#amber romance
fruitcage · 6 months
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forsapphics · 6 months
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Girls Like Girls music video (2015) — dir. Hayley Kiyoko, Austin S. Winchell // Get Even (2020) • S01, E01 — dir. Sarah Walker // GAP - the series (2022) • S01, E05 — dir. Nuttapong Wongkaveepairoj // wtFOCK (2018 - present) • S07, E06 — dir. Caroline De Maeyer (x)
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heyitsrink · 6 months
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There's something about Fitz and Amber together in a field of flowers that sparks an unparalleled amount of joy 🌼 • • • More Of Cats And Closed Doors art because @tragediegh keeps creating the most beautiful and romantic scenarios for these two.
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youareunbearable · 1 year
Thinking about the Nauglamir, as one does, and just, like I know I have a bias as an Indigenous woman who's historical artifacts are often stolen and who's peoples' treaties and promises are typically disregarded by other authority figures and whose ancestors were treated like animals and hunted for sport but God Thingol fucking sucks in that tale (and in general)
Like I've always kinda disliked Thingol, gives off major White Settler vibes but this whole tale is so tragic when you look at it through an Indigenous lens
We start off with a friendship. Good old Finrod Badger man himself, hears about his cousin Caranthir doing business with a new type of people that Love Gems just like the Noldor! Hes Thrilled!! He meets with the people, Dwarves, and while they are a lot shorter and got more hair than the Men he met, they become fast friends.
He talks about his travels and mentions that he fell in love with the art style of Thingol's domain. The Dwarves are uneasy, cause they have bad history with Thingol's people, but inform Finrod that Actually We Made That. Finrod is Over The Moon and commissions them to make one for him too. As a show of faith, they allow him to build it on a mountain that has history to them and Finrod, you know he would be, is respectful of this and pays them their due and more through Elf goods and more trade then they normally would have
Nargothrond is done and Finrod is super impressed with their skills and commissions them again. This time, to make a necklace of the gems he personally carried over from Valinor. The Dwarves would understand the importance of these gems, they're literally Family Jewels and one of the only things Finrod has left of his homeland
So the Nauglamir is made. From Noldor gems and Dwarvish skill and shared friendship and memories of both parties. Its an agreement, a contract, a visual showcase of the friendship and alliance between the Dwarves and the Noldor.
(My people did this to. We made visual agreements. Wampum belts. Each shell bead took 1 whole day of hard labour to make and these belts had hundreds of them. They're symbolic and important as well as a beautiful showcase of skill and craftsmanship. They are almost always made between friendly nations)
Then we have Azaghal. Who was saved by Maedhros and had a great friendship with him. They exchanged gifts, worked together on an alliance, and probably traded tales with each other. Azaghal and his people would have known why the Noldor are here in Beleriand. They would have known the importance of the Silmarils to the Noldor, to the Feanorians especially. They could avenge their fallen kings, stop the evil from spreading, complete their Oath, and go home. Azaghal was even willing to give up his life, and the lives of his men, to help Maedhros get a Silmarils back.
Finrod is dead. The Noldor are weak and scattered. Maedhros is displaced from his home in Himring, and all the gossip they hear about him is that he's a shell of the Elf he used to be before the Noldor High King died.
A group of Dwarves are ordered to come to Doriath on Thingol's behalf. "Add this gem to this necklace" theyre told. Its a beautiful necklace. Its a beautiful gem. They start to do as they are told but things aren't sitting right with the Dwarven smiths. An older one notices first.
On the necklace with the beautiful and feather light gems, they notice a little sigil on the clasp. Its a Dwarven Smith sigil. They know the only work that smith did with Elven gems was Finrod’s Nauglamir. The smiths whisper amongst themselves in a frantic hiss. Why would the king of the Sindar Elves, one who has vocally stated his dislike and distrust of the Noldor, have Finrod’s necklace that THEY made for him out of friendship?
They turn to the strange gem they've been told to set within the Nauglamir. Its brilliant, beautiful, and glows with an inner light that is so very Elvish. One smith mentions the tale of Finrod, how he died helping Beren and Luthien get a Silmaril. The same Silmaril that the Noldor, and the Feanorians, need. The one their kings died to help them get.
One of the Dwarves feels sick. These are stolen goods. Goods literally taken from a grave and from their allies enemy and given to another that literally wouldn't even spit on them when they burned. Thingol cannot have these goods, from the perspective of the Dwarves, they aren't his. The Silmaril, well, maybe you could make an argument, but the Nauglamir? No way, it was stolen from a literal graveyard of a Noldor city and the person who gave it to him had no right or claim to it ever.
So the Dwarves tell him this. And Thingol is furious. He says, and I quote: "How do ye of uncouth race dare to demand aught of me, Elu Thingol, Lord of Beleriand, whose life began by waters of Cuivienen years uncounted ere the fathers of the stunted people awoke?" And goes nuts. He's throwing out slurs, he's trying to pull a Karen, definitely claiming Manifest Destiny which is so wild and kicks them out without even paying for their labour. For their craft, their skill, their time. He doesn't acknowledge the unwritten treaty of friendship by completing this craft of unimaginable skill.
So they take it back. Sure Thingol died, but he is a thrice over thief at this point and no friend of the Dwarves or their allies.
Then Mr vegan "ill never harm or eat a living being" murders all the Dwarves that are trying to go back home with their rightful due. But what would Beren know about that anyways, he clearly has no head or mind about whats right or wrong as he himself finds it easy to cash in a favour from a king not to help resettle his displaced people, but to ask this king to sacrifice his own men and life to help him get married.
When Doriath is sacked by the Feanorians, oh I bet the Dwarves were pleased. I bet some of them even joined, what with being allies of the Noldor and all. The Dwarves hate the Elves, but not the Noldor who were loyal and trustworthy friends. Who paid and honored their skills and craft, who were cheated by the Sindar just as much as they were. Who fought and bled and died fighting evil while the Sindar stayed behind in their girdle
It was Silverfist Celebrimbor himself, a Noldor and a Feanorian who continued with their relationship. Who gave them rings of power to solidify that relationship. Shame he was betrayed, be he didn't mean harm.
By the third age its a shame the Noldor are the smaller group of Elves in middle earth. They would have helped Durin’s Folk more. The Elves and Dwarves might of had a better relationship. I'm sure Elrond tried, and some Dwarves were warmer to him on account of being adopted sons of Maedhros and Maglor. Buts hes also Thingol's blood, and that is a blood memory type of mistrust.
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thehemilyyy · 2 years
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cinemoments · 6 months
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The Danish Girl, dir. Tom Hooper, 2016.
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distantsonata · 2 months
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 5 months
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he is an absolute delight
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housemv · 1 year
did you end up finding the girlfriend amv on a decent quality?
no it just suffers from the incurable disease of being from 2008 and honestly? that's part of its charm.
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emblazonet · 10 months
I read that beat up old copy of Dragonflight, a book published 55 years ago, and I truly enjoyed it. Spoilers for an old book follow, so be warned.
Like yeah there's a real 'not like other girls' vibe going on, somewhat mitigated at the beginning by Lessa feeling shame over how she misjudged Gemma, and then made worse by whatever the fuck is going on with that Kylara character. She's never on screen but everyone hates her because she's promiscuous or something? Dunno what's up with that. So like, yeah, gender stuff's weird, but also Pern's entire politics and economy rotate around telepathic dragons and evil spores, so, you know, it's a wacky fantasy. Whatever.
So many people, on telling them I found some battered Pern books in a Little Free Library, warned me that there's Bad Sex in these books, watch out! Well, I've read exactly one (1) Pern book, and I loved whatever the hell was happening. The dragons get horny so now their telepathic humans are horny? So now the two main characters who can't stand each other are fucking because telepathy? UH YES SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. I am so fucking here for this batshit scenario. It's not hatesex but it borders it. It's sex pollen by way of adorable dragons who fuck. I'm eating it up with a spoon. Now, sure, F'lar is like 'wtf I think I raped her' but in Lessa's pov she pretty much never dwells on it, so I think McCaffrey's actual intent was to give you the impression that F'lar is overreacting a bit because he has Feelings he won't admit, and while he's a smug jerk but he's not that bad, he's worried. You could if you want read this as textual rape? But I don't. I view this as Lessa being a practical and unlikeable bitch(affectionate) of a character, for whom sex is just not high on her priority list. She certainly wants to bang him later on. And because it wasn't a standard romance and the focus wasn't really on their courtship but rather the silly time travel plot, I actually enjoyed Lessa and F'lar as a couple. If I knew them IRL, I'd probably want to smack them, they're horribly emotionally stunted. But I got really invested in their slow reluctant growing respect for each other. Honestly so far Pern has the energy of a child making up a giant war for their toys, and incidentally smacking whatever figures they're using for their protagonists together and going, 'haha, they're kissing!'. Also, dragons. 9/10 can't wait to read more.
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wingedshadowfan · 7 months
so from what i've been seeing while rereading fourth wing, each "leader" (wing-, section- and squad-) has their own executive officer:
It took the commandant all of five minutes to appoint Lamani Zohar as wingleader for Third Wing after Amber was executed, but since she was already executive officer, it made the most sense.
=> meaning wing executive officers are most likely to replace wingleaders, but this begs some questions.
is that only for emergencies during the year, like when someone dies?
are both wingleader and wing execution officer necessarily third years (graduating together)?
or can the wing executive officer be a second year and just be promoted to a wingleader in their third year? because if so, i might have news for shitstain dain!
"I’m the one who left my post, my position, and my executive officer in charge of my wing."
is what xaden tells mira at montserrat (coincidentally after she tells dain doesn't deserve to become a wingleader if he keeps acting this way), but we unfortunately don't know who the executive officer for fourth wing is...
and no, it's not garrick or bodhi, neither of them is a wing executive officer:
“As it was a matter of life and death, I personally executed six of the would-be murderers, as witnessed by Flame Section Leader Garrick Tavis and Tail Section Executive Officer Bodhi Durran.”
not cianna, either:
“We’re going to win,” Cianna, our executive officer, proclaims with a decisive nod.
“We’re down to ten of you,” Dain says, glancing over our group. “Twelve of us in total, which puts us at a slight disadvantage against a couple other squads, but I think we’ll manage.”
=> meaning she's the executive officer for second squad, flame section, fourth wing, while dain is the squad leader
so do you guys think it might not be dain next year?
that he might just become a section leader or a section/wing executive officer instead?
would cianna become the new leader of second squad, flame section, fourth wing?
or would rhiannon?
do you think the name "iron flame" is going to matter? (violet's squad, dubbed the iron squad, flame section, fourth wing)
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
Compiled of illustrations of summer contests that are taking place in the VK community~
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VK, VK, VK, VK , VK, VK,
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forsapphics · 4 months
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Robin Roberts & Amber Laign's Wedding (08/09/2023) — photographed by Chris J. Evans and Kellie Walsh
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Scent Match - Part 7
Part 7 of ??
Summary: When Amber Dyer decided to attend a Creator Con, she never expected to run into Of Wolf and Blood lycan hearthrob, Augustine Prime.
But, there he was, stooping over her table, asking to buy the unflattering drawing of his character. Valuing integrity over taking money from a celebrity and running (though she was sorely tempted,) Amber finishes the sketch and delivers it to Augustine.
However, he continues to doggedly pursue her and entwine their lives.
All because of her scent.
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It was a miracle that Augustine managed to retain some sense of presence during dinner after reading Amber’s first - and as of yet only - text to him. While sitting at her table in Artist's Alley, he had badgered her all day for her contact information, but she had completely refused. She had said they wouldn’t need to text and if he needed to contact her, her business email was on her business card.
And yet she had texted him. Simple and straightforward, but the short message lodged itself in his chest and made Augustine’s heart race with delight.
Hi. It’s Amber Dyer. Text me when you’re done with your date.
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When the charity date ended near eleven that night. Augustine rushed back to his hotel room and freshened up a little as he replied to Amber. Twenty minutes after he responded to her text, he showed her into his suite. He watched as she surveyed his room, though he couldn’t possibly guess what else she had to look at. She had scrutinized so much on her first visit. 
Impatience and excitement lit across Augustine's nerves, but he kept his fidgeting under control thanks to decades of practice. He edged a little closer to her as she dawdled near the wall of glass that led to the balcony. Gently, as if he were talking to a skittish creature - and in a way he was - Augustine asked, “I take it you’ve decided on your answer?”
As he spoke, Amber had to stifle her body’s jerk to attention.
“Not quite,” she replied, not turning toward him as she ventured further in. She peeked into the areas of his suite she hadn’t yet meandered into, though her attention wasn’t so much on her surroundings. Well, other than thinking about how dark it was compared to her last visit. Last time, the lights were on and the sun was streaming in. This time, light pollution from outside and the few lights on inside made for a strange ambience that made her heart thrum.
There was a hyper-awareness of his eyes on her and how he trailed behind her at a polite, but curious, distance.
It didn’t help her skittering heart that, unlike every other time she had met Augustine, Amber currently wore a dress. It was a solid dark blue skater style dress. Nothing any one of any caliber should really notice. But the way Augustine's eyes followed, glanced down her body, made Amber fear the fashion choice was too much. Too uncharacteristic of her.
She wasn't wrong. Augustine had definitely noticed and greatly enjoyed the view of her legs, the expanse of new skin to view. The desire to see more ached through him. Clamping down against the whim, he tried to keep his tone conversational, “Really? You haven’t decided yet?”
Despite his best efforts to be gentle, Amber stopped suddenly and stood rigid. Worries she would leave cropped up in his thoughts as he watched her eyes flutter shut, her chest expand with a deep quiet breath.
“Look, you having this charity date thing just made me think a lot and I started to think what I would want out of a… a…” Amber trailed off, not ready to vocalize the word.
The longer she rambled, the brighter Augustine's grin grew. “Husband.” 
Amber turned sharply to Augustine, a frustrated expression on her face as her lips pressed thin. “A relationship with a celebrity.” 
Well, that was heartening. She was considering indulging his proposal. She was setting verbal boundaries and he had to respect that, though. “And have you figured out what you want?”
“Well, no.” She sighed, edging toward the sofa while maintaining that distance between herself and Augustine. It would help if she knew what he expected of this whole thing. Casting him a look, Amber toed into the depths of hypothetical agreement with him. “What do you expect of this?” 
“I don’t know. I’d like you to come live with me in California and come with me when I film.” He gave a single shoulder shrug, having not thought of married life beyond simply being able to have Amber around him frequently. “But I’d get it if you didn’t want to.” 
She didn’t look at him as she trailed a hand along the back of the sofa, occasionally stopping to pick at the textured fabric. “Is it, like, different locations or a set?” 
“Depends on what scene is being filmed.” He continued after her, trying not to feel like a wolf stalking prey nor a puppy at the heels of a mistress. “Either way, I just want to spend time with you.” 
Though it was weak, Amber hedged around a potential issue. “I need to get a passport if we’re going out of the country.” 
“Easy enough.” His grin twitched, a shoulder lifting in a shrug. 
Everything always felt so easy with him, Amber realized. Nothing was an obstacle, everything could be taken in stride. It made something in her flinch. As if he was just trying to fool her. There had to be something that would make him realize she was more of a pain than a needed desire. 
Turning to him, Amber eyed Augustine critically and crossed her arms. “And what if I didn’t want to uproot my life?” 
To his credit, Augustine stopped and actually seemed to consider her point. He rubbed at his bristling chin - freshly shaved before the date - and hummed before answering. “I guess I’ll just fly in to see you every night.”
Almost at once, Amber averted her gaze from him as her fingers fidgeted with each other. His extravagant answer didn’t surprise her. While considering these questions earlier, when alone, she was pretty sure that would be his answer. ‘I’ll just fly in every night’ like it was so simple, as if it was something anyone could do, hah! That wasn’t even taking into account weather or the infeasibility of flying to her daily!
There was still one facet she wanted to nudge at, but the words were getting stuck in her throat.
Why was this so hard? It seemed like a perfectly reasonable thought when she was alone. Regardless, she found herself not looking directly at him as she babbled, “I know we can at least carry a conversation after you sitting in on my table all morning, but I thought, if I’d be stuck with you for extended periods of time, we should see if we’re even compatible. In other ways.”
Augustine blinked, his brain not piecing two and two together. His eyebrows dipped as he mentally flipped through what she could mean. “Compatible? Like astrology or-” 
Amber made a strangled sound - both amused and mortified - as she shook her head. “No, not astrology. Like intimately.”
He narrowed his eyes, trying to parse what she could mean. Compatible? The way she was fidgeting under his gaze, the flush on her cheeks, it said this was something else other than tenuously consulting the stars or filling out a questionnaire. Comprehension dawned on him and his grin slowly grew as he approached her.
Her eyes darted to his face as he leaned over her, bracing his forearm against the wall she had unintentionally backed herself into. Or maybe it had been intentional, Amber briefly thought, as her eyes traced over Augustine’s mouth. At least the entry point of the kitchen and formal dining are was close. If she had to, she could slide into it and regain some distance.
She didn’t get a chance to consider indulging in the escape plan as his toothy smile took on a little more wolfishness and sent prickles down her skin. 
“Not jealous, huh?” He chuckled, leaning further down. Amusement flickered through him at the thought of her being even the slightest bit possessive of him. GIven how their interactions so far had happened, he hadn’t anticipated that. The thought drew him all the closer to her, inhaling her scent that piqued delight and other indescribable sensations with him.
At the same time, he Intentionally gave Amber an escape route, so she could regain the distance if she so chose. Of course, part of him was also aware that the escape would put her closer to his bedroom, his ‘den’ if he was thinking about it through an instinctive lens. Augustine shoved the thought to the back of his mind. 
“I wasn’t jealous!” Heat scraped over her cheeks as she turned wide eyes to his gaze. 
She really wasn’t. Not really. What he did with someone else didn’t bother her. But knowing he was on a date with someone else, someone who might enthrall him more than herself, did solidify how brief of a chance she had to entirely enjoy this situation. It wasn't every day you got private time with an A-list celebrity that seemed decent enough and was enamored with you.
Even if there was a wavering thread of apprehension in her chest, she should make the most of the situation like any other person . Right? Amber took a deep breath, attempting to steady her shuddering heart as she planted her palm on his chest, shoving him back a little. “Anyway, like I said. Compatibility.” 
Augustine’s attention flicked to her hand, where she still touched him. More of those indescribable sensations swirled in him as she stared at her splayed fingers. “How do we figure that out?” 
“I’ve never been with a lycan.” Noting his stare where they connected, and feeling a jolt of heat dart down her arm, Amber jerked back. Amazingly, her voice managed to remain calm and conversational, though her hands started gesticulating nervously. “I don’t know what to expect. Hypothetically.” 
“Oh! Well, in my human form, it’s about what you’d expect. The in-betweens can vary, depending on which bits and bobs I want to keep.” Augustine perked up, that smile still on his lips as he info-dumped. It wasn’t uncommon that non-lycans had questions, especially since Augustine had refined his ability to shift in ways other lycans had not. “And my full-lycan form is obviously furrier, a bit bulkier and some added bells and whistles.” 
Amber hadn’t utilized the escape route, but she couldn’t look Augustine in the eye. “A knot?” 
“Yes, a knot is a feature. And claws and sharper teeth.” Augustine couldn’t help the way his smile tilted a little teasingly at the edges. A knot was a feature many non-lycans hinged on when considering intimacy with a werewolf. However, Augustine had an added layer that not many of his kind possessed. “And my hellhound form is basically like my lycan but with this, like, skull mask and horns and my eyes go red. Fur gets darker and I’ve been told I’m hellishly hotter too.” 
“I see.” Amber swallowed, trying to convince herself the heat swarming her was thanks to Augustine’s body heat being so close. Not excitement or embarrassment or anything else. This was an informative chat, giving her perspective!
Tilting his head, Augustine shifted and pushed himself back a little. A soberness softened the cheek from his features as he stared down at Amber. “Is any of that a problem for you?” 
“N-no!” Hearing something like uncertainty in his tone, Amber’s attention shot to his face. A pang shot through her at his expression. She held up her hands, as if she could physically stop him from jumping to conclusions. “I just want to know what exactly to expect.”
A grin split across his momentary seriousness. He loomed over her again, unaware of the fact as they made their way through the dining area. “So, how were you hoping to determine compatibility? A demonstration?”
Heat flared through her and Amber decided to call it irritation, though part of her knew that wasn’t true. Old assumptions concerning his motives crept back into her thoughts. Amber’s back pressed flush to the wall as she cast Augustine a wary look. “What do you mean by that?” 
Augustine gave a careless shrug as he said the first thing that came to mind, “I don’t know. I could get naked and shift and you could touch me however you want? Get you more comfortable with my forms?” 
Before Amber could school her expression, her eyes narrowed and her lips twisted into a critical frown. She slipped toward freedom, taking a step back into the dining room. 
“Just because I'd be naked and you’d be touching me doesn’t mean I’d expect anything. This is completely to make you comfortable with me,” Augustine chuckled, shaking his head. 
Amber’s expression didn’t budge an inch. Could she believe he actually expected that scenario? To strip naked and let her touch him and nothing would happen. It would certainly be a way to judge his intentions with her, she supposed. And she still couldn’t shake that itch of curiosity.
With eyes still narrowed, Amber crossed her arms and called his potential bluff. “Fine, if you expect nothing from me, then go ahead and strip.” 
Her critical expression didn’t seem to faze Augustine’s smile. He gave a light nod across the dining area, to where Amber had yet to venture. “Can we go to the bedroom? Unless you want to get handsy right here.”
Buying time, Amber cast a look around. Between the darkened dining room and kitchen - stray ambient lighting glinting off citures - and her own internal focus elsewhere, she didn’t really notice much. Vaguely, she caught sight of the table and chairs, roomier than any other hotel room she had been in. From the kitchen, steel caught what little light there was and, even from the distance, she caught the scent of lemon cleaning spray. Likely, he had a whole contingent of cleaning staff to keep his rooms spic and span.
More prominent in her thoughts, however, was the direction the two of them were heading. Her arms crossed tighter across her chest, fingers digging into her arms. The fact he was so willing to get naked and let her touch him felt strange. But had Augustine Prime been anything but strange since they met? 
Despite herself, she glanced sidelong at him. He leaned in the threshold between the living area and dining room, watching her quietly. A faint smile tilted at his lips and no hint of agitation or impatience creased his features.
That same sense of calm, of everything being alright, settled over Amber. Underneath that odd sense of serenity, a worry crept through her. How did he make her feel so soothed? Before she could think on it further, Amber heard herself mumble, “I suppose your room will be fine.” 
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I spent my day reading this and it has sent me on the most emotionally intense journey. I have cried, cursed and damned characters in this to hell.
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spectrum-color · 1 year
The whole Amber and Fitz thing must seem absolutely wild to Malta. To Malta, Amber is obvs a freed slave as she’s wearing a freedom earring, but she says that rather than buying her way to freedom it was granted to her by her “one true love.” Fast forward like 40 years and Amber returns with the true love in question, who is a prince (!) from the barbarian kingdom of the Six Duchies. A hot prince who looks half the age that he should be for that matter. It must have seemed like a full on romance novel how she went from slave to a princes consort via a torrid love affair.
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