#and all the fan reactions and autographs <3
ansonmountdaily · 1 year
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Anson Mount at Lexington Toy & Comic Convention
Anson's busy convention schedule continues! He did autograph signings and photo sessions at LCTC in Lexington, Kentucky - March 25 - 26 2023.
Fans at the convention described him as "awesome", "super warm", and "a genuine and down to Earth guy!" One fan gifted Anson the book of John and thanked the actor for talking to him about faith.
Here are some examples of items Anson has signed at the con: a baseball, Strange New Worlds photo of Captain Pike, and this very cool Marvel Illuminati poster of Black Bolt & Co from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.
Source: codeywings10 on Twitter, starvee2 on Instagram
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skipper1331 · 8 months
Everything and more // María León
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a/n: based off this request and kinda this. Enjoy
Ale felt like she was talking to a wall.
The team was in their local pub, enjoying the day off after the el clasico win.
Mapi was sat next to you and Alexia and before Alexia could even start talking, the defender had only eyes for you. Your hand was resting comfortably on her thigh as you talked to Patri. Mapis skin was on fire, something she couldn‘t control when you were near or more than that, touching her. That girl was madly in love with you - a teenager romance.
You look at her - weak knees.
You talk to her - stuttering mess.
You hug her - wobbly wreck.
All in all, it didn‘t matter what you did or said at the end of the day Mapi would love you either way If not more.
Everything and more.
Looking at you with googly eyes, she couldn’t help but smile at you, lovingly.
After minutes of trying to get the blonde to engage in the conversation, Alexia just stopped and started talking to the other girls.
Every question towards Mapi fell to deaf ears as she admired you, heart skipping a beat at each of your smiles. María couldn‘t help but scoot closer to you, her arm around your waist as she bit her lip, eyes roaming over every inch of your body. "Amor" she whispered the conversation with Patri came to a stop due the waiter bringing new drinks, "can we go home?" she whined, her free hand wandering along your leg, inching closer to your private area.
Letting out a huff, she pulled her hand away from your leg yet not leaving your touch completely.
The next hour was the same as the first: Mapi fully obsessed with you and everything you do.
Every now and then she would whisper an 'i love you' in your ear with a sloppy needy kiss to your cheek.
"Drinks?" you asked the girls after awhile, slightly tipsy. They cheered in agreement. As you stood up, Mapi got up as well, not wanting leave your side. You looked at her confused, what was she doing? "I‘m helping youuu" she sang, grinning as her hand slipped in the back pocket of your jeans - claiming you as hers.
There were 3 stages of Mapi;
stage 1: sober - madly in love with and follows you like a puppy.
stage 2: tipsy/ little bit more - energetically in love with you and gets clingy.
stage 3: drunk/ wasted - crazily in love with you, clingy and follows you like a lost puppy.
And stage 2 was the case at the moment. Nevertheless, her jealousy was there at every stage, yet it wasn't the level that mattered but the person who you talked to/flirted with you - she was always jealous. It just depened on the person how much. "Baby, take a seat" you told her in a sweet voice, kissing her lips quickly. Mapi gave you her famous drunk-pout with crossed but didn‘t say anything. Though, she watched you like a hawk as you walked up to the bar. The team took the chance to talk to their friend with no success. With her eyes drained on your beautiful figure, her heart swooned at everything you did. It wasn‘t until a mid aged man came near you. Her lovestruck smile turned into a clenched jaw.
"Hey, i‘m sorry. Are you Y/l/n?" he asked, friendly.
"Yeah! How are you?" you replied, matching his friendly demeanor. "I don‘t want to bother you but my daugther - she’s 6" he showed you his lock screen, a little girl grinning widely as she held a Barcelona jersey in her hands. "That was her reaction when my wife and I gifted her your jersey. She‘s a really big fan."
"Thats really sweet!"
"Um, well, is there any chance I could take a photo with you or get an autograph somehow? Of course only if you agree with it a 100%"
As you thought of the little girl who had such a big smile on her face, your mind was made up quickly, "why don‘t we do both?"
It was clear to say she definitely got that bright smile from her father. "Thank you so much!"
As you took the picture with him, he made sure to have a respectable amount space between the two of you. And as you were about to scribble your signature on the napkin, you felt an arm snuggle around you. María. She pressed a kiss to your temple as she made her statement, "hola amor, ¿quién es?" she asked, glaring at the creature of a man. "This is-"
"Jack" he ended your sentence.
"His daughter is a big fan" you declared, knowing how her mind was working. Interwining your fingers, you calmed the defender down who had already made up a few scenarios in her mind what was going on and how to shoo him away. "Sign here too, love" you pointed at the napkin, smiling wide. You loved to make fans happy, something Mapi loved about you. She grabbed the pen, signing the napkin as well with a little heart next to yours. Again, a silent statement. You knew it meant something but not what exactly. Her mind was working in a strange possessive clingy way when it came to you, the love of her life.
Jack thanked the both of you, walking back to his table as you turned around on the bar stool. You didn‘t say anything, just raised an brow. "Don‘t give me that look, mi vida. He- he was flirting and i-" she tried to defend herself, babbling about the man who actually turned out to be really nice, something she didn‘t expect.
"you got soo jealous because someone who isn‘t you was talking to me, hm?" you mocked her, giggling at the defeated look on her face.
Kissing away her pout, you mumbled a "te amo" against her lips, her heart skipping a beat like always. As she ordered the tables drinks, she had her arms around you, minding her own business - you - as the two of you waited. She pressed kisses all over your face, loving the laughter that came in respond.
"There you are!" Patri yelled as you finally arrived at the table with drinks.
María placed the tray of drinks on the table, not saying anything as she sat down on the chair, Alexia looked at you, why was she having a frown on her face. Rolling your eyes, you answered her question: Mapi was being Mapi.
As you were about to walk to your own seat the defender pulled at your hips - her lap was now your new seat. "Don’t say anything" she grumbled.
"Your drinks" the new waitress said as she stared at you with hungry eyes. Of course, Mapi noticed the behavior of the lady. Already with Marías hands around your body, the waitress didn‘t seem to mind that you were clearly in a relationship, your girl right next to you.
As her arms hugged your waist, her fingers lacing together, to hold you tight, your arm went around her shoulder. "She was totally eye-fucking you" she stated again, claiming that the bartender had the hots for you. You looked at her, absently, playing with a strand of loose hair, "baby, how many times do I have to tell you, I don‘t care"
"Well, I do!" drowning her drink, she carried on, "they all do, all the time! We can‘t go out without someone flirting or eye-fucking you"
"María, why do you care so much about it? I‘m yours" you whispered, forehead leaning against the defender. "I don‘t know, something it’s just- my mind doesn‘t like the thought of you with someone else"
"Do you want to go home?" you asked, the defender at the verge of tears, more than one drink in her body showing their work. She just mumbled a yes in your chest as she hugged you like a toddler "te amo mi vida, te amo mucho"
Saying bye to the girls, they understood the matter, well Alexia understood, the only one who had one drink the whole night. Besides she was Mapis best friend, she knew her well enough. With some complains of the girls, you left anyways. Marías arm around your mid section on the way home, every so often pressing kisses to your cheek, jaw and temple. She would have prefered if she could have carried you home but nonetheless happy that you were in her grasp and hers general.
At home, the girl didn‘t leave your side, "¿beso?" she asked as you took of your shoes. You did as she wished, pressing a peck to her lips, the defender smiling happily as she did a little jump.
In the kitchen, she hugged you from behind, kissing along your neck and bare shoulder, loving you the way you deserved.
"Sí, beso" puckering her lips, she waited for you to press yours on her own. When you did, her skin caught fire. She pushed you against the counter, kissing the life out of you. She loved to kiss you.
In the bathroom, as you were about to brush your teeth, she again asked the question that haunted you since the moment you left the bar, "¿beso?" Of course you kissed her, you loved it just as much as the defender to kiss one another. It made your heart race, skin tingle, soul happy and mind spin.
In bed, Mapi laying on top of you with her head hidden in your neck, she mumbled inaudible words.
"You want to have a kiss right?" you asked giggling.
"No" she answered to your surprise.
"No. quiero un beso de buenas noches" she pressed featherlight kisses to your jaw, loving the way your breath hitched at her touch. It was your turn to say "no"
Quickly the defender sat up, staddling your waist as she glared while frowning at you, "¿por que?"
"Said so" giving her the bitchy-shoulder-gesture, you tried to hold in your laugh as you could see the dots working in her brain. "No no no, you love me and I love you so bésame" she demanded, leaning down, prompting her weight on her arms as they rested dangerously close next to your head, "¡bésame!" she grumbled, an inch away. You could feel her breath against your lips, your own hitching at the slight hand movement along your exposed stomach. "Amor, bésame" she now whined, "pretty please" giving you puppy dog eyes, you had to give in, your hands cupped her cheeks, poking them, "so needy" you giggled.
Staring at one another with so much love in each others eyes, you both leaned in, lips touching ever so gentle. It was more than just a good night kiss, it was kiss so soft and loving that meant everything for the both of you.
I love you.
You‘re everything to me.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Every love confession in the world wouldn’t have been enough to describe what you felt in that moment.
Everything and more.
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robocoplesb · 10 months
Nikki Sixx x reader Angst where she’s pregnant and he gets upset at her constant mood swings and snaps at her? But doesn’t realize that he sent her into labor because she doesn’t want to tell him
hope u don't get mad, nikki sixx. [1/2]
warnings: fight, pregnancy, labor, insecurities about body and motherhood, bad mood, best friend!heather.
author's note: hi anon! thanks for the request. the moment she starts to go into labor was based on the story my mother told me about my birth (she's okay 😭). i think it's kind of scary, but i like the idea. sorry for the delay, i got so wild when i realized it wasn't turning out the way i wanted it to and i gave up for a few days but i did my best today. i decided to separate it into two chapters, hope you like it. good read<3.
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chapter one
"— two minutes, nikki!”
you heard tommy screaming from the other side of the door. you and nikki were on his dressing room couch for at least 20 minutes, waiting for someone to call your boyfriend to start the show. you were lying on his chest as he ran his fingertips over your belly.
being pregnant was not easy, being pregnant surrounded by mötley crüe was even less. you knew nikki couldn't stop his life for you, yet you were still upset by the miniscule amount of time you spent together, or for the moments together that were interrupted, like now.
when nikki couldn't be with you, heather was. no one but her would dare, so that's where he takes you before going on stage. he helps you to sit on the sofa next to her and then kneeling in front of you. you feel his lips touching your belly and staying there for a few second. nikki knew you didn't want him to go, neither did he.
“— i love you. the show will end soon and i will take care of you at the hotel, hm?” — he chuckled a bit before getting up and kissing your forehead. you laugh a little at the sensation, feeling shy with heather’s presence next to you. “— love u too, nikki.” — you said
he also hugged heather and thanked her before leaving. you could hear some curses coming from mick about how long he took.
you and heather didn't watch the show today. the doctor said that the baby would be born soon, so you limited yourself to the minimum of activities that could make you really agitated. you loved being the band number one fan, but the time you spent with heather in the dressing room was precious. she kinda made you forget how bad you felt about the aftermath of pregnancy.
you loved your daughter, but it was stressful.
you became an extremely needy person in the start of your pregnancy, and over time, realizing that nikki could never do anything about it, you ended up taking it out on him sometimes. there were also times when you felt like you couldn't get out of bed because of the pain, you felt things much more intense and sometimes all you wanted was to cry yourself out.
heather was your best friend, and she understood. she knew what to say and what not to say. she knew when you were acting on impulse and when you were hiding something. she knew how you were being criticized the last few months. you and the boys knew too but nobody wanted to talk about it.
and she also knew how you must have felt when you read all those articles saying you didn't look good and comparing you to nikki exes. stressed.
“— hey princess!” — nikki said as he wrapped his arms around you. he was about to ask you how you were doing when he felt you pushing him away.
“- come on, i’m tired.” — you said in a low tone and followed the path to the parking lot behind the stage. your husband just chased after you, confused by your reaction.
you ignored nikki the whole way to the hotel. refusing the touches or anything he told you, until the boys started laughing at the situation and he just gave up. for the first time there wasn't a crowd of fans waiting for them, they just signed a few autographs and got in.
you went up to the bedroom while nikki said good night. as soon as you sat on the bed, you wanted to cry. a few tears fell when you blinked, but you dried them off when you heard the door open.
“— what the fuck was that?” — nikki started.
"- oh my god...” — you muttered, knowing what was coming. you and nikki had argued before. usually because of you behavior, which caused an argument about nikki's behavior about it, until it became unbearable.
“— that is all? or you want to give another show? really, yn, I've been doing everything to make you comfortable, not to upset you, and yet you keep acting like a bitch.” — he said louder, making you shiver a little.
“— that bitch here is carrying your fucking daughter, motherfucker. can't you have the slightest bit of respect? or am i just a bitch to you, sixx?” — you said as you went to the bathroom, taking off your shoes and coat.
"- respect? you can't even say goodbye to your daughter's uncles and you want to talk about respect? Is this the kind of shit you're going to teach her?”
you stopped at the bathroom door when you heard that. it wasn't exactly what he meant, but it was what you felt, and this was a sensitive topic for you. for nikki too, but did you feel so insecure about it. the creation. you stayed up nights with him talking about how you were afraid of being a bad mother, how you would give anything to know exactly what to do at the right times. you talked about your childhood, and how your biggest fear was putting your daughter through something similar.
“— fuck you, nikki. fuck. you.” — you forced yourself to laugh at that moment “— maybe you should look for someone better for the job, since you're already getting tired of me.”
“— jesus, you're crazy as fuck. are delusions part of it too? or are you just scared?”
"- crazy? i went through eight months with a child inside me. nausea, pain, insomnia. spending all day thinking about this girl's future and blaming myself for not being able to do all this and still not being the perfect woman for you. my husband has been enjoying the rockstar life, being applauded and praised while people hate me more every day. i'm not crazy, nikki, i have limits.”
“—well, me too. and congrats for pushing me to mine. while you complain about the way i manage to keep us both, why don't you worry about making yourself bearable for your daughter, since i'm not being enough either?”
you've never seen nikki scream before. actually, not with you, at least. scared you. your mouth opened but nothing came, you really tried to say something before he opened the door and left the room, but when you heard the door slamming hard, you gave up, letting yourself cry a little.
it was weird. your vision blurred and it was hard to feel when you sat on the floor, just feeling your head banging against the wall.
you closed your eyes and started to feel something running down your legs. at the time, you didn't use logic, feeling like you were going to pass out at any moment and scared of what nikki was going to do outside that room. your low cries turned into screams of pain as you felt something in your stomach.
“— yn?”
you heard someone say. you failed to recognize the voice or who was there, just taking the person's hands and squeezing.
“— n-nikki? nik, come back, please- fuck!” — you screamed again
“— yn, it's me, heather. let's take you to the hospital, okay? vince will look for nikki...”
she must have said something else, but it's not like you could hear her. tommy had you in his arms before your eyes closed, following his wife to their car.
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x idol!reader
genre mostly comedy, maybe fluff ? reader is in zb1 🤝
warnings mentions of food/drinks in hao and hanbin’s
notes hi anon, thank you for requesting ! i didn’t want this to be romantic as idol life is,, something.. but still, i hope you enjoy this ! 🫶
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— zhang hao
you’re playing drinking games
and before you ask, no. it’s not actual alcohol
you mix up the most unhinged drink combinations
like soy milk + tea + mountain dew 😃
the drink literally has particles in it
you play the ‘of course’ game and it turns ugly real quick
“you know that i’m better than you at everything, right?” zhanghao says, feeling proud
“of course! zhanghao.. you know that hanbin loves me more, right?” a smirk tugging on your lips that zhanghao so desperately wanted to slap off
loses the game because of that and has to chug down every drop (he’s ok tho i think)
“you’re lucky we’re live right now.”
— sung hanbin
since he was a barista, you guys are making drinks
he teaches you some tips and tricks but it’s more complicated than you think
his drink is so much more visually pleasing than yours although you both followed the same steps 😭
like pretty gradient colors that blend well together
but it’s expected cuz he’s a professional
you do a taste test
and his drink tastes like heaven 👍
you offered yours to him and he tries it
ngl, you were nervous about his opinion
“uh, it’s definitely a new experience.”
— seok matthew
some kind of crafts live
where you both are making those bead bracelets
you make ones for eachother and also the other members !
and matthew is all like ‘oh, you’re gonna love what i made for you’
he’s so proud of his creations
and at some point he accidentally spills every bead onto the table 😭
and you both take a look at eachother like 😐
and it becomes quiet for a whole 5 minutes as he picks everything back up
after that, you both continue making bracelets for the other members 🫶
“jiwoon hyung likes this color, i know him better than you!”
— shen ricky
painting live
you guys are making paintings to hang on eachothers walls
it’s actually pretty chill with ricky 👍
but then he accidentally splattered some paint onto his designer white shirt
his honest reaction to that: ☹️
but its okay, he can just buy a new one. maybe get a car too while he’s at it
since ricky is really good at arts
you wanted to paint him smth nice too
so you just put your autograph onto the canvas
he loves it tho and keeps it in his room 😔
“i can sell this!”
— park gunwook
workout stream
it was actually supposed to be a live for gunwook and matthew
but matthew had to do smth else
so you offered to accompany gunwook instead !
gunwook shares his workout tips and you just nod and agree
you both share your workout routines and people make articles abt them 🫢
‘zb1’s gunwook and y/n workout routine: is it effective?’
oh and you also get thirst trap edits bcuz of this
flaunting your muscles and abs and stuff idk 😭
“do you guys wanna know the secret to my godly physique?”
— kim taerae
from the content we have now..
it’s 100% a karaoke live
wbk he loves singing and he wanted to invite you to ‘taerae show #2’
has his anpanman guitar, ready at hand 🤝
you both have a blast singing and taerae becomes main rapper at some point
he’s so immersed in the ballad songs, he prolly starts crying for effects 😔
biggest hypeman
like he’s all ‘OH MY GOD WOAHHHH’
and he also harmonises w you
don’t be surprised when you get a compilation of ‘y/n and taerae: 5th gen main vocals’
“100 points?! i’m so good!”
— kim gyuvin
q&a stream
answering fan questions and basically fan service
“is a butt one or two?”
gyuvin actually thinks about it for a second and is like “oh my god.” 😭
it got too confusing though so you continued reading the comments
someone asked what he did today and he started thinking
“uh..” “sorry, i forgot.” you joke, making gyuvin stare daggers to you 🫢
he looks back to the screen
and with a wide smile he said
“i’m sorry zerose! i think we have to end the live here. thank you for watching!”
— kim jiwoong
makeup stream
where you do his makeup
and he’s giving you those eyes yk 👀
the comments are going crazy bcuz of it
and when you do his lips, he smiles and it curves so perfectly (ahdguajskshaikahdh)
you accidentally went overboard with the glitter
but jiwoong pulls off everything so it still looks amazing
everyone loves what you did and your makeup style is trending 👍
“i think some glitter got stuck in my eye.”
— han yujin
i don’t know why but you both are face painting
but instead of face painting on yourselves, you face paint eachother
“i’m gonna make you into a piece of art” he says as he paints a streak onto your face
he stops to take a step back and look at everything from a bigger picture
and bursts into laughter 😃
you’re so worried abt what he did to you
he tries to regain his composure but laughs every few seconds
“what’s wrong? what did you do?” “nothing! i made you look very.. cool.” 😁
and then you look into a mirror and you look like shrek's offspring (yes, you get turned into a meme)
“this is my best piece yet! should i leave my signature too?”
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© keiwook
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butterfly-indulgence · 8 months
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[REDACTED] with an Idol!Angel 
aka [REDACTED] being nasty on main.
CW: Parasocial behavior, obsessive behavior, stalking, mentions of online bullying/harassment ([REDACTED]'s an expert in canceling someone)
As a (crazy) fan:
[REDACTED] is your biggest fan. And no, that is not an exaggeration. From his perfect attendance to all your lives and events to making several shrines dedicated to you, no one has them beat. 
When I say shrine, I don't mean just a small corner in their apartment. We're talking about rooms filled with your merch, such as your post cards, autographs, posters, plushies, pins… he has it all. 
They're very well-known throughout the online community. Other fans always see him on your posts and if you take a look at their profile, all you would see are posts relating to you and his "delulu moments" (screaming, keysmashing, reaction images and just general lovemailing). You're his star, his precious angel, and you always will be. You shine the brightest in their eyes.
[REDACTED] has bought all of your albums too. His music player is filled with your songs, and he's the type of person to blast it at 3 am while he's hacking. He's the only one living on one of the floors of his apartment building, so he's not disturbing anyone, is he? Either way, what's anyone gonna do? Arrest him? Good luck. He gets away with worse crimes than disturbing the peace.
Your love songs are his favorite. They make him feel giddy inside (and a bit sad. He wishes you were there to sing those sweet words to him face-to-face.)
Branching off from that, you bet he's buying voice packs. They get to hear your lovely voice? All the time if theywanted to? Just take their money.
He's been your fan ever since you debuted and he's very proud of his perfect attendance to all your lives and events. He always has front row seats, and he goes to the events ridiculously early. He's always the first one in line. Other hardcore fans know him and even asked him to join their fan club once. Which he declined. He doesn't want to watch other people gush and fantasize about his angel. The thought of thousands of people vying for your love already makes his blood boil.
You will inevitably recognize [REDACTED] due to their constant presence in events. Seeing someone with so much love and dedication is enough to warm your heart, so you make sure to thank him and give him some extra fanservice. If [REDACTED] didn't have any self control, he might have collapsed then and there. (God they want to hug you and kiss you and spoil you and treat you well and marry you and-)
Many people in the fan community jokingly label them as "that insane angel simp", but they have no idea just how far [REDACTED] is willing to go for you. He can easily obtain any type of information he wants so naturally, he knows where you live. He already set up hidden cameras in your home too. He loves watching you through the cameras; it's one of his favorite past times because he sees the real you. The real angel behind the flawless idol persona. He knows your likes, your dislikes (and he often finds out that the information you give out during interviews are mostly lies; you tend to choose quirky or unique answers instead of your real preferences - oh, you don't like this particular food? But Angel, you look so happy eating it at home after your concert <3), your hobbies, and little habits that even you don't seem to notice. What he doesn't like is when you collapse on your bed after a long day and just… cry. He hates seeing you in pain and wants to comfort you during your saddest moments, but he can't, so he directs his attention elsewhere to give you some privacy. Expect a gift and a fanmail filled with love and support in the next few days. It's his way of cheering you up.
[REDACTED] is one of those brutal fans that would attack anyone who sends you any hate or attempts to destroy your reputation. He has tons of burner accounts at his disposal, and he's not afraid of using them to bully, harass and threaten your haters. He won't stop until their online presence disappears completely. It's why your fan community is so peaceful. Because [REDACTED] shuts the haters up quickly.
[REDACTED] is perhaps your most dangerous stalker… but they're a great repellant for other potentially dangerous people. (A blessing or a curse. View it however you want.) As mentioned above, haters will not touch you, and your information will be under [REDACTED]'s lock and key. Personal information like your address? No one will be able to dig it up no matter how hard they try. Do you have a past controversy you desperately want buried? Consider the evidence deleted. Due to him pulling the strings behind the scenes, in the eyes of the public, you really are just a pure and wholesome person with nothing to stain your name.
[REDACTED] indulges himself a lot with fantasies of you. Just the thought of you is enough to get him going, really. Because of the cameras they put all over your home, they have a full view of your most private moments, especially when you're pleasuring yourself on your bed. It's thrilling how he gets to watch you do something so 'unpure', unbefitting of the idol image you carefully crafted. He would definitely stroke himself while watching you, moaning your name as their pleasure builds up. (Though if he hears you moan someone's name, expect [REDACTED] to do some research… and maybe pay the person a visit later.)
If [REDACTED] ever got to fuck you in your idol costume, he thinks his soul might just ascend to heaven (or descend to hell. Whatever.) It gets their possessive streak going. Your pretty lips, spouting words of love on stage while behind closed doors, your attention is all on him? You're giving him genuine words of love through your hazy mind with a blissed out expression on your face? He's done for.
He also masturbates using your pictures, and by the end, they would be crumpled up and stained. Honestly though? His room is heavily decorated with your merch so he can just grab something random off his shelves and he would still get off on it. 
[REDACTED] can get pretty creative when he's going into the woohoo zone and he has several toys he uses often. You're not there (and maybe you never will be), so he has to make something work. 
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myir0nlung · 11 months
hobie brown
IN WHICH, hobie sneaks backstage at a concert to chat up the lead singer of the band..
reader has no gender
“Right, thank you once again for being a fabulous crowd, goodbye!”
The small crowd of about 500 people roared with cheers and whistles. You couldn’t help but grin as you and your band mates walked off stage. Your drummer, Chaka, was buzzing with excitement.
“That was sooo cool! I know it’s only like 500 people but you it’s still so cool! They were cheering and some were singing songs and yeah, you know all that stuff?” Chaka exclaimed. She was a bit daft but it was alright, everyone still loved her. Your bassist, Sam, wrapped their arm around Chaka’s shoulder and pulled her in for a side hug. The three of you walked down the hall to the small lounge. Chaka was excitedly chatting about some punk guy in the crowd.
“He was like really scary looking but I just know he’s super cool with his close friends. You know what I mean? Yeah you should. Anyways..”
Chaka blabbed on about this mysterious punk guy to Sam as you arrived to the “lounge.” It wasn’t truly a lounge just a few beat up sofas with a coffee table in the middle and tech equipment littered around. Though your band has never had a lounge to go to after a gig so this was like luxury. A group of 3 guys were sat on a couch. They were so obviously just looking to hook up with one of you guys. It made you roll your eyes, but Chaka seemed delighted that people had come back here to talk to her. Sam mouthed to you “I’ll be watching her tonight” before following her to the couch. You just sat on a different couch and flipped through the magazine left on the coffee table.
It had must’ve been at least 15 minutes since you’ve sat down. The guys seemed a bit bored as Chaka chatted about which lipgloss she should use whilst Sam tried to deny the advances of some other guy. You leaned further into the couch, like you wanted to sink into it. The urge to leave was strong but where would you go? All your equipment still needed to be packed up. Suddenly the couch dipped next to you, causing you to jump slightly.
“Didnt meant to scare ya love..” A sort of deep voice spoke. You looked over to see.. a punk guy? Wait.. was this the guy Chaka was talking about? He slung his arm behind the couch and gave a grin.
“Say that show was bloody fantastic hm? Got real talent, all of ya.” He kicked feet up onto the coffee table, the thud from his boots earning Chaka’s attention. She gasped (very loudly) and pointed to him. Hobie laughed at her surprise.
“He’s the one I told you about…!” She (not so quietly) whispered.
“Aren’t I charming?” He teased. Chaka giggled and gave you a thumbs up.
“Make a friend (Y/N)! It wouldn’t like, hurt. Not at all!” She grinned and turned back to the men, who were eyeing Hobie next to you. Sam eyed him too, their eyes narrowed with their eyebrows furrowed.
Silence filled the space between you.
“So.. do you want my autograph or something..?” You questioned.
“Not at all love. Wouldn’t mind it if ya offer. Just thought you looked lovely on stage.” He shrugged at his words.
“Top tier performance. Would’ve been throwing flowers at you if I had em.” You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, covering your mouth to muffle it. Hobie grinned at your reaction.
“Trying to chat me up and I don’t even know your name.” You teased, but you didn’t know if it actually came across that way. You weren’t too experienced at doing this type of him, Chaka was.
“I like your style doll, the names Hobie. Hobie Brown.” Hobie introduced. You were about to say your name but he waved his hand in a way to tell you to not speak.
“Already know it. Wouldn’t be a true fan if I didn’t eh?” He had a shit-eating grin on his face.
You couldn’t help but grin back.
“Well well, if your such a big fan you wouldn’t mind leaving this place with me? Those creepy guys aren’t working their charm on me.” You tilted your head over to the guys who were trying to get closer to Chaka and Sam. Hobie raised an eyebrow at you.
“Trusting a stranger so easily? Didn’t your mum teach you ‘stranger danger’”. He teased. You rolled your eyes playfully.
“If I end up dead it’s better than being here.” You acted a little grossed out by the guys, just for dramatic effect.
“Well then come on love, I’ll take ya to my gig now. You wouldn’t mind playing guitar again tonight would ya?”
part two?
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mazeofyeni · 6 months
(🔴) ... [ NOW PLAYING ] [ STARSTRUCK] EP. 1 | 마크를 찾아서 !
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(🤍)... outfit for the video !
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"how does it feel to be home?" she turned to haechan. "what?" she said. "how does it feel to be home?" he repeated , mark rubbed his temples. "im not from la id- both of you stop it." she kissed the back of her teeth.
"do you know what 'starstruck' means?" the staff asked. "cece." jeno turned to her. "Wah, its jeno!" she said plainly. "that's what it means."
"mark?" "when you see a celebrity ... you're so surprised , it's something like that right?" he said. "when you see a celebrity?" jeno questioned. "uh- um i can't think right now." mark said, she laughed. "this is making it seem like we're dumb."
"starstruck means to be fascinated by stare like you." the staff explained. "told you." she said.
"today, we're giving you a special chance to repay starstruck kpop fans here in la." they all clapped. "that's great!" they boosted.
"todays reactions are going to be real." chenle said. "But!" the staff interrupted. "we can't just give you the chance... you must clear four quests today, to earn the food truck to repay your fans." the pd said. "we can do it!" They cheered each other on. "maybe." she said. "stop being negative."
"your first quest." they listened closely. "is to find mark in la." they were confused. "excuse me?" she said.
"we have to find a mark?" jaemin asked. "really? you're kidding me?" she asked, they all were a bit shocked.
"wow... this is going to be hard." most of them were a bit shocked and nervous about the quest. "i think it will be fun." chenle said. "la is pretty big and we're supposed to 3 of them, odds are crazy." she said. "and we can't count our mark as one?"
no they couldn't — they split up into teams. "let's do some shopping." mark joked.
they went into the apple store hoping to find a mark , sadly they couldn't film in the store , and there wasn't any marks in there anyway."
"this is so nerve wracking." she stressed. "like the most basic name and we can't find it." mark scoffed. "no offense mark." she said.
"are you sure there are a lot of marks?" jeno questioned. "where there any marks during school?"
"my teacher name was mark." the older boy said. "the boy who lived next door from me, his name was mark." she said. "and there were two marks in my class, so i guess we just have bad luck."
"this is really hard everyone." mark said. "this is like being dropped off in the desert."
"you go ask them." mark pointed. "who." she hoped he wasn't talking to her. "you go." he said. "b-but why." she said. "because you haven't asked anyone , go."
"but they look like they're my age." she said. "that's terrifying." she said, walking over to the group of people. "h-hi." she waved, they politely spoke back. "this is a weird question, but is there any chance any of you named mark?"
they looked at her confused , before shaking their heads. "no." she pouted, turning to jeno and mark. "no." she turned to walk away, but one of them stopped her.
"im a fan." she smiled. "you are!" she exclaimed. "oh my god." she laughed. "can i have your autograph." the boy handed her a pen. "sure." she quickly signed it. "thank you." she waved walking away.
"they knew who we were." she said, meeting back up with them. "they wanted my sign." she held on to jenos jacket to keep up. "but still no mark."
"people must think we're crazy." she laughed. "we're walk around asking if they're named mark with a bunch of cameras." she laughed at the situation. "our cece is going a little crazy right now." mark said. "she doesn't get out much." "im stressed."
"should we give up and go back?" jeno said after much walking around. "this is so hard." she said. "maybe we're just not looking in the right place."
they both started calling out the name, making her cover her red face. "this is so." she was going through it to say the least. "yo mark!"
"yeah?" someone said making her stop. "what's your name?" she asked the boy. "mark." she gasped, stopping the boys. "his name is mark."
"that's actually crazy." their mark said. "wassup man."
they exchanged pleasantries with the couple in front of them. "so do you have any plans for today?" their mark asked. "why does it sound like you're asking him on a date?".
"im gonna see frank ocean tonight." mark number 2 said. "im jealous." she said.
they finally found their mark, taking them back to where the others were, to meet the other marks.
"they're having a mark meet up." she laughed to the camera, listening to their conversation.
chenle and jisung finally returned with another mark, completing the mission. "finally!" she clapped. "we did it."
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 2 months
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*The text on the floor says "(I'm) tired" in Japanese.
Ahhhhhhhhhh I'm relieved the fact that I was crazy enough to finish the insanely long fan meeting report. The fan meeting was on March 17th, and it is now April 16th in JST. Huh, I've been writing fan meeting reports for a month? Yeah, I think it took me about 60 hours, including the report on Kodaka's autograph session...
Every day for the last few days I kept thinking "It'll be done tomorrow" or "It'll be done today" but it took much longer than expected. 😅 But I think it's all thanks to the many people who liked and commented and reblogged, so as I write in every post, I really appreciate those who read it. I just write what I wanted to tell someone or draw some illustrations to explain it, but it's been a wonderful experience to see your reactions and to know that there are fans all over the world who love RAIN CODE. I sincerely hope that the fandom will continue to grow in the future.
And I would like to announce to those of you who follow this blog: This blog will take a break from posting about RAIN CODE and will return to a blog where I will post mainly about Danganronpa again. I'm sure I'll be posting posts that contain spoilers for the Danganronpa series, so if you haven't played Danganronpa yet or have only played parts of it, please feel free to unfollow me.
I have no particular desire to increase my follower count, so feel free to remove me. Of course, I'm happy and very grateful for your interest in my blog! But if you haven't played Danganronpa yet, maybe you will in the future, or maybe you'll see a streamer playing it, and I think it would be best to avoid looking at spoiler posts for those times.
By the way, I still have a lot of desire to draw characters from RAIN CODE! At least I will post some art on the first anniversary of the game's release and on the birthday of Fubuki, my favorite character. Besides that, I have about 3 ideas for manga I want to draw for a crossover with Danganronpa, and I have more ideas for drawings and animations of the characters. (I really thought I would have posted more of these by now, but I'm sad that I haven't. Time flies too fast! 😭😭😭)
Anyway, thanks for your interest, including this post. Hope you have a great day! <3
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Hey, if your requests are still open, could you please do a sf9 reaction where they are out with some friends and with them there's also a friend of friends which is the reader and they never met before but they don't know the boys are famous and so they treat them as normal people?
Hello Lovely <3 I hope this is what you wanted xx
SF9 Reaction: When you don't know them
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Youngbin meets you through friends at a small get together. You begin chatting and he realises how much you both have in common. When you ask him what he does for a living he finds himself smiling and awkwardly looking at his feet. He finds it incredibly cute that you don't recognise him and tells you he works in music management, not really wanting to give himself away. As you spend more time talking together, he eventually asks for your number and invites you on a date where he plans to open up more about his job.
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When you both meet at a birthday dinner for a mutual friend, he finds himself inwardly laughing when you ask for his name upon being seated next to him. He can't help but feel drawn to you and keeps dropping not so subtle hints as to who he is. Eventually your friend pulls you to one side and pulls up Inseong's details on the internet to save you from further embarrassment as you were the only clueless one at the table. You find yourself apologising several times and telling him you enjoy his music. A few days later he builds up the courage to ask the friend for your number as he can't seem to get you out of his mind.
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Jaeyoon can tell by the look on your face when you're introduced to each other that you have no idea who he is, so he ends up deciding to run with it. He is the type to make up an elaborate story about being a lion tamer or racing car driver and enjoy the cute/shocked look on your face. He finds you so innocent and adorable that he can't keep himself away from you. Eventually when someone else joins the conversation and asks him about his groups comeback, it eventually clicks in your mind who he is. You apologise profusely and he just waves it off as nothing. Definitely will ask if you want to make it up to him though by allowing him to take you out and how could you say no to that face.
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You reach out to shake his hand and ask for his name after being introduced and his eyes grow to be the size of saucers. Dawon will laugh at first thinking its a joke but eventually will realise you're being serious. Ends up taking you by the hand to the nearest table and passing you a headphone before putting the other in his ear. Makes you listen to several songs and feels proud when you recognise some. Tells you that you need to meet up regularly for more SF9 lessons, but really just wants to spend more time with you.
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Zuho's group means everything to him and he is so proud to be apart of it. When the two of you meet for the first time, he is shocked when you don't know who he is. He seems like he would take it quite personally so you end up in a long discussion about SF9's discovery and you can't help but smile and how cute and passionate he is when he explains it all to you. He continues to discuss it whilst walking you home and the only way to stop him from talking is to kiss him.
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Everyone's eyes are on him when he enters his friends open day party for their new clothing store. You see alot of people taking pictures and asking for autographs. You however slink into the corner having no idea who he is and racking for brain for ideas. Your friend would introduce you both and you find yourself asking what he does for a living...best to be upfront instead of pretending to know. You see his eyes widen a little before a smile settles on his face. Once he explains who he is, he realises that you haven't gone into a fan girl moment like alot of people do upon meeting him. Spends the rest of the evening hovering around you and finding himself jealous when another man approaches you. After you break away from others to get yourself a drink, he would be super open and ask you out on a date.
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Taeyang is another one who would be open about his career when you first meet. He isn't too shocked you don't recognise him but he definitely uses the opportunity to get to know you more whilst explaining about himself. By the end of the night you are both entrapped in a discussion about music, movies and the meaning of life. His softness and warmth makes you feel a sense of comfort you didn't know existed. It will be you who makes the first move by passing him your number and kissing him on the cheek before quickly leaving the venue. Safe to say you already have your next several dates planned together.
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Hwiyoung would enter your friends birthday party looking all cool and dripping with confidence. Confidence which is knocked when you ask for his name. He can't work out whether your joking or being serious so would just stare at you blinking waiting for you to waiver. Eventually once he has gotten over the small shock he explains who he is and can't help but feel butterflies in his stomach when you recognise their newest song. Hints heavily about you coming to a concert they were having and takes your number to send you the details, whilst secretly planning to ask the group on how he can ask you out properly.
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Nothing really fazes Chani so he's not in complete shock when you don't recognise him at an art show held by your friend. He can come off as quite distant and you're not quite sure why at first. Chani would be quite happy to let you talk and get to know you better before dropping the bomb that he's a famous singer and actor. Would awkwardly ask you out and pass you his number before turning on his heel and leaving you stood there dumbfounded.
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Forever - Jamie Bower x reader
Jamie Bower x reader (she/her pronouns used)
Summary: Jamie wants to propose, Y/n doesn't want to get married, but they both want one thing. To stay with each other. Forever.
Warnings: swearing? i think that's it
Type: honestly idk, like angst? a little? maybe fluff? idk it's just a story
Word Count: 1073
A/N: Let's just ignore the fact that Jamie and Y/n would immediately be swarmed with fans the second they stepped outside. Also first real fic so if it sucks, sorry!! I hope you enjoy! <3
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When Jamie had taken you to your favourite restaurant you knew he wanted to propose. Well, that’s not really how you knew. It was more the buildup of all the slightly strange things that he’d been doing for the past month. Like him being on call with your parents for over an hour a few weeks ago and hanging up with a huge smile on his face. Or like him being caught in antique shops and jewellery stores multiple times within the last few months, as well as his “casual” questions asking about your feelings for him, not to mention him insisting you wear your best dress to dinner with him (that’s usually your job) and the fact that he hasn’t requested that the restaurant be closed for the night so the two of you can eat in peace like he usually does.
And although you loved your boyfriend with all your heart and would gladly spend the rest of your life with him (no kids though, you find children to be way too much to handle), the idea of marriage is… not really something that’s interested you. 
It’s understandable really, the reasoning behind your distaste for getting married. And there’s nothing against other couples doing it, it’s just something you personally didn’t want. A big part of that comes from your parents. Your divorced parents. Because no matter how much they claim they still love each other as friends and that there’s no bad blood between the two of them, the amount of times you’ve heard both rant about the other is astounding. And when you grow up hearing about how “your mother became insufferable the minute we got married” and “oh, sweetie your father is an amazing man and he’s one of my best friends now, truly, we just didn’t seem to work as a married couple”, it takes a toll on you.
So obviously, you’ve been a nervous wreck all night. Even more than Jamie, honestly. The night was coming to an end as you were both finishing up your meals, and you noticed your lover starting to get a bit more fidgety. You were absolutely dreading this. 
The server comes back to take your empty plates from you and you clear your throat awkwardly. This whole meal has been awkward. He’s nervous, you’re nervous, so besides talking with the many fans who’ve come up to you asking for photos and autographs, it’s been completely silent. 
You had been trying to avoid pulling out your phone, but it got to the point where it was so awkward you couldn’t even talk to him. You whipped out your device, and watched his face fall. Ignoring him, you opened Messages and searched through your photos to find a funny picture you could send to him. 
You settled on a selfie he had taken while drunk half a year ago. His hair was tousled, some of it sticking to his forehead, and he was making the stupidest version of the duck face you’d ever seen. You hit send and put your phone back in your pocket, watching to see his reaction. 
Immediately, you heard Jamie’s phone ding with a notification and watched as he pulled his phone out and immediately burst out laughing. 
“What is this from?” he asks, the tension finally broken.
As you’re about to explain, the server comes back with the biggest fucking ice cream sundae you’ve ever seen. With a giddy smile on your face, you look to Jamie in confusion. “Did you order this?”
“About that…” he trails off and you’re absolutely mortified when he gets on one knee. He pulls out a small velvet ring box and he opens it up for you to see the ring he’s picked out. “Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, I’ve been dreaming about this day the moment I met you at the Counterfeit concert where you walked right into me and called me a “fucked out asshole” . I love you from the bottom of my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, Y/n, will you marry me?” 
And he says it quietly enough that only a few tables notice the scene. You don’t know what to do. You really do want to spend the rest of your life with him, but you just don’t want to get married. 
“J, can we talk outside?” His face falls and your heart shatters in a million pieces for him. A single tear falls from his eye and he tries to wipe it away quickly, but you still notice. He nods, and you pull him out the restaurant and thank god the streets are quite empty tonight. 
“Look,” you start, “I… I love you, Jamie, I really do. I just don't want to get married. Not like, not to you, but just in general, you know?” He shakes his head, repeatedly wiping his eyes. 
“It’s like… you love me right?”
“More than anything.” 
“And I love you more than anything. So… why do we have to prove it?”
“What?” His voice is soft, vulnerable, and you know you have to be very careful with you next words.
“I just- I just don’t like the idea of marriage in general. It’s like, we both love each other, so why do we need to throw a big fancy party about it? Why do we have to wear rings to prove that we love each other?” 
“I- I don’t know. It’s just what people do. To bring their relationship to the next step.”
“But that’s the thing, J, can’t we bring our relationship to the next step without marriage? It’s just something I’ve never wanted to.”
It’s quiet for a few seconds, and you’re so thankful when he starts slowly nodding his head. 
“I think I get it,” he says slowly. “We just, like pretend we’re married? Kind of?”
“Yeah, kind of.” 
Jamie pulls you in for a hug, arms wrapping around you tightly. “As long as you’re with me forever, I don’t give a fuck whether or not we get married,” he whispers, before pulling you in for a kiss. But not a sloppy or lustful kiss, it’s soft, gentle, meaningful. Like a mutual promise “I’ll be with you forever.”
And when you finally pull away, you offer him a cheeky smile and say, “Can we go back in now so I can eat my dessert?”
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jksj0030 · 16 days
Okay so I have a small update on my headcanon of the kids that I believe SatoKasu would have once older and married. I started a whole story that I have yet to complete but I’m getting ideas. If you don’t remember it was these 3
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Anyways I have to redraw the older twin boys one day but I made an updated drawing of the girl(In the drawing above she’s meant to be about 7 years old) and how I think she would look as a 10-11 year old so here is that.
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So like I said before I have so many ideas for this story that I started. Since it has to do with a future and past storyline naturally I had to think about future pairings and other new ocs that tie into the plot. For example I needed to think of okay these are the kids but who are their family besides their parents? You know the beauty of open endings and fan ideas right? It’s that anything can happen or you can believe anything happens according to your ideas. So I started with Violet/Ayame Misty’s older sister since she plays a role in my story. Now you would never guess who I ended up pairing her with in my headcanon but let me show you.
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So yeah the beauty in fan head canons right? Now some of you might say Alain??? Why Alain??? He’s from a whole other region?! So hear me out on my vision. We know how Misty’s sisters are personality wise. We know they’re adored by people all around the world especially with confirmation of that in MPM from Cilan who recognizes them even with being from Unova. Anyways as Misty said in my fanfic “it’s nice to see her sister humbled for once/they need humbling”. For the sensational sisters I can’t see them ending up with fans/admirers(sorry Brock🤣) except one which is the youngest one(misty ending up with ash who is her first fan technically but not like how most fans act as we can imagine and not because of the sensational sister name but because of her skills with pokemon and battles as we saw ash’s reaction in sun and moon). I haven’t thought about who I’d pair Lily with yet but I know Daisy would end up with Tracey based off their moments in chronicles. So I was thinking about who to pair Violet with because of her role in my fanfic. Since the plot starts off in Kalos I couldn’t help but think it would be hilarious if Violet ended up with Alain just because it would be so unexpected.
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In my fanfic I had a scene in which Alain is lowkey fangirling over misty when they meet shocks ash and the rest of the Kalos group after he asks for the girls autograph. Bonnie teased the Kalos boy about them not expecting him to be a fan of the Sensational sisters only for him to say who? Because he was a fan of misty now a member of the elite four of Kanto.
So basically Alain has no clue who the sensational sisters are even with their popularity around the world. So when Violet meets him not being used to a guy who didn’t chase after them ends up unconsciously getting closer to Alain. What I mean is she doesn’t purposely try to change his stance but ends up becoming closer/friends with him naturally. She falls first in this case which takes her sisters off guard because she never does. Alain I would imagine is dense for a while thinking she really wants to be close friends until one day he realizes he actually likes her more than a friend. Though it takes him a while to confess because he doesn’t know if she likes him that way(she does) and him being him hoping not to ruin something he is certain they do have(their friendship) ends up just thinking this small crush will pass until it doesn’t and he just breaks one day and admits it. He doesn’t care or notice that a whole fanbase despises him just for existing and breathing close to Violet🤣(ash ends up respecting his carefree attitude towards the situation since he’s been feeling glares behind his back as well for dating misty not realizing at first that Alain simply does not notice or care for these fans🤣). Anyways that’s how they end up together and how the Ketchum kid trio gets their cousins. A girl who’s the oldest and just a few months older than a seven year old daughter of SatoKasu and a younger brother who’s five years old. This is how I drew them aged up
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Honestly I’ve been debating the boys design so I have a few more drafts. I headcanon he dyes the top of his hair black when older. Anyways I hope y’all liked my small headcanon and here’s an older SatoKasu with Ash having a slightly different hair style thanks to the advice given by their daughter
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rabbitenn · 8 months
Kyouko Kyouko! Her is my first request~ Can I request Tenn with an idol!s/o who returned in the work recently (they were in a hiatus for some reasons) and who wears different wigs while going on tv/on stage as to not get fans while doing normal things like dating or groceries (sorry it's oddly specific ops) thank you in advance~
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Suisai — Japanese. Meaning ‘watercolor.’
Because no matter what, you were his favorite shade of love.
ft. Kujo Tenn x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, romance.
hello, love ! thank you so much for requesting <3 I apologize that this took a while to complete, I still hope I managed to write this to your liking and that you enjoy, mwah !
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— Shades of ash and steel hung over the skies the day the famed idol [Y/n] announced their temporary hiatus from the stages. Reactions from fans were as diverse as the colors of the sky just as the sun dips behind the horizon, but a gloomy mood helplessly settled over the crowd.
— You needed a little respite after your last tour, having powered through concert after concert, no matter if you were coming down with a cold, tired from late nights or the sky was pouring down.
— Plus, the fame you had gained throughout it all brought more and more fans into your daily life: when you went grocery shopping, taking walks, to cafes… You were happy seeing their smiles when they recognized you and asked for autographs, you really were, but a small part of you was growing weary with so little privacy.
— Thus, the decision was made, your agency having approved too.
— Even your boyfriend, the renowned Kujo Tenn from TRIGGER, was relieved to hear you were taking care of yourself. Obviously you teased him about it, seeing how he always pushed himself to give his 110% for his fans no matter the circumstance.
— Poking his cheek, you smirk in amusement: “Look who’s talking.” Which is met with big maroon eyes looking to the side. “If I recall correctly, you left your hospital bed once to perform, even if you were on the brink of fainting, huh?” Another poke, to which he pouts, cheeks taking on a rather vivid tint.
— “This is different.” He mumbles. “Your health and comfort are important to me, my love.” He sighs, guiding your head to rest against his chest. Both because he missed you during your tour, and so that you don’t tease him for blushing like this anymore.
— But just as one fateful day, your temporary break was announced, sunny skies greet the overjoyed cheers of an audience as they get in line to enter the venue.
— “[Y/n], back on stage.” Different neon signs and luminous panels announce, as the crowd can barely contain their excitement. Images of you litter the space outside the building, except there’s a difference in your looks this time.
— You’re still pretty much the same as before your hiatus, except your usual hairstyle is kind of different now, both in color and styling. You chose soft pink for this occasion, with twin half pigtails. Of course, Tenn’s signature color; you really want to feel the way his hand reassuringly squeezed yours before going on stage, throughout all your performance.
— Plus it seems the public likes the new image, for as you make your final move and sing the last note of the evening, deafening applause engulfs you, in a cacophony of shouts: “So happy you’re back, [Y/n]!” mixed with “You look so cute!”
— And thus, your colorful hairstyles became your trademark. From pinks that reminded you of Tenn’s loving kisses, to dusky purples, to midnight blues, to sunny shades of gold, you always managed to impress your fans with a different styled wig at every concert and music video.
— But, of course, the masses’ expectation and anticipation as to which color and style you will wear next were not the main reason you settled for this approach.
— Because now, your daily life is much more peaceful; despite your job offers for commercials and shows having increased since your return, rare are the occasions in which you are stopped in the middle of doing your daily life activities, given that you don’t don your signature colorful wigs off-stage.
— Which, in turn, makes your love life a lot more private too.
— With the added bonus that Tenn loves seeing you in all the different hairstyles (he cherishes the quiet intimate moments the most, in which you are your natural you, however).
Early october air brushes through tree branches, the patches of sky visible through them, a mosaic of lavenders fading into candle-flame oranges.
The ambiance is balmy, a little hot for this time of year, although not unpleasant.
Then again, how could anything ever be less than lovely when he was by your side?
Your head gently leans on your lover’s shoulder, the calmness of the park you currently sit at lingering around you, in an ebb and flow of unsung melodies; a unique pattern of notes following the path of evanescing sunbeams.
Svelte fingers comb through the soft strands of your hair. Today, you wore it in his favorite style for you: just natural. Your own hue, reflecting the dipping sunset; tresses let loose.
This was Tenn’s idea of perfection. You were his idea of perfection.
“Isn’t this nice, my love?” You ask him, lashes fluttering closed, your cheek squished against your boyfriend’s form.
Tenn’s gaze lands on you, molten rose quartz reflecting dawn light over snowy heavens. A soft smile curls his lips, as he wraps an arm around you.
“Indeed.” He muses, with a tender kiss to the crown of your head. “As much as I like giving my fans the best performances and seeing you on stage,” his head rests on top of yours. “This quiet… I like it.” Your lover breathes out, hand finding yours, fingers laced over your touching knees.
Now it is you who reaches out to gently peck his cheek, caressing his flushing skin.
“You’re adorable, Tenn.” You chuckle, as you wrap your arms around him, staring into the watercolor horizon.
A group of teenage girls practice a dance routine not faraway from where you and your boyfriend are sitting.
You know it by heart, it’s the one from your debut song, after all. They don’t seem to have recognized you. You smile fondly; a stray football comes rolling, softly hitting Tenn’s shoes. With a reassuring smile, he passes it to the redhead child that comes running after it; an elderly couple sit on a bench a few meters away from you. You smile at the sight, they seem to be so in love.
Resting your chin on your hand, you glance in your beloved’s direction.
Snowy locks flutter in the wind, akin to a halo, like the approaching moon’s.
“What’s on your mind, dear?” You ask him, tucking a few strands of hair behind his ear.
Turning around slightly, the idol removes his scarf, draping it over your shoulders instead.
“Mostly how the sky reminded me of you just now.” Tenn utters, tucking the comfortable piece of cloth closer around you. “Its colors. They shine, like you always do.”
“Really?” You giggle, amused.
“That’s right, my love.” He brushes the hair out of your eyes. “You’re like dawn, or dusk, or starry nights, full of light, bringing joy to everyone. And you make me fall in love with you every single time.”
You stand there, a little mystified at his direct words, heat, enough to replace the fading sun’s, rising to your cheeks.
What a charming angel he was.
“You’ll fluster me!” You whine, burying your face deeper into his scarf.
“You’re rather adorable like that too.” Tenn whispers, as his hand finds the side of your face, those eyes that mirrored winter sundowns drinking in every lash and pore that constellated your lovely features.
As the sky paints itself in shades of violet and dreams, Tenn extends his hand to you.
You take it, and together, you walk, not under stage lights this time, but under the stars.
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blood-and-pizza · 3 months
How Melissa Pomene met each of her animatronic boyfriends for the first time:
Glamrock Freddy: Met him 3 years prior to working at Fazbear Estate, at the Pizzaplex, during her 35th birthday. She had been celebrating by herself. She briefly met Freddy in his green room for a photo and his autograph. Freddy was apparently so taken by how cute she was that his handler took notice, and teased him about it. "I'm gonna tell Bonnie, I'm gonna tell Bonnie!" he chanted. Poor Freddy had to beg his handler to stop embarrassing him in front of customers.
Funtime Freddy: Met Melissa on the day she first arrived at Fazbear Estate. He and Bon Bon had lured the rest of the maintenance team out of their house, leaving Melissa alone. Funfred and Bon Bon then tried to take Melissa by surprise in order to scare her, a tradition they carried out with all new maintenance team workers... but they didn't count on Melissa fangirling over them the moment she saw them, apparently a huge fan of theirs through FNAF. Funfred had been all set to hate Melissa just for being human, or heck, being a replacement for another maintenance team member he'd actually liked. But... she genuinely seemed happy to see him. Not a reaction he typically expected from human adults. Funfred ended up confessing to Melissa that he and Bon Bon were originally going to scare her, but now he felt bad about it. Melissa told him, "Scare me anyway!"
"Wait, really?"
So Funfred opened up his faceplates and shrieked in Melissa's face. Melissa screamed so loudly, the entire estate could hear it. She did manage to calm down, and even complimented Funfred on his technique, but Funfred was basically in awe of how loud and high-pitched she was.
"Do you SING with that voice, my little scream queen? Because that was music to my ears~"
Ever since that day, it became a weird game the two of them would play. Melissa would go about her business at the estate, working on animatronics and socializing with them, and whenever she least expected it, Funfred would appear out of nowhere to scare her, in the hopes of making her scream again. Melissa usually did scream, but this was always followed by her chastising Funfred before chasing him away. She never told him to STOP scaring her, though. And this game didn't affect Melissa's apparent desire to socialize with Funfred either. No matter how many times he scared her, she kept going back to him... and considering she was the only member of the maintenance team that actually wanted to hang out with him, that meant a lot.
Montgomery Gator: Melissa didn't actually get to meet Monty until he arrived at Fazbear Estate with the other Pizzaplex animatronics, mere days after the attraction had burned to the ground. Melissa was stunned by how attractive Monty was, her mind basically turning to mush whenever he spoke to her. Monty didn't realize she found him attractive, interpreting her dumb silence as... well, her being dumb. Monty also wasn't fond of how much Glamrock Freddy seemed to like her. Not that Melissa cared. Even when Monty privately came up to her and warned her to stay away from Freddy, all she could do was stare at him admiringly with a big stupid smile on her face. In other words, Monty didn't like Melissa immediately, but Melissa was a huge simp for the gator from the very start.
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dystini · 1 year
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Santino Michael Ferrucci
I debated how to start this for far too long. I’ve tried to be more or less impartial in these lore posts but I simply cannot manage to do that here.
Santino Ferrucci is a bad person. When half the Indycar field (or more) has publicly expressed distrust/disdain/dislike for/of a person, it’s hard to argue with. When Conor Daly doesn’t like someone and told them so to their face, there’s a problem with that person. When Josef Newgarden publicly burns someone on Twitter, there’s a problem with that person.
It begins when Santino was in F2. He deliberately made contact with his teammate after a race and was banned for 4 races. He forced that same teammate off the track in another race and was disqualified. He drove his car between paddocks while using his phone. He tried to run a "Make America Great Again" livery. In F2. In Europe. He was fired from his team for “behavioral issues, and non-payment of money required by contract.” Said behavioral issues where racist comments to his teammate. (See several of the videos below for details).
He has remained largely unapologetic for all of this, what little apology he has made has been of the “I’m sorry you’re upset by this.” variety. Now, it’s been five years since this all occurred, and some people might argue that surely he’s grown and matured. Perhaps. He’s not so vocal about his politics now. But he embraces the idea of being a ‘villain’ and has made little effort to make friends within the Indycar paddock, a paddock which is notorious for being very friendly. Add in insulting and picking fights with a man very well liked amongst his fellow drivers, Conor Daly.
Conflicting stories arise of his treatment of fans. I have heard that he’s been very friendly and good about giving autographs. I’ve also heard of multiple people nearly being run down by Santino in his golf cart at races. Both can be true. He’s not a complete idiot and knows that positive fan interactions are good but he is also careless. A large portion of fans do not like him but he does have his supporters. I’ve provided all the information I can for you to make up your own mind.
Conor Daly's epic reaction to Alexander Rossi vs Santino Ferrucci! The unusual story of Santino Ferrucci… What's the deal between Santino Ferrucci and Conor Daly? (I admit to being a Conor stan and I don’t agree with the commentary here but it does lay out the facts) A CAREER OVER?! Thoughts on the Santino Ferrucci Scandal in F2 @santinoferrucci says his battle vs. @conordaly22, @josefnewgarden and others is about home country pride. I Am Not Here for Your Santino Ferrucci Redemption Arc MP 382: A Conversation with Santino Ferrucci Josh Berry Gives The Middle Finger To Santino Ferrucci In NASCAR Xfinity Race At Phoenix Santino calls Conor a wuss on Instagram and the ensuing conversation.
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Birthdate: May 31, 1998 Hometown: Woodbury, Connecticut Residence: Dallas, Texas Height/Weight: 5’4”/116lbs
Rookie Year: 2018
Team: A.J. Foyt Enterprises
Follow him on: Instagram Twitter
Career Stats
2018: 4 races with Dale Coyne Racing - 27th Overall 2019: Dale Coyne Racing- 13th Overall 2020: Dale Coyne Racing w/ Vasser-Sullivan - 13th Overall 2021: 5 races with Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing - 24th Overall 2022: 1 race each: Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Juncos Hollinger Racing - 28th Overall 2023: A.J. Foyt Enterprises - 19th Overall
FIA Formula 2 Championship 2017: Trident - 22nd Overall 2018: 14 races with Trident - 19th Overall ( Banned for 4 races, disqualified from a race and then fired)
NASCAR Xfinity Series 2021: 7 races Sam Hunt Racing - 37th Overall 2022: 2 races with Sam Hunt Racing - 60th Overall
-At just 11 years old, Ferrucci was featured in an article for GQ magazine as a karting prodigy. -After his karting career, he raced in GP3 Series (now FIA Formula 3) and FIA Formula 2 and became the youngest winner of a British Formula 3 race, at age 16. -Ferrucci enjoys golf, gaming and movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe off the track. -Nicknamed Santucci, amongst many more derogatory names.
Fanfic Lore
Villain, on the rare occasion he is used.
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fff777 · 6 months
Finally watched the Invincible Youth videos
Episode 1
I watched the teaser "interview" videos that each of the members did and they were all talking about joining a dance competition.
They're trying to film it like a reality show, as opposed to typical idol variety content, which I think could be interesting.
Any problem there is, Sicheng calls for Kun-ge.
Actor Sicheng sneaking into Hendery's homework. I know it's about the dance competition but they set up a second plot for this. Like there was absolutely no need but this is fun now I want to know what's going on lol.
Ten roleplaying as an American transfer student.
Kun: Speak some English for us. Ten: Can you understand it though? Kind of a burn.
Oh yeah I remember now, Ten's interview had a whole ass subplot where he wanted to join the competition to show his crush that he was actually cool and a good dancer lol. Sicheng thinks it's romantic.
Ten: Give me 10 seconds, because my name is Ten haha
Oh no now Ten is adding ANOTHER subplot where he was actually Captain Kun's fan.
The way Hendery tried to be dramatic by turning around and going "I want you" like he's a judge on the Voice.
The way Hendery is manspreading right now.
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Kun's the one who's worried because he's like "what if he's actually joining the team only because he wants my autograph and he wants to eat with me??" You know these guys are famous because of their massive trust issues about getting close with fans.
Xiao Dejun, another fan.
Xiaojun getting teary eyed about his dreamz.
Hendery and Winwin are so chill about letting people in while Kun's the one who's all scrutinizing and shit.
The way Hendery was biting his lip before Dejun even began
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Don't laugh, don't laugh
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Crying from Dejun's ~*~PASSION~*~
I wonder how much of that Dejun planned and practised lmfao.
It's the way Dejun sings his entire accompanying track himself while dancing XD Also the Michael Jackson impression XD Someone's been hanging out with Haechan
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I don't think I've seen this dance of Kun's that now both Ten and Dejun have performed but it is certainly the in joke right now among the team
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Kun: We'll call you :)
Hendery being 睇好你! XD
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Dejun left with a final hearteu, definitely a fan
Yangyang also roleplaying as an American transfer student.
Yangyang ALSO bringing up Kun's dance video
Sicheng and Hendery getting with the "太可憐啊!!" agenda wrt Yangyang's story.
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The light green rug that the guys stand on keep getting wrinkled and bunched up because they're dancing on top of it.
LOL Yangyang just making constant unmoving eye contact with Qian Kun.
The way Hendery says 對 like he's just speaking Cantonese lol.
Sicheng and Hendery trying to convince Kun that he's being a hardass :3
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Oooh Hendery's applying for a transfer? The plot thickenssss
Dejun: I can dance ALL of the Latin dances
Ten showing off his long legs from ballet and Dejun showing off his waist from dancing Latin dance XD
Ten feeling up Dejun's ass (real)
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Btw ever since I saw Ten with the ponytail I thought he looked so cute with that hairstyle :3
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Yangyang relaying the gossip he heard to Ten and Dejun.
I did see a short video (tiktok?) before of WayV in front of a screen saying something like the second annual Weishen High School dance competition (or something like that) and I wonder if that is related to this.
The man, the legend
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Dejun's over the top reactions XD He's building his variety arsenal, isn't he
They're dancing to Nectar heh.
Yangyang and Kun were sooo enjoying it when Kun was correcting Yangyang's dancing.
WayV rings!!!
Thought Ten was just wearing a normal hoodie underneath his blazer. Nope. Sleeveless Balenciaga hoodie.
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Ooh ok plot tension. XiaoTenYang keep messing up the dance and Kun is like ugh guys come on while Sicheng and Hendery are like it's ok, let's try again!
Trust Kun to do the lecturing ^^;;
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Dance is not ready, team is in shambles
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Yangyang let slip that Hendery wanted to switch schools and Kun was like u wot m8?
LMAO they have the ads underneath like kdramas except they're all fake ads XD
Weishen Senior High as the location sponsor
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WayVlicious as the food sponsor
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Zhenni Uniform Store as the clothing sponsor
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WayZenNi as official sponsors
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Episode 2
Hendery being like who fucking told you?! at Yangyang
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Yo Hendery is speaking from the heart here. Yeah it's acting, but if I was thinking about a situation where I had to leave my friends not of my own choice, I think I could conjure up some tears.
Sicheng breaking character because of the stolen valour XD Xiaojun was like "look, Kun, did you take this photo for him?" in an attempt to mend the relationship between Kun and Hendery and Sicheng was like "that photo was taken by ME!!!!!!!"
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They're going to win with the power of friendship and competition!!!
Getting their game faces on
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Yangyang putting foundation on Dejun's chest and abs
Omfg Kun inspecting his face
The guys primping Hendery to help his nerves
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Hendery: 等會可以嗎? Kun: 可以啊! 我們有啥不行啊? Kun is such a parent lol.
Xiaohen :3
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They let him do his dance during Nectar ToT
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Dejun doing his Michael Jackson routine during the dance lmfao
So they just had Hendery play two roles lol
Yangyang unmasked
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LOL we get a conclusion to the Ten crush saga in which the girl likes a teammate instead ToT
And then with the power of the narrative Hendery doesn't have to change schools lol
LOL a scout had sought Dejun but...for a dog model
Ten: I've been learning ballet since I was 3, for 10 years. Sicheng: You're only 13 years old?
Kun and Sicheng sharing headphones :3 (that aren't plugged in, if you see the other end lol)
Kun kept throwing the food AT Yangyang instead of throwing it up for Yangyang to catch lmao
The guys could NOT hold it in when Kun and Hendery had their big argument scene
The way ALL of them kept turning around because they couldn't stop laughing X'D
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Oh man this was soooo fun. It reminded me a bit of Dream's blind dating show where there was a rough story line but they mostly improvised. In this case, there was a harder story line and they made it more like a drama with a story than just a few static cameras. I hope WayV gets to do more stuff like this because it was so fun!!!!!!
0 notes
djuna01 · 1 year
“Innocent Love: A Kwangya City Melodrama”
In the bustling city of Kwangya, a young woman named Seulgi lived a humble life. She worked as a waitress at a small diner and lived in a tiny attic above a movie theater. Despite her hardships, Seulgi was a passionate dreamer, and her greatest dream was to meet her favorite movie star, Irene.
Chapter 1: A chance encounter
One day, as Seulgi was watching a movie from her attic, she saw Irene in the theater. Irene was observing the audience’s reaction to her latest film and seemed disappointed. Seulgi mustered up the courage to approach her and asked for an autograph. She told Irene how much she loved her, and to her surprise, Irene smiled and invited Seulgi to her mansion for dinner.
Chapter 2: A fateful meeting
Seulgi was over the moon as she dined with Irene. The two women talked and laughed, and Irene was fascinated by Seulgi‘s insight and charm. However, their evening was interrupted by the evil Lord Sooman, the movie studio executive. Lord Sooman blamed Irene for the failure of her latest film and threatened to ruin her career. Seulgi stood up for Irene, and Lord Sooman tried to hit her. In the heat of the moment, Lord Sooman died by accident.
Chapter 3: A selfless act
The police arrived and Seulgi, fearing for Irene’s safety, lied to the police and claimed that she was the killer. Irene tried to tell the truth, but no one believed her, except for Inspector Wendy. Inspector Wendy and Sergeant Yeri investigated the case and found that Lord Sooman was actually a crook who had been embezzling money from the studio.
Chapter 4: A plea for help
Irene visited the famous gossip columnist Joy to ask for help. Joy wrote a heartwarming article about Seulgi and how she was just an innocent movie fan who was in love with Irene. The article touched the hearts of the people, and they rallied behind Seulgi.
Chapter 5: A happy ending
In the court, Inspector Wendy and Sergeant Yeri proved that Lord Sooman was a drug addict and that was the cause of his death. Seulgi was released, and the people cheered and applauded. Irene hugged and kissed Seulgi, and the two women finally confessed their love for each other. The film studio was saved, and Irene‘s career was restored. Seulgi and Irene lived happily ever after, making films and spreading love and joy to the world.
And so, the story of Seulgi and Irene became a classic melodrama that was remembered and cherished for generations to come. Their tale of love and courage inspired countless others to chase their dreams and never give up. For in a world full of darkness, a little bit of love and courage can light up the way.
Seulgi is sitting by the window, looking at the stars and humming to herself. Suddenly, she hears a sound coming from below. She leans over the edge to see what is going on and sees Irene walking into the movie theater. Seulgi’s heart skips a beat.
Seulgi walks up to Irene and timidly introduces herself.
SEULGI: Excuse me, miss, I’m Seulgi. I’ve been a fan of yours for as long as I can remember. Could I have an autograph, please?
IRENE: Of course, my dear. What’s your name again?
SEULGI: Seulgi. I live in that attic up there. (gestures to the window) I watch all your movies from there.
IRENE: (smiling) How wonderful. You have such a passion for films. Why don’t you come to my mansion for dinner tonight? I would love to hear more about your love for films.
Irene and Seulgi are having dinner, talking about films and life. Suddenly, the door bursts open and Lord Sooman walks in.
LORD SOOMAN: Irene, you’re finished! Your last movie was a complete failure, and you’re ruining this studio’s reputation!
SEULGI: (defending Irene) That’s not true! Irene is a talented actress, and she always gives her best performance! How dare you blame Irene for your own mistakes? Your studio’s lack of marketing is what led to the movie’s failure.”
LORD SOOMAN: (angrily) Who do you think you are, talking back to me? (raises his hand to hit Seulgi)
Irene steps in front of Seulgi, protecting her.
IRENE: Stop it! You have no right to hurt anyone!
LORD SOOMAN: (out of control) You’re always standing in my way! (lunges at Irene, but falls to the ground, dead)
Seulgi is sitting in a small room, being interrogated by Inspector Wendy and Sergeant Yeri.
WENDY: Miss, can you tell us what happened at the mansion last night?
SEULGI: (tearfully) I killed Lord Sooman. I was defending Irene, and he just fell down and died.
YERI: Miss Irene, what do you have to say about this?
IRENE: (firmly) Seulgi didn’t do anything wrong. Lord Sooman was a drug addict, and his death was an accident.
WENDY: Nobody is going to believe that, miss. It’s your word against hers.
Irene visits Joy, the famous gossip columnist.
IRENE: Joy, I need your help. Seulgi is being accused of murder, and nobody believes the truth.
JOY: (excitedly) This is the story of the decade! I’ll write a piece about Seulgi, the innocent movie fan who fell in love with you. The people will love it!
Inspector Wendy and Sergeant Yeri are presenting their findings in court.
WENDY: Your honor, we have evidence that Lord Sooman was a drug addict and that was the main cause of his death. Seulgi was just trying to protect Miss Irene and had no intention of killing anyone.
The judge nods, and Seulgi is declared innocent. The crowd erupts into cheers and applause.
Seulgi and Irene are standing at the window, looking out at the city.
IRENE: (turning to Seulgi) I can’t thank you enough for what you did. You’re the bravest person I’ve ever met.
SEULGI: (smiling) I just wanted to protect you. I’ve loved you for so long, ever since I first saw you on the big screen.
Irene leans in and kisses Seulgi, sealing their love for eternity. The two women stand hand in hand, watching the sun set over the city.
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