#and chanwoo’s the son he never wanted
ateezyuri · 2 years
tw — mentions of homophobia, traumatic childhood, bad relationships w parents, cheating, divorce, semi bad relationships w sibling, feeling like a burden, not getting help, feeling like your sibling hates you, moving out of the house at a young age
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yuri never had a good relationship with her mother. there was only a handful of good memories that yuri had with her mother, everything else was nothing but traumatic. after minhee outed yuri to the whole family, their relationship became nonexistent. yuri cut all ties with her mother, and never spoke and never saw her again. she wants to keep it that way, and apparently her mother does too, since she made no effort to reach out to yuri after that.
haeyeong is dahlia’s, yuri’s half-sister, mother. in 2001, sangcheol had cheated on minhee with haeyeong, which had created a big strain on sangcheol and minhee’s marriage. yuri and her siblings had lived with haeyeong for awhile (2001-2004), and they had often visited haeyeong for the holidays afterwards. haeyeong had always treated yuri and her siblings with respect and kindness, and yuri wished that haeyeong was her mother instead. yuri begged sangcheol and haeyeong to let her move in with haeyeong, but it was to no avail, minhee wouldn’t have allowed it. to this day, yuri and haeyeong still keep in contact, especially since haeyeong and her father are her only family members that live in south korea.
jaehyun — or more commonly referred to as jae — is yuri’s older brother, and the eldest kim sibling. jae is older than yuri by five years — but the two of them are the closest to each other out of all of their siblings. they are each other’s rock — whenever things start to go downhill, they know that they can always turn to each other. in early 2018 — jae and yuri had had a huge argument that caused them to not speak to each other for months, but the two of them talked everything out and have since forgave each other, and haven’t had such an extreme argument since. jae and yuri can be seen hanging out the most out of the kim siblings, and are quite literally best friends. even if jae jokes that yuri is going to give him grey hairs before he turns 30 (which is coming up soon!), he still loves his little sister to pieces <3.
yeji — who goes by the stage name ‘taylor’ — is yuri’s older sister — the second eldest out of the kim siblings. yeji is three years older than yuri — and despite the small age gap, yeji and yuri werent that close growing up. they always had a complicated relationship ... growing up yuri always thought that yeji had hated her. and when yeji moved out of the house at age sixteen and refused to be in contact with anyone who lived in that house — that made yuri think that yeji really did hate her. it wasn’t until 2014 — when jae, yeji, and yuri all moved to south korea — that the feelings were finally cleared up. it pained yeji to no end that yuri thought that she hated her — and yeji still hasn’t recovered from the guilt. she tries to get more involved in yuri’s life...but she can’t help but distance herself from all of her siblings. she feels like that without her, all of them would be happier, even though that isn’t the case. yeji knows it’s something she needs to work on ... but she won’t be able to bring herself do it for a long time.
cedric im is the son of haeyeong lee — who sangcheol remarried in 2022 — and chanwoo im. haeyeong and chanwoo divorced in 2000, just four years after cedric was born. cedric lived with haeyeong mainly throughout his childhood — and yuri and cedric became very close during the time her and her siblings lived with haeyeong. and even after she moved back in with her mother — her and cedric were still close. granted — they don’t talk much due to them living in different countries — but they still facetime every so often!
dahlia is her baby!!!! dahlia is the youngest kim sibling — being born in 2001! ever since dahlia was born, yuri knew she had to protect her. growing up — dahlia lived in oakland — 25 minutes away from san francisco — but she never came over to yuri’s house — due to minhee holding a grudge against dahlia just because of existence. but, whenever yuri could, she always asked her father to take her to see dahlia — and sleepovers with her and dahlia were a very common thing, until yuri moved south korea! dahlia now lives in south korea as of 2020, and yuri and dahlia are closer than ever! they are so adorable — there is no doubt that they are the maknae’s of the family. everyone adores their relationship — and now that both of them are debuted, vlives with each other are very very common!
miyeon and luis are yuri’s favorite aunt and uncle! when yuri was growing up — her and her siblings would often stay at miyeon and luis’s house while her parents were away at business trips — and miyeon and luis treated all of them as if they were their own! during this time, yuri also grew very close to their childern — maia, iseul, and mateo! some of yuri’s happiest memories were made with the pérez family, and she couldn’t be happier that they were in her life :)
tags: @chaerincore @atzaria @ateezjuliet @m00niesk7 @girlzwfun @filmyoongs @softieteez @lunarxsun @shinyddeonghwa [send an ask to be included or removed] bold couldnt be tagged :(
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theikonstxt · 6 years
Chanwoo: Ugh, you’re the worst dad ever!
Bobby: I never really wanted to be your dad in the first place, but you know what? Screw you, go to your room, you’re grounded.
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chicksung · 3 years
Can’t You See Me? || Choi Chanhee
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part of @ficscafe fic exchange event!
Genre: angst, little bit of fluff, ghost!au
Pairing: ghost!chanhee x reader (ft. younghoon)
Word Count: 2.4k
Warning/s: death, depictions of depression, dealing with death, mentions of a car accident
Synopsis: You loved Chanhee, with your whole being. You didn’t what you would do without him. However, it seems like life intended for you to be without him for the rest of your days
A/N: this fic is for rani @letteredwings please enjoy lovely. sorry that it’s a little late :/ this is unedited. please ignore any mistakes
any and all feedback is appreciated
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Choi Chanhee promised you that he would love you until the day he would inevitably stop breathing and cease to exist. You always laughed off the comment, thinking it was just a stupid saying he would be saying into old age. You wished you had taken it as a sign, maybe you would’ve been more cautious, maybe this whole situation could’ve been avoided. What you didn’t know is that he had died a liar when he said those ridiculous words. He loved you after he passed too.
Chanhee stood helplessly in the kitchen, watching you stand there with an aching heart. You were wide eyed, shocked and frozen from the news.
“I’m…sorry?” You stammered, hoping, praying, that your ears were deceiving you with mean elementary school tricks.
“Is your partner Choi Chanhee?” The man’s voice seemed down, like he was scared to tell you again.
“Yes, he is. We’ve been together since high school,” You informed him, trying to push down the sickening churning in your stomach.
“I regret to inform you that your partner has passed away. We received a call this morning of an accident. A truck had collided with a car. The truck driver seemed to be okay, but your partner’s injuries seemed to be more serious.” Every word pricked your heart, which was as fragile as a balloon being poked with a needle, “We tried everything, but he eventually passed away. I’m very sorry for your loss.” You nodded, your chest tightened painfully, your vision blurry from the tears in your eyes. 
“Alright, thank you for letting me know. Have a good afternoon, sir,” You signed off, trying to keep your voice from cracking.
“You too, and again, I’m sorry for your loss,” The line went dead and you placed the phone on the kitchen counter. Chanhee? Dead? No, he can’t be. He had specifically said he would be careful on the road. Tears slipped down your cheeks like sweet raindrops, your knees pathetically giving out as you wailed, yelling out obscenities and curses. Chanhee ran behind you.
“No, I’m right here! Can’t you see-” He went to place his hand on your shoulder when he realised how pale, almost transparent, he was. He sat beside you on the floor, a million thoughts passing through his mind. He couldn’t comfort you, only able to listen to you cry his name in a desperate plea to bring him back to you. Chanhee’s heartstrings tugged harshly, but he was helpless. He was nothing but a memory now, a missing part of your shared apartment, a ghost. 
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You stood amongst crowds of familiar faces, his friends, family, distant relatives, colleagues, the list goes on. Who they were didn’t really matter to you, what mattered was the casket being carried away from the church doors and out into the miserable weather. Fitting, you supposed, that it was pouring with rain on the day of his funeral. Attendees moved outside, umbrellas creating a dismal cloud of sorrow above them. It had been two weeks since Chanhee had passed away now, but for some reason you could not bring yourself to cry. No matter how many times you felt his absence, not even after looking in his open casket, no tear stung your eye. You watched emotionlessly as his coffin was slowly dropped into the rectangular hole just beneath his headstone. 
                    Here lies Choi Chanhee
                Loving son, brother and friend
                 April 26 1998 - August 17 2021
                   Until we meet again, my love
You felt a hand slide across your shoulder comfortingly, Chanhee’s best friend, Younghoon’s. You didn’t react, didn’t flinch, didn’t move. You remained stone cold and kept your face void of expression. A different feeling settled in the pit of your stomach. Irritation? Anxiety? Frustration? It was hard to describe, which typically meant it was complicated, and you didn’t really like complicated feelings. You could sense a storm coming, and judging from the storm clouds of emotion in your mind, it didn’t look like it would be clearing up any time soon.
A distance away from the gathering of mourners, a pale figure stood solemnly. Sure, watching his own funeral felt weird, but Chanhee could only think of you, and how you stood there, in a similar way to him, unable to display your emotions. He wished for one second, just one, that he could understand what you were thinking, feeling, praying. Maybe there would be a way to ease the pain you felt in your heart? He was technically responsible for said pain, so shouldn’t he try and fix it?
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Younghoon had been coming over more, Chanhee would notice when he would be sitting on the foot of your bed, which you had not made the effort to get out of. Everyday, the time you would eventually get up would be pushed back. Before, it was only an hour later, then it was two, then three, then four, until one day, he noticed that you only got up to go to the toilet. He would listen to you cry, sniffle, send the occasional text to someone. Younghoon had seemed to notice, so had made it routine that he would come over at exactly 1:09pm every day to help you get out of bed and try to create a productive day together. Chanhee had memorised the sound of Younghoon’s footsteps, the sound of his keys jingling in the door’s lock, the way he would hum as he made his way to the bedroom. Younghoon had become the life inside of the dead quiet house. Chanhee noticed the way that his best friend would look at you, the sad sigh that would escape his lips when he saw you, sprawled out and weeping. 
“Come on. You can’t keep moping in here,” Younghoon sauntered over to your bedside, crouching down to get a better view of your face.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want. Go away,” you hissed, pulling the covers over your head, childishly pretending that if you couldn’t see him, he would simply fade from existence. 
“Bubba,” he called out sweetly, tugging the covers out of your grasps, “you’re running low on food. I don’t want you going hungry, and besides, it’s a nice day outside. Whaddya say?” With a low groan, you slowly rose from the safety of your sheets, loose hairs sticking up in wild directions. Chanhee rushed to your side, his cold touch to your cheek sending a cold shiver down your spine. He sighed somewhat sadly as he watched Younghoon help you out of bed. It should be him helping you out of bed every morning, it should be him trying to motivate you with small activities. However, deep down he knew that if it were him, you wouldn’t even be struggling to get out of bed in the morning. He was the cause of your lack of motivation, he was the cause of your pain, your suffering. Every emotion you were feeling right now was because of him, and somehow, in some way, he wished he was still there. He wished he was Younghoon.
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“Where’s Uncle Chanhee?” Your young nephew looked up at you with big eyes, confusedly looking around to find his favourite uncle. You sighed softly. You knew you would have to have this discussion with him sooner or later. 
“Uncle Chanhee...isn’t going to be coming today,” you explained, kneeling down to the four year old’s level. Chanwoo’s bottom lip quivered slightly, “Why not?” He asked with glossy eyes. He had been really looking forward to playing with Uncle Chanhee, and couldn’t understand why he didn’t wanna play with him. You knew Chanwoo was too young to understand death, but he had seemingly noticed Chanhee’s absence. You chewed the inside of your cheek, trying to think of some sort of acceptable lie to tell a child. 
“He’s not well today. He says he really wish he could play today, but he had to stay home,” You pet the boy’s head softly, hoping he would understand. The little boy nodded, seeming to understand.
“Can I make Uncle Chanhee a get well soon card?” He asked with wonder in his eyes, and you would have to be a monster to have said no.
“Of course, Woo. Go get your craft things.”
You helped your nephew decorate his ‘card’ which was really just a folded sheet of printer paper, but you weren’t about to rain on his innocent parade. 
“I’m still sad that I can’t play with Uncle Chanhee. I wish he was here,” Chanwoo admitted, writing a sweet message in lopsided messy handwriting. 
“Just because he’s not here in person, doesn’t mean he’s not here in spirit,” you explained, drawing a sun in the corner of the card for the youngster to colour in. 
“What do you mean?”
“It's kind of like magic,” you pondered aloud, “like a hug you can feel from someone who is not there.” The child nodded.
“Yeah! Like it still feels like mommy is hugging me even when she’s not there,” it was your turn to nod. 
“Exactly, Woo! You’re such a clever boy,” you ruffled his soft hair, making him giggle uncontrollably.
You were right, in a way. Chanhee was there, as a literal spirit. He felt a warm surge crash over his pale body, knowing that Chanwoo wanted to make him a card without fully understanding what was going on. A child too sweet for this world. However, it wasn’t Chanwoo he was focusing on. It was you. You weren’t crying, you weren’t wailing his name in agony. You seemed peaceful, collected, like you were watching the sunset over the sea. You were starting to come to terms with no longer having your boyfriend there. Sure, it pained you every morning to roll over and say good morning to someone who never even got into bed that night, but it didn’t hurt as much as it used to. He was unsure how long you would stay in this peaceful mindframe, but only the best storyteller will tell, time.
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“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Younghoon asked softly, eyes just as gentle as his words. You nodded, confident in your decision. You were a little unsure when you first brought up the idea to him, but it had to be done. The both of you walked up the hill in the cemetery, hands intertwined. You two had been dating for some time now, but you always had this lingering feeling that Chanhee wouldn’t like what you were doing. You loved Chanhee dearly, but you felt the same about Younghoon. It had been almost seven months since you received that phone call, but slowly everything in your life was piecing itself back together, formerly shattered after the tsunami of emotions that wiped out everything that made you feel human. You stood at the face of his gravestone, his name etched prettily into the cool rock. 
“Hey,” you greeted, your hand slipping out of your boyfriend’s. Chanhee displayed an invisible smile.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” The sentence felt awkward and heavy on your tongue. 
It has. How have you been?
“I’ve been doing well. Just trying to get by, you get it.”
Yeah, I get it. Is that Younghoon?
“I was getting to that. I’m not sure how it happened, but it did. He helped me a lot after you passed. I owe him a lot. Mainly ice cream,” You laughed at yourself, partially because of your bad joke, and partially because of how ridiculous you must sound to anyone passing by.
You’re dating now?
“Yeah. I just...I wanted to say thank you,” you blurted, playing with the tips of your fingers.
Why are you thanking me?
“You taught me a lot, Chanhee. How to cook ramen properly, how to make the best oven baked pizza anyone has ever had, but most of all, you taught me how to love. And while I love you so much, my god, you can’t even believe to comprehend it, I’ve found someone else that I love,” You felt tears spring to your eyes. You were the only one talking, so why did it sound like you were saying goodbye? You glanced at Younghoon, who only smiled weakly. 
“Can I say a few words?” Younghoon stepped forward, placing his hand on your shoulder, the same way he had done the dismal day of Chanhee’s funeral. You nodded wordlessly, watching your boyfriend stride towards the grave of his best friend. Younghoon traced the etched marks of his friend’s name before giving a small smile.
“You’ve been gone too long,” he started, giving a sad chuckle, “and a lot has happened during that time.” Chanhee laughed silently at his friend’s words, slumping against the cold headboard of his resting place.
“But I will promise you this. I will look after them for you. I will care for, and nurture and love them for you. It’s what best friends are for, right?”
Chanhee nodded, a friendly smile finally adorning his features. He felt something new, something he hadn’t felt in a long time, peace. His body felt as light as a feather, as if it was drifting through the breeze. He dropped his gaze to his hands, only to see that the aforementioned body part wasn’t there. He was fading, an experience he had thought about many times before, but somehow, it wasn’t as scary as he thought it would be. Chanhee looked to you, and he could’ve sworn that for a moment, just one moment, you could see him, slowly dematerialising out of existence. He wasn’t scared anymore, scared of how you would cope without him. You had Younghoon, the only person other than you that he trusted his life with. 
“Until we meet again, my love,” Chanhee bade his final farewell to this world, taking a small bow and with a slight change in the wind’s direction, he was gone. 
You felt light, like the weight of an entire urbanised city had been lifted off your shoulders. Younghoon took his place by your side once more.
“Should we go home?” He suggested, earning a relaxed smile from you.
“Yeah. Besides, it’ll be dark soon,” you squeezed his hand, your eyes glowing in the reddened flare of the sunset. Hand in hand, you walked down the stone path and out of the overly large rusted gate. It was never easy letting go, not by any stretch of the imagination. You would always carry a piece of Chanhee with you, and even without him by your side, you felt closer to him than ever.
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forgive-and-take · 3 years
Translation of a cute video of the Cultwo guys and 19-year-old Jingoo taking requests from audience members who want to call him "oppa."
KIM TAEGYUN: It's this nuna here in the front. She's 29 years old, this nuna~
KTG: In banmal, say to nuna, "[NAME]-ah~" is what she's asking.
YJG: (flustered)
JEONG CHANWOO: It's okay. She's asking you to.
YJG: Ah, right~
KTG: If she's 29, she's your nuna by 10 years~
YJG: [NAME]-ah.
AUDIENCE: (commotion)
KTG: Let's give her the mic for a moment. How was it?
29-YEAR-OLD NUNA: Uh... I'm nervous.
JCW: She's just nervous. (straightforward)
29: *laughs*
JCW: Then you should say "Jingoo-yah" one time.
29: Can't I say "oppa" instead?
JCW: What?
29: Can't I say "oppa"-
JCW: Oppa? What oppa!?!?! You're talking nonsense! (anger explosion) You're talking nonsense, you're joking!
YJG: *laughs*
KTG: Oh, why not~ Just do it~
JCW: (still angry) She's talking nonsense! Ugh, I'm the one who's getting angry!
YJG: *laughs*
KTG: Try again. Here. "[NAME]-ah~" and then, "Oppa!" Like that~
YJG: Okay~ [NAME]-ah~
29: Oppa!
JCW: What! What! What!
KTG: Hahaha.
JCW: Wait, that was nothing. Number 2446 says, "Jingu oppa, please go out with me. I'm 45 years old."
YJG: *laughs*
JCW: Number 2446, where are you?
KTG: Oh, over there.
JCW: Okay, what's your name?
JCW: So "[NAME]-ah~" Is that okay?
45: Uh...
JCW: [NAME]-ssi? [NAME]-ah?
45: Oh~ "[NAME]-ah," of course.
KTG: What's wrong with all of you?
JCW: Try it, then. Try it, then. (Let's see how far this goes.)
YJG: Oh... It's really okay with you, right?
45: Oh~ Of course.
YJG: [NAME]-ah.
45: Oppa!
YJG: *laughs*
JCW: Ah! All the women in this country are losing their minds, huh?
YJG: *laughs*
KTG: How is it? Seeing him in person like this, how is Yeo Jingoo-ssi?
45: I want to have a son.
KTG: What about your husband, then, what's he like?
45: He looks similar to my husband.
JCW: Your husband and Yeo Jingoo-ssi?
45: Yes.
KTG: Wow! I think you're just saying that 'cause we can't know.
JCW: Where's your daughter? Your daughter, your daughter.
KTG: Give the mic to your daughter.
JCW: Your daughter, where's your daughter? Does your dad look like Yeo Jingoo oppa?
JCW: Who does your dad look like? Which celebrity?
DAUGHTER: Kim Byungman.
JCW & KTG: Kim Byungman!?
JCW: Kim Byungman and Yeo Jingoo!? Okay, thank you for being honest~ Dad looks like Kim Byungman, huh?
KTG: Number 2252. "Jingoo-goon, who looks more mature and handsome than his age~ Do you like older women?" What's up with all of you? "Until what age can someone be for you to be able to date them?" Number 2252, where are you? Oh, but she looks a little bit younger~
JCW: Until what age, then?
KTG: Older, going up.
YJG: I've really never thought about it by age.
KTG: Let's not hear any interjections from the crowd!
YJG: If I were to date someone older than me and she didn't feel guilty, then, yeah-
JCW: Why would she feel guilty!
KTG: She can't not. She can't not.
JCW: Why would she feel guilty! It's love.
YJG: Right! That's why I don't think age is a problem.
JCW: So miss, how old are you then?
JCW: 26~ That much isn't a big deal~
KTG: 26~
(The nunas who came before were so strong that they're forgetting he's a minor.)
JCW: That's just 6 or 7 years, c'mon~
KTG: It's just 7 years.
JCW: It's okay! Just earn a lot of money!
26: Yes, I'm working on it now.
JCW: What?
26: I'm working on it.
JCW & KTG: She's working on it!
JCW: She said she's working on it.
KTG: Is there something you wanted to know about Yeo Jingoo-ssi? Or something you wanted to say?
26: Please call my name, too... (sniff)
JCW: What's your name? Why are you getting choked up?
JCW & KTG: "pLeAsE cAlL mY nAmE, tOo~"
(Acting like uncles teasing their niece)
KTG: What's your name?
26: Oh... I'm [NAME].
JCW: "[NAME]-ah~" Like that, in banmal?
26: Yes.
JCW: I'm going crazy...
KTG: I apologize. You came here today and all the nunas are losing it~
JCW: No, he must like it, he gets to use banmal.
(The 19-year-old has become the oldest, a miracle.)
YJG: Uh, [NAME]-ah.
26: Ahahaha.
YJG: Uh... It's embarassing.
JCW: You have to answer him.
26: Yes, oppa.
JCW: I'm going crazy, seriously. Wow.
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l000ey · 3 years
don't forget us ━ skyler
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𝑷𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑰𝑵𝑮 ━ 𝗓𝗁𝗈𝗎 𝗃𝗂𝖺 𝗑 𝗄𝗂𝗆 𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖻𝗂𝗇 ( 𝖿𝗍. 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗂𝗄𝗈𝗇 )
𝑺𝑼𝑴𝑴𝑨𝑹𝒀 ━ 𝗌𝗄𝗒𝗅𝖾𝗋 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝗍𝗈 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖺 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝗂𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇
𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 ━ 𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌𝗍, 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝖿 𝗌𝗄𝗒𝖻𝗂𝗇
𝑨/𝑵 ━ 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝖨 𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝖽𝗈 𝖺𝗇 𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾���𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁𝗂𝖼𝗁 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗈𝗀𝖾𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋? 𝗐𝗈𝗎𝗅𝖽 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍, 𝗀𝗎𝗒𝗌?
𝑺𝑬𝑪𝑶𝑵𝑫 𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑻 𝑶𝑭 ━ 𝗋𝗎𝗇 𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗒
𝒀𝑬𝑨𝑹 ━ 𝟤𝟢𝟣𝟫
• 𝘴𝘬𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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Silence flooded the room, she didn’t know if it was possible but suddenly an alarm began to sound in her head. What was she going to do now? She loved Hanbin but she had already managed to be happy and calm, her life had stabilized a bit, she had bought a nice house where she lived with Jiho and –oh god, Jiho, what was she going to say? What if he was arriving just now? How was she going to explain the situation to him?.
She felt bad, the whole situation felt bad. Jia felt as if she had cheated on the man who had helped and loved her these months. No, she couldn't do this now.
She broke eye contact with the boy who was still kneeling on the ground and sighed, took her hands away from his jaw and closed her eyes hoping it was all a simple nightmare.
But no, it wasn't. He was still here, he kept looking at her as if it were his only salvation, the only thing that held him to life. She bit her lip trying not to cry when she heard him call her again.
She looked down again, analyzed his face and Hanbin didn't like that because he felt like she was memorizing it because she was going to say goodbye and she was never going to see him again. His grip on her pants tightened as the tears began to fall again.
“Please, Skyler. Let's go anywhere, I don't care where but I need to be with you. I need you” He murmured in a sob, his forehead collided with her belly and his arms went around her waist, grabbing her as if she were going to disappear at any moment even though she was there, in front of him.
"Hanbin..." There wasn't much left for her to start crying, she knew it, she felt her eyes start to flood and her throat start to itch, it was a feeling she seemed to be used to. She wiped away the first tear, keeping it from reaching her jaw. She refused to cry, she didn't want to cry anymore.
She looked at the ceiling as if it were going to speak to her and give the solution to all her problems. When it didn’t speak to her, she put her fingers between the blonde locks again and suppressed a sob. Suddenly all the memories created with the boy who held her in his arms slapped her and she wanted to die. How had this happened?
It seemed like a few seconds ago that they were both excited kids to be idols and now they were here, both screwed up by their own dreams. It hadn’t been long since they were in that television contest to fight Winner for the debut and now they were outcasts of the music industry.
It hurt, it hurt a lot that everything they had tried to fulfill a simple children's dream then everything would go to shit.
She sighed again before letting her knees touch the ground, this caught the attention of the boy who moved a little away from her to look at her face better finding that she was already looking at him.
"Let's go" She told him and he was stunned, he didn't think she would say yes. He opened his mouth in surprise and tried to speak but couldn't, he smiled and nodded a couple of times to get up and extend his hand to her.
The chinese girl looked at the hand in front of her and after thinking about it for a few seconds she took it, letting him lift her from the ground, holding hands they got up and went to the door, behind it was Shaoran who looked at them with a frown.
"Jia what..?" His confusion was cut off by the girl, who gave him a small smile.
"I need to go, I'll take the car" She approached him and hugged him, pressed her lips to her ear "Trust me."
At his boss's whisper the bodyguard's brow furrowed even more but he still nodded giving her the car keys. The young couple quickly left the house, the girl headed for the pilot's seat but she was stopped by Hanbin.
"I’ll drive, you must be tired" She denied giving him a small smile, caressing his cheek.
“Your eyes are still full of tears, you will make us crash. The airport is not very far, relax” She guided him to the passenger door and waited for him to get into the car to close his door, quickly took out her phone and wrote a message before getting into the car.
The former leader smiled leaning his head against the window as the car's engine roared "Where would you like to go?".
"I don't know, where would you like to go?" She was nervous, her fingers drumming on the steering wheel gave her away. She was thankful that Hanbin was too entertained looking out the window at the streets of Seoul.
"Maybe we could go to the United States or Europe, we could go to Paris" He shrugged turning to look at her, when she noticed that he was looking at her, she turned to smile at him making him take her hand, intertwine their fingers and kiss the back of her hand in a loving gesture.
Jia's heart clenched into her rib cage.
She nodded, pulling her hand away from his to turn the wheel "Paris would be ideal" She turned her gaze to the road to concentrate on not crashing the car "Do you mind if we stop for a moment? I need to get some things.”
"Sure, what do you have to take?" He looked at her curiously.
“Oh, uh, money, the passport, clothes… things like that. I have a bag kept at a friend's house, in case an emergency happens” She shrugged.
He raised an eyebrow moving in his seat "Is this how you ran away to China? I remember you left all your things in the dorm, including your passport. We thought you were still in Korea" She nodded, looking at the time on her phone for a moment “How did you come up with that?”.
"Red" She didn’t say more, it was not necessary. Hanbin knew that their sunbae was smart and meticulous in everything she did, it made sense that the older had taught Skyler some things, they were very close.
"Did she know you were in China?" The blonde girl denied, feeling guilty for her friend.
"I haven’t spoken with her since I left" The thing was somewhat complicated because the older rapper had tried to communicate with her since Bobby had told her that she had disappeared, had sent her many messages and had called her many times with no success.
"She is pregnant, did you know? Mino told us recently, he was very happy. Apparently she has gone to Japan to be with her parents during her pregnancy, they want their child to be born in Japan like her” The smile on his face was somewhat sad because he had had feelings for the kpop queen but was still happy for his friends.
Skyler didn't answer, of course she knew. She had read all of her messages despite not having answered one. When this will be over she needed to talk to her.
A few minutes later the car stopped and the silence that had surrounded them became uncomfortable. Jia sighed turning in her seat to look at him better, she looked at him sadly.
"I am sorry".
Kim laughed confused "Why are you sorry?".
She couldn’t answer because the passenger door was abruptly opened and someone hugged the boy, he immediately panicked when he recognized his mother.
"Hanbin-ah, where were you?!" The woman was crying, hugging her son. "You had me very worried, your sister hasn't stopped crying."
The boy was speechless, he looked over his mother's shoulder to meet the rest of Ikon. He looked at Skyler and she sank into her seat at the betrayal painted on his face.
"Mom, I ..." He couldn't speak because his mother had already pulled him out of the car and was dragging him into the house while she cried about how worried she was for her son.
She watched as mother and son disappeared through the door of the building and grimaced.
"You did the right thing." She raised her head to see Jiwon crouching down and staring at her from the open passenger door.
"Why doesn't it feel like that then?" She looked at him with tear-filled eyes, this time she let the drops of salty water run down her cheeks.
"Because you love him." A sad smile played on his lips. He looked her up and down, they hadn't seen each other for months and Bobby had the feeling that after today they wouldn't see her again "You should go."
He made the move to close the door but his name coming from the girl's lips interrupted him "I'm sorry, for everything."
“We will always be there for you, Sky. Just remember it, don't forget us” And after those words he closed the door and headed towards the house, passing the other five boys who were there, frozen as they watched the girl in the car.
She gave them a smile and started the car, not being able to be there another second.
"She’s not going to coming back, is she?" The pout on Chanwoo's lips was present when he spoke.
"No, she won't." The oldest of the group patted the maknae on the shoulder and he began to cry.
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kz-i-co · 5 years
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Request: "Hi! Can you write a chanwoo angst imagine in which you both are best friends but you fall for him and he doesn't feel the same and starts avoiding you and he insults you. But later he realizes that he loves you too. I know it is too mainstream but I would love if you could write it!! I love your writing hehe xx - Angst plus fluff"
Pairing: Jung Chanwoo/ Reader
Genre: angst/fluff
Words: 3.1k
A/N: I hope this is okay requester :) I have another Chanwoo best friends request coming soon. I was originally gonna use this story for the other one but then I decided to turn it into this request instead since this one had a little more story to it but my other one is coming shortly. I wanted to combine them but they were a little too different of a concept lol.
m.list ╫ ikon masterlist
"Honey I'm home." You entered the door without even knocking.
You nervously backfired from the stares you were getting until Chanwoo started laughing.
"Don't you have a home?" Mr. Jung said.
"I do but yours is way better."
"You hungry dear, we just finished dinner?" Mrs. Jung said sweetly.
"Nah, not hungry." You smiled tugging on your best friends shirt.
"Okay, I'll see you later." Chanwoo said as he left the house with you. "So where are we going this time?"
"I found this awesome abandoned train cart."
"It's only a mile from my house and I decided to take a short cut to your house this time." You smiled.
"Is it safe? Are you updated on your tetanus shots?" He laughed.
"It's safe. It doesn't look that old."
"We can make it our secret spot." You continued.
You decided to stop by Starbucks before you made it to your secret headquarters.
"You know June is checking you out." Chan whispered in your ear.
You turned around seeing the boys quickly go back to chatting. "Is this the only thing they do Friday nights. You'd think they be at some party." You rolled your eyes.
"Hey, I heard he is a nice guy. Plus you never date."
"There's a reason I don't date." You laughed. "And It's senior year. Dating someone like him wouldn't last."
"What's the real reason? Do you like someone else?"
You gulped from his sudden question. "Sorta." All your confidence was gone.
"Who is he? Do I know him?" He asked.
Yes. "I can't tell you."
"Why not? I told you when I had a crush on Ryujin."
"Yeah, and that was a mistake wasn't it?" You laughed.
"Come on, to our secret headquarters." You marched out the door with your milkshake.
"You're really not going to tell me?" He followed.
"Shut up." You snapped.
"Okay. Sorry. I'll figure it out anyway." He smirked.
Good luck with that genius.
"Here it is." You crossed the over grown rail road track and climbed up into the boxcart. There was already graffiti and names scattered throughout the area so you couldn't imagine how long this has been here.
"Why here?" He asked kicking some old dingy crate. "This place is a shit hole."
"Perhaps....but what if we made it our own, our getaway paradise, our safe haven, our-"
"(Y/N) please shut up."
"You don't like it?"
"It's just a piece of junk." He made a face.
"I think it's poetic."
"Because there is poems on the wall?" He still questioned your motives.
"Stop being such a buzz kill. This place is romantic." You blushed after your back was turned away from him.
"What's the point of romantic if I'm here with you." He teased but you felt pain inside. If only he knew.
"Fine. Maybe I'll invite.....June to my secret romantic hiding place instead." You sat on the edge.
He made a face, clearly not liking your answer. "Now you like the guy all of a sudden?"
"At least a guy likes me. So I'm not a total loser." You mumbled the last bit.
"Come on. I was kidding.....we can make it cool....I guess." He sat down next to you, letting his feet hang off the cart.
"(Y/N)?" He tried to get your attention. "I didn't think that kind of thing gets to you." You still didn't focus your attention on him. "Come on....you talk about how much guys suck all the time.....You don't really act like the romantic type."
"Chanwoo, I'm a girl. Or did you forget?" You still didn't look at him.
"Please stop being so serious, you're really starting to scare me."
"Am I just another guy friend to you. Is that what you really think of me?"
"Where is this coming from? We've been friends for how long......?"
You leaned your head against the wall. "Can you leave? I kind of want to be alone." You try to say as kindly as possible.
"(Y/N) what did I do?" He looked at you concerned.
"I just need a lot to think about right now." You simply said.
"Are you still sleeping over tonight?"
"I don't know."
"See ya later." He mumbled and left you alone.
Were you over reacting? Basically he rejected you without you even confessing.
"Why did I have to fall for you?" You whispered as you felt tears starting to fall.
He didn't see you as a girl which was the worst part. You were just one of his guy friends.
You entered his home with no invitation like always as you wanted to return his plaid coat you stolen.
"Hey dear he's upstairs."
"No thanks. I just wanted to give this back." You placed the coat on the hook.
"Aren't you sleeping over like usual?"
"Excuse me Mrs. Jung but aren't you suppose to be worried about those type of things as a parent. I mean we are both 18 now."
"What do you mean?"
You rolled your eyes behind her back as you had to explain. "I'm a girl and he's a boy? And you let us sleep together in the same room? With the door shut."
"I'm not worried about that dear. You've been friends for so long." She smiled.
It was officially. You were doomed.
"But what if one day we decided to be more. Not that it will, clearly....I'm just curious."
"I know my son dear....and I trust him." What was that suppose to mean?
"Wow thanks for the talk, I gotta go." You turned around and headed straight home.
That was it. You were determined to try a little experiment.
"Hey Soyoung? Can I borrow some clothes?" You asked your sister once you got home. She was a year younger then you and the complete opposite. She was pure and girly.
"Why?" She gave you that look of annoyance.
"Because I want to start dressing girlier." You shrugged.
"Then borrow moms clothes." She tried to shut her door.
"Please....I want to impress a guy." You begged.
"You? I almost thought that wasn't possible, since you rather arm wrestle with them then hold their hand." She laughed.
"I hate arm wrestling."
"I was just giving a example. You're lucky because you got all these hot guys hanging around you but you choose to be one of them instead." She saw it too? Even before you did.
"Well, I want to change that."
"So whose the guy you're trying to impress? Let me guess....Chanwoo?"
"I'll take that as a yes." She smirked.
"How did you know?"
"Because you hang out with him the most." She shrugged since her guess was a hunch. "Why don't you just tell him?"
"Because he doesn't think of me that way, one of the guys, and that hurts a lot."
"Well trying to be something you're not won't do it either."
"Well.....I can try." You stole some clothes and left.
This will work right? It has to.
You decided on a cute dark flowy skirt and a gray flowy sweater just gently tucked it. You wanted to go girly but not over the top girly. Simple and causal.
Once you got to school, you didn't get your normal high fives from different people as you passed by. Almost like they didn't recognize you.
"Yo what's up (Y/N)." Chanwoo came over and punched you playfully like the punching bag you have become in this friendship. He memorized your locker so well he didn't even notice what you were wearing at first. "Woah, what the hell are you wearing?"
Nothing like 'you look pretty' or 'why' just 'what were you thinking' kind of way. And that hurt more then you thought.
You slammed your locker and took a hard look at him. "I can wear what I want."
"But not that."
"Why not?"
"It's not you." He said like it was obvious.
"Maybe I'm sick of me."
"Are you still pissed over last night?" He asked.
"I need to get to class." You walked away.
"It's so true." You over heard conversations go on throughout the rest of the day.
"Hey Chanwoo, is it true?"
"(Y/N) is so in love with you." Donghyuk pushed his friend.
"(Y/N) is not in love with me." He said it like it was nonsense.
You turned the corner and quickly hid behind your locker as you saw him engaged with his friends in a deep conversation.
"Dude, It's obvious." Jinhwan rolled his eyes.
"She would of told me."
"Nah girls get sensitive about those kind of things."
"She has been acting differently since yesterday."
"How come?" Donghyuk asked.
"She was talking about us having some secret hideout and how it was romantic, and I completely shot her down."
"Wow, you're a dick." Bobby laughed.
"I'm not it's just silly."
"So what now? You gonna ask her out?" Yunhyeong asked.
"Pff, no." He laughed.
You couldn't help the tears build up hearing him laughing at you, you finally grabbed your things and left. You didn't want to hear the rest of that conversation.
"It's just weird. We've been friends for so long."
"So what? You two are always together anyway. Mine as well make it officially." Donghyuk spoke.
They were right. But he worried he already lost you as a friend and he definitely didn't want to face you now that he knew it was him all along on who you liked. Things would be awkward. Different.
As a week went by you became strong and acted like it didn't bother you. You haven't hung out with the guys all week. Not that you weren't avoiding, you still said your hellos to the rest of them through the hall but Chanwoo was non existent. You wanted to be the one avoiding him but he was no where to be found. Every time you got a glimpse of him he would go somewhere else.
He was avoiding you.
He's the one to upset you and he was running away cowardly.
Throughout class Chanwoo was always two rows behind since you moved your seat. He missed you. You always came over every night just chilling while playing video games but now he was lonely. He watched you comb your fingers through your hair as you wrote something in your notebook. He couldn't stop thinking about you.
"Hey, Someone is trying to steal your girl." Yunhyeong laughed while pushing his friend.
He looked over to see June talking to you.
"Go over and stop that before he takes your girlfriend."
"Shut up. She's not my girlfriend." He pushed him back.
"Chill dude. It was just a joke." Yunhyeong pushed back as everyone in the hall was focused on them. Even you.
You pursed your lips as you walked away with June. Chanwoo slammed his locker and walked away. "She hates him, why is she with him?"
"Maybe they are just lab partners." Yunhyeong denied. "You need to talk to her."
"I can't."
"Well. Then you can't be pissed off."
"Perfect." You smiled as you got done hanging the lights up in your hidden boxcar.
You cleaned up the place and put old blankets and pillows you no longer needed and candles and different decorations for a more poetic atmosphere like you wanted. You wrote more song lyrics you loved on the wall as well, just to add something. The place was everything you wanted but too bad you were alone.
You hooked up your phone to your speaker and began playing soft comforting music as you laid down on your little set up.
You heard a deep sigh that had you sitting up quickly. "What are you doing here?"
"Looking for you." He said as he made his way into the box car.
"What?" You shrugged like nothing was wrong.
"This place looks nice (Y/N)." He gazed as he looked throughout the place.
"Not bad for a shit hole right." You said with a hint of attitude.
"Sorry about that." He sat down next to you.
"What do you want Chanwoo?" You said rushing to the point.
"I'm sorry for everything. I didn't know what you were feeling."
"So what?" You shrugged.
"I miss you." He said looking at his lap.
"I never left. You were the one running away."
"I know......I was scared."
"Why? Oh right. Because it's too embarrassing for someone like me to like you."
"It's not like that." He argued.
"Then what is it? Like I told you before Chanwoo. I'm a girl. I'm not another one of your guy friends you can just push around."
"It's not that I think of you as some guy. You're my friend first, girl or whatever, it's just gonna take me some time to get used to the fact that this changes everything now."
"Fine. Then pretend this stupid rumor never gotten out. Back to good old buddies again.....deal?"
"I didn't say that." He started.
"What are you saying?" You asked confused.
He shrugged awkwardly. "We can try if you want."
You laughed sarcastically. "Yeah right. You were the one that laughed from the idea remember....'pfft no'."
"You heard that?" He looked at you hurt. "I was just trying to get my friends off my back....it was the first I heard about it okay. It was just weird at first but.....-"
"Now you feel sorry for me."
"No. I just couldn't get used to the idea but being away from you for a week made me really miss you."
"You could of just talked to me." You rolled your eyes.
"I know. I'm sorry."
You brushed your hair out of your face as you laid back once again looking at the lights that shined above. You felt Chanwoo lay back as well next to you as he looked at you smiling.
"How long did you like me....like that?"
"Our sophomore history field trip." He looked at you confused. "I don't know." You laughed. "You we're the only one that stopped and waited for me as the guys kept going ahead on their own as I was tying my shoe. And then when we lost the class you held my hand as we tried to catch up. Basically you were there for me and you cared and it really meant a lot to me."
"You're my friend." He shrugged like it was nothing.
"So are they." You looked at him as you finally noticed he was staring back.
He leaned in but nervously backed out quickly sitting up. "I'm not forcing you into anything Chanwoo." You sat back up with him. "I understand if you don't feel the same. I mean.....I'll get over it. I rather have you in my life as a friend then-"
"(Y/N) can you be quiet for a sec, I'm trying to think." He said taking a deep breath.
"It's okay, really." You smiled as he looked at you once again.
He leaned in to your surprise, gently caressing his lips with yours. You immediately responded bringing your hand up to pull him in more. The kiss got deeper as he laid you down once again. Once your back hit the blankets, he pulled away.
"How much is going to change?"
"Nothing has to change Chanwoo. Have you never had a girlfriend before?"
"I just don't want to upset you again."
"We both just need to be honest with each other okay? I can still kick your butt in video games, I can still-"
"I think that is the wrong information." He arched an eyebrow.
"It's not."
"I guess you need to prove it then." You got up pushing him out of the way.
"Can we still have sleepovers?"
"We can, as long as you don't tell your mother about us."
"Why?" He asked.
"Because then she won't let us have sleepovers, capeesh." You said hitting him playfully.
"Hey mom." Chanwoo entered with you behind.
"Hey honey. Oh hey (Y/N) I haven't seen you all week." His mother entered as there was other women gathered around the living room. "I'm having my book club, so please don't make any noise upstairs."
You and Chanwoo both looked at each other before running upstairs.
Once you entered his room and shut the door, he turned on his game of overwatch. "Ready to die."
"Are you?" You smirked.
"Bring it."
"Oh shut up, you're going to lose." You both laughed.
"No." He yelled at the screen.
"Ha! Loser."
"My character got stuck."
"You shouldn't have hid back there you idiot." You laughed. "My information is still correct."
"Hey, you two. Can you please be more quiet?" His mother entered the room.
Then she left. "No more video games I guess."
"What else do you want to do?" He asked.
"I don't know, something quiet." You shrugged.
You looked over and noticed him staring at the tv. "Let's practice our kissing."
"What?" As soon as he turned his head, you pulled him into a kiss, making him hover over you.
Your stomach flipped with excitement as your lips worked together faster. You felt his tongue graze your bottom lip causing more friction. You felt his fingers sweep under the fabric placed on your hip making you smile through the kiss from his confidence. You turned your head to the side to get a breather but you felt him move quickly down to your neck.
His lips felt warm against your neck that you felt the pleasure stir up. As he moved lower down towards your collar bone you couldn't help but moan.
"I figured you wanted to take this slow."
"I'm sorry." He leaned up.
"I'm okay with it." You smiled.
"Good." He leaned down once again, bringing his moisture lips back towards yours. Before you could enjoy it more, you heard footsteps and the door knob jiggle. You both looked up at the door as his mother entered.
"The ladies are gone. Did you kids eat?"
It was amusing how oblivious his mother was as you both awkwardly got out of your previous position.
"Pizza?" You suggested.
"I'll order." She closed the door.
"She really doesn't care huh?" You laughed.
"It's my turn to beat you." He turned on the console again.
"Ha! In your dreams."
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fmdjaewonarchive · 6 years
hi there everyone i’m back with everyone’s least favorite thing on the planet aka jamie’s long sappy ooc posts. i think it’s been a while since my last on so there maybe a lot of people on the dash that aren’t too familiar with this concept but basically while i may look like a bad bitch i am actually soft and v v v full of love and once every while i decided to spill that shit right all over the dash because No One Asked. anyway uhm tonight i’m getting into my emo hours because it’s been exactly a year since i joined famed w/ jaewon so you should all get ready for me appreciating the FUCK out of all of you.
ok but like... for real... it’s been a whole damn year? that’s? actually fucking insane? i literally never stuck it out anywhere for as long i have around here and h in the past year leaving has never even crossed my mind just once and i think that goes a long way to prove just how much i love this group and all of you guys in it? 
but also the fact that jaewon is already a year old is rlly, rlly fucking weird to me. my absolute trash son that we all hate with a burning passion has already been around for a whole ass year and even though he’s STILL a little piece of shit he has also evolved a lot of in a lot of ways (shoutout to his tragic, tragic straight phase for example). no but even though i give him shit for... breathing p much it’s been so interesting and amazing to work on him and develop him into the character he is today... even if that’s still a fucking disgrace.
ofc working on yena and chanwoo has been equally as gr8 even if they are both nowhere near the first anniversary yet they’ve already developed a lot since when i first had the initial ideas for either of them. on top of that i’ve also had so much fun writing a few of my idiots that aren’t around anymore these days (hyerin, minhwan (twice but whtvr) and famed’s legendary het do taeho) but are still very dear to me. gone but not forgotten or some shit like that amirite.
so ehm now im just? gonna do this gross thing where imma thank some people because... obviously none of this shit would ever have come into my life without all of you people.
can i just like... give a massive MASSIVE shout to beth? like for real you do so much for this group and somehow put up with all our chaotic asses while keeping this group afloat all by yourself i’m sorry for all the times over the past years i’ve bothered you w my dumb bitch antics and also for always ruining the dash w my messy ass ooc shitposts but i appreciate you so much for all you’ve done for me and for all of us! and not just you as an admin but as a person you’re also so so so incredibly amazing and kind and really nice to talk to and i just hope you know you’re so loved and appreciated! because you deserve to hear that bitch! (also sorry for calling you a furry all the time, i’m not gonna stop, but i’m sorry for what it is worth)
and listen i love all of you guys so much but quick shoutout to everyone who has been here since before me and i’ve been in touch w/ for a WHOLE ASS YEAR AT THIS POINT (yaz, anthony and vi i’m talking about your bitchasses yeah) you’re all gr8 people and i love you very much thank you so much for putting up with me for so long already god knows i could never cuz i’m a messy and annoying bitch, yet here you folks still are, dealing w/ me on a daily basis.
also shoving in a quick thank you to gray and kim (and yaz ofc) as well for making unity the mess it is, i’ve enjoyed their dynamic as a group so so much the past year, thank you for giving jaewon gray hairs on the daily it’s truly been a blessing so far.
and now imma stop listing ppl specifically by name because i’d hate to accidentally forget someone and make them feel unappreciated that be the worst this is supposed to be a happy post. the thing is you guys haven’t just given me a great time writing with you all but a lot of you have been incredible friends away from the dash to me as well and i just really want to thank everyone who has dealt with my out of character shit the past year. i know i’m not an easy person to deal with and i get whiny and clingy and dramatic and annoying a lot and i come with a lot of personal shit that i have only scratched the surface of working through but thank you so so so much to anyone that has ever taken the time to listen to my rant or gave me advice or was there for me when i needed someone. it really means more than i ever will be able to put into words and you’re all such incredible, amazing, beautiful, kind, understanding, patient people for dealing with me.
now i should probably get around to wrapping this up because of course this got much longer than anticipated but just a big thank you to all of you, whether you’ve been here for over a year or only just a week and whether we talk every day or haven’t interacted much, it really doesn’t matter because all of you contribute to make famed the incredible place it is where i have enjoyed spending my time so so so much this past year but have also always felt so safe and understood. i’m honestly so grateful to be a part of this group and to have met all these amazing people, i’ve never felt anywhere as loved as i have here and it really means the world to me.
so once more thank all of you so so so much for everything this part year but also for everything that’s still to come, i hope i get to write up another dumbass long post of me being a dramatic sensitive bitch next year as well~! for anyone who read all the way to the bottom of this mess... i’m sorry u had to suffer thru this and now imma shut up before i actually make myself cry w my emo bs! goodnight famed family, i love all of you so so so so so much.
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fanofbabyprincess · 6 years
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I’m glad Bobby’s dad is having fun! I remember during WIN (the first survival show they experienced as trainees to win a debut contract in YG) that he would always say he wants to bring his parents back to South Korea, and for them not to worry about money. He wants his family to live a better life and takes that burden. In climax, Bobby’s rap talks about his mother that he dreamed about. In SMTM 3 his winning speech includes telling his mother to pack her bags because they’re going home and he will buy them a house. In summertime Saipan, they received letters from their mothers too and Bobby got an extra letter, Hanbin noticed that it was written on the day Bobby went back to South Korea to be a YG trainee and left America and their family. He said during iKONTV that even though they were poor, he never felt poor because his parents are always making them happy and they only experience happiness. That’s why Kim Jiwon is a happy person all in all (as Chanwoo has observed with simple memories in the Hypnotherapy). Although Bobby’s family isn’t the rich type, Bobby grew up well being loved by his family and experience many happiness in simple things. That is why he dreamed big for them and achieved a simple goal of bringing his family back to South Korea and live a happy life. He is a wonderful son. He always think of what makes his family happy and his family has always supported and love him in everything. Bobby is a role model for everyone, kids and adults. We may not notice it, but one day we will appreciate more of our families and even if we don’t experience much hardship but we all want to give something better for our family members. It’s lucky to have someone like Bobby who loves so much and who is happy seeing people he loves happy. I am also glad that his father is well, healthy and happy. It means Bobby will be happy an less worried too. I’m glad. I also love my family especially my parents, I want to give them the world. However, I know that ever since but my actions and realizations only made it until when I’m an adult. I hope people will see goodness from Bobby. He is a good person, a kind hearted man and a person who loves and be happy in simple things
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misstehbyulteh · 6 years
Chanwoo prince!AU
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[ Part 1.0 of the SEVEN KINGDOMS Series. ]
Welcome to the kingdom of the lost sun, Arenvour. It's basically the darkest kingdom among the seven kingdoms because rumor has it, no one saw the sun rise in this country. The country's basically ontop of a snowy mountain, and it's a.) cold, b.) dark c.) hard to go to and from but hey they're one of the richest countries because of their manpower, and wealth from the gold the ancestors got from a cave ontop of the mountains.
It's also the country's main source of income.
So here comes the crown prince Jung Chanwoo.
To be honest, no one knew that he's the prince actually.
He's a fan of acting so you can see him in the kingdom, roaming around, performing from one theater to another.
With bodyguards
In his trench coat and his favorite checkered scarf
But the other reason why no one knows about him being the prince is because of his unprincely actions.
Have you ever seen a prince skip out of his royal duties because he has a PLAY to perform in???
Have you ever seen a prince act so slyly with his staff?
Have you ever seen a prince who blatantly disrespects the king and queen easily as he does?
Yeah, he's pretty much a rebel, and a spoiled brat, but that's just his facade.
The truth is, he's really caring towards his kingdom, to the point that he goes "fuck the duties" just to help out in the kingdom.
Once, he went on a disguise as his actor self and helped out in the mines.
He also learned economics on his own by buying books from the kingdom of lost seas
He also helps out in making fire, hunting for festivals and such
It's the reason why his father allows him to brat out
But his mother hates that he's not royal-ish but does chanwoo care?
"Hell nah, I can do myself, thank you very much." he'd say.
So here's where you come in hehehe
You came from a family of hunters. And since you're the first female-born in the family, the entire family's protective of you
But you learned hunting from them so name a weapon, you can handle it.
And you wanted to try for knighthood but your brothers HATED that idea bc HEY YOU ARE THEIR BABY SISTER
But you reasoned "Shut up, i'm not a baby anymore!"
After 1234567890 years of practically blackmailing your family, you finally convinced them that you'll be a knight.
Oh, males and females are very equal in Arenvour basically because of Chanwoo and his equality agenda, so going to knighthood was fine for you
You're now assigned to Chanwoo as one of his bodyguards because you're a prodigy at fighting, anyway.
On your first day, in front of the king and queen, he gave you his schedule and you went "Oh, he's pretty norm--"
Scratch that normal.
The moment you two got out of the throne room, he pulled the schedule out of your hands and ripped it right in front of you with a cheeky grin.
"What the fuck?!"
You held your hand on your mouth when you realized that you said something rude. His grin turned to a stern look
And you knew you were doomed
"Terrific, you're getting fired on your first day, congrats." you told yourself
"You're funny Y/N, I like you already!" He laughed out loud before heading out first and you, ultimately following him, confused.
"You're not firing me?" you asked as he shook his head.
"Nah, why would I? And I think you'll be fun to be with for a change."
Turns out, his old bodyguard retired so he looked for a new one and you caught his eyes because you're pretty and you're from a family of hunters and he reasoned that he thinks he'll never go hungry as long as you're with him.
And he was brutally honest when he explained this.
Where did the shy chanwoo go?
and so you were flushing to death thanks a lot chanwoo
But you shook this thought off and back to work
After a week, you realized that his prince schedule is a 360 of his actual schedule. In the morning, when he has an ongoing play, he's usually practicing in town. If not, he's either helping out somewhere. In the afternoon, he goes out for lunch while reading economics books in the library (you wondered how he got access to the vip room but you remembered he's a prince, sooo) and in the evening, instead of eating in the royal banquet at that time, he performs or eats with the townspeople. At night, he'll just head back and sleep.
Which totally shocked you.
Actually, when he ripped out the sched, you thought he'd play around and mess around in the country.
"Oh, he's better than I thought."
And then his image in your eyes just went A++ for the next week because he's been treating you nicely.
"Oh, mister, how can you let Y/N carry that?" He grabbed whatever you were carrying and carried it himself.
"Y/N, it's dinnertime, what do you want?"
"Y/N, you're here to guard my body, so just watch me over from somewhere, i'll be fine."
"Y/N, I know you're tired so sleep while I perform"
But that doesn't stop him from bossing you around to be honest.
"Y/N, i'm hungry, get me chicken, but I want it fresh so hunt for one."
"Y/N, I can't shoot the pig, shoot it for me."
"Y/N!!!!!! My clothes won't fit!!! Sew it for me!!!!"
You basically got a manchild. He'd sometimes visit your quarters asking you to hunt something for him or make him tea or milk
Then he would also joke around you, like "OMG what are you WEARING dear knight you look like a FUCKING BROCCOLI"
And in general, he's what you'd call a prince-on-top with the royal family and staff.
But little did you know that the prince tends to be like that with the people he genuinely likes.
And he really adores you! Like he'd think it's fun to joke around and when you whine about it, he'd be even happier.
He began to really like you because of your advices though. Like, your advices makes sense and he likes that so much.
And your love for children!!! Heck, when you two helped out in an orphanage, you didn't hesitate to pick up the paralyzed kid who's thought to be cursed and his heart fluttered in amazement.
So the day for the royal ball held by Arenvour finally came. The night before that night, the prince visited you in his quarters with a wide smile. "Your highness, I'm off-duty right now."
He nods. "I know, I'm off duty right now, too." He said as he raised his arm, revealing that he's not wearing the royal brace. He smiled beautifully. "I came here to tell you that you should dress nicely for tomorrow, no need to be my bodyguard, just be there for me."
"Ok???" ofc you raised a brow at him and nodded in acknowledgement before leaving.
So the next day, you didn't get to act as a bodyguard because he sealed himself in his quarters, but you still guarded his door.
The night came and you dressed nicely into the dress your mom made, chose a nice hairpiece that your younger brother formed with gold and a good pair of shoes that your older brother made for you. (tbh your dad had a hard time sending you off.)
YOur brothers drag you out before your dad starts ranting about everything again.
Ok so now the ball. The palace changed drastically for the ball. Everything's suddenly anti-cold and all. You didn't get to see chanwoo immediately, but you saw some of the other princes from the seven kingdoms. Like Hanbin from the kingdom of the lost grounds, who made it clear from his ring that he's not single and not ready to mingle.
Then the music started to play. Everyone's chattering with someone, and you were with some of your fellow knights, like Mingyu for example. Or Kyulkyung, maybe, who are bodyguards for the royal family, too. And these two didn't hesitate to ask, "Ok we get it you have an affair with the prince"
And you were like "bhItCH what ths fuckkkk????"
Kyulkyung, who's the queen's bodyguard, kept asking "the queen asked me about you, about which family you came from or what lineage you're from because she thinks that her son likes YOU BITCH"
And you went "LOL he LIKES me??? I think it'll pass if you said he likes to annoy me u know"
Mingyu raised a brow. "care to explain the midnight visitations in your quarters and the laughing?"
"You heard that?!"
Mingyu nods. "You guys were LOUD." you mentally rolled your eyes and reminded yourself never to open up your quarters for him next time. "Anyway, I think you'd make a good couple."
"lol says who?"
Mingyu winks "says the guy who's the son of a matchmaker." before glancing somewhere. "looks like someone's mad at me for winking at you."
Before you can say anything you felt someone grabbed you by the wrist.
Surprise, surprise, it's chanwoo looking hot, flustered and slightly upset with a pout on his face as he ultimately pulled you away from your co-knights.
"Your highness, what's with you?" you asked when you finally were left alone on the dance floor.
"Y/N, what did we say about the your highness thingy when we're alone?"
"oh, right, Chanwoo." you raised a brow at him as you two began to slow-dance. "So, care to tell me why you pulled me away from my friends when we were chatting?"
He cutely pouted making you smile a little. "I told you to be here with me, for me, not to chat with them." his pout became longer. "you see each other almost every day!"
"not as much as I see you, though."
He rolled his eyes. "fine, you made your point."
You began to notice his outfit. It's not his usual clothes, it's his prince uniform. You took note of this fact as you remembered that the royal family only wears the royal uniform during ------
The coronation. Holy shit. "The reason you wanted to have me here is because you're going to be crowned tonight?!" OKAY BEETCH YOU DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING
"shh!" he scolded you. "you did your homework, didn't you?" he smiled at you before he did his curtsy. "i also came to get a queen." but before he can explain further, he walked away and headed for the podium, further confusing you.
[ Part 2 here! ]
[other members: hanbin || jinhwan || bobby || yunhyeong || junhoe || donghyuk ]
[other princes: Chanwoo (1)(2) || Jaehyun || Seungcheol]
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netzonexo-blog · 6 years
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1. Accounts from reporters regarding EXO
“Because the venue was prepared in the rush, even though there weren’t any seats prepared for the artists, EXO calmly answered the reporters’ questions without a hint of discomfort, spreading their cheeriness. After the press con, they sought out the table that the reporters were sitting at and greeted them with thanks.”
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“After the press con ended, EXO personally went to the reporters’ waiting room to greet them, Baekhyun immediately recognised the Xiaohu logo (t/n: SohuTV’s mascot), and even said ‘Xinku le’ (you’ve worked hard) in Mandarin, they were very kind”
2. Love towards EXO from celebrities around them
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Son Ho Young’s tweet: It’s a personal text but simply because my heart is so thankful and because I’m happy, I’m uploading it~ I definitely have to catch the live broadcast today^^ Everyone, won’t you watch the MV that Suho filmed while working hard?~ Suho’s text:  Title: Hello Son Ho Young seonbae-nim~ Son Ho Young seonbae-nim hello~ It’s EXO’s leader Suho.^^ Today I filmed for EXO 90:2014. While recording I realised that tomorrow is the broadcast day of the episode we filmed with god seonbae-nims. Thus I thought of seonbae-nims and wanted to let you know, so I took the liberty of asking PD-nim for your number to contact you. That day’s filming was a really memorable day! Thank you very much. If you have the time, please watch it!^^
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On a variety program that EXO filmed, the panelists’ did this volunarily. He did a heart while shouting ‘EXO’ and EXO’s new song ‘Ko Ko Bop’. One of the panelists wrote on his own instagram, ‘Daebak charming’, ‘Let’s meet at music shows, as your singer hoobae, please take care of me’
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After recording ‘Cultwo Show’, Jung Chanwoo left these comments ‘EXO for the win’ ‘EXO is cool’ 
Additionally, Kim Youngchul uploaded a selca that he took with EXO, Jung Chanwoo jokingly commented ‘You turned into a squid’. Even though their meeting with EXO was short, they kindled a good relationship
3. EXO’s sincere fan-love
The L-pose Seo Janghoon did on ��Knowing Bros’, and when they took a group photo with ‘Knowing Bros’ they also did an L, and Sehun once wrote a capital L on the back of his hand, they’re all symbol of EXO’s fandom name EXO-L. 
If you rewatch the broadcast, you can hear Suho’s voice saying ‘Let’s do EXO-L (pose)’. Even when they’re on variety programs, you can tell that they’re thinking of their fans.
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It’s also well known that EXO paid 77 million won in Lotte World tickets for their fans to repay them. 
4. EXO’s hard work for social justice
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EXO D.O., Lay, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sponsors for the movie ‘Spirits Homecoming’ which was about Korean comfort women for Japanese soldiers
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EXO’s donations [Pic 1: delivered charcoal briquettes; Pic 2: Chen donated money to a foundation that helps youth interested in entrepreneurship; Pic 3: Chen donated to the welfare foundation in his hometown; Pic 4: Chen donated 5 million won to his church]
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EXO Chanyeol, D.O.,Baekhyun’s donations for comfort women
Efforts like these are probably a factor in making people love them so much.
The reason EXO are loved. The reason EXO deserves to be loved.
[PANN] The reason EXO are loved
Overall: +2161; -190
[+488;-18] EXO is really kind ㅠ I got this gif from a comment that was written in response to a post swearing at EXO back then, but it’s a gif of their stage at a welfare centre, a disabled person put out his hand, and Kai shook his hand politely and the EXO members at the back had smiles on their faces ㅠㅠ Angels ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
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[+424;-16] Seems like people who have filmed with them before all have good opinions of them... Besides filming, if you listen to anecdotes or accounts from interviews and such, they’re all praises... For me, the best was them sponsoring the movie ‘Spirits Homecoming’ which was about comfort women ㄷㄷ EXO is cool
[+203;-1] When I see Kyungsoo being treated prettily by the really toptoptoptop class such as Jo Insung, Kim Woobin, Song Joongki, Lee Kwangsoo etc, I find him to be so nice. They hold meet-ups and even went to Kyungsoo’s company to look for him and even came to support Kyungsoo ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
[+194;-3] I’ve never heard a single bad thing about EXO from celebrities surrounding them or from people in the industry. Though actually they wouldn’t dare say anything bad about any celebrity, but it’s not like EXO doesn’t get mentioned at all, it’s that they say many good things
[+161;-1] Bursting with EXO pride ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Love you EXO
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[+155;-2] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ  ‘Knowing Bros’ members did the fanclub hand gesture? I don’t think I saw it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The ‘Ko Ko Bop’ too ㅋㅋㅋ Seems like they had fun
[+129;-1] EXO donate a lot and so do their fans, props~~ EXO are admirable too but when  EXO-Ls do tributes, they donate a large sum. Good fandom culture wins. Personally I don’t agree with birthday tributes, I hope they will change to making donations instead. Chanyeol, Jongdae and Kai volunteered to deliver charcoal briquettes, even fans didn’t know they went. I hope they’ll continue volunteer work, even though donating money is good too
[+126;-0] My friend’s dad is a bodyguard and he was in charge of EXO once. The boys were very polite and kind.. It was when they were becoming very popular and very busy, even so when he asked for autographs, the members all signed for him without any hint of rejection ㅠㅠ
[+123;-0] Seriously a nice guy ㅜㅠㅜㅜ The pic is Chanyeol during Mama era
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[+122;-1] On ‘Knowing Bros’, because Baekhyun didn’t know the rules, they lost unfortunately, but not a single member said stuff like “Ah, Baekhyun, why are you like that!!”, instead they said “As long as you know now~”, they’re shockingly pure and kind
[+114;-1] Even if you don’t follow EXO, you can’t bash EXO’s visuals or personalities. They are humble even when they’re receiving the daesang
[+103;-2] It’s widely known that in EXO, Suho and Chen are famous for being kind, but the other members are kind too. Though for the two of them, seriously at one glance you can feel that they’re nice. They are really well-mannered towards seonbaes and people they meet have good things to say about them. A famous anecdote is when Jongdae was filming, because of the noise, he went to an old lady to apologise, even while getting sworn at, he was still bright ㅠㅠㅠ After filming ended, he again went to look for the old lady to apologise, he didn’t do it just for show, it’s really just who he is. Even without cameras, his good deeds are overflowing.
[+97;-1] They really talk prettily  “Please keep shining so we can always find you” - Xiumin
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[+95;-0] Because their fan-love is amazing, isn’t that why they are loved. EXO let’s love ㅠㅠ❤ 
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kpop4dummies · 7 years
Hi!! I'd like to know how ikon members would behave if they were on the return of superman ( when they're older and have a family ofc) thanks xx love your blog
I haven’t gotten to this request and I wanted to do it but my fatigue has gotten to me ; - ; BUT! iKon with children is my weakness because they all would be so soft for their kids – I even made it to which superman dad they would be because why not :3 And as always, I hope you enjoy! - Fay
In Gyojin; aka Haeun’s dad
Has a daughter who he loves so dearly
A very cheerful baby actually
Is the happiest dad, imo
Jinhwan is weak for his daughter. He loves her to death and would give all his love and dedication to her. I imagine that he’d be similar to Gyojin while taking care of her and doing what is needed around the house. Of course not without giving his daughter all the love in the world. His daughter is a little baby who is just absolutely gorgeous and is never one to cry. She’s happy all the time and full of smiles and laughter. Jinhwan saw his daughter as a bundle of joy that he and his wife were so lucky to have. It’s rare that she cries because her dad is constantly smiling and playing around with her as he does the chores around the house. He never forgets what his wife told him to do before she comes home, and he does it absolutely flawlessly. Only a few slip-ups here and there, but overall an amazing dad. 
Ko Jiyong; aka Seungjae’s dad
His son is smart af
A little troublemaker, but he can’t be mad at his son too long
Is an extremely stressed dad, but he loves it
Yunhyeong’s parenting ways similar to Jiyong’s (i.e the chocolate patience thing and whatnot). But honestly, his son is very smart much to his dismay and can speak very well for his age. Yunhyeong gets pretty stressed trying to catch up to his son’s energetic level since his son is three years old. When getting things done around the household, he might have difficulty because there is his child running around the house. Sometimes, he can make mess and so the chore must be done all over again. His son can get into trouble at times, like running from home to buy snacks with fake money or throwing tantrums if he’s moody, but Yunhyeong is always prepared for those moments to give him a talking to or a punishment. Regardless, at the end of the day, he still loves his son so much. This was the gift of life, and he’s so lucky to have it. And even if he’s tired and stressed, he couldn’t ask for it any other way.
Outsider; aka Rowoon’s dad
Weak af for his daughter
Such a sweet little toddler and so well behaved liKE hOw
Is an over-prepared dad that is ready for anything
Jiwon’s daughter is a cheerful, sweet, and quiet little girl. She’s pretty easy to handle despite being over a year old. He’ll rarely get mad at his daughter because she’s really well behaved and she listens to her parents pretty well he’s also weak for his daughter because his little princess is his pride and joy how dare he get mad at her. His parenting ways of spoiling her may not be a good idea to most parents, but he’s a pretty good dad. He’s cheerful around her, constantly dancing around the house as he gets chores done while trying to feed his child homemade meals. He loves his daughter dearly and wants the absolute best for her. And what kind of dad doesn’t want that? His ultimate wish is for her life to be full of love and happiness. If his daughter is smiling widely and is happy around who she loves, then he can get through the day.
Ki Taeyoung; aka Rohui’s dad
Sassy and chic daughter who loves her dad
Parenting methods are 11/10
Probably the best dad out of them tbh
We can all thank Hanbyul for this one because Hanbin’s got some babysitting/dad skills. His daughter is a chic toddler who has her own style and, even if she’s not easy to please, she really can’t be without her dad’s love and affection. Hanbin’s parenting skills are off the top, if I’m honest. He knows how to calm her down, feed/burp her, how she likes to play, and knows safety procedures for babies. He’s pretty perfect husband material as well because he does chores almost better than his wife. I say almost because he’s still a fool. But throughout all of that, he’s still a dad who loves his daughter dearly. She is his precious babygirl, much like how Hanbin was when Hanbyul was very little. He worries about her future and how she is now and if he’s even doing a good job for her. But as long as his daughter sleeps knowing she’s loved, he knows he’s done more than enough and will continue to go above and beyond for her.
Lee Hwijae, aka Seoeon and Seojun’s dad
His boys are extremely independent and pretty dang smart
They can get into trouble more times than he can count
Is the “old-school” kinda dad
Donghyuk is the member I believe will end up with twins or triplets when his wife gets pregnant. He knows how to take care of his kids (and the household) from day one to now, and continues to do an amazing job. His twin boys are extremely… well, boyish. They play in the dirt, love monster trucks, and play hide and seek until dinner was ready. And the most important things Donghyuk has taught his twins are to be street smart, to have manners, and be polite despite their boyish attitudes. His twins know how to look both ways before crossing the street, not to answer the door to strangers, how to call 911, say please and thank you, ect. They’re also very independent for their age. They can go out to the store and buy snacks or play at the park before they need to come home at the time their dad says (and not a minute later). He disciplines them very well if they didn’t do what they’re supposed to do, and vice versa, or if they misbehave. His parenting ways are old school, but they work very well especially if he has to raise two rowdy boys. But even is they act up, he loves his kids so much. He wants to have them at their best and to be loved so dearly even if they get rough. He gets tired easily because they’re so energetic, but they keep him so happy and he couldn’t ask for a better life.
Park Gunhyung; aka Yijun’s dad
His son is the cutest damn thing in the world
Disciplines his son very well which is a little shocking
Is a pretty immature but caring dad
Junhoe is, like I said, an immature dad. He can get down to his son’s thinking level and be able to communicate with him easily. Like he does with his members, he likes to tease his son a little because it warms his heart just to see his son giggle from his childish antics. His son is the most adorable child you could’ve seen in your life. Not only is he cute, but he is full of laughter and happiness wrapped up in sunshine. Yeah, a pure bundle of delight. You can tell that he was raised in a happy home that was full of so much love. And much to everyone’s surprise, Junhoe’s son has a ton of discipline. He takes direction and listens to his mom and dad extremely well, despite being two years old. He can stop his son from crying or whining just by telling him not to. Everyone wonders what kind of spell did they put on him because wow he’s such a good kid wtf. But, even though Junhoe’s able to discipline him very well, he is able to take care of the house and his child in the best way possible. It breaks his heart a little to see his son cry because he doesn’t want to detach himself from his arms. Junhoe isn’t really the one to worry about the future too much, but he’s prepared for whatever is coming next. When he sees his son asleep in his arms or running happily around the living room, he realizes that this is what he needed in his life. 
Lee Beomsoo; aka Soeul and Daeul’s dad
His kids take care of each other so well
Sort of awkward with his kids, but he takes such good care of them
Is an awkward but loving dad
Chanwoo as he gets older might need a little help when he starts raising his kids by himself. He doesn’t spend a whole lot of time with his family (i.e coming home late from work), which is why he decided to join the show so he could get closer to his daughter and his son. His two kids are extremely sweet and they have big hearts. But with his eldest child, it might be a little harder for her to adjust to the change of having her dad around the house more than her mom. Through it all, she actually likes having him around and she helps her dad around the household by doing chores with him and helping him communicate with his stubborn son. His son looks up to his dad, seeing him as the older male figure in his life. He actually likes to show off to Chanwoo that he’s a tough, big boy even though he secretly loves being spoiled and babied by his dad and his noona. And despite being awkward with his kids, he actually takes well care of them. He does a wonderful job in being able to play with them at home, at the park, and/or even at the studio. When it came to times of punishing or disciplining his kids, he would be a little unprepared for this moment. However, his consequences are a little easier on them and would make them reflect on their actions. He treasures his kids, and he would hate and blame himself if anything horrible happened to them. Chanwoo gets nervous about parenting, especially because he’s the youngest of his group. However, he can be an amazing dad if he was given that little push and a hand to hold.
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shimco · 7 years
Kpop origins (game?) tag thing!
❁ Rules: list 5-10 of your favorite kpop groups, your first bias from each group, along with the first mv you saw them in
Tagged by @jindongdongie thank you baby~<3
 I’m was very multi-fandom, I just give 90% of my attention and love iKON.
✩ iKON : Jinhwan???? Rhythm Ta. MAYBE I'm not too sure if he counts as bias, but I noticed him the most in mvs, and when I watched the survival shows. Until Along came Mr. Song <3 and swept me off my feet, and now we live happily with our 16 imaginary kids, +Chanwoo, and moisturized lips.
✩ TVXQ!: Jaejoong  Mirotic... it was the hiatus era and in my defense, his hairstyle alone had a fandom of its own. Weeks later I became officially a tvxq fan and changmin was my ultimate bias until a year ago, r.i.p husband’s place 2010-2016.
✩ Shinhwa: Dongwan, Venus. I actually fell for him watching older mvs like t.o.p. and Perfect man.Then Andy became my bias until last year, but now I’m a hoe for all 5 of them. (excluding Eric because I'm no home wrecker) also, Yunhyeong and Junjin look alike or is it just me?
✩ BIGBANG : Seungri, Love Song. at first, I didn’t appreciate big bang enough to have a bias lost SM stan but then Bad Boy came out and it was when i started feeling things for Seungri and then I watched that strong heart YG family special, and yeah he’s still my bias.
✩ Apink: Eunji, Nonono. She was actually my bias before I got into apink from reply 1997, and then she just kept confirming her place as my bias with every comeback (although I have a soft spot for Hayoung too) and I had the luck to see them live and Eunji blew me away with her vocals so yeah bias4life. She’s my daughter-bias.
✩ Super Junior: Kyuhyun, Don’t Don, he became my bias during the SJ-M Perfection era, his face, and vocals, also evil maknae how could i resist right? but after a while, I realized Kangin was my true bias.
✩ TWICE : Sana & Ooh Ah I remember like it was yesterday XD I actually didn’t get into twice until a few months ago, and I watched SIXTEEN and she bewitched me with her adorable clumsiness. 
✩ SHINee : Jonghyun, Lucifer, he has this irresistible vibe, and lord forbid i biased someone younger than me *coughTaemin cough*lookatmenow* but then Minho became my son-bias during the Sherlock era and he still is.
*I could stop right here but I want to add my soloist loves to the list <3*
✩ Jay Park : Demon, I just liked his music until Metronome was released then i realized he was my aomg bias. :P although Gray and ELO try to get his spot sometimes.
✩ Lee Hyori: Crazy, I actually sort of biased her from variety shows, because of her devilish and carefree personality. but never searched her music until the Bad Girls era.  I liked older songs like 10 minutes, and U-go girl. Also I fell for her in the amor mio mv with that red dress. #supportBLACK&SEOUL2k17
Tagging : you don’t have to, but I’m tagging EVERYONE who wants to do it~! <3 but also a couple of new peeps to get to know each other better ^.^ and  @hanbabi  who wanted to see my past. @coquettish-rap @jiwonnu @gerrardz @ikobean @k-jw  and remember to tag me so I can read them all. <3 <3
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j-hyvn · 7 years
Reaction to You Crying During Sex. . .
Anonymous said: Hey are you accepting requests?? I hope so 😰 if so, could you do a BTS, EXO, and iKon reaction to you (gf) crying during sex? Ah, also it’s because it’s so intimate. Not cause you got hurt. That happened to me one time 🙄 thanks Eonni 💖 Also please add Jungkook. i love him. I love your work as well hehe~. Please continue~
Reaction to You Crying During Sex [Smuty-ish??]. . . 
[BTS Reaction Here >click, EXO Reaction Here >click, Got7 Reaction Here >click]
A/N last one of this reaction. hope you liked them all Anonie :)
Kai Eonni ~
Hanbin. . . 
As he was holding your hands against the mattress, your fingers laced together, he would be focused on you, wanting your feedback to know what he was doing was bringing you pleasure. Therefore, he would notice right away that you were crying. 
This would affect his ego at first, in a negative way, but only for a moment. Because as soon as you explain that in fact you were feeling pleasure, and that’s why you were crying, he would be elated. However, he wouldn’t let this show so as to not seem insensitive. He would continue on, giving longer strokes and mind blowing thrusts so you would feel so much more. He would want to get across to you that he wasn’t fucking you, but making love to you.
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Bobby. . . 
During sex, Bobby would be another that would be tentative to your needs, emotions and likes and dislikes. So it wouldn’t take him long to notice the tears coating your cheeks. He would stop, but wouldn’t pull out as he asks in a sweet and quiet voice what’s wrong. Though he seems erratic, he knows when to overreact and when to tread slowly. This would be that situation where he knows not to freak out or jump to assumptions. He would probably have a good idea of why you were crying. He seems to have good intuition and reading of people like that.
After hearing your reasoning, he would give you that bright smile he wears often where his eyes disappear in that cute way they do. He would say, “Ahhh, Jagi, you’re too much sometimes.” This would turn him on even more, and in that instant the sex would become 10x more intense.
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Jinhwan. . . 
Sex with Jinhwan would be sensual and about feeling the other, and because of this it would be intense. He would also notice your tears fairly quickly. Probably the quickest one. 
He would be a little confused as to why you were crying. If it felt good, wouldn’t that mean you shouldn’t be crying? He wouldn’t stop the sex though, and would just go a little gentler with you, not wanting to overstimulate you or take you to the point where you can’t handle the pleasure. Never wanting you to be uncomfortable with him. He would just be such a sweetheart.
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Yunhyeong. . .
(lemme just say writing about my son ((even though hes two years older than me lollll)) like this is very awkward... anyway...) Yoyo is just such a sweetie, and that’s why you would be crying. His tenderness and care for you would be too much. Too much feeling and too much to handle while you both are in such an intimate moment in your relationship and lives together. 
As soon as he notices your tears he would pause and take your tears stained face into his large hands and ask in the sweetest of ways, that would make you want to start bawling even more, what’s wrong. When you explain, he would smile so brightly at you while sealing your lips with his and continue his love making with even more devotion and love towards you, that you wouldn’t be able to stop crying.
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Junhoe. . .
It would take a while for him to notice that you were crying, just because he’s reveling in the feeling of you and him together. His face would be buried in your neck when he hears your whimpering. He would back away and notice tears traveling down your cheeks.
He would pause and ask, kind of frantically, what was wrong. After hearing your reasoning, he would become so embarrassed and shy, but would try to cover it up by going back to your neck and sucking a kissing all along it, reverting your attention from his red cheeks and huge smile.
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Donghyuk. . .
He would be another that would be so involved in his hips moving against yours that he wouldn’t notice your cries and sobs until he looked up to your face. Once he noticed your glossy eyes, he would stop quickly and in an urgent voice he would ask, “Jagiya, please talk to me, what’s wrong?”
After you explain he would chuckle first and in a joking manner kiss you frustratingly. However, that would all disappear and then in comes seductive and cocky Hyuk, grinding his hips against yours. “There’s a lot more to come Jagi, so be prepared.”
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Chanwoo. . .
That would be it. He would be too terrified that he had hurt you and would settle for cuddles and holding you close while you watch movies. He would constantly as, “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you? You’re telling the truth?” He would ask one more time, just to be sure. Then he would let it go, trusting you and thankful to whoever’s in charge he hadn’t hurt you.
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ikon-scenario · 7 years
The Boys’ Reaction To Their Girlfriend/ Wife Giving Birth
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You waddled around the kitchen of your apartment muttering to yourself. “Come on little guy. Momma is getting tired of carrying you around all the time” You continued to talk to your unborn child, and didn’t even notice that Junho had came inside. “What are you doing”, he laughed. “Wha- oh! Hi love. Just talking to our unborn child” “You are an interesting character” We laughed and continued our nightly schedule. After showering and getting ready for bed, you felt something dripping down your legs. “Junho.....JUNHO” you gasped in realization. “IT’S TIME IT’S TIME” “Why are you yelling? Let’s just o to the hospital” You rolled your eyes at his f*ck boy attitude an waddled your way to the car. Once at the hospital, you were ready for baby to come out, and so was Junho. He kept is cool throughout the entire process and as soon he saw you with your new born baby girl, he looked at you and said, “My girls.”
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“Is it time yet?” “Bobby, come on. This is the third time you’ve asked in the past 10 minutes.” “I’m excited. I can’t wait for my little son or daughter to arrive!” Bobby wouldn't stop asking if the baby was about to come out. You just wanted to relax with your swollen feet up and eat your bowl of ramen. Bobby couldn’t seem to calm himself down. He kept walking back and forth and continued to ask you if you were ready to give birth. You got up, trying to ignore Bobby’s questions and then it happened. You looked at Bobby with wide eyes. “It’s time.” Bobby’s eyes matched yours, wide and excited. He immediately brought you to the hospital, ready to meet his first child. When he was able to hold his newborn son, he had a huge smile on his face. “Hi baby!!”
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“Hanbin, stop playing with the baby’s stuff” “It’s not the baby’s yet. The baby is not here. Plus, I paid for most of this, so it’s mine” You laughed and rolled your eyes and began to clean the kitchen. Hanbin is usually the serious type, so to see him in such a good mood was refreshing. He continued to play with all the baby toys and gadgets. You laughed and began to wonder if you needed another baby if you had Hanbin. You were finishing up your cleaning as you noticed Hanbin staring at you. “What are you looking at?” “Get in the car, now.” You gave him  confused look. “It looks like your water broke” You looked down at your already soaked clothes and noticed the stream going down your pant leg. Once at the hospital, you went through the process of giving birth and when you held your baby girl in your arms, you looked over at Hanbin with a big grin on your face. He danced around saying “I’m a daddy, I’m a daddy!”
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  Throughout your entire pregnancy, Donghuk has been so kind and caring. He would do anything and everything for you, just to make sure that y and the baby were safe and that you were comfortable. He massaged your feet when you came home from work or after you cleaned the house, he would deal with all of your weird food cravings and mood swings, and he would try to clean the house himself. When he knew that it was almost time for the baby to be due, he made sure to get the hospital bag ready and would constantly ask if you were okay. You loved him for caring so much. When it was time to give birth, he was prepared and brought you to the hospital. When he was able to meet his baby boy, he had a huge grin on his face, and you were able to see tears begin to well up in his eyes.
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Yunhyeong is loving and caring towards you during your pregnancy. You were trying to do some exercises and yoga to try to keep your body healthy. As you were watching your workout video and trying to following what was being done on the video, Yunhyeong came back home from practice. He chuckled to himself as he watched you, very round, attempting to do your workout “Don’ stress yourself out jagi.” “I am trying to make sure I keep myself in shape”, you stopped at looked at him. “What?” “If the baby is not out yet, that’s not really gonna help jagi.” You sat down and sighed. “You’re right.” Yunhyeong laughed at your reaction. “It’s okay. AS soon as you are able to be out of the hospital, you can work of the baby fat.” “I won’t have a lot of fat though. I hope.” you giggled. “Hopefully, this baby will come out soon so that I can start working out properly.” “And it sees as though the baby is ready to come out now.” You looked down and saw a puddle around the area that you were sitting in. “Let’s go! Let’s go!” you said, excited to meet you baby girl. After you had the baby, both you and Yunhyeong were smiling like idiots. Yunhyeong gave the doctor a camera to take a picture of your new family.
Chanwoo gave you your space during your pregnancy. He never really knew how to react to your sudden outbursts of both anger and sadness due to your raging hormones. You knew that you were about to give birth, but you didn’t want to sit around and do nothing. You wanted to clean the house and run errands. “jagi, you shouldn’t be going out and doing too much work. Your feet are already swollen.” “Chanwoo, I don’t want to be lazy. I need to do something to get my mind off of being as big as a house.” Chanwoo just nodded and allowed you to do what you want. When you returned from running errands, you immediately told Chanwoo that he needed to bring you to the hospital. He did as he was asked, and took you to the hospital. When it was time for you to give birh, Chanwoo said that he had to leave the room. When he came back, he was welcomed by the faces of you and your baby girl and he greeted you with a soft smile. “She is precious.”
Jinhwan as anticipating the arrival of your baby girl. He took the initiative of painting and decorating the baby’s room and getting all of the baby supplies, such as diapers, a car seat and many other things. “Jagi, I can’t wait for our daughter to arrive.” “I can see that.” you giggled at his excitement. ‘Jagi, I want you to see what I did to the baby’s room.”, he grasped your arm and dragged you to the room he set up. He made it look so cute, he even had stencils on the wall and kept everything color coded. “Wow Jinhwan, you did an amazing job.” You looked down at your stomach and rubbed it “Do you see how daddy did your room? Isn’t it pretty baby?” “I can’t wait for her to arrive.” “Well, you don’t have to wait much longer. It’s time.” Jinhwan’s eye got wide with excitement. “This is amazing!” After you gave birth, he looked at your daughter with a smile on his face, “Hi baby, I’m your daddy”
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yg-got7scenarios · 7 years
7 Faces of Life (An iKON AU Series) – Prologue
Inspired by this prompt from @writing-prompt-s
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Characters:  iKON members (Kim Jinhwan, Song Yunhyeong, Kim Jiwon (Bobby), Kim Hanbin (BI), Kim Donghyuk, Goo Junhoe, Jung Chanwoo x Death/You (Reader, OC)
Genre:  Supernatural!AU, Afterlife!AU, Death!OC, Mostly fluff, Bit of Angst and Smut on selected chapters
Length: 2,688 words
A/N:  Hello every one!  Me again! So this is the new series that I have been wanting to start since last year but didn’t have the time to actually begin writing.  I stumbled upon this prompt while browsing through good AU plots/prompts and I find it really unique and since I have wanted to write an AU series for my sons for long, I guess this would be a great start!  The series will be generally fluff and comedy; though some may have some kick-ass smut and angst in it, it really depends :)  So, here it goes, I would appreciate any feedback and thoughts, though I will not be expecting anything, as always :))
This is my very first supernatural AU so please be nice hahaha!
You are Death, and you’ve accidentally taken someone’s life before her time.  In order to hide your mistake, you decided to live in the person’s place until the day she was supposed to die.
You are Death, who knows nothing about living, where your whole life is solely dedicated to plan people’s death, take their lives away, without any emotional attachment or feelings at all.  You’ve seen people get killed or die in a million ways, but never you have interacted with them, or understand what a human being truly feels.
You are Death, who will be forced to learn how living like a human is through 7 different boys, who will teach you how to feel what life really is, who will open up your mind and heart and make you realize that there is more to your life than watching people die.
In your journey of living, you have never expected that the different experiences with these seven boys will make you question your own identity and purpose in this world.  Knowing that the body of the person you’ve owned to cover your mistake will leave Earth soon; you are not sure if you going back to how you used to be is still something that you wanted to continue being.
“Where am I going…”  The young boy trembled in front of you and you just scanned him with a blank face, as usual.  He is the 5th person whom you’ve taken today and you are already stressed.  Why do humans always ask where they would go? Do they not have an idea when they were living on earth?  You asked yourself these questions for the 5th time today and the sun just shone in this country where you’re going to take this boy from.
“Up.  Aren’t you the good kid in town who always give the young kids food on the streets using your own money?  So suit it, good boy.”  You handed him a piece of paper which the boy took mindlessly; and just stared at it.
“What is this?”
“That is your pass to heaven, don’t you want it?” You are about to take the paper away from him but he pulled back.  You rolled your eyes.
“I-yes, of course… It’s just that… There’s nothing in it.”
“You are a human being so you don’t see what’s in there.  Climb that stairs and give it to the angel at the huge white gate, okay?”  You patted his shoulders and the boy nodded nervously, but followed soon enough.  You sighed when he is finally out of sight at the long, white stairs leading to heaven, which most people wanted to be.
You do not blame them if they wanted to be there, heaven is considered as a good place where good and kind-hearted people lives forever.  On the other hand, hell is a totally different story.  Hell is the place where you take people whose hearts are pure evil, with no trace of goodness at all.  You do not decide on where they would go; it was predetermined by the rulers of heaven and hell; even before you take their lives.  
You floated and flew to your next destination, somewhere in Asia, based on the internal map you have in your brain.
Your next target is a beautiful girl, who just turned 18, but due to some careless mistake that a driver of a public utility bus (which you’ve obviously plotted days ago), her life will be taken away. You slowly wrote her name in the magical paper while whistling to some odd music that you didn’t even recognize while you’re waiting to be in the place where the girl is.
When the girl went up the stairs to heaven, you immediately flew to your next destination where you’ve planned a whole basketball team’s passing in the same country.  You’ve planned on making their van fall off of a cliff, and since there are about 10 of them, mostly going to hell, you need to take a lot of time in creating passes and explaining to them where they’ll go, you just hope that not all of them are useless bodies with no brains.
The cycle just keeps going on and on., you planning on how a person’s life is going to end after you’re given a list from both sides of the afterlife before advancing to where they are, instructing them what to do next or where they should go.
You have been doing this in at least in almost a thousand years; before Demise (the previous Death) retired and just worked at the storage area, making papers, cleaning the stairs to heaven or to hell, or just randomly watching you do your job.  You haven’t committed any mistakes or broke any ground rules in relation to taking people’s lives away and you are often complimented by the afterlife leaders because of your smooth works.
Until one day, everything changes.
Was the only word that you’ve mustered when you stared at the lifeless body of a college student a few inches away from where you’re floating.
It was supposed to be the red-headed girl walking next to her.  What did I do?  They don’t even look the same????
You questioned yourself multiple times. You’ve taken a life of a different person, someone who isn’t destined to die yet ‘til the next week.
“What should I do?”  You asked Demise, and he just shook his head while he’s sitting on top of the huge garbage can holding an old newspaper, reading it through his eyeglasses.
“I don’t know, I never made such mistake before.” He picked his nose and you roll your eyes at him.
“Do not brush it on my face; I know that you haven’t made this mistake before, fine!  But you need to help me out!  I cannot ask anyone else.”  You dropped to your feet on the ground and crouched in front of the girl.  Any minute now, her soul will leave its body.
“Just let it be, just change her name in the records and give a different paper to the guardian.”  Demise suggested and you thought about it.
“You do that I cannot do that, right?”  You placed both of your hands on your waist before shooting a glare towards the older; and he just smirked at you before letting out a huge laugh.  You rolled your eyes for the nth time today.
“Then just let it be and deal with the consequences later.”  He really is useless.  You told yourself and you just shook your head before walking towards his direction.
“You are useless.  You need to help me think of how I’m going to fix this; I don’t need your snippy suggestions.”  You stood up before pacing towards the garbage can where Demise is sitting.
All of a sudden, his eyes widened and he puts on a huge smile on his face, and you tilt your head to the side before crunching your face.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I thought of something.”
“What is it?”
“Hmm… Why don’t you-“  Demise’s face dimmed abruptly and you stared at him, wondering why he stopped talking all of a sudden.
“What?”  You asked and he already pointed at your back and you sighed heavily.  You turn around and you are welcomed by soul of the girl who just left her body as she just stared at her lifeless body on the floor.
“Oh my gosh!!!  Am I dead??? W-what… I…”  She started to cry and you roll your eyes again. These annoying human beings, what is wrong with dying?  Don’t they know that people will die eventually?
The girl is still wailing when you called out for her name and you are growing impatient.
“Yah, stop crying and get your ass here.”  You muttered annoyingly at her and the girl turn on her back at you and just stared at you in shock and fear.
“W-who are you?”  She took a step back as you moved one step forward.
“Why don’t you just walk here and then I’ll tell you!  Yah I am so done with you humans!”
“You’re scaring her, stop shouting.”  Demise appeared at your side and you shoot him a glare.
“What am I supposed to do?  She doesn’t listen.”  You looked at him and the girl looked even more flustered and she began crying again.
“Hey, little girl, I know you are still in shock that you are-uhm-already-ah, dead, but I need to talk to you so that you will be enlightened.”  You explained as you slowly made your way towards her and she doesn’t move and she just stares at you.
“A-aren’t you a human too?”  She asks when you were face to face with her.  Your face fell, right, your body is similar to a human, just like how the others appear in the afterlife.
“I am not human, okay, I just look like, you, or a human, but I am not.”  You stared at girl and she just hugged herself; still confused as ever.
“OK, so, I-I am Death.  I take care of, uhm, planning humans’ death and then guide their souls to their final destinations.”  You trail off and the girl gaped at your side.
“Oh… And this is Demise, the previous, um, Death… I am his successor.”  You explained clearly and the girl just nodded.
“Well, if it is not that obvious yet, you are dead. You died when the man tried to grab your bag then he just took you to this alley then slashed your neck when you refused to-”  
“Death!”  Demise frowned at you when the girl just looked at the ground and began sobbing again. You heaved a sigh of apology and stopped talking, before turning to the soul of the girl.
“So, that’s what happened, can you remember it?”
“Yeah, I do…”  The girl spares a glance at her lifeless body and she nodded, realizing what just happened.
“I-I remember it clearly… but- but I was pushed by the girl next to me…”
“Yeah…”  You trailed off, biting your lower lip before scratching the back of your head.  It was your mistake, your plan didn’t work out well and it was unexpected.  When you are still thinking about what you are going to say, the girl peered up to you and asked you a question.
“S-so, what happens now, should I go to… uhm- where should I go?”  
The girl cannot go up yet, she won’t be able to go anywhere, you won’t have the ability to put her back to her old body too, and so what else can you do?
“Well… You are going up…”
“Really?  In heaven? Oh, thank God!  I will be in a happy place and-“
“But, the thing is…”  You cut her off and she stopped before looking at you with curious eyes.
“W-what?  Is there a problem, Death?”  She addressed you by the name and that was the first time that a human ever did that to you.  All of them just address you as “someone” or they didn’t dare mention your name.  You eyed Demise before gaping at the girl.
“Y-You are not supposed to die yet.”  The girl’s eyes widened and you let out a sigh before continuing.
“I didn’t see it coming… The girl who pushed you was the one who was supposed to die, I made a mistake.”  You said and the girl just looked at you with her eyes glowing.
“S-so, what’s going to happen?  Are you going to put me back to life?”
“I- I can’t.  There is no way that I can put someone back to life…  I don’t have the ability to put your soul back to your body. I can only take it away, but not put it back.”  You explained and both of your hands are on your hair and you tugged on it gently, annoyed with the situation.
“S-so, then I should just go up to heaven then, is that right, Death?”
“You aren’t supposed to go there yet...”
“B-but, what am I supposed to do?  Where should I go?  You are going to help me out, right?”  She peers at you again and you bit your lip; trying to come up with a solution to the mess you put her and you put yourself into.
All of a sudden, you’ve remembered that Demise was about to say something before he was interrupted by the soul of the girl leaving its body.
“Demise!” You grabbed his shoulders and he just stared at you in awe.
“You were about to say something earlier when we were thinking about how to solve this mistake, what was it?”  You asked him before shaking him slightly; and his eyes widened.
“Oh yeah, I remember.”  He holds your wrists before putting it down.
“Since she cannot go back to her old body…”  He walks towards the lifeless body of the girl and eyed both you and the lady before he goes on.
“And, she won’t be allowed to come in through the gates of heaven because she is not supposed to be dead yet and she needs to be alive to make the life and death cycle accurate…” He walks around the girl’s lifeless body before making  his way front of you and you raised your eyebrow at him before crossing your arms over your chest.
“What do you mean me?”  You scowled at him and he puts on his signature grin.
“You…”  He turns around before pointing at the corpse in front of you.
“You take over that girl’s body and live like a human until the day she is supposed to die.”
What did he just say?
Demise’s words echoed in your head and you cannot seem to think.  You living in this girl’s body until the day she dies?
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”  You muttered and Demise grins; and you know that it is not a good sign.
“Since you have the ability to get inside a human’s body, but do not have the power to put a soul back, then that’s gonna be the best idea so far, right?”
“NO.  No I won’t be doing that!  No way-“ You shake your head vigorously and you frowned at him.
“Then just take her up and tell the God above what mistake you’ve done and see what he is about to say.”  He grimaced and you grit your teeth.
Damn it.  Dammit dammit damn it!!!!
You rubbed your face and stared back at the corpse behind Demise.  Are you really living in that girl’s body for a week?
“It shouldn’t be that bad; I can take over your place while you’re gone then I will bring this girl’s soul with me. Until it’s time for her to go to heaven.”  He suggests and smiles widely.  This is hopeless.
“But remember that you need to repay me though, because I am doing you a favor.”  He winked at you and your eyebrows furrow.
“Damn it.”  You cursed under your breath and you paced back and forth.  You are annoyed because Demise is right, that is the last sort.  However, it’s been a while since you took over a human’s body, and you cannot even remember how it was.
It shouldn’t be that bad, right?  Yet you are worried.  You will have all her memory once you are inside her body, so that is not something to be bothered about, right?
“H-Hey…”  The poor soul of the girl suddenly muttered and you looked at her.
“M-my friends… Th-they are on their way here, I can see them!  What are we gonna do?  Death?”  She shouts dreadfully.  Your eyes widened when you saw a group of students running towards your way, or you mean towards the dead body of the girl’s way.
“Death.”  Demise holds your hands before nodding at you.
“D-Demise, but-“
“You don’t have much time.”  The group of students is almost there; and you close your eyes in deep frustration, hoping that you won’t regret this decision anytime soon.
Fuck it.
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royalapps-blog1 · 7 years
princess hours
about the mun !
name/alias, pronouns, and timezone: adri, she/her, pst
other charas: n/a
reservation password: 0505
character profile !
faceclaim: lee jong suk, actor
character name: pyo chanwoo
birthdate/age: 09/14/1990
position: 2nd son of the pyos
positive/negative traits: 
+ playful, witty, sincere
- calculating, procrastinating, secretive
subplots: n/a
biography !
trigger warning: none!
pyo chanwoo was never intended to exist. the queen was infertile, told that she would never be able to conceive a child of her own blood. heartbroken but determined to have a child regardless, she and the king adopted a child no older than a few months from shanghai, immediately introducing the child as their heir to the throne. unexpectedly, a few months later, the queen had fallen ill and kept away from the public eye for a number of weeks. it was her third month in when it was finally announced that the matriarch of the pyo monarchy was pregnant. 
he was known as the miracle child, born to bring a better change to his subjects and carry on the pyo legacy. at least, that’s what the whispers around him said every time he and his older brother made a public appearance together. he was the rightful heir to throne, the only pyo child who shared the same blood as the king and queen. there was no argument about it; except, indeed there was.
it was a debate fought before chanwoo can remember or realize it, even before he was actually born. half of the kingdom wished for the eldest brother to be king as the announcement was made before the second son was even conceived; others believed that chanwoo owned the right to the throne based on his royal blood alone. with so many opinions, speculation, and reports being thrown around over the course of his life, pyo chanwoo couldn’t find a care for any of it.
he grew up as a mischievous child, somewhat spoiled by the love he received from those around him. he was free-spirited, always doing what he wanted with an innocent smile and laughter following wherever he went. he liked to tease his siblings, especially his older brother whom he admired so much. his older brother was calm, collected, smart -- he was someone chanwoo wanted to be, but found no motivation to try. he knew from the beginning he would never be his brother and he was fine with that. but with the various pressures forced upon them starting at young adolescence, there was a noticeable shift in the relationship between the two brothers. although to everyone else they may seem close, both brothers knew that this strain would only grow to become worse over time. it was because of this that chanwoo had decided to take matters into his own hands.
chanwoo made the effort to stay beneath his brother in any way possible. he slacked off in school, doing just enough to get by. he got himself into trouble often just to make sure his older brother was seen as the perfect candidate and son. he even went as far as skipping out on important events every so often just so the attention remained on who he believed deserved to be crown prince. if presenting himself as a troublesome slacker would help his brother in the long run, pyo chanwoo was sure to do it.
of course, being part of the leaders of the medical world, chanwoo wasn’t allowed to fail. he managed his grades well enough to be able to enroll in kyunghee university under the college of medicine, spending six years in the university’s medical program before graduating at the age of twenty five. now at the age of twenty six and having passed his exam for his medical license, pyo chanwoo is now a resident at kyunghee university hospital, focusing on general surgery and emergency medicine.
outside of others’ expectations of him and how others perceive him, chanwoo is not as hopeless as it makes himself seem. intelligent and witty, chanwoo is quick on his feet and can easily adapt to what’s around him whether it be the people or the situation. he is very sociable compared to his siblings and tends to be quite the charmer especially with women. there’s an obvious potential to him as a person, but with his determination to obscure it in favor of his brother, it may be frustrating to those close to him who only want the best for him.
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