#and how much of it is genuine madness/obliviousness
godnectar · 10 months
Yandere himbo? >:)
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cw: toxic behavior, bae's hot, oblivious and delusional asf, kinda manipulative, jealousy, violence, guilt tripping,,,, justifications + probably a big ass etc. ( inbox )
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𖣠 YANDERE HIMBO who possesses a genuinely warm and friendly demeanor that, along with his looks, easily draws people to him. the pure, charming, and easygoing smile he usually wears making it extremely hard for others to suspect anything about his hidden, darker tendencies — reason why you didn't really made a big deal out of his sudden but innocent looking crush towards you and just felt flattered.
𖣠 YANDERE HIMBO whose loyalty absolutely knows no bounds once you two got together after countless of sweet, sincere compliments, some appealing winks, and a few wholesome dates. he's hopelessly devoted to you, willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure his darling's happiness and safety twenty-four seven.
𖣠 YANDERE HIMBO who's cheerful facade is fast to crumble the next second he perceives someone as a threat to your lovely, fairy tale looking relationship, no matter if it's because of one of your friends getting to touchy or just one of your relatives making a disapproving comment about your choice of a partner. even though, he's also quick to apologize whenever you get mad as the familiar, beefy arms that hold you at night get covered with scratches after he holds your acquaintances in a chokehold deep inside an alley hours prior. unsurprisingly, guilt overcomes you as soon as you glance at his pouty lips and furrowed eyebrows, pained by your anger over his instinctive jealousy.
𖣠 YANDERE HIMBO who as much as he lacks intelligence, probably also lacks comprehension for his actions' severity most of the time, leading him to justify some disturbing things such as his hostility, surveillance and obsessive keepsakes by saying it all comes from his undying love towards you, the light of his eyes.
𖣠 YANDERE HIMBO who genuinely thinks there's nothing wrong with what he does. sure, he might not be the brightest bulb in the box, nor the man with the healthiest mental state you'll meet — the latter being pretty noticeable, especially when you catch on the fearful stares some people send among all the praising others unawarely give — but at least he's trying his best at showing you that his... heart throbs only for his sweetling, right?
𖣠 YANDERE HIMBO who desires with all his heart for you to be as head over heels for him as he is for you, never giving up on trying to make you let down all of your guards to share his innermost yearns, fantasizing about an intense, exclusive and unique connection between you two where both seek to become the other's one and only.
"tell me how much you love me, my dear. need to hear you saying there's absolutely no one in your heart but me."
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© godnectar 2023. please do not modify, translate, or repost my works on any platform without my permission.
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seelestia · 2 years
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❝𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥, 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐚𝐦 𝐈 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮?❞
SUMMARY. redamancy is a love returned in full — except you express that by staring at your lover like a madman.
CHARACTERS. xiao, venti, kazuha, heizou, zhongli, albedo, gorou, itto, scaramouche, ayato, childe, diluc, thoma, kaeya.
GENRE. cotton candy fluff, little bits of crack, teeny tiny angst in kaeya's part, established relationship.
CW. use of pet names.
THOUGHTS. weewoo, my first multi post! i may have screamed, kicked my feet in the air, and sobbed while writing this and i hope you do too <3 /pos
☆ masterlist.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ・・・・・・☆・・・・・・・⊰ ⊹ ─
XIAO turns his face away nervously. You are silent, yet your gaze speaks many volumes; volumes that he is unable to comprehend properly. What exactly should an Adeptus say to such peculiar manner of staring? Xiao clears his throat, "If you have words to spare, then spit them out." Bold words for someone with reddening cheeks.
VENTI grins as if he had caught a thief red-handed. "Is it me or is someone awfully shameless today, hm?" Although it is clear as day that you're not even trying to hide it, this bard sees the opportunity to tease you and he takes it in stride. As a performer, Venti is used to having eyes on him — but to receive such attention from his beloved is so much sweeter, is it not?
KAZUHA returns your gaze with an even softer one. He asks, "Is something wrong, my love?" What started out as a way to express your adoration for his beauty turns into a mutual contest. Kazuha's eyes are a beautiful scarlet red, you know that — but why is it so hard to acknowledge when he's staring right back at you? But in his defense, he is but a humble man returning the favor and using it as an excuse to adore you.
HEIZOU pretends to poke your eyes. "Ah-ah, where's your permission to stare?" A cheeky one, indeed. Heizou hovers two fingers in front of your eyes as if poised to poke on command. With the way his smile is almost reaching his ears, it's so difficult to take him seriously — and it doubles by tenfold when Heizou dives in for a kiss. His giggles tap against your lips, "There you go, permission granted." Great, just awesome; now, you feel like poking his pretty olive eyes instead.
ZHONGLI is unmoving yet knowing all the same. No, he is not oblivious, not in the slightest. In fact, he knows you are staring at him. Zhongli usually doesn't mind being gawked at; yet as he takes a sip of his tea, he can't help but chuckle, "You can look until you've had enough, but don't let the tea get cold now." Your eager gaze that is almost akin to a stupefied child is more amusing than he thought, it seems.
ALBEDO wonders what is running through your mind. As if his thoughts have morphed into crystalflies that leave a trail of epiphany in their wake, you exhale a cold breath and two words for him, "You're beautiful." Albedo realizes that maybe, his metaphor might've been off the mark; because no longer are the crystalflies taking flight in the air, they are here in his chest like fluttering butterflies at the sight of your smile.
GOROU blinks in confusion. Deciphering has never been his best suit, so when Gorou finds you staring at him without a word, his first instinct is to assume the worst. His ears droop down almost instantly, "W-what's wrong?" The genuine fear on Gorou's face makes you panic and he swears he never relished in relief like ever before after you explain. No, he's not mad — he just can't help but sulk, just a little. Ahem, please don't scare him like that again.
ITTO pats himself in accomplishment. "Are you staring because I look extra, super duper handsome today? Ohoho!" Was it the new shampoo? Mouthwash? Eyeliners? His pearly white teeth? The comb he exchanged for snacks yesterday?! He sounds obsessed but hey, he wants to look good for you — and if you're staring at him like that, it means his efforts aren't in vain! How silly though, you've always been staring at him like this; Itto was just too immersed in his beetle fights to notice.
SCARAMOUCHE flicks your forehead. You get two privileges, though; a forehead flick and a somewhat gentle one at that. He doesn't just flick anybody's forehead, you're special (or whatever). Scaramouche huffs, "Got a staring problem? Your eyes look like they're gonna pop out." But you don't mind, you'd gladly pick them up just to stare at him again. "Ugh, weirdo," he rolls his eyes but he's actually smiling, so who's the weirdo here?
AYATO only hums in acknowledgment. "Is this angle good enough for your liking, dearest?" He says that so casually. As a man who has etiquette engrained into him since young, you partially expect him to reprimand you. It's common knowledge that staring is improper in public, after all — but that's exactly it; right now, he isn't the public figure, Kamisato Ayato but simply a man with his beloved. How ironic would it be to reprimand the very person who gives him a sense of normalcy? Besides, you're adorable, so he's not complaining one bit.
CHILDE tilts his head questioningly at first but plays along. He searches your eyes; is this a prank or are you angry? The corners of his lips crook into a grin, there's a playful agenda in his mind. "Are we doing a staring contest? If I win, will you give me a kiss?" His jokes are just a way of his to get a reaction from you. But when it fails, Tartaglia's grin quite literally drops, "Wait, are you actually upset? [Y/N], what did I do—" And he won't stop pestering you with a whine until you explain.
DILUC lowers his head into a bow. He mutters quietly, "I'm sorry." Straightforward words, but the thing is does he even know what he's apologizing for? Actually, why is he apologizing? Diluc looks so meek underneath your gaze, you wonder how he'd react if you tell him that you're merely staring because you can't look away? Simple, he wouldn't know how to; so, he'd fake a cough to hide his face or more specifically, the shades similar to his hair blooming on it.
THOMA frowns with concern. "Do you need something, my love?" His hand is warm as he cups the side of your cheek as a giving touch of comfort. Are you staring at him to get his attention? Has something been bothering you? Worried questions begin to fill Thoma's mind — of course, your well-being is what comes to mind first, not the thought of you admiring him for no reason. "Ah, you're such a tease. You scared me there," he pinches your nose; that's a Thoma-like way to get revenge, alright.
KAEYA leans in closer. He does so with no hesitance, no warning whatsoever and you lean back with a squeak. Kaeya chuckles to his heart's content with a cheeky jest, "Why, I thought that was an invitation?" But beneath the desire to fluster you, lies an odd sense of contentment; knowing that you stare at him with such a loving gaze. "Thank you," two words that seem so out of place, but Kaeya wants to say them anyway.
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— © seelestia, july 2022. do not repost, plagiarize, translate nor claim as your own.
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finelinevogue · 1 year
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summary - you are jealous of people seeing his hitties out
pairing: boyfriend!harry x reader
word count: ~1k
“Are you kidding me right now?” You ask as Harry wanders into the room.
Harry comes strolling in the room with a pink sparkly outfit, with a tiny waistcoat that leaves his chest bare and exposed. The tattoos look perfect against his soft and tanned skin, making you just want to feel if his skin is as hot as he looks.
“What?” He asks in the most oblivious way, pulling his in-ears around the back of his neck.
“Do you want me to get on my knees?”
Harry’s jaw slackens open in shock and a little laugh escapes his mouth, “Excuse me?”
“It’s a simple question.”
You cross your arms over your chest and raise your eyebrows as you waist for an answer.
“Do I want you on your knee– of course I do, I’d be mad to say no.” He scoffs and walks over to where you’re sat on the couch that he carries around on tour with him.
He comes and sits on the arm of the sofa next to you, placing one of his hands on the back of the sofa so he can hold himself up whilst he leans over you.
He kisses the top of your head softly.
“Well fat chance of that happening tonight.” You say sarcastically, turning your head away from him.
“Babe, I’m so confused right now. What’s up?” He genuinely asks, concerned because you’re acting off.
“No, no. Everything is fine. Show your hitties to the world, see if I care.” You snarky remark, huffing to yourself.
“Yes,” You turn around momentarily to touch his pecs, “These.”
You suddenly wish you hadn’t turned around because Harry looms over you with a devilish look in his eyes and a smirk to match it. His eye contact with you makes you hot at the skin and you look down to avoid feeling flushed.
“Babe. Y/N, love, look at me, please.”
You slowly move your head upwards and return your gaze to his. Your pout makes Harry weak at the knees and he’s thankful he’s sat down.
“Mhm.” You mumble.
“I can’t exactly say I know what you’re going on about, but if I may just say something?” He asks, cupping your chin softly with his free hand.
You nod your head.
It’s not even a second later that Harry pushes his lips forwards so they meet yours, closing the distance. He kisses you with so much love that you forget why you were even mad in the first place.
You feel him smirk against your lips when you let out a soft moan. He pulls away and just as quick reseals his lips onto yours. He makes it desperate for more. The taste of his lips and the feelings he initiates within you, make you want to kiss him dizzy.
“I love you. I’m yours. So, you can be as jealous as you want, baby - if anything it makes hot when you do - but don’t forget I’m coming back to you every night.” He kisses you once more, quickly, “Hitties and all.” He whispers and you chuckle.
“I don’t understand how you can read my mind.” You shake your head.
“I know you too well.”
“It’s what makes you a good boyfriend.” You blush as you tell him. “Sorry for being petty and jealous.”
“You can apologise later instead.” He leans down further to your face level again, teasing your lips by moving his head closer and then pulling away.
“Oh yeah? How?”
“Well just like you said.” He smirks and you know you’re down for, “On your knees.
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yanderecrazysie · 3 months
all your yan cheater tamaki fics r so good what.
if you hav time, could i request another?
Maybe another ending or something from the blind fic, it could be reader moving on and finding someone else and tamaki gets jealous and tries to bring back their marriage
something like that would be rlly nice 🫂
Of course, my precious anon! This is a bit short, but I had writer’s block and was just happy to get out of that block!
Title: Blind (Part 2)
Pairings: Tamaki Suoh x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing
Summary: You’ve moved on, but Tamaki can’t.
Part 1: here
deprive (someone) of understanding, judgment, or perception:
Who is this?
Tamaki took his place in the first booth in the cafe. You liked this place- kind of a mom and pops hang-out that you always took a corner booth at. You would crack open your laptop on the wooden table, settle into the uncomfortable bench, and type away. You would order a drink. A hot one on cool, windy days, a cold one on hot, humid days. You would smile to yourself as you scrolled through websites he could not see. Put in earbuds and watch YouTube videos or anime.
But not today.
Today, you weren’t playing on your laptop alone. No, today there was no laptop in sight. There was a cold drink in front of you (the weather was warm) and a coffee. 
Probably because you weren’t alone.
The guy you were with isn’t as tall as Tamaki, but he has windswept hair and a smile that looks so genuinely happy and carefree. Your arm laid on the table, stretched out towards the male across from you. His hand drew patterns on the back of your hand affectionately as you two talked.
How did he miss this? When and where did you meet this man? Was he another student at Ouran High School? He didn’t recognize him but, then again, he didn’t really pay attention to anyone that didn’t come into music room 3.
He had felt sort of lost ever since disbanding the host club, but he couldn’t bring himself to flirt with other girls anymore. Even when he was faking his affection, he felt like throwing up all over their poofy yellow dresses. 
You were the only girl he had eyes for anymore.
Not that you cared.
Tamaki watched as you tapped your foot to the soft music playing throughout the cafe. He admired your pretty beaded sandals and then let his eyes stray to the ruffled yellow dress that covered your beautiful figure. No jeans or sneakers in sight.
You had dressed up for this guy.
Tamaki’s heart twisted in knots. It was hard to admire you with that bastard sitting across from you. Your breathtaking smile, your unwavering gaze… none of that was meant for the man huddled away at the table near the entrance, spying on an oblivious girl.
You and the male across from you scooted down the bench, swung your legs from under the table, and stood up. Tamaki held his breath, watching the two of you so closely that he forgot to blink. 
Please just be friends or school project partners… Please just be a relative… Please be platonic…
Tamaki’s heart sank lower with every step you took towards this mystery guy. Let it just be a hug…
But life was not on Tamaki’s side. In the moment that you leaned in to lock lips with the other man, he saw a sort of shadow himself kissing another woman. He wondered if your heart shattered into as many pieces as his did.
He felt numb as he stumbled from his chair to the door. “Tamaki?” No- I don’t want her to see me like this.
Tears stung his eyes as he looked back at you with blurry vision. He could barely make out your face, but he imagined you had a victorious smile on your face. Or maybe you didn’t- you were much nicer than he was, after all.
The worst part was he couldn’t even be mad. He didn’t have a right to be. Your parents had canceled the marriage contract.
The marriage contract… Tamaki’s eyes lit up. Your parents had canceled it out of anger, but they had accepted it because of his father’s offer. His father had lowballed, as he often did.
If he offered more… Well, just what price would make your parents get over their daughter’s opinion and see dollar signs?
You’d be upset, sure, and you’d have to give up your new boyfriend. Don’t worry.
I’ll be more than enough for you.
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znitsamluv · 4 months
Could you hcs for baji, smiley and angry with a gf that loves leaving subtle marks that just shouts they're taken (not in the weird way)
Like for example whenever she wears lipstick, she'd kiss the collar of their uniform so it would leave a stain, at the back of their hand, etc
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• I apologize for the long wait , I changed it a little bit so I hope you don't mind and enjoy it
Warning: mention of gang fights but nothing detailed
Character: Angry , Smiley , Baji
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• Baji pretty much gets into fights for a reason or without, so he always ends up tearing his hair ties , but now he has you as his lovely girlfriend that would give him hair ties willingly ( he was going to tackle you and take your accessory box so you saved yourself some trouble)
• Sometimes it is hairbands or scrunchies but either way when anyone sees him they know he is taken , and he is actually proud about it .
• Every time he succeeds in taking a new hair accessory he brags about it , going around in Toman meetings saying how nice of you to give him your hello kitty themed hair ties.
• your favorite is when some girls try to talk to him by opening up a conversation about how cute his hairband is but it actually cuts them like knife when he says it is yours and the conversation turns completely about you since Baji is a bragger.
• Baji is really oblivious but it fills you with pride how he open about showing he is taken, with talking about you or by walking around wearing a hair accessory that belongs to you.
• would go absolutely feral in a fight if his opponent managed to take whatever he was wearing at the time , may their soul rest In peace.
• Comes back in a sour mood ( he knows you are going to give him another one either way) until you give in and give him another hair tie ( you bought a new stash and keeps it in secret so he can always count on you)
• it started at first as an accident, going in to kiss him but he gets distracted and looks away so the kiss ends on his collar.
• He didn't want to wash it even though you told him he should he said he would take it as a good luck charm .
•and surprisingly he would think like that from that day on , going to you to stain his collar with lipstick before any fight and you would gladly do.
• cocky af around toman members, won't hesitate to throw hands the moment someone makes fun of it .
• Angry have to take the shirt to clean it when smiley is sleeping so he doesn't have to catch those hands .
• Passive aggressive king , would be beating someone and then ask them what they think about the stain , if he liked their answer he will try to be more gentle with them (they end up in the hospital either way ).
• whenever angry gets injured more than smiley the only logical answer smiley has is because he doesn't have an amazing girlfriend that will give him good luck kiss like you do .
• Angry is soft by nature but with you he is like a cloud at this point , you pointed out many times how you don't like when girls come up to talk to him and no matter how many times he rejects them politely he knows where you are coming from and he thinks about a way to make you feel less mad at him .
• so the best solution to ease your mind was to get a bracelet with your name on it , you didn't ask him to do it he just showed up one day with it and blushed when you mentioned it.
• He would treat it like his most favorite possession , he also wears it all the time even while sleeping.
• And again he doesn't do that because you asked him to he does it because he genuinely love you and feels happy to know he can have something to remind him of you.
• smiley would tease him on a daily basis but only lightly since he knows how Angry cherishes you and he doesn't want Angry to feel embarrassed.
• usually in fights he puts it in his pocket so it doesn't tear up while fighting but one time he forgot to do it and the beads flew everywhere.... Let's just say Angry made sure whoever ruined his previous bracelet was unrecognizable.
•Angry would be in a bad mood since he couldn't save all the beads he only found some and the first syllable of your name.
• would go to you sad and apologize even though he has nothing to apologize for .
• the next day you surprised him with a necklace you handmade with the beads he saved and added more to make it a necklace , you also made one for yourself too with Angry's name , now everyone knows both of you belong to each other easily.
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Japanese QL Corner
It's a quieter week as a few shows have just wrapped and the next wave hasn't started yet, but there is still Japanese ql airing, including what is shaping up to be an all time fav. Both of these current airing shows are on Gaga and I highly recommend watching!
Love is Better the Second Time Around
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This show is so good, and so mature in exactly the way I hoped. And I don't mean mature as in explicit--there is sex in this show but it's not some wild heat level. It's mature in that it's a story about characters who know themselves, know what they want, and draw boundaries. Both Iwanaga and Miyata are going down as favorite characters for me; I especially love that Miyata is a more knowing and self aware spin on a really well known bl archetype (think Rain from LITA but if he actually knew exactly why he was reacting the way he was to Payu and was mad about it instead of just overwhelmed and confused). This week we got a lot deeper into his teenage hurt over Iwanaga and now have a firm understanding of why he's alternately giving into and resisting this attraction. I am looking forward to Iwanga figuring out how to repair the damage he caused and earn his trust back.
My Strawberry Film
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This was easily my favorite episode so far of this meandering little show. Every week I am left wondering what exactly this drama is trying to say and be; it certainly doesn't feel like a bl. We have spent the vast majority of our time on doomed het romance while Ryo quietly pines for his oblivious friend in the background. But this week we finally got to know Minami outside of Hikaru's narrow gaze, and I like her a lot. Her scene with Ryo where they discussed their romantic woes and established each other as a safe zone was very sweet, and showed how perceptive she is about all these dynamics happening around her. I was discussing with @bengiyo whether the show is going for an aromantic read with her, and I'm not sure. I see the makings of it, but the presentation of her feelings on romance feels a bit muddled. I loved her calling Hikaru out on being self-centered and having absolutely no patience for his petty jealousy. Hikaru thinks he likes her, but he doesn't actually know her (or his own best friend). I liked the final scene between Ryo and Hikaru as well, and the terrible angst of Ryo's confession that he immediately took back. The way the lights and audio from oncoming traffic played over his face in that scene was a really fantastic way to communicate both a moment of clarity and a moment of fear in the aftermath. I'm curious to see where this show takes the ending; a romantic conclusion for the two boys would not feel genuine to me at this point, but I could see them leaving us on a note of burgeoning curiosity and hope.
Bonus: No Touching At All
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I recently watched this 2014 jbl on @twig-tea's recommendation, and I really loved it (I have already watched it twice and will definitely be doing so again). This is a classic office romance between a young gay man, Shima, and his "straight" boss, Toga. It's a simple story but well executed, and the film has a strong sense of place that I really loved. Shima and Toga have a fairly instantaneous attraction, and Toga is the kind of laidback character who simply never gave much thought to his sexuality and doesn't care about the fact that Shima is a man; he likes who he likes. Shima, however, is carrying a lot of internalized homophobia and trauma from closeted men messing him around in the past, and has a hard time believing in Toga's sincerity. I really love the way this conflict plays out in the story, and I especially love the way Toga talks to Shima. He's a no bullshit kind of guy and he tries his best to reassure Shima, but he's not a pushover, either. Ultimately Shima has to work through his own insecurities and make the choice to be brave to make the relationship work. The ending of this one is amazing and left me feeling very confident in this couple, and I can't recommend it highly enough. It's the grey for this one, unfortunately, but if you have trouble finding it in HQ let me know and I'll point you (don't watch it on YT, the version on there is potato quality).
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the0racl30fd3lphi · 2 years
More than friends, less than lovers. x.t
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pairing: xavier thorpe x gn!reader
summary: the whole hyde ordeal has faded slowly in the background as life carried on, the student body ready to grasp onto some new drama. luckily for them, a love triangle is exactly what they needed to fuel the gossip.
warnings: fluff, angst, love triangle (kinda)
a/n: y'all this idea literally came to me at 4 in the morning so please bear with me (as i also wrote it at the ass crack of dawn) i am so obsessed with percy and xavier and wanted to write this desperately, he is all i can think about.
word count: 1,727
part 2 part 3
You hated this. This, stage, between what you were and what you could be. Xavier was your best friend. He always had been, truth be told. Yet as soon as he broke up with Bianca your relationship had a shift. Suddenly somethings had a deeper connotation, a hidden meaning. You didn’t hate it. In fact, this was exactly what you had been waiting for for years. Until She came along.
You didn’t hate Wednesday, unfortunately. She had done nothing to spark your anger. It wasn’t like she was purposely making Xavier adore her. It looked like she would rather be without it, being honest. But did it annoy the hell out of you that he was so enamored with her so quickly, when she did nothing to give the idea that she would reciprocate? And yet he seemed to not want to give up on her? While simultaneously leading you on, making you believe you might have a romantic future with him? And being oblivious to the pain it caused? It was the only thing you ever thought about.
Genuinely, you wondered how he could still be so obsessed with her to buy her a phone, after she wrongfully got him imprisoned. If that wasn’t a walking red flag you didn’t know what was.
You and Xavier had stayed close throughout this internal turmoil you went through. It hurt like a bitch, but you’d be damned if you lost him over a girl he liked. Suppressing your feelings wasn’t anything you were stranger to, there were other ways to get out your thoughts.
Something you did often, that you’d never tell him was how frequently you abused mimicking his ability. At first he had found it interesting and expressed he had no problem with you copying his habits. But if he knew what you used it for he’d probably be mad.
Each night, after leaving his dorm and sneaking back into yours, you drew a photo from that day. What he looked like when he smiled. How he laughed. Taking into extreme detail his face, scrunched, while watching a show together. Though you weren’t really watching the show so much as watching him.
You kept these drawings in a box, under your bed, all the way in the back. It was hidden enough to never be seen or touched by anyone. So you used the late Rowan’s telekinesis ability to bring it out and put it back. Was this a healthy coping mechanism? Oh not at all, seeing as some drawings that originated from the latest of nights and most intimate moments, would have made Wednesday blush. Of course it's all innocent, right up until you put it down on paper.
"Drawing lover boy again?" Your best friend Val, barked at you from across the room.
"Lover boy? That's a new one," you softly put the new drawing of him in the box, and back under your bed in the furthest corner. "Not such an accurate name this time, you're losing your touch my friend."
"Well you wish it was, so close enough in my book," She shrugs and jumps onto your bed.
"Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades," you pull your laptop on your lap, and press play on your favorite show to watch together.
"You sound like your father," She gags and you playfully slap her arm before shushing her and cuddling into her side.
It was lunch the next day, you had a free period the class before so you were waiting for Xavier to show up at your usual bench in the quad. He was taking a little bit longer than normal so you started early on your homework.
"If it isn't Xavier's little girl," she paused. "friend."
"Bye Bianca," you waved and put the volume up on your phone.
“Where is he this time? With Wednesday maybe?" she crossed her arms and smiled maliciously. "It's already started!" She laughed.
You tried to mind your business, she only ever wants to cause problems and you know this. "What's started?" you kept your eyes on your work, putting the volume lower to hear her better.
“He's bored of you. Just like when he got bored of me and you two got closer? He's onto Wednesday now, and done with you." She raised her eyebrows and put on an innocent doe-eyed look. "Well, anyway, have a good lunch!"
She walked away and went back to her friends. You didn't want to believe it. Would Xavier really replace you with Wednesday? He couldn't, he wouldn't. Even when he was dating Bianca, sure you hung out less, but you were still in his life. She was just trying to get in your head right?
“Sorry I'm late, got a little held up in class," He put his stuff down next to him and grabbed some food from the lunch you packed for the two of you. Cooking had become a stress habit for you, so nightly you sneak into the kitchens and prepare something for the next day.
“What kept you?" You put your stuff in your bag and grabbed a snack from the pile.
"Class, I said that didn't I?" He talked through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah but, what kept you? The teacher? Extra work?” you tried to press while eating your half of the lunch.
“Uh, just some extra credit work, wanna bring my grade up you know?” His answer was strained, and his eyes looked anywhere but at yours. So you followed his gaze, to Wednesday.
“Yeah, for sure,” You mumbled and went back to eating. Even if you wanted to escape him for another hour, to try and calm the thoughts in your head, you couldn’t. You two had the same class next period and you always walked together.
The day felt strained, any conversation with Xavier fell off track and eventually died out too soon. It’d been too long since this pattern started. Ever since she came to Nevermore, things slowly got worse between you two. You weren’t as close as before and it killed you.
So like every night, afraid to break habit, you snuck out of Xavier’s dorm to hang out. Right before you were going to knock on the door you heard two hushed voices in the room.
“You can’t keep doing this Xavier, you’re hurting her.” a voice pressed him for answers, sounding upset.
“We’re fine, Ajax.” Xavier fought back, offended anyone would accuse him of doing anything to hurt you.
“How dense are you that everyone can see it, but you?” Ajax stressed the end of his sentence still trying to be quiet.
“See what!” Xavier was getting increasingly agitated.
Your grip on the handle faltered and it wiggled just loud enough for both boys to notice it. Suddenly the door was opening and you smiled sheepishly at Xavier, “Hi.”
“I’m gonna leave,” Ajax looked between the both of you and you moved out of the way for him to exit. He sent one last glance Xavier’s way before he closed the door and went back to his dorm.
“Sorry, did i interrupt anything?” You apologized, still feeling the tense air.
“No,” He ran a hand through his hair in the same manor that always drove you crazy. “Nothing important.”
And just as quick as your conversation, Xavier went to sketching as you made yourself comfortable in his bed with your book. How quickly he could make your heart speed up and then break it felt like a world record now.
It’s been two weeks now since you accidentally overheard Xavier’s conversation with Ajax that night. Things hadn’t changed between you two, and you can’t figure out if that’s a good thing or not yet. Val had been pushing you to just confront him about your feelings. She knew letting them simmer inside was doing no one any good.
So on a night similar to that one fateful evening, you mustered up the courage to finally ask him what you meant to each other.
“Hey Xavi,” you asked, leaning slightly to the side now as he turned around from the mural he was painting on his wall to look at you. “What do I mean to you?”
He seemed to freeze, face tinting slightly rosier, whether it was blush or anger you didn’t know yet.
“What do you mean?” He dipped his brush in the cup he used to clean them, going right back to his art. It made you study his face, his posture, before continuing your question.
“I mean, I know what you mean to me. I know what i feel for you,” you felt emboldened by seeing him try and play off his nervousness watching him tense and straighten his back. “But I don’t know what I am to you.”
He paused and blinked, it looked like he was going to say something but he made no move to speak. After two minuets he finally opened his mouth, “Where is this coming from? You’re my best friend, you’re.. I..” He trailed off.
“But it’s more than that. More than friends,” he flushed pink, taking in a large gulp. “But less than lovers.” His grip turned white on the brush as he slumped slightly. Still he made no move to speak, so you turned away and went to collect your things. Nothing was said between you two as you packed up what you brought and slung your bag over your shoulder.
As you slipped out the door and into the shadows, mimicking a poltergeist you had once seen and turning yourself almost completely invisible. No one could even hear you breath and you floated through the halls back your dorm.
And in the faint night hair, before you left the wing his dorm was in, you could’ve sworn you heard him call your name and try to get your attention. But it was futile as you just sped up and got back to your dorm quicker.
Val said nothing as you slumped into your bed, rolling your stuff off the side and curling up with a blanket in your arms. She must’ve been able to infer what happened, and she climbed in next to you to hold you as you silently wept. Not even a shake ran through you as the tears fell. No one could hear the sound of your heart shattering that night.
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spidernuggets · 5 months
I legit beg of thee please can you do prompt17. "Why the fuck did you have to make me fall in love with you" but like he's infected with some toxin from a mission and is genuinely angry at reader for making him fall in love with her, but like they're not together she's just his oblivious best friend and this is how you find out he's in love with you. I just find this hilarious cuz reader being overjoyed like oh shit he loves me but also like hey dude calm down lol Its also a tinge angsty cuz he's tiny self esteem thinks you could never love him back and thats why he's mad
Jason Todd x Reader
"Why the fuck did you have to make me fall in love with you"
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You love Jason Todd. And for a long while, you believed it was a platonic type of friendship. Because you loved the way he laughed, his smile, his combat skills, his snarky remarks.
And then an oh shit hit you harder than a bomb. Not only did you love Jason Todd, but you were in love with him.
You joined the Titans a couple of months or so after he officially did. He offered you a brew the first time you met, and you politely declined but thanked him for the offer. This is where Jason immediately took interest in you.
When him, you, Rachel, and Gar were doing that blindfold sparring thay Dick recommended, he was even more intrigued at your skill level, but you weren't as skilled as he was, and ultimately lost the sparring match.
You were mesmerised by his advanced ability, asking him if he could teach you some tricks.
Boy, did this boost his ego.
And then the two of you became best friends. You guys trained together, played video games together, and listened to music together. Sometimes, he'd read lines from his favourite novels to you, ranting how dumb one character was or how stragetic another was.
Eventually, Jason took you to the school that he took refuge in during the time he was living on the streets. He told you his story before he got adopted, telling you his mom was a drug addict, his dad was abusive.
You listened, and you comforted him.
Then he told you how he admired the other kids for performing on stage. That's when he became so passionate for literature.
You joked with him, saying that you couldn't believe his biggest secret was being a theatre nerd. He quickly answered back that they were called 'thespians'.
That's probably the exact time you fell in love. Even after all the pain and neglet he's been put through, he still managed to become the strongest person you've ever met.
When you thanked him for showing you his school, that you appreciated how much he trusts you, you swore you saw a glimmer in his eye, even when he tells you it was no big deal.
Jason means so much to you. That's why you'd never tell him you love him. You think you'd break into a million shattered pieces if he left you because of your devoted but selfish feelings towards him. So you kept your feelings tucked away at the back of your heart, concealed from him.
Jason means so much to you that when he arrived back from what yoh heard was a dangerous mission, you instantly ran up to him, pulling him in a tight embrace, mumbling that you thought you lost him.
And it broke you when his response to your worry was a harsh shove.
He didn't say anything and walked straight to his room. He looked horrible. There was a bruise forming around his eye, dried blood under his nose, dark bags under his eyes and a busted lip.
You quickly turned to Dick, who just came in, confused at Jason's glum behaviour.
"Crane ambushed out of nowhere. Cooked up a new toxin. Anger. We gave Jason the antidote for fear toxin, but it doesn't do much. It should wear off after a couple of hours," Dick tries to assure you, but to no avail.
You pace around your room, biting your nails in worry. You look at the clock, and only 15 minutes have passed, and at this point, you feel like pulling your hair out from how stressed you were.
Jason slammed his door so hard when he went into his room that you felt like it could've broke.
Jason hasn't stepped a foot out in those past 15 minutes, and though you might think it hasn't even been that long yet, you couldn't help but stress and worry for your best friend.
So, you went out of your room, heading straight to his, knocking on the door waiting for an answer.
A depressed looking Jason opened the door slightly, and before you can say anything, he slams it shut.
You wanted to cry. He's never done this before. When he has issues, he always talks to you about them. You think that the anger toxin might've been the reason, but still. You aren't taking a toxin for bullshit, so you let yourself into his room, locking the door behind you to ensure no interruptions.
"Jason, what the hell happened? Talk to me!" You pleaded, trying to take both his hands in yours for comfort. In response, he swiftly pulls away from your touch.
"It's none of your goddamn business! Leave me the fuck alone," he says. He doesn't yell at you, but he sounds annoyed. He turns and walks towards his vinyls, pretending to sort them out, but just meaninglessly flipping through them.
"No, it is my goddamn business because you're my best friend! Why are you even pissed at me? It's not like you have a reason to!" you answer back.
"Says fucking who?" He spits as his voice slightly raises. You didn't want it to, but it slightly scares you. Jason has never acted like this towards you before. And if he is pissed at you for something, what was it?
Stealing the last pudding cup? Accidentally dropping his last beer? Winning the last sparring match against him?
"Okay, tough guy, what the fuck did I do to make you so pissed off!" You yelled back.
"For being so fucking annoying!"
He thought you were annoying? Did he not like being friends with you? Did he regret being friends with you? You guess you are a bit too clongy at times. Or maybe you just talk too much.
Possible reasons start flooding your mind. The one person you loved and was your best friend was so angry at you because you were annoying.
"What?" Was all you can say, and it was heard as a tiny, pathetic squeak in your voice.
"You! You wanna know why I'm so angry?? Because you're so goddamn annoying! The way you smiled so brightly when you beat me in sparring, the way your nose scrunches up when you decipher a code wrong, the way you keep notes on everyone's birthdays on your calendar, the way you compliment me when I'm training you! All of it! It pisses me the fuck off!" He yells. You swear you can see tears at the brim of his eyes. "And the most annoying thing is how perfect you are! You- You're so beautiful and so skilled, and you deserve so much! And I can't give you what you deserve!"
But you stand confused. What the hell was he on about?
Jason rubs his forhead in frustration.
"Why the fuck did you have to make me fall in love with you," he says, way more quietly in contrast to his rant. But his voice breaks. And a single tear falls from his eye.
You couldn't believe what he had just told you. He loves you? He's... in love with you??
You were about to smile and admit your reciprocating feelings, but to Jason, your confused look on your face was disgust towards his undying emotions.
He wipes his cheek, face scrunching up, and his anger rises once more.
"No. No, no. I don't- I can't do this right now. You can kick me to the curb later, just- just get out!" He starts yelling again, stepping towards you, pointing to the door.
You attempt to calm him down, but he continues his string of get outs and leave me alones.
You didn't even notice that he unlocked the door and pushed you out before slamming the door in your face once more. You wanted to feel happy that he felt the same towards you. But he just looked so... hurt.
You decided you shouldn't continue to push. You knew he'd come talk to you later once he calmed down, so you go back into your room, waiting for his arrival.
It was late. Last time you checked your phone, it was 2:37am. You don't know how long it's been since then. Jason still hasn't come to see you.
You had your headphones on, writing notes in your journal for future training sessions and abstract plans for upcoming missions that may help Dick during debriefings.
You didn't hear the light knocks on your door, but saw a figure from your peripheral view walking towards you. When you look up, you see a dejected Jason Todd now in front of you.
He sits down on the edge of you bed as you quickly removed your headphones, storing away your jojrnal, ready to listen to him.
Jason couldn't look at you. "I'm sorry," he says. He thinks it's pathetic. Confessing his feelings because of some stupid toxin. Now he has to apologise, and he pressumes after this, you'd look at your friendship differently.
"It was selfish of me to tell you that I... That I lov-" He was quickly interrupted by you. You crawled along the bed to him, kneeling beside him, taking his chin to move his face so you can see those gorgeous green eyes you always adored. They were red and glassy. For the past few hours, he had been crying, even after the toxin had decreased. But you lay your lips ever so gently on his, and he couldn't believe what you were doing.
It took him a second to respond, but he happily kissed back, reaching forward, wanting more as you pulled away.
"You have no idea how much I love you, Jay," you say, barely above a whisper. His eyes widen.
"What? What, but I.." he sat there speechless. Was this real? Or was this the after effects of the toxin? "But.. But I've been dropping so many hints that I was so interested in you and... and you just seemed to have ignored it all," he quietly says. He thinks he whimpering like a kicked puppy.
"Literally, what hints?" You ask, dumbfounded.
"Are you serious? I've- I've called you babe multiple times, hinted at a date, gave you a flower," he lists the many times he had shown a liking to you. "I offered to teach you some combat skills- I keep those skills sacred, I've never taught anyone! Even Gar was yelling at me because I wouldn't teach him!" Jason says unbelievably.
Your hmfave heats up with embarrassment. "Well.. I never really said that observational skills were my strong suit," you weakly say, looking down, avoiding his gaze. And Jason couldn't helo but laugh a bit. He just found you so cute.
He takes hold of your waist, and you squeal as he shifts you so you're sitting on his lap.
"So.. You love me?" He asks, a cheeky grin on his face.
You roll your eyes and scoff. "God, you and your ego," you mutter, holding his face in your hands as you and him share one last kiss for the night.
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sturniologals · 4 months
Say it. {M.S}
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*AN~ this is a lil long ngl but it is SO worth it i swear. I literally love this sm and i’m willing to write a part two with smut in it but this one is just cutesies and angst and just ughhhh😫
pairing: matt x reader, friends to enemies to lovers (it’s a long ride yall😭)
~warnings~ fluff, cursing
5.1k words
summary: y/n and Matt had an unbreakable bond until y/n’s 16th birthday when an argument took place that changed their dynamic and now, y/n’s 17th birthday is coming up and she really wants her best friend back and the world is working in her favor because Matt ends up offering her driving lessons where feelings are re hatched.
“I told you this wasn’t a good idea” I say to Chris as i hit my forehead on the steering wheel in frustration. 
 “I’m starting to think you’re right. This is the sixth curb you’ve hit in the last 20 minutes.” I turn my head at him and shoot him a snide look. 
“It’s not y/n’s fault that you don’t have the mental capacity to teach her to drive. You can barely drive yourself.” Nick says, shooting up from the backseat. I laugh and put the car into park. 
I slide out of the drivers seat and walk around the car so me and chris can switch spots. 
On the drive home, nick and chris argue over who gets aux and i can’t help but to zone out and think about how i’m turning 17 in less than a month and i still can’t drive, but i’m lucky to have the best friends that i do. Nick especially, he’s always there when i’m going through something, he can always make me laugh when i need it. Chris is just chris. Hes hardly ever serious about anything but when he knows i’m going through something, he always finds the will. And matt… he’s hardly ever around me, and when he is, it’s just side glances full of what i think is hatred. 
It’s been like that ever since my last birthday. My boyfriend at the time, Blake, got mad at me because of matt and I’s friendship. 
Flashback to y/n’s 16th birthday:
 “Oh my god you are oblivious!” blake shouts at me.
 “Can you keep it down?” i say knowing that my family and friends are downstairs waiting for me to cut the cake and blow out my candles and i’m in my room arguing with my boyfriend who i honestly don’t have feelings for anymore. I’m not sure i ever even did. 
Blake runs his hands over his face and i can see the vein in his forehead flexing.
 “Blake what are we even arguing about right now?” I say bored and annoyed, wanting to go back downstairs and see what gift Matt got me.
 I was eavesdropping on Chris and Matt a week ago and heard them talking about how much i’m gonna love what Matt got me.
 “Y/n are you actually that dumb or are you just trying to piss me off?” blake questions me with annoyance and i feel myself shudder at him calling me dumb, reminding me of the words my father would spat at me every day right up until he died. 
“Don’t call me dumb, and i’m not trying to piss you off, i genuinely don’t know why you’ve been mad at me all night.” i try to keep my voice steady, not wanting to cry.
 “Matt” he says in a stern voice as if i’m supposed to know what he’s talking about immediately. 
“What about him?” I say, wondering why he’s mad at me over the person i’m closest to. I’d never tell blake that though. He thinks he knows everything about me but the truth is, Matt has known everything about me since I was ten years old. 
When I scraped my knee while we were riding bikes when i was 12, he gave me bandaids and a shoulder to cry on and after he let me play mario kart with him all day. When i was 14 and got my first boyfriend who broke up with me after a week, Matt was there to call him an idiot and ask if i wanted him to beat him up. So Blake has no place to say anything about Matt, not when he knows how much Matt means to me. 
“Y/n! Did you just hear a word of what i said?” blake says, shocking me back to the present and i realize i’ve zoned out the last thirty seconds. I do that a lot.
 “Uhm no sorry, i zoned out.” I say quietly, not wanting him to yell. He huffs out a breath and shakes his head as if he’s refraining from saying something. 
“You and matt. Did anything happen? ever?” He asks sternly.
 “No! What? No! Why would you-“ I start to list reasons why i don’t like matt like that and never could but i can’t come with any so i stop talking. 
“Why would i think that?” He says, finishing my sentence.
 “Yes blake, why would you think that?” 
“Theirs a million fucking reasons! Oh my god!” 
His face is as red as a strawberry which makes me think of my strawberry cake downstairs that i so desperately want to get back to. But, i also want to know what he’s going to say about Matt, so i suck it up and listen.
 “You’re with him more than your with me, you’re always zoning out and being all sad and shit when your with me but when your with matt- your all fucking giggly and laughing and smiling and actually speaking! I can hardly ever get a word out of you! And hell y/n, even if you don’t see him like that, I can take one peek at the way he looks at you and see that he sure as hell does feel like that about you and I don’t want my girlfriend all cozy with someone who so obviously has feelings for them.”  He finishes off his rant breathlessly, leaving me thinking about a lot of things. Matt, Matthew, Matty, and how much i want to eat some of my birthday cake right now. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say blake” i say truthfully. I don’t even know what i’m feeling, what i’ve felt ever at any point in any time. It’s all too confusing and i’ve decided to collectively ignore this situation and continue to be grateful i have my best friend and a strawberry cake with Jacob Elordi’s face on it waiting on me downstairs.
 “you don’t need to say anything.” He says in a determined voice.
 “Are you breaking up with me? on my birthday?” 
He looks like wants to say yes he is but doesn’t. He just walks in front of me to the door and opens it. I go behind him and standing at the door, is Matt. 
“Great” Blake scoffs and passes Matt up as he heads down the stairs. I can feel the tears swelling in my eyes and I don’t even think it’s because of Blake. I’m almost 99.9 percent sure that it’s because of the pure confusion and panic about what Blake said about Matt. 
“y/n” Matt says in a low voice, he looks as if he wants to reach out and touch me but he doesn’t. 
“Matt” I say with a frown on my face and I immediately fall into the comfort of his arms. His scent smells so comforting as i nuzzle my face into the crook under his chin.
 “How much of that did you hear?” my voice comes out muffled from his hoodie.
 “Enough to know why he broke up with you.” He says quietly as if he’s scared to upset me again. 
“Can we not talk about it?” I say even though i feel like he definitely wants to. 
“Yeah no it’s whatever we don’t have to talk about it. Come blow out your candles, yeah?” he says removing me from his arms and his voice instantly changing to more stern and cold. I haven’t felt like this around Matt since I accidentally let his pet bunny out of its cage and it escaped in the 7th grade. 
“Matt-“ I start to tell him that we can talk about it, that i think i have feelings for him but i’m confused, that i love him and i just don’t want anything to change- but i don’t. I let my voice falter as he walks down the stairs. I follow behind after getting myself together for a few moments. 
The whole time while we’re cutting the cake and i blow out my candles and then I open up my last gift, Matt’s eyes are trained to be anywhere that’s not on me. His normal semi- talkative self has now changed to a silent, closed off one. 
After i sit down the digital camera that nick got me, I wait for Matt to pull out the gift that he and chris thought i would love. He never does, and I don’t question it. I watch chris nudge Matt on the arm and Matt shake his head, a movement so subtle that i wouldn’t have seen it unless i hadn’t been staring at Matt endlessly the whole last hour. 
 “Y/n, hey, helloooo, hiii” Nicks voice brings me back out of the memory. 
“Yep, right here. Sorry.” I say as i unbuckle my seat and get out of the car. Matt has continued to be cold towards me ever since that day and i don’t think i’m ever going to be used to it. It’s not like he’s mean to me but i feel like he doesn’t care. Anytime i try to interact with him, he acts as if he’s not interested in what i have to say so i’ve stopped trying with him. I don’t know why he switched up all of a sudden and everyday i miss my bestfriend, anytime something bad happens, I always go back to the old familiar feeling of wanting to run to Matt and tell him what happened, and i have to refrain from doing so. It always hurts, but I know it’s for the better. 
Nick unlocks the front door and me and Chris follow in after him. 
I kick my sneakers off at the door and I find myself looking for Matt.
 “Matts around here somewhere. He said he had to stay home to study.” Nick says as if he read my mind. 
“Matt? studying? No way.” Chris retorts while sitting down at the kitchen island with a bag of popcorn. 
“What’s he doing?” I ask, stealing a piece of popcorn from Chris and popping it into my mouth.
 “Hell if I know.” Nick says while pouring some trix cereal into a bowl. 
“Why don’t you go see what he’s up to?” Chris asks me and nick looks at him as if he’s just asked me to kick a puppy. 
“Okay” i say, trying to appear as unbothered as possible but the truth is i’m really excited to talk to Matt. 
I quickly jog up the stairs and reach the door to Matt’s room that i barely ever pass through anymore. I take a deep breath in and Knock twice. 
“It’s me” I say loudly so he can hear. 
“Come in” Matt shouts from behind the door. I slowly open the door and see Matt sitting at his desk playing a game with his headset on. Half of the headset is pushed back behind his ear so he can see me. He turns around in his swivel chair and stares at me like he’s waiting for me to ask him something. We never did need a reason to talk to each other, we just did. And today, nostalgia has been eating at me so I make the decision to blurt out 
“I miss you”, I say it so quickly that my brain doesn’t process it till seconds later.
 “Uhm sorry I don’t know why i said that- well, no i do know why i said that. I said it because I miss you but i know it’s odd because i said it out of nowhere but nostalgias been getting to me all day-“ I sit down on the edge of his bed. “And i don’t know I just wanted to tell you i miss you- and Matt and Chris took me driving today and I hit four curbs. FOUR Matt. I’m never going to get my license.” I say the last part into one of matts fuzzy blue pillows.
 I let out a groan and throw my hands back. 
Matt’s silence makes me turn my head towards him. He’s just staring at me, smiling-no, he’s cheesing. Matt hasn’t looked at me like that in almost a year. We haven’t talked like this an almost a year.
 “What?” I say with a chuckle and i feel my cheeks heat up and a familiar feeling i always get in my stomach when i’m around Matt comes back.  
“Nothing, i just missed hearing you talk” His voice grew quieter at the last few words, as if they accidentally slipped out. 
My breath hitches and thoughts run through my mind. I want to tell him that i’d talk until my voice goes out, that i want him to make me yell until my voice doesn’t goes out. All the ways he could shut me up makes my stomach turn and my hands go clammy. 
“Oh” is all i can manage. He smiles at me and turns back to his desk.
 “I’m gonna take you driving tomorrow. Be ready at 4, i’ll come get you.” He says while putting his headset back on.  
I can’t help but to be utterly shocked at him saying he wants to take me driving. Matt volunteering to spend time with me. I’m happily surprised. 
As i walk out of his room, I can see him still smiling through the reflection on his computer. 
I shut the door behind me and walk downstairs to tell Chris and nick about the breakthrough i just made.
 “Yup I told you guys i was gonna get him back in the groove of y/n!” i say smiling and gesturing at myself. 
“What the fuck, don’t do that again” Nick says and we all burst out into laughter.
 “See you tomorrow y/n” Chris says as he shuts the door behind me and i walk across the street to my house that sits directly in-front of them.  
I tell my mom about how Matt’s taking me driving tomorrow and she smiles and tells me she’s happy that we’re talking again and I go up to my room and fall asleep thinking about Matt and how he said he missed hearing me talk. I can’t help but to feel desire grow in my stomach and the wanting to slip my hands into my underwear and relieve some of the pressure but i fall asleep before my thoughts continue. 
The next day, I wake up and find the blue sundress that sits right above my knees, I know Matt loves this dress. He bought it for me last Christmas. I pair it with a pair of tan sandals and once i hear the horn of Matt’s car, i walk down stairs and out the door. 
I see Matt in his car, one elbow propped against the console and his other hand on the wheel, he’s wearing a black t shirt that lets all of his tattoos be shown. My god, he’s had to have gotten more since the last time i’ve saw his arm. I think I have a thing for Matt’s tattoos. I’ve always wanted to run my mouth along every one of them and watch Matt squirm underneath me. 
His jaw is tense and his eyes impossibly blue in the sunlight shining through. 
“Are you gonna get in?” Matt says rolling the passenger window down so he can talk to me. I move from my position on the sidewalk and get into the car. 
The scent of leather and coffee instantly hits my nostrils and even in this weather, I can’t help but to feel cold at Matt’s switch in behavior. 
I slide into the passenger seat and Matt’s hands reach over and slide my seatbelt across my chest, his knuckles grazing my chest sending shivers through me. He buckles it in and clears his throat before switching in the ignition. 
“Matt?” I utter out whilst his focus is fully on the road ahead. 
“Yeah, y/n?” he says softly, almost an apologetic tone after his first one when he pulled up. 
“Nothing, nevermind.” I say, trying to think of a subject change because I’ve decided to take good Matt while i can get him. 
He looks at me as if he knows what i was going to say but he doesn’t pressure it. 
“So i thought we’d get something to eat then we could go to the college parking lot and practice?” Matt asks while turning the radio on, keeping it low. 
“Uh…yeah,sure” I say, feeling like old times but not. I feel the remains of our friendship, just as strong as it was 11 months ago but now, the tension in the car is enough to smother me. 
We drive the 3 minute drive to downtown in silence but I keep catching Matt stealing glances at me. I keep noticing his eyes scanning across my legs, skimming over my dress. It’s enough to force me to cross my legs, not because i’m uncomfortable but because i’m desperate to relieve some of the tension.
We park into the restaurant Matt brought us to, my heart palpitates once I realize just where he brought us. It’s not a restaurant, it’s a diner. It was our favorite place to go to the last few summers. Matt and I would come out here every weekend and get a banana milkshake and share a slice of cherry pie. 
“Aw Matt you must not hate me completely!” I say sarcastically as i slap his shoulder playfully and get out of the car. Matt gets out and follows behind me up the sidewalk and I feel his hand on my lower back.
 “I don’t hate you at all y/n.” He says quietly from beside me.
“It’s more complicated than that” He says before ruffling my hair and picking up his pace to get in front of me to open the glass door to the diner.
 When i walk in, in front of him, I don’t say anything and just immediately head for the booth in the corner we always sat at. The red leather booths and white tables are all still the same, the dim lights barely doing anything although they don’t necessarily need to considering the summer sun lights up the place all by its self.  
Matt sits down in front of me, sliding into the booth with ease. The waitress almost immediately comes up behind us. “Jill!” i say happily not knowing that she still worked here, she’s worked here since we were kids and was always the sweetest. 
“Y/n and Matt… why haven’t i seen you two in here in so long?” she says, her wrinkles more apparent now from the last time i saw her, the gray in her hair showing more. 
“Oh uh” I start stuttering, not knowing what to say 
“Sorry jill, y/n got diagnosed with lactose intolerance. She kept farting so we stopped coming in here!” Matt says smiling deviously. 
“That- that is-“ I start to protest but stop. “That’s right. Yup, blew my britches away!” I say laughing towards jill but side eyeing Matt with all i could muster. Jill smiles and nods but looks suspicious. 
“So what’ll it be?” she asks us, her pen and pad ready. 
“Two banana shakes with extra cherries and a piece of cherry pie.” Matt says quickly, ordering the exact order we always got. 
Jill arches a brow. “I thought you said she’s lactose int-“ she starts to question but I cut her off. 
“Oh just for old times sake! i’m taking a stomach pill too, i’ll be fine” i say giving her my cheesiest grin. She nods in agreement and walks away with our order. 
As soon as she’s a few feet away Matt breaks out laughing. 
“Seriously?!?” I say trying to act mad knowing i secretly want to laugh too. 
Matt rolls his eyes at my obvious dramatics and leans up towards the table, resting his elbows on it. “So how bad are you at driving? You gonna wreck us immediately?” He asks with a smirk that i know all too well. 
“Yeah haha so funny.” I snark back. 
“You didn’t answer the question.” He says with raised eyebrows, waiting on my answer. 
“No i’m not gonna wreck us…immediately.” I say the last word a bit quieter. 
“hey i’m joking, i know you probably suck right now but that’s because you haven’t had one teach you that actually knows how to fucking drive. You’ll catch onto it fast. You always have been a quick learner” he says in a more serious tone. I notice his hand is not even an inch away from my mine and i jerk my hand back quickly. My movement makes his eyebrows jerk up and he looks like he’s about to say something but he stops when jill appears back with our shakes. 
“Just a minute on the pie” she says smiling while handing us the pale yellow shakes with whipped cream and a two cherries on top. 
We take our shakes and start to sip on them when jill walks off.
 “Mmm” he moans in delight. 
“Good?” i ask him smiling.
“yep” he says while chewing on the straw. 
It’s silent for a moment as we just stare at each other. We haven’t held eye contact this long in months. My loud mouth just has to break the silence tho.
 “Hey Matt, can i ask you something?” I can see something in his eyes change, he looks unsettled. Like he’s scared of  the un-knowingness of what i’m gonna ask. 
After he hums in agreement I muster up the courage to ask him. “Can we-“ i take a deep breath in. After a moment of him looking at me, as if he’s begging me to just say it. I chicken out. Like a fucking coward. I don’t want the pie anymore, i’m not hungry, i just want to go. “Can we go?” i say, stiffening my body. Matt’s face falls in disappointment and nods his head. 
I watch him as he tells jill to put the pie in a box and he pays the bill before walking out in front of me without so much as looking at me.
I walk out behind him and I notice it’s going to storm soon. Clouds are forming and the sky is darkening so i get to the car quickly. I slide into the passenger seat, Matt throws the buckle over me quickly without touching me and i can tell his nostrils are flared like he’s angry but i choose not to say anything. 
Again, I leave all of my feelings bottled up because i’m too scared of saying anything i feel. 
We drive in silence and the only noise is the traffic surrounding us and the patter of my foot bouncing in anxiety. We get to the parking lot and thank goodness it’s mostly empty so theirs not much i could hit. 
For a moment, it’s silent and Matts eyes dart over to mine and with the way he looks, I can’t tell if he’s about to cry, yell, or run away. It’s such a fragile situation and I don’t know what to do. Only to wait and see what he says. 
“y/n…” He breathes out a sigh but his eyes flinch and he sits up straight. “Uh nevermind let’s get started, it’s about to rain.” He cannot be serious. I need him to say it because i’m too afraid to and I know. I know i’m selfish, I know i’m a coward but i still push at him. 
“No, matt what was you gonna say?” I turn my body to his and I grab his wrist away from the ignition. His eyes shoot down to where i’m holding onto him but I don’t move, i keep my hand over his.
 “I said never fucking mind” each word coming out like a needle against my skin. I can tell he sees the hurt in my eyes because his eyes quickly softens. 
“I’m sorry” he says quietly, and i can see the conflict in his eyes. I want to know what’s going on in his head so fucking bad.
 “No wait, i’m not sorry.” as he says this, the rain starts pattering against the windshield but I don’t move my eyes away from his.  
“what?” i say, i’m not angry, just confused. I want him to let me in. I need him to let me in.
“Forget i said anything, I can’t have this conversation with you.” He says, shaking his head.
 “Great it’s fucking raining! Now we can’t have our driving lessons because I don’t think you could drive on a normal road- hardly a wet one” He shouts, not at me, but at the wheel.
 I don’t get hurt at his words because I can tell he’s not mad about the lesson, he’s not mad because i suck at driving but because we both want to say it but we don’t know the other one does. I’m almost completely sure Matt has feelings for me but i’m so scared that he doesn’t, that i stay silent. I think he feels the same way. I get the frustration. I’ve felt it too, although i think he’s felt it for much longer. 
“Matt” I coo, bringing my hand up to the side of his neck. He immediately jerks away and starts to open the door. 
“Fuck y/n, don’t touch me.” he spats out before quickly getting out of the car and stepping into the pouring rain that has tremendously picked up over the last two minutes. I quickly follow behind him and open the door. 
“Matt, it’s pouring! Get back in the car!” I shout, trying to speak loud enough so that he can hear me over the rain.
We both are standing in front of the car, only maybe a foot and a half away from each other. 
“say it Matt” I say sternly, feeling tears brew in my eyes. Matt only shakes his head no and looks as if he’s struggling to breathe. 
“No y/n, I want to hear you. You fucking say it. Stop being such a coward y/n.” 
I feel tears fall but i don’t think he can tell because of the raindrops also falling onto my face. 
“Matt do you understand how much i’ve missed you? You were my best friend” I say, now sobbing and putting my heads on my head, moving my feet around taking small steps. 
 “You left me. You’ve looked at me like you’ve hated me ever since my sixteenth birthday and you’ve never even had the audacity to tell me why!” I shout at him.  
Matt’s eyes grow huge and he looks so frustrated. “You cannot be serious. Do you seriously not know why?!” I flinch at how loud he’s yelling but shake my head no slowly
“My god y/n, I couldn’t be around you, not after-“ he stops.
 i shake my head in confusion. “What Matt?! after what?!” 
“After you told me that you didn’t want to fucking talk about the fact that i’m in love with you! You didn’t care about me. Or my feelings, you didn’t care that i’d suffer just because you didn’t want our friendship to change. Hell, you could’ve at least rejected me and moved on but y/n…i couldn’t be just your friend. Not after that. So yes, i kept away. Also, for fucks sake, i wasn’t looking at you with hatred. Anytime you’d come into view, it made me want to curl up into a fucking ball and never come out because I had to look at you and know that i could never have you. Do you know how much that fucking hurts?!” 
The rain pouring down coating Matt’s brown hair making it droop down onto his forehead makes it hard to read his expression but I can still tell what he’s feeling right now. I always have been able to just know.
“Matt- You have got to believe me when i tell you i didn’t know. I didn’t know, even on my birthday when Blake said all of that, yes i thought you might’ve just found me attractive sometimes or something, but i didn’t want to talk about it because i thought you was embarrassed and it would be awkward or- fuck i don’t know. But Matt-“ I start laughing, unable to contain how funny i find the absolutely ironic situation we’re in right now. 
“You find this funny?” he asks me
“No, No- actually well- it kind of is because- Matt I love you, so fucking much and ever since you stopped being my best friend, i had to see you and it was complete and total agony because like you said earlier- i’m a coward Matt. And i’ve been completely oblivious to the way you’ve felt about me and i didn’t want things to change- so I didn’t say anything. But now I’m telling you, I miss you and I love you and I don’t want to be your friend Matt. “  
I finish off breathlessly, panting, trying to draw in air without the droplets of rain. 
Matt comes closer and places his hands on the sides of me head before moving the wet hair off of my face.
 “I think that we are both fucking idiots and waisted eleven months of what could’ve been filled with this” And then his lips are crashing onto mine, the kiss is rough and desperate as Matt tugs and nips on my lips with his teeth. His lips are soft and pillowy like I’ve always thought they would be. I can’t help but to think about how long i’ve wanted this, how long ever both wanted this. It feels just as good, and right, as i thought it would. 
After a few more moments, Matt pulls away, leaving a mix of saliva and rain on my lips. 
“Let’s go before we get pneumonia” Matt says laughing as he pulls me towards his car. 
I slide into the passenger seat, my dress dripping and my hair plastered to my skin with rain. Matt gets in and reaches over to buckle my seatbelt. I smile at the gesture and he rolls his eyes before turning on the ignition. 
“Will you still take me out driving tomorrow?” I ask. 
“Yeah of course” he says as he starts to back out, placing his right arm on the headrest of my seat and turning his neck back to see out the back window. The sight makes me shift in my seat. His veins in his arms are drool worthy and the way his clothes are sticking to him, really helps my imagination.
 “y/n” he deadpans, turning back around. 
“Hm?” I ask, snapping out of my thoughts. 
“your staring.” he says, smirking. 
“i’m allowed to.” I say smiling. 
“Since when?” He asks while pulling out of the parking lot. 
“since you became my boyfriend.” I say smiling dramatically. 
“Oh yeah? what do i get?” Matt asks smirking. 
“Hmm, we’ll see.” I shrug. 
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majimasleftasscheek · 7 months
Hihi! Do you have any minedai headcanons? (Idk how to write aAAAAA)
hmmm I had to give this a good think cuz I normally don't obsess about them too much (compared to a certain other pair lmao) but here's what I got 👀
*note! gonna be a mix of silly and more realistic ideas. my interpretation of minedai is pretty unserious
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genuinely enjoys mine's company, as uptight and neurotic it may be. because daigo was given the chairman position, a lot of people don't respect him other than mine so it's nice to hang out with someone who, despite being overly respectful, is kind to him. he feels a lot at ease with mine, able to be more himself n all that. it's not much but it means a lot to daigo
that said, he totally goes out in his casual clothes when able and is still very goth coded. Mine makes intense but silent notes about every little thing in those outfits and thinks it's very cute when there's little details like tiny skulls n things
likes to do go out spontaneously when he can and takes mine along. mine thinks something like that is way too dangerous for a chairman to be doing but daigo confides that he's not worried if mine is with him (with an ulterior motive to loosen the giant stick up mine's ass to get him to live a little). cue mine choking on his heart
I like the idea of daigo being oblivious to mine's obsessive behavior to an extent. he becomes so used to mine's quirks that he writes it off as oh he's just like that lol. but he's not wholly dumb to it. he'll be lowkey flirty and that's when mine's questions daigo's actions like "why is daigo smiling at me? is he sick? I should call an ambulance..."
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genuinely has zero idea what type of things mine likes. tho daigo grew up in a bougie type of life and mine currently lives it, he can assume things like fine arts and fancy shit tho personally he removed himself from that sort of thing as he got older (to avoid being anything even close to his dad lol). comparatively, daigo lives more modestly so gift giving is up to guessing but mine accepts literally anything from him and frankly refuses to give him hints as not to place expectations accidentally
likes to spar with mine and was surprised to see that daigo was decently capable of protecting himself and finds his informal style of fighting very charming. he's seen daigo fight before, but it's a bit of a different intensity when it's just to two of them trying their hardest to impress
has a network of friends/allies like kiryu, kashiwagi, etc that mine keeps a closer than needed eye on. daigo does get frustrated that he has to explain he trusts these people wholly and it's often a point of contention between them
very much likes slow days when they can just chill with each other, however that may be. cuddling is prime even if mine gets mad hot and sweaty so daigo keeps a full body towel handy. it's not unusual for daigo to go out of his way to prod mine for reactions as it's the highlight of his day
definitely has a shrine dedicated to daigo. for funnies: has weird shit like used napkins, articles of hair, etc just funky stuff someone wildin' would keep. realistically I think he'd be a lil more modest - having photos and baubles, typical normie shrine shit
absolutely has a folder on his phone/computer of "selfies" with him and daigo. most of them are just regular photos you'd find in like newspapers, half of them are blurry as hell, and there's a few he's taken himself but poorly done because he did it under a table or something. and of course there's many photos of just daigo, doing all assortment of things from working hard to hardly working
he's caught by daigo occasionally but mine attributes his behavior to "trying to find better phone signal" as he aims it coincidentally at daigo's spikey heeled boots. even when they're together together, he still does this on the sly
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insists on paying for everything whenever they're out but with enough convincing, he'll back down and internally melts when daigo tells him he's just happy to have his company. has a habit tho of "making up" for what he didn't pay for such as ordering lunches n things before daigo can refuse
obvs very violently protective of daigo tho avoids being so in front of him as much as possible. it's very common for someone who's spoken ill of daigo to get their ass beat or thrown into the Tokyo Bay some days later. has a network of people dedicated solely to routing out daigo haters
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is often confided to by daigo about the stresses of running the clan and it takes a lot out of mine for him to not be cold and calculating with an answer. has had to learn sometimes people just want someone to listen
at first, mine thought such confiding was some limp dick shit but over time realized that daigo never wanted anything out of such confessions which is unexpected. to have someone be so trusting and vulnerable with him is incredibly valuable
would have "sounds of daigo talking about stuff" recorded and sleeps to it every night. be assured clips of daigo sneezing are in there too
if he was in dead souls, he would be going turbo murder throughout the city just to dent the population of zombies that could even potentially get a whiff of daigo's darkness allure™ cologne. if infected, I imagine he'd have the will to remain loyal cuz the power of simp compels him
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artful-aries · 1 year
How do they confess when the reader is oblivious?
For Dottore and Baizhu (seperetely)
Maybe reader is dark just like Dottore and accepts him for who he is. And for Baizhu reader is like hua Tao but just accident prone with a high pain tolerence,
Fluff plz
Hello hello!!! I hope you enjoy :3 I took a bit of creative liberty with the prompt, but the core principle is definitely there
Confessing To An Oblivious Crush (Dottore, Baizhu)
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He is an interesting one with an oblivious love interest
On the whole, it’s very hard for someone like him to even be with someone that oblivious; it would bring out his usual condescension. He wouldn’t be able to help himself, he would just genuinely see you inability to read between the lines as a lack of intelligence
Nevertheless, the feelings persist no matter what state he assumes your mind to be in
It’s hard for Dottore to think of a way to admit his fascination with you. He’s not scared by any means; he’s far too collected for that, but he is concerned that too subtle of an approach will be entirely missed, but too forward of an approach would chase you off entirely
Instead of confessing, he’s going to study you for a long time. For the purpose of collecting data of course
He watches the things that get you flustered, what makes you mad, disgusted, or utterly overwhelmed when it comes to social interactions, in particular, romantic interactions
Dottore goes as far as to slip you romance books or hire someone to pretend to flirt just to get the chance to study you under these conditions. All the data collected will go towards his own confession. He is a man of results; he won’t take action unless he’s sure that he’s going to get the desired outcome he wants
The data is…mildly concerning to him
He knew you were the oblivious type, but he never suspected the severity. It gives him the urge to dissect your brain to see if he can discover any anomalies between you and the average citizen of Teyvat, but he knows if he does this then he will sorely miss being able to collect other kinds of data that can only be observed while you’re alive
He comes to the conclusion that most traditional means will not work, and he cannot expect you to just “figure it out”. You won’t understand what he is saying unless he is painfully direct
He prefers this outcome anyhow; Dottore isn’t a very romantic man, and he would much rather get the troublesome part out of the way and open up the opportunity to study you more closely
So that’s exactly what he does; he finds the opportune moment under the right circumstances that he carefully determined through his research before giving a simple confession
“I would like to pursue a romantic relationship with you. Are you inclined to accept this proposal?”
The bluntness certainly makes his advance unable to be missed or misconstrued, which works in both of your favors
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Initially, Baizhu is definitely one to take a subtle approach in “confessing”. He basically will hint around the subject, saying things in a way that could indicate he has feelings, but has a certain level of deniability should you not want his advances
He wants you, but only if you want him too. He’s also got a bit of inner turmoil as to whether or not he wants a relationship with you to begin with. Certainly not for lack of feelings; he just worries that he will needlessly worry or frighten you with how ill he truly is because of his contract with Changsheng. He doesn’t want you spending your time anxious over him
However, Baizhu quickly realizes that his subtle approach just isn’t going to work. You’re completely oblivious to the fact that he has been subtly flirting with you this entire time. He wonders if he should take this as a sign to stop pursuing your affections, but Changsheng insists that he follow his heart
At the behest of his companion, he will work on being less subtle; buying you gifts, setting time aside for you after hours at Bubu Pharmacy, and complimenting you in more affectionate ways
Not that Baizhu wants you to be sick or injured, but he is thrilled to have you come to his pharmacy for all of your needs. He will personally apply healing salves himself, and wrap up any injury while explaining to you the best method of care.
All of this at the incredibly discounted price of free. He refuses to take a single mora from you for your treatment, reasoning that the world would be poorer without you in it, and that he would rather see you spend the mora on something else you enjoy
If this still doesn’t grab your attention, Baizhu will be a little exasperated. Do you really not know how he feels, or are you feigning ignorance to let him down easy? Either way, he doesn’t want to give up until he gets a definite answer from you
Though confident in most of his endeavors, he’s a little nervous to just come out and say he likes you. He is frail and rather sickly after all, how could anyone find that endearing, let alone attractive?
As time goes on, and he begins to run out of ways to traditional court you and get you to notice how he feels, he will finally break down and just come out and say it
“(Y/N), I hold a lot of affection for you, and I would like to have a relationship with you. Do you feel the same?”
Baizhu nearly coughs up blood during his confession because he’s so nervous about how you may receive it, or worse, you ask for further clarification
Thankfully the Archons bless you with a bit more awareness this night as you stand outside the Bubu Pharmacy, a little dazed at Baizhu’s confession. It’s clear to him that you finally registered his feelings
The tension in his body visibly leaves when you accept and return his feelings, and he will give you a small but warm smile
His desire to break the contract that binds him to an early grave only intensifies now that he has you. He can’t break your heart by leaving you too soon
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rainylana · 2 years
“Pinky promise.”
Eddie Munson x female reader
summary: you can only keep it in for so long without him knowing how shitty your life had been, and when the dam breaks, he’s there to help.
warnings: reader’s parents are getting divorced and has siblings, mentions of unhealthy eating habits and exhaustion, angst to fluff, talk of panic attacks, reader has a breakdown:( language.
a/n: hey there:) i know! it’s been a while since i posted and i’m sorry for that. i just didn’t feel like writing. but here i am:) it! i missed you all!:))) drop by in my inbox for any requests or questions or anything! i’d love to hear from you<3 i’m really happy with how this turned out and i hope you love it as much as i do! it tugs on the heart strings:)
@phantomxoxo @imdoingbetternow @eddiemania @eddiemunson @ohlovelyhollow @tessiemessie @rovckwell @delilahtaylorsverson @aa-li-yah @ches-86 @xx-hospitalforsouls-xx-blog @kellysimagines @blowing-mikey @underthebatcape @lillianofliterature @noturmom15 @supercalifragilisticprincess @tripthlightfantastic @edzmunsonswife @itiscj @hearts4laura @livasaurasrex @mic429 @avobabe87 @flowers-and-tsukki @lexthemess21 @nothisispatric @heeyitsg @genuine-possum @fvcking-gxddess @kneelforloki @actuallybarb @justaproudslytherpuff @no0neknowsm3 @cosmic-lavender @your-starless-eyes-remain @bellasfavoritesweatpants @antigoneidk @averysblog @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @chaos-incorp @kaqua @softyutae @ahzysauce @imangy @ultimate-sdmn-trash @fionnthebandersnacc @imabadarsebard @catherinnn @cheri86
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Eddie didn’t know how bad it was. And it wasn’t because he was oblivious or not smart enough to see. You were just that good of an actor. You truly knew deep down that he would not berate you for feeling the way you did, but the last thing you wanted to be was seen as an unstable girlfriend just looking for attention. But things really had been bad, and it all seemed to pile up on each other.
You found yourself getting mad at little things, your anxiety ticking away like an explosive ready to detonate. Your dreams were plagued with nightmares that lasted all night long, and damn it, you just found it hard to get up in the morning.
But Eddie, the poor boy, didn’t have a clue about your struggles. You kept up a smile at all times. You laughed and played your part like you were supposed to. Just because you were having a difficult time didn’t mean you had to bring down his party, or anyone else’s, for that matter.
It’s just your parents divorce was finally getting to you. You were happy they were calling it quits, as were your siblings, but the days up until it’s finalization was brutal. The fighting and screaming was endless and your siblings were scared and didn’t understand. You couldn’t concentrate in class and you failed a test that you’d thought you were going to pass. You were having panic attacks almost on the daily. You spilled grape juice on your white socks. It was just one thing after another.
Of course, Eddie did know about your parent’s separation, but any time he brought it up, you chalked it up to him believing you were taking it well. You were a good actress. Today however, your dam would break, because you could only take so much.
“You didn’t bring me a surprise snack today?” Dustin’s big eyes widened in a playful sadness that quirked your lips up in a smirk. “But you always bring me a surprise snack! What else am I going to have for dessert!”
“You’re cleaning out my girlfriend’s pantry, Henderson.” Eddie’s chair tipped backwards as he threw a pretzel at his friend across the cafeteria table. “Can’t you bring your own shit?”
“Sorry, bud.” You tucked your hair behind your ear, looking in your empty lunchbox. “If it makes you feel any better, I forgot my stuff too.”
Eddie internally frowned and scooted his snack over to you, pointing so you could eat. Gareth was rambling on about the movies playing at the cinema that weekend, so you didn’t speak to interrupt him, but you smiled softly as you picked up a pretzel. The cafeteria buzzed with loud conversation, making your head hurt worse than it already did. You weren’t eating as well as you should be, and you knew that wasn’t benefiting your mood, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to.
You felt guilty for being dramatic. You were being dramatic. Others had it worse, that was always what you told yourself, so there was no reason to wallow in your own misery. But god, all you wanted to do was lay your head on the table and plug your ears so hard that they bled and you wouldn’t have to hear a sound.
So instead, you forced yourself to smile and eat, leaning over to squeeze Eddie’s hand while Gareth continued holding the talking stick.
Your fingers were tapping anxiously against the steering wheel of your vehicle, head thrown back as you tried not to loose your shit. It was almost seven o’clock in the evening. You were parked outside of the school debating whether or not to go inside to find Eddie. Tears were rolling down your face, nose stuffy and crusted from your previous meltdown.
Your little sister came to you crying again, talking about how she’d overheard your parents screaming about who was going to have custody. It was the same old tune between them. You didn’t worry about custody, but the kids did, and that didn’t make it right. They were too young to hear that kind of thing and if absolutely broke your heart. She’d cried in your arms until she fell asleep in your bed, and then you broke.
It was just so stressful. Every little thing seemed a million times harder to accomplish. Simple tasks seemed almost unbelievable to approach. You just wanted a good nights sleep. You didn’t know how you ended up outside of the school, but Eddie was there. It was hellfire night, and damn it, you just couldn’t take it anymore. You needed him. You tried to wipe your tears as best as you could, wrapping your flannel sleeves around your torso as you scurried into the school. You had a quick walk to your step as your heart beat loudly in your ear.
Just the sound of his voice was enough to calm you, and you leaned against the door to take a few deep breaths and to wipe at your face. You began to regret coming over. He was having fun. His voice was loud and booming, the puppet master commanding his puppets to follow his every wish. You were about to ruin it.
Everyone’s eyes looked up when the door creaked open, and a wide smile beamed onto Eddie’s face at the sight of you. “There’s my princess!” He clapped his hands. “Come on, come on, we’re just getting started.” He waved you over.
The lights were dim enough that he couldn’t see the emotions on your face. You dug your nails in your palm was you walked over to his throne, smiling your best at the boy’s greetings. When you got to Eddie’s side, his free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close as he shook dice in his other hand. You had a lump in your throat that continued to build.
“Eddie,” You said softly, your voice cracking as you looked down bashfully. “Can I talk to you?”
He peeked up a little but didn’t look at you fully. “Yeah, baby, just give me one second.”
You melted more into his side, bringing up your fingers to naw on. You felt like you were going to faint. Your eyes began to burn and you squeezed his shoulder. He laughed loudly at everyone’s dismay at the roll of his dice. He looked up at you to see you laugh, but he wasn’t met with that. His eyes narrowed and his lips parted at the sight of your tearful eyes.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He panicked, scooting back in his chair.
Your face crumpled and you shook your head, crossing your arms shamefully in embarrassment. You looked so small and you hated yourself for it. He grabbed your elbows and scanned over your face, gulping in his own anxiety.
“Y/n, hey-” He looked over to the door across the room, and he cupped your cheek and turned you around to guide you to privacy.
Once he shut the door, leaving the guys confused and whispering back and forth, he turned around and stepped toward you. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He frowned deeply, voice an octave higher in concern.
You only buried yourself in his arms, sobbing in his shoulder like a little girl who couldn’t find her parents. Ironic.
“Hey, hey,” He wrapped his arms right around you. “What happened? What’s going on?”
It felt so nice to be held by him, like all your problems were going to melt away like snow in the spring. “Everything.” You blubbered against his jean jacket, his chin tucked aside of your head. “It’s everything, Eddie. Everything’s falling apart.”
He squeezed you tighter when you let out a string of wincing sobs, eyes narrowed in confusion at your sudden breakdown. “What’s falling apart, baby? Talk to me. Tell me what happened.” He rubbed your back soothingly.
You pushed your face into his chest so you didn’t have to breath, squeezing your eyes shut and your nose scrunching up where it hurt. You shook your head, whimpering, and he rocked you softly as he held the back of your head.
“Did someone hurt you?” He spoke with a protective tone.
You shook your head quickly. He didn’t need to start anymore fights. Your head pounded from the lack of air you allowed yourself, and Eddie’s eyes narrowed when you gulped loudly. He gently pulled you away and widened his eyes at your pale face. “Take a breath, baby.” He cupped each side of your face.
Your waists ghosted each other’s and his elbows nearly touched your shoulders as he held your face, wiping away tears as you sniffled and carried on. “I’m sorry.” You spewed, sobbing in his grasp.
“No, no,” He shook his head, whispering softly with a breath. “Don’t. You’re okay.”
He waited a minute for the color to return to your face, holding and softly rocking you as you tried to control your emotions. He wiped away each tear and tucked away strands of your soft hair. Once you began to calm down, you could barely look him in the eye.
“It’s my parents.” You blinked down to his stomach. “They’re fighting.”
“Fighting?” He rubbed the space behind your ear.
“A lot.” You forced out with a shake in your voice. “Like..like all the time and the kids are scared.”
Eddie’s heart swelled when you wouldn’t look at him. This sudden admittance about your family was shocking. As far as he had known, it was going smoothly.
“Bethy is worried about who’s going to custody over us,” Your eyes burned and you pressed your hand against your face, sobbing. “Eddie, all they do is fight. It’s constant and- and I don’t know how to make the girls feel any better. I feel so guilty and it’s- it’s not my job to make them f-feel better. Mom and dad should be doing that.”
Eddie rubbed up and down your arms as he listened to you, soft brown eyes pierced with concern and worry.
“And i’ve been having panic attacks.” You burned shamefully, barely looking up at him through wet lashes. “I keep waking up in the middle of the night just- just terrified and I don’t know why. My heart races so fast and I feel so..so freaked out and it scares me so bad.”
You wrapped your hand around his wrist, his thumb circulating your brow. “I can’t eat and I just- I just feel so tired all the time. My grades are slipping and I don’t even have fucking energy to take a shower.”
You covered your face with your hands and looked up to the ceiling with a groan. “And I spilled grape juice on my socks.”
It took Eddie a minute before he could figure out his next move. You didn’t blame him. You dumped a boatload of information on him when he’d fully believed everything in your life was peachy keen. He sighed deeply in guilt before he grabbed your shoulders and pulled you into him.
“Fuck- baby, I’m so sorry.” He sighed regretfully, burying his face in your shaking shoulders. “I didn’t realize things had gotten so bad.”
“It’s not your fault.” You sank into him. “I’m the one who’s been keeping it from you.”
“Why?” He kissed your temple, rubbing up and down your back.
“I didn’t want to bother you with my..well, my shitty life. I don’t want you to worry about me.”
Eddie pulled away to lift your chin up toward him, his eyes looking into yours. “You’re my girl, y/n. I’m always going to worry about you. I wish you would of told me about all this. I would have helped you.”
“I know.” You whimpered shamefully. “I’m sorry.”
“Quit that.” He gave your head a little shake, rocking your waist gently. “You have nothing to apologize for. You just need to tell me these things, okay? If you’re suffering then I want to know about it.”
God, he was amazing. You felt foolish for not letting him take care of you sooner. You blushed and leaned your forehead on his chin, groaning softly as your tears dried. “Why are you so perfect, Eddie? I’m an ugly mess.”
He ignored your statement with a roll of his eyes, shifting his weight and moving to lean against the cement wall, allowing you to fully and comfortably relax against him. “How long have you been having panic attacks?” His legs were kicked out slightly, yours atop of his as you cuddled his chest.
“A few weeks.” You said with a shameful mutter. “I thought I was having a heart attack at first. I got so close to going to the hospital.”
Eddie closed his eyes in disbelief. “Jesus, baby, I’m so sorry.” He hugged you. “Please, promise me you’ll let me know when you start feeling that way, please? I hate that you’ve been suffering alone.”
You nodded and held up your pinky, Eddie’s chest vibrating with an amused chuckle. He brought up his hand and wrapped his larger, callused finger around yours and gave it a gentle shake. “Pinky promise.” You kissed the tip of his finger.
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virtualtaleface · 1 year
Yandere total drama boys with an easily flustered S/o.
Remember I take requests for all total drama boys ++ courtney, heather, jo and Eva.
and I do some anime’s like mha, danganronpa and much more!! first post so pls be nice!! Also I won’t do EVERY boy, but I will do a lot.
Basically the readers already been kidnapped, so you technically live with them, and your easily flustered like even just a hug is enough to get you blushing like mad.
Tw: mal, gaslightning, patronising, manipulation, very minor sexual remarks, Duncan. Noah
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.Despite being reserved Noah LIVES for how flustered you can get.
.Like if he can take that chance he will
.Its surprising because he’s not exactly much of a charmer and at first he’s slightly scared about being flirty but soon he just stops caring.
.his favourite thing to do is definitively hug you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder and all.
.this is usually how it plays out:
.you’ll just be doing whatever then suddenly arms will wrap around your waist and you’ll be brought into someone back, it’s Noah!! .he’d probably start rocking you back and forth while whispering stuff to you.
.oh and don’t be fooled by the bookworm appearance, this guy lives to tease.
”awe, you blushing? Isn’t that just adorable.” .He’ll basically speak to you like a child, he’ll grab your face and start squeezing it.
“you want to read THIS? Well I’m sorry, but I just don’t think a little mind like yours could handle that.”
.Hes very patronising but never will he resort to baby talk, he’s got an appearance to uphold after all.
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.Now THIS is the worst yandere to get stuck with if your easily flustered, he will take advantage of it.
.Basically every form of PDA there is.
.If your not on his lap then your not In the right spot.
.I don’t know how you breath with how much he kisses you.
.Unlike Noah, he WILL a resort to baby’s talk, even if he wouldn’t do it outside, when it’s just you two he lives in it.
“Aw, you want a hug? You want a kiss? No? Are you sureeee? Awe look at your beautiful face, oh your just to cute, cm’ere” *insert him showering you with kisses*
.Space? Not an option, privacy? Also not an option.
“you know I need to watch you in the shower, just making sure your alright, now get it that shower angel.” .He’s also one of the more sexual ones, as in the inky clothes he buys you are short skirts, shorts, crop tops, you understand.
.If you don’t wanna do anything with him he’ll respect that, but a minute later he’ll manipulate you to do it anyway.
.how does he feel when you get flustered? He loves it, it’s like a game with him.
.But if someone else tries it they’re dead in a heart beat.
.He loves to surprise you with the sexual jokes, the way you stutter when he says it just makes his heart melt.
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.Doesn't even realise the problem.
.It comes naturally.
.”never thought someone could be more perfect than me, but here you are sitting right in front of me.” .he generally doesn’t mean to do it
.Most of the time he’s kind of oblivious to it, but when he actually notices how red you are, instead of being smug he genuinely thinks it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever seen.
.Definitely gives you a massive bear hug when he sees it.
.”Aw, you’re so precious, I’m sorry I made you so nervous, awe you’re so cute tho, I love you.” .Like this boy genuinely didn’t mean any harm, he just worships the ground you walk on.
.After that bear hug you’ll definitely get a cuddle, which slowly becomes a pattern, he sees you’re flustered, he thinks it’s cute, bear cuddle time.
.Actually apologies if he sees he’s upset you, like If your getting a bit TOO nervous he’ll back of, instead of massive cuddles he’ll just loosely wrap his arm around you and start talking to you, trying to change the subject, occasionally he’ll give you a little head rub or pat, but he’ll back of until your ok.
.Honestly Justin actually seems really sweet when he’s not being an egotistical asshole.
.Like if his modelling career didn’t exist he’d be a great boyfriend, you saw princess pride that boy was LOYAL. He got chucked of a castle and still loved queen Courtney.
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.You already know this one’s gonna be bad, maybe worse than Duncan.
.Atleast Duncan genuinely loves you when he does it, this boy just does it for the reaction.
“Mi amoreeeeee, you’re so beautiful, my hermosa chica/ chico.” .Watching you try to deny that you love him is his favourite thing in the world.
.He tends to do it when your cuddling, so then you end up hiding in his shoulder, when you do he’ll softly rub your back, trying to fluster you more.
“Hermosa, why have we gone all shy? Can you show me those beautiful eyes?” .There’s no escaping it, so don’t even try.
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.The second he finds out you get easily flustered, it’s game over.
.Will take advantage of it day after day.
.”Hey pumpkin, you know, I can’t believe I never told you just how adorable you are.” .Definitely has those cringey nick names.
.You feel uncomfortable? Who cares, you want space? Who cares, as long as Scott’s happy you should be to.
.”you want some space? Well how can I do that when you’re so cute?” *insert more invading person space and boundaries*
.Definitely touches your hair a lot, and your face. You’ll just be sitting there doing nothing, and suddenly Scott’s playing with your hair. .Asking permission doesn’t exist in his world, like Noah you can count on him squeezing you, like he’ll pinch your cheeks, squish them, boop you, basically anything that he thinks makes you look cute.
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.Generally never spots it.
.You could be bring red and he’d just keep rambling about how much he loves you.
.If on the very rare occasion he does notice, he’s instantly apologising.
.He’ll instinctively give you a hug not realising it’s adding to the problem. .”yeah your just so cute, so pretty, so- OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK?! IM SORRY! MY BABY!”
.he barley flirts, he gives you kisses in bed but they’re not even in a sexual way, he just wants to give you some affection.
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.One of the worst offenders.
.Your uncomfortable, so he loves it.
.He loves watching you squirm as he holds you up against him, while he showers you in compliments and kisses.
.He loves the way you squirm, he knows your uncomfortable, but he really doesn’t care.
“You want me to stop? Let me think for a second, no!” .Definitely patronising.
.Makes you feel weak, useless almost.
.if you couldn’t grab something he’d just shake his head and look down on you.
“you stupid thing, it’s lucky your the cutest little thing ever or else I’d have killed you by now, you have nothing to offer, I mean look sh yourself.” .You know the mother knows best song? Yeah well Imagine mother MAL!
.Literally will just try to embarrass you by listing all the reasons your um capable but will instantly switch up into smothering you with affection.
.very manipulative
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glue-thief · 2 months
do you perhaps have some headcanons about mr. isagi? <3
OFC!! <3333
on top of having 2.0 vision (and well, metavision) his VVIQ score is a perfect 5
this helps him a lot with art and he's actually pretty good at it even though he's not as passionate about it as he is with football/soccer
he started drawing through doodling his favourite manga characters and he's able to recreate art styles almost perfectly
he's actually pretty careless when it comes to his schoolwork (esp for STEM) so sometimes he'll hand in incomplete work bc it looks like he's already filled in certain questions
like no. you doodled an eye instead of solving for "x"
he canonically hates science, but if he had to choose one branch as his favourite, it would be chemistry (not boring & derivative memorization like bio but not absolutely insane like physics)
something might contradict this in canon but i hc his handwriting is pretty shitty lmao
since so many sports anime characters look like him (nanase haruka, kageyama tobio, etc) i like to pretend they're all cousins and they meet up at family reunions to compete to see who's better at their respective sport
so yeah despite having no siblings he has a shit ton of cousins who he's really close to
he was conceived by accident 💀 his parents love and coddle him despite this
despite showing the exact opposite of the typical symptoms (great spacial awareness, scarily good empathy, etc) i still say he's got autism lmao. he just has a really unique type yk
his hobby is canonically walking, but i wanna expand on this a little bit
he somehow doesn't listen to music on his walks
(in fact, he doesn't listen to much music at all. that's why his fav song is from a commercial 💀)
furthermore, he rarely ever brings his phone out on walks at all. he likes being at one with his surroundings and he doesn't want his phone to distract him
which is understandable. unless we're talking about how he'll sometimes walk 2+ hours to go to a friends house AND HE DOESN'T HAVE IT?? NO GPS??? NO MAP NOTHING
he's just spent so much time walking around saitama he has a map of most of it installed in his mind
he really doesn't use his phone much at all. he has a few accounts in case he wants to check something out, but he doesn't post anything + barely follows anyone + even has a blank pfp on everything
he apparently received 0 valentine's chocolates in the previous year, but a few ppl from school had a crush on him
he's not popular or anything but some ppl over the years thought he was a genuinely sweet guy and quietly observed him from a distance
he's completely oblivious to this
his school friends all have way more romantic experience than him and they all tease him for this
he gets really frustrated about this and tries to convince himself he likes certain ppl in hopes of something sticking
when he genuinely likes someone he's oblivious to this too lmaoo
he's the type of guy to take dodgeball in PE wayyy too seriously
the first time he swore was when he was eight and got mad at his teammates for slacking off
he got in trouble for this and never swore in front of an adult ever again
(the lack of any physical adults in blue lock made him fall back on his foul mouth)
his fav class is PE in canon but i think i remember something about isagi hating baseball? that might have just been someone else's hc but yeah
he enjoys basketball and badminton, but he thinks volleyball is mid
the one time his school tried floor hockey he enjoyed it well enough
american football is just way too confusing for him
he had no backup plans in case football/soccer didn't work out, but he'd be fantastic in psychology and/or politics
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woodyzoid · 10 months
Mending Mischief
Pairing: Sirius Black x female reader.
Summary: You have stopped talking to Sirius and he wants to get you talking to him again.
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In the dimly lit Gryffindor common room, tension hung in the air like a stormcloud, the aftermath of a particularly messy prank played by Sirius Black. You, the spirited and mischievous only female Marauder herself, sat on one of the couches, pointedly ignoring the attempts Sirius made to engage her in conversation.
"Y/N, come on," Sirius pleaded, his grey eyes filled with remorse. "It was just a bit of harmless fun!"
Ignoring him, you turned the page of your book with exaggerated focus, your fingers gripping the parchment tightly. Sirius exchanged a helpless look with Remus and James, who sat nearby.
Several days passed but you avoided speaking to Sirius by all means. It wasn't until a quiet evening when Remus found you alone in the common room that things took a turn. Sirius has practically begged him to talk to you.
"Y/N, may I have a word?" Remus asked gently.
You closed your book and nodded, a small sigh escaping your lips. "What is it, Remus?"
He took a seat next to you, his warm brown eyes reflecting his concern. "Sirius is truly sorry for the prank. He knows he crossed a line this time. He just doesn't know how to make it right."
Your gaze softened, but you remained firm. "He's reckless, Remus. He doesn't think about the consequences sometimes."
"I won't deny that," Remus agreed. "But he cares about you. He's just struggling to express it."
You sighed again, your anger waning as you considered Remus's words. "I know he cares, but he needs to understand that his actions have an impact. He is careless about himself and others, he is not bad at heart I know, he doesn't mean harm I know. He is my best friend after all, and...
I don't know Remus, I love him I know I should not feel about him this way he is my friend but I do...
Remus looks into your eyes, "I don't know if I should tell you this but Sirius loves you as much as you love him. You two are too oblivious to see yourselves giving each other heart eyes."
You gasp at his words.
As the moonlight filtered through the windows, a shadow loomed behind you. Startled, you turned to see Sirius standing there, a pensive expression on his face. He had overheard your conversation with Remus.
"Y/N, I'm sorry," he said softly, his voice tinged with genuine remorse. You jump at his voice.
"I didn't mean to upset you. I just... sometimes I don't think before I act."
You met his gaze, your heart softening as you saw the sincerity in his eyes. At first, you couldn't speak, but from the look on his face you know he heard you. He heard you say, you love him. For a moment your heart stops. The fear of heartbreak and losing your best friend consumes you.
He approached you slowly and stood close to you. Then those words left his mouth, "I love you, I have been in love with you since forever."
Tears filled your eyes and you said softly, "Sirius, I care about you, too. But I can't always be there to pick up the pieces."
Remus left the common room silently with a big smile on his face.
Sirius took a step closer, his hand hovering above yours. "I know. I want to be better, for you."
A hesitant smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "You drive me mad, you know that?"
Sirius chuckled, relief washing over his features. "Yeah, I've gathered that much."
As he finally sat down beside you, your fingers intertwined. The air between you seemed to shift, the tension dissolving into something warmer and more hopeful.
"I promise I'll think twice before pranking next time," Sirius said, his thumb gently brushing against your knuckles.
"And I promise I won't stop talking to you every time," you replied, a playful glint in your eyes.
The two of you shared a quiet laugh, the weight of the previous days lifting with each shared smile. And as the moonlight bathed the common room, the Marauder duo began to mend their mischief and their hearts, finding solace in the unspoken bond that had always connected them.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
a request for you, if its okay!! you've been such an amazing writer and kind to others, its amazing!! ! again, IF its okay with you!! ! just friends to lovers with noir and an oblivious reader who gets flustered a lot by noir?? have a lovely day!!!
OH HI ANON :DDD ofc it's okay !! i love hearing y'all's requests, sorry i haven't been accepting them for a little while ! and i hope this is any good :'DD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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summary: you didn't understand just what this feeling meant, why you would freeze up and lose yourself when you were around him. it wasn't uncomfortable, but you didn't want to feel like you were going crazy over him.
word count: 1,109
oh the things this man does to you, you can't even begin to describe--because you never realized it was because of him, or that your feelings were anything but platonic for him. you were a very dear friend to peter benjamin parker, and he was a dear friend to you, too. you both knew each other from inside and out, knew each other's little habits, noticed little changes in each other's appearances, could tell what the other was thinking just by glancing at their face--you two were just the closest to each other.
he was always a sweetheart towards you, no matter how aloof he appeared to others. he always offered to carry your things for you, asked you how your day went, complimented you in outfits he'd never seen you in before, snapped photos of you when you let him because he's genuinely never seen anyone who looked as amazing as you do naturally. and you could say it's just butterflies in your stomach because of how intense his gaze towards you can be, but you swear you feel a little tingly when he looks at you like that, when he does things for you, butters you up just a little when in reality he truly does means it.
you couldn't tell why you felt so different around peter, like you were a lot more self-conscious before you'd meet up with him--fussing over such little details about your outfit, your hair, your everything. but that self-consciousness would met away when he'd smile at you and flatter you with praise about how lovely you looked that day. and then, you'd feel that familiar light, airy feeling; that feeling you get when all his attention is on you, when everything in the world slows down just a little to prolong the time you two have together.
this feeling drove you a little mad, it kept you up at night for days on end at times, with you asking yourself just what changed? what changed in you that you'd notice peter's dimples a lot more when he grinned? what changed in you that you felt a shiver up your spine when he'd accidentally put his hand over yours? what changed in you that you found yourself gazing at his lovely red lips when you two were face to face?
you tried convincing yourself you just missed him was all, but how could you miss him? you two met up every day before and after work as much as you could, you two spent every weekend together, for goodness' sake! it was more than just missing him, you... oh, you couldn't find the right word for it. you ended your nights with the bleak hope that this feeling that confused you so would leave you be the next morning. but alas, it worsened.
you'd wake up searching for him, and you realized, you've been dreaming about him. it got to the point where you stopped hanging out with peter before work, then it extended to not hanging out with him after work. during weekends, you excused yourself to him, saying you had errands to run, things to do. altogether, you two stopped hanging out for a week, all in the hopes that you wouldn't feel this way about him anymore. but you longed for him even more now that he wasn't with you.
neither of you could take it anymore, you had to tell him how you felt. it was a heavy weight on you to deal with these feelings alone, and despite how difficult it seemed, you had a feeling that telling him would lessen the burden. so you picked up the telephone one evening and called him, and immediately, you heard his voice on the other end. "hello--" "peter, i think i'm... i think i'm crazy about you." you confessed, leaving peter confused on the other end.
"doll, what do you mean?" he asked, perplexed, causing you to become even more frustrated. "look, even i don't know! i just know that, for a long time now, i've felt so... so weird about us." you explained in a soft voice as you twirled the cord of the telephone on your finger. "i find myself staring at your dimples when i catch you smiling, me freezing up when you accidentally touch my hand, and when you look into my eyes... i find my gaze going down to your lips. i've gone nights without sleeping because i always find myself thinking about you!" you admitted, feeling a ton of embarrassment rushing through your veins.
peter was silent on the other end for a little bit, when he realized you were finished, he chuckled a little. "are you saying you... feel the same way i do for you?" he asked with a slight crack in his voice, evidence of his flustered expression. your eyes went wide as he said that. "the same way you do for..." "yes, doll, the same was you do for me." he finished with a tone of embarrassment, similar to yours.
"i think i... i think i love you, doll. i've loved you for heaven knows how long." he said with an awkward slight chuckle. you felt incredibly flustered when you heard him say that word, that he loves you, that he's loved you for a long time now. "...i think i love you, too, peter." you replied bashfully, with a grin on your face that just grew the moment you heard him put down the phone on its side as he rejoiced in the background. "well... can we... go back to hanging out like before? it's just that, you know... we'd be on a date then?" he suggested, trying to sound cool, but ended up sounded so, so flustered.
"i'd love to, pete." you said, to which he rejoiced again away from the phone. "meet you tomorrow at the station at 6:30, i'll be there with a big bouquet of violets." he promised, and you giggled. "you called the poppies we saw on the way home from work last time violets." you reminded him, which caused him to blush from the tips of his ears down to his collarbone. "r-right... right, why not i get you a big bouquet of poppies? you're prettier than all of the flowers we've seen, though. i know you know it." he complimented you, which made you giggle a little. "stop it, pete..." "never. not when i have the sweetest lover in the whole world with me on the phone. brace yourself, love, you're gonna go another restless night thinking about me, because i know i'll be dreaming about you all over again."
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @connors-cumslurper @maxoloqy @fictarian
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