#and a lot of the lightsaber fights are genuinely cool
fictionadventurer · 2 years
The Obi-Wan Kenobi miniseries is scattered moments of emotionally-devastating pure brilliance linked together by some of the most childishly dumb plot devices you can imagine.
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kedreeva · 2 years
genuinely do not understand the number of people who think Steve Harrington has not seen Star Wars at all, much less not multiple times. He literally has a secret handshake with Dustin involving lightsabers- a handshake STEVE initiates when they're reunited, implying he's not just playing along with Dustin, he's excited about it. When Keith asks him about his top movies, and he says Star Wars and then is kind of a ditz about what they're about, it's not because he's lying and they aren't his favorite. It's not because he's never seen them and he's trying to get the job or look cool to Keith. They're literally some of his favorite movies because he watched them with Dustin and he loves that little shit. And yeah, he probably genuinely didn't Get everything about them, but he doesn't need to. He gets enough to know that watching them with Dustin may have genuinely been one of the best experiences of his life.
Because, like, how do you think Tommy and Carol watched movies? I can guarantee you it wasn't with their whole hearts. I can guarantee you it wasn't with wonder. I can also guarantee you that Steve wasn't allowed to watch things that way in their presence, either, not with "aww king steve has a heart" carol, not with Tommy cackling over him showing one (1) emotion. Dustin nerding out over, like, basically everything, getting genuinely excited about the special effects or the plot or the characters, and encouraging Steve when he thinks the fight scenes are cool or when Steve tentatively makes a connection about something in the plot? Steve actually feeling like he has common ground with Dustin? Hell, Steve finally feeling like he has common ground at all with the person watching along with him? Don't even get me started on the fact that he got so comfortable in his love for them that he blurted out "the one with the teddy bears!" to Keith, as if he has just been allowed to like the cute, fluffy Ewoks not only without being judged, but alongside someone else that enjoys them- because I'd bet Dustin likes them, too.
And like. idk how many of you have seen Animal House, it's an old movie. It's a comedy about frat house shenanigans, and an obvious choice for who Steve used to be because you need zero thoughts to watch it. Of course that's the first thing out of his mouth, he's probably watched it a dozen times with Tommy, doesn't even have to really think. But when Keith makes him focus and actually think? And he names Star Wars? Listen I've seen the original movies at least 20 times each, my best friend when I was a kid was (and is) obsessed with those movies (when I grew up it was only those three). We biked around pretending to be xwings. He had every star wars toy it seemed like. We played a computer game where you ran missions as a pilot and he'd fly and I'd man the keyboard so we could turn the 1-person 1st-person shooter into a two person play. Like, my childhood was jurassic park and star wars. And I genuinely couldn't tell you the sub-titles of the three movies, definitely not the order. The fact that Steve doesn't immediately recognize "a new hope" as the title of one of the movies doesn't mean he didn't LOVE them.
idk man! I just love the thought of Steve actually really liking Star Wars. And maybe he doesn't really Get them in the same way Dustin or the other kids, or even Eddie and Robin would Get them, but I think he genuinely does like them in his own Steve way, and I think it's only half because they're good movies. I think a lot of it has to do with having seen them with Dustin and the bonding experience that came with it.
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podsn · 7 months
Okay so imma talk a bit about this final episode cuz holy shit
So first Ashoka and Sabine are now stranded along with baylan and shin. Holy fuck. They sent Ezra home but now they’re stranded. I have a strong feeling Ahsoka and Sabine are going to grow very close. I genuinely thought they were gonna make it back or Ahsoka was gonna die fighting Morgan but I am glad that did not happen 🤧 I honestly have no predictions for a season 2 rn.
Baylan found statues of what looks to be The Father and The Brother (that’s what I’m going with rn they may not be) No sister but maybe that has something to do with Ahsoka idk. The Father statue also looks to be pointing at a mountain which probably holds the secrets Baylan is searching for.
Shin is going to join up with these samurai raiders. This is going to. Be interesting I feel like she is gonna become one of there leaders like Ezra to the Noti. Not much to say on this cuz it was a very small part of the episode but I did think it was interesting.
I honestly did not expect the whole Morgan becoming a full witch. It was cool to see how they become true nighsisters and how she got The Sword of Talzin. Also her fight with Ahsoka is very cool I’m glad we got that rematch but also Ahsoka is badass for killing Morgan with her own sword.
OKAY so I know there are gonna be a lot of mfs that hate this but SABINE USED THE FORCE. Idk how to feel about this. I think it’s cool and I’m gonna enjoy it and roll with it for now but I will say this. Not every character needs to be a Jedi but this I will say is pretty cool in my opinion ik this will be quite the debate.
I really wish we could have seen more of Baylan this episode especially since I know they are definitely gonna recast him cuz his role clearly isn’t finished. Now that the series is over I will say Ray Stevenson was an amazing actor and deserves so much credit for this role. I’m so sad he never got to see just how much we loved him in this. Rip Ray ❤️
Thrawn trying to get at Ahsoka saying she will become like her master. Ahsoka before this series I believe would have been greatly affected by that statement but after the WBW meeting with Anakin she clearly has so much more confidence in who she is. Very cool to see Ahsoka’s development throughout this series. She has become much more warm and happy it was nice to see her grow.
Also I wonder why Ahsoka says this is where her and Sabine belong? Maybe she is saying it’s like the will of the force that they are here but this is definitely going to be interesting. Now that Thrawn is an immediate danger to The New Republic I believe they will make more of an effort to go get Ahsoka and Sabine but I do think it will be awhile. Though I’m very excited to see how this changes Ahsoka and Sabine as master and apprentice and also to see if they get stronger in the force and stuff especially since those statues of The father and The brother are there. This place clearly has a deep connection to the force.
Chopper instantly knowing it was Ezra 😭❤️ also Hera’s reaction to seeing Ezra again but also now he’s back and Ahsoka and Sabine are gone. These mfs can’t catch a break.
Also then talking about Kanan with huyang 😭 then huyang giving Ezra the one and only replacement to Kanan’s lightsaber. I’m so glad we got some Kanan talk.
Also we got to se MORAI. I was waiting for her to pop up I’m so glad we got to see her since we know she follows Ahsoka wherever she goes even if it’s across the galaxy.
And finally. Holy shit force ghost Anakin. This ain’t WBW Ahsoka’s version of Anakin. This is him. Ahsoka got her final closure with her master. This also may be the last time we see Anakin. If this is the last time we see him I wanna say that Hayden has done such a good job at this character. I genuinely loved watching him on screen.
This is about all I have to say about this episode right now. It was a good finally with one hell of a cliffhanger. I definitely think we are getting a season 2. When? I have no clue imma be honest i have a feeling it’s gonna be a few years but I’ll wait as long as I get more greatness like this series.
This has genuinely become my favorite Star Wars show. Every week had me on the edge of my seat excited for the next episode and I know a lot of others felt the same way. The acting was good. The writing was good. The music was fucking amazing every episode. Great world building, great villains, just overall great storytelling. I’m very excited to see what happens next
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kalevalakryze · 10 months
Keshiri Jedi OC, you say? 👀👀👀 (Please tell me everything about her.)
asdfghjkl omg I’ve been waiting for this moment that I don’t even know where to start hang on
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So, this jumbled masterpiece ! This is some of her most basic information in Aurebesh, I was actively learning it as I was writing this out so I know my T’s and especially G’s are off, but basically:
Chessaf're'krudo, also known as Chess, or Jedi Knight Krudo. She was born on Keshiri (44BBY), but she’d only been on her home planet for a short time before a Chiss Jedi Master in their chunk of wild space had come for her. The Jedi delivered her to the temple so she could hone the force sensitivity that drove the Chiss Jedi to her. The Chiss Jedi named her themselves, which is why her name is of Chiss origin.
She is eventually taken in as Mace Windu’s padawan (31BBY) (my idea was keep the purples together because I thought it would be cool, but now I am just so genuinely in love with it), they butted heads a lot as master and Padawan, Chess didn’t want to be so detached from attachment, she wanted her friends to know she cared for them, was very vocal about her connections being what kept her good, and we know he has his connections, we know he cares, but he can’t express it as well as he wants to (coming from the interpretation of him I’ve gathered in Shatterpoint).
He’s an amazing Master though, and she knows that he cares in his own Emotionally Repressed Jedi ways. He’s tried to find information about her people so she could still connect to her culture, though so little is known about Kesh and the Keshiri, that he never came up with anything.
And when it comes to emotions, Chess always ran into Depa Billaba, who had yet to take on her own Padawan, who hadn’t dealt with the horrors of Haruun Kal. Depa gave her a support in someone who related to her doubts of being good enough for Mace, and helped her navigate his many different expressions of apathy to find his true feelings.
Both of Chess’s sabers are purple, because it’s the color she’d worn on her skin with pride, even when no one knew what she was, when jeers about her background would follow on various missions, every time she ignited her blade to train with mace, purple against purple as they moved through the forms, it was just right, it’s what the force wanted. He helped her design the saber she’d had in her mind, just like he had his own, and every time she went to upgrade it or replace a damaged piece, he was there to help her and sometimes crack horrible, too serious jokes about what would happen if she forgot a certain piece. “Remember to put your crystal back in,” “Uhg, Master-“ “I’m only joking, I know you’ll remember, because I reminded you,” she is also horrible when it comes to Vapaad, both the lightsaber form and the state of mind, but she’s tried often, with both Depa and Mace to guide her. She’s no where near as proficient as them, and prefers the sixth form, with a tendency to slip back into the fifth form when cornered.
Chess passes her trials merely weeks before the first battle of Geonosis, so when they called for Jedi to load on transports and drop down into that arena, she was there. (22BBY)
When they were all cornered, she’d been in the fray, and when the fighting started back up, and she’d thrown herself at a Super Battle Droid, had melted a chunk of his rocket arm away right as he was going to launch, it had exploded in his arm. She was thrown back, to the now more already out ring of Jedi, Clone Troopers and droids battling it out in the dust.
Hot metal had torn through her, from the very bottom of her jaw on her right side, and had curled up to the bottom of her ear. Another piece had cut through starting at the bottom of her neck, arching up and slicing a good path into her neck before it had exited. Her shoulders and chest also suffered a great deal of damage, but none as life threatening as her neck.
She’d been lucky enough to fall back into Mace and Depa, had been lucky enough for him to pinch sliced arteries closed until the transport ships could start dropping. She was one of the first shuttled back to a newly minted light cruiser, and when she woke up, the Clone Wars had begun, she was a General in a war with an entire battalion of clones waiting for her to lead them, and then everything changed.
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Now here comes some rapid-fire random garbage that I’m also copy-pasting from the notes I made about her, so if any of it is repeated from the blurbs I’ve just excited hyperfocus typed,,,,
•The droid piece they pulled from her body was melted down and adjusted to become the new emitter for her sabers, and she absolutely has red paint sprinkled on it so she can tell people it’s her blood.
•The 141st Battalion, the group of soldiers she was put in command of was an elite force, one of the smallest battalion sized units and broken up into three companies, with squads forming from each platoon. The group that she finds herself fighting alongside more often is Cresh, though they started to call themselves the Kesh squad after her.
•her clone commander is CC-6116, also known as Buzz, and he’s one of the strongest attachments she’s ever formed, they go hand in hand in every aspect , and are almost never apart.
•the first time Chess struggled with the dark side, it had been at Buzz’s words, while they were pinned down behind enemy lines and waiting for the other squads to form up on their position. “ you’re a Jedi, you can’t be replaced so easily, we’re just clones, we don’t matter.” Chess had shoved her hand into the lip of the armor covering his chest, had yanked him close enough that he had to meet her gaze because there was no where else to look, and she felt how easy it would be, to Fall. Because the Dark could help her free them. Maybe she could win the war if she just took that step off the edge. But she just stared at him for a moment, before she yanked him closer, before she could wrap her arms around him tight with his armor freaking at the pressure and. “Not to me, never to me,”
•the 141st paints their armor in varying degrees of purple and red in honor of their general. She forms a reputation for keeping her face hidden with her hoods, most times, by the time her enemy gets to see the red of her eyes, they’re already fading into the force. When the boys find out that her eyes are red, they started painting strips of their armor in the same color. (I’m going to post a very rough pic of the armor, that I smashed color over at 0300 at work, but the idea is so much better than this picture)
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•At great personal risk, she single handedly keeps her casualty rate low, running all across the battlefield and doing what she can to protect her men. She can't save everyone however, and she mourns each loss with her soldiers too, but she's never allowed it to cloud her judgement, not since she looked into Buzz's eyes and promised him they meant everything to her. The nights she'd spent on the lines with her men was enough to remind her that the dark side wasn't going to free any of them, that the only way they'd win is if they stayed together and trusted each other.
•she has her own lightsaber ignition move. It’s trademarked, she’ll fistfight anyone who uses it But I have such a hard time explaining it: so she’ll hold out her right hand, flip the hilt up with two fingers, catch it in her palm with her finger on the ignition switch, while her arm is out parallel to the ground, the second she catches it she’ll ignite so the blade is pointed right out at her opponent, after that’s ignited, she’ll ignite her shoto in a backwards grip so it’s against the length of her arm.
•The clones give her her very first tattoo, just an outline of their helmets on her chest (keshiri females , as I'm interpreting it from jedi battle scars, don't have boobs), the scars along her chest form near perfect dark purple markings along the helmet, which eventually gets adopted as Buzz's helmet markings.
Grevious: "another lightsaber for my collection!!"
Chess: "another scar for my collection! chicks dig scars!"
To her, the force feels almost like the kind of anxiety that has you buzzing out of your skin, she can feel it around her, but instead of the fear or any other feeling associated with anxiety, it becomes a source of comfort, since it's been there all her life, however, this also means that she's always active, moving in some way, shape, or form, and her hands are almost always shaking unless she's using the force or holding her saber (thanks to her connection to the Kyber within).
That's all i have for her now, just her time in the clone wars, but she grows every single day, and I've decided that she does survive the purge, though only a small amount of soldiers were able to be saved from the chip, she still cherishes the small squad that helped her survive.
And, I'd just like to say again, asdfghjkl thank you so much for asking about her because she is literally everything to me. I also have a whole Mandalorian AU for her that's only half formed, and a HUGE time-travel fix-it fic self insert in the works right now, as well as the rest of the prompts for jedi june 2023
thank you for coming to my hot purple lady ramble
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bambeebirdie · 1 year
So I just finished the Mandalorian and I have some thoughts. Not many positive thoughts, you could say this is actually just a list of complaints and suggestions of how to improve. Obviously this post will have spoilers up to season 3. I feel like it was close to being good but I have a lot of issues with that last episode especially. (This post is going to be long so for your convenience I’m cutting it here)
Genuinely there were so many things about season three that could have been good but also just as many things that annoyed the crap out of me. My only feeling after finishing it is aggravation.
I feel like everything with Moff right at the end could have been so much more impactful if Grogu was more of a proper Jedi (I know he is kind of a Jedi but like come on, he barely counts). Or like if there was a Jedi who began to travel with them so Grogu could be trained in both. I feel like there isn’t anyone who could really start to be on the team full time because the closest is Luke and I can’t see Disney doing that ever. But like imagine having a mandalorian, a clone and a Jedi getting to be there while Moff just steals their cultures. The actual reaction of someone properly trained in the Force getting to see it be created artificially. Chef kiss. I feel like for a Clones it’s a little more complicated, but just like Star Wars needs a droid revolution they need more respect for Clones. Having a clone there who gets to also be horrified by Moffs fucked up clones would be nice to see. I just feel like the addition of two characters like that would have packed a bigger punch. Also Star Wars has established Clones as individuals. Even with Moffs DNA as their base they wouldn’t have necessarily been evil. I get killing them, but having a clone there to get to have feelings about that would have just been nice to see. (I suppose the scene was technically fine on it own. Gross to see the mandalorian rip offed in such a way so like way to write your villain well. But i just feel like it would hit harder with a more established Jedi on the team and a clone on the team. If you want the clone could have even been a Mandalorian and that could have fleshed out on of the background guys. The force is so important to Jedi’s too, right next to lightsabers, I just need to know their reaction to Moff. There was wasted potential in just making the Mandalorians be allowed to react to Moffs fucked up experiments. I refuse acknowledge otherwise.)
The big mando guy, Paz Vizsla, dying is literally so upsetting, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t expect it. Paz just deserved better. Leave it to Disney to kill off the only guy with a distinct body type.
THE FUCKING DARK SABER BREAKING!! AND IT JUST GETS BRUSHED OVER?!? WHO THE HELL OKAYED THAT!?! It can supposedly cut through anything, kinda it’s whole thing. That fight should have ended with Bo-Katan just decapitating Moff after at least a few minutes of proper fighting. That time could even be a stretch for how long sword fights should take irl, but since it’s the final stand it should take a while for Drama™. Even with the argument of “it can’t cut through beskar”, Moff’s weapon shouldn’t have lasted that long. Also the Saber is basically a lightsaber and with some work those can technically cut through beskar. Mainly Moff just dying to fire too is literally the worst. Genuinely any Mandalorian killing him would have been better. I don’t care who. Just any of them!
I also feel like Din didn’t really have to be there. Even if he was affected by Moff all the Mandalorians technically were. I feel like Bo should have been allowed to let that be a solo fight or just allow more Mandalorians to assist. Though, if for whatever reason just Din assistance was really required, it should have been because the red guys started to invade the fight. I refuse to just let Moff just be so cool and strong he can reck both Din and Bo easily by himself.
Back to the Darksaber. That saber was so important for so long it shouldn’t have broken so unceremoniously. Especially not by fucking Moff. Now look I can understand a world where the Saber gets destroyed. It’s kind of obvious that Bo-Katan thinks that’s the only reason people follower her (let’s just ignore Din’s reassurance of otherwise for now. Or just say one guy isn’t really enough to convince her which is valid imo). I could totally understand the Saber getting removed being a cool character moment. Bo fears that without the saber she cannot lead but she still has to let it go for Plot™ and then like instantly gets assured by Din and the Armorer and then everyone else. That could have been cool. But Moff just fucking breaking it fills me with rage.
Consider this instead if you really want Moff to be the reason it’s gone: The ship is crashing and Bo and Moff are fighting near the edge. Bo sees an opportunity to push him fully under the ship but struggles to get him to fall. She realizes the best way would be to stab the Saber into him. She does so sending him off the edge and the Saber in the process before needing to fucking run as to not get consumed by flames. She can still try to protect Din and Grogu only for Grogu to save them both. Then we have a little moment with her and all the Mandos and Bo is like “We won. He’s dead, but I lost the Saber so I understand if you won’t follow me.” Then literally everyone expresses their support of her leadership even with no Saber. That would have been so much better than just it BREAKING AND INSTANTLY GETTING BRUSHED OVER!!
The Armorer shouldn’t have had to fight with her smithing tools. That’s so dumb for so many reasons. What if they get damaged or deformed during a battle? How are you gonna fix them?? With your fucking broken ass tools?? She should have gotten a battle hammer, giant laser axes, a mallet, idk but not just her fucking tools!?! There is so much stuff you could do with a blacksmith themed character but they didn’t do shit! It just feels jarring. Like they couldn't bother to give her a weapon? This stupid when SHE'S LITERALLY THE HEART OF THE COVERT! Haven’t we already established weapons are a key part of Mandalorian culture! Why doesn’t she have any?!? She’s the forge master, a key character in a culture that is all about weapons and armor, SHE SHOULD HAVE WEAPONS!!! They dropped the ball hard is all I’m saying.
Why must everything Din ask for just not happen and he’s not even allowed to be upset about it? He wants the Razor Crest and he gets the equivalent of a motorcycle. He wants his buddy back and he gets an astromech. He once again tries to get his robot buddy back and baby yoda gets a robot he can control. All of this happens and he just goes along with it! No issues at all expect mild annoyance of the baby’s new mech since he commits crimes with it (on brand ngl). He better get something Razor Crest adjacent next season I swear. (If there even if a next season. Id assume but idk.) I don’t need him to get everything he asks for, that’s just unrealistic, but I’d at least like for him to be allowed to get annoyed and stand up for himself. It’s getting ridiculous.
My pitch for a new ship would be something his speedy ship can like attach to the bottom or the top of. Then it can detach when needed. That way he can still have a ship he can transport people in and a speedy thing to use for necessary missions. (I kind of feel like the speedy ship now feels a little too important to just sell, but also they just broke the dark saber so what do I know.)
I don’t like how often Mando takes Grogu to battle fields. I know that’s his baby who needs him and I wouldn’t be surprised if they both have attachment issues. But seriously? Why you gotta take the baby to the epic last stand? That’s so not safe. And then they just validate it by making Grogu the one who saves his life?? Alright I see how it is. (Another issues that might be solved with a Jedi being part of main cast. I’m not super implying anything because it could easily be changed to not require a Force user in that fight, but it would fix the current child soldier problem)
One last thing that’s mostly unrelated but I’m very annoyed that Din getting Grogu back happened in a different show. I’d be fine (at least I’d pretend to be) with something plot relevant happening to Din in a different show but like an extremely important event for Din and Grogu happening in Boba Fett is absolutely ridiculous!! It’s such an obvious ploy to make more people watch Boba Fett but that show is about Fucking Boba Fett! I can 100% guarantee you people would watch the show without any Mando references!
I guess that’s all I have to say. I dunno I feel like more annoyed me but I spent too long festering about the Darksaber I kinda forgot my other points. There’s just so much here and I feel like a lot of it isn’t terrible, but so much of it is just bad. It pains me. I just don’t like finishing a show and just getting upset. Every Star Wars thing is just “Good concept. Bad execution.” Why must it be one of my favorite series?
I don’t try to be so ranty but specifically the death of the darksaber really brought it out in me. I apologize (not completely but I do a tiny bit). I will apologize for my constant forgetting of people and things names. A constant problem I have and could fix by looking names up but I simply didn’t feel like it <3
That one kid, Ragnar, finally got to finish his ceremony after that whole bird snatching incident, on Mandalore no less, which is certainly swag. I’d say good for him except that HIS DAD WASN’T THERE BECAUSE HIS DAD FUCKING DIED!! And then that green baby who kicked his ass in a trial battle stole his thunder by also being requested to be added to the Song! And then he just gets adopted right before his very eyes AFTER HIS DAD JUST DIED!! The tragedy! That’s poor kid!! His dad didn’t even need to die! It’s upsetting. Why must their jet packs only work when it’s plot relevant because there’s no fucking reason big man had to try to fight the red robed guys. He could have flown away! Maybe they pick him up and he’s injured or something! Idk!?! Why’d they kill the poor kids dad, steal his thunder, and not even properly addresses his dad’s death?!?
Okay that’s everything (I’m sad now)
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lightasthesun · 2 years
Ok so this is kind of stupid but like I am being genuine with this. So, I'm kind of a... well, I don't know that I'd call myself a fan in any capacity, but I kind of casually like Star Wars on the "well I've seen all the main trilogies and Rogue One, most of them more than once, and it's fun enough, lightsabers are cool I also wanna fight with glowy swords in space hey why did Dooku do a formal fencing salute before that fight when I've never seen anyone else in Star Wars bother with it" level, you know?
Anyway, I've kinda been meaning to give Clone Wars a try (I've seen a few scattered episodes from the early seasons that I watched with my brother when we were kids, but I couldn't for the life of me tell you what happened in any of them), but I also know myself well enough to know that there's no way in hell I'll actually be able to concentrate well enough or long enough to have the interest to actually watch the entire series through like each and every episode.
So since you're the first blog that came to my mind that I know who posts a lot abt Star Wars including the animated stuff, I just wanna ask you if you'd be willing to give me a list of the episodes from each season that you think are important/worth watching/that you'd otherwise recommend for a person who's never seen it before who wants to get what the Clone Wars stuff is about
Also like, I get that this might be pretty time-consuming so I want to stress that you're absolutely free to just not do this, like I don't want you to feel like you're under any obligation, I'm just asking on the off chance that you feel like helping me figure this out!
Hey nonny! You're in luck I'm happy to help :')
I don't know if you'll see this but I'm gonna try my best to do what you asked. Obviously tho I don't know how long that's gonna take especially because I have a busy week coming up but when I'm done I'll post it and if you see it it would be great if you could send another anon ask to let me know!
To anyone who sees this ask and immediately thought of an episode that should be included—feel free to let me know!
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silverwings22 · 2 years
Caught in the Crosshairs: Chapter 34 Die From a Broken Heart: Maddie and Tae
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Series warnings: Smut, mind control, canon typical violence, childhood trauma, language, chronic illness
Chapter warnings: grief, facing mortality, training children to handle weapons, awkward family reactions, character injury
ner ad: my son/daughter
jetii'ika: little Jedi
cyare: beloved
Nau'ul be'me'suum'ika: lantern of the moon
Previous chapter:
Next chapter:
"If you're going to be a fighter,  Omega,  then you have to learn to fight. " Miria chuckled softly. She was down in the hold with her young protege, barefoot in her blacks. 
"And how's a stick going to help with that?" Omega was genuinely curious,  holding the staff Miria had given her loosely in her hands.  
"Bowstaff is the first weapon I learned to use,  sweet girl.  It builds your strength and reflexes for the day you learn swordplay."
"You're going to teach me to use a lightsaber?" Excitement betrayed the girl's voice. 
"Perhaps.  When you're ready.  The guys can teach you blasters and knives,  or technology and explosives.  But this…" Miria flipped her own staff swiftly from one hand to the next,  spinning it in deft fingertips and knocking her own helmet sitting on a box into the air.  "This is what I know." She caught the helmet on the end of the staff. "This I can pass on to you."
"This is really cool!" Omega grinned hugely.  
Miria chuckled.  "There's a warning with it, little one.  Come here."
Omega darted to her side and Miria knelt,  showing the backs of her hands.  Under the harsh ship lighting,  Omega could see they were studded with scars.  Her fingertips wore the most  curious ones,  as if she'd skint them,  but her knuckles and the backs were flecked with wounds gone silver with age.  Up the sides of her palms and forearms were thicker pinkish ones,  like old burns. "Learning is a process. You will fail at times.  You will hurt yourself at times.  Each time will be a lesson of its own.  If you graduate to live weapons, those lessons cut deeper.  This is no game. Do you understand?"
Omega touched a scar across the Jedis wrist.  "I understand… sometimes I forget you're a warrior too."
"I am a peacekeeper.  But sometimes you have to fight.  It's knowing when to extend your blade and when you offer a hand that makes the difference.  You are not peaceful unless you're capable of great violence.  Otherwise you're just harmless." Miria turned her hands over.  
Omega nodded again.  "Those are the people we help,  right?"
"Yes.  Very good." Miria smiled and stood.  "Your first lesson is a kata."
"What's that?"
Miria held the staff and started moving,  each step and pose carefully controlled and memorized. "A series of stances. When you master it, it becomes second nature to you."
Omega watched her before Miria came back to her side and began coaching her through each stance.  "Strengthen your stance. Feet apart.  The wider your stance, the better your balance.  Then you can't be knocked off your feet."
"Does that happen a lot?"
Miria chuckled.  "The force of a plasma bolt is much like Hunter throwing a punch.  If you're not balanced, deflecting it will knock you down.  And the next shot will hit before you can get up."
“Oh.” Omega looked back as Miria gently nudged her feet further apart with her own foot. “How do you remember all this stuff?”
“The same way Tech remembers all the specs for the ship, and Wrecker remembers how to disarm an explosive. It becomes a part of you when you do it enough.”
Omega nodded quietly and furrowed her brow, taking every ounce of her concentration to follow the Jedi’s directions. Miria made each movement look smooth and graceful. “You make it look easy.”
“I’ve been doing it since I was a youngling.” Miria chuckled. “Now, keep practicing.”
Omega nodded. Miria watched her, guiding her through each motion again and again. 
"How come you're teaching me instead of Hunter today?" Omega asked as Miria finally had her sit for a cool down meditation.  
Miria chuckled fondly.  "Hunter can teach you many things.  But I'm the only one who can show you how to fight like a girl. Or a Jedi. The future is uncertain,  little one.  You will need every advantage…" her expression sobered a little.  "It's not enough for you to be as good as any of us.  You must be better than all of us,  Omega."
"That's the responsibility of the generation before,  to give the following generation more than they had." Miria settled cross legged beside her.  
"Even if they aren't your own kids?"
Miria nodded.  "Jedi don't have children.  They train padawans… I was going to leave the Order for Crosshair… we'd hoped for children. But even if you're not a child of my blood,  you're one of my heart." She gently booked Omegas nose. "And if I did have a baby,  there's more than enough love to go around."
Omega nodded with a smile and settled into a mirrored position to Miria. The Jedi coached her into clearing her mind and settling herself,  grounding in the energy around her.  It was… comforting. And peaceful. 
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Naboo was still beautiful, as the Havoc Marauder touched down in the tree-studded swampland and forest. It was like the war and aftermath hadn't touched it. It was easy to pretend all the horror of the last three years was no more than a bitter nightmare, and Miria was coming back to the planet she'd been born on to build a new life with Crosshair.  
But Omega was sitting in the sniper’s seat when they'd entered the atmosphere, a sweet-faced reminder to order Tech to land somewhere remote. There could be Imperials, even somewhere beautiful like Naboo. And she was still their leader,  tasked with keeping them safe on this pickup mission for Cid. The trandoshan had said it would be an easy one,  getting weapons smuggled in crates of flowers from a trusted contact.  They only had a set of coordinates, but they'd gotten less and pulled off greater things.  
"Wow, it's pretty here." Omega giggled as they stepped out, all in plainclothes. Hunter wasn't a huge fan of being out of armor like this,  but it was a necessary risk.
"This is my home planet." Miria breathed, leaning a little against a nearby tree and taking a steadying breath. Her chest ached deeply today, despite Tech’s best efforts. She never felt recovered from Bracca and Raxus, back to back emotional body blows and physical strain. Maybe it was the still-healing gunshot in her back, or the lack of sleep that made it worse. 
Seeing Crosshair in Imperial armor felt more haunting than the fear of death.  
"Really?" Omega trotted to her before any of the guys could begin to really fuss,  taking the Jedis pale hands in hers.  Miria looked so small out of armor,  even though she was taller than the girl herself.  She was wearing a light gray dress and black breeches,  which didn't help how pale she was either. 
Miria smiled and squeezed her hands gently.  "Yes.  I was born here,  and taken to the temple when I was a very young child. I don't remember much about my life before,  so this will be an adventure for us all."
"Can we check out the market like we did on Pantora?" Omega pleaded. 
"If there's time,  and we avoid any mishaps. I don't fancy stealing another speeder." The jedi chuckled. "Come along, padawan mine." 
Omega kept a hold of her hand as she led the way out of the trees towards the capitol city, which bolstered her tired resolve. She could keep going for that sweet, golden eyed smile.  
Hunter watched her carefully.  "Do we know anything about the contact,  Tech?"
"Cids notation on the data chit were… cryptic, to say the least." He sighed.  
"Oh goodness.  What did she say?" Miria looked back over her shoulder.  
"And I quote: 'Stripes oughtta like him.' I do not see how that is helpful to the mission."
"She consistently surprises me.  We'll see what she meant with time." Miria chuckled softly.  
When they arrived,  the capitol was bustling and lovely as a spring rain. There were flowers everywhere,  blooms and live plants for sale and used as decoration on every corner. "It must be the Midsummer Festival." Tech mused aloud. "I have read that it is the biggest cultural holiday on the planet."
"I wonder what they're celebrating." Omega looked awed at the colors.  
"I think it's a celebration of their prosperity." Miria smiled sadly.  "The planet has survived many Galactic incidents,  with grace and strength."
"Like you,  Miri." Hunter patted her shoulder.  
Miria felt neither graceful nor strong right now.  She felt beaten, helpless and wounded. All she wanted was collapse, to rest in a pair of arms that had held a rifle to her not long ago.  It's not his fault… but it feels so deliberate. 
"Thank you,  dear. Let's hurry and meet the contact. He should be nearby." She patted his hand and walked ahead. Echo and Tech shared speaking glances and followed. The contact coordinates had indicated a flower shop in the main marketplace, an unusual place to meet a smuggler. But they were no strangers to the unusual.  The Bad Batch was the unusual, made of mutations or cybernetics,  led by a dying Jedi and followed by the one true innocent born in the growth tubes of Kamino.
Miria ducked into the shop, eyes adjusting to the dim light.  It smelled sweet here, beautiful flowers still living in pots on tables and preserved blossoms hanging upside down to dry or dipped in wax and arranged in bouquets.  A man stood alone at the high counter, facing away from them and tending to a plant heavy with trumpet-shaped blossoms and tendrils that moved of their own accord. His hair was long and steel gray, held in a low horsetail at the back of his neck,  and the hands gently guiding the vines that wrapped around his wrists were strong looking but careworn. He was dressed simply, in a tan tunic and black vest with dirt clinging to his boots.
But despite the simple appearance of him,  there was something sparkling in the Force like the heat that sweetened fresh berries eaten straight from the vine. He was powerful,  and Miria instantly trusted him as if he'd raised her in the temple himself. 
He paused, catching a springy leaf between his fingertips.  "You've arrived, it seems." He had a deep voice, soothing and warm as velvet. 
Miria held her head up. "We have."
The man turned with a smile.  His was a weathered face in perhaps his late 60s to early 70s,  handsome still in a way, with cheeks darkened from the sun. Set above them were bright eyes,  a brilliant amethyst shade. "Come to the back. Let's discuss business."
The group followed him into a back room,  with a passcode metal door. It looked like a stockroom at first glance, with more plants everywhere.  The door locked with a pneumatic hiss behind them.  "As curious as I am about a group of deserted soldiers with a child,  I'm far more interested in your Jedi."
Instantly everyone's hackles raised,  moving to protect their General. "It's a double cross." Hunter hissed.  
The man laughed.  "No, nothing like that, I assure you. My name is Argais Draper."
Miria startled. "Draper… I know that name." She breathed.  "I've read it, in the Temple Archives."
"Studious girl,  aren't you?" Argais chuckled. 
"You're a Jedi too?" Hunter frowned,  relaxing marginally.  
"I was, many years ago.  I left the Order almost thirty years ago." He smiled quietly. 
"Why?" Miria frowned. "You were a Master, and on the council…"
"I mean no disrespect,  General, but so were you.  And you have intentions to leave." Tech looked at her. 
Argais smiled, a little sadly. "Interesting. I left the Order, as my ideals no longer aligned with theirs. But my leaving was on good terms, and I still had friends among the Order. I mourn their deaths,  and that is why I chose to work against the Empire that rose in their ashes. You have nothing to fear from me, young Master."
Miria nodded.  She'd heard many stories of Master Draper, another padawan trained by Yoda himself.  That he'd been something of a maverick, falling somewhere between the grace and power of Dooku and the kind-hearted recklessness of Qui-Gon Jinn who he'd been close friends with. He'd left the Order before Dooku had,  just before Miria had been brought to the Temple.  They'd never served together,  never even met,  but as a young padawan she'd admired the tales of his clever interpretation of the Code and holos of his skilled dueling. "The pleasure is mine, Master Draper.  I am Miria Halcyon."
That seemed to catch his attention.  "Halcyon, you say?" He leaned over,  inspecting her face critically as if he were searching for answers to a great mystery.  "Force… it is you." He finally breathed.  
Wrecker looked at Tech, like he might have an answer the big clone had missed.  The genius could only shrug. 
"Are we more acquainted than I realized, Master?" Miria blinked. "I don't believe we've met in person before today…"
"We haven't,  dear girl.  But I've looked into your eyes every day for twenty seven years." He murmured softly.  "I returned to Naboo when I left the Jedi, to find my only living family.  What I found was my younger sister and her husband, mourning the child they'd given to the Temple a day before my transport landed."
Mirias brows furrowed.  His eyes were mere inches from her own,  alight and familiar… "What is your sister's name?"
"Her wedded name is Annalise Halcyon."
Halcyon.  The name had weight in her heart,  bright and chaotic as the birth of a new star. Pieces snapped into place.  27 years ago, she'd been sent to the Temple from Naboo.  27 years ago,  he'd left it to return.  Of course, it all made sense. The lavender eyes, the humming in the Force, the kinship she'd always felt to his name… she could almost hear Count Dooku, speaking across the veil of years past and death. Asking her one question that she never could bury after she'd confronted him on Serenno. 
What would your own mother think,  if she saw what you've become? 
It seemed she might get to know now. 
"Your sister is my mother. " She whispered.  "You are my uncle…"
Argais nodded with a slow smile.  "You have been sorely missed, little one."
She didn't mean to cry.  She'd thought she was out of tears by now,  after so many months since Order 66. But these were tears of joy that welled up in her eyes,  and she threw her arms open and let Argais embrace her tightly.  She'd never dared think she'd meet her blood kin, even in those moments she'd dreamed of bringing Crosshair to Naboo to find their own lives.  But she had an uncle, and felt in the Force how loved she was.  He hadn't even met her before,  and he loved her. She hadn’t been forgotten. 
"Shh, now. Don't cry." He stroked her hair, tall form bent over her comfortingly.  "Wipe your eyes,  little love."
She nodded, wiping her cheeks on her sleeve.  "S-sorry, Ma… Uncle. I… I never thought…"
"I know." He put his hands on her shoulders,  eyes a little damp. 
"You do,  don't you? " She smiled weakly.  He must have,  another Jedi who found his kin and returned to them.  It was overwhelming to be so understood in something she felt so alone in.  "Let me introduce you to my squad. This is Hunter, Echo, Tech,  and Wrecker.  And Omega is their little sister."
Argais smiled and shook hands all around,  getting a hug from Omega in her endless capacity to love everyone she met.  He patted her springy hair. "If you don't mind delaying business a moment longer, I think I should call your mother.  Anna will never forgive me if I don't."
Miria nodded eagerly,  clasping her hands at her chest when she wasn't sure what else to do with them.  "I can meet her?"
"And your father,  Jet." He chuckled. "You have his face,  and your mothers eyes."
Her eyed crinkled at the corners at that,  a brighter smile than the batch had seen since Kaller. "Do I?"
Argais nodded and opened the stockroom door again to comm his sister. Miria looked back at the guys, a little apologetic.  "I'm sorry for holding the mission up…"
Hunter smiled.  "It's fine,  Miri. We're not on a time limit."
Tech nodded.  "You need this, General."
Wrecker just grinned and hoisted Omega up so she could look at the flowers in the top shelves. "Yeah. It's good to see you smilin' again."
Argais returned with a chuckle. "I've been given strict instructions to bring you all home for dinner.  Let's get these crates looked at,  and I'll have them sent to your ship. Then we can go to the farm."
"A farm?" Echo cocked his head.  
"Annalise and Jet are perfume farmers.  They grow flowers and distill them into blends. Horticulture is a… family affair." He explained, sealing the door again. "When I am not attending this shop or entertaining rebels, I am the gardener of the Queen's palace."
Miria wanted to ask a million questions,  but kept her smile to herself as her uncle pressed a button underneath the lip of a shelf. Omega squeaked when they all turned,  revealing crates loaded with weapons tucked under flowers to conceal them.  "I'm sure Cid can find a use for these." Echo chuckled.
Hunter gave every box a once over, Tech perusing a manifest Argais handed him to be sure everything was accounted for. "Looks good to go." The sergeant finally murmured. 
Argais nodded.  "I'll have everything sent to your ship. A couple of the queen's royal guard have been assisting me,  and they won't be questioned at the gates."
"Guess it pays to work in the palace." Wrecker chuckled.  
"I've been told I have a… grandfatherly presence to many a young guard and handmaiden. A few young Queens, too." He sighed sadly. "The hardest flowers I've ever grown were the ones to decorate Padme Amidalas funeral."
Miria bowed her head. "She was my friend,  too. Her light will be missed…"
Argais put an arm around her.  "That's enough somber talk, little one.  Let's get you to your mother." He led her out, the batch following.  
Hunter looked at his General's tired face,  turned up to look at Argais as he told her about his sister and brother in law.  She has a real family… The thought hit hard in the gut. Miria had a family, they'd be mad not to want her back.  
This might be a mission she didn't come back to Ord Mantell with them after. He wouldn't even blame her if she chose to stay.  Her time was limited, and he hadn't seen her this happy in so long…
They climbed into a skycar, squishing together with Omega across her brother's laps, and Argais drove them out of the city.  
Swampland and forest passed by in a blur of color, the air taking on a distinct sweet heaviness as they approached the farm. 
"Welcome home,  Miria." Argais murmured as rows upon rows of blooms appeared. 
"Home…" Miria whispered, all at once both delighted and suddenly so sad it might have crushed her chest into dust. It was beautiful… but all she could imagine was a pair of golden eyes. 
You should be here, Crosshair…
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Mirias boots hadn't even touched the ground fully before she was tackled in a perfumed hug.  The woman wrapped around her was her height, but far curvier than her willow form. She had light brown hair,  starting to gray at the temples and tied back into a crown braid and bun with little flyaways peeking out. She wore a pink dress and stained apron, and the flowers and sun had seemingly leached into her skin with how nice she smelled. "Miria! My little girl!" She wailed, right in Mirias ear. 
"You're choking her, Anna." Chuckled a soft voice behind Annalise. Miria looked up to see a tall man,  black hair starting to gray as well and at his shoulders,  smiling at her with kindly hazel eyes. He was lean, willowy like her but much taller,  and had the same shaped face as she did. "Look at you.  All grown up." He smiled,  looking so fiercely proud at seeing her.  
Her mother pulled back,  hands cupping Mirias cheeks. "You're so pale, darling.  And too skinny, let's get you fed. Come on,  and bring your friends.  You can tell me all about them over dinner." She pulled Miria inside and sat her and the batch at the table,  fawning over how adorable Omega was.  
"You okay?" Echo whispered to Miria. 
"A little overwhelmed." She admitted.  "But… I can feel her love in the Force."
"She's really nice." Omega giggled.  
Jet sat down next to his daughter,  and Hunter could tell where she'd gotten that shy and quiet demeanor.  "She doesn't always know what to do with her hands." He chuckled.  "But she means well. And she's a great cook."
"I like her already." Wrecker grinned.  
Miria smiled faintly and Jet offered her a hand,  which she took gratefully.  "How'd you survive, baby? We saw the news… clones turning on the Jedi,  the whole Order being declared traitors… we thought you were dead." He said gently.  
"I got very lucky." Miria murmured,  looking down.  "This unit saved me,  and came back for me." 
Jet nodded,  looking at the clones.  Wrecker was being offered fruit, since Annalise had heard his stomach growl. Echo was curiously inspecting the antique distillery equipment on the top of the cabinets, Tech examining the books in the living room.  Omega was snuggled up under Hunter's arm, just observing everything with smiles on their faces.  Hunter's looked a little sad,  though.  "They look… different from the clones I've met." Jet finally murmured.  
"They're unusual,  but that's why I adore them so much…" Miria smiled quietly.  
"Tell me your story.  I'm not Force-sensitive like your uncle,  but I can tell you're dying to talk about it. Help your father understand." He squeezed her hand.  
Miria nodded as Annalise came over with more food and set everything on the table.  "I… I was assigned to the small unit,  because I'm ill." She murmured.  "I was… attacked,  when I was six.  I've been sick ever since."
Annalise sat down on her other side.  Dookus voice haunted Miria once again.  What would your mother think? 
She swallowed hard and continued.  "They've been there for me since the moment I joined their squad.  They've protected me, and I them… but we're one short right now.  Our sniper, Crosshair…"
Across the room,  Argais turned to look at her.  He felt the spike of longing in the Force when she'd said the missing man's name.  Threads of the oh-so-forbiddon attachment clung to her words. 
It seemed he had a lot in common with his niece, beyond the Temple and mastery.  
"He was special to you?" Annalise caught on quick. "The way you said his name…"
"Oh, Mother. I love him." Miria said abruptly.  "I was going to leave the Order, and marry him." She showed Annalise her left hand,  where her ring sat like a reminder that she hadn't dreamed up the love,  that once upon a time she had had Crosshair as her own.  
"Oh sweetheart.  I'm sorry." Annalise put her hands over Mirias. "Argais says people go into the Force when they die…"
"He isn't dead, Mother. It's so much worse than death.  If he were,  I could let him go.  But he's joined the Empire…" Mirias words tumbled out in the rush of desperation,  needing to be understood.  She needed to explain,  to bare her broken heart to someone who hadn't also been crushed by the same pain like the rest of the batch.  Maybe then there was some clarity to be found in the madness of it all. 
"The nerve." Annalise huffed. "How the hell-"
"It isn't his fault.  He can't help it." Miria shook her head.  "Every clone had a control chip in their brains,  triggered by a code word. They would have never turned on their friends.  Crosshair would never have turned on me. He loves me, Mother. You must believe me."
Jet and Annalise exchanged looks.  "Chips, baby?" Jet murmured.  
Miria nodded.  "We were able to remove them from the rest of them,  but Crosshair was already gone…" Her lip trembled slightly.  "Please… he's not to blame. We were all deceived. The clones didn't know until it was too late…"
Annalise sighed. "And you've been running ever since."
"Yes.  We've been trying to find a way to rescue him,  and keep ourselves alive…" Miria closed her eyes.  "But I'm sick.  The temple was what was keeping me alive… Force only knows how much time I have.  And we have to protect Omega…" 
Her parents heard it,  the abject sorrow and how lost their daughter was.  It echoed in her voice and the slump of her tired shoulders.  Annalise rubbed her back gently.  "It's alright, love. You're safe here. All of you."
Miria nodded.  "Thank you…"
"Here, eat something and I'll make you some tea. Or caf?" Her mother offered.
"Tea would be lovely… I'm afraid I don't like caf." She chuckled weakly. 
Jet laughed softly.  "Neither does your mom or uncle. I can't get enough."
Miria smiled sadly.  "Neither can Crosshair…"
Annalise rounded up the group and got everyone eating, setting a cup of tea in Mirias hands.  "You can stay and rest as long as you want,  sweetheart." She murmured.  "Your friends too.  They saved your life, the least we can give them is real beds and hot meals."
Miria nodded gratefully.  "Thank you,  Mother…"
Jet leaned over and kissed her temple.  "Welcome home,  Miria."
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The bed was more comfortable than a ship bunk,  at least.  Miria had been led to "her" room,  the one she'd apparently spent her youngest years in,  while the guys and Omega were in guest rooms in her parents house. Omega had been excited about a sleepover, and Hunter had reminded Miria it was okay for them to take a little time on this.  
She lay on her stomach, trying to manage any discomfort in her still-healing back, and looked around the room.  Everything was a pretty and soft purple or pink, like flowers blooming outside.  There was a flat holo projector on the warm wood dresser, flipping through old images of her as a chubby cheeked baby.  Annalise said they hadn't changed much in here since Miria left, other than replacing a crib with a real bed. There were stuffed animals on the bed,  and a washed-smooth quilt that must have been hand made. She could sense the devotion and find time that had gone into its creation.  
She could have grown up in this room,  with her parents and uncle.  They so clearly loved her… she lifted her head as she heard movement outside the door. 
"Isn't there anything you can do,  Brother?" Annalise's voice was pleading. "I didn't wait all these years to see my daughter again,  just to watch her die."
"I'll try,  Anna. But this is beyond me…" Argais sounded so sad. Like all his years caught up with him at once.  
"This is my fault.  I sent her to the Jedi." Annalise sobbed softly.  "If I'd known you were coming home,  I'd never have let them take her.  I thought she'd be safe…" 
"It was a tragic accident,  Anna.  You heard what she said." Argais murmured. "But…. Irene is returning tomorrow.  She knows far more about the dark side than I do."
"If she can save my baby, I'll do anything." Annalise whispered. "Anything at all."
"She won't ask anything of you,  Anna. She loves you too." Miria heard the sound of clothes brushing, an embrace between siblings. "You should rest,  little sister."
"I just need to check on Miria." 
"Alright." Argais' footsteps faded and Miria heard her bedroom door open.  Annalise stood in the doorway, fidgeting with her hands and watching Miria.  
The jedi smiled faintly.  "It wasn't your fault,  Mother…" She murmured softly.  "It was just an accident."
Annalise stepped into the room and sat on the edge of the bed, gently putting a hand on Mirias shoulder.  She looked regretfully at the bandages still encircling her daughter's lower back.  "You've been hurt so many times,  love. I hate it. And I sent you to that fate. "
Miria sighed.  "The Order made me who I am… and it's only through them that I met Crosshair…" She rolled onto her side and looked at her ring.  
"It all circles back to him,  doesn't it?" Annalise smiled faintly.
"I love him.  But Force, Mother… what do I do?" 
"I don't know,  sweetheart… I don’t know how he sleeps at night,  walking away like that."
"It's not his fault." Miria murmured, closing her eyes.  "When he's himself,  he's beautiful.  I just… he should be here right now.  He should be meeting you too. I'd give anything to be seeing him meet Father, instead of wondering if he's safe…"
Annalise smoothed her hair back from her face. "Talk to me, sweetheart.  Let me help you."
Miria sighed. "I don't know what to say. I don't know… much of anything anymore.  I know it's the chip, but he left.  He said he'd never leave…" All at once,  Miria felt like a teenager with her first heartbreak, melodramatic as it seemed.
"One day, this will be only a memory." Annalise murmured wisely.  
"You didn't see the way he looked at me,  Mother." Miria closed her eyes.  "Like he hated me.  That's not Crosshair, not my guiding star.  Not the man who'd have begged on his knees for my life…" She didn't want to tell her mother the truth,  that she'd rather those pleas fail and she die than keep living like this forever.  But she did want Annalise to know what kind of man he'd been,  before the chip activated. "It was worse than Illum. Worse than dying."
Annalise pulled her up and hugged her fiercely. 
Miria buried her face in her mother's shoulder and hung on tightly, letting the love in the embrace wash over her. She wanted to ask so many questions that a life the Jedi Order hadn't prepared her for. Could her knees give out from being on them too long,  praying to the Force for some kind of sign? Would the salt of her tears blind her if she kept crying? Could she really die of a broken heart? 
Instead, she caught her breath. "Mother… who is Irene?" She whispered. 
Annalise smiled faintly, still holding her tight. "Your aunt, Argais' wife.  She and their son took a crate of perfume to the market on the other side of the city a few days ago. They'll be back tomorrow."
"I have an aunt and cousin…" Miria smiled a little.  "That's nice."
"You'll love them." Annalise assured her,  still holding her like a child until Mirias head grew too heavy to hold up and she tucked her grown daughter into bed to sleep. Miria didn't stir when she kissed her cheek and shut off the lamp, letting her wayward Jedi sleep. 
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"Speeders coming in." Hunter murmured.  He was out in a field with most of the guys, picking flowers for something to do while Miria spent time with her family.  Tech had decided he liked Jet, who was showing him the perfume distillery equipment in the barn. 
Miria was on the porch, helping her mother pick petals off the stems of a batch of lavender,  idly remembering the children's game of "He loves me, he loves me not." She lifted her head as the speeder stopped just short of her Uncle's skycar.  "Is that them, Mother?"
Annalise nodded. "Irene and Aram." She chuckled. 
Irene was a tall woman,  with short and very curly black hair kept short around her ears. She was copper skinned as the clones, with lively dark eyes and a humming and restless energy that permeated the Force around her. She was younger than her husband, not quite 50, and her gait belied a warrior's grace. She dressed simply in black,  breeches and a tunic with a heavy leather belt.
Her son Aram couldn't have been a day over 20 years old,  swarthy skinned and taller than either of his parents. He was thin and wiry, but graceful when he moved. His curly black hair he got from his mother, though his was down his back in a gravity-defying poof and the front kept falling in his warm brown eyes.  He seemed to like more feminine clothing,  flowing silks with billowing sleeves in bright blue and gold.  "Aunt Annie, you didn't say we had guests!  I'm not dressed for company!" He laughed, and his voice was light and lilting. 
Annalise smiled.  "You look fine,  Aram. Come meet your cousin and her friends."
Irene's head snatched to the side.  "This is her?" She trotted immediately over to Miria and startled the Jedi by catching her chin between her fingers.  "How in the galaxy are you even alive?"
"Nice to meet you…" Miria squeaked.
"Mother!" Aram chuckled. "You can't just grab people!"
Irene let Miria go, watching her curiously.  "I have every reason to be curious about newcomers in our home."
"More like suspicious." Aram chuckled. "Don't mind her.  She's Mandalorian."
Miria smiled weakly.  "It's quite alright… I'd be suspicious too, with all that's happened…"
"The Dark Side is all over you." Irene said firmly. "I'm being pragmatic."
Annalise puffed up defensively. "She isn't-"
"She's right,  Mother." Miria held a hand up,  looking at Irene quietly.  "But… how did you know that? The Jedi Temple historically refuses Mandalorian initiates…"
Irene leaned back on her heels, crossing her arms and looking Miria up and down.  "You have a problem with Mandalorians?"
"Hardly. I am engaged to one,  and live on a ship with five more." Miria gestured to the clones,  who were all starting to circle around the two of them curiously.  "I disagreed with the rest of the Council's exclusion, though it seems a moot point now." She kept her back straight and head high,  meeting her admittedly confrontational aunt's eyes. This was a test to be passed,  somehow she knew. 
Irene chuckled.  "You're brave, I'll give you that.  But how'd a Jedi Council member end up half soaked in the Darkness herself?"
"I was caught in a Sith trap on Illum when I was a youngling." Miria didn't flinch. "I have fought the darkness every breath since."
Irene immediately looked regretful. "The bled crystals on Illum… you survived, as a youngling? You're stronger than I thought."
Mirias brows furrowed.  "You…. Know about the trap?"
Argais cleared his throat.  "Perhaps we should discuss this inside. Aram, would you help Jet in the barn?"
The young man sighed. "Why am I never allowed to hear the fun conversations?"
"Because you're a month shy of your 20th birthday,  and I said so." Irene ruffled his curls. "Go,  ner ad."
He dramatically grumbled, but went to help Mirias father. Miria followed Argais and Irene inside, Annalise patting her arm reassuringly. "I'll be right here, baby."
They went to the kitchen and Miria sat down across from the couple at the table.  Irene poured herself a cup of cold caf from the morning.  "To answer your question,  yes. I know about the trap. I know who laid it, because I was told by my master when I was young."
"Your master…" Miria frowned.  
"Darth Plagueis." Irene nodded. 
Miria startled so badly she nearly fell out of her chair. "A Sith?!"
Irene smiled wryly.  "Yes. Decades ago,  I was Darth Imperia. A Sith assassin,  far more lethal than that cute little copycat that Dooku tried to make. Ventress."
Miria blinked.  "... she is my friend now.  If she's still alive,  anyway. I haven't heard from her in a while…"
"You surprise me,  jetii'ika." Irene chuckled.  "Maybe you'll understand.  Hear me out, then you can judge."
The little Jedi nodded,  interlocking her fingers in front of herself.  "I'm listening… Aunt Irene."
Irene smiled.  "My family was killed in a clan skirmish on Mandalore, when I was quite young. I was once a part of Clan Vizla, the clan of Manda'lor the Great. In an instant, I went from an heiress to an orphan. I was angry and desperate,  and those feelings led Plagueis to me.  He took me in,  and trained me as his apprentice. I was in the prime of my power when he sent me to Naboo,  25 years ago.  Instead of killing the queen as he'd ordered… I met her gardener."
Argais smiled.  "I saw a lonely young woman,  and started giving her flowers. At first, she ignored them.  But… eventually she accepted them.  Then she started talking to me."
"He only meant to be kind.  He's almost twenty years older than me.  But… no one had ever seen me,  just as I was.  He didn't reject the darkness within me,  only offered me a new perspective. Conversations led to friendship… and eventually I was in love with him." Irene laughed.  "I thought for sure he'd leave me when he found out I was a Sith. Instead,  he offered me a hand and asked me to return to the light.  And when Plagueis came to get me,  he stood to protect me. Together,  we forced my old master to retreat, and I've heard rumors he took another apprentice after me.  And I married Argais a year later."
Miria nodded,  looking between them.  That was the most romantic tale she'd ever heard… and another strange parallel to her and her uncle. She'd befriended Asajj Ventress. He'd loved Darth Imperia back to the light.  
How curious. 
She smiled faintly.  "I suppose they means there's still hope for Crosshair and I…. If I live long enough to find him again."
Argais looked at his wife. "Do you know anything that could help her,  love?"
Irene sighed and got up.  "Walk with me,  Miria. Cyare, check on your sister. I know Annalise,  she's wound up tighter than a condenser coil."
Argais nodded and got up,  and Miria followed Irene out back to a pond a few minutes walk from the back door. 
"Pretty here, isn't it?" Irene murmured, sitting down by the waters edge. 
Miria sat beside her,  legs tucked neatly under her. "Yes. I used to dream of a place like this… peaceful and safe. Somewhere to bring my beloved, after the war." 
Irene sighed. "Yeah.  When I was a Sith, I'd have visions of this very spot. I never could figure out how I was supposed to get to it…. Just made me madder than ever. Like the Force was mocking me with what I couldn’t have."
"But you found your way." Miria smiled.  "You seemed insistent that Aram not overhear us… did you not want him to know who you used to be?"
"He knows.  I refuse to be ashamed of it." Irene smiled faintly.  "He knows his mother was wrong,  and she learned better.  But the dark side is still a part of me… that's the difference between you and me.  You haven't accepted that."
Miria blinked.  "You left the dark side,  I don't understand…"
"The Dark Side leaves a permanent mark on all it touches.  When I stopped being a Sith, I was sick a while.  It took two years for me to realize it was because I was ashamed of myself.  Cutting parts of who I was away to try to fit the mold of a Jedi,  like I thought Argais wanted.  Then one day… it clicked.  I am who I am,  and he never asked me to change.  I don't use Sith powers to hurt anyone anymore.  But I accept that whenever I use the Force,  it's both light and dark in me. But you haven't done that,  have you?"
"A Jedi doesn't-" Miria started.
"Banthashit, kid. One: there aren't Jedi anymore.  Two: you were gonna leave due that guy you mentioned,  weren't you? And three: maybe if the Jedi had taken a little time to consider both sides of the Force, they might still be around."
Miria clamped her jaw shut and looked at her lap,  eyes stinging. Irene had a point,  she was sure. She and Echo had discussed something similar on the way to Raxus,  to live by their own lives and not the rules than didn't apply any longer. But it burned to think of all the dead she had loved as deserving of their fate, all the lessons she'd been taught as wasted breath. 
It felt like standing between Master Plo and Dooku, waiting to see who won a tug-of-war.  
"They didn't deserve this,  Aunt Irene." She finally whispered. 
"That's not what I'm saying. No,  they didn't." Irene put a hand on her wrist. "What I'm trying to tell you is that you've been marked. If you deny that it's a part of you,  it'll kill you eventually.  But if you take the total sum of yourself, you'll come out whole.  The Dark Side in you isn't an invader. It's part of you.  And you have to, if you can't  embrace it, at least accept it."
"So that's it? I use the Dark Side,  throw away everything I was raised to be… or die?' Miria looked distraught.  
"That won't make you a Sith. I was raised to be a merciless assassin who loved nothing but power and vengeance.  Now I sell flowers and yell at my kid for taking two hours to do his hair." Irene squeezed her wrist gently. "There are ways to do good with the dark.  You don't think the night is evil,  or moonlight is inferior to the sun?"
Moonlight.  "Nau'ul be'me'suum'ika." Miria whispered.  
"Someone taught you some Mando’a." Irene inclined her head.  
Miria nodded.  "Crosshair… I let him feel my energy through our bond in the Force.  He said I felt like moonlight."
"Dark and light,  intertwined. Smart man." Irene smiled a little.  "You wanna save him.  You gotta find the strength to save yourself first.  Otherwise,  what's left to love him?  You don't have to be a Sith, Miria.  That'd be a waste of your light.  But the moon doesn't shine when the sun's out."
"... I'll think on your wisdom,  Aunt Irene. But… I'll admit I'm frightened. What if I fall?"
"You've got to believe that you won't.  Have faith in your strength."
Miria didn't feel strong at all,  hadn't in a long time.  She felt helpless,  dragged along for the ride and slammed into every stone along the way. All she knew of the dark was the pain,  from Illum and every day after.  But somehow,  her suffering was her salvation? 
Irene plucked a purple wildflower and tucked it behind Mirias ear. "You'll figure it out. Call it Mandalorian intuition."
"Thank you for your insight." Miria murmured.  
They sat in silence,  watching the water ripple until the sun started its colorful descent behind the horizon.  "What is it like,  Aunt Irene? To raise a child of your own?"
"Like watching a piece of your heart leave your chest and take flight. It's, in a way,  like living forever.  The most beautiful and terrifying journey in the galaxy,  watching someone born out of the love you feel for another, half you and half your cyare but entirely their own." Irene smiled.  "Why?"
"I think that’s all I've ever wanted." Miria whispered.
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valkblue · 1 year
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4: Bonus if they kinda do disturbingly look like they have some some of a, say, major substance abuse issue
6: … 👀
8+19: Go ahead. Nerd on.
9: *happy baby yoda sounds*
24: Don’t cheat and pick a shapeshifter. 👁 👁
27: … including the ones that got marbled or scrambled in the meantime. 😔
30: Go ham fam.
40: I’m actually curious. 👀
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4. Favourite character from original trilogy?
I have a few favourites!
Luke. At first, I was just like 'Ok, nice guy', when I was myself a little girl and didn't quite fully understand the whole story. But I grew to love him a little more each time I watched the films and started to understand him better, as I was myself growing up.
Leia. She's head-strong, reliable, courageous and speaks her mind. She was right in the alley of characters like Xena, Sam Carter, Sidney Fox, Scully… and that I loved so much.
Lando. I was genuinely shocked when he betrays Leia, Han and Chewie the very first time I saw the film as a child!! I was very confused and sad… but I also felt all the more relieved when he finally gets back on their side before the end! 🤣
…and Larry Obi-Wan, of course!
6. Do you have any ships?
I'd love to fly a light freighter or a gunship like Din's. I'm not quite sure I'd feel comfortable flying a starfighter like a X-Wing or TIE. Powerful and efficient but a little too claustrophobic to my taste, sadly… I like to be able to walk in my ship, change decks and store shit in it you see?
Ah… You meant another kind of ship, right? Ok, I like Leia x Han, even though Han is kind of a creep sometimes. 🤣
8. Weapon of choice?
A blaster. No need for a heavy one, something light and not too clunky would do. (Not an Echani weapon either 😛) But I'd love to try a Deece with whatever attachment too. 👀
19. What type of outfit would you wear?
Whatever outfit I would choose, I truly hope I'll end up with a super cool jacket with A LOT of pockets!!! I'd love strong boots too, something that feels undestructible.
But I must admit… Jedi outfits look incredibly comfy. They all look like they are in their pajamas… and I kinda envy them that. 😩
9. What food from Star Wars would you want to try?
Actually, I did try one! The Uj cake👌 I even have perfected my very own recipe for it now. Kandosii!
24. Would you want to be human, or from another species?
I can't shapeshift?!?! 😲 What is this tyranny?! Well, in that case, I'm fine with staying human-looking then. I kinda like the Bothans, though…
27. Top 3 planets to visit?
No marble, no scramble—I'd say: Naboo, Arvala-7, and Bespin. ✨ (but also maybe Concord Dawn 🤫)
30. Do you have any headcanons?
Wato's business crashed after he lost Ani, and then Shmi. He never had any other slaves before or after them.
Taun We likes the clones in her weird Kaminoan detached way, and maybe Boba even more so, but the little shit despises her (and rightly so, all other Kaminoans) even though he's treated well, just because he sees Jango act like an asshole and talk shit about them… and he's mimicking his parental figure, like kids usually do. Even cloned ones.
Maybe it has been said somewhere in the EU, but I suspect Palpatine to be able to use a battle meditation. Also, he made Dooku unable to speak after Anakin 'disarmed' him, and he influenced Anakin's mind through the Force to kill him against his better judgment. *queue tortured violin music*
Also, I would have rewrote the final fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan. It would have been a better dogfight and his injuries would have been from a crash... (but yeah yeaaaah, it needed lightsabers fights and duels, I know…)
40. If you could make your own Star Wars trilogy/series, what would it be about?
It would be about Canderous' stories 👀 The whole basilisk thing and raids, seeing Ordo and the clans challenging each others, Mand'alore the Ultimate, up to their defeat against Revan… 😩💖
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sirenalpha · 2 years
Darth Vader being portrayed as crossing any moral event horizons or as someone who can genuinely scare you in non-OT material actually damages Darth Vader's characterization and the themes of the OT
it's not cool, good fan service, or an interesting perspective shift
specifically, portraying him as hatefully cruel and enjoying his own cruelty or playing him up as a horror or a boogeyman or making him out to be more of a mastermind/saboteur is inaccurate and doesn't work for the final sequence in rotj
his lack of cruelty and lack of joy in the cruelty or any arrogance derived from it is what separates him and is meant to separate him from the other villains in the OT like Tarkin, the Emperor, or Jabba
sure Darth Vader is angry and brutal at times in the OT, but he is most of all efficient and it keeps him from crossing the line and keeps him respectable
the worst he does, aka the thing he does that the heroes do not because the heroes do kill people and lots of them and they also dismember people, is torture people but it's kept carefully off screen and he's not presented as enjoying it and it's always to achieve a particular tactical end
you as the audience are not meant to be afraid of him or hate to love him, he's clearly portrayed as a worthy opponent, he's meant to be respectable as an opposing commander as he puts himself in as much danger as his own men and the heroes
that's part of why he gets into a starfighter same as Luke over the Death Star and is there in person on Bespin and Endor
he does not in anh drag Obi-Wan through flames out of revenge for his own burning, he just fights him with a lightsaber because he wants to prove he's surpassed him in his lightsaber skills now and isn't even particularly mean with his smack talk
another factor that frequently gets left out of non-OT portrayals of Darth Vader is his deference and subservience
Leia (and by proxy you the audience) is not afraid of and talks back to Darth Vader because she knows he's on a leash, she shows more contempt and fear for Tarkin and Jabba than she does for Darth Vader
Tarkin is able to tell Vader off and Vader obeys him no question, not even any back talk
Vader is also portrayed kneeling to the emperor and calling him master and obeys him even when he doesn't want to like bringing Luke to him
yes he cooks up a plan to offer up ruling the galaxy to Luke in esb but it's his only meaningful display of autonomy before killing the emperor and it shows that he's still thinking within the Sith paradigm
he is not scary because he lacks power in this one critical area and it serves to make him sympathetic
Darth Vader works so well in his role as a redeemable minor villain because he is a worthy opponent being held back and used by worse people
that's why it matters when non-OT material changes Darth Vader's characterization
when you give Vader the autonomy to actively act against the Emperor like taking on a secret apprentice, you cheapen his relationship with Luke as it means Luke is no longer the only person important enough for Vader to risk going behind the Emperor for, any old force sensitive would do, and it makes him so much less sympathetic when it seems like he could cast off his subservience if he just wanted to making him no longer someone who might need help or saving
when you let Vader toy with Obi-Wan and torture him on screen or be cruel to those between him and his objective, you make him a less worthy opponent and portray him as in line with other OT villains rather than different from them
all of these negative effects on Vader's characterization damages Star Wars' themes because beyond making Vader a less coherent character, it makes Luke's efforts to save him less noble and less rational
there actually does need to be a reason for the audience to believe Luke when he says there's still good in Vader and not just because he's Luke's father
otherwise the emotions involved with Vader's redemption will not land with the audience
and if those don't land, if the audience doesn't feel that Vader's redemption is satisfying, that Vader is actually undeserving of the opportunity and faith Luke offers him
Vader's redemption and self sacrifice is superficial, just one moment out of a life time of harm caused and about familial ties and Luke and Vader's relationship as father and son, it is base instincts to protect your own child, it's a rather cynical and unhopeful story as Luke, the hero that's supposed to reestablish the Jedi and help the galaxy, is just foolish rather than good so nothing really changes
if it lands however, if Luke's goal to save his father really is noble and successful, and Vader is redeemed in a more meaningful way than having done just one good deed, then it is a much more hopeful story about the ability to change and become better for both of them, Luke becomes a better Jedi than his teachers and Vader finally overcame his own flaws, and the galaxy is a better place for both of them having done so and can continue to be improved
and that's why you can't just make Vader a scary overpowered bad guy in new Star Wars entries even if you think it will draw people in
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spicycurrybread · 2 years
Why Gamers Need to Give Star Wars Battlefront 2 Another Chance
From its pre-release marketing campaign right through to today, Star Wars Battlefront II has been marred by controversy. Crippled by a convoluted progression system and pay-to-win mechanics the game suffered critically and commercially with EA announcing it had failed to meet their sales targets. Despite this, it’s unfortunate Star Wars Battlefront II never had its time in the sun; although criticism of its microtransactions may have been fair at the time the game itself is genuinely beautiful to look at and mechanically engaging. It may have a bad wrap but with huge changes to its microtransactions and progression mechanics, I think it’s time everyone gave Star Wars Battlefront II a second chance.
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I just want to get this out of the way: Battlefront II’s campaign is bad. Iden Versio is a flat character that represents a lot of the problems with Star Wars as a brand right now. She is insanely predictable and feels like a vehicle to revisit iconic Original and Sequel Trilogy characters and locations. Better Star Wars video game narratives carve their own corners in what is a really broad universe, while Battlefront II habitually colors within the lines. A lot of opportunities to develop the game’s characters in interesting ways are missed as if its writers assumed the Star Wars license was enough to make players invest in them. Obvious twists and stupid turns made for a campaign I don’t think I’ll ever return to.
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However, the design of the locations in which the campaign and multiplayer modes take place is phenomenal. Environmental details like the individual leaves blowing across Theed’s stone roads and the explosive thunderstorm above Kamino’s voracious seas breathe life and urgency into what could have been empty worlds. Playing with other like-minded Star Wars fans finding easter eggs and hidden locations from the movies was a joy. Running around Star Wars Battlefront II’s maps feels like visiting the definitive realizations of these worlds, or at least the actual movie sets.
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If you’re used to Call Of Duty or Battlefield Star Wars Battlefront II probably won’t feel great. It’s an arcade shooter first, placing fun and power fantasy ahead of realism. Team strategizing subsequently falls to the wayside while every character runs face first into a blaster bolt pretending to be Han Solo, but it’s fun nonetheless. Blasters feel as ‘realistic’ as you could want; Rebellion guns feel slapped together in a garage with scrap metal and rushed welding, while Empire weapons feel shiny and mass produced. Every team, be it the Clone Army, CIS, Rebellion, Empire, Resistance or First Order largely play the same way for balancing purposes, but slight changes in mannerisms and abilities make each side feel unique.
Despite its arcady nature, I would have preferred some more nuance in Battlefront II’s lightsaber combat. Lightsabers feel fine when you’re dicing up Clone Troopers and deflecting blaster bolts, but when another force user shows up to fight the ensuing duel mostly comes down to button mashing and special abilities. Characters hack and slash at each other, while the movies repeatedly emphasize the significance of lightsaber combat and a mastery of it as an art-form. Games like For Honor prove that thoughtful sword-based melee combat is possible, so I hope future Star Wars games take some inspiration.
Starfighters play as they did in Battlefront 2015, which for some is a negative. The controls are obtuse at first and require you to ignore years of conditioning for how a flying vehicle should operate, but once you overcome this hurdle they feel right. https://www.hangrygamergear.com/cool-desk-accessories-for-gamers/
What really shines in Star Wars Battlefront II is the sound design. From the whine of a passing TIE Fighter to the “ROGER ROGER” of a Battle Droid, every sound bite is perfect. The sounds of Star Wars are iconic and go just as far (if not further) as the visuals to immersing you in the universe.
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Now, the point on everyone’s minds: microtransactions. How do they impact the game? How can you have fun while some nerf-herders living it up with 5 hours gameplay time and every top level unlock? To put it simply, they’re all gone. EA disabled microtransactions the day before the game released back in 2017 and completely overhauled in March of 2018 as not to affect gameplay. Microtransactions now buy Crystals: an in-game currency only used to purchase cosmetic items. Loot crates earned through gameplay and daily logins only grant you cosmetic items and Credits, which pay for upgrades and are earned in larger quantities through gameplay. If you buy a copy of Star Wars Battlefront II the only high-level players you will come across are those who have earned their stripes and value the game. https://www.hangrygamergear.com/hyperx-cloud-ii-headset-review/
As a big Star Wars fan, I was pretty unsure of Battlefront II before its release. The trailers looked cool enough and the prospect of exploring the much-maligned prequel era tickled my fancy, but my history with the dull and lifeless Star Wars Battlefront in 2015 and the never-ending controversies with EA set my expectations somewhere in the negative zone. But once I set aside all the negative buzz perforating the conversation and actually played it myself I realized it’s not a bad game. So I implore you, if you’re on the fence about Star Wars Battlefront II, play it for yourself. For only $40 you will get a complete and well-crafted experience with free future DLC on the way. If you love Star Wars give it a go, you won’t be disappointed.
The Good
Excellent Visuals
Great Gameplay
Sound Design
The Bad
Uninspired Campaign
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wheresarizona · 2 years
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Pedro Boys and if they like Star Wars
(A/N: I randomly was thinking about the boys and what they’d think of Star Wars. Just another silly headcanon.)
Dave York: He saw the originals growing up and liked them. They were just entertaining movies to waste time with. When Phantom Menace came out he tried to watch it but didn’t like it, and didn’t bother with any of the other movies. He’d watch them with you if you asked nicely, but he’ll probably make comments about the things he preferred in the originals.
Dieter Bravo: He only likes the originals, didn’t like the prequels, and after he was turned down for a role in the sequels (it was the drugs that made him delusional enough to think Disney would even fathom hiring him), he didn’t bother watching them either. He wouldn’t watch them with you if you asked.
Din Djarin: He lives in Star Wars but let’s say he lived on Earth, Din is a nerd. He’d love Star Wars. Genuinely. Would be obsessed with the movies since the first time he watched them as a kid. His favorite character would be Boba Fett. He would have a Boba Fett helmet in his house. He watches the movies all the time with his three-year-old adopted son, Grogu. Grogu enjoys them as much as a tiny child can. Din would love having a movie marathon with you and while watching, every once in awhile he’d tell you his favorite pieces of trivia. Is a polite and respectful Star Wars guy.
Ezra: If he had a chance to watch the movies he would enjoy them very much. He’d like seeing the characters' journeys and the expansive universe, his mind would wander to side characters, wonder about little trivial things that catch his attention. He’d genuinely enjoy the movies even if he didn’t agree with how some of the characters ended up. If you wanted to watch the movies with him, he would happily oblige, always happy to go on the adventure.
Frankie Morales: Frankie likes Star Wars a casual amount. He’s seen all the movies and likes the lightsaber fights. If it’s on, he’ll watch it, but he’s not going out of his way to turn it on. Will show it to his kids because it’s just something they have to see and to understand the context when he tells them, “I am your father.” He’d be down to watch with you, but you might get distracted when he starts kissing your neck.
Jack Daniels: Watched the originals growing up, of course. He remembers seeing Return of the Jedi in theaters. He had been fascinated with the space battles and lightsabers, wanted to be like Han and get the girl. Grew out of it in his teens, and watched episode one when it came out but it didn't draw him in like the others so he didn’t bother with any of the rest that came out. If you asked him to watch with you, he would, and he’d ask a lot of questions to understand what was going on.
Javi G: Javi has a Star Wars marathon once a year. He saw Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi in theaters and was hooked. Spaceships? Laser swords? Good vs Evil? He was into it. By no means does he believe any of the movies are masterpieces of cinema (plus the lack of Nic Cage), they’re more nostalgic for him. So, he sits down once a year and watches all nine films. He goes in episode order to get the full picture and would be excited if you joined him.
Javier Peña: He’s heard of Star Wars but has never watched. He was an adult when they were released and he just wasn’t interested. Watching movies with Javi generally leads to sex so, if that’s okay, he’ll watch the movies with you, but he’s not going to actually watch.
Joel Miller: He saw the originals and liked them enough to watch them a few times. Wasn’t obsessed and just thought they were cool. With living in the apocalypse, I’m sorry but you won’t get to watch the movies with him, but If he could, he would for the nostalgia.
Marcus Moreno: Likes Star Wars enough to have marathons with Missy every once in a while. He was excited when she was old enough to properly enjoy the films. They remind him of being a kid and playing with his Star Wars action figures and pretending he was a Jedi when he used his powers. He related to Luke a lot. The movies have a special place in his heart and now he has someone to share the love with, and if you wanted to join them? It would make him very happy.
Marcus Pike: Has only seen the movies a couple of times and likes them okay. He’s more of an old movies kind of guy and secretly loves rom-coms. He’ll watch with you if you ask and while watching he’ll ask occasional questions to better understand because he wants to enjoy the movies as much as you do.
Max Phillips: Thinks the battles, lightsabers, and spaceships are cool. Star Wars is something he turns on in the background while he rails you on the couch.
Maxwell Lord: Didn’t know what a Star War was until Alistair begged to see the movies. Max liked them okay, but was very confused. He’d watch them with you but he’ll ask a lot of questions.
Oberyn Martell: If he watched the films, he’d appreciate the lightsaber battles in the prequels and sequels. He’d like the story of the originals, but honestly, one watch is all he needs. He’d enjoy them as a source of entertainment, and watch with you, but odds are his hands will wander, and next thing you know you’re naked.
Pero Tovar: If modern Pero watched Star Wars, he’d be kind of meh to it. Would watch A New Hope and that’d be it, he’d seen enough. Wouldn’t be super into the space battles or laser swords. You’d have to bribe him with snacks to get him to watch with you.
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gffa · 3 years
    。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆  APRIL IS FOR ANAKIN DUMBASSERY  ☆゚・:*:・。,★゚・:*:・。 So, what is this project? It’s a month for celebrating--and, yes, it’s joyful celebrating, especially in a HASHTAG RELATABLE kind of way--that Anakin Skywalker may be the Chosen One, he may be incredibly powerful, he may be incredibly cool, he may be a larger than life iconic character, but that he also trips and falls on his face a lot or makes hilariously bad decisions sometimes or is just so over the top dramatically extra that we fall in love with him all over again, laughing until we’re crying tears of joy. Anakin is the character I resonate the most with in all of Star Wars, that he’s the one I feel the most of myself reflected in, and a lot of that comes with having a sense of humor about myself, as well as it just really, really makes me laugh when the Chosen One does something so stupid it’s like, ahhh, yes, that’s the one, that’s him, the one I love. So what’s this going to look like? Once per day I’m going to post something that I found funny or dramatic or super extra, whether it be a moment of him falling on his face in the movies or a moment from the comics where Darth Vader went from walking nightmare to dramatic edgelord because he was so ridiculous about it that it whipped around the corner into being funny again. It can be from any part of Star Wars, the movies, the books, the comics, the games, creator commentary, Canon or Legends, anything goes!  Maybe it’s Darth Vader killing and wearing a lizard bird as a cape!  Maybe it’s Anakin losing his lightsaber again!  Maybe it’s that time he dramatically whipped his robe off to let the wind literally swirl it away! It’s a project that I’m doing because I want to do it, but I would love for people to join in, so I can have more hilarity to reblog!  There’s no set mandate, you can do one day in the middle of it, you can do it every day, you can do it for a week and run out of things to add, you can join in at the tail end because that’s when you have time!  There’s no pressure for it to be thorough, just a screenshot and a “this is one of my favorite moments I CRACK UP EVERY TIME” is perfectly great! Basically, it’s Business As Usual around these parts, just slightly more consistently active, it’s exactly the kind of content I already post! So what doesn’t this look like? An excuse to bash on Anakin or hate him.  This is a project meant to get me to fall in love with Anakin all over again, each moment is meant to spark genuine joy, not just me pointing and laughing. It’s not to reduce him to this, either.  Anakin is more than just his dumbass moments, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t some of my favorites and I can’t celebrate them. (I do think the first week of May would then be a great time to do a counter “moments where I have nothing but respect and/or admiration for Anakin”!) Join in or blacklist the “#april is for anakin” tag if it’s not your jam, this vein of celebration isn’t everyone’s cup of tea!  But otherwise feel free to join me in laughing at that time Darth Vader literally tripped over HIS OWN SEVERED ARM AND FELL DOWN A HOLE while fighting against Luke, because that is the content I am here for in Star Wars.
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mylordshesacactus · 4 years
Unasked-For Writing Tip Of The Day: Action Sequences
Fight scenes, chase sequences, etc. A bunch of people recently have said how much they enjoy me and @alexkablob‘s action writing, and frankly, when we first started writing together we both DREADED action scenes because we weren’t good at them and didn’t have any experience in making them good.
So, here’s the breakthrough we had, because I think it’ll help a lot of people.
If you think you suck at action scenes, what’s actually happening is probably that you’re not writing action scenes that interest you.
I’m serious. If you struggle to write an action sequence, it’s probably not that you’re just “not good at action”. What’s happening is probably that you got to the point in your script/outline/etc where you know there needs to be a fight scene and the only thing you have going for it is “right, I need....a fight scene”.
So here’s the solution: Make it more interesting.
This isn’t me being like....tough love or anything, either. This isn’t “make it more interesting to the reader”. Make it more interesting to YOU. Change something about the scene. If it feels like a slog to get through, if you’re confused or you keep losing track of where people are or you’re bored...change it. Make it not boring. Put a twist in.
Some of the most memorable examples of things we’ve personally done, to help illustrate this.
A generic chase scene through back alleys was going to get repetitive and we were inevitably going to lose track of where everyone was. Well...this was set in the Coruscant underworld. There was no reason to treat it like a modern city layout. We worked in 3D instead, and made it a chase sequence through falling-apart, rusty catwalks and fire escapes. It opened up infinitely more possibilities.
A generic dogfight in space becomes much more interesting when you made the decision earlier in the story to put the protagonists in a ship that doesn’t have any weapons.
At one point, we were going to have no choice but to just have a bog-standard 1v2 lightsaber duel in the middle of an open, featureless plain. So we had the protagonists’ crash-landing throw up a massive white dust cloud! Suddenly, an attack could come from any direction at any time; the featureless plain meant there was nothing for the protagonists to get their back to. Suddenly the miles of featureless grey dust that had promised a really boring writing experience became a) a palpable source of tension, and b) a fascinating playground for us as writers. 
I talked about this at length in another post but, at one point we were just...not really at all excited about the next chapter in a project. It was a 5+1 layout, so we had to get through #4 in order to get to the nemesis battle in 5 that was the climax of the piece; but chapter 4 was just not shaping up to be fun to write. We liked the symbolism of it, but it was going to be a long sequence of the protagnists slowly getting overwhelmed by swarming demons and it was so. repetitive. We knew we needed something to fill the climax of that chapter, and wanted a boss fight...but all the “boss fight” options from canon had been DONE in canon. Finally, we had the lightning-bolt idea of a giant demon walrus (this...makes sense in context). This also gave us the opportunity to figure out how a giant walrus would get into an ice cave, the answer naturally ending up “from under the ice, of course”. And then THAT gave us a pitch-dark ice cavern with a massive hole in the floor, covered in thin ice under which was the freezing black Arctic ocean...
What we’d dreaded as a boring filler chapter ended up being our favorite fight sequence we’ve ever written.
Once we needed to have a ship boarded by Klingons who would then be repelled. Writing a straight firefight wasn’t our idea of fun, and it also didn’t feel like a good payoff; we wanted the Klingons to feel like a genuine threat, and if the solution was “shoot them until they go away” then that victory isn’t satisfying. So we made the B-plot of that episode “the artificial gravity is glitching” and then, in the climax, had the Chief Engineer kill all the lights on the ship. We got a zero-G battle in pitch blackness and it was very, very cool.
You get the idea.
The point is, don’t write action sequences you don’t care about! If YOU’RE not interested in what’s happening...trust me, it always shows. If you’re writing a fight or any other kind of action sequence and you can’t keep track of what’s happening, people keep “teleporting” all over the scene (this is a HUGE PROBLEM in action sequences--you NEED to always be aware of where everyone is in relation to each other and the environment) or it just feels repetitive...change it!
Change things until you find that one little tweak that makes the scene sing for you.
(Fun fact: Literally every piece of “how to write an action sequence” advice also works for sex scenes. And, even better, vice versa.)
Because here’s the thing. When you find that one detail that makes you go “oh, fuck yes I want to see this scene” all the things you’re struggling with...just kind of go away.
Having trouble with blocking (keeping track of where people are in the scene in relation to the rest of it)? Not anymore. Once you get that lightning-bolt detail, the trick here is that the scene becomes cinematic to you. You can SEE what you’re trying to describe, this has suddenly become REAL and visceral. You don’t forget about major players and their locations because you’re equally invested in every part of the sequence--or else, change things until you are.
That repetitive slog and the difficulty conveying the action...well, the purpose of changing things around is so that it no longer feels repetitive. And actions you’re EXCITED about describing flow so much easier.
Basically...if you’re not invested in the action, don’t write it until you are. Find something that makes you suddenly interested. Change the setting, change the setup, change the resources the protagonist has access to. Have them break an arm in the preceding scene and suddenly have to compensate for that during the action. Use the environment to both help and hinder your protagonists--either is great, but BOTH is even better.
You’re not bad at writing action--you just need to write action sequences you like.
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chocolateslatte · 4 years
🚨The Rise of Skywalker Detailed Review and Spoilers Ahead🚨
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George Lucas: “If the boy and girl walk off into the sunset hand-in-hand in the last scene, it adds 10 million to the box office”
The “fairytale” we got: A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there was a curse of pain and death in a family that just went on and on.  They were never able to break it and they all die, the end. 
Well, you did it JJ, you little punk...you ruined 40 years of cinema. Kids are coming out of theatres crying, they can’t understand. I guess this was the “fun and hopeful ending” you were speaking of during the press tours.  Are you on crack or something, or just sadistic....why would you promote it like that!? Did you forget Star Wars at its core is a story of hope, light, a fairytale in space for children? They did it...they united Reylo’s and Fanboys through hate. 
JJ you do realize tragical romances are only tragically romantic if there was romantic buildup? Romeo and Juliet married in secret, Anidala did as well and flirted in the fields. How was this supposed to be satisfying? A five-second beginning, middle, and end. How this went through multiple execs is beyond me.... I would have understood if Reylo was Rian’s creation. BUT JJ LITERALLY was the one who told Rian to go forth with it...he created Reylo so you can’t say the last Jedi derailed things on that front. JJ wasn’t brave enough for his own vision. This movie was like “the crimes of Grindlewald”, a lot of stuff happening that made me feel nothing. 
Okay, first things first. The OG trilogy was necessary, the prequels were necessary to set up that Vader did not start off bad. What was necessary about the sequels? They just dismantled everything the Skywalker family worked for. Why did we have to see ALL of our favorite characters die? Was the aim that a villain can only be redeemed through death? How original. I’m convinced what they were planning for since force awakens was a journey from villain to hero...but instead we got this a 10min redemption resulting in death a la Vader. Why call Adam Driver’s character a “Disney Prince”?When did Happy endings become so controversial? We go to the movies to feel hope, to escape reality...George Lucas understood that. JJ’s trilogy is uninspired, bland and contributes nothing to the saga. JJ went as far as to recon his own “The Force Awakens”.It had the chance to define generations but no. Literal and utter garbage. Rian made some odd choices but he was bold, unafraid and had the vision. HE knew emotion was at the heart of Star Wars.
BUT my problem is not with the ending, it’s the bloody entire movie. This movie made me realize that it's not Reylo that I am a fan of, it was Ben, Leia, Han, Ani, Padme, and all those other characters. I’m upset because this movie is not my Star Wars: of family, love and above all else hope. This is just a 2.5-hour video game with no emotions. This trilogy was all angst with NO payoff.
Okay, you will never ever convince me Palpatine was planned the whole time. This whole movie was retcon for the Last Jedi that pissed off the fanboys. Lucas films did not have an outline for the three films and Rian derailed whatever they wanted to do....except they didn’t even tell him what they wanted! This should be a cautionary tale of why you need to plan. Kylo ain’t bad, Snoke is gone....well pull out Palpatine I guess. This whole film is JJ’s mad scrambling.  Alright, I will humor you, tell me how Palpatine came back when he fell down a shaft and exploded....not *boom boom because of force*. The force in this movie is not canon George Lucas force, it’s just an easy out whenever JJ wants one. 
1. Opening Crawl: As soon as I saw this I knew all the leaks were true, I wanted to bolt from the theatre. When I saw them in August I laughed cause it was so ridiculous it couldn’t be true. How could Disney let a whole movie leak? The plot seemed like a bad fan-fiction. Actually, fanfics are way more true to lore. Anyway, so Palpatine “announces” that he’s back. Is this the shrewd Chancellor Palpatine we know? Certainly, not...why in the world would he announce it rather than keep on the DL and just attack. Yo Palps ain’t this dumb why would you let them (the resistance) prepare?? Because of plot...well okay. 
2. Did Last Jedi even happen:  this film is the sequel to the force awakens, like TLJ never happened...except it’s acting like there was some movie in between that JJ made. Okay, so why is Kylo trying to run Rey over with his tie fighter...he doesn’t really want to kill her. It’s just meaningless action shots.  And don’t get me started on exposition, the dialogue: “hey look its the Knights of Ren”. Except they do nothing. Cool cool.  Kylo’s character goes back to Force awakens era like no development had occurred...except he’s not even there he’s just messing around not even being a real villain.  JJ’s specialty is set-up and he does this beautifully....but he can not wrap up and follow through. 
3. Rose Tico: yup last Jedi never happened, she has nothing to do. She and Finn are irrelevant. Finn has reverted to being obsessed with Rey. Cool Cool.  I honestly feel so bad for the lovely Kelly Marie Tran. How did you relegate a relatively big character into the sidelines?? Why introduce two new characters this late. Rose could have filmed in for them...but alas we must snub Rian at every turn because that’s just how petty JJ Abrams is. ( don’t get me wrong Jannah was cool)
4. The Rise Of Poe Dameron: Finn has been relegated to a side character who does nothing and just yells “REY!”. It was a great setup, a stormtrooper who was force sensitive but doesn’t want his life to be fighting for nothing. You could have explored trauma, the discovery of the light but nope nada. Tell me the point of his character journey. So flat and static. And with Jannah and the ex stormtroopers they could have gone with the arc of these lost, sad kids coming together to find family. 
5. Leia:  Okay you’re telling me our Princess would give up on her son before he was born, just throw away her lightsaber and accept Ben’s fate? Cool alright. And she knew about Rey Palpatine and didn’t say anything...my princess would never.
6. Mary Sue Rey: Ahh Rey this girl feels no emotion in this movie...just like the audience. Sure she’s trained but she can just do stuff with the “force” that even Jedi masters can’t. Stopping a whole starship, something even Yoda could barely do...yup she can do it. Beat Kylo all the time except one, yup she can. Manipulate the force in mind-boggling ways, heal people...sure Luke couldn’t but Rey certainly can.  Cause she is the chosen one...hell even Ani wasn’t this talented and he had years of training. Poe and Finn have a genuine connection, Rey just seems disjointed (totally understandable why)...but if so the ending is even worse. She doesn’t even find peace with her friends. She’s not realistic and human like Luke and Leia were. 
 Force sensitivity in the galaxy:  What a perfect setup, the boy with the broom at the end of TLJ that was force sensitive. The message is that the power to use the force was spreading through the galaxy. No longer confined to the elite. People were hearing of Luke’s battle of Crate and rising.
7. Kylo/Ben: I still maintain that he, other than Ani was the most nuanced character in the whole saga. His arc from Force Awakens to Last Jedi had progressed. How great that even someone from the legendary line of skywalker and solo could fall to the dark again. He wasn’t flat, he was a tortured boy that was conflicted since the first movie. How great would it have been to see him as a conflicted supreme leader, which was set up in TLJ. But *gasps* a plot of his very own, no can do, this is the nature of JJ’s crush on Rey and Daisy. 
Disney released comics that made us sympathize with him, to see that all along he was manipulated by Snoke, and Palpatine the voices in his head. Neglected by those who were supposed to love him. Adam Driver was cast perfectly, he had almost no lines that weren’t related to Rey’s charcater arc. If he were a woman I’m sure everyone would be offended. That single line’s delivery “Dad-”
Come on Poe had more lines than him, and Driver according to JJ was half of the protagonist. He was pitched an arc opposite that of Darth Vader that’s why he signed. Man JJ really did do everyone dirty. 
8. Ben had no lines while redeemed other than “ow”...I am so sorry ADAM that this nasty ass JJ did this to you...this part was 100% improv by Adam, I am willing to bet my life on it. You know why “ow” was brilliant? Cause it meant he felt pain and emotion, he was no longer hiding behind the hardness of Kylo REN. Adam’s performance as Ben left me speechless, he was convincing as Kylo, intimidating...but as BEN he shines in the way only Solo’s can. The way his eyes become determined once he accepts he must give his life, and he does so happily for the love of his life. His soulmate. Star Wars and JJ never deserved the talent that is Adam Driver.
9. They are supposed to be equals in the force yet they missed the opportunity to fight Snoke together. Tell me how they are equals. He existed only to further Rey’s plotline. 
Oh and the other Jedi including Anakin whisper and help Rey...when his own grandson has been asking for help in distress for like 30years. Nice real nice.
10. Finally Reylo:  it felt unearned cause there was no buildup, JJ just threw it in for kicks forgetting all the P&P parallels he was shooting for. An afterthought. Driver and Ridley’s acting saved the day, they had no lines.  Adam Driver is truly one of the finest actors. You could see the difference between Ben and Kylo in his subtle gestures...the sass was pure Han Solo.  
11. And then the death: I wouldn’t even say we won, but at what cost. We won in no way. Had he died fighting I would have understood, but this death was so unnecessary and put in just for the fanboys. Let me say again I would have been okay with death had it been justified.  How is this any different than Vader x Luke. JJ can only copy not create. How crazy that you can just bring people back from the dead...Anakin is here like, am I joke to you? I could have brought Padme back say what???? What was the point of his whole fall to the dark. The force is infinite, that’s the whole point...once you know how to use it you can’t run out of it like juice. Oh, and Ben did not become one with Rey but rather the Force according to the Disney website. So why pray tell did he not appear as a force ghost? I’m convinced JJ was on crack.  
12. No Mourning BEN no acknowledgment:  5 seconds! And then she moves on from losing her soulmate, half of her soul. She loses it over Chewie but nothing, no emotion not even a second over her other half. Seriously? No one ever knows Ben came back...nada. JJ set up Reylo, time and time again he has said that he crafted the story around the romance. He was left scrambling after Last Jedi and this was a last-ditch shock ending. No Reylo theme song, no across the stars
13. Last Jedi told us you don’t have to come from a powerful family to be important. THE WHOLE thing was that you could be force-sensitive and be a nobody. Nobodies can become somebody. A Hero is not born but made. The force lives in all beings, not just powerful families. It inspired me, what a great message to young guys and gals. Kylo’s line, “you come from nothing, you are nothing...you have no place in this story” finally turns out true. You have to come from something to have a part in the Star Wars story. And Rey had darkness inside her cause she was human. Because none of us are pure, we are shades of grey. But no, it’s cause darkness only runs in families. In the Last Jedi when she wants to see her family all she sees is herself and a shadow (Ben) who joins with her. Please do explain this JJ. And if this granddaughter thing was set up I would have had no problem...but they pulled it from their asses. You can have nothing but mean something. But no pander to the fanboys. In the end, a Palpatine lived and all the skywalkers ended....and we are supposed to have hope. Palpatine really did win. 
14. Rey’s biggest fear was ending up in the desert alone, we were told “the belonging she seeks is ahead not behind” and “there’s someone who could still come back”. They mentioned she felt just as alone with the resistance. Only the other half of her soul understood her. This is truly tragic and sad...I am so heartbroken for her. And don’t tell me she isn’t there to stay...the soundtrack is called “a new home”. Enjoy the rest of your days being exactly where you started Rey....but hey at least you got a droid boo. I’m convinced this is not the balance JJ envisioned in the first movie. At one point in TFA Rey looks up sees an old woman alone, scavenging in the desert. This rattles her to the core and it starts her journey of wanting a better, different life. I am so sorry Rey. Okay so you may say she has the resistance and her friends...but let’s consult the last Jedi. In the end when everyone is on the ship...Rey is surrounded by friends yet looks more alone than ever. No one but Ben, maybe Luke, Leia, and Han understood her pull to the dark.
How sad that these two hopeless souls who had never known a moment of belonging and true love, found it for all but a few seconds.
I will quote: “preventing female characters with strong, compelling narratives from experiencing love, intimacy, and affection is just as regressive as reducing them down to sexual accessories. Assumes that women must choose between a romantic interest and depth of character”
Men really can not write good female characters, can they? A woman really can’t be a badass and end up with the love of her life
15. The Skywalker’s and Redemption: How truly truly sad that Han and Leia gave their life for their son who also died at a young age. ALL the Skywalkers and Solo’s have a tragic end. This is not what George Lucas wanted. What a tragic way to end this saga...they weren't able to break the curse. AND to all those troubled kids out there that lashed out and made terrible mistakes in their youth....doesn’t matter what you do dying is the only way out. You could have exiled him, made him pay in other ways. Nothing can be done to make up for your sins but death, no amount of good means that you can come home. To the young boys that get wrapped up in terror organizations, sorry the only way you can be redeemed is death...don’t bother changing and coming back. They could have exiled him, had him start an academy with Rey for Jedi kids. He could have spent the rest of his days redeeming himself. Why tell us he was literally preyed upon, haunted, and manipulated as a child. Even in a fantasy world, a victim of mental illness and abuse can not catch a break. Ben as a child could not fall asleep due to the demon-like voices in his mind. Everyone abandoned him in his time of need. Ben never desired power like Anakin, he went over to the dark because “the voice” of his grandfather promised belonging. I am shocked that this is the message Disney sends us. Oh and yeah you can totally take on the Skywalker name for kicks...the disrespect I swear
16. The worst bit is that I am 90% sure there was another ending that was scrapped.  There was a promo shot of Jannah in a field, soft lighting, lush planet. It was exactly like P&P. Daisy Ridley said the lasts scene was known to only Her, Jannah on that panel (Driver was away). Convinced Jannah was looking at Rey and Ben starting a new life away from the desert which she and Luke hate so much. Hence the production of “A New Home” soundtrack. Hence why the “Farewell” song played behind Reylo kiss was hopeful. Why Luke’s soundtrack when he became part of the force was not triumphant. Why the death scene was sudden and cut weird and no sorrow from Rey. CAUSE THEY SCRAPPED THE ORIGINAL ENDING LAST MINUTE.  Everyone knows JJ was still editing one month before. The concept art which was supposed to be released this month has been pushed to March. Why you ask? They need to remove the pages with a happy ending. He just didn’t have the guts, pandered to everyone and yet no one. He was successful in creating a beautifully filmed action-filled movie with none of the heart of Star Wars.
And then she goes and buries Anakin’s saber on freaking TATOOINE. He HATES Sand and Luke wanted to get away from there as soon as possible. Of course, a Palpatine would torture them that way. But nostalgia is the cash cow so. JJ can only generate nostalgia, not create original stories. IF he had any creativity she would have buried it at Padme’s grave.
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The fanboys say “leave the romance for the romance movies”....have you seen the original trilogy or the prequels? Star Wars has always had hope and romance entwined with it. 
...and people thought the prequels were bad 
JJ you also said that your goal was for people to come out of the movie feeling more hopeful and happy then they went in...yet here I am. My roommate literally had to console me and buy me ice cream. I am just so numb. I am sure the casual fan will enjoy this, as seen from the rotten tomatoes ratings. I think the critics were too generous with this one, 
Star Wars is very simple at its core, Good vs Bad and Dark vs Light. The kids are expected to understand that a Palpatine being the only one who lives is hopeful? That is the conclusion of three generations of Skywalker sacrifice...
This is how the Skywalkers are remembered...In Tragedy and Curse??
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animaniacs16 · 3 years
Lego Star Wars Holiday Special Thoughts:
Love Kelly Marie Tran and love Rose Tico! She was amazing in this special and got a lot of screen time!
Poor Poe he tried so hard
Why didn’t they acknowledge that Finn was also a general?
Luke, as always, is baby
Hello there!
Wish there was more Leia
Also, the Kylux scene. I don’t even ship them but that was blatant Kylux LMAOOO
Force Ghost Yoda being the narrator and talking to Rey!!!!
And it was inside yoooou the whole time...
Vader just wanted Palpatine to appreciate his mug :(
ROTJ Luke and Rey’s teamup>>>>
Max Rebo! F for the rest of his band tho
I thought the Wookiees were meant to be chewie’s family from the original special but apparently Chewie and Maz are legitimately dating? Good for them!
Poe Cries™️
The textures are fantastic.
The Millenium Falcon was so cool!
Rey taking Luke back to tatooine and he looks at the suns again as she makes a million portals to take everyone back to their timeline
I love Finn and Rey as best friends, but Finnreys if you take it as romantic, I’m genuinely happy for you!!!
Stop leaving Threepio behind!
It snowed! Wholesome and good scenes
Overall it was funny and adorable and so cute!!!
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I really genuinely wish people without nuanced understandings of kids would fucking stop having opinions on grogu vs jedi vs mandalorianism outside of "cute ears!"
I really don't actually have much skin in the jedi vs mando fight but like, yeah actually sometimes you have to choose paths in life, actually. It isn't actually abusive to be like, "Hey, this dude you care about a lot came by, brought you this thing, and we can tell you guys are still pretty attached, so we'd like to give you the choice between our lifestyle and being with him. You won't go without A Cool Thing, look we even have a lightsaber just for you, but if your bond with him is more important, we understand."
It's true that Luke and Ahsoka do have high hopes for Grogu being the first student at the school, but they also don't treat the mandalorian badly--THEY JUST UNDERSTAND HOW KIDS WORK
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