egophiliac · 25 days
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we were fucking ROBBED
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shaevilux · 11 months
People knock on Rhoam for being a bad dad cuz he's distant and stern to little Zelda and say how Rauru is the goat (heh) for taking her in like his own daughter. Like Zelda had her real parental connection with Sonia and Rauru. But frankly that's a little reductive.
Rauru literally descended from the heavens, married a priest, started a kingdom. Man didn't really know much strife yet. There's no looming threat of calamity or prophecy yet. Things are peaceful. Things are fine. Things are great. Zelda dropped in during this time, talking about a doom that's going to happen tens of thousands of years in the future.
This sad, lost princess.
Of course any reasonable person would take her in and calm her and tell her she is fine and listen and support her.
Rhoam not being able to be this kind of figure for Zelda is tragic. Just read this poor man's journal entries:
"It has been a year and three months since her mother passed. Perhaps she is held back by heartache too deep to heal. If the Ganon prophecy wasn't looming over our heads, I would tell her to take her time... To wait until she is ready. But our situation is dire and leaves no room for weakness—even on behalf of my beloved daughter. My heart breaks for Zelda, but I must act as a king, not a father. I must order her to train relentlessly at the fountain." Pg 4.
"In truth, I understand Zelda's feelings. Painfully so. She lost her mother, her teacher, before she could learn from her. Ten pointless years of self-training, without so much as a book or note to help her find her way... Those in the castle talk behind her back. And I, her only family, scold her for her shortcomings. No wonder she wishes to hide away in her beloved relic research. I'd love nothing more than to console her... But I must stay strong. She MUST fulfill her duty, just as we all must. Even if she comes to despise me." Pg 6.
"I have been told my Zelda went to the Spring of Wisdom... This will likely be her last chance. If she is unable to awaken her power at Lanayru, all hope is truly lost. If she comes back without success, then I shall speak kindly with her. Scolding is pointless now. I forced 10 years of training on her... and after all that, it seems her power will stubbornly awaken some other way. Perhaps I should encourage her to keep researching her beloved relics. They may just lead her to answers I can't provide. For now, I sit anxiously, more a father than a king in this moment. I sit and await my daughter's return." Pg 7. (He fucking dies and never gives Zelda this bit of closure uuuugggghhhhhhh Zelda I'm so sorry Rhoam I'm so sorry)
It sucks because most people remember the cutscenes (duh it's more immersive and important) and in the cutscenes of the first game Rhoam was mostly shown as being stern and mean to babygirl Zelda, who is closed fists explaining herself to him at the verge of tears. And in contrast everyone in the first royal family of hyrule in the second game treated her with such kindness and we can see how happy she was being there with them.
Rhoam was shackled by duty. By prophecy. By the looming calamity. And from the day he named his daughter 'Zelda' he shackled her as well.
And what does Zelda do with these shackles? She accepts them. She tolerates them. Because she loves her father and her kingdom and knows there's a power dormant in her that can stop the calamity that she must do her best to unlock. She does this dutifully. She does all the training, she does everything that is required.
But it still doesn't unlock. So she tries other ways. She isn't just going after the 'relics' because she's scholarly and nerdy and wants to learn about them. She does it because she's pragmatic. She knows her sacred sealing power isn't present in her. She knows she might not be able to control it or even unlock it in time.
So she tries this alternative approach. The Divine Beasts, the guardians. Ancient tech that was used to prevent the calamity of their time. And she awakened the tech. And her father chose the champions for each divine beast. And they were all prepared. And it's all thanks to Zelda.
And then... Fucking tragedy again. Ganon probably learned his lesson from the last time he was thwarted and immediately went for the tech, corrupting it and turning it against the new users. Against Zelda.
It's never really stated how fast it all turned to shit when the tech betrayed them (or maybe I don't remember) but every account points to it being almost overnight. The champions died. Rhoam died. And suddenly, suddenly Zelda unlocks her sealing magic.
I always always hate the literary trope of using tragedy to unlock a great power that could've actually stopped the tragedy from happening in the first place.
And it's no different in BOTW. I hate that Zelda had to go through all this to unlock her powers.
And then what happens next?
She's stuck in limbo (in an almost mocking parallel to Rauru in the next game with his imprisoning arm) holding Ganon back. For a hundred years.
This young woman had gone through so much only to be trapped with a calamity seeking to destroy Hyrule for a century.
Does she know her father died in the war? Does she know the champions died in battle? Would she know Link would survive in the Shrine of Resurrection? Would she know how long it would all take? The century she would have to wait?
I think she didn't. I think it all happened too fast. I think ultimately, she decided a stalemate with ganon was an agreeable outcome. I think in her mind she probably thought she failed Hyrule. When the divine beasts turned she must have been distraught. Distraught might not even cover it tbh. But at least... At least when the kingdom was brought to it's knees by the corrupted tech and was waiting for the final blow, she had the ability to ensure the final blow never came.
And oh boy I have a looot more to talk about regarding Tears of the Kingdom. But I do want to have a couple of more playthroughs of it to really formulate what I want to say.
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risiblesvmours · 10 months
Hey, you reading this, yeah you. Don't go back. I know things are difficult. I know you might want to talk to them again. You might want closure.
You might want to hear their voice once again.
Don't do it. You're worth so much more than whatever it was that split y'all up. Even if they were great to you, even if nothing bad happened to y'all but it was just life circumstances that separated y'all. Don't go back. Whatever has to happen will happen. Let it. There's a possibility y'all might come back as better people, but there's also a possibility that y'all won't come back at all. It's okay, it'll be okay. Don't constantly hold out to the hope that y'all are going to come back together. You're just hindering your progress. Work on your difficulties, work on your flaws, become a better person every day. This is how you heal. This is how you grow. And when you truly take the time and action to work on yourself, this love will fill you up and become outpour to others who will need it. This in turn, will come back to you bountifully and beautifully.
When you get to the point where you're the best version of yourself, and you're the best person to everyone around you, you'll come to truly realize everything you should accept from someone, and everything you should not. When the time comes, you'll end up with somebody who will show you how everything you ask for now, as your healed self, isn't too much. And how you are absolutely deserving of it all. But don't forget, always be a better person than what you were yesterday. Be kind, courageous, loving, caring, helpful. Be great, for everyone, and for yourself. I love you.
Now it's your turn to love you
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uptoolateart · 11 months
Having had time to process the Season 5 finale, and read people’s very interesting takes on it, my one remaining issue with it is…Adrien and Marinette’s character arcs.
Looking at Adrien first...he was on a journey, man. He started out so naïve and helpless, like this precious little bundle of light and joy who wanted to love everyone. You knew it wouldn’t last. You only hoped he retained that spirit even after he was broken...and you knew he’d break hard.
We watched him grow. Strike Back was huge. Season 5 was huge. We saw him speak up and try to take action. That fight with Gabriel in Representation? One of the best things in the show, in my opinion – what I’d been waiting for, for five seasons.
But what I’ve been saying for years is…I didn’t want him to be ‘saved’. I wanted him to save himself - with her support, of course. After all that growth, I didn’t want him to continue to be the damsel in distress. It doesn’t matter that it’s a boy being saved by a girl, this time. Sure, that turns tables, but it’s not enough. Boys shouldn’t need coddling any more than girls. I wanted partnership.
Maybe I built it up too much in my head. It doesn’t help that I wrote my own Season 5 before the TV version started airing. I guess it’s taking me some time to let go of my ideas and accept that none of it went remotely the way I expected. In a way…that’s a good thing. It’s good to be surprised. Just…
I wanted Adrien to face off with his father, knowing who he was. I wanted him to see his mother and learn the truth of it all. I wanted him to get that closure. I didn’t want everyone continuing to lie and keep him in the dark as if he’s still the same naïve, helpless, precious little bundle of light and joy he was at the start of the whole story.
I’m okay with Gabriel winning. I was actually hoping that would happen, because it’s a great idea. It was also such a Chekov’s gun – we had to see it happen, after all that teasing. Not to mention, there was no way they’d simply kill Gabriel or lock him away in prison, because both would have been too anticlimactic after all the drama. We needed something big and we got it.
I just wanted Adrien to be there for it. Not off-screen, locked in a room. And I know, I know, he took part in the battle in his own way, by having the self-awareness to remove his ring in order to save humanity and avert a Cat Blanc scenario. But Ladybug doesn’t even know what he did. She doesn’t know the extent of the part he played. She thinks she saved him. But he saved her, too…and everyone else in the world…and even he probably doesn’t realise that in full, because he doesn’t know just how bad it could have been, had he learned Monarch was his father.
Looking at Marinette…she has spent this whole show keeping secrets from people. Cat Noir really deserves to know about Cat Blanc - how much trouble has that secret caused? Now she’s keeping from Adrien the whole fact that his father was the villain, and that it all revolved around his mother. When is she going to learn that it’s not up to her to decide what someone should or shouldn’t know? That she doesn’t need to treat this boy like fragile porcelain? You cannot be in a relationship with someone where you treat them like a child. That’s called being his mother, not his girlfriend or partner.
Unless she doesn’t know. I keep coming back to this, in my mind. Maybe in this reality, she’s under the same delusions as Adrien and remembers things differently. Maybe she’s been duped into thinking Gabriel was a hero, too, because he changed everything for everyone in it, including her. If so…yeah, that’s really interesting…and horrible….
But I still wish Adrien had been there.
I just wanted him in the basement. Is that too much to ask for??? In Risk, we saw him pick up that eyepiece thing Felix left behind in the mansion. He pocketed it. He was meant to use it at some point, to find the spots on the painting and find the lift and find the basement. It never materialised, I think because they changed plans when the show got signed for more seasons. That scene was meant to happen and I can’t stand that it didn’t. I accept everything else. I just wanted him in that finale.
And as awesome as Marinette was, unifying the miraculous like no other holder before...it kind of showed that she could do the whole thing without him...and I’m not okay with that. She needs to know what he did.
So, now I’m back where I already was, waiting for everyone to realise he isn’t made of glass and he can stand on his own. Come on, Adrien, come on – show them all what we know you’re made of!
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mymarifae · 17 days
does anyone want to join me on the aventurine/argenti train. it's got all the perks of being as funny as any other argenti ship - especially given the random absurdity of their first meeting. what the hell was argenti doing in the depths of the nihility? who even knows anymore man. but like also i think it has the potential to be really sweet?
aventurine hasn't let anyone In since his sister died. he's long since forgotten how to Trust, and Love, and how to BE Loved. and this, combined with enormous amounts of survivor's guilt and trauma and being treated as an object, has really done a number on his self-esteem. he doesn't act like it (because he's learned that it's dangerous to be vulnerable; it's the one gamble he's not willing to take), but 2.1 gave us that glimpse into his inner dialogue and it is Bad in there
between his conversation with acheron, the note veritas left for him, and finding a sense of closure in the apparition of his younger self, he's on track to becoming better. we can see it in the way he pretty much immediately reaches out to the trailblazer to get some things off his chest once he gets his phone working again. and the way he's accepting what is basically a form of therapy from the doctors of chaos. but his self-hatred has been building up for years, and it's going to take a long time to unpack and unlearn all of that
so like, in comes argenti, right? he's a loud show-off, but he is SO earnest. he sees the beauty in everything and everyone. he's kind, and gentle, and so full of love. he also comes off as a bit... lonely to me? he's spent so much of his life chasing after idrila's shadow, and only catching a glimpse of them in his many near-death experiences (and isn't that something to think about...........). he's not like, secretly miserable or faking or anything - i think his exuberance is 1000% genuine. but humans are social creatures; everyone wants and requires at least some form of closeness and intimacy. to have a love to pursue in This realm... someone he can see and hold without needing to have one foot in an early grave . i think that would be good for him. that's all
anyway, it's clear that argenti was pretty enchanted by aventurine
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like yeah that's kind of just how he talks normally but !?@,%&#& that's a lot of awfully romantic things to say about one specific person out of the several you apparently rescued (??????? god i love this guy he makes no sense. literally why are you even here bud). it seems that aventurine's more subdued state left an impression on him too, and well wouldn't it be pretty in character for him to start popping in randomly... as he does, because he can apparently just go wherever the fuck he wants. to check on this sad yet oh so beautiful peacock.. to try to bring a true smile to his face... to show him how kind and beautiful the universe can be......
i think aventurine might have a hard time laughing off offers of comfort and company and the beginnings of a courtship if it comes from someone like argenti. this man couldn't be disingenuous if he tried. he doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve as much as he rips it out of his chest to show you. it'll be a learning curve regardless - aventurine is too used to needing to constantly prove his worth to keep anyone around and to keep them from hurting him
but do you see it. do you see the vision. do you see how Sweet this could be. aventurine is about to receive more roses than he'll know what to do with
#i spent enough time on this that i think i can...#honkai star rail#argenti#aventurine#aventi... argenturinenope i hate this one actually#avegenti. dude i don't know don't ask me i'm just the messenger#like can i just say that what most ratiorine shippers are trying to squeeze out of that would be better found Here.#i don't mind the ship as much as i used to. veritas is kinder than i gave him credit for. i can even enjoy it if done right#but like#? veritas may be kinder than i originally thought but he's not that kind.#he's harsh truths and tough love. he started to soften after aventurine's unexpected death sentence and he has the potential to soften more#but guys i don't think a ratiorine relationship that takes place so soon after the events of penacony or god forbid BEFORE-#is going to go that smoothly#veritas has his head pretty deep in his own ass. it's going to take him a bit to get that out#he's more likely to hurt aventurine and send him right back into his defensive shell than he is to actually help him along his recovery#and/or aventurine is likely to dismiss any of his attempts to be more forthcoming with his feelings because of his perceived dislike for hi#and just how their working relationship always was Before#if you want to talk about that and the messy struggle to be better for each other after they stomp all over the other's heart#i'm all ears man.#but if you want something that's softer from start to finish and not so stressful... listen to me. argenti and aventurine is where that's a#i think both options are appealing tbh? in their own ways
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spicybylerpolls · 2 months
The passive aggressiveness in that last poll 😂. They missed a few key points. Saying they are the main couple of the show is true, but it's a superficial explanation of why people think a sex scene is important for them and not for anyone else. To elaborate for the people too busy freaking out about sex to stop and think... Context matters. Byler having sex makes sense with their character arcs. Their arcs are about self-acceptance and learning to embrace their sexuality and sexual identity. This is not true for other members of the party. Will spent the past 2 seasons feeling like he is never going to have a romantic relationship and his sexuality sets him apart from his peers. This season he reaches a point where he accepts that he will be alone and pushes Mike to El without realizing this isn't what Mike wants. So next season will be about him realizing his mistake and accepting that Mike wants the same thing. Mike's arc has been about him trying to conform with El and realizing he lost the person he actually loved in the process. He avoided his sexuality and spent this past season reconnecting with Will emotionally and reestablishing their friendship. So next season will be about them fully embracing their romantic relationship which includes sex - because we have seen multiple hints now that they are both thinking about sex. Hints like Mike checking Will out, Will realizing this and not moving (I'm sorry but there is no way he knelt on the floor with his butt in Mike's face and didn't realize this was happening), they both flirt with each other, they both stare at each other and make lingering eye contact. Mike in his underwear is meant to show how he is getting older and more comfortable with his body. Mike checking out every male in his vicinity is meant to show he has attraction to them. Will on the other hand is more contained. He is literally buttoned up all season even in the desert. He is more shy/reserved about this part of his identity and fully embracing this would provide closure to his arc. The reason Lucas and Max don't need to have a sex scene is that it contributes nothing narratively to their arcs or the story as a whole. And why the hell would Dustin and El have sex? To pair off the spares? El's whole arc is about finding her identity outside of being a superhero and finding her family. It's about friendship and learning how to have stronger (platonic) relationships. Sex isn't a part of her story. She isn't ready for that and it's fine that she isn't at the same place as her peers. Her accepting this is important. It's plausible that Lumax would have an implied sex scene like Jancy because of the coming of age narrative, to show they are older now. But it's not as necessary for their individual character arcs. And it's not necessary to show it. It's doesn't represent self-acceptance. It doesn't represent an embrace of sexuality and release of shame like it does for byler because they don't have that component to their relationship. They don't show Jancy having sex because there is no reason to. But they have that component to their relationship because they love each other and progressing to that stage made sense to progress their story. In the same way that hinting that Lumax had sex could make sense for them but it is also plausible that their story takes a different turn next season. There isn't build up to them having sex the way their is with byler. In short, just because byler does something doesn't set a standard for everyone else. They have a different relationship. They have different arcs. They have different issues to overcome. So them having a different story is totally fine. We don't need to see everyone struggling with the same thing when they all have their own unique thing they are dealing with. Mike and Will's arcs are about accepting their identities and embracing their sexuality. Therefore, them having a sex scene makes sense with that arc. That's why it's them and not anyone else. No one else's story has to do with embracing their sexuality. Only theirs.
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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mbti-notes · 3 months
Anon wrote: Hi mbtinotes 22yo INFJ here. I recently lost a friend (INTJ) after dating her briefly. After breaking things off, there was a lot of hurt on both sides that we weren't able to reconcile. I ended up blocking her to move on, since then have unblocked but never reached out. This loss has been eating away at me every day since and I can't stop thinking about my mistakes or feeling like a failure. At the same time, I don't think maintaining a friendship was benefitting either of us.
There was a lot of drama over how I handled the breakup, and it was messy since we both still had feelings but she no longer trusted me. I also think we were in somewhat of a codependent relationship and my thoughts about her are obsessive. I constantly wonder what she's thinking and whether or not I can "fix" things despite the damage done. I've always had self esteem issues, social anxiety, and I believe have struggled with depression for a long time.
I know I have good qualities and my friends remind me all the time, but I just don't see myself that way, and I've always struggled with dating and this falling out with my friend has put me even deeper into my issues and made me more aware of them. I still care for her a lot, but I don't know if reconciliation is possible and am afraid of repeating the cycle, and she's villainized me at this point anyway. I honestly have no idea how I'm supposed to build myself up from here.
The best way to have healthy self-esteem is to be a person of integrity. It means making decisions primarily from the perspective of your better self, with a view of the bigger picture (Ni). It means doing whatever is necessary to preserve every person's well-being, including your own (Fe). It is never too late to choose integrity. The sooner you choose it, the sooner you can get to a more positive place in life. The path to integrity is a lifelong process of learning how to be the person you're really meant to be.
When it comes to failure, having integrity means owning up to mistakes and learning to do better. The way is: face facts, take full responsibility for everything that was in your hands, and resolve the situation to the best of your ability.
Resolve is not the same as fix. "Fixing" is usually motivated by an egocentric desire to assuage guilt, silence regret, or unload resentment. By contrast, "resolving" should be motivated by care and empathy and a genuine desire to do what is best for everyone involved. Negative feelings must be laid to rest and everyone must be allowed to move on in the most positive way possible. Resolution can be a difficult process and might require several steps, for example:
Contrition: For the sake of learning and personal growth, do a full accounting of all the things you have done that were hurtful, harmful, or morally problematic. Make a list and review the reasons why you engaged in such behavior. Feel your remorse fully, and make a choice to forgive yourself by accepting that you are human and still have much to learn about how to make moral decisions.
Atonement: Issue a detailed and heartfelt apology to everyone who was negatively affected by your behavior. Provide an honest explanation for why you behaved poorly, without making excuses or deflecting responsibility. Ask for forgiveness, recognizing that you are not entitled to it and do not have control over whether it is granted. In your own mind, forgive others their mistakes, for the sake of your own well-being, because you do not want to keep carrying around the heavy burden of a heart poisoned by resentment, anger, or hate.
Closure: Do a full accounting of all the things you appreciate about the person and the relationship you had together, and say thank you to them. Express that you hope the negative experiences won't erase all the positive experiences you've had together. Sincerely wish them the best going forward. Grant everyone the freedom to open a new chapter of life.
Blame is always counter-productive to relationships. Since the relationship is basically beyond repair, continuing to play any kind of blame game (whether blaming yourself or her) is only going to keep you stuck in negativity. It sounds like blame was a significant factor contributing to the breakup, so it's time you learned a better way of handling painful feelings via improving your emotional intelligence. You need to get back in touch with your caring and empathetic side in order to let go of blame and leave the past behind.
You've had many opportunities to end the situation but instead chose to continue it. At some point, you have to make a decision as to whether your energy is better utilized moving backward or moving forward - you can't have it both ways. When you choose to move forward, feelings will fade as time passes, and you'll get better perspective from which to learn important lessons, lessons that will hopefully better equip you for success in future relationships.
Remember that the process of grieving a loss and healing from it cannot begin in earnest until you release yourself from the compulsion to fix and, instead, move toward full acceptance of reality.
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sincerely-sofie · 3 months
The """"villain""""Twig!AU is making me go insane over what would happen. I haven't hyperfixated on something so much, so quickly in years. I need to give my 2 cents or I just might implode
(Tw: self hatred, suicide implications, Death, Caps lock)
Twig would think of herself as an irredeemable monster for indirectly hurting her friends. she would probably think that, because Darkrai made people have nightmares because of malice, (while not knowing its just a thing he can accidentally do without realizing it.) she would think that on some level that she WANTED to hurt the people closest to her. Her self loathing would get SO much worse. BUT she CAN'T be self destructive because she wouldn't want anyone else to be cursed with this power. She would spiral even further. She wants to die, but she knows she can't from age because of Celebi. She would hate herself even more for even thinking of finding someone to put her out of her misery. She loves her friends to a fault. She wants to be with them, but she thinks that she's inherently evil. It wouldn't help that she would not be able to practice controlling her powers in isolation, give that nightmare aura invariably needs someone else to practice with.
Everyone in her friend group, the Guild, heck, maybe even team skull, would desperately search for her. Combing every place they can think of. Searching every mystery dungeon, forest, mountain, cave, even going under the sea to search. But it's no use. One by one all of them would give up and accept that she is missing. Maybe forever. Except Kip. He would never stop searching for her. He's madly in love with her and knows her better than anyone else. All he wants to do is tell her that he still loves her, and that he would endure any nightmare, no matter how awful, just so he could wake up next to her. And that they would figure out how to control her powers together. But he can't. Maybe he evolves from the constant stress and work put in searching for her. He can't accept that she's gone. He CANNOT live without seeing her one last time. But no matter how much he tries, he can't find her. All of his effort, YEARS of searching with no results. He would either fall into an intense depression, rarely eating or getting out of bed, or die in an accident during an expedition. His thoughts for the last who-knows-how-many-decades have almost entirely been about Twig. And that doesn't change during his last breath.
Grovyle would possibly take it the worst out of all her friend. She was the ONE person he SWORE to protect, and he SCREWED IT UP! HE COULDN'T HAVE DONE ANY WORSE! He would consider himself an utter failure on every conceivable level. It doesn't help that his old savior complex habits resurface worse than ever. He doesn't want anyone to worry about him. He needs to be strong. He always puts on a mask whenever he's around others. He denies everything when someone confronts him about obviously not doing well. Whenever he's alone, he wishes he could just, dissappear. But that would mean someone else would wonder what happened to him. So he can't do that. As a result, he becomes more distant from everyone. His friendships fade because he's never genuine. He runs away whenever he begins to get too emotional. And denies that he is doing such a thing.
Dusknoir would be incredibly distraught by this. He hurt Twig before, who's to say he hadn't done hurt her again? She didn't even say goodbye to anyone, least of all him, why would she even care about him? And now all he wants is to beg her for forgiveness. Completely unaware of the fact that she had already forgiven him for his betrayal a long time ago. He has no idea that she would be appalled that he would want her to forgive him when she would be the one begging for his forgiveness for hurting him and "being evil". Both of them recieve no closure for this. And both of them live without knowing that the other wishes they would ask for forgiveness.
Celebi would become more reserved than ever. She learned that; not only could a legend be killed, but also what happens to the person that kills them. She would consider her powers to see the future and the past a curse. One that only she can bear. She becomes so much less adventurous and adverse to risk. Whenever the other Celebi's ask her why she looks so glum, she quickly changes the subject. She can't have them know. It would destroy them. She would consider all of this her fault as well. If only she knew what would happen, she could have stopped it. If she had been more responsible, she could have had Twig live her life, and all of this would have been avoided. But she can't change it now, because if she were to try and go back in time, another Celebi might come to this timeline and learn what happened. Then they would tell the others, and then they would talk, and she would be solely responsible for ruining the lives of infinite Celebi's. It would all have been her fault. She shoos any celebi that arrives in her timeline out of there. Her relationship with Dialga crumbles as a result of how often she threatens other Celebis to tell him that they are interfering with other timeliness. Eventually, the other Celebi's start avoiding her altogether. "If she's gonna be so mean, then we just wont talk to her" they reason. She's alone, her friendships are ruined, the only people that can relate to her hate her. But they are all safe. That's the only thing that matters now.
Cressalia would take some time, but eventually she finds out what would happen. She would feel responsible for being the one that got Twig cursed with this power, but also she would try to police Twig the same way she tried to control Darkrai. "She must be doing this on purpose". Perhaps Cressalia is the catalyst that made Twig leave in the first place. By trying to help her in Cressalia's own special way, by guilt tripping them while assuming they know what they're doing. It's only after her experience with the Snivy that she realizes what she has done. And now she did EXACTLY what she did to darkrai. To someone who never wanted or asked for this power. She would want to seek forgiveness, but Twig doesn't sleep. She doesn't know where she is. This guilt would eat away at her, leaving her a shell of her former self.
I love a good (fictional) tragedy, because all of this is no-ones fault in particular. Celebi thought legends couldn't be killed and didn't take any precautions in the possibility of that happening, Cresselia thought she was doing the right thing, both before and after Darkrai's death. Twig, Kip, Grovyle and Dusknoir couldn't have known that any of this would happen. It was the perfect storm and set of circumstances that caused this. The most tragic part of all of this, is that by trying to protect everyone, Twig hurts them more than she would have if she had simply stayed. If she didn't have a tendency to put the well-being of others over her own, she could have lead a much happier life, with some pain at the start. Rather than being in pain forever, while unknowingly causing so much more suffering. Ignorance is often bliss, but it is a curse in this.
I dunno how in character all of this is, (Personally, I think my interpretation of Celebi is a bit iffy, she probably would have known that legends can be killed, seen this future, and taken steps to prevent all this from happening) But my brain latched on to the implications of this AU like a steel trap and would not let go until I wrote this down
Thank you for continuing to make art Sophie! I love this suffering more than you probably realize. (Genuine)
Okay so like. When you said you were gathering your thoughts I was so excited. But I would have never DREAMED of this amazing ask.
This is such an interesting continuation of the AU’s premise! It really drives home the irony of Twig’s belief that she makes things worse for those around her, and that her friends would be happier if they never saw her again— Twig is the heart of the main cast. She’s keeping everyone from going off the deep end with just her presence.
I don’t know what to say other than GOOD GLORY do we ever need a tag for this AU because I’m getting attached to it 😭
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bohemian-nights · 10 months
That last anon is cooking something. The book does have a second account of daemon being a father figure to nettles. A maester swears by it in fact. The salacious rumors about bathing were told by maids and we know which rumors not to trust (some of mushroom's, singers, maids, etc).
It makes sense if nettles' arc is split between rhaena and addam actually. Rhaena joining daemon at the riverlands fulfills the father-daughter arc that is in need of confrontration and closure since s1. It wouldn't make sense if you have rhaena, addam, and nettles as dragonriders. There'd be too many of them. Someone has to go and rhaena is already a poc. The only answer here is nettles. Addam aIready exists and is non-valyrian looking.
Tbh your self-insert fantasies are getting in the way of you seeing this in an objective light. They're clearly not following the books so why are you expecting a throuple or an incestuous dad-daughter one is to one comparison from the book? Clearly nonny was pertaining to the second account being fulfilled, which would be much better than a contrived alleged cheating plot.
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The only thing you and the other anon are cooking is some meth in a basement to feed the voices in your heads🤣
For those that don't know this is a link to the ask that this Dumbnyra stan is talking about.
You must think I’m as stupid as your cult of delusional morons if you expect me to believe that they had someone come in to play Nettles, dressed her up and everything, but only as an easter egg🙃:
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You and the other anon need to come up with a better excuse for why they’ll cut Nettles and replace her with Rhaena than the toilet water your spilling.
Shipping nonsense aside, Rhaena is a highborn girl who comes from a dragon-riding family. She may be neglected by her father, but she’s undoubtedly privileged and she does have family who do care about her.
Nettles is the complete opposite of that. She comes from literally nothing. She has no one. The odds are stacked against her and yet this little brown-skinned bastard girl claims a dragon that killed others who had the “right blood.”
She’s supposed to show us that it’s more than blood that makes us. No other dragonseed or dragonrider has gone through what she has and none of them will. She’s a survivor in every sense of the word.
You are literally missing the point of her arc if you think they can just copy and paste it onto Rhaena(or Addam or whoever) cause they are all POC(don't hide behind that word because it doesn't make you look less racist when we know you mean Black) now.
Learn how to read first before you come for me with the self-insert bull crap(rich coming from the likes of you considering that’s the only reason why you care about Dumbnyra and why you refuse to see Nettles as an actual important character):
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Maester Norren’s Testimony is supposed to support not dispute the assertion that Daemon and Nettles are lovers (see the “and in this case”).
You can't cherry-pick what you want from a source(which is what you’re trying to do because you know it makes no sense that a man bathes naked alone with their grown daughter). Maester Norren believes what the maids say. He never questions it so you either drop his account entirely or you accept the whole of it.
The maids were there. They weren’t just gossiping for the sake of gossiping or making sh*t up because everyone at Maidenpool from Lord Mooton’s brother to those lowly maids could see how fond Daemon was of Netty:
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As far as the show goes, despite what you guys try to claim, your ship has hit dead water:
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This show was never centered around Dumbnyra’s “epic love story.” Nettles and the “contrived cheating plot” was always going to come along (and you can cry about it till the cows come home):
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As I asked the other anon, if you truly believe that Rhaena will replace Nettles what will be the new cause of Daemon abandoning Rhaenyra?
Does Mysaria still accuse him of sleeping with his own daughter and Rhaenyra believes her and orders Rhaena’s death or does Daemon just decide to abandon her and end it all for sh*ts and giggles?
What makes him confront Aemond now knowing that Rhaenyra needs him, Rhaena’s life doesn’t hang in the balance, and he doesn’t have to make a choice? What’s the reason? What’s the motivation? Don’t leave us in suspense 🙃
And before another Dumbnyra stan sends me another anonymous message talking about how mean I am or how I’m just a biased self-inserter, let me go quote myself from yesterday because you are proving my point:
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This is why I responded to the first anon and yourself the way I did. Your side of the fandom is riddled with misogynoir and anti-Blackness all under the guise feminism(while disrespecting every female character who isn't Rhaenyra).
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In your bigoted minds, you all think there can only be one or two Black people around, or else there are too many in a sea of white characters you can root for. The presence of a whopping six Black(ish) characters is just so distressing for you.
You all think it’s fine to cut the only in-canon Black character and insert her arc onto race-bent characters because you don’t want her there.
You refuse to see her importance because she’s Black. You refuse to relate to her because she’s Black. You refuse to see her as an actual character with a story worthy of being told because she’s Black.
A story that is unique among the dragonseeds(yes even with Addam having dark hair because he’s still being claimed by Corlys and he has a family) but you ignore it all in favor of she should be cut because there are just too many Black characters.
Let's call a spade a spade and say the main reason you want her cut and replaced with Rhaena is because you know that if Nettles is there she will be Daemon’s lover and due to the color of her skin you refuse to self-insert into a Negro like you do Rhaenyra. Rhaena is the safe option because you know Daemon can't f*ck his own daughter. Don’t insult my intelligence and say that you are doing this because you people actually want to make her more of a key player during the Dance or want daddy to pay attention to her.
I’ve already laid out how they can make Rhaena more actively involved so if you really cared about her you’d root for a story line like this:
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You don’t care about Nettles, Rhaena, or Addam who all have their respective plot lines and roles to play. This is all being done to keep your sinking ship afloat(too late for that because it’s already struck the iceberg and it’s going down faster than the Titanic).
You know who can be cut/combined considering they have basically the same role (betraying Rhaenyra)? Ulf and Hugh. Oh, but that’s right, they are both white so you’d never suggest that. They are just too important to the plot for one to be cut.
Your all Negros are the same to me, they’ll have five Negros on the show and that’s five too many even though this show is majority white, I’ll lose what’s left of my sanity if they add one more so they’ve had to have reached their Black quota behind can go somewhere else and spout that bull crap to your fellow Nazi wannabes.
If people can not see how racist this cult of a fandom is I don’t know what to tell you, but I won’t be entertaining your unserious bs about Nettles on my blog when you come out the gate with racially charged language.
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asukamood · 5 months
Surprised Invited (Christmas Special)
Merry Christmas everyone!
I kind of did Dreamberry dirty last year at Halloween so I think they deserve some kind of closure this Christmas so have some fluff!
Enjoy your reading!
Warnings: Hurt comfort, self-blaming, strong language, brief mention of violence... what else is there actually?
Ships: Kolour and Dreamberry
Synopsis: “Killer, Dust and Horror, while excellent warriors, are but a little obstacle to get through.” He put his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow. “Do you see me weak enough to be defeated by them?”
“Of course not!” Blue shot up, almost offended that Dream thought he was underestimating him. “It’s just... wouldn’t it be better if you were to spend Christmas with Papyrus and me?” The idea was so sudden and unexpected that it left Dream speechless, eyes wide.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to go back home for Christmas?” Blue asked, a worried frown on his face as he stared at the usual polite smile on Dream’s features. That smile never let anyone know what was actually happening in that head of his but today, it only seemed to underline the idea that something was wrong.
However, the other did not seem to want to talk about it, preferring to nod. “I am certain. You know, way before you and Ink came to my aid, I was perfectly capable of holding my own against Nightmare, so you really have no reason to worry.”
“But now he has a team...” He tried to protest but Dream shook his head before he could further comment on his train of thoughts.
“Killer, Dust and Horror, while excellent warriors, are but a little obstacle to get through.” He put his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow. “Do you see me weak enough to be defeated by them?”
“Of course not!” Blue shot up, almost offended that Dream thought he was underestimating him. “It’s just... wouldn’t it be better if you were to spend Christmas with Papyrus and me?” The idea was so sudden and unexpected that it left Dream speechless, eyes wide.
Seeing that he was not going to react to his speech yet, Blue kept talking. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind! Besides, you really do need a break and--” Dream held up a hand while the other was used to rest his forehead. Blue closed his mouth, waiting for his answer.
“... I appreciate the thought.” He began, sighing. “However, I believe it would not be wise to proceed that way. I need to travel a lot to avoid Nightmare finding me and staying in one place for an entire day is dangerous for both the universe itself and its inhabitants. You would not want to put your peers in danger, would you?”
Blue lowered his head. “Well, no.”
“Besides, Christmas is a time to reunite with your family so you really shouldn’t let anyone intrude on that.” He smiled sadly. “After all, you never know when they could be gone or when the next time you’ll have the opportunity to see them again is.”
Blue’s frown deepened as he stood up straight again. “Dream...”
The other patted him on the head. “I appreciate the concern but again, there is no need to worry. I have long since accepted things could not always go in the way I want it to.”
‘It never does.’ Blue wanted to retort but he held himself back.
Dream retracted his hand and that’s when Blue had an idea, he apologized to the other in his head as a wide smile spread on his face. “Then, would it bother you if I were to go back when the party would begin?”
Dream, clueless about the plan Blue just made up, only tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Would it not be better if you were to go back earlier? I heard mortals had a lot to prepare before--”
For once, Blue was the one who cut him off. “I still haven’t bought him a gift and they sell better items around the multiverse than in my world. Besides, I want to wish you merry Christmas too, is that a problem?”
“...” Dream looked away. “Not quite no.”
His smile widened. “In this case, I’ll speak to you again in a few days!”
The 24th of December finally turned up.
As discussed, the duo met up again on this fateful day. They both bid each other goodbye as Dream opened a portal to Blue’s home, after this, they would not see each other again for a good moment.
Or so, that is what Dream thought.
Just as Blue turned to the golden rift and was about to step into it, he suddenly pointed to a place behind Dream. “Look out, Nightmare!”
Obviously, hearing that, the other turned around quickly, summoning his weapon at record speed, and already charging an arrow as he questioned how he had not felt the other’s aura yet.
However, there was no one when he turned around. He made a noise of confusion.
“Blue, there isn’t-” The next thing he knew, the latter had grabbed him by the wrist and jumped into the portal, him being dragged into it by default.
Blue landed on the snow with a soft crunch, almost gracefully, while Dream tumbled out of the portal and missed faceplanting into the snow by a single step. Dream had placed the portal in a remotely deserted area to avoid causing suspicion, after all, most people were not supposed to be aware of the multiverse’s existence in the first place.
Dream was still in shock when Blue tugged his arm to walk with him toward the main part of the town.
It is only when he felt the first pangs of his empathy acting up and attracting all different emotions that he finally snapped out of it, realizing with horror what Blue was doing. “Blue wait-”
Too late, they had already stepped into the busy street.
Recognizing the man with the bandana, a few people came to greet him. “Hi Sans, merry Christmas! How have you been doing?”
And as Dream tried to discreetly leave the conversation, Blue would hold him by the hand, forcing him still. “Merry Christmas to you too! It has been great; I think Papyrus will like my presents too!”
“That’s great!” Dream could only hope that they would not notice him, too busy talking to the other. Of course, as if on cue, their eyes turned to him. “Oh, who is this? I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve seen you around yet, who are you?”
Dream cursed inwardly. “It’s of no issue, my name is Dream.”
“What a pretty name!” One of them said before turning back to Blue. “Why did you never introduce us to your friend Sans, he seems like a pretty fun person to talk to!”
“He’s my boyfriend actually.” Hearing that Dream choked on air as the two others gasped.
“HE’S YOUR BOYFRIEND?” One of them yelled, attracting other people’s stares. Dream wanted to scream, now that most people had noticed his presence, it was going to be hard to get away without seeming suspicious or alerting anyone to his foreign origins.
The worst part is that Dream could easily tell this was all part of Blue’s scheme.
“Sorry but Paps is waiting for us, see you two around!” Blue quickly dismissed them after the bomb had been dropped, teleporting them both to his house before anyone else could react and try to stop them from leaving.
The guardian of positivity didn’t even try to protest this time, now well aware that any opposition would be in vain.
His subordinate turned back to him with a proud look and Dream could not help but laugh in disbelief at what had just happened and the general silliness of this whole situation.
“Well, if you wanted me to stay that badly you should have just said so instead of kidnapping me.” He said that with a scolding tone but the smile he was showing contrasted vividly with that idea. “I suppose it would not hurt to spend a few hours here...”
“I was hoping you would say that.” Blue grinned, leading him to the couch. Opposing it, a TV decorated with Christmas lights with a little Christmas tree standing a few feet away from it. At the top of that tree was a bright artificial star that switched between a blue and a yellow hue. “Paps shouldn’t take too long to arrive now. You don’t have to worry about anything, I’ll take care of the explanation.”
“If you say so.” Dream leaned back onto the couch, trying not to show how worried he was about this ordeal. Though, even if he did not show any sign of it, Blue must have guessed he was anxious because he responded to his main concern at the moment almost perfectly.
“If you are worried about Nightmare, you really should not. I asked Color to help me with distracting him.” Dream’s eyes widened as he twisted his neck to look at Blue.
“You did what?” He blinked, trying to make sense of what he had just heard.
“Yeaaah...” Blue laughed, recalling the interaction.
After parting with Dream, the first thing Blue did was to call Color.
“Hello?” The other picked up after the phone rang twice, a vague voice that Blue assumed to be Delta could be heard in the background cursing out someone’s mother. “What do you need, Blue?”
“Sorry to bother you Color,” He started, fiddling with his scarf. “But there was something that I wanted to ask you...”
“Yeah?” The shuffling of clothes could be heard on the other side of the line. “What’s up?”
“So basically, I want to spend Christmas with Dream, since he desperately needs a break, but I do not want to have my universe being obliterated by Nightmare, so I need you to distract him that day. Is that okay with you?” He finished and a little silence ensued, before being broken by a hum.
“I mean, sure but it’s going to be hard to take him on head on plus--” He was soon cut off, Blue pretending not to have heard him start speaking.
“I heard from Error that Nightmare was planning on messing with Killer’s soul again that day too since that event would bring back good memories for him--” he said, waiting for the other to process his words.
“HUH?! يلعن شكله ان الشرموطة !” He yelled; the outburst was so sudden a terrified Delta could be vaguely heard asking why he was so angry all of the sudden.
“You’ve switched languages.” Blue tried hard to stifle his laughter, barely succeeding. He had never heard anyone use this before and it was both terrifying and absolutely hilarious. Thankfully, it seemed Color was too caught up in his anger to notice anything.
“I’m going to kill that fucking bastard I-” The rest of the sentence was lost, the other speaking too fast for anyone to really understand him. Though eventually, he did take a deep inhale to slow down. “Say no more, I’ve got the situation covered.” He still sounded pissed.
“Alright, thank you!”
“It’s a funny story that I will tell you of later.” Dream raised a brow but did not question him any further.
Then, the front door opened to Blue’s brother who just finished stepping on a recently lit cigarette. His eyes locked on Dream before he sent a questioning look to Blue.
As the night went on, Dream found himself simultaneously enjoying the change of pace for once and being the victim of a strong melancholy that wrapped itself around his soul and squeezed harder each time Blue and his brother interacted.
Again, he could not help but feel as if he were intruding.
He should not be here.
That held especially true when Papyrus came back from the kitchen with a Christmas pastry and gave him a slice.
Blue and Papyrus should be able to spend their time together as they wished.
Why was he--
Just before he could tell himself anything else, his phone let out a big beep that had him and his hosts jump. He quickly retrieved the device from his pocket, the name Ink appearing in big font on the lit-up screen with a big picture of said man in a circle.
He excused himself from the table, standing up. He picked up the phone, vaguely hearing Ink on the other side of the line.
“Dream we kind of need your help right now Nightmare and Color are having a fight--”
“DIE, YOU MISERABLE SLIMY SON OF A BITCH!” Came a furious Color, his voice somehow being even clearer than Ink’s. The sound of an explosion echoed in the background.
“KILLER!” Then came an equally furious Nightmare. “NOW IS NOT THE FUCKING TIME TO SIMP FOR THE ENEMY.”
“But he’s so cute when he’s mad <3” Killer yelled back, Dream able to imagine the heart-shaped eye lights in the black void that served as his eyes.
“No regret <3”
“E X C U S E Y O U ?!”
“Colooouuur, I love yoouuuu <3”
Dream coughed awkwardly, thinking that maybe he was not supposed to be the witness of that interaction.
“... Anyway,” Ink started, making Dream focus back on the current discussion. “Could you help us out?”
“Of course, I’ll be here as soon as possible.” He said, hanging up just at the right time to hear Error howling from laughter.
He sighed, turning back toward Blue and Papyrus. “I’m sorry I have to leave because--” He paused, just now remembering that Blue’s Papyrus was not aware of the multiverse’s existence.
“Because...” He had to find an excuse and fast.
“I... need to join my brother.” That was the best one he could come up with and while it was not technically a lie, he still felt a pang of sadness squeezing his soul. He could most certainly feel the concern radiating from Blue, but he chose not to pay any attention to it as of now.
His Papyrus nodded, understanding. “That’s completely fine, family should come first after all. It was nice to talk to you.”
“The pleasure was mine.” He hesitated but finally summoned what seemed to be a plasma lamp. In reality, it was an item that diffused positivity in the form of light but of course, that would be too complicated to explain to someone who had no clue how that worked. “I know it is not much, but I at least wanted to thank you two for showing me so much hospitality.
He could not remember the last time someone had treated him so well in the past years.
Papyrus seemed surprised but accepted the gift, nonetheless. “Thank you, even though you did not have to. Stay safe.”
“... I will.”
Blue stood up from his seat. “I’ll walk him out.” He shared a knowing glance with his brother before accompanying Dream to the house's entrance.
Once they were there, Blue stopped him from going any further by grabbing his shoulder. Dream turned around; eyebrow raised. “What is it?” He did not want to sound rude, but his patience was really being tested today, he could not help it.
“During Christmas time, we have the habit of giving people gifts to celebrate.” He began, teleporting two puppets in his hand. The two dolls were holding hands, both wearing Christmas clothes with one of them wearing a golden crown and the other a blue bandana on its neck.
Dream smiled fondly at them as they were passed down to his hands. “Merry Christmas.”
“I appreciate the explanation, but I was already aware of it.” Similarly to Blue, he teleported a little star pin in his hands that he then proceeded to attach to his bandana.
Blue seemed taken aback, staring at the little pin with wide eyes. “Merry Christmas to you too, Blue.”
He attempted to say something, but the words soon got caught in his throat when the other disappeared from sight. He blinked a few times, chuckling.
One of his fingers traced over the garment, looking up at the fake sky above him.
“Thank you.” He then went back inside.
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daydream-comet · 8 months
OH YEAH :3 i'm curious. what are your favorite parts of v-force/2002? i'm personally big on the digital sacred beasts (or atleast, that plotline from yuya onward, the first 15 eps of the season are kind of a blur to me) and.. ok i can't say zeo's plotline was pulled off Well but i love zeo as a character they are SO fascinating to me.
Well my favorite plotline from the season itself would be Zeo's one, while if we're talking about vforce as a whole then the movie's. The movie had a interesting plotline, and revealed a lot of info about the sacred beasts as well, though not everything was fully disclosed, it seemed they were heading somewhere with it but with grev sorta diminishing the presence of the sacred beasts I think it was dropped. Oh, and the cave scene. I....have a lot of talk about that one, I'm a bit too crazy and delusional about that particular scene to the point it'll need a separate post if its own (if I ever overcome my social anxiety and copy paste everything here)
Zeo is definitely one of my favorite characters in vforce (its the hair that started it I swear I want his hairstyle so bad) and surprisingly he was like one of the things I vividly remembered from my childhood when I was rewatching the series (now that I think about it, my fuzzy memories of beyblade as a child were mostly 60% vforce, 30% season 1 and 10% grev. Mainly because i think i missed a lot of grev as a child when it was airing and mostly caught onto the other two seasons). And yea while i do think if like the writers would've been given more time Zeo's arc along with the other arcs wouldn't have been so rushed, but still i think they did a good enough job, because I was definitely hooked during the final arc. Zeo is also an interesting character to analyse, like he was like first character to give the team a sense of normalcy because throughout the entire season everyone they had met was out for their asses and they couldn't catch a break nor could they have a normal beybattle like they used to without significant consequences. Also wished we got more of Zeo's existential crisis, how it affected and changed him and how he recovers from it and accepts himself (we see in that slideshow final ending in grev with Zeo looking through the window holding a violin. So it seems he found comfort in his hobby). Also that Zeo finding out about his true identity also helped him grow and mature in a sense (a person can't grow up without having to endure hardships, can they?). Like when we see him later on he's stronger and smarter.
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Like here Zeo knew exactly what to say to get under Takao's skin (and Takao's emotional attachment to Zeo amplified the impact, along with Takao still trying to grasp as to why Zeo is doing this) and that Zeo is right here in a sense. They didnt interfere due to multiple justified reasons (they wanted to, but couldn't. And even if they did, not much would've changed), but it didn't change the fact that they didn't do anything, and Zeo just rubs some salt on the fresh wound. And in the jp voice acting, while it was faint, Zeo kind of sounded sad when saying "no one will come to help you". If we think about the situation Zeo is in, its....true. no one really can help Zeo even if they wanted to, all they could do was offer words of consolation and comfort. And Zeo was doing all this for self preservation (and I guess daddy issues, Dr. Zagart is....incredibly questionable), but deep down i guess he knew that there really wasn't much he could do to become human, become the 'real' Zeo who died long ago. He just didn't wanted to live his life as a phony, it was all just an act of desperation (just look at him breaking his arm and still going on, isn't that a good example?). And like at the finale while Takao does offer closure to Zeo, the fact remains the same that Zeo can't become someone else and must learn to accept who he is, which he slowly starts to embark on (and if Takao, or anyone really, would've said that earlier it wouldn't have had the same impact, Zeo needed to find his way on his own terms)
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And as to the impact Zeo had with his words on Takao, he's literally repeating Zeo's words here and musing over the complicated and conflicting scenario for the majority of the episode while everyone is rightfully shocked to see it coming out of his mouth, not really aware of that little exchange he had with Zeo previously.
All in all I love Zeo, I love the small moments where vforce really gets to shine, I just wished they got more time to expand and explore the entire storyline they were working upon into like two seasons instead of dumping it all into one season. I am, uh, understandably kinda crazy over this show and won't stop overanalysing it. This post is pretty much word vomit and probably doesn't make much sense. Uh. Bye.
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I realized something while revisiting the darkmilk portrait conversation in Ch 14 and realizing something in context with this latest CRK update. I guess it’s also an addition to the first analysis post I made about the conversation which I’m linking here:
New analysis will be under the read more, since it’s going to be long probably due to screenshots:
When I originally found out the Ch 14 conversation existed, I went in with expectations (prepared for the worst) and came out… honestly surprised. I think me and lots of people were very convinced that Dark Choco would have a negative reaction to how Milk sees DC. I think the root of that was the flashback sequence in dark mode, when pomegranate forcibly brought up Dark Choco’s past where a lot of their trauma stems from. They reacts to what Milk says out of guilt, regret and shame of his actions and current self.
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All of these feelings are buried inside of him. They’re finally addressed along with additional conflicted feelings of how he grew up and his relationship to his father when the Cookies of Darkness try to take over the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Dark Choco is able to finally confront how he feels. His grievances, the bitterness of things that could never be, and most importantly, how he still does love Dark Cacao. He cares about his father, no matter how much they hurt each other, and the kingdom.
It’s all of this that leads to Dark Choco breaking away from the Cookies of Darkness. However, he chooses not to join our protag group but instead to venture off on his own. This is because atm, he has finally been given some closure, and now he can finally begin to heal. To begin to move forward and heal, you have to accept your own mistakes and forgive yourself. Dark Choco *especially* because it really felt like he convinced himself that he was doomed to be a villain and unhappy because of his own actions. Cut to the latest update.
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They’re away from the influence of the sword. They’re able to reflect on everything’s that happened up until this point more clearly. They can do this at his own pace. They say he hasn’t known the last time he’s felt peace. They are beginning to heal.
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When we get to this Easter egg conversation, I think it starts to click for me why he doesn’t have the same reaction to Milk compared to the dark mode flashback. It’s much farther into the future where perhaps Dark Choco has been able to make peace with his past.
And this is where the post ends because I actually put this on twitter first where I did NOT post the original analysis there LOL so I put a link at the end of the thread
But yeah if you haven’t read the original analysis of this conversation (linked above), you should read that after you finish reading this.
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Me, on the tails of an endless thesis on how Ashura is a terrible and abusive person:
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If we take my personal grudge and put it away in the cupboard for now, I think it’s fantastic that it’s Tomoyo who gets to connect with Fai over this. She’s uniquely positioned to be the only other (surviving) person who knew Ashura beyond the surface level. Out of everyone in the multiverse, Tomoyo is likely the only one who actually knows Ashura’s goals and feelings - perhaps excepting Yuuko herself, but it’s more meaningful from Tomoyo. Yuuko could give the information, yes, and the empathy from a distance, but she’s far away and can’t interfere, and Tomoyo is currently accepting Fai into her little family via Kurogane, and she does it by giving him closure. 
Fai is going to have MESSY and COMPLEX feelings about Ashura for the rest of his life. I’m not sure it’s a thing that could ever be ironed out into a single emotion without it unspooling into decades of betrayal and hurt and anger and reluctance and self-loathing - and at the end of it all he still couldn’t kill Ashura, because Fai is who he is and is so full of love and anguish on the inside that he could never. Despite it all. Despite his entire life. 
So, TOMOYO extends a small piece of Ashura to him, something he didn’t know before - that Ashura’s intentions were (at least partially) “good”, and he acted with Fai’s interests in mind. 
He was wrong, of course. He murdered countless people, damaged Fai on a deeply personal level that he carried throughout his life, and Ashura’s actions would have killed Fai alongside himself. It’s only through Tomoyo’s intervention twice over (the curse keeping Kurogane alive, and the advice to trade his arm for Fai in the trap) that Fai survived the experience at ALL. It’s love that saved Fai from the fate that Ashura secured for him - But! Putting ALL that aside, Tomoyo offers Fai the idea that Ashura loved him too, to try and ease the burden of it all, to help him make sense of it all, and to let him know that any feelings he had for Ashura WERE honest and real and reciprocated, so he didn’t imagine or misinterpret his life with Ashura. 
It’s and incredible kindness that only Tomoyo could give, and it’s so wonderful that she does. 
On a narrative level it still leaves Ashura a manipulative and murderous person who intended great harm to many people and damaged Fai deeply across his life. But it’s those kind of dark dark grey characters and relationships that Clamp are so interested in examining. See also: Seishirou and Fuuma. 
I hope it’s clear that I find it so FASCINATING what Clamp were exploring here. The tragedy of it all, the suffering, the complex circles damaged people damaging each other for good intentions - it’s all wonderful storytelling and absolutely incredibly layered no matter how you look at it . 
And at the same time I absolutely loathe the man c:
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jhlvogue · 6 hours
if I could rewrite eloise’s story since hers is absolute trash:
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ok end of s3, penelope & colin happy & married, penelope truth about being LW comes out to the family and they work through all that ending with the family still accepting penelope. eloise & penelope talk things out and realize they are still meant to be friends however, eloise continues to feel this gnawing sense of lonliness and ‘can i trust you’. she gets closure from theo with finding him moving on with someone new or he travels or like dies off (idk). eloise is heartbroken and returns home to the lonliness and cries herself to sleep
s4: benedict finds his story with sophie. polin is doing newlywed stuff. mama bridgerton is getting her groove back w/ the ton. ELOISE FEELS SUPER ALONE. because of this she journeys outside the realm of high society once again (& more discretly) to find others alike (the radicals). she stumbles upon the writings of a feminist progressive radical who is writing under a pseudonym & inspires eloise to pick up writing. tells mama bridgerton she needs time alone to find her self (aka find her writing voice) and wants to go to the countryside (cloee to where phillip crane is) mama bridgerton says yes and eloise packs up and leaves. the rest of the family doesnt pay much mind but penelope still feeling guilty about the whole theloise situation and feeling as if her & eloise are not 100% cool takes notice especially as eloise dodges her questions. eloise spends time in the country falling in love w/ it and its people and stumbles across sir phillip geeking out on plants. to eloise knowledge, they create an acquaintancship while she is in the countryside but sir phillip starts developing feelings for her despite being in a loveless marriage. phillip is shy and reserved because he doesnt know if eloise is judging him for his interests or is genuinely interested in what he has to say. during their time in the country, eloise grows to love the speration from high society, indulges in radical readings, and writes. this is where she starts the whole penpal thingy. she dreads coming home for christmas but makes her way back to town to celebrate christams and benedicts marriage to sophie.
s5: eloise comes back and has the whole ‘bridgerton glow up’ she starts wearing more earth tone dresses and has her hair more free and flowing to resemble her time in the country. while the family is happy for her return and notice the changes, they continue to ignore her due to their own duties. penelope tries to reconnect w/ eloise and hear what happened in the country side but eloise still reserved doesn’t go into details and colin keeps pulling penelope away. eloise once again feels alone and reminisces of her time away, especially with sir phillip. then word of marina gets around and eloise is like “oh no, phillip!” so she wites him a letter and they continue to go back and forth with him sending her dried flowers and her sending book recs or poems (idk). phillip comes down into town to talk with the fetheringtons about marina and sees eloise. he has this longing look on him as he continues to watch her while in society. unfortunately, penelope takes wind of his longing stares and starts to speculate, but doesn’t bring it up. eloise and phillip reunite in the garden at a ball away from everyone and fall back into natural conversations with each other. he asks her to come up to his house to see the land & she jokes about it being a proposal and he doesnt correct her. eloise finally putting 1+1=2, blushes and says she will think about it. she thinks about it for a day and hauls her ass up to crane & his estate w/o telling anyone.
then the rest of the events of her book can take place but this time phillip crane is a shy & reserved father who has a hard time expressing his feelings but at least TRYS with the kids & witg eloise (think king george in the beginning). he would be like a HOT geeky nerd who stutters and goes off on tangents (this can balance out eloise personality). ALSO eloise while coming to terms with her love for phillip crane, also comes to term with her place in society as a high society woman & needs to have her little woman jo speech about women and how we are more than bedwarmers and have dreams and aspirations (do this for me plsss)
they get married, live in the countryside, she continues to write. the end.
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autisticandroids · 9 months
tw mentions of transphobia homophobia racism and bullying, here's my ramble
what if i cant make amends? i made amends before, i fucked up with the person again, i fucked up , badly, i acted bigotted and i regret it now, for real this time. and i decided at that time to cut that person off from my life. simply because keeping that cycle of "im sorry, i fuck up again" was unhealthy. i think that making amends with people is needed if and only if the person comes to you for explanation - and apologies.
i think about bojack horseman's apologies episode - but he ended up hurting everyone. it's not because he simply didnt mean it - but also because he showed up, impromptuly, in the life of people he hurt and didn't want to hear about him, ever.
now to say i fucked up as badly as him - but the guilt i feel is there, and this impresion of "what the fuck are you doing back in my life, go away' the people we hurt in the past have - is real.
the internet crowd also - wouldn't be happy about making a donation to a cause. for example - imagine you used to act transphobic or homophobic or racist, and you decide to make a donation to an association. no matter the amount, people will say "you're just performing" or "what, only x dollars? arent you (job)?"
that's why attonement feels impossible, no matter what you do, it's not possible to feel 100 percents healed from the past, because you never will.
voicing your regrets, striving for the best, treating the next people better, being kinder isn't ignoring closure from the past.it's quite moving on from it. i know pretty much so many people who told me they wouldn't want to deal with me again because of views i had, actions i made in the past. with those situations, how am i supposed to "atone for my sins" where i must respect the boundaries those people set, aka "get out from my life"? i can only carry regret in me.
it's good to note that i made those awful life choices when i was between age 17 and 19, i have identity disturbance problems and acted like a sponge to bad influences. getting cancelled is something i fear but that i'd honestly roll with "yeah that just happened, i'm sorry for everything" which is honestly the bare minimum - but at the same time, you can never ever appease everyone.
i remember once someone who bullied me apologized to me, i felt nothing. so when someone fucks up badly, making amends is useless, it's just self serving, because what tells that the victim will actually accept your apology? what if it sinks them down further?
i don't know how comfortable i am answering this ask. it asks me to solve a problem that i'm not really qualified to solve, or frankly able to solve with the information you've given me. i am just a rando on the internet and you should not be treating me as an authority figure.
that said, you are clearly in the middle of the kind of anxious death spiral that is both destructive to yourself and useless for any kind of self-improvement, so... my attempt is under the cut.
i mean, you have to seriously consider whether an attempt to apologize will do anything for the other person - maybe it will, maybe it won't, that's on a case by case basis. i'm not the person to ask about that. i do think in most cases that a properly non-self-centered apology probably won't hurt. but that's just my opinion, i'm not god. it's something you have to decide for yourself. i don't peddle redemption arcs.
but primarily like. the thing you need to do is learn your lesson and then Move On Dot Org. don't wallow, just learn, accept, and live with. it actually doesn't benefit anyone for you to hurt yourself.
now, obviously, there are some things you can do which i think should bar you from being or having certain types of authority.
for a rather small, petty example, i can think of one person i know who was a bully in high school and deeply regretted it, but then got deeply into the "callout witch hunt" side of tumblr social justice and replicated their old bullying behaviors pretty closely, but this time just in a way where they could have it fit with their code of ethics. so like, "i believe i have the right to decide who should be harassed over a callout" is a kind of authority to grant yourself, and i am kind of ambivalent on anyone having that authority, but also specifically That person should not have had it, because they just used it to satisfy their desire to put other people down in a "more ethical" way.
so like. it is more effective to strip yourself of certain types of authority than to punish yourself. if you don't have the right to decide whether people deserve cruelty, you cannot be cruel to them. but this is not a punishment, it's simply a loss of certain privileges.
and things like "being happy," "having friends," "having a nice time playing video games" are all rights you shouldn't have taken away as a result of past behavior. but "presenting yourself as an authority on a topic," "being involved with one specific person," and "making money off your reputation online" are all privileges you might potentially want to strip yourself of if your past behavior showed that you can't be trusted with them. again, this is not a punishment, and is not intended to induce misery - it is simply a reasonable precaution.
and also, with respect to being cancelled or not - do not worry about this. that doesn't really have anything to do with you. get thicker skin. if someone tries to cancel you and they are more popular than you, you will be cancelled. if they are less popular than you, they will be cancelled. whether a cancellation is successful is purely a product of social power and is unrelated to morals. my recommendation is to make peace with the fact that if you live your life in public people will sometimes hate you. this is their problem, but also it's their right. you can't stop them and i would go so far as to say you shouldn't try. they can't do anything to you unless they doxx you, which probably won't happen unless you're really famous. or they can take your internet income stream away if you have one. the best way to defend against this is to have a real job.
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389 · 1 year
Rituals to do during a Full Moon
Connect with Nature - Take time to enjoy the beauty of a full moon night and appreciate nature. Find a place in an open space, where you can sit comfortably and soak in the atmosphere.
Self-Reflection & Rejuvenation - Use this special occasion as an opportunity to rest and reflect on your life while being energized by the power of the Full Moon’s energy. Sit quietly or take part in yoga poses that facilitate deep relaxation and centering such as corpse pose (savasana).
Healing Rituals - Cleanse yourself, body and spirit, both inside and out by taking part in healing rituals such as smudging with sage or cedar leaves or drumming circles which promote emotional stability, peace of mind, rejuvenation, insightfulness & compassion for oneself & others around you.
Aligned Intentions – Journal about all your hopes for the future during this ritualistic ceremony; be ruthless with setting intentions that best suit who you are now incorporating self love into them! Meditate on these goals until they align closely with what is true for you at this moment in time before releasing any tensions causing resistance within you allowing space for clarity so success follows closely behind.
Celebrate & Appreciate – Express gratitude to the Universe and give thanks for all you’ve been blessed with and achieved in life. Embrace the power of joy by singing and dancing, laughing, or writing a poem celebrating your growth since the last full Moon; these things take it to another level!
Bidding Farewell – Full Moons offer closure and a sense of finality due to its energetic energy; bid adieu to that which no longer serves you. Take a few moments to let go of worries, anxieties or situations that are not in view right now but still worry your spirit. Call for peace, knowing the universe has heard your words and take comfort & acceptance from those around you as everyone says goodbye together! May this be a gift from yourself & others we share this life with on-wards!
Sleep & Recharge - Rise early the next morning and start your day with an appreciation reflective of how much has been achieved over the last month. Sleep beneath the moon, knowing it will watch over you at night allowing you to rest deeply. Let its energy give soothing comfort giving to your mind so tomorrow can be a new beginning full of creative ideas!
Bring the Energy Home - Place a white or clear quartz crystal by your bedside to capture the energy of any Full Moon. Alternatively, making a talisman specifically with an intention to bring in positive energy from past experiences that occurred during this cycle and burn it late on the night of the Full Moon as a symbolic gesture while also keeping some ashes close until they are released into nature near where you live. This will solidify your intended journey and gain closure over whatever has been brought up during this full moon period allowing resolution & peace to enter ever so gently!
Moonsong - Before doing the ritual and rituals above, sing a moonsong. This is an ancient tradition celebrated under starlit skies. The song will flood your body and soul with magic, purpose, choice, clarity and hope for better days ahead. Listen to the melody of life in this moment!
Closing Prayer - Once the energetic effects of the Full Moon have diminished, ground yourself in gratitude by offering a closing prayer. Express your fears and desires then offer appreciation for everything experienced during this transformative period before inviting a feeling of peace back into mind/body as you await the next lunar cycle and all it brings!
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