#and done most of the omega raids……………………
ordinaryberry · 3 months
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with eyes cast ever heavens ward
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anyway got avani through most of sb and all of post-sb in 2 days. skipped most cutscenes. just did holminster switch.
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mymoodwriting · 5 months
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7.5k, The Bat AU, ABO dynamics, yandere, possessive behavior, mentions of human trafficking, mentions of sex trafficking, mafia vibes, omega reader, intimidation, manipulation, pheromones, smut, fingering, penetration, double penetration, voyeurism (@peanutpinet) (@starillusion13)
“I want this taken care of quickly and efficiently.”
Johnny already had a lot on his plate being the leader of his pack, and running the most notorious mafia group in the country. He didn’t have time for games, never wasting a chance to remind everyone why he was on top. His pack wasn’t just feared, but respected. They dealt with all kinds of things, but there were lines they didn’t cross. Such as human trafficking, in particular omega trafficking. 
Johnny prided himself on his pack being a mix of betas and alphas, and he regarded everyone in equal standing. He didn’t have to worry about them going rogue or fighting him for power. They understood that as a pack they had more power than anyone else. Of course there were still those that tried to cross them. Those that thought they could get away with things, but nothing happened without Johnny’s approval, especially not on his turf. 
The other day he had gotten word of a new club at the edge of town. A place to unwind where the entertainment was top dollar. There didn’t seem to be an issue, that is until Johnny heard about the omega entertainers at the establishment. The idea alone didn’t sit well with him so he had someone investigate. It wasn’t long before his suspicions were proven right and he gathered his people to storm the place. Scum like that didn’t deserve any mercy. 
Anyone present at the time of the raid was arrested, and help was provided to those who needed it. This was only the tip of the iceberg so Johnny knew he’d need to run some personal interrogations before handing over the guilty party to the police. While he did that he trusted his pack to clean up what was left of that awful place. The rest of the boys spread out through the establishment, making sure everyone got out safely. 
Jeno and Hendery paired up and cleared out some rooms. It was heartbreaking when they found what seemed to be a storage room where the entertainers were kept. As soon as the two stepped in the omegas cowered away, but they assured them that everything would be alright now, they were safe. Hendery led them out to where they could receive some help, although Jeno noticed a few still in the corner huddled up. He slowly approached, seeing that one of the omegas was curled up on the floor shaking. Something in his heart ignited and he slowly approached the omega, examining them. Just by scent alone he could tell the poor thing was sick.
“She’s burning up…”
“She’s been sick for a few days now. They never gave us anything to help…”
“I’ll take care of her now. The rest of you can go.”
Jeno took off his jacket and gently placed it on the omega, careful to pick them up in his arms. He carried them bridal style, making it outside where everyone was gathered. The proper thing to do was to hand her over to the paramedics, but something deep inside said otherwise. He glanced down at the omega in his arms, seeing how they trembled, and he knew he had to take responsibility. They were done here, so he went over to his vehicle, carefully placing the omega in his passenger seat and driving off. He texted the others to let them know he was leaving the scene, and that he’d see them all back at the base.
No one else was around, so it was quiet and empty when Jeno pulled into the garage. He checked on the omega, seeing that they were still trembling slightly. He got them out of the car, touched that they wrapped their arms around him. He debated putting them in a guest room, but ultimately decided to put them in his bedroom. Jeno gently laid down the omega and tucked them in, going off to get some medicine. He returned shortly with some pills and a glass of water, setting them down on the nightstand.
“Hey… I need you to wake up.”
Jeno sat at the edge of the bed, softly caressing the omega, trying to coax them to wake up. When he saw their eyes open he helped them sit up a bit.
“I have some medicine for you, do you think you can take it?”
He got a soft nod and helped them take the pills. He could tell they were still out of it, but at least they had some medicine now.
“You should start feeling better soon. I’m gonna make you some porridge, okay?” Another nod. “Alright, you just get some rest.”
Jeno laid them back down in bed, heading out and making his way to the kitchen. His cooking skills weren’t incredible, but he could make a simple porridge. As he finished that up the others returned, all but Johnny. Given what he was up to, he probably wouldn’t be back til tomorrow the earliest. Jeno greeted the others and then went to his room with the food. To his surprise the omega seemed calmer, and it brought a smile to his face. Part of him didn’t want to wake them up, but he knew they needed food. He pet them softly for a moment before gently shaking them awake.
“Hi, I have that porridge for you.”
Jeno helped them sit up again, spoon feeding them as well knowing they were still semi-conscious and lightly trembling.
“Do you feel better?” A small nod. “Then maybe you can tell me your name? I know we kinda skipped a lot of things here. My name is Jeno, and you?”
“… y/n…”
“That’s a beautiful name. I’m gonna leave some water here for you on the nightstand, and let you get some sleep. I’ll come by to check on you later, is that okay?”
“… yeah…”
“Good. Sleep well.”
After tucking you in Jeno left you to recover, going back to the kitchen to clean his dishes. It was easy to just continue on with the things he usually did. He saw no problem in what he was doing, he was just being helpful and looking out for someone. Although others might not agree. Since he was busy he didn’t realize Johnny had returned, and had called a meeting with everyone. He went looking for his members, telling them to gather. When he peeked into Jeno’s room he saw someone in bed and tsked, going over to them.
“What did you do to make yourself so tired?” 
Johnny pulled back the cover and froze, the scent hitting. He had a lot of questions, but he wasn’t going to get them here. He carefully backed away and shut the door. Now he had to hunt someone down.
Johnny went around looking for the offender, ultimately finding him in the garage. The boy had a smile on his face, but upon seeing Johnny glaring at him it dropped.
“What’s wrong?”
“Care to explain yourself?”
“About what?”
“The omega in your room!”
“The what? In where?” Jungwoo question. “What are you talking about?”
“That’s what I want to know.” Johnny stated. “Now talk.”
“Calm down, it’s nothing crazy. I saw she was ill with a fever and brought her home so I could look after her.”
“What do you mean why? Cause it was the right thing to do.”
“No. You are sending her back.”
“She stays.”
“On what grounds? Since when do you know how to take care of an omega?”
“Since now. She needs an alpha.”
“And why the fuck would it be you? Do you have any idea-” 
“She stays!” 
“Absolutely not!” 
“You gonna stop me?” 
“Once her fever breaks she’s going elsewhere.” 
“Wherever she’s not out problem.”
“That makes you no better than the alphas who were at that club! The ones that trafficked her! Leaving a poor omega out in the wild for some ruthless beast of an alpha to claim her innocence! Are you nuts?”
“And you think she wants an alpha considering where she came from? By bringing her here you change nothing. She’s gonna wake up surrounded by alphas thinking she’s been kidnapped. The other omegas are waiting for her and will look after her.”
“And how are you so sure those other omegas know any better? We can show her that all alphas aren’t bad. So she won’t be scared of us.” Jeno explained. “Omegas think they’re nothing but a tool to mate with and alphas are ruthless thinking they were meant to rule when in reality we’re still part human. It’s our nature to be caring as well. If you don’t like it, so be it. I don’t need your approval anyways.”
“You go anywhere near that omega, you’re dead.”
“Try me!” Jeno snarled. “And stay away from her!”
The boy wasn’t gonna hear any more, slamming his fist on the table as he left the room, leaving Johnny alone with the others. All eyes were on Johnny, and there were many questions, but the one that was asked was unexpected.
“So… why can’t Jeno have an omega?” Yuta asked. “I feel like I’m missing something.”
“No shit.” Johnny snapped. “Taeil, call the shelter and tell them we’re temporarily housing an omega to avoid getting others sick.”
“No problem.”
“As for the rest of you, tell me what happened after I left.”
Jeno returned to his room, almost about to shout when he remembered he had a guest. He quietly approached the bed, happy to see you resting peacefully. He watched you for a moment before grabbing some of his things and making his way out of the room. You still needed a lot of rest. He also made a point to lock the door, that way no one could get in to bother you, especially Johnny. He noted the time and made a note to come back later to check on you.
You woke with a groan, reaching up to grab your head. There was this dizzy feeling, mixed with a bit of nausea. You cautiously sat up, starting to realize where you were. This wasn’t the back room of the club, but far worse. The room was unfamiliar, and you were laying on a rather comfortable bed. The smell of an alpha was very present. For the moment you were alone, and that made you feel uneasy. Wherever you were, you wanted to get out. You got up and made your way to the door, finding it locked, but the lock was on your side so you could open it and let yourself out.
You slowly peeked out into the hall, not really seeing anyone. That was good. You quietly stepped out of the room, picking a direction and walking. You just wanted to find a way out, but you weren’t gonna be so lucky. As you turned a corner you ran right into someone. You were still unsteady so you wound up on the floor, staring up at the giant man before you. It wasn’t long before the alpha scent hit you, and then you noticed the glare. He let out a low growl and you whimpered, pulling up your legs and trying to make yourself small.
“Sa… sorry… sorry… I-”
“Jeno! Come get your pet!”
You crawled back until you hit the wall, starting to have trouble breathing. You didn’t know who this Jeno was, but you were already getting an idea by the nickname. Soon enough you heard footsteps approaching, seeing another coming over. He looked at you, then glared at the other. He came to your side, reaching for you but you scrambled away. That didn’t stop him though and he pulled you into his arms, holding you still. Soon you realized he was an alpha too, yet his scent was a lot more calming, helping you relax.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, no one’s going to hurt you.”
“I’m sorry, I’ll do better.”
“I won’t be trouble, I-”
“You’re not trouble, not at all. You’re safe here, I promise.”
“Safe?” You wondered. “What does that mean?”
“It means no one is going to force you to do anything you don’t want to, and no one is going to hurt you again. The bad people who took you are gone now.”
“You… you didn’t buy me?”
“What? No, of course not.”
“Then… where… why…”
“My people raided that club.” The taller man explained. “Everyone was arrested and the rest of your friends were sent somewhere to get help, which is where you should be, but Jeno here decided to take you home instead.”
“She deserves to have a good home, and a better life.” Jeno spat back. “Let’s get you back to the room, you’re still burning up.”
Jeno helped you up, throwing another glare at the other and taking you back the way you came, back to the room you had woken up in. Now that you were more awake, and at ease, you began to remember what had happened to you. Back at the club you had fallen ill with a fever, basically being left to fend for yourself. Then you had vague recollections of someone carrying you in their arms, and feeding you. It dawned on you that it was Jeno.
“… thank you…”
“I… I haven’t thanked you… for everything…”
“There’s no need for that.”
“Still… all you’ve done… you didn’t have to…”
“I wanted to.”
“… why…”
“Why me? There were plenty of others… and way better-”
“Sh.” Jeno put a finger to your lips. “I knew everyone else could look after themselves, but you… I personally wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“But why me?”
“I don’t know… I just felt like I should look after you.”
“So then once I’m better… you’ll let me go?”
Jeno stopped, feeling his heart ache at those words. You had only just broken your fever, but you were already thinking about leaving. He didn’t want you to, but he also wanted you to be alright in the end.
“If you want to leave… you can… and we’ll take care of everything so you can do whatever you want too.”
“Whatever I want…”
“Yeah. Do you have any ideas?”
“Not really… I don’t even know where I would go… let alone what I would do…”
“Well, you can stay here until you figure that out. I know my pack is all alphas and betas, but no one is gonna force you to do anything you don’t want to, promise.”
“Thank you.”
You had some more food and were tucked back into bed to get some rest. The next time you woke up you really felt better. As you got up Jeno entered the room, asking you how were feeling and relieved to hear your condition improved. Since you were able to be on your feet he decided to give you a tour of the place. You had been staying in his room so he could look after you, but now you could have your own. You were also introduced to the rest of his pack, finally putting a name to the scary gentleman you had run into before. It was Johnny, the leader of this pack. Something about him sounded familiar but you weren’t quite sure what. You ignored it though, still getting glares from him. It was clear he didn’t like you, so it would be best to keep your distance.
This place was rather huge too, having its own kitchen and dining area, a spacious living room, multiple guest rooms, and even a huge indoor garage. It was like a mansion, but it didn’t really seem like a home. After the tour you settled into your own room, being cautious around the house. Everyone was rather friendly, except Johnny. He avoided you for the most part. Once you were better though you didn’t want to free load in this house. So you’d go around the place, helping wherever you can. On one occasion you ran into Taeil in the kitchen and offered to help him out. You learned to cook, and would set the table for meals. The others were grateful to you, but Johnny was still silent. It shouldn’t have been a problem, but it was upsetting you. Still, you tried to do right by him.
“Can I get you some more tea?”
You helped the others out in little ways, offering to do something for them. You tried with Johnny every now and then, but the result was always the same.
“I’m good.”
“Or maybe some water. I can-”
“I said I’m fine.”
There was a slight growl in Johnny’s tone and you immediately retreated. As you were making your way over to your room you ran into Jeno.
“Woah, woah, are you okay? You’re trembling.”
“Hm? Yeah, I’m fine…”
“I don’t believe you. What happened?”
“Nothing. I’m fine, I-”
“… I was just trying to be nice and Johnny…”
“What did he do?”
“Nothing, really…  he just didn’t want me to help and I got scared…”
“He growled at me… just a bit… it’s nothing bad I swear!”
“Nothing bad? You’re trembling.”
“It’s not his fault… it’s just nature… he’s an alpha and I’m an omega…”
“That doesn’t give him, or anyone, the right to take advantage of you like that.”
“He didn’t do it on purpose…”
“Yet he’s been mean to you ever since you came here. I’ll talk to him.”
“Jeno, no, it’s fine.”
“It’s not. Come on, you need to relax.”
Jeno took you back to your room, bringing you some warm tea so you could calm your nerves. He didn’t leave your side until you were better, and then he went off to find Johnny. He knew you didn’t want to make a big deal out of this, but this was something that needed to be addressed. He wound up finding Johnny in his office, entering unannounced.
“What is your problem!?”
“I have many problems. I’m afraid you need to be more specific.” Johnny stated. “So try that question again.”
“Would it kill you to be a decent person to y/n?”
“What does it matter?”
“It matters because you growling at her scared her. She was trembling.”
“That was not my fault.”
“She’s an omega! She’s far more sensitive around alphas, and you’re being careless!”
“And she’s being a nuisance! She goes around the house offering help and-”
“Did you forget where she came from? All she knows is to serve others, especially alphas. She doesn’t want to feel like a burden and yet that’s exactly what you’re doing. If you ever want her to leave and do her own thing, you could start by making her feel like an actual person capable of living their own life.”
“Anything to say for yourself?”
Johnny sighed. “There’s been a lot going on lately… but I can spare some time to go shopping.”
“Shopping? What does-”
“A person needs to have their own things. She’s been in our guest room, but doesn’t really own anything herself. I’m sure she’d enjoy getting out of the house too.”
It was surprising to hear such a thing from Johnny, but Jeno knew it was a start. The next day everyone went out together, going to the mall. You were quite excited as you had never been shopping before. You wanted to go into every store and try things on, asking the others for their opinions. They all grabbed some things too, wanting to see what you would look like in them. The only one who wasn’t participating was obviously Johnny, he only paid for everything.
“Don’t worry about him.” Jisung told you. “This whole thing was his idea.”
“Yeah. He never takes us out shopping like this either, but it’s very fun.”
You glanced over at Johnny. You didn’t expect this to be his idea, but it made sense now. He didn’t seem like one to be here, but if it was his suggestion of course he’d be present. After some shopping you all got together to eat, but Johnny still kept his distance. You stepped away from the table for a moment, going over to Johnny.
“Excuse me…”
“I… I wanted to thank you… for today… all the gifts-”
“You need to wear something besides the same outfits over and over. No need for thanks.”
“Thank you nonetheless.”
You were making your way over to the others when you accidentally bumped into a group of boys. You quickly apologized and tried to be on your way but they got in front of you, slowly surrounding you. It wasn’t long before you caught their scents, a few being alphas, and by now they were probably aware of your status too.
“This is a rare sight.” One said. “You don’t usually see an omega out on their own.”
“I… I’m not alone.”
“No? Then who are you here with, little wolf?”
You shyly peeked over behind them and pointed over to the table you had left a moment ago. The boys followed your gaze.
“Oh shit, is that the Suh pack?” One commented. “What are they doing here?”
“We’re shopping…”
“I didn’t know they had an omega join them.” Another added.
“I’m… I’m just a guest…”
“Ah, then perhaps you want to join our pack.” This gentleman took a bow. “Lee Taeyong, leader of the Lee pack.”
The others introduced themselves as well, a total of seven boys. They seemed nice, but being surrounded didn’t give off a good impression.
“I’m curious. How did an omega wind up a guest of the Suh pack? It’s not-”
“What the fuck are you doing?”
You were suddenly yanked back and away from the others. You expected to see Jeno and the rest of the boys, but instead when you glanced back you saw Johnny. He was glaring at Taeyong, keeping his grip on your arm tight.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to intimidate an omega in such a manner.”
“We were doing no such thing.” Ten said. “We’re merely offering the little wolf a chance to join a real pack. Everyone loves a good omega.”
“She’s not looking for a pack.”
“Is that so? She said she was your guest, and nothing more.”
“She’s mistaken.” Johnny growled.
“You know, I heard you guys took down this club that was trafficking omegas.” Jaehyun mentioned. “I guess you kept one for yourself.”
“What does it matter to you?”
“Oh, did we hit a nerve? Nothing wrong with having an omega around, should just be careful.”
“Is that a threat, YangYang? Cause I don’t recall you ever being funny.”
“Let’s not cause trouble.”
Jeno pushed past the Lee pack as he spoke, the rest of the boys right behind him. They gathered at Johnny’s side, surrounding you and keeping you separate from the others.
“You should all be on your way now.” Jeno stated. “And behave yourselves.”
“Don’t you know it’s rude to intimidate an omega.” Jaemin teased. “The girl should speak for herself.”
“I’d like to leave.” You mumbled.
Without another word Johnny began to drag you away from the group. You looked back to see Jeno and the boys throwing glares at the others before following behind you and Johnny. When you came to the mall you were sitting in the back, but this time Johnny put you in the front passenger seat, putting your seatbelt on for you. He was completely silent and got into the driver’s seat. The rest of the boys made it over, a few getting in the back, and the others taking the second car. The whole drive back was in silence. When you arrived back at the house Johnny got out of the car first, clearly frustrated. The others got out but you glanced back at Jeno.
“Jeno… am I part of the pack?”
“Who said that?”
The door to your side opened and Johnny took off your seatbelt, pulling you out of the car. He didn’t let you go, starting to pull you along somewhere. You were too nervous to say anything and just followed, but Jeno didn’t like the scene. He quickly got out of the car and chased after you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you back, although Johnny didn’t let go. He merely glanced back and threw a glare at Jeno. You could feel the tension in the air and tried to make yourself as small as possible.
“Let go.” Johnny growled.
“No! You need to explain yourself! What was that back at the mall? And what’s this about y/n being in the pack!?”
“Am I in the pack…”
“I said let go!”
Johnny shoved Jeno back and then took you along to his office. Jeno glanced back at the others and shrugged his shoulders before storming after Johnny. He went into the office, seeing you seated and Johnny pacing around.
“Johnny what-”
“Not you.” Johnny glared at Jeno, then glanced at you. “Her.”
“Ma… me…?”
“I want those other scents off you!”
Johnny made his way to you, but Jeno quickly got in between the two of you, shoving Johnny back.
“What the hell is wrong with you! I thought you said she was annoying and-”
“Oh don’t start that shit with me! You’re the one who practically kidnapped an omega and brought her here! I had self control, unlike you, and then she wound up getting cornered by the Lee pack!”
“I told you to take your clothes off!” Johnny growled at you. “I don’t want you smelling like another wolf!”
You whimpered and started doing as you were told but Jeno was quick to stop you. He was telling you it was alright but got shoved away from you. Johnny ripped up your shirt, leaving you in your bra before placing his jacket around you and pulling you into his arms, scenting you.
“If I had known how things would end up I never would have taken you outside.”
Despite the fear and confusion you had been feeling, once you were in Johnny’s arms, breathing in his scent, you began to relax. You could tell he was sincere, and actually cared about you. This whole time you thought he didn’t like you, but it was quite the opposite. He was just holding himself back, but today pushed him over the edge. Jeno was still confused though, and didn’t exactly approve of this behavior. He shoved Johnny away and pulled you to your feet.
“You don’t get to act like you care all of a sudden just cause she got cornered by another pack!”
Before Johnny could say anything more Jeno rushed out of the office with you in tow, taking you to your room. You weren’t entirely sure what had just happened, so you just sat in bed while Jeno paced around.
“I… I should probably shower… right?”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
Jeno went to start the shower for you, wanting to stay but knowing you needed your privacy. He stepped away, saying he would come by later, and told you to lock the door for now. You did as he said and showered, letting your clothes soak in the water as well, except for Johnny’ jacket. After you cleaned yourself up you laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. What lingered the most was Johnny saying you were part of the pack. You weren’t sure if that was true, or he had just been saying it, but the idea alone made you curious. You never thought you’d be in a pack, but you were starting to feel like maybe you did want it. 
This one wasn’t so bad, everyone was nice, minus Johnny. Then again, maybe he wasn’t all bad either. The outing today was his idea, and even if he didn’t socialize with you there did seem to be something going on. You glanced over at his jacket, figuring you should return it, and by now maybe he had calmed down. You made your way over back to the office, knocking on the door. It dawned on you that maybe he was elsewhere but when you heard him tell you to come in you knew otherwise. You took a breath to calm your nerves and went inside. Johnny was at his desk looking at the tablet in hand, not meeting your gaze.
“Uh… I just… just wanted to return your jacket…”
“You should keep it.”
“I… I don’t know what I would do with it…”
“Hm. You can leave it on the chair.”
“Don’t forget to look over your things. If there’s anything you don’t want or something that you’re missing, just let me know. We can always go back.”
“I should apologize for earlier.” Johnny put down the tablet. “I was out of line and didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“Oh… I… I understand, you-”
“No. You can be upset with me. My behavior was far from appropriate, and I haven’t been the best person to you as of late. I will do better.”
“Okay… I’ll hold you to that…”
Johnny chuckled. “Good.”
“Uh… Johnny?”
“Earlier… you said… I was mistaken in thinking I was your guest… so… am I part of your pack?”
“You choose your pack. So that question falls on you, if you want to be a part of this pack.”
“You don’t have to answer now.”
You excused yourself, a small smile on your face. You got your bags from the car and went to your room, going over everything and putting your things away. Over the last few days this place had slowly begun to feel like a home. You had your own room, and your own things. You honestly couldn’t see yourself leaving anytime soon, or at all. Especially with Johnny not being so cold to you anymore more.
You had been wandering the house when you found Jeno in the garage, working on one of the cars. You decided to stick around and keep him company. He showed you a bit about how the car works and what he was working on.
“What did he do now?”
“Nothing. I just have a question.”
“Back at the mall… why was he so… mean to the others…”
“Well, for starters, Johnny used to run with the Lee pack. He didn’t like the way they did things so he stepped away and made his own. There’s still some lingering bad blood between them. Then there’s the fact you’re an omega. Whether he cares to admit it or not, it’s hard not to be protective of you.”
“I know that. I wish I wasn’t such a burden.”
“That’s not your fault.”
“But I am trouble.”
“Not because you mean to be. No one holds you responsible or thinks you’re at fault.”
“I’ll try to behave.”
“You’re wonderful just the way you are.”
A moment later Jeno had to excuse himself to take a call, leaving you alone in the garage. You just looked around, not touching anything as you had no idea how to work any of the tools present. When you heard footsteps you thought Jeno had returned, but instead Johnny entered the room. He was looking for Jeno, but it was clear he wasn’t there. Since it was just you he felt a bit awkward, but offered you a smile.
“I don’t know where Jeno is…”
“That’s fine… how… how are you?”
“I’m good, just trying to find things to do.”
“Is there anything you want to try? I can get you anything you need.”
“I don’t really know what I want to do…”
“We can try things. I can get you art supplies, we can start a garden in the backyard, maybe you want to knit.”
“I… I think I’d rather do something useful.”
“You don’t have to do anything like that. It’s your life to do what you want with it.”
“But I don’t wanna seem like a burden here.”
“You’re not. You never have been. I know I haven’t been the nicest since you arrived, and I have a lot to make up for, but I never saw you as a burden.”
“You were pretty mean…”
“I know, and I’m sorry. I’m still not entirely sure my pack is what is best for you, but if you want to stay here, I won’t deny you that.”
“Is that why you were so cold… you didn’t want me to stay…”
“The things we do here aren’t exactly kind.”
“But you saved me, and the others as well… that was very kind…”
“I guess we try every now and then.”
“Uh… a garden… would be nice… I could grow some fruits and vegetables for everyone… if that’s alright…”
“Sure. We can go buy some plants and seeds tomorrow.”
You didn’t really know anything about gardening, but like you said, you didn’t want to be completely useless. Even if Johnny told you that you didn’t need to do anything to help them, you still wanted to. In a way it would also let you get close to them too. As promised the next day you went out with the pack to buy some plants, and other gardening tools. You spent the rest of the afternoon fixing up the backyard into a proper garden. It wasn’t until late into the night that you were watering everything and letting them settle into the soil. 
You were sleepy by then but you certainly needed to eat before bed. You had some food before heading to your room. Although you were very tired and stumbling down the hall. You wound up half sleeping against the wall when someone grabbed you. A soft chuckle escaped their lips and you could see a blurry figure of Johnny. He picked you up in his arms and carried you to your room. He got your shoes off and tucked you into bed, petting your head softly.
“Sweet dreams.”
Tending to the garden was your daily routine, and it meant you spent a lot of time outside. It wasn’t until then that you realized how much you liked the outdoors. For the most part you had always been kept inside and rarely saw the sun. It made you feel as if you were a flower yourself. Finally allowed out in the sunlight so you could grow properly and bloom. Johnny wasn’t distant either anymore, he’d always be checking in on you while you were in the garden and would help you where he could. Although the one who was always at your side was Jeno, making the two somewhat jealous of each other. You were just glad they didn’t fight over you.
“Guys! Look!”
You were so excited to show the boys your plants when the vegetables had become ripe for picking. Now of course it was a question of if they were good. You excitedly picked out what was ready and washed them in the kitchen, helping with the meal preparations and hoping for the best. You anxiously watched the others take the first bite, and seeing their happy reactions assured you that it was good. They all sang your praises and you were happy to provide them with some good food. It really made you feel like you belonged. Which meant it was probably about time you said something. Although you were very nervous about it.
You had to work up the courage a bit to go see Johnny. You were pacing around outside his office, trying to figure out what the right words to say were. You didn’t know much about how packs worked, let alone how you join one. While pacing Jeno found you, quite curious about your actions. He asked you what was going on but you fumbled your words over and over again. He placed his hands on your shoulder, telling you to breathe and take a moment to compose yourself. You thanked him for his help, figuring it was now or never. You knocked on Johnny’s door and then stepped into his office, Jeno right behind you.
“Hello, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I… I wanted to talk to you… about something.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“I… uh… I…”
“Take your time.”
“You… you said I wasn’t a guest… but a part of this pack… if that’s what I wanted…”
“Yes, and that still stands.”
“Well, I’ve made a decision.”
“And what would that be?”
“If… if you’ll have me… I’d like to be part of this pack.”
Johnny smiled. “Of course, we’d love to have you.”
You let out a nervous chuckle, glad this was out in the open, but still a little nervous. Johnny got up from his desk and came over to you, pulling you into his arms.
“I’m glad you want to stay with us.”
“Me too.” Jeno added. “The others will be happy to hear.”
You snuggled up against Johnny, feeling warm in his embrace. You could tell he was happy, as were you. His scent was also quite relaxing, giving you a sense of safety. This was probably what being in a pack felt like. As Johnny held you he took in your scent, leaning over to nuzzle your neck. There was something about you in the moment that was drawing him in. Maybe it was because he could finally call you his, or his alpha side was giving in to the fact you were an omega who hadn’t been claimed yet. Jeno seemed to notice his intentions.
“You can excuse yourself.”
Jeno chuckled. “I am not leaving you alone with y/n.”
“Then don’t get in the way.”
“Two is better than one.”
Jeno came up behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders, giving you a gentle message. You let out a happy whine, looking back at Jeno who greeted you with a smile.
“How do you feel baby girl?”
“Yeah? We can make you feel even better if you want.”
“Hm… that sounds nice…”
Johnny’s hands slid down your sides, tugging at your skirt until it fell to the ground, leaving you in your panties. He snatched you away from Jeno and had you sit on his desk, pressing a deep kiss against your lips.
“Let me know if you want me to stop.”
Johnny smirked at you, getting you out of your shirt. He pressed kisses against your exposed skin while Jeno reached over to unhook your bra. Johnny helped you out of it and then his eyes looked down at your body, and you knew what he was staring at. You pressed your thighs together, definitely nervous about that.
“No one’s gonna hurt you.” Johnny assured. “If you want to stop, just say so.”
“I… I don’t want to…”
Johnny massaged your thighs, a grin on his face. You let out a soft whine, getting a chuckle out of the two of them. Jeno came over to your side, pressing kisses to your neck. His lips were warm and gentle, grabbing your attention. While you were distracted with that Johnny ran his fingers up and down your panties, making you squirm. He shushed you, telling you to behave. Without warning he slid your panties aside and touched your center. His cold fingers sent shivers down your spine. You had closed your eyes for a moment, and when you opened them you saw Johnny staring at you with lust.
“I won’t answer to that right now.”
“Good girl.”
Johnny leaned in close to press a kiss to your cheek as he pushed a finger into you. Immediately your eyes went wide and you grabbed Johnny’s hand. He didn’t budge though, merely tsking at you. Jeno’s hands creeped over yours and pulled them away, letting Johnny continue to finger you. The only noises that escaped your lips were whines and moans, your hips moving on their own. Johnny loved your reaction, adding another finger, and then another, stretching you out. This whole thing was a new feeling, something you had yet to do back at the club. You had always been so scared, but you felt safe here.
“Do you want me?” Johnny asked.
“Yes, alpha.”
Johnny kissed you deeply before pushing you back against the desk. You yelped as you were startled by his actions, Jeno pushed away. You stared up at Johnny, slightly out of breath. He kept eye contact with you as he unzipped his pants.
“Tell me at any point if I need to stop.”
“You can’t have her all to yourself.” Jeno growled.
Johnny had you wrap your legs around his waist and then lifted you up, changing your positions. Now he was the one sitting on the desk, and you were sitting in his lap. You could feel something firm pushing up between your legs, making it difficult to sit still.
“Better?” Johnny questioned.
“I can work with this.” Jeno chuckled.
Jeno came up from behind, kissing you once more, then you began to feel something poking at your back. It wasn’t hard to guess what that was.
“Can you take both of us at once?” Jeno asked. “I think you can.”
“… both…”
“Trust us, we’ll go slow.”
Jeno grabbed your hips, lifting you up a bit so Johnny could get himself in place. You began to feel something pushing up into you, and Jeno slowly sat you down. You squirmed and whimpered, feeling yourself getting pushed open. It took a moment to get used to the feeling, leaning back against Jeno for support.
“Fuck baby.” Johnny groaned. “You’re real tight.”
“That’s not a bad thing.”
After a moment Johnny placed his hands on your hips, Jeno letting him take control. He began to help you move up and down, feeling him slide in and out of you. The way he stretched you out felt amazing, and then he began moving at a certain angle that sent wave after wave of pleasure. Your eyes practically rolled to the back of your head as you bounced up and down. Jeno was sucking on your neck, leaving all kinds of marks on you, but he wanted his turn too. As you felt this heat building inside you Jeno suddenly put his hand on Johnny’s chest.
“Am I gonna join the fun?”
“I think she’s ready. Although she might cum from our combined size first.”
“That’s alright.”
Johnny laid back and pulled you down with him. Now you were so close to his face you felt a bit shy. Then you jumped when you felt some fingers down between your legs. You unintentionally moved, but Jeno placed a hand on your back.
“Yes, alpha.”
You felt as Jeno fingered you while Johnny was still inside you, pushing you to your limits. At the moment you couldn’t even fathom what came next, but you didn’t have to wonder for long. You suddenly felt something hot and wet running along your ass. You glanced back to see Jeno holding his length. Before you could say anything Johnny pulled your attention and kissed you deeply. While you were distracted you felt Jeno pushing into you. Your breath caught in your throat, and Johnny held you still as Jeno rocked into you.
“Good girl, good girl, I told you that you could take us.”
“Fuck… so much…”
“I’m surprised you held back baby girl, but you’re gonna cum soon.”
“Wanna… wanna cum…”
“We know.”
You had a moment to adjust to the stretch before they started moving, gently, but it was still overwhelming. You swear something was gonna tear, but they were careful. You had your eyes shut tight, feeling everything and rocking your body back and forth. That heat from before had returned, and was rising, being felt across every inch of your body. It persisted until it overwhelmed you, making your vision go white as you began to shake uncontrollably. You laid in Johnny’s embrace, the two still moving and groaning as you squeezed them tightly.
You were in and out of consciousness, floating on cloud nine as you felt something warm between your legs. You whimpered and nuzzled against Johnny, just enjoying the moment. At some point you wound up on the floor on top of the two alphas, feeling warm and exhausted and overjoyed all at once. You felt someone softly petting you, wanting to say something but it all came out as incoherent mumbles, getting laughs out of the two of them. That was good enough for you, making you feel safe.
“So, we officially have an omega now.” Jeno stated.
“Isn’t that what you wanted from the start?”
“I guess I did. I just didn’t really know it.”
“They say when it comes to your pack, you just know.”
“Did you know?”
“Perhaps there was a reason I went into your room that day.”
“Hm, I guess it was meant to be.”
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izzyspussy · 6 months
The Burden Easy: Crew & Izzy + Omegaverse (3/15)
Bitching is one of the worst things a person can do to a fellow human being, tantamount to rape even if they don't force a mating bond while they're at it. The transition is painful, the dominance of the act humiliating, but beyond that an alpha who is forced to become an omega will almost always succumb to dysphoria and despair and, unless prevented, will take their own life.
But Izzy's always been a fucking contrarian. He's gonna be just fine.
Izzy's bedroom door closes hard behind them, only to bounce back open. Frenchie swears viciously when he realizes that the latch is broken. Izzy only laughs, hoarse and insincere. "No keeping him out," he says, like it's something he's long since accepted. Normally, Frenchie speeds through to accept those sorts of things too. He hopes he doesn't have to this time. Surely if Blackbeard meant to force a mating bond, he would have kept Izzy in his grasp until the heat fully set in, right? But of course he could always change his mind. He seems to do that a lot. "We'll set up a watch schedule," Jim says, stubborn set to their jaw. They let go of Izzy now that they're here, close enough to the destination of his neatly made bed that Frenchie can get him there by himself. The door stays shut when they close it more gently. "No keeping him out," Izzy repeats. He starts to lilt out of Frenchie's hold, so Frenchie hurries to get him in range of the mattress so he'll spill onto it and not the floor. "Meant for everyone else," Jim lies. Izzy makes a doubtful noise but he doesn't argue again. Instead, he tells Frenchie gravely, "You have to start stealing food. On raids." It takes a second, but only a second. Frenchie's always caught on quick.  They haven't been to port in more than two months, raiding every single day. Frenchie'd thought, or maybe he'd hoped, that Blackbeard was counting up his double share of their take for something specific. Maybe a new ship so he could send this one to the depths like he'd done with most of the rest of Stede's stuff. But of course, Captain Blackbeard would just steal a new ship if he wanted one. He isn't counting. Or if he is counting something, it's not the money. He has no intention to spend any of it, or to let them spend theirs, not even on the supplies to keep going on like this. And Izzy- Blackbeard did this to Izzy because Izzy challenged him on it.
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
A gift for @slenderboo :)
"Hunter, I have sufficiently masked our escape route, so you may release the console." Tech adjusts his goggles as the Marauder hits its seventh hyperspace jump, and Hunter finally releases the co-pilot steering once the blue glow washes over the cockpit. The Empire would have most likely given up after jump number three, but when you've just raided some outpost and killed some of the Empire's new natborn troopers to save some clones, you could never be too sure.
Speaking of, Tech does not miss the way Hunter glances at the door, and motions towards it with his head.
"Go, check on him, I do not need a co-pilot right now."
Hunter grumbles, but gets onto his weary feet to head out of the cockpit and into the ship. There had only been three clones among the natborns that had been loading an Imperial cargo ship, who turned on their superiors when the Batch came in swinging alongside the small group that had been sent along with a lieutenant that was dead by the time they arrived. They all either nodded at Hunter or watched him quietly head further into the ship, to where a certain clone was lying in a bunk, Echo crouched over him with a medical scanner in hand.
Crosshair was so thin at first glance, teeth chattering despite being wrapped up in every blanket that Omega could find stashed in the ship. His eyes were rimmed with dark circles, and Hunter reaches out before he can stop himself to place his hand over Crosshair's chest, feeling the shallow rise and fall of his chest.
"He just needs some rest." Echo scanned Crosshair's forehead, eyes flickering over when Hunter pulled his hand away. "He will be fine."
"...how's the other guy?" Hunter has to look away, or he'll just stand here until the end of time.
"He's not much better, we'll need more bacta." Echo shook his head, motioning toward the direction of their actual medical room. "Could you just check on him for a moment, I'm almost done with Cross."
"Yea, I can do that." Hunter cast one last look at Crosshair before heading towards medical, pinching the bridge of his nose as he did so to ward off a migraine he could feel building.
"What's wrong with you?" If Hunter wasn't a trained soldier he might have jumped the moment he walked through the doorway, instead just grunting in response.
The spare bed has been dragged out for one of the extra men currently taking residence in the main living area, leaving the clone on his own. Said man is looking at Hunter with a mixture of slight amusement and guarded caution, his common brown eyes differing with a ring of silver around his iris earning an extra look from Hunter.
"I didn't catch your name?" Hunter had been far more concerned about throwing both the man and Crosshair over his shoulders and bolting for safety, so pleasantries hadn't been handed out until hours later.
"Mayday." Hunter nods as he begins to take some vitals, and for a moment neither of the men speaks over the beeping of the machine next to the bed. "So...Clone Force 99?"
"What?" Hunter glances up, currently scanning Mayday's chest to ensure he's healing properly.
"Ol' Crosshair said you all were gone." Mayday rolled his eyes, letting out a breathless chuckle. "Lying ass vod'ika."
"Sounds right for him." Hunter shrugged, and is satisfied with the vitals when he finally steps back and stows the scanner for later. It takes a slow breath not to react to the mando'a term, especially from a reg. "Did you know him long?"
"Not particularly." Mayday winced as he slightly adjusted himself to sit up a little more. "Good company, despite all of the death and destruction." Hunter nodded, leaning against the medicine cabinet and crossing his arms with a slight huff.
"Crosshair tends to cause that." Mayday raised an eyebrow, and for a few moments, the warble of the engine is all that passes between them.
"I'm not sure what happened between you, but you're wrong." There was a flicker of surprise that crossed Hunter's face, but Mayday had been around long enough to spot it before the younger clone could mask it. "Saved my life, despite me telling him to go."
"Crosshair...?" Ah, that surprise is back, and Mayday huffs.
"Mhm. Course, I saved his first, but semantics semantics." The smirk that tugged on his lips for a moment felt more like a grimace, but Mayday knew he wasn't exactly a pretty guy these days. "Should clock him though, disobeying orders like that damn kih'vod."
"He always does." Hunter blurted out, clearly a few steps behind the conversation.
"Not surprising to hear." Mayday gave a small shrug, and is rewarded with only a slight pain. Good. "He alright?"
"He will be." Mayday nods and doesn't push any further. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, not like I'm going anywhere," Mayday grunted, watching the conflict pass on Hunter's face for a moment.
"You called him vod'ika...Crosshair doesn't like regs." Regs? Not a term he's heard before, but seeing that this Clone Force 99 was different, not surprising in the long run.
"Dunno, maybe I'm just charming. Or, maybe Crosshair isn't as uptight as you think." Mayday could see a coloring of rage in those eyes trained on him, and he continues. "Being left with the Empire can break anyone, especially when batchmates do it as a group."
"We didn't leave him." If Mayday hadn't been so jaded from time, he might have been unsettled from the hiss sent his direction. "He stayed, he..."
He doesn't have to explain.
"Most of us regs thought we were doing the right thing," Mayday shook his head, as if warding away the Empire in his thoughts. "People change, doesn't matter how long it takes."
Could he really take the chance to believe?
Hunter couldn't see if there was another angle, a way to take any sliver of kindness to use against them, anything malicious that he was always searching for. Crosshair had to be against them still, right?
"Go to him vod, he's going to need you." Mayday's voice is softer than Hunter has heard up until this point, and the two share a look before Hunter pushes himself up onto his feet. His instincts are still erring on the side of caution as he makes his way back to Crosshair, but when he sits down next to his unconscious brother, taking a cold hand into his?
Well, maybe Mayday had a point.
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aotopmha · 13 days
I finished the Myths of the Realm alliance raid.
I've actually been super busy in FF14 these last two weeks – I also did the 6.1 MSQ, the job quest capstones, the ShB role quest capstones, the Omega Endwalker capstone and a bunch of other stuff that's not story-related.
As far as major content left, I think I only have the 8-man raid series, EW role quests and the rest of the MSQ to go now.
Though the EW role quests don't feel as immediately significant as the ShB ones, so I'm not as much in a hurry to get them done.
All of these bits of content will probably get their own posts in due time.
And I think there is a bunch more to say even for stuff I've already talked about.
But for now, I'll talk about Euphrosyne and Thaleia.
And I think they didn't quite continue the momentum in terms of mechanical creativity that Aglaia started, which is sad, but I think I'd at least place them above any of the Crystal Tower and Void Ark raids and I can say I don't agree with some of the more extreme takes on them because I think they still have some really creative fights/elements in there.
Firstly, I'm sad they didn't continue the mini boss encounters and instead defaulted back to regular mobs between fights. It's something fairly unique to any encounters in the game.
A few more could've been fun.
But going from Byregot's really cool "crafting" mechanic theming to Nophica's comparatively mundane AoEs is also a downgrade.
It's a beautiful-looking fight with the season changes and I even get the farming theme within the AoEs, but I think her fight is probably the weakest fight in the entire raid series.
It really is just basic AoE dodging. The alternating colors are the most unique part of the fight, but I think Tsukiyomi did that in a much thematically stronger way, too.
Moving on, I really like the Astrologian theming for Nymeia. Her design is one of my favourites. I love her clothes.
On one hand, Nymeia and Althyk are the only double fight in all of the three wings, which in itself gives the fight its own identity, but on the other hand I wish each had their own fight.
I like how the gravity and cards are combined and needing to play according to the card effects is neat, though, again, in comparison, I think Rhalgr was just so much stronger in terms of having its own identity, particularly with its super unique arena that is used in fun ways.
Avoiding gravity has been in many fights at this point and so has been dodging status effects and I feel this fight doesn't really do much new with that.
But it is also not entirely devoid of personality by combining these two ideas.
Next, I think Halone actually gets a really good fight. The memory game in her fight isn't necessarily new, either, but I like how it is executed in it because I think it and her delayed attacks are really satisfying to dodge. Her nature as a spear-wielding warrior goddess comes through really well in the fight and I love her transforming weapon.
In fact, I want that weapon for DRK (would be really cool if it was available for both DRK and PLD in its respective spear and shield/greatsword form, maybe even having a form specifically for DRG, and you'd be able to change between them for cosmetic purposes).
I feel there is a fun fire/ice parallel with Aglaia and Eusophryne and Azeyma/Halone: fire being dark-aspected and ice being light-aspected, and the identities of their fights contrasting each other.
While Azeyma felt like a free-flowing reactive fight, Halone felt very orderly and "set in stone" so to say. Passive vs active and I think that's really cool.
I want to mention the ice citadel and the two moons, too, which is probably my favourite location in all of the three wings of the raid visually, though Aglaia's Heaven of Fire is a very close contender.
Menphina I'd put on par with Althyk and Nymeia.
There are some "almost" unique elements with her fight, like Dalamud jumping out of his target ring or the moon creating an attack when it becomes full, but they're more like neat details than fully substantial unique mechanics.
Menphina is one of my favourites out of all of the gods in terms of actual personality.
She's so playful and fun. Her having a magical girl-like aesthetic for a goddess of love is also super fun/cute and I want Dalamud as a mount.
So, all of the fights in Euphrosyne have their own "personality" visually, but it doesn't always translate into the mechanics. But when it does, we get cool stuff like Halone's fight or cute elements like a puppy named Dalamud that is having fun with hit boxes or the goddess of fate using Astrologian cards. It's not as distinct as what came before in a general sense to me, but I still had a bunch of fun running it.
Moving on to Thaleia, I definitely like Thaliak more than Nophica because I like the Zodiark positioning mechanic and I like dodging the triangles because you have to think slightly more about your positioning than with fairly generic AoEs. It's not "unique" so to speak, but what is there is done well enough.
I see Lymlaen the same way. Nier did the corridor running better, but I still really like how she creates an opening in the middle of the whirlpool she created as her arena. It's such a cool idea, but most of her fight still ends up being AoE dodging, which at this point just frustrated me.
I feel you could've done some neat stuff with manipulating the whirlpool and that alone would've strenthened the general identity of it.
I do love that the goddess of the sea is a tough pirate lady, though.
I think Oschon is the best fight in Thaleia. I love the predictive mechanics involving his archery. His fight is a super distinctive fight in terms of showcasing him as a fighter, just like Halone's.
I feel like Bards are fairly underrepresented in the game, too, so the fight is welcome in this sense, as well.
They even manage to weave the straight-forward stuff into this reactive archery identity of the fight.
Finally, there is Eulogia.
I think this fight is basically the alliance raid version of the final Eden fight. I like final fights that test you on mechanics that you've encountered up to that point.
In this case, I think it being a "test" fight really benefitted the narrative structure and did a great job at crafting a sense of finality for the entire raid in terms of the gameplay and story alike.
To me it completed the entire package, even if I thought the first wing was the best part of it.
In a general enjoyment sense, I was never truly bored through any of the encounters, I just think some fights could've been better.
They still sound great and look great and give some really cool glamour.
And I'll probably be happier to get any of these raid wings in roulettes than Nier or Ivalice because I feel you can get through them comparatively quickly. Nier is really long in particular.
So, I can see where the criticisms for the series come from, but none of the criticisms I *personally* have for it truly ruin any of it.
Now if the game kept going down this path and never changing and leaning more and more on these generic encounter tropes, it would eventually become a true problem.
Once again looking at the statements about Dawntrail, though, luckily it seems they are aiming to nip this homogenization issue in the bud.
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drachenblood · 1 year
still haven't done msq, but did panda and my loose thoughts:
i think so far this might be my fav tier out of the three for this expac. the boss design are varied and the music slaps. found myself singing to the last boss' theme several times.
also i've been hearing a lot of horror stories about how people have been wiping 10+ times to certain bosses and i feel considerably lucky that we got some good groups. of the four, elidibus' fight was the most boring. i liked the call backs to SOS ex and the remix and the arena was gorgeous, but for how they hyped the fight up in the story i was expecting more than thanjeet 2.0
storywise, i think with everything concluded, that i'd rank this as my third fav? so it'd be eden > bahamut > panda > omega > alexander. i just think it fell flat in developing the final boss of the tier. i was hoping to get more about athena, but then she went on this top 10 most cliche anime villain diatribe and it soured everything for me. although i did laugh when she called erich utterly useless until the end or something like that. idk, it was horrible of me, but i love it when women are callous bitches sometimes.
i did like the aesthetics and how it had a quantum physics sort of vibe to it with string theory and the butterfly effect (i'm assuming that was what they were going for?). but otoh i'm a little miffed that of course it's a female boss, so she gets to be pretty and gorgeous. cowards.
erich not being our present laha is whatever to me. i'm more disappointed we didn't get to find out what became of him after the raids were done other than instead of being dependent on athena, he's now chained himself to his father. he didn't really get to become his own person in the end, which if i were more invested in his character i might have cared more, but it's just one of those eyebrow raising decisions in their writing for me.
anyway i'm beyond done with raids having their stories tied to ascians and ancients so i am genuinely hoping we move past them.
tldr: i enjoyed the entire raid as a whole. kinda tired of women being ground under the heels of men for the sake of their development, but why am i expecting any better from SE?
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hi i love your writing its amazing and i hope you’re having a great day and staying well rested!❤️ i have a question for the pack, or more specifically the omegas. what are some of your favorite items of everyone else's you like to use when nesting? do you typically go for the same pack mates item every time? do you more prefer something from one of the alphas? sorry if this is a lot i’m just curious and just recently got into a/b/o kinda stuff❤️
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"Hm." Felix hums a thoughtful sort of sound beneath his breath, eyes large and dark. "This is a really good question. And one that I'd say varies by omega?" He glances over at Hyunjin for approval. "Jinnie?"
"Yeah." The head omega nods immediately, offering the younger boy a soft, affectionate smile, his nose crinkling. "Yeah, just like ruts, all heats are different, no two are the same, and the same goes for nesting."
"I'm a very particular nester." Hyunjin goes on, looking thoughtful now, as Changbin, sitting beside him, slings an easy arm around his shoulders.
"We know." The alpha grins, easily dodging a pinch in the side from the glaring omega, even as he chuckles. "I didn't say it was a bad thing! Put your teeth away."
Hyunjin huffs and settles into Changbin's side regardless, even after giving him one more pointed glare with little to no bite.
"Anyway, as I was saying, I'm a picky nester and I always have been. Even when I first presented. Now that I belong to a pack, I have certain favorite items that I return to time and time again, and structure and materials are all super important to my omega when building a nest."
"I think we all have certain favorites though." Felix points out, Jeongin nodding beside him, and Hyunjin pauses to consider.
"Oh yeah, definitely, there's some items that all our omegas like, all across the board."
"Like hyung's Nirvana hoodie." Felix says with a grin in Chan's direction, even as the head alpha rolls his eyes playfully, though his body language exudes nothing but loving affection.
"Yeah, unfortunately. Because that's also one of my favorites."
Felix blows the alpha a kiss, and then turns back to Hyunjin.
"Okay, go on, Jinnie."
"Okay." Hyunjin nods, shifting into Changbin's side, as the older nuzzles his nose into his hair. "I think that we don't prefer alpha's things over other's necessarily? Yeah, alpha scents help the most during a heat, but not by themselves. They have to be layered with other pack member's scents-betas, other omegas-to really have their most powerful and helpful effect. I like my nests to be well represented and well rounded-there has to be at least one item from each member in them-so that everything is balanced, otherwise, I can't seem to settle down and relax."
Felix waits, and when it seems that Hyunjin is done for the moment, he speaks up next, tilting his head slightly, brow furrowed, as if deep in thought.
"I'm not as particular about my nests, necessarily, but I do like everything I use to smell particularly strong. Thus why I usually raid everyone's laundry baskets before laundry day, just in case."
He blushes lightly, offering all of you a sheepish grin, getting some coos in return, even as Minho pinches his cheek in an aggressively affectionate manner.
"We don't mind, Yongbok. Even if Changbin does complain."
Felix nods. "I know. And I appreciate it."
"That hoodie you took last time?" Jisung pipes up, offering the omega a heart shaped grin that crinkles his eyes. "I wore that for three days straight without ever taking it off before I gave it to you. Just for you, baby."
"Ew." Hyunjin screws up his nose in disgust, but Felix looks nothing but completely and utterly smitten.
"I know, Jisungie. Thank you."
"As far as favorite things?" Felix continues, looking thoughtful once more, considering. "Anything soft and warm is good enough for me. I don't like anything scratchy or with a lot of texture when I'm in my nest-like jeans or sequins-because I'm usually already a little over sensitive as it is."
"And I-" Jeongin chirps now, straightening up slightly beside Felix with a rakish grin. "-am still learning."
"And you're doing great, pup." Felix praises warmly, reaching out to pet the youngest omega's head, even as he butts into his hand like a needy kitten.
"The first time I ever nested was my heat shortly after I presented?" Jeongin continues, screwing up his nose at the memory. "It wasn't anything special, and I didn't really know what was happening, because it was just some frantic, primal urge then? Like, grab anything and throw it anywhere, just do something to feel better?"
"Yeah, the first one is rough. And especially in a heat." Hyunjin agrees, glancing over at the baby sympathetically. "You did great though, Innie. We were all so proud of you."
Jeongin blushes and clears his throat. "Anyway, now the hyungs have actually been teaching me how to make nests when I'm not in heat, and it's been pretty cool, but I'm still learning my preferences."
"I'm telling you-" Jisung exclaims, waving his hands at the youngest excitedly. "Make your nests into blanket forts. Do you know how awesome that would be?"
Jeongin grins. "I'll think about it, hyung."
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weeklyreadings · 1 year
Week 7, part two
Working Out The Kinks by potter_loves_malfoy
Rated E. 6k. Jeddy
Four times James tried to pretend he wasn’t submissive and the one time he didn’t.
The Generation Who Lived by @lettersbyelise
Rated E. 15k. Drarry
In the months leading up to the 10th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy writes a series of articles about war survivors. So far, he’s managed to interview everyone he wanted. Everyone...except his old nemesis, his one-time lover, and the elusive war hero who stubbornly refuses to be featured in Draco’s interview series; Harry Potter.
The Lies We Live With by @bixgirl1
Rated E. 5k. Jeddy
It doesn’t really count… is almost always followed by a lie, James learns, growing up.
Betrayal is a Thorny Crown (You Wear It Well) by Snegurochka
Rated E. 9k. Jeddy
Five years after taking his fifteen-year-old godbrother's virginity, Teddy has done everything he can to avoid James. He is definitely not supposed to look this good when Teddy finally runs into him again, but Teddy is pretty sure the kid will never forgive him for disappearing like that.
The Way He Looks by @whitcraft
Rated E. 11k. Jeddy
His dad’s having a midlife crisis, he hates the job he doesn’t even have yet and he’s somehow managed to accidentally bond himself to the best mate he’s secretly in love with. Surely growing up shouldn’t be this difficult?
Omega by iamisaac
Rated E. 59k. Jeddy
When James Sirius Potter unexpectedly presents as an Omega, two months after his seventeenth birthday, his life is uprooted. From being one of the most admired young men at Hogwarts, he is now the most despised. For as ‘everybody’ knows, Omegas are the lowest of the low, only good for sex and babies*...
Pirates, Parrots, and Pining (oh my) by @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur
Rated M. 7k. Wolfstar
Remus Lupin, Captain of the pirate ship Werewolf, always has a plan. Granted, the number of times his plans succeed can be counted on a single hand (okay fine, if he’s being completely honest, could even be counted on Quartermaster Peter’s silver hook-for-a-hand), but the point is that careful planning and strategizing is an important part in any intelligent Captain’s toolbox. Sirius Black, Captain of the Black Dog, is making things up as he goes. Irritatingly, this seems to be working for him. Even more irritatingly, they keep winding up accidentally raiding the same ships. If Remus Lupin has to argue with that smug, handsome bastard one more time about whose turn it is to steal from Navy Captain Snape, he may just end up drowning the man. Or even worse, kissing him.
For here you are, standing there, loving me (whether or not you should) by @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur
Rated M. 50k. Wolfstar
After adopting the nine children of his fallen Order of the Phoenix companions, Lord Sirius Black finds himself the head of a household full of unprocessed grief, a string of failed tutors (who all quit after one too many pranks from Fred and George), and no clue how to parent other than keeping his chaotic family safely hidden away from the rising Death Eater factions that remain.
Enter Remus Lupin: a restless young academic, eager to get out into the world after growing up sheltered in a hidden werewolf sanctuary. When he accepts a position in Lord Black’s household as the new tutor, little does he know that soon he’ll learn to love this clan of rambunctious children and their handsome, grief-stricken father… who may just love him back.
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wolfiepyxie · 1 year
So I’ve never done this before but, I have a Destiel fic. Two actually, but I’m just gonna promote this one first cause it’s the one with the most chapters out of the two🙂
𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴: Explicit
There were necessities for survival; Castiel Krushnic understood this all too well. Perhaps that understanding was what influenced the choice he had made that day...
Whilst the Angel of Death, the enforcer to the Krushnic bratva, was on a safe house raid, he encountered an omega. Hidden away in the depths of the safe house, the omega was injured, malnourished, and most likely hadn't seen the light of day in a very long time. Castiel usually had impeccable control over his instincts; however, that day, his inner alpha won out over him. Resulting in Castiel bringing the omega back to the bratva stronghold otherwise known as the Den.
Why had the omega been hidden away in the safe house? Who would dare treat such a precious gift from God in such a manner? Sadly the alpha had nothing but questions and no answers in sight.
Graphic Depictions Of Violence Rape/Non-ConCastiel/Dean WinchesterDean Winchester Castiel (Supernatural) Michael (Supernatural) Lucifer (Supernatural) Gabriel (Supernatural)Omega Verse Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Discrimination Alpha Castiel/Omega Dean Winchester Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con The Author Regrets Nothing Russian Castiel (Supernatural) Forehead Kisses Slow Burn Slow Build Slow Everything! Background Relationships Angst and Hurt/Comfort Dean Winchester Has Panic Attacks Dean Winchester Has Nightmares Protective Castiel (Supernatural)
Anywho, theres everything you need to know before you decide to read it. And if you do read it, I hope you enjoy it.
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mushroomjeremy · 1 year
Moldy Writing Masterpost
I didn't know a better way to start off showing my writing so I’ll make this masterpost that will update with new writings or delete projects I don't want to finish.
For anyone who doesn't want to see these post the blockable tag is ‘Moldy Writing’
This is the format I will explain the works in
This also included other smaller writings:
Working Title | Shortened Title | Status | Length | Type | Fandom | Description
Any with ‘Working Title’ means it doesn't have a title yet or it will be changed to something else in the future.
Single means I’ll write one chapter but I’m keeping open minded to writing another story that follows the previous writing. One-Shot means I have no intention to continue the story from that point.
Fanfictions :
Two Greens in Hunters' Clothing | Two Greens | Chap 3 In Development | Multi-Chapter with no known end point | Found Family with Timeline/Reality Jumping | SCP | For currently unknown reasons D.C. Al Fine adopts a young Agent Ukulele. With a background of the Ichabod campaign going on as well.
Kingson: Seven Hectic Days | Hectic Days | Chap 9 WIP | 15 Chapters | Angst Couple Fic | SCP | Through a phenomenon excessive to Dr. King called the Narrative causes him to turn into the Scarlet King; Dr. Clef, who has barely survived his own past with a Scarlet King, while having a paranoid breakdown that is ignored by all, notices things he perceives as warning sighs in Everett goes to warn and protect Dr. Edison, King's husband, from ending up as he did decades ago trying to teach Edison the lessons he had to learn the hard way before they meet the same crossroads.
Anomalies on the Run | Anomalies |  Chap 2 WIP | Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount but has end point | On the Run Ship Fic | SCP | “Clight” slow burn fic where Clef and my SCP 963 Jair Shimmer both breach containment after 70 year and are on the run to reach an anomalous safe zone to live in.
Mini Bite - Part A: Spicy Nuggets | Spicy Nuggets | Done | NSFW One-Shot | SCP/Humanized County-balls | After Goc gets raided by CI, he shamefully goes to Foundation to get information and help. After the Foundation notices how stress the Goc is currently he add an extra unplanned section to help.
Mini Bite - Part B: Whiskey Coffee Cakes | Whiskey Coffee Cakes | Done | One-Shot | Fluff Fic | SCP/Humanized County-balls | Same as Spicy Nuggets above but the plan is drinking coffee cocktails and a lot of kissing.
Mini Bites - Vodka Shots | Vodka Shots | NSFW One-Shot | SCP | Next propaganda fic about humanized SCP x GOC. This one they are have a drinking contest.
Seamounts & Scarlet Kings | Seamounts | Chap 2 WIP | Many many Chapters | Cross-over mash of 6-7 plots | SCP/Dungeon & Dragons/PlanarScape | A crossover where SCP-verse getting sucked though a portal into PlanarScape and wider worlds of DnD. This one deals with various group and GoI that deal with the Scarlet King all with there own plot the sometimes connect back into one another there are currently. : Main Scarlet King where he is trying to get back his “wives” by starting a war with the whole sphere of DnD, Daevites plot where the remaining Swords of Daeva have to come together to establish a settlement in planarscape to help with the Scarlet Kings war efforts, Children of the Scarlet King plot where they are racing with the Foundations to get who can find the most leviathans over the other, a side b to the Cotsk’s plot is Robert Montauk helping his brother Jacob/ SCP-3554-A find the other kids/instances, and then a side c where Montauk is trying to cause Clef to go into madness, there a CMA plot where they are this evangelical raiding band to get recourse for the daevite settlement, and finally the last plot I’ve called Bitch Plot where its about Lily waking up if people some how really wants her to show up. There’s more plots now I need to do back and fix this later.
Anomalous Omegaverse Hell - Clef Edition | Omega Hell | WIP | Single | NSFW A/B/O | SCP | Just some pure cursed content with A Major System and Alpha/Beta/Omega. Don’t mind me.
Working Title: Smoke | * | Pause | Single | NSFW | SCP | Pwp with A Major and my SCP 963 rewrite Jair Shimmer. They smoke a fictional drug.
Mini Bites - Cherry Chocolate | Cherry Chocolate | Pause | WIP | NSFW One-Shot | SCP | A SCP 173 x Clef fic that taken place in an AU where every anomaly is “mostly” human. This is so AUed that I would even say that it is Freeform in nature.
Mini Bites - Whiskey Truffles | Whiskey Truffles | Pause | WIP | SFW One-Shot | SCP | One-Shot about my version of the Administrator with one of my Dr. Wondertainments. Self-indulgent as this is my rare-pair.
Mini Bites - Irish Cream Waffle Cones | Waffle Cones | SFW One-Shot, Seven Minutes in Heaven Closet Fic | SCP | Agent Ukulele and Agent Shard get locked and forgotten about in an empty utility closest. Ukulele is shit at words and feelings. Takes place in my Split AU.
Mini Bites - Spicy Noodles | Spicy Noodles | Pause | WIP | NSFW A/B/O One-Shot | SCP | It’s Clefdraki and that's all I’m giving.
Dark Moon Dance | Dance | Pause | WIP | Single | AU Self Indulgent Fix - It | Dungeon & Dragons/Forgotten Realms |  A story of ex-lovers coming together at a dance festival hosted by Eilistraee. So much to explain yet few sentences between the two.
 SCP -  Α Β Ω  Omega Virus | Omega Virus | WIP |  Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount | Horror A/B/O | SCP | A slightly fix-it Robert Montauk returns to the Foundation adamant that he has been mind controlled. When a mysterious virus shows up and shows sighs of being an STD as it appear sexually transmutable, however not entirely just that. Montauk get spared from death if he uses his obsessive and moral-less personality traits to help research it. Also just an excuse for me to writing about my full Greek alphabet Omegaverse.
 Fusions | None | WIP | Multi-Chapter, 0/3 Done | IDK | SCP | Short stories that will go with some fusion designs of the SCP doctors.
Family of Bluee | * | Pause | Single | Family Reunion | SCP | Mr. Redd goes to talk to his family.
Mother of Blue, Son of Green, Family of Red | Mother of Blue | Pause | Multi-Chapter, Unknown Amount but has end point | Self-indulgent Family Reunion | SCP | I just wanted to write about Lady Agora and Clef interacting. That was all. There’s no other plot but that.
DND Flavor Text:
Elemental Plane of Smoke - WIP - Currently filling in Biomes (need basic ideas for how each one would look like being near current other elemental planes)
Colothys - WIP - Currently filling in Inhabitants (a few NPCs I have)
Vanishing Tower - Currently Filling in Biomes (Indoor Floors of the Tower, currently Floor 2 out of 10)
Ellaniath-Svartalfheim - Currently Filling in Events
Hidden Shadow/AU-ed Vhaeraun - Currently Filling in Relations with Races (with Drow specifically)
Black Dragons- Currently Filling in Personality (on average)
Dragoth Mistbasalt III - Personal NPC - Filling out History
Pinata Court - An AU of Viva Pinata where I’m writing my own version of journal entries - Currently working on Mothdrop (Residential Requirements)
Pokemon Eatillity - Large Doc of me going on and on about if a Pokemon can be eaten and how or if it has anything to help get more food. - There a few different one I haven't finish and I could always add another Pokemon
I have a lot of things dealing with an SCP/DnD crossover with giving SCP Stat blocks, long flavor text, as well as mechanics to add to DnD games. I can work on any of these.
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
Almost done with the Omega raids, only 2 left to go, but uh, WOW!
This is hands down the best raid or dungeon series so far, not just for how fun the fights are, but for actual characterization. It's at least as good as Bahamut Coils in that regard.
Alpha is the cutest thing to ever live, we're learning more about Midgarsormr, Nero is at his funniest and most bitchy, and Cid has actual thoughts in his damn head that are introspective and complicated. Wow!
I normally kinda skim through this stuff, but they've consistently kept my attention, the little hand tremor as Cid weighed the decision to use a device based on the horrorshow that called Dalamud out of the sky, holy shit! That was... GOOD?
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hawksongwrites · 1 year
Writer Game
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have.
Tagged by @mirrordaltokki
I don't think I can tag anyone who hasn't already done this... Also, I apologize in advance for not knowing better ways to do links.
A small disclaimer that I'm very much a “multi chapter” writer so I'm going to take first lines from first chapters, not first lines from most recent chapters (with one exception). Also, plenty of my work is NSFW, so if you choose to read the fics in full mind the tags please!
Light Rampant: Latest in a long running series (the sixth volume to be exact); this part is retelling some of Shadowbringers as Berylla goes through it.
The Calling was different this time.
A True Gift: An exchange fic from this past December; Theodis attends the Leveilleur Starlight party. Quite wholesome actually.
Starlight Season had come once again – the first one since their journey to the edge of the universe.
Faire Play Fireworks: A fic made of mostly unrelated porn drabbles, VERY NSFW. I'm breaking my pattern here, and showing the first line of the most recent chapter.
“Berylla – what are you doing here?” Alphinaud blinked at me, lowering the book her had been looking at. “Not that I mind – quite the opposite!”
Wanderings (FFXIV Write 2022): As is the nature of FFXIV Write, a fic of ficlets. Some were NSFW.
The alley was well lit, and therefore not as dirty as many others in the city.
Restoration: A commissioned piece; Iriya sits with Estinien after the Final Steps of Fate battle.
The infirmary within the Congregation of the Knights Most Heavenly was full to overflowing; every large ward-room was packed with cots, and even some of the large indoor practice-grounds in the neighboring Tribunal building had been pressed into service to accommodate the hundreds of wounded after the battle against the Horde.
Shadowed Heart: volume 5 in the long series; concluding Stormblood starting halfway through the Omega raids, so the first scene picks up there. Not as much NSFW as some of my work...
I stood on the deck of the Excelsior with my arms crossed, while Cid stood at the helm.
Shine Brighter: A commissioned piece; Iriya and Estinien admit to their feelings for each other.
Iriya stood alone on the edge of the world, and looked out across endless stars.
The Big Questions: Nightbird has to talk to Estinien. Not NSFW but there's discussion of pregnancy.
“Are you packed?”
“Estinien, I've been packed. I was waiting for you...to...” Nightbird's mouth went dry as she turned to look at the dragoon. “Why are you half naked?”
Voidsent Inflorescence: Fair warning that this one's all-around WEIRD. Written almost in a fever dream, not NSFW just kind of strange, not even really horror I guess?
Under the elderberry clouds the trees grow in the breathless heat.
Not Again! (WoW/FFXIV crossover): This has some NSFW in later chapters but mostly just a halfway silly crossover “What if Alphinaud got dumped into Azeroth, how would that play out?”
“Khadgar, are you in here – oh good, there you are.”
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opilius · 1 year
My Protocol Secret Santa contribution for @l-sincline and their oc 01! I feel like I butchered 01's character, but I still hope you enjoy it! It also may get a little violent, so heads up for that.
The sun shone brightly over the remains of Venice, warming the ground and hitting the metal that made up 01, effectively blinding all members of the strike team sent to protect Ascent who dared to look her way. Brimstone had caught wind of the Omega agents planning a raid, so he sent some of his best agents to guard what was left.
“You guys got this,” he said before the door to the airship closed, “Just remember your training!”
And that was the last the group had heard from base.
Now stationed in Venice, 01 looked around at her team. Sova stood inspecting a dart, Raze was listening to music, Jett was spinning a knife, and Omen stood away from the group, seemingly waiting for something. Then, she realized he was waiting for her to announce the plan, seeing as she had some of the best leadership skills in the protocol.
“Ok team, we have one goal. Prevent Omega from taking radianite, at any cost.”
A lackluster plan, sure, but it got the job done.
They had found out Reyna was leading the push, which worried 01. Reyna was the most vicious agent Omega had, and although she had a good team around her, a healerless team going against a bloodthirsty woman wasn’t going to have good odds.
Sova nodded and loaded an arrow into his bow, as the two duelists walked to opposite sides of the town. Omen looked at her for a minute, before disappearing away to… somewhere.
She walked into the middle split between two buildings, and layed a hologram of a vandal down, before setting a holobomb next to it. The sound of an airship approaching spurred her into action, as she hid behind a wall to avoid being seen by the Omega agents who just arrived. She heard as they touched down in an open area on the other side of the site, so she jogged back to Alpha’s side of the town. She pulled out her communicator before radioing the rest of the team.
“Omega just touched down, be on standby.” She heard a confirmation from everyone, so she put the communicator down and lifted her vandal. The Omega agents should be pushing any second now, best to be prepared, she thought. She remained ready to activate her holobomb at any moment, waiting for someone foolish enough to pick up the trap gun.
A comm from Raze at B site confirmed that the main push was happening at the right side of the city, so 01 risked sending a comm of her own.
"I'll watch mid, make sure they don't get out of B alive," she said, before watching Omen and Jett rotate to B. Then, it happened.
Someone fell for the trap.
01 immediately set off her holobomb, effectively leaving the victim blinded and stunned. She fired towards where the trap was located, before hearing a satisfying thunk as the Omega member got hit.
The hologram cleared as 01 viewed the scene. Neon was slumped over where the hologram was located, dead or mortally wounded, she couldn't tell. 01 radioed in.
"Neon is down in mid. How does site look?"
Sova was the one to respond.
"Site looks good. We downed Killjoy and Sage, and we noticed KAY/O leave site. Jett and Omen are injured, but nothing life threatening."
Which only left Reyna unaccounted for.
This was not good. She could be trying to get behind them, strike where they least expected it.
"Have you found Reyna yet?"
"Negative, commander." Sova responded.
A rustle came from mid.
01 pulled out her visor. Through the wall, she could see her, climbing onto the catwalk.
"I found her."
No one responded. 01 figured they were dealing with the injuries in the rest of the team. It was fine.
She could deal with this herself.
Omen had closed the door leading to site earlier, and 01 knew Reyna wouldn’t risk calling that much attention to herself breaking it. That meant the only place she had left to go was the rafters.
01 crept towards A site, listening for a movement. A shatter of glass confirmed her theory of where Reyna was, so she carefully walked up the ramp, keeping an eye out for flashes of purple or movement. Suddenly, she saw Reyna’s Leer around the corner, so she ducked back around the wall. She heard footsteps next, walking onto the rafter, and they slowly started to get farther away.
She risked a look, and saw Reyna moving away from the window, back facing her. Reyna didn’t seem to notice her only feet away, with all of her focus seemingly on the site and the gun in her hands.
This was the opportunity 01 was waiting for. She quietly unsheathed her knife, and was about to silently slink towards her before she had a change of heart. Maybe knowing that Reyna, although a horrible person, had a life too. Then, she remembered her original timeline, and what Reyna did to so many innocent lives. The war that tore through the world, ending so many people and leveling towns. At that moment, she decided.
I need to stop this monster.
She inched up behind Reyna, who still didn’t realize that she was being shadowed. The knife was lifted, glinting in the sunlight. Then, she lowered it in one quick motion.
The knife ripped through Reyna’s back quickly and efficiently, letting out a blood curdling scream from the other woman. Reyna whipped around and attempted to shoot 01, but 01 was able to knock the gun aside with the handle of her knife. The phantom clattered to the ground and slid off the rafters into the site below. With an air of desperation, Reyna lunged at 01, hands going for her neck. 01 quickly brought her knee up and struck Reyna square in the chest, knocking her back. She slumped onto the ground, and clutched at her bleeding back. The gash was long and deep, perfect for causing max injury.
Reyna looked at 01 from the ground, desperately clawing her way towards her. 01 backed up, and lifted her gun. Then, she lowered it. She thought back to her dilemma earlier. Reyna was a person, sure, but remembering how Reyna killed her comrades in another world, and the blood that could be on her hands stopped 01’s train of thought.
Before she could stop herself, she lifted her vandal and eliminated Reyna, while turning away to avoid the carnage. She sent out a comm to the rest of the team telling them to meet her back at their side, before radioing back to base to send an airship. The rest of the team gathered around 01, with Jett being carried on Raze’s back and Omen somehow being cradled in Sova’s arms.
“The problem has been taken care of,” 01 said as they set down the wounded and began packing up equipment. “Reyna no longer exists.”
Everyone looked rather happy at that. Omega lost 5 great agents for an indescribable amount of time, and now it was time for Alpha to celebrate.
The airship arrived and the team piled on. 01 looked over the city as they left, and felt a rush of relief. Now, Omega was safe from Reyna. 01 had fulfilled a small bit of her purpose.
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deimos-awaits · 1 month
An Excerpt of Recorded Histories of the of the Ironsong Chapter By Magos-Historia Esther-Mendeelvee ∆12.56π of Deimos
Especially printed and edited for the Ferric Circle of Twenty Three and not to be widely disseminated outside this circle by order of Artificer Siderénia Teleiótita Chaptermaster of the Ironsong.
The Ironsong have since, their creation at the behest of the Magi of Deimos, been staunch defenders of Imperium against the forces of Chaos. With three fully functional battle barges built by the shipyards of Mars snd a fortress monastery built into the mountain range circling their homeworld of Astraea has made this mechanized fighting force a truly potent ally to the Forgeworld of Deimos, acting as shock troops or mechanized spearheads when needed on any war front. With half of the chapter’s homeworld acting as a forgeworld in miniature these astartes are never undersupplied and always armed with a variety of weapons wherever needed.
Once the Ironsong, whose emblem is an aquilla with a cog wing facing left, became accustomed to their new gifted homeworld snd began to begin the long process of recruitment and both adjusting to the planetary culture but also adjusting planetary culture to better fit the chapter they were able to return to the wider galaxy aiding the servants of the Omnissiah, who they acknowledge as a deity, evermore.
However as is unknown to most the geneseed used to create the Ironsong does not come from the Iron Hands’ Ferrus Manus but rather instead the Primarch of the Emperor's Children Fulgrim as stored on Mars. The geneseed dates to after Fulgrim was reunited with the Emperor and the 3rd Legion when the geneblight that has affected them was resolved. Regular tithes of geneseeds were sent to Mars during the Crusade for storage and it is from these old stock still stored that the Ironsong was made. Careful gene inspection was done by the Magi of Deimos to scan for any traces of genedegredation over the thousands of years or the touch of chaos. The stock used to create the initial batch of Ironsong was found to be free of either and as stable as the geneseed of the Ultramarines. However as time has passed the Ironsong have developed a few quirks. However, they are within acceptable parameters. These quirks are the seeming randomization of secondary sex traits post induction, a sense of gendermisama for regarding any time before becoming a Space Marine where in the Marine no longer can recall what their self described gender was, and the ability to take hold in women as well as men. The Ironsong have taken use of this third trait to keep their numbers within codex compliance even during times of heavy losses.
The first time that the Ironsong meet the their corrupted siblings on the field of battle on a world near Eye of Terror as it was at the time before the Fall of Cadia, aiding the First Deimos Explorator Fleet under the command of Fabricator Minoris Magos Dominos Omega Bellerov-1.0. Two STC fragments were recovered during that battle and 63% of Imperial lives were saved from the remaining global population. The world had been long the victim of raids from the a warband made up of remants of the Third Legion. The ensuing battle was a set piece battle where almost all forces of the Ironsong Chapter, and roughly half of the First Deimis Exploratir Fleet were committed.
The Ironsong meet them in full force with a mechanized assault. It was from the pics captured of the assault, a glorious thing the thunder of artillery even managing to drown out the unhallowed sonic weaponry and rapid infantry deployment and mechanized assaults paying waste to demonic engines! The warrior of the Ironsong and the Ferric Circle met the forces of the Emperor's Children Joyous Division warband, and once the skitarii legions of theFirst Deimos Explorator Fleet matched in on duneriders the defeat of the Joyous Division was all but assured. The Ferric Circle that day, those 23 astartes that know their true parentage, learned the full extent of the corruption of their siblings and vowed that the Ironsong would forever fight on as true children of the Gorgon rejecting fully the decadence and depravity of the 3rd Legion. The Emperor's Children in any form became now the sworn enemies of the Ironsong not to kill as a mark of pride but as failures to be put down like feral animals that they were. Even to those who in the chapter who believe their genefather to be Ferrus Manus, this hatred of the 3rd persists as vengeance for the death of their own true father.
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magspokemonadventure · 4 months
Don't you love when life happens?
It's been a busy last few months. I got home from visiting family, then was dealing with Christmas stuff, and then got super sick for 2.5 weeks (and missed Christmas...) UGH. Then had to do some caretaking for a relative of mine. But I'm home now and can focus back on pokemon!
I have quite a few resolutions this year, but here are my Pokemon resolutions!
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I'm borrowing a friend's DS and games so I'm trying to keep myself heavily focused on the Pokemon that I can only get from the DS (and the games that I have for it) so when Pokemon Bank goes down, I have them and so I can return the DS soon! And then I'll have 29 other DS exclusive forms that I'll need to figure out, I might have to resort to POGO and/or traded for most of them. T-T
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And my Sword goals are there too because I know that I need to play something besides the DS. So I planned my playthroughs and resets so I can get everything I need before the final reset and filling out that dex!
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I'm pretty much done with Scarlet except for 7* raids and shiny hunts! I completed the Indigo Disk Pokedex. I have all my snacks from Snacksworth, a fully upgraded club room, and all the coaches' trades. I even got all the Alcreamie treats and Alcreamies I needed!
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My first random shiny of the DLC was an Exeggcute. I was running around during the Milcery outbreaks and it was just hanging out near one! It also took me FOREVER to find a Totodile for the dex and the first one I found? Shiny. It seriously took me another 45-50 minutes to find 3 more non-shiny for the line though, idk why they don't like to spawn in my game. >.<
BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY! I passed 50% collected for my combined shiny and non-shiny all forms living dex!
I have 337 more non-shiny forms to collect, and 990 more shinies. And I am well aware that it is definitely going to slow down from here on out. My resolution for the year is to only focus on those 55 pokemon pictured. But if my current save playtime on Omega Ruby is saying anything, it's that I might not even come close to finishing this year. I don't know if it's because I am still getting used to the controls and the DS in general but it is taking me way longer than expected to get these 4 Deoxys. T-T
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I'm 6 gyms in, so hopefully I'll get through that first playthough of OR by next weekend... I hope! I need time to shiny hunt too before the ominous "move your pokemon soon" warning comes to life. :(
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