#also yes my handwriting is ass
toastedjeans · 7 months
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Doodles from yesterday. The circus show has infected me.
Don't look at the hands please thanks okay bye
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machineghoul · 8 months
Just realized my queue finished today and now my only posts today are my random midnight thoughts...
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thehighladywrites · 6 months
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⋆˙⟡ pairing: rhysand x reader, inner circle makes an appearance , madja makes an appearance
⋆˙⟡ summary: feeling ready to finally have kids, you tell rhys who is over the moon. madja gives you a special tea to help boost ovulation. how does that turn out for you?
⋆˙⟡ warnings: a fuckton of smut, fluff, rhys cries, so does reader, breeding, aphrodisiacs ( i think ), boosting tea, pregnancy, pregnancy smut ig, Big dick daddy construction worker Rhys😍😍, protective rhys like super protective, obsession and possession. Rhys develops a new obsession with reader🤷🏽‍♀️
⋆˙⟡ amara’s note: i need a break. holy fuck. also, can i go next🧎🏽‍♀️ Plus english isn’t my first language so if there’s any errors or mistakes, i’m sorry😭💗
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“is that what you’ll be teaching our children, darling? To be snappy when someone asks you something?”
Rhysand took great pleasure in provoking a reaction from you. Your day had been rough, with even the slightest annoyances causing you to snap at him. From criticizing his breakfast chewing to berating his small handwriting in his reports, your frustration peaked when rhys playfully teased, leading you to unleash a stream of unpleasant words.
And now, he was dangerously close to you kicking him out of your bedroom. You stood there, making the bed with him on the other side as you tucked in the sheets on either side.
“Fuck off, Rhys. I'm teaching my kids that their father holds the title for being the most annoying ass in Prythian's history. They'll also be well-informed about your love for relentless teasing. I'll caution them to steer clear, as mommy doesn't want them influenced by your habit of being an annoying provocateur,” you flashed him a fake smile before tugging the sheets from his hands.
His laughter resonated through the room as he threw his head back, closing the distance with a confident step. Looking you up and down, he met you face to face, his eyes filled with mirth and a touch of affection.
“Let's pray to the Mother that they don't inherit your bratty behavior,” he teased, flicking your nose, enjoying your reaction.
“And yes, before you can come up with some crude insult, you're without a doubt the most pouty, bratty, headstrong person I've ever encountered.” His smile held a mix of playfulness and genuine fondness.
“I should feel insulted, but strangely, I don't,” you admitted with a smile. Playfully ushering him back to his side of the bed, you continued fixing the sheets, ready to settle in for the night.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
Lying awake, Rhys's words echoed in your mind. The thought of having children together stirred a mix of excitement and doubt. The responsibilities of being the high lord and high lady of the Night Court loomed large, and the question of balancing it with parenthood lingered. Despite the uncertainties, a deep yearning surfaced – a want to put more focus on kids and maybe ease of the work load.
Unable to sleep, you chose to scoot closer to your mate as you put your head on his pillow, running your hand through his hair and finding comfort in the rhythm of his shallow breathing.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
The bell chimed as you entered Madja's clinic, finding it empty. You weren't supposed to be there; you had told Rhys you weren't feeling well to avoid going to the Hewn City with him. He grew concerned and insisted on staying, but after some persuasion, he reluctantly left. Now, you had the perfect opportunity to visit the healer in secret.
“Hello? Madja, are you here?”Your voice echoed in the empty clinic. After a long pause, you turned to leave, but just as you did, Madja opened a door, wearing gloves and a mask, looking confused.
“Y/n? What are you doing here? Are you okay? Does anything hurt?” You all loved Madja deeply as she was like a second mother to everyone. She expressed concern, worry evident in her eyes. You reassured her, mentioning that nothing was wrong. She nodded, explaining she had a patient and would be done in a few minutes. Madja suggested making yourself some tea and taking a seat while you waited.
After a while, Madja finished with her patient and led you into her office. She took her place behind the big table, and you sat in front of her, ready for whatever conversation lay ahead.
“What can I help you with today?”
Taking a deep breath, you opened up about your desires. “I wish to get pregnant, and I wanted to know if there's anything to know beforehand. My grandmother was Illyrian, so I think I could carry the babe, but is there any more information I should know about?”
Your words hung in the air, waiting for Madja's guidance.
A warm smile graced Madja's face as she took your hand.
“Congratulations, I'm so happy for you. Fae pregnancies are rare, and it might take a few years of trying before you see any results. Don't get discouraged; it's normal, and it generally takes a few decades for couples to be blessed with a babe. But let me check your bones to see if you're ideal for pregnancy.” Madja's hands emitted a golden glow as she held yours, assuring you that your bones were indeed a match and that you would be able to carry your and Rhysand's children.
You thanked her with a hug and stood up, ready to leave to tell Rhysand that you were ready. But you were still nervous about how long it would take. Decades seemed like a long time and you just hoped you wouldn’t get disappointed in yourself.
Madja seemed to sense your sprialing thoughts and directed you to the medicine room. She handed you a packet of some sort or herb or leaf. You looked at her with confusion asking her what this was.
Madja explained, “It's a special tea made to boost ovulation. Both of you should drink it before trying, but I have to warn you, it does have side effects. The tea activates a primal need, making you both feel like the first day of the mating bond. There will be possession and jealousy, and a strong chance of fighting unwanted guests. Some patients of mine have almost killed someone because their mates were looked at too long. Males typically get very possessive during conception so don’t be surprised if he snaps at someone who’s too close. So, again, only do this when you're alone.”
The gravity of her words settled in as she outlined the potential intensity of the tea. You nod thanking her again before winnowing back to the house.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
Rhysand was pissed off and tired as fuck. The entire night was a mess, thanks to the annoying council. He toyed with the idea of going back and killing them all but thought checking on you might be a better move. Exhaustion weighed heavy on him, and irritation etched deep lines on his face.
Rhysand walked into the house, absentmindedly unbuttoning his shirt until he halted in his tracks as he passed the kitchen. Something caught his attention, and he turned, curious about what was happening.
Rhysand was taken aback by what he saw. There you were, clad in tank top and shorts, preparing food in the middle of the night. He thought you were seriously unwell, given that you couldn't get out of bed earlier. Worried, he approached,
“Love, what are you doing up? Please, let me take you back to bed. I'll finish it up and bring it to you, okay?”
You warmly smiled at his concern but shook your head. “I'm fine, baby. I'm not sick. I'll explain everything. Just sit down at the table, and I'll be there in a minute.”
He raised his brow and you with amusement,
“So, you just didn’t want to go to the meeting? You should have told me; we could have skipped together. They were driving me crazy today. Kier wanted a higher position, Lord Orlon wanted more money, and everyone just wanted more and more and more.” His frustration with the incessant demands from the council echoed in his words.
You couldn’t help feeling guilty at the weariness in his eyes, you pouted and stepped closer, standing between his legs. Gently, you brought his head to your chest, cradling and kissing it. His arms wrapped around your middle immediately as you cooed comforting words, offering solace in the warmth of your embrace while stroking his hair gently.
“Aww, I'm so sorry, honey. I promise I'll never let you go alone. What can I do to cheer you up?”
He raised his head, mischief in his eyes, and his hands roamed up your tank top, grazing your waist and the sides of your boobs.
“I can think of something that'll earn you my forgiveness.” His playful tone sparked heat in you and you almost lost focus as you entertained the thought of Rhys’s offer. But you shook your head and smirked at him.
“Did you forget I had something to tell you? You’re quite insatiable, you know?”
He slumped his head on your chest, planting a kiss on the covered area as he warmly chuckled. Drawing you closer, he settled you in his lap, your arms wrapping around his shoulders. Rhys gazed up at you with enchanting deep violet eyes, their subtle twinkle a sight you adored.
Inhaling deeply, you contemplated ripping off the bandaid. It should be fine, right? He's always discussed future children, their names, rules for them, etc. Yet, despite everything, a touch of nerves crept in.
Rhys, sensing your hesitation, securely gripped your waist, assuring you that you could share anything with him.
“Rhys, sweetheart, I'm ready to officially try for children. Are you on board? I know you've talked about wanting kids, but is it still something you still want-”
Rhysand embraced you tenderly, tears of joy gliding down his cheeks. He buried his tear-streaked face in the warmth of your neck, softly murmuring his heartfelt thanks, each word carrying a sweetness only you could inspire.
His tears triggered an emotional response in you, prompting happy tears to well up as you smiled tenderly at him.
“It would be my highest honor to have children with you, my love.”
Rhys kissed you, chuckling, drawing you closer and peppering tiny kisses all over your face, eliciting joyful laughter from you.
“While you were away, I chatted with Madja, and she shared some tips about conceiving. She mentioned it might take a bit, so she's advising not to worry if it doesn't happen right away. She even gave me this special tea that's supposed to boost ovulation and help speed up the process. What do you say we give it a shot tomorrow or tonight?”
Rhys grinned mischievously, “Well, it's a bit surprising I haven’t already gotten you pregnant, but I guess Madja's tea might just be the secret ingredient we need.”
“I agree, Mr. Cocky, your charms might need a backup plan.” Your smile wavered as he got closer to your neck, and it completely faltered when he gently blew air on your neck before giving a playful bite.
You trembled, grabbing rhys’s shoulders to steady yourself as he kept nipping lower and lower. He palmed your tits through your thin tank, pulling and pinching on your nipples, marvelling at your scrunched up face of pleasure.
His finger moved to trail down the arch of your back while he unwrapped your legs from around his waist.
“Let's free you from these,” he murmured, gently hooking your shorts by the elastic and sliding them down to your thighs. Granting you a brief moment, he allowed you space to stand and shimmy them down to your feet, casting them aside with a tender ease.
Your confirmation to having kids flipped a switch in his brain. Numerous times had you stopped by nurseries to admire the cute babies, helped lost children find their mothers in the town square, babysat for your friends that had kids. Rhysand’s mind was filled with you carrying your child on your hip, you and him sitting down teaching them everything they needed to learn.
The mere thought of getting you full of his children, your heirs and the fact that you would carry your children, made him impossibly hard. You belonged to him, and soon, the world would see the evidence in your growing belly. It was his way of making sure everyone knew he had claimed you for good, in the most intimate and lasting manner possible.
Rhysand gazed up at you, his eyes veiled by thick lashes, filled with a darkened desire. His pupils dilated, larger than you'd ever seen, revealing the intensity of the lust that consumed him.
“I’m going to get you nice and knocked up by the end of the month, fuck what Madja said. I’m putting a baby in you soon enough, don’t worry about a thing. Just lay down and let me work on it, what do you say, sweetheart?”
His raspy, desperate voice sent cold shivers down your spine and arm. You mindlessly nod, begging for him to start.
“ Please, baby… make me a mother…” you ask so sweetly and nicely, rhys could never say no to you.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
Throughout that night, the following morning, and the entire subsequent day, Rhysand kept you awake, leaving little room for sleep. In the span of those days, you only paused for food, as he fucked you to the edge of insanity. Perhaps you should have considered that you'd chosen the most powerful man in history as your baby daddy— of course he’d have no trouble fulfilling his task with relentless success.
Rhys's eyes had darkened with a singular focus – getting you pregnant. He worshipped your body, treating you like a deity with every touch, as if you were the subject of his devoted prayers.
He had stopped for maybe half an hour to research the most ideal positions for baby making and had put you in them atleast twice, much to your exhaustion and pleasure.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
Reluctantly, you both knew you couldn't remain secluded from your responsibilities forever. The rulers of the court could only be inaccessible for a limited time, forcing you to eventually confront the outside world.
“Baby, we need to go soon, remember?” You found yourself trapped between his sturdy arms, lying beneath him on the soft bed with your legs wrapped around his middle. His kisses on your neck and grew more intense, leaving behind a trail of increasingly visible bruises.
Expressing disapproval with a sound, he playfully nipped at a sensitive spot on your neck, eliciting a mix of laughter and a gasp from you simultaneously.
Rhysand absolutely hated the idea of leaving the haven of warmth and love you two had created. He cherished the solitude you shared, not wanting to face the world's challenges.
All he wanted was to stay wrapped up in the tender embrace of his mate, savoring the moments of closeness and hoping for a future filled with just the two of you.
“Darling, I'd ditch the whole Night Court for a bit more of your love. The outside world's a drag compared to your warmth. What do you say we skip the ruling and responsabilities and keep our own little haven, just the two of us?”
Summoning the will to decline felt nearly impossible; you genuinely, sooo badly, really didn't want to leave the room until everything was done. Explaining your perspective to him, you made a deal that if you both tackled just dinner first, you'd be all his afterward. With reluctance, he got up, the two of you quickly freshened up, taking a hot shower and got dressed for dinner with your friends.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
Making your way to the dining room, you were met by Cassian with a teasing grin,
“Well, well, well. Look who decided to rejoin the land of the living. I was starting to think you'd built a permanent nest in there. Ready for the real world or still basking in the afterglow?”
Catching a glimpse of Rhysand's impassive expression, it was clear he was beyond unamused as his eyes zeroed in on Cassian. You knew him well enough to sense that Cassian's continued teasing might push him to snap, especially considering his reluctance to be outside with the others now that he was trying to put a baby on you.
“Cass, I wouldn’t. Let's just enjoy the meal,” you said, clapping your hands with an exaggerated smile. Taking Rhysand by the hand, you guided him to the table, hoping to diffuse any tension and shift the focus to the meal.
You stuck to him like glue, even following him when he stood to get another bottle of wine. Sitting on another chair was out of the question. Instead, you made yourself comfortable in his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. You purred at his warmth and safety, wondering why the hell you even accepted this dinner in the first place. You'd much rather stay under warm covers in your bed with him by your side.
In these past few days, Rhysand had become remarkably possessive aswell. Normally unfazed by casual gestures from friends like hugs or pats on the shoulder, he surprised himself. When you and Azriel reached for the salt at the same time, Rhysand instinctively pulled you back, narrowing his eyes at Az as if marking his territory.
Azriel, ever perceptive, observed the tension, smiled to himself and wisely chose not to escalate the situation. He sensed a new energy surrounding you both, noticing how much you clung to each other. He nodded toward the salt, indicating you should take it first, showing he had the sense not to get in the middle of whatever was transpiring between you and Rhysand. It was something Cassian would usually dive headfirst into. The guy had a knack for finding trouble, and Azriel clearly wanted no part in it.
The dinner proceeded with everyone staying clear from you and Rhys. Usually, you'd playfully scold him for being overly possessive, telling him to ease up on the overbearing bat act. However, you relished in his attention and protective demeanor. Madja had told you this would happen but you didn’t realize it would apply to your family.
Right, Madja. You had almost forgotten about the tea she'd given you, the one to speed up the pregnancy process. With your friends leaving after dinner, whether they wanted to or not, it seemed like the perfect time to test it out.
Gazing at Rhysand beside you, you communicated your thoughts silently, begging him to try the tea out with you and then going back to your previous activities. He nodded in understanding. Sitting up straight, he glanced at everyone.
“I need all of you leave, right now,” he stated calmly, sipping his drink with the usual nonchalance.
Everyone paused mid-chew, glancing at Rhysand with confusion. Azriel swiftly vanished into his shadows, and Amren departed without so much as a goodbye. Mor and Cassian remained, bewildered, as they questioned the sudden disruption.
“What? Why? I'm not even done eating,” Mor protested.
Rhysand narrowed his eyes, flicking his hand and cleared the table.
"There. I moved everything to your own table in your apartment. Now, get out," he gritted, and they hurriedly made their exit, with Cassian managing a loud laugh before leaving.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
The kettle's whistle grew louder as you were lost in Rhysand's lips. Seated on the table, his arms on either side of you, the moment was pure delight, your hands traveling his body as you toyed with the waistband of his pants. The whistle became unbearable, forcing you to reluctantly break the kiss as you sighed and made your way to brew the tea. The leaves, red and golden, intensified in color as you poured the boiling water in.
“Darling, that looks deceptively inviting. Like it would lure us in with its pretty colors and then make our hearts stop,” he joked, joining you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, playfully holding you in a mock chokehold.
“Huh, deceptively inviting... sounds a lot like someone I know,” you teased, lazily kissing the strong forearm wrapped around your throat. His laughter resonated, his chest rumbling, and you felt the vibrations, savoring the moment.
He kissed your temple before letting you go, guiding you back to the table to drink the tea. Both of you nodded in agreement before simultaneously downing the concoction. The taste left you both with a disgusted expression as you placed the empty cups back on the table.
“That tastes like shit. Did Madja say what it was made of?”
You scrunched your face at the aftertaste before replying,
“I find it best not to ask her anymore. Remember the time she had us all eating that soup with fermented fish guts as a cure for that winter fever?”
You shudder at the memory of everyone lying in the hospital, with Madja taking care of the lot of you. It dawned on you that she was feeding you stuff that would've made you even sicker if you found out then. The taste of the mysterious tea was the least of your worries compared to Madja's unconventional remedies.
Rhysand shook his head at the unpleasant memory,
“You’re right. I’d rather not know.”
You giggled at his words, before standing up and putting the cups in the sink. Turning around, you looked at Rhysand with a tilted head, wondering if he was feeling anything because you certainly weren’t.
“Rhysie, are you feeling anything? I’m not sure if it’s taking extra long for the tea to activate or something but I’m not feeling anything yet.”
Rhysand raised an eyebrow, pondering your words for a moment.
“Honestly, I don’t feel any different either. Maybe it's just a placebo effect or Madja's way of amusing herself with our reactions. Either way, we'll survive it.”
You nodded at his words, yes that made sense.
“Okay, let’s go to my office and catch up on some reports while we wait for the effects to kick in.”
You both headed to your office, the boring tasks providing a welcome distraction while the mysterious tea's potential effects lingered in the background. As you delved into work, the anticipation of what might unfold kept a subtle excitement in the air.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
An hour in Rhysand was starting to feel uncomfortable. His forehead and neck was starting to feel warm and he mindlessly unbuttoned the first buttons of his shirt for some extra cooling.
You on the other hand still felt nothing, if anything, you started feeling very sleepy, eyelids heavy as you tried blinking back the tiredness that washed over you.
“I’m feeling really tired, rhys. Can you take me upstairs?” your voice was low and laced with sleep, complete opposite of your mate.
Not being able to find his voice, he stood up from the chaise, his movements more desperate, and walked over to you before bending down and picking you up.
Something that should've been a mundane task.
However, this time he couldn’t help but notice the difference in size, how easy he could pick you up in his arms, how your boobs moved under your shirt, the way the curve of your ass pressed against him with every move, the softness of your skin and the intoxicatingly sweet smell of you. A low, suppressed growl vibrated through him as he tightened his hold, relishing the warmth and unmistakable presence of his mate.
A possessive and obsessive surge overwhelmed him as he held you, an intoxicating certainty that you belonged to him, and he had earned every inch of your love and affection.
Rhysand was utterly obsessed with you, he showed in the way he was watching you like a hawk while he put you down on the soft bed, tucking you under a blanket.
Rhys knelt by the bed, his gaze fixed on your sleeping form. His pupils dilated so much, transforming the familiar violet of his eyes into a dark, almost black shade. His face and chest had taken on a dark shade of blush, as blood rushed to his cock at the sight of your peaceful form.
He couldn’t look away when you turned around, blanket having rolled up, showing him the lenght of your legs, so smooth and soft, Normally, the sight wouldn’t have made him behave like some sort of teenager seeing a girls tits for the first time and it made him feel like a disgusting pervert. Here his mate laid, unaware that he was lusting over something as juvenile as her leg.
Deep down, he didn’t really care. Rhysand felt like he was on top of the world.
Waves of pleasure surged through him, heightening his senses and intensifying every touch and sensation, the feeling of the sheets against his palms sent electric waves through his body. The world around him seemed to shimmer with and a blissful euphoria enveloped him, creating an intoxicating sensation that left him utterly captivated.
You stirred, sensing Rhys kneeling by the bed. As you opened your eyes, you were met with the sight of him, his gaze locked on your sleeping form. His eyes, once a familiar violet, now darkened to a deep, almost black hue.
The effects of the tea finally kicked in, and your body responded with waves of pleasure. Your heartbeat quickened, the world around you blurring into a hazy backdrop as you fixated on the rhythmic sound of Rhysand's heavy breaths. A searing warmth pooled in the lower part of your stomach, almost like molten lava, urging you to clench your legs, all while a whimper threatened to escape your lips.
Feeling overwhelmed, you sought relief in the bathroom, flinging off the blanket and splashing cold water on your face and chest. Bracing yourself on the sink, you took a few deep breaths before returning to your room. As you opened the door, eyes lowered, you collided with something soft yet firm. Looking up, you found Rhysand, gazing at you with a tilted head, as if studying you like a puzzle.
“Oh, hi baby, didn’t see-”
Before you could finish the sentence, he pounced on you, grabbing the back of your head as he crushed your lips against his. Your eyes widened in surprise, hands instinctively grabbing his biceps to steady yourself.
His other hand wrapped around your waist, forcefully pulling your body towards him, leaving no room for any space. As his front pressed against yours, you felt his hard erection poking at your stomach.
A desperate need for more coursed through your veins like a wildfire, the tea intensifying every sensation. Your nipples tightened, craving his touch with an almost primal hunger. In his arms, you practically melted at his animalistic touch.
It all felt so fucking good, you thought you’d come just by kissing him. You moaned loudly when he started licking and kissing your neck, gently biting your earlobe before going back to giving you hickies.
Tears formed in your eyes as you brought a hand down your panties, hoping to relieve yourself before it got too much, however frustration filled you as your efforts were wasted. No matter how much you rutted against your fingers, it wasn’t enough. If only made you more needy and frustrated.
“no, t’s not working, please mate, please touch me. need you so badly”
Your tears eventually fell as you whined, face covered in salty tears as you begged your man for more, more of him, more of anything.
The desperation in your voice prompted Rhysand to pick you up and drag you to bed, gently pushing you into it. He swiftly undressed before pulling you towards the edge of the bed by your ankles, ripping of whatever clothes you had on. An animalistic move if anything but it made you even more wet.
“We’re not fucking leaving until I get you pregnant. I need you nice and round, filled with my cum, do you understand?“
His words were gritted, as if he was holding himself back, restrained by an invisible force.
You nodded, desperate for him.
“Please, let me make you a daddy.”
With a low rumbling growl he throws your legs over his shoulders and ruts into you so hard, the entire bed starts shaking. He bullies his big cock in you as you squirm, trying to initially get away as if you’ve never been fucked by him before. Rhys doesn’t slow down because he knows you can take it, he knows that you’re his equal, made for him as he is for you. And when you beg him to go harder he only smiles wickedly, satisfied that he knows you inside and out.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
You don’t remember know how many times he has finished in you.
You're crying uncontrollably and struggling to breathe. Rhysand gives you a gentle smile and plants a kiss on your swollen lips. His cock throbs at that fucked out expression in your eyes, and he has to look away to avoid blowing his load too soon. His mouth tucks itself into the curve of your neck. Your skin slapping continues as those quick thrusts fill the room.
If he didn’t have his hands around your legs to keep them up, they’d have fallen down ages ago. Your whole body feels loose and sloppy, a stupid, fucked out smile on your face as your teary eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Shhh, baby it’s okay. Let me fill you up again. I promise it will feel so, so good.”
You nod absentmindedly as you both come for the umpteenth time.
He was paying close attention to how your hole tightened around him, his sloppy thrusts making the white ring around the base of his dick drip with even more cum.
“You’re so fucking good to me, baby. Gonna look so pretty with your belly all round with my babies.”
His head was thrown back, eyebrows scrunched and jaw slightly dropped as he slowly thrusted in and out, milking the high before he pulled out and slumped forward, making you whine at the feeling. His sweaty body rested on top of yours, and his head lay on your rising and falling chest. His hair was damp, and with a shaking hand, you ran your fingers through it.
“I’ll clean you up in a second, darling.” Just as he was getting up you wrapped your legs around his waist. He scooped you up, arm around your ass as he brought you to the shower to clean you up. Rhys didn't put you down, knowing you might fall, so he washed you while you clung to him.
After the much needed shower, he wrapped you both in a huge fluffy towel and magically changed the sheets as he brushed you hair and put you in one of his shirts.
“Yes, love?”
“That shower was a mighty waste. I think I need you to fuck me one more time, please?”
His eyebrows rose at your words. Never did he think you’d say anything like that. His initial shock was replaced by a proud laugh.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.”
And he did.
He gave you two more orgasms, and just as he was ready to pull out after dumping his load, you wrapped your legs around him and begged him not to pull out.
Rhys gave you a soft kiss and pulled you closer as you finally slept, exhaustion pulling you into a deep slumber.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
There wasn't much surprise when he successfully put not just one but two babies in you, twins.
Rhysand's male pride was on overdrive. Twins were really rare, and the fact that he managed to knock you up with them in less than a month was almost cause for a celebration. Well, he would throw a party if he didn't grow so damn protective.
If you thought Rhysand was protective when trying for a child, then this Rhysand was on another level. He actually gritted his teeth at Madja after she put her cold fingers on your body, making you hiss.
Let’s not even discuss when your belly started showing…
The moment he learned of your pregnancy, Rhys acted swiftly, weaving layers of intricate shields around you. It wasn't merely about your safety; it was a manifestation of his deep obsession. The shields were a fortress protecting not only you but also the sweet new scent you emitted, a fragrance that had sparked an intense possessiveness within him.
Rhys had become utterly obsessed with that unique scent, ready to unleash his fury upon anyone who dared to get too close and catch even the faintest whiff of something that was sacredly reserved for him alone.
During the announcement for your friends, the presence of Rhysand by your side, standing assertively close, made them wary of getting close to you. As you both stood together, your radiant happiness contrasted against his dark, protective demeanor.
You were a bit bummed, wondering why no one wanted to hug you or atleast shake your hand, then you took one glance at him and let out a sigh as you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, please. They’re not going to eat me alive, baby. It’s fine I promise.”
You embraced Mor and Cassian warmly, reciprocating their hugs, though they avoided prolonged eye contact with Rhys. Azriel's shoulder clap and rare smile conveyed a similar sentiment to a hug, and Amren, nodding, raised her glass in approval, a subtle twitch of her lips indicating her satisfaction.
You skipped back to Rhysand and gave him a kiss, calming him down as he gave you an appreciative smile.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
Pregnancy had made you both extra needy. Rhys got hard everytime he thought about the fact that you were actually carrying his babies, and you got turned on because he was walking sex.
He built a new nursery from scratch, adding an entire new wing to the river estate. Initially, you doubted it would be finished in nine months, but you quickly learned not to doubt him – he always kept his word. Lo and behold, a whole new section of the house emerged, ready for the babies and any future additions to your growing family in only 3 months. His dedication spoke volumes about his commitment to you and the little ones on the way.
He channeled his inner builder during this project, and it never failed to amaze you how desperate he made you feel. Walking around the house wearing nothing but a work belt, sweaty from new constructions, he was a vision of strength and capability. Often, you stood from afar, watching him skillfully build things, savoring the sight before the need to get fucked took over.
Your lips were bitten in silent admiration as he stood there in nothing but linen pants, hanging dangerously low on his hips while building the crib. He looked absolutely delicious , and the appreciation for his craftsmanship would be handsomely rewarded by you.
“Are you going to stare at me all day, beautiful? Come inside, I won’t bite unless you ask me to.”
A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he stood up, sauntering toward you with a grin. His hand extended playfully, a silent invitation to join him.
Deciding to tease him back, because let's be real, you need him bad right now, you chuckle and let the playful banter unfold.
“And what if I do want you to bite? What if I ask you to get us back to our room and fuck me? Would you do it?”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, attempting to portray someone innocently asking a casual question.
“Have I ever said no to you in my life, darling?” he teased, his smile darkening, before winking and leading the way back to your room.
Rhys had vanished your clothes, leaving you bare as he worshipped you. His teasing words and soft caresses brought you closer and closer to the edge.
“You're going to be the best mother ever, such a good mommy for my babes. Nurturing and caring for them. No one is better than you, my love. No one loves as purely as you, fuck,” he whispered urgently, his neediness and desire lacing every word.
His whiny, rasping words were the finishing touch you needed before coming all over his creamy cock with a cry.
Yet again, he took care of you, cleaning you up as he always did. Your mate, ever the loving and caring male, ensuring your well-being with a tenderness that spoke volumes about his deep affection for you.
꩜ ꩜ ꩜
The arrival of your twins turned into a joyous celebration, filling Velaris with happiness over the birth of the new princess and prince. Your friends, throughout your journey, provided unwavering support, guiding you through the hardships and challenges of being new parents.
Now, a new chapter of your life had opened, one you couldn't wait to share with your one true love, marking the beautiful beginning of your happily ever after.
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🏷️ taglist: @callmeblaire @acourtofladydeath
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elsa-fogen · 11 days
So. On the topic of Alastor headcannons. What's your opinion on these radio themed ones:
Alastor has an internal radio. Like the concept of having songs play through your head, but more literal. He can tune to stations as if he was a radio himself. And if he really wants to, he can connect himself to other radios in his immediate vicinity and play that music though them instead.
His antlers help his radio powers. So when they get damaged (in battle, sheds them, whatever reason you wanna put here) his internal radio goes bazerk. Think; flipping stations randomly, connecting to other radios when he doesn't want it to, playing loud static at random. All the chaos.
He can hear through other radios. He once had to listen to Vox playing Barbie Girl through a TV right next to a radio in Vox's studio, for a week straight. Surely enough; Barbie Girl is now banned from all radio stations in hell.
What do you think? I got more like these if you like them. Give me a generic topic and I can probably list several under that category.
Yes, but he also can turn it on and off when he needs
Never thought about it, but it's funny (don't think i'm going to use it anywhere but who knows, maybe i'll make some funzies with that)
Pretty much used it in one my comic slihdsdkjfh +headcanon that Vox taught him that, he also can control when and which radio he wants to listen (or his head would be a horrible mess) ut i like headcanon that he has some songs banned on the radio lol
speaking of other radiostations, i actually made an instruction on How To get Your Own Radio Station In Hell, let me just find it real quick... i wanted to share it long ago, but couldn't find a moment
Imagine you're a normal sinner in hell, who suddenly wants to become radio host for one small station. and it's possible! and you won't even die, and get some benefits, if succeed. So, it's kinda hard, but doable
1. You need to write a letter asking for a permission to have your own station to The Radio Demon himself. a) letter should be handwritten, and your handwriting must be at least readable. Or you can use typewriter, if you find one. DO NOT write it on a computer and then print, you'll probably won't be able to get your station in following 50 years b) You should send your letter via post. DO NOT try to meet Radio Demon in person, you'll just lose time, or even if you get lucky, he won't take your letter. b*) Now you can just come to Hazbin Hotel and give your letter to Charlie Morningstar and ask her to give it to Radio Demon. Don't worry, she won't read it. b**) You should leave your contacts, that's obligatory if you want to get an answer - that means you have to have a place to live. c) Do not try to e-mail him, he doesn't even have a phone or computer to receive it. If someone gives you 100% totally real Radio Demon's e-mail - don't trust them, its fake 2. You'll get answer from the Radio Demon in 1-2 weeks, he'll send you set of papers which you have to fill out. You'll probably have to do it 3-4 times so don't worry, he's just testing your dedication. In these papers you give general info about your future radio station - the name, schedule, what activities you'll gonna have and what kinds of music wanna play. Include some jazz, especially if you mostly want to have modern music. You'll also have to tell a bit about yourself. You absolutely should not be connected to voxtech in any way. 2.b) he may simply dislike your ass and become a real bureaucratic monster. Keep trying - you can impress him with you dedication and he may like you in the end 3. When you got your application approved, you'll have to sign a contract, that gives you right to broadcast on a certain radio frequency. According to the contract - your radio station belongs to the Radio Demon, you'll just getting it in unlimited use, until the contract terminated. You DO NOT sell your soul to the Radio Demon. He can broadcast over you any time he needs and you can't do anything about it. He can also ask you to change something in your broadcast schedule, ask to replace of cancel any of your programs, ban music and so on. (Tho, he probably won't do anything of it). But since your radio station is his property, you're as well under his protection while you on your station, so if someone attacks you and you're unable to protect yourself and your station, you'll have a way to contact him and ask for help. You'll have a specific channel for it and list of morse codes for emergencies. You should not use this channel for anything else, or you'll lose your station. 4. After all paperwork is done and approved, you have to get equipment for your station. DO NOT use ANYTHING voxtech related, and you absolutely cannot have TV on your station. 5. After you got all the equipment, invite the Radio Demon to your station. He'll set everything up for you and give you list of emergency codes. Do not try to interrupt his infodumps even if you lost track of it and can't understand shit, it's better if you show enthusiasm. 6. And done! Now you are happy small radio host! The Radio Demon may show up on your station sometimes to check how everything's going, but don't worry about it, he won't be bother you too often after few weeks.
P. S. You are NOT friends with the Radio Demon, even if he acts friendly and calls you "dear" - that's just his normal, not-threatenning behavior P. P. S. Don't be too personal, don't dump on him your problems if they aren't related to the station when he comes to you. Just make him some coffee, talk about weather and tell that everything works just fine P. P. P. S. ABSOLUTELY! DO NOT! TRY TO HUG HIM! He'll just laugh at you, and if you somehow succeed he'll make everything to make you regret every action in your life and afterlife that led you to this moment (and it doesn't necessarily means he will torture you physically, once he run into masacistic freak that got a boner when was tortured) P. P. P. P. S. If you caught feelings for him - suffer in silence and NEVER try to confess. You'll lose your station immediately and will never get it back.
All these instructions are totally written by Rosie who heared so many complaints from Alastor about how people want to become a radio host but can't do it properly
And Alastor is probably making them experience what he went through to become a radio host in life
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seeingivy · 11 months
satoru gojo x f!reader 
**part of my debut concert event 
**part one of this fic here icymi (read before or its kinda confusing)
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
content: satoru and your parents are annoying, like in the last part, readers mom just says a bunch of mean shit (including comments on body image, etc), gojo being defensive of his wife but also corny asf, babies megumi + tsumiki having lil nightmares and wanting to sleep w their parents 
an: KING OF MY HEART IS ONE OF MY FAV FICS EVER. so glad the pookie who requested this asked for it bc I was so excited writing it. also corny lil enchanted lyrics are at the end. mister satoru gojo is enchanted to meet you and ur lil babies megumi and tsumiki just love you
“Dr. L/N?” 
You look up from the computer, breaking away from your sheer focus of charting all the patients you just saw in the past hour (nine patients - which sounds mediocre, but in actuality is insanity on earth). 
Because when they’re sick, their parents ask a lot of questions. Which you understand and always honor - but that means you’re always running on a back log, running from one room to the next with no breaks in between. Satoru thinks that you’ll collapse on the floor one day while doing it. And you tell him that he’s praying on your downfall. 
“Yes, Sarah? What’s up?” 
“Your husband’s here to have lunch with you.” 
“Ah. I still haven’t caught up on my charting and I really need to-” 
You feel a hand on your shoulder, your senior advisor, Dr. Aoki, giving you a warm smile. She’s almost thirty years your senior - soft wrinkles and grey patches spread throughout her hair. 
And she really, really loves Satoru. Which you know because she doesn’t shut up about him, always going on about how sweet he is. 
“Go. Have lunch with your husband. I’ll finish off for you.” 
“Ah. Dr. Aoki, I can’t let you. Plus, you don’t even know-” 
“You take detailed notes. And I’m old, but I’m sure I can figure it out. Now go eat lunch with your sweet husband before I do it for you.” 
You smile, giving her hand a squeeze, before dragging your feet to the breakroom - suddenly hyperaware of the tension in the back of your knees, your shoulders, and the back of your eyes. Satoru’s waiting for you at the center table - two glass bento boxes and two iced coffee’s sitting on the table. 
He’s scrolling aimlessly on his phone and you’re more than positive that he’s playing Cut the Rope. A game Megumi begged him to download, but now he plays more than Megumi. Which just pisses Megumi off, because Satoru plays so far ahead in the game that Megumi can’t even remember which level it was he stopped at. 
You look down at the cup of iced coffee, Satoru’s handwriting inscribed on the side. 
pookie <;3 
Bastard. He knows you hate it when you call him that.
Satoru looks up and smacks his phone down at the table as you take his side, placing your head flat against the clear, white table. Satoru immediately directs his hand to the back of your hair, his fingers soothing into the tense muscles in the back of your neck. 
“Hello my little workaholic.” 
“Good afternoon my little pain in the ass.” 
He laughs, lifting your head up as he opens up the boxes, sliding forward the food he made and sticking the fork in your hand. You look down at the line up - egg fried rice and a wild assortments of fruits and vegetables on the side. They’re all cut into sweet little shapes - the cucumbers in hearts, the strawberries in flowers. 
Right. You had tasked Satoru with making Megumi and Tsumiki’s lunches for one week when you were on the night call. When you had returned, all he did was scold you for making very boring lunches for Megumi and Tsumiki. 
Granted, you thought they weren’t half bad. You always made sure to give them a little treat - strawberry gummies for Tsumiki and sour candy for Megumi - and left sweet little notes in their lunch boxes, saying you were proud of them, that Megumi was going to do great on his presentation, and that Tsumiki looked pretty today. 
Satoru resolved the situation by heading to the store and buying the special little cutouts, shiny new metal tin boxes for Megumi and Tsumiki, and even glittery stationery to leave them both notes. 
Yeah and he never let you make their lunch again. He’d often drop by to the office to eat with you, since he knew that was the only time you would eat anything, and bring you by the third box he arranged with theirs in the morning. 
“Hard day, my love?” 
“Yeah, Satoru. And it’s not even over yet.” 
He places the fork in your hand again, instructing you to eat as you keep talking, tasking himself with mixing up the layers of the coffee he brought you. 
“What’s the point of working so hard? Didn’t you marry me for my money?” 
“Well, obviously but-”
“That’s so rude to admit. You should keep that type of stuff to yourself.” 
“Okay, Satoru. You married me as a cover for your girlfriend and-”
“Stop throwing that in my face! So you have one girlfriend and suddenly you’re the bad-” 
“It is when you’re married!” 
You both laugh, Satoru ruffling your hair, as he opens up the second box, sliding it towards you as you keep eating. 
“You don’t want, Toru?” 
“No. They’re both for you. You really do work too hard, Y/N.” 
“Well. Our parents could cut us off - we don’t exactly do everything they want. And I want to be self sufficient and be a good role model for-” 
“Tsumiki and Megumi. I know, my love. I’m just saying.” 
You lean into Satoru’s touch, placing your aching head against his shoulder as he leans over, pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead. You finish off your own box (and Satoru’s) and down your iced coffee (and half of Satoru’s, before he starts scolding you about healthy caffeine intakes). 
He gives you a sweet kiss goodbye, giving soft smiles to the rest of your coworkers, as you buckle in for the rest of your shift. 
“Look at what my mom texted me.” 
He untangles himself from his position - which is just using you as a third pillow - and peaks his head up, squinting his eyes at your phone in the dark. 
Your mom, heinous bitch she is, sent you a text reminding you about all the things you need to do for your dinner with the Gojo’s tomorrow. 
Wear a dress. Make sure it’s appropriate, but enough to keep a guy like Satoru interested. You don’t want your husband running off just because you’re boring him. 
Make sure to wear the wedding ring Satoru gave you, not the engagement. You’re going to look tacky otherwise. 
Fresh flowers, that haven’t bloomed yet. Don’t embarrass me by bringing flowers that’ll die in a day. 
And please don’t leave your hair fully down. It washes you out. 
Satoru glares at the camera, looking up at your face. He finds it hard to read you in situations like this. Because in all honesty, he knows that you hate your parents. But he doesn’t miss the way you act differently when it comes to them. 
Because when you’re mad at Satoru for not picking up Tsumiki on time or at Megumi for not telling you he had a project due tomorrow until nine pm, you get a reasonable amount of mad. Pink in the cheeks, a little bit of scolding, followed by fixing the problem and talking it out. 
But with them you, you don’t really talk about it. And he’s not sure if it’s because he’s not privy to the conversations that you have with them, but for some reason, he thinks there aren’t any. And that you just take it, when it’s them. 
Which he understands. Too well. That’s part of the reason he’s with you, in this bed right now. Cuddled up in your arms, pressing lazy kisses around your shoulder. 
Because his parents asked you to marry him. Because you told him you didn’t mind if he kept his own life outside of it, that you were just doing what you had to do. 
And now that he…loves you, parts of it all make him sad. That you’d take someone telling you what to do - telling you that you don’t look good with your hair down when you look good all the time and that you’re tacky or boring or- 
“Hey. Y/N.” 
“Hm, Satoru?” 
“You know I…love you right? For real?” 
“Yeah. You told me.” 
“But like, for real, okay? Not just because we’re…married or whatever. I actually really, really love you. You’re very pretty and you’re always so good with Megumi and Tsumiki and you’re so good at your job and-” 
You stop him in his tracks by cupping his face in his ands, quirking your head to the side. You lean down and peck at his lips, pressing your fingers into his dimples. 
“I love you too, Satoru but what’s this about?” 
He frowns, placing his head back in your lap as you start running your hands through his white locks of hair, soft to the touch. You can feel his cheeks are warm from his face lying against your bare legs and you can’t help but smile at the fact that he’s blushing. Even after one year of marriage (and eight months of real marriage), he’s still nervous around you. 
“I don’t know. Your mom’s just stupid. You’re not boring or tacky and you look very pretty with your hair down.” 
“Thank you, Toru. For getting so offended on my behalf. But I don’t care, let’s go to bed, yeah?” 
He nods, shuffling the sheets around you as he sprawls across the bed. One thing about Satoru, he has to touch you when he’s sleeping. 
Not in the…dirty way. It could be the coldest night of the year and he has his entire body weight on you, treating you like a stuffed animal he was sleeping with. Or it’s the hottest night of the year and he’s as far away as he can be from you - just placing his hand on your forearm or tangling one of his legs with yours. 
Touchy. Even when he’s asleep. 
After not even five minutes of sleep, you feel a tapping on your nose, your features crinkling up from the sensation. 
“Toru. Quit tickling me.” 
He murmurs back incoherently, tangling around in the sheets as a response. Right. Satoru also sleeps like the walking dead. And he can and will sleep anywhere and everywhere, almost instantly. It’s actually a talent. 
“Um. That wasn’t him.” 
You flutter your eyes open to find Megumi, standing awkwardly at your side. You immediately sit up, clicking on the light as Satoru starts groaning behind you, smacking his hand on the bed to get you to turn the light off. You look over at the clock and realize it’s well past three, meaning Megumi should have been asleep hours ago. 
“Megs. You okay?” 
“Uh, yeah. But Tsumiki, she’s like crying a lot. Usually, what I do works but she just won’t stop.” 
You shake Satoru at your side, his eyes finally fluttering open as he looks at you and Megumi in confusion. 
“Megumi-chan. You better be interrupting our sleep for something good.” 
“Satoru, stop it. Go get Tsumiki. Now. I think she’s crying.” 
Satoru immediately stands up, stalking out of the room as you turn back to Megumi, taking his tiny hands in yours. He looks like he usually does - blank expression on his face, avoiding eye contact, tiredness on his face. 
You wrap one of your hands around his cheek and squeeze, feeling his skin warm under your touch. 
“What do you think happened, Megs?” 
“She had a bad dream. Usually, we kind of just stay with each other till it stops. But, it didn’t really work.” 
“Have you had them while you were here? Or her?” 
“Yeah sometimes.” 
You can feel your heart clench in your chest and you immediately wrap Megumi in your arms, brushing your hands through his soft, black hair. You can still smell the shampoo in his hair from earlier, the fresh smell springing into your nose. They should be coming to you. Not each other. Megumi’s only five. And she’s just seven. 
“Megumi. You know you can come to us about that stuff. Both of you. And you should be because we know how to help you and-” 
You stop talking as Satoru walks into the room, craning your head to the side to survey the situation. Satoru’s carrying Tsumiki in his arms, something he doesn’t do very often, and you can hear her soft sniffles as he places her on the bed between you, rubbing circles into her back. 
You take the cup of water on the nightstand (that Satoru leaves out for you everyday so you can stay hydrated) and hand it to her, directing her to calm her breaths. She’s shaking so hard and her eyes are so pink that she can barely hold the glass, Satoru taking it from her hands and tilting her head up so she can drink it. 
You look over at Megumi, his eyes twitching as he looks at Tsumiki, and you direct him to sit on the bed next to you, right next to Tsumiki and in between you and Satoru. 
You never really know what to do in situations like this. And neither does Satoru. I mean hell, you’re only twenty-three and Satoru’s only twenty-four. And they haven’t been your kids for too long. 
Other parents, the ones who come into your practice, talk about how they know somethings wrong. They can feel it in their gut. Their parental instinct. But you don’t have any of that, especially not with Tsumiki and Megumi. 
And you know it’s not something you can learn and something that just comes from being their parents, but you sincerely wish it was. Because Tsumiki and Megumi deserve to have someone who can read them like that, who knows what’s wrong with them, and talks for them when they don’t know how. And-
Satoru opens up his arms, with Tsumiki crawls into his lap and curls herself up against his chest. She looks so small, barely covering his entire frame as she hiccups into his chest, pushing the back of her hand against his eyes. 
Satoru beckons Megumi to join her and he awkwardly crawls up, the two of them nestled in Satoru’s arms. Maybe you spoke too soon. Because it always seems like Satoru knows what he’s doing. 
“You too, goofy.” 
You roll your eyes as you scoot closer to them, laying your head against Satoru’s shoulders as you start running your hands through Tsumiki’s hair, rubbing soft circles into the small of her back like Satoru was earlier. 
“Hi Miki.” 
“H-hi Y/N.” 
“How you feeling, sweet girl?” 
You soften your hands in her hair, focusing on braiding the ends as you talk, the three of them hanging on to every word you say. 
“Miki, Megs. I know you’ve…been together for a long time. Before me and Satoru came around. And I’m sure you have your own ways of…being there for each other. But, you can let us be there for you too, you know?” 
You feel Tsumiki stiffen under your touch and you pull back, holding the braid in place on your head. 
“I don’t mean to let each other go. You’re siblings and that’s one of the most important relationships you can have. But just know, Satoru and I can be smart sometimes. Well, I can. I don’t really know about him.” 
Tsumiki and Megumi laugh, which stops Satoru’s protests all together. It’s working. And Satoru’s jealous of you, because as always, you know the right thing to say. To get them to smile again, tell you what’s wrong. And sure, you’ve always had that effect on Satoru but he loves that you can do it with them too. You’ve clearly got this parenting thing more figured out than him, he thinks. 
“But, we can help you too, you know? I’m a big girl. I can deal with whatever you give me.” 
Tsumiki turns to the side, crawling out of Satoru’s lap as she crawls into yours, squeezing herself in your arms. 
“Th-thanks, Y/N. But maybe not right now?” 
“Whenever you want, okay? Let’s just go to bed now, it’s late.” 
“Can I sleep with you, Y/N? And Satoru?” 
Satoru leans forward, squeezing Tsumiki’s hand in hers as he nods, opening up the covers for her. Megumi awkwardly looks between you and Satoru and you catch on fast, signaling for him to join you under the covers as well. The four of you are squished together, Tsumiki clinging on to you and Megumi clinging on to Satoru. 
They both fall asleep fast and you give a weary look to Satoru in the dark, which he returns with a smile. 
You hate leaving at a time like this. And you hate your parents and even Gojo’s parents for making you come to a stupid dinner like this. 
Your kids, that they don’t know about, need you. You had tried your best to make Tsumiki comfortable, making her a stack of warm, strawberry pancakes and letting her pick what you guys ate for lunch. 
And when you had to leave her with Nanami and Shoko to go see the Gojo’s, you swear you could feel your heart clench at the thought of leaving her. And Megumi. And of the two of them being uncomfortable without you there. 
You could tell from the look in Satoru’s eyes that he shared your sentiments, his gaze weary as he said goodbye, lingering by the door until you two really had to leave. And then you both made your trek to the Gojo Estate. 
And god do you hate it here. In all but ten minutes of dinner, your mother, assfucking clown she was, had already found ten different things to pick on. 
Your hair has split ends, you should cut it. 
You should slow down on the food. 
You could have worn a more flattering color. 
Every spiky comment she makes, Satoru squeezes his hand in yours under the table, grounding you in the moment. If it wasn’t for him and the soft looks he was giving you every few minutes, you’re sure you would have broken the centerpiece in the middle of the table by now. 
“Say, Y/N, Satoru.” 
You look up to find Mr. Gojo beaming at you, the smile not meeting his eyes. You can feel Satoru’s hand tense in yours under the table and you know it’s your turn to protect him from his dad. 
“Did you start trying for kids?” 
“What, Satoru? It’s an important question. You guys have been married for a year now and surely there’s no better time than now to start trying.” 
You can feel your mouth dry at the thought. Kids. Kids of your own. Like, a crying, pooping baby - half parts you and half parts Satoru. 
How in the world could they think you were ready for that? Because in all honesty, Satoru’s your husband in name but he feels like your boyfriend. 
You’ve been together for eight months. You haven’t gone on a vacation together or met his college best friend and you don’t know what his favorite smoothie flavor is or what the first car he drove was and they want you to start popping out kids? 
You and Satoru aren’t ready for kids. And really, you already have two kids. That need you right now. And you have all the time in the world to have more and you really, really just like things the way they are. For now, and-
“They’ll get working on it.” 
You feel your eyes boggle out of your head as you crane your neck to look at your mom, a self-assured smile placed on her face. She can’t really be serious, can she? 
“Oh, how sweet! A grandchild. Oh, I do hope it’s a boy. So we can pass on the Gojo name and all.” 
It’s Satoru’s turn to glare at his mother and you’re sure that he has the same bitter taste in his mouth as you. Sure, they were the reason you guys got married but they had no right to treat you guys like this. Like you were put together to make some offspring for them to fawn over. 
“Although, I wouldn’t mind a girl. Boys can be rowdy and insensitive.” says Mr. Gojo, a matter-of-fact tone in his words. 
“That’s not true. Boys can be sensitive too. You just have to raise them right.” you respond, muttering the words under your breath. 
Megumi’s sweet and sensitive. He always avoids stomping on flowers growing out of the cracks of the cement and he always writes cards for his teachers on holiday’s and always says please and thank you after every little thing you and Satoru do for him, even if it is under his breath. 
“Well, I hope it’s a boy. Girls come with attitude.” your dad responds, the implication in his tone clear. 
“No daughter of ours would take back-handed comments like that.” 
Because Tsumiki’s never done that. Because Satoru remembers the day someone tried to pick on her in her class and all she did was calmly respond. Stand her ground, surely but firmly. Something he’s sure that she learned from you. And to think someone could dismiss that off as attitude is so fucking-
You squeeze Satoru’s hand under the table, signaling him to stop. Because he’s being rude. Because he shouldn’t talk back to your father even if he’s wrong and-
“Satoru. Stop.” you whisper, awkwardly eyeing the four of them as he deflates. 
The four of you awkwardly sit in silence, the forks clicking against the plates. Satoru’s crushing your hand into oblivion under the table and you can see that he’s agitated from the way his shoulders are all scrunched up. And when his dad talks next, he really can’t hold it in anymore. 
“Satoru, son. All you have to do take her to bed one time to pass on the Gojo na-” 
Satoru smacks his fist against the table, the glassware making a loud noise against the surface. You look over to find Satoru smoldering, the way he often did when he was near his dad. 
“Don’t talk about my wife like that. She’s not some thing for you to use. You can try that shit on anyone else but you know damn well I’m not letting you do it to her.”
Mrs. Gojo’s features scrunch up in frustration, a pinched look on her face as she starts massaging the bridge of her nose. Satoru stands up, pulling you up with him as he stomps out, dragging you out with him. 
You two drive in silence the entire way home. Satoru’s still smoldering in his drivers seat, jaw tight against his skin as he clenches his fists on the steering wheel, knuckles going white. And you’re unsure of what you can say to him to ease it, make him feel better. 
He parks the car in the driveway, leaning his head against the seat to look up through the sunroof, the stars glittering in the sky above you. He makes no motions to get out of the car, the engine and lights still turned on despite the fact that you and Satoru were home. 
“Hm, Satoru?” 
“You-you okay?” 
“What? Yeah. Are you?” 
He doesn’t respond and instead loosens his tie, the fabric hanging from the sides of his collar. 
“I just…hate them. So much. Why would we rush having a child when we aren’t ready? And who are they to talk about you like that? Like all I keep you around for is to bear my children.” 
You’re not sure what to say so you snake your hand into his, leaning over the glove box to lean onto his shoulder. You can feel him deflate under you, leaning his head on top of yours as he presses his hand against your waist, his hands rubbing back and forth on the fabric. 
“Yeah, love?” 
“You feel like my boyfriend, right now. I know you’re my husband but…we’ve only been together for eight months. And I know it’s weird to say but…I’d like to have a kid with you someday just…not now.” 
His hand comes up, angling your face up so you’re looking at him, a big smile spread across his face. You can feel your cheeks burning from the admission and you clench your eyes shut to avoid seeing the teasing look on Satoru’s face. 
“Y/N. You’d want to have kids with me?” 
You nod and Satoru’s face splits into a big smile, his hands shaking in yours. 
“Well, yeah. It would be cute, when the time is right. Megumi and Tsumiki can have a little sibling and it’ll be like…a little us. 
“A little us?” 
“Your nose, my eyes, hopefully all of my looks and none of your annoyingness.” 
“You’re so sweet, Y/N. I don’t know how I ever lucked out with such a charming girl like you.” he responds, sarcasm dripping from his voice. You laugh in response, beaming at him as you talk on. 
“I love you, Satoru. And I’d love to have kids with you but we’re just…we already have two kids and I think they need us right now. They haven’t opened up yet and-” 
“I know, sweet. I agree. Trust me, I’d love nothing more than putting a baby in your right here, right now in this car but-” 
“Why are you so rude? Every word is like a bullet wound in my chest.” 
You lean over, pressing a kiss to his chest as you lean back and glare at him. He smiles at you, a sweet look on his face. 
“What was that for?” 
“You said bullet wound in your chest. I was just kissing your ego better.” 
He leans forward, cupping your face as he kisses you, hanging off the ends of your lips as he squeezes his face in your hands. He pulls apart, pressing kisses all over your face as he talks, his words making your cheeks burn. 
“You’re so-” 
“Damn cute.” 
“I hate you sometimes.” 
“When we have kids, I hope they’re all like you. Pretty eyes, soft hair, snarky attitude. She’ll be so easy to love, all goofy and idiotic like you.” 
“She, Satoru?” 
“Oh, she’s totally going to be a girl. My three girls. You, Tsumiki, and her.” 
“Sounds like you have it all planned out already?” 
“Well, I’m waiting. For when you’re ready and I’m ready and all that. But yeah. I’ve already seen how our entire life is going to play out. You and I are going to grow old together. Sick it to our parents. Have the type of love kids dream about. All that lovey-dovey stuff.” 
You and Satoru, hands pressed together, pad into the dark of the house, slowly climbing up the stairs. When you amble into your bed room, you can hear soft snores in your bed - Tsumiki and Megumi fast asleep under your sheets. There’s a tiny little sticky-note pressed to the light switch, which you and Satoru both squint at. 
They want to sleep with "their parents”. Their words, not ours. - Shoko 
You and Satoru quickly peel out of your clothes and climb under the sheets - Satoru leaning over to press a kiss to all three of your heads before fluttering his own eyes shut. 
And you hate to say it, because all in all the night wasn’t perfect, but you really, really don’t want to let it go. Every part of this night is…sparkling in your mind. Satoru defending you, telling you that he loves you, that he wants to have kids with you. You-
You count yourself lucky. That you don’t have to wonder if Satoru is in love with someone else or what he thinks about you or any other thing. 
Because you know the person he’s waiting on is you. 
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
taglist: @porridgesblog @platrom @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha​ @rebeccawinters 
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gingerdraw-blog · 5 months
I got silly with the prompt generator AGAIN
Ramon: I sleep with a gun under my pillow.
Y/N : I sleep with a knife.
Dolph: Both of you are pathetic.
Ramon: Oh yeah? What do you sleep with?
Dolph: Bullfrog
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle.
Dolph, with Bullfrog and Ramon behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?!
Police: Yes…three.
Ramon: Oh, my God— What the fuck!?
Police: Wha-
Y/N : *sees Ramon and Bullfrog together*
Y/N : They're cute. I would put them on a boat.
Dolph: You mean... you ship them?
Ramon: Where is Y/N ?
Bullfrog : I'll do you one better, who is Y/N ??
Dolph: Here's a better question, why is Y/N ?
Ramon : Where's Dolph?
Y/N : Don't worry, I'll find them.
Y/N , shouting : Bullfrog sucks!
Dolph, distantly: Bullfrog is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Y/N : Found them.
(again but rayfrog version because I'm multishipper)
Dolph: Where's Ramon?
Y/N : Don't worry, I'll find them.
Y/N , shouting: Bullfrog sucks!
Ramon, distantly: Bullfrog is the best person ever! Fuck you!
Y/N : Found them.
Ramon: Is the plural of milf/dilf milfs/dilfs or milves/dilves?
Y/N : Milfs.
Dolph: Milf/dilf is an acronym, you can't change the spelling to milves/dilves.
Ramon: Wait, they're acronyms? What do they stand for???
Jade : Mom in late forties, dad in late fourties.
Jade : I learned that from the movie called M.I.L.F that I saw the trailer of in theaters probably 5 to 7 years ago.
Dolph: Mom/dad I'd Love to Fuck.
Jade : Oh, is it not mom in late fouries?
Y/N : What? No! It isn't!
Dolph: Jade ...
Dolph: I am entirely unsurprised that this is coming from you.
Ramon: The word milf has been ruined for me.
Dolph: Y'all are dumbasses.
Y/N : It’s Christmas! Are you all in a Christmas mood?!
Bullfrog : Merry crisis.
Jade : Jingle bells, jingle bells, single all the way.
Ramon: Hoe hoe hoe.
Y/N : Guys, please.
Jade , writing in a letter: "I'm going to kick.. your... ass."
Jade : THERE. Now send it.
Ramon:: Dude, your handwriting's terrible, are you sure you want to-
Jade : JUST DO IT!
Y/N : So what does it say?
Dolph, reading the letter: They say they're going to "lick my...."
Y/N :
Y/N : Gross-
Ramon: I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter “s”.
Jade : *looks over at Y/N and Dolph* Jade : Is it “sexual tension”?
Bullfrog : Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
Y/N: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"?
Ramon : Ya know... it might be.
Ramon , looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Y/N: Bullfrog 's in the kitchen.
Bullfrog , gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Y/N: Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Y/N: Here you go.
Bullfrog :
Ramon : Why am I here?
Y/N: We need a diversion. I say Ramon gets naked.
Bullfrog : No.
Y/N: I could get naked.
The squad: NO!!!
Bullfrog : What did Ramon do this time?
Y/N: More like WHO did Ramon do this time?
Y/N: I'm gonna eat the chicken breasts!
Ramon , snickering: Yeah, eat what you lack.
Bullfrog , deadpanning at Ramon : Then maybe I should order brains on delivery for you.
Bullfrog : How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way?
Ramon : Excuse me Mx. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you?
Y/N: What the fuck is wrong with you two?
Y/N: Thank you all for coming.
Bullfrog , wearing a hospital gown: When I heard you couldn't get laid, I dropped everything and came straight here.
Y/N: Well, I couldn't imagine anyone else being part of the "Fuck Y/N Task Force".
Ramon : Yeah, I interpreted that in a different way.
Y/N: Smart is attractive. Educate me on something I don't know!
Ramon : The mouth of a jellyfish is also an anus.
Y/N: Stop.
Bullfrog : Are you trying to seduce me?
Y/N: Why, are you seducible?
Ramon : I’m proud to identify as morosexual. I’m attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively. Someone asked me what the Spanish word for "tortilla" was once, and now I dream of kissing them under the moonlight.
Y/N: What kind of animal is the Pink Panther?
Ramon , already taking off their clothes: God, Y/N, you’re so fucking stupid.
Ramon : Two brooooos!
Y/N: Chillin' in a hot tub!
Ramon : Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay!
Ramon :
Y/N: *tearing up*
Ramon : Babe, c'mon...
Ramon : Babe...
Y/N: The stars are so beautiful...
Ramon : They're just giant balls of gas.
Y/N: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Ramon : And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Y/N: Oh...
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https-cyber-slxt · 1 year
Could you write reader being almost as tall as könig plz? We also peg the living crap out of him lol.
Yes Ma'am/Sir 🫡also sorry for the reallllllly long wait :((
This isn't proofread so domt screm ag me 🫣🫣
After Hours
Sub!König x Tall!FemDom!Reader
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König was known for being a strong but shy soldier, and a bit of a hopeless romantic.
His height was a big downside, yeah women liked their men tall, but not that tall, so out of the two he managed to pull, they both left, one didn't like the way he spoke, his stutters caused her to have a headache, and the other? Well let's just say she didn't like how submissive he was.
But that's when he met you, the protector and controller of the team, you were strong, tall and hard to knock down.
But what was special about you to him was that you were never impatient with him, when he spoke, you listened, when he failed, you helped him back up, you were the only person who genuinely cared for him, so that's when he realized, that you were the Queen to his King. (I feel like that's so cringe)
3 weeks had passed by, and König's mind was racing with bad thoughts, "What if she says no?" "What if she's doing it just to be nice?" "Does she actually like me or does she act that way around everyone?" It's starting to become a serious problem, so serious in fact he's starting to just blatantly ignore you.
You've tried talking to him, but everytime you do so he walks away or acts as if you're non-existant.
Worried, you ask your mates about him.
"Hey guys, what's up with König?" You ask
"No clue, have you tried talking with him?" Rebbeca asked (I'm just gonna use random names, they can look however you want)
"I've tried, but he just keeps ignoring me, and I'm starting to get really fucking worried" You spoke with sadness.
"Maybe he's jealous" David laughed.
"Jealous of what!?" Anger in your voice.
"Definitely your height Cap, I mean, if my captain was 6'8 with that nice of an ass I'd be jealous" He smirked then winked at you.
Rebbeca gasped at him and decided she had enough of his bullshit, she pulled David by the ear out of the lunch room, apologizing to you profusely.
"I'm so sorry Captain, but I'll make sure to deal with him later, in the mean time, I hope you figure something out with König"
And now you were left by yourself... Again.
Giving up for today you head back to your dorm room and was met with a surprise.
A box, in front of your door? It was quite heavy, you shook it a bit, and heard a small jingle.
"The hell?" You thought to yourself, you also noticed a small note on top of it with messy handwriting, it read "Hello Captain, I'm sorry for ignoring you for the past few weeks, I hope these gifts will make it up for you. Love König -König :)"
You smile at the signature as you puzzle the peices together, he wanted to confess to you, but he just didn't have the gut to do so, you giggle to yourself as you bring the box into your room.
9:33 PM
You sat on the pull-up sofa, scrolling through your phone, you were bored and you've done all your paperwork, that's when an idea popped into your head, you had König number, so you decided to text him.
'Hey :)'
'Hi Captain, need something?'
'I'm bored, could you come over?'
You stare at the message, it went through, it's been read, but he hasn't responded.
5 minutes pass by, and still no response, you sigh in defeat and turn off your phone, you lay down on your sofa and start to drift to sleep.
That was until you heard a knock at your door, your eyes shoot open as you lift yourself up, you walk towards the door and open it, there stood a panting and sweating König.
You spoke, "Hey, you uh, okay?"
He nodded, hands on his knees as he catches his breath, "Do you wanna come inside?"
He nods again ducking his head under your door frame to enter your room.
You point him towards the sofa, telling him where to sit.
You ask him "uh, Tea? Coffee?" He shook his head, and you nodded in response.
You both sat in silence until like he spoke up, "Did you o-open the box I gave y-you?" "Oh no I didn't, should I open it now?"
He nodded his head, eyes averting yours, you quickly run to the room to grab the box, walking out and sitting next to him.
You open the box, and grab the first thing you felt out of it, "A-a collar? König, I don't own any pets.." He blushes at your remark. You look through the box properly and your eyes grew wide at the content it held.
You stare at him, absolutely flabbergasted, "K-König? A-are you trying to t-tell me something?"
He whines in response and hides his face behind his hands, you crouch in front of him and take his hands off his face.
He whined, "Please I-I-I-" He stuttered, you put his finger over his lips, shushing him "Don't speak"
You straddle his hips, causing him to let out a whimper, he looks up at you in desperation, you smile and lock your lips with his.
His lips quiver and mouth opens to let your tongue explore, he moans at the feeling.
You pull away, a string of saliva connecting the both of you.
You tell him to lay down on the bed as you grab the box, you grab the items that intrigued you the most, the rope, collar and strap-on.
You walk over to him, you showed him the items with a smile, he whimpers at them.
You straddle him again and clip the collar around his throat, the little bells jingle as you do so.
You then take his hands and tie them to the headboard with the rope, not too tight but not too loose.
You take off his pants and clip the strap around your hips, you insert yourself into him slowly, his whines growing more loud.
He wraps his legs around you, clenching around the strap, "Oh, sh-shit, it's so b-big, fuuuuuck"
You fully insert the strap, you grab his collar and start speeding up, he throws his head back, wrapping his legs tighter around you.
"God, pleasepleaseplease, faster, f-faster!"
His moans grew louder by the second, the jingles of the bells on his collar also making noises.
He can feel his orgasm getting closer as well, he stuttered out "Fuck, g-gonna c-cum!"
He bucks his hips as he releases, his legs shaking, you untie the rope, letting his hands free.
You pick him up and turn him around, making him lie on his stomach, you continue to thrust into him, laying down on his back, leaving kisses and marks all over his shoulder, his moans muffled from the pillow.
You pull his hair, lifting his head from the bed, "How you feelin' pretty boy?" You coo "Ah! aH! Please, FUck! Feels so good!
His hands grab your hips, digging his nails into them, leaving marks, you laugh at his actions.
You let go of his hair, dropping him into the pillow.
His whimpers and moans grew loud again, signaling his climax, he moans out "Fuuuuuck, pleaseplease, gunna cum!"
You leaned over him and whispered in his ear "Cum for me, love"
And that was enough to set him off, his legs shook even more as he came.
As he calmed down from his high, he managed to keep his shaking to a minimum.
He turned around to look at you, his face flushed, hair sticking to his forehead with drool coming out of the side of his mouth.
You smile softly at him, you bend down and give him some small kiss on the nose.
You take him off the bed and clean everything up, unfortunately you're gonna have to clean him tomorrow.
You dress him up, and lay him on the pull-out sofa, you take the strap off and join him on the sofa, drifting to sleep on his chest, listening to his soft breaths.
7:30 AM
You sat in the lunch room, drinking your coffee while scrolling through your phone.
You heard footsteps behind you, but you ignored them, until two hands land on your shoulders.
You stopped your actions and stood completely still as you felt breathing in your ear, "I heard what you did last night" The deep voice spoke to you.
You spit out your coffee as he laughed, and walked in front of you, the bulge in his pants noticeable.
"If you tell anyone, you're dead Ghost"
"Alright then, let's make a deal, whatever you did to him, you do to me tonight, yeah? I promise I won't tell anyone"
You hesitated, what about König? After some thinking you finally decided.
A/N: I am restless, anyway I hope you enjoyed it :))))) also got a cute lil Ghost collab >:)
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cherries-lostgirls · 29 days
Devoted Soldiers -> Chap. 1
Summary: The avatar is the one thing Zuko has needed in his entire life. Not just for his honor, but for his freedom. Choices keep coming up and he truly doesn't know what to do anymore.
Eden raised to be a lady, forced to be a survivor. She's running, she's run all her life, and she refuses to be in a cage now. She also refuses to let her fate rest in someone else's hands.
Warnings: None I think?
Taglist: to be added just ask!
Tropes: enemies to lovers, slow-burn, arranged marriage.
Series Masterlist
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I held out my arm for the messenger hawk to land on. Grabbing the note off its back, it flew off and I read the message. "He's alive. I'm bringing him home, rest assured when I return our engagement will be revoked." I recognized the handwriting. I had gotten used to it over the last three years. Prince Zuko finally found the one thing he believed would give him his honor back.
The Avatar has returned. I squeezed my thighs, making the tiger below me start moving down the hill and into the village. I hopped off once I passed the town's gates, making sure my hat along with my mask that covered my face was secured.
If the avatar is alive, then there might yet be a chance for me to get out of this farce of an engagement with Fire Prince Zuko. Though I wouldn't leave my fate in another man's hands. I paid for my supplies and strapped them onto Zane.
"Say that's a nice tiger you got there. How much can I offer you for him?"
"Zane isn't for sale."
I didn't stick around to listen to him haggle me. I jumped up onto his saddle and started to make my way to the docks of this village. It would be dark soon but it would be best to catch a ship tonight and sleep while we set sail. I jumped back off and made my way over to a fire nation soldier. "Where is this ship heading?" The command in my voice seemed to make him not think twice before responding.
"Out to Commander Zhao. Why?" I smiled, perfect. I pulled down my mask, talking more clearly. "Think you can give his daughter a lift?" The guard started sweating, shaking his head yes multiple times. "Get ready to set sail, Commander Zhao's daughter will be joining us!" I walked up the ramp behind him, Zane walking next to me.
The guard led me to a room, and decided to let me be instead of kissing my ass some more. I layed on the bed, my head resting against the comfy pillow making me sigh in comfort. I didn't realize I had drifted off.
I looked past Captain Zaho and to the prince that was in front of us. His face was wrapped in a bandage, what happened? Before I could speak, the doors to the side of the throne room opened, revealing The fire Lord.
My breath hitched, I could feel his power radiating off him. The two other boys bowed but I stood frozen, scared. A hand on my shoulder forced me into a bowing position, snapping me out of my state. I looked to my left to see the prince. He too looked scared.
"Forgive my daughter, she seems a bit nervous." Zhao spoke, but the Fire Lord dismissed it. "It's fine. I'm sure you have your suspicions on why you're here. I decided to take you up on your request Zhao."
My brows furrowed in confusion. What was he talking about? What request and why were two kids here and involved. My eyes widened. No. Marriage? There hasn't even been an announcement of Zuko's hand. Usually a royal hand is announced available, and people would fill in their request to put a ring on it.
"Your daughter and my son are now officially engaged. You may now leave Zhao. I will send your daughter out in just a minute." Guards escorted him out, leaving just me and Prince Zuko. I looked once again to my left, his fear now had a mix of terror. Looks like I'm not the only one not wanting this.
"Do you know what it means to be a wife?" My voice spoke quiet, but affirmative. "Yes, my lord." My back started to hurt a bit from this position, but I didn't dare move. "Onto next matters. Zuko for failing to face me in an Agi Kai you will be banished until you find the avatar and bring him back here." My blood ran cold. He was banished?
I couldn't stop myself, I was too hasty, too ahead of myself, too reckless. "What?!" I stood and spoke out of turn, looking at the cruel Fire Lord.
A guard came, wrapping my arms around my back, making me panic. "Let go of me!" I tried to wiggle myself loose, but a grown man's strength compared to a kid is outmatched. I used my hand to grab his hand. Once my skin touched his I heated up my palm, burning into his flesh. "I said let me go!" This time he did as requested and looked at his now smoking hand.
I took a few steps back, eyes widening at what I had done. I turned to the fire lord expecting him to yell, to kill me. Instead he turned and left, dismissing everyone.
I looked to the prince who started to rise. "I'm sorry—" "What do you care?" His voice cut mine off. "You just disrespected my father and he didn't even care, I respected mine and got a permeate scar!"
"I'm sorry, Zuko—"
"Prince Zuko! Remember it. I promise I'll find the avatar and when I return home I'll end this stupid engagement."
The sound of the men docking woke me up. I looked at Zane, who yawned while stretching. I walked to the door, opening it while Zane followed behind me, his tail slightly swaying. I walked down the ramp, looking at the ship next to us that looked to be completely wrecked. Woah. I walked over, my eyes narrowing at a certain prince and loveable uncle.
"You mean the Avatar?" I heard Iroh speak. My eyes widened and I hurried to cover his mouth lightly. I let him go once he noticed me, and my silent message. "Don't mention his name on these docks. If people hear, everyone will be looking for him." Iroh silently nodded.
I looked to the prince to see he still wore his typical scowl. "I don't even like you knowing." He spoke to me, then talked to his uncle. "I don't want anyone getting on the way."
"Getting in the way of what?" I watched as Zhao and the two thunderheads beside me gave their interactions. I couldn't help my eyes twitching as they tried to come up with an excuse for their ship. "You must tell me all of the exciting details over dinner."
"Sorry but we have to go." Zuko started to walk away only to be stopped by his uncle. "Prince Zuko, we must show Commander Zhao our respect." He let the prince go and turned to the commander, "We would love and be honored to join."
The two started to walk away causing Zuko to sigh in frustration, fire bending his steam away. I watched as they started to walk, but I stayed and looked to the ship, The Avatar did that? That's why you don't leave your fate in someone else's hands Eden. I told myself. "Are you coming or not?" I looked over to the prince, sighing as I began to follow him.
I rubbed my eyes, and sighed when Iroh was startled by the mention of the avatar, knocking over some spears. These two are idiots if they thought Zhao didn't knew what happened based on their stupid lie.
"Come on uncle, we're going." Zuko started to leave only to be stopped by guards. "Commander Zhao, we interrogated the crew as ordered. They confirmed Zuko had the avatar in custody."
"Now remind me, how exactly was your ship damaged?" Here we go.
"Are you worried I'm going to stop you?" I looked up from my position on the floor, I had been laying against Zane. Zhao laughed, underestimating Zuko's words and tone. "You stop me? Unlikely."
"Don't underestimate me Zhao, I will capture the avatar before you ever will." I slowly started to rise as the situation started to escalate. Iroh tried to calm Zuko down but he was too late. "An Agi Kai! Sunset."
"Commander." I started to speak, approaching him. "Maybe instead of doing this you'd just prefer a head start." Though he didn't listen to me, instead he decided to accept. I watched as Zhao left the room, and instead of staying I decided to follow after Zhao.
"You don't have to do this! He's just a kid." He turned quickly to me. "You were even younger. Bad things happen no matter the age. You know that, now put on a good face just like your mother used to say." I stayed quiet, let him walk away, and I stayed there for a few minutes. Zan was the one to nudge me out of my trans.
I watched as the two fire benders rose, the bell ringing announcing the start. Zuko hit him with a barrage of advanced moves. He won't win that way. Now's not the time to show off Zuko. Though why was I rooting for him? I should root for Zhao no?
Zuko started to block, but with each attack Zhao sent, his stance weakend, knocking him back onto the ground. I watched as Zhao landed on top of Zuko. I took a step. Why? I didn't take another step though, Zuko kicked Zhao's feet out — giving him the upper hand.
I watched as Zuko won, I watched Zhao send an attack of dishonor, I watched as Iroh pushed Zhao back. I watched as they walked away. I took that step I stook back, fixing my stance. I gestured for Zane to follow and I went to my temporary room, grabbing his saddle. I buckled him securely and made my way to the dock, looking for the first ship I felt like sailing out on. A hand on my shoulder tore my attention away from the captain I was speaking to.
I turned around to see Iroh smiling kindly at me. "Me and Prince Zuko were hoping you would accompany us." I could faintly hear Zuko yelling, "I never said that!" I smiled at Iroh, "I kindly accept." Zane brushed up against me, causing me to hop onto him. We slowly walked up the ramp of the newly fixed ship.
"Just for the record I wasn't the one who wanted you here." I heard Zuko say as I settled into the room. I turned to him, he was leaning against the doorway — arms crossed. I nodded my head in understanding.
I didn't get sleep that night, a normal occurrence.
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aboyscriminalrecord · 2 months
Do ur requests have to always be Alastor based? NOT THAT IM COMPLAINING, quite the opposite. I just kinda think it’d be cool if you also did requests for other characters 👉👈
I DO OTHER CHARACTERS YES‼️ I did a Valentino and Velvette request a little ago :) (that was the first, and I think only request I got that didn’t include y/n or alastor 💀) but yes 🙏 I will attempt to draw any character (can’t say it’ll be amazing, but will attempt)
Some of my “not just alastor” art 💪
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(Ignore my chicken scratch ass handwriting)
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doggirling · 2 months
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weird little puffball freak. i literally don't think i've ever seen anyone draw nightmare if he were a puffball which is insane to me because i thought the physical contrast between a massive gangly ass wizard and a round sphere would be Very funny.
extra thing. thank you to my dear oomf gala (who's off-site atm) for giving me the idea to give him floaty hands + this. he uses his power orb form as a shield by encircling himself within it and floating about. he's also probably very obnoxious when using it.
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summarized notes below just in case my handwriting is hard to read ⬇️
has the same pointy glasses. for his face. if you were wondering where they're supposed to go.
has actual horns instead of having horns attached to a helmet like the ones in his original design.
probably very big for a puffball.
idk how to translate 'this' (ie: the tornado body he has) into puffball form. i initially pondered on him sorta going tornado mode and hiding in it if he got potentially spooked or something. gala however also recommended him having the ability to do a mach tornado move like meta knight does which i think is a VERY good idea so i think that'd be it. #likefatherlikeson (sorry for metaknightmaring on main i'll probably do it again)
he has floating disembodied hands like morpho knight. and they are just as sharp and pointy as they originally are.
this isn't noted on the page but i want to give him raven wings. yes i know bat wings would probably be more better suited thematically but IDGAF i'm a raven nightmare truther till i die. i know his cape is just as if not more magical than meta knight's so i think he probably does the same thing where he can magically hide/shift his wings into his cape.
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itsgiovannie · 24 days
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In case you can’t read my messy-ass handwriting, this is a page of notes on the planet that I imagine Anne Arctic and Ina Ferna come from. I don’t have a name for it sorry guys ;-(
It’s extremely close to the sun so the gravity has locked it with one side constantly facing the sun and the other side constantly facing away from it. The Ursids (Anne’s people) live on the cold side and the Draken (Ina’s people) live on the hot side. There’s a temperate ring around the middle where the two races can do trading with each other.
Sorry Ina looks weird here, I’m still figuring out how to draw her.
If you guys have any name suggestions or other ideas for the planet please please lmk I love doing pointless sci fi worldbuilding for these funky lil dolls.
Also Anne says greetings from the refrigerator
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sebsxphia · 4 months
I am obsessed (more like foaming at the mouth) at the idea of Jake with tattoos, so here are my head cannon's of tattoo's Jake would have. I think that Jake would have quite a bit of tattoo's, but they'd all be meaningful (except for the first one.)
Your lipstick print on the back of his shoulder.
His wedding ring on his ring finger, right where it sits since he can't wear his ring all the time, and your name in cursive on the inside on his finger down the side. That man is VERY proudly married.
I picture his first tattoo being a dare, so there's also a rooster on his ass (the dare was from Rooster, yes).
In my head, Jake is the only boy with three sisters, and their super close, so they have a small sibling tattoo together on their forearms. Maybe four stars, and which ever sibling they are, that star is filled in if that makes. sense.
Once you have kids, I picture him getting their names or their initials down his forearm.
He has your nickname in your handwriting over his heart.
I head cannon Jake as a Mama's boy, so something for his mom. Maybe her favorite flower or her name somewhere.
yes, yes, yes dear anon! say it louder for jake’s canon tattoos! i couldn’t agree MORE with these! 🥹 they’re a combination of the love he has for you and keeping you on him forever, the things he cherishes most and just sweet, silly lil’ things, like rooster and your lipstick mark 🤭 omg thank you so much for these dear anon! 💌
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meditativedeer · 5 months
winter rules
late for this one but the hard half of winter is staring me in the face and I need these for myself.
write. clear all the shit from your desk and write like you're an insane tortured playwright because you are.
stay up late and sleep in when you want to.
wake up early and sit on the porch with a coffee and observe the morning mist and coldness. the solid chill of the concrete beneath your ass will ground you. wear the slippers Santa brought.
go on a run and don't worry about endurance. walk to warm up then sprint as if you're being chased by a bear/dinosaur/demented serial killer until you can't anymore. walk for a bit then do it again. so much more fun than jogging.
cold sea swim with friends because now you have friends that actually want to do it with you so never ever ever take that for granted. that's special.
wear all black and enjoy the contrast of your hair. feel like an elegant and mysterious student.
relearn German. yes on duolingo but also get romantic with it. handwrite, watch German movies, sing along to German music and listen to podcasts.
conserve your energy. you don't have to be talkative if you don't want to be, just make sure to be kind anyway.
wear soft jumpers and big jeans. mess with your hair all the time.
flirt boldly with the women in your dating apps, to celebrate being comfortable in your sexuality at last. and the practice is useful.
read scripts online. there's so many and they're all free.
go on walks and enjoy having to wear four layers and a scarf and gloves and hat. doesn't happen all year round.
when on these walks, pay attention to the heavy clouds and cool tones of the trees. listen to bon iver. look at the clouds of breath you can create.
when home from said walk, make a ritual out of peeling off each layer, putting your slippers on, making a hot drink and putting the tv on.
mothering is on hold grandmothering is taking over.
stretch so your body doesn't turn brittle from the cold.
mulled wine and cider isn't just for Christmas make that shit at home we all need it.
keep the Christmas lights up for as long as you want.
go to tk maxx with your mum. get some cheap shit and try not to argue too much
let yourself have little luxuries. I work in a coffee shop but I ordered a pour over kit so I can make my own fancy coffee at home.
you don't have to go clubbing if you don't want to. you don't have to drink if you don't want to. you don't actually have to do anything you don't want to do, you must follow your hearts desire.
with that in mind, don't let seasonal depression convince you that you don't want to see your friends. you do.
yes comfort food is necessary at this time of year but try to find comfort in hot soups and baked salads and oatmeal and fruit because your body needs good whole foods so you have the energy to get out of bed in the morning and don't want to throw yourself out of the window.
meditate in the shower
yes listen to music dance and boogie
silence is also good sometimes you need to turn off every device and go and do something simple with your brain
fill up the sink with water and ice cubes and stick your face in it for an instant hit of dopamine. one of many ways to hack into your happy hormones.
another, less fun way, is to do the dishes or change your bedsheets. make a game out of it because you'll be happy when it's done.
read poetry get real pretentious with it oh yeah baby I love u
everything will be so much more than fine everything is here just for you don't be afraid.
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liianliann · 2 months
should I be sleeping? yes.
Am I currently learning to read and write the elvish alphabet from Dragon's Dogma 2 instead? also yes.
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(plz ignore my ugly ass handwriting)
Here's the picture I've been using as a reference:
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The faint/empty letters I filled in from the Gransys Alphabet, specifically the "Ancient Lettering" version, bc it had big similarities:
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(The red letters beneath are the individual letters in alphabetical order)
I played the game for three days and I am obsessed with it XD
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kerubimcrepin · 4 months
Episode 42 - The Trial
TW: mentions of genocide, totalitarian regimes, political extremism, and alcoholism. This one gets silly after I get lost in the sauce of analysing Bonta's political structures throughout history.
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He was trying to toast them but couldn't reach. That's when the Darkness began to grow within him. That's the true sad backstory of Joris.
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Not the last time he's too short for a toast in canon.
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Also, I will be real, by now I am actually unironically fluent in the Astrubian alphabet (non-cursive, non-handwriting). I don't know whether to be ashamed or proud of the lengths I went to, for this blog.
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I think this takes place at the same time period as episodes 26 (A Hairy Mystery) and 50 (A Deadly Charm), because during both of those he also lived in Bonta, while Lou worked in law enforcement in some way. This would place those episodes before, or slightly before, all the adventures Kerubim would have with these three guys.
We are making some real progress here, folks.
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Bonta, city of good, city of justice, everyone. Nothing corrupt or evil has ever taken place in it.
And it is definitely not just as bad as Brakmar.
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Yes Kerubim. There are.
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Presented without comment.
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Let's ignore the yet another instance of Kerubim being an unreliable narrator, or that ticket saying "KANI LAND", and focus on more important things:
Do you think Lou utilized girl power correctly when she sentenced three men, one of whom was scammed, the other of whom was robbed, and the third of whom is literally mentally ill, to prison? Do you think it was real Bontarian justice when she accepted a bribe to reverse that decision, and then decided to put the man who gave her that bribe in jail for four months to ensure she would receive it?
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People who have only watched the shows may not be aware just how canon Bonta's evil nature is, and how much of a joke and a sham its "The City of Good" name is. It hasn't been explored in the Wakfu series, — actually, on the contrary, it has been portrayed as unquestionably good, through its aid to the Sadida Kingdom, through Joris's good deeds, — while in this series, its corruption is mostly played as a joke.
But it really is an unending nightmare that keeps failing everyone within it.
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From people who are forced to mold themselves into an aspirational, heroic image, by completely destroying themselves with untreated mental illnesses and alcoholism, — like Bakara, or, to a lesser degree, Kerubim,
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To people caught within its intrigues, unfairly convicted or framed. Like Julith's framing, which was an inside job, perhaps by the Huppermage temple itself.
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To the fucking Huppermage genocide that happened centuries after, during a civil war, which has forced the survivors to flee to an island.
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To the tolerance and acceptance of nobles like Ush.
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Bonta has sucked badly for 600 horrid, horrid years, and it will likely never stop sucking, because the gods who founded it also suck ass.
It's such a tar pit, it's insane.
Anyway, man I wonder if trying to fix a city for 600 years, while knowing that this city killed your parents, made your aunt an alcoholic, and then resulted in the genocide of your people, would make someone want to start, perhaps, a militant fascist dictatorship with LOTS of guns, and slavery (BUT WOKE) as well as exploitation. Because only they, all alone, with like, two other people, can fix it. With guns. Haha.
Man, my headcanons are getting more delusional by the m——
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
Ghost stalking soap
Looking forward for part 3
@rodolfoparrasnumber1fan @aliebrokenwonderland143 @crieslikeafool AND ALSO 2 ANONS WHO ASKED FOR IT. Anyway, here's part 1 and here's part 2
Nsfw warning
Soap was ignoring Ghost. He was really upset. Every time he complimented Ghost or tried to get closer to him, he backed away. Wouldn't this be what Ghost wanted??
Whatever, Soap didn't care anymore. Ghost was just some weird ass creepy stalker and Soap didn't give a singular shit about him.
It was almost convincing.
Soap did ignore his texts, though. But... Soap caved around day 8 when Ghost called him. He really wanted to hear his voice. "Hello?" He pretended to be nonchallant, act like he didn't know who this was.
"Hello, Johnny."
"Who is this?" He lied, leaning back in his desk chair and huffing a little.
"Don't be like that. I've been texting you."
"Oh yeah, my stalker. I know I've been ignoring you." Soap rolled his eyes. "You hung up again."
"I panicked."
"Yeah, cuz I said I liked your eyes."
"Like I said. You make me so fucking nervous."
Soap snorted. "But not nervous enough to not stalk me?"
"I'd rather watch you from a distance."
"I don't want that though!" Soap snapped. He shook his head. "You're an asshole. You made me want you and now you're just going to... what?? Keep denying me?"
There was silence on the line and Soap prepared for Ghost to hang up again, irritated. "Tell me what you want, Johnny."
"I want you." Soap relaxed.
More silence. "One day."
Soap hung up, this time.
Soap had gone back to ignoring Ghost. It wasn't fair that Ghost would do all of this stuff, make Soap like him, and then just keep treating Soap so unfairly.
So, it'd been weeks since he'd answered his texts. Any note ended up shredded and in the trash. All new gifts were tossed.
Soap could tell Ghost was getting almost desperate. The gifts ramped up in price, the notes were longer, more pleading. Soap donated the more expensive ones and just continued to ignore him.
Soap came back to writing on his mirror, this time. Huge, scrawled. It looked shaky. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO? The marker was under the mirror
It should have scared Soap. It should have shown him that Ghost was unstable. But... it excited him. Ghost was so desperate for Soap's attention. Soap's. No one else.
Soap smiled and then right under it in neat handwriting, wrote ME.
You drive me completely crazy.
Soap smiled at his phone, laying on his back. Where's the new camera?
I didn't put one.
Liar. Where is it?
The alarm clock.
The alarm clock that points directly at my bed? You really are a creep. Soap grinned. Can you see me right now?
Soap stood and started to undress, being slow and careful with it.
What are you doing, Johnny?
Soap checked it but didn't answer. He just continued to pull his clothes off. Does it have sound?
Of course.
Soap grinned again and moved his pillows so he could prop himself up a little once he was undressed, settling on them. He spread himself out, making sure he could be fully seen.
When he was settled, he made eye contact with the alarm clock and wrapped his hand around his own cock, slowly stroking it to attention. He imagined Ghost and bright blue eyes between his legs. He moaned, leaning his head back a little.
He kept his pace slow, wanting to drag it out. He wanted to put on a show.
It was exciting, doing this and knowing he was being watched. He continued to conjure images of Ghost. His body covering Soap's, his voice deep in his ear.
"Fuck- Ghost-" He moaned, stroking himself a little faster to the imagery.
Simon. Soap paused and frowned at the text on his phone.
My name is Simon.
Soap grinned. Oh. He didn't want him moaning Ghost. He wanted to hear Simon. Soap had no problem obliging. Soap used the opportunity to get the lube out of his dresser, coating his fingers in it and then repositioning himself.
He went back to stroking himself but carefully started to push one of the fingers in, moaning. It was always easier to take when he did it himself, but he wanted the stretch. He wanted Ghost's thick fingers (they had to be thick, the man was huge) stretching him out.
Soap made a risky decision and just shoved a second finger in himself, bowing his hips a little off the bed and gasping "Simon" as he did so.
He imagined Ghost stroking himself to Soap. He had to be, or he wouldn't have corrected him. "I want you to fuck me so bad..." He moaned and fingered himself, making sure he stayed on full display.
The idea of Ghost moaning with that gorgeous voice, saying Soap's name, maybe thinking of himself inside Soap drove him crazy. He was desperate for Ghost and it wasn't fair he had to settle with images in his own head.
Soap pressed in a third finger when he knew he was ready, moaning again. The pleasure wasn't enough and he knew what would be, but he was being denied.
Ghost could be so fucking cruel.
There was equal parts pleasure with frustration and Soap was losing his mind. He arched a little, pressing his fingers as deep as he could, and moaning Ghost's name again.
Soap stroked himself faster, getting desperate, and moved his fingers in time with his hand. He hoped this would be tempting enough to Ghost. That maybe he'd finally do something.
When he came, he cried Ghost's name, making sure it could be heard clear as day. He panted when he came home, disappointed in the feeling of not enough that it caused.
He closed his eyes and panted. He felt sticky.
When his phone buzzed, he quickly looked at it. You're a little fucking tease.
Soap had been... risky. He'd brought a random guy to his dorm. He wanted to push Ghost's buttons.
The sex was... not what Soap wanted, but he wanted to make Ghost jealous. He wanted to push Ghost into doing something. Anything.
When the guy had left, Soap waited, pretending like he wasn't.
His phone rang and he answered it, feigning innocence. "You're a tease."
"I don't know what you’re talking about." He grinned and stretched out, facing away from the alarm clock.
"You know exactly what I’m talking about."
"I have needs, Ghost. I have to get them fulfilled somewhere. You've made it clear you won't do it." Soap sighed, taunting him a little.
There was silence. "Tomorrow."
Jesus this is getting long. 
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