#and burning rage
rpgmakerds · 10 months
i just remembered when i was fighting giygas in earthbound. yknow that part where gigyas says ness' name over and over? it was probably intended to sound more, idk, mumbling? but i forgot that i set everyones' names in all caps so it sounded like gigyas was suddenly yelling at ness which actually made me kind of scared
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theghostwrites · 4 months
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gleafer · 5 months
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If you want to know how things are going for Crowley on my Patreon it’s NOT WELL.
Join The Spicy Insider for the ongoing full story or stay here and enjoy these tasty morsels of nonsense!
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txttletale · 7 months
across the NATO bloc we are faced with a political class who are openly and loudly cheering on a genocide that they are funding and enabling. this is the political reality of the "developed world"
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ayilings · 5 months
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i was innocent when you said i was evil
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entnoot · 1 month
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“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩? 𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩.”
Finally finished this piece of a very cool Magda moment from our dnd campaign! 🔥
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thechekhov · 3 months
Fuck it, silly poll time. What is your most hated face emoji? The one you wish you could stop people from using forever?
Bonus Challenge: Don't get ACTUALLY upset at people over emojis. 🙂
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irithyllians · 6 months
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unfriends forever
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taikk0 · 10 months
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sskk-manifesto · 9 months
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Are you telling me everyone is so mad at the last episode we made bsd trend second place
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rosebud-poet · 1 year
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[Black text on a white background that reads:
my gender is whatever makes me easiest to kill,
my gender is breeding stock, kill all men, can’t you just stay unobtrusive and neutral, the question cut apart in debate chambers, my ragged flesh and bones picked for statistics and arguments by vultures in suits who go home to too-young wives, breathing out my same old screams to useless onlookers sitting in rows, you’re disgusted by my blood on the floor but unwilling to shoot down what’s killing me slowly, what are the magic words i need to say to get you to care that i’m dying, 
my gender is polite young woman in a pantsuit long long dead, forward-thinking and modern, isn’t it funny that she lived as a man, she wanted better opportunities, we dug up the body and passed it around the archives and if you look here you’ll see the place where they cut out the most important parts, so sad to see such irreversible damage, so sad she never had children, so sad she was mutilated, but she was such a trailblazer, the first woman to put a bullet in a state senator’s head,
my gender is a bullet in a state senator’s head, shooting down vultures before they break my sibling’s skin, crippled tranny faggot (triple threat) with a score to settle, with a gash down the center of its chest spitting fire through pharmacy phone lines, never fucked someone who wasn’t an enemy of the state, never was your little girl, sticking around till the bitter end and triple dog dare you to come bash me yourself you bloody-beaked coward, come watch me be the monster you all say i am,
my gender is whatever makes me hardest to kill.]
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popomegranate · 2 months
I saw someone on Booktok (not gonna name who) talking about how The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang didn’t work for them, for multiple reasons.
Most of his reasons are up to interpretation and taste but there was one thing that was said in the video that irked me
“Rin’s female rage just didn’t work for me.”
I couldn’t stop thinking about that particular statement because Rin doesn’t really experience female rage throughout this story?
Feminine rage is, by definition, rage felt due to sexism, gender based discrimination, or injustices levied on women. But Rin doesn’t experience any of this. This is not the source of her rage.
Rin’s rage is a result of classism, colorism, and racism that she experiences in her own society, and then later by foreigners trying to colonize her country. Her rage comes from deep rooted cyclical injustices that affected her and her people. Her rage comes from atrocities and war. Her rage comes from abuse.
This is not to say gender plays no role in TPW, the catalyst for this story is Rin desperately attempting to run away from an arranged marriage her adoptive family is trying to force her into. But this is not the source of her rage, this is not what drives Rin throughout the story.
I think it is important to make the distinction between what is and is not feminine rage. Because to label all rage experienced by women “feminine” rage the term loses its meaning and becomes a new way to belittle women’s feelings.
Feminine rage is important.
Women experiencing rage is important.
We need to remember the distinction.
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darkwitchling · 3 months
To everyone thinking Angel dust is getting victim blamed by the show: what the fuck are you on???
The two points I've seen are his bits in his song with Husk and his solo Poison but...no?
With Poison, we need to remember it's from HIS perspective! Angel Dust blames himself for his situation because of all the abuse he's endured, so yes, a song from his perspective will blame himself. It's not shitty writong, it's effectively communicating the mindset he's in! He hates himself! If it was from another character's perspective after they had been told about what happened to him it would be more fucked! But it's not!
Okay then, what about 'Loser Baby?' That's victim blaming right?
No! Wrong!
The reality is Angel fucked up by signing a contract with Valentino. It was a bad move, and Husk fucked up by doing the same with Alastor. Husk is basically saying 'this is fucked up and it sucks, and we can't do anything about it, but hey I relate to you and maybe if we feel shitty together it'll be easier to get through.'
Husk is offering to be there for him because he relates, to make it a bit easier. Husk can't swoop in and save him, but he can make it easier. 'Hey, this all sucks but at least we can be losers together!'
A specific instance I've seen people get upset about is the moment with a bunch of neon signs insulting the characters, but that's not victim blaming! That's labels they got slapped on by hell, because hell is a shitty place with shitty people! As we've seen not all of them suck, but a lot do! Of course Angel gets called some fucked up shit, same with Husk.
I don't know how to end this all with anything except to ask people to please use a bit of critical thinking. If you still don't like the show after this then that's fine, but you don't need to try and justify not liking it with this stuff. You are allowed to not like stuff.
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dittolicous · 1 month
hear me out
stealth black!sanji where sanji does indeed start losing his emotions and word makes it way back to judge, so he has him kidnapped/his death faked and uses science to rush the removal of emotions along with wiping a good chunk of his memories to make him easier to control... the focus however was high-key placed on emotions such as empathy, humility, kindness, joy, etc. since judge wanted to ensure to an absolute degree that sanji's 'flaws' were wiped clean, leaving only the perfected stealth black he was always meant to be
but judge makes a mistake
in his hurry to eradicate the humanity, he didnt consider the consequences of leaving even an inkling of negative emotions within an abused, aching shell - smattering of disjointed memories, blurry faces in sporatic dreams, voices that are just outside his grasp, a longing for something but yet lacking a name...
injured, raw, bloody from unknown wounds he may be, but stupid, sanji is not
he's stealth black, espionage is his specialty, he knows how the human mind works, how words can be twisted, the ways a tide can be turned with the right leverage. all people, with the right tools, are malleable. he also knows the range of his 'father's' skills, knows how far judge would go to secure a victory, how little he fears damaging his own to get the right outcome...
sanji knows
there is a hole where his heart ahould be, deep, dark, and endless. he cannot feel love, but he knows its absence. there is no sympathy for the innocent lives ravaged in the vinsmoke name, yet its mention brings bile to his throat. he sees the sunrise across the sea with blank eyes and watches it set on the corpses of kingdoms with growing repulsion
his brothers laugh, they were taught how despite it having little meaning to them. they echo the teachings of their father.
sanji had that ripped away. he can recognize a hole when he sees it even if he doesnt know what once filled it. there are no empty laughs. no fake smiles. no uncaring boasts. he cannot, there was no reason for him to (were even the echos of joy a risk?)
instead he burns
hot loathing makes a home in his chest. contemp and fury settle in his lungs, growing with every breath he takes, fueled by the embers of despair settling in his stomach
sanji knows despair, knows how deep their roots take in humanity, that to be human is to suffer... but without the other half, the joy of human connection which makes it all worthwhile, the act of living, he cannot conceptualize the value of being alive in the face of such suffering
instead he stands back and watches. unbalanced, unchecked, and under-estimated, stealth black plans. he'll rid the world of their filth, finishing the job blackleg sanji was too weak to do
for in his hurry, judge forgot about sanji's rage, about the depths of his grief and the ferocity of his burning passion. so afraid of one little boys generosity, he brushes off the dangers of unbridled resentment, that malice cannot always be reigned in by an iron fist alone
and where once, there were certain teachings of honor and integrity, of love and belief to temper this flame, judge left nothing. he took away the soft words of a kind mother, the sharp kicks of a caring father (his real father), the unabashed voices of true nakama...
is it really all that surprising that once loving flames would turn into a blazing inferno, one which burns the world indiscriminately?
judge doesnt realize he didnt defang the wolf, no, he removed the muzzle
tl;dr - if a person is made of burning passion and you remove their kindness, wouldnt that just leaving burning? judge focuses only on getting rid of sanji's soft traits not considering that he'd never actually be able to control a sanji that rages indiscriminately, which eventually comes to bite him in the ass as stealth black sets the world on fire out of self-loathing
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preyed-llama · 3 months
Hot take about the horror genre, I wish we used werewolves as a metaphor for female rage, something that is hidden and repressed in order to be perceived as acceptable until it destroys you and everyone around you, until the blood dripping from your fangs and claws are yours and theirs, bound together. Especially when placed in a story where men act on their aggression, their anger.
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hauntedbythenarrative · 11 months
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Burn your village, Kiki Rockwell
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