#although I think you've all gotten used to seeing my trash here by now
windfighter · 1 year
Breathe for me
Prompt: Painkillers
Takuya looked into the fridge, held the phone between his shoulder and cheek as he looked around for something easy for Kouji to eat. He could hear Kouichi look for breakfast on the other side as well.
”Kouji’s having a bad week”, Takuya said.
He wasn’t sure how much Kouji wanted him to say, but he couldn’t tell the others they didn’t want to meet them. He needed to explain why they couldn't. Kouichi hmmed.
”How bad?” he asked.
Takuya was pretty sure Kouichi had never seen Kouji during a bad episode. When the pain got so bad he couldn’t get out of bed. When he needed the strong painkillers that made him so out of it he could barely remember his name. Takuya grabbed a can of miso-soup from the back of the fridge.
”He’s still asleep, if that tells you anything”, he said.
Kouichi pulled a sharp breath on the other side of the line. Takuya shared the sentiment.
”At nine?” Kouichi asked. ”Yikes, that’s bad.”
”Told you”, Takuya put the can on the counter and closed the fridge. ”Panther’s been sleeping on top of him the whole night.”
Panther mraowed in the bedroom. Takuya frowned. Panther never made a sound.
”So I guess we’re cancelling lunch today?” Kouichi asked.
”Yeah”, Takuya started walking towards the bedroom. ”Unless you wanna come over.”
Panther’s voice cut through the whole house. Takuya walked faster.
”Was that Panther?” Kouichi asked. ”Cat’s got some lungs.”
”He usually doesn’t”, Takuya said.
He put a hand against the door, swung it open. Kouji was still in the bed, pale as death, and Panther was standing on his chest. Yellow eyes locked onto Takuya.
”Maybe he’s hungry”, Kouichi suggested.
Takuya swallowed. His heart skipped a beat as he walked up to the bed. He put a hand on Kouji’s shoulder, shook it.
Kouji didn’t move. His chest was still. Takuya’s hand trembled as he pressed his fingers against Kouji’s throat. He could feel a pulse. Weak, but there. He held his hand over Kouji’s mouth. Nothing. Takuya’s heart skipped another beat.
”Kouichi?” he asked.
His voice trembled. He removed the pillow from under Kouji’s head, put a hand under Kouji’s neck to open his airways. Kouji’s chest still wasn’t moving.
”I need you to call an ambulance. Kouji’s not breathing.”
Kouichi let out a string of cursewords. Takuya agreed.
”I’ll meet you at the hospital”, Kouichi said.
The phonecall ended. Takuya dropped the phone to the floor, tilted Kouji’s head further back. His lungs still didn’t pull air in. Takuya leaned down, pinched Kouji’s nose shut and breathed air into his mouth. Again. Again. Again. Panther’s yellow eyes were watching him, Panther walked back and forth on the bed. Takuya worked for a couple minutes to keep Kouji alive, keep him getting oxygen into his system. Then, a shaky breath. Kouji took a weak breath, released it just as quickly. He took another. Takuya let go, stood up again. Kouji’s eyes opened.
”Stay still”, Takuya said. ”Ambulance is on the way.”
Kouji didn’t protest, just closed his eyes again. Panther laid down next to him, purred loudly. Takuya stood next to the bed, watched them. Watched Kouji’s chest rising and falling in quick successions. Then it stopped again. Takuya’s shoulders fell. He swallowed, leaned down and restarted the process. His stomach ached. He knew they were living on borrowed time, that Kouji should have been dead several times over, but it couldn’t end like this. At home, with Takuya right next to him. When they were supposed to have a nice lunch together with Kouichi.
Tears gathered in Takuya’s eyes. Breathing got harder. He took a deep breath to calm down, couldn’t let Kouji down. He filled Kouji’s lungs again. Kouji had survived worse, he could survive whatever was going on.
Kouji took a weak breath on his own. Takuya’s body relaxed a bit. He pulled a hand across his eyes, dried them off.
”Please keep breathing”, he whispered.
Kouji took another weak breath. The doorbell rang. Takuya squeezed Kouji’s shoulder and left to open. The ambulance. Takuya let them in, led them to the bedroom. Kouji had stopped breathing again and Takuya hoped it wasn’t too late.
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this-is-krikkit · 1 year
Hey Sunshine 🌞❤️
For the drabble challenge, why not 88 with Erwin 😉 ?
Kith 😘
hey eVal, thank you for the ask 💜♥️ i hope you're having a great Sunday
ofc i made it eruhan, because i'm hange trash and i can't help myself 😭
anonymously or not, send me a prompt and a ship/character!
Tags: canonverse, pre-vets era, eruhan, awkwardness, underage drinking ig
Erwin's palms feel sweaty again by the time he's gotten two beers served. He eyes the room once more and quickly zeroes in on his target, a couple of tables away from the bar.
They're drawing in the notebook they always carry when he nears them, and he clears his throat as he sits down next to them so he doesn't startle them.
Their clothes are as much of a mess as usual and they smell heavily of the stables, and he smiles.
“I see you've been following my advice and spending some time with our four-legged friends,” he says as an opening.
“Erwin!” Hange exclaims, beaming up at him as they put the notebook away and take the drink he offers. “Yeah, I think my ass has left a definite print on that saddle, but I definitely made some progress! You were right, I just needed to take my time and stop rushing.”
“I'm happy for you,” he replies, a genuine smile gracing his lips.
“And I'm happy for you! You're graduating in a month, right? Damn, I can't wait to join you in the Scouts next year.”
He stops as he was about to take a sip, and looks down, willing his emotions to keep in check.
“You're still planning on it, huh?”
“Mike's going with you anyway. You know I'd be in your promotion if he didn't lie and tell me I was too young to enlist at the same time he did. He was just afraid I'd end up doing better than him.”
Although he knows Hange's more than capable themself, Erwin seriously doubts that was ever so silent and discreet Mike's motive considering the nearly inhuman prowess he displays in training and his number one rank in their promotion.
“So, that's why you want to join the Scouts? To spite your brother?”
“Of course not, you know how much I want to see the outside world! But what about you, Erwin?” they ask, turning and leaning closer to him. “You've never told me why you're so set on that branch of the army.”
He ponders over it for a minute, and decides to trust his instincts. They've rarely been wrong before, and he's known and admired Hange's intellect and spirit for too long to start doubting them now. They'll be a formidable ally once they're both Scouts, he has no doubt about it.
“I want to find out if there are other people out there,” he answers, barely above a whisper, after scanning the room to make sure now one's going to overhear.
The way their eyes shine at his words makes it all worth the risk.
“You think there might be?” they ask just as discreetly, which is not something he thought they'd be capable of.
“I think it's worth investigating,” he says, prudent but unable to hide his interest in the topic.
“I think you're right,” they conclude with a wink. “So, how come you're hanging out here tonight? You don't usually do that.”
Their tone is as neutral as Hange's can be, but Erwin sees the way they eye his glass and knows they're also surprised he's drinking alcohol.
“Well, I wanted to see you,” he starts, trying to keep his heartbeat under control as the temperature in the room seems to rise to a hundred degrees suddenly. “Since I might die before you get to join us-
“You won't die! You're one of the best recruit they've ever seen, Erwin!” They assure him, patting his shoulder.
“Still, first expeditions are known to be especially deadly, it's a thir-
“Thirty percent chance of dying, I know. At least you die while fighting some Titans, right?”
“I guess,” he concedes. “Either way, I wanted to ask-
“If that's the way I ever have to go, I hope I get to take at least a dozen of them down with me! That'd be a cool way to- Wow, why'd you look mad? You know, your eyebrows look even thicker than usual when you're frowning…”
“Because I'm trying to ask you out, but you won't stop interrupting me!” he cuts them off himself, letting his fist fall against the table.
Hange's eyes widen so much he has to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at the shocked face they're making right now.
“You… You want to ask me out?” they repeat, dumbfounded.
“Yes. Preferably before I join the Scouts, maybe next week,” he adds.
“Like, on a date?” they ask.
They're the one frowning now, and Erwin feels a disturbing coldness settling into his guts as he realizes they're probably trying to turn him down politely.
He nods anyway -it's too late to walk away now.
“If that's something you'd like. It's fine if it isn't.”
A huge smile breaks out on Hange's face, and they push their glasses up their nose as their cheeks redden.
“No, yeah. I'd love to.”
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still thinking about Briar and his silly little actions that he does in his room. He's so weird but it makes sense to me because I like it. He gets overwhelmed from a messy place, specifically any desk or work station, but he lacks the little click in his head that tells him to throw away those trashes or put the dishes in the sink. He's lazy in a way. struggles to break out of focus when he's working on something and just has to continue lest that desire vanish in the few minutes it takes him to put everything in it's proper place. Difficult for him very much so.
Apparently putting the things aside means they're no longer there. Briar has depression, perhaps that's part of it. I mean who wouldn't struggle with things like that when you've got so much pressure on yourself? It's an awful feeling.
Briar walks and talks a lot when he thinks, he thinks out loud. he says a lot of things that don't make sense, he reassures himself, he accuses himself of things, he talks himself down. Many Many things he does all so he can think.
"I wasn't quite confident, so maybe next time I'll try this or that. Maybe then, but I don't- no no that can't be correct. Pity on my soul, this is absurd."
"How strange, how lovely. Small little creatures dimensions away from their home yet they still live as if they're in their original world. Sweet disgusting little things. You could not live here.
"I didn't think it would've taken this long, no- no- don't think that way. For how long must we wait here? A reaction? A sign that'll never come? Oh ridiculous, woefully ridiculous!"
"That speaks to me in a language I do not comprehend. Oh but, who am I to judge it's validity? Oh my friend you have much to learn."
Silly little many who talks to himself far too often. I wonder what he'd think of everything and I get to come up with it all!! I want to answer the last few asks I had on this account, he's lovely and can talk so damn much.
He loves apples. They were one of the few remnants of the Overworld in the Nether. Golden Apples are a somewhat rarity and they were kept with the Bastions best treasure. Although, surely one that is so close to their leader or a friendly Brute would allow someone a taste. They weren't ever talked about and eating them was a stupid thing to do. You could see the small potion particles flowing from their mouth and nose whenever they talked or breathed out. Briar was able to make potions with some useful effects, like fire resistance, though those tend to be a bit hard to get down. Magma cream is thick and had a burnt taste to it, a spicy quality that burns your tongue and throat, but lacking all the nice flavor of a hot pepper.
Anyways, Briar has gotten used to the taste of most of these potions. Briar struggles with not reacting too well to pain and other sensations. He tends to not notice or feel pain too much, very very high pain tolerance. He does have a very bad habit of just dunking his prosthetic arm into lava, the blackstone protecting it from being burnt completely, however sometimes the gold will melt and drip down onto tables or floors. Idiot pig, he recognizes this happens and keeps doing it. He often uses his arm as a block like a shield or armor (think piglin brutes and their arms).
thats all for now, maybe ill write up a post about my potion and magic ideas :0)
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Forty-Three
Table of Content or Part Forty-Two
Read here on wattpad
Words: 3.6k
Warning(s): Explicit language, Drug abuse, Verbal abuse, Sexual situations
Tag List: @unknownoblivion @sinningsixx @edwardtriggerhandzz @lemmyjelly @haileynicoleseavey17 @cierrasixx19 @oskea93 @mgkobsessed @vamprlestat @sharon6713 @itsametaphorbriansblog @miriampraez @allie-mcginn @rebeccaphillips14 @nicholeh7 @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swwopyboi @justjodeye @liith-ium @caos18blog @ytwahsog @shamlessobsessions @scarecrowmax @toadspleen @random-internet-user-4471 @solohqrry @loveofmyloif @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @xpoisonousrosesx @cruecifymesixx @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @emmaelizabeth2014 @meetthesixxter @sixxsixxsexx @sublimeprincesswasteland @arianareirg @girlnight-terror @mcnibberachi @fancywasmyname1 @teller258316 @ggorehorror
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My head is aching from the pressure put on it after crying for hours on end, balls of tissue shrouding the bed around me.
My mind floods with how I'm going to propose attempting to do one of the two things Nikki despises most, not wanting to ask him about it from the jump, but wanting to fix whatever it is that's lacking in our marriage that has me feeling something for someone who I'm not married to.
I know what's lacking, but I'd rather he  hear it from a professional so he can't accuse me of just throwing out bullshit.
Nikki's been home for a few hours now, but he's been avoiding me.
I wonder if he's mad at me for leaving during the tour, or if he hasn't even thought about me and came home, shot up and passed out.
I'm sick with myself, the approach of Nikki's homecoming causing an onslaught of self-chastisement that occurs in the form of random tidbits of Duff and I in my dream, and the possibility that I'm subconsciously getting ready to give up on my marriage, which is the last thing I want to do.
I hear the front door open and shut, along with the sound of Nikki's footsteps growing closer and closer to our bedroom, the rustling of paper bags accompanying him.
I haven't even realized he left the house.
Nerves ball up in my stomach, my hands get sweaty and my breathing starts getting deep.
"Keep your head clear" I hear Andy's voice in my mind and I calm myself down.
The door opens, and the smell of food wafts in the air.
Nikki's carrying fastfood bags, seemingly decently sober.
I sit up, sniffling, and he hands me my drink and a straw before pulling a cheeseburger out of the paper bag, handing it over to me as well as my fries.
"Do you feel any better?" He asks me, calmly, and I furrow my brows a little. "I knew something was up when you weren't waiting by the door. I came in and you were passed out." He explains, his hand pressing to my forehead. "You don't feel like you're running fever."
"I'm not. I just feel like shit." I mumble, taking a sip of my Pepsi.
"I got this while I was out." He adds, opening another paper bag from our pharmacy and I rub my lips together. "The bottle was on the bathroom counter and saw you haven't gotten a refill yet, so..." He shrugs, handing me a pill of my Nardil.
"Thanks." I say, swallowing it down.
He gets his food and knocks my balled up tissues out of the way as he gets into bed next to me.
"What all did you do?" He asks and I look at him, tensing up.
"While you've been here? And I've been gone? What all have you done?" He repeats.
"Oh, just went out a few times with the guys. I stayed at home, mostly." I reply.
"I can tell. This place is spotless." He chuckles, eating a few fries.
"Sharise and Skylar stayed with me at night so I wouldn't be by myself." I add and he shakes his head a little.
"We gotta get you outta that, babe." He states and I raise my brows a little in confusion. "Your 'I can't be alone' mentality."
"What about it?"
"It's not really healthy to be that way, don't you think?"
"I think it's normal. Humans weren't made to be by themselves."
"Viv, not being able to be alone is one thing. Not being able to sleep alone is another." He scoffs.
"Vince doesn't ever sleep alone." I point out.
"That's because Vince fucks and then falls asleep with chicks who aren't his wife." Nikki points out.
"Well, I've fallen asleep with dudes who aren't you." I add.
"Robbin, Steven and Vince don't really count." He tells me. "Well, Vince counts a little, but that's because he's a fucking dick."
"Okay, so, who all counts?" I ask him, trying to keep the light tone in my voice.
His answer is blatantly but casually said as if it's common sense, and further causes me to curl into my shell, even more petrified to suggest what I've been planning to suggest to him:
"Anyone you can see yourself fucking." He says.
My body tenses and my appetite is at a loss.
I don't say much of anything else, listening to him go from the topic of the new album, to Tommy's upcoming wedding, and finally, his fuck up.
"Look, Viv," He starts, throwing the wrapper of his finished burger, aside, and I start putting the trash in the empty bags the food came in before setting them on the night stand on my side of the bed before laying back down, facing him. "I know what I did was--"
"--You made a mistake." I cut him short. "And you're still here, so...it's okay."
"No, it's not okay." He argues and I rub my lips together.
"I don't know what else to say about it, Nikki." I reply and he sighs, getting a little frustrated.
"I want you to care, Vivian." He shoots back and I roll on my back, staring up at my reflection on the ceiling, rubbing my forehead to calm the subtle aching beginning to resurface.
"I do care, Nikki, I just don't understand what you want me to do about it. You're the only one who can fix it and you freak out anytime someone mentions you getting help."
"Jesus fuck." He grumbles, kicking his cowboy boot-clad foot into the mattress a little and I sigh out, agitated, as he's about to get up and probably leave.
"Can you just not run off at the slightest argument we have, for once, Nikki?" I beg, my voice cracking as my throat grows thick with tears. "I've had a horrible past couple weeks and I just need you to hold me because you're my husband and that's..." I can't finish, a wave of obnoxious sobs coming out of nowhere.
"Vivian, what is wrong? Huh?" He asks me, genuinely, scooting closer to me and wrapping his arms around me as I lay against his chest.
It's obvious this goes beyond "I don't feel good."
People don't cry uncontrollably when they have a cold.
"I'm just going through something right now." I reply in between uneven breaths.
"Baby, what's wrong?"
I wish I could tell him everything. Every miscarriage, every repressed fear of our future...having mental sex with Duff.
I know the Duff situation shouldn't be a big deal to me, but it is. A very big deal. A very red flag. A very tiny issue that cam and will manifest if not dealt with accordingly.
Dread of the conversation of seeing a marriage counselor with Nikki sneaks into me, adding to my plate of shit I have yet to disclose to him.
"I don't know." I lie to him. "I guess I just really miss you."
"I'm right here, Viv." He chuckles a little.
I want to say, "the old Nikki", but decide against an entirely different argument, before relaxing a little as he runs his fingertips in random patterns at the bottom of my back, and falling asleep.
The thing that pissed Nikki off about my crying spells, which occurred more often the worse his use got, was that he felt emasculated by it.
He couldn't make me feel better because he couldn't get off drugs, and I couldn't even tell him about the weight on my heart from my misfortune with pregnancy and my growing confusion about my feelings for another man.
He knew he was failing me by having an affair, staying on drugs, disregarding our vows, causing me pain, which made him do more drugs to numb the pain of that knowledge, which made him act out even more.
And all I could do was scream at him, cry, flush his stash, vandalize our house, vandalize his cars and bikes, and screw the support's bassist.
But before we resulted to that...
I let out one more muffled moan as he grabs at a fist full of my hair, delivering one more thrust into me before he's finishing on my bare ass and tucking himself back in his pants.
"Nikki, I thought you said we would talk when you got back home." I lowly remind him as I clean myself off, hearing our friends in our living room.
He takes a drink of his Jack on the  bathroom counter and shrugs.
"We can talk later, babe." He tells me, for the hundredth time since he's been back home two weeks, now, and I rub my lips together.
"Well, Nikki, we kinda need to talk about as soon as we can." I pull my pants and shirt back on.
"And we will. Just chill out."
"Okay, well, we should've talked about it over a week ago if that were the case. And I've been chilling out but I'm starting to get the idea that you don't care."
"If I didn't care what you had to say, I'd tape your pretty little mouth shut, Viv." He drunkenly spurs at me, pulling me closer to him, and I raise a brow. "Don't look at me like that, babe, I--Okay, look. Your buddies are here." He laughs me off, motioning to door, reminding me  Slash, Izzy, Duff, Steven, and even Axl are over here--although I'm sure Axl's only here for the 5'3" platinum blonde playmate that I can hear going back and forth with Steven about how to properly play cards. "Tommy and Vince are coming over, Vince is bringing Sharise and you, her, and Tansy are like the trifecta or something so you can have girl time and catch up. It's gonna be a good time. We'll talk after, alright?" He assures me and I let out a breath.
"Alright." I mumble.
He smirks, giving me a sloppy kiss before I'm heading out to see everybody.
I roll my eyes and head to the kitchen, preparing myself to face Duff, who I haven't seen in three weeks.
We hung out once after I stayed at their place, and that's been it.
I step into the kitchen to see someone in our fridge, grabbing a beer, and when the door shuts I'm face to face with all six feet and four inches of McKagan.
"There you are." He chuckles out, opening the bottle with an opener on his keys and I try to catch my breath and not show signs of panic. "Thought you'd, like, died or something." He adds.
"Oh, no, I just didn't feel good." I explain.
"Yeah, Nikki told me." He replies, taking a sip of his beer. "Do you feel better now?" He asks me and I nod, although it's certain I'm not 'okay' necessarily. "You sure?"
"Yeah." I lie, smiling a little.
It was bullshit, he knew it was bullshit.
"Alright." He doesn't ask again, instead stepping to the kitchen door, purposely shoving at me with his shoulder, nearly knocking me down.
I fire back, shoving at him with mine, and we continue until we're laughing, racing to the living room.
There's an exposed seat beside Tansy and we both eye it before rambunctiously trying to see who gets there first.
We get there simultaneously, sitting down, scrunched into each other as we fight for our footing, more so assing, as we both make an effort to worm the other person off of the couch cushion.
"Move giraffe neck!" I demand in a laugh, struggling to get him out of the way.
"Not a chance, mother mary!" He replies in the same tone, managing to keep his beer from spilling.
He wins, eventually, getting me out of the way.
I'm about to give him a light hearted earful when he's pulling me into his lap.
I make sure to keep my ass on his knees, nowhere near his crotch, and he's not thinking anything of it, obviously, until Axl hears Nikki coming out of our bedroom, and I'm too busy laughing to notice.
Axl's black boot is kicking out and shoving me to the floor before Nikki can see me on Duff, and Duff and I look at the red head, about to go off on him, until we realize what he did.
Nikki's obviously just shot up, wiping the dribble of vomit from his chin with the back of his hand as his eyes play their tricks.
I'm assuming it was a speedball.
I know damn well we aren't having that talk tonight...or ever, possibly.
Never will be a good time.
The doorbell rings, and I'm eager to jump up and see who it is, to avoid going off on Nikki, crossing my fingers that it's hopefully Vince, Sharise, and Tommy.
I open the door, my eyes immediately going to Skylar's round, chubby little face as she wears a baby pink, velvet headband with a giant matching velvet flower attached to it, and a long sleeved, white onesie with baby pink socks on her little feet.
"Hey, guys." I say, stepping aside to let them in.
"'Sup, Viv." Tommy grins out widely, patting my head. His energetic mood is a deep contrast of Vince's.
"Hey." Sharise gives me a side hug and I let Skylar wrap her hand around my finger, looking at me with wide eyes and eye brows that clearly show the expression that she knows me but also doesn't know me.
"Hey, Viv." Vince flatly greets me, giving me a peck on the cheek, irritated, and I can see Sharise is in the same mood.
Great. Another couple that's wanting to kill each other. Nikki and I are in good company.
"Hey, Vince." I reply as he follows Tommy.
Skylar is kicking her feet, smiling and waving her hands, now, and Sharise hands her over to me.
"Hey, pretty girl." I greet her as me and her mom go to the living room with everyone...just in time to see Steven ripping a bong. "Baby!" I call, and all their attention shifts to the kid in my arms and they all groan a little.
Rule of "Baby": no drinking from bottles, smoking cigarettes, doing drugs, being gross with groupies, dropping f-bombs, or being a jackass when a child is around...even if the child isn't even one year yet.
It came after Skylar let out a loud and proud "Fuh!" a month prior, and at first we thought it was a random noise she was making while babbling, until she repeated the word over time until it was  pretty obvious she was practicing her pronunciation of the word "fuck," which she had heard from every person in that room.
After that, anytime someone called "baby" the cigarettes were put out, the drugs were put up, the groupies were put on behavioral probation, the alcohol was put into solo cups and the bottles were hidden, and everyone's favorite word was forbidden.
Of course they could go to another room and do anything they wanted, just not with a child in sight.
And they could complain all they wanted, but I think they liked the thought of kids being the only people able to make them clean up their act, even temporarily.
Steven puts his bong away, Duff gathers the liquor bottles and heads to the kitchen to pour it into solo cups, Slash puts out his cigarette and Nikki...
"It's fucking stupid. She's not gonna remember anything of it." Nikki snaps out a couple minutes later as Duff attempts to hand him a cup of Jack, but he refuses, motioning to Skylar once Sharise, Tansy, Steven and I are in the floor with her, and I roll my eyes.
"Babe, it's just for a few minutes. She's gonna go to sleep eventually." I tell him calmly.
"Yeah, Nikki, she usually goes to bed about an hour from now." Sharise adds.
"Sharise, it's his house." Vince takes up for Nikki. "He doesn't come over to our house and dictate what we do and don't do." 
"They can still do it, just not around our daughter." Sharise tells him.
"Exactly. There's plenty of other rooms in the house and an entire back yard." I add.
"Why bring your baby to a fucking get together like this, anyway?" Nikki asks her rudely. "You guys don't have a nanny or something?"
"Nikki." I scold him, giving him a "shut up" look.
He ignores me.
"I-I don't want a nanny raising my daughter, Nikki." Sharise states, trying to keep her cool.
"Well, then why didn't you just stay home?" He continues to come after her.
"Dude." Izzy mumbles behind us, obviously getting fed up, and I pray he doesn't say anything to Nikki or Vince to fuel the fire.
Izzy wasn't into ego, and Nikki and Vince had plenty of it...well, Vince and Sikki.
"Because I wanted to see her." I reply before Sharise can. "And the baby."
"Of course you did because stick-in-the mud Sober Sixx really knows how to keep the party going: a fucking baby." Nikki scoffs, cutting his eyes at me.
"I'd rather be known as a stick-in-the-mud than known for sticking myself at 45° angles." I snap harshly.
Everyone winces a little, and Nikki grinds his teeth together.
"What the hell is your fucking problem?!" Nikki barks at me.
"Oh, I am so glad you asked, I've only been trying to talk to you about for the past two and a half weeks!" I snap.
"Well it's not my problem I've got more important things to do than listen to you whine about our fucking relationship! You've only been doing for nearly two years now, but then you never really tell me what the fuck is wrong, so I'm kinda fucking numb to it by now!"
"I wouldn't expect you not to be numb to it, Nikki! I would be, too, if my nerves were as shot as every last cc of junk I blew my freaking money on!"
"Maybe we should go outside for a little bit--"
"--Sit down!" Nikki and I both yell at Steven before he can stand up, causing everyone else to awkwardly settle back into their seats, because they were getting ready to follow him out.
"Okay." He calmly mumbles, reaching for his cup of booze before he starts chugging.
In fact, I'm noticing them all taking more and more long sips of their drinks.
They're probably going to have grey hairs from stress after leaving tonight.
"See, look, you're turning my friends into alcoholics with your bullshit!" I accuse Nikki and he let's out a loud "HA!"
"Okay, so they're just your friends, now?!" He let's out.
By this point Skylar starts getting fussy with our screaming and Sharise attempts to calm her down.
I'm about to ask her to politely go take Skylar outside or to a different part of the house, even though by the looks of it, she's getting ready to do so anyway.
"Can you shut your God damn baby up, Sharise?!" Nikki's going after her again.
Now it seems either Izzy, Axl or Duff is about to say something, until I intervene to save them a fist fight with someone who can help their careers...not that they would even want his help anymore.
"Can you shut your God damn mouth up, Nikki?!" I stand up, ready to punch him, again, and he stands, too.
"Alright, guys--" Tommy starts but is quickly shut up with a glare from Nikki.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Viv, this is why I'm on smack! So I can get a fucking escape from being trapped in a house with you!"
"For someone who's so miserable being married to me, you sure as hell were adamant about doing so!"
"Until I realized I married a fucking psychopath!" He throws at me, pointing his finger my way.
"And I married a junkie!" I shoot back. "And all you're ever gonna be is a freaking junkie and all you're ever gonna do is junk and party and convince yourself you don't need help when you clearly do! You don't give a fuck about me or our marriage and thank fucking God we don't have kids because you'd probably sell one of them for more smack when we run out of money after your career goes down in flames when you stop giving a single fuck about music, which will probably happen in the next year since you're already writing shitty songs!" I can't stop what's coming out of my mouth, seeing him being hurt by it, disguising it as angry tears when I know I struck a chord of an entirely new emotion in him.
He was already beginning to get discouraged with his new music he was working up for the band's next album, but what I said just validated his lack of confidence.
"I'm not just gonna do junk." He calms down, which let's me know he's officially at his pique. "I'm gonna file for divorce, pack up all your shit, and have it in the yard by tomorrow night, and I'm finally gonna tell you how much I hate being married to you." He tells me and I nod like he's being serious.
"You're such a fucking--" Duff starts but I interrupt him. 
I don't even think Nikki notices.
"No, you're gonna go feel sorry for yourself, lock yourself in the closet, shoot up, wake up, feel like a fucking prick--because you are one--then you're gonna ignore me for a few days even though you know I'm right, then we're gonna go to Tommy and Heather's wedding, and the day after, I'm calling Doc and Bob Timmons, we will be attending therapy for our marriage and you will be dragged to rehab kicking and screaming."
And thus the battle between Sikki Nixx and Rabid Bitch Vivian began with no inkling it would become a full-blown war.
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userdokja · 5 years
Wait for me. | Tony Stark x Reader.
summary: Reader is from the future and is a thief, something bad happened and she accidentally travels to the past where she meets Tony Stark.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Blood, getting shot. My Writing and Grammar, Age Gap. reader is 29
Robbing the bank wasn’t easy, maybe for normal people it was, But you’re far from normal. when you were a child you had trouble for controlling your powers, but since your mother got them too she helped you through it, until they died in a plane crash. 
That’s basically how you ended up here, being one of the most wanted people in the world. You changed your hair, your look, everything. But little did you know someone was keeping an eye on you. 
“Miss, You’re gonna need to come with us.” a tall man with a deep voice stood in front of you, You sighed and prepared to travel. 
“She’s trying to get away.” You hear someone say after you close your eyes. You hear a gunshot, as you drift away. a sudden impact on your stomach making you loose focus.
you stumble and fall on your back, all you could feel was the sticky and wet substance of the blood on your hands, You were numb, you stare at the plain white ceiling until you heard people talking.
“Where did she come from?”
“she’s bleeding get someone here immediately.” you felt a hand under your head and your back, your eyes turn at the man, he looked familiar.
“It’s going to be okay.” then it hit you, It was Tony Stark, you read about him. But he was dead years ago.
you wake up on a hospital bed, there was no one in the room. so you lied there in silence you looked at the clock beside you that included a date. 
you were from 2073.
“You’re awake!” your head turns to the person who entered.
“Mr. Stark, uh.. where exactly am I?” You ask.
“In the Tower, you see we couldn’t put you In a hospital...since you basically came out of nowhere.” he took a seat beside your bed. “how did you do it?”
“Time Travel. I’m not from here, I’m from 2072. so Thank you for your hospitality but I think I need to go.” you close your eyes. But nothing happened.
“Go where? To Sleep?” he said jokingly, But you didn’t find it funny, he saw the look on your face and dropped his smile, “Maybe you’re too weak o do that. You lost a lot of blood.”
You nodded and sighed, “It’s dangerous for me to be here.” 
“Why? I mean, You time travel isn’t this normal?” 
“That’s a story for another time sir.” you smiled weakly at him.
“It’s fine get some rest, And call me Tony.” He left after saying that.  leaving you to rest.
A few days later you were moved to a normal room, where you tried to go back to your own time. but nothing worked, although you just turned back time for a minute. 
You sigh and sat down your bed again, Someone knocked on your door. 
“Hey, Y/N, It’s me can I come in?” It was Tony, you’ve gotten closer, He visited you everyday, talking about random things. Making you forget where you were.
“Sure Tony come in.” you say loud enough for him to hear, he walked inside holding a box of cupcakes, he sat down beside you and place the box on your nightstand. 
“So, You promised you’d tell me today.” He grinned at you and your rolled your eyes. 
“My Mother died in a car crash.” he opened his mouth to say something but you continued talking. “I went back In time to warn her, I thought it worked but... When I got back my Dad was with her in the car.” 
“Y/n I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t say you’re sorry. It’s not your fault.” you smiled and said, “Now, what about these cupcakes?” You looked at him but his eyes were glued on you, The room went silent. 
“Tony are you Okay?” you asked making him realize that he was staring.
“Yeah, okay. uh-- Do you want to take a walk outside?” 
You took the cupcakes with you, out of the box of course, Tony showed you around the Tower, It was just a normal conversation until he asked you something.
“How did I die?” 
“I-- Well it was a theory, You disappeared and then everybody thought you died.” He nodded and you both continued walking, You happened to pass by Captain America on the way.
“Hey there Captain.” you greeted rather awkwardly. 
“You must be Y/n, Nice to meet you.” he shook your hand and smiled at you. 
“What do you need Steve?”Tony asked. 
“well, I was looking for Bruce..” He started.
“He’s in his room. we’re going now, bye.” Tony dragged you with him and away from Steve.
It’s been two months and you still couldn’t go back, Tony helped you by doing some research but there was nothing.
“Y/n I need to tell you something.” you jump in surprise, Tony was In your room without you noticing.
“what is it?” 
“I like you.” You join your eyebrows together in confusion. 
“I like you too, what’s up with that? did you not like me before?” Tony sighed in frustration. 
“No. Not like that, It’s-- god why is this so hard?” he inhaled and talked properly “I like you more than a friend.” 
you burst out laughing at his expression, “I was just joking I now what you meant, I- I’m not stupid.” your laughter died down, “I really like you as well. and we should probably stop saying ‘like’ because we sound like elementary students having a crush on each other.”
he smiled and hugged you, “I’m still older that you though.”  he mumbled. 
“well if we’re talking about now, it’s just 13 years.” in that moment you didn’t think about going back in time, It felt like it was your time, your generation.
It felt like home.
It’s been a year since Tony and you got together, You figured you were there for good. that’s what you thought.
It was a fine day, you were eating breakfast, you stood up to wash the dishes but for one second you were back In your time. 
“Y/n, what happened? talk to me.”
“I-- I got back there..” your voice came out as a whisper, Tony held you close, you can feel his own heart beating fast, he was scared, scared that you’ll leave him. 
Those happened more often since then, sometimes you were gone for a minute, which was like a whole year for Tony, It wasn’t something both of you would get used to. 
"...Do you want to go?" He starts, It was very late and both of you were still wide awake in the dark, not facing each other.
"No." You answer.
"Maybe you should, It's-- It's for the best, Even your body is pulling you back."
"Do you want me to go?" He doesn't answer Immediately.
"No, But when you do, When you really have to..Do it fast. Don't make me cry. Don't you dare look into my eyes and make me stare at yours until You disappear." His voice broke, You've never seen him like this.
"Goodnight Tony."
Tony woke up with the sunlight blinding him, But something felt wrong, He turned his head to see no one beside him. your slippers were still there.
"JARVIS! WHERE'S Y/N?" Tony asked, sitting up.
"She's gone sir, I'm sorry." Tony sat there in silence, At least you kept your promise.
But he regretted it, For not holding you that night, For not even realizing you were gone.
You woke up In your bed, In your Apartment.
In your time.
You stared at the ceiling, thinking about Tony. Thinking about what happened.
You didn't get up.
It's been years since That, you tried a lot of times to travel but your powers were gone, As if it drained.
You cleaned your apartment, It was messy since you didn't have the energy to do it.
You cleaned out the trash from you drawer when you saw an old note, You unfolded the letter and read it.
Dear Y/n.
Hey there, If you're reading this that means I'm Very old or...Dead. I'm writing this a month after you disappeared, I found a guy named Dr. Strange, I think he can get me to you, I hope he can.
Anyways, I hope this works. Because It's lonely without you. If it doesn't...Well. I'll keep on trying, I'll be there soon Y/n.
Wait for me.
Tears rolled down your cheek as you folded the paper, You heard a knock on your door you wiped your tears and stood up. You opened it and saw a very familiar man holding a box of cupcakes.
I'm sorry for posting another crap, I'm not a good writer, I still hope some of you liked it!
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
Ok, so before I ask you my question, I just wanna say thank you so so much for making my day 10 times better every day and for making me laugh with your daily analysis of each episode. You rock, so much. Anyway, my question is, what is Ishqbaaaz to you? Is it something you watch to unwind, or laugh? How do you feel about the relationship you've formed with the characters on the show?
Hi anon!
Oh man, how to put this in words…? Ok, firstly I have to talk about the blog a little bit. This wasn’t intended to be an Ishqbaaaz blog, per se. It still isn’t. It’s a place to talk about all the Tellywood I have consumed, and whatever I will consume in the future, and my opinions on the medium in general. It’s mostly focused on Ishqbaaaz now coz that’s the only thing I’m watching right now. Not to beat a dead horse or to bore those who’ve been here for a long time and know the backstory already, but I was going through a tough time in life, and felt like I just needed to do something for ME during it, to keep myself from going insane. Ishqbaaaz had just started airing, and I thought it’d be a good distraction for half an hour a day. I didn’t have anyone to discuss the show with, and I really wanted to stay away from the soul sucking hellhole that is India-Forums, so I decided to do these little basic liveblogs here since I had this space anyway. It was just a form of journaling of sorts, doing a kind of a brain dump to get out all the thoughts I had while watching. I never thought that people would actually read these!
When I get praise for the liveblogs, I feel like a little bit of a fraud… Because all I’m doing is LITERALLY just sharing the first damn thing that flits through my mind while watching the show. It’s like getting praised for… thinking my normal thoughts? I mean sure, these days I put in SOME work into them esp. presentation-wise; it takes about double the time to watch an episode - now with the episodes being 40 min, it takes me at least 3 hours to watch & type out/proofread/edit an lb start to finish (as opposed to the first few liveblogs which were literally just a list of bullet points with no emojis or pics or anything.) I’m not trying to be overly self deprecating or humble or anything, but I just find it so unbelievable and amazing that people seem to like my UNFILTERED personality so much? I’m just THINKING here. I’m sure everyone is, when they watch anything. But *i* get praised for it? And people want to know MY opinions on this thing that I like? It’s just mind boggling to me. All I can say to everyone who engages with this blog, is THANK YOU. The words “thank you” seem awfully small and hollow to express how I feel about how much love the blog has gotten (I’ve been on Tumblr since 2009, but this blog, in less than a year, has almost caught up to the # of followers I have on my main!) but they’re all I can say. Thank you. 💖💖💖
*latkaofies 🍋🌶nimbu mirchi🌶🍋 at the top of the blog and puts a •kala teeka• behind its ear to keep the nazar away*
Coming to the show now. See, I’m aware it’s not a GREAT show. I don’t want anyone to be under the impression that I’m blind or oblivious to that fact, just because I spend so much time on it. It has a lot of issues. It’s been created by a team that I quite frankly, share a love-hate relationship with. (Mostly hate.) From a technical aspect, the show is kind of a hot mess - editing, dubbing, set and costume design and styling, etc. The writing is somewhat shoddy, and it’s pretty obvious the writing team are making it up as they go, as opposed to having defined story and character arcs. And don’t even get me started on the garbage they’re showing us from a societally responsible POV. But overall, I still love this trashfire of a show? It genuinely entertains me (and makes me feel a myriad of feelings, from happy to emotional to sad to shippy) on a daily basis. The characters feel like… part of my life now. They’re like these problematic friends/family members, whose opinions/life choices I absolutely do not agree with, but I still can’t stop loving them and wanting them to be happy. I find every single one of them compelling (even the kinda badly written ones like Shakti and Pinky; but not Prinku. She can choke, idgaf.) and I love scrutinizing their thoughts and choices. Although I’m aware that the show is being written in a very reactionary (to TRP and fan sentiments) manner these days, as of now I am looking forward to analyzing the show once again whenever it’s finished airing*, to see how the plot lines and characters stand up as a complete product.
(*Please note that I am awfully fickle, and this may never materialize if I lose interest in the show, as I do in most other things in life.)
Overall, this show and blog are a scheduled sort of “me time” outside of REAL LIFE and its responsibilities and blah blah blah. It provides me structure and routine, which is important in helping me manage my depression and anxiety. It’s my way of self care, ironic as that is; you’d think that if I REALLY cared about myself, I’d watch a better show, lol. But I love my trash show, and all the amazing people that this blog brought me, and this is my little happy space, where it’s just me and my thoughts. No filter.
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