#also it trips me up when different countries have the same like. place names
drawfee-quot3s · 7 months
scientists, philosophers, they've been trying to figure out for years. decades. maybe even centuries,
- karina
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nats--sw · 7 months
Living Together | Alessia Russo
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Alessia Russo x reader You just need to learn how to live together.
Having a relationship with Alessia Russo was the closest thing to perfection. You never argued, she never forgot important dates, and she always made sure to make you feel like the most loved woman in the entire world. The only problem was the distance; she lived in Manchester while you lived in London. You didn't play for the same team or the same nation, but somehow you ended up meeting at an event, and the rivalry that existed on the field turned into the best romance of your life. 
Sure, maybe the distance wasn't as much as other couples living in different countries or continents, but it was still exhausting and sad to come home every day to an empty house, relying only on nightly video calls and trips during days off. 
But that problem was ending now.  
Alessia Russo had signed for Arsenal for the next season. 
"I still can't believe it," you said, carrying the last box of Alessia's things. 
"Babe, it's like the fourth time you've said that" Alessia laughed, taking the box from your hands. "I thought that once you saw all my stuff in your flat, you could finally process it." 
You also thought that, but even now with the stack of boxes piled up in the living room of your small flat, you still couldn't believe it. It was unreal that now you would share your home with Alessia, going every night to bed with her and waking up by her side. 
In addition to sharing your flat, you would also be at the same team. Nothing could be better in your life than now. 
"Can I ask you something?" you approached Alessia from behind, hugging her and resting your cheek against her back. Alessia always found it an adorable gesture, given that she was some centimetres taller than you. 
"Of course," she replied without hesitation, placing her own hands over yours, enjoying the moment. 
"Why did you decide to come to Arsenal? You never told me why you decided to leave Manchester so quickly..." 
"I wasn't happy there anymore... for various reasons. But what motivated me the most to come here was that my happiness is with you. And the opportunity presented itself, so I suppose it was a bit of destiny, and I wasn't going to let the chance slip away." She spoke without putting too much thought into it. Alessia was like that, always uttering words that made your heart race without her even realizing. "Would you have preferred me to go to another club?" 
Alessia laughed and turned around, grabbing you by the waist and slowly leaning towards your face as you considered your response.  
"Of course not." 
Everything would be perfect now. 
But unfortunately, it wasn't like that. After a month, everything wasn't as you had always imagined. 
Sure, having your girlfriend with you was a dream come true, but you hadn't considered the things that also came along with it. 
"I can't believe it..." 
Alessia was like a tornado, wherever she went she left a trace of her presence. From trainers to socks to her underwear. Every day you would stumble across one of her trainers that for some reason were never in your shoe cabinet, always in the hallway, in the living room and even the kitchen.   
You had just come from a little interview, so Alessia had arrived hours before you, but when you did a little inspection around the place it looked like she hadn't arrived yet because the dirty dishes were still in the sink, but her workout bag was on the sofa, so your girlfriend was at home.    
"Alessia?!" this time you called her name a little bit louder and it worked because immediately your girlfriend appeared in the doorway of the room you now shared. She was wearing comfortable clothes and had a towel over her shoulders to keep her freshly washed hair from getting her shirt wet. 
"Hey! You're here" As soon as Alessia smiled at you, you forgot about her trainers in the hallway, the dirty dishes and the training bag on your sofa. That was one of your biggest problems with Alessia, she'd smile at you, look at you with her sparkling eyes, and everything else would slip your mind. "How was everything?" she asked before giving you a short kiss on the lips, then turning away from the door to let you into the room. 
"It went well," you replied and threw yourself onto the bed with the intention of relaxing. However, it was the opposite when you felt something against your abdomen. "Ouch! What was here?" you asked, quickly pulling out what was under the covers. 
"You found my headphones! I've been looking for them for like 3 hours," Alessia ran towards you and took the headphones from you, giving you a short kiss on the lips as a reward. "What would I do without you?" 
"I wonder the same thing..." 
You could tolerate how messy Alessia was at home, because in return you got to live with her, so, in terms of pros and cons it wasn't so bad. Did you miss how tidy your flat was before? Of course you did, but now you had Alessia.   
And you had Alessia not only in your flat now, but also in your work and in your life.  
The idea of going to work together was nice, but Alessia had convinced you to take turns driving and today it was her turn to do it. You usually managed to convince her that you would drive anyway, using the excuse that you liked driving, but the truth was that -although you didn't like to say it out loud- every time Alessia got behind the wheel your heart would race, but not in a nice way. 
"Alessia! We'll be late!" It was the second time you called her, but your girlfriend was still in the room, which would probably now be a mess.
"I can't find my car keys! Give me a minute!"   
Tired of waiting sitting in the kitchen you stood up to go to the sofa, because you remembered that yesterday after coming home from work Alessia had collapsed on the sofa without even taking off her jacket. So you started to remove the cushions until you found the car keys underneath them. 
"I found them," you said, raising the keys in the air as Lessi appeared in the hallway. 
"You don't know how much I love you." And just like every time you found something she had lost, she kissed you while taking the keys from your hand. "I don't know what I'd do without you... I'd probably go crazy." 
This time you didn't say anything in return, you had barely even reciprocated her kiss. 
In the car, you didn't say anything for a long time, but when you noticed Alessia had turned into a street that wasn't the usual one, you couldn't help but speak. 
"Why did you turn here?" 
"Well, you didn't have breakfast, I know your morning isn't pleasant when you don't drink your coffee, so I'll stop by and get you something, I won't be long" she said, stopping in front of the coffee shop that according to you sold the best coffee you ever tasted, although Alessia thought the opposite. "I'll be back in a second." 
The second turned into about 15 minutes in total. By that time, your lips were nothing more than a straight line after answering messages from some of the girls asking where you were. You didn't even look when Alessia opened the car door, so you didn't see her coming with your coffee, a paper bag, and a small bouquet of flowers. 
"We'll be late-" Your smile returned when you noticed the flowers. It was a sweet gesture because Alessia knew you hated big bouquets, you always chose the simplest arrangement and the one she was offering you with a smile on her face was just what you would have picked. 
"They were taking a while to prepare your order, so I took the opportunity to stop by the florist near here" she murmured with relief as you accepted the bouquet of flowers. "Here, flat white and your sandwich, I ordered it with ham, is that okay?" 
"Yes, that's perfect." 
Alessia waited for you to settle in, leaving the flowers on the back seat and unwrapping your sandwich to start the car and get back on the road. It wasn't until you finished your coffee that you noticed Alessia hadn't brought anything for herself. 
"You didn't have breakfast either." 
"I bought myself an orange juice, but I drank it while I was waiting for your sandwich to be made." 
"But that was to drink, don't you want something to eat?" 
"I'll eat something when we get there, don't worry about me."  
"Did you leave your smile at home? " Was the first thing Lotte said when she saw Alessia arrive, throwing her training bag on the floor.  
"Don't mess with me today" muttered Alessia taking her seat. "Got any of those cereal bars?"  
Lotte nodded and pulled a cereal bar from her bag, handing it over. If it had been any other day, she wouldn't have hesitated to throw it in her face, but she could tell the mood wasn't the best today.   
"Thanks," Alessia took a bite as if it were the best meal of her life. "I was starving." 
"Why? I saw YN before and she didn't look hungry like you." 
"I stopped to buy her something on the way, I'm sure if I didn't, I wouldn't have made it here alive."  
"Trouble in paradise? I thought you'd be happy here with YN, I remember hearing hours of your complaints when you lived apart."  
"Yes... Don't get me wrong" she was quick to say "I'm happy with her, it's just that.... We're not used to living together." 
"How did you do it before? I mean, when one travelled to the other, you stayed at each other's houses and there was no problem." 
"Yeah, but it was only for a few days" Alessia muttered and fell silent when she heard the door open, thinking it would be you and that you would catch her talking about you. 
Luck seemed to be on her side after her horrible morning because it wasn't you who had entered, it was Lia. 
"Who died?" she laughed when she saw Alessia's pale face. "Who are you talking about?" 
"How do you know we're talking about someone?" Lotte asked. 
"When two people are talking about someone else, they always go silent when a third person appears," she explained without much detail. "Besides, both of you look guilty of something. So, who are we talking about?" 
Alessia was about to make up something to avoid mentioning your name because, of all the girls on the team, Lia was the closest to you. Unfortunately for her Lotte spoke up first because of the guilt she felt for having been talking behind your back. 
"YN, we were talking about her. Alessia didn't—" 
"Lotte!" Alessia kicked her leg to make her stop talking. 
"Ouch! What's wrong with you? Is it true that- where are your socks?" Lotte was distracted when she saw the foot Alessia had kicked her with. Alessia was wearing her usual trainers, but it was clear that she didn't have anything else underneath them. 
"I couldn't find my socks this morning... I don't know where the hell YN keeps my socks, but they're never in my drawer, and I didn't want to ask her because it was already late, and she was already mad at me." 
Lia started laughing as soon as she heard that. 
"It's not funny." 
"Of course it is" she said trying to hide her laughter by covering her mouth with her hand. "Is that why I sometimes see you wearing her clothes?" 
"Yes," she replied, cheeks slightly flushed. "Since I take care of doing the laundry, she takes care of putting it away once it's clean, but I've told her to put hers away and I put mine away, but she doesn't listen to me. But she hates to see the clothes on the bed, so she ends up taking everything and putting it in her part of the wardrobe". 
"Well, it's something to be expected from her. YN is a neat freak," Lia commented, still smiling. 
"What do you mean?" Lotte interrupted, joining the conversation. 
"What I just said, Lotte. I lived with her for a while when she twisted her ankle, you know, to help her and all. I didn't think it was a big deal because I had stayed overnight at her place several times, but I stayed for several days that time and at the end of the week I discovered that she's crazy," Lia explained. Lotte still didn't seem to understand, but Alessia caught on to where Lia was going. "I'm not exaggerating. One time she got mad because I cooked dinner because she was starving but I didn't wash the dishes when I finished because I went to take a shower. Obviously, I planned to clean everything when I was done, but when I returned to the kitchen, she had already washed everything." 
"Yes! She has done the same to me!" Alessia almost jumped out of her seat in relief at Lia's words. "I thought I was the one exaggerating, but it's true. Besides, the organization she uses doesn't make sense, when we first started living together, I wanted to keep the cups near the things to make our tea, but she keeps them in the cupboard next to the fridge." Alessia put her hands on her head. "God, I thought I was the crazy one," she said standing up to hug Lia, who returned the hug not quite understanding Alessia's emotion. 
"Haven't you tried talking to her about it?" Lotte asked. 
"Of course I've tried, but as soon as I mention anything about it she starts complaining about how messy I am and yes, I admit that" she said before Lotte could interrupt, "But I always end up doing my things. The problem is that YN wants everything done immediately, and there are times when I just want to come home and lie down on the bed with her." 
"I'm surprised you haven't complained before," commented Lia, feeling a bit sorry for Alessia. "How do you deal with the food?" 
Both Lotte and Alessia looked at her abruptly, the first girl looking like she didn't understand anything, and Alessia looking relieved that finally someone understood her. 
"YN buys just what is necessary, you'll never find sweets or more than one type of cereal in her kitchen because she doesn't eat much of those things," Lia explained to Lotte. 
"I've been starving" muttered Alessia "She prefers to do the shopping because according to her it takes less time, so I always ask her to bring me a couple of extra things, but she always forgets, plus we don't have the same tastes in food. I don't want to make her feel guilty, so I don't mention it to her." 
"I've been starving" muttered Alessia "She prefers to buy our food because according to her it takes less time, so I always ask her to bring me a couple of extra things, but she always forgets, and we don't have the same tastes in food. I don't want to make her feel guilty, so I haven't mentioned it to her." 
"You can't go on like this," Lotte worried about her friend's state because she knew that it would only get worse every day. "You have to tell her something." 
"I second that," Lia said, having stood up to take a pair of clean socks from her bag. "If you want I can help you talk to her," she said, handing over the socks and giving Alessia a reassuring pat on the shoulder before leaving them alone again. 
"I need to talk to her." 
But the day had passed and although there were several opportunities to talk, Alessia never mentioned anything to you. The next few days were more of the same and neither Lotte, who continued to hear Alessia's cries every morning, nor Lia, who listened your complaints about Alessia's behaviour during the warm-ups, could take it anymore. 
So that night, you and Alessia were at Lia's house, who had invited you both for dinner.  
You had already finished dessert when Lia brought up the issue at the table.   
"Well, Alessia, it's time for you to talk to YN about what we've discussed this week," Lia's words caught both of you off guard, so much so that Alessia froze for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. 
"What are you talking about?" you asked with a nervous smile "Did something bad happen?" Alessia immediately noticed your concern in your tone, the guilt quickly invading her.   
"It's nothing, love," she tried to reassure you that everything was fine, placing her hand on your thigh under the table. 
"That's not true," Lia said getting a bit annoyed. "It's about you and your flat." 
"What's wrong with our flat?" you asked defensively. 
"That's the problem YN, that it's your flat, not yours and Alessia's." 
"What the hell are you talking about, Lia?" 
"Lia is right, YN... I don't feel comfortable living there, and one of the reasons is because it's your place, not ours." 
The three of you remained silent after Alessia's words. But Lia, not wanting to witness the awkward moment, decided to leave the two of you alone by going to her room. 
"What do you mean you're not comfortable living there?" 
"I think we both know that this isn't working the way we wanted, love." 
On impulse, you removed Alessia's hand, which had been on your thigh until that moment. 
"It sounds like you're going to break up with me." 
"I don't want to break up with you," she rushed to say, a little scared of where the conversation might be heading. "But I think we don't know how to live together." 
"Do you want to live on your own?" 
Alessia thought about it for a moment. Did she want her space? Yes. Did she want to be away from you? No. 
"No... I don't think I ever want to live away from you again," she murmured taking your hands, a little scared that you might pull away. "But I want to have a place that is ours. I appreciate that you let me live in your flat, but it's yours. Everything there is yours, love. I can't change anything because you're used to your place." 
"Does that explain why you leave your things everywhere?" you asked a little upset because deep down, you knew Alessia was right, and you felt bad for not noticing it earlier. 
"No, I admit I have a problem with that, but I'll work on it... if you can also work on some things." 
You let out a deep sigh; you knew you had issues with certain things and that you weren't an easy person to live with, but for Alessia, it was worth making a change. 
"I'll need a list..." you muttered, a little embarrassed. 
"I think so," Alessia whispered, a little more relaxed as she noticed that everything was turning out well "I'll need a list too. But I think there's something we should start with." 
"What is it?" 
"We need to find a new place for both of us." 
"Good morning," Alessia's murmur made you smile. You had been awake for a while, but Alessia had you trapped against her. 
"Good morning," you replied, feeling Alessia snuggling you closer. "Why did you want to buy this huge bed if you practically sleep on top of me?" 
After the conversation at Lia's house, it didn't take long for you both to find a new place to move to, this time deciding everything between the two of you when it came to buying all the furniture and practically everything else in the house. One of those decisions was the enormous bed that Alessia insisted on having. 
Alessia loosened her grip on you a bit, so you took the opportunity to turn and face her. 
"I don't think I ever apologized," you whispered, caressing her cheek. 
"Hmm... What are you talking about?" Alessia still hadn't opened her eyes, but you knew she was awake enough to talk. 
"It was unfair all the times I got annoyed with you before... I didn't realize I hadn't given you a space for yourself." 
It was something you had been thinking about for a few days, because it took you by surprise that since you now lived in the new house, Alessia's mess had decreased almost completely. You hadn't tripped over any of her trainers again because now Alessia had her own space for her shoes –noticing now that she has a lot more shoes than you- or that now that she had a small desk, her things were always there and not between the blankets like before. Sure, you still found the kitchen a mess after Alessia had cooked, but as she had said, she always cleaned at some point during the day. 
"Don't worry... Maybe you were too used to living alone. Besides, your flat was small, there wasn't enough space for two anyway." 
"So, do you forgive me?" you asked, resting your head on her chest, taking advantage of the intimacy to slip your hand under her shirt and caress her abdomen. 
"I'll think about it- Ouch!" You had pinched her abdomen, not too hard, but Alessia tended to exaggerate a bit. " Okay, fine! I forgive you" she said, making you move away from her. 
"I love you," you said, moving closer to her again. 
"Are you sure?" she mumbled, looking at you a bit doubtful, but she took it back when she saw you move your hand closer to her abdomen again. "Stop! I believe you!". 
Alessia was the one who came closer this time, giving you a kiss on the forehead and then hugging you. 
"I love you too." 
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
Eco Warrior Duchess Sussex merching winter gear like an idiot by u/Lensgoggler
Eco Warrior Duchess Sussex merching winter gear like an idiot So, I live in a country that gets cold. Very cold sometimes. Similar to Canada.And I own one puffy coat. ONE. I bought it 5 years ago. Most people here do not own many of similar function coats - and I assume it's true for Canada. Nobody owns 3 new identical coats simultaneously. Why? Because these are fucking expensive, and buying many is just plain stupid and pretentious. We also don't tend to own that many identical thickness new hats, gloves and boots. Same reason - expensive and pointless. When it comes to winter gear, everything has to have a function. Kids tend to have two or three sets of things because they tend to get wet and/or dirty, but not adults.​Blue, boots #2Beige, boots #1 with furBlack, boots #2But Duchess Meghan, the eco warrior, with a new website and last name, wears three different new puffy coats and two pairs of similar but different boots (the beige set had boots that have fur) in three days. She also wears the coats unlike people in actual cold places (we zip them up usually, or wear a thinner one). She wears a scarf like nobody who is actually cold does - but of course, if she wore it the way it'd actually be warm, you couldn't see it... And on two other occasions she has no scarf at all, so it's not scarf weather for her? She must have an immune system of steel. To Harold's credit, he seems not not give two hoots about what he wears. Has put on Invictus puffer after getting to the event, and has a nondescript layer underneath, and a very basic hat, if any. I wonder what goes on in MM's head... "This is my husband's work thing, I'll tag along and wear all kinds of different getups because this makes me appear successful and awesome because I have sooooo many clothes and accessories!! I am such an inspiration!" I didn't list the 'Valentine's Date pap shot' because it looks like she rewears the red monstrosity from the NY trip. I wonder what happens to the coats back in warm California. Will she return them? Donate them? Rewear them? I'm pretty sure WME has got nothing to do with MM anymore. Because this is a very bad look indeed, anyone with a brain would see that. A 42 yo woman obsessed with her clothes and faffing about at an event she has nothing to do with.​ post link: https://ift.tt/b4M9Swr author: Lensgoggler submitted: February 16, 2024 at 10:10AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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lil-elle · 6 months
Hi. Yes. Hello.
Pookers, pookie bear, pookie wookie, with a cherry on top. With extra sprakles..
Im going to need a continuation of "well i guess that makes you my princess" your uhhhhhhh hunter drabble. Yes please.
Idk if its another drabble or full length i just..... ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh
Of course pookie wookie, anything for you 😘
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group: xikers
pair: bf!hunter x fem!reader
genre: fluff, established relationship
word count: 1.2k
content: kissessss ♡
a/n: 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
The zipper of your suitcase finally shut after at least an hour of wrestling with it, leaving your messy bun extra messy. “Yes!” You cheered to yourself before grabbing the handle and struggling to haul it off the couch in the dorm common room.
It was already a shock when Hunter told you that the company was fully funding a trip for him to go to Thailand and visit his family, but what was even more of a shock was when he said that they were allowing you, his girlfriend, to go with him. 
“It'll be easier to avoid the press if it's just the two of you in another country.”
That's what they said.
“Finally got that thing shut?”
His deep voice in your right ear startled you; he was surprisingly sneaky and quiet despite his size.
“Yup!” You smiled up at him, proud of your work.
He chuckled, a familiar smirk appearing on his face.
“You do know it's only a week trip, right? We're not moving there.”
He sauntered past you, planting a quick kiss on the exposed nape of your neck that set your whole head aflame.
“S-shut it,” you muttered, covering your vulnerable neck with your hand as you glared at him, “at least I'll have more clothes to wear than just two of the same tank top in different colours.”
He leant against the wall, watching you carefully with a smirk.
“You're acting as if you don't love when I wear those tank tops.”
Your warm cheeks grew warmer as you continued tugging at the handle of your overpacked suitcase while also being subject to his relentless teasing.
“Shut. Up.” You groaned as the heavy suitcase started slipping from the couch, becoming a real challenge on your biceps.
“Woah, woah.” Hunter quickly plucked himself from the wall and rushed over, grabbing the suitcase from the bottom and lifting it from your grasp with ease to place it on its wheels on the ground. “Ask for help next time, darling.” His fingertips softly brushed against your cheek and he leant down to ghost his lips over yours for a moment, pulling away just before you leant in. He looked back at you, your lips puckered and eyes half closed and giggled for a moment.
“Hey, no fair!” You pouted.
“Come on~ We gotta leave soon.” He began rolling the suitcase through the room, grabbing his own bag from the kitchen counter and slinging it over his shoulder.
You could hear the commotion of some of the other members in their room, finally awake and most likely getting ready to say goodbye to their main dancer for the week.
“Babe, hey.” He waved to grab your attention, standing near the doorway and still carrying both of your bags. “Do you have everything?” He questioned. You giggled lightly.
“My suitcase is literally about to explode, yes I have everything.” He smiled as you made your way over to him, watching your every move carefully.
“I'm just making sure, my dear.” You giggled again at the pet name, while kind of old fashioned, woke up the butterflies in your stomach. You focused down on his large knuckles gripping the handle of your suitcase, admiring his hands for just a moment.
“Thanks for carrying that, by the way.” You chuckled awkwardly. “I'm sure it weighs more than me.” You exaggerated.
“Of course.” He releases the suitcase handle and grabs your hand delicately, bringing it up to his face. “I wouldn't want you to hurt these pretty fingers of yours.” He spoke in a smooth voice before placing his lips on your knuckles, bringing an instant surge of heat to your face.
He smiled somewhat mischievously at your reaction before closing his eyes and placing another kiss on the back of your hand, this time longer.
“Gosh, you're such a prince.” You muttered flusteredly. You'd frequently heard his members and staff calling him a prince, but you'd never said it to him yourself until now.
His eyebrows raised slightly as he dropped your hand and an entertained smile creeped onto his face.
“Oh yeah?” His hand grasped your waist, pulling you into him until you were leant against his chest. “Then I suppose that makes you…my princess~” His voice was deep and smooth and he enunciated every word with a flirty tone, setting fire to you.
“Y-you–” You stuttered, looking up at his satisfied smirk only inches from your face. He let out a soft breath at your flustered reaction before slowly closing the gap between your faces, his lips pressing gently to yours. Your eyes shut almost like an instinct as you melted into his grasp, throwing your arms over his shoulders and tangling your hands in his hair. He let out a satisfied hum at your reciprocation before pressing his lips slightly harder against yours, deepening the kiss. Your mind quickly became a foggy mess, the only things you were able to focus on being his hand squeezing your waist, the feeling of his soft black hair between your fingers, and the way his lips moved gently yet needily against yours.
A distant chuckle pulled you from your immersion and you broke away from him, meeting his half-lidded, dazed eyes looking down at you and his rosey cheeks. You quickly turned your head to investigate the chuckle and locked eyes with Yujun, holding his phone up like he was taking pictures. You practically flew from Hunter’s grasp, reaching out to grab Yujun's phone from his hands as he giggled deviously.
“Oh my gosh! Delete those!” Your face was hotter than it had ever been, embarrassed about the situation you were in.
“Not a chance! These are valuable blackmail material.” He teased, holding his phone high up in the air and using his height as an advantage against you.
“Hunter!” You looked back to your boyfriend desperately for help. A wide smile stretched across his face, his cheeks splotchy with red tint. 
“Yujun? Send those to me.”
“Hunter!?” You looked at him with a shocked and embarrassed expression, your neck, face, and ears burning up like crazy.
“What~ That'd make a good wallpaper! Yujun's a good photographer too.” He smiled at the boy next to you who now had a proud expression on his face. Hunter walked over and grasped your hand with a small chuckle. “Okay, we gotta go now.” He left a small kiss on your forehead, prompting a new voice to speak up.
“That's enough, there'll be plenty of time for you two to do that this week. When you're alone.” Minjae muttered sleepily, walking past you, Hunter, and Yujun to unlock the door and hold it open. These boys never stop with their teasing, you swore to yourself as Hunter chuckled, grabbing your suitcase again and dragging it through the door.
Although, in the back of your mind, you really did hope there'd be plenty of time for that while you two were together this week.
@hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed
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themculibrary · 3 months
Daniel Sousa/Daisy Johnson Masterlist
all we do is drive. (ao3) - romantashas M, 30k
Summary: Daisy has missed the open road. She used to always love taking her van out and just driving. Los Angeles was where she liked to stick around, but she would always go on these road trips just because she wanted to explore somewhere new.
She's always liked running away from things.
It was different, having someone with her.
In which Daisy Johnson helps Daniel Sousa explore the modern world by taking him on a cross-country road trip in a van. Post-Finale road trip AU with MCU tie-ins.
A Miracle Starts With a Beat of a Heart (ao3) - samanthaswishes T, 202k
Summary: The team's trip to space and the almost end of the world changed their lives in more ways than they could count. However, no one expected the change that was going to happen in Daisy's life. What if Kasius had planned on using Daisy to breed more inhumans? The team comes together to help her while Daisy finds a new kind of love. One she never could have imagined happening, but turned out to be a miracle.
Takes place from post-season 5/pre-season 6 to post-series finale.
A Week After Death (ao3) - manoutoftimeandquake T, 15k
Summary: An explosion in an alien junkyard sends Daisy, Sousa and Kora back in time to meet some people from Sousa's past.
Edge of Tonight (ao3) - Letmebecomeataboo G, 38k
Summary:  1946, New York City
Daniel Sousa is an agent, working for the SSR in New York. When the search for wanted fugitive Howard Stark comes to a stand still, a new agent named Daisy Johnson is sent from the Los Angeles office to help. Now, on top of trying to figure out where Stark is, Daniel suddenly has to fight with his feelings for the mysterious and beautiful new agent.
Field Test (ao3) - Luckyfishy E, 7k
Summary: After 7X09 in the Lighthouse but before all hell breaks loose so before the events of 7x10. Daisy and Sousa get in a workout but also work each other up ... leading to the inevitable smutty goodness.
One Year Later (ao3) - marvelsquake T, 64k
Summary: Set right after the series finale's 'one year later' part where Daisy stares into space with Sousa and Kora.
Inspired by the 'anatomy analysis' bit Jemma says to Daisy.
Orchestrating History (ao3) - TheSovereigntyofReality G, 11k
Summary: In 1955, Daniel Sousa allegedly died at HYDRA's hands and became the first fallen S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent.
In truth, Coulson's team saved him and faked his death.
Due to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s policy with enhanced, they may come to regret that decision.
Reclaim (ao3) - StillTryingToWrite T, 232k
Summary: It is an instinctual reaction, at this point, wanting them to like her, to want her. It is the same feeling she used to get when she was younger, before she knew better. So if she shows the parts of herself she thinks they will like and keeps the rest buried, it is just easier for everyone that way. But she tries not to think about any of this yet. For now, she just gazes out the window, and enjoys the view, looking out at her future adventures.
-Daisy’s story following the course of the entire series. A collection of missing scenes during and between episodes, flashbacks to pre-series, and Daisy’s perspective on canon events.
religion's in your lips, the altar is my hips (ao3) - mssimmonsfitz E, 17k
Summary: Daisy and Daniel decide to...experiment.
stars that have people names (ao3) - rianparker (orphan_account) G, 1k
Summary: Stargazing isn't normally Daisy's idea of a fun date night, but there's no doubt in Daniel's mind she'll love it tonight.
Stay (ao3) - SteeleHoltingOn E, 150k
Summary: Not everyone knew she could feel heartbeats. Sousa’s sped up every time he looked her way.
His reaction wasn’t particularly unusual, and Daisy was an expert at fending off unwanted advances. But that was just it: Sousa hadn’t actually made any advances, and if he did, Daisy wasn’t sure she’d ward them off.
Her heartbeat, it seemed, liked to match tempo with his.
want you (to unravel me) (ao3) - IzzieBee M, 21k
Summary: Daisy never wanted to be rescued, by anyone. She never wanted to owe someone that debt, but especially not to a handsome WWII Vet, traveling through time. Daniel, who was brave and decent, and kind of funny, and who she could easily depend on, which was way too dangerous to consider.
Daisy really wasn't ready for Daniel Sousa.
Where I Need To Be (ao3) - JennaGreen T, 180k
Summary: This is set from Episode 7x03 onwards and follows the story of Daisy Johnson and Daniel Sousa, and how their relationship has been developing throughout this amazing season of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! This story mostly follows canon but is interspersed with missing moments between Daisy and Sousa that I imagine could have happened off-screen.
Your Heartbeat On The Highline(Once In Twenty Lifetimes) (ao3) - doctorsimmonswilson T, 40k
Summary: He’s a man out of time and she’s an orphaned superhero. They’ve just got to figure out what to do next, after the mission is over.
[aka Daisy and Daniel’s story post finale]
you've got that power (over me). (ao3) - romantashas M, 71k
Summary: "It's you," Daniel whispers. He's in awe, looking at Quake. She steps back away from him. "Let me help you," he says, reaching out toward her injured arm slowly.
Daniel only gets a moment more to admire her glowing eyes and her purple hair before she turns and runs away, her hand slipping out of his.
In which the superheroes of the Marvelverse actually try to keep their identities a secret and Daniel Sousa is determined to figure out who is behind the mysterious Quake mask. Superhero AU with MCU tie-ins.
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I got a bit of a silly request. Maybe poly tf 141 + los vaqueros (+ König if you want to) X male Swedish reader?
They’re going to ikea to help out furnishing the reader’s new apartment. Except they all keep butchering the names of the different furniture.
I imagine König would be the closest since German and Swedish have their similarities.
But I swear Soap would absolutely destroy the pronunciation. Poor gaz, rudy, price and Alejandro would try but fuck it up too and Ghost would get frustrated and in the end just not try. He’d sulk and make up some dumb argument that he doesn’t need to pronounce it “correctly” cus ikea is dumb for keeping it Swedish even in other countries or smth like that.
(Ik it’s a bit random but I’m Swedish and I think it’s so cute when I hear (mostly) English speaking people try to pronounce the words. Especially if the words include Å, Ä and/or Ö.)
[A/n:I would probably be able to pronounce Swedish words, with alittle help, also I'm not sure what you mean by poly, like if their all in a relationship or just all them together without the relationship part so I just went without. Thank you for requesting]
Summary: They help you out with your new home, but all the Swedish words have them struggling
Type:Scenario: 141 + Los Vaqueros + König + Swedish!M!Reader, a tad bit of Soap X Ghost and Gaz X M!Reader
Usually they wouldn't do this, especially all together. 141, Los Vaqueros, and an additional König where all there, in ikea, that was in Sweden. It was a surprise, to all of them. Sure they hang out sometimes, and do stuff together, but help furnish someone's house? That's on a whole nother level, but you're like family to them so of course they'd help. Price thought it'd be a disaster, it was. Soap was flirting with ghost abit, but that was normal, the others don't know how Ghost has so much patience with him. Price was looking at things to decorate his office with. Alejandro and Rodolfo were talking about random things. You, Gaz, and König where in your own little world, looking at everything possible before being dragged away by Price. Price knows what it's like to move into a new place and since this is your first apartment he doesn't want you to get unnecessary things yet, maybe next time.
"Hey y/n, need this lampa"
Gaz said, he was close but over pronounced the A. The lamp was a small toaster lamp with piece of bread popping out. It was adorable, small but adorable.
"Gaz, it's lampa, not so much A there, but YES GIVE ME THAT LAMPA"
You tried to grab the lamp from Gaz but price grabbed it first.
"No, that's the next trip y/n"
Looking at Price with sad eyes you watched him put it back.
Price stopped you
"If you keep trying to buy every unnecessary item your gonna end up not having the things you need, I know this from experience, y/n"
You gave him a pouty look before speaking, keeping the pout
"What of I can't see? Mm? What do I do then?"
Price signed and pulled you and Gaz along, könig had been too focused on something else to have noticed what happened, looking over he jumped abit realizing you two were being dragged away by Price. Alejandro laughed at you two, Rodolfo slapped him upside the head to shut him up.
"What? It's funny"
Rodolfo just shook his head like a disappointed mother. While looking around farther more conversations where started, Ghost got mad since he couldn't pronounce the words well, same with Gaz. But Soap? Oh he rocked those words, the barely messed them up, and if he did it was a small mistake. When you guys eventually left you had most of the things you actually needed, chairs, a bed, and bed frame, a table, etc. And Price let you buy a TV and stand for it since you where able to. Unknowing to you, you'd be thanking Price later, since he didn't let you buy unnecessary stuff you had enough money to stock your pantry, something you forgot to do, you had planned to spend most of the money you had on you for stuff for your apartment, since you thought you stocked to fridge and pantry. Laughing all the way back to your apartment, with Alejandro driving, you guys all had a blast and tons of fun. Your glad you took them with you.
[A/n:Fun fact, I've never been to ikea, crazy right? I hope you enjoyed]
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tumbleweedbee · 9 months
(Hi! Sorry, I was with a friend and she sent the message while I was still writing as a joke-)
The ask is if you could write Quackity x reader where Quackity's boyfriend is guatemalan (you don't have to know a lot about Guatemala, maybe just Quackity being interested in the culture bcs is similar to mexican but also very different)
That's all, thank you!! Hope you have a great day :>
Ofc!!I don’t know much about Guatemala (as I’m irish) but I tried 🙏
-You and Quackity met whilst you were on holidays with your friend-group travelling all around Mexico.Your group decided to go and head to a big video-game shop you had all heard of and found a bus to take you there, but due to your group being made up of 5 people, you had to sit by yourself, though you didn’t mind as it meant that you got to play video-games on the way there.
Unfortunately, your plans of solitude and smooth sailing were crashed both due to the fact that the roads were extremely bumpy and due to the fact that a handsome stranger has decided to sit beside you.
You tried to continue playing and eventually tried to ignore the man staring holes into your 3DS and you turn to look at him, “Do you need something?” You inquire, raising an eyebrow.
He looks panicked and quickly replies with “oh sorry!!I was just curious about what game you were playing..”
“It’s Majora’s mask, I only got it recently” you added, smiling at him.
-am hour later-
You had learned that the man’s name is Alexis-though he prefers to go by Alex,he’s the same age as you and has quite a lot in common with you.
You feel quite sad that you have to get off the bus with your friends now, but before you can leave he quickly places his hand on your arm and goes “Wait!!Whats your number, I was uh just wondering if you’d like to hang out sometime…maybe..?” He looked at you, nervous and expecting to be rejected.
“Of course!Here you go!” You answer, trying not to sound too excited that a handsome stranger had asked for your number.
As you left the bus with your friends, Alex began texting you immediately, hoping that it was the right number.
You quickly replied back to him and you both began to text for the rest of your trip.
He began to ask where you were from, what is it like living in Guatemala?did they make good stew over there?What type of traditions did they have over there?what were your countries sports?
Once you arrived home he begged to call you and of course-you answered.
“Hey you said you’ve a pc right?Do you wanna play minecraft with me on my server?”he then invited you to a server ‘huh…Q-S-M-P…that’s an odd name.’ You thought to yourself.
You realised that there were a lot of people online that spoke Spanish, so naturally, when they started to speak to you in Spanish, you spoke back, which surprised alex “wow you can speak Spanish??” He asked, hoping to not come across as sound dumb.
“Of course I can!!Wait why’s your username Quackery?” You asked, before bursting out laughing at the name. “It’s Quackity!!”you could basically hear his eyes roll dramatically.
This was the same day you found out that “Quackity” was the name of his YouTube and twitch channel, you had decided to check it out and were amazed at how famous he really was, he was practically a celebrity!!You had began to tune into some of his recent streams without telling him and it was bizarre to you to see the same group of geeks you had been joking with not two hours ago, (along with Alex of course) bring in hundreds of thousands of views by just being themselves online.
Day after day, week after week, you and Quackity got closer, until eventually he pulled up at your house one day with flowers. “WH-Alex what are you doing here??Why do you have flowers??!”
He blushed and then hesitantly asked “do you uh, y’know, um, wanna go out?” “Of course I do!!” He stared at you, both in bewilderment that you actually agreed and the fact that he knew that he just couldn’t look away from your pretty face.
“I didn’t actually think you’d be gay or anything..”you smiled softly at him, inviting him in and gently taking the flowers from him. “Well you guessed wrong!”you replied, your face as red as tilíns bow.
You both decided to go on a date at your local restaurant, Alex hasn’t actually planned this far ahead as he thought you’d simply reject him.
You both couldn’t stop flirting with eachother-ignoring the looks some of the elders gave you.
Once the date and he was, yet again, back on your doormat; he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissed you gently on the lips and waved goodbye.
-Later that night-
*Quackity is live:IMSOHAPPY*
You decided to click onto the stream out of curiousity.
Part 2?
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hibiscus02 · 1 year
I just read Legoland and I decided to compile some helpful tidbits about Penny's character, for all your fanfic writer needs!
If you want to write RTC fanfic using her canon personality and backstory, this is the place for you. I apologize if someone has done something similar!
•Let's start with her basic introduction in the play;
"PENNY is a young woman wearing French braids and a private school uniform; she has a bright smile." "PENNY: Hello. My name is Penny Lamb, and I am an aspiring animal conservationist." "PENNY speaks at an incredible speed, being an immensely nervous and self-conscious teenager. She literally trips over her words -- a volcano of passion and eloquence."
Now I'll give you some backstory and character info without getting into Legoland's plot. This is so people who don't have an interest in the story itself can still grasp the basics of Penny's character.
Both Penny and her little brother (Ezra) were homeschooled. They grew up on the Elysium Community Farm, just outside of Uranium City.
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When Penny turned 13, she was already getting "itchy" to see the outside world (kids were not allowed to leave Elysium until they turned 16). She thought she knew what to expect after reading 'Anne of Green Gables'.
The Lambs snuck out to a Walmart and found out it was very different from what they thought it would be. They tried to strike up conversations with people but everyone seemed weirded out by them (they snuck out several times to try and "strike up friendly chats")
Eventually the manager called the police who drove them home. That's when "all that trouble happened"
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Penny's parents got 15 years in prison for cultivation and trafficking of narcotics. Her and Erza were sent to Saint Cassian Catholic School (which as I'm sure you all know is the same school that the choir members attend, obviously, since Uranium City isn't big enough to have more than one school). It is stated to be a boarding school in this so that's some extra lore for us I guess.
"PENNY: The instant I see the boys staring at me like gaping fish with their heads cut off… and the girls looking at me with those Queen of England smiles… Oh, little Penny wasn’t in Kansas anymore… Uh-uh… I was sent to the charred black bowels of everlasting Hell!"
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Despite her homeschooling education Penny is actually very smart, but the values taught to her don't really go over well with a catholic school system. She also likes to use 'big words'.
Penny gets sent to the school psychiatrist, and allegedly diagnosed as Bipolar and manic depressive (to me it seemed implied that the psychiatrist was a crook, but maybe I'm reading too much into it. Do with this information what you will).
She does go through a depressive episode though, or what sure looks like one; "PENNY: Like, sleeping in my room all day… tearing my hair and throwing up, kind of suicidal and depressed and everything… So, one day a bunch of girls were setting fire to my school bag -- second time that week -- and I wasn’t even crying anymore… because, you get to a point… when you’re waaaay beyond crying."
Penny can play the ukulele and she also composes songs (or, she writes at least one during the play, but y'know)
She seems to be very against cussing, just as much as Ocean is, and reprimands Ezra whenever he cusses throughout the play.
Penny is a pescetarian.
She goes on this insane cross-country trip with her brother to the US, and whenever they get to a new state she always recites how many endangered species they have there. I just thought this was cute, and very Jane-like.
So yeah, without getting too much into it, Penny throws hot coffee on this guy and uhhh, bites him? Apparently? The assault charges get dropped and she gets extradited back to Canada, but the story was leaked to the media and she was famous for a little bit.
The way Penny and Ezra got money to travel to the US in the first place was by selling his ADHD prescription meds, so she goes to trial for drug dealing, and gets probation (they don't specify how long she's on probation for in the play).
At the very end of the script, Penny states she'd like to say something about true love. I wanted to include part of what she said because it's quite lovely (and oh y'all can make so much fanfic with this); "In a world where we are ultimately alone, and die in our own arms, love is the closest you come to another person… because it is the closest you come to being another person. So be very careful what you love."
*this quote is apparently also in some versions of rtc, I assume as an easter egg of sorts.
Sorry this is so long. I love Penny Lamb a lot and I also think she's insane <3
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backup-baby-backup · 1 year
Very preliminary and speculatory writing of Midnights timeline
Disclaimer: All the exact dates are based on tracking Taylor's private jets, which is a controversial activity (to say the least). Those are sourced from @youareinlovees' detailed masterposts.
Aaron Dessner confirmed that High Infidelity and Would've, Could've, Should've were written and recorded during Grammys week in March 2021. Since Taylor was in LA between March 7th and March 15th only, we can safely assume that those songs were written within that period.
The Great War and Hits Different were probably written before Jack Antonoff became the main co-writer of Midnights, because (according to Dessner in the podcast above) that signified a change in concept, but they probably also weren't written in March 2021 since Dessner mentioned them separately.
According to Taylor, most Taylor/Antonoff co-writes were written in New York, when JA and Jack's fiance were filming in Panama. This means they were written between November 22nd, when Taylor flew back from Panama to New York, and December 16th, when Taylor flew to Panama.
According to Rolling Stone, Lavender Haze and Glitch came out of a session where Jack Antonoff, Sounwave, Sam Dew and Zoe Kravitz worked on Zoe's debut album. This was before Jack started working on Midnights (so before November 2021), but also Jack only sent those tracks (demos?) a few months later, which might put the date around late 2021/early 2022.
Also in the same article, Karma was a "last-minute Hail Mary"-- wouldn't be surprised if it was the last song to be written on the album.
Sweet Nothing mentions a trip to Ireland "last July", i.e. July 2021, which probably implies the song was written in 2022. Additionally, on 19 April 2022, JA did an interview where he mentioned he didn't intend to write any more songs under a pseudonym, which either means 1. he signed an NDA or 2. he had already written Sweet Nothing at this point. For wishful thinking purposes I will assume the latter.
Snow On The Beach, which was co-written with Lana Del Rey, was finished by 4 April 2022, as on that day Lana posted this photo on her Instagram, a colourized version of which was later included in this Instagram post.
Now on to the solo writes: Vigilante Shit is a mystery. It mentions Scooter Braun's ex-wife so that puts it after July 2021, but that's it. Maybe she saw the news of Scooter getting a divorce and cackled manically? (also I don't think the FBI line points to anything concrete-- more of a revenge fantasy than anything IMO)
Bigger Than The Whole Sky is also a mystery, but if you believe that it's about Claire Winter then that would place it after March 2022.
You're Losing Me... um... I really don't know? I think there is a possibility it was written along with most of Midnights in that Nov-Dec 2021 session, especially since JA was in a different country then, but it also could have literally been written last month and we would be none the wiser. Here I'm going to give Taylor the benefit of the doubt. Also Hits Different is a breakup anthem but we don't talk about that...
Midnights was most likely finished by May at the latest, when she quoted a lyric from Labyrinth in her NYU speech and may or may not have teased the name of the album in this Instagram post.
To conclude:
7-15 March 2021: High Infidelity, Would've, Could've, Should've
March-November 2021: The Great War, Hits Different, Vigilante Shit
22 Nov-16 Dec 2021: Maroon, Anti-Hero, You're On Your Own, Kid, Midnight Rain, Question...?, Bejeweled, Labyrinth, Mastermind, Paris, Dear Reader, You're Losing Me
Late 2021-Early 2022: Lavender Haze, Glitch
2022 (before May): Bigger Than The Whole Sky, Snow On The Beach, Sweet Nothing, Karma
Feel free to comment if you think I've missed something important or got something wrong, though I might not respond immediately (busy week coming up).
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negative-speedforce · 4 months
Tell me one weird fact/hyperspecific detail about each of your OCs?
Siv: Was born (created?) with 6 fingers on her right hand, which Eobard had removed so that she'd be as normal-passing as possible, despite it being unneccesary.
Jay: Implanted a series of chips into his non-dominant hand in order to be able to control his wheelchair remotely using only hand signals
Cassandra: still only uses Facebook like some kind of grandmother
Hailey: Cannot be in proximity to Siv when she's in eldritch mode for too long because Siv's eldritch powers make it difficult for her to maintain her physical form.
Arya: Claims they have difficulty both reading and writing human languages, but they're actually just dyslexic
Ember: Has two teacup chihuahuas, named Gucci and Prada, that they carry around in a tiny pink handbag. Prada and Gucci pictured below-
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Gina: Would have made valedictorian if she hadn't died at the end of the school year
Esme: Started her career as a model at 15, much to Eobard's disapproval.
Cat: Is wanted by the governments of 14 different countries for her hacktivism
Kyle: Has four bullet scars in his back from a particularly nasty situation in which he was helping an abuse victim escape her boyfriend. Needless to say, the shitty ex got electrocuted.
Max: Found out Siv was alive because they took the same pole dance class because he wanted to be able to give Kyle a very special birthday present
Eric: Spent most of his childhood and young adulthood under Apartheid, and has significant trauma from it, leading to him being very protective of his children
Jacob: Met Eric while on a study abroad trip to South Africa in college
Khalil: Watched his uncle disintegrate himself by overloading on magic and that's why he fears using his own
Antonio: Once killed 4 cops by telekinetically shattering the glass of several skyscrapers around him, and subconsciously creating a tornado of broken glass to protect himself
Reggie: Accidentally caused a week of panic for her parents when she tried to shadow travel for the first time and ended up getting stuck in the shadow realm, leading to her parents believing she had been kidnapped
Ameerah: Has been the victim of "Millenials and Gen Z can't read cursive" because the bank teller at a bank she wanted to rob couldn't read "This is a robbery".
Rania: Torched Eobard's lab after finding out what he had done, before confronting him. It was definitely a nice surprise for him to come back to, all of his life's work and research reduced to ashes.
Meredith: Built the text-to-speech/speech-to-text system that she uses to compensate for her deafness at the age of 8.
Kelsie: Has been mistaken for Poison Ivy due to her plant-based powers, despite Poison Ivy being literally GREEN.
Cory: Has a highly successful TikTok account where she posts about Decora-kei fashion, which is her primary source of income.
Director Hawke: Killed her daughter when she found out what she was doing, because she considered her a "deviant-sympathizer", whatever that's supposed to mean.
Torryn: Has both meta-powers (psychometry/seeing an object's past by touching it), and magic abilities, though they're quite weak, considering that his closest Witch ancestor was his 3rd great-grandfather.
Onnie: Despite being an extremely powerful speedster, she prefers to drive places, because most of her clothes are extremely expensive, and she doesn't want them to be destroyed.
Pippa: Goes through a villain arc because she is so sick of being walked all over due to her kind and forgiving nature (also a bit of Negative Speed Force corruption via Onnie might have a part to play in it)
Jessi: Has a net worth of nearly a billion dollars, from both legal activities (her music career) and illegal activities (being a mob boss)
Hyun-Ki: Is a classically trained countertenor, and can hit an A6 on a good day (plenty of warmup and sleep, lots of water, etc). However, he primarily uses his lower register to sing because he got bullied in high school for his voice.
Marie: Had her least favorite coworker assimilated because she was fed up with him constantly insinuating that she was a traitor or spy because she's half Romulan and got in deep trouble for that (it was totally worth it)
Liah: Was almost the first Cardassian Bollywood star, but chickened out and joined Starfleet because she hated the attention. She still occasionally performs for her coworkers.
Qiara: Learned how to harness starlight in order to supplement her own energy reserves because her powers are significantly weaker than the average Q
Soraya: Can't stand Ferengi, since they're always really creepy to her despite her being a starship captain.
Thalia: Spent 3 months institutionalized after killing her Master to save her squad, due to reckless choices including stealing and crashing the Chancellor's speeder on a whim
Reyna: Matchmade her former Master and the guy that her stepmom tried to force her to marry
Athena: Is still somewhat illiterate due to only learning to read when she was in her mid/late teens and managed to get her doctorate in biology by transferring all her textbooks onto audio files
Laila: Is a massive tea snob. Don't give her some crappy bargain tea, she will in fact kill you for that.
Pyrrha: Had to be taught how to swear due to her extremely controlled upbringing. A stormtrooper who said "heck" in front of her was subject to execution.
Aldrich: Speaks like the protagonist of a Bronte romance, due to being British and being turned during the Regency Era.
Samira: Her father, who is an Imam, was surprisingly supportive of her desire to marry a vampire, and married them in secret, because he would rather his daughter have a forbidden romance than be miserable because she couldn't marry the person she loved.
Matt: His joints are in worse shape than they probably should be, because his stepfather is EXTREMELY traditional and believes he can just macho his EDS away, putting him through intense training.
Vanessa: Is quite literally invulnerable (at least for the next few years) due to all the changes that Venator St. James did to her with his experiments, and needing time for her original DNA to reassert itself.
Dolores: Got a job at the Red Cross and had her fangs filed down so she could pass in normal society as human. She feeds on the rejected and expired blood bags, i.e. the donor had a bloodborne illness or it expired or something.
Sohelia: Despite her vampire heritage meaning that she would be naturally more vulnerable to sunlight, thanks to *melanin* from her mom's side, she's surprisingly resistant, and is only as vulnerable as your average Northern European person (aka steps in a sunbeam and gets a bad burn)
Victorie: Occasionally creeps people out with her usage of modern slang, which she technically shouldn't know because she's been isolating herself for 200 years, but knows because of her ability to dreamwalk
Kayla: Was fully conscious while committing all the atrocities that HYDRA forced her to do after capturing her post-CATWS, due to them forgoing the brainwashing and instead choosing to control her via an implanted chip
Dori: Is usually seen as unnaturally pretty/handsome (depending on which form they're in) because they used their shapeshifting abilities to rid themselves of any perceived flaws.
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 3 months
There's a handful of reasons I relate to Wylan so strongly, but one of them has to be the unique experience of being an illiterate adult.
A few years ago, right before the pandemic, I moved across the world to work in a country where I didn't speak the main language. None of the languages commonly spoken in my new home uses the Latin alphabet so attempting to read and pronounce any letters/words in an unfamiliar writing system has been difficult.
Just don't be ignorant, you might think. Learn the language! For the record, I did. Well, I started to, but then the pandemic hit. My language class stopped and strict quarantines limited opportunities to practice. Two years and two babies later the world opened back up. Work and my tiny dictators, I mean, toddlers have kept me too busy to throw myself into learning the language with the gusto I once had. But over the years I've learned enough to get by with basic pleasantries: hello, goodbye, thank you, yes, no. Numbers 1-10. And how to order food at a restaurant. "How are you?" "Good." Unfortunately, that’s the limited extent of my conversational abilities.
The alphabet still trips me up and I often feel like a kindergartner slowly stringing syllables together and incorrectly sounding out words. Plus, there's the bonus of pronouncing the words but still not knowing they actually mean.
So I relate to Wylan a little bit in having to navigate the world at a disadvantage, one he cannot fully understand. Luckily for Wylan he can speak even though he can’t read, which gives him more coping strategies than are available to me. But you don’t realize just how much is written, especially in the modern world, until you are unable to read it.
Being an illiterate adult is a humbling experience. I cannot emphasize that enough. Book Wylan is a teenager, but was thrown into the “real world” and left to fend for himself as if he were an adult. Show Wylan is an illiterate adult who was also more or less thrown into the wild world. And I’d like to imagine that he shares similar illiterate adult encounters and experiences with me.
There isn’t a moment that I forget that I can’t read the language around me. However, it’s very easy to tune out the writing. To be blind to it and not see signs or labels because my brain stops looking for them, unable to to understand them.
Getting lost. Knowing the name of the place, a building, an address, the street that I'm searching for, but not being able to locate it by sight even though it is right there.
Walking past shops and stores unable to read their name and wondering what’s inside. What do they sell? What business do they hold? There’s no way of knowing unless I go inside myself.
Shopping and buying items based on the image on the packaging. Trying to figure out if there’s any difference between two items. Occasionally guessing wrong, buying the wrong thing.
Need instructions? Written directions (like for cooking)? Lol, Guess I'm going to wing it and hope for the best.
Being unable to read a written menu and ordering something generic because the restaurant probably serves it.
Putting off chores that require using the skill I don't have.
Having to act overly polite to everyone (regardless of how I feel) because I am the inconvenience when everyone else is just living their normal life.
Being treated like a child because, in my inability to read, I have the skills of a child so people will treat me the same way they would a child. And worse, all the while still having to act so polite about it because again, I am the inconvenience, even though I am being spoken down to like a child.
Accidentally, unintentionally being rude because I can't follow the sign's directions.
Pretending that I can read (or speak). Sometimes nodding along and agreeing with without any context is easier than a admitting I don't have a clue what's happening.
And in the modern day... I rely heavily on my cell phone to translate the way Wylan would use speech to text features. And there are times when there's no cell service, the phone or app stop working correctly. The translations/transcriptions are imperfect and confusing. It's scary when those safety nets stop working.
So yeah, being an illiterate adult is quite the experience. It can be exhausting. I am incredibly lucky that in my case it's due to living in a multicultural world and that given the time and patience, I could became literate and fluent in another language. The entire experience gives quite the insight on the hurdles and experiences Wylan might face.
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tem60 · 1 year
may i request a kakyoin x gender neutral reader where they're in a big crowd, which makes reader feel overwhelmed and break down?? would really appreciate :]
such a sweet request.. I hope what I've written meets your expectations, it was truly fun to write so I did extend it a bit! Sorry it took me a while to reply tho:')
also sorry if it's confusing anyhow! English isn't my first language
Kakyoin Noriaki x gender neutral reader - "eyes are the mirror of one's soul"
contains: mentions of panic attack and two idiots in love
word count: ~2,3k
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Travelling from Hong Kong to Singapore was pretty amazing considering the views. Although the Crusaders didn't have much time to enjoy themselves, thankfully it was enough to notice different beautiful landscapes. Many stand users has been fought, including Jean-Pierre who joined you on your adventure to defeat that Dio guy, wherever he might be. Somehow this trip didn't feel as deadly as it should be with all those men fighting for the same goal (mostly) in their own goofy ways.
Departure from Singapore to India was supposed to be no different, similar even. Just as Avdol said - we're going to love this country. It was indeed lovely, all those interesting people, change of cultures, truly everything! Some could've find it inconvenient. Some will say it's an amazing country, full of a lifetime story, a must to visit. But to you it felt like a torture. You didn't have much time to think about anything else since the time you guys have been noticed by civilians - they swarmed you like moths to light.
It was even suffocating, being squished between all those people who were constantly shouting at you about purchasing some of the items they wished to sell or if you had any money on you. You did hear however, that someone has stolen Noriaki's wallet and Polnareff's cursing about them touching his belongings. People around the crusade guided you away from the crew - at least you felt that way. You were almost lost, all those people pulling you further and further away from everyone with no chance of running and saving yourself. Feeling small and vulnerable your breath started to speed up, same goes to your heartbeat. Fighting stand users wasn't as terrifying as being left in such an enormous crowd of people with no time to take a breath nor a place to move around freely. It was overwhelming, you were almost frozen in place. Tears started to spill from your eyes without even you noticing it, it was so chaotic, clearly too much for you to handle.
You heard a noise, was it someone screaming your name? You couldn't tell because of the panic you felt at this moment, you did recognise that voice, yet your brain couldn't register what was truly going on. Everything seemed to be more overwhelming with each passing second, all those noises mixing into one huge sound that hurt your head like never before. Only then a hand has been put on your shoulder, it wasn't as greedy as other people's surrounding you. You did flinch at that sudden touch though, but once you saw the face of the person this hand belonged to - everything seemed to somehow quiet down.
Kakyoin. It was Kakyoin who screamed your name seconds before. You saw sincere concern in his eyes, even if his hand was squished by people gathered around - he still somehow reached to you and tried to bring you back on Earth. You haven't noticed how you started shaking and when exactly did it start, but seeing his face brought some sort of comfort to your heart even if you still felt overwhelmed. Words started to finally make sense in your head.
"Y/N's here! I've found them!" Noriaki informed probably other fellow crusaders to let them know your location. He started jostling between people to be by your side, he even increased his tone of voice to let them know what he's up to and that it's an emergency. When he had the chance he grabbed your arm and began to pull you away from the crowd following the path that Hierophant Green made to once again meet other crusaders. It was clear that he didn't say much to you in this moment, his first reaction was to get you away from that crowd as fast as possible.
Once you've reached the end of this chaos, you sat somewhere - doesn't matter where nor did you care to acknowledge it - trying to calm yourself down. Taking deep breaths that unfortunetly left a burning sensation in your lungs, you tried to take your time but it was still not enough. Noriaki sat right next to you giving you some wellneeded space, but his hand found it's way behind your back and was simply left there to let you know that he's here. You appreciated this gesture feeling content with having him so close. Even between having a panic attack you felt grateful for it, you knew he cared and tried to help.
"How are you feeling, Y/N? What happened?" he started to rub your back and looked at you straight in the eyes to know what has made you react like this. Of course he wasn't stupid, he did assume that you had a panic attack but probably he had never dealt with it himself, or so ypu thought, that might be the reason why he's being so patient - waiting for your answer even if it took you ages to reply. Caring enough to run back into the crowd of people who previously has stolen his wallet. Having it so clearly highlighted you started to blush a bit and tried to shoo your tears away, feeling anxious about being so scared of crowds, it was rather embarrassing.
"..I'm.. not sure but uh,.. no, I don't know, I'm sorry-"
"There's no need to say sorry, it's fine. You got me really worried.. US, I meant us.. everyone was afraid that someone could've attacked you" his words only made butterflies in your stomach fly around and make you blush even harder. You felt vulnerable with him and yet felt as if you shouldn't be because of the panic attack you just had. But the feeling of being overwhelmed seemed to have only one cure for it. That was to relax, and you felt truly relaxed right next to him. You caught feelings for the red-head teenager. Who wouldn't? He was really sweet and polite but wasn't afraid of showing his real side with those he trusts most. He's the type to joke around a bit, make ironic comments, bully Polnareff just for the fun of it in a friendly manner, there's much more to him than he thinks.
Being lost in thoughts you forgot to answer him, so after some time you simply nodded at his words and made a shaky sigh fly out of your lips.
"I hate crowds, especially if they expect something from me.. it's so frustrating, my head pulsates from all that ruckus" while having this sentence escape your mouth you hugged yourself and scooting closer to him which he noticed immediately.
He simply chuckled at your admission and sat even closer to you feeling somehow consent with having you so close to him. "yeah, I've noticed, but you're safe now, just breathe and it'll be fine than ever. I'm sure some water could help, should I get some for you?."
"I'm not sure.. I'll just.. I..-" another sigh has left your lips, you felt bad for causing the crusaders trouble with such behaviour but you couldn't help it. What was one supposed to do in this situation? Being in such a suffocating place was a pain in the ass, it was unbearable and it caused you to have those negative thoughts that just never left your head. It's normal, right? Why can't anyone make this stop.
"Hey." Noriaki caught your attention by touching your shoulder again, he gave you a side hug probably because of your now shaking body from all that overthinking. Wiping away tears that highlighted your face, you started to fully focus on what he was about to do next.
You turned your head towards him and looked at his thighs, you couldn't look him in the eyes being afraid that he'll see your face in such a vulnerable moment. Although you did wish that you could show him those feelings - it was much easier said than done.
"Take it easy, don't want you to feel stressed again. I'll bring you some water, hold on."
He squeezed you tighter to himself before standing up and heading to a bar for your drink. He acted as if he knew what to do perfectly in this situation which was somehow comforting, but also concerning. Did he happen to have panic attacks before? Or maybe he had helped someone else in his past? Either way you were grateful for his time and kind gestures towards you. Your eyes followed him with when he started to get further and further away, that was when your head started spinning but not with guilt of your sudden breakdown, but the thoughts of him lingering in your mind. You felt so.. warm, thanks to him. His gestures lead you to somehow feel loved, if only he could reciprocate your feeling.. Perhaps he was just being nice? It's Kakyoin we're talking about, he's generous about what he does even if he's sometimes painfully honest with what he has in mind.
"Here. They didn't have more ice but I hope it's good enough." his voice made you realise that you've missed him making his way back to you. You took the glass he had in his hand and drank a few sips from it. "Feeling any better, pumpkin?"
You only nodded your head at his question, still feeling flustered about thoughts that were mostly about him, especially once he called you such a nickname. He gave it to you when you were teasing each other with petnames wanting to prove to Jean-Pierre and Mr. Joestar that it's not that hard to give a nickname to someone and simply stick to it. Since then it was the nickname Nori has given you himself.
He sat next to you and stared at your hands shyly. What you didn't know about was the way his heart started to pound in his chest rather fastly. His own head raced with thoughts about your well-being and how he needed to comfort you. He was good with his words with other people, but with you? He didn't know what to say, which was truly frustrating because he felt the urge to tell you much more than he already did. He found your eyes so mesmerising, even noticed how he doesn't like to see tears falling from them. Your smile? Probably his favourite thing about you, your face is so vibrant with colors and the fascination you hold towards a certain topic that you're interested in. He loved to listen to your voice, was it shy and quiet at times or if it was louder than usual - it didn't matter to him. What mattered the most was how he adored you.
"Can I do something for you? To help you calm down a bit?"
"I'm not sure.." was your hesistang reply to his questions.
"Let me at least. I want to try something." you didn't know what he had in mind, honestly Noriaki didn't know himself what he was doing but he let his instinct to kick in and took your hands in his slowly pulling them closer so they could lay on his thighs. "Pulling your head out of such thoughts might.. might be the best option, so I.. hope this will help.." he added and started to feel much more nervous than he had ever felt before. How did his voice not crack that much? He was quite impressed by this, however it was still a mystery to him.
He didn't say much after that, he just held your hands and gently rubbed them with his thumbs to feel how smooth your hands are compared to his, they felt truly godly to him. As if it lit a flame in his heart and made him automatically feel warmer inside. But it wasn't about him and his feelings, what mattered to him the most was your comfort and safety.
Your heart was pounding really hard, a thought crossed your head that maybe he could hear it loud and clear. Of course it was a silly thought, but being in love with him made this statement more exciting and a bit scary. He held you so gently you felt as if you were close to melting in his hands, even if the only direct you got from him was your knees touching and holding hands. Pink dusted both of your cheeks, same goes to Kakyoin. He felt shy like never before, he got some urges to leave your hands and forget about what just happened but he couldn't bring himself to let you go - not after you lightly squizzed his hands and smiled widely having your eyes focused down and not on his face.
"So.. did it help?" he asked shyly literally covering his face with hair noodle that was freely flying around his face when he moved. He wanted to hide his blushing cheeks yet to no avail. You nodded without hesistation this time and smiled warmly for him. Your eyes met his gorgeous lavender one's and immediately got lost in this shade of purple that made you feel inner peace and vice versa.
It felt like a true confession to him - a shy way of hinting you his feelings. Yet to you it felt like a magical moment that only happened in books. Maybe there's much more to your relationship with Nori that you had already noticed being afraid of giving yourself unreasonable hope for something more.
'I wanted to tell you something..' both of you had in mind. Both of you had intentions to finally confess to one another, yet you didn't. You wished to wait for a better opportunity to do so even if you guys were already much more than just friends judging from this somehow intimate moment you have just shared with each other. Especially while still being lost in your eyes.
Yes, it certainly felt like home. He felt like home.
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davisexplainableart · 5 months
Mixels 10 Years Tour
[Taken directly from "News" section of Mixels site]
(Also this isn't actually real)
Attention, Mixels fans. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the premiere of Mixels!!
To celebrate, the Mixels are gearing up for yet another musical trip on the road!
We'll be traveling all across, playing in as many countries as we can!
Best of all, we'll be starting a month early!
The tour begins Friday January 12th in Morrison, Colorado, and will remain in the US for about a month (see dates below). Specific venues have already been announced, the rest will be unveiled at a later date.
Here's how it'll work: each show will start with about 2-3 opening acts (the unofficial number is because one of those acts will sometimes be too busy to perform on some dates; the other openers will remain throughout the whole tour). While the opening acts will be the same people, the "headliner" as we'll name them will be sorta different for each show.
When we say "sorta different", we mean that there will be a pattern for what headliners will appear.
And now, without further ado, here is the planned tour route for America:
1/12: Red Rocks Amphitheater; Morrison, CO
1/13: Treasure Island Amphitheater; Red Wing, MN
1/16: Jay Pritzker Pavilion; Chicago, IL
1/17: Starlight Theatre; Kansas City, MO
1/18: Radio City Music Hall; NY
1/19: PNC Pavilion; Cincinnati, OH
1/20: Aretha Franklin Amphitheater; Detroit, MI
1/22: Craig Ranch Amphitheater; North Las Vegas, NV
1/23: Greek Theatre; Los Angeles, CA
1/25: Leader Bank Pavilion; Boston, MA
1/26: Maine Savings Amphitheater; Bangor, ME
1/28: American Family Insurance Amphitheater; Milwaukee, WI
1/29: Grossinger Motors Arena; Bloomington, IL
1/31: SumTur Amphitheater; Papillion, NE
Tour manager [Mr. Meanie] was asked about what his hopes were in regards to the tour. He said...
"My hopes are for the shows we play to give off a positive attitude, to show the magic of playing music, and to bring wonder and joy to the masses."
More locations and venues will be revealed later!!
'Positive attitude' my a**...
The gall of that stupid tour manager to make it seem like he has no flaws. You can't see it in his interview, but I sure can. I've seen it before...
I'm not even gonna show his real name, I'm replacing any mention of his name with stuff like "Mr. Meanie" because it describes him perfectly.
There is no way I'm letting that guy drag me across the world, just to strain my vocals for days on end, all while playing in frigid cold temperatures.
And there's no way in h**l that I'm performing at the show in Bloomington (hence why I've crossed it out)! I've heard too many bad stories from that place. What Davis is really trying to say is that he and his friends are excited to be one of the openers for the tour. As always, their band is sort of a tribute act to Oasis.
UPDATE: Every venue has been announced for each location on this list! See you this Friday!!
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chaletnz · 11 months
Arequipa: City Walking Tour
I’d slept pretty well all things considered with changing bus in the middle of the night and we were whisked off the bus and dropped off at around 5am to our hotels. The receptionist said it would cost an additional 15% to check in early, and 4% for the card payment fee but for $43 in total for 2 nights this was the nicest place I had stayed so far on the trip! I took a shower to refresh and then put in my laundry at last, hoping like mad that they would actually wash it for me, and then headed out around 7am for a walk around the city. It was very quiet with everything still closed, but I could see the Plaza de Armas without any people there which was awesome! It was Sunday too (Mother’s Day to be exact) which meant a lot of the places I had starred on my map to visit for a good coffee were closed today and the only one open was Pukupuku. I was satisfied with my flat white and enjoyed it on their rooftop listening to the magical city sounds of blaring music, and blaring sirens. Breakfast was now required since my plans would lead to a walking tour in a few hours so after my coffee I stopped in at EcoBrunch for a yoghurt bowl topped with fruit, seeds and granola and hoped my stomach wouldn’t have any problems. At 10am I joined the walking tour with about 15 others and our guide whose name I didn’t quite catch – Javier or Edgar? He passed around some samples of 70% cocoa chocolate and then led us to our first stop at Alpaca Mundo to see some alpacas, feel the wool fibres, and see how the garments are made. On the way he explained that Arequipa is the second largest city in Peru at 2,325m above sea level. It is known as the White City because of the Spanish who colonised the city and the buildings actually being white in colour since they are made from volcanic rock. The last eruption of the volcano was over 5000 years ago but the last earthquake was only in 2001 and the next one shouldn’t be far away… At Alpaca Mundo Edgar showed us the garments that were for sale made of vicuña hair – a scarf for 6,000 soles, a sweater for 8,000 soles, and a shawl for 18,000 soles. The vicuña is the rarest camelid and is native to Peru, it has the finest and softest hair in the world for clothing. They are also a protected animal by Peruvian government and if you cause one to die such as hunting or hitting it with a car, you will go to jail for 5 years. We walked through the city streets which are totally different from those in the likes of Cusco where the Incas lived. Arequipa didn’t have Inca inhabitants and was solely occupied by the Spanish so the buildings have a very European feel. We came across a small market and Edgar recommended that we go to the Central Market and try the special juice – it’s made with fruit like normal, but also includes beer, milk, honey, egg and Viagra for the ultimate health boost apparently! Edgar then took us to Templo la Compañia de Jesús where he described a lot of the façade sculpture to us and then we headed inside to see the church. There was a last supper painting inside where the disciples were enjoying their roasted guinea pig as this was a sacred animal, they also sat at round tables instead of a long rectangular one to be closer to one another. Our last stop was Plaza de Armas where Edgar shared the detail that all cities in Latin America have a main square that is the same, one side has the city hall, the other side has a church or cathedral and there is a fountain in the middle. I thought back to all the main squares I had visited through Nicaragua, Guatemala, Cusco and they all fit this description! The only ones that don’t follow the pattern are in Venezuela and Brazil so I’ll be on the lookout for them when I eventually visit those countries. Edgar quizzed us on which bell tower had fallen down repeatedly over the years (the left) and then took us up to a bar with a viewpoint. We were allowed to pass through a little gate and walk out on to the roof for views of the city.
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holts-knees · 2 years
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So, last week @swiss-army-fangirl came to stay with me in LA for a while, and if you know anything about me you know i’m the kind of person that needs to document things that move me. These two paintings are of our first and third nights, two both seemingly impossible events along the California shoreline (the most magical place in this country if you ask me honestly) Sappy lil stories and context below the cut < 3 
Our first night we made a mad dash down to Santa Monica which was SOMEHOW almost completely empty, and we laid out on a blanket and watched as the clouds that had been hanging over the sky all day cleared JUST in time for sunset, I got to watch Tori like, atomize, as i pointed out all the colors and how the marine layer slowly consumes the mountains and the pier comes to life with all it’s lights. After a while of talking it was dark and Tori pointed up and said “is that a star?” and I laughed at her, because of Course its not this is LOS ANGELES, but then...the more we looked, it WAS and there were...MORE, It was like she brought them down with her.... I remember being sat there thinking “this is a sign....this trip is going to be So Much.....” which was interrupted by Tori going “oh my god....the big dipper looks so different from here-” and me just needing to.....Lay Down LOL. We talked for a bit longer, sitting there on the beach WELL past sunset and then we both fell dead silent and looked at each other before going “did you see that-” and we both HAD and it was....a shooting star--- HERE- ON A RANDOM NIGHT IN LA 
and i haven’t stopped thinking about it since---- The second landscape is a direct rendition of a picture I took while we were in La Jolla. La Jolla is one of the few places on this earth that makes me feel completely at peace and happy, I always find myself making my where there when my soul needs it. and funnily enough, I found as i was getting to know Tori that she was familiar with it. In an abstract but still equally meaningful way, because she had heard it described in the Wilbur Soot song of the same name, which means quite a lot to her. From the moment I learned this fact the jokes started about taking her there some day. Jokes that we both knew were just that, because what would be the odds of two online friends from AK and CA, actually meeting up? Last Christmas when I was down there I sat on the rocks and listened to the song as a way to “bring her there” in spirit. And I remember getting weepy at the idea of how wonderful it would be to share this place with her, my heart ached for it, but i accepted it was never gonna happen.  But then....this LA trip fell into our laps and I cannot DESCRIBE the speed at which I started to throw this day trip into motion, I KNEW I had to, I knew it was FATE. I arranged train tickets, I found a place to drink cocktails over the water, I mapped out all the things I wanted to do to make sure we’d have time for them all..... Truly went ALL IN- but it was SO worth it...because with all that planning....the day went PERFECT.... and we ended it right down at the water, sitting side by side on the beach steps, listening to that Damn Song, and coming full circle..... I pulled out my phone and took a picture of the surf right as Wilbur sang Tori’s favorite line and then when we got home I painted it, so that I could give it to her as a Physical Thing (well....digital-) that she can look back on and remember the experience by. I made sure to be meticulous about every single detail so it would be....truly EXACTLY as it happened and as we remembered it. And i’d be lying if I didnt admit i’ve gone back a few times even myself to look at it and just, Think [tm]. Think about how fortunate I have been to be able to open up my heart and show some of my most treasured places to one of my newest most treasured friends. And in turn with that, weave our friendship into little pockets and corners of those places, which only makes me love them more....  ALSO we saw a whale going down the coast and I am, fully convinced, just like the stars that Tori brought it down with her and I cannot be told otherwise. < 3 
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purplesurveys · 1 year
What was the last book you read? Midnight Sun, haha. The writing is atrocious, but it’s a guilty pleasure. 
Have you ever had a friend named Mary? I used to be friends with a Maryrose but people liked calling her Mary.
What does the name "Ada" make you think of? A high school batchmate. Also Ada Wong from Resident Evil. Have you ever had a friend named Ada? ^ Yeah, I was civil with that batchmate and we continue to follow each other on social media.
Do you live in England? 🏴 Nope.
Have you ever been to England? 🏴 I have.
Are you English? Not in the slightest. Do you speak English? Yeah. Thanks colonization!
If you could build a robot to perform one chore for you, which chore would you have it perform? Cleaning up after the dogs. That would be such a big relief for my back, lmao.
...and what do you think you would name the robot? 🤖 Hal? Hahahaha just kidding. Maybe Will, from Good Will Hunting.
Did you get into trouble a lot when you were a kid? Not even close. I didn’t want to go beyond the rules for fear of pissing somebody off.
Have you ever been to London? ☕️🇬🇧💂‍♀️ I have not.
Did you know that England's flag and the United Kingdom's flag are different? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇬🇧 Well, yes.
Do you know which four countries make up the United Kingdom? 🇬🇧 England, Wales(?????), Scotland, Ireland.
How many sisters do you have? One.
Do you have a wicked stepmother? Continued from yesterday morning. No, I don’t even have a stepmother. Would you rather be a scientific and mathematical genius or an artistic genius with a huge imagination? I’d take science and math. I love looking at art from afar and I don’t want to turn it into a job.
What is your favorite type of tea? ☕️ I don’t like tea.
Where was the last place you traveled? Not counting trips I take within the city/region, Zambales. Have you ever ridden in a horse-drawn carriage? Not a carriage, no. But I have been on a horse.
Have you ever met anyone with the last name Byron? Not at all. Idk where you can find anyone with that surname here.
When was the last time you were in a bookshop? Yesterday evening when Angela, Reena, and I went gift shopping. Angela needed a children’s book and crayons for her nephew; Reena needed notecards for her gifts.
Do you enjoy reading historical fiction? If I come across a piece I like, then I could enjoy it. I don’t seek it out though; I never do so for fiction.
What is your favorite work of historical fiction? Without Seeing the Dawn.
Does it rain a lot where you live? Between July to October, yes. Flooding is a common occurrence and a very big problem in certain areas; and with the government never doing anything about it I imagine it will continue to be an issue.
When was the last time you got caught in a thunderstorm while out walking? Fortunately not. 
Have you ever built a zipline? Nah.
When was the last time you rode on a zipline? I think as a kid when my parents used to take me to indoor playgrounds? My stomach doesn’t fare well with motion/suspension stuff so I’ve never taken any adult-level ziplines.
Did you ever sneak out of your house when you were younger? No, it’s useless to lie to my parents because they find out one way or another. It was always a lot easier to just let them know where I planned to be; it was for safety reasons, too. If I found myself injured in a car crash and was 4798234 km away from where I said I was supposed to be, what else was I gonna tell them? Thoughts like that kept me from lying.
...and if yes, where did you go? - ....and did you get in trouble? I never got in trouble for things like that.
Do you own a horse? 🐎 Nope.
What is your best friend's name? Angela, Andi, Reena. Is anyone in your family an author or poet? My great-grandfather’s cousin is an established author in the history scene. His works continue to be a part of syllabi in universities today.
Is anyone in your family a scientist or mathematician? I feel like this is giving away too much at this point, but the same ^ relative was accorded as a National Scientist of the Philippines. 
What was the name of your first crush? The first irl crush I had had been Andi. Not the same Andi who’s my best friend today, but it was a girl from grade school that I had become good friends with.
Have you ever dated a guy with a girl's name? I’ve never dated a guy.
Have you ever kissed someone in a graveyard? 🪦 Uh, I don’t think so.
What is the most scandalous thing you've ever done? Idk man. Even if I knew, idk if I’d feel like sharing right now.
What do you think of the name Fanny? I don’t like it. Do you believe in fairies? No.
Do you believe in vampires. No.
Would you rather be named Fanny or Faye? I hate both of them but I guess Faye.
Do you have a godmother? Well, yes, in the Christian sense. As far as I know having godparents is a requirement when getting baptized. Since I’m the eldest, my godparents are my mom’s and dad’s siblings; my sister’s godparents are my mom’s first cousins. I think my brother’s are my dad’s college friends.
Are you someone's godmother? To one of my cousins, yes. I imagine I’d be a godparent to more once my friends and cousins start having kids of their own, too.
How many doors are there in your home? 🚪 Too many.
What color is your closet door? Brown. Have you ever snuck out a window onto a rooftop? Never done that.
Have you ever snuck out of your house to go meet up with a guy somewhere? No.
....that your parents didn't know you were dating? No.
Would you rather travel to Paris or London? London.
Would you rather travel to France or Switzerland? 🇫🇷🇨🇭 Switzerland.
Are your parents divorced? They are not. If they wanted to, their best resort is an annulment because we don’t have divorce here.
What is one thing that you hope to accomplish before you die? Continued (again) from Christmas Eve, lol. Can I finally finish this survey now that most of the family reunions and socializing are over? Let’s find outtt. Travel to a different continent.
Have you ever built a robot? 🤖 I have not and haven’t been interested in making one myself.
Have you ever been to a magic show? 🪄🎩 Yes, magic shows are practically a staple in children’s parties here. I’ve seen a bunch and they’ve all always been very entertaining.
When was the last time you saw a frog? 🐸 Last Saturday when there were a couple of frogs hopping around our villa.
Have you ever been struck by lightning? ⚡️ Oh, wow. No. Wouldn’t I have been killed if this happened?
Have you ever received an electrical zap? ⚡️🔌 Yes. Looking back it was an incredibly dumb fault of mine, but I was 11 and didn’t know any better. Anyway, it’s also the reason why I’m still scared to plug anything and usually ask for help to do so to this day. Have you ever ran away from home? I considered it a handful of times in the past but it never materialized. Cutting off ties with everybody in your family was a big risk/jump to take.
When was the last time you wrote a poem? Years ago.
Who is your favorite poet? I don’t have one.
Do you enjoy writing poetry? I never liked it. Whenever we had to write poems in school, it was never more than homework to me; I was never good at them and I never liked the read-between-the-line-ness of poems either.
Would you rather write a novel or a book of poems? When it comes to me writing I’ve always enjoyed doing long-form pieces more, so a novel is more likely to happen.
Have you ever been to a poetry reading? Nope.
Do you believe that it's possible for someone to be resurrected from the dead? No. Well I believe those accounts of people who’ve flatlined but were able to be brought back to life, but that’s it. 
When was the last time you felt like you were being followed? It was in like September when I was picking up my mom from work and I decided to take a little walk in the area while waiting. I happened to be at a poorly-lit area when suddenly I get the feeling this dude behind had his sight on me, so I changed my walking from Pleasant Stroll to Survival Mode and just went to the nearby Starbucks to be safe. I’m sure the dude was just a normal pedestrian, but I needed to be safe because the moment something happened and I started screaming, I doubt people would stop and help.
Have you ever felt like you were being followed by someone? As far as I know it has only been that ^ one incident. 
Have you ever idolized someone (or just really looked up to someone) and then found out they were selfish? I feel this way about Kristen Stewart with regard to her cheating.
Do you have a cousin named Peter? I do not.
How far away do you live from Switzerland? A Google search tells me it is a quick 10,472 km away.
What are three things you think of when you hear the word "Switzerland"? Mountains, chocolate, neutrality.
Have you ever been to Switzerland? I have not.
Would you rather meet Peter Pan or the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz? I haven’t watched either movie so idk which one I’d like more.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms? ⛈ I love them when I’m indoors. But the last thing I want is to be stuck outside when a thunderstorm starts.
Do you wish you had a fairy godmother? Well, no. Cosmo and Wanda had me imagining how cool it would be to get everything you want, but I knew they weren’t real anyway so it wasn’t like I was the kind of kid who was convinced fairy godparents could come to life if I believed in them hard enough.
Which name do you like better for a girl: Jane or Claire? I really love both. But I think I like Jane just a teeny teeny tiny bit more.
Do you have a common first name? I wouldn’t call it common. It’s familiar to people, but it’s never been a Top 10, 20, 50, 100 name.
Is your first name old-fashioned? It comes off as one, at least to me. Idk what others think though!
What color hair does your current crush (or boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, whatever) have? I don’t have one of those.
Have you ever been to Notre Dame cathedral in Paris? No.
Do you like kale? I’ve never had it.
What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you in a theater? It was more embarrassing for my siblings than it was for me, but the 3 of us once watched the last full screening of a Spongebob movie and I fell asleep halfway through. I woke up with the credits nearly ending, nobody but us left in the theater, and the crew coming in to start cleaning up trash.
In my defense(?), I have no idea why neither of them just shook me awake. They literally just stared at me until I woke up on my own??????? Like what would they have done if my brain decided to sleep through the night? LOL
Have you ever gone out with a guy and then later found out that he was married? No.
...and would you be upset if this happened? Duh. Upset, infuriated, and grossed out would be an accurate summary.
What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? Edward.
...and what was the name of the villain? James.
What do you think would be a good name for a villain? I feel like many of the exceptional TV/movie assholes actually have mundane, office-ass names. Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey, Alex from A Clockwork Orange, Gus from Breaking Bad...
Have you ever had someone ask you if you had magic powers? No.
...and do you have magic powers? No. Wishing we could stop with the fantasy questions at this point, too.
Are you a fan of Frankenstein? No.
What are three things that the word "Frankenstein" makes you think of? The character, the character’s hair, and the wrestling move Frankensteiner.
Do you try to make the most of every day? Well, not literally every day on the calendar. Some days I just want to take it easy.
What was the last valuable life lesson you learned? Take chances, especially those where you’d have nothing to lose. What was your favorite teacher's name? Ettie. Have you ever had someone copy you or steal your ideas for something? Probably.
Have you ever dated someone behind your parents' back? For six years.
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