#and I was like I want this man to be my new husbando in the new FE game
rubywolf0201 · 1 year
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Happy birthday to the first character I fell in love with ever since Engage was first announced, Diamant! 🎂💎❤️
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queenendless · 5 months
🪶❣️🪽This Bird's Beauty (Keigo Takami/Hawks x Adult!Fem!Reader)🪽❣️🪶
A/N: Testing the waters and getting back to writing BNHA stuff. This time on my recent simping/comfort character.
AU time, already established relationship, tickle fluff, and emotional stuff cause I'm an emotional wreck right now.
Plus I have read a lot of tickle fluff with this man and now I want in on it! There is some in here so I count that!
The past month and so this bird man has been on my mind. And I need new anime husbandos to write for!
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Another day in Kyushu.
Another busy patrol.
All to attain his long-term goal of heroes having too much free time on their hands.
Worn out, scuffed here and there, and gliding slowly above his hometown, the #2 hero Hawks was heading back to his favorite spot in the city.
A conversation from earlier surfaced in his mind.
“No villain stands a chance against you, Hawks!” One of his sidekicks ego boosted him.
“And no hero for that matter.” His other sidekick remarked.
Hawks chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “Endeavor would disagree on that last one. Even the fastest hero alive can't handle the flames so well.”
“And does the fastest youngest hero alive have their eyes set on anyone lately~?”
“I've got my whole life before this young bird settles down in the nest.” That was his ending remark before saluting off to his crew and flying on outta there.
“Still …” He murmured to himself as he took a certain familiar route through the air. “I've already got my sights set on a particular birdie~”
A precious light amongst the seas of blurred smudges.
Saving you on more than one occasion.
Just a regular quirkless person.
Coincidence turned into a kinda sorta reason.
Spotting you between patrols and breaks.
An instant curiosity turned to intrigue.
Walking with you, talking with you about anything besides hero work, getting some fried chicken together.
This new constant of his day-to-day life as the #2 hero of Japan became the one constant he wished to keep hidden from the rest of the world.
One minute you're the breath of fresh air that he gladly partakes in. The next thing he knows, seeing you waving at him one day had his stoic face burning up at how much his heart was racing.
Your genuine gaze, your comforting scent, your infectious laughter —
Razor sharp vision spotted your apartment a mile away as he arrived at the more tranquil suburbs set against the rowdy cityscape.
He could immediately visualize you reading something curled up on your fuzzy soft rug in your bedroom, laying on your tummy as your bare legs crisscrossed in the air, your balcony door cracked open to let in the fresh air.
“All too easy.” He snickered as he sent several of his small feathers to zoom in through the opening.
Your recognition of the tough supple fuzziness that is his feathers stroking your bare soles had you rubbing away those tingling touches only to giggle absentmindedly as those feathers split up to stroke your heels, your topsides, and your arches.
Viewing your smile growing and picking up your melodious giggles through the sound vibrations in the air his feathers received had him relishing in his newfound hobby on top of winding down with you.
“Beautiful, inside and out.”
Your concentration on reading crumbled as you squeaked from those feathers wiggling against your toes, having you roll over and pull your legs to your chest, rubbing your feet together as your narrowed gaze homed in on those feathers floating back to the big bird man perched outside.
“Hey birdy!” Hawks' cheery face and tone had you at a loss between glee and frustration. “I've missed ya!” He was met with a pillow thrown at his face, taking the plush smack, catching it right after. “I take it the feeling’s not mutual?”
“It's been a week.” You stood up and brushed out your wrinkled attire as he hopped down from his perch on the railing before you, his ruffled feathers straightening themselves out. “And the first thing you do is a sneak attack!”
“Well, performing my heroic duties comes first, of course. Didn't stop me from thinking about you, though.” His flattery could only get him so far out of the doghouse, tossing the pillow aside. “And your lovely voice.”
“Can't see why though – EEK~!” The feather tickling your neck had you squealing and smacking your skin for not catching said feather as Hawks snorted in his gloved hand, smirking his ass off.
“Well cause I like everything about you … and you being ticklish is just a bonus.” He laughed as you playfully smacked his arm. “This is the thanks I get for saving you all those times?”
“Yeah, thanks a lot. I owe you my life.” Your sarcastic remark trails off when his tough supple wings draped around you, pulling you flush against him as his pouting lips and downtrodden eyes made you sigh in exasperated admittance. “Okay okay.”
Grabbing both sides of his fluffy collar, you pulled Hawks down enough for you to gently peck his lips. “Seriously … thank you.”
He blushed bright as a rose, grinning all dopey like. He cupped and brushed your cheeks as he returned the kiss tenderly, murmuring between breaks. “How lucky am I to have a gem like you in my life?”
“Flattery will only get you so far, #2.” Your airy remark was short lived as his golden-brown eyes gleamed with mirth.
“And your teasing will just keep getting you this~!”
His wings scribbled against your backside, causing a stream of squeals to come out, sounding so melodious to his own ears.
“No fair!” Your frantic pushing against his chest only drove him to have his feathers strike your nape. “Stahahap!” You felt your feet slip over your forgotten book, leaving it up to Hawks’ quick reflexes to keep you standing as his arms and wings protectively wrapped you up in his fuzzy cocoon, increasing the tingling sensations rubbing every inch of you. “Hahahahahawks!”
“So sensitive.” His faint stubble brushed the side of your neck, grinning against your skin as you squeaked louder. “So squishy~” He swooned, his arms flexing as he squeezed your waistline, wiggling his fingers into your sides plus squeezing them for good measure. “So squeamish!”
“I hahahate you – AAH~!” Him lifting you by your thighs had your arms and legs instinctively hugging his neck and waist.
“That's not what I see here, beautiful~” His smug smirk made you hide your flushed whining face in his neck, feeling the rumbling of his laughter seep through you. “But okay, I'll stop with the tickles … if you help me strip~”
“God you tease.” Your complaint was betrayed by your heartfelt emotion. Gingerly taking off his visor, his amused affectionate eyes watched as you also took off his headphones with slow tepid care, keeping you steady with his hands pressed to you tight.
“Ya know … you can call me by my real name … if you want to, that is.” He mused as he plopped down on your bed and helped you take off his jacket. “Seems only fair since I always call you by yours.” He pried his gloves off with his teeth, tempting you with his actions. “I wanna hear my name coming off your lips~” He purred.
Tenderly setting his removed items down on your nightstand table, you cupped his own cheeks just so you could look him straight in those golden-brown hues. “Keigo.” His eyes lite up right away. “K … Kei.” He audibly gulped as rose red tinted from his ears to his neck for indeed his blushing face spoke volumes of how overjoyed he was. “Can I call you that? Kei?”
He cheekily grinned. “Anything for you, angel.”
You peppered kisses all over his own giggling face. Prying his boots off with help from the heels, Keigo delicately pushed you to lie down on your back, legs intertwined, as some of his feathers tugged the balcony slide door closed before returning to his wings draping you both in their cozy protective warmth.
“I really did miss you, baby bird.”
He froze up as the sounds of sniffles reached his ears. The sight of tears making your e/c eyes shimmer like jewels are as mesmerizing as they are heart wrenching.
“I missed you too, Kei. So much.” His butterfly kisses to your eyes and cheeks were his way to cheer you up and show you just how much he cares for you, smiling as his stubble tickled your sensitive face enough to make you giggle and smile yourself.
“This optimistic guy is just glad to finally be home with his beauty again.” He sighed deeply as you brushed through his unruly messy hair, relaxing and leaning in to your heavenly touch.
Lulled by your caresses, he felt himself falling asleep, whispering as his droopy eyes turned to you.
“Y/n, thank you.” His lazy kiss gets returned by you, having his tired smile still radiating endearment as you both pulled away. “For coming into my life. Letting me be myself around you. Just … everything.”
“I feel the same way, Kei.” You confess as you too felt the embrace of sleep taking you in, using his chest as a pillow, slacking as having him back in your arms made it that much easier to settle down and unwind, straight to sleepy town. “I love you.”
Keigo's heart beats right outta his chest at that confession, admiring your sweet sleeping self, giving your forehead a kiss, curling into you, lulled by your soft breathing as it became his favorite lullaby. “I love you too.”
His wings settled back, pulling away to rest behind him as Keigo pulled you two to lay on your sides, still enraptured in each other, as nighttime swept throughout Kyushu.
For their winged protector took a nice long rest.
With you, his beautiful partner, safe and sound in his arms.
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barbi2709 · 1 year
Soobin with an anime nerd s/o
Disclaimer: This and each of my stories are only fiction and are not intended to offend or make anyone uncomfortable, if this type of content makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave without resentment :]
Paring: Soobin x gn!reader
A/N: I'm doing this bc it's just a underrated topic here (no bc I'm in my delulu moments and bc im an anime nerd myself, nonono). Also im doing this to get out of a writer block to continue with my other txt series which I haven't even started (loln't)
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Our Soobinnie <3
My boy just want someone who gets just as excited as him when they watch anime :(
So when he met you he was so excited to finally meet someone like him.
Once u both started dating, anime dates became a thing really quick.
You going to his place or him going to yours to watch anime.
You both have a list of animes to watch and is endless.
You both promised to never finish an anime that you are currently watching together.
Ok, but the anime dates you have are just so cute :(((((
Like, you both with cozy blankets while cuddling on the couch and watching like 6 chapters on a raw bc neither of you want to stop watching or leave each other.
(I truly believe he would agree to build a pillow fort)
He wouldn't admit it at first but he IS into romance animes.
The most cheesy shit you can find out there, he'd be like 🤮🤮🤮🤮 at first but once you ask him to watch it together my man agrees before he can register his answer.
If you're more into Shonen and seinen, be prepared to an excited Soobin every time a fight scene come to the screen.
You both could be talking for HOURS about theories or making bets about who would win the last battle.
And also be prepared to defend your fav characters from this man *cofcofmegumicofcof*
(If Megumi hater, why so hot?)
But also my man is the type to get a little bit jealous of 2D characters, so whenever you got a new husbando please make sure to reassure him.
(Or tell your sexy bf that the character is ur fav bc they're almost as sexy as him)
Having crisis together at 3 a.m. because of the spoilers for the next anime or manga chapter that you're waiting for.
He comforts you when your fav character dies.
You both cried the shit out of you after the end of snk.
Manga shopping dates are also a thing in your relationship and I swear is the cutest thing ever :(
Like, you want that one limited edition but you think you've bought enough for the day so he bought it for you and leave it at your dorm as a surprise :(
I want him </3
Whenever he's on tour, he tries everything on his power to take you when he's going to Japan.
Or he plans a trip with you to Japan bc one of his life goals is to go with u at least once in his life.
If you can't go to Japan with him he'd buy EVERYTHING for you.
"I saw this Okkotsu plushie and bought it for you"
"I thought you'd like to have a Naruto lamp for your night stand"
The members think you both are annoying bc of how nerds you're.
But they are happy that Soobin found someone who shared his same interests.
So now you're just annoyingly cute as a couple.
I feel like he's the one to watch "guess the anime opening challenge" type of videos.
He's always making rules to got one win
"Let's add the rule that if you also sing the opening you got the point"
"Binnie, you didn't knew the lyrics"
There's also dates when you both are just reading mangas with soft music at the background, no one's talking, just the comfort of each other presence.
You got him to do the Tik Tok trend of Wotakoi hands dance with you during pandemic.
At least in one of his social media accounts he has an anime matching icon with you.
I don't think he'd be into cosplay or going to conventions, but if you ask him enough times he'd be doing anything for you <3.
And that's it, love y'all
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thelamentknight · 7 months
Leona x Idia with Tsum shenanigans
Not my best writing
He was making a horrible decision, really.
Idia knew that pulling his third all-nighter of the week was a terrible idea. He would feel worse than he already felt considering he hasn’t slept in 2 days, but his romance favorite game released a new event and his favorite had a card! His Tsum wanted to participate too, already hoping to the desk with two Ramen cups ready to be eaten.
While the game is booting on Idia’s computer, Idia glances at the time. 8:32. The responsible thing to do is go to bed, but being responsible is cringe. Idia planned to play other games anyway, so tonight was gonna be another all-nighter.
Tsum Idia let out a squeak, making Idia turn. The plush held out the Ramen cup and fork.
“Hehehe, thank you~” Idia grinned as he grabbed the ramen. He was gonna get his favorite no matter how long it took him!
5 hours have passed and Idia has gotten every card except the one with his favorite. Idia felt like crap, cause his luck has NEVER been this bad. The Tsum was also upset due to a tummy ache of eating 10 Ramen cups, 12 pocky boxes and 15 chocolate bars, and was laying on its back while whimper-squeaking. Idia was actually considering going to bed to cry tears of sadness. Yes the event was gonna last 2 weeks, but Idia REALLY wanted his favorite husbando.
Idia was considering his options when his bedroom door flung open and he screeched like a banshee. There stood Leona, shirtless with baggy pajama pants, with Tsum Leona on his head. Leona looked pissed, causing Idia to quiver in fear. Tsum Idia was in too much pain to even try to escape its fate.
“…Uh, h-hi kitty???” Idia squeaked out like the pathetic man he is, cowering in fear in his gamer chair. Leona did not look amused.
Leona snarled “It’s 1 in the morning, Radish Sprout. Why the hell are you still awake?”
Idia stuttered to save himself. “O-oh jinkies…uhm hehe lmao, you s-s-see I was trying t-to-HOLY MOTHER OF GOD-“ Idia screamed when Leona literally lunged, grabbed Idia, and threw him on the bed. Idia couldn’t even process when Leona pinned him down with his hands. Idia’s face turned bright red, Leona’s face was too close…!
“You’re going to sleep.” Leona hissed before pulling Idia into a strong grip. Idia could not move, but Leona’s huge chest was comfortable, so he wasn’t complaining. Well except for the fact he couldn’t game anymore.
Idia then remembered his upset Tsum and turned his head to look at it. Tsum Leona was carrying Tsum Idia to the bed, and Tsum Idia was whimpering as much. As soon as the two Tsums got on the bed, the two began snuggling under the blanket and sqeuaking quietly.
It was the last thing Idia saw before drifting to dreamland.
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m0stlygh0st · 4 months
Wait actually i don't think i've done this yet!
My friend, can i exchange a ticket for a gush please? 🎫 Tell me about anyone you want, bonus points if you have any pics you wanna show :] 🫂✨️
Slep, you sweet bean!! 🥺❤️ I will gladly take your gush ticket, thank you!! 💕
So for starters, my husband, who’s been playing lots of Elden Ring recently, comes to me one day and goes, “Hey. So I might’ve found a possible husbando candidate for you.”
And this isn’t new, but it’s rare. So COURSE I had to hear him out. He showed me a lore breakdown video about sweet, sweet Diallos here, and OUGH. HE GOT MY HEART SO FAST.
(I’m gonna put a little ‘read more’ for spoiler-y stuff, just to be safe!)
Okay so like. Look at him. Look at THIS SAD, HANDSOME NOBLE. 🥺❤️
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Like when you first meet him, you don’t realize completely that he’s of noble blood— not really. He just asks you to keep an eye out for his friend and servant, a girl named Lanya, and that’s it. And when you see him again, he’s mourning her after she gets merked by an infamous group in the game.
I won’t go into the story too-too much here, but… you see Diallos go through so, so much from the sidelines. And you find out he’s just so… lost. He’s trying to do right by avenging Lanya, right by his brother and following in his footsteps, right by the family that withdrew from him and the group that took him in. But not doing right by himself. He just has a lot in his heart and so much going on in his mind, and seeing him getting caught up in the grief of it all while searching for honor is just… heartbreaking. He’s got this desire to be good, to be strong, but he’s got a delicate heart. He’s gentle and meticulous but not in the way that’s expected of him. He’s not meant to mow down people mercilessly, regardless of what people tell him.
He eventually gets to find himself in a place where he feels at peace, taking care of a village of gentle, peaceful living jars. They accept him and his gentler ways. He finds a home and a peaceful life with them and I just— 🥺🥺🥺 He’s a good guy! A gentle guy!!
I love him. I would protect this man with my life if I could. I want to keep him safe, to see him living out the peaceful life he wants so, so dearly. I want to just… cup his face so gently and tell him he’ll be okay, to treat him so delicately and let him know how important it is that he’s alive. 😭❤️
Thinking about him just has me like:
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chickenkupo · 8 months
Hello, everyone! Welcome to the Coop! I'm Girl_In_The_Chicken_Suit on AO3, welcome to my journey of venturing into the world of writing as well as other hobbies like never before. I'm your typical weeb that's a little obsessed with husbandos and wants to write them in silly, fun, dramatic, adventurous stories that hopefully you all will enjoy as well. I'm an avid anime watcher, manga reader and gamer. I'm mainly starting out writing for Genshin Impact but I hope to expand that one day!
I'm hoping to get a little bit more experience with writing through this platform, provide teasers/updates on in progress works, and eventually meet my goal of writing my first novel! I'm currently in the very early stages of that, but fingers crossed, one day I will get there!
This post I will keep pinned with links to all of my written works on AO3, as well as little scribble works I may post here with some summaries and all that good stuff. I'll probably end up reworking this post a million times over, so no, you're not crazy if you come here and see one template for this, come again and it's a whole new situation.
Thank you for paying me a visit, and I hope I can provide you with some entertainment during all of your doom scrolling!
Funnily enough, I just recently picked up writing and oh my gosh, I honestly did not expect you all to like my writing style of my chaotic little stories. I actually started out on social media mainly to promote my cosplays! I've been a cosplayer for about 10 years now and have wanted to go more in depth with it, so a majority of my socials are heavily invested in that. If you're interested (and want to witness my chaotic self even more), check out the links below!
Instagram: HolySoulA
TikTok: Britasin
Twitter: ChckenKupo
Twitch: britasin
AO3: Girl_in_the_Chicken_Suit
Cosplay Tumblr: Britasin
FanFiction Works:
AO3 Works:
Coming Home: Neuvillette/Wriothesley
The world is going through hell, literally. Vampires are roaming the villages and cities under the cover of night, taking humans left and right as livestock, or worse. Humanity has grown to have minuscule hope, but some have decided to rise and defend what little they have left. Enduring intense training since the moment they could hold a weapon firmly, the Vitae Linea have fought against the vampires for years, an ancient organization that wields more power than your average human.
Even with them on humanity’s side, hope is still nearly nonexistent.
Wriothesley, having worked his way through the ranks of organization, has become one of the most coveted members. Through his unique fighting style, sheer strength, and knowledge of the arcane, he has become somewhat of a legend between the two races.
As his battle against the creatures of the night continues, he catches the attention of a certain Vampire Lord who wishes to put his skills to the ultimate test.
Just how does this Vampire Lord know details of himself that he has never shared with anyone else, ones he has hidden even from everyone? Why, also, does this man seem so familiar to him, where even his body recognizes him with ease?
I Promise: Neuvillette/Wriothesley (Part 1 of Judgement & Punishment)
Wriothesley is known for being organized, calculating and strategic when it comes to being the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide. However, when it comes to his own safety and personal well-being, he is severely lacking, and this doesn’t go unnoticed at all. Many of his colleagues, comrades and even the love of his life are witnesses of this dynamic every day.
Especially that certain hydro dragon lover of his that’s completely smitten and obsessed with him.
Unfortunately, all it takes is one near-fatal encounter for Neuvillette to give into his anxieties and instincts, making a rash decision that will prevent Wriothesley from ever coming close to another dire situation like this again.
A rash decision that may be as fatal with consequences as the one fateful encounter did.
Now for the Next Act: Neuvillette/Wriothesley (Part 2 of Judgement & Punishment)
Fontaine has successfully dodged a catastrophic crisis, though not without a great deal of loss. Many citizens have gathered around in support of each other, relying on the previous roles of leadership to give them hope that things will return to how they were before. Hope is abundant, spirits are now high, and the future seems so bright.
Neuvillette has faced many challenges within his long life, and helping to rebuild a nation that has had so much instability in the past will not prove to be easy. Not only does he have the weight of a nation on his shoulders, but he also has a newly claimed mate that consumes his every waking thought, worry and love.
Wriothesley notices that his lover isn’t quite the same since the day Fontaine was saved from imminent destruction, but the frantic activities within the Fortress of Meropide have kept him completely distant from his mate.
Both men are working hard for the nation that they love, to keep justice and order together in harmony once more. However, the whispers of the former archon keep echoing through Neuvillette’s mind, and the longer he ponders, the more he realizes that what he and Wriothesley have is something to be proud of.
Teaser at the end...
The Worthy Treasure: Zhongli/Reader
To steal from a dragon is unacceptable. To try to escape one, is even worse.
When a certain dragon sees you in the crowd, he simply can't get enough. Everything about you, he wants to keep for himself.
If only you had trusted your instincts.
You Listened, Now Stay: Venti/Reader
The time for Weinlesefest is upon Mondstadt! The people are merry, bright, and full of cheer as they celebrate all that which brings them together in the form of favored alcoholic beverages! It’s certainly a time to enjoy, and enjoy they do! This time of year, the Anemo Archon truly delights as he takes the bountiful offerings made out to him.
Especially the offering he ends up taking for himself.
You were just trying to do the right thing for everyone, including yourself.
Boy, Do I Hate You: Scaramouche/Reader
You just wanted your life to go back to normal, before the Vision Hunt Decree.
You wanted your friends back, safe and sound.
You definitely didn't want this vision and a Fatui Harbinger after you.
Tumblr Exclusives:
Comfort Care: Neuvillette/Wriothesley
After handling the incident with the Beret Society, Wriothesley begins to doubt his self-worth. His lovely partner offers him a moment of reprieve to remind him of his true value.
Happy Birthday, Duke!: Neuvillette/Wriothesley
Wriothesley was never the one to celebrate his birthday, opting instead to keep it hush-hush, and devote himself to his work. Maybe he gets a fine dinner from the Coupon Cafeteria, or makes one extra cup of tea for himself, but that's normally it. Just a nice, calm day is all he wanted.
However, a certain hydro dragon has different plans for his mate this year, and he's not about to let Wriothesley escape or avoid enjoying it.
I Just Want My Tea: Neuvillette/Wriothesley
*Tumblr early access, will be posted to AO3 as well*
Wriothesley, the busy man that he is, doesn’t notice that his tea stash is getting rather low, no thanks to Sigewinne taking her share since she considers it payback for what Neuvillette and him put her through once he was claimed. It wasn’t until after a shift at the Fortress of Meropide, however, that he noticed this. After going to the home that he and his mate, Neuvillette, share, he vows that the next morning he will run to the nearest grocery market to take note of their goods, and purchase some more that suit his tastes perfectly. He drools just thinking about it. 
However, Neuvillette is starting to feel a sort of odd heat beneath his skin recently, and it only gets worse as the days go by. He constantly finds himself staring at his love when they are together, and when they are apart, he can only think of having his man back in his embrace, littering him with possessive affection and a viscous need. He’s finding it hard to let Wriothesley go anywhere without him, now, this heat feeling like it is reaching its peak. 
But, the man desperately wants his tea, and the dragon wants his man. The compromise? Why, of course the dragon sovereign is going to turn into a little noodle version of his full dragon form, and go with him! Why, you ask, would he do this?
Well, how else is he going to pleasure the both of them while out in public?
TLDR: Horny noodle dragon is in his heat and tries to get freaky with his mate while he just wants to do some simple grocery shopping. Chaos ensues.
Just My Luck: Neuvillette/ Wriothesley
(I caved and also shared this on AO3, because it was so damn long)
The lands are ruled by ruthless gods of various levels of power. Humanity is only a means to an end for their endless desires, if they happen to gain their attention. Many lay low, do what they can to appease the gods and try to live their lives out, as best they can, given the circumstances. Wriothesley is one such mortal. Having committed a great crime as a young boy, he’s constantly fleeing from his past. Little did he know; however, his constant misfortunes lead to his destiny, and it is most certainly not what he was expecting.
Just My Luck Chapter 2: Neuvillette/Wriothesley
As Wriothesley and Neuvillette continue their sensual activities, more starts to develop about his current situation and steps moving forward. What's this about the claim law? Why is he having to meet with other people? One final return to his land? A single wish?
Wait, he didn't ask for this choker!
Not Expected: Neuvillette/Wriothesley
Happy Birthday, Neuvillette! Sorry I was so late to posting it D:
Fontaine continues to see better days ahead, as many friends and families have come together to help one another prepare for a happy season for them all. The Neuvillette's birthday and the Fontainalia Film Festival are finally almost here, the laughter of children and others alike are finally returning to the streets once again with creative celebration and games. Those within the creative arts have come together to perform for the crowds, engaging them to have their Fontain sparks return to their souls as the nation begins anew, and a celebration of the infamous Iudex was never one to miss. All is well for most citizens…
Except for a certain hydro dragon.
Shouldn’t Wriothesley be wanting to spend some time with him, leading up to the Fontainalia Film Festival? Especially Neuvillette’s birthday, since that’s also right before the event? Why then, is Wriothesley suddenly out during all times of the night? Coming back with a scent of another, and avoiding any sort of confrontation that concerns his whereabouts?
Neuvillette loves his soulmate dearly, but he has questions that must be answered, and he can be a rather demanding dragon when the need arises…
Treasure Hoard: Neuvillette/Wriothesley
As Neuvillette returns from his spontaneous trip from Liyue and delivers some gifts to Wriothesley, the duke starts to notice odd things happening around their shared living space. More objects keep appearing in their bedroom, treasures that don't make sense to Wriothesley such as shells, trinkets, gemstones and even various different type of tea cups. He swears up and down he hasn't been the one to purchase any of these goods, and when questioning Sigewinne about it, she's just as lost as he is.
What exactly is going on, and why does Neuvillette seem so pleased with himself?
Story Eggs
These are short stories that I have had stuck in my mind for a while that have the potential to become full works. I've decided to finally start writing them all out, and if it garners enough want and I feel like I'm ready to write more, it will become a full work, either a single chapter or multi-chapter release on AO3. This gives me the opportunity to share more writings with you all, while also testing the waters on my ideas and you not having to wait a million years. It's a win, win! In my opinion, at least. If the eggs get enough love from both myself wanting to write more, and you commenting or kudo'ing a decent amount, it will 'hatch' into a full work! Get it? I thought it was clever, at least!
Domestic Days: Neuvillette/Wriothesley
Summary: Modern AU. Just your normal average every day domestic life with the two husbands and their adoptive daughter. Only, not so very normal, but so very adorable in the end.
Warnings: Mention of violence, death, and emergency medical situations.
Thank you for all of your support, it means the absolute world to me! ♥
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chibimochii · 10 months
Not sure I've seen your opinion on them but...
What do you think about Neuvillette and Wriothesley? The fact that they have the new buff model is just 🙏
Are you thinking abt pulling for them?
Ahh- I’ve just finished the story quest and… whew- much nicer than I thought. Neuvillette… where should I even begin?… I will but a little thing here in case you haven’t done it yet and don’t want any spoilers/ my theories on things))) you was warned ✨
Anywho- that large pile of poker face… but with a surprisingly squishy and warm inside… like I can’t be the only one who knows/thinks he is the water dragon right?? And it always rains after a trial- which means my man has WAY more emotions than he lets on… I think he is fairly ticklish?? Like not as bad as most. But enough so that you can easily make him turn into a giggling teary eyed puddle on the floor. And IF he is a dragon. Purrs. I think so about Zhongli, I think so for him too. A gentle ler.. doesn’t quite understand tickles. But enjoys making you laugh. Compliments you a lot too-
Mad for the other guy…. I haven’t seen nearly enough of him- but I saw a leak of his his gameplay is. Which makes me realize how. Physically strong this guy is. And yes- I did see the cuffs…. He is a ler… a very ticklish ler. He so far gives me Diluc vibes? With how stoic he seems. Which makes it satisfying to make them crack a smile and a laugh every once in a while…
I might go for them?? We have to wait and see once they release~ I don’t fall for the husbandos easily actually u7u✨
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mcx7demonbros · 9 months
So I played the Angelic Demons event
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And here's what I think about it.
What I love. It has a cool and moving background of the Celestial Realm. I also love that they put the image of Lucifer and Mammon from the Memory Card on the banner (image above)
Now what I hate. Literally everything else.
First, the story. The problem or the conflict of the story wasn't resolved at the end of the event story. At the end of the story, Lucifer recovered from the effect of the bangle + Diavolo's magic due to his own mighty power but he wasn't turned back to his demon form, and the other brothers were still stuck in their angel minds.
Second, the characters.
Diavolo. I hate him the most in this event. Lucifer is his best friend and the other brothers are his loyal subjects, but dude didn't even think about their emotion and just put angel outfits on them with magic. Now with NB context, I found Diavolo's action even more unacceptable. Not only that, he had the audacity to laugh about it. I know you are a sadistic demon prince, but still, it's not a laughing matter. And then he had more audacity to say "I'll find a way to solve this" with a more serious face (as if he didn't laugh at all 5 seconds ago). At the end of the story, Diavolo's dialogues and attitude made me feel like he didn't even try to solve the problem but just let it gradually resolved itself (there wasn't an indication that it would be the case until Lucifer's recovery of his own will at the end of the story). Man, I just want to slap his face.
Simeon. Hypocrite. One second, he said he didn't know anything. The next one, he said Michael put a spell in the bangles and he didn't tell the brothers because he wanted it to be a surprise. So which was it, Simeon? You did know or you didn't know? Also, dude was happy because the brothers turned into virtuous angels without free will. What's wrong with you? It wasn't even them when they were angels.
The Brothers. My poor boyfriends / husbandos. Against their will (except Asmo), they were forced to wear the angel outfits. Tricked by Simeon, they wore the bangles, which combined with Diavolo's magic, turned them into virtuous angels. During this period, they didn't possess free will. The magic of the bangles forced them practice what it considered to be virtuous. It's certainly wrong, even by virtue standards, because virtues can't be acquired without free will. When the brothers were angels, they weren't virtuous angels to begin with, so the bangles didn't turn them back to their former shelves, but completely new strange angels to us. During this whole period, the brothers retain their minds, but they weren't able to act on their free wills. So it was them and it wasn't them talking to you at the same time. For example, Satan, after the body switching incident in S1 of the OG, he has always been kind to us. Under the influence of the bangles, he's still kind to us, but something's different. It it were the normal Satan, when we tease him, he would laugh before saying "I hope you are prepared for the consequences of teasing me" and then it would be pay back time. But the Satan under the magic of the bangle was just nice, he would just laugh at our tease and be calm. He even admitted that he couldn't be angry. Also, Satan was never an angel. Diavolo's action (it was his fault first and foremost) brought him unwated, strange and complicated emotions and feeling. Or Beel, who always shares his food with us. Under the magic of the bangle, he still shared food with us, but he wanted to share food with the less unfortunate ones. The idea's certainly noble, but it's wrong coming from Beel's mouth because it wasn't genuine, he said them under the influence of the bangle. And don't let me talk about how Lucifer and me were cockblocked by the bangle. To me, that's just seriously wrong. Honestly, imo, if the magic of the bangles was more permanent, the brothers would be gradually brainwashed. Also, now we have NB context, I felt like the brothers' emotions were being trampled on. All that pain they went through, in the end, nothing but toys.
Michael. Now this archangel is a complicated case for me because I don't know much about his powers. There are instances which show he knows about the future but it's not explicitly confirmed. If it's not the case, I honestly don't blame Michael because he didn't foresee the magic of the bangles would be amplified by Diavolo's magic and his intention was possibly a small prank for the brothers. If he does know about the future, like Barbatos, he shares the this same sin with Diavolo and he should fear my wrath. (Diavolo will always be guilty because he has Barbatos and thus, he can indirectly know about the future from Barbatos. So he knew about Michael's prank but decided to go further than that. He's spoiled even more than Belphie. There are times I wish his mother were alive to teach him lessons).
Other characters. Barbatos went MIA this event, while Luke and Solomon pretty much being their usual shelves. They also share MC/us/my feeling and emotions during the event.
The music. Many times the music was at the wrong place and the wrong time. Like it wasn't a funny scene at all but joke music was played. It wasn't funny, I felt like it was mocking the player and the brothers.
Angelic Demon Event ❌
Trampling on the brothers' emotions Event ✅
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fereldanwench · 6 months
so i feel like garbage yay
this cold is one of them deep head congestion colds and i just feel lethargic and gross
and im very VERY cranky because i got sick from a goddamn trip i didn't want to take in the first place and there's shit i need to do (like go to the post office to get my forwarding address changed because i can't do it online because USPS is garbage) and now cant
i also really wanted to walk up to the little entertainment district thingy near us and have fun with the husbando this weekend but nope can't do that now either
but you know WHATEVER what's done is done
but on the lighter side of things, the new updates for cyberpunk look like a lot of fun and i love the emphasis on, like, rp immersion with the ncart system and personal radio. one of the things that's kept me in the game for so long is just exploring night city and taking it all in so having yet another way to do that is very exciting
and the motorcycle overhauls!!!!!!! doing wheelies is one of the best things about riding bikes in games IM SO GLAD THEY FINALLY ADDED THAT
also just paid rent today which normally would not be a good/exciting thing, but it was so nice to see a much lower number there than what we'd been paying for the past few years. and for a place that suits us much better, too
and i think we should be getting our new couch today which I'm sososo hyped about. we got rid of the ones we had a little over a year ago bc they were really cheap and made from that shitty vinyl material that started cracking and flaking everywhere, and replacing them was just a really low priority since the old living room had basically become husbando's office/man cave during the height of the pandemic.
but now we have a proper living room again! and I've always wanted a couch that has a chaise lounge piece (since in true bisexual fashion i can't sit normally and need plenty of flopping space) which is what we got. so i guess if i nothing else this weekend, i can enjoy cuddling with my cats on our new couch :3
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hellcatinnc · 9 months
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Day 29 - Minoru Tsujimoto - Irresistible Mistakes
This man stole my heart before I knew what hit me in love365 app for voltage. He is the 2nd man that I couldn't resist throwing him in the husbando category... Btw I Love this man I could have said so much more but ran out of space for pictures lol.
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He Loves Cats
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He loves cats whether it be the one ya'll now share together or if he sees a little stray on the street he will surely stop to take care of it. He is the guy that will either take it home or wait until its mom comes back for it owner. He thinks ahead and brings treats home for your cat when you least expect it and he will even have long talks with your cat letting them know that he is here for the long run.
He Is A Naughty Boy & A Master Of It
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This man will make you fan yourself. He does things with his fingers that only have been dreamt about. He is a whiz with his tongue and lips and knows every spot to touch you with them over your body. He can make love to you all night or get a bit rough until you feel him so deep in you your body starts to shake. He likes to hear you moan and scream and loves when you say his name. He is fast to have a quickie before work and make love to your on the counter when you come home. He will fuck you in the shower and eat you out while you cook. This man is naughty but damn he is good at it and he will always make you come back for more.
He Can Be Dominate
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He likes to talk about you being obedient and calling him master at times and although most is a joke he does know when to step up and be dominate and let you know what he wants. That being said if he wants you then you better watch out because he will do anything at any cost to have you and make you want him too.
He Is Very Outspoken
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Whether its telling you he can't stop thinking about you or that he wants to have sex with you he is always outspoken no matter what. Although he hides his feelings well its because he has been hurt in the past and your the only one that sees the softer side even though it hasn't always been that way. When he says I love you because he doesn't do it and he doesn't kiss on the lips when he does you knew he was completely yours body and soul and he even told you so you don't have to second guess it.
He Can Be A Gentleman
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He is the guy that will shield you in the rain, put a jacket on your when your out and cold, pull a blanket on you after caring you to bed if you fall asleep. He will pull out your chair at the restaurant or open the car door for you on dates. He is a gentleman but only to you.
He Compliments You
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If you change your hair, get new clothes, or smell amazing you will never have to worry he will compliment you each and every time. Trust me you will never guess if he has noticed because before you can say anything or ask he has done told you how lovely you are over and over again until you blush in the face.
He Is Sexy, Charming & Irresistable
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This man is charismatic, charming, irresistible, sexy, and down right completely desirable. The way he talks, walks, and speaks pushes so much sex appeal that it isn't hard to want him to rip your clothes off and make love to you any time. He wears these nice suits yet if he leans in to whisper in your ears how much he wants to undress you it doesn't take long for you to want to take your clothes off and have him take you right there. You will hang on every word from his sexy lips and beg for more when he stops. The way he can look at you at times like he has undressed you and made your body squirm just in a simple look. He can lean into your lips feeling his breath on your mouth and make you yearn for that kiss. He is the man every woman notices.
He Only Wants You
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He can be rude to other women that come on to him and be a introvert to the world however with you he is none of those things. He wants you and only you. When he thinks of a woman who is enough for him and that can hold his heart, body, and soul he thinks only of you and wants to give you it all in return.
He Loves Kids
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This man loves kids just like he loves cats. He will gladly pick a kid up to help them reach something or buy a kid candy just because. He is the all in kind of dad when he has kids you will never second guess his intentions. Beware though this man is one that will keep you in the bedroom and probably pregnant alot. That being said he still will love every kid you give him and still not keep his hands off you.
Always There For You
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No matter what happens he will be there through it all. He will listen and let you rant to your hearts content. He will pamper you and give you massages and bubble baths to ease your muscles after a long day. He will have you a glass of wine ready for you as he sits there holding you when you need to cry. No one will hurt you as long as he is there because he is your rock as you are his.
He Doesn't Want To Lose You
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He will always beg you to stay, and choose him over anyone else. He knew the moment he saw you he wanted you to be his. You run him crazy but he would rather you run him crazy forever than to ever leave him. He will give you everything you could ask for as long as you love him.
He Is Honest & Loyal
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Rule of thumb no matter what he not only will stand by you through anything but he does not believe in lying at all its forbidden in his vocabulary making him the most honest man you have ever met.
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kar-a-kael · 9 months
So I watched all of the new One Piece.
Buggy is just as inexplicably omnipresent in the show as on tumblr. How. Why. You were supposed to be in one episode, my man. Did like his big-top, though.
All of the Straw Hats are so cute. I just wanted to pinch all their cheeks. Especially Luffy. Everyone's casting was amazing.
Alvida was so cute. I was glad they let her keep being chubby.
I enjoyed how much Sanji bombed every time he hit on a lady. Made him pathetic, without needing to make him a complete creep.
I was a bit surprised the series gave Koby command of a sub so quick (wink). But Helmeppo getting his dumb hair cut from Zorro was great. I was also surprised they never mentioned Dragon, despite him being teased and the whole arc with Garp. I was expecting at least one "you're just like your father". Bit disappointed in there being romance included. It was cute, but shipping is supposed to be our job. Oda-san himself said No Romance In One Piece.
I was a bit confused as to why they killed off Merry. I get that they're trying to be a bit more grounded, and boy howdy do people bounce back from nutso wounds in the manga, but it just makes the Merry-Go's fate even more tragic, when it was the favorite ship of a dead guy, rather than just a random thing he built.
Also a bit nervous that they added a whole ship-building town already, when Water Seven is my favorite arc and deserves ALL the hype, even if its at least three seasons away. Given Netflix's average number of seasons being 2.5, I'm probably never going to see my cyborg Husbando. Maybe they'll release the designs, even if they don't get that far. Speaking of the costuming, it was great, and it'll be fun to do a rewatch just to see the work they put in to all the background details. The number of fishmen alone was pretty impressive.
Also, the child actors were pretty good. Seeing all the baby Straw Hats was adorable.
It'll be interesting to see if this gains much traction with viewers outside the anime bubble. It would be great if this was the thing that finally helped One Piece cross over.
Anyways, hope the strikers win everything they ask for, and we get a season 2! Onward to Chopper and Robin!
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aspaceformbf · 2 months
YB Archetype Rainbow Dump
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Diagram Source
(TW - mentions rape)
Blue - Funny factor. Insert silly nicknames here
Yellow - Good or evil? Is he an asshole? 
Green - Romantic and sweet? Are you attracted to him? 
Red - Supernatural and spooky? Weak or powerful? Unstoppable killer or helpless?
Green and Red - Love Route
Green - Friendship Route
Red and Yellow - Rejection Route
Yellow and Blue - Abuse Route
Green - Wholesome. Domestic bliss
Green and Red - He loves me, protects me and takes care of me. He is so big and strong. Mother Bear vibes. Softdom.
Green and Blue - Subby and cute. I like to put him in dresses and take care of him and feed him. My toy. Sub.
Green and Yellow - Lovers to enemies and back to lovers.
Yellow - Evil
Yellow and Red - Evil and Dangerous and Destructive
 Yellow and Blue - Evil and Pathetic and Bullyable
Sex Version
Green - Romantic Sex
Green and Red - INTENSE sex
Green and Yellow - Makeup Sex
Blue and Green - Goofy sex. You peg him and he honks like a clown. 
Yellow - Hate sex
Yellow and Red - He noncons you. 
Yellow and Blue - You noncon him / Gross sex, unsanitary even. 
He is absolutely horrible and the worst person alive
High Yellow Medium Red - Daddy Dom Rapist, he hurts me, he cut my leg off, he beats the shit out of me
High Yellow Med Red Med Green - .... and you love him for it.
Yellow and Blue - He's annoying and pathetic and needy and UGLY. I'm gonna fucking bully him. I honestly don't see what people see in him.
He is a real supernatural entity, I see him in the corner of my eye, I can hear him, he is always with me, he is in all my devices
Red and Blue - Supernatural funnyman who crawls in your devices. This meepcity pet, this twiggy egg man is stalking me. He's so funky. Honk. 
High Red High Green - Guardian angel. I pray to him. Supernatural spirit husband who protects and loves me. We make love in my dreams. No real person can match his divinity. He changed my life. I need him.
High Red Medium Yellow - Oh god this thing is going to kill me. I need an exorcist. Please help me. Oh my god.
Softcore wholesome prince charming. You love him so much. Husbando. 
Green and Blue - UWU soft boy, absolutely the cutest bean, subby and bullyable. Kinky Trophy Malewife. 
Green, Yellow, Red
Villain to everyone but you. Would commit genocide to make your life even a little bit better.
Red, Blue, Yellow
He is crawling in my computer. That asshole. He lives rent free in my head and won't leave me alone. 
He's annoying. I want to bully him. 
He likes to pick on me and play pranks on me. I want to smash a pan over his bald head. 
Blue, Yellow, Green
He is evil and annoying and needy and pathetic. I want to hit him. I want to fuck him. He pisses me off. He's mine.
He does things to me. Look at him. I love him and I hate him. I'm gonna slap and then kiss this meepcity 2000s new grounds animation stickman. 
He is no real threat to me and is not dangerous at all he's just needy and annoying and also cute.
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divergent-paths · 2 years
Divergent Paths Master Post
Links for Story Posts, Memes, Pics, and FAQ all below the cut~!
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Alex is an aloof, sarcastic, moody, surly, and sometimes a downright ass of a teenager. He just wants to be left alone, but the universe doesn't seem to get the message. He's come to Paldea on a Student Exchange, his family hoping the time abroad helps him find what he needs.
Max is the polar opposite, an energetic, happy, wholesome young teen with a love for grass type Pokémon and sports. Nailing a sponsorship from the Kalos Tourism Board and then an endorsement from Galar's own Champion to boot, Max has eagerly come to Galar to pursue all his interests at once in the League Challenge.
Main Story
1  ✧  2  ✧  3  ✧  4  ✧  5  ✧  6  ✧  7  ✧  8  ✧  9  ✧  10  ✧  11  ✧  12 ✧ 13  ✧  14  ✧  15  ✧  16  ✧  17  ✧  18  ✧  19  ✧  20  ✧  21  ✧  22 ✧ 23  ✧  24  ✧  25  ✧  26  ✧  27  ✧  28  ✧  29  ✧  30  ✧  31  ✧  32 ✧ 33 ✧ 34 ✧ 35 ✧ 36 ✧ 37 ✧ 38 ✧ 39 ✧ 40 ✧ 41 ✧ 42 ✧ 43 ✧ 44 ✧ 45 ✧ 46 ✧ 47 ✧ 48 ✧ 49 ✧ 50 ✧ 51 ✧
If you're looking for one specific boy, all posts for Alex are tagged with 'AJKS' while everything Max is tagged as 'CMAX'.
Old Man Meme Staaaairs (Kung Fu Panda 2) No, This is Patrick
Misc Pics
Main Cast Chibis Holidays '22 ✧ Holidays '23 New Year '23 ✧ New Year '24 Tera Axel Swearing Poll Tera Raid NPCs April Fools '23 ✧ April Fools '24 Alex Birthday '23 ✧ Alex Bday '24 Max Birthday '23 ✧ Max Bday '24 Easter '23 ✧ Easter '24 Halloween '23 Pkmn Sleep Friend Codes
Max Asks: OPEN
Max Answers #1: Pokemon at Home Max Answers #2: Uniform Number Max Answers #3: If Max was a Pokemon… Max Answers #4: Congrats on Badge!
Alex Asks: OPEN
Alex Answers #1: Pokemon at Home Alex Answers #2: Food at Home Alex Answers #3: If Alex was a Pokemon… Valentines '24 ♡ Val. #2 ♡ White Day '24 Alex Answers #4: Ride Speed
OP Answers #1: ALEX SUCKS OP Answers #2: Master Post OP Answers #3: Other Stories? OP Answers #4: Foxy Grandpa
Lato Asks??? Lato Ask #1 Lato Ask #2
About the Players:
Pokémon Violet is being played by one-half of a dynamic duo (Taz/Trina of tazsaintsart) while Pokémon Sword is being played by the other half (Hope, aka gleaming_hope). Since our respective games are new to us, and we wanted to share our thoughts and quips and feelings on these games through the eyes of our youngest characters, Alex and Max. Additionally, we have the support of our friends Dia (@diamondphantom) and Alyss (@calicowitchling) who are assisting Taz with filling in character tones on story posts~!
Q: Is there a set posting schedule? A: Hell no. Making a schedule and deadlines is the quickest way to destroy my motivation to draw. The pressure turns into anxiety which turns into guilt which turns into shame and then nobody gets anything fun anymore.
Q: Sword's old! Why would you include it? A: Because it's new to Hope (OP's husbando) and he has his own quirky sense of humour worth sharing too. Besides, it means more story posts for you and I feel it's a great counterbalance to the story of Violet.
Q: Will you include the DLC? A: Eventually! Gotta' finish the main story first!
Q: Is it just me, or is the scaling/heights between characters a bit wonky? A: It's not you! The in-game player charas skewed my perception so it took me a while to figure out character heights that I could use consistently, so Alex might seem shorter than he should be in earlier posts, while Max was a bit bigger than he was meant to be.
Q: What's this 'Lato' thing I keep seeing mentioned? A: Lato is a fan region based on Poland, created by this blog's art assistant @diamondphantom~ In Alex's canon/backstory, he had a particularly lengthy school trip through the region four years prior to Paldea. It doesn't really affect the current story beyond showing that Alex has had a significant mood shift in the four years since the school trip.
Q: Will you draw '_____'? A: Maybe, maybe not! Aside from a set motivation for the boys, posts will just be whatever we feel like sharing.
Q: Can I suggest ideas, or submit my own work to this blog? A: The Ask and Submissions boxes are open for this very reason! If you would like to share a moment where our paths cross, you're very welcome to! We only ask that you keep it SFW and don't post major spoilers for either game; you can see where the boys are at via the badge counts in the blog header.
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chouxtranslations · 3 months
Shizun 028 - Anti
It was hard to join a fandom. It was even harder when it involves a star of Hu Sui’s calibre. 
Lu Yunzhen spent half a day looking for information on his phone, but he couldn’t figure out the fandom rules. He finally joined a new fan group and introduced himself as a new fan, only to be met with a barrage of questions after a warm welcome. 
[What are Hu Sui’s hobbies? Favourite food? His type?] 
It was basic homework for any fan. 
Lu Yunzhen had Mo Changkong answer as he didn’t have memories of his past life. 
Mo Changkong gave it a thought. “He liked to laze off, act spoiled, and sleep. His favourite is chicken bones. Qingqiu foxes are lovers by nature. They’re both filled with love and yet completely heartless. He goes for all types.” 
Lu Yunzhen fixed up the responses and hit sent. 
The mod went apeshit. [Nonsense! You fake fan! You anti! How dare you insult our husbando! His hobbies are reading and the arts, his favourite food is tomato salad! And he is known for being chaste, there’s never been a single relationship rumor even this many years after his debut!]
The entire group chat was in flames. 
The mod was very decisive. She promised to protect their gege’s good reputation on threat of death. The ban was immediate, and she immediately mocked the man named “Cloud recess” on various social media, saying that antis these days are just awful and don’t even do their homework right! 
Lu Yunzhen was stunned… 
“Shizun, I didn’t make a mistake.” Mo Changkong was also confused. He was annoyed by this shidi, but they did spend all those years together and he wouldn’t make these basic mistakes. “A-Sui hated reading and if there are too many words it makes him sleepy… Shizun had to lecture him a lot because he keeps slacking off, and Jingnian would hit him with his disciplinary ruler. Not to mention… how can a fox be a vegetarian?” 
He still insisted that this guy was their little shidi and should be brought back. 
Lu Yunzhen had no choice but to continue. After flipping through all his contacts, he remembered that He Mengmeng seemed to be a fan of Hu Sui.
When they first met, she had given him many compliments saying Lu Yunzhen had eyes like her favourite celebrity. She’s also shown off signed photos when she went to movie screenings and fan events. 
Rich and pretty fans like He Mengmeng had money and connections, and thus more information than the usual fan. Maybe she knows where Hu Sui is right now. 
Lu Yunzhen sent her a message. 
After the server issue was finished, He Mengmeng was finally on the right track with the game’s open beta. She just had several meetings where she had to beat down sexist old pigs and yell at irresponsible new hires. With a belly full of ire, she opened her computer’s screensaver, wanting to calm down by looking at her favourite celebrity. 
Hu Sui is so handsome… 360 degrees of perfection… 
A Hu Sui a day keeps the bad mood away. 
After enjoying the beautiful photos, she opened the group chat for hardcore fans, wanting to squeal over their idol together. Suddenly she saw the screenshots of a dumb anti and the mocking that surrounded it. 
Hop hop candy: [Our husband loves to be clean and elegant, how could he like munching on chicken bones?!]
Red cat plushie: [Our husband’s favourite novel is “Cafe mocha in the deer wilderness”. It’s super literary and romantic! I kept it by my bedside and read it for half a year!” 
He Mengmeng joined in the bashing. [This anti is ridiculous, how dare they mock our idol!]
She looked at the screenshots again and felt like this “Cloud recess” guy’s display name and profile picture seemed familiar. Mulling over it for quite a while, she notice that there were 2 new messages on her phone. 
Cloud recedess: [Xuejie, are you there?]
Cloud recess: [Xuejie, do you know Hu Sui’s itinerary?]
A blue sky, a white cloud with a smile. 
That profile picture looked just like that anti? 
She shakily unlocked her phone, and fell into abject terror after confirming that “Cloud recess” was her Lu xuedi…
There’s magic around his life! Every female star he liked would leave the industry, and now that he seems to be turning gay, male stars probably can’t escape the fate either!
She almost begged while kneeling. “Xue di, please leave our Hu Sui alone! You should go be a fan of the movie king Liao instead. He’s handsome and a good actor and a perfect idol!” 
The actor in question had some rather nasty leaks involving infidelity while his wife was pregnant… his reputation was beyond nasty…
Lu Yunzhen was surprised. “Xuejie, what are you saying?” 
He Mengmeng tried for argumentum ad passione. “Hu Sui has a weak body and often has to stay in the hospital. He’s had very few movies and events in the past 2 years, and he really can’t handle your adoration…” 
Lu Yunzhen finally understood the misunderstanding. Not wanting to say that Hu Sui was his disciple from a past life just in case Mo Changkong was mistaken, he explained, “Hu Sui might be a relative of mine, I want to take a look at him.” 
He Mengmeng was stunned. 
Hu Sui had said in an interview previously that he was separated from his family and really missed them. And Lu xuedi was an adopted orphan who never found his family. The two of them looked similar, especially those peach blossom eyes which were almost identical…
“I’m just going to take a look at him from far away.” Lu Yunzhen promised. 
He Mengmeng’s heart hurt thinking of her little xuedi losing his family and living alone. She gritted her teeth and decided to trust him. “Hu Sui is in our city right now, he’s at the lijing hotel, you can try to get a glance there.” 
Lu Yunzhen was ecstatic and thanked her profusely. 
“Please don’t be his fan. If he quits the entertainment industry I’m going to be the forever enemy of his fanclub!” 
“Yes ma’am, I’ll never be his fan!” 
The nurse brought his discharge papers. 
Lu Yunzhen had his suspicions confirmed. The services at the private hospital were astronomical and Long Jingtian had already took care care of all of it. 
Most of his money had gone to auntie Qin, the fire insurance payment was still being sorted out, and the remaining money had to go deal with the damage to the other neighbours. They didn’t have a lot of damage but they still needed short term rent, furniture, etc…
Lu Yunzhen messaged Long Jingtian. 
The latter replied that his dad really liked the tea, and that his dad was about to buy him a lamborghini thanks to Master Lu’s efforts. This small amount of money was no matter, as long as master deemed him worthy of friendship. 
Lu Yunzhen promised to treat him to a meal later. 
After a lot of hesitating, Long Jingtian asked. “It was a fire wasn’t it, Master Lu? What about… that bastard?”
It took some time before Lu Yunzhen realized he was asking after Jin Yunu. “He’s a little injured and taking quiet rest right now. Things should be fine in a few months.” 
Long Jingtian’s reaction was immediate. “Hahaha! That’s exactly what he deserved.” 
Lu Yunzhen really didn’t understand this idiot’s logic…
He heard that movie stars are very busy and was worried that Hu Sui might leave the city soon. As soon as he left the hospital he called a taxi to head straight to lijing hotel. 
It was one of the most luxurious 5 star hotels in the city. The whole place smelled like money and was filled to the brim with shining, golden decorations and antiques on display. 
It was the first time that Lu Yunzhen had been in such a place and he glanced around in curiosity. After seating Mo CHangkong in a resting area sofa, he went to the front desk and asked. “Jiejie, is the movie star Hu Sui here?” 
The beautiful woman responded with a business like smile. “My apologies, but Mr. Hu isn’t here.” 
Celebrity stays have to stay a secret. 
“En, I know he’s not here.” Lu Yunzhen was very good at dealing with working professionals and knew what she was thinking. He passed his phone number towards her and asked politely. “Jiejie, if Hu Sui comes to stay in this hotel, could you tell him that someone named Lu Yunzhen is looking for him?” 
The receptionist took the slip of paper and look at him suspiciously. 
“I’m a distant relative of his and needs to contact him about something.” Lu Yunzhen took out his student ID from his backpack. “Jiejie, I’m a student at Haiping University, I’m not a bad person. Look at our photos, don’t we look alike?” 
The receptionist was amused and took the paper. “If Mr Hu comes to stay at our hotel, I can ask for you.” 
“Thank you, jiejie.” Lu Yunzhen answered happily. 
He jogged back to Mo Changkong. “We can stay here for a bit. If there’s no updates then we can find a cheap hotel to stay at…” 
“Don’t worry.” Mo Changkong smiled coldly. “I can smell the fox. This palace seems alright, he should get a room for Shizun.” 
Mo Changkong immediately held back his attitude. “I’ll be polite…” 
The receptionist called the butler at the penthouse suite and asked him to pass along the paper. 
There was a big plate of roast chicken that had been disguised as tomato salad with illusion magic on the dining table. 
Hu Sui had just woken up from a nightmare. He was shaking his fluffy tail in a bathrobe and calling his manager while irritated. “Did you find him? Has there been a record of them checking into a hotel after the fire? Look closer, faster! Tell me the address as soon as you find it…. And also ask if it’s 2 beds or 1 big bed. This is very important, I’m worried…” 
There was a knock in the door. 
Hu Sui liked to stay in his original form when he’s alone and didn’t like being around mortals. He had already chased out his personal assistant long ago. Hiding his tail and ears, he replied with irritation. “I didn’t ask for room service.” 
“Mr Hu, do you have a relative named Lu YUnzhen?” The butler asked politely. 
The room door was opened in an instant. 
The normally well dressed and distant movie star Hu Sui had ran out with messy hair and a casual white bathrobe. His dazzling peach blossom eyes were filled with anxiety. “Where is he?”
He’s even prettier than on tv. 
The butler couldn’t help but swallow. Dizzily, he answered. “In the lobby.” 
Cautiously, Hu Sui continued. “How did he seem? Is he out of sorts or confused?” 
The butler was confused. “I don’t know.” 
Hu Sui immediately ran towards the elevator. A few steps in he realized that this appearance would be impolite towards Shizun, so he hurried back to change and asked the butler to bring the man up instead. 
He’s immensely worried. 
Da shixiong is nothing but obsessed, with an an awful personality and endless crimes. He’s worried that Shizun had already fallen into his evil clutches. Da shixiong did things very intensely, and even more so when he went insane. He saw the sorry state the Shizun had been in when he was rescued…
There were many arcane ways to control a mortal heart. 
If da shixiong wanted to do something bad, there’s no way that Shizun could escape. Lord knows they would have already done the unthinkable by now and Shizun had turned into a shiniang. 
He just had a nightmare that da shixiong had forced Shizun to city hall to grab a marriage license, then there was a marriage and da shixiong was holding a stick and threatening him to call him daddy…
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jeannedarkterraguard · 10 months
HoloAdvent Debut Reactions
So we're finally getting another HoloEN generation and Lisa and I decided to fuck up our sleep schedule (I mean not that there's gonna be much of a sleep schedule left once BG3 comes out next week) to watch the Debuts live and I'm gonna write down my thoughts about them so lets get to it...
first up Shiori Novella
-this loading screen is somehow comfy and spooky at the same time... weird
-wow... not the voice i was expecting from that model
-"Age: eye-don't-know"... oh god we have another Ina
-well that was... certainly a story...
-i literally never heard of any of these books... but to be fair i only ever read like 15 books if you don't count the ones that i was forced to read in school
-hey, i recognize some of these cartoons... well i recognize blues clues... and I've heard of courage and south park
-so she likes harvest moon huh
-i also don't recognize any of her husbandos, anime or games... am i old or are these just very niche (I'm old... the answer is I'm old)
-eating with scissors... why?
-story-driven games... that's interesting could we finally have another Kiara?
-would you look at that... my phone finally got the notification that her debut stream is starting... thanks YouTube...
-Lisa: "oh god she dresses like me when i was 16"
Me: "well, let's be real you tried that for like a week before you decided it was too much work and went back to wearing sweatpants and t-shirts"
-everything at 9pm CST... sometimes i hate living in Europe...
Koseki Bijou
-so will Shiori do the intros for all of them?
-she already sounds like a gremlin
-okay, cool little animation
-140cm? So we continue the tradition of every hololive member being short...
-dislikes mushrooms... i can relate
-what the fuck is interactive food?
-oh ok she means annoying food...
-man i really have no idea what any of these anime are... then again i haven't watched any anime that hasn't aired on TV here in Germany... and we only really got the absolute most popular ones like one piece, dragon ball and naruto...
-long streams... by what metric? Kiara long or Kaela long?
-oh 3+ hours... that's... just regular hololive numbers
-play as herself... pretty sure holocure will take care of that
-okay I'll admit it... i don't get this joke... are gems one of these things that people want to eat despite them being non-edible like cattails or sea-foam?
-interesting segment...
-those times are not better... why can't we have someone in hololive stream at European times?
So those two were pretty fun now back to sleep and then the other two Debuts tomorrow...
Nerissa Ravencroft
-okay I like her voice
-is it just me or can her model turn around pretty far compared to other vtubers... it almost seems like that already is a 3d model
-175cm... we have a new tallEST Hologirl... we still don't have a TALL Hologirl...
-pepperoni + pineapple pizza... i'm okay with either of those on its own but not both of them together you should never mix savoury, sweet, sour AND spicy (wait I just remembered americans mean salami when they say pepperoni... that's fine)
-doesn't like underwear... artist are gonna have a field day with this...
-doesn't like mushrooms... likes Zelda, Mario, FF7... she's quickly becoming my favourite
-she's also the first one where I know at least two of her favourite anime, Naruto and sailor moon
-i mean who doesn't like binge watching (if I have to wait a week for the next episode I will forget what happened in the last one)
-500.000 subs... well she's already halfway there...
-ah Keffiy-papa should have known
-aaaand there it is... 7 pm CST...
The Twins
-not sure about these overly cute voices
-okay maybe it's the sleep deprivation but i'm having a hard time following what they're talking about
-fuwa likes cute girls... I can relate...
-mococo also likes cute girls... oh and black licorice... again I can relate
-IT'S THE BGM! THE BGM IS TOO LOUD! That's why I can't understand them...
-okay what's a pon-de-ring?
-nice song... but that's all I can really say about that... i'm not really a big music girl
-wait 16:00 GMT... that's... almost a good european time... no wait that's just their morning streams not their main ones... Fuck
Well that was fun. Out of all five girls I think nerissa is my favourite but we'll see how that works out in the future... kinda hard to tell in just 45 minutes... anyway i'll need to get ready for work now so I can't write anything more detailed...
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This post is about lesson 15 of the original obey me game;
If you are new to the game, please proceed with caution in regards to spoilers. This is also a long ass post. Sorry.
I should also preface this by saying I've written this sort of in the order of the way I came to my conclusion, so I understand it'll sound a bit like I've talked myself in a circle at one point.
OK. So I'm playing through lesson 15, and in 15-7, we get from Lucifer the real story of what became of lilith. Now, it goes without much saying that the entire situation of the great celestial war and Lilith's not-quite death has put an incredible strain on the brothers as a family. But there are other, more background parts of this that are...... Maybe a bit odd an confusing on a second play though.
Allow me to elaborate.
Prior to 15-7, the brothers all chime in about how much Belphegor loved humans. Well, all except Satan, but I'm getting to him. The thing that struck me the most was what Leviathan had to say;
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*What time period did this all occur in??*
No seriously, for real. He talks about it like humans were at current, modern day levels of function and doing modern day shit. According to Google, the oldest known anime that still exists was made in 1917. And I'm of no religious background nor can Google give me a straight answer, but the fall according to real life was well before 1917.
Oh and I am *not* going to gloss over the fact that this disaster demon has been an Otaku since, like, "birth". Does Solmare really intend to look us in the eyes and expect us to belive, without ever showing us a serious side of him, that Diavolo saw Leviathan and was like "Yup, hand this man a navy!". #GrandAdmiralLeviathan, please and thank you.
On to my next topic; Satan.
In lessons 9 - 12, we go through the whole body swap situation, where we discover (to some extent) how Satan came to be and learn more about the troubled dynamics between him and Lucifer.
It is because of the, shall we say, interesting way Satan came about, that there is room for debate about how integrated the two were with each other prior to the fall. And with 15-7, now to comes into question *when exactly* did Satan come forth?
I ask, because of this;
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The body swap seems to give the impression that Satan began life almost as soon as the fall occurred, and yet here we see the younger demon has no idea what's being referenced. I see a few potential problems with this. One, being that we know from Satan himself that though he was no longer part of Lucifer, he retained the emotions felt for Lilith. How could the feeling of wanting so badly to save her and being successful by making that deal not have also been given to him? Should that not be the nagging voice in the back of his head saying something to him in this moment? I find it hard to believe that in all he inherited from Lucifer, that this didn't somehow pass on to him. Because if it didn't, and is was the most recent, most raw moment of emotion, then how has he retained any of it at all?
And this brings me to wonder just how 'conscious' Satan was while part of Lucifer. There seems to be plenty of general agreement that he was 'present' enough to know what was going on at any given point, but it's a headcanon at best Quick correction brought to you by the wiki, stating that Satan's memories of certain people are 'through Lucifer's eyes'. Thus far and to my best memory of my previous play through, it's not disclosed if Lucifer was even aware of Satan before he manifested.
But back to the timeline, I'd like to throw out another spoiler alert for the Devilgram "The search for the self", but keep in mind I'm only reading off the wiki as I don't currently have the card.
It's stated the Satan did not emerge until after Lucifer had torn away his wings my poor husbando, but in Lucifer's flash backs, he still had his wings. Granted, 4. Lucifer's own wiki page states that the removal of his wings happened *before* his deal with Diavolo. The question then becomes, if we take his 4 wings at face value, and the Devilgram as well as wiki into account, should Satan not have been here for the moment Lucifer made the deal to save Lilith?
The only reason Satan would have for not knowing at this point, was if he'd run off the moment he stabilized. And there's *no way* Diavolo would have let a freshly born and rightfully angry Satan terrorize his kingdom. So even if he had run away, either Diavolo or Barbatos would have caught him and he *still* would have been present by proxy of being freshly captured.
Satan not knowing about Lilith doesn't make sense, and I'm dying on this hill rn.
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