#and 'been a son' is a VERY important song to me ok
unbornwhiskeyy · 2 years
nothing makes me sadder than finding a fellow trans girl utterly insufferable on the internet but i guess that means we’re really all just people ;_; 
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reallyromealone · 14 days
Title: demon daddy
Fandom: Yuuri on ice
Characters: Yuuri, Viktor
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: viktuuri
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, child reader, demon Viktor, very ooc Viktor, fluff, dad Yuuri
Viktor was feared.
A ruthless prince of hell who was now sitting in the livingroom with infant toys and an exhausted single dad "hi! I'm sorry for doing this but I have an important skating match I can't miss and I can't bring my son and I need you to watch him for a few hours! Ok thanks bye!" And the cute Asian man ran out as Viktor looked at the tiny babe who was barely two, chewing his fist as he watched his morning Elmo "so you got a name?" Viktor asked the little one who barely broke from the screen to glance at him then Viktor saw the note on the table.
'hi! Again sorry, this is super messed up I know but I have no one else to watch my son (name)
He's one and a half, he already has been changed and had breakfast so he should be fine till about lunch, he loves games and helping, again I am so sorry'
This is the weirdest summoning he's had in a while.
Shifting into a human form, Viktor sat on the couch as (name) babbled along to the song playing before the credits roll, turning to look at the other curiously and Viktor sighed "your papa is a fool to trust such a defenceless with a demon" he teased as he lifted the babe who seemed perfectly content being in his hold, the demon getting up to check the house out, looking at the photos on the wall "you got a hot dad" Viktor said simply and (name) looked confused before babbling and chewing his fist "that's dirty, where's your pacifier" Viktor said softly as he removed the little fist from the babies mouth "you are a messy baby, are all babies this messy" he found the pacifier in its little case and popped it in the boys mouth.
(Name) Played with Viktors fingers as they walked around the two bedroom apartment, the demon snooping through the humans belongings "little human, you might have a new stepdad if I have anything to say about it" Viktor couldn't take his eyes off the humans dad whom he learned through snooping was named Yuuri, a pretty single dad who was single.
"Yeah, we love the idea of me being your stepdad!" Little (name) squealed as Viktor lifted him up high and (name) grabbed his horns curiously "your papa summoned me, silly humans"Viktor teased as he wandered the house with the boy who eventually fell asleep in his arms.
When Yuuri for home, he wasn't expecting to see a handsome demon scrolling his phone with his son slumped on his chest, face smooshed against the demon as said silver haired demon supported his little bottom and used his tail to rub his back to lull him.
"You summoned a demon to watch your spawn, human? You have guts" Viktor chuckled and Yuuri didn't know what to do as Viktor manifested up and close "do you know what happens now, human?"
"What do you want?" Yuuri wanted to cry, he didn't think this through, what he didn't expect was a kiss "you be mine, my pretty little wife"
Yuuri was nervous as Viktor got into his space, the kiss knocking the wind out of him "i- uh.."
"Papa!" The two looked down to the now awake (name) who clung to him "haaa!"
"Of course, little one"
This answer would have to wait as (name) needed food.
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motomamita · 6 months
Based on the movie Whiplash (2014)
Pairing: Guitarist!Eddie Munson x Female!Guitarist!reader
Summary: (YN) puts Eddie's place in the music group at risk, so he decides to visit her at night and clear things up.
Warnings: Smut, +18, a looot of cursing and dirty talk, possesive Eddie, rough sex, hatefuck, unprotected sex, Fletcher is a warning himself, violents talks, idk.
Do not copy or translate, and sorry for my bad english. Muak.
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Eddie entered the rehearsal room carrying his guitar case while trying not to bump into his classmates, reading the sheet music that Fletcher had given them days before.
He had been in the select group at the conservatory for 2 weeks and still felt nervous like the first time. After Fletcher fired his previous guitarist, Eddie was chosen from among many guitarists at the conservatory to take his place. He finally had an important position on the team and he wasn't going to let anyone take him away from there.
Everyone took their places and began to warm up their instruments, practicing individually without paying attention to the rest of their classmates. They stayed like that until Fletcher came into the room. The silence became absolute and the nervousness was present.
"We are weeks away from the presentation at the exhibition." Fletcher commented looking at his musicians who kept their eyes on the floor. "My reputation and that of the Conservatory depends on your performance there." He spoke seriously. "So if any of you, fucking shits, decide to make some mistake and ruin everything...! You'll just have to pick up your stuff and leave before I kill you with my own hands, okay?!" Fletcher's voice echoed throughout the place.
Neither Eddie nor the others dared to speak. They kept their eyes on the ground and their hearts pounding, not moving to avoid attracting Fletcher's attention and automatically becoming his next victim.
"OK?!" He repeated angrily.
"Yes sir!" They all responded in unison.
"Good very good." Fletcher sat down in his chair and everyone quickly get ready to play. "We start with Caravan."
The band began to play immediately, following the scores with their eyes to avoid mistakes that could harm them. Eddie fixed his gaze on his fingers on the strings as he bobbed his head rhythmically. He had already studied this song the night before to avoid mistakes so he knew it by heart from beginning to end. He didn't want to be the victim of Fletcher's fury, not again.
It took a few seconds until Fletcher waved his hands in the air asking them to stop immediately, which they did. A grimace of disgust settled on the man's face. Someone had made a mistake and Eddie prayed it wasn't him.
"Edward. What the fuck was that!?" It had been him. "Is smoking affecting your damn retarded chimpanzee brain?"
Fletcher yelled at him from his spot, placing his hands on his hips and still looking at him. Eddie lowered his gaze embarrassed and didn't say a word, anything he could say was going to complicate the situation even more.
"I think I'm going to have to hit your damn fingers with a hammer to get them to play ONE note right! Son of a bitch.."
Fletcher was interrupted by a knock on the door of the room. He walked to open the door, welcoming whoever was behind.
"Thank God you came! This idiot is ruining everything!" He exclaimed with a certain tone of calm in his voice. "Everyone, meet (YN). She'll be our lead guitarist."
Eddie looked up from the ground when he heard the name. His eyes connected with hers, his 'former fuck' and now 'new enemy'. He hadn't seen her since the last time they fucked, before they both entered the conservatory and had a fight over who was the best player.
"Thank you for considering me and giving me the opportunity to play with you." She smiled. That damn smile.
"You deserve it, sweetie. So take Munson's seat."
Eddie smiled, anger coursing through his body. Was this all an evil plan on Fletcher's part? Did he want to humiliate him even more?
"But... I'm the lead guitarist..." Eddie tried to defend his place.
"You're not anymore. Until you improve your technique and keep your mind on the scores and not thinking about whores and drugs." Fletcher responded harshly. "Now you are going to be in charge of turning the pages of (YN's) sheet music."
The girl walked to Eddie's seat, who reluctantly gave her his place and stood next to her. (YN) set up her guitar and took out her own folder of sheet music, extending it to Eddie.
"We're back again with Caravan." Fletcher informed, returning to his place in the room.
"You heard, place my pages on Caravan." (YN) murmured with a mocking smile to Eddie, who closed his fists trying to mitigate his anger and followed the girl's orders.
"And one, two and.. Three!"
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Three loud knocks echoed on the door of (YN's) small apartment. The girl, who had just come out of the shower, put on a t-shirt that reached her thighs and ran to the door still with her hair wet.
When she opened she found Eddie Munson, who also didn't seem happy to see her again. Many times he had shown up at her door, months ago, with desire and need in his eyes and then fucked her until dawn. Now, his gaze expressed pure annoyance and it was more likely that he wanted to finish her off before making her finish.
"Why? Uh? Why the hell do you want to sabotage me?" He asked placing his hand on the door frame, preventing her from closing it.
"I didn't sabotage you, you just did." She explained calmly. "It's not my fault I'm better than you." She smiled cynically.
"No! You're not better than me and you know it. It's all a damn plan to drive me crazy and push me over the edge, right?" Eddie raised his voice upset.
(YN) sighed and grabbed him by the collar of his leather jacket, making him enter the apartment before the neighbors complained about the noise.
"You're really paranoid if you think I'm doing all this for you. I made the team on my own merit, I'm not part of any 'evil plan' to make you suffer, as much as I'd like to see that." She explained, taking a few steps forward to stay close to him.
"Did you fuck Fletcher?" Eddie asked quietly as he looked into her eyes.
"What?" She asked after a few seconds confused.
"You did it, right? All so you could steal my place on the team." He asked again, now more confident.
"No, I never did." She shook her head, still looking into his eyes. "But I might try, if that makes you even more jealous." She murmured mischievously after a few seconds.
Neither of them moved for the first few seconds. The street lights entered through the windows of the apartment, leaving little visibility and turning them into shadows for the outside gaze. The ticking of the clock resonated almost at the same tempo as the rapid heartbeats of both, creating a melody as dangerous as it was captivating.
Eddie couldn't contain himself any longer and launched himself at her, placing one of his hands behind her neck and pulling her towards him, kissing her desperately. (YN) did not refuse and received him gladly, hugging him by the shoulders and pressing her body even closer to his. The kiss became more violent, showing that there was not only desire there but also a great amount of hatred in both of them. Without separating, they moved to the couch where (YN) collided with him, becoming cornered between it and Eddie.
"Damn whore, trying to steal my place..." Eddie murmured against her lips while one of his hands moved up her thighs until he reached her core. "And you're not wearing panties... It seems like you were waiting for me to arrive and find you like this..." He growled and one of his fingers began to make circular movements on her clitoris. Her legs trembled at the sudden stimulus, closing her thighs instinctively.
"I wasn't waiting for you, but for Fletcher.." she joked, enjoying Eddie's jealous look.
In one quick movement Eddie turned her and placed her face down, with her abdomen over the back of the couch. One of his hands grabbed hers and her t-shirt, leaving her bare from the waist down. (YN) let out a moan at that, getting even wetter from Eddie's mini aggressions. He knelt, still holding her hands, and brought his head to her center.
"You smell as exquisite as always.." He spoke and then took his mouth and began to lick her folds with need. She moaned loudly, rolling her eyes back as the tip of Eddie's tongue found her clit. "My pussy, this is my fucking pussy.." he growled, tasting all the wetness of her.
"Eddie! Shit..!" She moaned desperately at the wave of pleasure he was giving her with just his mouth. The neighbors were definitely aware of what was happening.
He abruptly separated from her center, uncomfortable by the boner that formed inside his pants. He clumsily pulled down his pants along with his boxers, revealing his hard cock whose tip was glistening from the accumulation of precum.
"Shit.." He mumbled at the sight, not at all surprised at the effect (YN) had on her. "You make me so fucking hard.."
With his free hand he brought his cock up to her wet hole. Eddie released a trickle of saliva, trying to make the stretch not so painful for her, and spread it with the tip of his cock over her folds. (YN) bit her lower lip, eager to feel him inside her after several months.
In a slow but confident movement, he entered inside her making sure not to leave any centimeters out. They both moaned at the sensation and didn't move for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling. Progressively, Eddie couldn't hold on any longer and began to move at a normal pace, grunting like an animal.
"God, I hate you so much but this pussy is so wonderful.." He spoke between moans, admiring how his cock entered and left her with ease thanks to the wetness of both of them.
"Well, I hate you, you and your big fat cock.."
Eddie stopped dead when he heard her and in an unexpected movement he released her hands and grabbed her neck, bringing her back to his chest. Without warning he fucked her again, only this time with a rougher and more hateful rhythm. For (YN) it became impossible to hide her moans, the pleasure was absolute and did not seem to end.
"Moan, moan for me. Let everyone know that you will always be my fucking whore.." Eddie laughed as he heard pure moans coming from her mouth.
His balls rhythmically slapped against her clit, bringing sparks of pleasure to both of them. Her hands went to Eddie's arm that was holding her neck, noticing that out of desperation Eddie was still wearing his pants at the height of his ankles.
"Eddie..! Please..!" From the tone of her voice, he knew that she was ready to cum and it wouldn't be long until he did too.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.." Eddie repeated to the rhythm of each hard thrust, feeling her walls hug him as she cums.
(YN)'s legs shook but that didn't seem to matter to Eddie at all, who continued fucking her through her orgasm until he felt she was close. He brought his mouth to her neck, biting lightly as he stifled a moan of pleasure. After a few seconds he ended up inside her, without noticing that due to the force of his bite he had left a mark on her neck.
Slowly Eddie pulled out of her, letting some of his cum fall down her thighs and stain the floor. (YN) had to hold on to the couch to avoid falling to the floor because of how weak her legs felt. Eddie noticed and held her for a few seconds to make sure she was okay. Then, he pulled up his boxers and pants and acted as if nothing had happened, although his red cheeks and messy hair showed otherwise.
Neither of them said anything, there was no need to do so either. (YN) watched as Eddie walked to the exit but turned around before leaving.
"This doesn't end here. Soon I will regain my place on the team and you will be my whore inside the conservatory too."
Then, he left the apartment.
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bad268 · 2 months
I love your writing so much!!
Can you kaybe do a Ralf Aron one where him and the readers parents go way back and they always thought that Ralf and the reader were going to marry each other?
Skip To That Part (Ralf Aron X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/WEC
Requested: Clearly (THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE)
Warnings: None (no physical descriptions of reader)
POV: Second Person (You/you)
W.C. 1270
Summary: Let's just skip to the best part of the wedding (save me from embarrassment). + Song Rec
As always, my requests are OPEN
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Today was the day. Your wedding day. As cliche as it sounded, you were excited to start the new chapter. Sure, not much of a new chapter when you grew up with your future husband, but a step forward nonetheless. Ralf and you had been friends since primary school and together since you were teens. You were interested in engineering, so it was easy to follow him around everywhere. You were able to help with his karts, and it was only a matter of time before he put a ring on your finger.
The only thoughts that ran through your head as you stood at the altar were that you could not believe it. All that planning was finally coming to fruition, and so far, it was perfect. The skies were clear, the weather was nice and the wedding itself was small. You only wanted your closest family and friends since you were both pretty reserved. Plus, this was your day. Neither of you needed to justify your want to have a small ceremony or reception. 
There was one very important part of the ceremony, though. It was something you were looking forward to, and when you first told Ralf about it, he thought it was a great idea. You had heard about people having their parents or married family members give you advice or tell a story during the ceremony, and every video you saw of it made you want to include it in your day. 
Your concentration (or lack thereof) when your mom and Ralf’s mom stood before you. You chuckled nervously before they took the place of the officiant and faced the rest of your families.
“Before we get started with the advice,” Your mom started as a few of your families looked at your mothers.
“We thought now would be a good time for a story,” His mom finished off. Everyone laughed, but you looked at Ralf nervously, knowing this was probably going to be an embarrassing story. His mom waited for everything to calm down before gesturing to your mom and saying, “For some background, I have known her for years.”
“That’s right! At least 30 years!” Your mom laughed, playing along. “And we said that when we had kids, we would force them to be friends.”
“Well, lucky for us, our kids didn’t need to be forced!” The entire group erupted in laughter as you leaned to try and hide your face in Ralf’s shoulder. “These two were always attached. I don’t even think I ever saw you apart!”
“I can think of one time where I walked in on you two-” Your mom started, but by the glint in her eyes, you knew this was not a story you wanted to air out.
“Mom, please don’t embarrass me too much on my wedding day,” You cut her off immediately. No one needed to know that story. Some things just needed to stay between you and her, and this was one of them. 
“Ok, we won’t say that story,” Your mom conceded as she brought her hand up to fix a hair that had fallen in front of your eyes. “But I will say this. One day, we took them to the local karting track. This was back when they both wanted to be F1 drivers.”
“Oh right! To say Ralf got beaten to a pulp was an understatement,” His mom chuckled, poking fun at her son.  
“We were like 7!” Ralf defended himself with a laugh.
“Anyways,” Your mom dragged out before gesturing to you, “You climbed out of that kart so quickly and ran to Ralf. I don’t even think I’ve seen Lightning McQueen go faster than that!”
“You hit him with such momentum that it knocked him over! Good thing you both were wearing helmets,” His mom joked. The rest of the guests also laughed as both of your cheeks flushed from embarrassment. “I said right then and there you two would get married, so thank you for making me 100 euros richer.”
“You bet money on my love life?” Ralf gasped as his mom added the last part. “I should get at least half! I mean, it is my life!”
“And I get the significant other’s tax of 50%,” You joked with everyone, but once everyone calmed down, you turned to your mom and mother-in-law, “Did you really make a bet based on that one interaction?”
“Oh no!” They both said quickly, almost offended at the accusation.
“There’s plenty of instances that led to the bet,” His mom said.
“Like when you first met, and you grabbed his hand and said, ‘mine’ before dragging him into your room.”
“Or when you both raced against each other, swapped cars and immediately said each other’s cars sucked.”
“Or when you joined Prema just to travel with him during his F4 and F3 champaigns.”
“Or when you said you couldn’t stand each other after every other time you hung out.”
“Or when you both admitted to not wanting to ruin your friendships because of your feelings,” Your mom exasperated. “I had to listen to it for three years! We had to do something!”
“What do you mean you had to do something?” You and Ralf asked skeptically. You did not like the sound of that. Neither of you did.
“Let’s just say someone had to give you a little push but don’t shoot the messenger,” His mom replied quickly as she raised her hands in surrender. That’s when you realized what they were talking about.
You were 15 when you became official with Ralf. He slipped a note in your post box, and you knew it was him because it was his handwriting. You knew his handwriting like the back of your hand. It was a love letter that you still had to this day. As soon as you read his confession, you went to his house and admitted your feelings. The rest was history. 
However, the way his mom said, “Don't shoot the messenger” got you thinking. You never mentioned the letter to Ralf, thinking he delivered it, but the way she said it seemed suspicious.
“Did you give me that letter?” You decided to just bite the bullet and ask.
“What letter?” Ralf asked as he glanced between you and his mom confused. “What am I missing here?”
“Ralf, did you or did you not confess to me through a letter?”
“No…” He trailed off but picked it back up in a second. “I wrote a letter once, but I threw it away. I was going to give it to you, but the day after I wrote it, you came over and confessed. I didn’t need to give it to you.”
“Would it happen to have started with, ‘How about we shift our gears and drive into the sunset together? Because with you, every road feels like a scenic route’?” His face said it all as his eye snapped to his mom. “So the bet is invalid because the messenger interfered. I petition to just move on and never speak of it again.”
With a laugh, they sat back down, and the officiant stood between us again. Just as the officiant was about to call up the first couple to give us advice, Ralf stopped them.
“Can we just skip to the part where we kiss? We can do the advice during the reception, but that story took forever,” Ralf pressed as he tried to pull you closer. The officiant looked at you for approval, to which you nodded with a sigh.
“I think it’s time we skip to that part.”
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ughhhdavid · 1 year
A kinda long analysis of some scenes in The Sound Of Music in relation to the Ted Lasso finale, TedTrent, and Ted's bisexuality ahead.
Since they decided to name the finale as a reference to The Sound Of Music, and perform a song from it as well, I've decided to look into it. After all, Ted has always been pretty similar to Maria. They're both enthusiastic, positive, they come into this family's life, and, while uptight and closed off at first, it eventually warms up to them. They both help their new family become better.
And then they leave.
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They both say it's because they miss their old lives. But Maria actually leaves because she has developed feelings for the Captain. Meanwhile I think Ted missing his family at home is genuine. (However, he had a chance to have both his Richmond family and his Kansas family at the same time. And there's some debate of the reason he didn't want that)
In The Sound Of Music, we get glimpses into Maria's life after going back.
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Sound familiar?
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All these shots of people he loves who you think would want him there. Even his own best friend's wedding. And where is Ted? Why is he missing these moments? Why is he so isolated?
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Uhm... Hello???? If there's one way to describe Ted's face in this scene, it's this.
Now this is where Ted's story ends. But Maria's continues, having a very intense conversation with Mother Abbess about feelings you've never felt before, having something deep inside you that you can't face, being confused, and not wanting to betray God. This seems very queer coded to me.
On the other hand, she thinks that she is only in servitude of God, and accepting the Captain's love would be distracting her from her mission as a nun. To which Mother says, that just because she loves The Captain, that doesn't mean she loves God less.
Now that got me thinking about Ted, and the way he left everything behind, and the way he rejected everyone's love for him, and the way he seemed to think that was the right thing to do in order to fully love and be there for Henry.
But Ted was a great father, even in London, and he didn't need to sacrifice all other things he loved for him. (Of course, parents would sacrifice everything for their kids, I'm just saying Ted didn't have to).
Loving Richmond didn't mean he loved Henry less.
Mother Reverend also says this:
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Which reminds me of what Trent said earlier in the episode:
"I don't think we change, per say, as much as we learn to accept who we've always been"
Next she sings the song "Climb Every Mountain",which finally convinces Maria to go back. Here are some of the lyrics:
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Which, first of all. Rainbow??? Ok.
Like the rainbow in Ted's hallucination? Like the bi flag in that same hallucination that helped him get unstuck and get as close to achieving his dream as he could, with Total Football.
Secondly, this reminds me of Ted on the plane, doubting himself. Thinking about how they could've won the whole fucking thing. And later, the lyrics from "Father and Son" that play while Ted looks at the snowglobe.
"For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not"
How are we supposed to interpret this if not that Ted is abandoning his dream,Richmond?
And that someone needs to make him realize his dreams are important, too?
Next, Maria comes back and greets the Captain in an interaction that reminded me a lot of Ted and Trent.
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And then the captain says this:
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Which is a criticism I heard a lot about the finale. The entirety of AFC Richmond said goodbye to Ted in big ways, and small ways, but he never said a proper goodbye to any of them. A proper, heartfelt goodbye in which he said something substantial, anything that anyone deserved to hear from him, after spending the past 3 years loving him, being by his side and believing in him.
With Maria returned, The Captain breaks up his engagement to The Baroness.
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He says he has been dishonest. He has hidden his feelings and he can't hide them anymore. Reminded me of Trent, saying he had to come out to his wife 2 times before her believing. Trent, hiding his real feelings from a woman he couldn't love the way she wanted him to.
To which the Baroness gets defensive and acts like she's the one who wants to break up. That she doesn't think he's the right man for her.
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I laughed out loud when she said this, ngl.
Next, The Captain talks to Maria in the garden about her plans to leave again soon.
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Again, reminiscent of Keeley and Rebecca asking Ted to change his mind, and stay. And the book Ted is holding on the plane "How to Change Your Mind: The New Science Of Psychadelics".
The part where he says "it will be all wrong again after you leave". Let's talk about that. Because as Ted leaves, Roy and Jamie throw away years of development and go back to their old dynamic. Nate is a kit man again. So much regression. Beard, going home to an abusive girlfriend. And Ted, who was learning to break free from society's idea of what a family should look like, Ted, who wanted to be free and fluid, going back into those boxes.
For these characters, it's like the show was folded in half,to get the beginning and the end to touch. For them, it's like starting from zero. It's like everything they've been through has been for nothing. (Roy even specifically calls this out).
Back The Sound of Music, Maria and The Captain finally confess their feelings to each other.
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Are you kidding me? A whistle? You mean like coaches have?
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Anyway, this is all the parallels and things I've found interesting while watching this part in The Sound Of Music. I could go on for longer, but this movie is 3 hours long of scenes that remind me of Ted.
"Yeah, it might be all that you get
Yeah, I guess this might well be it."
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wordbunch · 1 year
The Hobbit re-read: favorites, thoughts and honorable mentions
thank u to my tumblr besties for encouraging me to rant abt this book for a little while, and brace yourselves for a LOOONG post; aka We're Going On An Adventure!
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this quote abt Gandalf: "tales and adventures sprouted up all over the place wherever he went, in the most extraordinary fashion" like. THIS exactly is Gandalf to me ✨✨✨
the whole good-morninged sequence (as if he was selling buttons at the door! can you imagine! By belladonna tooks SON of all people!!!) 😱
"a cake or 2 would do him good after this fright" me too bilbo
"he had a horrible thought that the cakes might run short" me too bilbo 🍰
Gandalf constantly selling Bilbo's skills to the company and just hyping him up and believing in him all the time!!!! most excellent and audacious hobbit!!! 😎
"this was thorin's style... if he had been allowed he would probably have gone like this until he was out of breath" aka he is Dramatic and Important
"bilbo was getting excited and interested again so that he forgot to keep his mouth shut" how many times will i write ME TOO BILBO in this post
gandalf: i found him in the dungeons of the necromancer; thorin: girl what were YOU doing at the necromancer's??? 🧐🧐🧐 gandalf: finding things out as usual O M G like what else would he be doing there 😚
bilbo constantly wishing he was back home as soon as he left
"off bilbo had to go before he could explain that he could not hoot even once like any kind of owl" yall this book has so many funny moments but like in a very chill humor way
the fact that one of the TROLLS is called WILLIAM 😂😂😂
"i am a good cook myself, and cook better than i cook" okay bilbo rizz 😏🔥
"they had not at all enjoyed lying there listening to the trolls making plans for roasting them" you don't say. i love this deadpan humor SO MUCH jrrt snapped
that whole beautiful iconic description of kind as summer elrond
"their clothes were mended as well as their bruises, their tempers, and their hopes" WHEN will i go to rivendell 😩
"there is nothing like looking if you want to find something" thorin life coach realness 👏🏼👏🏼
thoring gesturing at a miserable desolate land: these tRuLy hOspiTabLe moUnTaiNs 😍
then gandalf lit up his wand. oF coUrSe it wAs gaNdaLf, but they were too busy to ask how he got there. 4ever mood
he thought of himself frying bacon and eggs in his own kitchen ME TOO BIL- 🍳
"Gollum brought up memories of ages and ages and ages before, when he lived with his grandmother in a hole by a bank by a river" this kind of made me cry. it brings unexpected humanity to such an appalling character; kinda makes you want bilbo to spare him eventually
and the fact itself that bilbo felt so bad for him he decided to just leave him be
"you would have laughed (from a safe distance)" LOVE how JRRT puts random little comments addressed to the reader
gandalf just being like ok i gotta go do other things now. good luck besties. ✌🏼😚
beorn: what are you, a traveling circus? and he is actually right 🤪
"you have got to look after all these dwarves for me, gandalf laughed" and i cried
bilbo being like hmm how will i get down from this tree (except by falling)
bilbo's song while killing gigantic spiders "not very good...but you must remember he had to make it up himself in a very awkward moment"
the dwarves starting to respect him and bowing down until they FALL OVER is such a comical image to me
the whole alluring magic of the elvish feast in the forest which disappears when they get closer!! a whole fairytale mr tolkien!!! 😍
thranduil is a greedy b <3 and especially VERY fond of wine 🍷🍷🍷
"i will lock you all in again and you can sit there comfortably and think of a better plan" bilbo badass mode and we love to see it 💋
tolkien being like WELL u can laugh but you wouldn't have done any better if u were him. real.
when they're in dale i love the numerous references to "songs and stories of old" and all of them basically being a living legend and turning their stay in dale into a public holiday and spectacle
thorin is cocky af
/freeze frame/ "you are familiar with thorin's style on important occasions so i will not give you any more of it" its ok jrrt, let him be a drama queen 👑
bilbo when he takes some gold from smaug being like "this will show them!!!1!1" 😠😠
sassy bilbo strikes again with "did you expect me to trot back with the whole hoard of thror on my back? if there's any grumbling to be done i think i might have a say" GO OFF KING 👏🏼
i just rly love him okay, he stole my heart in this book like a real legitimate professional burglar that he is
"i am the clue-finder, the web-cutter, the stinging fly" etc. basically this whole exchange btw bilbo and smaug is pure gold (pun not intended) 🤫
talking birds that eavesdrop. enough said.
the descriptions of the arkenstone which make you actually want to have it too. genius. there could be no two such gems, even in so marvellous a hoard, even in all the world." 💎💎💎
the harps (untouched by the dragon who had a small interest in music).. WHY is this so funny to me
bilbo putting on some elvish DRIP and being like ✨✨ i feel magnificent ✨✨ (but probably look dumb 😩)
"this is the great chamber of thror" ok thorin the tour guide king
BARD MY KING i love one (1) man 🎯
bilbo being absolutely against any wars or battles and just wanting to go home BUT also being a sneaky lil shit who takes the arkenstone to bard and thranduil BUT also still not wanting to leave his dwarf buddies
when he gives them the gem "not without a shudder, not without a glance of longing" AHHH i want it!
ambiguous gandalf returning. always love to see it
"if you don't like my burglar, please don't damage him" 🙄 ffs thorin chill
"you are not making a very splendid figure as king" yes gandalf call him out
defeat seems "very uncomfortable, not to say distressing" to bilbo. we love.
the fact that he was just knocked out cold during the battle so thur we know very little abt what really happened?? jrrt genius writing hack. might use this one 🤔
fili and kili deserved a better sendoff than just mentioning that they died. come on.
thorin's last words and reconciliation w bilbo... PLEASE I WILL CRY until i throw up. "it has been more than any baggins deserves." "no! there is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly west. some courage and some wisdom blended in measure. if more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."
i might still be crying
"tea is at 4 but any of you are welcome at any time" my heart... ❤️😭 Guess he's no longer scared of running out of cake
bilbo gifting thrandy a necklace as an apology for eating and drinking his stuff secretly, king shit 😉
bilbo having the absolute NERVE to say to ELVES "your lullaby would wake a drunken goblin". wig wig
he deadass borrowed a handkercheif from freaking ELROND 😳
bilbo arriving home to being presumed dead and his stuff literally being auctioned off
"it was a long time before he was in fact admitted to being alive again…" and sackville-bagginses having sm beef with that HAHAHA
he lost his reputation but he lived his best life so who's the winner here 😌😌😌
the closing lines "you are a very fine person, mr baggins, and i am very fond of you; but you are only quite a little fellow in a wide world after all" "thank goodness! said bilbo laughing."
like. THIS. literally embodies everything. he is just a little guy. just some smol person. BUT STILL had a say in how BIG things happened. BUT he remains happy to be just a smol simple person.
overall an incredibly fun read and it was way more genuinely FUNNY than i anticipated. bilbo is a whole mood. thorin is a diva. gandalf is there to start shit and hype up bilbo. jrrt with random author's notes throughout the book gives me life.
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princelylove · 5 months
How about I make you some tea and biscuit, your highness? ☕ 🍪 I hope it will please you while you help me answer my wondering about this.
I read your work "The Father" that analyze about Bruno. There is a small detail about Narancia get closer to darling. It's maybe not important the reason why, but I just thinking, what if the reason is Narancia fall in love with Bruno's darling. How Bruno react if Narancia (or any other members) fall in love with his darling?
~ 🏵️ anon ~
You know, I’m not really a tea person, or hot drinks in general. I do like one or two kinds, but I don’t have it frequently. I can bear the cold with my cold drink. 
Ohhh, that would be……… bad. Bruno’s the possessive type, even if he tries to hide it. “Man With An Open Heart” and “Model Man” by King Crimson are, ironically, very Bruno songs. Here’s the entire Bucciarati team falling for Bruno’s darling, as a treat. You’ve been good. Hopefully this makes sense, I've been a bit busy lately.
Poor Pannacotta. He’d probably never mention it, but there would be signs. It’s incredibly weird to fall in love with your father’s almost-spouse, but it’s worse to actually make a move on them. Pannacotta isn’t going to ruin his chances at having a safe home- if Bruno suddenly hates him, he loses the one place he feels safe, and probably goes back on the streets. He’s not risking it. But it’s obvious, he’s difficult to handle at the best of times, but treats you oh-so-delicately. You broke something? That’s fine, annoying, but fine. You don’t have any glass in your hands, do you? Ok. Leave, he’ll clean this up. Bruno wants Pannacotta to love you, of course, but not in a romantic way. He’s delusional enough to just tell himself that Pannacotta doesn’t view you as part of the family yet, and that’s why this.. problem has made its home in his perfect happy family. Really, Pannacotta never viewed you as family, more like a random stranger forced to live in his father’s house, but Bruno never has to know.
Naranica is in the same position as Pannacotta, but he has a little more wiggle room. I’m not your son, I just live here! (< desperately wants to be a family with Bruno, ignoring the weird implications). Bruno’s still fairly upset, but he’s not as quick to anger with Narancia- Bruno often forgets that Pannacotta is actually his youngest, since he’s spent more time with him. Narancia’s actually the most vocal, he makes extremely inappropriate comments when you’re here, and when you leave. It’s not uncommon for Narancia to drop a “Is that babe you keep hanging out with coming over today?" or a "Damn..." when you bend over. Bruno scolds him the usual way- through smacking him as hard as he can. He'll knock it off eventually, hopefully.
I do not think that Giorno actually likes Bruno, to be honest with you. He views him more as a… coworker, really. “Man who I happen to be betraying the boss with.” Absolutely no emotional attachment. Bruno is the opposite- he views Giorno as somewhat of a friend, never mind the age difference. Bruno is fond of Giorno, Giorno is the only one who has seen Bruno in a real state of vulnerability lately, so he thinks they have something- he thinks wrong. Giorno will play along, he doesn’t mind playing the long game, but he won’t play pretend forever. Bruno feels betrayed when Giorno makes his move- unless, of course, he’s dead. Then he can’t do much thinking at all, can he?
Guido is not about to cuck the man that bailed him out of a multiple decade sentencing, but looking is free. If you can’t handle someone checking out your partner, you’re probably insecure. Checking you out isn’t a crime, plenty of people do it in a non-invasive way. It’s natural for a human being to acknowledge another as attractive. Guido’s fine with settling if you really do love Bruno- or if he thinks you love Bruno- so he won’t compete, but he’s not going to abandon his spot as #2. Bruno’s not the happiest about Guido trying to get into your life- you already have a family, but… he supposes it can be a little bigger. As long as he doesn’t try to touch you too much. (He will.)
Spare Leone the guilt, he can barely find it in himself to speak to Bruno, this can’t be happening. He’ll just shut up and let the feeling pass, or cope about it later. Until he sees the way you smile at him, whether it be genuine or not, and he just melts on the spot. A little crush is fine, as long as he doesn’t… say anything about it… to the man that saved him… Bruno has mixed feelings, on one hand, he really trusted Leone to watch you, and that is now ruined. On the other hand, it’s great that Leone is feeling emotions again and getting out of his slump! It’s just a shame he’s going for someone who is already spoken for.
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fructidors · 6 months
@radioactivegeorg cassette tips!!!
ok so. generally it is very easy to record cassettes. i for one was surprised about how easy it was. it is however a little timely but worth it because cassettes are god's most beautiful children.
you will need a cassette player obviously. i have bad experiences with the small walkman-type guys but i think that might just have been mine. this is the one i use to record them & play them most of the time
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got it from my dad and she is my favorite firstborn son who is 30 years older than me. yeah you heard it right this bitch was made in the SEVENTIES and she hasn't let me down once except when she ran out of batteries that one time. as long as yr cassette player has a record button it should be fine though
you also need:
cassettes! fun fact you don't actually need blank ones (although they are a little easier) you can record over regular ones! i don't personally have experience with this though so here is an article on it
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your Device! so Hypothetically i think you MIGHT be able to record from a phone if you have either a headphone jack on your phone or a very functional headphone jack to lightning adapter. again i have not personally tried this so i would recommend Computer
your music! Another Fun Fact you don't have to have any music downloaded to record it onto a cassette! cassettes will literally record any audio coming from your Device so all you need is a playlist from your streaming service of choice, a youtube playlist, a playlist of files on some media player, something like that. you could record a whole episode of television if you want no one can stop you. i will explain how to arrange yr music further on.
a cable that goes between the cassette player and the Device! typically a male-to-male 3.5mm headphone jack cable (gayyy). this guy.
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this is probably the only thing on the list that isn't like. immediately obvious-- i got mine at a local guitar store but they're very cheap online
and of course fun things to decorate the cassette with!!! the Most Important part. i use sharpie paint pens.
OKAY!! step one!! get yr music organized. yr tape is probably either 60 or 90 minutes long or maybe 110 or 100 or possibly some other strange number if you're using a prerecorded tape. either way you need to make two playlists each the length of one side of the tape. so if i'm making a mixtape i usually make one big 90 minute playlist and then divide it up into 45 minute playlists when i'm done. if you're doing an album you Might be able to get one on each side (again depending on what length yr tape is). since the playlists generally end up a minute or so under the exact length my very favorite thing in the entire world to do is add a random song and let it play out in part at the end and not write it down on the tracklist. music dessert.
step two!! get those guys connected. my tape player has this hole labeled MIC
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but yrs might not. so just plug one end of the cable into whatever hole looks like an audio input or headphone jack and hope it works. i am the farthest from an expert here. & then plug the other end into yr Device's headphone jack! congratulations you are now practicing Mad Science & yr devices are having transgenerational gay sex. (at least that is what it feels like)
step three!! play that audio!!! so this is the part where trial & error is key. because if you record your music on full volume it will sound Bad. i typically turn the volume on whatever platform my playlist is on way down. like.
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but you don't want it Too Quiet or else you'll have to turn your player's volume so far up that the tape hiss will start to overpower the music. it's a balancing act. which is why you should...
step three point five make a test patch!! what i usually do is play the first ten seconds of the first song, ten seconds from the middle of that song, and ten seconds from one or two more songs on the playlist, just to get the full range of volumes & frequencies & whatnot. then rewind and listen to it back and figure out if it should be louder or quieter. this might not be super obvious right away (my first cassette Sucked) but it gets pretty easy to tell eventually.
step four record that bitch!!!! don't press play on your music the Second you press record because there's a bit of plastic at the beginning of the tape that can't be recorded onto so you'll lose the first few seconds of your music. this is also why you shouldn't have a playlist that's Exactly the length of a side but rather a little shorter or a little longer w/ a song you're cool with getting cut off. and then. you wait. my absolute least favorite bit. recording is basically the same as playing (in that the entire tape gets run through the player, at the same speed) except you can't listen to any music. you should also probably refrain from using the Device while recording to avoid any other sounds playing because like i said the tape isn't recording your music specifically, it's recording all the audio from the Device. i have So Many tapes with text tones interrupting the music :( generally i like to record tapes when i'm out or doing something off my computer or on occasion sleeping. once the whole side has been recorded there's a click (like when the whole side has been played) and you turn the cassette over, go to your second playlist, and do the whole thing over again!!
step five best step the reason we do it all DECORATE!!!! coolest thing about cassettes is you can decorate literally the whole thing. all the case all the card all the cassette itself!! anything that works on plastic should work. here are my children:
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& yeah that's it!!! sorry this got so long & over-explain-y i just. love talking about cassettes. number one activity. lmk if you have any other questions!!
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Ok, let´s see: the incident who happened when Paul was with a girl and John destroyed her dress, who is very confucing; some songs of Paul (well lots of songs) who can be related about this (from the obvious Here Today to The Lovers who Never Were) the interminable descriptions of the beautiful hands of one, the handsome presence of the other, etc...the "if you were a girl" moment ( who i can´t remember when, but was one of my first pieces of suspiction XD) all the pinning (from both of them, but Paul even more...he still dreams with him sometimes)...the weird "fanfiction" where appear amie d´mitril and Paris...
...someone said me in Discord "There are some men who are boyfriends and don't realize it until they break up" after showing an iceberg with some Mclennon theories. Someone who no was even into it.
Im kinda agnostic about all this, but im really amazed about all the theories who exist about this, who the doubts and suspictions are really understable. Is a lot on info!
Are you asking me to rate this for the ask game, because most of these are verifiable things, the question is just what they mean/what led to them, right?
I can give you a personal take on all of them though.
John cutting up the girl Paul was having sex with's clothes: I 100% find this eyebrow-raising and quite possibly an act of jealousy. But I also can't discount that John was likely off his face and maybe his reason for doing that didn't really make sense either. (e.g. maybe he wanted to use the bedroom and thought up a way to get rid of the girl as fast as possible? I don't know, I just don't think there's enough information to be sure of his motivations)
Songs: I generally find it kind of exhausting to argue about song meanings and what they reveal about John and Paul's relationship without anything else to go on. I feel like songs don't have to be about them for them to have had Feelings™ for each other and also songs could be about them and be less literal than some people think. There can be emotions and themes inspired by the other that find their way into a song, without the song literally describing what happened. What I mean by this is I don't think it's at all impossible However Absurd (of which I've read the lyrics, to be clear) is in some sense about John but I wouldn't from that conclude that John and Paul literally made love. And if I'm not drawing these conclusions, it's less important to me whether However Absurd is about John or not, in that sense.
Beautiful hands: I do want to slightly push back against describing Paul's geberal speech pattern with words like "interminable". Tumblr deliberately picks out the most ~mclennon-y~ things from his interviews and shares these quotes over and over. (also thinking of last year when people were claiming most of the Eyes of the Storm book was John, when really those were just the pictures people shared around the most) That's not to say he doesn't bring up John a lot (lol) but I think he probably mentions John's hands specifically less often than some think. The thing is, the main quote people use regarding this, is the one where Paul directly compares John's hands to his son's. Unless you wanna argue Paul is into James, you have to conclude Paul finds hands aesthetically pleasing and interesting without necessarily being attracted to them. And showing John chords and playing guitar "mirrored" actually makes a lot of sense as something that would make Paul notice John's hands.
Handsome presence of the other: your mileage may vary here and it depends on the specific quote. Some I agree, and some are imo them both just being frank about the fact that physical attraction matters to people, even when you aren't personally physically attracted to them.
"If I had been a woman...": single best argument for reciprocated McLennon IMO. I also think it's very possible that Paul is observing the fact that romantic relationships are hierarchically placed above friendships and "the bro code" prevented Paul from doing anything about John's privileging of Yoko over him. But it could definitely Also be Paul saying "I would like to have gotten together with him".
Pining: Honestly, I think they both had a lot of reason to feel Weird about each other in the seventies. There was a lot of bad blood but also a lot bonding them in an almost cosmic way: the shared trauma of losing a mother AND of fame, the weirdness of being both pitted against each other and sold to the public as a package deal... I think they were ripe for the conflicted pining picking. Regarding Paul's behaviour NOW.... I don't know, I don't think it's weird at all that he still sometimes dreams about John. I think he talks about John in part because that's what people want to hear (and tumblr pretends to be surprised every time when they're part of the target audience lol) and also I think.... people sometimes sort of gloss over the fact that Paul literally lost John in a highly traumatic way? Maybe that's gonna make him A Little Weird. (most of this is neither here nor there, regarding their romantic feelings for each other by the way)
Amie in Paris:
I haven't read the story in full but I feel similarly here to how I feel about the songs I think. There might be an argument that John is less prone to fictionalizing than Paul (though... I don't think that applies to his prose, even if autobiographical elements can be found in it) but he's also joking half the time. It doesn't to me feel like an especially fruitful avenue to conclude things about John's life.
All in all, I know what you mean. I do think there's A Lot going on between them, however you parse it.
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bulletsgirl · 1 year
would love your country music recs!! been trying to get into the genre but haven’t really listened to a whole bunch and would love some suggestions <33
YAY thnk u for reaching out. um most of these artists i havent trawled their entire discog but each has some things i really really love. many of them explore serious topics such as addiction, discrimination (racism, homophobia, sexism, classism, etc), and more (like a lot of less commercialized and more traditional country music does).
its important to note that there is a lot of crossover in country, soul, blues, americana, and folk, so some artists might be more leaning to one of the other genres but their relation to the country style compels me to include them.
i will also say that afaik these are mostly modern artists because nothing makes me fucking angrier than people saying that new country music isnt good. please pull yourself out of the country billboard top 100 for the love of god.
ok here it is: > yola (one of my faves, lots of crossover with soul in her style) > brandi carlile, maren morris, natalie hemby, and amanda shires are all good individually and are part of a collective called the highwomen (theyve collaborated with yola several times!) > robert finley (i could cry with how much i love his work, sharecropper's son 2021 is just fucking. perfect) > john fullbright > rhiannon giddens > gillian welch > shakey graves > charley crockett (his work all feels so fresh and unique to me, i never get sick of it) > courtney marie andrews > brown bird (one half of this duo has passed on so they havent made any new music since then, but i still suggest checking them out) > mary gauthier (drag queens in limousines is a total classic) > the war and treaty > sturgill simpson > allison russell > paul cauthen (he's collabed with orville peck, who im sure a lot of people here know! if not i rec him too ofc) > emily nenni > john r miller > lucette (shes had work produced by sturgill simpson iirc) > the secret sisters (very dear to me) > katie pruitt > shovels & rope (<3) > parker millsap > margo price ( i love her i love her i love her i love her what can i say. thats how rumors get started 2020 changed my life) > kaia kater > robert ellis (less familiar w him but i like what ive heard) > jaime wyatt > arlo mckinley (another artist i havent checked out extensively but ive heard good songs from him and like his voice) > the chicks (forever and ever <333333333) > amythyst kiah > mercy bell > justin townes earle (who has unfortunately passed away in recent years, i think 2020) > waylon payne > the devil makes three > evil > jason isbell and the 400 unit
i also dont want you to think i dont want people to listen to classics, i do. i love classic country music — if you havent checked them out, id especially recommend john denver, charley pride, dolly parton, willie nelson, hank williams, johnny cash, the carter family, glen campbell, kitty wells, robert johnson (hes blues, but hes mississipean blues and has influenced country music through and through), patsy cline, judy collins, waylon jennings, and marty robbins.
this isnt comprehensive but its what comes to mind right now. i hope it was helpful!!! <3
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alathan13 · 1 year
The Little Mermaid Live Action
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I’m so freaking prepared for this movie and it’s not even funny!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve watched the trailer so many times since the full trailer was released.
The original Little Mermaid movie was and is still one of my all time favorite Disney movies. And now just seeing in come to life is amazing. I can already tell you I’m gonna be in tears probably halfway through the movie.
There are probably a million reasons why I’m so excited but I’m only going to talk about my top 3.
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Halle Bailey: She such a beautiful woman and a wonderful singer. I heard her singing only a few times before, but when I really heard her voice was during the Disney World 50th Anniversary and she sang “Can You Feel Love Tonight” and she has such a beautiful singing voice. I also read this article somewhere online about Jodi Benson (the original Ariel) and her opinion about Halle playing Ariel. Jodi Benson has been very supportive of Halle as she plays Ariel and was there when Halle received backlash about her playing Ariel. So, Jodi Benson talked about how it doesn’t matter who you are, what you look, or where your from, it’s about the spirit of the character is what’s important. I 100% agree with her. Halle Bailey is going to do a wonderful job by bring one of the most iconic Disney princesses to life.
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2. The Music and New Songs: Can we just take a moment and talk about Lin-Manuel Miranda?!?! As everyone should know, he wrote the Broadway musicals “In The Heights” and “Hamilton” and has also written music for other Disney movies like “Encanto” and “Moana”. Lin-Manuel is also a big Disney fan and he also named his son after Sebastian in the little mermaid. And now he gets to work with Alan Menken (the original music composer) and he was the one who inspired Lin-Manuel to compose music. He basically gets to work with his hero and that’s amazing!!!! I’ve also read somewhere that Lin-Manuel might be Chef Louis in the movie.
Ok, now the music. We all have to admit that the original soundtrack slaps!!!! They are classics and masterpieces. I can’t wait to listen to it again in the live action. I have a feeling some of the songs might be a tad different from the original, but that doesn’t bother me. The have done the same thing in all the other Disney live action movies and I love those movies.
I’m really excited to hear these new songs in the movie. As I said earlier, Lin-Manuel Miranda got up work with Alan Menken and wrote 4 new songs. Can’t wait to hear them and listen to them like a million times once the soundtrack comes out.
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3. The Actors: Besides Halle Bailey as Ariel, I think they did an amazing job with the cast. I mean, you could have picked better than these actors and actresses to play these roles.
Awkwafina as Scuttle: If you didn’t know who she is, Awkwafina was in “Jumamji: The Next Level” and “Chang-Shi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”. She is a really funny actress and always makes me laugh. I think she will make a great Scuttle.
Daveed Diggs as Sebastian: I think everyone had a feeling that he would play Sebastian before the trailer even came out. He was in “Hamilton” with Lin-Manuel Miranda and also rapped a whole bunch in the musical. I read somewhere that he might rap in the movie and that makes me happy. He honestly fits the role of Sebastian perfectly.
Melissa McCarthy as Ursula: Just like Awkwafina, Melissa McCarthy also makes me laugh as well. She was in the movie “Life of the Party” and Netflix “Thunder Force”. I’m excited to see her bring out her inner diva while playing Ursula.
Jonah Hauer-King as Prince Eric: First of all, he is extremely cute and hot. When I first saw him I was like blushing like crazy. Also, he was in “A Dog’s Way Home” and the tv show “World On Fire”. I’m excited to see him play Prince Eric. Another thing to point out is that Prince Eric was my Disney Prince crush when I was little and that crush it starting up again.
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Those are my top 3 reasons why I am excited about the Live Action Little Mermaid. I won’t be able to wait any longer as it approaches theaters.
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greypetrel · 4 months
OC asks -> 1, 14, 19 for Raina and Max!
Hi Whimsy! Late but here I am! :3
Tis the prompt list
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Raina: Her class. I was tempted on a mage, but I had tried playing a mage in Origins with... Failed results. So I went for a Rogue because I liked the armour best. Second thing was the name, "Marian" instantly brought me to Maid Marian (the fox one) and it wasn't the vibe I was going for. I started considering on the letters and Raina came to mind. Max: If I entered Dragon Age with knowledge of what it was about, I was totally in the blank for Mass Effect. The first things were her name (I wanted a nickname from a slightly embarrassing longer name), the class ("I can play an engineer? Cool, that sounds fun!") and I randomly decided she was Italian because I never create italian character and thought it would have been fun to try, for once.
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
Raina: 1. Her confidence is a façade, She hides behind humour, and has a VERY low opinion of herself. 2. She is an idealist. She's the chilliest person of the world. Until you step on her ideals. Then you have an enemy.
Max: 1. Music plays a very important part in her identity. She grew up in a family very fond of music: all her songs are there because they're linked to a relative or a memory. You can tell her mood by the song she's playing, and she communicates by sharing songs with you. 2. She firmly believes in hard work and consent. "No pain, no gain" is her motto, when she commits to something she always gives her best, as long as she can have a say in choosing where to commit. (she spent A LOT of Cerberus money on garbage and silly things just to piss TIM off because he took consent away from her. Imagine his face when an expense list came and he found out she spent WAY too many money to buy on ebay a handkerchief that the owner swore belonged to Joey Tempest. Or autentic Bialetti coffee machines, one for each crew members.)
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Raina: She's trash. She knows she's trash and isn't qualified to cover an important position, is just a farm girl with no particular studies or talent save her sarcasm. She doesn't let this stop her: if she can help someone or her family, she will. Or die trying, but Death doesn't want a pet raccoon, so she's still here. Max: Being able to explore a little my origin country and comes to term with it. Italy is wonderful to visit as a tourist! Living here... As most times goes, it's more complicated than it looks. Beside you know. The far-right government. I worked drawing commissions in the Greek Mythology fandom, and let me tell you: researching my own country on anything that isn't the Roman Empire or Pompeii is A NIGHTMARE. No ok even pompeii, I spent three days madly looking for references of a very specific villa there which wasn't one of the hugely famous, I wanted to cry. So yeah, one character that is italian and happy about it (because she never actually lived there, she just has her family pushing on her identity) is nice and is being fun. Beside that: how silly she can be in her relationship with the others. She and Garrus are besties, Grunt is her son, she installed a circuit in Liara's cabinets so every time she opens them "You shook me all night long" starts playing. She's teaching Cortez Italian and learning Spanish from him and James. She tried to convert Mordin to metal and she always answers in a renegade option to Miranda (with time it's out of affection).
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lakesbian · 1 year
okay so now we know what song/s you don't like for Taylor, what song/s do you like? (i am personally partial to "pieces of me" and "secret identity" both by aviators)
see the thing about me is that my music taste is near entirely '80s and '90s dad rock, which means that i am not a fantastic source of wormsong recs. aerosmith does not unfortunately have any taylorcore hits!
will be real pieces of me is not serving anything particularly taylor to me but secret identity works well enough. "it's a ghost in the code of my being/and it's coming for you this time" very much giving queen administrator ♥
as for my own few choices:
hope in the air by laura marling. gold morning, To Me, and also wormcore in general, To Me.
"Pick up your rope, Lord, sling it to me If we are to battle, I must not be weak And give us your strength, world, and your food, and your water Oh, I am your savior, your last serving daughter There's hope in the air There's hope in the water But sadly not me Your last serving daughter"
khepri. you agree.
obligatory obvious spiral of ants by lemon demon. obligatory kiss me son of god. etc.
SPRORGANISM by superorganism. also khepri. get it because she's. she's a superorganism.
"Put your mind in my brain and you'll see Everything is better when you're everything"
"A superorganism is a creature Made up of many different individuals Thanks to technological systems You are me, and I am you We are tied together into a single processing system Together we are an amazing superor— When I grow up, I need to be A superorganism, come on give it to me Are you aware? Are you alone with the taste Of architectures forming from my acid waste? It wasn't right for you to refuse It's okay, now you're part of the only thing alive Everybody needs to be a superorganism"
Khepri! You Agree!
more bad times by the presents of the united states of america is Thee undersiders/taylor song to me. like:
"You twisted your ankle I carried you You got a divorce So I married you You fell off a cliff So I buried you I wish there were more bad times to see you through"
"I'd rather gather your bones Than mop up this mess If I scrub us all spotless I'll wreck our success I was holding your hand When it fell on the floor When you left you broke the knob on the door I wish there was more"
they've all been fucked over by the system or by the adults that were supposed to care for them. they form lifechanging bonds in their brief time together. but they still never really got to connect outside of crisis scenarios, and hell, they probably wouldn't have connected if they weren't constantly in crisis scenarios together. despite that, when the chips were down, they were always in each others corners. no matter what else she's doing, when shit hits the fan, taylor is a de facto undersider. and the time they have together is still so tragically short, and entirely comprised of Bad Times! they'd rather keep committing to the batshit track of their lives (rather gather each others bones) than back out (mop up the mess)! when taylor leaves she breaks the knob off the door, and they all wish there had been just a few more Bad Times together. like they are each others Most fucking important and formative relationships as teenagers and they still can't go "ah good times" and reminisce. they've gotta go "wish there were more bad times to see you through." it's so fucking sad. it rocks.
ok this is getting a bit long so that's all for now. i'd say "hope these offerings r winners" but the important part is just that they cannot humanly be worse choices than boys will be bugs
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Camila (c) x Cosmopolitan Spain (CE)
CE: Have you called a "boy" by the name of another in a discussion?
C: I have never called a boy by the name of another in a discussion, no. When I fall in love with "someone" I am very focused on that person. I mean, I fall very hard for a single person
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CE: Have you ever taken advantage of your fame to get a table in a restaurant?
C: I have definitely used my name, or whatever a table in a restaurant. And I am not ashamed of that. I have done what I had to do
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CE: Confesses your favorite curse in Spanish
C: When I am with my family, I do not say bad words, but one of my favorite words is "I shit in milk", Mamagueva "Motherfucker" "son of a bitch" i like they are of a bitch to lot. It feels good to say it, it has meaning
I shit on milk is a curse from Spain. Mamagueva is a curse from Venezuela.
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CE: Have you ever refused to take a picture with someone?
C: Yes, when I'm not working. For example, when I am with my family or friends, or when I am trying to have a quiet day, I tell people: hey, I am trying to maintain a low profile today. I greet you and whatever. But I try not to take pictures because it attracts attention and for me it is very important to try to live a very normal life for my mental health
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CE: Confesses something that you are currently obsessed with
C: Something with which I am obsessed right now is with the series "Girls" on HBO. When I like a television show it is like a disease and becomes my life
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CE: Your favorite song in Spanish
C: The C Tangana album, "the Madrileño." The song "Change." I like "When I will forget" I like "ungovernable" And Bad Bunny's album "A summer without you"
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CE: A mania before concerts
C: I am like a "gum in the shoe" of the dancers. I am always following them because they give me a lot of that energy, of the hype that I need before the concerts. So, when they are changing or are doing anything I am always hey, hey knocking the door: do they want to do something guys?
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CE: What is the last lie you have told?
C: Honestly, I try not to lie. But the last lie was yesterday. I was in a session with my vocal teacher and I don't know, it is a very random lie because it was completely unnecessary. But we were doing a vocal thing and I wanted to hear a new song that I have been working on someone sent me so I told my teacher that I had to hang because he had to go to the bathroom to pee.
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CE: Are you the one who asks the horoscopes on the first date?
C: I think so. I don't have much knowledge of horoscopes like some people I know. Some people ask what your ascending is, what is your sun, what is your … whatever. You are Pisces, you are whatever. Sometimes if someone for example is a Pisces like me, I feel that I know them more. (Folks, she knows me jajaja)
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CE: Who is the last person you started to follow on Instagram?
C: No, I follow people without thinking much. Because, if I get tired of their content, I just leave them in Mute. I have many people in "Mute" and never find out. It is my little secret.
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CE: What is the dance step that gets best out?
C: I have different steps; I think the Wine step is the one that comes best to me because I have practiced a lot. And I intend to improve my twerking, I have to receive Anitta classes.
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CE: Apart from Cinderella, what princess would you like to interpret?
C: We need a Latin princess. I hope you write one and I will be in a row auditioning
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CE: The emoji you use the most
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Ok folks this is all I have. I missed the Harry Styles question. Camila said she wanted to marry him and I missed the question about the music she regrets to make. For obvious reasons she talked about songs and mentioned Roger, and we all know how that works. The interview was funny but we also know she had to lie a lot in it too
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cometzz · 10 months
ok im also doing these ghost quartet asks except im answering all of them so you all have to see my opinions. thanks @wolf-tm
1. Favorite character
soldier or camera shop rose
2. Favorite timeline
hmmm stardust (idk if everyone calls it that - scheherazade's timeline) or usher. or camera shop. three-way tie
3. Favorite song
changes by the day but bad men/soldier & rose rn
4. Favorite performer?
gelsey <3 need her bad
5. Live album or recordrd album?
live. the recorded version makes me angry it takes away so much personality
6. How much of the plot do you think you understand?
all of it. or at least i fully understand my interpretation of it. but analyzing this for 2-odd years gives you a bit of knowledge i think
7. Least favorite song/song u skip most often
photograph. its a great song but i dont like listening to gelsey screams while walking my dogs or whatever
8. Favorite non-sung/spoken line?
pearls "and it's the LAST piano in the world and it's KEYS cut his fingers with every note he plays" monologue. or roses "FUCK ALL YOUR FUCKING BOOKS" rant
9. Favorite lyric
very difficult choice but "if i told you this was special / and that love is more than chemicals / it's me and you and angels too / and time will end and we'll transcend / and rise above the ash and dirt / and baby i could never hurt you, 'cause you are me" or "how many people has rose been? / rose is the same as anyone else"
10. Do you have any ships for the show? If so what are they?
soldierrose. they are so important to me
11. What's your favorite non-confirmed theory?
idk LOL
12. Have you produced any artwork/content for Ghost Quartet?
drew all of the roses one time and i've drawn a few gelseys but thats abt it
13. Which role would you most like to play?
rose <3 (or would you call the role 'brittain'?)
14. Which Usher song is your favorite?
usher iii no competition
15. The Starchild, Roxie, Rose, or Rose Red?
rose. her awkward loserness has endeared me
16. Subway or the Photograph?
subway no competition
17. Four Friends or Any Kind of Dead Person?
any kind of dead person. or specifically gelseys four friends verse LOL
18.  The Gelsey/Brittain dance in Monk or the Dave/Brittain dance in Midnight?
gelsey/brittain dance tho the dave/brittain dance makes me feel things too
19. The Astronomer or The Telescope
hm. the telescope. both are good though
20. Fathers & Sons, or Lights Out?
fathers & sons
21. Tango Dancer or Hero?
very hard choice but hero because i love Brittain Ashford Depression Solos
22. How did you first get into Ghost Quartet
after i got into great comet i saw a lot of people talking abt gq so i checked it out and now i am forever changed. i don't remember how i got into great comet though LOL
23. When did you first start listening?
24. What's your favorite moment (musical or vocal) in the show?
that is such a difficult choice what the hell..... if i had to choose one itd be the overlapping parts in subway but. "you drove that train right through my HEAAAAARARRrtRTRTt" or gelseys audible disappointment on "staring at my phone." or "arabian nights?" "yeah :)" "alright." or gelseys four friends verse or literally any other bit in the show is an honorable mention
25. Are you going to/have u seen Ghost Quartet?
NO (peter griffin dead image)
26. What's your favorite bizarre connection in the show? (E.g., edgar telling the story of pearl and the pusher in usher pt 3, Shah Zaman becoming the Man In Iran in the Astronomer, etc)
hm. scheherazade telling the story of the camera shop
27. What moment would you love to see live/what moment did you love the most live?
i need to see any kind of dead person live i need to be the best damn tambourine player theyve ever seen
28. If you could ask Dave Malloy one question about the show, what would you ask?
why does rose tell roxie to cross over ???
29. Have you read either the fall of the house of usher or arabian nights?
30. Have you read the show's Genius annotations? If so, what's your favorite annotation by Dave?
"i mean literally what the fuck gelsey bell"
31. What part of the show disturbs you the most?
not really anything but if i had to choose probably gelseys screaming in photograph
32. What part of the show confuses you the most?
nothing my brain is huge and wise
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aestheticvoyage2023 · 8 months
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Day 282: Monday October 9, 2023 - "Ruthlessly Seeking Routine"
September bumbled us off balance a bit but we have shifted into a new evolved gear here in October as we start to build what can be some routine off the Monday eve to Thursday eve work schedule. For all William knows, this is all perfectly normal - but he's definitely enjoying the shift too, spending all weekend clingy to his mama, filling up on her, knowing soon she'd be going back to work; they get a lot more time together with this shift and I remind myself, that this is what is most important. Time for me to grow my plate again, and get into the grit of the primary parent during the week - this is by far the best way for us to go if we're going to make this lifestyle work long term - a question thats been very front of mind for us during this tough season, while they hope for a new contract.
It was so nice tonight though that Audrie's commute flight was a little bit later, so we got normal dinner together before we old schooled it and drove Mama to the airport, leaving her right at the door under a pink sunsetty sky - it was a beautiful drive home, making it all a worthwhile excuse to get out of the house and be helpful. And its nice for William too who likes to see the Air Force base and the Pima Air Museum from his car seat on the way, and then the special treat of seeing Mama off right at the airport - he totally gets that she gets on the big blue airplane to go to work from there (though now he's convinced shes always in San Francisco). We say goodbye and give her big kisses and hugs and say that we will see her later this week. I tell her to make sure she wears her seatbelt as she hands that baby bum over to me. William doesn't fuss. All perfectly ok and normal for him. We get in the car and as he drives away he lets me know he would like a popscicle - as if he knows how helpful it is to not have meltdowns when mama goes.... how much that helps me. "What color?" I ask. Back at home I'll take some time and plan out the week, making sure to be intentional with this important time I have with my son. Reminders to facetime, baseball in a playground, trip to costco, what to have for dinner. How to keep things moving and positive and good in these few days that Audrie is gone - hoping that in some way makes that time go by a little faster.
Song: Dave Matthews - So Damn Lucky
Quote: "For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." ~James Baldwin
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