#and I haven't been keeping up with my yoga
Let's recap my day so far (it's not even lunch time):
I got woken (again) (as per fucking usual) by the road works outside the house (as opposed to the endless construction next door) (no it doesn't make for a nice change)
Spent half an hour stewing in dysphoria (it makes me miserable that my doctor refuses to prescribe progesterone) (other doctors in this city do) (you can get fined for importing it without a prescription I checked) before getting up
Walked to the mall for a very specific soda (that only this one grocery chain carries) (I've only seen it in this specific store) (they didn't have it even though the website said they did) (yes someone checked the back for me)
I lost my gorgeous clip-on bow (an anniversary present) (from literally a week ago)
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drmaddict · 2 months
Yogi's Choice
Summary: The CoD guys with a girl who is into yoga.
Characters: Soap, Ghost, Alejandro, König, Rudy
Wordcount: 1.995
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"What are you doing?"
Johnny's voice snapped me out of my concentration. I put my feet on the floor and sat down on the mat beneath me. Slightly annoyed, I looked up at him. "Yoga."
He was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, one eyebrow raised. "And you always look like a pretzel? Apart from that. Why didn't you ever tell me that you can put your feet behind your head? As your boyfriend, I should know that!"
I just rolled my eyes and tried to get into my next pose.
"What's that called now? Warrior something?"
"Super Soldier." I mumbled, concentrating on keeping my balance.
Johnny laughed. "Looks pretty wobbly, soldier.", he teased me.
I didn't let myself be put off. "Then why don't you try it yourself?" I mumbled and changed sides.
I heard him clap his hands. "All right."
I slowly stood up again and watched Johnny trying to sort out his limbs, which only resulted in him standing very stiffly on my mat with his legs a little wide and looking down at himself in confusion.
I smirked. "What's wrong Sergeant?"
He looked at me stubbornly. "Hey I've only seen the pose once. Let me think!"
I grinned. "Legs hip-width apart. Good. Upper body down. Put your weight on one leg and slowly lift the other. Now grab your foot with your hand and-" BOOM. Johnny fell over like a sack of rice. I stifled my laughter with all my might.
"Fuck.", he grumbled, but immediately stood back up and tried again... and again and again.
I watched him sit cross-legged until he looked down at his legs angrily and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"Looks pretty wobbly.", I grinned.
He grumbled to himself, his accent becoming so strong again, that I could hardly understand anything. "I'll figure that out!", he promised and quickly left the room.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm getting a stupid yoga mat!", he shouted and I heard the door slam.
Knowing him, he wasn't going to let that down until he managed to hold this not-so-easy pose.
I could have just told him, that he has to bend his knee, but what would be the fun in that?
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"What are you doing here?" I mumbled, still slightly sleepy.
Simon was sitting on the stairs of the terrace, looking out over the moonlit farm. "Can't sleep.", he mumbled. He tapped his temple lightly. "Too loud."
I sat down next to him. I put half of the blanket I had wrapped around me around his shoulders and leaned against him. "Sorry."
He just mumbled.
We sat there quietly and listened to the nocturnal animals. "Don't you want to go for a walk?" I mumbled into the silence. That was usually his way of dealing with insomnia.
He sighed. "I'm already done."
I looked at him in surprise. "How long have you been awake?"
He shook his head. "Since we went to bed."
"Si." I sighed.
He rubbed his tired eyes. "I'm open to suggestions.", he mumbled devotedly.
"How many nights has it been?"
He looked at his hands. "The third."
"You haven't slept for three nights?", I asked, shocked. "Why didn't you say anything?"
He sighed. "I slept. Just very little."
I rubbed his back. "I'd say do yoga, but-"
He dropped his head onto my shoulder. "I do everything now.", he mumbled devotedly.
I laughed in surprise. "Really?"
He nodded.
He let me gently maneuver him into the house until I sat him down on the soft carpet in the living room.
He followed my little lesson without hesitation. Copied the gentle stretches. Followed the breathing I instructed him to do. We both lay on the floor in shavasana. "Concentrate on your breathing. I like to imagine a circle that gets bigger, when I breathe in and smaller, when I breathe out.", I explained. "This gives your head somthing to do."
He nodded almost imperceptibly and found his rhythm. "Let your limbs consciously become heavy. Push the tension out of them in a controlled manner. Relax your face."
I listened to his breathing and the soft noises that came through the open window. Simon was lying next to me. His eyes closed. His face relaxed.
He seemed calm. I was just hoping, that he would at least get some rest, even if he couldn't fall asleep, when his all-too-familiar loud snoring made me look up.
I grinned. There you go.
As carefully as possible, I laid the blanket over his tall form and trudged to the sofa to lie down again. We could always deal with any back pain later.
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I felt a couple of big hands on my bottom.
"Hot." Alejandro grinned down at me.
I stood up again. I rolled my eyes, smirking slightly. "You really use every cliché.", I said and poked him on the forehead. "Weirdo."
Alejandeo wasn't impressed at all and simply pulled me towards him, until there wasn't a hair's breadth between us. "I am a man. We're simple creatures.", he beamed and tampered with my neck while he kneaded my bottom extensively.
"Ale!" I protested with a laugh and pushed him away from me. "I'm not finished yet.", I complained.
He looked at me closely. "I want to watch.", he said.
I just rolled my eyes again. "But shut up.", I admonished, poking him in the chest.
"Whatever my angel wants.", he just grinned and sat down next to my mat.
I ignored the presence of the born macho next to me and resumed my exercises. I let my breathing and movements carry me and felt myself becoming more relaxed with every stretch and every pose, until I almost forgot that Alejandro was watching me.
When I opened my eyes again and got ready for the real world, I saw Alejandro watching me intently. He was smiling gently. Almost like a schoolboy he was beaming.
"What?" I asked, confused.
He crawled up to me and kissed my forehead. "You're beautiful.", he smiled.
I felt the heat in my cheeks. "Shut up." I smiled sheepishly.
Alejandro just grinned. "You'll have to teach me a few things.", he said.
I laughed. "You want to learn yoga?"
"Hm. Some of it would be the perfect punishment for a couple of rookies... And some of it could be very helpful in private, of course." He waggled his eyebrows playfully.
I laughed. "An absolute cliché. You macho."
"You're into it."
"Admittedly." I confessed and kissed him.
It didn't take long for Alejandro to misappropriate my yoga mat.
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König (Klaus)
"I'll kill you.", Klaus bit out quietly between his teeth.
Horangi laughed in amusement. "What's wrong, big guy? You said we need to relax more."
"What's relaxing about this, please?", he hissed. Klaus found himself in a very tense version of downward-facing dog, trying to remember what his back should feel like.
"Dig your left heel into the ground and lift your right leg. Keep your hips parallel to the floor.", instructed the yoga teacher of the class, walking through the rows in a relaxed manner.
Klaus knew her. Unfortunately. She lived in his apartment complex. He'd had a crush on her for a while. He had never spoken to her before. He wasn't sure if Horangi had planned this somehow, although he couldn't know anything about it. Klaus just concentrated on not making an absolute idiot of himself and lifted his right leg up with perhaps a little too much momentum. His foot banged against something.
Klaus quickly pulled his leg back and looked into the face of his neighbor, who was rubbing her jaw. He turned bright red. Horangi next to him almost burst, it looked like, because he was trying to suppress his laughter. He was only partially successful.
"I'm so sorry.", Klaus stammered, but she just waved him off with a smile. "More shock than damage. Normally, the legs I walk past are shorter. I should have been more careful."
Klaus remained silent. Once again, he didn't know what to say. However, she only gestured for him to get back into position.
"Now pull your right leg towards your chest. Move your shoulders over your wrists. Breathe out. Breathe in. Bring your leg back up and forward again. Find your rhythm."
Klaus was still trying to suppress his shame, when he felt two delicate hands on his hips. He flinched slightly. "Hold it straight. You're bending to the left.", she explained gently.
Klaus quickly shifted his hips as he should and looked stubbornly at the mat. "Perfect." He heard the smile in her voice.
"And put it down. Very good. Go into plank and then transition to cobra or upward-looking dog."
She went on relaxed and corrected the contestants. Horangi was still laughing his head off.
Klaus just tried to breathe away his erection. For the rest of the lesson, he stubbornly looked at the floor and prayed that the time would pass more quickly.
Horangi put both their mats away as the teacher moved towards Klaus. His heart immediately raced.
"You live above me, don't you?" she asked cheerfully.
Klaus nodded quickly. Too quickly, he realized. "Uh... Yes."
She smiled. "Say, do you fancy going for a coffee or something?"
His heart skipped a beat. "Coffee? Uh? With you? The two of us?"
She laughed again. "Yes, both of us."
Klaus would have liked to slap himself. "Yes. Yes, that sounds... Yes."
"Okay. This afternoon? At three?"
Klaus nodded.
"Will you pick me up?", she winked teasingly.
A smile crept onto his face. "I hope I'm on time... Traffic."
She laughed. "See you later."
Klaus smiled and looked after her.
Horangi joined him. "You're the only guy I know who can kick a woman in the face and then get a date out of it."
Klaus looked down at him, annoyed. "You have to be over 6'3" for that."
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"Ow! OW!"
I jerked my upper body forward again and turned to Rudy, who was red-faced and pulling his legs to his chest.
"You said push." I tried to explain myself.
He just nodded. "And I made a mistake with that.",he whimpered.
"Are you okay?" I asked carefully and stroked his head.
Rudy put his head in my hand. "I'm just waiting for my adductor muscles to reattach to the bones."
I grinned and continued stroking his hair. "You really don't have to do this with me. You know that."
Rudy shook his head. "It was my idea."
Rudy had offered to get a little more involved in my yoga hobby and maybe practice a few couple yoga poses with me. Rudy was strong. He had proven that more than once. Many people underestimated him, but he simply had working muscles, not gym muscles. Unlike any man I'd ever been with, he just threw me into his arms and made me feel like I weighed as much as a squirrel. So he had fun holding me into the air, while I let myself fall into the poses, knowing he would always catch me.
Only the stretching exercises weren't his thing. We sat down with our backs to each other and our legs spread apart. First he leaned backwards and pushed me forwards. Then it was my turn. "Realy press yourself against my back.", he had said and then immediately yelped in pain.
"Are you sure everything's okay?"
He opened his eyes, which he had closed due to my stroking. "Everything is fine. I'm just stiff.", he winked.
I sighed. "Injuries are no joke, if-"
He reached for my free hand and squeezed it lightly. "Torn muscles and tendons feel different. Trust me." He grinned. "I'm just old."
I grinned. "At least it's good for the joints."
He nodded, still grinning. "Then we know what we can do together in the old people's home." He kissed me gently.
I smiled. "I'll get you stretched by then."
He laughed. "I'm counting on it."
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ginnsbaker · 2 months
fic: if i bleed (you'll be the last to know) (4/?)
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Part summary: Getting to know Leigh Shaw comes with some hardships—literally.
Pairing: Leigh Shaw x Fem!Reader | Word count for this part: 4.600 | Warnings/Tags: Pining | A/N: Still haven't decided how many parts will there be, but for now, enjoy reader's POV as her interest in Leigh grows :)
Masterlist | Part I Part II | Part III | Next
For some reason, you keep saying yes to Leigh Shaw.
Yes to providing your veterinary services for her.
Yes to divulging the private aspects of your relationship with Matt.
Yes to staying in her yoga class.
Yes to running very early in the morning, with a lung-busting pace that leaves you dehydrated and feeling queasy by the end of it.
As if to add insult to injury, Leigh Shaw doubles back to where you're lagging behind, barely hanging on for dear life. She flashes that cheeky grin, says, “Try to keep up,” and takes off again like it's nothing. You're left gasping for air, your heart screaming in agony as you attempt to match her pace, but Leigh's already a blur ahead. 
She was right—your endurance is really nowhere to be seen. It's in these moments, as you're pushing past what you thought were your limits, that you start to get why Leigh's both a pain and a push that was kind of missing before in your life. 
Leigh eventually vanishes around a corner, and consequently, you lose sight of her. You dig deep, pushing yourself to keep going, refusing to quit out of stubbornness and curiosity of what your body could do. By some miracle, you make it to the finish line, which turns out to be that park you've been to only once before with Matt. He had made it a special day with sandwiches and comics, while you got lost in a book he swore you’d love. You can’t shake off the feeling that this place is significant for Leigh and Matt too.
When you finally stumble in, there's Leigh, chilling on the grass, looking like she's lost in thought, her eyes dark with something you can't quite put your finger on. But then she spots you, and it's like someone flipped a switch. She’s back to the flippant Leigh—easygoing, as if nothing’s amiss.
“Was half expecting to find you passed out somewhere back there,” Leigh smirks up at you.
You can’t help but flop down next to her, letting the sun beat down on your face, feeling every bit of your skin that's exposed soaking up the warmth. Thirst claws at your throat, fierce and unforgiving. Gathering the little energy you have left, you manage to ask, “How long have you been waiting?”
Leigh glances at you, her casual ease belying the brief glimpse of concern you thought you'd seen earlier. “Oh, about five minutes,” she says, her tone light, as if the grueling run was nothing more than a leisurely stroll for her.
You pant out, “Why are you so fast, anyway?” 
Leigh bursts into laughter, finding your question absurdly funny. “Fast? Me? That's hardly competitive speed, you're just... completely out of shape.”
You pout, feeling slightly offended but too exhausted to argue. Stretching out beside her, you let out a series of groans and pops, feeling your muscles protest and then slowly relax. “Feels like I'm a hundred years old,” you mutter with a heavy sigh.
Still chuckling, Leigh shakes her head. “I've been running for three years now. It's more of a hobby, really, but I need to stay active for my job at the Beautiful Beast. Or my mom will fire me.”
“Your family owns that place?”
Leigh corrects you quickly, “Not my family, just my mom. And being the owner's daughter doesn't give me a pass to slack off. I can't afford to be terrible at my job.”
Her distinction between “my family” and “my mom” sticks with you. It seems like a clue into her family dynamics. In the short time you've known her, Leigh comes across as straightforward, genuinely helpful, and yes, perhaps a bit quick-tempered, but overall...she's okay. 
More than okay, actually. She must be incredible to those she truly cares about. So, what went wrong with her and Matt? How could he betray her like that? It’s even more baffling when you remember Leigh saying they were trying for a baby. That detail still turns your stomach, and you're endlessly grateful you never went down that path with him, despite once wishing things had gone differently.
Lost in your thoughts, you don't realize how intently you've been staring at Leigh until she calls you out on it. “What is it?” she asks, her voice pulling you back to the present.
Flustered, you find yourself asking the question that's been simmering in your mind, since you first pulled on your sneakers for that 5k this morning. “Why'd you bring me along for your run? Why are you even helping me?”
Leigh just gives an offhand shrug, says, “Well, you didn't have to show up, so you're actually helping yourself.”
“Fair enough,” you reply, but can't shake off a bit of disappointment. The truth is, you were hoping she'd say something that suggested she was up for being friends, or at least saw you as more than just another client of hers.
It's weird, really, why you keep wanting to be friends with Leigh Shaw.
Suddenly, Leigh glances at her watch and looks up at you. “Ready to go?” she asks, a bit impatiently.
“If I can still walk after this, sure,” you say, half-joking, half-serious, feeling the effects of the run in every muscle.
Leigh laughs at that, a genuine, hearty laugh that lights up her face. It's a sound that's real and unguarded, making you think that maybe, becoming friends with her isn't such a far-fetched idea after all.
Yoga sessions with Leigh stick to the script you first stumbled into. She's all business, only really tossing you a nod or a word when your form goes sideways. “Shoulders down, back straight,” she corrects you, her voice firm, yet not unkind. Outside of that, you might as well blend into the walls for all the personal attention she gives, just like anyone else there. Everyone gets the same treatment—tough love, dished out in equal measure.
Despite her imposing presence, there's something else, a depth to her that often seems just out of reach. You catch her sometimes, looking out the window with a distant gaze. But then she blinks, shakes it off, and is back, fully attentive and ready to guide the next pose.
“Focus on your breathing,” Leigh's voice snaps you out of your focus on her. “Inhale deeply, and as you exhale, sink deeper into the pose.”
Determined to excel, you pour all your effort into being the student Leigh doesn’t need to worry about. Ironically, your diligence only seems to make you more invisible to her. As you master the poses with less need for correction, Leigh's interactions with you dwindle further.
After class, you toy with the idea of approaching her. Maybe get some feedback, or even suggest grabbing dinner together so you don't have to eat alone. But as you're putting together what to say, you notice Leigh seems in a hurry. She exchanges a few quick words with another instructor who's just arrived, and before you can decide, she's excusing herself and heading out.
The moment to ask her has slipped away, leaving you to pack your yoga mat with a resigned sigh. 
Another time, then, you think.
The next day, without another invite from Leigh for a run, you lace up your shoes and follow the same route you and Leigh took together. Just 20 minutes into the run, the solo effort feels more like a chore than the engaging challenge it was with company. You loop the route four times, hoping maybe to cross paths with Leigh purely by coincidence, but she’s nowhere to be found. 
The studio had announced last night that Leigh’s yoga classes would be temporarily led by a different teacher, with her expected to return next week. This bit of news leaves you mulling about her absence, kind of hoping you might accidentally run into her to find out more. But as the week goes by without any such encounters, you realize you actually know very little about her daily routines or habits. Despite the nagging curiosity, you refrain from texting her, not wanting to intrude or anything.
Admittedly, your motivation to work out dipped slightly without Leigh being part of it.
When you finally talk yourself into visiting Matt’s grave, you do so just minutes before it could get really dark. You've chosen this time deliberately, betting on the common fear that keeps most people away from cemeteries as night approaches. 
Your main concern isn't the general public, though; it's just Leigh. Past experiences have shown that encounters with her can happen unexpectedly and in the most random of places—like that night at the club when she ended up getting sick just a few inches away from you. You're not here out of a longing for Matt. Instead, you aim to properly close this chapter of your life, hoping to do so without running into his widow and giving her the wrong impression.
The air holds a chill that wasn't there when you left home, making you wrap your jacket tighter around yourself. It’s quiet, just the sound of your own footsteps crunching softly on the path. Being here as the day turns to night, watching shadows stretch out long and skinny, really gets you thinking about life, death, and everything else in-between. Maybe that's also why people avoid this place—it sort of forces you to face the music, making you curious if all the things you're wrapped up in are actually important or utterly pointless. 
As for you, you haven't quite figured out where you stand on that yet. Lately, you've really come into your own in your career, especially now that you’re seeing the profits steadily rising each month. But that sense of achievement fades each evening as you return to your empty apartment. It's just you, night after night, pushing through the grind, pouring everything into your job. Yet, when you try to envision where you'll be in five years from now, the picture isn't clear. Will you be settling down with someone, or just picking up the pieces from another relationship that’s gone awry?
Finding Matt's grave takes a moment, but when you do, your heart clenches. It’s just a simple stone with his name, the years he was here, and a couple of words(you’re guessing it’s Leigh who wrote them) about him. 
You kneel down, the grass cool and slightly damp beneath you, and lay the flowers you've brought on his grave. They look kind of bright against the dimming light. Like hope.
“Hey Matt,” you say, stepping into a silence that feels like it's hanging around, just waiting for you to fill it. Talking to a dead person feels ridiculous like they do in the movies, but it's not like anyone's around to hear you.
“You know, I met Leigh,” you begin. “Your wife you conveniently forgot to mention when you were busy asking me out.”
There's a sour edge to your voice, airing grievances to a guy who can't throw back excuses anymore. You can't help but chuckle, though it's more bitter than amused. You let your thoughts more freely now, like the barrier between you and Matt has thinned out with the honesty. 
“Leigh is… beautiful, you know? Not in that runway or social media kind of way, but in a manner that's hard to just overlook.” 
You could list a dozen more positive things about Leigh to tell Matt, but he already knew all that, didn't he?
“The first time I met her, I felt small, maybe even insecure. And now?” you shake your head, smiling slightly. “...I still do. But mostly, I'm just left thinking…” You pause. The next thought isn't really for Matt, not anymore. 
It’s for you.
“I just can't wrap my head around why you'd want to be with me when you had her. I feel like the murder weapon that's trying to seek justice for its victim.” You let out a dry, humorless laugh. “Not a great spot to be in, honestly. Makes me feel kind of helpless, you know?"
Sitting back, you take a moment, just looking at the headstone, at the name etched into the granite. The conversation, if you can call it that, feels like it's shifted something inside you. Not closure, exactly, but maybe the first step towards understanding—or at least accepting—that some things just don't make sense.
Standing up, you dust off your knees, taking one last look at the grave. “Anyway, Matt, I hope you've found peace. It looks like we're all searching for a little of that ourselves. Thanks for the book suggestions. Though, you might be a bit disappointed to hear Agatha Christie remains my top favorite.”
As you walk away from Matt's grave, it feels as though you're leaving a piece of yourself behind to rest with him. You decide then, as the cemetery gate closes behind you with a gentle click, that you won't let this page in your book define you. Maybe tomorrow, you'll try a new coffee shop, or take a different route to work. Small changes, but important ones.
Maybe you’ll even try that spin class that scares you so.
“Since when did you start living at the gym?” Suzie teases you from her spot across the desk, that signature playful, all-knowing arch to her eyebrow.
Suzie, who had originally come on board as a receptionist at your vet clinic with little more than enthusiasm and a genuine love for animals to her name, had quickly become much more than just a staff member. Her lack of relevant experience was initially a concern, but her dedication and the way she connected with both the animals and their owners made it clear she was a perfect fit. Over time, she evolved from being just the receptionist to a friend. 
A friend who seems to enjoy teasing you, though.
“First off, it’s hardly the gym. It’s this fitness class I’ve been trying out—big distinction,” you clarify, eyes glued on your phone. The last half hour has been a slow crawl towards 5 PM, the magical hour when you can finally shut down and head to Leigh’s class at Beautiful Beast.
“Tomatoes, to-mah-toes,” she quips.
“Not the same thing,” you insist, still not fully engaged in the conversation, your focus on a food article you're reading.
Suzie just waves her hand dismissively. “Semantics. But seriously, you've been really into whatever this is. There's gotta be a guy making those sweat sessions worth it.”
You can't help but laugh, the idea so off base it circles back to being hilarious. 
“Trust me, the allure isn't the sweat. It's those endorphins,” you say.
“Yeah, sure,” she drawls, unconvinced. “Come on. Who is it? I know you're not this amped to be all gross and sweaty for nothing.”
“There's no guy, Suzie.” Then, as if the thought just occurred to you, you add, “Or girl. But honestly, there's really no one.”
At that, Suzie's expression shifts from playful teasing to one of pleasant surprise and a touch of mock offense. “Hold up, you might be into girls? And here I was, shooting my shot in the dark this whole time!”
Your ears burn red at her blunt flirtation. “Suzie, come on,” you stammer.
“If I had known that was on the table, I would’ve upped my game ages ago,” she says, her wink sending your face from warm to inferno.
“You’re impossible,” you manage to say as you hurry to collect your things, ready to rush out the door.
“Impossibly into you,” she retorts saucily.
“I’m gonna have to fire you, you know,” you mutter jokingly, glancing at your watch. “Gotta run, bye!”
“Just so we're clear, the offer stands,” she adds, still grinning.
You feel a sense of relief seeing Leigh back in class. 
Though the website clearly stated her schedule, you found yourself on edge until you could see Leigh with your own eyes. There's nothing noticeably different about her; Leigh seems just as composed and in control as ever. When she catches you looking, she offers a small, somewhat dismissive smile before turning her attention elsewhere. 
You spend the whole session with your energy dialed up, partly because Leigh's presence just does that, and partly because you're already plotting. As soon as she calls time on the session, you're practically springing into action. Your belongings—a water bottle, towel, and the rest—land in a haphazard pile on the floor as you quickly stand up, eager to catch her before she disappears. You make your way toward her, determined not to let her slip away this time.
Leigh's busy packing up her own gear, her back to you as you close the distance. “Hey, Leigh,” you say, and it sounds like you've got this under control, even if your heart's hammering away in your chest. She turns, and there's a flicker of surprise in her expression. You’re hoping it’s the good kind of surprise.
“I'm really glad you're back,” you push on, hoping it doesn't sound as clumsy to her as it does in your head.
She takes a swig from her water bottle, giving you a once-over, and then says, “Thanks. Do you need anything?” There's an expectant look in her eyes, and in that moment, your confidence begins to wane, melting under her gaze. You're on the spot, scrambling for words, any words that don't involve asking her out for dinner, which suddenly seems like an insurmountable task.
“Uh, actually,” you start, your mind racing to find a safe topic, “I was wondering if you had any tips on improving my form?”
Leigh's expression softens, and she nods, setting her water bottle down. “Sure, I can show you a few things. Let's go back to the mats,” she suggests, leading the way. Despite feeling like your tank is on empty and your body crying for hydration, backing down doesn’t feel like an option. 
Not when Leigh is already spreading her mat next to yours. She does so with a sort of blasé authority, and you can't help but think how this is Leigh all over—straight to the point, no fuss. You're tired, sure, and a part of you is suggesting that you're about to make a fool of yourself with your shaky legs and probably even shakier form. But then, Leigh starts talking, pointing out where you're going wrong and how to fix it, and suddenly, you're not thinking about dinner anymore. You’re too distracted now by the smell of her perfume mixed with the scent of her sweat.
The next few minutes turn into what feels like a whole new session under Leigh's watchful eyes. She's on you about everything—the angle of your arm, the set of your shoulders, even the way you're distributing your weight on your feet. Leigh's not mean about it, but she doesn't let anything slide. You're just trying to keep up, watching her move with that easy confidence. It's mesmerizing, really, how she can make something so complex look so simple.
By the time you're done, your muscles are burning, your breath is ragged, and you're pretty sure you've sweated out every last drop of water in your body. As you lie there, staring at the ceiling and asking yourself how a ten-minute guidance turned into an even harder session, you mentally kick yourself for not just admitting you wanted company for dinner. It was right there, and you were too scared to be rejected. 
But why? Considering everything that's happened and the circumstances, Leigh turning you down seems like the more probable outcome anyway.
And then Leigh does something totally offbeat. She glances at the clock, then back at you, and out of nowhere, she's asking, “Want to grab something to eat?”
It's so unexpected, that for a moment, you're sure you misheard her. But Leigh's waiting for an answer, a slight smile playing on her lips, and suddenly, the fatigue feels a little less overwhelming. You sit up, a slow grin spreading across your face as you realize this is it—your chance, handed to you when you least expected it.
“Yeah,” you finally manage to say, almost tripping over your tongue. “Yeah, that'd be great.”
When Leigh mentioned grabbing something to eat, you expected a sit-down at some cozy restaurant serving healthy food. Instead, she pulls into the drive-thru of a fast-food joint, orders a mountain of fries and a couple of burgers, and parks the car in a secluded spot overlooking the city. It's laid-back, unpolished, and honestly, pretty perfect.
“So, how long have you been in town?” Leigh asks as she hands you a burger, the city lights twinkling below like a scattered deck of glowing cards.
“Just over a year,” you reply, taking a hearty bite of your burger. “Moved here for the business opportunity, but it’s been... you know, slow on the social front.”
Leigh nods, understandingly. “It can be tough, starting fresh somewhere. This place isn't the friendliest to newcomers.”
Your eyebrow lifts, curious whether she's speaking from her own experiences or perhaps someone else's.
“Yeah, most of my socializing happens online these days. My closest friends are scattered across different states,” you say.
Leigh just hums a bit, not really adding anything else. She doesn't go into details about her own friends, so you're left trying to think of something else to talk about. But everything that comes to mind feels too personal, like asking why she wasn't at the Beautiful Beast for a week, how she's dealing with being a widow, or questions about her family.
Small talk isn't really your thing, so the conversation fizzles out from here. Both of you just end up staring out at the city lights in silence. Leigh seems comfortable with it though, so you decide to just go with it and savor the quiet moment too.
After a while, Leigh breaks the silence. “I didn't think I'd be able to love another dog after Rogue,” she shares, not taking her eyes off the cityscape. “Matt and I had to put her down because she was sick. It was brutal. I swore off dogs after that.”
You look over at her and offer a soft, “I'm sorry.”
But there's no trace of sadness on her face. It’s so nonchalant, almost as if she’s just talking about the weather and not a painful memory.
“But then...I saw Visitor,” she goes on, a small smile cracking through. “I just knew he needed me. And, this might sound odd, but I realized I wanted to feel needed. When Matt—” She stumbles over his name, a rare falter, but she's quick to brush it off. “When he died, nobody needed me. And I struggled with that. Because being needed felt like a purpose.”
The idea of needing to be needed isn't something you've ever considered. Truth is, you've never really needed anyone. You've been a solo act for as long as you can remember, handling things on your own, relying solely on your own capabilities. And so, that also meant you couldn't imagine being on the other side of the spectrum—being needed by someone.
However, there's a part of you, unexpectedly, that feels a twinge of jealousy towards Leigh. To truly experience loss, there first has to be something meaningful to lose. You're not sure you've ever let yourself have that kind of bond with anyone. Not yet, anyway. It's a sobering thought, making you think about what you might be missing out on.
Leigh notices you're not saying much and says, “I don't even know why I'm telling you all this. I'm sorry.”
You shake your head slightly, “It's okay. I just... I don't think I've ever been in your shoes.”
Leigh looks a bit puzzled. “What do you mean? Are you talking about the dog thing, or…?”
“The other thing,” you clarify.
Leigh smirks. “Oh, I wish I was like that.”
You quickly realize how arrogant that must have sounded, so you rush to explain, “No, I'm not trying to brag or anything. It's just, I guess I've never really opened myself up to that kind of bond.”
“Not even with Matt?” she asks, and there it is—the topic of Matt you've been tiptoeing around. You're suddenly aware that Matt's shadow is something you'll have to get used to, just as Leigh apparently has, given the unceremonious way she alludes to your almost-affair with her late husband. 
“No,” you whisper, looking straight into Leigh's eyes, hoping she’ll believe you. “We never needed each other like that.”
Leigh's eyes linger on yours a moment longer before she looks away. Eager to change the subject, you add, “Must've been rough, giving Visitor back to his real family.”
“Yeah. I mean, I shouldn't be, right? But part of me was actually angry at them for letting him get away like that. He could've been hit by a car or worse, all because they weren't careful. But at the end of the day,” she stops, a sigh escaping her, and that smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes comes back as she looks at you again. “He’s not mine.”
“Visitor really snuck into your heart, didn’t he?”
Leigh nods. “I wasn't expecting to care that much, you know?” Then, she offers a small, reflective chuckle. “Makes you think about the connections we allow ourselves to have, and the ones we avoid, doesn't it?”
You try to gauge whether she's still talking about Visitor while also trying to figure out where you stand—the connections she's chosen or the ones she sidesteps?  Before you find the courage to ask, Leigh starts the car and presses down on the clutch, ready to switch gears.
“I need to head back to the studio, so I can only drop you off somewhere on the way,” Leigh says, signaling the end of your time together for now.
You quickly decide that being dropped off at the studio is fine. “The Beautiful Beast works for me,” you reply, hoping to extend the time you have left with her, even if it's just by a few minutes. 
The ride is quiet, the earlier ease replaced by a thoughtful silence. You're watching her, the way she's all eyes on the road but clearly lost in her head. Leigh, as you’ve noticed, is someone hard to get to open up, her walls built high and strong. She's this fortress of a person, but tonight felt different, like she accidentally left a window open and you caught a glimpse inside. 
It just makes you crave for more.
As the studio comes into view, it feels like you've both made some progress with Leigh and yet, somehow, not made any at all. Stepping out of the car, you’re met by Jules, another staff member at the Beautiful Beast whom you've heard Leigh refer to numerous times, approaches. You barely catch her saying, “Danny is waiting for you inside,” to Leigh. You miss the frown on Jules's face or how Leigh instantly seems on edge.
“Thanks for the ride—and for dinner,” you say, feeling a bit out of place now.
“Don't get used to it,” she says, the corners of her lips twisting into a reluctant smile. “Was nice talking, though. Thanks for not making it weird.”
As she's quickly pulled away by whatever's going on inside, you hover for a second, debating if you should go in for a goodbye hug. But before you know it, Leigh is tossing a quick “Bye” in your direction as she strides towards the studio.
You're left there, floating in the aftermath, wondering about everything and nothing all at once.
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gorgeouslypink · 11 months
Why They Entered the Void and You Haven't
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One of the most popular things that I hear from my anons is complaints about how other people are able to enter the void so easily whereas the anon has been trying so hard and struggling forever. This was something that frustrated me a lot during my void journey too. I would log onto tumblr and everyday people who had just found out about the void state would meditate for 5 minutes and enter or just set an intention to wake up in and wake up in the void state and get to live their dream life. Something that really frustrated me was subliminals. Subliminal comment sections would be flooded with people who listened once or twice and entered whereas I would consistently listen for weeks and not get any tangible results. Even on my page, I always talk about compatibility but why are some people compatible with certain methods and others aren't, especially when you want to enter a certain way that so many people have entered but can't. It's super annoying and frustrating which sparks questions: why is it so easy for some people and not for others? why did they enter and you haven't?
The answer is very easy: the law of assumption!
I genuinely don't care if your a states girly or affirm and persist girl or a SATS girl or a subliminals girl or whatever else, all of these methods come back and tie into the main principal behind loa: Whatever you assume is true is the truth. Your assumptions harden into fact and become your reality. This is the basis of the law and it dictates our lives and it is the ideology behind all the methods as well. And this is why some people enter the void easily or with a certain methods while others struggle for months. We are all Gods but the difference between all of us is our assumptions and our assumptions are what leads to our compatibilities and our experiences during our void state journey.
This is why my favorite void tumblr era was the self concept/void concept era. Tumblr was overflowing with success stories for one simple reason; people weren't struggling over methods, they went straight to the root problem which was their void concept and once they fixed that, their 3d had no choice but to obey.
This is why I hate when people start complaining about methods or how challenges don't work or about bloggers. The problem will never be something external, the problem has always been you and your void concept.
You don't believe in loa. Kinda weird how you believe in the void state but not loa but just keep trying different methods and hopefully you find one compatible with you and your assumptions right now. Good luck! But if you understand what I'm saying, then there are 2 ways that we can go about this:
1. Fix your void concept. Choose whatever method you want. All of them work. States works, Intention works, Affirm and Persist works, Subliminals work, SATS works (personally my own recommendation), all the methods work. I highly recommend reading some manifestations books and trying to understand the law yourself (my personal recommendation is At Your Command by Neville Goddard, just search it up on Google and a free pdf pop ups). Understand the law and you will realize how imperative it is for life in general and the way you interpret the law will show you which method to pursue. Edward Art started off reading Neville and he interpreted the law into the practice of states which has been helping many people. I read a few of Neville's books and how I interpreted it lead me to SATS. Maya (@charmedreincarnation) who I think is one of the best bloggers on here for loa intepreted the law and uses intention. Do your own reading and see how you interpret it. Once you change your assumptions and fix your void concept, you are guaranteed to enter the void. It doesn't matter if you want to wake up in it or use yoga nidra, you will enter because that's how your assumptions will be.
2. The second way was the method I shared before my hiatus, but I think Maya's directions for it are more clearer so make sure to read this. Basically, in this method is just the intention method but on crack. The specific steps puts you in the ideal place where your intention will manifest do if you just intend to wake up in the void state, it will. You are using the law to use your advantage but are bypassing the things that hinder manifestations from being instant. Here are two success stories using this method: one and two.
I recommend combining both these ways and just entering tonight. For whatever reason, you can't do the second way, I don't want to hear any complaining. You know the problem is you. Use the first way, fix your void concept, and enter the void state. If you ask me, Im always going to be recommending SATS but just read Neville's books on your own and see what speaks to you. I also really recommend watching this wizardliz video for motivation.
I believe in you guys and I can't wait to see all the success stories.
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solitarydemise · 10 days
Don't Give up
!EddieMunson x !PregnantReader
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Summary:You and Eddie have been married for 3 years and you are 7 months pregnant.Your disagreements have been growing for the past few months.
Warnings:pregnancy,angst,violent anger,danger of miscarriage,toxic relationship,Eddie calls the reader bitch
You haven't had any problems since you got married. But 2 years later,Eddie and his band had their new album project. That's why you were arguing so often.You were pregnant for 7 and you were having a difficult pregnancy. You were in more pain than a normal pregnant woman and you were going to the doctor frequently.
Around 10pm,while you were eating in the kitchen,you heard the sound of the door opening and ran towards the door and hugged Eddie's neck. Eddie laughed as you hugged him and placed a long kiss on your cheek "My love.." he looked at you and noticed the pizza slice in your hand "Did you come without leaving that slice?" You took another bite of your pizza as Eddie laughed at you "But I'm so hungry…" you said,Eddie kissed you again and then leaned down slightly and placed a long kiss on your belly "My beautiful girls, I missed you so much." you smiled "We missed you so much too,are you hungry?" Eddie shook his head "Nah,but I'm so tired" Eddie followed you as you walked into the kitchen and you leaned back against the counter "How did it go?" Eddie shrugged and took off his jacket as he said "It was good,it's almost over." While Eddie was talking,you handed him the pizza slice in your hand and he took a bite "I did yoga today,to help with the pain." Eddie swallowed "You're feeling better,aren't you?" he smiled as you nodded “That's all I want.” You exhaled deeply "I'm full,but I want to keep eating."
"Eat all you want darling" he chuckled.When you looked at him, you noticed that his ring wasn't on his finger and you frowned "Where is your ring?" Eddie paused and reflexively looked at his hand "Oh,I must have left it at the studio,I'll pick it up tomorrow." This was really getting on your nerves,he was doing this all the time "Why are you even taking off your ring?" Eddie looked at you. “It bothers me while playing the guitar and I take it off,I said I'll pick it up tomorrow.” You looked at Eddie for a few seconds. This was makingnyou upset "Always the same thing" Eddie looked at you "I beg your pardon?" You looked at Eddie and continued angrily "I said it's always the same thing,just taking it off and putting it on all the time makes it an accessory,not a wedding ring,Eddie." Eddie took a deep breath,he hated fighting especially when he was tired "Are you really going to turn this into an argument?Because I have no mood for it." You laughed nervously "Of course,it's such an unimportant issue, why are we talking about it?". Eddie insisted on not caring about you. You couldn't even get a proper answer to what you said "Maybe I shouldn't wear my ring when I go back to work, around other male employees."
Eddie turned to you "What is this now? What does it have to do with a man, do you think I'm hiding the fact that I'm married?". You crossed your arms "It's not nice not to wear your ring when there's a girl called Amy." Amy was a girl who worked at the studio and it was obvious that she liked Eddie, but Eddie kept denying it.Eddie laughed angrily "Please don't start again" you shouted angrily "So I'm starting?!" Eddie looked at you and tried to stay calm “Keep your voice down” “Or what?” Eddie looked at you "I'm not threatening you,talk to me properly and act normal" You laughed sarcastically "Yes,I'm the one who's not acting normally, what you're doing is normal,right Eddie? You know what,you're so selfish that you can't even see where your mistake is." Eddie looked at you "Am I selfish? When I don't even have time to sleep I just try to take care of you but all I get is your anger. You're the real selfish one!". When Eddie raised his voice,you pushed him away from you “I'm carrying your child,is it that hard to give little attention?Don't you ever raise your voice at me!".
"I've been working for hours and this is what I get.It's just a fucking ring.Why are you so being a bitch about it?!"
You paused at what Eddie said. You couldn't say anything,when Eddie realized what he said,the anger disappeared from his eyes and he closed his eyes "Fuck" You didn't know what to say or even what to do. You felt and heard your heart breaking into thousands pieces. There was a painful feeling in your throat. Your eyes were filled with tears and you couldn't stop it. Without saying anything,you left the kitchen and walked towards the stairs. He didn't even say anything behind your back. As you were at the stairs,you started crying and wiped your eyes. You slammed the bedroom door and the sound echoed down the hall. Eddie covered his face with his hands and started swearing at himself out of anger.He always reflected his work stress on you and blamed himself for not knowing how to treat his pregnant wife,and even sometimes he blamed you for not being able to handle the burden. His ego did not allow this,or the fact that he only makes upset the woman he loved,made him feel inadequate. Hours passed and you fell asleep cryingby yourself. Eddie's anger issues were destroying you. Your pregnancy was very stressful and it was harming the baby. Even though it was hard to accept and express,sometimes you regretted being pregnant. It was a terrible feeling,but it was because of your constant fights. How long was this going to continue? Was your little baby going to be traumatized because of you? You were turning into people just like your and Eddie's parents and it scared you so much.
After sleeping in tears at night,you woke up in the morning. It was only you in the bed,Eddie wasn't there. You slowly got out of bed and went downstairs. Eddie was sleeping on the couch.You watched him for a few seconds and then went back upstairs and started filling the bathtub with hot water. You were trying hard not to cry while getting ready. You had no choice but to take a hot bath because nothing made you feel good,the stress you were feeling was making your head ache and your stomach was nauseous. You looked at yourself in the mirror,you were tired and exhausted. You closed your eyes as you felt dizziness "Fuck" the nausea in your stomach was increasing and you felt like you were going to pass out,but at the same time it hurt. You leaned against the sink counter and started taking deep breaths. This was different from the pain you often had throughout your pregnancy,it really hurt. A few seconds later,you opened your eyes as you felt wetness between your legs. Your white nightgown was stained with blood. You touched between your legs,you were dripping blood. You held your belly in fear,you were struggling even standing and held on to the counter again. After a few seconds, the weight on your body increased and you fell to the ground. As you fell,the glass soap dispenser on the counter fell to the floor and the loud sound echoed in the bathroom. Eddie woke up with a start from the sound he heard and looked around for a few seconds. The pain had increased so much that you started moaning and screaming in pain.
Eddie jumped out of bed worriedly of your voice "Sweetheart?" by the time he got to the stairs,so many scenarios had come to his mind. You were crying in pain and fear,you still felt like you were going to faint. This could have been from the miscarriage or from a panic attack. All you thought about was your baby.Eddie looked at you in horror when he entered the bathroom. You were bleeding on the ground,crying in pain,broken glass pieces on the ground. Eddie didn't know what to do. He quickly bent down and put his hand on your cheek. "Baby, look at me,look at me." You were having trouble keeping your eyes open,you couldn't even understand what Eddie was saying. Now your moans of pain had decreased,which was a sign that the baby might be dead. Eddie started slapping your cheek "Don't!Do not fucking close your eyes Y/N!".
When you opened your eyes,you were in the hospital room. Even though you couldn't remember exactly what happened,your hand immediately went to your belly,to your baby. Eddie,was waiting next to you,he stood up quickly "Baby, are you okay?"his eyes started to fill with tears again and he quickly placed a long kiss on your forehead "You scared me so much." you weren't angry at Eddie,your heart was more hurt than ever and you turned your head towards the window. This movement moved Eddie's lips away from your forehead. Eddie quickly sat on the edge of the bed and took your hand "My love,please look at me." you turned to Eddie with your watery eyes. Even though you didn't say anything,Eddie understood you very well,your looks and tears told everything. Eddie looked at you with his eyes filled with tears “I'm sorry, for everything. I know I'm a terrible husband and-” Before Eddie could stand it any longer,he started crying again “Fuck..I'm sorry, I didn't mean for things to turn out this way.”."Bu it did" as you said this,another tear flowed from your eye. Eddie was ashamed of himself as when he was looking at you. He kissed your hand while he was still holding and looked at you "I promise, I will never make the same mistakes from now on." You looked at Eddie for a few seconds and pulled your hand back "I want to talk to the doctor."
You were both fine now, if you hadn't come to the hospital on time, your baby would have died. You had to be under surveillance for the next two months. When you got home you went straight to the bedroom and Eddie followed you. He wanted to talk to you but you were packing your suitcase. Eddie frowned "What are you doing?" . You didn't even look at him "Going". Eddie was confused "Where?". Yeah,where? Even you didn't know that because you had no one to go. The only person you had in this world was Eddie,and you didn't feel safe and happy around him anymore. At the same time, you didn't even have a parent to take refuge in. You looked at Eddie "Anywhere is better than this house." It hurt to say this, the house that you and Eddie had dreamed of since you were teenagers and that you had bought with the money you had worked for years together was now a place full of heartbreak for you. Eddie looked at you "Darling,please let's talk." You laughed sarcastically "I think we shouldn't talk because I'm being a bitch about everything." Your voice was shaking as you spoke and you felt like you were about to cry. Eddie closed his eyes "Please don't do this to me. I'm sorry, blame me for what I've done all you want, but please. Please don't go." You looked at Eddie for a few seconds and covered your face with your hands,tried to stay calm but failed "It's not fair!" you almost screamed "I devoted everything to you, I did everything for you but you only cause heartbreak. I don't even know if you love me anymore!" Eddie quickly grabbed your hands "Don't say that, I love you. I love you more than anything." You pushed Eddie "Stop lying to me! This is not love,no one does this to the woman they love." You started sobbing and covered your face with your hands. Eddie was crying quietly. When he approached you,you started hitting his chest and trying to push him away from you. The hits hurt,but he didn't care. He hugged you tightly and caressed your hair "I'm sorry, I'm sorry…You're the only thing I want, you're the only thing I need Y/N". You give up and let him hug you. You closed your eyes and kept crying. You couldn't stay away from him because he was all you had, only he could heal your heartbreak and the wound inside you. You loved him more than your own pride.
Let me know if you want to be in the tag list<3
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mina-saiyat · 5 days
Twice Interactive Story Part 1164.5-1176 Sandcastle (Momo)
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You check the time, its already too late to pick up Dahyun, she should left her office already, so you decide to find Momo, tonight would probably be your last date with her before you go for Japan.
You have spent significantly less time with her recently, so you thought tonight you could compensate her and tell her that you are leaving for sometime. You first head for the bathhouse to clean yourself, preventing Momo from finding you have sex with others, and then you go to buy a bouquet for her.
You arrived at her gym, and waited for her outside the room. As she is having a yoga class, you watch she teaching her student from the window. Momo is working really hard to keep her bodyshape, you could see her cleavage when she is making some big movements.
You admire her body secretly until the lesson is finished, you stand next to the door, greeting her with the flowers you bought.
'Honey! Why are you here? Is this for me?' Momo is surprised by your sudden visit and the flower you bought.
'It's so beautiful... It's the first time you buy a flower for me. I love you.'
'Wow, Momo you got a good boyfriend.'
'Yeah, he is so handsome, right?'
'Momo is a good girl, treat her better.'
Momo's students walk closer and tease you two. Momo is so shy and just uses the bouquet to cover her red face.
You nudge Momo with your elbow to tease her a little. "I wanted to see you, of course. I haven't been able to spend much time with you because of work and all that. Are you free?"
Seeing you start flirting with Momo, her students leave the classroom to leave some place for you two.
'Ai, it reminds me of my time with my husband when we were young.'
'Let's leave them some space, shouldn't we?'
'The young couple is really sweet ha ha, see you next lesson, Momo.'
You can still hear those old ladies' smirks in the corridor. Momo only pops out her head when she heard her students have left.
'Yah, it's so embarrassing. Why don't you told me you will come? They must make fun of me next lesson.' Momo hammers your elbow lightly, showing her shyness.
You hug her in your arms and let her hammer your chest, 'Don't you wanna see me? I miss you so much, Momo.' You look right into her eyes and then kiss her before she can react.
'I miss you too, honey... I miss you so much. I am afraid that you don't love me anymore, so you come lesser and lesser...' Momo says when the kiss ends.
"That's not it, Momo. I've just been so busy with work." You hold Momo close to you. "Momo, I came because I wanted to see you before I go. I'm going on a business trip soon."
'No way... you are telling me that you are going to leave for a long time? Please don't honey...' Momo hugs you tighter, seems you will disappear if she let go.
You pat her back and comfort her, 'No, momo, I am here for you today, and when I am back, we could spend more time together. You own a piece of my heart, I won't leave you alone.'
'Really? You will back very soon?' Momo looks at you sadly. ' But I really want to see you more...'
'Why don't you clean yourself first? You wanna wear these sporty clothes for our date?' You can feel her sweat as you patting her exposed back as she is just wearing a bar top.
'Wait a minute, I will be back soon, don't leave yet, honey.' Momo says and rushes to the bathroom.
You help her take her belongings back to her room and wait for her there. It's been a long time since you hung out with her properly, Mina is monitoring you too tight after she moves in. You could only spare some time to visit her for some quick sex.
You are thinking should you tell her that you have prepared a room for after the renovation of your home, but you haven't told anyone yet you are going to get other girls to move in with you.
'I am ready, honey. Where are we going?' Momo says happily and hugs you from behind. It seems she is really looking forward to tonight's date. You seldom see her finish the shower that quick. You do not answer, you guide her to the chair and use a hair dryer to help her dry the hair.
'Are you staying tonight? It feels like already a decade that you last sleep at my place. Momo asks when you are drying her hair.
You consider her question for a minute before eventually agreeing. You'll send a message to everyone that you'll be staying at a friend's house for the night, that you need to have a guys night. After that you'll help Momo get dressed.
'If you want me to stay, I would stay. I am really sorry that I spend too little time with you.' You kiss her forehead before keep drying her head. 'But let me text my sister first, I don't want she to worry about me.'
You turn around and send a message to your girls and tell them you are staying at your friend's home. Dahyun and Jihyo simply reply you ok, while Mina has read your answer in the group chat, but instead she send you a private message. 'Boss, you are not coming back tonight? Are you going to Sana's house?'
You couldn't believe Mina was becoming so sensitive. You could just explain again and again to comfort her. 'Boss could come back after the party, Minari will wait for you no matter how late it is.'
You sigh and put away the phone, you are going to solve Mina's problem later. You are going to compensate Momo first. You help Momo take the bouquet and leave the gym.
You have already booked a restaurant for dinner, the frame of the candle on the desk makes Momo's face look red.
'Why are you keep staring at me?' Momo jiggles
"I missed looking at you, of course." You say to her. "Or do you not want me to pook at you anymore?" You add, teasing her a little. If you don't want me to, I won't" You say, turning your head away from her.
Momo grabs your cheek and forces you to look at her. 'No, you should answer I can't take my eyes off you.'
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Momo pretends to give you a punch, but you just can't stop to smile as it's too cute.
'Yah, stop laughing!' Momo gives you a punch again. You can't hold your laughter. You just feed her some food to make her stop. ' I am sorry Momo. The punch is just so cute.'
The dinner ends in a fun atmosphere, as you just teased Momo throughout the dinner. You then drive to Momo' s house, ready to end the night.
'The water's hot. Take the shower now.' Momo yells from the bathroom. You get the pajamas that Momo prepared for you and walk to the bathroom. Your phone buzzes suddenly when you are removing your clothes, it's Mina again.
'Don't drink too much, boss. Just call Minari before you leave, Minari will prepare your bath.' Mina is not giving up to get you back tonight. It seems she can't even leave you for a second. You shake your head and step in the shower.
'Honey, I am coming in.' Momo knocks the door before she comes in. She is picking your dirty clothes to laundry. 'Honey, why are you injured?' Momo is shocked when she sees your wound. You are not sure should you tell her about Nayeon.
"I had a bit of an accident," You say while pulling her in and kissing her neck. You try to distract her from your wound and bring the focus back on her.
'No! Don't make me wet!' Momo screams and escapes the shower. 'Finish the bath quickly, and we will sleep earlier. You still need to work tomorrow.' Momo quickly escapes from the bathroom, afraid that you will drag her in.
You thought Momo had some other meaning for sleeping earlier, so you clean yourself real fats and wear the pajamas she bought for you.
Momo is lying on the bed and waiting for you, she has changed into the pajamas too. ' Dang Dang! It's a couple model. Do you like it, honey?' Momo smiles at you when she sees you are wearing the couple clothes. You get closer to hug her and kiss her forehead. 'Is it the surprise you prepared for me? I like it very much.'
'I am glad you like it.' Momo rests herself in your arms and cover you two with the blanket. 'But honey, can you tell me the truth. Your wound looks like someone has bitten you, and the teeth mark just looks like a rabbit... Is it her?'
"Don't worry about it, Momo." You say to her before turning to grab your phone. You quickly send a message to Mina telling her you won't be home but that you’re not at Sana's house either. After you turn back to Momo and kiss her forehead. Holding her close, you say, "Just focus on the night we had Momo, I want to remember you like this when I'm on my trip."
'Yeah, I will miss you for sure.' Momo adjusts herself in a more comfortable position and looks up at you.
'It seems we are spending lesser and lesser together, even after you broke up with Nayeon. You haven't been gym with me for a long time, every time you come to find me, we are just having sex and then you leave...' Momo grabs your jaw, ' You still love me, right?'
You hold Momo in your arms and let her head lay on your chest. 'Can you hear my heartbeat?' You ask.
Momo nods and looks at you. ' It's beating fast, isn't it? My heart is beating because of you, I do love you, that's why I tried my best to spare tonight for you only. I want you to know, I love you, Hirai Momo. It's not relevant to Nayeon anymore. You are the one I love, not her. You don't need to be afraid that I will go back to her and leave you.'
'Nayeon... maybe it's my fault to make you two breaks up. I take her boyfriend now... I owe her an apology...' Momo' s eye loss the bright when she hears you talk about Nayeon.
You pull Momo closer to you and blow air behind her ear, making her shiver. "Stop thinking so much, Momo. Just relax. Do you really want our last day before I leave to be so sad?" You kiss her forehead and repeat yourself, "Is that what you want?"
'Sorry, Honey. I am just being sentimental.' Momo caresses your cheek. 'I really can't believe we are being together, I didn't expect you would accept my love.'
'No, Momo. I am sorry that it's too late that I turned around to you. I was trying to escape from it, but I can't. I know I need to reply to your love. Ever since you started to massage me everytime after the workout.'
'So you only know I love you after I help you for it, huh?' Momo teases you.
'I am a pabo if I still don't know what's happening after several times. It's only for me, right?' You squeeze her tits.
'Luckily, you discovered my love. I am really happy that you said I am better than her when I am helping you. I used to think I was just a replacement for her when she was not with you, and now I know I am not.'
"Yeah, you're Momo," You reply after squeezing her tits one more time. "Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?"
'Yeah... Just a little bit...' Momo tries to get closer with you until she is fully attached to you. You can feel her tits are pressing your stomach.
You caress her hair, waiting for her to continue.
'Are you not happy that my students talked about us today, honey? I saw your face... Is it too stressful for you to make our relationship public? It's fine... As long as we are together, as long as I know you are mine, it doesn't matter if we don't let others know about us. I will tell them we are not a couple next time, so you won't be embarrassed.'
'I am sorry I give too much stress to you, I am sorry...' Momo grabs your cheek and leans to kiss you.
"It’s fine Momo, it was a little funny how they were teasing you." You lean in to meet her halfway and kiss her. "You don't have to be so worried about things. Just relax."
'I... Am I being too annoyed? I am sorry, I should not talk about some negative things when we are together. Even if we meet seldomly,  it's always about bad things. I am sorry.'
'No, Momo. I am happy you shared your thoughts and worries with me. But I want every moment to be happy when we are together. Please don't worry about anything, we are still together no matter what.' You kiss her forehead deeply, leaving a hickey on her. 'You are mine, ok? Remember, I will always be with you.'
'How long is the trip? I am afraid that I will miss you too much.' Momo looks at you with puppy one. 'Will you back earlier?'
You think a while before answering Momo, you know nothing about the details of the trip, Mina is arranging everything for you, all you know is you are going to meet her family. It's not the first time that you meet your girlfriend's family, but Mina's parents don't understand Korean, the conversation really depends on Mina's translation, you are not sure is she going to translate your exact wording.
"It's not going to be too long, Momo. I'll be back quickly." You say, looking into her eyes. "I'll make sure to call you when I get there and when I come back, okay?" You move Momo so she lays on top of you. "Where do you want to go when I come back? You can plan a date for us while I'm gone."
'I don't know... You know I seldom go out, I just go between the gym and my home. I don't know where we should go for our date. Baby, its fine when you are with me.' Momo answers you shyly.
Yes, Momo doesn't have any friends in Seoul. Perhaps the only one is Nayeon before. You never heard she talks about her daily life because she doesn't have any. Her shy personality makes it hard to socialize with others, especially her Korean is just so-so. These have made her lack a sense of security, you are the only dynamic things in her life. Otherwise, she is just working every day. That's why she was afraid that you would abandon her.
'Maybe you should sleep now, baby. You still need to work.' Momo kisses you again, and put your arms around her. 'The first thing I want to see tomorrow is you.'
"I want you to think of someplace while I'm gone, Momo. I want to spend more time with you, more than just having sex." You pull her body closer to yours and kiss her. "I want to know more about what you like and what you want to do. Can you do that for me? Can you think of something while I'm gone?" You ask her.
'I will try, baby... The only things I like are dancing and working out. Perhaps cooking, maybe we can cook something together after you get back.' Momo keeps thinks about the date and slowly falls asleep.
'Momo... Momo?' You whisper her name, try to catch her attention, and you just find that she sleeps already. You sigh and kiss her forehead again before you fall asleep too.
You are awakened by the alarm the next morning. You slowly withdraw your hand under her body, and you nearly lose the sense of your hand as she sleeps on your hand all night long. But it is worth it. Momo smiles happily even though she is in the dream, maybe because you are staying with her finally. You fix her bang and look at her face, waiting for her to wake up. You remember she told you last night that the first thing she wants to see when she wakes up is you.
There's still a little time before you should leave if you are not going to pick up Dahyun and Mina. You look at Momo again, thinking who you should go to.
You decide to call the two of them and say you woke up late and you'll be there soon. After that, you get up and look through Momo's fridge and make her breakfast. You take it to her room and gently wake her up. "Momo, I have to go to work, but I remembered how you wanted me to be the first thing you saw when you woke up." You show her the breakfast you made her. "Here, I made this for you too."
Momo rubs her eyes when you wake her up. 'Baby, you need to leave already?' Momo leans on you and refuses to wake up.
'Not yet, Momo. look what I have cooked for you.' You squeeze her nose, forcing her to open her eyes.
'Umm... just a minute.' Momo hugs you closer and closes her eyes again. You kiss her forehead and get her up to the bathroom for cleaning. Momo brushes her teeth while being carried by you like a koala.
You help Momo clean herself and go back to the living room. Momo is sitting on your lap, and you two feed each other.
'We have never been separated for that long.' Momo puts down the fork and hugs you again. 'Just remember I love you when you are on the trip.'
"I know, Momo. I love you too." You feed her another piece of food. "Remember to think to think of a date for when I get back." You tilt Momo's head back and kiss her. "I'll miss you, take care of yourself while I'm gone." You finish eating, and you get dressed. You give Momo a kiss and wish her a good day before rushing off to take Mina and Dahyun to work.
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thatgirlie-diaries · 6 months
Week 8,9 & 10 - #100DayReinvention Progress log ୨୧
Original challenge by @dreamdolldiary
Hello girlies! I now I haven't uploaded new posts about this challenge, but it doesn't mean I left it. I was very busy finishing my semester :( But now that I am free I am going to put togheter the last three weks! At 8 and 9 I was still at university, but by the 10th week I was already at vacations so I was finally free and able to do focus on my desired goals, improvement and activities.
Since at week 8 and 9 I was still worried about approving my subjects, the progress shown will be mostly about the last week.
𝐈. My weekly progress
Health: I tried doing pilates but because of being busy I only did it once a week. I tried sleeping at 10pm and only could 2/7 times at week :(. Since I'm on vacations I am back at cooking! My skin has gotten worse, I'm thinking it's beacuse of using hot water but my hair looks shinier and healthier.
Academic: I haven't studied Italian since I don't have the time available for it :( I passed my semester with probably 92.5/100. I have been learning about fashion and business.
Adulting: I finally got a job! I feel so grateful for it, I will begin next week so wish me good luck.
Hobby: I did my best to be consistent with the blog even when busy, last week I was very active. I began a new book about dark psychology and I passed my gymnastics exam when I didn't practiced for a month!
Social: I haven't made any progress in this area
Healing: I have made longer my meditation and yoga sessions, I have journaled about my feelings and worries releasing them and making myself feel calmer and peaceful. I have also started using affirmation audios and created a mini manifestation routine.
Style: Even though I haven't changed my makeup or practiced new hairstyles I feel and look prettier. I am in my pink clean girl era and I think it looks great on me.
𝐈𝐈. I need to work on
Sleep earlier and wake up earlier - I know that if I don't sleep/wake up at my ideal time and procrastinate about it I will not only waste time, I will waste my energy. So it's my major problem to improve.
Drink more water and more fruits! Leave behind the junk food. This goes for my skin and gut health.
Keeping myself healthy and balanced, away from burnout
Switch my music and phone usage distractions with being focused
𝐈𝐈𝐈. Next week I will focus on
I will focus this next week by:
Having a good attitude at my new job!
Manage well my new schedule and routine, balancing my job, cheer and personal life
Manage well my financial budget.
See you next week, girlies! I will slay this week 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
bending the rules
older!dilf!Steve Harrington x plus size!fem!Reader
summary: Robin convinces Steve to take a yoga class only to bail on him at the last minute.
cw: alt universe/non-canon, awkward!divorced!Steve (he's been out the game for a minute), fluff, 1.7k words
an: I have like half of a smutty bit for this fic written but it felt kind of tacked on so I left it off. if enough people enjoy this I'll post that bit later. also thank you to @hellfirehottie420 for the yoga class idea and to @ozarkthedog for gassing me up and encouraging me to keep going when I wanted to give up! It's not a big fic but we celebrate little victories here. (divider by @/saradika)
an 2: the model in the moodboard is not representative of the reader insert. there's no physical descriptions in the fic. I just didn't want anyone giving me a hard time with that "fat people can't do yoga" shit. every body is a yoga body. thank you 😌
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After Steve's marriage fell through he resigned himself to never doing that again. He made a mess of things the first time around anyway. And not knowing what a happy, stable marriage looked like growing up sure didn't help either.
So when things finally imploded he took it on the chin and vowed to be the best dad he could be. He wouldn't let his failed marriage take that away from him. Dating was off the table and for a long time casual hookups were too; it never felt like the right time.
Robin had insisted on him getting out there, doing something for himself that didn't involve kids or work. Steve used to have fun, he was the king of fun! Now he was sure he wouldn't know fun if it hit him in the face with a bat. And he sure as hell doesn't know how he let Robin talk him into taking a yoga class at the town rec center.
She was supposed to be here, to help ease him into having some semblance of a social life, but she bailed at the last minute blaming a mix up in her schedule.
"I forgot I already told Nance I'd take her out tonight. Just go! I'll come with you next week, I promise."
Steve sighed, standing outside the classroom doors with his hands on his hips. He can see a few people milling around, chatting and rolling out mats as he hesitates there in the hallway.
"It'll be fine. Just go in, stretch out some old joints and go home. Easy. Nothing to be afraid of. You're not afraid," Steve shook his head. Standing outside and talking to himself wasn’t a good look. Not with this mustache on his face.
He looked through the windowed doors and swallowed, "It's just a room full of women in spandex. You're not a creep, it's exercise, you're here to exercise."
"First time?"
Steve nearly jumps out of his skin when he sees you standing there smirking at him. Your eyebrows rise and you gesture to the rolled up mat under your arm when Steve takes a little too long to respond.
Shit, should he have brought his own mat?
"Yeah,” Steve croaks and you smile. “I mean, yes. This is the beginner's yoga class, right? My friend was supposed to do it with me but she bailed."
“Ah,” your smile falters a little but you nod and open the classroom doors leaving Steve to wonder what he said wrong.
"They have mats over there if you need one," you point to the stack on the other side of the room then introduce yourself. Steve knows he's staring at you like a hapless idiot but he successfully remembers to give you his name in return, along with an awkward handshake.
"Thank you," Steve doesn't want to let go of your hand, so warm and soft it's messing with his head. "Sorry, I'm, uh, I'm a little nervous. I haven't done anything like this since my 20s."
"What, exercise?"
Steve feels a twinge of pride at the way you glance down at his arm muscles. You furrow your brow and bite your lip and Steve knows you can tell by the way they swell under his short sleeves that you know that can't be true.
"No, I mean going out,” he shrugs, wiggling the mat in his arms, “trying something new."
"Ah," you nod your head and smile again and Steve wonders if you can hear how fast his heart's beating.
You're walking towards the front of the class now with your mat and Steve in tow, asking him what made him want to try yoga of all things. Steve admits his friend Robin had signed him up for the class and that he rarely gets out of the house these days.
“Oh, same,” you nod in understanding and Steve sighs in relief. “I’m so busy between work and going back to school that I barely have time for myself. The yoga studio is my happy place.”
Steve smiles and is about to ask you what you’re going to school for when he's stopped by the teacher suddenly clapping her hands together and calling for everyone to get settled so they can start.
"Can I?" Steve gestures at the spot next to you and you smile again.
The class passes in a sweaty blur. Steve thought he was in decent shape. He lifts weights in his garage at home, runs a few days a week, and generally takes care of his body. He was an athlete for god's sake, he's familiar with all that jazz. Nope. Steve nearly pulled a few muscles in his back he didn't know he had.
It also didn't help that the shorts he wore to class might've been a little too short. He hoped, for the sake of the woman behind him, that his thighs were the only things he was showing off during downward dog.
You, on the other hand, were a champ. Graceful in your movements and barely breaking a sweat. You admitted to him halfway through the class, as the teacher made her rounds correcting poses, that you usually took the more advanced class but liked to hop in on beginner class days as a refresher on basic poses.
"You're doing great!" You shoot Steve a thumbs up and he feels his face heat at your encouragement but sends a shaky thumbs up back.
Sweat lines his forehead and he pushes his flop of hair back when it falls in his face before moving on to the next pose. His glasses had slid down his face enough times that Steve stopped fussing with them and put them off to the side, but his hair he couldn't do anything about, unruly as it was.
He catches you watching him a few times, once in warrior pose when Steve accidently put the wrong foot forward and wound up facing the opposite direction as the rest of the class. The way you tried to hide your laugh when he pretended like he was surprised to see you there lit him up inside.
The next time he caught you was when he turned his head towards you while tucked in child's pose. It seemed like your eyes were on his legs, maybe checking to see if he was doing the pose right? When you realized he knew you were watching your eyes went wide. Steve smiled and you quickly turned your head back down to the mat. Maybe you weren't checking his form after all. Or maybe you were? Steve couldn’t wrap his head around it. Were you just being nice or had you been checking him out too?
As class wrapped up Steve rolled up his mat and thanked the teacher for her help, promising to not only come back next week but to bring a friend too. He couldn’t wait to make Robin suffer through an hour of this. And you, he had to thank you for making tonight one of the most enjoyable nights he'd had in a long time.
"So I'll see you next week?" You adjust your bag over your shoulder. Most of the rest of the class had left but you didn't look like you were in much of a rush.
"Yeah, I'd love to. I mean, I’ll be here. I had a lot of fun."
"Glad you tried something new?"
Steve swallows at your teasing smile, suddenly feeling like "something new" didn't mean yoga anymore. His eyes drifted down to the light sheen of sweat dotting your chest and he quickly pulled his gaze away.
"Good," you nodded.
You were starting to walk away. Robin would kick his ass if he didn’t make a move.
"Hey! Uh," you turn around to see Steve reaching out for your arm before pulling his hand back. He stops and scratches the back of his head. "Do you, I mean, would you like to get coffee sometime? As a thank you for…y’know, helping me with my poses."
Steve smiles and hopes he doesn’t look like a dweeb when he fidgets and pushes up his glasses.
"Walk me back to my car?"
The corner of Steve's mouth tilts up and he motions for you to hand over your gym bag. Once it’s tucked into the crook of his arm he nods towards the door at the end of the hall.
"Ladies first."
"You looked like a lost puppy. But honestly, it wasn't the first time I've seen a man looking intimidated outside of a yoga studio."
Steve gapes at you as you laugh.
"I was...making sure I had the right room."
"Sure, big guy," you chuckled as you patted Steve's arm.
The two of you finally reach your car and you tap the unlock button but stop before opening the door.
“Thanks for walking me.”
“Of course. Wouldn’t want you out here by yourself this late at night.”
A group of teens on bikes ride past the rec center a moment later, probably on their way to the well-lit basketball court on the other side of the building where a few other kids are already playing.
“Mhm. All these ruffians around. Why, a girl just doesn’t feel safe ‘round these parts anymore,” you tease in a shy southern belle accent.
Steve chuckles and ducks his head. “You know what I mean.”
“I do. And I'm glad you came tonight."
“Me too.”
Steve found himself inching closer to you as your back pressed against your car. "So will you? Get coffee with me, that is?"
You looked up at him through your pretty lashes and Steve didn't care about his age or his creaky joints or his fear of fun. He wanted to find himself again in your eyes. If you'd let him.
"What about your friend? The woman that was supposed to come with you tonight?"
"Hmm? Oh, Robin? I think she'd say you could do better," Steve grimaced, shaking his head. "Her girlfriend would say the same thing."
"Oh," you laugh into your hand. "Gotcha."
"Why'd you ask?"
"No reason. Coffee sounds great," you whisper and lift your chin to press a kiss to Steve's stubbled jaw.
He stands there in the parking lot long after you gave him your number, hastily scribbled on the back of a receipt pulled from your purse, and drove away.
He has to call Robin.
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dingochef · 7 months
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OFC (Reader)Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Swearing
Written for @sailor-aviator writing challenge. Scrooge was my prompt.
Have a cup of cheer!
You don't hate Christmas exactly, more a high dislike layered over forced tolerance. No appreciation for the holiday. When you think of Christmas, your memory isn't filled with cinnamon scented Hallmark moments like baking cookies or decorating fresh pine trees.
Christmas was the ultimate swap holiday between your not amicably divorced parents. An only child shuffled from coast to coast, neither parent really wanting to invest wholesale for an occasional holiday. Half assed fake trees and takeout Chinese for Christmas dinner was more the norm than big family feasts. Eventually your parents gave up the motions of holiday celebrations and would bring you on a vacation they wanted to go on as a way to supposedly celebrate. You went skiing, a lot.
Which is how you find yourself waiting in line at your favorite coffee shop, grinding your teeth as everyone in front of you orders the most elaborate Christmas flavored mega-multi- gingerbread-peppermint-mocha-latte with almond milk and real whipped cream and all you want is an iced coffee, black. You live in San Diego for Christ's sake, it's 78 degrees outside.
You snort to yourself, you like your coffee black, like your soul. You feel like black cloud on a sunny day, a Scrooge at a Christmas pageant,a turd in the punch bowl as you wait in this excruciatingly slow line as Mariah Carey warbles in the background and you're surrounded by tinsel and fake pine garland.
You have five days left till Christmas, five days till your life goes back to normal and there is no more Santa, no more cinnamon scented gag-inducing pine cones hanging out in the entry of your local grocery store, and blissfully, no more Christmas music.
"Five more days," you breathe in and out, a calming mantra in this melee of forced cheer and commercialism.
"Five more days," breathe in, breathe out.
Finally, you're next in line, so close to getting your caffeine fix and getting out of here.
Finally, you order and wave off the barista's efforts for you to try a holiday themed drink and muffin and scone and bagel bites. Is everything peppermint flavored?
"I'm good, just a large black iced coffee. Thank you," you say through a forced smile. She shrugs and gets your order ready. You tip well and turn to quickly exit.
A blond man in a Navy, you think, uniform is behind you and instantly reads your resting bitch face. He smiles a dazzling grin, so beautiful that if you weren't trying to remember breathing exercises from yoga to keep from losing your shit, it might make you a little weak in the knees at any other time of year. And then he opens his mouth, a Southern lilt wrapped around his words,
"Cheer up, Doll. Christmas is almost here. Have you been a good girl this year for Santa to bring you a nice present?"
This is it, this is the moment you do something that will either get you arrested and on the news or a become a regrettable viral video on the Internet with the title, "ChriSTtmAs FreeK-OUT SouNd on!"
You really don't find it in yourself to care about the results of what's about to happen, this poor unsuspecting schmuck is about to have all your shiny, gift wrapped emotional baggage labeled "Christmas!" unloaded on him while he's probably waiting to get a mega-multi- gingerbread-peppermint-mocha-latte with almond milk and real whipped cream.
"Don't call me doll, dick. And I really don't give a flying fuck about Santa or whatever shitty pick up line you're trying to use. This whole fucking time of year is bullshit and I don't need you telling me to cheer up. I haven't been happy at Christmas for the last 32 years, doubt it's going to change now. So leave me alone and you can enjoy your Christmas sugar bomb and spread your fake cheer somewhere else!"
The rage flows through you making you tremble as you hold back tears.
The man in front of you has lost the smile and is reaching out his hands in what you realize is a feeble attempt to comfort you. Pure concern blankets his face, making your rage fizzle, like a match thrown in water.
"I'm sorry. I was just trying to get you to smile…" he pauses as he retreats hands and runs one through his hair,
"I'm really sorry I caused you pain. Sorry this isn't a good time of year for you."
His sincerity deflates you entirely and the tears you're holding back flood out and flow down your cheeks.
"It's fine, it's fine," you mumble as you frantically search for the exit. Now you're noticing that the entire coffee shop is silent and watching you. You flee out the door, cringing as you hear the jingle bells on the door ring. You walk just far enough to get out of the view of anyone in the coffee shop.
Apparently, this weird moment in time is when you decide to unpack your shitty childhood. Slumping down against the brick wall behind you, you sit down and take a long sip of your iced coffee, your hands shaking as you wipe away the tears.
"You look like you could use something stronger," a now familiar voice says softly.
Looking up you see your unwitting emotional punching bag holding out his hand,
"I know a place close by if you want to take me up on the offer."
"Why are you being nice to me? I called you a dick in front of 50 people," you say, sniffing to keep the snot at bay.
"Call it the Christmas spirit. You seem like you could use someone to talk to and I do feel like a dick for making you cry in a coffee shop. I'm Jake, by the way."
You ponder his offer for a second,
"This isn't one of those self aggrandizing things you're going to brag about on social media later, is it?"
He laughs, a deep and true laugh.
"Nope, I was trying to talk to you to get your number because I think you're beautiful. Plus, who drinks iced coffee black? You're obviously a complex character or a serial killer. Call me curious."
You laugh a small sniffling laugh and take his hand, and say as he helps you up,
"Well, Jake by the way, I'm Y/n, but you can call me Scrooge, I guess, because I feel like I've ruined Christmas."
"Don't give yourself that much credit. There's still five days to make it better. How about that drink? Scroogey?"
"Sure, let's go. But if you try to make me drink a peppermint martini I will lose it….again."
"I wouldn't dream of it. It's the Hard Deck, just down the block. I don't think that's the type of drink that Penny would be any good at it."
Jake leads the way towards the bar. You've seen it as you live in the area, but didn't really think it was your scene.
As you sit in a cozy booth and talk with Jake, you enjoy the atmosphere, simple and unpretentious and blissfully lacking Christmas music you realize it is exactly the kind of place you like to hang out at. You and Jake talk so long about your lives that you eventually order food. One drink turns into several.
You learn he is a fighter pilot for the Navy and is stationed out of North Island, he grew up in Texas, and he absolutely loves Christmas. He learns that you are in marketing, grew up in Connecticut, and why Christmas sucks for you.
When you finally notice the time you realize you've been talking to Jake for three hours.
"Oh crap, I've got to get going. I've got an early morning," you chuckle to yourself thinking about your sunrise yoga class and how you used some of the techniques trying to stay calm in the coffee shop.
Jake stands up with you and waves you off as you try to pull some cash from your wallet for the tab.
"My treat, call it a Christmas gift,' he says, absolutely pushing his luck. For some reason it comes across as charming and makes you laugh.
"Would it be okay if I got your number? I'd like to see you again, Y/N."
You hold yourself together to not let out a girlish giggle of glee,
"I'd like to see you again too, Jake," you readily agree, trying to sound breezy. You quickly exchange phones and send a text to each other. Jake walks you out of the Hard Deck and gives you a chaste peck on the cheek as he hugs you goodbye.
You're getting ready for bed, a giant smile plastered on your face when your phone dings, a new message popping up.
Jake Seresin: 🎄 Merry Christmas, I'm thankful for the gift of meeting you today. I must have a good boy this year for Santa to bring us together. Owe the old man one.
You: Merry Christmas, Jake. 🎅
"Merry Christmas, y/n," Jake hums into your ear curling himself around your back.
One Year and Five Days Later
"Merry? This early? What time is it?" you croak back.
"5 am, my nieces and nephews are going to wake up shortly. "
"Thought I'd let you see what's in Santa's package," he says, trying not to laugh, as he lightly thrusts at you.
"Jacob Thomas Seresin, you got me, the ultimate Scrooge, to come to Texas for Christmas with you, bake cookies, cut down a tree, sing carols, and I'm even wearing Christmas pajamas with fucking elves on them that match your whole family, but I have to, have to draw the line at Christmas themed dirty talk."
You feel Jake's smile on your temple as you talk.
"I think you enjoy it, maybe even love Christmas a little now," Jake teases.
You roll over,
"I love you and you love Christmas, so therefore by transitive properties I should love Christmas."
He laughs,
"I'm glad this Christmas has been your best one yet."
"You're confident, maybe a little cocky, that this is my best Christmas ever," you tease.
"I mean, the bar was so low that I think I've knocked out of the park."
"You have, Jake. Thank you for doing all this for me, I might even be starting to like Christmas," you hold up your fingers, "A little bit."
Jake grins and kisses you as the door bursts open,
"Uncle Jake! Uncle Jake! Santa came last night," his five year old niece, Sophia, screams, knocking the last vestiges of sleep off your brain with her volume. You and Jake sit up as she bolts out the door to wake up the rest of the house.
Jake is looking at you, his heart warm, and it gets even warmer when he thinks of a small velvet box sitting under the tree with your name on it.
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ravensmadreads · 1 month
Ok so hear me out…what if there was a gym au with all the boys…🤔
You meet Joel in the weights section. He helps you with your form and then helps you with your aches afterwards 🤭
Javi P is a cardio king, he’s gotta be able to run after all. You meet him at the treadmills but he has a better suggestion for some cardio you can do together 🫠
Dieter is in a dance or aerobics class. He’s good with a rhythm, and it always boosts his serotonin. He takes you out dancing afterwards and we know where that leads 😌
Ezra is doing yoga. He loves the stretch. He helps you perfect your downward facing dog form 😏
I can’t think of any other boys rn but…what if…what if I’ve been thinking too much about this…what if I opened a new doc…
*raven.exe has stopped working*
Me @ this:
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Okokok so hold on lemme catch up with your big beautiful brain!!
Joel is DEFINITELY weights. He's hovering behind you, acting as your spotter, and then he puts his gigantic warm hands all over you: "correcting your form darlin' ". he chats a mile a dozen about his girls as he distracts you while you wheeze your way through the last set! he blushes all the way to the tips of his ears trying to ask you out before he absolutely destroys your 🐈 in the car???
Omg YOU DID NOT JUST BRING SWEATY JAVI P INTO THIS IM CRYINGGGGGGGGG. I WILL DO CARDIO WITH HIM ANY DAY !! (Idk if i can keep up but i bet he can make me 😉😉) ok but he gets on the elliptical with that tight butt and he definitely catches you staring SHAMELESSLY.
Oooooh but you're so right about Dieter?? You know those Zumba or pole dancing classes??? YEP THAT'S WHERE DIETER IS. the man can move his hips!! He will absolutely one hundred percent give u a lap dance. Idec that im so far off your idea rn i just want his sweaty curls on top of me.
I haven't really dipped my toe in the Ezra fandom yet, but that blonde streak of hair is very distracting. And that voice 🥵🥵🥵 yes please bend me in a pretzel sir 🫠🫠🫠
What if you opened the google doc... what if i wrapped u in a blanket burrito and made out with you (with consent ofc)... what if i fed u snacks... what if i proposed marriage..
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holocene-sims · 4 months
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next // previous
august 17, 2021 1:30 a.m. paradise hotel
[grant] it drove päivi insane and i just try to be considerate. like i've been dealing with this for years, but i'm very well aware it's not pleasant that i wake up sometimes because i'm pain and that when i do, i get up out of bed for a bit so i don't end up so stiff that i can't stand up at all in the morning.
[henry] shit, i didn't think about that. i'm sorry.
[grant] why are you apologizing? you didn't do anything wrong.
[henry] i don't know. because i feel great 24/7 and i'm privileged enough to forget that others don't?
[grant] well, that's not really your fault. it's not like i'm good at acknowledging being chronically ill in any overly serious way. honestly, it's just easier when people forget anyway!
[grant] talking about it is never not a little bit awkward.
[henry] yeah, i wasn't aware it was bad enough to interrupt your sleep.
[henry] i knew it was bad, you know? bad enough some doctor finally cared to figure out the mystery suffering and that it need surgical intervention, and i remember the exact day something first changed in you when we were kids, but that's about the end of my awareness.
[henry] man, you are also a chronic hider of information.
[grant] that's me! your hopefully favorite secret-keeper.
[grant] i don't mean to, like, keep you in the dark about this. it's not personal. especially not these days. i'm trying my best to be open. it's just...it's just awkward.
[grant] i've had enough bad responses to being sick in my lifetime that i just feel inclined to never mention it, you know?
[grant] have you tried yoga? have you tried CBD and essential oils? but you're young and look fine, you can't be sick, you're making this up! have you tried religion and cutting out all the ingredients like gluten and sugar that make food actually fun to consume? no, no, those things are poisoning you - haven't you read that gut health is the #1 cause of autoimmune disease? it's definitely not chronic stress plus your long family history of busted immune systems! check out this carnivore diet website, you totally won't get fatal heart disease from all that red meat and butter instead, bud!
[grant] or i get pity. or assumptions of what i can or cannot do.
[grant] you want to bash your head against the wall after a while. no one really gets it but they think they do.
[grant] not that you've ever done those things! or that i think you would! or that i think you don't get it! sorry, that was a lot. it just came out all at once. i think i have some insane pent up rage about this whole thing. but no, really, you're the same as my family; they don't respond badly either. i just, well, you know. again, forgetting unless it's relevant is probably preferable. i like it that way.
[grant] i don't want the awkwardness. or anyone to worry about me.
[henry] i wish you weren't afraid of telling me about all this.
[henry] you know everything about me. even the not very good parts. you're one of the only people i talk about having depression with and that's excruciating to bring up. people don't respond well to that either. maybe not with pity or assumptions but definitely obnoxious suggestions. sunshine and exercise do not fix me. lexapro and therapy sessions kind of.
[grant] and i'm glad you do! i do personally understand mental health issues, but even if i didn't, still, i'm glad you feel safe opening up to me about it. and i always want you to. and i'm always thinking about you and hoping you're doing well enough and if i can do anything–
[henry] oh, grant. you scramble my brains sometimes. that self-hating demon is still trapped inside you.
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the-jesus-pill · 2 months
Is there a word for missing being in a shitty religion because it made you feel like you had a purpose? I dunno, it's just. I know it's a cult now, I never want to go back, but fuck if I don't miss actually Knowing who I am and what I'm supposed to do and feeling like I belong somewhere. Is that a thing that usually happens? Do you have any resources for dealing with it? I hope this isn't an inappropriate question.
This is normal! I haven't been a part of the church for probably more than a decade and sometimes I still wonder if I'd be happier being part of something where if you say the right things and make the right decisions you will be accepted, praised and loved.
It's both the positive and partially the negative of leaving - now you can decide who you want to be, what you want to do, who your friends are.
I think everyone who leaves a community, whether that community was religious or otherwise, whether it was healthy or not, experience this feeling of 'well, what do I do now?'
But the good news is that there will always be another group for you, whether you find them right away or not. Humans are social animals, and there are people who want you in their lives as much as you want to be in theirs. Finding them is the difficult part but it's so rewarding when you do.
My advice is find out what you like or what you want to learn and see if there is a community for it nearby!
This can be paid lessons like dancing, yoga, hiking groups, learning music or other languages, or it can be hobbies like cosplay, table top roleplaying, crafting, theater, etc. Learning a sport or doing local activism can also be a good way to get to know others (although be careful with activism, while it's a very good cause, it should not be a hobby and it can have its own complications)
If there's nothing in your immediate local area, try online communities! Online book clubs, writing groups, fandoms and roleplaying, music appreciation are good examples to start, lots of people there and many of them looking for newcomers to share their passions with.
Check out your local library or fandom stores (like comic book or cosplay shops) for smaller events - and Reddit has a lot of communities for basically anything you can come up with.
Feeling like you don't have a place is a very common feeling, even amongst those who aren't apostates. Everyone feels self conscious about not having enough friends - or not having ANY friends. We're told we need to belong somewhere to matter.
But in truth you have all the time in the world to find your people. You might find a group of friends and then it doesn't work out - friends leave or there are falling outs and it can feel like you're not cut out to have relationships. It's normal to not immediately find your soulmates, your BFFs, your found family on the first try. Keep trying! They are out there.
Edit: I recommend reading this article! Ask Polly: How Am I Supposed To Make Friends In My Late 20s?
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tiger-mcqueen · 1 year
I see a lot of folks noting the things Ted Lasso has in common with Sleepless in Seattle after Ted said it's the superior Nora Ephron film.
And, yup, I did a rewatch of the film (it's one of my favorites) and took notes too just like a lot of you lol.
There are the obvious things of course. The whole soulmatey-destiny-cosmic-forces vibe, signs (that the heroine is a skeptic of), a focus on planes and boats, an Oklahoma reference, Dr. Fieldstone (who begs people to just talk to each other and admit their feelings). There are Wizard of Oz nods too: Somewhere Over the Rainbow plays after the first radio show, when Annie hears Sam for the first time, Annie and Walter's dinner at the Rainbow Room, Sam mentioning growing a new heart, the reference to a friend named Glenda.
But being the tedbecca clown and yoga enthusiast I am (*proudly adjusts clown wig before stretching*), here are a few other things I noticed:
When Victoria is traveling, she offers to bring Noah a snow globe from the place she's visiting.
The quote: "What we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing that they are a perfect match." "Y'all's baggage just matches right up, don't it?"
When Annie stops at the diner, she orders tea.
Jonah's Seattle Mariners hat matches the believe colors, and (I know but I stretched before this reach) at the end of the movie, when Sam and Annie hold hands for the first time, he's wearing a yellow jacket and her coat is blue.
And, my favorite (I honestly gasped), the host who seats Sam and Victoria when they first meet for dinner is named...Derick.
Now for my Affair notes:
Sleepless in Seattle paid homage to An Affair to Remember, so let's think about that movie in relation to Ted Lasso, too.
(Before I really dig in, we all know from both movies about the Empire State Building and February 14, but do you remember the teaser trailer for this season was dropped on Valentines' Day?)
Now, in Nora Ephron's Sleepless, the movie and especially the ending of Affair was touted as the most romantic thing ever.
To summarize it: The heroine (Terry) and hero (Nickie) meet while they're involved with others and take a quick "friends to lovers" journey. They realize their feelings and vow to resolve the issues keeping them apart (relationships, careers), and then meet in six months at the top of the Empire State Building. When that day comes, Terry's hit by a cab while rushing to meet Nickie...and Nickie waits in vain in the rain and thunder and lightning until he gives up, thinking she doesn't love him. She won't tell him about the accident because it left her unable to walk. Nickie visits Terry in her apartment and is just about to leave forever when he sees one of his paintings (that his agent gave to a woman in a wheelchair) and realizes what happened. Love and happiness ensues.
-Ted and Rebecca aren't involved with others when they meet, but they are very hung up on their exes, and they have to work through their issues before they're ready to be in a relationship with someone.
-There's been debate for a while in the general Ted Lasso fandom about the show foreshadowing a car accident. Ted even almost steps in front of a car a few times.
-Rebecca's "thunder and lighting" haven't happened yet.
-Ted's not a painter like Nickie, but the Hockney drawing that Rupert gave Rebecca is important to her journey. And this show likes parallels, so I've been thinking about how a drawing/painting/piece of artwork involving Ted might play a part in an eventual tedbecca. I've wondered if he might get her a copy of one of Hockney's lightning prints because he knows she likes the artist.
I don't know.
I'm not thinking Ted and Rebecca will vow to meet at the top of the Empire State Building or anything like that. But I have long thought any revelation of feelings between Ted and Rebecca would be in the very ending of the show, just like in Sleepless in Seattle.
(*puts on clown shoes*)
Now I'm fully into the idea that a car accident, thunder and lightning, and possibly a painting...all in homage to An Affair to Remember...will play a part in the realization of feelings and ensuing confession.
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viviennelamb · 22 days
“Reading books from men who don't know much will only get us so far.”
Isn’t yogananda a man? I’m confused. How do we decipher between which men to listen to and which to disregard? Aside from the obvious not participating in sex/lust. For some reason I don’t think that their celibacy is enough for me to commit to following their practices. After sex comes a man’s second love: control. I think it’s possible for some spiritual teachers to abstain but still want to have control and influence over a large group of people. Maybe I’m being too skeptical. Thank you for all the Q&A’s btw ❦
"Men who don't know much."
Yogananda knows what he's talking about.
A man who doesn't know what he's talking about will always lead people to sex, or at the very least, advocate for women and men occupying the same space. I've never seen a situation where this isn't the case. You can decipher whether you want to listen to somebody or not based on your intuition. If you would rather not do something, don't do it.
You have a healthy amount of skepticism. Men have flooded the market with their bs. You'll reach a point where you want to know the truth, and here it is. I wouldn't talk about it if it wasn't the truth or if it didn't work for me. I don't think you should do anything you're not ready for. It took me a couple of years to start myself.
I don't see meditation owned by any one person, but about physical, psychological and spiritual health. You can pick your Spiritual teacher, but the teachings that give results are the same: commune with God directly through meditation. I like shortcuts wherever I can take it, so step-by-step instructions from somebody who has already mastered what I'm looking for is what I wanted.
My Guru is Olivia the Avatar, and she recommended Yogananda's Lessons, so I took them. I trust her recommendations. I understand that many women are wary of males which is why I post about Olivia.
I used to think the same way as you, but my nervous system has been destroyed by distractions, addictions, overstudying, overworking and overexercising. I had to concede to the fact that I needed to learn how to live properly, instead of disjointedly looking for solutions and reading sweet nothings. You can look wherever you want, you will always be led back to what Yogis have suggested: going within, which I didn't know how until I learned how to meditate.
Everybody takes what Yogis have said in bits and pieces and attributes it to themselves or their movement. Even Yogis said that men and women shouldn't be together... do you see why their teachings are so unpopular? The ordinary man despises Saints because they embody everything men say is impossible.
Yogananda doesn't say they're his practices either, they're passed down from a line of Spiritual Masters, Jesus Christ being the first one as he meditated and lived in the world, but wasn't of it. Yogananda introduced the Science of Yoga to the western hemisphere.
In my case, chastity is enough for me once I came to understand the extent to which lust and sex turns people into monsters. I've experienced controlling women, so it's definitely not a male thing. Only lustful/sexual individuals are emotionally unstable and will kill you for nothing.
When it comes to control, how can somebody else control you once you have control of yourself? If you don't control yourself, something else will. Once you grow your understanding of how reality works, you will see that the control men attempt to exert over others is a fallacy. But you won't know it if you haven't cleaned up your mind of their brainwashing.
The only way to find freedom is to control yourself. In your case, I'd recommend to keep reading, but you will reach that point where you get intellectual fatigue and you will remember this.
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cheatingwifelover · 3 months
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My wife has long preferred older men but as she has gotten older herself it seems that at 60 younger men have become a possibility for her. It's an interest I've done my best to encourage but she has been saying that 25 is about as young as she has any interest in considering. That unexpectedly changed a couple weeks ago.
Our yard guy was getting more work than he could handle himself even with his usual helper so he hired a neighborhood kid to help with the local overflow from time to time. The kid lives down the street from us and seems to be hard working and industrious. I've asked him to do a few things in the yard a couple of times but haven't really talked to him. My wife apparently has talked to him on occasion and was impressed with his energy, politeness, and hard work. I'll call him Orin.
Though we have seen him around the neighborhood he's not regularly employed by our yard guy and I frankly haven't paid that much attention to when he's at work on our yard or where exactly on our street he lives. Lately my wife has noticed and told me about him and a friend of his riding down the street and in a nearby park on scooters.
A couple of weeks ago on a Saturday my wife and I had been drinking all afternoon and by the time I fired up the BBQ about 8pm that night to do a couple steaks the both of us were pretty toasted. Wife was in yoga pants and a tight top without a bra looking damn hot to me. It wasn't risque but she can be a little shy so normally she'd be a little more circumspect about her dress in the neighborhood. However, it was dark, and she decided to go as she was and collect our mail in the box across the street.
I was in the backyard getting the grill ready. I didn't realize she wasn't in the house and was expecting her to bring out the steaks. When she didn't show I went looking for her and saw on our security cams that she was in our driveway surrounded by a couple of guys on scooters. I watched a bit to make sure she was ok and it was clear whatever was happening it was amiable.
Five minutes talking to a couple of young guys after dark in our driveway was at first sort of a passing curiosity, but when it became ten minutes, then fifteen what I initially took to be some causal conversation seemed like it could be developing into something much more.
As I watched I noticed that each time my wife moved and it looked like she might be ready to head in they re-positioned their scooters to block her exit and keep her between them. It seemed obvious that they had some interest in her beyond talking to an old lady in the neighborhood getting her mail and I found my interest increasing exponentially as time went on.
As I was to learn later from my wife, one of the kids was Orin, our yard guy's part time helper, and the other was his friend, who I will call Tony. They were quite proud of the fact that they had bought the scooters very cheaply because they didn't run and gotten them into running condition. My wife took an interest and asked them a lot of questions. If they weren't savvy enough to realize she had quite a buzz on they must have interpreted her responses as exceedingly friendly and interested.
Tony was the more aggressive of the two. My wife characterizes him to me now as an “eager beaver” and even in her inebriated state there was little doubt in her mind that he wanted to fuck her. Orin was more reserved. I'm sure he also wanted to fuck her but he was not so obvious about it. Tony took the initiative and asked my wife if she'd like to go for a ride on his scooter. She told him she didn't know how to drive it and he said he'd show her.
He sat her on the scooter in front of him, showed her the hand brakes and the throttle, but told her not to worry about the throttle, he'd help her with that. All she needed to do was keep both hands on the handle bars, steer, and squeeze the breaks if he told her. He wrapped his left around around her waist, and put his right hand over hers on the throttle, and off they went.
I figured they'd take a trip around the block and it wouldn't be long but it was getting late so I went and turned off the gas to the BBQ assuming we wouldn't be having steak that night. I went back to the security cams but minute after minute passed and there was no sign of them. Five minutes, then ten, then twenty. At that point I began to think about what might be happening and was finding it increasingly difficult to think of an innocent explanation....though perv that I am it might be more honest to say I was hoping more and more that there was no innocent explanation.
My wife showed up three hours later even more inebriated than she'd been earlier and collapsed into bed. She was out instantly and all I could do was imagine where she'd been. My imagination in these circumstances did not lead to innocent explanations and soon I was jacking off to what I'd hoped had happened.
Once they left our driveway, Tony, had his right hand over my wife's on the throttle. His left had was around her waist, but as he increased speed he slipped his left under her top and began to feel her big tits, thumbing her nipples. Tony got them going pretty fast and my wife was afraid to take her hands off the handle bars, or move her hands and apply the brakes, worried about crashing. Tony had his hand over her right hand so she couldn't grab the brakes on both sides anyway.
Tony fondled her big tits for a bit, then he slipped his hand down her yoga pants and fingered her. At some point he must have realized that my wife was afraid of crashing and wasn't going to resist his groping and used it to his advantage, racing up and down neighborhood streets...but they had an unspoken objective. Orin's parents were off for the weekend and no one was home there. They pulled up at Orin's house and asked my wife to come in and have a drink with them before they took her home.
I called them kids, but Orin clocked in at 18, a high school senior, and his friend Tony is 19, having graduated high school last year. Orin raided his parents liquor cabinet. Young as they were they realized it was in their best interest to keep my wife drunk. They got two strong drinks down her before they made a move. Tony came up behind her. Both hands now free, one went to her tits, the other down her yoga pants to finger her cunt as he kissed her neck.
Orin watched his friend with her until he told him, come on, get in on this, and then he approached and kissed her. As Orin made out with her his friend groped her and fingered her cunt. Tony lifted her top and exposed her tits, then pulled down her yoga pants and slipped his cock into her from behind. My wife surrendered herself to the lust of the moment without a thought to the possible consequences. Tony didn't last long before he was filling her married pussy.
My wife stepped out of her yoga pants and Orin took her hand and led her to the living room sofa. They laid down together and made out for quite awhile and then she slid off the sofa to her knees. My wife told Orin she'd been wondering for a while now what his cock was like and Orin sat up and watched her extract it. He was already hard so it wasn't an easy release.
“Very nice,” she told him once she finally got it out.
“Is it bigger than your husband's,” he asked? ...to which she replied “oh yes,” taking it into her mouth.
She was taking his cock down to the balls and in a very short amount of time he said with some surprise
“I can feel it in your throat. Fuck, I'm going to cum.”
And he did,,,,she felt his cock twitch in her mouth as he shot one, two, three, four, and a final fifth jet of cum down her throat. Then she felt his friends hands pulling her up and leading her into a bedroom.
“Will you suck my cock like you did Orin's,” he asked, “that was awesome.”
Orin stayed on the sofa a little dazed and when he finally got up and followed his friend to the bedroom he was greeted by the sight of my wife on her knees sucking Tony's cock.
Seeing that, Orin was instantly hard again and said “it's my turn to fuck her now.”
“All right bro,” said Tony, “help me get her on the bed.”
“No,” said Orin, “you and her finish first and then I want to fuck her.”
With his friend there watching my wife suck him Tony didn't last long. As she sucked him she milked his balls with her hand plunging her mouth down on his cock and into her throat repeatedly, until she felt his legs begin to shudder and his knees going weak, signaling he was about to cum. She took him fully down her throat and he unloaded and fell shakily onto the bed.
There was an awkward moment as Tony stood up contemplating what he should do next and Orin helped my wife to her feet and kissed her. They stood just making out for a few minutes as Tony pulled out the chair to Orin's desk, sat down, and watched. Orin had shed his pants and his stiff cock poked between her thighs as they kissed. He finally broke their kissing, stood back slightly, and took her big tits into his hands, looking at them in awe. Then he bent down to take them into his mouth sucking on one and then the other. He told her he'd wanted to feel her tits and suck them since the first time she came out to talk to him.
Orin told her how sexy and beautiful she was, that he'd dreamed about it but never thought it would actually happen. She said she'd thought about him too but never imagined it happening either...she couldn't believe that someone his age could be interested in a married 60 year old grandmother. In that moment it was just the two of them. Tony had vanished from their thoughts even though he still sat quietly watching.
They tumbled into the bed making out, her legs open, and Orin's cock poking desperately at her pussy. She reached down and guided it into her as Orin began to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and made out with him as his young cock thrust in and out of her. It had been years since she'd felt as aroused as she did with Orin. In her head Tony had been fucking her but Orin was making love to her. She had taken the edge off him when she'd sucked his cock and now he was displaying his stamina. They continued for so long that Tont got tired of watching and left the room.
When they finished she told him that I'd be wondering what happened to her and after all this time I was probably worried. Will your husband be mad he asked? I don't plan on telling him she replied to put him at ease. Can I see you again he asked her and she told him she wasn't sure. Tony had left so Orin took her home on the back of his scooter.
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