#and all of a sudden jake just has an armful of a screaming kid
mikakuna · 2 months
do you think some random toddler has come up to jason, looked up at him, lifted their arms until jason picked them up and then just latched onto his nipple through the shirt? when the milk doesn't come, the kid just starts rubbing his chest and wondering where it is.
all of a sudden jason has a handful of a sobbing toddler while the toddler has a handful of his left tit
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Could you please pleasepleaseplease p l e a s e continue the halfa cass post? I'm dying for some more of it, it's SO GOOD
The first thing Cass notices about the Fentons is how utterly silly they are. She had been expecting a group of far more regal people, especially with the castle they lived in and being protected by Phantom.
She still doesn't really understand what's going on, but she can piece together that Phantom is in charge. The people who had stopped to stare at her all whispered about the King, and she could tell that a few of them gained helpless hope by the mere sight of her.
If they were truly trapped here, then her appearance meant there was a chance of escaping.
But were they trapped because of Phantom? Dan mentioned the Fae's costumes of tricking humans into signing slavery contracts with a feast. Had Phantom done the same?
"Maddie!" Dan yells at the top of his lungs, floating towards the draw bridge. "Maddie, I think you want to look at this!"
"What is it, sweetie?" A woman calls back, quickly followed by an explosion in the left tower. Cass stiffens as the window of the tower is flung open, and a woman in an overalls sticks out her head. Behind her, black smoke rises. "I was just making headway in the latest Fenton Escaper!"
"Really? How's that going?"
"It exploded! There is nothing left!" She beams, pulling her oversized goggles off her head. They leave a black outline around her eyes. .
Dan's body language doesn't show his surprise at her failure. In fact he seems oddly amused. It must be a common thing."I supposed that's good?"
"Oh, it's wonderful! Jake is going to be so happy that it reacted quickly to the new element!" The woman chirps. "He's out with Danny, gathering some more supplies for our people."
"They went hunting without me?"
"You know you're grounded, young man."
Wait, was this woman Dan's mother? Could the dead have parents? Or was it more of an adoption relationship?
"Yeah, Yeah, I know. Anyway, Maddie, I wanted to introduce you to the new arrival-"
"You brought a girl home!" Maddie cuts him off, flinging herself out the window. Cass would have rushed to her aid were it not for her apparent control as she spun into a landing. "Hello there! I'm Maddie Fenton! Dan's mother from another timeline, welcome to the family!"
Cass could tell she was going for a hug before the hug arrived, but she was still somewhat surprised by how forward Maddie was. Oddly friendly in a way no one in Gotham dared to be. Unless they were crazy like Harely. She can only blink as the woman wraps her up in an embrace, her muscles belying her small frame.
A fighter. A rather skilled one at that.
"I was so worried Dan would never find a partner!"
"Maddie! She's not my girlfriend!" Dan hisses, "She's a kid!"
"I'm twenty-one" Cass corrects
"A baby," Dan insists.
"Oh, that's a shame. She's gorgeous- from what I can see with the mask. The grandchildren would have been beautiful." Maddie sighs, letting her go. Then, it seems the woman noticed her features for the first time because she looked startled. "Are you a living human?"
"Worst. She's a halfa," Dan responds. Maddie's upper body goes rigid, and Cass can see thousands of emotions go through her—shock, denial, awe, wonder, glee, despair—to name a few—before she settles on one.
"Jazz! Dani! Come here!" She screams, and Cass only has a few seconds to step away from Maddie's sudden craze before another glowing blur speeds towards them.
It's a younger version of Dan but female. She stops just short of ramming into Dan with a giggle. "Made you flinch!"
"You did not."
"Did, too." The girl, nineteen maybe, insists but twists to Maddie while speaking. It doesn't seem like she thinks about whether she is correct. Cass wondered if she should say that Dan really did not flinch. Besides his hair swaying slightly by the gust of wind she created, he hadn't moved from his crossed-arm position. "Who's this?"
"A new Halfa!" Maddie cheers.
The girl's friendly demeanor crumbles into horror. "What?"
"I know- isn't this exciting?"
"No, Mom, it means she died." Yet another voice sighs. "What did we say about our science?"
"Not to let it overpower my morals and to be tactful of other feelings." Maddie quotes with an eye roll, though Cass can tell she's not bothered by the reminder. Strutting from the castle draw bridge, the only one that uses it is a beautiful woman clad in a purple sleeveless dress.
She moves with the confidence and elegance Cass had expected of a Queen. It's when she stands next to Maddie that it becomes clear they are mother and daughter- almost all her features are a copy of Maddie. "Hello there. I'm Jazz Fenton. I heard you've been through a horrible ordeal. I'm very sorry for your loss of life."
Cass blinks at her, then shrugs. She isn't sure if she is grateful that Damian's ninja mask is still across her face, keeping her amusement hidden.
Jazz smiles even wider. "Welcome to Phantom's Keep. We welcome you inside."
Hmmm, well, no, Cass did not like how she said that. Sounded a little too Fae-like for her taste.
Jazz isn't aware of her unease as she gestures to the castle. "We have some questions on how you arrived. See, Dan and I thought you had died and placed you in the sector for new ghosts. Dan was supposed to greet you and get you settled. But your new status changes everything."
Was Jazz....Phantom?
If so, Cass needed to be careful how she continued interacting with the woman. She didn't want to get stuck here for seven years, either. She had a family she was going to get back to.
"Where is Cass? She hasn't checked in for days," Bruce asks his children, looking over everyone's logs. Her last entry was twenty-four days ago, a short "Investigating Amity Park—pending field report" blinking on his screen.
"I'll ask Raven." Damian volunteered. "She should be able to give more insight into Cass' mission."
"Thank you, son."
Bruce hoped the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach was just untreated paranoia like his children liked to claim and not that something had happened to his daughter. He never liked it when his gut feelings were right.
They were never a good reason.
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Avatar fanfiction The way of War chapter 3.
This took five ever to write so please let at least one person appreciate it ha ha. This chapter is all Spider, and next will have Jake and them. Warning there is slight torture in this one, so yeah, but it isn't too long at all.
With a sudden change in position the boys eyes fluttered open and he instantly became wild, jumping up in a panic and yelling in the empty room he had gotten to know so well last time he was on their ship.
"let me go! You can't do this! " He frantically screamed, "not again.." he muttered in defiant defeat, knowing he was outnumbered and the chances of escape were slim.
Spider sat back down on the cold white floor and held his knees to his chest as he tried to calm his mind once more.
There was something distressing in the boys behavior this time around, something that made Quaritch feel tainted or sickly even. He had not intended to let his past memories and traits affect him as such, and so he pushed it all away and to the back of his mind.
Watching Spider get emotional had made the older man puzzled over his own intentions, he has had a moment of pure weakness and he now sees it clearly.
"I need you to be out of the way, and this time I won't lose." He spoke knowing the boy could not hear him, yet somehow to satisfy his past. He flipped the lights and marched his way out of the viewing room and towards the main deck, let the kid have time to think about his next actions.
Quaritch left the boy alone for a few hours as the medicine wore off throughout the night. He was unable to get much sleep and found himself up and running through lockers for clothes. The sun was barely escaping night's grasp as the man sauntered down the many halls of the ship.
"on standby" he ordered one of his men before using a key code to open the door to room 4B.
The sound of the door hissing and swinging inward had Spider leaping if not instantly towards the door. "oof!" the air left his stomach as he was halted in mid-jump by anothers' long forearm.
"get off of me" he groaned and quickly jumped back and out of reach, his eyes like daggers as he stared the man down.
"you know where Mr Sully is, so let me go" he declared, almost begging.
The colonel stood with arms crossed against his chest as if quietly awaiting the boy to finish his tantrum before beginning to speak.
"hm, yes, that I do- but Jake Sully still thinks im dead.. " He rolled his shoulders and stretched his back out casually and with a watchful eye on the other. "I'd like to keep it that way. Makes things..." He shifted to crouch down again to Spiders level. "Simple. And I do like simple" He adds with a wide grin and a wink with the click of his tongue behind his teeth.
"You know kid.. This could be just as simple for you if you let it be"
Spider figured he had been taken to hide the fact that he had regretfully saved the man whom hunted Ajake. He was now much more calm and collected as he made faces expressing each way he was feeling about the topic at hand. Gritting teeth and hissing sharply as the other finished with an ultimatum.
"I will *never* help you.. You hurt people, I am Na'vi! I'm not like you." He responded with a quick glance back towards the door.
Quaritch stay low even as the other raised his voice at him again, and he also noticed the boy's eyes shifting gaze towards the exit.
"Don't try anything funny, kid... You wouldn't make it far" He suggested reading the other's plans through body language.
"So" Standing up he towered over the still-crouching boy and narrowed his eyes to appear more authoritarian. "We gonna do this like before? Or are we gonna have to do it the hard way?" The elder asked in a lazy and almost let down tone.
Spider looked from the door back to the man now threatening harsh retaliation if rules were not followed, it reminded him of Sully; which made his chest seem more hollowed.
"No" He spoke his short but firm reply in thick na'vi whilst looking away at the wall, Quaritch would have to kill him before he ever was tamed.
"I'm not you, everything bad is you, I won't be apart of your plan" His voice was steady yet felt far away from him, and he refused to look back.
"Jesus kid, you sure are hard headed, I'll give you that" The colonel stated in disappointment and yet pride. "The hard way it'll be, don't say I didn't warn ya" he moved to the door and with a soft heavy sigh he opened the door and let himself out.
Hours had passed with what felt like years as the boy stay huddled in the corner too focused on planning a way out to hear the approaching footsteps. In a split moment, the door swung open and a group of four soldiers entered forcefully and rushed towards Spider who had fear in his eyes.
"No! Let me go! No! You can't do this!" he hollered being half dragged back to his feet and grabbed by all men. He fought back as well as he could, kicking and trying to throw a punch in their direction. The sound of skin connecting with brute force echoed throughout the illuminated room. Spider coughed out in pain and reached to hold his stomach where he had just been struck, body going into shock as he is rushed out and down the hall.
His feet dragged slightly as they stopped him at the ships dock, handcuffing him before loading him into a helicopter where the General stood waiting with a blank stare.
"Nice to see you again, Miles" She said giving him a sickly sweet smile. "Take off in three, two-" she ordered as the helicopter began its descent.
The boy did not speak to the monster of a woman he found himself trapped with, glancing around in wonder of where Quaritch was.
Another soldier forcefully put the boys mask over his face as the others applied their own with haste and precision. Spider bit the mans hand in the process and earned another hard jab to the side, crippling him to the floor.
"Assholes" he spat through a groan.
"The colonel seems to think harsh discipline would not break you, but I've learned in time that everything breaks with enough force added" She plainly admitted, sipping from her mug and sighing in content as they stay silent the entire ride down to the forest bed. "take him out" She ordered and walked by them to exit the vehicle.
Quaritch found himself in bewilderment when seeing the room that held his son now vacant of any living thing. He stormed up to the front and curtly demanded to know the boys current whereabouts.
"General took him to section A12, sir!" The man behind the desk responded standing fully attentive.
"Ready copter 2, come on lets go!" He ordered and stalked off to jump up into the helicopter now being started up.
Spider was forced out and into the grassy floors of pandora's forest, something he had missed.
"I won't tell you anything" He assured himself out loud, knowing the situation was in sinister tastes.
"I don't care. " She threw her hands up and gave a laugh. "Your decision is vital, mostly to you. Your still considered a traitor of our people, your people. You've let down your country Son, and I will not tolerate insubordination. " She nodded to the men surrounding the kid and two reached to grab him by his tied wrist, pulling him down and forcing him to his knees.
"last chance, Miles" She tilted her head with a raised brow, angrily huffing as the boy just hissed loudly at her attempt of getting information. "As you were"
One man gripped onto the mask the younger was wearing and snapped it up and off with a quick tug of his wrist. This caused Spider to gasp out and frantically claw his way to his life support. He could breathe for now, but very quickly he would run out of oxygen and suffocate, and he tried to reach with both conjoined hands, but he was pushed and tugged back to the ground.
Quaritch was barely a minute from where she must be taken the boy, -his boy-. He stood with his gun ready and impatient to the time it was taking. Finally the sound of the other chopper came rushing the colonels ears, and he signaled to be lowered on his rope.
Once at the bottom he jogged quickly over to the group of men holding his son flat against the planets earth. "General!" He called in disbelief as he noticed the boys mask was misplaced and he was struggling to breathe. "This isn't tactical, we need him, " He tried to reason with her, unable to stand there watching he moved to push the men off of the kid.
"Breathe miles, breathe" He ordered as he snatched the others mask back and replaced it firmly against his face with shaking hands.
"Colonel... You dare step in between me and that traitor? He is not your son, he will never be" She said with anger dripping from her harsh worded truth. "This is your last chance, you have one day to get me some information on what he may know of Alpha 313" She demanded and turned to storm away and back to her vehicle.
Spider huffed and sucked in the air as his mask was returned to him by Quaritch, and his hands clutched at the mans arm, still in shock of what had just transpired.
"You... Saved me" He croaked out through a hoarse and dry voice, looking up at him with wild wide eyes.
"Don't worry about it, just breathe, kid" He fought back his emotion of how distraught the older man had felt seeing his child suffer in such a way. "Ready to try it my way?" he asked as he stood up and offered a hand down to the boy.
Spider didn't speak but complied in the others question as he reached hesitantly to take the offered support he needed.
"Good boy" Quaritch slightly teased, giving him a good pat to his back, trying to hide his true expression of guilt.
Once back on the ship Quaritch pulled the boy aside as gently as he could before settling on reassuring the boy that he only could keep him from the Generals grasping hands.
"You really need to start listening to your elders, son" He sighed and stood up straight with one hand reaching up to scratch his chin absently.
"From now on do as I say and we won't have to experience that again, understood?" He said with warning.
Spider nodded two quick nods wanting this conversation to be over so he could be alone to fully take in what all he was feeling. When the man refused to let him go he frowned through an exasperated sigh, and with a huff gave a quick "Yes sir" before being lead now back down the hall.
A few hours more and he found himself once more being visited by the Colonel, this time the man held something bundled under his arm, and a tray of food.
"Thought ya might be hungry" The man said now sitting the tray down on the bed. He walked to the desk opposite of the bed and placed the bundle of neatly folded clothes on top.
"If your going to be here, your gonna have to dress like it" He ordered softly.
Spider of course did not seem too pleased by the idea of wearing the clothes that were brought, if any at all. He gave a sour look over at the stack before turning his attention to the food.
"What is this?" he asked, pointing to the white liquid sitting in the tall metallic glass.
"Milk. If you don't like it we can substitute water" Quaritch retorted, giving a genuine smile before it fades to a frown.
"Hurry up kiddo, we've got to run a sweep, someone on the island is prepping to leave" He states with a slight urgency to his voice.
"It's not Mr. Sully" Spider muttered absently as he held the glass up to examine the white water inside.
"Oh? And who would be leaving if not Jake?" Quaritch tried to pry a bit deeper, just to see what he could get.
"*None of your business, dipshit*" He spoke perfect na'vi to the man now struggling to interpret his sly words."He doesn't tell me anything, I don't know anything" He admitted, his shoulders falling as he did so. "I'm not a Sully" He adds with a tilt of his cup as the milk swirls around to the other side. "I'm just the water boy"
Quaritch sighed feeling sorry for the other who was obviously upset about not having a family, something understandable and alike in himself.
"Look kid, " He bent low to be closer to where the kid sat height wise. "You've gut guts, the way you stay loyal to Sully is enough to show me you are not just the water boy" He spoke slow and casually as to not make this a sensitive moment, he could never be the kids father.
"Now if your done moping, we've got ourselves a flight to catch" He added in a more playful and laid back tone. Standing and moving to the door before nodding to the clothes sternly. "Dress first" he ordered, stepping back out into the hallway to wait.
Spider said absolutely nothing as he was reassured that he was valued in some way that made him feel less like an outcast. Watching the other move away now and lean against the doors frame, Spider scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Sir yes sir" He mocked with a contorted facial expression to go along, but the man turned and left, leaving Spider with no way of defying his demand prior.
"*I am na'vi, I am na'vi*" He chanted quietly as he stood and reached for the softer fabrics of sky people clothing. He didn't bother with the shirt and tossed it behind him before spending a good amount if time figuring out the camouflaged pants. The underwear was foreign and also ended up on the floor before the kid gathered them up from the floor and tried to flush them down a toilet.
"I want to go home" He stated once he walked out to join the man awaiting his presence.
"Soon, kid, just follow my lead" He winks at him again before leading the way to the ships deck where his mountain banshee stood lingering back.
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katiesharms · 2 years
if you got feelings for me, you just gotta speak honestly
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summary: “I love you,” she tells him plainly and waits.
a/n: here is the last part of the series! it was also written to fulfill the august prompt 'love'. even though the series is over, i welcome prompts in the universe! title from 'what's it gonna be?' by shura, like every part of this universe
The first bump in the road comes about two months into their first deployment post-Mission. It’s honestly surprising to Nat, that it takes that long. But their relationship comes so naturally, to both of them. Sure, there are arguments and misunderstandings, but the two of them figure it out easily together. She’s mostly just happy. 
Two months after deploying, they get their first shore leave. It’s three nights docked in Hawaii, a true luxury. Since they’re pilots, their shore duties are slim to nonexistent, so Natasha is looking forward to letting loose in paradise. She and Jake are even getting a hotel room in town, just somewhere for them to go where they’re not sharing space with other officers. It feels like the first real test of their relationship outside of the walls of the carrier and the forced proximity of deployment. Sure, they had that week after the mission before they redeployed, but that was influenced by the adrenaline high of being alive against all odds and the honeymoon phase of their relationship. Ashore, it’ll just be the two of them, no distractions of work or other pilots.
Nat’s not worried, not really. She knows they love each other. It feels obvious when they’re together, even if they haven’t said it in so many words. Neither of them is very good with their words, preferring to show rather than tell, and that’s fine by her. Or, it has been. Something in her is telling her it’s time to say it, to voice these feelings out loud. If they love each other, they should tell each other. Share it so they can share it with the world. Her mom used to say that when you’re in love, you want to shout it from the rooftops. She’s never felt that way before, until now. Now, she wants people to see her and just know. Know that she’s in love and is loved in return.
When they get to the hotel room, Jake finds her lips immediately, pulling her into a deep kiss and backing her towards the bed. She giggles when it hits the back of her knees, and she lays back on it and lets Jake climb over her. 
“Wait, wait,” she says as he starts snaking a hand up her shirt.
“I’ve been waiting,” he practically growls into her neck.
Laughing softly, she pushes at Jake’s chest until he pulls away. She cups a hand to his cheek, running her thumb along his cheek.
“I love you,” she tells him plainly and waits.
Waits for too long. He doesn’t say a word, just watches her, an unreadable expression on his face. It’s an uncomfortable silence, and when she realizes he won’t be breaking it, she feels like a fool.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” She pulls herself out from under him and swings her legs off the bed to perch on the edge. Jake just settles quietly next to her.
“What do you want me to say?” he asks quietly, and she can hear the earnestness in his voice.
“Well, when someone tells you they love you, there’s usually a pretty acceptable response to that.” She pushes off the bed, full of frantic energy all of a sudden, and stands in front of Jake to watch him, arms crossed over her chest.
He looks distressed, as if he truly is lost, floating through murky waters. She wants to scream; this should be the easiest thing in the world for them.
“I just,” he starts, scratching his cheek nervously, “I don’t know if I can say the words.”
“You don’t know if you can say the words,” she repeats flatly. “That’s bullshit, Jake. If you don’t love me, just say it. Don’t dance around it.”
“Baby, you know how I feel about you. How I’ve always felt about you.”
“Do I? Why don’t you spell it out for me, make sure I understand?”
“I, I,” Hangman starts stammering and Phoenix can’t take it. Her jaw is clenched so tight it’s starting to hurt, and her eyes are hard as she watches Jake stumble through whatever bullshit he’s trying to pull.
“You’re such a fucking child,” Nat spits out and turns to leave. “Talk to me when you can communicate like an adult,” she throws over her shoulder as she storms out. Spending the night on the carrier is preferable to this. 
It turns out her roommate is off on land with someone, so Natasha has the room to herself. She’s halfway to a fitful sleep when an aggressive banging jolts her up. 
What the fuck, she thinks as the bangs on the door start to lose steam and coordination. 
“Babe,” comes a slurred call from the other side, and of course, it’s her boyfriend, drunk. “Just open up. Wanna talk.”
Phoenix allows herself one small scream into her pillow before opening the door for him. He practically stumbles into her room, pushing himself up against the door frame. 
“What do you want, Jake?” She’s exhausted and wants to get this over with so she can just go to sleep. 
“Why don’t you believe me? Why can’t you see how I feel?”
“I know you love me.” His face visibly relaxes at that, a grin starting to form. When he leans forward, she holds up a hand to stop him, causing the grin to turn into a pout. He’s adorably expressive when drunk. “I still need to hear it, though.”
“Why?” he practically whines. “If you know, why?”
Why indeed. She knows he loves her, she’s known since they got together. His love is a constant presence, ensconcing her even when she’s alone. She can feel it, always, Jake’s love for her. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to hear it.
“I don’t want to spend my life never hearing ‘I love you’.” It’s honest, raw in a way she’s not used to communicating. “Maybe you need to think about why you can’t say it.”
“You want to spend your life with me?” It’s so hopeful, and of course, that’s what Jake took from what she said. 
“I want to spend my life with someone who can express their feelings.”
“I can do that for you. I promise I can.” He’s looking at her so eagerly that she’s actually starting to believe it. 
“Look, Jake,” she pulls him fully into her room. She doesn’t want him heading back to the hotel like this, already worried about how he even made it to her room. “You’re drunk, so just sleep here tonight. We’ll figure this out at  another time.”
She gives him her bed and crashes on her roommate’s, ignoring Hangman’s pout as she makes her way to the top bunk. When she wakes up, at sunrise, he’s still snoring below her, so she sneaks her way out quietly. She’s not quite ready for the conversation. 
She spends the day mostly alone, exploring the port town they’re docked in. The weather is lovely and even if she would rather be doing this with someone, she still enjoys her day. 
He finds her in the late afternoon, sipping a fancy juice on the beach. 
“How’d you find me?” she asks as he sits down next to her. 
“I, uh, called your sister. You share your location with her.”
“Remind me to kill Elena. That’s for emergencies only.”
“It was Julia, actually.” And damn, both her sisters can be so annoying. 
“I called my brother this morning,” Jake starts, when it’s been silent for a good stretch. “I figured if anyone understands, he does.”
He pauses, so she looks over at him and finds him already watching her, gauging her reaction. She nods for him to continue. 
“Growing up, I never heard someone tell someone else they loved them. Maybe my grandparents to us, a few times. But never my parents, or my siblings. When my high school girlfriend told me she loved me, I sprinted in the other direction. 
“Those words have always felt fake, wrong. My parents don’t need to tell me they love me because they show me. Same with my siblings. We all love each so loudly, so obviously, that the words are redundant. So they became this, like, mythical thing, this specter over all my relationships. I mean, if I can’t tell my family I love them, how can I tell someone else?
“My brother said he had the same problem, early on, with his wife. But, he told me it’s normal, to want to be told someone loves you. To hear the words. So, Natasha Trace, I love you.”
It’s like a weight has been lifted off her chest. She's beaming, can feel it at the corners of her mouth. She feels as though the love that follows her around has doubled in size. Jake is smiling, too, watching her react with a soft expression.
“Now that I’ve said it, I’m never going to stop,” he continues. “I love you, I love you, I fucking love you. Nat, I lov-”
She cuts him off by practically jumping him, kissing him with so much passion that it’s probably inappropriate for this public beach. She can feel him, against her lips, still whispering, I love you, I love you, I love you.
“Jake,” she huffs out when they break apart, “I love you, too.”
“I’ll never get tired of hearing that.” She rolls her eyes but leaves it be. She’ll never get tired of hearing it, either.
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hauntedppgpaints · 10 months
While your blood is boiling (1/?)
Word count: 3430
Content warning: mild gore & body horror, body modification
Characters: Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Kris Letang, Bryan Rust, Tristan Jarry, Jake Guentzel
Sidney’s certain the beginning of the end starts much earlier. The world is a big place, after all. But he only really notices it when it happens right in front of him, on the ice.
Ovechkin has- gone insane? His eyes are certainly wild enough to seem insane. But he’s not attacking anyone, or screaming random words, or any other random depictions of insanity Sid’s seen. Ovechkin is… he’s manic. A slam into the boards that’s clean as can be, and he’s suddenly writhing on the ice, clawing at his back and shoulders like he’s trying to peel his skin off . The sudden onset scares Sid, and he skates away to give the trainers and medics room. He can hear Ovechkin repeating something, voice a harsh hiss but volume quiet enough to not be heard by fans.
“Останови это-”
“What’s he saying?” He asks Geno quietly, once he’s reached the other Penguins at center ice. Some of the medics have had to restrain Ovechkin’s arms, before he can get under his jersey and actually start scratching at his skin. Geno skates closer briefly, to listen to Ovechkin’s litany. Geno blanches, and skates back to center ice, pale as the ice below them.
“Make it stop, make it stop. Again and again.” He replies, and Capital One Arena watches as the medics strap Ovechkin to a stretcher, arms held in place, and wheel him off.
They finish. The celebrations are subdued, as was the rest of the game, honestly. Everyone’s thoughts are on Ovechkin, and the way his eyes rolled wildly in their sockets, the way his sides heaved as he tried to claw his own skin off. It leaves most players rattled.
His gums are sore.
He hadn’t taken any big hits to the face at the game, so it doesn’t make sense.
It feels like when his first tooth, his bottom left canine, was coming loose as a kid. But for all of his teeth.
The skin on his lower back, and around his ears, is itchy.
Really fucking itchy.
It’s when his nails come back stained red that he realizes what’s happening. He stops, blinks, and sighs.
Takes a shower.
And goes to sleep.
He can deal with whatever Ovechkin’s given him in the morning.
Sid sleeps like the dead.
“You get a shiver in the dark, it’s raining in the park, but meantime-“
His alarm raises him like the dead, too- Dire Strait’s opening guitar guiding him from deep sleep to dozing, and the sudden crooning voice jolting him awake. He flails his hand towards his phone, sighing quietly when he manages to turn the song off. When he opens his eyes, he can immediately tell there’s something wrong. He’s laying in a half-dried puddle of his own blood, for one thing. There’s also a small pile of- he has to run a finger through it to make sure- his own teeth. All of them.
Somewhere, deep in his head, there’s a horrendous, hitching laugh building. Nothing about this is funny.
Sid crawls out of the blood-soaked bed, cringing harshly at the feeling of rough bedding peeling away from his hyper-sensitive skin. The boxer briefs and oversized shirt he sleeps in offer no protection from the suddenly frigid air of the hotel, or the way the sheets seem just tacky enough to yank at every hair on his chest and legs before letting him go.
He stumbles out of bed, and is immediately hit with a wave of soreness. His whole body feels sore, like he got bag skated three days in a row. The muscles in his calves are twitching sporadically, as are the ones in his forearms. It reminds him of puberty- gangly arms and legs growing so quickly the muscles can only flail as they hurry to catch up. He doesn’t notice that his shirt, previously reaching the top of his thighs, now only barely covers his belly button.
A quick glance at the bed- two big bloody spots, one near his head, the other near his hips, a pile of teeth half hidden in pillow fluff- and Sid turns to the bathroom. He needs to wash the blood off.
Sid flicks the light on, wincing and blinking slowly as he adjusts to the light level. He turns the sink on, and lets it get to an acceptable temperature before he begins to scrub at the blood on his face. He’s managed to avoid looking at himself in the mirror so far, but he needs to make sure the blood is coming off.
The massive bathroom mirror doesn’t hide anything.
The first thing Sid notices is his hair. Along the sides, he still has his normal short brown curls, but in the middle, he’s somehow grown a mohawk. It’s relatively short, only standing at a point an inch or two above the rest of his hair, but the shade is definitely lighter than his natural color. He reaches a shaking hand up to run it through the hair, to verify it’s actually real hair, and the texture is coarser than his normal hair, but it’s definitely real. He moves his hand back, and finds that the mohawk goes all the way down his head, and it keeps going.
He turns at the waist, and catches sight of the mohawk continuing down his neck and shoulders, only tapering to a point just above the small of his back.
The next thing he notices are his ears. Or, rather, the lack of them. Where his ears sat previously is now smooth skin and a continuation of his hairline. Further up his head, just under where his skull starts to really curve to become the top of his head, is a set of… what look like big dog ears. They flare out wide at the base and taper up to a point at the same height as his new mohawk. As he takes in his new appendages, they twitch back and forth, to and fro, listening for something he isn’t really processing at the moment.
Sid finally meets his reflections’ gaze as he turns back to face forward, and startles back at what he sees. His eyes- the white part of his eyes is gone. No, wait- when he widens them all the way, he can see a little bit of the sclera(?) surrounding the deep brown iris that now takes up most of his eye. There’s still a normally sized, round, black pupil in the middle of his eye.
So he’s got that going for him. Great.
Sid reaches a hand up again, but instead of going for his hair this time, he goes for his mouth. The pile of teeth on his bed flashes through his head as he peels his upper lip up, and- yep. A new set of teeth. He opens his mouth wide now, rictus grinning at the mirror. Elongated canines, molars much bigger than they used to be. He slams his mouth shut, and the force rattles his brain around.
The sound that’s been building in his head and chest bursts out of him, now. A hitching, keening laugh that sounds nothing like his regular honk. He claps a hand over his mouth, shame coloring his cheeks red.
A sudden crash from the room next door shakes him out of his panic, and a quick scrub over his mouth gets rid of the rest of the blood. He yanks his baggiest sweats on- why are they so tight now?- and steps into the hotel hallway.
As soon as Sid steps into the hallway, he notices that he’s not alone. Kris and Tristan are both peering out of their doors, hesitant to step out of the gloom of their rooms. He can see that Tristan is definitely different- there’s a huge set of horns sprouting from the goalie’s head, curling back and down and up around a new set of ears Sid can barely see.
“You too?” Sid asks, and blushes at the sound of his voice. It’s higher pitched, softer than it was before… whatever happened last night. Tristan nods, opening his door all the way and stepping into the well-lit hallway. Kris peers out at them, glancing back and forth between his teammates before stepping out as well. It takes Sid a moment to notice that Kris’s ears are gone as well, changed and moved up into his hair. They’re small, barely managing to move his hair as they shift back and forth.
“All of us, I think.” Tristan speaks up, nodding down the hall. The other two turn, and notice some of their other teammates opening their doors, reacting to both the loud crash and voices in the hall.
Rusty stumbles out into the hallway, slim but long wings bumping into the doorway hard enough to make Sid wince.
Jake literally trips over his own feet and rolls out into the hallway, golden ears blending into his golden hair, and a fluffy tail going a mile a minute.
“What the hell-“ Sid mutters, jolting to attention when another crash echoes out of the unopened room next to his. “Geno!” He calls, hurrying to the door and knocking loudly. His knuckles leave behind perfect indentations in the faux wood of the door.
He blinks, glances over at Kris as he approaches. “Don’t know your own strength, Sid.” Kris chirps, and Sid can only breathe a small sigh of relief when Kris’s voice is also different- soft and higher pitched.
Movement from inside the room startles them, and the door is suddenly flung open, slamming into the wall with enough force to rattle the frame.
“Jesus, G,“ Sid croaks. Geno is… he’s huge. Geno was already a larger man, but there was some lankiness to his frame. Now, he’s pure bulk muscle and sinew, and his shirtless chest is an animal’s pelt worth of dark brown hair. He’s going to have to duck down to get through the doorway. His eyes, previously dark brown, are now almost completely amber-gold.
“Sid, something- здесь что-то не так- something wrong-“ Geno’s voice is a rough growl, coming from deep in his chest. As he talks, he keeps accidentally biting down on his lips with newly elongated teeth, making blood drip down his chin.
“Geno, take it easy-“ Sid starts, grabbing Geno’s arm to steady him. Kris glues himself to Geno’s other side, and together they ease him to the floor before he falls.
“Don’t talk, G, or you’ll bite through your lip again.” Kris speaks up as he ducks into the bathroom to grab a washcloth. Sid can see Geno’s arms and legs twitching and flexing like his were earlier- growing pains. In the doorway of Geno’s room, Rusty and Jake are both hovering, wanting to help but not sure how. Tristan is a little further back in the hallway, talking to someone Sid can’t see.
Kris returns with a wet washcloth, and starts to gently clean the mess that is Geno’s lower lip and chin. As he cleans, Sid can see that Geno’s sides are heaving, like he just got off of a brutal shift on the ice. “Geno, take a deep breath for me?” He asks, hands going from his linemate’s elbow up to his shoulder. “Don’t need you passing out on us.”
Geno glances at Sid, amber-gold eyes half-lidded in confusion, but he takes a few more panting breaths before he heaves one big sigh. Three more like that, and some of the panic seems to ease. Kris finishes cleaning his chin, and nods.
“You’re clean, G, but I would definitely be careful when you talk, until you get used to the new teeth. You’re not the only one like this.” Kris assures, tossing the washcloth into the bathroom before sitting down on the ground next to his linemates. He reaches behind himself, and pulls forward- a tail. Dark brown and gray fur, slicked down with water. It’s a little longer than his forearm, and tapers down to a wide point. Sid thinks it looks like an otter’s tail.
“Sid, you too.” Rusty speaks up from the doorway. What?
He reaches back as well, and feels along the top edge of his sweatpants to- oh. Yeah.
He pulls it around himself, and finds a tail. Around the same length as Kris’, but his is big and fluffy, with the fur coarse like his new mohawk. He shakes his head and lets the tail go. Instinct takes over, and it tucks itself under him.
“I- I have new teeth, too.” He bares his teeth in a mean grin, but it feels awkward. Geno’s eyes are flitting between everyone around him, taking in all the new… appendages, before he nods.
“What animals?” He asks. Jake perks up.
“I think I’m a Golden Retriever!” He says, ears perking up in his hair. The tail behind him is thumping against the doorway.
Rusty, who Sid only now notices is completely shirtless, runs a hand over his side. There’s a new muscle group on his chest, starting just under the pectorals and spanning down to above the waist. The muscle is twitching under his skin, and the wings are slumped down, trying to rise in time with the twitches. “Some sort of hummingbird? There aren’t a lot of birds with wings this long.” The primaries are trailing behind him on the ground, and Sid knows that can’t be good for them.
Behind them all, Tristan seems to jolt up, as if he just had an idea. He runs back into his hotel room, and comes out a minute later with- his hockey suspenders? He holds them out to Rusty, who takes them after a long pause.
Tristan rolls his eyes. “I’m sure it’ll get tiring, letting them drag like that. This way, you can bind them up to your back.”
Rusty lets out a noise of acknowledgment. “Good idea, thanks, Jars.” He twists back to try and grab a wing, but pauses. “Uh, could one of you-?”
Jake steps behind Rusty. “Okay to touch?” He asks, hands hovering over the arch of one of the wings. At Rusty’s nod, he gently cups the arch of a wing, and slowly pulls it up until it’s resting in what seems to be a natural position on his back. He lets go of the arch, and presses a hand to the center of the wing, keeping it in place so he can do the same to the other wing.
“Here,” Rusty hands one end of the suspenders back to Jake. Jake takes it, and runs it across the wings, handing it back to Rusty on his opposite side. Rusty ties the ends together, making sure the fit is tight enough to keep the wings in place without causing bruises or pinched feathers. “Thanks, guys.” He murmurs, running a hand over the new muscle group. “That’s a relief.”
“I’m a Bighorn Sheep, I think.” Tristan speaks up, knocking his knuckles against the horns next to his head. “These things are heavy, but I think whatever- changed us made my head and neck stronger. And my eyesight- it’s different, but not bad. The colors are just a little off.” Sid can see that Tristan’s pupils are long rectangles now, instead of the circles they’re all used to. “I have a tail, too, but it’s pretty small.”
Kris shifts on the floor, getting up on his knees before standing fully. “Some sort of otter. The fur on my tail was fluffy before I washed the blood off, now it’s sleek.” He runs a hand over his hair, pulling a chunk of it up to show off small ears hidden in the locks. “And my ears are tiny, but I can still hear just fine.”
“I’m bear,” Geno speaks up carefully. “Small ears and tiny tail.” He explains, reaching a hand up to tug at a small, round, fuzzy ear poking through his hair. “Teeth too big for mouth.” He grumps, running his fingers over his chewed-up bottom lip gently.
The guys look to Sid now, curious if he knows what he is. He swallows once, twice around that nervous hitching laugh. “Uh. Hyena. I think.” He speaks up, hands clenched into fists in his lap. A hand touching his mohawk startles him out of his shame, and he looks up to see Geno running a hand across the top of his hair, feeling the texture.
“What this called? Hair like this, pointy?” Geno asks.
“A mohawk, usually.” Tristan responds.
“Mohawk.” Geno murmurs under his breath.
It takes the team a while to gather out in the hallway and reassure everyone that yes, they’re all part animals now, no, you’re not a freak, we’ll figure this out soon.
The hockey world- the whole world, really- is put on pause while humanity figures out what the hell to do next. Most occupations are able to resume after a full 24-48 hour pause, but-
They play a contact sport. And some players have new appendages that can break, or can even be used to get an advantage. New rules need to be written and implemented. New gear needs to be designed, tested, and approved.
The season is canceled, only a month in.
It’s almost two weeks since it all happened. It took a few days to make sure everyone would be safe to fly, before they headed home. It took another week for the season to be canceled, and now Sid’s at home, phone in hand, wondering if calling Ovechkin would cross a line.
He knows now that Ovechkin wasn’t the first. It started way in the East, but spread across the world in the span of hours. Ovechkin is just the first he saw of it. Sid still doesn’t know what kind of Hybrid Ovechkin is, but he can make a guess. The clawing at his back and shoulders reminds him of how Rusty recalled the night they changed. Some sort of bird.
Fuck it, he thinks, and presses call
Ovechkin picks up on the third ring, and the only slightly awkward conversation confirms that he’s a White Tailed Eagle. His wings are massive, and they both have no idea how he’s going to be able to play hockey, or any contact sport.
Flower texts him a month after H-Day- a stupid name most of the English-speaking public calls the night humanity hybridized- to check in. Sid sends him a picture of his new mohawk, and Flower sends him a few pictures and videos of himself.
His tail is long and thin, and it ends in a rattle. The audio that Sid gets of the rattle in action chills him to the bone. Flower’s eyes are multicolored now too- the top half is a bright tan, the bottom half is a dark brown, and the pupil is a thin slit right down the middle. The fangs he shows off are wicked sharp and gleam in the bright light.
🌸🌹🌺>> the fangs tuck up to the roof of my mouth when i close it
🌸🌹🌺>> apparently I’m an eastern massasauga rattlesnake. Took us a while to figure out what kind
🌸🌹🌺>> not sure how I’m going to play with this tail. Maybe I can just tuck it into my pants?
It takes the League months and months to hammer out new rules that most can agree to. The reason it takes so long is because of the equipment. Padding needs to be customized to different Hybrid types, new padding needs to be made for wings and tails, mouth guards and helmets need to be customized for every individual player.
No secondary characteristics can be used to enhance play
Wings and tails cannot touch the puck in order to move it in play
Tails must be kept within the players’ equipment, when possible. If tail is too large to stay in the equipment, the tail will be bound down to a leg of the players’ choosing for the duration of the game
Players with wings must either keep the wings under their equipment, or wear the new equipment to protect the joints during play. If the player chooses not to keep the wings under the equipment, the wings will be bound to the players’ back for the duration of the game.
Horns and antlers must be kept shorn down during the season to keep it even with the player’s helmet, to prevent injury to other players
Mouth guards are required to be worn for the entire duration of the game
Biting of another player will result in immediate expulsion from the game, and a fine
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c-foster · 2 months
Is This Really Happening!?
Henry began to relax as time passed and the movie kept running normally. He even started to enjoy it—laughing at the funny parts and gasping at the plot twists. 
Then, all of the sudden, the unbelievable happened. The main character, Freya, stopped mid-sentence and looked directly into the audience.
“Hey, you, in the audience, you have to help us!” she said in a sharp tone.
Henry chuckled.
“Seriously, we need your help!” Freya repeated. 
“Where is this bit going?” Henry mumbled under his breath.
Frustrated, Freya crossed her arms and snapped, “This isn’t a bit Henry.”
The sound of his name echoed in Henry’s ears, and he froze in his seat. How did the movie company get his name? What the heck was going on? His mind raced.
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Another character, Archer, ran into view. 
“Freya, you’re freaking the kid out! You should have started with a calmer, and more welcoming tone. You never take my advi—” Freya put her hand on Archer’s mouth.
“We don’t have time for any of that lovey-dovey nonsense.” She said in an annoyed tone. 
Archer squirmed and mumbled, trying to get Freya’s hand off of his mouth.
“Mmm, hand, hmm off mm mouth!” 
When Freya finally released him, Archer gasped for air. 
“What is your problem! You seriously need to get those anger issues in check”
Freya rolled her eyes, “Don’t be so sensitive Archer.”
“Um HELLO!! What is going on?” Henry screamed at the screen.
Freya and Archer fell silent and turned to look at Henry.
“Right. Sorry about that, Archer can be a bit… fussy” Freya said. 
“Hey!” Archer snapped back.
“I’m Freya, this is Archer, were the main characters of this movie. Before you ask, yes we are actually talking to you, and we desperately need your help” 
“What!?” I don’t—, this can’t be—…”
“He’s not calming down” Archer worriedly whispered to Freya. “Just let me try okay?”
 “Fine” Freya agreed reluctantly.
 “Hey, Henry, let’s try to calm down bud” Archer said softly. “You’re not crazy okay. We orchestrated this whole thing. We locked the doors, we made sure the theatre would be empty, and we turned off your phone. We did it because we need your help. Please hear us out.”
Henry closed his eyes, trying to recenter his thoughts.
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While part of him wanted to run, another part was curious. So, he made a split-second decision. His eyes flew open.
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“Okay” he said.
Archer pumped his fist in the air celebrating.
“Okay, listen closely” Freya said. “The film projectionist, Jake, has been keeping our movie on a loop, stopping it right before the ending and starting it over. It's torturing us. We need you to find a way to let our movie play until the end, then destroy it so we can finally be put to rest.” 
“Will you help us?” Archer said pleadingly.
Henry’s thoughts were in a frenzy. While he thought he might be going insane, at that moment, he decided to… just go with it! 
“I’ll do it” he said.
 “Thank you! We have to get back to the script now, or Jake might notice. We’re counting on you Henry” Freya said before resuming her line. 
While Henry remained still in his seat, his mind was racing as he started to think up his plan of attack. 
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0 notes
duskwoodgirl4life · 7 months
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Chapter 15
Everything went black the light started to fade from my eyes, I could feel someone dragging me away but unable to fight back. When I opened my eyes the light hit my eyes like lasers. It took me a few minutes to adjust to the brightness of the room I was in with my hands bound to a chair. The ropes felt like they were digging into my skin the more I struggled the more it felt tighter. I feel a warm liquid running down my face and dripping onto my leg. When I looked down I saw that it was blood. All of a sudden I feel someone grabbing hold of my head and pulling my head back. I scream in pain as their grip tightens. I just manage to focus and see that it's Emma who is standing over me.
I see a wicked evil grin on her face. She starts to run a cold knife down my cheek leaving a cut as she takes the blade away from my face. “You really think you can get away with stealing my man off me? I'm going to teach you a lesson” Emma raises her hand up high and swings it as hard as she can connecting with my face. I feel the full force of the slap knocking me to the floor tears roll down my cheeks. Emma just leaves me there and walks over out of the room. I don't even know how much time passed. I was forced to stay on the floor tied to a chair. My head feels like it's spinning after Emma slapped me. I feel my eyelids starting to get heavy. Just as I am about to pass out I feel my chair getting yanked back up.
Emma is standing over me with her phone in her hand, she turns the phone around and shoves it on my face. “I always knew he loved me, look at the sweet message Jake sent me just now” I look at the message on the phone and a part of me feels sick to my stomach that he would say this.
Jake: I will be with you soon my love, just hold on a little longer and I will be there. I've missed you so much. I love you always and forever J xxxxxxx
My blood pressure starts to rise and the anger rises up inside me, unable to conymy emotions any longer. I lash back at the text Emma just showed me. “Jake would never ever send you something like that he never loved you. He can't even stand to speak your name” the smug smile starts to fade from Emma's face and anger spreads across her face. I feel her hand connecting with my face. I feel myself falling to the floor. The room starts to spin as my eyes start to close and everything goes black. When I wake up my chair is upright again and Emma is standing over me. “You really think he's going to pick you? When he can have me with no screaming kids around him.” Everything inside me feels like it's ready to crumble into a million pieces. I force myself to stay strong and not let anything Emma says to me get to me. “He already has picked me Emma, he picked me along time ago when he would come round to my apartment and fuck my brains out”
I knew as soon as I said what I did to Emma she wouldn't like it but I didn't care she needed to get it into her thick skull that Jake doesn't want her. Emma doesn't say anything; she just walked over to the other side of the room. Moments later she comes back with a knife in her hand. She runs the blade along my face. I start to feel the blood trickling down my face. Emma raises the knife but before she doesn't anymore damage Jake comes flying through the door. Emma stops in her tracks and looks up towards the door, her face lights up like a Christmas tree. “Jake my love you came I'm so happy” she goes running over to him and flings her arms around him holding on to him so tight.
I see him push her off him with force that she nearly falls back, she manages to steady herself from falling. Jake rushes over to me and starts to untie the ropes freeing me from the tight hole they had on me. Jake looks up at me with so much concern in his eyes I've never seen him look like that before. “I'm so sorry MC, are you okay? Everything is going to be okay I promise I'm going to get you out of here” I see Emma coming back towards us with an angry expression laced across her face. She tries to push Jake out of the way but Jake manages to push her away and she falls to the ground. Jake moves her towards the wall and attempts to tie her up. Before I could shout Jake's name I see Emma plunge a knife into Jake's stomach. Blood is pouring everywhere.
Emma grabs the knife once again and comes towards me, Jake manages to pull himself up and comes charging across to Emma and pushes her out of the way but as he does she plunges the knife back onto Jake's stomach knocking him to the ground. Adrenaline running through my veins I picked up the metal chair I was tied to and hit Emma across the back of the head. She falls to the ground, blood coming from her head, I quickly take hold of Emma's phone and dial 999.
It doesn't take long for the police and paramedics to arrive, the paramedics take Jake to the hospital and is taken straight into the operating theater. I'm sitting in one of the waiting rooms talking to the police telling them everything that's happened. My mind is racing. All I can really think about is Jake; he just has to live. I can't lose him. I couldn't cope if something happened to him. I need to tell him how much I love him. The police woman stays with me. It gives me some comfort to know I have someone there. The door to the waiting room opens and the surgeon comes on. I jump out of my seat and rush over to the doctor and ask him about Jake. “Jake is going to make a full recovery, he's wake now and is asking for you”
Tears of joy fall from my eyes. I can't quite believe it, Jake is awake, he's going to be okay. I rush to Jake's room and bust in through the door. “Jake, I'm so happy you're okay I love you so much” words just start to fly out of my mouth. I put my arms around Jake and hold onto him for as long as possible not wanting to let him go. “I love you MC, I'm so happy to see you, are you okay?” I look up at Jake and smile tears still rolling down my face. “I'm just glad that you are okay Jake that's the only thing that matters right now”
Jake spends two weeks in hospital before he is allowed to go home, he is making a full recovery. It's so good to have him back home where he belongs. Emma has been arrested and charged and she is in prison on remand awaiting her court date. Willow is so happy to have her daddy back home. I haven't left Jake's side since he got back. The thought of nearly losing him breaks my heart. Lost in my own thoughts I feel Jake's arms wrap around me. I can't help but smile. I feel so at home and safe in his arms. “Everything is going to be okay MC” that's all he really needed to say and it just brings a smile to my face. “I'm just so happy to have you home, I love you so much Jake” Jake places a soft kiss on my lips still holding me in his arms. “I love you to MC”
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Would u write something about Mac first words being "dad" o "daddy" and Jake GOING INSANE about that? I think it would be really special to him bc all his story with his dad and all his fear on becoming
He'd taken his eyes off of him for five seconds - the card machine at the bodega was giving him some prompt he'd never seen before - so of course something had to happen. Jake still mostly banked on Mac being unable to walk freely for more than a few steps from him, but he should've really factored in all the perfect toddler-height shelving that he could use as railings to get a whole aisle over before he and the cashier flinched from the sound of a crash.
And then the crying started.
The cashier was actually faster than him, given a headstart from not having to drop an entire basket of shopping to run over, but Jake was directly behind her to see his kid sitting on the ground, a puddle of something slopping around him and half over him. Pasta sauce, he realised as he saw the wobbly carton display that had obviously not been as steady as the metal shelves Mac had been holding onto before.
"Da...!" Mac sobbed with outstretched arms towards him. "Da-heee..." He wailed again with tears streaming down his face while Jake lifted him up, covering himself in sauce too as Mac clung to him and sobbed into his shoulder.
"Daddy's here, bud. It's okay. It's okay." He bounced him up and down as the crying slowed, cursing himself out in his head all the while. How did he let him wander away like that? Why did he not notice sooner? He'd been careless and stupid and irrespsonsible and a horrible fath-
"Is he okay?" The cashier still looked far more worried at them than at the mess she'll have to clean up now, and it gladly brought him back to centre as the only real adult in the room right now (she can't be more than 17, he thinks).
"Yeah, just spooked. I'm so sorry, I'll pay for the sauce of course-" Jake stopped as Mac lifted his head off his shoulder again, eyes red-rimmed but not crying anymore, at least, only to see that his forehead was less covered in pasta sauce and more smeared with blood from a cut over his eyebrow, and his heart dropped even deeper than when he heard the crash. "Actually, do you sell bandaids?"
"It's okay, peanut. Daddy's fixing it." He forces his voice to be soft and calm while Mac sniffles, sitting on the counter, the cashier picking up Jake's dropped shopping bags while he cleans the little cut with the alcohol wipes she'd handed him without even ringing them up. It's not that bad, he tries to comfort himself fruitlessly, just a little nick that bled a bit more than usual, but should be fine with a bandaid and some lotion. It's fine. He didn't- he didn't let Mac get actually injured. He didn't. Even though his subconscious was screaming nothing else at him.
Mac's eyes are still swimming while he stares up at Jake, unblinking, clinging to his fake-soft smile as probably the only thing to convince him there was no need to cry at the moment. You and me both, Jake thinks for a second.
"Daddeh." He squeaks softly as Jake sticks on a puppy-themed bandaid (also not rung up), and grabs his hand with his little grubby fingers, and time kind of stops for a moment as they look at each other. Mac's eyes are big and still slightly red-rimmed, but trained on him like there's nothing else in the world but them, and for Jake, there might as well not be.
"See, Daddy fixed it." The cashier breaks through, smiling at him too as she hands Jake his shopping with the bandaid box dropped in, and time loops back into normal. She gets a soft Thanks and a nod after she hands him his card from the blasted machine that started it all, too, and doesn't even mention the several jars broken an aisle over. She waves goodbye to Mac instead as they leave, and Jake is definitely leaving the largest bills he has in her tip jar next time they come in.
Mac's splashing water and bubbles around in his small tub, because the sauce had leaked through his dungarees straight over his legs, and Jake is busy scrubbing him down with the soft loofah that'll probably have to go into the trash after all this. There's too much swirling through his head while he carefully showers Mac off. A whole barrage of emotion he'd love to just aimlessly ramble out, but there's no one to listen to him in their little apartment right now, the only person who'd maybe understand him still stuck at work. He looks at the puppy bandaid on Mac's forehead that he'll have to change after the bath, at his happy face playing with the little ducky that makes such fun squeaky noises when it's filled with water, no sign of tears or pain left at all.
"Hey, Mac-a-roni." Jake whispers while Mac giggles and splashes some more water out of the baby-tub into the big one it was sitting in. "You... said something at the bodega, didn't you?"
Mac had been babbling and making noises for months now, lots of Goos and Gaas, the occasional Bleh and Duh thrown in, but Jake and Amy had agreed that none of those had been discernible as words yet, especially as they were never directed at anything in particular. Not like on the counter back there, staring straight at him with his big, chocolate eyes after that little parenting disaster he still wanted to scold himself for. Not like right now, soap bubbles clinging to his curls, smiling up at him in the comforting moment of their usual night routine.
"Daddeh!" Mac squeaks again, holding his arms out to be picked up into a towel like always, but held against Jake's chest much tighter than usual. He's trying not to cry, very hard, but he's sure his eyes are swimming and shiny as much as Mac's were while he was being bandaged up.
"Daddeh." He repeats as Jake laughs, breathlessly, kisses up and down his perfect chubby cheeks for some more squeals and laughter from them both, hugs him close again and again even as he dries him off and gets him dressed.
There's something warm glowing in his chest, Jake feels as he dances Mac to sleep to abuela's Spanish lullaby tape, something that feels both familiar and foreign at once. It reminds him of the feeling that shook all through him when that firefighter placed a screaming, goo-covered baby onto Amy's chest as she cried and carefully touched the dark whisps of hair already matted to his head. That feeling that settled around his heart for forever as Rosa handed him a cleaned up, swaddled baby that wasn't screaming anymore, his eyes closed but his teensy tiny hand wrapping tight around Jake's finger. It's a little different - but it's not, it's more of the same, but grown. Added on, like a new bud on an already flowering tree.
Jake is sure there'll be lots of new blooms on that feeling in the years to come, but this one, the one that opens up even more as Mac sighs one more little "Daddeh" as he falls asleep against his shoulder, will surely be remembered for forever.
He has enough wherewithal to warn Amy about the bandaid when she gets home and immediately moves to check on sleeping Mac, and she only rolls her eyes when she drops down onto the couch next to him after softly closing the nursery door.
"Do I even want to hear the story of the bandaid?"
"It wasn't anything. Just a little accident at the bodega. He's fine." Jake's actually convinced himself of that now, too, so it sounds believable enough.
"Alright." Amy nods, he swallows back down the worries he thought about sharing if she asked him to still explain instead. "Aside from that, how was your day with him? Did you have fun?"
"Oh yeah." Jake tries to grin and pulls her in to lean against his side as she rests her head on his shoulder, seeming almost as sleepy as Mac was when he did it earlier. "We went to the park and the post office and the bank and the bodega, obviously. A whole Brooklyn adventure."
"That's nice." Amy says in a quiet voice, and he wonders if he'll have to carry her to bed in a second.
"And, well." He hesitates, and that is enough to make her lift her head. Maybe he shouldn't say it. Maybe he should wait until the morning, let her discover it on her own, and pretend like it's the first time he's hearing it too. Forget about how it all came about today.
"Well what?"
"He said something."
"What?! Why didn't you lead with that? Why didn't you text me?!?" She sits up, staring at him with wide eyes, and he looks - apologetic, almost worried.
"I didn't want you to feel bad because you missed it." And didn't want to explain how I fucked up to make it happen.
"Oh." She visibly deflates, but then smiles at him. "But you heard it, right? He said it in front of you?"
"Yeah. He, uh. Actually. He said daddy. To me."
Jake completely misinterprets Amy's face, her scrunched together eyebrows, her shining eyes, her mouth softly opening and closing, and immediately leans forward with a hand on her arm to console her.
"I'm sure he's going to say Mama next, Ames - he's already going 'Mah' all the time, so-"
"He called you daddy?" Her voice is so soft, almost breaking, as he feels her hands on his cheek. "Jake, that's wonderful!"
"Yeah." He nods with a shy smile, but Amy's face only softens more.
"You're his first word." She says with so much reverance, and he can't feel bad about it anymore. Can't think he doesn't really deserve it, not when she looks at him with that much love in her eyes. "You're Mac's first word."
"I'm daddeh." His smile isn't so shy anymore, not when he says it out loud like that, not when it feels 100% right.
"You're really daddy, babe. You're daddy."
He huffs and smiles even wider with another nod, and that feeling is back, that little warm glow blooming in his chest, and Amy is quick to wipe away the few tears that make their way down his cheeks all of a sudden before bending forward for a kiss.
"DADDEH!" echoes through the room from behind a closed door where someone is clearly not interested in sleeping anymore, and Amy laughs against his lips.
"I'm gonna go and get him." Jake sighs happily.
"Oh please." She nods as he gets up. "I want to see him say it to you."
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creepytoes88 · 3 years
Angry sex with Vinnie
So this is a very bratty reader and there is hitting in this I AM NOT ROMANTICIZING ABUSE! I can NOT stress this ENOUGH
But this might be one of my favorites I choose Bryce cus he’s problematic so it seemed realistic to me just imagine him and Addison aren’t a thing lol COVID DOESN’T EXIST IN ANY OF MY STORIES Covid makes me sad 😢 OK LOVE YOU GUYSSSSS ♥️🤌🥸
I’m almost done getting ready when I hear Vinnie come in the room. Vinnie and I are going to Jake pauls ( he literally has nothing to do with the story) party or one of the biggest parties in LA everyone gets shit-faced and either you have to crash there or you have to get a Uber. Needless to say, I'm scared shitless but I'm not gonna let Vinnie know that he's way too excited for me to bail on him. So I just keep getting ready and keep telling myself tonight's gonna be great, because it is gonna be great. Vinnie comes into the bathroom with his hair maintained and non-frizzy no matter how much I wanted to run my hands through it, I also knew Vinnie would KILL me so I resisted.
”Hey you,” I say with a smile ”Hey you look hot,” Vinnie says looking me up and down, I stopped and turned around with a straight face ”and absolutely breathtaking just say the word, and ill go ring shopping m’lady. Vinnie says with a shit-eating grin as he bows to me I smile ”well now that you mention it...” I place my finger on my chin pretending to think about it ” I would love a ring pop” I continue to do my make up as Vinnie chuckles. He walks up behind me wrapping his hands around my hips rubbing his thumbs on my dress before leaning into my ear
”you look amazing baby” he kisses the side of my neck ” I could take you right now,” Vinnie says in a deep voice. I turn around putting my hand on his chest ”don’t even think about it, I love you but we have to leave in 20 minutes and I'm still not done with my make-up.” I turn around again continuing to do my make up I feel a slap on my ass. I gasp at the sting of the hit ”such a brat.” Vinnie kisses your neck again before leaving the bathroom It's gonna be a long night.
Time skip to party
As soon as we pull up to the party a group of Vinnie's friends immediately take him away to play beer pong. I roll my eyes as I walk to Maddy and Avani, we get drinks and walk to the dance floor, about an hour has passed, and was done dancing and kinda just wanted to check on Vinnie. I stand up and tell the girls I'm gonna find Vinnie they nod and I walk in the direction he went when the boys pulled him away. Just more dancing people but no Vinnie, ok maybe the back yard I walk towards the back door and as I step out did I hear the most the last thing I wanted to hear ”KICK HIS ASS VINNIE” I hear people yelling ”FUCK YEA, GET HIM VINNIE ” I see Jordan and Kio high-five as they encourage Vinnie to beat the crap of someone. I run over to Jordan and Kio ”What the fuck is wrong with you guys stop him!” I screech at them Jordans head whips around with scared eyes as he runs to me and grabs me ”stop you didn’t see what happened and what Bryce said!” ” He fucking deserves it!” Kio yells kinda drunk.
Vinnie's POV
After the boys came and pulled me away from Y/n we played pong and shotgun a couple of claws (gross) before I know it I was feeling the alcohol. As I'm talking to Jordan and Kio I feel a slap on my shoulder ”ssssssup man” Bryce wraps his arm around my shoulder. I could smell the alcohol on his breath not that his slurring wasn't enough evidence to show he's drunk off his ass. ”hey bro what's up?” I ask
”not much but *burp* I do wanna tell you *hiccup* that Y/n looks like a million dollars tonight man” I look at him as I try to keep me cool knowing he's just drunk ”Like honestly dude*hiccup* if you weren't dating her I would totally hit it *hiccup* like her ass is perfect man, and her tits dude. Does she ever wear a bra I can always see her *hiccup* nips but it makes me so horny man?” Bryce laughs as he claps me on the back. I look at Jordan and Kio who look at me shocked, unfortunately for Bryce, I was far too buzzed to even think about what I was doing before my fist collided with his face.
Y/n’s POV
I push my way through the crowd and when I get to the front I see Vinnie on top of Bryce trying to curve his face in, both of his fists pounding into Bryce's face. ”VINNIE STOP” I scream immediately he stops and turns around seeing my scared face he stands up coming towards me but I walk past him going straight to Bryce and start to shake him. I hear him groan ”are you ok?” I ask as he slowly opens his eyes ”look I'm in Heaven” Bryce says with a wink before passing out all the sudden I'm being pulled up by my arm like a child. I look up to see an extremely angry Vinnie I could see him shaking with anger. ”ow Vinnie you're hurting me” I whine as I try to pry his hand off of my arm ”VINNIE STOP” I yell at him in front of everyone.
”YOU CAN’T JUST GET JEALOUS, BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE! AND THEN YOU WANT TO DRAG ME OUT OF THE PARTY LIKE A FUCKING KID I THINK THE FUCK NOT!” I yell at him with sass. As soon as the words leave my mouth I see his usually sweet and loving eyes change before me becoming almost emotionless. They fill with absolute rage Vinnie narrows his eyes at me picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder holding my legs so I can't kick him.
”PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I pound my fists into his back and scream having an absolute tantrum, I'm so angry that I'm seeing red, not a few minutes later I was put on the ground.
Before I could push him away I was turned around and push against the car ”such a fucking brat!” He slaps my ass
”fuck you,” I say as I try to get my hands free I hear the car door open then the back of the seat being moved. Vinnie sits in the car pulling me I'm with him so I'm sitting on his lap and start to push on his chest to get away I know what's about to happen and I know it gonna hurt a lot. ”STOP YOU FUCKING BRAT!” Vinnie yells and finally holding my hands behind my back. Vinnie looks up at me and chuckles he holds my hands with one of his own, his other hand pulling on his belt wrapping my wrists together ”NO DON’T DADDY IM SORRY!” I say as tears start filling my eyes and my bottom lip quivers.
Vinnie looks up at me his eyes showing no emotion ”I'm not gonna hit you till I'm calm-” My eyes widen ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell as I try to get away even though I know I can't but I don't want a spanking. I know Vinnie won't touch me till we’re home and it's a long-ass drive at least an hour or two depending on traffic meaning I'm gonna be hot and bothered AND my ass is gonna be on fire. I feel a harsh slap on my right cheek I let out an involuntary moan grinding against him ”STOP talking to me like that.” Vinnie rubs my cheek turning my face towards him ”you’ve made daddy very mad and after your punishment, we will be having a conversation about tonight right now I need you to take your punishment like a good girl.” Vinnie says softly rubbing my cheek I know he's trying to make a point about my attitude and he’s somehow being so sweet. I wish I could say it was me being extremely horny and slightly tipsy but honestly, it was just my pride I don't wanna admit that I'm wrong, for talking to him like that and hitting him in anger, which I have never done before, I feel bad but still, the words came out.
”NO! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I shout right in his face Vinnie’s eyes lock with my own I gulp that was the last straw and I know it. All of a sudden my face is in the passenger seat my chest is against the armrest in the middle Vinnie puts his left leg over my legs so I couldn’t kick him or grind myself against him.
”D-Daddy don't please.” I sniff looking back at him with wide eyes ”I-i I'll be good daddy-” Vinnie lets out a dark laugh he then grabs a first full of my hair and yanks my head back I gasp ”I hope you cry.” Vinnie whispered in my ear before pushing my head back down ”Don’t fucking move or you get five more.” Vinnie lifts my dress so it's around my waist he ripped my underwear off throwing the ruined material on his dashboard. ”count” Vinnie demands ”How many-?” I start to ask ”DID I SAY TO FUCKING SPEAK!” Vinnie lands a hard slap on my ass
”OH FUCK!” I yell trying to get away ”thats 25 now.” Vinnie says as he pulls me back into place ”Now I said count, so fucking count slut!”
I feel the first one on my right cheek ”OW one” I said as I sniff holding my tears in. Another one SLAP! This time on my left I let out a cry as I try not to move an inch. ”TWO!” this time a tear slips out but Vinnie doesn't see it, his hand lands on my right cheek way more hard then the last one and before I could even cry he lands another one with the same power onto the left cheek. A sob escapes my mouth as tears fall down my face ”FUCKING COUNT OR USE THE SAFE WORD!” my heat throbs as he yells at me my arousal running down my legs. ”THREE FOUR!” I scream as a sob comes up my throat it hurts so bad but feels so good.
”T-T-TWENTY-FIVE!” I scream sob, my face soaked with tears and my wetness has been running down my legs, I could feel the puddle on his jeans. My ass is on fire and it's bright red with handprints all over the place, I have my head resting on the seat trying to calm down my breathing and crying. Vinnie silently runs his thumbs from the puddle on his jeans all the way to my slit, collecting all of the wetness from that thigh before sticking the digit in his mouth ”mmhm” he moans before doing the same to the other thigh, once again putting his thumb in his mouth again. I am however still sobbing ”you can cry all you want baby...” he kisses my red ass cheek ”you are just making me so much more hard.” Vinnie says before he licks my clit softly ”mmm daddy” I say with a small voice ”I’m still mad at you baby.” He says as he slaps my clit making me whimper ”please daddy” I try to grab his shirt with my hands.
Vinnie immediately pulls away so I can't touch him or grab him ”No, don't fucking touch me.” he says repeating what I said to him not long ago obviously, it had hurt his feelings and stuck with him. ”oh, daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.” I look back at Vinnie best I can from my position ”I really am sorry Vinnie, I love you.” I say with wide eyes making sure he is paying attention. He rubs my thigh ”I know you are brat!” he then slaps my thigh ”sit in your seat and buckle up I don't wanna hear a word.” he pulls his belt off and puts it in the back seat. A tear slips down my face, is he really that mad at me that he won't say I love you back, I crawl to my seat and fix my dress before I sit down soft and slow my behind still in major pain.
The pain makes me feel even worse knowing he's very mad at me I stare at my hands I didn't even realize I was still crying till he said something ”turn around baby let me see” Vinnie says softly. I look up at him and I sniff slowly I pull my knees up and stand on them and use the window for support as Vinnie pulls my dress up around my waist once again ”fuck baby I'm sorry” Vinnie says in a sad tone as he begins to leave light kisses on my cheeks ” I love you baby so much I'm just pissed at Bryce and then you were being a bitch about-” My eyes widen ” W-What? I was being a bitch! You dragged me around like a fucking kid!” I say angrily as tears run down my face ”you're a fucking asshole” I say to myself getting ready to sit back down but then I feel pain on the skin of my ass so much worse then before and it didn't feel like a hand.
A giant sob jumps from my throat and moaning I feel my pussy clench around nothing for the hundredth time this night. I whip my head around to see Vinnie holding his belt in his hand with an angry face and black eyes filled with lust and rage mostly rage. ”You never fucking learn, unless I treat you like shit so get in the fucking back! Don't say a goddamn word or I'll whip you with my belt again.” I gasp and I scurry between the seats my ass getting stuck between my seat and Vinnie's shoulder. ”My lucky day huh.” I feel him smack my ass a cry leaving my lips and I fall into the back seat my ass in the air. Another slap is delivered to my ass tears running down my face as I try to buckle up fast even with the pain in my behind, my makeup was definitely fucked up.
20 minutes later we pulled into a nice-looking hotel Vinnie grabs a napkin and hands it to me silently ”don’t say a word unless spoken to and just sit down till I come get you.” I nod as I wipe my eyes trying to stop the tears Vinnie steps out of the car and opens the back door on my side grabbing my hand and pulling me out after I unbuckle. I know this sweetness is going to be short-lived as it's just a front so people don't think something is actually wrong. Vinnie approach soon but first he turns around and asks how late room service is open ”24/7 sir” the lady says as she hands him two room cards.
”Perfect.” Vinnie says as he grabs my hand pulling me to the elevator the second the elevator door shut Vinnie grabs my neck and slammed me against the wall.
A loud moan leaving my lips ”i had to get the most expensive room so they wouldn't kick us out for all the screaming you're going to do from your punishments.” Vinnie licks my lips and cheek ”Open your fucking mouth!” he says immediately my mouth drops and my tongue falls out past my teeth. Vinnie spits in my mouth I moan loudly ”Swallow” so I did ”Again”
he grunts squeezing my neck and one of my boobs, my mouth drops open Vinnie spits but it doesn't all go in my mouth I shoot my eyes open looking down at the spit on the floor disappointed. I start to lean down ”Don’t baby I'll give you more.” I look up at Vinnie and grab his waist, a slap is delivered to my face ”I said don't touch me do you want me to spit in your mouth or not!” I moan dropping to the floor on my knees mouth open ”YES!” I say rushing to taste him again.
”I-I’m sorry daddy I won't do it anymore.” I say with puppy eyes my mouth open waiting for him to give me a gift. Vinnie looks down at me with a disgusted look tears fall from my eyes as I look up at him mouth still open waiting patiently. ”You're a nasty slut!” he slaps me before forcing my mouth open spitting inside. I moan at the taste and at the pain on my face I swallow reluctantly wanting it to last forever I then lick my lips and hold my cheek ”we’re the only people on this floor so strip and crawl to the room. Stay on your knees where you belong, for now at least”
He Pushes me to he ground It didn't hurt because I was only on my knees I take my dress off and my dra I go to kick my heels off
”Don’t! keep them on.” Vinnie says leaning down picking up my clothes as the doors open I see a long hallway and all the way to the end is a double door I crawl out and wait for Vinnie ”Come here, Now.” I crawl as fast as I can ”sit” my eyes widen I'm not a fucking dog I think to myself all the sudden I feel something around my neck.
Vinnie had fastened his belt around my neck like a collar ”Crawl bitch!” I gasp as my hands hit the ground we slowly move towards the door Vinnie behind me. I feel pain on my ass once again I whip my head around to see Vinnie whip my ass with my own bra. I moan I'm gonna have bruises for months, he hits my ass every once in a while I moan every time. We get to the door and he opens it with his key card. ”I have to run to the store you can shower if you wish and watch tv but I expect you naked and ready when I get back” Vinnie starts to walk away ”oh and don't touch your self, I'll know if you did.” he turns to me and looks down into my eyes before walking out.
I hop in the shower and then I lay on the couch with a homemade ice pack I made, with supplies from the room and the mini ice machine in the room, pressed against my sore ass. It's been barely been an hour, but I already miss Vinnie. I can't wait for my punishment to be over so he will hold me and kiss me I don’t wanna fight, I wanna sleep. My head lefts up at the sound of the door being opened. ”Get on the bed it's time for your punishment.” Vinnie says as he comes in with a couple of different black bags I Eye them suspicious of what's inside.
”Don't worry about it and lay on your stomach.” Vinnie says in a slightly angry tone I rush on the bed and lay my head in a pillow I feel Vinnie slightly sit on my lower back making the bed dip. All of the sudden my hand is being tired to the headboard then the other he gets off me before doing the same to my legs. I'm spread like a starfish and I can't turn my head to see anything. ”scream and cry all you want I don’t care.” and with that, he gets off me not a second later I hear him fiddle with the bags and then silence then I hear... Buzzing?
My eyes widen as I realize what my punishment is ”NO DADDY PLEASE I-I IM SORRY NOT THAT PLEASE!” tears immediately pour down my face I pull at my restraints even though it's useless. ”Maybe you will listen first then run your loudmouth Brat.” I feel the head of the vibrator enter me and I moan immediately pleasure runs through me I hear another vibration and then out of nowhere, Vinnie pulls a smaller vibrator out and positioned right at my clit. I moan even louder I can feel my first orgasm approach. I feel a slap on my ass ”n-no more daddy please I will behave and l-listen.”
I sob as he delivers more smacks to my overly sore ass my orgasm ripping through me another already on its way. I hear Vinnie start to look in the bags again he pulls my hair back ”see this” Vinnie shows me a stick or so I think. He pulls on one of the ends and it comes off releasing a bunch of leather strings my eyes widen in fear he's gonna whip me with a real sex whip my second orgasm making me shakes and convulses almost pushing the vibrator out. Vinnie pushes it back in all the way before he starts whipping my ass with the whip my third orgasm approaching fast ”AAAH MAKE IT STOP VINNIE IT’S TOO MUCH TO FAST!” I yell tears running down my face
”what’s that? turn them on high! ok whatever you say.” Vinnie chuckled deeply ”Nooooooo” I moan as the vibrations make my third orgasm be forced out I scream nonsense orgasm after orgasm driving me crazy.
-two hours later-
I was sobbing and screaming as another orgasm ripped me apart it feels so good but it hurts to breathe at this point. ”CORN MUSTARD” I yell the safe word. Immediately the vibration stop and are pulled from my body Vinnie unties my hands and feet ”BABY ARE YOU OK” he softly turns me over on my back and I hiss in pain everything hurts ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell not meaning a word of it ”oh baby I'm so sorry-” I push him away I'm not even mad at him I'm just in pain and still unsatisfied ashamed I still want his dick and his mouth on mine I feel a Slap ”WHY CAN’T YOU FUCKING LEARN??!? DO I HAVE TO HURT YOU WITH MY COCK AND WORDS TO MAKE YOU FUCKING LISTEN!” he slams his rock hard cock into me I didn't even know he was naked till now ”UGH I HATE YOU.” I yell
Vinnie stops and pulls out of me he slams back in making me moan ”FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY YOU’RE A SLAVE FOR MY COCK, YOU FUCKING WHORE!” Vinnie yells as he slaps my face. Begin to moan uncontrollably it feels so good I can feel him in my belly his big ass cock ramming into my uterus. ”FUCK DADDY IM SORRY I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU I DON’T HATE YOU I LOVE YOU S-SO MUCH DADDY! IM YOUR SLUTTY WHORE PLEASE PUT YOUR CUM IN ME AND FILL ME UP, DADDY” I was shaking around his cock his breath in my face I just wanted to taste him so bad ”p-please kiss me daddy.” Vinnie looks down at me ”WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I KISS YOU BITCH, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT BE A PAIN IN THE ASS TONIGHT!” I sob I just wanted to feel that he loves me I feel so stupid and useless right now. The sobs no longer from the pleasure but from my broken heart Vinnie slows down looking at my devastated face as real emotional tears and gasps left my body as I just laid there.
”b-baby?” Vinnie asks still pounding into me he stops still inside of me I look up at him and hiccup ”y-you don’t love me anymore because I said a-all those nasty things I d-didn’t mean it a-and you hate me now” I cry into the pillow Vinnie grabs my face wiping all of my tears and kissing me on the lips sweet and passionately taking my breath away.
”mmmmm” I moan into his kiss sliding my tongue in his mouth putting my hand in his hair and hugging his body close to me I was drooling at his taste kissing him harder and grinding against him. I feel Vinnie smile as he begins to fuck me again this time with passion and love not anger and resentment. We both are kissing sloppy and moaning into each others mouths as he pounds into me.
”FUUUUCK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IM GONNA CUM” He moans as he cums deep inside of me causing me to release ”DADDY YESS THANK YOU IM SORRY.” I lay there as Vinnie pulls out my head snaps up ”Nononono I want it.” I open my mouth for his slightly stiff cum covered cock.
”fuck such a nasty girl...” he moans as he puts his cock down my throat choking me
”mmmmm baby I forgive you, you’re so perfect in every way.” he moans taking his soft cock out of my sucking mouth I start to whine but Vinnie pops his finger in my mouth keeping me busy still I pass out.
Vinnie’s POV
”My sweet girl.... No more alcohol for you but I do love you very much you have never been so bratty.” I kiss her lips and turn off the light's pulling my brat closer as I snuggle into her neck I couldn't ask for more.
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siimjaeyun · 3 years
Chapter 1: Beast from Below
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Synopsis: When five teens set their hearts on mystery solving, maybe they'll just uncover something that's a lot bigger than fake masks.
Series Masterlist
"Another mystery solved!" Five palms met at the center before the metal bars behind them clasped shut; once more did they find themselves enclosed at the city jail. 
"Time and time again. Must I remind you kids about not interfering with city affairs." 
The man pinched his nose bridge before giving them a piercing look through the cage. They expected nothing less from Chief Kim: always bossing them around like toddlers and painting them as fools. 
"Just fantastic. Can't wait for another pep talk from my father." Heeseung fell to the ground dramatically as he looked at his four friends. This occurrence of the city jail never fazed them, and at this point, neither did the fear of being punished by his father. 
A couple minutes elapsed before Chief Kim made his way back to the five teens in the cell. With one movement, the door bolted open, allowing them to go home at once. 
"Wow. Only an hour wait. New record." Sunoo mischievously smiled and hung his shoulder over Jungwon, his shorter companion. 
"Beats that time we spent the night." Sunghoon only scoffed at the duo, no longer amazed by the words that came out of their mouths. 
"Heeseung! Y/n! Hurry up won't you!" You and heeseung strutted through the doors of the city building. You knew heeseung would be faced with utter disappointment from his father, head of the city, but you knew he could care less at this point. 
"Park y/n!" You hated the voice trailing in front of you. Your eyes slowly made their way to meet your brothers, a teen boy who's purpose in life was to delight others and be the puppet of any tiger parent. 
"Go away Jay." You shoved him in the opposite direction and tried to make your way into the van. Frankly, he was the last person you wanted to see. 
"Mom and dad asked me to pick you up. Jungwon and Sunoo as well." He eyed the youngsters goofing off in the background, and when they met his gaze, they walked off the van. 
"Catch you guys later okay?" Sunghoon and Heeseung drove off in the mini-van, leaving the four in silence. 
You said nothing and sat in the back seat of the old Honda. The smell of pine was obvious, and the stack of prep books in the back seat didn't faze you either. 
Jay dropped off Sunoo and Jungwon at their home, and later made his way back to your own. 
"It wouldn't hurt to stay out of trouble y'know." He finally broke the silence and looked at you through the car mirror. 
"I could care less about what you think. Plus, city jail visits from mysteries beat being my parent's trophy any day." 
"You should've seen our parents look. I think they don't bother with grounding us anymore." Jungwon continued to chat about the lack of punishment he and Sunoo received. 
"Mine don't mind at this point. They told me to might as well study forensics if I'm into silly mysteries." Sunghoon laughed a bit and scanned the tension of the van. 
"Better than whatever my father, the head of the city, had to say. He just laughed and insisted I be a role model." Heeseung added to the conversation as he drove the kids in the van. Being designated driver had its perks and its downs.
"I think I win considering Jay fucking perfect Park had to try to give me the 'stay out of trouble' peptalk." You crossed your arms and entertained yourself with the surrounding buildings. Trees, children running, a giant monster coming out the sewer. 
"Heeseung!!" Abruptly, a pile of fog escaped from the sewer, blinding Heeseung who tried his best to stop the van from crashing. 
"Looks like a mystery has arrived." Once Heeseung was safely able to stop the car, the rest of you left the van as well. 
Small droplets of water dancing were heard from the ground below. The five of you climbed down the ladder, stepping with caution of course. 
You trailed off with Sunghoon and let the bright light of your flashlights illuminate the cave. 
"Why are we in a cave?" Confusion struck your minds, there was supposed to be a river of sewage water. Why you had stepped foot on a cave tricked your minds. 
The teens continued to explore the cave, sharp rocks and pools of water were at your feet. As the light continued to roam the black and gray walls of the cave, a golden object shined from afar.
"Sunghoon, look." You picked up the object and your hands met with a locket. The locket opened and revealed a photograph of a young couple, probably of your same age. Before you could ponder more about the couple, a terrified shriek left Sunoo's mouth. 
"What's wrong!??" Heeseung followed Sunoo's fingers and he came face to face with petrified bodies. 
Three workers were frozen in a pile of green goop. 
"So?" Jungwon asked the officer with signs of intriguement, but he was not interested in the young one's questions. 
"Dad." You turned and saw Mr.Lee make his way to Heeseung, grasping his shoulders once he had arrived. 
"Do us a favor and go to school." He left almost immediately, and you were scared about what would happen next. 
Turns out that 'next event' meant running away with one of the green creatures. 
When you had arrived at school, Sunghoon and Heeseung plopped the green creature onto the table of Professor Kang, the science teacher. 
"You think you can help?" 
Professor Kang placed the stethoscope around his neck and began inspecting the creature. 
"Well, it's alive; I'll tell you that." He continued to pace around the table, hesitant in informing the group about the odd human in front of them. 
"Hey, sorry to bother you Professor Kang, but um...I was hoping to submit my form." A boy stood awkwardly by the door with a thin piece of paper in his hand. His black hair covered most of his forehead, and the only visible part was his shy smile. 
"Come in, you weren't interrupting anything. In the meantime, I suggest you go off with this thing." Professor Kang turned his way to address the newcomer in the room; the boy responded and followed him to his desk.  
"Quickly, quickly, I've got a class to teach!" Professor Kang left the room once attending to the stranger's needs. 
"You heard the man, lift with your legs." You giggled slightly as you saw Sunoo hesitate at touching the green slime. 
"You guys need help?" The voice behind you observed quietly, and almost gasped slightly when seeing what exactly you were trying to carry. 
"It's fine, but thanks." Heeseung threw the body over his shoulders and made his way out the door. 
"You're Jake right?" Sunghoon immediately began a conversation with the young boy, and didn't see his friends waiting by the door. 
"Wanna come?" 
The three of you wanted to kill Sunghoon for inviting a stranger to these sort of things, but it was merely too late and the unknown boy looked too nice to shoo away. 
"Sure, beats sitting through Professor Min's lecture." 
Jake trailed behind the trio as he chatted with Sunghoon. Heeseung through the van spotted the newcomer, and was slightly confused considering no one had ever tagged alonged. 
"We've got a monster to catch, hurry and get in the van!" You opened the door with force and welcomed Jake into the back. 
"This is Jake by the way, he's joining us for today." Sunoo introduced Heeseung to Jake, letting his mouth ramble on about the few details he had already learned. 
"Where to captain?" 
"RM's studio of course." The rhythm of the music played quietly in the background, and they all found comfort in having Jake around, they didn't expect themselves to be given their history. 
"So you guys travel in a van solving mysteries?" 
"Pretty much. We get thrown in the city jail occasionally." Jungwon mentioned the detail nonchalantly and expected Jake's natural surprise. 
It was late that night when the group gave back the body to Professor Kang. 
The teacher's steps were audible as he trailed back and forth between one table to the next. He became startled at the sudden noise of the janitor mopping in the hallway. He peered outward and went back to his work. 
Before long, and with an audible gasp, his body was now entrapped and enclosed in the similar green goop on the ceiling. 
"It's all my fault!" Heeseung banged his head on the table and looked at his friends with a sad expression. 
"Don't say that. After all, besides Jake, we all helped steal the body from the authorities." Sunoo patted his back gently and observed Jake who placed a container of green smush on the table. 
"I managed to collect a sample, maybe it'll help us." 
Jungwon and Sunoo were drawn to the fruity smell, and hunger couldn't stop them from nearing the sample of the monster. 
"Don't eat that!!!" Before they could stop him, Jungwon and Sunoo had already placed the oozing substance into their mouths. 
"This is lime sorbet.." 
"It's Ricky's Rickwracks." Confused, but curious, the other teens dipped their index finger into the mush and tasted it as well. 
"You're right...I think we just got our next clue." Sunghoon smirked at the rest of his friends and grabbed the keys from Heeseung's left pocket. 
"Since Jake, Sunoo and Jungwon are the shortest, they get to shimmy through the air ducts and open the back door." 
"How come y/n isn't coming? We're the same height!" 
"Because I refused." You gave him a bright smile and helped the three unbolt the door. 
The trio crawled their way through the ducts and yelled loudly when they hit the ground after their sudden fall. 
"We didn't mean to crush your body on the first day Jake." 
They opened the door and let the three bodies waiting outside came in. The restaurant was dark, slightly humid, and oddly quiet. 
"Scream if you see anything." Sunghoon and Jake led you through the left corridor and the others headed right. 
There wasn't much to see, but when you had turned your back to face the door, it closed shut. Your six fists banged on the door continuously, but you figured it was useless. 
"Y/n! Sunghoon! Jake!" Heeseung's voice echoed behind the door, and he managed to pry it open. 
"My hero!" You happily hugged him and it didn't surprise him; apart from your hard exterior, you often liked skinship with others. 
"SUNGHOON HYUNG!" the four of you ran back to see Jungwon pointing at a figure, and behold, it was the monster from below. 
His bright green and sticky appearance startled you, but his roar bounced louder causing your feet to quickly flee. 
Jake had become frozen; it was his first encounter of course. You took hold of his hand and ran off with him. 
Constant twists and turns led you through one hall and the next. The six of you managed to head back to the closet that once trapped you. 
"I-i think it's g--ahh!" You fell backwards and pushed a box aside by mistake. It was no mistake however. 
It was a hole and hidden for a good reason. You jumped first and met eyes with a familiar cave. 
The carts and marked arrows in the ground were a good reminder that it was no mistake. 
"Follow the arrows." 
Sunghoon led the way and you found containers of the same green substance from the monster. It startled you at first, but why had there been this in the first place ? 
"Wouldn't this path lead to the bank?" 
"By why would he need a path?" 
"I'm assuming there's another type of dessert old Ricky likes to indulge in." 
"Take those items, let's build ourselves a trap.." 
They handled the ropes and buckets in every step. 
Sunoo and Jungwon handled leading the creature into the cave,  running in terror like always; they were the bait. 
"Now!" The trap was set off,  a toss here, a toss there, and the cage landed everywhere but on top of the monster. 
It continued to chase them, and they soon found themselves trapped inside the cage. Well, everyone but you and Jake. 
The two of you continued to run and eventually your two pairs of feet met a dead end. 
"I'll help you up." 
Jake mounted you on his back and hoisted you enough to get a hold of the floor from Ricky's Rickwracks. With enough strength, you pulled yourself up and stretched your hand towards Jake to pull him up. The two of you continued to play a game with the monster on your trail.
In the meantime, the four boys played with the bolts of the cage until it managed to come loose. They went back to you and Jake and grabbed the hose of the lime sherbet. 
At the right time, the creature was pushed towards the wall by the force of the blasting sherbet. His body was now too cocooned like his previous victims. 
"What do you think you're doing!?" Chief Kim walked into the store through the front door alongside Heeseung's father, Mayor Lee. 
"Well we caught the monster from below of course! Ricky couldn't fool me." But unknowingly, Ricky walked through the door. 
"I called the police when my alarm went off." 
"Then who?" Jungwon did the honors of pulling off the mask revealing the human within. 
"Professor Kang!" 
"That's right. When I discovered the cave while looking for samples for science class, I knew I had found my ticket out of this place! I used Ricky's sorbet to cocoon people who came too close and used the costume to scare people off. I even did it to myself to throw you people off. I would've gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!" 
"But Mr.Kang, what about this locket?" You held the pendant to an eyes view but his answer let you know it didn't belong to him. 
"I say we celebrate at RM's Studio !" 
The soft music let you guys know of another job well done. A loud ring broke through the silence and Sunoo went ahead to answer it. 
"Welcome to RM's studio mix, what can we do for you?" 
"You're all doomed!" The seven of you, including RM, closed around the recorder. 
"You should've never taken the locket out of the cave, but now you've done it. You've found a truth that has been hidden...a true mystery behind Seoul City has begun." 
And just like that, the room went silent. 
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glenncoco4 · 3 years
Doctors and Detectives Part 4
Final chapter of this mini-series! Hope you guys enjoyed it!
She slowly starts to come to, not sure if it’s been 15 minutes or 15 hours. It’s dark that she knows, the only light in the area is coming from a semi-large fire in the corner. Her fingers find the crown of her head where she feels the stickiness of her blood trail from. Judging by how quickly she went out, the blood and the nausea that is slowly making itself known, she can without a doubt diagnose that she has at least a mild concussion along with a possible broken ulna.
Taking a deep breath, she slowly sits up as she assess the rest of her body and once satisfied she’s able, she stands up to gather her bearings. Knowing that her arm will get in the way, she begrudgingly takes off her white coat and blue scrub top, unpinning her father’s ring and slipping it into her pocket before ripping the seam of the blue top to use as a makeshift sling.
She picks up her phone, already knowing that it’s dead, and seeing as though she may be stuck here for awhile all she knows to do is look for others.
The day only gets worse as she’s maneuvering around the rubble and comes face to face with many lifeless bodies that belong to her colleagues. She has no idea how she’s going to recover from this...if she ever does.
A sudden cry draws her attention towards the blazing fire. Getting closer, the cries become louder, she’s examining all around looking for any signs when a head of curly black hair that’s covered in soot hits her line of sight.
Quickly jumping over the steel beam, the doctor races towards the little girl who is probably no more that 4 years old. Tears are falling down her little cheeks, the light of the fire illuminating her ebony colored skin, and the most heart wrenching terror in her brown orbs. “Hey, sweetie. It’s okay.”
“I want my mommy.” She whimpers, her cries dying down as Kensi’s presences calms her a little.
“Okay, we’re gonna find your mommy. Can you tell me if you hurt anywhere?”
“My leg and my tummy.”
She’s never been all that great with kids, I mean her patients sure, but outside of the hospital and her stint with DWB, she’s never really around them. But this little girl needs her right now so she can’t dwell on that. “Okay, what’s your name, baby?”
“That’s a beautiful name.”
She smiles her tears all but dried up. ‘Thank you. What’s your name?”
“My name is Kensi.”
The curly haired little girl suddenly gasps, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. “That’s my bestest friend’s name.”
“No way.”
Everly nods her head but then winces as the movement causes her abdominal muscles to contract.
“Okay, Everly, is it okay if I check your tummy?”
She nods, cringing as the doctor slowly pulls up her shirt.
The brunette doesn’t even need to test the tenderness her belly to know what’s wrong. The extremely darkened skin tells her what she feared all along...internal bleeding. Their rescue is even more paramount now.  
“Am I gonna die?”
“Not if I have anything to do with it.”
Knowing that they’re in a vulnerable place, the brunette takes a scan around the rubble in search of tools to make a splint for the little girl’s leg. “Okay, sweetie, I need to splint your leg, its gonna hurt but I need you to be brave for me.”
Grabbing the two pieces of wood and tearing the cloth of her top, Kensi adjusts Everly’s leg resulting in a high pitched scream of pain.  
“You are so brave. You’re doing great.”
“I want my mommy.” Tears pool in her little eyes once again unable to hide how scared she truly is now.
“I know you do, baby. I know you do.”
She doesn’t know how long they’re gonna be stuck down here so she carefully picks up the little girl and walks over to find the sturdiest place possible. The sturdiest place possible also happens to be right next to one of the bodies of her colleagues that she thankfully covered up with her coat. Sliding down against a beam, Kensi cradles Everly in her arms, hoping that help is on the way.
The doctors sees the little girl slowly starting to drift off, she has to think on her feet knowing that she needs to keep her awake. “So, how old are you?”
“Wow, that’s old.”
“I’m almost a grown up.”
“You are. Do you have any tattoos?”
The little girl giggles as if that’s the most absurd question. “No, silly.”
“What about a boyfriend?”
“Uh-huh, I have three.” She says matter of factly.
The brunette’s eyes widen in surprise. “3? How do you keep up with that?”
“They know their place.”
“Oh, do they?”
“Yep. What about you?”
Kensi’s mind begins to drift off as she thinks back to two days ago and how she and her love spent the entire morning curled up in bed together before heading to the beach, only to come back home and end the day the way they started it. She just really hopes it wasn’t the last. “Yeah, I have a boyfriend.”
“Just one?”
The surprise in Everly’s chocolate orbs makes the doctor laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think I could keep up with 3.”
“What’s he look like?”
The woman thinks about the best way to describe Deeks when a grin spreads to her lips. “Have you ever watched Scooby-Doo?”
“Well, he looks exactly like Shaggy.”
They both start to laugh, but abruptly stop  when Everly winces in pain. All Kensi can do is make her comfortable now as her mind wanders back to the man she loves, wondering where he’s at and imagining the turmoil he’s going through right now.
“You gotta let me in there, Claire.” The blonde detective follows the chief firefighter as she continues to help those that are being brought out by rescue.
“I’m sorry, Deeks, but I can’t have any more civilians in there.” She sighs knowing exactly how he’s feeling. It wasn’t too long ago that her wife was being held hostage at the bank and he was the one telling her she couldn’t go in even as a trained medic.
“Kensi’s in there.”
“I know. A lot of people’s Kensis are in there. You gotta let us do our job so we can get them out.”
It’s then that Jake comes over, pulling him away from the thick of the action so that Claire along with the others can get back to work and hopefully bring Kensi out alive. “Come on, man. Come help us over here.”
“I can’t loose her.” He starts to break at the thought of her lifeless body mangled in the rubble.
Jake’s arms wrap around his partner, trying to give his best friend the most comfort he can right now. No doubt if Katie were in there he’d be acting the same way. “I know, buddy. I know.”
The silence around only builds with time as it finally sets within the doctor’s mind that they may very well die in here. As the fire only continues to burn hotter and spread, its inevitable.
“Are we gonna die?”
“No. No, we’re not.” She hates giving the little girl a false sense of hope but she can’t find it in herself to tell this sweet little girl that they’re most likely going to take their last breaths in this place.
There’s a beat of silence when suddenly voices that are not their own can be heard over the cracklings of fire. “Call out. LAFD. If anyone can here me, call out.”
“Over here! We’re over here!” Tears start to flood her mismatched chocolate orbs not only because this little girl will get the medical attention she now needs but once again she’ll be able to look into his beautiful cerulean blues and tell him how much she loves him.
It’s takes about 30 minutes for the firefighters to get her and Everly out. She’s able to walk out of the rubble on her own, her hand never leaving Everly’s as she’s carried out on a backboard. Once satisfied that the curly haired girl is being taken care of and is reunited with her mother, Kensi is ushered over to an ambulance where a medic attends to her injuries.
A few minutes later the medic places the last butterfly bandage across her forehead, as she’s looking across the parking lot, suddenly locking eyes with him. His cerulean blues are full of concern.
She watches as he takes a deep breath before he starts running towards her, zigging and zagging through the crowd of people. Tears threaten to spill from her eyes as he closes the distance between them, his arms opening wide, leaving her to all but fall into his embrace. “God I love you so much.”
“I love you.”
He pulls back slightly from their embrace, cradling her head between his hands while he examines her injuries. “Are you okay?”
God how she loves this man. She’s not really sure what’s going to happen after today but as long as he’s here she knows she’ll be okay. With a small smile, she leans forward, bringing her lips to his, pouring all the love she has for him into the kiss. “I am now.”
As they relish in the feel of being wrapped up in each other’s arms, Deeks’ eyes are drawn to the figure walking up to them, curiously wondering what’s going on.
“Excuse me, Kensi?”
The brunette turns around as she sees the man approach hesitantly. “Can I help you?”
“I’m Everly’s dad.”
“How is she?”
“She’s was rushed into surgery, but the other doctor said that if it wasn’t for you she’d be dead. My little girl’s alive because of you.”
“It’s nothing really.”
“No, it’s everything.” Shaking his head, he can feel the tears build up in his eyes. “Everly told my wife how you kept her safe and wouldn’t leave her side.”
“She kept me safe just as much. You’ve got a strong  little girl in there.”
She sends him a small smile as he almost looks a little lost. “Go be with your family.”
“Thank you.”
Deeks sees that she’s about to loose it, so he takes hold of her good arm and pulls her behind the ambulance. His arms carefully find their way around her and the tension in her body slowly ebbs away, tears now falling from her eyes.
She slowly collapses against him, pulling him to the ground with her as the pain of today lets itself known. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I know. All I could think about was never holding you again or seeing your beautiful smile or...”
She looks up at him, reddened eyes full of curiosity. “Or what?”
Reaching into his pocket, the detective pulls out the small object that he’s been holding onto for months now. “Or give you this.”
More tears begin to fall from her eyes at the sight of the delicate diamond ring placed between his fingers.
“I know this isn’t the most romantic of settings but after today, I just can’t wait anymore...Dr. Blye, will you marry me?”
She can’t help but let out a teary-eyed laugh, as she reaches into her own pocket and pulls out the band that once belonged to her father. “Only if you marry me.”
“So is that a yes?”
She burrows her head back into his chest, nodding in confirmation.
This time its a little easier to find the joy instead of dwelling on the sadness.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Chris basically blacking out when the medicine wears out and Jake bundling him up in a blanket and carrying him to bed or the couch, holding Chris tightly as he lets him sleep soundly
CW: Sick/feverish whumpee, neurodivergent whumpee having a reaction to medicine, referenced past child abuse and domestic abuse, referenced dubcon attempt. Thoughts of an abuse survivor on his fear of recreating the cycle of abuse.
Tagging: @burtlederp, @finder-of-rings, @endless-whump, @whumpfigure, @stxckfxck, @slaintetowhump, @astrobly, @newandfiguringitout, @doveotions
This is what having a newborn feels like, isn’t it? The thought filters blearily into Jake’s mind as he slowly registers the numbers staring back at him from his cell phone’s lock screen. 4:10 AM. 
There’s already a bird stubbornly singing just outside the window in the white birch tree. It’s got to be that red cardinal Chris is obsessed with - or his mate - they’ve set themselves up a nice little domestic scene out there with a nest. Chris swore after Jake caught him hanging halfway out the window and nearly had a heart attack that they have eggs now. 
Jake normally likes just about anything that makes Chris happy, but right now he hates that fucking bird. He’s been fighting a wild urge to stomp outside and wring its stupid feathered neck.
The bundle of sweat and red hair beside him shifts, and Jake takes a deep breath, settling back against the couch and letting his eyes slowly drift closed, tightening his arm over the blanket-draped lump that would normally be an energetic, cheerful teenage boy.
Chris, at least, had finally stopped bouncing off the fucking walls a half-hour ago or so. Jake had thought Nyquil was a great plan for the nasty flu bug that took Chris out for the count... until it turned out something in Chris didn’t read Nyquil the way everyone else’s body did, and instead of peacefully sleeping off his symptoms, Chris... lost it.
He’s spent the whole night alternating between a constant chattering narration of every single breath he takes to rocking, tapping, shaking, spinning, working out energy that wouldn’t end. Nat told Jake early on it’s called stimming, and Jake definitely can’t think of any other word for what it is - not when he can see what it’s doing to Chris, soothing jangled nerves, keeping his brain more on track, helping him find words when they would otherwise spark like embers and float away.
Chris talked all night.
He’d told Jake all about every detail of the hallway he’d lived in, drawn him a diagram of the fucking bedroom the Mystery Asshole had kept him locked up in, talked about silk sheets and grosser things until Jake asked him to stop. Chris had explained white rooms and white walls and fog and pain. He had talked and talked and talked and talked.
He’d been jittery, snapping irritation when he didn’t mean to but then turning those big puppy eyes on Jake with a mouthful of apologies as soon as he did. He’d gone from cheerful to terrified and back again, unable to stop his mind from whatever wild rabbit trail it ran down. He’d even tested Jake again and he hadn’t done that in months, climbed on top of him and started trying to kiss him before Jake pushed him back and said no for the third time, as firmly as he could without sounding cold or cruel.
Chris had collapsed in relief at the rejection and then bounced back up again, throwing arms around Jake’s neck and thanking him and then tearing off to the kitchen for a snack only to realize he was still so sick he wasn’t hungry and drinking too much Gatorade instead. Jake had half-expected him to climb the damn walls like Spiderman.
The little rescue narrated every move he made until Jake would have given just about anything to shut him up and had to keep reminding himself of how eerie it had been back when Chris did nothing but hide silently in perfect stillness under or behind the bed. 
Now - finally - it’s wearing off, making its way out of his system, and the constant barrage of motion has ceased. Chris is settled against him breathing slowly, evenly. 
Thank God it’s a Friday and Jake doesn’t have classes. Otherwise he’d have been up all night and still have to get ready to catch the bus by 7:30, be on campus ‘til nearly 10, and then come back again.
There’s a girl he has a ton of classes with who has an almost-two-year-old and he wonders, now, if all the times he’s thought she looked kind of tired... if she had just been up like this, all night, and still had to make it work the next day because life doesn’t stop just because someone needs you.
Instead, he shifts himself and Chris very slowly. Chris’s fingers curl into the fabric of his shirt and hold tightly, even in his sleep he won’t let Jake go. It takes some doing, but Jake eventually gets himself laid out on his back on the couch, head against one arm and his feet hanging in thin air off the either, with Chris laid out on top of him. He’s a fucking furnace giving off body heat and Jake is sweaty already, but fuck it - he’s so exhausted he doubts being a little hot is going to keep him from blacking out soon, too.
Is this what having kids is like? A weight on your chest, the sound of snuffling breaths, sweaty forehead a sign that the fever is broken, hands smaller than yours holding onto you for dear life and with perfect trust that you don’t deserve, can’t ever do enough to earn?
Trust you could shatter, a person you could destroy, just by fucking up?
Jake lays there with his heart pounding in fear at the thought. Chris’s dependency is only something he can handle because it’s spread around - he depends on Nat and on Antoni, too, Leila when she’ll let the little Romantic get close to her. Kauri whenever he drops by.
Jake would do anything for Chris - and there’s enough in Chris, like his straightened teeth and obvious gymnastics training and the things he mumbles to himself sometimes when sparks of something that used to be his life come back, to suggest that he had had parents once who loved him, too - but the idea of someone needing him so badly, and for forever or close to it, is the scariest thing he can imagine.
One day Chris will do something that makes him angry - and it doesn’t matter how Jake acts, Chris will forgive him for it immediately. Jake knows because he used to be the kid who forgave the anger, too.
He swallows against the terror that comes with the memory, that someone could be your worst fear and still hold you when you were sick, could leave bruises where your t-shirts would hide them and still lay a gentle hand to your forehead to feel for a fever. Could throw a plate to smash against the wall next to a small boy’s head while screaming spit into his little round face and then take him to fly kites at a park the next day.
He knows how easy it is to step over that line, he watched his father do it every night. Watched his mother argue and cajole and plead and try to step between them and take it, and then - in the end, when nothing else worked - turn away. Go to a different room. Leave Jake with the monster that turned into a man and back again with a suddenness that no child could ever have been expected to predict.
But she’d left, too, and he never thought of what hadn’t been done without thinking of what had. That she had packed her bags and his, set aside a few dollars here and there with a friend she trusted, and in the end... she hadn’t left Jake with the monster at all, but had taken her preteen son’s hand and walked out the door.
He doesn’t want to be his mother - who could make herself turn away from the injured boy who needed her help. He doesn’t want to be his mother and father’s families, who hid behind the Bible and the church to avoid taking responsibility, who said ‘it takes two’, who sent Jake’s mother to counselors who quoted verses instead of telling her to leave.
He would rather die than be his father - the monster with two faces. 
But the idea that Chris needs him this much, in ways that the other rescues don’t, makes him terrified he could end up just like them, anyway, whether he wants to be or not. 
These are late-night thoughts and Jake knows it. They’re foggy, slip-slide thoughts. The ideas and fears that come to you when your mind is a physical heaviness inside you, when exhaustion is all your body knows and still sleep can’t find you. 
He doesn’t think about it during the day. Only at night, and it’s morning but the world is still dark outside, and so is Jake, inside.
Outside the window, the cardinal has stopped singing. Jake slides his arms up over Chris’s back, lays them across his shoulder blades, and holds him so tightly the sleeping boy shifts around a little.
“Love, love, love-love you, Jake,” Chris mumbles against his collarbone.
“Love you too, kid,” Jake whispers back.
It should feel great, to hear it. It should feel amazing.
Instead, Jake’s veins flood with adrenaline in a new burst of fear. He can’t possibly live up to the trust Chris has in him, but he’s going to have to try... and pray that when he fails, he doesn’t fail in ways he can’t come back from. 
I promise I won’t hurt you, Jake thinks, mouths the words but doesn’t say them. If he speaks the promise, he’s just like his father, who swore up and down again and again that this would be the last time, then this, then this time and this time.
Jake has had so many this is the last time I’ll hurt you, it won’t happen again, I promise I would never hurt yous happen to him that he knows words don’t mean shit. What matters isn’t asking someone to trust you - but proving they can.
He has to hope he can be worth even half of the instant, immediate, total trust Chris has put in his hands.
Someone else once tried, with Chris. He clearly had parents who cared for him, once upon a time. Are they still out there? Did something change, and they sold their own kid? Was Chris abducted, hauled off in a white van like the rumors say? 
Are there good parents still out there searching for him, while Jake is the best Chris can do now?
Is he playing at being a big brother when Chris might have a real one out there who misses him? They can’t find him, or anyone who even looks like him, on any missing persons reports.
What if he doesn’t have anyone?
What if Jake - with his fears and his anger - is really all Chris has?
He’s still holding Chris, staring up at the ceiling, thoughts spinning and circling like Chris in the depths of the Nyquil-high, when Natalie comes downstairs at 6:30 to start coffee.
That fucking cardinal has started singing again.
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since0202 · 3 years
Chapter 17: Vote
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When Edward pulled up to their large secluded home, Grace had to catch her breath. The staggering estate was predominantly made up of windows and the curve of the architecture mirrored the bow and sway of the blossoming trees. When they climbed the wide, wood steps to the massive front door, Bella, hand in hand with Edward, turned to give Grace a worrying look. 
“Just….try to keep an open mind,” Bella said mysteriously. Grace stopped mid step and raised her eyebrows. 
“Okaaaay,” she said slowly. Edward gave a short laugh and pulled Bella further into him as they walked through the slowly opening door. Grace looked behind her into the woods for a brief moment before crossing the threshold of the Cullen house, trying her best to suppress a cold shiver winding through her and circling in her belly. 
Grace followed Edward and Bella up a flight of stairs to a landing leading to a wide open living room space. The darkened windows faced out toward the forest and Grace could just barely make out the shifting shadows of the branches in the trees. The entire Cullen family was there, standing statuesque around different areas of the living room. When they entered, their eyes all shifted over to them. 
After a brief, settling silence, she heard Carlisle gently ask: “And who’s this?” Before Grace had a chance to speak up, Edward said just as calmly back: 
“This is Grace Alo, Bella’s cousin.” No other explanation necessary apparently. “Grace, this is my father, Carlisle.” 
“Yes, Bella’s mentioned him. Nice to meet you, Dr. Cullen.” Grace responded more relaxedly than she thought she was capable of at this moment surrounded by 7 “friendly” vampires. 
“Carlisle is fine.” He nodded and gave her a warm smile. How could vampires smile warmly, she wondered. 
“Right. Carlisle then.” 
“This is my wife Esme” he circled an arm around her shoulder and the small but welcoming woman gave her a smile as well, mirroring Carlisle’s warmth. “And I think you know my other children, Alice and Jasper, and that’s Rosalie and Emmett.” 
“Hi.” Grace gave a small wave and looked to each other, silently measuring them up. She was toast if they wanted a snack. 
“Edward has informed us that Victoria has been in the area, causing some trouble for you and your friends. We’re very sorry for that. We hope no one has been hurt.” Carlisle said sincerely. 
Friends. Grace looked to Bella and wondered how much the Cullens knew and how much they thought she knew about them. 
“We’ve kept her at bay.” Grace said simply. Bound with the knowledge that she was not supposed to say anything about the pack, she wasn’t sure how much was too much. 
“Well, we’re happy to take it from here and not put any of you in further danger.” Carlisle nodded. Grace watched him carefully and was somewhat shocked by his overwhelming kindness and decency for those he had never met. She automatically took a step forward in her sudden comfort and then stopped, taking care to step back and relaying a quiet “thank you.” 
“How many of your kind are there?” Rosalie suddenly asked, sharp and strong. 
“Excuse me?” Grace said back, feeling a protective surge move through her. 
“Rosalie, that’s not important.” Carlisle placated. “And what’s more, we should respect Grace’s privacy and the treaty.” Carlisle nodded toward her. Rosalie’s unwavering gaze stayed on Grace. She gave it back, stone faced and sure. She was immovable. 
“We don’t exactly get along with their kind. It’s a matter of safety...for my family,” Rosalie said. Before Carlisle could step in again, Grace shot back. 
“There’s enough of us,” Grace said solidly, crossing her arms, “To take down a threat.” Rosalie let a small, intimidating smile creep over her lips. 
“Fair.” She said. 
“Grace isn’t a werewolf.” Bella said. “She’s the Spirit Bird.” 
BELLA! Grace internally screamed. Outwardly she gave a little squeak and clapped her mouth shut with an audible clack. 
“What?” Bella said, looking at Grace surprised. “Oh. Sorry.” she said, suddenly realizing her mistake and wincing. Grace let out a wide exhale and placed her hands on her hips. 
“Well, at least Sam won’t kill me.” Grace muttered. “He’ll kill you instead.” Grace laughed pointing toward Bella. Edward unconsciously flinched and tightened his hold on Bella. “Just kidding.” Grace said when she noticed his rigid stance. 
“Anyway, that’s not why I’m here.” Bella turned back to the family and looked at each of their faces. “You all know what I want.” She turned to look at Grace knowingly. “But I think it’s only fair that since I want to be one of you, and that I’m asking to join your family, that we vote.” 
Grace felt white hot piercing through her. She was frozen in place, but inside her head she was screaming. If Edward could glean a feeling from this, she was sure he’d understand her tight body language. She wanted to be one of them?! Her stomach turned at the thought of Bella becoming a vampire, but when she looked at the eyes around the room, their golden hued colored with worry, chagrin, and some with complete disdain, she knew it wasn’t as easy as a simple ‘yes.’ 
“So?” Bella looked to Alice first. 
“Of course, I already consider you my sister.” Alice hugged her and Bella stumbled a little bit when she was pulled into the tight hug. Grace, still frozen to the spot tried to unflex her fingers. 
Jasper nodded and then gave a short, pained, “Yes.” 
Emmett was next a broad smile pulled across his face in unrelenting joy: “Hell yes!” he picked Bella up and spun her around. “It would be nice not hearing Edward’s whining all the time.” Bella laughed and Edward groaned. 
“Rosalie?” Bella offered. Grace carefully watched the beautiful blonde vampire shift from one foot to the other smoothly. 
“I want to apologize to both of you. For my actions. I was hasty and it almost cost my brother his life. Thank you for saving him,” she said with a look on her face that showed she was almost surprised herself. “But I vote no. This isn’t a life I would have chosen for myself. And in good conscious, I can’t wish it upon you.” Rosalie folded her hands in front of her and looked down. 
Bella gave a short nod, quickly moving to Esme. “Yes, of course. You’re already our family.” 
When her gaze rested on Carlisle, he stared at Edward intently, trying to communicate with him. 
“Why are you doing this to me?” Edward lamented. 
“You’ve chosen not to live without her. And will not lose my son.” Carlisle looked back to Bella and said “Yes.” softly. 
“Edward?” Bella looked up at him. 
“You know my answer,” Edward said, somewhat annoyed but his arm still wrapped around Bella’s waist protectively. 
“We need it on record,” Bella jabbed. 
“No.” Edward said softly gazing down at her and bringing a hand to caress her face. She stared up at him for a moment longer and then pulled away slightly to turn and face Grace. Grace was still glued to the same spot stretching her fingers out, her face set in a hard line. 
“Grace?” Bella prompted. 
“Who me?” Grace choked out. 
“Why do you want my vote?” Grace was genuinely surprised, aghast even that Bella even considered her opinion on this obviously outlandish vote. Bella waited patiently. Grace let out an exasperated huff of air and shook her head, “Bella, I love you, so so much. But this….I know you think this will make you happy. But Bella...this will start a war. One I will have to fight and I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose anyone,” she looked around the room. She didn’t know then, but when she said ‘anyone’ she meant everyone standing in that room as well. 
Bella sucked in a worried breath and fiddled with her fingertips. “I understand-”
“Do you?” Grace interjected, finally taking the steps forward to stand in front of Bella and clasp her hands over hers. “The treaty...the treaty states that if a Cullen bites a human, then the deal is off.” 
“We’ll leave.” Bella whispered. “I know we’ll have to leave.”
“Bella. They’ll follow you. And I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop them.” Grace watched her face closely. “Just think about it. Think about….Jake.” she choked out. “This will kill him.” Tears sprang to her eyes now. 
“Grace,” Bella pulled Grace into a hug and kept her there, whispering in her ear, “I promise I won’t do anything to put you or Jake or the pack in danger. I promise.” She pulled back and looked at her face. “We’ll figure it out. Together.” Grace knew that there was no way to win tonight. So instead, she nodded, let the tears drop from her face onto the cleanly polished mahogany floors and sucked in a deep breath. 
Carlisle was next to her in an instant with a handkerchief, that Grace gladly accepted and wiped her eyes with. She chuckled out a loose thank you and Carlisle kindly nodded. 
“I should get you two back home. It’s late.” Edward said. He looked at Grace appreciatively glad to have someone on his side in this fight for Bella’s life. 
But Grace wasn’t so sure he had the same goal. If this affected no one else, Grace would have supported it because she recognized that Bella was happiest with Edward. And to stay with him this way, she had to change. It made sense, even if Grace thought it should be a last resort. But in the back of her mind, she knew what it was like to want to be with someone that you couldn’t in the way you were now. 
Tucked in the safety of Edward’s backseat, Grace let her head lean against the cool window. Just as she was drifting off, she heard Edward gently say, “Grace.” 
She sat up and looked around her quickly. Edward was staring straight ahead out the windshield. Bella had fallen asleep. Grace squinted out the windshield and saw just inside the tree line six pairs of glowing eyes. She sucked in a sharp breath and looked to Edward. 
“They don’t look happy.” Grace said sarcastically. 
“Hate to be a Spirit Bird right about now,” Edward said quietly. 
“Or a vampire,” Grace retorted. Edward chuckled. “Okay, I’ll get out first and you get Bella upstairs.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Edward said, his eyes still glued to the forest. 
Grace got out of the backseat easily, her nervous energy shaking any tiredness from her body. She strode across her lawn toward the forest and then stopped just past the walkway. She kept her hands at her side in case she felt like she needed to block them. Edward was quick and quiet and in the house by the time Grace came to a stop. 
The crescendo of angry voices laced with hurt, betrayal, curiosity, and more prominently, anger, were loud and clear. But something in her held her in place and she conveyed as best she could without speaking that everything was going to be alright. To which a low howl accompanied by a bevvy of growls rang out. The flood of emotion coming from the pack was so strong that she had a hard time hearing any full sentences. They all overlapped each other in outrage. And then, she heard one clear voice ring out like a shot. 
Is she alright? It was Jake’s voice. It was firm but void of any desperate anger like the others. He was upset but remained more level headed in his tone to make sure his message got across. 
“Yes.” Grace said quietly out into the trees to him. Then suddenly, the voices stopped like someone at given a silent command. Grace could hear the relief of silence and crickets, and animals creaking around in the forest. She was grateful for it and nodded once toward the trees, conveying an unspoken decision to the pack and moved swiftly into the house. 
“Well, you’re both grounded,” Charlie had his hands on hips, donned in his chief getup, and was standing in front of Grace and Bella as they sat on the couch. 
“Wait! Why am I grounded?” Grace said. 
“Yeah, that doesn’t seem fair dad, she tried to stop me,” Bella defended her and Grace nodded enthusiastically. 
“Because not 12 hours after Bella got home, you snuck her out to see Edward in the middle of the night.” Charlie stated matter of factly, pleased as punch with his findings. 
“Wha-” Grace said. 
“Sam called.” 
“Aaaah, what a little-” Grace started. 
“I’d save it. He was only looking out. Soooo,” Charlie pointed to Grace first, “Two weeks, school only, trips to the rez accompanied only by Jacob or….what’s his name?”
“Paul.” Grace said dejectedly crossing her arms. 
“Yes and 7 p.m. curfew. And you,” he pointed to Bella who looked at him expectantly, unafraid. “Grounded for the rest of your life. That means no seeing Edward, no phone, nothing.” Bella nodded biting her lip. 
“Saw that coming,” she replied. “But dad I’m 18 so-” 
“Well as long as you live in my house, you’re grounded.” Charlie said. 
“Then I’m moving out.” Bella said back. 
“Okay woah,” Grace halted the conversation. “Bells, you’re not moving out. We’ve got 2 more months of school and you know that’s not the way you want to leave,” Grace gave her a knowing stare. 
“Fine, but I still get to see Edward.” Bella crossed her arms looking up at Charlie. He considered this for a moment. 
“5 p.m. curfew, no school nights. You can go to the reservation whenever you’d like to hang out with Jacob. If you head anywhere else, I’ll know.” Charlie conceded. Bella looked at Grace who rolled her eyes and mouthed ‘Sam.’
“Grace gets a 7.p.m curfew, why can’t I have that?” Bella challenged. Charlie started to get red in the face. 
“5.p.m when your with him. 7p .m. when you’re with Grace or Jake. That’s it, Bella.” to this Charlie turned and started walking toward the door. “Now get to school. You’re going to be late.” When he swung open the front door, Edward was climbing the steps. “Oh jeez!” he let out, annoyed. 
“Chief Swan,” Edward said, giving him a gentle smile. 
“Get out of here, they’re both grounded.” 
“Dad, the truck is at school, we don’t have a ride.” Bella said as she passed him and beelined it for his car. Grace hiked her backpack on her shoulder and moved past him too. Charlie dragged a hand over his face and threw his hands up. 
“Fine,” and walked off toward his police cruiser. 
In the car, Grace opened her phone and scrolled aimlessly through the onslaught of text messages in her phone that had been building up since late last night. She only looked for one name though. He hadn’t been one of the many frantic text messages last night though. Still, for comfort, she looked at the last message he had sent her, trying to channel his warm, soothing voice in her head.
I’m so sorry, Grace. 
Let me know when you want to talk.
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shadowess · 3 years
Love Stinks  Chapter 1
It may have been the first time the police had been called to Eastview Highschool. But it was at least the tenth time they’ve had to drag Mildred Chapman down a school corridor. The teen dug her boot heels into the worn tiled floor as she thrashed from side to side, screaming incoherently. The student body had gathered into the hall, watching the scene unfold, some were concerned, but most, in fact, almost all, had taken out their phones to video the event. Saliva ran down her chin as she lifted her legs and gave kick to a locker. The men, although professionals, struggled to keep hold of the violent child. Following them down the hall, came a teacher, followed by a bunch of boys wearing the football team’s colors. “What the hell’s wrong with her?” asked the worried teacher. “She’s fucking mental Miss! Didn’t you see what she did to Jake?” One of the news paper boys lifted his camera as the police hauled her past. His camera flashing as he snapped a picture. Mildred’s eyes widen and she lunged at him with screech of pure fury. He jumped back and tripped he stepped back into a wet floor sign. As the police barely managed to wrestle her to the ground she continued to scream incoherently, murder in her eyes. That is till the sudden but familiar electric feel of a taser zapped through her body. “EEeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!” The students winced. “Oooh..” they chorused. As Mildred slumped, body spasming a little from the jolts. One of the policemen gave a sigh of relief. “Oh thank God…” The teacher covered her mouth in horror. Before turning to the crowd. “Havn’t you all work to be doing!?”
When Mildred came to, her head ached, her body hurt and the lights were too damn bright. Groaning, she covered her eyes, laying in the cell bed. What had happened? She couldn’t quite remember all of it. Mostly she just recalled losing her shit when Jake thought it would be funny to shine a light in her eyes out of nowhere. But that was it. Sitting up, she rubbed her eyes and moaned, everything hurt. Outside the cell, she could see her parents talking desperately with the Chief of police. Probably trying to pay her bale. Looking in the mirror above the sink in the small room, she took in her state. Dried blood covered her hands, but it was not her own. Ah… so that’s what happened. She sighed and slouched, rubbing her hands over her forehead. Briefly she was able to pick up on bits of the conversation. “Have you taken her to see a doctor…” Then the dialogue became hushed. She rolled her eyes. Yes, she’s been to a doctor. Many times. Nothing they gave her ever did any good. Eventually it seemed her custodians were able to convince the man in charge to let her go. Getting to her feet, Mildred pulled the black hood of her jacket over her head. Staring at the concrete floor, listening as the keys jingled until the door was unlocked. Not waiting till the door was fully opened, she shoved past the chief and strode over to her parents, shoving her hands into her pockets. “So. Home then?” She declared with a smile. And with that, made her way out to the waiting room. Passing the secretary’s desk, the woman pushed a freshly made coffee across the desk for her. “Hey Mildred.” “Hey Mary.” After the fifth time she’s been in hear, Mildred had become friends with the older woman. “Beat up another kid?” “I think so, I can’t quite remember.” “Yeesh, that’s tough.” Mildred laughed a bit. “Hell yeah, I mean, I think I’m probably expelled again, but hey, nothing new.” Mary put a pencil behind her ear as she crossed one knee over the other. “Weren’t you on medication?” “I was.” Mildred confirmed. “But the school nurse found out and made me give it to her.” “Well, that’s stupid.” “Yeah, like, I can administer my own pills you know?” Briefly looking down the hall to make sure her parents were still talking with the chief. She picked up the cup and downed the coffee in one go. Instantly she felt ten times calmer. Sighing, Mildred sat down in a chair by the desk and ran a hand over her head. “Let me guess… He’s asking all the same bloody questions as last time, right?” she muttered, rubbing her nose. Mary sighs, “he’s just worried about you dear.” “Mary. Adults being worried has never given me any good. Only more grief.” It was true. Mildred could list all the times in her childhood that a adult being worried had only made things worse.
Red and blue lights flashed off as a car pulled up outside. Mildred sat up and she and Mary shared ominous looks. There is the sounds of a scuffle, shouting, and noises that couldn’t possibly be from a person. As the doors burst open, about five policemen were wrangling what looked like very large and very angry angler fish. Well… Mildred assumed it was a angler fish. Or… at least an angler fish-man. She wasn’t overly familiar with the terminology of Monsters, but she was sure she’d seen something like in one of the school’s propaganda movies. Creature of the Black Lagoon? Had it been? She wasn’t sure. But what she was sure about, was that this thing could tear apart everyone here if it wanted. She got out of her seat and called into the hallway. “Hey! I think it’s time to skedaddle don’t you guys!?” Her parents and Chief Lewis quickly entered the waiting room. Instantly her father agreed. “Yep. Time to go.” “Back door.” Mildred muttered. Chief Lewis gave her a look. “How do you know about the back door?” “Don’t ask.” The girl headed in that direction, sharing a worried look, her parents followed. It was best to get out before the Slayer’s came. Unless you wanted to witness something gruesome. But hey? Who needs a decapitated monster in their nightmares?
Once at home, Mildred quickly escaped upstairs so she wouldn’t have to deal with a oncoming lecture and suggestion of therapy. Parents, am I right? Locking her door, she collapsed onto her bed, laying on her front as she stared at the clock across from her on the bedside table. Letting out an exhausted sigh, she kicked off her boots, rolling onto her side and curling up onto her side, keeping her arms tucked into her chest. She didn’t want to check her phone yet. There would no doubt be a million texts and missed phone calls from her classmates, and let’s not forget the news. Troubled teenager attacks fellow student. In the end it would be preaching the same old shit. That she was on medication, had severe mental health issues, and couldn’t stand bright flashes of light. The interviews from teachers would describe her as a strange girl who kept to herself and gave obvious singles of trouble at home. This would lead to another visit from the CPS and then the whole cycle would start again. Running a hand through her hair she sat up. Unzipping her black hoody, she threw it over the mirror and began to remove her bra. The damn thing dug into her skin with its infernal fire. But God forbid she have to do sport without one. Pulling out her mph3 player she put the ear buds in her ears, playing a few tunes. It was a bit taboo for humans to listen to monster music, and vice versa, but hey, she lived to rebel. She was already a freak anyhow. Not that she liked monsters of course. She wasn’t an idiot. Not even an infant would trust those fanged and gnarled things. But hey, a good song was a good song. And hey, before you ask, no. It wasn’t racism… speciesism… or whatever it was called. It was actual fear. Monsters killed humans. And hardly anything was ever done about it. Because what could one do? These things had magic powers, they had strength that outweighed that of a humans’. They were so different than humans in every way. And most of the time. Very little empathy for other living things. They were known for their cruelty, for torturing people just for fun. And then being gone before the police even arrived. There was a knock at the door. Mildred sat up, not answering. She wouldn’t give them an opportunity to be let in. “Mildred?” it was her mother. “Darling?” Mildred felt her chest tighten with guilt. She hated having to shut her out. But it was easier this way. “Mildred, the principle called… you’ve been expelled again…”. The teen sighed and laid back down. This had been the last school in their district. No other school would accept her. Too much of a streak record. Ten schools. Ten of them. And each one. She blew it. It didn’t matter how long she lasted there. A month, a week, a year. In the end. Just as things were going well. Shit happened. Always when she was least expecting it. Once it got around that she wasn’t going to be enrolled anywhere anytime soon, there would be calls for her to be placed in a mental hospital. Rather locked up than let to roam the streets. A danger to society. Is what the therapist had labelled her.
She could hear her mother sigh on the other side of the wood. “Look… Mildred… I..” she stuttered. She knew just as well as her daughter did what would happen if she wasn’t enrolled. The teenager waited for the words, what would she say? ‘I’m sorry.’? ‘This is for the best.’? Heh… no. What came out of her mother’s mouth was ten times worse than any form of apologetic hopelessness.
“Mildred… We’re going to enroll you in Spooky High.”
Seven years ago
Mildred sat back stage with the other girls, furiously scratching her pink leotards. They were itchy, itchy, itchy! The music blared loudly as the older girls came to the climax of their performance. Swan Lake. Soon their turn would be up, Sugar Plum Fairy. Mildred scratched her hair, making a muck of her neat ballerina bun.
The little girls giggled and whispered in hushed but excited voices; this was one of their first recitals that wasn’t for babies. There was a round of enthusiastic applause and flashing of cameras, Mildred whined and covered her face. The noise felt like ice picks being driven into her brain, she pulled her knees to her chest and started to rock a little. “Miss Lemming! Mildred’s being annoying!” Little blonde Sarah had announced with a snooty voice. The middle-aged woman quickly snapped. “Mildred stop rocking.” It seemed to be a learned trait of ballet teachers to be strict and mean. Mildred’s parents would often joke that they could hear their daughter’s name being yelled quite often from the parents’ lounge. Though Mildred didn’t find it very funny. The little girl fixed Sarah with a glare as she tucked her black hair behind her ears. As the sixteen-year-old Swans trotted like primmed poodles off of stage, the teacher gestured for the little fairies to get up. “Ok, girls, just like we rehearsed, straight line.” The youngsters got in place and trotted out onto stage. A chorus of coos came from the audience. Mildred held arms with the other girls as they were meant to. The music erupted loudly from under the stage, it was much louder hear. Upon the same moment, an array of camera flashes burst from the darkened audience. Mildred shrieked as for a moment she was blind, her head racking with ruckus. Then, blank. All rational thought left her body and she lunged for Sarah, tackling the other girl down onto the stage and started to tear at her hair and face. Sarah screamed and started to hit back, grabbing Mildred’s earing and pulling. Mildred shrieked and landed a hard punch into the other child’s nose. The other girls screamed and some ran off stage, the camera’s kept flashing and the music kept playing, boys in the audience started laughing and cheering as their parents tried to hush them. Miss Lemming ran onto the stage and Mildred’s parents rushed along the row of seats. The two girls screamed and grappled, neither wanting to let up as the adults wrestled to get them apart. After about ten whole seconds, were they separated and carried kicking and screaming off the stage.
Mildred sat on the hospital bed, a bandage around her ear. In the room next to her, Sarah had cast on her nose. Outside her parents were restlessly talking with a woman in a suite. The child stared silently. She didn’t like the look of this woman. Eventually, her mother entered the room and sat on her bed. “Mildred. There is a lady here to see you.” The young one tilted her head. “Why’s that mummy?” “They just want to have a chat, ok darling?” Mildred blinked with curiousness. “…ok.” She crossed her legs and hugged the pillow to her chest as the suite woman entered the room. “Hello Mildred,” She was friendly, but the she could tell something was off. She didn’t quite know what it was, just… something. Later, after a few years, Mildred would finally find the right words to describe exactly what this lady was. Poisoned Honey. “Hello…” the little girl greeted, feeling queasy in the gut. “I’m from child protection services, would you mind if we had a little talk?” “….am I in trouble?” “No, no dear. Not at all.” Heh, yeah right. After a little while, the woman had been able to worm out of the child all the dirty little secrets.
It ended as one might suspect, with a mandatory evaluation from a therapist, and a three-day institutionalization until they could come up with a proper diagnosis. In the end, they had been unable to find out what was wrong. Or rather, not in one specific category. The doctors said she was autistic, the nurses suggested she was going through zombification, the therapists pondered if she was schizophrenic. Upon finding no clear classification, they had just scratched their head, put her on anti-psychotics and had sent her home. Everything went back to normal after that. For a while that is.
But in the end, not for very long at all.
Present Day
It was Wednesday morning. Mildred sat in the passenger seat of her mother’s car. She clenched her fists, gripping the bottom of her black hoody tightly. As they entered the school zone the car slowed. Mildred briefly brushed her hair to hang over her face from under her hood. She just knew this was going to end so badly. “Mum, if you wanted me dead. You could have just hired a hitman.” Her mother sighed and rolled her eyes. “Mildred… please promise me you’ll try and make a good impression.” “Why? It’s just a meeting today… not like I’m probably gonna be accepted here…” “Well… you never know.” The sixteen-year-old avoided her mother’s disappointed gaze and stared ahead. Her chest tightened with self-loathing. “Isn’t the principle a spider or something?” Her mother tried to chuckle. “I’m sure that’s an exaggeration.” They turned into the parking lot. Two individuals stood by the changeable copy board. She tilted her neck a bit to try and read the message. ‘Copiers can sense fear. Stay calm and speak to the machine in low soothing tones.’ …. What… Mildred’s mother lowered the window. “Excuse me, can you tell us where to find the administration’s office?” as the fellow teens turn to face the car, well… lets just say that it looked like they were the ones who had seen a ghost. Which was saying something as… well, one of them was a ghost. Mildred tensed and wanted to facepalm in embarrassment. There was nothing worse than standing out. Let alone drawing attention to oneself. The ghost smiled brightly. “Oh Sure!! Uuhh Just over there I think hehehe I’m drunk.” The monster beside her… a.. uh… Mildred wasn’t sure what it was, but it was purple and had a green eye in it’s chest with a head full of tentacles. Anyway, the monster besides the ghost nodded it’s head vigorously in agreement. “Yeah! That way!” and pointed with a tentacle arm. “Ok.. thaaanks..” Mildred nodded and as the car moved forward, she fixed her mother with a expression that can only be summed up as, Are you Serious? Parking under the shade of a tree, they got out and started to walk along the footpath towards the screen doors ahead of them. Surprisingly, the place was well furnished, it looked just like a completely normal school. Sunlight shining in the windows, the football club’s slogan painted on the floor. Student art projects up on the left wall, and a trophy cabinet on the other side. “Doesn’t look.. that bad.” Her mother commented and smiled. Mildred snorts. “I highly doubt.” Stuffing her hands into her pockets, she looked up at the sign on the wall. “Heh, no necromancy permitted on campus, charming.” Mrs Chapman sighed. “Come on, I think the administration is this way.” And follows the sign that points to the main office. Rolling her eyes, the teenager follows, putting her ear buds in to play some music.
After asking directions from what seemed to be a deranged bear janitor, they finally found the main office. Mildred crosses her arms over her chest and frowned as her mother spoke to the harpy sitting at the front desk. Briefly looking around, the human walked over to a few staff pictures on the wall, she gnawed her lip as she took in the concoction of monstrosities. Although they were only head shots and not much to go off, they still gave a good view of the oddities of this place. “Mildred?” Her mother whispered and gestured to a seat in the waiting room. With a roll of her eyes, she sauntered over and slumped down into the chair, resting her ankle on her knee with disinterest. Nodding her head to the beat thrumming in her head, she almost didn’t hear the principle’s office door open until Mrs Chapman shook her arm when she didn’t respond to her name. “Mildred.” She snaps softly. “huh?” The teen jerks out of her trance and quickly presses pause, removing the buds from her ears. “What?” Her mother looks like she wants to slap her. “Mildred. This is Principal Webber.” Wrinkling her nose, the girl looked up, and up, and up, at the very large, very giant, bipedal arachnid. “Whoa!!” she exclaimed with surprise. “Heh, The brochure wasn’t kidding when they called you a giant spider!” Mrs Chapman facepalms. The large arachnid chuckles in that way they always do when it comes to children. Happy but condescending. The entire meeting was pretty straight forward. Her mother did most of the talking, telling the spider their situation, and sugar coating her condition. Mildred had put her ear plugs back in not even half way through, closing her eyes and nodding her head. When she opened her eyes again, she caught her mother’s relieved expression. So, it was safe to say she was accepted.
After enduring an detestable and lengthy lecture about her rudeness and making false promises to write a letter of apology to the principle, Mildred had successfully blocked out her mother’s nagging. Once home she had excused herself to her room to go on her computer, Tibbles joining her by laying on the desk. Locking her door behind her she looked over her room. It was common that her things were gone through when she wasn’t home. Ever since the accident with the sharpened toothbrush. Her room was painted a dark purple, a fluffy pink carpet on the floor and a black bed against the wall. Most kids liked their beds against windows. But not Mildred. If someone ever tried to break in, well, the last thing she wanted was to be fell upon the moment they entered the window. Lowering her hood she went to her desk and turned on her laptop, turning up the volume on her mph3 player she typed in Spooky High. …. Huh…. There has been a lot of fires apparently. And a large number of student-on-student murders… Apparently the campus has had to be rebuilt 15 times due to catastrophic catastrophises. Mildred dead panned and gave her cat an unimpressed look. “Make sure to say something nice at my funeral.” The grey tabby meowed and laid on the keyboard. She giggled and gave him a kiss on the head. Pulling the scrunched-up application form from her pocket, she uncreased it as much as she could and read over the basic questions. It was straight forward, first name, last name, second name. Age, what grade. That kind of thing. She ticked the female box, but then paused. The next question was inquiring as to her species. Mildred bit her lip, pondering this. On one hand, she could write human. It would probably be obvious she was human, however… well… it wouldn’t really matter, just a bit of fun before her demise. She wrote Unspecified onto the dotted line and snorted with a bit of humour. Yeah, she was definitely going to die. Looking at Tibbles she scratched his chin. “See you he-… well, maybe not. I’m for sure going to hell, but your damn well going to heaven even if I have to sneak you in their Mission Impossible style.”
As the end of lunch bell rang, Vera leant forward, applying a darker shade of green lipstick to herself in the bathroom mirror. Her snakes hissed and slithered around her shoulders, whispering to each other. Miranda brushed her candy floss coloured hair and babbled on about the latest cover-shoot she’s been asked to partake in. “And then I had my Serfs do the photoshop for me,” she giggled, fixing the crown upon her head. Vera rolled her eyes and ignores the other aside from a few comments as she applied some eyeliner, using her dagger as a ruler. “Were they pretty at least?” “Oh yes, Daisy is quite pretty for a commoner.” Putting her blade back into her handbag, the gorgon is adjusting her jacket when her hair’s whispers harshens and agitated hisses become slightly audible. “Sssshe’sss coming, ssshe’sss coming!” Polly flies through the wall and waves excitedly with a huge smile. “Heey Boo!” Miranda’s smile widened into one of sharp teeth as her bright blue eyes lit up with joy. “Pollyy!” The poltergeist giggled and gave her friends a wink, pushing her sunglasses up onto her forehead. “You’ll neeever guess what me and Zoe saww today!” Vere hisses lightly with an amused roll of her red eyes. “Let me guess, a cute boy?” The ghost gives her a slightly annoyed expression, “Ugh, nnoo.” She pouts as her smile comes back. “A human is enrolling!” She exclaimed. Miranda’s eyes bulge as she mucks up her lipstick in surprise. Vera blinks, her snakes going quiet. “Oh?” The mermaid princess giggled a little as she wiped off a smudge of makeup, “Oh Polly, are you sure that’s what you saw?” She asks with a slightly condescending tone. It was well known that the poltergeist was often drunk, stoned, or otherwise drugged up. The ghost hmphed and folded her arms. “Lets make a bet.” Vera chuckles mirthfully, “I’m listening.” Polly’s eyes glinted excitedly. “If there’s no human, then… uuh..” she tries to think of something. Miranda clasps her hands. “Then you got to go sober for three weeks!” The Spector seems caught off guard by this term, but then decides, it’s worth the risk. “Deal! And if there Is a human. Then you guys gotta flirt with… Leonard!” She exclaims and both ghouls shudder. “Fine.” “Deal.” They reluctantly agree. “This so-called human has till Monday to appear.”
Pulling on her boots she did up the laces before lowering her trousers over the leather. It was Monday, the beginning of what was left of Mildred’s life. So not long. Adjusting shirt, she started to brush her hair. It was choppy and all over the place. And with it’s dark look, quite often got her mistaken for a goth. Heh, she may wear all black. But this kid, nah, she didn’t regard herself as a goth. She was a Rocker. And proud of it. Brushing cat fur off her top, she tucked it into her trousers for warmth, she’d chosen a white one with a silver crown printed on the front. Grabbing her hoodie, she slipped it on and zipped it up, pulling her hood up before grabbing her fingerless gloves. Tibbles meows and rubs against her legs. Smiling she reaches down and pats his head. “See you later baby, hopefully.” She kisses the cat’s head and grabs her backpack; it’s decorated with keychains. Heading down stairs she grabs a plate of toast her mother left out for her. She was nearly late, and although she didn’t truly care, she didn’t fancy walking all the way to school, plus, it seemed to be universal rule, that all schools phoned up your parents if you were absent. Always. With that in mind she shut the door and burst into a run down the footpath, heading for the bus stop. The clouds this particular day were cloudy and overcast. It would rain tonight. As she rounded the corner, she saw the school bus coming up the street. Eyes widening, she slowed and walked casually to the bus stop. Pulling her hoodie further down over her face she quickly got out her bus fare. As the vehicle slowed to a stop, she risked a glance up at the windows, many monstrosities howled and growled inside, carrying on like it was feeding time at a zoo. She gulped as the bus doors hissed open. Taking a hesitant step up she climbed aboard and gave the gargoyle driver her fare. She couldn’t quite place the expression on the stone configuration, though she was pretty sure it was pity. Or hunger, or something of the two. Moving down the row of the bus, she kept her head low and looked for an available seat. Moving down the row of the bus, she kept her head low and looked for an available seat. Slipping in beside a purple bat eared boy wearing a bowtie she hunched forward, it seems that no one had noticed she was human yet, as long as she kept covering her face. There was a slight scoff from beside her. “Please, the brooding emo trope is a bit cliché isn’t it?”
Clenching her fists as she felt anger coil around her chest, tightening into a knot. She looked up, giving the vampire a fierce look. His skin was a light shade of purple, one side of his head was shaved, the rest of his hair tied up in a man-bun. Though he downgraded from his cool hairstyle as he dressed in what can only be described as 50s fashion. She wrinkled her nose and grinned almost evilly. Cliché huh? Well, she’d show him. As the hipster’s yellow eyes widened and his ears flicked forward in surprised interest, she felt a smug happiness brighten her day. “Unconventional enough for you?” she asked with false sweetness. With that, she takes her ear plugs and puts them in, playing her best playlist. Liam swallowed thickly. Pushing his glasses back up his nose he stared at the human for what seemed like ages, for once in his eternal life, the vampire was blown away. Sure, he’d interacted with humans before, both in history and for feeding purposes. But truly, no humans aside from Slayers and Witches went to Monster Highschools. And this particular whelp, was neither of them. With a moment of panic, he whipped out his phone and started furiously texting. Although he would detest his reaction later, at this current moment, he was shook. Mildred kept her eyes closed as she let herself rest, mimicking sleep. It felt almost as good as the real thing. Slumbering was one of the only things that brought her a sense of peace outside of music. Yet even music couldn’t quell the hypervigilance completely. Coming back to reality she then remembered a very important detail. She forgot to take her tablets. “Ah shit…” she mumbled and inwardly facepalms. She settles for staring at her lap and tapping her foot in tune to the tunes in her ears. She already had her plan stacked in her head. Go to office, get timetable, sit at the back of class in the corner, which was the safest place to be at all times, she’d learnt this the hard way on the first day of human high school. So, she assumed monster schools were no different. At lunch she would eat in the corner, once again, the ignorable area. The day would be a breeze, in, out, as long as she kept her hood up and head down, no one would know she was human. Except for the vampire guy… but he'd know to keep his mouth shut… right?
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thy-lover · 4 years
Jason Voorhees - I still love you...
Jason meets his childhood best friend again, who he also still has a crush on....
Warnings: Smut, slightly angsty, fluff, depiction of alcohol and murder and mentions of self harm.
"We are going to camp crystal lake, dude, There's no discussion on that!" Jake yelled at his friend group who were currently fighting over where to take their summer vacation.
You walked in the living room with the beer they ordered for you to get. You passed one to Rachel who pathetically snatched it and told you to get the fuck out of her sight, just before you were going to pass on to Chad you froze upon hearing the words 'Camp Crystal Lake'.
"Hello? Earth to y/n, you were about to pass me that beer." He pointed at the beer held in your hands, that were trembling. You handed it to him but turned to Jake.
"um.... Jake I don't know if that's a good idea...." You said as your heart pumped fast.
"why? afraid of a little legend?" He smirked and helped himself to a bottle of beer.
you sat down on the side of the couch farthest away from them "No it's just, pretty much all the teens who decided to camp there gone missing, I just don't want us to see the same fate." The small girl looked down at her lap, they can't know, is all that ran threw her mind. The teens that sat on the same couch she was on went silent, what you said was true, they only shivered at the thought.
Jake laughed "oh c'mon y/n, that's all apart of the stupid legend of Jason Voorhees!" He laughed and the others shoulder Began to relax again. You shook gently, that name, the name that made your heart clench. The name that made you hurt inside.
"There is a legend around camp crystal lake, there was a kid who was drowned in the lake because the counselors killed him. When his mom came back, she was so mad she killed the counselors but got murdered herself. Due to this the vengeful spirit of the kid came back to life and kills anyone who comes on the camp!" He definitely scared his friends, but you just shook rocking back an forth. Y/n knew the real story.
the next day they forced you to go on the trip with them, but you didn't want to, camp crystal lake was supposed to be forgotten about in your mind.
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You glanced down at your clothing "baby blue, his favorite color.." you smiled gently.
"huh?" Jake said not hearing you he turned to look at you "damn y/n, you look fuckin hot cant wait to get there." Jake gave you a disgusting smirk.
The moment you arrived at the camp you weren't sure what to do, the sign that said 'Camp Crystal Lake' was just how you remembered it, if you look past the paint that is slowing chipping away. All the sudden a suppressed flash back hit you.
- The young girls head was out of the car, waiting for that yellow 'Camp Crystal Lake' sign to appear, she grinned widely and hoped out of the car and running to her best friend "Jason! Jason!" Screamed an overly excited little girl who was around the age of six. "Y/n!!" The young boy who was around seven yelled back. They met in the middle and embraced each other in a tight hug, jumping up and down.
"Jason I missed you so–" she was cut of.
"y/n you forgot your bag!" The young girls mother screamed from the window if the car.
"hold on mommy, I'm talking to Jason!" The girl screamed back, a older woman came walking towards the two of you, her shoes picking a little bit if the forest floor up.
"y/n!? You've gotten taller since the last time we talked." The woman smiled as she embraced her son's bestfriend in her arms.
"it's only been 4 months Pammy." The young girl smiled up at her.
"Y/N! HERE! NOW! I HAVE TO GET TO WORK!" The screams of her mother calling from the car.
- flashback ends
You hoped out of the car walking past the old crystal lake sign and into the area where her friends are, Chad's in the middle of talking his jeans off, revealing his bare ass because he had no underwear. The moment this happened you turned away quickly.
"Join us y/n!" Jake yelled towards you but you shook your head an walked away. "I'll set up the fire, you guys can continue, well, doing whatever it is you're doing..." You said waving your hands in the air.
Jason's P.O.V
'y/n' Jason thought as he watched the woman in a blue dress, he knew you, and even as he watched the woman's frame go back into the suv he madly hoped you were her, you were 'y/n' , his savior, his protector, his crush.... Just then a flashback came back to his head.
"Hey assholes leave him alone now!" The girl yelled to Jason's bullies.
The boy who kicked Jason now stood facing you he smirked "yea and what the hell are you going to do about it monster lover!" He taunted the girl. 'monster lover, that's what they called her for being Jason's friend.'
Her smooth hands curled into a fist, "Your the monster here John!" The young girl yelled.
"oh shut up and go play with your dolls!" The bully yelled back at her and all the other kids around him laughed at her.
A flash of rage came over the girl who Jason had the biggest crush on, the girl picked up a small rock and hurdled it at the older boy who was bullying Jason, the stone hit right on the center of his forhead. He fell over and started crying like a baby. She took the chance and ran to Jason grabbing his arm and running away from the other kids.
She ran until she was far enough to be out of sight. And she hid behind a big tall tree, the tree they made a 'blood oath' at.
Jason panted sitting on the forest floor letting his back lean on the tree.
"thank you y/n, you saved me again." Jason beamed up at her. She smiled down at the sitting boy, Jason took a moment to admire her smile. Everything about her to him was perfect. Her pretty smile her big e/c eyes, he just loved her even though he was way to young to understand what love was he knew he felt something for her that was strong.
"anytime Jason, those guys a cowards. " She said grabbing his hands and holding him tightly. He blushed at her and she smiled at his cuteness.
"you are to cute jae." he blushed even harder but his gaze left her when he heard the counselors. they peaked there heads out from either side of the tree and seeing the counselors crouching down at the boy who was clutching his head.
"we sure got him didn't we Jason?" He nodded and chuckled.
-flash back ends
How could she have thought I was cute.
3rd person p.o.v
Y/n walked towards the suv and pulled out a bouquet of Lily's and sunflower. She looked down at the flowers and smiled sadly.
She closed the door and walked away from the group further in the woods. After walking for a little while she stumbled on the big oak tree, each day her and Jason would wrap there arms to the tree to see if they're arms grew. She chuckled at the memory.
She kneeled down to the roots of the tree and laid the flowers down, if you looked very closely at the bottom of the tree you can see two small smudges of blood overlapping each other and above it there are letters that are carved into it sloppily "Jason and y/n bff forever" she smiled again at it, this was apparently what her younger self considered a blood oath.
"Pamela Voorhees, it's been a while since I said that name aloud hasn't it?" Y/n chuckled. "I brought you Lily's Ms. Voorhees, I know they're your favorite." She said looking up at the sky which sh hopes is where Pamela is.
A loud cry broke out from her mouth "a-and I brought s-sunflowers J-ja-jason's favorite..." Jason the name of her crush, Jason the name of the boy she loved, Jason the name of the boy who drowned.
"I'm so so s-sorry I wasn't there f-for you jae, I could've tried to save you....if my mom hadn't taken me on that business trip then maybe I could've been here to protect y-you!" The cries from the woman became louder. "I'm sorry jae, it was all my fault that I left, maybe I could've save you.... I thought that maybe if I came just one more time I could finally forgive myself for leaving you... I could finally live with the fact that you're gone....I could finally love myself but I was wrong!" Y/n sniffled.
"goodbye Jason, I'll love you forever..." She leant her lips down and kisses the harsh etching that had Jason's name on it.
Y/n cried there a little longer before she heard scream. She picked her head up a little and sniffled, the girl got on her feet and ran towards the screams.
The moment y/n got back to the camp she saw nothing but blood everywhere and her 'friends' all dead, she stumbled on her feet backing away from the scene, she was about to scream but a large hand wrapped around her mouth and she was pressed against a strong chest.
Y/n fought the hold of the stranger not wanting to have the same fate as her acquaintances. That was until she saw a bloody knife raised to her, she immediately blacked out.
The next time y/n woke up she was in an old bed in one of the cabins. Her eyesight was dizzy but it finally focused and she looked around the room, the moment she realized where she was she put a hand over her mouth.
"Jason's bedroom..." The moment the words fell from her lips she screamed out a loud cry, maybe if she dies know she can finally be with Jason. The moment ended at that thought the door was swung open and a large man in a hockey mask looked around the room quickly, when his eyes landed on you he calmed and took a step closer.
You couldn't believe how tall he was, his head was basically touching the cabins roof, his large frame was covered in jeans and a jacket, his feet were in boots that looked like it didn't fit him.
He tried to take another step toward you but you backed up in fear "w-who are you?" You said weekly.
He only took another step closer "please don't kill me!" You cried out to the man who was already right at the bed side because of his long strides.
As you cried all he did was pick his hand up to your face and palm your tear stained cheek.
"please tell me who you are?" You asked trying to move his hand but failing. He took his hand off from your cheek and pointed towards the headboard that had the word "Jason V." Into the hard oak.
"Jason V?" You sniffled, he nodded eagerly ready for you to realize who he was.
"I'm sorry but I dont know who you are mr...please just let me go I won't tell anyone." He huffed then pulled out his machete, you shrieked and closed your eyes ready to die, but instead of the machete impaling your stomach, you heard carving near your ear.
You opened your eyes and realised he was scratching something in the headboard.
Once he finished he urged you to look at it, "V-Voor-hees? ... Jason Voorhees?" Your eyes widened in shock and he nodded eagerly.
"no...no Jason drowned to death, that's impossible!" You said unable to believe what he was saying, all he did was stiffen and shake his head signaling a no.
"Fine prove it!?" You yell, it was cruel for someone to mess with others mind.
He pulled his sleeve up revealing the name "y/n" carved on his wrists. A gasp slipped from your lips, you pulled your own sleeve up and on your wrist there was a scar that wrote "Jason".
You looked into his eyes seeing desperation and hurt, "is it.. is it really you?" You whispered.
Jason nodded grabbing a hold of your hand, you reluctantly held back feeling his rough large hands, the moment you held his had you felt a shock run from each other's finger tips. It was the same feeling you felt when you first held Jason's hand when you two were younger.
"it's really you!" Catching Jason by surprise you jumped up and hugged him tightly, it took him a while to get used to your touch but he returned the hug by picking you up and swinging you around in the air.
You laughed with a mixture of happy tears, this was the reunion that Jason only thought about in his dreams, but this was real and he knew it.
He set you down on the cabin floor gently.
"look at you Jason.." you smiled at him just then Jason felt his insecurities come back, 'did you not like him anymore.'
"all grown up into a big strong man, so handsome just as I remember you." He blushed at you, this what he remembers about you, you always knew what to say and you always boosted his confidence.
He looked down at you and his un beating heart stopped, this whole time he forgot to admire you. Your hair was a beautiful flowing h/c it was a little bit darker than he remembered it to be. Your body filled out into a very beautiful women. He subconsciously let his eyes fall to your breasts which definitely got larger, his eyes followed to the curves of your hips, your ass being hugged by the blue dress. he looked at your face to admire it. Beautiful e/c eyes, beautiful plump pink lips, your entire facial structure was amazing. Sometimes he wonders what you saw in him, your beauty couldn't compare to the entire world, and that was a fact. He felt something inside him warm up, as he looked at your body.
"we have a lot of talking to do." You dragged him to the kitchen and started up the questioning.
As you cleaned your childhood home starting from the kitchen, to its floors to the bathroom, to the bedrooms to the porch, he followed you everywhere writing answers down on the notebook you gave him. He wrote how hes still alive, he wrote why he kills, he wrote what really happened to him an he wrote everything you didn't know down.
When the questioning was all done you sat him down in the kitchen and cleaned him up, he was super dirty and then you urged him to the shower to get off all the dirt in crevasses you knew were to embarressing to clean yourself. You took his laundry and put it in the hamper for tomorrows laundry.
When you came back he had a fluffy towel wrapped around his waist, the towel was way to small for someone of his size.
"hey jae so I was wondering-" you looked up and your breath was caught in your throat.
There Jason was, your childhood crush standing in front of you with just a towel around his waist, his muscular arms were big, his thick and strong thighs were dripping with water and his muscular core was ripped.
You blushed hard and slowly walked backwards only to bump into the bathroom door closing it.
You immediately turned around and tried to open the door, your hands were shaking and sweating it didn't help that there was steam from the hot shower Jason took on the knob.
"well i- uh I was j-just go-going to uh-" Jason took a step forward and held you by the waist bring him close to you, his large hand wrapped around the door handle, once the door was opened you freed from his grip.
You internally screamed at yourself as you practically ran to your old spare bedroom.
As you walked in you slammed the door, but instead of hearing the door slam you just heard it creek. You turned around slowly and realized Jason was walking towards you.
Jason looked at your red face with worry 'is y/n sick? Is y/n hurt? Is y/n scared' he didn't understand why you were acting like this.
"j-jason hi um..." As he took a step forward you took a step back.
"s-sorry if yo-your looking f-for your c-clothes I um I put t-them in the h-hamper so I could w-wash them." Your face literally couldn't get redder like It was physically impossible.
You took a step back as he took another step closer. Not realizing you were at your bed it bent your knees and made you fall over, because of how low the bed was it made you think you were falling to the floor.
Out of instinct you reached out and grabbed the first thing you felt, you hit the bed with a shriek but proped yourself up you looked into your hand 'a towel?' you thought to yourself but looked up to see where you got it from.
There in front of you was Jason Voorhees, your childhood crush completely naked with his cock erect Infront of your face. Even Jason looked down at his own cock thinking 'oh was that the strange feeling I felt?' he seemed to not fully understand why this was inappropriate.
'oh my gosh he's big, oh my gosh he's big, oh my gosh he's big!' your mouth watered a bit, before you knew it you were on your heels running out your bedroom door "DINNERS READY!!" You yelled making your way to the kitchen.
You fixed the table with the homecook meals and Jason joined and helped you, you ate in silence but it was akward on your part.
You started to gather the dishes and wash them, Jason stood by you and dried the wet plates and bowls, the incident almost completely slipping your mind.
Just then you accidentally knocked a thick mug over with your elbow. You bent down to grab it but it rolled under the counter having you bend even more.
He turned around and looked down at you, because of what you were wearing which was just and oversized teacher. The shirt hiked up a bit, revealing the curvature of your ass and in the middle of your soft cheeks there was your pussy peaking out from Inbetween. Jason eyed the lips of your pussy talking in the way it glistened or how it naturally clenched whenever you made a move, out of pure curiosity Jason touched it......yep.
The moment his cold calloused finger touch the small opening of your vagina you let out a loud moan, that sounded like a pornstar moan.
The moment that noise hit Jason's ears something in him snapped, it fueled a feeling that made his already erect cock twitch. But the thing was he had no idea why he was feeling stuff in his groin, he's never had a use for it because he's dead. But all the sudden you came back and his cock has been aching ever since.
But the moment the sound hit his ears he compared It to the adrenaline he felt when his victims scream, only this time it was a moan, and he didn't have to kill to hear it.
You jolted up in embarresment, you thought he was just curious but that didn't stop your pussy from remembering the feeling. You ran to your old room abandoning the dishes in the soapy water, you bit your lip hoping this didn't ruin your little reunion with him.
Unbeknownst to you Jason was right behind your small frame with hunger in his eyes.
He threw you onto the bed and you shrieked.
"Jason im-im really so...Jason what are you doing?" You asked watching him take his long thick cock out of the confines of his pants. He took his shirt off along with his pants and stared down at you intensly.
You squeezed your legs closed tightly as he crawled to the bottom of your bed. He brought his two hands up and roughly pulled your legs apart, he looked down at your pussy and realized it was wetter than before. You moaned as the cold air hit your glistening lips.
A finger slid up and down your pussy not exactly entering just sliding, it was just what you needed to jolt up and grab a hold of his shoulder.
"Jason, what, what are you doing!?" You asked a little louder than needed so he got up with a whine thinking you were mad at him.
"no, no Jason its okay..but do you understand what your doing?" You ask gently.
He shook his head revealing a no.
"Jason I'm..I'm going to be really strait forward with this....when- well when you touch that female....part it's insinuating...that..well that you want to have sex..." You knew how Jason's mom always told Jason sex was bad and only good when there is commitment, when there's love or when there's marriage.
Jason grew stiff he remembered his mom telling him that, but he also remembered his mom telling him 'jason as long as you love, then everything is alright.'
Jason loved you, he's always loved you, he still loves you, he always will. You came back to him so you must love him to right?
He stepped forward he held his hand towards his heart and then held his hand to you.
"heart me?" You questioned.
He nodded eagerly "you heart me? ...........you love me?" Your eyes widened as he nodded once again being shy, the moment of silence filled his heart with rejection, making him back up.
Until you jumped on him "I love you too jae." You gently lifted his mask just enough to reveal his lips, slowly you brought yours to his. He wasn't sure why he was breathing so hard even though he didn't need to breath.
Finally he kissed back not sure what to do he just started doing what you were doing. So he moved his lips, a shock went down his spine something told him he needed more.
He grabbed your waist and picked you up so your height matched his, you wrapped your legs around his waist, your unclothed pussy rubbing against his jeans.
You moaned into the kiss before pulling away. You looked in his eyes and cupped his cheek, slowly but surely you took off his mask, smiling at the face of slight deformities.
He tried to shy away only for you to make him look at you "your still as handsome as I remember jae" he cracks a shy smile before kissing you again. You hop off of him and lead him towards the bed pushing him down on it. You crawled on top of him and slowly undid his belt and pulled off his jeans leaving his cock sprung out. He bit his lips as your mouth hovered over the tip, you lowered your mouth and gently sucked on his tip.
"Poor baby, had to suffer with this aching cock, I'll fix it baby just be a goo d boy and lay down." He did as told his cock twitching at the praise.
You sucked on the tip bringing your hand to message his balls. A loud moan came out of his mouth and he threw his head back, you smirked and took his fat cock deeper and deeper in your mouth, his mouns growing louder and his hip snapping into your mouth uncontrollably. You moaned at the sight of his strong heaving chest growing, this sent rumbles to come out of Jason's mouth. Soon he had a bright white stream flowing out of his tip. He looked down in pure ecstasy, and found you swallowing each drop of cum like you were starving. His erection grew once again as you stood up and took off the only thing you had on.
Jason looked at you with his cock upright again. Your tits bounced gently and your ass jiggled with your movements, you crawled on top of Jason hands planted on his chest.
"you were such a good boy Jason, your So good for me aren't you? My sweet boy." He let out a groan as he looked into your eyes "you tasted to good.." he thrust up at that only to be met with nothing he whimpered. "You deserve a reward for being so good don't you?" He nodded quickly.
You smiled "okay jae, just go along with this okay jason? I'll tell you when to move." You picked up his hard cock and lined it up with your entrance, as you slowly sat down on him you could feel him getting ready to move but he restrained himself due to your order.
Once you sat fully on him and adjusted to his size, you moaned "move jae." He did just that snapping his hips into your cunt harshly. Your moans were constant and your head collapsed to his shoulder. "Oh gosh Jason your so good, just like that please just like that." Each thrust was hitting further than just your g spot.
He groaned more and more knowing he was going to release himself.
"jae your fucking me so good I'm going to cum!!!" Just then your walls tightened around his cock and he made this animal like roar when you got tighter, he shot his load deep within you and he slowed his thrust down.
You collapsed atop him and he flung his strong arms around you holding you close to his heaving chest.
"want to know something jae?" He nodded "when me and you were kids I had the BIGGEST crush on you." His eyes widened and he looked at your sleepy face. You chuckled at him "but I didnt tell you cause I didnt think you liked me.... Guess I was wrong huh?" You smiled up at him, he only nodded, happy that your feelings were reciprocated.
"I'll see you tomorrow Jason....I still love you....."
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WARNINGS: mild swearing, slight violence
When Katie's younger sister comes on the field trip with her, they meet Officer Jake Riley. Instantly there's some kind of hatred forming between her and Jake, but, when both of their worlds go spiralling, they both have to question if it was really hate or a disguised love?
Y/n and Katie had always been extremely close - especially for sisters with a five year age gap. They both lived together - y/n worked as an artist and Katie was a teacher at the local elementary school. That's what landed y/n here, in a hospital waiting room while the whole building was in a 48 hour lockdown. Great. Katie has persuaded y/n to come on a field trip to the hospital with her and the kids, and now she was sat in a chair, playing with the rings on her right hand, bored out of her mind. It had been 20 minutes. She was already bored. This was going to be fun.
Suddenly, Katie rushes up to her, clearly in a flat panic. "Y/n, I've lost Quentin! And his friend, Thomas. I don't know what to do! I can't believe I wasn't looking out for them more, I-" y/n cut her off, "hey, Kates, it'll all be fine, I'll go find the boys. You stay here and keep an eye on everyone else. I won't be long." Y/n stood up and walked out the room.
She eventually made it to the basement floor, walking through a dingy, tiled corridor. "Hey! Put your hands where I can see 'em! Stay 4-6 feet away." She heard a strong, male voice boom behind her. She rolled her eyes and put her hands up, slowly turning around. "Is this really necessary?" She sassed, noticing the gun pointing straight at her heart. The man holding it was handsome, with dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He had a bit of scruff and was clearly very muscular. "You can't be down here, miss." He continued, holding a dominant tone. She rolled her eyes again - god, cops always assumed anyone they spoke to was some kind of assassin or mass-murderer. "You can drop the gun, cop-boy. I'm just looking for my nephew and his friend. I'm no national threat or anything." He lowered the gun slightly and continued, "1) I decide when it's appropriate to drop the gun, 2) don't insult a cop, or I'll have to cuff you and 3) why is your nephew and his friend in a restricted area of a hospital?" She huffed and dropped her hands to her sides as he took a few steps forward, dropping his gun to his side. "1) 4-6 feet, buddy, 2) is like to see you try and 3) well they're not anywhere else in this building and it's not like any of us are getting out any time soon, is it?" He closed the gap between them and spun y/n around, pushing her into the wall. "I will punch you if you don't let go if me." She said through gritted teeth. He leant down so he could talk into her ear. "Yeah, well I'm still the cop and you're making open threats to me. And these kids must be stupid or something. I'll find them - now is no time to let your kids off their leash." She rolled her eyes and stamped on his foot. He tightened his grip on her wrists, seemingly unphased by y/n's action. "You are in so much trouble - but I'll let it slide, just this once. One puny girl looking for some elementary school kids is the least of my problems right now." He said into her ear again. He released her wrists and took a step back. She stood away and rubbed her wrists.
"We better get going then." Y/n said, continuing marching down the corridor. The guy jogged up to her again. "Hey! There's no 'we' about this! I'm going and that's finial." Y/n spun on her heal to look at him, "look no offence, cop-boy, but I promised my sister I'd find these kids and get them back safely, I don't really care what uniform you're wearing I just want to find my nephew unharmed and healthy, got it?" She stormed off, eventually finding her way into a room where then man with the rats from before sat, two little boys in front of him. "Miss wait i-" the guy continued on until I cut him off, "Quentin! Thomas! Your mum was worried sick!" Y/n said kindly to the boys, she looked up at the guy with the rats, "I hope they weren't troubling you?" He smiled at her and waved her off, "oh no, no. They were perfectly fine." She smiled and crouched down, looking at the boys, "what do we say, boys?" She said with a smile. They both turned to the man and said thank you. Y/n stood up and looked at him, a warm expression on her face, "thank you." He smiled back, "anytime."
She stood up and turned around, ushering the boys out the door. As she went to walk through the guy grabbed her upper arm, "we are not done talking. Meet me back in that hallway in an hour." Y/n raised and eyebrow, "so what you're saying is you'd like to see me again? How flattering ." Before shoving past him, catching up to the boys.
Y/n quickly got fed up with the noise in the waiting room, so she grabbed her sketch-pad and a pencil and headed down to the corridor - hoping to find some quiet. She was 45 minutes early but she didn't really care. Once she got there she slid down the wall, moving her feet up so she could use her thighs as a rest for the lag while she drew. She started to sketch on the pad, letting the pencil take her where it wanted, her imagination going wild. She was pulled out of her trace to someone deliberately clearing their throat. She looked up to see the cop from before towering over her. "Miss-" he stopped as y/n cut in, "y/n." He continued, "miss y/n, mind if I join you?" He said sourly. "I don't really have a choice, do I?" He laughed and slouched against the opposite wall. "No."
Y/b laughed back. "So, Officer-" he cut her off this time. "Riley. Officer Jake Riley." Y/n continued, "right, cop-boy, what is it you so desperately needed to see me for again?" He tone had a slight annoyance in it. "Well, you did insult an cop. And you assaulted me." Y/n waved it off, "pfff, you barely felt it. It was light tread." He shot her a warning look. "So, y/n. Why do you think it's alright to insult a cop?" he said. She thought about it for a second before retorting, "because you're all dicks." He raised his eyebrows. "Is that so?" She nodded her head. "Huh, thanks for the information. So, would you like to tell me why me and everyone I work with are suddenly all dicks?" He seemed amused at her statement and her boldness. She sighed and finally answered, "because you don't respect people. You treat us all like sociopaths, or objects." She spat. He chuckled, "I'm beginning I get the feeling you had a bad experience with a cop?" She nodded her head again. "What happened?" He pressed on. She sighed again, debating whether she should tell him the whole story. "Fine. I was in training, fulfilling my childhood dream of helping people. I was with the Officer I trusted most that helped out at the academy. He'd offered to hive me extra training so I took it. We were out of a run when all of a sudden he shoved me into an alleyway, pinning me against the wall. I started choking as his grip got tighter. I managed out a scream and someone heard, the looked into the ally and he shot them, before proceeding to, to, um..." Jake leaned forward a bit, "What did he do, y/n?" She swallow, "he raped me." She said almost silently, but he must've heard because realisation flickered over his features. "You're Y/n Frank, aren't you?" She nodded weakly. All colour seemed to drain from his face. "That was one of my first cases. I was the one who arrested him, but by the time I got there you were already in the ambulance and my partner was the one taking the statement. I'm so sorry." He said, his voice full of pity. "I don't need your pity. Anyway, after that I couldn't stand to wear the same uniform he had, so I dropped out with only one month to go until I would have been a cop. Then I decided to peruse my dream of art." She made unenthusiastic jazz hands as if to make it sound magical.
Y/n stood up. "Are we done now? Can I go?" Jake nodded. She walked off without another word.
Over the days y/n could see Jake and Katie growing closer, both spending their free time together. When the lockdown was extended Jake came straight to y/n, who was laying on her front on her makeshift bed, sketching. "Hey, trouble, can I speak to you for a second?" Jake said commandingly. Y/n rolled her eyes. "That want a question, was it?" He shook his head. She sighed and got up, putting her pad under the bed. "Follow me." He said sternly. He lead her down to the corridor. Once there he turned to face her, "look, I'm running low on men. Like, really low. There's seven cops with side and over 400 citizens." Y/n shrugged, not bothering to make eye-contact with him. "Then just get done more send over." He sighed. "We can't - no one in and no one out." Y/n finally looked up. "Okayyy, so what do you want me to do about it?" His expression was completely serious, it was actually kind of scary. "I want you to help me, become my deputy. You've have complete training all you need is a gun and a vest, both of which I can get for you." Y/n rolled her eyes, "look, cop-boy. I dropped out for a reason. I don't want to do it and I shouldn't have too. And what do you need cops for, exactly? It's a virus, not a war." He sighed again, "look, y/n, please. Just do one patrol and decide from there. You haven't left the building. It's awful out there - robberies, murders, gang violence. I could really use the help." Y/n thought for a moment. "Fine. One patrol. That's it." He nodded. "Okay then, when do we leave?"
A few hours later y/n found herself sitting in the passenger seat of Jake's squad car, in a bullet-proof vest and holding a gun. God. How her life has changed in less than a week. She'd give nothing more than to be in the spare room at home - which she used as her studio - music blaring in her headphone and paintbrush in hand. Jake was right, it was a mess out here. There were dead bodies littering the streets, windows of shops and houses broken and cars left abandoned and wrecked on the roadsides. They suddenly heard the rumble of motorbikes, the noise surrounding them. "Crap." Jake muttered. Panic shot through her. "Jake, what's happening?" He cursed again. "Gang members. Meth heads. Normally the unpredictable ones." Oh god. This wasn't good. Jake pulled the car to a stop, hoping they would all ride past.
Unfortunately for them, the gang decided to attack someone. Jake barrels out the car pulling out his and and running to stand in-front of the old woman. Y/n followed closely behind, as much as she hated the idea of being a cop now, she had very strong reasons in the first place and always felt the need to protect those around her. The motorcyclists swarmed around them, creating a cloud of dust that engulfed them. The dust cleared for a second and Jake took a shot, just missing one of the 5 men. Y/n lined up her shit with one riding towards her, taking a careful shot and hitting him in the heart. His lifeless body toppled off the bike, landing with a thud on the grass. When the others noticed, they were quick to leave, clearly phased by death. "Few, that was a close one." Y/n said in relief. Jake helped the woman across the road, sending her in her way. He motioned to y/n with his hand and she jogged over to the car.
As she climbed in and out her helmet at her feet, Jake let out a strange laugh. "H-how are you so good with a gun? You haven't shot one for what - 3 years?" He looked at her, mesmerised. "I don't know. I was always good at stuff like that, darts, archery at camp, anything with a target I guess." She shrugged. "Jeez you would have made one hell of a cop." He said almost to himself, starting the engine back up.
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