#he’s the dad chanwoo never wanted
blkgrlangst · 2 years
My ID is Gangnam Beauty Ep. 3 reactions:
yes Mirae BEAT HIS ASS
The TA kinda extremely fine wait 😏
okay i was tired of the girlies not standing up for themselves but we’re getting somewhere
wait- writing down my reactions helps me remember they names better
her psychology major friend is a real one
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Ye-na i’m gon need you to stop worrying about the bad bitches and more about why you’re obsessed over men who want nothin to do with you 😗
Sua if you’re gonna be a snake you need to keep up with the act that’s 101
i will say the girlies are serving looks but that’s coming from an American perspective we just go to school with trash bags on compared to other places
if this turns into an anti-plastic surgery take…ion know…society has to change first before y’all come for wmn who get it…
i’ve heard about this seniority problem in SK universities…where are the professors at this point like 😭 chanwoo actin like this military school
all the boys that left are cowards…HES ACTUALLY INSANE WHAT WHY DID HE SLAP HIS FRIEND
Kyung-seok feminist icon 🤩
her Dad dumb as fuck he know damn well she would’ve had a rough time w/o surgery especially the way society is built be so serious-
they better apologize how are you just going to stand there when a short man is acting up never in my life- 👀
Sua for the love of God stop with the bullshit 🥱
these people are nosey 🙄🙄🙄 who cares if they went to the same middle school
chile i could never be a science major jfc teenagers should not be in a lab at all😭
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theikonstxt · 6 years
Chanwoo: Ugh, you’re the worst dad ever!
Bobby: I never really wanted to be your dad in the first place, but you know what? Screw you, go to your room, you’re grounded.
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peachoony · 3 years
chasing love - one
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Genre: mafia!au, smut, arranged marriage
Warnings: blood, kidnaping, basically violence, smut
Word count: 3.2k
Pairing: mafia leader!changkyun x fem!reader
A/N: yes another mafia lmaoo, but this will definitely have more parts. actually i had this au written for a very long time in my drafts so i thought i’d post it.
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You greeted all the new guests with a smile while looking for your parents, who were talking to other guests. You walked to them, hoping you wouldn’t get interrupted by some auntie telling you how much you’ve grown up, since the last time she saw you. By the time you reached them they were already bowing goodbye to the guest.
“Dad the priest has arrived and Uncle Minho is asking for you.” You informed him and he nodded, leaving you alone with your mother.
Well actually not really mother. Your parents had passed away in a car accident, before you could even start collecting any memories with them and your biological father‘s brother – your now father – adopted you and now you called them mom and dad. They were just like your actual family.
„You look beautiful, y/n.“ Your mother smiled and you smiled back while looking down on you. You were wearing a baby pink silk dress with some accessories and your hair was lying with wavy curls.
„Thank you mom, but so do you. Still looking all young,” you said making her chuckle and playfully hit your arm.
“Stop it, will you?” She rolled her eyes playfully. “Can you go to up to Mirae and help her a bit with the preparations, I’ll come get you two when it’s time.” She continued and you nodded, mumbling a ‘sure’ before walking up the stairs to the bride’s room.
You knocked twice before walking in with a big smile, but you were rather greeted with an empty room.
“Mirae?” You said and silence answered you.
You opened the bathroom door but nothing. Where is she? You walked further into the big room and your face fell into a deep frown, when you saw Mirae’s wedding dress on the bed. You immediately walked to the bed and your eyes found a folded paper next to it.
No. No she can’t do that. Not today.
With shaking hands you picked it up slowly opening it, scared of confirming your biggest nightmare.
Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m sorry I haven’t told you this before and It’s probably too late to fix anything, but I can’t marry Changkyun. I tried to force myself but the feelings aren’t there anymore. I fell in love with someone else and, before I could’ve done something that could’ve hurt him more I decided to leave all this behind. Don’t try to find me, I’m happy.
~ Jeon Mirae
You stood there for a while, slowly letting your arms fall next to you, grasping the letter tightly. It took you a moment to realise what just happened, but when it did it came crashing down on you like a tsunami. You blinked a couple of times, still unsure what to do as anxiety started taking over you.
You opened the door, running through the hallways trying to find your parents as you placed a hand against your forehead, but before you reached the stairs you ran into a bigger figure making you stumble back. You looked up, your eyes meeting the ones, you wanted to see the least right now.
“Y/n, I’m sorry I didn’t see you.” He apologized, his icy expression not leaving his face, as always.
You looked at him with widened eyes, still grasping onto that piece of paper. His eyes scanned your face and he tilted his face.
“Why are you crying?” He suddenly asked, making you sniff. You were crying?
“I…” you started still at a loss of words. “Is everything okay?” He asked, now frowning.
“Mirae…” you said, getting his attention now. “What’s with Mirae? Is she okay?” He was clearly confused on what’s going on.
You nervously looked around, going through a panic attack.
You’ve been walking on heels for years now, but suddenly you couldn’t even stand on them. You needed to sit down with your wobbling leg. How will you tell him that?
“Y/n what happened to Mirae,” he said again louder, stepping closer and you gulped, suddenly scared of him.
“Mirae, she...is not in her r-room,” you choked out, hands shaking when you held up the letter. Changkyun looked at the letter then back to you before grabbing it as his eyes slid from left to right.
Slowly the letter slipped from his hands and landed on his neatly polished shoes. He stared into nothing, before coming back to his senses. You expected him to at least show some emotions, but he just stood there with a clenched jaw. His eyes met yours and you both looked at each other for a solid minute.
“She did what?” Your father yelled out standing up, making the chair fall to the ground.
“We can’t cancel the wedding,” Changkyun’s father said, shaking his head. “What will the people say? They will look down on us.” He added.
“I’m so sorry Minho, If I had known she would do that…” he trailed off and your mother placed a hand on his shoulder.
Changkyun didn’t say anything, while sitting on the couch. His cold eyes looked into nothing with his hand rubbing his jaw.
You sat on the bed still looking at her million dollar wedding dress. Their voices faded and your eyes went back to the letter and you sighed silently. When your name fell, you looked up confused on why you were relevant in this conversation.
“Right, why can’t y/n marry him?” Changkyun’s father said.
“What?” You blurred out, instantly covering your mouth with your hand. “I mean...How can I do this? This is not my place,” you explained and your mother walked to you.
“Y/n right now is not the time, please do us that one favor. Everyone is outside waiting.” Your mother spoke up and you looked over to Changkyun, but he didn’t seem to care what was happening, blinking a couple of times you looked down. “People will look down on us y/n. What image will we bring across? They will take us a joke,” she added and you frowned, deeply in your thoughts.
“Y/n, you won’t regret this decision, I promise you that,” Chanwoo, Changkyun’s brother said this time.
You looked up into the mirror and here you were in a wedding dress, that wasn’t even yours, just like the place as Im Changkyun’s wife. Your heart pounded against your chest as your father walked with you to the hall. You liked Changkyun, maybe more than you were allowed to. You didn’t know when those feelings took over your heart, since it was pretty obvious that your families would form an alliance of the clan’s, but the moment Changkyun’s family asked for Mirae’s hand in marriage, your heart broke into millions of pieces. You were honestly still hoping somewhere deep in your heart that it would’ve been you. That it would’ve been you he fell in love with, but who were you fooling? Mirae was always the prettier one out of you two, always the one everyone liked more. She had all the friends and the lovers. How could you even think you can compete against her? Of course he would choose her, of course he would choose a pretty, outgoing and loveable wife. All these years you pushed your feelings aside and now that you’ve finally mastered hiding those feelings, you’re becoming his wife. You wanted him to be yours secretly for so long, but not like this. Not as a replacement of his actual love. Not as his last option.
“I’m so sorry,” your father spoke up, making you look at him. “You don’t deserve this y/n. You’re not supposed to clean after your sister's mistake,” he continued clearly ashamed.
You stayed silent, not sure what exactly to say. “If you don’t want this, tell me now. I will manage something.” He seemed disappointed in himself.
You shook your head squeezing his arm. “Accepting someone else's daughter and actually treating her like your own kid is not easy. Despite Mirae being your real daughter you always treated us fairly, always making sure I have everything she had. I never felt like an orphan, thanks to you dad.” You smiled as he looked at you with teary eyes.
“You’ve never let me down, now it’s my turn.” You added and he pulled you into a hug.
“You’re not an orphan and neither are you someone else's daughter,” he said after placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re my daughter. And after today my only daughter.”
You sighed giving your best holding your tears back so you wouldn't ruin the make up as a smile spread over your face.
“I’ll make sure he treats you right, y/n.” Your father said and you nodded. “I know you will.”
If it wouldn’t be for Changkyun holding your hand, they would be shaking like crazy and when he slid in the ring you almost scoffed. This wasn’t supposed to be the finger the ring should be on, this shouldn’t be the hand he should be holding, this shouldn’t be your dress and this shouldn’t be your husband, but now it was.
You looked around the big room. You were in here once, because of your sister Mirae, but now you’re here as Changkyun’s wife. A sigh left your lips and you leaned back against the headboard, closing your eyes.
So this is your life now?
It was still hard to believe but it was best for you to get used to this, since you would only hurt yourself. Your eyes shot open at the sound of the door opening and you instantly sat up at the sight of Changkyun walking in.
He walked to his dresser, taking off his watch and tie without looking back at you.
“Changkyun,” you started clearing your throat as you stood up from the bed.
“I’m sorry all this happened and I know that I wasn’t supposed to be here today. This is not my place but it happened and I promise to not bother you at all.”
He turned around blankly staring at you and you gulped, clearly uncomfortable under his piercing gaze. You were about to speak up, but he suddenly walked into your direction making you stumble back, falling back on the bed.
“Is that all?” He asked and you shuddered at the harsch tone.
He grabbed your wrist, not as harsh as his tone, and pulled you with him to the door and the next thing you knew was him closing the door in front of your face. You stood there for a while, before you realized what just happened.
He threw out of his room.
You couldn’t believe you were standing in front of your husband's room, after he just kicked you out. Tears started gathering at the corner of your eyes and all you wanted to do was fall to your knees and cry. You knew that you wouldn’t get the love and affection from Changkyun as a husband, but if you knew that he would straight up throw you away like a piece of shit, you would’ve definitely reconsidered this marriage. You would’ve saved you from this hell. You couldn't spend the rest of your life like that, not with your own husband treating you like a complete stranger. The thought of living like that just brought more tears into your eyes. You wanted to go home, to your father. You wanted to go back to him. You don’t want this life.
“Y/n?” You suddenly heard someone call your name and you froze, scared to turn around and face whoever was standing there. You slowly turned around looking straight into Chanwoo's eyes.
“Do you need anything?” He asked confused as to why you were standing here in the hallway at almost midnight. You blinked a couple of times, panicking inside and thinking of a plausible answer.
“Uh no…thank you,” you stuttered. He nodded slowly looking to Changkyuns door then you. “Why are you not going in?” He asked with an raised eyebrow and you opened your mouth just to close it again, left with no answer.
“He kicked you out didn’t he?” He sighed and you looked away, clearly embarrassed at the fact that you got kicked out from your own husband.
“That jerk,” he mumbled and started taking steps towards the door, but you immediately grabbed his arm. “No please don’t say anything to him,” you said and he frowned.
“Y/n, he can’t do this. Let me talk some sense into him,” he said and you shook your head. “Chanwoo, please just...don’t.” Your begging made him sigh again and he took a step back.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked you after he walked you to the guest room.
You stayed silent not knowing the answer to his question either. Why were you doing this? Better said why was Changkyun doing this? Why does he hate you so much? Was it really your fault that your sister decided to run away? That you got talked into marrying him?
“He doesn’t deserve you,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m sorry you got into this situation.” His last words before he disappeared wishing you a good night.
You sat there for a while and before you knew the tears started running down your face.
You opened your eyes as you felt someone gently shake your shoulder. “Miss, good morning,” a woman smiled and you knew she was one of the workers here. You sat up and blinked the sleep away, before you realized you didn’t have the chance to change, still sitting here in your wedding dress.
“Breakfast is ready in 30 minutes. Please freshen up, I’ll bring you your clothes.” She informed you and you nodded still in the process of waking up.
When she left you sighed and fell back into the bed. You barely got any sleep, all you did was cry and miss your parents. What were they doing right now?
After recalling last night you stood up and walked to your, well Changkyun’s room and thank god he wasn’t there. You quickly got out of your dress straight to the shower and the moment the warm water hit your skin you closed your eyes. You felt your muscles relax, especially after yesterday where you slept in a dress in the most uncomfortable position. After a while you heard the door open and you remembered the worker telling you she will bring you your clothes.
“Place my clothes on the island next to the bathtub, please.” You said, but when you heard Changkyuns voice you almost jumped out of your own skin.
“I don’t have your clothes,” he said and you heard shuffling before he disappeared again and you thanked all the seven seas that your shower glass was dimmed due to the warm water. The moment the door closed you let out the breath you were holding in. Of course this would happen with your luck.
You slipped into your heels before walking down hesitantly, still ashamed of what happened back in the room. When you walked into the dining hall you saw an unfamiliar girl sitting next to Changkyun while pinching his cheeks.
“You’re so skinny gosh, what are you guys feeding my poor baby brother?” She said playfully and you remembered Mirae telling you he has a sister, but she lives in the states due to work which meant she was rarely even here. Her eyes landed on you and she smiled.
“Oh hey, aren’t you Mirae’s sister y/n?” She asked and you nodded slowly. “Uhm, yeah that’s me.” Why was she mentioning her name?
Her next words felt like a slap into your face. “Where is Mirae though?” She asked, still smiling and everyone fell silent. You didn’t dare to move looking away to Changkyun, but he clenched his jaw. Chanwoo slapped her arm and she frowned.
“I’m sorry y/n, she just arrived and we didn’t had the chance to tell her.” He explained and nodded to the seat next to Changkyun with a smile.
“Join us.”
“Didn’t tell me what?” She asked looking at her parents, but Chanwoo silently gave her a sign that he would explain everything once they were alone.
To say the least – the breakfast was awkward. Changkyun didn’t even finish his food before he excused himself for work and honestly you didn’t feel like eating at all, so you just had some fruit to not completely come off as rude.
The moment you walked upstairs you let out a sigh, happy that you had the most awkward moment behind you, but when you heard your name you looked up.
“I’m sorry for what I said in the dining hall. I didn’t know all of this happened, I was just assuming you were here to visit Mirae.” Kyuhyun's sister carefully took a step closer. “It was so insensitive of me to speak without thinking,” she scoffed and you shook your head.
“Oh no, don’t worry about that. You didn’t know, since you just arrived today. It’s fine,” you smiled at her and she took a deep breath. “Okay good, I was so scared that you might be upset.” She laughed. “Oh and I’m Gyuri.”
How weird is it that you were just now finding out your husband's sister's name. Mirae never really spoke much about her or the family at all. She was mainly focused on Changkyun, but here and there said something about his family. You knew his family too, exchanging a couple of words on galas and events, but more than the basics you weren’t that informed about them. Especially Changkyun, he was always a mystery to you, with his secretive persona. You were always curious on how Changkyun was with Mirae, since he didn’t seem to be a romantic and affectionate person, but she didn’t really give you any details.
After Gyuri offered you to always talk to her when you needed something, you thanked her and headed back to your room. You closed the door behind you and leaned against it, but before you had the chance to drown in your thoughts your phone on the dresser started ringing, showing up your fathers contact.
“Hey dad,” you said and for the first time after your wedding you smiled that genuine.
“Oh wow someone is extra happy,” he chuckled at the other side of the phone.
“I missed you dad.”
“I missed you too y/n,” he said and you could hear the car engine in the back.
“Are you going somewhere?” You asked leaned against the dresser. “Oh yeah I’m on the way to a meeting, so I thought I’ll just quickly have a talk with you.” He explained and you nodded. “I see, but don’t overwork,” you reminded him and he chuckled.
“Yeah yeah don’t worry. How is Changkyun?”
Your smile faded as you remembered everything that happened yesterday. “He is good,” you said, but he sighed. “That’s not what I mean, I’m going to see him in that meeting anyways. How is Changkyung treating you y/n?” He asked more specifically and you bit down on your lower lip. “Don’t worry dad he is good to me.”
Yeah you’re lying, but things will change and then it won’t be a lie...right?
> chasing love masterlist <
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forgive-and-take · 3 years
Translation of a cute video of the Cultwo guys and 19-year-old Jingoo taking requests from audience members who want to call him "oppa."
KIM TAEGYUN: It's this nuna here in the front. She's 29 years old, this nuna~
KTG: In banmal, say to nuna, "[NAME]-ah~" is what she's asking.
YJG: (flustered)
JEONG CHANWOO: It's okay. She's asking you to.
YJG: Ah, right~
KTG: If she's 29, she's your nuna by 10 years~
YJG: [NAME]-ah.
AUDIENCE: (commotion)
KTG: Let's give her the mic for a moment. How was it?
29-YEAR-OLD NUNA: Uh... I'm nervous.
JCW: She's just nervous. (straightforward)
29: *laughs*
JCW: Then you should say "Jingoo-yah" one time.
29: Can't I say "oppa" instead?
JCW: What?
29: Can't I say "oppa"-
JCW: Oppa? What oppa!?!?! You're talking nonsense! (anger explosion) You're talking nonsense, you're joking!
YJG: *laughs*
KTG: Oh, why not~ Just do it~
JCW: (still angry) She's talking nonsense! Ugh, I'm the one who's getting angry!
YJG: *laughs*
KTG: Try again. Here. "[NAME]-ah~" and then, "Oppa!" Like that~
YJG: Okay~ [NAME]-ah~
29: Oppa!
JCW: What! What! What!
KTG: Hahaha.
JCW: Wait, that was nothing. Number 2446 says, "Jingu oppa, please go out with me. I'm 45 years old."
YJG: *laughs*
JCW: Number 2446, where are you?
KTG: Oh, over there.
JCW: Okay, what's your name?
JCW: So "[NAME]-ah~" Is that okay?
45: Uh...
JCW: [NAME]-ssi? [NAME]-ah?
45: Oh~ "[NAME]-ah," of course.
KTG: What's wrong with all of you?
JCW: Try it, then. Try it, then. (Let's see how far this goes.)
YJG: Oh... It's really okay with you, right?
45: Oh~ Of course.
YJG: [NAME]-ah.
45: Oppa!
YJG: *laughs*
JCW: Ah! All the women in this country are losing their minds, huh?
YJG: *laughs*
KTG: How is it? Seeing him in person like this, how is Yeo Jingoo-ssi?
45: I want to have a son.
KTG: What about your husband, then, what's he like?
45: He looks similar to my husband.
JCW: Your husband and Yeo Jingoo-ssi?
45: Yes.
KTG: Wow! I think you're just saying that 'cause we can't know.
JCW: Where's your daughter? Your daughter, your daughter.
KTG: Give the mic to your daughter.
JCW: Your daughter, where's your daughter? Does your dad look like Yeo Jingoo oppa?
JCW: Who does your dad look like? Which celebrity?
DAUGHTER: Kim Byungman.
JCW & KTG: Kim Byungman!?
JCW: Kim Byungman and Yeo Jingoo!? Okay, thank you for being honest~ Dad looks like Kim Byungman, huh?
KTG: Number 2252. "Jingoo-goon, who looks more mature and handsome than his age~ Do you like older women?" What's up with all of you? "Until what age can someone be for you to be able to date them?" Number 2252, where are you? Oh, but she looks a little bit younger~
JCW: Until what age, then?
KTG: Older, going up.
YJG: I've really never thought about it by age.
KTG: Let's not hear any interjections from the crowd!
YJG: If I were to date someone older than me and she didn't feel guilty, then, yeah-
JCW: Why would she feel guilty!
KTG: She can't not. She can't not.
JCW: Why would she feel guilty! It's love.
YJG: Right! That's why I don't think age is a problem.
JCW: So miss, how old are you then?
JCW: 26~ That much isn't a big deal~
KTG: 26~
(The nunas who came before were so strong that they're forgetting he's a minor.)
JCW: That's just 6 or 7 years, c'mon~
KTG: It's just 7 years.
JCW: It's okay! Just earn a lot of money!
26: Yes, I'm working on it now.
JCW: What?
26: I'm working on it.
JCW & KTG: She's working on it!
JCW: She said she's working on it.
KTG: Is there something you wanted to know about Yeo Jingoo-ssi? Or something you wanted to say?
26: Please call my name, too... (sniff)
JCW: What's your name? Why are you getting choked up?
JCW & KTG: "pLeAsE cAlL mY nAmE, tOo~"
(Acting like uncles teasing their niece)
KTG: What's your name?
26: Oh... I'm [NAME].
JCW: "[NAME]-ah~" Like that, in banmal?
26: Yes.
JCW: I'm going crazy...
KTG: I apologize. You came here today and all the nunas are losing it~
JCW: No, he must like it, he gets to use banmal.
(The 19-year-old has become the oldest, a miracle.)
YJG: Uh, [NAME]-ah.
26: Ahahaha.
YJG: Uh... It's embarassing.
JCW: You have to answer him.
26: Yes, oppa.
JCW: I'm going crazy, seriously. Wow.
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yhchanwoo · 4 years
hi! i’m very happy to be joining yangcheon (even if it was an impulse decision) & i look forward to learning about all of the characters here! i’ll be writing for kang chanwoo, the kang family’s youngest child and (former?) cello prodigy. i have his stats here, a few plot ideas here (will add more eventually) and a collection of info below the cut. like this post if you’re interested in plotting with us!
TW INSECTS! chanwoo has always been the typical ~weird~ kid. obsessed with horror and unsettling history, comfortable with picking giant bugs up in his bare hands, brave enough to go explore that haunted place you always hear of......... having said that, he’s one of the biggest sweethearts you’ll ever meet. END TW!
didn’t think he was going to go into classical music because it was just........ really boring to him, but then he discovered how eerie and dark the cello can sound and he was like yo...... maybe classical music is cool. as you could expect, he was awful at first, had to endure a lot of criticism & doubt, especially from his teachers who wanted him to focus on school and leave music to his parents bc he was genuinely quite smart. but he kept at it, worked really hard to be on par with his family musically.
known for performing really intense, moody pieces at recitals. he’s..... still quite intense off the stage, but he’s a lot more light-hearted and bright than strangers would assume! has always struggled to fit in with others, but he never stops trying!!!! will be kind to absolutely anyone, no matter how you treat him. might catch a lil attitude every now and then, but honestly, who doesn’t?
as the youngest in the kang family, you could say that he feels a bit obligated to be the bright and happy one. of course, before the accident, this happiness was usually genuine anyway so all he had to do was show it! he was never the elegant musician he was expected to be, always really clumsy, loud, painfully honest. wanted to live a fulfilling life and make tons of people happy in the process. has a huge heart and will love anyone who will let him. even loved his mom a TON in the past despite her constant attitude and strict parenting. thought life was so much better than what others made it out to be. rly naive, gullible, would believe anything (still will tbh). of course, it’s not like he’s had the ~best~ life and his view of the world has become quite dark in the past year but u know. he’s still capable of being that hopeful kid again, he’s just struggling a lil rn.
was accepted into yangcheon university as a musical performance major, but then he lost his dad (see kang family’s history) & kinda......... lost all confidence he had in music, began to break down when he even thought of LOOKING at his cello again. it’s currently hidden under a bunch of old blankets. anyway! now he’s an undecided major who skips class more often than not. doesn’t even skip to be rebellious bc he’s a Good Kid(tm), just does it bc school is exhausting nowadays. obviously he’s real impressive.
the rumor about him practicing (dark) magic...... does he know his way around a tarot deck? yes. does he collect rocks/stones? yes. is he obsessed with the phases of the moon? yes. does he have candles that COULD be used for spells? yes. does he make odd trips into the woods/secluded places with suspicious bags? yes. is he sometimes seen with strange books? yes...... but! he does NOT practice dark magic!!!! probably has no idea that that’s going around since he hardly talks to anyone these days. would explain his behavior if anyone asked (maybe).
like i mentioned before, he likes the cello for how dark and creepy it can be,,,,,,,, but make no mistake. this mf used to be obsessed with the cello. he definitely knows a bunch of taylor swift covers. every time he heard a song he liked, he’d start thinking about how to play it on the cello. probably embarrassed his parents sometimes.
TW INSECTS! really likes bugs. i mean........ he LOVES them. all of ‘em. has kept various kinds of bugs as pets in the past, would probably have some rn if he was capable of taking care of them but with where he’s at mentally, he’s not even properly taking care of himself, so....... maybe later. anyway, he also really likes the simpsons and used to make everyone call him bart as a joke. some of his nicknames are bart, buglord bart, bart the bug boy and just buglord/bug boy. END TW!
also likes photography a lot. he’s not that good at it, but he likes to fuck around with old film cameras or just those cheap disposable cameras. he collects a bunch of pics that don’t have any real subject/meaning, he just thinks they look cool. let him look at your/your family’s photo albums/photo bins/whatever and he’ll be SO happy.
really into history in general. all kinds of history. the story of how u got that one scar, what used to be where that strip mall is now, what a certain area was like five hundred years ago. has briefly considered being a historian but idk he’s still kinda holding onto hope that maybe one day his cello won’t seem so threatening.
thinks overalls are super cool and anyone who disagrees is just a hater. 60% of his wardrobe is overalls + oversized sweaters, 10% is dad hats + bucket hats, 15% is colorful high-top sneakers and the other 15% is things he bought bc of trends or suits for recitals.
likes cold weather and halloween, so this time of the year is usually ~heaven~ for him but he’s really sad rn so he’ll probably just be chillin in his room wearing some too-expensive costume that he ordered online for the lols.
edit bc i wrote this before the event was posted: perhaps he’ll be out and about, grooving around town for the first time in months. match costumes with him........ go trick-or-treating even tho u’re adults..... get a sugar high...... he’ll appreciate it so much. u have no idea.
plays acnh for the serotonin (and the cool bugs).
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chanwoofm · 3 years
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⌠ KIM TAEHYUNG, 23, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, CHANWOO MOON according to their records, they’re a THIRD year, specializing in SEDUCTION AND FLIRTATION+ COVERT OPERATIONS (CO) ; and they DID go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (always hurrying to get to classes in time, mint bubble gum, playful smiles). when it’s the (libra)’s birthday on 10/05/1997, they always request JAJANGMYUN from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation.
What’s up, guys? I’m Jay and I’m really excited to get started and read all about your amazing muses! ❤️ Below the cut you’ll find more about Chanwoo - @gallagherintro
- Chanwoo’s inspired by Oh Chanwoo from BJ Alex ~ fair warning if you wanna google: Some content that’s not safe for work might show up! ~ Mainly his fashion sense and and a bit of his personality too!
- Born and raised in Seoul, as the only heir of the Moon family there was always a lot of pressure on Chanwoo to be well, perfect. He was one of those kids that had so many extracurricular activities on the daily, he barely had time to actually be a kid. All his early friendships were determined by family status as well. Not by his choice, his parents set them up for him. But he learned soon enough to pick real friends from the ones that only stuck around when it was convenient;   
- His father’s the owner of a famous tech company and his mom’s a retired spy and piano teacher. She taught him how to play when he was 7. He did go to a spy high school in Soul, the idea was to get him ready to take over his father’s company, teach him self defense - as Chanwoo could need to protect himself from any harm that could come his way since the Moon’s had other powerful familes as enemies - and all the basic skill that could be helpful;
-He really enjoyed it, and aced most of his classes. After graduating in high school, Chanwoo went to the the army to complete his obligatory two year military service. When he got back, his father wanted him to take a business major, speed the process of teaching him to manage the company that one day would be his, but Chanwoo had different plans. He had heard about Gallagher and would rather continue his studies there. That brought in some family conflict, but his mom was on his side so they managed to convince his dad to agree. And that’s how he ended up at the Academy;
-Personality wise, Chanwoo’s artistic, engaging and passionate but can also be reserved, stubborn, and unpredictable.  He’s very charismatic and makes friends easily but at the same time, he’s a bit careful when it comes to opening up and getting too close to people. He’s specializing in Seduction and Flirtation and Covert Operations, catch him flirting with someone and then when he gets their attention, Chanwoo will just be like: “Oh? You thought that was real? I was just testing my charm skills, sorry.” Yup, he can be a lil shit like that, sorry;
-He loves: Spicy food, sleeping till noon (when he can afford to), spending time with his friends, travelling and getting to know new places, hotteok, winter.
-Speaks fluently: English, Korean and Mandarin;
-Is not the most organized person out there (sorry roomies!) but he tries to keep his side of the room mostly clean;
-Never been in a serious relationship in his life, oops. Kinda too aware that people often approach him just for his status. That being said, doesn’t mean he hates the idea.
Wanted Connections Suggestions:
Childhood friends: Maybe one of those kids he was ‘encouraged’ to befriend for the mutual benefit of their families? They could’ve lost contact through the years and meet again now, or have kept in touch all of those years.
Flirtationship: Someone Chanwoo’s constantly flirting with, either to annoy the person or just because he’s actually into them, who knows? 😉
Close Friends: Chanwoo’s starting on his thrid year at Gallagher, and since he’s pretty friendly I’d say it’s more than enough time to form some bonds. He may only let a few people get close to him, but those would be the people he trusts the most. Chanwoo would be fiercly loyal to them.
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ggukkiedae · 4 years
It Wasn’t Their Fault
notes: bitna’s heeeeere and bonding with chanwoo bc they hate the fact that they fought for real. so something is cleared up after four years in this little post, but it’s also just mostly bitna and chanwoo fluff
feel free to leave a reaction, suggestion, request, or literally anything! my askbox and pms are always open, and i’ll appreciate it a lot :3 enjoy!
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Bitna dropped herself down on her usual seat in the convenience store. It felt new to be there in the middle of the day and with someone other than Donghyuk. She just really wanted the strawberry bread rolls that were only sold in this specific convenience store. She laughed while Chanwoo hurriedly rushed over with his newly cooked ramen to place it on the table since it was burning his fingers.
“Grab the wrong parts of the bowl?” she asked him.
“My thumbs were in the soup, Bitna,” he grumbled while sitting down.
They both began to dig into their food. It was a comfortable silence, just like it always was when she’s with Chanwoo, but she could tell he wanted to ask something. She looked at him for a bit before speaking.
“Chanwoo, I can feel your curiosity.”
“Since when did you drop honorifics?” he raised an eyebrow at her.
“Since now because we grew closer after that fight,” Bitna smiled teasingly, “Seriously, though. Just ask.”
“Alright then,” Chanwoo put his chopsticks down for a while, “Who sent the bouquet yesterday?”
“Still think I have a secret boyfriend?” Bitna laughed.
“And this is why I didn’t want to ask,” Chanwoo rolled his eyes and continued eating. “Now, answer because I actually asked.”
“Actually,” Bitna picked at her strawberry bread, “those were from my parents.”
Chanwoo gasped, but he had noodles in his mouth. He started choking. Bitna laughed and opened his bottle of water and handed it to him. He repeatedly hit his chest before gulping down nearly half the bottle. He shook his head a little and closed the bottle.
“You’re meaning to tell me,” he looked at her, “that these same parents who stopped contacting you four years ago just sent you flowers?”
“Well, yeah,” Bitna shrugged, “The little note said that my number disappeared from their phones, and they only figured out where I’ve been staying recently.”
“I bet your sister did it,” Chanwoo scowled. Bitna’s eyes widened.
“Be quiet,” she looked around as if to check if anyone was listening, “only you and Jinhwan oppa know about my sister.”
“It’s not like the other guys are gonna be here,” Chanwoo waved off but lowered his tone anyway. “So? Did you try talking to them again?”
“I did,” Bitna smiled, “I called the number they put on the note last night. It was my dad’s number.”
Chanwoo nodded in a mix of pride and approval. He knew that she always used to say she’d never talk to her parents again, but she actually tried to clear things out with them.
“That’s great,” he opened a can of cola to give to her. “How did that go?”
“It’s not their fault,” Bitna told him. “They’re still really supportive of me. They said they’re waiting on my debut and that they’ve been watching me on Mix & Match and on Show Champion.”
“And your sister?”
“The same,” Bitna scowled, “She got on the phone at some point, told me she erased my number from our parents’ phones, then asked me to introduce her to you.”
“To me?” Chanwoo’s eyes widened. “No way! Why? What did you say?”
“Well, since you two are the same age,” Bitna pretended to think, “I told her I’d introduce you if she gave me 10,000 won.”
“Are you crazy?” Chanwoo yelled out loud, which made Bitna laugh. There was a small group of people passing by who started staring at Chanwoo because of his outburst. Bitna only continued to laugh while Chanwoo awkwardly apologized to them.
“Relax,” Bitna nudged his foot with hers, “She actually asked me to introduce her to Doyoung oppa, but I told her he'd never even look her way.���
“Good,” Chanwoo went back to his ramen, which was really just soup now. “Look at that. You and I had a somewhat deep talk in this convenience store. Does that mean I’m replacing Donghyuk hyung?”
“You wish,” Bitna picked up her trash and tossed it into the trash can. She cheered when it went straight in.
“Nice,” Chanwoo high fived her, “but really, what’s going to happen now with your family?”
“They’re coming up to Seoul next week,” she admitted.
“Not your sister, though,” he clarified.
“Wanna meet her, Chanwoo?” Bitna could only laugh at Chanwoo’s disgusted face. “No, it’s just mom and dad. I was hoping to bring one of you guys with me, but I don’t know who yet.”
“You can take me,” he suggested.
Bitna thought about it. Chanwoo was her best friend, and he’d be able to make her feel comfortable. He also didn’t hover over her like the older members did, so she wouldn’t feel like she had three parents at once. He was also close to her age, so he could help her elaborate on what it would be like as young idols just in case her parents would want to know more about her job.
“Sounds good,” she agreed, “I can tell them all about the member who bullies me.”
“Yah,” he chuckled, “I only bully you because you try to bully me. Now that you’re dropping honorifics, we are equals. That means I can mess around with you.”
“And I can mess around with you,” Bitna pointed out. “You’re practically giving me permission to do that.”
“I did not think that one through,” Chanwoo said to himself.
“What is this? Am I being replaced?”
The two turned to see a familiar figure standing of to the side with an amused smile. Bitna waved him over. Donghyuk sat with them and took a little pack of chips that Bitna had bought.
“I’m her new convenience store buddy,” Chanwoo told Donghyuk.
“In your dreams,” Bitna stuck her tongue out at him.
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p4int-thetown · 4 years
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“okay, i seriously did not expect the food to be this good.” chanwoo would say that the food here was absolutely paradise. being the food enthusiast that he was, he was in his glory. they’ve tried dozens of food today, all sprawled across the table they were sitting at. chanwoo had almost forgotten how expensive it would but he would worry about that when the time for the bill came. he had wanted to get the recipes for every single one of these meals and bring them home to his dad to make back at the red district. hell, if his father still had his bakery open, he would’ve loved to add the food choices to the menu.
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“i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone eat so much food before in my life.” hara sipped her milkshake swiftly as she eyed the two boys. she had normally never hung out with the two together but they seemed to be the only two in the house that weren’t doing ‘couple’ related things. it was a weird combination--- hara, callen and chanwoo, hanging out. chanwoo himself had even been surprised by the woman’s sudden desire to hang out with them. he really hadn’t hung out or spoken to her since the blue district academy days. but he had tried to be talkative, in the best, most awkward way he could! “actually--- scratch that. raiden and reno probably have. their stomachs combined are the equivalent of a human garbage disposal.” she wrinkled her nose, before turning to callen. “do all you two ever do is eat?”
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wongiemei · 5 years
iKON Relationship with New Girl Member
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Basically, her dad
Takes care of her the most dealing with her problems
He’s the oldest and he is used to dealing with the boys’ shit so he can handle hers too
But sometimes, it can be overwhelming
The girl member would listen to him like he would for her
Whenever she gets in trouble, he would always defend her (which annoys Bin a lot)
When she’s in that *cough* time *cough*, she would be the most comfortable with him
Jinhwan wouldn’t hesitate but go to the store 2 streets down and buy her chocolate, medicine, heating packs, chips, and tampons/pads
out of all the boys, she would trust him the most
if she needs something, she would go to him first
jinhwan loves to brag about that to the boys
he also loves the fact that someone is finally shorter than him
the boys still call him short but the girl defends him saying he’s taller than her
if anything, they should call her short
the first time it happened, jinhwan almost cried bc finally someone stood up for him
whenever he’s upset or hurt by what the others said, he hides it but she can usually tell 
the only one he speaks his problems to
she experiments with makeup on him since he’s the only one who lets her
ngl, she’s actually pretty good
‘i didn’t spend 2 all-nighters watching jeffree star and james charles for nothing’
but as long as he sees that bright smile, he’s happy
i think he would be the im-never-letting-you-go type with her because he sees her as the girl he saw for the very first time
shy and innocent
and he will be damned if someone corrupts her
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if Jinhwan is her dad, he’s her mom
makes sure she does laundry, gets up early, goes to bed on time, showers before the boys
will feed and cook for the girl even when he’s tired
thinks shes the cutest little thing
but he knows that if he finds chanwoo and her are talking amongst themselves, shes gone
gets pranked on the most
the boys would use the girl to take advantage of his kindness to her for a prank
then the girl would be guilty later on and secretly tell song what theyre planning
believe it or not, yunghyeong is pretty scary when he’s mad
so she rats the others out bc she knows he wont punish her and she could watch the boys suffer
its like killing 2 birds with one stone
but really, she appreciates him
without him, she would be stuck eating delivery and ramen every night
since she rooms with him, chanwoo, and hanbin, hes always cooking something
ikonics see her a lot in his vlives and YT channel
when he went to the jungle, she was very worried
‘hyung, you’re going to get sick there! who’s going to feed me when you’re gone? you know Bin can’t cook for shit!’
‘yah! do you only see me as your chef?!’
‘what do you mean i can’t cook?!’
he looks out for her a lot
during ikontv, she was the only one excited for the mungap trip
out of all the boys, she appreciates him the most
okay, maybe she appreciates him and jinhwan the most
but, he was the one who made her feel welcome and tried the most to help her fit in and make sure she was comfortable
will never forget when he left her a tray of food at her door when she refused to leave her new room
there was a post-it note with encouraging words and she still has it to this day
just a wholesome mother-daughter relationship that will never be broken
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oh, my baby
as i mentioned in the earlier post, he wasn’t very upset but he wasnt happy
but he wasnt upset enough to make her feel uncomfortable
bc jiwon is such a baby and so nice that he subtly helps her
over time, they build a cute relationship where he is like her older brother
steals her food all the time
‘no! song-hyung cooked that for me! Only for me!’
‘yah! it’s rude not to share with your elders!’
‘*mumbling* wdym elder. you’re practically a 5 year old’
jiwon has no mean bone in his body and you were practically an angel to him
well, when you’re not fooling around or goofing off
although he thought you wouldnt survive in iKON, he tries to help you as much as he can
even though bin is literally a big butt and gives you a hard time, jiwon helps you
like the time bin screamed at you because you couldnt get the dance right and you, being a strong woman who wouldnt let people push you around, screamed at him too
it resulted to you having a screaming match and the elders having to push you back because you were so close to punching him in the face and the youngers holding bin because he wouldnt hesitate to come at you
more on that in a sec
but you slammed the practice room shut and walked to the river to cool down
granted you were new to korea and didnt really know where you were going, you went to the place the guys took you to
bobby found you crying there and hes a very awkward little bean so it was hard for him to comfort you
since youre a girl and all
but you wrapped your arms around him and cried to his chest *cue confused and frozen bobby*
jiwon slowly wrapped his arms around you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear
since then, hes vowed to protect you bc youre basically the little sister hes wanted
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okay, lets get this bread
as i said in the beginning, he didnt like you
aT aLL
he wanted to give you a hard time bc he wanted to see how long you would last
these boys have been with him since their survival days and suddenly this girl comes in? no thanks bitch
but i think bin is just really frustrated bc he couldnt figure you out
the others, he knows like the back of his hands
but you? he doesnt know shit about you
*cue his bratty self*
we all know bin is actually a soft little puppy who needs to be protected by iKONICS and will sacrifice himself for his boys
and dont worry, he will soon come to love you too
when you locked yourself up in your room, jinhwan grabbed his ear and pulled him outside to scold him
but it resulted to bin and jinhwan arguing
‘if you dont get your shit together, we’re going to have some problems. you’re the leader arent you? then act like it’
every day you try to be nice to him but he just shrugs and sometimes even outright ignore you
but as time goes on, hanbin slowly figures you out
youre still scared of him and thinks hes a douche but you can see hes trying
he really is trying
he picks up your weird habits like unintentionally pout when you dont understand something or the tip of your nose sweating when youre nervous
before, he used to not ask for your input in any tracks but it has come to the point he would knock at your door in the ungodly time of 2 in the morning, asking if the draft is good
love scenario was your guys’ combined efforts
there will be an imagine with that^
since you came in bling bling era, he didnt really give you a lot of lines because he couldnt figure out your voice and your strengths
but now, he knows you very well too
‘yah, be careful. dont be eating a lot of that ice cream. you shouldnt even have any in the first place. youre lactose intolerant, remember?’
‘yes, bin. i think id remember if there was something wrong with me.’
there are petty little fights between you guys that used to be mean and hurtful but are now playful and downright cute
but that dreaded day of your biggest fight yet
in love scenario during bobby’s rap, there’s that fast move that even the others struggled in
but hanbin already got it nailed down bc hes a GOD
but you were struggling the most and hanbin tried to be patient and help you
it was just hard for you and you couldnt get it right
by the 100th time of him repeating it over and over again, he exploded
‘yah! how are you a dancer when you couldnt even get this right!’
you looked down ashamed while mumbling ‘sorry’
he yells again and you mess up 
he throws his hat down and gets up towards you
‘if you cant do it correctly, why bother with it? go home. you’re done’
jinhwan nervously puts a hand on his shoulder and goes in between them to try and difuse the situation
‘hanbin-ah. we’re having a hard time too. its not just her. the dance is just hard.’
‘i dont get we’ve done WAY harder choreo than this’
‘well, hanbin, remember. she wasnt here for that.’
‘maybe it was a mistake to put her here then. she isnt ready.’
you look up at him with flaring eyes
‘listen, you dont know anything that ive been through to get to where i am today so dont even say im not ready. YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!’
everyone stayed silent, even the maknaes bc theyve never seen her lash out like that
hanbin scoffed.
‘maybe if you actually opened up yourself to us and not hide in your damn room all day’
she stomped to him and pushed him
‘no MAYBE if you pulled your head out of your ass and take the time to get to know me then maybe you would! but NO! you decide to be a little bitch and throw tantrums just bc a girl joined your group. was your ego hurt that yg sent a girl to you? that you would need someone to make sure that this group doesnt crumble to the ground? bc with the way youre acting, the guys arent here just because youre a good leader. YOURE A TYRANT! THATS ALL YOU WOULD EVER BE!’
Hanbin was FURIOUS
he pushed her back and the guys held on to them
you pushed them away and sent one last hateful glare before you made your way to the door
‘but dont worry, kim hanbin. because ill send my resignation letter to yang in the morning. im not putting up with your shit any longer’
there will be a whole ass imagine about that so it will contain when yall make up
but after that, yall are so cool
his sister loves you and he might start having a ‘thing’ 
more on that in a sec
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oof my baby sunshine
previously stated, he was the only one excited for your arrival
so obvs, yall are very tight
you, bob, and dong do vlives together a lot and ikonics look forward to it all the time
always cheers you up
remember that prank for ikon tv where dong literally started comforting the girl?
well, he does that to you
he knows when you start to get upset and he rubs your back
sometimes, just a hug from him makes it all better
did i mention that he gives out the warmest hugs?
ace dancers
both of you love to do covers as bonding time
whenever you can’t sleep, you just go to the other dorm and go under the covers while he sings to you
he sees you as his little sister and reminds him of his own little sister back home
btw, he loves to give you gifts
but so do you
when yall were filming ikon tv, he always picked up something that reminded him of you
like when he went shopping with bobby for their studio, he got you a little cute figurine that you still have to this day
or when you went to lotte mall for your day off and bought him a little necklace
fans get excited bc they always see matching yall have
the two of you wear the most fan gifts
like when someone gave hanbin a shirt, you snatch it and wear it
like how dong takes bobby’s clothing
yall are so cute together and fans wish they had a brother or a sister like yall
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this hoe
jk, but he really looks hot in this one
yes, he hated you in the beginning but once he found out similarities between you, he started tolerating you
also to him, i think he oesnt like the fact that him and the others worked so hard to get where they are and he doesnt really know what you went through to get there
junhoe has the personality that may seem very cold at first but he easily opens up to others and that causes them to open up to him
he knows the struggles you went through to be in ikon
you’re older than him by a few months and you treat him like your child
‘junhoe-ah! dont forget to take your makeup off!’
‘yah! clean your room! its like a pigsty!’
he gets annoyed with it but he knows you just look out for him
he calls you ‘noona’ with that cute ass smile if he wants something
how can you say no to that
yalls laughs are so loud and yall are just loud in general
one time, yall had a competition on who could sing louder and the guys almost banned you from the apartment complex
the neighbors weren’t happy
he always asks you for fashion advice even though you don’t have a good fashion taste
you have the habit of spoiling him of clothes and shoes
‘noona, you don’t need to do this. take them back’
‘wtf they’re from busan. i’m not about to take a train ride there to return those. keep them.’
his mom absolutely adores you
always tells you to look after him and junhoe blushing like a maniac
‘mom, i’m bigger than her. i think she’d need more protecting than me’
he turns red whenever you pinch his cheeks together 
ngl, he had a crush on you but it faded away when he saw another member having a crush on you too
hes scared of him so hed rather back off
but you love him a lot and comfort him bc hes a little baby that really needs to be looked after
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fuck, so cute
at first, chanwoo ignored you and made sure you were uncomfortable
even going as far as to disrespecting you
like being rude and being un-chanwoo
lets just say yunhyeong beat it out of him
as the youngest member, you baby him the most
‘oh, my little baby!’
initially, he was uncomfortable with it 
but now, he lives for it
pouts when you give another member too much attention
teases you about your short height all the time
helps you grocery shop mainly for him to carry the bags
‘dont worry, noona. im strong’
you find out that chanwoo actually joined the group last and had a hard time fitting in
you used this to your advantage to get closer to him with your similar situations
‘you know, being in an unfamiliar environment is hard. but having someone who understands your feelings makes it easier’
and he just looks up to you with those big brown eyes and you just melt
gamer buddies
love to go to pc cafes even though yall have your own respective computers at home
only goes for the food
always calls him when you’re stuck in one level
*cute Hanbin’s voice*
even though he might act like a bitch sometimes, hes actually so soft and cute
hes your little baby and will always be your little baby even though yall are like 80
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maneoxsidus · 4 years
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ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕒 𝕃𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕒 ℍ𝕚𝕤𝕠𝕜𝕒 𝕕𝕚 𝕊𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕠: 𝕒𝕟 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
what is your muse’s full name and do they have any nicknames?
Born Izumi Hisoka. Legally changed her name to Rosalia Leona Hisoka di Soriano. Rivals and enemies know her as Mirage.
Her most common nickname is ‘Soka’, but she’s got plenty. Meme Queen, Dumbass— and on a real note, Rose, Rosie, Rosa, and Lia are all common things she hears from members who are particularly close to, but everyone knows better than to call her Leona. That name was reserved for Vincent. It still stings when Haseong uses it sometimes.
what do they look like? include hair, eyes, skin tone, tattoos, etc. !
Hisoka is pale in complexion with baby blue eyes that take on a striking, almost iridescent hue when she taps into her powers. Her hair is naturally black, and while sometimes she’ll rock her natural coloring, she’s generally seen with pale blonde hair. She bears the tattoo of Lupos Invictus beneath her right breast on the side of her rib cage, and a tattoo of the letter ‘A’ with a heart in memory of her late father whose alias was ‘Ace’.
do they have any distinguishing features such as scars, unique birthmarks, etc.?
Sometime Hisoka thinks she can see faint scars from calls that got a little too close, but her physiology as a djinn rarely ever lets her skin mar. Sometimes she wishes she could scar, if only to have proof of the life she lives. Validation for the bullets she’s taken, every fight she’s been in- every time she’s shielded a loved one on the line- but she doesn’t, and she probably never will. 
what is your muse’s friends and family like? who do they usually surround themselves with?
Hisoka lives in a rather odd state of family limbo. Her biological family is dead- never knew her parents, her uncle died when she was young. She was raised in the loving arms of Lupos, nestled in the den of their leader. Vincent was her dad in every way but blood, but he’s passed as well. Legally, her only living family is Haseong.
The members of Invictus, however, are her family. She grew up with them, was raised by them- they’re her aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and cousins. Outside of Invictus, though, she really doesn’t have friends. Her friends are her family. 
who would you consider the closest person to your muse?
It’s a genuine tie between Haseong and Chanwoo. They’re the most important people she has in her life, and she relies on them in different ways. 
where was your character born and what was their living situation growing up there?
Hisoka was born in Tsushima, Japan. She was never there long enough to truly have a living situation, though. Her uncle fled Japan with her when she was barely a day old. She’s basically spent her entire life in Seoul, nestled safely with Invictus. She lived with her uncle until he passed away when she was 4 or so, and from that point she was raised by the leader of Invictus.
He wasn’t a wealthy man by any means- he really didn’t have much to his name, but he made room for Hisoka anyways. He did everything he could to provide for her. He slept on the couch so that she could sleep in a bed. Skipped out on lunch and breakfast so that she could eat dinner when she came home from the best school he could manage to put her in. Hisoka grew up knowing what it meant to be loved earnestly, truly, and unconditionally. 
what is your muse’s biggest fear and does anyone know? if so, who, and if not, why not?
Forgetting. She’s terrified that one day she’ls going to forget the little things about Vincent. The little crinkles at the corner of his eyes when he smiled the brightest gummy smile, the sound of his voice, the way he smelled, the way his favorite reading chair would stay formed to his shape for how often he sat in it. She’s afraid she’ll forget who he was- she so, so often finds herself thinking What would Dad do? and sometimes- more often than she’d like, the answer is I don’t know... 
She thinks Chanwoo and Haseong know. She’s never said it out loud, but to the two that know her better than she knows herself, it should be glaring obvious.
has your muse ever fallen in love before? if so, with who? did it end well?
Who hasn’t she fallen in love with? She swears she’s in love every few months. She’s been in love with half of Invictus, practically, and fallen out of love just as fast. The only love she’s ever had stick for longer than three months is Sungmin, Of course, he thinks of her as a niece at best, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t have it bad for him.
what would you find in your muse’s refrigerator right now?
Hisoka loves to cook! Her fridge is always well stocked with fresh fruits and veggies. She tries her best to get fresh meat when she wants to cook it rather than freeze it. There’s nothing wrong with freezing meat for later, but she thinks it taste so much better fresh- and then there’s more room for ice cream in the freezer. She’s always got milk and soy milk in her fridge because she’s a high maintenance kind of girl- the normal milk is for chocolate milk and cereal, and the soy milk is for her coffee. Though it’s not in her fridge, there’s a keurig on top of her counter that she lives off of.
what does your muse usually wear? you can describe, link pictures, etc. !
what is your muse’s strongest memory that they carry around?
Trauma aside? When her YouTube channel surpassed 10,000 subscribers, it felt like the most surreal moment of her life. It happened years and years ago, and she had just over 300,000 subscribers before she had to step away to lead Invictus. Just the moment of realizing she had more subscribers than could fit in her university stadium was mind blowing. She felt so honored and so fucking proud, and just so incredibly thankful to everyone who actually watches her content- it truly made her feel like one day she could be more than just an assassin- she could be more than just a gang member. She could take her passion and make it something wonderful— life seems to have had other plans.
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crybaby-mv · 5 years
ikon and the types of energy they give off
i’ve been thinking about this ever since @huangamoto and i talked about the kind of significant other energy the boys give off so here’s my interpretation of the energy they give off to me even though they’re all over the place uwu
jinan reminds me of that friend that just listens to your problems then pours you a giant glass of your favorite drink after everything
he gives off hella fiance vibes like he’s there but not fully there for all the commitment that comes with marriage just yet (but that’s okay)
he also gives off super feline vibes and not just because he has feline features but it’s like he’s always watching and waiting to see how things will play out like a cat does and i think that’s pretty cool
jinan is like going out into the night, not knowing what to expect in the beginning, but by the end of it all, you’ve had an amazing night
this man is so super suited to be a husband i can’t even begin to explain he’s just so domestic and looks so happy in the kitchen you’d have yourself the best partner in crime when it comes to wanting to try to make new dishes or to look for the perfect vacuum for your place
and on that same track, yun also seems super suited to be a dad, but not like he’s ready to have kids right now, but like he’d be okay and he’d be a super attentive and loving dad oh no
he also gives off really lame greaseball vibes but he’s so happy and confident in how he presents himself it really just makes you laugh and love him that much more
yun gives off the vibes of watching a black comedy with a friend who doesn’t really understand the humor but watches it anyways because they can find humor in the other things in the picture
okay bobby is ya homeboy he literally exudes the vibes of being the best best friend ever like you could hit him up and he’ll be down to do anything and vice versa he’ll hit you up as soon as he has an adventure in mind
he’s that guy that you can bring around your family and he’d just be adopted as a new member almost immediately, only adding to the fact that he is indeed bff material
he also gives off super comfy vibes like you could have perfect lazy days in with him, like the whole nine yards with going out and getting snacks for the lazy day the night before and not leaving the couch for anything that’s not within a ten foot radius unless it’s to open the door for the delivery man
bobby gives off the vibes of watching a movie with an incredibly detailed plot, only to have a simple outcome in the end
oh man hanbin’s a switch he can be super shy and timid when he’s not comfy or is in a new environment but god forbid he’s somewhere he’s feeling himself he’s a totally different man
he’s really good with people of all ages, but i see him being especially good with kids and older people because he’s a soft and patient soul
he’s also really suited to be like first or second boyfriend, there’s all those nerves and butterflies waiting to happen, and when they do, it’s the best feeling ever
hanbin also gives off the big art vibes you get walking through an art gallery and wanting to take in everything the gallery has to offer whether you understand all the pieces or not
he’s a soft fuckboy, like he has all the capabilities to be a fuckboy granted he can dress the part and 3 times out of 10 act the part, but he’s such a sweet and kind hearted boy that he can’t actually be a fuckboy
he gives off the vibes of being young and dumb and so damn in love with life, trying to absorb as much as possible at all times
donghyuk gives off the same vibes as going up a really high roller coaster and stopping at the top for a few seconds before being thrown forward full speed again
he also gives off the vibes of finishing assignment crunching successfully just to go back to binge watching on netflix
junhoe is also dual like hanbin, but in the way that he gives off really big thot vibes, but he also gives off deep thinker vibes
out of all of the ikons, junhoe intrigues me the most because i don’t really understand him, sometimes i think he’s just a loud boy but other times i’m like what really goes on up there but that adds to his mysterious charms i suppose
he gives off summer time vibes of going to the beach for an entire day, day drinking and partying with a small group of friends and ending the night with a quiet bonfire
he also gives off the vibes of an old time poet, the kinds that are known nowadays for their works, but were probably not praised at all for their skills in their lifetimes
chanwoo gives off soft best friend vibes, he’s the clingy and cute best friend that you never want to lose because you don’t know if you’ll ever find someone who understands you like he does
he also gives off really observant, recluse vibes a lot of the times, he’d rather stay home, but if need be he’ll go out, but will prefer to stick to listening and people watching
he’s the joy of watching your favorite sports team winning a game despite any and all the struggles they went through to get that win
he’s also the frustration of playing a game and not seeing why you’re losing until you’re 20 losses in and so close to ripping your hair out when you see where you were going wrong
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ikonislife · 5 years
-Hanbin x Female reader
-Hanbin’s birthday project (: 
-Hogwarts au, friends to lovers, school life au.
-Spellbound masterlist
 -A/n: Please, please read this with an open mind. I’ve never done anything like this before so I know it’s lacking. I know there are thousands of better Hogwarts au out there but I haven’t found too many for iKON so I thought what better time than to create something fun for Hanbin’s birthday. I tried to include other members in the stories because why not, I love them all (:
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Chapter 6: Not What It Seem?
There was no denying that the brilliant vibrancy of leaves burning every Autumn over the ground of the ancient castle could silent minds and still the hearts of even the most Grinch of Grinch-es. This year was no different as you trekked the fiery ground toward the bustling town on a Saturday afternoon with the boy who had just turned your tiny crush into so much more. Yet there was something so much more about this particular Autumn. Something so special that it felt as though the fairies that had years and years again carefully taking time to paint over each leaf took extra care, poured in just a little more love to sprinkle over it all with a splendid shimmer that glowed and glittered so ethereally under the golden sun of an approaching sunset. Even the fallen leaves beneath your shoes seemingly crisper than usual, delightful crunch echoed through the soft breeze of a perfect afternoon. Perhaps the weather had just been extraordinarily amazing, or perhaps it was the hand holding yours so tightly… Perhaps it was Hanbin. Warmth spreading from the hand so sweetly intertwining with yours barricading the wind, almost as if he had casted a protection spell shielding your body away from the sharp cuts of the soft breeze chasing each other about, tickling your hair. That soft smile still lingered on Hanbin’s lips as you both walked toward the quietness of the path toward Hogsmeade, basking in the last few minutes of serenity before the attention of the crowd, the murmurs buzzing amongst the street will be directed toward… Well, toward you two. Your heart bloomed in contentment as the little tune you so often hum once more finding itself falling from your lips, absentmindedly and unbeknownst to even yourself. Yet the second the first few notes floated from your lips, Hanbin’s heart perked up in excitement, the moment he had been waiting for so long, dreaming of the very first time your little hum reached his ears finally here. There was no stopping the command his heart had given, the way it left him gaping at the delicate smile on your lips, how soft the breaths you took in between the melodious hum. “Y/n, what song is that?” he asked, finally giving into the impulse of his brain. Miraculously lasting a whole thirty seconds of letting his heart enjoyed the show before bursting out with all the questions. His curiosity, all those months of lying awake doing his best to search through the endless universe of his playlists trying to figure out your song finally forced itself to the surface.
“It’s an old French song called La Vie En Rose! It’s just this song my parents used to play a lot when I was younger. I was sick a lot when I was a baby, so whenever I’d get fussy, my dad would put the record on while my mom rocked me to sleep. I guess it’s engrained in my mind now, it calms me no matter what. Then when I finally learned to talk, my parents taught me it.” You chirped in nostalgia, sharing the special moment known only by your little family with a very delighted boy. The song though beautiful and timeless, was well known but the memory lied behind it was something rather special to your heart. To see Hanbin following so closely, as if his life’s question had just been answered, it made you happy. It was rather adorable the way his features lit up at the information disclosed by your heart despite having never met your parents nor knowing the song.   “Can I say something… that might sound creepy?” “Yes…?” your answer lingered, a bit of confusion toying with your mind as a nervous chuckle tumbled from his lips. “When I first… You know… N-notice-“ His voice droned out to something meek, by the blush creeping on his cheeks and how he had abandoned the hold he got on your hand to pat the skin lightly, you surmised embarrassment had begun to settle in. “Notice me in the hallway?” You finished the sentence he couldn’t, leaving the boy nodding madly along. “I hate to break your bubble but boy, you weren’t that slick.” “I-… Was I that obvious?” Hanbin sighed, fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose, the mortifying burn still very much searing his skin at the realization that perhaps his sly glances weren’t sly at all. “Not at first, thought I was mental for a bit. Then Lisa started to notice it, then even Chanwoo too. Junhoe, he’s a bit daff with this sort of things so it took him awhile. But yea!” “Oh goodness. I will go dig a hole and throw myself into it now. I don’t know when I’ll be back so please, move on with your life. Don’t mourn me, I deserve this.” Humiliation thrashing through his blood, burning his entire body as Hanbin went a bit red in the face at first but slowly his entire body seemingly transforming into a cooked lobster. Footsteps halting, he had actually begun to trek back toward the castle in a futile attempt of running away before his entire body went limp in complete bliss. Your arms had woven around his torso in the best back hug he had ever gotten, your giggle sooth the bashfulness away from his heart. “I’m sorry but hole digging and throwing self away is not allowed. Not when I’ve only been someone’s girlfriend for a whole 3 seconds and was promised forever!” “How are you always so cute. I had a heart attack just then. I’m in so much trouble!” Never before in his life had Hanbin giggled and laughed so much that it physically hurt just because his heart couldn’t contain the adoration it got for another human being. By this point, Hanbin had made peace with the fact that his body will continue to involuntarily react to every single thing you do with Aws and giggle. There was no other acceptable form of reaction, not when his girlfriend was so effortlessly endearing. “Well you need to get used to it or something because dying is not allowed either.” You mused gently, mushing your cheek against his back, tugging him back toward your original destination. “So, what were you saying about when you first begin to stalk me?” You reminded him but not without a jab, earning a disapproving groan from the boy. “I wouldn’t say stalk… But anyways, I’d try to listen for you. Then somewhere along the way, I began humming it too. Not always correct, of course, or as melodious, but I tried. Never figured out what song it was.” “Ah, well, we can listen to the official version when you have time. Maybe we can learn the words together!” “That sounds nice!” Hanbin couldn’t help the joy thumping in his heart and how he was quite literally smiling with his entire being, body and soul. It was so nice to have you so close by his side, even more so now that you had so casually planned your next hanging out when just a week ago, he was just a hopeless boy, unknowingly pinning after you silently in the shadow. Then again, it wasn’t so strange after all, Hanbin surmised it was only natural, expected really that his own girlfriend would want to see him after the first date. Girlfriend, he had a girlfriend. Hanbin hoped with all his heart that you would think of him as idiotic for grinning so widely repeating that word again and again in his head. After all, he only experienced first love once, and it was truly an experienced he hoped would last for a long time even if he had only been through it for a few hours. Once more hand in hand, that lingering warmth of a new relationship budding got you both in a bubble, completely oblivious of the world still very much revolving. It was so easy being with each other, the silent was nice but even the moments of discussing the most mundane things of life were also interesting. He found your choice in coffee interesting while you thought he was insane for not liking banana milk. “Satiny silk or soft lace against your skin?” Strange to think that this silly game meant to break the ice of a boy and a girl doing their best to sync their heartbeats had brought you both this far. Even now, as touches began to feel familiar and pet name began to feel natural, it remained important. “I can’t say I’m too familiar with either of those. Us boys are more like cotton t-shirt or denim. Plus, never having a girlfriend doesn’t exactly help in that department either.” Hanbin replied so honestly it made your heart giggle at how sheepish he turned, suddenly eyeing your outfit as if searching for those very materials you’ve mentioned. “Ah…” You sighed, a bit guilty for asking such an unfair question.  Truthfully while part of you were sadden by the innocent answer, another part elated knowing you’ll be the one holding his hand through all these seemingly foreign things. It was such a selfish thought, you knew that, just as well as your heart knew how it’d beat for him just the same if he had hundreds of girlfriends before or zero. But there was no stopping that little bit of yourself from basking, quite smug that you were the first girl he decided to be with. “Can I answer that in a couple of months? You know, after I get to spend a little more time with you?” At your sudden silent, Hanbin took it upon himself to smother out whatever it was that was clouding over your fading smile. “If you haven’t grown bored of me by Christmas break that is.” “Huh?” Confusion bleeding into the little tug of war your conscience was having, the answer to that dreaded question no closer to the surface – was it so wrong of you to be glad that a lot of Hanbin’s first will be with you… While you, there’s not many first left you could give him. “Well I figure once we go on Christmas break, I’d get to see you as you. No Hogwarts, no uniforms, no house pride separating us. What better chance for you to teach me the different between silk, lace, chiffon, profiteroles.” Arm softly snaking across your shoulder, tugging you closer under his hold, Hanbin pressed a delicate kiss against your temple to sooth away the crinkles furrowed between your brows. “I’m pretty sure that last one is a pastry.” You teased, heart lifted so high thinking of the future. A smile mirroring his broke over your lips, curling further under his arm as the entrance to town rising in the far horizon. “See! I’m learning already.” He quipped, as the first group of students eyeing the protective hold Hanbin got around you, whispering amongst themselves although not brazen enough to do more than a few careful glances. “Y/n, you’re okay with this right?” Suddenly very aware of his action as more and more whisper buzzed through the air as the pink building grew bigger and the crowd, larger. Although never before been blessed with a girlfriend, Hanbin had always knew in his heart that PDA wasn’t something he’d be shy with. If he truly loves his girlfriend, then damn all those who get in his way. Why should they care who he was with and really, none of their business how he shows his feelings. Yet it hadn’t occurred to him until now, feeling you cowered further under his hold, that although he might be brave with his heart, the murmurs of the crowd might affect you entirely different. “Yea, just a little strange having so many people look at me.” You offered up an answer that warmed his heart, the bit of fear in his heart slowly dissipated. Yet a different kind of fear engulfed the boy completely when the little doorbell ringing out as the door to Madam Puddifoot opened up to reveal a world so unlike anything he had seen before. A strange groan left his lips, no doubt byproduct of the air vacating his lungs out of sheer shock at the amount of pink assaulting his sight. How does one even acquire such intensity of pink in such shocking quantity? From the wall down to the china, everything was dotted with various shades of pink as messes of ribbon strewn about the crowded room. The space cramped with a series of small round tables completed with lacey linens and mismatching chairs occupied by couples. Everything was just as frilly as he thought, not to mention, very pink! “You’re okay with this right?” It was your turn to question the state of his wellbeing because by the way his eyes had grown three sizes the second his eyes had adjusted to how bright everything was, you’ve garnered a guess that this wasn’t at all Hanbin’s cup of tea… Pun very much intended. “We could go somewhere else.” “No, no, I said I’ll take you here for our first date. We’re doing this!” Mustering up a brazen smile, Hanbin tugged you toward the direction of the small table in the far corner the hostess had just pointed at, squeezing by and nearly knocking over a Ravenclaw-Slytherin’s couple entire tower of sweet. Wiggling into a velvety soft pink and blue striped chair, Hanbin eyed the entire room and heaved a sigh in relief. “Should we get one of those too?” He asked, glancing back at the couple with an apologetic smile, watching as the girl gently pushing back a few sweets that had gotten displaced by Hanbin the Godzilla. “We could…” You replied dreamily, attention wholely captured by the vase of peonies grandly taking up nearly half the table. “Sweetie, do you like these…” he drawn out, realizing that he had absolutely no idea what these giant puff balls were, other than that they were flowers. “Peonies!” “Peonies.” He repeated, fingers grazing against yours gently, hanbin fondly gazed upon the little smile on your lips, still so enthralled by the pink and white swirls of the petals. Delighted that even as lost as you were with the giant flowers, completely unnecessary for such a small space in his opinion, your fingers still wrapped around his instinctively without having to break eye contact. “Yea, I didn’t even know they were in season.” Mentally noting not only your little obsession over these flowers, oh and that they were called peonies, Hanbin was also engraving the dreamy look in your eyes and how you so fondly study the edges of the petal. As you both sat there awaiting your order, not much was said aside from the shy smiles being shared, hands bravely toying, and soft sighs of happiness. Strangely enough, despite the commotion of couples being squeeze together in to a room the size of his left foot, that Hanbin noted would definitely be breaking all the health code and safety laws of the muggle world, it just as it always had been with you… The world disappeared the second he gazed upon your eyes. Your hands gently playing with his as you watched so carefully the everchanging expression of his features, the small words falling from his lips and how they had been so kissable, so soft and plump despite the little scuff still red and raw. It was almost as if the loudness of the place provided the perfect cover for private conversation, perfect for a first date even though every now and then, you’d have to raise your voice just to convey your feeling. “What are you thinking of?” Gently pushing a piece of stray hair obstructing his view of your blushing cheek, all Hanbin could think of was how soft your lips looked and how awesome it’d be to place a kiss on them, unknowing of how your thought had been mirroring exactly that. “You. Just, all this is so strange. Not in a bad way, just I didn’t think starting out this semester that I’d be here, with you out of everyone.” You sighed contently, pausing momentarily as a very extravagant tower filled to the brim with treats gliding midair, squeezing itself alongside the peonies vase. “Me too” Hanbin sighed so contently as his hands moved to pull the tea pot out of the way of the mountain of sweet settling itself unto the table without care. “I guess I’ve always had a crush on you?” You admitted, a bit of giggle falling from your lips from how strange that felt despite here you were, on your first date with none other than the ever so dashing Gryffindor’s captain Kim Hanbin. There was something your heart found funny about professing your undying love for the boy you never really had a chance with and watched as his eyes lighted up with all the stars in the universe. His hands were busying pouring tea into your cup found itself back onto yours, squeezing so firmly that your soul felt the warmest embrace. You’ve always loved how carefree he was, being muggle and proudly wearing it like a badge as he run through the halls, probably late for class or meeting with his friends. You never thought he’d notice you, just a girl silent on the sideline, never once made the effort to be in his sight. You knew now that his eyes were solely on you, yet back then, you had betted with Chanwoo so many times he was staring at Lisa. Only made sense since why would he pay any attention to you? You were happy with just admiring him from afar because in a way, your heart can’t be bother with the comparison of the girls hanging about him if you won’t let it go any further. Yet deep down, there was a little tiny bit of you that had always wanted more, even if all he ever see you as was a good friend, you wanted it. Being muggle in an ocean of silver and emerald green, it gets lonely. In so many ways, Hanbin was your beacon of better, brighter, what you could have. But along the way, you fell too for that charming smile and the seemingly innocent boy behind that façade of the popular captain. The way he interacted with his friends and even those who were stranger, so kind and friendly. On nights when sleep evaded your dorm room, Lisa would laid there in her bed, retelling stories of encounters she had with the boy, knowing full well you longed for it. In the dark of night, she’d tell you of all the silly things he did, all the jokes he told, and how truly, genuinely nice he was to everyone. You knew she did it for you because your heart hadn’t yet ready to take it a step further.   “I guess I have something to confess… There was no denying I was most definitely attracted to you and how you carried yourself. But I hadn’t realized my feeling for you until just before our group dinner. The boys sort of had an emergency intervention and I just, it was a light bulb moment for me.” There was an ease in the way he breathed out that little secret, almost as if it had been weighing down his soul for so long even if your lives had quite literally merged mere days ago. “Oh.” You exclaimed, unsure of what was even the right reaction to the new bits of information he had just laid on you. You completely understand it of course, but at the same time… Two days wasn’t exactly a long enough time for heart to change. “Sweetie, don’t take it the wrong way… Please” There was a bit of panic in his voice as your smile had flatten out to something undecipherable. He hadn’t thought it was a big deal, no matter how or when he realized it, regardless of it all, his heart beat for you. There wasn’t a thing in the world that would change that. However, as he felt your hand going limp in his and the silent that was growing deafening, more so than even the commotion shared with the shop by a nearby table celebrating their 3rd anniversary, he was so wrong. “No, I understand. I mean we don’t really have many common friends and I mean before our study session, we didn’t really have much interaction.” Your voice hadn’t quite regained the spark that made it so vibrant but the smile and the way you had said “we” over and over again soothed his heart some. “I didn’t…” Hanbin started yet silent took over once more as he sat, gaze downcast on your soft fingers toying gently with his. He grabbed both your hands in his before determination seemingly thrusted itself upon his soul, lighting fire in his eyes. “I know you have no reason to trust me because you’re right, we haven’t known each other for long at all. That night, even on the way to meet you, even as inexplicably happy as I was to see you again, a bit of me was still questioning if it was true. All of that was gone the moment I saw you, smiling so brightly, waving at me. You took my breath away every single time since, every time I saw you, a smile immediately appeared on my lips. So, I know you probably thinking right now, this is crazy, we’ve only known each other for 2 days, aren’t we moving too fast?” Animatedly expressing his thoughts, Godzilla-Bin nearly knocked over the tower of sweet, chuckling a bit in embarrassment but nonetheless happy to see a rose blushing your cheeks as you daintily sipped your tea, smiling so widely. “Y/n… I might seem confident all the time but, truth is I know nothing about relationship. Ask any of the guys, I’m as dense as a person could be when it comes to my own feeling, and just as oblivious to others. Had it not for them spelling everything out for me that night, I would probably believe you’d never look at me. None of that change how stupidly fluster I get around you, or how happy I am being with you. So, what do you say, take a chance on this idiot?” “Hanbin, you’ve already got me. You know that, right?” You reached to pinch his cheek and watched as the boy grinned widely, barely able to keep eye contact as a bit of blush colored his cheeks rosy. “I supposed I owe the boys, if not for them I might still have a stalker instead of a boyfriend.” “Well… I would’ve figure it out eventually, just needed a little time.” He confessed timidly “…maybe a little more than a little time. But I’d figure it out eventually. So, if you could also maybe cut me some slack… Not only am I inexperienced, I’m also quite awkward when it comes to girls… And, not exactly smooth or charming.” His voice droned out to something meek, barely meeting your eyes, although his hand hadn’t left yours, not even for a single second. “Wow, now that I said all this, it just seemed like I tricked you and now you’re stuck with a loser.” “Hey, come on. Stop selling yourself short, Hanbin.” Your hand wandered to caress his cheek and at the warm touch, the boy nuzzled further into the palm of your hand.  “If you must know, I find most things you do endearing. And I’m glad you’re comfortable enough to show me this other side of you. I think it’s adorable.” “Really?” Shyly pressing a small kiss into the palm of your hand, Hanbin let out a small high pitch gasp of disbelief, although it was so soft, you wonder it hadn’t meant for your ears at all. “Since we’re confessing and all, I’ve liked you since like maybe beginning of 5th year. Before that it was just simple admiration for a really cool captain.” There was a strange sense of confident surging through your veins in the light of this new side of Hanbin. For the longest you’ve always assumed that he was a lady’s man. Only make sense honestly since he could quite literally make friend with anyone and everyone. Your conclusion that he’d be the most charming guy around the lady wasn’t really so insane if you were being honest. Compare to him, you might as well be a potato. “No way. You’re just saying that…” His jaws nearly to the ground as he shrieked far too loudly for a conversation meant for two. Thankfully, none of the patrons seemed to mind much for they too were far too enthralled in their own romances. “It’s true. I’ve hide it for as long as I could but Chanwoo caught me, and Lisa. Junhoe was quite dense about it. Didn’t suspect a thing at all until I told him.” You said matter of factly, sipping slowly on the cup of tea Hanbin had just refilled to stiffen a giggle at his ever-surprised expression. “Though I must say he was the worst with the teasing. Do you remember that one time he bulldozed Donghyuk over at the train station?” “Yea?” The memory held so dear in his heart, the first time he had learned of your name, how could he not? “He ran into Donghyuk on purpose just so I’d have to walk near you…” “No!!!!” Seemed like the expression for the day was shock because if Hanbin’s eyes bulge out any further, they might just pop right out of his head. “Mm Hmm. That sly snake. Although now that I consider how suddenly fond he is for Donghyuk, he might’ve had ulterior motive also.” Hanbin couldn’t contain the delight warming his heart with each second passing and revelation your side of the story of each memory he had of you. He waited in bated breath, laughing vibrantly, letting all the façade of the charming captain melting away… With you he was just Hanbin, a boy hopelessly in love with his girlfriend, finding everything she does and says wonderful. You told Hanbin how many time Junhoe had expressed his discontent with yet another of your fail attempt to talk to him. Though he was disapproving of another man expressing grievance toward his girlfriend, Hanbin found it over the moon cute how nervous you were just thinking of talking to himself. The way you doted over him and how your eyes seemingly never straying away, ready to devour every word he got to say, it boosted his confident to an unprecedented height. He never thought he could like someone so much and have them return just as much feeling. This, it was so wonderful that he hoped you’d always be here, with him, discovering the new realm of life together forever and always. “In short, I’m now banned from using the words emergency, SOS, 911 or any variation of them.” Recalling all the times you’ve worried your friends sick with a call for help only to reveal that Hanbin was extraordinarily handsome that day, you felt a bit of embarrassment creeping onto your cheeks but by the way your dear boy was beaming so brightly in happiness, you’ve got nothing to worry for. “You’re so cute, you know that? Gosh, I don’t even know what I was so worry for now. I thought I was going to throw up on you asking you out… Then you’d hate me forever because I threw up on you.” “I’d still be happy. A bit disgusted, but still…” You were still so high from the sky-high confession so uniquely Hanbin, you were sure he could’ve drive you both into a bush and you’d still say yes. “Shall we head back soon?” Hanbin mused regretfully, not quite loving the idea of having to end this wonderful day so soon but the dreadful hour of tomorrow’s practice loomed over his head. He knew no longer does he have to count the hours he gets to spend with you, yet he wasn’t quite ready to be apart even if it was still under the same roof. Never before had the distant between the dark cold dungeon of Slytherin and sunny tower of Gryffindor seemed so inconceivably far. “Hmm, we’re running out of tea and sweets anyways. Best save some room for dinner too.” The wind had now regained the strength of the approaching winter, cutting into the tiny bit of skin you’ve left bare. Unknowingly, you snuggled closer to the boy, stealing warmth as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Hanbin too had taken notice of your growing quaint touches, outstretching his arm to welcome you into his side. He held you close, though it made walking a bit less convenient, neither of you minded much for the road too had gone empty. Without the prying eyes of the school and whispering of envy, your new relationship basked in the comforting silent shared by your erratically beating hearts. Your conversation continued on with the past and even the future, plans for winter break already in motion even though Halloween had yet to pass. The soft glow of the castle readily welcoming the both of you back into its warmth, shooing away the wind that was how howling against the rising moon. The debate of whether the next few hours till dinner would be spent together soon concluded with you both parting ways. He walked you dutifully just as he had the night before and waited until he could no longer see the soft locks of your hair bouncing down the steps into the dungeon. Even though dinner was mere hours away, you couldn’t help the excitement bubble far too close to the surface, barely able to contain your heart from exploding. Excitement electrifying every bit of your skin, leaving you breathless that Hanbin was truly, and undoubtedly yours.   Up on the high tower donning crimson and gold, the Gryffindor boy felt light as a feather as he jogged up the stair toward the soft embrace of his bed. There was a time when he thought there was nothing better, and he really meant it, nothing could feel greater than the warmth of his bed and the thick plush blanket cuddling him into a giant burrito after a long day of practice. Yet being in your arms today, even as small and precious as you were doing your best to hold him, the most magnificent warmth far beyond just physical feeling enveloped him, caressing serene and comfort into his soul. He could barely wait to see you again, to feel your breath so hot against his chest as you snuggle so close, doing the most to outshine him as an affection leech.   “Hey, lover boy!” Jiwon cheered, a bright smile on his lips, so contrast of the grimace dark on his features at practice. “Why are you so happy? Did Lisa punch you?” Hanbin was all too wary of his roommate’s sly smirk and teasing wink. “W-what? Why would I be happy if she punched me?” Flustered, the boy stuttered in mild protest, though that blush on his cheeks told a completely different story. “Cause that will be the only form of skin contact your coward ass will ever get with her.” It was Hanbin’s turn to smirk as Jiwon gasped, mouth gaped open to protest, but none came. “That is surprisingly on brand, but that’s beside the point.” Throwing his body onto the cushion of his bed, Jiwon got a look on his face that was troublesome to say the least. “So… Tell me everything! How was your date? Did she tell her parents? How was your kiss?” “I see the news already made its way around.” Hanbin sighed, he knew it would come sooner or later after your more than public date. Yet he was hoping to have you just for himself, to keep it between the two of you just a few more days. The boy was not yet ready to share his girlfriend with the world, wanting to treasure still the tender private moments. “Kind of hard when you keep running around snogging her every chance you get.” Jiwon scoffed with a bit of disgust but deep down, no one was happier that Hanbin finally got more than just quidditch and struggling with calculus to fill his days. “But for real though, I’m happy for you.” “Yea…” The bit of hesitation in Hanbin’s voice didn’t go unnoticed by his best friend, eyes training on the way his gaze seemingly far too despondent for a man just that had just went on his first date, and counting. “What was that?” “What was what?” Hanbin quipped, eyes grown like a deer in headlight at his friend’s sudden inquiry. “You should be doing back flips off the wall right now not...” Jiwon waved his hand about, gesturing to the slump in Hanbin’s shoulders and the nervous hands scratching his nailbeds raw. “I don’t know man. I am happy, no doubt about that. It’s just I wonder if she is…” It felt wrong for him to even bring this silly thought to the light of day, but he couldn’t help it, not when Jiwon hit him right where it hurt. “What make you say that? From what I heard, Lisa said Y/n hadn’t, and I quote: ‘shut up about her stupid little date with her stupid little boyfriend and how stupidly perfect everything was.’” Jiwon put on a magnificent display that seemed to be imitating Lisa, to which Hanbin thought was surprisingly accurate. “Now that I said it out loud, I think Lisa is jealous.” “Yea, man. Ask her out before she tear all her hair out.” Patting the bunny liked boy on his back, they shared a chuckle before the issue at hand once more return. “Anyways, really? I’m guessing she’s happy.” Hanbin admitted to himself, this time with a content sigh that he at least did this first date thing right. “So, why are you sitting here doubting it? Doubting her?” “It’s something she did. Everything was fine and then when we got close to the village, suddenly she just… She got this worry look in her eyes when people start whispering and glancing.” Hanbin sighed, concern more now than ever that he finally voiced his observation, it all seemed so much more real. He had brushed it off earlier simply because he didn’t realized how intense the tea shop would be. “Well you know who you are, Hanbin. There will always be eyes on you and like it or not, it’ll be on her too.” When his eyes returned to his friend, Jiwon realized Hanbin was far lost in his own world. “Man, you got it bad. I’ll ask Lisa and the boys, see if they know anything.” “Thanks, Jiwon.” “Anyways, I think the Ravenclaw idiots are waiting for us. Let’s all walk over to get your lady.” Nothing to cheer up a man down on himself like the mention of his heart’s desire. Hanbin seemingly perked right up as he hopped off the couch, yanking Jiwon along down the long path. Just as the loudly dinging phone had alerted them to, Donghyuk and Yunhyeong were waiting less than impatiently by the bottom of the staircase, antsy too though they still won’t admit to the more than obvious reason why. They bickered and argued the entire way leading toward the damp air and darken path of the Slytherin entrance. They were loud, even more so through the empty hallway, letting their laughter echoing about but the joyful sound ended abruptly. There, just a bit to the left of the Slytherin’s threshold that Hanbin had been growing acquaintance with, his girl and a boy he barely recognize stood, huddling close. His hair soft and silky, each golden thread so brilliantly reflecting off the fluttering wings of orange flames from the light posts. His skin pale as the moonlight, smooth and nearly as beautiful as yours, a stark contrast to the head to toe black outfit covering his stature. Hanbin couldn’t help but letting the soft thumping of his heart commanding his brain into a scramble, fists clenching so tightly his knuckles were going white. It looked far too intimate the way the stranger’s gaze dancing about your features, far too familiar as his red lips tugged into a frown listening to you. Your words hushed and so was the boy’s, bodies barely apart no doubt in an effort to keep whatever secrets being shared, well, a secret.  Sorrow drowned his eyes, glazing it over with something so painful Hanbin felt his heart ached for the stranger that was crossing into territory that should’ve left him jealous. Hanbin watched as you pulled the boy into a tight embrace, hand gently patting his back as the boy let his head rest on your shoulder. “S-Should we go over there?” Jiwon whispered, not wanting to disturb yet at the same time, ready to hold his dear friend back if needed. “No, let her be. I’ll meet her at Great Hall.” Hanbin sighed with a soft smile, undecipherable to even Donghyuk, who was appointed by all of them to be the most sensitive to other’s feeling. “Whatever they’re talking about, seemed important.” “I’ll text the rest that we’ll go ahead first and grab a spot.” Yunhyeong spoke up finally after silently observing in the background as the boys began to turn on their heels. Yet life had a funny way of interrupting beautiful moments, just as it had a knack for pressing at moments that would much better off left alone. In unison, all their phones dinged with the might of Yunhyeong’s fingers, sending the intended text to their group chat. Panic, shivers ran down his spine as Hanbin realized what had just happened, eyes shot back toward the scene very much not intended for his eyes.  The boys scrambled and muttering cuss as if they were sailors being attacked by vicious pirates. He prayed so hard that you hadn’t realized, that the collective ring had gone unheard but alas, your eyes were already on his. He did his best to put on a smile, a small wave before they hurried back down the hallway toward dinner, footsteps hurrying as if they had just gotten caught redhanded.   “Well that went as horrible as it could’ve.” Hanbin sighed, noting the way your eyes lit up in panic? Confusion? He wasn’t sure but one thing was for certain, he hoped you wouldn’t be angry at him for intruding, ruining the moment. Surrounded by good company and the most delectable food filling the plates, his mind was soon off of the strange encounter as the group huddled close, over talking in an attempt to ease his mind. Eventually the noise and the smell were enough to get Hanbin into the flow of the conversation, yet before he could fly off into the far distant land of his mind, Jiwon was violently stabbing at his side, inciting the most excruciating pain an index finger could against the soft tissue of his hip. “Binnie, look. Stop eating!” Jiwon grunted under his breath, not wanting to draw any more attention than necessary. Though all his discretion went out the window the moment he settled on elbowing Hanbin so hard, the boy nearly topples over in his seat. If not for the much more important issue at hand, hanbin would’ve thrown Jiwon to the floor for bruising his ribs the night before a very important practice session. The warmth of soup long abandoned as his eyes traversed upward toward the entrance where you had just burst into, panted and alarmed. Your eyes rummaging through the entire room, through every group of students spreading sporadically through the four great tables. Your hair a bit more wild than he had last seen, no doubt from sprinting if the heavy pant you were heaving was of any indication. When your eyes met his, it was as if heaven had opened up as you huffed a sigh of relief, especially when Hanbin already had a smile on his lips. No words needed to be said for Hanbin understood completely your gaze, rising from his seat and bounding toward you immediately. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He could barely made out the tiny frown you got on your lips before your feet once more pattering against the stone floor, running right out the door into the quietness of the hall. “Y/n, slow down. If you breathe any harder, your lungs are going to explode.” For a second Hanbin had forgotten completely what happened that morning, the way your arms felt so right around him, how soft your lips were. For a split second, he felt helpless yet the second he picked up on that soft scent of your perfume, out of sheer instinct, his arms woven itself around your shivering body. “Hey, what’s wrong?” “I, I can explain…” You could barely get a few words out before a breath choked out from your throat. Even now, merely through the hug he could feel your heart beating right out of your chest, thumping far worse than what he felt as you both soared high through the cloud. “what you saw, it’s not what you think.” “I didn’t think anything, Y/n. You don’t have to explain anything to me.” He sighed against a soft kiss on your cheek, fingers gently brushing the windblown locks into submission, carding solace back into your frizzy self. “But, you saw… and you left… and, and he was just a friend. It was a friendly hug, like a friendly consolation hug. It didn’t mean-“ “Okay, let’s breathe first and foremost. Can’t have you passing out of me now, okay?” His words slowly sinking in as you let your head falling into his chest, letting the gentle beat of his heart calming down yours. “There we go. I left because it looked like a private moment. I trust you, Y/n. Strange as that sound for the amount of time we’ve known each other… I left simply because he had the look of a broken man and I had a feeling four rowdy boys wouldn’t help.” “He’s my closest friend beside the trio. He was having some hard time, with his girlfriend so I offered a hug of encouragement.” You explained even though Hanbin had time and time again expressed he need not of it. “Oh, my sweet girl, did you run all the way up here from the dungeon just to tell me that?” He cooed softly against the shell of your ear. He pressed yet another kiss, this time against your forehead and felt firework exploding in his heart as you nodded timidly with a soft mewl of agreement. “But you hate running.” “I know…” You pouted, finally parting way from the comforting pillow of his chest, needing to look at him. “Running hurt.” “Goodness me, what am I going to do with you.” He was in so much trouble, so so much trouble feeling his heart nearly giving up, unable to cope with every tiny sound, every little expression on your features.  “How are you always this cute? I’m going to die young of a heart attack if this goes on any further.” “Hey, I said dying is not allowed…” You punched playfully at his chest in protest, “Fine, I’ll go away then… So, you won’t die young.” “Nope, too late for running away.” Your attempt at wiggling out of his hug was as effective as watering plant under a big rainstorm, the more you struggle, the tighter his hug had become. “Plus, you hate running anyways so I say, just go along for the ride.” “Thank you, for understanding.” 
“Always. You can tell me when you’re ready.” Hanbin let you rest your weary mind on his chest for as long as you wanted, soft teasing words and comforting hug readily given to fill the time. He didn’t mind too that the dinner he had gotten was barely touched, a few bites eaten before you had stormed in and whisked away all his attention. He loved this, having you in his arms without feeling the scrutiny of passersby and jealous whispers. He wasn’t one to think of himself as a giant, just a boy who loved the sport, willing to give his all to take his team toward victory. Yet somehow along the way, the title of prince and king entangled his soul, weighting it down with emotions Hanbin wasn’t ready to deal with. And as much as he’d like to deny it, eyes were on him and it was true what Jiwon had said, eyes will be on you too. So for now, he’ll cherished these small private moments of two souls bonding through the bliss of a new relationship barely budding in the fresh air of romance. And when time come, he’ll do his best to protect you against the sharp glares of the world. Though perhaps that time might come much much sooner than he could ever imagine. As you were both too far lost in the far corners of the universe where only the two of you exist, you failed to realize that just beyond the sharp turn of the corridor a sharp scoff of anger bitter against the sweet words being spoken had just materialized, lingering with the echoing footsteps leaving you both behind, oblivious in the seemingly peaceful night…
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lawlipops · 5 years
what’s the point « jiwoo moon
jiwoo snapped his head up, rousing from his nightmare. he frantically snapped his head around, looking to see if the perpetrator had still been around. fortunately his boogeyman was nowhere to be found. jiwoo wiped the cold sweat from his brow with the back of his arm, and looked over at aries sleeping form. seeing how peaceful the other man looked, at least for now calmed jiwoo’s frantic breathing. “i’m sorry for you getting all wrapped up in all of this, you could be staying with your family right now if it wasn’t for me.” the man muttered, leaning up a bit further so he could shuffle back so that he could prop himself up against the walls of the tunnel. he tok a deep breath and shut his eyes. listening to the sound of the heavy rain above had been so soothing. 
“aries, i’m such an idiot.” the man murmured, finally opening his eyes again. he tilted his head back and focused on tiny water droplets that were slipping through some cracks in the brick of the overhang. “i saw chanwoo the other day and i told him off, at least i kind of did. i have no idea why i got so mad at him, but i just got really fed up and left him behind. he offered to help us with staying at some nice place i think? something called share we care.” jiwoo bit his lower lip. “i should have asked him for help because you’re with me but i was so selfish and mad at him for not being mad at me––-it’s really ridiculous. i’m really ridiculous..i could have saved more people in the blue district if i just forced myself a bit more. if i cared about the people that were there just a bit more in sector one but i just kept thinking about how they were so rich and i was so..” poor. just because he could afford to live in the blue district didn’t mean that sector three had been really well off.  jiwoo frowned, not even blinking when a droplet had dropped down to his cheek and then ran down his face. “and i’m an idiot for barely telling you anything about me, and we’re supposed to be best friends. i’m the biggest idiot ever...” jiwoo swallowed the spit in his mouth before taking a deep breath to continue on. “and i don’t think i will be for a while, at least not with you being awake so i’m just going to get it out––this will be like a practice prep for the real thing y’know?” jiwoo explained, tapping his foot now to work out the nerves. “when i was really young my grandparents told me that i was an accident and what does that mean to a kid. i never really thought anything of it until i got older.” he chewed on his bottom lip for a moment before continuing. “my mom was already married to some guy but she and my dad started an affair. they kept telling me that it was because he was good looking and really gullible and––-yeah.” his voice nearly broke, the tapping of his foot becoming more aggressive now. “a-and to top it all off apparently they started doing drugs together, they just liked doing all this wild and weird stuff. eventually my mom had to go back to her real family though and when she did my dad started to go all crazy and overdosed on something and he died. he’s buried right by our tomato patch––-well he was...he...our tomato patch probably isn’t there anymore.” jiwoo chuckled sadly, shaking his head. “i don’t remember him at all or know at all what he was like––- but i always hear stories about my mom from my grandparents and they hate everything about her to the core and think that she’s a demon and i’m a demon spawn of hers.” 
jiwoo tilted his head back down to stare at the water that cut right through the middle of the tunnel. “and there have been times that my grandmother...she’s tried to kill me and i always thought i was some kind of bad kid who deserved it but she’s sick and my grandfather’s sick in his own twisted way of thinking that i’m beautiful like my mom and he hasn’t––-hasn’t forced himself on me but he utters these strange suggestive things and sometimes his hand lingers on me for so long and...it just makes me feel so disgusting! it’s even worse when my grandmother sees because it’s like i’m getting punished by both of them, and sometimes i can just picture my grandfather finally going through with those weird things that he says to me when he thinks that no one is looking and i hope they’re dead. i hope they were lit on fire and burned––-but they’re probably alive out there and they’re going to find some way to blame me for all of this and they’re going to kill me.” jiwoo didn’t even realize that he’d been crying until his breath hitched. “they’re going to kill me, and i won’t be able to make this up to you––i won’t be able to apologize to chanwoo for leaving him. i don’t want to die aries, i don’t want to die yet.” he sobbed, using his hands to cover his face. he couldn’t stop uttering the same words over and over, until he hand no tears left to cry anymore. 
it was soon morning and the rain had finally come to a stop. for the rest of the night instead of going back to sleep and back to his nightmares he stayed up to watch over his best friend. and when the plant user let out a yawn accompanied by a cat-like stretch jiwoo was back to his mask of pretending that everything was okay. “aries! you can sleep for a lil’ bit longer okay?” jiwoo grinned, slipping his uniforms blazer over his best friend so that he would have a a faux blanket. “want something to eat for breakfast? today’s your lucky day. whatever you request i’ll be ready to get for you.” he cooed, poking the man’s cheek. he got a smile back in return and it was if all his problems had slipped away. 
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SF9 aka Sensational Feeling 9
 @lee-dongmins said they wanted to get to know sf9 so i guess here’s a basic guide to these sweet dumb boys whom i love
ok so sf9 is a 9 member boy group formed by FNC Entertainment (f.t.island, n’flying, cnblue, aoa) at the end of 2k16 on a survival show called Dance or Band, where they went up against another group of fnc trainees that were in a band (who would later debut under fnc as Honeyst).
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On the show they were known as Neoz Dance and they have whole bunch of dope af covers on the neoz youtube channel.  They won the survival show by performing a song they wrote and choreographed called K.O. and it would later be included on their debut single album.  
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Before debut the members all acted in a web series called Click Your Heart, with 4 of the boys playing main characters (Dawon, Rowoon, Zuho, and Chani) and the others playing minor characters.  It’s pretty small, just 7 episodes that are at most like 15 minutes and it’s a kind of choose your own ending because you can choose who the main girl winds up with out of the 4 main boys.
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October 2016 they debuted with Fanfare (a solid bop but pretty average in the grand scheme of the music scene at the time but the dancing is hella good see above gif) and in December they put out a special mv for their song So Beautiful they made for Click Your Heart (it’s genuinely so sweet and filled with holiday cheer and absolutely zero rudeness, something that only it out of all the sf9 mvs can boast).
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February 2017 they had their first comeback with Roar (a delightfully saturated mv that we soon learned was the staple of an sf9 mv and with the catchy whisper line of bureureung aka roar/rev the engine that nearly everyone mistakes as something like ‘put it in’ the first time they hear it).
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April 2017 we were graced with their second comeback of Easy Love (truthfully this was the first mv of theirs i ever saw and i was hooked).  It was the last of their mini albums to have the whole ‘sensation’ motif in the title.
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October 2017 was their third comeback with O Sole Mio (they went to california to film at least parts of the mv and wow is it fucking gorgeous and the chorus has like 4 different languages in it so wow talented boys).
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February of 2018 was their fourth comeback with Mama Mia! (aka pls stop putting dreadlocks on these poor kids and pls let them be playful more often in things also what a freakin happy bop).
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August 2018 was their fifth comeback with Now or Never.  It has the classic saturation of a sf9 mv and a smooth sound that makes it perfect for easy listening or hype music.  It can sound like the world Jealous is repeated throughout the song but it’s actually Jilleosseo which is the title of the song in korean. (I believe this also the first mv with all members being 18 internationally and they’ve definitely got a more mature visual thing going on.)
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They’ve released Japanese versions of all their title tracks with accompaning mvs and some of their B-sides.
With every promotion cycle they also release a self cam of one of their B-sides that is pretty much just the boys being dorks lipsyncing the song and playing around with each other and it’s a beautiful little treat that fills Fantasy (aka fandom name) with warmth.  I do believe these are all of them:
They are super fucking funny and here’s a ‘guide’ to them that has some classic clips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEIeNG4qUXE
And this is them on the Immigration and it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen an idol group be on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8JkUfMRGC4
Youngbin: ‘93 Leader, Rapper, basically a dad in that he tells those jokes and is a source of comfort and stability for the members and always has some kind and wise words to give them, would really love it the members would stop shying away from skinship (Chani it’s always Chani), a flirt?(warning alot of them are flirts).
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Inseong: ‘93 Vocalist, Oldest, a complete dweeb and we love him for it, speaks pretty good english because he studied in England for a year and is a smooth operator, was an SM trainee, calls himself a desert fox and is pretty smart, did some acting in a drama, part of what i’m gonna call the flirt line.
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Jaeyoon: ‘94 Vocalist, OST veteran, dimples, thinks his butt is great and like he’s not wrong, is in charge of having the Honey Voice and can sing any song in a sweet way, knows poisonous plants and animals, wow look at that one whole flirt.
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Dawon: ‘95 Vocalist, Sub-rapper after Mama Mia!, the 4D personality, was on masked idol on weekly idol for awhile and when sf9 went on weekly idol he nearly gave himself away cause he can’t stop being hilarious, a regular member of SBS’ Game Show, flirt line.
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Zuho: ‘96 Rapper, does alot of writing and composing for their songs sometimes with Youngbin and Hwiyoung, trained for 8 years before debut, is the classic looks tough but is a cinnamon roll who loves cuddling, the members say he’s most charismatic of them all, is friends with suga (he’s my bias and i have to stop myself from gushing about how sweet and talented he is).
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Rowoon: ‘96 Vocalist, Visual, is basically the face of the group and is on shows like Lipstick Prince and does acting in some dramas, likes making sure the other members are cared for, really likes giving affection to Chani (who is never too delighted by this) and Zuho (who is super delighted by this), a pretty flirt.
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Taeyang: ‘97 Vocalist, Visual, DANCER like hot fucking damn is this boy a dancer, he and Rowoon are most often the center of dances and it’s fucking because he is an amazing dancer and works so super hard at being good, he is also literal sunshine.
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Hwiyoung: ‘99 Rapper, Sub-vocalist, somehow ends up the brunt of poor luck, studies hard, very emotional and openly admits to crying at Train to Busan even though no one asked him, called the Happy Virus, can wiggle his ears, does kick boxing and will kick you in the butt if you ask.
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Chani: ‘00 Rapper, Vocalist, Maknae, child actor, used to be Fantagio trainee, childhood friends with Moonbin and Chanwoo from iKon, actor now and wow the kid’s got some heckin movies under his belt, would really like for people to think that he’s cool pls.
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hansungrp · 2 years
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                MY HANSUNGU PORTAL : logged in as jo chanwoo.
student name : jo chanwoo. preferred name : chanwoo. date of birth : 05/28/2000. occupation : student, mascot talent.
     enrollment status.
program : b.a. in broadcasting & entertainment. status : junior. clubs : whl89.4′s publicity officer. sports : soccer. housing : off-campus.
     student history.
a pair of young, awe-struck faces peered into the hand-me-down baby cot. wide, smitten smiles stretch across their tired faces as they laid their eyes on the infant curled up inside. their parents told them that it was a mistake, that he was a mistake—but this was no ordinary teenage rebellion, this was a brave decision to follow their hearts and accept the gift they did not expect to receive at this young age, one that would change the trajectory of their lives. cliché, but how else would you tell the story of two teenagers who fooled around in the back of a truck and ended up with a baby boy at the mere age of eighteen?
grandpa looks at him like he’s a thief. it’s a mystery how one could look at a child with so much contempt, but it makes sense when he found out about what his mother had to give up to have him. grandpa always talks about it at the dinner table (it’s why his mother doesn’t like visiting). sometimes, it feels like his mother is grandpa’s favourite conversation topic, and she probably is, because grandma told him that grandpa liked talking about his mother very much. he used to brag about her all the time, until she disappointed him when she was in high school. (it didn’t take a genius to do the math and figure out why.) even then, he still talks about her a lot, just without that hint of pride in his voice, and a lot more condemnation about her choices in life. maybe that’s why grandpa looks at him like he’s a thief, because he had, in fact, stolen his mother’s youth.
his parents were always the youngest parents at his school events. sometimes, they get as nervous as he does before they meet his teachers. he gets nervous because he didn’t want his teachers to tell them about how he talks a lot in class, and his parents get nervous because they were afraid to be told they weren’t doing a good job. his middle school math teacher didn’t say that exactly, but she did tell them to “pay more attention to him” and enrol him into after-school classes to give his grades a little boost. that day, he remembered thinking that his father was really cool when he looked his teacher in the eye and told her that he wouldn’t need extra classes if she was doing her job well. his mother apologised but he could’ve sworn he saw her smile a little.
y’know that bit about how he talks a lot in class? well, he got that from his father. he never gets tired listening to him talk about their lives before they had him; how they met at the secret smoking corner of their high school, an unexpected meeting of two disparate souls. mom was the good girl that gets good grades, the kind you wouldn’t find with a cigarette between her lips, while dad was the troublemaker with a comedic streak, the kind that gets all the girls, or so he brags. they were an unlikely pair that went well together, with the kind of chemistry you only read about in books. just when they thought they couldn’t be better together, he entered their lives and completed the equation.
in spite of his happy childhood, his family was always under the scrutiny of others. his parents were often deemed bad parents for being young and having a parenting style unlike others. growing up, he was never grounded nor beaten, but that did not mean that he was an obedient child. much like his father, mischief was up his sleeve before he even learned to spell ‘troublemaker’. despite that, he was brought up with integrity instilled in him. sure, his parents have made their fair share of mistakes (fyi, it is NOT a good idea to let a twelve year old drink alcohol), and could’ve enforced stricter rules on curfew and grades, but if there was one thing they did right, it was teaching him to always own up to his mistakes and take full responsibility for it—just like they did.
last year, chanwoo made a mistake, one that had affected people around him. he knows that he was wrong, and is now determined to make things right.
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fanofbabyprincess · 6 years
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I’m glad Bobby’s dad is having fun! I remember during WIN (the first survival show they experienced as trainees to win a debut contract in YG) that he would always say he wants to bring his parents back to South Korea, and for them not to worry about money. He wants his family to live a better life and takes that burden. In climax, Bobby’s rap talks about his mother that he dreamed about. In SMTM 3 his winning speech includes telling his mother to pack her bags because they’re going home and he will buy them a house. In summertime Saipan, they received letters from their mothers too and Bobby got an extra letter, Hanbin noticed that it was written on the day Bobby went back to South Korea to be a YG trainee and left America and their family. He said during iKONTV that even though they were poor, he never felt poor because his parents are always making them happy and they only experience happiness. That’s why Kim Jiwon is a happy person all in all (as Chanwoo has observed with simple memories in the Hypnotherapy). Although Bobby’s family isn’t the rich type, Bobby grew up well being loved by his family and experience many happiness in simple things. That is why he dreamed big for them and achieved a simple goal of bringing his family back to South Korea and live a happy life. He is a wonderful son. He always think of what makes his family happy and his family has always supported and love him in everything. Bobby is a role model for everyone, kids and adults. We may not notice it, but one day we will appreciate more of our families and even if we don’t experience much hardship but we all want to give something better for our family members. It’s lucky to have someone like Bobby who loves so much and who is happy seeing people he loves happy. I am also glad that his father is well, healthy and happy. It means Bobby will be happy an less worried too. I’m glad. I also love my family especially my parents, I want to give them the world. However, I know that ever since but my actions and realizations only made it until when I’m an adult. I hope people will see goodness from Bobby. He is a good person, a kind hearted man and a person who loves and be happy in simple things
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