#and got me laying out more stuff that was just theory in my head
em1e · 1 year
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ᶻz feat. wakasa + kazutora+ rindou !!
tokyo revengers && first meetings
☓ kazu's 2 times longer than the other don't look at me. tw for a hostile ex on rindou's !!
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ᶻz・wakasa imaushi
⠀ ⬤ meeting you is chaotic.
“oh my god shin, your nose!” 
you’re quick into action, despite shinichiro and wakasa basically barging through your front door while the former cradles a probably broken nose. you grab some paper towels as quickly as you can while wakasa helps his friend to your couch, barely taking in your home despite him never stepping foot into it. 
 you’re talking fast, questions overlapping on your tongue before either boy can answer them, “what happened? why’d you come here?” 
shinichiro groans when you press the napkins against his face far hastier than you should, taking them from your own hands and leaning his head against the back of your couch. obviously in too much pain to answer, you look to the stranger who he’s come in with. 
he shrugs, popping the lollipop he was sucking on out of his mouth and nodding to shinichiro, “needed to get off the street, ‘nd he said he knew someone.” 
you kick at shinichiro’s foot half heartedly, frowning, “don’t bring your stupid gang violence around my house, you know i don’t like that stuff.” 
a muffled apology leaves his lips, and you sigh before moving to grab ice for the two of them. bringing back bags of peas and dropping one onto shinichiro’s stomach (he groans dramatically at the contact), then pass the other to his friend. he raises an eyebrow at you, and you nod to his bruising knuckles. 
it’s then he takes them in himself, clicking his tongue, then grabbing the bag from you with a small thanks. you eye him for a second, before plopping down on the couch beside shinichiro. 
“‘m (y/n), by the way.” you offer a small smile, “i babysit emma and mikey sometimes when shin is out doing nefarious things.” 
“wakasa,” he hums out, sitting across from you, “i make sure shinichiro doesn’t die doing his nefarious things.” 
you giggle, and shinichiro groans, “please don’t flirt with me sitting right here. i don’t think i can take much more damage- physically or mentally.” 
“not my fault you brought your pretty friend here after you got socked in the face.” 
“you think ’m pretty?” wakasa grins, eyes half-lidded and completely ignoring his friend's request. 
“very.” you hum, leaving shinichiro to groan louder. you elbow at his side, and he dramatically topples over so he’s laying on the couch instead, “sorry shin, we’re talking.” 
one glance to wakasa and he’s licking his teeth, then sending you a smile, “that we are.” 
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ᶻz・kazutora hanemiya 
⠀ ⬤ meeting you is awkward.
“no, kazutora, put the cat food on the right side of the store - you know what, nevermind, i’ll do it.” chifuyu sighs heavily, placing the bags of dog food he’d just opened hastily on the shelf and pushing the box kazutora set beside him away with a huff. 
“huh? but these are the same brands, don’t you want to keep them together?” 
chifuyu closes his eyes, taking a second to breathe and remember he needs to have some semblance of patience - kazu’s only been out for a few weeks, he’s still adjusting to normal life. he sighs again and nods, “in theory, yes, but we’re keeping the cat stuff and dog stuff separate, remember?“ 
a small ‘oh’ leaves kazutora’s mouth, and chifuyu stands with a huff, stretching his legs then picking up the box. the bell to the door rings and both pairs of eyes find themselves wandering towards the front. chifuyu nods his head in the direction, “d’ya think you can take care of them?” 
kazutora hums out a reply, waving a hand behind him as chifuyu says something something register. he knows his friend is growing increasingly agitated with having to baby him, and he doesn’t want to be any more of a burden than necessary. 
he meets you at the register, and your eyes wander around the store before finally settling on the man behind the counter, offering him a smile. 
“hi! um, i recently found a kitten on the street and i was wondering if you could help me get whatever i need to take care of it?” 
kazutora only stares, head tilting slightly as your fingers dance across the counter. the silence goes on for longer than you’d expect, and you stand on your toes and puff out cheeks when he doesn’t immediately reply. you clear your throat. 
“is um . . . is there something i need to do first?” 
you look across the counter to see if maybe there’s a sign in sheet for suggestions or something, but you find nothing. 
“we have cat food and litter.” he says when you meet his gaze again, still giving you the same look he did when you walked in. 
“great!” you smile, looking around the store, “can you show me?” 
he straightens, looking down the sea of aisles for chifuyu since he’d be much better help than him. hell, he’s still learning the difference in medications for dogs and cats and other miscellaneous animals - it would be unfair to lead you astray with a bad suggestion. 
he sees no one else in the immediate vicinity, which means chifuyu has left him alone at the front of the store. 
“um, yeah. yeah, i can” 
right side of the store, he reminds himself. that’s where the stuff for cats is. he leads you in that direction, stopping in front of the aisles when he finds the bags he was previously shoving in the dogs section. 
you lean forward, taking in each option and tap your chin with a hum, then look at him with a tilted head. 
“any recommendations?” 
you have to notice he has no idea what he’s doing by now, right? still, face unwavering, he picks up the bag they feed the cats they have up for adoption, “we use this for the cats here. i’m not really sure about the differences in other brands and stuff.” 
you take the bag gently from his hold, then grab a similar one from the same brand that’s labeled specifically for kittens and compare the two. 
“i think i’ll get this one since she’s still pretty small.” you hold up the latter and place the former back where he picked it up from, “how about litter?”
he takes you to the aisle behind the one you were previously in, gesturing awkwardly to the many different types. before you can ask if he has any suggestions, he points to one, “this is the one we use here.” 
you smile. he read your mind. 
with a small huff, you're grabbing that same brand and almost drop the container when you take it off the shelf - it’s much heavier than you thought. though kazutora has his own faults, he isn’t an asshole who’d just leave you to struggle. he gingerly grabs it from you, and you beam at him with a smile, “thanks.” 
he only offers a curt nod, and follows you as you shop for smaller miscellaneous things - toys, treats, and a litter box all fill your hands along with the food you grabbed previously and kazutora offers no complaints when you finally make your way back to the counter. 
“thanks.” you hum out again when he rounds the corner to get behind the register. he pauses for a second, staring at the computer and all its buttons and he’s genuinely lost for a second, trying to remember how chifuyu taught him to use it. 
lucky for him, the man himself comes out from the back, a box in his hands and easily reading the furrow of his friends brows. 
“all you have to do is ask for help,” he sighs with a click of his tongue, setting the box beside the items you’re buying. he taps a few things, explaining to kazutora again just how to do it and starts scanning the items for you, “he give you too much trouble? he’s still training-” 
“he was perfectly helpful.” you smile, “i would’ve been lost otherwise.” 
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ᶻz・rindou haitani
⠀ ⬤ meeting you is violent. 
“leave me alone-” you’re shoving past your ex with a huff, almost gasping when instead of letting you pass, he pushes you against the wall of the dingy club you’re in and grins at your clear aggravation. 
“we’re not done talking,” he sighs out, “i didn’t come all the way to roppongi to get brushed to the side.” his arms are caging you in, and you want to scream to get anyone’s attention. you’re unsure if it’d even work - everyone around you seems to already be too drunk to worry about what’s going on outside their bubble, and you sure if anyone does notice, they don’t care. 
“why come at all. are you stalking me now? i told you i don’t want anything to do with you-”
he stops you with a growl, eyes narrowing, “ah ah, we’re here to talk. don’t wanna make me upset, do ya?” you flinch away from him when he reaches up to cup your cheek, and someone clicking their teeth behind him makes him pause and look over his shoulder. “what, can’t you see we’re talki-” 
he doesn’t get to finish his sentence. not when the man behind him rears his fist back and punches. 
you pull your arms to yourself, gasping as he collapses to the floor with your eyes wide. one hit, and he’s out cold. you look up frantically to the offender, your savior, but he’s already pushing his way through the gaping crowd, leaving you to stumble behind him as he leaves the club. 
“w-wait a sec!” you call out after him, and he pauses his retreat but doesn’t turn to face you. it gives you time to catch up to him, and when you’re standing in front of him, he’s scowling. despite this, he’s still pretty. you feel your face warm, and his brows raise as if he’s waiting for you to say something. 
you did scream for him, after all. 
“u-um, thanks,” you manage out after a moments pause, bowing your head, “thank you.” you say again more clearly. when you finally look back up at him he’s eyeing you in a way that has you wrapping your arms around yourself.
he clicks his teeth again, walking past you without a word, and you find yourself following behind like a lost puppy. he pauses again when you’re only a few steps behind him, looking over his shoulder, “if you’re gonna follow me, you might as well walk with me and talk.” 
he says it like a statement, but you take it as a command. you walk for a few blocks in silence before you break it to mumble out your name. 
he grins at the sound of it leaving your lips, “rindou haitani.” and it dawns on you then it was his club you were just in. apologies follow. for your ex, for not destabilizing the situation, for ruining the mood in his club, but he’s shaking his head with a hum. 
“s’okay. you just gave me an excuse to leave, and i’m glad your pretty self followed.” 
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ellielatinagf · 2 months
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Ellie Williams in Covid head cannons
Sooooo this is just a small idea I had because I’ve never seen anyone else do this soooooooo. Our poor girly in yet another epidemic. Love you all!
Warnings: a tiny bit nsfw content, cursing, for the girls only pleaseee, lmk if there’s anything else
Was absolutely thrilled when everyone was advised to stay inside because she’s such an antisocial loser untilllllll she saw how everyone was rapidly spreading the disease. She’s low key a germaphobe.
Totally had a YouTube channel which consisted of her recording herself doing nothing but laying on the couch with you watching tv. Her only subscribers were Jesse, Joel, and Dina and some rando from Tennessee.
She found a new obsession every week and now the garage is filled with boxes of old paintings, crochet chickens, and diy art stuff.
Had ranked every Ramen noodle flavor from best to worst
Absolutely freaked OUT when you got Covid from your job and she ended up sleeping over at Joel’s. She actually refused to come back untill you showed her how you deep cleaned the whole house.
Ellie on FaceTime
Ellie: wait babe lemme see right there on the dresser
You: Ellie I literally wiped it down twice
Ellie: well I didn’t see it
Tried to make cookies one time and thought they were perfect and crispy around the edges. They really tasted like chips and she got mad when you laughed and claimed you never take her seriously.
Okay I’m sorry but she was a horny monster like cmon she was in the house all day with you like how can she not.
Had an obsession with the Big Bang theory and made you watch it with her and explained all the science stuff which she knew for the most part. On the ones she didn’t know she’d yap about it till you looked it up and she’d gaslight you into thinking she was right.
You: “Umm babe google says……”
Ellie: “that’s literally what I was saying”
She was at Joel’s house one time helping him make more guitars. She accidentally cut herself and when you demanded she go to the hospital which she was terrified of because of all the Covid patients getting her sick she went like this
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“Hold on babe i watched greys anatomy”
Fell victim to the meme pages all in her camera roll that were like this
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Hated zoom meetings but she’d be the type to hold her phone on the screen and watch those Roblox Tik toks.
I know i already said she was a fortnite god but that girl watched every single fortnite concert at the time and made sure you were right there with her and she made sure to clip the whole thing even though when watching the clip back her and Jesse were yelling their asses off. She loved season three of fortnite.
Ellie hated when people overstocked at the grocery store meanwhile she did the exact same thing because she was paranoid and it came in hand since you guys wouldn’t need to go grocery shopping for at least a week and a half
Ellie also discovered games with an emotional storyline like Detroit becomes human, red dead redemption, resident evil, ect. And had a phase where she’d be all poetic and shit thinking she was Shakespeare, she got tired of talking like she was from the 1800s.
Ellie: “my love, your eyes, they remind me of a thousand sunsets…”
You: “did you take out the trash?”
She had all her favorite YouTubers and would watch them on the tv and she’d make you play among us with her because that was “the game of century” as she proclaimed.
She actually had a small mini breakdown because our poor girl found out Joel had Covid and remember that in the news it said older people were more at risk. The poor girl though Joel was gonna die and you laid in bed with Ellie who was sniffling and crying in your shirt while you rubbed her back. Those always calm her down. Then when Joel was better again she made you pinky promise not to tell anyone anything. But she did end up calling Joel more frequently.
You guys actually had spent a lot of time together and most couples who spent so much time together broke up and got bored and such and such but you two actually enjoyed you time together. You and Ellie would would go to an open park where no one was around and watch the sunset and talk about what your plans were after everything was back to normal. Ellie asked if you two could get a puppy and who can ever say no to those eyes and freckles cheeks?
Another thing you guys liked to do was spent all day in bed and cuddling. Now a lot of people will assume Ellie would be the big spoon and that can be true sometimes but the girl is a hugeeeeeee softie. She loved being the little spoon because she felt safe by feeling your soft breath ok her back or shoulder. And she’s hold a dinosaur plushie. Like always.
She cried when she watched videos of family’s finally being able to reunite or grandparents watching their families through a class. Who didn’t cry?
She loved playing just dance with you and she’d purposely pick a song where you both had to dance together because she never has the balls to ask you to dance to with her.
She had a little camcorder where she recorded almost everything in your lives at that point. You brushing your teeth, both of you eating cereal, having tickle fights, ect. What Ellie doesn’t know is that now you sometimes go to the camcorder and watch the old videos and she’d a tear here and there because you loved the memories.
Some how she was actually a beast at the toilet paper kick up challenge and got a good 14 kick ups.
You cannot tell me she didn’t buy those apple juices that actually founded like apples when you bit into them.
I lowkey just had an idea of what Ellie would be like at this time sooooo lmk what other hcs you guys might want! Also be sure to let me know if you’d like to be in the Taglists! Don’t forget to talk about Palestine guys! Free Palestine 🇵🇸 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Taglists: @vqxen @bready101 @lilylynne11 @Lively-blues @Yurixxiii @vampyangel @gato-chino @a-little-bit-of-everybody @abbysbraids
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earlgreytea68 · 5 months
The Fall Out Boy Year in Review
Because did anything else happen in 2023?????
This was a band that started this year with a bunch of people with all these theories that they were going to announce their retirement and they ended the year rejuvenated, reenergized, ready to go.
Let me count the ways Fall Out Boy was amazing this year:
At the very beginning of the year, they gave a performance, and Pete and Patrick did a pre-show interview, and Pete leaned his hand on Patrick’s shoulder and they grinned and grinned at each other and it was amazing and it was like, “Is this how the year is going to go????” AND LO, THAT’S HOW THE YEAR WENT.
The show at the Metro, when they threw Calm Before the Storm into the setlist and it felt so extraordinary and the crowd just shouted every word at them and then they played their first “Saturday” of the year and Patrick said how it always means a lot to them but it means more at home, YOU SEE, THE WHOLE YEAR WAS LIKE THIS.
They went to a gay bar and Pete and Patrick approvingly joked about sucking dick, so YEAH, THEN THAT HAPPENED.
Pete said that at least once a week he was told by people that their faces would melt off if they played this song live, so he wanted to see faces melting off, and then Patrick barreled into Headfirst Slide and the crowd was so loud at him that he let them take the “get unique” line, grinning the whole time, EVERYTHING WAS LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME.
I’m five points in and just getting to the fact that they released a new album and it was incredible from start to finish, every single song was amazing and extraordinary and so very them and so very what it’s like to be alive in 2023. THE ALBUM WAS GREAT AND WOULD HAVE BEEN ENOUGH ON ITS OWN BUT THEN SO MUCH MORE STUFF HAPPENED.
Then they ran around promoting this album and Patrick said that Pete is his reason for getting out of bed in the morning and that’s one of, like, sixteen different proclamations of adoration about Pete that he made in a span of a week BECAUSE THE WHOLE YEAR WAS JUST LIKE THIS.
Then they went on tour and somehow got it into their heads to play a new song every night, just, like, why not, right, just pulling all the most meaningful songs of their career out of their back pockets as if they had never given the impression that they would never, ever play that song, BUCKLE UP, THE WHOLE RIDE WAS JUST BEGINNING.
Pete gave a speech about how he doesn’t lay under a blanket thinking about being dead anymore, oh my god, these boys who figured out finally how much they’re loved, HOW THIS ALL HAPPENED IS AMAZING.
We got to watch Pete grow and develop all of his little concert speeches and then Pete was like, “Oh, also, I’ve decided to add in this feature called Riff with Patrick,” and all this segment was was them grinning at each other, because WHY NOT JUST ADD THIS TO EVERYTHING ELSE THAT HAPPENED THIS YEAR.
They released an updated version of “We Didn’t Start the Fire” and it’s fantastic and was a big hit for them and anyone who likes to think Fall Out Boy doesn’t know how to write lyrics because it’s not chronological needs to just think for two seconds about it, THE SONG IS GREAT AND THE YEAR ALREADY HAD SO MUCH AND THEN ANOTHER SONG!!!
Patrick. Played. “Spotlight.” Like. Unthinkable. Absolutely unthinkable. He played “Spotlight” and the crowd sang with him and he looked out and laughed and said, “That’s a lot of lights,” AND THEN THE YEAR COULD HAVE ENDED BUT IT DID NOT.
PATRICK PLAYED THE DRUMS, sorry, I will never be over that, ever, ever, ever, ever.
At some point in there Pete gave an interview with a rabbit puppet on his hand? And Patrick petted the puppet very carefully???? WHY WAS THIS YEAR LIKE THIS??????
Patrick sang “I’ve Got a Dark Alley” so gentle, so beautiful, so gorgeous, that it was like kintsugi being done right in front of our eyes, it still makes me cry to think of his version of that song, ALL THE GENTLENESS AND HOPE IN THIS EMO BAND THIS YEAR.
Patrick heard Pete struggling and turned to him to play “Bob Dylan” directly at him until he found his place, BECAUSE THAT WAS JUST HOW THIS YEAR WENT.
Meanwhile Patrick went stumbling over unfamiliar lyrics and Pete careened across the stage to get to him to rescue him, BECAUSE, AGAIN, THIS IS THEM IN 2023.
I went to a concert personally and they played me “Sweet Caroline” and “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” so THAT ALSO HAPPENED THIS YEAR AND IT WAS AMAZING AND PERFECT.
Patrick suggested they play “Pavlove.” ??? Hang on, read that again. Patrick. Suggested. They. Play. “Pavlove.” And then they. Played it. Like, yup, ALSO THAT HAPPENED.
Patrick said, quick and sincere in an unplanned aside, that he’s pretty sure this is the best tour they’ve ever done, EVERYONE WAS SO IN LOVE ALL YEAR.
Patrick suddenly decided to grow his hair long?????? Still don’t even know what that was all about, he was just like, 2023, FOLKS!!!
They played a Halloween show in the most Them costumes ever chosen BECAUSE WHY NOT?????
Then to close the year out Patrick dragged out “Yule Shoot Your Eye Out” ????? Like, again, WHY NOT???????
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mistercrowbar · 6 months
Heya! Firsr I wanted to say that I love your art it always makes me smile when I see it. I'm trying to learn how to draw, and eventually want to be able to draw stuff like yours. Do you have any tips/ advice on how to improve on drawing characters?
I could give the Fine Art Answer and go on about drawing from observation, from photo reference, making master studies, gestures, linear perspective, colour theory lightning composition etc etc etc but really
Let obsession grab you and ride it
I’ve known plenty of people whose art skills took off because they got into D&D and wanted to draw their OCs and they kept drawing and drawing and learning along the way. It can start as simple as, how do I draw my character making a really angry rage scream, and so you go to a mirror and make silly faces and draw from that. Then it can go to, I want to draw my OC and their party in that funny scene we RP’d at the tavern, so you start grabbing references for the interior of such a place, dabble in that perspective thing to lay out the bar, find references for the pirate NPC’s parrot, add some other elements just to frame everything nicely and bam, you’ve drawn yourself a full scene, got experience in drawing interiors, and learned some avian anatomy.
I do emphasise starting small and having fun. I illustrate full time for a living so that’s why most of what I post is silly sketches, I just wanna get the ideas out there without stressing myself. You wanna make art a habit, you want to make it something you look forward to doing, instead of getting wrapped up in thinking every new work has to be a masterpiece. Try to learn one thing at a time and add it to your repertoire instead of lumping a bunch of lessons in at once.
One thing specifically for characters, don’t jump right into making a reference. They’re likely to evolve the more you draw them as you get a better handle of what traits you want to emphasise or details that kinda get forgotten. Like, look at Aldiirn, I’ve had him for 3-4 months and he’s put on at least 30lbs lmao but also a bunch of other changes to emphasise round shapes like nose eyes hair. No one’s holding a gun to your head to keep things consistent.
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So yeah! You can crunch and do the master studies and learn quickly, but if you’re just in it for you, have some fun! Draw your blorbo a million times and try branching out for one new thing here and there. If you are just starting out, it could be helpful to learn the basics of constructing a head and general body proportions. I don’t have any tutorials to recommend but I’m sure there must be something on youtube.
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rachey899 · 1 month
Lightning Ridge - Part Two
A young Shifter wanders into a town crawling with hunters, Hendrix plans on laying low but when he catches wind of one particular hunter who is after the same Shifter that he’s been tracking himself, his curiosity gets the better of him. Offering to join the man on his quest he can only hope he can track down the dangerous shifter, saving the lives of innocents all the while keeping his secret hidden.
TW: mentions of murder/eating people, giant spiders, some swearing, mentions of death, mentions of drug use
Approx 3.1k words
Part One
Part Two - You are here
Part Three
Part Two
We’d been walking for near on two days now, thankfully Ryder hadn’t questioned my height again and I’d managed to keep that part more or less under control. We also hadn’t come across any more giant arachnids, but we were approaching the last village before reaching Lightning Ridge, or at least that’s what Ryder had said near on two hours ago!
“Are we there yet?” I asked for the hundredth time, my legs were killing me, it wasn’t often that I had to cover this much ground while holding my human form.
“You’re like a whining child, I told you we were nearly there didn’t I?” He growled.
I sighed, falling behind him and stretching my aching muscles, I’d never stayed in my human form for longer than a day and I was starting to feel…cramped.
“It’s hard to believe you’ve travelled all around the county on foot with all this complaining, honestly.” He scoffed and I glared at his back.
‘Yeah well, you’re not the one trapped inside a body too small for you’ I hissed in my head. Normally this sort of walking would be fine, I’d usually be ten times this size, covering more ground faster than he could ever imagine and I’d be able to stretch out whenever I needed to. The concentration and energy it took for me to remain this size was becoming increasingly more difficult and exhausting.
The sooner we got to the village, the sooner I could make an excuse to explore on my own without his watchful eye and stretch myself out for a few hours.
“I don’t normally cover so much ground in a day.” I admit. “I take my time and rest when I feel like it.” I explained, he just scoffed again.
“When we get to town, we’ll find a smithy and see if we can’t get you a new sword seeing as you lost your old one.” He turned his head and gave me a calculating look, I looked away nervously.
“I hadn’t expected to need one so soon.” I said defensively.
We got to a rise in the trail and I noticed the forest around us start to become less dense and more spread out, as we got to the peak we were looking down onto a town.
“Thank the Gods.” I sighed, Ryder merely grunted in response and kept on going at his usual pace, I wanted to sprint down the incline.
From atop the rise the village had looked like a fairly large one, with many houses and streets, a few larger buildings made for holding many people but when we entered city limits there was scarcely a soul around.
“Not good.” Ryder muttered, he headed down a street, following a sign that read ‘Armarand Smithy’ and pushed the door open, ignoring the ‘closed’ notice plastered onto the window.
A small bell announced our arrival, and though the notice had said the place was closed, the workstations were hot and fresh working materials and metal projects lay littering the benches.
“Sorry folks, we’re closed.” Came a gruff voice, I glanced around and spotted a burly man sitting at a forge, spinning a large rod of iron within it.
“We’re hoping to purchase a sword, preferably a longsword made of silver.” Ryder said ignoring the man and looking around the blacksmiths wears to see if he could spot what he was looking for.
I shivered, silver was a weakness to shifters, and I wondered if I’d even be able to wield a sword made of the wretched stuff. Perhaps if the hilt was made of leather it would work, but I’ve never tested the theory.
“Fresh out of silver, I do have a few iron long swords…you looking to take down the beast?” He glanced up from his workstation, eyeing us carefully.
I tried not to sigh in relief too obviously, iron would be fine, I’d face the dilemma of not actually knowing how to wield a sword later. Ryder nodded and the man shook his head in disbelief.
“You’ll need more than a sword, good luck gentlemen.” He stood, his large body towering half a foot taller than us, he picked up a long sword off of the bench next to us and held it out. “Take it, you need it more than I do.”
Ryder took the sword giving it a thorough inspection before nodding in approval and digging for his coin purse.
“Not necessary, many have tried and failed to do what you set out to do, take this and I’ll pray for your souls.” He turned away, sitting back at the forge, getting on with his projects as though no exchange had been made at all. I shared a look with Ryder and after expressing our gratitude we headed back out into the street.
“You think the… Giant, has cleared out this town?” I asked, Ryder only grunted in response, he seemed to be deep in thought as he headed toward the Inn.
We secured two rooms for the night, the Innkeeper told us, that many men had tried to slay the beast, but none had returned thus far, with frequent raids on the village, the other townsfolk had all fled town or moved away, leaving a desolate shell of a village behind. He also wished us luck and told us he’d pray for our souls upon hearing our intentions.
“Well, I’m gonna go for a walk, don’t wait up, we’ll need a good night’s rest before we head into Lightning Ridge tomorrow.” I said offhandedly, hoping Ryder was planning on staying in his room for the evening and getting an early night’s sleep, while I could take the opportunity to stretch out. I’d need to regain my strength if we were to take down Blade.
“Excellent idea, let’s head out back and see how well you do with a sword.” Ryder smiled, pulling out the iron sword and handing it to me, I couldn’t hide my deflation, a training session with Ryder sounded exhausting and the Giant within me cried wishing to be let go.
Following Ryder, we found a clearing in the nearby forest, right on the edge of town to the west.
“Is this really safe to do, when we are so close to the Giant’s dwelling?” I asked holding my sword with both hands and mimicking Ryder’s fighting stance, a nervous sweat building on my forehead.
“If the brute chooses to attack us now then so be it, better to get it over with, besides I need to know what sort of fighter you are, now, show me what you’ve got.” He took on a defensive stance and I had no choice but to swing my sword, aiming for his chest, he easily deflected my attack and with an embarrassing amount of ease, he disarmed me, my sword clattering to the forest floor uselessly and his sword nicking my shoulder.
Where his silver sword had cut along my skin it burned and I covered the wound with my hand, hiding the obvious reaction I was having to the silver. Bad idea, this was a very bad idea, my body shook with the effort to remain human, I closed my eyes taking a breath and reaching for my sword again.
“Your stance is all wrong, and your eyes are stuck on my sword where they should be looking at my feet and at my eyes, you can always see you opponents next move that way.” He explained.
“Actually, I’m uh not feeling great, I might just turn in for the night, big day tomorrow and all.” I fumbled for an excuse to leave now before my identity was revealed, one more slash of his sword and I was sure to be discovered.
He blocked my path. “No.”
“We need to get this down now if you want to have any chance of surviving against the Giant.” He took on a fighting stance again, and I steeled myself, there would be no getting out of this.
This time with my life at stake, my swings were heavier, though Ryder continued to block my attacks, he didn’t disarm me this time and I kept a firm hold of my sword. My eyes darted between his feet and his eyes and I was able to predict a few of his movements but as he switched from defense to offensive maneuvers I found it increasingly difficult to predict his swings and defend myself accordingly, but I did, at least for a little while.
Feeling proud of lasting longer than thirty seconds this time, I used that confidence to counterattack. His body moved with the gracefulness of a cat as he avoided my strike to his ribs and thrust his sword at my neck, using a boot to knock me to the ground and knocking the air from my lungs.
My heart rate skyrocketed, looking into his fierce eyes, the sharpness of the many different hues of green and brown reflective and flashing in the evening sun, his sword dug into my neck. The wound sizzling and his gaze remained stern watching with suspicion.
“What are you?” He growled, I put my hands above my head in surrender and dropped my sword, but it was too late. My heart rate increased, and that cramped feeling in my bones only became worse until I could no longer hold it back anymore.
My body began to expand underneath him, knocking him off his feet as he scrambled off of my chest and backed further away into the forest, watching on in horror. I got to my feet, not wanting my neck to be anywhere near him as I continued to stretch up into the sky, my shoulders just reaching the tops of the immense pine trees surrounding us when I reached my full height of about sixty feet.
It felt amazing, like a really good back crack after a rough nights sleep, only ten times more relieving and the feeling spread all over me. I suppressed the urge to stretch my arms out completely and instead braced myself for the onslaught that was bound to come from the hunter at my feet.
Looking down at him felt strange, having spent the last few days seeing him from my human height, it felt wrong to see him so small, I kept my hands above my head in a sign of surrender as I crouched before him. “I can explain.” I said, keeping my voice low and being aware of how much louder I could be at this size.
“Y-you… you’re a-“ He stuttered unable to finish his sentence, I filled in the blanks for him.
“I’m a shifter.” I said carefully. “And I mean you no harm, my intention is as it always has been, to slay the monster in these woods.”
His breathing became heavy as rage consumed him.
“You are the monster!” He shouted. “You are the one I’ve been tracking all along! And you’ve been hiding right under my nose!” I flinched at his words, I should have been expecting that, of course he’d think I was the shifter he was after; it’d make sense to hide in plain sight.
He gave a war cry and lunged for my ankles. “Ooop!” I shuffled my feet away and then wrapped my fingers around his body, I pinched his sword between my finger and thumb wincing as the silver burned my flesh before flinging it into the nearby shrubbery.
With his hands free of a weapon, I held him before my face, his legs kicked at my fingers and his hands scratched furiously at my skin, but I didn’t relent my grip, it hurt my heart not to trust him enough to let him go.
He needed to cool off first.
“Ryder please listen to me, I am not the one you’re after, I swear to you I’ve never harmed a human soul in my life…at least not intentionally.” I added as an afterthought.
“Bullshit!” He fumed. “You’ve been lying to me this whole time, what makes you think I should believe anything you have to say!”
I sighed heavily, sitting myself down on the forest floor, deciding whether or not to wait out his anger or to let him go and make a run for it myself. I landed on the idea that perhaps he would see reason if he heard my story, my real story, it was worth a try at any rate.
“I was ten years old when I turned.” I said quietly.
“I didn’t have a choice, I was born this way, as all shifters are.” I explained patiently, ignoring his confusion.  
“I was deemed too dangerous to be around my family or my village anymore and I was cast away.” I continued, watching him carefully as he began to lose the gusto in which he was scratching at me.
“I became a nomad, spending a lot of my time in hiding and gaining control over my ability to shift. Once I’d gained that control I re-entered society, living among humans for the most part.” He glared at me then.
“However, I began to hear stories of a Giant who would raid villages, killing innocent people.” I loosened my grip on Ryder somewhat, wanting to appear as less of a monster in his eyes and praying to whatever Gods there might be, for him to listen to what I was saying.
“It was rare for me to come across other shifters, and the ones I did find, preferred to remain on their own and in hiding, like I had been doing. Staying out of trouble and living their lives in peace. But Blade…” I shook my head, still astounded to this day.
“When I found him, he was consumed with a hunger I’d never seen before and told me fantastical stories about how wonderful it felt to crush a living soul in his hands.” I flinched inwardly, realizing I wasn’t making the man currently in my grasp feel any more comfortable than he had felt before, I continued on anyway.
“When I expressed my disgust in his way of life, he attacked me, he left me there within an inch of my life, it took me weeks to recover but when I did, I vowed to myself that I would put a stop to him. That no more innocents would die at his hands.”
I met his eyes then, holding them in my gaze. “Please believe me Ryder, please help me to kill him.”
He remained quiet for some time, his face void of all emotion and stony as he thought over everything I had said.
“Will you release me?” He asked so quietly I almost didn’t hear him. “Of course.” I said and probably a little too quickly I lowered him to the ground and released my grip from him, watching him clumsily regain his footing.
“I suppose it all makes sense now” He mumbled.
“Why you travelled with only a dagger, why you seemed a little taller occasionally and why you had the strength to move the spider’s body off of me.” He began to pace the forest floor in front of me, one time almost running into my boot before he stared at it in disbelief and gave it a wide berth.
I remained quiet, letting him take in all the information I had just dumped on him, all the while keeping my hands firmly in my lap and trying to appear as un-intimidating as I could at this size.
“How do I know you’re not just trying to lure me into a false sense of security?” He mumbled, more to himself than to me, but I answered anyway.
“If I had wanted to kill you, don’t you think I would have done it by now? Why would I have saved you from the spider when I very well could have squished the spider and been done with you.” My answer came out harsher than intended, he looked up at me calculating whether or not I was telling the truth.
“Is your name even Hendrix?” He asked accusing.
“It is actually yeah, normally I give a fake name though I don’t know why I didn’t with you.” I petered off in thought, I had never in my life given my real name to anyone, even when crossing paths with other shifters.
“Can you like shrink back down or something, I can’t talk to you when you’re the size of a fucking building.” He growled, rubbing his sore neck from craning to look up at me.
I chuckled nervously. “Not for a little while I’m sorry.”
“I thought you said you had control of this…’ability’.” He said gesturing to my form up and down.
“Well, I do.” I insisted. “It’s difficult to explain but this is my natural form, holding my human size is actually quite exhausting, especially when I have to hold it in for a long time, two days is my new record.” I said smiling, when he didn’t match my elation, I deflated again. “So um it will take a little bit for me to regain enough energy to uh ‘shrink’ back down again.” I mumbled.
“I see.” He said thoughtfully.
As slowly as I could manage, I maneuvered my body so that I was laying on my stomach with my head resting on my arms in front of me, that way we could talk on a more equal level, and he wouldn’t have to strain himself.
He watched me the entire time I was moving, backing up a few steps to give me space and keeping his balance as my body vibrated the floor beneath him. It was an uncomfortable feeling, knowing a small movement on my part had such a huge impact on humans.
“Thank you.” He said slowly, almost as though it were a question, he still seemed awfully wary of me, but the murderous rage seemed to have left him for now.
“So ah, now that the cats out of the bag, we should talk game plan on how to take Blade down, yeah?” I suggested hopefully.
He crossed his arms over his chest. His shaggy dark brown hair moved with the breeze my breaths caused and I couldn’t help but find him somewhat adorable at this size, though I’d never say that out loud to him, that was a sure-fire way of getting my head chopped off.
“Does everything that you have on your person grow with you?” He asked.
“Oh, um yeah, my bag, clothes, everything that I have on my person at the time of the change, it’s kind of a package deal, and one I’m grateful for otherwise I’d go through a hell of a lot of clothes.” I rambled with a nervous chuckle.
“Shut up.” He said sternly and then met my eyes with a mischievous smile that finally reached his eyes as something seemed to click within his mind.
“I have an idea.”
Part Three
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thotsforvillainrights · 4 months
Can I request overhaul smut in the shower (this is for you!!!!🤣)
(Oh you sweet kind Anon. This would be great if I could read my own stuff😭. However, this could be nice hopefully for the other Chisaki sluts out there! I hope I don't mess this up)
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-At one point you never thought you'd ever be able to even consider sleeping with him. It wasn't that you didn't want to but instead the fact that he was a germaphobe. You considered yourself lucky and extremely favored to ever have landed in a relationship with him. This was as far as you thought you'd go. He even made it an entire moment to sit you down and speak to you about it once you two got further into the relationship. "I don't hope you expect me to consider the act in the near future or ever really. The idea in theory may seem nice, but the action of swapping bodily fluids in such a filthy notion will never reach my mind. I will hold your hand only when it favors me but as for anything else, please do not think I want anything to do with it." He was honest and you were willing to accept it.
-Then he started breaking his own rules bit by bit. Suddenly this man that sprayed your side of the car with sanitizer before you sat on the plastic wrapped seats was now hugging you tightly. He was now imagining your lips on his more often as well and it both scared him and annoyed him at the same time. He didn't admit that to you though. Even Pops commented on the change. "Wow boy. Wasn't it just yesterday you made Y/N shower before sitting next you on the couch to watch a movie. Didn't ever think I'd see you like this!" He teased him. Pops had teased him even worse when he walked in on the two of you sharing your first kiss. Chisaki wouldn't also admit to you how the heat of the moment wasn't just embarrassment from the old man but something else entirely.
-He'd locked himself away in his office, researching until his brain felt as though it might combust any minute. Chrono started to notice something was weighing heavy on his friend but there was no way in Hell Kai would admit to him what it was. He decided he didn't need Pops and Hari teasing him for the next week or so. He might lose his nerve on what he was planning to do next.
-To say he scared you was an understatement. He usually valued privacy even with the two of you dating. He'd never snuck a peak your naked form although he wanted to many times before. He's only ever seen you in swimwear so for him to enter the bathroom while you were showering was a shock! You asked him what he was doing but his eyes were burning into yours as he tried to gather his thoughts without wandering down to your form. "I would like to shower." You were confused but started reaching for your towel. He stopped your hand and shook his head. "With...w-with you..." You were hesitant but nodded in agreement. The shock and confusion hadn't subsided when he stripped down and joined. He stood silently behind you and you tried to continue your shower routine without thinking of the fact he was behind you watching.
-For a minute your mind spun a web of multiple possibilities as to why he's doing this now? You even figured perhaps he was testing you to make sure you were cleaning yourself properly. You gasped lightly when he placed his hands gently on your shoulders and leaned into your neck, laying kisses on the wet skin there. He was getting more comfortable and pushing past his initial shyness when you felt his tongue flick as well. 'Was this really happening????' Your mind was running a million miles a minute.
-Consider yourself not alone. He was over calculating everything so it was hard to enjoy himself during the first half of this. He kept focusing on whether or not he was doing this right or if you liked what he was doing. It was only when you started making noises for him that he finally found himself relaxing and focusing solely on you. His hand was wet and fairly slippery when it found its way below. He turned you around to muffle your moans with his mouth, ignoring the shower water splashing and hitting him in the face. He wanted to take care of you and the muffled noises were sending waves of heat from the tips of his fingers right down to his most intimate space.
-When he pressed your wet body against the shower glass and slipped his way inside of you, he could've swore he heard the angels singing right in his ear. Suddenly everything made sense to him, why people did this. You were like a drug swimming right in his vein and leaving him lightheaded...euphoric. He hadn't even noticed how loud he'd become himself, moaning over the sound of the shower and pressing tighter against you.
-By the time he was finished with you, he no longer had qualms about sharing that bodily fluid. Especially not when he could simply wash it all away with the warmth of the shower water and the sweet smell of the vanilla body wash. He'd have to try this again as soon as possible. Maybe again tomorrow morning? Yes, a morning shower is a good way to start the day right?
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polteergeistt · 8 months
Vessel runs around in the woods and howls. It's canon. I know. I have visions.
One day he dragged the others in this too and they thought it was weird at first but they didn't want to offend him so they tried and turns out it's really fun so now there are 4 masked cryptid guys running around and howling in english forests.
I also like to imagine them playing by a river and splashing each other and looking for pretty rocks (III got the most prettiest rocks. He's a natural at this.). I also like to imagine II crawling and climbing on a fallen tree or a low thick branch on all fours and settling on it like a panther. IV likes to climb too but he wants to go really high and sometimes scare the shit out of the others but he's fine he's a big boy.
And then when they're tired they find a patch of comfy grass or moss and lie down together (as the gods abandon the heavens to find them, you know the drill). They just lay flat on their back with their hands under their head or they cuddle and use each other as pillows. They make crowns out of random plants. Sometimes, they chose someone who will be some sort of canvas and the others will pick up things and arrange them on him and make him look pretty. When Vessel is the chosen one, he gets daisies on his nipples.
I feel like they would do Land art. For those who don't know, land art is basically art with natural items. It's usually done on the ground. It could be rocks arranged in a certain manner to form a drawing or something with plants and sticks. I imagine they would do their logo, like some kind of offering to Sleep, or marking their territory. They see that their runes scare the locals and make them come up with crazy conspiracy theories and they laugh at them. I feel like IV is more the kind of guy to do a sculpture out of sticks. II makes fragile towers of pebbles and rocks. III obviously does things with flowers (mostly crowns) because he's a flower boy. Vessel plays around with moss mostly.
Vessel : moss boy
II : rock boy
III : flower boy
IV : stick boy
And yes, I know, I said that III was the one who finds the prettiest rocks. It's true. But those rocks are mostly fit for decoration and not construction. He does give some of his little treasures to II rocks for his towers. As the prettiest and most special ones, they belong at the top of the towers. And II offers III flowers as well. They all kinda find good stuff for each other.
Now that I think about it, it would be more logical for II to be the stick boy because he's the drummer. But he still likes rocks and he has a patience monumental, which us greatly needed when making rock towers. It requires a willpower and self-control that he masters to perfection and he feels really proud of himself afterwards. And IV likes sticks because he can make 3D stuff easily, with a bit or string and imagination.
And of course, all of their creations come together. They end up making villages for fairies, when in reality their inhabited by bugs and small mammals. It's nice to dream sometimes. They are also offerings to Sleep as I mentioned earlier. At the end of the day, it's just a nice way to spend time together and unwind after an overwhelming tour or a random date just because.
This is what being seen by my fav writer and by other ppl obsessed with this band like me does to me <3 i love this fandom to death so take care of yourself, yeah ? Go hang out in the woods, it's always nice.
Worship <3
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kingluffy5 · 4 months
Playing Detectives Pt 7 (Wednesday x Male Reader)
After investigating the Gates’ mansion Wednesday finds herself more alone then ever and Y/N contemplates how much he can trust those around him and how much they trust him, when Mayor Walker thinks he’s cracked the case he’s suddenly hit by a car, and after putting her friends in danger the Sheriff has forbidden Wednesday from investigating the case.
Last night in the hospital someone killed Mayor Walker, pulled out his breathing tube thingies, and I would bet my life on the theory of the person who ran him over was the one who killed him. Now everyone is in attendance at his funeral. It’s raining, me and Wednesday are sharing a black umbrella. Despite our fight it’s not my place to be mad at or to forgive her, it’s Enid and Tyler’s, we’re in a mature healthy relationship so we don’t fight over petty stuff like this. And also despite our fight we have a case to solve and a monster to hunt down, my chest still hurts from the wounds the monster gave me, but Wends’ stitches are holding up alright. During the night Wednesday discovered a music box that belonged to Laurel Gates which contained many pictures of her, I’m not saying I want a stalker taking pictures of me but it feels kind of inconsiderate that only she got stalked.
Me and Wends look over across all the people here, all the potential suspects. Bianca and the mayors son share some glances and Ajax is there for Enid, the Sheriff and his son look at each other.
All of a sudden a shadowy figure is hiding behind some trees, he runs off and me and Wednesday share a quick glance before we run after him through the trees. We lose sight of him and slow down, he then drops down behind us and Wednesday grabs the sword hidden in her umbrella and jabs it towards him.
He then holds the blade between the palms of his hands and he sends an electric shock through it causing Wednesday to quickly drop the sword.
“Still as sharp as ever, my pig-tailed protégé.” The man says, wait what, he knows Wends.
“Uncle Fester.” She says as she gives him a big smile. I’m sorry Uncle who now.
The man takes off his hat to reveal an incredibly bald head.
“Uh, hi.” I greet him.
“Who is this?” He asks.
“Y/N Barron, Wednesday’s partner.” I answer.
“Barron, oh I’ve met a few of you in my lifetime, whenever one’s around you know it’s going to be a good time. And might I inquire what kind of partner you are to Wednesday?”
“A few different kinds.” I answer causing him to laugh a little.
We start to walk through the foggy forest.
“How long have you been stalking me?” She asks.
“Just blew into town this morning and was hit by a wave of nostalgia.”
“I thought you didn’t go to Nevermore.”
“I didn’t. Your dad got all the brains, but I used to drop in on him. Usually from the ceiling with a dagger clutched between my teeth, just to keep him on his toes.”
“Of course.”
“He filled me in on what’s been going on. Monsters, murder, mayhem. What fun! I told him I had a job in Boston, but I’d be checking up on you.”
“What kind of job?”
“The kind that means that I need a place to lay low for a couple of days.” I love Wednesday’s family more every time I meet them.
Me and Wednesday take him over to the bee hives.
“This place belongs to a friend.” She informs Fester.
“You actually made multiple friends. That poor kid will be going home in a body bag.” Wednesday looks down in guilt and I do the same. “I like a hideout that comes with snacks.”
“Those bees are hibernating.” I tell him.
“They’re practically Eugene’s children.” Wednesday says.
Fester opens one of the hives to try and get one.
“That means do not eat them!” She yells at him.
He looks disappointed but puts it back while Wednesday glares at him.
“You know, when you give me that death stare, you remind me of your mother. Speaking of scary things, you know what kind of monster you two are dealing with?” Alright that was just hilarious.
“We haven’t been able to identify it.” Wends says as she shows him the drawing of it.
“It’s called a Hyde.” He says handing back the paper.
“As in Jekyll and Hyde?” I question.
“Hm-mmm.” He confirms.
“You’ve seen one before?” Wednesday asks.
“Oh yeah. In ‘83, during my vacay at the Zurich Institute for the Criminally Insane. Where I got my first lobotomy. But you know lobotomies. They’re like tattoos. Can’t just get one.”
“Tell us about the Hyde.” She cuts him off.
“Ah. Olga Malacova. Jeez, she had it all. Beauty, brains, and a penchant for necrophilia. Olga was a concert pianist, until one night she transformed in the middle of a Chopin sonata. Massacred a dozen audience members, and three music critics.”
“What triggered her? Or did she just change on her own?”
“No idea. I only saw her in group electro-shock therapy.”
“There’s never been any mention of Hydes in any outcast book. And Nevermore is reputed for having the best collection.” I point out.
“You guys try Nathaniel Faulkner’s diary?” He asks us. “Before he founded Nevermore Faulkner traveled the world, cataloging every outcast community.”
“How do you know this?” Wends asks him.
“You think your parents can’t keep their hands off each other now, oy vey. I showed up unannounced one night in Gomez’s dorm room. Let’s just say I wasn’t interrupting a pillow fight.” NO NO NO NO NO, I did not need to hear that now, I did not need to hear that ever, I need to pour bleach into my ear later so that way it will wipe this memory from my brain.
“Uncle Fester. The diary, where is it.”
“The Nightshade’s Library. Your dad parked me there and said I should settle in for a long stretch. And that’s when I found this nifty little safe, I was hoping for a stash of cash or jewels but instead I found a diary.”
“We’l sneak into the Nightshades Library tonight. In the meantime lay low. If you are discovered I will disown you and collect the reward tied to your capture.” Wednesday warns him as we turn to leave.
“I’d expect nothing less.”
After a second Wednesday barges back into the shed and shout at him to leave the bees alone.
— — —
Apparently Enid went to go find something from their room while she’s bunking with Yoko and they got into an argument, she ended up saying that Wednesday endangers everyone that she comes into contact with, which is honestly kind of true.
We are currently heading down into the Nightshade’s Library.
“Uncle Fester?”
“Who’s uncle Fester?” Xavier says appearing from the shadows.
“What are you doing here?”
“Since I’m an actual Nightshade, I don’t have to explain myself. What’s your excuse for creeping around in the middle of the night.”
“On the monster? I’ll save you two some time. There’s nothing in here matching that thing.”
“Isn’t that convenient.” Wednesday says.
“You know what your problem is Wednesday?”
“I would love to hear your piercing insight.”
“You don’t know who your real friends are. I’ve been on your side since day one. I literally saved your life. I believed your theories when nobody else did. And what do I get in return? Just nothing but suspicion and lies.”
“Fine you want honesty? Here it is. Every time the monster’s attacked, you’ve been right there. Starting with Rowan at the Harvest Fest. Then on Outreach day, you arrived just minutes after the monster disappeared, yet you say you didn’t see it.”
“I didn’t realize proximity was a crime.”
“Then there’s your drawing obsession. You have drawn the monster dozens of times yet you’ve never seen it. Or so you claim. You even drew where it lived. Then when Y/N and Eugene went to investigate, you tried to kill them so they wouldn’t spill your secrets.”
“You think I would hurt Eugene? Y/N, you think I would try to kill you?” He asks us, I remain quiet, I haven’t know what to believe over the past few days.
“Let’s not forget your oh-so-convenient appearance after Y/N and Tyler had been attacked at the Gates mansion.”
“If I am the monster then why haven’t I killed you?”
“Because for some reason I cannot fathom or indulge you seem to like me.”
“What’s to like?” He says.
“Dude just back off, she doesn’t owe you blind faith, she deserves to think for herself about who she trusts.” I tell him.
“And your problem, your a psycho. Be honest here, your not trying to stop this monster to avenge it’s victims or to bring peace of mind to their families, you’re just bored and want something interesting to do. You have no empathy, you don’t care about anyone, you are just as heartless as that monster.” He tells me.
This may have started as me being bored, but after Eugene got attacked this was personal. I care about him, he’s my best friend, I care about Wednesday and I don’t want to see her be the monster’s next victim.
Wednesday looks angrier then I’ve ever seen her. “He has to go through more pain then you will ever know.” She says spitefully, her words laced with venom and I smile at her.
She could be talking about my panic attacks, or she could be talking about her vision of me, what did she see, what was so bad that it would garner this kind of a reaction. I’m glad she defended me though, it’s nice to remember that she likes me too despite not showing it much.
With that Xavier leaves and Fester jumps down behind us.
“How long have you been lurking?” Wends asks him.
“Long enough to feel the tension between you guys. Yowza. Seriously, you could cut it with an executioner’s axe.”
Thing comes into the room and Fester hears him. “I’d recognize the patter of those fingertips anywhere. Hello Thing.” Thing taps angrily at him.
“You can’t still be mad about the Kalamazoo job. It wasn’t my fault.” With that Thing lunges at Fester and starts to choke him. “ You said you could crack that safe in 30 seconds. Five minutes later we were still standing there, you’re all thumbs.”
“Enough.” Wednesday says commandingly like a mother breaking up two kids. “Let him go. Show me the diary.”
Fester walks us over to a portrait of Ignatius Itt
“Here it is. Iggy was Faulkner’s right hand. Trained a generation of Nightshades. And behind Iggy Itt.”
“Wait you guys know Ignatius Itt?” I ask them.
“He’s my cousin.” Fester answers. Ok, cool, perfectly normal that my girlfriend is actually related to my personal hero, not like I am freaking out right now. Maybe Wends can introduce us.
“Do I have time for a snooze, or can you crack this quickly?” Fester remarks as Thing begins to try and crack the safe.
After a few times Fester says that this is turning into a replay of Kalamazoo. Finally he opens the safe revealing the diary.
— — —
We make our way back to Wednesday’s room as Wednesday begins to look through the journal.
“These are some sweet diggs. How’d you swing your own single?” Fester asks her.
“My former roommate couldn’t handle my toxic personality.”
She finally lands on the page about Hydes. “Faulkner describes Hydes as artists by nature, but equally vindictive in temperament. Born of mutation, the Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis. This causes the Hyde to develop an immediate bond with its liberator who the creature now sees as its master. It becomes the willing instrument of whatever nefarious agenda this new master might propose.”
“Artist by nature, doesn’t that sound like someone we know?”
“Anyone willing to unlock a Hyde is a next-level sicko.” Fester says.
“That means we’re not looking for one killer but two.” I point out.
“The monster and its master.” Wednesday says.
Someone knocks on the door, me and Fester go to hide in Enid’s pile of stuffed animals.
Ms. Thornhill walks in and begins to talk with Wednesday about how Enid is going to room with Yoko for the rest of the year, how she cares about Enid, how she’s becoming a better person, and that she clearly misses Enid. Stuff like that.
“Uncle Fester, Y/N.” She shouts looking for us, he accidentally knocks over one of the plushies causing Wednesday to walk over and uncovers us.
“Hey! Being a solo lobo has its perks. You get to live by your own rules, do whatever you want. Just look at me.”
— — —
We went to Xavier’s shed.
While Wednesday distracted him me and Fester put a tracker on his bike.
“Did you two place the tracker?” Wends asks us.
“Don’t worry we got you covered.” Fester answers, handing her the device to track Xavier.
“Okay. Let’s hit the road.”
We walk over to the transportation Fester has arranged for us and reveals it to be a dog walking company’s motorbike with a Dalmatian pattern. We look at him for a few seconds.
“What? I picked it up on my way out of town. You know me. I like to travel incognito.” He hands us a couple of helmets with a matching pattern.
Fester drives the bike as Wends sits in the passenger car and I hold onto his back.
We follow Xavier to a secluded spot by the lake where a car is waiting.
Dr. Kinbott’s car. Kinbott’s the master.
— — —
Me and Wednesday go to Weems’ office to tell her about the doctor.
“Principal Weems, it is imperative we speak with you about Dr. Kinbott.”
“Wednesday, Y/N. We were just talking about you.”
“Speak of the devil.” Kinbott says behind us with a tray of tea.
“And she shall appear.” Wednesday says.
“Dr. Kinbott was just discussing your assessment Wednesday. I need to sign off on it before she can send it to court.”
“Well, what’s the verdict, Doctor? Am I cured?” She asks Kinbott.
“I’m glad you find it amusing. The judge assigned to your case won’t.”
“I’ve explained to Dr. Kinbott that you’ve recently been taking small but meaningful steps towards embracing your new Nevermore family.”
“Yes, I think I’ve actually reached the half-hug stage. I’ve been reading about hypnotherapy. It might be a good technique to unlock my inner Wednesday. Are you a devotee?” Babe I love you, but dropping hints that we know that a serial killer is a serial killer isn’t the smartest move.
“Yes, very much so. I applaud your new willingness to delve deep into yourself. We see each other on Monday, we can start then.”
“What did you so urgently need to discuss?” Weems asks us.
“It can wait, now if you excuse us we have homework to finish.”
— — —
Me, Wends, and Fester sit in the Weathervane to discuss our approach.
“Kinbott has to be Xavier’s master. The Hyde lays dormant until unleashed by a traumatic event or unlocked through chemical inducement or hypnosis.” I say.
Fester starts, I don’t know how to say it, drinking, chugging, slurping, the ketchup.
“Are you listening? She must’ve figured out he’s a Hyde and used hypnotherapy to unlock him. That would explain their secret sessions.” Wends says.
“I think the kid behind the counter has clocked me. Yeah, he’s walking over. I’m going to put him in a Romanian sleeper hold. Cover me.” Fester says referring to Tyler. Oh dear god, I would love to see that.
“Relax. He’s not interested in you.” Wednesday tells him. Cmon Wends, it would only have been a few seconds worth of Fester choking out Tyler.
“Uh, made you a quad. On the house.”
“Hey, thanks kid. Need a refill on this puppy too.” Fester thanks him. This man is my idol.
“Tyler, this is my uncle Fester.” Wends introduces right when Tyler started looking confused.
“Oh uh. Hi nice to meet. Ow!” He shouts as Fester zaps him chuckling.
“Is that?” Tyler asks recognizing the monster from when it attacked us.
“It’s called a Hyde.”
“That’s it, from that night.”
“Your father gave you explicit instructions not to be near me.” Wednesday tells him.
“Yeah, my dad’s not here and I’m on my break.”
“Well, apparently a Hyde needs to be unlocked by someone. It’s master.”
“Holy shit.”
“Tyler! What did I say?” The sheriff shouts from the entrance way as Fester disappears again.
“Uh. For the record Wednesday was trying to keep a distance. I was the one that sat down with her and Y/N.”
“All right. Putting these up around town. It’s a bank robbery suspect and he’s a real creep.” He says handing us a wanted poster of Fester. “You haven’t seen him have you?”
“No.” Wends says.
“Yeah, he’d be pretty hard to miss.” Tyler chuckles. “I’ll pin it on the bulletin board.”
“Barron, how’re the stitches holding up?” He asks me.
“They’re alright Sheriff.” I tell him.
The sheriff shakes his head at Wednesday before turning to leave. “Why do I waste my breath.”
“Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah your family’s very colorful.”
“Ironic considering Fester’s the black sheep. He’s harmless.”
“So about rescheduling our date.” I’m sorry, what?
“Between the monster and my uncle.” Yeah she’s busy, she doesn’t have time for dates, believe me.
“Hey, no excuses. Figure after what happened last time, you owe me.” That entire sentence was just one big red flag. Plus you got off light compared to me.
“I can’t sneak off of campus. All eyes are on me.”
“You won’t have to, I’ll come to you. 9:00 p.m., Crackstone’s Crypt.”
After that he goes back to work and me and Wends leave to head back to Nevermore.
“I don’t have to go.” She tells me.
“I know but I think you should go.” I tell her despite hating the idea.
“Yeah, I know we’re pretty certain that Xavier’s the Hyde but until we’re one hundred percent sure, we shouldn’t rule out anybody else. I don’t trust Tyler and if we make him think you actually like him then we can keep him from knowing we suspect him. I reason.
She smiles the tiniest smile ever at that. “I knew there was a reason I picked you as my partner, for the case and for life.”
“And believe me Wednesday Addams, when this case is over I will take you on a lovely picnic date in a cemetery.” I tell her, causing her smile to grow.
— — —
While Wednesday is on her “date” Me and Thing are going to watch over the diary.
We are sitting around talking about random stuff, favorite movies, favorite books, opinions on Mondays.
“Look, I understand that you enjoy the consistency of hatred that Monday provides but I personally only find comfort in knowing a grumpy orange cat that enjoys lasagna agrees with me.”
Me and Thing argue a bit more before I go out to get a breath of fresh air.
I wonder how Wednesday’s manipulation of Tyler is going right now. Why did I suggest this plan, it’s stupid, damn it.
Suddenly the door swings open and a hooded figure barges in, before I can reach for my sword they stab me in my back several times and I feel a sudden pain in my head before everything goes black.
— — —
I wake up in the bee shed. Me and Thing are lying on the table both of us seemingly having just woken up. Wednesday seems like she’s about to cry and Fester is standing over us having used his shock powers to save us.
“For a minute we thought you picked your last lock buddy.” Fester tells Thing.
“Who did this to you two?” She asked us.
“They covered their face, it was my own fault, I didn’t keep my sword with me.” I answer.
“Cowards.” Wednesday spits. “I promise that whoever did this to you will suffer. An dit will be slow, long, and excruciatingly painful.”
Thing and Wednesday pinky promise on that before we do the same.
“I’ll stitch you two back up. They found your motorbike so the sheriff wont be far. You need to go.” She says getting up. “Maybe next time steal something a little less conspicuous.”
“Where’s the fun in that? All right I’ll lay low here tonight, keep an eye on Thing, and I’ll skedaddle in the morning.”
“I guess I’ll see you at your arraignment or the next family reunion.”
“You’ll always be my favorite Wednesday.”
“Be sure to tell Pugsley that. It’ll give him a complex.”
While she stitches the wounds on my back she notices my frown. “You’re sulking, more then usual.”
“Scars on someone’s back are their shame.” I answer.
After saying that she kneels in front of me. “I promise I will give whoever did this much worse.”
“I am sure you will.” I say smiling. We kiss and she goes back to stitching me up.
— — —
After stitching me and Thing up Wends went to go report her room being ransacked to Weems.
Turns out she knew of the monster being a Hyde and revealed that they were banned from Nevermore 30 years ago and that she didn’t tell the Sheriff to protect Nevermore. The two of them argued, noting really different from every other interaction they have.
We are now walking to our next class when Bianca walks up to us.
“Come with me. I have information about Mayor Walker’s murder.”
We walk with her down to the Nightshade’s library to find the Mayor’s son handing us some papers.
“Printed these off of my dad’s computer. Seems he was trying to track down someone. Laurel Gates? Looks like he started right after Outreach Day.”
“Must have recognized her there.” I remark.
“According to British police Laurel was presumed drowned, but no body was ever recovered.”
We look through the files.
“The gates mansion was purchased a year ago by a 90-year-old candy heiress. She then mysteriously died and gave all her belongings to her caregiver, Teresa L. Glau. It’s and anagram for Laurel Gates.”
“Laurel secretly buys her old house and then comes back to Jericho as someone else. Why?” Bianca questions.
“Revenge on all the people she blames for her family’s misfortunes. Your father. The coroner. My parents. Most of all, Nevermore.”
“How exactly does the monster fit into all this?” Bianca asks.
“The monster is a Hyde and it’s doing Laurel’s bidding. She controls it.” I answer.
“You know who Laurel is, don’t you?” The Mayor’s kid, Lucas that was his name, that was really bugging me shit, gotta remember that next time.
“Yes, but the real question is how are we going to get her to see us?” Wednesday asks.
“I may have an idea.” I respond.
— — —
“I’m sorry, you two want couple’s counseling?” Kinbott asks.
“Yes, despite how perfect it may seem our relationship has a few problems.” I say.
“Um. Okay, sit down, I guess. What seems to be the problems?” She asks us.
“He doesn’t appreciate my cello playing.” Wednesday said quickly. Okay I asked her one time through factime on Enid’s phone to keep it down because I was trying to sleep.
“She forgot to feed my pets the one time I asked her to.” I retort.
“He has an unhealthy obsession with anime.” She says. Unhealthy is a strong word, do I watch a lot of it yes, does it take up most of my time, yes, do I sometimes ignore other tasks to watch it, yes. Alright I might actually have a problem.
“She doesn’t tell me everything that I need to know.” This gets her attention.
“What?” She asks.
“The night Rowan died, when you touched my hand you had a vision. What was the vision Wends?” I ask her.
“It was nothing important, can we get back to our plan?” She asks referring to our plan to lure Dr. Kinbott into a false sense of security and tricking her into confessing.
“No, it’s about me isn’t it? What did you see?”
“I didn’t see anything.”
“Bullshit. What was it that has you so rattled that not even you are willing to tell me?”
“It wasn’t anything!”
“What was it Wednesday!”
“You’re going to die!” She reveals.
“What?” I ask hoping I misheard her.
“You die fighting the Hyde.” She says again.
I remain silent for a moment before sitting back down. “Ok.” I simply said.
“Aren’t you scared or angry?” Wends asks me.
“No, not really, I mean, I’d rather die fighting then being killed without putting up a fight. Besides I never really believed in fate or destiny to begin with, and if it comes down to a fight between me and the Hyde, I think I’d win, I got great swordsmanship skills and now that we’ve narrowed down our list of suspects then we can stop them before they kill me.” I explain. Honestly even if I die fighting, it’d be good to know that I died protecting everyone I care about and that I’d die as a hero.
“I think this is a little above of my pay grade.” Kinbott says nervously. Understandable, not every day you find out a teenager standing right in front of you is destined to die a horrible, brutal death. Also she probably wants to remain as far away from anything involving the Hyde since it was her who awakened it.
Wednesday gets up looking angry. “This is your fault to begin with. We know you’re Laurel Gates, we found this in your childhood bedroom.” She says handing her the music box from her bag. “You’ve come back to Jericho to seek your revenge. And so did Mayor Walker, which is why you had to kill him. Who better to slide in and out of the hospital undetected than a psychiatrist under the guise of visiting another patient?”
“Wends, what happened to the plan?” I ask. She really has a problem with just explaining to our suspects that we know that they might be killers.
“You’re not actually accusing me of murdering the mayor?”
“The roses you left in Eugene’s room were your mistake. They’re the same variety I found near your childhood bed.”
“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“There’s only one reason an overqualified psychiatrist like yourself would settle in the inconsequential backwater that is Jericho. It allowed you to crawl through the troubled, young minds of outcasts until you found one that you can manipulate to exact your revenge.”
“You know what. I don’t have time to deal with your delusional fantasies. I have a patient emergency.”
“Who? Xavier?” I ask.
“We know all about the secret sessions you’ve been holding in your car. I also found the cave where you’ve been holding sessions to unlock his Hyde.”
“And even if you guys aren’t the killers, it’d still be kind of weird that you hold sessions in your car.” I point out.
“You are so out of line.” She tells us.
“Do you know hoe violently unpredictable a Hyde can be? It was your plan to have Xavier committed before he could turn on you too.”
“Wednesday, Y/N, you two need help. More help than I can give you.”
She reaches for her phone. “Who you calling? Xavier?” Wends asks.
“Judge Reynolds. I’m going to recommend that you two stay in a juvenile psychiatric facility for observation.”
“Oh, please. We all know that we’d be running that place in a week.” Wednesday says. “Times up Laurel.”
We both leave the office.
— — —
Me, Wednesday, and Weems are sitting in the Jericho ER. Turns out Kinbott just got attacked by the Hyde while calling Weems to talk about our recent visit to her office.
The Sheriff comes out of the room and walks up to us.
“She’s gone. Dr. Kinbott’s dead.” He tells us.
“This ends now.” Wednesday says dramatically.
We both leave the hospital.
— — —
We both go to Xavier’s art shed with an ambush planned. Wends waits inside for Xavier while I hide outside with the cavalry.
We can hear faint talking inside when Xavier goes inside as he and Wednesday argue about the case.
The Sheriff and I barge in seeing Xavier holding a knife.
“Freeze. Drop the knife. Down on your knees.” He says arresting Xavier. “Cuff him. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you. Appreciate the help Addams, Barron.
“You framed me! I shoulda let Rowan kill you.” He shouts at us as he gets dragged out by the cops.
— — —
Me and Wends go back to her room to find Enid putting all her stuff back.
“Hey.” She greets us.
“You’re back.” Wednesday says.
“I’m gone for a few days, the place gets trashed, and Thing and Y/N almost die. Someone’s gotta look out for you guys.”
“What happened to rooming with Yoko?” Wednesday asks.
“Yoko’s great. I just decided I needed a few more boundaries.”
Enid starts to put down a line of tape to separate the room in half which is apparently something they’ve been doing.
“Skip the tape.” Wednesday tells her.
“Don’t tell me Wednesday Addams is mellowing out.”
“Never. More like evolving.”
“Well, one inch of duct tape at a time.”
“Why the sudden change of heart?”
“Because we work. We shouldn’t but we do. It’s like some sort of weird, friendship anomaly. Everything you’ve said about me is true. But I don’t apologize for it not anymore. It’s just who I am.”
“Thing said he missed you.”
“I missed him to. I’m sorry about Xavier.”
“We’re not. He’s a liar and a killer.” Wednesday says
“Besides there’s nothing quite like the feeling of being proven right.” I say as me and Wends smirk at each other.
“OMG, I ship you two so hard. I was honestly expecting you to get with Tyler at first but you two just work so well together.” Oh shit, right, Tyler.
“I still need to tell him about us and how he and I won’t be together.” Wednesday says.
“Well I heard he’s working the late shift.” Enid says.
“Alright, you go talk to Tyler, and I’ll leave so you guys can catch up.” I say before leaving.
— — —
I make it back to my room. I feed my pets. I lay down on my bed.
I look over to Eugene’s empty one. “We got him buddy. I can’t wait for you to come back.”
I start to contemplate the future. Now that the case is over me and Wednesday can go on a few dates, the Nevermore Hummers can get back to it’s usual routine when Eugene get’s back, Wednesday’s made peace with both Enid and Bianca. Everything feels perfect. It’s never felt this way before. Why does it feel like this won’t last, I’m probably just being paranoid but it feels like there’s one piece missing.
Suddenly I get a text from Enid, or at least Wednesday using Enid’s phone. When I read it I’m shocked, it makes so much sense yet I can’t believe it.
Tyler’s the Hyde.
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raiha-storm65557 · 1 year
Snippet: The kings jester
I laid there, holding the book over my head using both arms. My note taking was as useful as ever, from jokes my king and his family liked to their habits and behaviour. I flipped through the pages, some having poems, some jokes, some drawings. The jester’s handbook they called it. It wasn't all that wrong, it received that nickname because I always had it with me, but it's more of a notebook, really. I stopped at one page, ah… the dogs! Once, I tested a theory on soothing this family. When one would get upset, I'd simply asked, would you like a dog? Truth be told I still do that with his majesty. I’ve given him dozens of my dogs by now. They are fiery creatures of my own design; he takes them to battle or executions. Sooner or later, one will have fallen and I'll replace it soon enough. But my kings second daughter didn't like them at all. The first time I asked her, she hadn't even seen them yet, but she looked horrified and insulted, I had to save myself by saying she was right, elegant cats fit her more than some bloodhounds. The king sat himself next to me, his hand rested next to my head, he must be in a good mood to not scold me for laying so carelessly. Yet again I am a jester, it is expected of me to be a fool. We joked and chatted. "A dog, my king?" I teased, offering one like a mere drink. "HA! I should just lock you up and take all of your dogs for myself right now!" he responded, smiling brightly, joy in his eyes. It only took a second for me to think and close my book, smiling. "You'll have to catch me first." I smirked and bolted out of the room, hearing him laugh. Soon enough he got up to go along with my silly game of tag.
I don't remember what had set me off but it wasn't him. This game of tag was no longer a game and it was not because of anything he or I had done. I ran, feeling how I trembled and shook. Down to the cells I went. They were a perfect hiding place.
Thick grey stone walls, metal doors with only a small slid as a way to look into the cells and even those could be closed. Total isolation. No one would want to go here. I knew how to open them from the inside, they had one flaw and no one but me knew of. Every door had at least one flaw. I noticed a figure following me and I bolted into the first free cell, hearing the door lock behind me. I squeezed my mouth shut using both of my hands, my whole from pressed together to be as small as I could be, huddled together against the door in hopes that if someone were to look in, I'd be in the dead spot of their vision. I felt my own breath against my fingers, quick and unsteady, was I hyperventilating? The sound of the slid opening filled my ears. I almost didn't dear glance up but when I did, I was meet with the kings’ eyes staring down at me. Those yellow-orange eyes that I'd learned to respect... He looked calm, he wasn't saying anything, did he know I was hiding? He already knew better than anyone that I could free myself from these, no any cells. He looked to his left and a spark of rage fill him. He looked down at me again in a way that said "don't worry about it" before closing the slid and leaving me by myself. I didn't dare move...
Tag list: @shesadollette I posted it, you happy now? Also @kaiflameheart since you like king stuff
42 notes · View notes
risustravelogue · 5 months
“hello, good sir. pardon the interruption to your leisurely rest, but have you seen this woman?”
a clink of mora passing between hands, and the vagrants studied the photo of a short dark-blue haired woman closely.
one of them answered with a rough voice, “a foreigner? lots of them been roamin’ around since the sakoku decree being lifted. can’t really remember well…”
another gold coin joined the other. the ronins talked amongst each others in inazuman as meirin tapped her foot almost impatiently.
“i guess she looks pretty distinct… might have seen her around, maybe in the capital.”
“are you absolutely sure?”
“chances are, she’ll be there. you said she was doing some commission work and stuff? if they could afford someone from overseas, they must have some good money. people with good money generally live in the main city.”
all general information, yet again. what do these people think we are, dumb?
the woman sighed and grabbed her husband’s hand before he could hand over yet another mora to the fifth group of vagabonds they’ve encountered that day, “alright. thank you for your cooperation, good sirs. we’ll be going n—”
“now, now,” the ronin who had been observing the scene from behind chuckled, hand inching towards their sheathed blade, “you both seem loaded, so why not throw a few more mora our way, eh?”
meirin frowned and glanced up at her lover before whispering, “is the welfare in inazuma that bad? why do they all say the same thing? what are these guys, npcs?”
“an interesting theory. are you suggesting that we’re in a game of sorts?”
“wouldn’t that be fun? in which case, i command you to bonk these npcs!”
“haha, as my dearest wishes.”
“— really! we really don’t know anything else!” the nobushi pleaded, visibly trying to struggle against the petrification to no avail.
the teashop owner sighed and pondered over the small teapot, before reaching into her bag with a soft smile, “i think you need more tea to remember, good sir… ah, yes, why not add the amount of jueyun chili in this one? and ground sand grease pupas for an added flavor! that should jog your memory!”
“wait, wait, please! i swear i don’t know anything! never seen that girl in my life!!” the man cried out, glancing back towards his friends who were laying out cold on the ground after a cup of… whatever devil’s drink that woman had forced down their throat.
were they dead? he had no idea.
and why the hell was the woman’s husband making himself home on their camp while having tea?!
clearly this couple wasn’t normal.
“look! i-i may not have information about the girl, b-but i’ve seen a weird-looking guy walking around these parts!”
“… a weird-looking guy?” meirin tilted her head.
the kettle sang on top of the portable stove. the man watched with quivering eyes as she poured the hot water into the teapot containing the 'concoction’. even from the smell, his eyes had started to water.
“y-yeah!! he’s got a mustache and wears this purple cape!! he looks like he’s up to no good if you ask me!!”
“huh… anything else?”
“uh. um……. n-no?”
“welp! special tea delivery! open wide~”
[ 𝚝𝚘 𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚑𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚎 𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚠𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 ]
shoes crunched against inazuma’s soil as the pair trekked down the path towards konda village. perhaps once they’ve reached the settlement, they would be able to find some clues, or at least people who had seen kurisu. though their pace was deliberately slowed from all the venturing and questioning almost everyone they came across, it was always better to be meticulous and slow than careless and fast in these situations.
….. and on that note….
“xiànɡ gong, i love you dearly, but let’s try to be just as ultra-careful and not spend our money that willy-nilly, alright?”
“ah… yes, of course. my apologies, tiánxīn.”
@i23kazu - another ebg submission from yours truly!
I'm not sure how you'd count these, but there are 2 doodles on screencaps, 2 drawings, and 1 edit of a drawing (idt that counts as a whole piece?). Feel free to see for yourself!
230 words.
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03. trying something
That morning…
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“We’re here.”
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“You! Boss-man! I challenge you to an Onikabuto fight!” exclaimed the young girl.
Itto cackled. “Bring it on!”
Kurisu smiled. “Haha… Have fun, you two.” 
She walked inside the tent. There, she found something glinting near one of the tent’s wooden pegs.
“What’s this?”
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“Huh? A Vision? Whose is this?”
Kurisu walked out of the tent and approached Shinobu, who was walking down towards the tent.
“Kuki. I found a Vision near one of the pegs. Do you have any idea whose it is?”
Kuki’s eyes looked at the Vision, then to Kurisu’s face, then back to the Vision in her hand.
“A Sumeru Vision… hmm. Why don’t you try using it?”
Kurisu frowned.
“Odd idea, but how do I do that?”
Shinobu tapped her cheek. “Hmm. Try connecting with it, then focus on something you can’t do without a Vision. Since it’s a Hydro Vision, maybe try conjuring a ball of water floating above me?”
Kurisu nodded. She closed her eyes and imagined a big ball of water above Shinobu’s head.
She opened her eyes to find Shinobu poking the ball of water with her index finger.
And it popped, showering her green hair with glistening droplets.
“Ah! Cold!” she yelped.
“Wow, it is yours!”
“... Kurisu?”
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“But... But I—I’ve never—!!”
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A horrified shriek echoed through the air.
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rowanwithaz · 11 months
How I think the DKBK\BKDK confession will go.
Okay,I have a feeling DKBK\BKDK will be cannon. Especially since the drop of chp393 (Yeah,I'm writing this right after the Himiko and Ochaco arc thing,probably won't post it in till I'm home from vacation then I'll post a ton of stuff) I think that Ochaco is not confessing her love for Izuku but her envy. And I've seen a lot of proof to that theory,but that's not going to be a big part,so here,read this,by Dekuchan,they go over a lot of what Ochaco's feelings and why they might be jealousy\Envy. I don't think that's all in this post but you might get more of an idea what I mean.
Anyway,now,I think DKBK is going to be cannon,and I wanted to talk about a couple ways Bakugo might confess his romantic feelings for Deku.
Number One: Love on the battlefield
I think when (''if'') Bakugo confesses,it might be on the battle field,let me explain. Deku is braking himself trying to defeat a sAFO and the reason is OFA is going against him,because his heart is in a battle of it's own. And that battle is with Deku. He doesn't want to have feelings for Kacchan because he thinks there not reciprocated (and boy is he wrong) And Bakugo has "died" knowing he's Deku's most special person because sAFO said so. And because of these feelings he has for Deku he's able to go to the OFA realm ,and he speaks to All Might. And All Might will hopefully tell this boy to get his and Deku's asses out of the closest and win the damn day. But. There is one issue; unless OFA heals Bakugo I don't believe he'll be able to speak to Deku because he's too hurt. But I mean,Ochaco got impaled and she can speak just fine,so I guess Bakugo once he's sown up enough can confess just fine. And,I kinda hope the confession is worded like this:
"Izuku! Hey,what did I say about not doing this alone,*cough* asshole." Then Izuku's shocked to see him walking or whatever then Bakugo speaks again.
" Look,I might be shit with words,but...when I apologized,that's not all you wanted to hear,was it? You wanted.no..needed..somethin' else...right? " Then he starts aggressively hacking due to his wounds. Then Izuku is still fighting sAFO and he's pretty emotional after seeing Katsuki okay,so he starts crying or whatever. I donnu you fill in the blanks.
But long thing short:Katsuki confesses to Izuku in the midst of the battle.
Number Two: Third Year Gay Panic™
I kinda find the first one the most accurate,(And when I say "actuate" I mean senior not the shit I wrote lol)
But, there is another reasonable one,and that's if the manga goes on any longer that they can finish U.A as third years,and in that time after the war,Katsuki can't get the thought that
"I would have died happy because I knew he...felt the same."
Out of his head. ..And like the gay ass thoughts won't stop. Like,was Izuku always this cute,and not just cute straight up HOT,and then he realizes not just that he has had romantic feelings for Izuku for a little while,but,he doesn't mind Izuku's physical appearance as revolting...And like he never has. So he ends up confessing some where in the third year,but that doesn't feel that accurate,so I think the battle field one so far is the most accurate.
Number Three: Izuku confesses
After the war,Izuku and the rest of the surviving class of 1A are at the hospital,and after a couple of days of Katsuki being a comatose he wakes up,and by his bed is a sleeping Izuku and Katsuki wakes him up,and Izuku is overflowing with emotion and might accidentally confess his love for Katsuki,and I think it'd be funny if Izuku was just like rambling,and in the middle of his ramble said something like this:
"And then I saw you,all laying on the ground it broke my heart to see the person I love most like that"
And Izuku doesn't even realize he confessed and Katsuki is just like.
"Yep. Love you too,nerd" and is super casual cause sAFO kinda confirmed that. But this one is not as inaccurate as the second one in my opinion.
And lastly,
Number Four: Ochaco gets makes these boys less stupid.
This one is the funniest idea I've had,like after her talk with Himiko she tells Katsuki he'd better confess and the boy goes and does it because funny. This one is the least accurate it's more of a funny thing then an actual perdition but I think the First one is the most accurate.
I mean somebody needs to tell these boys that they're being gay and stupid for each other,and Ochaco fills that place,(and I know a ton of people like Mina being the one to get people together but,she's a little too hetero normative for DKBK lol) But,I kinda want the hospital one for some odd reason,but I think the most fitting for the story and their relationship is the Gay Battlefield™.
So,yeah,just some of my ideas,and I want to write the first date for them...So I might post that here???? I dunno just feel like writing a fan fic for the first DKBK date,and don't know where a good place would be so here is fine.How do people end a post? I feel like mine have had a abrupt ending to them. So,
Catsmoresplusbi; Over and out.
(But you can call me Tim)
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melancholycatastrophe · 9 months
Jotting down some thoughts about Only Friends Episode 4:
spoilers, obviously
That first scene with Ray broke me, that feeling of worthlessness and how everyone must hate you hit a little too hard for me
I was right thinking that Ray is closer to Mew than the others (and maybe vice versa), possibly because Mew is his emergency contact and saved him when he was feeling suicidal; which reminds me of when Ray told Sand that it was his turn to save him after Sand took care of him while he was drunk
That one person's theory that Ray is using Sand as an emotional replacement for Mew, who he already holds on a pedestal and probably is attached to Mew more than he likes Mew, is probably true. Idk I'm not really analyzing but I genuinely feel that Ray uses people as an emotional crutch in order to get things from them that he never got from his own mom - love, compassion, someone to hold
Cheum is so me: "Ray, if I wasn't a lesbian I would love you"
Side note: I love scenes where all four of them are together and doing friend stuff even though they're all backstabbing each other (except Cheum, bless her)
The fact that Boston saw his two close friends kiss and recorded it, kept it for two years without saying anything is so???????? I want to crack open his head and figure out whats wrong with him
Ray saying Sand is not his type after he had his tongue down his throat not 30 minutes ago is??????????
Ray still being in love with Mew is so sad especially when Mew clearly only sees him as a friend (He's gotta be on the ace-aro spectrum is2g Mew is demisexual and probably aroflux or something along that line. Trust me, I'm also ace(-probably aro) and he's just like me)
Mew laying clear boundaries with others is hot. Actually, yes, kissing someone who is asleep without their consent is weird and you shouldn't do it, this isn't a kdrama Ray, you can't get away with it
I can't wait for Nick to rock Boston's shit I'll be honest, I really want him to try and blackmail Boston into a relationship, they can be red flag4red flag
Top really has the AUDACITY to call Mew his future boyfriend as if he didn't fuck Boston like he had something to prove just the other day, all men do is lie
That airplane with a B on it....the photobooth at the hotel.....Top I was really rooting for you but you're getting on my last nerve...
Ray is the kinda guy that doesn't know what the price of eggs are
"I do want money but friendship and love can't be bought" Sand I literally can't relate, would love someone to buy me things in exchange for my friendship
Raysand is so cute at the guitar shop I just know Ray is gonna leave Sand broken hearted, there's no way Sand is getting out of this unscathed
Ray is so lovely when he apologizes and looks up with those puppy dog eyes I would forgive him too, its okay Sand
Sand loves arctic monkeys and oasis 😭 move over Ray, I can treat him better
Every time Boston is in the same frame as Top, I let out the biggest sigh; I love Ton, I won't lie, but God I need him to leave topmew alone (on the other hand, I wanna see Mew rock both Top and Boston's shit)
I love that scene in the elevator when Top was reading Ton to filth but couldn't he had done it before he had sex with him???? Like Book, I too will bring up that car scene every single time
God I don't trust Top
Out of context BostonNick is really cute, I wanna see Neo and Mark together in another series where they get play boyfriends
also Nick relistens to that damn audio more times than I rewatch episode 12 of Mignon
Nick trying to blackmail Top instead of telling Mew is such a choice. "Can you stay away from Boston?" bruh he's trying to, Boston is the one that appears out of nowhere like that one mosquito
Book is so fine, idk something about the glasses gets me in every scene he's in
unrequited love for your best friend is so rough, I feel for you Ray (but he has a point. Mew, do you really want Top as your boyfriend?)
"Who punched you? I want to give them a trophy?" You can suck his dick too, Ray, since it's Sand
For a second I forgot who Beam was 😭 I was so focused on Boston and Top that I forgot Top slept with the entire young adult male population of Thailand
"Beam is a drug dealer" hOW IS THAT ANY BETTER?????
why do I have the oddest feeling that Mew has some kind of background with dealing with addicts cuz that "quit drugs" speech was a little too impassioned. like a previous family member or someone was an addict and now he no longer wants to take care of people who are addicts because of how emotionally exhausting it is. maybe this theory is coming out of my ass but it might explain why he keeps Ray strictly as a friend (since not only is he an alcohol addict he also does cocaine???? boy are you trying to kill yourself?) and he gets mad at top for also doing drugs
i thought mew would use sex as a way to prove that he and ray were strictly friends, not as a reward to get top to stop doing drugs. i'm so flabbergasted and also top is kinda weird for wanting sex as a reward for taking care of himself but whatever
now I'm distracted at the fact that Top brought a packet of cocaine with him to Mew's place like??? was he planning to sniff a line while Mew was sleeping or...?
Man I was wrong about that airplane....but my point still stands
out of context topmew is cute
ray just wants to feel important to someone but now that mew has top, he's gonna cling to sand....i'm sad i just want ray to love and be loved
sharing music is a love language
the next episode looks too happy, i dont trust it
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
Finally was able to make up a part two of the modern!fuck boy!uni Aegon bc I re watched gossip girl last night and you said you wanted more bc FUCK I love that episode and scene sm. So here you go 🤭
Something must have changed in Aegon because after he left your house, he began texting you regularly. That wouldn't be worrying but he consistently brushed off his and project work. Now he was texting you, asking if you could meet up and work on the project or just texting you, asking you random stuff. Like, for example, he would text you, asking you if your day was good as you only had one class together. You found it odd but didn't question it. This went on to close to a month before he randomly texted you at nine in the morning. And it wasn't about the project.
Aegon: Hey, if I ask you something, promise you won't freak out.
You: Sure. Shoot.
Aegon: my dad is on my ass about settling down and...I may have mentioned your name.
You: excuse me?
Aegon: I know, I know. We don't exactly like each other but here me out. Convince my dad you are dating me and if you do me this favor, I will be in your debt forever. Promise.
You: Fine.
Aegon: thank you, really! I'll pick you up at 7.
You: 👍
What did you get yourself in too?
As you got ready, you see a fucking limo pull up. Of course Aegon would pull up in a goddamn limo. You roll your eyes to yourself before grabbing a jacket and your purse and leaving.
The car ride to the fancy - no surprise there - restaurant was silent. With that, you and Aegon got into a "who could make who say something first" competition. He would stare at you before quickly looking away when you looked at him and you would stare at him before quickly looking away when HE would look at you. It was awkward to say the least.
At the restaurant, you met his mother, Alicent, father, Viserys, brother Aemond, sister, Helaena, and step-sister, Rhaenyra. They were nice enough, but you had a feeling that Aemond, Rhaenyra and Helaena were the favorites. Your theory proved to be true after Aegon's many love interests came into conversation and a stealth insult about his weight. You surprise yourself by reacting to those comments by reaching under the table and grabbing his hand and giving it a light squeeze. Aegon notices this and sends you a small tight lipped smile.
After the frankly awkward dinner, you and Aegon begin riding back to your house.
The past couple weeks, you felt awkward around Aegon. Yeah, he was handsome but you tended to only interact with him when only needed, i.e. with the project. But after spending a little over a month with him, you began to feel weird around him. After he had spent the night four weeks ago, you found yourself waiting for him to text and you were actually happy to go to the only class you had with him. With that came... interesting...dreams involving him, butterflies in the stomach whenever you thought of him or when he texted or even hell, when you even heard him talk! It didn't occur to you until last night that maybe you were falling for him. And you weren't mad about it.
"I'm sorry about those comments," you say.
He only shrugs. "I heard all about it before."
Once again, you surprise yourself by reaching your hand out, laying it on top of his hand, and giving him a light smile. Aegon then intertwines his fingers with yours before leaning his forehead against yours.
"Is this okay?" He asks.
You nod and he leans his head up before giving pressing his lips to yours. Both of you then begin to lean backwards into the limo seat, sinking into the surprisingly soft leather seats.
I LOVE THIS NONNIE !!! so adorable, my rich!baby boy 😭😭😭🥺
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phiixomath · 1 year
08. sunrise
“So, then—wait.” Lance groans, trying to lift his arm from under Keith’s sleeping head. He chuckles and relents when Keith doesn’t budge and his head simply lolls onto his shoulder. “Shit, can you help me move him? My arm’s falling asleep,” he whispers, making sure not to wake him. Hunk, laying beside him, lifts his head. 
“Whoa, he’s asleep?” 
Lance nods, rubbing his bleary eyes, as Hunk reaches across. He gently lifts Keith’s side and Lance pulls his arm out from under him. He adjusts so he can comfortably curl around his back as he turns to face Hunk with a smile.
“Better?” Hunk lowers his voice.
Lance nods, stifling a yawn with his fist. “What were you saying?” 
Hunk sighs. “Dude. It’s getting late.” He glances back at Keith and then knowingly at Lance. “We should probably sleep, too.”
“No, come on! It’s been so long.”
“You just yawned! You’re gonna fall asleep any second now.”
“Just, like twenty more minutes.” 
“Ugh, fine. Don’t complain when you’re this close to passing out the entire meeting tomorrow.” Hunk grumbles. He sits up to stretch and crack his knuckles. 
“What are you doing?” Lance asks when Hunk pulls aside the covers and stands. 
“I wanna get up for a second, stretch my legs.” Lance hums. He flips onto his stomach so he can watch Hunk. A smile pulls at his lips when Hunk gets his bearings and slides his feet into slippers where he can find them in the dark. He ambles toward the other side of the room and Lance frowns, twisting around to try and see the time on the bedside table’s clock. He squints.
“Hey, can you open the curtains a bit? We need some light in here.” 
“One sec.” Hunk pulls aside the curtain and is immediately accosted by a flood of bright light. “Jesus.” 
He freezes at the same time Lance does, eyes wide as plates. 
“Oh my God.” 
“Shit,” Lance mumbles again. He dissolves into giggles and stuffs his hand in his mouth to prevent his laughter from being heard. Hunk stomps back over to the bed and grabs his shoulders. “I’m sorry!” He wheezes before Hunk has a chance to say anything. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I thought we still had time.” Lance bites back a smile when Hunk almost breaks then quickly regains his composure. 
“We have a meeting in one hour.” He weakly shakes Lance one last time then loosens his hold. He drops back onto the bed and moves Lance’s arm so he can use it as a pillow. Lance grins, stifling another yawn that turns into a laugh when Hunk says, “When Shiro asks, you’re explaining to him the reason all of us are exhausted is because we stayed awake listening to Keith’s theories about alien cryptids then your strongly-opinionated rant on our chant.” 
“Got it.” Lance smiles. He strokes Hunk’s back when he turns to rest his head on Lance’s chest, sandwiching him between himself and Keith. “Goodnight?”
“Goodnight.” Hunk grumbles after a bit. Lance chuckles, ruffling his hair a bit. “Love you.”
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You know, I get some questions often enough that I think I'll just start posting the answers.
Let's start with a classic: "How did you get into hypnosis?"
The short answer? I like brains! That and lots and lots of reading.
The long answer? Well...
It was a long time ago. I can't recall exactly what all happened in what order: there was bad television, of course: cartoon hypnosis and movie mind control. X-2? Telepathy. Matrix 2? Who remembers the scene with the cake? I could list bits of media that are fun with kink glasses for awhile, but you've probably already heard of most of them anyway.
I was curious outside of that, though. There were also encyclopedia artcles about the mind and a grab-bag of probably-mostly-nonsense you could find in books and on the internet about meditation, altered states of consciousness, psychoactives, brainwashing, cults, ritualistic spirituality, BDSM, MKUltra conspiracy theories... whatever. If you can name it, I probably read about it. It's alarmingly easy (or, at least, it was for me) to find your way back to mind control from philosophy, religion, any kind of "why?" question you might go about exploring while you're young and don't know anything.
This was back in pre-video days of the internet and - honestly - I think it was mostly easier to find sources on obscure stuff in the days before youtube and AI generated clutter. I can't really say how much of what I read stuck, but I definitely spent some of my days sat around trying to figure out meditation or getting my awareness out of my head experimentally. It's kind of wild to think back on that, honestly. I can still remember a nice out-of-body experience against a lone oak trea out in a pasture. The dirt around it was always fine and powdery because the horses would clomp and roll by it, and it made the loveliest spot to lay and daydream in a summer heat.
But I digress -
I also worked my way through the EMCSA: first by looking for keywords and themes I liked, then alphabetically - compiling reading lists based on whether or not a given sypnosis caught my eye. Ya boy has read a lot of smut. Hypnosmut - like all art - is mostly rubbish, but you'll find some writers that give wonderfully educational descriptions of hypnosis. That and a few scraps from outdated, untrustworthy papers by Names of hypnosis past and a couple of ill-advised, late-teenaged forays into power exchange and I ended up playing with brainwashing, imagery, and... yeah. I had the tools and opportunity to experiment with some kind of mental play that was hypnokink or hypnokink-adjacent. I can safely say I've been doing this shit since before I was old enough to vote.
Now, nobody should be reading this who's under 18, but just in case you are:
- I cannot stress this enough: do not be like me. I got into a lot of trouble that wasn't good for me and I would've been better off in a lot of ways if this hadn't been the route I'd taken.
- You shouldn't be reading this. This blog is 18+ for a reason. Feck off.
Eventually, like so many of us, I found my way to some shady corners of the internet and made an ass out of myself in ways that - while new and exciting to me-from-the-past - are fairly standard for newbie hypnokinksters. (I'm still out there, btw: Out on the internet, Being an asshat. I don't use this name, though. This Flying Purple People Programmer business is my first foray into not using my usual name.)
When I started out in these spaces I set out to get hypnotised by a bunch of different people because - well - what better way to learn different approaches then to see them firsthand? This taught me a lot about different techniques and - perhaps more critically - what it was like to be hypnotised by a shitty hypnotist. I don't recommend that second bit, but it probably did a good job of encouraging me not to be a dick. I've run into a lot of community folks over the years, but not in a very loud way. That's not uncommon in the hypnocommunuty, by the way: if you've been around for any length of time, a lot of people are floating around who will know who you are and remember you from this event or that website. It's a small world.
Looking back on it as if I had a thesis when I started writing, I think that the best thing I picked up in my adventure was the idea that we don't know what we're doing, really, and that our ways of experiencing things are both wildly diverse and not quite knowable. Hypnosis is a big fuzzy mess in a range of human experiences and hypnokink might not actually have all that much to do with hypnosis. We can be meditating or conditioned or daydreaming or a million other things in the course of our play and often times "hypnosis" is just an aesthetic we dress it up in. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
So. There's me rambling about me. Hopefully that saves me going on for a thousand words next time somebody asks me that question hoping for a gentle conversation starter.
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titanicfreija · 10 months
"You claim to feel pain."
"I do feel pain."
"You also have said numerous times that you don't mind being shot."
"I said I don't think much of it. I'm still gonna try not to. If I could get shot and just feel the pain without taking any physical damage, I would still try to not get shot. It sucks. I just... Don't let getting shot stop me, don't let the idea of it keep me out of places, so on and on. My shields and armor are strong, so it takes a few blasts to get through, most of the time I'm only gonna take some bruises and a little heat. There's this gap between running away and Sunny patching me up and my shields returning, that's when... Oof. Nothing left between me and a lead slug-- can I swear?"
"You may."
"Stop encouraging her!"
"I think to annoy our mutual friend, I may even challenge you to add as much vulgarity as possible."
"Light, noooooo..."
"I would fall real short of expectations, I just say fuck a lot."
"A pity. You will learn."
"Hope so! I was talking about getting shot directly-- Fuck that. It's like lava if lava used my hammers! You can feel it ripple through everything! And I'm still too tough to die right, so they have to do it twice, maybe hit my head properly. I hate that shit!"
"The damage to your body as your shields break is different, somehow?"
"It's like being beaten eighty percent of the way to death, and then the last twenty is gone pretty fast? Not that being beaten to death is great or anything, but the alternative is getting shot or burned."
"Have you ever considered attempting long term survival?"
".... Can I make a joke?"
"I told you before, I've been alive for a whole week straight."
"We've joked about it, but it's only jokes. I would get bored. Sunny would, too. Even if we quit fighting, I'd go do stuff that got me killed."
"Hmph! For instance?"
"She's crushed herself with falling debris because she moved the wrong support on multiple occasions."
"That. We've already decided we would try and clean up Earth and lay some global networking, and maybe mark off radiation zones, so on."
"Remind me to tell you why I love that idea later."
"Has there ever been an injury or death traumatic enough to stop you?"
"Probably... Delay. Never stop. Not yet."
"Your voice bears a distinct waver. Is Sunny threatening again?"
"Do not interfere."
"She keeps trying to lie when she feels her humanity being challenged."
"Oh? I wondered why someone practically unstoppable would claim otherwise."
"I... Have no idea what that even means. What?"
"I'll explain later. Stop giving the answers you think you're supposed to give."
"... 'kay. No, I haven't been so wounded that it got me to stop for more than a regroup. I have given up before, but I came back after I found a new weapon or armor piece or mod kit or whatever."
"Are there any particular injuries you can recall?"
"Ummm... You'll have to be more specific, it's all kinda flashes but nothing special."
"Are there sensations associated with healing?"
"It's usually--wait, by Sunny or just Light in general? I can heal with mine."
"Can you?"
".... You know, I was just fine telling you about dying on the field but for some reason, talking about my Light feels awkward?"
"Uh... So, I can heal myself because... Solar energy is generative, and the energy can be used to hasten growth."
"What are you quoting?"
"My roommate. He called Arc traveling and Void destructive, too. Parallels to subatomic shit. He loves these theories."
"Is he correct?"
"I couldn't tell you. It comes naturally. He has to overthink everything. My fire is warm to me and burns the shit out of everything else. I like my fire's heal, but it doesn't relieve pain like Sunny's. It's... warm."
"That's the only word she ever uses."
"I see."
".... I am really really trying here to come up with a way to do the analogy thing... Like my heart's on fire in the best way. Warm like your sleeping bag if you fold it right, like a hot bath on aches. I can feel stuff growing back, kinda, but more like the fire is filling in the gaps until the meat can come back."
"I see."
"Sunny's heals are cool. Ice compress, wading in cold water when it's hot, letting cool air under the blanket. It's. Dry....? Like a med hall?"
"Have you ever been in a medical ward?"
"Not for me, but they smell like nothing and it feels like anything I cut there wouldn't bleed."
"This is inaccurate, but I take what I imagine to be your meaning."
"Yeah. But so, it feels more like it's being cleaned and repaired. Numbed, stabilized, cleaned, and restored is what it feels like."
"Interesting. Do you have a preference?"
"Don't lie."
".... I wasn't gonna..."
"Stop lying, too."
"... The fire...."
"Dunno. It's warm."
Hard Questions
New Angle
Radio Chat
Scripted Questions
More like Interrogation
(In)humanity <-
Ghost Affection
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