at hand. Your mother used to call it butterfly brain. Thoughts light as air, settling down on one flower for a few moments until a prettier, more interesting flower comes into view. She didn't mean to make you feel bad about that, but it doesn't help when all your teachers are saying the same thing.
     The prettier flower is usually Quidditch. With a muggle upbringing, you hadn't been exposed to the brilliance of magic until a mysterious letter appeared on your eleventh birthday (delivered, you recall, stern-faced woman in peculiar emerald robes. If you'd known then that Professor McGonagall's first impression of you would be a wide-eyed child whose front tooth had just been knocked loose by a rogue cricket bat, well, you probably would've died of embarrassment. Now she's your Head of House. And most unfortunately, that's not the only time she's seen you missing a few teeth.) When you got to Hogwarts and saw students playing Quidditch for the first time, whizzing like arrows through the air on actual broomsticks— You'd been in love with the sport ever since.
     Almost every corner of your brain is taken up by Quidditch. A hundred different game plans and plays running on repeat. So Beth is totally wrong; you are very observant., and you are never more observant than when your eye is on the prize.
     This time, though, the prize was shelter. Skittering off through the downpour to get to the carriage without properly checking your surroundings wasn't the smartest route, but it worked. Sort of.
     Your pride hurts a little bit.
     Beth's just about done laughing at you when a knock on the carriage exterior catches your attention. A familiar face appears at the door. "Is there any room in here?" James Potter's smile is crooked, and his dark hair is damp and floppy from the rain, water dripping from the strands into his face. Bright eyes dart back forth between you and Beth, and suddenly you remember that only almost every corner of your brain is occupied by Quidditch.
     There's a stubborn little spot right in the middle, little more than a speck, really — but it's filled with nothing else but James fucking Potter.
     "There was a mass exodus from the train as soon as it arrived," he continues as his glasses start to fog up, "and the only other carriage left is full of second-years."
     Oh, you feel that one in your soul. Second-years are okay, sometimes, but usually they're excitable, too ready for the start of another year at magic school, and thus only bearable in small doses. By third year, the excitement is all about getting to choose which classes you take, and you understand this to a degree (you chose Divination, which sounded cool at the time but was an absolute fucking mistake, because you might enjoy the spooky muggle stuff but predicting the deaths of all your friends is not fucking fun, no matter how good your end-of-year grade was for it ) but the novelty quickly wears off.
     You suppose that's why James has chosen to risk his life by sitting in a confined space with you, instead. The three of you are well-seasoned veterans of Hogwarts and its bullshit by this point and, as a result, are appropriate company.
     The fact that both of you are his teammates is probably a nice bonus, too.
     You, however, offer a merciless smirk. James Potter is, without doubt, your worst enemy, and it fills you up with glee to inconvenience him at any opportunity. "You snooze, you lose, Potter. Off to the second-years you go!" You even make a shooing motion, just for good measure.
     Beth smacks your arm and rolls her eyes, offering James a pleasant smile. "There's loads of room, ignore them," she says, and while you're busy dramatically rubbing your arm and muttering expletives, James takes a seat on the bench opposite you. Rain hammers against the roof, somehow louder than it was a moment ago, and a self-satisfied grin creeps onto his face as the carriage begins its journey to the castle.
     "Where are the rest of the merry morons, then?" You ask, quirking a brow at him. You're pretty sure you can count on one hand the number of times you've seen James without at least one of his comrades in mischief. Frankly, it's rarer than spotting a unicorn in the wild. You wonder if you should take a picture to commemorate the occasion.
     He looks sheepish as he pulls his glasses off to wipe away the condensation. "Lost a bet."
     He doesn't elaborate, and you don't care enough to ask him to. You've been at school with them long enough to know that, honestly, it's probably best not to know.
     Beth reaches out and plucks a stray leaf from your hair. She waves it in your face, tickling your nose gently before letting it flutter to the ground. You slip your hand into hers, linking your fingers together. Beth is soft and sweet when she wants to be, and you're certain there's not a soul in the world who knows you this well. She has wormed her way into your heart, and you'd have to carve it out of your chest to be rid of her now.
     "Does anyone know who our captain is yet?" You ask aloud, after a few seconds of silence have passed. You're tired enough to curl up on the floor of the carriage and fall asleep right then and there, lulled by its gentle rocking and pitter-patter of the rain, but you should probably be conversational. There's very little worse than awkward silence, especially with James sitting there, staring at you with that dopey half-smirk on his face.
     You want to smack him. You want him to think you're extraordinary. You're not quite sure how to cope with such emotional extremes, but there they are, coexisting at the front of your mind. They war with each other, an itch you can't scratch because if you, you'll keep going until there's blood.
     His, preferably.
     It's not even that you hate James. Not really. You used to, only a year or so ago, because he made it so easy. With his smug little smile and the skip in his step, with his quips and jokes and way his hair curls over his brow, you'd fucking despised him. He'd set himself up as your rival back in second year, when you made the Gryffindor team at the same time. With the blurred stretch of years between then and now, you can't remember quite how it began, or what he did precisely that sparked this eternal grudge, but what followed is years of goading one another, pushing and pushing and pushing to outdo one another.
     The rivalry has made you so much better than you ever could have dreamed. Quidditch is your life and honestly, without James Potter, you're not sure where you'd be with it. Still good, perhaps. But maybe not very nearly the best.
     (You'll die before you tell him that, though. Or he will. You're not that picky and he does seem to have a death wish.)
     The carriage jolts as one of the wheels dips into a pothole. The thought of skipping the feast entirely sneaking past Professor McGonagall to go straight to your dorm is a tempting prospect. You know Beth won't let you do it, because if she has to sit through Dumbledore's speech then she'll drag you down with her, but it might be worth a shot.
     The silence persists for a few more seconds, growing steadily more awkward. When no one responds to your question, you press on. "We should've heard by now, right? Team captains get picked in the summer, and we need a new one because Hilary graduated last year." Do you sound a little bit agitated by your teammates' lack of urgency? Yes. Just a touch. But the look on Beth's face is fucking suspicious, and James... Well. He looks like he'd rather die.
     You narrow your eyes. "What are you not telling me? Spit it out, the pair of you."
     James coughs once, raising a hand to cover his mouth as he does so. For once the typical arrogance is gone, washed away with the rain. He looks dreadfully uncomfortable, turning bright red as he bashfully says, "Well. Uh. I am, I suppose. The new captain, that is." He has the good sense to look frightened.
     You hope, suddenly, that his cough means he caught pneumonia or something. Nothing fatal, obviously, but just enough to put him out of commission for a little while. You don't really mean it (you're not quite as horrible as some people would like to think) because James is one of the best on the team. Sometimes, you'll begrudgingly admit that he's even the best on the team   ━   but only if you get to be second best, obviously.
     Which is why you're a little shocked, of course, but not surprised. Not surprised at all, because he is good. Even as you sit there, pondering the many ways you could kill him and make it look like an accident, you know he's good. Too fucking good.
     Which is why you say, "Tell me you're kidding."
     James furrows his brows. "I'm not kidding?"
     You can feel Beth's shoulders shaking beside you, trying desperately to smother her amused cackles. James' expression softens a little as he realises this is a joke, sort of, and he begins to grin.
     "No, really," you say, this time the hint of a smile forming on your own lips, "tell me you're kidding. I'm begrudgingly proud and all that, because it had to be one of us," you wave your free hand at him, you'll have the captaincy one day, "but also, like, tell me it's a joke."
     "Because I'm genuinely considering pushing you out of this carriage."
     James shrugs his shoulders, as if to say 'yeah, that's fair.' He gets it, he really does. You love that someone gets it. "It's not a joke, I'm afraid. Better luck next time, though!" He says it in a jolly tone of voice, and oh, you hate him.
     That's the thing with the two of you. You're sworn enemies, right, but you make each other better. He tries harder because you light a fire under his arse and bloody hell, you're itching for a chance to burn him, and vice versa.
      So you smirk, now. Square your shoulders. You've baited him into a competition, and you are absolutely ready to deliver. "Famous last words, Potter. Famous last words."
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pterodactyl-hater · 3 months
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Just not him
・❥・ Your situationship doesn’t like that you were seen with another man
・❥・word count: 1.2k
・❥・warnings: Homelander and The Deep (they’re their own warnings), fade to black smut, Homie is a little toxic, supe!reader
・❥・I don't write smut because I'm not good at it, but I'm not good at it because I don't write it, a viscous cycle.
Also sorry if this doesn't make much sense I was in and out of consciousness while writing 😝
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"No. No way am I doing that."
"(Y/n), your sexuality is part of your brand. May I remind you your approval rates are going down by the minute." Madelyn sighs.
"Yeah, I get that, but you expect me to go out there and flirt with The Deep? I'd be making a fool of myself." Your cheeks are hot as you try to defend yourself.
"Ah, ah, you'd be making a spectacle, and that's exactly what we need right now. Drama, scandal, rumors."
"And it has to be him?" You deadpanned. "It can't be anyone else? What about Homelander?" You felt yourself becoming desperate.
“Homelander? And you?” A smile breaks out on her face, but she tries to hide it. “I don’t mean any offense, but you two aren’t an ideal pair up.” She talks to you like you’re a child. You fight the urge to tell her that you and Homelander are actually a very good pair. “Anyways, recently you and The Deep have been trending, as a couple.” You scoff.
Recently on a podcast with some man you’re sure is very popular in a different crowd, The Deep confessed that he found you to be the most attractive member of The Seven. Ever since then a burst of videos were posted of cute moments between the two of you, which turned into edits, which turned into fan art, which turned into fanfiction. You fought the urge to gag, who even makes that stuff? From a marketing perspective, it made for great business, a romance angle brought new eyes to the scene. To you, it was demeaning.
“Fine. But I’m not going to take this any further than a few flirtatious remarks at tomorrow’s gala.” You remind yourself it’s not good to anger someone like Madelyn, she’s scarier than she lets on. Madelyn nods and you walk out of her office, much more embarrassed than you were when you entered. As you stormed down the hallway to the safety of your own home, none other than The Deep greeted you.
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive.
“Hey! How are you doing today, cutie?” He starts. He practically salivates as he walks beside you. You feel like you’re gonna be sick.
“I’m not in the mood right now.”
“C’mon, why don’t you let me take you out for a drink or two? We’re supposed to be all over each other tom-“
“Not in the mood!” You cut him off. Your walking increases to practically sprinting until you reach your home. You slam the door shut behind you. You shrugged off your clothes and crawled into bed. No way in hell were you getting out of bed until the last possible minute.
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You stood, still as a statue. You wore a deep purple outfit. The silks enveloped your body in a sexy, yet elegant way. You had never felt more bored in your life. The Deep had his hand positioned on your lower back, where it had been all night. You had already talked to everyone important, you made sure the photographers got enough shots of you coquettishly whispering in The Deep’s ear, or leaning on him while being in conversation. You had taken notice to the fact that Homelander had yet to arrive. The gala would be ending soon, and without an appearance from the leader of The Seven himself. His absence further ruined your mood.
You and Homelander were in a bit of a situationship. There was no official label for your relationship. He’d come to your house just to sleep with you one day, then act like you two were strangers the next. You had learned to accept that nothing serious would come from the relationship. But there was still a part of you that wished he had come tonight.
“(Y/n), big smiles.” The Deep reminded. “Why do you look so fucking depressed?” His voice was low enough that it would look like casual banter to any outsider. His hold on the small of your back grew tight.
“Back off and mind your own business.” You said through gritted teeth. You forced a coy smile and blush onto your face as if he had just said something really flustering to you.
“Hey you two!” You felt your brows furrow. Sometime between two minutes ago, when you last scanned the room, and now Homelander had entered, and without you noticing. Your fake smile melted into a real one.
“Homelander.” You greeted. The Deep pulled you in impossibly closer. He didn’t say anything, just nodded. You had a feeling he was scared of Homelander.
“Do you mind if I borrow them?” Homelander asked The Deep. All of you knew it wasn’t a question, just a thinly veiled demand. “You seem to have them chained down.” He laughed, referring to the vice grip currently on your back. After a second the hold was gone, The Deep had already walked off to get himself another drink.
It was just you and Homelander now. He moved close to you to whisper in your ear.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He asked with a plastic smile. You felt your stomach drop.
“My job.” You shot back with an equally fake smile. You watched as his cheeks turned red with anger.
“No.” He grabbed your wrist. “We’re leaving.” You planted your feet in the ground.
“Excuse you?”
“I said, we’re leaving.” He hissed.
“They’ll have my head if I’m seen leaving with you.”
“They can fucking suck it up. I’m The Homelander. I get who I want, when I want. We’re leaving.” He dragged you by the wrist to pull you out the back doors. You were acutely aware that all the photographers turned away their cameras after seeing the expression on Homelander’s face.
The cold night air curled around your exposed skin, but you had no time to even breathe it in before your head hit the wall behind you and Homelander’s lips were on yours. His hands gripped your waist as he pulled you closer to him. You push him away, sucking in deep breaths.
“What’s gotten into you? Why are you acting like this?” You ask breathlessly. You can’t say you don’t enjoy this possessiveness, but he’s never made such a scene for you before, especially in public. He doesn’t answer before pulling you back into another hungry kiss.
He pulls away, his breath hot against your neck. “You’re mine. All fucking mine. No one else can have you, especially not that fucker Deep.” He pants. His grip tightened in a way you’re sure would bruise if it wasn’t for your invulnerable skin. “Fucking say it. Say that you’re mine.” A tone of pathetic desperation creeps into his voice. You smile and curl your fingers in his hair.
You wish Madelyn could see you now. Not a good pair, as if.
“I’m yours, Homelander.” You assure him. He whines against your collarbone. You’re sure tomorrow he’ll go back to pretending none of this happened, but for now you revel in his attention. “Why don’t you show them that I belong to you?”
It’s so petty, just a cheap way to stick it in Madelyn’s face. Homelander grins as he tries to suck a hickey on your neck. Both of your smiles quickly faded at the realization that there’s no way to bruise invincible skin. “Shit.” You cursed under your breath. Homelander looked up at you with his big blue eyes. You run your fingers through his hair.
“I’m sure you could show them in a different way.” You smirked.
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bubuslutty · 6 months
tbh I've never really wrote for piss kink before the other post. but I'm exploring and dipping my toes very slowly into stuff (am I being slow? idk? anyway. who fucking cares.)
Mike is a nasty little freak and nobody can convince me otherwise. he likes having some power over at least certain aspects of his life, he likes being in control of things he chooses to control. not like paying the bills and going to work. cuz he has to? to live?
but he can have control over his gf. her body. her bladder. Just because he can.
so when he first was plagued with the image of his gf just pissing on him, his brain chemistry changed and he kind of wanted to make it a reality, trying without freaking his gf out and also without really telling her.
maybe it was him convincing her to let him fuck her when he knew she drank a bit too much water today and felt like going on the middle of him fucking her. maybe he'll let her go, maybe not, maybe he'll ask her to hold it in until he's done, she can wait, right? She can do it, she's a big girl <3
and maybe he'll hold onto her waist, dig his fingers super close to her belly button, press down a bit where her bladder should be in guise of him just holding her up, but really, he just loves her little squeals of panic and flinches, and not once does she tells him to stop, just whines and whines and moans while getting rocked on his cock.
And as soon as he's done and at this point, his baby is shaking and overwhelmed, he'll help her to the toilet, and help her sit and relieve herself while she's still. panting. and he's there, standing over her with a hand on her shoulder, so she wouldn't somehow slip and fall?
he's just a good bf after all, he has to make sure his gf is safe and taken care of <3
and then obviously Mike will take care of her, hop in the shower, wash her body for her and all, dress her up in some comfy clothes and lounge in their bed together <3
perhaps this keeps happening for a long time, his gf needs to go, but he needs her more than she needs to go, and how can she say no to those eyes??? and the cycle repeats until she realises that maybe he really, really, want her to let go.
So it happens then, for the first time, while in the shower, because its the perfect place to make a mess, and it starts off pretty innocent, just showering in silence, together, then washing each other's hair, giggling and slowly getting touchy until her back is to the wall and he's moaning in her neck with the sound of his hips snapping against hers echo in the shower.
And she doesn't tell him she needs to go, she just holds him tighter, wraps her arms around his neck and presses herself closer, he moans, and then he feels something, he's confused at first, terrified that he somehow hurt her because why the fuck is something hot dripping down her thighs, and when the smell hits his nose he absolutely loses it.
"Hah- Had to go, hm? Couldn't hold it in? Hm, baby? Fucked you so good you just-- Pissed yourself? Fuuuuuuuuuccckkk... Yeah. Yeah, you're mine. And I'm yours, yeah?"
his eyes almost roll to the back of his headand his rythm stutters and he snaps them harder, tries to get himself deeper, closer, all the while making the most debauched and pathetic noises he's ever made, he's so unbelievably horny he cums in no time.
and from that day on, everything changes.
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whatajezebelle · 1 month
The Woods
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Suguru x F!Reader
Mature Content
Y/N has taken a break from dating for a while but questions that decision when she meets Suguru on a camping trip with her friends.
(A/N: I will adjust tags as I go. There will be smut, though. This is my first story in a long time so let me know what you think!)
Chapter 1
Nature getaway
You flop onto your temporary bed for the next couple of weeks and look at the spectacular view of the forest from the large windows of your room. You were lucky enough to beat traffic so you got there before your friends did. Part of you is anxious about this trip but after blowing off every invite for the past half a year, you couldn't avoid your friends any longer. Well, you could but it was likely that they'd break down the door to your apartment and kidnap you. You take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment. When you open them back up it's clear a moment turned into a couple of hours. The sun was beginning to set and you could hear your friends making their way through the door. Since you have the only room on the bottom floor it ensures that at the very least early mornings will be quiet and to yourself. The nights not so much but you're kind of nocturnal anyway so that doesn't matter much. You walk out and one drops their stuff to run to you for a bear hug. The other holds onto her stuff with a smile.
“Y/N! I'm so happy you decided to come!” Utahime wraps you in a hug with a huge smile on her face. She's been the most adamant that you come with them for this trip.
“Yeah, I figured some time with friends out in nature couldn't hurt.” You hug her back and give her a small smile.
“You getting enough sleep kid? Ieiri asks, her voice a lot more calm. She still has her things in hand as she maneuvers through the living room of the admittedly spacious cabin. She's slowly inching her way to the stairs as if she doesn't want to get caught.
“Um,, maybe but what exactly are you doing?” She keeps moving as you speak. “Also don't call me kid, we're the same age.” you grumble under your breath.
“What do you mean? No clue what you're talking about.” Utahime is quicker to figure it out than you are.
“Don't you dare! I told you I'm taking that back room!” Utahime lets go of you, almost pushing you over, and rushes to grab her stuff as Ieiri sprints off.
They race and fight each other for a while. You watch for a bit, slightly amused. They fight more than anyone I've ever seen and it's clear that it's cause they like each other and this is the only way they can get that close without “making things weird”. After a bit you get bored so you head outside. There's more stuff in the SUV they drove up in so you go to grab as much as you can. It's likely that they will be too tired to do much after their death match and you wouldn't dare let any food go to waste.
The air is so clear out here. You take a moment to appreciate the sounds and the way the light hits the trees as it slowly begins it's daily descent. Filled with a type of peace you haven't felt in a really long time. You close your eyes tilting your head back to better feel the wind on your face and take a deep breath. The peace ended very quickly when you hear footsteps coming from behind you.
“Can I help you?” You turn and speak with clear irritation in your voice and your meanest mug when the steps are a movement away from being too close for comfort. You turn to see a man with long dark hair and warm but analytical eyes. He smiles softly, as if to calm you and you realize just how handsome he is. A different version of you would have been excited to see someone as beautiful as him but current you has dealt with the consequences of that version of you's bad decision making.
“Hey, I was just checking on all of you. I'm in the cabin next door with some friends so feel free to come by later. We're cooking and there's more than enough for everyone.” he looks at you as if he's staring into your soul. His eyes moving across your face really taking in your features.
“And you are...?” He's speaking as if you should know already but you can confidently say that you've never seen him before.
“Suguru! Hey, dummy.” Ieiri calls out to him. She's empty handed and her hair is messy from the brawl.
“Why do you look like you've been fighting the squirrels, Shoko?” He speaks marginally louder than he was to you a moment ago and you can hear the bass in his voice more clearly. Like a rumble in his chest. You try to ignore the goosebumps that pop up because of it.
“Utahime and I had a little disagreement about who deserved the best room in the cabin. I won of course.” she smiles smug.
“It's because you cheated! There's no biting and you know that!” Utahime comes storming out of the door looking twice as disheveled.
This triggers more bickering from them and you sigh as you realize this may be the entire trip. You hope somebody brought some pre-rolls cause you don't think this is an experience that sobriety can hold up to.
For a moment, you forget there was someone behind you so you jump when you hear his low chuckle. You turn to him and he's a bit closer than before. You're now on high alert, not because of fear or danger but because he smells so fucking good. You start to feel his body heat rolling off of him, he gets so close. Maybe a normal person who gets laid on a regular basis wouldn't notice that but you've been... touch starved, for lack of a better word. You joined team celibacy a long time ago, too long by the looks of things, so, obviously proximity to a man that has innate sex appeal coming out of every pore is enough to make you question your life choices.
“You're the friend that Ieiri told me about,” You look over at him as you speak. He moves to stand next to you to spectate the show your friends are putting on. He looks just as used to it as you are. The realization of just how tall he is hits you as you have to look up higher than expected with him so close to see his face. ”The one that owns the property here? Thanks for letting us stay. Or rather allowing me to come since you don't know me.”
You avoid looking at his face but since he isn't looking at yours, more interested in the fighting happening in front of you both, you take the opportunity to look him over. Just glancing you wouldn't notice the very defined muscles he's got going under that baggy shirt but after looking for more than a second it's very clear he spends a lot of time in the gym. He's folded his arms which showcases just how nice his biceps are. You rake your eyes further up and notice how strong his shoulders look and how strong his jawline is. You take subtle steadying breaths and pull your eyes away before you're caught.
“I am and it's not a problem. Really. Any friend of Shoko and Utahime is a friend of mine. You're Y/N, right?” He's now looking at your face but by that time you've moved your focus back on the argument so hopefully he hadn't noticed the salivating.
“I am. Nice to meet you.” You awkwardly nod your head toward him still avoiding eye contact. Your chest fills with that familiar feeling of anxiety. From what you've heard from your friends over the last couple of years, Suguru is pretty laid back about people but it's always nerve wracking to talk to someone new. Not everyone understands or cares for how socially awkward you can be.
The bickering turns into another all out brawl and this time you feel the need to step in. You trudge your way over and try to avoid the swinging arms and kicking feet. Finally you're able to separate the two. Grabbing the collars of their shirts like you're scruffing two cats.
“Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you two? Either fuck or leave other each alone. The childish flirting is driving me insane.” You scold them and set them down. “Can you behave? Please? For me?”
They cross their arms and pout refusing to look at each other like children and grumble. Two others have joined the spectacle, walking in from the trail that presumably connects the two cabins although you can't see the other one through the thicket of trees from here.
They're all three standing together now and your heart is pounding out of your chest. How the fuck do they all look like that? Birds of a feather really do flock together, even the pretty ones. The blonde one has strong masculine features and a stoic demeanor. He looks friendly enough but definitely is more of a no nonsense type of person. His eyes dark and vigilant, the crinkle they form when he smiles shows that he's kind despite how he holds himself. The white haired one has softer features but not in an androgynous why, more like in a pretty boy way. His eyes are the most vibrant blue you have ever seen and they're so warm it's almost like they're liquid encased in his eye. He looks like he ain't shit if you're being honest but damn is he nice to look at.
They're trying to hide their laugh at the interaction going on in front of them. You can't really blame them if you were the one watching it'd be pretty funny to you, too.
“Utahime, you cryin?” The white haired one says, not at all trying to hide his laughter. In fact, he points as he laughs.
“Fuck you, Gojo!” She yells at him. You raise your eyebrows, she normally keeps it together with anyone other than Ieiri and you're pretty sure that's because she has a crush on her. You archive that for later.
“Too late, babe, you already did.” She sputters and gets up grabbing stuff from the passenger seat of their car and stomping her way inside. Your jaw drops and eyebrows raise til they're damn near in your hairline. No need to ponder on it later, suspicion confirmed.
“Well damn.” You say as you hold your hands up as if in surrender and move out of her way as she passes you. You hope that coming here was the right choice, cause so far it's looking like a bunch of temptation and drama. Is it kinda funny drama? Yes. But still drama nonetheless.
“Nice going, Idiot.” Suguru says to him eyebrow raised in irritation and his mouth set in disappointment.
“What? She did!” The blonde one smacks him upside the head. He doesn't say anything he just gives what could be best described as the disappointed dad look.
“Could you at least try to behave yourself in front of our new friend?” Suguru turns to you as Shoko gets up from the ground and dusts herself off before wrapping an arm around you. “Satoru,” he turns to the white haired one, “Kento,” Then to the blonde, “This is Y/N.”
All eyes are on you and you want to crawl back to your room and hide under the blankets until everyone went away.
“Hey... what's crackin'?” You say uncomfortably and avoid eye contact with any of them.
“You're pretty.” Satoru purrs at you with a very charming smile, his eyes roaming everywhere but your face. And if you were still in a hoe phase that would have had the kitty meowing but, unfortunately, you are not so it just irritates you.
“I'm aware.” you say deadpan with your patented bitch face. You know it's rude but it's the most likely to get him to back off the quickest.
“Ohhhhh, feisty, I like that.” he smiles even bigger. You scoff and roll your eyes. Suguru pinches the bridge of his nose, clearly annoyed with his friends antics.
“Please don't mind him, it's nice to meet you.” Kento comes up and shakes your hand with a firm but gentle grasp.
“And you.” You smile at him genuinely unbothered by his presence. “Hopefully, I'm not being too rude but I have a feeling if I don't finish emptying out this car it won't get done tonight.
“Hey, I'd help!” Ieiri sounds off next you. You fix her with a “bitch please” look. She laughs it off. “Yeah, you're right.” She lets go of your shoulder and grabs the rest of her stuff before going inside.
“Let us help.” Suguru is already grabbing things and handing them to the others before you can say anything. They grab the heaviest of it and go inside to help put things away.
It's completely dark outside and the weather has cooled just the tiniest bit. Enough that having a bonfire isn't an entirely ridiculous idea. Watching Kento and Suguru chase down Satoru to take the lighter fluid and matches away is nothing short of comedy gold.
“Yeah, get him!” Utahime yells with her full chest. She's five seconds away from an evil cackle when the two more responsible men tackle Satoru.
Satoru pouts but accepts his defeat. He goes to mess around with the music instead. Suguru prepares the fire pit and you watch his every move in silence. Your eyes are so glued to him that you don't notice your friends sharing a look and looking back at you.
“Take a picture it might last longer.”
“What are you talking about, Uta?” You sound guilty as fuck as you not so subtly tear your eyes away and look at anything else when Suguru makes eye contact with you hearing Utahime tease you.
“Oh that was real smooth. Not noticeable at all.” Ieiri chuckles next to you.
You give them the finger, “Sit on it and rotate, bitch.” This only makes them cackle even louder.
“What's so funny, ladies?” Suguru makes his way over. As you were getting teased he managed to get the fire going. He stops a couple of feet in front you.
“We were just talking about Y'N's possible interest in photography. We think she might have a good eye for it.”
Your head slowly turns to Ieiri and while your mouth says nothing your face says everything. Like, 'Bitch, please shut the fuck up, for the love of all that is holy.' for example.
He smiles again, dimples prominently on display and it all but destroys you, “Oh yeah? I'd love to see what's caught your eye.”
Your face goes hot and you pop up of the chair you were inhabiting and slowly make your way inside their cabin to get a drink. Alcohol will be needed for tonight, that much is clear.
“Yeah, I'll definitely let you know. Ya know, if I uh do that...” You bump into another one of the chairs and Suguru raising his eyebrows and tries to hide his smile. He clearly wants to laugh, finding your awkwardness cute.
“I'll hold you to that then.”
You spend dinner time avoiding participating in conversation. You don't want to stumble into any anxiety inducing conversation and the best way to do that is to not speak. You feel Suguru's eyes on you all throughout the meal but to be fair Satoru isn't doing much better. Luckily you're sat next to Kento and he is much quieter and doesn't feel the need to bore a hole in your head with his eyes. There's a level of camaraderie you feel with him purely because he lets you be but is still considerate and nice to you. You'll do your best to stick by his side during activities on this trip.
After everyone eats, there's a group effort to clear the table and make sure dishes are clean. Since there are six of you it takes no time at all. Everyone grabs their preferred drink and heads closer to the bonfire. Satoru is self assigned DJ and he's actually pretty good. Ieiri convinces Kento to dance and Utahime and Suguru join.
You sit near the fire on one of the nice outdoor sofas set to the side of the guy's cabin. You watch everyone talk, dance and reminisce on old times. Pre-rolls were brought along, and it looks like there's enough to supply a whole compound so you won't run out. You don't smoke as much as everyone else so that you could find your way back you the cabin without an accidental adventure into the woods. Knowing your dumb ass you'd get too caught up watching the stars to pay attention to where you're going.
You nurse the drink that Ieiri mixed for you. It mostly tastes like juice but you know there is a ton of tequila in it since you watched her make it. You're lost in thought staring into the fire when someone sits next to you, close enough to touch.
“You don't seem like you're having very much fun.” You look over to Suguru and he's watching you with intense eyes. That warm sweet smile on his face.
“I am, I just... sometimes I'm quiet. I like just being around the fun.” You avoid eye contact still, staring into your cup like it has the secrets of the universe in it. You may need a refill, you notice your cup is almost empty. Which makes you realize you're a bit tipsy. It's not bad, it actually helps a bit.
“A true introvert then, hm? Nothing wrong with that. So if this isn't really your thing, what is?” His voice is low and gentle. You look over at him making full eye contact possibly for the first time and see genuine interest in his dark eyes. It takes you a little off guard.
“Uh, well, I mostly stay home and work with computers. I like taking them apart and putting them together. I also game a lot.” You realize how shy you're acting. Like a school girl with a crush. Get it the fuck together, you tell yourself.
“Oh? Gamer girl. Nice. What you play COD or something?” his smile turns into a toothy grin.
“No, I'm not built for that community. I'd get banned for talking shit all the time. I like a lot of single player horror and sometimes I'll dabble in Valo, or League or Genshin, depending on my mood. I also like cozy games” Your body starts to relax as you talk about something familiar to you. You turn your body so your facing him and lean against the back of the sofa with your head resting on your hand. He mimics your body language and leans in a bit closer to hear you better. If there wasn't alcohol in your system you'd be an anxious mess at the proximity but this way you're able to relax a bit more.
“I don't think I could see you saying something so bad that you'd get banned for it.” his voice goes a bit lower as he speaks to you. “You seem too sweet for that. Maybe just a little shy.”
“Yeah, I could see that. I've been nothing but awkward today. But honestly...I'm kind of a bitch.” he laughs at this and you're wrapped up in the sound. “No, seriously. I can handle myself if I need to and I'm way less shy online than I am in person.”
“Hmm, I guess that makes sense. I almost forgot about how you handled Satoru earlier. That was great by the way I don't think he's ever been rejected like that.”
“Yeah, well, I didn't want him thinking he even remotely had a chance.” You wrinkle your nose in disgust and take that moment to sip from your cup. If there were a Redder flag they'd have to rename the color.
“And what about me? Do I have a chance?” thankfully you don't sputter and choke on your drink but your eyes go big as you look at him.
“Huh?” obviously, you heard him but you didn't know what else to say. He laughs and bites his lip before he answers when it's clear you needed him to repeat himself.
“Do I have a chance?” he repeats, “I mean you haven't told me to fuck off, yet.” He looks deeply into your eyes. It feels like he can see every part of you and he wants to see more. Greedy for your attention. It's in this moment you realize just how close your bodies are. That his hand has been resting on your thigh for a while now. His thumb rubbing circles into your exposed skin due to the shorts you're wearing.
“Oh well... I, uh-”
“Y/N! Come dance with us! You haven't gotten up since we ate. Come come!” Utahime calls for you and you have never been so grateful for her friendship in all your life.
“Yep! Coming!” You yell back and get up without saying a word to him.
“Not yet, you aren't.” you hear him mutter as you walk away. You choose not to acknowledge the statement, going with the calm, cool, and collected facade but internally you're screaming, crying and falling to your knees.
There's generic pop music playing along with a few club edits in the playlist. You take another shot to loosen up just a bit more and join your friends on the makeshift dance floor. You wouldn't consider your self a dancer but you aren't bad. You sway your hips to the music and get lost in it for a few songs before you feel eyes on you. You look over and notice Suguru still sitting on his own on the sofa, watching you over his cup as he takes a sip. His eyes shift up from your ass, he must of realized he was caught. He smirks and licks his lips. You turn away and keep dancing for a while.
“What's up with you two?” Ieiri asks from next to you as you both keep moving.
“What do you mean?”
“He's been eye fucking you all day and you aren't any better. If you weren't into it you would have cursed him out already.”
“What? He's not paying attention to me like that.” You don't know if you're trying to convince your self or her. But either way it's not working.
“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that and maybe it'll be more believable one day.” She lets you be and focuses on dancing instead, opting to fluster Utahime by putting her hands on her hips. You pay no mind to them and their flirting. Hopefully, they get together on this trip and quit acting like tsundere weirdos.
You feel light and enjoy the feeling of the heat coming from the fire and the burn in your muscles from moving for so long. There's a small smile on your face as you decide to call it quits for the night. Everyone groaned when you told them that you were going to call it a night and asked you to stay but you're tipsy and tired.
“Let me walk you back.” Suguru pops up next to you from what feels like no where. You look at him and then the dark trail that leads back to the cabin and back at him. You're not so drunk that you think you'd get lost but it's dark and a little scary to walk alone.
“Yeah, sure. Thanks.”
You walk in silence for the first few steps. The further away you get the more the sound and light fades until eventually the trail is only illuminated by moonlight.
“So...” He starts but doesn't finish.
He licks his lips and shakes his head almost like he's decided against speaking his original mind.
“The cabin you're in doesn't have a computer but mine does. If you want a break from everyone while we're here you can use it.”
“That's nice of you. Thank you.” the shyness comes back now that you're alone. “Why do you need a computer out here? Isn't the point to get away and focus on nature?”
“Satoru, Kento and I run a security agency and sometimes if there's an emergency that needs to be handled by one of us, we have to use it.”
“Are you sure you want me using it for gaming then? Seems like a pretty important piece of equipment for you.” he huffs a small laugh in response.
“It's fine, I promise.” he reassures you.
The rest of the walk is in silence. It's not awkward but there is a tension that makes you a bit nervous. But then again what doesn't.
“Thank you for walking me. I probably would have been fine but I still appreciate the company.” He grabs your wrist and turns you to stand facing him once you get close to the Cabin.
He slowly moves closer and lets go of your wrist to give you the option to move away if you'd like. His forehead rests on yours and your breath mingles with his.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers. You pause, speechless. You decide not to think and nod yes.
He closes the gap, putting one hand on your hip while the other cups your face. The kiss is gentle, his lips soft as they move against yours. It starts pretty chaste but as it continues and the heat in your tummy grows the kiss gets sloppier. He bites your lip which makes you gasp and he takes that moment to run his tongue over yours. He moans into you, which makes your whimper back. He uses his hand on your hip to pull your body flush to his, he gets a good squeeze. Enjoying how curvy you are his hand moves to grip your ass. His mouth moves to your jaw then right below your ear and slowly down your neck. Your eyes roll back feeling the small nips against your favorite spot and you wonder how he knew you would like that so much. He lowers himself a bit grabbing your thighs from the back and using the grip to separate your legs and pick you up, your legs instinctually wrap around him as he gently pushes your back into the front door of the cabin and grinds into you. With that movement, you feel exactly how big and how hard he is and it surprises you so much that it gives you a moment of clarity. Your eyes pop open and your breath hitches.
You push against his chest a bit and he immediately lowers you to the ground, removes his hands and detaches.
“Did I do something wrong?” He looks at you brows furrowed with worry.
“No, I just think we should stop there. I don't want things getting too complicated on this trip.”
He bites his kiss swollen lip, a habit you figure he has, and looks you over as he considers your words.
“Of course.” he doesn't seem upset at all, in fact his eyes stay soft and gentle as does his smile. He takes a good step back to make sure you have space and feel safe.
You nod and give him a small smile. You turn and walk into the cabin and he watches to make sure you make it in before he heads back.
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the-badger-mole · 1 year
So, a few days ago, I was sent an ask about if Katara and Zuko would fight, and if so about what (or something along those lines). My answer was that they would fight, but probably not that often. I stand by that. I truly don't think they would have many fights during their relationship, but I was thinking about big fights about big feelings. Now that I think about it, they would probably bicker about petty stuff pretty often and then make up within a few days. So, here is a short, non-exhaustive list of what I think are
Things Katara and Zuko Would Bicker About
1. Food sharing: Katara is a plate thief. If Zuko had something on his plate that she wanted to try, she would reach over and just take a bit. Her culture is a family table culture, meaning everyone shares. She doesn't even think to ask. Zuko finds this incredibly irritating because in his culture taking food from someone else's plate is extremely rude. Eventually, Zuko lets it go, a just starts putting extra food on his plate, and Katara learns to ask first. Most of the time, anyway.
2. Bed Time: Katara is a night owl, and Zuko is an early riser. At first, they try to go to bed at roughly the same time, but it's a lost cause. Katara has a hard time falling asleep, and ends up getting out of bed after an hour or so. Fine. They accept this difference. But Katara isn't as soft on her feet as Zuko, and Zuko is an insanely light sleeper. At least twice a week, Zuko is woken by Katara jumping into bed at some unholy hour. He wakes up very early, and doesn't like his sleep disturbed. Katara really does try her best to be quiet, and very often succeeds, but occasionally, she steps on a shoe or trips over a chair, and wakes Zuko. This boils over into a fight every few months or so, depending on what big event Zuko has upcoming.
3. Departure Times: This is kind of a spillover from the bed time argument. Katara has a hard time sticking to a schedule, and Zuko is military trained on keeping time. Zuko insists on being out of the door at a precise time that he calculated specifically in order to arrive at the exact time of any given event. Katara will start getting ready to leave about an hour before they are supposed to leave, and inevitably make them late by anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour. It drives Zuko insane.
4. Date Night: This one is kind of cute from the outside, but it is a genuine point of contention between them who gets to plan and pay for their evenings out. Zuko thinks it's a ridiculous argument. They're married and share finances anyway. Katara thinks the principle is at stake and if she wants to use her own money to treat Zuko, she should be allowed without argument. Eventually, Zuko concedes on this, too, but it pushes him to plan most of their dates because he really does like spoiling Katara. Meanwhile, Katara has taken it upon herself to give Zuko the experience of being considered and cared for that he didn't get in his childhood.
5. Showers: Showers are one of Zuko's few indulgences. He likes to stay in the shower for a ridiculously long time, and on enough occasions to make it an issue, he has left Katara no hot water for her shower. Zuko points out that as a firebender, he could always heat more water, but Katara argues that it would take longer for him to heat the water than she intended to spend in the shower, and would it kill him to leave her ten minutes worth of hot water. Zuko genuinely does try, but he gets lost in thought sometimes and he forgets to keep track of how long he's been in there.
6. Hoarding: Katara has a tendency to hoard things she thinks will be useful- empty jars; loose buttons; mismatched china; scraps of fabric; dull scissors. It's a trauma response to the scarcity of her youth in the SWT and later to keeping her group of friends alive as they traveled. Zuko understands it, but Katara fills their living space with stuff she is never going to get around to using, and sometimes Zuko gets overwhelmed by the clutter. They compromise by assigning a specific cupboard for Katara's collection of odds and ends. When it gets too full, Zuko helps Katara go through all the things she's collected and they get rid of all but the things she swears she's going to find a use for. She doesn't, but neither of them mention that during their semi-annual culling of Katara's Junk Closet.
7. Zuko's Inflexibility: Zuko isn't good with deviating from the plan. Beyond his need to be to his destination exactly on time, he likes to plan out everything he's doing in a day. Obviously this affects Katara, and when something happens that forces Zuko to change his plan, even a little bit, he gets agitated. He doesn't blow up too often anymore, like he did as a kid, but he does have a tendency to be snippy and snarky. On a few occasions, Katara has had to call him out for being condescending. As the years go on, Zuko learns to go with the flow more, especially in his retirement years, but this remains a sore point for the duration of their relationship.
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baronessblixen · 6 months
Candlelight Moments With You
Day six: candlelit snack
I'm doing the 24 Days of X-Mas Files Challenge that msrafterdark posted!
Summary: Mulder and Scully have to stop at a motel for the night. They make the best of it. (one room, some fluff, some candy. Yes, real candy. Wc: 1,201
Tagging @today-in-fic
The weather - and he doesn't want to quote the classic Christmas song at all, but it's all too fitting - is dreadful. He doesn't know if their flight was canceled. With the phone lines down, there is no way to call the airline. With the snowstorm raging outside, however, he can't imagine a single plane taking off, no matter where it is going.
This is why they're stuck here. He's not entirely sure where 'here' even is. It had started with soft flurries that neither worried Mulder nor Scully. Then, almost out of nowhere, the snow was coming down heavily, making it impossible to see where they were driving. They were going so slow, they probably could have walked.
After what felt like hours, but was most likely not more than thirty minutes, a snowed-in neon sign came into sight. They exchanged a look and the decision was made. They parked their car in the parking lot and by the time they'd taken out their bags, it was already covered by a soft white blanket. They were lucky, too. The motel had one room left. It's drafty and basic, but better than being out in the storm.
At least it was until a few minutes ago when the power went out. Mulder turned on his flashlight and put it on a table like a candle. But of course, he hasn't changed the batteries in a while, and the light keeps flickering.
"Merry Christmas," Scully mutters, sitting on the bed in her pajamas.
"Technically," Mulder says, "it's not Christmas yet. We'll be back in time."
"You don't know that." She's right, of course. He can't know it. But he's Mulder and he wants to believe. Even if he can't get Scully home for Christmas Eve, he's determined to deliver her to her family on Christmas morning at the latest.
"And we'll soon be without light. It's only a matter of time until it will be freezing in here. We haven't even eaten." Scully's voice carries dejection in it and it hits Mulder straight in his heart. He can't bring the power back, or make the snow stop, but maybe there's something he can do.
"Will you be okay if I take the flashlight and go talk to the receptionist?" He points the light at her and she narrows her eyes.
"Sure," she says, crawling under the blanket, and getting comfortable. He can't tear his eyes away from her until she smiles softly, giving him a spark of hope.
It's a small motel, so there aren't many people here, but some are also seeking out the receptionist. A child is crying and Mulder makes a funny face, distracting it into a hiccupy laugh.
"We know that the power is out and no, we don't know when it will be back," the receptionist says in a monotone voice when it's Mulder's turn.
"I just wanted to ask for a few candles."
"We don't usually allow candles in our rooms."
"My partner and I are Federal Agents," Mulder says, flashing his badge. "We can handle it."
"Fine. But don't let the other guests know." Mulder grabs the two candles he's offered and stuffs them into his pockets.
"Do you sell any food?"
"Does this look like a restaurant, Mister? No, we don't."
"Thanks." Mulder stands in the lobby, his stomach grumbling. It's been hours since they last stopped to eat and he feels it. And he knows how Scully gets on an empty stomach.
"You don't happen to have a vending machine anywhere close, do you?" He returns to the receptionist, who rolls his eyes.
"We used to. But not anymore. You're on your own. Unless..."
"Unless what?" The receptionist's head disappears under the desk. When he comes back up, he's holding a bag of chips and another bag with heart-shaped fruit gum.
"I'm willing to sell you these."
"Sell? How much?" Mulder fishes out his wallet, figuring the guy would want five or maybe ten bucks for the snacks.
"$100." Mulder stares at the young man whose expression is steady.
"You're kidding."
"My mom gave me these. So $100 or no deal." Mulder checks his wallet, grumbling.
"I have $81 and some change."
"I'll take it."
Candles in his pockets, chips and fruit gum in hand, Mulder returns to his and Scully's motel room.
"Mulder?" she asks.
"Were you expecting someone else? Power is gonna be out for a while," he says. "But I have candles." He grins at her, her face unreadable in the shadows. He uses a matchstick to light the candles and the soft flickering plunges them into a soft light.
"Tada," Mulder says. "We have light. And I have food."
"You do?" Scully sits up in bed.
"Willing to share the bed?" he asks her, feeling surprisingly bashful. She scoots over and pats the space next to her.
"What did you bring?"
"Well, it was as expensive as a restaurant visit." Scully throws him a confused look. "But quality is more gas station." He hands the chips to her and she tears open the bag, digging in.
"Wow," he says, forgetting his own hunger. "You really were hungry, huh?" She just nods, taking the other bag out of his hands.
"Are these-"
"Hearts? Yeah."
"And they say romance is dead." He watches her - momentarily speechless - as she opens the bag of fruit gum too and stuffs two little hearts into her mouth.
"What did you mean these were expensive?" she asks as she offers him a heart. Their fingers meet as he takes it from her.
"The little shit demanded $100."
"Please tell me you didn't pay that."
"I paid $81," he admits. "Was all I had. You're worth it, too."
"Mulder, you're crazy," she says, licking her salt-peppered fingers.
"What else is new?" He chuckles. "I didn't want you to go hungry."
"Thank you." She looks at him, her eyes earnest. "I'm sorry for being... I know the snowstorm wasn't your fault. I'm just tired."
"And hungry," he adds, nudging her shoulder with his.
"And hungry," she confirms.
"I promise that I'll take you to breakfast, lunch, and dinner as soon as we can leave again."
"Mulder, are you asking me out on a date?" He stares at the heart-shaped fruit gum in his hand. She's long taken over his heart; it beats to the rhythm of his love for her.
"If you accept me," he says gently, offering him the heart. The one in his palm and the one in his chest.
"Mulder," she mumbles, taking the fruit gum. "You know, this almost is a date right here."
"Candlelight," she says, "and food. Or something like it."
"I'd like to take you on a real date. One day."
"I'd like that, too. One day." She eats the fruit gum, her eyes remaining on his face. "You look like you're gonna faint. Eat something." She holds a chip up to his mouth and he accepts it, his lips closing over her finger. He can't tell what flavor the chips are, but he knows he wants more.
"More?" he asks in a whisper. She smiles at him and nods. But he doesn't get another chip. Instead, he gets a kiss.
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brimarie0512 · 7 months
Stray Kids fanfic ot8 series part four
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Slow burn
WC: 2.7k (2,709)
There are pov switches, female reader, use of y/n, nicknames, mentions of food
Summery: Y/n finally gives her answer to Chan about the whole situation.
Chapter Four “The Decision”
Y/n’s pov 
I didn't sleep very well, I was in and out of sleep all night worrying about what I was going to tell Chan. It was about 10 am and I finally dragged myself out of bed. I went and got in the shower. When I got out I just threw my hair into a ponytail and threw on some baggy clothes. I decided it was better to tell Chan my decision in person. I took an Uber to their dorm. The person at the front desk recognized me and luckily just let me go up to their dorm without any questions or second glances. As I approached the door I felt my anxiety rising. I brought my hand up and knocked on the door twice. I was looking at the floor towards my feet. Once the door opened I brought my head up. It was very unlikely that Chan was going to answer considering how many people lived within the dorm. What I wasn't expecting however was that Lee Know would answer the door, the guy who seems to dislike me the most. 
“What are you doing here” Lee Know said in a flat tone definitely not amused
“I wanted to talk to Chan”
“About what” Lee Know said still blocking the doorway
“What we talked about last night, he told me some stuff and I've come to a decision” 
“Lee Know stop blocking the door let her come in” Han said from the couch
“Fine” Lee Know said, finally stepping away from the door.  
“Thank you Han. Where is Chan” 
“In his room” Han responded “Felix is in there too”
“Okay thank you”
As I walked towards Chan’s room I could feel Their eyes following me. When I finally reached his door I knocked. It took a few seconds but I began to hear the sound of footsteps coming towards the door. When the door opened I could see Chan over Felix’s shoulder, he was laying in his bed, his back to the door. I couldn't see his face but he was not looking good. 
“Hey, what are you doing here sunshine?” Felix asked me 
“I was hoping to talk to Chan” I said trying to get a good look at Chan 
“Okay give me one second to talk to him first” Felix said 
“Okay thank you Felix” 
Felix’s pov
When I opened the door and saw y/n I was shocked. I knew Chan wasn't doing good but she didn't look like she was doing much better herself. Once I closed the door I went back to Chan’s bed and sat down beside him and began rubbing his back. 
“Hey Chan y/n is here and she wants to talk to you. Chan she doesn't look like she's doing good I think you should hear her out” I said 
“Okay you can let her in” Chan said as he sat up adjusting himself 
“Do you want me to stay or leave Channie hyung”
“You can leave I will be okay” 
“Okay Chan if you need me I will be in the living room. 
I walked back to the door where y/n was and let her in walking out and closing the door behind me
Y/n’s pov
After Felix left the room I walked over to Chan.
“Hey Chan”
“Hey doll, why don't you sit down, you don't look too well” 
“I could say the same thing about you Channie. I couldn't sleep very well last night I kept thinking about what I was going to say to you today”
“I couldn't sleep much last night either, I was worrying about what you were going to say as well” Chan said. 
“Listen Chan I spent a lot of time throughout the night thinking about what you told me. When I think about you I get happy, you're such a sweet guy and you have shown me that I deserve to be taken care of and that I don't have to do everything on my own. With that being said I do want to pursue something with you even if there are others involved” I said finally looking up at him. When I did he had a giant smile on his face.
“Do you mean it y/n, you really want to be with me” Chan said looking at me in shock. 
“Yes Chan, I want to keep going out with you and getting to know each other” I said. 
Chan jumped up from his spot on the bed taking me into his arms and spinning me around. Once he placed me down he looked at me realizing I didn't answer all of his questions from the night before. 
“Listen there is no pressure but what about the things I said about the guys wanting to pursue you as well. If your answer is a no I want to tell them so they don't try anything with you” Chan said suddenly looking anxious again. 
“I did think about that too, and if you're ok with it I wouldn't mind the guys pursuing me too. But if they want to start anything they have to ask me on a date like you did.”
“Of course I am okay with it. There is nothing I would love more than for the people I love to get to know you and spend time with you as well” Chan said looking like the happiest man in the world. 
Chan hugged me again very tightly. When he let go he leaned in to finally kiss me again. It was a tender passionate kiss as he leaned in to add more depth to it. He had one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek.. We stayed like this for a few seconds before coming up for air. 
“Wow” I said after catching my breath.
“I am sorry but after all I did say I would kiss you again after our date. But last night did not feel like the best time” Chan said nervously, holding the back of his neck. “Plus you just gave me the best news. When should I tell the boys about your choice” he said now seeming more sure of himself 
“That is true Channie. And that is up to you I don't mind. They are all ridiculously handsome. However Lee Know still scares me, he did not seem pleased to see me when he let me in”
“Yeah when I came back to the dorm last night I wasn't doing too well. I honestly thought you were going to tell me you didn't want anything to do with me and the boys.” Chan said, clearly grimacing at his thoughts from the night before. 
“Well I am glad I could bring you some relief. I probably could have just texted you but I felt like I should tell you in person.” I said 
“No doll, I am happy that you came here to tell me. Should we go make the announcement to the guys? Chan said, still holding onto my waist. 
“Yeah we probably should before Lee Know tries to come for my head” I said chuckling, bringing Chan in for one final hug before we faced the guys. 
Chan held my hand as we left his room going into the living room. When we walked into the living room all the guys were spread out between the couches talking in a hushed whisper. I assume they were probably talking about Chan and I. Felix must have been the first one to notice Chan and I holding hands because suddenly his face lit up. 
“Guys y/n has made her choice. She wants to keep pursuing something with me as we get to know each other more.” Chan said the boys all started smiling while looking up at us from their spots on the couch. “She has also decided about you guys pursuing her.’ Chan said stopping again, dragging this out for the suspense. “She has decided she is okay with you guys pursuing her. But If you want to pursue her you have to take her out on a date and get to know her like I did.” He said “these her her conditions so respect them” Chan said finally in a more serious voice. 
All the boys had happy smiles on their faces as they looked up at you and Chan. 
“I told you not to worry Channie hyung” Felix said. 
“Y/n I am sorry for being cold to you again today when I answered the door. Hopefully I can make it up to you at some point” Lee Know said, giving me a sincere smile. 
“Y/n how would you like to stay and keep watching the Spiderman movies with us.” Seungmin said. 
“I would love that” I said, giving Chan’s hand a squeeze before leading him to the couch. 
Chan and I sat down on the couch together. I cuddled into his chest finally feeling at ease in his hold. We watched the next Spiderman movie and once it finished we all decided we needed food. After some bickering about what to order we agreed on pizza. After we ate the pizza we watched the next four movies straight through. By the end of the last movie we were all exhausted. Sure all we did was chill but before that happened everyone was stressing about my answer to Chan's questions. We all decided we needed dinner and ordered some ramen. As we waited Chan held onto me.
“Hey doll, do you want to spend the night here?” Chan asked me. 
“What happened to getting to know each other better Mr. Bang” I said teasingly 
“I already like her” Seungmin chimed in from the other couch
“I am kidding, I would love to spend the night with you” I said relaxing into Chan once again. 
“Perfect. Once we eat we can go into my room” Chan said. 
We all stayed in the living room chatting while waiting for the food. It turned out that Lee Know, Seuengmin, and I all have very similar senses of humor. When the food arrived Chan got up from next to me to go get the food. Changbin went with him to help carry it all in. We all sat together in the living room while eating, keeping up our conversation. Once the food was finished Han and I cleaned up. As I entered the living room, Chan stood up and approached me. 
“Okay let's go to my room” Chan said, taking my hand to lead me with him.
 We said our goodnights while walking towards his room. Once in Chan’s room he gave me another pair of his clothes to wear. 
“Chan you don't need to do this I already have comfortable clothes on” I said
“I know but you look so good in my stuff.” He said pleading 
“Okay plus I do like the fact that these smell like you” I said as I took the clothes from him 
“I kept your toothbrush it's in the medicine cabinet” Chan said giving me a smile
“Thank you Channie.”
Chan went into the bathroom to brush his teeth with me and then he left. I started putting on Chan's clothes and damn he really does smell amazing. When I left the bathroom Chan already had sweatpants on and was under the covers sitting up with his back against the headboard. He didn't have a shirt on and I could see his abs. I now knew he was a K-Pop idol but he was so fit. I walked over to him and sat next to him as he put his arm around my shoulder. 
“Chan you are so fit I had no idea, I always thought you were attractive but damn you're hot” I said, hiding my face in my hands at my own confession. 
“Thank you doll, you look quite nice yourself” Chan said
 He pried my hands away from my face so he could look me in my eyes. He then used his pointer finger placing it under my chin to make me look up at him as he leaned in. He kissed me for the second time that night and it was even more passionate than the first. We stayed like this for a few seconds before he broke away turning his head away and towards the T.V.. 
“I thought I could show you some of our music if you're okay with it” Said Chan
I nodded my head in agreement. 
“I figured we could start with “social path” since its our most recent song and you told me you like alternative music.” Chan said, looking at me again. 
I nodded my head in agreement with excitement racing through me. Chan opened up YouTube and put on the music video. Instantly there was an intense beat that drew me in. I knew Felix had a deep voice but I did not know it could get this deep. When around the boys and I he was always so sweet and hearing his voice at this octave did something to me. As the song continued to play I got to hear all the boys voices completely differently than I had previously heard them. The flow of their voices was mesmerizing. Listening to the lyrics it seemed like this song was deep and emotional while the beat tried to keep it uplifting. At the end of the song I was left speechless. Once I finally looked back over at Chan I could see he was trying to gauge my reaction. 
“So what did you think” He said
“Chan, that was amazing. I could listen to that on repeat for hours. You guys are truly talented. And hearing your voices in such different ways but still blending perfectly together. I am truly in awe Chan” I said Finally 
“You really think that doll?” Chan said, looking at me with wide eyes. 
Chan instantly started putting on the next song with such excitement. The next song was “Venom.” I could tell instantly it was a different vibe than the song previously but still very catchy. As the video played I noticed how different everyone looked. Hyunjin with mid length blonde hair. He looked amazing as ever. I did not think this man could get more attractive. Then Chan showed up with blonde hair. He looked fantastic. Then Han rapping with his torn up shirt, he looked scrumptious. Once again I was star struck. It was no wonder these boys were so successful.
“I can see that you're tired so I am only going to show you one more song for tonight. This one is different than the other two it is more pop” Chan said looking at me
“Okay Chan I trust you. I have already loved the other two songs so much” I said, giving him a warm smile. 
The song was called “Case 143 ''. As the video started I saw fuzzy colorful hearts fill up the screen. The boys' hair colors were once again different. Hyunjin and Han having honey blonde hair and I.N. being blonde while Lee Know’s hair was a dark blue. This song was more upbeat like Chan said it would be and it was coded as a love song. The boys all looked amazing once again. That was when it hit you that soon you would be the one making the boys look music video ready. 
“So what did you think of that one? I know it's different from the kind of music you like” Chan said, looking down at you. 
“I loved it Chan, you guys have so much talent and it seems you can pull off any type of genre you try.” I said, still in awe. 
“Thank you doll, that really means a lot coming from you” 
Chan then turned his T.V. off laying down and I followed his lead. I laid facing him at first. He took me in for another tender kiss. 
“Goodnight Chan”
“Goodnight doll” Chan said 
I rolled over letting myself melt against him. I had my back against his bare chest feeling his warmth radiating from his body. As we got comfortable Chan started humming and I fell asleep instantly.
Taglist: @strawberry31
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faded-euphoria · 2 years
I'd actually really like hearing more of your creepypasta room headcanons
Creepypasta's Bedrooms and then some Headcanons!
First off Masky and Hoodie. I feel like they would either share a room or a suit. i can see them needing to be near eachother and knowing when the other needs space. While they live in the mansion, their room(s) is very bland for the most part. The walls a beige color, with either a brown carpet, or a hardwood floor. They both have full sized beds with basic brown or white sheets. Nothing about their room screams personalized at all and most of the time they don't want to be in there.
Jeff's room is weird. It looks close to his room from before his family moved. So blue wallpaper, might be striped might not be up to you. His bed is a twin sized bed, full black sheets that are torn in some places cuz I refuse to believe this guy doesn't sleep with a knife. Theres blood stains all over that make people not want to be in his room at all. Theres one really dark one that even he doesn't like looking at so he covered it up with a carpet that he stole.
Ben's room is linked to a computer. Yup Ben lives in a computer. I fully believe this and I will die by it. That said, I think he lives in a non-glitched out Clock Town without the Moon in the sky. Everything there is just like the original Majora's Mask game minus the Moon. Thats all.
Eyeless Jack's room is interesting. I think it would be mighty nifty if this guy continued to do doctor stuff after everything happened. So he kinda has a room attached to a surgical room or a hospital type room. his bedroom area is like super small and only has a small bed and dresser, but the hospital room has a few beds or cots for bodies/other creeps so he can either dissect or patch up someone.
Sally's room is your basic little girl's room, pink walls, one wall has a bunch of little paintings on it because the Bloody Painter 100% would paint princess stuff on there for Sally because she is loved by everyone, thank you. She also has a replica dollhouse version of the mansion with little dolls of the pastas that she plays house with, the only two that she plays with by herself are her and Slender, she has to get the others to move their own dolls if she wants them moved, totally not her rules tho(they are).
Laughing Jack doesn't technically have a room but you can find him in Sally's room most of the time. Its not a creepy thing, she just happens to have created a special bond with the clown and called him Papa once and he's taken her as his own daughter now even though he hates every other kid in existence.
Toby's room is more of a safety net than anything. His ticks can get so bad that he hurts himself and adding the voices to that makes it even worse. his room is right next to EJ's room for this exact reason. Toby's room has weirdly soft carpet and his bed is just two mattresses on top of one another. He doesn't have anything hard in his room and he has to leave his hatches in EJ's lil hospital.
Bloody Painter's room is a simple white room. His bed is shoved into the corner, aswell as everything else. The only thing that makes his room special is that he has red paint smeared on his walls. And yes, it is red paint, not blood. Not saying there isn't blood stains in his room, but he doesn't like the way dried blood looks.
Creeps like Sonic.EXE, Lost Silver and Dark Link also live in similar places like Ben's, but instead of Clock Town its their own place like Lavendar Town or something.
Creeps like the Rake and BOB live in the forest mainly. They're invited into the mansion; they've just never picked out a room i guessidkwhyareyoureadingthisstill.
Most creeps, have rooms at the mansion but are never there enough to actually decorate them. They typically spend the night out at other places.
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drifloonz · 1 year
Hi! I'm usually not one to send asks all that often, but what the heck. I'm kinda curious about your thoughts on something too since I've seen a lot of differing opinions.
Steven. Obviously Miki's accident and Missingno annihilated his sanity, but I feel like Mike's ghost also haunts him. Not in a malicious way, but just by existing. He just really wants to understand why Steven had to do that to him but whenever he attempts to reach out Steven flips due to guilt. I've seen someone's headcanon where Steven is this cold-hearted bastard who never cared about Mike, even as kids, and idk. It just doesn't sit right with me. Nothing wrong with it I'm just wondering how many other people share that sentiment vs Steven feeling immense guilt at being so blinded by rage that he'd murder his own brother and basically sell his soul.
Sorry if this is too much, I tend to ramble 😅
HI!! you were my actual first ask but i didn't see this one at first until i was writing the other one and out of the corner of my eye saw this and went "wait a minute." funny how that happens.
ANYWAYS i can definitely do that for you and ALSO do not apologize i ramble so much as well its fine. this'll be so long i apologize so im putting most of it under a read more !
cw for Bad mental health, strangling/murder obviously, and also some suicidal ideation ( which is warned for in the paragraph its shown in ).
i think steven just sort of like... blocks it off and tries to forget everything about that ever happened, but obviously, you cant forget that stuff that easily. it haunts him but he tries to push it as far back to his head as he can and he tries to forget SOOO hard... he's in intense denial. i like the art of him immediately regretting it but i think he'd just stare at mikes corpse for a few minutes and then just be like. scarred by the imagery, and it'd make him breathe heavily and make his eyes widen in regret and he'd just keep staring for a few minutes. but he'd just run away afterward and it just burns into his mind sometimes, making him remember and regret it.
as someone with mental illness of Horribly Bad amounts, when someone you trust like that betrays you or you believe them to betray you ( which, its the ladder for steven and mike, mike obviously didn't intend to kill miki whether or not you believe he initiated the trade with slightly malicious/selfish intent or not ) it does bad damage to your psyche. especially when the murder of someone you care for is involved, which makes the thinking in steven's brain go "oh mike murdered miki. intentionally or not he's the reason she's dead." and then that makes him very upset towards mike mixed with someone he sorta looked up to betray him like that. he just regressed hard and went thru a depressive spiral for a whole year, having the thing he most loved taken away from him so suddenly almost entirely without his control, and then he got so tired of bottling it up he snapped ( lol ) and killed mike.
suicidal thoughts cw for this paragraph: and also during the 1 year without miki, steven obviously went through a major depressive episode and a sort of downwards spiral that just got worse and worse, and i don't think he wanted to get better. this is heavy but i sort of think he just hoped neglecting his self-care would eventually kill him and reunite him with his miki again, which is all he wanted. he didn't eat much if at all and he just sat in front of miki's grave, sometimes for days. he made a bed out of his misery, because it felt comfortable in a morbid way. if he died, he'd reunite with her, because at that point he didn't know anything could bring her back and all he wanted was her. it felt better than just... getting over it, or trying to. people convinced him to take better care of himself, but he still barely did anything past his necessities. this didn't help his mental state at all, as you can probably tell, which also fueled his hatred towards mike after the incident more and more. he made himself suffer this much due to an accident he caused, and he used that as further reasoning to dislike him, even though that was all self-inflicted.
i also like to think they didn't hate each other genuinely before this - mike never genuinely hated steven, but steven after the incident probably had Many complex feelings towards mike, mostly negative. but before the incident, they definitely had arguments and spats, and sometimes one would say something that would genuinely hurt the other ( usually steven did this to mike more than viceversa imo but both happened ) which both of them also probably bottled up and didnt talk about a lot ( although mike'd definitely apologize if he ever went too far - steven, i feel like would be too guilty and nervous to apologize ) which also sort of exploded in steven's face after miki died in front of him. those 3 things mixing together did not make a good combo for him.
the interp of missingno needing souls or steven at least thinking it does is fun but i like to think it never did and steven was just going through a horrendous downward spiral, and he went back home bc... where else would he go, he'd still have to pack the rest of his stuff to leave if he intended to, and seeing mike so vulnerable flipped a switch in steven's mind and made him just go [ steven voice ] "You know what would be funny?" ( worst way to describe that but u get it ). this can also arguably be missingnos influence or missingno possessing steven, which i feel is more plausible then it needing a sacrifice. but i think it just probably inserts or pushes forward steven's intrusive and aggressive thoughts, which i like to believe he always had especially after the incident, but never this bad. and then he just did it bc the thoughts wouldn't leave him alone and his mind convinced himself into it. even though he already had miki and didn't need to do that, it felt... fitting, to him. it was satisfying for a moment, especially because i like the interpretation that his mind warped mikes dying expression into him looking like he's laughing at steven ( explaining his hyplull sprites when hes being strangled being so weird ), until his mind realized the damage he just did, seeing mikes glazed over expression that was very much not smiling or laughing, and he went "oh. shit" in his head probably. his mind couldn't even comprehend what he just did. it'd take a lot of processing, and he didn't even want to process any of that, so after staring for a bit he just walked away from the scene and escaped to never be seen again.
i also like the interpretation that steven thought mike didn't actually care that much about miki dying or even did the trading thing on purpose - he clearly didn't kill her on purpose, but steven was so blinded by his own muddled emotions and rage and he needed an outlet, someone to blame, so he couldn't see it any other way and CONVINCED himself that mike did that on purpose. also because admittedly in canon mike saying that he needed a charizard implies he already had a charmeleon but thats muddy territory and probably just slightly a plot hole. but if that was the case i bet steven was like "... just evolve the charmeleon?" "but that'd take too looooong!" or something like that. mike is impatient as hell fr fr mans got adhd
if you want a good take on this and havent already, read faulty on ao3 . i hate ao3 for various reasons and only go there when im Parched for content. but goddamn that fic has the best characterization of the two imo, especially of this dynamic of them specifically along with their other relationships ( namely daisy and reds relationship to steven and mike too ) - steven even sometimes goes through like being slightly better around mike and then it all drops when he realizes she died for nothing, and mike didnt even finish the dex. fucking phenomenal fic tbh i love this characterization of them sm. a lot of this summarizes how i think they'd both act after the incident
as for the haunting... yeaaa. i think steven's just way too scarred and confused and scared to even allow mike to properly reach out, if steven even realizes it. i like to think he's paranoid and overthinks so he probably goes "oh god what if its mike" and then woopsy daisy! It is mike. and he just tries to pretend its nothing so bad and to ignore and avoid him because he's scared and confused and it makes him think far too long about his emotions on the situation that he was intentionally bottling up and pushing to the back of his head.
he also probably would think mike would try to revenge kill him because that's just how he thinks he himself would react if mike did that to him. Which makes him regret things further. he sleeps less due to this, usually on the defensive even though mike has no intent to harm him. i don't think mike ever had any room in his heart to ever hate steven. he's just confused or slightly upset at worst at anything steven's said or done to him... mike probably doesn't even really blame him, but he does just hope he's ok and prob lets out a sigh of relief when he finds steven, who is still a mess going through many things, and also murderous now, but he's still alive! which is a win in mikes book i guess!
he probably just tries to pretend mike isn't actually there or actively get rid of him, or he wouldn't even notice mike is haunting him in the first place, depending on how obvious the signs of the haunting are. his house is already sort of run down and haunted as fuck anyways, but in the back of his head he knows somethings off.
i also ... like the interp that steven took all of mikes team bc nobody was there to care for them anymore. so maybe when steven notices he sends out mikes blastoise or some of his other party members and hopes to god mike leaves him alone to go bother his own pokemon who he hasn't seen for years. after all, he basically never let mikes mons out of their ball, and even considered donating them all to professor oak or something ( probably just.. leaving the pokeballs out infront of the lab one day ) but that felt wrong, so he always kept them on hand. sometimes feeding them and not much else. mike probably had a ghost type ( gengar ) who can conveniently probably see him, and mike definitely would try to communicate to steven further through said ghost type. and he'd just be like. "gdi why did i send out the ghost type" in his mind.
miki can definitely see mikes ghost. mike is also like "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. WAIT YOUR ALIVE????" in his head, but he quickly gets used to it. he has no idea what the hell a missingno is or how/why she's alive but he just stops questioning it. they sometimes share a glance and nod. mike will sometimes avert his gaze from her due to guilt though. miki doesn't seem to care or hold resent, probably because imo 'M ( however you want to spell Missingno Miki ) isn't actually miki. it's missingno sort of possessing, haunting, or keeping miki's dead corpse alive, but her soul is no longer there anymore. at least most of it Isn't there. due to that she's a lot more emotionless. even if miki's soul was in there though, she would not hold genuine resent. if miki's soul was in there she'd probably be scared of steven ( specifically yk S!3V3N ) tbh
i definitely think steven has hallucinations sometimes, usually of miki or mikes corpses, usually much more horrifying looking than they actually were, so this doesn't help!
steven overall is just on the fence and regrets it all but doesn't even wanna think abt or interact w mike but if he somehow became more okay with it, he might start leaving mike notes or something. or talking to himself, assuming mike might overhear. small steps like that. and maybe if mike is able to sometimes steven just passes out on the couch or smth and mike covers him in a blanket while hes asleep and stevens just like. "That was not there when I fell asleep." in his head. stuff like that.
also mike might switch the tv channels or just Project an image onto it somehow. and steven just. squints at it. i think it'd be nice if they eventually got used to eachothers presence again and just silently hung around eachother. mike really wants to look after steven after seeing the state he's in and how much he didn't really help steven effectively when mike was alive. for an example probably, like, nudging the bathroom door open and turning on the bathwater and trying to make steven take a mfing bath and practice self care for once and steven just begrudgingly sighs and goes to do it since he might as well. and mike just walks away and is very smug about it. he Will make his little brother practice self care again and he's made that his personal goal. steven walking into the kitchen and seeing various pots and pans floating around along with a mess on the floor ( mikes getting used to his levitation powers still </3 ) and he just squints his eyes and leaves and comes back and theres a meal on the counter
steven making pancakes and he just holds out a plate for mike and he just takes it. and steven just sees the plate floating and goes "yea thats about what i expected" or smth. its cute, Although i cant see that happening very easily unfortunately </3 steven is very broken and very much Not wanting to think abt mike. so itd take very long for him to warm back up or even be ok with him possibly existing arnd him. but this'd prob happen eventually if mike is persistent, and by god, is mike persistent. its what got him into this mess in the first place.
i can write so much abt these depressed ex champions fr!!! anyways thank you for reading sorry for writing so much words. i hope this feeds you enough content for the next winter. i hope literally any of this made sense bc i just sorta typed my thought processes until it looked legible - wispy
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mamamittens · 4 months
Not bed time yet but I am having some fun considering this in my head.
More nonsense for Nikia's story!
You know, when I was making her, I did consider other shippy stuff besides Thatch.
Mostly my top fav blorbos, because why not?
It's not a long list (will likely be longer when I actually catch up to OP)
Ace was tempting but out because I mostly just want to hug the poor bean. He needs more of those and some light teasing, it's what he deserves. Nikia and Ace would just devolve into sibling bullshit, I can see it now. She just pesters the shit out of him and while a little bit of that is fine, thats not usually a very healthy couple dynamic.
Marco was another nice idea but that's just my bird + even cooler bird = Really Cool ✨ birds ✨ thought process at work. He also deserves some head kisses though, make no mistake, but less aggressive than Ace's and more "sleep now, u fucking workaholic". They'd vibe together really well though in chill time.
Shanks... I just don't think Nikia could take him seriously and the excessive drinking would not appeal to her at all. Just a no go all around but she would find him fun to hang out with at a party so long as she didn't have to drink too.
And that's about as far as my thoughts went before zeroing in on Thatch for no discernable reason.
Actually, I think it's the smile. I just really like a nice smile.
Funnily enough, I also put some thought to his most popular ship, Izo X Thatch. Not sure how it happened, to be honest. Though I can see why with some thought, it's not as intuitive as Marco X Ace (what with all the fire and contrasting traits). I would be interested to know how this ship got so ubiquitous, it may just be a case of these two not having many other ships in general.
Which raised the question of putting Nikia in there too, but I'm still a tad thrown with the idea of shipping my SI (as somewhat warped from myself as she is) with anyone, let alone two people.
But it has popped up in my mind again. It would give me more plot to thicken up the overall story. Hate writing short stories for OCs, seems like a waste, idk how else to put it. And it would give more reason on Thatch's side to not initiate if him and Izo have a more open relationship. Maybe they can take another lover if the other approves or at least knows (I imagine this is a useful rule as long as you don't get jealous and it helps avoid any awkwardness if it's suddenly revealed).
Some fun drama of Izou chiding him for stringing some poor girl along for a fling and Thatch being offended like "I don't want a fling though! That's the problem!" So they unpack that together as Izou chides him more for giving her his nicest foulard despite not going for it at all. But ultimately understanding why he doesn't because damn, that would be pretty rude to enter a serious commitment only to leave her most of the year while he gets to stay with his other lover. And she hasn't taken a lover of her own yet so she'd literally be left in the cold waiting for him to call! He can't do that! Not to mention it seems a bit much to throw in Izou to the mix when it took so long for Thatch to warm her up to him.
Too complicated and messy despite really wanting it.
And it would give me the perfect opportunity to let Nikia know earlier since Izou would definitely call her once the dust settled. Might keep the dick move of having her still think Thatch is dead but as a deliberate ploy from Izou to partly keep her safe if Teach found out about their... Thing they had going on and so she doesn't accidentally reveal Thatch survives (or maybe at first Izou really did think he'd die). The other part was in the hopes that she'd find someone she could actually commit too without the complicated bullshit of being in a long distance relationship with pirates.
Probably takes a bit to realize that she absolutely really loved Thatch more than a friend and feels horrible for lying.
She doesn't and always asks how he's holding up before even hinting at her own grief, which doesn't help Izou feel any better about lying. Izou would get some shit for that and he feels increasingly worse for his ruse as he calls her regularly to talk. Feels nice to mourn a (sort of) lover with someone who isn't also reeling from the personal betrayal of a shared brother. Maybe he catches feelings too (Thatch will laugh hard at him for this). Admits that he'd have approved wholeheartedly if given the chance but stops before including he would have liked to be involved too, she'd have fit so well with their dynamic on board. Stops because he meant to let her keep her feelings to herself to mourn as she wants without mixing himself with it (how mortifying to be told my a 'dead' man's lover that they know how you felt after the fact the whole time) but the call breaks down into a very emotional one that, once again, does not help his guilt.
Just, the timeline where I bully everyone for a needlessly long time before letting them be happy.
Or maybe I won't do any of that at all but it does make the overall story more interesting, that's for sure!
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melloween-candie · 1 year
Yandere Debbie [D.G]
Debbie Gallagher as a Yandere Headcanon
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A/n - Didn't organize it. Just wrote whatever came to mind at that very moment. Hope y'all enjoy~ 💕
Warning! Yandere behavior, Stockholm Syndrome, delusional, Mention of drugs, kidnapping, ra°e
Word count: 698
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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Yandere type [Delusional]
Debbie is truly something. In that one episode, she kidnapped a little kid. This time she kidnaps you.
Let's start from the beginning. Debbie was a desperate kid growing up. She wanted the attention of boys.
Until she meets you.
At first, she'd try flirting with you. Just like Carl, she'll try to win you over with her 'pretty' face and 'hot' body.
She didn't really understand what she was doing.
You thought she was harmless, honestly, and you chose to stick around as her friend.
Debbie didn't really have a lot of friends, so as you guys grew older, she became more fond of you.
Throughout that time, Debbie would have tried multiple tricks into getting you into bed with her.
I feel like she wouldn't consider her behavior as 'not normal' and more as 'normal.'
Debbie, to me as a yandere, would be the passive-aggressive type. Like the type that forces you to do things you don't wanna do, but she'd do it to you kindly? If that makes any sense.
She would most definitely kidnap you and treat you like you're her boyfriend.
She's the type of yandere who truly believes that you love her, so she'd be the one to ra*e you thinking it's not ra*e.
She'd keep doing it until she becomes pregnant, and she'd be very happy about it. She'd instantly tell you.
You'd be devastated knowing dame well, the baby can't help you and possibly never will. Debbie would probably manipulate it without even knowing it cause she believes in her own lies too.
You're honestly scared of her.
She doesn't listen to reason. She won't let you out for any reason. Apart from her letting you out once to go on a 'date.'
You're mainly in a basement somewhere alone for hours 90% of the time.
No one in her family will ever find out.
Because she's not using her house. She'd most likely use an abandoned apartment complex that has a basement.
She, however, would bring you food every day. She would make sure you were taken care of nicely. Always feeding you- forcing you or not, Cleaning your clothes and sheets once a week. She'd even bring new movies and books for you to keep yourself entertained.
Of course, she isn't stupid. Deep down, she knows what she's doing is wrong, but she's too far into it. So obviously, she wouldn't give you anything that has access to the Internet.
She wouldn't want you to escape after all.
If you do, then your most likely to escape for a very long time. Debbie would be extremely depressed, worried, and anxious.
She'd spend her days trying to find you. Her mental health would deplete instantly thinking of stuff like, "Was it me? Did I do something wrong?!" Or "Y/N, PLEASE COME BACK! I'm sorry! I swear I'll be a better girlfriend! Just PLEASE, DON'T LEAVE ME!!!"
However, once she finds you, she wouldn't even be mad. She'd be more worried and relieved than mad.
Honestly, during your time of capture, you could have tried to hurt her. Though if you did, she'd come back with drugs. Forcing you to sleep so she can tie you down tightly.
Once you wake up, she'd punish you by taking away your entertainment.
Though she would never lay her hands on you. She values being a 'good' girlfriend.
And if anyone ever asks about you, she'd instantly get defensive. Saying stuff like, "How should I know?!" Or like, "I've never spoken to him in my life!"
Overall, Debbie would be thrilled once you get Stockholm syndrome because it will feed her fantasies so fast.
And one day, when you prove to her that you're 'deeply in love with her', she'd even let you leave the basement. Of course, that will only happen when she has her own home and a stable financial situation.
All she ever wanted was a happy, loving family, and she will get that with you one day, whether you like it or not. She'd prefer you to be willing, but of course, she understands that a good girlfriend has to use force sometimes.
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Finally got something for DEBBIE! Hope you guys liked it. :)
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