#and I'm not done yet ._. it's not even that I dislike my topic but the whole thing feels so big and ominous that I'm just frozen in fear
lieutenantselnia · 8 months
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Davy appreciation post for no other reason than I adore him💕💕 I love the variety of his facial expressions, and how he can pull off both soft and smug looks so well. Just look at him how can you not want to smother that face in kisses!
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wingsdippedingold · 12 days
My statement on ACOTAR characters
(unedited; really just a brain dump)
I know I use a lot of pro and anti tags when it comes to ACOTAR, and while I do have characters I like more than others, I really just dislike them as a whole. I think the series is poorly written and SJM is the one I actually hate.
I honestly can't really criticize or defend any character properly, because the characters themselves are just deficiently made. They all come from the same dumbass author. The main thing keeping me in the fandom are the actual people in it, because they have actual thoughts that make sense, and I find discussing the topics presened entertaining. So I don't wanna hear any "Well if you hate the books so much stop talking about them" bs
I don't hate Rhysand, in fact I think he has a lot of cool moments. I like the idea of him not bowing to anyone but his own people, so he got a knee tat of Velaris (even if I think its dorky). I enjoy his outlook on what's right, and I did genuinely like him early on. But I think the way SJM writes his actions (especially political ones) and their justifications incredibly disjointed poorly thought out. I think he's wrongfully used and justified and digs people into a bad way of thinking ethically because SJM has made no move to do anything but portray him as a white knight. Had the narrative acknowledge some of the things he's done as actually bad, in fact that most of them have bad outcomes for some even if they benefit others, I'd have no issue with him. SHe just writes him doing heinous things for reason and then is like "Oh but he's traumatized so its okay!"
I don't dislike Feyre, but I think she's often shoved into a backseat role in her own series. I know this is a multi-pov story, but seriously? How the fuck did SJM make Feyre's pregnancy climax to nothing more than more Nesta hate??? Why was her experience and thoughts just completely missing in the plot that literally revolved around her?? I find her flaws charming, and yet they're often forgotten or used to justify things that shouldn't be justified. I don't have any issue with her beyond the SC disaster. But, I think the fact that there's Feyre antis in general speaks to how bad of a writer SJM is. You can't even make people agree on liking your main fucking character? In fact most Feyre antis are Pro Nestas... which is ridiculous. How poorly do you have to write for people to pit sisters against each other WHEN YOUR MAIN TROPE IS FOUND FAMILY. The way SJM uses Feyre pisses me off endlessly
I think Feysand has its moments, and I don't hate anything about them specifically - but rather how they're presented and treated by the narrative. I think they make sense together, and I prefer them to Feylin, but I hate how SJM and fans bend over backward to justify everything.
I'm not a Nesta stan, I just think the narrative (and especially SF) is an injustice to real world issues and the logic used against her makes no sense in reference to the other characters. SJM says she loves her so much, but shows her none. I find the way the fandom treats her lacking empathy, and SJM has done nothing to actually better her character. I think its ridiculous no one acknowledge that she grew up in the same fucking cottage as Feyre with the same parents. SJM constantly dredges up new shit to pit her and Feyre against each other instead of just letting them be happy. She treats Nesta like she's irredeemable, and when she does "redeem" herself its literally in service to the people who are forcing her to fix herself??? She's used as a point for juvenile drama and placed in a cycle of being antagonized with no outlet to place blame. See my full thoughts on her here
I don't actually despise the ic, I think they all are just wasted and thrown into whatever whirlwind situation gives SJM a boner. I think Morrigan had so much potential, but SJM decided it would be better to use her for petty drama and forwarding a ship. I don't hate her because she doesn't do anything for the woman in the CoN, because quite frankly I don't think SJM has thought that far. I don't think Cassian's the worst man alive, but I think SJM has a poor grasp on him and what a healthy relationship (even in the bounds of a fantasy novel) is. And I just find Azriel particularly useless, he's not a thoughtful sensitive soul, he's just yet to be focused on. And I do not look forwards to the day he is, based on his first and only current pov.
I'm not a Tamlin stan, in fact I really don't care for his character, but I think he suffers from lazy writing and some severe character assassination. I think the switch up on his character after the first book is absolutely ridiculous.
I dislike how SJM throws Elain around and treats her like a little precious baby and making her out to be an airhead whos absolved from the same crimes Nesta's hated for.
I'm not an SJM fan, I'm an avid SJM hater. I actually despise her, and while I won't write out my entire long list of grievances with her here, just know that literally all of my issues with the series would be gone if she was just a better person and writer. Seriously, I think she lacks so much mechanical and analytical skill (which is crazy, she's been publishing books for 12+ years and written like 15) and I see no change in the future. She constantly retcons, switches characters up for whatever her narrative calls for, and sacrifices good character writing for a fast track to mediocre faerie smut.
I hate the way she sexualized Feyre's experience under the mountain. I hate the way she immediately objectified Feyre when she got pregnant (the blurb describing Feyre walking around while pregnant is insanely kinky and I hate it). I hate the way she throws around trauma and mental illness like cute little stickers so that she can pick and choose the aspects she thinks are cool. I hate that she's fucked up people's perception of abuse and mental illness. I hate the way she uses poc and steals credit for representation she didn't care to make. This isn't even all of it, its just what I can remember within the 9 minutes I spent writing this brain dump. SJM does not deserve more of my time 😭
If I was a character in the series I genuinely think I'd avoid all of them, because I don't care, and if I somehow did have to be cornered with any of them, I'd hate all of them. But If I ever faced up with the mother (aka Sarah), it'd be on sight. My hatred for her knows no bounds. Hate is a strong word, and one I used so many times in this post (something SJM does a lot too though, so I'm not worried, seriously get a thesaurus and stop using the same phrases every 6 pages) because it's true.
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en-d-d · 2 months
So, this is my first post, so hello everyone! I don't really know how to properly navigate this platform just yet, but I'm sure I will figure it out, so please bear with me.
Having said that, unfortunately, I've come here today to rant a little on social media about things that make me borderline insane just from listening to. Most specifically, from MTXT's works. (Because if I ever see another wrong characterization for those fictional people I've became very attached to, I'm actually going to go mad.)
(This is not meant to be an attack of any sorts, I'm just a teenager on social media pulling my nerves into writing because who knows, maybe I can finally be at peace then.)
Let's start then!
Xie Lian is not owo small cutie or sum, and if I hear that one time... my man may be short, but he could fight off almost anyone, just thanos clapping people out of existence. He's also very insane and very horny about the Calamity attached to his hip. My guy is pretty smart and also just kinda gives patient auntie vibes (you know, that auntie that can see beyond everyone's bull but choses not to).
And if I already started with TGCF, may as well continue with it. Hua Cheng is a switch and you can't convince me otherwise. (If his Dianxia wanted to top, he would be as elated as he would be if Dianxia wanted to bottom. My man doesn't care.)
Luo Binge being referred as a white lotus and people not knowing what it means ("In Chinese internet novels, the term "white lotus" refers to a character who appears innocent, naive, and pure on the surface but uses this reputation to backstab, blame, or sling mud on others.") (I believe maybe people confuse this with the other meanings of the white lotus, like, actually naive or pure in character, but those are obliviously not what they mean in the chinese novels)
Shen Yuan is Kim Dokja, but chinese (or maybe KD is SY but korean)
Lan Wangji did not like Wei Wuxian despite him being 'evil', he loved him exactly because he isn't evil. I can't stress this enough. If wwx was a actually bad person, lwj would not hesitate to cut his head off and be done with the matter. Whenever I see someone saying something about him liking wwx even if he's evil, I'm slowly loosing my mind, bcz no, lwj is not such a shallow person, to be attracted to someone based purely on looks (and we do know this bcz he loves wwx in mxy's body just as much as he loved him in his original body.)
Now, we're moving into a territory I like exploring. I just want to start this off saying that I don't like Jiang Wanyin. I just don't care very much about him and I find him annoying as a person. With that being said, I'm a little miffed with fellow jc dislikers bcz they sometimes invent some things up about him or such shenanigans. Like. Man, you do not need to invent things to hate abt him, there are already plenty of them. I'm pretty unbiased when it comes to actual judgements about others. I will protect someone if the points made about them is incorrect as much as I will point out every thing they actually did bad.
And the next point is still abt jc (wow, what a surprise) just bcz, honest to god, a lot of his fans are straight up annoying. I've said it. A lot of y'all are hella annoying. (Not to say that there exist a lor of annoying fans for other characters, it's just that jc has a very high number of them) Some of the ones I don't find bad are those that like him just becouse of how bad of a person he is. I can respect that. What I can't respect is another owo he's innocent and traumatized and a tsundere and everything is wwx's fault owo jc fan. Fam, did we read the same book, or has media really rotten our colective brain that much??
(I believe I have more comments on this jc topic, but my brain is starting to hurt.)
And the last one is Wei Wuxian, probably the most controversial character in all of MTXT's novels. First of all, I have to be clear about this, but in all of this post, I'm purely referring to the characters from the books, not the other adaptations. This is important, bcz the adaptations further skewed wwx's image in the fandom.
I have saved him for least because of just how much things tick me off in this fandom when discussing wwx in special.
Disclaimer that I sincerely believe that you should enjoy and do art and fanfiction of characters however you want. If you want wwx to be, idk, a demon that terrorizes people and breaks lwj's heart and then jc comes and saves the situation from the evil patriarch and then french kisses Lan Xichen, then go ahead, idc (Unless you say he's owo, you have no excuse that would allow you to do that unless you're a child, and if you are, then you shouldn't even be here). But I draw the line when people lie about canon characterizations.
And there is just so much misconceptions on wwx's character that I would need an essay just to compose a list of them. They range from huge details that somehow miss people like how their neurons miss firing, to small details, like his handwriting (I believe the novel said it was cursive, not messy, like how almost all the fandom has apparently mutually agreed on. Do corect me if I'm wrong on this, some things are lost from translation to translation)
I will be discussing just some of them here. Maybe I will do another post where I go in more detail, we will see.
ADHD Wei Wuxian. The people that believe wwx has ADHD should probably reread the novel, bcz that characterization comes mostly from CQL. In the novel, wwx is a very chill guy that can stay in one place perfectly fine. I will not go into more details, just read the novel.
Wei Wuxian is the reason for the Jiang's collapse. Bull statement, everytime I see it, well, I go a little more insane. If you know a little politics, you would realize the Jiangs were next on the list for sure. Why, you would ask. The Lans already burnt themselves to the ground. The Nies have a fortress for a sect. The Jins are almost-not-exactly allies with the Wens. Now, guess who is the most unfavorably positioned gentry sect (lakes are not a good strategic spot), with lax protection (how did the Wens just march in like that like what) and a little too carele leader (Jiang Fenmiang really thought the Wens will give them back the swords after that whole disaster that was the indoctrination? Really??). Oh! I think I know who it is! And maybe you guessed it too. Glad we're on the same page.
Now, wwx being the reason why jc lost his core. Very many people already came to their own conclusion on why jc gave himself up. Brotherly affection, suicidal thoughts or just straight up idiocy. Whatever you believe, it's fine with me (but I do have a brother and I can assure you, wwx and jc never really seemed like brothers to me. They are a little too far to the left to be considered brothers, but this is my opinion, take it however you will). So, was it wwx's fault?
We're finally getting into the juicy stuff. The blame game. I hate it with my being, still, as long as I'm in fandoms, I must persist. My answer is yes & no. Did wwx deliberately made it so jc would be captured? Of course not. Did it still happened? Unfortunately, yes. To go deeper, we will look a little at fate. There are some things that are outside of our control. As much as we prepare, some things will still blow us over. So the definite answer is no. Jc made the decision to be seen by the Wens. It might sound callous , but the decisions you make are yours, even if you protect someone's life or not. Wwx did not ask to be protected. In conclusions, it's not his fault.
And that is a very good statement to make, seeing as we got to the core transfer. People often criticize wwx for giving non-consensualy his core to jc. I always thought it as a weird thing to hate him about, but whatever, I still shall address it. I will start with an exemple. If you loved someone very much, and they would die if they don't get, idk, a new arm (maybe think of something less inconspicuous, but you understand the ideea) they would die. You are the single person that can do it. But you're sure that if someone told your loved one that you would give it, they would refuze it. Are you still going to give your arm? Will you let your loved one die? Knowing that you can help?
And for those that say jc was not on the brink of death. He was suicidal. He would not have resisted a week with the shame of inferiority plus all the trauma that the Lotus Pier massacre was, combined. 'Regaining' his core might have actually made him feel better, like he beat the odds, like he has another chance. That's also why wwx never told him he gave him his core. Bcz he knew jc would not take it easy, finding out that all his accomplishments were thanks to wwx's sacrifice. Because jc has a big ego that's clearly evident through the story.
Anyways, let's continue.
Ghostly Cultivation. It's more popularity used the Demonic Cultivation term, but they are not the same think for Christ's sake. Modao Zushi does mean The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, however the title is for click bait. In the actual novel, I believe wwx talks abt ghostly cultivation, not demonic. It was probably lost in translations.
I don't think I need to explain how wwx needed guidao to escape the Burial Mounds, so at least half of my job is already done. Now I go into dangerous territory however, bcz guidao is not expended upon. Still, I would rather listen to wwx when it's about, you know, the path he himself created?
To explain my stance, we would need to go deeper into the novel's points. A novel can have multiple themes, ranging from obvious ones, like love, family, to obscure ones, like, the importance of standing up for oneself (not the best exemple, but I believe y'all understand what I mean).
I'm someone that loves thinking abt MDZS. It's my dearest. So, I tend to analyze it pretty often. And the themes I usually get are things like 'the danger of hearsay and mob mentality', 'the importance of standing true to your ideals', 'the inherit unpredictability of life' and so on, and so on.
Anyways, what does that have to do with guidao? Well, everything, I believe. The MDZS world has a mentality resembling that of the curent China. Or well, the China of when MXTX wrote the novel. If you know some history, I believe you can connect the similarities. What does that mean then?
Wwx is someone that does not fallow the path set by the ancestors. He creates his own. When the cultivators see that, they are revolted. Becouse everything that strays from the 'right' path must surely be evil. And so, after Wen Ruohan, the Jins paint him as the new anarchist, and the rest is history.
Now, I would actually love to continue, but I've been typing nonstop for hours now, I need to stop. I will continue my points in another post, bcz I still have a lot of them.
Thanks for reading, and have a wonderful day 💐
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Something I dislike about Chloe’s damnation is how her good actions never have that “selfish” part of them
My main examples is Zombisue and Queen wasp
She sacrificed herself to save ladybug and apologizes at the end, saving ladybug is selfless since she genuinely trusts ladybug will save them all (LIKE CHAT NOIR DOES, she’s doing the same chat does and is meant to and she doesn’t gain anything from apologizing since she already looks good in ladybug’s eyes for saving her
And in queen wasp she knows she’ll won’t be getting the miraculous back but she gives it up because of her devotion to ladybug
If the writers wanted to make her seem evil and selfish they would have given her something to gain out of this situations like money or fame, not the sympathy of her idol, is like the writers don’t know how to make actions have a selfish intentions to them and it shows with Marinette
Marinette has done this multiple times (for example she goes to Shanghai under the excuse of following Adrien which is extremely selfish) and the writers never seem to notice
I once read a fanfic called “bad for business” about a side villain of a show (which show ain’t important) not joining the main villains which invade he’s territory and basically plan to destroy the whole place.
The villain constantly makes deals and promises with selfish goals knowing full well most of he’s Allie’s might end up weakened, in Jail or dead at the end, and everything he does is selfish even if they aren’t flat out evil (I will help them in this turf war so they will help ME in this turf war, I will give them valuable information so they will destroy our mutual enemies for ME, I will kill this terrorist so I can frame it for the murder of another goon I murdered)
And the fan fic makes this clear every single scene, he does have good traits like caring for he’s partner and trying (emphasis on trying) to console a girl (which would have been he’s enemy in the canon show) after the two think a friend of hers died in front of their eyes but even till the end it’s shown how he’s never done a single selfless thing in the whole history and that’s why despite everything he did on the fic and what he wanted to achieve and by the means he did, he still rooted for him, because he was evil and nothing was hiding it (specially not the writer)
Meanwhile miraculous doesn’t know the difference between a selfish and selfless action, a fanfic does something better than miraculous, a fanfic of a series far worse than miraculous is more aware of good and evil than a children’s show
God I love ranting about miraculous mistakes and double standards
I feel like the writers have no idea what an anti-hero is, because characters are either completely perfect and can do no wrong, or they're complete monsters who are pure evil.
The show tries to write characters like Chloe, Gabriel, and Felix in a morally gray light, yet the writers always try to either downplay their actions or act like they've been good from the start.
The whole point of writing an anti-hero is that it allows you to explore stories in a way that differ from the usual moral paragons people are used to seeing in superhero media. These kind of characters usually find ways to accomplish their goals that don't allign with the beliefs we have. It makes us think about whether the ends justify the means, or how thin is the line between being a hero and being a villain.
But this show doesn't do that sort of thing. When a character does something, it's either good or bad, no matter the consequences it has. I'm not saying we need complex writing on the same level as Breaking Bad for this show, but if they're going to try and discuss topics like redemption for past deeds, you need to draw a line and show what kind of things are okay to do, what things aren't okay to do, and why actions are viewed in a certain way.
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trashexplorer · 4 months
BLCD Review: Tsunaida Koi no Kanaekata
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Title: Tsunaida Koi no Kanaekata (繋いだ恋の叶え方)
Release Date: 2021/08/25
Shop: CD + Manga
Author/Artist: Yoshio Akira
Shingaki Tarusuke x Eguchi Takuya
Nakajima Yoshiki
Oi Marie
Synopsis: The bane of my existence. Adaptation of the second installment of the same name.
Review Proper
When I was dying of an ear infection back in December, I had the most vivid dream of Morpheus from The Sandman sitting at the foot of my bed telling me that my life was one of his tools that he needed back. In exchange for my life, Morpheus promised me he would go back in time to stop me from making a mistake that I wished I hadn't done.
I chose working on this fucking thing.
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Don't get me wrong, Tsunaida had the best plot out of the series and all of Yoshio Akira's works. I'd even go as far as saying it's one of the best releases of its time—it was nominated for Best Series in the 2021 chilchil awards for a reason (it was robbed, I tell you). It's just my life has gone downhill since I picked this up. HAHAHAHAHA Not to mention, older Chesk was bad and cringe. I'm sorry for arguing with you over this series, Kimmy. It wasn't worth it.
This series is still ongoing, only god knows why. I got so sick of it to the point that I started hating Yoshio Akira and forgetting all about the plot, so I didn't expect myself to cry during the climax HAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK WHY WAS THIS STILL SO GOOD???? I'M ANNOYED I still hate it tho
I forgot just how painful this was. I'm at this point in my life where if that would happen to me, I would just LEAVE.
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Anyway, onto the topic of the BLCD...
I didn't think it was going to be possible, but Shingaki really changed his Hara-san tone!!! Thank god! This is it! This was exactly the tone I envisioned his Hara-san would be in! I'm not sure if it's 'cause everyone from the producers (except the director) and the sound team was changed, but Tsunaida and Kanawanu are worlds apart. I usually dislike inconsistencies in series with multiple installments, but I'll let this slide. Let's all just pretend that Kanawanu doesn't exist.😌
Egu also went a pitch higher in this. It's still far from what I wanted for Kaoru, but he was able to make the role his own. I'm not sure if it's because of the change in the mixing, but Egu finally sounds like he was recording with everyone here. I said in my review for Kanawanu that he wasn't syncing with his own brother, Kakeru, and it turns out that Egu actually was voicing Kakeru too lmao. How can you not sync with yourself, man? But that just means that the mixing for Kanawanu was that bad. I haven't listened to Tabete mo Oishikuarimasen yet, but I feel like Egu and Shingaki should've been nominated for Tsunaida. I mean, Shingaki is a queen as Yashiro and his nomination is deserved, but let's all put those older series to rest now. 😂
I also missed Nakajiki as Keiji-san!!! He promised to bring Hiro along next time, so if I'm not hearing Saitou Souma in Musunda, I will riot! No, I didn't check the cast list.
The BLCD is pretty accurate to the manga, save for that extra bathroom sex in Track 2. It's quite long, but there isn't any complex dialogue, so I suggest just closing your eyes and absorbing the bathroom bambo. 😌 I actually wished it was longer toward the ending chapter because I felt that it was rushed in the manga, but alas. I've read Renta's license, and it's accurate as well. In conclusion, get this if you like the series. 100% recommend!
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dogydayz · 1 year
I think one of my favorite parts of the "autistic Shadow" headcanon is the fact that he's designed to be the Ultimate Lifeform. I don't mean this in an annoying, "autism is a superpower" dumb way (even if I do find my own autism to actually be quite helpful at times, the whole concept of calling it that is stupid and used to hurt people like us), I mean it in a "Shadow was genetically engineered to be an Ultimate Lifeform, he's designed to survive and be able to do things no one else can, yet he still struggles with something that could be classified as a disability in his daily life." I dont know if im wording it properly, but there's something about how he's still viewed as that Ultimate Lifeform despite dealing with something that many people would immediately label as a trait that makes someone "inherently" less capable of survival. I know that many folks struggle with autism in way more severe ways than I may (though much of me saying this is kinda me repressing and refusing to acknowledge that it IS still a disability for me, but still, i recognize others DO deal with more severe aspects than I do), however I really just dislike how autistic characters get labeled as inherently "unable" to live "right". He's a character whose whole thing is that he makes his own path for himself, he fights even if the world hates him, he doesn't back down and even when it looks like he is, he's just playing it smart. Even if he does have these struggles, he IS able to find a life for himself, he isn't held down by expectations or what people tell him he is. In fact, that's ANOTHER whole part of him as a character, that he breaks free from what others say he should be. Even if he were confirmed to be autistic, he wouldn't be "the autistic character". He'd still be himself, he'd be Shadow, they'd be confirming that he has certain struggles, but he'd still be /himself/.
His story wouldn't change, he wouldn't be bound by the chains of what people think an autistic character in media should look like, he wouldn't be "the character who's autistic" (as if they aren't all already autistic, but that's a whole different topic lol), he'd just be Shadow, and Shadow would just happen to be autistic.
Again, I may be wording this wrong and if i am PLEASE forgive me, I'm trying so hard to put my thoughts into words,,,
I think this is coming a bit from a place of me seeing Prime Sonic and thinking to myself "holy fucking shit he's got ADHD but it's not shown as all of him". Of course they havent truly confirmed Sonic to be ADHD but like, i think they probably did do it purposefully here, but maybe that's just me? I just see him do stuff and think "wow yeah, I've done that before! And I do it because i have ADHD! and he has some of my struggles!! But his friends still love him even if they're annoyed by him at times, and he still isn't a bad person even if he did fuck up! Any they handle it with nuance that real people experience in life!!"
And that's how I'd see autistic Shadow being handled. He already has a lotta the traits, but they don't confirm it being based on things like sensory overload or whatever, despite the fact that they really could. And even if they did, he'd be handled just as if it were another trait. It wouldn't be some defining attribute to him, him being autistic wouldn't be some selling point, there wouldn't be any "look! There's now an autistic character in this media!!".
But back to the main point.... Basically, him being autistic doesn't make him any less of the Ultimate Lifeform, and I think that's about the most extreme way to get across the point of "being autistic doesn't make you any less of a person or any less important". He was GENETICALLY ENGINEERED. Yet he still is autistic and it was decided "yep we succeeded in creating the Ultimate Lifeform!", so much so that the military wanted to use him as a WEAPON. Nothing about his potential disability made him any less of a success, or any less of a protector to Maria, or any less of a wonderful creation to Gerald, or any less of anything else to anyone he knows.
Something about that is just... a really nice idea to me. Maybe not for everyone, but to me that's inspiring as fuck, and reassuring to, to think about...
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daka-d3monb0y · 4 days
S.a.M.S Human AU
Since you don't have the AU from beginning to end it doesn't all make sense. But Jack is a clone of Moon and Solar's DNA. Solar was making a cloning machine for fun, Moon walked into it not knowing what it was. When Solar tried to get him out their DNA combined to make Jack. Since it wasn't finished he has some issues. He has the mentality of a child but the body of an adult, though he's a bit shorter than Moon. Solar named him Jack because of the scarring around his mouth that looked like a Jack O Lantern.
They didn't originally treat Jack like a child, but the more they interacted with them the more it made sense.
Moon is autistic and so is Jack. So yeah autistic child often mistaken for an adult.
Monty dyed his hair orange/red.
I think that's all the information you need?? Enjoy the little thing.
Monty opened the front door, Jack ran in. “Sun!” He excitedly ran up to Sun. Sun has been cleaning the living room.
“Oh, hey, Jack. Oh you got a- uh- pumpkin mask. Jack O’ Lantern or whatever.”
“It has a mouth like mine!”
“Yeah it does, bud.”
Monty smiled. “We went out and got him new clothes.”
“That's nice of you, Monty.”
Jack excitedly waved his arms. “I have wings!!” He put his hood on and turned around, his jacket had little pink dragon wings.
“Woah, awesome!”
“Yes! We went to The Hot Topic.”
“I assumed. Very fun.”
Monty put down two bags on the sofa. “Well, that's all. He's always welcome at my place. So are you, Sun. Or call me if you want to be by yourself, I can let you stay in one of my other houses.”
“Thank you, Monty.”
“Eh don't mention it.”
Jack ran over and hugged his torso. “Thank you, Montgomery!”
He rubbed Jack's head. “ ‘Course, kid. Be good for Uncle Sun.”
He nodded.
“He hasn't eaten yet because he said he wanted Dino nuggets, is that okay, Sun?”
“Oh, yeah. I'll make him some Dinosaur nuggets.”
“Dino nuggies!” he said.
“Yes, Jack, Dino nuggets.”
“Well, I'm off. Bye.”
“Goodbye!” Jack said.
“Bye,” Sun said.
Jack looked up at Sun. “We searched for Solar.”
“I was unsuccessful in my mission.”
“J-Jack, he's dead.”
“We won't find him again?”
“No, Jack.”
He stared down at the ground.
“I'll start on the Dino nuggets.” Sun walked over to the kitchen.
“Nuggies!” Jack came running over.
Jack slipped and fell.
Sun stared at him. “Did that hurt?”
“I think I felt my bones go ka chunk.”
“T-t-that’s- Oh my god, are you okay?”
Jack hopped up. “Yessss.”
“Oh my god, you are so Solar's kid. I- Let's eat and I'll have Moon check for broken bones. Idk if he knows how to fix it but… well Eclipse does.” Sun pulled nuggets out of the freezer.
“Why do you dislike him?”
“Because, Jack, Eclipse has done horrible things.”
“What do you mean?”
“Why don't you hate him? I thought you shared memories with Moon- wait, you have memory loss, I forgot.”
“Well, uh, Eclipse is a bad guy. He's, um, well… He just is. I can't tell you everything he's done.”
Sun put the nuggets in the oven. “Well, your nuggets are cooking.”
“Can we watch Gravity Falls?”
“Oh, sure, bud. That's a good show.”
“You- I love how you talk.”
I write chapters based on episodes. So this is based on when Jack got turned into a pumpkin thingie. Hence the mask and the new hoodie or whatever. At the moment I am showing you scenes tho. Like oneshots I guess.
Oh Jack did not break his bones, he was being dramatic. He did get bruised though. Even if he had broken a bone he would get back up and brush it off lol.
(Oh I have a Detective AU I'll post).
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poohsources · 1 year
hi, pooh, is everything alright with you? i hope it's a yes! so, i'm sorry if you already answered something like this, but i just started to follow you right now (because i found your blog really interesting), saw this post of yours and was thinking: do you have tips about "losing our musing while roleplaying"? i see a lot of friends losing their muses, sometimes i do lose mine (which is sad, because we do have affection towards our chars), and i think some tips would help a lot and you seem to have the good ones. i would really appreciate if you could share them with us! the biggest thank you already and have a good, good day!
p.s: if i didn't made myself clear, sorry, english is not my first language ):
hi there! well, i'm sick again but other than that i'm fine, thanks. no worries, if questions are asked multiple times i tend to link them to the original answer. but it's one thing i haven't talked about yet, so you're good.
unfortunately, there is no definitive answer that will definitely help but there are some things i've either done myself or have heard about that are supposed to work, so i've compiled a list of all the tips that would help when you've lost your muse.
look at your muses' source material. this mostly applies to canon muses, but depending on the kind of oc, it might work for them as well. the idea behind it is to potentially watch a few episodes ( maybe ones that heavily feature or develop your character ) of the show your muse is from if you're writing a tv show character; reread the book / certain passages if you have a book muse, or just generally interact in any kind of way with the source material. even if you're canon divergent it might help ignite your muse again when you "see them in action" so to speak.
listening to music. if you're into music, you can probably make a playlist for your character including songs that either remind you of them or are something you think your character would listen to in their own free time. now whenever you're listening to that playlist it can help you inspire your muse.
read fanfics. if you're like me and spend an ungodly amount of time reading fanfics, it's something that can help you get inspiration for your muse. again that mostly only applies to canon muses but seeing the way others write your muse and the different scenarios they can be thrown into, might help with your own muse ( and especially plot ideas / au ideas ) that you can talk about either on the dash, to a friend or someone you'd think could be a great writing partner.
create your own stuff outside of rp for your muse. it kinda ties in into the playlist tip, but there are other ways to "channel" your muse outside of rp. do you enjoy drawing? draw your muse. do you like making mood / aesthetic boards? make one for your muse. there are so many different things you can do for your muse outside of roleplaying / writing that can help you get your muse back. even if it's just by doing other stuff.
talk to your friends. if you have friends or certain writing partners you talk to a lot, it can help to just talk to them about your muse(s). you don't even have to spew plot ideas or discuss things that have to do with roleplay but maybe just some casual talk about specific topics ( or if it's a canon muse, you could talk about their source material and what you like / dislike ).
dream up scenarios. if you're someone with an imaginative mind, one thing that can help is dream up certain scenarios that involve your muse. perhaps certain things that could happen to them and how they'd react, or interactions with other people or just random day-to-day stuff ― just put yourself in their shoes and think about them. ( potentially you'll even have some great plot or verse ideas this way. )
last, but not least, take a step back from roleplaying your muse. i know that this is probably the one people will dislike the most but sometimes the best thing you can do when you've lost your muse is to take a step back from it. if you're forcing yourself to write because you think it's what you're supposed to do, it's pretty much bound to frustrate you and therefore make you lose your muse. we all love our characters and the things we've created for them, but sometimes we have to let go. of course it doesn't have to be a permanent thing, maybe someday you'll get your muse for that character back and make a return to it, but sometimes you'll realize that you can't get your muse back and that is okay.
occasionally, people connect to characters that speak to them during specific times of their life and if these change, it can change the muse for that character because you don't feel as connected to them anymore. you can still cherish that time and love that character but as i said above, if you're forcing yourself to do anything, it's bound to be bad.
anyway, i hope these tips will help! :)
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mageofseven · 1 year
Our Child: My Turn
Beel Mpreg
Okay, sorry the title isn't that great; I didn't really know what to call this series, if I'm honest 😅
I hope you enjoy it and think it's better than the title though~
Also! I had to write some set up in here to explain how Beel gets pregnant, which isn't too interesting, but necessary since this is the first part of the series.
I promise that I'll be able to get to the good parts alot quicker with the other guys, but I needed to explain how this was possible in this series lol
So yeah! @astroseuss it's done!
I hope everyone enjoys this~
MC knew how badly he wanted kids...that's why she hasn't really been engaging in the conversations her boyfriend would bring up about them.
Beel wanted nothing more than to be a daddy...and he'd be a great one. One of the best! The human didn't doubt that one bit.
Nor did she dislike the idea of being a mama. Kids are very sweet and just the idea of her and Beel having their own was a beautiful thing...
But pregnancy was a scary thing; giving birth even scarier. And that was between two human parents! To carry a half demon baby...she just knew so much could go wrong.
Always leaving when Beel brought the topic up, one that meant so much to him, really hurt the big guy and his Muffin hated it. She hated hurting him, but also didn't want to disappoint him... didn't want him to leave her.
What if he wanted kids so much that this was a deal breaker for him?
People break up with their partners for a lot less, but having kids? Some people see that as a fundamental part of relationships and life in general.
To lose Beel because of her fear? The human couldn't bear it. She loves him. He is her whole world; MC didn't think she could survive it if he left her
...at the same time, she knew this couldn't go on forever. She was hurting him and he deserved so much better.
"I'm sorry..." MC hung her head after she broke the news to her boyfriend.
"I know how badly you wanna be a dad. But I can't be the one to give that to you. Pregnancy is scary enough in the human way, but with a demon baby... there's just too many unknowns and I don't feel safe."
Tears started falling from her eyes.
"If you need to leave me for this, please do. I want you to--"
Suddenly she was pulled into a tight bear hug by her boyfriend. A tight one. Honestly, the human thinks she heard her back crack from the embrace.
The man quickly released his hold on her, revealing tears in his own eyes.
"I never meant to push this on you." He told his girlfriend. "I didn't think about how hard it would be on your body. I'm sorry."
The demon held her once more, but this time was much more gentle.
"I'd never leave you. I want to be a dad but...if you don't want to be a mom then it's not worth it."
MC shook her head.
"Beel, I want kids just as much as you. I just... can't handle the process of making them."
The man leaned down and kissed his Muffin.
"Maybe we can find another way." He hoped aloud. "But...I won't force you into anything."
The human gave her boyfriend a sad smile.
"I know, big guy."
Like with most problems the man has, Beel talked this over with his twin, who was actually surprised; not because of the issue, but because he actually knew something about it.
Apparently, he noticed Satan reading a book on magical pregnancies just yesterday so the sloth demon recommended talking to him about what he knows.
And he did. At first, the blonde wasn't sure how to help the gluttony demon though.
Yes, Satan did finished that exact book yesterday that Belphie mentioned, but it was mostly filled with theoretical magick concepts for pregnancies or ones that were incredibly circumstantial, like how Lucifer gave birth to him.
Yet he did have another book on a similar topic he had yet to open so he told the other demon that he would read it and let him know if there was anything useful in it for him and MC.
The blonde approached him later that day with a method he believed could be useful to them, but Beel still worried about the process.
It was a ritual spell that required an initial carrier who, at minimum, needed to be 8 weeks along before transferring the pregnancy to their partner
Meaning that MC would still have to start the pregnancy, carry their child for the first two months at least before her boyfriend could take over and carry their child to term.
The redhead didn't like this and felt guilty just for thinking about this.
I mean, his Muffin explicitly told him that she never wants to be pregnant so to turn around and essentially ask 'Well, can you do it for just a little while?' felt so selfish, so dismissive of her fear.
After some coaxing from his twin, the big guy eventually does bring it up to his girlfriend
And though still scared...MC really wanted to make Beel a daddy.
So to hear that she just had to start off the pregnancy and not be forced to be the one to give birth? It felt like the best offer she could ever get.
When the two started trying for their baby, Beel was incredibly gentle and slow with her. He could still see the anxiety in her eyes and always reminded her that they can stop anytime.
But she kept things going; she loved this man so much that she needed this to work.
So when they discovered MC was pregnant, the human was just as happy as she was scared. Beel spoiled and comforted her the entire two months, especially when she dealt with morning sickness.
When the woman finally hit the 8 week mark, she was more than ready to get this child out of her.
With the help of Satan, the two were prepped for the ritual.
It took place in Beel's room. The blonde drew various runes on their bodies, from their chests to their arms and, most importantly, on their lower stomach area.
At this point, MC only had the slightest pouch, the only physical sign on her body that suggested a child could be inside her at this early stage. Still, Satan was extra gentle as he drew the rune in this spot.
Next step was to be pressed together, torso to torso. This part was subjective and gave the couple the freedom of choice on how they wanted to do this.
The two settled on Beel sitting on his bed with MC on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist. He hugged her close, keeping them stomach to stomach, and lightly scratched her back in order to comfort the anxious human.
Satan performed the spell on them, causing each rune to glow green with a strangely warm sensation.
MC's breathing became difficult to manage; it wasn't pain she was feeling, but something so foreign and so uncomfortable that it overwhelmed her body.
Beel hugged her tighter to his body, whispering into her ear how good she was doing and that it would just take a minute or two longer.
Eventually, that strange sensation left MC's body and suddenly, Beel himself could feel it in the pit of his stomach.
His breath hitched and he buried his face in his Muffin's hair, letting the scent of her comfort him through this feeling.
Finally, Satan's chanting ended and subsequently, so did the rune glowing and that strange feeling in his stomach.
Beel kissed his girlfriend's hair before the two pulled back from one another. MC's small pouch on her belly was gone, but no one could tell too much had changed on Beel's stomach.
His lower abs seems a bit softer, less defined as they were before, but otherwise nothing seemed different on the man at first.
It wasn't until later that evening when Beel undressed to take a shower that he noticed something else had changed with his body.
The part that should be dangling between his legs was no longer there. Instead, it was replaced with a part much like MC's.
Most men would be upset at losing the part of them they associated their masculinity with, but Beel was nothing but amazed and intrigued with this development.
I guess the spell also prepared an exit for his baby? As he thought about it, the demon could only be grateful that the ritual also took this into account and ultimately accepted his new body part.
He just couldn't help being curious about what other ways his body will change.
As the pregnancy progressed and his belly grew, his baby grew, Beel practically fell in love with his new form.
He started being very, very gentle with himself now that his child was sharing his body. The demon no longer went to the gym since he was worried about putting any strain on his body while his baby was depending on him.
His appetite also increased a lot during this time.
Some days it seemed like Lucifer was ready to pull his hair out over trying to keep the kitchen stocked.
Often it would be filled to the brim and the night would come and Beel would make a kitchen raid.
In the morning, whoever was on breakfast duty would realize that there was no food to cook with.
Beel genuinely felt guilty about this, but his brothers always forgave him. After all, he's the Avatar of Gluttony and he's pregnant. Of course this was going to happen.
Whenever he got too upset about this, the pregnant man would cuddle in bed with his girlfriend and MC would make it all okay.
"Lucifer looked so stress..."
"I know, I know. It's okay though." MC laid her hand on his cheek. "He's not mad at you; it's not your fault."
"Belphie almost didn't get to eat breakfast..."
"But he did." The woman gave him a soft smile. "Because of you, Luce ordered food from Belphie's favorite restaurant and he got to eat his favorite meal"
"But he had to wait..."
Oh Beely. This man knew how hard it was to wait for food so he was really being sensitive about it.
MC leaned in and gave her boyfriend a sweet kiss before laying her forehead on his.
"It's okay." She repeated softly. "We all still love you and just want you and the baby to be happy and healthy."
She lowered her hand to his belly and the pregnant man did the same.
"You're really amazing, you know that?" She whispered, gently stroking his belly. "You're an amazing man, amazing boyfriend...an amazing Daddy."
Beel smiled back at her, feeling a bit better about things now.
This time, he was the one to lean in and kiss his girlfriend. It was a slow, but sweet; one the couple really took their time with as their hands gently caressed each other's bodies
No matter how insecure he got, MC was always able to comfort him and remind him of how wonderful he was. He was a loving man who always put those around him first after all.
Between no longer exercising and eating more food than he ever has, the man's belly grew quickly, but his family knew there had to be more to the growth than that.
That's when they decided to have Satan use the rune I've talked about in many other stories. It was drawn around his belly button and Satan laid his hands over it to collect the info.
That's when they discovered that Beel was carrying twins.
Oh how the couple cried tears of joy!
"Muffin... twins!" The man hugged his girlfriend in a tight embrace.
A bit too tight, but the woman still smiled and hugged the big guy back.
Once he pulled back, both of them realized just how hard they were both crying.
The couple had the same idea of kissing the other's tears away.
Unfortunately, this resulted in the two butting their noses together, which caused them to laugh before more carefully leaning into each other for a kiss.
They spent a lot time after that just talking to Beel's belly, to their twins, and telling them just how insanely loved they are and how they just can't wait to meet them.
Beel couldn't bear to take his hands off his belly the entire day; he couldn't help it. He wanted to be as close to his daughters as possible, as if them literally being inside of his him wasn't enough.
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(I just found out my keyboard can make things like this??? So I guess I'm keeping it here lol)
When the pregnancy reached its end and Beel started feeling contractions, the man just... didn't recognize them?
As in, he definitely felt them, acknowledged them, thought 'dang those sucks' and just moved on with his freaking day 😂
Because it just didn't compute in his brain that they were contractions instead of just weird ass cramps
And this big guy had a pretty good pain tolerance so he suffered through these all day before he even expressed the slightest hint that he was in pain.
Belphie was the first one to notice something was up with his twin and brought it up at dinner.
"I'm fine." He told the table since all eyes were on him.
"You sure?"
Beel nodded before bringing more food to his mouth and chewing.
"Yeah, just been having some cramps today."
The whole table went silent.
That's when they noticed the big guy's breath hitch before rubbing his lower belly.
"Beely..." MC said carefully. "I think we should get you to a bed, just in case."
"Can I finish my plate first?"
"Sure, big guy..." 😮‍💨😅
Beel made quick work of his plate, but boy was his family tense.
Afterwards, MC took Beel into his room and kept him comfortable.
Eventually, his water broke and the contractions became too strong, even for him.
MC would periodically check his progress, but mostly laid in the bed and held her pained boyfriend.
She'd stroke his hair kiss his face anytime even the slightest wince was expressed.
Beel handle this pain as quietly as possible; not because he felt pressured to, but because it was more or less how he was conditioned to handle pain while growing up.
MC held him close and praised him sweetly, telling him it will all be okay and their twins couldn't wait to meet to meet their Daddy.
When the first daughter started crowning, the man's tears became thicker and he actually aloud himself to scream in pain at the burn.
MC checked below and had to help her boyfriend get the the baby's horns through in order for him to progress.
After that, it became a bit easier for the man.
His girlfriend comforted him through his time pushing out the shoulders and once he pushed the baby out far enough, the human was able to help tug the first baby out of him
And just like that, Arsenia was born.
Since her old sister stretched the way for her, Anais was birthed quicker and easier as well.
MC had the girls cleaned and wrapped up before handing one off to her anxious boyfriend.
With Arsenia in his arms and Anais in MC's, both parents wept happily.
"You did it, Beely." MC sniffled before leaning down and kissing the tired man's forehead.
Beel nodded, smiling before suddenly staring at her with these big sad eyes.
"I'm sorry."
"Oh Beely Boy." She wiped some fresh tears from his face. "About what?"
"I just..." The shook his head be brushing a finger over Arsi's thin patch of hair. "I expected you to go through this for me before..."
"It's okay." The human assured him. "It's okay; you didn't know, not fully. It's not your fault."
"I love you, Muffin."
MC let out a small laugh.
"I love you too, Beely."
The two leaned in for one last kiss before showing their daughters in endless love.
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princelylove · 2 months
My Dear Prince,
As much as I love reading your posts about part 5 and other stuff you have given to us(I've been eating them up like a 2 week long starved woman who's having a bad case of uterus shedding) I can't help but notice I'm not seeing a lot more other parts. This is my fault ofc oopsies 🤭
May I request how yandere Jotaro (specifically part 3 but any other part is fine) would be like as a yandere from your godly perspective and writing? So sorry if you've already done something similar to this my memory is so bad.
Sorry for rambling, pretty please and thank you. 💞 ✨
A lot of- if not almost all- of my earliest posts are about Jotaro, actually. It’s so strange to think that that’s the semi-distant past, it doesn’t feel like it’s been six (or five?) months of having this blog already. I don’t mind going back to the same topic very much, it can be fun to update an interpretation. 
Jotaro has a certain difficulty expressing his feelings, which is funny considering his blunt and honest nature. He’s direct, yet not very expressive. Emotionally distant yet always physically present. His mother’s overbearing nature only backfired- Jotaro doesn’t like talking about his feelings because he didn’t want small things to be a big deal, and as he’s gotten older, he’s only shut himself off more.
He dislikes a lot of attention. The philosophy Yoshilage Kira holds- “I merely want to live a quiet life”- is more or less shared with Jotaro, but he just keeps attracting fuckin’ freaks. He’s cursed. He’s cursed, and somehow this is his fault- or, rather, it’s his spirit’s fault. 
Star Platinum is semi-sentient, it’s like Jotaro’s feelings are acting on their own rather than entirely separate from Jotaro. It obeys mindlessly, but often acts out of Jotaro’s curiosity. It finds amusement in picking up your clothes- whether it be a frilly skirt Jotaro gave you, or a shiny accessory it wants to put somewhere else- but it isn’t toying with you on purpose. While Star Platinum is good natured, Jotaro is… well, the intention is there.
Jotaro’s naturally introverted, I’d put his mbti as INTJ when he’s younger and INTP when he’s older. He’s analytical, likes to think things through, but you know what? Jotaro is impatient and rash when he’s caught up in his feelings. It gets better with age, but in his prime, it’s hopeless. It’s no wonder the initial manifestation of his stand forced Jotaro to self isolate, Jotaro doesn’t know how to handle bad things, and doesn’t want the attention that not being fine comes with. 
When he’s hit with another problem, he buries it. He’s never had a crush before, he doesn’t know it’s not supposed to be so… all-consuming. You know how when girls get all boy crazy, or whatever? Jotaro would say it's like that, but just for you.
Jotaro doesn’t like to lie, but he gets a bit choked up whenever he’s with his darling. He’s avoidant, and he’s not good at improv, so if his darling seriously drills him on his behavior, they’ll be met with huffs and grunts. 
Jotaro has a protective nature, it’s why he finds it so hard to just let things be. He’s attracted to smaller and considerably more fragile people. Of course this fragility is perceived, you could be ripped and Jotaro would be convinced you’d snap at the slightest bit of pressure. It makes him anxious to see you alone, what if a big bad wolf comes and snatches you up? Regardless of your capabilities, Jotaro thinks of you as a precious treasure that’s clearly labeled ‘Handle with care.’ 
He’s a very typical delusional type to me. Even if you flat out tell Jotaro one thing, he’s fixed into believing whatever he wants to. It doesn’t matter if you don’t need him, it doesn’t matter if you don’t even want him, Jotaro loves you. His love is very overbearing, although he himself wouldn’t word it like that. 
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joanquill · 2 years
I just got a weird idea. It's up to you to write it or not but i just wanna share lol.
So most people in London probably loves tea. Lives with tea in their lives, but what about reader who just dislikes tea. Any kind of tea for that matter. And everyone's just baffled.
Especially Louis whose tea just got rejected lol.
Not My Cup of Tea
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A/N: This was fun lol but my brain gave up :')
Tag/s: Short (500 words), Crackfic
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"Now, for our next mission..." William started the meeting as Louis gave everyone a cup of tea.
"Oh, no thanks," you politely smiled at Louis as he gave you yours, surprising him.
"Do you not like lemongrass?" he asked, taking the cup back.
"Oh, it's not that," you reassured, "I just don't like tea," you shrugged your shoulders, catching everyone's attention.
"You don't like tea?" William asked, making you raise a brow.
"Yeah... I don't like tea," you confirmed, looking at everyone with a confused expression.
"What about chamomile?"
"Not even mint?"
"No, thank you," you shook your head, "I don't really like any kind of tea, really,"
"And you call yourself British?" Sebastian teased, making you furrow your brows.
"What? You'd rather have me piss-drunk with you in a pub?" you joked in the most stereotypical British accent you could muster, making him shake his head with a smile.
"What do you not like about tea?" Louis asked, making you shrug your shoulders, stuttering an answer.
"I just... don't like it... It tastes like drinking grass," you explained, making William raise a brow.
"It tastes like grass to you?" he asked, making you scoff.
"Okay," you raised your palm at him, "I'm not gonna let my taste preferences be attacked by someone whose favorite food is literally a pie with poking fish heads,"
William rolled his eyes as he shook his head, drinking his cup.
"Maybe your taste isn't refined enough," Albert joked, making you scoff.
"Okay, rich boy," you mocked, making him chuckle, "I don't say crap about your addiction to fermented grape juice,"
"What's going on?" James asked as he walked in, confused at the conversation.
"Mx. (Y/N) doesn't like tea,"
"You don't like tea!?"
"THEY ARE LITERALLY LEAVES. IN. HOT. WATER!" you defended as you clapped your hands with each syllable, feeling attacked for your personal preference, making Jack-sensei laugh as others chuckled.
"Bonde is from America, and even he likes tea," Sebastian added as he pointed at him with his thumb.
"Well, congratulations!" you threw your hands up in the air in defeat as others laughed.
"We are literally planning on committing homicide, yet you all stopped to make fun of me for not liking tea?"
"Yes, apparently,"
You scoffed as you stood up and moved your arms, unable to speak.
"I-...I am done..." you huffed, sitting back down in defeat as you looked away from the group.
"Can we please go back to the mission or what? Do you want me to revoke my citizenship?" you asked, starting to get annoyed at the topic.
"Aw, don't be so hotheaded, Young (Y/N)," Jack-sensei comforted, patting your head.
"It's just..." he shrugged, "...rare to see someone in England who doesn't like tea," he explained, making you huff.
"Now, putting aside Young (Y/N)'s questionable drink choices..." Jack-sensei teased, making you groan and stand up.
"That's it. I'm leaving. You lot can go on the mission without me," you made your way out of the door, hearing the boys' apologies as you left, but you ignored them.
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heronpoxed · 1 year
I decided to re-watch SOA, idk why because I know how painful it will be lol. Anyways, I loved tara when I first watched the show and I love her now. I truly do not understand the hate she gets. I have my own theories on why she get's so much hate, but I'm wondering what your take on it is. I find it especially disgusting the hate she gets from many women in this fandom. They seem to hate tara yet give a free pass to all the horrible things most of the men on this show did, its wild lol
hii<33 i’m so happy you deemed me worthy enough to ask for my opinion on this topic lol
First off, don’t be hard on yourself for rewatching SOA. God knows I’ve rewatched it way too many times even though it always results in my anxiety and unease.
Anyway, I truly believe that i’m gonna get k!lled for this but still, buckle up we have much to discuss. Honestly, this is gonna be a long one.
SPOILERS for anyone who hasn’t seen the show till the end!
There are many reasons why people hate Tara and I’m sure you notice most - if not all - of them but at the end of the day it all comes down to misogyny, internalized misogyny and favoritism. As you said, they excuse every horrible thing that men do because it’s a men-centered show with very attractive male characters. Trust me, if Charlie was not conventionally attractive everyone would’ve hated Jax lol and it’d be absolutely laughable if anyone said otherwise.
It shouldn’t come as news to anyone how sexist and misogynistic most of the SOA fandom is. I’ve talked about this before and say it again that the fans of this show (especially women) are so quick to put blame on female character’s horrible behavior for the shit that male characters build the foundation for. For example, as much as I dislike both Ima and Colette it wasn’t exactly their fault that they were so present in the club life. It wasn’t as if both Jax and Opie hadn’t been more than willing to sleep with Ima. They both let her be a part of SAMCRO, which as a result affected their families. And then seeing both these men treat Ima like shit and even get physically violent with her was fucking awful to watch because they were the ones who had done the damage in the first place. Same goes for the Colette situation. Jax was the one who allowed her to sleep with him yet the fandom is calling her a wh*re. As if sex doesn’t happen among multiple people.
Disgusting and frustrating as hell!
People hate Tara for numerous reasons:
- they think she’s annoying
- they think she’s indecisive
- they hate that a wife tried to take the sons away from a father
- they think her methods were questionable
- ‘she had an out and she didn’t take it and now reprimands Jax for it’
- they think she never cared about Jax and didn’t love him as much.
- ‘she betrayed him’
- she knew what she was signing up for when she decided to date Jax
- she doesn’t own up to her mistakes.
- some of them actually hate her because they don’t see chemistry between Maggie and Charlie which blows my mind. You may think that a couple lacks chemistry but hating a female lead for it is a bit extreme, not to mention utterly misogynistic.
To me, Tara’s only crime was her hair in season 6 lol but on a more objective note:
Y’all see selfishness and betrayal while what I see is Tara prioritizing and choosing Jax over and over again because she’s holding onto the promises that Jax made to her (that he ultimately kept breaking), the idea of having a peaceful family and onto the bond that they had when they first fell in love (she says as much in 6x13). Anyone who says that Tara was selfish and never cared for or deserved Jax is completely out of line because if anything, Tara loved and valued Jax more that he ever did her (see: constant infidelity). The answer to why Tara didn’t leave until the last possible minute is simple: she loved him.
People also seem to ignore the fact that leaving Charming and giving their children a peaceful life was what both Tara and Jax wanted. The guy literally gave his baby up to some strangers FFS even after everything that he and SAMCRO went through to finally track Abel down (one of the saddest scenes on the show, mind you). Taking one look at Abel’s adoptive parents was enough for Jax to know that his life would only be harmful for the baby. I don’t see anyone reprimand Jax for that?!?! If it weren’t for Gemma’s non-stop gnawing and Opie’s death, he wouldn’t have lost sense of what he wanted since the fist episode(!!) - to give his kids a better life.
People accuse Tara of being ‘indecisive,’ saying that she willingly turned down an out when she had it etc. well let me ask you this: and Jax wasn’t?!?! It literally goes both ways. I could write a whole goddamn essay on this one. Tara couldn’t make up her mind on whether or not she should’ve stayed with Jax just like Jax couldn’t make up his own on if he wanted Tara gone or not. I’m sick of people ignoring that. Jax and Tara’s entire dynamic is this constant back and forth between their morals. People call Tara annoying and indecisive for this but call Jax ‘complex’ and ‘complicated’ and ‘conflicted’ while doing the exact same thing. Another case of sexism and misogyny.
When people say that Tara knew what she signed up for when she decided to be with Jax, they aren’t wrong. She did know. However, it was very clearly shown on SOA that despite being involved in a risky illegal business, this constant trouble and bloodshed was not normal for the club. The entire time Tara was gone, everything unfolded discreetly and with minimal trouble that never affected the families of the club members. Almost the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 Gemma kept assuring Tara that it wasn’t always this troublesome with them and Jax kept assuring her that he’d fix things. Tara just came back at a bad time when everything went to shit and kept going to deeper shit. What Tara signed up for was the promise that things would go back to normal because peace and discretion used to be SAMCRO’s normal.
To all those questioning Tara’s methods for taking Thomas and Abel away let me tell you this: while it was risky and morally gray, it was literally what Jax wished John Teller had done for him and his brother Thomas. If you rewatch 4x01 Jax says that John should’ve ran Gemma’s ass over, taken him and Thomas and gotten the hell out of Charming in response to Tara reminding him that Gemma wouldn’t have let them go. This, once again, comes back to Jax losing his sense of direction after Opie’s death. If Jax was okay with John ‘running’ Gemma over, then he’d also be okay with Tara doing the same thing.
So this is what Tara did, ‘ran Gemma’s ass over’ (in a sense) to get her kids away from that life - something that Jax wanted his own father to do for him and something that he himself actually would’ve done if it came down to it.
And don’t forget that it was the circumstances that forced Tara to consider being a rat. She never wanted to rat on her husband and the club. She says as much to Lee Toric in prison. And those saying that she wasn’t owning up to her mistakes clearly ignore or fail to see that Tara hated her plan the entire time and she was constantly at war with herself. She knew full well that her plan wasn’t that of a saint but she did what she thought she had to do. Her heart was in the right place from day 1 and if anything she was the one who got betrayed in the end because Unser, Wendy, Lowen - they all chickened out and left her to fend for herself in complete chaos.
People even prefer Gemma to Tara even though she’s literally evil incarnate willing to kill her husband to maintain the power that comes with the club. It’s all because Gemma is a w*t dream of every person that’s a victim of patriarchy. Most of the fandom believes that you only deserve rights as a woman if you’re badass like Gemma lmao.
We all know the entire point of the show I’m not gonna elaborate any further on that one. The scene between Jax and Patterson in 6x13 speaks for itself. Tara, as a character, served as a reminder of that point. People literally take Jax’s side over hers only because he is hot lol. Every single decision that Tara made in the entire show is literally backed up by logic and reasonable evidence within the TV show itself. Even Kurt Sutter was shook on the amount of hate that she got and has stated multiple times that Tara was always right.
However, it is also worth noting that most of us Gen Z are team Tara, which makes me think that the hate toward her comes from the more closed off mindset of the older generation (obviously this doesn’t include everyone).
So yeah, the answer to your question is misogyny.
Sorry for this enormous answer but I can literally defend Tara non-stop till the day I d!e. If there’s anything else you’d like to know you can ask me or message me any time It’d be my pleasure<3 and feel free to share ur theories. I’m very curious about them.
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skylights422 · 2 months
New X-Men '97 tomorrow! I am very excited! But I also had meant to make more posts reviewing the first three episodes. It was going to be multiple posts over different topics, but I am short on time and organizational energy, so I am just gonna make two posts over the biggest topics: The Romance Drama, and The Plot. Romance drama first! It got Long, so it's under a cut. xD (And a quick disclaimer that any negative opinions on the canon writing of couples doesn't mean I dislike people for shipping any of it; I almost never ship anything personally just as a matter of personal preference, but am very much a Ship And Let Ship/Don't Like Don't Read kind of person)
First, I will just say that the Jean/Scott/Logan drama was...always the most boring and confusing part to me in the 90s show? I just didn't feel like they did enough to show why Wolverine was SO in love with her when it seemed like they never spent any time together normally or had any major bonding moments? So I felt like he was just pining based on appearance and the fact they were teammates, which...is fine I guess but not the sweeping, dramatic unrequited love it was always portrayed as.
(I mean Wolverine was so torn up about them getting married he REFUSED TO ATTEND and instead spent time trying to kill an illusion version of Scott in the Danger Room, that's. Very dramatic! And for what? Maybe they covered it a little bit in an episode I haven't re-watched yet but I remember Past Me at least not finding the explanation impressive enough lollll)
So, I'm not...super looking forward to more of it in this new show, but also expecting it since it was always such a feature. I'd rather not have Jean kinda date Logan just because she's mad at Scott and Logan wants to? But it won't shock me. By and large I have made peace with my dislike for that particular love triangle since I'm otherwise such a fan of both series. (And so far anyways Logan has been a little less weird about his unrequited feelings even if they're still pretty obvious)
THEN we have the Rogue and Magneto romance. This one I have had more mixed feelings on. My kneejerk reaction was confusion and dislike - I didn't know until I looked it up after the episode that they were together in the comics, and since they weren't in the previous show, it felt...really random. (Also I am just not much a fan of couples with large age gaps, obviously Rogue is an adult and can do what she wants, it's just not my cup of tea. Plus Rogue and Gambit is one of maybe, like...five? Couples in media? That I have any investment in AS a romantic couple lol, but mostly I was just not looking forward to more romantic drama in general since it's just not something I tend to enjoy much)
Now I have two opinions. One is simply that I am Over feeling bothered by it and just curious to see what they do with it, since Rogue and Magneto do have some compelling thematic reasons to have scenes together anyways. And Rogue and Gambit definitely COULD have a mature conversation about it, which would actually be pretty neat.
Now my main quibble is that it was introduced so suddenly, and with so little explanation. As a general rule, I do NOT consider 'it happened in the source material' to be a valid excuse for anything in an adaptation unless it also makes sense within the established lore/characterization/etc. of the adaptation itself. A Doylist explanation existing does not remove the need for a solid Watsonian one, and if there just...isn't a Watsonian explanation, then I feel it is lazy writing at best, actually terrible writing if done badly enough.
There's definitely still time for them to give some kind of flashback or explanation for Rogue and Magneto though! You can introduce new aspects to character's pasts, in general. So I am holding out my final opinion to see if they do that, and in what way.
On a smaller, technically still hypothetical note, next for romance drama we have: Morph crushing on Wolverine. I do agree that it's extremely possible, even likely, that Morph seeming Interested in Wolverine in this version is deliberate - I mainly say hypothetical because I have seen some VERY overtly queercoded stories/scenes/etc. be written genuinely by accident, and at this point I'm really not sure how it was intended (like, if it's meant to be anything bigger than the scene itself or not).
And once again, I have mixed feelings on it. On one hand, having an openly gay character in an X-Men cartoon is good! It's nice to see some diversity in orientation. And Morph makes sense since they are the closest to a blank slate as you can get with a pre-established character, only being in nine episodes total of the original series - very spread out ones, as well.
But well, there's two reasons I feel kind of egh about it. One is that nearly all the Established Duos that got a lot of attention in the original show were romantic ones, and as someone who is fundamentally more invested emotionally in non-romances, I really liked the thought of having a best friend duo to fixate on. (We do still have Magneto and Xavier but XAVIER IS DEAD RIGHT NOW SO IT ONLY HALF COUNTS)
The other is that it...would almost definitely be another unrequited crush. Which for one, is just drama that isn't interesting to me. But also I dunno if 'sad gay bravely accepts never getting with the love of their life' is amazing rep for...friendships OR gay people??? Like you could write it so that Morph is genuinely fine being 'just' friends, and maybe in an ideal world that would even kick Wolverine into considering he could maybe be More Normal About Jean. But I worry about their friendship falling apart or it being made out to be 'not enough' to Morph and ultimately just making everyone look bad (and also if they push too hard on the Sad Morph Angle I feel like it could just be another case of villainizing people for not returning affections which I just, REALLY HATE)
SO I'M ON EDGE ABOUT IT. Possibly they won't do much with the concept at all, which I'd frankly prefer. Possibly they'll find a way to write the one-sided romance that is actually considerate to both sides and doesn't destroy their friendship. Possibly they'll even introduce other gay couples somewhere in the show so the rep for it isn't all riding on Morph's shoulders! But I am also very aware how easy it would be to do this wrong. SO WE'LL SEE.
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i just hope the original obm isn't forgotten in the process, what with all the new charas coming in and the development and lore of the original LIs itself being forgotten. well yes, this can be a means FOR it to work out but for some reason i can also imagine how it can end badly. guess it's just my pessimistic brain after all the disappointment i've had to experience (yet i still adore this game to pieces).
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Me, who has genuinely enjoyed the main storyline so far: 😀
Like I understand people having genuine problems with the game or story or whatever but (and I've said this before) real life is hard and anxiety inducing and I'm just here to have the occassional escape from it. I don't want to be pessimistic and trigger my anxiety about things that haven't happened yet in the place I come to get away from it all.
God I've taken an antihistamine so my brain's fuzzy and groggy and words are really hard and it tooke three tries to be able to spell groggy so this might not make sense
There are actually no parts in the main storyline that I have any big issue with, I liked how season 4 focused more on the side characters while still having the main characters be involved in the story and showing off parts of their personalities as well (Lucifer being protective of Simeon and soft and sympathetic to MC, Mammon being serious about what happened to Simeon and immediately picking out Michael as the one who had done something, Asmo's entire trauma, Satan's entire trauma, Belphie trying to take something seriously and work hard for once - I have long posts about three of these but I'm too out of it to find them sorry) in my opinion they did a good job balancing it out. Though there are some events I didn't care for (the ones that jump from MC spending one chapter with each of the characters without having a real story)
But even if there was something I disliked I don't want to get stuck on it? Like I'm here ti have fun and not think about shit that pisses me off so why would I get pissed off at the game that does that yknow
Whatever happens happens yknow. 's not like you can change it so why get caught up in the details? This is one of those things where you can go with the flow and have fun and not worry about what'll happen in the future because in the end it's a game and fandom's always there to catch ya if the game disappoints
I understand if you have valid concerns or criticisms but that just ain't it for me, that is absolutely not what I'm here for
I don't know how to explain it but I don't mind discussing harder topics or things that annoy me (the whole thing when Thirteen was first introduced or the people who think Mammon steals from MC) because they're sort of outside the game (which said Thirteen is a character whether you like it or not and said as early as in Lesson 4 that Mammon doesn't steal from MC) if that makes sense? Because those things come from fandom and after discussing those things on my blog I can choose not to interact with those parts of fandom
But when it comes to parts of the game that piss me off I can't block it out so;
I'm sure there are huge parts of the fandom that feels seriously let down for valid reasons but if I felt that way I wouldn't be here? If there was a part of the game I genuinely disliked or was disappointed in - something that made me unhappy - I wouldn't be playing it because it's no fun if the place I go to get away from all those negative feelings gives me the very same negative feelings
Also, I can't speculate what the new game will be like at all and what it will do to the original, but I don't see it replicating chat, devilgram or the forward moving main storyline in the same way?
Does any of this make sense or am i just babbling rn?
Basically what I'm trying to say is, everything has pros and cons. Unfortunately I'm not here to focus on any of the cons. I'm pessimistic abojt change/scared of change enough in my real life that if I was the same here regarding things about om! or any game/movie/show/book i was interested in then i'd be miserable and it would defeat the purpose of being interested in om! (or anything else) in the first place
I feel like i repeated the same simple.poing over and over again becaise im not sure which time properly explained what I was trying to say and I couldn"t be bothered to read it all again so sorry and I'm still not sure if I said what I wanted to say? What should have been one paragraph someone became like 5 paragraphs sorry
Sorry anon I have no real insight to what you're saying other than whatever this is im gonna pass out now
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thebarontheabyss · 7 months
I am ashamed to say my taste hasn't changed since I was a teenager. I would have loved this if it was a paperback. But what I love about Interactive fiction is that I can control the narrative after sobbing for hours over stupid MCs in books who pissed me off so I actually really like this.
I simply wanted to say I hope you take care of yourself during the writing process. I noticed you are quite fast with updates and fixing errors and that's great but please don't overwork yourself. Such great books get canceled because talented people take on too much. Remember you are only human (which made me giggle writing because of the premise of this game)
I have questions:
1. Will you in future be making mood boards or maybe just more detailed descriptions of the ROs such as likes/dislikes or personality traits/esthetics?
2. You mentioned there will be sexual and romantic/poly options aswell. Is MCs sexual orientation gonna be an issue or talk point in any of the routes? I'm following a IF where if you are a same gender MC the topic comes up if it's new to a certain RO. which I think is cool if it's done well without all the hate and pitchforks from simple minded people.
3. As for asks is there anything you are uncomfortable answering? I know alot of pages do NSFW asks or prohibit them or do certain scenario asks (the what if/ reactions from RO asks)
I hope none of my questions are too much if it is just feel free to skip them please I don't want you to spoil too much if you would rather not.
My perspective on the romance options are that you are spoiling us. In the end it comes down to romancing:
1. Death which is like wtf I doubt it's in his usual routine to date.
2. Doing a devilish fboy route who you will try to fix and teach emotions. God knows we've all tried that in high school.
My personal hell 3. A forbidden angsty make you want to tell your MC to get it tf together route aka try not to fall for someone with a pulse when you lack one.
I'm very invested in this. Seriously I adore fantasy games usually ones with a darker take but I love slice of life anime so this is the best of both worlds for me.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
First of all - THANK YOU for taking the time with this detailed response. I can't say how much i appreciate it! Before diving into your points I'll note on my quick progress with the story so far, I really get it! This story came to me after 6 years of being in writer's block, so it kind of feels like a dam has broken and this is the result lol. But I'm definitely taking care of myself - just that instead of playing Baldur's Gate 3 all day this is what I'm doing lol. Now to some answers! 1. I'll definitely will come up with a RO board in the near future, i was also wondering if I should use AI art for it but I am kind of new to this scene and really don't want the pitchforks my way so I haven't decided yet 2. As of now, instead of picking an actual orientation the player can just pick the genders of the romance options and then decide to themselves how they feel about them (with 3 romance options and 1 for friendship) i think that's the best way to include everyone. Also, want to add that each romance option will have 2-3 endings so romance or friendship paths can go in different ways. 3. Fine with answering everything! This story is currently not going to have explicit sexual content (but also not fade-to-black. I guess when I cross the bridge I'll decide) I will say that I'm going to update here often BUT don't want the tumblering to take over the actual writing process (as I see some of the creators here do lol) Happy to hear you are excited about the romances like i do! I also have thought of adding more, maybe even with the staff (although that's a minefield to navigate when you consider the power imbalances) I guess it will depend on the feedback. Again, thank you for this response. It made me smile like an idiot!
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abstract-talk · 7 days
I really like how you handled that one aggressive anon trying to bait you into talking about certain topics.
I've seen many blogs on here, including anons on blogs, that claim to be industry insiders/PR people and they pop up on respective blogs that feed into a side (PR/Real/IDK) and then "tell them what they wanna hear."
While sometimes people can seem "legit" in their anon submissions, I feel like it's easy to tell when someone just tells a little too much and it outs them. If you claim to be an insider yet you go on anon rants talking about how a celeb is now completely lost and will never recover due to the "PR shitshow their incompetent PR team and evil agency put them in" and go on rants screaming about the celeb's partner being a "fat shaming racist n****" that's a huge red flag/tell for me.
Professionals know how to keep things professional no matter what their personal opinion is. I think you have really done that and I think it's very admirable. I'm sure you have your own thoughts about the whole thing and it's pretty clear you're not super fond of this Portuguese "actress" or her husband's own choices/decisions but you've never shamed her or called her disgusting names like some of the PR blogs do. You always keep your comments about him very reasonable and you seem to have a respect for him as well since you have met him before. I really appreciate your commitment to remaining neutral, kind, and collaborative in your asks/answers.
I feel like many/most people don't like her on here and I think there's exceptionally good reason to dislike her. But I too, draw the line at discussing somebody's body and even name-calling them disgusting names regardless of what I personally believe. It's just not done. You can criticize someone and even show disdain without full on bullying and/or putting them down to extremes.
Also. Your first post about the VF after party was what really hooked me onto your blog and insider knowledge. When I had found out they attended the red carpet, I was actually curious to see how it would play out. I personally don't really care if they're married or not because it doesn't change my opinion of him (I don't think he's a bad person for marrying her, real or not, because he's not the first or will be the last to have a partner his fanbase despises and digs up questionable crap about. It's HW). I just wanted to see, okay, so will they show up and interact and pose in photos with the other avengers, other stars, be seen at the parties, and maybe even pose in photos with other stars? Or will it be something weird where it'll make you scratch your head and go, hmm. That was weird.
We got our answer and when US weekly claimed they went in, took pics and left, and you came in with your piece from your insiders, and we got pap photos of them on the carpet, one pic of them maybe having a drink at the bar, and then them outside waiting in the parking lot with his publicist and no pics with any of his former costars, his brother, other friends. I went...ah. That's the rub.
Love your blog, mod! Stay cool =)
I will be honest and say that there probably quite a few more who have more knowledge than I do.
My knowledge is industry related so I don't always get the full backstory of gossip, especially when it comes to Chris Evans as a whole, because my world exists within his but they don't always collide.
When they do, like when I got that VF insider knowledge, which was pretty funny to see match up with the magazines that were reporting on it and also funny when people were yelling at me in inbox and calling me fake.
Can't fake the truth!
I appreciate you, anon. This is a place for me to drop some insider knowledge from time to time and get to meet some pretty cool anons and such. I don't claim to know everything and anyone and I'm down to discuss whoever besides the usual suspect.
Thank you very much, appreciate ya!
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