#alternative coffee tunes
"I got nipples on my titties, big as the end of my thumb
I got something between my legs'll make a dead man cum
Oh, daddy, baby, won't you shave 'em dry?
Now, draw it out!
Want you to grind me, baby, grind me until I cry"
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90s-2000s-barbie · 9 months
Blur - Coffee and TV (1999)
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4chambersofmystery · 1 year
"Castin' out my sweet line
With abandonment and love
No ceiling bearin' down on me
Save the starry sky above"
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reiluvr · 3 months
Suguru's Morning Routine
hello! this is a new account, just cause i wanted to start somewhere new! requests are open and im still working on everything so...
i'll eventually make a masterlist, once i've posted at least 5 works or so.
this is pretty much 100% fluff even though i'm a hardcore angst girl. just starting off easy. uhhh there's suggestive words but no smut.
just suguru being head over heels for you and toru <3
It's the way Suguru has his alarms set for at least half an hour before the other two ring. He's so used to this routine that he doesn't even really need the alarm, his eyes already open and hands reaching for his phone to turn the alarm off in case it wakes you two up. He turns his body, a smile subconsciously falling onto his face as he observes the mess of your hair. He gently brushes a few strands away from your mouth, fingers tracing your features as he grins.
Once his ten minutes of admiring you are up, his body shifts, neck craning to admire Satoru on your other end. His heart flutters as he watches the constant rise and fall of Satoru's chest, finding solace in watching the "honored one" look so mundane. His smile only widens further as his eyes trail down to observe how your legs entangle with Satoru's, Suguru being the only somewhat normal sleeper. In the quiet of the room, a small giggle escapes him as he thinks back to the beginning of the relationship, how hard it had been to get a good amount of sleep between Satoru's limbs stretching across the entire bed and you're constant mumbling. Now it's only one of his countless favorite things about his two partners.
He alternates between both of you, waiting until the sun has fully risen to quietly get out of bed, humming a soft tune as he turns on the coffee maker, already pulling out countless items from the refrigerator. It was honestly a blessing that Satoru was loaded, because not only did he eat for a family of ten, all three people in the house had very different tastes, leading to grocery weekends being quite hectic. He places three cups on the counter, practically adding only a few drops off coffee to the first one as he drowns it in creamer and sugar cubes. He moves to the second, not even trying to fight the smile as he notices the small paw prints on the side of the mug. He had gotten accustomed to finding cat themed items all around the house once you had moved in. It had been a nightmare listening to Satoru whine constantly about how "those stupid cats mean more than we do, right?" He adds two sugar cubes to the cat themed cup, pouring the coffee and topping it off with whatever nut based milk they had bought that week. By the time he turns to the last cup, Satoru's poptarts have popped out the toaster, so he quickly places them on a plate while he heats up a pan to prepare his own eggs. He quickly pours coffee in his own cup, not bothering with sugar or cream as he takes a few sips, mixing granola into some strawberry yogurt. By the time breakfast is ready, he can already hear Satoru's soft whines from the bedroom, the man already having found something to complain about. He places the poptarts on one end of the desk, placing the granola in the middle, and the eggs on the other end. No one spoke about it, but everyone knew they had an assigned seat.
He takes his coffee with him, leaning against the door frame of their bedroom as he watches. Satoru seems to be clawing at the bedsheets, one hand digging into the bed as the other is wrapped tightly around the bedframe. You stand there, hair a mess and clothes all ruffled, clearly just having gotten up, with one of Satoru's ankle in you hands, desperately trying to pull him out of bed. Suguru rolls his eyes, you'd think after years of living together, they'd be over this dramatic scene every morning. He sighs, placing his cup on the dresser as he shuffles behind you, hands wrapping around your waist as you drop Satoru's leg in surprise.
"For once, could you two just wake up normally?"
He has to suppress his smile as he hears your own frustrated complaints, already talking his ear off first thing in the morning.
"I woke up and he was literally laying on me! So I push him off and he start whining and crying, you know how he is, he's all like "you don't love me" and "I'll just go die, I guess". And then! Suguru, you're not gonna believe this, actually, you will, cause Satoru still acts like he's 16. He pulls me back with him as he's like, "Hey ma". MA? WHY IS HE TRYING TO HAVE SEX FIRST THING IN THE MORNING??-"
Suguru does the only thing that he knows will shut you up, pressing his lips against your own as he silences you, Satoru cackling in the back as you push Suguru away, already on another rant about how you're living with two men who are horny 24/7. Of course, you're just kidding, already back in Suguru's hold a few minutes later, both of you just swaying in place while waiting for Satoru to finish washing his face. (He has a 24 step skin care routine.)
The three of you finally settle into your places, both you and Satoru digging into the prepared breakfast in front of you. Suguru sighs happily, watching as a bit of yogurt sticks to your nose, Satoru pointing it out. He watches as Satoru throws his head back in laughter as you try to wipe it off, only smudging it more. He holds back to urge to tell Satoru not to speak with his mouth full. He watches as you rub your nose red, somehow still missing the smudge. He watches as Satoru finally reaches over, using the edge of his sweater's sleeve, it's Suguru's sweater but he's already accepted he's never getting it back, to gently rub your face, getting rid of the mark. By the time he takes a bite of his own eggs, they're cold. He just smiles and continues eating, a cold breakfast being a small price to pay for enjoying his morning with his favorite people.
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fannyspammy · 1 year
We’re Okay
Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: y/n & Adam disagree for the first time
Warnings: none ! just fluff :)
A/N: fifth part to the Firsts series! Sorry it took me so long to get the next part up! Had a super busy week :/ If you haven’t read the previous parts yet, my masterlist is here! (Can be read as a oneshot tho!)
taglist: @spderm4nnnn @nocturnest @joeysjaskier
[not my gif]
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Adam loved everything y/n loved. Half because she was the one who introduced him to most things, and half because y/n just had good taste.
He loved all the different food she introduced him to, the books, the movies, the music. You listened to just about anything — classic crooners, r&b, pop throwbacks, show tunes.. you name it! Naturally, Adam listened to just about anything as well, but his favourites always featured a strong guitar.
Y/n nodded her head to the beat as The Black Keys filled her ears. They were one of her favourite groups, and one of the few she’d seen perform live on Terra before finding herself in space.
She was stretched over the couch, feet up on the arm rest on the side farthest from her, singing softly along to Everlasting Light.
“In me you can confide.. When no ones by your side.. Let me be your everlasting light.”
Adam walked in, cold drink in hand. “What’ya listenin’ to?” Y/n removed one of her earbuds and held it out for him to take. She retracted her legs to allow him to sit, and he pulled them back over his lap once he was settled in his spot. Taking the earbud, Adam immediately recognized the song and nodded his head in approval. Placing his drink on the coffee table, he leaned back into the pillows behind him, and they sat in contentment, singing along and creating actions to lyrics.
As the song ended, the rhythmic intro to Howlin’ For You began. “Oh, I love this one!” Adam stated. “Dan Auerbach.. what a legend.”
Y/n agreed, retelling the time she saw him live in concert. “His guitar solos were insane. Definitely my favourite guitarist.”
“Second favourite, you mean,” Adam said, shrugging lightly. Y/n raised an eyebrow and tilted her head in question. “After Adrian Belew, right?”
“Oh, I mean, he’s great, but Auerbach is still my favourite.”
Adam stared at her like he couldn’t believe the words that just came out of her mouth.
“You’re joking right? Adrian Belew is the greatest of all time!”
Y/n shrugged. “I dunno, I love his stuff too, but I think I just prefer the blues-y rock vibes over a lot of Adrian’s experimental stuff.”
Adam’s mouth was slightly agape now. “Oh c’mon. Oh Daddy? Pretty Pink Rose? I mean, the man played with David Bowie!” He was sitting up now, sharp eyebrows furrowed in frustration and hands out with his palms up in a ‘what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about’ manner.
Y/n sat up too, sensing more tension than she thought was necessary for such a trivial topic. “Babe, chill. So I don’t think Adrian Belew is the greatest of all time, so what? Why is it such a big deal to you?”
The golden man stood up now, throwing his hands down to his sides as he did. Her legs slid off his lap as he walked away from the couch, pacing a few steps away before turning around to face her again.
“Why isn’t it a bigger deal to you? How can you not think he’s the greatest guitarist of all time? He’s so clearly unmatched!”
Y/n rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. “Why is it so hard to accept that I prefer Auerbach’s style? I’m not saying Adrian isn’t great, it’s just personal preference! When it comes to the experimental stuff I can only listen in small doses. I prefer alternative. Why is that such a problem for you?”
“Because we always like the same things!” He shouted. Y/n was taken by surprise, eyebrows raised in shock before her expression softened into a more curious one. Adam sighed, rubbing his temple with his palm as he sat back down on the edge of the couch. “We… I always like everything you’ve shown me. Everything. I mean, I don’t think I’ve disagreed with you once since we met. What if it starts with this — I like Belew and you like Auerbach — and then it becomes other things? And then next thing you know we don’t agree on anything?”
Y/n stared at him intently as he explained himself. He looked like a sad puppy, eyes round and lips in a pout. She stifled a chuckle as she realized what he was saying. Leaning forward, knees bent up to her chest, she placed her hands on his thigh. He looked at where she touched him before looking into her eyes. “Adam, it’s okay for us to disagree!”
He looked at her sheepishly. “It is?”
“Yes, silly,” y/n smiled at him, amused. “It’s sweet that you’re concerned about us growing apart, but every couple disagrees on some things. And usually over more important things than who the best guitarist is.”
Adam relaxed and scooted closer, bringing his hands to rest on the back of her calves. His thumbs rubbed her shins gently. “So.. we’re okay then?”
Y/n smiled. “Yes, you idiot, we’re okay.”
Adam sighed in relief. He adjusted his position so he was resting his head on her knees, an arm hooked around her leg to hug it close to him. Y/n melted at the sight him — a powerful man who could single-handedly bring down an army, so soft and delicate with her.
She brought a hand to his head and stroked through his hair before placing a kiss on his forehead. He snuggled closer at her show of affection and y/n smiled once again.
“We’re okay.”
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tr0ubledberry · 1 year
Hi friends. I’m 21F and have been struggling with my body image since 2009 which led me to develop anorexia around 2014. I’ve been struggling ever since and have tried every trick and diet out there but have finally settled on my own so I thought I’d share it. First of all, recovery is a lie. There was a point in my life where I fully recovered but made me fat… it was nice not to worry about calories and all that but the pros outweigh the cons of an ED if done correctly. So think of your ED as a lifelong friend. In order to have an ED successfully for a long period of time you must go about it healthily. I know this is somewhat contradictory. I’m gonna include just some general tips, advice, and food alternatives. In a separate post I’ll be listing my favorite low kcal recipes so stay tuned.
•Drink water before, during, and after meals. This is absolutely crucial.
•During this period it’s important to spend extra time and effort on maintaining your vaginal health, immune system, fertility, and skincare !! Really important not to neglect these things especially vaginal care >.<
•Calories matter but make sure to eat nutritious foods. Must have a good judgment on when to splurge on kcals or when to go for an alternative. For ex: splurging on healthy foods that are a lot of kcals vs unhealthy processed foods that are low kcal.
•It’s good to strive for 1200 kcals or less. If it’s a cheat day or you’re feeling lenient then aim for around 1600 kcals. Never ever go over 2000 kcals.
•if you’re a foodie like me then you *have* to find creative and unique ways to curb your cravings. Otherwise your mental health will plummet. If you’re not satisfied then you’re either gonna keep eating or be miserable
•Remember your brain needs at least 330 kcals to function properly so if you’re feeling slow or disoriented then definitely have a snack or meal.
•Best drinks to have are water, sparkling water, tea, and coffee.
•If you eat over your calorie limit don’t fret, it’s not the end of the world. Just either work out or purge. Keep purging to a limit and don’t do it more than once a day. Ideally less purging is better so keep it for emergencies.
•Using apps such as my fitness pal are great for seeing what nutrients you’re deficient in or going overboard in. However I’ve found I lose more weight when I’m not using the app because I’m thinking about food less. However everybody is different and I would recommend at least checking out the application if you haven’t already.
•Vitamins are your bestie too!! I take a couple supplements to make sure I’m getting the vitamins I need for longevity.
•Cut down on silly calories like sauces and drinks by using alternatives. Also you can pretty much find a low kcal version of anything these days if you look hard enough.
•If you love flavor then these simple things will help like ~ seasoning, low kcal hot sauce such as Tabasco or sriracha, soy sauce, etc.
•Juice or sugary drinks ~ low sugar Gatorade, fruit flavored teas iced with extra tea bags to give it extra flavor
•Soda ~ flavored sparkling water with powder or liquid drink mix such as crystal light strawberry lemonade drink mix
•Starbucks ~ just making my own mixed coffee drinks and sweet tea drinks saves so many calories
•Dessert ~ Gerber biscuits arrowroot (taste like shortbread), Gerber lil biscuits, cottage cheese, chocolate covered fruit or nuts
•Chips ~ Gerber’s Lil Crunchies Mild Chedder (basically cheese/ cheeto puffs), quest chips, or half a serving size of normal chips
•Ice cream ~ strawberry halo top
•Chocolate ~ alter eco or dark chocolate coconut fudge
•Mayo ~ miracle whip or vegan mayo
•Rice ~ cauliflower or broccoli rice
•Pasta ~ Chickpea pasta
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artzee-bee · 1 year
Forever my love | Adrien Agreste x reader
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Requested by @oyasumimosura
Summary: friends to strangers to lovers with a no-so-happy ending
Genre: some fluff, angst
Warnings: canon typical violence (maybe tuned up a notch tho), death
A/N: my google doc for this piece is 10 pages long and it’s went through at least 4 alternate endings before getting here. I got this request months ago and have been working on it since, whenever I can. I hope this is alright because it’s been a journey...
There was no ‘first memory’ with you. Not one that would come to Adrien’s mind anyways. It felt like you had simply always been in his life. The only thing he remembered was you and your mother, entering the Agreste mansion as if it was your own, almost every Sunday. His mom would welcome both of you with wide arms and offer you tea, and biscuits, which you would snuck to Adrien’s room. Your favorite have always been the ones with strawberry jam filling.
And then you’d play for hours! Building fortresses out of chairs and pillows, racing toy cars around the room, saving plush animals from the imminent danger of Adrien’s rocketship and so on. Not a single moment spent with you felt boring! Your presence was addictive, the joy, the excitement you brought with yourself every time was something Adrien couldn’t understand at the time but now, as an adult looking back, he could easily recognise it as love.
But the world has its own way of never quite letting you be happy enough. The memory of your last playdate, as well as the day his parents told him you were moving away, were very hazy and unclear. For years he refused to revisit them, the sorrow too great for his young, immature self to know how to handle. Now, there was only one sentence he could remember you saying, clear as day. One promise that gave him more hope than he could put in words. “We’ll keep in touch”.
You exchanged letters the whole time you were away!! Of course, they could never be a substitute for the time spent together but Adrien learned to appreciate them deeply. He took his time responding to each of them and always nervously awaited your response. Years went on like that! Every summer you’d promise to visit and every time Adrien would have the displeasure of having to read, in your flawless and delicate handwriting, that your parents canceled the trip for whatever reason.
Eventually, he decided it was best to move on. In the time you had been gone many things changed: he grew up, got big in the fashion industry, started school, became the new black cat miraculous holder, made friends! His life became overwhelmingly busy and the precious memories you made together faded away without notice. He found joy in other things and in his new friends! Your letters no longer brought the excitement they once did and consequently, he always postponed replying until eventually, it all stopped.
Much to Adrien’s shock, almost exactly a year after losing contact, he saw you! He had been transformed at the time, having just finished defeating an akuma when he saw you exiting a coffee shop down the street. He couldn’t believe his eyes and had it not been for the alarming beeping of his miraculous, he probably would have stayed petrified on top of that roof much longer. Once detransformed, he tried to go looking for you but to no avail.
It wasn’t until a week later that he finally got to talk to you again. Natalie reached out to your family and arranged for you two to meet. That Friday afternoon, you had lunch at a pizza place that you didn’t recognise. He looked the same. Same innocent glimmer in his eyes and ecstatic voice. It almost weirded you out how much it seemed this boy never changed. But of course, you weren’t right. Many things have changed.
Adrien tried his best to be open and friendly. To him, it felt like no time had passed at all, but you were so quiet and shy. A subtle frown was visible on your face from the moment you arrived and you barely looked him in the eyes. The air around you felt thick with discomfort, which was extremely frustrating to Adrien. He wanted to ask what’s wrong but found it so difficult to speak his mind until, eventually, you opened up yourself.
“Why did you stop writing?” your voice didn’t betray any feeling of anger or sadness and yet, Adrien was instantly washed over with guilt
“I’m sorry. I wanted to but…”
“Was I not worth it?”
“What?” Adrien couldn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, but you were just as still and cold as before
“Because, you see, when we were kids you were one of the most important people in my life. You were my best friend and I honestly thought we would never ever be apart! No one could ever break us up! And I put everything I had into not losing that, convinced that you’d do the same for me! Because your friendship was worth more to me than any number of kilometers between us!” your words fell out quickly and stung him “Was I not worth fighting for, Adrien?”
He didn’t know what to say! He wanted to tell you he was just stupid and made a grave mistake. That you were more than worth it, but the words were stuck in his throat.
You didn’t speak after that. Adrien was heartbroken but figured you were already so mad at him, it would only make it worse if he kept pestering you on.
Eventually, one night, after patrol, he saw you! It was already way after dark and you were just strolling down the street all alone. A sense of anxiety overtook him and he knew he couldn’t go home just yet
“Good evening pretty lady!” he greeted you, full of glee. “The streets can get pretty nasty this late at night, y’know? Hope you don’t mind if this street cat walks alongside you for a while.”
“Hello Chat Noir!” your voice was so smooth and warm “ I’d really love that. I was actually quite uncomfortable walking alone.” “Well then, fear not!The bravest and strongest hero in all of Paris is right here at your service! Did I also mention the most charming?” you giggled to his silliness
Adrien was ecstatic to get to talk to you again, like old times. He finally felt like he got his friend back! He didn’t even realize how big of a hole your absence had left in his life. After that night, he would accompany you everyday on your evening walks and, soon enough, you began hanging out at your house. Oftentimes he would knock on your bedroom window shortly after you got home from school and more often than not, he would spend hours at your place. You did almost everything together from playing video games to watching movies, cooking, gossiping. He would tell you all the fun stories he had with Ladybug from their patrols and would blush a little when you began laughing uncontrollably. It was just too cute.
With all this joy, still there was an ounce of pain at the idea that you didn’t know who you were really talking to. Almost every time you called him Chat, his heart would sting a little. He liked being Chat Noir. He loved it even. With you however, it just felt like one big lie he could do nothing about. He wanted you to look at him and see the boy from all those years ago. To look at him and call him by his name. To rejoice in old memories, instead of him having to pretend he hears the story for the first time. Adrien couldn’t help but feel like he was betraying you by simply being here, knowing how mad you were with his civilian self. When those thoughts got to him, he felt more alone than ever, but you almost always picked up on it
“What’s wrong?” you would ask and the sweetness of your voice ran like ice down his body. You would not be this kind if you knew
“Absolutely nothing, I am doing wonderful” he’d say through gritted teeth
“Sit down and talk to me!”
“I can’t. It’s personal” which you knew really meant “It would put my identity in danger”
So you would shut up. You’d make tea or let him have the last cookie as a sign of solidarity. To let him know you still cared. Sometimes he would ask you for hugs, which you would indulge him in. You’d wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him tight to your chest, trying to convey all the love and care you had for him in that one gesture. Almost always, the hero would melt into your embrace as if he’d never been held before. His head would rest on your shoulder and his blonde locks tickled your neck and cheek.
Confessing to you was the biggest risk he ever took, which meant a lot considering his occupation. It happened after yet another game of cards lost by Chat. It had been what felt like his 15th loss of the night and in a futile attempt to protect his remaining dignity, he slipped
“You’re only winning cause I love you too much to let you lose!” the cocky attitude dropped instantly as he processed his choice of words. You were just looking at him, a little quizzingly, unsure if you heard him right.
“Do you mean that?”
“I do”
The brightest smile overtook your features instantly “Good. I love you too!”
It was difficult for a long time. The secret identity issue became even greater with the new level of intimacy that was expected with the start of a romantic relationship. On top of that, Adrien was pretty clueless. You were his first girlfriend, the first girl he ever fell in love with, the pressure was high. He wanted to be the best boyfriend there was! He brought you many gifts, big and small. He spent as much time with you as he could, he always told you just how much you actually meant to him. The blush on your cheeks and the witty comebacks made him melt through his seat every time and with every happy memory he made with you came the unmistakable pain of never really being completely honest with you. On one of your sleepovers, the feelings were overwhelming Chat more than he thought was possible
“What’s going on Chat?”
“Nothing darling. Just tired”
“Come on, you know you can’t fool me! You’ve been quiet all night, it’s really unlike you”
Adrien’s mind went empty when you sat on the floor in front of him, lightly running your fingers over his leather clad ones. The trust and love in your eyes was so mesmerizing. No one had ever looked at him like that and for a split second he imagined your reaction if you knew who he was. He wondered if you’d kick him out. Break up with him here and now and never want anything to do with him ever again. He imagined the anger in your voice, the betrayal. And then, he considered, briefly, a different option. A scenario in which you’d hug him tight and kiss the top of his head, and there’d be no more lies. No more secrets, no more of these impossible feelings that were tormenting him. That smile, that bliss, engulfed his mind and he felt powerless in the face of hope.
“I’m sorry” he said weakly
“For what?” and before he could think for another second, talk himself out or consider the consequences of his actions, he did the only thing he felt was logical
“Plagg, claws in”
When the green light vanished and Adrien found himself back in his normal clothes, he didn’t muster to look at your face
“Chat, what are you doing?” finally, he glanced up, only to find you curled up on the ground, with your hands over your eyes. You hadn’t seen him
“It’s ok.”
“You detransformed?”
“Chat you can’t do that.”
“I want you to see me” he tried to sound confident, but it came out almost as a plea.
“What about Ladybug?”
“I’ll deal with her later. It’s ok. I swear”
Adriean reached out to pull your hands away from your face, but your eyes were still closed
“Before I look, I want you to know that I love you regardless of who you are. If you’re doing this because you think I can’t love you fully without knowing your identity, if you’re doing this for me, please know that this won’t change anything. I want you to be comfortable with this, ok?” Adrien blushed, feeling tears well up in his eyes
“I want to do this” he kissed your knuckles “if that’s ok with you”
Slowly, you opened your eyes and Adrien felt his heart beating out of his chest. Your face went soft and your eyes welled up with tears and you looked at eachother. You couldn’t muster a word and neither could he. He took this as you being disappointed and let go of your hand, only for you to grab it once more, much harder than before. Finally, tears came rolling down your cheeks, as you whispered a simple “I love you”
That night, neither of you could stop crying. The liberation of all secrets and all lies felt divine and finally, Adrien felt like he was 100% safe for the first time in his life.
Many things changed after that. Adrien got a serious scolding from Ladybug, since he couldn’t lie to her about what he’s done. She wasn’t as mad as he expected her to be, so in the end it was all worth it when you began showing up to the Agreste mansion to hang out. It was hard for Adrien to find time to spend with her during the day but Natalie was always so understanding of their relationship and tried her best to squeeze in an hour or two here and there for you! Now, Adrien could hold your hand and take you to his photoshoots. You facetimed more often and it finally felt like you got the relationship you were always meant to have.
Paris looked beautiful from the top of the Eiffel tower. Chat took you here many times before. It felt so romantic being up there with your best friend, the boy of your dreams! You felt so powerful looking down at all the lights and cars passing by and at the same time so protected by his tight grip around your waist. Nothing could hurt you if he was there, with or without the costume! But the arms holding you now were much slimmer and much less concerned with your safety. You knew you shouldn’t look down from the edge you were standing on but it was so hard not to. Lila was manic next to you, laughing and shouting about her imminent victory, taunting the two superheroes that were struggling to catch up.The tiny robots Lila could control with her powers had kept Ladybug and Chat Noir busy for just enough time to allow the akumatized girl to take you with her, away from the scene and up here.
“Be careful with what you do next Ladybug, otherwise the girl gets it!” the taunting manner in which she spoke felt hardly like Lila. You never found her to be a particularly pleasant person to be around but the malice with which she spoke now was so unusual!
She kicked your shin, making one of your legs drop off the edge. Had it not been for her holding onto your forearm, you would have dropped. You could see Ladybug and Chat approaching but they were so far away and it felt like they were moving so slowly. A cry ripped through your chest as you hung there, your life in the hands of this girl you couldn’t even recognise anymore.You were trying to pull yourself back on the ledge with your other foot before she kicked that one too, swinging you in the air by your arm.
“Oh oh, but you’re so far away little Bug? Whatever are you gonna do if my hand …slips?” she let go with a chuckle.
Chat couldn’t see anything around him anymore, all he saw was your helpless body falling from the sky! He screamed your name but he was still so far! Ladybug threw her yoyo, trying to form a net below you, but the speed at which you were falling was much greater than anybody expected. You fell right through the net, breaking it to pieces and hit the ground with a hard thud. Chat screamed, Ladybug was speechless, all the while Lila was laughing on her way down!
“Chat, get her! I’ll handle Lila!”
That’s all it took. Chat was looking down at your unconscious form before he knew it. You were so bloody and so limp in his arms.
“Don’t!” you whispered when he tried to pick you up
“It’s not safe for you here, I need to hide you away!” he almost screamed, too relieved to see you alive to be able to control himself
“It’s over Chat!”
“Don’t talk like that! You will be ok! I will make you ok!”
“I’m tired…”
“No, don’t do it! Focus on me, focus on my voice! Can you see me?”
“You have to protect the people…”
“You are the only one I have to protect! I’m sorry I wasn’t there to catch you, I’m sorry! Please! Please let me protect you!” tears were streaming down his face and he found himself thinking that he would sell his soul to switch places with you
“Chat, I love you” you said through your own tears
“Don’t say goodbye!”
“I’m not”
“I love you Y/N! I love you so much, please don’t leave me alone! I can still save you!” he laid his head on your chest, not believing his own words
“I’ll always love you Adrian!” you whispered in his ear, kissing his temple with the last of your powers
“You need to hurry up, Adrian needs to be at a press conference across town in one hour and we’re already behind schedule because of you!”
“Nathalie, stop that! Everyone is doing their best here.”
“This photoshoot was supposed to be over already!”
“Maybe you should go have some water while you wait, yeah?” Adrien was trying to be nice but he felt really bad about the way Nathalie was speaking to the makeup artist. He knew they were very busy and Nath was under a great deal of stress but still, he felt it wasn’t fair to the girls working hard to get him ready.
“I’m sorry about that! She’s a lovely person, it’s just the last couple of days have been really hard for her”
“Oh, it’s alright, sir. Trust me I’ve seen much worse before” the young girl replied “Plus, I would imagine that making the switch to become a full time model would bring on a lot more responsibilities on her side.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Adrien chuckled. “If you would have told me last year, when I was still in school, that my schedule would be even more packed as a graduate, I would have probably given up modeling then and there. Now I just deal with it.”
Adrien observed himself in the mirror, thinking back to his high school days. He tried to remember what he looked like, although that was very difficult. He knew his hair was much longer now, reaching just below his chin. He thought his face was a bit slimmer and many people told him he put on a healthy amount of muscle in the last couple of months, but  he was still himself, just 20.
“If you don’t mind sir, we need the first couple of buttons of your shirt undone for the next set. I will add a little contour to the collarbones and then we’re done”
Said and done, with the first few buttons open he looked even more manly than before.
“Um, I think we should take the necklace off if you don’t mind…”
Eyes shot down to his chest, where a tiny silver ring on a chain hung, barely glistening in the lights around.
“Yes, that’s alright” he said, although he never liked taking it off. There was always a worry in the back of his hand about misplacing it or something and the thought was simply unbearable, but he understood.
“That’s a very beautiful piece of jewelry”
“Thank you!” he looked down at the ring twirling it between his fingers. It was so simple, he wasn’t used to receiving compliments on it, even from the select few that got to see it. A simple golden band with a round diamond in the middle. It was so small for him, he could never get it more than halfway down his ring finger. “It belonged to somebody I cared a lot about.” He remembered how hard he worked to get your ring size, all those years ago. It was difficult to do it behind your back, since you had always been so good at reading his body language, you always knew when he was up to something. He remembered all those nights spent on the internet, looking for the perfect ring for you! He knew it needed to be simple but sometimes it was so hard to talk himself out of buying one of the big and glamorous ones. He just wanted to spoil you rotten and if he didn’t take the chance to do that when he was buying your engagement ring, then when would he? Finally, after weeks, he finally found this one and fell in love. It was perfect for you and you were gonna love it. The day it arrived was one of the most exciting times he experienced in the last decade, he could still feel his heart pumping now, at the memory.
“They can’t wear it anymore so I just keep it!” in fact, you had never even gotten the chance to try it on, but those details don’t need to be shared. Still, thinking about the incident, taking place only 2 weeks after he got the ring, hurts him to no end. He was planning the perfect engagement, a grand romantic gesture to make all your dreams come true but now he felt sorrow and regret, wishing he would have simply ran to your door the same day that package was delivered to ask you. At least then you would have known, you would have had the chance to say yes.
“I’m sure they were an incredible person” Adrien only nodded to that “Well, you’re all done, you can head to the set now”
“Thank you, I’ll just drop this off to Nathalie and go”
The pain of not having you around would never go away, Adian had accepted that as a fact! You would always be there for any anniversary or birthday, achievement or simply on lazy days when his mind would wonder. Nothing made the sting of not being able to hold your hand go away but at least the ring, your ring, would comfort him in those moments.
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The Detour 6
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Thor
Summary: You find yourself stranded in a small village.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You refuse to spend your vacation pent up, especially in this place. You put on your most walkable shoes, felt boots with a low heel, and clothes suitable for walking. Cigarette pants and a sleeveless turtleneck. You grab your purse and call down to the front desk to request a taxi.
As you come down to the lobby, you see the preparations for the ridiculous event in full tilt. Ugh. This place is backwards. How can a grown man plan a part akin to that of one half his age. If you were to guess, that cretin is like pushing forty, and that’s being generous.
You roll your eyes and strut down the steps. You tap your heel at the bottom as you wait, hip pushed out with one leg at an angle. Finally, a minivan rolls up and the driver reaches over to the crank down the window.
“You call for a cab?” The man asks.
“Yes, sir,” you hesitate, thinking he might have the decency to open the door for you. When he remains as he is, you do it yourself, sliding open the back and climbing inside. 
“Where are we going, miss?” He prompts as you roll the door shut.
“Hm, I saw in the hotel itinerary there is a bakery in town. They have coffee?”
“Sure do, all those fancy foams and flavours,” he chirps as he shifts into gear, “didn’t know anyone was visiting town.”
“A brief detour,” you assure him and turn your gaze out the window.
“Ah, well, you can call me Paulie. I’m the only taxi in the village.”
You don’t offer your name in return. You aren’t paying for conversation. He’s a driver, not a therapist. You sit in the buzz of the radio, the outdated tunes static as the signal wanes and waxes.
“Just up here,” he announces as he comes to flat ground, steering between the only dense line of buildings, “one with the red sign.”
“Sir,” you pull out a bill and adequate tip for his trouble.
“You have a good one, ma’am. If ya need a ride back, you just call,” he calls after you.
You step out and shove the door closed, quickly marching onto the pavement. You peer up at the bakery, eyeing the facade. It isn’t as nice as your preferred cafe but there are no alternatives. How can people live like this? Is variety not the spice of life?
You’re aware of the looks you get from the village elders on the street. You ignore their sideways glances and enter the bakery. You approach the counter as you browse the menu, chin set. You are dying for a latte.
“Hello, I’d like an oat latte, half pump of vanilla, a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon, and a touch of honey,” you outline your typical order.
“Uh, okay, that was a latte–”
“Oat latte,” you correct, “latte with oat milk…” the girl behind the counter squints and keys in the order, “with cinnamon–”
“Half a teaspoon, don’t cake it on,” you demand.
“Um, alright,” she stops and rips off a piece of blank receipt paper, making a note on it.
“With honey,” you enunciate clearly.
“Honey,” she mumbles as she writes, “anything else, ma’am?”
You sniff and lean back on your heel, looking up and down the display case, “are any of these vegan?”
“Sorry, I don’t think so.”
“Gluten free?” 
“No, I don’t–”
“I might do with the raspberry white chocolate scone,” you step back up to the counter.
“Sure,” she taps the buttons and reads out your total. You pay with your card and cross your arms as you strut to wait at the other end of the counter.
You look around dully. There’s a man sitting by the window. He has frosting on his fingertips as he picks at a cinnamon bun. He gives a goofy grin and wipes his hand on a napkin, several others sticking to him as he tries to tidy himself up. You shake your head and return your attention to the counter.
Your scone is served first on a small plate. It takes some time for the latte. You taste it and suck your teeth. You look at the employee as she watches you nervously. Even if you tell her she added too much cinnamon, you doubt she’ll get it right on a second try. Like everything around here, you’ll settle for it.
You take your order and sit in the corner. You slide out your phone. No bars. This wretched place threatens to bore you to tears. 
A chair scrapes and a throat clears. You narrow your eyes in the messy man’s direction as he approaches you. He’s tall with sandy brownish blond hair and a trim of overgrown stubble along his jaw and cheeks. He wears plaid under a tan vest with too many pockets. Backwoods chic, how gauche.
“Uh, hey, you new in town?”
“Passing through,” you utter tersely.
“Really? You staying up at the B&B? Odinsons are good people.” He nervously plays with the zipper on his vest, “I’m Cole–”
“I don’t want to know your name. The moment I’m free of this place, I hope to forget everything about it,” you spit.
He blanches, “uh, sorry, miss–”
“You will be if you keep bothering me.”
“I was just being friendly,” he begins.
“Let me tell you something, I run circles around friendly men like you. In fact, men like you, beg me to step on them,” you sneer hotly. “And trust me, you can’t handle me, so go on and finish your snack, little boy.”
He stutters and looks around. He nods and backs off, a dumb look on his face. He turns and walks stiffly back to his table. He stares ahead and slowly drops his head into his hands. You scoff.
Does every man in this forsaken place store their brains below their belt? You pick at the scone as your eyes drift over to the barista. She watches the man with a worried look then glances at you and winces, quickly hiding behind the display case.
You turn and peer out the window. This must be purgatory. It is possible you crashed your car and now must wait out your eternity in this hellscape.
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ramblingoak · 18 days
The Perfect Moment
Mushy May in Lucifer's Hollow: Day 14 - Doing Each Others' Makeup
Mist x Aurora (using a bonus prompt today and kind of playing with it a bit)
This fic is set in an alternate universe in a town called Lucifer's Hollow. It's sort of like a Satanic version of a Hallmark town. For Mushy May I'll be using the prompts to post little snippets of life for the humans and ghouls that live there 💙 Thank you to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together!
~ In Lucifer's Hollow Mist owns an antique store called The Reliquary and Aurora owns Little Sunshine Tattoos ~
Warnings: mentions of a tattoo needle otherwise just very sappy, sfw, 670 words (thank you to @ghuleh-recs for the dividers!)
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“You need to hold still unless you want me to mess up.”
“I am holding still.”  Mist ignored Aurora’s look, taking a deep breath and trying to relax again.  It wasn’t that the needle hurt, it just felt…weird.  The buzzing sound was almost worse but Aurora had put some music on that was helping her tune it out.  “How does it look?”
Alright she deserved that.  She resolved to stay quiet and let Aurora work.  The ghoulette had been fretting over the design of the tattoo for weeks now.  Sometimes even going over to Mountain’s to get Rain’s opinion.  Mist had seen dozens of different variations of it, each one more beautiful than the next.  She had started to feel bad about asking Aurora since it was obvious her girlfriend was stressing over the whole thing but to Mist there was no one else she’d rather have design it.
And obviously no one else she’d rather have tattoo it.
“Thank you.”  Mist glanced over when the buzzing stopped, her eyes immediately meeting those of Aurora’s.  “I’m glad you’re doing it.”
“Baby, I’m honored you asked me.”  Aurora grabbed a rag and wiped away some excess ink.  “And the design you wanted it’s…well…”
“It’s what?  I thought you liked the idea.”
“I do!  Mist, I love it.  It's…well it’s us.”  The ghoulette sniffled a bit and Mist felt her own eyes watering slightly.  “I love you so much.”
She knew she wasn’t supposed to move but nothing was going to stop her from kissing Aurora at that moment.  The ghoulette’s lips were soft like always, a hint of coffee still clinging to them from earlier.  It was chaste at first but like usual it didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen, for their mouths to open and their tongues to tangle together.  Mist pulled away after a moment and cupped Aurora’s cheek, swiping at the few tears that had escaped with her fingers.
“You’re such a sap.”  She yelped when Aurora playfully nipped at her thumb.  “But I love you too.”
“I’m never going to get tired of you saying that.”
“Me calling you a sap or saying I love you?”
“Hmm, probably both.”  Mist grinned as she settled back in the chair, placing her arm back where it had been resting before.  “I’m almost done.  Just going to add some color to the water.”
“Take your time.”  
When Aurora started the tattoo gun up again Mist looked down at her lap, focusing on the silver ring the ghoulette had given her not too long ago.  There was a single pink stone on the band, the same shade of pink as Aurora’s eyes.  She still couldn’t believe it, her and Aurora were now engaged.  They had gone and picked out a matching ring for Aurora too, but her stone was the same shade of blue as Mist’s eyes.
It was a moment she was never going to forget.  They had trekked out into the woods a bit, heading towards the pond that was close to Mountain’s farmhouse.  The whole town was awake and watching the skies, waiting for the aurora borealis to appear.  It was an occurrence so rare that a big event had been made of it.  People were camped out in their yards or in the various parks around town.
But Aurora had wanted to be away from everyone, claiming that she just wanted to have a nice private picnic together.  It didn’t really matter to Mist, there wasn’t much Aurora could ask her to do that she’d say no to.  Besides, a picnic next to the water with the aurora borealis above their heads?  It was the perfect moment, a moment Mist would never forget for as long as she lived.
And it was a moment she had decided to memorialize with a tattoo.  One that combined her favorite spot in town with her favorite moment of her life.  One created by her favorite person too.  Satanas, they were both sappy and gross.     
Mist wouldn’t have it any other way.
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If you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list (or if I accidentally left your name off) of this fic or any of my others please leave a comment or send me a dm! Thank you 💙
My Masterlist ~ My Archive of our Own ~ My Ko-Fi Tip Jar
More snippets from this verse are on my masterlist under "Ongoing Series"!
Other Mushy May days: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
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dira333 · 1 month
I run from the things that I want the most - Shoji x Reader
requested by @fuzztacular - this was a wild ride to write
Reader has a lizard quirk, this fic is in tune with this Tokoyami fic
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“Cute,” Shoji thinks, lips pressed together tightly to make sure the word doesn’t slip out.
You’re sitting at the kitchen table, fighting against sleep. Your hair’s stuck to the side of your head, no doubt from sleeping on your side, and the sleeves of your sweatshirt dangle from your arms, your hands hidden away. You always do that and while he’d never openly admit it, it’s the one thing that makes his stomach flutter every single time.
But he’s nice and respectful and he’s not going to make you feel weird in your new, shared apartment. Besides, you’re probably not interested anyway.
“Here,” he pushes a cup of coffee toward you and turns back toward the stove, “Do you want real eggs for breakfast or the vegan alternative?”
“Both is fine,” you groan into your coffee, so he checks the fridge. He’s running low on bacon, but the vegan alternative Koji brought over last time tastes like cardboard. Well, he supposes he can leave the bacon for you and eat cardboard for breakfast today.
- -
One month after you’ve moved in, things have turned a little less awkward. You’re in your room most of the time and he’s out for work during all the other hours.
Shoji knows you settled in from all the little things. 
Your conditioner is squeezed into the tiny tray with his things, your shampoo bottle sitting cozy on the bottom next to his. Sometimes, when he feels particularly lonely and awkward, he gets flustered looking at your toothbrush sitting in the same cup as his. 
But this is fine. He’s fine. Everything’s fine.
“I’m making dinner,” he calls out to your closed door. “Do you want something?”
He leans down to pull the pan out, the movement pulling at the fresh stitches. He hisses at the pain, clutches his side, and almost topples over.
Shoji’s barely regained his balance when he feels an arm under one of his, pulling him up.
“Are you okay?” You ask, breath washing over his face. It almost makes him topple over again.
“I’m fine,” he insists, but he can feel a sticky wetness on his left side. 
“You’re bleeding,” you point out and he groans. “Yeah, I’m aware.”
“Are you hurt?”
“A little,” Shoji confesses when your brows do that funny thing they did the first time you met. 
“What do you need?” 
“Food,” He snorts when you look wholly unimpressed. “I’m serious, I’m fine. I just… moved wrong. I think I pulled at my stitches, that’s all.”
“I don’t believe you. Come on, call your doctor or nurse or whoever gave you permission to go home and tell them what you did. I’ll cook in the meantime.”
Shoji sighs and grabs his phone, makes it past the kitchen table when you turn around and snip your fingers.
“In here,” you point at the table, “Where I can hear that you’re not making light of anything.”
- - -
How does one make friends?
Shoji has never been good at it. 
It’s not like anyone ever gave him the manual everyone else seemed to be able to follow either.
He’s too quiet or says the wrong things, is too scary or not scary enough…
Sometimes, mostly when everyone he knows is out working or busy doing other stuff, he can’t help but wonder if he only has friends because he happened to come close to one Midoriya Izuku. 
Maybe that’s all it is.
The front door opens in the middle of his ruminations and you stop, halfway into the apartment, bags hanging off your shoulders. “Oh,” you say, “You’re home.”
Shoji freezes for only a second before he shakes his head.
“Just sitting around. If you want to use the living room I can read in my bedroom just as well.”
“You don’t have to,” you insist, “I was just going to watch something. I can do that in my room as well.”
“What were you going to watch?”
“Oh, you know…” You stutter out the name of a show he’s heard mentioned before.
“I don’t know that show,” he admits, “Would it be too forward if I watched it with you?”
 The show is quite interesting and he makes a mental note to catch up on it later.
You’re sitting tense, body crammed into the opposite corner. Maybe he’s readying all the signs wrong too.
Maybe you’re not shy like Fumikage said, but rather not interested.
“How did-” You start and he looks over. “Never mind.”
You’re looking away and he’s already giving up hope when you speak up again.
“How did Tokoyami convince you?”
Shoji furrows his brows, a little confused.
“To let me move in,” you explain.
He blinks. “He just told me that you needed an apartment. Didn’t he tell you that I was looking for a roommate?”
“No, I got that, but-” You bite down on your lip and he looks away, intent on not making you uncomfortable. He’s probably doing a shit job at it as is. “I’m a girl.”
“I know.”
You’re now furrowing your brows and maybe you’re already losing patience with him or you’re really just trying to figure out how to explain this. 
“How did he convince you?” 
“Oh, he didn’t, but my cousin… you know, since they’re dating…” You’re rambling now, already gone far past the point you were trying to make. “And I thought maybe you’re looking for a girlfriend rather than a roommate-”
“I’m not.”
“Oh,” you make and he’d give his career to know if that just sounded a little disappointed to him or if it was meant that way.
“Not that I’m not interested,” he tries to explain himself, “But looking for it doesn’t really make sense if you don’t know how to look.”
Embarrassment floods him like a tidal wave. He’s staring at the screen now, hoping against hope that you didn’t realize what he meant by that.
“I know what you mean,” you point out, voice so quiet he almost misses it. When he turns you’re not looking at him, hands fiddling in your lap as you stare at the screen as well.
“So we’re both unfamiliar with how dating works?” He asks, unable to keep quiet, to just assume.
You nod, stiffly.
“Maybe we could give each other pointers,” the words slip out before he can wholly figure out what he wants them to mean.
You nod again, still not looking at him.
“How about,” he starts, looking down at his hands, all six of them. “Being friends?”
- - - x
“Morning,” Shoji greets when you slip out of your room. 
You wave in his approximate direction and drag yourself to the bathroom first. It’s getting colder and you can tell your body’s not pleased about leaving the warm cocoon you’ve built in your bed. 
You didn’t get all the cool benefits of your mother’s quirk, not like your cousin. You’re not even a little fireproof - you had to find out the hard way.
But just like any regular lizard you’ve got a problem regulating your temperature. 
Your eyes blink back at you a little less colorful today and the world has turned foggy. You bite back a groan and slip into an array of shirts to keep you warm. You know what it means, but if you can live a little longer in denial, you’ll take every minute of it.
“Breakfast’s ready,” Shoji calls out when you step out of the bathroom.
He doesn’t seem to feel the biting cold at all, wearing nothing but a tank top and sweatpants. The sight of his bare feet makes you shiver. The sight of his tanktop-clad shoulders makes you shiver too, but for a different reason.
It still felt like a fever dream some days, all of this. Moving in with your cousin right after College only for her to find the man of her dreams within six months of you living together. And she’d been so nice about it too, promising she’d never ask you to move out or leave you alone with a rent too high to pay alone. 
But one could only do so much third-wheeling before it became too much.
And now you’re here, already five months into living with Shoji, who’s probably the last decent man on earth.
He even cooks you breakfast every single day - well, minus the two weeks he was out of commission because he got stabbed at work.
“You don’t have to cook all the time, you know,” you point out when he slides a plate in front of you and sets a cup of coffee next to it. You can tell by the color that he did it exactly the way you like the most.
If you could get an award for being a good person, Shoji would have a record in getting gold medals.
“I know, but I like doing it. And you have enough on your mind in the mornings as is.” He points out before taking the seat opposite of you. His knee knocks against yours under the table. He doesn’t pull away. 
Sometime in the last month, after making it past spending time together watching a movie and talking to each other at least once each day, it has become a thing to touch. 
You had both agreed - in your weird study of what’s the difference between friends and lovers and how to find them - that touch was important. But touch was also… unfamiliar, sometimes weird, and sometimes not at all comfortable. 
The solution, as Shoji had proposed, seemed pretty simple: get used to it with someone you trust. You trust him. And he seems to trust you.
- - - x x
Your face is pressed against Shoji’s shoulder. He’s incredibly warm. So warm, in fact, that you want to do nothing more but crawl into his skin and stay there.
“I don’t think that’s going to work out,” he mumbles and you have half the mind to realize that you must have thought that out loud. 
“You’re a really good hugger,” you say, too tired to think of a proper compliment but not tired enough to keep quiet.
“Thanks,” he hums. “Warm now?”
“No,” you snuggle a bit further into him, “But I won’t be until my skin comes off.”
“Oh, I didn’t think of that,” he says, “Is that why you’ve been trying to scratch your back lately?”
One of his hands scratches your back at exactly the point that had been itching you all week and you groan, eyes rolling back at the absolute relief. 
Shoji laughs, a quiet, comfortable sound. You want to drown in it.
He keeps scratching and you keep sinking, into him, into sleep, into this sea of comfort you call his arms.
His voice drifts around your head like clouds. You can barely make out the words.
“Would it be the wrong moment to tell you that I’m in love with you?
You wake up swaddled in blankets, stretched out on the Couch in the living room, no sight of Shoji.
Last night feels like a fever dream and your limbs feel heavy and hazy. When you pull your shirts off in the bathroom, a big patch of your old skin comes off too. It’s thin and leathery and you toss it in the trash, your whole body on edge.
It doesn’t hurt to shed your skin. It’s just… gross. Uncomfortable, weird. 
“Weirdo, Weirdo,” the kids had called out, pointing at you when the skin around your nose started flaking off in school.
“Ugh, that’s so gross,” a girl you had called a friend took her food and got up from the table, “I can’t watch that when I’m trying to eat.”
“I’m home,” A voice calls out from somewhere behind the door and you need a minute to recognize it in the midst of all your memories. 
“Bathroom,” you call back, rushing to turn the key. 
If you want to come back out, you need to look normal.
- - - x x x
“I bought groceries,” Shoji says when you open the door. You glance over, relieved to see him with his face in the fridge, organizing his stuff. “Do you want to have a salad or some snack stuff first?”
“Mhm, you decide,” your voice sounds weirdly choked up and you make sure you’re at your bedroom door before he looks up.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, totally fine, everything’s fine.” You rush to add, “Just… Forgot I had something I needed to get done today.”
The door closes behind you before he can say anything.
You lean your back against it, but there’s no relief flooding through you, just embarrassment and shame. You look hideous right now, patches of old skin still sticking to your face. You don’t want to rip it off but you can’t show yourself to Shoji like that either.
Not when you-
“Did I make you uncomfortable?”
His voice is muffled by the door, but he sounds close like he’s just on the other side of it.
“You didn’t make me uncomfortable,” you insist. It’s not his fault you’re uncomfortable all of the time.
“Are you sure? What I said…”
You halt, turn to the door as if you could face him properly that way. 
“Wait, what did you say?”
“When you were falling asleep, I-” You press against the door as if that could make him speak faster. “I confessed to you.”
Time stands still. You’re pretty sure someone with a time-stopper quirk must have walked by and froze you. You cannot explain it otherwise.
It’s only when Shoji calls out your name that you realize you’re able to move, feet and all.
“Sorry, I just… I… Really?” The last word comes out a little high and broken, a little desperate and lonely, but you can’t take it back.
“Really,” he says and his tone matches yours just as perfectly as everything else he does.
You pull open the door, not at all mad to see him in your doorway, broad and safe and warm and tall, arms hovering as if he’s waiting for nothing else but to pull you in.
“Even if my face is gross?” You point at it, tears already running.
You don’t really expect him to have an answer to that. Even less that he moves to cradle your face in his hands.
“As an expert in gross faces, I don’t think your face is gross. I think it’s very cute.” 
“Your face is not gross,” you claim, moving to cradle his as well. “It’s really cute.”
A smile blooms on his face. “Really?” He asks, his tone not unlike yours before.
“Someone’s missing,” Sato points out, a giant cake balanced in his hands. He’s counting the heads, coming up short one. “Who’s missing.”
“No one’s missing,” Tokoyami pulls back Dark Shadow before it can wreak havoc on the cake. “Shoji’s just hiding his girlfriend.”
“I’m not hiding,” you call out from where you’re curled up in Shoji’s arms, “I’m cold.”
“She’s cold,” Shoji repeats and you can’t see his face but you can hear the content smile in his voice. “I’m warming her up.”
“Don’t make me regret showing up,” Sato huffs, setting down the cake. “Don’t remind me that I’m single all the time!”
“It’s a skill issue,” Ojiro jokes, tail hanging off the empty chair next to him, “You’re the only one left.”
“The only one left?” Sato gasps. “Koji? Really? Et tu, Brute?”
Koji ducks his head, smiling. You snuggle further into Shoji and grin.
It was a good idea to set Koji up with your coworker after all.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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(GFL Crack Fic) "The Firefight before Christmas"
Alternative Title: "What your average retail worker goes through during the holiday season"
Right before Christmas, the Commander asked Angelia and the rest of DEFY to guard everyone's presents. Deciding she had nothing better to do for the holiday, Angelia agreed and moved to oversee the defense of a bunch of toys. If she had known what was going to transpire, she would have brought more guns. Word Count: 3.8k
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Date: December 23rd, 206X
Through a heavily secured door contained a relatively spacious and shiny black floored room. It was home to Griffin's Commander, well his second home anyway.
It was just his office, albeit a more empty one. The room only had two desks for work, a couple of decorations in the shelves behind him, and large amounts of data servers and file cabinets lined up along the walls.
Angelia sat in the desk next to the Commander, both of them performing the mundane task of filling out paperwork. G36 was also present, but she was in the middle of organizing their files before their day off on Christmas. None of the three said anything while the radio blasted a cheery Christmas tune.
"Rockin' around the Christmas tree At the Christmas party hop!"-
Normally, neither of human officers would have anything playing due to the same annoying songs playing ad nauseam. However, it was at the insistence of a certain adjutant that it be played to 'keep them in spirit'.
(Kalina) "Commander, Ange~!"
Kalina almost skipped happily through the door that slid open, bringing much needed coffee for the both of them.
(Commander) "Ah, thanks Kalina."
(Angelia) "Make mine the way I like it?"
(Kalina) "Yup! One sludge coming up..."
Kalina made sure that she had muttered that under her breath, turning back to the Commander and G36.
(Kalina) "Commander, we got the presents secure, right?"
(Commander) "Well, they should be unloading in the cargo bay under the disguise of our usual supplies. But as for actually guarding it...-"
G36 stopped what she was doing and her shoulders slumped, thinking in fear about what measures they put into place.
(G36) "Master, you and Kalina did not have Persica construct another machine, did you?"
(Kalina) "Wha-Psh, no! We wouldn't do that!...Well, without a few hundred extra precautions, anyway."
(Angelia) "You what now?"
(Commander) "Long story, basically on Halloween, G36 and Springfield stopped a rogue bot that stole the T-Dolls' candy."
Angelia exhaled through her nose in amusement, crossing her arms.
(Angelia) "So if you don't have a kill droid this time around, what's your plan on protecting these presents?"
The Commander leaned back into his chair, thinking on the answer to that question.
(Commander) "Well, I need T-Dolls that I can trust to guard it."
(Kalina) "There's some of the Sangvis Dolls we could ask."
G36 shook her head and her eyes squinted further in thought.
(G36) "As much as I have faith that they could protect it, I fear for their safety if some of our T-Dolls learn Sangvis of all people are assigned to do so."
The Commander nodded, raising a finger as he counted the amount of problems with that solution.
(Commander) "Plus, there's Architect who'd probably get way too eager and open the presents herself. Or Destroyer, like during Valentines. Or Alchemist, for the hell of it."
(Angelia) "...So that's a no go."
(Kalina) "Hm, Squad 404?...No, UMP9..."
Kalina crossed her arms, shaking her head in frustration.
(Commander) "And there's not a force in this world that could stop SOPMOD if she learned our presents arrived early."
(G36) "Master, perhaps you could leave it to Springfield and I once more? I could have some of my sisters and Lee-Enfield join as well."
(Kalina) "What? But we don't want you to work yourselves during another holiday again!"
(Angelia) "...Tell you what, Commander."
Everyone in the room turned to Angelia.
(Angelia) "How about you leave it to DEFY and I on Christmas?"
(Commander) "You'd seriously assign the girls to do that?"
(Angelia) "They listen to me, no questions asked. Consider it my present to you this year, Commander. Peace of mind."
The Commander sighed in relief as he leaned back into his chair, smiling as he adjusted his red uniform.
(Commander) "That'd be a huge relief, Ange. I guess I should mention you and DEFY have some presents in there too."
(Kalina) "Yeah, make sure you don't open them before, or you'll be put on the naughty list!"
Angelia scoffed as she crossed her arms.
(Angelia) "Think all of us humans are on there, already."
Date: December 24th, 206X Time: 22:30
Angelia adjusted her coat as she sat in a large empty warehouse, staring at the absolutely massive mountain of presents stocked up for every T-Doll and Human personnel in Griffin.
Despite the haphazard way they were organized, they were all lovingly wrapped. It was clear no machine did the wrapping, much to her horror. She would hate to be the one doing all that for every single being in this base.
She brought a chair along with her, casually resting in it as she heard the door slide open, revealing the rest of her squad. AK-12 gave a light hearted salute, though the respect was still clearly there.
(AK-12) "DEFY, reporting as ordered, Ange."
(Angelia) "At ease, everyone. This giant pile of cardboard waste behind me is our objective to defend for tonight."
AK-15 looked up at the presents, obviously confused about the objective.
(AK-15) "Christmas presents, ma'am?"
(Angelia) "Yup. Our dear Commander requested that we make sure no one gets their hands on them early."
(RPK-16) "Well, this is certainly one of the more interesting operations we've been a part of."
RPK-16 commented, crossing her arms as her lips curled into vague amusement.
(AN-94) "Should we sweep the perimeter, ma'am?"
Angelia shook her head, motioning for the squad to get comfortable.
(Angelia) "No need, 94. We'll be able to hear anyone coming a mile away. Besides, no one knows their presents are even here."
AK-12 put a gentle hand on AN-94's shoulder and gestured her head forward, making her relax.
AK-15 simply leaned against the wall, her rifle slung on her side.
RPK-16 walked towards the presents and investigated it with her scanners, quickly finding DEFY's gifts.
They were all wrapped in black paper, with a white ribbon enclosing the boxes.
(RPK-16) "Aw, that's cute."
Angelia raised her head and chuckled along with RPK-16.
(AK-12) "Think the Commander had that special ordered for us?"
(Angelia) "Probably. Either he or Kalina did."
AK-12 laid on the floor, one leg simply resting on the other while AN-94 stood awkwardly at attention, staring straight at the door as if she was anticipating an attack.
(Angelia) "...Oh right, forgot to say this. Merry Christmas, girls."
(AK-15) "You as well, ma'am."
(AN-94) "Should I play Christmas music to keep the festive spirit up for the night, ma'am?"
(Angelia) "Do that, and I'm throwing a lump of coal at your head. I've had enough of those damn songs. How the hell are those songs still enduring after a near century, anyway?"
(RPK-16) "Humans do love their Christmas music, Ange. That won't ever change, evidently."
(AK-12) "At least it's not blaring on our systems 24/7."
A few hours passed and DEFY were casually chatting with one another. It was the first in a very long time that they had time to simply decompress.
Granted, the tension between AK-12 and AK-15 was ever present, but it was dimmed down given the lax nature of the operation.
Even AN-94 was talking a bit more than usual, much to Angelia's surprise.
Seeing her squad get to relax for once was honestly refreshing. Maybe she should ask the Commander if they can do this every year.
(AN-94) "It is hard to imagine what gifts the Commander would have gotten us."
(AK-12) "Maybe it's Vodka?"
AK-15's eyes were closed, but the tone of her voice suggested that she found the idea humorous.
(AK-15) "For you and 16, maybe. I don't require anything other than a trustworthy officer to lead us."
(RPK-16) "But you're not against the idea of a gift, are you?"
(AK-15) "It would be pointless, given we are androids."
(Angelia) "But you still didn't say no."
The girls quietly chuckled before AK-15's eyes shot open, turning towards the door.
AK-15's normally shut eyes did the same, while AN-94 and RPK-16 suddenly adopted a combat stance.
Angelia knew that they would not have reached for weapons if it were just a Griffin Doll approaching. Was there actually an enemy coming close, thinking this was something valuable?
Regardless, she would not let anyone lay a damn finger on one of these boxes.
(Angelia) "12? What are you scanning?"
Everyone held onto their guns, ready to move out the door while AK-12's pink irises adjusted their focus.
(AK-12) "Motion trackers are picking up something a hundred meters from here. Multiple contacts, it looks like-"
Suddenly, there was distant gunfire, and the distinct sound of an explosion.
Angelia loaded the magazine into her own rifle and immediately began giving out the commands.
(Angelia) "AK-12, AN-94. Investigate the area. AK-15, RPK-16, seal the entrances to this place besides the front door. I'm contacting the Commander."
Everyone nodded and attended to their tasks given. Angelia moved to grab her radio before realizing it was being jammed. Only static was coming through.
(Angelia) "Shit."
(Distant Voice) "H-Ho, Ho HEEEELP!"
Suddenly, everyone stopped what they were doing and all turned to towards the door, looking extremely confused on what they had just heard.
(RPK-16) "Wow, the lungs on that human."
(AK-12) "...I'm not detecting any human in the AO."
(Angelia) "...Then what exactly are you picking up? T-Dolls?"
AK-12 frowned. That alone was enough to send alarms ringing through everyone's heads.
(AK-12) "Unknown, Ange. All I'm seeing is movement...Wait, it's getting closer!"
All of the DEFY T-Dolls put on their masks and aimed their guns at the target moving closer to the warehouse, and it was approaching rapidly.
AK-15 immediately had Angelia stand behind her, still aiming her gun at the door. Angelia knelt alongside RPK-16, who mounted her machine gun onto the floor for better stability.
AK-12 and AN-94 hopped behind several crates, aiming at the door, watching as the target came closer.
And without warning, a massive red sleigh burst through the walls, and several reindeer tumbled and fell onto the gray floor, the snow from the outside trickling in as DEFY watched in utter confusion of what they were witnessing.
The reindeer closest to DEFY had a glowing red nose, staring right at AN-94.
(AN-94) "...What?"
Everyones weapons pointed right back at the sudden movement coming out of the sleigh, and it revealed a large red coated man with a long white beard.
(???) "Ho, ho, ho my GOD! Thank goodness you all are here!"
The large man stepped forward before everyone's guns trained on his head.
(AK-15) "Move a step closer and we open fire."
The man did not appear to be intimidated. In fact, he was more offended than anything.
(???) "Hmph! And here I was, considering on putting you on the Nice List this year, AK-15!"
The mention of her name made everyone tense up.
(Angelia) "Alright, enough with the Santa bullshit, just who the hell are you?"
His steely gaze turned to Angelia, adjusting his tiny glasses as he stepped forward.
(???) "And such naughty words, Anna! What happened to the festive cheer you had a moment ago?"
Immediately, Angelia pulled the trigger at his feet, a gunshot echoing throughout the warehouse. This person's intel was better than she thought if they knew her real name.
(Angelia) "The festive cheer is going right between your eyes if you call me that again."
But once again, he seemed more offended.
(???) "Why, I never!...Hm, no. Considering your lives, I should not judge so harshly. After all, I am here to deliver presents to Griffin as well!"
(AK-12) "So, are you going to introduce yourself?"
The man puffed out his belly in pride.
(???) "Santa Claus!"
(Everyone) "..."
(AN-94) "Santa does not exist. Are you a T-Doll?"
(Santa) "Miss AN-94, do you not find it strange that none of you can detect me, or my reindeer here?"
DEFY looked at the lifelike Reindeer, then back to the sleigh, and finally the man calling himself Santa.
(AK-12) "What, did Sangvis suddenly gain a sense of humor?"
(Santa) "Young AK-12, I am not an automaton, I am the flesh and blood Santa Claus himself! And I am here to make a delivery to everyone, yourselves included!"
Angelia scoffed.
(Angelia) "What, are we getting coal this year?"
(Santa) "If you keep this nonsense up, yes!-"
Santa was suddenly cut off as a stray bullet almost hit him, making him leap for cover and forcing the rest of DEFY to shift their attention. The rest of the Reindeer looked at each other and ducked for cover as well.
(Santa) "ACK! They're here!"
(RPK-16) "For being such a large man, you move very quick-"
(Santa) "That is rich, coming from a Machine-Gun T-Doll!"
It was RPK-16's turn to look offended. Did Santa just call her fat?
(AN-94) "Santa, what is attacking you?"
Santa turned to AN-94, somewhat relieved that someone was taking him seriously. Or at least giving him the benefit of the doubt.
(Santa) "Snow-Dolls, and yes I am being serious!"
While Angelia and RPK-16 had their weapons on "Santa", AK-15 moved towards the hole in the wall, carefully peeking out.
(AK-15) "Impossible, there is no such thing as Santa, and there are-"
AK-15's eyes widened in shock, seeing beyond the horizon an approaching army of moving snowmen.
All armed with guns made of snow.
One of their button faces turned into a frown as soon as they saw her, and a bullet made of snow almost took her mask off as she leaned back behind the wall.
(Angelia) "15, report!"
(AK-15) "Multiple targets are...indeed, Snowmen. All armed, and intent on killing us."
Angelia sighed and turned to "Santa", motioning for everyone to take up positions.
(Angelia) "If you're lying to us, I will hang you with your own fucking hat."
(Santa) "All I ask is for enough time for me to escape, I am on a tight schedule! I will have to unload your presents here, then I will be on my way! I promise!"
(Angelia) "This is not how I imagined my Christmas Eve would be...DEFY, take offensive formation!"
AK-15 nodded and punched out a large slab of the concrete wall that vaguely resembled a roadblock, using it as a makeshift portable cover, advancing out towards the open.
AN-94 and Angelia rushed behind her, taking cover and opening fire on the incoming snowmen, forcing them to scatter and rush behind the trees. Well, slide behind cover, to be precise.
AK-12 attempted to begin her electronic warfare programs, but found there was nothing to hack. She was not being countered, and there was nothing jamming her.
(AK-12) "...Are these actually killer snowmen?!"
Santa hopped behind his sleigh and started rapidly throwing presents from a massive brown sack towards the Commander's pile. All of which were somehow landing perfectly next to RPK-16, in an organized fashion.
(Santa) "Let's see: Suomi, C96, M4A1, MP40-!"
Santa began listing off a dizzying amount of T-Doll's names, as RPK-16 looked at the pile one last time before joining AK-12 and mounting her machine gun towards the newly created half-cover next to the sleigh.
(RPK-16) "Beginning cover fire."
She calmly stated, pulling the trigger and watching as a hail of bullets flew out and hit the snowmen who were being distracted by AK-15's group.
AK-15 held onto the concrete as the snow bullets tore the corners off, AN-94 and Angelia rapidly firing concentrated shots and making the snowmens' heads explode into a white flurry.
AK-15 slammed the wall into the ground, making sure it would not tip over as she rushed the nearest snowman. With one punch she knocked off its head with relative ease, ignoring the ice bullets failing to pierce through her and instead engaging in close combat with the ones closest to her.
The buttons on their faces remained in a permanent frown as they slowly approached the warehouse. Their numbers were beyond counting.
AK-12 closed her eyes, realizing that they were truly magical beings and not something she could hack. Pulling the trigger, her gun began to pick off out of position snowmen that weren't hiding behind trees already.
RPK-16 looked at AK-12 as she reloaded calmly, giving her assurance.
(RPK-16) "I'll cover you, go!"
AK-12 nodded and vaulted over the wall, rushing towards cover as the ever approaching horde continued to pin down AN-94 and Angelia's location. RPK-16 made the snowmen pay with their...lives? As she gunned them down with ease.
Although DEFY was tearing through them with ease, when they killed one, ten more seemed to take their place.
Angelia clenched her teeth as an ice bullet hit her in the shoulder, making her crouch down and reach for the stinging pain.
(AN-94) "Ange has been hit!"
AN-94 immediately knelt down to start applying pressure on the wound, making Angelia cringe in slight pain as she reloaded her rifle with one hand.
(Angelia) "I can't believe that a bunch of goddamn snowmen are giving Sangvis a run for their money in the swarm tactics!"
AK-12's mask hid what emotion she was making, but Angelia could tell there was a wry smirk behind it as she tossed a grenade overhead, dirt and snow flying above them from the explosion.
(AK-12) "At least you made the right call having DEFY be here. I'm not sure even the Commander could defend this warehouse from homicidal snowmen."
(AN-94) "RPK-16, what is Santa's status?"
AN-94 asked before returning fire on the snowmen getting dangerously close to their makeshift barricade.
RPK-16 turned around as she reloaded, her mouth slightly dropping in sheer awe.
Santa had created a beautifully organized pile of presents, all organized by squad. The Commander's pile looked downright insulting just existing next to it.
(Santa) "Ah, I am done here! Now, get your friends back here if you would, I'm about to leave these snowmen a very very nasty lump of coal, if you catch my drift!"
RPK-16 didn't, but she also didn't care.
(RPK-16) "Santa is done, retreat back to the warehouse!"
AN-94 and AK-12 nodded before grabbing Angelia and rushing back at their full speed. AK-15 was right behind them as she roared out in anger, one hand wielding her knife and tearing through them as she tore the stick arms off others approaching them.
Her armor was covered in frost and bullet marks, with bits of artificial blood dropping from her head.
The bits of armor from the rest of DEFY were beginning to chip off as well due to the frost damage, everyone except RPK-16 who was still trying to fend off the never ending horde.
She moved to reload, but her waist was devoid of any remaining magazines.
(RPK-16) "Out of ammo!"
Everyone else checked their magazine count after hiding behind the wall, gaining a small reprieve from the cold.
(AK-12) "One left."
(AK-15) "Out."
(AN-94) "Two left."
(Angelia) "Tch, one."
Any prolonged fighting would have their ammunition run dry. They weren't expecting a fight to break out like this at all, their lack of preparation coming to bite them in the ass.
But who the hell would be ready for an assault by magical snowmen armed with snow guns?!
Santa whistled at the Reindeer as he hopped onto the sleigh, looking at the rest of DEFY with a warm smile.
(Santa) "You have saved my hide, and Christmas for the rest of the world! These darn Snow-Dolls have been pursuing me ever since...-"
Suddenly concentrated fire was aimed at the sleigh, cutting Santa off as he nodded at them.
(Santa) "Bah, hambug! Doesn't matter, Thank you, DEFY! Good night to all, and to all-"
Santa jumped back in his seat and immediately yanked the straps back, forcing his reindeer to float up and out of the warehouse, the gunshots all attempting to hit him as he circled around the battlefield.
DEFY watched as Santa doubled back towards the snowmen, dropping several christmas ornaments onto them, before they exploded into a fiery inferno that melted the snow from the sheer heat, making everyone duck behind cover.
Looking back up, the squad saw nothing remained of the snowmen, in fact there was no trace of them at all now.
Other than the concrete wall in the middle of the snow, alongside Ange's blood, bullet casings littering the grass, and explosion marks from grenades, it looked like any regular aftermath of a battlefield.
The squad then looked back at the presents, and saw how beautifully colored they were, each one with a name tag of a T-Doll or human of a Griffin member.
Then finally, the Commander's voice came through Angelia's radio.
(Commander) "Merry Christmas, Ange! You and DEFY have a silent night?"
(AN-94) "...I wish for these Christmas puns to end."
(Angelia) "Shut the hell up. By the way send a medic."
(Commander) "Hah, good one...W-Wait, what?!"
Apparently, no one had heard the insanity of DEFY's firefight during the early morning of Christmas Day.
In fact, no one even saw the explosions or the snowmen outside the base windows.
There was a perimeter scan and it was triple checked by the Anti-Rain Team, and Squad 404. There were no signs of hostile activity whatsoever.
After DEFY was sent in for repairs and Angelia's shoulder was patched up, they were ordered to take the day off and enjoy themselves with the rest of Griffin.
But first they headed back towards the dorm to rest up before the presents were to be handed out. Right now it was only eight in the morning.
(AK-15) "I still cannot believe everything we have just witnessed."
(AK-12) "Santa being real is...quite contradictory to everything we've learned. Does that mean other fictional stories are true as well?"
(Angelia) "This is a rabbit hole I don't want to open up right now, ladies."
(RPK-16) "Do you think Alice in Wonderland is true too?"
(AN-94) "I am sure it was just a fabrication, or some advanced technology we are not privy to yet."
(Angelia) "Get some rest until present time. I'll be in my room."
DEFY saluted Angelia as she walked off to her room alone.
When she opened the door, she noticed a plate of cookies and milk on the plate. She reached for her pistol, looking slowly around for who could have entered.
Seeing the note on the table, she frowned as she read it, but quickly faded.
Thanks for all your hard work, as always Ange! Save some for the rest of the girls, okay? - Signed, Commander, Kalina, G36
Angelia smiled, examining the cookie and making sure it wasn't poisoned. However, there were a couple signs on the cookie itself that revealed it was made from Springfield's café. The way the treat looked too perfectly circular, and cooked to almost perfection.
Realizing the threat was nonexistent, Angelia bit into it before pouring the milk out near her sink, and replacing the drink with Vodka.
(Angelia) "...Next Christmas, I'm not doing this shit again."
Suddenly, the radio turned on next to her.
"Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away~-"
Angelia immediately smashed the radio with her metal arm, eye twitching.
(Angelia) "And I'm having Kalina turn those goddamn songs off."
a/n: This is totally 100% canon to the lore of Girls' Frontline. Source: trust me bro.
Anyways I have nothing else to add besides a nice picture of DEFY for your enjoyment.
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Their smiles are precious. okay that's it, byeeeeeeeeeeeee
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0mysticmidnight0 · 2 months
~Mystically Broken AU - Chapter 4~
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You wake up earlier than usual, around 5 in the morning. You walked to your usual spot to meet either MichelAngelo or Raphael. After you, cleaned up and changed, you stop when you hear Donatello and Leonardo arguing.. "I KNOW YOU DID IT! STOP LYING, NARDO!" "I SWEAR! IT WASN'T ME THIS TIME!" "You're the only one who could've done it!!" "What proof do you have?!" "There wasn't a trace! The only person it could've been was YOU and your misuse of your ninpo! No one else could have left a crime scene so precise." "I'm telling you, Don! It was NOT me!" "I TOLD YOU, IT'S DONATELLO! NOT DON OR DONNIE OR-" He spots you and Donatello stops. "What? What else do you have to sa-" Leonardo stops as well once he sees you. "Right, your meeting with Raph was delayed. He said he was busy with Big bro stuff.. His words not mine. The first party you have to attend will be later tonight. I will be accompanying you." Right... you forgot about the four parties this year you had to attend to plead their innocence despite knowing they'll continue their "heroic" deeds.. to get what they want. Well, it was either that or dying. "W-Wait. I don't know how to help you yet! I don't know.. i can't.." "It seems we don't have time for that, you'll have to find an alternative."
You groaned as you were pressured to think of something on the spot.. "The party will take place in a Museum. Luckily my package came just in time. Here." He presents you a purple box. You take it. "Very... your style." He laughs at your comment. "Nothing more and certainly nothing less!" "Why can't i go with them first? I can go to a museum and talk all fancy too y'know!" You check the time again, it was pretty early. You still didn't eat too.. As if hearing your thoughts, Donatello snaps his fingers and the drone looking bot, S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was it? hovers over, with a cup of coffee on top of it. You grimaced as you remembered the last coffee Donatello offered you.. (chapter 2 reference<3) You hesitantly took a sip and you look at him weird.. or shocked? It tasted like how you like your coffee.. not too sweet and DEFINITELY not too bitter. huh.. "How did you..?" "To answer both of your questions, I've known them for longer and i'm sure with a little help they can come up with something in no time!" Donatello says this confidently while you just hesitantly took a long sip from your coffee... Leo just crosses his arms and raises his imaginary brow at Donatello. You just walk back to your room. You sit down at your desk and stare at and analyze Donatello's criminal files again.. and you groan. The little drone came in with a plate with food on top of him. You smile and pat the drones head as you take the food. "Thanks, Shelldon." The drone.. smiles back? "No problem bruh!" and it hovers away.. i didn't know robots knew slang.. You put on some of your favorite tunes and use your headphones. Slightly bopping your head to the music as you look through Donatello's criminal records. (many hours pass) You check the time, and sighed. You continued looking. You received a message from Donatello. "Get changed. We leave in 2 hours." You open the purple box and see purple custom clothing.. it was also sparkly? Did Donatello make this? As you expected, it fit you perfectly. You were a bit creeped out but appreciated it anyways. You fix your hair and get cleaned up, you leave your room to see Donatello fixing his goggles. He looked, breathe taking.. "Hm, we have an hour to spare." You two made your way to the living room and sat on the couch. "Hey, Beautiful. Come around often?" You hear Leonardo chime from behind you and you smile. You were never complimented much.. So it felt like taking a breathe of fresh air. "It's still me, y'know." "I don't see the difference." You paused and think about it before Donatello asks you a question. "Have you thought of what to say? How about you mention my advanced intellect!" "Not really.. It's not like i can say, Hey! My friend here can make super deadly weapons that can attack and defend- THATS IT!" Leonardo looked at you like you just exploded. "What?" Donatello thinks for a bit.. "That could work.. " Leonardo just looks at you both in confusion. "Can someone fill me in here? DO you two share the same brain or something?" "Donatello here could build and help advance police force weapons or even army weapons! They'll surely take us up on that and in return they'll stop trying to hunt him down as they see him as powerful ally!" Leonardo just looks at us still dumb founded. "Do i have to explain in dum-dum terms?" Leonardo ignores Donatello's question. "Are you sure about that? We don't know what the government or especially the police and army would do. Those guys's loyalty can be bought for just a few bucks. You and Donatello look at each other and nod at Leonardo. "If you two say so.. I trust you." "And Don, sorry- uhm. Donatello. I swear, it's not me who broke in your lab and stole your syringes. " "I'll forgive you temporarily and.. Its Donnie." You smiled at the two. Wait.. someone broke in and stole Donatello's syringes..?
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mindareadsoots · 9 months
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And Cheers is playing... on every channel...
I'm going to throw out a wild theory right now. When they revealed that Ice King wasn't just imagining Fionna and Cake, he was connecting to an alternative universe, it was never explained how the fuck does that even worked.
Maybe the connection runs deeper than just Simon tuning into the F&C channel. Maybe his mindset actually affects her world. So now that Simon has his sanity back, Fionna's world has gone from being a distaff Ooo to being a coffee shop AU.
How's that sanity working out for Simon, by the way?
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Ehh, I'm sure Fionna has nothing to worry about!
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ogzieoggleton · 2 months
PLEASE REBLOG. I LIKE HAVING LOTS OF VOTES FOR THE MOST FAIR OUTCOME (but font if you don't want to, obviously)
Edit: thanks to everyone reblogging it so far, I think its really helping our:)
So. My plan fir my fanfic is below the poll and I need to decide if I want it to be post crystallised (pre dragons rising) or an alternative version of crystallised.
Lloyd and Wu go to a coffee shop/library and find Garmadon running the place..
Lloyd examined the room to notice all the books and scrolls scattered around the large space, he also took the time to acknowledge his father's new look: Garmadon wore a white button-up shirt tucked into a pair of black and slightly baggy trousers that were held up by a brown belt with a shiny golden buckle, his hair was tied back inro a messy ponytail that hung low on his neck, his long ears that supported the gold-framed, red-tinted galses that rested on his face.
Filled with nerves, anger, amd resentment, the green ninja looked to the floor to avoid making eye contact with the oni that turned around to look at them as he spoke to his younger brother, his eyes catching a glimpse at his father's long black boots that hid his shins, his long, fluffy tail stealing Lloyd’s attention while his sensei and father yapped in the background of his hearing.
Looking up and around, the room itself was gorgeous; neat wooded palettes decorated the floor and shone in the lantern light that lit up the comfortably dim room that was filled with wooden bookshelves containing books of history and scrolls from ancient times that explored the ideas of artifacts and mysteries withing tombs from the nearby and very distant lands - or so Lloyd could assume.
-Garmadon and Wu discuss things while the Ninja look around slightly
While he continued to tune the conversation out, the green ninja peeked a look at the green book cover that his father held in his sooty hands and inwardly jumped when he read the title 'Departed realm and souls within'. Invested but absolutely alarmed, Lloyd was disappointed when Garmadon must have felt the book slipping from his grasp he moved it behind the other book he clutched in his arms to conveniently display that title aswell: 'Peices of people and how to find them.'
Although the last seemed like a fictional novel, Lloyd still couldn't help but reflect on the many times Garmadon claimed to have 'needed to find his true self' before helping them with the overlord and his army.
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aria-ashryver · 6 months
Meet my MC - Luca O'Rinn
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Name and Meaning: Luca — Bringer of Light / O'Rinn — Descendant of the Stars
Book: Immortal Desires Love Interests: Cas Harlow and Gabriel Adalhard Pronouns: He/they Birthday: 5th January 1997 Sign: Aquarius Born: Kinloch Rannoch, Scotland Raised: Inverness, Scotland Heritage: Scottish with ancestral roots in Ireland
More under the cut! 🖤✨
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Therese “Terri” O’Rinn (mother) Wayne MacAllister (father — estranged) John “Jock” O’Rinn (grandfather) Esther O’Rinn (grandmother) Morag O'Rinn (great aunt) Phoebe O’Rinn (cousin)
Skills / Hobbies
Dance, drums, butterfly knives, annoying ancient vampires with incessant questions and somehow not being murdered outright
Random Trivia
Luca has an avid curiosity (which often gets them into trouble) and is fascinated by how the world works — in every possible universe, they would have found out about the vampires in Crimson Beech.
He gets bored if he hasn’t learnt something new in a while.
Luca has Combined Type ADHD and frequently needs something to do with their hands — they can often be found flipping small items (pens, drum sticks, balisongs, etc, their phone, if they can’t get their hands on anything else)
...His phone screen is always cracked.
TERRIBLE at replying to text messages if they don’t do it then and there. Cannot make a phone call to save their life.
Has no problem biting ice cream, but sometimes sensory things ( unexplained sticky hands, clothes textures that feel suddenly wrong) with make them explode with sudden rage that comes on fast and goes away even faster. (It always alarms Gabriel whenever it happens. He tries to help and inevitably gets in the way and makes it worse. Cas knows to just ignore him when he’s having a moment.)
Loves playfighting with Cas (despite always losing and probably getting thrown somewhere)
Late. For everything. All the time. Zero time management skills.
Luca's first crush was Howl Pendragon of Studio Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle
He takes his tea/coffee without milk bc he’s forever forgetting to drink it — there is always a small army of half-full, forgotten cups and mugs around his room.
Restless sleeper, abhors early mornings, can’t fall asleep unless he feels safe (which leads to a lot of falling asleep on Gabriel and Cas)
He despises math and still counts on his fingers. Numbers make his brain short-circuit.
Will absolutely eat food off the floor if they drop it.
Forests have always made him feel calm and want to dance.
Luca has had a habit since childhood where, any time they are walking alone through a forest, they’ll slow their pace and hum a gentle tune, trying to see if they can catch sight of any fairies or little fae creatures out of the corner of their eye. (Which seemed like a silly superstition until a few months ago, but now that they know vampires are real? Hey, maybe little Luca was on to something.)
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Education (Scotland)
Rather than traditional schooling, Luca attended a specialised Arts school from the age of 14, in their hometown of Inverness, Scotland. Avalon Academy of the Arts is an alternative educational institution, covering both secondary- and tertiary-level studies in fields such as traditional arts and media, photography, music, theatre, and dance.
At Avalon, Luca trained primarily in ballet, lyrical jazz, contemporary, jazz funk, street dance, and urban hip-hop. Luca does enjoy ballet, but he found most of the ballet students too pretentious, cut-throat, and close-minded to consider pursuing a career in ballet long-term (especially as a non-binary dancer in an extremely gendered environment).
Luca’s main dance style tends toward a unique blend of lyrical, ballet, and street — though in recent years, there is definitely something of a K-Pop influence present in their choreography. They idolise Lee Taemin of SHINee, in part because of his expression and technical precision, but also because of the androgyny and power of Taemin’s dance style. They enjoy watching dance practice videos on YouTube in order to study other dancer’s body lines, transitions, and use of tension.
Education (USA)
In transferring to Crimson Beech High to round out their formal education, it became clear that Luca was very behind in some areas (math, physics, sciences) and very ahead in others (history, literature, anything pertaining to arts studies).
The semesters at Avalon do not align with traditional US schooling system (beginning in February and wrapping up in December to mirror their sister school in Avalon, Australia), so Luca is actually marginally older than many of his current classmates at Crimson Beech High.
(well. Those that aren’t vampires, anyway).
As at the first chapter of ID/SICSIG, Luca is 18, and will be turning 19 in January.
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Luca could have taken music as an elective at Avalon, but he never did. Music is something that is purely for self expression and fun. While he did take drum lessons for about a year as a child, most of Luca’s musical ability comes from the school of fucking around and finding out — he is a kinaesthetic learner, so much of his drumming is self-taught.
Wayne (read: awful person) never really approved of Luca’s dancing and wanted them to quit when they first started taking lessons in primary school, but Terri put her foot down when she saw how happy it made them to have a form of self-expression that really spoke to who they were. As a means of compromise, Wayne suggested Luca take up drumming — something he saw as a suitably “masculine” hobby to “help him man up”.
A lot of the arguments Wayne and Terri had regarding Luca’s hobbies in their formative years were, in truth, veiled conversations about Luca’s sexuality and gender identity. Terri has never been anything but accepting of her child, and Wayne has never been able to get his head out of his own ass around Luca being gay, let alone non-binary. Though Terri tried to shield them from it, Luca often bore the burnt of a tirade of queerphobic verbal abuse, which escalated to physical violence in the years preceding Wayne and Terri’s separation.
There were a whole host of reasons why the O’Rinn household wasn’t the easiest or safest place to be growing up (which I have explored more in Starlight!); understandably, Luca had a lot of energy (and, in the years before Wayne’s arrest, a lot of anger) that he was able to take out on his drum kit.
Drumming on his own has turned into a really therapeutic space for Luca, wherein he can get into a flow state, lose the outside world, and work through a lot of his feelings. As much as Luca despises his father, he loves his drums — and knowing his father was the one to buy him his first ever drum kit is something of a sore spot. To this day, Luca still has mixed feelings about it.
Drumming with Viktor’s band, however, became a space of growth and celebration. Your Bisexual Awakening (as they are currently called — the band's name changes with almost every gig) is made up of other students from Avalon, and is unapologetically queer and in your face about it. They mostly play classic rock, punk, and grunge tracks, but ultimately do not limit themselves by genre.
Viktor, the band’s vocalist and frontman, is an OC (and will probably get his own "Meet My OC" profile!) (eventually); the other band members are Easter Eggs from other Choices books: WtD’s Angel on bass, NB’s Cal on keys, and ILITW’s Ava on lead electric guitar.
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You can find out more about Luca via my masterlist, or read about them in my longfic, snow in crimson, starlight in gold on AO3! 🖤(direct link, fic is rated Explicit)
tagging: @choicesficwriterscreations
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chicken-fifi · 2 months
The Sly Fox | Gong Yoo Imagine
Pairing: Gong Jicheol x Reader
Requested by @ilovemyapopbaby: Hi! I would like to request a Gong Yoo fic where the reader is friends with him and they both have a crush on each other but they don't know how to tell the other. Until one day Gong Yoo tells their mutual friend Lee Dong Wook his feelings about you and Lee Dong Wook hatches a plan with a few other people to get you and Gong Yoo together and it works! Pleeeeeease??? You can sprinkle some angst in there if you like
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 336 words
A/n: i decided no angst in this one, i needed something fluffier (i'm not opposed to doing an alternative version at a later date though). i also changed it a little bit, because i wanted to have some fun
Tunes: Tolerate it | a taylor swift playlist
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Dongwook swore he was going to win the friend of the year award for this master plan of his. Or at least he should be honored at your wedding in a few years time for being the person to orchestrate the love the two of you were bound to develop and experience.
You two owed him big time.
If this plan worked that is.
If it didn’t, he had no part in it whatsoever.
So there you sat with Jicheol right across from you at the cafe, Dongwook sitting out of sight in the back of said cafe. How on earth the two of you hadn’t seen him was a mystery but he was thankful for it nonetheless as he was thankful for it since the two of you were clearly having fun. He swore he felt his heart soar seeing the two of you laughing and very obviously flirting with one another, quickly forgetting that he was even supposed to show up and were using the original friends lunch date as your own date now.
“Do you think he did this on purpose?” you asked Jicheol, voice lowered.
“Knowing the sly fox as well as I do,” Jicheol began. “He more than likely thought he was getting something done between the two of us.”
You laughed as you took a sip of your drink, “He probably does. He’ll also take all the credit for something he thinks he’s behind.”
Dongwook choked on his coffee as he heard your words over the chatter of the establishment.
Were the two of you already-
“We’ll have to tell him eventually…I mean it’s been almost two years-”
The noise around Dongwook seemed to stop before he turned around, noticing both of your eyes on him.
He had said that out loud rather than in his head.
There was an awkward silence shared between the three of you as you exchanged looks with one another time and time again.
“Surprise?” you said smiling.
Yeah, big surprise.
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